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600 | Brady: Hey. I'm sick of this. I'm sick of this place. I'm sick of the coffee. I'm sick of the waiting around. I don't like it. John: So how's vic? Brady: He's in surgery. They're trying to remove the clot or--we're not gonna know anything for a couple hours. John: All right, so let's get out of here. I'll buy you lunch. Brady: I can't go. Can't leave. It wouldn't feel right. John: I get that. You know, I actually love this place. In fact, I've been thinking about dropping by here more often, you know? Just to kind of hang out. Brady: Yeah, I'm sure. You don't have to stay. You know, you can--I'm all right. John: I know. Brady: I know you know, so thank you for staying. John: Nicole told me that kristen's back in town. Brady: She is, dad, yeah. Like malaria, she never really goes away. God, I love my life right now. Really do. Nicole: I think you're confused. You don't work here. Kristen: Au contraire, gabi made me co-ceo. Nicole: Because of your experience in the prison laundry? Kristen: Oh, isn't this just fabulous? I mean, what could be better? You, me, brady. All working together. Nicole: Over my dead body. Kristen: Whatever. Jj: If there was anything that I could do to repay you for what you did, I would. Lani: You really mean that? Jj: I definitely do. Lani: Actually, there is something that you can do for me, but it's asking a lot. Jj: Name it. Lani: Would it be okay if I just crashed at your place for a little while? Jj: Sure. No problem. Lani: Maybe there is. Thing is, jj, you can't tell anyone about it. Jj: Why not? Gabi: Did you find lani? Eli: Yeah. Gabi: And? Eli: I asked her why she broke your store window. She said it was because of something that you did. Gabi: What exactly did she say about me? Eli: Something about what you made her do when julie needed stefan's heart. Gabi: That bitch is lying. Eli: Gabi, listen. I-- Gabi: No, please. Okay, before you say anything, I can explain everything. I swear. Male narrator: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives. Kate: I don't even know why I keep bothering. I don't know. I can't seem to get anything to penetrate that thick skull of yours. Will: It's nice to see you, too, grammy. Kate: Look, and don't call me that. Really? Don't play cute. Please, please don't do that. The whole reason I told you about this pretty boy babysitter going after your husband is because I wanted to inspire you to fight for your marriage, and what do you do? You ask him for a divorce! I mean, why are you driving your husband into another man's arms? Sonny: Is something wrong? Evan: No, it's just this is getting a little intense. Sonny: Oh, and you have, like, a lot of things to do, before david wakes up. Evan: It's not that. I just--I want to make sure you're comfortable with what's happening here. Sonny: Well, I don't know if "comfortable" is what I was feeling. Evan: Look, I just--I know that things aren't settled between you and will, so I have to ask. Are you really ready to move on? Will: "Driving my husband into the arms of another man." That's not something you hear every day. Kate: Okay. You know, this isn't funny. Will: No, it's not, and trust me. It was not fun to ask sonny for a divorce. I was trying to do the right thing. Kate: Well, it wasn't the right thing. It was the stupid thing. Will: Can you--grandma, can you try to understand? Kate: Oh, what? What am I gonna understand? That you're acting like a masochist? Will: You know, I had this exact same conversation with my other grandma, and the funny thing--she actually listened to me. Kate: Oh, well, that's very nice. Maybe she was coddling you, but I love you enough to tell you when you're an idiot! Will: Oh, well, thank you for the tough love. And now that you've given it to me, why don't you go over to the hospital and tell victor's family to buck up? Kate: What are you talking about? What's wrong with victor? Brady: I'm telling you. New year's eve? It was vintage kristen. I mean, she was just out of her mind crazy. John: Well, I guess her little stint in the convent didn't leave much of an impression on her, huh? Brady: Oh, no, no. She left the convent. You know why she left the convent? Get this. Because she wants to get back together with me. I mean-- John: Yeah, well, you don't have any say in that. Brady: Look. I'll admit. I mean, when we lost the baby, dad, she was in a lot of pain. I understood that, and I'm still trying to understand that, but the way she attacked nicole--the way she flung insults at her--she called her every name in the book, and then she was accusing nicole and I of being together. I mean, it was just crazy. Crazy time. John: Yeah, well, you know, with the history between you and nicole, is it really all that crazy? Kristen: So where's brady? I can't wait to tell him the good news. Nicole: Well, he's not here. Kristen: Well, do you expect him back soon? Nicole: None of your business. Kristen: What a surprise. Taking the low road. Well, since brady and i are partners, I can just ask his secretary. Nicole: He's at the hospital. Victor had a stroke. Kristen: Hmm, and a good day just got better. Life-threatening, I hope. Nicole: How in god's name did you get gabi to hire you? Kristen: She realized how much I could contribute to the company's success. Nicole: Yeah. Just about five minutes ago, you were ready to become a nun. That hardly makes you an authority on current fashion. Kristen: Well, I could say the same about you. Nicole: All right, look, we both know why you're here. You maneuvered your way in, so you could get close to brady, but that's never gonna happen. You are never getting back together with brady, and I will make sure of it. Jj: I get it. I guess a nun wouldn't want people to know that she's living with a guy. Lani: I'm not a nun. Jj: But you're dressed like one, and you just told julie you took your vows. Lani: I lied. I didn't go through with it. Jj: Why would you lie about not taking your vows? It's not like anyone would hold it against you, if you didn'T. Lani: Kristen and I felt that it was the best way for people not to see us as a threat. Jj: Who would think you were? Look, I gotta admit this isn't making much sense to me. Lani: Okay, look. Jj, you have to promise to keep what I am about to tell you a secret. Jj: Okay. Lani: Before I left salem, someone set out to destroy my life. And for the past year, I've been letting her get away with it. But not anymore. I am getting back what is mine, and I am gonna let the world know what kind of a monster she really is. Jj: Who are you talking about? Lani: Gabi dimera. Gabi: I know that what lani said to you must have shocked you. Eli: You can say that. Gabi: Okay, but you have to believe me, okay? I am not an evil person. Eli: Who said anything about evil? Look, I don't like what you did, but I understand why you did it. Gabi: You do? Eli: You were grieving for stefan, and you blamed lani for his death. Gabi: Yeah, yes, I did, yes. Eli: So making lani kneel and beg for stefan's heart? I mean, that was a bit much, but it wasn't evil. Gabi: That's what she told you? Eli: It's the truth, right? Gabi: Yes. Yes, it is the truth, and I really regret it now. I was a completely different person back then. Eli: Grief can do that. Gabi: Yeah. You know, it's actually really good that this is out. I'm glad. I don't want any secrets between us. Did you want something? Coffee or tea? Eli: Hold on. If lani was telling the truth, then why did you say she was lying before? Kate: So I talked to philip, and victor's in surgery. They're not going to know anything for a few hours. Will: Poor sonny. Kate: Exactly. Just when he needs you, you're pushing him away. The whole point. I told you about evan going after your husband is so that you would fight for him, but instead, you just threw in the towel. Will: How do you really feel about this? Kate: Look, I probably exaggerated a little bit when I said that sonny was serious about this, because he's not, not yet. Will: I know. I know it's not serious. Sonny told me. Kate: Sonny told you that it's not serious, and you asked him for a divorce? Will: Yes, because I want him to be happy. And, grandma, he's not gonna be happy, as long as he's tied to me. So if there's even a chance that he could be happy with--with evan, then I am not going to stand in his way. Sonny: Actually, just now, I wasn't thinking whether i wanted to be moving on or not. I wasn't thinking anything, except that was pretty nice. Evan: I thought so, too, but since I made the first move, I just wanted to make sure that it was okay. Sonny: Well, I wouldn't have kissed you back, if it wasn'T. Evan: But you have to have some mixed emotions about this. Sonny: I don't really know how to say this. It's nothing about you, but it was kind of, like, a little weird, for me. Evan: Because I'm not will. Sonny: No. It's nothing personal. It's just that I haven't been with anyone like this in a very long time. Evan: And? Sonny: And I--well, I have to admit to you that it did kind of feel a bit like cheating, you know, 'cause will and I aren't technically divorced yet. Evan: Yeah, and you want to pump the brakes until you are. I get it. It's totally up to you. Gabi: I said that she was lying because... I was so ashamed of what I did. I didn't want you to know that about me. I didn't want you to know that I did something so awful. Eli: Lani shot and killed stefan, and then she was asking for his heart. Gabi, it's no wonder you lost it. And in the end, you did give julie stefan's heart. It was an incredible thing to do. Gabi: It was just the right thing to do. I just wish I hadn't made an enemy out of lani. Eli: That doesn't matter anymore. She's getting ready to leave town. Gabi: Are you sure? Eli: I just saw her. Her suitcase was packed and ready to go. Jj: Gabi tried to destroy your life? Lani: She blamed me for stefan's death. Jj: That wasn't your fault. Lani: Yeah, well, gabi decided to be my judge and jury. I tried to persuade her to let julie have stefan's heart. She made me get down on my knees and beg her. Otherwise she would just let julie die. Jj: Okay. That must have been horrible, but you've gotta admit that was a pretty crazy situation. Lani: Jj, no. She didn't stop there. She couldn't stand that eli and I were happy, about to be married. So she decided, since I took stefan away from her, she would take eli away from me. Jj: You dumped him. I was there. The whole town was there. Lani: Yeah, because she made me do it, okay? It was the hardest thing that I ever had to do. It was hard enough that I had to let him go, and to do it so brutally, in front of everyone. Jj: Yeah, well, okay. Wait a minute. How could she make you do that? Kristen: Well, I guess your relationship is on shaky ground, if you're so easily threatened by me. Nicole: Brady and I are just friends. Kristen: Yeah, 'cause I caught the two of you making out, on more than one occasion. You are just pathetic, the way you throw yourself at him. Nicole: Oh, I'm pathetic? You're the one who had to wear a mask of my face, just to get brady in bed with you. Kristen: You be careful what you-- Nicole: I didn't have to don a disguise when I "threw myself" at him. Kristen: You have no idea what you're talking about. Brady is a man, and as such... Nicole: I know this. Kristen: Has his needs, and I am sure when he is desperate you meet all his physical needs, but he has a mind and a soul, and you will never know the part of him that is perfect for us or share what we share. Nicole: Wow. Kristen: You know, if you had any pride, you would bow out, right now, before once again, you're humiliated. And I know that seems harsh, but I'm just being honest. Nicole: Hmm. Well, you know, since you're just being honest, I guess I can tell you brady and I are together. We are happily, permanently in love. Whether you're this kind of active Kate: I know that you don't want to hold sonny back. I really do, but you're just moving too fast. Will, you're going to get parole. Will: We don't know that I'm gonna get parole, and even if I do, that could be years from now. Kate: Okay, let's just not be negative, okay? Will: How about I be realistic then? I'll be realistic. I killed sonny's mother. Kate: It was an accident. That was an accident, and sonny is going to forgive you eventually-- Will: Even if he does forgive me, it doesn't mean he wants to still be married to me. That doesn't mean he wants to be married to the man-- Kate: Just stop! Just stop. Stop. When adrienne had cancer, she and i became really close, you know? And you know, the really great thing about her is that she didn't have an ounce--not an ounce--of self-pity. And because I know that, I know that she would not want you wasting your life beating yourself up over this. And she would also not want her son to lose the man who truly, deeply loved her son. Will: Asking sonny for a divorce was not about my self-pity, okay? It was about doing the best for the man that I truly, deeply love. Sonny: I just have such a hard time, like, understanding this, even for myself. It's like, until this divorce goes through, I just can't-- Evan: You still feel married. Sonny: I've just never been, you know, a letter-of-the-law kind of guy. And like, kiriakis family crest is "see what you can get away with." So I just don't know why this just doesn't--it doesn't feel right. I don't know why it bothers me so much. Evan: Maybe because you really did love him. Maybe you still do. Sonny: I feel like I should be talking to a therapist about this, not the guy that I just made out with. Evan: This is on me. I'm the one that stopped kissing you and started talking, but-- Sonny: What? Evan: I just--I think part of me wants this to, you know, be more than just sex, as nice as that would be, you know? Sonny: Yeah. It would be nice. Evan: Yeah, I think, if we go too far too soon, it's just--it won't work. Sonny: So you're playing the long game? Evan: Yeah, yeah. I think we should wait until the divorce is final. I'll wait and see if I can play for the big deal of the day. Sonny: Well, that is flattering. Are you sure? Evan: Yeah. I'm not going anywhere, especially now, with rafe adopting david. I'm here. Sonny: Right, yeah, because you have, like, job security. Evan: Mm-hmm. Sonny: Well, I'm gonna get going. Ari has her recital tonight. Evan: Oh. Oh, tell her knock 'em dead. I'll see you around. Good talking to you, casual acquaintance. Sonny: Yes, yeah, we had a very productive conversation. Evan: This is gonna be a lot harder than I thought. Sonny: Right. Well, I'm gonna-- Evan: Oh. You turned your phone off? Sonny: Well, yeah, yeah. I mean, you never know. Oh, my god. Brady: Nicole and i are just friends. John: Mm-hmm. Son, let me tell you something. No man has ever been or will ever be just good friends with nicole. And it's not like the two of you don't have a history. Brady: I--look. I'll admit this to you. Something almost did happen between us, all right? But we stopped it, because we knew it would be a mistake. John: Yeah. I think so too. I mean, not only the two of you trying to get your lives back on track, but I don't think kristen would take to that very well. Brady: That's a real polite way of saying that kristen would probably gun nicole down. John: She's not known for her restraint, yeah. Brady: No, that's exactly why I made it very clear to kristen, number one, I am not interested in her. Number two, nicole and i are just friends. I just hope she got the message. Kristen: I knew it. Somehow, you got your claws back into brady again. Nicole: And i didn't have to dress up as someone else to do it. Kristen, remind me again why you pretended to be me for months? Oh, I know! Because you know brady loves me. Not you. He wants me. Not you. Kristen: No. No. You see, when we made love he knew it was me. Nicole: Because of your mind, right? Your soul? Kristen: No. He admitted it to me. He just felt bad for you. But once he had me again, he knew he was living a half life without me. Nicole: Oh, so sorry, honey. It's just this morning, lying in bed, our naked bodies intertwined, he told me no one has ever satisfied him the way I do. Kristen: You shut your filthy mouth. Nicole: Or what? You'll kill me, the way you killed haley chen? I'd like to see you try. Rafe: There he is, hey. Evan: Hey, sorry, dinner's gonna be a little late. Rafe: Well, I keep telling you, you don't have to cook. It is not in the job description. Evan: I like to cook. I'm just--I'm sorry I got behind. I got busy. Rafe: With sonny? Sorry. I'm just--so what is going on with you? Are you guys dating? Evan: No, not yet. We're gonna wait until the divorce goes through. Rafe: Ah. Seems like a good idea. Evan: You still think I'm asking for trouble, don't you? Rafe: I just know will and sonny. Evan: They're getting a divorce. Rafe: Right, yes, they are, so legally, they will not be together anymore. Emotionally, it's different. And trust me. I speak from experience. Evan: Well, I can understand the situation is complicated, but, well, I told sonny that he's worth the wait. Rafe: Wow, really? Evan: Mm-hmm. Rafe: Huh. Real deal, huh? Evan: Yeah. I think it is. Sonny: Hey, how is he? I got your text message. Is he bad? Brady: No, no, listen. Take a breath. It's okay. Look, he's in surgery. There's a clot. That's what caused the stroke, and they're trying to remove it surgically. Sonny: I should have been here. Brady: Hey, don't beat yourself up about it, all right? He was unconscious when I saw him, so you'll be there when he wakes up, right? Sonny: How about maggie? How's she doing? Brady: She's okay. She's hanging in there. She's in the chapel. John: Just come with me. I'll take you to her. Lani: Gabi has something over me. Jj: She's blackmailing you? Lani: Worse. Jj: What's that supposed to mean? Lani: I can't tell you, jj, okay? Look, if gabi found out that I told you anything, someone's life could be in danger. Jj: What, what? Look, lani, if gabi is threatening someone's life, you need to go to the police. Lani: Yeah, no. I can't, okay? It's too risky. Jj: I'm not understanding. Lani: And I can't explain it to you, okay? All you need to know is that gabi told me I had to leave town. Look, she knows I'm a threat to her, but I can't just leave and let her get away with everything that she is doing, okay? I just--I need to lie low, and I need some time, okay? And I have to get eli away from that-- Jj: So this is about eli. You still love him. Lani: I tried to move on. I just--I couldn'T. You know, I don't think I ever can. Gabi: You really upset about the whole lani thing? Eli: You kidding me? Seeing her brings back bad memories. Good riddance. I don't even want to talk about her no more. How did your meeting with kristen go? Gabi: Well, not as well as I hoped. She still won't hand over her shares. Eli: Is she trying to give them to chad? Gabi: She hasn't made up her mind yet. Eli: Sounds to me like she's playing games. Gabi: Of course she is. She's a dimera. I asked her if she intended on keeping the shares for herself, but she doesn't want to run dimera. Eli: And you believed her? Gabi: Well, she asked me for something else. Eli: What? Gabi: A job. Kristen: What happened to haley was an accident, and I felt terrible about that. Nicole: Because you have such a gentle soul? Please. That's why brady and I didn't tell you we were together. He was afraid you'd do something drastic, like fling yourself off lover's leap or something like that. Kristen: I told you to be careful what you say about-- Nicole: Yes. I know, 'cause you like to threaten people, but I'm not afraid of you. Kristen: Well, you should be. Nicole: Oh, what a surprise. Another threat. Kristen: No. A statement of fact. Stay out of my way, or someone will get hurt. I didn't have to shout out for help. Kate: That's from ari. She knows that you can't be at the recital, but she wanted you to have it. Will: I'll read it later. Kate: You know I only yell at you because I love you. Will: Lucky me. Kate: Honey, you and sonny love each other so much. Nothing is impossible. Will: Grandma, when did you become such a big believer in the power of love? Kate: I'm not. I'm not. It's just that I know how much you love sonny, and I don't want you to waste that. I don't want you not to fight for him and fight for your family. Will: What about sonny? I mean is he supposed to just wait and hope that I get out? Grandma, if he has a shot at being happy with evan, like I said, I'm not standing in his way. Kate: He's not gonna be happy with evan. He's not gonna be happy with evan. Evan is not the right man for him. He's gonna hurt him. I guarantee it. Will: Wait a minute. What do you mean? Is there something about evan that I don't know? Rafe: Look, I hope that everything works out for you and sonny, 'cause you're both great guys. Evan: Thanks for saying that, and for the job and everything. I mean you've treated me like family. Rafe: Well, you are family. Are you kidding? Honestly, I don't know what david and I would have done without you, all right? So do not get any ideas about moving on, especially now. Now that I am adopting him legally, I'm gonna need you more than ever, okay? Evan: I'm here as long as you need me. Rafe: Good, great. All right. Evan: Well, I'm gonna go get dinner started. Rafe: Yeah. You know what though? Before you go, I've got more adoption paperwork I need you to sign. Evan: What is that? Rafe: Yeah, it's just since you're living with david, I need you to consent to having a full background check. That's not gonna be a problem, is it? Jj: My first reaction is why would gabi do something like that? And then I think--all of the things she's done to my sister. I just--I thought that-- hoped she'd changed. Lani: No. She hasn't changed at all. It's all just an act. A good one, yeah. Sure as hell fooled eli. Jj: You can't even talk to him about this? Lani: No, I can't, because I'm the one who looks like the villain in this whole piece. Crazy. Erratic. Never to be trusted. Jj, she set me up good. Jj: What are you gonna do? Lani: First thing, I'ma let her think that I'm gone. That she's gotten away with everything. Jj: Then? Lani: I'm working on that. Will you help me? Eli: So in order to get close to brady, she wants to work for basic black? Gabi: Yeah. Eli: And you agreed? Gabi: Well, I really don't have a choice. She's using dimera shares as leverage. Eli: Nicole will be thrilled. Gabi: Kristen wanted me to fire her, but I couldn't, because the board loves her. So now they have to work together. Eli: Can you see this ending up in anything but a disaster for basic black? Gabi: Basic black is expendable. I don't care what happens to it, as long as I get what I deserve. Nicole: You know, you really should have taken those vows, because at least you'd have an excuse for your lonely, solitary, celibate life. Kristen: That's a big mistake, to underestimate me. Nicole: And you're underestimating brady. You think he's not gonna see through your--what is that word? Oh, your desperate, humiliating ploy? It's your call. I mean, if you want to come here every day to work and see just how much brady loves me, be my guest. So welcome to basic black. You can start by filing these. I'm bad. Kate: Just this--this feeling I have about him. Just--I don't know. I don't trust him. Will: Why not? He seems like a, you know, perfectly nice guy, and I doubt rafe would hire someone to look after david if there's something wrong with him. Kate: Really? After rafe vouched for jordan? Look how that turned out. Will: So what is it exactly that makes you suspect him, or is it just that you see him as a threat to me? Kate: Okay, all right. You know, I knew that you wouldn't take my word for it, so I have decided to do a little digging. Will: No, don'T. Please don't do that. Kate: What do you mean, "please don't do that?" Why? Why? If there's something not right there, do you really want him around ari? No, I am gonna get the truth. I'm gonna get the whole truth. Will: Well, I mean it's not like I can stop you. Kate: That's right. You can'T. Will: But can you promise me one thing? Can you talk to me before you try and poison him please? Because that never really works out for you. Kate: So... love you. Evan: No, I'm totally fine with a background check. I've got nothing to hide. Rafe: Oh, I know, I know. You know, it's just a formality. Evan: Right. Rafe: Okay. Just get it back to me. I'ma go see what david's up to. Gabi: Ari's almost ready. We should get going. Eli: Nicole left you a voicemail. Gabi: Oh, kristen must have given her the good news then. Eli: Do you really think kristen's gonna come through for you? Gabi: Well, if she doesn't, I'm gonna make her wish she never left that convent. Lani: Look, jj, I understand if you don't want to get mixed up in all this. I know gabi was there for you once. Jj: You were there for me once too. Are you telling me the truth? Lani: I swear to god. Jj: Okay then. Then I'll help you, in any way I can. Lani: So I can stay with you? Jj: Yes. Let's get you settled in. Lani: Oh, thank you. Thank you. You have no idea what this means to me. [Elevator bell dings] Nicole: Brady? Hey. Brady: Hi. Nicole: How's victor? Brady: Still in surgery. Nicole: I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can get you? Brady: No, no, no, I'm okay. Thank you. I'm all right. Nicole: Listen, I know this isn't a good time, but there's something I have to tell you about kristen. Kristen: You can't stop me from being with brady, nicole, because I won't let you. | Eli understood what she did |
601 | Harley: Okay, thank you for that. I'm definitely taking that to my meeting. Gus: Wait. Harley: What? What? Gus: I just wanted to say that I'm really looking forward to New Year's Eve with you. Harley: Me, too. Gus: I think it's going to be good. Harley: It's going to be a really good one, yes. Gus: All right. Go to your meeting, do what you've got to do. Are you going to tell me who sent you? Who sent you? Alan: Soon I'm going to get out of this hell. Beth: Alan, what are you doing? Alan: Well, I'm packing. Beth: I can see that, but why? Alan: Well, I'm preparing for my reentry into the civilized world. Come New Year's Eve, I will be a free man. [SCENE_BREAK] (Telephone rings ) Cassie: Hello. Jeffrey: Hi, it's me. Cassie: Oh, hi. Jeffrey: Listen, I just got to the station and I've got more work than I thought, so I won't be able to make it home until later. Cassie: Okay. Is everything all right down there? Jeffrey: Yeah, it's fine, but I'd rather be there with you. How are you? Cassie: I'm fine. I'm glad you're there, actually. I'll talk to you later? Jeffrey: All right, bye. ( Horn honking ) Josh: Oh, sorry. It's for RJ's new bike. You know, it used to belong to Shayne, and I figured that... are you okay? Cassie: I did something, Josh, something that may cost me my daughter forever. [SCENE_BREAK] ( Knock on the door ) Jonathan: Go away! Frank: I can't do that, Jonathan. You're under arrest. Tammy: What is this? Jonathan: Oh, it must be O'Neill. The D.A. sending the storm troopers after us again? Tammy: What's going on? Frank: I have new information about the fire in that house. We're bringing you in for questioning. Jonathan: Reva told you I was with her when the fire started. Frank: Yes she did. Cuff him. Tammy: Jonathan didn't do anything, Frank. You can't take him in. Frank: Unfortunately, Tammy, I'm going to have to take you in as well. Jonathan: What? Frank: All right, Tammy, have a seat please. Tammy: Frank, you have to know that this is a mistake. We didn't do anything. Frank: Please sit down. Jonathan: Tammy, everything's going to be fine; you just can't say anything. Frank: Well hopefully she will say something, Jonathan. Something that will help me put together this whole mess. Jeffrey: Yeah, I'd like to put it all together myself. Tammy: Jeffrey. Oh, thank God you're here. Jeffrey: What's going on here? Frank: I brought them in for more questioning about the fire that was in Sandy Foster's house. Tammy: Just let me explain. Jonathan: Tammy, everything's going to be okay, but I'm serious, you've got to keep your mouth shut. Jeffrey: Why did you bring them in, Frank? The last I heard you didn't have enough evidence to arrest anyone. Frank: Because we got an anonymous tip that claimed that Reva's alibi may be a lie. Jonathan: Anonymous? Frank: And that Jonathan and Tammy were both at the scene of the fire when it started. Jonathan: You can't honestly believe she had anything to do with this. Frank: But you were there, right, Jonathan? Tammy: This is crazy, Jonathan. Jeffrey: All right, all right. Everybody let's just take it easy. And Jonathan's right, you shouldn't say anything until we get this thing straightened out. Chief Cooper, may I please have a word with you? Tammy: I don't get how this happened. Reva was the only person who knew. She wouldn't call in a tip on us. Jonathan: No, no, she's on our side; she's been on my side. Besides, at the end of the day, she's my mom. Now, listen, you were nowhere near that fire. Tammy: But you... Jonathan: You weren't there. Tammy: Who did this to us? [SCENE_BREAK] Cassie: I was so desperate to find the way, any possible way to shake Tammy from this attachment she has with Jonathan, that I... I wanted her to remember what this guy is capable of. Josh: So you called the cops on them? Cassie: I wanted to turn him in for the fire at Sandy's house, but Reva stopped me. Josh: Of course she did. Cassie: Well not just because she wanted to protect her son, but also because it turns out Tammy was there, too. Josh: Tammy was in the house with Jonathan when the fire started. Reva knew that, but she didn't tell anybody. Cassie: Yeah. Does that surprise you? Reva has proven she'll do anything to protect him. Josh: What else did Reva say about the fire? Cassie: Well, she said that Jonathan and Tammy told her it was an accident. So when the police first questioned them, she covered for them. Josh: What does that mean, she lied for him? Cassie: She gave him an alibi. She said she had to do it in order to keep both of our kids safe. Josh: They were together, and Reva knew that? Cassie: This thing between Tammy and Jonathan has been going on between Tammy and Jonathan for a while now. And not only did Reva not say anything, but she helped them, she helped them be together. Josh: This must be very difficult for you? Cassie: It is. I turned my own daughter into the police, Josh. Josh: Cassie... Cassie: I didn't no what else to do. I just kept imagining her with him, and all of the danger he's already put her in. I mean, if this fire had spread quickly and they didn't get out. And who knows what is next. Who knows what he'll mix her up in. So I made an anonymous call. I just thought if she got dragged down there, and was able to see the consequences of being with someone like Jonathan, that she would decide herself not to be with him. God, Josh, what did I do? I turned my little girl over to the police. What kind of a mother am I? Josh: The best kind. [SCENE_BREAK] Harley: Have you lost your mind? Get off of him. Gus: What are you talking about? What are you doing? Harley: I'm trying to save you from being sued. Man: What's your problem? Gus: What is your problem? What are you talking about? He's lurking around my wife. Harley: He's not lurking. Duncan, I'm sorry, are you okay? Gus: You know him? Harley: He's one of my interns. He's shadowing while I have these meetings with the small business owners. Gus: You're shadowing her. You're watching to make sure they're on the up and up. Well, maybe if you didn't shadow her so well, people-- you're doing a good job, man. You're doing a good job, man, I'm sorry. Duncan: Okay. Gus: You're doing a good job. Sorry. What? Harley: You're starting to scare me. Drink some decaf. Gus: I was a little worried. I see the guy, he's following you and he's going after you, I think, and so I take some action. I can't help it. Harley: You definitely took some action. Gus: Well, I was afraid he was going to attack you. Harley: He's not going to attack me. The only thing this poor kid did wrong so far is make colored copies when I asked for black and white. Gus: Sorry. Did you do a background check on him at least? Harley: You mean, did I check to make sure he wasn't a spy sent in by somebody's psychotic vengeful father? Yes, I did. Gus: Okay. Okay. It's just when we were in the hotel room and you seemed so upset and it's just the whole timing of this competency hearing. Harley: No, you're right. You're right, you're right. That competency hearing. The thought that anybody would even think about letting this psycho out, it's a nightmare. Gus: It shouldn't be. I just... I'm just want to celebrate our life together, that's all. And I don't want to worry about Alan. Trust me, from my heart, I don't. And I'm not going to, okay? Harley: You're not worried? Why don't you tell that to that kid's shoulder. Gus: Yeah. Harley: Honey, Alan is not going to take anything away from us. Not our life, not our family, not our happiness, nothing. Okay? Gus: Yeah, all right. Harley: I mean, is he a threat to us? I don't know, but frankly, I'm sick and tired of obsessing about this man. He's not going to break us. Gus: No. Because we're unbreakable. Harley: Because we're unbreakable. And you know what? He's not taking away my job as CEO, either, because I worked hard at it and I'm good at it, and I'm staying good. Because finally Spaulding is turning into a company that I can be proud of, that my kids can be proud of. Gus: Yeah, I think you're doing a great job. Harley: Thanks. Gus: A great job. Harley: I look cute in that chair, don't I? Gus: Very cute in that chair. Harley: Seriously, we're doing really good stuff in the world, and that's becoming very good business for us. And so Alan is not going to hurt us, not unless we let him. Gus: Right, and we won't. We won't. [SCENE_BREAK] Beth: You are aware that you may not be released, right? Alan: Don't be negative. My lawyer has guaranteed me I would be released New Year's Eve. Beth: Well, how can he do that? Alan: I don't ask questions, Beth, I just pay him for results. Beth: You are in here for murdering your son. Alan: I was temporarily insane; now I'm fine. Beth: Fine? Alan: Yes, I'm no longer a threat you see to society-- that is, most of society. Beth: Are you talking about Harley? Alan: I'm talking about us getting on with the rest of our life. Beth: How do you plan on doing that? Alan: Well, for me to do that, Harley must go on a permanent vacation, and I can get my family and my company back. Solid or striped? Beth: What are you going to do to Harley, Alan? Alan, let's be clear. I may not like Harley, but I don't want to see her hurt, either. I won't be a part of anything like that. Alan: And you won't have to worry about a thing. Beth: I want to know what you have planned. Alan: It's already been taken care of. Beth: Alan... Alan: You know, I don't know why we're talking about this, Beth. I thought we would be talking about my homecoming. I was expecting a little more enthusiasm. Don't you understand, when I get out of here, the sky is the limit. Beth: Alan... Alan: Power, that's what I'm talking about, Beth, power. I am returning to power and taking you with me. And you're going to have all of the power that you want and deserve. Beth: Solid. Alan: What? Beth: The tie for your hearing, I think it should be solid. Alan: That's my girl. ( Laughing ) ( laughing ) [SCENE_BREAK] Gus: The thing is, Alan is no match for us. Because what we have is so strong and so good and so right... Uh-huh. Harley: ...That there's nothing that Alan can do. There's no way he can come between us unless there is something you know that I don't know. Gus: No, there's nothing I know, I promise you. I'm just being paranoid. Please believe me, I think we deserve it. We deserve to have a great life. We work for it and we deserve to give that life to the kids. And you're great with the kids, and you're so good at your job, and it's my family and my family's company, and you're doing great on both the jobs. I really think so. Harley: Listen to me, I couldn't do any of this without you. I'm not just saying that. Gus: Well, look, I'm sorry if I'm acting crazy, it's just that I feel like I'm... Harley: You're not being paranoid. He is crazy. But we have to take a deep breath and realize that he can't get to us just by scaring us. Gus: That's the thing. People, they've got to remember to just breathe sometimes. I've got to remember to breathe. Harley: Take a breath, stop beating up my interns, and have a little faith, right? Gus: Right. Right. Knock 'em dead. I just really need to make sure. [SCENE_BREAK] Cassie: Wait a minute. You are the one who warned me if I tried to keep Tammy and Jonathan apart, I would be pushing her away from me? Josh: Right. Cassie: And now you're telling me I'm right for turning her into the police. Josh: Yes. Cassie: So much for the zen approach. What happened to you? That punch in the jaw get you? Josh: No, no. Nothing strange actually, I'm just looking at it in a different way. I mean, when you turned them in, you weren't actually trying to split them apart? Cassie: I wasn't? Josh: Well, no, because you turned them both in, right? You weren't trying to stand in their way. Tammy still has the decision she has to make. She'll have to choose if she is going to walk away, if that is what she wants. Cassie: What if that isn't what she wants? Josh: I just happen to think once she gets a real dose of reality, she is going to see things differently, okay? There's nothing wakes you up quicker than facing the possibility of jail time. Let me get you some water. Cassie: I always used to be so confident about Tammy's decisions. You know, I never gave it a second thought because she always made the right choice, but ever since Jonathan -- Josh: No, no, no. Now, look, Tammy's a smart girl. She just got swept away, that's all. You have to be the one who is grounded. You have to remind her who Jonathan really is. Cassie: That's what scares me. She says she knows who Jonathan really is. She knows all the terrible things he's done and she's still in love with him. Josh: Yeah, but I see, I just have to... I think that once she faces the jail thing, she's going to re-think some of that. Cassie: I hate the thought of my little girl behind bars. But I want to wake her up. I want to show her the reality of her life. Being here and picturing her being arrested and... Josh: Look, if you go down to that station right now, you are going to want to bail her out and that is not going to make things any better. Cassie: I know. Josh: But if you leave things as they are, if you trust that gut instinct of yours that made you call the cops in the first place, this whole thing may go away today. Cassie: You really think so? Josh: What other choice do you really have? Cassie: I don't know. But if she finds out it was me... Josh: She won't. Cassie: How can you be so sure? Josh: I'll take responsibility for the call myself. [SCENE_BREAK] Jonathan: Frank, you know Tammy. You don't seriously believe that she would be involved in arson. Frank: Normally, no. But I'm beginning to doubt her judgment lately. Jeffrey: Jonathan and Tammy, well that's another issue, Frank. Frank: Let me ask you a question? Do you have any idea who could have put that anonymous phone call in? Jeffrey: What I know, Frank, it shouldn't be enough to make an arrest. Frank: Well, I believe that Reva lied to me. So I'll tell you what, O'Neill, you do your job and I'll do mine. Jeffrey: Frank... Frank: I'm sorry, I'm truly sorry about all of this going on with Tammy and Cassie right now, but... Jeffrey: You've got to follow through? Frank: Yeah. Jeffrey: I know. Frank: Yeah. Tammy: We can tell them the truth, we were there but the fire was an accident. Jonathan: No, we aren't going to tell them anything. You are going to walk out of here. Tammy: No. Jonathan: Yes. Tammy, if you can't do it for yourself, do it for me. If you get in trouble over something I did, especially something like this, no. Frank: Okay, you guys. I need to ask you some questions. And you know what? Do me a big favor, will you? Don't lie to me because I'll be able to tell. Jeffrey: Try to stay calm and answer the questions. Frank: Excuse me. Are you her lawyer or are you the district attorney. Jeffrey: Right now, neither. Frank: Don't make you ask you to leave my station. Jeffrey: I want the truth, Frank? Jonathan: Look, the truth is, Chief, you had your man from the beginning. I set the fire. It was all me. Tammy: Jonathan! Jonathan: She's just trying to protect me. Tammy: He is lying. The fire was an accident, but it was my accident. This whole thing is my fault. [SCENE_BREAK] Announcer: Beth Ehlers, inside "The Light." Harley is still very spoiled and selfish and manipulative. Who's Harley's best match? That's for the audience to decide. We're really very, very different. She's much braver than I am. Actually, I thought it was great fun to carry an episode. Announcer: See Harley, Wednesday, January 4th, inside "The Light." [SCENE_BREAK] Cassie: I'm the one who called the cops on my daughter. I knew I'd have to face the consequences. Josh: But you don't have to. Cassie: But Tammy adores you, if she thinks you ratted her out... Josh: Cassie, that's okay. I'm willing to have Tammy hate me for a while if it keeps her loving her mom. Cassie: Well, I'm not. Josh, I can't let you do it. If I want her to take responsibility for her actions, then I need to take responsibility for mine. Um... Josh: Am I leaving? Cassie: I kind of need some time to process this, to think. Josh: Okay. Cassie: But thank you. Josh: Sure. Cassie: Thanks a lot. Josh: I'll see you. Cassie: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Tammy: I'm the one who pulled Jonathan out of the house. Jonathan: Frank, don't listen to her. Tammy: He tried to put the fire out, but I was afraid he would get hurt. Frank: Let me get this straight. You were both at the scene, but Tammy, you started the fire. Jonathan: No. Jeffrey: Tammy, don't say another word. Tammy: It was an accident. Jeffrey: Don't say anything else! Now, Frank, we need a couple of minutes here till we sort this out, unless you want to make a case against her for protecting her boyfriend or being naive, which is about all you've got right now. Frank: Fine, O'Neill. You've got it. Jeffrey: Thank you. Jonathan: O'Neill, tell her that this isn't a joke, it's not a time to be brave. Tammy, tell him who was throwing the matches around. Tammy: He tossed some stuff into the fireplace, so what. Jeffrey: So what?! So what, Tammy? What about the neighbor who came in there to see everything was all right? She's still in the hospital, Tammy, suffering from smoke inhalation. Tammy: We feel really bad about that. Jeffrey: You feel... come here. Tammy: We don't know how the curtains caught fire. It was an accident. Jeffrey: Listen to me. Listen to me. Now, I'm going to get you out of this. I'm going to start the paperwork now. Tammy: What about Jonathan? Jeffrey: Tammy. Now I cannot help you, unless you help me. Do you understand what you're saying? This is arson; it's a felony charge. It means possibly prison and possibly a trial. Tammy: I'll face whatever I have to, Jeffrey, I just want to see my mom. Jeffrey: Of course, I'll see what I can do. But I'm going to start the paperwork right now to get you out of here. If you love her... Jonathan: I know. Jeffrey: Then you'll do the right thing. Jonathan: I'm trying to. Jeffrey: You keep her out of this, and then let her go back to the safe life that she knows. Listen to me. Do the right thing. [SCENE_BREAK] Young girl, don't cry I'll be right here when your world starts to fall young girl, it's all right your tears will dry, you'll soon be free to fly ooh... Tammy: I love you, and you mean more to me than anything. Mom, we've lived in shacks and in palaces, but it didn't matter where we were because I always had you to make every place home. Thank you. No one never wants or bothers to explain all the heartache life can bring and what it means when there's no one else look inside... Cassie: All I ever wanted was for you to have a better life than I did. Like your oldest friend, just the voice within... you are going to be the most beautiful bride ever. Love will guide your way you'll learn to be and trust the voice within when there's no one else... Cassie: Get the hell off my daughter! If you go now, don't ever bother coming back. Tammy: I'm a woman, right? Not just your little girl. Cassie: Tammy, baby! Tammy! You'll learn to begin trust the voice... Tammy: How do you explain why you fall in love? Cassie: This is not love. Tammy: Yes, it is. I love him. Young girl, don't cry I'll be right here when you're world starts to fall. Cassie: Is this my fault, Tammy? Did I do this to you? Did I push you so hard to have the perfect life with the perfect guy, that I actually pushed you into Jonathan's arms? I just want my daughter back. [SCENE_BREAK] Harley: No. I can't deal with this right now. Really. Just send the numbers to my office, and I'll have somebody get back to you. Thanks. Cassie: Somebody get back to you? Wow, I'm impressed. Harley: Me, too, sometimes. I miss you. Cassie: I miss you, too. Look at you taking over the world. Harley: Scary, huh? Cassie: No. You know, actually, not. It makes a lot more sense than most of the things that are going on these days. Harley: You think? Cassie: Absolutely. Harley: Well I guess somebody's got to you know, run things. Cassie: Yeah. Harley: You here alone? Cassie: Yeah. I'm all alone. Harley: Because I was just thinking about you, worrying about you, actually. Cassie: Don't worry about me. I'm good; everything's fine. What's going on with you? Harley: You know, the usual: I'm running a multi-national corporation, I'm trying to see my kids every once in a while, take care of my husband watch him as he beats up my interns, you know. Cassie: I'm sorry? Harley: It's a long story, forget it. More than anything, I'm worried about one of my best friends. How are you? Cassie: Wow, being CEO of Spaulding is making you bossier than ever. Harley: I've always been bossy. Don't change the subject. Cassie: All right, all right, all right. I know better than to fight with you when you have your pitbull face on. Whatever it is that's on your mind, say it? Harley: I just saw Tammy with Jonathan. Cassie: Oh. Harley: Don't say oh, like you don't know. I know you know. She told me you know. Cassie: Maybe, maybe not. Go on. Harley: They were down here announcing that they were a couple. More like shouting it from the rooftops. Is this for real? Cassie: Oh, yeah, it's for real. [SCENE_BREAK] Gus: Just finish feeding him tapioca? Beth: Good do see you, too. Gus... Gus: Yeah? Beth: We've gone a few rounds, haven't we? Gus: Uh-huh. Beth: Just be careful. Gus: Whoa, whoa. You have something to say, Beth, just say it. I detect a hint of concern in your voice, so uh... you've got something to say? Because I don't have my secret decoder ring with me. I must have left it at the office. Beth: Why do you have to make everything so difficult? Huh? Yes, you and Harley beat me up for a job I wanted at Spaulding. We fought, and you won, and now you think that I would do anything to win. Gus: Beth if there's something you didn't do, it's only because you didn't think of it? Beth: Yeah. Gus: Yeah. Beth: Well, for your information, I draw the line at actually hurting people. Gus: Oh, right. ( Laughing ) Beth: Hello. Alan just mentioned Harley and what he might do if he gets out. Gus: Do what? Be more specific. Beth: He didn't say anything specific. I'm just telling you that you should be worried. And I want you to know if he gets out and if something happens, I had nothing to do with it. Gus: What did he say? Like what, a hitman, a car off the cliff, poison in the food, what? Beth: Don't you think I would tell you if I knew. That man murdered the love of my life, and I still suffer. And I'm a sucker. I don't want anyone to feel the kind of pain I feel, even you and Harley. [SCENE_BREAK] ( knock on the door ) Gus: Hmm. What, are you dressing for your hearing? It's a little premature, isn't it? Alan: Well, that was much better. Gus: What's that? Alan: You didn't come in here swinging your fists at me trying to attack me. And to answer your question, I'm not wearing this to my hearing. Gus: Oh, is that right? Alan: I plan on wearing it the first day back at Spaulding Enterprises. Gus: You're going to go work at Spaulding Enterprises, are you? You know, you keep talking crazy like that, and you're going to spend a lot more time in this tiny, tiny room than you were expecting. Alan: I hate to disappoint you, son, but come New Year's Eve, I am a free man. Gus: Let's just say for argument sake that you were to get out of here, you've been in here a while. The world has gone by. Maybe you're not ready. Alan: I'm adaptable. Gus: Is that right? Taking life as it comes, huh? Alan: Exactly. I just spent a wonderful Christmas day with my family. This week, I plan on finishing my packing and next week... Gus: What's happening next week? Alan: Why don't you tell me? You know where Harley is. You had her itinerary. You were waving it in front of me the other day. Isn't that why you came? Gus: Maybe. Alan: Then why don't you sit down and let me tell you what I have planned for your wife. [SCENE_BREAK] Cassie: Does Tammy seem proud to be with Jonathan? She didn't seem ashamed at all? Harley: Not a bit. And I have to say I was shocked, especially when I realized you already knew. Cassie: Well, I haven't known for that long; this all just came out over Christmas. Harley: Happy holidays. Cassie: Exactly. Let me see, I found out they were together when we walked in on them kissing in the barn. And then she and Jonathan came together to Reva's Christmas party, where Jonathan proceeded to punch Josh. Harley: No. Cassie: And then they ran off and I didn't know when I would see her again. Harley: Cassie, I'm sorry. Cassie: Jonathan has been nothing but poison since he came to this town. I can understand why she could be sucked in by him because he's very seductive. He can be very convincing when he wants to be. I mean, I even gave him the benefit of the doubt for a while. Harley: What does Reva think? Cassie: Oh, she helped them. Harley: Oh. Cassie: Exactly. Harley: Well, what are you going to do? Cassie: I'm still working on it. Please, tell me your Christmas was better than mine? Harley: Oh, mine was great. Cassie: Well, see, someone's life is right. Harley: You didn't happen to read the paper this morning, did you? Cassie: No. Oh, my God! Is Alan really getting out? Harley: I don't know. Gus is worried, and I have to say I'm worried, too. But you know what the difference is? I have faith. And with faith, we can stop anything that Alan tries to throw at us. Cassie: After all this time, Gus doesn't has faith? Harley: Well Gus has faith, he just can't sit still, you know. He's one of these people, he has to swim out and bite the shark before it bites him, and then swim back. Cassie: Kind of sounds like you? Harley: Hmm. Well I have other things to worry about, my family, my company. And I'm not afraid of sharks anymore. And you shouldn't be either. We're like warrior women. I mean, really, if we can get through this stuff, anybody can, right? Cassie: Right. Harley: I'm not going to let Alan take away everything I've worked for, my family and my marriage and my life and my happiness and my power. Cassie: Exactly, and why should I let Jonathan take all of that away from me? Harley: You shouldn't. Cassie: I won't. Warrior women, huh? Harley: Yeah, that just came to me. You like it. We should get a t-shirt with that. Cassie: I think we should. That's a good idea. [SCENE_BREAK] Jonathan: You don't long here. You deserve much better than this. Tammy: I belong with you. Jonathan: No. Tammy... Tammy: I don't care if it's in a shack by the lake or a lousy hotel room... Jonathan: What, or a jail cell? It kills me when you talk like that. You deserve so much better than this. Tammy: It can only get better from here, right? Jonathan: No promises, remember? Frank: All right, Tammy. I just spoke to Jeffrey. I can make this all go away for you, okay? Jonathan: Go on. Frank: I think you know how the next part goes, Jonathan. Tammy: How the next part goes, what is he talking about? What does he mean? Jonathan: You've got to give me up. Tammy: What? What does that mean? Frank: It means right now I can hold you on suspicion of arson, unless you... Tammy: No. If you take him, you take me. Jonathan: Tammy, stop. Tammy: This is my choice, right, Frank? Frank: Yes, it is. Tammy: Then I've made it. Jonathan: Frank. Frank: Jenkins. Start the processing, please? Tammy, if you change your mind, you let me know. Jonathan: Hey, let go of her. Jenkins: Stand up, Mr. Randall. Jonathan: Hey, I just told you to watch how you're touching her. Jenkins: Or what? Tammy: I'm not finished... Jenkins: This way, ma'am. Tammy: Ow, you're hurting my arm. Jonathan: Let go of her! ( Grunts ) Frank: Jonathan. Tammy: Let him go! Stop it! Jonathan: Let go of her! Get off! Get off! Frank: Jonathan! [SCENE_BREAK] Harley: This town looks pretty cool on New Year's Eve, huh? Huh, Jude? I used to love New Year's Eve when I was your age. I would stay up really late with my big brother and my grandpa, and that's what you're going to do this year. You and Zach and Grandpa Buzz, you're going to stay up really late, so you can stay up until midnight. I think you guys are going to have to work really hard to keep Grandpa awake, though? Jude: What about you, Mommy? Harley: Me, I'm going to call you right after I kiss Gus. And then daddy's going to call you. You're a pretty popular guy. You know what? This is going to be the best New Year's ever, certainly better than last year. Maybe the best year. You know why? Because this year we are all going to be together. ( Laughing ) [SCENE_BREAK] Alan: You know I'm going to get out of here. When I do, I'm going to come after Harley and get back everything she took from me. Gus: Well, you know you're going to have to go through me, first, right? And I will stop you. Alan: You can try to stop me, but you will fail. You would have to shoot me, first. Gus: Well, maybe that's what I'll do. Like father, like son. Alan: Gus, it's too late. It's too late to save Harley now. Gus: You will not be breathing one breath of fresh air, okay? It's a promise. Hey, this is Gus. Listen, you're going to have to help me out with this. I'm not used to doing this, I don't know how it works, but I need to book the Spaulding jet for tomorrow night. I just need it to be waiting for me. Well, besides myself? There will be one other passenger. Right, the destination? I'm going to have to tell you that when we're on board. Thanks. [SCENE_BREAK] Jeffrey: Hi, it's me. I'm trying to track you down. I want to hear your voice and tell you that Tammy is uh-- well, she wants to see you. All right, call me. Josh: Hello. Jeffrey: Hi. Josh: Sounds like you caught up with Cassie? Jeffrey: Well, I left her a message. Tammy is-- well, she wants to see her. Josh: Well, I just left Cassie at the farmhouse. If you'd like, I guess I could go over there... Jeffrey: No, that's all right, Josh. I'll find her. [SCENE_BREAK] Jonathan: Get off of me! Frank: You know something? You had half a chance with suspicion of arson, but now you assaulted a cop. Tammy: He didn't mean it, Frank. You can't... Frank: Stay out of it, Tammy! Jonathan: I'll be fine. Tammy, I'll be fine. Frank: Get him out of here. Jonathan: You all right? Tammy: Uh-huh. Mom, oh, my God. Over here. Thank God you're here. They brought us in because of the fire, and they just took Jonathan away. I mean somebody called in a tip. Cassie: It was me. Tammy: What? Cassie: You said someone called the cops on you and Jonathan? It was me, Tammy, I made the call, I turned you in. [NEXT_ON] Reva: I got a call that my son was arrested. Officer: Name? Reva: Jonathan Randall. Cassie: Jail time would be good for him. Tammy: You just want to see him suffer. | Frank tells Tammy she can get out of the charges if she turns on Jonathan but she refuses |
602 | Lucky: When Interpol told me I had the same face as Ronan O'Reilly, they didn't really give me a choice about pretending to be him. It was more along the lines of an offer I couldn't refuse. Dante: Like you would have turned down an undercover op like this. Lulu: Exactly. I think you're loving the chance to be Ronan. Just don't get so busy having a good time that you get yourself killed. Lucky: Look, I understand I'm flying blind here, but so far I'm pulling it off. [SCENE_BREAK] Spinelli: Dr. Niles' email reveals no evidence that points to an abduction of Dr. Robin-- Patrick: What about her online account? Spinelli: I've already checked that. Patrick: Well, check again, Spinelli. Maybe she bought some supplies or something. Maybe she got gas in some remote area. Spinelli: If Dr. Niles is indeed a kidnapper and/or stalker, she's demonstrated too much skill and guile for such an obvious mistake. Patrick: Spinelli, there's gotta be something else. Camping supplies. Maybe a weapon or duct tape, I don't know. Maybe she downloaded directions where she might have taken Robin. There's gotta be something there to help me get my wife back. [SCENE_BREAK] Stone: Robin. Robin: Stone? Stone: Robin. What on earth are you doing down here? Robin: How can you be here? I don't even want to question it. Stone: You question everything, Robin. That's part of what I love about you. Robin: But how can I be talking to you and seeing you? Am I dying? Stone: I hope not. I've missed you, Robin. Robin: I've missed you so much. Even after all of these years, it still hurts. I tried to prepare myself when you were dying, but I wasn't ready to lose you. All my friends and family, they told me that I would go through the 5 stages of grief and that I would finally reach acceptance and-- and find peace. And I knew that you wanted me to go on with my life. Stone: Yes, when you were standing in front of the window on that last morning, I could let you go then, because I knew you would go on. Robin: But I've always carried you with me. I've never let go, and I've never forgotten you. I remember the first time that I met you. I remember--I remember thinking... Stone: What an obnoxious jerk? Robin: No. What a cute obnoxious jerk you were. Remember when we went joyriding in Sonny's Jag? Stone: And I talked you into putting the pedal to the metal and you got pulled over by a state trooper? Robin: Yes, we were going so fast, I was terrified. Oh, and we got so busted. I remember seeing the red flashing light in the rearview mirror. Stone: For sheer terror, nothing can match what you talked me into doing. Getting up in front of everybody at the nurses ball and doing that scene from "Romeo and Juliet." Robin: I'm sorry. Stone: No. Robin: And that night you went bungee jumping. You weren't even scared. I was so scared for you. I can still see your face, standing on the edge of the ledge. I could hear you screaming as you fell, the entire way down. You were so... Stone: Alive. Robin: Happy. You made me so happy. Honestly, it was the best time of my life. Stone: Even though I left you to live with HIV? [SCENE_BREAK] Spinelli: Deepest apologies, but I failed to uncover anything of a suspicious nature in Dr. Niles' cyber records. Patrick: There's gotta be something you missed. Maybe she's got another account. Spinelli: The Jackal has hacked into government-encrypted sites. Dr. Niles does not have the skill to hide from me. Patrick: What about work? Did you check her work email? Spinelli: Yes, it's done. All of Dr. Niles' purchases, correspondence, search histories are laid bare right there, and there doesn't appear to be anything untoward. Patrick: Spinelli, this doesn't make sense. Spinelli: Unless you're mistaken about the doctor's culpability. Patrick: No. Robin got into the car with Emma, she crashed into a ditch, and then she just left Emma there. I know that Lisa's behind this. And it's planned, I'm telling you. Spinelli: Forgive me, but it appears that you are indulging in a conspiracy theory, seeking to blame sinister forces to ignore the unpalatable reality that Dr. Niles may have had nothing to do with Robin's disappearance. Patrick: No. [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock on door] [Knocking] Sam: Jeez, I'm coming. Oh, it's you. Hi. Carly: Hi. Have you heard from Jason? Because he hasn't returned one of my calls and neither have you, for that matter. Sam: Well, I've been busy at work, and yes, I did hear from Jason. Carly: What did he say? Sam: Well, first he said that he did everything he could for Brenda and he was on his way home. Carly: Yes! Okay, great. When's he getting back? Sam: Uh, that's where the second message comes in. He said that he wasn't sure when he was coming back because Brenda needed more help. Carly: How can he let himself be manipulated like that? Sam: Come on, Carly. He's not being manipulated by Brenda. She's in genuine danger. Carly: Oh, Sam, wake up. You know what? You need to wake up and fight for your man. You need to get on a plane to Rome and put a stop to this before Brenda helps herself to the best thing that's ever happened to you. Sam: Don't you mean the best thing that's ever happened to you? [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia: Dante, I know that you and Lulu are out of town, and I don't mean to be a nag, honey, but when you run off without telling me to God knows where, my imagination goes into overdrive. Please, when you get a chance, just call me and let me know where you are and that you're okay. And I love you. A mother gets to worry. Johnny: [Chuckles] Maybe Dante just wanted some alone time with Lulu. Olivia: Or maybe he's on some kind of special assignment and he's in danger. You know, I am so proud of my son for being a cop, but this part I'm just never gonna get used to. Johnny: Do you really think if the assignment was that dangerous he would have taken Lulu along? Olivia: What if Lulu didn't give him a choice? She's got an adventurous streak of her own. What did you tell me, she broke you out of the PCPD and the two of you went off on the run somewhere and holed up in an apartment somewhere in the city? What, that's funny? I didn't get the story right? What? Johnny: No, no, you did. It's just that...Oh, you gotta admit that's kind of, I don't know, a little strange, funny, the whole thing with you and me, Dante and Lulu... Olivia: Right. My son's in a serious relationship with your ex-girlfriend. Yeah. Does that bother you? Johnny: No. Not at all. If being with Dante makes Lulu happy and vice versa, more power to them. Olivia: That's my sentiments exactly. Johnny: But it is wacky. Come on, the four of us? Olivia: Yeah, we could make one hell of an awkward Thanksgiving table, I'd say. Johnny: Don't you go making any holiday plans just yet. Olivia: Look...I know you and Dante are on opposite sides of the law. He's probably never going to be your favorite guy, and I've made my peace with that. But you know how I feel about my son. I think he deserves the best of everything, and if Lulu's giving him that, then, uh, she's golden to me. Johnny: You're a great mother, Olivia. Toast...to the woman I love. Olivia: I love you back. [SCENE_BREAK] Lulu: I talked to Siobhan. Lucky: Where'd you see her? Lulu: She came here looking for you. I kept up the ruse that I was a cop and you were in trouble with the law. She fired right up in your defense. Lucky: Yeah, well, she's a good person. Lulu: She thinks very highly of you. She went into great detail about how Ronan is a changed man. Dante: And why would she think that? Lulu: You told her that you were running from the cops, and you broke into a ruin church and you felt God staring down at you, and even you, with a little bit of faith, could turn your life around. She thinks that you are worthy of redemption. Dante: Wow, that is a good one. Lucky: I needed to explain why I didn't kill her when I had the chance. Lulu: How are you going to explain killing two of the Balkan's men? Lucky: Easy. I'll just say... [Irish accent] They were gunning for me, Siobhan. It's no sin to kill in self-defense, now, is it? [Drops accent] Look, Ronan has a reputation as a cold-blooded killer. This only strengthens my cover with the Balkan. [Cell phone rings] Lucky: It's Ronan's phone. It's a blocked number. Lulu: Let it go to voicemail. [Cell phone rings] Lucky: It's Ronan. Lucky: It's not a good idea for you to meet me here. Yeah, a couple of corpses not yet cold. It's better I come to you. All right. I'm not sure if I can make it, but I'll do my best. Dante: Who was that? Lucky: It's an associate of Ronan's named Seamus Flynn. He was on a list of contacts Interpol gave me. Lulu: So how well does he know Ronan? Lucky: The way he was talking, a whole lot better than Interpol realizes. Lulu: So if you meet with him, he could blow your cover. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: I'm not threatened by Brenda. I trust Jason. It's something you might want to try to do yourself. Carly: I know Jason says that Brenda drives him crazy, but there's a weird bond there, and you're gonna stand there and tell me you don't care that Jason dropped everything to fly off to Rome just because she needed him? Sam: No. Brenda needed protecting. That's what Jason does best. I am not insecure about that. Carly: So you're gonna stay here and do nothing. You just don't care. Sam: Oh, Carly, you are the one that has her panties in a twist over this. And I can see why, actually. Because you and Brenda actually fill a very similar place in Jason's life. You're both very high-maintenance women that he feels obligated to help. Carly: You know what? Don't even think about comparing Jason's misguided whatever that he has with Brenda to what Jason and I have. Sam: You're absolutely right, Carly. There are many differences. I mean, you, of course, are much closer to Jason than Brenda is. So if you're feeling so threatened and insecure, by all means hop on a plane to Rome and go stake your claim. [SCENE_BREAK] Patrick: Tell me you've got something. Spinelli: I just completed yet another search of Dr. Niles and found nothing of use. No trail of credit card purchases, no suspicious withdrawals that might indicate unrecorded expenditures of a sinister nature. Patrick: I don't know why I'm surprised that she covered her tracks. She's planned everything so meticulously so far. She hasn't incriminated herself once. Spinelli: Well, then it might be best to stand back and reassess the situation. Patrick: I don't have time to reassess the situation. My wife is missing. I need to find a way to trip up Lisa and get her to admit everything that she's done. Spinelli: Perhaps you're too focused on the person you wish to be guilty, and in doing that, you're unwittingly turning a blind eye to clues that might point you in a different direction. Patrick: The only direction is Lisa, Spinelli. She's behind this. Spinelli: Okay, the goal is to find your beloved wife and mother of your child. With that in mind, you may need to consider alternative scenarios. Isn't finding Robin more important than proving Lisa wrong? [SCENE_BREAK] Stone: We were teenagers when I died. You've had all these years to build me up in your memory, and you forget the ways I failed you. Robin: You didn't fail me. You were the love of my life. Stone: I was careless. I slept with a girl I knew did intravenous drugs. I only got tested for HIV once. I told you that you were safe with me and it wasn't true. Robin: We made those mistakes together. It wasn't your fault. Stone: You still can't let yourself get angry at me, even after all these years. You need to see me for who I was, and you need to let me go, or you really cannot move on. Robin: I tried to move on. I... Now I wish I hadn't, you know? I fell in love with Patrick and I married him, and then he went and cheated on me. You would have never done that. Stone: How can you be sure? Robin: Because I know you. Stone: You knew a 19-year-old boy who got a death sentence. We were stopped in our tracks by the reality of AIDS. Robin, our time was limited, so we tried to make everything count. Robin: We did. Every single moment was precious. Stone: What if I hadn't gotten sick? What if had lived? What if we had followed our dreams? Would we have fallen apart? Would we have argued? Robin: No. We would have figured out a way to be together. Our love was that strong. Stone: Tell me about Patrick. Tell me, why did you fall in love with him? Robin: [Laughs] I don't know. At first I thought he was an obnoxious jerk. Stone: I'm seeing a pattern. Robin: I thought he was a cliché. You know, a brilliant surgeon with a God complex, chasing everything in a skirt. Stone: What changed your mind? Robin: There was this one surgery. Patrick had blood on blood contact with an aids patient, and he had to do the drug therapy to prevent infection. We talked a lot in those days, and I got to see this side of Patrick, you know, this vulnerable side that he didn't show the rest of the world. Then he got to see me, you know, someone that faces her fears, and, I don't know, when it was all said and done, I was able to see Patrick for this kind, vulnerable man that I wanted to marry. Stone: Then you got everything I wished for you. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Hey, what a surprise. Come in. What's up? Molly: I got Charity's mom to drop me off. I told her you'd give me a ride back home. If that's okay. Sam: Of course. Yeah. Of course. Actually, I just ordered some Chinese food if you want to stay and eat with me. Molly: Thanks, but I already ate. Sam: You already ate. Sit down. What's on your mind? Molly: I went over to Uncle Sonny's house. Sam: Mm-hmm. Molly: And now I really wish I hadn't. Sam: Why? Molly: Well, Kristina got her senior pictures, and she wanted Uncle Sonny to have one, but she didn't want to look like she cares too much, so she had me bring them. And when I got to Uncle Sonny's house, guess who was there. Sam: Who? Molly: Claire Walsh. Sam: Ooh. Well, I can't say that I'm that surprised. Molly: Well, it's obvious he's getting seriously involved with her, and Kristina's gonna hate it. Sam: Yes, she probably will. Molly: Actually, I hate it, too. Molly: I mean, Uncle Sonny gave me this whole speech about how he's an adult and he can date who he wants. And I really tried to listen, but, I'm sorry, I just can't believe he's dating the federal prosecutor who put Michael in prison. [SCENE_BREAK] Spinelli: Ohm... ohm... Carly: Have you talked to Jason? I know he's stuck in Rome, but I'm wondering if you've heard from him. Spinelli: The Jackal would love to be of assistance, but, alas, he cannot. Ohm... Carly: Sam told me he's still in Rome because Brenda's in trouble, according to Brenda. Spinelli: The Valkyrie would do well to join the Jackal in his meditative repose. It would help clear her thoughts. Carly: My thoughts are clear. Brenda's taking advantage of Jason. Spinelli: I sincerely doubt that the divine one would take advantage of-- Carly: Stop calling her that. Spinelli: The nomenclature's apt. And Stone Cold calls only when necessary, because the Jackal has a tendency to digress into ruminations about the uncanny resemblance between the divine one and Ariel Blaine, superspy. Carly: Oh, my gosh, you are gonna be so disappointed if you ever meet Brenda. Spinelli: That's impossible. Carly: Whatever. I don't want to talk about it anymore. Spinelli: Okay. Carly: Jason can stay there and help her out forever for all I care. We're just gonna use his time away wisely. Spinelli: We? Carly: Mm-hmm. We. We're going to step up our plan to frame Dante. Spinelli: The Jackal had hoped the Valkyrie had softened on Dante. Carly: You thought wrong. Spinelli: O-o-hh-mm... [SCENE_BREAK] Lucky: Look, I gave myself an out, okay? I told Seamus that I'd try to get there but I wasn't sure if I'd be able to make it. Dante: Right. And if Ronan doesn't show up, his good buddy Seamus is gonna come looking for him. Lucky: I managed to convince Siobhan that I'm Ronan. Lulu: Siobhan has an emotional stake in this. She wants to believe Ronan's story because he killed her boyfriend. She needs to think that he can find redemption. It's gonna be a lot harder to convince a hired gun who has close ties to Ronan. Dante: Okay, look, why don't I intercept this Seamus guy and make up a reason to question him and buy you some time. Lulu: Fine. I'm going with you. Lucky: No, no, listen. This guy is a killer same is Ronan. It's too dangerous. Lulu: You need help. That's why we're here, to make sure you get through this alive. Now, can we stop wasting time and get going? Dante: Where are you meeting Seamus? Lucky: It's a town called Kinsale. It's in County Cork. Siobhan! Siobhan! [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia: So did you guys come up with anything that could help find Robin? Johnny: No, they're still looking. I didn't want to press it with Maxie in the moment, but I really do think that Robin took off on her own. Olivia: Well, I think it's very nice of you to help out regardless. Johnny: Well, anything to get in your good graces. Even if it means watching that lovely chick flick. Olivia: Don't be prejudiced. It's got a lot of action and violence in this movie. Johnny: Right, yeah. "Two women are best of friends, living in a small Arkansas town. A struggling waitress, an unloved housewife with a sexist husband--" Olivia: Knock it off. They shoot a guy and go on a rampage. So... [Knock on door] Johnny: Ohh. Can hold that thought? Olivia: Yes. Johnny: Please? Olivia: I will. Johnny: Hi. Maya: Um, I'm interrupting. Sorry, I didn't realize. You know, I am gonna murder Ethan. Ethan: Sorry about all the confusion here. Johnny: No, come in, please. Ethan: Just give me a minute, I'll have it all sorted out. Listen, mate, I was hoping that I could use your place to spend some time with Maya tonight. Johnny: What's wrong with your place? Ethan: Have you seen my place? It's not exactly the kind of place to make a good impression. Did you get my message? Johnny: Yes. If you would have checked your messages, you would have gotten my message saying that this place is being used tonight, as you can see. Maya: Olivia, I am so sorry, but we will be out of your hair in just a minute. Olivia: You've got absolutely nothing to apologize for. Maya: You know, I should have known this invitation was bogus. Remember a couple of months ago Ethan tried to pass this penthouse off as his own? Olivia: Oh, well, you gotta give the guy points for creativity, right? Maya: Or kick him in the head for being a pathological liar. Olivia: It's not like we had any big plans for the evening. We were just gonna stay here and watch a movie. Which is empty. You know what? I left the DVD back at my house. I did. It's back at my house. Why don't we head back to my place and we'll watch it there. Okay? Johnny: Oh, wow. You owe me. Olivia: You guys have fun. Maya: Okay. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't walk out that door. Ethan: Well, 'cause you'll have so much more fun if you stay. [SCENE_BREAK] Molly: Uncle Sonny says Claire didn't mean for Michael to go to prison. Sam: Well, I believe that's true. Molly: Well, but it still feels wrong that he's dating her. Sam: Well, Sonny probably justifies it because of all the kind of really cool stuff that she's done. I mean, if you think about it, she is the one who got Jason into prison so he could protect Michael, and got him right back out again. Molly: Now you're justifying it. Sam: Come on. Drink this. Cut me some slack. I'm trying to be a good...and wise older sister here. Molly: Well, it's just that Kristina's gonna use this as another reason to be mad at her dad. Sam: Okay, listen, I'm not really a big fan of Claire Walsh, but Krissy's gonna have to realize that Sonny is the only father she's got. Molly: So you're saying she should just smile and make nice whatever he does? Sam: No. Okay, listen. Krissy's gonna have to understand something, and so are you, actually. As you get older, you're gonna have to learn to accept that nobody's perfect. Not even those you love and admire. [SCENE_BREAK] P.A.: Dr. Bach, call 6913. Dr. George Bach, call 6913. Lisa: Hey. Patrick: You okay? Lisa: Um, I'm trying to take it in stride. I mean, honestly, I'm a little freaked out the way that Mac just dragged me into the police station. He didn't let me, uh, talk to an attorney, he didn't read me my rights, he just called me in and then accused me of kidnapping Robin. Patrick: But he let you go. Lisa: Well, yeah, he had no choice. Mac doesn't have anything that resembles proof. He's just convinced that I'm somehow plotting to make Robin look unstable. Well, for example, he said that he thinks that I threw myself in front of her car. I mean, that's my favorite. Why would I purposely put myself in the hospital? I'm sorry, I'm rambling. I... [Sighs] I'm just a little unnerved by all of it. Patrick: Well, I don't blame you. I just--I hope it's over now. Lisa: Not even close, 'cause when I was in the station, Mac had some of his forensics buddies ransack my apartment and impound my car. I don't even want to go back home because everything is gonna be torn up. It just feels like such a violation. Patrick: It's just not fair for Mac to just trample on your rights like that just because he doesn't want to accept the fact that Robin took off. [SCENE_BREAK] Robin: I believed Patrick when he said that he wanted to commit to me, to be a husband and a father. But he didn't change. You know? And he can't have things both ways. Stone: Making a new life with someone while holding on to the past. Robin: Exactly. Stone: Kind of like what you're doing with me? I'm not excusing what Patrick did. I'm just saying, there's two sides to everything. Robin: Wait a minute. You're comparing my husband cheating on me to me honoring the memory of someone that I loved? Stone: How have you been honoring me? Robin: What kind of question is that? Stone: Humor me. Robin: I don't know. Photo albums and...a diary, you know. Sometimes I get it out and I read it. Stone: How often? Robin: I don't know. Something really sad happened last spring, so I read it then. Stone: And Patrick knows you're reading your old diary about your first love. Robin: Well, so what, you know? He wasn't very nice about it, which baffles me, because what happened with us happened a long time ago, long before I even met Patrick. And I try to honor your memory by giving back to the HIV and aids community. I went to Africa to help people that were suffering. Stone: Suffering the way I suffered. Robin: Yes. What is wrong with that? Stone: Nothing. Nothing. But you put all those pieces together and it paints a really clear picture. Come on, there's a place in your heart that's permanently out of Patrick's reach. [SCENE_BREAK] Maya: So you kicked Johnny out of his own penthouse, and now you just help yourself to his wine. Ethan: Yeah. I mean, Johnny and I are mates. I'm sure I'd let him do the same. Probably. Maya: [Laughs] I have never met anyone quite like you. You just--you live life on your own terms. You take each day as it comes, without worrying about what's going to happen or what people think. Ethan: That's not true. Maya: I meant that as a compliment. [Laughs] No, um, seriously, you just-- you don't stress the small stuff. And you don't really take things too seriously. Ethan: Again, not true. Maya: Okay. Name one thing that's really important to you. Ethan: Hmm, well, there's certainly one thing that springs to mind. Maya: Okay, okay, forget about that, just for a moment. Pretend I don't exist. What's one thing that truly matters to you? Matters just as much tomorrow as a week from now, a year from now. Ethan: [Sighs] Well, there is one thing, the last thing I expected--my family. Maya: Huh. That surprises me. Ethan: Why? Maya: I don't know. You just-- you don't really seem like a guy that's tied down to family. Ethan: Well, that's just it. I'm not tied down, you know. There's no pressure at all. In fact, my whole family is people who do what they want to do. But I know that if I'm ever in a jam, then the Spencers will have my back, you know? And that's--that's something I've never had before. Maya: I envy you. Ethan: Why? You got a pretty big family of your own. Maya: Yeah, I do. But for me, family is a standard I have to measure up to. But for you, it's just something you can enjoy being a part of. Ethan: You know, I think I'm going to have to, uh, teach you some lessons on how to enjoy. [SCENE_BREAK] [Music playing] Lulu: Watch out for the sheep. Dante: Yeah, I see them. Uh, you know, I think we might have made a wrong turn somewhere. Shouldn't we see some intersections or some lights-- Lulu: No, no, no. We're in rural Ireland. Once you get out of the city, it's like one-lane roads. Dante: Okay, wait, wait. What does that say? Is that that bally whatever the hell it is we're looking for? Lulu: No, no, we're looking for Ballylynde, not Ballyclaugh. It's gonna be at least 5 kilometers more on this road. Dante: Of course it's kilometers. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucky: Siobhan! Wait! Siobhan. Siobhan: Save your breath. I've heard more than enough lies. Lucky: I can explain. Siobhan: Stop the act! You're an undercover cop pretending to be Ronan O'Reilly. Interpol sent you here to expose the Balkan. All of it's clear as a bell. No explanation needed. Lucky: [Drops accent] You don't know the whole story. Siobhan: You had a job to do, and I was an unexpected complication. So you used me. Fed me some sob story and I fell for it. I guess it's just that I wanted to believe that load of bull about you finding God. Lucky: That wasn't a lie. Okay? I mean, I...I changed some of the details, obviously, because I had to, but...that was the truth. Okay? I was telling you the truth about me. Lucky: I was engaged, to a woman that I'd been in love with for half of my life. And I found out that she was sleeping with my brother. And it--it filled me with so much anger and rage that I couldn't see past it. And I--I started drinking too much. I was spiraling completely out of control. And when I was at my lowest point... I wound up in that church. And I suddenly realized that-- that God was there, and that maybe, just maybe, there was a reason for all the pain and the suffering that I was going through. And if I could just grab ahold of the smallest amount of hope and faith, maybe it could change everything. That was true, Siobhan. That happened to me. Siobhan: I don't give a damn one way or another. I'm leaving and you can't stop me. Unless you try to shoot me, but that'd be against the law, now, wouldn't it? Officer: Police! Keep your hands where we can see them. Second Officer: Well, top of the evening' to you, Ronan. You mind telling us about the two dead men we found in the alley? [SCENE_BREAK] Dante: You know, I may be a city boy and out of my league and everything, but we're driving on a dirt road through the woods. Lulu: So? Dante: So I'm thinking maybe, maybe we missed the turnoff. Lulu: No, we're going in the right direction. Dante: We were on a paved road a few miles--kilometers back. Why don't we just turn around and look at the signs? Lulu: Because that would be a waste of time. Dante: What are you talking about? You've never even been to Ireland before. How would you know that? Don't tell me it's 'cause of your Spencer instinct. Lulu: My Spencer instincts are like radar. Dante: Then I'm sorry to tell you, baby, but your radar's down. We need to get directions. Lulu: Okay, um, we haven't seen a human being for miles. Dante: Kilometers. Lulu: Fine. We can ask the sheep where the turnoff was for Ballylynde. Why don't you open the map like a normal person? Dante: Wow. 'Cause the map we have does not even have the road we were on on it. Lulu: Just turn it--okay, we started right--whoa. [Car knocking] Dante: What the hell was that? [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: You do understand why I'm so upset with Dante, why I'm still angry? Michael's suffering. I can see it every time I look into his eyes, every time he speaks about prison. Spinelli: He's attempting to put his detestable weeks in Pentonville behind him. I suggest you do the same. Carly: And then what? Dante gets away with everything? He gets to go on with his life and who cares what happened to Michael? Spinelli: The betrayer's cavalier attitude is indeed repugnant. Carly: That's right. And you know Dante's history as well as I do. He's lied over and over again. He gets people to trust him and he stabs them in the back. Spinelli: That indeed has been his odious pattern. Carly: And Jason could be next. Dante got Jason to drop his guard with the whole Franco mess. Jason won't see it coming. Spinelli: The Jackal will protect his master by any means necessary. Carly: Good. But we have to be careful, okay? Nothing can happen to Dante while he's still responsible for Michael. Once Michael's parole is lifted... we rip his life apart. Spinelli: No barrier shall impede the Jackal. Carly: [Chuckles] You can set the whole thing up. And once you take care of everything, we just sit back and watch the karmic hammer fall. [SCENE_BREAK] Patrick: You know, I really wanted to believe Robin that you were setting her up, but now I don't know what to think. Lisa: Well, all I can do is tell the truth and hope that people believe me. Patrick: I keep thinking maybe Robin's always been this unstable. I don't know. I mean, did she fall apart when I cheated on her? Lisa: Well, you cheated on her because you were unhappy. You knew in your heart that Robin was wrong for you. Patrick: Okay, Mac, don't do this. You've put Lisa through enough. Mac: Lisa's clean. We questioned her and searched her apartment. We found no evidence that she took Robin. That leaves you, Patrick. I'm placing you under arrest... Patrick: What are you talking-- Mac: For assault and kidnapping. You have the right to remain silent. If you give up that right, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. [SCENE_BREAK] Stone: Robin. Do you wish you died when I did? Robin: No. No, never. I...I love my life. I love my career. I love my friends. And my family. I have a daughter. Emma. The daughter that I never thought I could have. I almost named her Anna Karen like you and I had talked about, but...Emma's not some child that I dreamed up. She's real. She's my daughter with Patrick. I can't let her grow up without me. She needs me, so...I have to get home to her. Stone: Then you will. Robin: I'll always love you, Stone. Stone: I know. Hmm. That is why I'm here, because I'm part of you. I love you, Robin. | Maya implies that Ethan is taking advantage of his friendship with Johnny |
603 | Brooke: (Sighs) Yes. Yes, I'm sure. This is what I want. You're my lawyer. I need you to tell me if I can do it. So I can name it anything I want? That's what I want to hear. [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: Didn't you get my messages? Thomas: Yeah, I haven't listened to them. Stephanie: Why? Thomas: 'Cause I didn't have to. I knew what they would say. Stephanie: Oh, really? I was calling you to find out about the meeting, you know, what Brooke has planned. Thomas: I figured you would know. Stephanie: No. Oh, well, as long as she doesn't sic Hope on you, I guess we'll be okay. Thomas: Grandma, Hope knows I'm lying. Stephanie: Hope wants to believe that you're lying, because the alternative is something that she wouldn't be able to bear. Thomas: But Brooke didn't harm anybody. Do you honestly believe Hope is better off if she just thought that her mom-- Stephanie: Yes. Are your mother and father not better off already? Thomas: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: Ready to go? Taylor: Oh, just about. Um, I just have to get my cell phone. I don't know where I put it. Ridge: I talked to dad. He said Brooke isn't there yet. Taylor: Did he say why they're having this meeting? Ridge: No, he has no idea. But he doesn't know about Brooke and Thomas either. Taylor: Do you think he's about to find out? Ridge: I hope not. Taylor: I know this has been very painful for you. Ridge: I had to do it. Taylor: Yes, you did, and not just for your sake, Ridge, but for our son's. You have forgiven Brooke so many times in the past. Ridge: (Sighs) Taylor: But I really think Thomas would be crushed if you were to give her a free pass on this one. [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: I don't want you in that meeting. Thomas: Don't think I was invited. Stephanie: Good, because Brooke isn't gonna want you there when she calls you a liar. Thomas: Yeah, well, she wouldn't be wrong. Stephanie: Oh, stop it. It would have happened eventually, and the whole thing would have blown up into a scandal. Thomas: You don't know that. Stephanie: I know Brooke. Thomas: Right. Mom and dad have a chance again, so naturally, you're Brooke's enemy again. Stephanie: No, no. Brooke has always been her own worst enemy, because she doesn't have any concept of boundaries. Thomas: Isn't that why you guys became friends in the first place-- she wouldn't leave you alone? Stephanie: You mean just like your mother asked her to leave you alone, and she wouldn't? You know what her problem is? She won't do anything anybody asks she won't leave anybody alone. She always gets what she wants. Why were you on the plane to Sydney, the two of you? Because she had convinced your father not to give up the Taboo line. He saw the danger. He wanted to cancel the whole thing, and she talked him out of it. Thomas: No, Grandma. That's not how it happened. You know that. (Sighs) Stephanie: Tom, your family is about to be put back together again, and you are right here positioned to take control of this company, the company that you love. Don't worry about Brooke, honey. She'll land on her feet. She's gonna be perfectly fine. Just sit back and relax, all right? You look good in that chair. [SCENE_BREAK] Marcus: What's up? It's good to be back. It is. You ain't slow. (Laughs) Dayzee: Aw. You've been missed. Marcus: Have I? [SCENE_BREAK] (Door opens) Thomas: Brooke. Uh, is it time for the meeting? Brooke: I need to talk to you first. Thomas, have you remembered anything else? Thomas: Have you? Brooke: No. And I'm beginning to think I won't. [SCENE_BREAK] Jackie: Mm, oh, baby. Owen: Mm. Jackie: Oh, that feels so good. (Chuckles) A little lower. Owen: A little lower? Jackie: Just--yes, yes, yes. Mm, thank you. (Chuckles) Stephanie: I see the charm hasn't worn off. Owen: (Sighs) Jackie: Oh, you're just jealous. (Chuckles) Stephanie: I am. Owen: Hello, Stephanie. Stephanie: (Chuckles) Hi. Owen, how are you, cutie? Mwah. Owen: Nice to see you. Jackie: Darling, you know that our lunch wasn't till tomorrow. Mwah. Stephanie: I didn't come here to see you. Jackie: Oh. Stephanie: I came to see your son, but I can't find him. He wasn't in his office. Nick: Hey, there's a neon sign that told me you're in the building. Hi, Stephanie. Stephanie: (Laughs) Hi, honey. How are you? Nick: Uh-oh, don't tell me. Mm, you need a job. Stephanie: How did you know? (Laughs) No, actually, I'm here looking for a little insurance. Nick: Hmm. Stephanie: Hmm. [SCENE_BREAK] Marcus: All right. Dayzee: Thank you. Marcus: Uh-huh. There you go. (Sighs) Yep. This is home, Dayzee. Dayzee: Mm, I don't know it sounded like you were having such a good time in Paris, though. Marcus: Yeah, just-- it felt like the right time to come back. Dayzee: I bet your parents are thrilled. Marcus: Well, I hope they're not the only ones. So you're good? Dayzee: Oh, yeah. I'm doing good. Coffee shop's good. Yeah. Marcus: Hmm, that's cool. So you-- I mean. Everything's well? You and Thomas-- you're good? Dayzee: I think so. I don't know, to be honest... (Sighs) you know, when he got back, we were together all the time. I thought things were getting a little more serious, but lately... Marcus: Things have changed. Dayzee: Thomas has changed. Marcus: But you two still are--I mean, you're-- you're still seeing each other, right? Dayzee: (Sighs) Marcus: Hey, I'm gonna do me. I mean, you can't blame a guy for asking Dayzee: (Laughs) No, no. You should be asking about Thomas. You know, he's not himself. Marcus: Hmm. Dayzee: And I'm not the only one who's noticed. I ran into some of his friends at the coffee shop, and they said it's like he dropped off the map. Marcus: Well, he kind of did, Dayzee. Dayzee: I know. (Scoffs) I even asked Madison about it. I know. It's-- Marcus: (Chuckles) Dayzee: She said at the office, he's driven, but he's not his normal, you know, charming self. I don't know. I just think something's happened, and he's really dealing with something heavy. [SCENE_BREAK] Thomas: (Sighs) Brooke: I know Hope came to see you. Thomas: She was pretty upset. Brooke: Which is why I have to ask. Thomas: I really wish you wouldn't, Brooke. Brooke: Do you think it's possible that you made a mistake, that maybe it was part of a hallucination? Look, Thomas I'm not calling you a liar, and I know you wouldn't intentionally want to hurt me. You're a good person. You're honest. But maybe you're remembering something that didn't really happen. I mean, two people can be under the influence of the same hallucinogen and not really have the same experiences that-- Thomas: No, I know what you're asking me to say, Brooke, but... (Sighs) I can't. All right? I-I just can't. Brooke: Okay. You're right. It's not fair. You know... (Sighs) it's not why I came here anyway. Thomas: Yeah, the meeting. Brooke: I want you there. Thomas: Stephanie doesn't. Brooke: She doesn't know what I'm going to do. Thomas: (Sighs) Which is what? Brooke: The only thing I have left to do. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: Oh, Stephanie, I'm afraid my mother's gonna want to know what's goin' on here. Stephanie: Oh, your mother always knows what's going on, and so do you, I think. Nick: Yeah, let's see. Insurance-- you come here for insurance. So if history repeats itself, you're here to talk to me about Brooke. Stephanie: Ridge moved out. Nick: Out of the house? Stephanie: Out of the house, out of her bed. The marriage is over. Nick: (Scoffs) He'll change his mind if he hasn't already. Stephanie: Not this time. Nick: Stephanie, he just got back with her. He's not gonna move out. Stephanie: Yeah, unless he had to. Nick: Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait. You always do this. Now I know that, because every time "the meathead" and Brooke get in an argument, you pay me a visit. Stephanie: Look, she's going to be alone, all right? I mean, really alone, as alone as I was when I found out I had the cancer, and she's gonna have to face some difficult times. I-I don't think she should have to do that on her own. Nick: Well, then, Stephanie, as you said, she was there for you. Maybe it's time for you to be there for her. Stephanie: I have to side with Ridge on this. Nick: On what? Stephanie: Let's not get into it. Just suffice to say... (Sighs) she's gonna need a friend, okay? Can't you be that friend for her? Nick: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: Ridge, I'm telling you. Our son needs our help. Ridge: Well, I want to be there for him. The truth is, I haven't been. I've been avoiding him. Taylor: Yeah, but you can't keep doing that. Our son is suffering. Ridge: Because of what he and Brooke did. Taylor: Because of what she did to him. Ridge: Taylor, he's not a child. I feel betrayed by the both of them. Taylor: I'm so sorry, Ridge. Ridge: Look, I'm afraid for him, too. I know he's struggling. But I just don't want to do or say the wrong thing here. Taylor: (Sighs) I know, Ridge, but the longer you stay silent, the only choice he has is to fill that void with guilt. And sooner or later, this could really overwhelm him. I really think you need to reach out to him. You just need to talk to him. I think you should go talk to him right now. [SCENE_BREAK] Marcus: When you say he's going through something heavy, you mean emotionally? Dayzee: Yeah. He seems pretty distant. Marcus: Since the crash? Dayzee: He wasn't like this when he first got back. I mean, he didn't want to open up about the accident, but that's normal. I mean, you see how upset Brooke got at the press conference a few weeks ago. Marcus: Well, you can understand why-- what they must have gone through. Dayzee: Exactly, but... I don't know. I thought he'd open up eventually. Marcus: But instead, he pulled back? Dayzee: Yeah, way back. I don't know. Something's going on with him, something he doesn't want anyone to know. Marcus: You don't have any idea what that is? Dayzee: No. I-I-I don't know. I--some people at the shelter that I knew, they would carry around a lot of grief, you know, and it would weigh on them. Marcus: Mm. Dayzee: I could see it on them, and that's what I see with Thomas. He said that he'd made a choice, but he didn't know if it was the right one. Marcus: Well, if it's eating him up like this, then maybe it wasn't. Dayzee: Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: You've always cared about Brooke. I'm assuming that you still do. Nick: So you're really serious that Ridge and Brooke have split up? Stephanie: They're finished. They're finished. Nick: 'Cause I know Whip and Taylor-- Stephanie: Honey, this is your opportunity. Nick: Is that what's happened here? Did Ridge go back to Taylor? Stephanie: Let's say that Ridge has finally lost the blinders that he has where Brooke is concerned. You, on the other hand, should keep them on. Nick: I don't have a binder on. Stephanie: Oh, yes, you do. That's why you've carried the torch for her all these years. I know you still love her. Nick: Stephanie, what happened?! Stephanie: (Scoffs) That's not important-- what happened. The important thing is the opportunity is here. If you don't grab it, she'll end up with someone else, and it isn't gonna be my son. Nick: See, I don't understand. I thought that you and Brooke had made up, and you're friends and all chummy now. Stephanie: I don't want to see her damaged by this permanently, okay? That's why I came to see you. Nick: And now I'm smelling a rat here, because if you really cared about Brooke, you'd be talking to Ridge about this, asking him to patch all this up himself. Stephanie: That's not gonna happen after what-- Nick: After what? Stephanie: Look, it's not important. The point is she's available. This was coming for a long time anyway. Look, I-I've gotta get back to the office, okay? She's got a... (Sighs) meeting scheduled. (Groans) Nick: Brooke is still working over there? Stephanie: That's not important, sweetheart. What's important is your opportunity is here and now. Don't blow it. [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: I've taken a hard look at myself, Thomas... (Sighs) and I didn't like what I saw. I'm horrified by what I did to you, to my marriage... (Sighs) to my family. I don't really know the person that I am. But I do know the person that I want to be. [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: Ridge, your son is so loyal to you. Of all people, he came to you and told you first. Ridge: Doc, I'm trying to forgive him. Taylor: Are you really? Ridge: He's my son. I love him. You know that, and he knows that. Taylor: But if you can't even look at him, Ridge... Ridge: I just wish I'd never sent them to Sydney. Taylor: You could not have known what could happen. Ridge: Well, I did, though. I knew that they kissed on the plane the first trip, and I sent them off again. Taylor: But that wasn't your fault. Ridge: I just wish it had never happened, Doc. I wish to God it wasn't true. Taylor: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Dayzee: You know what? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to go on like this. (Chuckles) Marcus: You're worried. It's okay. Dayzee: Thank you. But just don't say anything, okay? I don't want Thomas to know that we were talking about him. If he did... (Groans) Marcus: Then he doesn't know you at all, Dayzee. Dayzee: Watch it. Marcus: (Chuckles) Dayzee: (Sighs) I know I'm getting worked up over nothing. But, you know, I'd call him hoping that everything would good, and then he'd get on the phone, and it would just be the same. Marcus: Yeah, I sent him a couple texts myself, you know, once I heard him and Brooke was rescued. "Glad you're back. Glad you're okay," that sort of thing. Dayzee: Yeah? Marcus: My mom said that he was okay, doin' a lot better than my aunt Brooke. Dayzee: Maybe Thomas was, too, you know, more than he wants to admit. Maybe he doesn't want anyone to know everything he's feeling. Marcus: Could be that it didn't hit him until later. Dayzee: Yeah, you know, he said he wanted to put it behind him and focus on the future, but I just don't think he's been able to. Look, I want to help him, Marcus. But if he isn't gonna talk to me, he's gotta talk to somebody. [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: I am despicable. (Sighs) Thomas: (Sighs) Come on, Brooke. You don't even remember what happened. Brooke: Well, it doesn't really matter. I've taken a-a good look inside, and... I don't really like that person that I see. Thomas: Okay, okay. Now stop. Brooke: No, don't, please. Thomas: It's okay. Brooke: No, it's not, Thomas. I never meant to hurt you. Thomas: Look, listen to me. All that stuff my mom said-- it's not true. Brooke: I think she knows what she's talking about. Thomas: No, she doesn't. Nobody does. (Sighs) Uh... (Chuckles) Brooke: What? What is it? (Door opens) Eric: Good, I'm not late. Brooke: Oh, Eric, I think you're a little bit early. Eric: I was surprised to get your e-mail. You haven't been into the office very often. Brooke: No, I haven't. That's why I wanted to call this meeting. Let's just wait till everybody gets here, all right? Eric: Who else is coming? Brooke: Ridge, Taylor, Stephanie. Eric: So it's not an owners' meeting? Brooke: No, it's not. It's something else. Taylor: Just prepare yourself. Thomas? I didn't know you were gonna be here. Thomas: Neither did I. Ridge: Hello, son. Thomas: Dad. Ridge: Logan, I don't think Thomas should be involved in this. Brooke: I think he'll want to hear what I have to say. You all will. Stephanie: I hope I haven't held you, uh, up. Thomas: Just started. Stephanie: Okay, well, um... now that we're all here, let the crocodile tears flow. | Brooke tells Thomas that she needs to talk to him first before her meeting |
604 | [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Rafe: Ma, what's wrong? Are you all right? Natalia: I bet on a long shot, and I lost our future. It was greedy, and I will never forgive myself. Rafe: Ma, you know we're going to be okay, right? I mean, we always are. Mallet: I mean, we decided to buy a house on a whim. So what do you say we get married on a whim. Me and this hot, little redhead are tying the knot! Marina: We're getting married! [SCENE_BREAK] Mallet: I cannot believe we're still cleaning up. Marina: Have you ever noticed how weird people get around Thanksgiving? Mallet: Weird, how? Marina: I don't know. They just do or say weird things. You know, it's like they get really emotional. Mallet: Well... I don't know. Maybe it's that stuff in the turkey, that try... "trytiplene." Marina: The tryptophan? Mallet: The tryptophan. Marina: No, no, no. That puts people to sleep. I'm talking about during the day. It's like everyone is a little more dramatic. You know? They get a little more upset, a little more in love... I guess all the holidays do that, really. Forget New Year's. Mallet: Where should I put the coffee cups? Marina: Up there. My point is: People say things or feel things that they can't even remember the next day, so why bother? Mallet: Uh-huh. Yeah. Marina: Yeah? Mallet: Yeah... yeah, I'm agreeing with you. I hear everything you're saying. Marina: Uh-huh. Mallet: Can you put that in the fridge for me? Thank you. I'm listening. Marina: Oh my gosh! What are these? Mallet: Those are for you. You thought that I forgot all about wanting to marry you. Marina: No, no, no. Mallet: Yes, yes, yes, you did. But that's okay. You're really lousy about hinting around. Marina: No, I'm not. Mallet: Are too. Marina: Am not. Mallet: Are too. (Laughter) One for this bride and one for that bride. How long am I going to have to wait before I start calling you "the little woman?" [SCENE_BREAK] Frank: How's it going? Rafe: Not bad, actually. Frank: That's what I hear. I just want you to know I put a call in. You're going to be assigned to the library by the end of the week. Rafe: Frank, you shouldn't... do you know how many people are up for that assignment? Frank: I know. Rafe: Oh, my God! Frank: But, guess what? It's yours. It comes with a catch, though. You're going to have to study, and you're going to have to get your G.E.D. Rafe: Oh, that is fine! That is done. Thank you, man. Frank: Any time. Rafe: Wow! I'm sorry. How is my mom? Frank: She's working too hard. She's running herself into the ground. She's trying to make up for that money that she lost. And it just... it kills me to see her like this. You guys are like family, you know what I mean. You guys are like honorary Cooper's here. I don't know, it's like we're connected. Rafe: All right. Why don't you just admit that you want to get with my mom? [SCENE_BREAK] Natalia: I had the money to get you a good lawyer, and I... I threw it away. It was me. I did this. It wasn't him. Please forgive me for wanting too much and losing what you gave me. I will work very hard to make up for it. Just please watch over Rafe. Please take care of my baby. [SCENE_BREAK] Buzz: Well, how's the V-8? Maureen: Delicious. Matt: I'm addicted to this stuff, thanks to her. It's good. Hey, Buzz, thanks for the donation of the food and the money for the fresh fruit and vegetables. Good work. Buzz: Well, V-8 had a great idea. I'm glad your brother's doing better? Maureen: Yeah, me, too. I'm actually going to see him later. Buzz: Recycling. Anything else I can get you? Matt: No. We've got to get going. We've got more pickups to make, right? Maureen: Yup. Matt: The police station and Cedars. Buzz: All of the bags are on the back porch, okay? In the back, okay? Maureen: Yup. Thank you, Buzz. Buzz: All right. Okay. I'm glad your brother's doing better. Matt: Okay. Good-bye. Thanks, Buzz. [SCENE_BREAK] Decker: Come on in. Can I get you something? Olivia: Ah, yeah. How about a check for $80,000? Decker: (Laughing) Why don't we make it a cool hundred? Olivia: I'm serious. I want you to give Natalia the money that she lost in your crazy little hedge fund scheme. Decker: That was a legitimate investment. And, like all investments, it carries some risk. Olivia: A risk she couldn't afford to take. Decker: I can't baby everyone who writes a check hoping to strike it rich. Olivia: No. Natalia is not everyone. Okay? She has a son in prison, and she struggles every day just to survive, to make a life for him to come home to. She's not a business woman. I mean, she barely got out of high school when she was pregnant. She had to work minimum wage jobs just to raise her son on her own. And then when she finally gets a break, she marries her high school sweetheart, and guess what? Decker: Do I have to? Olivia: He was killed in an accident before she even had a chance to live with him. She doesn't own a pair of shoes that cost more than $20, Larry. Is this the kind of woman you want to take money from? Decker: The money is gone... my money, too. The fund tanked. I don't know what you want me to do. Olivia: I want you just to pretend like the $80,000 wasn't a part of the money that you invested. Come on, this is a game for high rollers. Not a grieving widow with a few thousand dollars to her name. You shouldn't have taken the money in the first place. And think about this... think about the image that Galaxy is going to project. Do you really want to project the image of destroying lives, ruining families? Or do we want to show that we have compassion for someone who's only mistake was to put her trust in the wrong place? Come on, Larry. She only invested because she overheard you telling me what a great opportunity... Decker: Yeah. That was quite a mouthful. Olivia: Please, the money. Decker: Well, considering that I like Natalia... Olivia: Yeah? Decker: I'll give it some thought. Olivia: Thank you. It's really going to change her life, and you won't even miss it. Decker: Oh, I'll miss it. Olivia: That's too bad. [SCENE_BREAK] Buzz: Wow, you look like you're ready to conquer the world. Natalia: I don't feel like it. Buzz: No? Natalia: I have so many things to do today, I don't even know where to start. I have to go to the police station. I have to pick up a prescription and dry cleaning. I have a shift at Farley's I have to do. And then after that, I have an appointment to set up. Buzz: You know... if you need some eye drops, I have some underneath the bar, so you can... Natalia: Okay. Buzz: Frank told me about the money. I'm sorry. Natalia: How about that, huh? Buzz: Yeah. Natalia: I lost all of it. Everything Gus left Rafe. Buzz: Well, you know, I can float the rent for a couple of months. Natalia: No, no. Thank you. I appreciate the offer, but no. Fifth of the month, just like always. Buzz: I'm the worst businessman in the world. I've lost and made so much money in my life, so if you came in and told me you could triple what you put in, I'd say go for it. Natalia: I don't think Frank would have. Buzz: Well, you know, Frank's like you. He plays it safe. Natalia: Well, safe is safer. I learned that the hard way. Buzz: I know, but safe, you know, you get stuck. You were following your dreams. That's okay. It didn't work out this time. But you go ahead and follow your dreams. Maybe next time. Natalia: Next time? Buzz: Yeah. Maybe next time. Natalia: I forgot my briefcase. See you. Buzz: See you. [SCENE_BREAK] Rafe: I think you'd be okay. Frank: What? Rafe: For my mom. Frank: Wait a minute. You think that... Rafe: I think that if my mother wanted you, I think that you're an okay guy, you'd be okay for my mom. Frank: Thank you, I really appreciate you saying that. It means a lot to me. Rafe: Look Frank, I've said it before, I just want her to be happy. I want her to go out and have some fun. That's it. Frank: I don't know if she's ready for that. Rafe: I know because I'm in here and she feels like she has to be I church 24/7 and praying all the time and doing penance, but dude the truth is that she needs somebody. I know that. And you're a decent guy and I know that you would never hurt her. Frank: I wouldn't hurt her in a million years, not intentionally. Aww man, Natalia is just... Rafe: Oh my God. Frank: What's the matter? Rafe: Oh my God. I've seen that before. Frank: What are you talking about? Rafe: That look in your..I've seen it in my dad. Frank: Rafe, I'm not your father. Rafe: I know. Frank: I will never be, but I want to tell you something, if your mother and I were to get together, I promise you, I would totally take car of her and she certainly wouldn't have to work like she is right now. Between you and me, let me tell you something... she wouldn't work at all. Rafe: All right. All right. Keep talking. Frank: I think about her all of the time. I'm worried about her. She works way too hard. You know what I really would like to do? I would just like to take her out one time. Rafe: If you want her, then go get her. Frank: Right. [SCENE_BREAK] Mallet: Do you want me to come in? Marina: No. I can handle it. Mallet: Yeah, but I should at least ask your dad for your hand. Marina: I already gave it to you. Mallet: But it's tradition. Marina: Old-fashioned. Come on. I'll make a list of everything we need to do, and we can divvy up the jobs. And right now you can go rent a tux if you want. Mallet: Well, I have some other things cooking. Marina: Okay. Mallet: All right. So go! Let's tell your family the news, Mrs. Mallet. Marina: Okay. Mallet: Wait. That was a kiss of someone who's got a lot to do and is thinking about getting it done. I want to make sure that you're not jumping into this wedding for all of the wrong reasons. Marina: No. Mallet, ever since you asked me to marry you, it felt right. Mallet, I've always liked you. Even back when we were just partners. I was attracted to you then. But I was a smart girl and I kept my mouth shut and my hands to myself. Mallet: Oh, my God, you turn me on. Marina: I'm serious. It just... always... it always felt so right, you know? I mean, we were friends and partners and roommates. Oh, my God... don't you see? It's just been a natural progression. I don't want to wait to be your wife. I don't want to wait for any of this. I would have married you back at the casino. But I needed to make sure that you were sure. Mallet: Oh, I'm sure. Marina: Okay. Then get out of my way because I have a wedding to plan. Mallet: I love you. I said that, right? Marina: Once. Mallet: Okay, this is twice. Marina: I love you, too. Mallet: Call me, all right? Break a leg. Call me if you need my help, okay? Marina: Okay. Mallet: Hey. Natalia: Hi. Gotta go, I'm late. Mallet: Okay. How are you doing? Oh... yes, it's Mallet. Yeah, I just left her, and she doesn't suspect a thing. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalia: Oh, good, you're here. Frank: Hi. Natalia: I need two extra security guards at the Beacon this weekend. There is this big fundraiser dinner, lots of V.I.P.'s, and Olivia prefers police officers. If any of available. Do you know anyone? Frank: Hello. Natalia: Oh, I'm sorry. Frank: That's all right. You know what? No problem. I can give you a list and the names right here. Natalia: Thanks. Frank: Names and numbers. I saw Rafe. Natalia: When? Frank: Earlier today. Natalia: I didn't think there were any visiting hours until next week. Frank: Well were, you know what? It pays to be a cop. I actually scored him a job at the library. Natalia: You... really? Frank: Uh-huh. This way he can study and get his G.E.D. Natalia: Oh, Frank! Thank you! Frank: Oh, you're welcome. Natalia: So how did he take it when you told him? Frank: Well, about as good as you're taking it right now. Natalia: Oh, wow. Frank: You know what? This is... this is, I guess, the direction he should take right now. Natalia: Well, he'll have his diploma when he gets out... Frank: Yeah. Natalia: ... And he can go straight to college. Frank: That's exactly right. That's the plan. And you know what? At least prison won't be a total waste. Natalia: Well, no, not if he can study. Frank: Yeah. Natalia: So how... how is he? Frank: He's good. He's worried about you. Natalia: Me? Frank: Uh-huh. You know how kids are with their parents and all of that. He worries about you. He loves you. You know, like Marina. Marina feels that I'm workaholic. Natalia: Marina! Congratulations! Frank: What? Natalia: Yeah! Frank: What? Don't tell me she's pregnant? Natalia: What are you talking about? Frank: What are you talking about? Natalia: I'm talking about her wedding to Mallet. I heard them on the steps and they were talking about planning it. It was so sweet. Frank: What? Natalia: Oh, no! She didn't... Frank: No. Natalia: Oh, I did not just spoil this whole thing. Frank: Oh, my God! Natalia: I'm sorry. (Cell phone rings) Hello. Olivia: I need you to come get me. Natalia: Where are you? Olivia: I'm outside of Decker's room. I'm having a little trouble walking. Natalia: I will call an ambulance for you then. Olivia: No, no. He can't see me like this, okay? You come. Just you. Natalia: Okay, I'm on my way. Frank: Who needs an ambulance? [SCENE_BREAK] Marina: Hey! Coop: Hey. Marina: Is my dad around? Coop: No. Marina: Grandpa? Coop: Ah, does this look dirty to you? Marina: Yes. Coop: Okay. No. Marina: I was hoping to get everyone in the family together. Coop: Well, good luck with that. Frank is working too much, and Dad's at the doctor's office. What about this one? Is this one still... Marina: No. Spots. Coop: Oh! No, forget this. I'm done. Can you keep a secret? Marina: Better than any of you. Coop: Frank and Dad bought tickets for us to go on a family vacation, to Greece, to go see... Marina: Harley? Coop: Uh-huh. We leave in a couple of days. And Frank has already arranged for you to have some time off of work. So all you have to do is just pack your bags and get on the plane. Marina: I can't believe they did this without asking me. Coop: It's kind of why they call it a surprise. It's a Cooper family project. So you can't say no, really. What? What is it? Is this about the house? Because there's a project for that, too. As soon as we get back, we're all going to pitch in and help you do it up, just like we did for Harley. We'll make it into the palace of your dreams that you've been talking about. So we'll go ahead...well, I think we're just going to change the leaky faucets. But don't worry, I'm not going to touch the plumbing or the electric, I promise. Marina: Did anyone ever once consider that I might have a life? Coop: No. You're part of the Cooper army. You're like a private. Marina: What if I go AWOL. Coop: Why would you want to do that? Marina? Hey... what are you doing? Marina: Getting a beer. Coop: Don't you think it's a little early to be doing that? Marina: No. It comes with the territory. [SCENE_BREAK] Mallet: Marina? It's all clear. Come on in. Eleni: Oh, wow! This is such a nice house. Wow! It reminds me of the house that Frank and I moved into when Marina was little. It's a great place for kids and... it's really, really nice of you to invite me out here. I appreciate it. It doesn't mean that I'm happy that you guys are living here together, but, um... I'll try to keep an open mind. Mallet: Okay. Well, good. Because it's got to seem a little crazy, you know, me with Marina. Eleni: Well, it's probably better if we don't talk about it. Mallet: Okay. That works for me. Eleni: Overall, you're not a terrible choice for my daughter. Mallet: Thank you... I think. We're happy. Eleni: Well, that's good. Mallet: And I'm committed. Eleni: And that's better. Mallet: And I love Marina very much. And I think after you've been here for a while, you'll see that we belong together. Eleni: It's like I said, an open mind. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalia: What are you doing here all by yourself? Olivia: I had business. Natalia: Okay. But I can help you with that. That's why you hired me, so you don't have to be alone. Olivia: Okay. Are you going to scold me or are you going to help me up? Natalia: I'm sorry. We're going right to the hospital. Olivia: Fine, but I need a snack. Natalia: A snack. We're going to go to the hospital. Olivia: Don't be so anti-snack. Natalia: I still think I should call an ambulance. Olivia: Come on. You're no fun. Natalia: Don't worry, the doctor is going to be here in a minute. Olivia: Yeah. Leave it to me to get a bad pacemaker. Right? I mean, they'll probably have to take this out and put another one in. Natalia: Just... just relax. They're just going to give you like a little tune-up for whatever. Olivia: Yeah, that's it. I'm like a car with too many miles on it, you know? Eventually I'll just... Natalia: No. No, you're not. Look at me. You're going to be fine. Olivia: I'm very sorry. Natalia: Don't be. Olivia: I should have warned you... Natalia: What? Olivia: The investment. I should have... I should have said something. I wanted to, and... and I don't know. I just know you've lost all your money. Natalia: I can make it back. I'm going to be fine. Olivia: No. How can you... why do you have to be so brave? You don't have to be so brave all the time. Natalia: Just calm down. Olivia: I don't want to calm down. Why don't you get angry? Why don't you get angry? Hit something. Hit me! Because if you cost me $80,000, I would take you to court and I would sue you for the rights to your... your... what is it that you have? Nothing! Natalia: Just stop acting like you had anything at all to do with what happened. I made that investment. All on my own. All by myself. So just, really, quiet down before they have to come in here and reboot you. Olivia: Reboot me? Natalia: Resuscitate... whatever. Focus on yourself... focus on you and your kids. Olivia: Oh, Emma! She has a dance recital. I have to be there. What time is it? Natalia: No. It doesn't matter what time it is because you can't go. Olivia: No. I have to go. Natalia: No. Olivia: Otherwise she's going to be the only one there without a parent. Natalia: No. She won't. She won't. She'll have me. I can go. Olivia: No. It's not your job. Natalia: I know it's not my job. I love stuff like that. I remember Rafe's first talent show. He dressed up like Bruce Lee and he tried to break a board with his hand, and he broke his little pinky finger. The next year he sang. Olivia: Rafe sings? Natalia: Well, he sure didn't win. But he can dance... he's a good dancer. Olivia: I'm sure he is. Natalia: He would practice all over the house, and I used to stop what I was doing and watch him. Just amazing. So we're talking about Emma, and I would be very proud to go in your place. Olivia: What do we tell Emma? Natalia: I'll take care of that. You work on getting yourself back on your feet. Olivia: Okay. You handle that, and I'll handle this. It's just a reboot... that's all it is. Natalia: Uh-huh. Okay. Olivia: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Mallet: So it was after Gus and Harley split up, that Harley started... seeing... Eleni: Cyrus Foley, Marina's boyfriend. Mallet: Right. I guess she filled you in on that. Eleni: Yeah. Mallet: Yeah. Yeah, so there have been a lot of changes since you've gone. Eleni: I am more interested in the changes that have happened right here, in this house. Mallet, you know, it's not that I don't like you. It's just that she's my only child. Mallet: I wonder where she's been? I don't know what's taking her so long. She should be home any minute. Eleni: But you and Marina worked together for a long time? How did things change? Mallet: Um... well, it just kind of, um, kind of happened. It just happened. I didn't pursue her or anything. We were friends first. And, um... friends one minute, and then the next... Eleni: What? What would you call yourselves now? Mallet: Do you mind if I call her and see what is taking so long? Eleni: I want you to tell me how you feel about my daughter. Mallet: Um... well, how do I feel about your daughter? It's kind of complicated. I mean, it's, um... what do I feel? Well, like right now? I wish she was here because I miss her, and she makes everything better when she's around. And I don't just love her, I like her. Eleni: That's nice. Very important. Mallet: And you should see her on a job. You'd be so proud of her. She's such a great cop. And she's... she's very beautiful. And she's compassionate, and she's kind. And, um... she's very funny. She's a funny girl. There is really nobody else like her. And I highly respect her, totally. Everybody does. Marina is... she's just Marina. You know my history. Eleni: Yeah. Mallet: I loved Harley, and I loved Dinah, and I don't regret a minute of my time that I spent with either one of them, but those relationships were born in fire, and they never quite left it. Eleni: Fire? Mallet: You know, constant drama. A lot of drama. And none of that lasts. And Marina and I were friends first. And what we have, we built on solid ground. Kind of like this house. It doesn't wobble in every wind, and it doesn't leak in every storm. And it never will. We just get each other, you know? Eleni: I'm beginning to. Mallet: Good. Because I know it's very important to Marina, to have your blessing, and it's very important to me as well. [SCENE_BREAK] Frank: Hey, sweetheart, what's up? Marina: What's up? Coop just told me about the big plan to go visit Harley. Frank: Coop's got a big mouth. We wanted to surprise you. Marina: It was a surprise. Frank: Well, good. Good. Well, you know, we thought it would be a good idea for the whole family to kind of get away and relax... Marina: You know, what if I'm not in the mood to relax. Frank: Are you worried about seeing your Aunt Harley, or... Marina: No. No! No, it's not that. It's just I am an adult now, and I would like to be considered and consulted on these things before you just tell me to get on a plane. Frank: Listen, I'm sorry. We kind of thought it would be a great idea and a lot of fun, so we all kind of just jumped right in. I mean... it looks like you have maybe something else on your mind? Marina: Yes. Frank: Is it Mallet? Marina: No. It's you and it's Coop and it's Grandpa. Don't get me wrong. I love you guys, but I don't want to be a private in the Cooper army anymore. I want to be a general. You know, someone who leads, instead of... Frank: Instead of what? Marina: You guys are all over my life. All the time. It's my job, it's my relationship, it's my house. Frank: Marina, you know what? There are some people who would love to be in this family, whether it be by birth or marriage. Marina: I love you, Dad. Frank: I love you, too. What just happened here? [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia: Hi, I'm okay. Buzz: You've been better. You don't look okay. Olivia: What are you doing here? Buzz: I'm in for everything, you know, pancreas, liver... everything. Count my teeth. Olivia: (Laughing) Buzz: You're not okay. Heart? Olivia: Yeah. What else? Buzz: Is it serious? Olivia: I'll be fine. Eventually... maybe. I don't know. Buzz: What is it? Olivia: Emma's in a talent show, and I had to send Natalia and once again I'm stuck in this bed neglecting my kid. Buzz: You are not neglecting your kid. Olivia: What do you call it when you have to send someone else to mother your own child? Buzz: Listen to me. Would you stop beating yourself up. Every parent can't be every place for their kid. You're sick. Emma knows that. You got a substitute... you let Natalia do it. You know, not every person has someone to do that. Olivia: I just want to feel whole again. I want to be a mother and a business woman... Buzz: And a barracuda and a sex object and a trapeze artist... Olivia: (Laughing) Buzz: ...And sometimes you have to have the courage to reach out a little bit, and maybe you'll be able to pay her back. Olivia: I tried, but I'm not sure it's going to work out. Buzz: You don't have to tough it out. You're going to have to ask somebody for help. You're going to have to ask somebody for hugs. To let somebody hug you. Can I hug you? Olivia: Yes. [SCENE_BREAK] Marina: Hey. Okay. Mallet: Hey. Marina: So, change of plans. How much do you love me? Mallet: A lot. Marina: Okay, and I'm like the only thing that matters in your life, right? Mallet: Well, you and my fantasy football team, but for the sake of argument, I'll say yes. So what's going on? Marina: I ran into Coop today, and he told me about... a surprise. Is somebody here? Eleni: Surprise! Marina: Mom? (Laughter) Eleni: Oh, sweetie. Marina: What are you doing here? Mallet: Well, I flew her in, I told her I thought you might like her around for... Marina: To see the house? Yes! And all of our renovations. Oh, my gosh, this is so great! I can't wait to show you everything that we've done. Eleni: Oh, sweetie, you look wonderful. Marina: Oh, so do you. How did you get away? You've been so busy. Eleni: I hired an assistant. I'm learning to delegate. Marina: Excellent! That's good. Dad's going to be so happy to see you. Eleni: I'm going to be so happy to see him and everyone. Marina: I've missed you. Eleni: I've missed you, sweetie. Mallet: Marina, um... Marina: I don't want any coffee, but thank you. Come on, I'll show you the yard. Eleni: Oh, boy. [SCENE_BREAK] Frank: Hey, Coop? Coop: Uh-huh? Frank: Were you here when Marina showed up? Coop: Yeah. Frank: Did she tell you something that you should be telling me right now? Coop: No. Frank: Did she act like she wanted to tell you something? Coop: Yes. Frank: Ah, okay. Do you think you can answer the questions by saying just more than one word? Coop: Yes. What, Frank? She looked like she was whacked out about something, but then I told her about the trip to Greece, and, um... what is this about, anyway? Frank: Natalia overheard Marina and Mallet planning their wedding. Coop: Oh. Frank: Oh? Frank, what do you want me to say? This is a good thing, isn't it? Frank: You know what? I think they're planning on eloping. It sounds really like that's the plan. And guess what? I'm not going to let it happen. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalia: Stickers! Look at all of these. (Cell phone rings) Hello? Rafe: Hey, Mom, it's me. I don't have a lot of time to talk. I just want to say hi. Natalia: I heard all about the library job. Rafe: I know. Isn't that crazy? You know, Frank's a great guy, Mom. It's crazy, you know, but sometimes he kind of... I don't know, he kind of reminds me of Gus. Natalia: I thank God every day for Frank. And I pray for you, too. Rafe: Look, Mom, you've got to stop. Look, about the money thing again, please don't worry about that. It just wasn't meant to be. I don't know, go outside. Go get an ice cream cone or something. Natalia: Would you like me to bring you one the next time I come? Rafe: Mom, I've got to go. There is some guy giving me the evil eye for the phone. All right. So, I love you. Natalia: I love you, too, baby. Hey, Rafe, before you go... hello? Did I tell you what a fabulous little dancer you were today? Emma: Only about one million billion times. Natalia: Well, it's true. And your mom is going to be so proud of you when she sees you on the internet. Emma: Will you show Rafe, too? Natalia: Yeah. Emma: You miss him a lot, don't you? Natalia: Every minute of every day. But it hurts a little less when you're around. [SCENE_BREAK] Decker: How are you feeling? Olivia: Feverish, actually. You know what they say, kids are like incubators. Emma came home with the flu, and the next thing, wham! Decker: You don't have the flu. It's your heart. You've been concealing your condition from me since the day we inked the deal. And please, don't deny it. I've done my research. Olivia: I was afraid that if you knew... Decker: I'd pull you from the project. I guess that speech you gave on Natalia Rivera's behalf took a lot out of you. It certainly was impassioned. And you were right. Olivia: About the money? Decker: About me. I don't want to be known as a guy who goes around robbing grieving widows. So I will return Ms. Rivera's investment on one condition. Olivia: Anything. Decker: You haven't heard it yet. I want you to resign, and I want you to publicly apologize for your deception. And I want you to tell the press how understanding I've been about your illness. Olivia: So you don't look like the bad guy firing me? Decker: I'm glad we understand each other. This is business, Olivia. It's nothing personal. I need the vibrant, tireless woman you used to be. Not... not this. Olivia: Fine, just give her her money back. Decker: It's as good as done. Good luck, Olivia. [SCENE_BREAK] Marina: At first we were just fixing this place up to sell. But, you know, after a while, it just felt so right, like our whole relationship. Eleni: Well, there's lots of rooms, perfect for a growing family. Marina: Yeah. And your room is down the hall. And if you want to go upstairs, I'll take your bag upstairs and I'll be back. Did you say anything to my mother about the wedding? Mallet: No. I was going to, but you told me to shut up. What's going on? Marina: I got totally sandbagged at Company. The Cooper clan all got together and bought me some plane tickets to go see Harley. Mallet: You never got a chance to tell them... Marina: No, no, no. They were too busy planning my whole life to listen to me. I mean, I love them! They're my family, for better or for worse... usually worse... but I need something in my life that is just mine, just ours, you know. Forget my mom and dad. Mallet: You're going to leave them out of the ceremony? Marina: Mallet, it just gets too complicated, right? Let's just do something simple. Just you and me and then later we'll throw a big party and invite everybody we know. But right now, this is just for us. Mallet: I shouldn't have invited your mom? Marina: No, no, no. What you did was so sweet and so wonderful. And I'm so happy to see her. It's just... right now I just need one thing in my life, Mallet, just one thing. And I don't need every Cooper on the planet to weigh in on it. Mallet: Okay. Okay. I understand. So... when? Marina: This week. I don't know, here in our house. Just you and me. I mean, unless you need more than me. Mallet: I will never need more than you. [SCENE_BREAK] Frank: I'm going to throw Marina and Mallet a real Cooper wedding. We're going to have dancing, music, food... the whole works. They tried to elope before, but they couldn't do it. And you know why? Because this is what they really want! Coop: Are you sure this is what Marina wants? Frank: You bet I am. Coop: Frank, don't make Marina mad. Frank: Let me tell you something... I know my daughter. And you know why she didn't want the big, expensive, fancy wedding? Because she knew it would place a financial burden on you know who. Coop: You? Frank: Yes, me! I'm going to take the pressure off of her. She wants to be with her family, and that's exactly what she's going to get. I've got to make 50 million phone calls. I'm going to call everybody. I'm even going to, maybe, invite Natalia as a date. Coop: Yeah? Frank: Yeah! Coop: Yeah? Frank: Yes! This is going to be the Cooper wedding of the century! I'm back baby. [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia: Come here jellybean. I'm sorry I missed your show. Natalia: Well, you didn't miss it because it's on the internet. All we have to do is find a laptop. Olivia: You know where to go? Natalia: Oh, you should have seen her. She was the star of the show. That girl is fearless, like somebody else I know. Olivia: Did she win? Natalia: Well, they gave everybody a prize. So I have a shift that I need to start over Farley's. Olivia: Thank you for taking care of her. Natalia: Oh, it's my pleasure, really. I enjoyed it. Olivia: You know, I have some news that you might enjoy. Um... I don't want to say anything right now. Natalia: Oh, no, no. What? Olivia: I... you should go. I don't want to make you late for work. Natalia: Okay. Well, can I get you guys anything before I go? Olivia: No. I've got everything I need right here. [SCENE_BREAK] Coming up on "Guiding Light" Mallet: We were going to ask you if you would marry us in a very private ceremony. Marina: Yes, very private. Just the two of us. Josh: Okay. I'll help you. I'd be honored. Mallet: Hello? Dinah: Surprise! Mallet: Wow, Dinah! Wow! I didn't think I'd hear from you again. | Saying he likes Natalia, Decker sees what he can do |
605 | [Knock at door] Brody: Jessica, hey. Jessica: Hey. Can I come in? Brody: Uh, no, you can't. Get in here. You know you don't have to ask. Jessica: Look at you. You're in a good mood. Brody: I've got news. Jessica: So do I, but let me tell you mine first, okay? Everything's fine -- they're both fine -- but Gigi and Shane were in an accident. [SCENE_BREAK] Shane: It was almost like slow motion. The lights were coming at us and I had time to think, "Whoa, that's really bright. Why is it coming at us? I think we're going to" -- bam! Crazy, huh? Stacy: Yeah. Gosh, I'm so grateful you guys are okay. I can't believe all this was happening while Rex and I were home in bed. Gigi: Shane, upstairs. Get dressed. Shane: I just want to tell Aunt Stacy about the car accident -- Gigi: Shane, now, please. I'll tell Aunt Stacy what happened last night. Where is Rex? Stacy: I don't know. He's probably too ashamed to show his face after he got drunk and tried to sleep with your sister. Gigi: That's not how he says it went. Stacy: Oh, really? Does he have another reason for how he ended up in bed with me? [SCENE_BREAK] Rex: Can you put a rush on those results? Nurse: We're pretty busy, but I'll see what I can do. Rex: Thanks. Michael: Hey, man. Are you all right? Rex: Better than I was last night. I -- I can't talk right now. Michael: Okay. Marcie: Michael. Michael: Hey. Marcie: Hey. I brought you some breakfast. Michael: Oh, thank you. Marcie: You're welcome. Did you get any sleep last night? Michael: No, not much, but everyone is still with us so I'm not complaining. Marcie: Is that Cole's workup? Michael: Yeah. Marcie: I heard Nora is looking to press charges against him. Michael: She asked for the tox reports. Marcie: So then it's true -- Cole was full of drugs last night? Michael: You know I can't tell you that. Marcie: I'm sorry. It's just he was my student. I mean, what would possess him to get behind the wheel of a car when he was on drugs? [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock at door] Schuyler: Com-- coming. Schuyler: Yeah? Roxy: Special delivery, Mr. Schuy. Schuyler: Oh, nice. Thanks. Roxy: Oh, man. Have you seen the news today? Big news day today, teach. Cole's all hopped up, he crashes into Gigi and Shane -- thank God my grandbaby is okay. I'm not so sure about Bo's kid, though. Schuyler: Wow, it was so nice of you to come up and delivery these. I'll come pick them up from -- Roxy: Oh, man. Isn't this something about Blair? And could Starr have had any rougher year? I mean, first she gets knocked up, then she loses the baby, and then her father ends up in jail again, and then Blair ends up getting sliced up. I mean, what else could wrong for her, huh? [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: They're running some tests on her. The doctors are the only people who could be in there right now. John: How's she doing? Starr: They're still keeping her in a coma, but I told her that you were here all night. In case she can hear it, I think it might help. John: How are you holding up? Starr: I just want my mom to be okay. I want the cops to find out who did it to her. I know my dad definitely didn't do it. I know he wouldn't stab my mom. But you think he did do it. John: I just want the truth. [SCENE_BREAK] Stacy: I'm not the one you should be upset with, okay? I did you a favor. Rex already dropped one wife like a hot potato. You're lucky you found out before it went too far. Gigi: Look, I don't know exactly what happened here last night -- Rex: I do. I missed you. Gigi: I want to talk to Rex alone. Rex: Yeah, actually, I want Stacy to hear this. You see, I woke up this morning with a killer headache, and then it hit me. I may be a lightweight, but two beers is not enough to knock me down for the count -- not by a long shot -- so it had to have been something else. Gigi: Like what? Rex: Like a mickey. Stacy: Excuse me? Rex: That's why I nodded off so fast, why I can't remember going up the stairs. Gigi: You're saying someone spiked your beer. Rex: Not someone -- your sister. Stacy: That's ridiculous! What do I know about mickeys? Rex: You worked in sin city. Stacy: Uh, I was a dancer, not a gangster. Rex: Uh, you were a stripper. Stacy: Oh, okay. So when you wanted me to dance for you last night, you were actually expecting me to strip? You do remember that little part, don't you? Because you did last night or are you just going to claim you don't remember anymore? Rex: You turned my phone off when Gigi needed me. My son needed me. How could you have done this? Stacy: He -- he's just trying to cover his butt, Gigi. A mickey for crying out loud? That's like saying my dog ate my homework. Rex: I just had blood work to prove it, so you might as well just admit it. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Well, I'm just happy nobody was killed in that accident. Marcie: Yeah, me too. Things like this, they put your own problems into perspective, don't they? Michael: Yes, indeed. I got to go. I got a full house. Marcie: Oh, okay. I'll see you later. Michael: Okay. Marcie: Bye, Mike. Michael: Bye. Marcie: Oh Michael, you forgot -- you forgot your breakfast. Nurse: I don't believe that you are authorized to look at that. Marcie: Oh, I'm sorry. It's just that there is wrong information in that chart. It says that the patient, Cole Thornhart, is Rh negative which isn't possible. Nurse: This blood work was done very carefully. There is no mistake. Marcie: No, you don't understand Marcie: Cole has to be Rh positive -- I mean, that's why Hope died. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: I've been thinking about what Jessica was doing the night was Chloe was born. I even called Dr. Joplin's old office to find if there was any record of Jessica visiting Dr. Joplin in that 45-minute time span, between 9:12 and 10:00 pm, when she was here. Jared: And? Natalie: They gave me nothing. Jared: Here's what I think happened -- Tess got worried that something was wrong with the baby. She freaked. Out comes Bess to the rescue, right? She's the rational one, the -- the gatekeeper. So, Bess brings the baby to the hospital, gets her checked out. When she's satisfied that Chloe is okay, she hightails it back to the cottage, turns back into Jess, problem solved. No one is the wiser. Natalie: Yeah, but if that happened, I mean, why was Chloe still in Tess' sweater? Why wasn't she swaddled like they do in the hospital nursery? Jared: You got me. Natalie: And why even go back to the cottage at all? I mean, my God, Tess just gave birth. Her and Chloe both needed to be in the hospital. Jared: What if whatever she thought was wrong with the baby went away? Like, you know, Chloe seems fine, so she turns around and goes back to where she knows Tess, or Jess, will feel safe and close to Nash -- the cottage. Look, the point is even if Chloe seemed sick when Bess brought her to the hospital, Bess left with a perfectly healthy baby. Natalie: There's just a whole boatload of questions that aren't answered. Jared: But do we really want to know the answers? [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: I want to know the truth, too. I just know that my dad isn't capable of trying to kill my mom. John: How's Cole doing? Starr: Cole? Still an absolute mess because of the drugs. When he gets out of here, he might have to go to jail, and Nora is freaking out because Matthew was in his car. She was screaming at Langston, Markko and me because she knew that we knew something about Cole. John: She was upset. She didn't know what she was saying. Starr: She was absolutely right. I knew the whole time and I kept trying -- to tell Cole to stop doing it but he wouldn't listen to me. I could have told some someone who could have done something. I just felt like I would be narcing if I did. If I had just said something. John: It's not your fault. Starr: Matthew -- is my friend. And he might not be ever able to walk again. I just wish I never went to that stupid dance. I wish I just would have stayed home. John: Why do you say that? Starr: Because then Cole might not have seen me. He might not have gotten so upset. If I was home, maybe my mom wouldn't have gotten stabbed. John: Maybe you would have been attacked, too. You can't take this on yourself. What your mom wants more than anything in the world is for you to be safe. Starr: I just wish I never left her alone. Any news, on my mom? Michael: No. We're not going to know anything new until those latest test results come back. I'm sorry. Can I talk to you for a sec? John: Yeah. Okay? John: You have them? Michael: Autopsy reports for Wes Granger and Lee Halpern. What's this about? John: Maybe the less you know, the better. Michael: Come on, John, I'm not stupid. You think that these tests and Blair's stabbing have something to do with one another. What are you looking for in the autopsy report? John: The killer may have left his calling card. [SCENE_BREAK] Roxy: You're a teacher at Llanview High. You know Starr -- Starr Manning? Schuyler: Yeah -- yeah, I do. Um, I -- I have a few things that I have to take -- Roxy: You know, Schuy, I'm no expert or nothing like that, but I think she needs a friend right now because both her parents are out of commission and all hell is breaking loose. I think she is an at-risk kid. Schuyler: Well, if you -- if you think that's true, then I think you should tell somebody. Roxy: Yeah, I should tell somebody, but who? Schuyler: Oh, I'm sure she has extended family that would be happy to -- Roxy: You know, she has an Aunt Dorian Lord but Dorian's kind of going the way of the Buddha and she just got married and she's doing everything she can to sue her husband's family for all the money that they got, so let me -- oh, yeah, and Viki Davidson. Well, you know, Viki I know very, very well because we kind of kind of have a kid together. It's kind of a complicated story, but you know, she's the birth mother. Schuyler: Oh. Roxy: Wait a second! She should tell somebody, "Hey what are you? What are you, chop suey or something?" [Roxy laughs] You know, I've seen "To Sir, With Love" enough to know that a good teacher gets right up in the grill of a student who is having a tough time. Roxy: I used to love Sidney Poitier, so I think that, you know, if I had a teacher like that, well he could ease my pain Monday through Friday and twice on Saturday -- Schuyler: Roxy, thank you so much for the towels. Really nice. Roxy: Oh, you probably got papers that you got to read. [Roxy and Schuyler laugh] Schuyler: Yeah. Roxy: Yeah, I should've known. Here. Schuyler: Okay, thank you. Roxy: I'll see you later. Schuyler: Bye. Roxy: Bye. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Bear with me. This is going to sound a little strange. I found this under Blair's fingernail. It's a small cutout of the letter "D." It was placed there by the person who stabbed her. Michael: It's a letter "D." What does this mean? John: I don't know. It's just a hunch, but if these stabbings are linked somehow, the killer might have left something with Granger or Halpern as well. Michael: Are you going to take this hunch to Bo? You're operating off the grid again? John: Yeah. I'm not a cop anymore, right? Look, when I worked within the system, Marty paid the price. If I hadn't gone on my own, Manning would have got away with kidnapping her. Michael: Badge or no badge, you are always going to be a cop -- just like Dad. John: Are you going to let me look at the files, or not, Mike? [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: My cousin, Matthew, was involved in the accident as well. Bo and Nora are at the hospital right now waiting on test results. Brody: Wait -- Nora Hanen, the D.A.? Jessica: Yeah, she's Matthew's mom. She's Bo's ex-wife. Do you know her? Brody: She put together the deal that let me come here instead of doing time in prison. She -- she came to the VA hospital to go over my deal personally. She didn't have to do that. Jessica: Well, I'll let them know that you are thinking about them. Last I heard, Matthew was doing okay. Brody: And Shane -- you're sure he wasn't hurt? Jessica: He's back at home with Rex and Gigi. I just didn't want you to find out from the paper or some other way. Brody: Well, thank you -- really. And if you say Shane's okay -- Jessica: That ought to be good enough, huh? But it's not. [SCENE_BREAK] Stacy: What did your little blood test show? Rex: It's not back yet, but I'll tell you what it's going to show -- a foreign substance in my system that you put there. [Footsteps on stairs] Shane: What's going on? Gigi: We're all just a little tense -- about what happened last night. [Phone rings] Gigi: Hello? Brody: Hey, Geege. It's me, Brody. Gigi: Hi. Is everything all right? Brody: Well, I heard about the accident. Gigi: Mine -- how? Brody: A friend. Uh -- you're really okay? Gigi: Barely a scratch. Brody: And Shane, he's okay? Gigi: Hang on. Shane, it's for you. Shane: Hello? Brody: Hey, champ. You know who this is? Shane: Brody? No way! Brody: You'll do anything to get attention, won't you? Shane: Right now, I could flunk out of school and my parents wouldn't even care. Rex: Not a chance, mister. Brody: Well, I'm just -- I'm glad to hear you're okay. Shane: So, how are things with you? Brody: Good -- really good, actually. Anyway, I know you are in good hands with your mom and your dad. I -- you just take care of yourself. Shane: I will. I miss you, Brody. Bye. Brody: He said he misses me. Jessica: I'm sure he does. Brody: It was so good to hear Shane's voice, even if he's not my son. Jessica: Yeah, I remember how good it felt to hear from the outside world when I was in here. Brody: I'm going to be having a lot more contact with the outside world. That was my news. I'm getting out of this joint, today. [SCENE_BREAK] Jared: Is this your way of getting back at Jess? Natalie: At first. Yeah, I mean, I was so angry at her for what she put us through. I just, I wanted to punish her, you know, prove that she was an unfit mother. But Jared, after what Rex and I found out from those hospital surveillance videos, Jessica was never and could never be a bad mother. I mean, as sick as she was, she saw that her baby was in trouble and brought her to the hospital to get her help. Jared: So what are you going to do with what you know? Natalie: I guess I'm going to tell Jessica what we found out, you know? Maybe it'll help fill in some blanks. Marcie: Oh, God, I don't -- Natalie: Marcie. Marcie: Oh, hi. Natalie: What -- are you okay? Marcie: Um, I'm -- I'm looking for Michael. Have you seen him anywhere in the hospital, anywhere? Jared: Not in a while. Natalie: Did something happen? Marcie: No, I don't know -- I don't understand what happened to my baby. [SCENE_BREAK] Stacy: Cold pizza is the best breakfast, isn't it? Gigi: Shane, hurry. The bus is coming. Shane: Mom, I was just in a major car crash. I shouldn't have to go to school today. Gigi: Then you can tell all your friends about your big adventure. Rex: You'll be the man. Shane: You're right. Gigi: Have a good day. Shane: [Groans] Oh, don't break any bones, Dad! Gigi: Get out of here, go, before it comes. Stacy: Yeah, you know what? I better go, too. Rex: No, you're not going anywhere because if I know you, you'll go run down to the lab to end-run my test. Stacy: Get over yourself. What, you think I got you alone and spiked your drink and now I'm going to go and chase down your medical records? For what? Rex: It's the only thing that makes sense. Stacy: Oh right, because me being a schedule-changing, mickey-slipping, blood test-stealing man-eater makes way more sense than you getting drunk and trying to sleep with me. You're not actually falling for this, are you Geege? [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: They're springing you today? I'm -- I'm happy for you. I'm so happy for you. Brody: Thanks. Jessica: So when can you leave? Brody: As soon as my release papers are ready. Jessica: And that's it? You're done? Brody: Well, outpatient. Jessica: Freedom is freedom. Brody: Hey, I'm not knocking it. The D.A.'s office wants me to meet regularly with Dr. Levin, but, I'm feeling different, you know? Like I can go back out in the world and trust myself not to do something crazy. Jessica: Well, I know what that feels like. Brody: I owe a lot of this to you. You helped me deal with what I done in the war, and when you went to bat for me when I was questioned about Wes' death -- Jessica: That's what friends are for. Brody: It was above and beyond. If you hadn't help me put things together, there's no way I would have been able to see clearly what I had or hadn't done. Jessica: You would have done the same thing for me. Brody: In a heartbeat. All right, you know, I got to admit I -- I am nervous. Jessica: Well, you know, everything is regulated here. You get used that. Brody: How are things with you and your sister? Jessica: Oh, you know -- two steps forward, one step back, but, you know, I feel like we're healing and -- hey, I even asked her to watch Chloe when I came here to visit you. Brody: And you and Chloe? Jessica: When I told you before that I didn't feel like Chloe's mother, I -- it was just because I didn't get to act like her mother for so long, you know? But the baby and I are bonding more and more each day. Brody: Good for you. Jessica: Yeah. You know, and I don't feel threatened anymore that Natalie will somehow replace me in my kids' lives. I -- you know, when Chloe looks at me, I know she knows who her real mother is. [SCENE_BREAK] Marcie: We were told that Starr's baby died from Rh disease. It happens sometimes when the mother's blood and the baby's blood aren't compatible. Natalie: Right. Marcie: And the only way that that could happen is if the mother's blood and the father's blood have different Rh factors, and Starr's blood is Rh negative. Natalie: Yeah? Jared: So, Cole is positive? Marcie: Well, that's what we thought. I mean, the doctors told us what the autopsy report said, but we just accepted it. We didn't pursue it. Natalie: And now? Marcie: I just saw Cole's medical record. It says that he Rh negative, the same as Starr. Natalie: Could there be some sort of mistake? Marcie: No. Apparently, Cole's blood was tested over and over again because of this drug issue. But Natalie, I remember Michael saying that Rh disease rarely happens in first babies. Dr. Joplin agreed with him. She said that it was very unusual, that it almost always affects women who have already had children, often not until the third pregnancy. And all the mom has to do to protect the baby is have shots when she's, like, 28 weeks pregnant. But Dr. Joplin didn't think that Starr needed any shots because she had never had a baby, and what I don't understand is if Hope didn't die from Rh disease, then what did she die from? I just -- I just want to know what happened to my baby. That's all I want to know, and I'm sor-- I'm sorry. God, I'm sorry. [SCENE_BREAK] [Phone rings] Starr: Schuyler? Schuyler: Hi. Starr: You said we couldn't have any contact. Schuyler: Yeah, well, I can't get any more suspended from my job than I already am. And I -- I read about Cole and your mom and I wondered how they are. Starr: My mom is out of surgery. They had to operate. She's in the I.C.U. now. Schuyler: Have you had a chance to talk to her? Starr: They are keeping her in a coma because of the head injury that she got, and it has to heal. They said that she's holding her own, whatever that means. Schuyler: What about Cole? Starr: They had to pump his stomach because he O.D.'d. He's in a lot of trouble. The whole drug thing came out. Schuyler: None of this should have happened. Starr: You tried to help Cole, but he wouldn't listen. [Schuyler sighs] Schuyler: So how are you holding up? Starr: I'm so scared. Schuyler: Yeah, anybody would be. Starr: They are restricting Cole's visitors, so I can't even see him, and my mom -- I just really wish I could run over to your classroom and talk to you about everything so that I wouldn't feel so alone. But I can never do that again, can I? [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: There was nothing under Wes or Lee's fingernails. Blair is in the magazine business. Maybe she picked up a stray piece of type, or something. John: She doesn't work at the magazine anymore, and stray type went out a long time ago. It's all digital now. Michael: All right, well, I guess I'm not really eager to go from zero to serial killer in three seconds. John: Yeah, well, neither am I. Mike, I don't even want to leave Blair alone, but I can get a better look at these at home. Michael: Oh, no, no, no, no. I can get -- I can lose my job just for showing you these things. You can't leave the hospital with them. John: Okay, all right, all right? Just leave them with me for a couple of hours. That's all I'll need. [Michael sighs] Michael: All right. John: Hey, thanks. Michael: Yeah. John: Hey, you think maybe you can round me up a magnifying glass while you're at it? Michael: Yeah, sure. I'll just do that with all my copious free time. [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: I'm sorry I got you in so much trouble. When I kissed you, I just -- Schuyler: That's -- that's not why I called. I had the thought, if it helps at all, that maybe you could look at what's happening to Cole right now as his wake-up call. Starr: He's been going from bad to worse for so long now. How many wake-up calls does someone need? Schuyler: Well, sometimes, you have to hit bottom in order to look back up again. I mean, everybody knows now -- he can't hide this anymore, and I'm rooting for him. I really am, and I'm rooting for your mom, too. I hope they both get better. Starr: Thank you. I'll -- I'll let you know if there's any change, okay? Schuyler: Don't do that. Starr: Don't you want to know? Schuyler: I'm -- I won't be calling you again. I just wanted you to know that I was, um, thinking about you. John: Thanks. Michael: Yeah. So how does Todd tie into your serial killer theory? What, because he's a newsman, he has access to, like, old-school print and random extra "D's"? Yeah, okay. "The less you know, the better, Mike." John: Yeah. Michael: You got two hours. [SCENE_BREAK] Gigi: I find it very hard to believe that Rex tried to get you into bed, drunk or sober. But Stacy slipping you a mickey? Seriously? Stacy: Hmm. I know, it's ridiculous, isn't it? Rex: You're not doubting me, are you? I love you -- you know that. Gigi: Rex, none of this makes any sense. Rex: Then I have to make sense of it, because I know I'm right. There had to have been something in my system for me to be so out of it. Stacy: Yeah, hormones. Rex: Okay, you know what? I'm not going to wait for them to call back. I'm going to go camp out at the lab and wait for them to give me back my blood test results. I'm sorry -- not for anything I did, because I didn't do anything wrong. I'm just sorry things turned out this way. Stacy: Is Rex always this sketchy? Gigi: Shut up, Stacy! Just shut your damn mouth. Stacy: Come on, Geege. Like I have to drug a guy to get him to sleep with me? Gigi: It's not a guy. It's my boyfriend. Stacy: But I can get any guy I want, Geege. Gigi: Then why are you always hanging around my guy? Stacy: Oh, so now you think I'm just so in love with Rex that I would do anything to have him? Gigi: That is precisely what I think. [SCENE_BREAK] Brody: There you go. Nun: I wish you all the very best, Lieutenant. Brody: It's just "Brody" now. Nun: Well, Brody, be well. Brody: I'll try. Jessica: Yes! So, have you thought of where you're going to live? Brody: Uh, actually, I don't -- I don't have a clue. The last place I lived was with Gigi and Shane. Obviously, I can't go back there. I got to find some place of my own, you know? The cheaper, the better. Jessica: Yeah. Hmm. Well, I know a place. There's still some empty rooms, it's homey. Brody: Where's that? Jessica: Llanfair. My mom would love to have you stay there. Brody: Your house has its own name? Jessica: I know. Brody: Yeah, well, thanks for the offer, but, you know, Gigi and Shane live right there on the property, and I don't think it would be good for my recovery or Rex and Gigi's relationship. I'm right on top of them. Jessica: Okay. Brody: I'll find something. Jessica: Well at least let me drive you back into town? Brody: Yeah, I can handle that. Jessica: Okay. Brody: Goodbye, St. Ann's. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: Marcie, I know that you're upset, but even if they were wrong about the cause of death Marcie: Every second of her short life is seared into my brain, Natalie. I remember every moment, from the moment she was born, 7:58 p.m., until the moment they told us that she was dead. It was just a little over an hour later. I can still hear her screaming her little head off in the birthing room, and then suddenly, they just -- they whisked her away because they said something was wrong. But then Dr. Joplin came back in and she said everything was fine, that Hope was fine, she was this beautiful, healthy little baby girl. And then -- and then they told us that she was gone. It was the same night this beautiful little girl came into the world. I remember -- I remember seeing Chloe in the hospital that night because Viki came in. She brought her into the hospital. I only saw Hope one more time that night -- in Dr. Joplin's office. Natalie: Dr. Joplin's office? Marcie: Yeah. Dr. Joplin brought me in there to say goodbye to Hope. Oh, God, it was one of the hardest things that I have ever had to do in my life, you know? I couldn't believe it because only an hour earlier, I was welcoming this beautiful baby girl into -- into this world. And then the next thing, I was sitting in that office, having to say goodbye to her. I mean, what could've happened in an hour? An hour. Natalie: Marcie? Marcie: Yeah? Natalie: Are you sure you were in Dr. Joplin's office? Marcie: Yes. Natalie, like I said, I remember everything. Natalie: And Hope was alive for a little over an hour? Marcie: Yeah, the time was on her death certificate. Why -- why are you asking? Natalie: It's just that all of this is so sad. You -- you must have been going through hell. Marcie: I didn't go through it alone. Starr and I -- we went through it together, you know? We shared the same joy. And then we shared that -- that horrible feeling when they -- when they rushed Hope off, you know? Natalie: Where did they say they were taking her? Marcie: Oh, they took her to the nicu. You know, if they had a record of her being there, then we actually might be able to figure out what she really died from, which certainly wasn't Rh disease. Jared: There wasn't any record of Starr's baby being in the, um Marcie: Neonatal I.C.U.? No. I mean, everything happened so fast, I guess no one had a chance to officially admit her or start a chart. How am I going to tell Starr -- I mean, with everything she's going through? It's bad enough she already blames herself because her blood was incompatible with her baby's. Even now, Natalie, she wears this lock of her baby's hair in a locket around her neck every day. She never takes it off. [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: Excuse me. How is my mother? Nurse: No change. Starr: Why won't anyone tell me anything? She's my mom. Why can't I go in there and see her? Nurse: I'm sorry. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Hello, Rex. Rex: Great -- the results are in! Michael: No, no, no. I wanted to -- Rex: What the hell is this? [SCENE_BREAK] Stacy: You think I'm in love with Rex? He's the one who came on to me! Gigi: I don't believe that for a second. I don't know what happened here. I don't know if Rex's crazy theory about you spiking his beer is right or not, but I do know that from the minute you showed up something's been off, starting with you stealing my invitation to the ball and my dress. I told you to get a job, and you lied about that. And every time I turn around, you've got your hands all over Rex. Stacy: Come on, Gigi, I'm your sister. You know me. Gigi: No, I don't know you -- not anymore. And frankly, I don't think I even like you. And if they do find something in Rex's system, I will make you pay. [Phone rings] Gigi: Rex. Rex: You need to come to the hospital, to the lab. Gigi: Just tell me the results. Rex: Just come, Morasco. Stacy: What'd he say? Gigi: I've got to go. Stacy: So, they didn't find anything in his system. Don't go chasing after him, Gigi. Gigi: Pack your bags, Stacy. I want you out before I get back. [Door closes] Stacy: I'm not through yet. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: I'm sorry, man. I'm so sorry. [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: Oh, excuse me. I'm not going to freak out on you like I did before. I'm very sorry that I did that. I know you were just doing your job. I just need to let my mom know that I am not abandoning her. Can you please just tell her that I've been here the whole time? I know she might not be able to hear, but I need her to know that I'm here for her. Nurse: Mothers have a sixth sense when their children are near. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: So Bess took her baby to Dr. Joplin's office at the same time Starr's baby was there. Natalie: I think I know what Bess was doing at the hospital that night. [SCENE_BREAK] Roxy: Oh, man, you are so lucky. This is the last vacant room in this joint. But I got to be honest about something. You know, it's kind of a tough rental, considering it's where soldier boy, Wes Granger, bought the farm. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Hey, nelson, it's McBain. Yeah, I'm okay. Hey, a quick question -- you were in the navy, right? Yeah, listen, my, um, my Latin's gotten a little rusty. The motto -- what is it again? "Non sibi sed patriae"? "Non sibi sed" -- yeah. It doesn't have an "a," does it? Yeah, I didn't think so. Hey, look, man, thanks for your help. I'll call you later. Yeah, bye. John: "A," "D," "A." What does it mean? [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock at door] Schuyler: I don't need any more towels. [Knock at door] Schuyler: Okay. Seriously. Uh, Stacy. What -- why -- what are you doing here? Stacy: Moving in. [SCENE_BREAK] Gigi: So, did you find something in Rex's system? You didn't? That's great. So, it means you were simply dead drunk, and you climbed all over my sister -- Rex: This isn't about me, Gigi. Gigi: What? Michael: We got the results back from Shane's blood work. Gigi: Shane? Shane's fine. No broken bones, not even a sprain. He went to school today. Rex: Gigi, Shane -- honey, he has leukemia. [NEXT_ON] Dr. Shinseki: I need to speak with you and Ms. Hanen. I have Matthew's test results. Natalie: What if Bess switched the babies? Gigi: You're saying Shane is so sick he could die? I'm sorry, baby. I'm so sorry. | Schuyler calls her realizing he can't get into any more trouble than he's already in |
606 | Reva: (Groans) Josh: I'm not sure if that thing will work in Milan. Reva: Oh, really? Josh: Yeah. Reva: Oh, well, you have the number at the hotel, right? You know, I can't seem to remember if it's a seven or an eight hour time difference. Josh: I'll find you. You sure you want to do this? Reva: Yes. I think that the conference will really help with the work that Chris and I are doing together. Josh: Well, you'll miss Shayne's all-star game-- you know, his last start as an amateur. Reva: Don't. I've been to every single one of his games in the past two years, and there will always be more now that he's going pro, right? Josh: Well, I'm sure he'll miss you at this one. Reva: Well, it's like you said last night. I'm not really good at hiding my feelings, and I don't want to rain on his parade, and I want to keep our promise between us, because that's the way it should be. Josh: Reva, if you really believe that, why don't you just stay here and fight it out with me then-- okay?-- Because this is not like you. You're not just going away like it's some vacation or something. You're running away, Reva. [SCENE_BREAK] Tony: Sorry I'm late. What is that? A souvenir from last night? Marah: I thought that Danny and Michelle might want to keep it. Tony: Or we could recycle it. Joke. It's only a joke. Marah: No, it's not that. Tony: What's wrong? You look so down. Marah: It's everything. My parents, mostly Ben. Gosh, you know, he could have died last night. And when I think of how quick we all were to accuse him of murder... Tony: Whoa, whoa, whoa. We weren't quick. Okay, the guy gave us a lot of reasons to suspect him as the killer. Marah: Yeah, but we were wrong. Marina: Yeah, you were. Hope you guys are happy now, because Ben nearly died last night, because no one believed him. [SCENE_BREAK] Mel: Ben, you're at Cedars hospital. You've been hurt, but we're taking good care of you, okay? I just want you to relax. Holly's here. Ross is here. They're all here to take care of you, be with you. Frank: You guys get any sleep last night? Ross: Oh, hi. Thank you. No, I just went home and changed my clothes, and then I came right back here. Frank: Holly? Coffee? Holly: You want to be my friend now, Frank, or you just want to know if Ben woke up? Frank: Well, I know he hadn't because I gave them instructions to call me if he did. Holly: So have you been out looking for the real killers since now know you know it can't be Ben? How is he? Mel: He's stable. I think he's out of the woods. Frank: Do you have any idea when he'll gain consciousness? Mel: Well, that's hard to say, but he was stirring. Frank: It's okay if I ask him some questions? Ross: You can't question my client in his condition. Frank: Well, Ross, you know what? You can be right there with me, because right now we need all the help that Ben can give us. Holly: You have evidence to work on, right? You got fingerprints on the ice pick, footprints in the bushes. Frank: Unfortunately, holly, that all came up clean. Mel, is there any sign that Ben could've been drugged? Mel: It's hard to say when he's out cold like this, but we ordered a tox screen. Ross: Frank, why do you think he was drugged? Frank: Well, Ben was drugged. If there was something on the tip of that ice pick, then it wouldn't have taken brute force to drag him into the hot tub. Any man could have done it-- or woman. [SCENE_BREAK] Gus: You might want to take a seat. Eden: Take a seat? Oh, you... you sent a uniform cop to my apartment and have him drag me down to... Gus: Take a seat or I can just have you go down to the station. Would you prefer that? Eden: To the station? Gus, what is going on here? Gus: What is going on here? What's the matter? You don't like crime scenes? Is it too nasty for you? You don't like the smell of blood? Or is this just a guilty look that I see on your face? Eden: I had nothing to do with Ben's incident. Gus: Oh, incident, please. This was another one of your escorts that almost got killed. This was my number-one suspect that almost got killed. Do you know what this leaves me with? Do you? Eden: Me, right? You know, Harley has got you so twisted that you actually think that I... Gus: No, I think for myself, Eden. Can I make a little suggestion to you? Do you want to help yourself? Then you have got to help me. You have got to stop stonewalling me, because I swear, sister or no sister, I will take you down. Eden: I am not some criminal. I mean, do you think I am capable of murder? Sure, yeah, if someone was coming after you, you bet. But... but this? What, I'm going to go kill a bunch of people that I work with and destroy my business? Why? Cop: This is all the paper we collected. Everything the warrant stipulated. You want it here? Gus: Thank you. No, no, I'm going to take it down to the station. I'll log it myself when I'm done, all right? I'm going to take the girl home myself, so you can split. Eden: That is... is that my stuff? Gus: I know what it is. I had the officers go into your place the minute I got you out of there. Eden: You tricked me? Gus: No. I am executing a search warrant. Search and seize anything and everything to do with the Garden of Eden. Read it if you want to. Eden: You... you... So you ransacked my apartment? Gus: Do you think this is fun for me? Do you think I enjoy this? Eden: No, this sucks, Nicky. You didn't tell me that you were... Gus: Oh, I'm going to tell you that I'm going to search your place, so you can destroy the evidence? I'm not an idiot. Eden: This is harassment and you know it. Gus: No, I know that I don't know anything because you won't tell me. You won't... Look, all I asked was for your business records. You swore to me they don't exist, right? But you and I both know that's... that's a lie. It's a lie. I'm sick of your lies. Eden: Give... give that to me. Gus: What, what? This is... What? I thought this was just Marah's sketches. What are they still doing at your apartment? Eden: Well, I promised I would go show it around to some people. Gus: "My life"? Eden: Yes, and it has nothing to do with your case. Gus: Yeah, but you lied about this, too. Why are you lying about everything? Why? [SCENE_BREAK] Tony: Marina, I'm sorry that Ben got hurt. Marina: Well, you should be sorry for how you treated him. Tony: What about how he treated you? Remember the night of prom? He practically scared you to death. Marah: Be honest, Marina. You had reasons to doubt him. We all did. Tony: Yeah. What is up with that? Marah: She feels guilty, just like I do. Tony: Don't. Babe, okay, maybe the guy's not the killer, but I still don't trust him. I mean, he was going crazy. In public he was threatening people and drinking like a fish all hours of the day. Marah: I never saw drinking. Tony: Well, I did. Of course you didn't. I mean, you only... You only see the good in people. But I saw him. I heard. When I checked up on him... Marah: You checked up on Ben? Tony: Well, yeah. Babe, the guy lives under our roof. You think... I look out for you. You think I'm going to let him try to pull some... Marah: Always watch your back, right? Yeah, I know you walk into a room, check every door, check every exit, know where everyone is. I see you do it, babe. Tony: It's old habits, you know. Marah: Yeah, but I wish that I could be the one to change that for you, to make all of the darkness go away. Tony: It's not darkness. Baby, you make everything go away. Marah: Don't lie. Well, you know what? Maybe I can at least make that true for a couple of people. Would you... Would you mind waiting here for a little while? Tony: Why? I thought we were going to have breakfast? Mar: I know, I know, but I didn't realize how late it was, and I... I want to go check on my parents before my dad gets to work. Tony: Things are still rocky with Josh and Reva? Marah: Yeah, I hope not. Tony: Hey, hey, hey, wait a second. We're okay, right? Marah: (Laughs) Yeah, of course we are. Tony: Okay, good. [SCENE_BREAK] Reva: I'm not running away; I'm moving towards something. I really feel like I need to get a handle on these things that I see and the sensations that I get. I don't think you understand how hard it is to live with that? Josh: That's because you don't talk to me about it. Reva: I will-- when I can, when I know more. And that's how Chris can help me. Josh: But I can't. Listen, just out of... Just out of curiosity, if it weren't for this thing with Shayne, would you still be going? Reva: Yes. This has nothing to do with you or Shayne. It's not some kind of punishment. Josh: So it's just coincidental that it feels exactly like that? Reva: I think it's a blessing in disguise. I mean, what do you really want to do here, Joshua? You want to keep going round and round with this, having the same fight over and over again? I think what you did about Shayne was wrong. You think what you did was right, and you'd do it again. And that won't change. Josh: I just don't see how it's going to help anything if you're half a world away, Reva. Reva: Because it'll give us time, and it'll give us space. I love you, Bud, and I know that you love me, and that... That's not going to change. I'll be back, I promise. Josh: Do you really? You promise? Reva: Yes. This isn't some dangerous mission I'm going on. And besides, I'm going to be in Italy. It's not like I'm going to starve to death. (Laughs) You have nothing to worry about. I have to finish packing. Josh: Do you need a ride to the airport? Reva: No. Actually, Chris has a car coming for me. Josh: I love you, Reva. I love you. Marah: Hey, what's up? You going on a business trip? Josh: No. Actually, your mom is. Marah: What? Josh: She's going on a... To a conference with this Dr. Langham guy in Milan. Marah: Now? Today? She didn't say anything about it yesterday. Josh: She... she just found out about it recently. Marah: Are you kidding? Dad, this is not good. Josh: Honey, she didn't... didn't even know about the conference until a couple days ago, and she just made her choice, you know. Marah: Just... just like that? Just today? And now she's getting on a plane? Josh: Yeah, it's... Marah: Dad... Josh: It's okay. Really it is. It's okay. She... she just needs to work some things out with this psychic deal, you know? Reva: Oh. Hey, sweetheart. Good, I'm glad you're here. You saved me a call. Marah: Well, I'm glad to know you were going to call me before you went out of the country. Reva: It's a short trip. But I'm so pressed for time right now, but... There's a car coming to get me. Marah: Mom... Josh: You know what? I'll let you two talk. Reva: Thanks. Marah: Your sunscreen. You're going to Milan. I thought you were going to be in a conference room or whatever. Reva: It's summer in Milan. There's a pool at the hotel. What? I won't get too much sun, I promise. Sweetheart, this trip is no big deal. Don't worry. Marah: No, no, I won't worry, because I'm going to come with you. [SCENE_BREAK] Tony: Marina. Marina: Yeah? Tony: This isn't what I ordered. Marina: Yeah, it is. Tony: No. Marina: Oh. Oh, I'm sorry. My brain is just chicken-fried today. Tony: Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. Why don't you sit down, take a load off? All right, you're still worried about Ben, right? Marina: Okay, I don't... I don't really think that... I mean, I know what you think of him. Tony: Yeah, from the moment we first spoke, remember? Last summer at the beach? Marina: Yeah, and you didn't like him then either. Tony: No, because I know guys like that. You know, they are never going to be straight with you. Marina: Well, he changed. Tony: Did he? You know, everything I said that day, it still rings true. Guilty, not guilty-- he's not good enough for you. He never will be. You know that, right? Marina: Yeah. Lizzie: Oh, my God, I just heard about Ben. Is he okay? Marina: I don't know. I called the hospital. They won't tell me anything. I know I'm stupid to even call-- right?-- After the way he treated me. Lizzie: You don't stop caring just because you break up-- at least adults don't. Marina: You know, that's very true. I don't know why everyone doesn't realize that. They all think I'm stupid to be worrying about him. But Ben is a human being. He's someone that I did really care about, you know? Lizzie: You still care about him. Marina: And just because he lied to me doesn't mean... Lizzie: He didn't lie about everything, Marina. Marina: That's true. He was actually in danger. Lizzie: You know, he really does care about you; I know that. I mean, he loves you. [SCENE_BREAK] Ross: So, Ben is still out? Holly: He moved though; I'm sure of it. So at least we know he's going to be okay. Frank: What we need is for him to be awake. Ross: Oh, geez, Frank. Frank: Come on, you guys, give me a break. Look, I'm not the enemy. I'm trying to investigate a crime here. Holly: If you hadn't been so busy hounding him for so long, you might have come up with your real killer by now. Frank: I know you're upset, Holly, but we had surveillance on him. Holly: To trap him-- you were so sure he was the murderer. Don't try and come off as if you were helping him. Frank: If he hadn't shaken the guy, maybe he wouldn't be here right now. Ross: It's not Ben's fault your surveillance failed. Frank: Ross, no one is here to hound him. Holly: Right. Mel: Hey, hey, take it easy, okay? Don't try to speak. Holly: He's awake. Frank: Excuse me. Business first. Is he conscious? Mel: Yes, but barely. Frank: Well, this can't wait. Ben, can you hear me? Who did this to you? [SCENE_BREAK] Gus: This is just your scrapbook, right? Eden: Yes, and it is private. Gus: Well, nothing for you is private anymore! Where are your business records? What's the matter? Are they pasted between the pages of this? Is that why you keep lying to me? Just tell me. Eden: Look, okay, I am sorry that I lied to you, all right? But please... I just... I feel stupid telling you this. I feel like a little kid or something. Look, you have got your friends-- all right?-- And a life. I don't, and all I've got is this silly little book. So will you just please give it back... Gus: Where are your business records? Eden: There's nothing in there... Gus: Where are your business records? Where are they? Eden: My business diary. Gus: (Sighs) Was that so hard? Eden: But I bet you don't have a warrant to search my person, do you?. Because that's separate unless I'm under arrest. I know the law. Gus: I'll trade you. Eden: Done. Gus: Let me tell you something. You're not going anywhere with this book until I find out if this is real. Got it? Okay, client notations. Client names. Oh, look. Good old Jed Simmons, our buddy the dead coroner. You swore he wasn't a client, didn't you? Eden: I told you... Gus: Uh-huh. You got little initials here. Little initials next to the clients. R.P. R.P.? Help me out. R.P. Renee Peters. Oh, Renee Peters, the second victim. Isn't that right? Yes. Oh, and that would mean that the second victim knew the first victim. You could've told us that. Eden: I... I thought I told you that. Gus: When are you going to get it through your thick skull? People are dying out there. So your... your version of the truth, your half truths, your lies, they're going to stop, and they're going to stop right now. [SCENE_BREAK] Cassie: Did you say, "egg toss"? [SCENE_BREAK] Eden: Like protect my clients and my girls. Gus: Please, Renee and the coroner are dead. I think they hardly care about their reputation at this point. Eden: You're right, the coroner was Renee's client. They went out. Gus: Good thank you how many times, one time, three times, four times? Eden: Yeah. Gus: Yeah, did you say anything about it, any notes, was she naughty, nice, did he like her? Eden: I don't know. I keep that up here. Renee said he was a nice guy. They were friends. He was trying to get her to go back to school. Gus: That's very sweet. Eden: He even got her a college catalog and was going to help her fill out the application. Gus: Did she follow through? Eden: I don't know. I took her off payroll. Gus: Why? Eden: Because she has a record for solicitation. Gus: You wouldn't do that in your line of work. The last time I'm going to ask you this, is this everything? Eden: Yes. Gus: Then take your book and go. Eden: Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Holly: Have you heard anything about Ben? Mel: Looks like he'll make it. Ross: Good. Holly: Lucky for you. Because another person dead is the last thing you need isn't it? Frank: Ben who did this to you? Mel: Do you want some ice chips. We can't give you water right now. Ben: Water. I dreamed I was in the ocean but there was no air in it. I couldn't breathe. Ross: Frank, he's in no condition to answer your question. Mel: Can we give him a minute, please? You're not in the water anymore, you're okay. Frank: Holly, Mel, can I ask some questions? Mel: You can try but if it looks like he's in trouble I'll call it to a stop. Frank: Can you hear me, Ben? Do you know who this is? Ben: Marina? Frank: No it's not Marina. Ben: Her dad. Frank: That's exactly right, Ben. I'm Marina's dad. I'm also a cop. Somebody hurt you, Ben. And I want to know who. [SCENE_BREAK] Reva: You want to come with me to Milan? Italy, today, right now? Marah: Why not. I'm not going to bother you at the conference. It's Milan. Where my handbag is in production. I could meet the designer. I've been waiting to go any way and it gives met perfect excuse. Reva: Yeah, but you can't pick up and go. Marah: Why, you are and I can use your frequent flier miles, won't cost a dime and we'll have fun. We're not working. Reva: Marah, that would be great but what about Tony? Marah: He will be fine, and I don't know, how much time do I have to pack? Reva: Not a lot. You have to be quick about it because a car is on its way to get me. Marah: I have things to get together and talk to Tony and I have things to get at Company, can you meet me? Reva: Sure. Marah, honey, wait, are you wanting to come with me because you're afraid I won't come back? Marah: No. Mom, I know that you'll come home. Reva: Of course because you're coming with me but you don't have to, sweetheart, really or do you think I need a chaperon? Marah: Do you? Reva: No. That's not what this is at all. Marah: Good. Then we'll go and have a lot of fun and you know, around here it's been all about the guys any way, all about Dad, whatever it's boring, and I want some girl time. Don't you? Reva: Yeah. Girl time rocks, yeah. Marah: I can't believe you just said that. Reva: Yeah. Because I'm hopeless. Go, this will be great. Go. [SCENE_BREAK] Tony: Hey. Eden: Hey. Tony: What's up, what is that? Eden: Nothing. Well, it was evidence. Tony: What? Eden: Yeah Gus had a search warrant for my apartment. Tony: That guy... I don't understand him. Eden: Well, he has got a lot of pressure on him. His number one suspect was attacked and leaves his number two suspect, which is me. Tony: All right, let's not even talk about why that doesn't make any sense. Even what... I know Gus is your brother but next time you talk to him, I wouldn't do it without a lawyer. Eden: No. It's going to be okay. At least now I have you as my alibi for when Ben got attacked. I just hope you don't get in any trouble for that. Tony: Why? I mean I didn't... I didn't exactly lie. I mean I saw you. And you were with me from the moment you got there. Eden: Yeah, but I wasn't with you when Ben was attacked. Tony: Still. I mean why would I blame you for that? Why would anybody blame you for that? Eden: Why would anyone blame me? That doesn't actually sound like you think I'm innocent? What? Do you think that I did it? [SCENE_BREAK] Lizzie: Marina, stop. Marina: I don't want to think about it right now, okay? Lizzie: Well, it's not going to go away. I mean, yeah, it could have gone away. Ben could have been killed. Would that have made things easier? Marina: No. No, I never wanted him to... Okay, maybe I did wish that, but I never really meant it. I mean, he really hurt me. Lizzie: Yeah, well, he paid for it. You know what? I bet you Ben, right now wishes he was dead. No one's been to visit him. Marina: He can't count on that. All of his friends are still on the fence as to whether or not he's a murderer. I mean no one will cut him a break. Lizzie: Well, and that kills you, doesn't it? Go see him. It's right across the street. Marina: I mean I can see how he is, right? Lizzie: Right. Marina: Okay, and I am not a total pathetic loser for doing this? Lizzie: No. Go. It'll make you feel better. Marina: Okay. Thanks. [SCENE_BREAK] Bill: You tell me. Marina: Bill, hey, is Ben okay? Bill: They won't even let me near him. I just asked Gus, how long is it going to be? He said we'd be done when we're done. Sorry he hurt you like that. Marina: I guess I kind of deserved it. Bill: What are you talking about? Marina: I don't know. I don't mean it the way it sounds. I'm just thinking about what a jerk I made out of myself when I was chasing him around in the beginning. Bill: Yeah. Oh, you really got to him. You did. And I mean that in a good way. But, you know, I don't know. You kind of opened him up, you know, made him happier again. It was good... good to see that. He was like his old self again, you know. Marina: Stop. Stop. Because I really can't think about Ben in this way right now. Bill: I'm... I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I know what you're talking about. I do. Michelle just married Danny for what, like the 20th time yesterday? Probably at home planning the 21st and 22nd, right? Marina: Yeah, it's kind of weird, huh? Bill: No, I'm okay with it. I am. Marah: Mm. I guess you have Eden August. Bill: You know what I can't believe? That my cousin let you come here all by yourself. Marina: She doesn't know I'm here. All right, I'm going in. Bill: You know what? I wouldn't even bother. You're just going to get in the way. I won't even... Marina: Well, it wouldn't be the first time, it won't be the last. I'll see you around, Bill. Bill: You blew it, Reade. [SCENE_BREAK] Frank: Okay, Ben, you were at the Bauer's, came to the barbecue and then you left. Ben: I was thrown out. Frank: Right. You were asked to leave. Did you? Ben: Go. Frank: Go. What does that mean? You left? Ben: They said to go. Ross: Frank, he is not even tracking. Frank: Ross. Ben, did you leave? If you're having trouble talking just raise one finger for yes, two for no. Do you understand? Ben: I can talk. Ross: Ben, you don't have to do it if you don't want. Holly: If you're tired, you can rest. Mel. Mel: No, it's normal. It's actually good for him to focus. It'll help clear his head. Holly: Are you sure? Mel: Yes. Frank: Okay, Ben, let's go back. You're at the Bauer's, you were asked to leave, did you? Okay, so you stayed? Where? Ben: I was in the bushes. I watched... I watched the wedding. Frank: Very good. You saw the wedding. Okay. You saw Danny and Michelle, you saw the wedding, it was over. You saw them leave and you saw that? Ben: Yes. Frank: All right, good. Now we're at the point when you were attacked. Just take your time. Think real hard. What happened next, Ben? Ben: There were hands on my neck. Shoulders... Frank: You saw shoulders? Ben: No, behind me there were hands on my shoulders. Frank: All right then what? Ben: On my neck. Frank: Then what? Ben: It was black. Frank: Okay, it was black because why? You forgot or you don't remember? Ben: I don't know. I don't know. It was black. Frank: Okay, well, what about... You remember being stabbed though. Ben: In my stomach. Frank: That's exactly right, Ben. You were stabbed in the stomach. You remember that. Ben: No, no. I feel it here. Frank: Mel, what's going on? Mel: It's his blood pressure. Holly: His blood pressure. He's been stabbed. Mel: The movement, the exertion. Frank, I'm going to have to say stop. You're going to have to leave the room, okay? Holly: Yes. Gus: Well, he gave us absolutely nothing. Ross: Gus, he gave you everything he remembers. Holly: You both heard him. Can you say he's not a suspect now? Don't you have anything to say to me? Or more importantly to Ben? Gus: No. Holly: Perfect. Ross: Holly, wait up. Frank, do not go back in there without me. Mel: Why aren't you guys answering her question? I mean, is Ben still a suspect? Gus: Well, that depends. Mel: On what? Gus: On what you're about to tell us. [SCENE_BREAK] Reva: "Dear Shayne, I'm sorry I'll miss your all-star game, but I'll be with you in spirit. Remember the magic mom whistle-- the one I gave you in sixth grade when you were worried about your science test? Well, I found it last night, and I'm going to give it to you again. Yeah, I know you're old enough now to know it's... it's really a dog whistle, but it still works; I promise. And if you ever get nervous or scared, if the game gets tough, just blow on the whistle and I'll be there with you, and I'll be thinking of you. I'm so very, very proud of you, Shayne. And I'll see you soon. Love, Mom." Josh: Your car's here. Reva: Thanks. I'll be back soon. Josh: You better be. Reva: Well, you know what? I have to hurry. (Laughs) Chris doesn't even know we're picking Marah up yet. Josh: Okay. I'm... I'm glad you're going to have her along with you. Reva: What, do you think I need a chaperone? (Laughs) Josh: Have a good time. Reva: I will. You and Shayne, too. Arrivederci. [SCENE_BREAK] Tony: Do I think that you're strong enough to take out Ben Reade then dump his body in a hot tub, and dumb enough to... to turn around two seconds later and show up after we find the body? No. Eden: Okay, so I could be the killer, but I would choose a different method, and I would be smarter about it. Tony: Absolutely. Marah: Tony, thank goodness you're still here. Tony: Why? What's wrong? Marah: Nothing, nothing, but I'm on my way out of town and the car's going to be here any minute. Tony: What? Whoa! Marah: I'm going to Milan with my mom. Tony: Milan, Italy? Eden: That's great. Oh, my gosh, you can check on your design house while you're there. Marah: I know, exactly. And I've been wanting to do that anyway. Tony: Wait. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay, you're going with Reva to Milan, Italy, in, like, an hour? Marah. Wait a minute. We didn't even talk about this. Marah: Yeah, yeah, I know, I know. I'm sorry. We just decided at the house. And when she mentioned it, I knew I had to go. Tony: How long are you going for? Marah: I don't know, I don't know. Maybe a week. Eden: You know, that's great. You know, I'll give you a couple of numbers. This is going to be great for your career. Marah: I know. Thank you so much. Just e-mail me, and I'll find a computer at the hotel. Eden: No problem. I'll even make a couple of calls ahead of time for you. Marah: Eden, you're the best. Thank you. Eden: Why don't I go get a cup of coffee, give you two a minute. Marah: Babe, I'm sorry. I know this is quick, but aren't you happy for me? Tony: Yeah, sure I'm happy. I didn't know you wanted to go to Milan. I would've taken you there. Marah: I know. I know you would've, but this just happened so fast, and it'll give me some good quality time to spend with my mom, who really needs it. Tony: What, things are still rocky with her and Josh? Marah: Yeah, I think so, but now I will know for sure. And you know what? I didn't want her going on this trip alone. Tony: So you are going to take care of Reva, and I'm sure that shopping is a big key in this, isn't it? Marah: Oh, maybe a little. But, no, I get to work, and I get to see my designs being made. How cool is that? Tony: That's great. So that's it? (Car horn honks) Marah: Babe, I got to go. I'm... I'm sorry. You behave while I'm gone. Tony: Me? Me behave? You're the one who's going to be off with some hot Italian guy, doing your thing. Marah: Oh, no. Baby, you know you're the only man for me. I love you. I got to go. Tony: Wait. Marah: I'll call you as soon as I get in. Tony: We're okay, right? Marah: We're perfect, all right? I got to go. Tony: Okay, bye. Marah: Bye. Tony: Have fun-- a little bit of fun. Marah: Okay, just a little. Bye, Eden. Bye, guys. Eden: Bye, and knock them dead, and everything will be great here. [SCENE_BREAK] Gus: It's just too sketchy, Frank. First of all, the guy was not knocked out, right? He wasn't unconscious. He's not under any kind of painkillers that are going to make his memory all foggy. Mel: No, he didn't have a concussion, but it's possible that the attack itself could cause amnesia. Frank: No, sounds too convenient. Gus: Mm-hmm. Frank: What happens if the guy was drugged first? Gus: How? Frank: Well, the ice pick. What happens if the tip of the ice pick was drugged? He would've dropped right there. Anybody could've done it. Gus: Tox screen come back? Frank: No, not yet. Gus: So let's just assume it was a straight stabbing. Unless... You know what I'm thinking? Frank: Depends on the angle. Mel: What are you guys talking about? Gus: Mel, can you just show me how Ben was attacked? Mel: Well, like he said, the guy came up from behind. Gus: Okay, but on my body just show me the angle of entry any way that you can, how the ice pick would've gone into his body. Mel: Like this. Gus: Just like this? Mel: Yeah. Gus: Okay, this is the angle. This is the angle-- right?-- The exact angle? Mel: Yeah. Gus: Is Ben Reade right-handed? Frank: He's right-handed. Mel: So you're thinking... Gus: It's possible. Frank: It's possible that Ben's stab wound was self-inflicted. [NEXT_ON] Beth: When are you going to give up on her? Phillip: Why are you so interested in what happens with Olivia? Gus: Well hello, ladies. So you want to tell me what gives. Ben: Marina? You came. | Eden finally admitted that it was hers and not Marah's, but insisted it didn't contain any business information |
607 | [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Natalia: I don't expect you not to be angry, but you still have to show me some respect. I'm always going to be your mother. Rafe: You're not the mother that I thought I knew. Reva: No, don't you do this, Mallet. Stop harassing my family. Mallet: I'm going to find him, all right? And sooner or later, I'm going to arrest him. [SCENE_BREAK] Pilot: Ready to go, Mr. O'Neill. [SCENE_BREAK] Reva: Hey, here, drink this. We have three minutes and then we're heading out. Shayne: What? Wait a minute, wait a minute. Did you sleep at all last night? You're barely out of the hospital. You need to get some sleep. Reva: I'm wide awake. I just... I need some answers. Shayne: Nothing from Jeffrey? Reva: No. I have no idea where my husband is. Shayne: All right, all right. Let's... all right, let's go turn on the TV. This is a big investigation, maybe there's something on the news. Reva: No, no, no, no, no. I don't want to find out that my husband has been gunned down by the police from some bimbo reporter who wears way too much makeup. Shayne: Okay, I got you, all right. Can you eat something for me if you're going to be up all night not sleeping, you need to eat at least something. Reva: I'm not hungry. Shayne: That always... Reva: I'm not hungry. I'm not. And now you've used the three minutes. We're going to take Colin to Lillian. Shayne: Okay. Got everything? Reva: Yeah. You got the keys? Shayne: I do. (Engine starts) [SCENE_BREAK] Jeffrey: Good to see you again. Grieci: You, too. How about that damn Edmund Winslow? Dead, and he's still causing trouble. Jeffrey: You have no idea. This is Dinah Marler. Grieci: Dinah Marler. Jeffrey's talked a lot about you. Dinah: You, too. Grieci: I hope he didn't tell you the same things about me he told me about you. Jeffrey: It was a long time ago. I don't hold it against you. Dinah: Let's move on. Grieci: What's the op? How are we going to catch this slippery bastard? Jeffrey: We're going set a trap. Grieci: What's the bait? Jeffrey: Something that Edmund won't be able to resist, his daughter Lara. [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Come here, come here, come here, come here. All right. I'm going to pick you up early from camp and we're going to go buy Rafe a present, okay? Emma: Video games. Olivia: Right, right. I was thinking the one where it shows you how to make a... to do a makeover. Would that be good? Emma: I don't think he likes that one. I think he likes the one with the race cars. Olivia: Race cars. Maybe you should pick out the video. Emma: Okay, but who else is coming to his birthday party? Olivia: Honey, there might not be a party because big boys don't really always want parties. But if there isn't, we have to be extra nice to him, okay? Emma: Okay. Olivia: Okay, have fun. Go. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalia: Oh, no, no, no, no. Matt: That is not a good way to start your day. Natalia: This is how all my days start these days. Matt: Oh. It sucks to be you. Natalia: Yeah. I'm sorry. I sound like I'm really depressed. It's just... Matt: Well, how about I make your day a little better and buy you a cup of coffee? Natalia: That would be great. Thank you. Guess I should get some more eggs or... Matt: Yeah, well, I'll clean this up and you get some more eggs. Natalia: Thank you. I have to bake a cake for my son. It's his birthday. Matt: From scratch? Natalia: Yeah, I have to make it sugar free. Rafe's diabetic. Matt: Oh. What about your coffee, you... you take that sugar-free? Natalia: No, lots of sugar and milk. Matt: Okay. Natalia: Thank you. Matt: You want to get the eggs? Natalia: Yeah. Matt: Yeah. Natalia: Okay. Matt: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Frank: Hey listen, I need you to sign some paperwork here being that I'm you court-appointed mentor. I've got to do this every single week. So go ahead and sign right... right on the bottom there. Rafe: Right here? Frank: Yeah. Rafe: That works. Frank: Rafe! Today's your birthday! Rafe: I don't celebrate it. [SCENE_BREAK] Mallet: Yeah, hold on, but don't take down those road blocks until you hear from me. Yeah. You know what? Let me call you back, Marina just walked in. Mallet: Timmons! Hey, little man. Is he sleeping? Marina: Yeah. Mallet: Hey, little man. Marina: So you still have those roadblocks up. Mallet: Yeah, just in case Jeffrey's hiding locally. Is everything okay? Marina: Yeah, yeah. No, you were gone when we got up this morning. Mallet: Yeah, I had to be here early. Marina: Yeah, I know. I just thought you might want to say hi to him before we take him over to the park. Mallet: Well, thank you. Marina: So you get any new information? Mallet: No, nothing yet. The helicopter pilot didn't file a flight plan, so we don't know where he handed, could be five miles away, could be 500 miles away. Or he could be out of the country. We don't know. But I got calls in to every state agency, including the feds, so... we'll find Jeffrey O'Neill. [SCENE_BREAK] Josh: Reva, just hold on. Hold on for one minute. Reva: I... I can't talk to you right now. They think... they think Jeffrey killed Edmund. They've issued a warrant for his arrest... arrest. I... he didn't come home last night. I don't knows what's going on. Josh: I have to talk to you. Reva: Not now. Josh: I have a message for you from Jeffrey. Reva: Let me... let me go! What are you doing? Jeffrey: Reva, I really don't think we should have this conversation standing in front of the police department. Reva: Where's my husband? Jeffrey: He's looking for Edmund. Reva: What? Josh: If Edmund's still alive, he's a threat. Jeffrey believes he's the best person to go track him down and bring him back here. Reva: So... so you're saying he just took off. Josh: We manufactured evidence to make Jeffrey look guilty, that way the police will stay away from you, and Jeffrey can go find Edmund. Reva: You guys set him up? Josh: The police don't believe Edmund's alive. That's a problem, right? So this way we keep you safe. Reva, Jeffrey's overseas right now, looking for Edmund. Reva: He'd never leave me. [SCENE_BREAK] Jeffrey: So we're going to dig Lara a new grave, but it's not going to be her body in it. Word will leak out that Lara had faked her death to cover her work as an operative. Grieci: How does this bring Edmund out of hiding? Dinah: Lara will show up doing various jobs across eastern Europe. Jeffrey: Edmund won't be able to resist the chance to see his daughter he thought was dead. Grieci: Kind of dangerous for the girl, isn't it? Jeffrey: Well, this isn't your average girl. Dinah: No, it's not. We've worked together before. Grieci: Right. Dinah: I can pull it off. I assure you. Grieci: Well, if Jeffrey trusts you, so do I. Jeffrey: Did you get the clothes? Grieci: Everything you asked for. Jeffrey: All right. Let's roll. We got to get this done before dark. [SCENE_BREAK] Marina: Well, how about we stop by and bring you some lunch this afternoon? That way you don't miss out on your son on what's supposed to be your day off. Mallet: Yeah, I don't know. I don't think I'll have time. I mean, if we haven't found Jeffrey by then, I'll be swamped. Actually, even if we found Jeffrey by then I'll be swamped. Marina: Okay, well, you still looking for Edmund? You know some people think he might still be alive. Mallet: What people, the Lewis's? Marina: Well, yeah, them, too. Mallet: Uh-huh. Then why would Jeffrey take off the second he became my prime suspect. Marina, they're all lying to me. They're all trying to protect each other. Marina: Being a strong family doesn't make them all guilty. Mallet: Yeah, well, all I know is I fished a body out of the river. So whether that's Edmund or not, I have a murder to solve. Marina: Okay. Shayne: Any word about Jeffrey there, Sheriff? Or have you decided to pin the murder on someone else in my family now? Mallet: You know what, Shayne? Get out of my way, okay? Because if you try to impede this investigation any more, I'll lock you up. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalia: Well, thank you. Matt: Well, you're welcome. Natalia: For buying me the canvas bag. Matt: Yeah, any time. They say it's good to be green. Natalia: Yes. Matt: You know, I'm riding the bike everywhere. Natalia: It's great. It's great exercise. Matt: Yeah, well, it gets me around. Natalia: Mmm-hmm. Olivia: I'm sure it does. Hi. Natalia: Hi. Matt: Hey. Matt: My lucky day, two beautiful ladies for the price of one. (Laughs) Well, I... I got to get going. Good luck with the cake. Natalia: Thank you. And thank you for the coffee. Matt: Hey, anytime. All right, I'll see you two around. Olivia: Okay, I'm going to take that. Natalia: Oh, thank you. Matt: Have fun. Natalia: Bye. Olivia: You have fun. Was he hitting on you? Natalia: I don't... I don't know. Like, maybe a little bit. (Laughs) I don't know. Olivia: He did... he did the old bike routine on me the other day. Natalia: He did? Olivia: Yeah, I want to buy him a bell for that thing. Natalia: He's cute. Olivia: He is cute. Natalia: He is. Olivia: So you baking Rafe a cake? Natalia: Mmm-hmm. I'm probably going to have to bring it to him, though. I don't think he'll come over or anything. Olivia: You know, Emma wants to get him a gift. Is it okay if we drop it by later? Natalia: Sure. Olivia: Yeah? Natalia: Yeah. Olivia: You going to be okay? Say yes. Natalia: Yes. And I'll call you. Olivia: Okay. Natalia: Thanks. [SCENE_BREAK] Mallet: Well, we cordoned off Jeffrey's office, but we still haven't been able to get into his office computer. Frank: Did you ask Sanchez? Mallet: Yeah, he's on his way. Frank: Listen, if anybody can hack that password, he can. You know what? I... I... I got to go. Hey, Rafe, listen, I... I've got to go run some errands, okay? I've got to get some sugar free snacks and all that. So why don't you... why don't you go to your house, okay? Go see your mom. Rafe: Frank, look, I'm not going to go over there and talk to her just because it's my birthday. Frank: Well, you know, birthdays sometimes always aren't about the birthday boy and birthday girl, you know? Rafe: Frank, no, I don't want to... Frank: A lot... a lot of parents enjoy that, family, you know? Rafe: I don't want to go over there. I don't want to know what's going on. I don't want to see anything. I don't want to.. Frank: Look, I... I don't know what's going on with Olivia and your mother right now. Rafe: Frank, come on, man. You don't know? Frank: Don't deny your mother of a very special day, okay? It's your birthday today. She's your mother. I know you're mad at her right now. But you still love her, right? You do. Hey, come on. Rafe: Hey. Frank: Call her. Rafe: Uh-huh. [SCENE_BREAK] Reva: Shayne, I'm out by the car. Meet me there. Josh: No, no. Reva, it's no use, okay? Reva: Get away from the door. Jeffrey: You won't find him. Reva: I will... you don't know that. I will find him. Josh: Even I don't even know where he is, Reva. He's long gone by now. Reva: Or is that just another line of bull to fool the police. Because you know what? I don't care about anything you have to say. All I care about is finding Jeffrey. Josh: I'm sorry. Reva: You're sorry? You're sorry. (Laughs) I can't believe you said that. You know, in about two minutes, the police are going to refer to Jeffrey as a fugitive. And do you know what that means? Do you know what happens when you're a fugitive? Did... did you guys think about any of this at all? Did you think at all? Josh: We thought... we thought about all of it, Reva. Reva: Did you? Josh: We went over every scenario. This was the one that made the most sense. Reva: Do you hear what you're saying? I mean, really. This made sense? Jeffrey put a big target on his back for no reason. Josh: Actually, he had a couple of good reasons. You and Colin. Reva: We could have dealt with this... together. Any of it, if he had just let me know. Josh: Reva, he couldn't tell you. You would have just said no. Look, I know you hate this. I hate it. Jeffrey hates it, but it's the only way to keep you safe. And to find Edmund, it's the best way. I had to accept that. And so do you. Reva: To hell with your scenarios, and to hell with you. Just get away. Josh: Reva just... Reva, Reva. Reva: I mean it. Stay away from me! Shayne: Dad, Dad, let me take care of her from here, okay? Please. Mom... Reva: I have to find Jeffrey. Shayne: Mom. Reva: Give me the keys. Shayne: No, no. Reva: Give me the keys. Shayne: I'm not going to give you the keys right now. I can't. I can't let you go anywhere like this. Look at you. I'm not going let you drive around, or even walk around right now, until you are a little bit rational. Reva: My husband is gone. He left me. Shayne: No, no, not from where I was standing. Where I was standing, it sounds like he's trying to save you right now. Reva: Why didn't he tell me? Shayne: Hey, do you trust him? Mom, do you trust Jeffrey? Yes. Yes, you do. All right. Then you have to trust that he's going to make everything okay. Okay? All right. Reva: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Mallet: You guys playing a video game? I hope that one is called looking for O'Neill. Oh, yeah. What happens when you find him, you shoot him with that little take? First cop: Sorry, Mallet. Second cop: Just taking a break. Mallet: Taking a break? I hope O'Neill's taking a break. I mean, that way he'll stop running the same time you guys stop looking and it'll work out for everyone. Second cop: The house has been dead. Mallet: A man is dead. And the Lewis family has been put through hell. And you know what? My family has had no husband and no father so this case can get solved. So I'm not interesting in pissing away all the sacrifices. I'm going to send a different unit out here. When they get here, you guys are done, and I'm filing a report. First cop: Mallet! Mallet: We're done! [SCENE_BREAK] Rafe: Hey. Natalia: I'm making your cake. You want to help? Tradition, you know, we make it together. And the pasteles are ready. Rafe: Yeah, yeah, I saw them. You're going to have some with me, right? Natalia: Of course. [SCENE_BREAK] Frank: Hey. Olivia: Hi. Are you here to get Rafe a card? Frank: Yeah, you? Olivia: Yeah. You take it. Frank: No, no, go ahead, go ahead. Olivia: No, really. Frank: How much are you thinking about putting inside? Olivia: Actually, I was going to take Emma to get him a present. Frank: You know, if you want to get both of them a gift, maybe you should give them the gift of time and space, so they can fix things between them. Why don't you leave them alone? Olivia: What if Natalia needs me, Frank? Frank: Just be careful. [SCENE_BREAK] Mallet: So Sanchez got nowhere on Jeffrey's office. Frank: Yeah, but we're talking about Jeffrey O'Neill. He's trained to cover his tracks. Mallet: I asked the Feds to send someone-- one of their own guys-- so he can take a crack at the computer. If I could come up with the password, Frank, then I wouldn't even need the guy. Frank: Okay, well, first thing, you just need to breathe. Mallet: Man, I have tried... Frank: Slow down a little bit. Mallet: I have tried birthdays. I've tried anniversaries. I've tried names, first and last, social security numbers. I've even pulled Jeffrey's file, ran old cases he worked on. Frank, I got nothing. And thing is we're running out of time. I need the password. (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Shayne: Not bad. Reva: Okay. Shayne: Okay. Yeah, Jeffrey is definitely looking for Edmund. Reva: I guess I'll start alphabetically. Shayne: There's 35 countries on this report. He could be anywhere in the world. Reva: Yeah, but I've got to find something. I will find something, something to tell me where to start looking. [SCENE_BREAK] Matt: Might help if you nailed that to something. Josh: Yeah, well, you know what? This is an old trick I learned a long time ago for anger management. I'm not trying to actually build something. I'm trying to keep from destroying something. Matt: Need some help? Josh: No. Matt: Want to talk? Josh: No, but I wish I could. Matt: Well, I heard about the break in the Edmund case. I guess you're glad it's not Reva, huh? Josh: Yeah, yeah, I'm glad she's, you know, whatever, safe. Matt: Wow, you look like you could use a beer. You know, I've... I've got a whole cooler in the truck, but unfortunately, I'm on the bike. You... you driving, I'm buying. Josh: No, thank you. I have to keep my head clear. Matt: You betcha. I'll see you, pal. Josh: All right. [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia: Hey. Emma: Let's go shopping. Olivia: Whoa there, jelly bean, how was camp? Emma: Good. Katie said that Call Duty... Olivia: Oh, Call of Duty? Emma: Yeah. Olivia: Yeah. Emma: It's a really good video game. Olivia: It's also very violent from what I understand. Emma: It's for boys. Olivia: That doesn't make it right. Listen, you get that we're going to get the present. But that doesn't mean that he's actually going to be around to get it, right? Emma: Can we at least get one so that he knows that we love him? Olivia: Yes, we can. [SCENE_BREAK] Rafe: You know, I came here last night because I wanted to talk to you. You know, I wanted to see you about whatever. But I... I didn't even make it to the front porch. Natalia: I know that you're struggling with this. Because I did, too, you know. And the beliefs that we have, I know that that just... it just makes it so much more confusing. Rafe: I was... are they still your beliefs? Natalia: I've had a lot of long talks with God about this. And I want to be able to talk to you, too, you know, about everything. Because you're not just my son, you've been my best friend for half my life. And I miss you. Rafe: I miss you, too, Ma. Natalia: Oh. Rafe: All right, your food is getting cold. Eat. You made a lot, Ma. We're going to be eating these things for like two weeks. Natalia: Yeah. You know, at some point maybe the three of us could sit down and have a meal together, you know. And then you could see for yourself. Rafe: Mom that was really good. All right, thanks, I'm sorry. I... I got to go. Natalia: Happy birthday, Rafael. [SCENE_BREAK] Mallet: Frank, you told me to go home and take some time. What do you want? Frank: Someone broke into D.A.'s office. They got into the computer. Mallet: They hacked in? Frank: Nope. Looks like someone had a password. Mallet: Reva? Frank: Unfortunately, that's my guess. Mallet: Dammit. [SCENE_BREAK] (Knock on the door) Marina: Who's there? Shayne: Hey, where's Mallet? Marina: Hi. He's still at work. Shayne: You know, he hasn't dropped the charges against my mom yet. Marina: Why are you here, Shayne? Shayne: I'm here to tell your husband that he's an ass. Marina: No, then you would have gone down to the station, Shayne. You're not here because of Mallet. You're here because of him, aren't you? Fine, there. There, take him. There you go. Now give him back. Can you do that without thinking twice? Huh? I can't worry about this, Shayne. I can't worry that every time I walk out the door with him and we see you, that... that you're thinking that maybe you do want your son back after all. And now you're showing up at my house? You can't play with people's lives like that, Shayne. I need you to tell me that this is never going happen again. I need you to tell me! Mallet: You need him to tell you what? Marina: I, uh.... here, I'll take him. I thought that Shayne might know something about where Jeffrey was, that's all. Mallet: Do you? Do you know something about Jeffrey? Shayne: I'm not going to help you. Mallet: Big surprise. Shayne: Yeah. Marina: I'm sorry, Shayne. I'm sorry that I flipped out on you. I... this case is making everyone crazy, okay? Shayne: Yeah, it is, isn't it? I'm curious, Mallet. Why won't you drop the charges against my mother? Mallet: I don't answer to you. Shayne: No, you don't, do you? I'm just... I'm thinking that since it's not your family, you're not losing any sleep about it, are you? Mallet: Actually, I don't sleep any more. Yeah, no, I'm too busy working this case. [SCENE_BREAK] (Music playing) Reva: Where are you! (Crying) [SCENE_BREAK] Jeffrey: You got the orders from my commander to dig up this grave site? Worker: Yes, sir. Jeffrey: All right, let's get going. It's going to get dark soon. Worker: All right. Jeffrey: So far so good. Dinah: Very good, very good. I can see why you're very good at this. Suits your bossy personality. Jeffrey: Well, this is the easy part. Convincing Edmund that Lara's still alive is going to take more than just digging up a grave. Dinah: I can do this. Don't worry. Jeffrey: Well, you wouldn't be here if I didn't think you could. [SCENE_BREAK] Frank: Detective Mallet will be back here in a few minutes. You tell that feds computer guy not to get his panties bent out of shape. Rafe: Hey, Frank. Frank: Hey, what's up, Rafe? How's it going, man? How you doing, birthday boy? How's your day going? Rafe: My mom made me some pasteles. Frank: You went over there. Good for you, man, I'm proud of you. Rafe: No, but I... I couldn't stay. Like, I... I just couldn't, you know? Frank: I'm sorry. Rafe: I really... I really don't know what to do. You think maybe you got some... some time to hang out or something? Frank: I'd really like to, but... hey, listen, have you called Daisy? Rafe: Yeah, she's working. Frank: All right, well, unfortunately, I got to stay here. But why... why don't you go over there and get yourself a burger, okay? I'll see you in a bit. [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia: Hey. Natalia: Hi. Olivia: Hi. He's not here? Natalia: No. Olivia: That's probably good. Maybe we should just leave our gift and go. Emma: We should sing "Happy Birthday." Natalia made cake. Natalia: Uh... no singing today. Rafe was here, but he couldn't stay. Emma: He was too busy? Olivia: He was too busy. Emma: Maybe when he's done, we can come back. Olivia: What do you want us to do? Natalia: I made a lot of pasteles. And there are plenty for all of us. Hungry? Thank you. Olivia: Don't do it. Emma: How did you know? Olivia: I got eyes in the back of my head. Natalia: So what am I supposed to do with this cake? Emma: Put candles in it. Olivia: Oh, Em, I don't think so. Natalia: Yeah, we can... that's a good idea. We'll put some candles in it and then we'll... we'll blow them out. All right. Olivia: Wow! Natalia: We're going to need a lot. Emma: 19. Natalia: That's right. Olivia: Here you go. Stretch, stretch, you can do it. You can do it. (Laughter) Natalia: I'll wait my turn. Olivia: Are we hogging the cake? Is that a problem? It's all Emma. She hogs cakes. Natalia: She's a cake hog. Olivia: Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Frank: Hey, Rafe, it's Frank. Hey, listen, I'm going to be done a lot sooner than I thought. So if you wanted to play some pool or catch a game, give me a holler, all right? Hey, Mallet, the feds computer guy showed up, since... hey, Shayne. What's up, buddy? Shayne: Hey. Frank: I just came by to get a beer here and... well, looky there, no beer. So... no worries. I'll go ahead and get a case, see you all later. Shayne: That's grand. Columbo over here is having a little party while my mom looks for her own missing husband. Mallet: He's not missing, he's on the run. Shayne: You know what? There's no reasoning with you is there. Mallet: You know what? Keep going, keep going. Arresting you would be the best part of my day. Marina: Okay, stop it. Please, both of you. Please stop it. This case has people saying things and doing things that they don't really mean, that they wouldn't normally do. I think everybody just needs to take a giant step back. Shayne: Step back. I don't know. I'm thinking it's too late for that. [SCENE_BREAK] Grieci: I have a body. As soon as the hole is dug, we'll slip it in and then exhume it. Dinah: Who is it? Grieci: Do you really want to know? Jeffrey: Trust me, you don't. Dinah: How long before word gets out, that people find out that it wasn't Lara in that grave. Jeffrey: Well, we want to get it out there as fast as we can. Grieci: We're already getting the information out. People will know that the Lara Fasano's work here with the orphanages was covering her assignment with covert U.S. Intelligence. Dinah: Okay, you guys are talking about this like you've done it before. Grieci: A couple of times. Jeffrey: But this is the last. [SCENE_BREAK] Reva: Grieci? Grieci, Grieci. 973... Grieci: Hello? Reva: Mr. Grieci, this is Reva O'Neill, Jeffrey O'Neill's wife. Grieci: Hi, Mrs. O'Neill. Reva: I'm... I'm sorry to bother you. It's just that I... I knew that you had done some work with Jeffrey in the past on assignments for the agency. And I... I was wondering whether you'd seen him lately. He's out there-- somewhere in the world-- tracking down a man who supposedly is dead. And I thought that he might have contacted you to be his backup. And I.. I haven't seen him. Grieci: No, I'm sorry. But you know, if Jeffrey doesn't want to be found, he won't be. Reva: Well, if he contacts you... Grieci: You know I couldn't tell you even if he did. Reva: Well, I'm not asking you to. I just... if he does contact you, will you tell him that I love him and that I want him to come home. Grieci: Will do. Take care, Mrs. O'Neill. She says she loves you and she wants you to come home. [SCENE_BREAK] Coming up on "Guiding Light"... Dinah: What now? Jeffrey: We use you to lure Edmund out of hiding. Alan: You are now eligible to be a member of the Spaulding board. Phillip: And if I have to choose, I choose the one who's being honest. Lizzie: 21 days till the wedding. Bill: That a problem? Cyrus: I need those diamonds. Remy: I don't know what you're talking about. Doctor: Why did you fly halfway across the country to see a doctor? | As he leaves she tells him "Happy Birthday, Raphael." Mallet and Frank know that Reva broke into the computer |
608 | Lily: You made it through. I'm so proud of you. And I love you. Holden: She'll probably be asleep for a couple of hours. Are you okay? Lily: Trying to be okay. Holden: Dr. Berg seemed very positive about the surgery. Lily: I know. But there's no guarantee that they got all the cancer. Holden: That's true. But as long as lucinda's optimistic, that should help a lot. Lily: I'm holding on to hope with everything that I've got. There's just so much to think about. There's so many things to be afraid of. Holden: And most of it out of your control. Lily: I just think the hardest part for my mother is yet to come. I mean, how is she going to react when she looks in the mirror for the first time? Holden: Lily, I'm sure that she has been preparing for that ever since she decided to have the surgery. Lily: All the prep in the world doesn't help you face the reality of some situations. Holden: That's true. But she has you. She has Sierra to help her through the tough times. And I think she's going to be okay, because she is one of the toughest, most stubborn women that I have ever met in my life. And I mean that in a good way. Lily: Thank you. Holden: It's going to be a while before she wakes up. Want to get a cup of coffee? Go to Java? Somewhere -- Lily: Are you asking me on a date? Holden: I believe I am. Lily: I really shouldn't leave her. But if you don't mind waiting around for a while, a cup of coffee would be really nice. [SCENE_BREAK] Gaston: Sorry to break you two up. But I got some new info I thought you'd want to hear right away. Dusty: Did you find Nurse Thompson? Gaston: Sorry, the trail's pretty cold. Jennifer: No, no. No, you can't give up now. The fact that she ran just proves she's guilty. She switched my baby with another child. Gaston: Or not. Dusty: Why do you say that? Gaston: Because I think I know why we can't find her. [SCENE_BREAK] [Phone ringing] Emily: Hello? Paul: Hi, it's Paul. Emily: Paul? Where are you? Are you on your way to Java? Paul: No, we're circling. The runway's backed up. What's going on? Emily: Well, Meg's little friend from the genetics lab just left Java and Meg looks like she's been hit by a bus. I'm telling you, I have no doubt in my mind she knows the truth about Jennifer's baby. Paul: Well, you've got to make sure she doesn't tell anyone. Emily: She's on the phone right now, Paul. Do you wanna make a bet who she's trying to reach? Paul: You gotta stop her. Emily: How? Paul: I don't know. Think like me. Meg: Hey Dusty, it's me. Can you please, please call me when you check these messages. Or at least leave your phone on. Look, I wouldn't be calling you if this wasn't important. I really need to talk to you right away. Emily: Hi. You look a little flustered. Meg: You know what? I haven't changed my mind, Emily. If you want to keep Dusty and Jennifer apart, I don't want to be in the middle of it. Emily: Its okay, it's okay. I understand. Are you sure you're okay? Meg: I'm just trying to get a hold of Dusty. I'm just having trouble. Emily: Oh, well, why didn't you tell me when I walked in? I can help you. I know where he is. [SCENE_BREAK] Hal: Thank you for coming in, Mr. Winthrop. Cass: Is this about a pending case, or is it something new? Hal: I would like to speak to you as a father, not as a cop. But how you answer my first question will determine which way it goes. Cass: If this is about Gwen Norbeck and your son, I've already answered it. Hal: Not to my satisfaction. Cass: Well, that's your problem, isn't it? Hal: It's yours, too. Because if I find out that you withheld even the slightest bit of information that would've helped us track them down, I will see to it that you are disbarred. Cass: Are we finished here? Hal: No, we're not. When's the last time that you had a conversation with Gwen? Cass: A few days ago. Since I'm not representing her any longer, there's no reason for us to stay in contact. Hal: May I ask why she is no longer your client? Cass: She proved to be too much of a risk for the money. Hal: She doesn't have any. Neither does Will, since Barbara barred him from getting to his trust fund. And you don't look like the probono type. So somebody must've been footing the bill. Who was it? Cass: I'm under no obligation to tell you that. Hal: If you don't tell me, I'll find out another way. Why don't you save the city some trouble this time? Cass: Are you asking as a father, or as a cop? Hal: My son is on the run, aiding a fugitive. I am scared to death for him. What do you think? Cass: It was Paul Ryan. He paid me. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: No, Will. Don't. Will: Get off of me! Jack: Where's Gwen? Where's Gwen? Listen, I know you're scared. She probably is, too. But if you keep running, you're only going to make matters worse, and you know it. Listen, I want to help you. But you gotta help me. Will: All right. Get off me. I'll tell you where she is. [SCENE_BREAK] Gwen: Hey, you stay the hell away from him. Carly: I just want to be sure he's not hurt. Gwen: He's fine, Carly. The only one capable of hurting him is you. Carly: What do you call what you're doing, dragging him from place to place as you run from the police? Of the two of us, I'm the one that wants to protect him. I want to bring him home. Gwen: No. His home is with me. I'm his mother. He belongs with me. Carly: You poor, sad girl. Any chance that you had of getting custody, Gwen, it's gone now. You kidnapped him. You took him across state lines. You're going to go to jail for that. Look at you. You've got no plan. You've got no place to go. You've got him living in a park for God's sake! Gwen: No. No, whatever I do, wherever we go, I know that he's better off with me. I know what you did, Carly. I know all about that baby that you killed. Do you think that I would ever let you get near my son again? I would die before I let you get your hands on him now. [SCENE_BREAK] Iris: I lost 'em. Oh, Gwennie. What a mess. But you're still here, and maybe I can find you before the cops do. Hey, hey, you seen a blonde with a baby? Passerby: Sorry. Iris: Oh, man. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: Nobody's hurt, are they? Will: No, Gwen's fine, the baby's fine. I took good care of them. Jack: Well, I don't doubt it. What I don't understand is why you ran, Will. You're smarter than that. What the hell were you thinking? Will: I thought she might be safer with me along. I didn't want her to get hurt. I told her to turn herself in. She wouldn't listen to me. Jack: Where are they now? Will: There's a school around the corner. The basement. You'll find her there. Jack: So, that's how we're gonna play it, huh? Will: What, that's where they are. I just left them a little while ago. Jack: I was at the school already! I checked the basement! It's the first place we looked! Will: What are you saying? They're gone? Jack: Give it up, would ya? Gwen's hiding in the park somewhere. I know it. Don't tell me you don't know where she is. Will: I don't, I swear. Jack: I've watched you grow up. I've known you most of your life. Hell, your father's my best friend. Do you have any idea what this is doing to him? What he's going through right now? Will: Yeah, I have a pretty good idea. Jack: All right, then let's get everybody home safe and sound, shall we? Where are Gwen and Rory? Will: I told you, the last time I saw them, they were in the basement of the school, okay. I left to get some supplies. That's when I spotted you. I don't care whether or not you believe me. Jack: Okay, I believe you. Does she have access to a car? Will: No, I have the keys right here. Jack: Okay, since you left her just before I spotted you, she can't have gotten far, right? Will: I guess not. Jack: Good, so this is how we're gonna play it. I want you to go back to the school. I want you to stay there till I find Gwen and Rory. I'm gonna come back and get you. Can I trust you enough to do that? Will: What choice do I have? Jack: None, really. Give me your car keys and your cell phone. This is the best thing for Rory. You understand that, right? The worst thing for that little boy is if you kept running. We're in sync with that, correct? Good. Get going. Now, go. [SCENE_BREAK] Gwen: I told you to stay away. I'm not going to let you do to my baby what you did to the other one. Carly: How could you think that I could ever hurt Rory? Gwen: Stop calling him that. Carly: Listen to me, Gwen. What happened to my little brother was a terrible thing. It was an awful accident. And I was just a child when it happened. Gwen: Look, I don't want to hear your excuses. You're never going to get him back, not ever. Carly: Be sensible! We've already alerted the local police. You'll be lucky if you make it out of the park, and even if you do, we will never stop hunting you down. Is that the kind of life that you want, always looking over your shoulder? Is that the kind of life you want Rory to have? Gwen: Stop calling him Rory! Carly: What are you gonna do? Where are you gonna go? What are you going to do if he gets sick? Do you have any idea how often babies get ear infections? Or stomach viruses? Or need checkups? Or vaccinations? Gwen: Look, I'll find a doctor. We'll figure it out. Carly: Do you know when to stop feeding him formula and start giving him baby food? Gwen: Look, leave me alone. Carly: And what are you going to do if he gets sick, if he's allergic to something that you fed him? Gwen: Well, I won't come running to you. You killed another child. Carly: And you are going to kill your own son if you keep running with him. Gwen: Don't you say that. Don't you ever say that. Carly: Gwen, if you love him like you say you love him, the two of us, we need to leave here together. We need to go back to Oakdale together, and we need to sit down and we need to work this out. Please. Please, you know I'm right. It's the best thing for your child. And isn't he all that matters now? [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: Hi. Emma: How's Lucinda? Lily: Good to see you. Holden: Hey. Emma: I was just going to -- gonna see Meg, so I thought I'd stop by and see if Lucinda was out of surgery yet. Lily: She just got out of surgery. She's sleeping. She's okay. Holden: Dr. Berg said the surgery went very smoothly. Emma: Oh, that's wonderful, that's wonderful. She's been in my prayers, sweetheart, she has. Lily: Thank you. Emma: And Luke? Oh, how's he holding up after that nightmare in Mexico? Lily: Physically, he's getting better, but emotionally, I think it's going to be a while. Emma: Oh, it had to be a horrible time for him. For all of you. Holden: Yeah, it was. It sure was. Emma: I'm just so grateful that he's all right. Lily: He even wants to go back to school. He does. Emma: Well, that's definitely a sign probably that he's feeling better. Holden: You want me to go track down meg for you? Emma: No, no. I'm a little early for her. These are for your mama. Lily: Oh, thank you. Emma: Maybe we could find a nurse to put them in some water. Lily: Oh, I'll do that right now. Thank you so much. They're beautiful. Emma: Oh, okay. Lily: I'll call and check on the girls, okay? Holden: Okay. I'm gonna head over to Java and why don't you join me when you're done? Lily: Okay, I'll be there soon. Bye. Emma: Bye-bye, sweetheart. So, what, do I have to drag it out of you? Holden: What's that? Emma: Well, you told me that you worked on some things while you were down in Mexico, but it seems a lot more serious than that now. Holden: Well, I'm hoping. But I don't want to talk about it because I don't want to jinx it right now. Lily is just focusing on Lucinda and Luke. And I'm doing the same. Emma: I'm all for taking things slow. You know, I just long to see the two of you back together again. But it's good, it's good that you're careful, because I don't want to see my baby hurt again. Holden: No, me, either. But things are good between us. We're talking, we're listening to each other, really listening. Emma: That's encouraging, Holden. Holden: And Luke, he's getting stronger. Lucinda's surgery seems to have been a success, so it looks like we're on the road to recovery. [SCENE_BREAK] Dusty: What do you think happened to Nurse Thompson? Gaston: You remember the brother we used to bring her out of hiding? Well, it turns out he's in more trouble than we thought. Jennifer: What kind of trouble? Gaston: He was arrested in Alabama on a B&E. He had taken a construction job under a different name. But he up and walked away from the job on the same day Nurse Thompson quit her job at the hospital and disappeared. Dusty: The reason she disappeared has to do with her brother's problems? Gaston: Right. Nothing at all to do with your baby. [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: It's funny, when I was taking Paul to the airport, I ran into Dusty and Jennifer. They were catching a flight to Philly. Meg: Philadelphia? Why? Emily: I guess they were checking out a new designer, they said. Meg: Oh. Well, did they say when they'd be back? Emily: No, why? Is there a problem? Meg: I just -- I really need to get a hold of him. Emily: Oh, and you can't seem to reach him on his cell phone, huh? Meg: No, I've left messages and I guess he's just too busy to pick up. You know what? I really need to get going. Emily: Oh, really? I was hoping we could, you know, grab a cup of coffee. Hal: Oh, good, there you are. I've been looking for you. Emily: Why? What's wrong? Hal: Meg, would you excuse us? I need to speak to Emily alone, please. Meg: Yeah, of course. I was just going, anyway. Bye, Emily. Emily: Bye. What's going on? Hal: Have you or Paul heard from will? Emily: No. I mean, I haven't. I can't speak for Paul, but why? Hal: Gwen has kidnapped the baby from Carly and Jack. Emily: What? Hal: It looks like Will's hooked up with them, and helping them get away. So if you have heard from Will, or if Paul has, Emily, I need to know. Even if Will told you not to tell me anything. Emily: No, I just spoke to Paul. He didn't mention anything. I'm so sorry. You must be worried sick. Hal: I just can't believe that Will would do something so stupid. He's on the run, he's out of money, which makes me think the only person he might turn to is his brother. Emily: No, he would've said something to me, I know it. Hal: Not if he didn't want you to know. Emily: Hal, don't start with that. Hal: Paul's got something going on, Emily. He has for weeks. I felt it. I just don't know how caught up in it you are. Just how deep in are you, Em? [SCENE_BREAK] Emma: Oh, my sweetheart, I really, really do hope that you and Lily get back together again. I do. I just have to tell you, it just -- it just broke my heart to see the pain that you were in since the two of you have been separated. Holden: Mom, I definitely have to take my part of the blame in this. Emma: Yes, you do. You both made mistakes. But isn't it wonderful that the two of you are wanting to mend the mistakes? I really -- I really, really hope it happens, Holden. But what about that man that Lily was seeing? What's his name, Keith? Is that all over and done with? Holden: Keith is out of the picture. He's definitely out for good. [SCENE_BREAK] Keith: Well, how about Oakdale Commons? No, no, I'm going to need a two bedroom. I've got a nephew that stays with me from time to time, and I want him to have his own bedroom. Well, how soon could I move into that? Really? Okay, I'll be there first thing in the morning. Good-bye. Lily: What do you think you're doing? Keith: Find a place to live. You kicked me out, remember? Lily: I thought you were leaving town. Keith: You thought wrong. [SCENE_BREAK] Dusty: Well, we don't know anything for sure. I think it's awfully convenient that Nurse Thompson quit her job and got out of town the same night your baby was born. Keep tracking her down, and find her deadbeat brother. Gaston: Well, at least now I've got two people to look for. Makes it easier to find one of them. I'll be in touch. Jennifer: Maybe we should just go home. Dusty: Is that what you want to do? Jennifer: What I want is to find proof that my baby is alive. Waitress: Can I get you folks anything else? Dusty: You're a new face. Did you just start work? Waitress: Actually, I just came back on duty. I took an early break. Dusty: Have you seen this woman? Waitress: She looks kind of familiar, yeah. Dusty: This is very important. Did you see her with anybody? Did anybody approach her, or say anything to her? Waitress: Yeah, I think she was with this blonde woman. Dusty: A blonde woman? Jennifer: Who could that be? [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: Excuse me, is this plane going to land sometime this century? Flight attendant: We're very sorry for the delay, sir. Paul: I've got some business to take care of, and it's on the ground, so how much longer is it going to be? Flight attendant: We can't land safely without clearance from the tower. May I suggest a nap? [Paul dreaming] Paul: Em, I'm home. Hello? Well, whatever you're cooking, it smells great. You wanna come on out of that kitchen? I'm lonely for you. Jennifer: Hello, brother dear. Paul: Hey, Jennifer. Jennifer: Scotch with a splash of soda, yes? Paul: Yeah, sure. Thank you. That's nice, thanks. Where's Emily? Jennifer: Well, she was here earlier, but she left. Paul: Where'd she go? Jennifer: I'm not sure, but she was in a terrible hurry. I bet she was heading to the airport to meet your plane. Paul: I didn't see her at the terminal. Jennifer: Aw, too bad. So, how was your trip? Did you find us a nice little villa in Italy? Some place where you can shower your baby sister with love and attention so she'll forget that her baby is dead, even if he isn't? Paul: What are you talking about? Jennifer: Nothing. Sit, drink up. Dinner will be ready soon. You know, I never realized that Meg Snyder was such a thoughtful person. Paul: When did you speak with Meg? Jennifer: I didn't. She called Dusty. He told me. Paul: Look, whatever Meg said to him -- Jennifer: You know exactly what she said to him. That's why your hand is shaking. Paul: Okay, look, I can explain. Jennifer: I can hear the ice knocking around in the glass. But I can fix that. [Slamming] Paul: I can explain. Jennifer: All this time -- all this time you've watched me dying by inches. You watched me pump myself full of pills and poison until my heart was this close to stopping cold. All you had to do was tell me what you knew, what you've known for months, that my baby didn't die that night. That I didn't have to mourn, that I didn't have to suffer. Paul: Jennifer, I didn't want you to suffer. You would've suffered more with Craig Montgomery. I swear, I was only trying to protect you. Jennifer: How dare you play God! How dare you! Oh, forget it. You're not going anywhere. Not after that drink. Paul: What did you put in it? Jennifer, what are you -- what are you doing? No, thanks. I don't need that. Flight attendant: Can I get you something else? Paul: Yeah, maybe a drink. Definitely not scotch. [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: Why do you keep insisting that Paul has dragged me into some nefarious plot? And when are you going to start giving me a little bit of credit? Hal: When you start proving to me that I should. Emily: Well, see, that's the thing. I don't have to prove anything to you, Hal. Not anymore. You seem to be forgetting that. Hal: I'm saying this for your own good. I know you, Em. You'll go with your heart instead of your head. You'll protect Paul at any cost. But you won't think about the consequences. Emily: Why do you think I would want to protect Paul? Hal: Maybe I better talk to Paul directly. When does he get back? Emily: He's not here. He's landing in a few minutes. But don't think you can accuse me of being part of something without telling me what that something is. Hal: I don't know if you're a part of it or not. I sure hope you aren't. Emily: Paul has not done anything wrong. Hal: Yes, he has. He's been helping Gwen for a long time. I think he knew that she intended to kidnap that baby, and he let Will go along with it. I even think he knows where they are. [SCENE_BREAK] Iris: Oh, hey, excuse me. Have you seen this girl? It's really important. I've gotta find her. Passerby: Wait, did she have a baby carriage? Iris: Yes! Yes, that's my Gwen! Where was she? Passerby: Over that way. Iris: Oh, thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Gwen, I know you think you can make this work, but I'm telling you, as bad as you think it's gonna be, it's gonna be ten times worse. And this baby deserves better than that. You know he does. Gwen: I want him to be safe. And happy. Carly: We both do. Now, I know that we've both made mistakes, and there are certainly reasons why we shouldn't trust each other, but the one thing that we have in common is that we love this boy. We want what's best for him. Please, there's got to be some way we can work this out. Gwen: No, you don't want to work things out. You want to take him away and then throw me in jail. Carly: No, I'm telling you, if you give this baby back to me right now, I promise you no one will press charges. Gwen: Why should I believe you? Carly: Look at me. You know I'm telling the truth. Please. Please, just let me look at him, okay? Will: Gwen! Gwen, let's go, now! Carly: No, you're not taking him! Gwen: Let go! Carly: You're not taking him! [Screams] [SCENE_BREAK] Announcer: Coming up, on "As the World Turns" -- Jennifer: Go home, Dusty. Go back to your life. I wouldn't blame you. I'll understand. Announcer: Flight 275 with nonstop service to Tampa, Florida, is now ready for takeoff. Please fasten your seatbelts and return your seats to the upright position. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Oh, my God! Jack! Gwen: No, stay away from him! Carly: No, let go of me! You almost killed him! Gwen: No, it was your fault, not mine. I won't let them take my baby away. I won't. [Carly pushes Gwen.]{Gwen falls down the steps.] [Screams] [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: You can't be serious about staying. Keith: Why? You're the one who keeps telling me that my life has nothing to do with you anymore. Lily: You know, I don't think you believe that. I mean, if you really thought we were over, you wouldn't be planning on staying. Keith: Well, I'm doing it for J.J. You know, he needs his family around, and I'm all he's got. Lily: This is a bad idea on so many levels, really. Keith: You don't own this town. I can do whatever I want. Lily: Why stay? It's not because of J.J. I don't believe that. Keith: Well, I'm doing it for you as well, because I think what we had was too good to be so easily destroyed. And I think that deep down, you know that, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Holden: Mama, you and I both know that Keith wasn't the only person to come between Lily and me. I made a bad call with Julia. Emma: Yes, yes, you did. Holden: And it's going to take some time, but I'm willing to do the work. It's going to be a lot of work. Emma: Well, you know something? Ever since you were a little boy, you never, ever shied away from working for things that you believe in, that you wanted. And you really want this, don't you? Holden: More than you'd ever know. Emma: Well, then there's nothing -- nothing that can stop you from making it happen. Nothing. Meg: Wow, listen to that vote of confidence. I should've brought my pom-poms. Holden: I've got to get going, Lily's waiting for me. Mama, thank you. See ya, Meggy. Emma: I know what you're going to say, so don't. Meg: I was gonna say that I'm happy for Holden and Lily, and that I hope it all works out. Emma: And that was all you were going to say? Meg: Yeah. Emma: You weren't going to ask me why I have shown so much support for Holden and Lily, and not for you and Dusty? Meg: Well, since you brought it up, the question did cross my mind. You always seem to be opposed to Dusty, or you call it protective. Emma: Oh, I love you. Of course I'm protective. Meg: Did you ever think that maybe I need a little less protection and a little bit more support? Emma: Oh, my baby girl, come on, let's talk about this over dinner. Meg: I can't make it to dinner. I have to cancel, sorry. Emma: What? Now, are you mad at me because -- Meg: No, no, no, no. It has nothing to do with you. I have to find Dusty. And don't look at me like that. It's not for the reasons you think. [SCENE_BREAK] Dusty: Brinks says that Nurse Thompson's brother has a common law wife who's blonde. Maybe that's who the waitress saw. Jennifer: Yeah, maybe. Dusty: What? Jennifer: That still doesn't explain why she called us to cancel. She didn't even know she was meeting with us. Dusty: Well, the truth is none of this makes a whole lot of sense. Jennifer: Yeah, maybe we've just been wasting our time. Dusty: No, come on, don't say that. Jennifer: Come on, Dusty. I mean, face it, we have just hit one dead end after the other. For all we know, Nurse Thompson could've run because of her brother and his problems, nothing to do with her, nothing to do with my baby. I mean, yeah, for a minute there, we got close. We thought we got close to something. But right now, he have to -- we just have to admit that we're back where we started. Dusty: Are you saying you no longer believe your baby is alive? Jennifer: I'm saying that I'm sorry for you wasting your time because it's not fair. Dusty: Don't give me that. I wouldn't be here, I wouldn't do anything I don't want to do. Jennifer: Go home, Dusty. Go back to your life. I wouldn't blame you. I'll understand. Dusty: Hey. Where do you think I'm going? Unless I'm going with you. And I'm not giving up, unless you give up. Maybe not even then. Jennifer: Why keep putting yourself through this? Dusty: This started as a search and turned into something more -- at least for me. Jennifer: You're talking about what happened earlier? Dusty: We kissed, yeah. Jennifer: Yeah, I think it was just the moment, you know? Dusty: I think it was more. It meant more. Jennifer: Maybe. But I don't know if I'm ready to go there yet. Dusty: Okay. Just remember one thing -- I am here 'cause I want to be for you, till you don't want me around anymore. So it's your call. We stay, we go, I go, whatever, it's your call. You tell me. [SCENE_BREAK] Meg: If you think I've concocted some kind of phony emergency to get closer to Dusty, you're wrong. I've stumbled across something very important, something that involves Jennifer. Emma: Mm-hmm? What is it? Meg: Well, I can't tell you right now, but it's gonna change her life. Emma: For the better, I hope. Meg: Absolutely. Emma: So I guess then she won't have to rely on Dusty as much, and that'll sort of free him up for you. Meg: Look, there's no grand plan, okay? I'm just doing a good deed here, that's all. Emma: Well, I just hope you know what you're doing, sweetheart. Meg: I do know what I'm doing, and everyone's gonna benefit from it. Emma: I hope so. Well, I want you to know that I love you, even though I have to have dinner alone. [Meg laughs] Meg: I love you, too. Come here. Thank you. Emma: Cafeteria dinner alone all by myself. Bye-bye. Meg: Bye. Hi, is this Street Jeans? Yeah, this is Meg Snyder. Um, I'm trying to get in touch with Dusty Donovan immediately. Yes, I've left messages on his cell phone, but if you could just tell me the hotel where he's staying in Philly, it would be -- Tampa? What do you mean? He's not in Philly, he's in Florida? [SCENE_BREAK] Will: Gwen! Gwen! Gwen, Gwen, can you hear me? Gwen, are you okay? Gwen? Gwen, wake up. Gwen. Gwen, can you hear me? Gwen, are you okay? Iris: What happened? Gwen? What have you done to her?! Will: Come on, wake up. Gwen? Jack: Will, step aside. Iris: Oh, is she alive? Jack: Yeah, her pulse is strong. Iris: Oh, thank God. Gwennie, angel girl, can you hear me? Sweetie? [Carly remembering] Its okay, angel girl. I got a plan -- the perfect plan to get you away from here, away from all of this. Its okay, my angel girl. You're gonna be all right. Isn't she, Jack? Tell me she's gonna be all right. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: You're wasting your time. If you're staying in Oakdale because of me, you're just punishing yourself. Keith: Listen, Lily, I'll take that punishment every day until you realize that everything I did, I did for you. I didn't leave Luke in Mexico. I wouldn't abandon him. And I'm not gonna abandon you. Lily: Everything we had was based on lies. I told you, I can't live my life wondering if I can trust you. Keith: Well, stop listening to all these people. I mean, they've been gunning for me ever since I came to this town. You're the only one who saw me for who I am. I can't let go of that. Lily, come on. We're -- we're too close. Lily: My mother just got out of surgery. I've got to go. Keith: No, don't go. Not yet. Please? [SCENE_BREAK] Jennifer: I don't know if we should keep looking or not. Dusty: You still believe the baby is yours? Jennifer: Yes. Dusty: Then we don't give up until we prove it. I think we've got a card to play. Jennifer: What's that? Dusty: Not what, who. [SCENE_BREAK] Flight attendant: Ladies and gentlemen, flight 275 with nonstop service to Tampa, Florida, is now ready for takeoff. Please fasten your seat belts and return your seats to the upright position. [Paul sits next to Meg on the plane.] [SCENE_BREAK] Hal: If Paul knows anything about where Will and Gwen might be, or if he said anything to you that might be helpful, I need to know. Emily: If I knew anything, do you really think I would keep it from you? Hal: I sure hope not. Emily: Where did you get this crazy idea anyway that Paul is helping out Will and Gwen? I mean, it's ridiculous. His main focus has been Jennifer, getting her well, finding us a fabulous place to hang out in Italy. Hal: "Us"? Emily: Yes, us. I'm going to Italy with him. Are you surprised by that? Hal: If that's all Paul's interested in, may I ask why he footed the bill for Gwen's custody claim? Emily: How did you know that? Hal: I'm pretty good at my job, and that's why I've lasted so long. So just answer the question. What the hell is Paul up to, and why is he suddenly so interested in Gwen and her baby? [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: Yeah, Riverside and 122nd. We'll be waiting for you. An ambulance is on the way. [Carly remembering] Iris: Angel girl. Oh, my angel girl. You were supposed to stay with him! Where is he? Where's my boy? What happened? Where's -- where's the baby? You were supposed to stay with him. Young Carly: I -- Iris: Where is he? Where's my boy? Young Carly: I -- Iris: What did you do? My God, Carly, what did you do? Young Carly: I didn't do anything! Iris: Oh, you are a liar! We both know you're lying. You've hated him since before he was born. Oh! Oh, my poor little boy! Where is he, my beautiful boy? Where is he? What have you done to my boy?! Carly: Oh, my God. It wasn't a boy. Where is he? What have you done to my boy?! Carly: Oh, my God. It wasn't a boy. [SCENE_BREAK] Announcer: Next week on "As the World Turns," sponsored by Kellogg's, who remind you to get a mammogram. Lily: Luke! Luke! Luke, Luke! Jack: I can't believe I didn't see it before. Carly: Gwen Norbeck is my sister? | The accident causes Carly to remember that Iris didn't have a baby boy she had a baby girl |
609 | Babe: We need to talk. J.R.: Twice before noon. What contest in hell did I win? Babe: J.R., this is me, giving up. You versus me and Jamie? It's over. You win. [SCENE_BREAK] Di: Tad, no one is out to kill me, not my ex-boyfriend, not Luca Brasi, or a pack of ninja assassins. Tad: Funny that you just automatically jumped to your ex. Di: I can read your suspicious mind. Tad: Huh. Di: But you heard Derek. There's no sign of tampering. My brakes on the car just failed. I mean, it's not as exciting as an assassination plot, but it does happen. Tad: But Jamie had just fixed the brakes. Di: Yeah, it wasn't his fault. Tad: I know that. Di: Some cars are just temperamental. Tad: Like their owners. Di: Stop trying to whomp nothing into something. You play a great Sherlock, Tad, but this time you're just plain wrong. Tad: Or not. Di: Why don't you just let this go? Tad: Because I think I'm dead on -- excuse the expression. I think somebody is out to kill you. [SCENE_BREAK] Greg: Greenlee, the best course for you now is to rest. Focus on getting well, and we can talk about this later. Greenlee: Dr. Madden, I need to know right now. If there's any of Ryan's donation left at the clinic, I want to try again. Jack: Greenlee, you can't do that. You can't even consider having Ryan's baby. [SCENE_BREAK] [Sitting down at a diner booth, Ryan watches as two waitresses whisper and laugh] Young Erin's voice: Ry, push me higher! Higher, silly! Make my toes hit the sky! [Young Erin laughs] Ryan's voice: Erin, I found you. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: Hello? Julia Santos. Well, what are you doing back in Pine Valley? And why are you doing it in my husband's arms? Julia: Kendall Hart. Kendall: Kendall Hart Slater. At least that's what it says on my marriage certificate. Julia: You married her? Zach: Yeah. Julia: What about Maria? What about that whole riff about how you love my sister? And you marry Kendall? My God, she's the anti-Maria. Kendall: Well, somebody's missed a few chapters. Zach: The situation's complicated. Kendall: You know, Zach still has a thing for Maria. So answer me this -- what are you doing back in Pine Valley? Didn't you and Noah go underground with the whole witness-protection thing? And isn't that supposed to be forever, or did they catch all the bad guys? Yeah, speaking of husbands, where's yours? Zach: Hey. I can't let you go. I won't. Kendall: Excuse me, Zach, I know I'm just your wife, but why the hell do you care what happens to her? [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: You surrender, I win. Love it when that happens. I need more details. Babe: I broke up with Jamie. The wedding is off, and I'm moving out. So you get your wish. Your brother and I are over. J.R.: Whoa. First, Brad and Jen, now you and Jamie? How is the old boy taking it? Babe: How do you think he's taking it, J.R.? Jamie loves me, and he would have stuck by me through anything. J.R.: Props, Babe. Thought I had you figured to go down in shame, taking my brother with you in a chokehold. Who knew that you had it in you to do the right thing or that you even know what that is? Babe: Yeah, well, I want what's best for Jamie. J.R.: Which isn't you. Finally, we agree on something. Babe: Jamie never meant to hurt you, and neither did I. Though right now I could peel you like a grape and walk away whistling. [J.R. whistles] J.R.: I'm crushed. Babe: Oh, like I give a rat's tail what you feel. I will not let you hold your brother down. J.R.: That's your job, not mine. Babe: Your brother is 10 times the man that you are. He is decent and kind and caring, and his dreams aren't all about destroying people. So if me walking away helps him, more power to Jamie, because he is so worth it. So you can go ahead, start calling all the colleges where you had him blackballed and the lawyers handling Aunt Phoebe's estate, because I swear to you on my life, I will walk away from him forever if he gets a shot at the life he deserves. J.R.: You're 100% serious? Babe: Absolutely. Start dialing. J.R.: Babe, I don't know what to say. You'd give up on him? You'd just walk away, so he could have a future? Damn. I made a mistake. Maybe I should rethink this whole deal. [SCENE_BREAK] Tad: Wait, just wait, ok? Give me a minute. Now, we both agree that J.R. blaming Jamie for a pair of faulty brakes is ridiculous. Di: Yeah, no one was to blame for my brakes failing except for Mother Nature and the roadtop being slick. Tad: Ok, so let's revisit the bank robbery, shall we? Di: How's your arm? Have you been taking your antibiotics? Tad: Just stop, and see, I hate it, I hate it when you do that. Just listen to me, ok? Work with me on this one. The guy with the gun -- you remember him? Di: Yeah. Tad: Ok, he wants a hostage. I volunteer. Hell, I practically threw myself at him. Out of a lineup, he picks you. How do you figure that? Di: I'm a whole lot cuter than you are? Tad: That's funny. That's hysterical, especially now. Di: Mm-hmm. Tad: What is the whole thing? The whole robbery was nothing but a staged kidnapping, and you were the target. Di: Oh, Tad. Tad: Now, the idea was to snatch you up and shut you up, like, you know, at the bottom of a landfill? And, hey, when that doesn't work out, all of a sudden the brakes on your car mysteriously go out? Come on, that's twice in as many weeks that you've nearly lost your life. Di: Ok, so I've had a couple of close calls, Tad. Tad: No, no, a couple? What about being nearly run over by a car at a bus stop the very day you get out of prison? You remember, your home away from home? Because you had the dirt on an ex-boyfriend that you refused to give up. Di: The ex-boyfriend who happens to be halfway around the world in Thailand. Tad: Dixie, you can order a hit over the Internet, you know? E-mail, a fax. Di: I told you I have nothing nasty on Kevin. He has no reason to want to take me for a ride or rub me out. Tad: That you know of. What happens if you do know something, only you don't know you know it, and good old Kevin just wants to make sure you take it to your grave? Di: Tad, you've got to drop this. Tad: Dixie, come on, look at the odds. You know I'm on to something. Di: No, you are so off track, connecting dots in different time zones -- invisible dots, all in your head. Tad: All right, so you connect the dots. All right? One near miss, it happens. Two, bad luck. Three? Somebody is out to kill you. Di: This is insane. Why even go there? Tad: Because I don't want to go through losing you all over again. [SCENE_BREAK] [Music plays] Waitress: Are you Rick? Or more of a Richard? Single cap, easy milk? Ryan: Oh. I -- it didn't register. I switched from a double shot. Waitress: Keeping you up nights? Ryan: Yeah, something like that. Waitress: You want some shortbread to go with? We make it ourselves. Ryan: No, I'm fine, thanks. Waitress: I took your advice. Erin: About Charlie? How'd it work out? Waitress: Just like you said it would. Erin: Oh! Waitress: Thanks so much. Ryan's voice: You're happy. You're happy, and you're beautiful. Erin: There he is. There he is. Man: I'm sorry I'm late. The car wouldn't start. I had to get a jump, and it was just -- Erin: Surprise! [Cheers] Erin: Happy birthday! Whoo! Man: All right -- [Laughter] Ryan's voice: You did it, Erin. You got yourself a good life, and you escaped the fate of the Lavery kids. [SCENE_BREAK] Greenlee: If the clinic has any trace of Ryan left, I'll try again to have his baby. Jack: Greenlee, with everything that's happened, why don't you just concentrate on feeling better? Greg: That's what I told her. Greenlee: I'm not sick. The only thing that's wrong with me is that I'm not pregnant. Jack: Just take some time to recover and talk to your doctor here. Maybe now is not the best time to make a decision like this. Greenlee: I don't need your advice. In fact, I want you to leave. Jack: Whoa, wait a minute. Greenlee, I love you, ok? I care about you. I realize what you just went through was just a living hell. But we'll all be there to help you -- Erica and Reggie, Lily, Kendall -- we'll all be there. But now is not the -- Greenlee: I'm not giving up on having Ryan's child. Jack: Sweetheart, listen to me. Maybe it's just not meant to be. Greenlee: I lose my baby and what, that's that? Move on without my husband or his baby? I won't accept that. If there is a chance that I can carry on with part of Ryan, I'm going for it. You know how far I'll go to make this happen. You fight me, I'll fight back harder. I'll take you to court, I'll shred your name, your practice, whatever it takes to get to the truth. Do you have any of my husband's samples left in your clinic? Greg: If you don't mind, I think I'd rather deal with this privately with Greenlee. She is my patient. I will make everything clear to her. Greenlee: Dr. Madden, what is it? Greg: In answer to your question, yes. There is more of Ryan's sample at the clinic. [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan's voice: Same smile. Man: This still isn't right! Erin: I'm sorry, sir. Is there a problem? Man: Yeah. You got my order wrong -- twice. Erin: Double shot, easy milk, heavy foam. Man: Only the first time there was more milk than coffee. Now you left off the foam. You know, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to serve up a freakin' cup of coffee! Erin: I'm really sorry, sir. Let me just fix your order. Man: What, so you can mess it up again? No, forget it. I want to see the manager. Erin: She's not here, but I am the assistant manager in charge till she gets back. Man: Well, that's great. Does your boss know she left an idiot running the place? You know, I got half a mind to force that swill down your throat. [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: You have no plan, no backup. You can't go running off like this. Julia: I've taken my chances so far. Zach: Yes, taken chances -- it's too dangerous. Kendall: Wait a minute, and you're talking dangerous, you're not talking about Julia crossing the street. They're still after you, the men who put a price on your head. Well, for God's sakes, Zach, let her go. Zach: Stay out of this. Kendall: No. Zach, you have no idea how radioactive this girl is. If she still has a target on her back, then anyone she messes with could end up body- bagged. Just let her go, the farther, the better. Julia: Your wife didn't morph into Mother Teresa while I was away. Don't worry about dodging bullets, Kendall. I'm out of here. Zach: Stop. Running is not an option. Kendall: Zach, she is a walking death sentence. Zach: Kendall -- I meant what I said. When you talk to your sister, she'll tell you I'm a man of my word. I will get you out of this, I swear. Kendall: No, I am not hearing this. Zach, have you lost your mind? Julia: Even if I could trust you, I sure as hell can't trust her. Kendall: Trust me, bite me. I don't give a flip. Julia: You never did about anybody but yourself. Kendall: Is this about Anton? Wow. No grudge too ancient or small for you to hold. It's not like you even loved him. Zach: Let's deal with the situation at hand. What do you think? Kendall: You know, it's too bad that witness protection couldn't give you a new obsession to go along with your new ID, but then again, I guess living underground just makes the heart grow more pathetic. Julia: You don't know anything about me, about what I've been through. But you're the same old brat with attitude, Kendall Hartless. Stay out of her way or get stepped on. Only a brain-dead jerk would trust you. Zach: She's not going to give you away. Kendall: Excuse me. Did I hire you to speak for me? Zach: Excuse me. Can I talk to you in private, please? Kendall: Do I get a vote here? Zach: Don't go anywhere, not even the house. And she's not going to turn you in, and I'm the very powerful friend. Julia: Ok. It's not like I have a lot of choice. Zach: No. Promise me. Julia: I promise. Zach: Thank you. Kendall: What? I didn't promise a damn thing. I'm calling the FBI. Hey! Zach -- Zach! Zach: You're not calling anyone. I gave my word, and you're going to keep it. [SCENE_BREAK] Di: Tad, you have my word. No one is out to get me. Tad: Yeah, right, and you've just had an exceptionally long, ridiculously bad run of luck. Di: Or if you're a glass-is-half-full kind of guy, I've had some pretty darn amazing luck. Tad: What? Di: I've got the life back that I love, my son, grandson. There's no way that I'd risk losing that. If I had the tiniest suspicion that Kevin Sturgess was gunning for me, I mean, don't you think I'd be shouting for help, dialing 911, ducking for cover? Tad: Either that or you'd grab your squirrel gun over the mantel while I had my back turned. Di: Maybe the old Dixie. This one has way too much to lose -- my home, my family. I'm not about to do anything brave or stupid and jeopardize this wonderful life that I had. I wouldn't make you guys go through that hell again. So believe me, Tad, I'm not on anyone's hit list. You're on the wrong track. Tad: Yeah, it's been known to happen every now and then. Di: Hmm. We've got a lot going on. Our grandson's christening -- Tad: Hmm. Di: Our sons are farther apart, hate each other more than ever. We need to put family first right now, not go chasing some crazy death plot. Tad: I always hate it when you're right. Di: You'll let it go, then? Tad: Well, in my family, paranoia tends to run deep. I'll give it a good shot. Di: Oh. Tad: So I guess I'll just file the whole brake and bank robbery thing under paranoid conspiracy theories. Di: I mean, don't get me wrong. Don't think for a moment that I'm not flattered that you'd spend that much worry on me. Tad: Do me a favor. Di: Hmm? Tad: When the car comes back, tell Adam to take it for a spin, would you? Di: Oh, Tad Martin! Tad: Oh, just one last paranoid suggestion before I hit the road. Di: Maybe not. [SCENE_BREAK] Babe: Is it doped? J.R.: Oh. Look, what would you say if I stopped this whole grudge match between you and my brother? Babe: After I leave Jamie? It doesn't sound much like a sacrifice. J.R.: No, you don't have to walk away. In fact, I'll cancel all payback, no strings. What do you say? Babe: I'd say that you've somehow tricked the devil into getting your soul back, and the chances of that are slim to none. J.R.: I wouldn't rule it out. Babe: You know, you don't have to back off on me, J.R. We can battle this out till doomsday if you want as long as it doesn't mess up our son. J.R.: Look, Babe, sometimes all the fights and the fists and the paybacks -- it just -- it becomes so empty. Babe: Uh-huh. And did you find religion before or after you tried to nail Jamie for attempted murder? J.R.: Look, I almost lost my mom again. I freaked out. I'm sorry. I made a mistake. Obviously, I owe Jamie a big fat apology. Babe: Yeah, times a thousand, you do. Jamie's only mistake was helping me, because he's a good man with a fierce heart. I am asking you to leave him alone. Just let your brother be happy. J.R.: And the only way that he'll be happy is with you as his wife. You both get the happily-ever-after. Maybe that could be my wedding present to you. Babe: Would you -- would you really do that for us? Call all this off, all the hate? No strings? Oh, my God. J.R.: Gotcha! Hey, Babe. Oh, that's a sweet memory. Oh, you just turned a cruddy night into a happy day. Babe: You know what? You go ahead, and you laugh this up, J.R. Play me for a sucker! J.R.: Yeah. Babe: It doesn't change that I dumped Jamie. You still have to honor Phoebe's will. J.R.: No, no, actually, I don't. I don't have to do squat. See, you blew off your fierce-hearted boyfriend Jamie for no apparent reason. He gets no money, he gets no college, he gets no MD on his nonexistent luxury car with his nonexistent vanity plates. No, the stupe's still going to be a grease monkey till arthritis forces him to lay down his lug wrench. And that makes you what? Right -- still a loser. [SCENE_BREAK] Erin: I'm not much of a coffee drinker myself, but I know some people just can't start their day without it. Doesn't seem like your day's off to such a great start, and then I fudged your order and made it worse. Let me redo your coffee on the house, and I will throw in whatever you want from the pastry case. Man: Oh, look, you don't have to do that. Erin: No. No, no, no. I want to make this right. I'm really, really sorry about the confusion. Man: Oh, no, forget about me. I was a real jerk. Erin: Now, don't make me say "The customer is always right." Man: Well, the truth is I am having a bad day. The boss is all over me, making me redo a report it took me three weeks to write. Erin: Hmm. I'm sorry things are rough at work, but I hope they get better real soon. [SCENE_BREAK] Greenlee: Well, this is good news. This is great. There's still hope I can have Ryan's child. Greg: Greenlee, it's -- it's more complicated than that. Greenlee: Ok. You're the doctor. Whatever you say. I'll be your star patient. This next pregnancy will be perfect. Greg: Every pregnancy has its own risk factors to a greater or lesser degree. Greenlee: Well, I tried to stay positive for the sake of the baby, think good thoughts. I mean, I was really good about taking my vitamins. Greg: Greenlee, there's absolutely nothing that you did that caused this miscarriage. Greenlee: Well, I understand that miscarriages are pretty common, especially in the first trimester. But luckily, I'm young and strong, and there's no reason I can't go to term next time and give birth to Ryan's son or daughter. Is there? [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: Why are you putting yourself in the line of fire? What is Julia Santos to you? Zach: She's Maria's sister. Kendall: So what? You are not responsible for her whole family. I mean, have you devoted one brain cell to what you're doing? If Julia's in danger, you're in danger, and that puts me in danger. [SCENE_BREAK] Julia's voice: What do you say, Noah? Noah: I'm saying that -- I love you. No matter what happens, I'll be here. Julia: In the short time that I've known you, Noah, you've become my best friend. And to tell you the truth, right now what I need more than anything is a best friend. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: Julia saw a gangland takedown that she was not supposed to see. Those guys wanted her and Noah seriously dead. Now, they will not stop, Zach, ever. It was so serious that the Feds put them in the witness protection program. We're talking life or death, Zach. I've had enough death, thank you. I can do without it. I'm done, I'm ready for this to be over. Zach: What's happened? Kendall: I've been trying to call you all last night and all this morning. Greenlee lost the baby. [SCENE_BREAK] Greg: Greenlee, if you succeeded in getting pregnant with Ryan's baby, the pregnancy will not be viable. You would lose that baby, also. Greenlee: No, I told you, I'll do whatever you say -- bed rest, positive imaging. I'll keep myself 100% stress free. Greg: Stress is not the problem. Greenlee: There is no problem, Doctor. I'm mourning the baby that I lost. I loved that baby. We bonded from the moment of conception, and it'll be the same next time. Greg: Greenlee, you cannot carry Ryan's baby to term. Greenlee: I know plenty of women who have miscarriages and then go on to have healthy pregnancies and babies. Greg: That's true. But in most cases, we don't know what causes the miscarriage. In your case, we do. I was alerted by the blood test. Do you remember when I ordered a second test? Greenlee: Strictly routine, right? Greg: In a normal pregnancy, the HCG levels double every two days. Progesterone levels are also increased. Your levels were low, a red flag. The test also showed an abnormally high level of antibodies, pointing to immune- system response. Greenlee: I don't understand. Greg: Half the cells for the embryo come from the father. Your body read the pregnancy as a foreign invasion. Your immune system rejected the pregnancy, resulting in miscarriage. I have absolutely no doubt that, if you got pregnant again, your body will attack and destroy the embryo. I won't put you through that. It's risky and bound to fail. Man: Oh, wow. That's beautiful. Erin: It's a wishing stone. Ryan's voice: I don't know what happened with you and Jonathan in Atlantic City. What did he do to make you come up here? Do you think I'm dead? Did you read about our brothers? Do you think they're gone, too? Now what? Erin: Aw. Oh. Ryan's voice: She just looks so happy. I should just leave you alone, I should get out, I should go, and I should never come back. [Music changes] Erin: Want to dance? Man: All right, let's dance. Erin: Yeah, let's dance, birthday boy! Woman: Whoo! Erin: Come on, come on, come on! [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: Aunt Phoebe's will was -- was filled with whys, its, and wherefores, but nothing about you leaving Jamie. See, it was very specific. Jamie has to leave you. Babe: I don't believe it. This is the biggest load of horse poo. You're totally playing word games. J.R.: Hmm. Cat -- C-A-T. Dog -- D-O-G. Babe -- L-O-S-E-R. Babe: Oh, God -- J.R.: God love her, Aunt Phoebs was a sharp old broad, wasn't she? She could see right through you. Babe: Phoebe never even knew me. J.R.: Yes, but she knew that you'd work the con -- pretend to be leaving Jamie. And as soon as that estate check cashed, you'd be doing handsprings right back to Jamie's bed. But Jamie, being the standup guy that he is, Aunt Phoebe knew that if he left you, it would be in ink. You know, you really should get Little Adam to read this to you. See, in legal speech, Jamie has to be the dumper and you to be the dumpee. And since there's no way to make or break or fake one, that leaves you where? Clueless, screwed to the floor. Babe: You dirty, rotten son of a bitch! What do you want from me, J.R., huh? My head on a platter? J.R.: With an apple in the mouth. Babe: God, you have never played fair, but this -- this is just way too much. I am so going to find a way to drive a stake through your heart, shove garlic up your yin-yang, and bury you face down, so you're facing your new little buddies in hell. J.R.: Thanks, but I sort of like the view from here. Yeah, you and Jamie -- the stench of failure, lives wasted. Babe: If you cared one bit about your brother, you'd be doing right by him. J.R.: And steal your thunder? Babe -- selfless, making the ultimate sacrifice for her man. As far as empty gestures go, laudable, but completely meaningless. Maybe you should write this down, so you don't forget it. All right, never mind. The only way that Jamie cashes in on his dream is to see you for the tramp you really are and dumps you. Hmm? Now, if you don't mind,, my son and I have a daddy-and-me class to attend. [SCENE_BREAK] Aidan: It is crazy out there. It's almost hot enough for a crime wave. You know most murders are committed when the temperature tops 95 degrees? Tad: Yeah, that's almost interesting. Get in here and make yourself useful. Aidan: You know, click on the monkey. You might win yourself a free trip. Tad: Forget the monkey, all right? In all seriousness, can you drop everything you're working on for a while and cover Dixie 24/7? Aidan: Why? What's up? Tad: A lot, and none of it's good. [SCENE_BREAK] [Di frantically scribbles a letter to ensure that her secret will not die with her.] [SCENE_BREAK] Greenlee: I don't believe you. You're making this up. You're in on this with my father. He didn't want me to try again, and he got you to go along with him. Greg: No, Greenlee, I spoke to Jack before you miscarried. Greenlee: I still don't believe you. Greg: Listen, if I thought this could work for you, if I thought you could carry Ryan's baby to term, I would be right there with you. I'd monitor you ever step of the way. But knowing what we know, to go through this once again would reach the same conclusion -- it would be guaranteed heartache. Greenlee: I want a second opinion. Greg: I called in a consulting. Dr. Avery reviewed your test results and came to the same regrettable conclusion. Now, you can talk to anybody you like. I'll give you a list of consultants, or else I can send her in to speak to you. I'll give you some time. Greenlee: You're wrong, Doctor. You're wrong. You have to be. [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: It's over, then. Greenlee's free to move on. Kendall: You have no idea what that baby meant to her. Zach: It was her last tie to Ryan. Maybe she's better off. Kendall: You are one cold SOB. Zach: I know Greenlee's suffering, but I do feel relieved for her, because maybe now she can let Ryan go and fall in love with someone else, someone that comes without a family curse. The only thing we can do is show our support. Kendall: Please don't strain yourself. Zach: She's not the only one that needs help right now. Kendall: Yes, I know. Julia Santos Keefer needs help, and, obviously, you're the only man for the job. Zach: You will not tell anyone that you saw her here. Kendall: Since when did our marriage make you the boss of me? Zach: What about that? If you turn her in, she's going to die. Do you want that on your conscience? Kendall: You know what? Whether Julia lives or dies is the last worry on my mind. Zach: Whatever history you two have, why don't you try to bury it? I'll take care of this, no risk and no danger to you. Kendall: What happened to the selfish guy I married? Zach: I gave her my word, and I'm going to keep it. Go to Greenlee. She needs you. I'm sorry. I know how much you were counting on that baby. Kendall: You don't understand. Zach: I understand a lot more than you think. Kendall: Tell Julia that she's safe from me. I'll keep my mouth shut. Zach: Julia? Julia? I shouldn't have let her out of my sight. Kendall: Well, maybe it's for the best. You were all primed to play savior, and Julia didn't want you to, so now you're off the hero hook. Zach: Not even close. [SCENE_BREAK] PA Announcer: All passengers holding tickets for Blue Line Tours bus number 85 for Philadelphia may begin boarding at this time. [At the bus station, a disguised Julia prepares to board a bus.] [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.'s voice: The only way that Jamie cashes in on his dream is to see you for the tramp you really are and dumps you. [Remembering J.R.'s words, Babe determines to do something about it.] [SCENE_BREAK] Aidan: There's no chance that Dixie's got it right. Nobody's out to get her, Tad. You're overreacting. Tad: Hey, all it takes is one bullet to prove her wrong. Do you really want to go there? Aidan: Well, why don't you stay on Dixie, then? I mean, she's your ex-lover. It'd be way less conspicuous. Don't you think? Tad: Nope, I can't, on account of I will be traveling. Aidan: To where? Tad: Thailand. I feel like taking a little trip to the Far East, you know, checking out the sights, having a little conversation with Dixie's ex- boyfriend. [British accent] Ciao, mate. [SCENE_BREAK] Di: Yes, operator. A collect call from Di Kirby. Yeah, it's me. No, just be quiet and listen. I went to prison, I kept my mouth clamped tight, and it'll stay that way, but you'd better tell him to stop, or else I'll start blabbing my head off. Not my problem. Now, I've written a letter. As long as I'm alive, it'll stay our best-kept secret. But if anything happens to me or anyone I care about, the whole world will know what I know. You understand? So you tell him that, now. [SCENE_BREAK] Greenlee: Get out. Greg: I'm sorry. I'll check back with you later. [Outside Greenlee's room, Greg addresses Jack.] Greg: I told her. She understands it's over. [Once alone, Greenlee begins to cry.] [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: Get out of here, man. Leave Erin alone before it's too late. Erin: Excuse me. I just came over to see if there's anything I could do for you. [NEXT_ON] J.R. (to Josh): I got you right where I want you. Jack (to Kendall): You have to stop what you're doing, because you're not helping my daughter, you're hurting her. Julia (to Zach): Get your hands off me! Zach (to Julia): It's either this or a police escort back to the witness protection program. Erin (to Ryan): Are you going to tell me how you know me, or do I have to guess? | She is ready to turn Julia into the FBI |
610 | Maya: Look, I'm -- I'm sure my father hasn't fully accepted me, but he might be willing to try. Rick: He might be? Maya: I-I know it doesn't sound like much. Rick: It means a lot to you. Maya: It's just a lot more than I expected. I always hoped that my mother would come around and accept my transition, but he -- you know what? He always took it so personally, like I was rejecting him and everything that he stood for. Until today, I never thought he would see me as anything but a huge disappointment. [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: You talked about Maya like she was a monster. And now suddenly you think you can accept her? Julius: I told her I'd try. Nicole: Yeah, I know that's what you said, Dad. But did you mean it? Vivienne: Nicole, that is not how you speak to your father. Nicole: Do you believe him? Julius: Hey, don't you drag your mother into this. And don't you ever -- Nicole: Question you? How can I not? Vivienne: Shh. Nicole: A few hours ago, you were calling Maya a freak. But that's not what you said to her. You made her think that you might actually want to get to know her. Is it true? Because I don't buy it. [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: But I'm making that clear, right? I mean, it's not a stunt. It's our chance to make a statement about understanding and acceptance. Steffy: Mm-hmm. Yeah, of course. That's what California Freedom is all about. [SCENE_BREAK] Aly: Freedom. Acceptance. Tolerance. What kind of message is that? What happened to romance? Elegance and glamour? This line isn't sexy. It's smut! Perverted and disgusting! Darla: That's right, baby. It's wrong. Aly: But they can't see it, Mom. Not even Ivy. [Sighs] God, they think they're doing something good. But if they don't stop, they're gonna ruin everything. You should have heard them. Acting like Steffy and Maya are role models. [Sniffles] I couldn't stand it. I had to get out of there. Darla: You have to go back there right now. Aly: But they won't listen. [Sniffles] They don't understand. Darla: That's why it has to be you. You know what has to be done for the company, for your family. Aly: I'm the only one. Darla: Go to Forrester and stop it! [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: Let's keep going. Where's the second set? Caroline: Right here. Ridge: Thank you. And accessories? Steffy: It's all updated. Ridge: It is, huh? Steffy: It's amazing how much I can get done without Aly breathing down my neck. Caroline: You know, I-I am so glad you got through to her. Steffy: Well, it was either get on board or go back to Paris. Ridge: I'm glad it didn't come to that. Steffy: Well, I really didn't want her to leave. I just wanted to wake her up, make her realize how disruptive she was being, and I think it worked. Ridge: We all got to be on board, including Aly. We got to make California Freedom a success. [SCENE_BREAK] Maya: Look, I have to get back to work. There's still a lot to do. Rick: It's your big day tomorrow. Maya: Not just for me, but yeah, there's a lot to be excited about. Rick: Is that how you're feeling about your dad? Maya: Cautiously hopeful. Rick: It's okay to be cautious. Maya: Look, I-I want to believe that my father's being sincere and that he wants to try. But my parents haven't been in my life in a long time. If this doesn't happen, I'll be okay. But it would be really great to have a relationship with him again. [Chuckles] [SCENE_BREAK] Vivienne: This isn't appropriate behavior. Nicole: I can't ask a question? Julius: Ask politely. Show some respect. Nicole: Oh, is that what Maya did? Is that how she got through to you? Julius: Your brother can become a woman and... [Sighs] This is not easy for me, honey. But I'm trying. I am trying to see things a little bit differently now. I think it would be beneficial to all of us if we could come back together as a family again. Vivienne: Yes. [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: You want a relationship with Maya? Julius: I want what is best for this family. That's what I've always wanted, Nicole. Nicole: Oh, that's why you sent her away, told her to leave us alone? Julius: Listen, I didn't know at kind of life a person like that could have. I didn't know the kind of people that Maya would meet, that she would bring around us, that she would bring around you. And I was right. She ended up in jail. So I assumed that when she got out, it would be the same when she went to L.A. Nicole: Except that it wasn't. And I told you that. I sent you pictures and e-mails. Did you not even look at them? Julius: I had to see for myself. Nicole: Getting to know the Forresters and Maya has been good for me. Julius: And your mother and I deserve the same opportunity to get to know Maya and the life that she's living and this family she's become very close to. You know, as a matter of fact, I think I should go and talk to the man she's been living with. Nicole: You want to go see Rick? Julius: Yeah. On my own. You can take your mother back to the hotel. Honey. Vivienne: Oh. Julius: I'll see you later. Vivienne: Yeah, okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: Alex, I think right here. Tighten this. Maya: I'm sorry I wasn't here for introductions. Steffy: Oh, no, it's okay. Sonja's doing great. Thanks for putting us in touch. Maya: Absolutely. She heard about the collection and said she had to be involved. Ridge: How's that feel? Sonja: As good as it looks. Caroline: Ah. That's what we like to hear. And then, Alex, do you think you could... right. Aly: Who's that? Steffy: Who? Oh, that -- that's Sonja. Aly: I don't recognize her. Steffy: She's Maya's friend. She's in the show tomorrow. Aly: Oh. Ridge: All right, Alex, we're gonna send her down in about five minutes. Thank you. Sonja: I can't thank Maya enough for hooking me up with you guys. Caroline: Oh, no, we're the lucky ones to even get you. Ridge: Yeah, we thought you were gonna be booked. Sonja: Oh, I wouldn't miss this opportunity for anything. Wearing this collection, what it stands for. Ridge: Yeah. It's easy to take the sense of freedom for granted. Caroline: Yeah. I mean, it's so precious, and we just want to share it. Maya: And that's what we're gonna do tomorrow. So, does anything else need to be done? Caroline: No, I mean, it looks... Ridge: Well, a couple things. If we tighten this one here... Caroline: Yeah, but we already told Alex. Ridge: She was asking a question. [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: We should have gone with him. Vivienne: He wants to talk to Rick alone. We have to let your father handle this his way. [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock on door] Rick: [Clears throat] Julius: Are you Rick Forrester? Rick: I am. Julius: Julius Avant. Rick: Maya's dad. Yeah. Nice to meet you. Come on in. Right this way. Maya had to head back to the office. She's getting ready for the big show tomorrow. Julius: They don't need you? Rick: Well, different hours. I'm coordinating the launch from the international offices. Julius: You must travel a lot. Rick: I used to live in Paris. But no, no, LA's my home base now. Julius: Hmm. Well, I guess if I had a home like this, I wouldn't want to leave, either. Rick: [Chuckles] Please take a seat. Yeah, Maya and I, we're, uh, we're comfortable here. Julius: That's good to hear. Rick: Is it? I'm sorry. Maya was telling me about the conversation you had earlier. You have an interest in getting to know her better. I'm not exactly sure how much you want to know. Julius: You mean, do I want to know about the relationship? Rick: Yeah. Julius: Actually, I do. I want to know what kind of man wants to make a life with a woman like Maya. [SCENE_BREAK] Maya: It's gonna look amazing. Caroline: Oh, my gosh. The lighting. Maya: I was just thinking the same thing. [Chatter] Steffy: Do you want me to introduce you to Sonja? Aly: No. I mean, they- they're busy. I don't want to get in the way. Steffy: Okay. Maya: [Laughs] Yeah. Ridge: All right, you can head on down and see Alex. Thank you. Sonja: It's a beautiful gown, and I'm so proud to wear it. Caroline: No, you know what? This is just a proud moment for all of us, truly. Maya: Yeah. Do you need me to take you down to alterations? Sonja: No. Thanks. See you there tomorrow. Maya: I can't wait. [Laughs] Okay, I'll see you tomorrow. All right. Caroline: She's great. Maya: I know. [SCENE_BREAK] Vivienne: Thank you. Nicole: You don't think it's a good idea. Vivienne: I didn't say that. Nicole: I saw your face, mom, when he said that he was going to see Rick. What's he going to say? Vivienne: I don't know. Nicole: Okay, well, what are you afraid he might say? Vivienne: [Sighs] Your father can be blunt, and some people, maybe this guy Rick, might not appreciate his directness. Nicole: Like when he called my sister disgusting? Vivienne: He's not gonna say anything like that. Nicole: Because he feels different now? He's ready to accept Maya as she is? Mom, please. I need to know. Is he being honest with her? Vivienne: This isn't easy for him, Nicole. I mean, being here, facing all of this -- I mean, you know how difficult it's been all these years, the embarrassment and the ridicule. God. Nicole: So what's changed? Why is he fine with this now? Vivienne: He's not. Not yet. But I think spending time with Maya might help. I mean, I hope so. I can't tell you what's in your father's mind. All I can say is that he is genuinely interested in your sister's life, and he's trying to see the good in Maya and what she can bring to our lives. [SCENE_BREAK] Julius: Maya says this was your idea. Rick: Actually, it's, uh, it's a family tradition. When Maya moved in, my father had a portrait of his wife up there. Julius: Lady of the house? Rick: Something like that. Julius: You didn't know when you put that up? Rick: No, I didn't. Julius: But you never took it down? Rick: No. Julius: That says a lot. Rick: Maybe. You know, to be honest, I'm not exactly proud of how I reacted when I found out. Julius: You didn't suspect? Rick: That she was transgender? Julius: Hmm. Rick: No, I had no idea. Neither did anyone else until Spencer Publications made it public knowledge, and that's why I didn't handle it very well. Julius: Humiliating. Rick: No. See, Maya thought that, too. She thought that I would reject her. Let me tell you something. That's not gonna happen. Mr. Avant, I love your daughter, and I am completely committed to her. Julius: So you're straight? Rick: I'm sorry? Julius: You like girls. Rick: Well, yes. Obviously. Julius: Before you met Maya, you dated regular women? Rick: I-I don't really see any difference between Maya or any other woman, at least there's no difference to me. Julius: Rick. [Chuckles] You're a successful man, good job, beautiful home. You can have any woman you want. Do you really want Maya? Rick: Yes. Does it surprise you that someone could appreciate her for who she is? Mr. Avant, I-I thought you were trying to accept her, at least that's what Maya told me. Was she wrong about that? Julius: I'm trying. That's why I'm here. I see the life that Maya's made for herself here, and her mother and I want to be a part of it. But we want to know that you're committed...and will that commitment last. [SCENE_BREAK] Caroline: [Chuckles] Ridge: All right, so what's next? Steffy: Uh, is that the last of our, uh, our fitting? Maya: Yeah, is there anything else I can do? Steffy: No, no, you should go home and get some rest, all right? You hear that, Aly? Aly: Get some rest. Ridge: Yeah, everyone get some rest. I want everyone on their best behavior. I want nothing to overshadow our statement. Caroline: Or the designs. Ridge: Or the designs. California Freedom -- it's to capture the openness and the acceptance of, well, of California. We're a California fashion house, so that is what we are. Steffy: Yeah. Caroline: Well said. Ridge: Thank you. Steffy: We all need to get some rest. Busy day tomorrow. Caroline: Absolutely. Oh, my gosh. [Chatter] Aly: This can't go on. [Sighs] I have to stop it. [SCENE_BREAK] Rick: Maya and I, we've been through a lot. I'm not sure how much you know. Julius: I'd rather not know what Maya's "been through." Rick: I think you might be impressed. See, I've never met anybody so determined, so sure of herself. Maya -- she inspires me in ways that no one has ever inspired me before. Julius: Where do you see this relationship going, Rick? Rick: You'd like to know my intentions. Julius: Yes, it's a little traditional, but yes. Rick: It's perfectly fine. I know my father would want to know if some guy was moving in with my sister that he didn't know. Julius: Do you see a future with Maya? Rick: I most certainly do. Julius: That's good. You know, I... I used to pride myself in the stability of my family. When Maya left, we lost that. And, uh, maybe this trip to Los Angeles... might help us get that back. [SCENE_BREAK] Maya: Hey, Ridge. I just want to thank you. I know you haven't always been my biggest supporter, but you're doing something really different with this line, and I'm grateful to be a part of it. [SCENE_BREAK] Darla: It's almost time, Aly. Make them pay. Aly: How? [Flashback] [Tires screech] Darla: [Screams] [Engine revs] [Tires screech] [Present time] Darla: Take from them what they took from you. Tomorrow, the day of reckoning finally arrives. [SCENE_BREAK] Steffy: I agree. Introducing this line could be a catalyst for change in so many people's lives. | Maya tells Rick that it is a lot to ask for but she has hopes that her dad will accept her |
611 | Kevin: Noah. Noah: Hey, Kev. Escorting Mariah to work today? Kevin: Yeah. Listen, um, we need to talk. Noah: Yeah. What's up? Kevin: It's about Marisa. I did some checking into her background. Noah: You did what? Kevin: I-I ran her name through the system. Noah: Why would you do that? Kevin: There's something about her you need to know. Victor: I thought Jack Abbott was dead, that he died in the boat explosion. Marisa: Oh, the boat explosion I supposedly died in? As you can see, I'm very much alive. So is Jack. Victor: Why didn't you tell me about that earlier when I asked you about it specifically? Marisa: We were talking about Marco at the time. And that unfortunate thing with the boat -- Jack did that. Victor: Hmm. He set off the explosion? Marisa: As a diversion. That's how we were able to escape and make our way back here. Victor: I'll be damned. Marisa: Jack was desperate to find out what was going on here in Genoa city, but he couldn't show his face since Marco was wearing it at the time. So since no one here knew me, I did some sneaking around. That's how I happened to overhear Marco's plan. When I told Jack, he insisted on going to the park himself. He had to know what was going on. Victor: But he didn't know that I was intentionally provoked to shoot him. Phyllis: Your brother has gone to do some more digging. It's okay. Billy's gonna be careful. And if we are right about what you're trying to tell us, that Gabe really isn't your son -- [Alarms blaring] Phyllis: Jack? Jack? Baby, what's wrong? What's wrong? Oh, my God. Jack, hang in there, honey. Don't go anywhere. Jack. Jack. Abby: [Sighs] Kyle: Hey, cuz. How you feeling? Abby: Uh, I've been better. [Door closes] Abby: Hey, Summer. Summer: Hey. Looks like it hurts. Abby: Yeah, I've got a headache, which would probably be gone if stitch would just be back here by now. Kyle: Well, hey, it must be nice having a doctor looking after you who has such a strong interest in his patients. Abby: It is, but that's not why I'm anxious to see him. He went to the office to pick some stuff up for me. Kyle: I wonder if stitch enjoys being your errand boy as much as I did. Abby: He offered to help because he is supportive of me, unlike some people. Summer: Okay, Kyle is very supportive. Kyle: Yeah. Thank you, summer. Abby: To you, because he's your boyfriend. Whereas my boyfriend should be back here by now. I don't know what is taking him so long. Ashley: I have to get to the hospital. Stitch: And I need to -- I really need to pick up that paperwork. [Cell phone rings] Stitch: Rayburn. I'll be right there. Ashley: Um... there's nothing going on between us. I mean, there's nothing happening here. Stitch: Okay, okay, look, we can talk about this later or not. Right now, we've got a bigger emergency. Let's go. Ashley: Okay. Noah: Marisa's not some kind of criminal. Why would you do a background check? Mariah: Because I asked him to. Noah: Oh, great. First summer's on my case. Now you. That's great. Mariah: I'm new to the whole sister thing, and I'm not completely comfortable with being compared to princess snowflake. But we're supposed to look out for you because we care about you. Noah: How about you care enough to give me enough credit that I can handle my own life, okay? Mariah: Look, I just -- Noah: You know, even better. Mariah, how about from now on, you just mind your own damn business? That'd be great. Kevin: Noah, I think you're gonna want to hear us out. Noah: What -- what are you gonna tell me, Kevin? What? That it's too soon after Courtney for me to get involved with somebody? Is that it? Mariah: Wait. What? You and Marisa? Noah: You know what? Why shouldn't I move on with the rest of my life, huh? My fiancée is gone! Mariah: I just want you to be happy! And I am not questioning your right to move on! Although it seems that you may be thinking about that and also thinking about Marisa naked. Noah: I'm not, okay? And I'm allowed to have a female friend without you and summer making assumptions that it's something that it's not! Kevin: Let's stay on track here. Mariah: Right. Exactly. Because this has nothing to do with life after Courtney and everything to do with who the hell Marisa is! Noah: Come on. A background check, Mariah? Really? What the hell are you thinking? Mariah: I had an instinct about her. And maybe it's because I've kept secrets of my own in the past. But from day one, I just -- she's sketchy! Noah: It sounds like a snap judgment to me. Mariah: Call it whatever it is. But I needed to check it out, so I had Kevin work his magic with the keyboard. Noah: So you invaded her privacy. Mariah: I did it for you! Isn't that what family is supposed to do? Look out for each other? Noah: You know what? I'm a big boy, okay? Marisa's not gonna hurt me. Kevin: Maybe not. But what about the murdering, drug-dealing criminal that she's connected to? Marisa: When Jack found his way onto the cargo ship, everyone thought he was Marco, just like everyone here thought Marco was Jack. Jack was single-minded about getting home. Nothing was going to stop him. Victor: So Jack Abbott is alive? Marisa: You almost seem relieved. I thought your plan with Marco was all about getting rid of the real Jack Abbott. Victor: If Jack Abbott is in the hospital, where's Marco? Marisa: At the bottom of a lake. Victor: Really? You're sure about that? Marisa: So you don't need to worry about him telling anyone about the, uh, alliance you had. Victor: Why are you telling me all this? Marisa: Wanted to tell you that Marco's gone. I didn't see any reason for anyone else to know that he had taken jack's place all these months. Victor: And, of course, you won't tell anyone, will you? Marisa: I would never. Victor: You would never stoop to blackmail, now, would you? You're forgetting one thing, though. When Jack Abbott regains his consciousness, he has a hell of a story to tell, right? Stitch: Brain activity's good. Let's just work on getting that pressure down. Ashley: But Jack was doing so well. How did this happen all of a sudden? Phyllis: Billy and I were talking to Jack after you left, and I just -- I think we pushed him too hard. Ashley: Did Jack give you any more information? Phyllis: Billy was telling Jack about the conflict at the office. Ashley: Oh. And he reacted. Phyllis: This is -- this is all my fault. Ashley: No, Phyllis, you can't blame yourself. I know my brothers. I'm sure Billy was determined to get Jack to communicate, but Jack is just as determined to be understood. Phyllis: We pushed him too hard. Ashley: No, don't do that to yourself, please. Jack is so stubborn. But that's a good thing. That's what's gonna get him through this. If he has something to say, he's gonna make sure it gets said. Phyllis: Yeah. My husband is stubborn. Ashley: Yes. Phyllis: I'm very happy I'm not here worrying all alone. I'm -- I'm glad -- I'm so glad that you were with Ben when they called him in. Stitch: You can inform Jack's wife and sister that he's stable, but it'll be awhile before they can come back in. We need to run more tests. [Door opens] [Door closes] Stitch: I've had reason to suspect you're aware of what's going on around you, Jack. Phyllis claims that you've been communicating with her. And I believe her. So I'm gonna ask you to respond to me now. Jack, if you can hear me, squeeze my hand. Jack, can you hear me? Jack: Loud and clear, Doc. Summer: I'm sure stitch is probably on his way back right now. Abby: What's taking him so long? Kyle: What's so urgent, abs? Why so anxious about, uh, seeing paperwork for a deal that you've already closed? Abby: Well, I-I just want to make sure everything is in order. I was on my way back to the office to do that when I got in an accident. And as COO, I just -- I don't want to leave things hanging. Kyle: Or maybe you're looking for a way to break the deal. Summer: Wait, why would she want to do that? Kyle: Billy already told me that Abby gave the warehouse workers far more than they deserved. Abby: It was the right deal to make, and it was the best one we were ever gonna get. Kyle: And you know this because you've been COO of the company for what? 10 minutes now? Abby: You've been COO for what? Never? Is that what your problem is? Kyle: My -- my problem, Abby? My -- Summer: Kyle, can we not do this right now? Abby could have been seriously hurt tonight. Let's just take a minute to be grateful for that, okay? Kyle: Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry. I really am glad that you're okay. This family has more than its fair share of troubles right now. Marisa: If Jack recovers, the story he'll tell anyone will seem so impossible that they'll chalk it up to some hallucination he had while in the coma. Victor: Be careful. Don't ever underestimate Jack Abbott, all right? Marisa: Are you telling me you have to kill him for real? To keep him from telling anyone how you replaced Jack with Marco? Victor: What happens from now on is none of your concern. Thank you for the information. Marisa: What happens now? Victor: Nothing will happen to you, okay? As long as you get out of town without a trace, I will take care of you financially so you can have a fresh start somewhere. Marisa: Jack made me the same offer. Victor: Really? And you took him up on it? Marisa: There was a time when a lot of money would have been the answer to my dreams. Not anymore. I'm not interested in leaving, Victor. No. I'm beginning to think that fresh start I want to make is right here where there are people that I care about. Victor: Like my grandson, who has a lot of money? Noah: Look, whatever it is that you think that you know -- Mariah: She has been lying to you, Noah. Tell him. Kevin: I uncovered a connection between Marisa and Marco Annicelli. Mariah: Oh, you remember that name? The drug lord whose DNA they thought they found on the envelope the killer sent to fen? Noah: Yeah, I know who Marco Annicelli is, okay? I also know about Marisa's connection to him. She already admitted to me that her ex-boyfriend ran in the same circles as this guy. Mariah: And you didn't think to tell anybody? Noah: It's nobody else's business. Mariah: I work here with her, Noah! This is your dad's place! And you don't think that anybody needed to know that our newest employee is connected to a crime lord who could have possibly been involved in the cabin murders?! Noah: The FBI said that there was a mistake. The DNA did not match Marco, right? Kevin: Right. Noah: Right. And being involved with somebody who's been in trouble in the past isn't a crime. Now, Marisa -- she just wanted a chance to start over. I wanted to give her that chance. So you could have saved yourself the trouble of digging up all this dirt on Marisa. She's been completely up-front with me. Mariah: Not completely. Kevin: I hate to burst your bubble, Noah, but she did lie. Her ex-boyfriend wasn't connected to Marco Annicelli. Her ex-boyfriend is Marco Annicelli. Stitch: I can't guarantee you're completely out of the woods yet, but all indications suggest you are fully conscious and aware. Jack: I could have told you that, doc. Stitch: Look, uh, if the tests corroborate with your recovery, we'll get pt in here, work on getting you mobile. You've been confined to this bed for a long time. Jack: Yeah, it'd be nice to stand up. Stitch: There are quite a few people who are gonna be overjoyed you're awake and talking. Phyllis and Ashley are right outside. I'm gonna get them. Jack: Wait, wait, wait, doc. I don't want them to know yet. It's not safe. Stitch: If you're worried about Victor, we can get a guard posted. No one's gonna hurt you. Jack: I'm not worried about me. I'm worried about my family. Stitch: And your family is sick with worry about you. They deserve to know you're better. Phyllis: I can't do this. This is driving me crazy. I can't sit. I cannot sit. Lets my brain run through thousands of possibilities of what might be going on in there. Ashley: Jack is okay. The nurse said he's been stabilized. Phyllis: Then why is Ben still in there with him? Something must have gone wrong. I'm -- I'm going in. Ashley: Wait a second, Phyllis, hold on. [Door opens] Phyllis: Look, I need to know what's going on with my husband. Abby: Things must be really bad if summer's standing up for me. Kyle: Okay, I'm not talking to you about business anymore. I promise. Summer: That is a good idea. And, Abby, just try not to focus on the job right now, okay? Kyle: Yeah, and just concentrate on getting better, all right? Okay, I'm gonna go, um, check on my dad right now, so, summer, do you mind if I just go by -- Summer: Yeah, no, that's fine. I know you want some alone time with him, so I'll just talk to you after, okay? Kyle: Thanks. Summer: Hey, do you need anything before I take off? Abby: Yes, summer, actually. Could you go to the office and pick up that paperwork that stitch was supposed to get for me? Summer: Um, yeah, I was thinking something more along the lines of refilling your water pitcher. Abby: [Sighs] I-I don't need any more water. Summer: Okay, then. Abby, look, I'm sure that Kyle knows how much this job means to you. Abby: Well, he doesn't act like it. Summer: [Chuckles] Yeah, that's because Kyle's worried about it, too. I mean, he's trying to do a good job for his dad and he's trying to prove himself. Abby: Yeah, and -- and that's what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to prove to everyone that I am more than just a really pretty face. And a thoughtless homewrecker. Summer: Think they make business cards for that? Abby: Why are you being so nice to me? I-I know that you still haven't forgiven me for what happened with Austin. Summer: Okay, what happened with Austin didn't just "happen," Abby. You knew what you were doing when you slept with my husband. Abby: I know, and I'm slime. Summer: All right, well, you know what? I really hope that we can both learn some lessons from this whole thing. I've learned that relationships take a lot of work every single day, and both people need to put in the work. Otherwise, what you have, it just falls apart, so... do you need anything else? Abby: I'm good. Thank you. Summer: All right. Oh, and for the record, I have not forgiven you, but I am really happy that you're okay. [Door closes] Abby: Stitch, hey, it's me. I was just wondering where you are because I really, really, really need that paperwork. Call me. [Sighs] Phyllis: Is it worse, Ben? Please, you -- you need to just talk to me. Stitch: No, it's good. Jack's stabilized. Ashley: But what caused the seizure? Stitch: Uh, I think it was a matter of Jack being pushed too hard to communicate. Phyllis: [Sighs] See, I was afraid of that. Stitch: Don't blame yourself, Phyllis. It's -- it's okay. He's actually better. Phyllis: Are you sure? Stitch: Absolutely positive. Phyllis: All right, you know, I'm just -- I'm gonna sit with him quietly, all right? Stitch: Uh, it's late. Why don't we let Jack get some rest tonight? Plus you guys could probably use a break, as well. Ashley: I do want to check on Abby. Stitch: Abby. I was supposed to pick up that paperwork for her. Ashley: That's okay. I'll do it for you. No problem. Thank you for taking care of my brother. Bye. Phyllis: I'll be back first thing in the morning, okay, baby? [Door closes] Stitch: She's gone. I don't like deceiving them. Jack: I can't -- Stitch: Okay, look, your secret's safe. It's a patient's right not to share information about his condition. Jack: You won't have to keep the secret for long. Look, this all has to be carefully planned. I need you to do me a favor. Marisa: Nothing's going on. Noah's a good friend, nothing more than that. Victor: That's good to hear. You know, he's mourning his fiancée. He's vulnerable. Marisa: I would never take advantage of that. I have no interest in getting romantically involved with Noah, or any man, anytime soon. I did that mistake already, getting involved for the wrong reasons. Victor: Is that what happened with Marco? Marisa: I thought someone with power and wealth, no matter how he came by it, could offer me something I never had. Victor: Is he the first one to seduce you with power and wealth? Marisa: I thought I meant more to him. I grew up with no father or mother. Victor: Ah. You're an orphan? Marisa: My aunt raised me for a while. Her house got too crowded. I was sent to the orphanage two villages over. [Scoffs] You with your money and position and name, you couldn't possibly understand that kind of life. Abandoned and lonely. [Cell phone rings] Victor: Yes? Stitch: Mr. Newman, stitch Rayburn. I was hoping you could drop by the hospital tonight. Victor: Why the hell would I do that? Stitch: Well, I've been working on Jack Abbott's case. I have reason to believe you'd be instrumental in his recovery. Victor: What recovery? Stitch: Yeah, I don't want to get anyone's hopes up, so I'd appreciate it if we just kept this between us. Victor: I'll be right there. Okay. This conversation is finished for now, but we will talk again soon. [Door closes] Stitch: He's coming. Jack: Thank you, doctor. Stitch: I hope what I told Victor Newman is true and that his being here will help speed your recovery and not set you back. Ashley: [Sighs] Why aren't you in the hospital? Abby: I'm completely fine. Ashley: You were just in a car accident. Abby: Well, I will be here just long enough to grab the paperwork on that deal that I made. Ashley: You mean to tell me that you're letting paperwork compromise your health? Abby: Well, I asked Ben to pick it up for me, and apparently he got distracted or forgot. I don't know. He didn't even call me. Ashley: Did it ever occur to you that maybe Ben, now that he's a doctor, he had to maybe save a life or something? Abby: You know what, mom? I know that Ben's job is important, but so is mine, and if he got busy with work, then he should have just let me know. Ashley: He was on his way to pick up your paperwork when he got a call that he had to go back to the hospital and help Jack. Abby: Is uncle Jack okay? Ashley: Well, the same. I mean, no different than he was earlier. Abby: Oh, my God. I feel terrible. The message that I left stitch. Ashley: Why? What did you say? Abby: It was how I said it. I was so demanding, wanting to know where he was and what was taking so long. I mean, I had no idea he was busy helping my family. [Door opens] Kyle: Hey, Dad. [Sighs] You look better today. Got some, uh, more color. Or maybe that's just me seeing what I want to see. What I really want to see, though, is you coming back to us. Family needs you, Dad. The company's a mess. But I'm sure Billy and Ashley have already filled you in on that front. But I don't just want you to wake up to run the company, and...I hope you know that. I hope you know that I miss you. You know, when the shooting first happened, I said a thing to summer about how, in some ways, I felt like I'd already lost you. In the underground collapse, you know, you were...different. And after the honeymoon with Phyllis, you were really different. But the thing is, dad, none of that matters anymore. See, I don't care if you come back wanting to play golf every day or if you want to buy 10 sports cars. I'd settle for just having my dad back and being able to say that I love you... and have you say it back. Noah: No, you got to be wrong about this. Mariah: Why? Because Marisa sold you some story? Noah: Because what you're telling me is so close to what she's already told me. Okay, look, she's already admitted that her ex-boyfriend was involved with this guy. Mariah: But if her ex-boyfriend was Marco... Noah: We don't know that. Kevin: I confirmed it from several sources, Noah. Here. Look. Mariah: We wanted to tell you first before we decided to go to Paul. Noah: You -- you want to go to the cops with this? Look, you have proof that she has a past! That's it! Kevin: With Marco Annicelli! Noah: It's a drug lord, some ghost that hardly anybody's ever seen! Kevin: This is my business, Noah. My search parameters. Noah: Kevin, I don't doubt that you found some true statements here, that you found some quotes from people that think they know all about Marisa and this Marco guy, okay? It doesn't make it true. Mariah: But what if it is? Noah: You know, you and Kevin have been on the wrong side of the law yourselves before. Mariah: Oh, God. Why do you always have to bring that up?! Noah: Because we are talking about the past and how the two of you got out from underneath yours. And when you were given the opportunity, you took the chance to change your lives. Now, don't you think that she wants the same shot? I want to hear what she has to say. Mariah: Here's your chance. Marisa: What's going on? Kevin: We were just talking about some stuff. Noah: What are you doing here? I thought, uh, you weren't feeling well. Marisa: Your miracle cure of chicken soup worked. Feel better. Besides, the room was getting stuffy. I just needed to get out, get some fresh air. Am I, uh, interrupting something important? Noah: Why don't we take a walk? Marisa: Okay. Noah: [Clears throat] Mariah: Did you see how protective he is of her? Even after we showed him, it's like he wants to turn a blind eye to who she really is. Kevin: And we don't even know who she really is. Mariah: But at least we have the sense to be scared. I mean, just the company she keeps -- drug runners, killers. Who knows what she's capable of? Phyllis: Hope it's not too late for a visit. Summer: No. Of course not. Are you okay? Do you want anything to eat or to drink? Phyllis: No. Thank you. Thank you. I can't say that I am loving these lonely nights in that big house without Jack. But I actually came to talk to you about Avery's decision to leave town. Summer: What -- aunt Avery left? When? Phyllis: Tonight. She's gone to get help, and she wants to do that somewhere where she can start over with a clean slate. Summer: But she didn't -- she didn't even say goodbye to me. Phyllis: I know, baby. She wanted to. She is just so embarrassed. She has been so traumatized, and she just -- she needed to go. She is gonna reach out to you as soon as she gets settled. She promised. Summer: Yeah, but we were close, mom. At least I thought that we were. Phyllis: You know something? [Chuckles] I'm gonna admit this. There was a time when you two were so close, I was actually jealous. Summer: Mom, really? Phyllis: Yes. I know, I know. You're my daughter. You're supposed to love me best. Summer: [Chuckles] Yeah, I don't know about "best," but really close. Really close. [Chuckles] Phyllis: I'm very happy that you and your aunt have a good relationship. There is no substitute for family ever. And I'm holding out hope that she's gonna be back really soon. And Jack will be, too. Summer: Jack's gonna be okay, mom. I know it. It just... Phyllis: What, baby? What's bothering you? Summer: I don't know. What's gonna happen when Jack is better? Are him and grandpa gonna go back to hating one another and constantly fighting? Phyllis: Oh, I wish I knew. Summer: I hope they call a truce, you know, a permanent one this time. Phyllis: Why are you so worried about this? Summer: I don't know. Kyle and I seem to be doing really, really good right now, and... I don't know. I just don't know if we can handle another full-on family war. Phyllis: You know what? Speaking from experience, I don't know if things are ever gonna be completely friendly between Jack and Victor. If you and Kyle have a very strong bond, no one will be able to come between you. Summer: Thanks, mom. I'm really glad that I have you. Phyllis: Me, too, baby. Me, too. Abby: Thank you for worrying about me. Ashley: Oh, of course. Let's get you back to the hospital where you belong, okay? Abby: And thank you for being more perceptive about my relationship with Ben than I am. Ashley: Sometimes you can be more objective, you know, when you're from a distance. Abby: I mean, how do you get distance when you're so busy with work? I mean, I feel like I've thrown myself into this job 100%. [Sighs] And there I go again making everything about me, about wanting to do well and feeling like everyone is against me. Ashley: Honey, everybody wants you to succeed. Abby: Even Billy, Victoria, and Kyle? Ashley: Yes, even them. Everybody wants you to succeed. Just be careful, okay? Success can come at a cost. You don't want to wake up one day and find out that the most important thing in life, which is love, has completely passed you by. Let's go. Stitch: Thanks for coming, Mr. Newman. And I appreciate you keeping this between us. Victor: Has there been a change in jack's condition? [Door opens] Kyle: Victor. Victor: Hello, Kyle. Kyle: You're not supposed to be here. Where's the guard? Stitch: We had a security problem upstairs. I asked him to help out. Kyle: You left my dad alone? Stitch: I knew you were in there, Kyle, and I've been keeping a close eye on jack's room since the guard left. Kyle: Not a close enough eye if you let the man who shot my dad approach his room! Stitch: Mr. Newman is here to see his daughter. Um, Abby's room is right down here, sir. Victor: Thank you for the information, doctor. Thank you. Stitch: Now, um, I've run a series of tests on Jack. We can go over the results if you want. Kyle: That'd be great. Stitch: This way. Abby: Can you do me a favor and not tell Stitch about me leaving the hospital? [Door opens] Abby: I don't think he'd appreciate me completely disregarding doctor's orders. Ashley: I'm not gonna be saying anything to stitch. Don't you worry. Abby: Thank you. Stitch: Sorry for not coming back sooner. Abby: It's okay. My mom told me everything. About how you were called back to the hospital to help my Uncle Jack? Stitch: [Chuckles] Right. That's right. Yeah. Ashley: I'm gonna head home, honey, all right? I'll see you in the morning. Abby: Good night. Ashley: Bye. Stitch: So... [Door closes] Stitch: ...Did you get all the important paperwork you needed? Abby: I did, but, um... you know, it turns out it wasn't that important after all. Do you think that you could do me a favor? Stitch: Sure. Abby: Can you delete that message I left on your phone before you listen to it? Stitch: Too late. Abby: [Sighs] [Chuckles] I am so sorry. I-I have been completely lasered on my own career that I forgot that you were dealing with life and death. And I should be a better girlfriend. Stitch: It's all right. Abby: No. No, it's not. Look, I can be good at my job and still keep my priorities in order. And you are definitely a priority. Stitch: Mmm. [Both chuckle] Mariah: Do you think that Marisa knows why Marco Annicelli's DNA was on that envelope? Kevin: Well, it wasn't his DNA, remember? Mariah: Yeah, which makes it even more strange. That the guy whose mistaken DNA was on the killer's envelope has a girlfriend that ends up working here? Kevin: I've worked for the police too long to know not to believe in coincidences like that. Mariah: Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I mean, she's got to be connected to the murders. Kevin: Well, I don't know. Mariah: Or maybe she even committed the murders herself. Kevin: Okay, I don't see Marisa as a murderer, but I do have a feeling she could lead us to the person who did the killing. Marisa: You're upset about something. Noah: Just thinking. Marisa: About what? You're making me nervous. Noah: Is it true, hmm? What's in there? The ex-boyfriend you told me about, is it really Marco Annicelli, Marisa? Huh? Have you -- you just been lying to me since the moment that we met? Marisa: Everything I've told you about my life is true. I had no family. I had to look out for myself, so yes, at times I protected myself by...shading the truth. Noah: Shading? Shading? Yeah. Marisa: Noah, I know I haven't been fair to you. You've been so good to me, so kind. For the first time, I feel like maybe there's someone that I can trust. Noah: You can trust me. Marisa: I believe that. Noah: Then tell me the truth. Marisa: The truth is, yes. Marco and I were lovers. Noah: "Were"? Marisa: He's in my past. Noah: Okay. End of story, then. Marisa: No. Not quite. Summer: I found it. Phyllis: Hey. Let me see. Does all of this make sense to you? Summer: Mom, it's a recipe. It's not nuclear physics. Phyllis: Well, I would have a chance of understanding nuclear physics, but cupcakes are hard. Summer: I think we can figure it out. Phyllis: You haven't made these before? Summer: No, I have, one time with aunt Avery. I've just been waiting for something to celebrate till I made them again. Phyllis: We're gonna. We're gonna have that soon. As soon as Jack is feeling better and able to come home. Summer: Yeah, and then maybe he and grandpa will finally realize that this town is big enough for the two of them and then everyone can live happily ever after. Phyllis: Well, anything's possible. Summer: [Chuckles] Victor: Was the girl telling the truth? Is it really you, Jack? Jack: You bet your ass it is. [NEXT_ON] Marisa: I had nothing to do with those murders. I wasn't even in town! But Marco was. Billy: Now we can expose Gabe Bingham for the fraud that he actually is. Chelsea: Come to my place right away. You're in serious trouble. | Kevin tells him that there is something about Marisa that he ought to know |
612 | Antonio: I want to see my cousin Adriana. Jaime: You want something from me, you do something for me. I don't trust this one. Shoot her. Sonia: Jaime, what are you doing? Jaime: I'm sorry, baby. It was always you or me. You know that. Sonia: God, it was you, wasn't it? You killed Manuel Santi. And you put out that hit on that F.B.I. woman -- and my bookkeeper, too, didn't you? Jaime: You going to shut her up? You do want to see your cousin Adriana, don't you? [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: Don't worry. Ayuda. Me. And la policia. Man: I speak English. Jessica: Okay. Well, we're going to get you out of here. Emilio! Here. Here. Here, drink. Jessica: Who are you? [SCENE_BREAK] Kevin: You hearing it straight from me. Your investment in B.E. is absolutely safe. That bad report was just a crazy computer glitch. That's right. Yes, absolutely. Okay. Hey, you hang in there, all right? Hold all my calls for now, please. Viki: Honey, I just heard. How did this happen? [Kevin sighs] Kevin: Someone got into B.E. computers and tampered with the corporate accounting system. They screwed up the numbers in the quarterly earnings report and the stock is nose-diving. Viki: Can you fix it? Kevin: That's what I'm trying to do. Viki: Good. Look, I just got a very strange phone call from Asa. He's ranting on about how Todd is destroying his family. What is he talking about? Kevin: Trust me, you don't want to know. Viki: Yes, I do! That's why I'm here! Kevin: Well, apparently, I'm not Ace's father. Todd is. [SCENE_BREAK] R.J.: So, can I freshen that drink for you? I mean, you have been nursing it for over an hour now. Kelly: I'm not really in a drinking mood. R.J.: And yet you come to a bar. Kelly: I needed someplace where I could be alone and think. R.J.: Well, that's fine, that's fine, as long as you keep ordering drinks. Kelly: Or what, R.J., you're going to kick me out? R.J.: Relax, all right? You know, you need to get some serious help. Kelly: I can deal with this on my own. Blair: You're going to have to deal with me first. Kelly: Look, this is neither the time nor the place. Blair: You're not blowing me off, Kelly. Kelly: Just calm down. Blair: Don't tell me to calm down. What are you afraid of? Everybody's going to hear about your lies, your secrets? R.J.: Well, I'm all ears. Kelly: Obviously, I can't talk to you when you're like this. Blair: You're going to talk about it, and you're going to talk about it now. Kelly: Fine. Look, I -- I realize that you're a little upset. Blair: Oh, "upset" doesn't even begin to describe it. Kelly: I never wanted this to happen. Todd and I never would have slept together if you weren't chasing after my husband. Blair: Todd is not Ace's father. Kelly: Did he tell you that? Blair: Yes, that's what he told me. And a whole lot more, Kelly. Look, I know that you lost your baby with Kevin, but come on, to have Paul get you another baby to pass it off as your own and then to tell Todd -- Kelly: Obviously, Todd came up with some sort of -- Blair: Stop it! Stop it! Kelly, this isn't about you! There are other people involved here -- not just me and Todd and Kevin, but my kids! And Ace! He's not even your baby! And now you're telling everybody -- Kelly: He is my -- he is my son! You're just jealous. You're jealous because I got Kevin back and I slept with Todd! Blair: Oh, you -- Kelly: Blair! Let go of me! [SCENE_BREAK] Kevin: I had no idea until I started getting anonymous letters saying that I wasn't Ace's father. Viki: You just believed them? Kevin: Kelly confirmed it. Viki: Really? Kevin: Yeah. Viki: What did Todd say? Kevin: Todd -- Todd's the one who's sending the letters! Viki: Oh -- Kevin: Oh, yeah, it's true. The person I hate most had a child with my wife! Viki: What, I mean, is this an ongoing affair that they're having or -- Kevin: Kelly says it was a one-time thing. She says that she and Todd were just trying to get back at me for what happened with Blair. She says that we should stay together. Yeah, we should be a family -- with Ace! Viki: Is there any chance of that? Kevin: Well, let's see. Maybe if she was just having an affair with Todd. But the fact that she had a child with him -- well, that makes it a little more difficult, doesn't it? Viki: Hey, this is a child you love, and you love Kelly. Kevin: I can't stay with her, Mom! I can't! Viki: You couldn't find it in your heart to forgive her? [Knock on door] Kevin: There is no way that I can stay with her! Evangeline: Hi. Viki: Hi. Evangeline: We had a meeting? I'm sorry; did I get the time wrong? Kevin: Oh, no, no. Evangeline: I feel like I'm interrupting something. Kevin: You stay here. I want you to represent me. Evangeline: Well, I heard about your financial crisis, but I thought B.E. had its own legal department. Kevin: This is personal. I want a divorce. [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: I can't believe Jessica scammed us. Natalie: Paul, she did that to protect us. Paul: Who cares, Natalie? She led us in the wrong direction and gave somebody else plenty of time to find the Santi money before we did. David: Why don't you two wrap up your exclusionary squabble session so we can get this done faster? Natalie: Where's Dorian? David: She got a call from John McBain back in Llanview. Apparently, Adriana's gone missing. Natalie: Well, what does he think happened to her? David: He's not sure, nosy. My guess is that she eloped with River. Dorian flew back to Llanview to find out for sure. Paul: Well, gee. You should go with her, man. I mean, she's going to need some major hand holding. David: Well, thanks for the great idea, Paul, but I think I'll stick to what I do best -- procuring wealth that technically belongs to others. Paul: Uh-huh. And if you're so good at it, how come we haven't found it yet? David: Because I listened to you last time. This time, we're going to follow the map the way that it reads. Natalie: And what happens if we run into the Santis? Paul: Natalie, maybe you should stay here. Natalie: Excuse me; I've come this far, haven't I? David: Look, let's just hope that when we get to that vault, it's not empty. [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: What happened? Man: They left me here to die. [Man groans] Emilio: We got to get you into a hospital. Jessica: And then we have to find Antonio. Emilio: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] [Jaime laughs] Jaime: Put the gun down. I was just testing you. I said, put the gun down! [Gunshot] [Gunshot] Jaime: Oh! Sonia: I think you know what that's for. Antonio: He's dead. [SCENE_BREAK] Viki: Oh, Kevin, don't go to divorce this fast! Kevin: Fast? This has been coming on for a long time. Evangeline: Should I leave? Kevin: No. Todd Manning had an affair with my wife, and Ace is his son. Evangeline: Kevin, I'd like to help you, I really would, but I -- I can't. I'm already representing Todd in a completely different matter. Kevin: Oh, yeah. That's right. Bribery to libel Buchanan Enterprises. Evangeline: It would be a conflict of interest. Kevin: Of course it would be a conflict! Of course it's a conflict! This is unbelievable. Todd comes after me, and everybody takes his side! Viki: Oh, Honey, that's silly. Evangeline is doing her job. I'm just trying to get you to make peace with this. Kevin: You want me to make peace with Todd! Viki: No, I did not say that! Evangeline: I should go. Kevin: Yeah, you should go. You go and you tell your client -- you tell Todd that he can add corporate espionage to his list of charges! Viki: Kevin, calm down. Kevin: Oh, yeah, I have tried to calm down! I have tried to understand! I tried to make peace with the son of a bitch! Look what he did to me! He has hurt me in the worst possible way! Viki: I know that. Kevin: Oh, no, he couldn't just let it go. He had to make me pay. Well, you know what, he has. He has won! Viki: No, he has not won! Everyone is hurt here. Kevin: That's it. I'm going to stop the bleeding right now. Viki: What are you doing? Kevin: Looking for a new lawyer. I'm getting a divorce. [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: Hi, Antonio, it's Jessica. Listen; when you pick up your messages, can you please call me back? I love you, and I need to tell you something really important. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonia: Scared? Antonio: Hmm. Weren't you? Sonia: If I really thought you were going to shoot me, you'd be dead as these guys already. We got to fly. We just took out the new Santi boss. Someone's going to show up here fast. Antonio: I want to know where my cousin is. Sonia: Antonio, we'll talk about that -- Antonio: Now. Sonia: When we get to where we're going. She's safe at her convent school, okay? Antonio: Like I'm going to buy that. Sonia: I just needed her as a bargaining chip to get you to play ball. Antonio: Yeah? Well, I'll believe that when I hear it from her. Sonia: Talk. Antonio: Buenas noches. Se puede hablar con Adriana Colon, por favor. Si. Esta ahi. Puedo hablar con ella. Gracias. Adriana: Hello? Antonio: Adriana. Adriana: Antonio! Oh, I'm so glad you called. Antonio: You okay, Honey? Adriana: Yeah, I'm -- I'm fine. I mean, I was really scared at first when they took me, but I was told that you set it up for me to be brought here -- for my protection. What's going on? Antonio: I'm going to have to check back with you. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Adriana: The sisters are taking really good care of me. Don't worry. Antonio: Listen, I -- I don't want you going anywhere with anyone until you hear from me. Promise? Adriana: I promise. Thanks for calling. Antonio: Okay. I'll check back with you later. Sonia: I told you. Now let's go. Antonio: No. I need to call my mother, let her know Adriana's okay. Sonia: Antonio, you can call your mother when we get to where we're going. We got to get to that money before anybody else does. [SCENE_BREAK] Kelly: You bitch! Blair: Oh, God! Get off me! Kelly: Bitch! Here! Todd: Hey, h! R.J.: All right, you two! Todd: Hey! Hey! R.J.: That's enough! Blair: Get away from me, Todd! Liar! R.J.: Am I going to have to call the cops here? Todd: Blair! Blair! Blair: Stay out of my life and stay away from my family! Todd: Blair, let's go. Blair: No, I'm not going anywhere -- not until she tells Kevin the truth about Ace! [SCENE_BREAK] David: My navigational skills are exceptional, Paul. If you would just let me look at the map. Paul: Yeah, right. You'll lead us on a bigger wild-goose chase than Jessica did. Natalie: She had her reasons, Paul. Paul: Oh, yeah. No, I know -- Antonio Vega and how he went dirty. Natalie: All right, believe what you want. I know my sister. David: Hey, I've got an idea. We go to the vault now; we analyze our siblings later, okay? [Phone rings] David: Hold on. Go. No, of course -- no, the -- listen to me. The Style-Craze section precedes the Dance-Craze section. Do I have to stand over your shoulder every time we put out an issue? Natalie: Paul, I think we need to listen to Jess. Paul: Why? All right, so she can lead us on a bigger detour by the way of Texas? Natalie: Okay, I told you before, Jessica led us the wrong direction because she is trying to protect us. Paul: Or herself so she can get to the Santi money before we do. Natalie: Jessica doesn't care about money. Paul: Ah, you know what? Answer me this question, all right? All of the people in your family have all this money that they don't even care about. All right, so why not toss some my way? Natalie: Look, I am serious, okay? Jessica's thinking about our safety, and maybe being safe is better. Paul: Than what? Natalie: Than dying. Paul: Natalie, what are you talking about, huh? Listen, this is not going to be the same as when Cristian died. Natalie: We don't know that. Okay, that whole thing was about money. Flynn wanted -- I don't even know how many millions. All just to get away. Right? Life can just get out of control. You know, sometimes you think that you're leading this certain life, but it turns out that in reality, life is really leading you. Paul: Natalie, Natalie, Natalie, look at me. All right, nothing bad is going to happen to us. You know why? Natalie: Why? Paul: Because I still have my lucky dog tags, hmm? Now, I know these look like standard Navy, you know, run-of-the-mill dog tags, but they have special powers. Natalie: Oh, do they? Paul: Yeah, yeah. They -- no. They -- they kept me alive in Iraq, huh? You know, they kept me alive when that chopper crashed. They even kept me alive in a landfill, hmm? They're special. And as long as we're together, nothing is going to happen. Natalie: You are so confident. Paul: That's a good thing, right? I mean, you like that about me, right? Natalie: Yeah, I like that about you. Paul: Yeah. David: Oh, for the love of Pete, could you two make a display of yourselves after we find the money? Let's get going. And, Paul, don't you even think of bolting on me. I got 1/3 of the combination. Remember that. Paul: Yeah, well, I still got the map. David: 50/50. Paul: 50/50. David: Let go of my hand. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonia: Somebody's been here already. Antonio: Who? Sonia: I don't know, but they got the damned money! Antonio: Maybe not. Sonia: Wait a minute. Antonio: Maybe my uncle didn't use this place to lock up his drug profits but his enemies. [SCENE_BREAK] Doctor: Ahora vuelvo dentro un rato, ay? Man: Gracias. Jessica: How's he doing? Doctor: Oh, your friend is going to be all right. Jessica: He's not my friend. I just found him. Doctor: Well, he's asking for you. Jessica: He is? Doctor: Mm-hmm. You're welcome to go in. Don't stay too long. He's still weak. Jessica: Thank you. Emilio: Jessica, I've got to get back down to the station and file a report. Jessica: Okay. Emilio: Will you be all right? Jessica: Yes, thank you, I will. Can you just call me as soon as you hear anything about Antonio? Emilio: I've got your number. Jessica: Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: Feeling better? Who are you, and how did you end up in that vault? Man: My name is Tico. Tico Santi. [SCENE_BREAK] Kevin: You sure that Jessica's okay in Puerto Rico? Viki: She says she's fine. Darling, what can I do for you? Kevin: Oh, I'm handling it, Mom. Viki: No, you are not handling it! You're not at all! Kevin: Hey, I have every right to be angry for what Todd's doing to me. Viki: Yes, Darling, but for that, you're divorcing Kelly! Kevin: What am I supposed to do, help her raise Todd's son? Viki: Honey, I don't know what to tell you to do, except you have to wait until you're calm and you can think! Kevin: I cannot wait, with what he's trying to do to this company. Viki: Are you sure that that's Todd? Kevin: Of course I'm sure it's Todd! Who else would it be? He left a note saying he's Ace's father! Grandpa and I found his cufflinks on the floor! Viki: Cufflinks? Sweetheart, that's so obvious! Kevin: Of course it's obvious! Can't you see he's trying to rub my face in it? Huh? This whole truce is just a setup to blind-side me! Can't you see that? God! I'll tell you what -- the gloves are coming off. Oh, they are coming off, and he is going to find out what it's like to get everything he cares about just ripped away from him! Viki: All right, Kevin, stop it. Now stop this! Viki: Kevin, you have to stop this. It is going to eat you alive! [SCENE_BREAK] Blair: You tell Kevin the truth! You tell Kevin the truth about Ace. Kelly: The truth is that Todd and I had an affair and Ace is his son. That's all I'm going to say about it. Blair: You're not going to get away with -- Todd: Blair -- Blair, let it go. Let her go, let her go. Blair: Don't tell me to let it go! Todd: It'll blow over. Blair: If you believe that, you're as sick as she is! Todd: Kevin will find out the truth, and he'll back off. He's Viki's little boy. Evangeline: Todd, I've been trying to call you. Mrs. Bigelow finally told me you were here. Todd: Yeah, whatever. It's not a good time right now, so -- Evangeline: And it's about to get worse. Kevin is out for blood -- yours. [SCENE_BREAK] Viki: Kelly. Kelly: Hi. I'm -- I'm sorry I'm coming by so late. I just -- I really needed to talk to you. It's -- it's urgent. [SCENE_BREAK] Evangeline: Kevin is divorcing Kelly, and he wants me to represent him. Todd: But you're my lawyer. Evangeline: I told him that, but he's really going after you for this whole computer mess at B.E. Blair: What's Todd got to do with it, Evangeline? Evangeline: Why don't you tell me? He seems to think that Todd is the one behind all this. Todd: Oh, I'm behind everything -- global warming, the budget deficit, rising milk prices, gas, cheese -- Blair: Okay, do you think Todd did it? Evangeline: I wouldn't be here warning him if I did. Blair: Well, I'll tell you what -- Kevin and Kelly are screwed up, and I'm not going to let them ruin my life. Todd: Oh, hey, Blair? Blair: What? Todd: Make sure if you shoot somebody tonight not to leave any fingerprints. Evangeline: I didn't hear that. Todd, I'm going to need a statement from you on these charges. Todd, Kevin is declaring war on you, and I know why. He told me about Ace. Todd: It's not true. Evangeline: I had a feeling. But he's really hurting, and there's nothing more dangerous than a wounded tiger. R.J.: Martini, dirty. I think you'll like it. Evangeline: Thanks, but no, thanks. R.J.: So, me, McBain -- a cop -- and Manning? Todd Manning, a lying sex offender -- well! Evangeline, you really have gotten down on your knees to lick the bottom of the barrel. Haven't you? [SCENE_BREAK] Sonia: Somebody beat us to the money, and I'm going to find out who. Antonio: Yeah, well, maybe we should find out who was chained up first. Sonia: Who cares? It was probably years ago. Antonio: Blood's fresh. Sonia: What? Maybe they got in a fight over the money. Antonio: Yeah, maybe. Whatever happened happened right before we got here. Sonia: Oh, God, I bet it was Paul Cramer. Sara said he was skimming off chopper runs for us. He probably figured out where El Toro's stash was hidden. But how could he have found out the combination? Maybe he's still in San Juan. Come on, we got to stop him before he leaves. Antonio, you coming? [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: I'll just be another minute, Doctor. I promise. Did you say your name was Tico Santi? Tico: It's short for Augustico. Jessica: So you're Manuel Santi's son? Tico: You've heard of him? Jessica: Well, yeah, everybody's heard of him, especially after -- I'm sorry. I don't know if you knew what happened to your -- Tico: He was killed. Jessica: Yes. I'm sorry. Tico: I didn't know he was El Toro Santi until a little over a year ago. But who are you? Jessica: My name's Jessica Buchanan. I'm from Pennsylvania. Tico: How did you find me? Jessica: I was in the vault looking for someone. Tico: Who? Jessica: My fiance, Antonio. Actually, he's your cousin. Tico: I have a cousin named Antonio? Jessica: Your father had a sister, Carlotta Espinoza -- Carlotta Vega now. Espinoza was your father's family name, but they asked him to change it once they found out that he was involved in drugs and smuggling. Tico: A cousin? I had no idea. Why did you think he was in that vault? Jessica: It's a long story. And you have a sister, too, a half sister. Tico: My father remarried? Jessica: Briefly, to a woman named Dorian Lord. They had a child together, but she didn't let your father know, and then she went back to where she came from, the same small town that I'm from. Tico: I can't really take this all in. Jessica: Well, I -- I can imagine. So how did you end up locked up in that vault? Tico: The whole nightmare started right after he was murdered. My father -- Jessica: The Santis came after you? Tico: In Madrid. I was grabbed right off the street. Jessica: And they brought you to Puerto Rico? Why? Tico: They thought I knew about some money my father had hidden away, but I didn't. I didn't. They tried to force me to talk. They were convinced I was trying to take over the family. Jessica: That must've been horrible for you -- being locked in that vault. Tico: I would've died in there. I would've, if it hadn't been for you. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Back off, R.J. R.J.: Manning, you -- you know what I think of you. Todd: Beat it. R.J.: And you really know how to pace relationships, don't you? Evangeline: I'm not having a relationship with Todd -- or anybody. R.J.: Oh, you mean with everybody except me. Evangeline: Can you just leave us alone, please? R.J.: Why are you here, huh? Here, right here in my club? Evangeline: I'm meeting Todd! We were discussing a legal matter before we were so rudely interrupted. R.J.: Oh. Really? Well, Counselor, tell me -- do you generally conduct business holding hands? Todd: I'm warning you, man. R.J.: Stay out of this, Manning. Look, boy, you have no idea how much I would enjoy watching my bouncers throw you out of here on your head. Maybe I'll have them do a little tap dance on that crooked spine of yours. Just let me know. Evangeline: R.J., please! R.J.: I can make it happen. Todd: Bring it on, Z. Evangeline: Todd, just wait -- wait a minute, wait a minute! R.J., can we just -- can we just please have a minute? R.J.: For what? What? What, what, what, what? Am I supposed to get all misty- eyed now because you're pretending to give a damn about my feelings? Evangeline: Please. Please. R.J., we had something that was very special to me. R.J.: Apparently it was very special until you found something easy. Evangeline: Please, please, do not go back to the same place again, R.J. R.J.: What? Am I lying? Hmm? Am I the liar? Am I fantasizing? You didn't lay down for McBain, that cop, huh? You haven't thrown yourself in the gutter to be with the serial rapist? Thank you! Evangeline: I cannot talk to you when you're this angry at me! R.J.: Anger is natural. Lies and deceit beget anger, my dear. Evangeline: R.J., things didn't work out for us. And I know you think that I'm the one that let you down, but i tried. And I cared, and I know that you cared. And I know that we had dreams that -- that we would be this special team. But things kept getting in the way -- all this anger all the time? And jealousy? I didn't mean to hurt you, ever. And I know that you feel abandoned and betrayed, and I'm sorry. I am so sorry. I wish you nothing but well. R.J.: Okay. So you get a little teary. Am I supposed to feel better? Evangeline: I'm just trying to tell you how I feel, R.J. [R.J. sighs] R.J.: How you feel. What do you want from me? Evangeline: Friendship. R.J.: Friendship. I don't accept lies, deceit, or betrayal from my friends. Evangeline: Well, how about some peace, then? R.J.: Of course. Of course. So you can let yourself off the hook for cheating on me with that stubbly cop? And -- and how you going to do it? By blaming me. Sure. Men do it all the time. We call them "dogs." Evangeline: Okay, that's it. I'm leaving. I tried to talk to you. R.J.: Sure. What -- what, what, well, just one thing -- your bed or his? I'm sorry, just morbid curiosity. [SCENE_BREAK] Viki: Kelly, come in. Come in. Kelly: I thought you should know what's going on with Kevin and me. Viki: Yes, I -- I actually heard. I saw Kevin earlier. Um -- apparently, Todd is Ace's father. Kelly: I know this must come as a real shock. Viki: Oh, Honey, come on. You love Kevin, and Todd loves Blair. Kelly: It only happened once. Kevin was with Blair, and I was alone and upset and vulnerable, and Todd was there and -- Viki: Did he take advantage of you? Kelly: No, no. He was -- he was very kind to me. He knew what I was going through, and he was good to me. Viki: Was he? He's not good to too many people. Kelly: I know, and I will always be grateful for that. Maybe we just wanted to hurt Kevin and Blair as much as they hurt us. I don't know and -- then I got pregnant. Viki: Didn't it occur to you that it might be Todd's? Kelly: I didn't want it to be. I wanted it to be Kevin's. I hope you believe that. I wanted to have a baby with Kevin. I wanted to raise a family with Kevin. We were going to be so happy. Viki: Well, this changes everything. I mean, you know that. Kelly: Yeah. We both made mistakes. I don't know if we can get past this. Viki: My heart goes out to you, Kelly, it really does, but what do you want from me, Sweetheart? Kelly: I want you to be on my side. I want you to help me save my family. Please, can you do that? [SCENE_BREAK] Kevin: You just tell your people to hang in there, all right? We'll have the real earnings report out first thing in the morning. Listen, I'll get back to you on this later. All right. Blair: We need to talk. Kevin: Look, I'm in the middle of a financial crisis here. Blair: You are in the middle of a personal crisis that's getting worse by the minute. Kevin: All right, listen, if this is about Kelly, Todd, and the baby, I don't want to talk about it. Blair: Todd is not Ace's father. Kevin: Right. Of course he would tell you that. Of course you would believe him. Blair: I do believe him. Kevin: Todd is Ace's father, and the sooner you accept that, the sooner you can get him out of your life. Blair: Kevin, you don't know what you're talking about! Todd isn't Ace's father, and neither are you. [SCENE_BREAK] Kelly: You must hate me. Viki: Oh, Kelly, honey, of course I don't hate you. I couldn't hate you. I've always liked you, and I know what a terrible time you went through when Kevin was with Blair. Kelly: I tried to get over it. I tried so hard; when I found out I was pregnant -- Viki: Well, I know how much you wanted that baby. Kelly: I thought he was the answer to all my prayers. Then -- Viki: Then you found out that it wasn't Kevin's? Kelly: I tried to tell him so many times. He was so happy, and he loves Ace so much. That's why we have to try to make this work. We have to try to put our family back together again. Will you help me, please? Viki: Kelly, I don't know what I can do. Look, things are very, very bad between Todd and Kevin right now, and I really don't want to make them worse. And I certainly don't want to be put in a position where I have to choose between my son and my brother. [SCENE_BREAK] Kevin: What are going to tell me, Blair? Kelly was sleeping with someone else besides Todd? Huh? Who? David Vickers? Joey? Maybe it's Nick Carson in Texas. Blair: You don't understand what's going on. Kevin: Oh, I understand what's going on. You just don't want to believe it's Todd. Blair: No, it is not that! Kevin: He's lying to you, and you believe him. I don't know what to tell you about that. [Knock on door] Man: Mr. Buchanan? I'm Jeff Novak, the attorney you called. Kevin: Oh, yeah. Have a seat. As you can see, Blair, I'm very busy. Blair: Kevin, you really need to hear this. Kevin: I don't want to hear anything from you, all right? I am sick and tired of Todd's garbage. He's going back to prison where he belongs. I'm going to make sure they put him away so long, he's never going to see the light of day again. So you tell him that for me. Blair: Well, you're making a huge mistake. Because Kelly is making a fool of both you and Todd. Kevin: Those the divorce papers? Jeff: You sure you want your wife served? Kevin: I've never been mo sure of anything in my whole life. [SCENE_BREAK] David: Well, lookie, lookie, who's got the cookie? We didn't need the combination after all. Paul: Yeah, looks like somebody's already been here. Natalie, why don't you wait out here in case that somebody decides to come back? Natalie: Sure. David: Why don't you go in first? I'll cover you. Paul: All right, all right! Jeez! Man: Freeze! Second man: F.B.I.! Paul: Hey! All right! F.B.I. Agent: Step over here! Give me your hands! David: Ow! F.B.I. Agent: All right, out. Let's go. David: I'm an American citizen. F.B.I. Agent: Let's go. David: Hey, hey, hey, watch my head. Watch my head! [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: You know, don't talk anymore. You should rest. I need to make a few calls and try to find Antonio. So I'm going to check in with you later, okay? Tico: You saved my life. I'll never forget that. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonia: I'll check with the desk and see if Cramer's still here. By the time we check with all the hotels in San Juan -- Antonio: Wait a minute, all right? Look, I've been meaning to ask you, and I've had this stuck in my head. I can't help it, you know? When you -- you shot Padilla, you said he would know what it was for. What's that supposed to mean? Stay tuned for scenes from the next "One Life to Live" -- [NEXT_ON] John: It's gotten too risky. I'm pulling you out. Antonio: No! Shannon: It's not a big deal. I mean, we just kissed. River: It would be to her. Riley: Jen and I are just friends. Mark: Don't kid yourself, Colson. You want her. Bo: What are you going to do? You going to tie me up? Nora: Don't tempt me. | Paul, David and Natalie set off for the vault, and when they arrive, Natalie stands lookout outside, while Paul and David go in, and are immediately arrested by FBI, while Natalie escapes. |
613 | Chloe: [Breathing heavily] Daniel, about last night...it didn't happen. Daniel: The hell it didn't. [SCENE_BREAK] Brady: Dad. Is something, uh, wrong? John: I tried hypnosis, son. Thought maybe I'd get some of my memories back. Brady: And? John: And all I got was... nothing. Charlotte: John, where are you? Who is with you? John: She is -- Marlena. She's in trouble. I have to help her. [Knock on door] Charlotte: Ooh! Marlena: Oh, my gosh. Are you all right? Charlotte: How dare you come barging in here like that. [SCENE_BREAK] Maggie: Thank you. [Chuckles] Max: Oh, hey. It's okay. Maggie: Oh, for goodness sakes. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. What a way to start the day of all days. Look at me. Max: Why? What's up? Maggie: Oh, I just... actually, you really should know. Um, you're his best friend. Max: Wait, who are we talking about here? Nick? Maggie: He's being sentenced today. Max: Oh, my God. Why didn't you tell me? What time is it? I'll be there. Maggie: No. No. He doesn't want anyone to come. Just... just me and Melanie. [SCENE_BREAK] Melanie: Philip, hey, I, uh -- I need to take the morning off. Philip: Why? Melanie: I would rather not say. Philip: What are you talking about? We have the alternative-fuel project today. Melanie: Okay, well, you'll have to fill me in when I get back this afternoon. Philip: Hey, at least give me a reason, Melanie. Melanie: I'm sorry. I have to go. [SCENE_BREAK] E.J.: Nick. Nick: Thank you for being here. Uncle Mickey says you're the best. E.J.: Well, I'm happy to step in for him. I know he'd much rather be here than in Chicago, though. Nick: Well, at least he won't have to watch me being sentenced to life in prison. E.J.: Okay, let's not get ahead of ourselves, all right? Nick: That's what I deserve. It's hard to imagine how this all happened now that I'm clean, you know? I was delusional. I thought I was helping Melanie. I thought I was in love with her. I wasn't. [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: Good morning. How are you? Um...I'm really glad we got a chance to talk last night. And I'm sorry I'm just coming over now. Mia: What are you doing here alone? I flat-out told you last night that I need to meet the guy who's gonna be the father to this baby, so where is he? Nicole: Mia, can I please come in so we can talk? Uh...how long have you lived here? Mia: A couple of months. Nicole: Well, you'll be gone soon, right? On your way to Japan. Mia: Yeah, where's your fiancé©? Nicole: Yeah, I really admire you following your dream. Mia: Is he on his way? Nicole: And you have such a great future ahead of you, and, of course, you're gonna need money. Mia: I asked you a question. Nicole: And I want you to rest assure that your baby will have all the love in the world, not to mention a safe and secure environment. Mia: Whoa, whoa, whoa. I told you before, I'm not agreeing to anything until I meet the guy who's gonna be the father to this baby. This is the last time I'm asking you -- where is he? [SCENE_BREAK] John: My shrink says we were at it for over an hour. Got nothing. Not even a glimmer. Brady: Did you ever think about trying a different doctor? John: Another shrink? Damn, you don't know much about me, do you? Brady: Right, right. 'Cause I'm so out of the loop here. You know, I don't even know if you -- John: If I what? Brady: I don't even know if you want to get your memories back. [SCENE_BREAK] Charlotte: [Chuckles] I thought you were about to give me a heart attack. Marlena: Oh, I'm sorry. I heard the noise, and I wasn't sure you were all right. Is your computer okay? Charlotte: Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's fine. Lucky, right? Have a seat. Marlena: Thank you. I-I knew that you were between patients, so I thought I'd catch you. I wanted to talk to you about something. Charlotte: Sure. Yeah, anything. Although, you know I can't discuss John with you. Marlena: No, no, of course. Not about John. It's about -- it's about you. I'm just puzzled. [SCENE_BREAK] Stefano: I must tell you... you look positively radiant. Kate: Ever the flatterer. Stefano: No, no, no, no, no. I am earnest, you know. My respect for you, my admiration, my affection for you. You must know that by now. Kate: Well, I have to say that lifts my spirits. Stefano: Well, listen, mine would be lifted to no end if [Sighs] Kate...am I a fool to think that you might...have thought about and considered what we talked about the last time we were here like this? Kate: Stefano... Stefano: I know. [Chuckles] It's -- talk about impulsive. I understand that. It must have come as a shock to you. Perhaps you even thought, "well, you know, he's probably playing some kind of a game with me," or who knows? Or maybe that I am not serious. Kate: Actually, I was certain that you weren't serious. Am I wrong? Stefano: Absolutely. I know it was sudden, but... it was genuinely heartfelt. I truly, truly hoped that you would marry me. And [Chuckles] Since...hope springs eternal, I'm wondering if perhaps that's not why you are here now, to finally... accept my proposal. [SCENE_BREAK] Max: You got to set up before the lunch crowd gets here. Sorry. Stephanie: Okay, the lowly intern is here to get eight coffees and two teas. Max: Steph, Amy's gonna have to help you. I got to get out of here. Stephanie: What's up? Max: Nick's getting sentenced today, and Maggie says that he doesn't want anybody there, but there's no way in hell I'm not gonna be there. Stephanie: All of his friends should be with him. Max: Damn right. But he said all he wants is Aunt Maggie and Melanie. Stephanie: "Melanie"? Max: Yeah, and I called Chelsea, but Theo gets out of the hospital today, so he really needs her. Stephanie: Take me with you. Max: Take you? What about Philip? Stephanie: He'll understand. This is about Nick. I love the guy, too, you know. Max: All right, I'll bring my car around. Stephanie: I'll be out front. [Cellphone rings] Philip: Hey. What's up? Stephanie: I know why Melanie wanted to take the morning off. [SCENE_BREAK] Melanie: Nick. Maggie: We're here. Nick: Aunt Maggie. Maggie: Hey. Melanie: Nick, I know you're scared, okay? But we're gonna do everything -- [SCENE_BREAK] E.J.: Excuse me. I'm sorry, Miss Layton, you can't speak to my client. Maggie: E.J., she was just trying to -- E.J.: No, Nick cannot speak to the victim. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: It's okay, Melanie. I know what you were gonna say. Melanie: Hang in there, Nick. Max: Hey, Maggie. I'm sorry. I know you said Nick didn't want anybody down here, but I -- Maggie: No, no. You don't have to convince me, Max. I'm really glad you came. So, go. Talk to him. Please. Uh, excuse me, Melanie. I'll be back. Max: Hey. Melanie: Hey. [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: You know, it would have helped Philip if you had told him you had to do this today. Melanie: Nick wanted it kept a secret. I guess it got out. Is, uh -- is Philip coming? Stephanie: No, he's at Titan. Alternative-fuels meeting, remember? Melanie: I've been a little preoccupied with Nick. Stephanie: I think the hearing is starting. Excuse me. [SCENE_BREAK] All rise. Court is now in session. The honorable Judge Karen Fitzpatrick presiding. Judge Fitzpatrick: You may be seated. [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: Mia, we were gonna be here. We really were. And my f-- my fiancé© thought he had the morning off, but then, in the middle of the night, he got a phone call. Mia: Okay, hey, listen up. When's he coming? An hour? Two? Nicole: Ugh. [Sighs] I wish I could explain this better. This is a very -- it's a very delicate situation. There's no other way to say it. My fiancé's not coming... at all. [SCENE_BREAK] Kate: I think my illness has made me see my life differently. I don't know. Maybe -- maybe daring is the way to go. Adventuresome. Stefano: Oh, I'm all for adventure. Kate: I mean if I did marry you, my life would change completely, and that's not unappealing in its way. Stefano: Only in its way? [Laughs] That is hardly a ringing endorsement. [Laughs] Kate: I told you when we had our dinner that I felt we had a special connection. Stefano: Yes. Kate: You got me and Lucas off the streets, and, for that, I will be forever indebted to you. Stefano: You don't owe me anything, Kate. And the last thing I want is you to feel beholden. Kate: It's more than that. Being with you, I really do feel like my spirits are lifted. Stefano: Ah, now, you see? That's a little better. Kate: But I am not ready to make a commitment to anything or anyone, not yet. Stefano: Ah, so you're gonna leave me just hanging here in this miserable limbo? Kate: I think that you can handle it. Stefano: You know [Chuckles] I know there is someone else. I know that. Kate: You know about Daniel and me? Stefano: Kate, I always know about these things. A man without information is a man without power. Kate: Ah. So what you need to know about Daniel now...is that he saved my life and we are very special friends. [SCENE_BREAK] Chloe: Daniel, I'm very serious about this. Daniel: Why did you come here? Chloe: I just told you why. At the party last night, you had this look in your eyes after we were...up in that bedroom, and I just kept thinking that you were gonna tell people. You haven't, have you? Daniel: What would I say? That what you're doing is wrong, destructive? But you know as well as I do that marrying Lucas is a terrible mistake. Chloe: Listen, even when you love someone, you can still feel attracted to another person. You just shouldn't act on it, and that was my mistake, okay? I should never have let it happen. I shouldn't have let you kiss me, and it was only because I was nervous because of -- Daniel: No, you were nervous because I was there, because what we feel for each other is much more, so much more than just an attraction. Chloe: No. Daniel: That's why you came here. You could have called me. But you came here... to see me... to be...with me. To feel...my touch. Ooh whoa-oh-oh-oh ah-ah-ah it's in the way you move it's everything I never knew ooh And I don't know what's come over me this craving I cannot contain I can't hold back I'm quivering you've captured every part of me It's in my every dream Oh Your kiss, your hair your smell so sweet oh It comes around again and all over again this feeling whenever you're near it comes around again and all over again So sweet ooh So sweet Oh-oh-oh-oh ah-ah-ah so sweet [SCENE_BREAK] Brady: Leave it to me to say the wrong thing, huh? That's obviously a question you don't want asked. John: That's all right. I do want my memories back, and I want them back right now. You know why? Brady: Why? John: Because I know that Blondie's in there somewhere. And I'm doing it for her. [SCENE_BREAK] Marlena: So, I went online, you see, and, Charlotte, you have awards and publications a mile long. Charlotte: Well, I guess I've slowed down in the last couple of years, but there was a time there when I thought that the one with the biggest résumé wins. Marlena: I was impressed. Charlotte: But puzzled. Marlena: Yes. Your last, um -- your last job at Lehman University, you left suddenly. I didn't understand that. Charlotte: You were checking up on me. That's what this is, isn't it? [SCENE_BREAK] Maggie: I'm not trying to convince you that Nick is blameless here. Just now, he stood before you and admitted his guilt. And then he apologized to everyone. But, your honor, I-I know him. He meant every word. [Crying] He's a good boy... with a good heart. And he just -- he wasn't himself when he did that terrible thing. I know it. So please, your honor, show him some mercy. Judge Fitzpatrick: Thank you, Mrs. Horton. Maggie: Thank you. Judge Fitzpatrick: If no one else wishes to speak at this time, I will retire to my chambers now. [SCENE_BREAK] Melanie: Um, excuse me, your honor. Could I say something? Judge Fitzpatrick: And you are? Melanie: My name is Melanie Layton. It was my Father who was killed. Judge Fitzpatrick: Oh. Very well. Let's hear what you have to say. [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock on door] Kate: Daniel, it's Kate. Are you there? [SCENE_BREAK] Mia: What do you mean he's not coming at all? Nicole: Mia -- Mia: No. Doesn't he want this baby? Nicole: Yes, of course. In the worst way. Mia: Okay, then when's he coming? When do I get to meet him? Nicole: Mia, God, I wish -- I wish you could understand that you can never meet my fiancé© ever. [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock on door] Kate: Daniel, are you there? It's me. Daniel: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was just, uh -- I'm here. I was just asleep. Uh...I'll be right there. Let me get some -- some clothes on. Kate: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up. Daniel: No. No, no, no problem. Kate: Okay, well, I found this -- your pager -- and I wanted to return it to you. I found it after the party. I tried calling you, but I guess your cellphone is off. Daniel: Yeah, well, thank you. Thank you. Kate: Am I interrupting something? [SCENE_BREAK] Melanie: [Voice breaking] What I came here to say is this -- Nick, I forgive you because, while my Father was a victim of a crime you committed, you were also a victim. You tr-- you trusted in people too much, and you never got a fair shake, so, your honor, I hope that you will see it in your heart to be lenient with Nick because...he's -- he's basically a very good person. Some people, you know, if you dig down inside, are basically good. And that's Nick. So you can't -- you can't put him in jail for the rest of his life because -- because everybody that knows him will lose so much. That's all. Judge Fitzpatrick: Very well. That concludes this portion of the hearing. Court stands in recess. All rise. Maggie: Thank you so much. [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: I lost my little girl. I was told I can never get pregnant, so when I did, it was -- it was heaven. It was a miracle. And then, uh, one night, Dr. Baker tried to save her, but she was -- she was too tiny, too little, and -- and she left us. Mia: I'm really sorry. Nicole: I know. My, uh -- my fiancé©, he -- he wanted this baby as much as I did, but, um...she was gone. And I can't ever get pregnant again. Mia: That's too bad. Are you sure? But...you're not pregnant. I mean, you haven't been for like months. Your boyfriend's got to know that. Nicole: I, uh -- I've been wearing this padding, and I've managed to keep it from him. Mia: Wait, he still thinks you're pregnant, that you're gonna have his baby? Nicole: Yes. Yes, and -- and -- and it's a wonderful thing with your help. Mia, he'll have what he's been waiting for all this time -- your baby. My baby. Mia: Oh, my God. Are you saying you want to take my baby and make your boyfriend think it's his? Nicole: You make it sound so underhanded. It's not. Mia: No, this is, like, scaring me. I mean, not only is this crazy, but it's just wrong. It's a total lie. You're asking me to give up my baby, which is gonna be hard enough, but then you're saying let's pull this scam on your boyfriend? We could both wind up in jail. Nicole: No, no, I would never let that happen. Mia: How can I be sure? I don't even know you. How can I believe your promises? Nicole: Mia -- Mia: No. Stop trying to talk me into this. Just...go. Just get out. I want you out of here. [SCENE_BREAK] John: It's kind of hard to explain. But when I see Blondie, I... I know there was something there, something good, something that I...I should remember. That's why I want those memories back. Brady: Then you got to keep working at it, right? John: Yeah, well, for Blondie. And maybe for some other people, too. Who knows? Brady: Yeah, who knows? Well, look, I got to go. John: Yeah. Be careful. Brady: You know, Dad, uh... just so you know... there was one thing you always did your whole life and that was you always went all-out for what you wanted. And you always got it. [SCENE_BREAK] Marlena: Charlotte, please don't take what I said the wrong way. Charlotte: You want to know why I left my last job? It was so that I could go home and take care of my dying Father, who you never bothered to stay in touch with. Marlena: Charlotte, I -- I suppose I could have stayed in touch with him better than I did, but it was so long ago that I worked with him -- Charlotte: It wasn't that long ago. Not for me. [SCENE_BREAK] Judge Fitzpatrick: My initial impulse was to make sure that you served the maximum -- life. But after what I heard here today from your friends and family, from you, and especially from the victim's daughter, I have re- evaluated the circumstances surrounding this crime. And I have decided that justice in this case must be tempered with mercy. So your sentence is this -- you are to serve between two and five years at a facility to be determined by the state department of corrections. With good behavior, you will be eligible for parole in 18 months. That is the sentence of this court. Court is now adjourned. Maggie: [Laughs] All rise. E.J.: [Chuckles] Maggie: Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Max: Dude, you'll be out in no time. I'm telling you, all right? [Chuckles] Nick: Thanks, Max. Max: Yeah, of course. Stephanie: Nick, we will be thinking about you every day, praying for you. [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: Melanie. Melanie: Philip, hi. Uh, when did you -- when did you get here? Philip: I was here from the start. Nick really owes you one. Melanie: No, I just did what I thought was right. Philip: No, no, what you did was more than right. It was incredibly generous. Melanie: So what? I've redeemed myself. I'm not a total loser in your eyes. Philip: You never were. Stephanie: Hey. When did you get here? Philip: Oh, hey. Right from the start. Melanie: Wait a minute. If you've been here the whole time, who's running the meeting on the alternative-fuels project? Philip: I pushed it to this afternoon so you could be there. Melanie: Thanks. [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: Yeah, I got to make a call. Will you meet me outside? Stephanie: Yeah. Philip: Okay. Stephanie: I wanted to tell you that I'm really impressed, also. Melanie: Thanks. I got to say goodbye to Nick. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: I can't thank you enough. E.J.: You be strong in there, all right? Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Melanie: Hey. Nick: You saved me. Melanie: Nah. [Chuckles] I just told the truth. Nick: No. You did more than that. You stood up for me. And I don't think it was just because I gave you the shares of my fuel project. Melanie: No, it wasn't. Nick: So was it Philip? [SCENE_BREAK] Daniel: No. No, no. It's just that I've had so much to do, I can hardly turn around. Kate: You just seem uncomfortable. I hope you don't think that I was coming by to start things up again. Daniel: No. No, I know that that's not why you're here. Kate: Good. Good, I thought I made it clear why we needed to end it, but... Daniel: No, you did. You were very clear. You wanted to focus on your family and your health, and I completely understand that. Kate: I hope so. Okay, well, I have a million things to do, so I should get going. I'll talk to you soon. [SCENE_BREAK] Chloe: Oh, my God, Daniel. Do you see what you're doing to that woman? Her son, her children -- they mean more to her than anything in the world. Daniel: I never wanted this to happen. But it -- it... it has, and...it is so out of control. [SCENE_BREAK] Charlotte: My Father never forgot you, Marlena. He even mentioned you on the day he died. But I know that you -- you didn't know that, and...it is unfair for me to think that you didn't care. Marlena: I did. If I had known he was ill, I -- Charlotte: No, you would have done or said something, of course. Marlena: Well, I should go. Charlotte, I'm very sorry if I've hurt your feelings. Charlotte: No. Totally forgotten. Marlena: You know, I would like us to be friends. We both want John to recover, and -- and I know that we, um -- we share that goal. Charlotte: Well, at least one of us does. [SCENE_BREAK] Chloe: This is not happening ever again. Daniel: You know, part of me says that, "yeah, why don't we just walk away from this whole thing, bury it, and nobody gets hurt?" Chloe: Exactly. Daniel: Except that won't work. Our feelings, we can't seem to bury them. We got to be honest, Chloe. We're not trying to hurt anybody, but...I don't know how we can just walk away from what we feel. [SCENE_BREAK] John: She is -- Marlena. She's in trouble. I have to help her. [Knock on door] Charlotte: Come in. John: I'm glad you're here. I'm ready to get back to work. Now, you said that I can view the video with you and see what I said during hypnosis. We'll do that first and then we will schedule another session. Charlotte: I wish it was that easy, John. John: You lost me. Charlotte: Well, I just reviewed the video myself, and...John, I don't think that hypnosis is going to work for you. John: And you know that after just one session. Charlotte: I'm a trained professional, John. It's my opinion that you probably will not get your memories back. [SCENE_BREAK] Melanie: It's a little weird how you can read me sometimes. Nick: So it was for Philip. Melanie: I don't know. Maybe a little. A bit of me thought that if I got your sentence reduced, he would hear about it and... Nick: And like you. Melanie: Or be nicer to me. But I did mean what I said. You deserve a second chance. You really are a good person. [Chuckles] Do me a favor, Nick? You be good to yourself. Bye. [SCENE_BREAK] Stefano: Well done. Well done. E.J.: Actually, it was testimony from one of Nick's friends that did the trick. Stefano: Yeah, but still, you know, it was very clever of you to take over for Mickey Horton, because it is always good to have a family like the Horton's in debt to you, huh? E.J.: [Chuckles] I see. I'm learning how to play it, am I? Stefano: You certainly are. And, Elvis, your future is not only bright, it's brilliant. [SCENE_BREAK] Mia: Look, if you don't leave right now -- Nicole: Mia, Mia, please. Just listen to me. You're my only hope. And if you say no, my life will be over and I mean that. Feel -- feel your baby inside of you moving around, kicking. I had that, and I lost it. [Sighs] All I'm asking...is that you give me back the happiness I lost. Give me your baby. Please say yes. Give me back my happiness. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: Just promise me you'll make sure it stays out of the wrong hands. Max: Yeah. Chelsea: Promise. [SCENE_BREAK] Philip: This is a side of you I haven't seen before, and I really... Melanie: You really... Philip: I like that person. [SCENE_BREAK] Mia: If losing your baby was so sad, why are telling me to give up mine? | After she leaves, Chloe tells Daniel that this can never happen again and walks out on him |
614 | Abigail: [Sighs] Chad: Abigail, I love you more than I've ever loved anyone in my entire life. Ben: When the time is right, we will do it exactly how you'd like it--a big wedding, the whole family. Everything perfect. [Knocking] Paul: Hey, yeah, you can take both trays; they're right... over there. Kate: Oh, darling, I'm not the room service, but I do have the revised contracts. I think you're going to be thrilled to know that the name of the new men's cologne, Narita, tested through the roof. Paul: Yeah, actually, right now is not a good time. Derrick: Hey, I think I used up the last... Kate: Well, hello. As I've often said, what's more fun than breakfast in bed? Sonny: I keep telling you, it's not that big of a deal. Justin: Oh, I think victor will think it's a very big deal when he learns his favorite nephew was jumped by gay bashers in his own nightclub. Sonny: Does he need to know? Justin: You don't think he eventually knows everything that goes on in his club, especially to a family member? Sonny: What was I thinking? Justin: So I understand Paul was there too. Sonny: You know the answer to that question. Justin: Well, just a little surprised. Sonny: Really? That we were in the same room? Isn't that why you talked Paul into coming here in the first place? So he could break up my marriage? Rafe: Oh, and here is the ticket you gave me for the movie in the park. Aiden: Whoa, what are you talking about? Rafe: Well, I can't make it, so I thought you could give it to someone else. Aiden: No, we're looking forward to having you there, especially chase and Ciara. Rafe: Yeah, I know. And I'm sorry. But I can't make it. I got to work. Aiden: Rafe, what do you mean you have to work? You told me you had someone to cover for you. Rafe: I know. I'm sorry. It fell through. Aiden: Come on, Rafe. You have to be there. Hope: Hey, hi. Will: Hi. Hope: Good to see you, honey. Will: You too. Hope: Are we alone in here? Will: Yeah, what's up? Hope: Will, I know. We need to talk. Ben: What do you want to talk to me about? Because I can't think of anything we could possibly-- Chad: Abigail. I want to talk to you about Abigail. Ben: You really think I'm gonna talk about her with you? Dream on. Martin: Where are the-- can you please give me the results right now? I would. Martin: You would? Dr. Brady picked them up herself about five minutes ago. Martin: Damn it! [Cell phone ringing] Martin: Hello. Clyde: Got your text. So it's done? Martin: Well, actually-- Clyde: Damn it, it's a simple question: Is it done? Martin: Well, sir... there might be a problem. Kayla: If the match is positive... Abigail: Yeah, I know. If it's positive, it means that Chad's the father. Clyde: A problem? I don't like problems. Martin: See, I got here, and someone else had already run the test. She sent out the result. Clyde: Is it the result I want it to be? Martin: That's the thing. I don't know. It went out before I could see it. Clyde: Well, it sounds like you got a big fat problem to fix, martin. Do I have to remind you how quickly I can make your wife a widow? Martin: No, I will fix this. I swear. Clyde: You got two minutes. I'd haul ass if I were you. Chad: You know, under different circumstances, I think we could have actually been friends. Ben: Yeah, us having so much in common and everything. Chad: Seriously, think about it. You're tight with sonny, will, t, and they're a few of my best friends. Ben: And they're a forgiving crew, and they knew you before you were a DiMera, before you were the jerk who walked around comparing how my sister and my girlfriend were in the-- what'd you call it? The sack? Chad: You're right. When I first came to town, I was a jerk, all right? A complete jerk. Ben: When you first came to town? Chad: Especially to you, I was a jerk. Ben: But you changed? Is that what you're trying to tell me? Chad: Look, I know you've been really good to Abby. That means something. I can tell that you really love her. Ben: Does that mean I get your approval, Chad? Tell me, why the hell do you think I need it? Clyde: You still where I told you to wait? You hang tight there. I may be calling you back in a couple of minutes. Remember, you need to make it look like an accident. Kayla: Do you want me to open it? Abigail: No, I'll do it. [Phone ringing] Kayla: Just give me a second. I'll get rid of them. Kayla: Dr. Brady. Martin: Dr. Brady, those results... Kayla: We're just opening them now. Martin: No. Kayla: Excuse me? Martin: Dr. Brady, I am so sorry, but the test... I just realized there was a contamination. I'm gonna need to run it again. Justin: Sonny, I'm sorry. And I know that I owe you an apology. But Paul isn't trying to come between you two now, is he? I mean, he's giving you guys space to work things out? Sonny: Yeah. Justin: Good, good. Well, I hope you and will are better at it than your mother and I were. Sonny: Yeah. You know, being married, I see now, is a lot more complicated than it looks on the outside. It really is. And I respect what you and mom decided to do. But I'd be lying to you if I said it didn't make me sad. Justin: Of course. I understand. Thank you. Means a lot. Especially after I tried to come between you and will. I just felt that will, the way he hurt you, it was...immature. And Paul seemed to have his act together. Sonny: Yeah. You and I, though, we can put all this behind us. Paul and I have. I mean, well, he knows that I'm committed to will. And...he's moved on. Justin: You're okay with that? Sonny: Of course I am. Of course. I mean, why wouldn't I be? But I do need to get home. So I'm glad we got to talk. Justin: Me too, me too. Of course, it's always good to see you and talk to you. And I'm really glad that things are getting better for you. Sonny: Yes, every day, in every way, so... see you, dad. Justin: Bye. Paul: How thrilled I am for you to know anything at all about my personal life. Kate: Well, this is Salem. Nothing remains secret. Kate Roberts. So nice to make your acquaintance. Derrick: Likewise. Kate: I'm Paul's boss. Hope you got some ice on that. Aren't you going to introduce us? Paul: No. Derrick: If you'll excuse me, I'll... Kate: Well, if you just get these signed, then you can get back to whatever it is you were doing. Paul: You know, sometimes people call before they drop in. Kate: Well, it was urgent that these get signed because of the renaming. You know, you seem so serious. If only you knew how many times I have been in this exact same situation. You know, there's a really big life lesson here. Never assume it's room service, because you never know who's behind that door. Chad: I knew this wasn't gonna be an easy conversation. And I guess I'm just-- you know, I'm trying-- Ben: You're trying to what? You're trying to convince yourself that you're not a complete piece of-- look, I spent time with you at the picnic for Abigail's sake and Theo's. I played basketball with you guys because I enjoy knocking you on your rich ass. But I don't have to stand here and listen to some phony mea culpa. Chad: Mea culpa? Mea culpa, wow. College boy's learned a few new words, congratulations. Ben: Yeah, there he is. You know, I was wondering when the real Chad DiMera would show up, the one that hates me every bit as much as I hate him. Kayla: Abigail. Abigail, don't. Abigail: What? What is it? Kayla: I think there's a problem. Just hold on a second. [Phone beeps] Kayla: Martin, I have the patient right here with me, and you're now on speakerphone. I think you need to explain what's going on here. Martin: I have just been made aware. It seems that some foreign materials have made their way into the centrifuge before the test had run. If you just give me a little while, I will rerun the test personally, myself. Kayla: You know, martin, this isn't good. We're causing the patient unnecessary stress. Martin: I know, dr. Brady. I know. And I am so sorry. But I couldn't let those results stand. So if you destroy them, I will-- I will rerun the test ASAP. Kayla: Okay, yeah. I'll do that. Thank you. And talk to me soon. I am so sorry. I know. I know, baby. I promise you, we're gonna get this right this time, okay? [Shredder whirring] Paul: Here you go. And you can go. Kate: You know, you are really gonna have to stop with this puritan attitude, seriously. Your image is very, very important to the product. Do you really think men are going to be buying Narita cologne because they want to stay celibate? Paul: I'm not trying to be puritan. I'm trying to just maintain privacy. And now that you do know something about my life, I'm asking you to keep it to yourself. Kate: Oh, you want me to be discreet. [Laughs] Oh... Derrick: Everything okay? I take that as a no. Aiden: Okay, I get it. I get it. You feel like you're gonna be a third wheel with hope and me. Not true. Look, if it makes you feel any better, bring someone. You're surrounded by all these single ladies every night of the week. I mean, hasn't anyone ever caught your eye? Rafe: No. No, the women here, they're not exactly my type. Regardless, I've got to work. So you and hope, you go and have fun. I've got stuff to do, all right, bud? Okay? Place doesn't run itself, you know. Hope: I brought a little gift for Ari. Just a little something. Will: [Laughs] Thank you. Hope: You've been so wonderful and so supportive with Abigail. Will: Just trying to make up for what that article I wrote did to her. Hope: No, I know she forgave you for that. Will: I'm working on forgiving myself. Hope: Abigail's been avoiding me since I found out she's pregnant. And I'm guessing from your reaction, Jennifer and JJ still don't know. So my question is, why is she keeping it to herself, will? Will: You don't know that Ben is the father, do you? I guess she needs some time and space. I think that we should let her be until she feels ready to talk about it. Clyde: All right, time's up. You make it happen. Hold on, I got another call. Martin: Sir, it's me. I took care of it. Everything, it's gonna be just fine. Please tell me I'm not too late. Clyde: This better not be a stall for time. Martin: I swear. I swear. I stopped it before she could even read it. I am running a new test personally. It will be just what you want. Clyde: Then you better get back to work, boy. So...I guess miracles do happen. Kayla: I know the waiting is awful. Abigail: Better to make sure that it's right. Kayla: It won't be long now. I mean, martin really knows what he's doing. If you can just hang in there. Abigail: He asked me to marry him last night. Kayla: Ben? Abigail: Yeah, last night, he... gave me a ring that was supposed to go to his mother, but she died before his father could ever give it to her. Kayla: What did you say? Abigail: I said I needed time. Kayla: Oh, baby. Chad: I keep making the same mistake, don't I? Talking to you like you're actually a functioning adult. Ben: How about this? How about you go straight to hell? Chad: You know what? You might have sonny and will fooled with this, "I'm a good old boy," country routine for now, but you can't keep it up forever. And you know who else is gonna see through it? Abby. Some day real soon, she's gonna see exactly who you are. Ben: She already does. I'm the guy she goes to bed with each and every night. Derrick: Hey. Will: I got your text. What's going on? Sonny: Paul. Paul: Hey, I was hoping to catch you. Is will here? Sonny: No, he just went out. Paul: Well, there's something that I want the both of you to hear--from me, not Kate. Sonny: Kate? Is this about your deal with mad world? Paul: No, it's about me... and derrick. Will: You slept with Paul? That is amazing! Derrick: Gee, thanks. Will: You know what I mean. Tell me about it. Derrick: It just kind of happened. He was worried about my eye, and one thing led to another, and...well, I ended up staying at his hotel with him. Then this morning, we thought room service was at the door, so I went and hid in the bathroom because I didn't want anyone I used to work with to see me there. But it wasn't room service. Some lady showed up, and she saw me there. Will: Someone Paul knew? Derrick: Yeah, she said she was Paul's boss, Kate something. Justin: Great. Things are really moving along. Kate: Not everything. Justin: Why's that? Now that Paul's signed these contracts, we can start time- tabling the kickoff. Kate: Oh, yes, in terms of mad world, everything's fine, but not on the domestic front. Justin: Okay, Kate. Out with it. Get to the point. Kate: Paul wasn't alone this morning. In fact, I don't think he was alone all night, which means so much for your plans to use him to break up sonny and will. Justin: I already told you, I'm glad--I'm happy that they're trying to work things out. Kate: I'll get this back to the office. Um...I just wanted to say, you know, what you said about Clyde the other day... I really appreciate your concern. I do. Justin: Oh. Did you tell Clyde what I happened to say about him? Ben: See, here's the thing. At the end of the day, she chose me. She moved in with me. We go to bed together each and every night. And we wake up in each other's arms each and every morning. We are in love, and it makes us both very happy. So no matter what you think or what you want to believe, at the end of the day, she moved in with me. Chad: She only moved in with you because I-- Ben: Why, Chad? Tell me. Because you what? Kayla: It's so obvious how much you love him, and now you know for sure that he loves you. Oh, wait. Oh, baby. Have you told him about any of this? Abigail: About being pregnant? Kayla: Yeah. Abigail: No. Kayla: You see? That proves it. He just wants to marry you. It's not that he thinks he has to. I think that he just wants to spend the rest of his life with you. Chad: Marlena told me that if I had feelings for someone that I owed it to both of us to be open and honest. So that's why I'm here. Kayla: I don't mean to pry, but what did he say? Chad: I was watching you sleep, and I was just thinking about how perfect you are. Abigail: I'm far from perfect, Chad. Chad: I messed up everything. And I would do anything to make it up to you, to make sure that you always had the best and that you were always happy, because that is what you do for the woman that you love. Abigail: He said that-- he said that he would do whatever he could to make me happy, because that's what you do for someone you love. Kayla: So beautiful. Ben: There's nothing in the world that would mean more to me than if you agreed to put this ring on your finger and marry me. Abigail: He said there's no one in his life that he wants more than me. Kayla: That's so beautiful too. Abigail: He said I needed to hear the truth. Kayla: Funny way to say it. It's like a confession. [Phone ringing] Kayla: Dr. Brady. Great, thank you. The results are in. I won't be but a minute, I promise. Chad: Yes. Derrick: I mean, honestly, I don't know where things are going with Paul. I've never done the long-term thing. But who knows? I mean, last night was great. Will: Well, good luck. I hope everything works out for you. Derrick: If it does, I'll have you to thank. All that personal stuff you gave me about him really helped. I got to go. Thanks again, see you around. Sonny: It was just one night. You can't be sure it won't turn into something serious. Paul: Maybe. I don't know. I mean, derrick's a nice guy, but, I mean, he's not... Sonny: Good-looking? We both know that's not true. Paul: Yeah, that's not it. Sonny: Then give it a shot. See where it goes. Paul: No, see, he's not-- Sonny: He's not what? Paul: Nothing. It's not derrick. It's me. Kate: I didn't tell Clyde anything you said, because I haven't seen him since the two of us talked. Justin: Wouldn't it be nice if that became a trend? Kate: [Sighs] Why don't you really tell me how you feel, Justin? Justin: I tried, but you weren't very receptive. I think-- Kate: What, what? You think what? Justin: All right. I'll tell you. I'm just surprised a smart, savvy woman like you hasn't dug deeper into just who this guy is. Rafe: Clyde? There's nothing to talk about. Hope: We're the only ones here, right? It's me you're talking to, Rafe. Rafe: Thank you. I'm aware of that. And I'm actually glad you're here and that you brought it up. Hope: You don't seem very glad. Rafe: It's time that this ended. Hope: Ended? Rafe: Yes. Hope: End what? Rafe: This. This--you, me, working together. Do you understand that this could stir up all sorts of trouble for you? I don't want to be responsible for that. I'm not even a cop anymore. Hope: Exactly, which is great. Rafe: I can take certain shortcuts, hope. Hope: Rafe, don't you see that that's perfect? I have to toe the line, but you can work behind the scenes, feed me info I would never have access to. Rafe: No. No. Hope: Rafe. Rafe: No, I am not gonna drag you into this. I am not doing this anymore. I'm not gonna get you into trouble. Ben: I got your text. You wanted to see me? Aiden: Yeah. You remember when I said I couldn't represent you unless I could trust that you were totally up front with me? Ben: Yeah, of course I do. Aiden: Yeah? Clyde: There a problem, counselor? Aiden: Hey, Clyde. I asked your father to join us, because this concerns him too. Look, you've both been clients for a while, but now that has to change. I think it's best for all concerned if we just cut our ties. Right now. Abigail: Damn it. Okay, Abby, just... just calm down. Just... just wait. Kayla: Thank you. Chad: Mm-hmm. Actually, do you have a minute? I got called down to a board meeting, and I-- Kayla: Oh, well, I won't be there, because my department doesn't have anything on the agenda. Chad: I was just wondering. Kayla: I guess you'll just have to find out when you get there. I got back as fast as I could. Martin ran it twice, two different machines. Abigail: So this is it. You sure? Kayla: Yeah. Abigail: It's... it's negative. That means that the baby is Ben's. Sonny: How is it you, Paul? Paul: I'm just... just not ready for a relationship, that's all. Sonny: That's not exactly what you said a couple months ago. Paul: Yeah, that was different. That was you. I just don't see things going anywhere with derrick. I didn't want you to think-- I mean, I don't-- Sonny: You mean you didn't want will or me to think it was serious. Paul: Anyway, that's what I came by to say. Will: Paul, what brings you by? Paul: Well, obviously you haven't talked to your grandmother. Sonny: Yeah, I'll fill you in later. Paul: Yeah, well, I'll see you guys. Damn you, Kate. He didn't have to know. Will: What was that all about? Kate: Maybe I'm not paranoid like other people. Maybe I respect Clyde's privacy, which I've heard people say makes for a healthy relationship. Justin: Hmm, funny. When I think of you and Clyde, "healthy" is the last word that comes to mind. Kate: Okay, okay, look. I can handle myself. In case you've forgotten, I was married to Stefano and to victor, even though that wasn't 100% legal. Justin: Just because you're used to swimming in the deep end doesn't make it any less dangerous. Clyde: Seems you're being a bit rash here, counselor. You're saying we don't cut it as clients. I think you're using a double standard. I've come to find out you've represented a whole boatload of scum in your past. Aiden: You're talking about my pro bono work. Well, that's a completely different topic. So let me be blunt here. There are a lot of attorneys who'd be happy to represent you both. I'm just not one of them. Ben: What the hell? Hope: But I don't get it. Hey. Rafe: Yeah. Hope: We're a good team. You know, one day, it's gonna be official again, when Roman lets you back on the force. And you can get out of this place. Rafe: Yeah. You and I both know that there are plenty of other good cops on the force. Hope: None of them are like you, Rafe. Rafe: No. I meant what I said. I'm done. Hope: Rafe. Rafe: No, listen to me. You need to walk away. Do you not remember what victor said? He said stay away from Clyde, okay? For your sake, just walk away, hope. Hope: I'm a cop. I don't just walk away. Rafe: Yeah. I got stock to check, so... you let yourself out, okay? Abigail: Thank you. Thank you so much, really. You've been so great. Kayla: I told you that it was pointless to dwell on what could go wrong. Look, you got the result you wanted, right? And now Ben has asked you to marry him, and I will bet you he will be over the moon when he hears about this baby. And I know that you've been beating yourself up over the mistake you made with Chad. But you can put that behind you now, right? Abigail: Right, yeah. No, I can--that's done and over for good. Listen, I-- I really want to find the right time to tell JJ and my mom and especially Ben. Kayla: Of course. You know I will not tell a single soul. Abigail: Thank you. I should go. Kayla: Take care of yourself, all right? Abigail: Yeah. Whew. Kayla: Yeah. Love you so much. Abigail: Love you too. Chad: I am in love with you, Abigail Deveraux. Abigail: No, no. That's done. It's over. Chad: Uh-huh, no, I have to go to a meeting. I'll call you back. Abigail: [Crying] | Chad and Ben had an awkward conversation about Abby |
615 | [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Lizzie: You said you were drinking. Bill: Well, I'm fine. Daisy: I need help. There was an accident. It's Bill Lewis and Lizzie Spaulding. Frank: I need an ambulance now! Daisy: Are they going to be okay? Frank: Well, you know what? We don't know yet. [SCENE_BREAK] Buzz: Watch out! Coming through! Coming through! Coming through! Cassie: Let me you help with that. Buzz: You must be a good witch. Cassie: Some days I'm not so sure. You know, that doesn't really count because you're just a chef every day. Buzz: I am not a chef. I'm a cook. But thank you. Thank you very much for the compliment. Thank you for the props. R.J.: I ran out of thumbtacks. Buzz: I'm on right on it, Spaceman. R.J.: Astronaut. Buzz: My bad. Astronaut. Cassie: Here you go. Buzz: You always walk around with those? Cassie: No, not usually. But a friend gave them to me for a project, and I just hadn't taken them out of my purse yet. I think there's a candy bowl over there that needs refilling. Buzz: Go long, babe. (Laughter) (cell phone rings) Cassie: Hold on. Time out. (Laughs) Hello? Cyrus: Where are you? Cassie: Where are you? I'm at Company. Cyrus: You sound like you've been running laps of the place. Cassie: That's because I'm on candy duty. I thought you were going to be here for Buzz's Halloween party? Cyrus: Yeah, I don't think I'm on his guest list. Cassie: You're on my guest list. Cyrus: What about R.J.? Are you sure you want to explain to him why I'm there? Cassie: You are just looking for an excuse to not put on a costume. I will talk to R.J.. Now, get down here before the only thing that's left is candy corn. Cyrus: I like candy corn. Cassie: (Laughs) Good, then I'll see you soon. Oh, hey, did you hear that they found Lizzie Spaulding? Cyrus: Um... is she all right? Cassie: I don't know for sure. I guess she and Bill were in a car accident when they were trying to get away. Cyrus: What, from the kidnapper? Cassie: I guess. I don't know. It's not really clear. I've made a few phone calls, I haven't heard back yet. So I'll see you soon, here, right? Cyrus: Yeah, soon. I have to take care of something first. [SCENE_BREAK] Cyrus: You said you were going to let her go! What the hell happened? Huh? [SCENE_BREAK] Alan: Yes, it's Alan Spaulding for Lawrence Decker. Beth: Hang up. We have to go. Alan: What is it? Billy: What's going on? Beth: It was just on the news. Bill rescued Lizzie. Alan: They found her? Beth: But there was some kind of accident. Alan: Well, what happened? Beth: I don't know. They brought them to Cedars. Let's go. [SCENE_BREAK] Marina: Hey. How are you? Lizzie: I was treated and released, so I'm fine. Marina: How are you doing with everything else? Lizzie: Oh, yeah... I can't think about it. You know Bill is... Marina: Yeah, I heard. Any news? Lizzie: Yeah, he's still in surgery. Marina: I'm so sorry. I hate that I have to do this, but... I need to get a statement from you. I really want to find your kidnapper, so I... Lizzie: Yeah. Marina: But if you need a second... Lizzie: No, it's okay. Alan: Elizabeth? Elizabeth! Beth: Thank God. Are you okay? Alan: No one called us. Lizzie: I'm okay. I'm okay. Alan: Where were you? Who had you? Lizzie: I don't know. I don't know. Beth: What's happened? All we heard that there was an accident. Lizzie: Bill's in surgery. Rick's in there with him, and they're taking the best care of him that they can. Billy: What happened? Lizzie: Whoever took me had me in one of the warehouses at the old canning factory. Somehow there was a phone, and Bill tracked me... it's hard to explain how it went down. Alan: Elizabeth, we're glad that you're okay, sweetheart, but did you see their faces? Who was it? Billy: Bill told me about the phone, but he said that the police couldn't trace it. Lizzie: No, no, they couldn't. He found the van that they had been taking me around in, in the woods. Billy: The woods? Lizzie: Yeah. I had damaged the van when I was trying to escape, and I caused a leak, and he followed the leak. And he... he saved me. And then when we had to try to get away, and he had to fight the guy to get away. And then we did, and... Beth: Honey, honey, it's okay. Lizzie: No, no. We were so close. You know, we got to the van, and I don't know what happened. We hit something. We were going too fast. It happened really fast. Billy: Oh, Bill was driving? Lizzie: Yes. Alan: Elizabeth, you could have been killed, sweetheart! Lizzie: Do you know how many times I could have been killed, Granddad? The people who did this, whoever took me, that's who's to blame. Bill saved my life. He saved my life, and we were in the middle of the woods. There were trees everywhere. We were going fast, we were trying to get away. And he saved me. And he said that... he said, right before the accident, he said that he was in love with me and he was never going to let anything get in between us again. And he just wanted us to be together. Billy: That's good. Do we know how bad it is yet? Here. Here. [SCENE_BREAK] Cassie: Well, that looks pretty good, huh? Thanks for your help, big guy. Did you get taller since yesterday? R.J.: I think it's the costume. It makes me look taller. Cassie: (Laughs) I'm gonna get a soda. Do you want some? R.J.: No, thanks. Hey, do you know what Cyrus is going to be for Halloween? Cassie: Ah, I don't. R.J.: But he's coming here, right? Cassie: He might drop by. Would that be okay with you if he did? R.J.: Yeah. You guys are friends. Cassie: Yeah. I wanted to talk to you about that. (Laughter) What? What is so funny? R.J.: I knew it. You want to date him. Come on, Mom. I'm not seven. Cassie: Okay. I won't date him, though, if you don't want me to. Remember, you and your brother come first. I told you that. R.J.: I know. I'm always number one. Cassie: That's right. You are always number one. R.J.: I guess I'm okay with it. I'm going to go get some more candy. Cassie: Wait, wait, wait. Are you sure that you're okay with this? R.J.: Yeah. You smile more when Cyrus is around. Cassie: I do? R.J.: You're smiling right now, and we're only talking about him. I want to see you happy. You're my number one. Cassie: I love you so much. But stop growing up so fast. R.J.: I told you it's the costume. Cassie: Go get your candy. Hey, it's not like I'm dating his brother. [SCENE_BREAK] Grady: You don't owe me anything, all right? Cyrus: How the hell am I supposed to help you if you won't tell me what happened? Grady: Well, it doesn't sound like you want to help. Cyrus: What, so you're going to make a run for it now? Grady: How am I supposed to run with a leg like this? And they took the van. Cyrus: They crashed the van. Grady: I know. This whole thing is so screwed up. It never meant to go this way. Cyrus: Did anyone see you? Grady: I don't know. I blacked out for a little while. Cyrus: You blacked out? Grady: Bill, he came and rushed me. He hit me over the head with something. Cyrus: Oh, that's great. That's great. Grady: I mean, if he's gone and told Lizzie, then the cops are already after me. Cyrus: Listen, we're going to get through this, all right? I'm going to do whatever I can to help you. Grady: No. You... you just go back to your girlfriend, all right? Cyrus: What? Grady: That's the reason you're here, isn't it? Because if I get caught, then it implicates the two of you. That's the only reason you're coming back for me, isn't it? Cyrus: No. If I have a choice, I always choose you. Grady: I remember you saying that when I was a kid, right before you left me. Cyrus: So let me make up for that. Grady: You can't, mate. Cyrus: You really want to push away the only person who's on your side, Grady? Grady: You're on my side? It doesn't seem like you are. Cyrus: So then why did you come here? Grady: I told you, my leg is killing me. Cyrus: Right. Well, here then. For your leg. Why did you really come back here? Grady: Daisy. Cyrus: Bull. Grady: I didn't come back to this town for you, any more than you're sticking around for me. Cyrus: What? Grady: One woman. She leaves you and then you shack up with another one. It just happens to be Tammy Winslow's mom. How am I supposed to believe that you're on my side, when you start seeing the one woman who hates me more than anything else in this world? [SCENE_BREAK] Officer: Yeah, it's dead out here. So both our vics still at the hospital? When will the guy be out of surgery? Maybe he can I.D. the bastard who did this. The girl doesn't have a clue. [SCENE_BREAK] Cyrus: Are you a good witch or a bad witch? Cassie: Everyone keeps asking me that. Now, where is your costume? Cyrus: Sorry. They were all out of kangaroo costumes, so... Cassie: That would have been something to see. Come with me. There's something I want to show you. I just thought we should get that out of the way. Cyrus: What does that mean? And I'm not complaining. Cassie: I just, you know, wanted to relieve the tension. Are you feeling relieved? (Laughter) Cyrus: It's been the best thing all day. Cassie: I know things have been brewing between us. Cyrus: Brewing? Like a witchy kind of... Cassie: Like witchy, really. But I feel like things have changed now. Like we've gone from, you know, fighting it to... I don't know, exploring it. Cyrus: Cassie... Cassie: Oh, and I talked to R.J.. Well, actually R.J. talked to me. But he said that I smile more when you're around. And he gave me his permission to date you. Cyrus: Oh, that's big. Cassie: Isn't it? Cyrus: Yeah. Cassie: We were inside earlier and we were listening to the news updates on Lizzie and Bill, and, I don't know, I just... I'm getting so close to being happy, and then getting so close to losing everything. And then facing the possibility of losing everything all over again, then... I don't know, I'm not sounding very deep. I just mean I... I just think that I don't want to weigh every little decision in life. I need to follow my gut more, and you make my gut feel good. Cyrus: Well, you make my gut feel good, too. Cassie: Although Buzz gave me the look. You know, the "What the heck are you thinking" look? Cyrus: Yeah, I know that look well. Especially his. Cassie: Yeah, I think we're going to be getting a lot of it from everybody, so we might just have to get used to it. Cyrus: I'm used to it. Cassie: Really? Well, then, I'm used to it. Cyrus: Really? Cassie: Uh-huh. Cassie: You know, I've never actually kissed a kangaroo before? Lots of frogs. Cyrus: Wasn't there a few princes thrown in there as well? Cassie: Oh, just one or two. Cyrus: Well, I'll never be one of those. Cassie: Maybe that's what I like about you. I think it's really important that I'm able to see you now, and not see Grady. I wasn't sure I'd ever be able to do that. Should I not have brought him up? Cyrus: No, no, it's okay. Cassie: Well, did something happen? I mean, about what I told you Daisy said about... Cyrus: No, no. It turned out to be nothing. Cassie: Okay, then. Well, I have an astronaut waiting for me. Cyrus: An astronaut? Cassie: Uh-huh. Are you coming? Cyrus: A rain check? Cassie: Cyrus, if it's Buzz, I'll just say something. Cyrus: No, no, it's not. I'll make it up to you. [SCENE_BREAK] Marina: So the entire time you were held hostage, you never got a good look at the kidnapper? Alan: She's already said that, Marina. Beth: Alan? Alan: Well, I mean, she keeps asking the same questions in different ways. I mean, Elizabeth has been through a lot. Marina: Alan, I'm trying to help you. I'm on her side. Lizzie: It's okay. It's okay. Billy: Gang, I'm going to go try to get a hold of Vanessa again. Lizzie: Did you get a hold of Dinah? Billy: No. I'll try that, too. Lizzie: Nana? Nana, we have to call her. Beth: Nana is still in surgery. But I got a message to her, she knows that you're here and you're okay. Alan: You seem to be worried about everyone but yourself, Elizabeth? Marina: Lizzie, if you need to take a break from this for a while... Lizzie: No. You know what? We have nothing to do but sit here and wait, so it's fine. Alan: I want to talk to the doctors that saw you. Lizzie: There were two. Alan: Two doctors? Lizzie: No, no, no. There were two kidnappers. Did I tell you that? Marina: No. Lizzie: Yeah. There may have been more, but I don't know. I had a blindfold on most of the time. And I only ever saw one, and when I did, he had a ski mask on. He was a big guy, maybe over six feet tall. He was the only one who talked. But he had like this grumbly voice. I don't know, it seemed like he was trying to disguise it or something. I don't know if this is important, but the longer I was there, the less into it he seemed. Marina: What do you mean? Lizzie: It seemed like he was sorry he kidnapped me. Marina: Did he say that? Lizzie: No, he didn't say that, exactly. But it was just the way he was talking. Alan: Elizabeth, don't tell me you're starting to suffer with the Stockholm syndrome? Lizzie: No, no. I feel absolutely no attachment to him whatsoever. I just... I don't know, I feel like I understand. You know, if you're trapped with someone for that long. Alan: He wasn't trapped. You were the one that was trapped. He could leave at any time, if he chose. Lizzie: Yeah, but that's what I'm trying to say. He literally could have left me there to die more than once, and he didn't. Alan: Yes, because he wanted the money. Beth: Alan... all that matters is that you are safe. Lizzie: I want to see Peyton and James. Beth: And we're going to as soon as I get you home. Lizzie: No, I'm not leaving Bill. Beth: No... later. Later. Marina: I think I have enough here to make a call to the station. But if you think of anything that has to do with the kidnapping, the accident, anything that you think could help, please just call me, okay? Lizzie: Okay. Thank you. I need some water. Beth: I'll be back. Alan: Elizabeth, I... I want to talk with you. Lizzie: I told Marina everything that I can remember. Alan: I know that, I know that. I want to talk to you about Bill. Now, I know that you're very worried about him. Lizzie: Yeah, I love him, Granddad. Alan: And I know that you're very grateful that he was there to rescue you. Lizzie: Well, I didn't say grateful. I mean, I am grateful, but... Alan: Okay, don't get me wrong. I'm happy that he came around, too. Lizzie: Came around? Alan: I just think it's important for you to know that when you didn't show up for the meeting with Decker, he thought you had double crossed him. He went ahead and locked in a deal with Decker himself. Lizzie: Okay. He had no idea what had happened to me. Alan: No, no, he didn't. But when we received the ransom note, he didn't believe that you were kidnapped. Lizzie: I don't know, Granddad. Don't you think it is natural to be suspicious of a ransom note? Alan: Well, look, I don't want to say that. I did think it's important for you to understand how he reacted to this situation. Lizzie: He loves me. Before the presentation, he was going to accept me as an equal partner. Alan: Did he say that? Lizzie: Yes, he did. And as soon as he pulls through this, which he is going to, everything is going to be exactly how he said it was going to be. And we're going to be together, and work is just going to be a part of our lives instead of our whole life. It's exactly what I wanted, Granddad, when I took back half the company, and now he wants it, too. Rick, Rick, how is he? Rick: He's out of surgery. He'll be down here soon. Beth: Honey, I'm going to go get Billy. Rick: We'll wait for him to come down. Lizzie: When can we see him? Rick: Soon. Hey, Billy. Billy: How's my boy? Lizzie: He's out of surgery. He's okay, right? Rick: Why don't we all just sit down. So Bill is looking at a very long recovery. His internal injuries are very extensive. Lizzie: But he will recover? Rick: Lizzie, we hope so. Billy: Rick, tell me what's going on? Rick: Billy, we can't say for sure because he hasn't regained consciousness. Lizzie: Well, when will he wake up? Rick: We can't say. Billy: He will wake up, though? Rick: Billy, part of this is going to be up to him. I mean, all we can do as physicians is keep him as healthy as possible and wait, and that's the hardest part. Billy: How long do we wait? Rick: There's no way of saying. Beth: What... what exactly are his injuries? Rick: The accident, unfortunately, caused massive injuries on his right side. Lacerated spleen, broken ribs, contusions on his head. [SCENE_BREAK] Buzz: You leaving already? Cassie: Yeah, we have trick-or-treaters waiting for us. Buzz: Oh, okay. Why don't you take some of these spiders to scare your friends with them. R.J.: Thanks, Buzz. I'm going to put them in the car windows for the ride home. Cassie: Great idea. Buzz: Thanks for pitching in, kid. He's a good egg. Cassie: He's the best. Buzz: I owe you an apology for, you know... I heard you talking to him about Cyrus before. Cassie: Buzz, it's okay. I would judge me, too. He's Grady's brother. Buzz: Well, let's forget about Vlad the Impaler and concentrate on Cyrus, here. I mean, he was cheating on my daughter with you, and before that, he was cheating on my granddaughter with her. So I'm not passing any judgment here, but I am wondering about yours. Cassie: Just don't worry about me, Buzz. Buzz: I am worried. I'm happy to dole out, you know, second chances, but I mean, when the guy blows it the third time, the fourth time, he's looking for redemption or maybe just an alibi. Cassie: It's not about... it's not about what Cyrus is looking for. It's about me and what I want, and I'm happier when he's around. And after the year I've had, I'll take happiness anywhere I can get it. [SCENE_BREAK] (Claxon sounding) [SCENE_BREAK] Nurse: Sir, I can take you right in here. Grady: What? Nurse: Well, how did you hurt your leg? Grady: Oh, it's okay. I was just visiting a friend. I really should get going. Nurse: Just takes one second. Have a seat. Grady: Could you... aahhhh! Just make sure it's not infected. Yeah. We'll take care of it. I just need some information. Name? [SCENE_BREAK] Marina: I'm going to head back over to the station. Hey, Lizzie, if you think of anything else that has to do with the accident, the kidnapping, anything, no matter how unimportant you think it is, just please, please call me, okay? Beth: Thank you, Marina. Marina: Hang in there. Alan: You know, Elizabeth, maybe we should take you home and let you get a little rest. Beth: Alan... we are going to stay here with you. But you need to have something to eat. I'm going to go get you some soup. [SCENE_BREAK] Rick: Billy, when the paramedics brought Bill in, they reported A.O.B. Billy: Did you do an alcohol/blood test? Rick: No. We didn't do anything. It's been too crazy. We've had other things to take care of. Billy: Well, you know, he's been really stressed out trying to find Lizzie. Rick: Billy, is there something you need to tell me? Billy: I saw him drinking. But he obviously just started, and then the whole thing happened. So he couldn't have drunk very much. Alan: Bill was drunk? Billy: I didn't say that, Alan. Alan: He was behind the steering wheel with my granddaughter. He could have killed her, Billy. Rick: Alan, don't make a scene. Lizzie: No, no, no. Bill was not drunk. I was with him. Alan: Well, his father just said he was. Lizzie: Even if he had been drinking, the accident was not his fault. It was mine. Billy: Lizzie, you don't have to cover... Lizzie: Well, I'm not covering for him. I'm not covering for him. I damaged the van when I was trying to escape. I punctured a hole in the steering column. Billy: You might have damaged the steering? Lizzie: Yes. That is what I think caused the accident. Alan: Or the person steering the car. Lizzie: It wasn't Bill's fault. [SCENE_BREAK] Nurse: Okay. Great. I'll be right back with the doctor. Grady: Great. Thanks. Are you okay? Lizzie: What are you doing here? Grady: I heard about the accident, the big rescue, everything, and I got curious. Lizzie: You got curious? That's a pretty sick thing to be curious about. Bill's hurt really badly, and we're waiting. Grady: I hope he's okay. [SCENE_BREAK] R.J.: You know, I don't think this one's that scary. Cassie: Hmmm. I might still have some of that cottony stuff we used last year for cob webs. I'll take a look. R.J.: Okay. Cassie: Oh. Hey. Cyrus: Hey. Cassie: Come on in. Cyrus: Thank you. Hey, R.J.. R.J.: Hey. Cassie: Did you take care of whatever it was that you had to take care of? Cyrus: Yep, and I got a little something for our astronaut here, too. R.J.: Oh, we don't do Halloween gifts in America. That's Christmas. Cassie: R.J.. Cyrus: Is that right? Well, check it out. R.J.: Whoa, cool! Cyrus: An astronaut should have a rocket. R.J.: Cool! Can I go outside and try it? Cassie: Yeah, sure. Why don't you change first, though. R.J.: Okay. Cassie: And be careful. R.J.: Thanks. Cyrus: All right. Cassie: You're bribing my son? Didn't I tell you he is okay with us dating? Cyrus: It's just an insurance policy. Cassie: Oh, is that what it is? (Laughter) [SCENE_BREAK] Beth: Where's Lizzie? Alan: Oh, well, she took a walk, and I think when she returns, maybe you should talk with her. Beth: Why, did something happen? Alan: She's been through a lot in her short life, and the one thing that's always been there for her is you, Beth. And I think probably, you're the one person she trusts more than anyone else. Beth: Did she say that to you? Alan: She doesn't have to say it. I observe it every day. Beth: Well, let's face it, the fact is she and I have had our problems. Alan: Yeah, I know that, but... I think that you should be the one to warn her about Bill. Beth: What did you say to her? Alan: Nothing that wasn't true. I mean, come on, we both know that Bill wasn't committed to her before she disappeared. I mean, he went out to rescue her out of guilt, not out of love. I mean, he's probably more committed to her right now in a coma than he will be when he wakes up. Beth: Alan, now is not the time. Alan: How do we know that he won't go back to treating her the same way when he wakes up, huh? Beth: I have my problems with him, too, but the fact is he just risked his life to save her. We're just going to have to have a little bit of faith. Alan: (Scoffs) Faith? Beth: That's something that you had not too long ago. Alan: Yes, but remember, I had a brain blockage. Beth: I might remind you the way Lizzie is acting, her devotion, her unwavering belief, she's acting just like you. Alan: She's like me, but I don't believe in Bill Lewis. Beth: You believe in family. I don't want you to say another word when she comes back here. [SCENE_BREAK] Lizzie: Has Rick come out yet? Billy: No... oh, wait. [SCENE_BREAK] Cassie: So did you even have Halloween growing up in Australia? Cyrus: Well, no, not really. We just used it as an excuse to make trouble. Cassie: It sounds like your kind of holiday. (Knock on the door) Our first trick-or-treaters. Okay. How's my hat? Cyrus: It's very witchy. Cassie: Thank you. Cassie: I thought you'd be a goblin or a fairy princess. Marina: Sorry. Is Cyrus home? Cassie: Marina, not today. Cyrus: What's going on? Marina: Missing something? Cassie: What is that? Marina: Cyrus' lock opener. I know it well. Cassie: Yeah, well, I locked myself out of the car the other day. I locked my keys inside, and he helped me break in. Marina: I didn't find it in the parking lot. I actually found it at the Spaulding mansion. Apparently there was a break-in. A very expensive, rare pearl necklace is missing from their safe, too. Okay, Cyrus, come on. Are you going to hand them over, or are you really going to make me run all the way down to the police station to run fingerprints on this? [SCENE_BREAK] Rick: Everyone, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. We have a few more tests to run. I'm sorry. Alan: Elizabeth, let's go. Billy: I'll be nearby. Rick: Lizzie, sweetheart... Lizzie: I just can't believe we're here again. Rick: Lizzie, it's time now. Lizzie: Uncle Rick... Rick: Sweetheart, do you remember when we took the bandages off his eyes after that explosion? I mean, it was literally a game of wait and see, and a lot of prayers. Bill was strong then. Lizzie: He was a pain in the butt then. Rick: Lizzie, he's still strong, and so are you. Lizzie: Can I just have a minute with him? Rick: Sure. Just a few minutes, okay. Lizzie: Thank you. Hey, I'm here. I'm here with you. I'm not going to give up on you, okay? Wake up. Please wake up. Please don't leave me. I'll be here, okay, waiting for you. [SCENE_BREAK] Coming up on "Guiding Light"... Cassie: I think you should leave and come back when you actually have evidence. But I guess that doesn't really matter, as long as you get your ex behind bars. Marina: Was he gone long enough to, say, raid the Spaulding safe? R.J.: The spaceship won't work. Marina: You gave R.J. a gift? Mallet: Check out this one. | Rick whispers to Billy that the paramedics reported that Bill had been drinking before he got in the van |
616 | Jordan: What I want is for you to leave before Mickey finds us. Sean: I don't care if he does. [Kisses Jordan] [SCENE_BREAK] Mickey: Jerome is mouthing off again. I told him he's got no say, but he may want to go his own way. But don't worry. I've arranged to send him a message he won't forget. I've got someone making a special delivery right now. I'm glad you approve. If you're happy, boss, I'm happy. Especially since, after tonight, we should have no problem keeping Julian in line. [A man dressed all in black places an explosive device set to go off in 25 minutes into Alexis' mailbox at her 57 Lake Road home.] [SCENE_BREAK] Julian: Mickey's not the kind of guy who makes idle threats. He and his boss -- our boss -- almost killed Lucas to show me who's in charge. They may try something again. Ava: If they do, you come back at them even harder. Julian: You're damn right I will. Ava: I'd forgotten what a capable adversary you can be. Which, I'm sure, is something poor Sonny is learning right now. Julian: True. I did save you from Sonny's clutches, right out from under his nose. Ava: I knew you could do it. I'm more grateful than you know. But right now, I'm exhausted from a long day, and an even longer captivity, and I've really been dying to change into something fresh. Julian: Ava. You can change into whatever you want, but the conversation's not over. You owe me, dear sister, and now it's time to collect. [SCENE_BREAK] Ned: Um... Olivia: Oh, God. Sorry. I'm so sorry, Ned. I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. Ned: Don't worry about it. Olivia: [Sighs] Ned: Um... just one of those days, huh? Olivia: Yeah. Yeah, you can say that again. Ned: You know what? I could use a drink, and you look like you could use one, too. Olivia: [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: Why do you need to see the security footage from -- Sam: Because if I'm right, I will be able to catch a liar and expose the truth. Sonny: This liar have a name? Sam: Yes. Mrs. Nina Clay. [SCENE_BREAK] [Door closes] Silas: Is she gone? Nina: Uh, yes. Rosalie has left the building. Silas: Good help is hard to find. The sooner you start looking, the better. Nina: Oh, no. Listen, Rosalie has been with me since I woke up. I-I don't know what I would do without her. Silas: Yeah, I kind of figured she was part of the deal. Nina: [Chuckles] I'm sorry that she added to your already very stressful day. But, um...I remember, uh, that you like scotch and soda. Is that still your drink of choice? Silas: It is. Nina: Here. Silas: Thank you. Nina: Mm-hmm. Just what the doctor ordered. Get it? Not that funny. Silas: Oh, yeah. Nina: [Chuckles] Drink up. Silas: You're an angel. [SCENE_BREAK] Jordan: Shawn, what the hell are you doing? Shawn: I thought you would've figured it out by now. Jordan: If I didn't know any better, I would say that you were trying to prevent me from my business in this room. Shawn: You always did know how to read me. Come on, Jordan. I know you don't want to sleep with this Mickey guy, so why go through with it? Look, walk out with me right now. I don't know what this is all about, but look, whatever it is, Jordan, you don't have to do it. Mickey: What the hell is going on? [SCENE_BREAK] Molly: I'm excited for tonight. You know, it's been a while since I've spent quality time with my two favorite guys. Alexis: Well, that was my motive. That's why I wanted to babysit -- so I could have as much of my family here at my house at once. It has been so empty here without you. Come on in. Molly: That's just 'cause you don't have all my stuff scattered all over the living room. Alexis: Yeah, well, I didn't miss that part. Make yourselves comfortable. [Cell phone rings] Molly: I'll go check the mail. [SCENE_BREAK] Julian: Hey, Alexis, it's, uh, Julian. But I'm sure you knew that. That's why you didn't answer the phone. But don't worry. I understand. I, uh, was just checking in on you, and making sure that everything went all right with Molly. Certainly hope it did. I know how much your daughters mean to you. I would never want to come between any of you. And, on that note, I, uh, was just calling to let you know that I love you, and I can't wait to sneak around with you again, as soon as we can arrange it. I'll chat with you later. Ava: How sweet. Julian: Oh, well, not everyone can pass notes during Study Hall like you and Corinthos Light. Ava: Touché. Julian: All right. Enough talk about our love lives, huh? [Groans] I seem to remember you telling me something about Sonny shooting AJ Quartermaine before your very eyes. Ava: I did, indeed. Julian: Which could be very useful. But to do anything about it, we're gonna need some proof, which I also recall you mentioning. So don't keep me in suspense. What kind of proof we talking about here? Ava: [Sighs] AJ recorded the entire ugly scene on his cell phone. Julian: Wait a second. He recorded you and Sonny without you knowing about it? Ava: Well, we did have other things on our minds. Anyway, the recording was transferred to a flash drive. Julian: Well, that's efficient. Portable. I love it. So where'd you stash it? Ava: That's the tricky part. Sonny has it. Julian: Why would Sonny keep a recording that incriminates him in AJ's murder? I mean, he should've trashed that as soon as he got his hands on it. Unless there's more to the story. So what aren't you telling me? [SCENE_BREAK] Ned: So, it sounds like you're having a problem with Sonny. Olivia: Oh, God. When, when is Sonny not a problem for me? I swear to God, Ned, that man can hurt me more than anyone else on this earth. And I just couldn't take watching him walk in the door of my place of business every day. I tried to kick him out of his office. Ned: Tried? Olivia: Yeah, the jerk wouldn't leave. Ned: But I thought you owned this hotel? Olivia: No, no, no, no. I'm half-owner of the hotel. And he said he wouldn't leave without -- you! Hey. Carly: Hey, what's up? Olivia: I'm glad you're here. I need you to throw Sonny out of our hotel. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: Who's Nina Clay? Sam: Silas' wife. She showed up in town a few months ago. Just woke up from a 20-year nap. Sonny: Yeah, yeah. I heard about that. Sam: Okay. Did you also hear that Patrick Drake just got fired from General Hospital? Sonny: What I heard was that he said something that, uh, put his medical ethics into question. Sam: He confided a private moment of weakness to me, which was somehow made public. And when the chief of staff found out, they asked him, and he told the truth instead of lying. Sonny: Well, that's very honorable, but not very smart. Sam: Yes. But he's rewarded by being let go. I think Nina's responsible. That's why I want to see the footage of the roof. [SCENE_BREAK] Nina: Listen, I'm sorry about what Rosalie said. She was completely out of line. Silas: Everyone's entitled to their opinion. Nina: Well, I hope you don't think I share that opinion, because I don't. I respect your relationship with Sam, and I'm really sorry it's over. Silas: Thank you. I appreciate you saying that. Nina: You're welcome. I only want the best for you. It's true. After all, I'm your wife. As strange as that sounds. Despite our unusual situation... I care about you. More than you know. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: Will you please get inside? Do you not think that I could bring the mail in all this time without your guidance? Molly: Well, I just wanted to check to make sure my magazine got here. Alexis: Your Soap Opera Digest is in the house. Alexis: I need to catch up. I missed a few episodes while I was in General Hospital. Alexis: I recorded it. Molly: Even though I'm staying with Sam? Thanks, Mom. Alexis: You're welcome. I am just so glad that you are back home. Molly: Well, I only agreed because you agreed to cool it with Julian. [SCENE_BREAK] Ava: The situation is a little complicated. Julian: Well, I run two businesses, one of which is a cover for the other, so I think I can handle complicated. Ava: [Scoffs] I'm just trying to figure out the best way to put this. Julian: Well, put it like the truth. Or I'll dump you back on Sonny's doorstep. Ava: Fine. While the recording does indeed incriminate Sonny, there may be something else on it. Something not very good for me. Julian: Okay, Ava, spit it out. What did you do? Ava: The recording has audio of me admitting to a crime that I committed. Julian: That much I figured out. Which crime? Ava: On it, I say I shot someone. Olivia Falconeri. [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia: I tried to evict Sonny tonight. He said he wasn't gonna go unless you kicked him out, too. Come on, I think he's still there right now. Carly: Olivia, we're having dinner. Franco: No, no, I think this is a good idea. You should talk about this. Olivia: No, no. I-I don't want that lying cheater in our hotel one more night, especially not in Connie's office. Carly: Okay, I'm sorry you guys broke up, but I'm not gonna kick Sonny out. Olivia: Why the hell not? Carly: Because it's none of my business. Olivia: When has that ever stopped you before? Franco: She makes a valid point. Carly: That's not helping. Ned: Olivia, come on. Let's go get that drink. Olivia: No, no, wait. I'm not going until I get my answer here. Carly: This is between you and Sonny. Olivia: Well, I tried to kick him out myself, and he said he's not going unless you kick him out. He's the one that's involving you. Carly: Okay, well, you know what? As co-owner of this hotel, I'm not gonna evict a tenant that has a valid lease with us. Olivia: What about the morals clause that we used to kick out Julian Jerome? Carly: Oh, come on. This is between you and Sonny, okay? You have to figure it out on your own. Olivia: Oh, my God. You are so predictable! This is just what Sonny said. He knew that this is how you would react. Carly: What? That I'm not gonna evict him without cause? Olivia: Oh, come on, Carly. You wouldn't dream of going against Sonny. You would back that man if you had to trample the Pope to do it. Carly: No one's getting trampled here, Olivia, okay? Olivia: What about me? Do you even care, the way that he treated me? Do you even care? He treated me worse than dirt. Of course, you don't. You want to know why? 'Cause you still got a thing for Sonny. And you always have, and you always will. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Sonny, you know me. I never would've broken Patrick's confidence, but Silas was adamant that Patrick left Rafe brain-dead. So I didn't have a choice. I had to talk to him about it. Because I thought I would be able to convince Silas that Patrick did everything he could to save Rafe. Sonny: Right. But Silas wasn't convinced. Sam: No. And Patrick only told me. I told Silas. That was it. No one else could have talked to the reporter. Sonny: Did you ask Silas about it? Sam: Yeah, I did. And he said he didn't say anything to anyone. He swore to it. Sonny: But you didn't believe him. Sam: At the time, no. But... oh, I don't know. It turns out it's something that we both can't get past. Sonny: Well, you know what, trust is very important. It's a deal breaker, you know? Sam: It's a little bit more complicated than that, Sonny. Silas' wife, Nina, when she showed up, everything just felt weird. It didn't feel right. It was like... we were trying too hard, or not hard enough. I-I don't know. It was the final straw, and we broke up over it. Sonny: I'm sorry to hear that. Sam: Thank you. That's why I just -- I can't let this go. I need to know if someone was eavesdropping on Silas and me. Sonny: I saw footage of you and Silas on the roof, if that's what you're looking for. Sam: You did? Okay, did you see anyone else with us? Sonny: I didn't -- I didn't look at the whole thing, but you can look at the DVDs, they're right there. Sam: Ohh. Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Silas: Sam and I, just everything that I thought we... that we had, I just... it's gone. Well, I don't know. Maybe I was blind, and maybe it was never really there. Nina: I know what that feels like. To have a love that you believed in with all your heart. Silas: Oh, Nina, what am I doing? Why am I -- I'm sorry. Nina: No, don't be sorry. Silas: No, I-I shouldn't be dumping all this on you. What -- [Sighs] I must have drank a lot. Nina: I-I think you're probably exhausted, Silas. You've been through so much in the last 24 hours. Why don't you just... why don't you just lie on the couch? Silas: [Sighs] Nina: Here. Silas: What? No. I'm fine. Nina: Yes. Yes. Hey, don't argue with me. Just lie on the couch. Take a rest. Come on. Silas: I am kind of tired. Nina: Yeah, I'm sure. Silas: Maybe just for a minute. Nina: Okay. Silas: [Sighs] Nina: There you go. Silas: Oh... Nina: Hey, do you remember when I used to massage your shoulders when you'd come home from a long shift during your residency? After 24 hours shifts or something? Oh, you'd be... do you remember that? You'd be so exhausted, but so wired you couldn't sleep. And so I'd just help you relax. Silas: Oh, that feels nice. Nina: Good. I'm so glad. I'm sorry. I'm sorry about your nephew. I'm sorry he died. And I'm sorry that Sam doesn't trust you. Silas: No matter what I said, she... she just wouldn't listen to me. She still thinks I betrayed her. Nina: To be honest, Sam's isn't right? By not believing in you. To hold onto that... Silas: I just don't understand, though. Why... if I didn't say anything to that reporter, and Sam -- Sam didn't say anything, how'd that reporter find out what Drake said? [SCENE_BREAK] Mickey: Jordan, what's going on here? Jordan: I-I'm so sorry. I...I ran into Olivia Falconeri. Um...she's -- she's one of the owners, and she let me in, and... I wanted to surprise you. Um... but I guess he followed me, and, uh, he knocked on the door, and -- and -- and when I answered, he pushed his way in. Mickey: Is that so? Jordan: He's obsessed with me. Look, anything that you think is gonna happen between us, you can just get it out of your head right now, okay? 'Cause whatever we had ended a long time ago. So do yourself a favor and just leave us, please. Mickey: You heard the lady. She made herself pretty clear. So are you going to leave peaceably... or are we gonna have trouble? Shawn: Okay. I'll go. But I don't like it, Jordan. Jordan: I know what I want. Shawn: You mess with this woman, you'll deal with me. Mickey: You still here? Shawn: But what's the point? You made your bed. I guess you'll lie in it. Jordan: I'm really sorry about that. I'm sorry. Mickey: Forget Butler. I was just happy to get your call. When you said you wanted to pick up where we left off... I hope that means we're on the same page. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: Yes, Julian and I have decided to cool it. Molly: That's great news, isn't it, Danny? I mean, I know he's your grandpa, but you have plenty of other relatives who are much more trustworthy. Alexis: Instead of turning Danny against his grandfather, perhaps you and TJ might put him to bed? TJ: Uh-oh, buddy. Busted by the bedtime police. Alexis: Yeah, the only bedtime police is his mother. And if we don't get him to bed when she said he's supposed to go to bed, we're all gonna be in trouble. So I'll order a pizza while you do that, okay? TJ: All right. Come on, Danny, let's get you to sleep. Molly: Come on. [Danny cries] Molly: Oh, I know. I know. We got to go night-night. Alexis: All right. I love you. Molly: Oh, it's okay. Alexis: Night-night, sweetheart. Julian: Hey, Alexis, it's, uh, Julian. But I'm sure you knew that. That's why you didn't answer the phone. But don't worry. I understand. I, uh, was just checking in on you, and... [SCENE_BREAK] Julian: So, you confessed to shooting Olivia, that's why Sonny's holding onto a recording that taps him at AJ's death? I don't see it. The Falconeri woman made a full recovery. It's not quite the same as murder. Ava: Well, true, but I shot her. It's enough to send me to prison. All the more reason to liberate the flash drive. Julian: [Sighs] Okay, so where is it? Ava: Well, it was in the safe in Sonny's office. I already sent someone to try to get it. Julian: Who? Ava: My mother. Julian: I-I'm sorry, who? Ava: My mother. Julian: Are you serious? Ava: I was desperate. Julian: So, how'd that work out for you? Ava: Olivia caught her in the act, and now Sonny has the flash drive stashed someplace else. Maybe somewhere in his house, or maybe in a house that he's got on a Puerto Rican island. Who knows? Julian: So, if we can't get our hands on the proof, how is this gonna help us? Ava: You're right. If Sonny had the only copy, then this would be a lost cause. Julian: Someone else has a copy? Ava: Well, I don't know for certain. But I think that the person who gave the recording to Sonny would be smart enough to keep one. Julian: So, the copy's our target. So who gave Sonny the recording? Ava: Carly. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Excuse me. I understand you're pissed off, I don't blame you, but don't take it out on me. Ned: Olivia, this isn't the time to have this conversation. Olivia: No, no, no. I'm not done here. I'm not done here. No, I'm not done here. I should've known that Sonny and I would never last. Not because of Ava and not because of my cousin, God rest her soul, but because of you. Because of you. Yeah, you. Wife, ex, doesn't matter. You and Sonny always come first to each other, and all the rest of us -- you, me, everyone else -- we're all just temporary dance partners, just so you know. Carly: I'm sorry. Sonny betrayed you, not me. Olivia: Oh, yeah. And what would happen if he did? Oh, you would've screamed and yelled, maybe put your kids through the wringer for a while. But when the dust settled, your first loyalty is always to each other. It always has been and it always will be. Ned: And we are out of here. Yes, you don't want to do this in front of your staff and your guests. Carly: I'm sorry about that. Franco: No big deal. Just another person in the world who thinks there's a magical connection between you and Sonny. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: It doesn't look like anybody else is up there with you two. Sam: Mm, you're right. But our conversation's not over yet. I mean, when we're right here, we were talking about Rafe and -- and Silas' grief for him, and then we started talking about Patrick. Wait a minute. Sonny: What? Sam: What was that? Look, right there. Ah! Come on, the door opened. It's too heavy to do that on its own. Sonny: Well, I can't -- it's got to open further than that a little bit. I can't see. Sam: You don't see anyone's face, do you? Sonny: No. Sam: Okay, that's fine. This still proves that someone was eavesdropping on Silas and me. It has to be Nina. [SCENE_BREAK] Nina: Don't even think about that reporter, Si. Most important thing is that Sam, she couldn't trust you. She thought you lied to her. Silas: I was just... I don't know. How'd the reporter know? [Falls asleep] Nina: Silas? Si? You want to know how that reporter knew? I told him. I'm the one who ended your relationship with Sam. And now Sam is off the list. And soon you will be, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Jordan: I want to be part of the organization. I want to be heavy-hitter, meet the big boss. And I'm willing to do whatever's necessary to get there. Mickey: Oh, I'm glad to hear you say that, 'cause I appreciate loyalty. Yeah, I've found that some people in this business have their own agenda. Jordan: Hmm. Mickey: Yeah. Unfortunately, I've discovered recently that some people in our organization are in business for themselves, and I've had to take steps to bring them in line. Someone is going to have to learn the hard way. [SCENE_BREAK] [Cell phone rings] Julian: Hold that thought. Alexis. Alexis: I got your message. Glad you were thinking about me, 'cause I was thinking about you. Julian: And Molly? Alexis: She came home with me. Julian: Well, that's great. Alexis: It is great. TJ's here, Danny's sleeping over, they're putting the baby to bed, we're ordering pizza. It's perfect. Julian: Enjoy it. Alexis: I am. I just wanted to call you back and tell you that I love you, too. Julian: And...? Alexis: And I can't wait to sneak around with you again. Okay, look, I got to go, because, uh, the kids are gonna be done and back soon. Julian: Okay. Listen, um...means a lot to me that you called. You have a good night. Alexis: You too. I miss you. Julian: [Sighs] Okay. You can save your comments for when you don't owe me proof that Sonny shot AJ Quartermaine. So, you were saying about Carly? Ava: She hates me. And the feeling is very mutual. So it only stands to reason that she -- she wouldn't give the only copy to Sonny. She would keep one. To use against me. Julian: Well, it is true that Carly and I briefly dated when I first got back to town, but we're not exactly on the best of terms either. So however way we do this, she's gonna see us coming from a mile away. Ava: Maybe there's someone that she wouldn't see coming. [SCENE_BREAK] Franco: Pasta's good. Carly: Do you have a magical connection with it? [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia: You got a skill for seeing me at my best. Ned: Please, I'm a Quartermaine. Nothing you do can come close to what's gone on in my family. Olivia: Still, you know what? I'm sorry that I keep dragging you into the middle of my messed-up life. Ned: I don't mind. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Okay. I guess that's it. Sonny: Sorry I couldn't give you the evidence you needed. Sam: No, are you kidding me? This is amazing. I've got to tell Silas that someone was actually eavesdropping. Thank you, Sonny. Thank you. Sonny: Of course, of course. Sam. This Silas guy, um... he makes you happy? Sam: I thought so. I mean, I-I-I thought we were happy. I can't let it go, Sonny. Not until I know why things fell apart. Sonny: Don't -- don't let this Nina get away with it. I couldn't get Olivia back, but maybe this will help you, you know, and Silas...get back together. [SCENE_BREAK] Nina: I think that drug worked a little too well. I wanted you to be receptive. Can't really get a baby out of you if you're unconscious. Can I? Well, this is funny. So ironic. The reason I'm in this predicament is because my mom drugged me. Well, that's the whole reason I'm in this predicament, right? Oh, it's poetic justice, isn't it? [Sighs] I lost my baby because of a drug. And now I'm gonna get a baby because of a drug. Silas? Silas. Silas: What happened? Nina: Um...I guess my relaxation technique works. Silas: I guess so. Nina: Yeah. Silas: So tired. Nina: Yeah. Listen, I-it's been an exhausting day. You... listen, I'd love to join you on the couch. It would be a lot more comfortable than this chair. Silas: Okay. Yeah. [Groans] Nina: I know. I'm sorry. Silas: [Groans as he picks up Nina and places her on the couch with him] [SCENE_BREAK] Shawn: Hey. Sonny: Find anything in Mickey Diamond's room? Shawn: Oh, yeah. Jordan. [SCENE_BREAK] Jordan: Thanks. Mickey: I think it's time to get this party started. Shawn: I don't know what this is all about, but look, whatever it is, Jordan, you don't have to do it. Mickey: Something wrong? Jordan: No. No, no. I, um, I just think I want to freshen up a little. Mickey: Oh, all right. While you're during that, I think I'll make one for myself. Jordan: Mm. Perfect. [Chuckles] [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: You didn't get him to bed? TJ: He's on strike. He refuses to sleep without his favorite truck. Alexis: I don't suppose it's in the overnight bag? Molly: It's in his room at Sam's. Alexis: [Groans] [Knock on door] Alexis: Hey, Chris. Chris: Hey, Miss Davis. I got your regular, but no pineapple this time. Alexis: Yeah, well, the pineapple craver's not here. But I have the rest of my beautiful family here, so we're gonna celebrate. So, what's the damage? Chris: Well, with your frequent-customer discount, it's $16. [SCENE_BREAK] Ava: Like I told Carly, Franco has quite a jealous streak and poor impulse control. I cannot imagine that he appreciates Carly becoming some sort of avenging angel for another man. Especially Sonny. Julian: So, I take it that Franco and Sonny don't get along. Ava: Is there anybody that Franco does get along with? But, yes, there does seem to be particular enmity between Sonny and Franco. I think that Franco might be willing to procure that recording for us. With the right motivation. [SCENE_BREAK] Franco: Sorry I said that. Carly: Can you be a little more specific? Franco: I'm sorry I brought it up at all. I should know better than to talk about the special bond that you have with Sonny. Although, in fairness, Olivia's the one who started it. Carly: Yeah, Olivia is upset. Her heart's been broken, and Sonny's not here, so I'm the next best thing. Franco: Okay, but what she said -- Carly: What she said about me being loyal to Sonny? Yes, I am loyal to Sonny, which is why I'm not gonna evict him or kick him out of his office for the crime of breaking Olivia's heart. Whether she forgives him or not, that's her business. Franco: No, what she said, that you want Sonny all to yourself. Carly: That's Olivia thinking crazy things, all right? There's no basis in reality of that. Franco: Right, 'cause she's the town crackpot, and we should all just be thankful she's not walking around in a trance. Carly: True. And look -- I-if you're gonna decide to be jealous of Sonny again, I'm just gonna have to be jealous of your new friend at the hospital. What's her name, Nina? Franco: Nina. Carly: Mm. Franco: Yeah, we -- we talked about that. I'm not interested in her at all. Besides, she's married. [SCENE_BREAK] Silas: I-I'm sorry. I must have lost my balance. ..I'm hurting you. Nina: No, no. No. No, no. You're not hurting me. I'm -- I'm completely comfortable. This is where we belong. [Knocking on door] [Knocking on door] Silas: Someone's knocking. Nina: Unh-unh. There's nothing. Maybe it's just my heart pounding. [Pounding on door] Silas: I definitely hear someone knocking. [Pounding continues] Nina: It's nothing. We're the only two people in the world right now. [SCENE_BREAK] Ava: Done and done. Julian: You hope. Ava: I'm telling you, Julian. It's all taken care of. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: I won't be long. I promise. Franco: All right. I guess I'll head back and see what Bobbie and Lucas are up to. Maybe they want to watch "Shark Tank." Carly: Oh, I'm really sorry to miss that. Franco: Yeah, I bet you are. Fellas. Oh, you two have a strange sense of personal space. [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia: I really hope they find a heart for Alice. You will all be in my prayers. Ned: Thank you. Thanks for listening. It's nice to be able to confide in somebody. Olivia: Oh, please. It's the least I can do after you listened to me pour my heart out over stupid Sonny. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: What about Jordan? Shawn: She was in Mickey's room. Sonny: What is she doing there? Shawn: Well, nothing good. You know, I can't quite figure it out, but for some reason, she is determined to sleep with the guy. There's nothing I can do about it. [SCENE_BREAK] Mickey: [Sighs] Jordan: [Chuckles] Mickey: You're still dressed? Jordan: Well, I thought about taking off a couple of layers, but then I thought you might want to do that yourself. Mickey: I might. Jordan: You think? Mickey: Yeah. I think that I wish we had gotten into business together a lot sooner. [SCENE_BREAK] [Cell phone rings] Ava: What is it? Julian: It's, um, from Mickey Diamond. [SCENE_BREAK] Jordan: Why are you stopping? Mickey: I think we need to talk. About this. [SCENE_BREAK] Julian: What the hell does this mean? [SCENE_BREAK] [The bomb in Alexis' mailbox keeps beeping] | Olivia vents about Sonny to Ned |
617 | Amber: (Whimpers) Carl: Well--well, I-- Amber: Listen, this baby is gonna be here any minute, okay before that happens, I have to know. (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Justin: Ratings took a nosedive after Pam and Donna left the show. But if we get Steffy to host "The Catwalk," maybe we can turn things around. (Cell phone rings) Bill: It's the kid. (Ring) Bill: Hey, Liam. How's the trip going? Liam: Canceled. Bill: What are you talking about? W-why? Liam: Amber's in labor. Can you meet me at the hospital? Bill: Yeah, yeah. We're, uh, we're on our way. Bill: I'm about to become a grandfather. [SCENE_BREAK] Oliver: Hope? You all right? Hope: Sure. Oliver: No, you're not. Hope: I'm just thinking about Liam, and I'm thinking about Amber giving birth, and I'm thinking about how everything is gonna be different now. (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] (Doorbell rings) Brooke: You came. When you didn't return my call, I figured-- Taylor: You know, I'm not so sure this is a good idea. I really don't--I-I don't think we should do this. Brooke: No, wait. Wait. I have something for you. Just give me ten minutes, and if you never want to see me again, you don't have to. Taylor: (Sighs) Well, I have to say, I-I'm very impressed by what you're doing. It's very noble. Brooke: You sound suspicious. Taylor: I-I'm just not sure what your motivations are. Brooke: No hidden agenda. I promise. Taylor: Don't promise me anything again. Actually, I'm not concerned about your motivations. You're trying to make a-a change that's positive, and I'm happy about that. I hope you gain something from that. I hope you--you grow and that you'll find self-worth in something other than sex and--and using that to have validation for yourself. Brooke: I hate that you think that of me. Taylor: Why would you expect anything else? How could I think anything differently? Okay, so talk. Say what you have to say. Give me what you called me here for. But I'm just telling you right now that I want you to understand that isn't going to change my opinion of you, nor will it change Stephanie's or Ridge's. I mean, come on, Brooke. You know that's exactly what you're doing. Whether you realize it or not, you're just-- you're trying to prove out that you can be a better person. [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: (Sighs) Maybe I shouldn't have come here with you. Oliver: Do you want to go home? Do you want to be there for the birth? Hope: No. I-I can't handle that. I mean, I wish I could for Liam, but there's just-- there's no way. I just-- I feel so bad for him. His entire life changed in one terrible night. It's so unfair. [SCENE_BREAK] Amber: Its bad news, isn't it? Did you find out Marcus is the father of my baby? Carl: No. Amber: No? Carl: No, not no. I mean, no, I can't tell you I-I don't know. Amber: What? (Stammers) Carl: There was--there was a little mix-up in the lab. Uh, it's no big whoop. I just came here to tell you it's gonna take longer than I expected. Amber: Okay, we are running out of time, Carl. If this baby comes out, and it is the wrong dad, we are in so much trouble-- like jail and fraud and stuff. Carl: Okay, okay. Amber: Big trouble! Not again. Not again. How could this be happening to me again, really? [SCENE_BREAK] Oliver: You're right. It's unfair. But I-it happened, you know? You don't wish away a baby. Hope: I know. It just hurts. Oliver: You've got this dream of making a life with Liam, playing stepmom to his kid... Hope: (Sighs) Oliver: But that means a lifetime of Amber Moore. Liam's future is tied to her. But yours doesn't have to be. [SCENE_BREAK] (Elevator bell dings) Bill: Hey. Liam: Hey. Bill: What's the word? Liam: Uh, nothing yet. I'm just waiting. Katie: Is Hope with you? Liam: No. She was. We were on the plane about to take off for Mexico when I got the call. Just one last trip before all of this-- too late for that. Katie: I'm sorry. Liam: Uh, it's okay. I mean, it's probably a good thing I'm not the air when my kid is born. (Chuckles) Justin: So is Amber okay? Is she getting close? Dr. Caspary: I was about to check on that. Care to join me? Tawny: Okay, if it's a girl, how about we name her Gertrude after my mother? Amber: I thought you hated Grandma Trudy. Tawny: (Sighs) That's true. She always was a miserable woman. Okay, let's hope it's a boy. Then it's a no-brainer-- William IV. Amber: Will you just not worry about the name, please? Tawny: Okay, okay. Sorry. Amber: (Grunts) Tawny: Oh, Bill, you're here. Dr. Caspary: Amber, let's see how you're doing. Amber: Okay. Mm. Tawny: Oh, look at us-- two excited grandparents. [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: You and I are a lot alike... (Sighs) Taylor: No, not--not really. Brooke: In how we love Ridge and only Ridge. We've tried to make a go a with other men, but it didn't really work. Taylor: Oh, that. Yes, it's a common trait that's caused a lot of friction between the two of us. Brooke: Well, not anymore. That's what I want to talk to you about. See, in the past, I used to fight tooth and nail to be with Ridge, because I believed that it was our destiny. But I-I don't make him happy anymore, Taylor. And I know that you can. He's safer with you. You're the only other woman who loves him as much as do. Taylor: Brooke, what are you-- what are you saying? Brooke: I just... (Sighs) I want to see Ridge happy again, and I know that you can make him happy. You have before. So just... (Sighs) Just be with him and love him. Can you do that for me? [SCENE_BREAK] Amber: (Screaming) (Wailing) Bill: I can't take it. I can't take it. It's like nails on a chalkboard. Katie: (Sighs) Bill: Where's "Baldy"? Katie: Had to go to the gift shop for something. Bill: Well, if he shows up with a teddy bear, and he plans on giving that to her, I will kill him. Justin: No, I was shopping for you, Grandpa. Congratulations. Bill: You're just a real comedian, aren't you? Justin: (Laughs) Bill: Somewhere along the line, I made the mistake of letting him think he has job security. Katie: (Chuckles) Bill: (Sighs) Justin: Funny man. [SCENE_BREAK] Carl: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Amber: (Screaming) (Wailing) Liam: Uh, uh, I'm gonna-- I'm just gonna join my dad for a minute. Tawny: Yeah, I'll go, too. Liam: Yeah. Dr. Caspary: Uh, don't leave now. You're almost fully dilated, Amber. You can start pushing soon. Amber: (Sobs) No, that's okay. That's okay. I think I'm gonna wait a little bit, okay? Dr. Caspary: Oh, I know I've heard it a million times. You've changed your mind, right? Well, I'm sorry to tell you, but this baby's coming tonight, whether you're ready or not. Amber: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: So you're-- you're telling me that you're giving me your blessing? Brooke: I want Ridge to be loved completely, the way that he should be, the way that I couldn't. And I-I couldn't be a good wife for him. But you can be. I just want you to--to love him and to take care of him and spend time with him, grow old with him-- all the things that I fantasized about. I made a mockery out of this-- something that was so sacred. And giving it to you makes me feel like I can take a step forward, like I can fix things. Taylor: Brooke, I... (Sighs) I could never wear your ring. What-- Brooke: No, no, just keep it as a reminder of everything that I had and I lost because I ruined it. All I want is Ridge's happiness. So that'll remind you to keep him happy. (Sighs) (Sniffles) Keep it. Keep the ring and take care of Ridge... the man that we both love so much. [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: Amber in my life. Oliver: You have that choice. And you could make the decision to move on to something better. I love you. (Sighs) Hope: (Sighs) Oliver: I want you. I know Liam does, too, but... (Sighs) He's got so much baggage. Leave him. Leave all that stress behind. There's no heartache with me. (Cell phone rings) Oliver: Probably Liam? (Ring) Hope: (Sighs) (Ring) Oliver: Go ahead. He's probably having the baby. (Ring) Hope: (Sighs) Oliver: You should answer it. Hope: Hey, are you a dad? Liam: Uh, not yet. Should be soon. Hope: You know, I'm gonna just take this, okay? So, um, everything's going smoothly then? Liam: I mean, I guess. The doctor said she's about ready to push, so... Hope: (Sighs) This is your big moment, huh? You know, you're gonna remember this day forever, Liam. (Thunder rumbles) Hope: Uh... Amber: (Screaming) Hope: Oh, wow. Amber: (Wailing) Hope: Um, sounds like you're needed in there, huh? Liam: Uh, yeah. Hope: I'm really happy for you. Liam: I love you. Hope: I love you, too. Bye. (Thunder rumbles) Hope: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Carl: Come on. [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: Thank you for... saying that to me. Brooke: My son is going to need to see his father. I'm not gonna compromise that. And... (Sighs) Hope, too. She needs to see Ridge with a woman that can be loyal to him. And she needs to learn what a good marriage is all about. If you could be that example for me, I'd really appreciate it. Taylor: I'm going to treasure this ring. [SCENE_BREAK] Oliver: You hear that thunder? Hope: Yeah. Yeah, it's probably gonna start raining pretty soon. Oliver: Cool. Helps the mood. Hope: (Sighs) Thank you for bringing me here, Oliver. Really, I-I needed to get away. Oliver: No baby yet? Hope: Mnh-mnh. Soon, though, based on the screaming that I heard. Oliver: Oh. (Chuckles) Hope: Yeah. Like I said, good to get away. Seriously, I-I don't know how I'd get through this without you, so thank you. Oliver: You don't have to. I'm here.. forever... if you'll let me. I was gonna wait. I had this whole dinner planned, a speech. I just can't wait any longer. I love you. Hope: Oh. Oliver: I want to spend my life with you. We are so good together. You know we are. Put that pain behind you. Forget about Amber and forget about the baby. I want to make you the center of my universe. Hope Logan, will you marry me? Hope: Um... wow. (Sighs) I don't even know what to say right now. Oliver: Do you love me? Hope: Well, y-yeah, but-- Oliver: Then put this on. You are so beautiful. Hope: (Sighs) Oliver: I want to marry you. Just say yes. [SCENE_BREAK] Amber: (Screaming) (Wailing) Dr. Caspary: Hey, you're doing great, Amber. Amber: Oh, here comes another one. Here comes--aah! Ah! Tawny: Oh, okay, hold her hand. Help her. Come on. Liam: Okay, all right. Okay, okay, okay. Amber: (Screaming) Dr. Caspary: Keep pushing. Great job. Bill: Are you hearing that? I would rather have a root canal without Novocain. Amber: (Screaming) Katie: Maybe you should be in there. Bill: Why the hell would I do that? Katie: For Liam. Bill: No. No, it's loud enough out here. Justin: This is your grandchild. You might want to witness the birth. Amber: (Screaming) Justin: (Sighs) Bill: Great. Amber: (Wailing) Justin: (Sighs) Katie: By the way, the cigar... Justin: Mm-hmm. Katie: Brilliant. Justin: (Laughs) Thank you. Katie: (Laughs) [SCENE_BREAK] Amber: (Grunting) Carl: Amber, I, uh-- oh, boy. Uh, I'm gonna need some time alone with the patient, please. Dr. Caspary: This woman is about to deliver. What do you want? Amber: (Yelling indistinctly) (Screams) Dr. Caspary: There's the head, Amber! You did it! Just a few more pushes. Amber: (Wailing) Liam: Oh, oh, I see the head. Amber, see the head. That's the head. That is the head. Amber: (Wailing) Carl: About this insurance question-- I need to go over some paperwork with the patient. Dr. Caspary: It'll have to wait! Tawny: You know, maybe you should leave and come back later, you--whoever you are. Amber: (Wailing) Bill: Uh, you have an insurance issue? Let me take a look at those papers. Amber: Oh, no, no! It's fine! Everything's fine! Everything's fine, right? Oh, God! Oh, God! Here comes a-- Dr. Caspary: Big push, Amber. Come on. Big one. Come on. Amber: (Screaming) Liam: Oh! Oh! This is it! This is it! Oh, my God, I see it! I see it, Amber! I see it! Amber: (Screaming) Liam: Whoa! Oh! Amber: (Screaming) | She can tell her what she wants to, but it won't change her opinion of her |
618 | Gloria: He's not upstairs. Ashley: He's not down here either. Gloria: I just went to make him a pot of tea. Ashley, he wasn't looking very well. Kevin stopped by and they started talking about Tom. Ashley: Oh, my God, what about Tom? Gloria: About Kevin having to deal with the morgue and what to do with Tom's body. Ashley: Okay, look, if Dad had remembered anything, I would've heard from him. But if it is starting to happen, and he's with the wrong people-- Gloria: Oh, God, Ashley, his heart. He could be out there-- where are you going? Ashley: I'm gonna see if his car is still here. Gloria: Oh, John. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: You wanna talk about the night of the shooting? John: I wanna know what Ashley told you-- everything that happened. Michael: Look, John, you know I can't break client confidentiality-- not without Ashley's okay. I could call her if you'd like. John: No. Don't. She has enough to worry about already. Michael: Then I'm sorry, John, I can't help you. John: Michael, what if I told you I'm having these... I don't even know how to describe them-- visions, bits of memory. I can't figure out whether I'm making them up or they're pieces of things that really happened. Michael: Well, you had a nasty bump on the head. I'm sure the doctors told you that might happen. John: Yeah, they did. Michael: John, I have to ask. If you are getting your memory back, why come here? What is it you want from me? [SCENE_BREAK] Phyllis: So you think I look good? Nick: You know I do. But... Phyllis: Listen, you don't have to worry about Jack, okay? What's going on between us has nothing to do with him. Nick: You make it sound so simple. Phyllis: It is. Nick: What exactly is going on between us, Phyllis? Phyllis: Do I have to spell it out? Nick: What's this? Phyllis: It's a key to a hotel room. What do you think it is? Nick: Yeah, I know what it is. What are you thinking? [SCENE_BREAK] Mac: I'm so sorry. We're out of French roast. But we should get a shipment in later today. Kevin: Well, it's warmed up in here. Colleen must be gone. Mac: Yeah, I wish she wouldn't treat you that way. J.T.: Come on, Mac, can you possibly blame her? Mac: Come on, it's like she thinks we're in a time warp. She went away for a year. She thinks nothing's supposed to change? Give me a break. Kevin: Well, look, I get where she's coming from. It's asking a lot for her to forgive me. J.T.: Yeah, he's right, it is. What? Have you forgotten he tried to kill her? Mac: Don't listen to him. She'll come around. Kevin: Well, you know what? I'm not gonna hold my breath. J.T.: Maybe she'll leave town and you won't have to worry about it. Kevin: Well, I hope I can make peace with her before that happens. Mac: Well, either way, Kevin, don't let her get you down. Kevin: Thanks. Hey, uh, why are we so low on stock? What happened to that order we placed? Mac: Yeah, um, I called and bugged them a couple of times. And supposedly, it's on its way. Kevin: Yikes. J.T.: Hey, is the, uh, morning rush officially over? Mac: Um, yeah, it should be quiet here for a couple of hours. J.T.: How do you feel about a change of scenery? Mac: Leave the coffeehouse? J.T.: Yeah, there's life outside this place. Mac: Wait, Kevin, did you hear that? J.T. says there's life outside of Crimson Lights. Kevin: No, couldn't be. Mac: No. J.T.: No, it's true. Come on, I'll show you. Mac: What did you have in mind? J.T.: Well, you'll see. Kevin: Go ahead. I'll hold down the fort. Mac: Thanks. [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: Thank you. How'd your meeting with Phyllis go? Nikki: I think we have a terrific marketing plan. Victor: You do? Looking forward to seeing it. Nikki: I just wish Phyllis could keep focused. Victor: Well, that's part of her charm, isn't it? Nikki: Isn't it. Victor: I wonder. Nikki: Well, it's nice that you could take a break with me. For years I would've given my right arm if you and i could just take a moment, have a cup of coffee while the rest of the world hustled and bustled. Victor: Well, I'm glad you didn't give your right arm, my darling, because I like it just where it is. [SCENE_BREAK] Victoria: Thank you for calling me. What a treat! Brad: Well, we both had meetings out of the office so it worked out perfectly. Victoria: Yeah. Brad: How'd it go with Zhongshu? Victoria: Oh, fine. He wants me to speak at their conference in April on building the Chinese multinational. Brad: Wow, you're kidding me. Are you going? Victoria: I'm thinking about it. Maybe you'll come with me. Brad: Well, I'll have to check with the boss first. Victoria: Well, who knows? Maybe by then our engagement will be public. Brad: I'm sorry it has to be this way, Victoria. Victoria: It's not your fault. It's just a shame we have to pay such a high price for Ashley's stupidity. Maybe I shouldn't have said that, but its how I feel. Brad: Well, it won't be this way forever. Either Michael's gonna work his magic and get the D.A. to drop the charges... Victoria: Or Ashley's going to prison. Brad: Yeah. Well, let's hope it doesn't come to that. Victoria: Well, however it turns out, I'll be happy when we have our lives back. [SCENE_BREAK] John: If I could just remember what happened! I don't know how, but I think I could help my daughter. Michael: John, tread carefully. The last you want is to make matters worse. John: Look, maybe I saw or heard something before she left the house that could prove she's innocent. [SCENE_BREAK] Gloria: John, pick up. Please, pick up the phone. Ashley: His car is gone. Is that him? Gloria: He's not answering the phone. Where could he be Ashley? And why did he leave without telling me? Ashley: I have no idea. Maybe he's driving around retracing his steps. Gloria: Oh, dear God, what if he went back to the alley? I'll get my coat. (Telephone rings) Ashley: Hello. Michael: Ashley, its Michael Baldwin. Ashley: Look, Michael, if this is about what happened at the club last night-- Michael: No, no, I would like to talk to you about that, but not right now. I just thought that you'd like to know that your father's here at the office. Ashley: Dad's there? Gloria: Let me talk to Michael. Ashley: Is he all right? Michael: He's fine. Ashley: Well, would you put him on the phone? Michael: He stepped out for a moment. Ashley: Michael, my father should not be out on his own right now. Gloria: Is John all right? Michael: I know. He's having little flashes of memory. Ashley: I know. It started last night. Michael: Sooner or later, he's gonna remember everything. Ashley: Well, you have to distract him. Michael: John is not stupid. He's gonna figure out the truth with or without our help. Now, look, I know you're concerned about his health. But what if he remembered something that could help the case? You don't know. Tom could've attacked him first. He could have a great case for self-defense. Ashley: Michael, I am you client. We're gonna do things my way. Now I want you to get Dad home now. He needs to be with us. John: I can't seem to get any information about what happened that night. Michael: I'll get right back to you. There's someone in my office right now. Ashley: Please, just get my father home. Michael: I'll do my best. Thank you. John: Nobody will tell me any of the details of how Tom Fisher was killed. Michael: All right, John, John, I'm sure Ashley will tell you when she's ready. You were just released from the hospital. She's concerned you'll have a setback. John: That is just rubbish! Now I am not fragile. Now, Michael, I wanna know where and how Tom Fisher was killed! Now you tell me! The details! [SCENE_BREAK] Gloria: Why didn't you let me talk to Michael? Ashley: Stop yelling at me! Gloria: Answer me, Ashley. Is John coming home? Ashley: I hope so! He's definitely remembering. Gloria: Well, at least Michael's there to look out for him. Jack: There are five vans with satellite dishes on our street. Will they ever give up? Ashley: Jack, ignore them. Ignore them. Jack: What, do you get every catalog in America? Gloria: Probably just charities asking for money if you bothered to look. Ashley: You're in a good mood. Jack: Oh, I'm the man who has everything-- almost. Ashley: I gather you didn't patch things up with Phyllis. [SCENE_BREAK] Phyllis: Uh, what was I thinking? Hmm... uh... the hotel room key wasn't enough of a clue? Nick: Yeah. Phyllis: Listen, Nicholas, it's not a big deal, okay? I mean, I just thought that we could have a fun night-- more of the fun that we shared last night. Nick: Phyllis, we can't do this. Phyllis: Well, you know, we've done it. Are you saying this because you have to? Nick: Jack was pretty busted up over what's going on between you two. Phyllis: Listen, I'll make you a deal. You don't talk to me about Jack, and I won't talk to you about Sharon. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikki: Well, I'm glad Victoria hasn't announced her engagement yet. It's ironic she could end up helping brad raise Abby. Victor: Did you see Nicholas this morning? Nikki: Yeah, he was here talking to Jack. Victor: Oh, yeah? Nikki: Listen, I have something to ask you. It's a favor for Phyllis and me. Victor: Whatever you want. Nikki: Whatever I want? Really? Victor: Mm-hmm, whatever you want, yes. Nikki: Does that include office space? Victor: Oh. Nikki: Because we need somewhere--just temporarily, you know? I thought maybe one of the offices in Newman that you weren't using that we could occupy just until we get our project off the ground. Victor: Let me get this straight, I thought you wanted to be independent. Nikki: Yes, we do. So if we're in the same building, does that mean-- Victor: Would I meddle in your business? Nikki: Would you be able not to? Victor: My darling, I provided the seed money. And I will support you whichever way you want. If you want me to get involved, I will. If not, then I won't. Nikki: Good, I was hoping you would say that. Victor: Mm-hmm. Nikki: So how about it? [SCENE_BREAK] Brad: Come here. Just be patient, okay? Before you know it, that ring is gonna be back on this finger where it belongs. Victoria: Right. And who's to say we can't we can't live happily while we're waiting, Brad: Agreed. Victoria: Although, finding quality time together has been rather difficult lately. Brad: Yeah, it has. And I know you understand. I mean, as wonderful as Frances is, I don't want Abby with a nanny any longer than she has to be. Victoria: That makes you uncomfortable. Brad: She needs to feel that at least one parent will always be there no matter what. Victoria: Of course, she does. And she's lucky to have such a great dad. [SCENE_BREAK] Gloria: If anything happens, I'll be upstairs. Jack: What does she mean by that? Ashley: Who the hell knows what she means by anything? What happened last night? Jack: Take my word for it, never mix business and pleasure. I'm telling you, if Phyllis could be in car design, our professional paths would never cross. And somehow, with my luck, Victor Newman would buy an auto manufacturer and put her in charge of design. Ashley: And you'd have a problem with that? Jack: Yeah, you bet I would. Ashley: Your issue isn't with Phyllis. It's with Victor then. Jack: Well, funny, Phyllis keeps saying that to me, too. Ashley: The two most intelligent people you know are thinking the same way. Jack: Point taken. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: How can we not talk about Jack and Sharon? Phyllis: Listen, I promise not to talk about Jack and Sharon, if you promise not to. Pinkie swear? Nick: Okay. Nick: I'm supposed to be working on my marriage. Phyllis: (Giggles) you couldn't last one minute. Nick: She really is a fantastic person. Phyllis: I know she is. Nick: But when I'm home, I feel like I'm walking on eggshells-- like my life is under a microscope. You know, am I saying the right things? Am I doing the right things? And, Phyllis, this is definitely not the right thing. Phyllis: I don't wanna make your life more difficult than it already is. Nick: You already have. [SCENE_BREAK] Colleen: There are so many things I wanted to do. You know, like, uh, poetry slams, museum exhibits. But, of course, I didn't even get half of 'em done. Daniel: Did you ever hit any of the clubs? Colleen: Sometimes. Daniel: Well, you must've met a lot of interesting people there. Have you made a lot of friends? Colleen: Sure, tons. Daniel: You ready? Colleen: Yeah, come on. Daniel: Let's do this. J.T.: What do you say? Catch a few rays in the dead of winter? Mac: Get my vitamin D in? I like it. J.T.: Look who's here. I guess that answers that question. Mac: What question? J.T.: Do we go over and say hi? And get into another argument about Fisher? Mac: Well, we're gonna have to bite the bullet at some point. J.T.: Yeah, but not now. Come on, let's get a smoothie. It's on me. Daniel: Oh, man, you were right. This feels great. Does it bother you? Colleen: What? Daniel: Seeing J.T. and Mac together? Colleen: No. I mean, why should it? We both moved on a long time ago. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: It was some grimy alley way across town. What does it matter? Why don't you let the police worry about the details? John: What does it matter? My daughter's freedom is at stake. I mean, you of all people know the police are not trying to prove her innocence. If I could only remember. Michael: Don't force it, John. It'll come. John: I see myself... standing in the dining room. I'd come from-- from the kitchen or someplace. Gloria's on the phone. Her back is to me. And she's saying something-- damn, something like... Gloria: You're a liar, Tom! Michael: Something like what? John: Oh. "You're a liar, Tom." That's what she said, "you're a liar, Tom!" She was talking to him. And the-- and the police thought that he had blown up the boat and killed Lauren. And then the son of a bitch called my home! Michael: Oh, hmm... we all know Tom's a liar. You could've heard that anytime, not just that night. John: No. No, these are part of these flashes of memory I'm getting. I mean, I... I see myself driving a car. I have no idea where I'm going. Now it's not the way to the store. No, no, it's not the way to the club or to my office. And then my hands-- my hands are on the wheel. And I'm squeezing them so tight that my knuckles are white. And I say, "Why?" And then I see him. I see Tom Fisher. He's lying on the ground. I mean, my God, I mean, if I was there... if I saw what happened... Michael, I could tell the prosecutor that he attacked Ashley. Michael: John, John, you're getting way ahead of yourself. John: No. No, I want you to take me to where Tom Fisher died. Michael: I don't think that's wise. John: Now you take me there right now. [SCENE_BREAK] J.T.: Not too bad, huh? Daniel: Over it, huh? Okay. Colleen: Okay, maybe you're right. It is a little weird. Daniel: And why should it not be? Colleen: I figured he would probably have a love life. I mean, when did J.T. Hellstrom not have girls all over him all the time? But the idea of him and Mackenzie living together? That's totally bizarre to me. Daniel: Yeah, but they have roommates. Colleen: Yeah, some psycho, firebug, stalker, murderer guy. And who knows what else, you know? Daniel: Okay, you know a lot's changed since you've been gone, right? Colleen: You think? (Sighs) tell me you're a Kevin Fisher fan, too. Daniel: Okay, look, I wasn't around when all that bad stuff happened. All I know is he's the first friend that I made when I moved here. And I thought that you were supposed to be here cheering me up, remember? Colleen: Okay, isn't that what I'm doing? Please, look, we've taken your mind off of your problems. And now we're completely focusing on mine. What else could you want? Daniel: Did you see who else is here? Colleen: No, who? Brad: We're gonna do something really different, all right? Victoria: Uh-huh. Brad: We're gonna do a coffee toast. Nobody ever does a coffee toast. Victoria: Coffee toast? Brad: Yeah, you ready? To the future Mr. and Mrs. Carlton. Victoria: Well, let's hope not too far into the future. Brad: Let's hope not. Colleen: Fancy seeing you here. Brad: Oh, wow. What a surprise. Hi, Sweetheart, come here. Colleen: Hey, Daddy. Victoria: Hello, Colleen. Daniel: Hi. Victoria: Hi. Colleen: I was just sitting over there thinking what a cute couple you two make. Victoria: Oh. Brad: We were actually just talking about our severe lack of couple time these days. Colleen: Well, I'm sure I can help with that. Brad: How's that? Colleen: If you guys need some quality time or you wanna go out to dinner, just call me. I'm free to baby-sit. Victoria: Oh, that's very thoughtful of you. Thank you, Colleen. Colleen: Well, I would love to spend some time with my little sister. Brad: All right, well, we will definitely keep, uh, that offer in mind, won't we? Victoria: Yes. Colleen: All right, well, yeah, just give me a heads up, and I'll be there. Brad: All right, honey. Colleen: All right. Brad: Love you. Colleen: Love you, too, Daddy. Brad: All right. Victoria: Have fun. Daniel: Bye. Well, I think you just made their day. Colleen: Abby's a great girl. Daniel: You really are a sweetheart, huh? Colleen: Oh, you're just now noticing? J.T.: This is the life. Daniel: You're not gonna go all Jekyll and Hyde on me, are you? Colleen: Look, I could've died because of what he did to me, okay? So if you think that I'm just gonna forget and forgive-- Daniel: Listen, its okay. I'm sorry. Just don't take my head off, okay? Colleen: Sorry. Just look at everyone-- you know, talking to him and shaking his hand. You'd think he was running for congress. If only they knew. Kevin: Hey, guys. Mac: Hey. J.T.: Hey, didn't we just leave you at the coffeehouse? Kevin: Yeah, we kind of have an emergency at work. Mac: What happened? Kevin: Well, Dillon called the distributor to light a fire under the guy, but the delivery is delayed again. Mac: For how long? Kevin: Not sure, at least three or four days. J.T.: Couldn't this have waited till Mac got back to the coffeehouse? Kevin: Well, now that I'm here... you know, maybe if she sees that people like me-- J.T.: No, don't, don't, don't, don't push it, man. She's being real with you. Kevin: Yeah. Mac: You know, J.T.'s right. As much as I would like to see the two of you work things out, maybe it's not really good timing. Mac: I need to get back to the coffeehouse, start making some calls. We can't wait four days for another delivery. J.T.: All right, see ya. Mac: Okay. Thanks for the drink. J.T.: You got it. Kevin: See ya. Colleen: So there we are freezing our buns off, right? And out come Ida and Gus-- the polar bears at the central park zoo-- Daniel: Oh. Colleen: Okay, and they're just romping around like they're in the middle of Hawaii or something when this crazy-- J.T.: Hey, Colleen, can I talk to you for a minute? [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: Okay, now you can answer some of my questions. Why is gloria acting so strangely? Is Dad all right? Ashley: Yeah, he's fine. Jack: Is he upstairs? I wanna run a few things by him. Ashley: He's not here. Jack: Where is he? Ashley: Out. Jack: On his own? You really think that's a good idea? Ashley: What am I gonna do about it? He's an adult. Jack: Yeah, who had a head injury, cracked ribs and an episode with his ticker. Ashley: Yeah, right, but, you know, I can't make him listen to me. Jack: What are you keeping from me? You and Gloria? What's going on? Where's Dad right now? Ashley: He's at Michael's. Jack: What's he doing with Michael? [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: John, what do you hope to gain by going to the scene of the crime? John: Haven't you been listening? If I'm an eyewitness and there's any possibility that I could verify Ashley's self-defense... Michael: You may be making too much of this. After a head injury, you could be remembering something that really didn't happen. John: Michael, please! Will you just take me there? (Telephone rings) Michael: Excuse me. Hello. Yes, yes, Michael Baldwin. Oh, no, thanks for calling me back! Uh, I have the contract right here. Please, hold on. John, I will be right with you. Yeah, you still there? Great, good, okay, yeah, yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Mac: Oh, no, no, no, I understand. Okay. Well, just as soon as you can. Yeah, okay, thanks, Louis. Bye. Kevin: What did he say? Mac: Well, apparently, our coffee used to come in through New Orleans. But that warehouse is destroyed. So temporarily, they're having everything come in through Texas. But they're trying to send it back to New Orleans. And things are still a little dicey. Kevin: Well, what do you think we should do? Mac: I told him that we would talk about it and I'd get back to him. What do you think? Kevin: Um, I say we wait. Anything we can do to help New Orleans. Mac: I agree. In the meantime, push the tea. Kevin: Yeah. Well, you know, Chinese New Year's coming up. We could make some great tea drinks. There's this white snake tea. It's, uh, white tea and milk. It's really good. Mac: That's a great idea. Kevin: Thanks. I'll go online, see what else I can find. Mac: Okay. Kevin: In the meantime, if I could come up with a way to get Colleen to stop hating me. [SCENE_BREAK] Victoria: I have an idea. Brad: What's that? Victoria: Why don't we take Colleen up on her offer and make plans for dinner Saturday night? Brad: Hmm, dinner, huh? Victoria: Mm-hmm, at my place. I'll order in. Brad: You're on. Victoria: You know, your daughter seems to know every good-looking guy in the place. Brad: Mmm. She and J.T. used to be an item. Victoria: I know. I'm just kidding. Although, they don't seem to be sharing happy memories at the moment. [SCENE_BREAK] J.T.: Colleen, you've been gone for a long time, you know? You can't just come back here and expect everything to be the same. It doesn't work like that. Things change. Colleen: Like Kevin Fisher? Look, get real, J.T., okay? You know what he did to me. J.T.: But you were always such a generous person, always finding the good in people. Can't you just-- Colleen: So there may be a little good in Kevin, okay? But there's a whole lot of bad. It's like you have amnesia or something. Look, Kevin's mom already tried it on me, okay? "Don't be a downer, Colleen." You know, "Kevin's changed. He's a great person. People love him." Don't come around and remind them of what a dirt bag he is. Okay, it's not gonna work. J.T.: You know, I felt the same way you did. But you left town. I stayed here. I was around that guy all the time. He was in my face. I got to know him better. I kinda had no choice. Colleen: Am I just supposed to forget? You know, just... J.T.: No, no, Colleen. But can't you trust that I'm telling you the truth? The guy--he's really trying to be different, you know? Colleen: He has got you fooled. J.T.: Here's the reality-- look, Mac and Kevin are friends. They're business partners. He's our roommate. Look, if he tried anything weird, I'd handle it. But he's, you know, he's okay. I'm not defending him, but he seems like he's a different person now. Colleen: So if I don't put on my party hat and celebrate the new Kevin Fisher, am I not welcome, J.T.? Is that what you're saying? J.T.: No. I'm just asking you to keep an open mind. Colleen: You look good. After all this time, I can't help remembering-- J.T.: Don't change the subject. Colleen: Is that what I'm doing? J.T.: I remember, too. And I'd hate to think that we couldn't be friends over something like Kevin Fisher. It would be a waste. See you around, Colleen. [SCENE_BREAK] Ashley: Dad's just concerned about me. He wanted to talk to my lawyer. He wants to see me beat the charges, that's all. Jack: Well, I just don't think he should be alone. Somebody should be with him. He just got out of the hospital. He should be taking it easy. Ashley: Since when does our father ever take it easy? Jack: Okay, you've got a point there. Ashley: Any of that mail for me? Jack: No, it's all Dad's. I'm gonna put it in the study. Gloria: Is John home? Ashley: No, not yet. Gloria: What is keeping Michael? Ashley: I don't know. He said he'd try to get him home. Gloria: Well, let's just hope it happens before, you know-- Ashley: Yeah, I'm gonna go over to Brad's. I wanna spend some time with Abby. Gloria: Give her a hug for me? Ashley: Yeah. When Dad gets here, just... Jack: See ya, Sis. Ashley: Yeah. Gloria: Yeah, I'll do that. Jack: Okay, Gloria, let's talk. Something's going on here. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: I thought that was a non-issue. Yeah, I've got it. Yeah, look at page 12. Yeah. 34-E. No, no, the client is never gonna buy that. [John leaves.] [SCENE_BREAK] Daniel: What was that all about? Colleen: J.T.-- he's trying to sell me on the new and improved Kevin Fisher. Look, I'm not asking you to shun Kevin. Daniel: Like I said, I wasn't around when all that stuff happened. Colleen: I know, but J.T. was. Look, he carried me out of the smoldering building, okay? He should know better. Daniel: Look, I'm gonna take a chance here. Colleen: What kind of chance? Daniel: You are incredibly beautiful. Colleen: I am, huh? Daniel: Yes, you are. And that's why being so down on someone-- it doesn't suit you. It's kind of an ugly emotion. Colleen: Okay, I knew there was a catch. Look, stop trying to change my mind. Okay, you don't know what it was like for me. Kevin Fisher is evil. [SCENE_BREAK] Kevin: Well, what do you think? Mac: "Happy new year of the dog. Try our orange pekoe-nese for the Chinese new year." That's cute. Kevin: Thanks. Mac: Hey, are you gonna cheer up or what? Who cares what Colleen Carlton thinks? You can't please everybody. Kevin: It's not that. Mac: Well, what then? Kevin: It's my dad-- not-so-terrible Tom anymore. Just some guy on a slab in a morgue. Mac: Don't say that. Kevin: Well, I know it sounds bad, but how am I supposed to feel? Mac: Confused. Kevin: Well, good. I'm in exactly the right place. Mac: Look, it's easy to hate him. He did a lot of hateful things. Kevin: Yeah, he sure did. Mac: But if you wanna think of him as your father-- someone that you could've loved if things had turned out differently, it's okay. No one's gonna blame you for that. Kevin: Yeah, yeah, I know. Hey, um, can I ask, uh, can I ask your honest opinion about something? Mac: Yeah, sure, what is it? Kevin: You think I should show this to J.T.? J.T.: You bet you should show it to me. What have you got there? [SCENE_BREAK] Phyllis: I think this is really sad. Nick: What? Phyllis: Well, the way you're feeling-- that you just don't... you just don't let yourself... Nick: Don't let myself what? Phyllis: Enjoy. Live. Nick: All right, I'm just gonna say it. I'm scared. Phyllis: Listen, Nicholas, this isn't about anything other than having fun-- just having a good time, a port in the storm, no strings. Just all of that good stuff. Nick: It's a no-brainer for you. You're not married. Phyllis: No, I'm just seeing someone who's married. Nick: I didn't mean that. Phyllis: It's okay. It's all right. Um... I shouldn't have done this. It was way too pushy. Just--you should just--- Nick: No. Phyllis: You should just throw away the key. Nick: No, it's not that. Phyllis: Yeah, it is. It is. Just don't worry about it. Just throw away the key. And, um... [SCENE_BREAK] Brad: I have to get to a meeting. Victoria: Oh, okay. I think I'm gonna stay here and take advantage of the sun shining. We don't get too many sunny days. Brad: You do that, okay? Victoria: Bye. Brad: I'll see you later. Victoria: All right. [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: We'll just deal with that at another time, all right? Thank you. Sorry for the interruption. Now, I see no problem why I should not provide you and Phyllis with office space at Newman Towers. Nikki: Good. Victor: But you think it's a good idea? Nikki: Why wouldn't it be? Victor: Well, don't you think your business contacts might get the wrong impression? They might think that you are working on a project for Newman. Nikki: Oh, believe me, Phyllis and I will make very sure that people know we're independent. [SCENE_BREAK] Victoria: What you got there, little brother? [SCENE_BREAK] Kevin: It's a safe deposit box key-- or at least I think it is. J.T.: Yeah, it sure looks like one. No markings other than the number 78. Any idea what bank it's from? Kevin: I don't even know what city it's from or state. Tom had it on him when he died. J.T.: Any idea what's in the box? Kevin: Not a clue. But he wouldn't have kept anything of value in a box somewhere. Not when he was hurting for cash. J.T.: What do you want me to do? Kevin: Well, I mean, I don't really have any money to spend on a private eye, but, you know, I am curious. Mac: Come on, you know you won't sleep until you know what's in that box. Kevin: Do you think it would be hard to find out where it's from? J.T.: I don't know. I'll ask Paul how to trace a key like this. Unless we get lucky it could take awhile. Kevin: Okay. Thanks. [SCENE_BREAK] Gloria: I'm worried about your father, not that it's any of your business. Jack: Nobody's accusing you of anything terrible. You and Ashley are hiding something. What are you not telling me? Is this about Dad? Gloria: John's the only thing on my mind right now, Jack. Jack: Well, that puts us on the same team. We're both worried about dad. So we have to stick together. See if I find out in the future that you kept something from me, something I should have known, I'm gonna be very unhappy. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Yeah, that's good. All right, why don't you fax your changes over to me? And I will get back to you say, uh, what, before the end of the day tomorrow. Right. Okay, it's done. I'll talk to you then? Yeah, thanks. All right, oh-- John, I am so sorry. Uh, but, look, you win. If you really want me to-- John? John? John? John? I know where you went. Son of a gun! I know where you went! [NEXT_ON] Lauren: You are nothing like Tom. Kevin: Well, I used to be. Who's to say I won't be again someday? Nikki: He's offered us office space at Newman Enterprises. Phyllis: Do you really think that's a good idea? Jack: Why are you lying to the police about my father? | "How would you feel about Phyllis and I setting up office in the Newman building?" Victor says that he would be careful not to be constantly looking over her shoulder, but isn't sure that putting the Wellness Spas head office in that building would be a good thing for her |
619 | Aly: Why are you here? Taylor: At Forrester, you mean? Aly: At Forrester...in los Angeles. You left. I could f-finally breathe. Why are -- why come back? Taylor: Oh, Aly. There are so many things I want to say to you. I'm here for you. Oliver: You're lucky it was me and not Aly. If she'd walked in and seen Taylor in your arms... Thorne: I'm not sure why it's any of your business. Oliver: I know what happened to your wife and how it's affected Aly. I care about your daughter. I don't want to see her get hurt. Are you and Taylor a couple? Wyatt: So, we got to advertise it in the newspaper? Justin: Once a week for four weeks. I know it's weird -- California law. Wyatt: But then it'll be done? I'll be a Spencer? Justin: You know, you might have a court hearing, depending on the judge. It's all pretty simple. Wyatt: Wyatt Spencer. Justin: Yeah, nice ring to it, huh? Wyatt: Yeah. Justin: Congratulations. Wyatt: Thanks, man. Caroline: Congratulations. Wait. [Gasps] You and hope? Wyatt: No. No, no, no. Not yet. No. Caroline: Oh. Well, then why are we congratulating you? Wyatt: I have a new name. Hope: Okay, turn to me. Yeah, I think that's much better. Okay, uh, well, you guys are good to go. Thank you so much. [Door opens] Quinn: Oh, hey. Ohh, nice. Thank you. I told you that necklace would work. Hope: Yeah, you were right. Quinn: Oh, well, I always am -- not just about jewelry. Hope: Oh, Quinn. When it comes to picking a necklace, I trust you with my life, but a man -- that's up to me. Quinn: Well, you're gonna want to get to picking. You're not gonna want to wait any longer once you hear my news. Caroline: So, what is this new name you're talking about? Wyatt: Well, "fuller" is becoming "Spencer." Caroline: Ohh, I like it. Wyatt: Yeah. Dad wanted to make it official. Caroline: Oh, way to step up, uncle Bill. Wyatt: Yeah. Justin: Yeah. He gets all of the credit, while I'm doing all of the grunt work. Wyatt: [Chuckles] Justin: Off to file some papers. Wyatt: Thanks, Justin. Justin: Anytime, Mr. Spencer. Wyatt: "Mr. Spencer." Caroline: That's you. Wyatt: Huh? Caroline: Ahh. [Both chuckle] Hope: What do you mean, "no more fuller"? Quinn: Bill wants Wyatt to take his name. Hope: Okay. Wow. Uh, how do you feel about that? Quinn: [Sighs] Oh, well, I mean, the Spencer name made me furious for years. I swore I'd never let Wyatt know, but, well, I mean, now that he does, the world hasn't come to an end, and even I have to admit that that name brings a certain level of respect, so I'm -- I'm happy for him. Hope: Well, you know, as long as he's happy. Quinn: Yeah. Hope: But I don't see how this has any bearing on whether or not I choose Wyatt or Liam. Quinn: Well, I mean, you have been dating two brothers, you know? And your fans might not have made that connection before, but now this is gonna be painfully obvious. I just -- I don't see you letting it go on for too long. Thorne: Look, I appreciate your concern, but Aly's old enough now. Oliver: Not for this. Aly hates Taylor. Thorne: This is not entirely unexpected, okay? Because, through the years, Taylor and I started something. We had a history...before I even married Darla, but for some reason or another, we just couldn't make it work. Aly was one of the reasons... because of the accident. Look, I was willing to put my life on hold to be the best damn father I could be to my daughter because she lost her mother. But Aly is old enough now, and we live in different cities. I'm allowed to do this. Oliver: So it's true? You're together? Thorne: Yes, we are. And that's why we are here to tell everyone, especially Aly. Aly: I don't think you understand what seeing you does to me. Taylor: I do. Aly: Go back to Paris or wherever you were -- anywhere but here. [Panting] I can't have you near me. Caroline: Um, Wyatt? Wyatt: Yeah? Caroline: It still says "fuller" on your page. Wyatt: I haven't updated it yet. Caroline: Uh, hello? If it's not on here, it didn't happen. Wyatt: Okay, I will -- I'll get right on that, okay? Caroline: And excuse me? You still don't have me listed as a cousin. Wyatt: I don't? Caroline: I sent you the request ages ago. Wyatt: I don't check it all that often. Caroline: Genetics are so weird. Wyatt: You're weird. Caroline: How could two cousins be so different? Wyatt: Even more different -- two brothers. Caroline: Oh, my god. You just did hope the biggest favor ever. Wyatt: How? Caroline: "Hope fuller"? Like "hopeful"? Ugh! God, that would have been so awful. I mean, could you imagine? But now, either way, she gets to be a Spencer. Wyatt: Huh. Quinn: You don't have to get involved in a scandal -- you know, "which Spencer brother will she choose?" I mean, you -- you and Liam have tried and tried to make it work, and it didn't happen, and, well, this attempt at dating both of them is just -- it's prolonging the obvious. Hope: Which is a life with Wyatt? Quinn: As I said, I'm always right. Hope: [Sighs] Will there be gossip about me? Yes. I won't like it, but I'll deal with it. M on the verge of making a huge life decision, and I need to be sure that I'm making the right one. Quinn: You will. Charlie: Is there a damsel in distress? Pam: [Gasps] [Chuckling] Oh, Charlie! You are my knight in shining armor. Charlie: Yeah. Listen, uh, does this chain mail make me look fat? Pam: No. Charlie, you look delicious. I could just eat you up. Charlie: Well, you know, they say that armor is a good source of roughage. Now, we must be away, milady. My steed's double-parked, and, you know, we have to get there early. You know, we have to have front-row center. Pam: Oh, that's right, because you like to sit close enough so that you can see that spittle of fear on the jousters' quivering lips. Charlie: Aye. Pam: [Chuckling] Oh, Charlie. I love how into this you are. It's gets -- I don't know -- gets my bustle all in a bunch. [Chuckles] Charlie: Excellent turn of, uh, medieval phrase, milady. So, is Aly coming? Pam: No. And I don't understand why. I mean, she used to love this. She said it was our thing. Charlie: Well, my little 12th-century tart, now it's our thing. Oliver: How are you planning to tell Aly? Thorne: We're gonna sit her down, and we're gonna tell her the truth. Look, Taylor is a psychiatrist. It'll be fine. Oliver: You don't understand. You haven't been around. She still talks to her mom. Thorne: She told you that? Oliver: Yeah. Thorne: Well, it comforts her, and she knows that it's just her imagination. Oliver: Maybe, but when she finds out about you and Taylor... Thorne: Okay, you know what? Let's forget about Taylor and me for a minute, okay? What is going on with you and my daughter? Oliver: We hang out. We've gotten to be good friends. And, yes, she confides in me. That's why I know what I'm talking about. You have to believe me. This will not end well. Taylor: Maybe we should call your father. Aly: Why? He would tell you the same thing -- stay away from me. Taylor: I don't want to upset you, honey. I-I would like for us to talk. Aly: I won't forget what you did. Taylor: I won't either. [Voice breaking] It haunts me every day. Aly: Oh, so that makes it okay -- what you took from me? [Voice breaking] I was too young to lose my mom. Taylor: I know. Aly: I can't escape, and it's your fault. Taylor: Escape? Aly: The memory. My birthday -- other kids -- they -- they have parties and go out with friends. But me -- my birthday is nothing but the day a person drank too much and got behind the wheel. Taylor: Aly... Aly: And what was my mom doing? She was helping your daughter -- just a good person going out of her way to do the right thing. Taylor: That's who she was. Aly: But you are the one still alive. You pretend to be so moral, when you are the first person to stand in judgment of people -- Brooke and hope. Well, I have heard plenty. You pretend to be a saint. Well, you aren't. You...are a murderer. My mom -- she was a saint. She earned her place in heaven. But you -- you will never get there. Taylor: Darla was a special woman. Everyone loved -- Aly: She was my mom! You took her from me. [Door opens, closes] Wyatt: Hello, beautiful. Hope: Hey. I just heard your big news. Wyatt: What? Is Caroline posting about it? Hope: [Chuckling] No, no, no. Uh, your mom was just here, and she seems very excited about you becoming a Spencer. Wyatt: That makes two of us. Hope: Three. Wyatt: Yeah? Pam: You're not gonna take the club with us, are you? Charlie: Oh, sure. We'll get better service. [Both chuckle] Charlie: Looks authentic, huh? Pam: Yeah, it sure does. How do you think you're ever gonna get that past security? Charlie: I'm going to disguise it as a huge leg of lamb. No. Their head of security and I go way, way, way, way back. I mean, you know, actually, the thing is just -- is just kind of harmless. Although, uh, Quinn did, uh, lock herself in a bathroom when she saw me come in. Pam: Yeah, and the ax that you bought wasn't harmless. I could shave my legs with that thing. Charlie: Right you are, my dear. Oh, by the way, did you remember to take it to the photo studio? Pam: Oh, you bet your longbow I did. Charlie: Mm-hmm. Pam: Oliver is gonna love our pitch. You, me, medieval weapons. It's gonna be the best photo shoot ever. Charlie: Yeah. Thorne: Now, I'm not sure about you and Aly. Don't you think you're a little old to be hanging out with my daughter? Oliver: There's a few years between us -- not many. Aly's fun. I don't even notice that she's younger. Thorne: Well, what is it, exactly that you two do? Oliver: We talk, mostly. She's opened up to me a lot about her past. You know, she's still in a lot of pain. She has a hard time even saying Taylor's name. Thorne: Well, I'm glad that she has someone to talk to about it. Oliver: If you want, I-I could be there when you tell her. Thorne: I don't think so. Oliver: Trust me -- a shock like this -- Aly's gonna need all the support she can get. Taylor: I know your childhood has been extremely difficult for you. Aly: How would you know that? Taylor: Your father's told me. Aly: Why would my dad talk to you about anything? Taylor: We're friends. Aly: Oh, he wanted your expert opinion -- is that it? Well, I'm not crazy, and don't you dare call my father your friend. Taylor: We have been for many years. Aly: Not after what you did. [Sighs] Taylor: [Sighs] Aly, your father and I -- we -- we've stayed fond of each other over the years, and while we've been in Paris -- Aly: And I don't mean what you did to my mom. I mean what you did to him after. Taylor: What did I do to Thorne? Aly: You tried to make him betray my mother's memory. Taylor: Aly. Aly, I-I wanted to marry your father because I loved him. Aly: Well, he never felt that way about you. Thank god I stopped it. I was so young, but I knew. I could see right through you. He could never be happy with you. Taylor: Your father and I agreed not to get married for you because your wounds were too fresh, and it was too much for you. Aly: All these years, and he never got remarried. Tells you something, doesn't it? That my mom was his one and only. Taylor: I think it also tells me that he was being a responsible father because he wanted to see you grow up to be a wonderful young woman like you are, and now it's time for maybe him to have his own life and -- and maybe find someone. Aly: If the right woman came along, I would support it. Taylor: Well, Aly, as I was saying, we've been getting closer lately. Aly: No. Taylor: Don't you think he deserves some happiness? Aly: You can't. Not this. Taylor: Aly, we -- we were in Paris, and old feelings came back. Aly: You stay away from him! He wants nothing to do with you! You hear me? Taylor: This isn't going to change anything for you. You're always going to be first in his life. You'll always be first to him. Don't you see? He gave up everything for you. Look at the choices he made. He -- he -- he became mom, dad, coach -- everything for you because he wanted to see you grow up. Don't you think maybe it's time for him to -- to have his own life now and -- and decide maybe who he wants to spend it with? Aly: I have stopped you before, and I will stop you again. You may have taken my mother, but you will not take my father. You won't. Wyatt: You know, it's good that you've decided to do this dating both of us thing. Hope: I'm sorry. What? Wyatt: Yeah. Yeah, imagine when we're married already. The embroidery on the pillowcases will say "fuller." Hope: Embroidered pillowcases? Wyatt: Oh, yeah. No, we're getting them. I might even make them. Hope: [Chuckles] Wyatt: "Mr. And Mrs. Spencer" with the wedding date. Hope: Oh, my god. Does that kind of take some getting used to -- being called "Spencer"? I mean, aren't you gonna miss "fuller"? Wyatt: No. I don't know. Feels right -- like I finally found where I belong. God. Things just keep getting better and better. And it all started with meeting you in the woods. It did. Thorne: By no means am I taking this lightly. Taylor and I have been very, very careful about keeping this secret until we were both ready. Well, now we're ready, and we're not gonna lie anymore. We're gonna tell the family, and we're gonna tell Aly. And when she gets over the shock, she's gonna be fine. Oliver: I don't think so. Thorne: Well, my daughter wants me to be happy. Oliver: Not with Taylor. Your wife died a long time ago. Of course, you're allowed to move on, but for Aly, that -- that pain is still very raw. She's not ready for this. She's not gonna react the way you're hoping. Telling her right now would be a huge mistake. Taylor: Aly, I'm not trying to take your father away. Please, listen to me, not just for his sake, but for yours... Aly: No. Taylor: ...So you can heal, and you can grow. Aly: No! Taylor: I love your father. He's never stopped loving me. Aly: You're lying. Taylor: Aly... Aly: Stop it! Taylor: Let's call your father, and we can all sit down and talk about this. I know we can work through this. It's gonna be okay. Aly: "Okay"? My mother is gone...forever. Now you want to take my dad, too? I can't let that happen. You keep taking from me and my family. It's time to cut you off. Taylor: Aly? Put that down. Aly! No-o-o-o! No-o-o-o! | They must run it once a week for four weeks, then he will be a Spencer |
620 | Nancy: Oh, is that my shoe-genie? Chloe: You need to stop buying worthless crap on the shopping channel. Actually, this is the key to Daniel's heart. Nancy: Chloe, you know you have my undying love and support, but... can you tell me why you continue to pursue a man who, after kissing the gorgeous, talented you, tells you that he still only has eyes for that twit, Jennifer? Chloe: He's the father of my child, mother, and I love him. Nancy: [Sighs] Chloe, that love has addled your brain. Chloe: Why would you say that? Nancy: Let's see. You kissed him. Uh, then you used my sleeping pills to drug him, nearly killing him. Then you let Jennifer see you next to his half-naked body, thinking you'd slept together. Then you run over to her and tell her that you hadn't. I have my concerns about your overall game plan. Chloe: I told you, I was doing damage control. Nancy: Hmm? Mm! And I'm telling you there better be a magic wand in that little package there, because you're gonna need it. [SCENE_BREAK] Maggie: Good morning! Daniel: Hey, good morning. Maggie: Not very cheerful today. Daniel: Yeah, I just-- I didn't really get a lot of sleep, that's all Maggie: Do I wanna ask what happened with Jennifer last night? Daniel: No, probably not. No. I know that she's family and you care about her, but if you could not bring her name up in the future... I'd appreciate that. [SCENE_BREAK] Abigail: Hi! Jennifer: Oh, hi, honey! Abigail: So do I finally have a new cousin-in-law? Jennifer: Uh, yes. No surprise announcements this time. Nick and Gabi's wedding was beautiful. Abigail: Can I help you? Jennifer: No, I'm good. Almost done. Abigail: You're trying to keep busy to take your mind off something? Daniel. What did Chloe do now, Mom? [SCENE_BREAK] [Phone ringing] Cameron: [Exhales] What do you want now? [SCENE_BREAK] Marlena: You're going to nail her, aren't you? You're going to destroy Kristen. John: I don't wanna get into that here. Marlena: John, please. Why else would you say to Brady that you're trying to accept the fact that they are together? Oh, wait a minute. You're not buying into her routine again, are you? John: I don't owe you any explanations. In fact, I don't owe you anything at all. [SCENE_BREAK] Brady: My dad talks a good game, Kristen, but... I don't think he's ever really gotten you out of his system. Kristen: Well, why would you say that? Brady: Look, he loves Marlena. He's always--he's always loved Marlena. Kristen: Of course. She's the love of his life. Brady: Yes, she is. And I didn't--I didn't say that to hurt you. Kristen: Oh, would you stop it? Come on! I got over him a long, long time ago. Brady: Well, I'm sure he thought he was over you too, but... why is he giving you all these chances? I don't know. I guess--I guess... he thought he could move on, but not you. And now that you're moving on, with me, of all people... I know my dad well enough to know that he's going crazy. [SCENE_BREAK] Chloe: Could you please give me a little space? Nancy: Ooh, I'm sorry! I just can't wait to see what the key to someone's heart looks like. Chloe: Well, this sure as hell isn't it. [Scoffs] [SCENE_BREAK] Maggie: I'm, uh--I'm so sorry. You know, I get the feeling there's been a terrible misunderstanding here. Um, I know how Jennifer feels about you... and how you feel about her. This shouldn't be this hard! Daniel: No, you're right. No, it shouldn't. Maggie: Well, true love-- you just, um-- you shouldn't let it go, Daniel. Daniel: You know what? I'm not the one who let it go. [SCENE_BREAK] Abigail: Mom? Mom, what happened? Chloe: This isn't what it looks like. Jennifer, Daniel and I didn't have sex. Jennifer: Okay, so... even if I believed you--and I'm not saying that I do-- why would you tell me? Why wouldn't you want me to believe the worst, Chloe? Um, I really don't want you involved in this, honey. Abigail: Oh, so she did do something. That woman--I am going to kill her! Jennifer: No, you are not. Abigail: [Sighs] Jennifer: Just relax, okay? It's not about Chloe. It's about me and Daniel, and it's something that we just have to deal with. What about you? How was your, uh, date with Cameron last night? Abigail: It was fine. Don't change the subject, Mom, please. Jennifer: Please. For me, okay? Do you know what would make me really happy? Abigail: What? Jennifer: Is for you to be happy. I want you to go out, I want you to go do something really fun, okay? Orders from mama right now. Abigail: Okay, fine! Fine. Bye. I love you. Jennifer: Love you. Go. Abigail: All right, I'm going. Jennifer: Bye. [SCENE_BREAK] Marlena: John, we can't survive this... if you keep walking away from me, if you will not talk to me. John: Don't know what to say. You were the one person... I always counted on. Marlena: I'm still that person. I love you so much. I've missed you so much. Will you look at what we have been through, what we have survived? Other couples couldn't begin to imagine that. And seriously? Seriously, this is what's gonna tear us apart? Roman: John, Marlena. Marlena: Roman. Roman: [Sighs] I'm sorry, uh, I'm interrupting. [SCENE_BREAK] Kristen: So wait a second. You think we're making your dad crazy, but not because he hates me... but because he's jealous? Really? Brady: Um, I'm just saying. I mean, he was so angry when he found out about this. Kristen: Yeah, I remember. Brady: He would've said anything. I mean, he even said that you admitted to him that you were with me just to hurt him. Kristen: Yeah. Brady: And now-- Kristen: What did--what? Brady: Well, now, he's kinda backing off from that a bit. Kristen: Really? So he admitted to you that he lied about what I said? Brady: Not exactly, no. But he-- Kristen: Okay, wait, wait. Do you think he lied then? Or do you think he's lying now? [SCENE_BREAK] Cameron: Yes, I have it. I know I was late, but-- oh-- fine. Just--just try not to be obvious. [SCENE_BREAK] Maggie: Jennifer let go? What do you mean? The last time she and I spoke-- Daniel: Okay, you know, I really don't wanna have this conversation, okay? Um, no, I don't-- Maggie: Okay. Daniel: [Sighs] Uh, no, actually, I have a favor I need to ask you. A colleague had to bow out of this medical conference in San Francisco, and he asked me to take his place. So I was kinda hoping that maybe you could help check in on Parker while I'm away. Maggie: Oh, Daniel, you know I love spending time with my grandson. But is it really that important for you to go to this conference now when things are so unresolved? Daniel: Yeah, with Jennifer. Maggie: Yeah! Jennifer! Daniel: No, she's the one who needs to get things resolved with herself. 'Cause I really--you know what? I don't really see that happening. Maggie: Daniel, I saw Jennifer last night, and she was absolutely devastated. She loves you. And if you are doubting that for a second-- okay, I know. I know, I know! I'm sticking my nose in where it shouldn't belong. But you're right about one thing. I love you both. And after what Jennifer's been through this last year, I don't think she can take another loss. Look. I'm not putting the responsibility on you, Daniel. I'm really not. But if you don't love Jennifer the way that she loves you, then you absolutely should walk away. But if you do, then why should you both be so miserable? Daniel: [Sighs] Maggie: Okay, I'll be going. Um, just let me know if you decide to go out of town, okay? Daniel: Okay. All right. [Groans] [SCENE_BREAK] Chloe: It's Parker's birth certificate. I asked the state's records office to remove Philip's name and replace it with Daniel's. It only took me seven forms and two hours on the phone. And instead, the incompetent idiots left it blank. Nancy: Honey, I'm sure that can be rectified. Chloe: I need it done now! Nancy: Chloe, it's been two years. Chloe: I need something I can shove in Jennifer's face today, something with my name next to Daniel's and Parker's. And it would've made a perfect excuse to go see him. Lord knows I need a good one after last night. Nancy: [Scoffs] Don't look at me. My bag of tricks is empty. [Phone ringing] Chloe: Oh, my God, it's him. Hello? Daniel: Chloe, it's me. Chloe: Daniel, what's up? Daniel: Are you at the apartment? Chloe: Yeah. Daniel: I'm coming over. Chloe: You're coming over? Great! I'll be here. Bye. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Hello... again. Marlena: Roman, would you please excuse us for a minute? Roman: Absolutely. Sure. Marlena: John, please. Don't you think I have a right to know the truth? Kristen came back to town after everything she had done to me and to you, to us. You began making excuses for her. You believed in her. John: Maybe if you had been honest with me, I would've realized sooner. Marlena: [Gasps] There it is. John: What? Marlena: You know exactly what she's up to. You haven't changed your mind about her. And you're only doing all this as a way to get through to Brady. Honey, if you don't trust me enough to tell me the plan... that's okay with me. But please just tell me that we're going to-- John: I can't. I can't. [Door closes] [SCENE_BREAK] Brady: Why would I think my father is lying now? Kristen, I've always believed in you. Kristen: No, you haven't! Liar. Brady: Al--uh-- well, let me clarify a bit. Not always, but a lot of people were telling me a lot of different things about you. Kristen: I know. Brady: And the fact is you were the one that told me that my dad would pretty much say anything to keep us apart. Kristen: Mm-hmm. So why do you think that would suddenly change? Don't you think it's possible that maybe he's just saying that he'll make an effort to accept me so that he can get you back? Brady: Ye--well... yeah. But my father's never lied to me about anything. But yes, it's possible. I hope he's being sincere. I want him to be sincere. But if he's not, there's nothing that man can say or do that's gonna keep us apart. That, I know. Kristen: I hope not. I have such a great idea... how we could find out what his true intentions are. Brady: What? Kristen: You're not gonna like it, 'cause you don't like the subject, I know. Brady: Just--what? Kristen: Okay, you and I... getting married. [SCENE_BREAK] Brady: Kristen, we talked about this. Kristen: I know, and I'm not suggesting that we actually get married. I mean, I'm not saying that. Brady: Okay, well-- Kristen: I'm just saying that maybe if we kind of casually drop the idea at dinner tonight with john, you know, we'd see how he reacted to it, and we'd find out how he really feels. I don't--uh... I don't wanna lie to him though. Kristen, I don't wanna risk the chance of ruining everything. Kristen: Okay. Brady: I just--I wanna take it one day at a time, you know? Kristen: Yeah. Brady: You know what I mean? Kristen: Yeah, it's okay. You know, I-- I'm thankful every day that we have each other, Brady. I feel so bad for Jennifer and Daniel. I know they're going through a rough time. Maybe I should go over and say hi and see how she's doing. Brady: I'm sure she'd appreciate that actually. Kristen: I wasn't sure, you know, that she and I would ever be friends again. People kinda saw me for the person I was... when I left Salem. I mean, not the woman that I-- I really am, you know? That I was before. Brady: Before you... fell in love with my dad and he broke your heart. Kristen: Yeah. Brady: Hey, hey, hey. I'm gonna make you a promise. He will never hurt you like that again, okay? Kristen: I'm not worried. Brady: I'll see you tonight, okay? Kristen: Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. Bye. [SCENE_BREAK] Cameron: Oh! Elise. Elise: Hmm? Cameron: Nobody's come by looking for me, have they? Elise: No. Not till right now. Cameron: Ah, hey! Abigail: Hi! Cameron: What are you doing here? Abigail: I had to drop off a psych assignment. Cameron: Oh, and here I was hoping you were coming to see me. Abigail: Well, I mean, I was hoping you'd be free. Cameron: Uh, I'm overdue for a break. Abigail: Oh. Cameron: Yeah. Come with me. Abigail: Okay. This way? Cameron: Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Roman: Lousy timing, huh? Marlena: No, it's not your fault. I appreciate your concern. But it just isn't your problem. Roman: I know, I just don't like seeing you hurting, that's all. And you know that I would do anything I could to make it better. [SCENE_BREAK] John: This is john black confirming reservations for tonight. Three. Correct. Thank you. I'm gonna make you a promise, Izzy B. I'm not gonna lose him. Not to her. Not ever. [SCENE_BREAK] Kristen: Jennifer! Jennifer: Kristen! Hi! Kristen: Hi! Jennifer: Come on in. Kristen: Oh, is it a bad time? Jennifer: Uh, no. No. Kristen: So how are you? I haven't seen you since Chicago. Jennifer: Yeah. Uh, good. Kristen: Really? Aw. What happened? [SCENE_BREAK] Chloe: How do I look? Nancy: Beautiful as always. Chloe, did Daniel say why he wanted to speak with you? Chloe: No, and I didn't ask him. Nancy: [Sighs] Well, at least you found your excuse to see him. Chloe: As long as he's not coming to see me because he found out what I did. Nancy: Wait a second. Isn't that why you told Jennifer that nothing happened? So that she wouldn't go blabbing to him about finding you in bed together? Chloe: Yeah, but if it does happen to come up, how am I going to explain it? Nancy: Um... [Gasps] Oh, I know. The bellman called you, said that Daniel was drunk. So you ran over there so worried, and then-- oh, and then you spilled something on your outfit, and-- Chloe: That's brilliant! Too bad I already used that. Nancy: Well, then all I can say is...good luck. You'll need it. [knocks on the door] Chloe: [Sighs] Here goes nothing. [SCENE_BREAK] Chloe: Mother, could you excuse us for a minute? Nancy: Oh, sure. Daniel: Uh, you know what? That's all right. I just wanted to let you know that a colleague asked me to fill in for him at a medical conference in California. Chloe: Oh! How long are you gonna be gone? Daniel: Well, it runs for about a week, but I don't know if I can be away from Parker for more than a day or so, so... Nancy: Actually, um, Chloe and I were just speaking about when I could take Parker to New York to see Craig and Joy. And... [Gasps] Daniel, if we work out our schedules, then we could do everything. You could go to the entire conference, and Parker would never even know you were gone. [SCENE_BREAK] [Both laughing] Cameron: I'm really glad to see you're back to your perky self. Caffeine, the wonder drug. Abigail: Actually, I think the credit goes to your company. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for mine. You still look so tired. Cameron: Thanks a lot. Abigail: I didn't-- I just--I want you to take care of yourself. You've been working so many double shifts lately-- Cameron: No, no, don't-- don't worry about me. I'm--I'll be fine. Abigail: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Marlena: Now that you mention it, there is something that you could do for me. Roman: Okay, name it. Marlena: You know I cherish our friendship... maybe even more than you know. Right now, things are so... fragile. I can't do anything to put my marriage in jeopardy. Roman: So you are saying that you want me to keep my distance? Well, you know what? I can do that. I will do that. But you know that if you need me, I'm just a phone call away. [SCENE_BREAK] Brady: Maggie, hi. Maggie: Hi, Brady. Brady: What's wrong? You okay? Maggie: You mean except that I'm worried about almost everyone I care about? [Sighs] Have you, uh, talked to Daniel lately? Brady: No. No. If you're asking me if I know about what went down with him and Jennifer, not exactly. Maggie: Well, he won't confide in me at all. I understand that. I was just hoping that at least he'd lean on his friends. Brady: I'll look into it. If there's something I can do, I'll do it. Maggie: Thank you. Dare I ask you, are you enjoying living in the DiMera mansion with, um, Kristen and Stefano? Brady: It's actually fine. It's great. And when my dad found out-- Maggie: Oh! I can imagine. Brady: No. Actually, he's really beginning to understand that Kristen is a part of my life now. As a matter of fact, he's doing his best. He's accepting her as part of the family. [SCENE_BREAK] Jennifer: Sit down. Kristen: So you and Daniel-- Jennifer: We had a really awful fight last night. Kristen: About Chloe. Jennifer: Who else? And I completely overreacted because-- Kristen: Well, who could blame you? Jennifer: No, but then when I managed to pull myself together, I went to Daniel's hotel room to apologize, and who opens the door? Kristen: Chloe? Jennifer: Yes. Kristen: [Gasps] Jennifer: And there's Daniel. Apparently he got drunk and he passed out and he was half- naked. Kristen: [Gasps] Okay, Jennifer. Do you think they actually, you know, had sex? Jennifer: No. No. Chloe said that they didn't. Kristen: Chloe said they didn't? Jennifer: Yeah, she found me to tell me that it wasn't at all what it looked like, Kristen. Kristen: That's weird. Why would she do that? Jennifer: That's a good question, but-- Kristen: Well, I guess it doesn't really matter, does it? Jennifer: What? Kristen: Well, you're not just gonna sit here, are you, and just wonder? Jennifer: I don't know. What else am I supposed to do? What can I do? Kristen: You've gotta be kidding me. You have to fight for your man. You can't just let that twit win. [SCENE_BREAK] Daniel: Well, if this works out for you, Nancy. Nancy: The sooner the better. I'm gonna go get Parker up from his nap so you can go for a little walk and have some daddy-son bonding time before you go. Daniel: Okay. Sounds like Nancy's homesick. Chloe: I guess so. Daniel: Yeah, so, you know, I think it's best that we just got a nanny from the service, like we originally planned, and you asked your mom to just go home. 'Cause this doesn't seem to be working out so well for any of us. Chloe: I'm sorry. Daniel: You know, you keep saying that, but things just keep getting worse and worse here. Chloe: What do you mean? What did Jennifer say to you? Daniel: Well, what hasn't she said to me? Chloe: Look, I meant it when I told her I was sorry. Daniel: Sorry for what? [SCENE_BREAK] Cameron: A domino's tournament? Abigail: Sounds lame, right? Cameron: No, not at all. It sounds really cool. Abigail: Oh! "Really cool." Do you play? Cameron: Not since I was a kid. Abigail: Well, I used to play all the time with my dad. He was convinced that it would improve our brain power. Unfortunately, it did not have that affect on me. But it'll just be a bunch of us who like the game, and we'll probably be doing more talking and laughing then actual dominos playing. Cameron: You know, I really wish I could go, just to see you in action. It's too bad I'm busy, so-- Abigail: Uh, another double shift? Cameron: [Sighs] Abigail: Bummer. Cameron: For me too. Hey... rain check? Abigail: Yeah. Absolutely. [SCENE_BREAK] Chloe: I told Jennifer I was sorry for what I did with you. Daniel: You told her that you kissed me? I thought-- Chloe: Yeah, I thought that you would've told her. Daniel: Well, I haven't really spoken with Jennifer. Nancy: Who's the handsome boy? Daniel: There's my man! What's up, kid? Elevator up! Come on! [Mimics vroom] Oh, yeah! You know what? You wanna go to the town square with your dad? Huh? All right, where's the love? Come on. That's what I'm talking about. All right. We're gonna be gone for maybe an hour or two, is that okay? Chloe: Perfect. See you guys later. Daniel: Let's do it, man! [Mimics revving] Let's get on out! Yeah! Oh! Okay, come on. Nancy: Chloe, before you say how I've ruined your life, please let me explain. I need to get back into Daniel's good graces, and the only way-- Chloe: Oh, you don't have to worry about that. Nancy: I don't? Chloe: No. Things seem like they're finally starting to go my way, with or without your help. Nancy: What do you mean? Chloe: Something amazing just happened. [SCENE_BREAK] Kristen: Do you really think that Chloe came to see you last night out of the kindness of her heart? Jennifer: No, because she's always trying to make things worse, not better. Kristen: Well, don't let her. Jennifer: I am trying, Kristen. Kristen: No, you're not trying. Jennifer: Yes, I am trying. Kristen: Don't you wanna know what really happened? I mean, look at Brady and me. We have far worse obstacles than Chloe lane. But I would never let anything stand between me and the man I love. [SCENE_BREAK] Brady: I think my dad has finally had to admit that Kristen is not the woman everyone has made her out to be. I mean, he was in love with her at one time. As a matter of fact, a part of me still believes that he-- Maggie: He loves her? Do you think he's jealous of you two? Oh, come on, is that what you think? Brady! You were very young when all this happened. I saw with my own eyes what Kristen did to your father and to Marlena. Oh, john! He would never be jealous of his own son. But he could never ever forget! Brady: Wow. Maggie, Kristen never did a single thing to you, yet you can't even try to keep an open mind about her. Tell me the truth. Do you think that my father is lying to me about accepting Kristen in my life? [SCENE_BREAK] [Knocking on door] John: Yeah? Who is it? Marlena: John, it's Marlena. John: [Sighs] Marlena: May I come in? John: If you are here to remind me of all the things Kristen has done to come between us, I don't wanna hear it. Marlena: No, I just need to understand something. How is it you are so sincerely willing to try to reach out to Kristen after all she's done... but not to me... your wife... the woman you love? [SCENE_BREAK] Cameron: I'm gonna go grab some more coffee. Elise: Okay. Cameron: Yeah. Abigail: Elise? Hi. Um, I walked off with Cameron's pen. You wouldn't happen to know-- Elise: He went that way. Abigail: Oh. Thank you. Elise: Uh-huh. [SCENE_BREAK] Jennifer: That felt good to just talk it all out. Thank you for the encouragement. Kristen: Yeah. Do you think it really helped though? Jennifer: Yeah. Kristen: I mean, are you actually gonna do anything about what we talked about? Or are you gonna let that twit just walk all over you? Jennifer: You know what? I'm going to walk away. And for your information, Daniel is the one who is letting Chloe stomp all over his heart right now. Kristen: He doesn't want to. It's because she's the mother of his son. He doesn't wanna lose Parker. Don't you think that you should just take yourself out of the equation? I mean, doesn't Daniel have the right to know what Chloe is really about? Jennifer: Kristen, if he hasn't figured that out by now, I am not gonna be the one to change his mind. Kristen: [Scoffs] Jennifer! Jennifer: What? Kristen: If you love him, you owe it to both of you to fight for him! Try again! [SCENE_BREAK] Daniel: You know what, Parker? We're not gonna see each other for a few days. And let me tell you what. That's gonna be rough on your dad. It is. You know what I can't believe? Parker: What? Daniel: How you have got me wrapped around that sticky little finger there already. Parker: Already? Daniel: Already! It wasn't too long ago, I didn't even know you were mine. Did you know that? Parker: Yeah. Daniel: I know. I know you did. I'm sorry. I wasn't there for you the first couple years of your life. But I will never let you down. You know that? Parker: Because you love me? Daniel: You're darn right. And you wanna know how much I love you? Do you? You wanna know how much I love you? Parker: Um-- Daniel: How much? Parker: Um, big hug! Daniel: Give it to me then, kid! Yea--oh, my gosh! That's right. Oh! [SCENE_BREAK] Maggie: I--I can't say what your father is thinking any more than you can. Brady: I'll tell you what, if he's playing me again-- Maggie: Oh, Brady, don't. Brady: Don't? I'm sorry, don't what? Don't what? Maggie: Look, you said you were going out to dinner with him tonight. Right? Okay. Brady: Yeah. Maggie: John is putting a lot on the line for you. Brady: I-I know that. Maggie: Okay. Then you must know that you owe it to him to give him the benefit of the doubt. Brady: [Sighs] Maggie: And please, promise me... don't ever forget how much he loves you. John: I can't tell you what you wanna hear. Maggie: I don't expect you to tell me everything that's going on. [SCENE_BREAK] John: I can't tell you what you wanna here Marlena: I don't expect you tell me everything -- John: Sure you do. Sure you do. I need you to leave. Marlena: No! No. No. You are not getting rid of me that easily. I am your wife. I deserve an answer. And I am not leaving here until I get one. [SCENE_BREAK] Maguire: You better not be late again. Cameron: You can't come here. [Inaudible counting] [SCENE_BREAK] Chloe: I've played this just right. Nancy: Did you? Chloe: Yeah. Daniel hasn't talked to Jenn since she slapped him silly. He has no clue what happened. Nancy: Chloe, I hate to be a negative Nancy, but... when Daniel does talk to Jennifer and get a clue, what are you gonna do then? [SCENE_BREAK] Daniel: This is us just chillin'. Parker: I can move it too. Daniel: You can move it. Just rock it back and forth. I like it. You look comfor-- you comfortable down there? Parker: Mm-hmm. Jennifer: Hi. Daniel: Yeah. Yeah. Hi. Jennifer: Do you think we could, uh, talk for a minute? Daniel: Yeah, like talk first, slap later? Jennifer: No, just, uh-- just talk... about Chloe and about the two of us. [SCENE_BREAK] Kristen: I was afraid if I told you I would lose you. [Crying] That's all. John: Well, woman... you just postponed the inevitable. Kristen: No. John: 'Cause you have lost me forever. Kristen: No! Whatever you're up to, John, you will know the pain I felt that day. [SCENE_BREAK] Marlena: John, listen to me. I know all that's wrong with this marriage is because I was not honest with you. But if you respond in kind... we don't have a prayer of fixing this. John: All right. All right. All I can say is this. I would not give Kristen a second chance, not in a million years. But right now, Brady can't know that. 'Cause if he does, I'm afraid I will lose him for good. Marlena: Thank God she's not going to win again. [Both sigh] Oh, honey. | John and Marlena went back and forth about what he has in store for Kristen |
621 | Elizabeth: Ms. Gilbert is currently stable, but as expected, her system is compromised by the advanced state of the AIDS virus. Patrick: She's alive today. That's all that matters. Elizabeth: Because of you. Alan: I heard about the incident in the O.R. Patrick: So you know that I pricked myself during the procedure? Robin: And as I explained, if Patrick would've stopped to wash his hands, the patient would've died. Alan: I'm not here to criticize you, but your patient has end-stage AIDS and you've been exposed. So you need to be tested immediately for HIV and for Hep B and C. Robin: Which you have a higher risk of contracting. Patrick: How long for results? Alan: 24 hours. But in the meantime, I strongly recommend you start post- exposure prophylaxes. Robin: P.E.P. -- anti-retroviral drugs. Patrick: Yep. Whatever's necessary. Alan: Okay. Exam room three, 10 minutes. Patrick: Okay. Alan: Elizabeth, I'm going to need you. Robin: Patrick? Patrick: You don't need to baby-sit me. I'm going to be fine. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikolas: Alfred -- Alfred: Hmm? Nikolas: We need to discuss this sudden interest you've taken in my social life. Alfred: I understand. You're about to take me to task for my matchmaking attempts with your ex-wife. Nikolas: Actually, I was going to thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: Dr. Lainey started laying in on me, talking to me about things she shouldn't be talking to me about. I don't care how many -- how many certificates she has on the wall. Emily: Do you want to tell me? Sonny: Yeah, I'll tell you. Dr. Winters says that it's my mother's fault that my stepfather beat me, that she should've protected me -- like anybody knows what happened all those years ago. I got mad -- how can you blame me? And you know what Dr. Winters says? Emily: Uh-uh. Sonny: Dose up the medication. Emily: I'm sure it's not meant to punish you. Dr. Winters is committed to -- to getting you better. Sonny: To what, doping me up? I got -- I have a temper. I know that. Right. Emily: Yeah, your temper is the reason you need to stay in therapy, Sonny. You've lived through so much. Sonny: Right. Right. And I survived it. Emily: Yes. Sonny: Right. Emily: You did. But the little boy inside of you is still suffering. Can't -- can't you accept the reality of what happened to you? Sonny: So you feel the same way? That it's my mother's fault that that pig hit her and me and -- Emily: Please don't put words in my mouth. I'm not -- Sonny: You know, I don't care how many years of therapy I have to go through, how many bottles of lithium I have to take, I will never blame my mother. And not you or anybody else will judge her. Carly: Sonny -- stop. Hey -- you need to calm down. I realize you might've had a hard session with Lainey, but that doesn't give you the right to come here and take it out on Emily. Emily: I don't need you to protect me from Sonny, Carly, and please don't blame this on the therapy. It's just going to give him another excuse to quit. Sonny: Okay, you know, don't talk to Carly like you're in charge of my life, because you're not. Emily: Stop treating me like I'm the enemy, because I'm trying to get you help. Emily: We get it, Sonny. You hate therapy. Well, guess what -- so does everybody else who's ever had to go through it. But you get the work done. You take an active role in your own well-being instead of raging out of control and punishing the people who are trying to help you. Sonny: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to -- Emily: Yeah, you're always sorry -- not enough. You're not stumbling around in the dark anymore. You know what's wrong with you, you know how to manage it. Stop cowering in the closet. You're not a child. Come out and take control of your life before you wreck it for good. Carly: Who knew? The mouse roars. Sonny: Don't start. Carly: I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Emily. She's right. Sonny: I agree. Carly: You do? Sonny: Yeah. She -- she deserves a lot more than I've been handing out. Something's got to change. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikolas: I loathe to admit it, but I have enjoyed the time Emily spent here at your instigation. Alfred: Hmm. Does that mean I have your permission to lure the former Mrs. Cassadine here as often as inspiration allows? Nikolas: As tempting as your offer may sound, it wouldn't be fair for me to impose on Emily's good nature for any lack that I may be feeling in my life. Alfred: Hmm. Sensitive history aside, your son still needs a mother. [John coos] Colleen: There's my favorite guy. Give Colleen that special smile. You know me, don't you, sweetheart? It's a beautiful day. Nikolas: Mm-hmm. Colleen: I thought I'd take John for a walk through the meadow. Nikolas: Yeah, that sounds good. Colleen: Make it even better and join us. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Hey, I am so sorry. I know you've been waiting for the parole documents. The courthouse elevator stalled on me twice this morning. Someone's either got it out for me, or it's just, you know, dangerous. Lucky: Okay, I'll call maintenance. Sam: Okay. All right, I'm off. Lucky: Hey, Sam? A file that connects Jason with the Escobars went missing. Stuff around here gets misplaced all the time. So if that file -- [Sam sighs] Lucky: Were to turn up, say, in that stack that you just dropped off, no one would question it. Sam: So you think that I stole that file to protect Jason? Lucky: No, that's not what I'm saying. Sam: Well, I got your drift anyway. You're not very subtle, and you're not very well informed, either. Jason broke up with me -- unceremoniously, I might add -- so I'm not exactly motivated to risk my new job to protect him. And it doesn't really matter what kind of incriminating evidence you have in that file, the police department has never been able to pin anything on him. And I don't think they -- you -- ever will. Lucky: What, because he's innocent, or because he's good at covering up his tracks? Sam: Either way, Jason doesn't need me to protect him. Lucky: I'm sorry if I offended you. I just thought you might want to know that Jason's off his game. Sam: Whoa, wait a minute. What do you mean by that? Lucky: Because Manny shot Jason. I had to save Jason's life. Sam: Wait a minute. You don't seriously believe that, do you? Lucky: Why are you looking like you've never even heard this before? It was all over the news. I shot and killed Manny. I even got a promotion -- Sam: Whoa, whoa, whoa. When you went onto that roof, Jason and Manny were already fighting, right? Lucky: Jason was wounded. Sam: Did they see you? Lucky: No, not at first. Sam: Not at first? Because they were still wrapped up in the moment. They were only worried about who would survive. Lucky: So what? Sam: "So what?" Jason -- it doesn't matter how much pain he was in or how hurt he was. He wasn't going to leave that roof until Manny was dead. Lucky: Well, now it's my turn to ask what you're implying. You don't think I shot Manny? Sam: I'm not saying that. You could've shot Manny. I don't think Manny died in your hands. Lucky: I was there and I know what happened. Sam: And I know Jason. He knew what a threat Manny was to everyone that he loved. He wasn't going to leave that roof until the threat was removed. Lucky: Jason tell you that? Sam: No, he didn't have to. Because Jason always does what he says -- Lucky: Right. Sam: Even when it hurts. Lucky: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. [SCENE_BREAK] Alfred: Well, I'm glad we caught you. Nikolas: "We"? Alfred: Miss Emily is here -- of her own volition, sir. Nikolas: Hi. Emily: Hi. Nikolas: This is a nice surprise. Emily: Yeah, I should've called first. Nikolas: No, no, no -- Colleen: We were just about to take a walk. Emily: Oh, okay. No, I -- I won't interrupt your plans. Um -- I just had a disagreeable few hours and I needed a dose of innocence to cheer me up. Nikolas: Oh, okay. Well, we got plenty of that. Colleen, take the rest of the afternoon off. Emily and I will -- we'll take John. Come here, buddy. It'll give us a chance to take a look at the new stables. Colleen: Oh, of course. Nikolas: See you. Emily: Bye. Alfred: Mark my words -- those two will be a couple again in a matter of months. [Colleen sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: I know Emily doesn't seem very strong, but I tell you what, she's a lot stronger than people give her credit for. She never folded. She went against everybody, including Jason, her family -- even you. She gave -- you know, she gave me all she had, and it's not her fault that I was too scared to hold up my end of the deal. Carly: What were you afraid of? Sonny: I was afraid that I was going to do what I -- what I just did -- get angry or -- everything that you and Jason warned me about. Emily -- you know, she was the brave one. I had feelings for her, I could not own them. She just said it straight out, no pretense, no games. But I knew eventually I would wreck her, that she should not be with a man like me. And I got to tell you something. The minute I opened my heart to her, I let the sickness in. Now, that's wrong, twisted. Why would I do that? Carly: You're asking me? Sonny: Yeah, yeah. Carly: The queen of self-destruction? God created therapy for people like us, Sonny. Sonny: You think I should stay with it? Carly: Yeah, I do. Sonny: Maybe you're right. Sitting with Lainey an hour at a time, taking medication like a good little boy could level me out. I don't think so, but possibly. Okay. I tell you what, one thing I do know for sure, I will never be an easy person to live with. Not the kind of man, the kind of "prince" Emily deserves. [SCENE_BREAK] Alan: Thank you, Elizabeth. Will you get that to the lab? Elizabeth: Right away. Patrick: I didn't get a chance to thank you. You did amazing work in the O.R. You didn't flinch once, and I know it was a big risk to have us all in there. Elizabeth: Well, it's a privilege to assist you under any circumstance. You're an amazing doctor. Patrick: What now? Alan: Well, if you test positive, we'll get you on to a protocol right away. Patrick: If I'm negative? Alan: You will still continue to take the anti-retroviral drugs for another four weeks. Then in January, we'll test you again just as a precautionary measure. The good news is -- if there is such a thing -- is that 99% of the people who come up positive will do so in the first six months. Hey, try not to worry, Patrick. I'm going to get this prescription in. Robin: Hey. Patrick: You don't have to keep popping in. I'm sure there's patients worse off than me that could use your pushy bedside manner. Robin: I was just checking on you. I thought if you wanted to, we could talk. If you need to be alone, that's okay. Patrick: I was going to say that alone would be good, but I could really use your company. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait! Hold the elevator! Oh, gosh. Oh, unbelievable. I'm sorry -- no, I got it. Jason: That's all right. Sam: Oh, you're kidding me, right? I must be wearing a path. Why? Why? Jason: You dropped this. [Elevator stops] Sam: Oh. Can this day get any worse? Don't answer that, please. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: You know, I've never been a fan of the Sonny/Emily combo platter. It's not like her to go off on you like she was when I walked in the door. So that tells me there's something deeper going on. Want to talk about it? Sonny: Well, I'm kind of all talked out right now. First it was Lainey, then Emily, and I just-- Carly: So you guys were arguing over something that started in your therapy session? Sonny: You're not going to let go of this, are you? Carly: No. Sonny: Okay. Carly: So you might as well humor me. Sonny: All right. Oh -- Lainey upped up -- she wanted me to take more medication and I kind of fought her on it. Carly: Why? Sonny: Why? Because I -- I decided to take the medication so it could control my emotions. I don't want to take it and then not feel anything at all. Carly: Lainey is a good therapist. She's not trigger-happy when it comes to prescribing medication. If she says she needs to up your dosage, then maybe she does, and you need to go with it, Sonny. Sonny: Oh, I don't know. Carly: You need to find someone to trust while you're going through this. Sonny: Okay. Carly: Stay open, trust your shrink, work the program, okay? It's the only way you're going to fix what's broken. Sonny: Some things can't be fixed. Carly: Like what? Sonny: I don't know. Carly: Like what? What's going on? Sonny: Like what happened to my mother. Lainey says to me that it -- it was my mother's fault that my stepfather beat the hell out of me. That if I should be mad at anybody, it should be my mother. Carly: Maybe she has a point. Sonny: Okay, don't -- you don't -- you don't want to go there, okay? Carly: I used to wonder myself why you were never mad at Adela. Sonny: I'm warning you, don't point fingers at my mother for this. Carly: Okay, well, how about this? It's a good thing I never met her, because I would've kicked her butt to Buffalo and back. [SCENE_BREAK] Robin: So, Alan's putting you on PEP? Patrick: I think so. Ahem. Honestly, I have no idea what I agreed to. Robin: Well, you're in shock. Patrick: Yeah. Robin: It'll pass. Patrick: It's kind of different for me, huh? Robin: Hmm? Patrick: Contemplating my mortality? I can honestly say I've never given it a second thought, even after the liver transplant. Robin: Well, that is the beauty of a doctor's psyche -- we live on the line between life and death every day and assume that it'll never happen to us. Patrick: Hey, I guess we have to live that way. Otherwise, we'd be paralyzed. Can I pick your brain? Robin: Sure. Patrick: After the initial shock wears off, what can I expect? Robin: Oh, lots of fun stuff -- denial, paranoia, anger -- um -- regret, fear. And then acceptance kind of creeps in, which will help prepare you for whatever should happen. Patrick: What about a reaction to meds? Robin: Oh, I'd keep a little barf bag with you at all times. Patrick: Charming. Robin: There are worse things, actually, like not knowing if you're infected, or trying to ignore it so it'll go away. But you are doing the right thing by being proactive about it. The anti-retroviral medication can work. Patrick: I wish there had been an option for you. Robin: Me, too. I have to go do rounds. Patrick: Yeah. Robin: I will come back when I'm finished. [Patrick sighs] Elizabeth: Hey. Patrick: Hey. Elizabeth: Your blood work is in the lab, and my shift is over. Patrick: Good. Go home and get some rest. You deserve it. Elizabeth: I feel like I need to say something, I just don't know what. Patrick: Wow. That's a change for you. Elizabeth: Gee, thanks. Patrick: Thank you. It's the thought that counts. Go home, get some rest, tell Lucky what happened. I'm sure he'll agree that I'm hands-off now. You okay? Elizabeth: Yeah. Yeah. Patrick: Honestly, if there's something you want to talk about, I could really use the distraction. Elizabeth: Okay. It -- it's Lucky. He's -- um -- he's kind of in a weird place right now. It's like he's balanced on the edge of an abyss, and I'm afraid it wouldn't take much to push him over. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: Maintenance realizes there's a problem with this elevator, but they need to get a special fuse. Sam: Well, hello? Have they ever heard of an "out of order" sign? Jason: It's the courthouse -- nothing works right here. [Sam sighs] Jason: Might as well relax. We could be here for a while. Sam: "For a while." Yeah, sure, why not? That's kind of the day I've been having, actually. I spilled coffee on my new outfit before I even left the house. And then I -- and then I was going to work and I had to detour off and I had to go all through this road construction. It made me 20 minutes late to work, and then I got to work and I broke a heel in probate and I had to put on really uncomfortable shoes -- these ones, actually -- and they're killing my feet. And then I was accused of stealing confidentialities, and now I'm stuck in the elevator with my security-risk ex, who everybody thinks I'm covering for. And if that's not enough, I have to take my G.E.D. test tomorrow, yes, and I haven't studied for anything, no. So I'm probably going to fail. Would you mind if I scream, because you're just standing here being all calm and insufferable. [Sam sighs] Jason: I can't fix the elevator. I definitely don't know anything about your shoes, but maybe I could help you pass your test. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: It took me a long time to realize how badly you were abused, mainly because you didn't like talking about your childhood. Sonny: Mm-hmm. Carly: But every time you did, it was always about Deke and how he beat you and how he locked you in the closet. And I used to wonder if Adela even knew what was going on. Then I had two kids of my own and I realized there's no way she couldn't have known. Sonny: That piece of crap was beating her, too. Carly: Okay. And? Sonny: "And?" Carly: I realize that Adela was abused. That comes with a whole different mindset. But why didn't she grab you and get you the hell out of there? Why didn't she fight, for god's sake? You used to tell me things, and I would wonder, "Where the hell is his mother?" I used to picture Michael and Morgan screaming their heads off while some pig was pounding on them, and I couldn't even visualize it, Sonny. Because you know what I would've done? I would've grabbed a skillet of bacon grease and thrown it in his face, and then turned around and beat him with it. Because there's no way I would let anyone hit my kids and then live to do it again. Sonny: My mother wasn't like you, Carly. She wasn't strong. Carly: You're as strong as you need to be, Sonny. Sonny: Well, that's -- that's -- my mother used to say that. Now, I -- I mean, she -- she used to say "We're as strong as we need to be." Carly: And that's a load. She should've been strong before you had the hell beat out of you. You can yell and scream at me or you can throw things at me -- I don't care. I'm going to say it anyway. You might as well have been alone. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikolas: He's a wonder every day, huh? Emily: Yeah. Nikolas: Are you sure you're up to see that mare? Emily: I really want to. I just don't know if we should take John to the stables -- the horses might scare him. Nikolas: No, no -- Emily: Here you go, buddy. Oh, goodness. There we go. [Emily gasps] Emily: Here we go. Nikolas: Good boy. [Emily laughs] Nikolas: Cassadine men aren't afraid of horses. Telling bedtime stories -- that's a different issue, huh? [Emily laughs] Nikolas: I'm going to put this -- Emily: Well, John won't have that problem for a long time. He has you for that. Shall we? Nikolas: Yeah. Emily: Here we go. Okay. Nikolas: Here we go. Emily: Bye-bye. Nikolas: Alfred will keep an eye on him, too. Let's go. Emily: Okay. Colleen: This isn't good, little one. Your father could end up with that -- snip, and your great-grandma wouldn't like that at all. Now that I'm getting to know Nikolas, I'm not sure I like it, either, so we have to do something to convince Nikolas that you're not that safe in Miss Emily's care. Hmm. [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: Hey. I thought you were on duty for a couple more hours. Lucky: Yeah, well, I left -- not that it matters. I don't even deserve to call myself a cop. Elizabeth: Where did that come from? Lucky: There was no bullet wound found in Manny when he died, which means the shot I fired must've missed. You know that little shiny medal that they gave me and promotion to detective? It was all based on lies. I didn't kill Manny. Jason did. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Can't be here. I can't go through with this like this -- with the way things are or the way things aren't. I'm not really -- I just want to go home right now. Okay. Fine. You want to quiz me? Quiz me. Jason: Oh, okay. What's -- what's your worst subject? Sam: I don't know. Gee, pick one, any one -- science. We'll start with science. Jason: Science. Okay. "The prefixes of alkalines that are higher than four use traditional Latin what?" What? Is it too -- easy? Hard? Sam: I have no clue what the answer is. I'm not even sure I understand the question. Jason: Okay. Sam: Ugh, gosh. Of course, this is it, you know? Sam McCall trying to conquer -- conquer the world. I -- I must've forgotten the basic rule of my life -- I never get what I want. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: What was my mother supposed to do? Deke was a cop, everybody -- everybody thought that he was the greatest guy in the world. If she had left him, he'd have put out an A.P., and he'd have found us, assuming we even got to the bus station, and I got to tell you something. If my mother had embarrassed Deke or made him look like a thug in front of the entire town, he'd have made our life a living hell. Or let's say she fought back, picked up a skillet like -- like you said you would've done, or, God forbid, killed him? His brotherhood would've sent my mother to prison, and then where would I have been? Carly: There are ways around things, Sonny. Sonny: Yeah. Carly: Did Adela ever try and get help? Sonny: No. Carly: Did she go to counseling? Sonny: Counseling -- that's -- that's something that was -- only rich people did. There was no counseling in my -- in my neighborhood. What you did was you shut your mouth, and you dealt with the issues in-house. Carly: Okay, so tell me how that works -- on a daily basis. Sonny: What? Carly: Did Adela lie? Say the bruises and the welts were caused by you both being so clumsy? All the absences at school were from colds and the flu? Sonny: Yeah. Carly: But I thought your mother loved you, Sonny. Sonny: My mother was scared. You got to understand that. Carly: Here's what I understand. Your mother went to her grave protecting Deke with a lie, and did absolutely nothing to protect an innocent little boy. You blame Mike for abandoning you? Your mother abandoned you and she never even left the house. Sonny: She loved me. Carly: Then why didn't she fight for you? Sonny: I don't know. She -- she could have, I guess. I -- I couldn't -- I couldn't do it myself. Um -- why didn't she fight for me? [SCENE_BREAK] Alan: This is the full four-week regimen. Patrick: What about my position here? Alan: I expect you to carry on as usual. You're going to have to take extra precaution, but the chances of you passing on the virus to a patient is minimal -- that's even if you test positive. Alan's voice: I'd recommend anti-viral therapy and we must start it immediately -- AZT. It means you would take six tablets a day for two weeks. I must tell you, there are some side effects -- headaches, nausea -- but most patients find it manageable. In two weeks, we'll run another blood test. If your blood test is okay, we'll consider adding another drug. In the meantime, we can't afford to lose you, Patrick. You're an exceptional surgeon. We all need you here. You keep your chin up. Patrick: Thanks, Alan. Patrick: Well, tomorrow I'll either be bending over a patient or a bucket. Robin: Or both. Hopefully, not at the same time. Patrick: I understand you a lot better now. Although, the risk of me giving it to a patient is incalculable, there's that feeling that you know it's inside of you. You could be that less than 1%. Robin: But it is manageable. You just incorporate the new way, and eventually it becomes who you are. Patrick: Wow. Robin: So if you're infected -- and I -- I pray to god that you're not -- you will find a way to deal with this and you will never let it hold you back. Patrick: Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikolas: She's a beauty, isn't she? Emily: Yeah, I can understand why you absolutely had to have her. Nikolas: Yeah. What's wrong? Where's John? Colleen: In his room. He -- he's okay -- now. Nikolas: "Now"? What do you mean, "now"? Colleen, what's wrong? What happened to John? Where is he? Colleen: I found John asleep face-down in the bassinet. Babies can smother and die that way; it can cause SIDS. Emily: Oh, my God. I'm -- I'm so sorry. I -- I could've sworn I put John on his back. Nikolas: No, it's -- it's okay. No harm done, it's all right. Emily: Oh, well, I'm grateful that -- that you came in when you did. I don't know what I -- I would've done if I'd harmed that beautiful boy. I swear, Nikolas, this will never happen again. Nikolas: No, of course not. It's -- no, it's okay. Emily: My God. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucky: I'm no hero. I'm no super cop. I can't even manage a single shot across the roof. Elizabeth: Well, maybe -- maybe your bullet didn't hit Manny, but by you showing up, the sound of your shot, it created a distraction -- Lucky: What -- Elizabeth: So that Jason could throw Manny off the roof. Lucky: They don't hand out medals for that. Elizabeth: I'm sorry. You're still my hero. Isn't that enough? Lucky: Yeah, I guess it'll have to be. Elizabeth: Baby, I'm sorry. Come here. What's this? Are you still taking these? [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Cosine equals B over C. Jason: That's right Sam: Oh. Jason: I mean, you've only missed the first one. This -- you're doing good. Good job. Sam: Yeah, but -- don't be nice, please. Alexis is always nice and it drives me crazy because I know it's just an act. My mother thinks I'm a bimbo, you know, and why wouldn't she? Because she is an intellectual with degrees all over the wall. She does the Sunday crossword with a pen, and I -- I don't even have a high school diploma. Jason: Who cares what she thinks? I mean, look at what you've accomplished on your own. You're a survivor. You live by your wits, you supported yourself, you made a life. Sam, this is just -- this is just a test you're going to pass because you can do anything that you set your mind to. Sam: I can't have you back, can I? [SCENE_BREAK] [Sonny sighs] Sonny: I don't want to go through this process and end up hating my mother. She was a -- a good person and a generous, kind heart. She did love me. Carly: I know. Sonny: Maybe she wasn't strong enough -- I don't know -- smart enough, brave enough. But it doesn't -- it doesn't make her a bad person. Carly: I never said Adela was bad. In many ways, she was a saint. But you need to look at the whole picture if you want to be able to get any clarity. Everything you are today came of age in that apartment, Sonny, in that closet, with those people. And if you want to figure out what drives you, you need to see them both as they were -- neither demonized nor idolized. Sonny: Other than my mother, you were -- you were the person who influenced my life the most. It's kind of ironic because you two couldn't be more different. She was gentle, you're like a bulldozer and -- [Sonny laughs] Sonny: And she was quiet, and you're, like, the noisiest person on the planet. [Carly laughs] Carly: Thank you. Sonny: No, I'm just -- it's just that I'm starting to figure out that the definition of a good woman is not somebody who's -- who's just sweet and nice and all that kind of thing. You need to have some fire and you have to be able to stand up and you have to be able to protect your children when -- you know, at any cost. Whew. I've -- I've kind of done a disservice, kind of been quick to judge with you, because I had preconceived notions and -- you -- you're an amazing woman, and my -- my children are -- are very lucky to have you as their mother. Carly: Thank you. That means a lot to me. Sonny: You know, I mean, you -- you took a big chance coming here, making me see what I didn't want to see. I mean, why, did you think that it wouldn't turn out ugly? Carly: Because I know you. And whether you realize it or not, you're ready to get better. I just was along for the process. I want to make something clear. I have never doubted in my mind, ever, that your mother didn't love you. I know that she would want you to be happy and she wouldn't want you to think about all the bad things that happened to her, and she wouldn't want you to think about what she did or she didn't do. She'd want you to be whole, Sonny, and she would want you to be happy. You have to make the choice. [NEXT_ON] Elizabeth: Have you been taking these pills the entire time? Lucky: You set me up! All you really wanted to do was bust me. Jason: Don't think I ever stopped loving you. Sam: I miss us. Jason: So do I. Carly: You were wonderful to me -- I knew I loved you. Sonny: You don't have to leave. | Liz discovers Lucky is taking drugs |
622 | Paul: Patty. You recognize me, don't you? Patty: Paulie. Paul: You do! [Chuckles] I knew it! The doctor said not to get my hopes up, but look at you. This is great! Oh, Patty, I'm so happy. And look, we have an artist in the family. And you're very productive. Look at all your paintings. They're beautiful. I'm very impressed. I am. [Clatter] Patty: It's a present. Mariah: Metal detector? Is that really necessary? Stonevale is a secure facility, ma'am. Mariah: Okay. I'm sorry. It's just these things, they kind of freak me out. Not that I'm trying to smuggle anything in or anything. I didn't do anything wrong. I'm gonna stop talking now. Phone. Purse. Sharon: Love you, Dylan! See you when you get home! Nick: What's wrong? [Machine beeps] Do you have any metal on you? Mariah: I don't think so. Oh, you know what? Could this have done it? [Coins clatter] Mariah: Just go back around. [Knock on door] [Computer keys clacking] [Knock on door] Summer: Jack? Hey. What are you doing here? Where's Jack? Ashley: And everybody's talking about brash & sassy's party, celebrating the new campaign. Not to mention the tantalizing, new perfume and ad campaign. Have you heard anything I've said? Jack: Yeah, party, tantalizing. I got it. Ashley: Jack, this is important. Our competitors are going for it -- market share, headlines, and we've got nothing. Nothing. How we gonna fight this? Jack: Let's discuss this in my office, please. Phyllis: I was dropping off some research. Summer: Okay, um, well, I'm glad I found you. I wanted to talk to you for a second if that's okay. Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. Come on. Let's go back to my cozy, little closet. Summer: Okay. Jack: What's going on? Phyllis: I was just dropping off some r&d; files. Jack: And what are you doing here? Summer: I was just looking for my mom. Jack: You seem to be doing a lot of that recently. Summer: That's okay, isn't it? Phyllis: Bark at me, Jack. That's fine. But please don't use that tone with my daughter. Jack: I'm sorry, summer. This is a work environment. We need to keep it secure. I thought you'd be busy at Newman by now. Summer: I'm actually on my way to go to a meeting with Abby right now. Jack: Don't leave. Ashley: Bye, summer. [Sighs] There must be some way to get rid of that woman, Jack. Because of Billy and Phyllis, we're still dealing with negative P.R. Issues. Now that brash & sassy is making so much noise, it's just another hit that we can't afford to take. It's a problem, Jack. What is it? Jack: Nothing. Paul: It's beautiful. I love it. I know where I'm gonna hang it. Something you want to tell me. I can feel it. I can see it in your eyes. What is it? Patty? Look, it's just you and me here. Nobody's here. No matter how bad -- no matter how bad it is, you can tell me. You're safe, okay? Sweetheart? Come on, Patty. I want to help you. You know that, right -- I love you and I want to help you? Sharon: Um, you don't have to do that. Nick: Hey, while there's a stalker on the loose and you're stuck with me playing bodyguard, I'm gonna make myself useful. Sharon: [Sighs] Gosh, it got cold in here all of a sudden, didn't it? Fall really came early this year. Nick: You're cold? I could make a fire. Do you want a fire? Sharon: Um, yeah, yeah, that sounds great. Nick: Okay. Sharon: [Sighs] Mariah, you have to get out of there. Paul is going there to visit with Patty. If he sees you, it's over. Everyone will find out about sully. [Sighs] Mariah: I'm so sorry about this. I don't know why the metal detector keeps going off. Look, nothing. Sometimes it's sensitive, but I'll have to wand you. Mariah: Okay. [Desk clangs] Summer: I still cannot believe that Jack put you in this hole in the wall. Phyllis: [Sighs] We both know he is punishing me. I can handle it. Summer: Yeah, but you've been working so hard. I just wish he'd , and that is on me. He is angry. He is hurt. And I'm just gonna have to ride it out. Summer: Yeah, well, why is Jack angry with me? I mean, he practically bit my head off. Phyllis: Honey, you were standing too close to me. L that molten anger, fiery hot that he loves to save fo all over you, so I am sorry for that. Summer: Well, I love you and I love Jack. I just wish, you know... Phyllis: I know. I wish, too. Summer: Hey, I, uh, have something for you. Phyllis: Really? Yeah. Too much, but... Phyllis: [Laughs] Well, there's not much room in here. I love this! Summer: I was hoping I could get you, you know, a painting, some art for the walls. I just didn't really know your color scheme. Phyllis: Well, I don't think dingy is a color scheme anyway. I love it. It's perfect. Summer: Well, elephants are supposed to bring good luck, so... Phyllis: Oh, well, that's good. I need plenty of that. Hey, didn't you tell me you have a meeting with Abby pretty soon? Summer: What? You trying to get rid of me, too? Phyllis: Oh, of course not. Summer: Yeah, actually, I do have that meeting to get to, so... Phyllis: Hey. Thank you. Thank you for this and thank you for being my beautiful, amazing daughter. I've really been having a tough time lately solely brought on by myself, but you've been there for me. I love you so much. Summer: I love you, too. Yeah, I mean, I think I've been having a tough time since Luca. I think we've been there for each other. And Jack is gonna come around someday. I know it. I love you. R one more second. Jabot is in crisis. No doubt. We need to be proactive about protecting our market share. You did a great job on tracking brash & sassy's awareness metrics, and we will keep that data. But right now, we have to develop a strategy to strengthen and solidify our position. Ashley: Okay, well, I think what we need to do is start boosting our influence for marketing. Jack: No, hold on. I agree that brash & sassy is a priority. I can't take that on right now. Ashley: You're the C.E.O., so you might have to. Phyllis: Got your I.M. You wanted to speak with me? Jack: Yeah, brash & sassy is going big. I guess you already know that. I need to develop a strategic marketing plan, targeted, and I want both of you in charge of it. Ashley: What do you mean? Phyllis and me? No. Jack: Yes. The decision's already been made. Phyllis, your office will serve as the war room. Get to work. Ashley: Oh, fantastic. Summer: And if you look at the operational efficiency ratios, the fixed -- Abby: Wait, where's my copy? It was just right here. Now I can't find it. Summer: Is this about Ben? Abby: [Sighs] Everything's about Ben. Summer: Do you want to talk about it? Abby: I've already talked about it too much with you, with my mom, with the guy who picks up my dry cleaning, even my dad. Summer: Grandpa? What was his advice? Abby: He said that we should try and fix what's wrong, and if we can't, then I should do what's best for me. Summer: So... Abby: So, I don't know what's best for me. I mean, I think I want one thing, and then I want something else. I think we can work on our marriage, and then I'm not so sure. Summer: I think that you're just looking for someone to tell you that it's okay if you're not in love with Ben anymore. Abby: No, I love Ben. Yeah, and I want to work on our marriage. We both do. We talked again, and we're trying to sort things out. Summer: It just didn't go as you had planned? Abby: Something like that. Wait, that -- that doesn't mean that I should just give up, right? I mean, we need to focus on the positive, on the reason why we fell in love, the reason why we got married. We have to create new memories and work on the ones that we already had. I think that'll save our marriage. Summer: Well, it looks like you're gonna get a chance to create a moment right now. Stitch: Hey. Your office told me you'd be here. Abby: Hi. Stitch: Wow. You look busy. Hey, summer. Summer: Hey. Abby: You know, numbers, spreadsheets, more numbers. Stitch: Oh, wow. That sounds exciting, but, uh, I got your get-out-of-work- free ticket here. Abby: I don't understand. Stitch: This is a signed letter by Victor Newman himself excusing you for the rest of the day. If you want to spend some quality time with your husband, that is. Summer: This is not very pressing. We can definitely pick this up tomorrow. Abby: It looks like I'm free. Stitch: Great. [Both laugh] Summer: Have fun, you two. Abby: Bye. Summer: Bye. Stitch: See you, summer. Abby: Um, you were in surgery so late last night. I just thought you'd want to catch up on your sleep. Stitch: Hey, my wife, this marriage -- way more important than a couple hours of rest. Abby: I cannot believe that my dad signed a note like this. Stitch: I wasn't taking any chances. [Chuckles] Abby: [Chuckles] Paul: Patty? I love you. Steve and Todd send their love, you know. And Chris and Dylan, too. [Chuckles] And you should see my grandson. He's gotten so big. Your -- your great-nephew. Patty: He's not my great-nephew. Paul: You know, I was thinking maybe I could bring him in one day and, uh, you could see how big he's gotten. I...I have a picture if you want -- Patty: No! No pictures. You know, just -- just leave me alone. Can't -- can't you see? I'm creating. I'm -- I'm making magic. And I'm changing my life, Paulie, and you're -- you're interrupting with this not-so-great-nephew and -- and it's making me upset, and I just -- I just want you to go away! Just go! Go! Go! Just go away! Go away! Paul: I'll leave. Patty: Go, Paulie! I don't want to see -- Paul: I'll leave, Patty. Patty: No! Paul: Patty? Patty: No! Just go! Paul: I'm gonna leave. Patty: Just leave me alone. Paul: Should I get the doctor? Patty: Go away! Chief Williams? Patty: Go away! What happened? Patty: [Sobbing] Go away! Go away, Paulie! Paul: I was just talking to her. She was lucid, and then... [Sighs] She got all agitated. Patty: [Sobs] Paul: I'm sorry. It -- it was probably a mistake of mine coming here. Nick: Everything okay? Sharon: Yeah. Everything's fine. Mariah: That was fun. Sorry about the delay. Let's sign you in. All right. Next guard station will buzz you into the visiting area. Mariah: Thank you. Uh, I need to send a text before I go in. [Sighs] Ashley: So, we have to figure out a way to tackle this, Phyllis. Phyllis: Oh, you mean working together or brash & sassy? Ashley: Brash & sassy's gonna be a lot easier. Phyllis: Hmm, you can say that again. Ashley: So maybe we focus on the problem and not on how much we don't like each other. [Sighs] I didn't bring anything with me. Do you have a notepad? Phyllis: It's all right. No, I got it. I have them buried in here somewhere. [Door closes] Phyllis: There you go. Ashley: Okay. Thank you. So, I guess we stick to our strengths, maybe initiate additional incentives so that the retailers, they'll put our product on the shelves that are eye level. That's always good for sales. Phyllis: Okay. Again with the brick and mortar. Ashley, you got to get your head out of the 20th century. Ashley: I don't need you to do this, Phyllis. I'm perfectly capable on my own. Phyllis: You're a chemist. Ashley: I have been C.E.O., Amongst many other things. Phyllis: And marketing is what I do. And maybe I have a clue how to kick some brash & sassy ass. Ashley: Well, you did sleep with the enemy -- literally -- so then there's that. Phyllis: Can we focus? We need to get our omni-channel presence up. We need to cultivate new influencers who can take our products and push them over multiple platforms. We need to get our customers excited again. Ashley: Well, we could get a brand ambassador, somebody that could generate some effective customer engagement. Phyllis: I will take a look at the website, make sure we are mobile optimized and responsive. Maybe we should consider a customized app. We could launch a mobile targeted campaign. Ashley: For two women who can't stand to be in the same room, let alone the same broom closet, I guess we're doing okay. Phyllis: We will have something concrete to give Jack next week. That is, if he's not distracted. He has been acting distracted, hasn't he? Ashley: That's none of your business, Phyllis. Phyllis: But you agree? Ashley: You know, why don't you get to work, and then we can reconnect on this later, all right? Phyllis: It's from summer. It means good luck. Ashley: That's sweet. You're gonna need it. Jack: What are you up to, Victor? [Computer keys clacking] [Computer keys clacking] Stitch: I think we made some real progress the other day. That idea you had about remembering when we knew we wanted to be with each other, that was a great first step, don't you think? Abby: It was, yeah. Stitch: And, you know, it made me think of some other things, like the day you accepted my proposal in the hospital chapel. All right, okay. Your turn. Your favorite moment. Abby: [Chuckles] It kind of feels like a test. Stitch: Ah. Am I pushing too hard? I'm pushing too hard. I'm pushing too hard. Okay. Abby: Maybe just a little. Stitch: I guess I just really want this marriage to work. You know, the sooner we fix everything, the sooner we can, you know, get back on track and have the family we've always dreamed of. Abby: Yeah. I want that, too. But we can't force it. Stitch: You're right. Absolutely. [Chuckles] Let's just, uh... hey, let's relax and enjoy the day together. How about a trip to the pumpkin patch? Abby: [Chuckles] Stitch: Halloween's not too far off, right? Abby: Yeah, that -- that sounds great. Oh, um, you know what? I actually can't. Uh, the Barnett report. Stitch: I thought you didn't have anything pressing. Abby: No, it's with a subsidiary in London. They need these numbers by the end of the day. I'm -- I'm so sorry. Stitch: Okay, yeah, but they're -- they're probably already closed. I mean, can't it wait one more day? Abby: No, no, that's why I have to hurry. Um, I'm sorry. I'll totally make it up to you. Stitch: Or are you just running away? Abby: Don't be mad. I'm just scared. [Cell phone chimes] Nick: You good? Sharon: Oh, uh, it's just Mariah asking me if I need anything. Nick: Okay. Sharon: Um, you're building a fire in the afternoon? Why? Nick: You just said you were cold. I asked you if you wanted a fire, and you said, "yeah, that'd be great." Sharon: Oh. Uh, yeah. Right. That's right. [Chuckles] Wow. I don't know where my mind is today. Nick: [Chuckles] So, fire or no fire? Sharon: Uh, no. No fire. But could you help me with something else? Nick: Yeah. Name it. Sharon: Um, address and stamp the "thank you" cards for faith's birthday party. Nick: Right. You've known me for years. Do you honestly think my handwriting is legible enough to go through the post office? Sharon: Hmm, maybe you just do the stamps. Nick: Good call. Sharon: Thanks for helping me with this. Also, thanks for being my bodyguard. You know, Dylan shouldn't have roped you into this. Nick: Sharon, you know if you ever need help, I'm gonna be here. You know, we're a family. 21st century style, but, uh, you're stuck with me. Unless, of course, you keep trying to push me with Chelsea. [Chuckles] Sharon: Oh, I'm -- I'm sorry about that. Nick: That's all right. I know you just care about me and Chelsea. But she and I are just friends. We're never gonna be anything more than that. I honestly have enough family and love right here, so you're just gonna have to deal with that. Sharon: I guess I will. Mariah: [Inaudible] Pick up the phone. Patty, pick up the phone. [Audible] Really? That's how you're gonna play this? Because if it is, I can just leave, and then you'll never hear what my mom wanted you to know. Patty: Why didn't Sharon come? Mariah: You know all those calls that you've been making to the house? Well, Dylan thinks that Sharon has a stalker, so she's practically on lockdown. Patty: Mom's little helper. [Chuckles] That's very sweet. Except not so much. You're a little bit sour. Mariah: Yeah, yeah. I've heard that before. Patty: My business is with Sharon. Mariah: Oh, business? You mean your little scheme to blackmail my mom into getting you out of this five-star spa? Well, there's been a change of plans. Patty: The deal was I give Sharon the phone, keep my mouth shut, and she gets me out of here. That was the deal. Now, if she doesn't want to do that, then I'm gonna sing my little song and the whole world will know that she's a lying liar. Mariah: Sharon was a victim, too, Patty. Patty: Yeah, and now... now she's a lying mama. Mariah: Dylan thought that he had a son once and was lied to. That can't happen again. It will kill him. Patty: Or make him stronger. Mariah: He's your nephew. He's Paul's son. Dylan is the only father that sully has ever known. That little boy has been his son for almost a year, and you just want to rip him away? Dylan will be devastated. He'll divorce Sharon. Nick will take faith away from her. Do you understand how many lives you could destroy? Patty: Yeah, Sharon has a lot to lose. No baby, no husband. Everyone will hate her. Which -- which will get her very, very motivated to get me out of here. Mariah: Okay. Fine. Sharon has a plan. Patty: [Chuckles] Good. Okay. So let's hear it. Mariah: This place is max when it comes to security. So the idea is to get you transferred to another facility, one with less security, preferably out of state so Paul can't keep tabs on you. Patty: And then? Mariah: We get you out. Patty: [Chuckles] How? Mariah: Somehow. Patty: Someh-- [Laughs] Ohhh! That is the plan? It really stinks. Mariah: One step at a time. What can I say? Patty: And how do I get myself transferred? Mariah: You tap into that inner crazy of yours. Go hard. Paul will want to get you the help and care that you need, better treatment. He'll request for a transfer. Patty: So I just have to act like a cuckoo bird? Mariah: I think you can handle that. Help us help you, Patty. Nick: Please don't worry. Dylan is gonna figure out who the stalker is. He won't rest until he finds out. Sharon: I hope so. Nick: You -- you know, you went off to Fairview. You wanted to get better, so you put in the work. You're happy. You got a beautiful family, a beautiful house. You're really living the dream, and you deserve it. Hey. Sharon, what's wrong? Sharon: [Voice breaking] It's... you're right. My life with Dylan and the kids, it is a dream. Stitch: Last thing I want to do is pressure you, but we're just being honest with each other, so where's the pressure? Abby: I mean, honest -- honest is good. Honest [Sniffles] -- Honest is what relationships are built on. But the truth, the truth can heal things, but it can hurt. Stitch: Hey. Baby, is -- is that what this is? You -- you think you're gonna hurt me? I would rather be hurt than lose you. Abby. Hey, come on. Talk -- talk to me here. Abby: [Sniffles] You told me, um... the exact moment that you knew that we should be together. Stitch: It was the same for you. It wasn't? Abby: I didn't want to hurt you. Stitch: [Chuckles] Hey, this -- you know... there's nothing that says that two people have to feel the exact same way at the exact same time, you know? Abby: I never had...that moment. Are you sorry you wanted me to be honest with you? Stitch: I wasn't expecting that. Abby: [Sniffles] I'm sorry that I had to say that, not because I hurt you, but because... Stitch: But you never had that moment when you realized you loved me. So, you're not sure you really ever loved me. Abby: No, no, no. That is not it. [Sniffles] I love you. Stitch: But? Abby: I don't know. I-I don't even make sense to myself. Stitch: Try. Abby: Maybe I [Sniffles] -- Maybe I don't know what love feels like. Maybe I've watched too many of those romantic comedies and I've been brainwashed to think that there has to be this thunderbolt moment, this moment when you just know. But life, it's -- it's not like the movies. Maybe I've just had some false expectations. Stitch: I let you down. Abby: No. No, you could never let me down. Stitch: So, what? You want out? Abby: No, no. [Sniffles] I want you. I want us. I want this marriage. I want a future with you. Stitch: Even though there's no thunderbolt? Abby: I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry. Stitch: No. Abby: I shouldn't have said any of that. Stitch: Truth is good. You know, and it could hurt, but like you said, it can heal, bring clarity. So... Abby: We can work on us, right? Right? [Cell phone chimes] Abby: You should check that. Stitch: Yeah, they're short-handed in the OR. Abby: I know you have to go, but... we can work on this, right? Stitch: Of course. Yeah. Yeah. Abby: Turn back and wave. Turn back and wave. [Sniffles] [Sighs] Ashley: We have to rethink this. I don't want to work with Phyllis. Jack: The decision's been made. Ashley: She's impossible! Jack: Well, that gives you two something in common. Ashley: I resent that! I can create my own team, Jack! I don't need her! Have her count the -- Jack: Find a way to make it work and stop questioning my decisions. Ashley: Where are you going? Jack: Lunch meeting. Ashley: Ugh! [Telephone rings] Phyllis: Phyllis speaking. Ashley: Hi. Meet me in jack's office. He has some files that we can use for our strategy. Phyllis: I'm on my way out. Ashley: Where are you going? Phyllis: I'm sorry. I have a lunch meeting. Bye. Nick: I was just trying to cheer you up. I guess I'm losing my touch. Sharon: It's just the stalker and Dylan being out of town. But you're right. I... my life is like a dream. And I realize how -- how fragile it is and -- [Door opens] Sharon: Thank God you're back. Nick: Sharon, she was just running errands. Mariah: But I'm back. What did I miss? [Sully cries] Sharon: Uh, oh, nick, could you...? Nick: Yeah, yeah, I'll -- I'll get him. Sharon: Did you see Patty? What did she say? Mariah: I told her about the plan, told her that she needed to get herself transferred to another facility, somewhere with less security, far, far away. Sharon: And -- and did she buy it? Mariah: An orderly took her away before she could give an answer. I have no idea if she's gonna play along. Sharon: Patty may not have a tight grip on reality, but she did understand my logic, right? Or what if she didn't? Oh, my God. What then, Mariah? Nick: Man, how great is that kid? He was crying. As soon as I picked him up, he just starts giggling. [Chuckles] Sharon: Nick. Nick: Yeah? Sharon: I have to tell you something. Nick: What? Mariah: That, uh, she's grateful. Yeah, Sharon's been feeling pretty down about the whole stalker situation, and she told me what you said about how beautiful her life is, and she's grateful that you reminded her how amazing her family is. Right, Sharon? Patty: Get it out! Get it out! Take this away! Take them away! I don't want them! I don't want them! Take them away! Aaaaah! Stop it! Stop it! Patty, what's wrong? Patty: No more art! No more art! No more! Make it stop! There's just all this stuff in my head and I can't get it out! I can't get it out! Just make it stop! Make it stop! It's all right. It's all right. Patty: Make it stop! [Sobbing] Make it stop! It's okay. It's gonna stop. It's gonna stop. [NEXT_ON] Hilary: Jack is my friend. I'm not gonna drag his name through the mud. That's not what I'm about. Jack: Victor Newman is going to pay for the pain he caused. I am going to see to that. Cane: Ladies and gentlemen, the new brash & sassy. [Cheers and applause] | Ashley and Phyllis started to collaborate on the project |
623 | Maggie: Where is everybody? Victor: I told them to come a little later. Maggie: You did? Why? Victor: Because I have a surprise for you. Roman: Merry Christmas! Bye-bye. Marlena: Oh, my. And who else but Sami's daughter would ask Santa Claus to make a stop for her on rodeo drive? Roman: Exactly. [Laughs] Marlena: Yikes. Roman: I sure am glad Lucas made it out there for the holidays. I know Sami was pretty lonely after will and Ari left. Marlena: Yeah, well, I'm sure that's true, but you know what? Will is exactly where he belongs... back in Salem with Sonny. Will: I just need to talk to Paul one more time, Zoe. He's put up these walls, but I think I can break them down. I think I can make this piece really great if you just give me a short extension. Sonny: I realize it's Christmas eve, but I have put every last dime and more into this new club. I need it up and running ASAP! Eric: [Laughs] I wanted to get you a tree, but the manager suggested a potted plant. Not that it will compete with that. Serena: Mm, you'll never guess where it came from. Your friend Nicole. Melanie: Ho! Nicole: Oh, buzz off, Melanie. There's no way I'm spending one more Christmas eve alone watching the Yule log on titan TV. Daniel: And what sound does this animal make? Parker: It goes, "moo." Melanie: Oh, Parker, do-- do camels--do they moo? Parker: Yeah. [Knock at door] Melanie: They--you--I'll get that and you help with-- Daniel: I'm working on it. Thanks for your help. Melanie: Yeah, of course, no, always! Daniel: [Laughs] Melanie: Oh... fantastic. Oh, of course, well, 'tis the season, bitch. Nicole: [Scoffs] [Doorbell rings] Hope: I'm glad you're here. Aiden: Not as glad as I am. Julie: You're home! Abigail: Merry Christmas! Julie: Merry Christmas! Everything's so festive! It's beautiful-- JJ: Let me take your coats. Julie: Oh, JJ! JJ, I am so looking forward to meeting this lovely young lady that you're seeing now. Is she here yet? Eve: Oh, God, Paige knows what I did. She has to. Paige: I do know, Mom. How could you? Serena: I appreciate all the trouble that Nicole went to... to apologize, but it really wasn't necessary. I mean, I don't care if she wants to study my internet footprint. Eric: Well, I do. You know what? Your personal life is none of her business... and neither is mine. I'm moving on, and there's nothing she can do to stop me. Nicole: You trash-talked me to your father, didn't you? When all I was trying to do was apologize to your friend Serena. Melanie: No. I talked to Serena, and your story checked out, so I didn't say anything to my dad. Nicole: Then why am I standing in the hallway? [Gasps] Parker! Parker: Merry Christmas! Nicole: Merry Chris--whoa! Merry Christmas. That's the best hug ever. Daniel: Yeah, oh, I'm really glad you stopped by. Aw. Nicole: Mm. Caroline: Oh, it's beautiful. Did you make this? Theresa: Yeah, well, you taught me how to needlepoint when I was little, so... Caroline: Oh, yes. Yes, I remember, I remember. Theresa: Yeah. Hey, well, don't tell anyone I made it, though, 'cause it will ruin my street cred. Caroline: Your what? Street--what? Theresa: Oh, it just means my reputation, you know, because people think I'm tough. [Laughs] But I thought-- I thought maybe you could use it for your bible. Caroline: Aw. I will cherish it... just as I cherish you. Maggie: Oh. Oh, Victor. Alice gave me this piece years ago to welcome me into the Horton family. Sarah--when she was a toddler, she knocked it off a shelf and just... it shattered to bits. I was sick about it. It was so rare, and they said it was irreplaceable. Victor: There are very few things in this life that are irreplaceable. I almost lost you last year. And I'm never going to allow that to happen again. Maggie: Oh... Eve: Oh, Paige, honey, I'm so sorry. Paige: How could you let me think grandpa Shane was really sick when he's going to be fine? It's because of JJ, isn't it? Julie: Don't worry, JJ. I won't scare her off. JJ: Paige isn't coming. Julie: Well, why not? I so wanted to--to meet eve's daughter. JJ: Well, just--Paige's, uh, grandfather's been sick. So she and eve went to los Angeles to go see him. And I don't know when she's coming back, if she does at all. Julie: Oh, no. Doug: Oh, JJ, I'm so sorry to hear that. Gee, I hope--I hope Shane is going to be all right. Julie: Yeah. Oh, golly. Abigail: JJ, wait. Why didn't you tell us that Paige might be staying in L.A.? JJ: 'Cause it doesn't really matter. It's pretty much over between us anyway. Jennifer: Honey, are you sure? Have you tried to call her? JJ: M-Mom, I just--I really don't want to talk about it... okay? Not tonight, not ever. Abigail: What-- Ciara: Look at them. Bet you five bucks your dad will get my mom under the mistletoe tonight. Chase: You mean to kiss? Ciara: Duh. Chase: Where is the mistletoe, anyway? Ciara: Come with me. [Doorbell rings] Abigail: I'll get it. [Gasps] Ben: Merry Christmas. Abigail: Merry Christmas, Santa. Ben: Yeah, you know... Abigail: You are lucky I answered the door. Ben: Why is that? [Chuckles] Abigail: [Chuckles] Ciara: There's the mistletoe. So, we on? Melanie: Oh, man, it's fruitcake! Nicole: I don't know, you know. I just saw it in the mall kiosk, and I--for some reason, it just screamed Melanie! Melanie: Did it? Nicole: Yep. Melanie: That's--Dad, look, and there's--there's more than enough to share. So... Nicole: Oh! Yeah, thanks. Oh, wow. Melanie: Yeah. I felt like you could put that to good use. Nicole: Yeah, you know it. And I'm not gonna share. Melanie: Of course not. Daniel: Okay, Parker. Let's get your coat. Time for us to go. Melanie: Yep, on it. Got ya. Nicole: Oh. Melanie: Where's your hat, man? Let's go find your hat. Nicole: Aw, are you going out? Daniel: Uh, we're going to my mom's, yeah. Would you, um--would you like to join us? Nicole: Uh, no, no, thank you. I mean, we agreed to wait until after the holidays to go public, and no offense, but my ideal first date is not going to be in Victor's living room. Daniel: [Laughs] Okay. Well, I mean, you could just hang here until we get back. You know, I really could, uh, could use a favor. Nicole: Sure. Whatever you need. Will: Thank you, Zoe. I appreciate it. [Keys jingling, door opens] Sonny: Hey! Did you get any work done? Will: Little bit. Subject's kind of hard to pin down, so it's slow going. Sonny: Well, I know you can't say anything more about it, so I'm not gonna ask. Will: How's everything going at the club? Sonny: It's good. T's covering for me tonight, so we can spend Christmas eve with Ari and the family. Will: That, um, might not be as simple as you think. Theresa: You know what? I'm gonna make us some hot chocolate. Caroline: Ooh, good! Kayla: I'll help. You stay with grandma. Caroline: Okay. Come on, honey, sit down. Kayla: You know, um, your grandma taught me to needlepoint too. Theresa: Oh... Kayla: So I know how much effort it takes to make something like that. Theresa: Yeah. Kayla: You know, I just don't understand how you can be so generous and kind and then... Theresa: And then? Kayla: And then I hear that you and Anne Milbauer tried to, uh, use the hiring freeze to keep Melanie Jonas from getting her old job back. Theresa: Yeah, well, isn't there a hiring freeze? Kayla: You know, why don't you do me and yourself a favor and just try to get along with people? You know, Melanie is actually a really nice girl. Theresa: [Chuckles] Kayla: And there's no reason that the two of you can't be friends. Maggie: I know it doesn't look like much to you, but... Victor, how did you know? Victor: I have my ways. You can thank your daughters. Brady: It's hard to compete in the gift-giving business around here. I mean, what do--what do you get the guy that has everything? Victor: Brady, you know very well that you've given us the best Christmas gift of all. Maggie: Brady, we're so proud of you. We know how very hard you worked to get yourself clean and sober. Brady: I know how very hard you worked to help me get there. Adrienne: Merry Christmas. Hi. Victor: Adrienne. Maggie: Hi. Victor: Don't you look lovely. Maggie: Merry Christmas to you. Adrienne: Oh, gosh, thank you. Merry Christmas. Maggie: Hi, darling. Adrienne: Are Will and Sonny here yet? Sonny: What's wrong? Will: We have to be at five places with a cranky toddler that has a cold. And my grandmas both expect her to be wearing the outfits that they got her, and then there's your mom and my mom and the outfits that they got her. They're not gonna fit next year! Sonny: Okay, um... I'll go to my family's. You bring Ari to your family. And then we can meet up in the middle for mass. Then Ari can model her entire winter fashion line over the next week. Will: I want us to do it together. Sonny: Me too. Will: You're right. Okay, um... this way we can get everything done without losing our minds. [Laughs] What time do you want to meet for mass? Sonny: I'll text you when the eggnog runs out. Will: [Laughs] Guess I better go collect Ari. Um... Sonny: Hey, will? I know things have been weird since you got back. Will: Yeah. Look, I know. I-I never should have lied about getting fired. It's just... I was so ashamed... I understand now that a half-truth is just as bad as a lie. We'll get through this, okay? Eve: Honey... look, I know it was an awful, terrible thing to do-- to ask Dr. Green to embellish the seriousness of your grandpa's condition, but, honey, look, I was--I was just trying to-- Paige: What, protect me? Eve: Yes! Yes, I was, and I know you don't understand this, but you're my only daughter, sweetheart. And after what happened last time with JJ, I mean, the thought of him ever hurting you again, honey, I... Paige: It's okay, Mom. Eve: Is it? Paige: Not really! But... I'm trying to work my way through this and find a way to forgive you, because... I haven't been completely honest with you either. JJ and I... we've been talking, and I think, or at least I hope, we'll get back together. Eve: Are you saying that... JJ knows you're back here in Salem? Jennifer: Hey. JJ: I'm sorry if I was rude earlier. Jennifer: No, it's okay. You weren't. And I really didn't mean to push you about Paige. But even if you aren't together, can't you still be friends? You know, her family is in the middle of a crisis right now, and maybe she could use some support. I mean, what's the harm in calling her and wishing her a Merry Christmas? JJ: I-I'm gonna go take a walk and think about it. I'll meet you before mass. Jennifer: Okay. Doug: "And threw up the sash." Ciara: [Laughs] Doug: What's so funny? [Laughter] Julie: Really, you will find it is worth the trip to Kathmandu if you want to lead a fully self-realized life. Surely, you've--you've thought about these things. How about you? Jennifer: Ooh, Ben and Aiden might need some rescuing. Hope: As if we could. Jennifer: Speaking of a self-realized life, I am so happy that you met Aiden and that we are all here together like this... with no bloodshed. Hope: I know. You know, cuz, it's kind of weird. Uh... I was so lonely last year. I never thought I'd spend the holidays with anyone else. But honestly, I have to say, it just--it feels... Jennifer: What, it feels right? Hope: Yeah, it does. Jennifer: Yeah. Hope: It really does. I mean, I won't say that it's perfect, but what I will say is that I think this new year, this whole new year is going to be absolutely amazing, not just for me and Aiden, but for all of us. Jennifer: Yeah. Hope: I love you, cuz. Jennifer: I love you. Hope: Merry Christmas. Jennifer: Merry Christmas. Hope: Merry Christmas. Nicole: Oh, Santa. Apparently you don't rate in the Jonas household. What? I can't put these on a plate and be known as the woman who choked Santa... [Scoffs] Or his helper. Okay. All right, wait a minute. What... if I can pluck a chicken on live TV, I can cook, what, a dozen cookies? How hard can it be? Let's see, cookies, cookies, cookies, cookies. Daniel: Stop. These are for kids. Come here. Melanie: What? Daniel: Look, I know this should go without saying, but when we get to Victor's can you not talk about Theresa to Brady? Melanie: Oh, you don't--you don't think that'd be a good... Daniel: No, I don't, not a good idea. Melanie: Really, relax, the only person I'm gonna talk about Theresa to is Theresa. Daniel: Okay, well, I know you and Brady are good friends, but I mean it when I say this... do not antagonize her. Melanie: I'll leave her alone... as long as she stays out of my way. Daniel: Oh, my gosh... Melanie: Parker, come on. Daniel: Come on, Parker, let's go. Theresa: Aunt Kayla, my plan for dealing with Melanie Jonas is to just ignore her. Kayla: Good girl. Theresa: As long as she stays the hell away from me and Brady. Eric: Hey. Kayla: Hi. Eric: Happy holiday. Kayla: Yeah, you too. Eric: Aunt Kayla, you remember Serena? Kayla: Of course I do. Listen, I'm sorry your plans didn't work out with your family, but thanks for joining us. Serena: Oh, thank you for having me. [Indistinct chatter] Abe: Ho ho ho! Theo: Merry Christmas! Kayla: Hey, Joey! Look who's here, Theo's here. Marlena: Hi, Serena. Serena: Hi. Roman: Hey, how are you? Joey: Who are you? Kayla: Joey... Eric: Joey, this is my friend Serena. This is--Joey is Aunt Kayla's son. Serena: Hi. Eric: And this is Theo and Abe. Abe: Hello, nice to meet you. Serena: Hi, very nice to meet you. Eric: And that is my cousin Theresa. Joey: Theo, you want to come see my new Legos? Theo: Yeah! Serena: May I see them too? Theo: You're a girl. Serena: I'm a girl who loves Legos. Joey: Cool. Serena: [Laughs] Aw. Caroline: Hi, how are you? Mwah. Thank you. Roman: Hey! Marlena: Mm, good to see you! Roman: Hey, Ma. Parker: [Laughing] Brady: Hey! Welcome! Now it's time to get this party started. Daniel: Yeah. Oh! There's your grandma! Go get her! Brady: There he goes. Daniel: He's off, man. Parker: Grandma! Maggie: Oh, no! Oh, no, the other part of my Christmas is here! Victor: And now her day is complete. Maggie: Aww. Oh. You look so cute. Come on, let's get this off. Daniel: So do you have it? Brady: I'm gonna go get it right now. Daniel: Okay. Adrienne: Oh, excuse me. Maggie: Look at your sweater. Adrienne: Hey, baby. Sonny: Hey, sorry I'm late. Adrienne: No, no, no. Um, aren't Will and Ari with you? Sonny: Uh, well, Ari has a cough--she's kind of cranky. And will took her to see his family at the pub, and then we're going to meet in the square before mass. Adrienne: Oh. Sonny: Well, I see where I I rate. "Oh." Adrienne: Oh, no, honey. Oh, I'm thrilled to see you. Nothing could make me happier right now. Sonny: Okay, let's go in. Adrienne: Yeah, let's go in. Melanie: Come here, Parker. Come here. What? Daniel: If I could, uh, have everyone's attention, please. Um, when my parents chose a Godfather, I... I got a Godfather. And, uh, a lot of times it's just a figurehead position. But to you... I was always family. Brady: Granddad, when we tracked down your father's fishing boat, we ran into a priest in nafplio. And he told us that your grandmother was basically like a mother to everybody in the village. He remembered one specific thing about her --that she never went anywhere without her-- Victor: Bible. [Chuckles] She used to read it to me every day when I was a little boy. I hated every minute of it. [Laughter] It wasn't until she was gone or it was gone that I appreciated what I really lost. That's the way it usually goes, doesn't it? Brady: Usually, but, um... you haven't lost it. Daniel: Come on. Don't be shy right now. Come on. Victor: How did... how? Brady: Ah, Daniel and I-- we... did a little digging... with a little help from Justin. Victor: This was sold with the family's estate to pay my father's debts. It was impossible to track. Brady: Granddad, if you've taught me anything... nothing's impossible. Playing hoops, Sam is number one. Victor: It's my grandmother's writing. Sonny: What does it say? Victor: "Love bears all things." Melanie: That was a pretty cool thing you and my dad did for Victor. Brady: [Breathes deeply] I've been a pretty lousy grandson this past year. I owe it to him. Melanie: Um, speaking... [Clears throat] Of owing people... Brady: Hmm? Melanie: What you did for me with the casino people and my job... if you didn't do that for me, I, um... I don't know where I would be here right now. Brady: I'm pretty angry at Theresa. Melanie: Yeah, no, just-- it's--she's not worth it. Brady: Yeah. Theresa: Look, I think-- I think I just want to take a walk before I go home. You know, maybe call my brother and my parents. Caroline: Yes, well, please give my love to Shane. I'm happy that he's so much better. Theresa: Yeah, me too. Merry Christmas. Caroline: Merry Christmas to you. Serena: I'm so glad that we got to meet. I'm a huge fan of your magazine pieces. Will: Thank you. That really means a lot to me coming from another writer. Where has uncle Eric been hiding you this whole time? Serena: Mm... I've been, uh, here and there. I feel very lucky that our paths have crossed again. Victor: Thank you, Daniel. Daniel: Thank you, it was our pleasure. Thank you. Maggie: So we'll see you tomorrow. Melanie: Yes. Maggie: [Laughs] Yes. Melanie: Thank you. Maggie: Love you. Daniel: Melanie... Melanie: Okay. Daniel: Come on. Melanie: I'm coming. Maggie: [Chuckles] Cute. Melanie: Ooh, hey, you know what? Um, I think I'm gonna walk, because I have a few more Christmas presents I maybe need to get. Daniel: Yeah, but you're not going to get me one, okay? Because having you home is the best gift ever. Melanie: I-- [Laughs] Julie: So the wonderful thing about Bikram yoga is you practice it in 105 degrees. Chase: Dad, can I have some punch? Julie: You know, you kind of sweat your way... Aiden: Yes, you may! Let me help so you don't spill. Julie: It's a beautiful thing. Ben: I like it. Julie: You get a little slimy, of course, but it's-- Jennifer: Oh, Ben! I need someone tall to help me in the kitchen. Ben: Uh, yeah, sure. Abigail: Uh, what about me? I'll-- Jennifer: No, sorry, honey! Not tall enough! Abigail: Okay, thanks, Mom. Julie: Ben... what an improvement over DiMeras one and two, huh? Abigail: Yes, Julie, he's--he's great. Julie: So I'm gonna be rooting for you. Abigail: Well, thank you. I really appreciate your support. Julie: Well, darling, that's what families are for. [Both laughing] Aiden: There you go. Chase: Thanks, Dad. Aiden: All righty. Hope: Were you persuaded into taking up yoga? Aiden: No, no, no, no, no. But I've been persuaded of the importance of quiet time. Come with me. Hope: Okay. Aiden: Mm-hmm. Ciara: So, Grandpa, you know what you need to do. Aiden: So you know I hate surprises. Hope: Oh, do you? Aiden: Yes, I do. So any chance you can give me a hint about my gift? Hope: Oh, who said I bought you a gift? Aiden: Well, I got you something. Yeah, no pressure. Hope: No pressure. Aiden: No pressure. Doug: Excuse me, please. Julie has appointed me official family photographer for the day. And guess whose picture she wants me to take first. Hope: Okay. Doug: All right. Hope: Yeah. Aiden: Okay. Doug: All right, well, the light is very poor right there, so would you move a little this way, please? Aiden: Over here? Doug: Little bit more, little bit more, just a little bit-- let's see, let's see... oh, all right, that'll be good, that'll be good. Now, relax, but smile! Here we go. [Camera shutter clicks] Doug: Oh, it's perfect! Ciara: Mommy... you and Aiden are under the mistletoe. You have to kiss him. Aiden: Well, she is right. Jennifer: Okay, everyone ready for mass? Hey, you two over there. Doug: We'd like to go with you. Jennifer: Yes. Aiden: Uh, did I just see you give Ciara $5? Chase: [Sighs] She bet me five bucks that you would kiss hope under the mistletoe. It was a dumb bet to take. Aiden: Ah, those kids. Hope: Those kids. Aiden: Yes. Hope: I know. Was it awkward for you to kiss me in front of my dad? Aiden: A little bit, little bit, but let me tell you something. I would go through 1,000 awkward moments just to give you a little kiss. Was it awkward for you? Hope: I forgot he was even there. Aiden: Oh. JJ: I miss you so much. But after what I've done... it's better that we never see each other again. Paige: I haven't spoken to JJ, not yet. I thought it was better we speak in person. Eve: Mm, why? Paige: When we were talking on the phone, I think I sent him some mixed messages, and... I-I just need to explain why I acted the way I did... Eve: But-- Paige: Including what you did to try and keep us apart. Eve: What? But, honey, I--you know what? Listen... I do, I feel terrible about that, I do, sweetheart. Paige: No, you don't. Eve: Yeah, but-- Paige: You'd do it all over again because you think you're protecting me, but you're not! Eve: Look, Paige, I-- Paige: But, you know-- and, you know, since it's Christmas Eve, I'm not gonna go barge in on JJ's family celebration. But tomorrow my Christmas present to JJ is going to be the truth. Eve: Well, what do you think you're going to accomplish, honey? Paige: Mom! You know I hated not being able to be honest with you, but... you have to understand! JJ and I will be together. And there's nothing that you or anyone else can do to get between us. Eve: But-- Kayla: Ooh, let me get that last little button there. Marlena: [Shivers] Kayla: There you go, mister. Oh, hey, Marlena. Marlena: Hey. Kayla: I didn't get a chance to talk to you before. How's John? Marlena: I don't know. I haven't talked to him since before he left for Europe. Kayla: I'm sorry. Marlena: I know. I am too. Yeah, we've been in limbo for so long, I just... I don't know--I thought somehow things might be different, but... you know, the longer it goes on like this, the more I think that just might not happen. Come on, let's go. Kayla: Let's go, bub. Abe: Here we go. Maggie: You're coming to church with us, yes? Brady: Yeah. I'm gonna walk, though. I'm gonna clear my head a little bit. Maggie: Okay. We'll see you soon? Brady: Yes. Maggie: Love you. Brady: Love you too. Daniel: We're home. Parker: Home. Daniel: Oh...my... what is going on here? Nicole: Do you think Santa would approve? Parker: Santa? Daniel: Well, I know somebody who will. Nicole: Ah, ha ha ha! Daniel: You made these for Santa? Nicole: And his merry elves. What you left for me to put out isn't fit for human consumption. Come on, go get a cookie. Go, Parker, go. Daniel: Oh, well, I, uh-- I didn't know Santa was so particular. I also didn't know that you--you baked. Nicole: [Laughs] Neither did I. I guess this is what they call a Christmas miracle. Ben: Thanks for inviting me tonight. Abigail: Yeah, of course. You sure you don't want to come to mass? Ben: Oh, thank you, but... Santa really needs to get home. Abigail: Okay. Are you afraid you're going to wind up next to Julie? Is that why? Ben: [Laughs] Abigail: You know, she likes you, which kind of means you're in. Ben: Really? Abigail: Mm-hmm. Ben: That's good to know. But Christmas is for family, and, uh... Merry Christmas, Abigail. Abigail: Merry Christmas, Ben. Kayla: Oh, in here, in here. Aiden: All right, well, I better check on Ciara and Chase and... Hope: Okay. Aiden: See what they're up to, okay? Hope: Okay, yeah. Aiden: All right. Kayla: Hi. Hope: Hey--oh, Merry Christmas, Kay! Kayla: Merry Christmas. Hope: Hi. Kayla: So are you still seeing Aiden? Hope: Yeah, of course I am. Why? Abe: Whoa! Hold up, hold up, hold up. Hope: Oh, Theo! Merry Christmas, honey! Merry Christmas, Abe, Merry Christmas. Abe: Hey, Merry Christmas. Hope: Oh, so good to see you. You look so handsome. Eve: [Sighs] Maybe I should warn JJ that Paige is in town. No. No, no. I cannot talk to him. He knows better than to cross me again. Brady: Mel? What are you doing? I-I thought you were walking home with your dad and Parker? Melanie: Yeah, no, I just-- uh, I just wanted some fresh air. Brady: You mind if I join you? Melanie: No, no. Brady: [Sighs] Melanie: [Laughs] It's cold. Brady: It's usually cold at Christmas. Melanie: [Laughs] Brady: You know, this time of year, it's... it's never been my favorite. But this year it's... Melanie: It's kind of looking up. Brady: It's looking up. It's not bad. Melanie: You know, um, it's funny--uh, when I was in paris, you couldn't see any of the stars. Brady: Well, they're out now. Making a wish? Melanie: No. Brady: Make one. [Hark The Herald Angels Sing] Hark the herald angels sing glory to the newborn king peace on earth and mercy mild God and sinners reconciled joyful all ye nations rise join the triumph of the skies with the angelic host proclaim Christ is born in Bethlehem hark the herald angels sing glory to the newborn king Daniel: Yeah. Yeah, now, this is Christmas. Mm! Come on! Hark the herald angels sing glory to the newborn king | Nicole went to see Daniel, but Melanie didn't want her there |
624 | Ridge: Taylor, I'm listening to you. I'm trying to make sense of what you're saying, but I'm -- I... Taylor: I'm telling you that douglas has lost his mother. And hope has lost a child. Ridge: And that is incredibly tragic, but I'm -- I don't know how much -- Taylor: I'm -- I'm trying to help you understand that when i was in the kitchen the other day and I saw them together, and the way hope was comforting him, the way he responded to her... and the way she responded to him. It's like... Ridge: Okay, listen to me. I know you're worried about douglas, I get that. He has thomas, he has you, he has me. He has karen and dani. There's a lot of people who care about that little boy. And, yes, hope is one of those people, but she -- Taylor: But I'm wrong to even bring this up when the reality is our grandson needs a mother. And hope desperately needs a child. Douglas: Do you have any 2s? Hope: Nope! Go fish! Douglas: I fished my wish! I win! Hope: What? Again? Thomas: Hey, buddy, what's going on? Douglas: Daddy! Thomas: Hey! You having a fun time with hope? Douglas: Uh-huh. I've won like six times! Thomas: Whoa. Hope: Mm-hmm, yeah, apparently he's the tom brady of go fish. Thomas: Or you're just that bad. Hope: Hey! Douglas: She's not so bad. Just not as good as mom. Bill: Karen just responded to my text. She and dani's flight back to new york gets in early. Katie: [ Sighs ] Good. Though I wish they had stayed longer. I mean, they're gonna need a lot of support, too. Bill: [ Sighs ] They lost their only child, katie. I feel almost guilty about it. Katie: Why? Bill: I have three healthy sons, a thriving granddaughter... Katie: Well, they have a grandchild, too. Douglas is always gonna be a reminder of caroline. Bill: I know that. I just -- [ Sighs ] This is just a reminder of how fragile life is, and it just drives home how family is so important. The most important. Katie: Well, for what it's worth, I think you're doing a pretty good job leading the spencer family through this difficult time. Bill: Thank you for that. Thank you for being here for me. I can't tell you how much your support means. Donna: I'm so sorry I didn't get to stop by brooke's after the funeral. Liam: Oh, no. Donna: How's -- how's thomas holding up? Liam: Uh, he's -- he's okay. I think he's more concerned about douglas, you know, just helping him through the whole ordeal. Wyatt: Mm. Liam: Listen, I -- losing a mom sucks, I know, but losing a mom at that age... Wyatt: Especially a mom like caroline. I mean, she lived for that little boy. Sally: I'll tell you who's impressed me through all of this. Wyatt: Mm-hmm. Sally: Your dad. Justin: Bill? Sally: Yeah, he's been a rock. For caroline's moms. For the whole spencer family, really. Wyatt: Yeah. Gives you a little warm, fuzzy feeling, doesn't it? Liam: Are you asking me if I'm proud of our father? Because... Wyatt: No, I'm saying that he's been a different man lately. Like, he's been a little more compassionate. Justin: And I'd say I'd have to agree. Wyatt: Thank you. Justin: Yeah. Donna: So do I. And I think I know somebody else who would agree, too. Katie: I know that caroline was really special to you. Bill: She was. I so regret the mistakes I made with her. And I wish caroline was here so that I could express it. Katie: I know. I can see how hard you're working to repair the relationships in your life that are important to you. Your sons... will, especially. Bill: I came so close to ruining things with him. I will never let that happen again. Katie: I believe you. And, more importantly, will does, too. You're making me remember the man I fell in love with. Thomas: Did hope tell you stories about this cabin? Douglas: What stories? Thomas: Oh, well, rumor has it, the people who lived here before, they buried treasure out in the yard. Douglas: Really? Is it still there? Thomas: Maybe! We should go look! Douglas: Will you help? Hope: Oh, well, I mean, what kind of treasure are we talking about? Thomas: Oh, you know, the standard -- gold bullion, diamonds, and, um... lollipops! Hope: [ Laughs ] Thomas: [ Chuckles ] Hope: How did you do that? How did he -- how did he do that? Douglas: He did...this! Hope: [ Gasps ] Wow! Thomas: Oh! Magician! Hope: Oh, my gosh, are you a wizard? [ Laughs ] Taylor: Douglas needs a mother, and hope desperately needs a child. You can't deny that. Ridge: I am -- I'm not denying that, and you can't deny that hope actually has a life. She -- she's married. She has a husband -- liam. Taylor: For how long? Ridge: For how long? I don't -- I don't know how long. They made vows to each other, taylor. Taylor: Liam and steffy made vows to each other, and if bill hadn't interfered... Ridge: Well, he did interfere. And that changed everything. Taylor: No, it didn'T. It did not change everything. Our daughter still loves liam, and you know that he loves her. And they have a family together. They should be raising their children together. Ridge: That's what they're doing, taylor. They are -- they're raising kelly together, and they're raising phoebe together. Taylor: I'm talking about under the same roof! Tremfya® can help adults with moderate Wyatt: Well, caroline's death really hit the old man hard. Justin: Yeah, bill definitely has a soft spot for his niece. Donna: Not unlike the soft spot he still has for katie. Sally: I just got to say, I have no idea how those two ever worked. Wyatt: Mm. Sally: They're so totally different. Liam: That's kind of why they worked -- yin and yang. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to keep them together. Justin: I know bill is definitely happy to have katie by his side right now. Bill: It works both ways, you know. Katie: What does? Bill: You stepped up, too. Katie: In what way? Bill: In every way. I mean, it's true that we're no longer married, but I know I can count on you for anything. You're a true spencer. Katie: [ Laughs ] Bill: [ Chuckles ] You are. And you've proven it time and time again. You're proving it right now. Thank you for being there for me, katie. It means more than you know. Baby shark do, do, do-do, do-do baby shark do, do, do-do, do-do baby shark do, do, do-do, do-do baby shark mommy shark do, do, do-do, do-do Hope: Come on, dad. Join in. Thomas: Uh, no. Douglas: Yeah, dad, it's fun! Thomas: Dude, I'm scared of sharks! Douglas: We will protect you, won't we? Hope: Mm-hmm, you bet I will! Thomas: No! Don't take him away! Hope: Ready? Grandma shark do, do, do-do, do-do grandma shark do, do, do-do, do-do grandma shark do, do, do-do, do-do grandma shark Taylor: I really believe when steffy and the girls come back from europe that liam is going to go back to them. Ridge: You got to stop talking like that, you really do. Taylor: I am merely telling you what hope's wishes are. Ridge: You think this is her wish, to end her marriage? This is not what she wants. Taylor: It's what hope said! Ridge: Maybe she said it because she is upset! How do you not see that? Taylor: Well, the fact that she said, then she must know that some part of it is right... Ridge: No! Taylor, I -- [ Groans ] Taylor: Why aren't you concerned about this? Why can't you step up as steffy's father? Ridge: Step up? Wow, okay. Uh, I'm sorry, what do you expect me to do? Taylor: If you know how much steffy loves liam, then why don't you want them to live together? Don't you want liam to go back and be there for our daughter and our granddaughters? At least advocate for them! Encourage it! And now we have thomas, who just lost the mother of his son! Maybe hope could be there for douglas, and douglas could be there for hope. Ridge: And then steffy and liam could be back together. Is that what you're saying? Taylor: Yes! They belong together. How could you not want that? What does help for heart failure look like? Donna: So, has anyone heard anything more about bill and katie's "accidental" lunch at il giardino the other day? Wyatt: You mean what happened when they found out it wasn't so accidental? Justin: Wait a minute, so you're saying...in fact, it wasn't? Wyatt: Wasn't what? Justin: Accidental. Did you set the whole thing up? Wyatt: Me? Justin: Yeah. Wyatt: [ Laughs ] What? Come on. Do I look like cupid to you? Liam: Okay, so either it wasn't wyatt, or he's deflecting. Wyatt: What -- Donna: Or... it was one of us. Sally: I think I know who it might be... but I'm not saying. Donna: [ Sighs ] Justin: [ Scoffs ] Donna: Well, whatever happened, I think we can all agree on one thing. We'd all like to see bill and katie back together again. Katie: If you'd like to come by the house and see will, he's been really sad about caroline. I'm sure talking to you would help. Bill: Say no more. I'll be there. Katie: Okay. Well, um, I guess I'll go. See you later, unless i expectedly bump into you first. Bill: I look forward to it. Douglas: Can I go play outside? Thomas: [ Laughs ] Yeah, but, uh, don't go digging up the place. I was kidding about the treasure. We're gonna be staying with granddad and brooke for a while. Douglas: And hope, too? Thomas: Yeah. And hope, too. Hope: Yeah, your daddy's right. I'm not going anywhere. Ridge: Let me try to explain this again. I'm not gonna promote hope losing her husband. She's lost enough, I think, don't you? That's my wife's daughter. Taylor: I'm well aware. Ridge: Okay, so whatever needs to happen has to happen between hope and liam. Taylor: What I think... hope and thomas were in love at one time, okay? They have a history together. And hope is pushing liam away. And, eventually, we both know that liam is going to go back to steffy. And, like I said... when I saw hope and douglas in the kitchen, the way she was comforting him and embracing him... this is a little boy who just lost his mother, and thomas is grieving. What I think is they all need each other. I think they would all be good for each other! Ridge: So, after everything we talked about, everything i said to you, everything you said to me, you think that thomas and hope should be together? Really? (Vo) they're all going in the Wyatt: You're having a hard time with this, too, aren't you? Liam: Yeah, I mean... she was just this whirlwind of creativity and energy, and she was a mom who loved her kid more than anything, and I -- I don't know, it's hard to believe she's just gone from all our lives. Wyatt: Liam, listen, uh... I know you've been dealing with a lot of loss lately. With beth, now caroline... and I know you're worried about your wife. Hope: I'm glad you and douglas are staying in L.A. For a while. It helps having family and friends close by for support. Thomas: I'm not sure it's even sunk in yet. I mean, I -- I know caroline's gone, but the way it happened. You know, one minute, she's alive and vital, and the next... still, as hard as it for me, douglas adored his mom. But now it's up to me, you know? I'm a single parent. Talk about scary. Hope: Well, you'll be fine, and so will douglas. But, you know, it takes time. We're all here for both of you. Thomas: Thanks. You -- you've been amazing with douglas. I can tell the wonderful effect you've had on him. Hope: Yeah, well, he's a sweetheart, and I'm happy to help any way I can. Ridge: Look at me. Really look at me. Thomas, hope, and douglas -- you got to let that go, all right? Taylor: No, I need you to hear what I'm trying to tell you. Our little grandson just lost his mother. He is never going to feel her arms around him again. He'll never hear her voice. That is devastating to a child. Ridge: I know, of course it is. I know it is. Taylor: And thomas -- how is he going to handle the responsibility of being a single parent? It's too much! It's just too much! Ridge: Hey, take a breath. Come here. Take a breath. Taylor: [ Sighs ] Ridge: It's gonna be okay. Taylor: What happened to our family? Nothing's been the same since i lost you. I miss what we had. I've never stopped loving you, ridge. Ridge: I know you're upset. I'm upset, too. What happened to thomas and douglas, it's awful. But we got to put this conversation behind us, and we got to put this -- this kiss behind us, too, all right? Taylor: Okay. Ridge: Okay. [ Door opens, closes ] Brooke: Taylor. I'm really sorry. About caroline. It's really tragic. And I can only imagine what thomas and douglas are feeling right now. I'm sorry I didn't make it to the memorial. I'm sure it was beautiful. Taylor: Thank you. Brooke: Thank you. For being here for ridge. I know he was really upset by this. I'm sure that you are, too. Tragic times like these, they bring people together. Emotions are raw. I wouldn't even blame you if you were feeling vulnerable. But to see what I walked in on... you, in my living room, kissing my husband... that is inexcusable. It's unacceptable in so many ways. Taylor, we have been down this road before! We're not gonna do it again. Any inappropriate behavior with my husband -- my husband -- is going to be dealt with swiftly and forcefully. Do you hear me? Tell me! Tell me you understand! | He tells her that she too has stepped up and been there for him at every turn |
625 | Victor: Getting that serum developed took forever. If it turns out to be too late for Caroline, I don't know... Maggie: Victor, stay positive. She could be doing much better now, any time. Isn't that right, doctor? Salinas: That's my expectation. Right now the main thing is that Mrs. Brady's vital signs are all good. Kayla: I'm still not sure we should have given her the serum. Victor: Oh, Kayla, we had no choice. Kayla: You know, victor, I appreciate everything that you've done, but that drug has never been tested, and we don't know how her system's gonna tolerate it. What if she never wakes up? What if she just shuts down and we--we lose her forever? I mean, Roman, what if that's the last time we just-- Roman? JJ: All right, well, come on, Mr. Weston. Did you just threaten to kill me? Clyde: What's the matter with you, boy? If you're gonna be working for me, you best learn how to tell when a man's serious and when he's just playing around. JJ: Okay, but it sounded serious to me. I know you. When you want to take care of business, you do. If you say you're gonna kill somebody-- Clyde: I didn't say I would. I said I could, as a warning. [Phone beeps] How stupid can you be? JJ: Well, look what happened when you got mad at Kyle southern. One minute, he thinks he's your go-to guy, and the next minute-- Clyde: Hey, you just shut your damn mouth. I'm not gonna talk about that loser punk with you or anyone else. Now, you tell me why you called me down here, now. And it better be good. [Metal rattles] Steve: No. They wouldn't have had an armed guard in this place unless there was someone or something still here. What? Hello. [Light bulb zapping] Nordstrom: Today this man is either going to tell me what I want to know... or die. [Dramatic music] Steve: Oh, yeah. [Gasps] Oh, buddy. Kayla: Mom, we need you to come back to us. We're all having a really hard time here without you. Maggie: Caroline, we're all here, right beside you, praying for you, honey. Victor: You got to fight, Caroline. Fight like hell. Hope: Yeah. [Soft music] Kayla: You know, mom... do you remember that time I got so mad at you? I don't know, I was, like, five--five years old or something. And I--I don't even remember what it was about, but... climbed out on the roof. Remember that? Like, way out there. And then, when I didn't respond to your pleas to come back inside, you crawled on your hands and knees, and you grabbed me by the wrists... and you pulled me back inside. And instead of yelling at me or scolding me... you just grabbed me and hugged me. You hugged me so tight, I could barely breathe. And when I looked up... you were crying. And that's how I'm feeling right now, except for I can't pull you back. You need to come back on your own. Caroline: Kayla. Kayla: Mom. Steve: Hey. [Laughter] Caroline: Ah. And Steve and Stephanie. Kayla: Want to hold her? Caroline: Need you ask? Aw. Steve: Oh, yes. Caroline: You little doll. Steve: Here's grandma. Caroline: Oh, you precious thing. She's just incredible. Kayla: Couldn't wait for you to see her. Caroline: [Murmurs] Steve: Well, where's papa Brady and mama Johnson? Caroline: Oh, they're still scrubbing. Steve: I better go catch up with them, in case they get lost. Caroline: All right. So how do you feel, sweetheart? Kayla: I don't know how to describe it. I've never felt this way before. Caroline: I remember, that's how I felt with all my children. And you just get-- it gets stronger every day. Kayla: You know, mom, I think I understand why you took the blame for me. I think I'd do anything for my baby. Caroline: Yeah. You think you love her now? You just wait. It just gets stronger every day. The way I love you now... Kayla: I love you, mom. You have always, always been there for us. I want to be here for you. I don't know if you know how much you mean to me and how important--how important you are to me. Oh. [Crying] Victor: You're an amazing woman, you know that, don't you? I always felt lucky to have known you... and loved you. Roman: Hi, did you patch the call through? Lani: Yes, sir. It's being recorded. Roman: Can you locate the phone? Lani: I'm pinging cell towers now, sir, trying to triangulate. Roman: Okay, I need this ASAP, Lani, before JJ gets hurt or worse. JJ: Mr. Weston, it's not like I'm trying to make you mad, okay? But you hired me 'cause you got rid of Kyle, and how you did that has been on my mind-- Clyde: Didn't I just tell you I'm not talking about that loser? JJ: Yeah, but you've thrown a few threats my way too. You said if I turned you in, you'd come after me, my family-- Clyde: I don't know what you're blabbering about. You told me you wanted to see me on business. Why? JJ: Because I got a message from you. A bullet was delivered to my house. Remember that? Roman: Okay, come on, come on, come on, Lani. I need to know where they are. Lani: Sir, JJ's phone is definitely at the docks, but we can't seem to get a more specific location. Roman: Damn it, those docks go on forever. Okay. Order the nearest patrol cars in there now. No sirens, no lights. If Weston thinks JJ turned him in, it won't be good. Clyde: What are you saying, JJ? That I sent you a bullet? JJ: Hey, maybe you didn't have anything to do with it. Can we at least talk about it? Clyde: Well, you can stand there and talk to yourself about it all you want, but I'm not interested. If you're gonna blame me for every time you get scared and wet your pants, then maybe you're not-- JJ: Don't get me wrong, Mr. Weston. I know you're not gonna kill me. Clyde: Now, why's that? JJ: Because I will be a top money-maker, as soon as you turn me loose. Clyde: Oh, for god's sake. Now what are you talking about? Will you tell me what the hell you want? JJ: Yes, sir, I want more responsibility, because right now you just have me moving stuff around when I ought to be moving it on the streets. You're acting like you don't trust me because Kyle didn't, when it turned out that Kyle was the one you couldn't trust, right? Now he's out of the way. I want in. Kayla: [Sighs] My mom didn't respond at all. Maggie: But she may still have heard you. Hope: She could have, Kay. Maggie: Why don't we take a walk? You know, get some air. Kayla: I don't want to leave her. Hope: We all have our phones on. If anything should change, I promise you, I will call you the second it does, okay? Maggie: We could walk around the block a couple of times. You know, if you want. Hope: Do it. Kayla: Okay. Hope: Okay? Kayla: All right. Hope: I'll be right here. Kayla: Okay. Hope: Love you. [Sighs] [Phone beeps] Hope: Hey, Rafe, it's Hope. Anything new on Chad? What do you think about taking a crack at Stefano's staff? Yeah. Who knows? Maybe one of them didn't get a big enough bonus last year, and they want to stick it to him. I mean, we should definitely offer--and promise immunity. Okay, thanks. No. It's not looking all that good for Caroline right now. But we're praying. We're praying a lot. That's all we can do. Yeah. [Clears throat] Talk soon. Aiden: Hey. Victor: You know, I remember falling in love with you. I fought so hard. I knew it was wrong. We both did. But I couldn't help myself. [Chuckles] No, that's not true. I didn't want to help myself. I loved you too much. Steve: [Gasps] No, man. No, man. Oh... [Groans] Hope: No, that's the problem. There's been no change. We were praying. We were praying that she would react quickly. But who knows? She could get worse. She could get better. Aiden: Yeah, well... sometimes the not knowing is worse than anything. I get it. But, baby, if you need anything, okay, you want me to bring in some sandwiches, you want me to make some calls, you want me to pick up your cleaning, you let me know. Hope: Pick up my cleaning? Aiden: Yes, I will do that for you. Hope: Having you here is all I need, even if it's just for a little while. I don't think I could have done this alone. Aiden: Well, I got news for you, detective. You're never gonna have to be alone again. Kayla: Oh. It's just that my mother was going downhill so fast. I was desperate. But giving her an experimental drug with no clinical trials, it is so out of my comfort zone. Maggie: But when Caroline didn't know who you were... Kayla: Oh, that was the clincher. Still, there are doctors who would say that what I did was unethical. Maggie: Not if it were their mother and they were watching her slip away. Kayla: Maggie... there have just been so many things these last few months that are just upside down. I mean, Joey. My sweet Joey was always such a happy kid. Now he's decided to be some sullen teenager. He doesn't care who knows about it. And then Steve. Steve has shown up here in Salem and... and said he wants to be back in our family, like nothing has even happened. Then my mom. My mom has always been my rock. She was always the person that I could lean on. Maggie: But she's still here, Kayla. She's a fighter. And there's still hope. Nordstrom: Once this enters his veins, it doesn't matter how strong he is. He won't be able to resist. I'm giving him twice the dose considered safe. What if he dies? Nordstrom: Well, if he does, he does. He's useless to us unless he talks, anyway. Lani: Unit 17 came in at the north end, Commissioner. It's clear. Roman: All right. Tell 'em to keep coming. Slowly, no noise. All right, we're moving up from the south. Okay, Jenkins, let's go. All right, keep it quiet. Jenkins: Yes, sir. Clyde: Not sure what kind of position you're talking about, JJ. JJ: Simple enough. I want to be your number two. Clyde: Well, get your head out of the clouds, son. I don't have a number two, and I never will. JJ: Well, being an errand boy is not gonna cut it for me. But, sir, I've got ideas on how to double your business. I've got the connections. Clyde: Talk is cheap. Give me specifics. Maggie: I know victor is thrilled that dr. Salinas finally came through with that serum. But now, of course-- he's not gonna admit this-- but deep down, he wanted Bo to be the one who brought it to Caroline. Kayla: Because that would mean that Bo wasn't still missing. Maggie: Mm. And since there stopped... being contact, every time Bo's name comes up, victor's eyes get so troubled. Kayla: I know it's hard on him. It's hard on all of us, especially now that my mom is like this. I-- you know, Maggie, if the serum works and my mother wakes up, the entire Brady clan is not gonna be able to thank victor enough. Maggie: And victor will just be happy that Caroline is well again. Kayla: Is it difficult for you, how much he cares for my mother? Maggie: Mm, he's always loved her. I think of it this way. If there weren't a "Caroline and victor," there wouldn't be a Bo and hope. And there wouldn't be a Ciara. So why would I ever want anything different? Meanwhile, Eduardo Larson's $100,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of Chad DiMera is still being offered. But, thus far, DiMera's whereabouts are unknown. Aiden: Hey. Hope: Hey. Aiden: Anything new at the station? Hope: No, but I have to keep checking in. Aiden: Yeah, any leads on finding Chad, or... Hope: You know I can't talk about that. Aiden: Oh, no, no, no, Stefano fired me, remember? I'm no longer Chad's attorney. So, if you want to talk to me fiancée to fiancé, I'm all ears. Hope: All right, I have a question. Aiden: Yeah. Hope: Did he ever say anything about where he might go if he had to disappear? Aiden: No. All he ever talked about was how he was innocent and that someone was... Both: Trying to frame him. Hope: And he needed to find a way to prove it. Aiden: Yeah. Hope: Yeah, Rafe told me. He got an earful too. Aiden: Yeah. Well, I'll let you in on a little secret. I'd like nothing better to find DiMera myself, so I can bring him in. JJ: First of all, I'm young. No offense, but things aren't done the way they used to be. You need to move in at the university. You need to find the right students. Don't send in losers to push product from off campus. That guy you put in to replace Kyle, he's just loser number two. And you've got to start thinking about business people. Clyde: Like? JJ: High-powered salesmen, brokers, restaurant people, whatever. They want the product that'll give them an extra pop when they need it and then something to bring them back down when they're done. And trust me, they don't want to drive all over the wrong side of town just looking to score. Clyde: Well, you're just full of good ideas, aren't you, JJ? Maybe sometime I'll sit down and talk about it. Right now there's someplace I got to be. JJ: Hold on, you haven't even heard the best part. Just stick around, just two minutes. What do you say? Victor: You know, we may not have had a chance to build a future together, but we had Bo. You gave me that. And I'll never be able to thank you enough. Caroline: I am one lucky woman, to have two such wonderful men in my life. Bo: Actually, we're the lucky ones. Ma? Are you okay? What happened? Caroline: [Stammering] Bo: Ma, look at me. What have you done? Caroline: [Stammering] Roman: Come on, Bo. This isn't possible. Hell, you arrest ma for murder? There's no way she could have done this. Bo: We found ma alone at the scene of the crime, holding what was probably the murder weapon. I didn't have a choice. We'll find something to prove that it wasn't you or... that it could have been somebody else. Caroline: Bo... don't do anything stupid. Do you understand me? Bo: All I said was-- Caroline: I know what you said, and I know what you're thinking. Bo: No, you don't. Caroline: Yes, I do. Bo: Ma... Caroline: Don't "Ma" me. [Intense music] [Bo groaning] [Caroline groaning] Victor: Caroline? [Bo groans, screams] Victor: Okay, all right. Everything's all right. [Caroline groaning] [Bo grunting] [Caroline groaning] Victor: Nurse! Dr. Salinas! We need some help in here! Caroline: [Groans] Aiden: So, look, if there's anything that I can bring you, let me know, because... Hope: No. Aiden: Vending machine, you can't live off of that food. Hope: I love the vending machines. I'm fine. Aiden: Okay. Hope: You need to get back to the office. I'm sure your clients need you. Aiden: Right. All right, well, look, if Caroline wakes up, I want you-- Hope: The doctor said it could be days. Who knows? Go. Love you. Aiden: All right. I love you. Text me. Hope: I'll call you. Aiden: Okay. Both: Bye. Nordstrom: Now we're making headway. This could go on for a while. Let's see what his eyes are telling us. Bo: [Groaning forcefully] Nordstrom: For god's sake. Quick, get the cart! Right, right. Nordstrom: Damn it, just my luck, he's going into cardiac arrest. Quickly! Caroline: [Groaning] Victor: Relax, Caroline. You're gonna be fine. Everything is all right. Hope: What's wrong? Salinas: She's experiencing some agitation. Hope: It's okay. Victor: Well, you gonna give her something or not? Salinas: Yes, right now. Hope: Caroline. Salinas: Okay. Caroline: Bo! Bo! Clyde: Two minutes. I'm listening. JJ: Okay. So here's where you've been screwing up since the day you hit town. You need deniability. Yeah, okay, sure, you can scare the hell out of people who work for you. Maybe they won't rat you out when they get arrested. But better yet, limit the number of people who even know who you are or what you do. You build a blind network. Nobody has more than one contact, two at the most. I mean, seriously, trusting a guy like Kyle, that was a bonehead move from the get-go. Clyde: You don't ever talk to me like that again. Salinas: It's impossible to say. She may come awake again soon or not for another day or two. Kayla: Or that serum could have destroyed whole sections of her brain, and she is never gonna wake up again. Maggie: Honey... Salinas: I can't speak to that, I'm afraid. Her reaction today is very much like a patient who's in a coma. Often they return to consciousness in fits and starts or sometimes all at once. Maggie: Well, aren't there tests that you can run? Salinas: Yes, I've drawn blood, and I'll run them right away. Excuse me. Kayla: Mom. Mom, it's Kayla. Can you hear me? I just need you to squeeze my hand, all right? Just one little squeeze. That's all I'm asking. Of course, everybody here, they'd love it if you just woke up and you said hello. Could you just do that, mom? Could you please just... Hope: Oh. Maggie: Caroline? Kayla: [Laughs] [Laughter] Steve: What was going on in there? Victor: Caroline was having a relapse, or maybe not. It's hard to tell. I brought this doctor in to develop a serum we thought could help her, but nothing yet. What are you doing here? I thought you were in Mexico. Steve: I was. And thanks for the use of your jet. I couldn't have done it without it. Victor: Done what? Did you find Bo? Steve: I think we need to go someplace more private to talk. Victor: If it's bad news, just tell me. Steve: I tracked Bo down... to an old monastery in yucat*N. They had a couple of prison cells underground. Victor: Is that where he is? Steve: Not anymore. I got there too late. But the place is still active, and they definitely don't want anyone snooping around. And shortly after I got there, they sent someone in to kill me. Victor: Well, obviously they weren't successful. Did the guy give you any news about Bo before he went on his way? Steve: Some. Whoever kidnapped Bo and put him in that prison cell, they were trying to get their hands on that serum your people developed. Victor: For Caroline. Steve: Yeah. Victor: Well, yes, that makes sense. If it works, it's gonna be worth a fortune. I don't understand why you're here telling me this. Get back down there and look for Bo. Steve: Victor... I found...surveillance video of Bo when he was in that cell, what they were doing to him. I don't know how to tell you this. Bo's dead. They murdered him. Kayla: Can you give me five words that start with c? Caroline: I just gave you five words that started with M. Kayla: Come on, humor me. Please. Caroline: Car, cat, cranberries, chowder. [Laughter] Maggie: Perfect. Kayla: Excellent. Caroline: Feel like I've just passed the spelling bee in the fifth grade. Maggie: Ah, Caroline. I am so glad that you're back. Hope: We all love you so much. Caroline: Oh, well, I'm glad I'm back, but I don't know how I got here. Maggie: Ah, you gave us a big scare at the martin house. Kayla: So we brought you here to get you some help. Caroline: Oh, well, I guess it worked. I feel like I've had 24 hours of solid sleep. Hope: Good. Caroline: Yes, lots of dreams. Memories, warm. Except for Bo. [Eerie music] Nordstrom: Quick, the cart! He's going into cardiac arrest! Give me that. 300, set. Nordstrom: Stand clear. These carry one hell of a jolt. [Groans] Woman: My mom and I have the same hands. [Phone ringing in background] Aiden: Excuse me. I'm an attorney. I talked to my client down in holding. Thought I'd come up here and find out if there's any news about Chad DiMera. Lani: All I know is that ever since that reward was offered, the phones never quit. Sorry, I'm in the middle of something. Clyde: You think you're better than me, boy? You best think again. You don't call me down here and lecture me how to do business. I've seen more punk-ass kids like you come and go than I can even remember, and guess what, I'm still here. I'm still standing, and I'm untouchable. You hear me? So you get your punk ass home, little man. You wait for my call. And if I contact you, make sure of this: You do what I say when I say and how I say it. Is that clear enough for you, you little-- Roman: Freeze! Police! Turn around slowly. I said turn around slowly. I won't say it again. Clyde: You set me up. Roman: Do it. Hands behind your back. [Handcuffs clicking] Roman: All right, Jenkins, when you get him back to the station, do this again on video. Clyde Weston, you are under arrest for conspiracy to sell controlled substances. Other charges may and will follow. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. Victor: No, that--that-- you got bad information. Steve: I wish I had. But I saw Bo. He was stabbed. I saw video of him... being zipped up into a body bag, dragged out. I'm sorry. Victor: My God. He worked so hard to help me. He made that whole research project happen. I never thought when he disappeared... now Caroline might be saved, and her son-- our son... Steve: Wish I'd gotten there sooner. Hey, listen. I could be the one to tell hope. Victor: No, don't tell her. Steve: But she should know. Victor: You don't know what it took for her to get her life back on track again after Bo disappeared. Don't bring him back to her and then make her mourn him all over again. Steve: You're right. Hope: Victor. Victor, Caroline's awake, and she's doing really well. Steve. Steve: Hey. Victor: That's terrific. Hope: You came back to-- came back to good news. Steve: Yeah. Maggie: Victor, would you look who's awake and talking about going home? Kayla: Well, not yet, mom. Victor: Don't you look wonderful? Hello, Caroline. Caroline: Hello. Maggie: Caroline is telling us about Bo. Victor: What about him? Caroline: I've been dreaming a lot about him, only it was-- it was more than a dream. I mean, it was real. Bo was there. And he was uncomfortable, and... a lot of time went by. His beard was very heavy. And... he was in chains. Maggie: Chains? Caroline: Yes. Hope: Sometimes...dreams can really fool us. Kayla: You know, mom, you were given a really powerful drug. Caroline: This was real. All those chains. Hope he's all right. [Nordstrom groaning] [Clattering] Bo: No, don't hit me. Please, no, no, not again. Not again--ah! You like that? Bo: No, no, please. Please, no--ah! You want another one? Bo: No, please-- ah! Nordstrom: You get him. Bo: [Coughing] No, no. Okay, you want to play, huh? Get up! Come on. [Zapping] Bo: Clear, you son of a bitch! [Grunting] Nordstrom: It's business. Bo: [Shouts indistinctly] Nordstrom: It's business! Bo: You shut up! I'm going home! [Grunts] | Kayla gave Caroline the drug and she didn't think it would work because she didn't respond to it |
626 | [Sharon remembering] Sharon: (Groaning) (Alarm sounding) (Lock beeps) Sharon: (Yelling) Aah! Nick: You're doing great. Sharon: (Groaning) Dr. Taylor: Don't stop now. Come on. Push. Nick: Come on. You can do it. Push. Dr. Taylor: And here we go. Nick: I'm right here. Dr. Taylor: Good. (Baby crying) Sharon: My baby. My baby. [SCENE_BREAK] Sharon: Mm. Sharon: Nurse! Nurse? Somebody, help me, please? (Sighs) Oh. Woman: Is there a problem? Sharon: Um... Woman: Are you in pain? Sharon: I--um, I'm a little confused. Woman: Well, you're in the hospital. Sharon: Yes, I-I can see that. Um, I-I don't know how I got here. Last night, I was-- I was in a private facility. I had a baby. Where is she? In the nursery? Why don't you answer me? What happened to my baby? Woman: Just lie back. Take it easy. The doctor will be in shortly to answer your questions. Sharon: No. No. I-I want to know now. What's going on? Where's my baby? What have you done with my baby?! [SCENE_BREAK] Adam: (Sighs) (sighs) Adam: (Sighs) Dr. Taylor: What are you doing? Celebrating? Adam: Well, you should be, too. We dodged a bullet, my friend. Dr. Taylor: Don't you ever call me that. I'm not your friend. I don't even want to know you, Adam. You're sick. Adam: You call it sick. I call it resourceful. Dr. Taylor: You stole that woman's baby right out of-- Adam: Listen, I didn't steal anybody's baby. That's Ashley's daughter, okay? Dr. Taylor: And what am I supposed to say to the real mother--Sharon-- the one they carted away in an ambulance? Adam: Just tell her her baby died. Dr. Taylor: Her baby died? What, are you crazy? What's going to happen when she wants to see a body? Adam: I don't know. That's not my problem. But you're gonna take care of it, okay? 'Cause if you don't, I'm gonna make sure that you see prison time, and I hear that, uh, sex offenders aren't too popular in there. Dr. Taylor: (Sighs) Adam: Hey. There's the new mama. Ashley: (Whispering) She's sleeping. (Door closes) Adam: Look, uh, now that, um, the lockdown's been lifted, we can take you two to Memorial. Ashley: Did you hear that, my baby girl? Your big brother's gonna take good care of you, just like he took perfect care of mommy. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikki: How are you feeling? Any change? Victor: (Weakly) I just... feel so damn tired. Abby: Morning, Dad. Victor: Good morning, Sweetheart. Abby: Sorry I'm late. (Laughs) Victor: That's all right. Where's Adam? Abby: I just hitched a ride with Nick. Adam wasn't around. Nick: He was here last night, and he--he left. Nobody's seen him since. Victor: I wish all my children--children were here. Victoria: Well, you'll just have to settle for us, I guess. Victor: Mm. Nick: Any word from the Abbotts? Nikki: No, and I don't want to push. Nick: Dad's getting weaker. Nikki: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Dr. Snyder: There are two tests to find out whether or not an organ donor and recipient are compatible. The first is the H.L.A. It evaluates certain genetic markers. Colleen and Mr. Newman would have to match five out of six in order for the transplant to be approved. The second test is the crossmatch, and that would determine whether or not the-- Traci: I'm sorry. D-doctor, the-- it--it's too much. I-I-I-I'm not being able to take all this in right now. Billy: What's going on? Jack: Dr. Snyder was just explaining to us the tests they'll run to see if Colleen's heart can go to Victor, which Traci has agreed to with my blessing. Billy: Jack, you can't do this. God, I can't believe you're on board for this. Mac: Your brother has a right to his opinion, Billy. Billy: Yeah, well, so do I. Hey, look, you--you run all the tests that you need to run for somebody else, okay? Just don't let my CeeCee's heart go into that person. Steve: (Sighs) Traci: Billy, please don't do this. Steve: The decision's been made. She's being tested. Billy: Tested? Let me ask you guys a question-- does anybody in this room actually care about what Colleen would have wanted?! Dr. Snyder: I'll be back in a little bit. Billy: It--I--honestly, I feel like I'm living in the twilight zone. All of you people standing around concerned about if Victor Newman's gonna be saved or not-- Victor Newman! There's a reason why he got shot. It's call karma, Jack. Mac: Billy, I know you're upset, but this really isn't helping. Jack: We all have to put our personal feelings behind us and look at the bigger picture. Traci: (Sighs) Billy: The bigger picture is Newman doesn't deserve to wake up tomorrow. Traci: Stop it. Stop it. Both of you, stop it. I can't stand this bickering. Billy: Sis, I-- Traci: No, it may not even be-- w-whether we give Victor Colleen's heart may not even be an option, and I don't want to hear another word about this until we get the tests back... (Voice breaks) Please. Steve: All right. Traci: (Sniffles) Jack: I'll talk to him. Traci: Okay. (Sighs) Steve: It's all right. (Door opens and closes) Traci: (Sniffles) Steve: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: Okay, Dad, no more talk about Newman. Everything is fine there, okay? Abby: And at home, so you can just take it easy for once, okay? Victor: Uh-huh. Victor: What's going on? Jack: Colleen indicated on her driver's license she wants to be... an organ donor. Traci's honoring her wishes. Right now, they're testing to see if Colleen's heart is a viable option for you. Abby: Y-y-you mean Colleen's heart would-- Jack: Might be a possibility, yeah. Nick: Abby, we didn't want to say anything in case Traci changed her mind. Nikki: Honey, you've had to go through so much lately. Victor: That's... the first time I've heard of this. Abby: (Sobs) My poor sister. She just-- Nick: Wait, Abby. Abby. Abby: I just want to be alone, okay? I-I'm fine. I just... Victor: Jack, I'm sorry that your family has to make this decision. But I'm glad you did. I'm very glad. Jack: Don't. Don't thank us--not yet. If Colleen's heart isn't a match... or even if it is... I'm gonna go check on Abby. (Door closes) Dr. Snyder: (Clears throat) Mr. Abbott, I was just coming to find you. Your sister Ashley and her infant daughter were just brought in by ambulance. Jack: My sister Ashley and her what? Woman: Your daughter's doing great. [SCENE_BREAK] Ashley: She's so beautiful. I can't take my eyes off her. Woman: Sir, I'm sorry. Family members only. Ashley: Adam's my stepson. Not just that, but he delivered my baby. (Laughs) Would you mind helping him with the stool? He can't see very well. Adam: Just point me in the general direction. I'll stumble into it anyway. Thanks. Woman: The obstetrician on call will be in to examine you. Ashley: I'm not even sure if that's necessary. I feel so good, I mean, considering I just had a baby. Woman: Hospital policy, Mrs. Newman. I'm sure you and your baby will check out just fine. Ashley: Thank you. Hey, Adam, as soon as the doctor's finished with his examination, I want to get an update on Victor, how he's doing after surgery. Adam: (Sighs) Yeah, I've been worried, too. Why don't I go check and see what I can find out? Ashley: Thank you so much. (Whispering) Hi, Sweetheart. How's my baby girl? Do you know how much I love you? Jack: Congratulations. Ashley: Would you like to meet your new niece? Jack: Hey, there. Ashley: (Giggles) Jack: Wow! She's so tiny. Ashley: Hey, she's perfect. She was just a little early. Jack: You couldn't wait to meet all of us, could you? Ashley: Isn't that amazing? Jack: Amazing. Ashley: In the midst of all this tragedy, my daughter came into the world. Jack: Yeah, timing's an amazing thing. Ashley: How's Traci, Jack? Jack: Traci... (Sighs) Agreed to donate Colleen's organs. Ashley: Oh, my God. Colleen would have wanted that. Jack: Colleen's heart, just so you know, Colleen's heart-- there's a real possibility it could go to Victor. Ashley: What? Jack: The device keeping his heart going is a temporary fix. They're doing tests right now to see if he's a likely candidate for a transplant. Ashley: Are you saying if he doesn't get a heart, he could die? Jack: I'm saying he will die. Ashley: Oh, my God. Jack: Yeah. Right now, Victoria and Nicholas and Michael Baldwin are exploring every channel. (Door opens) Dr. Mangino: Good morning. I'm Dr. Mangino. Ready for your postpartum exam? Ashley: Doctor, I don't have time. I don't have time, not now. I have to see-- I have to see my baby's father. [SCENE_BREAK] Victoria: I thought I might find you here. J.T.: (Sighs) Victoria: You okay? J.T.: This is, um... (Sighs) (Scoffs) Victoria: I know. J.T.: You know, honestly, this--this is... beyond my comprehension right now. Victoria: My father's in there. He's dying. And Colleen's already gone. Would you hate me if I prayed for them to be a match? J.T.: I don't know. I don't--I don't even know how I feel about any of this right now. Victoria: I understand. J.T.: (Sighs) Billy: I was looking for Mac. I'll-- J.T.: I haven't seen her. Victoria: Uh, Billy, wait. Billy: You know, we really don't have anything to say to each other that-- Victoria: No, I--we do. I want to tell you how sorry I am about Colleen. You know, I--there was a time that I thought of her as family. Billy: Just--just don't. Don't--don't do that. She was just something that you had to put up with because you were married to Brad once. So don't act that you cared or--or--or that, uh, you're all broken up because she's gone. I mean, she's--she's worth more to you people now, right? And you can chop her up and use her for spare parts. Victoria: I don't want to do this right here in this chapel where people come to find peace. Billy: Peace... well, that's a bit of a tall order for all of us right now, isn't it? Victoria: (Scoffs) J.T.: (Sighs) Billy: She pushed my buttons with the family thing, all right? J.T.: Hey, we're all suffering here, all right? Billy: Yeah, I know. I know. I know. Look, we go way back, right? I mean, me and Mac, you and Colleen. J.T.: And? Billy: And this is wrong. And I know that you agree with me, so just-- would you just do me a favor? Will you go in there and when you ask them just to-- just talk to them, please, okay? And then-- then I'll talk to Traci again, and --and maybe if we work together, we can prevent this whole mess from happening. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: (Sighs) so what happens next? Dr. Swift: I will be back to discuss our options once we determine if the potential donor is a match. Victor: (Clears throat) Nikki: Thank you, Doctor. Nick: Thank you. Victor: I can't believe the Abbotts would even consider this. Nikki: Thank God they are. Nick: They're being very decent about this. It says a lot about forgiveness. Nikki: Yes, it certainly does. Victor: Well, I... I won't have any false hopes. Nikki: Now you listen to me, Mr. Realist. Right now, there's hope that we didn't have before, so I'm gonna hang onto that, if you don't mind. Victor: Mm. I wish... Phyllis and Summer were here. I just want to tell them how much I love them. Nick: They're gonna be back soon. Victor: Maybe not soon enough. Nick: No. No, Dad. I don't want to hear that out of you, all right? You're gonna make it through this. I know it. I have faith. [SCENE_BREAK] Sharon: Where is my baby? I want to see my baby now. (Door opens) Sharon: Now. Oh. Dr. Taylor: Sharon. Sharon: Doctor. Oh, thank God you're here. Nobody will give me a straight answer. Dr. Taylor: I would have been by sooner. Sharon: (Sighs) I've been climbing the walls since I woke up. No one will let me see my daughter. Dr. Taylor: I wouldn't really advise that right now, Sharon. Sharon: Why not? Dr. Taylor: Well, there were problems in the delivery. Sharon: What kind of problems? Dr. Taylor: The fetus encountered serious issues in labor. Sharon: She's not-- she's not a fetus. She's my daughter Faith, and I want to see her. I want to see her right now. Dr. Taylor: The child was severely malformed. There's no way that she could have survived. Sharon: No. No, not my-- my baby was healthy. Of--of course she survived. She --she--she did. The doctors told me that she... Dr. Taylor: Sometimes, there are things that just can't be foreseen. It's probably why you went into early labor. Your body sensed that the child wasn't viable. Sharon: (Stammering) (Sniffles) I want to see her. (Sniffles) I need to hold my baby. Please, Doctor. Can I--can I please hold her now? Can I see her? Dr. Taylor: I think that just might be too upsetting for you. Sharon: (Sniffles) Oh, God. Oh, this can't be happening. (Sobs) Dr. Taylor: You're already in such a fragile state. I've been instructed by your psychiatrist-- Sharon: No, you know what? I heard her cry. I did. I heard her cry when she was born. She was alive. Dr. Taylor: No. You were delirious from the pain. Sharon: (Sobs) Dr. Taylor: And you were hearing things that weren't happening. Your baby never took a breath. I'm so sorry. Sharon: (Sniffles) Oh, God, no. God, no. Dr. Taylor: Sharon? Wh-when you feel up to it... Sharon: (Sighs) Dr. Taylor: Th-there are some papers that need to be signed. I know it's terribly difficult for you. Sharon: (Sobs) Oh, God. Oh, Faith. Faith. Faith, it's your mommy. Oh, oh, God. Please don't t-- don't tell me she's gone. Oh, please, don't let her be gone. No! Oh, God. Don't let her be gone. Oh! Oh, no! [SCENE_BREAK] Adam: Taylor, over here. Adam: What the hell took you so long? Dr. Taylor: You expect me to tell that poor woman that her baby was dead in a matter of minutes? Adam: So did Sharon buy it? Well? Are we in the clear? Dr. Taylor: Yes. Adam: Good, 'cause I need you up in the maternity ward. There's a doctor on staff that's supposed to do an examination on Ashley. Three guesses what happens when they find out that they didn't deliver any baby. Dr. Taylor: Adam, you deal with that. I dealt with Sharon. That was supposed to be the end of it. Adam: Listen, Taylor, you're gonna fix this, or I'm gonna get that letter that Skye wrote about how you violated her and those other women, and I'm gonna deliver it right to the cops. Listen, I don't even know if my father's alive, all right? Look, just get up there. Don't let anyone touch her. Ashley cannot find out what really happened. Dr. Taylor: (Clears throat) [SCENE_BREAK] Dr. Mangino: I can't let you go roaming around this hospital without making certain there were no complications. Ashley: Did you hear what I said? My husband could be dying. I have to get to him. Jack: Ashley, you can take a few minutes, just find out if you're physically able. Ashley: Do I look like I'm not physically able to get onto an elevator, Jack? Jack: At least we want a wheelchair. I'll-- I'll take you down there myself. (Door opens) Ashley: I am fine. I'm telling you-- Dr. Taylor: Oh, let's see how my patient is doing. Ashley: Thank God you're here. Would you please tell this nice doctor that I don't have to have an examination right this very second? Dr. Mangino: I apologize, Dr. Taylor. I had no idea she was your patient. Dr. Taylor: Not a problem, Doctor. Thanks for your diligence. Ashley: Dr. Taylor, Victor's heart is failing. He's in I.C.U. could we please postpone this exam until I see him? Jack: Look, I want you to do whatever is best for my sister. Victor is in rough condition... Ashley: Jack. Jack: But he's not going anywhere in the next half-hour. Dr. Taylor: I promise to be quick. Ashley: (Sighs) Fine. Okay. Jack: Okay. I'll wait outside. Dr. Taylor: Baby seems to be doing fine. Ashley: Isn't it wonderful that she's here? You okay? Dr. Taylor: Oh, yes. Just a little tired. We had quite a night last night, the two of us. (Laughs) Ashley: You should know that Adam was--was really amazing during the whole delivery. You'd be very proud of him. Dr. Taylor: Well, uh, let's see how you're doing, hmm? Ashley: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] J.T.: (Sighs) Billy: You know what type of person Victor is. Do you really want Colleen's heart to end up in that? J.T.: Okay. Okay. I know this is hard for you to take, Billy. I understand that. Billy: "Hard for me to take"? Look, I-I'm not gonna take it. J.T.: (Sighs) Billy: (Scoffs) I thought you loved her, man. J.T.: Of course I-- look, I'm hard--I'm hardly Victor's biggest fan, but he is my son's grandfather. Billy: Oh, Reed is--is better off without that guy in his life anyway. Come on. J.T.: How many deaths are gonna make this all right for you? This isn't about what Colleen would want. This is about what you want. Billy: Do you really think it's a good idea that her heart ends up in somebody that she--she hates? Do you really think that's a good idea? J.T.: No. There is nothing good about any of this, Billy. Mac: I hate watching you do this to yourself. Billy: I'm doing this for Colleen. Look, all right, if--if her heart is a match, I don't care. If the transplant's not gonna happen, I will shut this whole place down. I will shut this whole place down. It's not gonna happen. [SCENE_BREAK] Ashley: I'm glad Dr. Taylor came here when he did. He's trying to get permission for me to go down to I.C.U... (Sniffles) And see Victor. Jack, how is he? I mean, really, how is he doing? Jack: He's getting weaker by the minute. Ashley: (Sighs) Jack: When I was in his room earlier, he could barely get out a sentence. Ash, you are not responsible for his condition. Ashley: I said some pretty harsh things to him. Jack: Listen to me. That did not cause congestive heart failure. Ashley: (Sighs) I understand that, Jackie. It's just that, on top of what I keep thinking I did to Nikki. Jack: Uh, you didn't do anything to--Nikki's fine. Nikki was away in the Rockies at a retreat. She's back. She came to the hospital last night. You saw her. Ashley: Yeah, but was that really her? Jack: Listen to me. Nikki is alive and well. She's here at Memorial. She came straight from the airport. I saw her in Victor's room earlier. I mean it. It's true. Ashley: So I never-- I never hurt anybody? Oh, my God. I can't believe everything you've done for me. You have no idea what you've done for me. Abby: Mom! (Laughs) Jack: Hey. Ashley: Hi, Honey. Abby: (Sobs) I heard you were here. Ashley: How are you? Abby: Not good. Jack: Hey. You know what? I have someone here that might be able to cheer you up. Abby: (Sobs) Ashley: I'd like you to meet your new baby sister. Jack: Isn't she beautiful? Abby: (Laughs) [SCENE_BREAK] Victoria: Where have you been? Adam: Jeez! Victoria, please don't sneak up on me like that. Victoria: I asked you a question. Adam: (Sighs) Nick: Yeah. Where have you been? We could lose our father at any moment. Adam: "Lose him"? What's that supposed to mean? He's sitting up talking right now. Nick: Adam, his heart is failing. He needs a transplant. We have days to find a compatible donor whose family is willing to make a designated donation, and at this point, that's a long shot. Victoria: The Abbotts have agreed to have Colleen tested to see if she and Dad might be a match. Adam: Wow. I had no idea. Victoria: Yeah. Nick: Of course you had no idea, because you don't care. Now where the hell have you been? Adam: You know what, Nick? You're a real piece of work. It's none of your business where I've been. Victoria: Hmm. That seems to be your answer for everything. Nick: You know, I just-- I don't believe a word that comes out of your mouth. Victoria: (Sighs) Adam: Yeah. Well, I'm not surprised. This is coming from the guy who complains about his daddy who--doing things when he's not even responsible for it. Just because you're (Yelling over each other) J.T.: Hey, hey, hey. Come on. Knock it off, guys. Adam: Come on. Hit a blind man! J.T.: Knock it off. Everything going on, and you guys want to beat the hell out of each other? (Scoffs) Come on. Nick: You know what? Leave. I want you out of here. We'll tell Dad you stopped by to check on him. Victoria: He can't handle the stress right now, Adam. Adam: Consider me gone, all right? Victoria: Do you need some help? Adam: Thank you. I can get up myself. This is far from over, brother. As a matter of fact, it's only the beginning. You just don't know it yet. [SCENE_BREAK] Sharon: (Sniffles) [SCENE_BREAK] Traci: (Sighs) J.T.: I don't want-- I don't want to argue... or talk or anything. I... (Sighs) I just want to sit here and be with Colleen. Is that all right? Traci: (Sighs) Of course. We would love that. (Sniffles) J.T.: (Sighs) J.T.: (Sniffles) [SCENE_BREAK] Billy: Yeah, no, I-I want them all in hundreds--hundreds. Mac: This is ridiculous. Billy: Can I get--no. No. Excuse--Melissa, will you hold on for a second? This is not ridiculous, okay? Enough cold hard cash in the hands of somebody will stop anything, especially a transplant. Melissa, I said, no, I-- Mac: Billy, stop. Stop. Don't do this. Don't do this. Billy: What part of "Hundreds" don't you understand? Don't do what? Don't do what? Victor would do it. Mac: Oh, good. And is Victor the person you want to emulate? Billy: Ten--Ma'am, I'm sorry. I can't hear-- Mac: Hi, Melissa? Yeah. Mr. Abbott's not gonna be needing that money anymore. Thank you. Sorry to bother you. Enough! Billy: If this pans out... (Sniffles) Every day for the rest of his rotten little life, Colleen's heart's gonna be beating in his chest, and how am I supposed to live with that, okay? Especially when I knew that I could have done something about it? Mac: What? What were you gonna do? Bribe someone? 'Cause that really honors Colleen's memory. Billy: I was supposed to go up to the cabin, okay? I told Colleen that I would have gone up to the cabin, but instead, I went... I went to the ranch, and I kidnapped Ashley, which made everything worse. If I had just listened to Jack and left it alone, then I would have been up at the cabin like I planned to be. Mac: No one knows when Colleen got to the cabin and ran into Patty. You could have driven up there and not been in time. We'll never know. Billy: I just need to make this right. If I can stop this travesty from happening, I will listen to everything Jack says for the rest of my life, I promise. Mac: I think that you should start listening to him right now, Billy. [SCENE_BREAK] Abby: She's incredible. Ashley: Just like my first baby girl. Abby: (Laughs) Ashley: I'm so sorry about Colleen, Honey. Abby: (Sighs) Her and Dad. Why does this all have to happen at once? It almost doesn't seem real. Ashley: I know I haven't been the kind of mother to you the last few months that... I wanted to be. But things are different now. You and I and... this sweet baby girl, we're gonna get past it all, I promise you. Abby: What about Dad? Ashley: He's gonna get past it, too. Abby: How do you know? Ashley: 'Cause we're gonna keep praying and believing in his strength. And we're never, ever gonna give up hope. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: I'm still on hold. Nikki: With who? Nick: The place where Sharon's staying. I had a message saying they called. Nikki: Mm. Victoria said Adam finally straggled in. Nick: Oh, yeah. He did, and he's gone again. Nikki: Probably not the worst thing. Nick: Yeah. Don't tell Dad about it. Nikki: No need to upset him for no reason. Nick: Yeah, I'm still here. What's this about? Wait, Sharon was taken where? Okay. Thank you. Nikki: What? Nick: Sharon was transferred to St. Mary's children's hospital a couple hours ago. Nikki: Why? What happened? Nick: I don't know. It must be about the baby. Don't say anything about this to Dad until I get back, okay? I'll call you. Nikki: Yeah. Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Traci: And when we left the house this morning, it was just before dawn... (Sniffles) The whole sky was coral. There was frost on the lawn. It was so cold, I had to grab a jacket. The air's really getting crisp. Any day now, the leaves are gonna start to turn. (Door opens) Traci: (Sobs) (Sighs) And Venus was out, too. (Sobs) The morning star, Sweetie. (Sniffles) (Voice breaks) Autumn was always your favorite time of year. (Sighs) Mac: (Whispering) I told Grandma I'd keep her up to date. Call me if you need anything. Traci: (Sniffles) Jack: Hey, I have some news. Traci: (Laughs) Jack: Good news for a change. Traci: (Sniffles) Steve: Not sure we'd know what to do with it. Traci: (Sighs, laughs) Jack: I was just upstairs, on the sixth floor, to be exact. You'll never guess who I met there. Billy: Who? Dr. Snyder: Excuse me. I-I'm sorry. I don't mean to interrupt. Traci: Yes, Dr. Snyder? Dr. Snyder: I just came from the lab. Traci: (Sniffles) Dr. Snyder: And your daughter and Mr. Newman are a perfect 5-point match. Medically speaking, a transplant is possible. [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: You're spoiling me. Nikki: Look who's talking. I can't stop thinking about that day... so many years ago when I was shot and not expected to live. Victor: Mm. Nikki: And you asked me to marry you. Victor: Mm-hmm. Nikki: And there I was, lying in this very hospital. Victor: Mm-hmm. Nikki: And you came in with the makeup kit. Victor: Mm. Mm-hmm. Nikki: Your hands were so gentle... putting on blush and powdering my nose. I will never forget that. [Ashley opens the door and overhears] Victor: Nikk, you didn't even need any makeup. You were so beautiful without it. Nikki: Mm. Victor: You're still the heart and soul of our family. Even when I pushed you away, you never gave up on me, never gave up on our children. Nikki: Victor, I never will. Victor: I'm so grateful to have known you, to have loved you. Victor: There's no... no one like you. Victor: I felt no greater love than the love I felt for you. [Ashley closes the door and leaves] [SCENE_BREAK] Adam: It's a one-way to Boston. Dr. Taylor: What's the catch? Adam: No catch. I will have Victor's driver take us back to the ranch. I will give you the letter that Skye wrote, and you're free to go. Dr. Taylor: Just like that? Adam: Hey, the charade is over. Ashley didn't kill anyone. She finally got the baby that she was supposed to have if things hadn't fallen apart back in June. (Inhales sharply) So we can give ourselves a pat on the back for a job well done and forget we ever knew each other. Finis. Dr. Taylor: You--you are, without a doubt, the most coldhearted snake I have ever met. Adam: Charles, you wound me. Dr. Taylor: What about that poor woman that I left at St. Mary's sobbing her eyes out because she thinks her baby is dead? Adam: I'll take care of that one on my own. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: Sharon? Are you asleep? Nick: I-I-I got a call. Nick: The baby-- did something happen? Sharon: Faith... she didn't make it. Our little girl didn't make it, Nick. [NEXT_ON] Nikki: Something happened to Sharon, and she was taken to St. Mary's hospital, and he's just checking on her. Ashley: I'm not gonna call her Hope. I want to name my daughter Faith. Traci: I've made my decision, but I need your help. Jack: Whatever you want. | Dr |
627 | Helen: Mrs. Forrester? Help! We need help! [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: What do I do? If he just wasn't ready to talk to me that would be one thing. But to break his promise to Hope -- now, how do I explain that to her? Bridget: What's wrong? What -- where's Ridge? Brooke: Ridge never made it to hope's recital. Bridget: Oh, Mom. Brooke: I left him I don't know how many messages. And I got through to him once. But he hung up on me. I'm trying to be patient. I'm trying to be understanding. I'm trying to keep this family together. But how can I do that if he won't even talk to me, and if he won't let me know where he is? But I can't do this if he's not gonna talk to me. Bridget: I know, Mom. Come here. I'm so sorry, but I'm here. You're not alone, okay? I'm here. [SCENE_BREAK] Thomas: Calculus? Caitlin: Thomas. Hey. Thomas: Hey. You take calculus. Caitlin: Yeah. Thomas: No, it's just -- I knew you were smart, but I thought you were kind of set on the fashion design. Caitlin: Yeah, well, I am. Thomas: So why expend all the energy on this? Caitlin: Because I like math. It relaxes me. Thomas: You need to get out more. Caitlin: I don't know, there's just something about it. It's -- it's clear. I mean, you either got the answer or you didn't. There's no second-guessing, there's no confusion. It's totally unlike art. Thomas: Or the rest of life. Caitlin: Wouldn't that be something, if life was that wimple? I mean, solve for x, where x equals perfect life partner. Oh, I wasn't talking about you. Or me. I just meant in general. Actually, I was -- I was talking about my parents. I think they're gonna split up. [SCENE_BREAK] Thorne: Hmm -- alone for 24 hours. No work, no babies. Darla: No clothes. Thorne: You want to know what I'm going to do the first minute we get there? Darla: What are you gonna do? Thorne: I'm going to take a long, relaxing swim. Darla: A swim? Thorne: Did I say that? Darla: Yes, you did. Thorne: Okay, well, let me rephrase that, all right? I'm going to make mad, passionate love to my beautiful, beautiful wife. Darla: Oh, that's better, baby. Thorne: Our first night together alone in a long, long time. Darla: Ooh. Thorne: And you will have nothing to worry about. Alexandria will have the time of her life playing with her grandmother. Darla: Yeah. What would we ever do without Stephanie, huh? [SCENE_BREAK] Jogger: Yeah, I'm at the scene of an accident. Two cars. It looks like three people were injured. Yeah, yeah, please send an ambulance. Helen: Mrs. Forrester? Mrs. Forrester. [SCENE_BREAK] Bridget: There's got to be something that we're not thinking of. Just a clue that will tell us what's going on with Ridge. Has anyone else talked to him at all? Brooke: He spent the first night at Eric and Stephanie's guesthouse. They talked to him the next morning, but he hasn't been seen since. Nick: I begged him to come home here to you to ask for your forgiveness. And he goes to Cafe Russe and he gets loaded. Bridget: You saw him there? Brooke: The bartender told Eric and Stephanie. Bridget: Well, what did he say when you spoke to him? Brooke: Not much, really. I just told him I didn't want to fight anymore and I wanted him to come home. And he said he was tired and then he hung up on me. Bridget: Well, Mom, you know how cell phones are these days. Maybe he just hit a hole in the service area. Or maybe his battery died and he hasn't had time Nick: That's got to be it. And he doesn't have any money for a pay phone and his dialing finger is broken. Bridget: This just doesn't sound like him. Nick: Well, there are a lot of things happening lately that just don't sound like him, like trying to kick his own father out of the company, walking out himself when he didn't get what he wanted. Bridget: Wait, wait. Ridge took a leave of absence so he could spend more time with his family. Nick: Funny. I would think coming to the recital would be a way to spend more time with your family, wouldn't you? Bridget: Exactly. The Ridge I know wouldn't hang up on his wife and he wouldn't go to the bottle to solve his problems, and there's no way that he would break a promise to Hope. There's no way, mom. Mom, listen -- you know how much Ridge loves you, and you know how much he loves this family. You can't let go of that. You can't stop believing in him. Brooke: I haven't. I just want him to come home. I miss him. I miss our life. [SCENE_BREAK] Thomas: What's going on? Caitlin: They postponed the wedding. Indefinitely. They don't argue, not in front of Jimmy and me at least, and there's no screaming fights. There's just this constant tension all the time. Okay, maybe not all the time. But, you know, you think -- you think it's over, you think everything's fine, and then they're laughing and joking around again, and -- and then someone says something and it's back. And then the light just sort of goes out of their eyes. And no one's talking about it. Thomas: Just walking on eggshells? Caitlin: Yeah. Thomas: Have they said anything to you? Caitlin: Yeah, yeah. My dad said everything's gonna be fine. He wants to believe that, you know? He has to. He's loved her his whole life. And I guess I thought that once they got back together, they could just live happily ever after. Thomas: I think it's just hard. You know? To make it work. A lot harder than it looks from the outside. Caitlin: Has your dad come home yet? Thomas: No. Caitlin: Has he called? What is wrong with these people? Thomas: Bunch of losers. Espresso, please. He'll be back, though. You know, he and Brooke always work things out. They just have to make this big production out of it first. Caitlin: Can't be sure of that with my parents. Thomas: Yeah, well, at least your mom's not moved out. What? Caitlin: Nothing. I hope it's nothing. I went into her office today, and she wasn't there. She must have been, like, paying bills or something, because she left them out on her desk, and I saw her cell phone bill. There were a lot of calls to New York. Thomas: New York? Caitlin: Where she used to live, where her mom is, where all of her friends are. Thomas: The mother that ruined her life? Caitlin: Yeah, but I think they're still talking. I think she's thinking about moving back there. Thomas: Caitlin, your mom is not gonna leave you. Caitlin: She might. If she wasn't happy here, I mean, I wouldn't blame her, except I really -- I don't want to lose her. [SCENE_BREAK] Thorne: I never dared to think that life could be this good. But tonight, I'm gonna show you just how happy you -- you seem to be somewhere else. Darla: Oh, babe, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Thorne: Honey, you're not gonna spend our one night together worrying about Alexandria, are you? Darla: No. No, I'm not. I think it's just new mommy nerves or something. Just the thought of leaving our daughter -- Thorne: With her grandmother. Darla: I know. What if something happens? An earthquake or something? Thorne: Then mother will call us and we will be back here in an hour and a half, okay? And that goes for fires, for floods, and anything else I may have failed to cover, okay? Darla: Okay. I don't know why I'm getting the jitters all of a sudden. This was my idea. Thorne: Yes, it was. Because you know that my mother will spoil Alexandria rotten while we're gone. And if that means that I get to spoil my wife at the same time, then -- Darla: How exactly do you plan on doing that? Thorne: Dinner. As the sunsets slowly into the ocean. Darla: Mm-hmm. Thorne: Dessert by the light of the moon. Darla: Oh, my. It's too bad Stephanie picked today of all days to be late. Thorne: She probably just got caught in traffic. Don't worry. She'll be here. It'd take an act of god to keep Stephanie Forrester away from her granddaughter. [SCENE_BREAK] [ Sirens ] [ Horn blows ] Hector: Paramedics are here, ma'am. You're gonna be fine. Helen: Please -- help Mmrs. Forrester. Please? Hector: Stephanie. I'll need a backboard and exg, stat! Stephanie, can you hear me? I don't want you to move until I can help you, okay? Hang in, Stephanie. Don't you leave me. [SCENE_BREAK] Bridget: Mom, we just have to keep believing in Ridge until we know for sure what happened. Brooke: You're right. I can't fall apart like this. The children need to feel safe and I need to keep it together for them. Bridget: Yeah. Brooke: But what if Hope asks where her daddy is? Nick: Well, she won't ask. That's what. 'Cause Bridget and I will just keep her busy. She won't even think about it. Bridget: Busy doing what? Nick: Well, we'll go to the beach or we'll go to the park or we'll just -- don't worry about it. She'll be fine. Brooke: Are you sure? Bridget: Yeah. Yeah, we're sure. [ Phone rings ] Brooke: Hello? Hector: Brooke, it's Hector. I'm trying to reach Eric. Brooke: He's out of the country on business. Hector: I have some bad news. There's been an accident. Brooke: An accident? What happened? Hector: It's Stephanie. Brooke: Stephanie? Hector: We just brought her in to University hospital. Brooke: I'm on my way. [SCENE_BREAK] Darla: It's not like your mother to be so late. [ Phone rings ] Thorne: That better be you around the corner. Brooke: Thorne, it's Brooke. Stephanie's been in an accident. Thorne: How bad? Brooke: I don't know yet. But she's at University Hospital and I'm heading there right now. Thorne: I'll meet you there. Brooke: Oh, Catherine took Hope out for ice cream. I better call her. Bridget: Mom, I'll stay with the kids until she gets back. Nick: We got it. We got the kids. Go. Bridget: Wait, Mom, Mmom, just -- call us as soon as you hear anything. Oh, Stephanie -- please be okay. [SCENE_BREAK] [ Sirens ] Dr. Mark: Can you try to stand up again? Stephanie: Oow. Nurse: There was only a small amount of blood. Dr. Mark: There could be lacerations with microscopic hematuria. Stephanie: Would you explain exactly what you're talking about? Dr. Mark: Basically, the pain from your shoulder should be subsiding by now. Stephanie: Which means? Hector: How are we doing? Stephanie: I've had better days, I'll tell you that. Hector: I notified your family. They're on their way over. Stephanie: Helen okay? Hector: She was stable at the scene, but we brought her in to be examined, just to be on the safe side. Stephanie: Okay. I want to go down and see Helen now. Dr. Mark: You are not going anywhere until we get the CT scans. Stephanie: I don't want her to be alone. Hector: I will talk to her. Listen to your doctor. Stephanie: Thank you, Hector. Is there something that I should be concerned about? Dr. Mark: I'll know after I see the pictures. [SCENE_BREAK] Bridget: Okay, thanks, Catherine. We'll see you then. Bye. She's on her way. I can't believe this is -- you know, Stephanie -- what are we gonna do? She's our rock. Nick: Don't worry about her. She's -- she's a tough lady. Bridget: I can't believe this is happening. First it's Ridge and now Stephanie. Nick: Whoa, just hold on there. Don't you let a couple thunderclouds scare you. You know, I've faced a lot of storms in my life, all right? We're gonna get through this one. You just hold on. [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: Stephanie. I got here as fast as I could. Stephanie: You didn't have to come. I'm fine. Brooke: I'm just so happy to see you. Your arm -- Nurse: She had a dislocated shoulder. It's back in place, but the doctor wants to keep it immobilized for a while. Brooke: Well, is there anything else I need to know? Stephanie: Brooke, Brooke -- I'm -- honestly, I'm fine. I just have a few scratches, that's all. Brooke: Stephanie -- Stephanie: Now, look, let's not get carried away, okay? And don't try and put that sexy nurse outfit on and crawl back in bed with me like you did at big bear. Mark: Brooke! You're just in time for the good news. I've checked every inch of the film. There's not a lacerated kidney, no ruptured discs, just a fractured rib. Stephanie: Oh, just one fractured rib? Mark: A few days rest, and you'll be back to your old self again. Stephanie: Good. Brooke: I think she's already on her way. [SCENE_BREAK] Bridget: That's great, Mom. Thanks for calling. Nick: What? Bridget: Oh, Nick, she's okay. Nick: What did I tell you, huh? She's tough. Bridget: Yeah. Well, that's putting it mildly. Nick: You remember something about Stephanie, okay? She expects a lot from everybody, but she gives just as much in return. Bridget: You figured that out over a couple of beers? Nick: Absolutely. It's a big deal, you know, being drinking buddies. It's sort of like blood brothers. Or -- compadres, as I call it. Bridget: Yeah, maybe more than you know. I spent some time with Stephanie today. And I think she kind of gave me her blessing about us. Nick: Really? I think she did the same with me, too, actually. Bridget: She did? Nick: Well, she told me that if I wasn't good to you, she'd kill me. Not that I needed her blessing. Bridget: No, of course not. I mean, who listens to their -- what did you call her? -- "Compadres" about these things? Nick: About some things, you do. About you? I don't need Stephanie, or anybody in this Forrester family, for me to know anything. 'Cause nobody can change how I feel about you. You know, the sea is a funny thing Bridget. What looks like a favorable wind can change at anytime. And it turns right into a storm like that! What I'm trying to say is, when you find something that you need, and that you know you want, you've got to hold onto it. Because you might not get another chance. [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: Is there any chance that you'd let me go home? Thorne: Mother? Are you okay? What happened? Stephanie: Honey, I'm fine. I'm so sorry I spoiled your evening. Honestly -- do you think you could talk him into letting me go home? Mark: She's fine, I just want to keep her overnight for observation. Thorne: Of course -- you could have been killed! Stephanie: I'm fine, sweetheart. What I want is to go down and see Helen, and I'll go in a wheelchair if I have to. Hector: Stephanie -- I'm sorry. Stephanie: Sorry? Hector: Helen, your friend -- she's gone. Stephanie: Gone? I don't think I -- I'm sorry, did I misunderstand something here? Thorne: Mother. Mark: Mrs. Forrester, she had a cardiac rupture. It didn't start bleeding right away, so there were no symptoms -- until it was too late. Hector: One of my boys recovered this from your car. Stephanie: Helen's dead? My god. How is this possible? She's dead? | Stephanie has a dislocated shoulder and a fractured rib, but Helen died of a cardiac rupture. |
628 | Ridge: You took that photograph, didn't you, Whip? Whip: What photograph? Ridge: That one with my wife and my son backstage in the dressing room at the fashion show. You were there. You took that picture, and you put it on the web. You're messing with my family, Whip. Big mistake. Huge mistake. [SCENE_BREAK] Liam: Hope, are you awake? Hope? (Cell phone rings) (ring) Liam: Hi. Hope: Hi! Hey, you okay? You sound a little weird. Liam: Yeah. No, I'm--I'm just, um... I'm just thinking. Hope: Oh, well, that's a waste of time. I have a surprise for you, so I want you to drop everything you are doing and get in the car and come over, okay? Liam: Hope, there's something I need to, um... never mind. Uh, never mind. I'll, um... tell you when I get there. I love you. I have a surprise for you, too. (Scoffs) How am I supp-- how am I... ow. I have to. I have to. [SCENE_BREAK] Amber: Quite the night we had, Liam. Unfortunately, we didn't make love, but you think we did. Hmm. (Knock on door) Amber: Mom. Tawny: Hello, honey. [SCENE_BREAK] Whip: Yeah, sure, Ridge. I was the one who--who took that photo. (Scoffs) You've been smokin' something, dude? Ridge: Don't bother denying it, Whip. Whip: There was a roomful of photographers. You're gonna pin this on me? Ridge: Why did you do it? This is your wife's son. Why would you do that to Taylor? Whip: Well, I think the better question would be, why would I do that to Taylor? It's obvious that I wouldn't. Ridge: I'll tell you why. Because you weren't thinking. You got your nose out of joint when you heard me laughing about your wife calling out my name in your bedroom. A weak, little, insecure bastard like you, you had to lash out, didn't you, Whip? So you took the picture without thinking it through, and you put it on the net. And guess what? You got yourself in a whole pile of trouble... not with me, for you. [SCENE_BREAK] Tawny: Oh, so aren't you gonna give your mama a big hug? (Sighs) How long has it been? Amber: Well, how--well, how d-d-did you... you know... you shouldn't be here. Tawny: You know, honey, I do not like this attitude. I mean, I am your mother. You should be happy to see me. Amber: I am. I was just... surprised. Tawny: Hmm. Yeah, so, uh... fill me in. Hmm. Yeah, what, uh... (sighs) what is going on in your life? I bet there's a new man. Oh, come on. There has to be. All this? A man... who has money. [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: Please tell me about this bruise. What--what happened to you? Liam: (Scoffs) Uh, well, I-I mean, I-I took a fall and--and I have a concussion. Hope: That's awful. When did you-- when did you do this? Liam: Mm. Uh, the night of my party. Hope: You've had this all through the holidays? Liam: Yeah. Yeah. It was kind of messed up. But I'm okay now, and I missed the heck out of you. Hope: Well, I missed you, too, which is why... Liam: (Laughs) What--what is this? What is that? Hope: It's my surprise for you. Isn't it great?! Liam: Aw. Hope: (Giggles) [SCENE_BREAK] Amber: (Sighs) There isn't a man in my life... not yet, anyway. Tawny: So you live here all alone at--at the beach? Amber: Can we just talk about this another time? I'm really not feeling so hot today. Tawny: Okay. Okay, sure. You, uh... you rest. I'll just, uh... pick up around here, and then I'll, uh, take you to dinner, you know, one of those fancy 2-for-1 places. Amber: No, no, you're-- you're not gonna pick up around here, and you're not gonna take me to dinner. I doubt you could afford it anyway. Tawny: You're right about that. (Sighs) Fact is... I'm broke. Amber: So am I. Tawny: What?! Oh, no. You can't very well help me out then, can you? Amber: Well, I would if I could. Why do you need money? Tawny: Why is a pig pork? Look--look, I fell on hard times like so many people. But the truth is... I'm just a breath away from being homeless. Amber: How could you let this happen? Tawny: How--how can you say that to me? I mean, you're here living like you're some movie star or something. I mean, maybe who you're here with, maybe--maybe he can help. Oliver: (Vibrates lips) I think I fixed that broken... gutter. [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: I brought these for later. Liam: Wow. Hope: Well, you say "wow," but you look a little ill. Liam: (Sighs) Hope: What, did you already eat or something? Liam: No. No, it's not that. Hope: Well, I think I know... (sighs) what it is. It's about the other night, isn't it? Liam: Uh, the other night? Um... Hope: Yeah. Liam, I never should have left you at the party like that. I'm sorry. I just--you know, I got bummed out with all those women around you, and --and you being the most eligible bachelor. Liam: But that-- see, that isn't me. That's not me. And I told my dad that before I left. I mean, I have a-- I have a girlfriend that means more to me than anything. Hope: Well, I'm sorry I overreacted. I should not have walked out. Liam: Hey... I don't--I don't ever want you to doubt how much I love you, okay? I mean, I want to-- I want to please my dad, but I should have stood up to him, you know? I should have had you standing on that stage right there with me, and if I had done that, then... maybe things would be different. [SCENE_BREAK] Whip: (Scoffs) You're really something, man. I would have thought that you'd be thrilled about that picture. Ridge: So you're admitting that you did it. Whip: Oh, I'm just saying, whoever did it, they definitely played into your hands, right? I mean, taboo, forbidden love-- that was your concept, right? Ridge: No, that was never part of my concept. Whip: Hey, hey, Ridge, Ridge, Ridge, don't go gettin' all prudish on me all of sudden. I mean, look... Thomas kissed Brooke on the end of the runway. You capitalized on it. You built an entire advertising campaign around it. And now you're all of a sudden upset because somebody took it one step further? I mean, think of your sales figures, pal. They're gonna go right through the roof after this. Ridge: Wow, you're really afraid of losing Taylor, aren't you? Whip: Oh, I think maybe you're afraid of losing Brooke to your son. Ridge: Yeah, I'm really worried about that. Whip: Oh, you think it's not gonna happen, Brooke and your son actually crossing the line? I mean, after all, he--he is younger, right, and... sexier and taller. I mean, I'd--I'd go for him if I were Brooke. It'd definitely be a step up. Ridge: (Chuckles) You are one sick puppy. Whip: Oh, really? I'm sick? Ridge: Yeah. Whip: You're the one with the serious mental health issues, pal. Maybe that's why you're in love with my wife. I gotta say, though, you could use a shrink. Ridge: Well, maybe I'll give her a call, make an appointment. Do you mind if I tell her you referred me? [SCENE_BREAK] Whip: My wife has no interest in you, not now and especially not after this. She's worried sick about her son, and when she approached you with these concerns, what did you do? You ignored them with a wink and a smile like you always do, right? Ridge: No, Whip, I didn't ignore her concerns. Whip: Mm. Ridge: I have the same concerns myself. I just happen to trust my son. Whip: Well, I-I-I don't think that's a wise choice, Ridge. I mean, after all, the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree, right? Oh, come on, you were charming girls before you even had whiskers on your face. You don't think that Thomas is capable of that very same thing? I mean, first the kiss and then... you know... Brooke's body pressed up against his bare chest. I mean, the kid would have to have ice water in his veins not to get aroused. Ridge: I'm gonna say it one more time. Don't mess anymore with my family. If I find out that you are, in fact, responsible for this-- Whip: I am not responsible for what this picture is going to do for you life, Ridge. You're responsible for that. [SCENE_BREAK] Amber: Uh, Oliver, this is my mom Tawny. Mom, this is Oliver, my, um... landlord. Oliver: (Chuckles) Tawny: Oh. So, uh, this is your place? Amber: I'll get you a soda. Oliver: Actually, uh, Mrs. Moore-- Tawny: Oh, no, no, no. Please, please... call me, uh, Tawny. Oliver: Okay. Tawny, this isn't my place. Tawny: What do you mean? Oliver: A friend owns it. He's nice enough to let me borrow it, and I've been making up for some of the rent by helping out with some of the repairs. Tawny: Oh. So, uh, you are a... squatter? Oliver: (Chuckles) Yeah, I guess-- a-a working squatter. Tawny: Huh. But, uh, your friend has money, and, well, you're his friend. So... Oliver: You're wondering if I have money? Tawny: Do you? Oliver: (Laughs) Um, that's kind of rude, but no. I'm still paying off student loans, just scratching to get by like everybody else. But, uh, I got a job, and I'm getting there. Tawny: Mm. Amber: Here. Soda. It's the last one. Oliver: Great. Tawny: Oh, yeah, the cheap stuff. Amber: This visit was totally unexpected. Tawny: Yeah, but you don't mind if I, you know, bunk here for the night? I'm kind of between places. Oliver: I'm so sorry. I just--I just can't. I'm sorry. Tawny: W-why not? Amber: Because he's taking enough of a risk just letting me stay here. Tawny: What kind of risk? Amber: It's really none of your business. Oliver: Well, I better get back to it. Amber: So, uh... Tawny: Okay. Well, Amber, you better have a better plan than that loser. So tell me what it is. [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: Liam, did something happen at the party? Liam: Um... no. Afterward. Hope: What, you mean, when you fell and got that really bad bruise on your face? There. All better. Liam: (Chuckles) [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: So you still claim you didn't take this picture? Whip: Why would I? Ridge: It does seem kind of odd that you'd go to this extreme, even counterproductive. Whip: Yeah, exactly. Look, Ridge, I didn't do it, okay? I'm very happy with Taylor and my marriage. Ridge: I guess I was wrong. Whip: I guess you were. Ridge: I'm sorry I barged in on you with a lot of unfounded accusations. Obviously, I was wrong about you taking this picture. Whip: Well, good of you to man up. Ridge: Well, maybe some day, you'll man up and stop worrying about your wife and me. Ciao. (Door opens) (door closes) Whip: I'm not through with you yet, Ridge. (Chuckles) Ridge: You're guilty as sin, Whip, and you're gonna pay a price. [SCENE_BREAK] Amber: Hey, Mom, here. I packed you some leftovers. Tawny: Oh. Yeah. Uh, Amber, come on. Come on. Now there has got to be more on your plate than "Mr. Tool Belt" out there. Amber: You know, Oliver's a really great guy. Tawny: Well, yeah, he's a great guy with no money in his account, if he even has a bank account. Amber: (Sighs) Tawny: Come on now. Now who is the lucky guy, huh? Rick Forrester again, maybe? Amber: No. He wants absolutely nothing to do with me. Tawny: Oh, but there is someone. Amber: (Sighs) Okay. There is this guy that I really like, only, um, he's in love with someone else. Tawny: Oh, dear God. Amber: But I slept with him. Tawny: What?! Amber: Well, not really. I mean, he thinks that we did, but, I mean, nothing happened. We spent one night together, and he doesn't remember, so he thinks that we-- Tawny: Oh, Amber, come on. Please! Look, this is not what I want to hear. I'm flat broke, and so are you. Amber: His name is Liam. He's Bill Spencer's son. Tawny: Bill Spencer... of Bill Spencer... Publications, the guy that's on all the magazine covers? Amber: Uh-huh. And he's a really great guy. And, uh... (inhales sharply) he barely knows I exist. Tawny: Oh, come on, is there an end to this story, you know, like in... happily ever after, a very, very wealthy end? Amber: Well, um... he's kind of the guy who feels like he has to tell his girlfriend everything. Tawny: Is he engaged? Amber: Nope. Tawny: So what are you gonna do? Amber: I'm gonna wait for him to tell her, and hopefully she'll dump him in the recycling bin. Tawny: (Sighs) Amber... oh, this could be big. Amber: Eh, eh, eh, don't get ahead of yourself here. Tawny: No, no, no, no, no, no, you just said you really like him. Amber: Well, I-I said he's really sweet, and he's funny, and-- Tawny: And he's rich! Go on. Say it. He's rich. (Gasps) Oh, honey, we have got to make this work-- I mean, you, you have to got to make this work. (Giggles) Oh. Oh, I only want what's best for my little girl. [SCENE_BREAK] Liam: (Chuckles) Mmm. Hope: Mm. I really wanted to do something special for you to apologize for walking out at your party. Liam: Hope, I keep on telling you you have nothing to apologize for. Hope: Liam, I was not proud of my behavior. (Laughs) Liam: You're so beautiful. Hope: (Chuckles) I know. What did you ever do to deserve me? Liam: (Laughs) Hope: (Laughs) Liam: I know. I-I ask myself that every day. You're such a good person. Do you know how much I love you? Hope: I love you, too. Liam: You know, we--we--we really have to talk about the night of the party. Hope: Oh, this again? Liam: I know. I-- Hope: No, Liam, you don't need to worry about that, okay? Liam: Yeah. Hope: Look, things happened that we didn't handle very well, but it's done. We got through it, and we're fine. You know, it's--it's all out in the open now. Liam: Yeah, not all of it. Hope: Did you ask three of those Spencerettes to marry you, something crazy like that? Liam: (Sighs) Yeah, it was... it was pretty crazy. Um... I wish I could take it back. (Sighs) Hope, the last thing I want to do is tell you this, but, uh... I have to. | Tawny wants a big hug |
629 | [Music plays] Man: That's it! Come on! Shake that thing! Simone: What has gotten into charity? Miguel: I don't know, but I can't let this go on. Kay: No, ok? It's a waste of time. Can't you see, she's doing exactly what she wants. Miguel: The charity I know wouldn't act like this. Kay: Well, I'm sure you never thought charity would end up in bed with your best friend, reese, either, ok, but she did. So maybe you don't know charity as well as you think you do. Charity: Whoo! Man: Yeah! Oh! John: Charity? Jessica: Oh, my god. John: Giguel's here. Jessica: I thought they were driving home. John: I bet he wishes he was home instead of here. Jessica: Isn't it enough that charity tried to have sex with my boyfriend? Now she wants to have sex with every guy here? Huh, miss goody two-shoes sure has changed her tune. Man: Oh! Oh! Oh! Kay: Yeah, the tune she's singing now is "love the one you're with." Julian: Oh, if only I'd been stronger and stood up to father, I'd be with eve now and we would be so happy. Luis, what are you doing here? I thought you went to the hospital to see sheridan. Luis: Yeah, I forgot these. They were a gift from sheridan. You're still thinking about that woman, the love of your life that you lost. Julian: Yes, because I was so weak. Luis: You mind if I give you some advice? Julian: Not at all. Luis: Can't believe I'm doing this. Lord knows I've hated you and your family for practically my whole life. But I saw a vulnerable side of you tonight, and I do know what it's like to lose the love of your life. So you take this for what it's worth, julian. Julian: I'm listening. Luis: If you love this woman, whoever she is -- and I'm assuming that she isn't your latest wife? Julian: She's not rebecca, nor is she ivy. Luis: Well, whoever she is, you go to her, julian. You go to her, you be there for her. There's nothing more important than the woman you love. Julian: It's impossible because it's too late. It's -- it's too late. T.C.: Whitney, I am waiting. Tell me what's wrong. Atat secrets are you talking about? Whitney: Daddy, um, it's horrible, ok, but I need to tell you. I got to tell you everything. Eve: This is it. You are moments away from losing your husband, your daughters, and everything you hold dear in this world. It's over, eve. Your life will be destroyed. Singer: I would hold the hand of the one who could lead me places and kiss the lips of the one who could sing so sweet and i would fly on the wings of the bird I knew could take me highest breathe in, breathe out you keep me alive you are the fire burning inside of me you are my passion for life has a unique skin type [Music plays] Man: All the way! Second man: Oh, yeah! Whoo! John: I can't believe charity's acting like this. Jessica: I can. Charity tried to seduce reese. Kay: Didn't I alway say she wasn't the good-goody you all made her out to be? Man: Bam! Second man: Oh, yeah! Kay: I just hate that you had to see that for yourself, jess. Ugh, makes me so mad, my kid sister finding her boyfriend in bed with charity, not to mention miguel's best friend. Jessica: Could we please not talk about reese anymore? Kay: All I'm saying is maybe that girl up theres s more like the real charity than any of us all thought. Miguel: No, ok, that's not charity. All right, the charity that I know would never do anything like that. One of these guys must have put something in her drink. Kay: She's not acting like she's on drugs. She's acting like she knows exactly what she's doing. Man: I'm in love, baby. Miguel: Hey, stop. Let's go. Charity: No! What are you doing? Miguel: Come on! Charity: No! Miguel: The party's over, charity! Charity: Stop! Get away from me! Miguel: No. Man: Hey -- miguel: No, I'm not going to let you do this to yourself. Charity: Oh -- men: Hey, hey, hey! Charity: I'll be back! Simone: Let's hope that miguel can get through to charity, you know, stop this crazy phase that she's going through, man. Kay: I hope not. Luis: Look, it's never too late, julian, not if you really love this woman. Julian: Believe me, luis, it is. Luis: Come on, julian, you're rich, you're powerful, you have social standing. There are not a lot of women who would turn that down. Julian: None of that matters. I'd give it all up in a heartbeat for her, but it's too late. Luis: Why? Julian: She has a husband now and a family, and she's made it very clear that she's devoted to them. Luis: Well, that changes things. You can't break up a marriage. Julian: No, I'd never try. Luis: There's something I never thought I'd hear from you -- julian crane talking about the sanctity of marriage. Julian: You're right about that. Marriage is an institution I've never held in great regard, or any regard, for that matter. Luis: Yeah, so what makes this woman's marriage any different? Julian: It's respect. I not only love her, I respect her. I want her to be happy. Her husband and her family make her happy, and I wouldn't do anything to take that away from her. Luis: Noble words, julian. I'm just n s sure I'm buying them. Julian: Believe what you like, but I do appreciate the advice, though it's too late to do me any good. Luis: You know, julian, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually feel sorry for you. Hell must be freezing over. Julian, you're right, you have no one to blame but yourself. You didn't stand up to alistair, and you lost this woman that you love. Julian: That's why I'm encouraging you not to do what I did. You stand up to my father. Don't let him come between you and sheridan. Luis: Well, don't you worry, I won'T. Julian, something just occurred to me. There's still hope, there's a chance that you could be with this woman you love. T.C.: Whitney, sweetheart, what is it? It's all right. You can tell your mother and I anything. We are family. We love you. Whitney: Oh, it is so good to be home. Eve: We must have a ton of mail at the bennetts'. I wonder if simone can carry it all. T.C.: You know what -- if she's not here in two minutes, I'm going to take her little wagon and go over there myself and get it. Eve: Oh. T.C.: You remember how attached she was to that little pink wagon? Eve: Was that the one she got for christmas? T.C.: No, that was her birthday, the fourth birthday. Eve: Oh, where does the time go? T.C.: Right here. Right here in the old memory bank, each year happier than the one before. Eve: We have had some wonderful times, haven't we? T.: Mm-hmm. Whitney: Well, and some great trips. But, you know what, by far, I think this has to be the best family vacation ever. And I want to thank you guys. Oh, mom, y a and daddy are the best, you know that? T.C.: Oh, sweetheart. Whitney: I want to thank you for everything that you've done for me. Eve: Oh, baby, you don't need to thank us. Whitney: No, yes, I do. You guys have sacrificed so much for me, for my tennis career. T.C.: Sweetheart, it's no sacrifice, because we're going to be so proud of you when you're holding up that wimbledon trophy. Right, baby? Eve: We want you to be happy. Whitney: Well, I am happy. And I am so lucky to have you two as parents. You know, when I get married, I want to have the same kind of relationship that you two have, I mean, a perfect marriage based on love and total honesty. T.C.: Sweetheart, someday you will. You will have that kind of marriage. Whitney: And, mom? I want to be just like you one day. Eve: Oh, baby. T.C.: What is it, baby? Come on, please, talk to us. Whitney: I -- I can't believe this is happening to us. I can't believe this kind of betrayal is happening in our family. T.C.: Honey, if I have hurt you in any way, I'm sorry. I never meant to do anything like that. Whitney: No, no, this has nothing to do with you, daddy. You have never betrayed me, no. T.C.: Then it's chad. It's chad. I mean, chad came between you and your sister. You and your sister used to have a great relationship. Then he came in and just messed up everything, and you felt betrayed when you found out that he was already married. Liz: Just tell the truth, whitney. T.C.: Sweetheart, I know when you were talking about secrets and you wanted to tell me about truth, it was all about chad, about you dating chad while your sister was dating him, too. Eve: T.C., I can see whitney is very upset. I wish that you would just give me another moment with her. We can talk this through. T.C.: Sweetheart, you tried and nothing worked. Nothing got resolved. Eve: I know, but please, just give me another moment, please. T.C.: All right, I'll go back in the kitchen. Call me if you need me. Eve: Thank you. Liz: You think you dodged another bullet, don't you? Well, you didn'T. This is just a stay of execution, but it is coming. It's coming. Eve: Whitney? Please. Let's talk this out, honey. You have got to listen to me. Whitney: I don't want to hear anything that you have to say, mom. You are a liar and a whore! Eve: What's unforgivable is you calling me those horrible names. T.C.: Sounds like they're back to yelling again. Whitney: Oh, you don't like those? I'm sure I can come up with some different ones! Liz: Whitney is really upset. Eve: Stop this! Just stop it! T.C.: Who could blame her? Liz: Not me. T.C.: Someone you love, somebody that you think you love for all of your life betrays you. I mean, that's got to make you feel bad. How do you deal with something like that? Liz: You are going to find out what that feels like very soon, T.C. T.C.: Damn it, liz, will you stop making these innuendos about eve? I mean, she is a wonderful woman and she will never betray me. Liz: All I'm trying to say -- T.C.: Listen, liz, please stop it, ok? Now, you're not going to come between eve and me. Liz: I'm not trying to do that, T.C. Eve: You will not speak to me like that. Whitney: I will speak to you any way I damn well please! T.C.: Oh, man, I hope that eve can just calm whitney down. Liz: You're mistaken about me, T.C. You are mistaken about a lot of things. T.C.: Liz, I know what this is all about. You want to be with me. I mean, the times that I kissed you was a weakness on my part, and I didn't mean it. I am sorry, but I love my wife, and I'm not going to leave her for anything. Liz: T.C., You saw how upset whity y was. You can hear how upset whitney still is. T.C.: Eve will settle her down. Liz: No. No, T.C., See, you think this is about whitney feeling betrayed by chad and betraying simone, but what if you're wrong? T.C.: I'm not wrong. Liz: No, what if whitney's anger has nothing to do with chad or her sister? I know about a sister's betrayal, T.C. I know firsthand. T.C.: Your sister. You're talking about your sister. How in the hell could I be so blind? Liz: You know. You finally know. Necessarily trust him with the simone: Charity's not herself. Jessica: I don't care who she is. I don't like her anymore. But talking about her only makes me angry, so can we change the subject? I'm going to go get something to drink. Simone: Not that I'm condoning charity's behavior, but I can understand why she went a little crazy. I mean, look at all the stuff she's been through over the past year or so -- kay getting pregnant by miguel, charity having to share him with the baby and her. Kay: Am I supposed to apologize for that or something? John: No, simone's just saying that it's contributed to her behavior and this weird phase she's going through. Simone: Maybe that's her way of dealing with all the stress. Kay: I just love how you all make excuses for her, but when I do something, you all say it has to do with evil. Simone: Maybe because with you it usually does. Kay: Oh, thanks, former best friend. John: I think simone's just trying to say that we're not used to seeing charity act like this. Kay: Oh, well, that makes me feel better. John: But it won't last long. Sooner or later, charity and miguel will get back together. Kay's voice: You have to be wrong, john. You have to be. Miguel: Hey. I don't get it, ok? Why are you acting so crazy? You know, I think one of those guys in there spiked your I ink with something. Charity: Nobody spiked my drink. Miguel: Ok, well, then what's gotten into you? Charity: It's called fun. Miguel: You know, you used to think fun was taking a walk on the beach with me, you know, or hanging out at the house, watching a movie together, just cuddling on the couch. You know, that's the charity that I know -- the sweet, loving, innocent girl that I still love, and always will. Look, charity, tell me what's going on. Please. I still love you. Charity: Even after seeing me in bed with reese? Miguel: Yeah, even after that. Because I know that this isn't you. All right, dancing like that, you know, kissing random guys, chugging down drinks, being with reese? That couldn't be you. Look, just tell me what's going on, ok, tell me why you're distancing yourself from me. Charity: I'll give up miguel. Just let maria live. Death: Are you sure? Charity: Yes. Maria can't die because of me. Death: Then so be it. Miguel: Is there something that I can do to help you? Because please tell me. I'll do anything. [Julian scoffs] Julian: Hope that I could be with the woman I love? Luis: Yes. Julian: But I told you, that's impossible, she's married. Luis: Well, that could change. She could get a divorce. Julian: Oh, she completely believes in the sanctity of marriage, you know, "till death do us part." Luis: Well, there's that, as morbid as it sounds. All I'm saying is there is a chance that the two of you could be together. Just might take a few years. Julian: Then again, it -- it could be sooner than I even imagined. Luis: You're not going to break up their marriage, are you? Julian: No, no, I said that I wouldn't do that, but to be honest with you, there are certain people tt t know about us, about our past together. Luis: Who? Julian: One of the children. She's not actually a child. She's a beautiful young woman in her 20s. But anyway, she knows, and she believes that her mother betrayed her father. Luis: Well, you said that nothing was going on between the two of you now. Julian: Nothing is. The daughter doesn't know that. God. First I cause the mother to suffer, now her daughter? What have I done? Eve: I'm not what you say I am, whitney. Whitney: The word is "whore," mother, "slut." Eve: You stop it! I'm not any of those hideous names that you call me! I have never cheated on your father! Whitney: I saw you kissing julian crane! Eve: Would you just keep your voice down, please? Whitney: Oh, why, you afraid daddy's going to hear me? Well, he's going to hear me, mom, any minute now, I promise you. Eve: Please, please, whitney -- whitney: What? What, you want me to say I didn't see you? No, I'm not going to be a liar like you. Eve: I -- I -- whitney: I'm going to tell daddy the truth, ok, and there's nothing you can do to stop me from doing that. Eve: No, you cannot tell him the truth because you don't know the whole story! Whitney: I don't want to. This is horrible enough, mom! Eve: I love your father. Whitney: Then why were you kissing julian crane, hmm? And why are you trying to force me to lie about it? Eve: No, I'm not. Whitney: No, no, yes, you are. You say you don't want me to lie, right? But when I was a little girl, you told me that a lie of omission was just as bad as an out-and-out lie. And that's what you're trying to make me do, mom. You're trying to involve me in all your lying and your cheating. Eve: No, I didn't cheat! Whitney: Why are you doing this to daddy? I just want to know why. Why are you doing this to our family, huh? Why? T.C.: Your sister. Everything is so obvious. Everything is so clear now. Liz: You really know. You put it together. You made the connection, T.C. My sister -- the drunk, the drug addict, the whore. T.C.: Yes, liz. Your sister and eve are the same person. Singer: You are my passion for life kay: Miguel shouldn't have stopped her, ok? He's only wasting his time. She's going to go right back to being the party girl because that's who she is now. Simone: No, kay, the way she was acngng was just a phase. John: Charity and miguel are making up already. Kay: What? Simone: Hmm, that wasn't long. Kay: Oh, I'll be right back. Simone: Wait, kay, don't you dare. Ugh. Jessica: Whoa, looks like kay's on a mission. Simone: Yeah, mission impossible. Miguel: I wish you'd talk to me, charity, tell me what's really going on with you. Charity: You saw me in there. What else can be said? Miguel: How much have you had to drink? Look a little flushed. Charity: I'm all right. Miguel: I'm going to go get us some coffees. You know, maybe when I get back, we can talk this all out. Charity: Ok. Thanks. Miguel: I'll be right back. I love you. Charity: Oh, miguel. I love you so much. But if I come back to you, maria will die. Kay: Damn it, charity, you have got to stop this. Stop teasing miguel. Stop playing with his emotions like they're a yo-yo. Is that what you're going to do, just torture him for the rest of his life? Luis: Wow. Julian: What? Luis: Would've bet on the sox winning the world series before I thought I'd see you caring about another human being like this. Julian: Truth be told, sometimes I surprise myself. I hear myself talking and I think, is is really me? Luis: Well, she must be something. Julian: She's everything I could ever want in a woman. I just hate that I've caused her so much pain. Luis: Have you tried talking to her daughter about the situation? Julian: Yes, but she -- she's too emotional to understand. I fear that she will tell her father what she thinks she knows. Her mother's life would be shattered. The woman I love would lose everything. Luis: Whoa. I feel sorry for the woman, and her daughter. I feel sorry for you, too, julian, strange as that sounds. Look, it sounds like the situation's out of your hands. For all we know, this woman's life could be imploding as we speak. Eve: Why won't you just let me explain? Whitney: You're not explaining anything, mom. You're just making a bunch of lousy excuses. Eve: I don't need any excuses. I haven't done anything wrong! Whitney: What a crock, mom! Eve: I love your father. Whitney: And you show it by being with other men, hmm? Eve: That is not true, whitney. Julian has just been very supportive lately. Whitney: Supportive? Oh, please. Eve: Your father is the man that I love. Whitney: Then why were you kissing julian crane? Please just -- why? Eve: Whitney, it's just very complicated. Whitney: No, mom, I'm sorry, that's not going to work. Because you're the one who always told me that love is simple, right? And if I ever find the right man, I would know it. Eve: Yes, honey, and you will. Whitney: That's just another one of your lies. You know, I used to want to be exactly like you. In my eyes, you had it all -- I mean, a career, a loving family. You were perfect. My -- my role model. But not anymore. Eve: Oh, god, whitney, please don't say that. Whitney: I used to want to be you. But now I don't want to be anything like you, mom. I'd rather be dead. T.C.: Your sister. Liz: Yes, T.C. You've finally gotten it. T.C.: You have equated your sister to eve. Liz: What? T.C.: That's what happened. Liz: Equated? What are you talking about, T.C.? T.C.: Liz, it's called projecting -- or I think that's the psychological term. Liz: Psychological term? T.C.: Yes, liz, you are still angry with your sister. She abandoned you, she betrayed you, she left you with a very abusive father who did horrible things to you. And in your mind, that kept you from being happy. Liz: She kept me from being happy. T.C.: No, liz. And now you're trying to do the same thing with eve because she is keeping you away from me. Liz, you feel that you're going to be unhappy all over again. But eve is not your sister. Liz: Oh, T.C.! T.C.: She did not betray you. Liz: You are so wrong. You don't understand what I'm trying to tell you. T.C.: Damn it, no, I'm not, liz! You are transferring your feelings to eve because of your sister. Liz: No, I'm not. T.C.: And, liz, that is not fair. Eve is a wonderful woman and she would never betray me. Liz: T.C., I don't know where you got this idea from, but it's wro-- T.C.: Shh, shh. Eve: What a hurtful thing to say. Whitney: Oh, I'm hurting your feelings? What a joke. T.C.: Man. You knowhahat, liz -- I got to get out there. Liz: Wait, T.C., We are not finished. You say that eve isn't like my sister, but she is. She is exactly like my sister. T.C.: What are you talking about? She represented our country in three different olympics. And what did she get out of it? $13,000 of debt. But when these olympic hopefuls raised their own funds, they got into hot water. In athens, more than records will be broke. Tonight's global national. Kay: When I think of how everyone says that I'm selfish, you're the selfish one. Charity: I was just dancing, kay. I was having fun. Kay: Ok, I'm not talking about you acting like a slut in there with those guys. I'm talking about the way you're treating miguel. What kind of sick satisfaction do you get in playing with his emotions? Charity: I'm not playing any games, kay. I sincerely want miguel to be happy. Kay: Well, then leave him alone. Ok, first you try to sleep with reese, and then you dress up like a whore and play suck-face with any guy you can get your hands on. Ok, and now all of a sudden you're making the moves on miguel. What are you up to, charity? Charity: I'm not up to anything, kay. How many times do I have to tell you that? Kay: Well, then let him go! Let him be with me and maria, ok? Let us be a family the way we should be. Charity: This is what you've always wanted, isn't it -- to be with miguel? Kay: Yes. I'll admit that. Unlike you, my feelings for him have never changed. I've always loved him, and I love him now, and I I will love him for the rest of my life. But you, on the other hand, just jump into bed with his best friend, and you don't even care if he got hurt. Charity: It wasn't like that. Kay: Just leave him alone, ok? Let him be happy with his family. Maria loves her father. I mean, do you want to take her daddy away from her? Is that what you want? Charity: No. That's not what I want. I want maria to have her daddy and I want her to live a long, happy life. So you're right, kay, I'm going to leave miguel alone, leave him alone and never talk to him again. Kay: Good. And don't come back. [Door closes] Kay: Don't ever come back. Julian: You're right, luis, her life could be falling apart as we speak. Luis: Well, is there anything you can do to stop it? Julian: There was a time when I wasn't there for her and she needed me. If I could be there for her now, perhaps it would make up for all the pain I caused her then. Luis: Well, if you love her as much as you say you do, then go to her and be there for her, if you're not going to cause her any more pain. Julian: I will go to her house. If things are bad, she shouldn't have to face it alone. Luis: Well, I really need to get to the hospital to see sheridan, find out what the hell's going on. Julian: Luis? You know that won't be easy. The doctors banned you from seeing her. Luis: Well, there's got to be a way. In fact, I -- I just thought of someone who can help me. Julian: Who? Luis: Well, eve russell. She's a doctor. She has access to the psych ward. She can tell me what kind of treatment alistair wants to give to sheridan. I'll bet she's home right now. I'm going to go see her. Julian: I'll go with you. Luis: Well, I thought you were going to go see the woman you love. Julian: I am. Luis: The woman you love is at eve's house? Whitney: You were it, mom, everything that I aspired to be. You seemed so strong and trustworthy. I wanted to be just like you, in every single way. But now that I know what you're really like -- a liar, a cheat -- I get sick at the thought that I wanted to be anything like you. That's what you are, mom. That's exactly what you are. You're nothing but a whore. T.C.: Are you saying that eve and your sister are alike? Liz: Exactly alike. T.C.: How? Eve: This is so unfair. Whitney: You're damn right it is. It's unfair to that man in there who loves you so much. T.C.: There they go again. You would think they would calm down and have a real conversation instead of yelling. Whitney: Being unfaithful is unforgivable, mother. Liz: You know what, T.C., Forget about me. You go talk to your wife and daughter. Find out the answers that you want and deserve. Eve: What's unforgivable is you calling me those horrible names. Whitney: Oh, you don't like those? I'm sure I can come up with some different ones. Eve: Stop this! Just stop it! Julian: No, I meant I'm going because of sheridan. She's my sister, I love her, and I'm concerned about her. Luis: Ok. Julian: Is there a problem? Luis: No. You willing to come along? That's fine. I'll go get the car. Julian: Well, thank you, and I'm sure that eve will be able to help sheridan. Luis: Well, I'm counting on it. Julian: God, I love you so much, eve. I hope I can help you get through this and I pray that whitney realizes what's at stake and doesn't tell T.C. The truth. Eve: You don't give me a chance to say anything! Whitney: Like I don't know exactly what you're going to try to say! Liz: Get out there, T.C. Talk to them before it gets out of hand. Sit them both down and find out what's really on their minds. T.C.: Did I hear right before? Liz: What? T.C.: I -- I couldn't have. Liz: Was it something whitney said? T.C.: I'm going out there. Liz: Yes. Eve: Oh, T.C. T.C.: I heard all this yelling in here. I thought you two were going to have a arart-to-heart. What's going on? Whitney: Ask her, daddy. T.C.: No, I'm asking you. Now, I can't imagine why you would say this, but I heard something about someone being unfaithful. Now, tell me that I heard wrong. Whitney: No, you heard right. T.C.: So what is this all about, whitney? Whitney: How -- how it feels when you love someone with your whole heart, and then they betray you, cheat on you, lie to you, daddy. T.C.: Whitney, first of all, you need to control the anger that you have inside of you right now. Whitney: Yes, daddy, I am angry! God, I mean, who wouldn't be knowing what I know. Right, mom? Liz's voice: Tell him, whitney. Tell T.C. Everything. Eve: Please, whitney. Whitney: I will never get over this, mom. I just want you to know that. Never. T.C.: I get it. Eve: What do you -- T.C.: Whitney is upset because chad betrayed her and he was unfaithful and she found out that he was still married. Liz's voice: Why do you do that, T.C.? How can you keep on assuming something is true when it isn't? Eve: I know how upset you are, whitney. Whitney: No. Daddy, listen -- T.C.: Sweetheart, you need to let your mother speak. That's the only way we're going to settle these thgsgs. Go ahead, honey. Eve: When you were a little child, I wanted so much for you. I had so many dreams. But mostly all I wanted is for you to be happy. I love you, whitney, more than I can express in words. And I always wanted to set a good role model for you. T.C.: Eeeetheart, you were always a good role model. Whitney: Oh, really, daddy? Ok, ok, let me tell you what kind of mother mom is. Let me tell you what kind of role model she has been for us. Miguel: Where's charity? Kay: Oh. I'm sorry, miguel, but I just saw her go back into the club. Miguel: Wait, she couldn't have. Kay: She did. [Music plays] Man: Oh, yeah. Second man: It's my turn, man. Miguel: No. This can't be happening. Kay: Oh, yes, it can, miguel. Man: That's my girl, man. Second man: Oh, my god. Luis: Well, eve helped me get sheridan out of the psych ward once before. I'm sure she'll help me do it again. If not, I'm just going to have to find another way to get sheridan out of there. Julian: I'm sure eve will know what to do. Julian's voice: Hopefully, we'll get to the russell house in time so I'll be there when whitney tells T.C. The truth. Eve: Please, whitney. I love you. T.C.: She knows that, eve. Don't you, whitney? Eve: You know, when you were a baby, I asked myself, what would make her the happiest in the world? And then it came to me. A sister. She needs to have a sister, someone that she could count on. T.C.: But chad came between the two of you, and I will never forgive him for that. Eve: You and your sister formed such a -- such a strong bond that I prayed that it would never be broken. Whitney: Simone. God, I never thought a man could cost me the love of my own sister. Eve: Neither did I. Liz: Your lust for julian ruined everything, eve. It took you away from me, from our whole family. You chose that man over the people who really loved you, eve, over me, your own sister! I will never forgive you for that, eve. Never. Whitney: Maybe I can reach out to simone. Maybe we can work everything out. T.C.: Sweetheart, of course you can. Whitney: Well, at least with simone, everything is out in the open. She knows exactly what I did. I mean, we have that going for us. Right, mom? In order for a problem to be resolved, everybody has to know the truth. Eve: No, whitney. T.C.: What the hell is going on here? Whitney: I'm going to tell you what's going on, daddy. It's time for all the lies to be over with. It's time everything came out in the open. It's time for everyone to know the truth. Liz's voice: That's it. It's all over. Your house of cards is finally going to come tumbling down, destroying you, your marriage, and leaving your family in ruins. Julian: I'm not leaving here yet. T.C.: That's a bad answer, julian. Miguel: Forget it, charity. I don't care what you say, ok, you're coming with me. Man: Wh's's your problem, jerk? Charity: No! Stop! | and he turned her down. |
630 | Brooke: I'm so glad that you two took me up on my invitation. Karen: Oh, we're just happy to get a chance to see you both. Ridge: Same here. You have turned into a lovely young woman. Caroline: Oh, thank you. Brooke: Ridge and I love your designs. Caroline: Oh, that means so much coming from you. Forrester is legend. Brooke: We're ready to make an offer-- short-term at first until we get to know each other. Caroline: Seriously? A-an offer Brooke: If you're interested. Caroline: As a designer, as opposed to an intern? Karen: It does seem a little sudden. Brooke: Well, things move pretty quickly around here. Karen: Don't get me wrong. I-it's not that we don't think it's wonderful that a design house like Forrester, of your caliber, is interested in my daughter, but she is just starting. She doesn't have a track record. Brooke: (Giggles) Ridge: We see a lot of potential in Caroline's designs. Karen: Again, I mean, it's really wonderful, but I can't help feeling like there might be a hidden agenda somewhere... maybe yours, Brooke? [SCENE_BREAK] Amber: It didn't even o-occur to me that Brooke would call in a replacement. (Sighs) You didn't know about this, did you? Rick: I had no idea. Amber: But you like her. Rick: I never even met her before today. Amber: I saw the way your eyes popped out of your head the second she stepped out of the car, all leggy and New York-stylish. Rick: (Chuckles) She is beautiful. Amber: You do like her. You-- which is exactly what Brooke is counting on. Rick: (Scoffs) Amber: Oh, my--you know, she's trying to push me out, Rick. She's trying to push me out of Forrester and out of your life. [SCENE_BREAK] Rick: Hey, hey, hey. Amber: (Sighs) Rick: Just stop. Stop. You're making yourself crazy for no reason. Amber: No reason? No reason, really? Rick: Yeah. Amber: You were there. You heard Brooke. She said she wants me out of your life and out of Forrester, and obviously she meant it, because she went and she hand-picked my replacement. Rick: You know, I have a say in this, too. Look, you got me this far in my line. I'm not gonna say "thanks" by dumping you. Amber: You're the best, Rick. Rick: I know. Amber: (Chuckles) Now go and tell Brooke and Ridge that. Then we can go have our little, uh, celebration dinner, and we can pretend that Caroline Spencer doesn't even exist, hmm? Rick: All right. Amber: Okay. Rick: Mm-hmm. Amber: Bye. Rick: (Mouths words) Amber: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Marcus: (Grunts) Thomas: What's up, man? Are you getting ready for the honeymoon? Marcus: (Chuckles) Hey. The most beautiful woman in the world just agreed to be my wife. I just got to make sure I'm right for her, you know? Thomas: No second thoughts? Marcus: Are you serious? Thomas: I'm just asking, you know. Marcus: (Chuckles) (Grunts) Thomas: So did you set a date yet? Marcus: No, not yet, but Rosey and Dayzee, they're the best thing to ever happen to me, so I'm kind of just ready to get the thing moving, you know? Thomas: (Exhales deeply) Marcus: Yo, what about you? Why are you so, uh... excited lately? Thomas: (Sighs) Getting engaged, man, didn't strike you blind, did it? Marcus: Oh, I see. Somebody got their eye set for Caroline Spencer. Thomas: That's a woman I'd like to get to know. [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: My agenda's out in the open. I see this as a great opportunity for both Caroline and Rick. Caroline: I thought Rick was in Paris heading up Forrester International. Brooke: He decided to move closer to home. Caroline: So he's back to stay? Ridge: He surprised us with some designs he's been working on. Brooke: This is a new area for him. He needs a new partner, somebody who understands the mechanics of transferring the concepts to paper and to fabric and so on and so on. And that's where you come in. I think you'd be a good fit. Karen: And how do you see this partnership working? I mean, it's Rick's line, and they're both designers. Now I wouldn't be happy, and I know Caroline would not be happy being relegated to his sketch artist. Brooke: I envisioned a collaboration-- the beginning of a new edgy design team. Caroline: Has anyone asked Rick what he thinks? Rick: (Sighs) Not really. But I'd love to tell you. I-I'm sure that you're-- you're very talented, but that's not the only reason my mother summoned you here. You walked in on a power play. (Sighs) My mother is trying to strong-arm Amber, my collaborator, out of the business. [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: I am not backing down, Rick. Amber's been nothing but pain and heartache ever since you met her. Rick: You know, I-I've let go of the past. You should try it. Brooke: We have tried. We've forgiven her time and time again. And what does she do? She takes a little time out, and then she comes back and she sabotages us all over again. Rick: (Sighs) Karen: Okay, here's my concern. You use my daughter as a weapon against Amber, and then where does that leave Caroline once your mission has been accomplished? Brooke: I would like to hire Caroline based on her merit. I think she has a very bright future, and I'd like Forrester to be a part of that. It'd be advantageous for all of us. Rick: Except Amber. Brooke: (Sighs) All right. (Sighs) Look, I have an idea. Why don't we throw a party in Caroline's honor? And we'll invite the family-- Bill, Katie, Liam-- and you can get to meet everybody and just see how you feel. Ridge: Great idea, Logan. We can use mother and dad's house. I'm sure they won't mind. Caroline, you really should see this house. It was, uh, very special to your aunt Caroline. She and I lived there, you know. Caroline: Oh, I'd love to. I'd like to know as much about aunt Caroline as I can take in. In fact, I was hoping that you could fill in some of the blanks. Ridge: I'd be happy to. Brooke: So everyone's agreed? Karen: Sure. Why not? Caroline: A party sounds wonderful, Brooke. Thank you so much. [SCENE_BREAK] Thomas: (Grunting) Marcus: Yeah, I knew I saw that twinkle in your eye when you saw Miss Caroline Spencer. Thomas: Yeah. (Grunts) She got my attention. (Grunts) Marcus: What about Hope? Thomas: I don't know if you noticed, man, but she's... (Grunts) living with Liam. Marcus: You're not gonna wait? Thomas: For what, man? You know, Hope's totally hung up on the guy. You know, it's time to get a clue and just move on. And I wish Steffy would do the same. Marcus: Well, that's not gonna happen. Thomas: You never know, man. All it takes is someone else. Marcus: Oh, look at you. I see the gloves are off for Miss Caroline. Thomas: Oh, yeah. Total K.O. (Chuckles) Marcus: (Mouths words) [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: I think Brooke has a right to be concerned. Amber's caused a lot of damage. Caroline: I got the impression that Rick and Amber have been dealing with each other for a long time. Ridge: Since he was a teenager-- she was his babysitter, for a lack of a better word, a position of trust that she violated by seducing him. And so it all began-- lies and betrayal, business and professional. Caroline: Is he in love with her? Ridge: Oh, he has feelings for her. I think you could tell that. I wouldn't necessarily call them healthy. Karen: Well, as a mother, I totally get where Brooke is coming from. I would do everything in my power to keep that Amber away from my son, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Rick: I don't want to talk about this. Brooke: Please. Rick: Don't you have a party to plan? Brooke: I have a son to get straight first. Rick: Well, it's not up for debate. Brooke: It certainly is. Rick: (Sighs) Look, Amber gets me, okay? She knows how to translate my ideas. She's bright, she's talented, and she's easy to be with. Brooke: She's no Caroline Spencer. Caroline is an up-and-coming young designer that people actually respect. Now that's the kind of partner that you need, not an Amber Moore. Rick: You're controlling me, Mom... but I love you anyway. Brooke: Mm. Nice try. But you're not gonna charm me out of this one. I don't want somebody here that we can't trust. Amber: Okay, that's it. Rick: (Sighs) Amber: You're gonna call me out. Well, I'm gonna defend myself. Rick: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Karen: Well, at least you and Brooke seem very happy. Ridge: We are, after a sometimes difficult getting-here. Karen: Well, it's good to know that my sister picked such a wonderful woman for you. Ridge: Your sister Caroline's instincts were always impeccable. You remind me so much of her. Caroline: Really? Ridge: The way you carry yourself with grace, class, dignity, so much style. It's fitting that she named you Caroline. Caroline: I wish I had known her. Ridge: She was an extraordinary woman like no other. I hope you give Forrester a chance. It would be nice having another Caroline around. [SCENE_BREAK] Amber: You know, you're supposed to be a business woman, but you are forgetting one of the most important rules-- don't let personal feelings influence professional decisions. Brooke: Oh, boy. This is rich-- a lecture on professionalism from you. Amber: Look, Rick wants me here. Brooke: He hasn't made an informed decision. Rick, come on. Rick: (Sighs) Brooke: You gotta spend a little time with Caroline. Just get to know her. Talk about designs. I really think the two of you will spark. But you can't take my word for it. You're gonna have to check it out yourself. Rick: I suppose I could do that. Amber: Rick! Rick: My mom's right. (Sighs) I got to form my own opinion. She did fly all the way across the country. It's only polite. Brooke: Just like I raised you to be. Amber: Rick, could you just, uh, excuse us for a minute? I'd like a moment alone with Brooke. Brooke: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Thomas: (Grunts) Marcus: Okay, so why don't you handle your business? Take Caroline Spencer out on the town for a night she won't forget before she goes to New York. Thomas: If she goes back. Marcus: What, there's a chance she won't? Thomas: Marcus, you saw Brooke when she met them at the limo. It's a woman on a mission. This isn't just a casual visit. Caroline and Karen are here for a reason. Marcus: Well, I can see why Forrester would court her. I mean, the girl's got mad skills. Thomas: That's it. Marcus: What you thinking? Thomas: Dude, Brooke can't stand Amber, and she hates the fact that she's collaborating with Rick. Enter Caroline Spencer. Marcus: Yeah, but what if Rick don't drop Amber to the curb? Thomas: I'm guessing he won't, leaving yours truly, and I'll just get her to work with me. Marcus: Oh, well, hot diggity dog, my man. [SCENE_BREAK] Caroline: Well, whatever happens, I want you to know how exciting it is that a design firm like Forrester is interested in my work. Ridge: Well, we're only the first. That's why we're hoping to ace the competition. Rick: Oh. Am I interrupting? Ridge: Not at all. Rick: I'd like to speak to Caroline alone, if that's okay. Caroline: Sure. Rick: (Clears throat) Karen: Excuse me, sweetie. Rick: (Clears throat) (Door closes) Caroline: Why do I get the feeling that we're being set up? Rick: Because we are. I kind of like it. [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: You're wasting your breath. Amber: I-I don't care. Look, I have to get through to you. I know I've done things to hurt you and your family, e-esp--especially Rick. But I'm not that person anymore. Look, my only motivation here is to help him be successful, and I can. I can help him. And maybe--maybe it'll help make up for all those mistakes that I made. Please, Brooke, just-- just give me a chance here. [SCENE_BREAK] {flash back} Ridge: Why did it take me so long? Caroline: Ridge, please don't do this to me. This isn't good for me. Ridge: Oh, yes, it is. Caroline: You obviously don't understand the power that you still have over me. Ridge, I'm fighting this every day and every night, and I won't give in to my fantasies or my feelings. It's just that I'm vulnerable today, because it's the holidays. And when I-I got your message, I just--I responded without-- without even thinking. And I shouldn't have done that. And I'm sorry that I did. Ridge, please don't call me anymore. I just can't take this anymore. Ridge: Marry me. I love you, and I want you to be my wife. Marry me, Caroline. Marry me. [SCENE_BREAK] Rick: You know, if you stick around, you're gonna learn that my mother is a, uh, hopeless romantic. Caroline: It could be worse. Rick: And she's extremely determined, especially when she gets an idea in her head, like you working here. (Inhales sharply) I've learned over the years it's just simply a hell of a lot easier just to give in. Caroline: I guess you don't take your own advice. Rick: I reserve the option. Listen, if we don't end up working together, there's a lot to do around here. There's Hope for the Future. There's--there's Intimates. Thomas is working on whatever Thomas works on. My point is there's plenty to do. Caroline: It's tempting. Rick: Did you happen to bring your book? Caroline: It just so happens, I did. Rick: Well, I'd love to see your work. Caroline: I'd love to show it to you. [SCENE_BREAK] Amber: Look, I'm a mother now. Having Rosey has changed me. You know, my priorities are different. It's not just me, me, me anymore. I have my little girl to consider. And I really want to be someone that Rosey can look up to, just a really good role model like--like I never had. Brooke: I agree, whole-heartedly. Motherhood does shift your perspective. And I should know, because I'm a mother, and I'm very protective of Rick. And I'm really tired of this little speech that you keep saying, "I've changed." You say it every time you hurt Rick or betray my family. Amber: So what Rick wants doesn't matter? Brooke: Well, I certainly can't keep you out of his private life, but I can ban you from this building, from Forrester Creations, and I could divert his attention. Amber: Hmm. Caroline Spencer. Brooke: Bingo. Amber: You'd be sabotaging your son's line. He needs me to bring his concepts to life. Now do you really hate me that much? Brooke: He needs somebody that he can work with, that he can get along with, and that can bring out his best. Amber: Well, you don't know Caroline Spencer can do that. Brooke: Maybe, maybe not. But whether it's Caroline or whether it's somebody else, it really doesn't matter. The fact is he won't be with you, so why don't you go back to Furnace Creek or Timbuktu or wherever the heck it is you're from? Just stay out of Los Angels. You say you've changed, Amber, but I know you haven't. All you want is my son. Well, you're not gonna hurt my family ever again. Do you hear me? You just get the heck out of here. | Brooke doesn't buy this "I've changed", and admits to Amber that she can't keep her out of Rick's private life but she can try to divert him |
631 | Steve: And that will be that. Free at last. Come on, dude. Let's get out of here. I want to get back to work. Bo: Come on, man. You've been stabbed. You got to go home and take care of yourself. Steve: [Inhales sharply] Bo: Yeah. Steve: I guess I can take one day off. Bo: Yes, you can. Steve: So, listen, man, do you really think that Stefano is gonna end this vendetta if your family agrees to his father's terms? Bo: Unh-unh. It is not gonna come to that. I'm gonna find my pop. We're gonna figure out how this damn vendetta started, and then once I -- Lucas: Hey. Bo: Hey, Lucas. Lucas: Sorry to interrupt. You haven't seen Sami, have you? She said she was gonna meet me here, and she never showed up. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: Look, I hope you believe that I did not mean to shoot my husband. E.J.: I can vouch for that as an eyewitness. André had her really rattled. The gun just went off. Actually, it's a wonder she didn't accidentally shoot herself. Police Officer: I know Roman Brady's daughter. No one thinks you shot your husband on purpose. Sami: Yeah, I mean, I had my eyes closed. It just sort of went off. Police Officer: It's lucky that you just got him in the leg. Sami: Yeah. Thank God. Police Officer: I'll be in touch if we need anything else. Sami: Thank you very much, officer. Police Officer: I'm praying for your dad. Everybody's looking for him, even guys retired from the force. We'll find him. E.J.: Thank you. Hey, so? You told me you know the secret to ending the vendetta. How did you find that out? It's all in here. E.J.: That's the leather folio? Sami: My uncle Bo got it back from André. E.J.: Well, that's fantastic! Isn't it? I mean, you should be thrilled, right? Sami: Not exactly. E.J.: Why? What's inside it? Sami: See for yourself. [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: So, this is it -- the final two letters -- one from Santo and one from Colleen. Marlena: They were so close to getting married. I wonder what could have happened. John: Whatever we find out, it better give us some way to help Roman. Shawn: [Sighs] Damn you. I wish I had never met you, Stefano DiMera. Stefano: The feeling, I assure you, is mutual. Shawn: We have nothing to say to each other. Stefano: Oh, boy. Isn't it just like a Brady, huh? Sweep the past right under the rug. God forbid you should face something unpleasant head on. Shawn: Where is my son? What have you done to Roman? Stefano: I don't know where your son is, and I have done nothing to him. Shawn: You're lying. Stefano: I'm telling you the truth. As a matter of fact, for some odd reason, tonight I feel like saying the truth. Shawn: [Laughs] I wish you were buried down there. Stefano: [Laughs] Well, sooner or later, of course, I will be. And maybe that accounts for my mood tonight. Shawn: Go away. Leave me alone! Stefano: [Chuckles] You know, when I look back on my life, I suddenly realize that we have known each other for half a century. Half a century, Shawn, since we met -- remember? -- As kids at St. Malachy's? Look at us now. [Clicks tongue] Shawn: I'm not in the mood. Stefano: [Chuckles] I'm struck by the irony. Here it is, all these years that I have tried to destroy you and your family [Chuckles] And it is the Brady's that have come together and that are strong. It is the DiMera's that have fallen apart, that are in ruins. Shawn: Was that regret in your voice? Stefano: [Sighs] You know... it may not be too late. It's very possible that... we could help each other. [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: Here we go. Santo's final letter to Colleen. Julie: This I cannot wait to hear. Hope: "Tell me this is a nightmare from which I'll soon awaken. Tell me there's some way to go back to that rocky cliff and prevent that horrible moment from ever happening -- that moment when I knew I had lost you. As long as I live, Colleen, I will never forget the look on your face when you ran from me. You must know that I have tried desperately to see you, to talk with you just for a moment, but Father Mallory is a fierce protector. He will not let me anywhere near you." Santo: Please, Father Mallory, where is she? Fr. Mallory: Somewhere you can never hurt her again. Leave the poor girl alone. Santo: This is your fault, all right? Your fault. You sabotage our love by telling her about this eternal damnation. Marlena: Wait a minute. Did I hear that right? Doomed to eternal damnation? Is Colleen dead? Hope: No, no, no, she can't be. There's one more letter left, and it's from Colleen. "I needed to see you one more time to explain, to force you to see the truth." Doug: "Force"? John: So he is a true DiMera after all. Julie: But what in the world has happened? There's absolutely no indication. Hope: I don't know, but whatever it was, it cost Colleen her life. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: So, how's that leg? Should you be up and about so soon? Steve: At least you didn't get it in the gut. It's really nasty. Lucas: What are you not telling me? What, is she with him? She's still with him? She's with E.J.? Bo: You're right. There is something I got to tell you. It has to do with that leather folio hope and I found in Ireland. There's something in there concerning Sami and your good buddy Elvis. [SCENE_BREAK] E.J.: Wedding bands. Sami: They're the ones that Santo had made for him and Colleen. E.J.: What's all this? This is a -- what? It's a marriage license. Sami: That's right. Made out for the two of them over 50 years ago. E.J.: I don't understand. Sami: Read it. You'll understand everything. Lucas: Wedding rings and a marriage license. Bo: Apparently Santo and Colleen were all set to run off, start a whole new life together. Lucas: What's that got to do with Sami and E.J.? Bo: There was also a handwritten note in that folio. It was by Santo. Lucas: All right, what did it say? Bo: That when his and Colleen's souls were finally united as one... E.J.: "Then peace will finally be granted for the Brady family." Sami: Santo instructed his son, Stefano, to seek vengeance on the Brady family and keep at it until all the wrongs of the past were made right. E.J.: Okay, I understand that. But how are Santo and Colleen's souls supposed to be joined together after 50 years? Sami: I look just like my Great-Aunt Colleen, and you look just like your grandfather. E.J.: So, what are you saying? Sami: It's you and me, E.J. E.J.: Samantha, how could my grandfather have possibly predicted the two of us? Sami: He didn't. But obviously Stefano sees this as the end. In his twisted mind, if you and I get married, his father's soul will be at peace. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucas: You got to be kidding me. Bo: I wish I were, man. Lucas: You know, I know this is your family, but Sami's my family. She's my wife. She's not gonna divorce me just to marry E.J. Wells to end this stupid vendetta, all right? It's not gonna happen. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: There's no other way. E.J.: Samantha, what exactly are you trying to say? Sami: I'm saying I'll do it. I'll marry you. E.J.: So, would you do it -- divorce Lucas, marry me? Sami: I love my family. And I'm not gonna let them suffer when I can do something to stop it. E.J.: I'm not being funny, Samantha, but you had that opportunity before, didn't you? My father made it very clear. You laughed in his face. He told you. You marry me, you raise those children as DiMeras, he forgets the vendetta. Sami: A lot's happened since then, E.J. André still has my father. Lucas is right. He could be dead by now. E.J.: He's alive, Samantha, all right? That much I know. Sami: I guess you would. Your family took my father from me when I was just a little girl. I spent half my life without him. But if I can...save my family from suffering any more pain -- don't. E.J.: Samantha, just... Sami: Nothing changes. I will never love you. I love Lucas, and I always will. E.J.: You think that he would understand? Sami: I think I have to save my father's life. And if my children and the Brady children get to grow up in a world free from being terrorized by the DiMeras...this is a price I'm willing to pay. [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: "I had to find you, Colleen, but I was a foreigner in a land where everyone knew and protected each other. What could I do with doors closed to me on all sides? It was obvious gossip had swept through Galway like a wildfire. Everywhere I went, I was met with angry faces. And nobody was willing to help me. I realized there was only one person who could convince you to talk to me again -- the very person who separated us in the first place." Marlena: Who was it? Who was the person that drove Colleen and Santo apart? [SCENE_BREAK] Shawn: Help you, after what you've done to my family? Stefano: I'm asking that you help our families. All right, look, Shawn, maybe I went overboard sometime in my search for revenge for my father. Shawn: What is this, an attempt to save your wretched soul? Stefano: [Chuckles] No, it's probably too late for that. I am just hoping to get a less fiery seat in hell. Shawn: And I'll pray for the opposite. Stefano: Ahh. So, you will go through the pearly gates with a clear conscience, huh? Listen to me, Shawn. It is just you and me here. That's all -- you and me. And we both know the truth, don't we, that because of just a few words -- that's all. That was enough. A few words changed our families forever. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucas: This is a joke, right? I mean, this is insane. I don't care what's in that leather folio. She's not leaving me for E.J. Wells. There's no chance. What, are you saying she's actually considering it? Bo: If it's gonna save her father's life. Lucas: I got to do something. I got to stop her before it's too late. Bo: Take it ea-- Steve: Listen, I don't blame the dude for being upset, but come on. Sami's not gonna marry E.J., right? Bo: She, she gets determined like she is to get her dad back, she'll walk through fire if she has to. [Cell phone rings] Bo: Maybe that's my Pop. I've been trying to reach him all day. Brady. Are you sure? No, man, you -- no. Stay put. I'm on my way. That was my man following Stefano. DiMera's at the cemetery with Pop. I got to get down there. Can you hang here for a little longer? Steve: Why? Bo: Because I told Abe I'd be here. He's bringing some evidence that he gathered from André's hideout. Steve: Okay, I'll hang. Bo: Okay, thanks. Appreciate it. [SCENE_BREAK] Stefano: You do remember that night at the inn, don't you, when we were kids? Stefano: You like? Shawn: I wish I had one. Where did you get it? Stefano: A present from Mama and Papa. Shawn: But your Ma...I thought... Stefano: What? Shawn: She was dead. Stefano: Giusto? Dead? No, Mama alive in Italia. Shawn: But she's sick. Stefano: No sick. Happy. Good. Shawn: I remember all too well. Stefano: I did not realize that I was supposed to lie. If I could only go back in time and change that moment, how different things would be now. Shawn: Everything...would be different. Stefano: Do you realize that we could have been raised as brothers? Who knows what could have been? Santo: Colleen? Colleen? Shawn. Shawn, tell me. Do you know where your sister is? You know, Shawn... you and I have never really had the chance to talk, have we? My son, Stefano, you know what he says? He says he loves to play with you. He says you are like the brother he never had. The four of us, you know -- sometimes I think of us as a family -- you, Stefano, myself, and your sister. And sometimes, Shawn, you know, I think about all of the wonderful places that we can go together. Do you have anywhere in the world that you would like to see? I bet you do. How about the Eiffel Tower? No? You don't like the French, huh? I know. The big skyscrapers in New York City. You would like to see them. No? You know what I would like to see? Me, I would like to see the cowboys and the Indians. Would you like that? You would? The Wild West, huh? The wild, Wild West. Shawn, how would you like for us all to go together with Stefano and Colleen? America is an amazing place, and I would like for you to see all of it. I would like for you and your sister to see so many things. But first, I need your sister to agree to see me again. Shawn... talk to your sister. She will listen to you. Please. Tell her... tell her that I need to see her again. And I will show you the world, huh? Shawn, the world. How would you like to see the world, everything? Hope: Poor Shawn. He was just a little boy. How could Santo drag him into this? Marlena: Well, Shawn was the one that caused Colleen to run away from Santo. Doug: He was a child. What could he possibly have done? Julie: Well, whatever it was, it must have frightened Colleen enough to call off her wedding. Hope: And refuse to see Santo. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: Our marriage isn't real, E.J. We won't be sharing a bed. It's strictly business. E.J.: Yes, of course. An arrangement. I understand. A sacrifice for the sake of our families. Sami: You're loving this. Don't try to pretend like you aren't. This is exactly what you wanted all along. Just don't get too excited, E.J. Think about it carefully before you agree because you will be trapped in a marriage to a woman who doesn't want you, to a woman who has her own bedroom, where she dreams about another man and misses his arms around her. I can't imagine a hell worse than that. E.J.: [Clears throat] Look, Samantha...as long as this union ends the vendetta, brings peace between our families, I'm for it. Sami: Good. Then let's go tell Stefano that I've made my decision. Lucas: And what decision is that? Sami: Lucas, what are you doing here? You shouldn't be on that leg. Lucas: Just answer the question. Sami: Um, let me explain. Lucas: There's no need. I know about the leather folio. I know about Santo's terms to end this vendetta. I just hope that your decision means you're gonna tell E.J. and the rest of the DiMeras to take their terms and shove it. Sami: How did you hear? Lucas: I had to hear it from Bo instead of my wife. Sami: I was gonna explain everything when I got to the hospital. Lucas: Don't bother. Don't bother. Just tell me you're not considering it. Sami: I don't know exactly what I'm gonna do. Lucas: You don't know exactly what you're gonna do. Sami: You have to try and understand that -- Lucas: No, I understand. It's a no-brainer, right? I mean, I am your husband, the father of your children. Really, Sami, what's there to think about? Sami: E.J. and I are gonna go talk to Stefano, and we are gonna try to work something out. Lucas: You mean E.J.'s gonna talk to Stefano? Let me know when you come up with a verdict. Sami: Lucas, please. Please don't be angry. Lucas: Oh, I'm not. I'm not angry. I'm way beyond angry. Tell you what -- maybe I'll see you later. Sami: Lucas. Lucas, wait. You -- I'll -- I'll meet you outside. [SCENE_BREAK] Santo: So, Shawn, my friend, huh? What do you say? You're going to help me, hmm? Convince your sister to talk to me. Here. My gold watch. I give it to you if you help me. It's very expensive. Pure gold. It could be a gift for your father, Shawn. Think about this, you know? You get to help me, and you get a gift for your father at the same time, right? Shawn, convince your sister to talk to me one last time. And if she asks me to leave, to go back to Italy, I go, all right? Shawn: I don't want it. Leave my sister alone. Santo: Shawn, listen, please. Shawn, please, come back here. Shawn, where are you going? Aah! Colleen! Hope: Wow. That's how the letter ends. John: She refuses to talk to him. He kills her. Julie: No. No. I can't see him doing that. Marlena: When you come right down to it, he is a DiMera, after all. Doug: Yeah, but, guys, what happened to end her engagement to Santo? Hope: We all know someone who could answer that question. John: The only problem with that is, Shawn's not talking. [SCENE_BREAK] Stefano: You never saw my father again after Colleen's death, did you, Shawn? No. He was never the same. Never. He went from a loving, gentle man to a bitter, angry one. The part of his soul that could love was just ripped right out of him. And I don't remember a day that went by that he did not invoke the name of the Brady's with such bitterness that it terrified me. [Sighs] So, you see... when Colleen died, my father died, too. And he left another man in his place -- one who was cold, had no warm words for me. I was alone. Do you understand me, Shawn? I was alone. And I had to watch my parents in a sham of a marriage, reduced to anger, bitterness. A family that was filled with betrayal, regret. Shawn: That's your excuse for all the pain you caused my family? [Chuckles] You point a finger at me. It was all your fault! You murdered my sister. [SCENE_BREAK] Steve: So, then Bo took off like a shot. Abe: Yeah, I don't blame him. But I do have an officer on Stefano's tail 24-7. He's not gonna try anything with a police officer watching. Steve: Right. What's this evidence you found? Abe: A chauffeur's uniform. Steve: André was wearing a chauffeur's cap when he stabbed me. Abe: The same kind one of my officers was wearing the night of the fake funeral for driving -- for driving the empty coffin to the gravesite. Steve: André was driving that hearse. Abe: Only the coffin wasn't empty. Steve: Roman's in there? [SCENE_BREAK] Doug: Okay, okay. Read the last letter -- the one Colleen wrote to Santo in return. Julie: I pray it fills in the missing piece. John: Just skim it, Hope. Let's see if we can get to the answer, if it's in there, before it's too late to help Roman. Hope: Okay, Colleen says she's utterly and completely destroyed. She gave up everything, turned her back on God and the church, only to find she had sold her soul to the devil. And her shame is unbearable. She calls Santo a wolf in sheep's garb, who has hurt her and betrayed her in a way that no one else ever could. Marlena: It doesn't say how he hurt her, though. Hope: No, but listen to this. "Thank God for my little Shawn. He knew the truth. And may the good Lord bless him forever for being brave enough to tell me before I made the biggest mistake of my life." [SCENE_BREAK] Stefano: You throw Colleen's death into my face? You bastard. It was you who drove the knife into her heart. Shawn: I spoke the truth! Stefano: You son of a pig! My father loved her from the bottom of his soul. He would never have done anything to harm her -- nothing. There's not a DiMera that is responsible for her death. It was all you, Shawn -- you. And you know it. You opened your rotten mouth when you should have kept it shut. Do you understand that? Bo: What the hell is going on here? Get off of my father. You let go. You son of a bitch! You want me to put you in a grave for good? You shut the hell up! You hear me? Stefano: I'll see you in hell. Bo: What the hell is the matter with you, man? Why are you going after my pop like this? Answer me! Shawn: Let him go! It's ancient history between him and me. Bo: You okay, Pop? Did he hurt you? Stefano: Far from it. I came here to try to make peace, but now I realize it is impossible. Bo: You make peace? Yeah, right. Come on, Pop. Let's go home. Come on. Stefano: Remember what I told you, Shawn -- that I was willing to end it. [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: "I shudder to think that without my little Shawn, I'd have made a terrible and sinful choice, one I would regret for the rest of my life. But God, in all his glory, gave a little boy wisdom beyond his years and the courage to speak up." Fr. Mallory: As you stand here before me, about to take your final vows, I cannot but be asking you one last time, are you sure this is truly what you want? Colleen: Yes, Father. This is where I belong. The church is my first calling, my true calling. And by the grace of God, he has shown me the way back. Fr. Mallory: Perhaps he was also testing your faith. Colleen: And I failed him, to my utter sorrow. But I will spend the rest of me days seeking always to make up for it. Fr. Mallory: Do you still love the Italian, Mr. DiMera? Colleen: I have feelings, Father -- feelings I know are wrong. But I will wipe them clean from my heart and my memory. Fr. Mallory: The strength of such feelings will fade in time. His Grace, the Bishop is ready. Hope: "And so, I will take my vow, Santo. By the end of the day, I shall be in the service of the Lord, far beyond the sinful desires of the flesh. I pray to God to forgive me, my time of weakness in the face of your deceiving words. If you ever truly cared for me at all, you will stay away forever." [SCENE_BREAK] E.J.: Watch your step, Samantha. [Sighs] Thank you for agreeing to meet us, Father. Stefano: Well, when I heard that André kidnapped you, I was beside myself because I realized how far gone his mind is. It's way beyond my control. E.J.: Well, there was...one good thing that came of it, at least as far as we're concerned. We now both know the terms for ending the vendetta. Sami: I have to marry E.J., the way that my Great-Aunt Colleen was supposed to marry Santo. Those are the terms. Am I right, Stefano? I don't understand, Stefano. You were obsessed with my mother for years. Did you hope to marry her using these rings? Stefano: [Sighs] Yes, I loved Marlena. I loved her as my father loved Colleen. And, yes, I'll admit that I was hoping our marriage would give my father's restless soul finally some peace. But it was not to be. 'Cause when I saw the man that my son grew into, then I knew it. E.J.: Because I look like my grandfather. Stefano: You could not be more alike, not just in looks, you see. It's uncanny. It's as uncanny as the resemblance that Samantha has for the lovely Colleen, may God rest her soul. I realized that these rings were meant for you. Hey, it was your destiny, the same as it was my destiny to seek revenge for my father. Now, Samantha, if you do not love my son the way -- but in time -- Sami: This isn't about love. This is about ending the vendetta. And that starts with returning my father alive and unharmed. That is nonnegotiable. Do we have a deal? [SCENE_BREAK] Abe: Guys, get in here. We got help on the way. Steve: Abe, listen. I think we got to prepare ourselves. Abe: Look, I'm not giving up on this guy. Come on. Start digging. [Grunts] [SCENE_BREAK] Stefano: Are you sure about this, Samantha, hmm? Because once it starts, there's no turning back, you know. No easy annulments, divorce -- nothing of the sort, all right? If you want this vendetta to end once and for all, well, there is no turning back. Sami: I understand your terms. Now understand mine. I will marry your son only after my father is returned safe and alive. But you want this marriage to last? Then you see to it that no DiMera ever hurts a Brady again, that this vendetta is over once and for all. Stefano: Have Mickey Horton get the divorce papers in order right away. E.J.: You're doing the right thing. Stefano: Congratulations, my son. [Chuckles] You have managed to end a feud that has been going on for decades and also secure a future with the woman that you love. The field is yours, my son. You've won. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucas: I, Lucas, take you, Samantha, to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and health. I will love you and honor you all the days of our lives. Lucas: There's no way you'd do this to us, Sami. There's just no way. I won't let you. [SCENE_BREAK] Marlena: Caroline's with Kayla and the baby, and there's still no sign of Shawn. Hope: Bo left hours ago to go look for Shawn. John: Listen, I'll check out the Cheatin' Heart. Sometimes he goes there for a beer or two to get away from everything. Julie: I will call Maggie. Maybe he's stopped by Chez Rouge. Doug: Chez Rouge is not really his style. Julie: Well, I agree, but I'm concerned, all right? I'm worried about him. Hope: So am I. Marlena: We still don't know how Colleen died. Shawn: It's time you did. It's time I told you the truth about the night I killed my sister. [SCENE_BREAK] Abe: We're coming for you, buddy. Don't worry. Steve: Abe -- Abe, we don't know if it's him, man. We don't know if he's in there. Abe: Damn it! Oh, my God. Steve: Oh, no. Abe: Roman, I -- Steve: I'm sorry, man. I'm so sorry. Abe: What the -- Steve: Who is that? Who -- oh, no! Aah. [SCENE_BREAK] Colleen: He's the man I'm to marry! He's lying to you, lass. Colleen: What? Tell her. Tell her about your wife. Shawn: I haven't been all right since Santo lied. Hope: Oh, my God. She wasn't dead. Abe: What kind of man would kill his own son? Steve: This is one murder Stefano's not gonna get away with. | After digging up the coffin, they find Benjy's dead body in the coffin instead. |
632 | Hope: (Sighs) Liam: Uh, Hope, that was... Hope: (Chuckles) Liam: Uh... what--what--what was that, exactly? Hope: I never should have doubted you, Liam. (Sighs) And I never will again. [SCENE_BREAK] Thomas: Well, look who's finally back. Steffy: I'm sorry. I was taking care of something. Thomas: Was there a problem with the Intimates line? Steffy: Huge. It turns out I wasn't wearing anything from the Intimates line when I just saw Liam now. Taylor: (Sighs) Is he back from his trip? Steffy: Back where he belongs-- with me. [SCENE_BREAK] Pam: Aren't you gonna play something? Eric: No. (Sighs) I smell pot roast. Pam: Yes, you do. Mother's recipe. So, uh, I put up a few decorations. (Chuckles) Eric: Yeah. Yeah. It's nice, Pam. Thank you. It's--it's nice. Pam: Do you remember where Steph usually puts this one? Eric: Put it-- uh, put it down here somewhere. Pam: Perfect. Eric: Pam, did you do what I asked you to do? Pam: I really wish that you'd reconsider, Eric. Eric: No, I know. Sorry. Pam: Christmas Eve-- you can't just-- Eric: Pam, it's what I want. Pam: I know, but the family, Eric. They-- Eric: (Sighs) Rick: Hello? Wow, look at this place. Eric: The family will be fine. Hey. Rick: Decorations--yeah, wow, look at this, Dad. Eric: I know, huh? Pam is making certain that I'm in a festive mood. Eric: You're home early. Rick: Well, uh, yeah. Look, it's, uh--it's been a busy day. And we're not done. We're gonna head over to the guesthouse, keep brainstorming ideas about the showdown. Caroline: Yes, we, uh, we're trying to avoid prying eyes at the office. Eric: Mm-hmm. Rick: But we thought we'd stop by and say "Hello." Eric: Brainstorming-- is that what they're calling it these days? Pam: Eric! (Laughs) Eric: Well... Pam: Hey, how would you two like to stay for dinner? I'm making pot roast. Rick: Um... Caroline: Sure. Rick: Yeah, that sounds good. Caroline: Yeah, do you want us to help with the cooking or set the table? Eric: Caroline, stop it. Pam: No, no, no. Eric: No, no. You don't need to do that, please, now, okay? I appreciate you coming over, both of you, but, uh, you can see that I'm doing fine, right? So go ahead. You just go do what young people do. Rick: Dad, you don't need to put a brave face on for us. It's your first Christmas without Stephanie, and its okay to lean on family. Eric: Thanks, Buddy. Thanks, Son. [SCENE_BREAK] Thomas: While you've been busy catching up with your boyfriend, we've been concentrating on work. Steffy: Thomas, I wasn't gone that long. Thomas: Look, Steffy, we got to concentrate on winning this competition. Taylor: You will. Thomas: I'm not spending the rest of my career answering to Rick. Steffy: It's not gonna happen. I'm not worried about competing against Rick or Hope in anything. [SCENE_BREAK] Liam: Doubted me? What-- Hope: Liam, Liam, I made a huge mistake. The night before our wedding, yes, you went out, you partied, but that--that was it. I thought you cheated on me. I thought that you were making out with Steffy. Liam: You thought I-- making out with-- what--what-- Hope: Yes, Liam. Liam: Why do you think that? Hope: Liam, the deejay, Othello, he told me that he saw you two kissing. Liam: What?! Hope: Someone else said it, too, someone that I really trusted-- my brother, Rick. (Sighs) But now I know... it was all a lie. Yes. Yeah, it was. [SCENE_BREAK] Rick: Hey, can I take this for the guesthouse? Eric: Sure, take whatever you want, as far as I'm concerned. Pam: Oh, oh, oh, actually-- actually, I need that, if you don't mind, but I'll bring you everything that I don't use, um, when I'm done, okay? Rick: Okay. Shall we? Caroline: Yes. More brainstorming. Rick: Mm. Pam: Now the invitation still stands for dinner if you change your mind. Rick: Thank you, but, uh, we're probably just gonna order in. Pam: (Gasps) Order in? No! Eric: (Chuckles) Pam: Now don't be late tomorrow night, though, okay? Rick: We wouldn't think of it. Pam: Okay. Rick: Looking forward to it, in fact. Traditional Forrester celebration, just the way Stephanie would want. Pam: Now you're gonna wear that sweater that I knit for you last year, right? Rick: Oh, uh, uh... Pam: You know, I never did get a thank-you note. Rick: I-I love it. I-I-I do. I do. Eric: Thank you for coming by, both of you. I appreciate it very much. Caroline, you're good for him. Rick: Yes, she is. Eric: All right. Go on. Brainstorm. Caroline: (Laughs) Eric: Thanks, Buddy. Go on. Rick: Thank you. Caroline: Bye, Pammy. Pam: Bye. You heard what Rick said, Eric. Everyone's coming for Christmas dinner. And they're expecting you to be here. [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: Thomas had the documents looked at again, and it seems like Stephanie's loophole is going to stand. It's just so unfair, you know, to take away his position and then to strip him of all his shares. Steffy: Well, the bright side-- I've never seen him this motivated. I've never seen him this driven. Taylor: Let's hope it pays off. Steffy: I know. Thomas: Are you two all right keeping at it? I gotta check on something downstairs. Steffy: Yes, Sir. Did I say driven? I meant bossy. Taylor: Well, let's hope that goes away soon. I'm sure it will when you and your brother win the competition, and you're back on top where you belong. Steffy: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Rick: Here you are. Caroline: Mmm! Thank you. Rick: Oh. Caroline: (Laughs) What? Rick: You don't really think that we should work? Caroline: Well, if we want to win the competition, yes. Rick: Well, my dad's gonna chose us. Caroline: Not if Thomas' designs are better than ours. I guarantee Eric will not be playing favorites. Rick: Yeah, this is true. (Sighs) I feel for him so much. Caroline: Me, too. You're such a good son, you know, so supportive. Rick: (Chuckles) I'm scoring some serious points with you today. Good son... Caroline: Mm-hmm. Rick: Even better brother... Caroline: Mm-hmm. Rick: After finally doing the right thing. Caroline: Yes, you're definitely scoring points. Rick: You know, my dad's right. You're good for me. [SCENE_BREAK] Liam: So Rick and Othello said that they saw Steffy and me making out the night before our wedding, and--and that's why you ended things? Hope: Yes. I mean, okay... Liam: (Scoffs) Hope: You--you went out... (Sighs) The night before our wedding, and maybe you shouldn't have, but that was not enough to break us up. I was just so caught up in the thought that you had betrayed me. Liam: Yeah, because of Rick! Does-- does he have any idea what he's done? Hope: Well... hopefully, he... has done nothing that can't be fixed. [SCENE_BREAK] Pam: Dinner's almost ready. Eric: Good. Great. Pam: You heard Rick, Eric. Everyone is coming for Christmas dinner. Eric: (Sighs) Pam: Stephanie would want you to-- Eric: I don't want to hear any more about it, Pam. Pam: (Sighs) Eric: Now did you get what I wanted you to get? Did you do that for me? Pam? Pam: I know how hard this is for you, but don't do it. Eric: Did you? Pam: Yes, I did. Eric: Thank you. I know it's hard for you, but, uh, it's what I want. [SCENE_BREAK] Caroline: Wait, no, wait, wait. Rick: (Chuckles) Caroline: I-I was just gonna get your opinion on something. Rick: (Inhales sharply) Caroline: We're done working, aren't we? Rick: Oh, she finally catches on. Caroline: (Laughs) Rick: (Chuckles) Is it too early to order? What would you like to eat? Caroline: Well, we could always go back there for some pot roast. Rick: Mm, no. Caroline: No? Rick: No, definitely no. Caroline: (Chuckles) But what about Pam's gravy? Rick: There will be plenty of that tomorrow. (Chuckles) Caroline: (Giggles) (Sighs) My first Forrester Christmas. Rick: Yeah. First of many. [SCENE_BREAK] Steffy: What? Taylor: I'm just glad. I'm just glad. I'm... (Chuckles) It's so good to see you happy. Steffy: Really? Taylor: Mm. Yeah, especially with everything else that's going on. Steffy: I guess I reached a point in my life where I have reason to be. [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: Liam, I am so sorry. I should have trusted you. I should have listened to you. You never cheated on me. You never kissed her at all. (Sighs) Liam: No, Ma'am. (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Rick: Thank you. Caroline: For putting the work away? Rick: (Chuckles) No. For reminding me how I should behave... as a son and as a brother... as a man. Caroline: It was all you. Rick: No. (Sighs) No, I would have let that lie go on. I would have continued feeling terrible. I know it's gonna take a while for Hope to trust me again, but I'm gonna work really hard and reestablish our trust. (Sighs) I feel like this big weight's been lifted off of me. And I haven't been feeling good about myself. Ever since I told that lie, I've had this knot in my stomach. Caroline: And now it's gone. Rick: Yeah. Because of you. [SCENE_BREAK] James: One medium, no-foam... Taylor: All right, thank you. James: Extra hot, double-pumped soy vanilla latte. Taylor: Perfect. Steffy: (Singsongy) Thank you! James: And one medium drip, black. Steffy: (Normal voice) Thanks, James. Bye. Taylor: Thank you. Mmm. I am so happy that Liam is gonna be here for the holidays for you. Steffy: Yes, me, too. I think it would have put me over the edge finding out that Liam was stuck somewhere outside of the country. Taylor: Mm. Steffy: (Sighs) Christmas is gonna be hard enough as it is. Taylor: I know. I know, with your grandmother gone. Steffy: Mm. Hey, are you, uh... are you gonna go to Granddad's? Taylor: Well, Pam wants us to be over there to support Eric through the holidays. Steffy: Yeah. But Brooke's gonna be there and Rick and Hope, I'm sure. Taylor: (Sighs) Steffy: It's not really gonna feel like a family... Taylor: Mm. Steffy: Especially with Dad out of town. Taylor: (Sighs) I'm thinking maybe we should do something of our own... Steffy: Hmm? Taylor: Just our family. Steffy: Mm. Team Taylor style? Taylor: Why don't we go and help over at the shelter? We'll do that in memory of Stephanie. Steffy: Yeah, I like that. I think that would be a good idea. Taylor: Mm-hmm. Steffy: Hey, um... okay, do you... do you believe in Christmas miracles? Taylor: Absolutely, yes. Steffy: Yeah? I never really did before, but you know what? I think I'm having one. So much went wrong this year-- losing Grandma, Dad taking off, my marriage falling apart. But yet here I am, another Christmas, and I just feel this sense of peace. Finding my way back to Liam, no secrecy, no Hope getting between us, no baggage-- I have never felt so confident in what lies ahead. Taylor: Your own Christmas miracle. Steffy: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: You are kind, honest, and caring. You're who you've always been. And you tried-- you tried to explain it to me over and over, but... I trusted my brother. And Rick knew exactly what to say. Liam... (Sighs) I will never lose faith in you again. Please, please forgive me. (Sighs) | Taylor laments to Steffy that it's not fair that Stephanie reneged on her promise and that loophole can't be broken in her will, but both agree they have never seen Thomas so driven as he is now |
633 | (Doorbell rings) Victor: The two lovebirds. Please come in. Gloria: (Chuckles) Victor: And kindly keep your voices down. Jeff: So what are we gonna do about this? Victor: (Chuckles) That photo means nothing, does it? Jeff: Mary Jane Benson is a wanted criminal. Now why would a man who offered a million-dollar reward for her capture be so chummy with her? Gloria: Especially in the doorway of her hotel suite that you paid for, Victor. Jeff: Yeah. Gee, I wonder how much the tabloids will cough up? Gloria: (Laughs) Jeff: Not to mention the legal complications. Victor: You're threatening me? [SCENE_BREAK] Victoria: Yeah, let's set up something for next week. Okay, that sounds perfect. I'll see you then. J.T.: (Sighs) Victoria: Hey. Any word from Paul? J.T.: No. (Sighs) He disappeared. So did Mary Jane. Victoria: Well, can't you trace his phone? J.T.: There's no signal. I don't know where the hell they went. You know, you didn't say two words to me last night. Victoria: Um, I was just tired. J.T.: Reed asked me if I was mad at Mommy. (Telephone rings) Victoria: (Sighs) J.T.: No, don't answer that. Victoria: Can we talk about this later? J.T.: Don--don-- don't answer that. Just hold on a second. (Sighs) This is all my fault, all right? Nothing happened with Colleen, but I shouldn't have been alone with her in the first place, all right? And I told her that, um, I'm not going over there again. I don't want to jeopardize what we have. Victoria: This is about more than--than just Colleen. J.T.: I'll ease up on your old man, okay? (Cell phone rings) J.T.: This might be about Paul. Hellstrom. Yeah, that's his car. Blood? Is it Paul's? (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Patty: (Whimpers) (Breathing rapidly) (Whimpering) Paul: Patty. Patty. Patty. Patty: (Screams) Paul: Patty, you're okay. Patty: Where am I? Paul: You're at St. Jude's. You've been given asylum. Patty: No. No, no, no. You're the one--y-you're the one working with the-- with the one that killed Kitty. J.T.: No. No, no, no, no. The parish priest is a friend of Todd's, remember? Patty: No. Okay. How--I don't know. I don't-- how do I trust you? Paul: You can trust me-- Patty: No, no. Wait, wait-- Paul: Patty. Patty. Patty. Patty: No! Paul: The police are after you. This is the only place you're gonna be safe. Patty: (Breathing rapidly) [SCENE_BREAK] Mac: So what time are you and Chloe meeting with the mediator? Billy: A couple hours. It's just a formality. We already agreed to everything. (Sighs) You know what? We should celebrate tonight. I hear there's a hot new trumpet player at the Indigo. Mac: I was thinking something more intimate, maybe at the trailer. Billy: I love the way you think. Mac: To a new beginning. (Coffee cups clink) Billy: Mm. (Chuckles) [SCENE_BREAK] Chloe: Ha. Chance: (Chuckles) Well, hi. Good morning. Chloe: Hi. Talk about a "Chance" meeting. Chance: (Groans) Chloe: (Laughs) Bet you never heard that one before. Chance: No, never have. So, um, good luck, before I forget. Good luck today on your mediation. Chloe: Oh, thank you. Uh, well, the hard part's done. Billy and I already worked on the settlement, so... Chance: Oh. Chloe: Yeah. Chance: So that just leaves you signing the papers, and then you're, uh, divorced. Wow. Chloe: But I'm looking forward to moving on, past, you know, the Billy-- post- Abbott life, whatever. Chance: It's never easy, you know, letting go. But, um, you know, once we do, we just open ourselves up to a whole world of new possibilities, so just kind of focus on that. Chloe: Yeah, well, who wants an old married woman with a kid? Chance: (Chuckles) Okay, first of all, "A," you're not old. Chloe: (Grumbles) Chance: "B," you're almost not married. And "C," you got a kid who couldn't be any cuter. I'm just saying. (Cell phone beeps) Chance: Uh, excuse me one second. Chloe: Yeah. Chance: Seems there's a break in a case. Are you gonna be around later? Chloe: Yeah, I'll be-- Heather: Detective Chancellor, uh, you're working on the Mary Jane Benson case, right? Chance: Uh, yeah, Counselor. I assume you just heard as well. They just found, uh, Paul's car abandoned. Heather: I did. I'm on my way out there right now. Chance: Tell you what, why don't I give you a ride? Heather: Okay. Sounds--yeah, let's go. Chance: Um, excuse me. Uh, see you later, okay? Chloe: Yeah, go. Chance: Great. Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Jill: (Sighs) Kay: Little fillets of beef. Murphy: I know. I-I'd rather have the eggs. Kay: It's not a storm. It's a little fillet of-- little fillets-- Jill: You summoned me? Murphy: Good morning, Jill. Jill: Katherine, we live in the same house. Why would you want to meet here? Murphy: Come here and join us for breakfast. Jill: (Sighs) Kay: Uh, it's no big deal. Uh, property taxes are due on the house. I need your share. Jill: Really? How much are they? Kay: $100,000. Jill: (Scoffs) This is why you called me here? Murphy: (Sighs) Jill: Invited me to have breakfast, and you talk about bills, Katherine? How gracious of you. Kay: Oh, my. We've had this conversation year after year. It's never been a problem before. Come over here. [Laughter] Jill: Um, I don't have my checkbook with me, so I'll write you a check later. Kay: Oh. Murphy: This afternoon? Jill: Yes, Murphy, this afternoon. All of my cash is tied up in investments, although I don't expect you to understand that kind of thing. Chloe: Hi, guys. Jill: (Scoffs) Kay: Hello, there. Chloe: Hey, did you see little Delia this morning sitting in her high chair trying to feed herself? Kay: Aw. (Chuckles) Chloe: So cute, right? Jill: Would you please excuse me? I seem to have lost my appetite. Chloe: Was that because of something I just said? Murphy: No, no, no, no, no. This one's my fault. Kay: Well, she's been like that a long time before you came around. (Laughs) Murphy: (Chuckles) Chloe: (Chuckles) Kay: Poor, poor thing. Um, sit down. Sit down. Murphy: Yeah. Kay: Eat. Chloe: Oh, um, well, I'm not hungry, but I could really use some words of wisdom. [SCENE_BREAK] J.T.: (Sighs) They found Paul's car. There was blood on the seat. It looks more and more like Mary Jane took him hostage. Victoria: I'm wondering if I should find my mom. I know she said she didn't want to be bothered, but I'm really worried about her. J.T.: If it were me, I'd want to know. Look, I'm sorry I cut our talk short. Victoria: That's fine. J.T.: You know, I'm gonna go out there and see if there's any way I can help. Victoria: J.T., listen. Um, I really don't want to argue anymore. You think maybe we could just wipe the slate clean? J.T.: I wish it were that simple. [SCENE_BREAK] Gloria: Aw, come on, Victor. You know-- Victor: Shh, shh, shh, shh. I asked you to keep it down. Gloria: You owe us for setting up Colleen and getting her off that board. Victor: I did not say I was not gonna pay you, did I? Jeff: You don't cough it up, the tabloids are gonna have a field day with this photo. Gee, I wonder how much it's worth. It's gotta be worth at least as much as you were offering for Mary Jane. Say a cool million? (Chuckles) What, you're calling security? Gonna have us tossed out? Victor: I'm calling the police to have you arrested. Jeff: This isn't over. Victor: It was over the moment you came in here and darkened my door. Now get out. [SCENE_BREAK] Patty: Let go of me. The police want to hurt me! Paul: Patty. Patty. I am your brother. I am not gonna let anything bad happen to you, I promise. Do you remember when Mom and Dad used to--to bring us all to church? You know, you, me, Steve and--and--and Todd. But Mom didn't want you lighting any of the candles, right? Patty: She thought I would get burned. Paul: Right, but-- but, um, Todd and I, we would let you light the candles when she wasn't watching. Patty: My two big brothers-- you guys took care of me. Paul: Always, Patty. Even now, okay? I am on your side. Patty: (Inhales deeply) Paul: Okay? Patty: (Sniffles) You know, I haven't had anyone on my side in a very long time. Paul: I know. Patty: (Sighs heavily) I sure made messes of things, didn't I? Paul: (Sighs) Patty: Shooting Jack. Paul: Well, thank God, he didn't press charges. Patty: He loved me, even then. Paul: We all love you, Patty. We were worried about you, you know, when you lost the baby. Patty: I know. (Sniffles) I tried really, really hard to get my life back together. I did. It's just, I couldn't handle the whispering behind my back. And then Mom-- Mom just made things so much harder. So I left. I thought everybody hated me. Paul: No. Patty: (Sobs) Paul: Nobody hates you. I-I tried to find you for years. Patty: I know. Eau Claire. I saw you first, and I hid. Paul: I wish you hadn't. Patty: If wishes were fishes. Remember? Todd used to say that. "If wishes were fishes." (Sniffles) Paul: So, um, what brought you-- what brought you back to Genoa City now? Patty: I came back because... (Sighs) Because a man didn't accept me for who I was, but with my new face, my new identity-- he's very powerful and influential. He made promises, but-- Paul: Victor Newman. Patty: Why would Victor bother with me? Huh? I thought it was obvious. I came back for Jack. [SCENE_BREAK] Chloe: Today's the big day. Billy and I are signing our divorce agreement. Kay: Well, I'm sorry. Chloe: It just shouldn't hurt this much, you know? Kay: Oh, of course it should hurt that much. Murphy: You wouldn't be human if it didn't hurt. Chloe: (Sighs) Kay: You know, if it's any consolation, you will work through this. Chloe: I'm just worried about Delia. I mean, what if he goes on with his life and has another family, and he stops thinking about her? Murphy: Wait, wait, wait. He does that, he'll have to answer to me. Chloe: (Chuckles) (Sighs) I'm sorry. I-I know. I thought-- I thought that I would just skate through this so much easier and... (Sighs) I gotta get it together. You know, it's not the end of the world. Kay: Since you've come home, I've noticed a significant change in you. Stop selling yourself short. I'm seeing a remarkable young woman emerge. Chloe: Why can't Billy see it? [SCENE_BREAK] Billy: (Chuckles) Gloria: (Chuckles) Billy: Iced coffee, please. Gloria: Mm-hmm. Billy: To go. Gloria: Mm-hmm. I'll bring it over to your table. Billy: Thank you. Gloria: You know, I am so sick and tired of being poor. Time for you to get a job. Jeff: I've got a job, sweet cheeks. I'm a crossing guard. Gloria: A real job. Jeff: There are easy ways to make cash. Gloria: Oh, yeah. "Let's blackmail Victor Newman." A lot of good that did. Jeff: Worth a shot. Gloria: You blew it. Jeff: I blew it? Gloria: Victor was going to give us the money for helping him with Colleen. But now he's mad at us, so he won't. Jeff: (Laughs) You believe "Old moneybags"? Gloria: If you had just handled him, you know, with a little bit of a softer touch, maybe he might have-- Jeff: I'd like to handle you with a little bit of a softer touch right now in the back room. Gloria: (Chuckles) No! Not until you come up with a way to make the rent. [SCENE_BREAK] Patty: It's such a relief to be myself again, not have to be Mary Jane anymore. Paul: Yeah, I bet. So tell me, um, how did you manage such a huge transformation? I mean, all the plastic surgery, the expensive clothes and-- I mean, even your references checked out. [Patty remembering] Victor: You'll be well-provided for, okay? You're a beautiful woman now. You'll have a hell of a time in Rio. Don't worry about a thing. Mary Jane: And if I refuse, Victor? Victor: I wouldn't contemplate that if I were you. You get the hell out of this town. I'll have my security guy come up and help you pack. And don't you ever set foot in Genoa City again. [SCENE_BREAK] Patty: Coming back home was the best thing I could have done. (Sighs) I love Jack. (Chuckles) I do. And I-I know he loves me. He does. That's why I have to get back to him. Why, um, why would the police want to keep us apart? Oh, you know what? I bet this had something to do with Sharon, or maybe Phyllis. Paul: Listen, um, why don't you let me call my partner J.T. and see if he can intervene for you with-- with the police, okay? Patty: Well, just hold on. Can--can he be trusted? Paul: He's my partner. Yeah, he can be trusted. Patty: Okay. Paul: You can listen in. Patty: Yeah? Paul: Okay? [SCENE_BREAK] Heather: Lab just confirmed. It is Paul's blood in the car. J.T.: Hey, listen, he's been in tougher jams than this, all right? (Cell phone rings) J.T.: Paul, where are you? Heather: What? J.T.: Are you okay? Paul: Yeah, I'm fine. J.T.: They--they found your car. There was blood. Paul: I-it was just a cut. Listen, I am with Mary Jane. We are, uh... (Sighs) They've given us sanctuary in a church. Can you meet us? J.T.: Where? Patty: And make him promise not to tell the police. Paul: Oh, promise me you won't call the authorities. J.T.: I won't say a word, all right? Just tell me where. Paul: Okay, we're at the chapel at St. Jude's. J.T.: I'm on my way. Chance: Well? Heather: Yeah, did Paul sound like he was under any duress? J.T.: It's hard to tell. Chance: Where are they? J.T.: I promised I wouldn't say anything, okay? Heather: (Sighs) Chance: Look, this woman has a history of violence. Heather: Yeah, J.T., my father's in trouble. If you know where he is, you have to tell us. J.T.: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Jill: Hi. Is there any way-- Woman: Okay. What? Jill: (Sighs) I realize I am not on the schedule today, but I really need the work. As many shifts as possible. Woman: Get yourself more regulars. Jill: Milly, come on. I'll work late. I will take care of all your most difficult customers. I'll treat them like angels. Milly: Helen didn't show today. Take the walk-ins. Jill: Oh, thank you. Thank you! (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Gloria: And would you look at these nails? Would you look at my hands? This place is ruining me. Jeff: Oh, no money for the beauty salon? Gloria: No. Jeff: Mm. Gloria: But I'm gonna find a cheap, out-of-the-way place where nobody knows me. Billy: (Whistles) Gloria: My, my, my. Big tipper. Why are you in such a good mood? Billy: Why, I'm getting a divorce. (Chuckles) [SCENE_BREAK] Chloe: A year ago today, I was marrying Cane, and now I am divorcing Billy. I'm a real winner, huh? Kay: Oh, stop it. Don't you ever let me hear you putting yourself down again, young lady, never. Murphy: Yeah. Today is the start of a new adventure, and we'll be right there, good days and bad days. Chloe: Well, I could definitely use those reinforcements right now. Mac: Hi, Chloe. Murphy: Hey, Mac. Chloe: Hi. Mac: Hi. Kay: Hi, Sweetheart. Mac: I-I looked for you this morning. Chloe: Yeah, I know. I-I left early. Mac: About today-- Chloe: You know, it's just a formality, and I want to let you know that I am really happy for you and Billy. I mean that. Mac: Rea--okay. Thank you. You, too. Chloe: Yeah. Um, guys, I can't be late. Good to see you. Thank you. Murphy: Mm-hmm. Kay: Uh, join us. Murphy: Yeah. Mac: I'm gonna work out, but I'll come back by later if you're still here. Murphy: Okay. Kay: (Chuckles) Oh, Murph. Murphy: Yeah? Kay: Time-- Victoria: Katherine. Katherine. Murphy: Hi. Victoria: Hi. Um, have you heard from my mom? It's--it's really urgent that I find her. [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: I just figured out why you called yourself "Mary Jane." "Mary" for Mom, and "Jane" for Aunt Jane, right? Patty: Mm. J.T.: Paul. Hey, Paul, are you there? Paul: That's my friend, okay? He's okay. We're gonna figure out a plan to protect you. Patty: Okay. My big brother's gonna protect me. (Laughs) Paul: Yeah. Okay? You stay right here, okay? Patty: Mm-hmm. Paul: You stay right here. Patty: Okay. Paul: Don't be seen. (Sighs) Thanks for coming. Why did you bring them? J.T.: I had to. Heather: Because Mary Jane Benson is dangerous. I'm your daughter. Chance: Is she in there? Paul: Listen, Father Hoffman accepted our request for sanctuary, and I expect the police to do the same. You understand me? Chance: Look, I'm gonna have to call this in, all right? See what the chief wants me to do. Paul: I want to cut a deal with the D.A. Heather: Okay. All right. You gotta--you gotta let me see Mary Jane, though. I gotta know what I'm up against. Paul: Okay. All right, you should see her. You don't freak her out. Come on. Patty: No. No, you promised it was only gonna be J.T. Paul: No, its okay, Patty. Patty, its okay. You two should meet. Heather: Yeah, we've met before. Paul: No, I don't think you have. Paul: This is my sister Patty, your Aunt Patty. Heather: (Sighs) For Mary Jane and Patty-- Paul: It turns out we were looking for the same person. Heather: Unbelievable. How long have you known? Paul: Since yesterday. Since, um, Sis and I took our excursion. Patty: You're April's daughter? Heather: Uh, yes, I am, and I work for the district attorney's office. Patty: They're gonna lock me up. Paul: No, no. She's gonna help us broker a deal with her boss. Patty: No, they're not. They're gonna put me in jail. Paul: Patty, I'm gonna look out for you, okay? Just like I did when we were kids. Patty: Yeah? No, you did. You did good. You took care of me. Okay, I-I'd--I'd like to light a candle. Is that okay? Paul: Yeah, okay. Patty: Would you watch me so that I don't get burned? Paul: I'll watch you. J.T.: Paul, what the hell happened to her? Paul: I don't know. She--she doesn't want to be Mary Jane anymore. She wants to be my little sister. Heather: You know, I heard, uh, I heard stories about Aunt Patty when I was a kid. Paul: Yeah, from your mother. Heather: Yes. That she shot Jack Abbott years ago... (Whispering) That, uh, you know, she just-- she just tried to kill Summer. She poisoned the Newman's dog. I mean, what's that from? Is that from her? Did she try to cut you? Paul: It was purely accidental. Heather: I-I don't care who she is. She's dangerous. Paul: Not now. Look at her. Heather: Paul. Paul, "Unstable" is not a whole lot better right now. J.T.: (Whispering) Look, I agree with Heather. She could flip at any minute. Paul: You two, listen to me. She needs serious psychiatric help. She needs professional care. We are in 100% agreement right now. J.T.: Paul, has she mentioned how she made the transformation from Patty to Mary Jane? Was Victor involved? Heather: What? Victor? Paul: She said there was no connection. J.T., I am not convinced. J.T.: Neither am I. [SCENE_BREAK] Victoria: And Aunt Casey hasn't heard from Mom since before the wedding, and I've gotta tell you, I'm really starting to worry. Kay: Well, I'm sure Nikki would want to know that Paul is missing, but, I mean, I haven't heard a word from her. I don't know where to reach her, either. Murphy: Yeah. Look, I used to disappear myself sometimes. I mean, go fishing for weeks. You know, to--to escape. Kay: Murphy, Murphy. Murphy: Okay. Kay: You know, it's not like Nikki to simply disappear. Victoria: No. I know. That's something Dad likes to do. [SCENE_BREAK] Chloe: Hey. Billy: Hey. Ready to do this? Chloe: (Clears throat) Billy: Oh. Chloe: Much better. (Chuckles) Billy: Are you ready? Chloe: Yeah, I'm actually, uh, I'm looking forward to it. I'm over the whole "Poor me" thing. I am. This is not the end. It's actually the beginning of something wonderful. Billy: Well, that's, um, that's a good attitude. Chloe: I think it's time to put the past behind me and move on, and let me start by apologizing... (Sighs) For all of the manipulative stuff I've done since day one. Billy: Mm. [Billy remembering] Billy: Would you date that guy? Chloe: Excuse me? Billy: Oh, I'm just trying to figure out what your type might be. Uh, were you in Soho last night? Jazz's loft? Chloe: Uh, yeah, actually, I was. Sorry, I don't remember you. Billy: We didn't meet. Uh, hi. I'm Billy Abbott. [SCENE_BREAK] Chloe: So no hard feelings? Woman: Next case. Bailiff: Abbott vs. Abbott. Billy: (Clears throat) Mm. [SCENE_BREAK] Patty: Is he coming? Paul: Uh, he's on retreat. There are no phones, but, um, I didn't talk with him. I did leave word, and, um, he's gonna call us when he can. You should be safe here. The D.A.'s not going to violate sanctuary, not if he wants to get reelected. Patty: (Sniffles) Uh, you didn't tell Mom, did you? Paul: No. No, I didn't want to worry her. Patty: How is she? Paul: She's okay. Patty: Yeah? Paul: She's slowing down. Patty: And Dad? Paul: Um, he's still not there. Patty: I wish our family was together. Paul: That's the way it is. We're still a family. Patty: Maybe I should light another candle for all of us, yeah? Paul: Yeah, okay. That's a good idea. Patty: God is with us. I'm safe. Paul: You're safe. Paul: (Sighs heavily) [SCENE_BREAK] Chance: Do not enter St. Jude's until I personally give the word, okay? Let's move. Heather: Okay, look. Look. I, uh, I really don't think she's gonna run. Chance: Well, I just spoke with the chief, and they're still debating this whole "Sanctuary" thing. Heather: The district attorney is out of town, so I have a call in to the second-in-command Owen Pomerantz. It really does not look good if we're blatantly disrespectful here. Chance: Well, at this point, I'm more concerned about safety than anything else, including Paul's. Heather: Right. She's not gonna hurt him. Chance: You can't-- you can't be sure of that. Heather: (Sighs) Detective, the woman in there is, um, Paul's sister Patty Williams. Mary Jane Benson is just an alias. Chance: Why didn't you tell me this before? If this is the case, you're related to this woman. Heather: I-I-I understand. I just found out a few moments, uh, moments ago, and Paul apparently found out yesterday. Chance: (Sighs) All right, w-- (sighs) How did this happen? Heather: I don't know. I don't know. I mean, uh, heavy plastic surgery? (Sighs) And honestly, after talking to her, I'm not-- I'm not entirely sure she's responsible for her actions. Chance: Well, that's for the courts to decide. (Cell phone rings) Chance: Excuse me. Detective Chancellor. Yes, Sir. Yes, Sir. We'll be very respectful. Thank you, Sir. It was the chief. We've got the go-ahead. Heather: Okay, okay, okay. Look, just--just wait until Owen calls back. Chance: Two minutes. You've got two minutes. [SCENE_BREAK] J.T.: What would you say if I told you I know the whereabouts of Mary Jane Benson? Victor: I would say that I'm looking forward to seeing her brought to justice. J.T.: Yeah, unfortunately, it's not that easy. It's a little more complicated. Victor: How so? J.T.: Turns out Mary Jane is actually Patty Williams, Paul's sister. Victor: I'll be damned. Paul's sister. How come he didn't recognize her? J.T.: Oh, she had extensive surgery, radically changed her appearance. Victor: Why would she do that? J.T.: Uh, she came back to Genoa City to start something up with Jack Abbott. Victor: Mm-hmm. J.T.: They were married years ago, briefly, when she was still a teenager. Things ended badly, but she never got over him. Of course, you-- you probably know all this since you've known Jack and Paul forever. Victor: Huh. Where are Paul and Mary Jane right now? J.T.: Paul took her to St. Jude's parish, requested sanctuary. I just came from there. Victor: Huh. J.T.: You know, Victor, I'm still a little curious about that note, the one that said to ask you about Mary Jane. Victor: Well, J.T., I think we already discussed that. Neither you nor I know who put it in your pocket. And whoever did had an agenda that had nothing to do with the truth. J.T.: (Sighs) Which is? Victor: That I had no connection with Mary Jane Benson before she came to Genoa City. J.T.: Patty Williams didn't have the money or the power it would take to change her--her face, set herself up with a phony career. You deny it all you want, Victor. I believe you helped her. Victor: Really? Why the hell would I do that? J.T.: To get at Jack. Only you couldn't control her. You--you wound up unleashing a mentally unstable, violent woman on your family. Victor: And you talk about family, J.T.? You, who cheated on my daughter who happens to be your wife, with Colleen, a woman I asked you to investigate? Hmm? J.T.: If you'd just talked to me first instead of showing those-- those photos to Victoria, you would have saved her a lot of heartache. Victor: You're no longer welcome in this house. [SCENE_BREAK] Gloria: (Sighs) Excuse me, is there a wait for a manicure? Milly: Oh, have a seat. One of the girls will be with you in a minute. Gloria: Okay, good. Jill: (Sighs) Gloria: (Laughs) Jill: Pick a color. [SCENE_BREAK] Woman: This document constitutes the final agreement between you two. Please take a look at it, make sure it's all there, and sign on the last page. I'll file it with the court, and you're good to go. Billy: (Sighs) Chloe: (Sighs) Billy: You know, um, yeah, I-I-I can't sign this. Chloe: Uh, wh-why not? Billy: (Sighs) I just--I don't know. I have some questions about the settlement, that's all. [SCENE_BREAK] Mac: So Billy signs the divorce papers today, thank God. Victoria: That's great. I'm happy for you. Mac: Thank you. We're both pretty excited about it. Victoria: Yeah, I can see. Kay: Well, now. If I hear from Nikki, I will certainly let her know about Paul. Murphy: Yeah, you've got a gumshoe in the family, put him to work. (Chuckles) Victoria: Yes, I will. Kay: All right. Bye-bye. Victoria: Bye-bye. Bye-bye. Victoria: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] (Cell phone rings) J.T.: Hey, you calling me? Victoria: Yeah. Um, I can't-- I can't find Mom. I-I haven't heard from her, and I've called her credit card company pretending to be her. She hasn't used her card since she left. J.T.: Okay. All right. I'll, uh, I'll get on it. Victoria: Okay. J.T.: We found Paul. Victoria: Where? J.T.: (Sighs) He took Mary Jane to St. Jude's parish for sanctuary. Victoria: Why? He knows what she did to Summer. Why would he do that? J.T.: Because she's his sister Patty. Victoria: What? He didn't know it? J.T.: No, she had her face completely changed, altered. If I'm right, Victor's responsible for this. Victoria: (Sighs) Why do you have to blame everything on my father, always? I thought we were gonna wipe the slate clean. J.T.: No, that was your idea. Apparently, in the Newman family, that-- that doesn't seem possible. Victoria: What is that supposed to mean? J.T.: Just figure it out, Victoria. Figure it out. [SCENE_BREAK] Chance: All right, your time's up. Heather: I still haven't heard from my superiors. No one makes a move until I do. Chance: You don't have the authority to make a call like that. Everyone in position. Heather: (Sighs) Chance: (Clears throat) (Voice amplified) Paul Williams, this is Detective Chancellor from the Genoa City Police Department. Bring Ms. Benson out right now, or we'll be forced to come in. You have one minute. Paul: She's not gonna surrender. So if you want her, you're gonna have to violate sanctuary and come and get her. [SCENE_BREAK] Jeff: (Chuckles) Well, now. Decide to play ball with us after all? Victor: Make me a strong cup of coffee, and while you're at it, listen carefully, okay? Jeff: (Sighs) Victor: I have a way for you and your heartthrob to get out of your financial misery. I know where you can find Mary Jane Benson. You bring her to me. Jeff: Yeah? And what'll you do with her? Victor: That is my business. You can find her at St. Jude's. You bring her to me, and you'll become a rich man. Jeff: Well, I heard that before, and I got screwed. Victor: You're not too bright, are you? Take it or leave it. Jeff: (Sighs) [NEXT_ON] Chance: I have my orders. Paul: There will be no surrender, except on my terms. Chloe: You're having second thoughts. Lily: I need you. I can't keep pretending. Jill: Whatever you're up to, I'm in on it, too. | tells Victoria they had found Paul's car |
634 | [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Faith: There's never been a better time to put pressure on Sonny. Skye: My God -- someone else was here that night. Scott: You're under arrest. Skye: No. Carly: Why are you so determined to send Courtney away from everything she has? Ric: Sonny wants to keep Courtney away from his business. Jason: Sonny's planning to send you to college out of state. We're going to go up to the cabin, and we're going to tell him. Elizabeth: They're eloping. [SCENE_BREAK] Faith: My sources tell me both Sonny and Jason are out of town. Might be the perfect time to move against them. Ned: You're right, Faith. It is a good time. And I've already moved. [SCENE_BREAK] Ric: Elizabeth! Elizabeth! Elizabeth -- wait. Hold up. What's going on? Elizabeth, why are you down here? Elizabeth: Trying not to think about Jason. Ric: Is there -- is there anything I can do to help? You know what? Why don't I just throw a little light on the situation? Elizabeth: No, please, I -- I like it like this. Ric: Okay. You know what? This is my fault. If I had -- I would've just let you keep going instead of stopping at the loft, you would've never seen Jason and Courtney. Elizabeth: I needed to see it. It was the only way I could start to let go. But it didn't work. Jason and Courtney just looked so happy. [SCENE_BREAK] Courtney: How much farther? Jason: Still a ways. Courtney: Any chance we could just skip telling Sonny and just -- Jason: No, we owe it to Sonny to tell him to his face. Wait a minute. Here's the turn. Courtney: Turn? I don't even see the road we're on. Jason: Ah, come on. We're safe, remember? [Tires screech] [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: When did you have time to plan all of this? Sonny: What, you think the only calls I make are about business? You need me to help you out there with -- Carly: No. Sonny: Here you go. Carly: You know what? You had your chance. Thank you. And you already proved you don't know how to make a fire. Sonny: Yeah, but what I do know is that if you throw matches in there with the flue closed, smoke's going to get all over the place. Carly: Yeah, I knew that. It's that lever right there. Sonny: Well, I don't want to boss you around, but maybe I should help you out with -- Carly: No, no. No, no, no. I've got it. [Carly coughs] Carly: It's not funny. You think this is funny? Come here. Come here. Sonny: No -- Carly: Come here. Sonny: What? Carly: Kiss me. Sonny: I'll kiss you. What are you doing? [Carly laughs] [SCENE_BREAK] Cameron: It's a delicate situation, Baldwin. You can't pressure her right now. Scott: Oh, I don't believe for a second that she suddenly remembered the real killer. We're taking her in. Let's go. Alexis: If she jumps, you won't find out, will you? Scott: What does this have to do with you? Cameron: Just let Jax get her to safety. He's the only one she trusts right now. Jax: Skye, it's okay. Just take it easy, okay? Let me help you. Skye: Jax, I'm so sorry. I know that nobody wants to believe me. I -- I remember, though, now. I saw -- I saw her. Jax: Who? Skye: The real killer. She has dark hair, but I don't think it was Brenda. I really -- I don't. Jax: Just take it easy. I believe you. Skye: You do? Jax: Yes, I do. Skye: Will you help me? Jax: Of course I'll help you. I already told you I would help you. I need you to come over the railing. Okay? Would you please do that? Come on, Skye. You trust me. That's it. Skye: Whoa! Jax: It's okay, it's okay. I've got you, I've got you. I've got you. It's okay. There you go. Hey, it's all right. Did you see her face? Do you know who the killer is? Jax: Tell me, Skye, what did you see? Skye: I -- Jax: What'd you see? Skye: I don't know. I -- all I remember is dark hair. I don't know about the rest. Jax: Concentrate. Try to concentrate. Skye: Okay, I -- Jax: Okay? Skye: I saw a woman running away. Jax: Okay. Skye: And -- Jax: What else did you see? Skye: I know she had dark hair and -- and she was wearing a dark coat and -- jeans. She was wearing jeans. Jax: Did you see her face? Do you remember her face? Skye: I don't know if I saw it. I don't remember. Jax: It's okay, it's okay. This could come back to you any minute, okay? This could come back any moment, so we'll just run with what you gave me, we'll locate this woman, and we'll clear your name, all right? Skye: Okay. Jax: Okay. You'll be okay. Scott: All right, cuff her. Jax: Stay away from her. [SCENE_BREAK] Ned: Acting on an anonymous tip, the police will find the drugs, and Sonny and Carly will be arrested for narcotics trafficking. Faith: Neat, clean, and ruthless. [Phone rings] Ned: Is it done? Good. Good. Now go tip off the cops. How about a cup of coffee and a ringside seat? [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: I have no one to blame but myself. I didn't know what I wanted, and then there was Jason's job and his loyalty. And then he lied to me about something he was doing for Sonny and he just left me hanging, so I ended it. Ric: And Jason just accepted it? Elizabeth: Yeah. Yeah, that's what really surprised me. I thought he put some value on what we shared, and I thought just maybe he would have realized we had something worth saving if Courtney hadn't moved in. Ric: Courtney stole him away from you. Elizabeth: Anyway, it's all for the best. I mean, Carly never really liked me anyway. Now Sonny and his wife and his sister and best friend -- they can be one big, happy mob family and leave the rest of us alone. Ric: You know what? I think you're forgetting one very important part of this equation here. Elizabeth: Yeah? What's that? Ric: What if Sonny doesn't like the fact that his precious baby sister is dating his hit man? Hmm? What if he hates the idea? [SCENE_BREAK] [Music plays] Sonny: How's that? Too hot? Carly: Impossible. Sonny: How are you feeling? Carly: Good. [SCENE_BREAK] Scott: The fact that she tried to jump proves she's guilty. Jax: No, it just proves that you were hounding her, Baldwin. Taggert: We have to arrest her whether you like it or not, Jax. Jax: Hey, you know what? Back off. Back off. Cameron: Hold it, hold it. The last thing she needs right now is a fight. And, Scott, if she goes anywhere after a suicide attempt, it should be the hospital for observation. Did you actually intend to kill yourself out there? Skye: No, I just knew that nobody but Jax would believe me. I couldn't think of any other way to get him here before the police dragged me off to prison. Scott: Well, that's usually where murderers go. Alexis: Do you wake up ranting, Baldwin? Scott: Are you representing her? Alexis: No. Scott: Then shut up and get out. Cameron: Well, that's professional, Baldwin. Go ahead. Skye: Look, I wasn't sure that I didn't kill Alcazar until tonight, okay? I remembered that there was a woman in the room that night. Now, she was wearing a dark coat. She had dark hair. She had jeans on. I -- Scott: Are you actually going to try and pin it on Brenda again? Jax: Would you let her finish? Skye: No, no, it wasn't Brenda. I don't think it was. She had dark hair, but I can't remember her face. Scott: All right, enough of this circus. You're just buying time until you can cook up another suspect. Well, that's not going to happen. Taggert, read her her rights! Taggert: All right, cuff her. Jax: It's all right. I'm going to take care of it. Skye: Jax -- Taggert: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can -- Jax: Baldwin, do you really want to arrest the wrong woman again, make an even bigger fool of yourself? Scott: If I was you, I would let my fingers do the walking and find yourself an attorney for your ex-wife. Jax: Skye's attorney's already here if she'll take the case. Alexis: Jax, I -- I can't do that. Skye: Alexis -- would you, please? Jax: Come on, Alexis, you're the best there is. You defended Brenda. Will you do the same for Skye? Alexis: I'll meet you at the station. I want to check on my daughter first. Jax: Okay. Thank you. Scott: Why are you guys standing around like seagulls? Get her out of here. Skye: Will you please get my purse? Scott: Let's go. Cameron: Don't you think it's time you told me what's really going on? [SCENE_BREAK] Ned: Looks like they took Zander's tip seriously. Faith: I'm impressed. You're very effective. Ned: Don't sound so surprised. Faith: I was just realizing what a good ally you make, what a bad enemy. Ned: Remember which one you want to be. Kristina would hate what I'm doing. She always focused on the positive in everybody -- even me. Faith: Why didn't you pick up on her positive thing? Ned: Because I'm a Quartermaine and I was born cynical. Maybe if she'd lived long enough, she might be able to change me, but she didn't. She's gone. And now Sonny is going to pay for taking her away, and he's going to keep paying over and over until there's nothing left. [SCENE_BREAK] Ric: Look, you have to understand that Sonny wants to keep the violence in his life away from his family -- in this case, his sister. Can I trust you to keep a little secret? Elizabeth: Try me. Ric: Okay. Sonny's instructed me to find colleges for Courtney -- the farther away, the better. Now, does that sound like a man who wants his sister dating his hit man? Elizabeth: Jason's more than just a hit man. Ric: Oh, I'm sorry. Yeah, that was a little harsh. Elizabeth: No, Ric, believe me, I am not naive. I know that Jason's job has its dark side, okay, but he does a lot for Sonny -- guarding Courtney, for one. Ric: Okay, even if he was instructed to guard Courtney, I don't think it was Sonny's intention to have him start dating her. Don't you think that's maybe why they're not telling him? Elizabeth: But if Sonny were to find out -- Ric: Oh. Courtney would be on the next plane to Switzerland. Elizabeth: And that could be the best thing that's ever happened to Jason. [Door opens] Mac: Police, freeze! Don't move. Put your hands where I can see them. Ric: Hey! What's going on here? Mac: Go on, open it up. We had a tip that Sonny's storing drugs here. Now he and Carly are going to have to answer for it. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: You know, for a male chauvinist, controlling freak -- [Sonny and Carly laugh] Carly: You have the most gentle hands. Sonny: Well, you provide a lot of incentive. Carly: I wonder if anyone would believe me if I told them that big, bad Sonny Corinthos just washed my hair. Sonny: Don't you dare tell anybody that. Carly: Are you afraid that it might ruin the mystique of you being a cold and calculating, unfeeling human being, huh? Sonny: What I am out there in my business happens because I love my family and I want to protect them -- Carly: I know. Sonny: From my work and its dangers, whether they like it or not. Carly: I know. I understand. Are you protecting me right now? Sonny: I'm always protecting you. Carly: I like it. Will you protect me some more? [SCENE_BREAK] Courtney: Okay -- no street lights, no cabin lights. It's official -- we're lost. Jason: No, it's an adventure. Courtney: Yeah, not even close. Adventures have guides and compasses and maps, even. Jason: It's okay. We're going to get to the cabin soon. There aren't that many roads up here. Courtney: This is a road? Jason: Are you in a hurry? Courtney: No, not at all. Just watch the -- no, I'm just fine here with you in our own little snow globe. It's great. Jason, watch out! [Tires screech] [SCENE_BREAK] Jax: How you holding up? Skye: Okay, I guess, except for the panic, confusion, and murder charge. Jax, I'm so sorry. I just -- I don't know what would've happened to me tonight if you hadn't shown up. You know me -- when in doubt, act out. I just didn't want to get you involved in another one of my messes. I know you have your own life now. Jax: Don't worry about that, okay? All you have to know is -- is there is no way I'm letting you go to jail, and that's a promise. [SCENE_BREAK] Cameron: You okay? Alexis: A man was stabbed and pushed over this railing to his death. I'm the one that found him, remember? Cameron: Since you find the images so upsetting, I find it hard to believe that you'd take this case on. Alexis: Jax is a friend of mine. He asked me to do it. I agreed. Cameron: It's that simple? This is, what, the fourth defendant you've taken on in this case? Alexis: I became an attorney because I believe that anyone accused of a crime deserves a defense, especially someone accused of killing Luis Alcazar. A horrible man, a killer, was murdered, and I don't think that anyone should have to pay for that. Cameron: Do you think you can get Skye acquitted? Alexis: She said she saw a woman. She didn't actually see the murder. I believe that I can build a case of reasonable doubt. Cameron: What if Baldwin stumbled on the right suspect? Alexis: Baldwin is a publicity whore. He doesn't care who killed Alcazar. He just cares about his record. Cameron: Alexis -- you still haven't said if you think Skye killed Alcazar. Alexis: No, I haven't. [SCENE_BREAK] Mac: Did you see Carly or anyone else come down here tonight? Ric: Look, Commissioner, Elizabeth has been with me most of the night. I guarantee you she has nothing to do with this. She works upstairs at Kelly's. And if I don't miss my guess, there is another entrance into this place. Mac: Yeah, I am aware of that entrance. All right, Elizabeth, you can go. But I would like you to stay for a while, Mr. Lansing, if that's all right. Ric: Whatever you say. Elizabeth: No. Wait -- wait a minute. He didn't do anything. Ric: No, no, no, no, no. It's okay. Give us a minute, please? Listen, I want you to do me a favor. Mac: All right, you guys -- Elizabeth: Anything. What? Ric: This is Sonny's cell phone number. I want you to give him a call and let him know what's going on. Elizabeth: Okay. Ric: Thanks. Elizabeth: Mm-hmm. Mac: Box -- open it up. Ric: All right, Commissioner, you've obviously found what you needed. I don't think there's anything else. Mac: Just how involved with Mr. Corinthos are you? Ric: Well, as a matter of fact, Mr. Corinthos relies on me more and more every day. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Are you happy with your life? If you could go back and change some things, would you? Sonny: I like my life just the way it is. Especially you. You know, when we were apart, a night didn't go by that I didn't wake up reaching for you. And not just because you're sweet, gentle, great-looking. [Carly laughs] Sonny: I missed you because you're a part of me. And even though I never say it, even though we fight and, you know, sometimes you're wrong, I am -- I just want you to know that I still love you. Carly: Not that you asked, but I wouldn't change a thing, either. Sonny: Yeah, you would. Carly: Excuse me? Sonny: Well, I mean, you know, if it were up to you, you'd be richer sooner, have more clothes, more jewelry. Carly: Oh, no, no, no, no. Okay, all right. So, then, I'm just so -- I don't know what I am -- shallow? Sonny: No. Carly: Materialistic? Is that what I am? Sonny: No, you like nice things. Carly: Yeah. So do you. Sonny: Right. Carly: Mr. I have 33 suits, and I'm not even including your summer wardrobe. Sonny: And that's why I got you something nice. Carly: How nice? Sonny: Well, you're going to have to tell me how nice. You ready? You ready? Carly: No. Sonny: Here you go. Carly: You don't have to get me jewelry, Sonny. Sonny: Don't get all noble on me now. Carly: Who, me? Really, just knowing that you think about me is enough. Sonny: I'm always thinking about you. Would you open it already? Carly: Okay, okay. Sonny! Sonny: [Mocking Carly] What? Carly: It's beautiful! Oh, I love it. Sonny: [Normal voice] Yeah? You like it? Carly: Yeah. Sonny: All right. You sure? Carly: Look at that. Yeah, I'm sure. Sonny: It's gorgeous. And how you going to thank me? Carly: Well, how would you like me to thank you? Hmm? Sonny: Well, I mean -- Carly: I think maybe I could come up with a little something. Sonny: Yeah? You think so? Carly: Yeah, let me see. Sonny: What do you think? Carly: This. Sonny: Oh. Carly: Oh. Sonny: All right. Hallelujah. Okay. All right. [Phone rings] Carly: Oh. Don't get that. Don't -- Sonny: What? Carly: Don't get it. Sonny: I got to get it. Carly: Don't get it. Sonny: No, because it -- no, it's an emergency. You know, it has -- no, listen. Listen to me. It's got to be an emergency -- [Carly groans] Sonny: Because only Jason and Ric have -- Carly: Yeah, so -- Sonny: Okay. Yeah. Elizabeth? Well, how'd you get this number? Elizabeth: Ric gave it to me, and he told me to call you right away. There's trouble. Sonny: What happened? [Sonny sighs] Sonny: Okay. I'll be -- yeah, I'll be there. Carly: What? Sonny: I'm sorry. Carly: What? Sonny: You know, I just -- we got to go. We got to go. [SCENE_BREAK] Courtney: Jason? Jason? Jason, are you all right? Are you okay? Talk to me, Jason. Are you okay? Are you okay? Jason: Yeah, I'm okay. Courtney: Are you sure? You could've hit your head. You weren't wearing your seat belt. Jason: Are you okay? Your head -- Courtney: Yeah, no, I'm fine. I'm fine. Where's your phone? Oh. Here it is. Okay. We need to call Sonny or -- we need to get help. Jason: It's dead. The battery's cracked. We're not going another foot in this storm. Jason: We're wedged in between trees. We need to be towed out. Courtney: So we're stranded? Jason: Temporarily. We'll just have to wait the storm out and then hike for help. Courtney: If we don't freeze first. Jason: It won't be so bad. Courtney: Yeah, I know. You'll take care of me. And, hey, it's not like I'm helpless. Jason: That's one of the things I like about you. Courtney: Yeah? Well, if we get bored, will you -- will you list the others? Jason: Yeah. Courtney: Okay. All right, well, first, there's a blanket in back. Nice. And I have a thermos full of coffee. I think we can keep pretty warm if we try. Ooh. See, I'm warming up already. Except for my nose. [SCENE_BREAK] Ric: You were responding to a tip, I guess, huh? Mac: That's right. Ric: Anonymous? Mac: So? Ric: Yeah, clearly called in by the person who planted these drugs in the first place. Mac: Well, that's none of your concern, now, is it? All I need from you is Sonny and Carly's location. Ric: No, I think you're missing the point here, Commissioner. There's something that you need, and that would be a warrant. Hmm? Yeah, you know what a warrant looks like, right, boys? When cops have it, they usually flash it around like some kind of a flag. You took a chance that there was something here. Mac: You're free to go. This is a secure area, so you need to leave. Ric: It's just very interesting to me that the suspect crate was opened at the point where the drugs were stashed and they were right on top of the packing, where no amateur smuggler would even dare to put product. Not to mention the street value of this thing. Come on, it's laughable. It's not even worth shipping. Mac: I asked you to leave. Ric: No, I'm afraid I can't do that, Mr. Commissioner. I have to gather evidence here for a lawsuit. Mac: What lawsuit? Ric: Well, harassment, illegal search, property damage, conspiracy. Mac: Conspiracy? Ric: Yes, you and your snitch. I'm going to have to get your badge numbers, boys. Mac: Your clients are still going to have to come down and answer charges. Have them at the station before the weekend. Ric: Uh-huh. Sure. Mac: All right, you guys, go on, clear out. You know what? You seem like a smart man, Mr. Lansing. There are better ways to earn a living than pulling guys like Sonny out of the fire. I'd think about quitting while you're ahead. People around Sonny generally end up hurt or dead. Elizabeth: Sonny's on his way. Ric: Oh, thanks for doing that. Elizabeth: It was nothing. But what you just did right here was very impressive. Ric: Nah. Elizabeth: You're an amazing lawyer. Ric: Thanks. It's a learned skill. But he does have a point. Elizabeth: What do you mean? Ric: Well, when and if I win Sonny's trust and friendship, his enemies are going to become mine. And believe me, Sonny has some very powerful enemies. [SCENE_BREAK] Ned: Nice work, Zander. Zander: There's too much here. Ned: Extra incentive never hurts. You're proving yourself every day. Zander: Thanks. Ned: I'm glad I took another chance on you. I'll be in touch. [SCENE_BREAK] Scott: You need to get out of here, go back to your fiancée, because Skye and I need to discuss the charges against her. Jax: I don't think so. Scott: Look, I'm running the show here. Otherwise I'll throw you back in your old cell. Okay? Now, do you want to confess now, or you want to wait till open court? But if you sing now, I might make a deal with you -- Jax: You can't talk to Skye without her attorney present, so why don't you just run along. Scott: I can talk to her any way I want. I mean, she doesn't have to answer, but if she was smart -- Alexis: My client has nothing else to say. Scott: She would talk to me. What? Alexis: I said my client has nothing else to say. And you, my friend, are leaving. Scott: Come on, come on. We both know she's the killer. Look at her. Look at her. Looks like a killer. Jax: I'll leave you two to get to work. I'll be right outside. Skye: Jax, thanks again. Thank you. Alexis: All right, Skye, two things before we start. First, I hope that you can get past the very tough cross-examination that I put you through. It had to be done. Second, I want you to remember this is not an attorney-client conference room, that this is an interrogation room, and sometimes the opposition will be sitting at this table, but all the time they will be right outside that mirror. Behind the mirror there, they're listening to everything that goes on in here. Are you okay with that? All right. I want you to concentrate, and I want you to tell me everything that you remember about the killer. Skye: I told them this already. I saw a woman -- dark hair, dark coat, jeans -- running away. Alexis: I want you to think about the details. Think about her hands. Was she wearing jewelry? Skye: I -- oh, Alexis, I don't know. It was so quick. I was drunk. Alexis: All right, all right. What about images? Think -- think about images. Skye: I -- Alexis: Is it possible you just saw her from behind? Skye: She was running away, yes. I -- I don't know. There was something else. Alexis: Something about her or something else? Skye: Something about her. Oh, God, there's something more. I just -- I know there is. I -- I can't make myself see it. Alexis: All right, let's just start with small sections and we'll just build from there. Alexis: A color? Anything? Skye: I -- oh, it's gone. I'm sorry. Alexis: It's okay. It's okay. We can work on it tomorrow. Scott: All right, girls, tea party's over. Time for you to be processed. Alexis: This arrest warrant is on the razor's edge of fraud. The voice match hasn't even been confirmed by a professional. Scott: Confirmation is pending. Alexis: You have no grounds for an arrest. But if you want to push your luck, we can take it back to a judge and you can explain your evidence to both of us. Scott: I haven't got time to wait. Your client's guilty. You're free to go. Get out there, sip a few martinis, because soon you're going to be in the big dollhouse. Skye: Alexis, thank you so much for doing this. Alexis: I'm happy to help. Alexis: What are you doing here? Cameron: Baldwin wanted my opinion as to Skye's fitness to stand trial. Alexis: And? Cameron: I had a tough time evaluating her. Couldn't keep my eyes off you. Alexis: Is this some weird pickup line? Cameron: I'm not sure. Alexis: Okay, well, your timing is really off. Anything else? Cameron: Night, Alexis. Alexis: Good night. [SCENE_BREAK] Courtney: I have a confession to make. Jason: What? Courtney: I was afraid. I was afraid for myself that -- that we would never have a chance to be together. Jason: I'm sorry it was hard on you. But you're strong. Courtney: You know, I -- I learned about how much I cared for you at the trial. [Jason coughs] Courtney: You okay? Here, let me get you some coffee. [Jason coughs] [Jason groans] [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: What happened? If the police broke those fixtures, I'm going to sue. Sonny: Fill me in. Ric: Well, Mac came in with some uniforms off of a phony tip. Found a drug plant in the first crate of light fixtures he opened. Sonny: What and how much? Ric: Coke. Not a lot, but enough to be a problem. Sonny: What did Mac say? Ric: Well, he was going to bring you up on trafficking charges and close Carly's club. Carly: Oh, no way. He can't do that. Elizabeth: But they won't because of Ric. Sonny: Okay. What else? Elizabeth: Well, Ric got rid of them for you. Sonny, you should've seen him. He was amazing. He lawyered Mac to little pieces. Ric: Just doing my job. Sonny: Okay, did you try to reach Jason? Because he could be back from the Dominican Republic now. What? Ric: Jason's back, but I -- I thought that you wanted to handle this on your own. Sonny: Okay, wait. Where -- you know what? We were just trying to have some quiet time together. It was very important to us. Jason has full authority to handle these things. Ric: Okay, I'm sorry. I made a mistake. I won't do it again. Elizabeth: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Ric isn't telling you everything. Ric: Elizabeth, don't, okay? Elizabeth: No, I'm not going to let him come down on you for no reason. What Ric is being careful not to say is Jason left town again, with Courtney, and it looked to me like they were eloping. [NEXT_ON] Luke: I don't want anyone but Laura. Bobbie: Have you stopped seeing Summer? Lucky: I'm just trying to figure out who you are. Summer: It's a waste of time. Nikolas: I am offering you a clean start. Take the money. Sonny: How long have you known about Jason and Courtney? Courtney: Are you all right? | Elizabeth tells Sonny that Jason left town again, and this time with Courtney |
635 | Amanda: J.R.? J.R.: Yeah, you ok? Amanda: Yeah, I just -- I wanted to thank you for understanding why I can't go back to the mansion. J.R.: Yeah. Well, home's not always where the heart is, especially when it comes to Adam Chandler's home. Amanda: But mostly I want to thank you for your forgiveness. After what I did to you, getting involved with David, I really don't deserve it. J.R.: Yeah, well, you're not the first woman to be tricked by David Hayward. But you don't need to worry about that. What you need to worry about is you, your health, and the baby's health. Amanda: Our baby's. J.R.: Yeah, after your scare, it put a lot of things in perspective for me. I promise you, I'm going to do whatever it takes to keep you and that baby safe. [Doorbell chimes] J.R.: Hey. Tad: I thought I heard somebody out here. Hopefully, we'll get a break in the weather soon. J.R.: Yeah, I'm not sure that it's over with yet. Tad: Definitely. Come on, come on inside. Amanda: Oh, are you sure this is ok -- me moving in like this? Tad: Oh, sure. We never get any visitors at the castle. You know, most people stay away from miles around. [Amanda and J.R. laugh] Tad: Anyway, welcome home, honey. Amanda: Thank you. Jake: Hey, hi. How's our girl doing? Amanda: Ok. Jake: You all right? Amanda: Good, yeah. J.R.: She overdid it today. Amanda: I wouldn't have missed Greenlee's memorial for the world. Jake: Yeah, it was a really nice memorial, bittersweet. [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: Since the accident, I have been -- I've been waiting for somebody to wake me up, to kick-start my life again. And today I realized that that's not going to happen, and nobody's going to do that, that I'm alone. Kendall: No, you're not. No. Opal: Oh, uh -- sorry, sorry. Ryan: What do you want? Krystal: Opal was just telling us something that we thought you should hear, but it's nothing that can't wait. Opal: Yeah, Krystal is right. It's -- it's nothing that we need to bother with right now. David: I am sorry, Ryan. I always knew why my brother loved Greenlee so much. She was an incredible woman. She'll be missed. David: I also know that she would want you to get on with your life as soon as you can. David: My condolences. Ryan: What were you -- what were you talking to him about? Opal: It was nothing, really. Ryan: It was about Greenlee, wasn't it? [SCENE_BREAK] Doctor: Ms. Williams, tell me what you see. Reese: Nothing. I see nothing. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Doctor: All right, I don't want you to get upset. This is not uncommon. I'm not surprised, given the extent of your injuries. Try and calm down. Reese: No, I can't. I can't see anything. I can't see. Would you just get away from me? You did this to me! You did this! [SCENE_BREAK] Jake: Here you go. Amanda: Thanks. I never would have been able to survive Fusion and Kendall if it hadn't been for Greenlee. Jake: Hmm. Amanda: She always knew when to stick up for the little guy, you know? I never got a chance to thank her, tell her how much I appreciated what she did for me. [Thunder] Amanda: I'm really going to miss her. Jake: Yeah, but let's -- let's stop with the sad talk, and let's talk about good things, right? Like you're doing better, the baby's in good shape, right? Amanda: Yeah. Jake: Uh-huh. Amanda: Scared the hell out of me, though. Jake: Yeah, but you're here now and we're going to take very good care of you, me and my brother. Very good care of you. Amanda: Ok. Jake: Promise. Tad: You know, Babe would be proud of you. J.R.: For carrying the heavier one? Why, I figured since I was younger, stronger, better-looking -- Tad: No, no, I was talking about sobering up and being there for Amanda. That means a lot, you know? I'm glad you could see past her mistakes. She's a good person. I'm proud of you. I'm glad you could find it in yourself to forgive her. J.R.: Well, I have to... for the baby. They both need protecting from my dad, from David. And, you know, my son or daughter deserves better than that. [Thunder] Tad: Well, mother and child will be safe here. J.R.: I appreciate it. Jake: And a little kicking's ok, and a karate chop, but no scaring Mom. Those are doctor's orders. [Amanda laughs] Jake: Come on, I'll take you upstairs. I'm going to show her how the heat works in her room. Tad: I'll bet. [Doorbell chimes] Krystal: Hi. Tad: Hey. Krystal: I was going to try to beat the storm home, but then I wanted to stop by and say good night to Jenny. Is that ok? Tad: Yeah, come on in. Krystal: Well, are you -- are you moving in? J.R.: No, Amanda is. Krystal: What? J.R.: Yeah, my dad's not putting up with her at the house anymore. Krystal: Why? J.R.: Well, he found out that she was working for David. Krystal: I -- I don't understand. J.R.: Amanda was on David's payroll. Her job was to get me drunk and make me into an unfit father. Yeah, gotta love that new husband of yours, don't you? [SCENE_BREAK] Reese: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Zach: No, no, you heard the doctor. Reese: Just stop it, just shut up, just get away from me! Get out. Doctor: I think maybe you should leave. Zach: This is not permanent. Who are the best in the country, the best in the world? Let's get them. Let's fly them out here. Reese: Oh, my God, just leave me alone. Doctor: Look, if you don't leave, I'm going to have to go get security. Zach: Not until she knows that this isn't hopeless. Doctor: Well, that's my job to tell her that, not yours. Ms. Williams, I'm going to be back in a moment. Reese: You had to try and force me out, didn't you? Huh? You had to get rid of your little problem. What right did you have to do that, huh? I was staying for Bianca. Oh, my God, Bianca. I may never see her beautiful face again, or Gabrielle, or Miranda -- will you stop this? You stop this. Stop trying to tell me what to do. What are you doing here, anyway? Huh? What do you want from me now? [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: What were you talking about with David? What, was it about Greenlee? Opal: I was having some very, um -- very strong vibes. Kendall: What kind of vibes? Opal: Well, usually when a person dies, you know, their spirit moves on, and you no longer get a sense that they're around. You don't feel them, but -- and we figured that was the case with Greenlee. [Opal clears throat] Opal: But then -- then tonight when the lights flickered, I felt it -- I felt her, Greenlee, so strong -- alone, someplace cold. Ryan: Opal -- Opal, I love you. I love you, but you've got to stop doing this, ok? Opal: But you -- you -- you asked me to contact her. You were desperate. Ryan: I know -- I know I did. But I can't do this. I can't have people reopen the wound with what-ifs and with maybes. Opal: I understand. I'm sorry, shouldn't have said anything. Ryan: No, I asked you to, and I appreciate it, but now I'm asking you to stop, please. Opal: Well, I can't stop having the feelings, Ryan, but I can stop, you know, banging my gums about it to you. [Thunder] Opal: Are you going to be all right? Kendall: Yeah, yeah. Ryan: I'll make sure that she gets home ok. Opal: All right, well, then I'll -- I'll be getting on -- on home, too. Good night. Kendall: Ryan, do you think that maybe it's -- Ryan: No. No, I don't. Greenlee's gone. Kendall: Oh, God, it feels just like that night, the night of the tornado, when everything went so wrong. [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: You married the man. You should know how he operates by now. Krystal: So what exactly are you saying that he did? Tad: He gave Amanda a substantial amount of money so that she would convince J.R. to start drinking again. David wants him to appear as unfit a father as possible. J.R.: I was vulnerable. He knew that. It didn't take much of a push. Krystal: All so he could take Little A from you? J.R.: Yeah, is he getting the bedroom ready for my son at Wildwind? Because that's what he's all about. He's about getting my son, ever since Babe died. He even married Babe's mother to create the appearance of a stable house for the court system. Krystal: No. That is not why he married me. J.R.: No, it isn't? Do you ever look at yourself in the mirror and you don't ever believe that? Krystal: No. J.R.: There's only one thing standing in the way of custody of my son, and that's me. It's not going to happen, so you can take that promise back to your new husband and tell him that he is not taking any of my children away. Tad: It's interesting. Krystal: What? Tad: You're not denying it. Maybe somewhere there's a small part of you that recognizes the truth, that you're just another tool hanging off of David's belt. [Door opens and closes] Jake: What was that all about? Tad: Oh, a little electroshock therapy. I think Hayward's going to have a little explaining to do when she gets home. [Door closes] [SCENE_BREAK] [Thunder] Adam: Ah, there you are. I've been wondering what you were up to. J.R.: I was helping Amanda move in with Tad and Jake. Adam: Bravo. I'm proud of you, son. J.R.: Yesterday I was a self-pitying fool. What changed? Adam: Oh, that's because I didn't know what you were up to. Being a knight in shining armor for Amanda, moving her in with the Martins, hmm? Keeping her away from big, bad Adam. No, that lying little bitch is going to think you really care about her. You're teeing her up just in time for the baby to come. She won't suspect a thing. J.R.: I'm not playing Amanda. I'm protecting her... from you. [SCENE_BREAK] [Thunder] Kendall: If that tornado really was an act of God, what did I do to make him so angry? That storm took me from everything and everyone almost forever. It brought David Hayward back to town. It took Babe. It caused Reese and Bianca to stay. And isn't that what ultimately led to -- to Greenlee going into the river? Ryan: You know, I've been doing the same thing. I've been trying to connect the dots back to the beginning, and I'm wondering what could have happened differently, what I could have done differently. The wedding that never happened. The dark road that night. Kendall: And me at the wheel of the car. Why don't you blame me? Ryan: Because -- because you weren't responsible, Kendall, you weren't. Zach was. Ok, his selfishness, the fact that he didn't tell you about the baby, the fact that he had a relationship with Reese -- all of that. Ok? You were not responsible. He was, and certainly God wasn't. Kendall: I love him so much. I just want to know why he did what he did. I mean, I wake up from a coma, and I find my husband having been captivated by this strange woman. And then my sister was there with his child? I mean, they had a chance to tell me beforehand, but they didn't, and I just -- I can't figure out why. Ryan: That's all I want to know, too. I just want to know why. I want to know why all this had to happen. Kendall: So, I mean, what do we do? How do we move on? Ryan: I don't know. Maybe the only way for us to move on is for -- Kendall: For -- for what? Ryan: I don't know. I don't know. I don't know what to do. I don't know. I haven't -- I don't know. Kendall: Maybe the only way for us to move on is to... Try to get past it together. That's what you were going to say, isn't it? [SCENE_BREAK] [Thunder] Reese: What, are you playing games with me? You want to torment the blind girl? Zach: I want to help. Reese: No, you want to make sure that I'm not going to go after you for this. And I already told you that I won't. Ok? But you just -- you got to be extra nice to Reese just in case, or she can make your life miserable, right? I'm not like the rest of the snakes in this town, Zach. I'm not looking for revenge wherever I can get it. I really don't blame you for this, ok? It just happened. All right, you feel guilty? That's your problem, fine. You just stew in it, ok? But just please leave me alone and please get out of here. Angie: Reese, it's Angela Hubbard. You're ophthalmologist told me how upset you were. Reese: Yeah, well, I'm blind. How am I supposed to react? Angie: There is a very good chance that this is temporary. There's hope. But you -- you're going to have to work with us. Reese: That's fine. As soon as Zach gets out of here. [SCENE_BREAK] Jesse: Hey. I just spoke to Reese's ophthalmologist. He told me about her loss of vision and your refusal to leave her alone. Zach: So what are you going to do -- are you going to arrest me again? Jesse: Not at the moment. But if she changes her mind and decides to press charges -- Zach: She should. She should have me locked up. [SCENE_BREAK] Adam: No, you can't be serious. That trollop was in league with David Hayward. She's the one in charge of making sure you lost your son. J.R.: Yeah, Amanda played me. For big bucks, too. But that was out of fear and desperation. Adam: So you fight back. J.R.: You know, Dad, this might be a concept that you're not going to be able to grasp, but I'm going to do the decent thing. I'm going to let her raise that child on her own, and if she'll let me in her life and that child's life, I'll be forever grateful. Adam: And where is she keeping your manhood? In a little box on top of the fridge? J.R.: I'm going to let her take care of that child and never take it away, but I am going to keep that child from you. You're just going to have to learn to live with it, Dad. Adam: Well, is she going to live with it? Everyone knows you're a sick man, how easily you fall off the wagon. You think she's going to want you near her kids? Huh? Take a whiff, and baby, you're off, you're gone, you're down. J.R.: Not anymore. I'm determined to stay sober from now on. I'll prove it to you. There. Just keep it right there. Let the smell permeate the room all day. All week -- I don't care. I'm not going to touch it. Maybe then you'll see just how serious I am. [SCENE_BREAK] [Door slams] David: Hey -- Krystal: Son of a bitch. David: What? Krystal: All this talk about you wanting only me. How you're innocent of everybody's accusations. No more scheming, no more manipulating. It was all lies. David: Whoa, whoa, what the hell is going on? Krystal: Go ahead, go ahead, deny it. Tell me that you're not trying to take Little A away from the Chandlers. Are you going to deny that you didn't pay Amanda to set up J.R.? David: Of course I did. The woman was righteously pissed off at him. She was hell-bent on revenge. It was practically her idea. Krystal: Oh, so you don't deny it. David: Absolutely not. But you are wrong on one big point, however. I had no intention of taking Little A away from anyone. I was just protecting the boy. Krystal: Then why did you pay Amanda to get J.R. drunk? David: The man is a raging alcoholic, Krystal. He is a danger to our grandson. It's just a matter of time before he does something. I was just taking action before he did. I put a big fat arrow over J.R.'S head so that everyone could see what a danger he is to our grandson. So if you want to hit me for caring for Little A, go right ahead. Krystal: You can color this any way you want. It's all a game. It's a trick. It's a way to give you a stable home so that you can convince some judge to hand you Little A. You have been using me, just like you've been using Amanda. David: You couldn't be more wrong. I married you because I love you. And if I want a stable home, it's so that we could raise our children, not J.R.'s. Krystal: You're lying. You have been lying all along. David: Krystal, I'm trying to protect the boy. Krystal: You can hate J.R. and Adam all you want, but they would never let anything happen to that little boy. That house is every bit as safe as this house, probably safer. [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: Did I go over there to hurt her? No, I did not, Jesse. Jesse: But you were angry with her? Zach: Yes, I was. I wanted her to leave town. Jesse: Sure about that? Zach: I'm not an idiot. I've got a wife. I've got a family. I'm going to protect them. Jesse: So, there was no emotional connection between the two of you? Zach: Did we have an affair? Is that what you are asking me? No, we did not, Jesse. We did not. Jesse: All right, ok, all right. Zach: And if she wants to punish me for this, I get it. I accept it. I'm not asking for forgiveness. That's not what I want. I want my family back. I want my wife back. That's what I want. Jesse: Well, then, what are you doing here? Why aren't you with your wife? [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: I should get you home. Kendall: I don't want to go home. I don't want to fight anymore. Ryan: Hey. Is that really why you don't want to go? Kendall: I'm more afraid of not finding him there. I'm scared I pushed him too hard this time. Ryan: He's angry. Kendall: No, Ryan, it's more than anger. There's a part of Zach that no one can touch, not even me. It's -- it's this place he goes to inside himself, the place he went to when he was younger, when he was running from his father. And he won't admit it's still there, but I know it is. And he'll keep on going there if he has to. I've made things worse with my ultimatums and demands. And I can tell pretty soon he's -- he's going to explode. And he'll be gone. Whether it's into Reese's arms or just... out of the house into his own world, I don't know. But I am driving him away. I can feel it. God, how -- how could I be so aware that I'm doing it, and I still go ahead and I do it? I mean, what is wrong with me? Am I that self-destructive? Ryan: You can't analyze. You can't analyze it like that, Kendall. Love drives us. It's not the other way around. I mean -- I mean, my love for Greenlee is a good example. It wasn't without its collateral damage, you know? It broke Annie. It ultimately broke me. And you and Zach -- I mean, you're on the same trajectory, Kendall. Kendall: So what the hell can I do about it? I remember how amazing we were together. But since I woke up, I can't feel it. Ryan: Well, it's not too late. I mean, whether Zach has run off some place or not, I mean, ultimately... it's not too late, because he's alive, which... means you still have hope. [SCENE_BREAK] [Door closes] Krystal: Adam? Adam? Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Baby. Baby, what happened? Little A: I drank it. Krystal: You drank it? Oh, no. [Little A groans] Krystal: You're going to be ok. Help! Somebody help! J.R.: Krystal? What is it? Krystal: He drank some booze. I don't know where he got it or how much he drank, but it made him sick. J.R.: Oh, my God. That was a full glass of scotch. Krystal: You knew it was there? J.R.: Yeah. I -- I -- I poured it -- I would have -- to prove a point to my dad. Krystal: And you just left it there? God, J.R., what were you thinking? Little A: I wanted to be like you, Daddy. J.R.: Oh, buddy. Oh, I'm so sorry. But we're going to make you feel better, ok? You're going to feel a lot better, ok? Krystal: Here. J.R.: Come here. Krystal: Got him? J.R.: Yeah, I got him. Adam: What are you doing here? What happened? J.R.: He drank the scotch that I put out there. Adam: Oh, my God. Uh, ok -- look, I've got a -- a friend, a good friend that's a doctor. He's not far away. He'll come and take care of him. Krystal: Ok, the paramedics are on their way. Adam: Paramedics? Oh, my God, you've set this up, haven't you? This is all part of Hayward's plot to take our grandson away from us. You set this up. You are a sick, twisted woman. [SCENE_BREAK] Actress on TV: ¿Paulo? ¿Eres tú? ¿Quién está allí? Jake: I didn't know you watch these. Amanda: Sí. Jake: You speak Spanish. Amanda: "Sí" is about as far as it gets. But you don't have to to enjoy them. Jake: That's exactly why I watch them. Amanda: You do not. [Actress on TV gasps] Actress on TV: Carlos! Jake: I do -- I'll prove it to you. See him? That's the boyfriend. Muy macho. And he's demanding from her right now that she tells him that she has not been unfaithful. Actor on TV: ¿A quién esperabas? Actress: Nadie. Me sorprendiste. Eso es todo. [Actors on TV continue to speak Spanish] Amanda: No. No, you're so wrong. She's in love with him. Jake: No, no, no. See -- see, this is what's going on. He has uncovered her dirty little secret, and she's trying to convince him -- she's trying to convince him -- she's like, "Hey, it was nothing. It was a lapse of judgment. That's what it was." [Actress on TV speaking Spanish] Jake: But when she sees that he's not buying it, she pulls a gun. "Yes, yes, ok? Yes, I love him. We -- we -- we are going to be married." Watch. [Actor on TV speaking Spanish] Amanda: Oh, my gosh. She just pulled a gun. How did you know that? Jake: Yeah, she pulled a gun, but she doesn't want to kill him with the gun. She just sort of wants to, you know, fend him off for a little while. But when he sees the gun, he comes closer to her, right? He comes closer, because you know what? "If I can't have you -- if I can't have you, then you might as well kill me right now." Watch, they're going to struggle for the gun. [Actor on TV speaking Spanish] Jake: And then suddenly -- bang! Amanda: Oh! Jake: He's dead. [Amanda laughs] Jake: Dead. And you know what? It's really sad because it's all for nothing. Because Paulo, the guy that she loved, has already taken off with the daughter of the Mafia boss. Actress on TV: Oh, Carlos! Carlos! [Gunshot on TV] Amanda: Oh, my God. She just shot him. How did you know she was going to do that? Jake: Maybe I saw this episode overseas last -- the last time I was there. Amanda: Oh, you are so bad. Jake: What? Amanda: Oh, my God. You're funny, though. No one makes me laugh like that anymore except you. [SCENE_BREAK] Doctor: The drug therapy is just the first step. Angie: Sometimes when the eyes are injured, pressure can build up in the brain. And it can take a little time for that to heal. We're just going to have to be patient. And the pain meds should help keep you comfortable. Doctor: I'll be back to check on you later. Angie: Would you like me to call Bianca? Reese: I want her love and forgiveness, not her pity. Angie: Let me help. Reese: No -- [Object hits floor] Reese: I can do it myself. Angie: Reese, listen to me. Reese: Just -- I can do it! Angie: Reese, listen to me. I know that this is frustrating. I know it's frustrating. You're just going to have to give it time. [SCENE_BREAK] EMT: How much did he consume? Adam: There seems to be some debate on that subject. J.R.: It was a full glass of scotch. How you doing, buddy? [Chatter on EMT radio] [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: Hey. Kendall here? Opal: Uh, well, she was here earlier. I forgot my bag. Just came back for it. Are you all right? Zach: Yeah, I'm fine. Just looking for my wife. She's not at home. Opal: Well, she -- she was -- you know, it was hard for her, the service and saying goodbye to Greenlee and all. I was surprised you weren't here. Zach: Where is she? Opal: She was here with Ryan. They were, uh -- stayed after the service -- uh -- they -- Zach: Where is she? Opal: Uh, well, I don't know. I assumed Ryan took her home. [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: Oh. Kendall: A lot of good that did, Ryan. Thank you. I am -- I am now completely drenched, and I'm freezing. Ryan: I was trying to be a gentleman and make up for my disappearing umbrella trick that I pulled there. Sorry. [Kendall shivers] Kendall: Oh, my God. I must look like a drowned rat. Ryan: No, you don't look like a drowned rat. You could never look like a drowned rat. A drowned poodle maybe. But not a drowned rat. Kendall: [Laughing] Thank you very much. Ryan: You're welcome. Kendall: Ooh. How do you do that? Ryan: What? Kendall: Oh, well, a little while ago, I was exhausted from crying and worried about my life. [Thunder] Kendall: And now here I am laughing again. Ryan: Well, I don't think anybody... wants to be sad. You know, I think it's probably human nature that we all try to bounce back, right? Given the choice, who would want to cry over laugh? Here, I'll warm you up -- Kendall: Yes, I'm cold. Ryan: Just like I do with Spike and Emma. [Kendall laughs] Ryan: You know what? You should probably get out of those wet clothes, hmm? [Rain and thunder] Kendall: What are you thinking about? Ryan: Greenlee. [SCENE_BREAK] Jesse: How's she doing? Angie: Hey. Jesse: Hey, babe. Angie: Oh, having a real tough time that this has happened to her. Understandable. Jesse: Do you get the feeling that she might want to press charges? Angie: I don't know. I mean, there's a lot of bitterness and anger there. Did you talk to Zach? Jesse: Yeah. Angie: So what you were telling me last week -- you really think they were having an affair? Jesse: Nah. Zach loves his wife. I just think this whole mess just spiraled out of control. You know what? Why don't you and I get out of here, go find a nice cozy place, have some dinner? Then we can go home and -- Angie: Let's -- [Reese crying] Angie: Baby, we're going to have to take a rain check on that, ok? Reese, Reese, it's ok. Reese: It hurts. Angie: I know. Reese: It hurts so much. Angie: I know. I know, it's ok. [SCENE_BREAK] Tad: It's nice having her here, isn't it? [Thunder] [Jake sighs] Jake: The girl's been through hell. David Hayward hell. And she's been through the Chandler house of horrors, and what do you know? She lived to tell the tale. Tad: And you care about her, don't you? Jake: Well, let's put it this way -- when she was available, and I was available to do something about it, I picked -- you know, I picked Taylor. Now, Taylor went off and hooked up with Brot, and this one gets herself pregnant. You know, when I hear it out loud, it actually -- my life sounds like one of those telenovelas. [Jake chuckles] Tad: How do you think it's going to end? Jake: Well, let's hope it's not like one of those telenovelas, because they always end up in murder and madness. Tad: Pleasant. [Amanda laughs] Jake: Were you listening the whole time? Amanda: Shoo, boys. Take your muy macho brother talk elsewhere. This pregnant girl wants some Zs. Shoo. Tad: Ooh ooh ooh. [SCENE_BREAK] EMT #1: He threw up whatever was in there, and he's showing no ill effects now. He'll be ok. I'd keep an eye on him for tonight, and then give the pediatrician a call in the morning, just to update them. J.R.: Thank you. EMT #1: No worries. EMT #2: That lady did the right thing calling us. If he hadn't got rid of the booze himself, we probably would've had to take him in and pump his stomach. Adam: Whether Krystal planned on this or not, Hayward will seize on this like a meaty bone. J.R.: Little Adam drank that scotch because he wanted to be like his daddy. This is all my fault. [SCENE_BREAK] [Thunder] [Door opens then closes] David: I didn't expect to see you back here. When you left earlier, you sounded like -- Krystal: I came back... to tell you that you were right. About Little Adam, the Chandlers... all of it. [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: You know... [Thunder] Ryan: I have you to thank -- thank for what I had with Greenlee, because you kept -- I mean, you kept pushing us together, right? I mean, you kept pushing her towards me, me towards her. Why? Why was it so important to you that Greenlee and I get together? Kendall: Well, the two of you were living this big old lie. I don't know, but that drove me absolutely crazy. And I guess I just -- I needed to see you... Ryan: What? What were you going to say? Kendall: I was going to say I needed to see you with someone that you really loved. So that -- I don't know -- so maybe you weren't available or something like that. [Door opens and Zach enters] | Adam thinks that J.R |
636 | Lorenzo: I suppose ice-cold, self-centered bastard pretty much sums me up these days. I'll leave you alone. Lois: Good idea. Lorenzo: Look, for what it's worth, I'm sorry, Lois. I really never set out to hurt you. Lois: Wait. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Since you're already here, why not take the birthing seminar with me? You could be my moral support. Tell me it's not such a bad idea. Jason: Well -- Sam: Really. Alexis: Jason. Just so you're not surprised, you should be expecting a subpoena from my office. Jason: What for? Alexis: I'm calling you to testify in Faith's trial. [SCENE_BREAK] Ric: Working on a federal case? My office hasn't been notified. Steven: Well, I'm -- I'm actually looking for a job with the PCPD. Ric: Not interested. Steven: Well, you will be. Ric: Really? Why is that? Steven: I can deliver what you want. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: You know, I was wondering what happened to that. Sonny: You were supposed to give the money to your father. What happened? Carly: Sonny, I couldn't. Listen, I just don't want to deal with my father. I need to just stop this whole mess before it spins out of control. Sonny: Your father's a garbage man in Queens. What are you so afraid of? [SCENE_BREAK] Lois: There's no way in hell I'm letting you get the last word. Lorenzo: That wasn't my intention. Lois: You're a liar, Lorenzo. I was very straightforward with you when I said I wanted to steer clear of you, and you wouldn't take no for an answer. You made me stop trusting my own instincts. Lorenzo: And now I turned out to be even worse than you figured. Lois: Don't get me wrong, I made mistakes. Asking you to sign over the rights to Sage's poem the day you got back from burying her, that was inexcusable. Lorenzo: And asking me if I arranged for Mary Bishop's murder wasn't? Lois: Considering who you turned out to be, I think it was an appropriate question. Lorenzo: Tell me how you really feel. Lois: I feel led on. I told you that I wasn't interested, and you kept working me. Lorenzo: I liked you. Lois: Charmed me right out of my jeans. You made me think that you were something special under that dark, brooding exterior. You made me believe you were good. You made me like you back. Lorenzo: Is that really so terrible? Lois: It's the worst. Listen, if you really want to regret something, be sorry for making me care. Dillon: Hi. Lorenzo: Hey. Dillon: I realize it's none of my business, but she's pretty into you. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: Faith is pleading diminished capacity. Sam: She shot Jax due to, what, temporary insanity? Alexis: She reacted out of fear for her life and she shot Jax by accident. Sam: I still don't get what any of this has to do with Jason. Jason: It doesn't. Alexis: Jason repeatedly threatened my client. Sam: She keeps trying to kill him. Alexis: It's my understanding that it's the other way around. Faith will be testifying to all the many times that Jason held her against her will, threatened her, and tried to kill her, and then Jason will be asked to testify to corroborate that, which is to tell the truth, and if he doesn't, he'll be perjuring himself. Sam: You are relentless, aren't you? Alexis: I like to give due diligence to my clients' defense, the same as I did for you. Sam: Well, you defended me as a favor to Sonny because you wanted him to notice you, the same reason you're subpoenaing Jason. This has nothing to do with defending Faith. It's a way to get Sonny to pay attention to you. You really are fixated on him, aren't you? [SCENE_BREAK] Steven: Look, I've got a Ph.D., Three years working for a federal prosecutor, and I'm up on all the latest tech. Ric: You know what? You're obviously very qualified, Mr. Webber, but I am very happy with our current forensics team. We don't need any help from the outside. Steven: Maybe we could solve some of your dead files together. Ric: No means no, sir. Steven: You have a serious problem with organized crime in this city. I could be the solution. Once I'm done with the crime scene, there's no way the preps would walk. Ric: What makes you think that I actually need your help? Steven: I've done my research, looked at some of your recent cases. A lot of them could have been closed a lot sooner with state-of-the-art forensics. Ric: I see. So what would some hotshot who's worked for a federal prosecutor want to relocate to Port Charles for? Steven: I have family here. Ric: Steven Webber. You wouldn't by chance be Elizabeth's brother, would you? Steven: That's right. I'm your ex-brother-in-law. Ric: That's funny; she never mentioned that you were into forensics. Steven: Well, maybe she didn't want to make you nervous. Look, I -- I hope I'm not getting too personal here, but I know all about your panic room and your vendetta against your brother, the mob boss. Ric: Why are you really here, Steven? Steven: I want to reconnect with my sister and my grandmother. I've been offered a staff position at the hospital, and I'd like to keep doing forensics work, as well. Ric: Like to keep yourself busy, don't you? By chance you moonlight with internal affairs, hmm? Steven: You're awfully suspicious. Ric: Oh, well, you know, it comes with the job. And whatever your agenda is, I'm shutting it down. PCPD does not need your services, Mr. Webber. If you'd like to investigate, however, I suggest you go back to Manhattan. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: Are you confused, afraid of being rejected? Is that why you keep changing your mind? Carly: Sonny, Sonny, the further I get into this, the more I realize Jason's right -- this could all end really, really badly. I mean, look at what happened with mama, right? I practically destroyed her life, and if she hadn't been the most forgiving and generous woman on earth, she could have turned her back on me. Sonny: But you've changed since then. Carly: Sonny, I just -- I can't help this. I -- I have this ominous feeling. I don't want my father to hurt our family. Sonny: How could he? [SCENE_BREAK] Brook Lynn's voice: All alone I stand looking in at your world so hold me break me and mold me make me fit where I belong Lois: Sounds great, baby. Brook Lynn: Hey. How'd it go at the police station? Lois: Well, a little frustrating to pay fines that you don't deserve. [Music stops] Lois: What are you going to do, huh? Can't fight city hall. Anyways, we've got so much work to be done and other things to focus on because I promised Simon that we were going to start working on the new arrangements. Brook Lynn: Ma, quit covering, all right? I know when you've been crying. Lois: Allergies. You know, whoever wrote that book about A Tree in Brooklyn obviously has never visited Port Charles. Brook Lynn: No, ma, when you do this, I know that something's wrong, all right? What's wrong? Lois: Nothing is wrong. What could be wrong? My daughter is getting ready to record a song that's going to make the whole world fall in love with her. Brook Lynn: Uh-uh. Is it Lorenzo Alcazar, huh? Did he make you cry again? Lois: Mr. Alcazar has absolutely no influence over my emotions whatsoever. Brook Lynn: Really? So you're telling me you haven't seen him in, what, the last hour or two? Lois: You are so smart. Fine, ok? I'm going to tell you all the facts. Fact number one -- Lorenzo and I were getting to know each other, mostly professionally, but he made his business to charm me. Fact number two -- I had a temporary moment of bad judgment. We did what adults do and it's over. Fact number three -- it's all in the past and it is staying there. Brook Lynn: I hope so. Lois: Oh. Why don't I follow my own advice? Gangsters make bad business partners and even worse boyfriends. [SCENE_BREAK] Dillon: Ok, like, the way Lois blew up at you right now? Lorenzo: Mm-hmm? Dillon: Georgie will do the exact same thing, especially when she's upset or threatened. She'll just unload on me, you know, or she'll push me away altogether. Right. None of my business. I'm going to go to Kelly's, leave you to be morose and internal. Lorenzo: Dillon. Dillon: I'm sorry. I know, I'm being -- I'm being a jerk. You're grieving over Sage and -- Lorenzo: Why are you going on about Lois at all? Dillon: Because I think Sage would have wanted you to be happy, and Lois is awesome. And if there's anything going on between you two at all -- Lorenzo: Lois and I live in completely different worlds. Dillon: Yeah, but some of the greatest love stories of all time are about people living in different worlds -- the original "Sabrina," "A Place in the Sun," "Romeo and Juliet." Lorenzo: Romeo and Juliet died. Some people might say it was because they were melodramatic teenagers. But the truth is they were surrounded by violence, and ultimately it led to their death. Makes for a compelling story, but it's no way to live. That's why I should have left Sage in that boarding school. No matter how much she begged to live with me, she was safe there. Dillon: She was alone and miserable. Lorenzo: She was alive. Dillon: Yeah -- Lorenzo: So I let her live with me, and then I didn't pay attention. Dillon: That's not true. The whole time during the hotel fire -- Lorenzo: When I wasn't much older than you, I fell in love with someone, and we were supposed to go away together, but I had to bail my brother out of a problem. So she went on the trip alone, and she died because I wasn't there. Dillon: I'm sorry. Lorenzo: Yeah. Me, too. I never seem to learn my lesson. You know, my brother died in this town. Got himself into a lot of trouble, but I didn't intervene. And when he was murdered, I was on the other side of the world, negotiating. Same place I was when Sage was killed. And, you know, if she'd made it home that night alive, I wouldn't have known it. I was out of town on business. I chose to focus on that, and now it's all I have. It's kind of ironic, considering the things I meant to do and the choices I meant to make. You know, I have succeeded at the very, very, very last thing I wanted to, Dillon. [Lorenzo sighs] Lorenzo: Lois is different. She's committed to her dreams. And even if they don't work out, she's doing what she loves. I so admire that. But I can't share it. And truthfully, I don't want to because I might start to care. And I never want to fail someone who matters to me again. [SCENE_BREAK] Steven: Hey. So I just had my meeting with Lansing. It went like you predicted. He's smart and cautious and doesn't want some outside hotshot in his department. He turned me down. John: All right. Well, Lansing saw the good cop. Now show him the bad. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: No matter how much I try and romanticize this or try and convince myself that my parents mattered to each other, the truth is I'm an accident. I mean, neither of them ever intended to create me, and when mama found out that she was pregnant with me, she chose to have me. And I'm grateful for that gift, but -- Sonny: Me, too. Carly: There's no bond between me and this man that got her pregnant. And I could try and create one, right? I could fight for a relationship, but what good is it going to do, Sonny, really? I mean, I cannot get my childhood back. I'm never going to have that father I always wanted. It's too late. Sonny: As long as you're sure. Carly: For once in my life, I'm trying not to be selfish. Mama wanted me to just drop this, right, and now I understand why. I'm never going to see my father again. And that is why I didn't tell him who I was; that's why I didn't give him a check -- because I don't want that connection. Sonny: You can change your mind at any time. Carly: I won't. Ok, I just -- if I drop this right now and I let it go, there is no way that my father will ever know that I even existed. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: I'm advising you to retain your own counsel. Sam: Why don't you get some therapy instead? You can work on your Sonny fixation in the privacy of your own shrink's office. Alexis: You can relax, Sam. I'm defending Faith Rosco because Justus Ward asked me to. This has absolutely nothing to do with Sonny or my current feelings of indifference toward him. Sam: Sure. Sure. That's why you came up with this convoluted story to drag Jason into court. Why don't you just subpoena Sonny? If you're that desperate to get his attention, you can -- Alexis: You'll be hearing from a processor. Sam: Ok, let me have it. Jason: What are you -- what are you talking about? Sam: Well, it's like with Tracy yesterday, right? I got excited, I picked a fight -- Jason: Well, look, I know you like to fight, but can we fight when the baby's out? Ok? And you don't always have to defend me. Sam: Well, maybe I want to. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: Hello! How's she doing? Dr. O'Donnell: I'm glad you brought Kristina in. It's better we catch a complication like this before it gets any worse. [SCENE_BREAK] Heather: Felicia, I heard you were in visiting with Edward. I wanted to get your take on how he's doing. Felicia: He can't say enough about the care that you're giving him. Heather: Well, I can't take all the credit. Your no-Quartermaine rule has done him a world of good. Felicia: Well, as long as he continues to recover, I think it's for the best. Heather: What, what, what? Alice: These are from Mrs. Lila's garden! You killed them, just like you're trying to kill Mr. Quartermaine! [SCENE_BREAK] Justus: Ric's offering a deal. Plead guilty to aggravated assault and you'll be out in 5 to 10 years. Faith: 10 years? Lucky me. Justus: Faith, if this case goes to trial and you're convicted of attempted murder, you could get 20 to life. Faith: I thought you said Alexis was the best. Justus: She is. But there are no guarantees, ok? Take this deal and you could be out of prison in 2 years. Faith: Oh, I'll be out long before that -- in a body bag. You and I both know I won't make it in there, not with Sonny's allies gunning for me. Justus: I'll get him to back off. [Faith sighs] Faith: That is -- you're dreaming. Justus: Sonny owes me, Faith. I got him acquitted of attempted murder. Faith: You know what? He owes me, too. I tried to kill him several times, and when I go inside, he will return the favor. I'm sorry, Justus. I can't do what you want. [SCENE_BREAK] Heather: I'm sorry about Lila's garden, but I had to make Edward's health my priority. Alice: Well, then why are you drugging him? Heather: Drugging him? Alice: Yeah, I found that stano-trypto whatever you call it stuff. Heather: You've been searching through my things? Alice: No, I was cleaning out the garden shed. And I looked it up on the internet and -- Heather: Well, then you know that it causes symptoms similar to a heart attack, but it's hardly fatal. Alice: Well, that's horrible. I'm going to call the police and I'm going to tell Mrs. Jones everything that's going on here. Heather: And you're only going to incriminate yourself. Alice: I didn't have anything to do with this. Heather: You're the one who helped me trick Edward into thinking I was channeling Lila. Alice: That's because I wanted Mr. Quartermaine to inherit Mrs. Lila's money. Heather: I understand that, but Felicia was about to eliminate him, so I needed to cause a little medical crisis so he could stay in the game. Alice: But you put him in the hospital. Heather: Yes, where he's having a nice, quiet rest away from his family, and he's still in the running. I need you to work together with me to make sure he gets the money. Alice: What about Mrs. Lila's garden? Heather: I'll take care of it. Alice: Yeah, unless someone else figures out what you're doing and has you arrested. Heather: This drug is virtually impossible to trace. It would take a forensic genius to discover it in Edward's blood. Steven: Hello, mother. [SCENE_BREAK] [Phone rings] Ric: Ric Lansing. John: Mr. Lansing, John Durant from the federal prosecutor's office in Manhattan. Ric: Oh, Mr. Durant, your -- your reputation precedes you. What can I do for you? John: Hire Steven Webber. He's the best forensic investigator I've ever worked with. He'd be a great addition to your department. Ric: I see. Well, forgive me for stating the obvious -- if he's so good, then why are you pushing him off on me? John: Well, he moved back to Port Charles for personal reasons. It's a loss for my department, but potentially I'd say it's a windfall for yours, sir. Ric: All right, well, I already explained to Dr. Webber that I have a competent forensics team in place. John: All right. Your loss. Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: Part of me is glad that you're not going further with this. Carly: Why? Sonny: Well, because I don't like to see you hurt, and I think that this is what you were going to be facing. Carly: Well, I had to try. And I thank you for supporting me when you did. Sonny: Family's important to me, and you're my family. Jason: We got a problem. Ey! [SCENE_BREAK] Brook Lynn: So I guess I don't understand love at all. Lois: Nobody does. It's always changing. Brook Lynn: Is that what happened to you and Dad? Your feelings just changed? Lois: Ned was the love of my life. He was so perfect when I met him, I felt like I'd made him up. Brook Lynn: He's always had an amazing voice. Lois: It was everything I ever wanted. He was a dream onstage. The crowd loved him so much, but I knew he was singing just for me. Brook Lynn: Ma, he's still the same guy. I mean, he loves me, loves music. Maybe he still loves you. Lois: Baby, it's different. Brook Lynn: Yeah, because you're old. Lois: Hey! Brook Lynn: I'm sorry. Lois: Watch it with the old cracks. Brook Lynn: No, I didn't mean old. I meant mature. Lois: Better. Brook Lynn: Look, love, it doesn't make you feel out of control, but that's how people get hurt. I mean, look at Dillon and Georgie, right? They love each other, and it's so intense, they end up fighting half the time. But you and Dad, you're comfortable. Lois: Honey, there is so much more to love than hurt. Really, when you meet that special somebody and it just clicks -- heart, mind, body -- it's magic, like it was with me and your dad. Brook Lynn: If it was so intense and so perfect, how can it just be over? Lois: Because people change. Ok? They grow apart. Life gets in the way and you have to let it go. And it's sad and it's devastating, but when the pain fades, you realize that you were so privileged to have been able to love with your whole heart. And I will always have a special place in my heart for Ned. I love him. Brook Lynn: But you're not in love with him, right? I hate it when people say that. I mean, love shouldn't be conditional, right? It shouldn't be something that you put in a box, like an old C.D. that, well, you used to listen to it and love it, but you can't throw it away now because it meant something before. Lois: Come here. Dillon: Hey, Lois, I got the D.A.T. tapes you wanted, but I don't think -- whoa. I just interrupted something. Lois: No, no, no, we're fine. We're having a little girl talk here. Really, it's all about boys. Dillon: I'm going to go. Lois: No -- Dillon: Because -- Lois: Dillon, Brookie needs to focus, and I have errands to run. Dillon: Uh-huh. Not as over this as you thought you were, huh? You still want your parents to get back together. [SCENE_BREAK] Heather: Steven, you look wonderful. Steven: Like an adult. I am, mother. I have been for quite some time now. Heather: I guess I should introduce you to my friend. This is Alice. This is my son, Steven Lars -- Steven: Webber. Dr. Webber. Nice to meet you, Alice. Alice: Nice to meet you. I have to go back to the house. I have to tend to Mrs. Lila's garden. Heather: I'll see you at the house. Steven: What are you doing here? Heather: I could ask you the same thing. What made you decide to leave Manhattan? Steven: I miss my family. What's your excuse? Heather: I've been doing some soul-searching. I realize I made a lot of mistakes in the past. Steven: Oh, so you've come back to Port Charles to make amends? Heather: Well, this place just feels the most like home to me. You were a baby here, and -- Steven: Because the people you sold me to happen to live here. Heather: What's the point of bringing that up? Steven: The point is that I know what motivates you, mother. I know it's greed and envy and your own self-interest. You never wanted a family, and you don't want one now. Heather: I have a son. Steven: You only remember me when it's convenient. Heather: Why are you being this way? Steven: I don't trust you. Heather: Well, I regret that. But seeing as we're both in the same town, maybe we can reconnect. Steven: You don't want that any more than I do. I have a good life. I'm not going to let you taint it. So if you're going to stay in Port Charles, stay the hell away from me. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: All right, I'm here, so let's just get this over with. Ric: Hello, Alexis. Alexis: Don't be snide and don't be charming. We don't have time to waste. Ric: I'm not trying to be either, considering you came barging into my office without knocking. Alexis: We need to go over the witness list. Ric: That's next week, sweetie. Alexis: No, it's today. Ric: No -- Alexis: It's on my calendar for today. Ric: Well, it may be on your calendar, but according to my assistant, it is next week. Alexis: You're stalling. Ric: No, as a matter of fact, I am not stalling, but you seem to want to find another reason to spend time with me. Alexis: Why would I want to do anything with you at all? Ric: Oh, I don't know, Alexis, any number of reasons -- a burgeoning desire, a morbid curiosity, or maybe the fact that I just helped your nephew get out of jail recently. Alexis: Oh, are you going to throw that over my head for the rest of my life? Of course you are because you are a soul-sucking bureaucrat and you will do anything to further your career. Ric: Ok, ok, stop. You are obviously upset about something, and it has nothing to do with me, so why don't you just take a breath and explain to me what it is that's eating at you. Alexis: My daughter needs glasses. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: Alexis is neurotic as hell, but she's a smart lawyer. If you deny threatening Faith, it's perjury. If you tell the truth, it's attempted murder. Jason: All right, so what do I do? Sonny: Nothing yet. Faith could, you know, change her mind about it. Jason: Yeah, but what does Faith have to lose? Sonny: Well, her life, for one thing. I mean, we can make arrangements so that, you know, she can't get anywhere near a courtroom. Jason: You're right; she's in county lockup right now. We can -- we can get to her, but, you know, Ric is waiting for us to do just that. Sonny: You saying it can't be done? Jason: I'm just saying it's a big risk. Are you ordering me to do it? [SCENE_BREAK] [Music plays] Brook Lynn: Here I am you see right through me, unaffected why don't you stand beside me? Don't deny me help me find my way Lois: No, don't stop, honey! [Music stops] Brook Lynn: Ma, I'm not feeling it. Lois: But we're really getting somewhere. Dillon: Why don't -- why don't you tell us what you think is wrong with the song? Brook Lynn: What's wrong? When you speed it up, it takes out all the meaning. Lois: I think maybe you just need to let the new beat grow on you a little. Brook Lynn: Let it grow? What's there to grow on you, ma? It's like, "Hello, here I am, I'm desperate! Oh, wait, no, let this grow on you. Here I am, you see" [Dillon laughs] Brook Lynn: Right through me unaffected why don't you stand beside me? And don't deny me and help -- Lois: Ah, Simon! Hey! Dillon: Hey, we didn't expect you. Simon: Clearly. Look, I do like what I'm seeing, and you are getting the spirit of this song. Lois: Yeah, I just -- you know, it'll be better with your input. Simon: Of course. But first, we need to make everything official. I brought Brook's contracts. Lois: Oh! Let me see. Well, it seems to reflect everything we discussed. Baby, you're on your way. This is your first big giant step towards success. You're going to be a star. Brook Lynn: Uh-huh, you hope. Lois: I know. Simon: Actually, I'll need both your signatures. Dillon: Guys, wait a second! Lois: Why? What's the problem? Dillon: Well, Brook shouldn't sign anything until we have a lawyer look at that. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Is everything ok? Jason: Yeah, fine. Sam: All right, here's why I'm worried. Normally, when I'm here and you come in, you ask me what I've eaten, if I've taken my vitamins, and for all you know, I could be drinking a diet soda right now. Jason: Are you? Sam: No. It's juice. Jason: Good. Sam: Aren't you going to ask how my birthing class went? Jason: How'd it go? Sam: Well, I need a coach, and I told them you'd do it. Jason: Ok. Sam: You don't sound so excited. Jason: Well, you know, you sure you want me? I mean, Emily would probably be great. Sam: Emily would probably be gracious enough to do it, but if you don't mind, I think, like, you know, if we're going to be -- Jason: All right, all right, all right. I'll do it, I'll do it. That's fine. Sam: Ok, great. Since you're feeling so cooperative, could you do something else for me? Jason: What? Sam: Answer a question, honestly, seriously -- Jason: Ok. Sam: No matter how much it hurts? Jason: What question? Sam: Am I like Alexis? Does my entire existence revolve around Sonny, too? [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: The doctor, Kristina's doctor -- Ric: Mm-hmm. Alexis: Said that she's myopic; that she has a slight astigmatism. Ric: Doesn't sound so bad. Alexis: That's what people with perfect vision say all the time because they don't know what it's like to wake up in the middle of the night and have to search all over your nightstand for your glasses because you can't see anything. Ric: Ok, ok, shh, shh, shh. I think you're projecting here. I think that Kristina will look adorable in glasses. Alexis: I was 8 years old when I got my first pair of glasses, and I was not adorable. Kristina's not even two, and they're going to make fun of her on her first day of preschool. Ric: Kids get teased all the time for one thing or another. Alexis: Did you? Ric: Yes. Alexis: And look at you. See, that's exactly my point. Ric: I know I'm going to hate myself for this, but could you elaborate on that particular point? Alexis: Children who are unfairly picked on when they are young overcompensate when they're older. Ric: Uh-huh. I see. So basically you want Kristina to be stereotypically right in accordance with what everybody else wants her to be? Alexis: No. I want her to be happy. I want her to be popular. I don't want her to be bombarded with stereotypes like "four eyes" and "braniac" like I was. Ric: Ok, you know, there are worse things in this world than being considered intelligent. Alexis: In case you haven't noticed, the world has a tendency to be unkind to smart women. Need I mention Eleanor Roosevelt, Janet Reno? Ric: Eleanor Roos-- ok -- listen, Eleanor -- Eleanor Roosevelt and Janet Reno notwithstanding, I happen to think that intelligent women are very sexy. Ric: No, really, I mean, nothing to me is a bigger turn-on than a woman who presents a challenge for me, a woman who, you know, makes me see things in a different way -- Alexis: Well, I certainly haven't been able to make you see anything -- Ric: I mean, if that's actually a sign that she's more than what she appears to be -- Alexis: I am not more than anything. I am what I am. Ric: Then I say bring on the wire rims, baby. Alexis: If you're going to kiss me again, I think that we should discuss it first. Ric: We just did. [SCENE_BREAK] Coleman: I don't think I've seen you around here before. Steven: Well, last time I was in Port Charles, I wasn't old enough to drink. Coleman: Uh-huh. I'm Coleman. I own the place. Steven: Hi. Steven. Coleman: Nice to meet you, man. So you -- you need anything, just let me know. I can hook you up. Steven: Really? Coleman: You name it; I can get it -- best cigars, best ladies -- both. Steven: I mean, you can start by filling me in on the residents. Who's the most powerful man in town these days? [SCENE_BREAK] Justus: What brings you to the PCPD? Sonny: I'm here to see your girlfriend. Justus: No, no, no, no. You talk to me first, Sonny. What's it going to take for you to back off? Sonny: Faith made her choices. Now she's going to have to pay. Justus: I don't want her to die, Sonny. Sonny: She's the one making threats, Justus. Justus: If you're talking about her taking the stand, that's Alexis. That's all strategy. Sonny: She's going to try to incriminate both Jason and me. We got to protect ourselves. Justus: Faith is desperate, ok? She figures she's going to die, so she's going to take you down with her. Sonny: Well, she's wrong, because she's not going to get a chance to take the stand. Justus: Will you listen? Huh? Sonny: What? Justus: I've got a solution here; one where everyone wins. Sonny: You know, I'll tell you -- I'll tell you when I win -- the day Faith is dead. [SCENE_BREAK] Heather: Excuse me. Mr. Quartermaine would like some more -- Elizabeth: Why don't you let Edward's family take care of him and just stay out of it? Heather: I'm only trying to help. Elizabeth: It's pretty clear no one wants you here. Heather: Edward needs me. He's just suffered a devastating loss. Elizabeth: Ok, you can skip the whole angel-of-mercy routine. I know you too well. Heather: You were a child the last time you saw me. Elizabeth: Yes, and you left an indelible impression -- showing up unannounced, demanding time with Steven, making him miserable. Heather: Steven's my son. Elizabeth: And you used that to blackmail my father. I know that he used to have to pay you to go away. Oh, is that what you want the Quartermaines to do, pay you to go away? Heather: I only want what's best for Edward. Elizabeth: No, you want what you've always wanted, and that's money to spend on yourself. Heather: That is so unfair. Elizabeth: What's unfair is you preying on the people I care about. So unless you leave town, I am going to tell Felicia Jones exactly what kind of person you are. Felicia: Why not tell me now? [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: I just hate the way Alexis makes her decisions based on the reaction she thinks she's going to get out of Sonny. Jason: Ok, first of all, it's a waste of time to even try to figure out Alexis. Sam: I know, but she's totally hung up on him. Whether she's helping him or attacking him, it doesn't matter -- Jason: I agree. Sam: It's about getting his attention. And I just want to know, am I like that? Honestly, does my whole life revolve around Sonny, too? Jason: Not your whole life. Sam: Great. Most of it. Jason: I mean, how can you help it? You're pregnant with his kid. Sam: I know, but that doesn't mean I have to focus on him and come up with new ways to get his attention. I just -- I don't want to be like Alexis. Jason: Then don't be, Sam. Don't be. Sam: All right. I may need some coaching from you, then. Jason: I may not be available for that. Sam: Why? What's wrong? Jason: Nothing. Sam: Ok. I'm going to ask you a direct question, and I'd appreciate an honest answer. Are you in trouble? Did Sonny make you do something dangerous? Jason: You don't worry about it. Sam: No, I am going to worry about it, Jason. The baby and I need you. [SCENE_BREAK] Faith: Public Enemy Number One, and yet you just walk in here like own the place. Sonny: Sit down. Faith: I'm not taking orders from you. In fact, I'm launching an offensive. If I'm going to prison, I am going to take you and Jason with me. Sonny: If you'd shut up and listen, you'd understand that you might have a chance to save your own life. Faith: What? Sonny: You've been offered a deal by the D.A. Take it. Plead to the lesser charge. Don't go to trial. Don't testify against me and Jason. Faith: If I plead guilty, I go to prison. If I go to prison -- Sonny: At least you're alive. Faith: Oh -- Sonny: Go to Pentonville. You'll be safe there. You have my word. [SCENE_BREAK] Coleman: The big dog around here's easy to spot. The name's Michael Corinthos Jr. People call him Sonny. Steven: Yeah, I think I've heard that name before. Coleman: Yeah, most people have. Dude's a heavy hitter. In fact, you hear he's involved in anything, if I was you, I'd just walk away and not look back, you know? Steven: I'll keep that in mind. Thanks, man. Coleman: You got it. Steven: Look at this. I told you I'd see you again. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: Mmm -- John: D.A. Lansing. I'm John Durant. I'm sorry to interrupt you on an obviously very busy work day, but we need to talk. [NEXT_ON] Dillon: Don't you want your daughter to know what she's signing? Simon: Are you trying to blow this deal? Carly: Why is a Manhattan doctor drinking alone? Steven: How about we play a game and I'll tell you all about it, huh? Sonny: Take the plea bargain; I won't have you killed. John: I'm sure we can find a way to work together. | Steve leaves Ric's office and first sees his mother, Heather who has just been confronted by Alice over drugging Edward |
637 | Paloma: Ma, what is taking you so long? I want to see you in your wedding dress. Pilar: Patience, Paloma. Almost ready. Paloma: Ok, but I'm sure you look... beautiful. Mama, you look like a queen. Pilar: Oh, thank you. Paloma: I can't wait to see Papa's face when he sets eyes on you. [SCENE_BREAK] Father Lonigan: I sense your torment, Martin. I remember how you told me that Katherine begged you to break your promise to Pilar so you could return to Katherine. I will ask you again. Are you having second thoughts about renewing your marriage vows to Pilar? [SCENE_BREAK] Katherine: If I can't get Martin to call off this ceremony, I hardly think that Pilar's going to be canceling it. This is the day she's been living for. This is her dream come true. Rachel: I don't agree. Katherine: Rachel, don't be ridiculous. Pilar loves Martin with her whole heart. Rachel: And she wants the same thing from him. Pilar wants Martin to love her with his whole heart, too. Katherine, no woman wants to be second choice. There's still time for you to go to Pilar. Just tell her that you both know where Martin's heart lies, no matter what words he utters. Tell her--oh, tell her whatever it takes to make her stop this ceremony. If not, you're resigning yourself to a life of loneliness and heartache. I mean, is that what you want? [SCENE_BREAK] Kay: Fox, you are so amazing. You know, not many guys would pick up the phone in the middle of the day just to say I love you. Fox: Well, I might as well admit, it wasn't completely spontaneous. When I heard you talking about Miguel earlier, it just made me realize how connected you're always going to be to him and-- Kay: Is that what's bothering you? Honey, the only reason that Tabitha and I were even talking about him is because of his parents' vow renewal ceremony today. You're gonna go, right? Fox: You bet. See you later. Kay: I love you. Bye. Kay: What? Tabitha: So blasé. You and Fox act as if you don't have a care in the world. Like everything's just hunky-dory. Kay: Yeah, well, it will be once the damn planets are aligned. Tabitha: You've got bigger problems than Mars and Mercury, my dear. They could all line up like the army drum and bugle call and you still have to deal with the dark side. Not to mention Fox's mommy dearest. Let's not forget her. [SCENE_BREAK] Valerie: Ivy, are you ok? Ivy: Oh, Valerie, help me, please. These pigeons are eating me. Valerie: Ugh, could you move a bit? Ivy: Yeah, I'll try--I'll try. Oh. Oh. [Screams] Valerie: Ivy! [SCENE_BREAK] Theresa: Yeah, keep her as busy as you can, ok? If she wants to run to the post office to mail a letter, you send somebody else. If she wants to dash out for a cup of coffee, order in, ok? Do not, I repeat, do not let Gwen leave the office. Mr. Collier: Yes, ma'am. Anything for Alistair's wife. Theresa: Great. Well, there had to be some perk to marrying that evil old goat. And there is one. The only perk I've ever wanted. [SCENE_BREAK] Maya: Yeah, I'm looking at him right now. He's crushed. Woman: Excellent. It means he hasn't told the girlfriend the whole story about you two. Maya: That's easy for you to say. You don't have to watch his heart get shattered and know it's all because of you. Woman: Stop being such a softie, Maya. You know where that gets you in this world. Maya: I can't help it. I still-- Woman: I know. You still love him, truly the most dangerous of all 4-letter words. Be glad Noah hasn't spilled the truth about your past with him, unless you'd rather see him dead than heartbroken. [SCENE_BREAK] Fancy: Oh, Noah, why can't you just be straight with me? [SCENE_BREAK] Sheridan: I just want to see my little boy. All I want is 5 minutes with him, that's all I ask, and then you can do whatever you want with me. Otto: Any sign of the husband? He's certain to come to her rescue. When he does, capture him. Then we can eliminate both of them. Sheridan: I haven't done anything to you. Why won't you let a mother be with her son? Chris: They're not even listening. They're just biding their time before they kill her. I've got to get her out of there. [SCENE_BREAK] Valerie: Oh, my God, Ivy. Ivy: Oh, give me your hand. I don't know how much longer I can hold on. Valerie: Stop kicking so I can reach you. Ivy: Don't tell me to stop kicking! You're not the one hanging 22 stories above the ground! Valerie: Actually it's 21. There's no 13th floor. Ivy: Shut up, and give me your hand. Valerie: I'm trying. Is this really worth it to keep Fox and Kay apart? Ivy: Oh, yes, I will do whatever it takes to keep my son from marrying that-- [Screams] Ah! Valerie: [Gasps] [SCENE_BREAK] Kay: I don't care how much Ivy or the dark side work against me and Fox. We've already made it this far. Nothing's going to break us up. Tabitha: For someone who's inherited her mother's special gifts, sometimes you're as naive as a newborn kitten. Kay: Ugh. [Phone rings] Kay: Hello? Miguel: Kay, it's me--Miguel. [SCENE_BREAK] Noah: Hey, Fancy, just listen to me. Fancy: Can you please give us a second? Nurse: Sure. Fancy: No more, Noah. Just leave me alone. The chauffeur's supposed to be here to take me home. Noah: No, wait, Fancy, you need to give me a second, all right? Fancy: Why? So we can go around in circles again? No thanks. Either you love me enough to be honest with me about your old girlfriend or you don't. Your actions make your feelings very clear. Noah: No, Fancy, listen. I--I love you, all right? I do. That is exactly why I can't tell you everything. Fancy: Oh, please stop it. I wasn't born yesterday. I know when a relationship is over. Noah: No--no, don't say that, ok? Can't we just forget about my past with Maya and--and concentrate on the future--on our future together? [SCENE_BREAK] Sheridan: Have you ever lost someone that you love? Don't you have any children of your own? Chris: There's only one way to get to her in time. Sheridan: I know you can't be so cold-hearted. Otto: It would appear that your groom has decided to forfeit your life to save his own. Sheridan: Haven't you heard a word that I've said? Otto: What kind of a man abandons his own wife in her time of need? You married a coward. Sheridan: Chris is no coward. He would never abandon me to a pig like you. Otto: Then where is he? Surely he would have ridden to your rescue if he had any intention of doing so. Sheridan: Chris isn't afraid of you or your thugs. In fact, you know what? I hope he doesn't come to my rescue. I hope he saves himself so that when all this is over, he can rescue Marty and take care of him. Chris: [Grunts] Chris: [Grunts] Sheridan: Oh, my God, Chris! Otto: Get him! [Grunting] Sheridan: Chris--Chris, be careful. [Men grunting] Chris: There we go. We gotta hurry. Otto: Don't let them get away. Sheridan: I can't believe you did that. You're bleeding. Chris: It's nothing. Did they hurt you? Sheridan: No--no, I'm fine. Chris: We gotta get out of here. Sheridan: Not without Marty. Chris: We can't get him now, Sheridan. They're right on our heels. Sheridan: He's somewhere in this house. Otto: This way! Chris: There's no time. Sheridan: No, Chris, we've got to get back to the nursery. Chris: Someone's coming. Come on, let's go. [SCENE_BREAK] Pilar: So you think that your father will still like the dress, huh? Paloma: It's not the dress, Ma. When he sees you, he'll know he's the luckiest man in the world. Pilar: Ay, Paloma. I have dreamed about this day since you were a little girl. Ah! If only Miguel were here. Then everything would be perfect. Paloma: I'm sure he would come if he could. It'll be perfect anyway, Ma. Pilar: You're right. You're right, mija, it will be. Because today your father and I are starting over. He's going to put the past behind him and start a new future with me. [SCENE_BREAK] Father Lonigan: Right now Pilar is upstairs dressing for what she believes will be the second happiest day of her life, the first one being the day you married her. Martin: I know that, Father. No one knows as well as I what today means to her. I'd do anything not to cause her a moment's sadness. Father Lonigan: Even marry her when your heart belongs to another woman? [SCENE_BREAK] Rachel: [Sighs] Katherine, please, go now. Find Pilar and tell her you need to speak to her. Katherine: Rachel-- Rachel: Katherine, now, before it is too late. Katherine: It's not going to make any difference. I've already talked with her. Rachel: And obviously you failed to get your point across. Come on, you know I'm right. No woman wants to spend her life with a man who wishes he were with someone else. Katherine: Rachel, it sounds good on paper, but the reality is not that black- and-white. Martin loved Pilar before he fell in love with me. He's an honorable man. And if the truth be told, Martin and I hurt Pilar terribly even though it was unintentional. How can I go to her now, today, when her dream is about to come true? How can I knowingly destroy them? I'm not cut out this way. Rachel: Well, then obviously you are cut out to be a lonely, bitter, old woman who just doesn't have it in her to fight for the love of her life. If you can accept that, who am I to say that you can't? But I'll just tell you this. I'm glad it's you and not me that has to spend the rest of her life knowing that the man she loves is making love to another woman every night. [SCENE_BREAK] Theresa: Hi. Ethan: Theresa, you never spelled out the obstacles for getting this whole project started off the ground. Theresa: Ok, I--where do you want me to start, you know? With the fact that no two people I talked to shared the same vision? Or with the phone call that I received from the zoning board chair telling me that we will need a next-to- impossible variance in order to break ground. Ethan: All right, all right, who's the current chairperson? Theresa: Ethan, you know what? No, no, no, I can't--it's ok, sweetie pie. No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, sweetie. You know what? I don't want you to worry about this, ok, because you told me that you don't want anything to do with me or Crane Industries ever again. Ethan: Theresa, it doesn't mean I'm not interested, ok? This happens to be my brainchild, remember? Theresa: I know that, I know that, and I think it's a brilliant plan. I always have. That's why I want to see it come to fruition, you know? But really, don't even give it another thought, ok, because I'm sure that there are other people on staff who will help me execute it. Ethan: Theresa, I'm just saying if you want to run any new ideas by me or anything, I'm open to that, especially when it comes to this rezoning problem. Now what did they say about this? Jane: Uh-oh. Theresa: Uh-oh, ok, all right, Ethan, this area over here. Ethan: Uh-huh. Theresa: Right here. This is the one that we want, you know, to rebuild. It's ok, sweetheart. Apparently, it is not zoned residential. Ethan: It doesn't matter, ok? You want to--you want to take burned-out wasteland and turn it into affordable housing for people who can't afford good housing, Theresa. Theresa: Yeah, and I know that, Ethan, and you know that-- Ethan: It doesn't matter. There's a way around it-- Harmony building code, section 102. Yeah, it states that if a property has not been commercially used for 10 years, you don't need a variance to rezone it. Theresa: Wow. Ethan: Yeah, I remember Alistair and his cronies were bound to put up the exact same roadblock. I looked it up, I found a way around it. I have documentation on it somewhere. Theresa: Oh, Ethan, that--that would be great. It really, really would be. It's just--you know what? I will not drag you into doing something that you obviously don't have time for. So why don't you just go back to playing house hubby, and I will figure this out on my own. [SCENE_BREAK] Noah: Fancy, look, you know that I love you, and I believe that you love me, too, even though you are hurt and you're angry. But look, don't let this one little thing ruin what we have together. Fancy: Keeping secrets is anything but little, Noah. Man: Car's out front, ma'am. Fancy: Good-bye, Noah. Noah: Don't go, ok, not yet. Man: Ms. Crane would like to leave, sir. Now. Fancy: Just get me home, please. Maya: You look terrible. Is everything all right? Noah: No, everything's not all right, Maya. I just lost the woman that I love. You know, I need to talk to you. Maya: You're hurting me, Noah. Noah: Hey, are you are telling me everything? Maya: About what? Noah: Are you telling me everything you know about the people who are after us? Do you know who they are or where I can find them, because so help me if you do, I want to know right now. [SCENE_BREAK] Ivy: Oh. Valerie: Take my hand, Ivy. Ivy: I can't. I'm using both of them to hold on to this ledge. Oh, God, I'm going to die. Valerie: Just hang on with your right hand and give me your left, trust me. Ivy: Oh, trust you?! Valerie: Doesn't seem like you have much choice right now, do you? Ivy: Oh, oh. [Grunting] Valerie: Oh, my God, you're heavy. Ivy: Oh, God. Not one word. Oh, oh. Oh, ah! [Panting] Valerie: If I were you, I would lay off manipulating my children's love lives. Ivy: Well, you're not me, Valerie, and I'm not manipulating anything. I'm just trying to protect them. I need to talk to Fox right now. Valerie: Now? Ivy: Yes, now. Valerie: But-- ivy: Oh, don't worry about me. You just concentrate on getting Miguel back on the phone, and let me work on Fox. Valerie: I'd still be on the phone with Miguel if you hadn't cut us off. Ivy: Just get Miguel on the phone and get him back to Harmony. Ivy: Valerie, thank you for saving my life. Valerie: Any time. Ivy: Yeah, and you're doing a good job with Miguel. Just finish it by convincing him to come back here to Harmony. Valerie: I'll try my best. Ivy: No--no, do better than that. [Door closes] Valerie: I'm glad Ivy thinks this is all worth it. I am seriously starting to have my doubts. [SCENE_BREAK] Miguel: What's going on up there, Kay? Is there something you're not telling me about Maria? Kay: No, everything's fine. Why? Miguel: Because-- Kay, I'm sorry. I can't stay on. I got another call coming in. It could be about Charity. Kay: Wait, Miguel, I just wanted-- Miguel: Take care. Kay: [Scoffs] Tabitha: Maria's daddy, I take it? Kay: Yeah, and just the same as ever. He didn't get two words out before he hung up to take another call that might have been about Charity. God, some things never change. Tabitha: Well, that doesn't mean that he's not going to be a major obstacle to your future with Fox. Kay: You know what, Tabitha? That's ridiculous, ok, because he doesn't care about me, and I don't care about him. And I'm sick and tired of all your dire warnings. Nothing is going to get in the way of my happiness with Fox. Fox: You say you're over Miguel, Kay, but are you really? [SCENE_BREAK] Sheridan: That's it! That's the door to the nursery. Chris: Keep your voice down. It might be a trap. Sheridan: I know that's it. Marty's in there, I just know it. [SCENE_BREAK] Pilar: Oh, I feel like a bride in her twenties. Paloma: I've never seen you more beautiful or happy, Ma. Pilar: Thank you, mija. This truly is the happiest day of my life. After today, I will have everything I've ever wanted. Of course, except for Antonio and Luis. Paloma: Yeah, I know. But hey, I have something for you to carry during the ceremony. Let me get it. It's back at the house. Pilar: Well, Palomita, don't take too long. We don't have a lot of time, ok? Paloma: No, I won't be late. [SCENE_BREAK] Father Lonigan: You must be truthful, not only with me but more importantly to yourself and to Pilar. Are you thinking of calling off today's ceremony? Martin: I'll tell you exactly what I told Katherine. Pilar is my wife, the mother of my children. She's been hurt enough by my actions. Father Lonigan: Which does not answer my question. We both know what a proud woman Pilar is. She would not want you to marry her out of some sense of guilt over past wrongdoings. Is that why you're staying with her, Martin? Are you renewing your vows out of sense of responsibility or love? [SCENE_BREAK] Rachel: Katherine, if you really love Martin-- Katherine: You know I do. He's the only man I've ever loved. Rachel: Then do something about it. Don't spend the rest of your life knowing that someone is living with somebody else when he should be living with you and not Pilar. Katherine: Rachel, I'm not you. I can't just walk in on Pilar and dash all her hopes and all her dreams. Rachel: Is it better to do nothing? Just let her marry a man that you know is in love with you? Now, if you think about it, stopping this ceremony is not only the best thing for you and Martin, but it's the kindest act you can do for Pilar. But then again you're right. You're not me. You have to do what you feel is right for yourself. [SCENE_BREAK] Mr. Collier: Excuse me, I don't mean to interrupt, but do you have the 2005 numbers on that--that project? Gwen: I do. Actually it's right here, Mr. Collier. Mr. Collier: Oh, great, excellent. And you'll have the revised numbers by the end of the day? Gwen: Absolutely, not a problem. Mr. Collier: I appreciate it. Gwen: Ok, I need to work fast if I'm going to make it to the ceremony at all. I'll be damned if I'm gonna leave Ethan alone there with Theresa. [SCENE_BREAK] Ethan: Listen, Theresa, if you don't mind, no more references to Mr. Mom, please. Theresa: [Chuckles] I--I'm sorry. You're right, that was just not nice. Of course that was offensive. I mean, you've always been the breadwinner of the family and-- Ethan: It's only for a little while, all right? Gwen wanted to get back into her career. I'm fine with it. Theresa: Well, of course, Ethan. I mean whatever, you know, works. It's between you and Gwen. Ethan: Hi, yeah, this is Ethan Winthrop. I was wondering if you could send the nanny up to the library so she could watch Jane for a while. Thanks so much. Theresa: Why did you just do that? I mean, our daughter's being a perfect angel. Ethan: She is an angel, but I can concentrate on work a little better when I know someone is watching her. Now listen to me. Theresa, I know this project inside and out, all right? All these little problems you're having, I can work them out in no time flat, all right? [SCENE_BREAK] Man: Are you sure you wouldn't be more comfortable in bed, ma'am? Fancy: I'm--I'm fine, Robards. Thank you. Robards: You're welcome. Fancy: Oh, Noah, why couldn't you tell me the truth? Why does it have to be like this? [SCENE_BREAK] Noah: Dammit, Maya, I did what you asked. I kept the truth from Fancy, and now I have lost her. Maya: I'm sorry you're so upset. Noah: Look, I want to know if there is something you are keeping from me. I want to find the people who beat you up, the scum who almost killed Fancy with their car, the creep who put a bullet on her pillow in some pathetic attempt to scare me off. They are going to be sorry they ever involved Fancy in this. Dammit, I am going to make someone pay for what they are costing us. Maya: Look, if you want to hit somebody, hit me. This is all my fault. Noah: No--no, it's not. Right? Because you don't know who these people are any more than I do... do you? Maya? Have they gotten back in contact with you? Do you know how to reach these people? Maya: Noah, you're scaring me. Noah: You will have no idea what scared is, if you don't level with me right now. [SCENE_BREAK] Tabitha: What part of the dark side's ammo don't you understand, dear? You sold your soul to the dark side to make Miguel love you not so many years ago. Kay: Oh, don't remind me of that, please. Anyway, for starters, that was puppy love. I didn't know what real love was until I met Fox. Tabitha: Yes, well, all I'm saying is you're getting in way over your head here, dear. Not you, sweet pea. No, I'm talking to Aunty Kay right now. All I'm trying to do, Kay, is help you protect your interest. Kay: No, you're trying to ruin my day, not to mention my entire life. Tabitha: That's not so. I'm trying to make you see what's inevitable down the road for you and ivy's son. Kay: Yeah, well, you know what? Fox and I--we're doing fine and we're going to stay that way, right, honey? Yes. Tabitha: Don't say I didn't warn you, Kay. [SCENE_BREAK] Ivy: Oh, sweetheart. Fox: Mother, what are you doing--what the hell happened to you? Ivy: Oh, yeah, I'm--I'm a little bit of a mess, aren't I? Fox: Well, you're-- ivy: Yeah, it's just one of those days, you know, you know? How's your day going? Fox: Fine, and yours? Ivy: Great--great, you know, perfect. Now that Sam and I are officially engaged, it's perfect. And you and Kay... how's everything with you? Fox: Kay and I are doing great. Why wouldn't we be? Ivy: It's just that--no, no. I'm happy everything's going great. Yeah. Fox: What? What were you just about to say? Ivy: Nothing. What would I know about you and Kay? Fox: I'm not sure, but you're engaged to her father. Is there something going on I don't know? Ivy: Oh, Fox, you know, I am sure it's absolutely nothing. Fox: What? Ivy: Well, honey, I--you know, you know what? I'd rather not say it because I am sure I am blowing this whole thing out of proportion. Fox: Mother, come on, no fair. Finish what you were saying. Ivy: Ok. Well, I am sure Kay has told you how she just can't seem to get enough of those photos she keeps at her dad's. Fox: No, not really. Ivy: Oh. Well, they're--they're baby photos mostly... of, you know, Maria when she was an infant with Kay and Miguel. I asked her why she just doesn't want to take them over to Tabitha's, but she just doesn't want to. Actually, I have a couple of them here. Fox: What--what--why do you have pictures with you? Ivy: Because I was going to blow them up and have them framed. I know how much they mean to her. Fox: All right, can I see them? Ivy: Oh, sure, of course. Yeah. Ah, there. Fox: Wow. They really were a family. Ivy: Well, I'm sure you and Kay have worked past all that old baggage. Good for you. [SCENE_BREAK] Valerie: Come on, Miguel, pick up the phone. [Phone ringing] Miguel: Bueno. Valerie: Miguel, it's me again from Crane Industries. Miguel: Oh, right. Valerie: I'm sorry about earlier. I just wanted to make sure that you understood how important it was to your sister that you come back to Harmony, if only for a visit. Miguel: I don't get this. Theresa and I spoke. Valerie: That was earlier, I believe. She really, really made your presence here sound urgent. Miguel: I don't get it. I just talked to my daughter's mother and everything's fine on that end. Valerie: All I know is your sister was very adamant. She wants you to come home and she'll do whatever it takes to get you here, including sending the private plane to pick you up. Miguel: That's crazy. Valerie: I'm--I'm just following orders. She also told me to tell you that you could pick up your search for Charity after your visit here. So where should I tell the Crane pilot to pick you up? [SCENE_BREAK] Sheridan: My son is in there, I know it. Chris: Even if you're right, we don't know if he's alone. Sheridan: You're right. Beth could be in there, too. Come on, let's go inside. Chris: I just want to be extra careful. Chris: You do it. Chris: He's not here. Sheridan: These things, these are boy's things. Chris: They're not necessarily Marty's. Sheridan: Yes they are. I gave this to him. I gave this to him before anyone believed that he was my son. Beth must have brought it with them when she kidnapped him. He's here, Chris. Marty is somewhere in this house. [SCENE_BREAK] Father Lonigan: When you came to confession, when you and Pilar were thinking about renewing your marriage vows, you told me something I haven't forgotten. Martin: I told you that I hadn't been able to put my feelings for Katherine behind me. Father Lonigan: You also told me that you were going to try, that you were going to pray to God to have them lifted. Have you been successful, Martin? Or are you still harboring deep feelings for Katherine? [SCENE_BREAK] [Door opens] Pilar: Did you forget something, Palo-- I thought you were going to leave the house before the ceremony. Katherine: I changed my mind, Pilar. I need to talk to you now. [SCENE_BREAK] Gwen: [Sighs] Oh. Farley, would you mind coming in here for a moment, please? Ok, now I can make it in time to Pilar and Martin's ceremony and be able to stop whatever Theresa has planned for Ethan. Hi, I just wanted to let you know I'm gonna head out for the day, ok? Farley: But Mr. Collier told me to give you these when you finished the report. Gwen: I'm sure they can wait till tomorrow. Farley: I don't think so. He said that he needs them all done today. Gwen: Dammit. Farley: Excuse me? Gwen: Nothing, nothing at all. Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Ethan: See what I mean? I mean, if you make this a 3-story complex instead of going for the 5, Alistair and his cronies--they--they can't have a thing to say about it. Theresa: Simple, yet brilliant. You know what? I never would have thought of this on my own. [Phone rings] Excuse me. Ethan: Do you need to take that? Theresa: Um, you know, it's just a text message. Ethan: Anything important? Theresa: Oh, no, nothing that concerns you. All right, so anyway, I was thinking over... [SCENE_BREAK] Tabitha: You've endured the wrath of the dark side before, Kay. Kay: What are they gonna do, huh? Send demons to suck everyone's house under the ground if Fox and I plan to get married? Tabitha: Don't mock them. They could do worse than that this time around. Kay: Just stop, Tabitha, it's not working, ok? I am not afraid of anything they or poison Ivy throw at me. Fox and I love each other enough to battle anyone who gets in our way. Tabitha: Why do I think that Romeo and Juliet felt the same way? Kay: Ok, I'm not having this conversation anymore. Ok, let's go, sweetheart. We've got a vow renewal ceremony to get to. Tabitha: Yes, this is one event I wouldn't want to miss either. Oh, you go on ahead, Kay. Kay: Ok. Tabitha: Yeah, Endora and I will catch up. Come on, my little one. I sometimes think that you're a little angel. Anyone would think so. Actually you're just the opposite, aren't you? Hey. Come along, my little sweet pea. We are going to stir up some fun. Aren't we, huh? Come on. [SCENE_BREAK] Ivy: What's wrong? Fox: Nothing. Ivy: Oh, I knew I shouldn't have shown you those. Fox, honey, really. Don't read more into Kay's obsession with these than there really is. Fox: I mean, there's nothing I can do about it. Miguel is Maria's biological father, so-- Ivy: Oh, please, he hasn't been around in ages. These were taken right after the baby was born. Well, it's just that these probably are the only pictures she has of the 3 of them together. Fox: No, I--I get that. What I don't understand is why is she keeping them at her father's house? I mean, why not bring them over to Tabitha's? Have them with her there. Ivy: Because you're there. Oh, I did not mean that the way it sounded. Fox: No, it's--it's all right. I was just thinking the same thing. I mean, Kay wouldn't go around looking at these in secret if it wasn't something really important to her. Ivy: Fox, I'm sure you're mistaken. Why would Kay hide anything from you? Fox: Right. [SCENE_BREAK] Miguel: I don't know what to say. Valerie: Say yes. Come back in time for your parents' vow renewal ceremony and you can go back to your search right afterwards. Oh, and I'm also instructed to tell you that you have full power of Crane Industries at your disposal if you need it. You will be coming back to Harmony, won't you, Miguel? [SCENE_BREAK] Noah: Ok. Maya, what are you keeping from me, all right? Have these people gotten in contact with you? I mean, why are you looking like this? Maya: Because they keep calling me. Noah: I knew it. Where are they? I mean--how do I get in--where do I find them? Maya: I don't know. They call me on my cell phone and there's no caller id. Noah: Well, why didn't you tell me this before? Maya: Because I didn't want to get you more involved. I was trying to protect you. I don't want to drag you back into all this again. Noah: Well, it's a little late for that, don't you think, Maya? I mean, not only are we in danger, but now Fancy's in danger, as well. Look, give me your cell phone. Come here. Maya: Why? What good is that gonna do? Noah: The next time those goons call, they're gonna realize that they dialed the wrong number. Nobody threatens the woman that I love. [SCENE_BREAK] Fancy: I loved you, Noah. I never loved anyone the way I loved you. [SCENE_BREAK] Otto: Morons! Find that couple before they escape the grounds, and whatever you do, they can never see the nursery. Chris: We can't stay. They'll be looking for us here. Sheridan: But Marty-- Woman: Frere Jacques, Frere Jacques, dormez-vous Sheridan: Someone's in there. Woman: Dormez-vous; sonnez les matines; sonnez les matines; ding, dong, ding; ding, dong, ding Chris: Is that Beth's voice? Sheridan: I can't tell. But whoever it is, it sounds like they're singing to a child. Oh, my God, Chris, my son is on the other side of this door. Woman: Sonnez les matines; sonnez les matines; ding, dong, ding | They think they've found him several times, but he's never there. |
638 | Hayden: The thing is, Elizabeth, um... the hospital -- financially, it's just, um... Tracy: Oh, for Pete's sake! Elizabeth Webber, you're fired! How simple is that? Hayden: Simple for you, maybe. Tracy: Yeah, well, practice makes perfect, and you better practice, because you make your debut tonight. 30% of the nursing staff has to go for this hospital to survive. [SCENE_BREAK] Epiphany: I dare Hayden to come for me. By the time I'm through with her, she'll be begging for more nurses. Elizabeth: Look, I know we're all angry, but let's cool it with the violence. Nurse: Exactly. This is not the time to exaggerate. We need to be serious. Epiphany: I am not exaggerating. I am serious. Amy: When they say they're cutting 30% of the staff, does that mean they're also cutting 30% of the doctors? Because they're the ones making all the money. Bobbie: Yeah, but, you know, they're also the ones charging the most money, so... Amy: And we're the ones taking care of all their patients. What about Dr. Munro or Dr. Finn? Finn: Hey, what about me? Elizabeth: Everyone's going crazy. We really need your voice of reason. Felix: I'm just wrapping up here. I'll be right over. Anna: Oh, hi. Felix, I really need your help. [SCENE_BREAK] André: I told you! I don't want to be the untrusting guy, but I won't be the other guy, and I won't pretend that I'm blind to what's right in front of me. That's not the answer. Jordan: What is? André: Jordan, this isn't healthy for either one of us. We need to break up. Jordan: No, I'm not gonna accept that. I'm not gonna accept that. We need to breathe, okay? And we need to just put some things into perspective here. André: You gave me all the perspective that I need when you told me about Curtis. I see things clearly now, and what I'm seeing, I don't want. [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia Jerome: Oh, no. There's a problem with your daughter's pregnancy? Alexis: I don't know that I should be talking about that. Olivia: Oh! Oh, gosh. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to meddle. Alexis: No, you weren't meddling. You were trying to help. Olivia: No, well, but still... I mean, it's just that when you have an issue with your kids, if anything affects your children, it always affects you, and we have to be mindful of your level of stress. We don't want you to ever turn back to alcohol. Alexis: Oh, well, I hope not. Olivia: [Chuckling] Yeah. You might get tempted. We all do. Alexis: So if I get into trouble, I'll call you. Olivia: Well, that's exactly what I wanted to hear. Alexis: Okay. [Door opens] Sam: Sorry for barging back in -- oh. I didn't know you had company. Hello. Alexis: Sam. Uh, Sam, this is a-a friend -- Liv. Olivia: So this is the famous Sam. [Laughs] We were just talking about you. [SCENE_BREAK] Dante: Since when is Sonny afraid of risk? Carly: Sonny's afraid of losing me. Since we lost Morgan, I told him I was done with the violence. Sonny knows if he does this, I cannot stay with him. Dante: Well, I'd like to believe that's enough to stop him, but Sonny doesn't have a lot of self-control when it comes to vengeance, and certainly not when it comes his family. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: Hey, Sonny. I know you're angry. But I would like you to think right now. The police know you had nothing to do with Morgan's death. You're in the clear. Carly's waiting for you at home, because she loves you. You pull that trigger, that all goes away. You're gonna lose her. You want to be alone? Give me the gun. Go home to your wife. Sonny: I don't have a home anymore, not without my son. 'Cause Ava took him from me. Ava: I did not take Morgan. Sonny: Yes, you did! I heard your brother whining to you in the recording! Jason: Sonny. I'm not sure that Julian was talking to Ava on that recording. [SCENE_BREAK] Finn: May I ask why I'm the subject of conversation? Amy: We weren't talking about you! [Chuckles] Finn: Uh, I heard "Dr. Finn." Amy: Uh, no. I said... I said...dorsal...fin. Finn: Dorsal fin? Finn: Yes. Amy: Because, um, you know... sharks. [Chuckles] Epiphany: Somebody help her. Bobbie: Okay, you caught us. Uh, truth is, Dr. Finn, you just walked in on a meeting of the nurses' leadership committee, and we were just discussing whom to select for our first annual "Hot Docs of GH" calendar. Finn: You're kidding, right? Bobbie: Mnh-mnh. Epiphany: Cat's out of the bag. Co-congrats, Finn. [Laughs] Finn: What's that? Oh? My takeout's ready? Yeah. Yeah, that's it. Nurse: Nice work, Amy. Epiphany: I move that someone muzzle Amy. Amy: Wait. Elizabeth: Okay, how about we have a little solidarity? We need to present a united front. Bobbie: And not panic. Amy: How can we not panic? Hayden and Michael Corinthos are talking staff cuts! Bobbie: They are not the last word. Elizabeth: The nurses have friends on the board, people who are willing to fight for us. Bobbie: The Quartermaine name is synonymous with GH. Monica will not roll over. Epiphany: Dr. Q. will definitely have our backs. Elizabeth: Can we say the same of Tracy? [SCENE_BREAK] Tracy: There you go. Everyone on that list has to go. Hayden: I think we should discuss other options before committing to this. Tracy: Oh, I see the problem. Hayden: A bunch of deserving nurses are about to lose their jobs? Tracy: No, no, no. It's you! Your little romance with Finn has made you soft. Hayden: I'm not soft. Tracy: Then suck it up! Hayden: If you're so eager to fire people, why not do it yourself? Tracy: Do you think I enjoy sending people to the unemployment line? The staff of this hospital saved my life. But there will be no one left to save any more lives if the hospital gets shuttered and converted into condos. So, while I implement the rest of this plan, you need to do your part. Or I'll find someone who will. [SCENE_BREAK] Jordan: You're just gonna throw everything away because of one kiss with Curtis? André: What do we have, Jordan? Some good times, the comfort of familiarity, but with our schedules, with our lives, mostly lowered expectations and a string of broken promises. Jordan: I'm sorry. I guess I'm remembering this wrong. I-I thought that we loved each other. André: We've said we do. I know I do. Look at us, we've already spent a month apart over Curtis, and we're here again. Again! And for what? What do I have to show for it? A key to your apartment? I'm sorry, but I want more. I want all of you or none of you! Jordan: I can give more. I can give you more. André: Jordan, you have been honest with me about what happened with Curtis, and I thank you. Now, do yourself the same favor. Admit that I'm not the one that you want. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: How about some food? Are you thirsty? Dante: I got to call this in. Carly: Let's just call Jason, okay? Let's call Jason, and we'll check in with him first. Dante: Don't you think if he'd found Sonny, he would have called us by now? Carly: We don't know that! We don't know what's going on. I mean, something could be happening. We have to be patient and wait. Dante: If this were anybody else, I would have called it in already. I've stretched this out as long as I can. I cannot wait any longer. Carly: Please don't do that. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: Jason, you heard the recording. Ava: What recording? Can you at least let me hear it before you kill me? Sonny: You don't need to hear it. I heard it. Julian's own words. Jason: Sonny, think about it. We never got a clear picture of the woman, we never heard her voice. There are too many things that don't make sense. There are too many things that don't fit. You want to tear your family apart? You pull that trigger and kill the wrong person. Sonny: My family's already torn apart. Jason: Sonny, no, they're not. Your family's just starting to heal. But you pull that trigger, and that all goes away. You lose your wife. Your son -- he's gonna have to take you to prison. Is that what you want? I'm sorry I couldn't save Morgan, but what about your other kids? Now, they need their father. And they already lost a brother. Don't make them lose their father. Put that gun in my hand and you go home. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: You were talking about me? Olivia Jerome: Your mom is always gushing praises about you. All good things, I promise. Sam: [Groans] Olivia: And she's always talking about your growing new family. Sam: Oh, is she? Yes! That actually does sound like her. So, how do you -- how do you two know each other? Alexis: Uh, mutual friend. Sam: Ah. Well. That's -- that's great. Any friend of my mom's is a friend of mine. Olivia: Oh, I'm thrilled to hear that. I'm just getting my feet wet in Port Charles, so I could always use a new friend. Sam: Yeah. Alexis: What brings you back so soon? Sam: Oh, I-I forgot the book that you gave me. I want-- I wanted this. Sorry. I didn't meant to barge in like that. I'll just get going. Olivia: No, you can't! You should stay and chat with us, right, Alexis? Alexis: Really? Well, uh... Olivia: Yes. It's decided. Sam: Oh, it is? Olivia: We are going to get along famously. I just know it. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: You keep saying things don't add up. Maybe they don't for you. But all I know is she confessed. Ava: No. Sonny's wrong. He's mistaken. Sonny: Really? Ava: I did not confess to anything. Sonny: No? What about when you said, "Never meaning it to go so far?" What was that about? Ava: I wasn't talking about the bomb! I was talking about Morgan. That I -- that I would never want him to be hurt. Sonny: Forget about hurt. He's dead. Now it's your turn. [Cocks gun] [SCENE_BREAK] Jordan: I don't want Curtis. I want you. André: I'm sure you want to believe that. But your actions say otherwise. Jordan: But people who love each other, they learn to forgive each other. André: It isn't that I can't forgive you, Jordan. Of course, I can. But what would be the point? We would never move forward from this spot. I would be stuck right here in this moment, wondering what's in your head, what's in your heart, wondering if you're thinking about Curtis. Or me. I'd never be able to truly trust you. Jordan: We can -- we can work through this, can't we? André: Work through what? I don't know how. Jordan: I don't know how, either, but we've got to try. [Telephone rings] Jordan: We have to -- we have to try. I have to get this. Damn it. What? What? [Sighs] Yes. The Jerome gallery? Fine. Give it to Detective Falconeri. O-okay. Yes. Just keep me posted. Okay. Thank you. Bye. [André is gone, leaving her key on the table.] [SCENE_BREAK] Dante: I got to do this, Carly. I've waited long enough. Carly: You're right. You already have. Whatever was going to happen already did, so either I'm right, and Sonny walked away, or I'm wrong, and he killed someone. Either way, it's done! So you should just sit and wait with me and we can wait for the fallout. [Cell phone rings] Dante: It's the station. Falconeri. Yeah. Are there any, uh, cars in the area? Any idea who's on the premises? All right. I'm on my way. Carly: What happened? Dante: It's a police emergency. I'm sorry, Carly. I can't really tell you anything more right now. [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia Jerome: So your mom tells me you already have a little boy. Sam: Yeah. Um, Danny. Olivia: Oh. Danny. Now, where'd you get that name? Sam: Uh, it was my -- it was my brother's. Olivia: Oh, it was? Sam: Yeah. Olivia: Did he -- Sam: Yeah. Olivia: I'm so sorry. Sam: It's okay. It's okay. It was a -- it was a long time ago. Olivia: What a beautiful tribute, though, to keep his name in the family. Sam: Do you have a family of your own? Olivia: Uh... there was someone once. Sam: Oh, no. I'm sorry. Olivia: No, no, no. Sam: Too personal. Olivia: No, it -- just -- forces conspired to tear us apart. [Flashback] Anna: I'm here to save my husband. If I have to kill you to do it. Olivia: Kill me. I don't believe you. Anna: Believe this. Olivia: Please don't. Anna: I want you to feel a little of the pain you've caused everyone else. [Back to the present] Sam: Well, if it's any consolation, I know what it's like to be kept from the person you love. Olivia: Well... you got your happy ending anyway, didn't you? Sam: [Laughs] Alexis: She did, and so should you. Olivia: Why not? [SCENE_BREAK] Anna: Okay, can you fill this for me, please? I-I tried to get to my pharmacy. Literally, I got there five minutes after it had closed. Felix: Migraines. Oh, I am so, so sorry. Yeah, I'll take care of this for you. Anna: Oh, my God. You're a lifesaver. Thank you. Felix: Careful, this is strong stuff. Follow the instructions to the letter. Anna: Yeah, I know. I've been warned. Felix: How you feeling right now? Anna: I'd really like to be put out of my misery, honestly. Felix: Well, do you want to speak with someone? I know Father-Doctor Munro isn't here right now, but... Anna: No, it's okay. Um... actually, yeah, I would like to speak to someone, yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Tracy: Oh, good! You're here! Your formerly ruthless girlfriend seems to have lost her backbone. Perhaps you could install a new one for her? [SCENE_BREAK] Bobbie: We have to look at things from the hospital's perspective, and GH's financial picture is...seriously bleak. Elizabeth: The administration may have to resort to drastic measures just to keep the hospital running. Amy: Like giving us all pink slips. Nurse: They can't do that. Amy: They can't! I mean, come on! The nurses are the heart and soul of GH. Nurse: I was referring to the fact that we're union, but okay. Epiphany: That hospital cannot and will not run without us. So I propose that we beat them to the punch and show them what a hospital without nurses looks like. I say we strike! [SCENE_BREAK] Hayden: Unfortunately, with the, uh, financial picture the way that it is, the hospital has no choice but to take all of your good works and just throw them down the drain. [Knocks on door] Finn: Hi. Hayden: Hi. Finn: Oh, wow. Hayden: Oh, you can't believe how happy I am to see you. Finn: I'm an infectious disease specialist. I never get to hear that. Hayden: What are you doing here? I thought you were done. Finn: Well, I know you're working late, so I thought maybe you'd get hungry. Hayden: You know me so well. Finn: And, yet, still I managed to miss something. What, did they forget the pickles? Hayden: No. No. It's -- it's perfect. This is gonna give me just the energy I need to fire 1/3 of GH's nurses. [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: Strike? Let's think about this. Epiphany: I have thought about it! It's time that we get all Norma Rae up in here. Elizabeth: Putting ourselves out of work is doing the hospital's job for them! I don't think this is the way to go. Bobbie: But if the board thought there was another way, you can bet they'd be holding a press conference crowing about how they're managing to keep the hospital afloat without losing a single employee in the process. Epiphany: Exactly! These people are not modest. And it is time that we beat them to the punch. Amy: By doing what? Just stop working? Bobbie: Okay. We have to take it to the rest of the staff. Epiphany: Exactly. Now, this kind of thing will go down easier if we're unanimous. So everyone in favor of striking? Opposed? Felix: Sorry I am late. What did I miss? [SCENE_BREAK] Anna: Oh, André! Hi. André: Hey. Anna: I thought you'd already gone. Felix said that you left for the day. André: I -- I did, but I remembered some work that I want to get a jump-start on for tomorrow. Anna: Okay. André: But it's kind of late for you, though, isn't it? Anna: Yeah, oh, I -- André: Are you feeling all right? Anna: Yeah, I had a prescription that I needed filling, and... well, Felix, he did it for me, so. André: Okay. Uh, and you were hoping to see me? Anna: Yeah. About Valentin. Um... you know, ever since we had that confrontation at the wedding... André: Mm-hmm. Anna: ...I started to do some research on him. More research. André: I thought the mystery was solved. You remembered what happened between the two of you. Anna: Well, I did. But, um... honestly, I refuse to believe that a man turns into an international criminal simply because of a single spurned kiss. You know? André: That's how you perceived it. It may have been a much bigger deal to Valentin. Anna: Maybe. I don't know. There's something missing, and... I think it's me. André: You? How? Anna: I feel as if I might have committed other slights, other wrongs. You know? Maybe I wasn't aware of it? André: Well, have you remembered something more? Anna: Well, now that I know who he was and I remembered what happened, my memories of that time are pretty clear. And nothing about it says to me that Valentin was anything other than a friend. André: Okay. Anna: I've had enemies, a lot of them. André: Mm-hmm. Anna: But he wasn't one of them. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Thank you. Olivia Jerome: You're welcome. I admit, I have to check myself when I'm around you 'cause there's a part of me that's tempted to reach over and rub your belly. Sam: Ooh! Yeah, well, that happens. Olivia: [Chuckling] Yeah. You must be due any time now. Sam: I think a few more weeks will do the trick, yeah. Olivia: I don't mean to be disrespectful in any way, of course, and if I am, please tell me right away. But, um... I was just wondering if you were happy with your O.B. I'm -- I'm asking for a friend. [SCENE_BREAK] [Jason gets a text from Carly: "Dante left. May be going after Sonny. If you're with him, get out!!] Sonny: Last chance, Ava. Ava: Hey. Sonny: Just admit what you did, and you can die with a clear conscience. Otherwise, you're just gonna die. Ava: I swear on Avery's life. I did not have anything to do with that bomb. Sonny: Avery's never gonna remember her brother. Avery's never gonna remember her mother. So that's why I got to end this right now. Jason: All right. Stop. Stop. Listen to me. Dante's on his way here. Sonny: So what, Jason? Jason: So what? That means this is it! This is your choice. Okay, you want to kill her? Go ahead. Pull the trigger. Make your entire family pay for your mistake. Or you could do the right thing, and you can give me more time to figure this out. That's your choice. Just do the right thing. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Hi, Commissioner. Hi. Uh, what can I do for you? Jordan: I need to see Sonny. [SCENE_BREAK] Dante: Ava. Jason. Dante. Jason: What brings you by? Dante: Well, the, uh, silent alarm was triggered. Doesn't look like anything's missing, though. Jason: Can't really help you with that. Dante: Maybe you can. Maybe you -- maybe one of you can tell me where my father is and, uh, what the hell's going on here. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: I'm sorry, Commissioner, but Sonny's not available. You're gonna have to come back tomorrow. Jordan: Actually, I have news that he's gonna want to hear. Can you just please get him? Carly: I can't do that. I can't. Sonny had a really bad day. He was drinking a lot, and so he's just -- he's sleeping it off right now. Jordan: Ah. Well, then, you need to wake him up and get him some aspirin. I'm sure he's gonna forgive you once he hears what I have to say. Carly: Oh. Sonny: What's going on out here? Carly: I was just telling the commissioner that, uh, you had too much to drink, and you were sleeping. Sonny: Yeah. I went to sleep, and now I feel so much better. Is there anything I can do for you? Jordan: Uh, do we have to discuss it in the foyer, or...? Sonny: No. Not at all. Come on in. Jordan: Thank you. Sonny: Should I -- should I call my lawyer? Jordan: No, no. That won't be necessary. So, I just -- I came by here today to tell you that I just got off the phone with the DA. The trial's off. I'm dropping the charges. [SCENE_BREAK] Dante: All right, who wants to go first? Ava: Oh, I'll go! Sonny was just here. He put a gun in my face. He accused me about a half-a-dozen crazy things, and he threatened to kill me, which he would have done if Jason hadn't convinced him not to. He just ran out the back just now. I'm sure if you hurry, you can see that he's not at home where he ought to be. And you can take him in for breaking his bail. Dante: You want to chime in here? Jason: Oh, no. Not really. I have no idea what she's talking about. It's just been the two of us this entire time, so... Ava: That's a lie! You are such a liar! Sonny was just here. He had a gun pointed at me. That gun, right there. The one that Jason just wiped clean. Take it! Take it for evidence. Maybe you can find some latent prints. Dante: Latent prints? Is this yours? Ava: No. It's mine. And Sonny took it from me and he threatened to kill me with it. Dante: Why would Sonny violate his bail and risk going to prison so he could see you? Ava: Because he's insane and he's manic and he's paranoid and he's delusional and extremely violent. Dante: What are you doing here, man? You an art connoisseur or you got something to talk to Ava about? Jason: I'm here because I have evidence that she's behind Morgan's death. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: You didn't tell me that you had a friend who was expecting. Olivia Jerome: Well, she's expecting to be expecting. She's been looking for a reputable OB. And she asked me if I knew any, and, of course, I don't. I just am putting down roots here, so, um... Sam, do you have a name I could refer along to her? Sam: Yeah, um, of course. Dr. Kelly Lee. She's at General Hospital. She's great. Olivia: And she's good? Both: Yeah. Alexis: She's very personable, relatable. Sam: Mm-hmm. Alexis: You can't go wrong with her. Olivia: Oh, thank you. Thank you both so much. I will pass that referral along. It's getting awfully late, and it was so nice to see you and spend some time with you, but I really need to get going. Alexis: Okay, well, thanks for coming by. Olivia: Oh, don't mention it. Call me whenever you need me. I'm always there for you. I've told you. Alexis: Yes, I know. Appreciate it. Olivia: Sam, it's just so wonderful to finally be able to put a face with a name! And I look forward to not only making your acquaintance, but, um...to helping you welcome your bundle of joy. Sam: Mm. Olivia: Take care. Sam: Yeah. You, too. Alexis: Thanks again. Olivia: Sure. We'll talk soon. Alexis: Okay. Olivia: Bye-bye now. Alexis: Bye. So... she seems nice, right? Sam: Yeah. Great. Alexis: You don't like her at all, do you? [SCENE_BREAK] Finn: I can't believe this. I -- I knew the hospital was in bad shape. I didn't know it was this bad. Hayden: Mm. In the trade, we refer to it as "catastrophic." [Sighs] Finn: There's got to be another way. I mean... cutting the nursing staff -- that can't be the only solution. Hayden: If there was another way to do it, I'd choose the other way. I don't want to hurt anyone. Finn: I know. Well, I mean, the nurses are known to be reasonable people. I think. And, um... you know, they're gonna be angry at first. Very, very angry. But I'm sure they won't hold you personally responsible. Hayden: They will. Finn: Not forever. Hayden: Then for how long? Don't answer. Finn: Look, you're not -- you're not in this alone. Hayden: I appreciate your support, but you can't be in the room with me while I'm doing the deed. Finn: No, not -- not in person, thankfully, but I could be here in spirit. Hayden: That's great how you mean to be helpful. Finn: Look, I've been a doctor a long time. I've given a lot of bad news to a lot of people. Maybe I can help. Maybe I can walk you through this. [SCENE_BREAK] Epiphany: We need a united front. Elizabeth: And I need a salary. Amy: You need to think of people other than yourself for once. I am, Amy. My sons. Felix: Guys, knock it off. [Sighs] Why don't we meet with the hospital administration in good faith? Let them know that we understand that the hospital's in dire straits, and we want to work together to find a solution that doesn't involve layoffs. And then we signal the board, let them know that we're willing to make concessions, and then we get out ahead of it. We tell everybody what's going on, and we win the public support. Epiphany: That is some... excellent thinking. Felix: [Chuckles] Well, Donny covered negotiations with the loggers union, and I tagged along because lumberjacks. [Laughter] Bobbie: Well, I agree. It's an excellent idea. So, um, I'll take it up the chain. Felix: Well, wait. Since Hayden is the one that's swinging the ax, maybe her sister ought to do the talking. [SCENE_BREAK] Hayden: Nurse Driscoll. First, I want to thank you for your excellent work. Finn: [As Amy] If my work is, like, so excellent, why are you firing me? Hayden: We're not firing you, as such. Finn: [As Amy] Yeah, right. This is, what, "layoffs?" Hayden: Exactly. So, you see, it's some... Finn: [As Amy] How could you do this to me? What kind of heartless b are you to do this to me? Hayden: Amy, this is a business decision. Pure and simple. And if everything goes well, maybe we'll be able to hire you back in the future. Finn: [Normal voice] No, don't say that. Sorry, Hayden. I-I think that's a bad move. Hayden: But it's true. I mean, the hope is that these layoffs are temporary and that once the hospital's on safer ground, we can staff up again. Finn: Look, I understand, but I think you have to be unequivocal about this. Not just for the sake of the hospital but for the nurses, too, all right? That's not gonna do them any good to be sitting around, waiting for word to come in they might be put back on the roster when -- when that word's never gonna happen. Hayden: Kind of like telling a patient who has Blackwood's Syndrome that there's a cure right around the corner. Finn: Well, thankfully that analogy is -- is almost outdated. Hey. I just -- I really think that the cleaner you do this, the better it'll be for them, and it'll be easier for them to get back out there and start looking for work. Hayden: Yeah, which some of them will be doing tomorrow morning. I'm supposed to start breaking the bad news tonight. Finn: The layoffs are gonna happen no matter what, right? Hayden: Yeah. Finn: So better to hear it from you, you know? Someone that really cares about them than some outsider that's being brought in to do the deed. Hayden: I just hope Elizabeth understands. [SCENE_BREAK] André: I'm just not sure how helpful I can be. This mystery sounds better suited to a detective than a psychologist. Anna: Perhaps, yeah. Um, I just was thinking, you know, to figure it out might need a little digging. André: Well, do you have any new leads? Anna: Yeah. As a matter of fact, I do. Yeah. I-I remembered this trainee from back in the day who had dealings with Valentin, and, uh... well, you know, the WSB -- they're being very cagy about me accessing files. André: And I assume you've already called Robert. Anna: [Chuckling] Yes. A lot. To his eternal chagrin. And it's not that I really think that this person is gonna be very forthcoming... André: Look. Anna, I'd love to help, I really would, but I can't. Not right now. I'm sorry. [Clears throat] Anna: Oh, I -- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to impose. André: No, no, no. It's not you. Look, I'm honored that you would ask. It's just... I'm going through something personal, and I'm a little off my game right now. Anna: Oh, I'm so sorry. Oh, my God. Here I am, sitting here, blabbing on about Valentin and... what is going on? Are you all right? André: Yeah, I -- I don't want to get into it. Thanks, though. Anna: Are you sure? I mean, if you change your mind... André: You will be my first call. Look, uh, good luck with Valentin. And -- and be careful, okay? Be safe. [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: Okay, so what's your problem with Liv? Sam: I don't have a problem with her. Alexis: Yes, you do. And so does -- I hate to bring him up -- your father. Sam: What, are you trying to get me to like her because he doesn't? Alexis: Kind of. Cheap manipulation. It's the lawyer in me. Sam: Okay. Alexis: So what about Liv rubs you the wrong way? Sam: I don't know, Mom. It's nothing she did or didn't do. I get -- it just -- it was just like a little too much, you know? All at once. Alexis: Yeah, no, I do know that. I felt the same way at first, but... once I got to know her, I sort of just think she's been through a lot, come out the other side, and she's trying to have a positive attitude. Sam: That's good. Alexis: I can use a little of it. I mean, I hope it rubs off on me. Really, she's been nothing but helpful. Sam: Good. If she's good for you, then she's good for me, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Ava: What am I, in the Twilight Zone here? I had nothing to do with planting that bomb, and Jason knows it. Jason: So, uh, this is a recording of Julian talking to his sister. Give it a listen. Dante: What am I gonna find on this recording, Ava? Ava: The hell if I know. I haven't spoken to Julian in a while. Jason: Julian makes it clear that his sister is the one who ordered the bomb. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: The DA dropped the charges, so... Sonny: How did this happen? Jordan: A witness came forward. Someone who was directly, if unwittingly, involved in the bombing. Sonny: So you found out who killed our boy? Jordan: The witness was unaware that they were handling an explosive. However, they named a party who was responsible. Carly: Who was it? Jordan: I can't really get into the specifics right now, and you need to stay out of it. Let us handle it, okay? If anything happens to anyone involved, I'm telling you right now. Sonny: I'm not gonna -- I don't want to go back to jail. Jordan: Good. Listen. As we build the case and it goes to trial, you are going to learn all of the facts. I just wanted to tell you myself I'm not gonna prosecute you. Sonny: Well, I-I appreciate that. Now, what about, uh, this ankle monitor? How do you get that off? Jordan: We've actually deactivated it remotely, so you're free to go wherever you want. You can come by the station tomorrow to have it removed. Carly: [Sighs] Sonny: [Laughs] Wow. I look forward to it. Carly: Hey, we really appreciate you coming by to tell us this in person. Right? Sonny: Mm-hmm. Jordan: You know, this -- it's not the only reason why I came here today. I've always wanted to say to the both of you I am so sorry. I can't take away the misery that you've been through and the misery that you're still going through. But I hope that we can just go forward in peace. Carly: I don't know if that's possible. But it's very kind of you to say. Jordan: I promise the both of you, I am going to do whatever I can to make sure that the person who's responsible for murdering your son pays. [Door closes] Carly: What the hell did you do?! [SCENE_BREAK] Felix: Hey. How'd it go? Elizabeth: It didn't. Bobbie: Why? Did they refuse to hear you or what? Felix: I thought they'd at least listen. Bobbie: What does that mean, exactly, Elizabeth? Elizabeth: It means we need to talk. Where's Amy? Epiphany: She had to go. She's working the late shift. [SCENE_BREAK] Finn: It'll be okay. Hayden: Mm. Tracy: It's about that time. Well? Hayden: [Clears throat] Here goes nothing. Finn: Look, I'll, uh, be here if you need me. Hayden: Thank you. Finn: All right? Hayden: Uh, Nurse Driscoll, would you please join me in the conference room? [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: I went looking for Hayden and overheard her rehearsing a speech she intends on giving tomorrow -- a speech she's gonna repeat to 30% of the nurses. Bobbie: Okay. We can still approach the board. Elizabeth: No, the board is not gonna negotiate. Epiphany: Then there's only one thing left to do. Nurse: Or do you still think it's the last resort, Elizabeth? Elizabeth: No, I'm in. Come tomorrow, the GH nurses are on strike. [SCENE_BREAK] Ava: All right, that's it. Dante, you should arrest your father for coming in here and terrorizing me, and if you don't, I'll go to the mayor. I know she hates Sonny. So what's it gonna be? Dante: Ava, you need to come with me. Ava: What? W-why? Dante: We're gonna sort this out down at the station. Let's go. Ava: [Scoffs] [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: I know an addict's relationship is very personal with their sponsor, but if there's anything that you feel like you can't tell her, and you want to talk to me about it, I'm here for you. Alexis: I think the whole point of having a sponsor is for me to unload on her and not you, but that's very generous. Sam: Mom, I understand that. I'm just saying. You can tell her anything that you want, and you can also tell me anything that you want, as well. Alexis: Thanks. Sam: Of course. Alexis: I may take you up on that at some point. Sam: Okay. [Cell phone rings] Sam: Oh. Excuse me. Alexis: Mm-hmm. Sam: Hey. What's up? [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Do you know what you put me through? I came here in the living room and I found Dante standing there with your ankle monitor in his hand. Brick did it, right? He's the only one besides Spinelli who could remove it without setting off the alarms. Sonny: Why are you so mad? Carly: Mad?! I am way past mad, Sonny! I am furious! And I can't scream at Brick, because he'll say something charming, but I damn sure can scream at you! Sonny: Do you want me to tell you what happened? Carly: No! No, I don't! I want you to listen because I had to do cartwheels and backflips to stop Dante from reporting you as a fugitive! I stood right here, and I lied to your son's face! I told him that you weren't out killing the person that you want to kill, because you love me too much. You love me too much to risk losing me. Sonny: I do love you that much. Carly: Then why did you go?! You found out, right? Did you find out who killed Morgan? Sonny: I'm not sure. Carly: You're not sure? You were sure two hours ago! Sure enough to risk your freedom! To risk being a father to the kids you have left, to messing up whatever it is we're trying to rebuild. Sonny: But I didn't throw it away. 'Cause I'm here. I'm not in jail. Because you covered for me. No matter how pissed you are, you're always gonna do that, and I don't take that for granted. Means a lot to me. Carly: Does it mean more than revenge? Sonny: [Sighs] I -- I didn't take revenge tonight 'cause I wanted to come home. Because I love you. Isn't that enough? Carly: Sonny, don't -- Sonny: No, no, I'm just saying in this minute, isn't that enough? Carly: Shouldn't be enough. Sonny: Forget "shouldn't." Is it enough? Carly: It's enough. It's enough. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Okay. We-we'll talk later. [Exhales sharply] Alexis: What is it? Sam: Uh, Dante brought Ava in for questioning. There's evidence that she killed Morgan. [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia Jerome: Excuse me, I was so hoping that perhaps you could help me. Finn: I can certainly try. What do you need? Olivia: Uh, directions. It's been so long since I've been at this hospital. It's just changed so much. Is obstetrics still on this floor? Finn: Uh, no, actually, it's down on 4. Olivia: Oh! Well, that's wonderful. That's where I'll find Dr. Kelly Lee. [NEXT_ON] Nelle (to Felicia): I don't want to talk about my boyfriend. Lulu (to Valentin): It's time you hear my apology. Jordan (to Julian): Some evidence has come to light that absolves Sonny of all wrongdoing. Anna (sees Olivia Jerome): Excuse me? Ava (to Dante): Whoever it is, it ain't me. Carly (to Sonny): I'm going to find Ava, and I'm going to kill that bitch with my own two hands. | At The Floating Rib, the nurses have all met to discuss the impending layoff's and want to strike |
639 | Macy: Darla, what's going on? Is -- is something wrong? Thorne: She was just surprised by our announcement. Macy: Oh. Oh, Darla, I -- I am so sorry. I mean, it just all happened so fast. I didn't have time to tell anybody. I just -- I can't thank you enough for everything that you've done for us, though. I mean, thanks to you and your advice -- oh, honey, I've never been happier in my life. [SCENE_BREAK] Rick: You have to admit, it was pretty amazing. Amber: It's unbelievable. I mean, April's been in town one week and she already gets a gig on "The Late Late Show." Rick: Well, she was at the right place at the right time. Amber: Yeah, I mean, I just don't want her to think that it's always going to be this easy. You know, she's got a little exposure right now. But if she really wants a career in the music business, she's really gonna have to work for it. Rick: Amber, are you jealous? Amber: Don't be ridiculous. Rick: You are. You're jealous of your sister. [SCENE_BREAK] Deacon: Um, hey. April: I'm cool. Thanks. Deacon: I'm sorry. I don't mean to bother you or anything. I mean, you must get this all the time, but do you know who you look amazingly like? April: Listen, buddy, I'm kinda busy. So, why don't you -- have a seat. Deacon: Wow, this -- I'm sorry, I just -- I saw you from over there across the -- but this is the weirdest thing that I've ever seen in my life. I mean, I know it sounds like a line, but you look exactly like a friend of mine. April: Amber. Deacon: You know her? April: You bet I do. She's my twin. [SCENE_BREAK] Darla: Mace, I know you're happy. That's why I feel so bad. Macy: About what? What? Was it something I said? Darla: Oh, no, no, no. Honey, no, not at all. It's not you. It's me. Thorne: No, no. It's me. It's me. I'm the one who should be really be thanking you, not Macy. Look, you've been a damn good friend to her, don't get me wrong. But, Darla, you have been an incredible friend to me. You were there for me on one of the worst nights of my life -- the night that I thought I lost Macy. I'll never forget your tenderness and your compassion. The way that you reached out and comforted me. You're a special person, Darla. Macy: He's right, sweetie. You really are so important to both of us. Thorne: That's right. And you will always be a part of our lives. And my relationship with Macy will not interfere with your friendship. I know how much that means to you. Darla: You think I'm jealous? Thorne: No, no. Darla: Well, I am. Mace, I know you're happy, sweetie. And I wish I could be, too. Macy: Oh. Darla: When I see the two of you together -- Macy: Oh, Darla. Oh. Oh, honey. Honey, it's okay. It's okay. I understand, I do. But you are going to fall in love someday. You are. Here, look at me. Look at me. Somewhere out there there's a wonderful guy for you. It's okay. Darla: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I don't want to ruin your evening. I'm really sorry. I'm gonna go. [SCENE_BREAK] Amber: I am not jealous of April. Rick: You weren't even the tiniest bit envious watching April on "The Late Late Show" the other night? Amber: Well, she was good, and I was proud of her. But I think you're both making way too big a deal out of this. I mean, it was one song. Nobody even knew who she was and chances are nobody's ever going to. Rick: You don't think she has what it takes. Amber: There is a reason why they call it 15 minutes of fame, Rick. And that's because for pseudo celebrities like April, that's usually about how long it lasts. [SCENE_BREAK] Deacon: I'm sorry. I'm just trying to digest all this. I mean, it -- this is so weird. Knowing that someone out there looks exactly like she -- I mean, the way you look, the two of you look. April: Yeah, there are similarities, but I am definitely hotter. Deacon: See, now right there. Amber used to have attitude like that. April: Amber? Miss "sophistication can be affordable"? Deacon: Yeah, well, the Forresters, they do have a way of sucking the life out of people, don't they? So, anyway, I mean, what was it like when she met you? She must have flipped out. April: Well, you know, it's really been great for the both of us. You know, I mean, you always hear those things about twins -- you know, apart they're half a person, and there's always something missing. I mean, you know, it sounds like bull, but let me tell you, since Amber and I met, my whole life has just turned around, okay? Like last week, I got a gig on "The Late Late Show." Me, April Knight, on national television. Did you see it? Deacon: Oh, no, I didn't see it. I'm sorry. April: Oh, okay. Well, if you're interested, um, I'm gonna be playing all week at "Club S" Deacon: "Club S" over on the strip? April: Oh, yeah. Their booking agent just faxed me over this contract. Do you know how many people got their starts there? Deacon: Oh, yeah. April: Yeah. And me, I would -- I would pay them to have me play there. But they are paying me, and they are paying me good. Deacon: Well, I mean, you know, a tabloid sensation with national coverage. Hell, that would be worth at least five. April: Oh, yeah. And that's what I'm gettin'. Five bills for three days. Deacon: $500? April: Oh, yeah. Deacon: April, honey, that's chump change. They should be paying you at least $5,000. [SCENE_BREAK] Thorne: Where is everybody going? C.J.: Well, we thought you two had snuck off to do a little celebrating of your own, so -- [Laughter] Clarke: Did you find Darla? Macy: Yeah. Yeah, she -- she had to leave. Clarke: What happened? Macy: She was just a little upset. I think she's gonna be all right. Sally: Well, of course she is. And actually, I think Darla had the right idea. So we have decided we are going to leave you two lovebirds alone. Macy: No, no, don't go. Don't. C.J.: Congratulations, Mace. Macy: C.J. Clarke: You guys stay. Have a good time. Thorne: Well, thanks for coming. Macy: Yeah. Sally: Of course. Darling, I want you to know we are all very happy for both of you. Macy: Oh, thank you. Well, thanks -- thanks for coming. Sorry it was so short. C.J.: Me, too. I'm still hungry. Macy: Go eat. Gosh. Thorne: Well, um, it's just you and me, kid. Macy: Oh, that's good. [SCENE_BREAK] [Darla sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Rick: Amber, it's not like you to be so pessimistic. Amber: I just don't want April to set her goals too high. Rick: Because you're afraid she might achieve them? Amber: Stop! Come on, you know that's not true. Rick: Look, it's okay to be a little bit jealous sometimes. Amber: Of what? I have everything I've ever wanted. Rick: Everything except for a singing career. Amber: Honey, nothing is more precious to me than what we have -- our marriage, our family, my work. So, as I see it, April should be the one envying me. [SCENE_BREAK] April: $5,000? Are you crazy? Deacon: No, but you are if you sign this contract. April: Nobody's gonna pay me $5,000 to play in their club. Deacon: Oh, you're absolutely right. I mean, why the hell are they gonna pay you $5,000, when they know they can get you for $500. April: That's over 100 bucks a night. Deacon: Okay, let me ask you this -- is that net or gross? Is that before or after social security? April: Why do I have to worry about that? I'm not retiring. Deacon: Look, all I'm saying is you got to read this thing, front to end, 'cause it sounds to me like you're gettin' jacked. April: I know how to read a contract, okay? Deacon: Let me see this thing. April: It is legit. Deacon: April, you can't sign this piece of crap. This is their standard contract. No, you got to have this whole thing rewritten. April: How do you know so much? Deacon: I used to -- I used to run a club. April: Good for you, but I ain't taking advice from a bartender. I want this gig, and I am going to take it. Hey, yeah. Um, this is April Knight. I was just reading your contract, and -- Deacon: Give me this phone. Give me this. Hey. April: Hey. Deacon: Hello? Yeah, yeah, listen. There's no way that April's signing this contract. No, no, I don't care. No. What you're gonna do if you want her to sign it, is you're gonna rewrite this piece of garbage. Got it? [SCENE_BREAK] Thorne: This party didn't go exactly as planned, huh? Macy: No, no. It was -- it was fine. Thorne: But you wish your family had stayed? Macy: Well, I guess I can't complain about having you all to myself. Thorne: You know, they are happy for you. Macy: Yeah, but what about Darla? Thorne: Give her time. I -- I think we just caught her off guard. Macy: I don't know. I don't know. I think it's something more than that. I mean, she was all behind this relationship ever since Portofino. And then it finally happens for us and she runs out of the restaurant in tears? It just -- [Macy sighs] I don't know. There's something going on with her. It just doesn't make sense. [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock on door] Darla: Thorne. Oh, God. Clarke: Hello. How are you doing? Darla: Clarke, I'm really, really tired. I was just going to bed. Clarke: Macy said you left the party early. And she said you were pretty emotional. Darla: I'm fine. Clarke: What happened? You three were gone for a long time. Darla: They wanted to thank me for being such a great friend to both of them. Clarke: Oh, Darla. I'm sorry. Darla: Please, don't be. It's no big deal. Clarke: Well, you didn't know they'd gotten back together. Darla: Yeah, but I don't know why it should surprise me, huh? It was bound to happen eventually, right? Because Thorne and Macy are meant to be together. Clarke: You and Thorne thought that she chose Lorenzo. Darla: Well, that was a big mistake, wasn't it? Just a big, horrible mistake. [SCENE_BREAK] Deacon: Look, no, no. Listen to me, April -- April: What the hell are you doing? Deacon: April is gonna be bringing a lot of people into your establishment. All right? They're going to be dropping bills at the door, they're gonna be dropping bills at the bar. Jumbo, she's not just doing this to line your pockets. No. She wants a cut. April: Hang up. You are ruining everything. Deacon: Quiet, quiet. I'm on the phone. Rory. Hey, buddy. I understand. I completely empathize. I know advertising costs a lot of money. But you're gonna have to come up. Warmer. Warmer. There you go. There you go. See? Okay, here's what we're gonna do. You fax back the contract to the same number as before, rewritten. And April will sign it, and we've got a deal. April: What happened? What did you do? Deacon: Ow! Ow! Three. April: I told you I was getting five -- five! Deacon: $3,000. April: What? Deacon: By the way, I wasn't just a bartender. I used to manage this place. April: Oh God. You are a genius. You're really good at this. Deacon: Thanks. April: No, thank you. Deacon: Look, it was my pleasure to do it. But do me a favor -- don't tell your sister, all right? She's not exactly my biggest fan. April: Well, I am. [SCENE_BREAK] Clarke: Oh, Darla. Honey -- Darla: Oh, God. Stop, Clarke. Please. Don't -- don't feel sorry for me. I did a terrible thing. Clarke: You didn't know. Darla: I slept with my best friend's husband. Clarke: You thought they'd broken up. Darla: Yeah. And I actually thought that Thorne might have feelings for me. I am the biggest idiot. Clarke: Stop it, okay? Darla: Oh, God. Clarke: Okay? That is not true. Darla: It is true. Thorne was drunk, Clarke, and so was I. And this was a one-night stand and nothing more. Clarke: Is that what Thorne said? Darla: He didn't have to. I saw it in his eyes -- the fear, the regret. He just stood there sweating bullets. Clarke: Well, he should have been. Darla: No. No, he did not mean to betray Macy. And God knows neither did I. Clarke: Then what are you upset about? Darla: You don't get it, do you? Clarke, I finally thought that it was gonna happen for me. All the bad luck with men, all the crappy dates, the jerks that were after one thing, I mean, I put up with it, because I believed that I could find something real out there. All I had to do was keep searching. That night with Thorne, I thought we connected. I finally understood why they called it "making love." And then when he called and left that message, I thought he wanted to have dinner with me because he felt something, too. Yeah, he felt something all right -- regret. God. It was one of the most incredible moments of my life, and if he could it erase it, he would. [SCENE_BREAK] Thorne: You're worried about Darla. Macy: Aren't you? I mean, you saw her, she's just not herself. Thorne: She was emotional. Macy: Yeah, yeah. I think she's jealous. Thorne: You don't believe that? Macy: Well, that's what she said. Thorne: Honey, she wanted us together more than anybody. Macy: Right, right, but she wants that same happiness for herself. Macy: Darla is such a wonderful woman. She deserves to be just as happy as we are. Darla deserves to be in love with someone incredible -- someone sensitive and handsome and honest. Someone just like you. [SCENE_BREAK] [Answering Machine] Thorne: Hey, Darla, it's me again. Just wondering where you are. Look, maybe I didn't make it clear enough earlier, but it's -- it's really important that we talk. See, Macy and I -- well, we're back together. But I'm sure you agree, it's really important she never knows about what happened between the two of us. So that's -- that's something we have to forget -- forever. [Darla sobs] | Clarke checks up on Darla at her apartment and attempts to comfort her |
640 | theresa: Ethan, leave gwen. You love me. Ethan: Theresa -- theresa: You just admitted that we would be married right now if gwen hadn't gotten pregnant. We can still be together. We can have a family together. You can't have a family with gwen. Be a family with me and little ethan. Ethan: You have to listen to me -- theresa: No, listen to me. I know that we belong together. Now, so much has been taken from me. My father disappeared, and my son -- ethan: Your son -- the courts took your son away. Theresa: I know gwen and rebecca used the crane influence, ethan, but the point is if I lost you, I don't know what I would do. Ok, we can have a wonderful life together, ethan. Just come back to me. Gwen: Our babies are dead, ethan. Both of our babies are gone. Ethan: I know. Gwen: How am I supposed to go on? I just don't think I can go on. Ethan: Don't -- don't you say that. Gwen: What -- I mean, what am I going to do? You know, we lost sarah. Now we lost the twins, and I'm never going to be a mother thanks to theresa? You selfish bitch. I am going to kill you! Ugh! Die! I hate you! Ugh! Ivy: I don't mean to put you on the spot, whitney. You are a lovely, intelligent, young woman. But you have been through a great deal lately. I mean, finding out that the man you love is your half brother. I -- whitney: Yeah, yeah, it was traumatic. Ivy: I can't even imagine the shock. So you can understand my curiositybout how you came to be in love with my son so soon after such a traumatic experience. I'm not attacking you. It's just -- he's my son, and I'm concerned about his happiness. Whitney: Well, of course you are. I mean, I understand why you would be worried about him. Ivy: No, I didn't say "worried." No, I just -- I just want to make sure you're not on the rebound, that's all. Fox: Well, don't worry about it, mother. That's not whitney, ok? She'd never take advantage of someone like that. She's far too honest. She doesn't have a deceptive bone in her body. Whitney: No, fox, it's -- it's ok. I mean, I understand your mother's concern. But you know what? I want to assure you that you don't have anything to worry about. If it seems like I'm in a hurry to move on with my life and with fox, it's -- it's because I love him and ion't want to lose him. Fox: Well, don't worry about it because it's not going to happen. Whitney: I want to be with you every day, every moment from now on, ok? And I also want to make sure no other girl comes along and snatches you up. Fox: Well, that's impossible because I love you now and forever. Tabitha: Well done, whitney. You survived ivy's scrutiny very nicely. You and your little bun in the oven may well live to see another day. [Tabitha chuckles] Tabitha: But you better hurry up. You won't be able to hide that bulge in your belly for very much longer. Oh, my, my, endora. What has happened to our little hamlet, huh? Huh, it isn't very harmonious, is it? All that heartache and all that pain -- it positively makes our day, doesn't it? It's almost better than going to a double feature at the pictures -- oh, if they still had double features. Oh, well. Moving right along. Should we check up and see what luis and sheridan are up to, huh? [Endora babbles] Luis: Tell me about my father. You said that you knew him. Martin: Yes. Luis: All right, well, tell me what you know. What happened to him? Martin: Luis, calm down. I'll tell you everything I can about your father, everything. Sheridan: Mrs. Wheeler, please, tell me what my father did to my mother. I need to know. Katherine: He was cruel to her, very cruel. Sheridan: Tell me what he did to her. I need to know. Katherine: Yes, you do. I'll tell you everything you want to know about your mother. Singer: I would hold the hand of the one who could lead me places and kiss the lips of the one who could sing so sweet and i would fly on the wings of the bird I knew could take me highest breathe in, breathe out you keep me alive you are the fire burning inside of me you are my passion for life ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú|ú| Sheridan: You said that my father was cruel to my mother. Katherine: Yes. Does that surprise you? Sheridan: Not really. I've been having dreams lately, memories of my father treating my mother badly, yelling at her, hurting her physically. Why did she stick around, though? Why didn't she do something to help herself? Katherine: Oh. Here. Sheridan, nobody knows better than you that your father's power reaches far and wide. If your mother even suggested that she was leaving him, he would threaten her with that power and then he would punish her, treating her even worse than he had before. Sheridan: My poor mother. Katherine: There was no end to the cruelty that he subjected her to and to the children. It was as if he took some pleasure out of tormenting them. Young sheridan: Mommy -- [Katherine gasps] Young sheridan: What are you doing? Katherine: Oh, sheridan, sweetheart. I'm packing. I'm going on a little business trip with your father, but I'll only be gone a couple of days. Young sheridan: Please don't go, mommy. I don't want you to go. Katherine: Oh, honey, it's all right. It's really only just for a couple of days, sweetheart. It's all right. Alistair: Katherine, what are you doing? Our plane leaves for palm beach in an hour! Katherine: Alistair, perhaps I should stay home this time. Alistair: Nonsense. The wives of all the division C.E.O.S will be there. You have to set an example. What's the matter with her? Katherine: She's upset, alistair. She's upset that I'm going. She's young. I hate to leave her. Alistair: That's ridiculous. She's a crybaby! She has to learn to stand on her own two feet! Katherine: She's a child. Young sheridan: Please don't go, mommy! Alistair: Stop that whining right now! You're a crane -- act like one! Now, go back to your room so your mother can finish packing. Young sheridan: Mommy! Katherine: Alistair, please! Alistair: Katherine, I'm warning you! Katherine: Please let me stay with her, alistair! Alistair: Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you? I'm not a fool, katherine. I'm not going to leave you here to cat around town, not after that embarrassing display at the country club last night where you were falling all over that man! Katherine: I wasn't! I didn't! Alistair: Shut up! Finish packing! We're leaving as soon as I get back! Young sheridan: Mommy! Katherine: Your mother hated leaving you, sheridan. But alistair gave her no choice. Sheridan: I can see, I mean, how much of what happened to my mother, how much it hurts you. Katherine: Yes, it does. As I said, we were close, very close. Luis: Well, let's hear it. Tell me what you know about my father. Martin: Your father was a very troubled man. Luis: Troubled by what? Martin: Many things. You know, he was -- he was a man with a conscience. He believed in god and he was always trying to do the right thing. He just kind of got caught up in a web of evil -- the crane web. Luis: I knew it. I always suspected that alistair had something to do with my father's disappearance. He did, didn't he? Martin: Yes. Alistair had everything to do with your father's disappearance. Luis: I knew it. ñ@ @ ç ç embarrassing thing Ivy: Well, you certainly seem happy. Fox and whitney: We are. [Ivy chuckles] Ivy: And you're certainly on the same wavelength. Fox: Yeah, I mean, I guess you could say that. It's something I've been dreaming about for a long time. Ivy: Yeah. You said you've had feelings for whitney for a while. Fox: Almost since the first time I saw you. Ivy: And you didn't try to move in on her? That just doesn't sound like the fox I know. Fox: Well, let's be honest -- you really don't know me all that well, mother. I'm not my father. Ivy: Thank god. So, you just hid your feelings? Whitney: He never said a word to me, ivy. I mean, as I said, I never would've known fox was in love with me if theresa hadn't overheard him and told me. Ivy: And you were fighting your feelings for fox all that time. Whitney: Yeah. That's right. I mean -- I mean, I felt awful because here I am about to marry chad and I'm fighting all these feelings I'm having for fox. Ivy: And then when the whole thing exploded with chad, you felt free to return fox's love. Whitney: That's right. This is terrible. This is how big I could possibly be at three months? I got to hurry if I'm going to pass chad's baby off as fox'S. Fox: I feel so lucky to have you. Whitney: Believe me, I'm the lucky one. Fox: You know, there was a time when I didn't think I'd have a chance with you. I mean, it hurt so bad seeing you with chad. You know, I -- I thought dating theresa would make the pain go away, but it didn't really work out that way. Ivy: Thank god. My son with theresa -- that would've been a fate worse than death. Theresa: Ethan, don't deny it. I can see on your face -- you want to be with me. You want to be with me and little ethan and our children. Ethan: Our children? Theresa, those children you're carrying -- they're going to die. They're going to die unless you let dr. Russell take one of them. Theresa: No. No, see, god is going to take care of it. He's going to make sure that they both live because god wants us to be together. Ethan: You have to -- you have to stop this. You, you're -- you're trying to create something that isn't there. Theresa: No, it is there. Ethan, I know that you have a responsibility to gwen. I know that you feel you have an obligation to her, but you can't build a life on that, ethan. It's not fair to you and it's not fair to gwen. Ethan: Theresa, I love gwen. I love her. I'd loved her before I even met you. I -- I don't want to be cruel about this, but it seems like you turn your back on reality all the time. And reality is, is I'm married to gwen. Theresa: The reality is we would be married if gwen hadn't gotten pregnant. Ethan, I know that you love gwen. I know you loved her before we met. But we did meet, and you fell madly, passionately in love with me. You felt things with me that you've never felt with gwen and you know this. Just, remember the last time that we made love. Ethan: The last time? The last time, you tricked me into sleeping with you, theresa. You disguised yourself as gwen. I thought you were gwen. Theresa: You knew it was me. Stop lying to yourself, ethan. Stop pretending that you're happy when you're not. The only way you're going to be happy is if you leave gwen and you come back to me. Ethan: No, you're wrong. You're wrong. Theresa: Ethan, I'm not wrong. I know I can make you happy. I know I can give you everything that you've ever wanted. I can give you as many children as you want. Just follow your heart. Come back to me. Gwen: You are going to die! Ethan: Gwen, stop it! Gwen: I hate you! Ethan: Stop it, stop it! Gwen: Get off of me, ethan! She has to die! Ethan: This is crazy, all right? Killing theresa is not going to solve anything. It won't bring our babies back, ok? Gwen: I know it is not, ethan, but this bitch has hurt us for the last time. She could've saved one of our babies' lives and she wouldn't do it, would she? The selfish bitch killed both of our babies! You are going to be charged with first-degree murder, theresa! I want to see you fry! Do you hear me? Oh, my god. Theresa's going to kill both my babies -- I have to stop her. singer: Y are my passion for life sheridan: How could my father be so cruel to my mother? So cruel to his own children? Katherine: Because he was hateful to the core. He made your mother's life miserable. She wasn't anything but property to him, chattel, someone to abuse mentally, emotionally, physically, someone to yell at. He never had a kind word to say to her. Sheridan: She was obviously terrified of him. It's no wonder she stayed. Katherine: She was -- she was beaten down, sheridan. She had no belief in her own self-worth. Sheridan: It's just so hard to hear this. It just -- it breaks my heart. Katherine: Mine, too. I'm sorry that I've gone on like this. Sheridan: No. No, I -- I want to hear this. I was told that my mother got sick after I was born, which means that my father continued to abuse her, even though she was sick. Katherine: Sheridan, your mother was sick at heart. She tried to be strong enough to stand up to alistair. She couldn't fight it, though. He had too much power. In the end, she lost everything. Sheridan: My poor mother. I just wish I could've done something. Katherine: Oh. You were just a child, sheridan. There's one thing you need to know above all else -- your mother loved you and julian with her whole heart and soul. There was nothing in this world more important to her than the two of you. She tried to protect you from your father, but she failed. It was like no matter what she did, she couldn't -- she couldn't win. Alistair always won. Always. Oh -- tabitha: Of course alistair always won. He's evil personified. He isn't a witch, exactly, but he's definitely one of us. You know, endora, I knew katherine when she was married to alistair. Oh, she was such a blinking goody- goody, always trying to make people happy, always trying to do good deeds -- sick-making. Hmm. But all those years down mexico way seem to have done her good. She's come around to the dark side, in a way. I mean, she tells lie after lie. She's almost as dishonest as alistair himself. Hmm. And what about martin fitzgerald? Who knew he had such a black heart? Well, of course, it was incredibly selfish of him to leave his simpering wife, pilar, and their five brats and run off with alistair crane's wife, but -- well, I don't know. Maybe they deserve each other after all. Hmm? [Tabitha giggles] Luis: You know, I always suspected that alistair had something to do with my father's disappearance. But I never had any proof. Martin: So you thought that he abandoned you and your family? Luis: You know, what else was I supposed to think? All those years went by, and we never heard from him, and -- I'll tell you, I never wanted to believe that my father could just abandon his family, but -- you know, it just became harder and harder. Martin: Luis, your father loved you very much -- all of his children. And he loved your mother, too. But he had to leave. He had no choice. Luis: Well, why? What happened? What did -- what did alistair do to him? Martin: It's a long, complicated story. Luis: Well, I'm not going anywhere, ok? Now, look, first of all, did -- did alistair -- did he kill him? Martin: No. Alistair didn't kill him. And he never wanted to leave his family. But as I said before, he was forced to go. He had no choice. Luis: Oh. Then, so -- so he left me. He -- he left me and my mother and all my brothers and sisters, huh? Martin: Yes. Luis: He wasn't killed? Martin: No. Luis: So, what happened to him? Is he -- is he dead now? Martin: No. He's very much alive. Luis: Oh -- my father's alive. Hey, it's me,your crock-pot slow cooker. Ivy: It just must have been devastating to find out that chad was your brother, especially when you were planning on getting married. Whitney: Well, yeah. It was horrible. I mean, it still is. But I did not turn to fox on the rebound. As I was saying, I was fighting my feelings for him before I even knew chad and I couldn't be together anymore. Fox: And I know you must've been devastated to find out that my father and your mother had a child together and -- and then to find out that that child was chad. Ivy: Oh, julian -- the man never ceases to amaze me. I lived with him for, what, over 20 years and he never said a word about being in love with eve. Well, I just found out myself recently. Hmm. Fox: I knew that whitney was heartbroken and I was really questioning whether I should go to you with my heart on my sleeve. Whitney: I'm so glad you did. Fox: I mean, you could've totally rejected me. But I couldn't spend the rest of my life without taking a chance. Whitney: Well, I just have to say I'm sorry for being mean to you all those times. Ivy: You were mean? Fox: Um -- whitney: Yeah, I was. I was mad at fox for being in love with me. I know that sounds crazy but, you know, I -- I was just upset over everything that was happening with chad, and I thought fox was going to be just like his father. I thought he was going to abandon me like julian abandoned my mom. Fox: I'd never do that. Whitney: I know that now. You're such a good man. You raised a wonderful son, ivy. Ivy: I think he's wonderful, too. But I can't take any of the credit for that. Fox and his sisters were raised in boarding schools while his father and I jet-setted our lives away. What a waste. And how cruel we were to leave your sisters and you to be raised by headmasters and mistresses. But now that you're living with sam and me -- well, I hope I can take some of that pain away and -- and make up for lost time. I hope you'll let me be the mother that I never was. Fox: Well, I think I'd like that. Ivy: Good. It's going to be so much fun getting to know each other and, whitney, you've just turned into such a wonderful young woman and you're such a fine young man and you're starting out your life the way you should, the right way -- with no secrets between you. Theresa: Ethan, I knoyou're married to gwen, but you don't have to spend the rest of your life with a woman out of duty. You don't have to spend the rest of your life married to a woman that you don't love. Ethan: I do love her. I told you that over and over. Theresa: No, ethan -- ethan: I don't want to hurt you. God knows I don't want to hurt you, but you have to let go of this idea that we're going to be together. Theresa: Could you just stop being so noble and think about what you're feeling? Ethan: The world doesn't just turn on -- on feelings, ok? There's other things. There's -- there is honor, there's integrity. Theresa: Could you for one moment think about how it would be if we were together? Ethan, I need you. My babies need you. Ethan: The babies -- the babies are going to die. They're going to die if you don't go through with this procedure. I am begging you, please. Theresa, let gwen have the chance to be a mother. Let gwen have a child. You just said you can have as many as you want. Give us one. Theresa: Leave me alone. Ethan: I can't do that until you agree to do this procedure. Theresa: I don't even know how you can ask me to do this. They're my flesh and blood, ethan -- they're your flesh and blood. I don't even know how you can ask me to do this. Ethan: Theresa, theresa? I know this is breaking your heart. This is breaking my heart, too, but think about this. You could have the opportunity to give one child life. You could give birth to one beautiful baby. Theresa: And you don't know how much I want that. Ethan: I know. So, think about it. Really, think about it. You can either deliberately let two little souls go and -- and die. Or you could give birth to one beautiful, healthy little baby. You can watch that baby grow. You can watch that baby mature and have a meaningful life. It's all up to you. Theresa: I don't know what to do, ethan. Ethan: I know. So I want you to think about what I said. I want you to follow your conscience on this. Do what you think is best. Gwen: Hey, what are you doing? You are telling her to follow her conscience and do what she thinks is best? You son of a bitch, ethan! How could you do this? Ethan: Stop! Stop it! Gwen: How could you do this? [Playful chase music] Sheridan: I can see that this is hard for you, too, but can you go on? Can you tell me more about my mother? Katherine: Yes. You must have a million questions. Sheridan: Oh. Yes, I do. I have so many memories, but they're all so vague because she died when I was so young. Katherine: Yes, you were so young. But you know, she spent every spare moment she could with you and julian when she could get away from alistair, which wasn't easy because he was so demanding. Sheridan I'm not surprised. Katherine: She loved to read you stories, you and julian? And sometimes, you would play this game together where you'd make up stories together. Sheridan: Oh. Katherine: So, once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess and her name was sheridan! Young sheridan: Like me! Katherine: Yes! Like you, that's right. So, it was a bright and sunny day and beautiful princess sheridan decided to take a walk in the forest. So she's walking in the forest and she has her basket and she's picking the beautiful flowers, putting them in her basket and having a wonderful time, and all of a sudden, the sky opens up and it's dark and stormy and it starts to rain! It's your turn now. Young julian: So princess sheridan started to run away and she ran deeper and deeper into the forest and she was soaking wet because she didn't take her umbrella. And she had to dodge the lightning so she wouldn't get electrocuted. And all of a sudden, she was lost. She didn't know which way to go. And all of a sudden, a big, giant ogre jumped out from underneath the bridge and said boo! Katherine: Oh! Young sheridan: Mommy! [Katherine laughs] Katherine: Oh, julian. Don't scare your little sister like that. Young julian: Oh, I was just trying to make the story interesting. Katherine: Ok, sheridan, it's your turn now. Young sheridan: I don't like ogres. Katherine: I don't like ogres, either. Well, so what if it was a handsome knight with shining armor who comes to rescue you? Young sheridan: Yes. A handsome knight comes galloping on a big, white horse and he frightens the ogre away. Young julian: Boring. Young sheridan: And then the handsome knight tells the princess his name and he invites the princess to come back to his castle for a ball. It's a beautiful place with towers and a moat. Katherine: Oh. Sheridan: With a drawbridge. And the knight falls madly in love with the princess, and they lived happily ever after. Huh. I remember that story. God, I remember how angry julian was with me for coming up with such a happy, nice ending. He, of course, wanted the fire-breathing dragon to attack the village and eat everyone. Katherine: He always loved that action stuff. Sheridan: Yeah. Thank you. Thank you so much for reminding me of that day, for reminding me how wonderful my mother was. I feel so close to her again. Thank you. Katherine: Oh. Tabitha: Oh! Silly mortals. What's wrong with ogres, I'd like to know. Some of my best friends are ogres. Well, I'll never understand these mortal women and their taste in men. Julian was the best storyteller, for my money. Did you recognize him, endora? That was your very own father when he was young. Thank you. Oh, he always had great promise. Let's tune in to luis and martin. I have a feeling the senior fitzgerald is about to get an earful from junior. [Tabitha chuckles] Luis: You're positive that my father's still alive? Martin: Yes. Positive. Luis: Then I don't understand. Why didn't he ever contact us? Why didn't he ever write my mother or let us know that he was alive? Why hasn't he ever made an effort to come home? Martin: Because -- he couldn'T. Luis: He couldn't? He -- why the hell not? Ok. All right, you know, I could understand if alistair was threatening his life. But why not call? Or get in touch with us, huh? I mean, why the total silence for all these years? My mother broke her back trying to keep our family together after he left -- you know that? Martin: I know. Luis: You know, she -- oh. She -- she never gave up hoping that he was still alive. She lit a candle. You know, she would pray that he would come home every night -- she still does. Martin: Luis, your father never stopped thinking about her, either. Luis: Well, then, I -- I don't understand. You know, what kind of a man never offers to help his family after all those years? Martin: Now, I'm sure that it'll all become clear to you in time. Luis: Yeah. Well, it damn well better. Oh, got a cold? Ivy: Oh, this -- this is going to be so much fun. You know, I'm going to go get us something to celebrate with. Fox: Sounds good to me. Whitney: Ok. [Ivy giggles] Fox: Well -- whitney: Oh, my god, I'm so relieved. Fox: About what? Whitney: Well, your mother finally seems to be warming up to me a little bit. Fox: Of course she's warming up to you. Why would anyone not love you, whitney? You're wonderful. You're charming, you're smart, you're beautiful. Whitney: Ok -- please. Please stop saying those things about me. Fox: Why? Why? They're all true. You're perfect. Whitney: No, fox, I'm not perfect, ok? In fact, um, there's something I have to tell you, something very important. Fox: Sounds kind of serious. What is it? Luis: You see, I -- I don't know if I believe you. Because if my father is still alive, then -- see, that means that he -- he stayed away on purpose, and he deliberately ignored me and my mother and all of us. How could he do that? Martin: Like I said, you'll understand soon. Luis: Well, why don't you make me understand right now? All right, now you said that my father was a man of god? A man with a conscience? You see, I'm having a hard time believing that right now, mr. Wheeler, because a man with a conscience wouldn't just abandon his damn family! Martin: There's more to the story than meets the eye, luis. Luis: The "story"? What is this story? All right, I'm telling you, I need to know everything and I need to know it now! Martin: I can't explain it, pal. I know you have a lot of questions, luis, but it's better if you come with me. You can learn the truth with your own eyes. Luis: Come with you? Where? Martin: I'll show you everything you need to know at the crane estate. Luis: At the crane estate? What the hell is at the crane estate? Martin: You'll see. Just come with me and you'll find out. Sheridan: You have made my mother come alive by telling me these stories. Thank you so much. Katherine: This is only the beginning. There's so much more for you to know, sheridan. Sheridan: What oh, tell me, please. Gwen: How could you do this to me, ethan? Ethan: Just stop -- gwen, stop it. Calm down. Gwen: I'm not going to calm down! Ethan: Listen, I'll explain it to you outside. Come here. Gwen: What are you going to explain to me? I know what I heard! Ethan: You came in on the tail end of a conversation. I was just trying to get her to go through with the termination, all right? Gwen: Yeah, well, did you? Ethan: No, not yet -- gwen: No, of course you didn'T. Otherwise, you would not be leaving the decision up to her. Ethan, she hates me! You know that she hates me! She is going to kill our babies because she hates me! She's never forgiven me for winning you back after she stole you away! She is ruthless and you know that! And now, now because she can't have you, ethan, now she's going to kill our babies! Ethan: Gwen, she is -- listen. I was begging her to go through with this procedure so we could at least save one of the babies. Gwen: Well, that would entail theresa actually thinking of someone other than herself, and you and I both know that she's not capable of that. It is not even in her to think of anyone other than herself! Ethan: I think she is desperately trying to do the right thing here. Gwen: Oh, "the right thing." You know what, ethan? I had a dream, but I know it was a premonition. I dreamt that theresa didn't go through with her procedure and you know what happened? Both babies died! Both of my babies died because of that little slut! Ethan: Gwen, it was a dream! Gwen: You know what? It's coming true because here you are -- you are putting theresa first just like you always put her first. You are telling her to do what she thinks is best? What about me -- ethan: Gwen, please -- gwen: And what i think is best? Please what? My god! Please just forget that the only thing in this world that I want is to hold a baby in my arms, my own baby! Is that too much to ask? And now you're telling her, you are telling her to do whatever she wants with my babies! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! Theresa: Dr. Russell, please. It's theresa lopez-fitzgerald. Yeah, hi, dr. Russell. Yes, I've made up my mind. I know exactly what I have to do about these babies. Luis: I don't understand. Martin: You will, I promise. Soon everything will become clear. Gwen: I hate you so much for putting theresa first again. Eve: Have you come to some decision about the babies? Theresa: Yeah, and there's nothing anyone can say that's going to make me change my mind. Sam: I have some important news for you. | He continued to try to convince Theresa to abort one of the babies so the other would be able to live, and just as he was telling her to think about what is right and let her conscience be her guide, Gwen walked in and blasted him for leaving it up to her |
641 | Brooke: Well, there's a pork chop. Ridge: I told you -- I didn't come by here to be fed. Brooke: Did you have dinner yet? Ridge: No. How -- How do you just have a pork chop in the fridge? What kind of fridge is that? Brooke: Oh, Maya likes to buy one extra of everything. It's kind of like leaving cookies for Santa. Paté. Ridge: I don't like pâté. What is that? Brooke: Oh, this... Ridge: Yeah. Brooke: ...is tapenade. Ridge: Oh. Brooke: But it's Rick's. Ridge: Should be really good, then. We'll have that. Thank you. Brooke: Uh... [Laughs] Ridge: And maybe some bread. You have bread here? Brooke: Well, what brings you by on a school night? Hmm? Ridge: I came to check on you. Brooke: Caroline is otherwise engaged? Ridge: Yeah, that, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Caroline: You sure this isn't a bad time? Thomas: To see my son and his lovely mother? Not at all. Where's Dad? He didn't come? Caroline: Oh, I think we, uh -- we all agreed that you should have some time with Douglas that's just your time. Thomas: One of the benefits of moving into the loft. That and avoiding the awkwardness of being at the house and everything that happened. Plus, I get to hang out with this little guy. I can't wait for you guys to come over. Caroline: It was nice of your father to agree to that. Thomas: Oh, thank you for coming to see me, Mr. D. I appreciate that. Caroline: We needed to step out anyway, 'cause there's, uh -- there's goings- on at the house that deserve a little bit of privacy. [SCENE_BREAK] Sasha: Well, I mean, now that Nicole doesn't object anymore, will we really be working together? Zende: I shoot what they tell me to shoot. Sasha: I mean, I could be a foot model. Zende: You're done for the day, right? Sasha: Uh, yeah, actually. And -- And you have plans with Nicole. [SCENE_BREAK] Julius: What are you talking about, baby? You just got here. Vivienne: Besides, your father and I had planned on inviting you out to dinner. Nicole: Oh, Mom, that's really nice, but I can't. Zende says he has special plans for us tonight. Vivienne: Oh, where are you going? Maybe we can join you. Julius: Viv, uh, I think if the girl can have a baby on her own, she can have a burger on her own, too, don't you think? [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: Well, I've got to get started on my hair, because Zende said he's gonna pick me up from here. Vivienne: Here? Nicole: Mm-hmm. That's what he said. Julius: You gonna be wearing your work clothes? [Knock on door] Nicole: That can't be him already. Julius: Oh, can I help you? Nicole: Sawyer? Sawyer: Zende asked me to drop this off for you. Nicole: Thank you. Uh, Mom, Dad, this is Sawyer. We work at Forrester together. Vivienne: Oh, hi. [Horns honking] Sawyer: Sorry, I'm double-parked. Julius: Nice to have met you. Nicole: Mom, let me see. Vivienne: Wow. That Zende is one special young man. Nicole: [Chuckles] [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: I thought, uh, giving Thomas the loft was a good idea. He can rehearse being a dad. Brooke: [Sighs] Well, you're really some kind of hero, welcoming Thomas into that little boy's life. Ridge: Uh, no. I don't -- I don't, uh, think I'm a hero at all. Katie, maybe. She always sees things a lot clearly than I do. She makes the right choices. You know, maybe not in choosing a husband, but that's, uh -- that's love, I guess. You okay? [SCENE_BREAK] Sasha: Wow. I mean, are you -- are you taking Nicole to a premiere? [Chuckles] Zende: You know, it might be wise for you not to worry about what me and Nicole are doing. Sasha: You look very handsome. That's all I was saying. Hey, um, actually, can I get your professional opinion about something? What's -- What's wrong with these photos? Why does it look different when I shoot with Luis? Zende: Sasha, look -- Sasha: Look, forget about the lingerie, okay? I can't help what they have me shoot in. Zende: Let me see. Well, he, um -- He doesn't know how to light you. Sasha: Really? That's it? Zende: Yeah. I'll have Maureen come and do the light setup. She knows exactly what to do. Sasha: Okay. Thank you. You know, to be honest, I wish I was shooting with you. And maybe one day, I will. Have fun tonight. Zende: Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Thomas: I wonder if Zende and Nicole will be able to get it back. Caroline: Well, it seems like it. Why wouldn't they? Thomas: Having a baby changes you, right? Caroline: I think it's different for everyone. It's not really for me to say. Thomas: Is it okay if I bounce him just a little bit? Caroline: Yeah, just not a full tummy, unless you want to get spit-up on. Thomas: I would love to have him throw up on me. It would be like my "Dad" merit badge. It'd be great. Caroline: [Laughs] You're funny. Thomas: Has he met his cousin Lizzy yet? Caroline: Uh...it might be a while before that happens, seeing as their fathers are never in the same place at the same time if they can help it. I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean fathers. I just meant Ridge and Rick. [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: Katie's been upset with you before. Brooke: Not like this. Ridge: But you guys worked it out. Brooke: That was then. Ridge: Does she know that you guys didn't, um...? Brooke: Sleep together? That's a technicality, she says, and I have to agree with her. What was on the table -- a future for Bill and me -- that's an even bigger betrayal. Ridge: But you didn't put that on the table. Bill did, right? Brooke: I made it very clear to him that there's no future for us. Even though I was hoping that he would persuade me otherwise. Ridge: What are you doing? What are -- You know what kind of man you're dealing with -- a man that would steal a child from its mother. Brooke: Yes, and Katie's beside herself, but I can't get involved. Ridge: I guess you probably think that I'm no better than him. Brooke: Your situation with Douglas is completely different. And I think you're better than just about anybody. [SCENE_BREAK] Vivienne: Don't you dare. Julius: Uh, listen, I was excited. I just thought I'd get a little putting in. Vivienne: No, well, you get excited and respectable when Zende gets here, and don't forget to tell your daughter how beautiful she looks when she comes out. Julius: That baby girl has been as beautiful as she could possibly be from the day she was born, just like her mama. [Chuckles] Although, I don't know what was wrong with her hair. Looked fine to me to begin with. [Knock on door] Julius: Hey. You got a haircut. Vivienne: [Chuckles] Zende: Mr. Avant. Julius: Come on in. Vivienne: Hi. Zende: Hi. Vivienne: Wow. Zende: Good to see you. Vivienne: Good to see you. I like your haircut. Julius: Man, look at you, son. Back in the day, we would say you was clean as a preacher's son. [Laughter] Zende: Thank you. Is, uh -- Is Nicole around? Vivienne: Oh, yes, she is. That gown you sent over here -- Oh, my God. It's to die for. Julius: Yeah, we can discuss that a little bit later. Vivienne: Oh, don't embarrass the boy. Zende: [Chuckles] It's -- It's fine. Look, I get it. Vivienne: [Gasps] Oh, honey. Nicole: Sorry to keep you waiting. Zende: Wow. Look at you. You're just as beautiful as I first saw you. Nicole: Why is it so dark? Is this a dinner party? Zende: Exactly. Nicole: Well, why didn't you tell me? Will I know anybody? Zende: Everybody. Nicole: Like who? Zende: Uh... Let's see. There's me, you. Let me think, uh... That's it. Nicole: Really? Thank you. I can't believe you did all this for me. Zende: I want to make up for lost time. Let's not lose any more. [SCENE_BREAK] Vivienne: We have the most beautiful, caring, talented daughters in the world. Julius: I agree. Vivienne: To see those two together again -- I mean, you can't deny -- love is in the air. Julius: But where does it go? Where does it go, Viv, when you -- when you cause somebody pain and they -- and they won't let you back in? Vivienne: I'm trying, Julius. Isn't that what you always say? "I'm doing my best." Julius: You know what I mean. What I'm trying to say is that I want us to be husband and wife again. Vivienne: What else would we be, for heaven's sake? Julius: You know what I mean. Vivienne: [Sighs] I'm trying, Julius. I'm really, really trying. [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: So, Thomas will be living at your place in Venice? Ridge: Yeah, and he'll have overnights with Douglas when he's ready, um, weekends, whatever he wants. Brooke: How does that sit with you? Ridge: Oh, it sits great. Fine. Everything's fine. No, it's not fine. It's -- I'm nervous about it. [Sighs] Brooke: Did you tell Caroline? Ridge: I don't have to say anything to Caroline. She knows me better than anybody, except maybe you. Brooke: What is it, exactly, that makes you so nervous? Ridge: I don't know. Giving up the loft, maybe. You know, there's a lot of memories there. I painted there. I brood there. And I thought maybe one day, Caroline and I would move back in there when Dad throws me out of the house when he finds out about Douglas' paternity. Brooke: Eric will never throw you out of your mother's house. Ridge: Well, he didn't throw me out. He didn't. But he fired me. [SCENE_BREAK] Thomas: Now, see, that's -- that's something that I can't do. Caroline: Yes. It's why he takes me everywhere with him. I'm -- I'm like a giant lunch bag. [Chuckles] Thomas: You know what? I'm just gonna make a book of all the crazy things that you say to have for Douglas when he's older. Caroline: Oh, so you two can just basically laugh at me for the rest of time? Thomas: Yeah. Pretty much. Yeah. Caroline: [Chuckles] Thomas: And also, it'll give me kind of a duty. I feel like dads don't do very much. "Yes, Thomas. They do lots of things. They're great for taking family photos and fixing leaky faucets. It's great." Caroline: I'm just -- I'm kind of the wrong person to ask. I-I didn't have one, so I didn't really miss it. Thomas: Yeah, that's right. Huh. Caroline: You were the first person to know that, remember? Thomas: Yeah. Yeah, I was -- I was really surprised when your moms came out to me. Caroline: So, we're just gonna have to figure out this whole fatherhood thing as we go. Thomas: By the way, I am terrible at fixing leaky faucets. Caroline: I kind of had a feeling. Thomas: Yeah. But I can -- I can -- I can call a plumber like nobody's business, just... Caroline: [Chuckles] [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: Rick didn't tell me about that. Ridge: He was probably too upset. I guess he thought he was gonna replace me himself. Brooke: But he's not a designer. Besides, nobody can replace you. Ridge: Mm, yes. So, I'm gonna keep designing. But Dad is CEO. Brooke: Oh, God. I am sorry. Ridge: It's all right. Been there before, on the outside, looking in. Brooke: If you say so. I just wonder... Ridge: How I'm gonna deal, being an outsider in my own marriage? I've been wondering that myself. [SCENE_BREAK] Thomas: Do you think he's tired? I feel like he's just a little bit tired, right? Caroline: You know, sometimes, when he falls asleep, he does, like, these really cute little baby snores. Thomas: Oh, my God. Do it for me. So cute! Caroline: [Chuckles] But he only does it when he wants to be really adorable. Thomas: Yeah. Do you think he's -- He's comfortable with me, right? Like, he -- he feels -- he feels comfortable. Caroline: Sometimes, he nods off when he's feeding. I mean, could you imagine that? Babies are so decadent. Like, whatever feels good, they just want all the time. Thomas: Oh, my God. I-I never outgrew that stage. He's definitely a chip off the old block. Caroline: [Chuckles] Thomas: Aren't you? Caroline: Well, he could do worse. Thomas: Yeah. [Smooches] Hey, what's going on? Caroline: It's nothing. You just know, like, moments that you think that can never happen, and...then they do. [SCENE_BREAK] Julius: Now, remember, you don't want to hit the ball. Vivienne: Uh-huh. Julius: You just want to try to roll it into the hole. Vivienne: Oh. Julius: Ready? Go ahead. Vivienne: You made me miss. Julius: [Laughs] That's all right. Listen, you can't expect to be as good as me just starting. Vivienne: Oh, you just want to be an expert at everything, huh? Julius: [Laughs] Hey, Viv... Vivienne: What? Julius: Wasn't it nostalgic to see our little Cinderella going out with her Prince Charming today? Vivienne: I don't remember us ever being that young. And we were not ever that pretty. Julius: [Chuckles] See, that goes to show you just how much you don't know. I remember when I would walk you home from the concerts in the park, and, uh, all the fellas would just be watching your every step, even Old Man Baptiste used to be peeping out the window. [Chuckles] And I would think to myself how lucky I am to have this beautiful woman at my side. [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: [Chuckles] Wow. You really went all out. Zende: I want to show you something. Nicole: [Chuckles] Nicole: It's beautiful. Zende: And it's all ours tonight. Nicole: I think there may be a few million people out there that might disagree. Zende: Nobody really owns anything. That's the way I see it, anyway. My birth parents had a home, two cows, an old car that they were always repairing, plans for the future. It went away so fast. Nobody really owns anything. The things that you call yours are the things that you belong to. You know, I think that's -- that's all we really get to do -- give ourselves to the things that we love. I give myself to you. Look, I hope you know I admire your strength and generosity. You bring out the best in me. Nicole: I do know. And I appreciate you taking the time to make sure that I know. This is crazy. Everything that's happened to me since I moved here has been crazy. Reuniting with Maya and all that we went through. My parents are here now. And Lizzy. I mean, I had a baby for my sister. [Chuckles] My life has changed so much. And most of all, best of all, I'm here with you. And nobody could be as happy as I am tonight. | Nicole enters and she knocks him out; he is almost speechless |
642 | David: Would you listen to me? You are getting upset over absolutely nothing. Dorian: You call this absolutely nothing? [SCENE_BREAK] [Music playing through earbuds] [Door closes] James: Hey, Starr. Ha ha! Blair: Oh, my feet. There are too many clubs per square inch in New York City. Tomás: My ears are still ringing. Blair: Ohh. Are you sure that's why your son took off, because he was gonna go clubbing? Tomás: I'm not sure of anything. I barely know the boy. Yvette's looking up some of his friends in the city. She said the best way to find him-- follow his taste in music. [SCENE_BREAK] James: Starr. Starr. Starr: Aah! James! Oh, my gosh. I wasn't making a total fool out of myself, was I? James: No. You looked great. Starr: Geez. James: What were you listening to? You were totally into it. Starr: Ha! James: Baz? What's Baz? Starr: It's this guy I met at school. He found my mp3 player, took all of my music off of it, and put his music on. James: And who is this jerk? [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: Yo. Has McPain been all up in your face, too? Todd: What'd I tell you? No talking on the phone. No texting. Nothing. You're not getting set up for murder on my watch. [SCENE_BREAK] Rex: No one knows your heart like I do. And I know you wouldn't want it beating inside Clint Buchanan. I think I have a plan that can guarantee that can't happen. [Knocking on door] Téa: Hi, Rex. Rex: Please tell me you've figured out how I can marry Gigi. [SCENE_BREAK] Brody: Hey, did Forensics send up the lab report on Gigi yet? John: Not yet. Seems everyone's running a little late today. Brody: I'm sorry. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. John: Forget about it. You look a little tired. Brody: Yeah, I had a rough night. [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: You're still here. Natalie: Where else would I be? Jessica: At the Angel Square Motel with your new boyfriend Brody. [SCENE_BREAK] Blair: What's he like? Tomás: I don't really know the kid. Yvette and I had broken up by the time he was born, since I thought he was another man's son. Blair: But you saw him. He must've made some kind of impression on you. Tomás: To be brutally honest, I thought he was arrogant. Kid had no manners. Barely looked at you, much less spoke to you. Blair: Why don't you tell me how you really feel? Tomás: What can I say? Every time I saw him, he always had his nose buried in the latest overpriced gadget, and I just had the feeling that Yvette indulged him, something of a spoiled brat. Baz: You forgot stupid and ugly. Tomás: Sebastian, where have you been? [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: Yes, this Baz guy is a little stuck on himself, and what he did was a complete jerk move, but at least he put my music back on. James: Are you really gonna keep his playlist? Starr: Actually, yeah. His music is really good. Listen. He makes great beats. Tell me what you think. [Music playing through earbud] James: I don't like it. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: Brody is not my boyfriend. Jessica: So you guys just hang out in bed naked 'cause... it keeps you warm? It's ok, Natalie. I'm through with Brody. You can have him. And the baby makes 3, right? Natalie: Stop it. Jessica: That's how it should be. One happy, little family. Natalie: I understand why you're being so-- ok. What you walked in on last night was a shock. You weren't prepared for how close Brody and I got. Jessica: Close. That's what you're calling it? Natalie: But you're back now, so you and Brody can pick up the pieces and figure this out. Jessica: I know you're not telling me what to do, right? Natalie: No, I'm not, Jess. Jessica: Because what's there to figure out? You and Brody slept together. Again. Natalie: You know that's not how it was. Jessica: Or maybe I should just pretend that it never happened. Brody and I can go back to when we were really, really in love and gonna get married. But just one problem with that. It's gonna be a little crowded in Brody's bed with you there, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Brody: Yeah, I moved back into Angel Square. Forgot how noisy it is. Kids yelling and sirens. Whatever. I'll get over it. John: So you moved out of Llanfair? [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: You know, I would not put it past McBain to have tapped your phone, Jack. Then I find you blabbing your mouth to your partner in crime Brad. Jack: I didn't say anything! Todd: Good! Keep it that way. McBain is gunning for you. If he finds one piece of evidence against you, he is gonna use it. Jack: Dad, I know. Todd: You know what I hope? I just hope you weren't so stupid as to have left a piece of evidence in that basement where you locked up Gigi Morasco. Are you that stupid, Jack? Jack: It's not like we were robbing a bank. Todd: You're telling me you did? Jack: I don't know. We didn't bother covering our tracks. I told you--it was an accident. Nothing was supposed to happen. Todd: I'm just glad we have Téa on our side. In fact, she should be out doing damage control right now. [SCENE_BREAK] Téa: I did some research. Rex: And? Téa: There isn't a judge in this state or any other, as far as I can tell, who would agree to marry you and Gigi with her incapable of giving consent. Rex: She already gave her consent. She signed the marriage license. We were on our way. It was a done deal. Téa: Yes, but it was never made official. Rex: Then make it official. I cannot stop Clint from taking Gigi's heart unless we're married! Téa: I'm sorry, Rex. Rex: No, no, no, no. This is what you do. This is what you're good at. This is your specialty. Using marriage as a tactic is a Delgado in legal circles. You've done it a thousand times. Téa: Not when one of the parties involved isn't fully alive. Rex: Yeah. Because of your little piece of garbage that you call a stepson. Admit it. That's why you're not trying hard enough to help me. You know I'm gonna go after that bastard with everything I got. [SCENE_BREAK] David: With those glasses and gloves, you look like Jackie O. solving a crime. Dorian: Too late for compliments. David, you swore to me that I was the only Dorian in your life, and yet you launched into an affair with this sleazy stripper skank wannabe Dorian. David: Ionia Masters and I are not having... Dorian: How could you, David? David: ...Not true. Dorian: Oh, and I guess you have a bridge in China you want to sell me. David: Why would I have a bridge in China? Hey, did I tell you there's a guy who wants to sell me a bridge in Brooklyn, though? Dorian: David. David: Why do you think that that bra belongs to Ionia? Dorian: Because I've seen this broad strip every chance she gets. She's a full-time shameless exhibitionist. David: That's true. [Dorian scoffs] David: But listen to me. Why would I have an affair with the fake Dorian Lord when I'm married to the real Dorian Lord? Huh? Look, everything is coming together for us. We've wrapped the movie. Markko and Langston are editing. We're about to be the toast of the town. Everything is working out perfectly for us. This is our moment. Dorian: Is it? David: Absolutely. Uncle Clint tried to destroy us. That didn't happen. My little bro, he's getting better, and now Uncle Clint is dying. Everything is perfect. You and I are happy right now. So don't ruin this with paranoia. Dorian: I suppose you're right. David: Of course, I'm right. You know what we need? A little bubbly. I'm gonna get some champagne, and we're going to toast the success of our about-to-be blockbuster movie. Dorian: And our fidelity. David: That, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Tomás: I've been searching for you all over New York City. Baz: Why? Because you like me so much? Tomás: Look, I'm sorry you overheard what I just said about you, but that's what I thought before you--before I found out-- Baz: Go ahead, Tomás. You can say it. Before you found out that you were my dad. Trust me, it was news to me, too. I basically found out my mom lied to me my whole life. Tomás: Any idea why? Baz: Because she's crazy? Always has been. I stopped trying to figure her out a long time ago. Tomás: I'm gonna give her a call, let her know you're safe. Blair: Ahem. I'm Blair. I'm a friend of...your dad's. Baz: Sounds weird, doesn't it? Blair: A little. Baz: Anyway, my dad has good taste. Tomás: Your mother's on her way back. Baz: Fantastic. Tomás: So. Where the hell you been all night? Baz: Llanview, Pennsylvania. Blair: Excuse me? Baz: Yeah. Mom told me she's dumping me on you, so since that's where you live, I thought I'd jump on a train, check it out. Talk about a backwater place. I mean-- Blair: I beg your pardon? Baz: I would never be caught dead there. Going from Paris to that hick town? Blair: Wait, wait. No, you didn't. Baz: What? Blair: Tomás, you are gonna have to teach this boy some manners, because you don't get to insult where I live and where I choose to raise my children. You got it? [SCENE_BREAK] Téa: Rex, please believe me. I really wish I could help you and Gigi get married. I really do. But I can't. I'm really sorry. Rex: Your stepson's going down for this. Téa: No charges have been brought against Jack. Rex: They will be. Trust me, they will be. Get the hell out. Echo: I stopped by the house. Roxy told me everything. I can't believe it. So it's true. Rex...I'm so sorry. Rex: Don't feel sorry for me. Feel bad for the son of a bitch who did this to Gigi. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Maybe if John does find something on you, Téa can keep you from being tried as an adult and serving hard time. Jack: You really think that could happen? Todd: Yeah, if we didn't have Téa. Yeah, I do. But it's your first offense and maybe she can get the sentence suspended. Jack: Still sounds kinda bad. Todd: Yeah, Jack, it is. Jack: I don't get it. You're rich. You've gotten out of tons of legal stuff. Why can't you just do something to make this go away? Like give McPain a million dollars or something. Todd: So you think it's that easy? I just write a check, and you're off the hook? Jack: You said you'd protect me. Did you mean that or not? [SCENE_BREAK] John: I didn't think you'd want to move away from Liam. Brody: I don't. It's complicated. Jessica's back. John: That's a good thing, right? Brody: Sure. John: What? You...you two aren't together? [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: Stop it. Jessica: Me? Natalie: Put yourself in Brody's shoes for a minute. You were gone. Jessica: Please. Don't lecture me about what it was like when I was gone. Brody already did that. Natalie: Obviously, you weren't listening. Because Brody didn't know if you were ever coming back this time. He felt abandoned. Jessica: Please. That's between Brody and me. You are my sister, Natalie, and you slept with my fiancé, and please, you can't blame it this time on one drunken night of confusion, because you knew exactly what you were doing. So put yourself in my place. How would you feel if I slept with John? [SCENE_BREAK] Tomás: Sebastian... you need to apologize to Blair. Baz: What, are you gonna send me to my room, too? It's a little late to start playing Daddy. But you're right. I'm sorry if I insulted your hometown. Blair: Thank you. Baz: But man, there is a major music deficit in that place. The people there are clueless. I met this girl. Worst musical taste ever. She was pretty cute, though. [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: James, you've got nothing to be jealous of. Especially looking so cute, all decked out for Nate's graduation. James: You keep changing the subject. And I'm not jealous. I just don't like what this Boz guy did. Starr: It's Baz. James: I don't care what his name is. I don't like what he did. Starr: Erasing my mp3? James: Yeah, and then he made you a mix. I mean, Starr, he's a complete stranger. Starr: So you want me to delete it? James: No. Just forget it. I'm not jealous. Starr: You already said that. James: That's because it's true. Why would I be jealous when I already have you? Hmm? Starr: I don't know. [SCENE_BREAK] Baz: I mean, this girl claimed to know music, but-- Yvette: Thank God! Where have you been, petit diable? You know you're supposed to call me if you're going to stay out all night. Baz: Why? You're never home, either. Yvette: Impossible. Baz: But if you must know, I was in Llanview checking it out. Oh, by the way, I borrowed your credit card. Yvette: You see what I have to deal with? Sebastian has been living off me forever. Let him leech off you now. [SCENE_BREAK] James: I'm gonna keep my eye out for that Baz dude at L.U., Just so you know. Starr: Come on, James. He doesn't even go to L.U. David: Hello! It's your Uncle David! Starr: Hi! David: Aww, how's my second-favorite niece? Starr: I'm great. You remember James, right? David: I do. I still have a bump on my head to prove it. Enough about the past. I'm here to collect the finest champagne and caviar for me and my exceptionally sexy wife. Starr: There a special occasion? [Doorbell rings] David: Dorian needs a little pampering today. She's seeing things that aren't there. [SCENE_BREAK] Dorian: Yes? Messenger: Mayor Lord? If you could just sign right here. Dorian: Indeed. Messenger: Here you go. Dorian: Thank you and there you go. [SCENE_BREAK] David: Oh, look, music. This will get the party started. Starr: No! Don't take that! That's mine! David: Kind of touchy, aren't we? Never mind. Dorian and I, we gonna make our own music. James: What was that all about? [SCENE_BREAK] David: We're going bare bones. I only got the essentials-- champagne and caviar. So what do you say we take this upstairs, huh? Dorian: Stick it. David: I'm sorry. What? What's in there? Some more errant lingerie? Dorian: Oh, no. It's worse. Much worse. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: If you slept with John, I would feel like crap. Jessica: Right. I bet you would. But the thing is, I wouldn't do that, because you're my sister. And you don't just sleep with your sister's fiancé, Natalie. But that's the difference between you and me. But maybe-- maybe I should change my whole outlook, you know? Be more like you. Not get bogged down with things like a conscience... Natalie: You know what? Just shut up! Shut up, Jessica! You gave up your life. You walked out on it. So don't expect me to feel sorry for you anymore, because I am done. [SCENE_BREAK] Brody: Things got off to a rough start with Jessica. [Knocking on door] John: Yeah? Cop: Lieutenant, you wanted the forensics on the Morasco case. John: Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Echo: I'm so sorry I was away so long, but I had to take that freelance photo shoot in Portugal, but I came the minute I heard. Rex: I thought you were avoiding me. Echo: Why? Why would I do that? Rex: You knew all along that Charlie wasn't really my father. Natalie told me. Echo: I'm sorry I lied. But I paid for it. I lost Charlie. But I know it doesn't make it up to you. I didn't know what else to do. Clint threatened to send you to jail. I just figured that Charlie would make a better father for you. Rex: You were right. Did Roxy tell you that my bastard of a father wants to cut into the woman I love? My wife? And take her heart for himself? Echo: What? Rex: Yeah. He'll die without a transplant. Echo: But he can't do that, can he? Not without your consent. Rex: They don't need it. Gigi was an organ donor. Echo: I don't understand. Rex: Gigi and I weren't married, so I can't make decisions for her. Echo: Oh, Rex. Rex: I asked Téa to help me, but she let me down. It's not enough, what Jack did to Gigi. If I let Clint's doctors cut into her, it'd be -- [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Jack... I'm doing everything I can to protect you, but I want you to stop treating this like it's some schoolyard dispute, all right? Jack: Why are you being so tough on me? Not like you ever did anything wrong. Todd: This is not about me. I warned you to stay away from Shane Morasco, and you promised you would, didn't you? Jack: He dropped a weight on my foot. Todd: Oh. Dropped a weight on your foot. Poor you. You know, after all the things that you and your idiot friends did to him, I'm surprised he didn't drop a weight on your head. Probably be a hell of a lot smarter than you are right now. Why couldn't you let it go? Jack: Yeah. Like you let Marty Saybrooke go. Todd: Come here. Don't you go there with me, kid. Do you understand me? Don't you take the moral high ground with me. Gigi Morasco is brain dead because of you. Do you realize that? Jack: It was an accident, damn it! That's more than you can say. At least I didn't rape anyone. Todd: What? What? You don't talk to me that way! Huh? You... Téa: Todd, what is going on? Stop it! What are you doing? Jack, are you all right? Todd: Where the hell have you been, anyway? Téa: I had some business to take care of. What were you doing? Jack? Jack: Ask him. Téa: What the hell is going on? Were you about to hit your son? Talk to me! Todd: I'm losing it. I don't think I can handle this. Téa: Tell me what happened. What set this off? Todd: Jack. He's going down this path that is very dangerous and really scaring me, and...it feels very familiar to me. But what do I do? I just-- I start channeling my father. I start channeling Peter Manning, my so-called father. [SCENE_BREAK] Rex: I'm not lifting a finger to save my so-called father, not when the old man wanted nothing to do with me. Echo: I understand. And I don't wish Clint dead, but what happens to Gigi should be up to you and nobody else. Rex: It should be up to Gigi. Echo: Rex, let me do something. Anything. Please. I want to help. Rex: I wish you could. Echo: Roxy sent these things over from the house, and there's an envelope here with Gigi's name on it. She thought it might be important. Rex: It's from a lawyer. [SCENE_BREAK] David: What are these? Dorian: Pictures of you-know-who doing you-know-what with you in your dressing room. David: Where did you get these? Dorian: A messenger brought them. David: But how-- this one doesn't even obey the laws of gravity. Oh. You can't let these things bother you. Pictures can be faked, you know. Dorian: Oh. You're saying those are faked? David: Well, no. [SCENE_BREAK] Tomás: All right. Let's make it official. You sign the divorce papers today, it would be my pleasure to take care of Sebastian. Yvette: Wonderful. Tomás: Really? Finally. Yvette: Après vous. Baz: Aren't you both forgetting something? I'm no longer a minor. I don't have to live with either one of you. Yvette: And live on what money? Yvette: Fini. Blair: Congratulations on ending a marriage I didn't even know existed. Yvette: Yes, I've always been Tomás' inconvenient truth. But now he's free. Hmm? Tomás: Good-bye, Yvette. Yvette: Au revoir. Mm. Get to know your father, if you can. Blair: Yvette, what did you mean? Yvette: What did I mean about what? Blair: You just said two cryptic things about Tomás. What are you trying to say? Yvette: Only that I had my reasons for keeping Sebastian away from Tomás all those years. Be careful, chérie. [Elevator door opens] [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: When your life got too tough, when you found out the truth about Ryder, and you found out that Brody and I slept together, you took off. Jessica: You think I wanted Tess to come back? Natalie: Pretty convenient. You know, things get hard, just hand it over to someone else, and walk away. Lucky for you. Not so lucky for me. Because while you're out cavorting as Tess, abandoning Brody and your child, mine got ripped away. Jessica: And that's my fault? Natalie: No, no, no. No, it's mine. It's all mine, but I had to deal with that. After all the lies that I told, and everything blew up in my face, I had to live with that. I had to do all the work to put the pieces back together. Jessica: So what do you want, Natalie? You want a medal? Natalie: Brody waited for you for months. He tried to get to you as many times as he could, no matter times you shot him down or he was humiliated-- while Tess took up with half the male population of Llanview. Jessica: So Tess is your excuse to act like a slut? Natalie: Works for you, doesn't it? Brody and I never meant for this to happen. We were just trying to take care of our son. Try to have some sort of normal life for Liam and for us. And then you come strolling back one night, and you expect everything to be exactly the way it was when you left. But guess what, Jess? Life went on without you. Deal with it. [SCENE_BREAK] Brody: What do you think? John: What I was expecting. [SCENE_BREAK] Dorian: How could you do this to me, David? David: It wasn't me, all right? That woman, Ionia, is crazy. She's an actress. Of course, she's crazy. All actresses are crazy. She came into my dressing room, and she threw herself at me. Dorian: Really? So why did you lie to me about it? David: I didn't lie. She came into my dressing room, she threw herself at me while ripping her clothes off all at the same time. I threw her out. I said I'm a married man. I'm a happily married man. I gotta tell you, it was awful. I felt violated. Dorian: Poor David. So why didn't you tell me about this before? [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: Seriously, James, you do not know David Vickers like I do. If I would've let him take my mp3 player, I would've never gotten it back. And it is not because I have some fascination with this Baz person. You believe me, right? James: Well, I don't know. Starr: Please can we just drop the subject of this Baz guy and his music anytime soon? [SCENE_BREAK] Baz: I meant what I said. I'm an adult. On paper, at least. I don't need you to take care of me. Tomás: So you can support yourself? Baz: I happen to be a damn good music producer and DJ. I can get jobs anywhere. In fact, I heard the music scene in Buenos Aires is banging. I can live on the cheap while I try to make my own music. Tomás: Or you could come to Llanview with me, get to know your Aunt Téa and your cousin Danielle. Blair: And you know what? I have children, and they happen to be Dani's siblings. Baz: That's great and all. I guess what I'm trying to say is thanks, but no thanks. [SCENE_BREAK] Rex: Thank you for coming. Echo: Of course. You're my son, and I love you. I just wish I could do something to ease your pain. Rex: Let me know if you can come up with a way to keep Clint from getting Gigi's heart. And don't say "Kill him," because I've already thought of that. You got mail. "Dear Ms. Morasco, at your request, I've enclosed copies of the documents we discussed. I applaud your desire to get your personal affairs in order in light of your upcoming wedding. Not every young bride is so responsible." What the hell? "Enclosed you will find..." blah blah blah..."a will, a living will, and a health care proxy. The latter document will enable you and your husband to make crucial health care decisions for each other in the event that either one of you is unable to do so." Oh, my God. [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: Are you done? Because I have a doctor's appointment, and then after that, I have to go to the hospital to see Dad. Natalie: That's where I'm going, too. Called Mom before, and Dad had a rough night. Jessica: I know, Natalie. Natalie: I'm really glad that you're gonna go see your doctor. Because the last thing we need right now is for Tess to come back. I guess I should be super grateful. At least Tess didn't try to kill me this time. Jessica: Don't push me. [SCENE_BREAK] Téa: You cannot let Jack push your buttons. He gets to you because you see yourself in him. But you're not Peter Manning, ok? That man did not have a loving bone in his body, and neither did Victor Lord. Todd: Can I get that in writing? Téa: Todd, if you feel yourself channeling either one of them, about to hit your own son, you need to take a step back. You need to get some distance. Breathe. Ok? Because if we're gonna be any help at all to Jack, we need to remain calm and cool, and believe me, he's gonna need our help. [Knocking on door] Todd: Who is it? John: Candygram. Come on. You know who it is. Téa: I'll talk to them. How can we help you? John: Where's Jack? Téa: If you're here to speak to my client, he won't be answering questions at this time. John: I don't care. We're not here questioning. We're here arresting. [SCENE_BREAK] David: I didn't tell you about Ionia's hoochie-coochie dance in my dressing room, because I knew you'd flip out, which is exactly what you're doing. I planned to tell you when the movie wrapped. But if I told you before the movie wrapped, you would kill the lead actress, and we would never wrap. Dorian: Yes, yes, it's quite understandable, except for one detail. David: What's that? Dorian: We've already wrapped. David: And I was planning on telling you. I brought champagne and caviar to soften the blow. Listen to me, baby. You gotta believe me. There's nothing going on between me and Ionia. I would tell you it's over, but it was never on to begin with. I swear on everything that is holy and true. I did not have sexual relations with that woman. Dorian: You have to admit, David, there is something weird going on. David: No. Women throw themselves at me all the time. Dorian: I am talking about these photographs. Who took the photos? And why? [SCENE_BREAK] Echo: You did it? Messenger: Yeah. Echo: You did what I asked? Messenger: I delivered your photos to Dorian Lord. Echo: Good. Thanks. I will be in touch. Oh, Dorian. I am going to ruin your relationship with David Vickers just like you ruined mine with Charlie. [SCENE_BREAK] James: Fine. Consider the subject of Baz dropped. Starr: Good. Because it is totally nothing, and if we keep talking about this guy that I am never going to see again, we are not going to make it to your brother's graduation. James: So when are we gonna go? Starr: Oh, gosh, I'm not even ready yet. Do you want to just meet there? James: Yeah. Sounds like a plan. Starr: Ha ha ha! See ya. James: Bye. [Door closes] [Music playing through earbuds] [SCENE_BREAK] Tomás: You're right. Finding out I was your father-- shock for all of us. I just-- I'd just kind of like some time to get to know you a little bit. Baz: Look, it's nothing personal. But I need to make music, and Llanview clearly isn't the place to do that. Blair: You know, I have an idea. I actually own a club in Llanview. It's called Capricorn. It's pretty great. It may not be as bangin' as Buenos Aires, but you know what? We have really great equipment, and it's all updated and it is free. Tomás: As is room and board. Baz: Sold. I'll give Llanview a try. [SCENE_BREAK] John: The forensics report came back. Jack's fingerprints all over the scene. Todd: You know that's a bunch of bull. What is this--payback because you can't get me on the Marty Saybrooke deal? Brody: Where is he, Manning? Jack: Dad? John: Hey, there he is. Jack, come on down. We have a warrant for your arrest for the kidnapping and attempted murder of Gigi Morasco. [SCENE_BREAK] Rex: This is just like you, Morasco. Always the organized one, always thinking ahead. Of course, I guess you had to learn, since I left you to raise a kid on your own. Who knows--you might have mentioned this health care proxy thing to me before. I didn't pay any attention. We were always so worried about Shane. Something happening to one of us just seemed so far away and impossible. It won't bring you back, but if I sign your name here... I can stop your heart from ever beating inside Clint Buchanan's chest. [SCENE_BREAK] Brody: Jack Manning, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. Jack: Dad, don't let them do this. Please. Can't you do something? John: No. Come on. Let's go, Jack. Téa: We'll be right there, Jack. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: Is that a threat? Should I be worried that Tess is gonna come after me in my sleep? Jessica: No. Don't worry. If I decide to pay you back for what you've done with Brody, it'll be me that comes after you, not Tess. I wonder what John McBain's up to. | He reads the document and discovers that it contains a power of attorney and health care proxy for each other |
643 | Dusty: Make yourself at home, why don't you? Craig: Thank you. I will. But then, I've been here, I'm welcome, and I'm family. And I'm making Lucinda lots of money. How about you? Dusty: Where's Sierra? Craig: Lakeview. Craig: Yeah, Melanie. I need Singapore. [SCENE_BREAK] Sierra: Mm, thank you. Barbara: Sierra, I'm glad I caught you. Sierra: Agtually, Barbara, I'm on my way out -- Barbara: I need your help. It's vital. Sierra: Vital? Barbara: Yes, my daughter's life is at stake. Sierra: Barbara, I know that you are a creative person and that you thrive on drama, but -- Barbara: Worldwide Industries has made a significant investment in my daughter. If she should go down -- Sierra: Don't you think you should talk to Craig about this? Barbara: Craig is the problem. Please, Sierra, I'm appealing to you as a mother. You know what Craig did to me, and to you and to your daughter. So maybe you can understand my concern. I won't let him destroy Jennifer. [SCENE_BREAK] Mike: I missed you. Jennifer: I'm so sorry I pushed you away. And for all the wrong reasons. Mike: There's a right reason? Jennifer: No, no, no, of course not. Losing you would be the worst thing that could ever possibly happen to me. Henry: Bubbles. Katie: Do you have any idea how much fun that was? Do you? Henry? Henry: You're real. Katie: I hope so. Henry: We did. Katie: We did. Henry: Oh, my God -- I ruined everything. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: I killed Julia. Luke: Mom, don't do this! Lily: My son had absolutely nothing to do with this. He's just trying to protect me. Keith: I knew it. I knew it from the get-go. You and her -- you hated Julia! Carly: Hey! Lily: No, no, no. Carly had absolutely nothing to do with this. Keith: Oh, so she wouldn't leave town, so you just killed her? Luke: That's a lie! Holden: Hey, hey, hey! Don't. Jack: Lily, I know how much you love your son and that you'd do anything to protect him -- Lily: I'm not trying to protect him. This is all my fault! Luke: None of this is your fault! I killed Julia so my dad would get back with my mom. And I'd do it again. I'm glad she's dead! Lily: Luke, this has got to stop, okay? We have to tell the truth. Luke: The truth is that Julia Larrabee is the reason my dad moved out on us. Holden: That's not true. I moved out way before Julia and I became friends. Luke: Oh, friends? So that's how you're putting it now? Holden: Look, I know the situation was hurtful, but let's not make it worse. We need to figure out what happened here. Julia deserves that respect. Luke: She doesn't deserve anything. She was a liar. Keith: Hey, quiet down, all right? Jack: We're all gonna quiet down, or I'll take this entire conversation down to the station. Do we understand each other? Lily, tell me what happened. Luke: She's just going to tell you that she did it. Jack: Get him out of here now! Luke: I'm sorry. Jack, I'm sorry. I'm not gonna say anything. Jack: Fine. Keith: So the kid's on a first-name basis -- like my sister's gonna get justice in this town. Jack: Go ahead, Lily. Lily: I went over to Julia's apartment the night she died. I know I shouldn't have. I was hurt, and I was upset. Holden left because of me, but he wasn't coming home because of her. He was spending so much time with her at that apartment. And then there was the restraining order. I just thought my children were going to lose their father forever. Holden: Oh, please, don't blame this on me. Lily: No, I'm not. I just want people to understand how I was feeling. Why I violated the restraining order and knocked on her door. She was angry. She was not happy to see me, and I said some things, some horrible things -- that I regret. I was very blunt with her. She was angry, and she tried to push me out of the apartment. So I pushed her back, and she fell. And she hit her head. Keith: What? Lily: It was an accident. I'm so sorry -- Keith: No, it was no accident. It was homicide. Isn't that right, Jack? Tell her what the coroner said. She was hit with a blunt object. Lily: No, no -- she fell and hit her head on the coffee table. It was an accident. I didn't mean for her to die, I swear -- Jack: Lily, I need to remind you that anything you say will be used against you, and if you want a lawyer -- Lily: No, I don't want a lawyer. I need to tell everybody. Everybody needs to know the truth. I pushed Julia, she fell, she hit her head, and she died. I'm the only one responsible. Not Luke. Not Keith. I killed her. I'm so sorry, Holden. I'm so sorry. [SCENE_BREAK] Sierra: Your daughter is a success. You should be proud of her. Barbara: I am proud of her. But Craig will sandbag her. I won't let that happen. He will ruin her life. Sierra: She's doing beautifully. The company is thriving. Barbara: Oh, yeah. Craig's always really great in the beginning. But I don't have to tell you that. You know that, don't you, Sierra? And that he's full of encouragement. He's spending a lot of time with you. And pretty soon, you're sucked in. You don't even realize that the rest of your life is slipping away. Sierra: You know, I really wouldn't worry about Jennifer losing sight of reality. From what I understand, she and Mike Kasnoff are very serious. Barbara: And how long do you think that's gonna last? Sierra: You know, you really are not giving your daughter enough credit. Barbara: And you're being very naive. He is spending every waking moment with her -- breakfast, lunch. He's showing up at her house. How long do you think it's gonna be before they start going on business trips together, and he's insisting that they share a suite together? Sierra: You know, I think Jennifer is smarter than that. Barbara: Were you? I wasn't. Even if she resists, it'll just egg him on. And then, after some small defeat -- that I'm sure that he has manufactured and managed to salvage -- he'll show up with wine and sympathy. And when she wakes up the next morning, it will be too late. Sierra: She's not you, Barbara. Barbara: I wasn't me before Craig. He's an emotional predator, and he will never change. And if you let him sharpen his teeth on my daughter, I will hold you personally responsible. [SCENE_BREAK] Mike: You know what I think the problem was? The real problem? We weren't communicating. Jennifer: Well, I think we tried. I just -- was so insecure about Katie, and you kept trying to reassure me, but -- Mike: Or maybe it's that Katie and I weren't communicating. 'Cause once we sat down and really talked, we realized that all those feelings we had for each other turned into something else. I still love her. She's a great person, and she loves me. But we're just not together anymore. I want to be with you. Jennifer: And I want to be with you. I was just always protecting myself, waiting for you to go back to her. Mike: I'd have to fight my way past Henry at this point. He's crazy about her. Jennifer: Oh, he's always been crazy about her. Mike: Well, now she's crazy about him now, too. So it all worked out. Jennifer: I just wish that we had talked about this sooner. I wish I'd known how you felt, so then I never would've -- Mike: I think every couple goes through these kind of things in the beginning, okay? Just misunderstanding, fear. Besides, it's not like you did anything wrong. Okay, you just got a little wrapped up in work. And I got a little confused. We're fine. No harm, no foul. Katie: You didn't ruin anything. Henry: Just give it to me straight here. I'm sure my technique could use a few pointers. Katie: Are you kidding? It was amazing. Henry: No, don't flatter me, Kathryn, okay? I'm just -- I want you to -- some constructive criticism here, anything. Katie: Well, you're not going to get any from me. Couldn't you tell I was having a good time? Henry: Not as good as I was having. Did you really -- you really -- Katie: Mm-hmm. All of it. Especially you. You know why? Because in the middle of pretty much the most fun I've had in bed in -- almost ever, I opened my eyes, and there you were. My best friend. Someone I totally trust. And it just made me let go. Which was so nice, 'cause I'm used to chasing after guys who I'm not really sure if they want to be there, you know? So I'm always trying to be perfect. But you already know me, and you love me, anyway. [Both laughing] And I love you, too. So I was just so comfortable that -- you know when they say that the earth moved? The earth moved, and I moved with it. Henry: Whoo! [Henry laughs] Katie: You're gonna break the couch! Henry: I don't care. I'll buy you a new couch. I'll buy hundreds of couches, bigger than this. Kathryn, I'm -- I'm so happy. And I'm just -- I'm afraid this isn't gonna last. Katie: Hey -- we're married. Henry: Yeah, but -- Katie: We love each other. We just had our own personal fourth of July upstairs in the bedroom. It's all good. Henry: What if -- Katie: I'm happy, too. Henry: You are? You're really happy? Katie: Mm-hmm. Think about it. I'm a girl who's been chasing after love for -- ever. And there it was. With someone I adore. Who happens to also be a fabulous lover? Who knew? Henry: I tried to tell you that. You don't listen to me. Katie: Well, you are as good as your word. Better. In fact, you have any energy left? Henry: Yeah -- you wanna go again? You wanna go right now? Katie: Well, unless you have any other plans -- Henry: I have no other plans. What are you talking about? Get up off the couch. Come on. I -- I can't believe this is happening. Katie: Well, then I'm just gonna have to convince you. Henry: Oh, Lord. [SCENE_BREAK] Craig: Well, not that I don't love a little Bangkok in the night, but I think you could persuade your partners to meet us in Singapore. Huh? Yeah. Jennifer and I will be staying at the Singapore grand. We'll fax you. Thank Mei Lee for putting us in touch. All right. Okay. All right. Sierra: Who was that? Craig: Tony Kwan. Retail conglomerate, Singapore. Sierra: Ah. Craig: Still can't keep your hands off me. Sierra: Tony Kwan? Craig: Tony Kwan can move a million jeans a year in Singapore alone. We're gonna pump up tsunami relief and blanket Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand to boot. Sierra: You and Jennifer are flying to Singapore? Craig: Yeah. We're gonna flex the Southeast Asian market, and Worldwide retail is gonna have a banner year. Sierra: And you've discussed this with her? Craig: Ah, yeah. Don't worry about Jennifer. She's right on board. Dusty: I got the specs from the contractor in Laguna. We do the spa now, we'll be in under budget. Craig: And a penny saved is a penny earned. Sierra: That's great news, Dusty. Craig: Well, I'm gonna go tell Jennifer -- a deal that could triple the last year's earnings. Dusty: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Craig: Like Mother, like daughter? Sierra: Ignore him. Dusty: I guess I was wrong about pairing him with Jennifer. Sierra: I hope so. [SCENE_BREAK] Mike: I think we learned something. From now on, if something feels wrong, we talk about it. No more second-guessing the other person. You just sit him down -- that'd be me -- and you say, "What gives, Kasnoff?" Jennifer: And if Kasnoff doesn't know? Mike: It's better than pretending everything's fine when it isn't. I mean, look what just happened. We almost lost each other because you were afraid I was going back to Katie. We're lucky that's all it was. Jennifer: What do you mean? Mike: Well, you know, you just threw yourself back into your work. It could've been a lot worse. You could've thrown yourself at another man. Jennifer: There is not another man. There's only you. [Knocking] Craig: Jennifer? I know you're in there! [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: Holden, could you come home and take care of the kids? Holden: Lily, don't worry about the kids. Lily: I have to. Jack's going to arrest me -- Luke: No! Lily: Yes, he has no choice. I'm responsible for Julia's death. Jack: Lily, there's still the matter of Luke's fingerprint on Julia's watchband. Lily: That doesn't prove anything. She was staying at Emma's. The kids are there all the time. Who knows when Luke picked up her watch? Luke: But I didn't. Lily: No one's saying that you never met her. Jack: The fingerprint was fresh and well-defined, Lily. Lily: Who knows when she would wipe off her wristband? Who knows when's the last time she wore it? Keith: All right, all right. She confessed. Arrest her. Luke: She didn't do it. Holden: I need to get him out of here. Jack: All right. Malone, take Luke and his father outside. Luke: No, no, no! She's just trying to protect me! Holden: Luke, enough! Luke: You want them to arrest her? It's not bad enough that -- Jack: Why don't you take Mr. Morrissey to the kitchen? Keith: I'm not hungry. I want her arrested for my sister's murder. Jack: You're hampering a police investigation. Keith: And you're covering up a crime here to protect your cousin's wife! I spent four days in jail while you tried to pin this on me. Now, I'm seeing this through. Lily: He can stay. He can stay. I don't blame him for being angry. Jack: Fine. One more outburst, I'm charging you with obstruction. Are we clear? I heard what you said, Lily. I heard it all. And I gotta say, while it makes sense -- we all know what you were going through. Now, I'm gonna need a damn good reason to believe why you're not throwing yourself under the bus for Luke. Lily: He was angry. Angry at Julia and his father. But he couldn't do this -- he didn't do it. Jack: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I need something a little more concrete than that. Carly: I was there. I'm so sorry, Lil. She's telling the truth. She killed Julia. [SCENE_BREAK] Announcer: Coming up on "As the World Turns" -- Lily: Do you realize what you've done? Keith: Are you telling me that you left my sister on the floor to die? Luke: I killed julia. Keith: Arrest them all! They all hated my sister. They're all guilty! Lily: Carly was there, but she had nothing to do with Julia's death. That was all me. Jack: Are you saying you lied to me? Carly: I'm saying, you need to try to understand. It was an accident, and we -- we thought -- Keith: An accident? Lily: I know how bad this looks, Keith. And I should have come forward sooner, but I was very scared, because of the restraining order and my children. And, please, you have to know that it was an accident. I never meant to kill her. Jack: Let's hear it, Carly. Carly: Lily went to Julia's, like she said. And they argued, and things got ugly. And Lily pushed her, and she fell, and she hit her head. Now, she would have called for help -- Lily: No, I know I didn't call. I didn't call. I didn't call the police, and I should have. Carly: Because Keith showed up. Keith: What? Lily: Yes. I heard him banging on the door, and I was scared. I figured he had a key. I was scared about the restraining order, so I had to get out of there. I went out the window. Carly: And she came to our place. And she told me what happened, and we were both very worried. So we went back to Julia's. Lily: Julia was dead. Jack: And your response to finding her there on the floor was to wipe the place clean of prints? Carly: We panicked. We know how stupid it was. Jack: It was criminal, Carly, for anyone to do. But you -- you're the wife of a police detective! Lily: It's not her fault. I'm the one who wiped the place clean. Carly just kept my secret. Jack: Well, I'm sorry, ladies. I'm not buying it. Keep an eye on these two, would you? Lily: Where are you taking her? Jack: My wife? We're gonna have a little chat. [SCENE_BREAK] Jennifer: What are you doing here? Craig: I'm sorry to intrude, you two lovebirds, but this can't wait. Now, mike, I need her for five minutes. I'll give her right back. Mike: Is this okay with you? Jennifer: No. But since he's here -- Craig, five minutes, okay? And then -- call my cell. Craig: I have been. Jennifer: What do you think you're doing? Craig: Making us happy, Mon Petite Rouge. Jennifer: Oh, don't call me that. Craig: Testy? Mike Kasnoff losing his touch? Jennifer: Leave Mike out of this. Craig: All right, fine. But I want to talk about what we just did. You ever hear of my old friend, Tony Kwan? Far East Fashions? Jennifer: Yeah. Craig: Well, I just spoke to Tony. I sent him samples of the ad campaign. He wants to meet us. He's pulling in his people from Bangkok, Taiwan. We're talking about sales in the megamillions. Jennifer: All right, I'm impressed. Craig: You see? You even have a minute and a half left to talk about when we're gonna leave. Jennifer: Leave? Craig: For Singapore. [SCENE_BREAK] [Phone rings] Katie: Can you grab that? I think its Margo. Henry: Henry's happy house of pleasure. Mike: Henry? When did you get home? Henry: Oh, you know, it's -- didn't have time to call people. Mike: So the tests were negative? Henry: Yeah, Mike, you know, I wouldn't be lying if I said that my entire body has been thoroughly examined by an expert, and I came through with flying colors. Mike: That's great news. Henry: You have no idea. So, yeah, how are you? How are you and Jennifer? Mike: We're good. Finally talked about what's been going on. Henry: Really? Mike: She told me everything. Henry: Well, that is a brave girl. Mike: What do you mean? Katie: Henry -- Henry: Uh, you know, there's an urgent thing here. Um, um, red light, warning thing. I've got to go. [SCENE_BREAK] Sierra: This is great. Thank you. If this spa lives up to the plan, I think I might have to move in here. I'm gonna need to after this first quarter. Dusty: Why? Earnings are up. Next quarter looks better. And you're having fun. Or you were. Sierra: No, I'm still having fun. I -- I think I'm just second-guessing myself where Craig is concerned. Dusty: Why? Sierra: Well, Jennifer is very young. Dusty: She's not that young. Sierra: You know, that's the second time I've heard that today. Dusty: So what are you worried about? Sierra: I ran into Barbara Ryan today. I know that Craig isn't one of her favorite people, but she made some good points. Dusty: You're listening to Barbara Ryan? Sierra: Well, she just got me thinking. Dusty: She's jealous of her daughter's success. Sierra: Do you think that's it? Do you think that's -- she's just trying to jeopardize the partnership because it's doing well? Dusty: Of course. Sierra: Maybe you're right. Dusty: But what? Sierra: Well, she implied -- no, that's too subtle for Barbara -- she threatened to hold me responsible if Craig did anything to hurt Jennifer. Dusty: Jennifer knows what she's up against. I wouldn't worry about her. Sierra: I guess what I'm saying is -- did I make a mistake? I mean, I know that Jennifer is a capable young woman, but am I tempting fate? I mean, will Craig be able to discipline himself now that Street Jeans is up and running, or will he muck it up and hurt Jennifer in the process? Dusty: Jennifer is a big girl. And you messing around with Barbara Ryan is not worth your time, not when you got Lucinda watching your bottom line. Sierra: I'm not worried about worldwide. Dusty: You should be. I'm not saying that 'cause you won't make money, but you've got a chance to put yourself on the map, if you stop playing nursemaid with your ex. [SCENE_BREAK] Craig: Tony's flying his people in from Bangkok and Taiwan. They expect you to be there. Jennifer: Well, I understand that. And I'm willing to meet them -- alone. Craig: All right, you want to make a presentation, that's fine. But they want to see the numbers, and that's me. We're a team, Jennifer. You design. I close the deal. It works. Jennifer: I'm not going anywhere with you, Craig. And, as a matter of fact, we need to talk about revamping the office. I want my own space. Craig: This has nothing to do with business, does it? Jennifer: No. Craig: Jennifer -- we shared one strange, beautiful night. That's it. I got it. You want to play house with whoever you want? God bless. My only interest is Street Jeans. Jennifer: Well, then you'll accept my terms. Craig: She with the most to lose cannot dictate terms. Jennifer: Meaning? Craig: Mike Kasnoff's a nice guy. Not complicated. Doesn't like to share. But if you want to keep him and your company, you have to do things my way. Mike: Is there a problem here? Craig: I don't think so. Do you, Jennifer? [SCENE_BREAK] Luke: Dad, we have to get back inside before Mom ruins everything. She didn't do this. I did. Holden: Your mom already confessed to pushing Julia, and I believe her. Luke: Well, yeah, she pushed her. But then she left. She ran away. And then I showed up and -- you know, I finished the job. Holden: You are talking nonsense. Luke: Look, it's true. I'll tell you exactly what happened. I went to Julia's. [Luke remembering] Julia: Oh. Luke, what are you doing here? Where's Lily? Luke: Don't even say my mother's name. She is so much better than you. Julia: I can't do this with you right now. Your mother gave me a headache. Luke: I bet you deserved it. You're disgusting, you know that? I hate you. Julia: You know, the feeling is starting to be very mutual. Get out of my house. Luke: You're the one who's leaving. Julia: What are you talking about? Luke: Say you'll go away. Just go away. Don't make me do this. Julia: What are you talking about? Luke: I can't let you take my dad away from us. Julia: It's too late. You don't have a choice. Luke: Why couldn't you just go away? Julia: What? Get off of me, Luke! Luke: Why couldn't you just go away? [Julia crying in pain] Why? Why? Luke: Julia? Julia, are you awake? Julia, I didn't mean it. Are you awake? Julia? Luke: That's what I was burning in Grandma's fireplace. Mom's gloves. And I didn't want her blamed for something that I did. Holden: How could you hit someone who was injured? Luke: Look, Dad, this is all your fault. If you hadn't slept with her, none of this would've happened. I'm going back inside and telling everything that happened! Holden: No, no, you're not going anywhere. Jack: I'm going to have to put you in jail for being an accessory to murder. Did you know that? Carly: I need you to understand -- Jack: I've got two people confessing to the same felony. And almost no forensic evidence, thanks to you and your sudden urge to clean house. Carly: Well, we panicked. Jack: Oh, tell me something I don't know. If Keith goes to Tom with Lily's confession, I might not have a choice. I might have to arrest her for murder one. Do you know that? Carly: No, no. Lily didn't mean to hurt Julia at all. She went there -- Jack: She went there to what? She went there to what? You tell me. You tell me why she went over there after I served her with a restraining order, and maybe, just maybe, I might believe this whole thing being an accident. Because if it went down like Lily said, that she went over there to talk to Julia? There's not a jury in the world who's going to believe that shoving match. So let's have it. Carly: Lily went to Julia's apartment because she found out that Luke had trashed the place. And she was concerned about how Holden would react, so she went there to clean it up. And she was almost finished when Julia showed up. And Lily tried to explain why she was there, but Julia got angry. And they had an argument, and Julia got in Lily's face, and Lily pushed her. Now, she didn't mean to push her as hard as she did. And Julia fell. And she hit her head. And Lily -- you know her. She tried to help her. Jack: What do you mean, she tried -- help her? I thought Julia was dead. Carly: No. Jack: She was alive? Carly: She'd been knocked unconscious, but she was still breathing. Jack: Well, why didn't Lily call 911? An ambulance? Carly: I told you! Because Keith was outside pounding on the door. Lily knew that he would never believe her if he saw her standing there with his sister lying on the ground. So she climbed out the window. Jack: And that's why both of you went back -- because you weren't sure that Keith had a key? Carly: Yes, exactly. And when we got there, Julia was dead. And according to Lily, she'd been moved, or she moved, or -- Jack: What do you mean? Carly: She wasn't in the same place when Lily left her. Anyway, we started cleaning up the place -- Jack: Why clean if it was an accident? Carly: Because Lily had left the scene. She knew how it would look. It was terrible. And with the restraining order and the history, she knew that nobody would believe her. Jack: You think anybody is going to believe you now, after you let an innocent man take the fall for this? Lily: Stop browbeating Carly -- Cop: Sorry, detective. Lily: She doesn't know anything. Jack: She knows a lot more than she let on, Lily. And so do you. Lily: What did you tell him? Carly? Carly: I told him that Luke trashed Julia's place. Lily: Why? Carly: I had to. I had to tell him the truth. He -- he wouldn't believe me. No one would believe you if you said that you went over there just to talk to her, Lily! Lily: Do you realize what you've done? Carly: Besides save your neck and my marriage? Jack: There's a few contradictions I want sorted out. So everybody's meeting me down at the station. I'll take their statements there. Lily: No, no, no, that's not necessary, because I've confessed. Can I just call my attorney? And I will go down to the police station. Jack: You seem awfully eager to get arrested. Why is that, Lily? Lily: It's just gone on long enough. I want it to end -- for everyone's sake. Jack: And that would be fine -- if you were guilty. Keith: She confessed. Jack: To pushing Julia, who fell down and hit her head. But Julia was alive when Lily left. Lily: No, she wasn't. Jack: That's not what you told Carly. And if Julia was alive -- Keith: And you left her there? Lily: She was already dead. I lied to Carly. Because I knew she wouldn't believe it was an accident. Jack: Did she lie to you, Carly? Carly: No. Lily: See? I'm very convincing. I needed her to come back to the apartment to help me clean up. Jack: Why? Why? If Julia was already dead, why'd you leave? Why didn't you just stay there and finish the job? Make sure there were no prints to be found? Lily: I told you, because Keith was knocking at the door. Keith: Are you telling me that you left my sister on the floor to die, and I was on the other side of the door? What kind of person are you? Luke: It's not her fault. Holden: Luke, you don't have to do this. Luke: Yes, I do. I killed Julia. Now, take me down to the police station so I can make an official statement or whatever. Keith: Oh, you know what? Arrest 'em all. They all hated my sister. They're all guilty. Lock 'em up. [SCENE_BREAK] Henry: Except for the wedgie, do you know what, Mrs. Coleman? Katie: What, Mr. Coleman? Henry: I think I could -- I think I could get used to this. Katie: I think you are used to it. We've been living together for a couple of years. Henry: Yeah, but not like this. Katie: No, that's true. This is a definite improvement. See? Henry: Yeah? Katie: I told you everything was gonna work out. We're happy. Mike and Jennifer are happy -- Henry: For the moment, yeah. Katie: What do you mean? Henry: Nothing. It's just -- you know, all work and no play makes Jen a dull girl. Don't you think? And then, her time's been eaten up with Street Jeans -- Katie: Oh. Well, they'll work it out. They're meant to be. Just like us. Henry: Yeah. Katie: You hungry? You want me to make pancakes? Henry: No. Katie: Cereal? Henry: That's not what I had in mind. Katie: Are you kidding? Again? Henry: If you've got other plans -- Katie: Oh, Henry, I am so happy I married you. [SCENE_BREAK] Mike: Craig, this is our home. You want to talk about work? Save it for the office. All right? Now, if you don't mind -- Craig: No, no, Jennifer's company had a big day. And I just wanted to share the good news. So, I'll say good night to you two. Jennifer, I'll see you in the office first thing? Jennifer: Mm-hmm. Craig: Okay. Mike: Good night. Craig: Yes, yes. Jennifer: Thank you. Mike: For kicking out your boss? I thought you'd be mad at me. Jennifer: No, he is not my boss. Mike: No? Jennifer: He's supposed to be more of a partner, but -- you know, I really don't want to talk about him. Mike: As long as he knows you have a life outside the office. Jennifer: He's gonna understand that. Trust me. I'm not going to let anything spoil what we have. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: No one is getting arrested until I sort this mess out. You understand me? Lily: You're not making a statement. He's underage, and he's my son -- Jack: Lily, you confessed to a murder. Lily: It wasn't murder. Jack: You're still a suspect. You cannot talk to Luke. I'm sorry. Lily: Holden -- Luke: You can't stop me from telling the truth. Lily: We are your legal guardians. You cannot talk to the police without our permission. Jack: The point of fact, Lily -- we can talk to him. Lily: No, you cannot talk to him without one of his parents present. Am I right? Jack: You've been doing your research -- yes. Lily: Yes. Jack: Luke, go into the kitchen. Guys -- take Luke into the kitchen. You want to talk to us? Take a seat and wait your turn. Lily: Holden, wait, please -- Jack: Lily, until we take Luke's statement, I really don't want to hear it. I need to know what you want to do here. Holden: Luke told me that he went back to Julia's and that he found her coming to -- I think I better let him tell you the rest. Jack: You believed him? Holden: I don't know what to believe anymore. Jack: I need to talk to him, Holden. Holden: Not without me there. Jack: Understood. Lead the way. Lily: How could you do this? Carly: You try going one on one with jack. He jumped on every word I said. I had no choice. I had to tell him the truth. Lily: You could have refused to answer his questions, Carly. Carly: He is my husband, Lily. I'd like to keep it that way. Lily: I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I put you in this position. Carly: We just did what we had to do because that woman was destroying our lives. Let's not forget that. Lily: Yes. And now my son is in the kitchen, confessing to a crime that he didn't commit. Carly: We don't really know that, do we? I mean, you said it yourself. Luke might have -- Lily: No, he didn't. Carly: Well, he went back there -- Lily: He didn't kill Julia. Carly: He found your gloves, didn't he? Lily: But she was already dead. Carly: Maybe when he got there, she'd come to. And she'd threatened to turn you in. And so, to protect you -- Lily: No. My son is not spending the next two decades of his life in jail. Carly: That may not be up to you. Lily: What's going on? Holden? What's going on? Jack: I just got a detailed account of Luke's activities on the night of Julia's death. What he told me jibes with Carly's account. Add to it his fingerprints on Julia's watchband, and I have no choice but to arrest your son, Lily. Lily: No. Jack: For the murder of Julia Larrabee. Lily: No. Jack: Luke Snyder, you have the right to remain silent -- Lily: Jack, please, don't do this. Jack: Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law -- Lily: Holden? Jack: You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you. [Lily sobs] Do you understand your rights as I have explained them to you? [SCENE_BREAK] Announcer: On the next "As the World Turns" -- Jennifer: If Craig is at Street Jeans, I can't be. Sierra: I think you better tell me what this is all about. Craig: Did I miss a meeting? Mike: He knew something about Jennifer I didn't know. Katie: Do you have something to tell Mike about Jennifer? Luke: I'm here because I have to be. Holden: What does that mean? Luke: It's too late. | He is arrested |
644 | Jack: It's a little late to start asking questions. Unless you've changed your mind about getting married. Carly: I want to be your wife again, more than anything. Jack: Okay. All right, then come on, let's do this. Carly: But do you really want this? Jack: Carly, it's what you want -- -- and that's good enough for me. [SCENE_BREAK] Meg: Can you give me a sample for the paternity test? Paul: Now, why would I do that if I know that this baby isn't mine? Meg: You moved heaven and earth to make sure that Jennifer's baby didn't even know Craig. And now you can't even give me a few strands of hair to make sure that Craig doesn't end up raising your child -- Paul: Maybe I can't stand the idea of you being the mother of my child. Are you all right? Meg? Craig: Meg? Meg, are you all right? What is it? What is it, our baby? Meg: What? I don't know. I just couldn't catch my breath -- Craig: Thank God. Thank God. Meg: It's okay. Don't worry. Our baby's fine. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: The minister's ready. The guests are all here. Our children are in the church just waiting. Carly: I'm waiting, too. Jack: I just told you -- Carly: This can't just be about what I want. And I need you to say that it -- that isn't it. That when we go into that church and take those vows, it's because -- it's because you want forever with me, and not just a few weeks you think I've got left. Say you want forever with me, Jack. [Brad remembering] Brad: You deserve better than this. You deserve better than me, even. If you ever tell anybody I said that -- Katie: Your secret's safe with me. Brad: So cry, you know yell, throw a punch you really can punch by the way. I'm here for you. I wish I can keep that promise, Katie. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: I am here marrying you because this is where I need to be. Carly: That's not good enough -- Jack: Oh, I want to be with you. What I don't want is to give you a long list of reasons why when there's a whole bunch of people in there waiting for us. Carly: I love you, Jack. Jack: I love you, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Craig: Are you all right? What can I do for you? Do you want to sit down? You want some water? Meg: I'm fine. I'm fine, Craig. I'm fine. Craig: So what the hell did you say to my wife? [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: I just said that I love you. It doesn't usually make you sad. Carly: I'm just thinking about the last time we got married. How excited you were. Jack: I try not to think about that day. Words like forever. Always. They had different meanings then. Now, given to what's happening to you, it's just -- Carly: I'm just being silly. Let's go inside, huh? What is it? Jack: Someone's sitting in the car over there. Katie? It's Katie! [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: You're the one who's upsetting your wife, Craig. Meg: Craig, please. Don't do this. You know I've been -- actually even the littlest things sets me off. That's all it is. Craig: What little thing did he say to you? And don't tell me you don't remember. Paul: I remember. Do you want me to tell you? Meg: Paul doesn't want me anywhere near him. He made that quite clear. Again. Craig: If I need to get a restraining order to keep you from harassing my wife, I will. Meg: Craig, stop it! Paul didn't approach me. I approached him. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: Sorry. I thought that was Katie. Carly: Are you sure it wasn't? Jack: Well, whoever it was, it took off before I got there. Come on. Let's get you inside. Carly: Why would it be Katie? How would she even know there was a wedding? Jack: I called her and let her know that I was going married to you. For a split second there, I thought she might come here to -- Carly: You thought she might come here to stop you from going through with it? Jack: Carly. Carly: Could she do that? If she came here and said she wanted you back? Jack: It didn't happen. Carly: If it had -- if Katie had shown up and asked you not to go through with it, would you still be marrying me? [SCENE_BREAK] Meg: I am tired of feeling all this tension every time Paul and I bump into each other. I didn't expect to see him here -- Craig: Why are you here? Paul: Uh, well, the bride is my wife's sister. You remember my wife? She's the woman you tried to kill -- Meg: Okay, stop it! Both of you. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: Only you would pick a fight with me seconds before our wedding. Carly: Well, I bet sweet little Katie wouldn't do a rude thing like that. Well, I'm not sweet. I'm greedy. And I want you. All of you. And if that's not what you want -- Jack: It is what I want, Carly. Carly: Then why did you leave me standing here in a wedding dress while you went chasing after somebody you thought might be Katie? Jack: Because I hurt her! I hurt her. That's what's been tearing me up. Hey, you want all of me? You've got it. You've got my love for you, you've got my grief that I'm losing you, and you've got my guilt about hurting Katie. And make no mistake about it, you're going to get all of this when I take those vows. So are we going to do this or what? Huh? Come on. What? Carly: Just promise me that we'll laugh like that at least once a day. Jack: I do. [SCENE_BREAK] Rosanna: I was just looking for Carly. Craig: I saw her outside with Jack when we came in. Come along, Sweetheart. I think Paul has some things to explain to his wife. Paul: Craig was just starting trouble. Nothing was there. Rosanna: I didn't ask for an explanation. I could use those tissues, though. Thank you. Paul: Rosanna -- Rosanna: Um, I have to go find Carly. I think everyone's waiting. Emma: Hi. Craig: You know we could have sat with your mother. Meg: She doesn't like you. Craig: My point exactly. It would be far more difficult for her to glare at me if we were sitting in the same pew. Meg: Yeah, well why are you even here? I thought that we decided that your presence isn't welcome in my family -- Craig: Actually, no, you decided that. Because you think I'm a thorn in Carly's side. Meg: She thinks you tried to kill her sister. Craig: Be that as it may, I wanted to show that I was willing to rise above the problems in the past and show Jack and Carly that I supported them. And since you are now having my baby, I think it's time for your family to face the fact, I am here for the duration. Rosanna: Well, hi. I thought you two had eloped. Carly: Yes, well, Carly tried to back out of it. But I talked her out of it. Rosanna: Well, it would have served you right. Don't you know that it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding? Carly: Well, then I guess we should break all the rules. [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: You were leaving? You were just going to take off without talking to me first? Brad: I figured there was nothing I could say to make things better, so -- I just forgot my cell phone. Katie: I went to the church and I saw Carly and she said -- Brad: I figured that's what happened. I'm sorry. Katie: No, don't, no. You can't leave. Not yet. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: It means a lot to me to have the best two Snyder men I know standing up for me today. Holden: I still haven't been able to reach Brad. Do you want to hold off until we track him down? J.J.: Maybe he's with Katie. Parker: Shut up. Jack: No, hey. J.J.'s right. If Brad's helping Katie through this, then that's good. I'm glad she's not alone. [SCENE_BREAK] Brad: Do you want to yell at me? Go ahead. Katie: I -- Brad: Look, I know -- I know what you're going to say. You know, you trust someone, you believe in them -- they stab you in the back. It hurts bad. And I'm really -- I'm sorry about that. I really am. So, say what you're going to say. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: You look beautiful. Carly: I didn't think I'd see you. Should I be glad you're here? Carly: Carly, it's not too late. Tell Jack the truth. Carly: I tried to. Just now. Lily: What happened? Carly: It wasn't the right time. Lily: Carly, what if he finds out? Carly: He will find out -- after the wedding. And everything will be fine. I know you think I'm making a mistake, but this is not like you and Holden. Carly: Holden is divorcing me because I kept things from him. How is this different? Carly: Because Holden is so angry that he's forgotten how much he loves you. But Jack remembers. I'm not forcing him to do this. Lily: I just want you to remember one thing when you walk down that aisle. And you look at Jack. You're not dying. Carly: I don't understand -- Lily: Nothing about this day is temporary. If Jack finds out the truth on his own, he will despise you forever. And if you lose him because you're so desperate to keep him, you're going to regret that for the rest of your life. Carly: Hey -- Gwen: Carly, you look amazing. Sage: Is it almost time? Carly: Oh, yeah. Yes. Very soon, your daddy and me, and your brothers, we're all going to be a family again. Lily: Good luck. Rosanna: Well, this is it. Are you ready? Carly, are you okay? Carly: I'm about to marry the man I love. What could be better than that? [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: So Carly's going to get her wedding. It's so great, but I don't get it. Jack's going to find out the truth, whether I tell him or not. And then he's going to leave again, so what was the point of all this? Brad: Well, she's got that covered. Katie: What covered? Brad: I got a plane to catch. Katie: What is Carly planning? Brad: I don't know, not for sure. Katie: Well, then, why don't you tell me what you do know? Brad: I didn't mean to make it sound like I have some inside track on Carly's plans. My guess is that, she set it up so, after the wedding, she discovers she's not dying. Katie: Without ever admitting that she knew the truth the entire time. Brad: That way Jack is happy about the news and never has to find out she lied to him. Katie: Oh, my God, how could she do this to him? She's supposed to love him. Jack's gonna find out, Brad. And when he does, he's gonna be humiliated. I gotta stop her. Brad: Katie, Katie, that is just a guess. I mean, I don't know if Carly's gonna do it that way. Katie: If you thought of it, chances are, so did she. Brad: Where are you going? Katie: I should have stopped this when I had the chance. Hopefully, it's not too late. [SCENE_BREAK] Minister: You may be seated. Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to rejoin this man and this woman in holy matrimony. [SCENE_BREAK] Brad: Katie, are you sure you want to do this? Katie: I can't let Carly make a fool of Jack. I love him too much to let that happen. Brad: You're right. Even if Jack does love Carly, he deserves to know the truth. [SCENE_BREAK] Minister: As you two well know, marriage is not something to enter into lightly. In fact, the fact that you two have come together again speaks of your abiding love for each other, trust in each other and hopes for the future. And since I'm certain that all of those gathered here bless and support this union, I won't even ask if anyone has objections. Jack: Actually, Reverend, I think we do need to stop right there. [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: Jack loves Carly. Why do I keep ignoring that? He loves her. Brad: He feels sorry for her. Katie: He loves her, Brad. That's why he left on our wedding day to be with her. That's why he moved in with her to take care of her. That's why he's marrying her today. It wouldn't matter if I told him the truth. He would forgive her, and he would stay with her. 'Cause that's exactly where he wants to be. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Jack, what are you doing? Jack: I'm answering your question. Just before we came in here, Carly asked me if I really wanted to marry her. I thought that was a really silly question at the time. Wasn't it obvious how I was feeling? Or do you need to hear the words? I mean, granted, this past year, we've yelled when we should have listened. We've ran when we should have stayed. And at first, I thought that this wedding would be like celebrating the end of something, but I was wrong. You were right. It's like a beginning for us. A chance for a fresh start. In spite of everything that we've been through, to love without lies, without holding back. So to answer her question -- to answer your question, I want forever with you, Carly, but I'll take what I can get. Minister: Now, there'll be time for that after the ceremony. Shall we proceed? Jack: I'm sorry. You were saying? Minister: So you do indeed take this woman to be your wife? Jack: I do. As long as we both shall live. Minister: Carly? Jack: Hey. Carly: I -- Jack: What is it? Carly: You looked so sad just now. And it finally hit me -- it finally hit me how I would feel if I found out that you were sick. How much it would hurt. With every breath -- Jack, I have to tell you something. You need to know something. I need to talk to you. Jack: Do you want to go someplace? Carly: No, no. I need to do this. I need to do this right now, okay? Jack: Okay, yeah. Carly: When I first found out that I was sick, I realized that every moment is precious. And we have to make every minute count, whether we're just going to live to the end of next week or for another 60 years. Jack: Carly? Carly: What I'm telling you is that I'm grateful. I'm grateful for my diagnosis, Jack. Hearing it, it scared me, and it woke me up. It made me see what's truly important. You and our children. Our life. Jack: Okay. Carly: And because of that, I need to tell you now this, right now. I need to tell you and everyone here should know. Jack, I'm not dying after all. Jack: Say that again? Carly: The doctors were wrong, Jack. I'm going to live. Jack: Oh, Baby! Oh, Carly! Gwen: You're really going to be all right? Carly: Yes! Rosanna: This is the best news! Paul: Congratulations. Emma: Oh, Carly. Oh, I couldn't be happier. I couldn't be happier. [SCENE_BREAK] Brad: I'm sure the wedding's over by now. Katie: Yeah, they're probably all in the car. Jack, Carly, and the kids. All piled in, laughing. Brad: Let's get out of here. Drive to Chicago maybe. Katie: It doesn't matter where we are, I'm still have these pictures in my head. Jack kissing the bride, still thinking it might be the last. Not knowing that Carly lied to him. Cutting the cake. Sleeping with her. Wait, you were leaving earlier. Brad: Yeah. Katie: I made you miss your plane. I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking. Brad: Don't worry about it. Look, I'll see you at work. Okay? Katie: No, no, wait. Don't go. Please, will you stay? Brad: I don't think that's a good idea. Katie: You're sick of me crying on your shoulder. I understand. Brad: Katie, no. I hate seeing you hurt, but also, I hate when you treat me like I'm my brother. Katie: You think I'm -- Brad: Like I'm going to do the right thing, which I hardly ever do. And like somehow, I'm better than Carly, which I'm not. Believe me, I am not. [SCENE_BREAK] [Applause] Jack: You're sure? Carly: I'm sure. Jack: The doctors are sure? Carly: They're sure, Jack. The tumor, it turned out to be something else. Emma: How could the doctors make a mistake like that? Meg: It does happen sometimes. Jack: I'm glad it happened this time. Rosanna: Is this what you meant when you said the other day that everything was going to be all right? Carly: Yeah, I didn't want you to worry. Jack: The other day? How long have you known? [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: You underestimate yourself, Brad. Brad: Listen to me. When I say I'm a bad guy, believe it. I'm a bad guy. Katie: Okay. Will you stay? If you leave, I'm gonna go to Jack, and I'm gonna tell him the truth. Brad: Would that be so bad? Katie: Yeah. Brad: Why? Katie: Because he'll leave her and come back to me. But it won't be because he loves me. It'll be because he hates her. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: How long have you known? Carly: I'll explain everything to you, Jack. Why don't we just finish what we started, okay? Reverend, I think we can probably skip the vows, right, and just go right to the rings. Jack: How long have you known that you weren't going to die? How long? Carly: For a while. [SCENE_BREAK] Brad: I guess I just always believed that there could be no one else for my brother but Carly. Not until today, seeing you here, worrying about him, I feel sorry for the guy. Katie: He's marrying the woman he loves. Brad: You're the woman that who loves him, I mean really loves him. And that's a hell of a thing to miss out on. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: Would you mind taking the kids out of here? Rosanna: Boys? Gwen: Come on, Sage. Sage: I don't understand. I know Mommy was sick before, but if she's all better now, why can't they still get married? Rosanna: I'll meet you back at the house. Paul: Okay. I love you. Craig: Hey. Meg: Hi. Holden: Have you guys seen Lily? Craig: She snuck out right after Carly made her big announcement. Holden: Jack's going to need us to be there for him when he gets back to the farm. Meg: I'll be right behind you. Craig: Hold on, I'll follow you, okay? Meg: No! No, Jack needs to be around people he trusts, and you're not on that list, Craig. The last thing I want is for Jack to look across the room and see you gloating. Craig: I wasn't planning to gloat. I just -- I wanted to be with you. Meg: I'm sorry. That was an awful thing to say. I apologize. Craig: Just take care of our baby, and take care of our baby's mama, okay? Meg: Yeah, I'll do that. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: Don't. Just don't. [SCENE_BREAK] Meg: I thought you didn't want to talk to me. Paul: I don't. This is the sample for your paternity test. Meg: So you really do think that this child may be yours? Paul: And when you find out for sure, what I already know, that this is not my child, you don't even need to call me. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: How long is a while? Carly: Can't you just be happy that I'm going to be all right? Jack: Before I proposed? Before the trip to Montana? How long? Carly: Since the night Katie told you she needed distance. [SCENE_BREAK] Sage: So what's going to happen now? Will: Your parents are going to take care of you. Like always. J.J.: Dad seemed pretty mad. Do you think they're still going to get married? Gwen: I think we should focus on the good news. I mean, your mom's not sick. Isn't that great? Sage: Mommy said something good was going to happen, and she was right. Parker: Because she already knew that she wasn't really sick at all. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: I wanted to tell you. I tried that night and then so many nights since then. Right up until you proposed, I tried. And then you proposed. It was everything I wanted. I didn't want to jinx it. I just wanted you. Jack: Even if you had to lie to keep me? Carly: You're the one who came to all my medical appointments when I told you not to. When I tried to send you home to your brand new wife. Jack: You expected me to abandon you, Carly? Carly: What I didn't expect was that you would still love me. But you did. You loved my enough to leave Katie on your wedding night to hold my hand. You loved me enough to ask me to marry you. Jack: And you said yes, knowing that I thought you only had a couple of months to live, at most. Carly: Right outside this church, I gave you another chance to walk away. And you said you were here because it's where you said you wanted to be. And you know what I think? I think you were telling the truth. [SCENE_BREAK] [Door shuts] [Emma sighs] Holden: You left early. Lily: I wanted to check on Luke. Holden: Can you believe that Carly's known that she's not dying, for a while now? And she decided it was okay to keep it from Jack. Emma: I tell you, I don't know what to think. I don't know how Carly could be so incredibly selfish, I really don't? I'm going to go upstairs and change. Will you call me when Jack comes in? Holden: I will. Lily: Okay. I should go. Holden: You knew, didn't you? Lily: Yes, I did. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: When were you planning to tell me about the misdiagnosis? Carly: I hadn't given it much thought. Jack: No you thought about it. You thought about it. I mean come on, you would have had to tell me about -- soon. You couldn't have waited too long because you were supposed to kick the bucket around the first of the year, so --if you weren't pushing daisies by New Years, then I would have put two and two together, so you would have had to tell me pretty soon, Carly. Carly: But it's not New Years, is it? Jack: You were lying. Carly: I could have waited until then. But I didn't, did I? I could have pretended that we would hear the news together. Jack: Oh, we would have gotten the miraculous news together? That's good. That might even have worked. [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: I can't fight what those two have. God knows I've tried. Brad: I'm sorry. Katie: You didn't do anything. Brad: I didn't. I should've. I could've. Katie: Honestly Brad, tell me what you could have done. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: So, all your talk about new beginnings and hoping for a miracle, that was all just a setup for when you finally did get the good news. What made you do it? What was it that finally tipped your conscience in the direction of the truth for a change? Carly: You. [SCENE_BREAK] [Meg is at the hospital. Outside the door is the guy Rosanna paid to spy on Meg] Meg: I know it's too early to do CVS testing on the baby, but I was hoping that maybe we could get started on the DNA profiling for these samples. Lab tech: The lab's backed up Meg. It'd be better if you go through your gynecologist for this. Meg: I can't. Is there anything you can do to help me out? Lab tech: I'll see if I can squeeze you in. Meg: Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Rosanna: Paul? [Cell phone ringing] Hello? Fellows: Mrs. Montgomery just dropped off some DNA samples with the lab. Rosanna: Samples? As in more than one? Fellows: She had one with her before the wedding. Then your husband gave her something after the wedding. Now she has two. Rosanna: Thanks for calling. I'll be in touch. Paul: I hope that wasn't more bad news. [SCENE_BREAK] Lab tech: Meg, you're all set. After your prenatal procedure, we'll be ready to roll. Meg: Thank you so much, Bailey. Lab tech: No problem. [SCENE_BREAK] Rosanna: That was just Gwen. About the kids. They're very upset. Paul: You could have told her to bring the kids over here. Rosanna: I've been away for so long -- I think it's better that they're with Will and Gwen. They'll be more comfortable. Paul: How are you doing? Rosanna: I'm happy that my sister's going to live. Paul: Yeah. I still can't believe she did that to Jack and the kids. Rosanna: Well my sister was just trying to hold onto the person that she loved. A person that she was certain that loved her. I've done as much myself. So have you. [SCENE_BREAK] Holden: You knew what Carly was doing, and you didn't say a word? Lily: She's my friend. I was trying to help. Holden: Even though you knew that it might hurt Jack and the kids. Lily: I was trying to convince her to be honest with Jack, which she was. Holden: It's too late. Lily: She didn't take the vows, Holden. Holden: Why didn't you tell me? Lily: Because it wasn't my secret to tell, Holden! If you want to make this one more unforgivable thing that I have done, so be it. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: You said you wanted forever with me. Jack: Stop throwing my words back at me. Carly: I've waited so long to hear those words. And when you said them, I finally believed that you wanted to be with me because you loved me, not because you thought I was dying. And you do still love me. Jack: I can't listen to this. Carly: You're the one who made me believe in us again. And you're the one who can make me believe it's over. Just look me in the eyes, look me in the eyes and tell me you don't love me. [SCENE_BREAK] Brad: I could've shaken some sense into him. Told him that he was throwing away the best thing that ever happened to him. Katie: So, after all these months of working together, you're finally starting to like me? Brad: No. I'm just hoping that you'll still like me after all this is over. Katie: How could I not? You're the one good thing that came out of all of this. You've gone above and beyond. You've been there for me like no one else could've. If I wasn't married, I'm not married. Brad: No, you're not. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: How could I love you? How could I after what you've done? Carly: I don't know. I've never understood what makes us perfect for each other. I just know that we are. Jack: Whatever we are, it's not what I want. Carly: You love me. I'm the woman you married two, almost three times. The woman you stole from your brother. The woman you broke your marriage vows for. I am the mother of your children. And when you lay dying, your last thought will be of me, as mine will be of you. Jack: Proving what? Carly: That you should give me one more chance. [NEXT_ON] Barbara: The attorney that I hired has found a couple. Brad: You know why I'm here. You know how I feel about you. Carly: Jack, please. Please don't do this! Jack: You knew? And you were going to let me go through with it? Katie: Yes. | Paul gives Meg some of his hair |
645 | Man: What will it be? Phyllis: Um... vodka tonic, make it a double. Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Sharon: Noah, hang up your coat. Sharon: Thanks for coming home with me to deal with this. Nick: We're in this together, Sharon. Noah: So I'm going to my room. Nick: No, you're not. We're gonna talk about this. Sharon: I'm really upset that you lied to me again. Nick: How do you expect us to ever believe anything you say again? Sharon: And we gave you a second chance after the keg party. Nick: Oh, and you're still digging your way out of what happened in Paris. Sharon: And you swear to us that we can trust you, and then you pull a stunt like this. Nick: And I wasn't kidding, Noah. I do not want you and Eden to see each other outside of school. Noah: That's not fair. Eden has the highest grade in our trig class. We're just going to study for tomorrow's test. Nick: Well, then why were you two chasing each other through the coffeehouse? Noah: We were getting something to drink first. Sharon: Why'd you tell me you were going out studying with a boy named Dylan? Noah: 'Cause I know you don't like Eden. Sharon: Sit down. I never said that I don't like her. I said that sometimes two people make a bad combination. Nick: You two just seem to get each other into trouble. Sharon: And... you know, it really scares me how you can so easily come up with information about where you are or who you're with. Noah: You gave me no choice. Nick: Just like you're not giving us any choice. Noah: But, Dad-- Nick: No, there's no buts, Son. You brought this on yourself. Sharon: Your dad's right. Lying comes with consequences. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: So... you sure you have all that? Man: Everything will be taken care of. Jack: Oh, uh, one more thing. I would like this to be delivered to the table after the appetizer. Man: Yes, Sir. Jack: Thank you. Man: Must be a special night. Jack: Oh, very. After tonight, all of 'em are gonna be special. Hey, Red, why so glum? Phyllis: Why so happy? Jack: You haven't heard? Phyllis: No. Heard what? Jack: The Abbotts have just regained control of Jabot Cosmetics. Phyllis: Yippee. Jack: And, uh, not that you need to know, but since you seem determined to stick your nose in my marriage-- Phyllis: Uh, I'm actually not interested in being a part of your marriage. I'm interested in your wife staying out of mine. Jack: Well, I've just planned a romantic evening for my wife. I'm on my way home to pick her up right now. Phyllis: Good for you. Jack: You'll be happy to know we are closer than ever. We have recommitted ourselves to making our marriage all that it can be. Phyllis: Oh, that shouldn't take long. Jack: But I would like tonight to go perfectly. So I'd be much obliged if you weren't here when we returned. You have something to say, say it. Phyllis: I have nothing to say, Jack. I won't be here. I have plans of my own. Jack: Good. Jack: Is that a threat? Phyllis: I am telling you to wake up. Your wife is slipping away from you. Do you understand this? Every single moment you spend with some hooker in some motel room, your wife is spending with my husband! I am done with it! Do you understand? I am done! Get a hold of your life. It's slipping away from you! Jack: It's handled. Phyllis: Excuse me? Man: Yeah? Phyllis: Um, I-I'd like to book a room for tonight. Man: There. Just dial zero. Phyllis: Oh, thank you. Yes, this is Phyllis Newman. I would like to book a room tonight. Um, no, actually... I would like to book your best suite. Yeah, for tonight. Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Well, I wish I had some news for you. We're still waiting for-- Michael: I spoke too soon. This is from the handwriting experts we hired to examine the diary. Victor: Good. That'll prove this is a forgery. And I can get out of here. Michael: Damn. Victor: What? Michael: Apparently, our experts agree with those hired by the prosecution-- that it's your handwriting. Victor: What are you talking about? I'm telling you, they are wrong. The handwriting is not mine. Michael: The ink is consistent with the strong downward strokes are consistent with samples given. The pressure exerted by the writer seems to be-- Victor: Listen to me, the diary is a fake. I don't give a damn what the highfalutin experts say. Michael: Fake, perhaps, but good enough to fool professionals. Victor: Then you find someone who won't be fooled. Michael: We can't risk being accused by the prosecution of shopping around for results that we want. Victor: What are you suggesting? Michael: We need to find a new angle-- a new way to prove it's a forgery. Victor: I have a very strong hunch that Adam Wilson was not alone in this. I think Jack Abbott is in this up to his neck. Michael: That's speculation. Victor: I want you to confront that bastard. Michael: You really think he'll cop to this? Victor: You put him on the stand. You grill him. If anyone can break that man, you can. Michael: I appreciate your confidence, Victor. Victor: Just do it. Michael: I'll give it my best shot. Victor: I guarantee you Jack Abbott is involved in this. This diary is a forgery. As I sit here, I promise you, it's a fake. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: You're not to go anywhere but school and home for a week. And no computer, unless it's for homework. Sharon: And no online chats with Eden either. I mean that. Noah: This sucks! Nick: And if you speak to your mother like that again, it's gonna be two weeks. Nick: You know, when I was his age, I used to think my mom was put on this earth just to make me miserable. Sharon: Does it make you wanna call her and apologize? Nick: Well, the good news is our parents survived. And I gotta tell you, I was a lot worse than Noah is. It's gonna be all right. Jack: Hey. Sharon: Oh! Jack! Hi. Um, Noah's in trouble again. Jack: Uh-oh, what happened? Sharon: He lied to us about where he was going. Jack: Everything's cool now, though, right? Sharon: We gave him a good talking to. Nick: Yeah, he's sulking in the study. Jack: Well, when I was his age, I was a holy terror. I brought sulking to a new art form. These are for you, gorgeous. Sharon: Oh, what's going on? Jack: It's official. The stockholders meeting was today. The Abbotts are back in control of Jabot Cosmetics. Nick: Well, congratulations, Jack. Jack: Thank you. Nick: Well, I'm sure you two have a lot to talk about. I gotta take off anyway. Sharon: Um, okay. Thank you for coming. Jack: Tomorrow, we talk. Tonight, we celebrate. [SCENE_BREAK] (Cell phone ringing) Nick: Hello? Phyllis: Hey, Baby. Nick: Hey. So I'm just leaving Jack and Sharon's. I'll be home in a few. Phyllis: Um, no, no, no. Meet me at the Athletic Club, okay? I'm at the bar. [SCENE_BREAK] Sharon: They're lovely. Jack: So open the other box. Sharon: Okay. Jack: I'd like to take responsibility for picking that out, but the truth is, I hired a personal shopper. Sharon: She has good taste. Jack: So I made reservations for us at the Athletic Club. Why don't you go upstairs, put that on and we'll get outta here. Sharon: I'm not going anywhere, Jack, until we talk. Jack: About? Sharon: Last time you schemed to get Jabot, it blew up in your face. Jack: Because I did it illegally, because I used Ji Min as a front. No, this is thoroughly on the up and up. Sharon: Really? Jack: Billy and Ashley will be running Jabot. My hands are so clean, they're squeaky. Sharon: I hope so, Jack. Jack: Honey, I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't love to be behind Dad's desk calling the shots, but right now having Jabot back in the Abbott family is... satisfying enough. Sharon: You're really happy about this? Jack: Oh, you have no idea. Between Jabot and the two of us rebuilding our marriage, I'm happy enough to hand out cigars. Sharon: Jack, I... I-I really do wanna believe that this is new beginning for us. Jack: This is a new beginning for us. I swear to you, I am going to be the perfect husband. Now put it in gear, gal. Chop, chop. Let's go. Jack: Hey. I hear you're in the doghouse. Noah: Mom freaks out over everything lately. Jack: Women. Noah: She never used to be like this. You think it's because of what's going on with you guys? Jack: What do you mean by that? Noah: Look, I know you're always reassuring me, but if you two are splitting up, you'd tell me, right? Jack: Hey, I will admit, we went through a real rough patch there, but things are much better now. Noah: Yeah, but all the arguing? Jack: The arguing is all over with. In fact, tonight, I'm taking your mother out for a romantic dinner. Is that something we would be doing if we were splitting up? [SCENE_BREAK] (Cell phone ringing) Noah: Sorry. Hello? Phyllis: Hey, Noah, it's Phyllis. I need your help. Noah: Uh, hey, Phyllis, what's up? Phyllis: Um, our babysitter canceled on us, and I need you to watch Summer overnight. Noah: (Laughs) I'm grounded. Phyllis: Well, you could be grounded at our house. I clear it with your dad, okay? Noah: All right, hold on a sec. Phyllis needs me to watch Summer tonight. I have to stay over. Jack: Say yes. I'll go upstairs and tell your mother I okayed it. Noah: Hey, okay, I'm in. Phyllis: Great. Great. Listen, I'll have Estella get one of the ranch hands to pick you up and take you to the house, okay? Listen, I owe you big time. Bye- bye. Wow. That was quick. Man: Well, enjoy. Phyllis: Thank you. I will. [SCENE_BREAK] Brad: Thank you. (Cell phone ringing) Brad: Brad Carlton. Phyllis: Hi, it's me again. Brad: Well, it's about time you got back to me. What's going on with Sharon? Is she okay? Phyllis: She is now, but she won't be for long. Brad: You said she was gonna get some disappointing news about her husband? Phyllis: That's right. Brad: Care to elaborate? Phyllis: Jack has been putting band-aids on that marriage. It's too late. There's too much damage. It's not a question of if that marriage will implode, it's a question of when. Brad: I assume you have a timetable in mind? Phyllis: Um, yeah. Tonight. I want you to come to the Athletic Club, the dining room. I want you to hang around, but be discreet. Brad: Why? Phyllis: Because Sharon's gonna need a ride home and a big, strong shoulder to cry on. Brad: What are you up to, Phyllis? Phyllis: I need you to intercept Sharon, so she won't come running to my husband, yet again. And just in case, I'm gonna make sure that Nick is busy. Brad: That's all you're gonna tell me? Phyllis: Yeah, that's all I'm gonna tell you, Brad. You should be happy. This is Sharon, your dream girl. She's gonna come to you in her hour of need. What more could you ask for? [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: Wow. If you were any more beautiful, my heart couldn't take it. Sharon: The dress fits like it was made for me. Jack: Trust me, it's not the dress. Chuck just picked Noah up. Sharon: I hope it's not a mistake, letting him go to Nick's, unsupervised. Jack: Oh, he'll be fine. He's looking after Summer. And this way, when we come home, we'll have the place to ourselves. Sharon: I guess. Jack: Thank you for agreeing to have dinner with me tonight. I know I screwed up royally. But I swear to you, I've learned my lesson. [SCENE_BREAK] Frank: Hi. I know who you are. Victor: Do you? Frank: I know the truth about your diary. [SCENE_BREAK] Man: Mr. Newman? Nick: Yeah. Man: A beautiful woman left that for you. Nick: Really? What did she look like? Man: Red hair, killer smile. Nick: Yeah, that's the one. Thanks. Man: You're welcome. [SCENE_BREAK] (Cell phone ringing) Michael: Michael Baldwin. Phyllis: Hey, Michael, it's Phyllis. I need a favor. Michael: It'll have to wait. I'm on a mission for Victor Newman. Phyllis: No, no, no, no, it can't wait. Listen, Sharon and Jack are having dinner at the Athletic Club. Michael: Jack is in the club? Phyllis: Yeah. He's at the club, and I need you to make sure that they stay there until Sharon gets a special delivery. Michael: Is this about the matter we discussed earlier? The information you have that could break them apart? Because I told you this is bad-- Phyllis: And I told you that I know what I'm doing. I know what I'm doing. Trust me. Michael: Forget it, Phyllis. I refuse to be a party to something I know is gonna backfire. Phyllis: Listen, just (Knock on door) Phyllis: Okay, I have to go. Bye. (Sighs) Surprise. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: I have pre-ordered all your favorites-- the veal rollatini, the salad with Gina's special vinaigrette, and for dessert, the cherries jubilee flambé. Sharon: Wow. My mouth's watering. Jack: We will also be drinking the same wine we drank on our wedding night. Yeah, that's it. Sharon: Really? Jack: I thought it would be symbolic, since we're starting over. Brad: Scotch. Sharon: You went to a lot of trouble. Jack: You will never know how much it means to me that you've given me another chance. To my wonderful, wonderful wife. May our future be full of wine and roses. (Glasses clink) [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: So you could've read about me and the diary in the newspaper. Frank: What matters is I know it's a fake. Victor: Do you? Frank: Yeah. I have a lot of information that might interest you. Victor: Don't waste my time, son. Frank: I'm not. I'm a third time striker. I have a lousy public defender. Victor: Then why the hell do you think that interests me? Frank: You need information. And I-I have it. Victor: And in return? Frank: Your fancy, high-price lawyer springs me out of this joint and you pay me a million bucks. Victor: How do I know you're not conning me? Frank: Well, maybe a few details will help convince you. Victor: Mm-hmm. For example? Frank: Well, how about, uh, a description of the diary? Victor: You could've read about that in the paper, you know? Frank: Not everything. Victor: Mm-hmm. Frank: I'm talking about a tan colored composition book with the words "Tony Amato" written on the first page. You didn't read that in the paper, did you? So... next question... you wanna make me an offer? [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: What is all this? Phyllis: Well, I thought, uh, you know... after everything that's happened-- Katherine's death and you worrying about your father and the problems with Noah... I thought that we deserved a night to ourselves. Nick: I like what you're thinking. Phyllis: Mm. Good. Noah is with Summer and Estella's just three seconds away. Nick: Okay. You have.... thought of everything. Phyllis: Yeah, I have. If I'm gonna seduce my husband, I'm gonna do it right. Nick: Seduce me, huh? Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Nick: That sounds fun. Phyllis: Oh, it's gonna be fun. It's gonna be real fun. So I want you to forget about everything else and it's just the two of us. From now until the morning... it's just us. Okay? Nick: I'm down with that. [SCENE_BREAK] Estella: The baby monitor's right over there. And there's a sippy cup of milk in the refrigerator. Now if you need anything from the main house-- Noah: I won't, Estella. I'm good. Estella: Okay, then. I'm off. Noah: Bye-bye. Estella: Night. Noah: (Exhales deeply) (Cell phone ringing) Noah: Hello? Phyllis: Hey, it's me, Phyllis. Noah: Uh, hey, Phyllis. Estella just left. Summer's down for the night. Everything's under control. Phyllis: Oh, great. Did you read her animal book? Noah: Yep. Phyllis: Oh, good. Did she do her cow impression for you? Noah: Uh-huh. Phyllis: She did? Nick and I love that. It cracks us up. (Knock on door) Noah: Yeah, yeah, it was cute. Hey, listen, I gotta hit the books, so... Phyllis: Um, I'm gonna give you to your dad, okay? Noah: No! No, no, no, no. Don't. Nick: Hey, Dude. Noah: Hey, Dad. Nick: I really appreciate you watching your little sister. Noah: It's not a problem. Really. Uh, listen, I got a big test tomorrow, so... Nick: Yeah, no problem. I'll let you go. Just, uh, call me if you need anything, okay? Noah: Will do. Bye. I'm sorry. I thought they were gonna talk my ear off. I, uh... I'm glad you could come. You're the only chance I have of acing that trig test tomorrow. Eden: Well, then, let's get cracking, Dude. Um, I told Fen's sitter that I was going to the library, so I can't stay long. Noah: We won't have to sneak around forever. I just have to figure out a way for my parents to see how lame they're being. [SCENE_BREAK] Phyllis: Um... do you wanna start a bubble bath while I wait for the champagne? Do you wanna do that? Nick: Hmm. Bubbly in the bubble bath. Good call. (Knock on door) Phyllis: Great timing. Come on in. Man: There you go. Phyllis: Ah, thank you. Terrific. All right. And this... is for you. Man: Wow. Thanks. Phyllis: You're very welcome. Um, how would you like to earn an extra $100? Man: Uh, yeah. Phyllis: Okay. Um, this is how you do it. Give this to Sharon Abbott. She's having dinner with her husband Jack Abbott downstairs. Make sure that you put this directly in her hands. It's only delivered to her, okay? Man: No problem. Phyllis: Not for you, anyway. And, um, here you go. If anybody asks, say you got it from a gentleman, um, about this tall, uh, short brown hair. He, um, had gym clothes on. He was coming directly from the gym. Got it? [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: I know I've kept things from you. I know I've shut you out. But I do love you, more than words can express. Sharon: Our problem has never been love, Jack. It's been about trust. Jack: I know. Sharon: You know, you said earlier that you would be the perfect husband. Jack: Yeah, and I meant that. Sharon: All I'm asking you for is honesty. Jack: Oh. Sharon: Oh. What is this? Another gift for me? Jack: Actually, it's a gift for me. Probably the most important gift you've ever given me. Sharon: I gave you? Jack: Go ahead, open it. Sharon: Okay. Oh! What? Jack: It's a clean slate. Brad: You gotta be kidding me. [SCENE_BREAK] (Cell phone ringing) Phyllis: Hello? Brad: It's Brad. Phyllis: Where are you? Brad: At the Athletic Club, where you told me to be. Phyllis: Why are you calling me? Brad: I thought you said Sharon and Jack were about to break up. Phyllis: They are. Brad: Then why are they acting like a couple of newlyweds? Phyllis: Listen to me, just sit tight. Stop being so impatient. The games are about to begin. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Oh! Good evening, Sharon. Excuse me. Jack, may I have a moment with you, please? Jack: I'm having a private evening alone with my wife, Counselor. Michael: The bar's right over there. One quick drink. Sharon: Anything you have to say to Jack, you can say in front of me, Michael. Jack: Yeah, it'll just take a couple of minutes. Sharon: Jack, you promised me no more secrets. What is this about? Michael: The infamous diary. Jack: Damn it, Baldwin-- Michael: He didn't write it, and I don't think of Adam as the creative type. Jack: Okay. I've been nice about this once. Michael: My guess is that you wrote it, Jack. Jack: That's absurd. Michael: You really should've been a novelist. It was absolutely riveting. I was on the edge of my seat. Jack: You're losing it, Baldwin. Michael: The best part? How much you sounded like Victor. Jack: Funny, it was Victor. Michael: Oh, you've been waiting for years to take Victor Newman down, get revenge for all the dirty little things he's done to you, real or imagined. And then, when the opportunity presented itself, you were all over it. Jack: No, I wasn't. Michael: Come on, it takes a modicum of intelligence for someone to pull of a scam like this. Jack: Read my lips. I had nothing to do with your diary. Michael: How many times did you get together with junior? It must've been quite a few. Jack: Okay, I told you-- Michael: Did you work this out at a bar somewhere? Your place? His place? Jack: Okay, that's enough. I have already answered all of these questions and more with the F.B.I. get off my back. [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: Sit down. Victor: And listen carefully. I don't pay extortion to a three-time loser. Frank: No, see, it's because I'm a three-time loser that I'm giving you this opportunity. Victor: However you slice it, its extortion. Frank: Oh, come on, Newman, a million bucks? That's chump change to a dude like you. Victor: What's your name? Frank: Ellis. Frank Ellis. Victor: Frank Ellis, I'm losing patience with the game you're playing. Frank: No games, Newman. I told you I could get you out of here, and I meant it. Victor: You tell me what you know about the diary and you tell me now. Frank: I'll talk when the million dollars walks into my bank account. [SCENE_BREAK] Noah: Is this right? Eden: Nope. Try again. Noah: Man, I hate trigonometry. Eden: It's easy. Noah: Hey, just because you're a brainiac doesn't make me one. Eden: Okay. Here. Let me do this. You're supposed to be looking at the study sheet. Noah: Sorry. Eden: Look... if you don't want my help... Noah: What I want... is this. Eden: What are you doing? Noah: Do you want me to stop? (Cell phone ringing) Noah: Oh. (Sighs) Phyllis again. Eden: What, does she have a nanny cam hidden in the room? Noah: Hello, Phyllis. Phyllis: Hey, Noah, listen, I'm not checking up on you, I promise, okay? Noah: Uh, all is well in Summerland. I haven't heard a peep. Phyllis: Oh, great, great. I just called you because your dad's phone is running out of battery, and so if you need to get a hold of us, just call my phone, okay? Noah: Will do. Phyllis: And listen, if you get hungry, there's some chocolate cake in the refrigerator. Noah: Thanks. I got everything I need. Phyllis: Okay, great. See you tomorrow. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: The bath is ready. Phyllis: Okay. Nick: Ah, the champagne has arrived. A toast. Phyllis: Thank you. Nick: To amazingly... hot wife... Nick: Who never ceases to amaze me. (Glasses clink) [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: I mean it, Counselor. Back off. Michael: You answer my questions, and I will back off. Jack: You're asking the wrong person. Michael: You know nothing about a forgery? Jack: Who says it's a forgery? Michael: Victor. And I believe him. Jack: Well, Victor's gonna say anything he can to save his sorry ass. Michael: And yet you categorically deny knowing anything about a forgery. Jack: You know, I always thought Victor was a little crazy. Maybe he's rubbing off on you. Michael: Is that yes or no? Jack: Yes. That is a definitive yes. I had nothing to do with it. Now I'm having a lovely evening alone with my wife. I don't appreciate you interrupting it to make these baseless accusations. If you don't get out of here, I will see that management throws you out of here. Man: Excuse me. Uh, Mrs. Abbott? Sharon: Yes? Man: This is for you. Sharon: Oh. Jack: Were you expecting something? Sharon: No. Sharon: Your credit card statement? [SCENE_BREAK] Noah: Are you sure you can't stay longer? Eden: I need to get home before Michael or Lauren get back. Noah: (Shivers) Its cold out. I got a down vest you can borrow. Eden: Better not take the chance. How am I gonna explain it if I get caught with it? Noah: Good point. Eden: I better go. Noah: Yeah. Okay. Eden: Bye. Eden: Good night. Noah: Good night. [SCENE_BREAK] (Knock on door) Nick: Mm. Go away. Really? Phyllis: Mm-hmm. I'll be right back. Nick: Okay. Man: Your dinner, Mrs. Newman. Phyllis: Oh, great! Great! Here, I'll take care of this. Um, how about that little errand we talked about? Man: Uh, all taken care of. Phyllis: Oh, okay, great. I'm very, very happy to hear that. That's terrific. Um, don't say anything to my husband about it. Man: Oh, sure. Phyllis: Okay, thank you. All right, I'll help you with this. Man: Thank you. Phyllis: Great. Here you go. Man: There you are. Phyllis: Take this with you. Man: Oh, great. Thanks. Phyllis: Thanks. Nick: What's all this? Phyllis: Well, dinner. You need your strength, right? Nick: Uh... yeah, what about, uh... the food, the bath? Phyllis: Mm. Nick: It might get cold. Phyllis: Really? Do you really... care if the bath gets cold? Or the food gets cold? Nick: No. I don't. [SCENE_BREAK] Frank: You don't scare me, Newman. Victor: Then you're not as bright as you want me to believe. Frank: Fine. I'll just keep my info to myself. We'll let the prosecutors let you hang out to dry. Victor: Listen to me, if you know as much about me as you claim, if you read my diary, you know what I'm capable of. You think long and hard about who you're dealing with. Frank: Guard? I'm ready to go back to my cell. [SCENE_BREAK] Sharon: What are all of these charges to the Genoa City Motor Arms? And what's the Emperor's Legion? Michael: Oh, that's an escort service. I mean, I defended somebody who worked there once. Jack: I-I-I can explain. Sharon: Please do. Jack: Maybe we should do this at home where we can talk privately, okay? Sharon: No, Jack. I'd like an explanation now. Jack: Okay, it--it isn't easy to admit something like this, but... Sharon: But what? Michael: I'm dying to hear this, too. Jack: Do I really have to say this in front of him? Sharon: Yes. Jack: Sharon, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. The truth is... I'm a sex addict. [NEXT_ON] Nikki: My talk with Victor-- Ashley: How'd it go? Nikki: Exactly as you had hoped. Man: Mrs. Abbott left with another gentleman. Jack: What gentleman? Nick: I just--I get the feeling there's something you're not telling me. Phyllis: Like what? | Sharon and Nick ground Noah, forbidding him to see Eden |
646 | Brooke: Mm. (Chuckles) Ridge: I just want to get home, soak in a hot tub... Brooke: (Sighs) Ridge: Continue on with my beautiful wife what we just ended here. Brooke: (Giggles) Ridge: I don't want to think about Katie or Bill. I want to get them out of my mind-- just concentrate on you. Brooke: (Clears throat) I think maybe we're going to have to delay those plans. Ridge: Why? Brooke: (Sighs) My sisters are coming for dinner. They're probably at the house right now. [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: Oh, hi. Was that Whip's, uh, car I just saw drive out? Taylor: Yes. Is that okay with you? Stephanie: Oh, I'm delighted for you, honey. (Chuckles) I want you to meet some nice guy, be with some nice guy that puts you first. My son should've done that. He didn't-- couldn't--'cause of Brooke. Oh, tea. Uh, they're having a rather rough patch of it, actually. Taylor: Oh, yes, and that's all courtesy of Katie, Brooke's own sister, because of their loyalty to each other. You know, the way they pushed Steffy aside so they can bring in yet another Logan-- Hope, her niece. [SCENE_BREAK] Graham: This one. Hope: Thank you. You know, it was really cool of you to set up this meeting. Graham: Are you kidding? Anything for Forrester's, uh, next little star. Hope: You really mean it? You're not just saying that? Graham: Look, the camera doesn't lie. And neither do I. Steffy: So, Hope, you're calling meetings now? [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: I was hoping to mend some fences with my sisters. Ridge: Starting tonight? At our house? Brooke: I know. (Sighs) I'm sorry. I know the timing's not great. It's just that after everything that happened with the "Dare" line, I thought-- Ridge: I can't do it, Logan. I can't do this. I cannot break bread with Katie and just pretend that everything's fine when it's anything but fine. I-- I can't do this, Logan. Now you're askin' too damn much of me. [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: It's not my meeting. It's Graham's. He's giving me a few pointers. Graham: From the, uh, the test photo shoot. You seen 'em? Steffy: Yes. Yes, I have. Graham: Well, what do you think? Steffy: I think, um, as head of P.R., I have to do everything in my power to make sure "Hope for the Future" is a big success. Graham: Really? Even though you pitched an idea and it got shot down? Steffy: Yeah, these things happen, especially when someone else's aunt is running things. Anyways, um, I need my caffeine fix, so... [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: You'd think Bro-- Brooke would learn, but... Taylor: Nope. She never does. First she sided with Rick against Ridge, and-- and then this latest thing of allowing Katie to treat Steffy the way she is-- that's causing problems, and I just don't know how much more a man is supposed to take. [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: "Forrester Creations, a division of Spencer Publications." [SCENE_BREAK] Donna: Well, I can't imagine what's taking Brooke so long. She was really looking forward to tonight. Katie: I'm sure her husband isn't. Katie: Hey. Brooke: Oh, hi. Sorry I'm late. Donna: Oh, honey. Brooke: You know, I know I said I'd cook, but I stopped by and got Thai food instead so... Donna: Oh, good. Katie: Is Ridge right behind you? Brooke: Uh, no. He's staying at the office. Katie: He doesn't want to have dinner with me. Brooke: (Sighs) I wish things were different, too. But let's just put all that aside and have a good time tonight, just the three of us. And who knows? Maybe he'll change his mind and show up after all. (Chuckles) Katie: (Chuckles) [ Playing "Mary Had a Little Lamb" off-key ] Katie: You are so mistaken, my friend. I didn't not have a crush on that guy. Donna: Oh, my God. You so did. You had his posters plastered all over the bedroom wall, and-- Katie: That is a fabrication. Donna: No, you played his records day and night. Katie: Brooke. Brooke, will you please enlighten her? Brooke, are you okay? Brooke: Hmm? What? Katie: You obviously can't get your mind off your husband. Donna: Honey... Brooke: (Sighs) Donna: Why don't you call him and convince him to join us? Go ahead. Brooke: (Sighs) Hi, sweetheart. Um, you still at the office? Ridge: Are your sisters still at the house? Brooke: Yeah. That's why I'm calling. We got takeout, and we're eating right now, but there's still plenty of food. Katie: We'll save you some dessert. Brooke: (Chuckles) Could you please just try? Ridge? Are you there? Are you coming home? [SCENE_BREAK] Graham: And see? Look. The way you tilt your head in this photo, it's exactly the look that I was going for. But in this one, not so much. You know why? Hope: I'm trying too hard. I'm thinking about the shot instead of just being in the moment and forgetting the camera's there. Graham: You know, for someone so young, you sure catch on quick. I think I'm in love. (Cell phone rings) Graham: (Sighs) Sorry. Hello? Hey. No--oh. You--yeah. No. It's important. Don't--don't let them go. I'll be right there. Okay. Sorry, ladies. Potential new client. Um, you guys, uh, you guys carry on. Steffy: Bye. Hope: So, um, which one of these do you like? Steffy: You know, I kind of like them all. Hope: Really? Steffy: Hope, you're a beautiful girl. The camera obviously loves you. Oliver: I agree. I can't imagine the camera not loving either of you. [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: (Sighs) What the hell am I doing? This is my home, and I don't even want to go in, because... oh, I can't handle this. I can't go on this way. [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: I went to see Brooke. I just thought that I should talk to her. I told her--I-I-I said, "You're--you're on a treacherous slope here. You know, you're choosing your daughter at your own expense, at the expense of your happiness with Ridge." Taylor: Only she doesn't see it that way. Stephanie: No. She thinks she can work miracles. (Telephone rings) Taylor: Oh. (Rings) Taylor: Hello. Ridge: You'll never guess where I am. Taylor: Ridge? Ridge: Sitting in my car in front of my house, only it doesn't really feel like my house because they're inside. Taylor: "They" who? Ridge: The Logan sisters. They're having dinner together. It's not enough for Katie to lord her power over me at the office. Now she's making my life miserable at home, too. I can't take it, Taylor. This has gotta stop. I need you to help me make it stop. [SCENE_BREAK] Steffy: No offense or anything, but was that a come-on line? 'Cause it was kinda-- Oliver: That's what you think I'm doing? Coming on to you? Hope: Were you? Oliver: Hey, two knockouts. Who could blame a guy, right? Of course, that is the way the last deejay here lost his job. Steffy: Which still doesn't explain-- Oliver: My gig's temporary. If I don't bring in the crowds... Hope: (Chuckles) Oliver: That's why I came over to see if maybe you guys could tell your friends to stop by. Hope: Yeah, sure. I mean, if you don't mind a bunch of rowdy high schoolers. Oliver: What's to mind, as long as they're packin' the place and buying java? Steffy: I'm gonna grab a refill. Oliver: Well, I better get back. Hope: Hey, wait. What's your name? Oliver: Uh, Oliver. Hope: Oliver. Oliver Jones. "Entertainment specialist"? Oliver: It sounds more professional than "deejay and karaoke." Hope: Ahh. (Chuckles) Oliver: Keep it. You never know when it might come in handy. Hope: Thanks, "Mr. Entertainment." I'm Hope, by the way. Oliver: See ya, "Hope by the way." [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: (Sighs) I really thought he might change his mind. Katie: Well, maybe it's better that he didn't. I'm sure I'm the last person he wants to have dinner with tonight. Brooke: We'll get beyond this, Katie. Katie: Can we? (Sighs) I don't know. I mean, Ridge hates that I am married to Bill. He hates that I'm C.E.O. He hates that I am backing my niece's campaign over his daughter's. The list goes on and on. You want to know what I hate? I hate what this is doing to your marriage. Donna: If Ridge could just see it not as family versus family but... (Sighs) I don't know. That's how Eric sees it, too. Brooke: Ridge is trying. I know he is. If Taylor would just stop whispering in his ear about how unfairly Steffy's being treated. (Sighs) I wish she would just stay out of it. Katie: Like that's gonna happen. [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: He wants to talk to me for a minute. Will you--you know, I forgot to put the tea-- can you--can you get the tea? Stephanie: I'll get it. Don't worry. I'll get it. Taylor: Okay. Ridge: Taylor, are you there? Taylor: Yes. I-I-- I'm not really sure what it is you're asking me to do. Ridge: I just feel like I'm at the end of my rope here. I've never felt so frustrated. If I can't find some way to get past this-- Taylor: Get past what? Ridge: My anger towards Katie, what she's doing to our daughter, everything she and Spencer have done to my family. I can't even go in there because Katie's in there making Brooke believe that none of this is-- none of this is personal, or if it is, it's me who's making it that way. Taylor: No. No, that's not true. I know that. Ridge: Yeah, but does my wife? Brooke keeps saying not to make this about Logans versus Forresters. But if I'm the one that's doing that, then it's her sister who's pitting the families against each other. I'd like to go in there right now and wring Katie's neck. Taylor: Ridge, don't say things like that. You're not a violent man. Ridge: Yeah, well, that's what's scaring me, Doc-- having the kind of thoughts I've been having, trying every way not to let this damage my marriage. What am I supposed to do when I feel so utterly shut out and pushed aside? My family, too. I know I need to find acceptance, but how? Especially now, with the "Hope for the Future" campaign being thrown in my face and Steffy's. Taylor: So do you really feel l-like Katie's just using Hope? Ridge: Yeah, to stick it to me and our daughter. It's just like she's using this dinner tonight to push a bigger wedge between Brooke and me. Taylor: Listen, I... (Sighs) let me just explain something to you that you're probably dealing with right now. It's called conflict theory, and I'm not gonna go into the whole thing right now, but basically what it comes down to is you're in a situation. You feel conflicted, and--and you can either do one of three things. You can fight, or you can flee, or you can freeze. And right now you're feeling very uncomfortable, and it-it--you know, you're sitting there, you're sitting in the-- in the driveway, and you can't move. You don't know what to do. You're freezing. Ridge: So what should I do? Taylor: Well, it doesn't seem like a very good option for you to go in the door right now. I don't think that would be good. So I guess the only other thing you could do would--would be, you know, to flee. Ridge: And go where? The nearest bar? Taylor: (Sighs) No. No, I don't know. You could come here if you want. I mean, your mom's--you know, would be here with you. Your--your kids. We'd all be here for you to-- to get you through it or just leave you alone, let you have some peace if that's what you want. Anything. You know, whatever you need, we would do that for you to--to help you. We're here for you. [SCENE_BREAK] Donna: So you think Taylor's purposely fanning the flames? Making it your daughter against her daughter? Brooke: No, I don't think she's doing that purposely. I-I just think she's really trying to protect Steffy, and as a mother, I understand that. I just wish she would stop running to ridge all the time. Katie: You don't think that Taylor and Ridge are... (Sighs) Brooke: No. No, I have faith in my husband and faith in my marriage. And all couples have challenges. Donna: Yeah, but not as much as you and Ridge have faced over the decades. Brooke: Exactly my point. Ridge and I have been through so much through the years. And we've come through it stronger. Katie: Does it bug you knowing that Taylor is waiting in the wings? Brooke: No. I-I know Ridge has run to her before in the past, but I-I don't think that'll happen. He knows how much I love him, and he knows that I'm here for him. He's not gonna turn to Taylor for help. Not now. [SCENE_BREAK] (Front door closes) Ridge: Thank you. Taylor: For what? Ridge: For so much that I don't really know where to start. But mostly, for being on the other end of the phone tonight. Taylor: Well, I almost wasn't. Whip and I had a date, but, you know, we ended it early. Ridge: Sorry you did. Taylor: Sorry I ended the date? Ridge: I'm sorry it's taken me this long to make the decision I have. Taylor: I have no idea what you're saying. Ridge: I'm finally seeing things clearly. Taylor: I'm a little confused, because 20 minutes ago, you were on the phone with me telling me that things were basically a disaster. Ridge: Yeah, I know. But just hearing your voice-- you have a very calming presence in my life, Taylor. Taylor: Well, you sounded very exasperated. You sounded anything but calm. Ridge: Because I was fighting what I knew I had to do. I made a mistake, Doc. The same mistake I've been making over and over for years. Every time Brooke and I would find our way back to each other, I'd tell myself, "This time will be different. This time we won't end up where we always have before." But that's where we're headed and why I didn't want to go in that house tonight. It wasn't just Katie. It's because I knew-- I know, deep down, this is it. This is how it has to be. Taylor: This is how what has to be? You love Brooke. Ridge: Not enough. It isn't enough. I always believed it was, but it isn't, not anymore. And after tonight, Brooke can have her sisters. Ridge: They can run the company. Everything I have is hers anyway. That's why I'm leaving. That's why I have to leave, Doc. I am done. Taylor: No, no, no. No, you're not done, because the fact that you just said that tells me that you're not done. Ridge, I'm--I'm trying to be here for you, but you can't just come over here and tell me that your marriage is over again. You can't expect me just-- (Sighs) you're putting me in a really bad position, Ridge. You do this to me, and it-- it really-- it really upsets me. I don't know if you understand that it does that to me. I mean, really. When you--you come over here and you say this to me, and--and you call me "Doc," do you know what that does to me? Do you have any idea how that just-- it just pulls at my heart. I mean, it reminds me of when I was your wife and that we were lovers and we had a commitment. And I don't-- I don't even want you to use a word like that with me if you--if you don't mean it. You have to understand that I don't-- I can't have you do that. Ridge: But I do understand. I very much understand... Doc. | Graham meets Hope and shows her the proofs of the photo shoot |
647 | Lucy: I'm getting tired. We're going to have to rest for a minute. Dusty: We should've taken the elevator. Lucy: You know we can't risk being spotted. Sweetie, Aunt Katie is waiting for you upstairs, and she's going to make you all better. You want to get better, don't you? Okay, well, come on, let's go! Dusty: I can carry you, if you want. Johnny: No! Lucy: Johnny's a big boy. He likes to do things all on his own, huh? Dusty: Okay, okay. Lucy: You're going to have to back off a little bit. He doesn't even know you well enough to trust you. Dusty: Yeah, whose fault is that? Lucy: You want to go and do this right now? Dusty: I just want to know, things are going to change. Lucy: Come on, Johnny. Aunt Katie and Dr. Reed are waiting upstairs. Dusty: This Dr. Reed -- does he know you, from when you were on staff? Lucy: He didn't come until after I left. But we have to stay out of sight, so my father doesn't know we're here. Dusty: Who cares? Lucy: That's how we got into this nightmare. You didn't care, and neither did he. Your war was tearing everybody apart. Dusty: Stop making excuses for disappearing with my boy. There's no excuse. Lucy: Let's go, Johnny. [SCENE_BREAK] Craig: Well, I think you both are very noble. Going to all this trouble for someone you barely even know. Alison: Well, I couldn't just stand by when a sick child needs help. Craig: Of course, there is such a thing as being too generous. You never know when that little bit of bone marrow might come in handy. Katie: You are so warped. Craig: No, I'm just humbled to be in the presence of two such beautiful angels of mercy. Nurse: I'm sorry, your visitor will have to leave. We need to prep you for the procedure. Craig: What procedure? Alison: Let's just give them a minute, okay? But only a minute. Craig: Katie, what's wrong? Katie: Nothing. Craig: Nothing? Then, why are you in the hospital for a procedure? Katie: No, it's nothing, Craig. What? Craig: It's you. Katie: What's me? Craig: You're the donor. Katie: No! No, of course not. Craig: Don't lie to me, Katie! You know I'll find out. Katie: I'm not lying. Craig: If you're not here to donate your bone marrow, then why the hell are you here? [SCENE_BREAK] Henry: That's to Felicia? Okay, thank you for coming, Felicia. And thank you for buying. Vienna: Oh, you have to buy a book first. Oh, fantastic! Would you like some coffee? Maddie: Isn't that blackmail? Vienna: Extortion. Oh, have you ever seen him so happy? Maddie: Only at a poker table when he has the winning hand. Vienna: I'm so proud of him. Maddie: Me, too. Vienna: Casey! It's so lovely that you came to celebrate with us. Casey: That's not exactly -- Vienna: You know, Maddie is right inside. Casey: Yes, I see her. Vienna: Why are you standing out here? Come on. Maddie, look who's here. Your boyfriend. [SCENE_BREAK] Craig: Just tell me the truth. Katie: Okay. Annual physical. I was overdue, so I thought I'd better take care of it. Craig: And you expect me to believe that? Katie: I really don't care. Craig: Then why lie about it in the first place? Katie: Because I knew you would take any opportunity to go all "Big brother" on me, and I don't want to deal with that right now. Craig: Well, excuse me for my concern. There's only so much loss I can take. Katie: Oh, right, I forgot, because everything's about you. Craig: You know what I mean. Katie: Right, yeah, I do. It's your world. We all get to visit, though. Craig: All right, I'll wait outside, and I'll take you home when you're done. Katie: I have my car. Craig: Are you sure you'll be able to drive? Katie: It's a physical, Craig. Craig: All right. Promise me, though, you'll call me if they find anything wrong. Katie: They won't. Just go, okay? So I can get this done. [SCENE_BREAK] Alison: You guys can't be here! Dusty: Why? Alison: Your father is in the exam room with Katie. Come on, follow me. Just wait in here. Dusty: Get him out of here. Alison: We're trying. Dusty: Well, try harder! If that guy comes anywhere near my son, I'll kill him! [SCENE_BREAK] Alison: Oh, you can't go yet. Katie: Craig, I thought you were leaving. Craig: Evidently not. Alison: You need to convince him to let me test his blood. Craig: Whoa -- I thought I was clear about that. Katie: So did I. Alison: I'm sorry, but that -- it's unacceptable. Craig: Unacceptable? Alison: This is a sick kid we're talking about here! You might be a match. You can't refuse! Craig: I already have. Katie: Alison's right. You should at least tested. Craig: You think ganging up on me will work? Katie: You know, instead of whining about how much you've lost in your life, you might want to try and help someone else for a change. Craig: As I said, you two are very noble. I don't do noble. Katie: It's just a test, Craig. A good deed will probably help you balance out your karmic ledger. Craig: Oh, I didn't realize you were an accountant. Katie: You know what? Forget it. I'm sure his bone marrow's toxic, anyway. Craig: All right, all right. I'll let you test, as long as you promise to stop treating me like the enemy. Katie: I'll consider it. Best I can do. Craig: I'll take it. All right, vampire. Drill, Baby, drill. Alison: Well, I don't have my kit with me. So come with me. This way, actually! This way. Dusty: Looks okay. Lucy: What if he comes back? Dusty: Alison just left with him. Lucy: Shouldn't you go after him and make sure he left the building? Dusty: I'm not keeping my eyes off Johnny. Especially when he's with you. Lucy: You really think I'm gonna take him away from the hospital when he's so sick? Dusty: I think you're capable of anything. Lucy: Hey, should we go see Aunt Katie, huh? Come on. Hi! Katie: Hi! Oh, you've gotten so big! Lucy: Was Dr. Reed here? Katie: The nurse was here. But Craig was still here, so Alison got rid of her. Lucy: Okay. Well, I spoke with the doctor, and as soon as he makes sure that you're not at any risk, we're going to go ahead with the mini-transplant. Katie: Okay. When will that happen? Lucy: Today, if possible. Katie: Today? I thought I was just here for tests today. Lucy: Katie, the longer we wait, the worse Johnny gets. Katie: Okay. I have to call Brad first. Lucy: Katie, we can't let anyone else know that we're here. Katie: He's my husband, Lucy. I have to tell him before I go through with this. Lucy: It's not a risky procedure. Katie: You know my medical history, right? I donated part of a liver. Lucy: To Margo, I know. Katie: And the doctors told me that any procedure has risks. Lucy: They were just protecting themselves. Dusty: Stop pressuring her, would you? Lucy: You think if I thought there was something to worry about, that I would let her go through with this? Dusty: That's not the point. She's got to tell her husband what she's doing. She owes him that much. [SCENE_BREAK] Casey: This is awkward, and -- Maddie: It's totally awkward. Casey: They're being nice to me, considering. Maddie: They don't know. They're so happy about this book, I didn't want to bring them down. Casey: That's nice of you. Maddie: I also didn't want them to know what a loser I am. Again. Casey: You're not -- you're not a loser. Maddie: That's easy for you to say. Casey: No, you got it all wrong, Maddie. Maddie: Please, I know what I heard outside of that hotel room. Casey: The sound of nothing happening. Maddie: Then why don't we not talk about it? Casey: I just -- Maddie: Thank you for coming. Now go. Vienna: Oh, come on, Mr. Peacock. You'll get a free doughnut if you buy the book. And besides, you come in here every day to see Henry. Wouldn't you want to get to know him a little better? Mr. Peacock: I'd rather get to know you better. Henry: This is a diner, not an escort agency. Vienna: Oh, Henry, come on. Peacock, he's one of our best customers. Henry: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Of course, he is. Of course, he is. What kind of books do you like, Mr. Peacock? Mr. Peacock: Non-fiction. Vienna: Well, Henry's book is based on a true story. Henry: That's right. It's rooted in fact. Mr. Peacock: What's it about? Henry: Well, it's about what might happen if Vienna and I had been hired to search for a little boy named Johnny, who had been kidnapped by his Aunt Lucy to keep him from being a prize in the battle between his biological father Craig and his adoptive father Dusty. Mr. Peacock: You're right, nobody could make up all that. I think I'll just pay for the doughnut. Henry: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Mr. Peacock, look, if you stay for the reading, the doughnut is on the house, whether you buy the book or not. What do you say? Okay. Vienna: Great. Henry: I think we should start, Liebchen. Vienna: Okay, ladies and gentlemen, please find a seat, because Henry is about to start his reading. Henry: I think we should do it together. Vienna: Do what? Henry: We should do the reading together. Vienna: No, but you're the author. Henry: Yeah, I know. But you know, that love scene in the first chapter, that's pretty close to the truth, isn't it? Vienna: Yeah. Henry: Yeah. Vienna: But I'm not an actress. Henry: Sweetie, you just be yourself, okay? It's sure to satisfy Mr. Peacock. Ladies and gentlemen, a little bit of a surprise here. Vienna, who is my partner in the book and also my love in actual life, is going to join me in the reading. If this doesn't get you to buy the damn book, nothing will. [SCENE_BREAK] Craig: Is there something wrong with the elevators? Alison: Oh, they're overcrowded. They stop at every floor. This is much faster. Oh, damn! Craig: What now? Alison: I think I left my blood kit over at Java. Craig: I'm sure there's something in a hospital we can use. Alison: Yeah, but they are really strict about their needles here. I could get in a lot of trouble if they found out I lost it. Do you think we could go over to Java and do the test there? Craig: In a coffee shop? Alison: That's how simple it is. Craig: Let's do this another time. Alison: No, no, no, no! You'll change your mind. Craig: I promise I won't. Alison: Please! It'll only take five minutes. Craig: I'm going to go check on Katie. Alison: Hey you know, Katie will be upset if she finds out you went back on your word. She really cares about this. Craig: And I really care about Katie, so why don't you tell me what's wrong? Alison: Nothing. Craig: Mm-hmm. I'm not stupid. I can tell the two of you are trying to keep something from me. [SCENE_BREAK] Brad: Okay, what are you doing here? Lucy: She's here helping me. Brad: That's nice. Who are you? Katie: This is Lucy Montgomery. Brad: Craig's daughter? The kidnapper? Dusty: Lucy brought Johnny back. He's having medical problems, but he's here to get fixed up. Right, buddy? Katie: This is your Uncle Brad. Brad: Hey, Bud. Hey, it's -- it's great to meet you. Katie: It's kind of an urgent situation. He needs a bone marrow transplant. Brad: I thought that was Alison's friend's kid. Lucy: We were hoping to find a donor without tipping off my father that we're here. Brad: Well, did you? Lucy: We think so. Brad: No way! Katie: Brad -- Brad: No way! Katie: Listen -- Lucy: We should -- maybe we should go wait in the other room, huh? Come on. Brad: Are you out of your mind? Katie: I have to do this, he's my nephew. He could die without this procedure. Brad: Well, can't they find someone else to help him? I think -- you know, I think you've already done your bit for medical science. I think one transplant in one lifetime is enough. Katie: I have to do this, Brad. Brad: No, you don't. Lucy: We're just going to have to wait here for the doctor. Hey, you want to read a book to me while we're waiting? Dusty: He can read? Lucy: Of course he can read. Johnny: I'm tired. Dusty: Want me to read to you? Huh? I'll do it. Look at all these great bunny rabbits. There's some great pictures in here. Looks at all these bunnies heading off for a picnic. I hope they're not going to the beach. I hate picnics at the beach. I don't know like it when sand gets in my peanut butter, know what I mean? [SCENE_BREAK] Brad: Why the hell would you risk your life for Craig? Katie: I'm not doing this for Craig. I'm doing it for Johnny. And I'm not risking my life. Brad: So are you going to tell me there's no chance at all that something can go wrong? You know, that you could have a bad reaction or an infection or something? Katie: Well, no. No procedure is 100% guaranteed -- Brad: Then how can you expect me to let you go through with this? Katie: Because I can't just sit by and watch him waste away. Brad: Well, they'll find another donor. Katie: No, Alison has tested dozens of people. I'm the only match. Brad: So find more. Katie: He could die before she finds someone else. Brad: Oh, here it comes. Katie: No, listen to me. How would you feel if someone refused to help Liberty because they didn't like you? Brad: Well, that wouldn't happen. Everybody loves me. Katie: The point is, then it becomes about you. And it's not. Just like this isn't about Craig. This is about me helping that sick little boy so he doesn't die. Brad: I want the doctor to promise me that's nothing's going to happen to you, that you're going to be okay. Katie: Well, he'll tell you that the risks are minimal. Brad: Katie -- Katie: I have to do this. Brad: If anything happens to you -- Katie: It won't. It won't, okay? You're not going to get rid of me that easily. Lucy: Dr. Reed is ready to start you on your meds. Have you made up your minds? Katie: Yeah. Brad's in. Brad: Yeah, but I'm not thrilled about it. Lucy: I don't blame you. But thank you so much. And I don't have to remind you that no one can know about this. Katie: He knows. Alison: Craig, wait, please! You can't go in there! Lucy: Oh, God, he's back! Katie: You've gotta -- you gotta get rid of him! Brad: Me? Katie: Get him out of the hospital now! Brad: What the hell am I gonna do? How am I gonna do that? Craig: I want to see Katie. Brad: No can do, Bro. Craig: I'm not your bro, and I want to know what's wrong with my sister. Brad: She's my wife, do I look like something's wrong with her? Craig: Frankly, you never look like you have anything going on in your head. Brad: That's a good one, Craigster! But you know, I am not as dumb as I look. Craig: I'll have to take your word on that. Brad: Okay, okay, you and me -- you know -- you know what our problem is? Craig: Mm-hmm, you won't get out of my way. Brad: We need to spend more time together. Craig: That's the last thing we need. Brad: Okay, how about we just go to lunch? You know, a nice friendly lunch, just the two of us? Craig: Now I know Katie's not just here for a routine physical. Brad: Yes, you are right. She is here having a little procedure. Craig: Okay. For what? Brad: I don't know, but it's -- you know, it's kinda like -- it's a woman thing. Craig: And she didn't tell you what it was? Brad: Yes, she told me, but she doesn't want me to tell you. So how about lunch? You know, at Al's diner, the special is Vienna's famous barbeque rib soup. Craig: Sounds like something they'd serve in jail. Thanks, I'll pass. Brad: You won't do it for Katie? Craig: Why would she care if we have lunch? Brad: Look, I don't know, it was her idea. Maybe she thinks that we can patch things up if you and I get to know each other. Craig: Honestly? I've gotten the impression she wants nothing to do with me at all. Brad: You know how ladies -- you know, they don't know what they want until we tell them. You coming? Craig: Well, how can I argue with such impeccable logic? [SCENE_BREAK] Alison: They're gone. Katie: Brad got him out? Alison: He's taking Craig to lunch. Katie: Oh, that can't end well. Lucy: We have to get started. Katie: Okay. Let me just ask you one more time, Lucy. Are you sure this is fair? Lucy: To whom? Katie: To Craig. He doesn't even know that his son is in serious danger. Lucy: That's the idea. Katie: Look -- are you sure that's how you want it? Lucy: I've never been more sure of anything in my life. [SCENE_BREAK] Henry: "He loved Vienna so much that he even found her sometimes incomprehensible accent charming. He genuinely wanted to hear what she had to say, but looking at her frequently proved too distracting. And, in this particular instance, her practically wing across his lap didn't help. She turned around, resting the edge of her equally perfectly proportioned and symmetrical rear end against his thighs. That didn't help much either." Vienna: "And you know what other interesting fact I have also noticed?" Henry: "Do tell." Vienna: "You and I, Henry --" Casey: Can we talk? Maddie: About what? Casey: About what you think you heard on New Year's. Maddie: It doesn't matter. Casey: Yes, it does. I don't want to see you hurt. Maddie: Then you should've thought of that before your little booty call. Casey: Nothing happened, Maddie. Maddie: You lied to me! You told me there was nothing between you and Alison. Casey: There isn't! Maddie: Then what were you doing in bed with her? Casey: I wasn't in bed with her. I was in bed by myself. Yes, I know that sounds weird. Maddie: You think? Casey: She was coming onto me. Okay? And then she cut it off. I don't know what the hell she wanted. Maddie: But you were ready to sleep with her the minute you thought she was willing. Casey: I'm a guy. That's what guys do. Maddie: That makes me feel so much better. Casey: I'm just being honest with you. Maddie: You know when you were honest? The first time we talked, and you made it clear that you weren't interested. Casey: Yes, but I realized I was wrong. Maddie: You weren't wrong. You just didn't want to tell me that you had a thing for someone else. Casey: No, that's not what it is. Maddie: Are you saying that you don't? Casey: I'm not really sure. Maddie: Okay, that was so not the answer I wanted to hear. [SCENE_BREAK] Alison: What else do you need me to do? Lucy: Leave. Alison: Why? Lucy: I think when all of this is over, Dusty's going to call the police and have me arrested. Alison: No, he wouldn't do that. Lucy: That's the least he'd like to do to me right now. Alison: Well, I'll talk to him. Lucy: No. If you take my side, then he's just going to go after you, too. That's why I want you to go. I don't want you to be around when things get ugly. Alison: You might need my help. Lucy: We'll be fine. And you've done enough. As long as I live, I don't know how I will ever thank you enough for the friend that you've been to Johnny and to me. Alison: Who thought that would ever happen, huh? Lucy: Not me. But I'm glad really that it did. Alison: What are you going to do when this is over? Lucy: If I'm not in jail? I don't know. Alison: Will I see you? Lucy: I don't think so, but I will never forget what you did. [SCENE_BREAK] Maddie: Henry was right. I shouldn't have tried to go back. It never works. Casey: I'm sorry you got hurt. Maddie: I'll live. So what are you going to do? Casey: I wish I knew. You're so far ahead of me, Maddie. I respect that. It's why you're way better off without me. Maddie: I hate it when people tell me that I'm better off when I know I'm not. Casey: Look, all I'm saying is, you deserve better. Maddie: You know what, Casey? That's what you need to figure out how to be. [SCENE_BREAK] Craig: I hope you don't mind. I've never been a fan of diners. Brad: That works for me. Craig: I admit, I'm surprised. Brad: That I know how to use a fork? Craig: That we could have a civilized conversation. Brad: Okay, the truth is that we can't, Craigster. Okay, here is the deal, bastard. I don't want you to go anywhere near Katie. You're not going to visit her at the hospital, at work, anywhere. Am I clear? Craig: Well, so much for getting to know each other. Brad: The only thing that you need to know about me is that if you ever pull Katie into another one of your scams, I will hunt you down. Craig: That sounds like a threat. Brad: You're not as dumb as you look, either. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucy: Dr. Reed? I know you want me to stay here, but Johnny will be scared without me. Dr. Reed: Sometimes what scares a child the most is the fear in his mother's eyes. Lucy: I never told him I was his mother. Dusty: Whatever. Lucy: I hate having him out of my sight. Dusty: Tell me about it. So how did you do it? Lucy: Do what? Dusty: Hide out all this time. I hired investigators all over the world. Lucy: I know what you did. I knew every move you made. That's how I managed to stay one step ahead. Dusty: Why did you torture me like that? Lucy: I couldn't be sure my father wasn't tracking you. Dusty: Hmm. Well, it's all over now. Lucy: I won't leave him, Dusty. Dusty: You think you have a choice? Lucy: Are you going to have me arrested? Dusty: Why shouldn't I? Lucy: Everything I did was for Johnny. Dusty: You had no right to do anything! Lucy: You think I care what the law says? What my rights are? I didn't care then, and I don't care now. All I care about is Johnny! Dusty: If you really cared about Johnny, he wouldn't have spent the first years of his life with no home or family! Lucy: You can't take him away from me! I'm the only family he knows! Dusty: Yeah, whose fault is that? Lucy: If you stay here in Oakdale, my father will find him. Dusty: I know. Lucy: Well, then how will his life be any different than it's been with me? Dusty: He'll be with me! Lucy: He won't go. Dusty: He doesn't have a choice. Lucy: How is that fair to him? Dusty: Was it fair to me that you want to steal my son? Is it? Lucy: Listen. You want Johnny to be happy, don't you? Dusty: Of course. Lucy: Then take me with you. I don't expect you to like me. I don't even expect you to forgive me, but we both love that boy, and he's going to need a doctor's care. Dusty: What a coincidence, that you're a doctor. Lucy: It's a serious condition, and he can make a full recovery, and he can even have a normal life. But it's going to take time, and he's going to need extra help. Which we both know you can't give him. Dusty: So I'm just supposed to forget about what you did? Lucy: I don't need you to forget. Just let me go with you. For his sake. Dusty: If I say no, are you going to make the same offer to your father? Lucy: I would rather never see Johnny again than let my father have him. Dusty: You mean that? Lucy: It's the reason I did what I did. I just couldn't help making you collateral damage. Dusty: If you ever take Johnny away from me again -- Lucy: I won't. Does that mean I can go with you? Dusty: That's all it means. Lucy: Thank you. Thank you so much. [SCENE_BREAK] Craig: Well, if you're done threatening me, I'd like to get back to the hospital and check on my sister. Brad: Did you hear me? I don't want you going anywhere near her. Craig: I don't see how that's your decision. Brad: It's not mine. It's Katie. I'm just enforcing it. Craig: I'd like to hear it from her. Brad: You really need to get over yourself, man. She hates you. And maybe you can blackmail her into giving you a fake alibi, but you're never going to blackmail her into caring about you. So why don't you do yourself a favor and stay the hell out of her life? [SCENE_BREAK] Dr. Reed: I agree with Dr. Montgomery's assessment. We will do the mini- transplant as soon as possible. Dusty: Why not right away? Lucy: Katie needs to be prepped as a donor. There are meds she has to take and tests we need to perform. Dusty: Then we can move forward? Dr. Reed: Well, unless we discover something that would disqualify her. Dusty: If that happens? Lucy: Then it's back to Alison's blood drive. Dusty: How long will it take to get Katie ready, I mean? Lucy: A day or two. Thanks, Dr. Reed. Hey, this is good news. Dusty: Yeah, well, Craig might find us if we're stuck here waiting around. Lucy: I know. We can't rush the process. Dusty: Then let's go someplace else. Lucy: Where? Dusty: Chicago. It's not too far for Katie. Craig won't find us there. Lucy: Major hospitals have top departments in this field. Dusty: Let's do it. Lucy: Okay. Nurse: Okay, I'll get these processed. The doctor will be in soon. Dusty: Change of plans. We're going to do the transplant in Chicago. Katie: To avoid Craig? Dusty: Yeah, that's right. Katie: He's going to find out sooner or later. Dusty: It doesn't matter. And as soon as Johnny's good to travel, Lucy and I are going to take him away. Katie: Together? Dusty: Yes. Katie: Okay, I'm going to tell you what I told her. I don't think this is fair to Craig. Dusty: I don't care about Craig. I mean, no offense. I know he's your brother, but the last thing he's going to do is what's good for Johnny. Katie: And you will? Dusty: Yeah, that's why I'm taking Lucy with me. Please, Katie. A few more days, we'll be gone, and you can tell Craig whatever you want. [SCENE_BREAK] Henry: "Vienna placed her index finger on Henry's nose and traced a line down to the spot between his collarbones. He tried to kiss it when it flicked across his lips, but Vienna was too quick." Vienna: "Or would you rather that we forget about traveling and instead stay where we are so we can continue our earlier conversation?" Henry: "Vienna smiled. He knew she was plotting something. But experience had taught him never to ask what." [Applause] Henry: What did you think there, Mr. Peacock? Vienna: Mr. Peacock, he's buying five copies. One for each member of his family. And you know what? He wants me to sign them all! Henry: It's usual for the author to sign -- Vienna: I know, I know, but I told him we'll make an exception, just this once. Its five copies. Four more than one, Henry. Henry: That's true, that's true, Darling. Okay, well here, knock yourself out. Thank you. Vienna: And I'm going to get you all your doughnuts -- all five of them. Henry: Hey, where's Casey? Maddie: He's gone, and this time it's permanent. Henry: You know he's nowhere good enough for you. Maddie: I'm pretty sure that's his opinion, too. Henry: Well, then for once in his life, he's right. Maddie: You're a huge hit. Go enjoy it. Henry: No. Maddie: I'm just going to get some air. Henry: No, no, no, no. Not when my little sister needs me. [SCENE_BREAK] Casey: Need a push? Alison: Why not? Casey: Can I ask you a question? Alison: I guess. Casey: New Year's Eve at the Lakeview. What was that about? Alison: I will tell you sometime. Casey: Why can you tell me now? Alison: I can't. What happened with you and Maddie? Casey: It's over. Alison: What happened? Casey: She heard us. Alison: What? Casey: Yep. At the hotel when I was supposed to be with her. She was outside the room. Alison: Did you tell her nothing happened? Casey: Yeah. Alison: And she didn't believe you? Casey: Doesn't matter. It wasn't going anywhere. Alison: Still, it shouldn't -- it shouldn't with her thinking that -- what is wrong with me? Now I am even screwing up other people's relationships. Casey: No, you didn't. You didn't. Alison: No, of course I did. And I'm really sorry. Casey: I'm not. Are you doing...? Alison: You're really not sorry? Casey: About what? Alison: Maddie. Casey: Right, right. No, no. She's going to law school. I drive a mop. It wasn't going to work out. The only thing that I'm sorry about is that I hurt her again. Alison: Yeah, so did I. Casey: No, don't say that. None of this was your fault. Alison: If it wasn't for me, you would have spent New Year's Eve with her, and who knows where you'd be now. Casey: The same place. I knew before anything happened it wasn't going to work out. Alison: Case, you used to love Maddie to death. Casey: "Used to" is a long time ago. I'm not the same person. Neither is she. Alison: You don't seem that different. I mean that in a good way. Casey: Well, back then, being together was a big part of who we were. But it's not anymore. Alison: That's bull! Casey: What? Alison: Before New Year's Eve you were into Maddie. And then she gets the wrong idea about us, and instead of trying to change her mind, you bail. You're such a guy! Casey: It is amazing how you can change that into an insult. Alison: You're giving up on a terrific woman because you're afraid to talk to her. Casey: That is not what happened. Alison: Now, I'm sorry, Casey, not this time. Not on my watch. Casey: Where are you going? Alison: To find Maddie. If you won't talk to her, I will! [SCENE_BREAK] Vienna: Henry. Henry: What? Vienna: People are waiting to get your signature. Henry: I know, I'm saying good-bye to Maddie. Vienna: Oh, you're leaving already? What about Casey? No! No, he didn't! That little worm! Maddie: He's not a worm. Henry: I'm sorry, when she has decided a man's destiny, there is no way to change it. Maddie: You go be a white-hot megastar. I'll be right back. Alison: Maddie, wait! I need to talk to you. Casey told me what happened. And you totally have the wrong idea. Maddie: I doubt that. Alison: That whole thing with the hotel room? It wasn't mine. A few of my friends rented it for a New Year's Eve party. And we started drinking early, and they went out for refills and Casey came up. We were just goofing around. Maddie: You don't have to lie to me, Alison. Alison: No, I'm not. There is nothing between us. I mean, how could there be? I'm in nursing school, trying to get my life together. I mean, hooking up with a dropout janitor who was married to my sister, for God's sake -- I mean, that's the last thing I need. Maddie: You know he doesn't deserve that. Alison: You're right. You're right, and I'm glad you feel that way because he really needs someone who believes in him. You know what, I should have said is that Casey is a great guy, but he's just a project I can't take on, and that is why we are just friends. Maddie: Well, he doesn't feel that way. Alison: Of course he does. Maddie: He told me. Alison: What? Maddie: I asked him if he had a thing for you, and he said yes. Alison: He doesn't! Maddie: I'm okay with it, Alison. Really. Alison: Well, I'm not. Maddie: Then I guess he's about to find out what it feels like to get shot down. [SCENE_BREAK] [Cell phone ringing] Dusty: Hey, Josie, what's up? I can't right now, I'm in the middle of something. I'll call you back when I can. I don't know, a few days at least. Sorry. You, too. Lucy: You sure you're okay with going out of town like this? Dusty: The only thing I care about is Johnny. Lucy: What about her? Dusty: Nothing there. Lucy: Was there ever? Dusty: Not really. At first she reminded me of Jennifer. Lucy: Yeah, me too. Dusty: Well, that's no accident because -- forget it. Long story. Lucy: Johnny thinks she looked like Jennifer, too. Dusty: How would he know? Lucy: I have some pictures. Sometimes I would take them out, and we'd look at them together. I didn't want him to forget who his mother was. Dusty: That was -- Lucy: I did it for Johnny. Dusty: Yeah, of course, of course. Lucy: I don't expect anything. Dusty: Good. 'Cause there's no going back. [SCENE_BREAK] [Knocking] Brad: It's over? Katie: The tests. They're not doing the transplant. Brad: Good. Katie: Not today, I mean. They want to do it in Chicago. Brad: Why? Katie: To keep Johnny away from Craig. Brad: Smart move. Katie: I don't know. Brad: Katie, the guy is a psycho. Katie: He's Johnny's father. Brad: Yeah, but, I mean, is that the kid's fault. Why should he be punished for it? Katie: I just keep thinking about how Janet kept Liberty away from you for 16 years. Brad: It's different. Katie: How? Brad: Craig does not deserve a family. Katie: And Janet thought the same thing about you. Brad: You're comparing me to Craig -- I mean, come on, I mean, is that fair? Katie: No, I'm just making a point. Brad: You're thinking of telling him, aren't you? Katie: That little boy is so sick. He's been dragged all over the world. He doesn't know where his home is. How long should that go on? Brad: As long as Craig refuses to give up. Katie: And why would he do that? He's already lost almost everyone he loves. Brad: Whose fault is that? Katie: His mostly. But it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt him. Brad: Not as much as he's hurt everyone else, including you. Why the hell would you want to do that to your nephew? [SCENE_BREAK] Alison: Why did you tell Maddie you have a thing for me? Casey: She said that? Alison: Did you? Casey: I might have said something like that. Alison: You used me to get rid of her? Casey: No! No! Alison: Casey, I know you wanted the easy way out, but that doesn't give you the right to drag me into all this. Casey: That's not it at all. Alison: Then why did you say it? Casey: You're right. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have. Alison: Because what you said on New Year's Eve. I mean, that was just New Year's Eve talking, right? Casey: Yeah, that's all it was. Alison: Okay, I just wanted to be clear. Casey: Yeah, it's crystal. Alison: Good. Okay, I should get going. Casey: Catch you later. Alison: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucy: Oh, hi. Dusty: Hey, Johnny, I got some good news for you. You, me and Lulu are going on a trip. Johnny: Where? Dusty: Chicago. They got a lake there as big as the ocean. Johnny: Why can't we stay here? Lucy: Well, because we have to get you better, and Chicago's the best place for that. Johnny: Why is he coming? Dusty: I just want to make sure you're okay. You know, you guys have been doing great so far, I just want to try to make things easier for you. You think you can give me a chance? Lucy: Hey, I think we can give him a chance, don't you? Dusty: Great. [SCENE_BREAK] Craig: Well, this is a nice surprise. How did the procedure go? Katie: Let me just say what I came to say. Craig: Go right ahead. Katie: Oh, I don't know why I have any sympathy for you. Brad's right, you're just a psycho menace. Craig: Your husband has an amusing way with words. Katie: My husband is a better man than you will ever be. Please, don't insult him. Craig: It's not an insult. It's just an observation. Katie: Why am I telling you this? I don't know why I'm telling you this, you sure as hell don't deserve it. Craig: Well, you obviously can't stop yourself, so why don't you just spit it out? Katie: I know where Johnny is. [NEXT_ON] Brian: That means we can be friends. Luke: Yeah. Lucinda: Now, this girl's a user. Jade: At least I don't have a gay husband. Dusty: What were you saying to Craig? Craig: Hello, Lullaby. How's Johnny? | Craig comes back to see Katie, as she sends Brad out to distract him this time |
648 | Henry: Can I get some hot sauce? Bartender: That's only for paying customers. Henry: I intend on paying for something. I intend on getting a martini. It's two for one, right? Bartender: Yeah. Henry: Great. Bartender: With a two drink minimum. Henry: Ah! I will gladly pay you Tuesday for two martinis today. Just put it on the tab, Ahab. Wow, okay, you know what? Just forget about it. B.J.: It's all right, Lloyd. Shake 'em up. Martinis are on me. Henry: Gee, mister, thanks, but I'd like to know who's plying me with alcohol. Have we met? B.J.: B.J. is the name. Henry: Coleman. Henry Coleman. B.J.: Well, now we've met. So, can I buy you that drink? Henry: Okay, what's the catch? [ B.J. chuckles ] [SCENE_BREAK] Mike: You and Kim get along now, right? Katie: Yeah, we do. But will you stay with me? Just until I find out what she wants? Mike: What am I, your bodyguard? Katie: No. Just -- I don't know, since we don't have to sneak around anymore, I want you at my side at all times. Kim: Oh, I'm late. I know I'm late. I'm sorry. I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long. Katie: No, no, no, it's fine. Mike: Hey, Kim. Kim: Hi. Good to see you both. Mike: Good to see you. Look, I was just dropping Katie off. I'll leave you two alone to talk. Kim: No, no, no. No, stay. I think you're going to want to hear what I have to say. Katie: So what is the big mystery? Kim: Oh, well, no, no, it's not a mystery. It's just that I have a little business proposition. And I hope you'll find it intriguing. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: What did you say to the vendor, Iris? Iris: Look at you. Doesn't take much to rattle your cage. You are just oozing with guilt. Carly: Just cut to the chase, lady. What'd you do? Iris: Well, let's just say that certain things are in motion and I can't stop 'em. Carly: Damn it! Damn it! We had a deal! I paid you what you asked, and you said this blackmail would stop! Iris: Who said anything about blackmail? I'm not here about money. In fact, I'm not here about the past. This doesn't have to do with the past, this doesn't have to do with what you did to me or my son. Carly: So what then? Did you pay the vendor to turn on me, to say that I did something to Gwen? Iris: Oh, I didn't have to say anything at all. You stepped in this new mess all on your own, sweetcakes. And I'm gonna enjoy watching you hang. Carly: Oh, come on, Iris. You don't even get out of bed unless there's something in it for you. Just tell me what you want. What'll it take for you to stop whatever it is you just started? [SCENE_BREAK] Vendor: What's this all about? Why am I here? I've done nothing wrong. Hal: Nobody said you had, Mr. Hobbs. We'd just like to talk to you. Vendor: About what? Hal: A recent incident at the Main Street courtyard where a baby was reported missing and you were the one who found him. Vendor: Yeah. Hal: A woman came forward with a claim that she saw you wheeling the pram away from the baby's mother after the baby's mother had fallen asleep. Vendor: That's crazy. Why would I take a baby and then bring it back? Hal: Well, that's what we'd like to find out. Maybe the lady's just confused. So why don't we step into the interrogation room and talk about it? Vendor: Nobody's gonna pin this on me. I know my rights. Hal: If you're saying you would like a lawyer present, you're perfectly welcome to do that. Vendor: I didn't do anything wrong. Hal: Well, then you've got nothing to worry about. So, come on. Let's talk about it. You want a cup of coffee or something, a soda? Vendor: Coffee'd be good. Hal: Hey, Kowalski. Fly us in a couple of coffees, would ya? Jack? Jack: Uh -- let me take this one, okay? I want to talk to Mr. Hobbs myself. [SCENE_BREAK] Jennifer: What are you saying, Paul? What has to stop now? Paul: I never meant to hurt you. You have to know that. Jennifer: That's why you put me in here? Paul: Everything that I've done, I did to protect you. Jennifer: Everything you've done? What does that mean? Paul: You're little sister. And that's all you'll ever be to me, my little sister -- Jennifer: Please just get to point. Paul: I just want you to know why I did what I did. So you won't hate me when you find out the truth. Jennifer: The truth? Paul, just say it. [Door closing] Dusty: Sorry, Paul. I didn't know you'd be here. Jennifer: Is that -- is that from the hospital? Is it that what I think it is? Dusty: Yeah. Paul: What is that? Dusty: Blood test results. For Jen's baby, and the baby that Carly has. Paul: Gwen Norbeck's baby? Dusty: Yeah. He's listed here as Baby Doe, 'cause he was put up for adoption. And I promised you that I would get an answer about whether or not your baby is still alive. It's right here. [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: So what kind of business proposition are we talking out? A job? Kim: Well, more or less. Actually, I have a new partner here at the station. Very interesting guy. Californian, uh -- used to be a dot-commer. Made a fast fortune. Got out before everything fell apart. And now he's interested in media. Mike: How'd you meet this guy? Kim: He contacted me. Mike: Just out of the blue? Kim: Don't worry, don't worry. I had him checked out. His name's B.J. Green he has impeccable credentials. Katie: He just all of a sudden wants to buy into a TV station in Oakdale, Illinois? Mike: Yeah, that's a long way from Silicon Valley. Kim: You're right, it is. I actually think this guy is looking for a market that's small enough for him to get his feet wet before he starts to play with the big guys. Now, this is great for us. Because we need cash here at the studio, and he has some pretty interesting ideas. Katie: Okay, so where do I fit in? Kim: Well, he saw your exercise video. Katie: The butt-buster thing? Kim: An unfortunate name, but yes. And he thinks it's going to make a great series. Katie: A TV series? Kim: Yeah, why not? Katie: Well, how did this Mr. Green even see the video? I mean, it did well for a while, but it kind of came and went. Kim: Well, all I can tell you is he has done his homework. He knows all about you, all about the video, and as near as I can tell, he knows about TV production too. He's young, he's hip, and seems to have his finger on the pulse. Mike: Sound like a good opportunity. Katie: You think? Mike: If you're up for it, if it's something you want to do, I'm behind it. Katie: Yeah, I think it is. I mean, what's the worst that could happen, right? [SCENE_BREAK] Henry: Is this some new California diet I haven't heard about? Or did you mean for this to be a chocolate martini? B.J.: No and no. This is perfect. I don't drink. And I do have a bit of a sensitive stomach. Plus I have an important meeting pretty soon. Henry: What? B.J.: No, a business meeting. Henry: Business meeting, yeah. Where did you say you were from again? B.J.: I didn't but, California, Silicon Valley. Henry: Ah-hah, that explains it. You lost it all in the crash, huh? You know, listen, I really appreciate the effort, I do, but if you can't afford it, don't worry about it. I'll start choking on this olive, and make such a scene they'll pay us to leave. Never, never mind. B.J.: Here you go. Keep the change. Henry: That's very generous of you, B.J. you sure I deserve it? B.J.: So Henry, what do you do? Henry: I'm a limo driver. Taxi to the stars. B.J.: That's fascinating. You must meet a lot of interesting people. Henry: No. Jerks mostly, mostly jerks. Although lately, not even many of those. It's been very slim this season. B.J.: Sounds like I should be buying you dinner. Henry: Now that bring me back unanswered question. What's the catch? B.J.: Henry, there are no strings attached here. This is just one guy helping out another guy. Henry: In that case, I'll have the blue plate special. With extra onion rings. B.J.: There you go. That's the spirit. And in the meantime, why don't you tell me how you landed on such hard luck. Henry: Oh, I doubt you'd be interested in that. B.J.: You'd be surprised at what I'm interested in. A woman involved? Henry: Yeah, how'd you guess? B.J.: Well, I can spot a kindred spirit. Henry: Ah, you've been burned too, have you? B.J.: Definitely, yeah. I still have the scorch marks. So c'mon, tell me what happened to you. Henry: Well, why don't you order yourself another chocolate milk there. It's a long, sad story. [SCENE_BREAK] Iris: Oh, is that the time? Well, gee, I gotta be on my move here. You know, places to go, people to see. Carly: Why are you doing this? I gave you money. I said I was sorry for everything. I don't know what you want! What do you want? Do you want my blood? Iris: No. No. Your blood is not enough. Not for what you did to my kid or to my life! What I want now is I want justice. And I want to see you really pay for what you've done. And you know what? That's gonna happen real soon because I have made sure of it. [SCENE_BREAK] Vendor: I thought I was going to talk to Lieutenant Munson. Jack: Change of plans. I'm Detective Jack Snyder. Carly Snyder's husband. That ring any bells? Vendor: No. Should it? Jack: Cut it out, or I'm going to start getting angry. I know what happened at the courtyard. I know what happened to Gwen's water bottle. And I know that you took the baby and later returned it. So we're way past denial, Frank. Vendor: Your wife put me up to it, okay? She promised me that no one would get hurt. She said that that woman was a danger to the baby. She said we were doing the right thing. But it was all your wife's idea. Jack: I want you to keep that to yourself. Vendor: What do you mean? I'm not taking the rap for this. No way. Jack: Nobody's asking you to. Vendor: What do you want me to do? Jack: I want you to do exactly what I say. [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: I don't know how the hell you got your hands on medical records, but you have no business poking around, trying to get information about Jennifer's baby. Dusty: That's information on Carly's baby, as well. And I don't need your permission to do your sister a favor, that's for sure. Jennifer: I went to you first, Paul. But then, you wouldn't help me. So then I went to Dusty. So, please give me the file! Paul: Please, just let me finish what I was going to say to you before. It's something that I need to say to you in private. Please. Jennifer: It can wait. Because I need to see this first. Now, please! Dusty: Those are the results of the night both babies were born. Jennifer: Baby Kasnoff. Type-o positive. Baby Doe, type-b negative. Dusty: This is the result of Carly's pediatrician visit last week. Jennifer: Rory Cabot. Type-b negative? It doesn't match. Dusty: That's right. It's not a match. Rory is not your baby, Jen. Paul: Can I take a look at these? Dusty: What's the matter, Paul? You look almost as surprised as Jen. Jennifer: That doesn't make any sense. I was so sure. How could I be wrong? [SCENE_BREAK] Henry: So, that was it. I had to leave her, walk away forever or live in the shadow of the other guy. B.J.: The construction worker? Henry: Hmm, mighty Mike. B.J.: Wow. Man, I gotta tell you, that took a hell of a lot of courage. Especially if you love her as much as you say. Henry: Yeah, I always will. But, you know as they say, you can't always get what you want. B.J.: Sure you can. I did. Henry: I thought you said that you lost your love, as well. B.J.: Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I don't really look at it that way. I don't think you really lose anything until you give up. And I haven't done that yet. So, as far as I'm concerned, the game is still in play. Henry: Wow. Well, I wish you luck, my friend. My heart has been trampled one time too many. B.J.: So, what about this guy? Construction man, where'd he come from? Henry: From a galaxy far, far away. B.J.: Come on. He can't be all that special. Henry: Well, yeah, he can. He's the Adonis of the tool belt. He's the Romeo of the drill bit. I didn't stand a chance. B.J.: Does he love her? Henry: Yeah. I think that's the part that hurts the most. I really think he loves her. But enough about me. Let's hear about you and your sad, but not quite over yet, story. B.J.: I can't right now. I know I said -- maybe later though, next time I'm in town. I really got that meeting I was telling you about. Henry: Right, right, right. Hey listen, let me give you my card, and when you're ready to leave town, let me drive you to the airport. Gratis. You know, it's the least I can do. B.J.: Thanks Henry, you're okay. Maybe I'll take you up on that. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: You don't scare me, Iris. I know what you're up to. Iris: Do you now? Carly: Yeah. When you found out that my sister left a trust fund for Rory, you thought you'd hunt down the birth mother and become her new best friend. You want Gwen to cut you in, as long as you help her get the baby back. Iris: What a colorful imagination. Carly: There's no other reason for the two of you to even be in the same room together. Iris: Yeah? Well maybe we found out that we share a bond. We both lost kids, and both of us lost 'em because of you. Now, I can't get mine back, but she sure as hell can get hers. And, she will. [Phone ringing] Hal: Munson. Carly: Hal, hi. It's Carly. You know, I thought I was calling Jack's desk. Hal: You did. I'm just at his desk. Carly: Is he there? Hal: He's questioning a witness. Carly: Witness? Hal: Yeah, and you're going to be happy to hear about this. It's the guy who found your baby in the park. Jack's questioning him right now. So new information has come to light. You want me to leave him a message? Carly: No, no. No, that's okay. I'm sure I'll be hearing from him soon enough. Hal: So? Jack: The guy's story holds up. He told me the whole thing, straight through. No changes. Hal: Yeah well, maybe he's just really good at lying. Jack: I don't know about that. I did everything I could to shake him, throw him off balance. He's not lying, Hal. Hal: Did he say anything about the Dumbrowski woman? Jack: Yeah, claims he didn't know her, never heard of her. Said she sounded like a crackpot. I don't have any trouble backing that theory up. Hal: So she gave us the runaround. Why? Jack: Who knows? Maybe she's looking for attention, her 15 minutes. As for Hobbs, I think he's clean. I really do. Hal: Well, I've always trusted your instincts, Jack. Always have. Cut him loose. Jack: You're free to go. I'm not going to see you in here any time soon, am I? Vendor: As far as I'm concerned, never is too soon. Jack: And you're going to keep your mouth shut? Vendor: I don't know a thing. Jack: Good. Get the hell out of here. [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: Jennifer, you were just looking for anything, anything at all that you could hold onto. Jennifer: Why is this happening to me? Paul: Oh -- Jen, it's only temporary, okay? And you're going to feel better. You're in a great place right now. They're going to take really, really good care of you. But you have to help them. You have to want this. Jennifer: I do. You know I do. Paul: I'll do anything I have to to try and help you. Dusty: We all will. You can count on that. Jennifer: I feel so foolish. Paul: Don't. Don't do that. Jennifer, the drugs messed with all of your thoughts. This all happened so quickly. And this is what I was going to say to you before dusty came in. Don't hate me for putting you here. Please. I know -- well, I knew that you needed my help, and I also knew that I couldn't take care of you all by myself. Jennifer: You did what you thought was right. Paul: Given the state you were in, I don't think I had any other choice. You do understand? Jennifer: I don't blame you for what you did. Paul: And you're going to get better really soon. Jennifer: I hope so. Dusty: If you want to get better, you'll get better. Jennifer: Paul, I'd like to talk to Dusty for a minute, okay? Alone. Paul: All right. You need anything? Jennifer: No. Paul: Okay. I'll check on you again before you go to bed. Jennifer: Okay. I'm sorry you went to all this trouble to get the records. Dusty: Well, we got the answer we needed. Jennifer: I guess. Dusty: You don't sound too convinced. You still have doubts? Do you still have doubts about your baby? Jennifer: I shouldn't. But I do. I can't help it. I don't -- I don't care what those papers say. I know that my baby is alive. Dusty, what am I going to do? [SCENE_BREAK] Announcer: Coming up on "As the World Turns" -- Dusty: If, by chance, he is alive, there's nothing I won't do to get him back to you. Jennifer: If only you could. B.J.: I want you to be absolutely sure this is something you want to do. Carly: No! Jack, don't. [SCENE_BREAK] Jennifer: Every logical part of me wants to believe that that baby isn't mine. I mean, the proof is right there in those papers. Dusty: But? Jennifer: I have had this ache inside me every moment of every day, since they told me that my baby was dead. But when I held this child -- Dusty, when I held him, the ache went away. I looked into his eyes and I -- it's not the drugs. It's not the grief. It's real. And so pure and so clear. Dusty: I don't know what to tell you, other than medical facts don't lie. Jennifer: Then I can't trust the facts, Dusty. I can't. I have to trust my heart, my gut feeling. Because I'm not crazy. And it's not the drugs. And that is my son. [SCENE_BREAK] [Paul sighs] Emily: Hey. Paul: Hey. Emily: What's wrong? Paul: Nothing. Everything's great. Finally over. You want one? Emily: No, thank you. What happened? Did you talk with Jennifer? Paul: Yes. Emily: Yes, did you tell her the truth? That the baby's hers? Paul: I didn't have to. Dusty showed up with medical records with both babies' blood types. Emily: And Jennifer saw them, so she knows the truth now? Paul: Well, the types didn't match, Emily. Emily: What do you mean? Paul: I mean, Rory's blood type is B negative. And Jennifer's baby was an O positive. The types don't match. According to those records, Rory is Gwen's baby. Apparently, Craig had the blood results altered when the babies were switched. He covered his tracks. Emily: Wait, wait -- you explained that to Jennifer, right? Oh, Paul. Paul: Why would I say anything? Now, Jennifer's convinced that the baby's not hers. She has to be, after looking at the blood results. Emily: So she goes on living this lie? Paul: You know, when Dusty came in with these medical records, I really -- I wanted to strangle the guy for interfering. But it turns out, the truth / he did us a great big favor. Emily: What if he hadn't shown up, Paul? What would you have done then? Would you have told her the truth? [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: So when am I going to meet this guy? Kim: Actually, he's on his way over here now. Katie: Great. And what's he like? Kim: As I said, he's young, he's hip. I think he seems quite unpretentious. And I'm pretty sure you two will get along just fine. B.J.: I certainly hope so. Kim: Oh, B.J., come on in. B.J.: It's great to see you again, Mrs. Hughes. Kim: Oh, thank you, thank you. But I told you, just call me Kim. B.J.: Kim it is. Kim: And -- B..J.: There's no need to introduce her. I know Katie very well. Katie: You do? B.J.: Yeah. I mean, from the video, is what I mean. I'm B.J. Green, at your service. Katie: Pleasure to meet you. B.J.: And that must make you Mike. Mike: I guess it does. B.J.: All right. I hear you're a hell of a carpenter, among other things. Mike: You really have done your homework. B.J.: Well, knowledge is power. Mike: So they say. B.J.: Well, I imagine Kim has filled you in on my plan. Katie: She has, sort of. B.J.: Well? What do you think? Are you going to let me turn you into a butt- busting star, or what? [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: I'm trying to reach Jack Snyder. It's his wife calling. Oh, he's already left, huh? Are you sure? Oh -- yeah, no. Don't worry. I found him. [SCENE_BREAK] Mike: When would you want to get started on this? B.J.: Well, as soon as Katie gives me the word, I will have the contract drawn up. Do you have a lawyer who could take a look at it? Katie: My brother-in-law's the D.A. I'll have him take a look at it. B.J.: Good, good. That's great, because I want you to be absolutely sure this is something you want to do. So take your time, talk it over, sleep on it. Katie: I really am flattered, Mr. Green. [B.J. chuckles] B.J.: Mr. Green. Call me B.J. Katie: Okay, B.J. B.J.: It's a pleasure to meet you, Katie. Katie. That simple, yet beautiful, name. Katie: Thank you. B.J.: I hope we hear good news from you soon. Mike, it's good to meet you. Mike: Yeah, you, too. B.J.: All right. Kim -- Kim: What can I do for you? B.J.: Give me a tour of this place. I got a lot of ideas I want to talk to you about. Kim: All right, fine. See you later. Katie: Thanks. B.J.: Let's go. Kim: Here we go. B.J.: Cool stuff. Mike: So now that you've met your biggest fan, what do you think? Katie: I don't know. Mike: You don't know? Katie: Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm excited, I mean, it's a great opportunity. Mike: But -- Katie: Well, I've just learned that when something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Mike: I don't know, it seems pretty straightforward to me. I think you're worried for nothing. If Kim's going to trust this guy, why shouldn't we? [SCENE_BREAK] Jennifer: I don't know why you put up with me. Dusty: 'Cause that's what friends do. Jennifer: You're sure going above and beyond, though. How'd you even get your hands on those files? Dusty: I just had a little help. Jennifer: Oh, Meg? Dusty: Yeah. After I saw that Carly's baby didn't have that birthmark, you know, that stork bite, whatever, I went to Meg. She told me that those marks fade a lot of times as the child gets older. Anyway, I asked her for the blood test results. I'm just sorry they didn't bring you much peace. Jennifer: It means a lot to me that you tried. Dusty: It means a lot to me that I helped bring your kid into the world. And if by chance he is alive, there's nothing I won't do to get him back to you. Jennifer: If only you could. [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: Come on, what difference whether or not I would have told her? I didn't have to. That's all that matters, right? Emily: If you say so. Paul: Oh, come on, Emily. I thought we were together on this. Emily: We are. I]'S just, look where this lie puts Jennifer. Paul: It puts her in a place where she can get better, where she can get help. And now she has proof positive that the baby's not hers. Emily: No, this is not proof positive that's the whole point. It's a lie upon another lie, Paul. Paul: Yeah, but she believes it. And now, she's going to stop looking for her baby. She can focus all of her energy on getting better. And that's a good thing, right? Emily: Yeah, of course it is. Paul: Listen, I am still convinced that we have done the right thing, Emily: Okay, then I'll be convinced, too. Paul: I couldn't have done this without you. You know that, right? You stood by me when I did the most difficult thing I've ever had to do. You're remarkable. That must be why I'm falling in love with you. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: Where are the kids? Carly: Parker and J.J. are at soccer practice. Sage is at a play date with the sitter, and Rory's upstairs sleeping. Why? Are the police coming for me, Jack? Is that it? Iris was right. Jack: What does Iris have to do with anything? Jack: This has nothing to do with Iris. Here, look. Frank Hobbs' statement. He claims he doesn't know anything. Carly: So I'm off the hook? Jack: With everyone but me. Carly: I don't understand. Why are you bringing this to me? Jack: Well, I wanted you to see me sign away my integrity. Carly: What are you talking about? Jack: What do you think I'm talking about? I forced Hobbs to make that statement. He was ready to spill his guts, blaming everything on you. I made him claim that he didn't know anything about you, or the stuff you put in Gwen's drink, or taking the baby because you asked him to. I did it so you'd be off the hook. So now I'm going to sign it. And file it. And find a way to live with myself. Carly: No, Jack, don't! Don't do that. I can't let you do that. [SCENE_BREAK] B.J.: Oh, good. You're still here. I just had a great idea. Kim: B.J. thinks that the stud is too small. B.J.: Yeah, see, there's no way it's going to hold the audience I know you're going to pull in. That is, if you have agreed to do the show. Katie: Wait, hold on -- you're talking about doing the show live? B.J.: Well, of course. Kim: So he wants to do a big build-out. B.J.: And who better to for the job than you, Mike? Mike: Me? B.J.: Well, you and your construction company. Mike: All right, great. I'll take a look and put a bid together. B.J.: No. No need. I trust you to be fair. The job's yours if you want it. Katie: Wow, that's amazing. We'd be working together. B.J.: Of course, you have to agree to do the show first. Katie: Oh, right. Yeah, you know what? Speaking of that -- I was thinking about numbers, like what kind of numbers you're talking. 'Cause I am a businesswoman before I'm a star. Don't let the blonde hair fool you. B.J.: Never did. We'll work something out. Katie: I mean, of course, my lawyers would have to agree, and then I'll have to agree. Don't think you're going to get us easy or cheap. B.J.: Okay. How's that for a starting point? Katie: I'll take it. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Don't. Don't do it. I can't let you do something like that just to protect me, Jack. Jack: I'm not asking your permission, Carly. I have my own reasons. Carly: What are they? Jack: The kids, for one. They can't handle having their mother taken away and thrown in jail. Especially J.J. he's just getting comfortable here, in this house. And after everything he's been through,I don't want to put him through any more turmoil. And I can't how devastating it was for Parker and Sage, missing me all those months. And they're just getting calmed down from that whole thing. Carly: So, you're giving me a free pass to protect the children. Jack: And to protect you. I know this year was no picnic for you. And as angry as I am for what you did, you know damn well I can't live without you. So yeah, I'm going to sign it. I'll find a way to make peace with God for doing it. Carly: I'm sorry. I really thought that I was doing the right thing. For us. For Rory. I was out of options. Jack: No. No, Carly. You just convinced yourself that you were out of options. Carly: Maybe. Does this mean you can forgive me? Jack: God help me, I love you too much not to. Carly: Thank you. Thank you, thank you. I swear to you -- I swear to you I will never put you in this position again. [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: D you just say what I think you said? Paul: Come on, you heard me. I'm falling in love with you. Okay, there. I know you heard me that time. Ely: Yeah, I heard you. It's just you've said it before. Paul: And I meant it. And I was trying to hurt Rosanna. But now, I'm sure. Emily: What's changed? Paul: I realized that you're the person I've been looking for my whole life. And that you give me something I've never had. Emily: What's that? Paul: Absolute support. Emily: That's because -- I care about you very much. I have for a very long time. I've just been afraid to say it. Paul: Why? Emily: I don't know. Who wants love to be one-sided? Paul: Well, you know that it's not. I love you. You can feel free to say it back to me, as many times as you want -- Emily: I love you. I love you. I love you. Paul: See, out of something bad comes something good. We have each other. Jennifer's getting better. Emily: Listen to me -- if you ever decide to have that talk with her, I'm right here for you. Always, just like I am now. We're in this together. Paul: We're in everything together. [SCENE_BREAK] Jennifer: I wouldn't blame you if you thought I was crazy, too. It's really not fair for me to keep asking you to believe what I believe. Dusty: What if I want to believe? Jennifer: Do you? Even after everything? Dusty: I'd much rather trust your heart more than trust facts. Jennifer: Maybe my heart's confused. You know, holding onto some hallucination. Dusty: What do you mean? Jennifer: I had this vision of a nurse, from the hospital. She was holding my son out to me. And she kept telling me that my baby was alive. And I would just like to think that that was a memory, a true memory. But I'm just -- I can't be sure. Dusty: Well, you know what they say -- if there's a reasonable doubt -- Jennifer: Yeah, but let's be realistic here. There really are only two options now. Either I'm crazy and I need to get better, or my son really is out there and we will never be able to prove it to anyone. And I'll just have to watch him grow from a distance. But I guess that would be better than nothing. Dusty: If your son's alive, we'll come up with another option. If he's not, then we'll just focus on you getting better. I believe in you. I don't know why. I don't care why, I just do. I gotta run now. If you need me, I'll be right back. Okay? Jennifer: Okay. [NEXT_ON] [ Glasses clinking ] Gwen: I just want to say that I hope Jen feels better. Will: Gwen, wait. Don't leave. Lily: You are lying! And I want the truth, damn it! Tell us! What have you done to our son?! | Henry has drinks with a stranger who is very interested in his story |
649 | Jack: Well, it's certainly a great day for a wedding, huh? Reggie: Yeah, but nobody's here. Jack: What do you mean, nobody's here? You got the groom right there, and Judge Peterson will be performing the ceremony and, of course, the bride. Doesn't she just look -- Derek: We get the time wrong? Jack: Hey. Livia: No, Derek, we're right on time. Derek: Where is everybody? Reggie: That's exactly what I said. Derek: So far from New York, their friends couldn't make it? Livia: Well, you made it for Dani, and that's all that counts. Jack: Yeah, speaking of Dani, we haven't actually seen her. Reggie: Yeah, where is she? Livia: You know, she probably wanted to make an entrance. She's getting gorgeous. Jack: Excuse us a second. Come here a sec. Look, when Dani does get here, try to at least give her a chance. Reggie: Yeah, I know, the whole "new beginnings" thing. Jack: Yeah, yeah, yeah, just be on your best behavior, if you would, please. No clouds over this wedding, all right? Reggie: Ok. Jack: All right. [SCENE_BREAK] Mimi: Danielle's not coming. Garret: Honey, I'm sorry. Mimi: It's ok. Why don't we just get started. Garret: Why don't we just give her five more minutes, huh? Mimi: That's very sweet, but that's pointless. Garret: Well, Harve, if you're ready. Judge Peterson: Ready and honored. Mimi on this side. Garret. Derek: Hey, they can't start without Danielle. Livia: Come on. Judge Peterson: Friends and family, Mimi and Garret have asked us to join them to celebrate their -- Garret: Hold that thought, Harve. Mimi: Oh, Danielle, sweetheart. Have you had a change of heart? Are you here to take back what you said about Garret? Danielle: I can't do that. Josh: You're a twisted son -- Jack whoa, whoa, whoa! Josh, just stop! [Josh floors Garret with a punch to the face.] [SCENE_BREAK] Julia: Hot date? Di: Hmm, at 10:00 in the morning? No. Julia: So where are you going? Di: No place in particular. Julia: Liar. Di: All right, you just stay here and stay hidden and don't ask for answers that you shouldn't know. Julia: Oh, so I'm just going to chill out in your bedroom while you go God knows where to meet with God knows who to get my life back? Di: That's the plan. Julia: Well, what if the plan doesn't work? [Knock on door] Tad: Dixie, it's Tad. Open the door now. [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: So he hasn't left any instructions? Winifred: No, sir. J.R.: See, I've called all of his clubs, his very short list of friends. No one's heard from him. Winifred: Your father's fine. J.R.: Winifred, if you know something, you tell me. Winifred: I heard Mr. Chandler on the telephone before he left, and he told his pilot to ready the jet for takeoff. J.R.: That's it? Winifred: Yes, sir. J.R.: So my father could be anywhere on the planet. Babe: Oh, God, no. J.R.: That's all, Winifred. "Oh, God, no" what? Babe: I was just thinking of the poor, innocent people out there that have no idea that Adam's on the loose. J.R.: Huh. Lousy cover. Why do you care? And where is your mother? [SCENE_BREAK] [Krystal and Adam scream when they wake up in bed next to each other.] [SCENE_BREAK] Tad: Dixie, it's important. Open the door. [Knock on door] [Dixie hides Julia in the Chandler Mansion tunnel.] Tad: Dixie, come on. Di: Ok. Sorry. Tad: Finally. Di: I was dressing. Tad: Yeah, well, ordinarily, that would be the high point of my day. Unfortunately, last night my house was totally ransacked, destroyed. Di: Who did it? Tad: Well, Slater won't own up to it, but he was there. He's looking for the letter. He's desperate to find out who's ever out after -- Di: You said you'd forget about the letter. Tad: I know what I said. I said I would track down The Dragon through Sturgess in Thailand, but it's not going to work out that way. Di: So leave me out of it. Tad: I would if I could, but it's perfectly obvious that Slater, he doesn't mind if he drags you through this mess up to your neck. Zach is very smart, ok, he's powerful. He's got money. He's not about bribery, obviously not about breaking-and-entering. I hate to say this, but it's in your best interests to give it to me. Di: And what would "it" be? Tad: Look, Dixie, you can say you didn't write it, I'll say you didn't write it, but the fact is whoever trashed my house is going to stay after it till they find that letter. Di: Any letter I might have written is in the safest place you'll never imagine. Tad: Which is proof that you wrote the letter. Di: No, it's a guarantee that you don't have to worry. Tad: Dixie, it's your insurance policy. You did it in case anything happened to you, which means you must have given it to somebody that you trust, albeit somebody that you trust more than you trust me. Di: Yeah, I couldn't give it to you. No, you'd have opened and read it before I turned my back. Tad: Who's ever trying to kill Julia has to be stopped as soon as possible. Di: Ok, I want to save Julia, too. I just don't want to destroy us in the process. Tad: How can it possibly -- what does that have to do with anything? Look, is there something in that letter you don't want me to see? [SCENE_BREAK] Mimi: Derek, you arrest him! Book him on assault! Josh: He deserved it! Garret: Yeah, well, add sexual assault while you're at it. Everybody, meet Danielle's friend from the beach, Josh Madden. Derek: You want to explain? Josh: Sexual assault? You really want to get into that? Derek: Hey, talk to me. Josh: You're harassing her, trying to score with her? Livia: Score with whom? Josh: You're really going to marry this pervert when he's after Dani? Olivia: What -- Derek: Somebody better tell me what's going on here. Josh: What are you waiting for? He walks in on her when she's in the shower, when she's getting dressed? Derek: Man, he better be wrong. Danielle: It's all true, Daddy. Derek: You're done, over! Mimi: Derek, everybody, just stop! Stop. Derek: Did he molest our daughter? Mimi: Dani, baby, why? Josh: Because he did it. Derek: I'm going to make your life hell. Mimi: Garret didn't do anything! Reggie: No. Dani wouldn't make something like this up. Josh: She didn't. Derek: If you put a hand on my daughter -- Mimi: Dani doesn't want us to get married! I thought we were past that! Garret has tried so hard! Derek: I don't care who you know, how well-connected you are, nobody messes with Danielle. Garret: Well, nobody but the guy who just sucker-punched me. That's who took Dani's virginity. Now the two of them are teamed up. He's got the hots for her, wants to impress her. Danielle's mad at her mother, and she wants to bust up my marriage to her. Derek, none of what's being said about me is true. Ok, I'm no child molester. Josh's hormones are on overdrive for Danielle, so he thinks everybody wants her. Derek: Why would he pull this? Why now? Garret: I've heard Mimi's side of the problems you've had with Danielle, so what's your take? Do you really think Dani would try to detonate her mom's wedding or do you think it's Josh's influence? Livia: Dani, I want the full rundown from top to bottom, and don't you dare leave anything out. [SCENE_BREAK] Babe: Mama wouldn't run off without telling me. J.R.: Where is she? Babe: Around, somewhere. J.R.: Hmm. Doing what? Babe: Good works, helping those less fortunate. J.R.: What are you doing here? Babe: You said you wanted to take the CPR course at the hospital. J.R.: That's today? Babe: You really need to go in case there's another emergency. J.R.: Did I say anything about not going? Let's go. Babe: Besides, wherever Adam turns up, Mama's going to be a million miles away from him. J.R.: Yeah, well, my father wouldn't fall for your mother, even if she had a trap door and a noose around his neck. Babe: God. [SCENE_BREAK] Adam: Ah! What are you doing in my room? Krystal: This is my room. Adam: No, no, this is the Stonewall Jackson Memorial Suite, and it's mine, it's my room. And my sheet. Krystal: Would you -- Adam: Get out. Krystal: Make tracks, you lousy bully! Oh, no! Adam: Are you still drunk? Hmm? Krystal: I'm naked. Adam: What are you talking about? What did you say? Krystal: I'm naked! Adam: Do you -- do you normally sleep in the nude? Krystal: No, normally not. Adam: Well, this is not normally. The only explanation is -- Krystal: It's unthinkable. And it's completely impossible. Isn't it? [SCENE_BREAK] Di: The only thing in that letter is information that could be traced right back to me. Tad: You cannot shut me out of this thing. I am either going to find that letter or I will get the information out of Sturgess. [After Tad storms out, Julia comes out of her hiding place.] Julia: What is it that you can do that Zach and Tad and I can't? You're the only one who can go straight to the top, aren't you? You're meeting him, the man who wants me dead. [SCENE_BREAK] Tad: Where's the letter? Del: I don't have any letter. Tad: Not any letter, the letter, the letter that Dixie entrusted to you. She wants me to have it now. Go find it. I don't have all day. [SCENE_BREAK] Di: Let me handle it. Julia: This is my life. Di: Yeah, don't screw it up any more than you already have. Julia: If you're meeting with The Dragon or whoever has painted a target on my back, I'm coming along. Di: The answer is no. Julia: Let me at least get a look at him. Di: Julia, you ditched safe, secure witness protection to come back to Pine Valley because you needed help. Zach helped you. He dodged bullets with you at Wildwind. Tad hid you out and now his house has been turned upside down. Everyone is after you -- the cops, the Feds, the people that murdered Noah, so you will not -- Julia: I'll keep so much distance between us, you'll never even know that I'm there. Di: Oh, you think a man this powerful's not going to have backup, guards? You screw this up, Julia, everyone who's given you a bed or a sandwich will be killed. Don't think you can tiptoe behind me, hold a paper up to your face, and no one's going to notice. That's a surefire way for us both to end up dead. [SCENE_BREAK] Instructor: And mouth-to-mouth can breathe new life into a relationship. [Laughter] J.R.: Um, we're here to learn CPR, not makeout techniques. Instructor: No offense meant, but I only have one Resusci-Annie doll with me, so it'll speed things along if you guys practice on each other -- no actual breathing or compressions, just going through the motions. Now, remember "ABC" -- "Airway, Breathing, and Circulation." First, you're going to check to see if the baby's breathing. And then you're going to call his name. And there's the demonstration. Who wants to try? J.R.: I do. Instructor: Thank you for volunteering. Come on, let's see what you remember. J.R.: Three, four -- Instructor: Perfect. Have you done this before? J.R.: Um -- well, I saw another demonstration one time. Instructor: Great, now on to Adult CPR for adults only. I'll demonstrate on the Resusci-Annie, you guys that came with partners, you can head over to the mats. J.R.: I'm sure you know all about Adult CPR, too. Babe: Lie down, and I'll show you. [SCENE_BREAK] Krystal: Last night was a blank. Adam: There was a moonshine contest. Good God, I remember that. Krystal: Hmm. You do? Adam: Well, some of it. Don't you? Krystal: Huh. Some? I know I needed a few stiff ones when we found out that the Hunkle family tree had as many limbs as a telephone pole. Adam: Dixie is real, isn't she? Krystal: Uh-huh. Adam: I'm never going to get rid of her. Who won? Krystal: Hmm, other than Dixie? Oh, you mean the drinking contest. Adam: Yeah. Ow. I'd nod, but my head might fall off my neck. Krystal: Well, obviously, you won. I wouldn't be here if I hadn't lost some lousy bet. Adam: I don't play for penny-ante stakes. Krystal: Oh -- would you turn your head so I can get my dress on? Adam: Oh, as if I'd gaze at your dubious charms. Krystal: You memorize my charms? Adam: What are you blathering about? Krystal: You were sneaking a peek. Adam: I was not. Krystal: I caught you dead to rights. Adam: I was -- I was -- maybe my eyes wandered. Krystal: Followed by your filthy mind. Adam: You wish. You wish someone cared enough to look. I wanted to drink you under the table, not into my bed. Krystal: Yeah, but you did both, didn't you? Got me wasted on good-old-boy hootch and then you tricked me into this. Adam: Any tricks were, I'm sure, yours. Krystal: You know, one more insult, and I'm going to press charges. Adam: Press -- for what? For waking up with you in my bed? The judge would take one look and let me off on temporary insanity. Krystal: Oh, you've been hot for me for ages. Adam: Oh! And you say that I have an overinflated ego. Yours is gargantuan! Listen to me, lady, nothing untoward happened here last night, because I haven't lost my sanity yet and I am Adam Chandler. I'm still Adam Chandler, who wouldn't touch you with a 10-f-- whoo! [Adam has flashbacks of a good time with Krystal the night before.] Krystal: Adam! Yes! Yes! Yes! Ha! Adam: Oh, no. Krystal: Adam, what is your problem? Adam: Huh. You little tramp. Krystal: I'm a tramp? What the hell are you? Adam: Magnificent. A revelation! You're so lucky to have me. [SCENE_BREAK] Derek: Dani can be trouble, she can be difficult, but she would not make up accusations like these. Mimi: Garret is a wonderful man. Derek: Yeah, you love the creep. Mimi: Derek, will you just lay off? You know, I can't take this anymore! Reggie: I'll make Garret talk. Jack: No, you're not going to do anything of the sort. You are going to let Mimi and Derek handle this because they've got it under control. Reggie: Under control? Right, this is under control? You set it up so Dani was sleeping right down the hall from you! Derek: What'd you do to my daughter? What'd you want to do? Mimi: Derek, Reggie, please! Jack: Everybody just calm down, please? Mimi: Garret didn't do anything! Reggie: You actually believe this pervert's story over your own flesh and blood, your own daughter? Mimi: When Danielle lived with me in New York, everything she told me was a lie -- who she was with, what she was doing, when she was coming back. Yes, I do believe Garret, because he has been nothing but open and honest. Josh: So he built up the perfect cover. Danielle is not lying. Garret: We all know your interest in Dani. Josh: Yeah, we all know yours, too. Reggie: And it sucks right now. Mimi: Jackson, please make them stop! Jack: Yeah, Mimi has a great idea. Now, everybody just cut it out, will you, please? Garret: You know, with all these officers of the court present, it's surprising to me that no one's mentioned "innocent until proven guilty." Reggie: Because the only one innocent here is Danielle! You should know that! Garret: Yeah, maybe before Josh got ahold of her. Josh: Know what, you better get ready to defend yourself! Jack: No, no, no, no. Mimi: Stop it! Just stop! Livia: I have interviewed and cross-examined a lot of witnesses. Mimi: And so have I. Livia: Something has gone on between your daughter and your fiancé. So why don't we all just sit down and you guys can get to the bottom of this. Mimi: I begged Danielle to tell the truth. Danielle: But you won't hear it. You won't listen to it. You want me to lie, say it never happened. Livia: If you just get to the bottom of it right now, before you marry this man -- Mimi: "This man"? Livia, you invited Garret and I to your house for dinner. And now he's "this man"? You don't believe that he did what Dani said? Livia: Good God, Mimi, you don't have to say "I do" today. Why are you in such a rush to marry him? [SCENE_BREAK] Del: Even if I had this letter, which I don't, I wouldn't get it for you. Want to know why? Tad: Because you live to persecute me, and you're as dumb as a box of dirt. Del: Because I wouldn't help you change a light bulb. Tad: No, see, this is not about helping me or you. It's about helping your sister. It's no joke. This letter could amount to a death sentence. Del: Anyone comes after my sister, I'll deal with them. Tad: Sure. That's a great idea. My partner Aidan can kill a man eight different ways silently without a weapon, but if anything goes wrong, we're going to set the failed writer loose on him? I mean, if a hit man shows up, you're going to dangle a participle in front of his face? Del: Why don't you stop pretending you want to help Dixie anyway, huh? I mean, Julia Santos is a nice girl and all, but since when did she become more important to you than my sister? Tad: You just don't get it. You know what? You're like having a conversation with roadkill. You obviously haven't got the letter -- except for the one that's printed on your forehead. [Tad holds up a letter L with his fingers.] [SCENE_BREAK] Julia: How do I know you won't rat me out? Di: Julia, if I really wanted you out of the way, I'd say "Grab your stuff, let's go." Damn it, I will not let you take away my life with Tad just because you can't stay put for five minutes. Julia: I stayed put for nine years. It was like being dead. Di: Think so? You want to find out what really being dead is like? I don't. Julia: Why risk going alone? Di: I know the players. I know how to handle them. Right now I trust them a lot more than I trust you. Julia: Oh, that makes me feel real good. Di: Ok, no, no, no, don't -- don't go all sensitive on me after everything you've done. You get outraged and you get righteous and you make dumb moves. So you swear on whatever you think is holy that you will not do anything to mess up this meeting. We either do this my way or you're on your own. And there's the way to your grave. You choose. Julia: You're nothing like the Dixie I used to know. Di: We were never close. Julia: You were softer. Di: Well, you were Maria's kid sister. You know, unpredictable, wild, getting into trouble, but you were never armed and dangerous. Julia: You're all strangers to me now. I have to trust people I don't even know. Di: Yeah. I've had to trust people that I wasn't quite sure of, too. But you do what you have to until another option comes along. Julia: Ok. I will stay planted here until you get back. Di: I meant it, Julia. Swear by whatever matters to you that you will not follow me. Julia: I swear on Noah's soul that I won't go anywhere while you're gone. Di: All right, then. Julia: Why use that way? Di: Tad's after the same info you are, and he won't stay put. Julia: Good luck. [SCENE_BREAK] Tad: You know what's oddly reassuring? In a world that's always changing -- people, places -- you stay exactly the same. You were an idiot when I met you, you're an idiot now. You're probably always going to be an idiot. Del: If you had this letter, what would you do with it? Tad: Del, I don't have time to explain it. Del: My sister doesn't need you anymore, ok? She can count on me. I'll take care of her. Tad: Yeah, I'm sure you will. Guard your spare supply of body parts. I mean, God forbid you should need a slice of her liver or have to use her brain to write your own book. Del: I love Dixie. Tad: Oh, yeah? Well, that's perfectly obvious from all those letters and cards and presents you sent for birthdays, Christmas. Let's face it, you grabbed her kidney, took half her heart, and left. Del: Oh, yeah? And how much of her heart did you steal, Tad? Three divorces? Erica Kane hasn't even married and divorced the same person three times. Tad: She could still catch my record. Del: You can't throw stones at me, Tad, all right? You hurt Dixie way worse than I ever could. Tad: This isn't about you or me. If you bumble across a letter that's supposed to be opened in case anything happens to Dixie, I'm begging you, get it to me as soon as you can, because you'll probably be saving Dixie's life. [SCENE_BREAK] Livia: Mimi, Dani loves you. She is not trying to ruin your life. How is this marriage going to be if it begins with your entire family torn apart? Garret: Livia's right, Mimi. Danielle needs our help. We need to get to the root of this attack. Jack: Well, that depends on who's attacking whom. Garret: Look, it's up to you, sweetheart. If you -- if you want to postpone, you know, we can. Mimi: No. No, today is our wedding day. And anyone who can't be happy for us doesn't belong here. [Mimi hangs on to Garret as everyone else leaves.] [SCENE_BREAK] Babe: 13, 14, 15. And then I give you two breaths. Babe: Ok. Your turn. Do me. J.R.: Hey! What are you doing? Babe: Sorry. Tickling was part of the infant CPR course. J.R.: And how old are we? Babe: Ok, fine, it was just an irresistible urge. You just used to be so ticklish, and I wanted to see if you still were. But don't snitch on me to teacher. She might keep me after class. J.R.: I can still read you, Babe. That was premeditated. Babe: I wanted to see if you could still laugh. J.R.: I didn't, I cringed, so what does that prove? Babe: You still laugh, though, don't you? With Little A and your mom? J.R.: Sure. I guess I do. Babe: We used to laugh all the time. You had -- J.R.: I what? Babe: You had a nice laugh. You should use it more. [After Babe lies down on the mat, J.R. places his hands on her chest.] Babe: Go for it. Bring me back to life. [SCENE_BREAK] Krystal: You delusional, horny old toad. We didn't do anything. Adam: Oh, yes, we did. And you couldn't get enough. You were thrilled. Krystal: Oh, you admit, then, you got me drunk with intent to whoopee? Adam: I admit you were drunk, but I granted your greatest wish. Krystal: Oh, that's it. Oh, I'm going to have to kill you. Adam: Uh-huh. Yeah, for what? For giving you the most unforgettable night of your life? Krystal: You must have poured moonshine down my throat and then begged and cried, and I must've been so messed up that I thought you were somebody else. Adam: Yeah, somebody else named Adam, though. Because you were screaming, "Adam, yes, yes, yes! Oh, Adam, yes!" Ouch. Krystal: Oh, Adam. Adam: Come on, give it some gusto. Krystal: I didn't know what I was doing. Adam: Lucky for you, I did. Krystal: Oh, you smug -- yeah, go ahead and strut around. Bray about your studly triumph. Adam: You think I'm going to be an object of ridicule? Krystal: Thanks a heap. Adam: You're welcome. You are quite welcome, and that's the last we say about it. This is just between you and me, all right? And I know how to keep my mouth shut and yours. Name your price. [SCENE_BREAK] Mimi: From this day forward, you will never be alone. I will always be by your side, supporting you, loving you, through any adversity. Garret: I will trust, honor, and love you, in this life and beyond. Nothing can ever separate us. My devotion to you is pure and true. Judge: By the power vested in me by the State of Pennsylvania, I pronounce you husband and wife. Mimi: I love you. [Phone rings] Garret: You're kidding. Mimi: Sorry. Garret: Duty calls? Mimi: This is Captain Reed. No, no, no, no, it's ok, you did right. Hang on. Baby, I'm sorry, this is big. This is life-and-probably-death big. Garret: I understand. Mimi: Why should anything go right on this day? [Mimi flings her bouquet aside and takes her cell call while Garret smirks contentedly.] Mimi: I'm here. [SCENE_BREAK] Krystal: I don't take money for sex. Adam: For what happened last night, you should pay me. Krystal: Oh -- Adam: This is for your silence. Krystal: I would rather die than tell anybody that you and I -- that we -- I can't even say it to you. Adam: Fine, keep it that way. Krystal: And don't you go sucking down any brandies and bragging to your buddies, either. Adam: Brag? That I bagged last place in a moonshine-chugging contest? Krystal: Oh, yeah, I can see that Crow Hollow has brought out your crass, class-free side. Adam: Just speaking your language, Krystal. Krystal: Don't speak to me, Adam. Just speak to your pilot, tell him to gas up your jet so that we can fly away from the scene of this crime against nature. Adam: Hey, I flew you to the moon last night, sweetie. You arrived on a bus, depart on a bus. [SCENE_BREAK] Babe: Oh, God! What, is that tickle payback? J.R.: Is that too hard? Babe: You're supposed to be pretending to compress, not break a rib. J.R.: I'm sorry. All right, I'll try again. All right. Babe: Better. J.R.: Yeah? Babe: That's the right spot. J.R.: That's 15. Babe: You know what comes next. J.R.: I'm supposed to cover your mouth with mine. Ok. I got it. Is that it? Instructor: Well, you guys are naturals at this. J.R.: Is that it, class over? Instructor: No, there's just one more final review. Babe: Um, I don't need to review. Instructor: Well, I can't certify you unless you complete the course. Babe: You know, I've already taken the course, and J.R. here, he can stay for the paperwork. He doesn't need me. J.R.: What the hell is this? Babe: I can't. I -- J.R.: Hey. Babe: What is your problem? J.R.: What's yours? Babe: You're lucky. To you, we never even existed, we never were, but I'm -- I'm not so lucky. [SCENE_BREAK] Krystal: You get me wasted, you bring me to your room, you take me to your bed, and you're not going to give me a ride home? Adam: The bus doesn't appeal? Pick up another trucker in a bar. Krystal: FYI, I flew here. Oh. Oh, here. You going to spring for this lovely room, or am I going to have to pay for half of this? Adam: No, I reserved it, I'll pay for it. To the bus station, Krystal. Go. Krystal: Uh -- I think you ought to look at this. Adam: Hey, out. Mosey on, Krystal Carey. Go, disappear. Krystal: You, uh -- you might want to make that Krystal Chandler. Adam: Krystal what? Krystal: Chandler. As in Mrs. You? Because from the looks of this, we're hitched. [SCENE_BREAK] Tad: Ridiculous. I don't have months to search this place. [SCENE_BREAK] Del: Dixie? [Door squeaks as Del lets himself into Dixie's room and sees Julia.] [SCENE_BREAK] Danielle: Just go away. Leave me the hell alone, please. Reggie: No, I'm not. Look, Dani, I tried alone. No more. [SCENE_BREAK] Di: It's been a long time. Garret: Too long. Di: You look good. Garret: So do you. Di: I got your flowers, with the little dragon. Garret: So you understood my message? Then why are you still here? Di: I need to ask you for a favor, for old times' sake. Let Julia Santos go. [NEXT_ON] Amanda (to Tad): I saw a dead body, for crying out loud! I've never seen one before! Tad: It may not be your last. Julia (to Del): Can I trust you? Krystal: So this is legit? Willie: As real as it gets. Adam: I think I'm going to be sick. Garret: I missed you, Di. | Everybody leaves except for Jack and Livia who are the two witnesses they need for the wedding to go off |
650 | [Steffy remembering] Liam: You are my wife, and I need you to tell me the truth now. Did you know that Hope was in Aspen looking for me? Did you know that she was in that gondola trapped watching us getting married on that mountain? Did you have anything to do with that? ...Do with that... ...do with that... [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: Steffy, I-- I didn't know that was you. Steffy? Steffy: Huh? Taylor: What's the matter? You seem so distant. Steffy: No. Uh, you know what, Mom? I'm... I'm not okay. Taylor: What is t? What's wrong? Steffy: I'm keeping a secret from my husband Taylor: A secret? Steffy: Yeah. I knew. I just--I knew. Taylor: You knew what? Steffy: (Sighs) I knew Hope was in Aspen looking for Liam, and when he asked me, I lied to him about it. [SCENE_BREAK] (Knock on door) Liam: Hey. Hope: Hey, uh, just dropping these off for Steffy. Liam: Uh, well, she must have stepped out. I'm-- Hope: Yeah, it's okay. I can see her tomorrow. Liam: Hey, Hope, um, how are you? Hope: I'm fine, Liam. Liam: So things are going good at work? Hope: Yeah, keeping busy. Liam: (Clears throat) Yeah, me, too. Hope: Are you happily married? [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: Love is the solution to everything, Darling. We've been proving that for years. (Giggles) Ridge: Hope seems to have bounced back, too. Brooke: Mm. Did you read the blogs? Ridge: Yeah, all those young people talking about her, supporting her. It has to mean a lot. Brooke: It does help. But she's still not over Liam. [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: I'm sorry. I-I shouldn't have asked that. Of course you're happily married. Liam: Uh, yeah. I haven't, uh... still haven't gotten used to it yet. Hope: It takes time. Liam: I don't, uh, I don't know really where you and I went wrong. Hope: It doesn't matter now. Okay? As long as you believe your wife, then that's all that's important. Liam: Uh-huh, you still don't think Steffy's being honest about Aspen. She wouldn't do that to me, Hope. Steffy wouldn't lie to me. [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: So the gondola was your doing. Steffy: Look, Mom, we were just having such a great time in Aspen, you know? I was laughing and carefree and falling in love. You know my dream was actually coming true. Taylor: (Sighs) Steffy: I couldn't lose him. I couldn't go through that pain again. You know, Hope should never have gone to Aspen it was over for them, okay? I didn't convince him to put a wedding ring on my finger. Look, I know he loves me, all right? Taylor: I know he does. Steffy: A-a-and I shouldn't have lied to him. I know that. Taylor: No, you shouldn't have. Steffy: (Sighs) Taylor: But you're human, Steffy, and you were in a very difficult position. Steffy: Well, knowing Hope was chasing after him, I-I freaked out, okay? I lost faith. But it's starting to eat at me now. Taylor: (Sighs) What are you doing? [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: (Sighs) Ridge: We both want what's best for our children. Brooke: Mm-hmm. And do you really feel that Liam is best for Steffy? Ridge: I think she loves him very much, yes. Brooke: But if she can't be truthful... Ridge: Logan. Brooke: Well, what does it say if she has to lie to her husband in order to hang on to him? To me, that says they shouldn't be together. Ridge: Brooke, come on. Please? Brooke: Ridge. Ridge: Sweetheart, this is not an issue for us. Let's not turn it into one we've got to stay out of Steffy's marriage. [SCENE_BREAK] Liam: And, you're everywhere. Hope: Yeah, who would have thought, huh? Liam: That's gotta feel good. Hope: Yeah, I-it's... nice to know that young women are seeing the benefit of waiting until marriage. Liam: You know, I, um, keep on, like, doing this thing where I wonder, uh, you know what would have h-happened if--if you made it to the top of the mountain, if the gondola didn't get stuck. And I-I-- Hope: It wasn't meant to be, Liam. I was too late. And it's dumb to speculate. It hurts, and it doesn't change anything. I should get back to work. Liam: I, um... I miss you. Hope: Yeah, I miss you, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Steffy: So, Mom, you don't fault me for keeping Hope away from Liam? Taylor: (Sighs) I understand you were trying to protect your engagement, and Hope was there trying to interfere. Steffy: Yeah, but lying to Liam right after we got marred? (Scoffs) Taylor: Sweetheart, I'm not going to judge you, all right? Steffy: Okay. Taylor: Sometimes we do things in the heat of the moment, and later, we wish we hadn't. It's a mistake. We all make them but it's only a mistake. It doesn't mean that what you and Liam share isn't real. Steffy: No. It's just a little tainted. Taylor: No, you were trying to protect your marriage. Steffy: But that's just it. You know I'm wearing Liam's wedding ring. You know, he's my husband. Why should I feel that threatened? I mean, am I that weak and insecure? Taylor: No. Steffy: (Scoffs) Taylor: No, you are not weak. But I'm sure maybe just for a moment... Steffy: (Sighs) Taylor: You were feeling very insecure, but that's understandable knowing what --what Hope has been through with Liam in the past. You know, I've gotta tell you, it's not that different from what I've gone through with Brooke and your father. Steffy: Yeah. Taylor: Maybe if I had been a little more protective of my marriage, maybe we'd still be a family. Steffy: You would never lie to Dad's face. No, I see. And I know what I have to do now. Taylor: Don't make any decisions in haste, okay? Steffy: The hasty decision was lying in the first place you know what? I can't live with that. I love Liam so much, and I-I don't want our marriage to start this way. (Sighs) No, Liam and I, we have dinner plans, but before we go anywhere... (Sighs) I'm telling him the truth. Taylor: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: What happened in Colorado-- Steffy getting to the top of the mountain first to meet Liam while Hope was stuck in the gondola-- you're willing to write all that off as chance? Ridge: I'm willing to just let it all be. Brooke: Oh, Boy, you have a lot of faith in your children. Ridge: As you do in yours. Ridge: Sweetheart, I love my daughter. Brooke: (Sighs) Ridge: She's not as tough as she pretends to be. She's had to overcome a lot of obstacles in her life-- the breakup of her family, the death of her twin sister. She's finally found someone to help fill some of those voids. She's absolutely glowing now. I would really hate for her to lose that. Brooke: There's another young woman who also has had to overcome a lot, and she finally met the man that she adored, and he was taken from her unfairly. Ridge: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Thomas: Hope, gosh. I've been lookin' for you everywhere. Hope: Hey. Hey, yeah, uh, what's up? Thomas: So... I have an idea. Hope: Uh, uh-o. What? A pink golf ball... for women golfers? Thomas: Exactly. Hope: (Laughs) Thomas: Okay, uh, you're gonna catch me hitting one off the tee anytime soon, but listen. What if we came up with a new logo for Hope for the Future, something that exemplifies the message that you're trying to get across? We print it on these pink golf balls, and put it in your next photo shoot? Hope: Hmm. Thomas: What? Hope: (Sighs) I'm sorry. I just... Liam and I used to really like playing miniature golf. That's all. Thomas: Right. Hope: Uh, no, you know what? It's--it's a really good idea. Thomas: Yeah. Hope: Just, uh, you know, let me think about it, okay? Thomas: Yeah, okay. Hope: Great. Thomas: (Sighs) Hope? Hope: Yeah? Thomas: (Sighs) I'm sorry about you and Liam. Like, I'm-- I still can't believe he let you get away. It's really-- it's his loss for sure. Hope: Thanks, Thomas. That's very sweet. Thomas: Hey, I mean it. (Sighs) The guy has gotta be out of his mind. Hope: Why, to-- to choose your sister over me? Thomas: To choose anyone over you. [SCENE_BREAK] Steffy: Lost in thought? Liam: Hi. Ready for dinner? Steffy: I'm ready for whatever you were just thinkin' about. Liam: That's after dinner. Steffy: Mm. Liam: Come on. Let's go. Steffy: Yeah, there's something we need to talk about first. Liam: What? Steffy: Us. Liam: Okay. Steffy: Okay. Liam, um, I love you more than I can put into words, and I know you love me, too. I mean, that's why you married me. That's why I trust you. Liam: Yeah, I mean, you were there for me when I needed you the most, and so I'll be there for you. Steffy: Well, I need you now. Liam: Like right now? Like, in the office? I mean, I guess we could clear off your desk-- Steffy: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, not for that. (Sighs) You know, I've always prided myself on my strength. Survival instinct, you know? Bad things happen. Your parents split up. Your sister dies. But it's either you have to reach deep down and find that strength, or you can't go on. Liam: You know, you have been through so much. Steffy: Yeah. Liam: And you always pull through, and that's one of the things I admire most about you. Steffy: (Sighs) But I haven't always been this strong. You know, that's what I hate about myself-- when I show weakness. Liam: Well, I haven't seen much of that. Steffy: That's because I've been very careful not to show you. Liam: When? Steffy: When? Um... when we were in Aspen. There was... some things that I did out of... out of weakness, because I was afraid. Liam: Of what? Steffy: Your rejection. Liam: Steffy, Buddy, Baby, we got married in Aspen. Steffy: Yeah, I know. On the mountain top. And that is a day that I will never get for the rest of my life. Liam: Okay. So w-why all this talk about fear? Steffy: Um... (Sighs) Because... Hope was in Aspen. Liam: Yeah. You didn't know that I mean, that's... what you told me. Steffy: That wasn't the truth. [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: (Laughs) Hope: (Sniffles) [SCENE_BREAK] Liam: So you knew Hope was in Aspen? Steffy: Yes. Liam: And you didn't tell me because... you were afraid. Steffy: We were engaged for a couple of days. I didn't know what she was doing there. Liam: Yeah, but you thought it might be because she wanted to see me. Steffy: That would be the logical conclusion, yeah. Liam: Okay. Anything else? Steffy: Um... (Sighs) The gondola. Liam: (Scoffs) No, Steffy, don't tell me that. Steffy: No, you know what? I-I-I have to. Liam: Don't you tell me that. Steffy: I lied, and I'm sorry. Liam: Oh, my God. Steffy: I knew she was in the gondola, okay? I knew, and I'm sorry. Liam: Here it comes. You know what? You--you told me that you had nothing to do with the gondola getting stuck. You told me that. Steffy: I-I know, and it's another lie, but look at me. This is--this is the truth I love you more than I ever thought I could love anyone. That is why I am telling you this. I will not let our marriage start off like this. You know what? I-I shouldn't have lied. I should have trusted you, but, Liam, I was just freaking out. We just married. Please. Liam: Mm. Steffy: No, you know, you need to for-- Liam: (Scoffs) Okay, so... so... the whole time that we were up on that mountain, the minister, the witness, you and me, exchanging vows, pledging our love to one another, getting married-- the whole time, you could see the gondola, and you knew full well that Hope was inside the entire time watching us, and you were making promises to me. You promised that you would be loving and loyal and faithful and truthful, and at the same time, you were lying to me. This is our wedding, Steffy. What is more sacred than that? Steffy: Look, okay, I was determined to save you from a girl who already made your life miserable. Liam: No, you were determined to get a ring on your finger before Hope could stop you. You manipulated this entire thing. Steffy: I know. And I was wrong. I wish I hadn't, but that is why I'm telling you everything, so we can start clean. Liam, you love me, because I would do anything for you. I would go to the ends of the earth. I would climb the highest mountain, and that's exactly what I did. My mistake was keeping it from you. Okay? Now please, if-- if you forgive me, I will never, ever keep anything from you ever again. Liam: (Sighs) Steffy: No, don't-- don't look at me like that. Liam, please forgive me. | She loves him too much and does not want her marriage to start this way |
651 | Shawn: We don't know if it's from Franco. Carly: I know it's from Franco. It's addressed to Josslyn, just like the lei was. Shawn: Well, it might be from Jax. Christmas is right around the corner. Carly: Christmas. Franco met Josslyn at a Christmas-tree lot. I was holding her, and then he was admiring her, and he was talking to her, and he was going on and on about this weird story. I mean, what if it's his twisted way of trying to celebrate the season? Shawn: Okay, look, you're jumping to a lot of conclusions. Okay, let's just-- let's just see what's inside. Carly: I'm not jumping to a conclusion, Shawn! I'm not! This psychopath is out there, and he is sitting back, and he is watching all of us squirm. [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia: Uh, okay, help me out here. Um, what exactly am I facing? Steve: You don't have to hide it anymore. I know. Olivia: You know what? Steve: You're pregnant. Olivia: I'm what now?! Steve: I saw the box in your apartment, the test. Olivia: Okay, uh, Steve, I am not pregnant. Steve: You're not? Olivia: No! And if I was, do you seriously think that I would keep that a secret from you? Steve: Well, I--you know, I mean, it wouldn't be the first time you kept quiet about a baby. Olivia: [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Maggie: Guess Ireland is as lucky as they say. Lucky: Hey, Dr. Wurth. Oh, you mean the, uh--the sign I was telling you about. Maggie: Mm-hmm, the one that made you call your father and tell him to get Aiden to the hospital. Lucky: Yeah. It was more like a message, I guess. Maggie: From? Lucky: People I cared about. Maggie: "Cared," past tense. Like ghosts or-- Lucky: I don't really know how to describe it. I didn't see anything, really. Maggie: So they weren't wearing white sheets? Sorry. [Chuckles] I-I don't mean to make light. Lucky: It's absolutely okay. Believe me, I know how crazy I sound. It's just that I swear sometimes I-I can still feel her around. Maggie: Who? Lucky: My wife. It's like she's sitting right next to me or something. Maggie: No, that doesn't sound crazy at all. Love's a powerful thing. It connects us in ways that cannot be broken. [SCENE_BREAK] Robin: I hear you, Stone. I--even if it's only in my head, I know that you wouldn't want me to be this way--especially now. I just--I don't know if--if I'm as strong as you were. I don't know if I can do this. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucky: You're, uh, part of this whole thing, you know? Maggie: Me? Lucky: Yeah. You're another sign. Maggie: Oh, this I got to hear. Lucky: Okay. Before my wife passed, she wrote me a letter, and the first thing it said was "If--" "If I should leave you." Maggie: So she knew she was sick, or she knew she was dying? Lucky: No, no. I mean, she knew she was in danger. But that's--that's a whole nother story. The point is, is that she was giving me instructions, okay, to go to Ireland, to a churchyard, or what's left of it, anyway, and dip a rosary in a well. Maggie: Okay, I'm--I'm still not really seeing how I fit in to all this. Lucky: The name of the place was St. Margaret's. Maggie: Oh! Lucky: Yeah. And she said that I was supposed to receive a message. Maggie: And you did. Lucky: Yeah. I mean, I didn't believe it at first. I thought my mind was playing tricks on me, and--but then, when I--when I got the warning about Aiden being sick, I immediately came home, only to find that he'd been treated by you--St. Maggie. Maggie: Mm. Believe me, I ain't no saint. Lucky: Well, it has to be more than a coincidence. Don't you think? Maggie: So, what are we talking about? Fate? Divine intervention? Lucky: I have no idea. I don't know. Maggie: You know, you don't really have to be religious to believe in miracles. I mean, I see them every day. These kids come in here, and they have virtually no chance. And somehow, they turn it all around, survive. Lucky: I have a feeling you have something to do with that, as well. Maggie: Maybe. Maybe--um, maybe I'm willing them to push harder. Lucky: Yeah. Maggie: Maybe they're willing me to try. I don't know. Either way, every time, it just--I mean, it just blows my mind. Lucky: I--I'm gonna be honest with you. Working with kids in this kind of environment day in and day out, I don't think I could do it. Maggie: I mean, some days it's bad. It's--it's really bad. Man, do those miracles make up for it. Lucky: Oh, it sounds like those kids are lucky to have you. I know Aiden was. Maggie: You know, working in Peds has taught me a lot. First and foremost, never give up, not on hope and not on people. [SCENE_BREAK] Robin: We had Thanksgiving dinner today, and I asked Maxie to bring one thing --flowers. And she brought [Chuckles] The biggest arrangement. I mean, you should have seen this thing. It was so huge. I--we had to put it in the kitchen because it was actually too big for the table. But, um--it was really sweet. I needed flowers today. You know--yeah. I needed my family. I don't know who rebuilt this bridge. They tore our bridge down. They said it was a fire hazard or something. And then a little over a year ago, there was an anonymous donor who, um, gave them the money to rebuild this bridge in the exact same spot. And--I am pretty sure it was Jason or Sonny. [Owl hoots] Robin: If Sonny built it, it was for you, and if Jason built it, it was for me. But, um--either way. So, anyway, the flowers. Um--I remember just like it was yesterday scattering your ashes in the water, and--I don't know, I just thought that maybe--[Sighs] Maybe I could, um, scatter the rose petals and watch them float away and--think of them floating towards you. [Owl hoots] Robin: I don't know. I just thought it would be something that you would like, something that would have made you smile. [Chuckles] Brenda and Sonny got married, but you probably know that. You were probably watching. Unfortunately, they didn't make it, but--it's a shame, you know, but sometimes --sometimes love just isn't enough. [Owl hoots] Mac: Hey, sweetheart. Robin: Hey. Hey. What are you doing here? Mac: I drove by the house, and I saw the lights on. Patrick told me where you were headed. He also told me you wanted to be alone. But I knew you wouldn't be alone, not today. Robin: No. I'm not alone. Mac: Um, you know what? Just consider me backup, okay? I'll go wait by the car. Robin: Wait, wait, wait. Hold on. Don't leave. You can help me honor Stone and, uh--all of those people that were so special--lost their lives too soon. Will you help me do that? Mac: I would walk through fire for you. Robin: [Chuckles] Thank you. Mac: But can you, uh, answer a question for me? Look, losing Stone changed your world forever. I know. I was there. But this year, his death seems to be hitting you especially hard. Any reason why? [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: [Sighs] Shawn: Pick your poison. Carly: Always been a fan of pink. Shawn: It looks harmless enough. Carly: [Sighs] I don't even want to know what's in the other one. Shawn: Looks like our boy Franco made a video. Carly: Video? [Sighs] [Sighs] Franco: Hi, Josslyn. It's me. Remember me? I hope mommy's letting you watch this. It's so hard to know what to expose a child to. One wrong choice and a mind can be scarred for life. But it's me [Chuckles] and I hope Mommy let's you watch this over and over and over again. Now, I can't be there to tuck you in every night, so, for tonight, some wuzzy words of comfort. I'm so sorry that your daddy up and left without you, left you with one less set of eyes to watch over you, one less set of hands to reach for-- Carly: [Sighs] I was right. He's coming after her. He's coming after Josslyn. Shawn: Look, he can come after her all he wants. But he won't get her. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: Couldn't sleep? Sam: You go for a ride? Jason: Yeah, thought it might clear my head. Sam: Did it? Jason: No. Sam: Well, that's why I came out here, hoping the stars would work their magic. When my life was a mess--and, let's face it, it was a lot--I'd always come out here and look up at the sky, find the North Star. And somehow, I was able to get my bearings. Jason: Especially on the water, huh? Sam: Mm-hmm. Most people had family and friends. I had this as the one constant in my life, and I did not realize how much I missed it until tonight. Jason: I'm here for you. Sam: Yeah, I know. Jason: [Sighs] Sam: Jason--I wish everything could be simple again. Jason: And so do I. [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia: Steve, for the last time, I am not pregnant. Steve: Okay. Olivia: Look, do you want me to go up to the lab and pee on a stick? Because I swear to God I'll do it. I will do it! I'll do it right now. Steve: It's not that I don't trust you. I-I'm serious. It's just--you know, it's your life. It's your body. You're not obligated to tell me. Olivia: Yeah, but I think you should know that if I were pregnant, I would tell you. I mean, Steve, when I found out that I was pregnant with Dante, I-I was a 15-year-old kid. And Sonny was not exactly father material. Steve: Get out of here. Olivia: He was already going up through the ranks of the mob, and I may not have known much, but I knew damn well that I was gonna have better than that for my kid. Steve: I'm sorry if it sounded like I was judging you. I mean, the truth is, I respect what you did, and--and that took courage that most people don't have at that age to raise a son on their own. Olivia: I had a lot of help from my family, but-- Steve: Take some credit. Olivia: Okay, Dante did turn out pretty great. Steve: I'd say that's an understatement. Olivia: I'm not a scared kid anymore, Steve, and you're not some young punk in training. Steve: [Groans] There goes my rep. Olivia: Most importantly, you don't take lives. You save them. And if--okay, I-if I--if I were a-and if you were the father--and, of course, you would be, because it's not like I've been out-- Steve: Okay. Olivia: Okay. Steve, um--I would have no reason to hide a baby from you. Steve: But there is no baby? Olivia: No. Steve: [Clears throat] Okay, so now that we have all that figured out-- Olivia: Yeah. Looking pretty relieved over there. Steve: What? Olivia: You heard me. What would you have done if I really was pregnant? [SCENE_BREAK] Ethan: Hey, man, welcome back. Lucky: How are you? Ethan: Oh, you know, I was just gonna ask you the same thing. Lucky: Aw, you're deflecting again. Ethan: Yes, I am. Lucky: Well, I'm hanging in there. A little jet-lagged, but-- Ethan: Good. Aiden and Elizabeth? Lucky: Oh--Aiden is a rock star, seriously. I mean, it's like he's getting stronger every minute. It's incredible. Ethan: Good. Lucky: Elizabeth, on the other hand-- Ethan: Wait. She had a setback? Lucky: No, not physically. Ethan: Yeah. Well, she's been through a lot. Lucky: Yeah, I know. I know. That's why, you know, I've been reassuring her and trying to keep her calm. And it's been working, 'cause she's really happy right now I'm back. Ethan: Maybe a little too happy? Lucky: Yeah. I--it's the same thing we talked about. I mean, Elizabeth wants to start over. I've explained it's not possible. How do I--how do I do this? Help me. How do I explain it again? Ethan: When she's staring up at you from her hospital bed with tubes? Lucky: Exactly. Ethan: I don't know. That sucks, man. I don't envy you. Lucky: "That sucks"? That's all you got? Ethan: That's all I got. Lucky: That's--thank you. Thank you so much. Ethan: [Laughs] I try, you know? I mean, Elizabeth wants somebody to save her from drowning. Lucky: Mm-hmm. Ethan: Like her faceless, but, uh, manly stranger on Spoon Island. Lucky: Any idea who that is? Ethan: Well, according to Dr. Hunter, she made the whole thing up as a way to cope with trauma. Lucky: You disagree? Ethan: Yeah. Footprints don't lie. I mean, they were wet ones. You know, when I was--I was poking around Wyndemere the other day, right, and I found a trail inside the house. Lucky: So you think someone's there. Ethan: Oh, yes, oh, yes. And they cannot hide from me forever. Lucky: Okay, so--if someone's there, okay, if this person really exists and he saved Elizabeth's life, then-- Ethan: Why wouldn't he call for help when he rescued her? Hmm. My thoughts exactly. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: I think I'm gonna go for a walk. It'll be nice to move around a little. Jason: What are you doing? It's kind of--it's kind of late. Sam: I know. That's good. It means the sun's gonna come up soon. I'll be able to watch it rise over the water. Jason: Okay. Then I'll come with you. Sam: I'd actually rather go alone. Jason: Okay, then I'll have Marco just keep his distance. Sam: No. Jason, I mean alone - alone. I don't--I don't really think I need a guard-- Jason: Yeah, but I'd rather have someone with you, just--you know, just in case-- Sam: Just in case what exactly? I mean, what worse can happen to me? Jason: [Sighs] [Cell phone ringing] Jason: Carly, what? Carly: Jason, thank God you picked up. Jason: What happened? Carly: Franco sent Josslyn another package. Jason: [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] [Indistinct conversations] Johnny: Hey. Abby: I saw that you had a "closed" sign at the club. Johnny: Yeah, closed until this uptown freak who's roughing up girls gets caught. Ranelle: Johnny's giving us hazard pay for the time that we're out of work. Abby: Aren't you the nice guy? Johnny: Ask anybody. Well, except for your boyfriend's father, of course. Man: Hey, girlicious. Put a little more back into it for me. Ranelle: Hey. Johnny: Geez. [Grunts] Watch your mouth, or you're gonna find it on the floor after I rip it off your face. You got it? Good. Ranelle: On behalf of us all, as usual, thanks, JZ. Coleman: Smooth, JZ! Nice! Thanks, man. Now, girls, you can stay here as long as you like. Good for business and--damn good for the soul. [Chuckles] Abby: Still surprises me that you care. Johnny: I'm a fixer. What can I say? But sometimes it comes back to bite you in the ass. You said something about seeing a sign. Coming back to work? Abby: Oh, let me think about that one. No. I just wanted to talk to you about this guy that's been after the girls. Ranelle: You mean the one that the police aren't after? Abby: As the--fixer, I was hoping that you could do something before somebody else gets hurt. [SCENE_BREAK] Steve: I'm a doctor, and--and doctors--we don't--we don't deal in what-ifs. We deal in real life. Olivia: Okay, so--so in real life, you would have been totally freaked out. Steve: Mnh-mnh. No, I wouldn't have. Olivia: You've been freaked out for the past couple days--probably ever since you saw the stupid pregnancy-test box. Steve: Okay, maybe I've been a little thrown. Olivia: Why "thrown"? You haven't been able to look me in the eye. Steve: Hey, what do you expect? A baby would change everything. Olivia: Well, believe me, nobody knows that better than me. But that's not necessarily a bad thing. I mean, look at Patrick Drake. That guy was like the ultimate playboy. He thought he was gonna be speeding around in racecars, not pushing strollers, and that baby's got him wrapped around her little finger. Steve: Patrick is a good dad. And he definitely stepped up to the plate. Olivia: And he's loving every minute of it. Steve: You can't expect that from everyone. Olivia: Why not? Steve: Because not everyone is meant to be a parent. [SCENE_BREAK] Patrick: Where is everybody? [Sighs] Place is like a ghost town, Emma. Need a little bell. I'm sorry. There's no ghosts in the hospital. Don't worry about that. That was just a metaphor. Not that you know what a metaphor is, do you? Okay, honey, I'm gonna put you down for a second. I got to go check and see who's working. Baby--Emma, you got to let me go. You got butterscotch here to keep you company, okay? Just wait right here. I'll be back in two seconds. Go see if somebody's working, all right. Maggie: Maybe I can help. Patrick: [Chuckles] Maggie: Rough night? Patrick: Hi. Uh, a little bit. Yeah. Hi. Who--who are you? Maggie: I'm Maggie. Patrick: Hi, Maggie. Maggie: HI. And this must be Emma. I love that name. And did I hear your dad say this little guy's Butterscotch? Patrick: Yes. Butterscotch. Maggie: Oh, my gosh! My stomach just growled. Did you hear that? I must be hungry. Would it be okay if I ate Butterscotch? Emma: No, he's a stuffed animal. Maggie: Oh, no! Okay, you're right. He probably wouldn't taste very good, huh? [SCENE_BREAK] Robin: I guess I'm just overwhelmed, you know, with my new job and everything that happened with Lisa. Mac: Yeah, I thought she had something to do with this. Robin: It's just all so senseless, you know? It's like this black cloud that is hanging over all of us, and then I think about Stone and-- Mac: Yeah, I thought she had something to do with this. Robin: It's just all so senseless, you know? It's like this black cloud that is hanging over all of us, and then I think about Stone and--he carried this-- this bright light with him. And I--[Sighs] I just don't understand why things had to end up this way. Mac: You know, if Stone's death taught me anything, it's that life isn't fair. Robin: You mean because I contracted the virus? Mac: No, I made my peace with that a long time ago. It's just--the disease itself. You know, I-I can't get a handle on it. Robin: It's a tough one. Mac: I just want to make it better for you. Robin: You do. You make it better every day just by being my family and loving me and supporting me no matter what stupid mistakes I make. Mac: What are you talking about? Robin: I should be cherishing every single moment of my life, you know. I've just been so distracted lately. Mac: Well, Lisa didn't make it easy. Robin: But I used to be a fighter, you know, and I let her win. I let her destroy my life and destroy my marriage. Mac: Robin, hey, nothing is destroyed. Come on. You're still here. So is Patrick. Robin: [Sighs] Oh, Uncle Mac, you have no idea. Mac: And maybe I shouldn't, Robin. Look, I tried really hard, you know, to leave my badge at the door, being an uncle and a father during Thanksgiving. It's hard sometimes. Robin: We understand. It's just you doing your job. Mac: Yeah, but it should be second. You know, my first priority should be my girls. Robin: [Sighs] Mac: I think about this mess you and Maxie are in--a murder investigated-- Robin: I was only defending myself. Mac: What did you say? Robin: It was self-defense. Mac: Robin, be extremely careful what you say to me. Robin: I just meant after everything that Lisa has done--not just to me and Patrick, but to Maxie and Spinelli and Steve and Elizabeth, I mean, God knows who else--whoever killed her was doing it in self-defense, okay? Even if it was after the fact. Mac: That's not the definition of "self-defense." Robin: Who cares about a stupid definition? You know Lisa was this horrible, evil person. Mac: Look, I agree, but we both know that's not how the law works. Robin: Well, not everything works the way it should. Otherwise, Stone would still be here, and Lisa--no one would give a damn where she was or how she got there. Mac: Lisa died at the hands of someone else, okay? That cannot be ignored. Robin: But it should. Mac: It can't. Robin: Tell me you know that it should. Please. Mac: I agree. I agree. But at the end of the day, somebody has to pay the price. [SCENE_BREAK] Johnny: Just so we're clear, what exactly do you want me to do? Abby: Whatever it takes to keep my girlfriends safe. Johnny: It's my kind of job. You or the girls get a good look at his face? Abby: No. They were, um, attacked from behind. Johnny: Freak and a coward. Abby: Yeah, well, they may know more but, um, scared to say, you know? Johnny: I'll keep my eye on it. You want to stick around, join us for a drink? Abby: I got to get back to that, uh, boyfriend of mine with the inconvenient father. Johnny: No comment. [SCENE_BREAK] Abby: Hey. Sam: Hi. Abby: What are you doing here? Sam: Um, well, Michael wanted me to follow up on the guy who was attacking your friends. The club was closed. Abby: Yeah. Coleman: Hi. How are you? Drinks are on the house for you tonight. Sam: Thank you. Coleman: For you and your friends, I got a karaoke machine, spotlight, a stage. So any time you guys want to work on a number, you can get after it. Feel free. Abby: Nice try. That's a good one. Coleman: What? Sam: Not a bad thought, actually. Abby: What? Come on. Sam: Actually, maybe I should ask Johnny if I could go undercover. Abby: No. What? Come on, Sam. You just got married. You should be at home. Sam: Yeah, well, I think everybody wants to be able to go home without having to worry about being victimized. Abby: Well, listen, Johnny's already on it, so just--I don't want you guys to get in each other's way. Sam: You know me better than that. Nothing is gonna stop me. Abby: Just promise me you'll be okay. Sam: Yeah. I'm gonna be-- [Clatter] Sam: I'm gonna be good. You--you be careful, okay? Abby: Okay. Bye. [SCENE_BREAK] Franco: I know the loneliness of the dark, how it adopts you, adapts you. I know abandon and abandonment. A father's flaws. A father's fancies. A father's fatal mistake. A father nearly forgotten--but you have no need to worry, little girl. If or when everyone abandons you--I'll be there for you. I'll be there. Jason: You track the package? Shawn: No postmark. Jason: So he's here. Shawn: Or wants you to think so. Carly: There's more. You know what this means. He's after her. He wants Josslyn. He--you heard him go on and on and on about being a father and--and her being abandoned. He's gonna want to take her, Jason. Jason: Son of a bitch! [SCENE_BREAK] Ethan: You said you were jet-lagged, so come on. Let's get you home, get some sleep. Lucky: Dude, I-I couldn't, even if I tried. Every time I close my eyes, I just hear a bunch of noise. Ethan: Yeah. Those thoughts running wild through your head. I've been there. Lucky: Any advice on how to make it stop? Ethan: Well-- Lucky: I mean that doesn't involve copious amounts of booze. Ethan: Then no. Lucky: [Chuckles] Ethan: No, not really. You know, if it's any consolation, though, alcohol doesn't really help. It just kind of makes everything warm and fuzzy. Lucky: Helps you fall asleep and forget about the nightmare for a while. Ethan: Yeah. But then when you wake up, the nightmare's real as ever, and you got a headache. [Chuckles] Lucky: That I remember. Ethan: Yeah. You know, speaking of nightmares, in Ireland, did you find that message from beyond or whatever you were looking for? Lucky: I, uh, sort of did. I think so. Ethan: Okay. W-what was it? Lucky: Still trying to figure it out. Ethan: Okay. So now what? Lucky: Now what? Uh--I don't know. I mean, just take it a day at a time, focus on what I do have the power to control, like being a good dad, good cop. Ethan: [Chuckles] Lucky: Is that funny? Ethan: Really? Wait, you're serious? Lucky: Yes, I'm serious. Ethan: Oh, God! Come on. That can't be enough. Lucky: All right, Ethan, I'm gonna tell you something. Now, just listen here. I may be a lot like Dad in many ways, but I do not need a jewel heist to get through the day. Ethan: I don't believe you for a second. Lucky: Yeah, neither do I. Ethan: [Laughs] Lucky: [Sighs] Ethan: It's not a bad thing to want something more out of your life. Lucky: Even if you have absolutely no clue as to what that is? Ethan: Oh, yeah. Look, mate, the mystery--that's all part of the fun. [SCENE_BREAK] Patrick: Somebody has got a lollipop. Maggie: I hope you don't mind I gave her one. Patrick: No, it's okay as long as her stomach's feeling better. You feeling better? Emma: Yeah. Patrick: Yeah? Okay. Come here. Maggie: It's amazing how candy always seems to do the trick. Patrick: [Chuckles] Yeah, she, uh--she wasn't feeling well. Uh, my--my wife wasn't home, and we didn't know if it was food poisoning or just something new. Maggie: An eclectic Thanksgiving dinner? Patrick: Exactly. She won't be having cranberry sauce any time soon. Maggie: Hey, Emma, you know what Butterscotch told me? He really wants to go for a ride in that wheelchair over there. You think you can help him out? Emma: Yeah. Maggie: Yeah? All right! Patrick: Okay, sweetie. You stay where I can see you, okay? Go have fun with Butterscotch. So, is she okay? I mean, is--is everything-- Maggie: No, Emma's fine. It's actually been my experience that stomach aches have nothing to do with food. Spelling tests, on the other hand--leading cause. Patrick: [Chuckles] I don't think she's faking an illness to get out of nursery school. Maggie: Probably not. But I think she was looking for attention. Best way to get it--tell daddy she's sick. Patrick: Right. So you think that my 5-year-old is manipulating me. Maggie: I think you love your little girl. And I think you would do anything to keep her happy. Look, it's nothing to be embarrassed about. Patrick: Oh, no. No, I'm--I'm not embarrassed. Maggie: You're not the first dad to fall for the "I'm sick" routine. And usually it takes someone from outside the home to shed a light on what's going on. Patrick: Right. So I take it that you're that someone. Maggie: Tonight. Patrick: And that is because of your medical degree? Maggie: And the jacket helps, too. Deep pockets makes administering candy way more convenient. Hey, Miss Emma? Move over. It's my turn to drive! Come on! [SCENE_BREAK] Mac: I don't want anyone on that boat to be the one who killed Lisa. Robin: Well, then, maybe you should be looking at people who weren't on the boat. Mac: I would, but they weren't the ones--[Sighs] look, I'm sorry, okay? Um-- this is not the time or the place. Today's hard enough as it is. Robin: [Sighs] I know. I mean, you want justice. You want the truth. I don't blame you. I mean, who do you think I got that from? Mac: I hope I taught you other things than that, you know, like how to take it easy on yourself. Robin: Oh. Mac: I didn't? Robin: Really? Come on. I mean, look at you. You're still pulling double and triple shifts all the time. Mac: Wait a minute. "Still"? Is that your way of saying I'm old? Robin: No, it's--[Chuckles] no, it's my way of saying that you will do anything to fight for what you believe in, for what you know is right. Mac: Yeah. Most importantly, I'll fight for you. Robin: You need more than that, Uncle Mac. Mac: Okay. So I'm not old. I just need to get a life. Robin: [Chuckles] It would be nice. It would be nice to see that before I die. Mac: Robin? Oh, no. No. It's not gonna happen. I won't allow it. [SCENE_BREAK] Maggie: And she rounds the bend and makes a left, and she's on the home stretch! [Imitates tires screeching] Yes! 1:48. Not bad, but I think we can do better. Should we go again? Emma: Yes. Patrick: No. That's it. We got to get you home. Plus, I don't think there's racing allowed in the hospital. Maggie: I think you're right. We barely get away with breathing in this place. Patrick: Well, it is a hospital. Maggie: And doesn't mean it has to be a no-fun zone. Unfortunately, Chief of Staff's a total battle-ax. Patrick: That's a little harsh, I'd say. Maggie: Eh, not really. Patrick: Well, have you ever ran an institution where everything filters through you? It's a tough job, and Robin is very good at it. Maggie: You know her. Patrick: Yeah, I do know her. That battle-ax is my wife. [SCENE_BREAK] Robin: It's for all the days that we knew you--and we got to spend with you-- and for all the days that we didn't. [Chuckles] Mac: [Sighs] It's getting cold. I could use a cup of coffee. You ready to go? Robin: Just one more second. Mac: Take all the time you need. Robin: [Sighs] [Wind whistling] Stone: I see you, Robin. I see you. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: [Exhales sharply] I'm sorry. Carly: What's going on? Jason: Nothing. I'm fine. Carly: Franco can't see that he's getting to you. Jason, it'll never be over. He gets off on making you suffer. There's nothing worse he can do to me. Carly: He could take Josslyn. You heard him going on about being a father. It sounds like he wants to be one. Jason: I'm not gonna let him take Josslyn. Carly: You've got to stop him. You have to stop him and don't let him get to her. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: [Sighs] Come on! | The DVD shows Franco telling Josslyn how sorry he is that Jax left and how it's one less person to watch over her. |
652 | Ginger: Jess? You just called her -- Antonio: Jessica. You two know each other? Ginger: I thought we did. Tess: Antonio, honey, would you mind just waiting for me outside for a second, please? Antonio: Why would I do that? What's going on here? Ginger: That's what I'd like to know. [SCENE_BREAK] David: Yeah, "Craze" magazine. Magaz-- oui. Je suis the creative director. Oui, j'ecrir an article on Spencer Truman? Oui, le medecin, le medecin. Je cherche quelqun qui traveller. Someone who worked avec lui at the Karolinska institute in Stockholm? Attender? What -- oh, hold. Yes, yes, I'll hold, thank you. Ok, big brother. If you won't take money to leave town, I'll have to figure out another way to stay a step ahead of you. [SCENE_BREAK] Spencer: Dr. Miller. Oh, I thought you would've taken the night off, considering it's father's day and all. Don't you have plans with Bo and his son? Paige: Yes, I do, so excuse me. Spencer: Paige, Paige, listen, I just wanted to ask you, do you ever regret it, you and I never having children? Paige: You know, what the hell makes you think that you could've been a father when you couldn't even handle being a husband? [SCENE_BREAK] Nora: Spencer Truman is Paige's ex-husband. They were once married. Bo: No, you must've misunderstood. I know they worked together, but where'd you get an idea like that? Nora: From Paige. I overheard her and David Vickers talking. He referred to Spencer as her ex-husband. Bo: That's not possible. Nora: Well, that's what I heard. Bo: Yeah, but, Nora, you know what, you've been going through a bad time lately, and I know you blame me in part for everything that happened to Colson. Nora: You know, whatever happened to Daniel has nothing to do with what I'm telling you. Bo: No, but if Paige was married to Spencer, she would've told me about that. Nora: Are you accusing me of making this up? [SCENE_BREAK] Man: Remember, up on the balls of your feet, never on your heels. You ready? Good! Nice. All right, hold on. Good. Good. All right . It's ok, it's ok. Second man: Johnny? John: Hey. Man: Haven't seen you in a while. John: It's been one thing after another, Rourke. Rourke: Good. John: How are you? Rourke: Can't complain. So how come you're down here hurting my bag on father's day, huh? John: What better place to be on father's day than Rourke's gym? Rourke: Nice. We'll grab a couple drinks later. John: Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Evangeline: This is priceless. You've spent the last year trying to sabotage my relationship with John, and you have a problem with me? Natalie: You just don't know when to give it up, Evangeline. I was there when John told you to your face that he could not be the man that you want him to be. Did he not make himself clear? Evangeline: You have selective hearing, Natalie, because he also made it clear that he could never and would never commit to you. Natalie: I don't believe that. Evangeline: Of course you don't. Which is why you'll continue to make a fool of yourself, pushing yourself on a man who does not want you. Natalie: That's because he hasn't given me a chance. But, see, you had your chance and you blew it. Evangeline: No, Natalie, I didn't blow it. I made a decision to leave for reasons you will never know or understand, and I did it with my dignity intact. Obviously, you can't say the same. [SCENE_BREAK] Tess: You must have me confused with somebody else. Sorry. Ginger: This is nuts. Tess: Listen, I have to go and talk with my boyfriend now. It was really nice meeting you. Can you believe that? I mean, I just met her and she's already acting like my best friend. A little weird. Antonio: Jess, when I first walked in, you two were talking like you did know each other. Tess: But I told you I just met her. Why would I lie to you, Antonio? [SCENE_BREAK] Marcie: Rex -- Rex: Marcie! Hey. Didn't you see there. Marcie: Yes, you did. Rex: Whoa, easy on the 'tude, Marce. Marcie: It was your idea, wasn't it? Rex: My idea? Marcie: For your sister to use my brother Ron, not to mention Michael, to make John jealous! Rex: What? You are way off base, ok? I did not tell Natalie to go out with Ron. Didn't even know about it till after the fact, ok? Marcie: Mm-hmm. Rex: And as for Michael, everybody knows that he and Natty hate each other's guts. So instead of blaming me or my sister for your problems, why don't you focus on the real reason your life sucks right now? Hayes: That wouldn't be me, by any chance, would it? Marcie, what's wrong? Can't you come up with a sequel? Have you run out of gruesome ways to kill people? Rex: You jerk! [SCENE_BREAK] Paige: Listen to me, listen to me. 10 seconds with you, and I'm already talking like this. Spencer: I didn't mean to upset you, Paige. Paige: Look, you're done with your lecture here, Spencer, so why don't you just jet off to the next hospital where you've got your appointment and just leave David and me in peace? Spencer: You and David have nothing to do with me being in Llanview. And if I've thrown a wrench into anything that you've tried to build here, that's the last thing I'd want to do. Paige: You know, you amaze me because you already have and you don't even know it. God. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: I didn't say you made it up. Nora: So, what, I heard wrong? God forbid you should ever think the best of me and assume that I'm telling you something that I just think you need to know. Bo: Would you keep your voice down? Nora: You know, if I wanted revenge, if I wanted to pay you back, wouldn't it be more fitting if I just marched through the middle of the squad room and announced that Paige and Spencer were once married? Bo: Nora? Nora? Hey. [SCENE_BREAK] Man: What do you say, Johnny? Want to give it a try? All right, start slow and just use your left hand. John: Why? Man: Because you want to save your right. That's going to be your hammer, ok? All right, so start with your left. That's it. Jabbing him with your left, jabbing him with your left. Pop, pop, striking him with your left. And then when he least expects it, hit him with the hammer. Ooh! John: Dad! Dad? Mr. Mc Bain: Gotcha. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: You can spin this any way you want, but bottom line -- John and I share a bond that you will never be able to break. Evangeline: Of course not, because you use and manipulate everything and everyone to keep his attention focused on you and nobody else. Natalie: What exactly are you accusing me of here? Evangeline: You are a card-carrying victim, Natalie. You know the man has a hero complex, so you use your life tragedies to guilt him into some sort of a sick loyalty to you, just the way you did with the Buchanans. Isn't that how you worked yourself into that family, by making them feel sorry for you? Natalie: At least my family loves me for who I am and at least I don't have to pretend like I'm better than everyone else, looking down my nose at everyone who doesn't have fancy law degrees and a big-shot award. Which brings me to my next question, Evangeline -- why would you go after some lowly cop in the first place? Oh. Or is that why you walked away? Because you're a snob? You don't think John's good enough for you? Evangeline: I won't even dignify that with a response. Natalie: Lucky me! She shuts up. Evangeline: My relationship with John was good and honest and based on mutual respect. Natalie: Damn, she won't shut up. Evangeline: I never had to bat my eyelashes and shed phony tears to get him to notice me -- unlike you, who set herself up to be decapitated so that he would -- Natalie: You shut -- [SCENE_BREAK] Hayes: Get your hands off of me! Rex: You ever harass Marcie again, I swear to God -- Hayes: Where the hell's your sense of humor? It was a joke, you idiot. Rex: Just get the hell out of here, Hayes, ok? I am not going to say it again. Hayes: I'm sorry, do you think that you're scaring me? God, I know all about you full-riders. I've dealt with you all my life. The hair gel and the cool clothes, the hugely inflated ego with nothing to back it up. Why would Marcie waste her time with a lowlife like you? Rex: Ok, out, now! Marcie: Thanks. Rex: Welcome. Guy's a total horse's ass. How'd you ever get mixed up with him, anyway? Marcie: He promised me a great career and I fell for it. My judgment was clouded, to say the least. Rex: I'm going to get some air. Marcie: Thanks. [Phone rings] Michael: Dr. Mc Bain. Rex: Hey, Michael. It's Rex. Listen, I just ran into Hayes and Marcie over here at the Palace. That sleaze started in on her again, throwing the murders in her face. Michael: I'm on my way. Dr. Miller? Paige: Yeah? Michael: You think it'd be possible for me to take my dinner break now? Paige: Yeah, yeah, we've got it covered. Michael: Thank you. Paige: Uh-huh. Spencer: You know, what you said about my having thrown a wrench into everything -- Paige: I told you to leave me alone. [Phone rings] Nurse: You have a call, Dr. Truman, line two. Spencer: Thank you. Dr. Truman here. Good morning? Well, I guess Stockholm is waking up right now, aren't they? What's that? That's very interesting. Yes, I would love to read what "Craze" magazine has to say about me. Well, thank you. Bye-bye. Davey. Davey, Davey, Davey. You really like to keep me on my toes, don't you? David: Ich bin David Vickers. I am looking for -- I'm sorry, all I know how to say in German is "potato salad." Can you -- oh, great. I'm looking for someone who worked with herr doktor Spencer Truman. Sp-- hello? Hello? Great. Guten tag? Oh. Dorian? What -- I'm sorry. No, I thought I was talking to someone else. I didn't even hear the phone ring. How are -- what? Well, I guess, you know, we just have a little bit of serendipity. We both picked up the phone at the same time. How are -- no, of course I'm still working on the passport. I -- no, no, come on, of course I'm coming. Why do you think I'm feeding you a line? Why would you say something like -- what do you mean you're coming home? Wait, whoa, what about the spa? Why don't you -- hello, Dorian? Dorian, when are you coming home, today, tom-- oh, great. Oh, great. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: What's wrong with you? Nora: Nothing. I'm fine. Just I think it's that I haven't eaten. It's low blood sugar. Officer: You'd better get out here, commissioner. Bo: All right. You sure you're ok? Nora: I'm fine. Go, go. Bo: What's going on? Evangeline: Absolutely nothing. I was just leaving. Natalie: Uncle Bo, I'm sorry. It's just she insulted me, and I let it get to me. I'm -- I'm sorry. Bo: Ok, ok, ok, sit down, please. Just sit. Nora: Evangeline and I are out of here. Bo: We're not finished. Nora: Yeah, we are. Talk to Paige. I don't want to be in the middle anymore. Come on, Evangeline, let's go. [SCENE_BREAK] Antonio: No, no, I don't think you're lying. It's just that, you know, you haven't been yourself lately. Every time I try to get you to open up, you get a little defensive. It's just not like you. [Phone rings] Antonio: Yeah? I'll be there as soon as I can. I realize I only have an hour with her. I said I'd be there. It's R.J. he moved up my visit with Jamie for father's day. Tess: Well, you better hurry up. I mean, you don't want your window to close. Antonio: Yeah, yeah. But this conversation isn't over. Tess: I didn't say it was. Ok, now go. Tess: Boy, oh, boy, did you screw up big time. Ginger: Me? Why did you pretend like you never knew me? I mean, I have listened to you bitch and moan about Jessica and Antonio for months now. Then the guy walks in and he calls you Jessica? I mean, if anybody should feel screwed with, it's me! Tess: Oh, Ginger. Come on, wake up. You're pretty, but you sure are dense. Don't you get it? Jessica and Tess are the same person. I'm Jessica. Ginger: First you insult me, and then you feed me a line of bull about being two people at once? I am so out of here. Tess: Oh, no, no, Ginger, Ginger, Ginger. Come on, come on, come on. You're my only friend. Please, Ginger, I need you. Ginger: No, no, Tess -- or Jess, whatever the hell your name is -- what you need is the number of a good shrink. Now get your hands off me. [Phone rings] Tess: Yeah, what? Dad. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: Hey. Marcie: Hey. What are you doing here? Michael: Rex called me. Marcie: He did? Michael: Yeah, yeah. Is that Barber guy giving you a hard time? Marcie: Oh, he's gone. Michael: Yeah, well, it's a good thing for him. Marcie: You know, Rex was really great. He totally stood up for me. Rex: I thought my ears were burning. Michael: I -- I can't believe I'm saying this to you, but thank you. Rex: No problem. Nobody calls Rex Balsom a full-rider and gets away with it -- even if I have no idea what that means. Michael: What does it mean? Marcie: Oh, it's something high-schoolers use to describe the cool crowd. Like, you know, they got a full ride in life. Michael: Oh, ok, I got it. Marcie: You know, my brother Ron and my dad, they're on their way over. We're having a little father's day celebration. Maybe you want to -- Michael: That's right. Are you going to be ok without me? Because -- Marcie: Yeah. Michael: You sure? Marcie: Yes. Michael: Because I have this thing that I have to take care of. Marcie: Totally. I'm fine. I'm fine. Michael: You're sure? Ok. Marcie: Michael? Michael: Yeah? Marcie: Thanks for coming by. [SCENE_BREAK] Evangeline: That Natalie makes me so crazy, I become unrecognizable to myself. Nora: I know, it's understandable. Evangeline: No, it's not, Nora. I should not be sinking to her level. But when she insinuated that what John and I had was not good or meaningful? How dare she. And how dare he put me in a position where someone like that feels like they have some kind of power over me. Nora: Natalie is just very insecure, that's all. If she truly felt that she had a chance with John, do you think she'd be hurling insults at you? And trying to haul off and smack you -- I mean, what's the matter with that girl? [SCENE_BREAK] Doctor: Let's go, people. Let's go, folks, let's go. John: Daddy! Doctor: Nurse, get that kid out of here! John: Daddy! Daddy! Mr. Mc Bain: If your way of remembering me on father's day is to focus on my death, then you haven't learned a damn thing from me, Johnny. [SCENE_BREAK] [David hums] [Doorbell rings] Spencer: Good evening, Dave. David: You? Spencer: Oh, my. Didn't I tell you this would be a fantastic place to shoot? Holy cow, it is truly magnificent, Davey. David: I should've realized you'd figure out where I live. Spencer: You think? You know, be sure to get his left side. That's his good side. David: Hey, no one is taking any pictures of me. Now the both of you get the hell out of here! Spencer: You know, Dave, why am I sensing all this anger coming from you? Where is that coming from? Aren't you doing an article on me for your magazine? Now, don't you want to have a picture of the two of us for the cover? Come on now. Say "extortion." [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock on door] Bo: Yes? Paige: Bo. Bo: Hey. Paige: Is this a bad time? Bo: No, no, no. Come on in. Paige: I -- I was going to call first before I came by, but it really can't wait. There's something I need to tell you. Bo: Is it about your ex-husband? I don't know what I feel worse about -- that you didn't tell me about Spencer or that I had to hear it from my ex-wife. Move it along. Nothing to see. [SCENE_BREAK] Marcie: Here, daddy. Happy father's day. Mr. Walsh: Thank you, honey. But the best present I could get would be having all my kids with me, happy and healthy. Eric: I hope you mean that, dad. [SCENE_BREAK] Antonio: I missed you so much. Thanks for spending some of father's day with me. Woman: Sorry, Mr. Vega, but I have to take Jamie back to her grandfather now. Antonio: I understand. I love you. Jamie: I love you, too, daddy. Antonio: Ok. There you go. See you soon. [SCENE_BREAK] Tess: Uh, could you hold on a second, dad? Thanks. Oh, no. Hold on, hold on. Jessica: Hello? Is anyone there? Daddy. Hi. How are you? No, I'm ok. I just -- I guess I'm just a little bit worried about mom right now. Yeah. Yeah, I've just been thinking about you a lot, too. I miss you a lot. Happy father's day, dad. I love you, too. Bye. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: Why didn't you tell me about him, Paige? Paige: Well, I did. I did. I told you we were up for the same promotion. He beat me out of it. Bo: Well, yeah, but you left out the part where the two rivals vowed to love, honor, and cherish for the rest of their lives. Paige, if you can't open up to me about your past, I wonder what kind of a hope there is for us in the future. [SCENE_BREAK] David: All right, get out of here. Photographer: Come on. David: Get out of here! I certainly hope you got paid in advance. Wow, Spencer, you figured out I was investigating you. That shouldn't come as a complete shock, should it? Spencer: Not in the very least. Not at all. You know, I just wish I'd been here sooner. I mean, this place is truly spectacular, David. It's a little bit on the prissy side, but, you know, according to everything I've read about your bride-to-be, that really doesn't surprise me that much. David: Spencer -- Spencer: Hmm? David: I love Dorian. Spencer: You, love? Boy, dad would be proud. I mean, you're just like him, in every way. [SCENE_BREAK] Rex: Hey, Rocky Balboa! Natalie: What do you want? Rex: I heard about what happened. Natalie: Well, I don't know what you heard and I don't want to talk about it. Rex: Why so grumpy, sis? Evangeline's on the defense. That's good news, isn't it? Natalie: No, it's not good news, ok? She came in here, she provoked me, and then, of course, I reacted, which now is all going to blow up in my face when she goes back to John. [SCENE_BREAK] Evangeline: This is supposed to be some sort of happy time in my life, and -- well, you know, I won that award. I should -- Nora: You should be very proud of yourself. Evangeline: Why do I feel like I'm a miserable failure in every other area of my life? Nora: Listen, you did not fail with John. You were in a relationship that you realized had run its course, and so you cut your losses. And who knows, maybe losing you is exactly what John needs to realize how important you are to him. Evangeline: Even if that were the case and John were to have some epiphany about me, do you honestly think that I would go back to him after everything that has happened? God, who am I kidding? I love him. [SCENE_BREAK] Mr. Mc Bain: Don't do this to yourself, John. Don't beat on yourself for my death. It's no good. Michael moved on. Why can't you? You were always the one to take everything on, Johnny, hmm? You're the one that had to make everybody happy, except you. John: I just want -- I just want to catch this murderer and put him away for good. Mr. Mc Bain: Which murderer? The one copying "The Killing Club" or the one who shot me? You can spend the rest of your life chasing that dragon, Johnny. The truth is it doesn't matter who shot me that night. Johnny, if I could relive one minute of my life, just one, it wouldn't be standing in the path of a bullet. I would spend those precious 60 seconds with my beautiful wife and my two sons. Those are the only moments that count. And you need to realize that before it's too late, Johnny. Michael: John, man, relax. It's just me. Michael: John, man -- I thought you were going to lay me out there for a second, John. John: Sorry. I was thinking about something else. Michael: Yeah. Nothing good. Man. Rourke's gym. Reminds me of when I was little, watching dad, you know, teach you to box in the basement, wishing he'd teach me. You know, he always said that he'd show me how when I was older, you know? Never got the chance. Michael: Hey, when you pound on this thing, who do you picture? John: Nobody. Michael: Come on, John. Give it up, man. You know, with everything that's going on -- Evangeline, Natalie -- you don't even know who you're mad at anymore, John. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: Ugh, I bet Evangeline's over at John's hotel right now telling him what a bitch I am. Rex: Oh, wait till "Good Morning America" gets wind of it. Natalie: Not funny. Rex: No, and it's not life-and-death, either. Look, all you have to do is figure out a way to cut Evangeline off at the pass and make john realize he loves you before she can get her claws back into him. Natalie: Ok, piece of cake. Rex: Got it! Natalie: What? Rex: Your happy ending. I figured it out. [SCENE_BREAK] Paige: I, uh -- I met Spencer when I was young, really young. You know, we got married and we realized we made a mistake, so we got a divorce. End of story. Bo: But if it was so uncomplicated, then why the secrecy? Paige, I'm not angry about this. I just -- I don't know why you felt like you had to hide something. Paige: Look, I never meant to keep any secrets from you. I was just hoping that Spencer would leave town before any of this became an issue. Bo: But it seems to me the issue is that you felt like you had to hide something. This is something important. Paige: You know, tell me it doesn't ruin us, ok? Would you please just tell me that? [SCENE_BREAK] Marcie: I'm glad you guys drove down. Eric: Yeah, I hope dad feels the same way. Mr. Walsh: You're my son, Eric, my flesh and blood. I didn't have the guts to call and ask you to come tonight because I thought you'd say no, that you'd be angry at me for the way I've treated you. And I wouldn't have blamed you. I know it's easy to say, but I've changed. I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, and I'm not going to judge you anymore the way I did. What you want in life, who you love -- that's up to you. I'm just proud that you're a good and decent man. I love you. Eric: I love you, too, dad. Mr. Walsh: Welcome, James, to the celebration and to our family. James: Thank you, sir. [SCENE_BREAK] David: Just like dad? Me? I may have been like dad a long time ago, but not anymore because now I know what it's like to be a friend. And hopefully, I know what it's like to be a good husband. You know, Spencer, I wake up in the morning now and I know what it's like to be needed, I know what it's like to be part of a family. A family -- a word that's probably not even in your vocabulary. Spencer: Yeah, I know, it's true. I probably never even knew the real, true value of family. But, you know, now that I'm in Llanview, I just have a feeling that that's all about to change. [SCENE_BREAK] Antonio: Hey. I got your message. Jessica: Yeah. Thank you for meeting me. Antonio: Sure. You spoke to Clint? Jessica: Yeah. It was really nice. You know, he's my dad. No matter what happened with Mitch, Clint will always be my dad. God, there's so much to think about. There's so much to understand. Antonio: Honey, why don't you talk to me? Hmm? Don't -- don't shut me out, ok? I want to help you. Jessica: Oh, you do. You do help me. But I guess I just realized that before I can face what's happening to me, I need to understand why it's happening. Come here. Tess' voice: You'll never know, Jessica. You'll never know. [SCENE_BREAK] Mr. Walsh: A toast -- to family. All: To family. Mr. Walsh: I'm a lucky man to have such good kids. You make me very proud -- all of you. Eric: Happy father's day, dad. Ron: Hey. It's good to see you smiling again. Marcie: I wish I could hold on to this day forever. Nora: To good friends. Evangeline: Hear, hear. [SCENE_BREAK] Nora: Thank you. I'm going to accentuate the positive, that's what I'm going to do. You know, I'm going to focus all my energy on my work, my son, and getting my life back on track. Evangeline: Something wrong? Nora: Oh. These prices. My God. Next time, we're going to my place and ordering pizza. Evangeline: Now, that sounds like a plan. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: Paige, I just don't know what the big deal was. You know, you know all about my past, all the marriages and mistakes I made over the years. But if you can't trust me enough -- Paige: It's just that I've spent so many years trying to forget I ever was Paige Truman. Look, I know you're disappointed in me, Bo, and I'm -- I'm sorry, but I will make it up to you. I promise you that. [SCENE_BREAK] David: What are you saying, that you made a pit stop in Llanview to bond with your little brother? Spencer: Your words, not mine. But, you know, if I were going to stop someplace and put down roots, I mean, it would only make sense that I did it somewhere where I had family. David: We both know that you're not the stay-in-one-place kind of guy. Spencer: Look, I don't want to disappoint you, Davey, but my wandering days are over, that's all. You know, I like it here. Why should I leave when I have everything I need, when I'm just starting to feel so doggone right at home? You know, you'd better get used to it because I'm here for the duration. [SCENE_BREAK] John: There you go playing shrink again. Michael: You don't got to be a shrink to see it. You're shouldering the blame for all this, John -- Evangeline, "The Killing Club" murders, the past. John: Let it go, Mike. Michael: No, John, you let it go, ok, before it drives you crazy. How many criminals do you have to obsess about? How many guys do you have to hunt down before you decide to come back and join us here in the real world? John: As many as it takes, until -- Michael: Until what? [SCENE_BREAK] Rex: Think about it, Natty. When was the only time John used the l word in your presence? Natalie: When I almost died. Rex: Exactly. When your precious redheaded life was in jeopardy. Natalie: Ok, but I'm not in jeopardy now, so -- Rex: No . But I can change all that if you're willing to hear me out. [NEXT_ON] Bo: I wanted to see if we could call some kind of a truce. Renee: Carlo Hesser, what are you doing here in Argentina? Kelly: I've only been here for a few minutes. Spencer: Thanks for keeping her company. Paige: Whatever it is Spencer has on his mind, what is it you think we can do to stop it? | Marcie and her family have a wonderful father's day together |
653 | Amanda: What's with the shock and awe? You know darn well I want Jamie, or why bother to ask? Babe: This look on my face? It's way more ew than awe. Takes a special kind of nasty to scam a best friend's lover. Amanda: I'm a big fan of special. Beats the heck out of boring and predictable. Babe: So does J.R. know that you wasted his cash, considering you would've jumped Jamie even without the payoff? J.R.: Just in time for the "you want my man" smack-down. You know, you ladies should do it right and haul in some mud. [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: Where did you get this? Who did this to you? Who grabbed you so hard they left a mark? Erin: Like I owe you an explanation? Like you have any right to be in my place? Ryan, you're a ghost, ok? So just vaporize, go walk through walls -- whatever -- as long as it gets you out of my face. Ryan: No, no, not until -- Erin: Not until what? Not until you leave a handprint of your own? Go away! Ryan: You get used to me. Until you explain that bruise, I'm right here. Zach: The case involves an attempted hit. The couple went into the witness protection program about nine years ago. Man: Long time. Hard life. Zach: Yeah. The husband got itchy and reached out to some contacts in Philly. The Feds had to tell his wife that the husband got murdered. Ok, here's a list of the players we know. Find them with the players we don't know. Man: Got it. Kendall: Hmm, God, that's hot -- your manly tone as you gave orders, that little glint in your eye as you play hero. Don't tell me -- joy, oh, joy -- you found Julia. [SCENE_BREAK] [At Wildwind, Julia opens a trunk filled with mementos of the past including her wedding photo.] [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock on door] Lily: It's on my schedule to eat now. [Knock] Lily: I'll be done eating in 10 minutes. Can you come back? Sam: It's Sam. Please, Lily, can we talk? I'm still your friend. Lily: That's not true. Technically, you're not my friend at all. Sam: Lily, open the door and let me explain. Lily: I'll be done eating in nine minutes. Sam: I'll wait. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: Wow, you're good. Julia bolts, leaving nothing left behind, and you find her like that, and you're right back on the case. Is it implanted in your brain, a Santos female GPS? Zach: I'm helping her with some research. Kendall: Yeah, you and sexy goon number 65. I noticed. Zach: Are you annoyed with me right now? Kendall: No, hubby, not in the least. Just make sure you don't make a mess when you and Julia find a new way to get killed. [SCENE_BREAK] Erin: What are the magic words, ok? Brother shows up where he is not wanted. Ryan: Just tell me about the bruise. Erin: I don't owe you a damn thing. I just want you gone. Ryan: What's his name? Erin: Uhlie Naylor. There, does that satisfy your macho urge for answers? Ryan: Wait, wait. How do I find this guy? Erin: Oh, you are such a freak! You are willing to lose it over this, just break his face, because he saved my life? Ryan: This -- this saved your life? Erin: I -- I was on a ladder at work reaching for some French roast, and I almost took a header. Uhlie grabbed me and saved me -- and, oh, yeah, he left a bruise. I'm sorry, does that spoil your big hero moment, Ryan? Face it, brother, you are too little, way too late. Get out! Ryan: You're a rotten liar. [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: Amanda, looking tasty as usual. Can you believe Jamie turned that down? Amanda: "That"? You nasty chunk of upchuck. J.R.: You know, I'm curious -- if I couldn't get Jamie to peel off of you by dangling that in front of him, how do you ever expect to dump him? Babe: Take a hike, J.R. J.R.: And miss a chance to grind these peanut shells into the floor? Oh, before I forget -- you remember that bone I tossed you? The one about the happy christening and Tad being the godfather, me letting you see our son? Babe: Don't say it. J.R.: Ok, I won't. Canceled. Babe: That is so wrong. You promised Tad and me and your mom. J.R.: Yeah, well, my mother couldn't convince me to give you and Jamie a break -- and you know how much I love my mom, which is a pretty good indication of how much I hate you and grease monkey. So, no, no christening. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Thank you. Lily: You're welcome. But you're wrong, you're still not my friend. Sam: I am. I screwed up, but you -- you have to know how much I care about you. Lily: A friend is supposed to make you feel better when you're around them. I used to feel good around you, but the last few times I've been with you, I haven't felt good at all, and when I got home I felt even worse. Sam: Well, me, too. I felt like dirt. That's why we need to talk. Lily: No, we're broken up. Friends trust and respect each other. When I told you Zach wasn't a bad man anymore, you didn't believe me. And when I wanted to talk about ghosts with you, you gave me the same tone that the hot girls used to use with me. I know what that tone means. It means you think I'm stupid or a spaz. You don't trust or respect me, so technically you're not my friend. Sam: I think you are brilliant and amazing, and even if you don't want to date me, I will always be your friend. Sometimes friends screw up. And if they're not idiots, they say they're sorry. Lily: Is that what you're doing? Sam: Not very well, obviously. Um, but, yes, Lily, I'm sorry. The stupid part is it was never you I was mad at. Lily: I read your face and analyzed your tone. You were angry. Sam: No, no, not at you. It's taken me a while to figure out, but the one I'm really mad at is my dad. Lily: But your father is dead. Sam: That's what I'm mad about -- him being dead, how he got that way. [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: Oh, honey, I don't want to get myself killed. Kendall: Really? Well, you faked your own death, told your son to shoot you, and copped to a murder you didn't commit. Zach: That's a good point, but this is a little different. Kendall: You've got Miss Witness Protection stashed in your back pocket, keeping her all warm and snuggly until the two of you get plugged. Zach: Sweet, you do care. Kendall: Yes, I do, desperately. My red dress is at the cleaners, so I'll have nothing to wear when I dance on your grave. Zach: The -- the red one with the slit on the side? I love that dress. It looks good on you. Kendall: What, did you expect me to weep and wail and collapse into a soggy heap? I'm not Greenlee. I go widow, no big loss. Zach: Well, when you think about it, it's a game, because with me dead, the casinos are yours. You can change that wallpaper in the lobby you hate. Kendall: Yeah, it's at the top of my list. In the meantime, don't whine to me when you catch a bullet that was meant for Julia. I've got more important things to take care of. Zach: Yeah, I can see that. What, exactly? [SCENE_BREAK] [Gazing at her Cinderella wedding picture, Julia recalls what her husband said on that happy day.] Noah's voice: All my life growing up, I heard, "there's a great big world out there, Noah. You can own a piece of it if you want to. Find what you want and fight for it." And I say in front of God and these people that there is only one thing I will fight for now, valiantly, fiercely, with all my heart, and that is your happiness and the making of a life with you. [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: Somebody hurt you, Erin, and they'll do it again. Don't lie to me. Just because you hate me doesn't mean that I can't help you. Erin: You are the golden boy. You're the one, the big man, the guy with all the answers, all right, so why don't you just tell me how the bruise got there? Ryan: Do you feel that? That's my pulse. That's my blood pumping through my veins. That's what makes us who we are. It's the same blood that's in you -- and not just blood, Erin, memories. The smell of the dry-cleaning chemicals. The sound of Mom cracking open a beer. The welts, the bruises, the scars. They're in my blood, and they're in my head, and they're in yours, too. Erin: Oh, give me a break. If you hadn't heard my name, you would've never even known who I was at the coffee bar. Ryan: Braden, me, Hockett, and you, the abuse -- verbal, physical, emotional. We thought that we could just grow up and move out and never be like Mom and Dad, yet here we are. Tell me about the bruise, Erin. Erin: You know, Dad did have that special snap in his wrist when he let the belt fly. And if you think I'm so much like him, you'd better start running right now and never look back! Ryan: Not Dad. Mom. That's all you saw, Dad with his hand when he was ready to land one on her. Erin: Oh, if you think I would let some slime lay a hand on me, beat me, and then -- and then I'd just drink, so I could pretend like I wasn't really there? I am not Mom, I am not Dad, and, no matter what blood I have, I'm not you! Ryan: As soon as you think that you can control it, that's when it sticks its claws into you. I told you what happened to me. As soon as I thought I beat it, that's exactly when I hurt the people that I love most. Erin, it's in you. You can't fight it, you can't forget it, you can't make it go away. [SCENE_BREAK] Julia's voice: My life didn't start until you, Noah. You made me feel safe. You made me strong when the world was caving in. For the first time in my life, I felt whole. I love you more than I could ever say. And I promise in front of God and our friends and our family that I will try to show you how much for as long as I live. [Music plays] Julia's voice: Te amo, Noah. Noah's voice: Te amo. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: You know, I tried to call you several times. Funny how you never call me back. Zach: You want to tell me what's going on, or you want to dance around it some more? Kendall: Well, you know, so much has happened. I bought a new pair of shoes, ruined my favorite pink blouse, and I lost the back to one of my favorite earrings. So, what's up with you? Zach: I asked a direct question. Why are you dodging it? Kendall: Why the question? Because you can read me so well? You know all my thoughts and moods the way a good husband would? Or are you afraid I'll break our little pinkie-swear promise and tell the whole world that you're hiding Julia from the people who are supposed to be hiding her? Don't worry, your secret's safe. I'm not going to tell anybody anything. Is that what you want to hear? Zach: What I want to hear is your secret. [SCENE_BREAK] Babe: You know, now's not really a good time, but if you want to swing back by later -- J.R.: You want me to come back. I'm touched. Babe: Come back later, sweet cheeks, and I can get you touched but good. I know about six guys who'd steal your watch, jack your car, and even just mess up your hair just for fun. J.R.: You know, do you ever think -- oh, stupid question. You don't do that. See, it just hit me that our joke of a marriage was a lucky break for me. See, if I can watch you and Jamie squirm for years and years, that's pure joy. But if our marriage were to survive for years and years, I wouldn't have. You never loved me. You lied to my face, and you screwed over my brother. I owe you bigtime. Babe: You have no idea. So, you want to test your luck with me, too? Amanda: He is the creepy one. Don't take it out on me. Babe: Oh, no, no, no, but you -- you're a snake and a liar. Can I take that out on you? Amanda: I have been totally upfront with you about Jamie and the way I feel about him. You're the one that wants to keep him single. So what do you care if I break me off a piece of that fine young man? Oh, my God. You want to ditch Jamie, so he can be a rich and famous doctor who never has sex again. Oh, Babe. Oh, noble Babe, for the rest of his life, you want Jamie to want you and only you. Singer: Baby, bye-bye [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: My secret? Oh, God, Zach, I hate you for this, hate you for this. Zach: I'm used to it. Go on. Kendall: Well, you know, I -- I wasn't going to tell you, I wasn't going to say anything, but I guess -- I guess I will. I'm a milk chocolate girl. I know, I know, I know. Dark chocolate, it's trendy, it's better for you, but mmm, mmm, mmm, I just need that rich, creamy goodness, you know? I understand if you want a divorce. Zach: Back at Wildwind, you got all worked up about Julia and the danger surrounding her. You wanted it gone, wanted her gone, almost turned her in to the police. And now, what, suddenly it's no big deal? What happened? Kendall: Nothing's changed. If I get caught in the crossfire, you're going to pay. So all those without a death wish, take one step forward. Don't bring your work home. Zach: It must be something pretty big, or you wouldn't be working so hard to hide it. Kendall: You know, I -- I would love to do this all day, but I'm kind of bored already. So why don't you just go do what you're going to do and leave it to yourself. Zach: What are you going to do? Kendall: Like my life isn't full enough? I have nothing to do with my days? Zach: No, no, no, your days are good, your life is full. With what? Kendall: Greenlee needs some TLC to help get past the loss of her baby. I will handle that. You can go ahead and solve all of Julia's problems. Look at us, we're just a giant pair of givers -- luckily, not to each other. So thank you for stopping by. Zach: Kendall? Don't kid yourself. The truth always comes out. [SCENE_BREAK] Julia's voice: That's me. Noah's voice: Yes, baby, that's you. That's the reason I'm alive. And every other picture I ever take I'll show it to the world, but this -- this I won't share. I mean, not that I'm good enough, not that I ever could be good enough to -- to capture everything that's beautiful about my Julia. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: I hate this, Lily. You're pretty much all that's good, and now I don't even have you as my girlfriend or even my friend. You don't want to talk to me or see me. Things sucked before, but without you, things suck so much worse. I was confused, and I took it out on you, but I want to fix it. Please give me the data on how to fix it. I miss you, Lily. Lily: I can understand confused. It makes me want to go sit in my tree. Sam: If it would stop my brain from working, I would go there right away. All I do is replay every moment. I can't stop being angry. It just won't go away. I want to send him into that fire in the barn and make sure he never comes out. Lily: Jonathan Lavery? He's already dead. There's nothing you can do to hurt him now. Sam: You knew him. Not just pictures in the paper, you were with him in that cave. Did he ever say anything about my father? Lily: Well, he talked about a lot of different things. I think -- yes, I'm sure that one of them was your father. Is that what you mean? Sam: Did he say he was sorry? Did he ever say he was sorry for killing my dad? [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: I'm not going anywhere, Erin, not until I'm sure you're fine, and I'm sure you're going to stay fine. Erin: That'll do it? If I just tell you everything, then you'll go away? All right, you've got it. I will tell you the secret I have been keeping since you walked in the door. Sit down, be quiet. This might blow your mind. [Inside the secret room stands a barefoot man.] Ryan: The things that I've seen and done -- you can't scare me, all right, so just tell me what it is that you're hiding. What is it you don't want me to know? Erin: You don't even see it. It's all around you, and you've got no idea. Look, Ryan. Really look. Ryan: You want to help me out here? Erin: Don't see what's there, see what's not there. Prom pictures, Ryan! Me with -- with the quarterback of the football team, waving out of the sunroof of a stretch limo. Right? Handwritten poems. No booze, no men, no drugs, no nothing! I'm Sister Mary Erin, all right? I didn't bring anything with me from Des Moines, no baggage. I don't relive the past or even think about it all that much. I -- I am not a beater or a victim. My life here is mellow and calm, and you are the only really screwed-up thing to happen to me in a long, long time. Ryan: If I believed that, I would be gone right now. Erin: Believe it. It's hard when family is the worst thing that can happen to you, but here you are. The sooner you blow out of here, the sooner my life is quiet and easy again, ok? Ryan: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset. Erin: Yeah. You'll go, we'll both forget. It's just like you were never here. Ryan: You understand why I had to come, though? I mean, I thought Jonathan -- I thought you were dead. Erin: That makes us even. I thought you were, too. So let's just go back to being dead to each other, ok? Ryan: Take care of yourself. Erin: Always have, always will. Ryan: You're beautiful, and you're ok, and I thank you for letting me see that for myself. [After Ryan leaves, Erin enters the secret room through her closet.] Erin: Hey. It's ok, I made him go. He has no idea. I think we're in the clear. So I'm going to run out and get some food, so you just sit tight, ok? You need anything? Everything will be ok, I promise. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: Jonathan Lavery was a bad man. He admitted that he killed your father. Sam: My dad died for no reason, because some jerk picked up a shovel, set a fire, left him there. Some guy my dad hardly even knew decided he should die. I mean, that can't be my life, a horror movie or something. I keep imagining my dad as a ghost trapped here, tortured, angry, waiting to be avenged. I just want him to be okay even if he's not alive. And that jerk who killed him -- he got off so easy. Shouldn't he suffer? My dad suffered. He paid, for no reason at all. Lily: Ryan told me that insanity was no excuse for what Jonathan did. Ryan was good and his brother was bad. Jonathan didn't go to jail, but he died, and Ryan died, too. He didn't do anything wrong. And your father -- Sam: Does it even make sense that he's gone? Lily: I've heard what they say when people die, like my dad said about Greenlee's baby. Like it was for the best or that there was some reason. But I just don't see the reason here. Sam: Neither do I, no matter how hard I look. [SCENE_BREAK] Babe: This is about his life, his career. If maybe you'd stop staring at Jamie's pecs for more than a second, maybe you'd realize what matters. Amanda: And the claws come out. Thank God. Your noble routine was kind of wigging me out. Turns out you're a lot less saint, a lot more soon-to-be very jealous ex-girlfriend. You go, girl. Babe: You know what? I don't need BS props from the girl out to nail Jamie. Amanda: As soon as you cut Jamie loose, he's just a guy you used to know who now thinks you're a slut. Did you forget that with your brilliant plan? Not mine, not J.R.'s -- yours. Babe: You love it, don't you, calling me a slut? Amanda: If you can't take it from me, honey, how are you going to be able to take it from Jamie? That's the plan -- for him to call you a slut and then move on with his life. Not just school, money, a new place to live like the way you picture it. Women. Lots of them. Every hot young thing who wants a rich, hunky doc-in-training. As soon as you two are history, Jamie is a free agent, so think long and hard. You want to play the queen of sacrifice who gives him up no matter who calls you a slut to your face? Or do you want to keep him all to yourself, let him take his daily insult from J.R., wait for that crummy garage to suck the life out of the man you love? Babe: You know the answer. Amanda: Prove it. I said I'd help you, and I will, but you have to promise me something. If I'm the lucky girl who lands Jamie, you won't blow it for me. Babe: If he didn't want you before, why would he want you now? Amanda: Because he was in love before. That's all about to change. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: What the hell? J.R.: Want a glass? I was thinking mimosas, but you're fresh out of champagne. Remind me to fix that. Kendall: Yeah, go ahead and pour it. It'll end up right back in your face. J.R.: Ah. Kendall: J.R., have you no sense of boundaries? J.R.: Look at me. I'm like a fly to honey. I can't stay away. Kendall: Even if I smack you until your insides squish out? J.R.: You know, it hit me, Kendall. Kendall: What, my fly swatter? No, but it will in about two seconds. Give me -- give me my keys, give me my keys. J.R.: No, no, life. You know, all the sweet stuff, it's just -- it's just gone. All the old stand-bys -- the dominating lives and destruction -- it's just no fun if I don't have somebody to share it with, relive those memories, laugh with. Right? You remember the good old days. What the -- are you having a baby? You wouldn't with Zach Slater. Would you? [SCENE_BREAK] [As Zach opens Julia's trunk, she slips a rope around his neck from behind, but he quickly struggles free.] Zach: Ahem. Is -- is this because I'm late? Guess I should've called, huh? Julia: Oh, yeah, that's right, I'm laughing. Zach: What'd you think, I was one of them? Julia: No, I knew it was you. I figured you should know who I am, too. Zach: Try a memo next time. Julia: No, this is faster, and it's more effective. Zach: And so much more personal than a thank-you note. Julia: A thank-you for what? Oh, for not turning me in, for helping me out? Zach: Ahem. Julia: Yeah, well, consider my not killing you your thank-you. Zach: You're welcome. Julia: So what you got for me? Zach: Huh. It's in motion. Julia: What does that mean? You were supposed to help me. That means names and details. Zach: I said it's in motion. I have people, they're getting information. They're finding out who's at the top of the power structure, who got to Noah, who's trying to get to you. I'll take care of it. Julia: No, you don't take care of it, I take care of it. You get me to who, I do the what. Zach: My way's cleaner. You can stay out of it completely. Julia: No, you don't tell me what to do. No one is ever going to tell me what to do again. You just get me what I need, and then you stay out of the way! Zach: Dead is dead. What's the difference? Julia: Look at this. This is my life! That's what it was and what it should still be! That scum took Noah from me, and even when I was on the run, and I didn't have a name, and I didn't have a life, and I didn't have a home, I still had my Noah! Zach: If he loved you that much, he wouldn't want you doing this. Julia: Don't you dare speak for him. You didn't know him, you didn't know us. Noah was all I had, and that was enough, and they killed him. So you get me my information, and you stay out of my way. This is what I have left. This is what I have to do. It's mine, not yours. So if you have a problem with that, you go and do what Kendall wanted you to do and go away, now. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: Are you socially clueless? J.R.: Are you knocked up? Kendall: These -- these are Greenlee's. I took them from her house. I was cleaning out her house so that when she came home, the baby stuff wouldn't hit her in the face. It was an act of affection -- something that you wouldn't understand. J.R.: I don't know love? Kendall: You said that you love me so that my mother would give you Chandler back. J.R.: That was an act of love. Kendall: Yeah, for Chandler. J.R.: Still is love. Kendall: You're a sleaze. J.R.: Look, I made a mistake. I have to learn to separate business from pleasure and remember not to screw over my best friend. Kendall: Did you get your degree in manipulation, learn how to sound sincere when you pile it at someone's feet? J.R.: I am sincere. I screwed up. I wish that I hadn't. Kendall: I started it. I told you I would get Chandler back from Zach if he got it back from Ethan, and we didn't come through for you, and we left you with nothing. J.R.: Apology accepted. Kendall: I never -- I -- fine. Apology accepted from you, too. J.R.: See? Doesn't it make you feel better to be friends again? Makes you wonder how much better we could make it feel. [SCENE_BREAK] [Ryan breaks into Erin's house and starts rummaging through her belongings then is drawn to the closet door.] [SCENE_BREAK] Babe: Go for it. Amanda: You don't think I can do it. That's why you're cool with it. Babe: Jamie is the best man that I'll ever meet. He's sweet and he's kind and -- and he's loving and tender. And I just want him happy. So if you can give that to him -- Amanda: Ugh, ok. So maybe you are that noble. You want me to still help you with your plan to get Jamie to ditch you? Babe: You have a stake in this. You want Jamie to leave me as much as I do. Amanda: You're stronger than I thought. Babe: I have to get Jamie to leave me. And this is the only way. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: Do you think adults are confused just like us? Sam: Oh, they are the walking clueless. Hmm. They have no idea where they're going, too uptight to ask for directions. They can't admit it. Lily: I admit it. Sam: Right there with you. Lily: You're right here with me now. Sam: I am, and I like it. Lily: This is one of those times where being with you makes me feel good. Sam: I wish you felt that way all the time. Lily: Well, I think this is a good starting point. Maybe we could try again sometime. [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: You see, there are all kinds of friends. I just want to know where I fall on the friendship rainbow. Kendall: Oh, God, J.R., you do not know when to quit. J.R.: But I thought my staying power is what you liked best about me. Kendall: No, no, don't, don't even think about my bedroom. J.R.: Oh, come on. So close, but so far away. Kendall: We'll see exactly how far. But not right now. Not yet. J.R.: You have the softest sheets. And I only hope that I could feel those again soon. Hmm? [SCENE_BREAK] Julia: You get in my way, you're done. You come between me and the man I want, I'll take you out. You screw me, I'll give it back to you, and I'll make it hurt. Zach: It's your show. But I know from experience it won't get it back. Julia: Get what back? Zach: Whatever's locked in that trunk. Justice and revenge, blood and bullets? Not going to bring one single moment back to life. Julia: I know the moment I need. [SCENE_BREAK] [Ryan enters Erin's closet and starts going through her clothes while someone's hand rests on the other side of the secret door.] [NEXT_ON] J.R.: You can fall in love with anyone except for Tad. Di: I can't let you dictate my love life. Krystal (to David): I can't save our daughter. You'd better be up to the job. Amanda (to Jamie): Babe lied. She's with another guy. Babe (to Josh as she kisses him in bed): Once a tramp, always a tramp. | Zach is still engrossed in Julia's situation although she insists she will do it her way |
654 | Starr: Ahem. Cole: Hey. Starr: [Chuckles] Where were you? Cole: Thinking about the prom. Starr: Yeah? Cole: Did you get home all right? Hope's okay? Starr: Mm-hmm. She stayed at Aunt Dorian's last night, though, because it was so late. And she loves it there--you know how much they spoil her. Cole: Wish I could've gone home with you. Starr: Me, too. Cole: At least we got to spend some time together. Starr: I know. It was great. It was such a surprise, too. Cole: Yeah. It was too bad I didn't get a chance to hang out with Markko, because he was too busy tearing up the town with Langston. Starr: That's one way to put it. [SCENE_BREAK] Cop: CSU's still running tests, but they did give me this. John: Crime scene? Hmm. Somebody stepped in the vic's blood and left a partial print. We need to find the owner of that shoe. Cop: Any idea where to look? John: Well, we are waiting on a warrant. Once we get one, we're gonna search Markko Rivera's apartment. [SCENE_BREAK] Langston: You think I'm lying. You said you believed me, but you still think I did it. Admit it. You think I attacked Ford. Dorian: I never said any such thing. Langston: Then why's your lawyer here? Dorian: To protect you! Langston: I don't need protecting. I didn't do anything wrong! [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: Excuse me. I need some information on a patient. Brody: Jessica? What are you doing here? [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: I'm holding space on the front page and you can't tell me where my photos are? Secretary: I'm sorry, sir. Larry hasn't called. Todd: Call him. I have to do everything myself. Secretary: No. I mean, I will, sir. Todd: Okay, I want you to get-- I want you to get out of here. I want everyone else on this floor out of here in 5 minutes. Do you understand? Secretary: Yes, sir, but what's going on here? Todd: Nothing's--hey. Nothing's going on here. Listen to me. Look at me. If you want to keep your job, nothing is going on here. Do you understand? Todd: Oh. What have we here? [Person whimpering] Todd: Pull her head. Well, boys, you've made me very happy. [SCENE_BREAK] Nurse: If you'll excuse me, I have a patient. Jessica: Okay. Brody: What are you doing here? Jessica: My parents wanted me to do a follow-up with Marty, so, yeah. What are you doing here? Brody: I'm on a case. Cristian and Layla's roommate? Robert Ford? Got attacked last night in their apartment. Jessica: Yeah. I heard about that. How is he? Brody: Still in surgery. Jessica: Do you know who did it? Brody: We're still investigating. Why? Do you know him? Jessica: Stay away from me! Get away from me! Get away from me! Jessica: I have to tell you something. [SCENE_BREAK] Langston: You think I'm capable of murder. Dorian: I think many people are capable of murder, darling. That's why they build prisons. And given the fact that Ford seduced you away from Markko, promised you that you had a future with him, and then he kicked you to the curb, I wouldn't blame you if you did. Langston: But I didn't. I wouldn't. Eli: Ladies, please. It's what the police think that matters. Under these circumstances, Langston, I'm afraid I agree with your mother. The police will definitely consider you a suspect. [SCENE_BREAK] Cop: The lieutenant just has a few questions, Ms. Meyers. John: Would you have a seat for a second? I'll be right with you. So where are we on that warrant? Cop: Still waiting. John: All right. Call the judge's clerk. Tell them to put a rush on it. Then I want you to send the evidence collection team over to these locations, all right? They don't need a warrant for any of them. And then make sure the unit commanders know exactly what we're lookin' for. All right? Thanks. Thank you for coming in. Um...can I get you a soda, a cup of coffee, or something? Karen: I'm fine. John: Really? You look-- you look a little tense. Karen: I just need to be somewhere. John: Okay, well, this won't take long. I just need to ask you a few questions. Karen: About what? John: Your best customer. [SCENE_BREAK] Waitress: I think you did it. Markko: Did what? Waitress: Got that damned spot out. Where Carlotta spilled all those beets? Markko: Oh. Right. Waitress: This thing's so clean, you could eat out of it. Markko: Yeah. Good. Thanks. Waitress: Oh, and there's somebody asking for you. Markko: Okay. Markko: I thought that was your favorite. Téa: Oh, no. No, it is, it is. I just--I had a big breakfast so I'm not really that hungry. What's up with your hand? Markko: Uh...it's kind of why I asked you to meet me here. Téa: Is everything okay? Markko: No. And it's gonna get a lot worse. [SCENE_BREAK] Cole: Do me a favor--tell Markko not to be such a stranger. I mean, I know he's jammed with finals, but when things calm down, we can talk. No more Todd. Starr: So you heard. Cole: That he's out on bail? It's a little obvious. Starr: Well, it must be easier for you with him not here. Come on, Cole. You knew he was gonna post bail. Cole: With all the evidence against him, I was hoping he would take a plea-- or, maybe, who knows, for once in his life admit to something he's done wrong. Starr: Why would he plead guilty for something that he didn't do? Cole: Your dad would never plead guilty. He'd rather just blame it on someone else. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: She give you any trouble? Heavy: Nah. Busted my lip. Second Heavy: Almost scratched my eyes out. Todd: Nobody saw you, though, right? Heavy: No, we were real careful. Second Heavy: So what do we do now? Todd: Depends on our guest here. Hannah, I want to take your gag off, okay? And I want you to cooperate, because if you don't... okay? [Hannah spits] [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: Cole, I am not having this conversation with you again. Cole: So Hannah's off limits? Starr: You trust Hannah and I don't, and that's not going to change, so what's the point? Cole: It's a lot easier to avoid the facts when you're not behind bars. Starr: Okay, that's not fair. I have been doing everything I possibly can to get you out of this mess. Cole: You mean when you're not running to your father's rescue? Starr: Okay, look, I get it. You thought that my dad hurt your mom, but that doesn't justify the fact that you beat him half to death, Cole! Frankly, this could've all been avoided if you hadn't lost your temper. Cole: He pushed my mom down those stairs. Starr: Okay, and you're angry, and you're frustrated-- Cole: Don't tell me. Don't tell me how I feel, okay? Starr: I didn't come here to fight with you, okay? If you want to yell at me, if you want to get it all out of your system, then go ahead. Do it. Cole: Look, I'm sorry. Okay? I'm just-- Starr: Okay. I get it. I understand, I do, because I want to get you out of here. I want you to be home with me, but I--I can't. Just not yet. Cole: So why are you here? Starr: I came to apologize. Cole: For what? [SCENE_BREAK] Markko: I think I need a lawyer. Or at least Cristian thinks so. He's the one who had me call you. And I--I totally understand if you don't want to take me on. Téa: Oh, no, no, no, Markko. It's not that. I just--I have a lot on my plate at the moment. Markko: Okay. Okay. I understand. Uh, well, is there anyone else that you can think of, because I don't have much money and my parents might be able to help out but I haven't told them any of this yet. Téa: Okay, well, why don't you just tell me what's going on, then I'll try to think of someone who might be helpful. Are you being sued or-- Markko: No. Not yet, anyway. The police are after me. Téa: Why? Markko: They think I tried to kill someone. [SCENE_BREAK] Karen: My best customer? What's that supposed to mean? John: Well, you deliver pizza, right? Karen: Yeah. John: These were--these were found at Robert Ford's apartment. Karen: I've got dozens of customers. John: He only ordered from you and always at the end of your shift. Karen: Oh. Robert. Right. He likes his pizza. John: Is that it? Karen: I don't know what you mean. John: Did you deliver a pizza to Robert Ford last night? Karen: Yeah. So? John: And what else? Karen: I'm sorry. Why is this any of your business? John: Well, he orders pizza from you and then you show up at his door and... well, then you sleep with him. Karen: Don't make it sound like that. We're friends. Okay, with benefits, but last I heard that wasn't a crime. John: It is if he ends up nearly bludgeoned to death with a blunt object. Karen: I'm sorry? John: He was found in a pool of blood this morning. Karen: What? Oh, my God. Is he okay? John: He's in surgery right now. Karen: Wait. You think I did this? John: I don't know, Karen. You tell me. Karen: I didn't want him dead, but I know somebody who did. [SCENE_BREAK] Eli: Now, I need to know exactly what you told the police. Dorian: Nothing at all. A detective tried to bully her into a confession, but I told him he'd have to wait to talk to you. Eli: Mm. Langston: I knew I should've talked to him. Eli: No, no, no. Your mother did the right thing by calling me, but no more stonewalling. Dorian: Are you suggesting that she submit to an interrogation? Eli: No, but she should offer to make a statement. Dorian: But the more you give them-- Langston: The guiltier I look? Dorian: Honey, you're terribly naive and I'm sure you believe in your heart of hearts that the truth will set you free. But darling, facts can be twisted and a really clever prosecutor can convince a jury and-- they come to the wrong conclusions. I should know. I've been on death row, but that is another story. Eli: Okay, let's not get ahead of ourselves. Now, if the police had any hard evidence, you'd be in custody, so I think it's safe to say they don't have anything. Dorian: Yet. [Langston sighs] Eli: Which is why now would be the perfect time for Langston to go to the police station and offer to make a statement. Dorian: But they'll ask her all sorts of questions. Eli: They'll have to go through me. Langston: And by showing up and cooperating, I get points. Eli: Bingo. Langston: Okay. Let's do it. Dorian: No! I do not think this is a good idea. Langston: It's my life and I have nothing to hide. [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: Last night after prom-- Cristian: Hey, Jess. How you doing? Jessica: Fine. How are you? Cristian: Well, not so great since we found Ford, but I hear you're doing a lot better. Brody: I brought Cristian and Layla up to speed about you getting your memory back. Jessica: Good. Ha ha. Brody: Any news on Ford? Cristian: He's still in the O.R. Jessica: But he'll pull through, right? Cristian: Well, the surgeon wasn't making any promises. Brody: Somebody really went to work on him. Cristian: It's not surprising, considering. Jessica: What do you mean? Cristian: Well, let's just say he's known for taking advantage of much younger women, and one of them probably snapped. He finally got what he deserved. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: So I guess we're not gonna be friends. Hannah: Help! Somebody help me! I'm in Todd Manning's office! Todd: No one can hear you, man. Place is empty. Ahem. And you're gonna be gone before anyone misses you anyway. Hannah: You're letting me go? Todd: Yes--right to the bottom of Llantano River. Hannah: You wouldn't dare. Todd: No. I'm a baby killer. I like to kill babies. What I like to do is I like to take pregnant women and push them down the stairs and kill their babies. You know that, right? You know all about that, because you're leading the charge against me. You saw me push Marty Saybrooke down the stairs, right? Which I find puzzling because I wasn't anywhere near Marty Saybrooke when she took that fall. Does that make sense to you guys? No. I don't get it, either. Unless... here's an idea. If Hannah's covering for someone. She's covering for someone so that the real baby killer gets away, but why would she do that? Who stands to gain from Marty falling down the stairs? You. You, Hannah, right? You pushed Marty down the stairs. And now you're trying to pin it on me. [SCENE_BREAK] Brody: Yeah, John. John: We just got a warrant to search Markko Rivera's apartment. Can you get on it? Brody: I'm on my way. I gotta go. Jessica: Can I ask you something first? Um...what--what's gonna happen to whoever attacked Ford? Brody: Depends if he makes it. Jessica: And if he doesn't? Brody: 25 to life, if they're lucky. Jessica: What do you mean? Brody: It's a capital offense. They could get the needle. Anyway, you were gonna tell me something earlier. Jessica: Just, um...just that, um, I'm not gonna let anything take me away from you and Bree ever, ever, ever again. Brody: You just take it easy. It's all gonna be fine. [Kiss] Jessica: See you later. Uh, Brody had to go. Uh, about last night and about the last couple of months, I-- Cristian: Don't worry about it. I'm just glad you're back to normal. Jessica: I'll bet. Cristian: It wasn't so bad. But I am sorry I came down on you so hard at prom. Jessica: Oh, please. I was so out of line. Cristian: Look, when people aren't themselves, they do things they normally wouldn't do. Jessica: That's what I'm afraid of. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: You know what I don't get? Why is it that attractive women fall for Cole Thornhart? He's so lame. Hannah: He's so lame that he put you in the hospital. Todd: You know who's more lame? Any chick who's stuck on a guy who's unavailable. Living with my daughter. But you obviously like a challenge, don't you? I mean, most chicks, they see that a guy's taken and they just move on, but not you. You dig in. You do your homework. You found out that Marty and I don't like each other so you said to yourself, "God, what if something happened to Marty? I could pin that on Todd." Hannah: And Starr and Cole would get ripped apart. I've already heard this version of the story from Starr. And it sounds even more ridiculous coming from you. Todd: Which is why I want you to admit it right here. [Hannah laughs] Todd: You're not gonna leave, Hannah, until you've admitted it. [SCENE_BREAK] Cole: What are you talking about? Apologize for what? Starr: Remember when Langston told me that she was seeing Ford? Cole: Yeah. And I was gonna tell Markko but you talked me out of it. Starr: Right, because she told me that it was over with Ford and that she was choosing Markko and that it was over. Only... Cole: No. Starr: I know, Cole. I had no idea. I believed her-- Cole: So she went back to him. Starr: She never stopped seeing him. [SCENE_BREAK] Karen: Can I go? I've got class. John: That's it? You accuse someone of a felony? Karen: I'm just trying to help. John: Then answer my questions. The receipts we found place you at Ford's apartment around 11:30 P.M. How long were you there for? Karen: A half-hour? John: That's all? Karen: It's not like I spend the night. We just fool around. It's just for fun. A little R&R after work. Besides, we got interrupted. John: What happened? Karen: Ford's little friend walked in on us--Langston Wilde? John: Langston saw you and Ford together? Karen: And went off on him. I got outta there. She was ripping him a new one. That's who you should talk to-- Langston Wilde. Eli: I couldn't agree more. [SCENE_BREAK] Téa: Okay, so let me get this straight. The police are accusing you of trying to murder Robert Ford. Markko: No, not yet. He's-- he's still alive but-- Téa: Okay. Markko: It doesn't look good. He's in surgery. Téa: You know what? It's gonna be all right. I'm gonna represent you, Markko, okay? Markko: You will? Téa: Yes. Markko: Thank you. Thank you so much. I just--I didn't know where to go and who to turn to. Téa: It's okay. It's okay. Just tell me what happened. Why do the police think that you attacked Ford? Markko: Because I found out that Langston was--that she'd been cheating on me with him. We were at prom, and then Langston took off, and I didn't even know, because I was busy looking through some footage on my camera. Téa: What footage? Markko: Oh, it was--Destiny Evans saying that she saw Langston kiss Ford, and when I asked her about it, she said it was true. Téa: Mm-hmm. And then what happened? Markko: I couldn't find Langston, so I went looking for her at Ford's place. Langston: Oh, my God. Markko: I can't believe that you would do this to me. I would never do this to you! Markko: And they were together. And I--I lost it. Téa: Is that how you got that? Markko: Yeah. I hit him pretty hard. Langston: Oh! Ford: Uhh. Téa: And how bad did the fight get? Markko: It could've been a lot worse. Langston: No, stop! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Leave him alone! Markko: Langston stepped in and broke it up. Téa: Mm-hmm. And how was Robert Ford at that point? Markko: He was fine. When I left, he was walking and talking. I blew her off and I slept here. Téa: Markko, I am so sorry. I know how much you loved her. It's gonna be all right, okay? You did the right thing, coming to me. Okay? Markko: Okay. Téa: Now, have you talked to the police? Markko: I told them everything I just told you. Téa: Nothing else? What? Markko: I lied to them. [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: I tore down the sign-up sheet for the tech crew. Cristian: That's why nobody showed up. Jessica: Yeah, because I took it down before anybody saw it. Ha. I'm such a loser. Cristian: No, no. A schemer maybe. Jessica: And then I got paint all over your clothes. Cristian: Come on, Jess. Don't you know me? All my clothes have paint on them. Jessica: I'm just--I'm really embarrassed and I'm so sorry. Cristian: It's okay. Don't worry about it. Jessica: I don't know if Layla's gonna forgive me that easily. Cristian: Well, I happen to know that Layla is in a pretty generous mood. Jessica: Well. Come on, you know. We kind of got into it at prom and then she took off. Cristian: Right, and I ran after her and proposed. Jessica: [Gasps] And she said yes? Oh, I knew she would! Oh, that's so great. Cristian: You saw us? Jessica: I'm ashamed to admit that I was spying on you two. Cristian: I didn't see you. Jessica: Yeah, because I ran off and had a tantrum all over Brody. Cristian: Well, at least it didn't last too long. I mean, that was the same night you got your memory back, right? Wait, did seeing me propose to Layla have anything to do with your recovery? [SCENE_BREAK] Cole: So you're saying that she never broke it off with him, even after she promised she would? She just flat-out lied to us? Starr: Basically, yeah. Cole: So all this time I thought I was protecting Markko, that it was over, that it was just a mistake-- Starr: I know. She has made a lot of mistakes, but for what it's worth, it's finally over. Cole: This is just great. So we've been lying to Markko-- my best friend--for weeks now because Langston convinced us that she still loves him and that she wants the relationship, and you backed her up on it. Starr: I know, because I believed her. Cole: And now I should believe her? Starr: Well, it really is over this time. Cole: Why? Because she says so? Look, I don't--I don't believe anything she says anymore. She just wants it both ways. Starr: Oh, no, no, no. No. It really is over. Langston walked in on Ford with another girl and she lost it and Ford is the one that broke up with her. Cole: Good. Maybe now she knows how it feels. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Thank you very much for coming in. We will be in touch. Mayor, if you could take a seat outside. Dorian: No, thank you. I'll stay in here. Eli: It's all right, Dorian. Langston is here to give a statement, Lieutenant, not an interview. If you have further questions, we can certainly schedule a meeting in the future, but right now, Langston is struggling to cope with the news that someone she cared about very deeply is fighting for his life. John: Yeah, okay. Take a seat. Statement by Langston Wilde, May 28, 2010. Okay, Langston. You got something to say, say it. Dorian: I'm sorry, I resent that intimidating tone. Eli: Mayor, please. John: This is protocol. We want to make sure we're all on the same page. Eli: Lieutenant, this is hardly necessary. John: I'll make sure your office gets a copy. Langston: No, it's--it's okay. I don't have anything to hide. The last time I saw Ford, Robert Ford, was last night. John: Where? Eli: Uh, no, no questions, Lieutenant. Thank you. Langston: At his apartment. I went over there to see him, and then my boyfriend Markko Rivera showed up and found us there together. It was just a big mess. We were all yelling and upset, and Markko left, and then Ford broke up with me, so I left, and I went back to our apartment and I saw Markko there. And we got in a pretty huge fight and he stormed off and then-- Eli: That's all we have to say at this point. Langston? Langston: Yeah. Dorian: Come, darling. Eli: Lieutenant, we will cooperate with your investigation in any way we can. Ah--good day. John: Brody, you got company on the way. Move the search along and get the hell outta there. [SCENE_BREAK] Téa: You lied to the police? Why? Markko: It was stupid, I know, but I just--I panicked. They were--they were all over me. Téa: Okay, okay. Markko, it's all right. From now on, I will handle the police, but I need to know the truth. What did you lie about? Markko: They wanted to know my whereabouts, so I told them, you know, that after I left the apartment, I came here and that I stayed here for the rest of the night. Only I didn't. I left, and I went back to Ford's place. [SCENE_BREAK] Hannah: You want me to confess? Todd: I want you to write it down. I want you to write that you pushed Marty and pinned it on me. Hannah: And then what? You take my "confession" to the police? They're never gonna accept that--a coerced confession handed over to them from the guy they've already charged with the crime? Todd: Hannah, I would worry about your own neck right now. Because if you don't cooperate, I have nothing to lose. Larry: Boss? It's your lucky day. Hannah: You have to help me. He's gonna kill me! [SCENE_BREAK] Dorian: I am the mayor of this town. What is the commissioner doing that is more important than talking to me? Well, you tell him for me that I am most displeased! Huh. Look at this place! This is unconscionable. I mean, really. All of this was happening while my daughter was voluntarily giving a statement to the police? I tell you, I want--I want an apology from them before the end of the day. No, better yet, I want that and I want you to sue them, yes, for violating my daughter's rights and--and for destroying her property. Eli: Unfortunately, they were within their rights. Dorian: What about my daughter's rights? Eli: They had this warrant to search the apartment, Dorian. And it checks out. Dorian: I thought that you were on my family's side. Eli: I am. I am trying to protect your daughter and you from any suggestion of interference or cronyism. Now let's calm down. It's obvious the police still have no evidence against Langston connecting her to the crime or they'd be here with an arrest warrant. Dorian: Okay. Langston, I would like you to come home with me, please. Langston: No, I--I can't leave the apartment like this. Dorian: Don't be silly. I'll get a cleaning crew and they'll take care of everything. Langston: Dorian, I need to do this. [Dorian sighs] Eli: If the police come, you will call me, won't you? Langston: Yeah. I will. Eli: If you need me, you know where to find me. Langston: Okay. Eli: Dorian. Langston: I really do appreciate everything you've done, both of you. But Dorian, it's okay. I got it from here. Dorian: If anything does happen, you call me first. I will call him. Langston: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] [Door opens] [Door closes] John: How'd it go? You find what we were looking for? Brody: Not quite, but we got a piece of the puzzle. John: Look at that. That's good. I have a good idea about where we'll find the next piece. Here's what you do. [SCENE_BREAK] Cristian: I don't know--maybe the shock of seeing me propose to Layla, maybe that shook something loose. Jessica: Maybe. Um... all I know is I have my memories back, and your patience and kindness was a big part of that. Um, other than that, I don't really know why, but I'm--I'm just happy to be myself again. Cristian: And so is the faculty at Llanview High. Jessica: I'm never gonna live this down. Cristian: I gotta go. Layla's waiting for an update on Ford. Jessica: Can you please tell her that I am honestly really, really happy for her? Cristian: I will. Jessica: Okay. Cristian: And Jess, in case you were wondering, you know, these last couple of months, you thinking that you were in high school? They made me look back, and that was a really great time. I'm glad I shared it with you. Jessica: Me, too. [Kiss] Cristian: Bye. Oh, and by the way, you flunked art. Jessica: Ah, nuts. Ha ha. [Jessica sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: Trust me; Langston is in a lot of pain over this. Cole: She should be. She did this. When Markko finds out that the girl that he's basically worshipped since they met, the girl that he's made so many sacrifices for, I mean, his family, his home, you know, putting all those hours in at work? Starr: I know, Cole. He already knows. Cole: What? Starr: He walked in on Langston and Ford. Cole: When? Starr: Last night. During prom. That's where they were. Markko followed Langston to Ford's and...well, he found out. They broke up, he moved out, and it's all my fault. Cole: What are you talking about? Starr: I convinced you not to tell him. Cole: No...we both did that. Come here. Starr: [Sighs] I just can't believe it. I believed her, Cole. She swore on our friendship. Cole: Well, when someone really wants you to believe them, they'll...swear on anything, like your-- Starr: Like my what? Cole: Like your dad. Right? He swore on you and Sam, Jack, Hope that he was innocent. Starr, you can't always believe people. I mean, look what happened with Langston. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Larry, knock next time, okay? Hannah: They grabbed me and tied me up and brought me here and this guy? He's crazy. Todd--he wants me to admit to something that I didn't do or else he's gonna kill me! Larry: Not my problem, girlie. That's between you and the boss. You will not believe what I got for you. Todd: Good? Larry: Oh, it's better than good. Todd: Hey, guys? Why don't you wait outside? Don't let anyone else barge in. Hello. Ouch. [Larry laughs] Todd: Look at all that blood. Larry: Do I know what sells papers or do I know what sells papers? Todd: You're an artist, man. [SCENE_BREAK] Téa: Okay, you went back to Ford's apartment? Why? Markko: I was so angry. I kept going over it in my head--why didn't I know? Why didn't I see it? Why didn't I know that she was cheating on me? And then I started to think maybe the whole thing was a lie. You know, maybe she never loved me. Maybe she was just marking down the days until someone like Ford came along. I started to go crazy and I had to get out of here. And the next thing you know, I'm at Ford's apartment sitting in the parking lot just thinking, thinking about how Ford stole Langston from me, about how he stole our whole history together. Téa: What did you do? [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: Are you saying that because Langston lied to me, that means that my dad lied to me? Cole: No, I'm saying when you love someone, you want to believe them. Starr: What are you saying? That I'm just stupid or gullible? Cole: Neither. You're trusting. You want to have faith in people and that's a good thing. But sometimes people can abuse that faith. Look at Langston. We got played. Starr: Okay, just because Langston lied-- Cole: Look, all--all I'm saying--it's possible. If you can be wrong about your best friend, you can be wrong about your father. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Well done, Larry. Larry: You know you can count on me... just like...I know I can... count on you. Todd: Get outta here. Todd: Look at this. Larry does good work, doesn't he? Todd: What's the matter? Do you know that guy? Hannah: No. [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: Hi. I'm a reporter for "The Sun." I was hoping I could get some information on a patient. [SCENE_BREAK] Langston: Markko, just please hear me out. Please. Markko: Brody. Hey. Is there any word about Ford? Brody: I don't know, Markko. I'm just here to make an arrest. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Yeah, this is Lieutenant McBain with the Llanview P.D. I need an update on the assault victim that was brought into the O.R. Nurse Annemarie: Robert Ford? John: Yeah, that's the one. Nurse Annemarie: Yes, we just got word on him. [SCENE_BREAK] Téa: You have enough evidence for an arrest? Brody: More than enough, including a bloody footprint at the scene. Téa: Let me guess. You want my client to surrender his sneakers. Brody: Markko Rivera is your client? Téa: He certainly is, and he's not surrendering anything without a warrant. Brody: We don't need a warrant. We already have his shoes. Markko: Where did you get those-- Téa: Okay, Markko, let me do the talking. My client has a legitimate question. Where did you get those? Brody: The dumpster out back. Markko Rivera, you're under arrest for the attempted murder of Robert Ford. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you. | Dorian and Eli are protecting Langston from getting charged with the attempted murder of Ford |
655 | Carly: Dr. Finn, hello. Oh, my God. Dr. Finn? Dr. Finn, can you hear me? Dr. Finn, wake up. Dr. Fi-- what the...? What the hell did you do to yourself? [SCENE_BREAK] Franco: Here, drink this. Kiki: I've already had two today. Franco: Yeah, well, you'll have two more before this day is through. Come on. This one has mango in it. Kiki: [Sighs] That's delicious. Franco: Hi, um, Nina, it's me again, and, uh, I love you. And, um, I want you, and I'm gonna keep calling you until you, uh, well, until your phone explodes or until my own phone explodes all over my own head and... okay. I know we can, uh, work our way through whatever it is that's happened. [SCENE_BREAK] Nina: Well, look at this -- seven missed calls from Franco. Why does he even bother? There's no fixing this. Oh, you guys, thank you so much for your kindness. Being so nice to me last night and today. I really appreciate it. Thank you, Maxie, for being so empathetic and lovely... probably 'cause Mother. J, thanks for having my back. Nathan: Well, you're my sister. That's a given. Nina: I don't want to be alone. You guys get that, don't you? I can stay here for a while, can't I? I can never go back to my place. [SCENE_BREAK] Julian: [Sighs] Could you have picked a more isolated bench in the entire park? Ava: Julian, I found a dead, bloody bird in my bed. Pardon me if I don't want to call too much attention to myself when I'm out in public. What did you find out? Julian: Well, I spoke to Hammer. No one in the organization is gonna bother you again. The, uh, renegades who planted the bird have been handled. Ava: What does that mean? Julian: You know damn well what it means, Ava. No one's gonna trouble you again. Ava: Really? Who gave the order? [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: Commissioner, a word? Jordan: I'm busy. Paul: I'm sure. But as district attorney, I need an update on Carlos Rivera. Jordan: Um, Mr. Rivera is in holding after his trip back from Ecuador. Took several hours to process him. Paul: And how's he doing? Jordan: Oh, well, the paramedic who examined his gunshot wound said he'll be fine. Paul: Well, I'm not concerned about Mr. Rivera's health. I want to know if he said anything. Jordan: About what? Your part in this whole sorry mess? Or your allegations that Anna actually tried to kill him? [SCENE_BREAK] Anna: They took Carlos into custody as soon as we landed. Griffin: You arrested Carlos. That must have taken everything you had not to take revenge. Anna: I brought him back to face prosecution. It's on the justice department to determine what happens next. [Telephone rings] [Radio chatter] Paul: What the hell happened, Anna? You've completely botched this. Anna: What? What, I -- I stop Sonny from killing Carlos the way that you intended. Paul: Do you realize what you've done to yourself? Anna: Yes, I tracked down a murderer, and I brought him in to face charges. And I'm willing to handle the consequences. Are you? Paul: Anna, I'm not gonna be the loser here. You will. Jordan: Hey, leave her alone, Paul. Paul: This woman chloroformed me and handcuffed me to a banister. I could have you arrested for unlawful imprisonment. Jordan: First things first. There are more serious allegations to consider here, Anna. I need to ask you some questions. You're not under arrest, but you can call an attorney. I will allow it. Anna: No, not necessary. It's fine. Just go ahead. Jordan: DA Hornsby alleges that you tried to kill Carlos Rivera. Is that true? [SCENE_BREAK] Julian: Ah, come on, Ava. Can't you just, you know, say thank you and let it go? Ava: I do thank you, but no, I can't let it go. You left the business, Julian. I hate to see you get pulled back in. And I know Alexis wouldn't like it. Julian: Just accept that you're safe and move on. You know, go pick up Avery and get Kiki from the hospital, Ava. Ava: Kiki was released from the hospital yesterday. I was too scared to have her at my place, so I sent her to stay with Franco. Julian: Well, there you go. What a difference a day makes, huh? Looks like you're gonna be around another spring and summer to enjoy with your family. [Exhales] Not so sure I will. [SCENE_BREAK] Franco: How you feeling? Kiki: Pretty much exactly the same as I was five minutes ago when you were calling Nina for the 100th time. Franco: You know what -- you're right. And I'm sorry. Ordinarily, I'm -- I'm way more suave, right? Kiki: Do you want to talk about it? I mean, obviously you and Nina had a pretty big disagreement on the topic of kids. Franco: Yeah, no, that's putting it nicely. Nina wants to have children. I do not. Kiki: Why don't you? I mean, were you just faking the whole time that you thought you were my dad? Franco: No, of course I wasn't faking it. Kiki, I was over-the-moon happy when I found out that your mom was pregnant, and I thought you were mine. And then when she told me that she was a liar and that you weren't mine, my world kind of fell apart. But, Kiki, you're the only kid that I ever need. You're kind of enough. [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: To be fair, you and Franco still love each other. Maybe you need to think about -- Nina: I'm not giving Franco another chance. Maxie: I can see the pain is still very fresh, but, Nina, don't close the door on love. Nina: I can't believe you're saying this to me. Nathan: Uh, Maxie's speaking from experience. We just had our own thing. Uh, but we talked it out and cleared the air about my ex-wife, Claudette, and we're -- we're gonna put it behind us. Maxie: You know what you need, Nina? A "me" day. Why don't you just stay here, relax, and I'll take care of everything at the office. Nina: Thank you. That's very sweet. Hey, uh, do you mind stopping by the store and getting some more rocky road ice cream. I finished it all last night. Maxie: It's possible by the end of the day, you'll see things differently. Right, Nathan? Nathan: Yeah, yeah. I, uh, hope that we can put things into perspective soon. [Chuckles lightly] [Clears throat] Nina: J. Nathan: Yeah? Nina: What did I miss last night when I was wallowing in my terrible troubles? Nathan: [Inhales deeply] [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Sandy, it's Carly. Look, I have a situation in Room 501. I need you to call -- Finn: I'm fine. I'm fine. Put the phone down now. Carly: Um, you know what -- cancel that. I'm -- I'm good. I got it under control. Finn: Didn't we talk about you coming into my room. What are the neighbors gonna think? Carly: You know, you didn't answer any of your wake-up calls, and when I saw you downstairs, you looked like hell. Finn: I told you I had a long night in the OR and surgery. And I'm sorry I wasn't my normal effervescent self. Carly: I was concerned about you, okay? And by the way, I banged on that door -- pounded on that door -- before I came in here. Finn: I thought that was drums. Carly: It wasn't drums! And I came in here, and you're passed out on the couch with that needle next to you, you know, those marks on your arms. I thought you overdosed. Finn: I didn't OD. Carly: Okay, you need to tell me what the hell is going on here. Finn: Now, I'm a paying guest, and what I do in my room is my business. Carly: I just found you passed out. I was yelling your name, shaking you. I thought you were dead. Finn: Clearly, you were mistaken. Carly: I am allowing you to have a reptile -- Finn: Service lizard! Carly: It makes no sense at all. So at least in return you could tell me everything. What the hell is going on? Finn: Fine. May I have a glass of water first? [Cabinet door opens, closes] Finn: Thank you. Carly: What is wrong? Finn: I'm diabetic. I must have injected myself with too much insulin and brought my blood sugar down too low. Carly: Okay. I know something about diabetics -- my brother's type 1. His needles don't look anything like yours. He doesn't have those track marks on arm. He injects in his leg. Finn: Well, that's very nice for him. But I'm type 2, and I treat my condition as I see fit. And I would hope that you would respect that and respect my privacy. Now, if this little inquisition is over, I need to get ready for a meeting at the hospital. Dr. Obrecht: Don't bother, Dr. Finn. It's too late. [SCENE_BREAK] Nathan: I met this girl -- Claudette. And she was French-Canadian, and she needed a green card, and I don't know, I thought I could rescue her or something. And I married her. Nina: And? Nathan: And I fell in love. She did not. She actually was cheating on me the whole time we were married. Nina: Sorry. Nathan: Yeah, me too. Anyway, I thought it was --it was all in the past, you know, until I accidentally said her name to Maxie. And then, like an idiot, I lied to cover it up, which, of course, only made her more curious. Nina: All right, that surprises you? Nathan: No. Nina: [Chuckles] Nathan: No, which is why I told her the truth about my brief and much- regretted marriage to Claudette. [Clears throat] And I thought that would be the end of it, that Maxie would be okay with it. But obviously she's not. Nina: I don't blame her. [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: Seriously, Lulu, where are you? I'm at crisis level 10. Nina is my new roommate, which means she's rearranging everything you left in the closet. I can't promise she won't borrow your accessories. Oh, and Nathan has an ex- wife. That's right. I said ex-wife. [Elevator dings] Maxie: Call me. Please. [Sighs] [Scoffs] Griffin: I'm sorry. I -- I didn't mean to. Maxie: Obviously, or else you wouldn't be anywhere near me, would you? Griffin: I'm not sure what you mean. Maxie: Um, aren't you the one that said you wanted to keep your distance from me? Because you can't be anywhere near an attractive woman you can't have. I don't believe that for one second. Griffin: You don't? Maxie: No. I think you have a secret. I don't know what it is, nor do I care. You're just one more man who won't tell the whole truth. Griffin: Um, we barely know each other, so I'm fairly certain that I am not the one you're really mad at right now. Maxie: Oh! Now you're gonna psychoanalyze me? Griffin: No. You know what -- not today. I have my own problem -- the man who murdered my father has just been taken into police custody. [SCENE_BREAK] Julian: I got an update from your friend, Paul Hornsby. They found Carlos. He's in lockup at the PCPD. Ava: Carlos? I never thought he'd let himself get caught. Julian: Hm, I guess his luck ran out. And when it did, so did mine. I ordered Carlos to kill Duke Lavery. That's conspiracy to commit murder. Ava: What about Sonny's shooting? Julian: No, that had nothing to do with me. That was all Carlos. Honestly, though, I doesn't even matter, because Carlos has enough on me to put me away for so long I may never enjoy another spring day like this ever again. Ava: Well, we know he turned on me, as evidence by the fact that he shot me. But after everything you've done for him, do you think that he would turn on you? Julian: Hornsby's convinced he will. [SCENE_BREAK] Jordan: We need to talk. Alone. Paul: As the DA, I should be present for questioning. Jordan: Why? Anna's not under arrest. I'm just talking to my friend. Start from the beginning. You said that you committed a crime, but you couldn't say what. Anna: I shot Carlos Rivera. Jordan: Walk me through it. Anna: It was the afternoon of May 15th of last year, and I went to Sabrina, and I asked her to call Carlos. And he told her that he was on the pier -- Pier 54 -- waiting for a boat to take him out of the country. So I went there to intercept him, which I did. Jordan: And what happened? Anna: I arrested him for Duke's murder. Uh, he started out denying it, and then he said that he would plead self-defense and that there would be enough room for reasonable doubt, that he wouldn't be convicted. I know Duke wasn't an innocent. He put a hit out on you, which he called off, but -- Jordan: Because of you. Anna: Well, because our love for each other was stronger than his loyalty to the mob. We should have had a future together. But Carlos took that away that night. And he was right. He would have gone free. That just seems so wrong, you know? Unfair. A perversion of justice. I couldn't stand for that. Jordan. I shot Carlos four times in the chest point-blank. Jordan: You said you arrested him. Was he -- Anna: No, he wasn't -- he was not handcuffed, but he was unarmed. There's no question that it was attempted murder, and that was exactly what Carlos wanted. He intended for that. Jordan: I -- I'm sorry -- I don't follow. Anna: It was a setup. The whole thing was just a setup. He was wearing, like, a bulletproof vest. He had blood capsules, and he goaded me into shooting him. And I played right into his hand. Jordan: I knew something was wrong. I knew it. I had your back. And I knew that you were in pain. I just -- I didn't have any idea how severe it was. Anna: I understand having Carlos in custody means that I'm gonna face criminal charges. And I know -- I know I'll be arrested. And the only reason that I'm willing to accept that is because Carlos will be facing charges, too. And so will Julian because he ordered the hit. And I think that when Julian is convicted, and he goes down, that's when I'm gonna feel that I have done what I wanted to do for Duke. Jordan: And what is Paul's connection to all of this? Anna: Okay, well, Paul -- the last thing he wanted was for Carlos to come back here alive. He thought Sonny would take care of that. And then the truth, you know, would just go away. Jordan: Okay, so what exactly does Carlos know about Paul? [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Do you have any manners? You ever heard of knocking? Dr. Obrecht: The door's open, then it's an invitation to enter. Carly: We were in the middle of a private conversation. I'd really like for you to leave. Dr. Obrecht: And I would really liked it if Dr. Finn had managed to give his lecture. But it appears that neither of us is getting what we wanted. Finn: Give me a minute. I'll make it right back to the hospital. Dr. Obrecht: Are you deaf? I said it was too late. I dismissed the residents. Ah, I see your famous Australian pogona. She is waving her arm in the bearded dragon's classic gesture of submission. To me. Carly: Who could blame her? Dr. Obrecht: Dr. Quartermaine was adamant about presenting you to the hiring committee, as she felt you would be a valuable addition to the staff. Your behavior today proves otherwise. If you are disorganized enough to miss a lecture you were scheduled to give, [Chuckles lightly] How could I possibly trust you to the have the discipline necessary to save our patients' lives? Must have been pure luck you managed to heal Tracy Quartermaine. Carly: Okay, wait, now, that's not fair. All right, Dr. Finn is very organized. He's a serious doctor. Finn: Carly, please. Carly: You are. Finn: Thank you. But, um, Dr. Obrecht is in -- in the right, uh, being angry with me. She's absolutely in the right. Dr. Obrecht: As soon as your work with Ms. Quartermaine is finished, so are you. General Hospital has no need for unmotivated lackluster layabouts. Carly: What are you -- what are you doing? [Door closes] Carly: Why didn't you tell Dr. Obrecht that you're a diabetic? [SCENE_BREAK] Franco: You know, in a way, it's kind of the best of both worlds 'cause I get to love you as if were my daughter, but I don't have to worry about you actually being my child, you know. You know, I'm certain that my biological child would never turn out as great as you. And, uh, I just don't think I could ever be a good parent. Kiki: I would have to disagree with you on that considering you're doing a pretty good job parenting me, so... Franco: Yeah, but I don't want to do it to my own kids. Kiki: I get that. Franco: You do, really? You get that? Kiki: Yeah. I mean, parenting isn't for everyone. I'm just glad I could be the only kid you ever want. I just wish there was something that I could do to help you with Nina. [SCENE_BREAK] Nathan: Wow. I kind of thought you'd be on my side. Nina: Oh, come on. I'm always on your side. You know that. Which is why I have to point out the obvious -- why did you lie to Maxie? Nathan: I didn't exactly lie. Nina: A lie of omission -- that's not like you. Nathan: Well -- you got to understand the situation. Nina: All right, explain it to me. What's the situation? You and Maxie have been together for a while. Didn't the subject of exes come up? Nathan: No. No, it just never came up. I don't know. I, uh... and then, you know, after everything that Maxie and I have been through to be together, I just didn't want to burden her with the weight of some bad decision that I made years ago. Nina: Oh, come on. That's not like you. You're an open book. You have been since you've been a little boy. You'd rat yourself out for things that you didn't even do. You confessed to the most miniscule things when you didn't even have to. So, why this? Why would you be any less truthful to Maxie? [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: Wow, okay. I'm really sorry. Uh, would like to sit down? Griffin: At this moment, I'm not sure what I want. Maxie: Please, just sit for a second. Um, I'm really sorry for being so over- the-top rude. I'm trying to be more aware of other people's feelings, and it's not working. Griffin: It's fine. Maxie: It's not...really. I mean, your dad was murdered, and that's traumatic no matter how you cut it. Griffin: Yeah, well... he died before I ever had the chance to meet him. Maxie: Do you mind if I ask how? Griffin: Yeah, uh... my mother hid my existence from him. And I didn't know that he even existed till after my mother died. By then it was too late. Maxie: That's incredibly heartbreaking. Griffin: And now the man who murdered him has been apprehended, and he's here -- Port Charles. Maxie: The killer's here? My boyfriend's a cop. Griffin: Yeah, you mentioned that before. Maxie: He mentioned that Anna Devane captured this perp that they were looking for. Carlos Rivera. He killed Duke Lavery. Did he murder your father, too? Griffin: Duke Lavery is my father. Maxie: Duke had son? And you're him? Griffin: Yes. Maxie: You have no idea what that means. My mom and stepdad loved your father. He was a great man and a great friend to my family. I am really sorry you never got the chance to meet him. [SCENE_BREAK] Ava: Carlos was always loyal to you, Julian. Julian: Mm-hmm. Well, Carlos has a family now. You know, he might reconsider his loyalty to all things Jerome. Ava: So, what are you gonna do now that he's in custody? Julian: You know, when I found out Carlos was alive, I sent some people out there to search for him. Unfortunately, Sonny and his new best friend, Anna Devane, found him first. Ava: When you say "people," do you mean Jerome people? Like Hammer? Julian: Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Anna: Did you sleep well, Carlos? I did. I had the best night's sleep since Duke's murder. Well, the DA and the commissioner are here waiting for your statement. And I will probably be arrested on the spot. So do what you need to do. [SCENE_BREAK] Kiki: You know, it's a proven fact that a watched phone never rings. Franco: I've tried calling her. I've texted her. I tried the whole skywriting thing. Maybe it's time I go see Nina. Kiki: Oh, great, I'll come with you. Franco: No, no, no, no. You stay here. This couch is your home. You stay. Kiki: I am not a puppy. I can come ride in the car with you. Some fresh air would be good for me. Franco: No, what would be good-er for you is if you stay here and binge watch "Gilmore Girls." Kiki: I don't want to stay here when you're gone. Franco: Why not? Kiki, are you afraid to be here by yourself? Kiki: That's silly. Franco: Are you? It would be perfectly natural for you to be anxious after everything you've been through. Kiki: You sound like a shrink. Franco: I'm just saying you were shot. That's got to leave a mark in more ways that one. Kiki: Go, go find Nina. I'm fine. Franco: There's no room for bravery here. [Vehicle approaches & backfires on TV] Kiki: Aah! Oh, my God! What was that?! What was that? Franco: Shh, shh, shh, shh. Kiki: [Breathing heavily] [SCENE_BREAK] Nathan: Look, I had my reasons for not telling Maxie about Claudette. Nina: All right. What are your reasons? Nathan: I don't know how you get to come down so hard on me about not being honest with Maxie when you couldn't be honest with Franco. Nina: Whoa! What are you talking about? Nathan: He told you he didn't want to have kids. And you reluctantly agreed. And then immediately went to go get a test to see if you still could have kids, and when you couldn't, you were devastated. Franco, naturally comforts you. That doesn't make him a hypocrite. That makes him a loving, caring, empathetic boyfriend. But you shut him down. Nina: Okay, thank you very much. We're done here. We're done here. I'll get some work done. [Exhales sharply] Nathan: Nina. Nina: You know, you're just projecting. You're projecting. It doesn't matter to me. This isn't even my -- my tablet. It's Maxie's. Nathan: Can't believe she left the house without it. Nina: I can't believe who she was researching. Nathan: Who? Nina: Claudette West. [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: When Duke died, my parents were heartbroken. They miss him every day. He was really a great person. He was sophisticated and charming with an amazing sense of humor and a little bit danger. I think you would have really liked him. Griffin: You know, by the way everyone describes him, I'm sure I would have. Maxie: I'm not sure if this is gonna be any comfort to you at all, but I don't believe that love dies. I told Anna at Duke's funeral that I still feel my sister all the time. Griffin: Your sister? Maxie: Her name was Georgie. She was murdered about nine years ago. Griffin: Wow. That's, uh -- that's a lot to handle. Maxie: Yeah, it is, but I've made my peace with it. Sort of. Griffin: Sort of? Maxie: Well, I'm never gonna forgive the man who took Georgie away from me. Just like I'm pretty sure you'll never forgive Carlos. [SCENE_BREAK] Anna: Go ahead. We're all waiting. Just make your statement. Carlos: I'd like to speak to the district attorney first. Jordan: Out of the question, Rivera. Anna: Forget about Paul! This is between you and me. Let's just finish it. Do it! Carlos: District attorney. Jordan: I need to be present for this. Paul: I'm the district attorney, right? I take the lead on this, and you know it. Jordan: Let's go. Anna: Okay, you'll get your answers eventually. Don't worry, you will. Carlos: Those two were fired up. Paul: You shut the hell up, Rivera, and listen to me good. You're charged with the murder of Duke Lavery and the attempted murder of Sonny Corinthos. If convicted, you serve two life sentences. Carlos: I'm not hearing any solutions. Paul: Well, I'm gonna go easy on you as long as you... roll over on your boss, Julian Jerome. [SCENE_BREAK] Ava: I'm grateful that you intervened on my behalf, but if I'm the reason that you got sucked back into the business, I'll never forgive myself. Julian: Okay, look. Don't worry about it. Okay? Ava: I am worried. You love your life now. You're married, you have kids, you have a family, and you could lose all of that if you go back to the old life. Julian: Okay, just -- just relax. This isn't that serious. It's not that deep. And my current involvement is, uh, temporary. Okay, it was just to protect you. It was just to protect myself from what Rivera has on me. The only thing is, is that I didn't find him first. [SCENE_BREAK] Finn: I'm sure that Herr Obrecht would frown on my condition. Carly: Dr. Obrecht can't say a word about you being a diabetic. You could slap her with a discrimination lawsuit. Finn: It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. You heard Obrecht, all right. As soon as my patient's released, I'm -- I'm out of here. Carly, I don't see any point in discussing my health issues with anyone. Carly: Okay. Finn: Okay. Carly: You know, when you and that lizard check out of here, I better not find any worms or crickets around here, or you're gonna be hit with a hefty charge to your bill. Finn: Hey, wait -- wait a second. Would you? [SCENE_BREAK] Kiki: [Breathing heavily] Franco: Hey. It's okay. It's okay. I'm right here. Kiki: I'm sorry. Franco: It's all right. Kiki: That sound -- it was just so loud I thought it was so close. Franco: It was a car backfiring. And you're really safe here. You know that, right? Kiki: Yeah. Franco: Okay. Of course. Nothing's gonna happen to you. You believe me? Good. I'm not gonna let anybody hurt you. It's not gonna happen on my watch. Drink up. Kiki: [Breathes deeply] Franco: Good. Kiki: [Sighs] Franco: How you feeling? Kiki: I'm fine. I -- I'm so sorry. Franco: Don't be. Kiki, stop it. You don't ever have to be sorry. Don't ever say you're sorry, not to me. Come here. Kiki: [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Nathan: Can't believe how many Claudette Wests there are. I found a teacher in Des Moines, an architect in Seattle, and a sales rep in New Orleans, none of which are my ex. Nina: You got lucky this time. I don't know what you're hiding, but you better make it right with Maxie. Nathan: You don't get to tell me to come clean to Maxie when you were less than honest with Franco. Nina: Okay, I understand, thank you. I lied to Franco. I realized that. But I'm gonna work that out. Right now I'm talking about you and Maxie. So, if you want to make this right with her... Nathan: [Sighs] Nina: ...And get back the love that you had, I'll tell you what to do. Nathan: [Inhales] Okay. What? Nina: Okay. You tell Maxie that you just want to see her happy, and you will do anything to see her happy. You will forsake everything. You'll move mountains. And you'll part seas and give her anything she wants. And you have to tell her that you live to make her happy. And even if that means you'll sacrifice all the things you never thought you would, but you don't want to lose her. And you'll give up everything, and you'll give it all to her... so she stays with you forever. [SCENE_BREAK] Griffin: The definition of forgiveness is a conscious decision to release feelings of resentment towards those who have harmed you. When Carlos was distant, an abstract idea, forgiveness was easy, it was hypothetical. But now he's here -- the flesh and blood man who killed my father. And I am confronted with everything I lost, everything I'll never know about a man who could have loved me, who I could have loved. It's not right. Maxie: I know exactly how you feel. [SCENE_BREAK] Jordan: I'm grateful that Carlos didn't make a statement against you. Anna: He will -- just give him time. Jordan: Why do you think he hesitated? Anna: Well, he wants to talk to Paul. God knows what kind of bargaining is going on in there right now. [SCENE_BREAK] Carlos: If I talk, what happens? Paul: You may have to serve some kind of a sentence. A couple years. Carlos: You're offering me a death sentence. If I talk, Jerome will not stop until he gets me. My baby will be an orphan. Paul: I give you my word that you'll be protected. Just give me enough to put Jerome away. [SCENE_BREAK] Ava: Does Alexis know that you've been communicating with Hammer? Julian: No. No, she doesn't need to know. And once this crisis is settled, the only business I'll be involved with is Derek Wells Media. Ava: Unless Carlos talks. Julian: Yeah. Well, as long as Carlos was presumed dead, I was safe, but Anna couldn't just leave it alone. She really wants me to pay for ordering that hit on Lavery. Ava: I bet you Paul is with Carlos right now offering him everything he can think of to get him to turn on you. Julian: Oh, I know. I was awake all night thinking about it. Ava: There's only one way to stop Carlos from talking. And you know what that is. Julian: Are you serious right now? You were just boo-hooing about me having to get back in the business, and now you're suggesting -- Ava: I'm just saying if you're in good with Hammer. Julian: Nah. Ava: Julian. Why should you have to lose the life that you worked so hard to build for yourself and for your family? Just think about it. Please. Julian: Okay. You take care of yourself, okay? I'll do the same. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: [Sighs] Finn: Wait, wait a second. You know, I -- I should say thank you. You've gone above and beyond for me. Carly: You're welcome. Finn: Listen. Until Tracy's fully recovered I still have to work at the hospital with Obrecht. Could you maybe keep this little incident just between us? Carly: Okay, no one's gonna hear about your "diabetes" from me. Finn: Okay. [Sniffles] Don't look at me like that. I know I screwed up with my meds. I screw up at the hospital -- everything. What the hell am I gonna do now? [SCENE_BREAK] Franco: I promise I'll be right here when you wake up. You're not alone. Get some sleep. Nina: [Clears throat] Hi. Franco: I was worried about you. I called you, texted you. Doesn't matter now -- you're home. Nina: Yeah, I'm here. Franco: What does that mean? Nina: Um, I had... a talk with my brother, and I've come to a decision... about us. [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: So, do you feel better? I've been told I'm a good listener. Griffin: I do feel better. And you are a great listener. I have to, uh, run and check in with the hospital. I'll be right back. Maxie: Okay. Nathan: Maxie. Hey. I checked your office first. Thank God I found you. Maxie: What's wrong? Nathan: Nothing. Everything. Ugh. You are the only woman in the world for me. I love you with every breath I take, with every beat of my heart. Your happiness matters to me more than anything in the world. I would do anything. I would sacrifice everything to make you happy. As long as you promise that we can spend the rest of our lives together. And I don't -- I don't have a ring, and you deserve the best ring in the world, and we'll get there. But I'm gonna ask you anyways. Maxie... will you marry me? Maxie: [Sighs] Griffin: Oh, my God. It's him. [SCENE_BREAK] Jordan: What the hell is going on in there? Carlos is my prisoner. I have a right to know and so does Anna. Paul: Well, all Carlos said that he wanted his one phone call to call his lawyer. Anna: [Scoffs] He took an awfully long time to say that. Paul: Well, what can I say? The man has a flair for the dramatic. But the bottom line is whatever Carlos says, whomever he accuses or doesn't accuse is anybody's guess. [SCENE_BREAK] Carlos: Hey, boss. Julian: I was wondering when I'd hear from you. Carlos: I'm currently a guest of the PCPD's. Julian: Have you said anything? Carlos: You'll find out when you get here. [NEXT_ON] Julian (to Alexis): Everything that we feared has come to pass. Carlos (to Paul): I may have to take that deal. Griffin (to Sonny): What happens if he has his day in court only to go free. Sam (to Kristina): Why are you avoiding Sonny? Nina (to Franco): It's ? choice. Nathan (to Maxie): This proposal is real. Just say, "Yes." | Carly protests that this man is diabetic and she's falsely accusing him and wonders why he did not inform the chief of staff that is the case |
656 | Ridge: He shouldn't have come here. He shouldn't be here. Stephanie: No, he shouldn't have come here. I told his mother to keep him away, and if they had any respect for you and Taylor and his brother-- it just-- he shouldn't have been here. Ridge: Why, Logan? Why didn't you keep Rick away? It wasn't right for him to be at the funeral. [SCENE_BREAK] Owen: Donna, we're not gonna be able to pull it off. It's too much work. We're already two weeks behind on our deadline. Donna: Are you sure you can do this? Owen: What? Work with you on this surf line project? Yes. Donna: Even though we're having these personal issues? Owen: Donna, your relationship with Eric is your business. All right, to be quite frank, there isn't really much of a relationship, but you just don't want to accept that. But you know how I feel, and I don't want to talk about it anymore. Let's just figure out this and get to work. Donna: Okay. (Knock on door) Owen: Hey. Come in. Woman: Hi. Donna: Hey. Woman: My appointment got rescheduled. I hope this isn't too late. Owen: No. No, not at all. You know what, Donna? I've got a great idea. Donna: Yeah? Owen: I think we should use Grace as a fit model. Donna: Oh, for-- for the surf line? Owen: Yeah, I mean, she's got the right figure. She--she looks very much like you. Donna: Okay, sure. Yeah. Owen: Awesome. Great, then it's settled. Donna: Oh, well, I mean, we first have to run it by Eric and--and Thorne. I mean, they may have somebody else in mind. Grace: I can do this. Really, I can. I promise I won't let you down. Owen: I'm sure you won't, Grace. Donna: Owen, um, what's going on here? I-- Thorne: Hey, guys, about this fabric re-- [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: Are you all right? I mean, I just don't think it was necessarily a good idea to come down. Eric: No, you know, I just needed a distraction, I guess. What an ordeal. Stephanie: I know. I'm just heartbroken for Taylor and Ridge. Eric: (Sighs) They're gonna need our support. Stephanie: It's a good thing we're back together, especially at a time like this. Eric: The family needs a good foundation. All of them, including Rick. Stephanie: I don't think it was a good idea for him to show up at that funeral, and I asked Brooke to keep him away. Eric: Rick needs closure, just like everyone else. Stephanie: Well, if he needs closure, Eric, then he should take responsibility for what he did. He should turn himself in to the police. [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: Rick should have stayed away. Brooke: He desperately needed to pay his respects, Ridge. He's in mourning. We all are. Ridge: Oh, is he seriously grieving? Or is he just putting on an act? Brooke: (Sighs) That's Stephanie talking, not you. Ridge: No, Brooke, that's me talking. Brooke: You saw him, Ridge. How could you believe he's not in mourning? Ridge: I believe he's feeling guilty. And he should be, after everything he's done. Logan, I know he's your son, and I feel for you. But don't ask me to feel for Rick, because I don't. I can't. [SCENE_BREAK] Owen: So you were saying something about the fabric orders? Thorne: Yeah. Your quantities are off. Owen: All right, let me take a look at this. Donna: Oh, um, I'm sorry, Thorne. This is, um, Grace. I'm sure you guys haven't met yet. Grace: We've met. Donna: Oh. She looks a-a lot like me, doesn't she? Thorne: A little, maybe. Donna: Well, we were thinking about using her as a model for our surf line. Thorne: Really? Donna: Oh, do you-- do you have a problem with that, or-- Thorne: Why would I have a problem with that? Donna: Oh, I don't know. It just seems like something is bothering you. Thorne: I'd like to talk to her. Would you guys give us some privacy, please? Owen: Yeah. Oh, absolutely. Donna: Okay. Owen: Let's go, Donna. Let's go wrap up this order real quick. Come on. Chop- chop. Donna: Okay. I'm coming. [SCENE_BREAK] Thorne: I paid you very well to do a job, and that job is over. You're finished here, Grace. [SCENE_BREAK] Eric: I can't believe that you would want to bring the police into this thing. Stephanie: Well, our granddaughter's dead. I mean, they're going to look into it anyway. That's normal procedure. Wait a minute, do you-- are you-- are you trying to rescue him from his responsibility? Eric: I'm not trying to rescue Rick. There's nothing to rescue Rick from. Look, I don't want to talk about this. Stephanie: No, of course you don't. Look--look, why don't we just go home? We're not gonna get any work done here. Eric: No, I don't want to go home. I'll stay here. I'll do some work or something. Stephanie: Okay, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. That wasn't my intention. It's fine. I love you. I'll see you later. [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: I want to get through this with you. What can I do? How can I help you? Ridge: I don't know, Logan. I, uh, buried my daughter today. It's kind of soon to talk about getting through it. Brooke: (Sighs) Ridge, what do you want from me? I'm suffering right along with you. Ridge: Well, I'm sorry. I'm just not thinking about much other than Phoebe right now. Brooke: I understand. (Cell phone rings) Ridge: Yes, Mother? Stephanie: Hi, honey. Um, I'm on my way home. And, um, how are you doing? Ridge: Not great. Stephanie: Why don't you come over to the house and we'll talk? Ridge: I'll meet you at the house after I get through here. Brooke: Your mother wants to see you? I'm coming along. Ridge: She'd like to see me in private, Brooke. Brooke: Do you know why? Because I do. I saw the hatred in her eyes. She wants my son gone. She wants Rick behind bars. [SCENE_BREAK] Eric: How could you do that, Donna? How--how could you betray me like that? Thorne: I want you to walk out of this building, get into your car and go home. You are not to come back here again. Do you understand? Grace: Owen offered me a job. It is a very good opportunity. Thorne: Owen doesn't have the authority to offer you a job. You will never work for Forrester Creations, Grace. And if you would like, I can make it to where you never work in this town again. Grace: Why are you acting like this? I did you a favor. Thorne: No, you didn't. You did a job, which you were very well compensated for. Grace: That was not a modeling job, Thorne. That was something altogether different. Thorne: What's your point? Grace: I just have to wonder. You asked me not to mention it to anyone, and I didn't. I-I don't know why you hired me to do what I did, but it was obviously important to you, so... Thorne: Good-bye, Grace. Grace: That woman. Donna. I look a lot like her. This has something to do with her, doesn't it? [SCENE_BREAK] (Knock on door) Donna: Hi. Eric: Hi. Donna: How was the memorial? Eric: It was heartbreaking. Donna: Oh, Eric, I'm so sorry. Eric: Thank you. Donna: I-I love you so much. And I wish I could be by-- by your side through all this. [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: (Sighs) I'm sorry, Eric, I don't want any upset or trouble between us, especially at a time like this, but Phoebe's dead, and Rick is responsible, and I just don't think it's right that he gets away with this. Brooke: Don't go over there, Ridge, please. You really don't need to hear another one of Stephanie's tirades. Ridge: Brooke, she's devastated like everyone else. She loved Phoebe, too. Brooke: Yes, but she hates my son. Ridge: It's kind of understandable, isn't it? Brooke: No. No, it isn't understandable. Rick doesn't deserve to be hated by Stephanie or by anybody. He hates himself enough for what's happened. Ridge, he's gonna suffer for the rest of his life because of what happened on that windy road. Punishing Rick is not going to bring Phoebe back. Brooke: Please, if you care about me, the woman who is loyal to you and to her children, then you will not-- I am begging you-- you will not give in to your mother. Ridge: We'll deal with Rick. You and me. I'm very angry at your son, Brooke. But I'm not gonna let Mother put him behind bars... Brooke: (Sighs) Ridge: Because I love you. Brooke: Thank you. Thank you. (Sniffles) I love you, too. (Sighs) I love you so much. [SCENE_BREAK] Donna: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I guess I shouldn't have said that. Eric: Maybe you shouldn't have. Donna: Look, I just-- I don't want you to think that... when you're suffering like this that you're not on my mind, in my heart. Eric: That's-- that's very kind of you to say. Donna: But you don't believe me, though, do you? Eric: I believe that you care about me, but you have another life now. Donna: Another life? Yeah. Yeah, I guess you could say that. A life without you. A life without love. Yeah, maybe someday I'll feel something for someone, but it won't be the same. Eric: You don't know that. Donna: Yeah, I do. I know that. (Sighs) you'll be the one I judge all others by, and nobody will compare. That I know. What is it? Something else is going on. Just tell me. Tell me. Please, Eric, I have poured my heart out to you, and-- my God, why are you looking at me like this? Like I-I've done something to hurt you? [SCENE_BREAK] Grace: What you had me do, pretending to make love to that man, it had something to do with Donna and Eric Forrester, didn't it? Thorne: I'll tell you what. I'll see what I can do about getting you a position at Forrester International. Grace: Why? So you can get me out of the country? (Cell phone beeps) Thorne: I gotta go. Forrester International. It could be exciting. You think about it, Grace. But you call me. Don't ever come back here again. Owen: All right, Grace. I want you to level with me right now. What is really going on between you and Thorne? [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: You wanted to see me, Mother? Stephanie: Yes, honey. Ridge: Is this about Rick? Stephanie: Oh, so you've, uh, been with Brooke? Ridge: Yes, I have been with her. Stephanie: Well, I honestly don't think she can be objective about this. Ridge: And you can? Stephanie: No, all right. I don't suppose any of us can. But there are certain indisputable facts here. Ridge: No one's more aware of that than I am. Stephanie: Honey, if this conversation could wait for a month or two, it would, but it can't. Phoebe is gone, and justice is due. Ridge: Well, that's not gonna bring her back, though, is it? Stephanie: No. No. Nothing is going-- nothing's gonna bring her back. But I don't think he should be allowed to get off scot-free. It's only going to make you, make all of us suffer even more. Ridge: Nothing is gonna make me suffer more than I already am, Mother. Stephanie: Well, there's a lot of anger going on here, too. Ridge: You're gonna capitalize on that? Stephanie: No. If you can let this go, what he's done, then I can let it go, too. Can you? Ridge: I'll handle Rick. No charges are gonna be filed. Stephanie: And how are you gonna handle him? Ridge: That's my business, not yours. Stephanie: No, it becomes the family business if you do something rash. Look, honey, this is supposed to be not about vengeance and not about anger. It has to be about due process. So let's take him to court, and let's let them settle it and see if he should be punished or not. Ridge: And if the courts let him go? Then what? Stephanie: Well, personally, I don't think there's a court in the state that's gonna let him off, and I think you believe that, too. I think we have to let the authorities pursue this. Otherwise-- otherwise he doesn't suffer any consequences for your daughter's death. I think we have to do this for phoebe's sake and for yours and Taylor's. Stephanie: If you don't do think I don't know how you'll live with yourself for the rest of your life. | He loves Brooke that much not to do that to her. |
657 | Neil: Well, well. Hey, man. Hey, was that not the best Halloween play of all time? Wasn't it? Lily: [Laughs] I know. Why don't we celebrate with a round of brownie sundaes? Charlie: Okay. Lily: What? That's it? "Okay?" Neil: Hey, what's going on? Charlie: Why didn't daddy come to the play? Lily: Because, honey, he had to work. Mattie: Then why is he here? Lily: What? [Cell phone rings] Dylan: I'll take it. Sharon: No, the calls have stopped. I'm sure it's nothing. Dylan: Sharon, let me answer the phone. Sharon: No, I got it, I got it. Hello? Patty: Hey, kitten. You miss me? Sharon: Um, we don't want a free estimate on any roof work. Patty: Ohh, you're not alone. Sharon: That's right. Patty: But we have so much to talk about, Sharon. Sharon: We just did it last year, so we won't be needing your services. Patty: Oh, you're good. I almost believe I'm calling you about the roof on your house. Dylan: Come on, Sharon. Give me the phone. Sharon: I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't call this number again. Patty: But I have to. You have a promise to keep. I have a secret to keep. No promise, no secret. So what's the plan, Sharon? When am I getting out of here? Dylan: Sharon, just give me the phone. Sharon: Just please take me off the call list. Patty: Ohh. Is that my nephew policeman? Pass him the phone. I can give him an earful. Sharon: I have to go. Patty: No, don't you dare hang up. Dylan: That's it. Let me talk to this jerk right now. Sharon: Um, look, they -- they hung up. [Chuckles] Dylan: Sharon, you need to let me handle this. Mariah: You sounded pretty strong with them. Do you think they'll call back? Sharon: I hope not. [Keys jingle] Thank you for waiting, patty. I know it's after hours, but someone wanted to see you. Paul: Hey, Pattycake. I bet you're surprised to see me. Patty: Paulie? Paul: Yeah. You know, the last time I was here, we didn't get to finish our conversation. And we have so much to talk about. Patty: So very, very, very much to talk about. Kevin: This is so not how I thought this night was gonna go. Chloe: Yeah, you thought we were gonna get dessert. Kevin: That lavender crème brûlée did sound pretty good. Chloe: You know, I really would have been fine with pasta palace. Kevin: Yeah, well, it's too bad that nobody got what they wanted, huh? Chloe: Hmm. Like this. And this. Kevin: I was so scared of scaring you away. I was willing to wait and go slow. Glacier slow. Chloe: I think that glaciers move at a much faster pace these days, so I don't even think that glacier slow is a thing. Kevin: Okay. Chloe: [Chuckles] Kevin: So long as this pace is okay for you. As long as that works. Because if it doesn't, I will -- I will give you space, all right? Chloe: I think this is a great option. And maybe... we should start by finishing off that bottle of wine that you left on the piano. Kevin: All right. I'm on it. [Sighs] [Door opens] [Bottle clunks] [Glass clatters] Hey. You're home. Cool. We skipped dessert. Kevin: I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I did not know how soon you'd be home or -- or how late it was or -- Chelsea: Or how naked you'd be. Funny. To think Connor recently said nothing fun happens around here. Chloe: Ohhh, my. Kevin: Yeah. Chloe: Kevin. Well, not a lot of men can pull that look off. Chelsea: Right? Kevin: Excuse me. Chloe: [Laughs] Chelsea: So... date night. Chloe: It went really well. Chelsea: I can tell. I heard you skipped dessert. Chloe: [Squeals] Cane: See, last-minute tables, that's my specialty. Lily: Hi, honey. Cane: Hey! Hey, what are you doing here? Lily: I was gonna ask you the same thing. Cane: Hey, this is my wife, lily. Uh, this is Renee. She's the brilliant buyer that's looking at doing a deal for a chain of department stores. Renee: Your husband is very charming. Lily: [Chuckles] Cane: See? Lily: Yes, he is. Cane: Uh-huh. Lily: Would you mind horribly if I borrow prince charming for a second? Renee: Of course not. I have calls to return. Lily: Cane? Cane: One sec. Lily: I thought you were working tonight. Cane: I am working. The deal was Fenmore's is about to expire. I'm trying to set this deal up. Lily: Honey, that's great, but you couldn't have scheduled it when it wasn't the twins' play? You promised them that you would be there. Neil: Okay, and then we're gonna go bowling. How about that? Both: Yeah! Neil: You like that, don't you? Cane: [Sighs] That was tonight? Lily: I texted you four times. Cane: Oh, my phone's on "do not disturb" during this meeting. Baby, I'm so sorry about this. Paul: I was surprised to see that Mariah Copeland came to visit you. Do you remember that? Patty: Do we have any chocolate pudding? If I ask nicely, I can have some, right? Paul: You remember Sharon, don't you? She's married to Dylan. Dylan's my son. You know that. Anyway, Sharon's been getting these, uh, prank phone calls, a lot of hang-ups. And Mariah thought maybe you were the person making them. Were you? Patty: Hello? Hello? Hellooooo? [Laughs] Nobody's there! [Laughing] Get it? Paul: You want to talk about your paintings? They're very beautiful. Patty: No. I don't paint anymore. No more painting. Paul: You know, when I look at them, a lot of them remind me of your time at Fairview. Like, there was one where you painted Dr. Anderson. And, uh, I remember another one where you painted a pregnant lady. I thought it was Sharon, because she was at Fairview the same time you were. And you knew each other. I thought maybe you became friends. Patty: Secret. Paul: You have a secret? You want to tell me about it? Patty: Soooo many secrets. I paint them. I paint my secrets. Paul: What kind of secrets, patty? Patty: The best kind. Dylan: Just give me the phone. We'll block the number. Sharon: That won't work. You know, those phone calls never come from the same number twice. Dylan: Sharon, it can't hurt, right? Just give me the phone. Come on. Sharon: Oh, look at that. No, my battery's dying. I have to charge it. Dylan: [Sighs] Mariah: You know, we never heard about your trip to eau Claire. How'd the trial go? Did the good guys win? Dylan: Uh, I'm a little concerned about what's going on here right now, Mariah. Sharon: We're fine, Dylan. Dylan: I saw your face, Sharon. You freaked out. That phone call freaked you out. Mariah: [Chuckles] Who likes getting those garbage calls anyway? Dylan: Well, uh, the phone rang and you froze. Sharon: [Sighs] Just for a teeny second. And then it was over. I mean, I know there's nothing to worry about, Dylan, especially because you're here now. You know, it's gonna be a chilly night. I was thinking about getting an extra blanket for sully. Maybe you would like to do that. Dylan: Yeah, I'll do that. This conversation's far from over. Mariah: Patty? How did she get ahold of another phone? Sharon: I wasn't able to ask her that. Mariah: Well, what does she want? What'd she say? Sharon: She wanted to know what the plan is. She threatened to tell Dylan. What am I gonna do? The plan isn't even a real plan! Mariah: We just have to manage patty. Sharon: What if she gets ahold of another phone? What if she calls on Dylan's line or she calls him at the station? Mariah: Sharon, don't do this. Sharon: Paul knows that you went to Stonevale to see patty. He saw the painting that she did of me. He has so many questions. Mariah: And we have answered them. Sharon: Okay, but then you heard Dylan. More questions. Mariah: [Sighs] There are a lot of pieces to this and -- Sharon: Yes, they're pieces that Paul and Dylan are going to put together. And when they do... oh, my God, Mariah. Oh, my God. I'm gonna lose sully! I'm gonna lose my son! I'm -- Mariah: Sharon, Sharon, stop. Please keep your voice down. If Dylan hears you freaking out over a telemarketer call, he's gonna get even more suspicious. Sharon: She's gonna call again. Mariah: And we will deal with patty. But for right now, you need to pull yourself together. Can you do that? Lily: So, who's ready for sundaes? Neil: Yes! Lily: Huh? Mattie: Isn't daddy coming over? Lily: Honey, daddy is in the middle of a very important meeting, okay? He'll come when he can. But we have to respect his work time right now. Neil: Yeah, that's right. If he doesn't work, he's not gonna be able to buy you toys. Charlie: I guess so. Lily: How about this? Why don't you guys go wash up? And by the time you get back, your sundaes will be here, okay? Neil: Go on, guys. Lily: And make sure you wait for each other. Neil: You handled that beautifully. Lily: What's to handle? Cane has to work. It is what it is. Neil: I understand. You're obviously very frustrated. This was an important night for the kids. Cane missed it. Lily: Well, it's the new normal. He rarely gets home before the twins are in bed. I even took them and their pumpkins to his office just so they could have some quality time. And then look at tonight. He promised that he would see their performance, but he missed it because he's having another business meeting. Neil: Cane has you and the kids always, all right? You got to trust that he's gonna find his way. Maybe with a little assist from you. Lily: I know he's working hard for us. But this play is all the twins have talked about for weeks. And he missed it. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to fix this. I mean, how do I fix this? Chelsea: Hey. Chloe: Hi. Well, at least Connor didn't wake up to witness that. Chelsea: Oh, no, that is one sleepy kid. Usually bedtime is a struggle, but he went down without a fight. You know what? Let me finish cleaning up so you can get back to your date night. Kevin: [Sighs] Found this in one of your drawers. Hope it's all right. Chloe: Well, fits better than the pink blanket look. Kevin: [Sighs] I think I should get going. Chelsea: Whoa, whoa. Listen, do not leave on my account. Just, you know, try to keep your clothes on when we're in the same room. That's -- that's all. Kevin: I am running out of ways to apologize. Chelsea: [Chuckles] It's fine. Next time just, you know, put a tie on the door. Kevin: Well, that was fun. Chloe: So...stay. Kevin: Very tempting, but I don't want to screw this up. Chloe: It's not possible. Kevin: You are amazing and gorgeous. And it's time for me to say good night. Chloe: What about your shirt? Kevin: Well, now I have an excuse to come back. I'll call you tomorrow. Chloe: You better. We got a bottle of wine to finish. Kevin: Oh, yeah. Chloe: [Chuckles] Mariah: Do you really think that's gonna help? Sharon: Mm-hmm. It's helping already. Mariah: Sharon, listen, we -- Dylan: [Sighs] Kid can't sleep without this. [Toy winds up] Mariah: Patty is not going to call and spill the secret. Because if she does, the deal's off. Goodbye, freedom. And that's all that she wants. Sharon: So all I have to do is dangle freedom in front of her. Mariah: And your secret will be safe. Sharon: Maybe you're right. Patty's not stupid. Thanks for talking me down. You know, we just have to hope that patty gets sent far, far away. Maybe everything really will be all right. Dylan: That did the trick. Sully's sleeping like A...baby. Guess he's almost too old to call him that, huh? I mean, it's hard to believe that it's almost been a whole year. Mariah: Well, there's a glass of wine waiting for you. I'm gonna go meet a friend because I'm sure you two want to catch up on some alone time. Dylan: Yeah, uh, Mariah, hold on. I was hoping that we could finish our discussion about patty. Mariah: I thought we had. Dylan: No, we didn't. You see, I'm still a little hazy on how you made the leap from an anonymous caller to a woman who's locked in a psychiatric hospital. What secrets, patty? Can you clarify for your brother? Paul: You know what? It's all right, patty. You don't have to tell me what they are. But can we talk about Sharon and the time you spent with her? We don't have to talk about secrets. Just tell me what you remember. We start there? That's right. She was pregnant. Patty: Sitting on a nest. Paul: Mm-hmm. Do you remember anything else about her? Patty? Patty: She helped me. I helped her. So very, very much. Paul: How? Patty? Patty: Dr. Anderson was very, very bad. [Humming "Hush Little Baby"] Patty, can you answer your brother? Can -- can you be more specific? Patty: [Humming continues] She was very, very, very bad! She was very bad! Aah! Aah! Paul: Okay, did Dr. Anderson do something that upset you? Tell me about it. Patty: [Humming] Paul: Is that why you killed her, Patty? Because you found out that she did something very, very bad? Patty. Patty: [Screams] Don't touch me. Don't touch me. No more touching. No. Just get me out of here! Get me out of here! Get me out of here! Paul: Orderly! Get the hell in here! Sharon: You just got home. Enough with the questions. Let Mariah go and see her friend. We can talk about this some other time. Mariah: Really, I've told you everything I can. Dylan: Are you sure? Because it just feels like that something is missing. And if we go over it again, maybe I can figure it out. Sharon: Or maybe you can just relax here with your wife and have some wine, and I can tell you all about the pumpkin patch and the jack o'lantern carving. Dylan: Yeah, I-I would love to hear about all that. But, Mariah -- Sharon: Wait. "But" what? Okay, you know, having an anonymous caller harassing me, that was scary. And patty was a theory. Mariah went and checked it out because she was concerned. Why did patty paint me? I don't know. Who knows what's in that woman's head? She had a dead cat named Mr. Kitty she kept as a pet. Dylan: Okay. The interrogation portion of this evening is now over. Mariah: [Sighs] Sharon: Good. 'Cause we have a lot of other important things we can discuss. Dylan: [Chuckles] Mariah: All right. That is my cue to leave. I will see you guys later. Dylan: I hope I didn't make you late. Mariah: No, it's all good. Dylan: Mariah. Uh, thank you for everything you did. You know, Stonevale was a wild goose chase. At least you tried. Mariah: I'd do anything for my mom. Dylan: [Sighs] Sharon: Do you hear that? Dylan: What? Sharon: Silence. Two sweet, little cuties upstairs dreaming sweet dreams. You, me, and wine. Welcome home, detective McAvoy. Dylan: This detective is officially off duty. Patty: You can't do this. You can't do this. I need to be free! No! Dr. Powell: You're all right. Paul: Dr. Powell, we were making progress. Dr. Powell: Unfortunately, patty's mood swings have gotten more unpredictable. Paul: Well, Fairview is definitely a trigger for her, Dr. Anderson. And Sharon, for some reason. Dr. Powell: As difficult as the paintings are to decipher, they do indicate serious psychological trauma. Paul: How do we get to the trauma? We need to find out what happened. Dr. Powell: I'm not sure we ever will. But I have outlined a new plan of treatment, and I hope you can look at it with an open mind. Paul: Are you serious? Chelsea: Oh. You couldn't convince Kevin to stay? Chloe: Well, I tried, but apparently I'm amazing and he still needed to go. Chelsea: Ah. I hope Connor and I didn't crash your party. Chloe: No, of course not. This is your house. Come on. And it's probably for the best. Chelsea: For the best. Right. 'Cause he wants to go slow? What I saw tonight was not slow. Chloe: Well, that was my idea. The naked part, of course. Chelsea: So, am I allowed to use the "d" word? You guys are officially dating? Chloe: Ooh. Chelsea: I'm happy for you. And if I can just say it... Chloe: Like I can stop you. Chelsea: It is about time. Kevin adores you. He always has. You know that. Chloe: I just want to make sure I knew how I felt. You know, there is being with someone because you have feelings for them, real feelings, and then there's being with someone because it's just familiar, it's comfortable. Chelsea: So, do you think it can become something serious? Chloe: Well, he wants to take one step at a time, and I'm good with that. Chelsea: Because you don't want to mess it up or because you're still not sure? Chloe: We're keeping it fresh, you know? Easy. Chelsea: Okay. Which just seems -- it seems like it's very casual to you, and you know Kevin doesn't think of it that way. The way that he looks at you, the way that he talks about you, you're the love of his life, Chloe. So if you're not in this for the same reasons as him, I... I would just hate to see him get hurt. Kevin: Mariah! Mariah: Hey. Kevin: Hey. How's nick doing? Mariah: He's fine, except for the very large lump you left on his head. Kevin: Yeah, I really am sorry about that. Good news, though. There's no stalker, right? Mariah: Yay for that. Kevin: What's wrong? Mariah: Nothing. Kevin: Except? Mariah: I'm just here to get out of the house. Kevin: Why? Mariah: Dylan came home. Kevin: That's good, isn't it? Mariah: Totally. It's just, um, Sharon got a telemarketer call. Kind of freaked her out and reminded everybody of the stalker drama. I just wasn't in the mood for that. Kevin: Can I help? Mariah: What the hell are you doing? [Chuckles] You're asking me questions, trying to be all helpful? Stop it. Kevin: You could use help. I'm happy to do it. Mariah: Now you're just starting to creep me out. Kevin: The call -- let me look into it. Mariah: No, absolutely not. Kevin: Maybe it wasn't a telemarketer. Mariah: Forget it, Kevin, please. Kevin: Let me check it out just in case. It'll be fun. Mariah: I know you're into that sort of weird thing, but really, it's -- it's fine. Kevin: It'll take two seconds. Dylan got a warrant to track Sharon's phone records before he left town. I log in, I hit a few keys, we will know exactly who called Sharon and from where. Cane: Bare by brash & sassy, it is hot, it is fresh, it is buzz-worthy, and the perfect way for your company to establish its online presence. Renee: You have done your homework. Cane: Yes, I have. Tell me we have a deal. [Footsteps stomping] [Mattie laughs] Renee: I can't believe a place as exclusive as this allows that sort of behavior. Cane: [Sighs] Um, hopefully their mom will take them home soon and put them to bed. Renee: It's just rude. Where are the parents? I hope they know what kind of children they're raising. Cane: You know what? Um... I know exactly what sort of kids I'm raising, because I'm their father. Renee: They're yours? Cane: Yeah. They're mine. Lily: What are you doing?! Cane: And I'm really happy to hear them laughing, because tonight I was meant to be at a play that I missed because I'm here trying to close this deal with you. So I'm sorry if you think they're rude. But those kids, they are my heart and they are my soul. Mariah: Kevin, you really don't have to do that. There's no point. Kevin: You're worried about Sharon. Mariah: The threat is gone! Kevin: I'm just gonna check it out to make sure. Can't hurt, right? If it's a legit contractor, which it probably is, great. But if it's someone else, we nail them. Okay, one more window. [Computer keys clacking] Kevin: Here we go. We're in. Damn. Mariah: What? Kevin: The warrant to the phone log expired. I just hit a legal brick wall. Mariah: Darn. And you were so close. Paul: Patty? I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. But I have some news that, uh, hopefully you'll like. The doctor has suggested a new course of treatment. Patty: No art. No more art. Paul: No, it's okay. No more paintings. We're gonna move you to a new facility, one closer to home. Patty: Move? Paul: Yeah. See, the doctor thinks that they'll be able to serve your needs better at this new facility. And I'll be able to visit more often. You like that, right? Patty: How -- how will I get there? I-I came here on a bus with bars, and I didn't like it. Paul: That's okay. I will arrange for transport, okay? It's one of the benefits when you have your brother as chief of police. I'll have a deputy pick you up, and he will drop you off at your new home. Patty: I don't know. Paul: It's okay, Patty. I know you don't like your routine disturbed, but... it's the doctor's recommendation that this is going to help you get better. And I want that more than anything. It's a good thing. Patty: If -- if you think it's okay, I'll -- I'll do it, Paulie. I'll do it. Paul: I do. Chloe: Of course, I would never hurt the feelings of a man who immortalized his feelings into a pumpkin. Chelsea: I know. I'm sorry. It's just that Kevin is so... hopeful. Chloe: I know. But it's a good thing, right? To hope that things will get better? Chelsea: Yeah, I guess you have a point. Chloe: You know, maybe you could find your hope soon, too? Chelsea: Um, only if Adam walked through that door and I wake up from this nightmare to find him sleeping next to me. Chloe: I was thinking more like the hope that your future, yours and Connor's, is still ahead of you and not stuck in some, you know, picture frames that are lying around the condo. Chelsea: I'm sorry. Are you accusing me of wallowing? Chloe: No, of course not. I know what you and Adam shared was -- was incredibly special. Chelsea: So is there some kind of clock on it, like time's up? I'm supposed to get rid of all the photos and jump on some dating website and pretend the life we had never existed? Chloe: Chelsea, I'm not trying to hurt your feelings, okay? I just don't want to see you alone forever. Chelsea: Okay, Chloe, it's way too soon to be having this conversation. Chloe: Look, maybe -- maybe it is. All right, you need to take the time that you need, but, you know, some day soon, you are going to have to think about starting a new future for you and for Connor. It's very important -- Chelsea: Okay, and this new future for me and Connor, why is it so damn important that we forget about Adam? Chloe: I am so sorry. Chelsea: You know, I'm just gonna check on Connor. Chloe: No, no, no. Please -- please don't. Okay, I just said a bunch of stupid stuff, and I just let it fall out of my mouth. And listen, I know that you might not be ready, okay? And that is totally fine. I am not saying that you need to erase everything that you shared with Adam. It's not what I'm saying. And what's happening with Kevin right now -- Chelsea: Is great for you. And, Chloe, I am happy for you. But don't presume to tell me what's right for me. Chloe: I get it. I crossed the line. All I'm trying to say is that me and Bella, it was like us against the world, and I was okay with that for a while. You know, but now that I'm ready to let Kevin in... I have someone to share our world with, share her with. You know, we laugh when she says "I wub you" and when she giggles. I mean, she giggles when he just gives her a pony ride and... I have realized that being with Kevin, my world is bigger and better and happier. But it's better for Bella, too. And I just want that for you. I want that for you and for Connor. You need to find someone who wants to share how amazing you both are. I love you, and I'm -- I'm so sorry if I pushed too hard and if I said too much. Chelsea: I know you just want us to be happy. Chloe: So you forgive me? Chelsea: For saying whatever the hell pops into your head and spending way too much time worrying about me? Yes, I forgive you. Chloe: Good, 'cause I was kind of getting worried there for a minute. Chelsea: You need to understand, Adam was everything to me. So just because my husband isn't here anymore, it's never gonna change. Kevin: You want some cider or a cookie? Mariah: Oh, no. I am all cidered and cookie'd out. Kevin: What if we split a piece of apple pie? My treat. Mariah: Did you not eat your dinner? Kevin: No, I ate dinner. Mariah: Okay, did you skip dessert? Kevin: What? No, I mean, no. I-I -- no, I did not have dessert. I just, uh, just feeling good. Fall is in the air. I love this time of year. Mariah: And there's your new fashion sense. Kevin: Ha. This old thing? Mariah: Did you get dressed in the dark? I mean, sorry, it's kind of girly. Kevin: Well, that's because it's, uh, it's not mine. It's Chloe's. I sort of borrowed it. Mariah: And you borrowed a shirt because you spilled wine on yours? Kevin: Nope. Mariah: Oh. Yes. Of course. Chloe and you. And you're here in her shirt in a good mood. Lily: Since when do I have to tell you the rules? Running around disturbing other guests is not okay! And on top of that, your dad is trying to work. Mattie: That's all he ever does. Lily: Okay, you know what? This attitude has to stop right now. Your daddy works really hard so we can have a great life. He's a superhero just like in your comic books. Cane: Hey, hey, hey, hey. There's only one superhero in this family. You know what? It's also the glue that holds us together, and that's your mommy. And now I want to hear all about the Halloween play that I missed. But first, I want a big hug from my superstars. Come here. Lily: I thought you had a deal to close. Cane: I'm closing it right now. I love you guys. Paul: Sorry to interrupt the homecoming. Sharon: We were just catching up. Dylan: Have a seat. Paul: Oh, thanks. I won't stay long. I just stopped by to tell you that patty is being moved from Stonevale. Sharon: Really? Dylan: Where to? Paul: Rivercrest. Sharon: But that's so close. Paul: Yeah, it's gonna be a lot easier to see her. Sharon: But why are they moving her? Paul: Well, uh, I guess the short answer is her behavior has become more erratic and the doctor feels that at Rivercrest they'll be able to help her more. Sharon: What about security? She's been known to be an escape artist. Paul: You don't have to worry about that. Rivercrest is a state-of-the-art facility. She won't be a problem. Dylan: Did you, uh, get a chance to talk to Patty? Paul: I did, and, uh... she said something that surprised me. Fairview came up. And she said that she helped you there. You helped each other. Does that mean anything to you? Sharon: I have no idea. You know, she -- she was a little obsessed with me. But helped me? Um, no. Doesn't make any sense. Paul: She did paint a picture of you pregnant. Sharon: Well, maybe she just got tired of painting cats. You know, I-I hate to say this, Paul, but, um, Patty doesn't have a great grip on reality. Isn't there a strong possibility that this is all part of some fantasy? Paul: Of course, it's possible. It's just that she said there were...bad people at Fairview. I'm assuming she meant Dr. Anderson. And maybe at least in her own mind, she believed that somehow she was helping you, maybe protecting you from Dr. Anderson. Kevin: I wasn't even expecting that it was gonna happen. It just...did. And it's not just the -- you know, Chloe and I are really starting to connect the way we used to, but in a different way. It's so great. You know, enough about that. Let me at least get you a coffee. Mariah: No, I should get going back to the house. Kevin: And interrupt the whole Sharon/Dylan reunion? Mariah: Make it a hot chocolate and you're on. Kevin: You got it. Mariah: Kevin. Kevin: Yeah? Mariah: I'm really happy for you. And Chloe. I know what this means to you. Kevin: Thanks. Hey, can I have two hot chocolates and a s'mores cookie, please? Chloe: Hey. Kevin: Hey. Chloe: What's going on? Kevin: I just thought I would give you a call, say good night. Chloe: Aww, that's sweet. You know, I was just talking about you. Kevin: How funny. I was just talking about you. Cane: Oh, Mattie, you are the cutest witch I've ever seen, baby! Mattie: I'm supposed to be scary. Cane: Ooh! [Laughter] Cane: And, Charlie, look at you. You are the mummy, man! The mummy! [Laughter] Renee: I hate to interrupt. Cane: I thought you were going back to the hotel. Renee: I am. But I wanted you to know I'm putting through my company's order first thing in the morning. Cane: I thought I blew the deal. Renee: Brash & Sassy doesn't just have an amazing product. You are the kind of people I want to be in business with, Cane. Your dad is quite a guy. Lily: Congratulations! Cane: Go figure, huh? Lily: Yeah, I guess whatever you said sealed the deal. [Chuckles] Dylan: And we know that patty had complicated feelings about Dr. Anderson. Paul: Complicated enough for her to kill her. Dylan: How could she even, in her delusional state, think that Sharon needed protection from her own doctor? Sharon: Yeah, Dylan's right. Dr. Anderson helped me so much. I never felt afraid of her. I never felt like I was in any danger. Dylan: Yeah, and Sharon was out of Fairview way before Dr. Anderson was killed, so it doesn't make any sense that protecting Sharon was the motive. Paul: [Sighs] Dylan: I don't know, Paul. Maybe patty's trying to create some sort of logic to make sense of her own world and just deal with that guilt. I'm sorry. Paul: What are you gonna do? Doesn't get any easier. Anyway, I've said what I came to say, so, uh, I'll get out of your hair and let you get back to your homecoming. Dylan: All right. Well, thank you for the update. Paul: Yeah. Give sully and faith a kiss for me, will you? Dylan: You can count on that. Paul: All right. Dylan: See ya. Hey, you okay? Sharon: Yeah. This just wasn't the homecoming I had in mind. Dylan: Lucky for you, I remember exactly where we left off. Dr. Anderson: You know how far someone will go for love, don't you? Patty: Shoot them once or twice, maybe? Pretend to be someone else, but -- no. Wait. No. No, no, no. You took a baby. An innocent little sweet pea. I have to tell them the truth. I do, Doc. Dr. Anderson: I'm sorry, Patty, but you won't be telling anyone. [Gasps] No! Don't! Stop! Stop! [Grunts] Patty: [Breathing heavily] [Dr. Anderson screams] Patty: And if that horse and cart fall down you'll still be the sweetest little baby in town [NEXT_ON] Phyllis: What the hell is going on?! Jack: Remove this man from the premises. Billy: I'm here to stop you, Jack, from going down the same path I did. Jill: I didn't authorize any new deals! Cane: I did. Curtis: The FBI may be getting involved. We have a right to know the truth, Victor. | Both Chelsea and Kevin feel awkward |
658 | Reese: What happened? Did they find anything out about Greenlee? Bianca: No. Reese: Sweetheart, I'm so -- Bianca: Don't you dare touch me. Reese: You talked to Zach. Bianca: No, I talked to Ryan. Apparently, everyone knew that you slept with my brother-in-law except me. [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: I need to see my wife. Jake: Well, that's the thing, Zach. She doesn't want to see you. Kendall: Get out, get out. Zach: I'm here to talk to you. Kendall: No, I have nothing to say to you. Erica: Kendall, honey, please calm down. Kendall: Mother, make him leave. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to see you. I want you to get out now. Now get out. Get out! Erica: Zach, you need to leave. Kendall: Go, please. Zach: I'll be outside. Erica: Sweetheart, it's going to be ok. It's going to be ok. [SCENE_BREAK] Dr. Sinclair: Aidan's gone. You're on your own, Annie. Annie: No, Aidan said that he would help me. Dr. Sinclair: He was lying. Annie: No, you are the liar. You never wanted me to get better. You wanted me to pay. But you know what? You are the one who's going to pay. Aidan will make sure of that. Dr. Sinclair: You're a fool. Annie: Oh, really? Really? Well, at least I wasn't stupid enough to fall in love with one of my patients. Yeah, that's right. I know all about you and my brother, Doctor. Who's the fool now? [SCENE_BREAK] Aidan: You kept on it, didn't you? You kept pushing and pushing and pushing until she finally gave in. Did you give her the perfect future that you promised her? No, you didn't, did you -- because she has no future now, because you killed her. Jesse: Break it up, both of you. I'll arrest you both right now! Officer: I can take them in, Chief. Jesse: No, there's no need. This is done. You two need to calm down. Ryan: I'm going to kill him. Jesse: Ryan, Ryan! Aidan: Just like you killed Greenlee, you mean? Ryan: You might want to talk to Zach about that as all of this is his fault. Aidan: Oh, nothing's ever your fault because you're always such the perfect hero, aren't you, Ryan? Well, the truth is you ruin everything you touch. First, Gillian, then Annie, and now, Greenlee. Ryan: Oh, get off me. Get off me! Jesse: Shut up! Go home! Get out of here, Devane, now. Aidan: Fine, I'm going. Nothing left for me here anyway. [SCENE_BREAK] Annie: Aidan told me all about your relationship with my brother. And you call me sick? Dr. Sinclair: You know, I have no idea what you're talking -- Annie: Don't even try it. You loved Richie, and I killed him. So you took on my case to get revenge. Well, you know what? It's not going to work, because Aidan is going to expose you for the sick, evil witch that you are. And you know what? Everything that you've worked for, this big, fancy job of yours, it's over. How's that feel? How's it feel to feel trapped and powerless, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide? [Dr. Sinclair chuckles] Dr. Sinclair: Aidan can accuse me of whatever he wants, because he can't help you. No one can. You confessed everything on tape down to your sick motive, which means you will rot in prison for the rest of your life. [Door opens and closes] [SCENE_BREAK] Erica: Bianca told me what happened between Zach and Reese. I am so sorry. I wish -- Kendall: Mother, if you want to be concerned about someone, be concerned about Greenlee. Is there any news? Erica: The police have changed the search from rescue to recovery. Look, I hate to admit it, but Greenlee is one of the most determined, most stubborn women I have ever known. She'll be back, all right, if for no other reason than to try to kick me out of Fusion. Kendall: No. My best friend is dead. And my husband kissed another woman. Erica: Don't blame Zach for that. Kendall: Are you kidding? Erica: I saw the way Reese behaved around Zach. The sympathetic looks, the comforting embraces. She was after him from day one. Kendall: So Zach was an innocent victim -- powerless against Reese? Erica: Reese saw how vulnerable Zach was. Yes, he felt powerless. He felt unable to help you. And slowly, over time, she wore him down. Kendall: No, no, Mom, that's a lie. That's a lie, and you know it. Zach kissed Reese because he wanted to, because they have a connection. You just said that you saw it. Erica: No, what I saw was a manipulative, selfish, confused woman who made a play for a married man. Kendall: Zach isn't just some random guy. He's the father of that child, her child. Erica: No, he is the donor and nothing more. Kendall: No, no, Mom, the second they decided to make this child, Zach and Reese formed a bond. And it's only gotten stronger. That's why they can't keep their hands off of each other. Erica: Kendall, listen to me. The whole time you were in a coma, Zach had only one concern, honey, and that was you. Kendall: Yeah, well, if I had been awake, I could have stopped it before it started. Sent Bianca and that stupid slut back to France. Erica: Ok, please, please, don't throw away your marriage for one -- kiss. Kendall: I'm not the one throwing it away. [SCENE_BREAK] Bianca: Was my mother right? Are you and Zach having an affair? Reese: No. Bianca: Ok, well, then explain to me how you could do this. Reese: We were -- it was just -- it was a moment. Bianca: The night before our wedding? I defended you to my mother, to your mother, to everyone. Even though I saw it, I refused to let myself believe it, because you swore to me that there was nothing going on between you and Zach. Reese: There wasn't. There isn't. Bianca: Ryan saw you. Reese: Kissing. Kissing -- it was wrong. That is all there was. I swear. I was angry. I was drunk after Kendall made that speech. Bianca: Oh, no, no, no. Do not blame this on my sister. Reese: No, I am not blaming it on her. What I am telling you is I felt humiliated. I was humiliated, and Zach was there. It meant nothing. Bianca: You were standing in the place that we chose to pledge our lives to each other, and you were kissing someone else. How can you tell me that that means nothing? Reese: Because it's true. Bianca: Why don't you just admit it? You're attracted to Zach. You're attracted to men still. Reese: No, no. Bianca: Stop lying. You were engaged to Simon, and now you want Zach. I am so sick of you trying to convince me -- trying to convince yourself that the urges aren't there anymore. Reese: It was one kiss. Bianca: Lesbians don't just go around kissing men. It does mean something. It means that you lied to me about who you are and about what you feel, and it means I cannot trust you anymore. Reese: Bianca -- Bianca: How long -- how long have you been questioning whether or not you're a lesbian? Reese: You know, maybe it's not a question of -- of being gay or being straight. Maybe what draws one person to another is not about gender or sexual orientation. Maybe it's -- maybe it's their soul. Bianca: So, you're saying that you and Zach are soul mates? Reese: No, no, I am not saying that. Bianca: Ok, I get it, I get it. Reese: That's not at all what I'm saying. Bianca: Human beings are complicated, but one thing's not -- fidelity. Fidelity is black and white. It means you don't cheat. Reese: Bianca, what I am trying to explain is that -- Bianca: You're a little late. You're just a little late. And maybe you should have mentioned your attraction to Zach's soul before we got married. Maybe you should have thought about what this would mean for our entire lives. Reese: Ok, well, you know what? That's all I have been doing for weeks. Bianca: And yet, you kept me in the dark. Just like your last fiancé. Reese: Bianca, everything has been spinning around in my head, and I can't -- I can't even answer these questions. Bianca: Well, then why didn't you say something? Reese: Because I'm trying to figure it out. Bianca: So you just kept rolling along, just trying on wedding dresses and playing bridal bingo. What is wrong with you? Reese: I don't know. Ok, I don't know because what I feel for you is so real. It is the most real thing I have ever felt in my life. And I -- I don't know, baby. I don't have the experience that you have. Being out is new for me. Bianca: So this is a rookie mistake? Reese: You know, ever since I came to Pine Valley, I feel like I have been under a microscope. I feel like there's all these eyes that are watching me. They are just waiting for me to screw up. And Zach is the only one who doesn't look at me like that. I don't know, Bianca. Maybe I kissed him -- maybe I kissed him, because I was too afraid to finally have everything I ever wanted in my life. Maybe I kissed him, because I was too afraid to finally admit to who I really am for the first time. Bianca: And who is that, Reese? Who are you? Reese: Your wife. The mother of your children. The woman who cannot imagine her life without you. Reese: I made a mistake. I made a huge one. Reese: But when I stood up, and I promised to love you, and I said my vows, any shred of doubt, it went away. And when I stood there and I promised to love you forever, I meant it with all of my heart and with everything that I have inside of me. Please, forgive me. [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: We are wasting valuable time. Don't you understand? We have to get back out there. Jesse: You have to face this. There's no chance Greenlee could have survived that fall. Ryan: I went off a cliff, and I survived. Jesse: Ryan, she went into freezing cold, turbulent water. Ryan: She's strong. Jesse: Why don't you believe -- you see this guy here? He knows this area better than anybody, and it is his opinion that nobody could have survived that fall. Ryan: I don't care. Jesse, I don't care what he says. I don't care what you say -- Greenlee is alive. Jesse: She's gone. You have to let her go. Ryan: I have to let her go? Just like your wife had to let you go? [SCENE_BREAK] Bianca: I can't -- I can't forgive you. Reese: Bianca, we've been through so much. Bianca: No, we can't get through this. Reese: No, don't say that. Don't say that. Bianca: You betrayed me right before our wedding with my sister's husband. Bianca: You knew that I had been burned like this before. You knew what it did to me, and you broke my heart all over again. Reese: I never meant to hurt you, though. Bianca: But you did. And now you're going to have to live with that. Reese: But I don't want Zach. I don't want Zach. I want you. You are everything to me. Bianca, we have a beautiful life together. Bianca: Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm. Not anymore. Reese: You can't just end this. You can't. What about our family? What about our future? Bianca: I didn't -- you did. Reese: But, Bianca, marrying you was the proudest moment in my life. Please, I am begging you not to throw that away. Bianca: Are you kidding me right now? You broke our vows before we even said them. Reese: But I never would have stood up in front of a church -- in a church, in front of God and everyone and promise till death do us part if I wasn't sure about it. Bianca: How am I supposed to believe you? How am I supposed to believe anything you say to me? Reese: Because if you let me prove it to you, I will. I promise you, I will do whatever it takes. [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: She can't shut me out. Erica: I really thought you were different than other men. But you're just like all the rest. You really let me down, Zach. Zach: You know what -- this has nothing to do with you. It's between me and my wife. Erica: Oh, really? Well, surely you don't expect me to just stand by and watch while you tear apart both my daughter's lives. Zach: What I expect you to do is mind your own business. You don't know what you're talking about. Erica: My father walked out on my mother when I was 9. One day he just walked out the door and never came back. Zach: I'm not going anywhere. Erica: Boy, I hope that's true. I hope you know how much you stand to lose. My God, for this to happen, Zach -- we just got Kendall back. Zach: I know that. Erica: Well, then act like it before it's too late. Zach: What does that mean? Erica: Kendall was in a coma for months. She's just come back to a home, a family, a husband she doesn't even recognize. But you can change that. You can save your marriage. You know what you have to do. [SCENE_BREAK] Reese: I'm not expecting that everything will be normal overnight. But what I am asking you is please don't give up on us. Bianca: This is about way more than just us right now. Greenlee is dead because of what you did. She was racing to the chapel to confront Zach about it. Reese: I didn't kill her. Bianca: Are you responsible for anything in your life? Hiding huge chunks of your past from me, jumping my brother-in-law in our church before our wedding day. Reese: I will make up for all of that, Bianca, if you let me. Bianca: I can't do this right now. I can't. My uncle lost a daughter. My sister lost her best friend. I need to be there for them right now. Don't -- listen to me for one second. I gave everything I have to this relationship. I gave everything I am. I knew that it was a risk jumping in so fast the way we did. But I was in love with you, and I believed that I had all of you, but I didn't. I never did. Reese: You do. You do right now. Bianca: Even if that's true, it doesn't matter anymore. Reese: Do you still love me? Bianca: Yes. Reese: Ok, then we owe it to ourselves and to Miranda and to Gabrielle to hold on to everything that we have. What if I take you away, just the two of us? Bianca: Are you insane? I have a funeral to go to. Reese: I'm not talking about right now. I'm talking about after, Bianca. We need some time to focus on us. We can't do that here, but if we go away, we can maybe -- Bianca: Do you really think that if you whisk me off to some kind of tropical island, that I'm going to forget about what you did? Reese: No. No, but maybe we can start to heal. Bianca: What if I did -- what if I did get past this? What if I forgave you? What would that mean? Reese: What do you mean? Are you worried about what people are going to think? Bianca, you have had to worry about what people have thought since you came out -- small-minded, bigoted people who just think women who love women is immoral or unnatural or sick -- Bianca: No, you know what? This has nothing to do with gender or sexual orientation. You were unfaithful. That's a deal-breaker. That's it. That's why I'm walking out the door. Reese: No. No, no, no. You're not leaving. Bianca: I have to go check on our daughter. [SCENE_BREAK] Jake: Hey. Look, Kendall probably just needs a little time. You know, she lost her best friend, she's in shock -- Zach: Greenlee's missing, not lost. Jake: Yeah, and I'm, you know, I'm hoping she makes it. Zach: Yeah, that's the problem with you guys, isn't it? Doctors and specialists always jump to the worse. When Kendall was in the coma, same thing. All you can do is sit there and watch her die. Jake: If doctors are talking to you like -- they're just talking from experience. Zach: Let me tell you something from experience. Kendall and Greenlee, they're cut from a different cloth. They're fighters, and they'll keep fighting. Defy the odds. [SCENE_BREAK] Erica: I knew it. I was right about you all along. Reese: That's all that matters to you, right, your victory? Well, score another one for the great Erica Kane. Erica: You think this is a game? Reese: No, I think that you've been trying to sabotage my relationship with Bianca from the start. Erica: Oh, no, you did that all by yourself. I wanted to be wrong. I was hoping that finally, finally, my daughter would meet the woman who would give her the happiness that she deserves, but you made her miserable with your lies, with your throwing yourself at Zach. Reese: Oh, that is not what happened. Erica: That is exactly what happened. You have been sniffing around Zach for months. Reese: Right, right. Erica: Yeah, but Bianca never gave up faith. And who did she put her faith in? A selfish, two-timing, home-wrecking slut. Bianca: Mom. Erica: What? Bianca: That's enough. [SCENE_BREAK] Aidan: I checked out what was left of that bike that Greenlee was riding. Dr. Sinclair: Ok, any signs of tampering? Foul play can be hard to spot. Aidan: It was definitely an accident. Dr. Sinclair: Ok. So Annie didn't kill Greenlee. She definitely killed Richie, and I have her confession on tape. But that's absolutely worthless now. Aidan: How come? Dr. Sinclair: Because the judge will throw it out when you expose me in court, when you tell him that I just wanted revenge against the woman who killed my lover. Yeah, Annie screwed up your big plan. You didn't think that bitch would actually keep her mouth shut, did you? [SCENE_BREAK] Jesse: Ryan, I kind of know what you're going through here. I just lost somebody pretty special to me, too. It was rough -- she's gone. I mean, I at least had the chance to prepare myself. She was a little sick. I know an accident like this -- this is -- Ryan: I love her. I love her so much. Officer: Chief, can you come look at this? [Music plays] Greenlee: Well, hello. I'm Greenlee, the new intern. Ryan: You never have to worry about being real with me. Singer: So I can find you wherever you are it's never too far to be with you in my mind Singers: And to see you once again and feel the magic we believed in now that's the truest friend Greenlee's voice: It's perfect. Singer: You will always be Ryan's voice: You're perfect. Singer: All of my life I will remember Ryan's voice: I, Ryan Aloysius Lavery, take you, Greenlee Smythe du Pres, to be my wife. Singer: I will remember all of the joys we shared together all the hopes and dreams we said would last forever Ryan's voice: You are the most astonishing woman that I have ever laid eyes on. Singer: I still remember you the sunlight in your eyes Ryan's voice: First, I tell you that I believe in our future right now, this. Greenlee's voice: A blessing straight from the sun. Even the universe loves us, Ryan. Ryan's voice: We can't go wrong. Singer: That's how I always see you [Singer vocalizes] [SCENE_BREAK] Aidan: You never should have been allowed anywhere near Annie. Dr. Sinclair: You should be grateful that I took this case on, because any other doctor would have bought her act and let her get away with murder, but not me. Aidan: There's only one problem. Annie really was crazy when she killed Richie. Dr. Sinclair: No, no, that's a lie, because she knew exactly what she was doing. Aidan: Richie tortured Annie and made her life a living hell. Dr. Sinclair: No. You don't know anything about who Richie was. He wasn't a sociopath. Not a monster. Aidan: Really? Dr. Sinclair: He was a challenging, fascinating, complicated man. I mean, yeah, there were bad parts, too, but that didn't give Annie any right to bash his head in and to leave him in the road to die like some poor animal. That woman is a murderer. And she deserves to pay one way or another. Aidan: She's already paid. Been stuck in here with you, trying to nail her to the wall, and that stops now. Dr. Sinclair: If she kills more people, and she will, that's on you, not me. I'll just sign this case over to another doctor immediately. Aidan: And leave town? Dr. Sinclair: Do I have a choice? I just wanted justice. Is that so bad? Fine. You win. I'll sign the papers and disappear immediately. [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: Everybody out. Casino is closed. Man: Mr. Slater, is -- Zach: Everybody out. The casino is closed! Singer: And in this lifetime Zach: Go. Singer: If you love something you've got to show it now [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: There is no reason for me to stay here. Jake: Really? You were in a car accident. Kendall: I'm fine. Jake: Well -- Kendall: What's the problem? Jake: Greenlee was like a sister to you, and I'm sure you've got a million things going through your head, and you don't want to talk to Zach about it. I get that. I get it. Maybe you -- maybe you want to talk to me? Kendall: What I want is to go home. [SCENE_BREAK] Erica: Bianca is distraught over Greenlee. Did you use that? Did you use her pain for your advantage, the same way you did with Zach? Bianca: Miranda, honey, are you ready yet? Erica: Or maybe you used the same twisted logic that saved your sorry rear end in the past. You lied about your past to protect Bianca? So you seduced Zach to, what -- pull this family closer together? Reese: Don't worry, Erica. Your victory stands because, as you see, Bianca has not forgiven me. Bianca: Hey. Hi, sweetheart. Are you ready? Mom, would you mind taking her out to the car? Reese: Bianca -- Erica: Sweetheart, where are you going? Bianca: To the casino. I was hoping that we could stay with you for a little while. I just -- I don't really want to be alone right now. Erica: Of course, you can. Of course, you can. All three of you can stay with me as long as you like. Bianca: Great. Erica: Ok? Miranda: Ok. Erica: Come on, let's go to the car. Let's go, sweetheart. Bianca: Do you -- do you want to say goodbye to Gabrielle? We have to go now, so -- Reese: Bianca, wait -- wait a minute. Will you please think about what you're doing? Would you please think about our family? Bianca: You should have thought of that before you kissed Zach. [SCENE_BREAK] Dr. Sinclair: I talked to Aidan. He confirmed that you had nothing to do with Greenlee's death. Annie: I told you. Dr. Sinclair: You know, it's so funny because here Richie is your brother, and I see none of him in you. Annie: Good. My brother was a horrible human being. I don't want to be anything like him. Dr. Sinclair: I loved your brother. I wanted to stand up for him in court and see his murderer be punished. But I'm not going to have that chance now. I'm being forced out by your guardian angel. Annie: What are you talking about? Dr. Sinclair: You're never going to see me again. You're being transferred to another hospital -- not a psychiatric one, but a morgue. Dr. Sinclair: Yeah. Dr. Sinclair: Is that what Richie did when you took out the tire iron? Huh? Did he step back, look you in the eye, beg for his life? No. You couldn't have because that would have taken courage, to listen to him, to hear him plead for his life. But you -- you were a coward. Turn around. Annie: What? Dr. Sinclair: Turn around. Annie: What are you doing? What are you doing? Dr. Sinclair: Richie never knew it was coming. And neither will you. It could happen at any minute. [Tire iron clangs on the floor] Dr. Sinclair: You took him from me. Annie: You actually think that Richie loved you? He didn't love you. He didn't love anybody. He used people to get what he wanted. Especially lonely, pathetic doctors who have sex with their patients. [Annie groans and falls down when Dr. Sinclair smacks her] [SCENE_BREAK] Reese: You can't -- do this. You can't take our children. Bianca: Our children? Or Gabrielle? Reese: What? Bianca: Gabrielle is special, right? Because she's your connection to Zach. You want her to stay so that you can hold onto that part of him, right? Reese: I want to hold onto our family. Bianca: That night in -- in Marseilles, when you guys stayed up until dawn, drinking wine, and you convinced him to give us this child -- that was when it happened, right? That was when you fell in love with him. Reese: I am not in love with him. Bianca: Yes, you know, that's the worst part. You don't even -- you don't even know it's true. Reese: Ok, you know what, Bianca? Just let me explain all of -- Bianca: What is it about him that is so irresistible? You know what? No. I'm -- I'm going to go now. I'm going to go now. I am going to go now, and I'm going to leave you alone, so that you can get ready for Zach. You should change into something sexy, open up a bottle of wine, wait for him to come home so that the two of you can consummate our wedding night. [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: Just have to be patient. She came back to us. And then, I screwed it all up. So I've been sitting here just racking my brain, you know, wondering what you would say if you were here. Wondering if you'd say anything at all. Or if you'd do what Erica does, you know, just -- just look at me and -- and let me know that I failed. Well, I did fail. [Ryan walks in] [SCENE_BREAK] [Annie groans as Dr. Sinclair prepares a syringe] Annie: No, no. Dr. Sinclair: Just relax. Just relax. Annie: Please. Dr. Sinclair: It will all be over soon. Annie: Please, please don't. Dr. Sinclair: No, no. Take a deep breath. Because it's going to be your last. [SCENE_BREAK] Erica: Gabrielle's asleep, and Miranda is drifting off. Erica: It's going to be all right, baby. Everything's going to be all right. Bianca: Just -- just feels like I've been raped all over again. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: What are you doing in my house? Don't tell me Zach had the nerve to bring you here. Reese: No, I have no idea where Zach is. And I haven't figured out where to go. [Kendall holds the front door open] Kendall: Vive la France. [Kendall slams the door in Reese's face after she walks out] [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: I would do anything to bring her back. Ryan: You did this. I loved her. And you took her away. Zach: I'm sorry. Ryan: You don't get to be sorry, Zach. Greenlee is gone. And it's because of you. And I swear to God, I will make you pay. I will take everything, everything you have, everything you love. | Annie promises Dr |
659 | Taylor: You're blind? Hector: Yes. Taylor: From the fire? The explosion? I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, Hector. [SCENE_BREAK] Harry: There's no way I would pay this much for coffee. I'd just mix up a batch of instant on the marlin. Nick: Instant's good with me. Harry: Oh, yeah? Big shot rich guy like you? Nick: Don't forget that the big shot rich guy's letting you stay on his boat for free. So let's kill the sarcasm, huh? Harry: Oh, you think it's going to be easy for me to hold that bucket of bolts together? I mean, maybe I'm the one doing you a favor. Nick: Well, I was about to do you another one, but now you can forget it. Harry: I was just -- I was kidding. Nick: You know, I don't have time for this kind of thing, Harry. Harry: I know. Nick: I run a very big company. I am not a tour guide. Harry: Well, I've been around the world and I don't need a tour guide to show me around L.A. Nick: The one I'm thinking of is awfully cute. Phoebe Forrester. You'll like here. Harry: She's not as hot as Brooke Forrester, is she? Nick: Yeah. I'll see you later. [SCENE_BREAK] Thorne: I didn't know Alexandria feels responsible for phoebe. She's way too young to feel that way -- Stephanie: Honey, I know -- look, you'll make her understand it's not her fault. Just be patient with her. Thorne: That poor kid. Stephanie: I don't know that I should have left phoebe at the insomnia. Thorne: Well, Bridget said she was fine. It was just an anxiety attack, mom. Listen, if you want me to call her -- Stephanie: No! No, no, no -- Thorne: Why? Do you think by speaking to me, it's going to upset her again? Stephanie: She needs time to get herself together. And so do you. Thorne: Mom, Phoebe thinks this is her fault. And I need to let her know that it's not. Stephanie: Her mother is more than capable of helping her to understand that, honey. Thorne: I know, but I could help, okay? I mean, after everything they've done for me, it's the least I can do for them. Stephanie: You're really starting to be very attached to Taylor, aren't you? [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: Well, did the doctors say they could do anything? Hector: Nobody can turn back time, Taylor. And no one can stop me from taking you to my house and tying you to the stairs. My God, what was I thinking? Taylor: You weren't thinking. You were just desperate. Hector: If I had hurt you -- Taylor: Okay. Come over here and sit down. Stephanie got me out, and we tried to get you out, but we couldn't. The fire was too intense. Hector: When they told me that you were safe, I was so relieved. When I think of what could have happened, what I could have done -- I deserve this. I deserve this. I put you in harm's way. I endangered your life. I deserve to be punished for this. [SCENE_BREAK] Phoebe: Hey, Kelly. Kelly: Hey. I haven't seen you in awhile. Phoebe: Yeah. Kelly: How have you been? Phoebe: I'm busy. Family stuff. But it's evening out now. Kelly: Usual? Phoebe: Yeah, thanks. Harry: Yeah, and while you're at it, can you give me a refill? Kelly: Four bucks. Harry: I already paid, man. Phoebe: No free refills in to-go cups. Harry: You know that's nuts, right? I've been to Sumatra, and the people picking those beans barely make four bucks a year. Phoebe: Hey, I saw that. [SCENE_BREAK] Thorne: Taylor's been a good friend to me. Stephanie: And you to her. Thorne: She needed one. What she doesn't need is baker making crazy accusations about her. Stephanie: Now don't start fretting about that. Thorne: This guy thinks that Taylor killed Darla. Stephanie: But he can't prove it, so it doesn't matter what he thinks. Thorne: Well, of course he can't prove it. But he can scare the two. Stephanie: Well, we won't let that happen, will we? Thorne: He was in Phoebe's room tonight, mother. What did he say? Stephanie: He's not -- he's not going to pursue any of this, all right? Thorne: Well, I already told him to stay away from them, but he didn't. Stephanie: Well, he will. Look, you have to do something first, though. Okay? Thorne: Anything to get him off of Taylor's back. Stephanie: You have to drop the investigation into Darla's death. I know that's going to be difficult for you, but I think you have to do it. Right now. For good. [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: You know what, Hector? I think we've wasted enough time, beating ourselves up and wringing our hands. I think it's time for us to move on and start healing. Hector: You could forgive me? Taylor: I don't think I'm ready quite yet. But, Hector, I can understand why you panicked. You panicked just I like did, when I hit Darla. Hector: I was scared for you, Taylor. Not for myself. I want you to know that. And it's no excuse for what I did. I mean, I went way, way too far. But that isn't who I am. All I could think about was stopping you from going to Thorne and telling him what you did. I knew that you would regret it, if I could just convince you -- Taylor: We almost died in the fire. But it's kind of like, you know, we got a second chance. And we can take our mistakes and turn it into something good. Remember, that's what you said to me. That's what you said to me the day you got your award. Hector: I just don't know who much good I can do like this. All my life, all I ever wanted to be was a firefighter. And now, look at me. [SCENE_BREAK] Phoebe: Put that back. Harry: Put what back? Phoebe: The money you just stole from the tip jar. Harry: I didn't steal it. It was a loan. Phoebe: Oh, so you're going to pay it back? Harry: Of course. Phoebe: Well, then put it back now. Harry: I need it now. Phoebe: More than he does? I mean, these servers pay their bills with that tip money. Harry: You know, it's funny, I didn't notice you put anything in there. Phoebe: I was going to. Harry: Right. Phoebe: I was. Harry: Right, because he's your friend. Phoebe: 'Cause these people work really hard. Harry: "These people." You don't have a job, do you? I mean, you don't need one, daddy pays all the bill, right? Phoebe: You don't know anything about me. Harry: I know people. I've been all over the world. And everywhere that I've been, there's been girls just like you. You've all got that -- that same look. Phoebe: What look? Harry: Like you're entitled to something. Phoebe: I do not. Harry: It's just your opinion. Phoebe: I know, and I'm entitled to -- it. Harry: See what I mean? [SCENE_BREAK] Thorne: I can't just give up. Stephanie: It's exactly what you have to do. Thorne: Why? Stephanie: Because you'll never have peace of mind if you don't let it go. And that's what you really want. Thorne: No, what I want is to -- I want to know who killed my wife, Mother. Stephanie: I don't think you do, honey. What you want is closure. Thorne: And I have to believe that I'm going to find it, if I keep looking. Stephanie: Closure isn't something you just stumble on, sweetheart. It's a decision process. First, you accept what's happened. And then you move on with your life. Thorne: It's not that simple. Stephanie: Yes, it is. Thorne: No, it's not. Stephanie: I didn't say it would be easy, because you want someone to pay. Thorne: Yes. Stephanie: Thorne, I believe in my heart -- in my heart -- that whoever did this to Darla is already paying. It's an image that will never leave their mind and they will spend the rest of their life suffering with guilt. Thorne: You're right. I know, I know. And that should be enough -- Stephanie: And it will be, if you just let go. What are you going to do? Spend the rest of your life filled with frustration and anger? Is that how you want your child to see her father? Thorne: No, I don't. Stephanie: Then let it go. Put your focus where it needs to be. On your future and on your child. It will all work out, if you let it go. Thorne: I guess we have to do these things sometimes for our children. Don't we, Mom? Stephanie: Yeah, honey. We do. You won't regret it. I'll help you. And Taylor will help you, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Taylor: I'm so sorry that you're dealing with this, Hector. Hector: No, I don't want you to feel sorry for me. Taylor: It isn't sympathy. It's empathy. Hector: Well, I don't deserve either. And I shouldn't be complaining, because I'm alive. Taylor: You know the doctor's can do a lot of really amazing things these days. Hector: I'm afraid to hope. Taylor: Why don't I go talk to your doctors and find out what they're planning, okay? Hector: Okay. Taylor: Hector, I want to you to know whatever you have to deal with, I'll -- I'll be there and I'll help you through it. [SCENE_BREAK] Phoebe: So, you don't like women who have opinions? Harry: Didn't say that -- Phoebe: Then, what, you don't think rich people can be nice? Harry: Oh, so, you admit it? I was right, you are rich. [Cell phone rings] Oh, don't mind me. Go for it. Phoebe: Hello. Nick: Phoebe, it's Nick Marone. I wonder if you would be kind enough to do a favor for me. Phoebe: Yeah, what is it? Nick: Well, I have a friend in town. He's a little bit older and he knows nothing about L.A. Would you be good enough to show him around? Phoebe: Well, is he cute? Nick: Well, he's a sailor, and you know we're all ugly as wet dogs. Phoebe: You better be kidding. Nick: I'm kidding. I think you'll have a good time. So, can I call you later and set something up? Phoebe: Sure. Nick: Thanks, kiddo. Phoebe: Bye. Harry: Hot date? Phoebe: Potentially. Sounds a lot nicer than the guys you meet hanging around here. [SCENE_BREAK] Dr. Hubert: Ms. Forrester, Dr. Herbert. Taylor: Hi. Hector Ramirez is a family friend and he's a little concerned about his prognosis. Dr. Herbert: As am I. Taylor: Well, I know it'll be a difficult recovery. Dr. Herbert: It's one of the worst burns I've ever seen. Taylor: But it's not irreversible, I mean -- he will get his sight back, won't he? [SCENE_BREAK] Stephanie: Darla loved you more than anything in this world, honey. She wouldn't want you to be angry. She'd want you to be happy. Thorne: I'm not even sure I remember how. Stephanie: Give it time. Thorne: Yeah, but how much time? Stephanie: Ask Taylor. Thorne: Taylor has her own life, mom. Stephanie: True, but you and Alexandria are a significant part of that. Thorne: Yeah, and she has her own issues to deal with. Her drinking, the divorce -- Stephanie: I understand, but she also needs to focus, like you do. I think maybe helping you and Alexandria will enable her to turn her life around. Thorne: We sound like a real pair. Stephanie: But you both have suffered a lot, haven't you? And you've lost a lot. Look, someday you're going to be happy again. You can't see it right now, but I can. [SCENE_BREAK] Hector: Is someone there? Taylor: It's me, Hector. Hector: Did you find my doctor? Taylor: Yeah, I spoke with him. Hector: And? Taylor: Well, he doesn't have an official prognosis. Hector: What, he doesn't know whether I'll get my sight back or not? Taylor: The damage to your eyes was extensive. Hector: Right, but he's not ready to give up on me. That's positive, right? Taylor: No one's giving up on you, Hector. Hector: It's just going to take some time. An operation or, you know, like you said -- there's all kinds of things that they can do. Taylor: Not for you. Hector: But you said he wasn't ready to -- Taylor: No, no, he didn't make it official, but he knows. Hector: The damage can't be reversed? Taylor: No. Hector: I'll never see again. Taylor: Hector, you're a strong man. Your life will change, but you can adapt. You'll adapt to it. Hector: I can't be a fireman. Taylor: You can still help people. You can. Hector: I will. Taylor: You will, you will. Hector: I'm disabled, I'm not useless. Taylor: That's right. That's right, Hector. Oh, God. Oh, my God. Hector: I'm not useless! Taylor: You're going to get through this. You will. You'll get through this. I'll help you. I'll help you through this. | Nick calls and asks Phoebe to help him with an old friend to show him the town. |
660 | Murphy: It's gonna be a hell of a day. Jill: Yeah, especially when you tell me exactly what we're doing here, Murphy. Cane: Okay, what do you mean? Lily: Yeah, I thought we were here to mark the anniversary of her passing. Jill: Well, according to Murphy, Katherine has some instructions from the great beyond, and she intends to deliver them herself. Murphy: Wonderful seeing you two again. Lily: You, too. Cane: You, too, Murph. Kevin: Maybe you guys can get some information out of Murphy, because he will not say a word to us. Murphy: My lips are sealed. [Laughter] Billy: Hey. I just got your text, and I broke several of our fine city's traffic laws trying to get here as fast as I could. Victoria: Thank you. Billy: [Sighs] So, is everything okay? Victoria: No, um, yeah, everything's fine. The baby's fine. It's about Johnny. Today is his preschool orientation, and I have to be there. I promised him. Billy: Well, you -- you can't just walk out of here. I mean, your health's got to come first -- yours and the baby's. Victoria: I know, but that's just it. We've been given the all clear. Dr. Chiverton signed the release, and I'm just waiting for the paperwork, but I'm a prisoner of bureaucracy at our son's expense. [Sighs] Billy: Not if we stage a prison break. Nikki: [Inhales deeply] [Exhales deeply] [Sighs] Jill: Thank you so much for coming, Victor. Victor: Anything for Katherine. Jill: Agreed. That's why I've decided that you and I are calling a truce for today. Ah, but after that, may the best woman win. Victor: Okay. Jill: And speaking of women, where is Nikki? Victor: She should be any minute. Nina: Is this a private gathering, or can anyone join in? Paul: Hey! Hi! Nina: [Chuckles] Paul: How are you? Nina: I'm well, thank you. How are you? Paul: Fine. How's L.A.? Nina: God, never mind that. How are you? I heard about the shooting. Paul: Oh, it's gonna take more than a bullet to take me out. Nina: [Chuckles] Esther: Nina. Nina: Oh! Esther: Welcome back. Nina: Hello, Esther. Thank you. It's good to be here. Esther: Good to see you. Nina: Hey. [Both chuckle] Jill: Where's chance? Nina: Oh, unfortunately, he could not make it, but he wanted us to know that he is going to follow Katherine's instructions and do something today that would make her proud. Devon: Afternoon, everyone. Nina: Hi, Devon! Neil! Hi. How are you? Hi. I don't think we've met. Hilary: Um, I'm Hilary. Nina: I'm Nina. Nice to meet you. Jill: Hilary is Neil's bride. Nina: Oh, congratulations. Hilary: Thank you. Jill: I haven't had a chance to offer you my good wishes since your quickie wedding. Hilary got him to the altar so fast that it made my head spin. Nina: [Chuckles] Neil: Why don't you stop insulting me and my wife, Jill? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Does it make you feel good? Jill: If you're gonna insult me, you better take your sunglasses off and look me in the eye. Neil: I can't look you in the eye. Jill: Why, Neil? You've never been bashful. Lily: Jill -- Neil: No, lily. It's okay. I can't look you in the eye... because I can't see. Victoria: Uh, excuse me -- uh, I think you have the wrong room. Billy: I thought you wanted to make a break for it. Victoria: [Chuckling] Billy. Billy: No, no. I am your orderly... Victoria: What are you... Billy: ...Clifford fefferman. And you are my patient, Eunice neidermeyer. Victoria: This is a little crazy. Billy: We are going down to x-ray to get you a brain scan, and that's our cover in case anyone asks. Victoria: Okay. Well, what's wrong with my, um, brain? Billy: Where to begin? Victoria: [Chuckles] Billy: Where to begin? Victoria: Okay, just -- what is this? Billy: Take that. It's gonna cover up the baby. Victoria: Okay. Uh, sure. Okay. Billy: You can thank me when we're out of here clear. Victoria: Thank you. [Chuckles] I was gonna thank you. Billy: All right. Victoria: I was gonna thank... Billy: Coast is clear. It's time to move out, Eunice. Victoria: Eunice is the worst name ever. Billy: It suits you. Neil: And then the lights started flickering, and I went over to the electrical box, which I shouldn't. I grabbed the two loose wires, and I put them together, and the next thing I know, I wake up in the hospital, and everything's completely dark. Lauren: Oh, Neil. Esther: You poor thing. Michael: I'm so sorry. Neil: No, stop it. Stop! Stop it, all of you! Okay? There's nothing to be sorry about. I-I'm -- this is just temporary. Lily: Of course it is, dad. Jack: And we'll all do everything we can to help you. Hilary: Yes, we will. Victor: Neil. I'll fly in the best doctors, okay? Whatever you need, you call me. Neil: Thank you, Victor. That means a lot. What I really need is for all of you to stop treating me like a child -- like I'm a victim -- because I'm not. I'm not blind. I just can't see right now. Neil: This is Katherine's day, and let's just keep it about her, all right? Colin: You heard what the man said. Jill: Murphy, the stage is yours. Victor: Whoa, whoa. Nikki is not here yet. Just wait a minute. Nikki: Oh, yes, she is. Victor: There she is. Hi, my sweet. Nikki: Hi, darling. Victor: So... Nikki: Okay, let's do this... for Katherine, of course. Murphy: It's so good to see so many of Katherine's loved ones here. I know how much it would mean to her, but instead of me telling you, I'll let her tell you herself. "I'm sure you're all marveling at the forethought it took for me to write all these letters. There are those of you who will think it's my desperate attempt to cling to life just a little bit longer, while others will call it nothing more than a grandiose, a self-important dog and pony show. Yes, Jill, I'm talking about you." [Light laughter] Murphy: "But I believe I've taken pen to so many papers because I don't want to leave you all. So I'm going to ask you to humor the dead woman. Quite frankly, I leave you no choice. I want you to carry out a little ritual. It's inspired by a ceremony I participated in on my bucket-list trip with my dear... sweet... [Voice breaking] Husband, Murphy." Michael: Hey. Want me to do it? Murphy: Yeah. Michael: Okay. Got it. "Many of you used to come to me for advice or support and even a good, swift kick in the rump. No doubt you're all missing my unvarnished brilliance now. Well, you're in luck. I'm going to give you another chance to confide in me. It's your turn to write a letter. Put down all your thoughts, your hopes, dreams, troubles, whatever's on your mind. Afterward, place the letters in the bowl I provided and light them on fire. The smoke will then deliver your words to me." Jill: God, this is why we're gathered here together? To play pen pals with a ghost? Michael: "For you cynics in attendance, I'd like you to participate anyway. Just the act of writing down your feelings may help you clarify them and maybe even manage them. Or perhaps you'll envision me listening closely, raising an eyebrow, drumming my fingernails on the side of my cheek, and then telling you exactly what needs to be done." Jill: [Chuckles] Michael: "Either way, I trust you'll find the answer you're looking for." Jill: That'll be the day. Michael: "Now start scribbling, everybody, and remember I love you all." Murphy: [Murmuring] Kevin: Yeah. Yeah. Murphy: That was... Kevin: We love you, too, Mrs. C., So let's get to work. Murphy: Thank you. Colin: So now she's giving us a homework assignment. Devon: My grandmother always knew how to surprise. Esther: This is gonna be so much fun. Jill: Oh, settle down, Esther. Paul: "Dear Katherine, there have been a lot of changes in the last year. Chris and I just celebrated our first anniversary, thanks to you. And at the same time, you sent Nikki on a journey that would change her life. Well, it -- it changed mine, too. You helped bring our son back to us, and I can never thank you enough." Nikki: "Things are good. The kids -- all of them -- are doing well. Victor and I are talking about a vacation. Those are all lies, Katherine. I've been drinking again. If only you were here. You would..." Lauren: "Katherine, I did something really stupid last year, and I put my marriage at risk. But, you know, Michael and I were able to put things back together better than ever. But now things just don't seem right, and I don't know why." Michael: "Lauren and I couldn't be happier. But, um, I'm sure you already know that. I can feel you smiling down on us." Colin: "Go ahead. Snarl if you want to. As if you didn't dislike me enough before, now I've gone behind Jill and Lauren's backs and dragged their new boutique into a money-laundering scheme. Not that I had any choice. It's the only way to keep Jill and my family safe, and I'd do anything to protect them. I love them that much." Esther: "You know, Mrs. C., I put up with Jill for your sake, and I try to keep the house as beautiful as the day you left it, but without you -- I'm sorry -- it's just not the same." Murphy: "My dear Katherine, I've done like you asked, sweetheart. I'm living my life to the fullest -- bowling, fishing. I've even taken up ballroom dancing. And one of these days, I'm gonna take you in my arms and trip the light fantastic." Nina: "Thanks to that letter you left me, I was able to get over Paul. And my writer's block is gone, too. The main character in my new book is a feisty titan of industry with a heart worth more than all her billions. Sound familiar?" Lily: "You gave me my incredible wedding in France to cane and helped me in so many other ways. Now it's my dad who needs help." Cane: "Hilary's playing the dutiful wife and Devon the dutiful son, but how long can that last?" Devon: "I know dad needs her. I'm not sure he can get through this without her. I'm not sure I can, either. She's all I think about, and she's all I want. I have to believe there's a way we can still be together." Hilary: Would you like to dictate that to me? Neil: Hold on one second. You know, I think I got this. I can write in my sleep. If you do me a favor, I want you to read it back. Hilary: Yeah. Neil: Okay? Hilary: Okay. Neil: Okay. It's done. [Sighs] Hilary: "Dearest Katherine, I miss you very much. You must meet a lot of angels up there in heaven, but I've got one of my very own right here." Lily: Why are you doing that? Neil: What happened? Lily: He just ripped up his paper. Neil: I'd like to know the reason for that, too, son. Devon: I didn't like what I wrote, so I'm gonna write a new letter. You guys can go back to writing yours. Victoria: Did you see Johnny's face when I walked in? Billy: All I saw was this flash come running up to hug you. Victoria: He thinks you're cool, too. Billy: Yeah, second place. I'll take it. Victoria: Well, I'm just really glad that he made a new friend. Billy: Yeah, they're probably in Colton's backyard right now, digging up earthworms as we speak. Victoria: Before you know it, they'll be graduating high school. Billy: Got to enjoy every second of it. Victoria: Yeah. Can't believe it's been a whole year since Katherine passed away. I'm sorry I'm missing her remembrance today. Billy: Me, too, but, hey, you know she'd understand. And you're still tired from the orientation, so... Victoria: You could still go. Billy: I could, but I want to be here for you and the baby... if that's okay with you. Victoria: Uh...yeah. It's okay, as long as you make me something to eat. I'm starving. Billy: All right. What do you want? Victoria: Uh, surprise me. I'll be right back. Billy: Sounds like a plan. Abby: Hey. What's up? Billy: Hey, I need to ask a favor -- one I never thought I'd be asking for. Kevin: "When you willed me this key last year, there was only one door I wanted to unlock. It took me awhile, but I finally opened my mind to other possibilities, let my imagination run wild, and, to be honest, it's taken me to some pretty scary places." Jack: "I trust you and dad are having a grand old time up there, Katherine. As for what's going on down here, I finally said goodbye to Phyllis. I just pray she's at peace." Victor: "I'll spare you the details of my current project involving Phyllis. You most certainly would not approve. I know that. I just wanted to say that I miss you, Katherine. I really do. I think of you every day." Murphy: Finished? Jack: The rest is up to Katherine. Murphy: Thank you. Jill: Here you go, Murphy. Murphy: You didn't write anything. Jill: I have nothing to say to Katherine, since, obviously, Katherine has nothing to say to me about this music box. So, put that in your bowl and smoke it, huh? Murphy: Thank you, Victor. Oh. Hilary: Okay, almost there. Neil: Okay. Hilary: Okay, here it is. Just put it in. Neil: Okay. [Bowl clatters] Murphy: Oh, no, no, no. It's okay. No problem. Kevin: Here, here, here. Murphy: Got it? Jack: We got it, Neil. Not to worry. Kevin: Thanks. Murphy: All right, thanks. Murphy: Thank you. Jack: Oh, only for you, Katherine. Yeah. Murphy, I got one more. Murphy: Thank you, Jack. Oh, are we ready to do this? All: Yes! [Applause] Murphy: [Clears throat] Nikki. Nikki: Yes? Murphy: As Katherine's closest friend, it's only right that you do the honors. Victor: Go ahead, sweetheart. Go ahead. Jill: "It's only right that you do the honors"? See? Always second place. It's the story of my life. Colin: Not anymore. Nikki: [Exhales shakily] [Frank Sinatra's "I'm gonna live till I die" plays] Murphy: All right, in closing, Katherine had this to say. "My dear friends and family, thank you for trusting me once again with your innermost desires and fears. For those of you who are content and at peace, I celebrate with you. For the rest, I know this little ceremony isn't the solution to your problems. Some challenges are too great, even for me to solve. And human nature is prone to giving in to deceptions and secrets. Even our best intentions can end up complicating things. It's not always easy to take one day at a time. But life must be lived and lived to the fullest. That's my wish for all of you. Until next year, my loved ones, take care. Katherine." Victor: This is Victor Newman. Dr. Cutler: Thank you for getting back to me so soon. I wanted to let you know that I'm here at the facility, and I've just examined Phyllis. Victor: So, what's the prognosis? Do you think you can bring her out of her coma? Victoria: Mmm. That was perfect. Isn't it interesting how you don't realize that you're craving something until you get a taste of it again? Billy: [Sighs] Yeah, you -- you always did love my PB&j; sandwiches. Victoria: [Chuckles] Yeah, I did. So does Johnny. You know, he asked me if you'd make him one on his first day of school. Billy: That is gonna be something, huh? Watching him walk into that classroom? Victoria: I hope he's all right. I mean, I hope he'll be okay when we leave him there. Billy: Johnny's a champ. It'll be me who's bawling my eyes out. Victoria: [Chuckles] It was harder than I thought it would be today -- walking into the classroom and seeing those little chairs and that little -- that pink toy tea set. Billy: Yeah. Yeah, you remember the, uh -- the me that Delia pretended to serve us from it on parents' day? Victoria: Yeah. She was wearing that big pink feather boa. It was too big for her. Billy: Yeah. Victoria: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you sad. Billy: No. Those are great memories. But I got to make some new ones today, like when Johnny was telling his teacher how he was born on the planet krypton. [Chuckles] Victoria: Yeah. Um, I'm gonna put these in the dishwasher. Billy: Let me -- let me get them for you. You should get some sleep. Victoria: That's not gonna happen. I mean, Hannah's gonna be home with Johnny soon, so... Billy: I could stay if you want me to. Esther: That was a beautiful ceremony. Lauren: Mm-hmm. It was. I know Katherine approves. Don't you, Jill? Cane: Maybe she's apologizing for not writing a letter. Nina: It'll be the first time since I've known Jill that she's been at a loss for words. Murphy: Ladies and gents... [Up-tempo music plays] Katherine specifically wanted a party, not a wake, so let's have a party. Esther: [Chuckles] Murphy: Esther, would you trip the light fantastic with an old codger? Esther: [Chuckling] Oh, you don't have to ask me twice. [Both chuckle] Michael: May I? Lauren: I would love to. [Chuckles] Cane: Come on, baby. Let's show them how it's done. Lily: [Chuckles] Neil: Oh, right over there? Hilary: Do you want to give it a try? Neil: What? What are you talking about? Out there on the dance floor? No, no, no, no. I've stumbled enough for one day, but there's no reason that you should sit this one out. Hilary: It's okay. Neil: No, it isn't okay. Where's Devon? Devon! Devon! Devon: Yeah, right here. I'm right here, dad. Neil: Hey. Devon: Hey. Neil: Come here. Um, how would you like to dance with my beautiful wife? Huh? Go on. Victor: Well, then, you can start immediately? Dr. Cutler: Within the hour, yes. Victor: When could one expect results? Dr. Cutler: If it works, we'll know very quickly. Victor: Well, I have every confidence in you, doc. Dr. Cutler: As long as you understand...there are no guarantees. Victor: I expect to hear from you. Goodbye. Paul: Nikki, don't you think you should sit down? Nikki: I'm fine, Paul. Really. Paul: I think it would be a good idea if -- Victor: Excuse me. What's going on? Paul: Uh, she seems a little shaky. Nikki: No, I'm not sha-- I mean, I'm -- Victor: Sweetheart. Nikki: Look -- look at everybody here today, okay? Every-- everybody I-is upset. It's an emotional time for everybody, and I don't need the two of you hovering over me, so...if you just excuse me, I-I need a couple minutes alone. Ohh. [Sighs] [Exhales deeply] Stitch: You okay? Nikki: Hey! What are you doing? You can't -- you can't sneak up on somebody and -- and scare them like that. Stitch: I was just jogging through the park, Nikki. You feeling okay? You don't seem like yourself. Nikki: Oh, that's rich, coming from somebody who stole some man's identity. Stitch: Okay, you seem a little off, and I don't think it's your M.S. Nikki: Okay. Well, there you go, then. You've solved my problem, so, uh, you can just run along. Victor: What's going on? You're meeting with a doctor now? Is there something I should be concerned about? Nikki: Absolutely not. Victor: Doc? Stitch: You might want to take her home soon. Nikki: Oh, my God. Victor: Okay, sweetheart. The festivities are over with. Let's say our goodbyes. I'll take you to the ranch, okay? Nikki: Yeah, thanks a lot for your unsolicited advice there, Dr. Rayburn, or whatever you're calling yourself these days. Murphy: Thank you for coming. Victor: Thank you so much. Nikki: Thank you so much. Victor: Esther, nice to see you. It was a very nice party. Thank you. Nina: So, I'm sorry to see cricket's not here. Paul: Oh, she had a trial she couldn't get out of. Nina: Maybe if she had been around, you wouldn't have spent the afternoon watching Nikki. Paul: I am concerned about her. She's had a tough go of it lately. Nina: Yeah, I heard you found out you two share a son. Paul: That's right, Nina. It's a complicated situation. Nina: It doesn't really change the fact that you and cricket are married. Tied the knot right here, as a matter of fact. Paul: Is there something you want to say to me, Nina? Like, "happy anniversary"? Nina: You ended it with me to be with cricket. So you two had better be the real deal. Lauren: Oh, thank you for the dance. We haven't done that in a long time. Michael: Yes, yes, it was nice. Mwah! Lauren: "Nice"? Michael: Yeah. Lauren: Oh. Kevin: So, what do you think? Did Mrs. C. Get our messages? Lauren: I thought so at first, but now I'm not so sure. Michael: Oh, I think she'd have plenty to say to you. She'd -- she'd say something like, uh, "don't you even consider leaving town, young man. You stay here in Genoa City and make a good living for yourself." That's what she'd say. Kevin: I think that she probably regretted waiting till the end of her life to fulfill her bucket list. She would tell me to complete my destiny, steamroll over anyone to get there, and don't worry about the consequences. Colin: Leave it to Katherine to stir things up. Cane: Yeah, let's just hope you were honest in your letter to her, since, you know, you can't be honest with me, your own son, huh? Colin: And what would you mean by that? Cane: I don't know. Maybe since I caught you lying to me about the things you were doing -- that sketchy looking guy yesterday. Colin: Don't get upset. Everything's under control. Jill: Wait. I hope you're congratulating your father. Cane: Wow. What am I congratulating him for, huh? Jill: For throwing in his lot with Lauren and me. He is now a legitimate businessman in the boutiques. Colin: That I am. This woman's changed my life. Cane: Wow. Well, let's hope you can be honest with her for both your sakes. Excuse me. Colin: [Sighs] Right. Jill: What's with him? Colin: So, I saw you gazing rather deeply at Katherine's picture. Is everything all right? Jill: I don't know. Writing these letters and burning them? And then gathering everybody here and putting us through this ridiculous exercise? [Sighs] Couldn't I just be like a normal person and go to the cemetery and put flowers on her grave? Cry in the privacy of my own home? I mean, isn't it bad enough that my heart is breaking because she's gone? [Sighs] See, why do I have to jump through hoops all the time to prove myself to her and inevitably fail? Oh, Colin, not a single damn thing has changed. Colin: [Chuckles] That's where you're wrong. You've changed. Look, she sent you on a journey. Now, I guess for the first time, you didn't finish up back where you started from. You finished up with me...right here. Jill: Oh, my God. Oh, my God, Colin. I finally figured out what this means. [Low-tempo music plays] Devon: This feels really good. Hilary: Okay. Neil needs us. Jack: Hey, buddy. How you doing? Can I get you anything? Neil: Hey, Jack. Just a description of my wife. Jack: [Chuckles] Neil: How's she look out there? Hey, come on, Jack. Is it that hard to describe? Are you just tongue-tied by Hilary's beauty? And kiss everywhere Jack: She's a knockout, Neil. She's absolutely radiant out there. Victoria: [Sighs] It was a good day. Billy: You know, it could be like this every day. Victoria: You need to go. Billy: Okay, but I'll be back, you know. I'll be there for Johnny's first day of preschool and his first tee-ball practice and every other important event in his life. You can count on it. And you can count on me, Vick. I'm gonna prove it to you. [Door closes] Victor: You were kind of quiet in the car, my sweetheart. Nikki: Uh, it felt good to turn my mind off for a little bit. Victor: [Sighs] Yeah. Katherine asking us to write down our feelings and thoughts. Nikki: Yeah, she probably wouldn't like what I said. Victor: Why? Nikki: Ah, I guess I got a little maudlin. The whole thing is stupid. What -- what does a letter do, anyway? Victor: Baby, are you okay? Nikki: [Sighs] Yeah, I guess I just would have rather had my best friend in the flesh, that's all. Victor: Baby, you always have me. You know that, don't you? Nikki: I know. I know. Victor: Okay. Dr. Cutler: This may be your last chance, Phyllis. I hope it works. I know how many people are anxious for you to wake up... and hear what you have to say for yourself. Jill: Oh, I have an idea. Why doesn't everybody come back to our house now? Cane: Sounds good to me. Michael: Good idea. Let's go. Jill: Continue the party. Neil: Okay. Jack: You good? Okay. Neil: Thank you. Thank you. Devon: Okay? Neil: Okay. [Clears throat] Devon: Let's go. See you, Jack. Lily: Bye. Jill: Bye. Sweetheart, would you mind going back to the house and helping Esther welcome the guests? Colin: Where will you be? Jill: I'll be right here. I want a little private moment. Colin: See you back at the house. Jill: You crafty old devil all this time, I've been staring at this box, day in and day out, trying to find a clue as to where the treasure was. And it turns out that the hunt was the treasure, and along the way, Colin and I found each other again, and, oh, Katherine, I swear to God, I have never been so happy in my whole life. And I have to believe that you were trying to tell me that the -- the journey was what mattered, not the destination. So thank you. Thank you, because you and this music box -- you really worked your magic. So, I don't need this anymore. I'm gonna give it back to you. I hope whatever journey you're on right now, you are having the time of your life. | Neil tells Jill that he cannot look her in the eye because he cannot see |
661 | Starr: What the hell are you doing? Ford: Hi. You, me, and the batting cages on Dock Street. James: Wait, wait. Bobby, I can't. I'm just on a break from work. Where's Ryder? I thought that this was your day with him. Ford: Yeah. It was. I just dropped them off. God, it's like the afternoon goes by in two seconds. James: Wait, wait. Who's them? Ford: Well, it wasn't just me and Ryder. Jessica and Bree came along, also. [SCENE_BREAK] Bree: Hi, Grandma. Viki: Hey! There are my girls and my boy. Hi, sunshine. Ohh! Now, did you 3 have fun at the zoo? Bree: 4. Viki: 4? Did you take a friend? Bree: Mommy did. Uncle Bobby came. [SCENE_BREAK] Brody: Vimal, it's Brody Lovett...again. Just checking to see what you've decided to do. You know what I'm hoping for. Liam is my son. I want it to stay that way... [Knocks on door] Brody: But if you decide you need to tell John the truth about the paternity test, just tell me, please. I want to be the one to tell Natalie. Natalie: Tell me what? [SCENE_BREAK] Téa: John, it's Téa Delgado. I need to talk to you. I heard you, all right? I know you're there. I'm not going away. Let me in. [SCENE_BREAK] Tomás: I told Téa. Todd: You told her what? Tomás: I told her that the CIA isn't after me, that I was part of it. Todd: What'd you say about me? Tomás: That I didn't shoot you, that I tried to save you from the people who did. [SCENE_BREAK] Téa: You know I will get Roxy, and she will let me in, all right, so-- John: Hi. Téa: Took you long enough. John: Come on in. I-- I was busy. Téa: I'll bet you were. Who you hiding in here? [SCENE_BREAK] Brody: Get back to me. Good ears. Natalie: Yeah. Thin walls. So... what'd you want to tell me? Brody: I might have to do a double shift tonight. I know we kind of had plans. Natalie: Oh, I understand, but is that all you wanted to tell me? Because you seem really stressed. Brody: It's been a weird day-- hi, little man. Hi. But seeing him makes it all better. Natalie: Oh, you got that right. Brody: I'm glad you brought him by. [Liam coos] Natalie: Yeah. Yeah. Me, too. Brody: Yeah. So what are you doing here? Natalie: I had to get away from Jessica for a while. After our blowout, I'm in no mood to deal with her. [SCENE_BREAK] Bree: This is snowy, and Ryder got a car with a horn. Viki: Ryder can drive? Bree: He just beeps. Viki: Ha ha ha! So Uncle Bobby bought all these presents, did he? Jessica: Yes. He was very generous, and I believe that someone promised to draw him a picture as a thank-you, huh? So go ahead upstairs. Viki: Uncle Bobby. Jessica: Well, Bree wanted something to call him. She knows that he's Ryder's dad. Viki: Do you think she understands? Jessica: Probably better than I do. How was your day? Viki: Oh, it was good. It was good. I don't think it was nearly as good as Bree's or Uncle Bobby's. [SCENE_BREAK] James: All right. That chick is a real piece of work. Ford: What? James: You're a great Dad. Ryder is happier with you than anybody. Can't Jessica just give you one afternoon without all the controlling drama? Ford: Hey, hey, I invited her, ok, but I appreciate that you have my back. James: Yeah, of course, but why? Why would you want to spend an afternoon with Jessica? Ford: She'd just gone 10 rounds with her sister. She was a mess, and I thought that her and Bree would actually have fun at the zoo. You know they turn on the sprinkler at the fountain for the kids to play in? It's a good time. I figured everybody would have a better afternoon if we all spent it together. James: Is that supposed to mean you, too? Ford: Hell, yeah. I love the sprinklers! James: No. I just thought that Jessica didn't give you the time of day. I mean, I'm kind of shocked that she wanted to spend the afternoon with you. Ford: Yeah. Me, too. James: Well, I guess Natalie really had done a number on her, then, huh? Ford: Yeah. Well, Jessica, she's been really decent lately, so we had fun. James: Fun? Ford: Yeah. James: That sounds like your worst nightmare. [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: What was that? Baz: Kiss. You have those in America. I've seen it. Starr: You know what I mean. Why would you kiss me? Baz: Felt like it? Starr: I have a boyfriend, and you know that. Baz: Your lips don't. You kissed me, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Téa: Sorry to interrupt your party. John: No party. I was just baking a pie. What's on your mind? Téa: I need to speak with you privately. John: Go ahead. Téa: John, I heard voices in here, plural. John: Oh, that was me, you know? Sometimes when I get really depressed, I like to talk to myself. So you said it was important. Why you stalling? Téa: I don't know where to start. It's about Tomás and Todd. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Wow, you are an idiot. What compelled you to open your mouth in the first place? Tomás: Well, Téa had a lot of questions. She wouldn't budge without answers. Todd: And you don't know how to dodge an interrogation? From your sister? Tomás: You know what? She deserved the truth. Todd: So let me get this straight. You told her that someone was trying to shoot at me and you stopped them. Tomás: That is right. Todd: Did she happen to ask why someone was shooting at me? Tomás: No. I kept her off why. She stayed focused on who. Todd: Good for you. That should hold her off for at least a couple days. Tomás: Ah, at least I bought us some time. Todd: I got an idea for you for the next time--shut up. Then you won't have to buy us anything. Tomás: You know what? You knew our story wasn't gonna hold up, anyway. Todd: But it was holding up. Tomás: You were confused when you accused me of trying to shoot you? Nobody bought that. Please. Téa deserves the truth. Todd: Truth is a lot bigger than what happened on the night of the shooting... and if she or anyone else finds out the rest of it, we both go down. Jeff, lunch! [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: I didn't kiss you back. Baz: I was right here. I felt it. Starr: You hallucinated. Baz: You nibbled my lips. Starr: I bit your lip because you freaked me out. Baz: Well, if that's how you kiss freaked out-- Starr: I don't want to kiss you, Baz. I didn't want to kiss you. I don't want to ever kiss you again. I wouldn't kiss you. Baz: Girl, show me. Starr: Stop it. [SCENE_BREAK] Ford: So I have fun with the mother of my son. You think that's a nightmare? James: Yeah. Ford: Then I guess I don't understand. Should we be enemies, then? James: No, just polite so that nobody misunderstands anything. Ford: Nobody. You mean me. James: I just don't want to see you get hurt, Bobby. Ford: How am I going to get hurt? James: By hoping Tess will come, but that's not gonna happen. [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: Ah, sorry that took so long. I know Ryder was tired, but he was just so fussy, he wouldn't go down. Viki: Well, , sounds like you 3-- 4 had a great afternoon, huh? Jessica: We did. Thank you. Viki: Good. So you and Robert Ford are finding ways to coexist, huh? Jessica: The truth is, he's a really good Dad. Viki: Oh. Sounds like this was more than that. Jessica: No. He took pity on me. That's it. It was no big deal. Viki: Why did he feel sorry for you? Jessica: Because he walked in on me and Natalie having a knock-down-drag-out and I looked pretty pathetic by the end of it. Viki: So what was it this time? Jessica: You know, Mom, it doesn't matter, but one thing is clear. Natalie and I cannot live under the same roof any longer. Viki: Ok. We don't know that. You barely tried. Jessica: Yes. Oh, we do. Natalie and I are gonna hurt each other physically. So one of us has to move out, preferably Natalie. Viki: Ok. I'm not prepared to say that. Jessica: Oh, you don't have to. I already suggested it. Viki: And what did Natalie say? Jessica: She didn't. Brody asked her to move in with him. Viki: I see. So Brody was here for all this. Jessica: Yes. That's the problem. They're always together, the 3 of them, always there in my face. Viki: What did Natalie say? Did she agree to move in with Brody? Jessica: I don't know, but I do know that I would pay good money to see the look on John McBain's face when he opens the door in the morning, reaches for his paper, then looks down the hall to see Natalie doing the exact same thing. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: Yeah. Well, we probably will be for a while. I just can't deal with her when she and I are tired of groveling. Brody: You shouldn't have to. Natalie: I made mistakes, and so did you, and so did she. Brody: Jessica understands that. Natalie: In theory, yes, but Jessica doesn't want to face the consequences of her mistakes, and that is not fair. Brody: You told her that? Natalie: Pretty loudly, and then father of the year, Robert Ford showed up and started chewing me out for daring to yell while the kids were in the house, but they were upstairs and busy, and he just wanted to save poor, wounded Jessica, which I don't like the way I'm sounding right now. I just needed an escape. Brody: You and Jessica can't live under the same roof. You both know it. Natalie: I guess. Brody: The answer is easy, Natalie. I meant what I said. Move in with me. [SCENE_BREAK] Téa: I just came into some information that could help you. John: What's that? Téa: I need some assurances first. John: Like what? Téa: Protection for my family, for my whole family. John: Why would they need protection? Téa: Because anyone connected to Todd or Tomás is in danger. John: Including them? Téa: Especially them. Todd was just shot, and I have reason to believe that they're mixed up in something that could get us all killed, and you have to get them out of it. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: I don't think you get what you've opened up here. Tomás: No. You don't get what happened. Téa shut down. Todd: No. We're talking about Téa. She doesn't shut down. She's not gonna buy your load of crap. She's gonna start asking questions and keep asking questions until she finds out everything...or until we get killed, whichever comes first. [SCENE_BREAK] John: I assume they have no idea that you're here. Téa: That is correct, and if you were to mention my little visit to them, I'm sure they would deny it and call me a liar. John: Then how am I supposed to protect them? Téa: The way the department protects any reluctant witness. You know how to do that, detective. John: So what you're saying is that your husband and your brother are witnesses. Téa: Uh-uh. I don't have your word yet. John: Hey, you know, if you want help from me, it will be easier if I knew who was after them. Téa: Who said they had anyone after them? John: Well, then what? Come on. I mean, give me something here. Do you even know? [SCENE_BREAK] Tomás: Téa is stubborn, but she's not a fool. I made it very clear to her that poking around could get people killed. Todd: That just means she'll be careful. Tomás: Look. Even if she tries to investigate, she won't get anywhere. All she knows is that I used to work for the company and that I spent all my time trying to protect you. Todd: Is that all? Tomás: She's not gonna get anywhere with it. Todd: She may not be the only one we need to worry about. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Come on. You want help, and I want to help you, but that only happens if you tell me what you know, and to do that, we have to start some-- Téa: The CIA is trying to kill my husband. John: Ok. That's a start. [SCENE_BREAK] Baz: Whoa, what was that? Starr: You want me to do it again? Baz: No. I know what it was, but don't you think it was a little extreme? I mean, why does an act of love merit an act of violence? Starr: Because it was unwanted, Baz, and this whole thing you have going on is unattractive, this whole artiste musician womanizer-- Baz: Starr, you liked my music. You'd like my kiss if you gave it a chance. Starr: I have a boyfriend that I love. Whatever this is, I'm not playing. Baz: Cool it. Message received. Ok. Starr: Oh, "ok," like all of a sudden, it's my problem. No. You're so arrogant. Do you know that? If you can't accept the fact that I'm with James, then forget about making music together or even hanging out. Just forget me, period [SCENE_BREAK] Ford: You don't have to sugarcoat it, James. James: Hey, Bobby, come on. I'm sorry. I know that it sucks. You had that look on your face. You're waiting for Tess to come out, but she's not coming back. She's not even real. Ford: So you're an expert on D.I.D. now? James: I saw how it works. Tess only comes out when Jessica really needs help, and then all of a sudden, she's gone. It's like she came up and died. That's got to be how it feels, right? Ford: No. It isn't. It isn't. I still see her, James. It's not that black-and- white. Tess is a part of Jessica. I saw her at the zoo. James: Wait, wait. Tess came out? Ford: No. Some woman cut in front of Bree at the elephant pen, and Jessica practically bit her head off. It was exactly like Tess. I see a lot of her there. James: But she's not there, Bobby. She's not there, and the more you hang around Jessica, the harder it's gonna be for you to remember that. Ford: Maybe. James: You got to move on, man. [SCENE_BREAK] Viki: Jessica, despite the fact that you and your sister are having problems-- Jessica: This isn't just a squabble, Mom. Viki: I didn't say it was, ok? I realize that you have serious issues between you, but you have no right to ask her to leave. Jessica: So you think I should Viki: No. What I'm saying is this is my house, and I will decide who lives here and who doesn't, and I want both my daughters and my grandchildren here. Jessica: Even with the fighting? Viki: Especially with the fighting. Sweetheart, you don't understand, ok? If one of you moves out and you start to drift apart, you will never be close again. Jessica: Maybe that's how it should be. Viki: No. Please, please don't say that. Jessica: Why not? Viki: Because your father and I will not always be here. Look how close we came to losing him just now. Jessica: Yeah, but he's here, and he's going to be for a long time. Viki: Yes. I know, thank God, and hopefully, we'll both be around for a long time, but when we're not, Jessie, you and Natalie are gonna need each other. Jessica: Mom, stop it. When did this conversation get so morbid? Viki: Honey, you are gonna throw away someone that you love. She's your sister. You need her. Jessica: Well, you're getting along just fine without aunt Tina, aren't you? Viki: No. No. That's not true. I always thought it was, but it is not true. Jessica: Mom? Viki: Honey, I regret so much about that relationship. Tina and I were both very stupid, and we lost our chance. Is that really how you want it to be with you and Natalie? [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: I can't just move in with you to avoid Jessica. Brody: Then move in to be with me and our son, and if it solves the problem with your sister at the same time, that's a good thing. Natalie: Ok, but it still creates a problem with John. Jessica was right about that. Brody: Which part? Natalie: It's not any more fair to John than it is to Jessica. I mean, living down the hall from him in Angel Square, this is his turf, and Liam would be in his face every day. Brody: He pushed the kid away. Natalie: Not because he wanted to, because he thought he had to. He didn't want to get attached to another man's biological child. Brody: Why are you making excuses for him? Natalie: I'm not making excuses, ok? I'm not even saying I agree with it, but I understand because John still looks at Liam like he's his. [SCENE_BREAK] John: So Tomás admitted he was there when Todd was shot. Téa: But to save Todd. He drove the shooter away. John: Who was the shooter? Téa: Tomás didn't recognize him, but when he was telling me about having been a CIA agent, he mentioned that there was some corrupt pockets at the agency. John: So you think they're involved? Téa: Wouldn't you? How else would Tomás have known? John: Did you ask? Téa: Yes. I asked. He was not forthcoming with his answers. John: Ok. Well, it makes sense, though, you know? He was an agent. It also explains why the CIA had a file on Tomás. The thing is, Tomás has been focused on Todd for years, ever since he made that painting. So what's the connection? Téa: I don't know. John: Why is Todd a target? Who tried to take him out, and why? Téa: It's not my job to figure out, detective. It's yours. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Tomás, next time you feel like throwing Téa off the scent, keep your damn mouth shut. Tomás: She was trying to push me away, you know, keep me out of her and Dani's life. So I wanted to tell her something. Todd: Haven't you been out of their lives for the last 20 years? Tomás: Exactly. Todd: Selfish bastard. Téa would've been a lot safer if you'd stayed away, you know? We all would've. Tomás: You don't think that bullet was coming for you anyway? I'm the only reason you're still breathing. Don't make me regret it more than I already do. Todd: So this whole thing is about being near your family. Is that it? Tomás: If I'm not around, I'm in no position to protect them. Todd: From what? Are they in danger? What the hell is going on? Tomás: A man came to visit today, someone I used to work for. Todd: Who? Tomás: An acquaintance of yoursBaker. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Well, that's strange. All this is going down, and Sam has been kidnapped. Téa: Yeah. Yeah. I thought the same thing, and Sam supposedly has this imaginary friend who looks just like Todd used to look. It has to be connected somehow. John: Yeah. Téa: You know something. What do you know? What are you not telling me? John: Look. I'm trying to figure this out just like you are. Téa: No. You're not. You're trying to throw me off. John: Why would I want to throw you off? Why would I want to do that? Listen. If I find anything out and I think you need protection, you'll get it. Téa: I gave you valuable information. John: Yes. Thank you. What do you want, a gift card? Téa: Oh, I can't believe this. You cannot cut me out now. John: Hey, no one is trying to cut you out. I just don't know anything yet. Téa: Fine. You know what? I'm gonna go ask Todd. I'm gonna go and get answers from him, all right? James: Look. This is the bad part, and I know that's something you're not used to. [SCENE_BREAK] Ford: And what bad part is that? James: The part where you-- Bobby, the part where you didn't get the girl and you actually care that you didn't get her. Ford: I'm definitely new at that. James: I'm not. Ford: You mean Deanna? Doesn't sound like you're too good at getting over her, either. James: Hey, I got there eventually, but I didn't hang around her, either, and I didn't try to get her back. I left, but eventually, I found Starr. Ford: Yeah, and now Deanna is causing trouble for you both. James: No. Wait, wait. You didn't hear. Nate helped her get her mom's contact information, and she took off to California. Ford: Great. Now nothing will get between you and Starr. James: Yeah. I wouldn't go that far. [SCENE_BREAK] Baz: Hey, wait up. Starr: I don't want you to get the wrong idea, Baz. Baz: I'm sorry. You were really offended, weren't you? Starr: Oh, you got that? Baz: Yeah. Look. I was just fooling around. I was-- can you just stop for one second? I don't mean to disrespect you or your life. Starr: Or my boyfriend? Baz: Yeah, him, either, ok? Just don't cut me loose because I was a jerk for 5 minutes. It won't happen again. I really like what you're doing with my music, and I took it the wrong way. I thought it meant more, and I'm sorry. Can you forgive me? [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: Mom, I know that you want me and Natalie to get along, and I really wish I could give that to you, especially after all that we've been through this year, but it's just really hard to see her and Brody and Brody's son together all the time in my face. Viki: I know that, sweetheart. Jessica: I'm just-- I can't forgive them. I can't forgive them and move on. Viki: That's fine. Start small. You don't have to forgive yet. Just try and understand. Jessica: Ok. I'll try. Viki: Thank you. Jessica: Is that how you forgive Todd? You just try and understand? Viki: Darling, I don't have very far to go with that. He and I share a history that makes it very easy for me to understand almost anything that man does. Jessica: Why do you have both these pictures out? Has he done something? Viki: No. No, not this time. No. I'm afraid something has been done to him. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: You saw Baker? Tomás: He showed up here outside. Todd: When? Tomás: Few hours ago. Todd: And what did he want? Tomás: Told me to go back to Paris. I told him I don't take orders from him anymore. Todd: Actually, I think you should go back to Paris. It'd be safer for you. Tomás: Oh, yeah? What about you, Téa, and your family? Todd: I can protect my family. Tomás: Where would you be now if I hadn't been here? Todd: Now I'm warned. Tomás: I don't want to work with you, but I don't like the odds working alone. We've got too much to lose to make stupid decisions now. T.M.'s voice: Ok. That's it. That's it. That's it. You're lying. You're lying. I can see it. I can see it in your eyes. You're in on it. You had me locked up so you could steal my life, you don't know what I'm talking about. Todd: I got a lot more to lose than you do. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Hey, wait, wait. Look. Slow down. Look. You can't go to Todd with this. Téa: Why not? It's time he coughed up some answers. John: You don't have enough to get answers. Téa: Well, it's worth a try. I mean, Tomás must have already told him what he told me, so Todd will expect me to say something. John: Let him believe that you believe Tomás' story. Téa: I don't know that I can do that. John: Sure, you can. You're very good, you know? I've seen you in court. You're a good actor, all right? You can sell this. Téa: Why should I? John: Come on. Please get back inside. Look. If I'm gonna find out what's really going on here, I don't need those two being suspicious. Téa: I know. Trip all over themselves trying to throw me off their trail. John: Right, and that would be dangerous for everyone, right? Téa: I guess so. I just hate it, but here we are. John: Here we are. Téa: What are you gonna do? John: Keep working with what we know. I'll be in touch when I have something. You did the right thing coming here. Téa: Prove it. [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: So Sam says that his new friend looks exactly how Todd used to look. Viki: Yes, and he refuses to scar on his face. Jessica: Well, so how-- I mean, do you think that someone changed their face to look how Todd did in that picture? Viki: That's possible. I mean, Todd had surgery to make himself look like Walker Laurence. Jessica: And he hasn't been the same since. Viki: Why do you say that? Jessica: It's true. You know, he's still Uncle Todd. He's just different with me. Viki: But you never said a word about that. Jessica: Guess I've just gotten used to it. Viki: How is he different? Jessica: I don't know. He's distant, even for Todd. Viki: Well, you know that he adores you. Jessica: Oh, and I love him. It's just not the same, you know, but maybe it's me. I've changed, too. Viki: Everybody changes. Jessica: Not Natalie. She's still the same lying opportunist she's always been. [SCENE_BREAK] Brody: So you think if Liam were John's biological son, he'd want him? Natalie: I don't think that John even really thinks about that. Brody: Why? Natalie: Because it's not possible. I'm sure that John would like things to go back to the way they were, but that's also not possible. Brody: You sure? Natalie: Yes. There's no going back. Brody: Then go forward. Move in with me. Not here. We'll find another place, you know, all our own, just the 3 of us. Natalie: Hold on. I just-- this is-- Brody: What? Natalie: Isn't it moving a little fast? I mean, just this morning, you said that we haven't even spent any time together since Jessica got back. Brody: So let's make it happen. I mean, what are we gonna slow down for? We already have a kid. Natalie: True. Brody: Yeah. Our lives would be a lot easier if we were in the same place. Natalie: Is that a reason? Brody: Our lives would be a lot better. At least mine would. Am I coming on too strong? Natalie: No. I'm just surprised. Brody: It's what we talked about on the fourth of July. I want my family, and that's not just Liam. I don't want to lose either of you. Natalie: Heh. We're yours for life. Brody: You mean that? Natalie: I'm here. [SCENE_BREAK] Ford: So why is Starr spending time with this clown in the first place? James: Because I'm working extra shifts as much as possible and Baz is recording music with her. Ford: Ok. Then no more extra shifts. James: Did you see our electric bill last month? Ford: Don't worry about it. Got to take care of your girlfriend. James: Thanks. Ford: I got to go. James: Hey, Bob, wait. I'm sorry for being so harsh about Tess. Like I said, I just don't want you to get hurt. Ford: Me, too. Sometimes you can't help it. [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: Look. Neither of us need this drama, so-- Baz: I do. You and Dani are the only people I know here. Starr: Maybe you would have more friends if you dropped the attitude. Baz: More friends? Does that mean we are? Starr: Maybe, but friends don't kiss like that. Baz: They do in Paris. Ok. Look. I'll try things the Llanview way. You gonna tell James about this? James: Tell James what? [SCENE_BREAK] Téa: Hello. Tomás: Hey. [Door closes] Tomás: You were gone a while. Téa: Yeah. I had to clear my head. Tomás: He knows what I told you. Todd: Are you freaking out? Téa: Should I be? Todd: I told the truth about ID'ing Tomás at the shooting. Tomás: Yeah. That's true. He didn't understand until I told him what happened. Todd: Right, and, of course, I couldn't let him rot in jail. At the same time, if I told the truth, I would've exposed him. Téa: So you were protecting my brother. Todd: Well, yes. He did the same for me. Seemed fair. Téa: And you didn't tell me why, because I can't keep a secret? Tomás: No. I didn't want to put you in danger. Téa: Am I in danger now? Tomás: I hope not. Truth is, I didn't want to tell you anything, pajarito. Will you remember that? You need to trust me to protect you and keep you safe from now on. Téa: That's a lot to ask. Todd: You should listen to him. Téa: Oh, what, your new best friend? Todd: Well, you know, he did save my life. That counts for something, and I trust him to protect you and Dani and everybody. I'm gonna step back now. I'm gonna let him do it. Téa: That's new for you. Todd: No. I'm being serious, though. You have to let this one go, ok? Téa: Ok. You're right. I need to trust you both. Tomás: Good. Todd: Yeah. Thanks. Téa: One question. Who was trying to kill you? [Todd chuckles] [SCENE_BREAK] Old Todd: There was a time when Téa and I loved each other very much. John: Yeah? Old Todd: Yeah. It's very difficult to stand in your bathroom and not at least come out here and see her. John: Yeah. You can't do that. Old Todd: No. I know. You said that. John: Yeah. No one can see you yet. Old Todd: You already said that. I got it. John: How much did you hear? Old Todd: Everything. It's fantasy. John: What is? Old Todd: Oh, come on. The CIA? Téa's brother and this person who's pretending to be me, they're playing her. John: You think? Old Todd: Don't tell me you believe any of this nonsense. John: At this point, I'm guessing it's probably the truth. [SCENE_BREAK] Starr: Hey. James: Hey. Starr: Hi. James: So what did I miss? Starr: Our dads are just being strange. James: Well, you want to talk about it over dinner? Starr: I thought you had work. James: I got out early so I could see you. Do you have plans? Starr: Oh, no. I'm all yours. We're done here, right? Baz: Yeah, but we have more work to do on the song. Starr: Well, I'll call you tomorrow. [SCENE_BREAK] Natalie: This definitely goes in the plus column if we move in together. Brody: Oh, this? This happens every day any time you want. Natalie: Ha ha! Brody: Ha ha ha! Natalie: Ok. Brody: What? Natalie: Let's do it. I mean, let's move in together. Brody: You mean it? Natalie: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it'll be good for us, and it'll definitely be good for Liam. Brody: It will. It will. Natalie: And there's nobody and nothing that's gonna get in our way. [SCENE_BREAK] Jessica: Hey. Ford: Hi. This fell behind the car seat. I figured you might need it. Jessica: We have extra blankets. Ford: Yeah, but this is his giraffe blanket. He doesn't go down for a nap without it. Jessica: That was it. I knew he was tired before, but he was just so fussy. Ford: Yeah. It's something in the way it smells or feels. I don't know. Jessica: I can't believe I didn't know that. Ford: That's all right. You're catching up. Jessica: Uh...ha ha! Uh, maybe you could give me a crash course sometime, you know, if you have time. Ford: Yeah. I got to check my schedule, so-- Jessica: Sure. Ok. Ford: Would you give Ryder a kiss for me? Jessica: Yes. [SCENE_BREAK] Old Todd: Come on, John. You seem like a smart guy. Thank you. Delgado and that guy that stole my entire life, they're feeding Téa a line. John: Delgado being ex-CIA fills in a lot of blanks. Old Todd: Mm. Wow. So you're telling me that you believe a guy who's named Tomás. John: No. I'm not telling you that. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: Who tried to kill me? That's a good question. Téa: Yeah. I thought so. Todd: Yeah. In fact, I was just asking Tomás the same thing earlier. Tomás: There's no trail. Todd doesn't know any more than I do. Todd: Of course, the truth is, there's no telling who could take a potshot at me. You have a lot of enemies when you're Todd Manning. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Tomás could be as big a part of what happened to you as the other Todd is. Old Todd: You think they're in it together. John: Yeah. Sure. Why not? Old Todd: So Tomás is helping the other Todd. John: Yeah. Now all we got to do is prove it. | Jessica and Robert Ford are getting along although she tells her mom she will never forgive Natalie and Brody who are moving out of Viki's and into their own place with Liam |
662 | Eric: Well, you do that, because she has talent and drive. Pam: Right?! Eric: Quinn. Sorry. Um, you're on the phone there. Quinn: Oh! No, no, no! That's okay. I was just trying to track down Wyatt. Pam: Well, we saved you from being an interfering mother! Pam: And, Caroline -- I may have to take back two or three mean things I said about her. Eric: Well, you do that, because she has talent and drive. Pam: Right?! [SCENE_BREAK] Wyatt: Bartender? [Inhales sharply] Wyatt: You're right. Never mind. Bartender: Coffee? Wyatt: Yes, please! That is a great idea. Bartender: Cab? Wyatt: What if you're not sure anymore where home is? Never mind. You know... I had -- I had $100 million in my hand tonight. I did! It was a piece of jewelry worth that much. Bartender: Seriously? Wyatt: Yeah. Bartender; What did that feel like? Wyatt: I wasn't... really even looking at it. [Woman continues singing] [SCENE_BREAK] [Door opens] Liam: Hey, it gets pretty cold up here at night. You think that baseboard heater in the bedroom is okay to -- to -- what? Hope: What is this? Liam: What is what? Hope: I mean, why would somebody -- Oh am I really here... Hope: I don't understand what this is. ...Next to you? Hope: Do you? [SCENE_BREAK] Pam: I'm sorry, I-I believe he's still in the press room. Can I take a message, please? Eric: Feeling a little let down? Quinn: Anything but! Why would you say that?! Eric: Well, that can happen to me on a night like this! I mean, at the end of it all, you just go, "Is that all there is?" Quinn: [Chuckles] Eric: It's a terrible feeling! Pam: I'm sure he'll get back to you right away! Thank you! Forrester Creations! Brooke: Oh! Congratulations! Eric: Hey! Hope told you it went well? Brooke: Yes! By text -- can you believe? Apparently, phones aren't for talking anymore. Eric: Well, if those are for her, you've missed her. She and Liam -- Brooke: I know. I know. They went up to Big Bear. And I found out by text. Eric: Of course. Brooke: Anyway, this is for Rick and Caroline. Eric: Uh, well, they're still down in the showroom with the press. I'll have Pam put them in water, all right -- uh, in a while. Uh, well, I'll keep them for now. She's swamped. Pam: I'm sorry, Rick's not here right now. May I take a message? All right. Thank you. Forrester Creations. Brooke: These are for you and Wyatt. Quinn: Oh, Brooke, how thoughtful! Brooke: For your hard work and your creativity. It's been an enormous asset to the line. Quinn: Thank you. Brooke: And your son's, too. And if Hope were here, I'm sure she would say the same thing. [SCENE_BREAK] Liam: Hope, I, uh -- I really don't know how this got in your inbox, but... yeah -- uh, yeah, I do know what it is. Hope: Okay. Uh, then, tell me. Liam: You really don't recognize the sender's e-mail address? You know what? Let me try to ping them back. Hope: Uh, uh, I mean, I don't open attachments from people I don't know. I'm not that careless. But it said, "With love, Liam." Liam: I know. Well, that's 'cause I made it. Hope: And -- and you just thought I'd like to see it or -- Liam: No, no, not at all. I-I-I-I made it to rectify a mistake. [Tablet chimes] Liam: "Delivery failure"? What? It says that the sender doesn't even exist! How is that -- Hope: Okay, you -- you made this. Liam: Yeah, I -- [Sighs] Okay, remember when I made you the video when you were in Mexico? Hope: Yes, I remember that video -- the video that you made for you and me, to us! Liam: Right. Well, I was in Rick's office when I did it, and when I was finished, I wanted to send myself a copy, and I guess, in my address book, I clicked on "Steffy" instead of "Spencer." I don't know. Anyway, it got sent to her. And she was cool about it! She said it was really beautiful, but then she asked if I'd make one for her, and... Hope: So she said, "Do it"... and you did! Liam: Well, you know, I mean, our marriage is getting annulled, and it's gonna be like it never happened, and, you know, I figured it's something that she can remember it by. You know, why not? Hope: Yeah, 'cause you've never given her anything else. Liam: Hope. Come on. Hope: Sorry. Nope! Sorry. I'm, uh [Huffs] Just trying to understand this. Okay, so... you had this big conversation with Steffy, and -- and she made you feel guilty? Liam: You know, this -- this really isn't a big deal! I-it's nothing! It's was, like -- it was a favor! Hope: Right. Yeah. Liam: Okay. Thanks. Hope: Then again... this is the woman that you married...as a favor. [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: You'd like a confirmation tonight?! Look, I-I realize its morning there, but -- oh! Uh, yes, of course! Don't worry. We'll take care of it right away. Ciao. Pam: Oh! You're not gonna take that home? Quinn: Oh, you know, Wyatt and I are gonna be here so much more than we're gonna be at the warehouse, so I thought maybe you can find someplace where everyone can enjoy them. Pam: Donna's side of my desk would be perfect. Quinn: Okay. Pam: Oh, you forgot to put the time. Brooke: Oh! [Scoffs] Eric: Remind me not to make you a receptionist. Brooke: [Sighs] Eric: Look at this. Beijing, New Zealand, Dubai -- Rick's never gonna be able to get back to these people tonight. I better get on this. Brooke: We'll let you have your office back. Eric: No, no, no. It's fine. I'll do it from Rick's desk. I can leave all the work for him to do in the morning. Excuse me. Here, I'll take that. Okay. Thanks. Brooke: [Sighs] Quinn: Well, you must be busy with Hope and Liam's wedding! Brooke: Yeah! Well, busy is good! Quinn: Mm-hmm! Brooke: Look, Quinn. I know you think my daughter's making a terrible mistake. Quinn: Oh, no. She hasn't made it yet. [SCENE_BREAK] Wyatt: [Slurred] Thank you. [Wyatt remembering] Wyatt: Just give us some time! See where this can go! [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: [Sighs] Liam: Hey, can we not -- [Chuckles] Can we not make this into more than it is? Hope: I guess I just don't understand why it's even a thing. Liam: I don't -- I mean, it seemed like a nice gesture! We were married, and now it's gonna be like we weren't, so -- Hope: And that's -- that's hard for her! Liam: The annulment? Yeah! Hope: As opposed to her walking away from you without any explanation. Liam: Yeah, but now we know she did have reasons. Hope: [Chuckles dryly] She had reasons to -- to turn to you for love and support, not walk away from you! But, you know, I guess anything Steffy does in your eyes is okay. Liam: I -- I'm not really understanding why we're having a problem. Hope: [Snorts] All right! Liam: Are we having a problem? Hope: I-I -- are we, Liam? I mean, am I the one being childish here? Liam: No! No. I'm not saying that! Hope: Okay. It's just, your ex-wife -- your former wife -- asks for a certain gesture from you. And you, being the person that you are -- of course, you -- you don't deny her! Liam: Uh, yeah. Yeah, it really didn't seem like a lot to ask. Hope: Because it didn't cost you anything. Liam: Yeah, like an hour. Hope: And now she has a record of how you feel about her! Liam: Yeah. I mean, I think a keepsake was really all she wanted. Hope: Liam, if she wanted a keepsake, she could've made one herself. She has your wedding pictures. She has your last name! [Chuckles] Liam: The name thing is temporary. Hope: She also has your father on her side. Liam: Hope! There's no sides here! Hope: You know what? Maybe this has happened before, and I just wasn't there to witness it, but have you ever said no to her, even once? [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: I'm guessing it was a hard night for Wyatt? Quinn: I don't know that the show could've gone any better! Brooke: Well, maybe that made it worse! I'm sure Wyatt was thinking it was his and Hope's night. Quinn: Not without reason. Brooke: Except that Hope was thinking it was her and Liam's night. Quinn: Do you... find him to be a bit... passive? Brooke: Liam? Quinn: Uh, yeah. Well, I don't know him as well as you do, of course. But...it seems to me that he has a knack for telling people what they want to hear -- I-in the most sincere way. Brooke: He is a gentleman, if that's what you're talking about. Quinn: Yeah, but who can say yes to everyone, and at what point does that become less than honest? Brooke: He actually never had a problem standing up to his father. Quinn: Ah, but men are different with each other than they are with us. Brooke: [Sighs] Look. I know that you want your child's happiness more than anything in this world. And it's difficult to see the one person that can give it to them go off in a different direction. But, really... what can we do about it? [SCENE_BREAK] [Wyatt remembering] Wyatt: It's different with us. You feel that, right? Someday, I'm going to give you this diamond. Someday... I will make you my wife. [SCENE_BREAK] Liam: So, you think... that Steffy's controlling me? Hope: Well, isn't that at, you know, a certain level, a perfect way to describe your relationship history with her? Liam: Listen, I'm really, really sorry that you had to see those images. Hope: You know, it's -- it's not so much the images that bothered me. Liam: Of course it is. Hope: No, it's not, Liam! I've seen pictures of you and Steffy together. Liam: Right, but you haven't seen a video that I made, which, by the way -- how did it even get in your inbox? Hope: Really, Liam? Really? You don't know how? Who else had a copy of that video? Liam: Oh, trust me. Steffy didn't do this. Hope: Oh, are -- are we ignoring facts now? Liam: No, I'm saying that there's other facts we clearly don't know. Hope: Oh, my -- damn it! Liam: Hope! Hope: Damn it! Liam: Hope, what? Talk to me! Hope: It's just... it's just that my life looks so much different now! Liam: No, it -- how?! Why?! Hope: Because apparently, I am just a minor character in it! Even tonight was about Steffy! Liam: Hope, my love, you are way overreacting. Hope: I let Hope for the Future go off the rails because I was humiliated about losing you to her yet again! This -- all of this -- tonight is about fixing that. It's rectifying that. And we're here...and nothing's changed -- nothing. Liam: Listen to me when I tell you tonight is not different from any other night. We came out here to plan a wedding, and that's what we are gonna do. I'm so sorry you saw the video. Maybe I should've told you about it, maybe I shouldn't have. But, honestly, to me, it seemed so damn unimportant! But you saw it anyway. And c-can we just pretend like that's the end of the story? Hope: Ugh, Liam. Oh, Liam! You are so, so smart in so many ways, but... not about other people, and not about yourself. [Sighs] Liam: Hey, whoa! Hey! Where you going? Hope: You know, y-- [Sighs] You put together some photos of beautiful Steffy, and y-you set it to music. Whatever. All right. You know, that's mildly annoying. It's the machinery behind it. That's the four-alarm fire. You make me a pre-wedding present to tell me how much you love me. Steffy sees it. She says, "I want the same thing," and you say, "Okay!" With her, it's always her saying "Jump," and you say, "How high?" That's what it is. All she has to do, Liam, is make sure that I see that video with her message saying "I don't want Liam back right now, but when I do... he's mine." Liam: Whoa. Trust me! Trust me when I tell you that you are reading too deeply into this, because Steffy is not that calculating. Hope: Liam! We have been here! We have been in this exact same position before, more than once! And I know how it turns out! I lose! Liam: [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: I should probably go. Quinn: [Sighs] See? I've made you uncomfortable. Brooke: [Chuckles] No. No, Quinn. In fact... I'd like it if we could become friends. Quinn: I would like that, too. I-I -- I think you're a really kind and patient woman. Brooke: What gives you that idea? Quinn: [Chuckles] Because you haven't strangled Bill Spencer in his sleep yet. Brooke: Oh! [Both laugh] Brooke: Yeah. You know, Wyatt reminds me of Bill! Quinn: [Groans] Brooke: Oh. Sorry. Quinn: No, no, no. Don't think that hasn't crossed my mind. You know, I remember when Wyatt was younger. I had no choice but to take him to the studio with me when I was working. Used to call him my little treasure because of all the gold leaf that he would eat. But I would set up all of these little artsy projects that kids his age should love! But all Wyatt wanted to do was count the money. [Both chuckle] Quinn: But, please, don't tell Bill! Brooke: Oh, no! My lips are s-- well, somewhat sealed. Quinn: [Laughs] [Sighs] And, Brooke... please know I mean it when I say I sincerely want your daughter to be happy. Brooke: Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Liam: Hope? What you think is happening is not happening. I love you! I'm gonna marry you! And every communication I've had with Steffy has been in order to make that happen more smoothly. Hope: Do you really believe what you're saying? Liam: You're damn right I do! And in any case, I'd say anything to keep you from walking out that door right now! Hope: Of course, you would! I know that about you! You can't bear to see anybody get hurt, and you certainly can't bear to be the reason that somebody gets hurt! And you know what? Steffy knows that about you, too. And she has been working it in her favor since the day she met you. Liam: Hope, I promise you you are reacting to a situation that does not exist. Steffy is gone. And the reason she's gone is because I've been able to give her what she wanted! Hope: She's not gone. She's right here! Because if she were gone, she wouldn't be right here! Go ahead and tell me I'm delusional like you always do. Go ahead. Tell me that. Liam: I'm not -- Hope: I've ignored the warning signs so many times, Liam, but I'm not doing it again! I'm not! Liam: All right. Let me come with you. Hope: No, Liam! You're not coming with me, not tonight! Liam: Hey! Hope! Hope? [SCENE_BREAK] Bartender: I'm thinking of closing early. Wyatt: Well... thanks for the company, man. Bartender: Sorry about that 100 million bucks that got away. Wyatt: Hell, bigger things have slipped through my fingers. Trust me. [SCENE_BREAK] Brooke: Do you need a ride somewhere? Quinn: Oh, thanks! Uh, no, I think I'm gonna wait for Eric and see what orders have come in so Wyatt and I know what to expect. [Cell phone rings] Brooke: Okay! Oh. Excuse me. Quinn: Yeah. Brooke: It's Hope. Hi! Hope: Hey. Are you home? Brooke: Uh, no, but I'm headed there. Is something wrong? Hope: Um, is it okay if I drive Stephanie's car back? Brooke: I suppose. But did Liam's car break down? Hope: Nope! I'm coming back by myself. Brooke: What? Why? Hope: I don't want to talk about it right now. I-I'll tell you everything when I get home, okay? Um, I'll see you soon. Quinn: Car trouble? Brooke: Something must've happened between her and Liam. Hope's coming home alone. | Brooke brings flowers to Rick so gives them to Eric |
663 | Fox: I can't wait to put this ring on your finger. Kay: Oh, I can't wait to wear it. Fox: Well, just think about this: You're going to be my wife. Kay: I know. I can't believe it--your wife. Fox: I know, I know. Let's just wait till we tell my mom and your dad. I mean, they're going to flip out, you know? I mean in a good way. Kay: Yeah, you know what, I can't wait to tell them, but maybe we should keep the ring a secret until I can actually wear it. Fox: Ok. All right. I just, you know, I can't believe you're putting so much emphasis on the alignment of the planets. It just seems kind of--I think I should ask you now, you know. Kay: Wait, just trust me, ok? It's really, really important to me. Fox: All right, as long as we can be engaged to be engaged. Kay: We can. We are. Fox: All right. No, no. I want to do it properly, though. Not until--I kind of wanted to ask your dad permission, you know, to marry you. Kay: Oh, Fox. Then we should tell them right now. I love you. Fox: Well, I love you. [SCENE_BREAK] Ivy: Did you find out what's going on upstairs? Sam: All I know is a friend of Noah's is recuperating from a vicious attack. He said that she was mugged down on the wharf. Ivy: Wow. Gosh, poor girl. How is she? Sam: I don't know. He said it was an old friend of his from school, and he asked me to keep an eye on her. And he also said that he didn't want anyone else to see her. Ivy: Well, that sounds kind of ominous, doesn't it? And if she's really hurt, shouldn't she be in the hospital? Sam: Well, he said that Eve had, you know, examined her, and she said it was ok for her to recuperate here. Ivy: Mm. I don't know, still seems a little strange to me. Sam: Yeah. My gut tells me that there's more to this than just a mugging. [SCENE_BREAK] Maya: Noah, I know you feel you need to be honest with Fancy, but I pray you won't tell her about what happened that night in the attic. After what happened last night, I'm afraid--for all of us. Noah: Hi. Can we get a table for two, please? Waitress: This one ok? Noah: Yeah. Thank you. Fancy: Ok, now why did you have to drag me all the way out here to tell me what you were doing naked in the shower with Maya? Noah: Oh, come on, Fancy, I wasn't naked, all right? I was wearing pajama bottoms. Fancy: Yeah, soaking wet pajama bottoms that showed off every inch of you. I know what I saw, Noah. She was naked. You were almost naked, and your hands were all over her. It's not that complicated. Noah: Look, you're--you're totally misinterpreting the situation, all right? You know, Maya's hurt and she needed help. Fancy: Then what did I see? Were you changing her bandages? Giving her chicken soup? Noah: Look, I realize it looked bad, but look, I--I heard her scream in pain. I--I ran into the bathroom and she collapsed in the shower, all right? I was just coming to help her. Fancy: Noah, I'm not an idiot and I'm not blind. I could tell you knew your way around her body very well. Noah: Well, yes, I did. I mean, we were lovers, Fancy. Of course I knew my way around her body. You know, I knew--I know every curve and dimple of her body; is this really what you want to hear? Fancy: No. That's not what I want to hear at all. [SCENE_BREAK] Gwen: Honey, I am scared to be this happy. I don't need to worry about the rug being pulled out from under me this time, do I? Ethan: I know you've been disappointed at times when we've tried to leave Harmony-- Gwen: Disappointed? You have a talent for understatement, sweetheart. I was hysterical that Theresa stopped us from moving to India. Ethan: I know, but we are going to New York. We're going. It's set. Gwen: We're going? Ethan: It is set, and I'm going to start work for Lawrence Grant the minute we set foot in New York. Gwen: I am so thrilled, and I am so grateful to Mr. Grant. You know, he really went out on a limb to hire you. Ethan: It took him a lot of courage to take me away from Crane. Gwen: It did. I tell you what; he is going to be very, very lucky to have you. Ethan: Mm-hmm. Gwen: We are going to New York and there's nothing Theresa can do about it. [Laughs] [SCENE_BREAK] Lawrence: I need you to get Ethan Winthrop in here today. Um, tell him it's about his contract. Yeah. And tell him it's important and to get here as soon as possible. All right, you're getting what you want. Now can I expect no retribution from you against my company? Theresa: That all depends on how long it takes you to put Ethan back on the unemployment line. Lawrence: He'll be told immediately that he has no job with this company. Theresa: Good, and as soon as you tell him, your company will be back in business. Lawrence: Good. Good. Theresa: Let this be a lesson to you, Mr. Grant. Don't ever underestimate Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald Crane. [SCENE_BREAK] Ethan: Hey, come here. Gwen: Oh! [Phone rings] Ethan: Hold on. Gwen: Ok. Ethan: Ethan Winthrop. Um...now? Sure. Can you tell me what this is about? Ok. Please tell Mr. Grant I'll be right there. Thank you. Gwen: That was Grant's office. Honey, what did he want? Ethan: He wants to see me, something about the contract. Gwen: Oh, God. Ethan: Don't--don't make that face. Listen, I'm sure it's fine. I'm sure he wants to iron out a few details to finalize the contract before we go to New York, that's all, ok? So I'm gonna go, and before you know it, we will be in New York--tonight hopefully. Gwen: Those are magic words. I love you, and I'll see you soon. Ethan: I love you, too. See you. Gwen: Ok, New York is not as far away as India, but it is a big city. It's big enough to get lost in. Lost enough where Theresa will never be able to find us. [SCENE_BREAK] Lawrence: You're leaving? Don't you want to stay around and hear me give Ethan the word? Theresa: Oh, absolutely not. Ethan can not know that I had anything to do with this. You must never mention my name. Lawrence: I see. Theresa: He would be furious with me. Lawrence: Yes, I'm sure he would be. Theresa: So, I expect that you will call me. I'll be at Crane Industries. Lawrence: You'll hear from me as soon as he leaves me. Theresa: Great. Pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Grant. Lawrence: I wish I could say the same, Mrs. Crane. Good day. Theresa: Good day. [SCENE_BREAK] Ivy: You know, maybe I should go check on that girl. What is her name? Sam: Maya. It's so odd. Noah's so adamant about not letting anyone else see her. I'll go check on her. Be right back. Sam: Oh. Kay: Dad, guess what? Sam: I--I don't know, what? The whole city's on fire? [Laughter] Kay: No. Fox: No. Kay: No, we have really some exciting news. Fox and I-- Fox: W-w-wait. Hold on one second. [Whispers] [Clears throat] Sam, I have something--a question that I wanted to ask you. Sam: Whoa, this sounds pretty serious. Fox: Yeah, yeah... Sam: Go ahead. Fox: Ok. [Chuckles] Sir-- Sam: Sir? Fox: Just let me finish, all right, please? Ok? Sam: All right. Fox: Sir, I wanted to ask your permission to marry your daughter. Sam: You're asking my... Fox: Yeah. Sam: Absolutely. Fox: Thank you. Sam: Congratulations. Fox: I was scared there for a minute. Kay: I told you it was exciting. Sam: Wow! [Chattering] Ivy: In your dreams, Kay. You are not going to marry my son. [SCENE_BREAK] Maya: Noah, how can you forget what we had together? I can't. I just hope that you'll keep what happened in the attic where it belongs, in the past. If you don't, it will mean danger for all of us: for you and me and Fancy. [SCENE_BREAK] Fancy: You think I want to know how well you know Maya's body? You think that makes me feel better? Noah: No--no, Fancy, of course not. All I'm saying is that we've both had other lovers. So, it's not a big deal that I am familiar with Maya, all right? You're just--you're jealous for no reason. Fancy: Jealous? Who said I was jealous? Noah: Ok, then, you're acting jealous, all right? Look, Fancy, all I'm saying is that there is no need to be, ok? Maya and I were very close, but she's part of my past. She's history, all right? You are the woman I love. Your body is the only body I ever want to hold in my arms. You are the woman that I want to be with and make love with forever. Fancy: Oh, Noah. Really? [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock on door] Gwen: Come in. Hi. Rebecca: Hi, honey. I am so thrilled about Ethan's new job and your move to New York. Gwen: Mother, it is a dream come true. I am looking for apartments. Rebecca: Oh, I will help you search while we have a little farewell drink. Gwen: Well, what do you have in there? Rebecca: Mm-hmm. Pomegranate martinis. Gwen: Mm. Rebecca: They are the latest thing. You know what I say--have happy hour, will travel. Gwen: I'm really going to miss you. Rebecca: Oh, no you won't. Gwen: No? Rebecca: No, because I am going to be a very frequent visitor. In fact, you better make sure you have a room for me because I am not going to allow little Jane to grow up without her Aunty Beck. Gwen: Oh, it's Aunty Beck, is it? Rebecca: Uh-huh. Now, I'm not going to have any of this grandma and nana stuff. I am far too young for that. Gwen: Mother, Aunty Beck is fine, whatever. Rebecca: All right. Now, let's get back to this apartment search, ok? Gwen: Ok. Rebecca: Oh, oh, oh, one of my very best friends from school lives in this building. In fact, I think she got the entire building in her latest divorce settlement. Gwen: Really? Rebecca: So, I'm going to have to introduce you as soon as you get settled...if you get settled. Gwen: What is that supposed to mean? Rebecca: It just means that Theresa is still out there and she is still a threat. Gwen: Mother, she doesn't know about Ethan's new job. She doesn't know we're moving to New York. Rebecca: Honey, how many times have we thought that we have beaten Theresa, and she has somehow managed to rise out of the ashes like some blood-sucking vulture? Gwen: You know what? I'm not going to let it happen. Rebecca: Well, I hope you're right, but you can never let your guard down when it comes to Theresita because she will stop at nothing to destroy you and to keep Ethan for herself. [SCENE_BREAK] Theresa: Hello, Valerie. Valerie: Excuse me, Theresa, but Mr. Crane likes his office tidy. Theresa: What Mr. Crane wants or doesn't want is no longer important. My opinion is the only one that counts. Valerie: Really? Theresa: Yeah, really. You know what? It is so cold outside. Could you grab me a latte with extra foam, please? Valerie: You want me to get you coffee? Theresa: Yeah, I want you to get me coffee. Valerie: Get it yourself. I'm Fox Crane's assistant. I don't work for you. Theresa: Do you know who I am? Valerie: Yes. I was at your wedding, remember? You're Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald Crane. Theresa: That's Mrs. Alistair Crane to you, and apparently you've not read "The Wall Street Journal" this morning. You work for me now. Valerie: I--I don't understand. Theresa: Well, it's simple, really. Alistair's in a coma, and he put me in charge. In charge of everything, including Crane Industries. So, say hello to your new boss and grab me that latte. Valerie: Does Fox know about this? Theresa: Yes, he does, called him last night. Called everyone who needed to know and I've got their full support. Oh, listen, after you grab me that coffee, can you clear out the office next door, the room that's connecting to this one? That's going to be Ethan Winthrop's new office. Valerie: I thought Ethan was leaving Harmony, going to a new job with his family? Theresa: Well, you thought wrong. The only place that Ethan is going is in that office, next to mine. [SCENE_BREAK] Ethan: Mr. Grant. Lawrence: Oh, Ethan. Please, sit down. Thank you for coming so quickly. Ethan: No problem. I'm actually glad you called to go over the contract. I'm anxious to get out of Harmony as soon as I can. Lawrence: Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. Ethan: About our leaving? Actually, my wife, my daughter and I, we can leave tonight if possible. Lawrence: Well, that won't be necessary. Ethan: Sorry if I sound a little overly anxious. Tomorrow will be soon enough to leave. Lawrence: Well, no, that's-- that's what I wanted to talk to you about, Ethan. You won't be leaving tomorrow either. Ethan: I--I don't understand. You know how anxious we are to leave. Lawrence: Yes. Yes, I do know. Ethan: Then--I'm sorry, but when do you want us to go to New York? Lawrence: I am sorry, Ethan, but never. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Ivy. Ivy, come here. Did you hear the news? Kay and Fox are going to get married. Fox: Yeah. Ivy: Yes, it's wonderful. Wonderful. Although I'm a little surprised. Fox: Surprised? What, are you kidding me? Ivy: No. No, I just didn't think this would happen quite so fast. Fox: Well... Kay: Well, what'd you think, Ivy, that we were just going to just keep dating for a decade or two? Ivy: No, I know the two of you are in love; I just--well, I didn't think you'd rush into this. Fox: Well, you know, it's--I'm not sure that I agree with you. We're not rushing into it. You know, it's--it's not official. I wanted to run it by her dad first and we both have our reasons why we're holding off on making it official. Ivy: Well I think that's wise. Fox: Yeah, and I know what you're thinking, ok. Don't worry about--you're going to have plenty of time to plan that huge, oversized wedding that you have planned for us, I'm sure. Ivy: Yes, that's a relief. Fox: Well, I got to go. I got to go back to work. I'm sure you all know by now that Theresa has taken over the company. Grandfather's given her the keys to the whole damn place. Sam: Yeah, I heard. Ivy: So did I. I can't believe it. Theresa doesn't know anything about running a business. She barely graduated high school. Fox: Yeah, I know that's true, but she does have street smarts. You're right, though, I am going to need to help her. So, thank you very much, I got to go. All right, babe. See you in a bit. Ok. Mom. Sam: Sweetheart, listen, I'm so happy for you, if this is what you want. Kay: Yes, it's everything I want, Dad. Oh, thank you, Dad. [Giggles] Sam: I'm going to go upstairs and check on our houseguest. Kay: What houseguest? Sam: A friend of Noah's. Ivy, she'll... Kay: Ok. Well, I'm going to get back to Tabitha's. Whoa. Ivy: We need to talk, Kay. Kay: About what, Ivy? Valerie? The woman you were counting on to break up me and Fox? [SCENE_BREAK] Ethan: I'm never going to New York? I'm sorry, I don't understand. Lawrence: Ethan, I'm afraid I spoke too soon when I said you would be hired to work in New York. Ethan: What are you--what are you saying, that I'm going to be working somewhere else? Lawrence: I'm afraid I won't be using you at all. I--I can't hire you. Ethan: You're not hiring me? Why--what--what happened? Lawrence: Well, as it happens, the company's had some financial reverses and I'm just not in a position to take on any new personnel at the moment. Ethan: I see. There was no one at Crane Industries, by any chance, that called you, told you not to hire me? Lawrence: Absolutely not. Ethan: Because it's happened before. Many years ago, I was blacklisted. I couldn't get a job anywhere, thanks to Julian Crane. Lawrence: No, this is just a matter of not having enough business in New York to hire another attorney. Ethan: I see, and Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald, she had nothing to do with this, right? Lawrence: Who? Ethan: Alistair Crane's wife. She didn't call you and threaten you? Lawrence: No, certainly not. I've never even met the woman. Ethan: Ok, then I guess I can say I'm very, very disappointed. Lawrence: Well, Ethan, believe me, I am very sorry to have put you through this. Perhaps when the economy turns around for us, we can talk about bringing you on board one day in the future. Ethan: That would be great, thank you. Thank you very much. That bitch. Ethan: I knew it. Damn that woman. Lawrence: Ethan, are you all right? Ethan: No, Mr. Grant, I am not. But I will be. I will be as soon as I have a little chat with a certain little someone and I put her in her place. Lawrence: [Sighs] Oh, boy. [SCENE_BREAK] Theresa: [Humming] Valerie, this office has got to be completely redone in my taste, so can you get a decorator on that right away for me? Valerie: I'll contact someone for you, and I'll get your secretary to get you that coffee. Theresa: Thanks. Oh, listen, I--I'm sorry that I was so rude to you before. You know, I would like to be friends. Valerie: If you say so. Theresa: Yeah, yeah. I would, you know. And we could help each other. You know, Fox tells me that you know your way around here and I do need to learn some things. Valerie: I'll help you in any way I can. Theresa: All right, thanks. Yeah, we girls need to stick together. Valerie: I hope so. Fox: Valerie. Valerie: Hi, Fox. You know Theresa, our new boss. Fox: Yeah, yeah. Prettiest CEO on the eastern sea, but we've met from time to time. We've had a couple of run-ins. Theresa: Hello, hello. Come in, come in. Fox: Thank you. Theresa: What do you think? Fox: Well, congratulations, this is something new, I guess. Theresa: Yeah so, you know, you're not going to mind taking orders from me now? Fox: Why would I mind taking orders from you now? Theresa: Well, look, you know you've always got a job here at Crane, ok? Fox: Yeah? Gee, Theresa, thanks, I really appreciate it. That means a lot. Wow, you know, I got to tell you, I think I was more surprised than anyone to find out that you had taken over here at Crane Industries. I mean, my grandfather's always had this hard-and-fast rule, you know, women do not belong in positions of power here at Crane Industries. I, on the other hand, I couldn't be happier. I think it's great; it's hot, you know what I mean? But, you know, you're not the only one with good news. Kay and I are engaged. Well, engaged to be engaged actually. Theresa: Really? Fox: Yeah. Theresa: That's wonderful. Fox: Thank you, thank you. Theresa: I mean, I guess... yeah. Fox: Well, what do you mean, "I guess"? Theresa: I don't know. I was--I'm just surprised, you know? I just didn't think that you and Kay knew each other long enough to be serious. Fox: Really? Theresa: That's all, yeah. Fox: This coming from a woman who fell in love with a man before she ever met him. I mean, didn't you--didn't you fall in love with Ethan by reading about him in the magazines? Isn't that how it happened? Theresa: Yeah I did, yeah. Fox: Yeah. Theresa: You got me. Yeah, I don't have a right to make judgments on other people's relationships. You're right. Fox: There you go. Theresa: Ok, if you're happy, Fox, I'm totally happy for you. Fox: Theresa, I'm happy, ok? I'm happy. Plus, Maria, I mean--Maria, she's really something, you know? And I was thinking Miguel is actually Maria's biological father, so once I get married to Kay, you're going to be related to me again in yet another way. See? Theresa: Yes, I would be your step-daughter's aunt. Fox: Yeah, aunt, right. Exactly. Yeah. But, you know, now that you're married to Alistair, I guess that makes you my step-grandmother. Theresa: Yeah. Fox: Right, Granny? Theresa: Yeah. Fox: So can I call you granny? Theresa: Bite your tongue. Fox: All right, listen, I'm going to let you get settled in here, ok? I got to get back to work, but welcome back. It's really--really good to see you again. Theresa: Thanks. I think I'm going to like it here, Fox. Fox: Yeah, no, you're gonna like it. You're gonna do great. But do me a favor, call me if you need anything, ok? Theresa: Oh yeah, I'll be in touch. Fox: All right? Theresa: All right. Fox: See you later. [SCENE_BREAK] Miguel: Hello? Theresa: Miguel, hey, it's Theresa. Miguel: Sis, how you doing? It's good to hear your voice. Theresa: Yeah, it's good to hear you, too. So, obviously there's no news on Charity yet, right? Miguel: No, not yet. But I think I'm getting close. What's up? Theresa: Well, I hope you're sitting down because this news that I'm going to tell you, it is going to blow you away. Alistair left this DVD that said that if he was suddenly dead or he was incapacitated that his will is to be changed and that I should be put in charge. Miguel: You're kidding me? Did Alistair die? Theresa: No, no, he's in a coma, but they don't know if he's going to recover. Miguel: That's good news. Theresa: Yeah, it's great news. So here I am; I'm sitting in Alistair Crane's office, the boss of everyone. Miguel: You're right, it is mind-blowing. It's unbelievable. Are you up for it? Theresa: Yeah, I think so, you know? I mean, there are a lot of people here that are gonna teach me the ropes, and well, after that, my plan is to make up for Alistair's evil. You know, I want to make the Crane name respectable again. Miguel: Good luck with that. Theresa: Yeah, thanks, I'm gonna need it. So, you know, I just--I wanted you to know so that you know that if you ever need anything, I can help you now. Miguel: I'm touched, Sis. Theresa: I mean it. I mean, you can hire an army of private detectives if you want to, to find Charity; whatever you want. Miguel: I appreciate it, but I'm doing ok on my own. And like I said, I'm getting close to finding her. Theresa: That's good. So, have you talked to Kay lately? Miguel: I called Maria the other day and Kay wasn't home so I spoke to Tabitha. Why? Theresa: I was just wondering. Do you think that you're going to come home for a visit soon or... Miguel: I've been thinking about it. Theresa: That's good. Yeah, you know, I kind of think that you should come home because there are some things that are going on here--and yeah, I just--I think you should come home. [SCENE_BREAK] Kay: Is that what you want to talk about, Ivy, about how you and Valerie were teaming up against me? Ivy: I--I don't even know-- Kay: Oh, stop, I heard you talking to Valerie. I know you forced her to work for you, and I know all about how she's been trying to sabotage me at Crane Industries. Ivy: Ok, if that's what you want to think, I can't stop you, but-- Kay: If that's what I want to think? That's the truth, and I'm not interested in anything you have to say right now. You are not going to stop me from marrying your son. Ivy: Oh, you little tramp. Kay: Oh, I don't think Fox would like you calling me names. Now is that any way to talk to your future daughter-in-law? Ivy: It's never going to happen. Kay: Yes it is, and if you try to stand in my way, I will tell my dad that you hired David Hastings to break up my parent's marriage. Ivy: And then your father will hate you because you kept it a secret this entire time. Kay: You know what? I guess I'm gonna have to take that chance. The last thing I want to do is see my dad hurt like that, but I will tell him if you do anything--and I mean anything-- to mess things up with me and Fox. Do you understand? Ivy: Yes. Kay: Good. Oh, I almost forgot, I have to get my mom's recipe books. Ivy: Oh, you think this is over, little girl. This is not the end. [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock on door] Maya: Come in. Sam: Hi. I'm Noah's father. Maya: Nice to meet you, Mr. Bennett. Sam: Call me Sam, and you're-- you're Maya? Maya: Yeah. Noah's told me so much about you. Sam: That's funny, he's never told me anything about you. Maya: Oh, well, I'm not surprised. We met in school, and we were together for a while. But then I broke up with him, and I think I hurt him pretty bad. I guess he doesn't like to talk about it. Sam: No, I guess he doesn't. So, how are you feeling? Maya: About as good as I look. Sam: You look like you're in a lot of pain. Can I get you anything? Maya: No, thank you. Dr. Russell left some pain medication, and I'll be ok. Sam: You know, you look really familiar to me. Have we ever met? Maya: My mother's Sally Chinn. She's out of town right now or she'd be taking care of me. Sam: Sally Chinn. The woman who owns the Chinese restaurant down on the wharf? Maya: That's right. Sam: So, you grew up in Harmony, yet you and Noah didn't meet until you were away at the university? Maya: It's weird, huh? Sam: You know what's even more weird is that he never mentioned you, yet you're a local Harmony girl. Maya: I can't tell you what Noah was thinking. Sam: I can't either. Maya, if you don't mind, I'd like to ask you a few questions. Noah says that you were mugged. Maya: Yes. There were two of them. Sam: Well, did they get anything? Money, jewelry, purse? Maya: No, they didn't take anything. Sam: Wow, that's funny. Usually--it was two guys, right? Yeah, usually when two guys go to the trouble of attacking someone, they usually want something. Maya: I don't know. This woman saw what was happening and started screaming. Maybe they just got scared away before they could take my stuff. Sam: Well, did you know them or did they know you? Maya: No, I didn't know them. Why are you asking me all these questions? Sam: Oh, God, I'm sorry. I used to be the chief of police. It's just---it's just habit. Maya, do you have any enemies that you can think of? Maya: No, not that I can think of. Sam: Huh. Ok, well, I'm going to let you get some rest, ok? But if you can think of anything, you know, why something like this would happen to you, you know, I'd love to hear about it. Maya: I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sam: Maybe, but if someone's trying to send you a message, this could be very dangerous. You know they might come back, and this time they might not be interrupted. Maya, the bottom line is that you could wind up dead. [SCENE_BREAK] Noah: Look, Fancy, you have to believe me, ok? I love you. Maya doesn't mean anything to me now. Fancy: Then why, in all these months, didn't you tell me about her? Why did you keep it a secret? I thought we promised we'd never keep secrets from each other. Noah: We did, and--look, I'm--I'm sorry I never told you, it's just...look, I'm sorry I never told you about Maya, but I never told about of any of my old girlfriends, you know? They're history; what's the point? Fancy: Maybe I'm just insecure, but I need to know about the women you used to say "I love you" to. Noah: Fancy, it's not like I said it that often. Fancy: But you have said it, and I need to know if I'm as pretty and as smart and as good a lover and-- Noah: Fancy--Fancy, stop, all right? Look, if you really want to know, I'll tell you. Fancy: Good, and I'll tell you about my old boyfriends. Noah: Oh, no, no thank you, all right? I mean, I don't want to know, you know? I mean, what if I'm not as intelligent or as good-looking or as, you know, good in bed or... Fancy: You don't have to worry. You're the most wonderful lover I've ever been with. Noah: I am? Fancy: Absolutely. Now tell me about Maya. I can see how important she was to you. Why did you break up? Noah: All right, I'll tell you. I mean I'll tell you everything. [SCENE_BREAK] Gwen: What are you doing? Rebecca: Oh, well, I'm just putting all your sexy lingerie on top. That way, when you get there, you will be ready for action as soon as you unpack. Gwen: Mother. Rebecca: Honey, you can not take Ethan for granted. In fact, I think you should keep him at home, exhausted, and between the sheets, as often as possible. Gwen: I know you're worried, but believe me, you do not need to be. Rebecca: Honey, don't you ever worry that Ethan misses making love to Theresa? Gwen: What is wrong with you? Of course I don't. They only did it a few times anyway. Whatever. And one of which, right, was when she drugged him and dressed up to look like me. Rebecca: Mm, yeah, even I would have had a hard time pulling that one off. Gwen: You know she keeps saying that Ethan only married me because I was pregnant, but what that stupid twit always forgets is that Ethan was sleeping with me and not her, which is, of course, how I got pregnant. Rebecca: Honey, that is far too logical to penetrate Theresa's pea-sized, little brain. Gwen: Well, she's going to have to come to her senses sooner or later because Ethan and I are starting a new life as soon as we get to New York, and everything is going to be fine. Rebecca: Nothing would make me happier. Gwen: You just watch, ok? Ethan and I are going to have a very happy life. Theresa is going to be nothing but a horrible, horrible memory. [SCENE_BREAK] Miguel: Theresa, is something wrong? You sound kind of weird. Theresa: No, Miguel, it's--I-- I don't know. I just--I just think you should see your daughter. That's all. You know, you don't want her to forget about you. Miguel: She won't forget about me. I talk to her every other day and Kay holds the phone up to her ear. So Maria knows my voice. Theresa: I know, it's just--you know, it's not the same as seeing you in the flesh. Look, did Mama and Papa tell you that they're renewing their vows? Miguel: Yes, Mama told me. I'm really happy for her. Theresa: So, do you think you're going to come home for that? Miguel: I told Mama I'd try to come, but I have one more lead I have to follow that might help me find Charity. Theresa: I'm gonna have to call you back. Ethan: What the hell are you trying to do to me? [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Is that your mom's recipe box? Kay: Yeah. Yeah, it is. Sam: You're really taking this cooking thing seriously. Kay: Yeah, well, I have a daughter to feed and a man, too. It's so much fun to watch Fox when he enjoys my cooking. He's so cute. Sam: You know, I never thought I'd see that day when my little princess would become so domesticated. Kay: All it took was the love of a good man. And I want to make some of Mom's macadamian cookies, do you remember those? Sam: Mm. Kay: Mm, they're so good. All right, well, I'm gonna go. Sam: Ok. Kay: Ok. Sam: See you later. Kay: Bye. Ivy: Happy homemaking. Sam: It feels so good to see her so happy. You know, and I owe it all to you for having such a terrific son. Ivy: Thank you, Sam. He is a terrific son. Sam: Yeah, it's really amazing. I never thought that Kay would get over Miguel. You know he left to go find Charity. You know, I'm so glad that she's moved on. I'm so glad she's so happy. Ivy's voice: Oh, Miguel. I wonder where he is right now. Now there's a young man who could come in very handy. [SCENE_BREAK] Maya: Your father's right, Noah. If those thugs come back, somebody could end up dead. Only I'm afraid it's not going to be me. I'm afraid it's going to be you. [SCENE_BREAK] Fancy: So, you and Maya were hanging out at school? Noah: I--I wouldn't exactly phrase it like that, but... Fancy: Was it love at first sight? Did you fight with Maya the way you fought with me in the beginning? Noah: No, not really. Look, Fancy, I'm really not comfortable talking about this. Fancy: Please, for me, Noah. I need to know these things. How long were you and Maya together? Noah: Not long--I mean, it seemed like longer because of what happened to us. Fancy: What do you mean? What happened to you? Noah: Well, it was pretty bad. Fancy: What was it? Noah: Fancy, watch out! [NEXT_ON] Theresa: The only place you're gonna work, is right here at Crane Industries with me. Ethan: You and I are not going to be together. Chris: We have to act now before Sheridan gets wind that something's up. | Sam questions Maya about her attack, making her nervous. |
664 | Sami: So great, Rafe. Thank you very much. I have stopped the wedding, and I embarrassed myself in front of everyone again. I hope you're happy. Rafe: I am anything but happy. Sami: So what is it? What? You just didn't want me to have a happy day? You wanted to make sure that I'd always remember this day as something that was tragic and pathetic? Rafe: Well, remember it, you will. Why don't you look at EJ? What do you think he's thinking? Sami: I know what he's thinking. He's trying to control himself for my sake. He's probably over there doing everything he can not to throw you out right now. Rafe: He's trying to read the situation. He's trying to figure out what I have. Sami: I'm sick of it, okay? Rafe, in my soul, I am sick to death of this thing that you have about EJ. Rafe: Well, it's over. It's over. You see, EJ, for months and months, I have been chasing one dead lead after another, but now... [Breathes deeply] I've got proof. EJ: Proof? Rafe: Well, for a long time, you and I both knew what you did. But I knew that I needed proof because Sami wouldn't-- couldn't possibly believe it. Guess what. I've got it. It's over. It's over, EJ. It is finally over. [SCENE_BREAK] Roman: Yeah, so we're all standing around waiting for Sami to marry the dirtbag for the second time, and Rafe busts in. Bo: Oh, yeah, what happened? Roman: I don't know the final result. I had to get here to testify. Bo: You'll know soon enough. Roman: Yeah, but right now we got a problem here we need to focus on, and sorry I got a little distracted. Bo: No, no, not a problem. Hope was not herself because of those damned pills. She didn't know what she was doing, but this scum here knew exactly what he was doing. And he's gonna pay. [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: Vivian, I don't want to look at pictures of coffins. Vivian: It's not a coffin. It's a sarcophagus. Victor: I stand corrected. Vivian: Besides, it's more than that. It's a tribute to your beautiful daughter, Isabella. Victor: What the hell do you think she is, a pharaoh? Vivian: You know, I've gotten used to your funny little ways. You get all gruff and sarcastic when it's something that's close to your heart. Victor: Vivian, I have come to accept the fact that you are what the Greeks call...crazy. But what in God's name led you to believe that we need a sarcophagus? Vivian: Well, I think it was sort of... divine inspiration. Nicole: Oh, finally. [SCENE_BREAK] Brady: Oh, my God. What the hell are you doing-- Nicole: Henderson let me in. I need to talk to you, Brady. Brady: No, no, I got work to do. I don't want to talk to you. Nicole: Please, Brady. Please, I need you. It's a matter of life and death. [SCENE_BREAK] EJ: Oh, you know what he's done, don't you? He's recruited all of his little friends at the Bureau, and in a move of staggering desperation he's manufactured some kind of evidence against me. Rafe: Portrait of a man drowning. EJ: He's obsessed, Samantha. I mean, we know he wants to keep us apart. Rafe: Well, first of all, I didn't manufacture anything, because I didn't need to. EJ: I've had enough. Rafe: Why don't you get your frickin' hands off her? EJ: Hey, you watch it. Sami: Hey, Rafe. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: Did he know that he drew Davis as a judge before he opted for a bench trial? Roman: I don't know how he could have, but lucky for him. Bo: Yeah. Davis thinks Attila the Hun just had a bad childhood. Probably rule that Baker here needs a big hug. Instead of the 10 to 12 that he deserves. Richard: I thought police commissioners were supposed to be impartial. Bo: Yeah. And I thought doctors weren't supposed to do any harm. Richard: But then I guess I understand where the anger's coming from. You know, you must be drowning in an ocean of insecurity, as a father, as a law official. Not exactly top of your game, are you? Bo: Shut up. Richard: You know, I understand that you can be distracted by your new squeeze, but does the word "clueless" mean anything to you? Bo: You want to talk--huh? Roman: Bo! Bo! Bo: Get off me. [SCENE_BREAK] Brady: Stop, stop. Melodrama's not gonna help, all right? I'm not talking to you. I don't wanna talk to you. Nicole: EJ's gonna kill me. [SCENE_BREAK] EJ: I've heard enough, all right? He needs to leave. Rafe: Get your frickin' hands off of her. Sami: Rafe. Hey, hey. EJ: You are making a mistake. Rafe: It was him, Sami. He ordered Anna to kidnap Sydney. Him. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: What happened? Bo: Nothing. Roman: Baker taunted Bo. Bo took the bait. Bo: He's so smug. Roman: Yeah, and he's got your number. One more outburst like that, he could walk. Bo, don't screw this up. Think about Hope. Bo: Damn it, Roman. Can't think of anything but Hope. [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: Oh, Maggie. Come look at pictures of our new sarcophagus. Maggie: I bet you say that to all the girls. Hello, Vivian. Vivian: Maggie. Victor: This is what comes of letting her renew her subscription to modern mausoleum. Maggie: It's, um, nice. It's the nicest sarcophagi I've ever seen. Vivian: I'm so glad you like it, Maggie. I can't tell you what that means to me. You of all people. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: What did you say? EJ: He said-- he said that, um... I told Anna to take Sydney. Sami: [Scoffs] Rafe: That's right. In fact, he paid her handsomely to kidnap your child, to torment you. EJ: Okay. Look, we knew... that he didn't like what was going on between the two of us, but this is delusional. Rafe: Well, it certainly is hard to fathom, yes. That someone would do that, that someone would actually put you through that hell. EJ: That I would kidnap my own child? Rafe: Yeah, payback. The way you took a child from him, Sami. Sami: Oh, come on. You just hate him. So you're thinking of the worst possible thing that he could do. Rafe: It is the worst possible thing, I agree with you, but he did it to you. Sami: No way. I don't believe it. Rafe: Well, I knew that you wouldn't, and certainly he was counting on that as well. EJ: Samantha, look at me. If I did that, if I wanted to make you pay, why would I ask you to marry me? Why would I want to spend the rest of my life with you? Hmm? Rafe: Think about it, Sami. Think about the timing of it, when he brought Sydney back. Remember that night? Sami: Right, at the pub. EJ: When I brought Sydney back--I brought her back. Rafe: Right after he told you she was dead. Do you remember that? He went too far even for him. After he called and said she was dead, he couldn't live with that. An hour later, Sydney was alive and in your arms. Sami: No. Rafe: How did he know where she was? Remember at the hospital, he still never told us that. How you knew how to find her, where to find her. Sami: No. No, EJ, come on, right. You wouldn't do that to me. EJ: Be--because I didn't do that to you. Samantha, I went through that with you. Do you remember what that was like, the pain that we had to go through? Rafe: That's right. Why put you through hell if he couldn't be there to watch it firsthand? EJ: I've had enough of you. All right, enough. So either you leave now or I'm gonna throw you out. Rafe: Oh, I'll go. Don't you worry. But I'm not gonna go until Samantha listens to this. [SCENE_BREAK] Bailiff: All rise. District court is now in session. The Honorable William Davis presiding. Davis: You may be seated. People versus Richard Baker. Conspiracy to commit murder, attempted murder, and six counts of armed robbery. Masters: Move to dismiss all charges, your honor. Insufficient evidence to attach my client to crimes to which the real perpetrator has already plead guilty. And I might add since there are serious questions about Miss Brady's mental stability, the case against my client is totally unsubstantiated. Jenkins: Your honor, defense counsel is grandstanding. The state will produce forensic evidence, police testimony that Dr. Baker was a more-than-willing conspirator, aiding and abetting Detective Brady. Davis: Sorry, Miss Jenkins. I think your esteemed colleague may have a point. I want to hear him out. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: He's not seriously considering dismissing the charges. Bo: That would be bad for Baker. Carly: What? Bo: If the judge doesn't do his job, I'll make sure that son of a bitch pays for what he did. [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: Brady, did you hear what I said? EJ's gonna kill me. Brady: You know, if he hasn't killed you by now, I think you're safe. Nicole: Don't you understand? My back was to the wall. I betrayed him. He could lose his kids because of what I did. He could lose everything. Brady: Why don't you tell me what you did? Nicole: I gave Rafe the proof he needs to put EJ away for a very long time. [SCENE_BREAK] EJ: Well, what did I tell you? Look, he rigged something up. Samantha, this man is gonna do anything to stop us from getting married. You can't let him do this. Rafe: You decide, Sami. You listen to this and you decide. She understands today by going on record that Nicole Walker DiMera is entering into a formal agreement of immunity. Ready when you are. Nicole: I was afraid that EJ was trying to frame me for the muggings so he could free Arianna. And having been married to him and lived with him, I knew how to get into the house, into the DiMera mansion without being detected. Rafe: Go on. Nicole: I was--I was trying to find something to prove that I had nothing to do with those muggings, and that's-- that's when EJ and Stefano came in, after I was looking around. And so I hid. And I happened to have a tape recorder on me, and I-- once they started talking, I taped them. EJ: I think that's about enough. Don't you? Rafe: Well, I think you're right, EJ. I think it is. [SCENE_BREAK] Jenkins: Thank you, Commander Brady. I have no further questions. Masters: So you are here testifying in an exciting dual role, aren't you? That of law enforcement official and as victim. Jenkins: Is there a question there? Masters: What's your relationship to the woman convicted of the crimes? Roman: She is my sister-in-law. Masters: Well, not for long, right? Jenkins: Your honor. Davis: Move it along. Masters: I only have one question, your honor. This is the case record of the Salem muggings. Who was the lead detective? In other words, who is responsible for amassing all the evidence? Jenkins: Your honor. Davis: Witness will answer. Roman: Detective Hope Brady. Masters: And where is she right now? Roman: She is in custody. Masters: For the crimes my client is accused of. Your honor, your ruling on the dismissal of the case. Davis: In my chambers. Witness is dismissed. [SCENE_BREAK] Roman: I gotta get back to the station. Call me later. Let me know what's going on. Okay? Bo: Okay, man. Carly: I'm sorry, I just-- I have to check my messages. I've got a patient waiting for test results, okay? Bo: Yeah, yeah, no problem. I'll think of something to do. [SCENE_BREAK] Vivian: So I was worried that the marble might be a little cold and foreboding, but I think that the pink Satan lining sort of softens the total impression. Maggie: Mmm, oh, it does. It's one of the softest sarcophaguses I've ever seen. Victor: Vivian, perhaps everyone doesn't share your enthusiasm for sarcophagus design. Vivian: Oh. Oh. I've been gauche, haven't I? I'm so sor--oh. Of course, you're reeling from Mickey's death, and here I go on and on about-- Victor: About coffins. Now shall we let Maggie have her lunch in peace? Vivian: I'm so sorry. I think the tuna might be from earlier this week. [Cell phone rings] Vivian: Excuse me. Hello. Oh, Adolfo. We were just falling over your design. It's genius, darling, genius. Well, it's just such a wonderful, inviting place to spend eternity. Mm-hmm. [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: So... I broke into Stefano's house. Brady: Why in the hell would you do that? Nicole: Because I thought EJ had something on me. Brady: Really? What would that be? Nicole: It doesn't matter. It's not on point, as they say. Brady: Nicole, tell me or get out. Nicole: I thought he had something that might make people think that-- Brady: What? Nicole: That I framed Arianna for the muggings. Brady: What? Nicole: But I didn't. I didn't, I didn't. I just thought that EJ might have something that would make people think that I did. Brady: You planted evidence on her, didn't you? Didn't you? Nicole: No, no, no. Brady, you are not listening to me, okay? I am getting to the important part. Look, I broke into the mansion, and I heard EJ telling Stefano-- Brady, he--he is the one who got Anna to kidnap Sydney. Brady: What the hell are you talking about? What are you talking about? Nicole: EJ paid Anna to do it because he wanted to make Sami pay for not telling him that she was pregnant. Brady: No, no, no. Nicole: Yes, yes, I recorded it, and then I... blackmailed him. Brady: Sorry, you want to say that one more time? I didn't hear that. Nicole: I blackmailed EJ with the recordings. Brady: Let me get this straight, Nicole. You found out that EJ was behind Sydney's kidnapping, and then you moved into Sami's townhouse, and you put her through hell, and you didn't bother to tell her any of this. And now you tried to make some money off it? Nicole: Upon reflection, not--not my best decision. Brady: No, not a good decision. You're unbelievable. You are unbelievable. How can you possibly--did you ever stop to think that maybe after everything you put Sami through, you might owe her? All the crap you put her through! You find out that EJ's behind this, did you think to tell her about it? Nicole: Okay, Brady, all right, stop yelling at me! Okay, Rafe's gonna stop the wedding. Brady: Rafe is gonna stop what wedding? Nicole: Rafe is gonna play the CD at the wedding, okay? And then EJ's gonna figure out that I'm the one who gave Rafe the CD, and he's gonna kill me. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: Your proof is Nicole? Rafe: You heard what she said. Sami: Yeah, yeah, I did. Putting Nicole Walker on tape doesn't mean she's not a liar. Rafe: Oh, come on. Sami, you know me. What, you think I'm gonna make something up or lie to you? You gotta be kidding me. What--if I was gonna manufacture something, don't you think that I woulda done it sooner? Before you moved in here with him? Before you moved in here with the man who said Sydney was dead, expose him to your kids, when he knew that she wasn't? For God's sake, I coulda saved myself a trip halfway around the world trying to find the woman who kidnapped Sydney. I did this because I wanted you to know what a sick bastard he is. Because I love you. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: You shoulda stayed dead. Richard: Guard, aren't you supposed to protect me? [Sighs] Bo: If the judge lets you go free, I will make sure you pay for what you did to Hope. Richard: What I did? Pal, she was way off the rails long before I got there. You did that. Bo: I know what I did. Richard: So stop threatening me. If it weren't for me, you'd be a pile of ashes right now. Bo: If it weren't for you, my wife woulda gotten the treatment she needed. A doctor? You call yourself a doctor? You saw the condition she was in, and you what? Went along for the ride. Richard: You know, she showed me your house. Your little girl. Yep. You had everything, and you just threw it away with both hands. You drove a beautiful and smart woman who loved you out of her mind. I got to live with what I did. But so do you, jerk. So do you. [SCENE_BREAK] Nicole: Brady, you're not listening to me. I am scared for my life. Brady: I think you probably should be, Nicole. Nicole: Does that mean you'll help me? Brady: Why would I help you? Nicole: You're just gonna wash your hands of me? Brady: Pretty much. I'll offer you some advice though. I think you should call the cops, really. Nicole: I can't. Then I'll have to tell them what EJ will do to me. Brady: Oh, yeah, you gotta tell them about the extortion, and you might end up back in prison. But I gotta tell you, I think prison might be the best place for you and the safest place for you, the way you've arranged your life. Nicole: I won't turn myself in, Brady. Brady: Maybe I should do it for you. [SCENE_BREAK] EJ: Well, I think that was a pretty clear response, don't you, Agent Hernandez? Maybe you'd like to leave now with what little dignity you have left. Rafe: I only went to Nicole to get information. Sami: Really? So the roll in the hay was just a little bonus? Rafe: It's not what you think it was. It doesn't matter, Sami. It doesn't matter if you're angry at me or if you hate me or if you never want to see me again. What matters is you hear and that you accept the truth. Sami: Well, she may have convinced you, but I will never accept the word "truth" and "Nicole" in the same sentence. Rafe: Yes, you will. Because I've never lied to you. Never. But him, that's all he's ever done. The first words out of his mouth were lies, Sami. Of course, outside of when he said that he would do nothing and stop at nothing to get his children back. You remember that? Do you remember that at Grace's funeral? The threats. The look of hatred in his eyes. That's him. That is him, and this is me. Who you gonna believe? [SCENE_BREAK] Davis: It is clear to me that Commander Brady's testimony provided ample evidence to substantiate the charges against Dr. Baker. The move to dismiss is denied. Miss Jenkins, you may call your next witness. Jenkins: The state calls Commissioner Bo Brady. Richard: Does the whole police force have the same last name? Davis: Quiet, Dr. Baker. Commissioner Brady. Bailiff: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God? Bo: I do. Jenkins: Commissioner, what is your relationship to Hope Brady? Bo: She's my wife. Jenkins: And where is she right now? Bo: In custody. Jenkins: She's starting to serve her sentence for her involvement in the series of muggings, correct? Bo: That's right. Jenkins: And for attempting to take your life, right? Davis: We will need a verbal response, Commissioner. Bo: That's right. Jenkins: Commissioner, do you recognize the defendant? Bo: Yes, I do. That's the doctor who convinced my wife to try to kill me. Masters: Objection, hearsay. [SCENE_BREAK] Vivian: [Sighs] Where are you? We're supposed to meet. I have to firm up the plans. What are you looking at me like that for? What's the matter? Nicole: You're gonna turn me in? Brady: I probably should. But you know, the truth is you're not really worth the trouble. I'm done with you. [Clapping] Victor: Oh, Nicole, you look devastated. I think I'll have a little drink to celebrate. [SCENE_BREAK] EJ: He's right... about me. Or at least the man that I used to be. But I'm not that person anymore, Samantha. You know that. Sami: I know, EJ. Rafe: He's changed, right? Sami: Oh, shut up. Just shut up. The last time I saw you, you were half naked in bed with Nicole, okay? So you don't have any place to judge him. EJ: Do you really have to put her through all this? I mean, can you not see the pain in this woman's eyes? Rafe: Oh, if I were you, I would refrain about the "pain in her eyes" line. Sami: Okay, you know what, Rafe? I listened. You asked me to listen. So I asked all these people to leave. I stopped my wedding, and I listened. But I'm never gonna take Nicole at her word. She's a liar and a bitch. Please, just go. Rafe, I just-- I'm gonna ask you to leave before EJ has to throw you out, 'cause I think this day has already been ugly enough. Rafe: Yeah, sorry, I can't do that. 'Cause there's more. [SCENE_BREAK] Masters: So I think it's safe to say that your vendetta against my client could be a desperate attempt to assuage your very considerable guilt. Jenkins: Objection. Masters: Withdrawn. Bo: Your honor, I would like to address his last statement. Davis: Go ahead. Bo: There's nothing I or anyone else could do to assuage my considerable guilt. I hope that you never find out what it's like to not only love someone but admire them deeply and watch that person slip into a kind of hell and then realize that you're responsible for that and you knew nothing of it. Hope Brady was a wonderful mother and wife. She loved her children. She loved me. But in the end, she was very, very lost, and I wasn't there for her. And you used her. You manipulated her. Masters: Your honor, objection. Bo: You're a parasite who fed on her pain and misery for you own pocket money. Davis: That will be all, Commissioner. Bo: Doctor? No! You're scum. Davis: Commissioner. Commissioner. Bo: You're gonna pay for what you did to my wife. Daniel: Bailiff, escort the commissioner from the stand. [SCENE_BREAK] Brady: Brian, 'sup? Scotch on the rocks, please. Maggie: Are you sure that's what you wanna do? Brady: Ah, busted. It's not fair to have a sponsor that hangs out in bars, Maggie. Maggie: Maybe we should go for a walk. Brady: Look, if you wanna dump me, I understand. No hard feelings, okay? Maggie: I don't wanna dump you. Brady: Well, maybe you should. 'Cause you know what? I'm not the guy you thought I was, not anymore. Like they say in the movies, no more Mr. Nice Guy. [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: You know, I wasn't having such a terrific day. I mean, a lot of talk about coffins and mausoleums, and then I come home and I hear Brady tell you in no uncertain terms to kiss off. Ha. And now my day is nothing but lollipops and rainbows. Nicole: I hope it's your coffin you're talking about. I could use some good news. Victor: Yeah, let's catch up. Now before he busted your chops, did I overhear something about EJ's gonna kill you? Nicole: I'm leaving. Victor: I suppose that means that Agent Hernandez was successful. Nicole: What? Victor: Oh, he didn't tell you? Who do you suppose delivered you up to him? Hmm? Moi. [SCENE_BREAK] EJ: You heard the lady. This is over, all right? Rafe: I know that you don't believe Nicole. You have no reason to. EJ: Okay, Samantha, no, I'm sorry. I'm not doing this anymore. Okay, I'm not, all right? No! Rafe: What if you heard it from EJ himself? What about then? What if you heard him describe in detail what he did to his father, why he did it, would you believe that? You didn't think I'd come prepared, huh, EJ? EJ: You son of a--I've got to tell you--hey! Sami: Hey, hey, stop it. Stop. What are you talking about? Rafe: I'm talking about this. I'm talking about EJ finally paying for what he's done to you. [SCENE_BREAK] Davis: Commissioner Brady, you came very close to a contempt citation. Miss Jenkins, you will keep your witnesses under control in my courtroom. Is that understood? Jenkins: Yes, your honor. Davis: You may call your next witness. Jenkins: Actually, may I have a moment to consult my notes? Davis: Make it fast. Bo: Think I screwed up the case? Carly: I think you made a very valid point, and on some level the judge heard what you were saying. Bo: Means a lot to me that you're here. Carly: I know this is hard for you. Bo: Eh, just--if that scum gets less time than Hope, and he's back out on the streets before she gets home-- Carly: Okay, look, can we just wait and see what happens? It's not gonna help if you get upset again. Bo: Right. I already ticked off the judge. Davis: Are you ready to call your next witness, Miss Jenkins? Jenkins: Actually, your honor, the state rests. Bo: I guess she thinks she has enough to nail him. Davis: Mr. Masters, you may call your first witness. Masters: Thank you, your honor. The defense calls Hope Brady to the stand. Bo: What? [SCENE_BREAK] Vivian: How do I look? Gus: Dead, which is what you'll be if your husband finds out what you're up to. Vivian: Well, you know I'm doing this for him. Gus: Oh, he asked you to bury Maggie Horton alive. Vivian: Well, you know, the poor dear doesn't know exactly what he wants, so I have to intuit for him. Besides, he'll be much happier without her. Gus: I know you will be. Vivian: You know, Gus, sometimes I think I have a little bit of a mean streak in me. Gus: You? No. Vivian: You know, I ordered a little, pink, Satan pillow for the sarcophagus. Poor Maggie. She'll be lying in eternity with that hideous red hair clashing with that lovely little pillow. Tacky in perpetuity. I love thinking about that. [SCENE_BREAK] Brady: Okay, okay. Brian, change of plans. I'll have a club soda with lime. Happy? Maggie: Well, what do you want, a dog yummy? Brady: Hey, come--hey, you're supposed to be supportive now, aren't you? Maggie: And what would have happened if I hadn't happened to be in here? I saw you when you came in. You were upset about something. Brady: I'm not supposed to be upset. I'm not allowed to be upset. Maggie: And you're not supposed to go to the nearest bar when you have a rough patch. Brady: I was not doing coke. That's my addiction. I was just having a little drink. Maggie: Yeah, yeah, yeah, and you're not holding up gas stations either. So am I supposed to be impressed? Brady: Grandfather is so right about you. You are one tough cookie. Maggie: You and I have to be, Brady. We're up against a real tough opponent. Brady: Yeah. Maggie: I think we need to go to a meeting. Brady: Meeting. Fine, let's go to a meeting. It's not like I have a date or anything. Maggie: All right, before we go, do you want to maybe tell me what you were so upset about? Brady: Sure. Yeah, I found out my grandfather was absolutely right, and I was absolutely wrong, and I hate that, Maggie. [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: So Agent Hernandez and I sat down, and we had a nice long talk. I told him about all your vulnerabilities. And from what I've overheard so far, he apparently played you like a poker hand. Nicole: You nasty old man. Victor: So EJ is after you, huh? What do you think, cement shoes for a dip in the Salem River or a garrote? How can I kill you? Let me count the ways. Nicole: I wouldn't give up on me quite yet, Victor. I won't go down without a fight. Victor: Ah. Oh, call Vivian. She'll help you pick out your coffin. [Laughs] [SCENE_BREAK] EJ: Hey. Hey, get away from that. Rafe: It's in his own words, Sami. He's talking to his daddy about it. EJ: This is manufactured, okay? It's nothing. It's rubbish. Don't let him do this. Rafe: Yeah, that's right. Stefano knew about it even before you moved in. EJ: That is enough, all right? Don't let him do this, Samantha. Don't, stop. Sami: Play it, Rafe. I want you to play it. [SCENE_BREAK] Maggie: Maybe it's time for me to leave Salem. EJ: Don't let him do this to us, Samantha, don't. Don't let him do this to us. Brady: That's enough. You've got to stop. She's suffered enough. She's suffered enough. | The episode picked up where it left off in Tuesday's episode |
665 | [Knock on door] [Door opens and closes] John: Carly? Hey. The bureau called and notified me about Michael. I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do? Come here, come here, come here. [Door opens and closes] Bobbie: Where is he? Where's Sonny? I want to see him. Carly: Mama, you can't. He's not seeing anyone. Bobbie: That is about to change. John: Whoa, Bobbie, Bobbie -- whoa. Carly: Mama, don't. Ok? Bobbie: Let me go! John: Calm down! Bobbie: I want to confront the man who got my grandson murdered! John: Bobbie, come on, come on. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Excuse me, Alan. Do you have a minute? Alan: Barely. Sam: Look, I am really sorry to have to tell you this. It's about Michael. They found proof that he is dead. Alan: Old news. Sam: I'm sorry? Alan: My grandson's been dead for years. He died the moment that Jason stole him from A.J. [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock on door] Emily: Jase, it's me. I know you're in there. The guard told me. Jase, please, come on. Jason? Jason, please, open up. Jase, I've been so worried about you. Did you get any of my messages? I must have left about a half a dozen. Jason: No, no, I haven't checked any. Emily: Something's happened. Tell me. Jason: Michael. He's gone. [SCENE_BREAK] Reese: Here it is, my final report on the Corinthos kidnapping case. According to my superiors, that wraps it up. Ric: Obviously, you don't agree. [SCENE_BREAK] Mike: Hey, Dillon. French fries all around? Dillon: No, we're good. We're good. Do you have a minute? Mike: Hey, I'm running a special today. You got five. What's up? Dillon: There's something you need to know. Mike: Sounds serious. Dillon: Michael is dead. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Excuse me, Alan, but I don't think you understand. There has been official confirmation. The police have recovered a photograph of Michael dead. Alan: I understand all too well. What I don't understand is how women like you condone the murder of a child. Sam: I realize you are in terrible grief, but I think you are way out of line right now! Alan: You and Carly and Emily, God help her -- you believe that Sonny and Jason can do no wrong, even though they leave a path of death and destruction in their wake. I mean, they're what, exactly? You're his latest. Give me some kind of insight. How do you stay with him, knowing the kind of man that he is? Knowing that if he hadn't interfered, Michael and A.J. would be alive? Sam: You know what, I'm going to treat that as a real question, and I'm going to give you an answer. Alan: Ah, good, I can't wait to hear it. I'm just dying to. Excuse the pun. Sam: I stay with Jason because of, not in spite of, who he is. He is a good man who is kind and strong, and he does believe in family. Alan: Tell that to someone who didn't raise him. Sam: He is loyal and solid, Alan, and I do feel safe with him. Alan: Now you're really deluding yourself. No one is safe with Jason and Sonny, especially defenseless children. Sam: I realize you are in terrible grief over the loss of Michael. We all are. But I am asking you to remember something. That is your flesh and blood you're talking about. Jason is your son, too. Alan: A.J. is my son. Jason stopped being a Quartermaine the minute he picked up a gun and started killing for Sonny! That's what he is. He's a cold-blooded killer, and now he's killed Michael. [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: Are you sure? There can't be some mistake? Jason: No. There's a photo of Michael in the swamp, just like they said. Emily: Oh, Jason. I don't know what to say. Jason: There's nothing to say, you know? Emily: Have -- have you eaten? I'll make you something. Jason: No, Emily, you don't have to take care of me. Emily: Jase -- Jason: You just need to go home. Emily: I don't want to leave you alone. Jason: I'm -- I'm fine. I'm going to be all right. Emily: I loved him, too. You know that, don't you? Jason: Yeah. Emily: Ok. Jason: Yeah, Michael knew that, too. Emily: Ok. I'm going to go tell the family. If you need me -- Jason: Yeah, I'll just -- yeah, I'll call you. Emily: You promise? Jason: Yeah. Emily: Ok. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Bobbie -- Bobbie: Oh, in my heart, I knew this would happen! I knew that someday Sonny could cause this! Carly: Mama, Sonny didn't cause this. Bobbie: Oh, stop it! Sonny is a criminal, and he has enemies around every corner, just waiting to pounce on any weak spot he has, including you, including his children. John: Bobbie, come on. What do you expect to accomplish by confronting Sonny? Bobbie: I am surprised you even have to ask me that. I'm going to warn him that if any harm ever comes to Carly or to Morgan -- Carly: Mama, no harm is going to come to us. Bobbie: You don't know that! You don't know it, and I don't want to wake up one morning and be looking at some picture in the newspaper of you and Morgan dead somewhere in some swamp! Carly: Mama, my son is dead! Michael meant more to me than my life, and I know you are hurting. I know that, but I can't handle you coming in here and laying blame! Bobbie: Honey, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Carly: I know. I know, I know. Bobbie: I'm so sorry. Carly: I know. Oh. [SCENE_BREAK] Ric: Why do you think this case should stay active? Morgan and Kristina were found. Michael is -- Michael's gone. Reese: And we got a $6 million loose end. What can I say? It bothers me. Ric: What, the money that was filtered through Faith's accounts? Reese: Exactly. $2 million the night Kristina was grabbed. 4 million the night that Michael and Morgan were taken. Are we just supposed to accept that Aaron, however well paid he was, set aside $6 million to kidnap Sonny's kids? Ric: I don't know, maybe the timing of the deposits was just a coincidence. Maybe Faith was gathering Aaron's fee. Reese: And she got the money from who, another mysterious accomplice? Ric: I don't know. Reese: Maybe I'm just chasing down blind alleys, looking for anything to help make sense out of the death of a little boy, and it's an exercise in futility because nothing ever will. According to my superiors, this case is closed. Therefore, it's closed. As soon as I wrap up some paperwork, I'm on my way back to D.C. for reassignment. Ric: Sonny know about your leaving? Reese: I haven't told him. Ric: Well, yeah, but you're going to, right? Look, Reese, you worked very closely with Sonny on helping him to find his children. You won his trust. That's not something that happens easily or often. I think you should say goodbye. Reese: I don't think it's such a good idea. Ric: I don't understand. Oh, yeah, I do. He got to you, didn't he? [SCENE_BREAK] Georgie: Mike, are you ok? Mike: "Ok"? Uh -- it's no secret that I wasn't a good father to -- to Sonny. There was always something more important, like my gambling problem. I wasn't there in his life when a boy needs his father the most. I never helped his mother. I was weak and I was selfish. But none of my limitations meant that I didn't love my son. I did. He just had no way of knowing it. When Michael and Carly came into his life, I thought here it is -- that second chance that we never get to -- to have. It's a trap. You start to think that you have the time, and you take the people you love for granted. Then time runs out. Diego, close the place down for me, will you? I -- there's something I have to do. [SCENE_BREAK] [Door opens] Sam: Hey. What are those? Jason: Some old -- old pictures. Sam: Is that Michael? Jason: At his christening. Sam: That is really cute. Look at that one. He's got a little carrot-top head poking through the back of the leaves there. These are really cute, Jason. How come I've never seen these before? Jason: I've never shown anyone before. Sam: Is it ok if I look? Jason: There's no point to this. Sam: Look, I understand that you and Carly and Sonny are -- are probably in no shape to plan a memorial service, so I was thinking maybe that's something that I can do. Jason: Yeah, yeah, that's -- that's a good idea. Sam: Ok. Jason: Yeah. Sam: All right, I'm going to call the Queen of Angels, then, and I'm going to set up a time and maybe blow up a picture or two. Maybe -- like the one of Michael and Carly in the snow. I think that one would probably be really good, right? Jason: No. No, no, that one -- Carly used it as a Christmas card one year, so -- I don't -- this one? Yeah, this one's good. [SCENE_BREAK] Reese: I don't have a personal relationship with Sonny. Yes, we got close searching for his kids, but that's how I work. I get involved with my families. I learn what's inside their heads and their hearts, because that's where I find what I need to solve a case. Once the case is closed, I move on. Ric: Glad to hear it. I mean, I know how Sonny can get under a woman's skin. You wouldn't be the first one to claim that you're immune with no follow- through. Reese: I'm not like other women. Ric: So you say. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Carly, it's best that you take Morgan and you get him away from here. Carly: It's not really a good time for a vacation. John: That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about leaving for good -- you and Morgan getting as far away from Sonny as humanly possible. Now, look, I've made some preliminary calls. Carly: Preliminary calls? What -- about what? John: Witness protection program. I'm not saying that you have to -- don't worry. You don't have to testify against Sonny. You simply relocate with Morgan under assumed names with a different past. You have a shot at a new future. You say the word. I'm going to give you a whole new life in a matter of seconds. Carly: I cannot believe you would suggest such a thing. Actually, I take it back -- I can because you are completely out of control. John: What, for wanting my daughter and my remaining grandson to stay safe? Look, Carly, I'll take that rap, any other one you want to throw at me, if it means breaking this unnatural attachment that you have to Sonny. Carly: "Unnatural"? He was my husband! He is the father of my children! John: And now you are divorced, and one of your sons is dead. Carly, it is time to cut your losses. It is time for you to focus on the one thing that you got left. All that matters is that little boy up there. Carly: You know what, John? That is cruel and it's manipulative, even for you. John: Carly, Bobbie, I'm just stating the hard, cold facts here. Obviously Sonny cannot protect his family. The only thing he can do is make you and Morgan more vulnerable. Carly: John, that's not going to happen, ok? It's not. I'm not taking Morgan away from his father and that's it. John: All right, look, fine. I'm -- I'm going to let it go for now. Carly: Good. John: You know where to find me if you need me, hmm? Carly: You would think on this one horrible day that he could stop with his own agenda and he could just be my father. Bobbie: Hey, honey? You know, I happen to agree with everything your father just said. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Where was this one taken? Jason: Sometime in the winter. Sam: Is that a very short snowman? Jason: No. That's a snow dog. Yeah. Michael wanted a puppy, Carly said no, and I tried to split the difference, so we made that one in the park. Sam: Beach house on Sonny's island, huh? Jason: Yeah. Yeah, Michael dumped a bucket of sand in my hair, and I was chasing him. Sam: Now, Jason, these are the things that people need to hear at Michael's memorial. Maybe you could speak there and -- and maybe share some of the pictures and some of your -- you know what? It's ok. It's ok. You don't have to, ok? Jason: No, it's not that I don't want -- Sam: No, no, no, you don't even have to explain to me. Ok? It's all right. Jason: I don't think I can get through this alone. Sam: Hey. Look at me. You don't have to. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Yeah, they tell me you're on your way out. Reese: That's right. John: Well, I'm surprised, Agent Marshall. You usually bail on a case before it's over? Reese: This case is over. Sonny's children were found. John: Yeah. Unfortunately, one was dead because of Sonny's business dealings. Reese: Well, that may be, but it has nothing to do with me. John: Yeah, unless you want to step up to the plate. Reese: What are you getting at, Durant? John: During the course of this investigation you got close to Sonny; closer than you probably anticipated. You're privy to inside information that could be used to take Sonny down. If you want to punish the person who's responsible for Michael's death, then punish Sonny Corinthos. [SCENE_BREAK] Bobbie: Carly, I would -- I would rather never see you and Morgan again than bring flowers to your graves. Carly: Mama, I can't do this right now. I just lost Michael. Bobbie: Because of Sonny's work. Carly: Ok, I am not having this conversation with you right now, ok? I'm not taking Morgan away from his family, away from his father and everything that we know. It's final. Max: Ahem. Mr. Alcazar to see you. Lorenzo: Am I interrupting? Carly: Please. Please do. Bobbie: Carly's father has arranged for her to go into the witness protection program with Morgan. They have a chance for a brand-new life free from all of this constant danger. So if you really care about my daughter the way you say you do, will you talk to her about doing what's best for herself and her son, instead of sacrificing one more thing for Sonny? Carly: Oh, God, please don't tell me you agree with them. Please don't tell me you think I should take Morgan and we should go away. Lorenzo: I'm here to comfort you, not tell you what to do. You suffered a horrible, devastating loss, Carly. You shouldn't have to decide whether you want butter on your toast, much less all the decisions that go along with starting a new life. But I don't think you should take Morgan away from Sonny. He needs his son now more than ever. Carly: Wow. Just when I think you can't surprise me again, you do. Lorenzo: Why? Because I'm capable of empathizing with Sonny? Carly: Well, it's -- Lorenzo: Well, I guess I'm learning there are times in life when the only comfort to be found is in the eyes of your children. Carly: Mike. Mike: Baby. [Carly sobs] Mike: Shh. Oh, Carly. Oh, honey, I'm so sorry. Carly: I know. Mike: Listen, I -- Carly: I know that. Mike: I need to see my son, so please don't tell me it's a bad time. Carly: Listen, Mike, he doesn't want to see anyone. He doesn't, but I think you should just go up there and you be persistent, ok? He could use his father. [SCENE_BREAK] Monica: I just wanted you to know how deeply sorry I am. Jason: Thanks -- thanks for coming. Monica: Is there anything I can do? Jason: Not really. Monica: If it's any help, Michael's life was a lot better with you in it. I've never said this -- I felt disloyal -- but it's what I believe. You were the father that Michael belonged with, not A.J. Hmm, lightning didn't strike. Jason: Thank you. Monica: There aren't any words, Jason. Not adequate, anyway. But if it gives you any kind of peace at all, just keep that memory of the last time you were with Michael; keep that right here in your heart. Keep it close; carry it with you. Got to let each other know how we feel. I love you, Jason. I want you to know that. And -- uh -- thank you. Thank you for caring for my son. Sam: Well, he didn't give me much of a choice. Monica: Yeah. See you. Jason: I can't remember the last time I saw Michael. You know, Christmas, Kristina was taken after that. Everything was just -- just a blur. What if I can never get that moment back? [SCENE_BREAK] Reese: So what's the plan? I stick around Port Charles on the pretense of tying up loose ends, work the sympathy card on Sonny, use his trust to gather more evidence to bring him down? John: Oh, I suspect you already have that. Reese: Sorry. I'm not the kind of person who takes advantage of a father who's mourning his dead son. John: Spare me the hearts and flowers. You're an F.B.I. agent. I'm sure you've done a lot worse to get what you want. Reese: This is what you want, Durant. Agent Marquist has already informed me of my reassignment, and I take orders from him, not federal prosecutors. Oh, and for the record? Sonny is no more responsible for Michael's death than you or me. The man is suffering enough. Let him be. [SCENE_BREAK] Dillon: You -- you still cold? Georgie: Freezing. Dillon: Maybe I ought to get you home. I mean, you know, technically, we're not supposed to see each other anyway, so -- Georgie: We're no different, are we? Dillon: Than what? Georgie: We said we wanted to connect with our parents, but we aren't connecting with each other, either. Dillon: What, you and me, like, us? Well, I don't think that's true. Georgie: I mean, we connect as friends, best friends. But whenever we try to make it something a little bit more, we retreat to separate corners. Dillon: Oh. Well, we said we'd wait, so -- Georgie: I know. For what? Dillon: What -- Georgie: Look, all I'm saying is that tomorrow -- it isn't promised. What if on my way home tonight I -- I don't know -- I get hit by a bus or something like that? Dillon: Whoa, wait a minute. Hey, stop. What are you -- what are you saying? Georgie: I'm saying I don't need a fancy hotel room and I'm saying that I don't need that perfect full moon, and I don't need any of the other things that you see in those fancy movies. I just -- I just need you -- now. [SCENE_BREAK] Brook Lynn: Hey. Lorenzo: Hey. Brook Lynn: Look, I'm sorry. We're kind of closed right now. Lorenzo: Just hoping to get a cup of coffee. I can take it to go. Brook Lynn: Ok, look, there's a fresh pot on the counter and you can help yourself to it. Lorenzo: Thanks. Brook Lynn: Diego, what, that's it? No, seriously, after everything that Mike just said, that's it? Diego: What do you want from me? Brook Lynn: Diego, go. Come on; go make a connection with your father. Diego: Why? What's the point? Brook Lynn: Oh, God. Diego: What do you -- no, Brook -- Brook Lynn: No, what is it with you two? Lorenzo: Beg your pardon? Brook Lynn: Look, Mr. Alcazar, Diego is your son and you are his father, and I really believe that the two of you could really use each other right now, all right? But, please, come on, somebody is going to have to stop hiding between this macho crap and just connect with the other one. You know what? Sorry. What do I know? Diego: Don't leave. Lorenzo: Wise girl. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Jase. Oh, God. Jason: Huh. Carly: Michael loved you so much. Jason: He's the -- he's the best thing that ever happened to me. It's because -- it's because of you. Carly: Oh, my God. Carly: I don't know how to handle this, Jase. I don't know, really. It's like I think I'm dreaming, and then I hear this -- this sound or there's an image or something and I realize it's real. I'm here, and Michael's gone. Jason: What do you -- what do you want me to do? Carly: You can't fix this. You can't, Jason. You can't because, for once in your life, you can't catch me. There's no bottom. There isn't. There's -- there's no way it's going to be fixed. Because we're just going to go on missing him forever. Oh. [SCENE_BREAK] Diego: Um -- there's probably some stuff we could talk about. Lorenzo: Yeah. I'm sure there's some things we could work on. Diego: Yeah. Well, like what? Lorenzo: I don't know. Diego: Cool. Lorenzo: Diego, I wasn't very close to my own father. I used to think about all the things I wanted to do with him and never got the chance. Has that happened to you? Diego: Yeah, I guess. Lorenzo: Anything in particular? Diego: Uh -- well, I guess -- I don't know, when I was a kid, when I went home I used to go by this sandlot, and one of the kids in the neighborhood was always playing ball there with his dad and I thought that was pretty cool, so -- and pretty lame, huh? Lorenzo: Not at all. Diego: Well -- anyway. Lorenzo: Hey -- heads up. Diego: Yeah, well, that's something we could probably work on. Lorenzo: Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Singer: After the big parade when all the limelight fades I'll be the one to kiss your eyes the roar fades in the air like hope from a lover's prayer the light from my heart begins to rise and they said I couldn't love you and that it would never last he's just a crazy boy just look at his past and they said I couldn't love you but that was just a lie I couldn't love you more if I tried Singer: I was the lucky one the one having all the fun running into the sun the party never ends and you waited there for me so loving and patiently shutting out sad words from your friends and they said I couldn't love you and that it would never last [SCENE_BREAK] Reese: I don't understand. What are you doing here? You just called me to Washington for a new assignment. Agent Marquist: There's been a change of plans. I am reassigning you, but your new case is right here in Port Charles. I want you to bust Sonny Corinthos. Reese: But this is something that we never even discussed. Agent Marquist: Never been in position before. You've made perfect inroads. It's time to use them. You have your orders. They're not negotiable. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: Jason and I were talking, and I was thinking maybe if you wanted, I could help you with the memorial service. Carly: Um -- thanks. Wow, I know there's things that I should be doing. I just -- I -- I just keep going around in circles in my head. Sam: Hey, have you called the church yet? Carly: No. No, I didn't. I can't imagine that Sonny did it, either. It's like we're all stuck, you know? And I just keep wondering why Michael -- why is my little boy gone? Sam: I wish I had the answers for you. Carly: Well, they don't exist. They don't. It just happened because it happened. Listen -- um -- thank you for your offer, but I'll call Father Coates. I'm Michael's mother. I should plan the memorial. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: What's it like in heaven? Jason: Well, I -- I don't know. I've never been. Michael: Come on, Jason. You know everything. Where do people go when they die? Jason: Uh -- I can't -- you know, I can't say for sure but, you know, people have a theory that you become one with the universe -- the sun, the rain, the leaves. Michael: Even snowflakes? Jason: Yeah, even snowflakes. See, that way, you're around the people you love whenever they really miss you. Michael: Cool. [NEXT_ON] Reese: I will do my duty, but I'll do it my way. Sonny: I thought you'd be on your way back to Washington. The case is closed. Reese: I can't just walk away from the case or from you. Sam: Hey -- Jason: Michael was calling me. It was like he was right there alive. | Brooke tries to get Diego and Alcazar to connect |
666 | [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Clayton: Your mother and I are going to lose our house. Remy: This is Remy Boudreau, a friend of mine said you can give me some cash for some diamonds. Reva: I didn't kill Edmund and that is the truth. Cyrus: I'm settling in, reconnecting with people. You need to be patient. Natasha: Patient is fine. Just, you know, don't waste my time. Cyrus: It's just not possible to make this happen overnight. [SCENE_BREAK] Remy: You are going to save my dad. Christina: Remington? I brought you coffee and a muffin. (Rock music plays) Remy: Hi. Christina: (Gasps) What are you doing? Remy: I'm just glad to see you. Christina: No you're not. Remy: It may not look like it, but I am. I am glad to see you. Christina: Remy, I know. I know what you're up to. I saw it. [SCENE_BREAK] Cyrus: Don't worry. I'll find the diamonds. Natasha: You better. Cyrus: Tasha, come on, you got to trust me. You've been working cons longer than you've been wearing those sexy high heels. You just got to give me time to get everything set up. Natasha: We know Edmund Winslow had the diamonds. He's dead and they're gone. Find out if the police know where they are. If they don't, that means someone in town stole them. Cyrus: Yeah, I got to go. I'm on to a cover. It is going to be perfect for this job. Hey, Buzz. Buzz: What can I do for you? Cyrus: I'd like a job, thanks. Buzz: You want some fries with that? Cyrus: I'm serious. Buzz: Everybody wants a job nowadays. Cyrus: Right. All right, well just keep me in mind in case anything comes up. Buzz: Okay I'll talk to the boss, see what we can do. Cyrus: Oh, that's too bad, Alan doesn't like me very much. Buzz: Alan doesn't own the place any more. Cyrus: Oh, good for me. Buzz: No, someone who likes you even less, Marina. (Laughs) [SCENE_BREAK] Josh: Frank, how are you doing? Frank: Hey, Josh, what's up, buddy? Josh: You need a hand with that? Let me help you. Frank: Yeah, thanks, man. I just got to take these to the curb for the truck. Josh: No problem, I got it. How are you doing? How are things at the restaurant? The recession hurting you guys at all or...? Frank: No, no, we're... we're good. We're hanging in. Josh: Good, good, glad to hear it. How about Mallet, Marina, the new baby, how's everybody doing? Frank: Everybody's fine, thank you. Josh: Good, good, good, good. Frank: Josh, what's going on? Josh: What? Frank: Well, I'm sure you didn't come here to help me take out the trash and make small talk. Josh: Okay, all right, yeah. I'm.... I'm worried about Reva, Frank. I mean, I know it's not really my place and she's married to somebody else, I get that. But still, you know, I... Frank: You worry about her. Josh: Yes, I do. Frank: Josh, I'm sorry. I can't tell you anything about the case. [SCENE_BREAK] Mallet: Come on! Marina: Hey. Mallet: Hey. I do this every morning. I don't know why I do it. What's going on? How are you? Marina: Good. Mallet: Hey, buddy. Marina: He's sleeping. Mallet: He's sleeping? Marina: Yeah, it's morning nap. Mallet: No way, what time is it? It's too early. Marina: You can ask every five minutes, it's not going to change anything. Mallet: That's great. That's just great. I got two hours. I got two hours, that's it. I either have to charge Reva or I have to let her go. And if I have to let her go, that means she's not guilty. And if she's not guilty then who is and why haven't they come forward? Marina: You are assuming that it's somebody she knows. Mallet: Yeah, and if I'm wrong? Marina: There are worse things than sending Reva home to be with her baby. Mallet: That's the problem with this case. I know everyone involved way too well, Jeffrey, Josh, Reva, Shayne. Marina: Shayne? No way. Mallet: Yeah, Shayne, yeah. I have to look at everybody that knew Edmund Winslow and everyone that had a reason to take him out. Marina: Even her? Dinah: Well, maybe we should come back later. Shayne: Yeah? Oh, hey there, Sheriff. Did you catch any outlaws today, huh? Mallet: Not enough. [SCENE_BREAK] Reva: Oh, hey. You're awfully hot for a waiter. Jeffrey: I'm also a lawyer. Reva: Oh, will you marry me? Jeffrey: Well, I would, but I'm already happily married and very much in love with my wife. How did you sleep? Reva: I didn't. But I'm fine. Did Colin sleep? Jeffrey: Off and on, more off than on. But you know, he's going to be okay. Under two hours now. So listen, they have to legally let you out of here, but just in case Mallet tries to trump up some new charges, anything like that, I'm preparing some motions, including a preliminary injunction. What? Reva: Please, do me a favor. Tell me everything you can about what our son did from the time you got home to the time you left the house this morning to come and see me. Jeffrey: Well, I put him on the floor, you know, and I thought he was going to... I thought he was going to turn over. But he was on his back and he was just kicking his legs and he kind of knocked over to one side. (Laughter) [SCENE_BREAK] Shayne: As a detective, my understanding is you collect real evidence before you arrest somebody. Maybe I'm crazy, I don't know. Marina: Yeah, well, cops are required to follow certain rules, Shayne. Shayne: Rules? Nobody can see my mom except her lawyer. What rule is that, Mallet? Is that the "Keep her in isolation" rule, so that she cracks? Mallet: If you want to go see Reva, then get permission from her lawyer, okay? That's the way we operate around here. But if you do go in, just remember we have security cameras and they record everything. Everything you say, everything you do, so if I see the slightest hint of guilt in your eyes, I will be on you before you reach the doorstep. Shayne: I'll keep that in mind. Mallet: Okay. Dinah: I wonder if Mallet would be handling things the exact same way if he knew Reva was his baby's grandmother? [SCENE_BREAK] Reva: Less than two hours. In two hours, I get to go home and I get to hold my baby. And I get to lay down next to my husband and go to sleep. But it's not all Mallet's fault, you know, I did lie to him. Jeffrey: And to me. Reva: I have to protect Shayne. Jeffrey: Well, you know what? We still need to talk about that. Reva: The point is I'm not completely innocent. I mean I... I mean I am innocent, but I dug myself into a hole. I did, at least a little bit. And I've got to find a way to get out of it. But if Mallet is looking for me to confess or for somebody else to, well, then, it didn't work for him. I mean, I rode it out. Jeffrey: Well, you're doing better than me. So listen, I'll be right back. I still got to file one more thing before we get you out of here. Reva: Okay. I love you. Shayne: Hey, she okay? Jeffrey: She'll be glad to see you. Shayne: Okay. Let's go. Dinah: Okay. Jeffrey: Hey, um... Dinah: Go ahead. Jeffrey: Could you keep an eye on both of them until the arraignment? Dinah: Me? Really? Jeffrey: Well, believe it or not, you seem to be the level-headed one here. Dinah: Wow. Jeffrey: Stunning, isn't it? Dinah: Yes. All right. What do you want me to look for? Jeffrey: Well, just try to keep them from getting too hot-headed. Dinah: Okay. You got it. Jeffrey: Thanks. [SCENE_BREAK] Josh: Frank, Frank, just... just give me a second, okay, all right? I just... my understanding is that you guys have to release Reva in two hours. I just want to know if anything new has happened, anything that might keep her in jail. Frank: Josh, like I said, I'm sorry I really can't tell you anything about the case. Josh: Because I need to know if I need to track down a new lawyer or an investigator or a forensic expert or whatever. Frank: Josh, if you want to help, just do me a favor, stay low and cooperate. Let the cops do their job. [SCENE_BREAK] Buzz: The boss is here. So you can just walk over there yourself and ask her for a job. Cyrus: Great. Buzz: You know, if you're brave enough to do that, you deserve to work here. (Laughs) Cyrus: Hey. I'm back. Marina: Why? Cyrus: I had nowhere else to go. Marina: That's too bad. Cyrus: I need a job. Marina: What? There aren't any more banks to rob? Cyrus: No, they're all owned by the government. Marina: So you're asking me for a job? Cyrus: Yeah. Marina: Wow. How badly do you want one? Like if I asked you to crawl across the floor and beg for my forgiveness, would you do that? Cyrus: Would it get me a job? Marina: Minimum wage. Cyrus: Plus tips? Marina: Busboy, grease traps. Cyrus: Done. Marina: Done. Go talk to Lynn. She'll put you on the schedule. Cyrus: It's me. Natasha: Good news, dear? Cyrus: I got a job. Natasha: Pawnshop? Jewelry store? Cyrus: Restaurant. If anyone has those diamonds, I'll hear about it here. [SCENE_BREAK] Christina: Seeing it just took my breath away. Remy: Seeing what? What... what... Christina: The diamond, Remy. The diamond, I know. Remy: I don't know much about diamonds. Christina: I can't believe you wanted to keep that a secret from me. Remy: It's just one diamond, Christina. It's just... Christina: The fact that you want to marry me again is wonderful. Remy: Marry? Marry... marry... Christina: You bought me a diamond. Remy: Yes. Yes, I did. Christina, you... you are the best woman I know, right, yeah, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you... will you marry me, again? (Laughs) Christina: Remy, get up. Get up. It's a beautiful diamond and I really appreciate you getting for me. I hope you understand I can't marry you. Remy: What? Christina: It's better like this. We're better like this. Not that it's going to be easy to say no to that diamond. I can already picture it in a setting. Remy: And that's... that's what I was thinking. I wasn't sure what I should get you and I was... we were going to go to a jeweler together. That's what I was thinking. Christina: Remy, being married to you was... the thing is, it didn't work. I think we are so much better divorced. I hope you're not mad at me. Remy: No, no, no, no. I'm not mad at you. I understand. I completely understand. A thousand percent, 100% understand. I guess I'll just have to take the diamond back to the jeweler. Christina: Wait. Can I just... can I hold it one more time? [SCENE_BREAK] Cyrus: Frank? Frank: Oh no. Cyrus: Hey, listen, I just got back into town and I... I wanted to start things off the right way this time around. So I want you to know that I have no intention of causing any trouble for anyone, especially not your family. I hope I can make up for the past somehow. Frank: Well, you could keep your distance. That'll work. Cyrus: Well, that, actually, might be a problem. I just got a job at Company. Marina hired me. Frank: You're not joking with me, are you? Cyrus: Nope. So I hear things have been busy around here. Big murder case to solve. Frank: Yeah. Cyrus: Yeah, the guy who was the victim, royalty. Must have been a diplomatic nightmare. Frank: No big deal. Cyrus: Any clues point to international intrigue or was it all personal? Frank: Exactly what day do you start working at Company? Cyrus: I'm not sure. I'm waiting to be put on the schedule. Frank: See you there. [SCENE_BREAK] Buzz: That was an awfully nice thing you did hiring Cyrus. Marina: Actually, it's probably one of the stupidest things I ever did. Buzz: What, you mean your old man? Your father? Frank will get over it. Marina: Please, can you imagine what my husband is going to say? Buzz: I hadn't thought of that. Why did you hire him? Marina: I don't know. He just looked so pathetic. Buzz: Still got a soft spot for him? Marina: No! No, I do not have a soft spot for him, no. Please, my life is wonderful. I have a beautiful baby, a wonderful husband. In fact, they bring me so much happiness, I just want to share my happiness with the whole world. Buzz: Aww! He'll be fine. I mean, he caused trouble before, but something is telling me we are supposed to give him a second chance. [SCENE_BREAK] Jeffrey: Hey. Josh: Hey. How's it going in there? Jeffrey: Well, she hasn't caused a riot yet. Josh: Give her time. Jeffrey: So she should be out of there of in a little less than an hour. Shayne's in there with her now. Josh: Okay. Police have anything new? Jeffrey: No, nothing. Josh: That's a good thing. Jeffrey: So I'm heading home too. Josh: You're checking on the baby? Jeffrey: No, the baby is with Lillian. I got some court documents that are being faxed over to the house. I'll be back in a little bit. Josh: Okay. Jeffrey: Okay? Josh: See you later. [SCENE_BREAK] Shayne: I hate this place. What did they give you for dinner last night? Reva: The usual. Shayne: The usual, huh? Reva: Yeah. Shayne: Are you going to make it a habit of stopping by here for dinner. Reva: Ha-ha-ha. Shayne: Ha-ha-ha. Reva: No, that was the one and only meal I will be having here because I'm getting out in, I don't know, an hour. Shayne: I know, when I escort you out the door and take you straight to Towers for a real meal. Reva: That's sweet, but I have to take a shower first. Shayne: Yeah, you would. You smell like I can smell you from over here. Reva: You know, you're close enough that I could punch you in the face. Shayne: That would be assault and you'd have stay another night. Reva: I got clean clothes. I still could hit you. Don't be mean to your mother. (Laughs) [SCENE_BREAK] Mallet: What are you doing here? Dinah: I'm on duty. Mallet: You don't work here. Dinah: Jeffrey asked me to keep an eye on Shayne, Reva. He thinks they get a little hot headed. Mallet: He should know. He's married to her. Dinah: Yeah. Well, I... I won't be here long. I imagine Reva will be out of here in about an hour, wouldn't you say? Mallet? Mallet: Mmm? Dinah: Shayne is really depending on Reva getting out of here today. And I know you can't have enough evidence or you would have already had an arraignment. Mallet: The judge is executing a search warrant for Reva's house. So if she didn't do anything, she doesn't have to worry about anything. [SCENE_BREAK] Christina: We're so lucky the jeweler could see us so soon. Remy: Yeah, lucky. Christina: I still don't understand why we couldn't go back to the place where you bought it. Remy: The guy's an operator. He'd probably try to stiff me. Christina: So can I see it one more time, the diamond? Remy: "Can I see it one more time?" Christina: I've never seen anything like it. Oh... bye diamond. It was nice meeting you. So where is this guy? Remy: I don't know. I haven't met him. Christina: Is that him? Oh. Remy: Nope. Christina: What about him? Remy: Christina, that's the waiter. Christina: Right. Remy: Mm-hmm. This is the guy. Doyle: Remy? Remy: Yes. Doyle: I'm Doyle. You selling a diamond? [SCENE_BREAK] Cyrus: No, I don't think the cops have any leads on the diamonds. No, no, they don't have a clue. Yeah, I'm still checking it out. I'll call you if I get anything, all right? DeDe, Nice to see you. Dinah: It is? Cyrus: Of course. Dinah: What you checking out? Cyrus: Jobs. Dinah: At the police station? Cyrus: Well, I just got back into town. I got a job at Company, but I don't know if that will pay all the bills. Dinah: And you think they've got something for you here? You are a jewel thief. Cyrus: Ex-jewel thief. Dinah: Oh, whatever. So will you put in a good word with Mallet, your husband? Dinah: Ex-husband. Cyrus: Whatever. Dinah: So, the answer to that is no. He's working on a big case. Cyrus: Just tell him I'm looking. Dinah: Okay. Cyrus: Okay. Dinah: All right. [SCENE_BREAK] Reva: Hi. Well look who's here, just in time for the breakout party. Josh: Right, you're getting out of here, aren't you? That's too bad because I was just baking you a cake with a file in it. Reva: Really? Well, you can give the cake to Billy but be sure to warn him about the file. Shayne: Why, he wouldn't notice. (Laughter) Reva: When was the last time the three of us were together because this is nice, you know, the three of us together. Shayne: You've spent too long in that cell. This is not nice. Reva: It's nice. Josh: But... but it will be over soon. Reva: Yes, 40 minutes about and counting. Because the police are running out of time. [SCENE_BREAK] Jeffrey: What now? Mallet: Jeffrey, you know, I hate this part of the job. Jeffrey: What's this? Mallet: Search warrant. I got to take a look. [SCENE_BREAK] Doyle: Looks good. Where did say you got this? Christina: He got it for me to make an engagement ring, but we're not getting married. Did that once, it didn't work. Doyle: It's an exquisite stone. I seldom get a chance to deal in anything this rare. Remy: Well, she... she deserves the best. Doyle: She sure does. Christina: Oh my God. Imagine what you can do with all that money. Remy: Shhh! Doyle: I do hope we do some business again in the e future. Christina: Oh, that won't be happening. There are no more diamonds in our future. Frank: Gothca! Remy: Whoa! Frank, I can explain. It's not what it looks like. Frank: Remy, take it easy, man, okay. Listen, you're off the clock. You can have a beer in the afternoon. No worries. Remy: Right, right. Frank: Hello, Christina. Christina: Hello. Frank: You look lovely. Christina: Thank you. Frank: How's everything going? Christina: It's fine. We're having a great day. Frank: Well good, good. Can I talk shop with him for just a couple of minutes? Christina: Of course, I'll be right back. Frank: She's adorable. Remy: That's what they tell me. So what you got for me, Frank? What's going on? Frank: It's the Winslow case. Mallet's in charge of the murder investigation. I've been running point with the State Department and the Feds. I just got a special request from the government of San Cristobel. Remy: Well, what kind of request? Frank: They think that Edmund Winslow stole the crown jewels. Remy: The crown... the crown... Frank: That he's been... well, that he was cashing in the diamonds one at a time in order to support his lifestyle. And they want us to keep an eye out for them in case they surface. Remy: Do you think they will? Frank: I don't know. You never know, but, I bet... you know what? We checked his safety deposit box, but it was empty. They could be anywhere, absolutely anywhere. So your job, Officer, is to go out and find those gems. If there is anybody that can do it, you're the man. Christina: Hello. Frank's gone. Remy: Uh-huh. Christina: Everything all set? Remy: Uh-huh. Christina: All right. Remy: All right. Cyrus: Oh, I'm sorry. Christina: No, my fault, I'm sorry. Cyrus: Well, we're a sorry lot, aren't we? Hey, Remy. Hello... hi. Christina: See you. Finally we're alone. Now, let me see that cash. Remy: Security camera. Christina: What? Remy: In the corner is a security camera. I don't want anyone knowing I'm carrying around this much cash. Christina: Right, well, do you care if they see us kissing? [SCENE_BREAK] Reva: Hey. Dinah: Hi, everyone behaving? Reva: Yeah, well, I don't have much of a choice at the moment. Shayne: She's almost out of here. So I'm going to call Towers and make reservations for us. Dinah: Oh, good. Reva: Sweetheart that's sweet, but really, when I get out of here, I'm going home to squeeze on my baby and hug on my husband. But I'll call you and we will make plans for dinner. But you two should go, really, you and Dinah should take off. Dinah: Reva, Jeffrey wanted to make sure that you weren't alone. Josh: It's okay. I'll stay. It's only a few minutes anyway. You sure you're going to be all right? Reva: Yes, I'm fine. But I don't want this to turn into a really big commotion, okay? Go. Dinah: All right. Shayne: Okay. We're out of here. Reva: Call me. Shayne: Okay. Reva: Or I'll call you. (Laughs) Shayne: Okay. Reva: Oh, how much time do we have? Josh: We got enough time for me to beat you a couple of times. Reva: Oh, really. You see, you always lose. Josh: Not always. Reva: Always. Josh: You shouldn't have made Shayne leave. Reva: Well, he's got better things to do than hang out with his mom in jail. Josh: I don't think so. Reva: You think he believes me? Josh: Reva, you didn't kill Edmund. Reva: I know that, but does he? Josh: You were very convincing. Actually, you know what? I'm going to go track down Mallet before we get this game going. So you look at me now. Reva: Don't point your finger at me. Josh: Don't... Reva: I hate it when you do this. Josh: Don't go anywhere. Reva: Ha-ha. Get out of here. Josh: Excuse me. Where is Detective Mallet? Officer: He's out. Josh: Where? Officer: He's out. Josh: Okay. Jeffrey: O'Neill. Josh: Yeah, it's me. It's Josh. Look, I'm here. The clock is ticking and I think Mallet has disappeared. Jeffrey: Well, not quite. He's here. Josh: Doing what? Jeffrey: Well, he's got a search warrant, but he's not going to find anything. Mallet: I hope not. Jeffrey: How's she doing? Josh: Well, she's ready to go home. Jeffrey: I want to make sure that she does. You're not going to find anything. Mallet: I hope not. [SCENE_BREAK] Cyrus: I'm all set. I'm a busboy at Company. Natasha: Congratulations. Cyrus: I told you, everyone in town goes in there. If anybody knows about the diamonds, I'll overhear it while they're eating their Buzz burger. Natasha: Are those good? Buzz burgers? Cyrus: Little greasy, but it's worth it. Natasha: And that's all you have for me? You have advice on where to get indigestion. Cyrus: Will you give me a second? I just got back into town. If those jewels are here in Springfield, I'll find them. [SCENE_BREAK] Christina: He was so cute. So then he gets down on one knee, his towel is still on at this point. Marina: So when are you getting married? Christina: Oh, no, no, we're not getting married. Marina: Oh, come on. Remy just proposed to you in the nude. Send him over, I will marry him. Christina: You're married already. Marina: Yes, I know. And I'm very happy. But hey, I'm just saying, you know, I used to be roommates with him. Christina: Okay. Time to change the subject. So how is Henry? Marina: Oh, no, we are not changing the subject. Come on. Remy and I go way back. I'm just saying, you know, that there may be things that I know about him that you don't know. Christina: That is impossible. Remy and I tell each other everything. There is nothing about Remy Boudreau that I don't know. [SCENE_BREAK] Remy: Hey, Dad. Yeah, it's me. I'm at the bank. I may have found a way to save the house. Yeah, okay, I know, I know, Dad, I know, but let me just talk to them, okay? All right. Okay, I'll call you when I'm done. Bye. [SCENE_BREAK] Dinah: Oh! Shayne: (Humming) Dinah: You know, Reva is going to be just fine. Shayne: I know. She's amazing, isn't she? I don't know how she does it. Must come from the confidence of knowing that she's innocent. Dinah: Innocent, I told her that I had my doubts. We had a nice little talk about it. I can say there's no way she could do anything like that. You know, Mallet is going to kick her out of jail and then, you know. Shayne: And then he's going to move on to somebody else, which is great. Dinah: Right. Oh. Shayne: So my mom is getting released from jail. You could be a little more enthusiastic about that. Dinah: I am happy. Shayne: Are you? Dinah: For Reva, yes, I am. It's just... Shayne: It's just... it's just, what? Dinah: I'm... Shayne: What? Dinah: I'm a little worried about what is the next step here. What happens next? Shayne: I told you that I didn't kill Edmund. Dinah: And I believe you. Shayne: Yeah. Dinah: Yeah. Let's have a drink to celebrate. Shayne: You're in a strange mood. Dinah: I'm fine. I'm fine. It's just... not any ice. There's never any ice. You know how irritating that is? Shayne: Horrible. Come here. You know that whatever you are going through, you can tell me, right? No matter what it is. You can tell me anything and we'll fix it together. You know that, right? Dinah: There's nothing to fix. Shayne: Yeah? Dinah: There's nothing to fix. Shayne: Okay. (Slow music plays) Don't do this. Don't do this. She couldn't have done this. Don't do it. [SCENE_BREAK] Jeffrey: Told you you wouldn't find anything. Let me ask you something. What make you think that the murderer would hide the murder weapon in his own house? Mallet: It happens. It happens all the time. You got sloppiness, didn't have time to get rid of it, wasn't expecting a search. Jeffrey: 15 minutes. Mallet: What? Jeffrey: 15 minutes until you legally have to release Reva, so we can go down to the jailhouse together or I can get a court order. What is it going to be? Mallet: All right, man, let's go. We're done here. [SCENE_BREAK] Reva: Hey. What time is it? Josh: You got about 15 more minutes. Reva: I can survive that. Josh: Yeah. Reva: What is it? Come on, tell me. Josh: Mallet's at your house right now. He's searching the place, looking for a Hail Mary pass. Reva: What do you mean? What's he doing? Josh: Reva, don't worry about it, okay. Jeffrey's on it. [SCENE_BREAK] Jeffrey: Well, Mallet, thank you because that is the neatest search job I've ever seen any cop do. I appreciate it. Mallet: Reva's car. No, Reva's car, I want to take a look at it. Jeffrey: Come on. Mallet: The search warrant covers it. Reva's car, come on. Jeffrey: You're wasting time. Oh, you got to be kidding me. Go ahead. Mallet: Jeffrey, we're not wasting time. Reva was the last person that saw Edmund alive. And the security video proves it. Jeffrey: Well, we both know that you can't charge her on the basis of some meaningless video. Mallet: No, you can't. But I'm guessing the Judge might think this is enough. [SCENE_BREAK] Next, on "Guiding Light"... Bill: I'm going to marry you tonight. Lizzie: Okay, we can't get married. Bill: Lizzie, I'm serious. Daisy: My grandma's locked in a jail cell across town. I'm worried about her. Frank: Well, last I heard, they really don't have anything to hold her on. Mallet: If I'm wrong, I will apologize, but right now, Reva has some explaining to do. Phillip: You've got the wrong guy here. It's not Bill Lewis. This is not who you want. | He opens the back hood to find a white tube with blood. |
667 | Brittany: What are my parents doing here? Mac: Looks like they're getting some coffee. Brittany: But they never come here. Bobby, come on. Let's go. Bobby: Unh-unh. I'm not going anywhere. Listen, this charade of yours has gone on long enough. Your parents are gonna find out that we're engaged, and it might as well be tonight. Brittany: Mac, switch places with me. Mac: But-- Brittany: Just do it, okay? Anita: Thank you. Frederick: Thank you. Do we really have to do this tonight? Anita: You already asked me that, and the answer is still yes. Our daughter is getting married Frederick, our only daughter. I mean, don't you wanna help plan the wedding? Frederick: Well, of course I do. But it's late, sweetheart. I'm not sure J.T. and Brittany are gonna appreciate us dropping by unannounced. Anita: Well, if it makes you feel any better, we can call from the car. Come on. Their apartment is right around the corner. We can just-- look, it's J.T. and Brittany. They're here. Frederick: Marsino's with them. Anita: Yeah, well, try to control yourself, sweetheart. Sweetheart. Brittany: Hi, Mom. Anita: J.T, hi. J.T.: Hey. How you doing? Anita: This is a-- this is a coincidence. We were just on our way over to see you. Hello, Mackenzie. Mr. Marsino, we meet again. Bobby: Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Gloria: Gosh, John, did I offend? I sure hope not. John: Oh, of course not. I mean, after all, we were talking about sex, the prevalence of teenage sex. Gloria: Yeah, but maybe I got a little too specific, asking about sex between... people like us. John: Oh, Gloria, listen, you know, sooner or later, when a man and woman have strong feelings for one another and they aren't otherwise attached, things do happen. Gloria: So you do have strong feelings? John: Maybe. Gloria: But then I screwed it up, didn't I? I mean, usually it's the man who says, "hey, how about it, you and me?" John: No, that's the least of my concerns. Gloria: So you do have concerns? John: Oh, goodness. All right. Let's start all over again. I have strong feelings for you. I think you're beautiful, full of life and refreshingly direct. Gloria: Which means I spend half my life with my foot in my mouth. John: No, no. It means you are delightful. Now look, if you want to talk about sex, that's fine. But just know, you can only talk about sex so long, and then there comes a time for action. [SCENE_BREAK] Kay: Well, we're a jolly couple, are we not? Jill: Oh. I'm sorry. I was just thinking. Kay: About...? Jill: Mm. Kay: Come on, Jill. Share, for heaven's sakes. That's why mothers and daughters dine out together, so they can talk about themselves and their lives. Jill: Okay. Okay. It's about Elliot. Kay: You know, you haven't said much about our Mr. Hampton. You were out of town a few days. Uh, I assumed it was not on business. Jill: No, it wasn't business. We had a... a very romantic getaway. Kay: Well, that's very good then. Jill: Too good. Kay: Oh, how could that be? [SCENE_BREAK] Elliot: Thank you. Elliot: Mr. Abbott. Jack: Call me Jack. Elliot: I appreciate your coming. What'll you have? Jack: Why don't you tell me what's on your mind first? I strongly suspect this has to do with Jill, and if you're trying to sell me a picture of yourself as her knight in shining armor, this meeting may not last long enough for a drink. [SCENE_BREAK] Sharon: Nick, good. I'm glad you're still here. Um, listen... we have to talk. Do you have a minute? Nick: Of course. What's up? Sharon: Well, um, I know that I'm taking a risk getting into this with you, but we've just gotten into so much trouble in the past, not being honest with each other, so that's what I have to do. Nick: Babe, there's nothing we can't talk about. You should know that by now. Sharon: I know, I should. Still, it's just not easy sometimes, opening up, especially when I don't really know how to put it into words. Nick: All right. Well, why don't you just try? Maybe it's not as hard as you think. Sharon: Okay. Remember what I said the other night at the coffeehouse? Nick: Uh, you kinda touched on the edges of something. Sharon: Because I didn't know what it was. But I'm just feeling... Nick: Discontent? Sharon: No. That's too strong. I just feel like I'm not satisfied with myself, you know, with my life. I don't know. I just have this really strange need for excitement. And I can't explain it. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikki: Angelo, can I have a club soda? Angelo: Sure thing. So you're on your own tonight, huh, Nikki? Nikki: Yeah, looks like it. Angelo: You know, that's the first time Bobby's taken a night off in ages. Nikki: What, are you worried? You think I can't handle it? Angelo: You kidding me? You're doin' great. Cheers. It takes one hell of a woman to get Bobby to let somebody else run this place. Nikki: Hmm. Well, thank you. Angelo: Mm-hmm. Nikki: We're gonna have a great night. I'm gonna check on Christy backstage. Hey. Your table's right-- right over there. Be right there. [SCENE_BREAK] Ashley: Are you done yet? Brad: Honey, I told you I was gonna be awhile. Ashley: You also said you were almost done. Brad: I am. Just give me a couple more minutes. Abby's with Frances, right? Ashley: Yeah. I just thought on the way home we would stop and get a pizza and watch one of Abby's videos and have a little family night. Brad: Well, that'd be great. Nothing I'd rather do than spend time with our little girl. Ashley: You're gonna have a chance to do that tomorrow, too. Brad: Yeah, about that. We're gonna have to take a rain check on our family day at the ranch. I have a last-minute trip to Cleveland. Ashley: Can't you reschedule? Brad: No, I'm afraid not. Ashley: Brad, you promised Abby. She's looking forward to this. Brad: Yeah, we'll do it another time, just not tomorrow. Ashley: You gave her your word, Brad. She's gonna be really disappointed. Can't you find some way to reschedule this meeting, please? [SCENE_BREAK] Nikki: Everything good? Man: Hey, Nicole, why don't you come sit on my lap? Nikki: Oh, well, my heels are rather high, but I don't need to sit down quite yet. You save that for your wife. Man: I don't have a wife. Nikki: Keep looking. She's out there waiting for you. Audience: (Cheering and applauding) Nikki: All right! Okay, now settle down. Our next wonderful dancer is about to come out. So show your appreciation for... our belle of the south. Direct from a sold-out engagement in Tallahassee--Christy. Audience: (Cheering and whistling) [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: I can't say I'm all that surprised. Sharon: What do you mean? Nick: Well, you've been different lately. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it's understandable for a lot of reasons. Sharon: It is? Nick: For one thing, the kids are growing up. You feel like they don't need you the same way anymore. Sharon: I don't know if it's that. It--it's deeper. Nick: Babe... what are you telling me? That you're growing bored with our marriage? Sharon: No. Of course not. I'm still trying to understand these feelings myself. Nick: That doesn't really tell me anything. Sharon: Well, I don't know that there really is anything to tell. I mean, I'm going through something, and it's giving me these weird feelings. Nick: What kind of feelings? Sharon: Well, the other night, I did something that I never thought I would do. Sharon: I went to a strip club. Nick: You did what? Sharon: (Giggles) it was the grand reopening of Marilyn's, that club that used to be called Marsino's. Nick: And you went there by yourself? Sharon: I know it seems like a strange thing to do, but, Nick, when I got there and I watched the dancers and how they moved and how the people looked at them--especially this one girl Marilyn, the one who the club is named after --she... Nick: She what? Sharon: You know, you might know her. She's the one that had that accident where she had her face burned there. She comes into the coffeehouse a lot. Nick: Yeah, Brittany Hodges. Sharon: I... was just so intrigued, watching her dance. Nick: You mean watching her take her clothes off. Sharon: Well, it was more than just that. It was the power she had over that whole room full of people. It was amazing, and I really felt something. Nick: So what are you telling me, that you want to be a stripper in that club? This is the kind of excitement you're looking for? [SCENE_BREAK] Elliot: (Whistles) telling me I'm not good enough for Jill, that's a pretty aggressive way to start a conversation, don't you think, Jack? Jack: Well, Elliot, I thought I'd get all my cards right on the table. Elliot: And your cards are what? Jack: Aces and kings. Jill and I go way back. What I think carries a lot of weight with her. Elliot: Which is exactly why I wanted to talk to you. Jill hasn't said it in so many words, but I get the distinct impression that you've been feeding into the idea that my intentions are questionable. Jill: I just, um, I have certain trust issues with Elliot. Kay: Trust issues involving chancellor industries? Jill: Well yes, that is a big part of it. Kay: Well, the company's doing very well under Elliot's guidance. Jill: Yeah, as far as you know. Kay: Jill, need we look any further, for heaven sakes? I mean, you know the old saying, if it ain't broke, don't... [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: Questionable intentions. Well, I wasn't aware that that impression needed much feeding. I've looked at the way you've compensated yourself at Chancellor Industries-- the extra perks, the goodies you've afforded yourself. Seems to me the facts speak for themselves. Elliot: Jack, I understand the conclusions that you've drawn from the documentation that I provided, but I can't help thinking that you're reaction is about something more than dollars and cents. Jack: Like what? Elliot: Like maybe your feelings for Jill. Jack: If you're asking, do I care a great deal about the lady? The answer is yes. We have a special relationship. Beyond that-- well, beyond that, it's none of your business. Elliot: A special relationship that feels threatened when another man comes on the scene? Jack: You think I'm jealous of you? Elliot: Yeah, I do. Jill: It's just that Elliot came on so strong, so fast. Kay: How so? Jill: Well, you know, there's a certain type of man-- I mean, he has money, and he's maybe a little older, good-looking, savoir faire. You know the kind of female companion they like on their arm. Kay: Wait a minute. Now you just wait one minute. If you are talking about not being one of those bouncy, blonde trophy girlfriends... Jill: (Snickers) Kay: Oh, stop it. Elliot's probably been down that road more than a dozen times. And he found himself bored to tears, I'm sure of it. I mean, my God, you speak his language. You are someone that he could tell himself he would like to spend time with. And that is all that matters at the end of the day all that matters. When I see one of those other men putting up with some chattering bimbo, high hopes that her youth will rub off on him... I feel nothing but--but pity. Jill: Thanks, Mother. That was really nice. I don't know that it's changed anything, but it was nice. [SCENE_BREAK] Anita: So I was talking to Eliza Cantrell this morning, and do you remember her daughter Tracy, the one who got married last June? Brittany: Mm. Mm-hmm. Anita: Your father and I went to the wedding, and it was absolutely spectacular. So I was asking her the name of the wedding planner. She was-- Brittany: Mom, Mom, this is all great. Really, I appreciate it. But could we do it another time? Frederick: Yeah. Anita: Honey, you said you wanted to get married in November. You do realize that's right around the corner? We have to get moving on this. Brittany: Yeah, I know, and we will. But do we have to do it right this minute? Anita: Oh. Maybe Mackenzie and Mr. Marsino have someplace they could go, that way your father and I could continue to talk to you and J.T. alone. Brittany: You're being rude, Mother. Anita: Oh, I-- I didn't mean to. I-I just was saying-- Bobby: You were just saying that maybe we should leave. Frederick: Sounds good to me. Brittany: Daddy. Frederick: What? I'm sure Mr. Marsino has better things to do. Don't you, Bobby? Bobby: Actually, you know what? My schedule's wide open tonight. Frederick: Really? Bobby: Mm-hmm. Frederick: I kinda thought maybe you'd be down at the university, trolling for some young dancers for your club. That is the age you like 'em, isn't it? Brittany: (Sighs) could we please not do this? Anita: I agree. I-- we can just get back to talking about the wedding plans. Mackenzie, Bobby, if you would like to stay, that'd be fine. Sweetheart, what do you think about the reception? What about the Ambassador Ballroom at the Genoa City Hotel? You know what? I called. It's available. Brittany: Uh, I'm really not sure. Anita: Well, do you have something else in mind? Brittany: No, it's not that. It--I-- Anita: What about you, J.T.? J.T.: Me? Anita: Yeah. I mean, you know, it's your wedding, too. Do you have any preferences or anything? J.T.: Um, I-- Brittany: J.T. doesn't really care about stuff like that. J.T.: Don't care about... Anita: What about your parents? Do you think they'd want to be involved? What am I saying? Of course they'd want to be involved. Bobby: You know what? All right. I can't do this anymore. Anita: Excuse me? Frederick: Is there a problem, Mr. Marsino? Bobby: Yeah, there's a problem. All this marriage talk is a joke. Anita: Well, it really doesn't concern you, now does it? Bobby: Well, that's where you're wrong, Mrs. Hodges. This concerns me big time. Brittany: Bobby, don't. Anita: Brittany, wh-- what is he talking about? [SCENE_BREAK] John: Ah, here we go. Decaf for two. Gloria: Oh, good thinking. Too much caffeine, I might get nervous, and we wouldn't want that. John: Oh, I expect you to be nervous. Gloria: You do? John: Yeah, I don't want to be the only one. I mean, it's been awhile, a long while. Gloria: So? It has for me, too. John: Well, now I suppose it's like riding a bike. Gloria: Oh! Whatever works for you, sport. John: Oh, ho, ho, ho, very, very, funny. Gloria: You know, I don't know, I'm just guessing, but I'll just bet that the secret is to go slow. Real... slow. John: Well, you know, Gloria? Now that you mention it, I have always liked slow. Going real slow. Gloria: Nice. [SCENE_BREAK] Audience: (Cheering) Man: Yeah! Man #2: Shake it! Audience: (Cheering) Man: The south will rise again! Man #2: Whoo! Man: All right, Nicole. Audience: (Cheering) Nikki: All right. Okay. We're gonna have a brief intermission, so just relax, have another drink and, uh, enjoy yourself. Believe me, you don't want to miss this. You don't want to go home to an empty house. Men: (Laugh) Audience: (Cheering and applauding) Man: Nikki! Nikki: Okay, all right. We've kept you waiting long enough. She loves to be here, and we love to have her. Mindy, come on out. Audience: (Cheering) Audience: (Whistling) Man: Shake it, Mindy! Man #2: There you go! Audience: (Cheering) [SCENE_BREAK] Sharon: I just wonder what it would be like, you know, to be up on that stage, just once. Nick: (Chuckles) Sharon, you worry me sometimes. Sharon: (Laughs) Nick, I know. I know it sounds crazy. But there's just something about that place. You know, something romantic. Your parents met there. Nick: That was a long time ago. Sharon: So? You can't tell me they haven't had a great romance. Or that the owner renaming the club after one of the dancers isn't like a fantasy come true. Nick: Sharon, it's just not real. Those people on that stage are just performers. What's missing? What are you looking for? Because it's gotta be something. Sharon: I shouldn't be looking for anything... because I have you. [SCENE_BREAK] Brad: Ash, you know the trouble this company's in. This trip is not negotiable. Ashley: The timing is kind of questionable, don't you think? Brad: Believe me, I didn't plan it. But if somebody doesn't go talk to our supplier tomorrow-- Ashley: Somebody. Somebody. Not you. Brad: There's no one else who can handle this particular situation. Ashley: And there's no one else who can take your place at the ranch tomorrow, Brad. Brad: Then we can reschedule. Look, I don't see what the problem is. And I don't think we should be running Jabot according to what's convenient for Victor. Ashley: This isn't about Victor, this is about abby, and it's about our family. And these are plans that we made. This is an opportunity to build on the progress we've made, and that's why I'm not gonna reschedule it, Brad. Brad: Then you're going to have to go without me. Ashley: I'm really sorry to hear that. Brad: I'm not. Frankly, it would be more than I could stomach, watching you and Victor bonding with Abby, that little family that's forming there. So I guess you were wrong. There is somebody who can take my place at the ranch tomorrow. Victor. -- when they came out, but how ill prepared for the trip. [SCENE_BREAK] Bobby: It's about time the both of you knew the truth. Your daughter is not marrying J.T. She's marrying me. Frederick: This is some kind of sick joke, right? Bobby: It's no joke, Fred. Frederick: I'm talking to my daughter. Brittany? Brittany: It's true. Bobby and I are getting married. Anita: You lied to us? Brittany, how could you? Brittany: I was waiting for the right time to tell you. I thought maybe if you got to know Bobby better, you'd see why I love him so much. Frederick: Please, come on. Don't give us that garbage. Brittany: I do. I love him. Bobby makes me happier than I've ever been. Frederick: Happy? The man is scum. He associates with criminals, he uses women, he damn well nearly got you killed. Brittany: What happened to me wasn't Bobby's fault. Frederick: Oh, the hell it wasn't! He's caused you nothing but trouble since the day you met him. And I hate you for that. Bobby: I'm sorry you feel that way, Fred. Frederick: No, you're not. You've never been sorry one day in your life, Bobby boy. Anita: We should go. We can talk with Brittany another time. Frederick: Yeah. And we will. This isn't over. Brittany: Why did you do that? Bobby: They needed to know. Brittany: But I wanted to tell them in my own way. Bobby: Yeah, and when were you gonna do that, before or after the invitations went out? Mac: Um, I think we'll leave you two alone. J.T.: Yeah. Uh, we'll see you back at the house, Britt. [SCENE_BREAK] Kay: Well, you are so skeptical about poor Elliot. Jill: Okay, look, there is no way around this. His wining and dining of me, don't you think that is just a little bit too convenient, considering I've been sticking my nose into Chancellor Industries and checking out his track record and his management style? Kay: Mm-hmm. Well, Jill, you see, we have been through all of that. Now look at me. Elliot is smitten with you, and why are you fighting it so? Because I think you are obviously interested in him. [SCENE_BREAK] Elliot: Let's not beat around the bush. I think you're highly protective of your relationship with Jill. It's convenient, there's no commitment. If you're ever lonely, you need a friend, she's there. You don't want to lose that. And yet, you're not prepared to commit to her. Jack: Well, isn't that a curious reading of the facts? Yes, Jill and I are there for each other. We also have other relationships, hell, marriages. Elliot, I would stand up at Jill's wedding to another man. I would help her write love letters to another man. But not to you, not from what I've seen so far, anyway. Elliot: Which is another reason I think you're jealous, Jack. I happen to know that you presided over a particularly difficult period in your family company's history. And, uh, quite frankly, you weren't up to it, were you? You just couldn't negotiate the obstacles. And now Jabot Cosmetics is possibly facing the worst crisis in its history. I, on the other hand, am successful and, yes, I'm enjoying the trappings of that success. [SCENE_BREAK] Jill: Is that what I'm doing? Am I looking the proverbial gift horse in the mouth? Kay: Yes. Jill: Katherine. Kay: Yes, what? Jill: Something is bothering you. Kay: Um... well, if only you could help, but you can't. And, uh, besides, you have enough on your plate. Believe me, I will shout very loudly for your help... when I need it. Jill: You promise me? Kay: Yes, I promise. Now in the meantime, I suggest you set aside your, uh, distrust. I find Elliot a delightful man. And if he wants to sweep you off your feet, my dear, then my God, let him. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: I think I'll skip that drink. You and I have said all we need to say to each other. Elliot: Mm-hmm. Jack: You want me to endorse your candidacy where Jill is concerned. That's not gonna happen. You can rest assured though, Jill has a long history of ignoring my advice. She's a big girl. She can make her own decisions. Elliot: That's good to know. Jack: Just remember one thing. Elliot: Yeah, I know. If I hurt her... I answer to you. Jack: Don't take that lightly, my friend. Others have and lived to regret it. Elliot: (Laughs) [SCENE_BREAK] Kay: Well, I see I can't convince you. Perhaps you need a nudge in another direction. Jill: I want to trust him, Mother, believe me. Kay: Shh. Shh. Shh. As we're speaking, there is a Mr. Jack Abbott and a Mr. Elliot Hampton in conversation at the end of the bar. Jill: You're kidding? Have they seen us? Kay: No. Wait a minute. Jack's leaving. Kay: Psst. Why don't you go over and say hello? Jill: No. No. Not now. What were the two of them talking about? I'm gonna find out. [SCENE_BREAK] (Closes door quietly) Nikki: My God. What are you doing up? Victor: Waiting for you. Nikki: If you're about to give me another lecture about coming in so late, please don't. Victor: Don't worry, I'm not. I'm glad you're home safe and sound. Nikki: Oh. You're in kind of a strange mood. Victor: I am. Nikki: What's going on? Victor: It may surprise you to know that I was at the strip joint tonight. Nikki: You were? Victor: Well, you had invited me. Nikki: Yes, but you said that you weren't interested. Victor: I meant that at the time. Nikki: What changed your mind? Victor: Curiosity. And when I saw you interact with those customers, I realized that you were in your element. Transported me back in time. Nikki: Transported where? Victor: To the same place when it was called the Bayou. Nikki: Well, that is where we met. Victor: When you were child-like and unsophisticated and adventurous and full of spirit. And when I fell in love with you. Nikki: Don't forget, you used to call me your diamond in the rough. Victor: Only now you're without the edges. Nikki: I can't believe I'm hearing this from you. Victor: That was a magical time, wasn't it? Nikki: Yes. Oh, don't you ever wish that you could just back to those days? Everything just seemed so easy, so simple. Victor: Mm-hmm. Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Gloria, you know what? I don't feel like sitting here any longer. Gloria: Isn't that the funniest thing? Neither do I. John: Let's go home. Gloria: I completely agree. John: See what happens. Gloria: Yes, I'd like that. John: Ready? Gloria: Ready. John: Now I will, uh, pull the car around front. And I'll see you in 30 seconds. Gloria: Always such a gentleman. John: Oh, and you're gonna see... a real gentle man. Gloria: Oh, I never doubted it for a moment. [SCENE_BREAK] Bobby: Do you want me to take you home? Brittany: No. Bobby: Do you want to spend the night at my place? Brittany: I don't know what I want. Bobby: Look, honey, it's gonna be okay. Brittany: You don't know that. Bobby: Look, I'm gonna be your husband, all right? My job's gonna be to take care of you. So just forget about what your parents think. Brittany: But you don't understand, Bobby. They're my parents. I wanted them to be a part of my wedding. Bobby: Well, that still could happen. Brittany: Yeah, right. Not in this lifetime. Bobby: Look, just give it some time. Once they see that we're serious, what we're doing, they may just come around. Brittany: What if they don't? Bobby: Oh, if they don't, they don't. But you know what? It's still gonna be our special day because it's gonna be about you and me. Come here. [SCENE_BREAK] Ashley: I can't believe what I'm hearing. Brad: Ash, be honest. You didn't really think this peace with Victor was gonna last forever, did you? Ashley: I thought we had turned a corner. Brad: Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you. Ashley: Disappoint me? What about Abby? What about the progress I thought we'd made? Brad: I said I was willing to go along with this plan as long as both sides compromised. Ashley: And both sides compromised. Brad: Then the situation changed. Now a little wrench has been thrown in the plans, we see just how unreal this new era with Victor is. Ashley: And what about us? I mean... wasn't our marriage getting back on track? Brad: This doesn't change how much I love you, and it doesn't change how much I value our family. But I have to be realistic. Ashley: Okay. So obviously, then, your feelings for Victor, they never-- they never changed at all, right? I mean, not even a little bit. Brad: Did yours? Ashley: That's not fair. Brad: For your sake and for Abby's sake, I kept my feelings about Newman in check. But make no mistake, Ash, they never changed. Ashley: Then all of this... progress-- I mean, being so happy and everything-- it was just for nothing? Ashley: I'll see you at home. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikki: Don't you ever wish you could just turn back the clock and go back to a time when our lives were, I don't know, less complicated? Victor: I wouldn't have wanted to miss all the experience and history you and I have shared, the good and the bad. Nikki: Really? You really mean that? Victor: Come here. Victor: You and I have shared a life of passion, haven't we? It was never boring. Nikki: It's funny you say that, because lately, I feel that you are bored with me. Victor: You can't be serious. You wouldn't bore me in a million years. Nikki: Well... I don't know about that, but I guess it's understandable that we... drifted apart. I mean, we've both had so much on our mind. Victor: Shh. Shh. Shh. Tonight is about you and me, about the life we shared. Nikki: You know, sometimes I think about what my life would've been like if I hadn't met you. I was so young, I knew nothing, I didn't know anything about the world. I could never have imagined the life that we have had. Victor: And I wouldn't want to miss one moment of it. Nikki: I've missed you so much. Nikki: Just hold me. Hold me. [NEXT_ON] Dru: Does this mean that you've had a change of heart? Neil: About bringing Devon back here to live with us? Phyllis: I have a feeling you're about to get in trouble. Ashley: Am I interrupting something? | Jill worried something was bothering Kay, who promised to tell her if/when she needed help |
668 | FBI Agent: If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed for you. Do you understand these rights? Maxie: What are you doing? Spinelli is a law-abiding citizen. You can't treat him like a violent criminal. Spinelli: Perhaps the men of law have mistaken my identity? Agent: No mistake, Mr. Spinelli. We have evidence that you are a threat to national security. This way, please. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikolas: My sole interest in this matter is to carry out Ms. Crowell's wishes. She's a patriotic American who questions the ethics of the Equinox Corporation, not her country. All she wants is for her aunt's invention to be used for good, not just for profit. Senator: May we have your name again? Nikolas: Nikolas Cassadine. Senator: Mr. Cassadine, you're not a citizen of the United States. Is that not correct? [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: I love Jax, and I know he loves me. Diane: I don't dispute that, but are you prepared for the financial cost of dragging out this divorce? [SCENE_BREAK] Jax: All I'm asking you is that you stall the divorce. Alexis: Indefinitely? Jax: Well, for as long as it takes. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Today was a breakthrough. Jax finally heard me. [SCENE_BREAK] Jax: I'm not ready to stop being Carly's husband. [SCENE_BREAK] Claudia: Sonny, the entire shipment is blown to bits. Daddy's going to blame you. You know he's going to blame you for this. Sonny: Let him. Jason: From now on, you stay out of my way. [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: How could you? Mac: Come here. What am I being accused of now? Maxie: You made good on all those threats to keep Spinelli away from me. Mac: I don't know what you're talking about. Maxie: Oh, please, how many times have you told me that Spinelli is too dangerous for me because he works for Jason and he does all those things on the internet that might not be strictly by the book legal? Mac: A lot. Maxie: Yeah, so I didn't listen to you and you had to have him arrested by the FBI? Mac: Maxie, the FBI said they'd be using our facilities to process a prisoner. They never said it was Spinelli. Maxie: Well, it is and it's awful. Mac: What happened? Maxie: Spinelli and I were on the pier and these FBI guys came out of nowhere. They put handcuffs on him. They took his laptop. Dad, he was scared out of his wits. You have to do something to help him. Mac: Maxie, this is the FBI, all right, the federal government. Do not, I repeat, do not get involved. Inspector Rayner: Commissioner Scorpio, we're bringing in the prisoner now. Maxie: You. You did this to Spinelli. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: You're my closest friend, and I happen to think you're the most wonderful man on the planet. And honestly, I think it's doubtful that I would consider any woman worthy of you. Jax: You've warned me about Carly before. I heard you. I understand your concerns. I do. Alexis: Despite her best intentions, can she really be trusted? [SCENE_BREAK] Diane: Jax could easily realize that you are intentionally stalling the divorce. Carly: So, we'll have to go for something big, something he wants. Diane: Something of material value. Carly: Something on an emotional level. Diane: And according to my records, that something should be Diane and Carly: The Silent Lady. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: I think that you need to consider the possibility that Carly may be incapable of a mutually supportive relationship. Jax: Carly loves me, okay? I'll be happier with her than anyone else. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Jax named the Silent Lady after me, but his name is on the paperwork. It's perfect. Tell him I want it. Diane: Consider it done. Carly: I knew you were the perfect lady for the job. Diane: It's what keeps me in shoes. Let's just hope it's enough to accomplish our goal. Carly: Jax's parents had an amazing relationship, and I know Jax wants that for himself. He'll give our marriage another try. Diane: If he does, it may very well be his last try. [SCENE_BREAK] Jax: Carly and I have had such wonderful times together. Alexis: As opposed to the not wonderful times? Jax: Well, I mean, they outweigh the bad ones. We had wonderful vacations, trips to Montreal. We had picnics in the park, sailing the Silent Lady. Alexis: I just don't want to see my friend get hurt again. Jax: Yeah, that makes two of us. [SCENE_BREAK] Diane: Jax has reached the end of the line with you, Carly, and I must say, I wholeheartedly agree with him. Carly: You're supposed to be my lawyer. Diane: But if you throw Jax over for Sonny again, you're going to have to find yourself a new lawyer, because you will deserve exactly what you get. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikolas: I am a Greek national. My problems with my resident alien status are due to an oversight on my part. Senator: Thought you could fly under the radar? Nikolas: No, not at all. I actually feel very much at home in this country. Perhaps I took that for granted. My mother is an American citizen. All I did was neglect to apply for the same privileges that she -- Senator: We don't care about your immigration problems. We're here to determine if the U.S. government should intervene on the part of the Equinox Corporation, to enable them to secure and use the patents for weapons manufacturing. And frankly, as a foreign national, your motives here are suspect. [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: Cameron, let's park ourselves on this bench here, okay? Sam: Here, I'll help. Elizabeth: Oh, my blanket. Look who it is. It's Sam. Sam: Hi. Elizabeth: Thank you. I've been dropping stuff all day. Sam: I'm sure you brought too much. I don't know how you juggle it all. Elizabeth: Here, put your stuff on the bench. Sometimes neither do I, but I just count my blessings every day. Sam: What are you guys up to? Elizabeth: Well, we are meeting Lucky for the Parade of Lights. Sam: That sounds like a lot of fun. Elizabeth: Cameron really likes watching the boats all lit up, going to the point and back. [Explosion in the distance] Sam: All right, that's a boat on fire. Elizabeth: Close to Jason's piers. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: I evacuated the ship before I had it blown up so none of your people were hurt. I can't promise that is going to be the case the next time. Sonny: Well, thank you very much, but how much do you want to push me? Jason: What are you -- you brought a shipment through my lanes and tried to land it on my property. Sonny: Well, I know the docks. I've been using them for years. Jason: Well, you're running shipments for Anthony Zacchara now, Sonny. Sonny: What do you want me to do? I run it where I want it and when I want it, which means you're going to have to back off. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: One citrus martini on the house, at least my half. Diane: Thank you very much. A delightful distraction from me being concerned about you throwing over Jax for Sonny. Carly: It will never happen. Diane: You say that with conviction. Carly: I don't want to be with Sonny. I want to be with Jax. Sonny and I have gone our separate ways. Diane: One could hardly call your ways separate. Carly: Sonny and I have a history. We have two children together. I want my future to be with Jax. He's good for me. I want to be good for him. Diane: That's an admirable sentiment. Carly: I mean it. Diane: All right, then be realistic, Carly. In Alexis' office, you gave Jax a very winning speech about love, but as soon as Sonny's in crisis, you are unable to turn your back on him. That's not a criticism. That's just a fact. So, why has the pattern changed? What's different this time? Jax: Hi. Carly: Hi. Jax: Alexis abandoned me for a meeting with the mayor. I see we've ditched the paperwork and replaced them with martinis. Carly: We're mixing business with pleasure. Jax: It's a great idea. A very productive meeting, I assume. [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: Hey, buddy, I've got your toys out. Stay on this bench while I talk to Sam, okay? Elizabeth: I wonder if the Parade of Lights will be canceled. Sam: Okay, I'll be the one to say it. I know you are probably wondering if Jason is on that ship. Elizabeth: I can't have feelings about it one way or another. After Jake was taken, I can't be with Jason. It was a mutual decision, and I'm not going back on it. Sam: Elizabeth, you are a great mom. Elizabeth: My kids are my responsibility. No one's going to keep them safe and happy but me. I've jeopardized them long enough. I'm not going to do it again. Sam: All right, look, I'm going to go check things out and I'm going to see if Jason's okay. I'm sure if you know it might be a lot easier. Elizabeth: I don't want to know. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: Sonny, this is my territory. You try to move in, I have to defend it. Claudia: Let's get out of here before the cops show up. Sonny: In a minute. Sonny: We've got to stop this before it gets out of control. Jason: Then you need to stop this. Sonny: No, no, we need to compromise. Jason: You're trying to take back your territory. I don't see how that's a compromise. Sonny: No, first of all, I asked you to let me in here. We could do business here together. It's not about right and wrong. You just -- Jason: No, if you start using my lanes things will become unstable. I've got a lot of people working for me, okay? I'm responsible for them. Sonny: You think I would jeopardize my former employees? Jason: I think you already have jeopardized them. Sonny: If we work together, we wipe out the bad guys. I don't think you want a war, but that's where this is headed and it's going to blow up in our faces. Claudia: Can we stop talking like this is mutual? This is Jason's fault. He took away your children and now he's blowing up your shipments. [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: I thought you were a whack job, but you're really some undercover federal agent? Mac: Maxie, that's enough. Inspector Rayner: This is a matter of national security. Spinelli: I'm most certain there has been a grievous error in judgment. Agent: This way. Maxie: Spinelli, don't you say another word to those creeps. Mac: A matter of national security? Spinelli? Maxie: This is insane. These people are lying. They're setting Spinelli up. Mac: I told you that's enough. Inspector Rayner: Further discussions with the suspect will be private. Maxie: Dad, please do something. You have to help him. Mac: Maxie, I'm sure the paperwork is in order. Inspector Rayner: I'll have more information for you once I've interrogated the prisoner. Maxie: How could you turn on Spinelli like that? Winnifred: He violated national security. Maxie: What now? Are you going to file assault charges against me? Go ahead, use your badge to bully me like you did to Spinelli. Winnifred: The investigation wasn't personal. Maxie: Spinelli thought you were his friend, and you took advantage of his kind and generous nature. Winnifred: Well, I have a feeling you did it before me. Maxie: Yeah, I did, and I feel awful, but do you feel the least bit of remorse? I mean, with all the horrible people out there doing awful things, do you feel bad that you wasted your time targeting poor Spinelli? [SCENE_BREAK] Inspector Rayner: Are you aware of your multiple crimes, Mr. Spinelli? Spinelli: No, no, not at all, sir. Inspector Rayner: Hacking into government defense systems, Interpol, witness protection data, high-level security files and monitoring systems. Pretty intense stuff for the local computer whiz. Spinelli: I assure you, it was not intended to harm. Inspector Rayner: It was espionage and high treason. [SCENE_BREAK] Cameron: Daddy. Lucky: Hey, oh, wow. It looks like your mommy brought a nice picnic. I brought some cookies, if it's not too much sugar. Elizabeth: No such thing on a night like this. How exciting. Lucky: Hey, I heard about the explosion on the police radio. Elizabeth: What caused it? Lucky: We don't know yet. Elizabeth: Well, Sam was here earlier. She and I were wondering if maybe Jason was involved. Lucky: Sam went to check it out? Elizabeth: She wanted to know what happened. Lucky: What about you? You must be worried, too. Elizabeth: I am, but I'm trying to teach myself not to be. [SCENE_BREAK] Claudia: This is a big port. There's plenty of room for all of us. You guys could coexist. You could live and you could let live. Sonny: Claudia, stay out of it. Claudia: What? I'm saying the same thing you are. Jason: Does your wife speak for you? Claudia: Hey, you know what? Sonny was bringing in a shipment and you just blew it to bits, Jason, no warning, just boom, gone. How do you expect him to respond to that kind of betrayal? Sonny: Okay, I extended an offer of peace. Jason: No, no you did not. You moved in on my territory without my permission. Sonny: Okay. Jason: That's not peace. Sonny: Say what you want to say. Just watch your back. [SCENE_BREAK] [Phone vibrates] Sam: [Whispering] Hello? Maxie: Sam, it's Maxie. You have to help me find Jason. It's an emergency. Spinelli's been arrested by the FBI. Sam: Jason -- whoa, whoa -- hold on. I'm sorry. I wasn't spying on you. Maxie's freaking out. Spinelli's in trouble. Can you please talk to her? [SCENE_BREAK] Tracy: I try never to engage in futile endeavors. Keeping you on the straight and narrow is the essence of futility. Luke: Now, there's the pragmatic spanky-buns that I've come to know and love. Tracy: Pragmatic, yes, but I don't think anybody would call me stupid. Luke: Well, I certainly never would. Tracy: Well, perhaps it has slipped your mind, as inconvenient facts often do, but I have a lot of money invested in this place. More than I thought actually, because you seem to have helped yourself to my bank account over the weekend. Luke: I'm going to put it back in. I mean, I didn't realize that you would notice it so quickly. Tracy: I always notice money, but truthfully, when it comes to you it's secondary. You are my primary concern, keeping you alive that is. Luke: Well, take a good look, sweetheart. I've never been more vibrant. Tracy: Luke, perhaps you've been distracted by your recent tale of two wives to notice that all hell is breaking loose in Port Charles. And I'm not talking every day, run-of-the-mill mob activity. I'm talking off the charts. Luke: Petunia, you have to agree, I'm sure, that I know a little more about what's going on in this town regarding the mob than you do. Tracy: Don't you patronize me, Luke. I was married to a mob boss, and when he died, I took over the organization. I know a mob war when I see one. Luke: Well, not to diminish your street cred or anything, sweetheart, but in this particular situation, I know more than you do about what's going on. Tracy: Okay, let me tell you what I know then. I know that smarmy sociopath, Sonny Corinthos, has aligned himself with the psychotic Zaccharas. I know that you and Sonny are buds from way back, just enough to raise alarm bells. And your Sonny is seriously losing his grip. Brides are being shot at the altar, young girls attacked, diners blown to bits, and alliances solidified by marriages of convenience. Sonny is on a suicide mission, and I know that attracts you. I know danger and recklessness, it attracts you, Luke. Please do me a favor, don't get involved. [SCENE_BREAK] Diane: Okay, fortification for the hours of divorce addendums ahead. Prepare to be fleeced. Jax: Thank you. Well, I guess this divorce is going to take awhile. Carly: Yeah, looks like this is just the tip of the iceberg. Jax: Wonderful. Carly: I hope Alexis is giving you the ex-husband discount. Jax: No, no. I'm sure Diane's not giving you a discount either. Carly: Well, what the heck. You know, I mean, it's worth every penny, isn't it? Jax: Yeah, is it? Carly: Okay, I have to put my cards on the table. I asked Diane to stretch this out as long as possible. Jax: Why? Carly: I was hoping I could use that time to make you fall in love with me again. Jax: I'm sorry, Carly, but that's not possible. Jax: I can't fall back in love with you, because I never fell out of love with you, Carly. That's what makes this so difficult. Carly: Or easy. Jax: Loving each other and being compatible, you know, are two different things. Carly: Jax, compatibility is meaning that we have things in common, and we do. We own this hotel together. You're a great stepfather to my sons. We both love to travel. We like to have a nice life. Jax: Yes, a life that we can't seem to sustain, because I always run away, and you always get pulled back into Sonny's drama. Carly: Okay, that's not going to happen. I know that if you give this marriage another chance, it's going to be our last chance. And there's no way I'm going to screw that up. Jax: I know you believe that. I know. Carly: You know what we're doing? Do you see what we're doing? We always do this. You hold back, and I'm trying to convince you to give this marriage another shot. Jax: Yeah, yeah, it seems to be a pattern of ours lately. Carly: Then let's break the pattern, okay? Can we do that? Jax: Okay -- Carly: You love me. Just trust that. Jax: You put the cards on the table. I will put my cards on the table. I asked Alexis to stall the divorce as well. Yeah, we both had the same idea. I was -- don't look at me like that. I was the one pushing for this divorce, and I realized that maybe that's not what I want. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: Maxie, Maxie, Maxie, just calm down. Tell me what's going on. Maxie: Spinelli was arrested by the FBI. They're in the interrogation room right now. The senior agent is some guy named Rayner. He's obviously grilling poor Spinelli. He looks like a deer caught in the headlights. You have to do something. Jason: Okay, I want you to call Diane. If they let you in to see Spinelli, I want you to tell him to say nothing at all. And I'm on my way. Maxie: Hurry, please. Jason: I'm going to fix this. Sam: That was quite a promise. Jason: Maxie said something about Agent Rayner. He wants me to cooperate. I don't know what he would want with Spinelli. Sam: Oh, damn it. Jason: What? Sam: Well, it's just that Spinelli came over to my apartment the other day, and I tried to warn him because Rayner had mentioned his name. But he couldn't focus because somebody hacked into his computer. Jason: Somebody hacked into Spinelli's computer? Sam: Yes. Jason: Well, if it was the FBI, they have all the evidence they need. [SCENE_BREAK] Spinelli: I do not intend to trespass on the federal ones. Inspector Rayner: Mr. Spinelli, I am going to give you a piece of advice. Say nothing and admit to nothing. The seat you're in is hot enough as it is. Don't make it any hotter. [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: Oh, Diane, I was just about to call you. You have to help Spinelli. Diane: Do you know exactly what he's been charged with? Maxie: Treason, or espionage, or something crazy like that. And you know Spinelli. He's going to try to explain it away in his convoluted Spinelli speak, and the feds are going to think he's confessing to hijacking the space shuttle or something. Diane: Maxie, just calm down. I will do the best that I can. Alexis: I just got a call. Diane: What is going on? Alexis: I just got a call. There's a suspect in custody, and the FBI took jurisdiction. Diane: But on what grounds do they have for arresting Spinelli? Alexis: Violation of the homeland security act, treason, and espionage. Diane: Oh, come on, not to put too fine a point on it, but Spinelli would be hard-pressed to hurt a fly. Alexis: That's true, which is why I suspect he's merely a means to an end. [SCENE_BREAK] Claudia: You're mad at me. Sonny: Don't interfere when I'm talking to Jason again. Claudia: What I said was true. Sonny: I have history with Jason. You don't. Claudia: That's exactly why I can see it more clearly than you can. Sonny, playing nice with Jason is not the answer. You have to hit back and hit hard. Sonny: I thought you had a soft spot for Jason. Claudia: If you let him get away with what he did, it's going to make you look weak to Daddy. Sonny: Oh, daddy -- I don't give a damn about daddy. I'm in charge now. I don't answer to anyone. Claudia: That was Daddy's money and Daddy's shipment. Jason made a stupid move by blowing that shipment up and leaving you untouched. You have to use it to your advantage. You have to get the upper hand here. Sonny: What if I don't? [SCENE_BREAK] Luke: Before you work yourself up into a lather here, just hear me. I had nothing to do with Sonny Corinthos' business. We were discussing politics here and my continuing neutrality. Tracy: Okay, how long do you expect that to keep up? Luke: As long as I want it to. I mean, come on, Tracy, I am not some mob- infatuated, dumb-ass kid. I know that life. I've been there, and I left it behind. And I'm certainly not going to jeopardize us, by fighting battles that aren't even my own. Tracy: What if Sonny can't hold up his end of the bargain? What if some outside faction bombs this place just to make a point? Luke: Well, that would be a different situation wouldn't it? Because I do protect what's mine, but I don't anticipate those kinds of problems. Why are you bending yourself out of shape when your shape is so perfect? Tracy: One reason, because I want you here with me. I want you alive and kicking and infuriating and stealing my money and stealing my heart. Don't you know that you are the best time I have ever had? And I am nowhere near ready to give it up. New rule, if you get killed, only I can do it. Luke: I can live with that. [SCENE_BREAK] Claudia: Look, it's simple. It's really simple. Someone's going to pay for that shipment. Do you want it to be Jason, or do you want it to be you? Sonny: I was reasoning with Jason, and you lit a fire under both of us. So, what's really going on here? You think that if Jason and I make peace that I'm not going to need Anthony anymore? And this whole deal, this marriage, is just going to go out the window? Actually, that's a good thing. So, what's the down side? Claudia: When my father was in charge, I was nothing but his despised daughter. My father has really old-fashioned ideas about women and their place in the home. But I knew a lot about the business. I learned a lot from my time in Italy and working with my uncle. Come on, you might not be the most enlightened guy I've ever met, but you're smart enough to know that I'm smart. And I'm capable, and I think you won't admit it. But you know I'm looking out for your best interest. Sonny: Well, you're working pretty damn hard to convince me. Claudia: Well, you did a good thing. You did a really good thing. When you went against my father, you stopped him from framing John. Sonny, you made my father really angry, really angry. You could not afford to lose a shipment on top of it. The only way that you're going to redeem yourself and save face in my father's eyes is to retaliate. Sonny: Do you really think Jason is a threat? Claudia: He blew up a shipment. He sent a very clear message that peaceful coexistence is not in the cards. So, yeah, I'd say he's a threat. Sonny: I'll deal with it my way. Claudia: Sonny, a line has been crossed. My father is going to be out for blood. So, if you want to cement your position with my father and prove to him whose side you're really on, you're going to have to take Jason down. [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: Even you have to admit Spinelli's a wonderful person. Winnifred: I do admit it, but he still broke the law. Maxie: What Spinelli does isn't criminal to him. He loves that cyber stuff. He's a genius at it. And when he's behind his computer, he feels useful and important. There's no malice or evil intent. And now he's in there, scared out of his mind, because you took advantage of him. Winnifred: This was my first field assignment. I did not know this was going to happen. Maxie: I don't care. Spinelli will probably feel better if he could see me. You should arrange it. Winnifred: I can't arrange it. Look, Spinelli is in real trouble. And unless someone pivotal comes forth on his behalf and makes a deal, he's going to end up in prison, maybe for the rest of his life. [SCENE_BREAK] Inspector Rayner: I have to hand it to you, Mr. Spinelli, our own tech experts couldn't have pulled off half of what you did. Spinelli: Anything I may have accomplished, I simply -- Inspector Rayner: Hey, what did I say about keeping quiet? Spinelli: I don't understand. If you do not wish to squeeze a confession out of me, then why am I here? [SCENE_BREAK] Diane: I assume that the FBI is hoping that this is going to lead to a conviction for Jason. But it could be argued that anything on Spinelli's computer is his own work and does not implicate Jason. Alexis: My guess is they're trying to persuade him to testify against Jason. Diane: I doubt that Mr. Grasshopper would ever consider such a thing. Alexis: You're his attorney, maybe you should let him know it might be in his best interest. Good luck. Jason: Where's Spinelli? Alexis: He's in the interrogation room, Jason. Who you are and what you do, I don't think has ever been real to Spinelli until this moment. Jason: How bad? How bad is this? Diane: It's bad, Jason. The FBI alleges that Spinelli has hacked into multiple law enforcement databases, defense grids, tax returns. You name it. The list goes on. Jason: Do they have proof? Diane: If they do, then Spinelli may very well be beyond our help. [SCENE_BREAK] Nadine: Do you think it's a good or a bad thing they asked for a break? Nikolas: We'll soon find out, won't we? Senator: We've been conferring, and quite frankly, I still don't see why a foreign national should be able to decide the fate of a U.S. military weapon. Nikolas: Senators, I have nothing but respect for this country and the privileges it has provided me. I make my home here. I pay my taxes here. I abide by its laws, and I think serving in the armed forces is one of the most honorable choices a person can make. But the companies that provide arms to those men and women are culpable themselves, and they should not be profiting off the soldiers' sacrifice. And quite frankly, I just can't see why this weapon is essential to the victory of this country. It's only essential to the Equinox bottom line. Senator: How do we know that you won't take this patent and make your own fortune by selling it on the international market to the highest bidder? Nadine: Stop. You can't have your bacon and eat it, too. Uh, what I mean is, can I say something? [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Well, Alexis isn't my biggest fan. I'm sure she gave you lots of reasons why you should proceed with this divorce. Jax: No, Alexis thinks you love me. She does. Carly: Well, that's a step forward. Jax: Yeah. She thinks you're terrible for me, but you know -- Carly: I don't care. You told her to stall. Jax: Stall, being the operative word. I didn't say stop. Carly: I can work with stall. I can do stall. Jax: I know you can, because you told Diane to do the same thing. Carly: Yes. Jax: I'm just wondering, how were you going to stall the divorce proceedings? By bickering about who owns what? Carly: I told her to go after the Silent Lady. Jax: Ah, yeah, that's a good one, so I would remember all the good times we had on it. Carly: Just like I do. Jax: I'm supposed to take her out tonight, you know, for the Parade of Lights. I couldn't do it. Carly: Do you remember when we sailed her from Manhattan to Newport? Jax: Yeah, the weather was supposed to be really bad. Carly: But it was beautiful. And when we pulled into the harbor, the sun was setting, and you popped open a bottle of champagne. It was amazing. Jax: And you were terrific. You know, the crew thought that you were going to just laze around on the deck, but you did just as much work as everybody else on the boat. Carly: We had fun like we always do. I don't want this night to end. Let's do dinner, my house, just the two of us. What do you say? Jax: Well, that depends. Carly: On what? Jax: Whether you're going to cook or not. [SCENE_BREAK] Nadine: Look, I don't know much about the politics of war. I hear about it on the news just like everybody else. But I did have a boyfriend who fought in Iraq. He was a good and honest guy, and he was really proud to serve his country. I want to believe that he had the best possible equipment. And I wouldn't want to deprive anybody else of that. But I also think it's wrong for these big corporations to be profiting off of him and off of this war. I know I can't stop this, but I don't want to take part in it. This is my fight. It has been ever since my Aunt Raylene left me her patent in her will. Nikolas took it on because he knows how emotional I get. But it's not his job. It's your job to protect my right as an American citizen to do what I want with what I own. So, I hope you'll let me do that. That's all I have to say. Senator: You've made a very convincing and compelling argument, and we're inclined to agree. The Equinox Defense Analysis and Construction Corp henceforth will be barred from using your patent. Nadine: Oh, my gosh. Thank you so much. Nikolas: Wow, you did it. Nadine: Oh, I never would have had the courage to speak up in there without you. [Phone rings] Nikolas: Hang on for one second. Hello, Nikolas Cassadine. Yes, actually she's right here. One second. It's Alexis' friend, the guy who set up this meeting. Nadine: Uh, hi, this is Nadine Crowell. Yeah, actually it went really well, thanks. Someone in the White House wants to speak with me? [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: Oh, my goodness, look at those festive lights. I love it. Which one's your favorite one? Cameron: That one. Elizabeth: That one? Lucky: The one that's lit up like a pirate ship. Elizabeth: Oh, I couldn't guess that. You know which one's my favorite? Cameron: What? Elizabeth: The one with the really tall mast, right next to yours. Cameron: Oh. Lucky: So, you're having a good time? Cameron: Yes. Elizabeth: Yeah. Lucky: Thank you very much for suggesting this. Elizabeth: It just feels right. You know, all of us being together, safe and happy and well. Lucky: Yeah, well, I'm glad to be a part of it. Elizabeth: Well, thank you for pulling me back from the brink. Cameron: Look. Lucky: What is that? That one right there, it looks as big as an ocean liner. Elizabeth: Wow, that one's amazing. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: Do me a favor. Don't tell me who to take down. Claudia: I'm trying to respect the history that you have with Jason, but can we just face something? You have a great, big blind spot when it comes to him. And he is taking advantage of it. Sonny: You know, it's amazing. He didn't even want run the organization. We made a deal. I insisted. Claudia: Okay, fair enough. Maybe his motives were totally pure when he started out, when he first took over. But power changes people. I mean, come on, the guy took orders for years, and now he's giving them. I'm guessing he likes it a lot. And now he's comprised you, and he's compromised your new position. Sonny: It was business. Claudia: Exactly. Business is no place for friendship. Jason is a threat that has to be removed. Sonny: Okay, stop telling me what to do. Claudia: Fine. You know what? I don't have to tell you, because you've already thought it out, and you've already come to the same conclusion, haven't you? [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: Spinelli, are you okay? Inspector Rayner: Step back, please. Maxie: He's not a criminal. You have to let him go. You can't do this. Diane, tell them he's innocent. Inspector Rayner: Miss, you're interfering with a federal investigation. Maxie: I'm not just going to stand here and let you guys lock up my friend. Mac: Maxie, let it go. Inspector Rayner: Mr. Morgan, we need a private moment. Diane: Not without benefit of counsel. Inspector Rayner: Come if you will, but it will be better for Mr. Spinelli if your client confers with me alone. Diane: I don't -- Jason: It's okay. Maxie: Spinelli, it's going to be okay. Spinelli: I figure optimism is completely mistaken. Maxie: No, no, no, but Diane is here, and she's the best attorney around. And Jason promised that he was going to fix it. Spinelli: Even Stone Cold cannot sway the federal ones. I'm scared. [SCENE_BREAK] Inspector Rayner: Have a seat. Jason: You arrested Spinelli to get to me. Inspector Rayner: That's right. And make no mistake, Damian Spinelli's freedom, and quite possibly his life, are on the line unless you do exactly as we say. | Jax agrees to a quiet dinner at Carly's house. |
669 | [Knock on door] Cristian: Come in. Cristian: Hey. I -- I thought you were in Texas for the reading of Asa's will. Sarah: I was. Cristian: It's over? Sarah: No. Cristian: Then why are you here? Sarah: I left because I missed you. Cristian: You came back to tell me you missed me? You could have -- you could have done it over the phone. Sarah: The thing is, I wanted to tell you without words. [SCENE_BREAK] [Music plays] Jessica: Um -- anyone seen Sarah this morning? Renee: Well, I passed by her room. The door was open, I poked my head in, she wasn't there, so I assumed she'd come down to breakfast. Clint: Well, maybe she took an early walk. Jessica: Oh, no. Sarah doesn't go for walks. Matthew: Maybe she's with Natalie and Jared. They're not here, either. [Jared whistles] Natalie: Oh, god! Jared: Natalie -- Natalie: Have you ever heard of knocking? [SCENE_BREAK] Marcie: This looks delicious. I sure do love your home cooking, Celia. Thank you. I've actually had my first decent night's sleep since I -- well, since I left with Aaron. Celia: Well, that's good. Marcie: Yeah. And I can't even believe how close I came to being caught last night. If you hadn't covered for me, Wendell -- Wendell: Well, those two men -- they don't look like the type to give up easy. Marcie: No, they aren't. And I don't quite know how to thank you for protecting Aaron and me. Celia: Honey, I think we know how. Marcie: Well, name it. Wendell: The best way for you to thank us is by leaving here. [SCENE_BREAK] [Alarm clock beeps] Todd: Oh -- Blair: Oh. [Alarm stops] Blair: How'd you sleep? Todd: Hmm -- good. I slept good. Blair: Yeah. Me, too. Todd: Today feels like a good day. Today feels like the day I'm going to find my son. [SCENE_BREAK] John: You sleep well? Marty: Yeah. You? John: Are you ok -- you know, with last night? Marty: I'm a little more than ok. [SCENE_BREAK] Lindsay: Hi, Bo. Bo: Hey. [Lindsay gasps] Bo: I'm sorry that it's been so long since I've been here to see you. Lindsay: Oh, it's ok. You're here now. Bo: Yeah. Lindsay: Thank you. Bo: Lindsay, um -- Lindsay: You don't have to talk. You don't know what it means to me, just you being here. [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock on door] Sarah: Don't answer it. [Knock] Cristian: Sarah? Oh, it's you. Antonio: Sorry. Who did you think it was? Cristian: Nobody. Nothing. Dot worry about it. Sarah: Good morning, everybody. [Good mornings] Clint: We were just wondering where you were. Sarah: I'm right here. Nigel: Good morning, Miss. Sarah: Good morning, Nigel. Nigel: Hmm -- there is a breakfast on the sideboard in the dining room. Sarah: Oh, sorry, dude. It's way too early for solid food. Clint: Sarah, come on, you got to have something. Sarah: Uh -- all right. Give me a screwdriver, hold the vodka. Nigel: Orange juice, straight up, it is. Sara perfect. Clint: So, did you sleep well? Sarah: I slept like a log. Renee: I came by your room. You weren't there. Sarah: Oh, I got up early. It's so quiet around here. Nora: You didn't hear those big-mouthed birds? What are they, chickens? Renee: Crows. Sarah: I'm used to the sounds of the city, I guess. So I got up and went for a walk. It is gorgeous here early in the morning. I guess that's why great- Grandpa liked it so much. Renee: Yep. You know, when Asa bought this ranch, he saddled up and he rode every mile of every boundary. He knew every inch of this place, didn't he, Clint? Clint: Yeah. Matthew: You know, when dad took me down here last time, we packed up the horses and we rode them down to the pastures, right where those two streams meet up. We -- we went fishing, we camped out, and it was all on Grandpa's land. Ooh, yeah -- and we also saw some cattle, too. He taught me how to herd them. You know what? Why don't we ride some horses today? You think maybe we can -- Nora: You know what? No. No, no, no, we're not going to do that right off the bat. You know, we -- we'll just wait a little bit on that. We -- we're expecting a lawyer to come and read Asa's will, ok? Sarah: Are you guys nervous? Jessica: Why should we be nervous? Sarah: I don't know -- I heard great-Grandpa changed his will. Renee: He did. Clint: Yeah -- a couple of months ago. Renee: It was like he knew there wasn't much time. Jessica: Nigel, were you there when Grandpa changed his will? Nigel: Actually, yes. Yes, I was. Sarah: Hey, where's Natalie? Wasn't she supposed to get up at dawn and go for a walk with that hunky ranch guy? [Renee chuckles] Renee: Well, they haven't come back yet, and I don't know where Jared is. He must still be in bed. Clint: Hmm. Jessica: I wonder how things went between Natalie and chuck last night. Nash: You think maybe your sister went for a little roll in the hay with the ranch hand? [Jessica chuckles] Jessica: Well, I did everything I could do to promote it. You know, Natalie's been alone a long time, and chuck -- well, chuck is very tall in the saddle. Nash: Well, I'm just glad that Natalie is thinking about something other than Jared Banks, for once. [SCENE_BREAK] Jared: I heard noises. I thought maybe you were in trouble. Natalie: So you just come barging in here? Jared: The door was open, ok? Natalie: That doesn't give you the right to walk in. Jared: Yeah, well, I guess after I left last night, you made a little more than cocoa, huh, chuck? Natalie: That's none of your business. Chuck: Look, the lady doesn't want you here, so -- Jared: Ok, shut your big fat trap, cattle boy. Chuck: I'm not the one breaking into people's rooms. Jared: Hey, first of all, I didn't break into anyone's room. Second of all, bite me. This is not your problem. Natalie: Don't speak to him that way. Chuck: Look, it's Natalie's problem, and I don't think she likes you shoving your way into her personal life. Natalie: Yeah, Jared, you hear that? My personal life is none of your business, so do me a favor and get out. And keep your big, fat mouth shut around my family about this. Jared: Yeah, ok, if I was going to tell anyone, that'd mean I care, and I don't. [Door slams] Chuck: Well, if you wanted to make him mad, that sure did it. Natalie: Ah, that service was way above and beyond the call of duty, chuck. Chuck: Don't mention it. He's not going to jump out from behind something and cut me up, is he? Natalie: Well, you heard him -- he doesn't give a damn what we do. Chuck: Yeah, but he didn't mean that. Natalie: I know. Chuck: So, I did ok? Natalie: You were great. Chuck: Usually jumping into a bed with a pretty little thing like you means a whole other thing. Natalie: Yeah, I know. Chuck: All right if I put my shirt back on? Natalie: If you have to. Chuck: So, you going to tell me what's really going on here? [SCENE_BREAK] Blair: So, a good night's sleep put you in a better frame of mind? Todd: Yeah. I have not been sleeping well since Marcie took the kid. I mean, I get to sleep, but then I can't stay asleep. I get all these dreams. Blair: Yeah. You feel like you've been working all night? Todd: Yeah. But not last night. No dreams, nothing. Maybe it was the company. Blair: Maybe. Todd: Or just maybe it was sleep deprivation catching up with me. Blair: Hmm. I know I always feel like I sleep better when I'm with you. Todd: Yeah, me, too. Want some coffee, or -- Blair: Yes. Yeah, I think there's one of those pitiful little coffeemakers in the bathroom. Todd: Yeah, I know, I love those. Blair: So, you make a pot. You know how I like it. Todd: Yeah, I know how you like it. Blair: Mm-hmm. Well? You going to make me the coffee? Todd: No, I'm not. We got to get going. I'll get you a coffee on the road. [SCENE_BREAK] Marty: Thanks for listening to me last night. John: You don't have to thank me. Marty: No, I just -- you know, when Patrick was murdered, I just wanted to die, too. I just felt so guilty, you know, that I wasn't there. John: I know what you mean. Marty: I know you do. I think I've always known. I mean, being able to share this with somebody -- it's like, well, just this huge weight has been lifted off of me. I never thought I would feel this way again. John: I wasn't sure I could, either. Marty: So this -- you know, between you and me, it's -- it's a good thing, yeah? John: It's a good thing. Marty: I cannot believe we have to get back in the car with Todd and Blair. John: You might want to take a shower. Marty: Yeah. You know, there's a coffeemaker in the bathroom. John: Hmm. Marty: Hmm. John: Motel, bathroom, coffeemaker -- hmm. Marty: Yummy? John: Yummy. Not so much. Tell you what -- why don't you take your shower? I'll run across the street to the convenience store. Coffee, black, one sugar? Marty: Yes. So how is it you know everything about me? John: Be right back. [SCENE_BREAK] Marcie: You're right. And I completely understand. You know, after everything that you two have been through, I don't want you to get in trouble with the law because of me. That's the last thing you needed. Wendell: I think it's you who doesn't understand. Celia: You're welcome to stay here as long as you want. Wendell: It's true. Just last night was a close call. Celia: We think it would be best for you to go somewhere else. Marcie: No, I think it would be best for all of us. I just -- I just -- I don't really know where to go next or -- or what to do. Celia: We might be able to help with that. Wendell: A friend of ours wants to help you. Marcie: Wendell, why did you go and do that for? Celia: The address is at top, and Wendell wrote out the directions for you. Just tell her we sent you. Wendell: I tuned up your car this morning, it's running good. Celia: A little something for you and the baby. Marcie: No, I -- I -- I can't take this, Celia, I can't. Wendell: It's not much, but right now, you need it more than we do. Marcie: No! Wendell, I can't take this. Listen, Aaron and I, we're going to make it. Ok, we are survivors. And besides, I have all that money that my brother still gave me because of your kindness. So please, you have already done enough! Please! Wendell: No, ma'am. Marcie: Don't think that you can out-stubborn me, because you can't, ok? Wendell, if this is about your pride, then please help me to keep my pride. Please. Thank you. Celia -- I noticed that you -- you admired my bracelet last night, and, you know, my husband -- he bought this for me on a whim at the mall. [Marcie chuckles] Marcie: But I want you to have it. Celia: Oh, just because I said I liked it doesn't mean I want it. Marcie: It wasn't expensive. And I'm always going to feel like I owe you, and it'll -- look, it'll just be a really small way of saying "thank you." Celia: If I say no, are you going to stand around here arguing about it? Marcie: Yeah, pretty much. Celia: We don't have time for that. Marcie: No, we don't, do we? So -- so just take it, ok? Please, just -- just take it. Celia: Thank you. Marcie: Hmm. Marcie: Ok. So -- well, those two guys -- they're going to come looking for me soon, right? They're going to be calling on the car and wanting to know when it's going to be ready, so -- Wendell: Who knows? It might just take me hours to find the part they need. Marcie: Well, then I think I'd better take advantage of that head start, right? Celia: I'll pack you some food while you get Aaron ready. Marcie: I'll never forget you, ever. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: The doctor said that -- that you're doing better. Lindsay: Yeah, I'm doing better. Things are a little hazy. I don't remember everything, but the things I do remember confuse me. Bo: Yeah. Um -- I'm not here to question you. This isn't an official visit. I just wanted to come by and see how you're doing, that's all. Lindsay: I'm ok. How are you doing? Bo: Good. You know, good. I get up, I go to work, then I go home. I eat some takeout, go to bed, get up in a few hours, and go back to work. Lindsay: That doesn't sound like much of a life. Bo: No, it -- it's ok. Lindsay: How's Matthew? Bo: Matthew's really -- [Phone rings] Bo: Oh -- he's doing good. Excuse me. This is Matthew right now. Hey, bud. What's up? Matthew: Hey, Dad. You told me to call when I got here, but it was pretty late. I just wanted to let you know that I got here ok. Bo: Ok, good, good, I appreciate that. Matthew: Did I call at a bad time? Bo: You know, I've told you, there's never a bad time for you to call me. I'm here visiting Lindsay. Lindsay: Oh, tell him I said hi. Bo: She says hi. Matthew: You tell her I said hey back. Bo: He says hi back. So, how's everything going down there? Matthew: Grandpa's lawyer's getting ready to come over in a little while. Bo: Good old Beaver Calhoun. Matthew: Yeah, I'll -- I'll call you after they read the will and let you know what happened. Bo: Ok, I'd appreciate that. Listen, tell your uncle Clint that he can call me if he needs anything, or if he just wants to talk to me about anything, ok? Matthew: All right, I will. Bo: And I'm sorry I'm not down there with you. Matthew: Yeah, it's ok, Dad. I love you. Bo: I love you, too, bud. Bye-bye. Ah. Lindsay: You didn't mention that Matthew was out of town. Bo: Yeah, yeah, he's down -- he's down there in Texas with the whole family, down at pa's ranch. Lindsay: Why didn't you go with them? Bo: Because I've got to work. Lindsay: Oh, come on. You're the boss. You can take the time off if you want to. Bo: Maybe, yeah. How about this? I don't want to go down there. Lindsay: Hmm. You keeping something from me? [SCENE_BREAK] Cristian: You want coffee? Antonio: Listen, if -- you know, if you have other plans -- Cristian: I don't have any plans. Come on. Antonio: All right. It's just, you know, when you answered the door, it looked like you were expecting someone -- someone who wasn't me. Cristian: Just tell me what you want. Antonio: Well, it's actually really exciting. The accountant wants the fourth- quarter stuff for Capricorn as close as possible after the end of the year. Cristian: Not a problem. I don't seem to be doing anything but work, anyway. Antonio: Hmm. Yeah, that's what Jamie says about me. Cristian: How is my cutie little niece? Antonio: Missing Jessica and the baby. Cristian: What about you? Antonio: Trying not to. You? Cristian: I'm good. Antonio: Huh? Who's got you sleeping on the couch? Cristian: Nobody. I just fell asleep reading. Antonio: Hmm, I see. So, you are sleeping, working, and reading? Cristian: Sounds familiar? Antonio: Well, actually, I got Jamie. See, I was putting her to sleep last night, and she said, "Papi, you know what? You're my best friend." Cristian: Such a great kid. Antonio: Yeah, yeah. You know, Cris, you have to do something with your life besides work. What about your painting? Cristian: Come on, man, don't lecture me. Antonio: All right, I'm not. Cristian: I don't know. I guess I got out of the habit of painting when Sarah was here. Antonio: Hmm. Cristian: I mean, her stuff was all over the place, and you know how I like to work when -- when I'm alone. Antonio: Didn't she move in with Layla? Cristian: Oh, yeah. Yeah -- what a relief. Antonio: What's that supposed to mean? Cristian: Well, we'd -- we'd come home at night from the club and she'd want to stay up talking about how the night went, and, you know, she'd show up with a C.D. from some band that I had to listen to, cranking it up on my stereo. I mean, I think she ruined my amp. And her eating habits -- I mean, I'd wake up and she'd be grilling grilled cheese for breakfast. And then she'd decide she was getting too fat, and guess what -- my fridge would be full of berries, yogurt, and god knows what. It was a nightmare. Antonio: Yeah, I don't believe it. Cristian: I'm serious. It was a nightmare, believe me. It's all true. Antonio: No, that's not what I'm talking about. Cristian: What are you talking about? Antonio: You miss her, don't you? You miss Sarah. [SCENE_BREAK] Sarah: So you haven't seen Jared or Natalie since they both went to sleep last night? Renee: No, is there a problem? Jessica: Well, chuck is probably showing Natalie the ranch. Nash: Yeah, and Jared is probably stealing the silverware. Renee: Ugh. Sarah: Will you guys lay off of him? Clint: Didn't we have a talk about this just last night? Sarah: Exactly. Jared is my guest, and that's all there is to it. Jared: And I am very grateful that I am. Renee: Good morning, Jared. We were all wondering where you were. Jared: I was just checking out this amazing house. I've gotten so much insight into how Asa grew up and became the man that he was. Nigel: Between insights, would you care for coffee? Jared: Oh, yeah, thanks, Nigel. Sorry. I sound a little full of myself. Renee: Not a bit of it. I am so thrilled that you get to see all of this place. Jared: Well, I am lucky man. Not only do I get to learn more about one of my heroes, I get to do it in the company of two beautiful women -- Sarah and you, Renee. [SCENE_BREAK] Chuck: I'm still not sure I understand. Natalie: Well, Jared keeps telling me what I'm thinking and what I want. So he needed to be put in his place. Chuck: You think that did it? Natalie: Oh, I think that did it. Chuck: Well, next time you want to get half naked and jump into bed again, you just let me know. Natalie: Oh, thank you. But I try not to use people unless it's absolutely necessary. Chuck: Huh. Gotcha. So you really think convinced him you're not interested, huh? [SCENE_BREAK] Ramsey: You check the rear door and the windows. You check that garage. FBI Agent: Ok. Wendell: Can I help you? Ramsey: FBI We have reason to believe this woman is here. If she is, I would not want to be you. Harboring a fugitive is not a parking ticket. [SCENE_BREAK] John: You sure you got nothing at all? No, I'll hold. [Knock on door] John: Ok. I'm still here. Todd: Thought you'd sleep in, did you? Oh. Blair: Sleep well? Marty: Yeah, actually. You? Blair: Well, from the look on your face, I don't think I slept as well as you did. John: Ok. I'll check in later. Todd: What was that about? John: That was the County Clerk's office. Clarence Jenkins' family home was destroyed in the hurricane. There's nothing left. Todd: What about a forwarding address? John: Just the place in Decatur. Todd: I see. John: There's no w Marcie could still be there. Todd: We're back to square one. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: Well, it's no secret. The whole family went down to Pa's ranch because that's where his will is being read. Lindsay: And you didn't go because? Bo: Well, if -- if I was down there, it really wouldn't change anything. Lindsay: You're not the least bit interested or curious as to what your father left you in his will? Bo: Uh, I'm sure that somebody's going to give me a call just as soon as everything's finished. Lindsay: Uh-huh. What's the real reason you didn't go? Bo: Oh, I had some issues with pa before he died, the way he led his life. And it just seemed like going all the way down to Texas to hear this will read, it -- it was like he was jerking my chain one last time and I -- I just didn't like the feeling. And besides that, it really wasn't a good time to leave. Lindsay: Please don't tell me that you stayed here because of me. Bo: Well, the last time I went to Texas -- Lindsay: Yeah? Bo: You ended up in this place, you know? Lindsay: Well, I don't think that you going to Texas had anything to do with me ending up in this place. Bo: Ok. Then let me put it this way -- I didn't go down there because I didn't want to go down there, and then we could just leave it at that. [SCENE_BREAK] Nora: Did you call your dad? Matthew: Yeah, but we couldn't talk for very long. He was with Lindsay. Uh -- uncle Clint, my dad said if you need anything, just give him a call. Clint: Thank you, Matthew. Natalie: Oh, well, good morning, everyone. I hope all of you had good of a night as I did last night. Jessica: Oh, is there something going on that we should know about? Natalie: All I can say is I had the best night that I've had in a long time. I was all knotted up and now I feel so relaxed. Renee: Morning, chuck. Chuck: Miss Renee. Renee: Are you responsible for Natalie's good mood? I know you two were going to saddle up earlier this morning. Chuck: You still want to go for that ride? Natalie: I'd love to take a ride. Jared: Ahem. Clint: Uh -- chuck? Keep an eye on her, would you? Been a long while since she's been in the saddle. Natalie: Oh, that's ok. Chuck he is an expert, so I'm in good hands. Chuck: Don't you worry about a thing, Mr. Buchanan. I'll take good care of her. Jared: Sarah, would you like to go for a walk? Sarah: I'd love to. Jared: Good. Matthew: I can go, too. I can show you all the places my dad showed me. Renee: Oh, that would be wonderful -- can I come, too? I mean, may I walk off my nerves? Jared: Yes. The more, the merrier. Clint: Now, don't you forget -- the lawyer is coming in under an hour. Natalie: Oh, well, we can finish our ride in that amount of time, right, chuck? Chuck: Yeah, I think so. Natalie: Ok, good. Let's go. Sara ahem. Clint: What was that about? Nash: You know as much as we do. Jessica: But we definitely have our suspicions. Huh. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: So, where do we go from here? You're out of leads and your friend at the FBI is not going to help us anymore. John: Look, we're going to find her, all right? Let me get my car back and we'll go from there. [SCENE_BREAK] Wendell: Marcie McBain? I don't know who you're talking about. Ramsey: Ok -- Penny. She's calling herself "Penny" now, "Penny Shaw." Wendell: I don't know about her, either. Ramsey: That's funny because we tracked her here through your wife's brother. Now, unless you want your towing license pulled -- Wendell: You can't do that. Ramsey: And I can have your wife's high-heeled brother thrown in jail. How do you think lipstick is going to play in the Decatur, Georgia, city lockup? Celia: Leave Clarence out of this. Ramsey: Well, tell me what I want to know. [Phone rings] Ramsey: Well, answer it. Celia: Wendell's towing. John: Yeah. My name's -- my name's John McBain. You towed my car last night? Celia: Right, just a minute. It's the man you towed last night. Wendell: Tell him his car's ready, and I found his cell phone, too. I'll bring them over to the motel. Celia: The car's ready -- he's got your phone, too. He'll drop them off, but it might be a while. John: Well, you know, I can come pick it up if it's easier. Celia: No, he'll deliver. [Lady barks] Celia: Lady, bad dog! Sorry. John: No problem. John: Tell Mr. Freeman not to bother. I know where you're located -- I'll come by and pick it up. Celia: Ok, but you sure? John: Sure. Todd: What is it now? John: Car's ready. I'm going to go down and pick it up, and I'll come back and get you guys. Todd: Dude, we're out of leads. John: We'll figure something out. Todd: What's he not telling us? Marty: I know as much as you do. Todd: Yeah, but even if you did know something, you wouldn't tell us, would you? Celia: The gentleman is coming to pick up his car. Ramsey: Well, it's too bad your husband might be in jail. Wendell: You can't arrest me for not knowing who Marcie McBain is. Ramsey: Why don't you talk to your husband, Mrs. Freeman? Tell him some woman he barely knows isn't worth going to jail over. [SCENE_BREAK] Cristian: Yeah, ok, maybe I miss Sarah a little. Antonio: Yeah? And why would that be? Cristian: It was nice having someone around. Antonio: Oh, it was nice having Sarah around? Cristian: Oh, wait a minute, what are you fishing for? Do you want me to say that I like h? [Antonio chuckles] Antonio: Man, only if it's the truth. Cristian: She's all right. Antonio: Hmm. Look, I -- I'm no one to, you know, give advice on romance and relationships -- but I'm going to anyway. If you feel something for her, go for it. Cristian: It's too late. Antonio: Why's that? Cristian: Well, she kind of gave me an opening. Antonio: Huh -- ok! [Antonio chuckles] Cristian: Yeah, but I turned her down. [SCENE_BREAK] Jared: Oh, so how was your ride? Natalie: It was fantastic. How was your walk? Jared: The same. Sarah: So, Grandpa, are those stories true? Man: As Asa Buchanan used to say, "if they aren't, they should be." Nigel: May I introduce Mr. Cleavis Calhoun. Renee: Howdy, Beaver. Beaver: Howdy, ma'am. It's always good to see you even under these dang lousy circumstances. Matthew: You're Grandpa's lawyer? Beaver: Yep. Matthew: Why do they call you "Beaver"? Beaver: Long story, son, but you didn't come all the way down here to hear that. You came to hear Asa's last wishes, and I think you'll find that Asa had a different way of looking at everything, including his will. [SCENE_BREAK] Lindsay: You know what would be really great? If Matthew could come visit me when he gets back. Bo: Then I'll bring him by. Lindsay: Unless you think that seeing me here would frighten him or upset him or something? Bo: Well, then I'll talk to him. Lindsay: Ok. Bo: You know, I really -- I wish I could stay longer, but I got to get back to the office. Lindsay: Wait -- Bo? Bo: Hmm? Lindsay: Thank you so much for coming. It gets a little lonely here. Bo: I can imagine. Is there anything that you want me to bring you next time I come to see you? Lindsay: No, they give me everything I'm allowed to have. Bo: Uh-huh. Lindsay: Just come back soon, ok? Bo: I will. Lindsay: You know, when you say that, I know you mean it, and you will. You're such a good man, Bo. Are you sure that you shouldn't be with your family in Texas? Bo: I'm sure, because I'm exactly where I want to be. [SCENE_BREAK] Antonio: So, what happened? Cristian: Well, Sarah let me know that she had a little crush on me, but -- I don't know. I -- I guess I wasn't ready. Antonio: Because of Evangeline? Cristian: It just doesn't feel right going out. Antonio: Hmm. I see. So -- so Sarah, she -- she just backed off? Cristian: Yeah, she's eyeing some guy now, some guy named Jared Banks. Antonio: Oh. He's the -- he's the guy who -- who bought my share of Nash's vineyard. Cristian: Really? Antonio: Yeah. Cristian: You know, you did everybody a favor making that deal. Antonio: Yeah -- what's that supposed to mean? Cristian: Well, I don't know much about the guy, but what I do know is that I don't like him. Antonio: Because he's dating Sarah? Cristian: No, because I'm a good judge of character. Antonio: Oh, right, of course. Have -- have you had a chance to talk to her about him? Cristian: Yeah, but it didn't work. You know, Natalie doesn't like the guy, either. Antonio: Yeah -- why not? Cristian: She just said she doesn't trust him. Antonio: Hmm. Cristian: She thinks he's trying to work his way into the Buchanan empire. Antonio: Oh, I see. Is that why he -- he tried to buy into the vineyard? Could he be a threat to Jessica? Cristian: I don't know, I don't know, but I just wish that if Sarah was trying to prove a point, she'd do it with someone else. Antonio: Listen, if you want me to look into this guy's background, I can -- Cristian: No, Antonio, Sarah's got to figure things out for herself. And as far as Jessica goes, she's married to Nash, ok? So this Banks guy -- that's their problem, not yours. Antonio: Right. Right, right. Cristian: Look, I don't want to talk about this. Why don't we talk about your love life? What's going on? Antonio: You know what? I'm due back at the station. Why don't -- why don't you let me know when you can go over those books from Capricorn with me? Cristian: Whenever's good for you. Antonio: All right. I'll -- I'll get back to you. Cristian: Ok, fine. Antonio: Yeah. Oh, and that -- that Sarah stuff? Tell her how you feel. Cristian: Hey, Sarah, it's me, Cristian. Call me when you get this -- or when you get a chance, if you want. [SCENE_BREAK] [Phone chirps] Sarah: Oh. Let me turn my phone off. I can check this message later. Clint: Uh -- yeah. I want everybody here, turn your phones off. Beaver: Thanks. I don't think Asa would want us to be interrupted. Chuck: I'll be on my way. Beaver: Whoa, whoa, ho, ho, ho. Now, you're Chuck Wilson III, isn't that, right? Chuck: Yes, sir. Beaver: Well, you might want to stick around. There's a bequest for you in Asa's will. Now, I'm sure you all know that it was Asa's wish to have the reading of his last will and testament done right here at the ranch. I don't mind at all. It's a good place, this ranch. I've got an associate doing a reading for Asa's grandsons -- uh, what's his name now? -- Kevin and Joey and Cord over in London right now. Probably about tea time now over there. Clint: Could we get to the reading of the will? Beaver: Oh -- not I, sir. This comes straight from Mr. Asa Buchanan himself. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: I can't believe John hasn't told you something. Marty: What do you think he could've told me? The house he thought Marcie was staying in is gone. Todd: I should've gone with him. Blair: Where'd you get that coffee? Marty: John went to the convenience store across the street. Blair: I want to go get me one. Todd: You're going? Blair: I'll get you one, too. Todd: Here we are. Ramsey: Too late, John. [NEXT_ON] Asa: My family is going to get what's coming to them. Marty: Whoever was behind the mask, I got the feeling that they knew me. Starr: Look what I found! John: I know you've been helping a woman named Marcie McBain. Tell me what you know. | They make love |
670 | Abby: Everyone here already knows how crazy you are. Sharon: We're talking about you, abby, and your sleazy fling you had with my boyfriend! Abby: [ Screams ] Sharon: [ Screams ] Neil: Why did we back off so easily? Ashley: I think we decided we didn't want to risk a very special friendship. Summer: I bet that I can get billy into bed by the end of the month. Kyle: You like my ride. Summer: Yeah, I love it. Kyle: You win, it's yours. What do you have that I want? Summer: You get me. Wasn't jack who you slept with, it was dad. I think that billy deserves to be told, and so does sharon. Nick: Maybe this will be enough to persuade you to keep what you know... a secret. Nick: Do you have any idea how it feels? I'm acting like my father. I'm bribing one of my children for their loyalty. And I know that you can be bought, summer. Well? Summer: What, so I'm just supposed to take it now? Nick: If this is what it takes to get us through this mess, yes. Summer: Except it's a trap. If I take the check, I'm the worst, and if I don't, I'm still the worst. Nick: Where's the dilemma? You know, you accepted some guy's car so you wouldn't tell his wife that you were having an affair. Where's the difference? Summer: [ Scoffs ] Well, that stings. Thank you. Nick: You put me in this position. Begging wouldn't work. Not logic or reason. So if this is what it's gonna take to put this behind us, then let's just do it and get it over with. Summer: Do not make it sound like I am the one who made this happen. You cheated. That was you and mom. It's not like it started here with me today. Nick: Yes, and I'm asking you to stay out of it, to keep what you know to yourself. Now, do we have a deal, or not? Billy: What's going on here? Ashley: Hey! Kyle: Whoa. Ashley: Well, look at you. Is this another birthday suit promotion? I don't see a camera crew. Kyle: No crew. Just me and my baby. The car. Ashley: Oh! You spend more time pampering that thing than you do driving it. Kyle: It's a classic. They don't make them like that anymore. And probably with good reason. You wouldn't believe how much oil it leaks. Ashley: Sounds like a keeper. Kyle: Oh, it is. As long as you never do anything stupid, like lose it in a bet. Nick: Summer and I had something to talk about, and she thought you were gone for the day. Billy: I'm assuming I walked in on something private. Summer: Private, but that doesn't mean you can't know. In fact, I should tell you all about it. Additional sponsorship Abby: So the pr blitz is gonna be multi-prong. Yes, trade magazines, insider business publications, social media -- reaching out direct to the consumer. This is boring, isn't it? Arturo: [ Chuckles ] No. No, it turns out public relations is very sexy. I had no idea. Abby: And now you're making fun of me. Arturo: No, I'm not. Smart is always sexy. Sharon: Can I get either of you a refill? Arturo: Sure. Sharon: Okay. Arturo: Thank you. Abby: No, I'm good, thank you. Sharon: So, we haven't spoken recently. One one one. Abby: It's been a while. Sharon: Okay, so if you have some time now... Abby: Yeah, um, if -- if that's what you want. Sharon: I'm sure you've heard about the wedding with nick, and things are moving along. Abby: Yeah. Yeah. It's great that you've gotten to that place so quickly, you know, since, uh... congratulations. Sharon: Anyway, uh, I had a little get-together to try out some bridesmaid dresses... Abby: Mm. That must have been nice. Sharon: It was, but there just still seemed to be something missing, or someone. Abby: Oh, my god. Are you asking me to be a bridesmaid? Sharon: Well, you don't have to say it like that. It would really mean a lot to nick. Abby: But why? I mean, seriously. Did nick want you to do this? Was this his idea? Because, I mean, he must have known better. Sharon: Actually, it was my idea, and exactly what is the problem? You're his sister. The past is the past. The whole idea here was to unite the families and mend the fences, which is exactly what i want, but if you expect me to beg, you can forget it. Summer: This is why my dad and I needed to talk. Billy: A check. Nick: Summer. Summer: My dad is just looking out for me, making sure that there is no more gambling, no more coming to you and mom for money. He's helping me pay down my debts. [ Cellphone rings ] Billy: Right. No, I get it. She got to you, huh? Yeah, phyllis busted me once giving summer cash to tide her over, but that many zeroes, nick, it looks like you're on the losing end of that deal. Nick: It was money well spent. Let's go. Summer: And just like that, all is well. Nick: Not here. Phyllis: Nick, stop sending me to voicemail. Give me a call. I need an update. I just want to know. Call me. Now. Kyle: So, if my buddy wins, he gets the car. It's up to him to haul it to new york, though. Ashley: Kyle, I can't believe you're risking your prized possession. I blame billy. I think your uncle is rubbing off on you. Kyle: It's a one-time thing. Ashley: So what's your friend putting up? I hope it's worth at least as much as the car. Kyle: Wouldn't have agreed otherwise. I'll come out on top. Ashley: Can you win? Kyle: Again, wouldn't have agreed otherwise. Ashley: Okay, I get it hot-shot. Wax away. [ Cellphone rings ] Hello. Neil: Hey, uh, bad time? Ashley: Uh, no. Not at all. What's up? Neil: I know it's last-minute so, you know, feel free to turn me down. Ashley: Okay, but I haven't even heard an offer yet. Neil: I'm in the mood for some live jazz and excellent company. And, again, it's last-minute, so... if you're busy, I get it. Ashley: No, just tell me where to find you. Phyllis: Oh. Billy: Oh? Phyllis: Where's gloria? Billy: She's gone for the day. Phyllis: I texted you before. Billy: Yeah, my phone died. I got to charge it. Phyllis: Have you seen summer? Billy: Yeah, I have. Her and nick were in my office having a secret meeting. Did you know that your ex is now supporting summer's spending habits? Phyllis: Wait, what? Billy: You want to go grab dinner? Phyllis: Yes. Yes, absolutely. Billy: [ Sighs ] So we all know that summer's not exactly fiscally responsible. So are you okay with nick throwing a bunch of cash into the money pit? Phyllis: So that's what tonight was all about? Nick gave summer money? Billy: I guess so. You gonna talk to him about it? Phyllis: Definitely. Yes. That conversation will happen. Nick: Okay. Can we focus on something other than the money right now? Summer: You're upset. Nick: Yeah. I am. Mostly at myself. Summer: You say that, but yet I'm the one that you're glaring at. Nick: Let's just say i learned a lot about myself -- and you -- today. Summer: Well, I learned a lot about you and mom, but it's not like I wanted that information. Nick: Not because you did any digging, summer. It just fell into your lap. Summer: Why do I feel like I'm the one being blamed when it kind of started weeks ago when you fell into bed with mom? Nick: Yes, and that was supposed to stay in the past, but you wouldn't let it go. Summer: I will now. I'm on board. Billy's not gonna hear about it from me. Nick: Yeah, not because you love me. You did it because I paid you off. Summer: This is what I don't get. You cheat. And I'm wrong because I think that billy and sharon should know about it. You offer me a check, and I'm wrong for taking it. You say that you're mad at yourself, yet I'm the one being judged here. Nick: I hate it that it's& come to this. What happened that night with your mom, what's happening right now -- I mean, I pulled [Sighs] A serious victor move here today, and I am disgusted with myself. But I'm also hurt, summer. I thought we were tight, you know? Me and my supergirl. Summer: Well, I'm not perfect. That's a lot to live up to. I never was. Nick: I never expected perfection. Summer: No, just my silence. Nick: No, your understanding. What happened with your mom that night doesn't have any deeper meaning. It's not something that needs to be exposed or explored. No matter what you think, it was one night. That's it. Summer: Yeah, one night this year. What about all the other times, dad, in all the other years? You have constantly jumped between mom and sharon since i was born. It's like some switched was turned on, and you don't know how to turn it off. Or you just don't want to. And you and mom love to bring up the fact that I had an affair with a married man, but considering how I was brought into this world, I mean... Nick: I am marrying sharon, okay? And billy and phyllis are together. Summer: Yeah, and that never stopped you guys before. You can admit that, right? Nick: I love sharon. Summer: Yeah, and yet you -- Nick: Summer. Summer: What, dad? A kid can't believe that her parents belong together? Nick: Really? I mean, is that what you want? Because it kills me. I don't know if that's you telling me how you feel or if you're just still playing games with me. [ Cellphone rings ] It's probably phyllis. It's sharon. Hey. How are you? Sharon: Just...checking in. I missed you. How's your day? Nick: Uh, looking up. I'm glad you called. Abby: The whole disaster with scott, it -- it was completely inexcusable. From that night in the storage facility to every bit of contact that we had after that. I completely understand how sharon could feel that way. I mean, look how I reacted when I found that bra in your sofa. But it's no excuse. I was an adult. I made my own choices. And, well, telling you now sounds every bit as awful as it felt then. I just -- well, I thought you should know why sharon looked like she wanted to set me on fire. Arturo: [ Chuckles ] Hey, I'm in no position to judge. I mean, I've made my own bad calls. Abby: With nikki, or the other woman that you mentioned? Arturo: You're the only woman I want to talk about. Abby: Okay, well, uh, we can talk more about me, or we can... not talk. Arturo: Are we getting out of here? Abby: I think we are. [ Giggles ] Thanks. Sharon: Oh, uh, you're leaving? Abby: Yes, um, thank you for everything. Sharon: So, you'll just get back to me? Abby: About? Sharon: My invitation to be part of the wedding party. Abby: Well, I was hoping to have a little bit more time to think it over. Sharon: Well, what is there to think over? Your brother's getting married. Abby: To a woman that hates me. I think that deserves a little thought.& Sharon: I made the effort. Abby: Yes. You did. Yes, you are the hero, and you probably want me to decline. Sharon: I wonder why. Abby: Look, I said I was sorry. You said you forgave me. Sharon: Well, I don'T. Abby: Then what do you want me to do, huh? Do you want me to stay out of your face or carry a bouquet? Pick a position. Sharon: No, why don't you pick a position? Oh, that's right. You already did. Yes! Nick: Yes, huh? Cubs or brewers? Oh, no, this isn't baseball. It's football. Nick: Football? I didn't know there was pre-season games on tonight. Oh, sorry, uh, soccer kind of football, you know. Football, that they kick with their feet. Nick: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Well, it sounds like a good game. It is. Rey. Nick: Nick newman. Like one of those newmans? Nick: You got it. There's a lot of us running around town. I'll keep that in mind. Do they know what real football is? Nick: Uh, no, but I'll make sure I send out a memo. Thank you. Ah, look at that. I look away for 10 seconds, and I miss the equalizer. Nick: Agh, sorry about that. I will let you get back to it. I got to pick up my fiancée anyway. It's nice to meet you. Nick: Yeah. Nice to meet you, too. See ya. Summer: What took you so long? Kyle: I was waxing my car when you texted. Summer: Oh, you mean my car? Thank you, that is so sweet of you. Kyle: You look smug and satisfied. What happened? Summer: Well, I had planned on telling billy the news today. Kyle: Yeah. I know. Summer: But then my mom flipped out me. Huge fight. She had to call in the big guns. So then in walks my dad, and i get the whole "how did we get to this place?" Lecture. Kyle: Not surprising. Summer: Yes, but believe it or not, things ended in an upshot. Kyle: What's that? Summer: It is my first monthly installment. Daddy's gonna keep 'em coming as long as I stay quiet. Kyle: Congrats. You're now part of an exclusive club -- kids who have blackmailed their parents. So, you gonna cash the check and rat your parents out anyway? Summer: What? No. Never. I gave my dad my word, and I'm not gonna break it. Kyle: You -- is that -- do you get the concept of irony? I'm not sure. So, did you book us a room? Summer: Excuse me? Kyle: Since you just lost the bet, I win. Summer: You didn't win anything. The bet is still on. Sleeping with billy and telling him don't add up to the same thing, so it's not over yet. Kyle: Yeah. Okay. I'm done. No more bet. No more any of this. I'm out. Summer: All right, then hand me the keys since I won. Kyle: Unless you and billy got busy and you forgot to mention it, that'd be a no. Summer: You're forfeiting. So I win. Kyle: Yeah, that's not how this works. Summer: You're just trying to back out because you're terrified that I'm gonna win this bet. Meaning that you lose your precious car and access to me. Kyle: You're like 95% ego, 5% lip gloss. Summer: Okay, whatever. Is the bet still on? Kyle: I didn't say that. Summer: All right, then keys. Now. Kyle: Fine. The bet is still on. Summer: Good. You know, because telling billy that my mom cheated on him was just gonna be too easy. Now when we get together, it's not just gonna be revenge sex or anything like that. It's gonna be raw, naked desire. He is so ready to fall for me that a small breeze will push him over. Kyle: Okay, bunny boiler. You don't sound crazy at all. Summer: How does any of this make me crazy? A guy can do a full-court press for a woman, and that makes him a hopeless romantic. So, you know what, you can keep your sexist double standards to yourself. Kyle: Yeah, pretty sure if i fixate on my father's girlfriend and made a bet to get her into bed, I'd be labeled a pig, so... not sure the sexism argument works here. Summer: My mom and billy don't belong together. Kyle: So, what, then? You're doing him a favor? Her a favor? Just proving you're young and hot? Come on. You already told me you wanted billy because there would be no strings. Summer: Maybe I changed my mind. Maybe what I want from billy is more. "The young and the restless" will continue. Neil: Ash. That. Ashley: What? Neil: That right there? Ashley: What, what? Neil: What? The chord change. You know how the mood just shifted? It's like a new chapter in the story the song is telling or, um, another character coming in. Ashley: I didn't notice that before, but I hear it now. Yeah. Neil: You do? If you listen, um, at night, when the music drifts around and through you, you can just lean into it. Or you can just let it wash over you. You get something new every time. Ashley: You needed this, didn't you? Neil: Yeah. More than you know. I mean, I got to be honest. This week, this month, it's all been so... how are you doing? I'm not entirely convinced that I didn't pull you away from anything. What's happening? Ashley: Well, there's work, you know, and this thing with billy. I needed this, too. Neil: Yeah, I'm glad -- I'm glad I called, then. Ashley: Me, too. How is everything going with your family? I know it's so much. Neil: Mm. Well, this is the part about death that we never really talk about -- how it can tear apart the people left behind. You know, things are said, feelings are wounded. My kids -- I mean, devon and lily, they...& in the past, they've always been a team, and they were always able to work through things, there for each other, but now, the way that things are, I... I can't fix it. I can't protect them from each other. Ashley: Well, maybe you just have to lean into the pain and let it was over you. Neil: Wait a minute. Didn't I just say that to you about the music? I didn't, didn't I? Yeah. Ashley: Yeah. But, you know, maybe for a moment, the music is the antidote. Neil: Yeah, uh, it's the cure for all that ails me. Ashley: So maybe you should dance with me. Neil: My lady. Ashley: Yes. This is gonna help. Maybe for a minute, maybe longer. Neil: Yeah? I like it. Abby: Why did you say you accepted my apology when you were just gonna keep on hating me? Sharon: I don't hate you. Abby: But you don't like me, do you? Sharon: And you like me? Abby: We don't have to like each other. No one is saying that we do, but don't grit your teeth and ask me to be a bridesmaid when what you really want to do is pour coffee in my lap. Sharon: I extended an invitation to be a part of a very important moment in your brother's life. Boy, I really am a terrible person. How could I be so selfish? Nick: Okay, is there a problem here? What's going on? Sharon: I asked abby to be a bridesmaid, but I didn't ask her nicely enough or give her enough time to reply or -- honestly, i really don't know what the issue is. Abby: Okay, this is where i go to the patio before I flip out. Excuse me. [ Sighs ] Arturo: Not the best night, huh? Abby: I said I was sorry, and I will keep saying that I'm sorry, but for the record, sharon is not some blushing flower who's never crossed a line. I am not excusing my behavior at all, but I thought that we were basically okay, and now to find out that we're not? So why ask me to be a bridesmaid, huh? Hypocrite much? Arturo: Or -- just being devil's advocate here -- what if sharon's trying to get over the past? Just move on, for your brother's sake. I mean, it's gonna make nick happy on his wedding day. Isn't that really the point? Abby: [ Sighs ] Nick: You asked abby to be a bridesmaid? I mean, we didn't talk about that. Sharon: Well, it was a gesture. Nick: Well, I know abby hurt you. Hope you weren't doing that for my sake. Sharon: It certainly wasn't for mine. Kyle: What was that before? Another layer to the game. That you don't want to bed billy, you want to what, date him? Form a mature and committed relationship? Summer: Why is it so hard to believe? Billy is...sexy. He's dangerous. Kyle: He has sex with your mother on a regular basis. Summer: Ew, don't be disgusting. Kyle: I'm -- I'm the one... when you first decided to go for billy, you claimed you were all fling, no strings. Summer: And you called me out on that. Kyle: Because it made no sense to say "I like to sleep with unavailable guys, but i need billy to be available first." Summer: You clearly have your own agenda, and it's flattering, but a little pathetic. And I get it -- when we were younger, I used to chase you around for months, and then i wanted you to be my first, and then when we finally got together, I dumped you. So I think that you're thinking if we get back together, I'll go back to wanting you and only you, but I'm sorry, kyle, I'm not that girl anymore. I never will be again. Kyle: You think I want you and only you? You're gorgeous. You're entertaining. You do and say insane things. But this? All of this? It's not your best look. Billy: So, red wine because of dinner, or whiskey, just because? Phyllis: What? Billy: [ Sighs ] Phyllis: Oh. Billy: Should we go say hi? Phyllis: Sure. Why not? Billy: All right. Kyle. Summer. Summer: Hi. Um, I didn't expect to see you guys here. Phyllis: Well, yeah, we were gonna just grab a drink after dinner, but I'm thinking now we're just gonna head home. Summer: Well, kyle and I are almost finishing, so I will see you there. Billy: Actually, I got to head back to the office and work on a couple meetings, so, uh, do you mind driving your mother home? Summer: Sure. Billy: Okay. Thanks. Phyllis: Okay. I'll be waiting. So, um, kyle, would you like to come for a little night cap? Maybe like a shot of cyanide with an arsenic chaser? Kyle: Wait, what? Phyllis: I know that you told summer what you saw at my place that morning, and I thought you said you could be discreet, which apparently is translated into being a total sleaze. I want to thank you for your discretion. Let's go. Phyllis: Thanks for the ride. Summer: What, so we're talking now? Phyllis: We talked in the car. Summer: Yeah, you told me my music made you want to ride in the trunk. Phyllis: That was talking. Summer: Okay, I don't want things to be awkward between us. Phyllis: Awkward? Look, I am very glad that you have a bond with your father. He can make you see reason when I can't, but... yeah, I'm hurt, okay? I asked you not to go to billy, and that wasn't enough, so nick had to step in and, for him, you agree. Summer: I don't know, things that he said just made sense. Phyllis: All right, let's not talk about that. Let's -- let's talk about the check. Okay? Billy told me that about that part, too. I wish I would have known that all it took was some money. You know, I would have whipped out my checkbook. Summer: Okay, I didn't know it until it happened. It was a learning moment for all involved, and it wasn't just the money. Phyllis: Enlighten me. Summer: Look, I am giving you and dad what you want. I am staying quite. So why do you both keep making it sound like that's not good enough? I mean, what else do you want me from me? Phyllis: All right. All right, you're right. You're right, you're right. Okay? Because it's done. It's over. Look, I -- you and I can get back on track, okay? What do say, uh, we go to the movies this week or, you know, get our nails done, or something like that? Summer: Yeah. Okay. Sure. Phyllis: I'm incredibly tired. I'm going to bed. Summer: I thought that you'd be waiting up for billy. Phyllis: Next time. What about you? Summer: I am over today, too, so I will be up soon. Phyllis: You know, I really want things to be okay between us. Summer: They will be. We'll be fine. Neil: Did I ever tell you that I took trumpet lessons? Ashley: No, you did not. Neil: Well, I did. Ashley: Wow. Neil: And I had one goal in life. It was to be miles davis. Ashley: Wow, that's quite the goal. Neil: Yeah. Although, I sounded like a sheep on a trampoline. Ashley: [ Giggles ] Neil: Right? Ashley: You know what, that was me and the violin. Neil: Ah. Ashley: Maybe that's why my mother never wanted to be at home. So, is miles still your hero? Neil: Always. But there are others on the list. You know, if you want to impress someone with your knowledge of jazz, you just tell them that you like clifford brown. He was the man. Ashley: Well, it'd be hard for me to pull that off 'cause I'm not familiar with his music. Neil: Mm. We can fix that. Come on. Get your stuff. Ashley: Okay. Neil: Let's go. Ashley: All right, then. Sharon: I thought that I had put it to rest. You know, I did! And then abby couldn't spare the tiniest bit of decency. Hey, man. Nick: Hey! How'd your game go? I'm gonna drown my sorrows in a to-go cup. Nick: [ Sighs ] Sharon: Do you two know each other? Nick: Oh, yeah. This is, um... rey. Rey is a football fan. The round kind. Rey, this is my fiancée sharon. He mentioned he had a fiancéE. I just thought it was one of those sad lies men like to tell. Nick: [ Chuckles ] Sharon: He comes in here every day for a cup of coffee. I just humor him and pretend we're a couple. Oh, she's funny. Nick: Yeah, she is everything. Sharon: [ Chuckles ] So, what can I get you? Half caf with a splash of 2%. Sharon: That's how I like it, too. Mm. So, I have a question for you, if you don't mind. I'm new in town, looking for a short-term rental. Nick: Yeah, we're looking for a place, too. It's probably not the same listing -- me and a newman. Nick: [ Chuckles ] Sharon: But I do have an agent's card to give you. You can talk to her. She's very savvy. She knows all the neighborhoods. Wow. Thank you. Appreciate that. Nick: Yeah, and maybe we'll run into each other again. Yeah, maybe. Cheers. Nick: See ya. Abby: Sharon. I, um... well, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for tonight and for everything. You reached out to me, and i should have been more gracious. Sharon: I appreciate that, and I could have extended the invitation with a little more warmth. But if you're saying yes, that would mean a lot to nick and me. Abby: I would love to be a part of your wedding day. Sharon: I'm hoping this can be a special day for all of us. Neil: Okay, ash, what you're about to hear is a man at the peak of his talents. Or maybe not. Maybe there was so much more he could have given the world. Ashley: What happened? Neil: Car accident. He was 25 years old, but he made those 25 years count. He made a difference. Inspired musicians for generations to come. Ashley: Seems like he matters to you for more than just his music. Neil: Yeah, he does. He is a reminder that some things in life can't wait until later. Billy: What are you're doing here? You're supposed to be driving your mom home. Summer: She's there, and I'm here. Billy: I'm not doing this, okay? I'm not doing this. Summer: You know, I'm still thinking about our kiss. Billy: The one that could get you fired? Summer: Because I care about a job. Billy: That's right, because daddy's writing you checks now, so there's no reason to act like an adult. Summer: I'm flat-out stating what I want, asking if you want the same thing. Billy: The answer is no, and it's always gonna be no. Summer: You're bluffing. Billy: Is this fun for you, summer? Because it sucks for me. Every time I see, every time i walk into a room with you, i feel like I'm being pushed off a ledge. Summer: Is that really how you feel, billy? The only thing? Billy: Yeah, it is. Absolutely. Summer: I don't buy it. You know, I can tell when a guy is into me. Even when he can't admit to himself. Is this really who you want to be, billy? Serious. Responsible. Closed off. Because, you know, we would be so good together. So dangerous. Billy: And I'm not interested. Summer: You know what I like about you? You're not young and dumb. You don't need a party to talk to a woman. You're not up all night scrolling and swiping just to get lucky. No, billy, you have a life and a past, and you've seen a lot of things. And yet, there's still something about me that makes you nervous. Billy: That's not a compliment. Summer: Maybe you don't want it to be, but it is. You watch me. You don't want to, but you do. And I think, eventually, you'll let yourself have what you really want. Maybe even right now. Billy: We're done. Nick: With dark horse picking up steam, I'm gonna have to go out of town in the next week or so to check out some potential buildings for development. Would you want to come with me? Give me an idea on what you think you could do with the places? Arturo: You're serious? Nick: Yeah. I like your work. I know your estimates will be solid. You worked your magic on new hope. You ready to jump into the big leagues? Arturo: Hey, man, whatever it takes, I can make it happen. Nick: Oh. This one's humble. Abby: Kind of like you. Nick: I'll shoot you the details. Arturo: Good. Looking forward to it. Should we head out? Looks like we closed down the place. Abby: Yeah, um... listen, before we go, I just... I wanted to thank you for your offer. I would be honored to be a part of the wedding party. Sharon: I appreciate that. I think the wedding is going to be a new beginning all-around. Next week on "the young and the restless"... Billy: The new nick newman. Just like daddy after all. Neil: Good morning. Ashley: Pretty good so far. Neil: Question is, now what? You're nikki and victor newman, am I right? Phyllis: Forgot my phone. | Nick asked Arturo to accompany him on some out of town business, and Arturo agreed |
671 | [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Ashley: If anybody can convince your mother to come to the wedding, it's jack. Jack: I'm not coming back alone. Kyle: He's your father. Lola: Yes, but he's also a stranger. He wants his family back. The problem is, is he's not family. Kyle: It might be weird for you tomorrow. Summer: Super weird. Kyle: I hope that doesn't make you stay away. Next time I dance, it'll be with my wife. Lola: Oh! You know, I was that girl who imagined her wedding, who pictured her groom. Kyle: [ Chuckles ] Lola: You have given me a fairy tale, kyle abbott. [ Cellphone rings ] [ Cellphone chimes ] Lola: Thank you so much for sending your glam squad, abby. This is incredible. You guys are the best. Mariah: You look amazing. Abby: Well, I better put emergency services on standby, because you are a knockout! [ Abby and mariah giggle ] Lola: I don't know about that. Abby: Take the compliment. Tessa: I mean, lola could walk down the aisle in her chef's uniform, and kyle would still think that she has moonbeams in her eyes and starlight in her hair. Abby: Very true. I have never seen my cousin more in love with anyone. I always thought the love of his life was going to be his sports car. Mariah: And now he's micro-managing a wedding. I mean, it's adorable how deadly serious he is about keeping this wedding venue a secret. [ Both chuckle ] Lola: Uh, spoiler alert. I already saw it. Abby: [ Gasps ] No! Mariah: What? How?! Lola: I was taking a walk, and then I was there, and so was kyle, and he was there putting on the finishing touches. Tessa: Oh, did he freak out? I mean, he's been planning this for, like, literally ever. Lola: He was perfect. Abby: So, what'd you think? Lola: [ Sighs ] That he walked around my dreams, took every wish, and made them all come true. Abby: Mmm. [ Chuckles ] Mariah: Okay. A toast. To the bride. Abby: And the groom. Mariah: To love, laughter, and happily ever after. Abby: Aww! Cheers! Victoria: Hey, nick. I just wanted to let you know that everything thing is all set for your supervised visitation. Mm-hmm. Yeah. No, monique will be there the entire time. Oh, and do me a favor -- please don't forget to bring christian's dinosaur. You know how kids get when their favorite toy goes missing. [ Exhales softly ] Okay. Bye. Billy: Sorry. What'd you say? Victoria: What did you get the kids for dinner? Did you get them pizza or chinese food? Billy: Uh, I got them both. I couldn't decide. Victoria: Are you okay? Billy: Yeah. Never better. Ashley: Well, hello. Traci: Hi. Oh! I can't believe kyle's getting married. [ Chuckles ] Ashley: You know, to the woman he was made for. Traci: Sort of restores your faith in the universe, doesn't it? Ashley: Yeah. Traci: The abbotts have been through so many tribulations. It's time for some celebration. Ashley: Well, your upcoming book, traci! Traci: [ Chuckles ] And abby's unqualified success running society. And -- oh, there's that little merger between your company -- Ashley: Well, that's still in the early stages, but yes. Traci: Well, it's coming together, though. Ashley: True. Traci: Just like the abbotts are finally unifying again. We're working together in harmony. [ Laughs ] And today, we're unified in welcoming a new member into our beautiful family. Ashley: Lola and kyle are so sweet, aren't they? They're so young. They have the world at their feet. They're so optimistic and totally fearless and -- [ Front door opens ] And there he is! Hi. [ Keys clatter ] Kyle: [ Sighs ] Traci: Kyle? What's the matter, honey? Kyle: Yeah, we've got a problem. Traci: Well, don't worry. We'll solve it, whatever it is. Ashley: Did you lose your ring? Please say no. Traci: Did the bartender over-serve himself? Ashley: Lola, the dress -- nothing happened to the dress? Kyle: Hmph. If it were only that simple. Summer: Hey. Phyllis: Hey. Summer: I was hoping I'd find you here. Phyllis: Well, it is your lucky day. Summer: Mm. No, it's actually kyle's day. Phyllis: Oh, yeah, yeah. The wedding. That's right. Uh, so what do you have planned? Summer: Uh, undecided, but i know what I'd like to do. Phyllis: [ Gasps ] Say no more, say no more. I know what it is. Let's have a superhero-movie marathon. Get in our jammies, and we can order pizza and eat ice cream. Summer: Mm. Yeah. That sounds like some serious fun. Really. Um, as much as I'd love to do that, I don't really think I'm gonna do that today. Phyllis: Okay. I have another idea. [ Summer groans ] Retail therapy. And then we can go to a spa. Then we'll get tattoos. Henna tattoos. No, no. Permanent tattoos. Like A... Summer: You know, I was thinking something a little more radical than that. Additional sponsorship Mariah: How do you feel? Lola: Like cinderella. Tessa: But you get to look this good all day. Lola: This still feels like a dream. [ Chuckles ] Mariah: What, the fact that you're getting married? Lola: That I have three best friends. You know, I haven't felt like a part of an actual friend group since I was, like, in middle school. Tessa: Yeah, that makes two of us. Mariah: Actually, that makes three of us. Yeah. Tessa: But now we have each other. Lola: And I can't tell you how much that means. Abby: Well, without us, you would have given up on kyle months ago. Tessa: Yeah, and missed out on one of the greatest adventures of your life. Abby: Mm-hmm. Lola: And you gave me the job that I always wanted, and the friendships I never had. Abby: And you have given us so much in return. Lola: Just promise me that you guys are still gonna be there when kyle and I are just another boring old couple. Abby: [ Laughs ] Tessa: Oh, you couldn't even get rid of us if you tried. Mariah: [ Chuckles ] Tessa: We're your shoulder to cry on. Abby: Your alibis, should you ever need one. Lola: Oh, I really hope I don'T. Mariah: The girls that knew you when, and will love you forever. Abby: Your squad for life. Mariah: Forever friends. Tessa: [ Giggles ] Abby: Wait, hold on. Who is in charge of the time? Tessa: I thought it was you. Mariah: No, I thought it was you. Tessa: Oh. Lola: It's okay. We have time. Abby: Great. Because we have something super important that we need to do. [ Women chuckle ] Kyle: I can't do this. Ashley: Wh-- are you -- Traci: Honey, it's perfectly natural to have the jitters. Ashley: Yes, absolutely. Kyle: This is way beyond cold feet. Ashley: I'm sure whatever you've planned, lola's gonna love it. Kyle: I don't mean the ceremony. That's nothing. One fairy-tale day where she's the happiest she's ever been? I-I can do that with my eyes closed. Traci: Fabulous. So what is the problem? Kyle: It's the marriage part that's got me scared to death. Ashley: Why? Kyle: Divorce is our dna! The abbott family tree is full of nuts. Broken branches. Doomed marriages. Infidelity. No one in this family has ever had a happy, healthy, long-lasting marriage. Not that lola's family is a shining example, either, but -- but she's different. She's the best, most loving person I know. And she deserves real happiness. The kind that lasts. A forever kind of love with a guy who will treat her like she's the most wonderful person to walk the earth. A guy who's only goal is to make that extraordinary woman feel like she has everything her heart desires. Who will try to make every day -- every day -- an adventure, who will always put her first and be careful with her heart. That's who she deserves. Ashley: I agree with you. Unequivocally. Traci: He's absolutely right, isn't he? Yeah. Ashley: Kyle. You are that man. Phyllis: You know I'll support you through anything. I mean, you know I always have your back. But this... Summer: Yeah, I know it sounds a little crazy -- Phyllis: It's certainly a surprise. Summer: But I've thought about it, and I think that it's the right thing to do. Phyllis: For you or for kyle? Summer: Look, for whatever reason, kyle and I have this special connection. And as much as I might hate him sometimes, I'll always care about him. And I'd like to think that I'll always want what's best for him no matter what's going on. So that is why I'm going to the wedding. Phyllis: Are you sure going to the wedding is the right thing to do? I mean, it wasn't long ago that you were exchanging "I dos" with him. Summer: No, I know. But -- Phyllis: Have you forgotten how much he hurt you? Summer: Look, I know. But... look, recently, I found out how much I hurt kyle a few years ago when I broke up with him. And I'm not saying that it's even. But I just think that, when you love someone, and you let them into your life, you run the risk of them breaking your heart. You know, and I don't know. Maybe it's this constant act of forgiveness between kyle and I. I forgive him. He forgives me. And somewhere along the way, we find happiness. And maybe it's not together this time, but, you know, it's out there. It has to be. I know that it is. Phyllis: And you're absolutely positive that going to this wedding is the right thing to do? Summer: Yeah. Look, if I don't go, I'll feel like I'm hiding. So I'm gonna go. And, yeah, it's probably gonna hurt. And I might hate every second of it. But I want to be there. And I'm gonna be on my best behavior.- And I'm gonna look pretty darn good while I'm doing it. Phyllis: Okay. That's my girl. Summer: Mm-hmm. But I really -- I really could use some moral support while I'm there, so... would you go with me as my plus-one, please? Phyllis: [ Gasps ] Um... nothing would make me happier than being by your side. Lola: Guys, what is this all about? Abby: We just have a few gifts for you. Tessa: Things that you can't get married without. Mariah: So, this is something old. And I really hope you like it. Lola: Wow! Mariah: Yeah? Lola: This is so beautiful. Mariah: That's amazing. We saw it at this little antique shop, and it just screamed "lola's wedding." Lola: It's perfect. Tessa: Mm. Abby: Okay. This is something new. Very excited about this. This is brand- spanking-new. It's my mother's new fragrance for her new company. It is so new that it doesn't even have a name yet. [ Atomizer puffing ] Tessa: Oh, that's so nice! Mariah: Yeah, I love it. That's incredible. Lola: Wow. It's my new favorite thing. Abby: [ Chuckles ] Well, my mom will be very happy to hear that. Tessa: Okay, now let's not forget something blue. Lola: [ Chuckles ] Mariah: Ohh! [ Laughter ] Lola: It is so pretty. I can't wait to wear it. Thank you guys so much for everything. Abby: Wait. Hold on. There's one more. Abby: This is something borrowed. [ Giggles ] Lola: [ Gasps ] Abby: When you want your own, be sure to drop a few hints to your husband, and I will make sure he gets it right. Lola: You guys have already made this the most incredible day of my life. Thank you so much. I -- I really love you guys. Mariah: Don't you dare cry. Because I cannot replicate whatever the glam squad did. [ Laughter ] Come on. Ashley: Look, you have a point. I know you've seen a million examples of how to make a marriage go wrong. Traci: Yes. And not just in our family. It's everywhere. Ashley: Yeah. Traci: So, you take all of those mistakes, and you learn from them and do the opposite. Kyle: [ Scoffs ] Easier said than done. Traci: Okay. Okay. Look at it this way -- you and lola have already survived events that would destroy most relationships. Ashley: That's true. That's true. I mean, you've already loved her through sickness and health. Traci: Through overprotective brothers, through a marriage to someone else. Ashley: And she's been building an empire since the very first day you laid eyes on her, right? I mean, crazy hours. You lived through that. Kyle: [ Sighs ] Traci: And the two of you flourished in the process. You've been together through sunshine and rain. Kyle: But -- but how do you make that last forever? Traci: Well, you take it day by day. Marriage isn't something that's set in stone, kyle. You can't neglect it or ignore it and expect it's just gonna work itself out. Marriage is a living thing, and your love keeps it alive. Ashley: And you already know this, but, obviously, commitment, right? Marriage takes commitment and -- and attention. And you're -- you're definitely gonna have your challenges. Traci: Plenty. Ashley: And you're gonna have your disagreements. Traci: Yes. Ashley: But I would advise that you just meet them head-on. And if you've got a choice between being right and being happy, please, please choose happiness. Kyle: [ Snorts softly ] Traci: And if you get invited to an argument, don't show up. Ashley: [ Laughs ] Yes, don't show up. You need to learn to let things go. Forgive and -- and move on. Traci: And always remember -- remind each other that, out of all the people that ever were and ever will be, you have chosen each other. You belong to each other. Cherish it. Ashley: And talk to her. Right? About everything. I mean, the good, the bad, everything in between. And, of course, you need to listen to her, 'cause -- [ Traci laughs ] Well, you're gonna be her rock. Traci: And she will be yours. Ashley: Yeah. Traci: Oh, honey. You're both so young yet. You're going to change in ways you can't even imagine. So create memories that will last a lifetime, and traditions you can pass down to your children. Ashley: Not that you have to have children. Traci: Yes, they do. Ashley: Well, I mean, in case they don'T. But, I mean, you don't have -- kyle, you don't have to rush it, because you and lola both have dreams, and you're gonna help each other reach them. You're gonna be encouraging each other. Traci: Honey? Do you love her? Kyle: [ Sighs ] With all my heart. More than I ever thought I could love anyone. From the moment we met, it -- she's everything. Ashley: Just tell her that all the time. The things you say. The things you do for her. Traci: Give her your best, and you'll get so much back in return. Ashley: And just remember -- you're always gonna have the love and support of your very flawed family. [ Traci and kyle laugh ] Forever. Both of you. Kyle: Ohhh, what would I do without you? [ Laughs ] Traci: Oh, honey, that is something you'll never have to worry about. [ Laughs ] Ashley: You've got this. Traci: You're gonna be great. Devon: Oh! Hey, you guys. Billy: Hi. How are you? Devon: Good to see you. Victoria: Good to see you. Likewise. Devon: Yeah. Everybody ready for this wedding? Elena: Yeah. I can't wait to go inside. Can we? Devon: Yeah, let's take a look. Let's see. Wow. Elena: [ Chuckles ] Victoria: Oh, my goodness! Elena: This is incredible. Devon: Yeah. Are we sure that kyle did all this, or did he have a secret wedding planner we don't know about? Billy: He's got secret talents, I think that much is clear. Devon: Sheesh. I'd say he nailed it. Elena: It's so romantic. I love it. Devon: It is. It's beautiful, right? Elena: Yeah. Victoria: Gosh, this is like a dream. Billy: The best kind. Victoria: This is gonna be a beautiful ceremony. Billy: Who needs weddings, anyway? Victoria: What's it like being here knowing that we are blissfully un-married for the rest of our lives? Billy: It means that I will be front row to catch that garter so I can not marry you all over again. Victoria: Oh, my gosh. You say the sweetest things. Billy: I try. Abby: Today is a day that you are going to remember for years to come. And it's gonna feel like someone hit the fast-forward button. But just enjoy every minute. Take it in and tuck those moments away somewhere safe, because it all goes by so fast. [ Chuckles ] Rey: Uh, big brother of the bride. Can I come in? Lola: Yeah, come on in. Rey: Lola... Lola: Okay, stop. Don't make me cry. Rey: [ Chuckles ] There's a million things I want to tell you right now, but I don't know what to say. Mariah: Okay, you can say anything you want, just please don't make her cry or you're gonna be redoing that mascara. Just saying. [ Abby laughs ] Rey: Little lola's getting married. Lola: Can you believe it? Rey: [ Chuckles ] Feels like just yesterday you were 6 years old, stomping around the kitchen, cooking up a storm, making your own recipes. Lola: I was unstoppable. Rey: That hasn't changed a bit. Lola: And then there was the day that you told me that my paella was so much better than mama's -- Rey: I told you never to repeat that. [ Chuckles ] Lola: [ Laughs ] That was the day, rey. That I knew there was nothing I couldn't do. I had the best role model. You believed in me. Taught me the importance of having a dream, working hard, keeping my word. Never giving up. Uh, not to mention, you know, tuning up a car and changing a tire. Rey: [ Chuckles ] You were -- you were my best student. Quick learner. Lola: Well, without you, i wouldn't have had the courage or confidence to reach for the stars. Start my food truck. Rey: La vida lola. Lola: Without that truck, i wouldn't have had the things and have met the people who changed my life. Rey: I'm so proud of you. Lola: It's been a crazy ride, huh? I mean, oh, god, and you have made me want to pull my hair out so many times, rey. Talk about overprotective. Geez. [ Sighs ] But you helped to make who I am today. And, you know, I know that I'm crying and probably ruined my makeup already. But, uh... I know that it wasn't easy for you. Stepping in for papa. You gave so many things up. And I knew that because not for one minute did I feel alone or less than anyone else. And if it weren't for you, I wouldn't even be here in genoa city. With these amazing people, marrying this incredible man. There isn't a word big enough to say thank you for being the best brother that a sister could have, rey. Rey: [ Sniffling ] Traci: [ Gasps ] Oh, kyle! [ Chuckles ] Oh! Kyle: [ Exhales heavily ] Ashley: This is magnificent. Kyle: It's a labor of love. Ashley: You have completely transformed this place. I never would have recognized it. Kyle: Kind of like what lola did to my heart. [ Traci and ashley exclaim ] [ Chuckles ] Nate: Kyle. Ashley: Hey, nate. How are you? Kyle: Hey. Glad you could make it, nate. Nate: Oh, I wouldn't have missed it for the world. Kyle: Ohh. Nate: Big day. Kyle: The biggest. Nate: You've, uh, certainly raised the bar. Ashley: Right? Kyle: Eh, go big or go home, right? Ashley: [ Laughs ] Nate: Yeah. Devon: Kyle! Yo. Kyle: Oh, man! Devon. Devon: How you doing, man? Looking sharp. Kyle: What's going on? Elena: Hey! Mwah. Kyle: Just trying to keep up with you. Devon: Oh, get out of here. Dude, when, uh -- when abby told me that you were in charge of the wedding arrangements, this is the last thing i expected. Kyle: Yeah, well, when you find the right girl, I guess everything just falls into place. But, uh, I need to talk to the priest. So mix, mingle. I'll catch up with you later. Devon: Do your thing, man. Elena: Congrats. Kyle: Thanks. Devon: Yo. Elena: Hey. So, I wonder, when this renaissance man gets married, are you gonna hire a planner, too, or are you gonna do it yourself? Because, I mean, you already cook like a four-star chef, and you do organ transplants. Nate: It'll be a good long time before I'm even ready to consider taking that step. [ Laughter ] See ya. Devon: What's, uh -- what's going on with, uh, him and abby? Are they on again? Off again? Elena: Oh, definitely on. Devon: Yeah? Elena: He is her plus-one. Devon: Really? Elena: Mm-hmm. Devon: I didn't see that coming. Elena: I know. Abby: Wow! Hey, groomzilla. Kyle: [ Chuckles ] Abby: You did a phenomenal job. I guess I never should have doubted you. Kyle: Well, I knew you'd see the light...eventually. [ Sighs ] Jack: Good to see you, father. Jack. Jack: Uh, could I borrow the groom for just a moment? Please. Kyle: What's wrong? Did something happen? Lola: My entire life, you've been there. Rey: No place I'd rather be. Lola: [ Chuckles ] Father/daughter dances, teaching me how to drive, always the first to try my new recipes. Rey: And now here you are. About to take your first steps on another huge journey. Lola: It just makes so much sense that you'll be the one to -- Celeste: Lola? Lola: Mom?! Oh, my god! You're here! I can't believe it! You made it! Celeste: [ Laughs ] Oh! Rey: [ Chuckles ] "The young and the restless" will continue. Lola: I can't believe that you're here! Celeste: I couldn't miss my baby's wedding. Lola: Rey, did you know that this was happening? Rey: No! I had no idea. Can I get one of those, please? Celeste: Yes. Oh! Rey: Aye, yi, yi! Celeste: Ohh! You two have no idea how much I missed you. [ Sighs ] And I'm so sorry, um... [ Sighs ] For the way I left. Lola: No, you have nothing to apologize for. I'm the one who's sorry for making you feel like an outsider. Mom, I never should have shut you out. Rey: What finally convinced you to change your mind? Was it the half million e-mails I sent you? The flowers? Celeste: [ Laughs ] No, it was -- it was a very wise man who reminded me how precious these moments are, and that my place is really here with you. Lola: Jack? Celeste: Yeah, well... your father-in-law-to-be adores you. [ Laughs ] And he understands what it's like to be cursed with such beautiful and brilliantly stubborn children. But if a man who has known you a fraction of the time that I have loved you cares enough about you to put your happiness first, what -- [ Scoffs ] [ Voice breaking ] What kind of mother would I have been to stay away? Lola: Mom! Celeste: [ Laughs ] Lola: I love you so much. Celeste: I love you. Heh. Look, we're -- we're not perfect. And we make mistakes. But we, um... we forgive. And we move on. Lola: Agreed. Celeste: Yes. [ Laughs ] I just want you to know one thing, baby. My love, I am so happy that you found someone who adores you. Someone who [Sniffles] Doesn't just appreciate you, but celebrates you. Celebrates your -- your independence and your strength and that confidence. It's such a testament to who you truly are. Lola: I got it from you, mom. Celeste: [ Laughs ] Lola: You're an incredible mother. I don't know of a luckier girl. Celeste: Okay. No crying. Don't cry. Lola: What are you talking about? I'm not crying. You're crying. Celeste: I am not crying. Lola: How's my makeup? How's my makeup? Celeste: Your makeup is perfect. Lola: Okay, great. Celeste: Gorgeous. Abby: Sorry to interrupt -- oh, my gosh! Celeste: Hi! Abby: Hi! You made it! Celeste: I did. [ Both laugh ] I am finally where I'm supposed to be. Abby: Well, I am so glad that you are here. So, we have a mom, rey, and a groom who can't wait to get this show on the road. So what do you say? You ready to get married? Lola: Beyond. [ Laughter ] Well... mama... would you do me the honor of walking me down the aisle? With rey? Celeste: I'd love to. I'd love to. Lola: The two people responsible for making me the woman that I am today. Celeste: [ Chuckles ] Abby: This is perfect. So let's get you in that dress. And, everyone, take deep breaths and prepare yourself for utter magic. Come on! Kyle: Thanks for convincing celeste to come. Jack: I wouldn't have it any other way. Kyle: Best wedding gift you could have given us. Jack: Does that mean I can take the other one back? Kyle: Ooh. Nice try. [ Mendelssohn's "wedding march" plays ] Celeste: You have a lot of nerve showing your face here. Adrian: Heh. Good evening. Adrian: Did you really think I'd miss our daughter's wedding? We are gathered here in this glorious setting, in the presence of god, family, and friends... humira patients, you inspire us. Marriage is an honorable estate, not to be entered into lightly, but reverently. We rejoice that these two people have chosen to commit themselves to a life of loving faithfulness to each other. We praise you for the ways you have touched our lives with such a loving relationship such as lola and kyle'S. Celeste: You have no business being here after everything you've done. Adrian: I've made many regrettable mistakes, you're right. But I don't want to add missing lola's wedding to the list. Did you see her? [ Celeste scoffs ] She's beautiful! Perfect! Celeste: Yes, because of me, and because of my sacrifices and my love and my guidance. Adrian: And I am forever grateful. Celeste: Oh, as if -- as if you know what either of those words means. Why couldn't you just respect her wishes? She doesn't want you here. If -- if you have anything left resembling a heart, you will not ruin this day for my daughter. Have that much decency. Today we celebrate the creation of a new home and new family for you both. May you be fulfilled in each other's love and friendship, and may the promises and commitments you make today be lived out everyday hereafter. Lola, kyle, do you, with your family and friends as witnesses, present yourselves willing and of your own accord to be joined in marriage? Together: We do. Will you promise to support, encourage each other in the joys and sorrows of life, come what may? Lola: We will. Kyle: We will. Do you, family and friends of this young couple, promise to help lola and kyle in their marital journey, to love and support them in their quest to sustain their marriage and commitment to each other? All: We do. Kyle... Phyllis: Almost there. ...Please take lola's hand and repeat after me. Kyle: I, kyle abbott, take you, lola rosales, to be my wife. "I will share my life with yours"... Kyle: I will share my life with yours, and we will build our dreams together. Support one another in times of trouble... Lola: ...And rejoice with you in times of happiness. I promise to give you love, respect, loyalty. This commitment is made with love, kept in faith, and lived with hope. And made every day of our lives. Kyle: Every day of our lives. Lola: [ Chuckles ] The rings. These rings are an outward and visible sign of the bond which already unites your hearts in love. Place this ring upon lola's finger and repeat after me. "I give you this ring. Wear it with love and joy." Kyle: I give you this ring. Wear it with love and joy. Lola: As this ring has no end, my love is also forever. Lola and kyle, I offer these good wishes on your special day -- be patient, be kind, rejoice, and persevere. You have found your person. May the years to come be filled with moments to celebrate and renew your love. By the power vested in me, it is my honor and delight to declare you husband and wife. You may now -- [ Laughter and applause ] [ Mendelssohn's "wedding march" plays ] [ Cheers and applause ] It is my pleasure to introduce to you kyle and lola abbott. [ Cheers and applause ] Next week on "the young and the restless"... Kyle: What the hell are you doing here? Theo: You remember zoe from new york? Arturo: Abby -- abby, you need to know how sorry I am about everything -- Nate: Is there a problem here? Lola: I'd like to talk to adrian alone, please. Billy: I smell a rat, michael. Do you know what a rat king is? It's when two rats get their tails intertwined. Adam: Marry me. Sharon: What? | Celeste and Rey walked Lola down the aisle |
672 | Nikki: Apparently, my timing is less than perfect. I was told I could find Nicholas here. Victor: Nicholas went home. He's spending the holiday with Summer and Phyllis. Nikki: The holiday? Victor: Yes. Nikki: Oh, Valentine's Day! Of course. I should have realized. Ashley: We didn't know you were back. How's your sister doing? Nikki: She's responding much better to the treatment than we expected, so, um, she said I might as well go home and be with somebody who really needs me. Victor: Well, that sounds like Casey. Ashley: That's wonderful news. You must be so relieved. Nikki: Yes, I am. Thank you for asking. Well, I will check in with Nicholas in the morning and get an update on Noah. Sorry for disturbing you. Ashley: No problem. Victor: Um, don't leave. [SCENE_BREAK] Clint: So... it looks like you've been found out, Margie. Kay: No. Clint: What do you have to say for yourself now? Kay: No, that's impossible-- isn't possible. I mean, I-I--do--something is wrong, or--or somebody's lying. Clint: Yeah, you... although, I got to admit... (Laughs) You've gotten a lot better at imitating that broad. Kay: I am Katherine Chancellor, you idiot! Annie: Now, now, you two, play nice. Kay: Oh, shut up. Clint: Playtime is officially over, and all the practice and posturing in the world can't fool a D.N.A. test. For you not to realize that makes me wonder if you're going a little soft in the head. Kay: I am not crazy! Now stop it! Whoever did the lab tests made a mistake or --or--or--or maybe they sabotaged it. Maybe--just maybe-- someone doesn't want m-- maybe someone doesn't want me to be Katherine Chancellor. [SCENE_BREAK] Jill: She fought and fought for that damn test, and now she's caught in her own trap. It serves her right. Paul: Well, Nikki didn't believe she was Katherine, either. Jill: Well, don't tell me you did. Paul: Jill, I got to be honest with you, there were times with my conversation with her that I could have sworn I was seeing your mother. Jill: (Sighs) Yeah, well, you were just seeing what you wanted to see. I wanted to see it, too, believe me. I would give anything to have Katherine back. Paul: Are you going to ask the D.A. to prosecute that woman for fraud? Jill: The police are already investigating her for grand theft. Paul: In what, for the emerald ring, right? Jill: Yeah, so to add fraud to that-- I just don't know. I mean, part of me wants to nail her to the wall for what she's putting me through, just throw her behind bars where she belongs. But oh, Lord, the prospect of getting all tangled up in a huge court case, having to face her again, having to testify... Paul: Yeah, I know. It keeps the wound open, doesn't it? Jill: It does. How am I supposed to grieve? How am I supposed to begin to heal when I have to keep confronting that woman? I just don't know if it's worth it, you know? I just have to hope and pray, that whatever happens, that Marge creature will get hers. (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Cane: Oh, yes, I am. I'm your daddy. I'm your daddy. Have you had a chance to say "Hello" to your mommy yet? Here's your mommy. Chloe, are you awake? Hey, Chloe. Hey. Hey. Chloe: Hi, Cane. Cane: Hey. Chloe: Cane. Cane: I made it up here in time to see our daughter. Look. Look. Look here. Look. Chloe: (Sobs) Cane: Oh, look at her-- that's our little girl, our precious beautiful little girl. Oh, look. Chloe: (Sobs) Hi, Boog. Cane: (Laughs) I think you have to find a different nickname for her, though. Look. Chloe: Is she okay? Please tell me she's okay. Cane: Oh, she's fine. Oh, no, she's fine. Look, she's just beautiful. Look, she's incredible. Chloe: Oh, she's perfect. Billy: She's fine. Ten fingers, ten toes-- I counted. Chloe: (Sobs) Cane: (Laughs) Thank God. I, uh... (Sighs) I--what are you doing up here, huh? What were you doing up here? Chloe: Cane, I'm cold. Cane: All right. Chloe: I'm so cold. Lily: Uh, the-- the--the generator's out, the--so there's no heat. We need more firewood. Cane: Okay. Billy: I'll get it. (Clears throat) Cane: All right. Shh. You stay warm. Chloe: (Sniffles) Cane: Billy, I'm coming out there with you. Lily, here. Here, hold the baby. Baby: (Grunts) Cane: Have her? (Door closes) Lily: Yeah. Cane: You got her? (Sniffles) Cane: I'll be right back. Lily: Hey, Chloe, you just hang in there, okay? Chloe: Oh. Baby: (Cries) Lily: Chloe? Chloe? Baby: (Coos) Cane: I want you to answer me. I want to know why Chloe's here. I want to know why a pregnant woman is driving up on icy roads in the middle of the night. Billy: She's your wife. Well, if you didn't know that Chloe was coming up here, why were you on your way up to the cabin? Cane: Don't you answer my question with a question. Billy: It was Lily. You knew she'd be up here, and you just couldn't take it, so you came up for yourself. You're in love with her, aren't you? Cane: You know I still love her. I haven't stopped loving her. And you, you're not good enough for her. Billy: You don't have a clue, brother. Cane: (Sniffles) Billy: So back up. Cane: Why don't you go to hell? Lily: You guys! It's Chloe! Come quick! (Wood clatters to the ground) Cane: What? What's happening? What's wrong? Lily: I-I-I don't-- I don't know. She's--she's bleeding, and it won't stop. Chloe: Oh. Oh. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikki: Well, thanks for filling me in on Noah. I did speak to Phyllis before my plane took off, but it's nice to know the update. Victor: Fortunately, his accident didn't leave any permanent damage. Nikki: (Sighs) Poor Colleen and Abby. They must be devastated. Ashley: Yeah, Brad's passing has been rough on both of them, very rough. Nikki: Well, I can't believe he's even gone, but I will be grateful to him always for saving Noah. Okay, I've taken up enough of your time. I see you're celebrating. Victor: We are, indeed. Nikki: Oh, a business chair. That's, uh, a romantic valentine's gift. Ashley: (Laughs) It's kind of sweet. Victor: Brad Carlton's death left a vacant seat on the Newman board of directors. I offered it to Ashley. [SCENE_BREAK] Esther: Hey. Roger: Hello, gorgeous. Esther: Hi. (Laughs) Roger: I got us booked on the last plane to Vegas. We can say our vows by midnight-- squeak it in just under the deadline. Esther: Oh. I have always wanted to get married on Valentine's Day. Roger: Well, then what are we waiting for? Let's grab our bags and get to the airport. Esther: Okay, but we have to stop at the office first so that I can tell Jill that we're going. Roger: What, are you-- are you crazy? Esther: Roger, I live with the woman. I can't just disappear without saying anything. Besides, after the way that she used that D.N.A. test to try to stop us from getting married, I kind of want to rub her nose in it. Roger: (Laughs) Esther: Jill's all alone with no date, and I'm about to become a Valentine's Day bride. Roger: (Sighs) Now, Sweetheart, listen to me. This is a bad idea. Esther: Why? Roger: Uh, look, it's obvious. Jill doesn't want this for you. The--the two of you, you'll argue. You'll--you'll get all upset, and I don't want her spoiling our night. Esther: But I-- I really think that-- Roger: No, but look, here's what we do. You call her up the next morning, tell her you're Mrs. Roger Wilkes, and there's not a darned thing she can do about that. Esther: It's--it's tempting. Roger: Tempting enough to get you to change your mind? Esther: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Jill: You haven't found anything to prove he's a crook? Paul: Well, as you know, I've only done the preliminary background check, and so far, nothing has jumped out at me. Jill: Well, keep digging. (Sighs) I knew from the moment I laid eyes on Roger Wilkes that he was hiding something. Paul: Well, that may be. I'll keep you posted what I come up with. Jill: Thank you, Paul. The last thing in the world I want to do is share my estate with a man I don't trust. (Scoffs) And when it comes to Esther and how dopey she is with men... Paul: Well, and I know you feel you want to keep an eye out on her, and you-- you certainly don't want her taken advantage of. Jill: Well, I was just hoping that the D.N.A. results would take a couple more days-- anything to keep them from eloping until you get the goods on him. (Groans) I'll talk to Cane and Chloe. I'm sure they'll be able to find some way to talk Esther into backing off. (Sighs) Oh, voice mail. Chloe, this is Jill. I need to see you right away. It's important. It's about your mother. Damn. Um... (Telephone buttons clicking) Jill: Damn it. All circuits are busy. Paul: It's got to be the storm, don't you think? Jill: It is so frustrating not to be able to get a hold of anybody. Where are they? (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Chloe: Wait, what's going-- what's going on? What's going on? Cane: Shh. Chloe: Where's the baby? Lily: She's okay. She's fine. Cane: She's safe. Lily: I got some towels and made a little nest for her. Cane: She's safe and she's warm. Don't worry about her, okay? Shh. Chloe: (Sighs) Why do I feel like this? I'm just--I'm really weak. Lily: Um, you're just bleeding a little bit, and I-I'm sure that's normal, given everything that you just went through. Cane: That's right. Just relax, okay? Everything's gonna be okay. We're gonna look after you, all right? Chloe: Okay. Okay. Cane: We'll take care of you. Chloe: Okay. Lily: So when I was on the phone with my Aunt Liv before the baby came, she warned me that Chloe could start hemorrhaging. Cane: We have to stop the bleeding then. Lily: No, no, no. It's coming from inside. It's not because of a tear or anything. Billy: Aren't you supposed to elevate someone's feet or something so they don't go into shock? Cane: She's already in shock, Billy. Lily: Well, let's just put a pillow underneath her feet, and maybe that'll help until someone gets here. Billy: If somebody can get here. I don't think the weather has let up any since the ranger told us that we're on our own. Cane: (Sighs) Okay. Cane: Hey. Chloe: Oh, guys, guys, I don't feel okay. Cane: Hey, hey, hey. Chloe: Am I gonna be okay? Cane: Shh. You're gonna be okay. Lily: Yeah, it's fine. Shh. Cane: You're gonna be okay. All right, listen, we're gonna prop your legs up, okay? Chloe: Okay. Cane: It's gonna make you feel more comfortable, all right? Chloe: (Moans) Cane: You just-- you're all right, Sweetheart. You just relax, okay? All right. Okay. Chloe: (Sobs) Billy: Everything's gonna be okay. Chloe: (Sobs) Promise me. Cane: Billy, do you want to, uh, try and call the ranger station again, see if we can get that doctor to come up here after all? Billy: Yeah. Cane: Yeah? Okay. All right. Chloe: (Sobs) (Sighs) (Whimpers) Lily: And if there is, tell them to hurry. (Whispers) You okay? Cane: (Whispering) Yeah. We gotta her out of here. Lily: Oh, God. Chloe: (Sighs) (Shivers) [SCENE_BREAK] Nikki: Give candy or flowers for Valentine's Day, but you've never been most men. Victor: Right. Nikki: Congratulations. Ashley: Thank you, Nikki. Nikki: Well, enjoy your evening. (Door closes) Ashley: Awkward. So she handled that better than I was expecting, considering-- Victor: Her reaction does not interest me in the least, Dear. Ashley: Well, then why did you mention the board seat? Victor: Why shouldn't I? Ashley: I wish you hadn't. Victor: Why not? Ashley: Because it's premature. Victor: No, it's not. Ashley: Yes, it is. Victor: Unh-unh. Ashley: I haven't said "Yes." Victor: You will. [SCENE_BREAK] Esther: Uh, we're off to Sin City. Wish us luck. Jill: Oh, Esther, please tell me that you're not planning on going ahead with that. Esther: I'm not asking for your permission, Jill. I'm just letting you know that I'm leaving town, so don't wait up. Jill: Uh, Roger, would you wait outside, please? I need to speak to Esther. Esther: Anything that you want to say to me, you can say in front of Roger. Roger: Could we have this party a little later? My bride and I have a plane to catch. Jill: Esther, listen to me. I know that you're hurting over Katherine. I know you're trying to fill that void. But trust me, this is not the way. The two of you have known each other for what, a couple of weeks? Why don't you wait? Get to know each other a little better. I mean, if you're so in love, what difference could that make? [SCENE_BREAK] Annie: Got so worked up, she conked right out. Clint: Good. I like her a lot better with her mouth closed. Annie: Okay, she's nobody. So now what? Clint: You sit on her, just like we talked about. Annie: She's a waitress, Clint! What are we gonna get for her, a stack of pancakes? Clint: Annie! Annie: I say get rid of her now. She's not rich. Why pussyfoot around? [SCENE_BREAK] Chloe: How's the bleeding? How is it? Is it any better? Cane: Shh. Chloe: How's the bleeding? Cane: You're okay. The bleeding is under control, okay? Chloe: (Shivers) Cane: You're okay. Chloe: Oh, God. It's freezing. I'm freezing. Lily: Want me to get some more blankets? Cane: Get some more blankets. Lily: Okay. Chloe: Oh, God. (Shivers) Billy: Wind's too gusty to get a MedEvac chopper in here. They said they'll have an ambulance waiting at the main road. That's still open. Lily: Well, how do we get Chloe and the baby down there? Billy: They said they'd call for a snowmobile, but they said it would take a while. Lily: She doesn't have a while--not at the rate that she's losing blood. Billy: Uh... Chloe: Cane? Cane: Yeah? Chloe: Cane, I'm scared. Cane, I'm scared. You have to-- Cane: Shh. Don't be scared. Chloe: And so you have to promise me that you're gonna take care of the baby, okay? Cane: Hey, you don't talk like that. Chloe: Just take care of the baby. Cane: We are both gonna take care of that baby because you are its mommy, and I am its daddy, okay? Chloe: (Sighs) Yeah. Cane: You understand? Chloe: Oh. Oh. Cane: Chloe? Chloe? Chloe. Chloe. Chloe. Chloe. Chloe. Chloe. [SCENE_BREAK] Annie: You promised me big money, Clint. If there's not gonna be any, I'm out of here. Clint: Sweetheart, this isn't a ransom-type scenario. Annie: (Sighs) Clint: Nobody's gonna pay money for a dead woman, and Katherine Chancellor is dead, got it? Now Roger is gonna marry Esther tonight, which is gonna put us into the mansion and land us in the money, huh? Huh? But until the ink is dry on that marriage license, we're gonna keep our look-alike here on ice in case we've got to come up with a plan "B." Annie: When in the hell did this get so complicated? Clint: (Sighs) If Roger--if Roger had closed the deal on time, we wouldn't have been forced to get so creative. Annie: Mm. Clint: But, hey, if that's what it takes, so be it. I got screwed out of that fortune once. It's not gonna happen to me again. [SCENE_BREAK] Roger: (Sighs) Ladies, ladies, look, uh, it's true. I-I-I can't wait to marry Esther. I never met a woman who even came close, but maybe I am being selfish, trying to rush her into this. I don't know. Maybe deep down, I'm a little worried she might change her mind. Esther: Oh. Not in a million years. Jill: (Sighs) Esther: I love you with all of my heart, and I can't wait to be your wife. Oh. Jill, you are so wrong about this. This is right. When it's right, it's right. Now we have to go. We have to go to the airport. Jill: Good--good--good-- good--good--stop! Stop! Okay. I give. It's obvious to me that you two are perfect for each other. Esther: Mm. Jill: So have the wedding here. Have it surrounded by your family and friends. Esther, I know that you've always dreamed about a beautiful wedding with a gorgeous white dress and walking down the aisle with all the people you love smiling up at you, seeing your joy. (Gasps) I'll spring for it! We'll have it at the mansion. We'll cover everything with flowers and candles. (Gasps) And Chloe could be your maid of honor. And maybe she'll have had the baby by then, so you'll have your little granddaughter there at your wedding. Esther: Oh. Roger, what do you think, huh? Jill: (Sighs) Roger: Um... it, um, sounds nice, but it could take a-a while to plan. Esther: Oh, true. Jill: No. No, no, no. Not necessarily. Roger: Uh, well, here's an idea. Why don't we get married tonight like we wanted, and then Jill could throw us a big party later. Jill: N-no. Esther: Oh. That is a great idea. And we'll have the reception when we get back. Roger: Oh, perfect. If we're gonna catch that last plane... Esther: Yeah. Jill: No, no, no! Esther: Yeah, okay. Got to go, Jill. The next time you see me, I'll be Mrs. Roger Wilkes. Jill: Yeah, but the reception is not the same as the wedding, Esther. Esther: Okay, bye. Bye. Jill: It won't take that long! God! (Cell phone rings) Jill: Yeah? [SCENE_BREAK] Cane: All right, now listen, she's unconscious, and she's not gonna make it if we don't get her to a hospital. Billy: We'll just have to find a way to transport her to the ambulance ourselves. Cane: All right, now I walked up here from the main road. It's not gonna be easy, but this is doable. Lily: Cane, how? You can't carry her, not how she's bleeding. Billy: There's a toboggan by the--by the generator. Cane: Yeah, that'll work. Get that. Get the toboggan. Billy: Yeah. All right. I-I-I'll go get it. Lily: Okay, I'm gonna take comforters off the beds. Cane: All right. Okay. (Door closes) Cane: Hey. Hey. Hey, you hang in there, okay? Do you hear what I'm saying to you? We are not gonna lose our little girl's mommy, all right? You are a mommy. You are a mommy, and you're gonna make it, all right? Okay. All right, Billy, that should be good. Billy: It's gonna have to be. We used every blanket and quilt we've got. Cane: Okay. Lily: Okay, the baby should be warm enough under here once we start moving. Cane: All right. Now this is gonna be dangerous taking her out in the cold when she's in shock, all right? Billy: What alternative do we have, man? Cane: All right. Lily: (Sighs) All right. You guys ready? Cane: Okay. Yeah. All right. Billy: On three. Cane: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Okay, one, two, three. Billy: One, two, three. Cane: (Grunts) Okay. Okay. Lily: Okay, here we go. (Sighs) Lily: (Sighs) Billy: Come on. Cane: This way. Chloe: (Moans) [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: Oh, thanks, but I didn't order that. Woman: Its compliments of a lady who'd like to join you. Paul: Oh, really? Well, um, hmm. Tell her I'm flattered, but, um, I'm already spoken for. Nikki: Now that was a right answer. Paul: (Laughs) Nikki: (Laughs) Paul: Nikki. Oh, wow. Nikki: Ohh! Paul: What are you doing here? Nikki: Well, you told me on the phone that you were coming here to watch the game, so I wanted to surprise you. Happy Valentine's Day. Paul: Damn, I missed you. Nikki: Oh, I missed you. Paul: (Laughs) Nikki: (Laughs) [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: Darling, why would you not want to be part of my company? Ashley: Well, it's not that I don't want to be a part of your company, Victor. I just feel that maybe you have an ulterior motive. Victor: Well, Sweetheart, you are eminently capable, and I want you near me-- two very good reasons. Ashley: And you can also stick it to Jack. Victor: Wait a minute. Bringing your brother into this is doing yourself a disservice. Your business acumen-- Ashley: Is needed at Jabot, and you have to realize it has to be my top priority. Victor: You can handle both. Ashley: I'm aware of that. That's not the issue. The issue is whether or not it's right. Victor: Oh, come on now. You're the last person who should ask that question. [SCENE_BREAK] Jill: Oh, Esther. Esther, thank God. Thank God you haven't left. Esther: (Sighs) Roger: Honestly, Jill, with all due respect... Esther: Jill, come on. There's nothing you can say that will make us change our minds. Jill: How about, "Chloe's had the baby"? Esther: What? Jill: I just talked to Olivia. I don't have any details yet. Chloe went into labor in a cabin in the woods. They're bringing her in by ambulance to Memorial right now. Esther: Oh, my God. Are--are they all right? Jill: Oh, shush, Esther. Come on. Let's go. Let's go. Esther: Oh, Jill, we have to go to the hospital! Jill: Let's go. Let's go. Roger: (Sighs) Esther: Open. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikki: Heaven is a man who thinks it's cute when I steal his French fries. Paul: Babe, help yourself. I really do owe you a, uh, a-a nice dinner somewhere out, you know? Someplace nicer than this, anyway. Nikki: (Laughs) Oh, don't worry about it. Paul: (Sighs) Nikki: I am quite happy where I am right now. I feel like the weight of the world has been lifted. Paul: I can imagine. I'm really glad to hear that Casey's doing so well. Nikki: She's responding to the chemo so much better than we thought she would. Now we just have to hope and pray that it does the job. (Sighs) Paul: I, um... I assume that you've heard about Brad? Nikki: (Sighs) I'm still in denial, I guess. Paul: Yeah, well, can you handle some more bad news, or disappointing anyway? Nikki: Is it about the woman who's pretending to be Katherine? Paul: Yeah. The D.N.A. test didn't pan out. She and Jill weren't a match. Nikki: No kidding. Well, I can't say I'm surprised. I've known all along that woman was a fake. (Sighs) But wouldn't it be something if Katherine were still alive? [SCENE_BREAK] Kay: (Sighs) What time is it? Annie: Hello, Sunshine. Have a nice nappie-poo? Kay: Where's, uh, Clint? Annie: In the can. What's it to you? Kay: All right, Annie, I want you to listen to me. Annie: Ugh. Kay: Well... Annie: (Sighs) Kay: I don't care what Clint has been telling you. I am Katherine Chancellor. Kay: Now if you help me get out of here, I will make sure that you will have more money than you know what to do with. And I will not bilk you out of your share, which I'm sure that he will do once... Clint: I thought I heard talking out here. If she keeps running off the mouth, stick a sock in it. (Cell phone rings) Clint: Are you married yet? Roger: Vegas is off again. Esther's kid had a baby. Clint: What? Roger: I'm supposed to meet her at the hospital. Clint: No, you were supposed to get on a damn plane and marry her. How hard can this be, Roger? The woman hasn't had a date in 15 years. Roger: I--look, I-I know. Clint: But nothing. Look, we're stuck in a holding pattern until you get this thing done. Now find a way to make it happen... and soon! Moron. [SCENE_BREAK] Cane: I can't stand all this waiting. I want to do something. Olivia: Look, you've done plenty. You all have. I mean, I-I can't believe you got Chloe and the baby through that snowstorm to the ambulance. Lily: We had no choice. Cane: Why don't they tell us anything? Can't you go and see where they're working on Chloe, find out what's going on? Olivia: I just happened to be at the hospital visiting someone when Lily called. I don't have any privileges here. But I can tell you this-- the staff is first-rate, and Chloe and the baby are in excellent hands. Cane: Hey, Doc, how they doing? Dr. Okamura: (Sighs) One of our staff pediatricians is examining the baby, who appears to be fine. Cane: (Sighs) Oh, thank God. Olivia: What about Chloe? Dr. Okamura: She'll need to have surgery to stop the bleeding. Cane: What surgery? Lily: Wait, it's that serious? Dr. Okamura: Fragments of the placenta were retained in Chloe's uterus after the delivery, and the blood vessels connecting them-- they're still active. Billy: So that's where all the blood's coming from? Dr. Okamura: Yes. We're gonna have to do a procedure to clear them out, get those vessels to close up. Olivia: Are you transfusing her? Dr. Okamura: Oh, yes. Uh, she'll need at least 3 units, and we'll also have to be aware of the infection because of the delivery in a non-sterile condition. Nurse... (Clears throat) Mr. Ashby has his wife's medical power of attorney. Uh, since she's unconscious, we need your consent in order to do the surgery. Cane: Yeah, of course. Of course. Woman: Okay, sign here, and I'll give you this bracelet. It'll identify you as the baby's father. Cane: Thank you. Excuse me. Excuse me. Dr. Okamura: Paperwork's signed. Tell them to prep her stat. I'll be right in. Cane: Hey, you hang in there, okay? I'll be waiting here for you when you wake up. (Sighs) Cane: (Sighs) (Sighs) I cannot believe this is happening. Billy: It wasn't the Valentine's Day we were expecting, either. Esther: Oh, there they are. Jill: Oh. Esther: Cane. Cane: Hey. Hey. Jill: What's happening? Where's the baby? Cane: The baby's being examined. Jill: Is she all right? Cane: Fine. She--she's--she'll be okay. Jill: (Sighs) Esther: Oh, thank God. We were so worried. Jill: Oh, Darling, congratulations. Cane: Thanks, Mom. Jill: Oh. Oh, Sweetie. Esther: Uh, where's Chloe? Can I see her? I-I can't believe that my baby had a baby. Cane: Esther, um... there's been some complications, and Chloe's in surgery. (Sighs) [Chloe dreaming] Chloe: Billy. Billy. No, I am just very impressed that you know not to wear white after Labor Day. Billy: (Laughs) Well, you're not the only fashionista in town. (Laughs) Chloe: (Laughs) Oh, wait, wait, wait. Billy: What? Chloe: It's where we first met. Billy: Ahh, yes, it is, complete with the fresh scent of sidewalk dog pee. Chloe: (Giggles) Billy: You're kind of a nut, but I like it. Come here. (Clears throat) Chloe: She's not really good on command performances. Billy: The little booger has attitude. I'm shocked. Chloe: (Laughs) You know, that's what I used to call her. Billy: Oh, yeah, really? Chloe: Yeah. Cane hated it. Billy: Oh, I'm shocked again. Chloe: (Laughs) Ooh. Billy: Oh, wow. I felt that. Um... Chloe: (Laughs) She likes you. Billy: I mean, did-- does that hurt? Are--are you okay? Chloe: Oh, I'm-- I'm just a little sore. I'm fine. She's fine. Billy: Yeah, she's amazing. [SCENE_BREAK] Dr. Okamura: I can't seem to stop the bleeding. We're losing her fast. Woman: She's crashing. [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: Mm. Nikki: (Sighs) There's no place like home. Paul: (Laughs) Nikki: There's no place like home. Paul: No. It's great to have you back. Maybe you should click your heels together, like, three times. Nikki: Oh? What will happen if I do? Paul: (Laughs) Oh, probably nothing. Nikki: (Laughs) Paul: You don't have the ruby slippers on, you know? Nikki: (Laughs) Lucky for you. Paul: Yes, maybe--maybe. (Laughs) Nikki: Oh. Have I told you lately... Paul: Mm. Nikki: How much I love being in your arms? Paul: Mm. Not in the last five minutes. Nikki: Oh, my God. Well, I am remiss, because I love it. I love you. Well, there, I said it. Paul: Yes, you did. Nikki: Mm-hmm. Paul: In case you haven't noticed, the feeling is mutual. Nikki: You're pretty easy to be around, do you know that? Mm. Paul: Ahh. Nikki: (Sniffles) Paul: As opposed to certain ex-husbands? Nikki: Now what would possess you to bring up Victor? Paul: Well, if I don't, who will? Actually, you did. Nikki: (Laughs) Paul: You mentioned you were going over to Newman Enterprises, and I just wanted to know what happened. Nikki: Oh. Paul: And you said he was with Ashley. Nikki: Yes, yes, yes. Having an intimate dinner in his office, so he could present his magnificent Valentine's Day gift to her-- a seat on the Newman board of directors. Paul: Wow. That's better than sharing French fries. Nikki: Hmm. Paul: That's romantic, isn't it? Nikki: Oh, yeah. Isn't it? He never offered that to me after all the years we were together, even after I had proven myself as a businesswoman. (Sighs) I have to admit, I do resent it a little bit, but c'est la vie. Paul: You okay? Is it bothering you? Nikki: Ah, it's a little more annoying than anything else, I guess. I'm very happy right where I am with you. As far as I'm concerned, Victor is Ashley's problem now. Paul: (Laughs) Nikki: He can spend all of his energies controlling her and leave me alone. Nikki: Mm. [SCENE_BREAK] Ashley: Yes, I know. Brad was involved in both Newman and Jabot, and he found it impossible to remain loyal to both. Victor: Sweetheart, he committed a criminal act. That would not happen with you. Unlike you, that man had no scruples. I'd trust you with my life. So let's please get this business talk behind us, get back to what matters. We are celebrating our first Valentine's Day. Ashley: I know. I know. Cheers. (Glasses clink) Ashley: Just one last thing-- I'm very flattered. I'm very, very flattered. I made a commitment to my family to help run Jabot, so I can't even think about accepting your offer until I discuss it with them, okay? Victor: "With them," in other words, you mean your brother jack. Ashley: Well... (Sighs) Victor: So he's the roadblock again? (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] (Bottle cap clinks on stovetop) Annie: Why don't I make you a sandwich? Clint: Mnh-mnh. I don't want a sandwich. You can feed her if you want. Annie: Oh, I don't think our chirpy little bird deserves any supper. Clint: Why? Annie: She tried to bribe me. Clint: Bribe you? When? Annie: While you were "Indisposed." She didn't waste any time trying to get on my good side. Said you were gonna welsh on our deal, and if I helped her escape, she'd make it worth my while. (Scoffs) Can't remember the last time I heard such a line of bull. (Bottle thuds on table) Clint: Not too smart, are you? See, that's how I know you're Marge and not Katherine. And the second I don't need you anymore, you're gone. So if I were you, I'd start saying my prayers. [Kay remembering] Kay: Let me tell you something, Clint Radisson. For months, you have robbed me of a home, family, a husband, my entire life. There are no words to explain a human being like you. Clint: (Groans) (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Kay: Have you forgotten the last time we tangled? I kneed you in the groin before they carted you off to jail, and I imagine you sang soprano for quite some time after that, didn't you? So unless you want your family jewels pushed right back up into your throat-- Clint: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! How did you know that--? Kay: Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes. That's right. Marge was long gone. Yeah, she couldn't have known about that. Only Katherine remembers that deeply... satisfying moment. [SCENE_BREAK] Esther: I just don't understand. How could any of this happen? What was Kate doing out in those woods? Jill: Yeah. It was the three of you in the cabin when Chloe went into labor. Is that right? Billy: Right. Yeah. Lily: Yeah, we were just talking, and then her water broke. Billy: Pretty much just reacted to the situation. Cane: Which got worse and worse once the baby came. Roger: Esther. Esther: Oh, Roger. Roger: I took care of cancelling our trip. Esther: Roger, please, Kate's in surgery, and I-I can't deal with anything else right now. Roger: What happened? Jill: (Gasps) Is that my granddaughter? Esther: Oh, let me see her. Baby: (Coos) Jill: Oh. Olivia: What did the pediatrician say? Woman: 5 pounds, 7 ounces, but exceptionally robust for a preemie. Billy: That's good, right? Jill: (Sighs) Olivia: That's very good. It means her lungs are developed enough that she shouldn't have any respiratory problems. Lily: Oh, that's great news. Jill: Oh, my. Baby: (Coos) Esther: Oh, she's so perfect. Jill: Of course she's perfect. She's my granddaughter. Woman: Would you like to hold your baby, Mr. Ashby? Cane: Oh, I would love to. Woman: Oh. Baby: (Coos) Cane: Oh, hello, Sweetheart. Jill: Oh. Cane: Oh. Cane: Oh, hey. So how's Chloe? Is she out of surgery? Dr. Okamura: We did the procedure. The bleeding stopped, and we've given your wife a transfusion. However, she's lost a lot of blood. The shock to her system has been very great, but I'll-- Baby: (Grunts) Dr. Okamura: We've done everything we can, Mr. Ashby. Cane: Shh. Dr. Okamura: Unfortunately, it may not have been enough. Jill: (Gasps) (Whispers) Oh, no. [NEXT_ON] Ashley: Victor was kind enough to offer me Brad's vacant seat on the Newman board. Jack: I hope you told him what he could do with his offer. Lily: You said that you wanted to be with me. Did you mean that? Tyra: Well, I hoped that you would fall in love with me the way that I've fallen in love with you. | Victor lets her know that Nicholas had gone home to spend the holiday with Phyllis and Summer |
673 | Hope: Mom. You won't believe what just happened. Brooke: What? [ Gasps ] Sweetheart, is that...? Hope: It is. Brooke: You and liam are engaged? [ Gasps ] Oh, honey! I knew it! I knew his feelings for you didn't change. And the minute he found out you were pregnant with his child, they got even stronger. I -- I can't believe this. What did he do? What did he say when he put this ring on you? Hope: He didn'T. Brooke: What? Hope: Liam didn't put this ring on my finger, mom. Steffy did. Liam: That was, uh, quite a gesture. Steffy: It was time. Liam: Steffy, you took your ring off and you gave it to hope. Steffy: Hope's the woman you should be with, liam. Liam: But if you felt that way, you should have said that. Instead, you told hope she would be marrying me. That's -- that's something i should be doing. Not you. Zoe: This is completely mental. Hiring me as a forrester model. This is just too amazing. Xander: Well, you should be excited, zoe. It's a great gig. Zoe: It's beyond great. Thorne, I can't thank you enough. Thorne: Just keep stepping up the way you did at the fashion show. You're gonna be a great addition around here. I'll get your paperwork started with hr. Zoe: This isn't what either one of us expected, but I really hope you can be happy for me, xander. Thorne: Perfect. Emma: Did you just hire zoe? Thorne: Yes. I was just on my way to hr. How did you know? Emma: You can't do that. Thorne: I already did. Emma: She sent those posts, crashed the fashion show. Thorne: Well, actually, she saved the show because she jumped in. Emma: She wasn't supposed to be there. Thorne: Yes, that is true, but it's a good thing that she was. People are still talking about her. You have a problem with that. Emma: Zoe is xander's ex-girlfriend. Zoe: I don't want you to be mad about this, xander. I didn't lie to you. Harry and I were going back to london. I was packing when thorne stopped by to talk to me. I mean, I didn't even know he was going to offer me a job. Xander: I get why he did. You crushed it on the runway. Zoe: Beginner's luck. Xander: Thorne thinks you have potential. Zoe: And I need to see if he's right. This is an incredible opportunity for me, xander. I can't leave los angeles now. Brooke: You and liam are engaged, but he didn't propose? Hope: Steffy took off her ring and put it on my finger. She said that liam and I should be married. Brooke: Is that what liam wants? Hope: Honestly, we were both too stunned to say anything. Brooke: So steffy proposed to you for liam? Liam: Steffy, when this whole thing started, I told you -- I told you I needed time to think. Steffy: Take all the time you need, but I made up my mind. Liam: Okay, but calling off the engagement is one thing. Giving your ring to hope is... not that. Steffy: It wasn't a ploy. I really believe you and hope will be happy together. Liam: Okay, but that decision, that one, needed to be mine. Steffy: You made that decision in that dressing room with hope. And when I caught you together, I made mine. Thorne: I get it, your relationship with xander makes this complicated for you. Emma: It can't happen, thorne. Zoe can't work here. Thorne: Emma, it's -- it's just business. We all have our jobs to do. I hired zoe. You're gonna have to put your personal feelings aside. Zoe: I'd really like your support, xander. Xander: I know. Zoe: Well, no pressure. I already took the job. I'm not giving up no matter what you say. But it would be a lot more fun if we don't have to avoid each other in the halls. Xander: It won't be like that. I'm just a little worried about how emma's gonna react. Zoe: The teeny-bopper? Why do you care what she thinks? Xander: Because she's a sweet, talented person who means something to me. Zoe: Uh-huh. Xander: I'd like it if we could all get along. Zoe: Ah. I can see us now. The three musketeers. Okay. Maybe not. But I'm chuffed about this job, xander. I'm not doing anything to mess it up. This is my chance -- not to just be a model, but to stay here, in los angeles, with you. Hope: Steffy said she wants all of us to get along, that the war between us is over. Brooke: And it has been a war. Hope: Yeah, it certainly felt that way at times. Endless conflict, defending my relationship against constant attacks... it was exhausting. And, you know, steffy felt the same way, too. So she called a truce. Besides, you know, we're gonna be raising our children together, and they'll be half-siblings, so, you know, they deserve a life full of peace and harmony, and I want that for them. Gosh, I want that for all of us. Brooke: Of course you do, sweetheart. Hope: I just -- I can't believe it finally happened, without arguments, without fighting. It just all magically fell into place. [ Sighs ] Gosh, it just -- it couldn't get better than this. Brooke: I disagree. Don't get me wrong, this is positive, and steffy's change in behavior, that's very encouraging, but when it comes down to it, it's liam's decision to make, not steffy'S. Steffy: Somebody had to say "enough." Liam: Yes, I get that, but that's not what you said. You went way beyond that. Steffy: One of us had to be the adult, liam, cut through all the emotion and the history and just make the call. Liam: That's -- that's what I'm saying. That call wasn't yours to make. Steffy: I'm kelly's mother, and it's my job to give her a secure, stable life. I can't wait around, waiting for you to decide which family you want to live with. I don't doubt your commitment to us, your loyalty to kelly. I know I made mistakes. Big mistakes. But I've shed enough tears. I've wrung my hands, I have paced the floor my entire pregnancy, and I'm done, liam. I'm over it. And maybe I just -- maybe I just needed to hit rock bottom. Accepting bill's proposal, it woke me up. And it made me realize I'm stronger than that. Go be with hope, liam. It doesn't have to be this complicated. You want her, go be with her. She's carrying your child. And I know you already love that kid, just like you love ours. Liam: I do. Steffy: And I know you love hope, too. Liam: I do, but... for her sake, what that means and where I go from here needed to be my decision. Steffy: You can make whatever decision you want, just know that I'm not an option. I made a mistake -- a huge mistake -- and I tried to apologize. I tried to make it right. But women today, we don't wait around to be chosen. Hope's not gonna wait around, either. She wants a life with you, and I... I want something else. I control this company. I control my life. My destiny will be the one i give to myself and my daughter. Thorne: Steffy wants to re-ignite the lingerie line. Zoe: [ Sighs ] These are brilliant. Thorne: Yeah, there was a time that this was forrester's hottest collection. Steffy wants to put the line back in the spotlight. Zoe: Is this what I'll be modeling? Thorne: Yeah. How do you feel about that? Zoe: I feel like it's a perfect fit. Thorne: Great. I'll get ready for a run-through with the other models. I'll get it set up. Zoe: [ Gasps ] Aren't you sneaky. Emma: I heard the news. Zoe: Amazing, isn't it? Emma: You expect me to congratulate you? Zoe: That would the polite thing to do. Emma: What do you want, zoe? What's your objective here? Zoe: I'd like to get changed, if you don't mind. Emma: You were stalking xander. You made threats to the hope for the future website, and then somehow ended up modeling the showstopper for the collection, and -- boom! You have a new career at forrester creations. Zoe: Quite a stroke of luck. Emma: Not for xander. He left england to get away from you. He came to forrester to have a fresh start. You don't deserve to work here. You need to go to thorne and tell him that you don't want the job. Liam: You know, you won't be raising kelly alone. Steffy: Of course not. You'll be a big part of her life. I know it wasn't long ago when i thought we had to be living under the same roof to be the best parents for kelly. The dream of having a life with you, liam... it's over. I've accepted that. Liam: I'm so sorry. I never meant to make it feel like a competition. Steffy: [ Chuckles ] But it did. It did. I'm not perfect. I have my flaws. But I loved you completely. You hemmed and hawed and you asked for more time. You had every right to. But I need to take control of my life. And maybe I'll find a guy one day who's ready to commit himself to me. But I'm not gonna put my life on hold waiting for him. I'm definitely not gonna be like brooke, defined by the man she's seeing in the moment. I don't need a relationship to make me whole or secure. I can do that myself. And for our little girl. Liam: You know how much i love her, right? I don't ever want you to doubt that. Steffy: I don'T. I know you love me. And I will always love you, liam. But it's time for me to get on with my life. And, hey, you've done a great job with hope for the future, and I know she probably wants to have you on board, which is completely fine with me. I'd like you to still work here. [ Sighs ] We're adults. We can work together. We can co-parent kelly. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to work. Liam: Steffy. I know what I had. But you're right. This was not just my decision to make, and... it was selfish of me to make you wait. I'm sorry. No apologies, I know. I get it, we're past that now. But each of us has the right to choose what we want out of life, and I respect your decision. Just... I guess I just wasn't ready to feel what I'm feeling right now. [ Knocks on door ] Xander: Hey. Thorne: Hey. Xander: Zoe is gonna do a great job for you, thorne. She's really excited. I'm just, you know, worried about how emma's gonna react when she finds out. Thorne: Well, she already knows. Xander: What? Thorne: Emma confronted me earlier. Yeah, she's, uh, a little concerned. Emma: You should respect xander's feelings and leave. Zoe: What do you know about xander's feelings? Emma: I know he doesn't want you here. Zoe: [ Scoffs ] Emma. Little emma. Listen. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me. Emma: Having xander back in your life? Zoe: To be a forrester model, being on the cutting edge of international style, representing one of the greatest fashion houses in the world. Emma: And to be with xander again. Zoe: You're the one that can't stop talking about him. Emma: There's something you should know. Xander and I have kissed. We're dating. Zoe: [ Scoffs ] Had a snog, have you? Well, there's something that you need to know, my little teeny-bopper friend. Xander and I weren't just dating. We had a very intense, very mature relationship. The three of us were inseparable. Emma: Three of you? Zoe: Xander, me, and our dear old cat, harry. He's like a son to me. I flew him all the way here from london. After xander left, harry was all I had. Until today. Now I have this tremendous opportunity here, at forrester. I plan to make the most of it. Emma: Is getting xander back part of your plan? I'm only going to tell you this one more time. You need to leave. Zoe: [ Scoffs ] Or what? What are you going to do about it? Hope: Hey. Pam said you were still in here. Liam: Yeah. I was about to come find you. Hope: [ Chuckles ] Did, uh, you and steffy get a chance to talk? Liam: Oh, yeah. Hope: Mm. I still cannot believe what she did. Liam: Oh, you mean playing matchmaker for us? Hope: Yeah, that was totally unexpected. But, you know, I -- I also am really impressed with the way she stood for herself, coming from that place of strength and self-respect. I admire that. Liam: Me, too. Hope: Well, that's not surprising. Steffy's just always been confident, tough, ambitious. [ Chuckles ] I mean, yeah, she might have gotten a little lost that night with your father, but it seems like she's getting her way back on track. Liam: I agree, but, um... the thing with the ring... you know, sometimes steffy goes a little far. Hope: She was making a point, liam. We have been totally locked into this cycle for far too long, and she doesn't want it to continue with our children, so, you know, steffy took herself out of the equation. Liam: Right. She did more than that, though. Hope: I'm carrying your child, liam, and I have always wanted a family with you, and we have loved each other for years. And it wasn't too long ago that we were standing at that altar, ready to pledge our lives to each other, and now... I'm wearing your ring again. Although, I wish it had been you that had put it on my finger. Liam: Well, yeah. Yeah. Hope: But... what steffy said wasn't wrong. You know? We do belong together, liam, and we -- we make each other happy. We deserve to have this chance. But I need to know if it's what you want. I need to hear it from you. Is this what you want? | Hope cannot believe this happened with no arguments or fighting |
674 | Maxie: This was so beautiful. Most beautiful dress. Most beautiful cake. Most beautiful bouquet. Most beautiful husband. [Tears pics off her wedding collage.] Felicia: That's enough! Maxie, it's not like you to just give up so easily. You can still have all of this and more. Maxie: Not if Nathan still wants all of this with Claudette in-instead of me. [SCENE_BREAK] Nathan: Maxie's holed up with her parents again, and she won't even speak to me. Nina: Mm. Ouch. Nathan: Got more sympathy than that from Lulu, and she's Maxie's friend. Nina: I'm your sister. I'm always gonna be your ally, okay? Nathan: Thank you for that. Thank you. Nina: But I'm always gonna be the woman who was cheated on, too. Nathan: I did not cheat on Maxie. Nina: I know. You didn't do the physical act. You didn't do it. Look at me. Look me in the eyes and tell me that you're not still harboring feelings for Claudette. [SCENE_BREAK] Claudette: Looking for these? Griffin: [Scoffs] [SCENE_BREAK] Ava: Those are quite the cufflinks. Paul: You like? Ava: Well, I knew you had impeccable taste. Impeccable taste for a serial killer. [SCENE_BREAK] André: I didn't appreciate being a suspect. Finn: Believe me, I sympathize. André: But I understand why you had to check. Monica: And I don't think I have ever been happier to know that a patient has died from natural causes. The absolute last thing this hospital needs right now is another murder. [SCENE_BREAK] [As Elizabeth goes down the stairs, the circuit breaker clanks, and she drops her keys in surprise when the lights go out.] [SCENE_BREAK] Finn: What's the timing on the backup generator? Monica: It should've kicked in immediately. I don't know what's wrong. [SCENE_BREAK] Claudette: Someone didn't pay their electric bill. Griffin: There is supposed to be a backup generator. Claudette: It's okay. I got it. Let there be light. [SCENE_BREAK] Monica: Well, this makes no sense. I mean, the power should be on by now. [SCENE_BREAK] [Elizabeth turns on her phone's flashlight then starts back down the stairs, but someone pushes her down.] Aah! [SCENE_BREAK] Nathan: You will not be going to bat for me with Maxie. Nina: No, that's not what it means. I just need to know how you really feel in your heart before I claim to speak for it. Nathan: I love Maxie. I would do anything for her. I wouldn't have proposed to her if I didn't want to spend the rest of my life with her. Nina: I believe you. How do you feel about Claudette? Nathan: I'm angry, regretful, ashamed. You know? I mean, I let her play me. I was a sucker from day one to the very last day. And then as our so-called marriage deteriorated, so did my behavior, and... and that's the part that bothers me the most. It's not what she did. It's how I dealt with it. I-I lost sight of myself. Nina: So it's safe to say that Claudette has a profound effect on you? Nathan: Yeah, a negative effect. I'm not in love with that woman. I'm not. Nina: You have to make that clear to Maxie, and you haven't. Nathan: I-I've told her over and over and over again. I mean, I thought Maxie and I were golden. I thought we understood each other. Nina: Yeah, but then you attacked Griffin when you saw him making out with Claudette. Nathan: Yeah. I know. And Maxie misinterpreted the whole thing. Look, I wasn't jealous, okay? I was angry. Nina: Yeah, I can imagine you were angry. It must have been very difficult to see your ex-wife making out with the man who made a cuckold out of you. I mean, it must have been a really horrible flashback. Nathan: And that's it. To -- to finally put a face to the guy, you know? I mean, it was like reliving Claudette and my relationship all over again in like a matter of minutes, you know? Th-the beginning, the falling in love, getting married, and then the questions and the suspicion, and then finally... walking in on Claudette and Griffin that night, and I just -- I lost it. Nina: Yeah, it must have been horrible for Maxie to see it played out for the very first time. So do you think that she saw your reaction as anger or a whole lot more? [SCENE_BREAK] Felicia: Maxie, let go. You've done enough damage. Maxie: No, Mom! I cannot hold out false hope! I have to destroy this completely and perform a symbolic rite in order to move on. Oprah said -- Felicia: I don't care what Oprah says! Maxie: Mom! Felicia: This is ridiculous. Maxie: Well, you just described my life -- one ridiculous calamity after another. I mean... I-I just told you that my fiancé is still in love with his ex-wife, who only married him in the first place, because she was gonna get deported, since the man she really wanted to marry was a priest who wouldn't defrock for her. [Chuckles] Felicia: I don't know about Claudette or Griffin, but they are not the issue. Maxie: Whoa. How can you say Claudette is not the issue? My fiancé is still in love with her. Felicia: Exactly. In your own words -- Nathan is still your fiancé. You haven't given up on him. Maxie: Yet. You didn't see what just happened. You didn't see the way Nathan charged at Griffin when the truth finally spilled out. I mean, Nathan was ready to tear him apart on account of Claudette. Felicia: But he didn't. You told me that you got through to him. He listened to you. You have a hold on Nathan. Maxie: Yeah. And so does Claudette. Felicia: Then break it. [SCENE_BREAK] Griffin: What did you do to the lights? Claudette: [Chuckles] You think that I'm casting some sort of black magic? Griffin: I wouldn't be surprised. Claudette: Huh. As flattered as I am that you think that I'm magical, it's more likely a sign from your almighty. The man upstairs trying to call attention to the fact that you've been fumbling around in the darkness ever since you walked away from me. Griffin: Maybe it is a sign -- that wherever you go, you bring darkness. Claudette: Ouch. [Chuckles] That's a little extreme. I know I'm nobody's angel, but do you really think I'm a force of darkness? Griffin: Let's just change the subject. I-I'll take my underwear back now, please. Do you mind leaving so I can change in peace? Claudette: Oh, please. It's practically pitch-black. And yes, I do mind. We have stuff to talk about. Griffin: Here? Claudette: Yeah. I would've met on your terms if you had answered my calls or my texts, and please don't pretend that we don't have anything to talk about, okay? Even you can't be in that much denial. We have unfinished business. And it started when you kissed me. [SCENE_BREAK] [Electricity hums] Monica: Oh. Finally, the emergency power's on. André: Will it cover the machines in the patient rooms? Finn: We need to check regardless, all right? I'll take the north wing, you take the south? André: On my way. Monica: Uh, yes, could I have the chief engineer, please? This is Monica Quartermaine. Charlie? Monica Quartermaine. Uh, the power is out on 10. Would you initiate emergency protocol? Find out the extent of the outage and send a team up here, please? I'm gonna call the police, because God knows what we're gonna find when the lights come back on. Thanks. [SCENE_BREAK] [Electricity hums] [Door opens] [Footsteps approaching] [Elizabeth sees Hayden standing over her and she lies bleeding in the stairwell.] [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: Sure, Mom. I'll get right on that. Felicia: You could hide, walk away from the situation instead of resolving it. But that sounds like the easy way out. Maxie: Oh, that's spoken like a woman who's been at the center of a man duel. Not dueling for a man. Felicia: Wait. Maxie: Why -- why am I fighting, anyway? I'm -- I'm an amazing woman. Felicia: You are. Maxie: Nathan should be fighting for me. Felicia: Isn't it possible Nathan's trying to do just that? How many phone calls and texts have you ignored from Nathan? Maxie: I'm not ready to talk to him just yet. I don't know exactly what I would say. Felicia: Well, what good does it do to prepackage a response if you don't know exactly what Nathan's going to say? Honey... I think the best thing that you can do is sort through your feelings and figure out what you want. Maxie: I know exactly what I want. I want to go back in time and want to never have found that glove in his tuxedo. I mean, that is what set this whole thing in motion. It's like from "Harry Potter." It's a cursed object. It summoned Claudette back into his life -- not just the memory of her, but the actual person. And now that she's here, she refuses to go away. Felicia: I didn't ask about Claudette, Maxie. I asked what you want with regards to you and Nathan. What would it take for you to believe in him? Would it be enough for him to tell you that he loves you, only you, and wants to marry you? [SCENE_BREAK] Nina: Okay, listen. Maxie is completely insecure about Claudette. She was willing to sabotage Crimson to get Claudette fired, so how do you think she interpreted your anger toward Griffin? Nathan: I mean, she must have thought that I was so jealous and -- and so fixated on Claudette and Griffin that I didn't even know she was there or that it didn't matter to me that she was there. Nina: She felt insecure and inconsequential. Let me tell you something. When you're the odd man out, it's horrible. When you're in love with someone, and they're fixated on someone else, it crushes your self-confidence. Nathan: I don't -- I don't know how I could've treated her that way. You know, Maxie's everything to me. Nina: Then you better act fast before you lose her. [SCENE_BREAK] Griffin: I did not kiss you. Claudette: Oh, fine, whatever. We kissed each other. What difference does it make? Griffin: It makes a difference to me. I'm either penitent or I'm not. Claudette: [Scoffs] This self-inflicted misery of yours is pathological. The God that I believe in wouldn't want this for you. You have been torturing yourself ever since you looked twice at me. You know, haven't you suffered enough? Isn't it time you finally allow yourself some... relief? Griffin: I was doing fine until you barged back into my life. Claudette: Griffin... be honest. Was I ever really out of your life? The way that you kissed me proved that I've not been far from your thoughts. The way that you fight so hard not to look at me proves it. The love that you still have for me... proves it. Griffin: Do y-- do you want to know what I feel when I look at you? That. That's what I feel -- a bullet tearing through my flesh, a scar you left behind. [SCENE_BREAK] Ava: Holt. Hi, it's Ava. I'm glad I reached you. I need a favor, and it's pretty important. Yeah, uh, a-a pass-key for the Metro Court Hotel? I need to check a room for something that could prove to be extremely valuable. Yeah? Great. Thank you. I'll meet you there. All right, Paul. Let's see if I'm right about you. [SCENE_BREAK] Monica: Divert all ambulances to Mercy until further notice, and I will call you when things get straightened out here. Thanks. [Sighs] Finn: All patients are accounted for and safe. All life-sustaining machines are fully supplied with power. André: I found the same. Monica: Good. Okay. Finn: Do you know what caused this power outage yet? Monica: Not yet. But security's looking into it. [SCENE_BREAK] Franco: Elizabeth?! Elizabeth: [Groans] Franco: Is someone down there? Hayden: Yeah, down here. Franco: Hey. Elizabeth. Elizabeth: Franco. Franco: Elizabeth? Elizabeth: Franco... Franco: Hey, no, no, no. D-don't move, don't move, don't move. What happened? Elizabeth: I-I think... [Sighs] Franco: Elizabeth! Elizabeth! [Hayden continues to stand on the stairs looking down at Elizabeth who passes out.] [SCENE_BREAK] Felicia: Well, I got to go. [Chuckles] Good luck. Nathan: May I, uh -- may I join you? Maxie: It's a free country, you know. Nathan: Thank you. I called your parents' house. Mac said you were here. Maxie: Traitor. Nathan: Maxie, I didn't mean to corner you, all right? I just -- I -- I haven't been able to get ahold of you, and I was worried. Maxie: Oh. I'm surprised you were able to think of me with all that space up there occupied by Claudette. Nathan: Yeah. [Chuckles] Thought a lot about both you, actually, and about what happened when we walked in on Claudette and Griffin, and why I behaved the way that I did. You've asked me on more than one occasion if I still have feelings for Claudette, and I keep insisting that I don't -- that -- that she means nothing to me, that I'm indifferent. But I was wrong, Maxie. I do have feelings for Claudette. Maxie: [Scoffs] [SCENE_BREAK] Claudette: I imagined it would be bigger. Griffin: You're disappointed you didn't leave a bigger mark? Claudette: On the contrary... you know, that scar might've healed, but the rest of you obviously hasn't. Griffin: Unlike you, I can't just forget the damage I've done. Claudette: [Scoffs] Who is your unhappiness helping? You're never gonna feel whole again unless you stop denying what you are and what you want. Griffin: We've had this conversation a thousand times. I have a calling. Claudette: Yes! And you're taking a leave from the priesthood, okay? And don't pretend that isn't because of me, because of us, because of what we shared. Griffin: No, my superiors sanctioned my leave of absence. Claudette: Have you ever wondered why they were so quick to give you permission, why they didn't try harder to convince their rising star to stay and be the hot, young face of their flock? Griffin: I don't know what you're talking about. Claudette: It's because they see what I see, what you are so desperate not to face. Your heart isn't with the church. It's with me. Look, I know it's hard for you to accept. You've given your life to the priesthood. It doesn't make you a failure to walk away. It makes you human. [Scoffs] Like me, you know? [Stammers] We both know that I had my failings, right? Does that make me a bad person? Griffin: I would not presume to judge you, let alone decide you are bad. What I will tell you, having experienced it myself, is that when you're given a choice, you consistently choose selfishly. You consistently choose to lie. You consistently choose to do what pleases you without any consideration if anybody else could get hurt. Claudette: But I could be better. With you, I could be better. If I was with you, I -- I... just give me a chance to prove it. Griffin: What about Nathan? Claudette: I don't want to be with Nathan. I told you. Griffin: You came to Port Charles because you want something from Nathan. Claudette: I... it's nothing. I just -- I got myself into some trouble. Griffin: Claudette. Claudette: Look, I just -- I can get through it if I knew that I was with you. Griffin: You want to prove that you can be better? Start by coming clean now! What kind of trouble are you in? Why did you come here looking for Nathan? [SCENE_BREAK] Monica: I want every available nurse and aide to the 10th floor to keep these patients calm. Finn: Hey, listen, we got an elevator stuck between floors 9 and 10. You got to get someone up there. Monica: Okay. Thank you, Epiphany. Finn: Okay. Let me know. Monica: What is it? André: I just caught up with the engineers. They found the source of the power outage. Monica: And? André: The power junction down the hall which supplies this whole wing malfunctioned. The engineers are working on it, think they can have electricity up within an hour. Monica: Well, I mean, that's good news. Finn: Uh, it malfunctioned just like that? André: They took one look at the box and said it wasn't an accident. It has been tampered with. Monica: What? Who would do that? [SCENE_BREAK] Franco: Elizabeth? Okay. Okay. You're gonna do something for me, okay? Can you -- can you open your beautiful eyes? Can you do that? Can you wake up? All right, we're gonna get you help. Everything's gonna be okay. What are you doing? Why are you standing here? Go. Get help. Go! [Hayden runs and bumps into Paul.] [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: I've got to go. Nathan: Maxie, come on. Hey. Maxie: Oh! Nathan: Hey, hey, take it easy. Maxie: I think I might pass out. Nathan: Maxie, sit down. Maxie: Okay. So, you've been... lying to me this entire time? Nathan: No, I honestly thought that she was -- Maxie: That you loved me, but you don't? You really love Claudette? Nathan: No, Maxie. Maxie: What you just said to me was -- hoo. Nathan: Maxie, look at me. Absolutely not. Quite the opposite. Okay? I honestly thought that Claudette was out of my system, okay? Things between us ended so badly that I believed that all feelings for her had been burned out of my system. Okay? I had to see myself through your eyes just to see how wrong I'd been. And I have been carrying around the memory of Claudette and my marriage like an open wound. After the shooting and everything just completely unraveled, I used to stay up at nights thinking that it was my fault. I-I would -- I would blame myself. There had to be more to it. It couldn't just be that Claudette was using me, that I had to have done something to -- to push her away, or maybe I wasn't a good enough husband -- and -- Maxie: And now you have another chance with her. Nathan: No, Maxie. No, I do not. Quite the opposite, okay? I know now that there is nothing that I could have done. Claudette never loved me. I was just some sucker that she needed for a green card. Okay? And -- and it wasn't love or jealousy that you saw when I blew up at -- at Griffin and Claudette. It was just my... demolished ego finally getting a chance for some revenge. And you were right to stop me. Okay? Because what happened between the three of us is in the past. I am free of Claudette now, and I'm free to move on with you. Assuming you haven't already decided to move on without me. [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: Whoa, whoa, whoa. You ought to be more careful. It's not safe to be running around with the power out. Hayden: Please, I have to go. Franco: Can I get a doctor down here?! Elizabeth needs a doctor! Paul: Is that Franco? Hayden: Yes, I -- I have to -- Paul: Did he say "Elizabeth"? W-Webber? Hayden: I can't talk right now. Paul: What happened? What -- what happened?! Hayden: I need help! Paul: I'm calling for help. Hang on. Franco: You're gonna be okay. A doctor will be here any minute and get you fixed right up. [SCENE_BREAK] Monica: What was the nature of the damage to the power junction? André: From what I could see, someone reached in and just yanked a bunch of wires loose. Finn: Meaning anyone could've done it. André: Right. Hayden: Dr. Finn! Finn: What is it? Hayden: We need help. Finn: What? Hayden: Right now. I-I-I found Elizabeth in the stairwell. She must have fallen. She's unconscious. Finn: Okay, who's the neurosurgeon on duty? Monica: Dr. Munro. He's scheduled, but I haven't seen him. André: I'll find him. Finn: Go. Monica: Yes, I need an emergency response team to the south stairwell between 9th and 10th floors, please, stat. [SCENE_BREAK] Griffin: Claudette, tell me what's going on. I know you didn't come to Port Charles to find me. Claudette: Well, lucky for everyone, I found you anyway. Griffin: Lucky for Nathan and Maxie, too? What do you want from them? Claudette: We were talking about a -- what I want from you. Griffin: We won't stand a chance if you're willing to be straight with me now. Why did you come looking for Nathan? What do you need from him? [Door opens] André: Dr. Munro. Griffin: Dr. Maddox, what is it? André: Elizabeth Webber took a fall in the south stairwell. Apparently, she's unconscious. Griffin: Okay, let's go. [SCENE_BREAK] Franco: Elizabeth? Come on, please. You got to open your eyes. Think of your boys, right? Those three boys need you. I need you. You've got to... if you can hear me at all, squeeze my hand. Okay. Here we go, big guy. One more favor. All right? You get her through this, and I'll make changes in my life. I won't backpedal anymore, and I won't -- I won't play mind games. I won't just... see what I can get away with just to see what I can get away with anymore. I won't. Now, just... I'll stop pretending to be the guy that Elizabeth needs me to be, and I'll just actually be that guy. Paul: Yes, yes! The stairwell between the 8th and 9th floor. Right. What's happened here? Franco: I-I don't know. She was like this when I got here. Paul: I just saw Hayden Barnes exiting the stairwell. Franco: They were together. Paul: They were together when you got here. Franco: Yeah. Finn: Clear some room! Coming through. Did you move her? Franco: Uh, n-no, no. Finn: Okay, Elizabeth, everything's gonna be okay. Was she conscious? Franco: Yes, but just for a minute. Paul: Mrs. Cassadine, I have some questions for you. Finn: We need a backboard and neck brace. [SCENE_BREAK] [Lock beeps] Ava: Paul? [Remembers] I'm surprised we didn't wake the neighbors. Paul: You'd best hope we didn't. Ava: Touchy, touchy. Are you worried that our secret assignations won't remain so secret? Paul: [Sighs] I'm not kidding about this, Ava. Ava: No one's gonna hear anything from me. I mean, except maybe the ladies at the salon. But, you know, talking to a hairdresser's like talking to a priest. Paul: Hey, hey, hey. I'm not kidding around. Ava: Hey, relax! I'm not stupid. I know your deal. Paul: That's where you're wrong. You don't know the first thing about me. Ava: I didn't know you at all, did I? But I'm beginning to get an idea. So let's find those cufflinks, Paul... and whatever else you're hiding. [SCENE_BREAK] Griffin: What have we got? Finn: Head trauma, multiple broken bones, decreased breath sounds on the left. Pulse is thready. Pupils reactive, but she's unconscious. Franco: She was conscious when I got here. She knew who I was, she said my name. That's good, right? Griffin: Elizabeth, it's Dr. Munro. Elizabeth, can you hear me? Look, I need a backboard and a neck brace, stat. Finn: Where the hell is everyone? André: Dr. Quartermaine called for a team, but the elevators might be out. Franco: Okay, I'm gonna find them. She's gonna be all right, right? I mean, we're in a hospital. You guys are doctors. You're gonna be able to help her! Right? André: We're doing everything we can. [SCENE_BREAK] Paul: Were you with Nurse Webber when she fell? Hayden: No, I just found her. Paul: Now, what were you doing in that stairwell? Hayden: Well, I was on my way to the elevator when the power went out. So I took the stairs. I -- I walked down one flight, and there she was. Paul: Was she alone? Hayden: Yes, alone. Of course. If she was with anyone, I would've told you that already. Paul: Well, did you see anyone else in the stairwell? Hayden: No. No, not until Franco showed up. Did you get help? Finn: Yeah, we got a team down there. We need some room to work. Hayden: How's Elizabeth? Finn: It's too soon to say. We're preparing to move her now. Monica: Dr. Finn, could you supervise this floor and look after the transport of Elizabeth while I check on the power? Finn: Of course. Paul: What is the situation with the power? Monica: Well, my engineer believes that the power junction for this wing was intentionally disabled. Paul: I see. Well, I'll advise the police accordingly. Monica: Well, I thank you very much. Paul: Uh, please don't leave the hospital, Mrs. Cassadine, 'cause I, uh -- I still have more questions for you. Hayden: Hey, off the record... is Elizabeth going to be okay? Finn: Off the record, it's still too soon to tell. Maybe you could shed some light on what happened. Hayden: Well, I -- I just told DA Hornsby everything I know. Finn: Yeah, he's the DA. I'm your friend. I want to help, but I can't do that if you're not honest with me. What are you holding back? [SCENE_BREAK] Felicia: Oh. Nina: Oh! Oh, my gosh. Hi. Sorry. Felicia: Oh, uh, my fault. Felicia: No problem. Aren't you Nathan West's sister? I'm Maxie's mother, Felicia Scorpio. Nina: Yes, I know. I know. I'm Nina Reeves. Felicia: Oh, yeah. Hi. I-I saw you at the engagement party, but we didn't get a chance to talk. Nina: No. You know what? That was a really bad night for me. I just came in quick to say congratulations to J -- I call my brother J -- and to say congratulations to Maxie, and then I split. I'm sorry I didn't stick around to say hello. Felicia: Oh. Nina: I mean, I'm even sorrier that, um, J's ex-wife showed up in town the way she did. Felicia: Oh, well, that's certainly not your fault -- or Nathan's, for that matter. I just wish Nathan would've been honest with Maxie from the very start. You know, there's -- there's no harm in having an ex, but it's a little unsettling to have one and hide it. Nina: Mm. Right, right. Well, j feels awful about that. And he's crazy about Maxie, and she's crazy about him. Felicia: Oh. Nina: Yeah. Listen, they're gonna work everything out. It'll all blow over, right? Felicia: Well, that remains to be seen. [SCENE_BREAK] Nathan: Maxie, come on. Don't -- don't leave me hanging here. Okay? Give me a second chance? Tell me I -- I haven't ruined everything that we have? Maxie: Look, Nathan, everything that you're saying -- it makes sense. But everything that you've said made sense, too. I believed all of that. Nathan: Right. So, how can you believe any of this stuff? Right. Look... I brought my wedding band. Maxie: [Scoffs] Nathan: I took it off the day that Claudette and I ended. But I couldn't bring myself to get rid of it, so I-I put it in an old, rolled-up sock, and I stuffed it in the back of a drawer thinking that maybe one day -- Maxie: One day, you guys would work things out, and she would put it back on your finger? Nathan: No. I kept it as a reminder of how stupid and naive I had been. Okay? But I kept it out of sight, out of mind, hoping that one day, when I did rediscover this ring, that it would have lost all meaning and that I could finally get rid of it with no regrets and no second thoughts. All right? [Ring clanks] Nathan: There's no going back for me, Max. There's only you. My heart is yours or nobody's. [SCENE_BREAK] Nina: There you go. Felicia: Thank you. Nina: Yes. Listen, my brother's a great guy. Um, he has a huge heart, and I know that he loves Maxie more than life itself. Felicia: Well, the question is whether Nathan loves Claudette, too. Nina: Oh, no, listen. This is a huge misunderstanding. Felicia: Nathan parceling out the story of his marriage bit by bit, letting Maxie believe that she knew everything when she didn't? I don't think that sounds like a misunderstanding to me. Nina: Yeah, well... you got me there. You got me there. He screwed up. He's human. Yikes. Made a mistake. Word on the street is, Maxie's made a couple mistakes herself, so... um... listen, they love each other. And I think they're good for each other. Felicia: I think so, too. Nina: They're good for me. Call me selfish. But one of the reasons I'm rooting for them so hard is because I'd like to believe that two people who love each other can really make this work. [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: That ring... Nathan: Yes? Maxie: ...Um, was it white gold? Nathan: I don't know, Max. Come on. You know I don't pay attention to stuff like that. Maxie: Obviously. It just didn't really suit you. You should have titanium with a palladium coating. That would suit you. You know, for when we get married. For when we... Nathan: Maxie, are you saying...? Maxie: [Sighs] I love you, Nathan. Nathan: I love you, too. So much. Maxie: And we can make this work. As long as Claudette is absolutely, for sure, out of the picture. Nathan: She is. I swear. [SCENE_BREAK] Felicia: I have faith if Maxie and Nathan are meant to be, they'll work things out. It's gonna take time, and my daughter is not known for her patience, but if Nathan keeps it up, then... Nina: He can, and he will. He's nothing if not determined and persistent. He never gave up on me. [Cell phone chimes] Felicia: [Gasps] Oh. It looks like you're right. [Cell phone chimes] Felicia: [Laughs] Nina: Looks like I got a text, too. They talked things out. Felicia: [Chuckles] My daughter's marrying your brother. Nina: Yeah! Wow. Um, we're gonna be in-laws. Felicia: Yeah. Nina: Yay! Hey. [SCENE_BREAK] Hayden: I don't know what you're talking about. What do you think I'm holding back? Finn: I saw you slap Elizabeth. Y-you said you were livid with her. Hayden: I'm always livid with Elizabeth. What does that have to do with her accident? Finn: Look, you said that she could destroy you, and then you went after her, saying something about how you were gonna make sure she kept her mouth shut. Hayden: Yeah. So? I was angry, and I -- [Gurney approaching] Hayden: How is she? Man: We're taking her to Radiology. We'll know more soon. Hayden: Franco, Elizabeth's gonna be okay, right? Franco: Cut it out. We both know you'd be better off if Elizabeth were dead. [SCENE_BREAK] Ava: [Sighs] Nothing. I don't know what I was thinking. There's no way Paul would hold on to those cufflinks. [Thud] Ava: Or maybe not. [Gasps as she finds Paul's stash of Derisifol] [SCENE_BREAK] Monica: Mr. Oren, you're supposed to be at the hub. Is there anybody else here? Oren: I think I saw Dr. Fandal in the -- Monica: Okay. Well, you get to work. I'll find her. Dr. Fandal? All the staff is supposed to be on the floor. Dr. Fandal? [NEXT_ON] Griffin (to Franco): Elizabeth isn't out of the woods, yet. Finn: If you're in trouble -- Hayden: I'm in huge trouble, and I don't think anyone can help me out of it. Julian (to Alexis): Here's to you, Mrs. Jerome. Jordan (to Monica): Why was Paul here? Ava: Paul's the hospital killer? [Paul walks around the hospital brandishing a loaded syringe.] | Hayden looks like the obvious suspect, especially after being heard by many people expressing her "anger and need for revenge" upon Elizabeth for having the diamonds |
675 | Theresa: Hey, if I fall over, just wake me up, okay? Anne: Who says I will be awake? Kate: This is unbelievable. Theresa: What's wrong? Kate: Well, first of all, this thing would only work with--[Stuttering] The jewel neckline. Who graded the pattern? It's--she's swimming in it, Theresa. Theresa: It's for Geri, okay? She's that really tall model. Kate: I don't want to hear excuses. I don't want to hear excuses, all right? This is out. Go, change it now. Theresa, the seams. The seams are totally crooked. Theresa: Well, the machine, it just kept binding, and I didn't-- Kate: Never mind, you know what the truth is? The seams are the least of it. It--I can't have this in my show. Theresa: Our show. Kate: If you want to be part of the launch, you have to have things that are worth being launched. Rafe: The three numbers I highlighted came from Seth Malcolm's burner phones to someone here in Salem. Run 'em through the computer for me, will you? Get names, addresses, phone numbers, credit cards, anything you can find. Lani: Right away. Hope: Hey. Lani: Hey, hope. Hope: Hi, detective. Lani: [Chuckles] Hope: Congratulations on your promotion. Lani: Thank you. I still can't get used to coming to work in street clothes. Hope: Looking good, Lani. Lani: Thank you. Hope: Hey. Rafe: Hey, there. Hope: What was that about Malcolm? Rafe: Hope, you know I can't discuss that with you. You're the number one suspect in his murder. Andre: Father, Harold tells me you haven't had breakfast yet. Would you like me to order a tray for in here? Stefano: Uh-uh. I just got off the phone with our... crack investigators. Andre: Yes, the ones that are trying to trace the money that Samantha stole. I spoke to them myself, and they told me what I've told you repeatedly, which is that these things take time, that we got to be patient. Even when it's a cyber crime, there's a trail that has to be followed, and they'll find it. We're going to get our money back. Stefano: Mm-hmm. Then again... [Chuckles] Maybe we won't. Abigail: Hi. Marlena: Oh, Abigail, hi-- good morning, Marlena. Can I come in? Listen, I know that it's early, and I couldn't sleep, but I knew you'd be heading into the office and once you got there that you would have a lot of patients and I probably wouldn't be able to get an appointment to see you, so-- Marlena: Okay, slow down. Tell me what's happening. Abigail: I need you to tell me what happened. Marlena: What happened? Abigail: With Chad. He wanted to see you, he wanted an appointment with you, you hypnotized him, and I need you to tell me what you did to him. [Baby crying] Chad: I love you, Abby. That never stopped. It never will. What the hell do you expect me to do? Miraculously find Sami and convince her to give you your money back? Andre: The key is Samantha's sister, belle Brady. Where did the lovely Mrs. Brady go? Chad: Called it a night, but don't worry. I'll handle it. Andre: Oh, I'm not worried, 'cause I know you're driven to do what needs to be done. And that will be the best Christmas present of all. Abigail: Forgive me for interrupting, it's just that 24 hours ago, Chad was planning our future together, and he was promising me that he would take care of me and my son. Chad: You should go. Abigail: Is this because of your family? Are you doing this because this is what your father and André want you to do? Chad: Stop, you're embarrassing yourself. Abigail: No, you don't do what they tell you. You don't act like this. This isn't who you are. [Knocking at the door] Chad: Hello. Belle: Oh, you can lose the smile. I have not come with good news. Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives." Anne: You know, Kate, Theresa and I, we have been up for two solid days. Abigail: Yeah, because you put all the seamstresses on the other lines, we have to do everything ourselves, okay-- Kate: Okay, you need to just stop whining, okay? You missed your deadline. You didn't finish. We're gonna deal with what's real now. Theresa: I did not miss my deadline, Kate, okay, we still have a few days! Anne: Yes, exactly. We're gonna work all day today, and all night tonight, and then all day tomorrow, and I don't even know what I'm saying anymore. Kate: You know, thankfully, this launch isn't riding on your tiny share of the show. We did hire other designers who know exactly what they're doing and they did a really great job. Theresa: Listen, if I could just get two seamstresses-- Kate: Theresa, I am not throwing good money after some half-baked ideas. You didn't do it, it's not good. I have no choice. You're out of the show. Hope: Hey, you can't blame me for asking. Rafe: No, of course not. Hope: Ciara found out I was arrested. Rafe: I'm sorry. Well, would you please tell her that everyone in this department is working their butts off to figure out who really killed Seth Malcolm? And we will. Trust me. Hope: I do. I have all the--all the faith in the world in you, Rafe. Andre: Father, I didn't want to say anything over Christmas, but you've been extremely pessimistic lately. What's going on? Stefano: You know-- [Clears throat] I've begun to wonder... if this is the end game. Perhaps our time-- [Chuckles] Has passed. Marlena: Come sit down. Tell me why you're so upset with Chad. Abigail: Because he's acting completely different. Marlena: Different how? Abigail: He loved me, he-- he came to the mountains, he risked his life to save me-- to save my son. He held me, he promised me that he would stay with me and that we would be with me, and... he loved me. Marlena: Okay. Abigail: [Sighs] And now, suddenly, after one session with you, all that's changed. He's suddenly told me that that was all a lie, and he's-- he's told me that he just said those things and did those things to just help me get through what was happening to me. Marlena: You mean what Ben did and having to find the baby? Abigail: Yeah. He doesn't want anything to do with me anymore, Marlena, and all of that changed after his session with you. You hypnotized him, right? Marlena: What did he say? Abigail: He said that you hypnotized him, so I just need you to tell me what you said. What did you do to him? Chad: Not good news, huh? Well, come in. Might make it easier to take it at least. Belle: [Clears throat] Chad: So did you come here to-- Belle: Put some clothes on. Chad: Sorry, just woke up. Belle: You don't have a case. Chad: Hmm? What case? Oh, my case, right. Belle: Yeah, you asked me to sue the DA's office because they arrested you and charged you as a serial killer. Well, you can't. There was plenty of evidence. Planted evidence, yes, but they were completely justified in arresting you. Chad: Well, that's too bad. Belle: I knew it. I knew you wouldn't give a damn. You just hired me as an excuse. Chad: To do what? Belle: [Chuckles] Get close, see how far you can get. I see you're not denying it. Chad: I can't. You're right, I'm guilty. What can I say? Sometimes I just can't help myself. Belle: [Clears throat] So much for keeping it professional. Chad: Well, you just said I have no case. You're not me lawyer anymore. Besides, you already nailed it. You would have never gone out with me if I just would've asked. Belle: Hmm. So you just went through the motions of keeping it professional until what, I warm up to you? Chad: Did you? I think you did. Beautiful, smart, exciting. What am I supposed to do, just look past all that? Mm-mm. I wanted to see if we had a shot. Do we? Abigail: Marlena, just listen, okay? I know all about the confidentiality rule, okay? All right? I get it, I know. I know that you can't really say what happened in your session with Chad, but I know that something is wrong with him, and I need you to just tell me what you did to him. Marlena: I didn't do anything. Abigail: Marlena-- Marlena: Listen to me. We didn't really have a session. I mean, that--that sounds so bizarre, considering the fact that it's a DiMera, it shouldn't be surprising to me, but it was. I had put Chad under hypnosis, and at that point, a hand clasped my mouth with this odd-smelling rag and everything went black. Abigail: What--what? Marlena: When I came to, john was there. Turns out there was chloroform on the rag. Chad was gone. Office had been ransacked. Abigail: Who would do something like that? You don't think it was Chad, do you? Oh, my God. Marlena, I love this man, and I know that there's something wrong with him. What's going on? Marlena: I'm gonna tell you something. It has to stay between us. Andre: Please don't talk like that. I know you don't approve of what I had to do to Chad for him to change, but it was justified, because it assures that our family's gonna survive and prosper. Stefano: Eventually-- [Chuckles] We all run out of road. Even the DiMeras. Rafe: Man, I'm really swamped with paperwork today, hope, so-- Hope: Well, hey, it's okay, I don't want to keep you. I just wanted to give you a little late Christmas gift, that's all. Rafe: [Laughs] Wow. I love it! I love this. Hope: Uh-huh. Mm. You don't remember, do you? Rafe: Of course I-- Hope: No, you--prove it. Rafe: Okay, we--that's right, yeah, we were on an all-night stakeout in Brookville. That's what it was, right? Hope: Mm-hmm. Rafe: And there wasn't a damn thing to eat except the old peanut brittle-- it was the best peanut brittle in the world, though, wasn't it? Hope: It was, yeah. Not gonna give me any, are you? Rafe: This is great, thank you. Hope: We practically lived on it for two days, do you recall? Rafe: I do. Thank you. This is cool. I didn't--I didn't get you anything, I'm sorry. Hope: No, no, no, don't worry about it, I just-- hey, you've got my back. Rafe: Yeah. Hope: I know it. And that means the world to me. Thank you. Rafe: Yeah, of course. I always will. I'm always gonna look out for you, you know that. Lani: Rafe, I did a computer check on those numbers-- Rafe: Lani. Hope: Hey, no, I got it. I understand. Lani: Sorry. Speak of the devil. Hello? Yeah. Rafe: Did you find out anything? Lani: No, it's weird. All the numbers you highlighted have all been disconnected. Maybe we need to get the phone companies involved. Anne: Excuse me. For your information, Theresa is 1/3 partner in this company, okay, so her stuff just doesn't get, you know, thrown out because Kate says so. Kate: Great. Perfect, the other designers are going to be here at 12:00 noon tomorrow with their clothes ready for the runway and an entourage of models. Anne: Did you hear anything I said? Kate: Anne, this is between Theresa and me. [Sighs] Sweetheart, look, it's not personal, okay, it's business. I told you from the very beginning that you weren't quite ready. You just refused to believe me. Theresa: No. No, what I refused to believe, Kate, was that I was unimportant-- that you knew everything and I was some wannabe copycat. I stood up for my vision and I stood up for my rights, and you know what? I wouldn't back down, and that just drove you crazy because you just love being in control. So you did your usual. You threw mud on everything-- everything I did, everything I said, and everything I made. Well, you know what, Kate? You can just go straight to hell! Rafe: Tell you what, I'll deal with the phone companies. You contact the authorities down in Merida. See if they have any idea what Seth Malcolm was up to down in the Yucatan, all right? Lani: Okay. Rafe: Maybe we'll get lucky. Lani: All right, I'm on it. Rafe: All right. Hope: Okay, thanks. Hey, Rafe, I can see you are completely bogged down with work here, but could I ask a favor please? I have a case of that peanut brittle down in my car and I kind of tweaked my back a little bit trying to get it in. Would you be so kind to get it for me? I just want to make sure that everyone has a little Christmas cheer. Rafe: Your back gonna be okay? Hope: It'll be fine. Rafe: Okay. I'll get it. Hope: Thank you. [Dramatic music] [Camera snaps] Nicole: You proud of yourself? You just drove 1/3 of tomorrow night's launch right out the door. We're gonna look like amateurs, Kate. Kate: Come on, Nicole. I just pointed out how inept she is. It's hardly a surprise, right? And we would look so much more amateurish if we let her so- called designs saunter down the runway to an audience who's what, hooting and snickering? Come on. Nicole: Excuse me, but the invitations all say three designers. If only two show up, we're gonna look like we can't deliver. Kate: Okay, relax, I'm getting the third designer. Donatella! Hello, my darling. No! [Laughs] No, I'm not in prison. Believe me, I'm taking that to my grave. No, we would've totally made it work out if you hadn't taken off with that boy toy in Milano. [Laughs] Look, love, I have a favor to ask. Do you have a hot designer who's looking for a new house? Yes, yes, they would have to sign a long term contract and have a collection that's ready to show tomorrow night. Yes, I'm serious. F-- [Sighs] Very funny. Right, I'll talk to you later. Nicole: Well, that went well. Kate: Shut up. Nicole: Kate, stop. You can't get someone on 24 hours' notice. Kate: I can do anything, all right, just watch me. Nicole: Oh, my God. Just stick your ego in a drawer for, like, a minute, please? Turn your phone off. I will handle this. Theresa: [Sobbing] God! [Sobbing] Anne: Okay, cupcake, don't lose your cool. All right, okay. You lost your cool, it's okay. Hey, listen, you gave it to Kate, all right? You told her off and I'm really proud of you, but you can't-- Theresa, stop, you can't just litter the whole area. We're gonna get arrested. Theresa: Yes, I can, Anne, it's hopeless! Anne: No, it's not hopeless. Theresa: Yes, it is. Look, Kate's right, okay, I can't--I can't do this, and I'm nowhere near a top designer. I never was and I never will be. And you know what the worst part is? I let Brady down. Anne: No, no, no. No, no, no, no, listen, you stand up. You can still stand up, and you fight for those-- Theresa: No, he believed in me and he trusted me, Anne, and he gave me all this money so that I could have my chance, and then I just-- I just blew it. Anne: Don't, no. Theresa, come on, now. Hey, listen. Look at me. You cannot let Kate do this to you, all right? Listen, you are stronger than you think, okay? Theresa: [Sobs] Oh, God, I let Tate down. Anne, I let Tate down, he's gonna-- Anne: No, no, no, no, stop. Shh, it's okay, stop. Theresa: His mother's a completely failure! Anne: Honey, you know what? You are so tired, you haven't slept in days, and now you're just running on fumes, you know? Theresa: No, I'm not, Anne, I am facing reality, okay? I'm not good enough. Anne: Okay. Theresa: I'm not. Anne: Okay. Theresa: I never was. Anne: Okay. Okay. Theresa: I can't--I just-- Anne: Okay. It's okay. Theresa: [Sobs] I don't-- I don't have talent. Anne: Shh, shh, okay. Theresa: I don't have-- [Sobs] Anne: Shh. Abigail: EJ really thought that his father was planning his murder? Marlena: He said that... in the letter he wrote to Sami, which she read when she came back for will's funeral. The odd part is that he gave her pass codes that would give her access to Stefano's cash accounts. She was so angry, she cleaned 'em out, completely, and then she disappeared. Abigail: Oh, my God. Do you have any idea where Sami is? Marlena: I don't. I wish I did. Sometimes I get so anxious-- anyway, the DiMeras must think that I know. That's why André ransacked my office. Abigail: And Chad helped him, you think? Marlena: Chad denies knowing anything about it. Abigail: When Chad was under hypnosis, you got chloroformed, and...I don't know, is it possible that maybe André took over the hypnosis session, and he convinced Chad to break things off with me and focus on belle? Marlena: Wow! That would be odd, but wait, wait, that could make sense. Yeah, they might-- they might believe that belle knows where Sami is. Abigail: Right. Chad: I got to admit, me in this robe, you this close-- Belle: [Clears throat] You're incredible. Chad: Is that a compliment? Belle: You know very well that I'm married. Chad: Nah, separated. Your word. Belle: I also know that you're not over Abigail Deveraux, no matter what you say. Chad: Well, if you would have talked to Abigail this morning, she would've set you straight on that. We made things very clear last night. I'm free. Free and open for anything. Belle: Well, I am not a free woman. Chad: Then why did you come to my hotel room? Rafe: So what's your plan? [Dance music playing] I want to be in love I want to be alive [Music volume rising] Theresa: And now, an exclusive showing of the latest collection of Theresa Donovan. I want to be alive [Camera snaps] I need you, babe [Camera snaps] I need--I need you, babe [Camera snaps] [Both cheering] Nicole: You go, Theresa! [Both laughing] Theresa: Oh, God. Oh. Brady: I'll take it from here. Nicole: Okay. Brady: Hi. Theresa: Hi, hi. Brady: How you doing? Theresa: Good. Brady: Listen, I have a question for you. How many times do I have to come down here and cheer you up? Theresa: This is the last time. It's over, I failed. Andre: We're not at the end of our road or anything else. We're strong. We're capable of great things. And we are still the DiMeras. Stefano: I'm tired, André. Oh, God, just...tired. Abigail: Almost every single time I have seen Chad, he's been with belle. Dinner, drinks, he's definitely moving on her. Marlena: He thinks she can lead him to Sami, which is why I keep warning her off him. Abigail: Yeah, but is she gonna listen to you? I mean, really, all he has to do is look at her with those blue eyes, and I mean-- you know, I've fallen for it several times. Marlena: I will make sure she listens to me. God knows what the DiMeras could do to her before they realize she does not know where Sami is. Abigail: Marlena... do you think it's possible that we can get the real Chad back? Marlena: Wow, well, I'd say... yeah, that's doable. Of course, he would have to agree to be hypnotized again. Abigail: Right. Yeah. Yeah, it's just, he's changed so much, I-I don't know how he would allow that to happen. Belle: Isn't it obvious? Came here to explain to you why you don't have a case. Chad: Is your phone's broken? Belle: No. But I'm a professional, and I like to look my clients in the eyes and make sure they understand what I'm telling them, and since you do and I have, I'm going to leave, so good luck. And I do hope that you find what you're looking for... from someone else. (Music plays) Rafe: So? You trying to whip up business for the department's dentist? Hope: [Chuckles] I just wanted to make sure everyone got one for the holidays. Rafe: I think they will. Tell you what I'll do, I'll leave it right here, and that way, people can just help themselves when they cruise by. Hope: Terrific. Thanks, I'll let you go. Rafe: Yeah, hey. Hope: Oh. [Chuckles] Keys. Rafe: And I'll call you when I have something I can share with you and your lawyer. Hope: Great. Thank you, I mean it, for everything. Rafe: Yeah. Hope: I really don't know what I'd do without you. Thank you. Bye. Nicole: Kate. Where have you been? I've been looking all over for you. Kate: Why? Nicole: Why? Because I told you I would take care of the missing designer problem, and I did, so you don't have to call eve or Christian or Stella or-- Kate: No problem, relax, relax, I already got a replacement. Theresa: Turns out I'm the joke Kate always said I was. Brady: You're kidding me, right? [Clears throat] You have as much talent as any designer on the planet, Theresa. Theresa: I don't, Brady, look, my dressed didn't fit any of the models, and all my designs, they're just-- Brady: Stop it, stop. You knocked the socks off Nicole when she first saw your sketches. And I don't care what lies Kate is telling right now. She loved them as well. My--my own father was completely impressed by you, remember? He used to own this company. Theresa: Brady, I just-- Brady: Theresa, you're tired, you're--honey, you're tired, and when you get tired, you don't see things as clearly as you should, but you can do this. Theresa: No, I can't. Brady: Yes, you can. Yes, you can, you're gonna do this. You're not a quitter, okay? I-I didn't fall in love with a quitter, and I'm not gonna let you off the hook. There's no reason why you can't get out there and do everything that you need to do to make this a tot-- Theresa: Brady, I-- did you just say... you love me? Andre: I heard you. Don't run. Chad: Wasn't. I was looking for father, make sure he's okay. Andre: Oh. Well, let's see. Samantha just stole a ton of cash from him. Belle Brady, her sister-- remember her? Yeah. And so it's been up to you to get it back for him. So how's that going? Chad: I'm-I'm working on it. Andre: Yeah? Terrible liar, aren't you? 'Cause you haven't even gotten close to belle, have you? No, because you're still hung up on sweet, dear Abigail. Nicole: You did what? I told you I would take care if it. Kate: You went running after Theresa to tell her that all is forgiven, didn't you? Nicole: No. Kate: Look, we run an international fashion company. Just to be clear, we're having a launch that's going to be covered by international pres, and I don't want some little knockoff artist ruining that, Nicole. Nicole: Yeah, but we can't bring in some last-minute wannabe to replace a very talented designer who you know damn well has a potential to hit it big. This is her shot, she's earned it, and it would hurt our company tremendously if we showed any signs that we're not unified in the look that we want. Kate: Oh, and what's that look, lopsided and droopy? Nicole: No--okay. Okay. Her construction still needs work, but we still have time to call in help to make that happen. Kate: Not on my dime. Nicole: Kate, she will be ready for this event. I stake my reputation on it. Kate: Nicole, you don't have a reputation. Nicole: Look who's talking. Kate: I've run three major companies. Nicole: So I've run one too, I-- Kate: Therefore, I am making this decision. Nicole: Whoa! You would dump me right along with Theresa if you thought you could get away with it. Theresa: Brady. Oh, my God, I'm so sorry. You don't have to answer that. Pretend I never asked that. I mean, it's just an expression. People say it all the time-- talk shows, birthdays. "I love you" doesn't really mean anything anymore, so-- uh--God. Brady: Theresa? We've been at this a while now. [Sighs] I feel like I've gotten to know you. The real you. And I figured it out. I love you. Theresa: [Laughs] Brady: I love you. [Beep] [Beep] Brady: Chad still loves us. I know he does, honey. And I am going to find out a way to bring him back. Chad: What is it with you, André? Why do you always assume I'll fail? Andre: Because I'm a clever little devil. Chad: Well, I'm not still in love with Abigail, okay? With belle, I-- Andre: What? What? You need more time? Have a new angle? Why don't you just admit that you've let your family down? Chad: Fine. Belle's made it clear that she's just not interested. She can't trust me. How's that for honesty? Theresa: Oh, Brady. I've waited to hear you say that for so long, and when it just popped out, I just-- oh, my God. [Both laughing] Theresa: You know what, oh, yeah, and in case I didn't say it yet, I mean, I've know I said it before, but I love you too. I do, I mean, so I guess-- I guess that's nothing new there, right? Brady: It's always good to hear. So we got that out. That's out. I love you, you love me, and-- we still have one thing to deal with, though. We still have this little fashion show that we have to-- Theresa: [Sobs] Brady: Gotta deal with this. Theresa: Yeah, Brady, like, I just-- Brady: [Sighs] Theresa: Look, I can't, okay? I-I can't fix those dresses. I don't have the skills, so... like, I don't really have a choice, I have to give up. And please don't try to talk me out of it, okay, because I just really don't want to cry again. Brady: Listen, listen, listen, listen, listen. Whatever you want. Okay? Theresa: Thank you. I don't really want to be here. Can we go home? Brady: Are you sure? Theresa: Yeah, I'm sure. Brady: Okay, well, okay. Andre: Belle Brady doesn't trust your name. Chad: Excuse me? Andre: You're a DiMera. Chad: Yeah, I am. What--what do you expect me to do, go back to Chad Peterson- woods? Andre: Well, if it works. You can call yourself Dudley do-right for all I care, but your get close to belle Brady, and you better do it soon. Belle: Mom? You home? Marlena: Okay, be right there. [Door opening] Marlena: Honey? What is it? Belle: [Sobs] Shawn filed for divorce. Marlena: Oh, I'm so sorry. Abigail: No wonder you didn't want to nurse. Sweet boy. It's okay, mommy's just-- mommy was upset. I'm sorry that I had to leave you, but you know what? Every single time your mom is gone, that is because she's working so hard to make sure that you grow up to have the best life you possibly can. Yeah. You're so quiet today, buddy. Yeah. You're so warm. Hope: Did you find anything? Rafe: Bo Brady was a cop for quite a while, and he made plenty of enemies. You'd better get used to that, detective. Lani: Roger that. Hope: Wait a minute, not on even one of the numbers? They're located here in Salem. Lani: I guess what I'm really asking is, if someone kidnapped him, tortured him, I mean, it would have to be a guy with real brass. Rafe: It would. Hope: They never existed? Sure, yeah, okay. Thank you. How does a phone number exist? Rafe: And when it comes to that, there's one name that jumps to the top of the list. [Dramatic music] Rafe: Stefano-- Hope: DiMera. | Stefano wondered if their time was up |
676 | Michelle: I found it upstairs on the observation deck. Doesn't that feel good? Tony: Yeah, yeah, well... Michelle: Doesn't that feel good? Tony: I'm sure the bird is not going to be too happy about it. Michelle: What kind of bird do you think this was? What is it, like, an eagle? Pigeon? Seagull? Tony: Do you mind? Michelle: Don't you realize that it's not all about all work and no play? Danny: I need to do something about michelle. Ross: Step into my office. Buzz: What do you want? Have anything. Zach: That. Buzz: A burger? Good choice, but your mom would shoot me. How about, instead of that, how about... this? French toast. Zach: Yum! Buzz: Yum! Yum it is. You know something? Zach, I should teach you how to cook, you know? Because every member of the family is part of this restaurant. Sort of like... company is sort of the cooper home. It's our place. If I can keep it standing. You want to help me open up? Zach: Yeah! Buzz: Come on. Let's go! Frank: Not so fast. Someone just called and bought out the whole place for a private party. One of the waitresses took the message. Buzz: That's great. Frank: No. Buzz: You don't think so? Frank: I don't think we want these people's business. Buzz: (Sighs) Frank: See what I mean? Lizzie: Daddy, joey is a great guy. You're going to love him. And he'll be really comfortable over at company anyway. Phillip: Well, I'm looking forward to speaking to him. Lizzie: About what? Phillip: Well, I just want to see what his intentions are. Lizzie: His intentions? Okay, what decade are we in again? Phillip: Darling, you're old enough to understand this. You're a spaulding. That makes you a target for every poor boy in town who wants to get ahead. Lizzie: Daddy, joey's not like that, though. Oh, what? So now you think he's a gold- digger? Phillip: Well, it's been suggested that he may be more interested in the good life than he is in you. Lizzie: Suggested by who? Phillip: Your friend tammy. Reva: Well, yeah, sure. It's not a problem. I can do the promo. Yeah. All you have to do is bring me a huge cup of coffee, and I'll meet you there. Josh: Well, how soon does he need the specs? Reva: Yeah. Okay. Josh: All right, well, three weeks and we've got a deal. Reva: Great, bye. Josh: Okay, now... yeah, i can deliver. Okay, call me when it's done. Thank you. Bye-bye. Hi. Reva: Hi there. Josh: Busy morning. Been to the office already, got the car washed, picked up the dry cleaning. Reva: Did you? Josh: Yeah. Reva: Well, I did a load of laundry, stopped by the station, and hit the summer sale at the mall, all before noon. Josh: The modern couple: Dynamic, on-the-go... Reva: Doing everything we can to forget how much we miss our kids. Cassie: Check credit card summary. Enter account number. Yeah, bill, I'm still here. Mm-hmm. No, that's okay. We're all busy. Yeah. I need to get those referrals from you, though. You promised them. Will you call me later? Okay. Thanks. Bye. That's right. These identity thieves don't know who they're messing with. Phillip: Okay. Well, we'd better get over to company. Lizzie: Oh, can I meet you there? Because I have something I have to do first. Phillip: All right. Don't be late. Lizzie: All right. Guess who? Yeah, I'm down in the lobby. You'd better get down here right now. Okay? Bye. Josh: That would be fine, just to continue. Thank you. Yes. Bye. Listen, reva, our kids are doing exactly what they're supposed to be doing. They're going out into the world. That's what we want. We wouldn't want them living with us forever. Reva: Wouldn't we? Josh: Reva, they're independent thinkers, you know? They're out there trying to do good, and that means we succeeded as parents. Reva: You're just much better at this than I am. Josh: Not true. Reva: Yeah, you are. And you've had time with them. You've been with them all along. You're ready to let them go. Josh: I wouldn't say that I'm ready. Reva: Yeah, well, I still feel like I have a lot to make up for. And now I want to do it and they're gone. Josh: It's okay to be proud, reva. They have an adventurous spirit. They want to sink their teeth into life, and they got those qualities from their mama. Reva: I guess I just miss being a mama. Sandy: Nice, reva. Real nice. Ross: I'm not going to be able to help you with this, danny. Danny: Why not? Ross: Because, quite frankly, I'm not inclined to do you any favors given what you've done to michelle. Danny: Ross, I am only thinking about what's best for michelle. I'm doing this for her own good. Ross: Oh, yes. Because you love her so much. Danny: I do. Don't you? Ross: Like my own daughter. Danny: Then help me. Ed would want you to help. There is something you need to know, though. Ross: (Sighs) which is? Danny: If you do decide to help me, you'll be making a certain enemy. Michelle: Did I see a smile? Did I see...? I did, I did. Michelle: Will you stop, please, michelle? Come on. Michelle: Come here. I want you to drop the blueprints. Come with me. Tony: Look... Michelle: Hand? Tony: Okay, all right. What are we doing? (Laughs nervously) Michelle: All right, turn around. I want you to look at this room, all right? Tony: I'm looking, okay? Michelle: We have... the idea is to have a fresh perspective so we can figure out what we want to do, all right? Tony: Okay. So close your eyes. Close them. Tony: What? Michelle: Close them, so we can sort of imagine what it's going to be like. Tony: Okay. All right. Okay, all right. Eyes are closed. Fire away. Let's go. Michelle: All right, I'm thinking... I'm thinking we start with the upstairs first, you know? We start small. So I'm getting the feeling for, like, funky couches, little tables, you know, sort of like a coffeehouse feel, but funkier. Tony: Okay. Michelle: A place where you can just relax, unwind, have a fun meal, nobody judging you or expecting you to be anyone but who you are. Tony: We are talking about a club, right? Or are we talking about heaven? Which one? Michelle: Oh, well, we're already up in the clouds. I don't know. Throw in a couple of angels and who knows? Tony: Angels, huh? Michelle: You peeked! Tony: I did. Michelle: You're not supposed to peek. Tony: Just at the end, that's all. Michelle: You're supposed to be picturing how you want things to turn out. Tony: I was. Buzz: Frank, we never turn away paying customers. Frank: They're not customers, they're spauldings. Zach: I'm a spaulding! Buzz: Yes, you are. Frank, when they walk through that door with money, they're customers. Anyway, I think it's going to help. Frank: Really? How do you figure that? Buzz: Well, I mean, look, the kid loves the place. He loves it. When phillip comes in here and, you know, sees the attachment to this place, you know, maybe he'll change his mind about leveling it. Beth: So I still don't understand why you decided on this place rather than the country club. Phillip: Um... listen, there's something you should probably know before we go in. Buzz isn't going to have company much longer. Beth: Buzz is going to sell company? I can't believe it. Phillip: Well, he didn't have much choice. Actually, he didn't have any choice. Beth: Why? What do you mean? Phillip: I had the governor exercise eminent domain. The place is set to be razed. Beth: You? You want to tear down company? Phillip: Yeah. To build something better in its place. Beth: No, but phillip, wait. This place is part of our history-- not just the town's, ours. We spent a lot of time here. A good chunk of our relationship was formed at that counter in there. Phillip: Beth, it's a commercial property; it's not a museum. Beth: It doesn't bother you to bulldoze the past? Phillip: I don't need the building. I have lots of wonderful memories, and I will always have them. Beth: So what are we doing here? Did you come here to gloat? Phillip: No. I'm here in the spirit of goodwill. Beth: You consigned the place to a wrecking ball. Phillip: Beth, look. We're all moving forward: You, me, buzz, all of us. That's life; it's progress. And you don't have to worry about buzz. He's getting top dollar for this property, and I'm throwing him a little business here before he closes just to show there are no hard feelings. Beth: Yeah, well, somehow i doubt the coopers will see it as much of an olive branch. Phillip: Well, then, that's their problem, because it's a done deal. This place is history, and there's nothing that they or anybody else can do about it. Frank: You're doing such a good job. Zach: Hi, daddy. I'm helping. Dinah: Lovely couple. Very handsome. Junior princess, huh? You're very difficult to get in touch with. I don't know why that is. The rest of your family doesn't seem to... (gasps) Tammy: I'm not used to being ordered to the lobby. Lizzie: Well, I'm not used to having my father being lied to by my friends. Tammy: What are you talking about? Lizzie: Um, hello, tammy. You told my dad that joey was some kind of money- grubber and he was more interested in my family's bucks than me. Tammy: I did not say that. Lizzie: Uh, yeah, you did, okay? You lied to my dad yesterday, and now you're lying to me. Tammy: Yeah, because I know you hate lying so much. Lizzie: Why would my dad make that up, tammy? Come on. Tammy: He misunderstood what I said, okay? In fact, he got it pretty much backwards. What I actually said was that you're trying to buy joey. Lizzie: Oh. That was really nice of you, too, tammy. Tammy: It's true. I mean, you can offer joey all kinds of things that I can't: Limo rides, fancy meals, tuxedoes. And that's exactly what you're doing to hold onto him, using the old spaulding edge. Lizzie: (Scoffs) you know, maybe I offered him something you could have but didn't, all right? Maybe... maybe I'm the edge. Tammy: What's that supposed to mean? Lizzie: You really don't get it, do you? How long did you think joey would wait to get what he wanted, okay? Joey's a guy! Tammy: You slept with him? Lizzie: No, not yet, but close. I mean, why not, right? I've done it before. Tammy: With who? Lizzie: Tammy, I went to private school, okay? No parents around at lights out, and an all-boys school right across the street. I got a killer education. I'm what you call a quick study, and joey is going to reap the benefits. Tammy: You skank! Lizzie: Don't touch me! Cassie: Hey! Hey, hey, hey! Guys. What are you guys fighting about? Lizzie: Sex. Joey: What are you doing with that? Dinah: Well, I, uh... my goodness, you gave me quite a scare. Joey: Who are you, and why are you sneaking around here? Dinah: My name is elaine shultis. I... I wasn't sneaking around. I was just taking a look. But I might ask you the same question. Joey: I'm joey lupo, and i work here. Dinah: Oh, really? Well, that's nice, that the farm owners have actual farmhands. My clients will love that. Joey: Um... Dinah: I'm a realtor. Joey: Nice to meet you, but the place isn't for sale. The winslows just moved in. Dinah: The winslows. Oh, my goodness. I thought I was at the roberts' place. I have the wrong address. Oh, I'm so embarrassed. What a shame! This place is charming. How do you know the family? Joey: Um, I used to go out with her. Dinah: This one here? She's a beauty. What, not anymore? Joey: No. It didn't work out. Dinah: Oh. I'm sorry to hear that. (Car horn honking) Joey: Oh, that's my ride. We should get going. Dinah: Oh. Oh, sure. Joey: Mind? Dinah: No, no. Not at all. But I should slip my card under the door in case the winslows, was it? In case they do, indeed, want to sell. Um, I hope... Joey: Lady, come on. Dinah: No, I know. I just, I thought maybe I had them in here, but don't worry about it. Go. Go. I'm sure they're here. Thank you. Give me a call. Look me up if you ever need to sell. Oh. (Laughs) my, my, my. Thank you very much for keeping this for me, cassie. Just what I needed. See you soon, girlfriend. Phillip: Come here, zach. Zach: Daddy, look at my table. Phillip: Yes, I see your table. Got the fork on the correct side and everything. What's this? Buzz: Just setting up for your party. Zach wanted to pitch in. Frank: Yesirree. He'S... he's a born worker. Beth: Well, you were right. This is a great idea. So relaxing. Frank: Great. Now my day is complete. Alan: I can't believe I allow you to walk the street, frank. Why don't you remind me once again why I didn't press charges? Buzz: Frank, could you go get the drinks? Please? Frank, please. Do you want to get punched in the nose? Alan: No. I'm here to have a meal with my family. Just keep frank away from the steak knives, all right? Buzz: No promises. Hey, did you sign off on your son's plan to knock this place down? Alan: Phillip doesn't need me to sign off on anything. Buzz: After all the meals you've had here? Alan: Buzz, phillip is doing what needs to be done here. Now, I realize this is very difficult for your family, but you're going to survive. It's not personal; it's business. Buzz: It's my business. Phillip: Whoa. Hey, there's granddad. Alan: Well, well, well. This should be an interesting gathering, huh? Beth: "Interesting," that's a word. Phillip: All right. Zach: Here you go, grandpa. Alan: Well, thank you, zach. Aren't you the good little waiter, huh? Beth: Phillip, it's not a big deal. Phillip: I just wanted to tell you, I rented out the place today in the spirit of good faith, and I'd like to try to keep things civil between us. After all, buying up this property is strictly business. Buzz: I keep hearing that. Phillip: But I'm not going to sit back and watch you use my son as a pawn. Michelle: So first I was thinking the bar would be there, but then... Ross: Hello, michelle, tony. Tony: Hey, ross. Michelle: What brings you here? Ross: Well, rumor has it there's a plan that this is going to be springfield's newest hot spot. So I thought I'd stop by and take a look. Michelle: Uh, yeah. We're calling it light. Ross: Light. Michelle, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you're going to run into a lot of opposition to this plan from the planning board and the landmark commission, and to be quite frank, from me. Michelle: Why? Why would anyone be against a great new place like this? Ross: Uh, to begin with, this lighthouse, while technically bauer property, has been declared a landmark, and with that come regulations as to what you can and cannot do to it. Michelle: Yeah, well, we'll deal with all the red tape. We're going to go 100% by the book. Ross: Well, there's another reason I'm against it. I will not allow springfield's beloved building to be turned into a potential front for illegal activities. Tony: Not going to happen, ross. Ross: Well, I'm sorry, tony, but your history is common knowledge. Michelle: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait a minute. Tony: Listen, ross, it's not going to happen. Michelle: This is my project, all right? Talk to me, not him. Josh: Sandy, what reva was really trying to say... Reva: No, you know what? I'm perfectly capable of extracting my own foot out of my mouth. (Cell phone rings) Josh: Okay then. Fair enough. I'll just take this call. Excuse me. Hello? Reva: And you know I didn't mean to imply that you weren't my son, too. Sandy: Just shayne's more your son. Reva: No, sandy. Marah and shayne are my kids by josh, and so it just... it's different. It just makes it different. It's not more or less or less or more; it's just different. Sandy: Hey, it's okay. You don't have to explain. You guys have made me part of your family. We use words like "mother" and "son," and that means a lot to me. And you're right: I am different. I'm very different than your homegrown brood. In fact, you don't really know who I am at all. Tammy: Mom, you already gave me a talk on the birds and the bees. You don't have to go over that again. Cassie: I wasn't going to. I think we need to move on to the next talk. Tammy: What's that? Cassie: The one about why you have sex, not how, tammy. I'm talking about commitment. Tammy: As opposed to what? Fun? Cassie: Pressure. Tammy: Oh, stop it, please. Cassie: Tammy, we need to talk about this. Tammy: No, stop. Just stop it. I don't need a lecture on sex because I'm not having sex. Or don't you believe me? Cassie: I just think it's very important that we discuss this. Tammy: God, everybody thinks I'm a liar! Cassie: Tammy, wait a second. Tammy: No, stop it. This is so stupid! Cassie: Tammy! (Sighs) Dinah: Nice wheels, cassie. Coming up, on "guiding light": Lizzie: I've got big plans for joey and me tonight. I think you know what kind I'm talking about. Cassie: Hello? Anybody there? Michelle: This lighthouse is not going to be turned into some glass-topped version of vinnie salerno's social club, all right? So you can relax. Tony: Michelle, this isn't about you; this is about me. Right, ross? Michelle: No, no, I don't think so. This is about me, isn't it? Ross: I just want to keep you from making a mistake. Michelle: Yeah, see? See? The last time my lecture was about danny, right? Now this time it's about tony. Are you here as the mayor, or, oh, are you here as my father's springfield ambassador? Ross: No, I am here as your friend, michelle, and until recently, we were like family. Michelle: I appreciate your concern. Look, at the fourth of july barbecue you said a lot of really great things about giving back. Ross: As I remember correctly, that was right before you left. Michelle: Well, I heard you, and that's what I want to do. I want to make my family proud by giving back. And not just my family, but the whole town. I'll deal with the permits, I'll deal with the public hearings, all of it, because it's going to be worth it. It would be nice if we had a little help from somebody in the government, though, but, you know... what do you say, ross? Give us a little hand? Ross: I say I'll take it under consideration. Michelle: What does that mean? Ross: It means that you have a chance, and for what it's worth, it's good to see you smile again. I'll be in touch. Tony: Take care, ross. Thank you. Michelle: Did... did he just say yes? Did he just say yes? Did he just say yes? Tony: Well, I will say it wasn't a "no." Michelle: You thought he was going to say no, didn't you? You did. Admit it. You thought he was going to say no. Tony: Wait. Okay, okay. Relax. I just... I don'T... I don't think many people can say no to you, michelle. Reva: Is that some kind of challenge: "You don't know me"? Sandy: Well, okay, reva. Aside from the easy surface info, what can you really say about me? Reva: Well, what I don't know about you I just don't know about you yet. It's going to take time, which is all I have right now, so come on. Let's do things. Let's have some fun. What do you say? We don't know very much about each other at all, so let's find out. Cassie: Hi. Sorry. Danny: That's okay. What's going on? Cassie: I got sidetracked. Look, I got a fax from the bank, danny. Danny: (Sighs) I told these people to only deal with me about these loan payments. Cassie: This is so overdue. Danny: Cassie, I know, i know. Cassie: And now they're tacking on late fees. Danny: I know. I'm very... Cassie: Do you see how much you still owe here? Danny: Yes, I know. Look, I know. I don't have to look at that. I know. I've got a meeting later today to deal with it. Cassie: You keep telling me that. Danny: Okay, don't worry about it. Cassie: You keep telling me that you have meetings, okay? And I'm sorry that I have to keep saying something to you... Danny: It's okay. Cassie: ...But my hotel is on the line, danny. Danny: I understand, yes. Cassie: I built this place. I can't lose it. Do you understand? Danny: Yes. Yes. You and edmund have both made that very clear. Cassie: What are you talking about? Danny: Well, edmund paid me a visit-- cornered me, really-- at company yesterday, telling me that I had to do whatever I had to do to raise the money. You didn't know. So he'S... well, watching your back behind your back. Yeah. And I should tell you, the look in his eyes kind of reminded me of the old days, if you know what I'm saying. Cassie: Look, the subject is you and the money, not edmund. Danny: I... that's fine. I'm on top of it. I am. Don'T... what'S... what's the matter? Cassie: Oh, my gosh. Danny: What? Cassie: I had a pair of sunglasses sitting right here, and now they're gone. Someone took them. Danny: Maybe you put them somewhere else. Cassie: No. No, they were right here. I'm sure of it. Danny: Were they expensive or something? Cassie: Wait a minute. First the computer and now this. Someone's messing with me. Danny: What happened with your computer? Cassie: No, it can't be connected. It... it can't be connected. Danny: Hey. Hey, what's going on? Cassie: I just am still having problems with these identity thieves, and I guess it just has me totally paranoid. Danny: Still? Cassie: Yes. Danny: Is there anything i can do to help? Cassie: Just... just get the money, okay? Danny: I'm on it. I'm on it, I'm on it. I'll call you after my meeting, okay? Deal with that identity thing before it gets worse. Cassie: Maybe I left them in the car. Dinah: (Sighs) very good work. Joey: Yes, I grew up in springfield, sir. Lizzie: You don't have to say "sir" after every sentence. Phillip: So, agriculture. Is that what you're interested in? Joey: I'm more into business, politics. Phillip: Politics? Joey: Yes, sir. Um... yes. I mean yes. It's an election year this year, and I think it's important that we keep up on the current issues and try to make a difference. Alan: You are registered to vote? Joey: Of course. Alan: Who are you voting for? Beth: Alan! Joey: You can ask me any questions on the stock market or the global economy. I'm well up-to-date on that. Phillip: Really? Lizzie: Uh... Phillip: All right. Lizzie: Well, let me ask you a question, and let me do it over here. Come on. Listen, sweetie, you're doing a great job, okay? You're like a pro, but... Joey: But... but I'm blowing it. Lizzie: No, no. Everything is going to be fine, okay? Michelle: Really, all I get from people in this town are restrictions, you know? "Don't do this," "you're not supposed to do that." Danny would lock me in a box if he could. But not you. Tony: No. You don't belong in a box. Michelle: See, that's like the nicest, weirdest thing anyone has ever said to me. Tony: I'm not too good with words. (Laughs) you really want this, don't you? Michelle: Don't you? Tony: It's just... it's danny, you know? I don'T... he has no idea how lucky he is to have you, you know that? Michelle: I'm going to take that as a "yes." Joey: I stayed up all night preparing for this. Lizzie: Preparing for what? Joey: I went to the library and I checked out a bunch of books on business and politics, but I came off so lame. Lizzie: Oh, joey. Well, listen, my dad and grandpa were wrong for grilling you like that. Joey: No, they weren'T. You know, it's cool. It showed that they really cared. Otherwise they wouldn't have done it, right? Lizzie, they're exactly how you said they'd be, you know? Just normal people. Lizzie: No, no. I said sort of normal. (Laughs) Joey: I feel so stupid trying to come off as this biz whiz kid. I don't know anything about norway or the stock market. I don't even care that much about money. (Sighs) I just wanted your family to like me. Alan: Joseph? Elizabeth's mother and I would like a word with you. Joey: Sure. Alan: I want you to know that we overheard what you said right now, and I was very impressed with your attitude, especially toward my family. Beth: And I think that you have been a very good influence on lizzie. Joey: Please. Lizzie doesn't need my influence. She's pretty good on her own. That's why I like her. Alan: Well, you're in good company. Joey: Now I feel like I can be myself. (Laughter) look, I'm going to go outside, I'm going to put my tie in the car, and I'll be right back, all right? Lizzie: Okay. Joey: Tammy? Tammy: Hi. Joey: What are you doing here? Tammy: I didn't know it was closed. Joey: Yeah. The spauldings are renting it out. Tammy: Yeiçno carrierringconnect 1200 Lizzie: Yes. Well, this day has been amazing. Tammy: I'm supposed to ask why, right? Lizzie: Oh, it's all because of joey. You would not believe how cool he is with my family. They love him, tammy. Tammy: What about you? Lizzie: Well, let's just say the day is going to get even better. I've got big plans for joey and me tonight. I think you know what kind I'm talking about. Bye-bye. Buzz: You know, you might want to check back into that mental hospital for a tune-up. Phillip: I know exactly what I'm doing, buzz. I'm righting the ship. Buzz: It was your family that screwed up, not mine. We're the victims. Frank lost a girl, he lost his job. Harley lost a husband. I believed in alex. Phillip: And we all could have moved on, all of us. But no. You and frank, you had to make trouble. Buzz: No, you made trouble. And now you want to take this place away from me. Phillip: It's taken. Buzz: You want to take this place, rip it down, because of some bizarre personal grudge. You go ahead and try, okay? But be warned, my friend: You are in for the fight of your life. Phillip: Well, I'm ready for that. Are you? Cassie: That's right. I've got your attention now, don't I? What, did you think I wouldn't fight back? That's right. Why don't you quit hiding like a coward while you're stealing my life and come out and face me in the open? Come on! Reva: Next, on "guiding light": Cassie: Show your face, you coward! Dinah: Decapitation? Whose head's about to roll? Jeffrey's? | In the garage Cassie grabs a tire iron and challenges her imposter to come out and face her. |
677 | Jack: Can you believe jerk, coming here, suggesting we surrender? Brad: Nothing subtle about newman. Jack: All that crapt us bringing down my father's company... Brad: There's some truth in what he sai Jack: Whose side are you on, anyway? Brad: We're in a tight spot. Jng out alive, bradley, that's what separates the men from the boys. Brad: All the clichés in the world don't change the fact that even after we pay off the huge note, he's not going to be finished with us. Jack: So you think he'll tighten the screws? Brad: It's the perfect storm, one I'm sure he saw coming from the beginning. Jack: What are you saying here? Spit it out. You think we should bail on the new line? Victoria: Where did you disappear to earlier? Victor: Who, me? Victoria: No, the picture on the wall over there. Yeah, you. Victor: I met with jack abbott and brad carlton. Victoria: At jabot? Victor: Jack abbott's office. Victoria: Why? Victor: Well, I thought I should remind them of the principal payment that is due on one of their loans, due in a couple of weeks, at a time when they need their cash reserves more than at any other time. Victoria: Oh, and I'm sure you felt terrible about that, being the big, bad wolf when they are just about to launch a new product line? Victor: Only the strong survive, my darling. Victoria: Mind if I ask you a question? Victor: Unh-unh. Victoria: When you gave the green light to buy satine, was it just about business, or did you really want to stick it to jack and brad? J.T.: Well, well, well, the rumors are true. Brittany: Yes, J.T., I'm back. J.T.: Where you been? Brittany: Around. Hey, is raul here? I need to talk to him. J.T.: No, I haven't seen him all day. Brittany: He's probably back at the loft. J.T.: You know, you look pretty good for somebody who's been on the run. Brittany: Well, I wasn't exactly on the run, but thanks. I feel good. J.T.: Yeah, I was actually worried about you, brittany. Brittany: What's this, am I dreaming? J.T.: You know, it's not like I spent every night tossing and turning, but... Brittany: Relax, it's nice to know you were thinking about me while I was away, and, in case you're wondering, I'm not pregnant. J.T.: Yeah, I know. Brittany: You do? How? J.T.: That's easy. You walk in here with a big smile on your face. You start talking to me like nothing's wrong. Brittany: You know me better than I thought. J.T.: Well, I ought to after all these years. Well, congratulations on finally getting your life back. It's gotta feel pretty good. Brittany: You have no idea. John: Charlotte ramsey had an abortion? Kay: Yes, well, at the time, she felt it was her only alternative. John: Katherine, are you sure about this? Kay: Well, yes, of course I'm sure, john. For god's sake, we were friends. I mean, I was her confidant. John: I know, I just, uh, I find it rather improbable. Kay: Really, why do you say that? John: Well, back then it was--it wasn't done. It was dangerous. Kay: Yeah, well, of course it was dangerous it was very, very different back then. You couldn't just call up your family doctor and say, uh, "take care of all of this." John: Well, of course you couldn'T. Kay: John, please, do we really have to get into all of this right now? It's really not fun for me. Why, I mean, why are you so intent on dredging it up? John: Katherine, it's just that we were talking about the past, I-I told you the ramseys meant a great-- Kay: And now john is curious. John: Yeah, I'm very curious. Look, did you and charlotte ramsey become friends? Kay: I knew charlotte ramsey in high school, not all that well. She was a few years ahead of me. John: Yeah? Kay: Well, I don't know, charlotte had stars in her eyes. She fancied herself as a singer, and she was just talented enough, brash enough, I mean, you could see her just pulling it together. John: Was it here in genoa city? Kay: Oh, god, no, no, she went to new york. She went to new york to seek her fame and fortune. Instead, she found a whole world of trouble. Gina: Dining alone? Jill: No, I'm waiting for someone. Gina: That woman again, your, uh... Jill: Somebody's been talking to you. Gina: John abbott. Jill: So you know? Gina: Jill, look, the realization of finding out you were adopted, I mean, it must have been a real mindblower. Jill: Most people are telling me I should just be taking this in stride. Gina: Oh, really? Well, I don't think I could. I mean, don't get me wrong, I think adoption is wonderful, but to find out so-- Jill: So late in life... Gina: Yeah. Jill: Yes, thank you. You were very sweet to charlotte that night. Thank you. Gina: Hey, you're welcome. So charlotte--that's the one you're waiting for? Gina: Mrs. Foster, hi, it's so good to see you. Liz: Hello, gina. Oh, jill, I'm sorry I'm late. Jill: No, it's okay. Gina and I were just discussing my birth mother. Liz: Oh, well, is this a private conversation, or can anyone get in? Good afternoon. The plugs are about to be pulled on hundreds of video lottery terminals across alberta. We'll tell you why tonight on global news at six,.++++Officials from school boards across the edmonton region met with health experts today...to talk about sars.+++Rcmp are trying to find the people responsible forthe murder of a 26 year old edmonton man. His body was found west of edmonton near a golf course on the weekend. That's tonight on global news at six. W? Raul: Ah, no. Billy: Hey, man. Raul: Hey. Billy: Studying your brains out? Raul: Not really. Billy: Brittanyakake the pregnancy test? Raul: Yeah. Billy: Yeah, that's rough, man. Maybe I should be saying congratulations? I'm sorry, I don't--I don't know what I'm supposed to say. Raul: Brittany's not pregnant. Billy: She's not? Raul: Nope. Billy: Wow. Well, you must be relieved? She in your room? Raul: No, she, uh, she went to go see her parents, then she had a bunch of errands she had to go run. Billy: Well, it sounds like she's bouncing back. Raul: Yeah, she sure is, buddy. It's kinda like the whole thing never happened. J.T.: So what are you gonna do now, take some more time off? Brittany: No way. The last few weeks, all I've been doing is sitting, pondering the state of my life. I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to getting back to normal. School and work sounso great right now. J.T.: Well, if I need any shifts covered, I know who to call. Brittany: Hey, aren't you the guy whusused to complain about not having enough money? J.T.: Yeah, but I got-- Brittany: Wait, don't tell me, you want time off so you can be with colleen. J.T.: Maybe. Brittany: So you guys are still together? J.T.: That's none of your business, brittany. Brittany: How's her family ndndling it? J.T.: Well, they actually gave colleen permission to hang out with me. Brittany: Really? J.T.: I'm even allowed up at the house. Brittany: Wow, that is progress. J.T.: Yeah, I'm not so sure. Brittany: Why do you say that? J.T.: Look, I never liked seeing her family anyway. I mean, the abbotts-- they're never gonna trust me. I mean, who wants to be around people like that? Brittany: Well, raul mentioned that colleen threw a party for you? J.T.: Yeah, a surprise party at her granddad'S. Brittany: Yeah, and? J.T.: And it was nice of her, but it was kind of weird. Brittany: Hmm, sorry I missed it. I love to see you squirm. J.T.: (Chuckles) you, uh, seen your folks yet? Brittany: Unfortunately. J.T.: How are they doing? Brittany: Oh, you know... J.T.: Not getting along so great, huh? Brittany: Why do you even care? Gina: Why don't I leave you two ladies alone, and I'll send the waiter right over, okay? Liz: Okay. Gina: Here, let me help you. Liz: Thank you, dear. Liz: Gina sure seemed embarrassed. Wh w were you two really talking about? Jill: No, honestly, we were talking about my birth mother. Liz: Oh, so you've been spending some more time with her? Jill: Yes. Liz: And? Jill: And she's a very interesting person. Liz: Oh, come on, don't make me pull teeth. Jill: Well, what do you want to know about her? Liz: Well, we could start with her name. Jill: (Laughs) charlotte ramsey. Liz: Oh, that's nice, straightforward. Is she local? Jill: Originally, yeah. She's done a lot of, uh, moving around. Liz: You've got a lot to learn about her. Jill: You know something? I'm not sure exactly how much she wants to know about me. Liz: Well, she's probably still making, you know, the adjustment. I mean, she'll need more time. Jill: You're very generous. Liz: Me? Jill: Yeah, you're not even jealous. Liz: Oh, sure I am. I mean, well, I'm not eaten up with it, but, well, it's a little like being demoted to stepmother. I mean, now I'm liz, and she's mom. Jill: No, you are not being demoted, mama. You've known all along that-- no, I don't want to go there, okay? Liz: Okay, it's fine with me, but you know, if you were a man, and you just found your birth father, you'd probably, like, go fishing or to a ball game or --so what do you and your-- charlotte ramsey have lined up? Jill: Nothing yet. (Chuckles) although, knowing her, her idea of bonding is probably take me down to a local bar and introduce me to all her friends. Apparently, she spends a lot of time there. Liz: Oh, dear, that worries me. Jill: She's harmless. Liz: Drunks are never harmless. Jill: I didn't say she was a drunk. Anyway, we don't know what kind of life she has had, okay? So we should not be judging her. John: Charlotte went to new york right out of high school? Kay: Oh, john, that city eats young, naive women for breakfast. Along the road, she met this-- or she got involved with this man who didn't keep his promises. She came back to genoa city pregnant and, uh, abandoned, feeling-- feeling like she was a failure. John: So the family was less than receptive? Kay: Hmm, well, the ramseys were solid, upright citizens, and, uh, as you know if you dated eileen, good, solid citizens didn't want their daughters having children out of wedlock. John: Are you saying they disowned her? Kay: Oh, god, that's putting it politely. She was so devastated, so-so totally alone. It'S... John: So you helped her? Kay: Well, yes, I tried to steer her somewhere to have that baby, but-- John: To a family that would love it and take care of it? Kay: But she wouldn't have-- she would have none of that, so she... (sighs) she found this individual, for a price, who made all of her problems go away. John: A doctor? Kay: Oh, god, no, it was just the most botched procedure. Oh, god, she almost died. Kay: I-I tried to nurse her back to health as best I could. After that, she couldn't have any more children, not that she particularly wanted any. I remember her saying that white picket fences were just prettied-up jail bars. Anyway, after that, we lost touch. She was, uh, you know, she always liked to wander. John... (clears throat) john, is your curiosity satisfied? Because, I swear to god, this is a chapter of my life I would just as soon close. John: Well, yes, katherine, uh, thank you for sharing it with me. I appreciate that. Good night. Kay: Good night, john. John: Good night, dear. You feel better. Kay: Thank you. Kay: (Cries) ean Victor: You think I had some nefarious motive? Victoria: Maybe. Victor: Would that bother you? Victoria: Dad, you've accomplished so much. You have nothing more to prove. Victor: Do I need to remind you that it was you and neil who talked me into buying satine? Victoria: Yeah, so? Victor: Then why this sudden concern over how it will affect jabot? Victoria: I just would like to do this on a level playing field. Victor: You want satine to succeed, don't you? Victoria: Yes, of course. Victor: Mm-hmm, and you think it's a solid concept, this concept of a premium cosmetics line for women of color? Victoria: Absolutely. I wouldn't have pitched it so hard if I didn'T. Victor: Then you also know if we want satine to succeed-- Victoria: I know, it has to be at jabot's expense. Victor: Exactly. If they drop the line and not commit millions of dollars to it, we'd save them a hell of a lot of trouble. Victoria: Oh, I see. So you're doing them a favor? Victor: What, you n'n't think your old man is capable of philanthropic thoughts? Victoria: When it comes to jack abbott? No, I don'T. Victor: I did it as a favor to my old friend john abbott. Victoria: Yeah, right. That's a crock, and you know it. Victor: Such cynicism for someone so young. Victoria: I learned it from you. Victor: Well, what do you want me to do, put satine back on the market, deprive you and neil of proving to the world what you can do with a new product? Victoria: No, of course that's not what I want. Victor: Well, then what do you want me to do? Jack: Answer my question, bradley. Do you think we ought to bail on this new expansion. Brad: I'm just trying to be realistic, jack. We can't just ignore what newman said. Jack: The picture newman painted was the worst-case scenario. Brad: A scenario that could happen. Jack: Look, if you don't believe in this line, maybe you ought to go south. Brad: I do believe in it, but someone's gotta play devil's advocate. Jack: You know what I think? Brad: What? Jack: More and more, I believe newman bought satine for other than business reasons. Brad: To attack jabot? Jack: Even his son believes that. Brad: You think victor's nervous? Jack: Oh, I think he'd be a fool not to be, taking on a company who knows the market inside and out. Brad: You know, there is another possibility. Jack: What? Brad: Well, you don't alert a business rival when you're about to cream them. Maybe he's bluffing, trying to soften us up. Jack: But why? Brad: So if we do offer to buy satine, he can name his price. Jack: No, I got the distinct impression he wants to move ahead with his plans. Brad: Hoping we'll cave. Jack: Yeah, what he doesn't know is that jabot has been knocking around the idea of moving into this market for years. His stealing satine just stepped up the pace. Brad: It's gonna be a hell of a battle. Jack: We got bigger artillery. Brad: He's got more money. Jack: We got better distribution. Brad: He'gogot your wife working for him. Jack: I got his wife working for me. I also have your wife working for me, the best damn chemist in the business. Brad: Is there anything you're afraid of, jack? Jack: Only fear itself. Brad: I don't believe you're as confident as you say you are. Jack: Now why would you say that? Brad: Come on, jack, be honest. If this were anyone other than victor newman, you'd seriously consider cutting your losses and dumping the whole line, wouldn't you? Jill: So how have you been feeling? Liz: Never better. Jill: Your vision's cleared up? Liz: I can see through walls. Jill: Ooh, should I be worried? Liz: (Laughs) you could never hide anything from me anyway. Jill: I know. You know, when I was little, I used to think you had eyes in the back of your head. Liz: Mm. Jill: I asked greg about it, and he said, "yep, she does, so be careful." Liz: Oh, he shouldn't have told you that. Jill: I don't know. I kind of liked the feeling that you could always see me. It made me feel protected. Liz: Good. Listen, honey, I am really happy that you have found your birth mother, and I hope that you two do have a relationship. I'd like to meet her sometime, when you're ready. Just, uh, don't let yourself geget drawn into anything. Jill: You're only saying that, mama, because I told you she drinks. Liz: Honey, I'd tell you to be careful no matter what. You have been looking so hard for something. Don't just see it because you want it. See what's really there. Jill: I'll tell you what I see. I see a woman who has had a very tough life. I mean, not like you. You had to work a lot harder than you should have had to, but at least you knew who you were and what you had to do, but charlotte-- I get the feeling that she's just always been lost. You know, she's tried this, that and the other thing, she's struck out in a million different directions, but she never really settled down, but you know what, mama? I really like her. I mean, there is something genuine about her. She's not pretending to be anyone she isn'T. Gina: John, back already? Ok, , so what is it? What can't you do without? Jill: You're sure you don't mind? Liz: No, jill, you run on home. I can see you're exhausted. Jill: Thank you for being so understanding about my birth mother. Well, look who's here. Liz: Oh, john. John: Elizabeth. Jill: We were just talking about charlotte. Now john has met her, okay? Liz is all worried that I'm gonna get suckered. Would you please tell her that charlotte is just a harmless old lady? I will see you soon. Liz: Bye-bye, daughter. Jill: Bye-bye. Bye. Liz: Bye-bye. Liz: What's wrong? What's the matter? Victoria: What I want is for satine to succeed on its own merits. Victor: You're sure that's all it is? Victoria: I guess, if I'm honest, this animosity between you and jack abbott bothers me a little bit. Victor: Why? Victoria: Because it's been goinon since I was in diapers. Victor: Oh, sweetheart, you should be used to it by now. I'm a businessman, you know, not a politician. I don't give a damn about popularity. Victoria: But this doesn't just have to do with business, does it? Victor: Meaning what? Victoria: Your hatred for jack abbott plays a part... Victor: You know I don't like the guy. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Victoria: And I know you don't like brad carlton either. Victor: What's the point? Victoria: I'm just saying, maybe it's about time you stopped holding grudges. Victor: That's a piece of advice I gave to your brother. Victoria: Well, maybe you should take it yourself. Keeping all this animosity inside can't be healthy. Victor: Is that what you're concerned about, my health? Victoria: And your future. Victor: My future? Victoria: Dad, you have nothing left to prove. You've succeeded in everything you've ever tackled. Maybe it's about time you stopped trying so hard and slowed down and enjoyed life. I'm sure mother would be happier if you did. You should think about it. Victor: Sweetheart? Victoria: Mm-hmm. Victor: I'm very glad we had this little talk. Victoria: Me too. Jack: You do realize, we're doing exactly what newman wants? Brad: Second-guessing ourselves? Jack: Yep. Why should we be intimidated by him? Brad: He does have us over a financial barrel. Jack: Only if things go bad, only if the natural look comes back in fashion. Brad: You mean, if women decide to toss out their makeup and stop shaving their legs? Jack: A world gone berserk. Brad: Can you guarantee that won't happen? Jack: No. Look, if I wanted to play it safe, do you think I'd be doing what I'm doing, running a company that sinks or swims at the whim of the fairer sex? We're playing in our own backyard, bradley. We know cosmetics. Brad: You're dying to get back in the ring with newman, aren't you? Jack: You bet I am, particularly after this last visit. That pompous ass comes in here and-- he wants to take on jabot, he's gonna have the fight of his life. Brad: Okay, well, on that note... Jack: You're outta here? Brad: Well, from the way you're talking, we better get all the rest we can, while we can. [Music throughout] Raul: (Chuckles) I noticed all those bridal magazines you got over there. Billy: Yeah, mac's been looking through 'em. Raul: What's wrong with you? Billy: I wish she was more psyched about this wedding. Raul: You think she's having second thoughts? Billy: About getting married? No, no, it's not that, it's our families. Raul: They'll come around. Billy: Maybe, but the big day is in less than a month. Raul: Well, I'll be there. Listen, man, whether your family supports you or not, I gotta say it, you are the luckiest guy on the earth. Seriously, man, what you and mac have is absolutely amazing. Billy: Something bothering you, raul? Raul: Mm. Billy: You and brittany have a fight or... Raul: Nah, we didn't fight. We didn't fight, but something is bugging me. Billy: What's going on? Raul: I don't know, man. I guess I just thought that oncbrittany woulcocome back into town, everything would just fall into place, you know? I mean, I have never been so sure about my feelings toward her. I love her. I love her to death. I just-- I wonder if she feels the same way about me, that's all. J.T.: It's no big deal. I'm just wondering how your parents are. Brittany: You never wondered before. J.T.: You never ran away before. Brittany: Good point. J.T.: So what did they say to u?U? Brittany: Actually, they were pretty cool, especially when I told them they weren't gonna be grandparents. That made their day. J.T.: You know, you should cut 'em some slack. Your mom was pretty worried. Brittany: How do you know that? J.T.: She stopped by here all the time to talk. Brittany: Tyoyou? J.T.: Yeah, to me. Look, brittany, I've known you longer than billy, mac and raul. She thought I'd know something that would help. Brittany: You have my sympathy. J.T.: Why? Brittany: You having to put up with my mom? That must have been torture for you. Victoria: Oh, ooh, drinking your dinner? Bummer. Did my dad make you lose your appetite? Brad: Well, he definitely has that ability. Victoria: Oh, I haven't decided what I want yet, thanks. Brad: Not gonna join me? Victoria: Hmm, those chocolate martinis are way too dangerous. Brad: (Laughs) loose lips? Victoria: You wish. Brad: I can't imagine you letting anything slip that would be of any interest to me. Victoria: Oh, no, no, of course not. So full steam ahead, huh? Brad: On what? Victoria: Project jabot is doomed. Brad: You better get yourself some new spies. Victoria: Oh, right, right, right, that's not the name. It's called project negative cash flow. Oh, oh, project chapter 11? Brad: What about satine? Now there's a real turkey. Victoria: Is that sour grapes, bradley? You were dying to buy that company. Brad: For the right price. Look, you overspend by 40% for a company that's on the block for a reason. Victoria: Small change compared to what you'll be shelling out. Brad: Ah, but we'll have a state-of-the-art cosmetics line, you'll have new packaging with the same old, samold. Victoria: The difference is we'll still be in business. Brad: I'm gonna give you a little piece of advice, sweetheart. Don't get too cocky. Let's not forget who formulated brash & sassy-- jabot, we did. That was our baby. Now the same rule applies here. Whoever comes out with the best product, the most innovative... what, what's that smirk for? Victoria: I'm not smirking, I'm smiling. Brad: About what? Victoria: Well, you used to call me "kiddo." Now I'm "sweetheart." Look out world, I've finally arrived Liz: So katherine says this woman charlotte ramsey had an abortion. John: Oh, she remembers it like it was yesterday. Liz: So how could the child that charlotte ramsey was carrying back then be jill? John: The timing was right. The woman had never been pregnant before, and according to katherine, there is no way she could ever be pregnant again afterward. Liz: I don't know about you, but I am beginning to feel real uneasy. Billy: What are you talking about, man? Brittany's crazy about you. Raul: Not as crazy as I thought. Billy: What are you telling me, her feelings for you just disappeared? Raul: You remember all those doubts I was having about her when she was away? Billy: Sure I do, but i assumed you were past all that. I mean, the way you were acting when she came back, I've never seen you happier. Raul: I was happy. I was thrilled. I mean, I-I still am. Billy: So what's the problem? Raul: Brittany and i should be closer than ever right now. I mean, something like this would have torn a lot of couples apart. It could have torn us apart. Billy: Yeah, but it didn'T. Raul: Then why the hell do I feel like I'm being dumped on my head? Billy: I'm still-- I'm still not following you. Raul: Listen, man, brittany thinks she might be pregnant, so what does she do? She takes off. She doesn't even call me for weeks, and then when she finally does come back-- look, I-I tried to be as supportive as possible. Billy: How supportive are we talking? Raul: Well, before she took the pregnancy test, I told her I wanted to marry her. Billy: Really? Raul: Yeah, I stepped right up to the plate, you know, take responsibility, and how does she react? Like she'd rather be getting her teeth drilled. Billy: Give her a break. She's had a lot to deal with, probably wasn't thinking straight. Raul: Billy, she doesn't want to marry me. Billy: Well, maybe not right now, but give it time. Raul: Oh, she turned me down when she thought she was pregnant with my kid. Come on, what does that say to you, man? She'd rather be a single mom than to marry me. Billy: Buddy, why are you doing this to yourself? The whole thing is a non- issue now. You can go back to the way things were. Raul: I don't know if I want to. Billy: What do you mean? Raul: Well, I feel like maybe I've-- like I've changed too much, you know? I feel like I've taken this major step forward, and I was thinking about marrying brittany and-and having a family and all that. I'm not gonna lie to you, man, I was starting to kinda get into that idea. Billy: Wait, wait, wait, raul, are you saying you still want to get married? Raul: Not right now. No, I know it's best if we wait, but down the road sometime? Yeah, I think that would be cool. Billy: Well, maybe by then britt will be ready, too. Raul: And maybe she won't, at least not with me. What, you think I'm making too big a deal out of this? Billy: Well, I-- Raul: No, go ahead, say it. Billy: Well, look at it this way, what if britt had never thought she might be pregnant? The two of you would be going along just fine,having a good time. The whole marriage thing never would have even come up. Raul: Yeah, but it has, and I-I can't just sit here and make like it didn't happen. J.T.: It wasn't that bad, hanging out with anita. Brittany: Anita? Oh, please. J.T.: It wasn'T. Brittany: So go on, tell me how my mom forced you to listen to her conversations. I'm sure it's hilarious. J.T.: I--brittany, it doesn't matter now, okay? You're back. Bet you raul's pretty excited. Brittany: He's been so amazing. J.T.: I bet he was all set to do the right thing, wasn't he? Brittany: If you mean did he offer to marry me, the answer is yes, but, luckily, we don't have to think about that anymore. Unlike billy and mac, I am nowhere near ready for that. It's funny. J.T.: What? Brittany: Well, my mom and i don't see eye to eye on much, but not getting married young and not getting married for the wrong reasons-- those are two things we totally agree on. J.T.: Look, I gotta finish closing up. Brittany: Is lauren coming in tomorrow? J.T.: Yeah, I think so. Why? Brittany: Well, I want to tell her that I'm ready to get back to work. I'm sure I owe her, like, a million hours. J.T.: Yeah, and I'm the one who normally had to cover for you. Brittany: Well, why don't you take off? I'll close. J.T.: Seriously? Brittany: Yeah, get outta here. J.T.: Oh, great. Look, I gotta open in the morning, so it'd be nice to get off early. Brittany: Well, I assume the routine's still the same? J.T.: Yh,h, yeah, if you have any questions, just call me on my cell phone. Brittany: Sure. J.T.: Brittany. Brittany: Yeah? J.T.: I'm sorry about your parents. Brittany: What are you talking about? J.T.: Oh, nothing. Never mind. I gotta go. Ey'll continue singing itforever just because Victoria: Well, I think this calls for a toast, don't yo? Um, excuse me, bartender? A glass of your finest champagne, please. Brad: What did I just say about not getting too cocky? Victoria: Hey, with all the hours I'm putting in trying to bury you... Brad: You deserve it? Victoria: Damn right. Brad: You know, I hope you're just tweaking . Victoria: What, about trying to bury you? Brad: No, about putting in hundreds of hours behind your desk. Now I'm sure you've heard this from your family a million times, but-- Victoria: Oh, right, right, "work is a great solace, victoria, but it can't be your whole existence." Brad: Why do I think I hear nikki talking? Victoria: My dad says it, too. Brad: But do you listen? Victoria: Maybe it hasn't come out of the right lips. Brad: Well, if I thought I could be a positive influence on you... Bartender: Run a tab, miss? Brad: I've got it, tommy, thanks. Tommy: Enjoy. Victori t thank you. Brad: Don't mention it. Victoria: I'll have to flirt with you more often. Brad: Flirt, is that what you're doing? Victoria: Mm-hmm. Yeah, I've, uh, decided to solely go after married men from now on. Brad: Is that right? Victoria: Yh,h, I think it'll be easier that way. I mean, that way I'll just sabotage myself upfront instead of finding some guy whom I think is wonderful and perfect and falling in love and then realizing too late that we're really just not right for each other. Brad: Still hurts, huh? Victoria: Which one? Brad: Well, you know what they say-- unlucky in love... Victoria: Lucky in business? Brad: No, that's not the saying I had in mind. Victoria: I don't know, brad, I mean, veve gone after corporate types and creative types and even a stable hand, and they were all very different, but they all had one thing in common. Brad: Didn't work out. Victoria: Ryan would have, I'm sure of it, but, uh, one was a stalker and one was a drifter with a major ego problem. So, wow, you know, I mean, what am I gonna do for an encore? Brad: I think you're going to start making better choices. Victoria: Hmm. Brad: You just gotta put yourself out there, not hide out in your office. Victoria: I still say the good ones are all taken. Brad: But you'll listen to what I'm telling you? Victoria: How could I not? You're such a positive influence. John: That is ectctly how I feel, elizabeth, uneasy. No, something is wrong with the way this story plays out. Liz: Well, maybe you don't have all the facts. It has been a lot of years. John: A woman turns up who was pregnant at the time that jill was born, a woman who says she gave her baby up for adoption... Liz: Only there was no baby, or so katherine claims. So what does it mean? John: Good question. I just hope that I'm wrong because I do not want to create problems, but I know that this means a great, great deal to jill. Liz: And in spite of all the ups and downs you two have been through, you care about her. John: Well, I just hate to see anyone walk into a whirling propeller, and that's what this could be. You know, if jill makes a huge emotional investment inin this woman, and it turns out to be a mistake... Liz: Oh, jill will be devastated. Jill: Room 1603, please. Charlotte ramsey. Thank you. Jill: Hello, charlotte, it's your daughter. Yes, I'm fine. No, I'm sure. I just wante to hear your voice. Charlotte, nothing is wrong. I just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you and how much it means to me, getting to know my real mother. | Brad and Jack chew over Victor's visit but Jack seems confident that they can beat him |
678 | (Door opens) Ridge: Hey, you're still here. Brooke: Hey. Ridge: I was just thinking about you. Brooke: Oh, yeah? Ridge: Yeah. Brooke: Mmm. (Laughs) Hey, Buster. Ridge: Now I can get on with the rest of my day. Hey, look, this just came in from Como. What do you think? Brooke: Wow, that's really beautiful. So you're working on the showstopper for the summer line? Ridge: Our showstopper, my love-- your wedding gown. What do you say you try one on? We can pretend we're on our honeymoon. Brooke: Oh, uh, well, most people believe that if a groom were to see the bride in her wedding dress before the wedding that it's actually bad luck. Ridge: Well, then it's a good thing I'm not a superstitious man, 'cause in my mind I've already seen you in every gown I've ever designed for you even before it graced your beautiful, voluptuous body. Brooke: (Sighs) Ridge: Is there something going on I should know about? Brooke: Yeah. Something's happened with Taylor. Have you heard? Ridge: I haven't heard anything. Brooke: Well, she moved out from Nick's house and left the baby with Nick. Now everything's turned upside down. Ridge: Turned upside down for Nick and Taylor, not for you and not for us. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: (Indistinct baby talk) (blows raspberry) (Doorbell rings) Nick: Oh, who's at the door? Should we get the door? D-d-d-yes, yes, we should. Okay, here we go. Whoa. You are growing by the day. Strong boy. Let's see who we got here. Let's see who it is. Bridget: Hi. Nick: Bridget, hi. Come in. Come in. Bridget: Hi. Nick: (Chuckles) Bridget: Look at you. I, um, I'm sorry. I probably should have called first. Nick: Oh, no, you don't have to call. You're welcome any time, right, Jack? Bridget: Well, thank you. I just wanted to check on Taylor, she how she was feeling and stuff. Nick: Taylor left. She moved out. Bridget: What? Wh-where did she go? Nick: She moved back to her home in Bel Air. Bridget: And she just left you with the baby? Nick: You know what she's been going through the last few months. Here you go, buddy. Here. Bridget: Oh, my goodness, Nick, I am so sorry. Nick: Thanks. Jack: (Grunts) Nick: Things happen for a reason, you know, Bridget? I'm just sorry she's been hurt so badly. [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: I'm not surprised she left Nick, but I can't believe that Taylor would ever walk out on Jack. It's just not in her character to abandon a child. She's a very dedicated mother. Why would she do that, Brooke? I mean, it doesn't make sense. Brooke: The situation is just too much for her to deal with. Ridge: By situation you mean the fact that you are Jack's biological mother? Are you saying Taylor left because you're the egg donor? Brooke: I-I don't think it's really that simple, but yes, I think that's part of the problem. Ridge: I just don't believe that Taylor would ever abandon that child, that's all-- under any circumstance. Brooke: (Sighs) Well, she's not there right now, and Nick is. Look, I know this upsets you, Ridge, but I'm really concerned about that baby. Ridge: Let's let Nick and Taylor work it out then. Come on, you know how I feel about this. I think we should let them live their own lives. Brooke: I know, I know, but Jack's gotta be really confused right now. He's cared for, and then he feels loved. And when he cries, he expects his mother to take care of him, and Taylor's gone right now, so he needs a mother. Ridge: Brooke, I know Taylor. I know her. She's reeling from the information that she found out that you are the biological mother of this child she was carrying for nine months-- you and Nick. Is--you know, hell, it bothered me, too. But I still don't believe that Taylor would ever abandon that child, no matter what. Brooke: I wish I could be as sure as you are, but I'm not. So I was wondering if, uh, maybe when we leave here and we head home we could just swing by there, make sure he's okay. Ridge: I don't believe what I'm hearing. You seriously expect me to drive by the Marone house so you can go in and check on Nick's kid? Haven't you heard a word I've been saying? [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: You know, the last few months have been tough for Taylor. Jack: (Grunts) Nick: Even though I tried to deny it, they've been a little rough on me, too. Bridget: Of course they have, Nick. I-you finally have this precious boy, and there's all these complications that surround him. Nick: You know, I really thought that we could make it through all this, but I guess it just wasn't meant to be, right? Jack: (Fussing) Nick: It's okay. Bridget: Well, is she angry with you? Nick: No, no, she doesn't blame me for what's happened at all. But it still doesn't make it any easier. I feel responsible on some level, and I can't help it. Are you--are you happy? Bridget: I think if anyone should be responsible for-- it's--it's me. Jack: (Fussing) Nick: You uncomfortable? Bridget: I mean, I don't know how I let something like this happen. Nick: Bridget, don't do that. Look at this guy right there. Look at him. He's a little miracle. Now would you do anything to change this? Some things are just meant to be. Bridget: So um, well, what-- what does my mom have to do with Taylor leaving? Nick: Well, nothing that's her fault. Bridget: Um, wait, what does that mean exactly? Nick: I told Taylor the truth. I told her that I still have feelings for your mother. Bridget: Are you still in love with Mom? Nick: Yeah. Bridget: So you tell Taylor this, and--and then she leaves? Nick: Bridget, I'm not making any excuses. The whole thing's a little bizarre. Bridget: Have you told Mom how you feel? Nick: I did. Bridget: Nick, I mean, my goodness, she's about to marry Ridge, and they share a son together, too. Nick: Well, you know, life's short. They're not married yet, Bridget. Maybe they won't be. Bridget: So you asked Mom to marry you? Nick: Well, in so many words, I guess, sort of. Bridget: And what did she say? Nick: Nothing yet. [SCENE_BREAK] Ridge: Brooke, we've already been through this. You know how I feel about getting too involved in Nick and Taylor's lives. Jack is their son. Let them deal with him. They'll work it out. Brooke: How can you be so sure? Taylor left and left Nick alone with Jack. Sure, Nick is probably a good father, but still, that little baby's going to miss his mother. Ridge: So you want to go over there and take care of Nick's kid? Why? Nick is perfectly capable of taking care of his son for an evening or even for a couple of days, if need be, while Taylor gets things together. You really think of yourself as Jack's mother, don't you? (Knock on door) Katie: Um, hi. Sorry. I-I-I don't mean to interrupt. If you two are having an argument, I can come back. Brooke: No, Katie, we're not having an argument. We're just having a difference of opinion. It happens from time to time, even in the best relationships. (Cell phone rings) Ridge: Hello? No, Max, don't do anything until I get there. I'll be down in a minute. I have to go, uh, solve a problem in the cutting room. Where the hell is Thorne when you need him? Katie: What are you doing? You're gonna blow things with Ridge if you keep this up. Brooke: He understands me, Katie. There's nothing to be concerned about. Katie: Brooke, you've been in love with Ridge since-- for as long as I can remember. I-now you have him all to yourself. Are you really willing to risk that? I mean, don't do it. Brooke: You're really being overdramatic. Katie: (Scoffs) Brooke: Besides, there is a crisis in the Marone home. Taylor left, and she left the baby with Nick. Katie: So? Brooke: So? Is that all that you can say is "so?" Who's gonna take care of that baby? Who's going to be his mother? Katie: Not you, Brooke. Not you. But that's what Nick wants, isn't it? Believe me! [SCENE_BREAK] Bridget: (Sighs) This is all a little, um, over the top for me. Um, it's not super fun for me to hear you talk about my mom like that. And it's not the easiest thing for me to see you with--with Jack. Do you ever wonder what might have happened if Nicole hadn't died? Like, wh-- do you ever think about Nicole? Nick: I think about her every day. She's our little angel, and she's watching over us, and she knows that we love her. Bridget: You really feel that? Me, too. Bridget: (Sighs) This is such a confusing time for you, and here I am just adding to it. Nick: And a fine addition it is. Bridget: I remember that look. It looks like you could use a friend. Nick: (Chuckles) Are you offering? Bridget: Oh, Nick, um, you know that I will always be here for you and Jack. Nick: And you know that you will always be more than just a friend. [SCENE_BREAK] Katie: Brooke, you cannot go over to Nick's house to take care of Jack. You've got R.J. and Hope and your responsibilities here. I mean, if nothing else, there's no time. Brooke: I will always find time to take care of my son. Katie: He's not your son. He's Nick and Taylor's son. How do you think Ridge feels when you talk like that? Brooke: I can't deny my attachment to him. I love him. Katie: What about his father? Do you love him, too? Oh, my God, this is what you do time and time again. You--you make the same mistake. You act on impulse without thinking things through. I-I-I don't understand you and Donna. You-- you--you just jump in without any regard for consequences. Brooke: Well, that's what love is, Katie. Katie: No, no, I don't think so. You know, I-I think people use that as an excuse. They say, "Oh, well, I did this foolish thing or this selfish thing or this impulsive thing, because I was so in love." Brooke: Tell me something. Have you ever been in love? Katie: We're not talking about me. Brooke: Well, when it happens, you'll understand. Katie: You know, this attitude that you and Donna have that I couldn't possibly understand, because I've supposedly never been in love-- it's a little condescending. But this isn't about me. It's about you and Nick. I realize you may still have feelings for him. You were married to him once. It's understandable. Brooke: Nick wants me to leave Ridge and make a future with him and Jack. He loves me, Katie. Katie: Oh, my God. What did you say? Brooke: I don't know. I was so overwhelmed, I didn't say anything. Katie: Well, you have to respond. You can't just leave something like that hanging. Brooke: I know. Katie: You--I mean, this is a huge life decision. You--you can't just not answer him. Brooke: Katie, I realize that. Katie: Brooke, listen, you're building a life with Ridge. Yes, you're Jack's biological mother, but you have another son, R.J., with Ridge. Just don't mess this up. Think it through. This could be your last chance with Ridge. It's a huge decision. I know it's only yours to make. Brooke: I need to speak with Nick. Katie: No, that's not gonna work. Brooke said that it needs to be there by 3:00. All right. Thank you. You're a doll. Ciao. [SCENE_BREAK] (Knock on door) Bridget: Oh, hey, Katie. Uh, where's Mom? Katie: She left a little while ago. How are things at the hospital? Bridget: Oh, they're busy. They're really busy. Um, I must have just missed her then. Well, I guess I'm just gonna have to wait. Um, how are you? It--it's really good having you back home. I know Mom's loving it. Katie: Yeah, it's good to be back. It's nice being with family. Bridget: Good. Where do you think she went? Katie: She had to see someone. You know, we should have lunch. What's your schedule like tomorrow? Bridget: Who did she have to go see? I mean, uh-- I'm sorry. Uh, lunch. I'm s-what about lunch? Katie: Are you okay? You seem kind of distracted. Bridget: Oh, um... (scoffs) I'm just frustrated. I'm afraid that Mom is about to make a huge mistake. Katie: This wouldn't have anything to do with Nick Marone, would it? (Laughs) Bridget: How do you know that? Katie: I know that Brooke is confused, and apparently, he says he wants to build a future with her. Bridget: (Laughs) So she must have talked to you about all this? Katie: I told her she needs to make a decision, and she needs to not wait too long. Bridget: My goodness, Katie, you're not suggesting that she get back together with Nick, are you? Katie: No, not at all. I think she belongs with Ridge. But she needs to see Nick and set things straight with him so she can move on with her life. Bridget: Exactly. And thank God someone's talking some sense into her. Surely she'll listen to you. Katie: I hope so. But that's where she is. She went to see Nick to tell him her decision. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: Why did you come over here tonight? Nick: You came over here, because you wanted to be with me and Jack, didn't you? Brooke: Yes, but-- Nick: No buts. I've loved you since the first day I met you. Since the first time I laid eyes on you, I knew that I loved you. And that's just grown and gotten stronger from that day. Nick: Can you tell me the same thing? Look at me. Brooke: (Sighs) Nick: Can you tell me the same thing? Can you? Brooke: Yes. Yes. (Doorbell rings) Nick: Hi. Brooke: Hi. Nick: (Chuckles) Well, is it the good news gang or the bad news bears? Brooke: Actually, I came by to check on you and little Jack. How's he doing? Nick: Uh, he's upstairs sleeping. I finally got him down. You know, this male bonding we have going is getting very tiring. We were up last night watching the Laker game. We knocked back a few beers. (Chuckles) Brooke: Oh. Have you heard from Taylor? Nick: Yeah, she called about Jack. She sounded better. Brooke: I still can't believe what she did, how she walked out on the two of you like that, leaving you all alone. Nick: (Sighs heavily) Brooke, you know how I feel about you. You know that I love you, and I always will. I want to give Jack something that I didn't have. I want to give him a stable home with two parents that are gonna love him completely and unconditionally. Now you are his mother, and he needs his mother. I hope that's why you're here. I hope you're here to tell me that you want to raise this boy together. But if you don't, there is no way that you're gonna convince me that you don't love me as much as I love you. Brooke: I'm so blessed to have you in my life, and I think you know how much you mean to me. Brooke: I've made a decision. I've searched my heart, my soul. I know what I want. I know what I have to do. | She remarks that the baby really needs a mother |
679 | [Scott punches J.R.] Barry: Who the hell do you think you are? Scott: Scott Chandler. Remember me? Barry: You can remind me while we wait for the police. J.R.: Ah, it's ok, Barry. Barry: But this lunatic just hit you. J.R.: I got it. Really, you can go. It's good to see you, cuz. Have you been working out? Scott: How the hell could you do it, J.R.? J.R.: I guess you've been informed. Scott: Informed? My production company's done because you got greedy. J.R.: No, because the economy's in the tank, and let me tell you, that wasn't an easy choice. Scott: Hey, you look really broken up about it. J.R.: What do you want me to say? Chandler can't keep bankrolling lost causes. Scott: All I needed was time. J.R.: Time? For what? For medical documentaries to become in vogue? Scott: We were doing good work, important work. J.R.: Yeah, well, I'm sorry, man. I've got to look out for mine too. Scott: Wow. That is so Adam Chandler. Your daddy must be real proud. [SCENE_BREAK] Annie: I know it's hard to believe, but I really am sorry for all the things I've done to you and to Emma, for everything. Ryan: I didn't come here for an apology. I came here, because Aidan told me you had a breakthrough last night. Annie: I did. My God, Ryan, it was amazing to finally know the truth. I mean, it was horrible. It was horrible what happened, but at least now I know. My brother killed my best friend and then put the bloody weapon in my hand and told me that I did it. I mean, can you imagine that? And I was Emma's age at the time, and I've been thinking a lot about her. And I know it must have been so hard for her. Ryan: It has been hard, actually. She got sent home today from a field trip. Annie: What? Why? Ryan: Apparently, she hit another girl, and she wouldn't apologize, so -- Annie: See, that's what I'm talking about. Me being in this place, Ryan, it's too much for her. That's why I need to see her. I need to tell her that everything's going to be all right. Please, Ryan. Our daughter needs me. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: Thank you so much. I know, I know. Thank you for bringing your brother the bear. You are the best big brother in the world. I'll see you at home, ok? Give me kiss. I want a kiss. Give me a kiss. Spike: Mm. Kendall: I love you. Rachael: Take your time. Kendall: Ok. Thank you. Bye, see you later, alligator. Erica: Hi, sweetheart. How is he? Kendall: He's much better. Do you want to see him? Erica: Oh, yes, absolutely. Kendall: Oh, my God. What happened? What? Will someone please tell me what's going on? Zach: It's, uh -- it's time to say goodbye to the hospital. Our son's coming home. [SCENE_BREAK] Frankie: Listen, as much as I want to stay here like this with you, I've got to get back to work, baby. Randi: Mmm. Let's turn around and call in sick. Frankie: Ooh, I can't. Randi: Frankie, it's our last day together. Tomorrow you leave for Iraq. Frankie: Yeah, I know, but we still got tonight. And I for one don't plan on getting much sleep. You know what I'm talking about? [Pager beeps] Frankie: Hold on. Randi: No. Frankie: I'm sorry, baby, I've got to go. But, hey, when I get off, I'm all yours, ok? [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: Are you serious? He's really ok to come home? David: Well, there's no sign of infection. His echo indicates good flow. Ian's doing fine, better than fine. He's an amazing kid. Zach: I could have told you that. Kendall: But are you sure it's safe? I mean, our house isn't exactly the most sterile environment, not with Spike running around. David: All right, being at home where he's most comfortable will only hasten his recovery. Believe me, I would not discharge him if he wasn't ready. Kendall: Ok. Zach: Ok. David: I'll get his paperwork in order. Zach: David? David: Yep? Zach: Thank you for saving my son. David: Well, lucky for me, he made it easy. He's tough, just like his mother. Ian and Kendall -- thanks to me, your family is intact. Zach: I won't forget it. David: Neither will I. Kendall: I can't wait to get him out of here and into his own bed with his own toys. Erica: Both his parents to care for him. Kendall: Mom, Zach and I are not back together. Erica: I know. Kendall: We're just living together in the same house. Erica: For the children. Kendall: Yes, for Ian and Spike. They need Zach now more than ever. Erica: Are you sure that someone else doesn't need Zach, too? Zach: All right, David gave me a list, an emergency number, and antibiotics. I think we're good to go. Kendall: Good. Erica: Excuse me, may I use this phone? Thank you. Erica: Ryan, it's Erica. Listen, I really need to see you. It's a matter of life and death. [SCENE_BREAK] Annie: Emma needs this as much as I do. You know, she needs to see and know that I love her and see that I'm ok. What? Oh, you don't think I'm ok. You think I'm still crazy. Ryan: I didn't say that. I just -- I don't think one breakthrough is enough to tell. Annie: I have a little more of a way to go. I understand that. But I'm stronger now, Ryan. I'm in control. I'm starting to be in control. And I think if you brought her here it could really help the both of us. Ryan: I want you to get better, Annie. Obviously, I want you to get better, but I don't want you using our daughter as some sort of therapy tool. Annie: I would never use our daughter for anything. Ryan: Really? You might want to think long and hard before you say that. Annie: The kidnapping. Ryan, I was so lost back then. I was so confused. I couldn't have been in a worse place. Ryan: And now? Annie: Now I know who I am again. Ryan: Ok, I'll just talk to your psychiatrist and -- Annie: Why? Why? You're talking to me. Ryan, can't you see how much I've improved? Ryan: Yeah, I can, but I need a professional opinion here, ok? Annie: You spoke to Aidan. What did he say? Ryan: Aidan is not a doctor. Annie: Ryan, I'm fine now. Ok? Or at least I'm becoming better. It would be nice if I could get a little bit of credit for that. Ryan: I would be happy to give you some credit, Annie. I just want to talk to a doctor, that's all. Annie: You weren't the only one who was hurt, you know, Ryan. Why do you think I ended up in this place to begin with? It's because of you and because of -- Ryan: Don't, don't. Annie: We were happy until she came back. Ryan: Well, she's gone. Ok? Greenlee is dead, and she's not coming back now, and I tried to get there in time, but you know what? I was a little bit late. Just a little bit late. You know why? Because I was held up in my car by a gun -- by you. Annie: Oh, my God. You blame me for Greenlee's death. [SCENE_BREAK] David: Frankie. I hear you're shipping out tomorrow. Frankie: And what, you're all torn up on the inside? David: Ok, I may not miss you, but this hospital certainly will. Look, I know we've had our moments, not all of them pleasant. Frankie: No. David: But I've been keeping my eye on you. And I'm impressed with what I've seen. Frankie: You for real? David: Mm-hmm, especially in the OR. Frankie: Yeah, well, I couldn't get enough of my general surgery rotations. David: I can tell. Which is why I think, when you come back, you should study under me. Frankie: Like a mentoring thing? David: With the proper guidance and training, I believe you can be an excellent cardiac surgeon. Frankie: Thanks. David: Why don't we discuss it further when you return? Good luck, Dr. Hubbard. You come back to the people who need you. [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: You know what, Scott? Here's an idea. How about a thank you? Scott: For what? J.R.: Keeping your company afloat. It only existed for one reason and one reason only. My father kept bailing you out. Scott: Yeah, because he believed in the work we were doing. J.R.: No, that would be Uncle Stuart. "Help my son make his pointless movies." My father only did it because he took pity on you. Scott: You know, you're the one I feel sorry for. At least I was doing something meaningful. J.R.: You think? Scott: Yeah, I try my best to give back. What -- what have you done with your life, J.R.? Except coast on your father's legacy. J.R.: Save it. Scott: No, I'm serious. Who would you be without Chandler Enterprises? J.R.: You know, I don't know. Maybe I'll figure it out. In case you haven't noticed, this economy's screwed. I didn't cut you loose to be a greedy bastard. Chandler happens to be hemorrhaging funds right now. Scott: Oh, so if I were to look at the books, there'd be no holiday bonuses, no trips on the company jet? J.R.: If you're going to preach to me, run for office. Until then, go get yourself a real job. Scott: I'm already on my way. J.R.: Oh, I didn't realize that Pine Valley Video Rentals was hiring. Scott: I've got a new project in the works. J.R.: Then why are you bitching at me? If you're trolling around for more cash, you're barking up the wrong tree. I don't care what your last name is. What? Scott: I know I haven't been around much -- J.R.: Or at all. Scott: But my father's kept me in the loop. J.R.: Oh, well, that's good for you, huh? Scott: And he told me about you and Babe. How the two of you got back together. He said she always brought out the best in you. Of course, now that she's dead, I guess we're back to the worse -- J.R.: Shut up, shut up. Don't you say another word. [SCENE_BREAK] Annie: You do. You think Greenlee's dead because of me. Aidan: You know what? I think you should leave. Ryan: I think that's a good idea. I'm glad you're feeling better. Aidan: Are you ok? Annie: He still hates me. Nothing's changed. Aidan: Stay here. I'll be back in a minute. I tell you that Annie's had a major breakthrough and this is what you do? You come here and attack her? What is that? Ryan: Look, she remembered something traumatic. That's really great and everything, but it doesn't mean she's cured. Aidan: So all your talk about Annie, wanting Annie to get better -- she is better, Ryan. You just refuse to see it. Ryan: Look, I'm not the one in denial here, ok? The woman is sick. She needs -- she needs a lot more than anybody can give her. That's what she needs. Aidan: How do you know, huh? You gave up on her. Ryan: I gave in. And you wouldn't understand because you're too far gone, Aidan. Aidan: What is that supposed to mean? Ryan: She's lost, she's angry, she's confused, and if you choose to ignore that, that's fine and everything. But trust me -- be careful. My daughter is not coming anywhere near this place. [SCENE_BREAK] Frankie: Hello? I was paged to this room, I know. Hello? Randi: Leave 'em off. Frankie: God, you are beautiful. Randi: Beautiful and extremely warm in this coat. Frankie: Oh, yeah? Randi: Think you could, uh, help me out of it? Frankie: If my fingers are still working, but I think I can work it out. [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: All right, you better back up, or things are going to get real ugly. David: I don't know who you are, but I can't wait to buy you a drink. J.R.: I'd make sure it's not laced first. David: Oh, that's just your excuse for always drinking straight from the bottle. Scott Chandler? Scott: David Hayward. How you been? David: Is this code for "eat dirt and die?" Scott: No, no, I heard about the work you did in Malaysia. I figured you still couldn't be all bad. David: Are you a doctor or something? Scott: No, I make medical films. I'm sorry -- I used to make medical films. Actually, I'm glad I ran into you. [Pager beeps] David: Well, I don't hear that a lot around here. Scott: I want to talk to you about a new project that I'm working on. David: Yeah, well, I'm sorry, but duty calls. We're going to have to pick it up some other time. Scott: Yeah. David: But, please, carry on. J.R.: What are you doing? What are you doing sucking up to Hayward? Scott: Look, I remember the stuff he used to pull, but I respect his work now, ok? J.R.: What? Respect? He had my son taken away from me, did you know that? Scott: Well, maybe the kid's better off. J.R.: All right, you know what? That's it. Stuart: Scott! Welcome home. [SCENE_BREAK] Aidan: I'm sorry that Ryan upset you. Annie: He had every right. I held a gun on him, Aidan, the night of his wedding. It's no wonder he thinks I'm crazy. If I hadn't done that, if I hadn't stopped him, maybe Greenlee would still be alive. Aidan: Annie, you can't think like that. Annie: Why not? Aidan: Because Greenlee's death was an accident. Annie: You were gone for a while before. Where'd you go? Aidan: There was something I had to do. I called Tori's parents. I think they had a right to know. Dr. Burke: They're here. Annie: Who's here? Aidan: After I made that call, I went down to the police station to tell them about your friend's murder, but it's time they heard it from you. [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: Back so soon? Emma: Hi, Daddy. Ryan: Emma? I'm in here. Ryan: In here where? There you are. I didn't see you buried under all that stuff. Hey, how are you feeling, Princess? You feeling better? Emma: Erica bought me toys and stuffed animals and a movie. Ryan: A movie? Is this even out yet? Erica: I have connections with Mickey Mouse. Ryan: Yeah, I see that. I bet you want to watch this right now, right? Yeah? Yeah, I bet you do. Is Corrina upstairs? Erica: Mm-hmm. Ryan: Yeah, ok, you go ahead. Here, take this, give it to Corrina. I'm sure she'll put it on for you, ok? If you can get out of there. Oh, my goodness, let me pull you out. Wall-E's got you pinned. Out you go. Hey, don't forget the movie. Using my daughter to get to me is very clever, Erica, very clever. Erica: I take it you didn't get my voicemail? Ryan: No, I didn't have time to check, but let me guess. It's vital that I go to this meeting in Philadelphia, right? Erica: Ryan, I told you. Fusion's whole future depends on it. Ryan: And I told you I can't go. Erica: Because you have to take care of Emma. Well, mission accomplished. Ryan: Well, I can't just leave her overnight. Erica: I thought you could do that. I mean, Corrina's a wonderful babysitter. I know how much you trust her. And I really need you, Ryan. Ryan: See, that's the part I don't get. I know you can close a business deal yourself, Erica, come on. Erica: Not with this particular male chauvinist pig, trust me. He's the department store head, and you don't know him, but he will flirt with me, and then he will make a lot of empty promises that chances are he won't even keep. Ryan: I see. So, it's not really me you need. It's my testosterone. Erica: Exactly. So is that you saying "yes?" Ryan: I'll go pack. [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: Thanks for setting this up down here. Rachael: I also put up this nursery crib, just like you asked. Kendall: My goodness. Yeah, you want to say "Hi" to your brother? Spikey, come on and say "Hi" to your brother, now. You've got to be careful. He's, you know -- a little fragile, ok? You've got to be careful. Say "Hi." Oh, ok, I know. Zach: We're going to roughhouse a little later. Just give it a break. Kendall: It's ok. I know, honey, I know. Rachael: Spike's bath is probably running. Zach: Save me some bubbles. Here. Rachael: Come on, let's go. Zach: How are you doing? Kendall: Are you sure he's ok? He seems a little all over the place. Zach: He's fine. Let me see. Kendall: Are you ok? Oh, there you go. You know, maybe he's hot. Is it hot in here? Zach: Kendall. Kendall: Do you think it's hot? Zach: Just relax. Kendall: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm just -- I'm really worried about him. Zach: There's nothing to worry about. He's going to be fine. Leave him alone. Come here. Kendall: You know, maybe I should take him upstairs because he's fussy. Zach: Or maybe we should just leave him here. We're going to get some rest. Look at these toys over here. My goodness. Check this out. Kendall: Well, Rachael said something about moving the crib. Zach: Yeah, I told her to move it into our bedroom, so he wouldn't be alone. [SCENE_BREAK] Stuart: Why didn't you call me earlier? I could've picked you up at the airport. Scott: I had some business to take care of. Stuart: Business? You going to be making a movie here in Pine Valley? Scott: No, Dad. Chandler pulled all my funding. My production company went under. Stuart: Is that true? J.R.: With the recession on, our hand was forced, Uncle Stuart. There was nothing that dad and I could do. Stuart: Oh, I'm so sorry. I -- I know how much that job meant to you. Scott: You know what? I'm already on to better things. That's one of the reasons why I'm here. I wanted to talk to Uncle Adam about a new business proposal. J.R.: I already told you no. My father's not meeting with anyone. He's a little under the weather. Stuart: Well, poor Adam. Is there anything we can do? J.R.: Yeah. Yeah, actually, there is something you can do. You can stay the hell away from him. Stuart: Hey -- I wish you two weren't fighting. Scott: Yeah, yeah. I wish J.R. hadn't tanked my company. I honestly don't know what you see in the guy. Stuart: Same thing I see in you -- a good heart. [SCENE_BREAK] Randi: So, how does it sound? Frankie: Your heart's perfect, just like you. Randi: Good answer. Frankie: Ah. Hey, there's nothing I want more than to kiss you right now, and I definitely wouldn't stop it there. Randi: You'd better not. Frankie: Yeah, but, Randi, I'm on duty, missing rounds, and somebody could walk in here any second. Randi: But they won't. I've already called Jake. Frankie: You called Jake? Randi: Mm-hmm. And not only did Jake agree to fill in for you, he also said he'd make sure that this room was completely off-limits. Frankie: Hmm. How long? Randi: For as long as we need. Didn't you say you were all mine after your shift? Well, consider your shift over, Dr. Hubbard. Frankie: Oh, are you kidding me? I'm just getting started. [SCENE_BREAK] Annie: After all this time, if I had remembered the truth, I would have come forward. Tori was my best friend, and I just wish I could have put Richie away and given her parents some answers. Detective: We appreciate your candor. Annie: That's it? Detective: For now. We'll let you know if we need anything else. Aidan: Thank you, detectives. Dr. Burke: I'll show you out. Aidan: You did really good. Hey, I'm proud of you. What? What's on your mind? Annie: Ryan. I wish he hadn't left. [SCENE_BREAK] Erica: Ryan, we have to get to Philadelphia. Ryan: The meeting is not till tomorrow, remember, Erica? Erica: But the work starts tonight, Ryan, remember? It's about strategy, Ryan. Ryan: We could always strategize from Pine Valley. Erica: Ok, I'm calling for help. Oh, except I have no service. Ryan: No, me, neither. I got nothing, nada. Erica: Oh! Ryan: Calm down, Erica. Erica: Calm down? Ryan: It's not a big deal. Best-case scenario, I'll get your car started. Worst-case scenario, we'll get picked up and somebody will take us home. Erica: No, we are not going home. That's final. Ryan: You are so busted. Erica: What? Ryan: You're busted. I was right the first time. This trip is all about Kendall. Erica: Ryan, that is not what this is about. Ah! Oh! Ryan: Oh. I got it! [Erica screams] Erica: Stop it! Ryan: Hold on, stop it! Erica: Oh! [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: Sorry about that. "Our bedroom," it's habit. Your bedroom. I'm in the guest room. Kendall: Sounds good. God, this is all so familiar, watching and waiting, constantly holding my breath. Kind of makes you wonder how people survive, doesn't it? Kendall: Are you hungry? Zach: I'm good. Kendall: Sorry, I guess I don't know exactly how to handle this. Zach: Handle what? Us, living here? It's -- just got to remember why, that's all. [Ian babbles] Zach: Hey, shh, shh, shh. Kendall: Is he ok? Zach: No, he's just talking in his sleep. He's fine. Kendall: Well, how can you tell? Zach: Because I was listening to him. He was talking about hockey. Shh. Kendall: Hockey? Zach: Yeah. Kendall: Ok, how do you know? Zach: You got to pay attention to your kids. He said, you know, the Red Wings are not going to repeat if they keep letting in eight goals every time they play, and he's right. I told him not to worry so much. He's got to take it easy, let it rest. Kendall: All right. Ok, I get it. This is -- this is me not hovering. Zach: And this is me not hovering with you. [SCENE_BREAK] Scott: How's Marian? Stuart: Oh, she's fine. She's trying to find ways to keep busy. Scott: I guess people aren't really buying houses these days, huh? Stuart: No. Scott: Times are tough. Stuart: Yeah, and for you. I'm really sorry about that. Scott: Yeah, thanks. But I'm going to get back on my feet as soon as this project gets underway. Stuart: Oh? Tell me about it. Scott: I was thinking about Mom. How when she got sick, and all I wanted to do was help. Stuart: There was nothing we could do. Scott: Yeah, but I hated that feeling. It's partly why I got into film. Make a difference, you know? Save the world. Stuart: You have made a difference. Scott: Yeah, but not like this. Dad, if this thing pans out, I could be doing what I couldn't do for Mom. I could be saving lives. [SCENE_BREAK] David: Scott Chandler, where have you been all my life? [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: Is Spike asleep? Kendall: Yeah, he conked out before I could finish reading the story. Zach: Well, maybe you should get some rest, too. I'll bring him up later. Kendall: No, I'm too wired to go to sleep. I can't believe Ian is... I can't believe he's fine. And I'm fine and you, Spike. After everything we've been through, we are actually fine. I look at him and I just feel so grateful. My heart is grateful. [SCENE_BREAK] Erica: Ryan, this is unbelievable. This oil is everywhere. Ryan: Yeah, yeah, I'm aware of that, Erica. Thank you. Erica: Well? Did you fix it? Ryan: No. No, it needs a mechanic. Yeah. Erica: Oh. Ryan: Well, since we've got to get back to Pine Valley anyway, I think maybe -- I'm going to stop by and see Kendall, I think. Erica: Oh, no, no. Ryan: Yeah, really, I could bring her some dinner. I'll see how little Ian's doing. Erica: No. All right, yes. Yes. Are you happy? Yes. I was desperate to get you away from Kendall, so she could stay there in Pine Valley and stay with Zach and fix her marriage. You wouldn't know. I wanted her to fix her life, because ever since she came out of that coma, I don't even recognize her anymore. I don't even know who she is anymore. It's like some stranger is staring back at me. And I hate it. I mean, I hate -- hate all of it. Do you think that I really want to be so engulfed in my children's lives? I mean, I'm Erica Kane. You think I have nothing better to do? I mean, I would just love to get back to my career, to my life, to my anything. But no, no, I am just too busy all the time. I am just picking up all the pieces. Every time I turn around, I have to pick up the pieces. I mean, imagine -- Zach and Bianca, teaming up to create a child. Are you kidding? I mean, what were they thinking? But I will do it. I will save my family, because I have to. I have to do it. And it is not easy to save a family when everybody has gone insane, and that includes you. I mean, let's just look at this. We have Fusion in freefall, Zach is filing for divorce, Kendall is pining away from -- for you, and you have the gall to encourage that. I mean, I know that Greenlee is gone, and I know that that hurts, but that does not give you a free pass, Ryan. You stay away from my daughter, and you stay away from Zach, and you know what's better? You just get a grip. Get a grip, all of you, so I can get back to what I really care about -- myself, my life, my love life, "New Beginnings," men. Oh, my God. If I had a love like Kendall has with Zach -- oh, I cannot do this. I just cannot continue to do this. I cannot -- I cannot do it. Oh, my God. Now I've ruined my outfit. [Ryan puts his arm around a weeping Erica] [SCENE_BREAK] Aidan: You want to be with Ryan again? Annie: No, are you kidding me? I want to be with you. I just meant -- I wish Ryan had been here to see me give my statement. Aidan: You want him to understand. Annie: Exactly. More than anything, it's the only way that I'm going to be able to see Emma. I haven't seen her in months, Aidan, and she needs me. I can feel it inside. She really needs me. Aidan: And she'll have you. I mean, not today or next week, but she will. Annie: Ah, you're just the best. Thank you. Thank you so much for -- for believing in me and everything. I -- I really do not know what I would do without you. Aidan: Hey. Aidan: What's wrong? Annie: No, nothing's wrong. I'm just -- I'm just so tired. It's been quite a day. Aidan: Well, why don't you get some rest? Annie: Ok. Aidan: All right? I'll come and see you tomorrow. Annie: I'll be here. Bye. [SCENE_BREAK] [While lying next to Randi, Frankie recalls something from his past] [Rapid gunfire] [Gunfire growing louder] Man: We need a medic over here. [Explosion] Man: We need a medic! [SCENE_BREAK] Scott: So what do you think? Stuart: Oh, I think that's wonderful. Adam will have no choice but to sign on. Scott: Yeah, let's hope you're right. Stuart: Your mother would be so proud of you. I know I am. David: Scott... Stuart. I'm glad you're still here. Stuart: We don't want to talk to you. Scott: No, it's ok, Dad. I'll see you at home. David: We should set up a meeting. Scott: Ok, what for? David: That new venture you were talking about. You don't need Chandler. You need me. [SCENE_BREAK] Aidan: Where is my phone? [SCENE_BREAK] [Phone ringing] Emma: Hello? Annie: Emma? Sweetheart, it's Mommy. Emma: Mommy, I miss you. Annie: Oh, I miss you, too, baby. Listen, Mommy can't talk for long, but I want to let you know that I'm coming to visit soon, ok? But you can't tell anybody that I'm coming, or you can't tell anybody that I called. It has to be our little secret, ok? Emma: Ok. Annie: Oh, sweetie, it's so good to hear your voice, but you can't let Daddy catch you on the phone, ok? Emma: Daddy went away overnight. Mommy, when will I see you? Annie: Soon, sweetheart. Maybe even tonight. [SCENE_BREAK] Ryan: Feeling good to get that out? Erica: Don't do that. Don't talk to me like I'm some wounded bird. I meant every word I said. Ryan: Yeah, I know that. Erica: I mean, you really do have to get it together, Ryan. You just let Kendall go. Find someone else. I mean, you could have any woman you wanted. I mean, hell, if you played your cards right, you could even have me. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: I'm sorry. Zach: You don't have to apologize to me. It's, um... It's ok. Ian's fine. He pulled through. Kendall: He did, didn't he? Zach: Yeah. And you asked me about survival earlier. Well, you know, not everyone survives. But Ian did. Spike did. We're here. We made it through. | At Oak Haven, Annie apologizes to Ryan for hurting him and Emma |
680 | Marlena: Uh, victor, I just spoke to Dr. Grant. Victor: And? Marlena: I'm so sorry to be the person that has to tell you this. Victor: Just tell me straight. Marlena: She doesn't think he's going to make it through the night. Who are you calling? Victor: Mayo clinic. Obviously he needs a different doctor. Should've done this the minute they brought him in. Marlena: I know you're feeling powerless right now. Victor: I'm not powerless. I can afford the best. Marlena: Well, all the influence and money in the world aren't going to change this. Victor: No? Then what is? Marlena: I'm afraid all we can do now is pray. John: I know you're tired of fighting, kid. But you can't pack it in. I want you to think about your boy. You think about Tate. You think about little holly. You think about Nicole. You--you think about your old man, damn it. Because we need you right here in this world with us. I'm begging you, buddy. You reach back, and you find the strength to hang in there. Chad: Yeah, that's great. No, I'll be, uh-- I'll be there as soon as I can. Thank you. Gabi: Who was that? Chad: Pilot. Plane's engine has been fixed, and we're ready to go. Gabi: Okay, so what caused the problem? Chad: He doesn't know. Neither does the technician. But plane's done, and I'm ready to go. Gabi: No, you don't think it's a little weird that nobody can figure out what happened? Chad: Take a look at me right now. Take a look at this face. Do I look like an aeronautical engineer? Gabi: No. Chad: No, I don't. Gabi: No, you look like somebody who has a stolen amulet that is cursed. Chad: Okay, you know what? You're putting a little bit too much faith in that curse. Gabi: All I know is, since you touched it, bad things have been happening. Chad: Like what, spending a little bit longer in Greece? I'm sorry. That doesn't sound so bad. Gabi: Abigail divorcing you. Sprained my ankle. Eli dumped me. Chad: Fair. The divorce was gonna happen no matter what. And staying in Greece a little bit longer has allowed me to figure things out... in this thing. And now I'm ready to get back home and see my son, so... Gabi: Yeah, I miss Arianna too. Yeah, I have to get back before Lucas spoils her rotten. Chad: You should come-- come home with, uh-- with hope and me. Gabi: Okay. Chad: Okay. Does--does the outfit come with you, the little-- the little stewardess outfit, does that come with? Gabi: Oh, stop. Forget-- oh, god, wow. Yeah, me sneaking on sonny's plane as a flight attendant. What was I thinking? That was crazy. Chad: No, it wasn't. Gabi: And I just got in everybody's way. That is exactly what I did. He's gonna get what's coming to him. Deimos: Nicole. Are you all right? Nicole: To tell you the truth, I've had better days. Eric: Don't move! Deimos: All right, what-- what the hell is going on here? Nicole: Well, I think it should be obvious. We took care of your pal here, and now we're gonna deal with you. Deimos: Wait, what? What, you-- you think I lined up with him? Nicole: We know you did. Deimos: All right, look. I don't know what that psychopath told you, but I came here to rescue you and holly from him! Nicole: Well, his words might be lies, but his phone doesn't lie. Because Xander got a text ordering him to deliver me to someone tonight, and I'm assuming that someone was you. Marlena: I'm so sorry to be the person that has to give you this terrible news. I need to go to john. Victor: Marlena. Marlena: Hmm? Victor: I want to thank you for being so civil to me tonight... after the way I treated Eric. Marlena: Well... being cruel to Eric would not bring back Daniel. Victor: I know. I'll never get over Daniel's death. Can't lose Brady as well. [Somber music] [Elevator bell dings] Maggie: Hello. [Monitor beeping] John: I won't let him go. Can't let you go, kid. Eli: Is your department gonna give us backup when we go to the island? My superior wants to know how you got confirmation that Deimos Kiriakis and Xander cook are holding an American woman and child against their will. JJ: We got to one of Deimos' operatives. His name is guy mantzoukas. He's got a list of priors as long as my arm and outstanding warrants against him. So we said we'd help him if he'd help us. And what did he tell you? JJ: That Deimos is behind the kidnapping of miss walker and her baby. Lani: He also said that Xander cook, aka Xander Kiriakis, is holding Nicole and her baby on the island on Deimos' order. Malista. You know this for certain? JJ: He's been making the arrangements for Deimos to take Nicole and her baby off the island and into his control. Will this man, guy, testify in court? JJ: Unless he wants to go to prison here. That's the deal we made. Malista. Well, I have to report back what you just told me. But I'm sure you'll have your backup. Hope: Can we stop talking now and just get on with this and find Nicole and the baby? Let's go. Deimos: Okay, you know what? Maybe you're not aware of this, but I saved Brady's life! I'm the one that paid for the chopper to bring him back to Salem! He's the one that told me that Xander had you and holly. And ever since he told me that, I've spent day and night trying to find you. Nicole: Mm-hmm, right, and came rushing to my rescue. Deimos: Yes, yes! That's exactly right! All right, you know what? Where's holly? We have to get out-- Eric: Hey, you're not touching her. Nicole: I'm not going anywhere with you, Deimos. Deimos: All right, Nicole, I realize that you've been angry with me, but I am genuinely here to help you. Nicole: Just stop! I know that Xander's been working for you, okay? And I know that you're the reason that Brady got shot and I spent time in that cage, away from my daughter. So stop treating me like I'm stupid, and admit it! Let's party! John: I just keep studying his face, just... just looking for any kind of a sign that he's fighting back. Marlena: Well... he's young. He's got that going for him. I know he'd never want to leave Tate... or you. And he's found something in Nicole that he thinks is worth living for. John: My god, I hope you're right, doc. Come on, kid. Come on, kid. Chad: So as soon as hope gets back to me, we can, uh--we can take off. Gabi: Thank you for the ride. I was not looking forward to sharing a private jet with the guy who just dumped me. Chad: Were you, uh-- were you guys that serious? Or were you serious about him? Gabi: I don't know. I mean, yeah. I mean, we were having fun, and it seemed to be going in the right direction. But once he found out that Abigail filed for divorce, that was it. Chad: That's it? Gabi: Yeah. Chad: What's wrong with that guy? Gabi: Well, he knew that, um, I used to have feelings for you. Chad: Well, you don't break up with somebody just because they used to have feelings for somebody else. It's not like you're popping your gum or nothing. Gabi: Yeah, no, popping gum is a deal breaker. Chad: It's gross. I'm kidding. Gabi: I know. I don't know. I guess he thought that once you were free, I'd go running back to you, and there was just no way I could prove him wrong. I don't know. I'm not even desperate to be in a relationship, though. Chad: Sure. Sure. Gabi: I'm taking a break. I am. I'm focusing on my daughter and my business. Actually sounds really good for me. Chad: That's the same plan I have. Thomas and DiMera. Gabi: Okay, good. But listen, now that you, um-- you're gonna go through this divorce, I have a question for you. It's kind of important. Deimos: Are you forgetting? I shot him! I left him in the river to die! Nicole: Yeah, that's what you said, mm-hmm. Deimos: [Scoffs] All right, you know what? Even if I did have you and holly kidnapped, which I would never do in a million years, I certainly wouldn't hire him to take charge of it! Nicole: That is such bull. You two have been working together this whole time. Deimos: How is that even possible? Nicole: You and Xander were alone on the docks after the siege. You had Xander on the ropes, and then you decided he was more use to you alive than dead, so you struck up some kind of deal, and then you sent him to Canada to attack me. Is that when you were gonna swoop in and rescue me? But, oh, dear. Did sonny and Paul ruin your fun? So you went to plan b, and, oh, Eric got in the way. It seems like someone's always getting in the way of you being a fake hero. Deimos: Wow. Wow, that--that is quite the elaborate story. But since it's based on nothing but conjecture, no hard evidence whatsoever... Nicole: Duplicity and manipulation are always unmasked. Just give the cops a little time, Deimos. Deimos: All right, listen, Nicole! I'm the one telling you the truth here. And believe me, I would like to kill him right now, but I don't want to waste a second getting you and holly out of here! Nicole: Well, it looks like you came all this way for nothing, because I am going back with Eric. Deimos: Really? Really? Well, can he get you past the armed guards? Nicole: I'm sure that's easy for you, right? Because they're on your payroll. Deimos: I got past them because I studied the terrain. I paid a local who told me about a secret way in and out of here. And if we want to get out of here alive, we need to go that way now. Eric: I heard the helicopter you arrived on. Deimos: Yeah, yeah. That's right. That's right. I have a helicopter. I have a pilot. I have armed guards just waiting for us. But we have to leave now if we want to get out of here! Nicole: Right. And what about him? Deimos: Once we're in the air, I'll call the local police. I'll tell them where to find him. Nicole: Yeah, just like you told everyone that you shot him and went into the river? Deimos: Nicole! We have to leave! Nicole: No! [Gunfire] [Somber music] Maggie: What are you thinking? Victor: I'm thinking how much he reminds me of his mother. If there's a heaven, she's there... with Daniel and Bo. Maggie: I don't know about you, but that comforts me. Victor: Too much loss for this old soul. I really don't know if I can survive it. Maggie: Darling, I don't know what to say. Victor: What is there to say? Maggie: [Sniffles] Well, I'm gonna call Emma, and I'm gonna tell her that I won't be home tonight. I want to stay with you. Victor: No, you go home. You should be with Tate. Please. That's what Brady would want. Maggie: I love you, Brady. Chad: Why so serious? Gabi: Chad, can we ever be friends? Seriously, I mean... Chad: Oh, this is a serious-- Gabi: Real friends? Yes. Chad: Really? Gabi: Yeah, I don't want to have to walk in somewhere and see you and then have to figure out some plan to avoid you. Chad: Listen, I hate that too, and I understand why we did it before, but now I... what's the point? Gabi: Because we were friends. Chad: We can be friends again. Gabi: Good. Chad: Good. Gabi: Glad you feel that way. Chad: Mm-hmm. Gabi: Good, 'cause there's a bunch of times where I want to take a picture of Arianna if she's doing something cute or if she's saying something really cute, and I can't because I can't--you know, I can't call you or anything. And I hate living like that. Chad: Yeah, me too. Gabi: After everything we've gone through, I'd be really sad if you weren't in my life. Chad: Well, we have a lot of great memories thanks to Deimos. Gabi: [Scoffing] Yeah. Chad: We'll always have the meat locker, kid. Gabi: Oh, my god. The meat locker. Chad: Was it too much? Gabi: Please don't say that. Chad: Uh...I-I don't know why--why hope hasn't gotten back to... Gabi: Yeah, where is she? Chad: Last I heard, she was with JJ, Lani, and Eli. And I know she was really anxious to get back, so-- Gabi: Oh, my god, Chad. Chad: No. Gabi: What if they found Deimos? Nicole: You did this, didn't you, you bastard? Deimos: No. No! No, he must know that Eric and I are-- Nicole: Eric! Oh, my god! Deimos: All right, Nicole, Nicole, we have to get out of here now! Nicole: Eric, say something! Deimos: All right, look. I can make sure that you and holly have the life that you both need together, okay? I can take you somewhere where no one will ever find you. Nicole: Are you hurt? Eric: I don't think it's too bad. Deimos: All right, Nicole, listen to me! Eric can't help you right now. Brady can't help you right now. If you go back to Salem with Eric, they're gonna throw you in jail, and they're gonna take holly away forever, all right? I'm all you've got! Eric: No, you leave her alone. Nicole: I am not leaving with you. I would rather stay here with that animal than go anywhere with you! Deimos: Oh, my gosh. You're not thinking clearly! Xander's men have the place surrounded. They must know what the two of you have done to him. They must know that I'm here. Why are we wasting time? Come on. Hey. Eric: You let her go! Deimos: No! We're wasting too much time. Where is holly? Nicole: I don't-- Eli: FBI! Stop right there! [Tense music] Sonny: Hey, all hell's broken loose. Chad: W-w-what do you mean? What happened? Sonny: Paul was watching where Deimos was supposed to be and was ambushed from behind and left for dead. Gabi: Is he--is he, uh-- Sonny: No. Yeah, he's at the hospital. The doctors say he's gonna be fine. Gabi: Oh, my god. Sonny: But he's gonna be in there for a while, so he wants me to take over. Chad: Who got him? Sonny: It's got to be Deimos. Gabi: Have you heard from JJ or Lani or Eli? Sonny: No, I haven't heard from them since they left for the island. Gabi: They left? Chad: Well, okay, that must be why hope's not getting back to us. I don't like the sound of this. Gabi: Do you think that Deimos is gonna do to them what he did to Paul? Sonny: Actually, I think it's the other way around. JJ: Let go of her. Nicole: Oh, thank god you're here. Eric's been shot. You have to help him. Deimos: You're making a big mistake here. JJ: Yeah, I don't think so. Lani: Your man guy, we leaned on him. Took him about 20 seconds to roll on you. Deimos: I don't know what the hell you're talking about. Eli: That's funny. He knows all about you. Lani: The man sang like he was on "the voice." Nicole: Eric, how are you doing? Eric: All right. Hope: He's not losing a lot of blood; he'll be fine. Eric: How did you find us? Hope: One of Deimos' guys gave him up. Nicole: Deimos and Xander have been working together all along. Deimos: No, no, that's not true. That's what Xander wants you all to believe. Nicole: No, because Xander got a text ordering him to--to deliver me to someone, and I know it was Deimos. Check his phone. He had it on him when we jumped him. It's right there. Lani: It's all shot up. Deimos: All right, look. Um... [Chuckles nervously] I don't know who or what you think you have on me, but I don't know any guy named guy or--or anybody with that name. I don't know who the hell he is, okay? I have a lot of enemies here, so he's probably one of them. Now, the only thing you're gonna find out about me is that I came here to rescue Nicole and holly. Xander's the one that kidnapped her. He's the one that shot Brady. He's the one that kept holly and Nicole prisoner here. He did that, and he did it alone. Nicole: Oh, for god's sake! Why don't you ask him if he was working alone? Eli: Well? What do you have to say for yourself? [Monitor beeping] John: Oh, kid. Brady: Are they really moving you to federal prison so soon? John: Seems so. For, uh--for quite a while. For good, actually. Brady: This is crazy. John: I did this for my family. It was a choiceless choice, son. Brady: I get it. John: My family means everything to me. I'm gonna reintroduce a classic line using more traditional media. Brady: Dad, I got to say, um, I think we just reached a compromise or something. John: I think black is back. Look, I know that we've had a couple rough years here-- Brady: Yeah, dad, dad, dad, listen, man. I'm sober--I'm sober, and Theresa's out of my life. Things are great. John: Well, I have realized that I need to let you lead your own life, and I will just trust your decisions. Brady: Dad...thank you. Thank you for saying that. But the fact is, dad, I have made so many lousy decisions, and I'm probably gonna make a lot more. So when I screw up, you'll still be there for me when I need you, right? John: Always. [Monitor beeping] John: [Sighs] Oh, man. So many things I didn't say. So many things I didn't say often enough. Like what a great kid you were... and how proud I am of the man that you've become. Hey, god... please give me the chance to say that again to him. [Sniffling] Oh, I love you, kid. [Somber music] Victor: I, uh... I don't know where to start. Please help him. Medical science has done all that it can do, and... and you're his only hope. My only hope. Daniel: It's gonna be all right. I'm here for you... and for Brady. Marlena: The doctors are coming in to run some tests on Brady. They'll ask us to leave. Why don't we get some air, hmm? John: That's a good idea. Marlena: Mm-hmm. John: I'll be back, kid. [Soft music] Daniel: Yo, dude. Wake up. Gabi: So Deimos had Nicole and the baby kidnapped? Chad: And he and Xander are working together? Sonny: That's what one of his boys said. He claims he can prove it. Now, if everything's going according to plan, Eli, JJ, Lani, hope are all heading to Xander's island with some Greek cops for backup. Gabi: Is Deimos there? Sonny: That's what we're hoping for. Chad: Well, I hope they get him, because Deimos has a serious knack for getting himself out of these little things. [Cell phone rings] Sonny: It's JJ. Hey, what's going on? Where are you? JJ: We're on the island. Both Deimos and Xander are in custody. Sonny: Great! Deimos and Xander are in custody. Gabi: What? JJ: I can't talk right now, but I'll fill you in when I get back. Sonny: I have to see this for myself. I'm coming to the island. Eli: We're waiting. Xander: I did it all. I was working by myself. Hope: Are you sure about that? Because I'm thinking if you were to provide key details about exactly what happened and who you were working with, maybe, perhaps, you might be able to cut a deal with the authorities. JJ: Otherwise, I'd say you're pretty screwed. Xander: I'm not saying another word without my lawyer. Nicole: You tell them the truth. You tell them you were taking orders from him! Xander: Your personal issues with my uncle are your problem, not mine. Eli: All right, let's go. Nicole: Eric, Eric. I can't--I can't leave with them. I've got to get out of here. Eric: Hope. Can we go get the baby now? Hope: Yeah, go. Go ahead. Follow them. Deimos: All right, you know what? Enough of this, okay? You heard Xander. He said I had nothing to do with his plan. Hope: That's for the D.A. To decide once we get back to Salem. Deimos: I don't have to go anywhere with you. I'm a Greek citizen! Hope: Good, I'm glad to hear it. Greece has an extradition treaty with the U.S. Deimos: All right, you know what? This is ridiculous. I want to talk to my lawyer! Hope: You'll get your call once we get back to Salem. They're gone! Hope: What? I was waylaid by one of the guards. By the time I had him under control, the woman and the guy took off. [Dramatic music] Brady: Uh, okay, all right. Am I--am I dreaming, or am-- or am I where you are? Daniel: No, no, no, I came to you. They let us do that every once in a while. Brady: Right. Oh, my god, Daniel, are you, uh-- are you gonna take me to the other side or something? Daniel: No, no, no, that's, uh-- well, that's up to you. Brady: What do you mean? Daniel: I mean I only had one heart to give you, and that was supposed to be for life. But the warranty doesn't cover getting shot, so you have some heavy, heavy lifting to do. Brady: What are-- what are you talking about, man? Daniel: You need to show your immune system who's boss, stop it from rejecting my heart. Brady: Yeah, I don't know how to do that. Daniel: Well, I was a doctor, not a mystic. But all I know is, you need to be there for your son and Nicole and my daughter. They need you. So you got things to do, man. Brady: Something I got to tell you, uh... [Sighs] Buddy, I'm in love with Nicole. I want her to be my wife. Tell me if you're not cool with it. If you hate the idea, tell me. Please. Daniel: No, no, of course I don't hate it. I don't want Nicole to spend her life alone. And I want holly to have a father. And I want you to live a long, long, happy life. Brady: We were gonna be a family. So much for that "happily ever after," right? Daniel: Like I said, that's up to you. JJ: They can't have gotten far. Lani: We'll track them down. Hope: Running is not in their best interest. Chad: Hey, you actually got him. Sonny: Paul's fine, by the way. Did your goons tell you that they killed him? Deimos: I had nothing to do with any of this, all right? I came here to rescue holly and Nicole and to convince them to come back to Salem with me. Sonny: Yeah, that would be you, a good Samaritan. Chad: And you may have gotten away with what you did to Abigail, Gabi, and me, but I knew you would screw up eventually. And you did. Gabi: After everything that you have done to my family, you better hope that you don't share a cell with my father. Deimos: You know, I hate to break this to you, sweetie, but your father was guilty. I'm not. Gabi: Wow. And just--I wish Rafe was here to see you in handcuffs. Because after you set it up so that he had to arrest his own father, it would make his day to see you like this. Sonny: Hope, could I have a few minutes alone with my uncle, please? Hope: We'll be right outside. [Dramatic music] Sonny: I knew-- when I got back to Salem and I saw my uncle Vic kicked out of the mansion, out of his company, and Maggie in a wheelchair-- that I would get you. And all that crap about you being a changed man, wanting to be a part of my family... I didn't buy it for a second. And when I saw how crazy you got when Nicole took off, I knew I had a way to bring you down. And look at you-- handcuffed like the two-bit crook that you are. And you didn't just lose Nicole. You lost everything. Nicole: Oh, sweetheart, we are gonna be together forever. Hey. How are you doing? Eric: I'll be fine. Nicole: Really? Eric: Really. How's holly? Nicole: Well, she just had her bottle, and she fell asleep. I mean, after everything this little girl's been through, she is one tough chickie. [Both chuckle] Eric: Like her mother. How are you doing? Nicole: I don't know. I mean, I still can't believe we got away from them. Eric: Very considerate of Deimos to give us the secret way out. Nicole: Eric, thank you... for helping us through all of this. But we bolted, and that can't make hope very happy, that she let a fugitive like me escape. Eric: She's got bigger issues, like Xander and Deimos. I want you to know the coast is clear. Once we land in Sicily, we're gonna refuel. We're gonna move fast, so do you know where you want to go? Nicole: Oh, god, I have no idea. [Phone rings] Eric: Hey, Roy. Yeah, we're working on our final destination. What? She is? Yeah, put her through. My mom got through to the plane. Nicole: What does that mean? Eric: I don't know. Hey, mom. Marlena: Oh, thank heaven. I was afraid you wouldn't take my call. Eric: Mom, how did you get through to the plane? Marlena: That doesn't matter right now. Uh, honey, it's--it's Brady. Eric: What about him? Marlena: His heart is giving out. Eric: Are you saying that... Marlena: I'm afraid it's just a matter of time. Nicole: What? What did she say? Hope: Eli got approval for me to escort Deimos back to the states. So we will be flying commercial. But thank you for the offer. Chad: Wait, so you're just-- you're just out--you're out of here just like that? Hope: Mm-hmm. Chad: Do you have enough to actually put him away? Hope: Actually, we have plenty with Nicole's testimony. Deimos: I wouldn't gloat too much if I were you. This whole thing's gonna get cleared up. And then I'm gonna deal with you and your friends. Sonny: Don't hold your breath waiting for any of that to happen. Deimos: Mm. Nicole is gone. All they have now is the word of a two-bit crook and Xander, who clearly stated that he was working entirely alone. I'm not worried. Hope: Time for us to catch a flight. Deimos: Well, I sure hope we're not flying coach. Could definitely use the leg room, you know? Hope: See you back in Salem. Chad: Bye-bye. Think it'll stick? Sonny: It has to. Brady: What do you mean-- what do you mean, it's up to me? Daniel, I'm fading away here. Daniel: And if it's your time to go... well, let me tell just say, it's really not that bad. But something tells me this idea of your dying is... is premature. Brady: [Sighs] Daniel: Look, I got to go. But just so you know, where I'm going is fabulous. Brady: Yeah? Daniel: Oh, surfing 24-7, perfect break. And the sun always shines. Brady: [Chuckles] Daniel: But you, my friend, you need to be here. And so what if you need a miracle to stay alive? 'Cause I can promise you, miracles... whew, they are real. And I know my heart is strong enough to keep going. And I believe you are too. [Soft music] Nicole: How bad is he? Eric: My mom... Nicole, I'm sorry. She doesn't think Brady's gonna make it through the night. Nicole: Oh, my god. I can't believe this is happening. But it is. It is. I-- oh, god, I need to see him. I need to be with him. Eric: And you know what you're walking into. Nicole: Brady has never abandoned me... not once, no matter what. So could you just please tell the pilot that we're going to back to Salem? [Crying] | Marlena told Victor what was going on with Brady |
681 | Karpov: Should I be flattered that you personally attacked my men and left them for dead? Jason: You ran Spinelli down to the street. Whatever you do to me, I will do back to you twice over. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: I don't want the ring back. It's -- Kate: I didn't know it came with a lie. Sonny: That's not a lie. Kate: Don't. Sonny: What do you mean? Kate: Don't, Sonny. Save your excuses. They don't change anything. Turns out our history wasn't enough to keep us together. Sonny: This wasn't some high school romance that we decided to relive. We fell in love. It was like brand-new, but this time, we can have our happy ending. [SCENE_BREAK] Laura: Don't let yourself give into the fear. Lulu: I don't know how to stop. Laura: You tell yourself that Johnny is not going to die, and you believe it. Lulu: You were not in that courtroom, Mom. Laura: I know how afraid you must have been. Lulu: When I walked in, I couldn't touch Johnny. I couldn't talk to him, but I thought I could set him free, and then he stood up, and he begged me not to say anything, and I knew that he was asking me not to confess, but everyone else thought he was telling me not to say that he killed Logan. Laura: But you don't know what the jury thought. Lulu: I saw their faces. Johnny was just trying to help me, but instead, he's making himself look more guilty. [SCENE_BREAK] Judge: Let me remind you, Ms. Zacchara, you are still under oath. Claudia: Yes, Your Honor. Ric: I'll get right to the point, Ms. Zacchara. Did you see Logan Hayes die? Claudia: Yes, I did. I saw my brother John kill him. Johnny: She's lying, Ric. None of this ever happened. Get her off the stand. Ric: Ms. Zacchara, you say that you saw your brother kill Logan Hayes. Why did you not mention this when you were previously on the stand? Claudia: Nobody asked me. Ric: When did you meet Logan Hayes? Claudia: When he came to work for my father, back in March. Ric: And again, what capacity was he employed by your father? Claudia: He was an attendant. A bodyguard/chair-pusher. My father's paralyzed from the waist down, so Logan was with him constantly. He was in a position to provide useful information. Ric: And did you ask Mr. Hayes to share this information with you? Claudia: I did more than ask. I was having sex with him. Ric: Sorry, just to be clear -- um, you were having a sexual relationship with -- with Mr. Hayes? Claudia: Yes. Ric: Was this an isolated incident? Claudia: No, I started having sex with him a week after he started working for my father, and I continued to have sex with him until he was no longer in our employment. Ric: No, but this was not romantic in any way, correct? Claudia: Not whatsoever. My father threw me out of the family business, and it's just not in my nature to shut up and go away, so I wanted inside access, and Logan was my key to that. Ric: Did Mr. Hayes realize that you were using him? Claudia: Well, he didn't much care. He was using me, too. I mean, all he ever talked about was Lulu Spencer. Scott: Objection, Your Honor. Edward: I object, too. Are you going to allow this woman to expose lascivious and inappropriate behavior by that poor, misguided little girl? Judge: Juror number 2, consider this your daily reminder to remain silent or be cited for contempt. Mr. Lansing, I will allow the testimony to continue, but please keep your client on point. Ric: Yes, Your Honor. What was the context of Logan's repeated remarks about Lulu? Claudia: He was obsessed with her to the point of calling me by her name during sex. Ric: And this disturb you at all, this preoccupation with Lulu? Claudia: Yeah, I thought it was creepy. I didn't like it, but as long as he was giving me the information that I wanted, I put up with it. Ric: And when did Mr. Hayes stop giving you information? Claudia: When Lulu Spencer walked in on he and I having sex. Edward: Oh, God. [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: Spinelli, come on. You're supposed to take it easy. Spinelli: Okay, look -- while the newly spleenless Jackal may be physically unable to prevent you from leaving, let there be no doubt. I protest your planned departure. These flowers should reinforce the great regard I feel for my friend. Maxie: Obviously, you didn't pay close enough attention in court today. I am as big of a slut as Scott Baldwin said I was. Spinelli: That's not true. Maxie: Spinelli, if Scott had asked me about Lucky, I would have had to tell the jury how I seduced him away from his wife and got him addicted to pain pills. Spinelli: You have evolved since those regrettable events. The Jackal credits your newfound ambition and your chosen career path in fashion, and if I may be so bold, our friendship. Maxie: Stop it. No matter how many excuses you make, I'm still going to be a tramp and a user. I just feel like you would be better off without me. [SCENE_BREAK] Kate: You really should leave. Sonny: You are a successful woman, Kate. You're not some checker working back at Prizzi's in the old neighborhood whose only choice is to suck it up and go back to her, you know, cheating fiancé. Kate: Yeah, that's -- that's my point. Sonny: You're hurt. I know that, and I'm sorry, and you think, you know, love is -- is a mistake, and it's messy, and, you know, and it's easier to just let it go instead of fighting for what you want. I know better. Kate: Don't. Sonny: I know how happy you are when you're in love. Kate: Do I look happy? Sonny: All right, look. I'm going to give you as much time as you need to be hurt, to be angry, to tell yourself that we're over. Sooner or later, you're going to know what I already know, that we should stay together. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: When I send a message, I do it myself. I broke your guards' arms so they would never raise them against me again. I cracked their kneecaps to show them how nobody comes at me in my city. I left them alive so you'd get the message. Karpov: You've gone too far, Mr. Morgan. Jason: No, you have, when you went after Spinelli. You touch him or anybody else under my protection, next person in the hospital will be you. Karpov: It would be a tragedy for this situation to escalate any further. Jason: You should go now, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Kate: You can't charm your way out of this, Sonny. I'm not a dewy-eyed teenager who just folds when you flash your dimples. Sonny: Believe me, I take this very -- Kate: No, you can't fix this by carving your initials in a fence. I put my heart on the line for you. Sonny: I know you did. Kate: No, you don't. No, you don't know, and don't say that you do. I left a very successful position in Manhattan in order to be in Port Charles with you. I risked my reputation. Kate Howard, who never took her eye off the prize, was willing to risk it all to marry a gangster. I was willing to love you. I was willing to keep trying because I believed in you, and all the while I was planning this fantastic wedding, you and Carly had a secret. Sonny: No, we both made a mistake we wanted to bury. Kate: No, I can't -- I can't trust you, and if I can't trust you, then we have no future, so I want you to take your ring and your explanations, and I want you to leave. [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: So this is the part where I run out horrified, as if I don't know what you're capable of. I'm not going to pretend to be okay with it, but this is your life. It doesn't change how I feel about you. Jason: It should. Elizabeth: I can separate who you are from the things you do. [Knock on door] Cody: Sorry, thought you'd want to know. Karpov made a call when he was leaving. From what I heard, it sounded like he was arranging to meet someone. It seemed like a good idea to put a tail on him. I just heard back from my guy. Jason: That's good work. Let's go. Cody: I can do it on my own. Jason: No, I want to see what Karpov's up to myself. [SCENE_BREAK] [Pistol cocks] Jerry: You shouldn't be here. This is about to become a crime scene. Karpov: When you tell me that people who work here are causing problems, I expect you to take care of it. Jerry: I do things my way on my own time. Karpov: Take care of it, or I will. [SCENE_BREAK] Claudia: I was having sex with Logan in the garden shed when Lulu walked in on us. Ric: And what was Logan's reaction? Scott: Objection, Your Honor. Ric: It goes to the mindset of Mr. Hayes in the days leading up to his death. Judge: Overruled. Continue, Mr. Lansing. Ric: Ms. Zacchara. Claudia: Logan was furious. He -- he actually accused me of setting him up so that he would look bad in Lulu's eyes, which was completely irrational in the first place. Ric: So, he lost his temper? Claudia: Oh, he was scary. He didn't seem to care at all that Lulu was in love with my brother. You know, in fact, Logan -- Logan was convinced, and he said that me and John were working together to sabotage his relationship with Lulu and he was going to make us pay, so I said, "Johnny, you got to use your influence with Dad. You got to get your influence to get Logan fired." But before Johnny even had an opportunity, Logan attacked him at the Metro Court hotel, so -- Scott: Your Honor, four witnesses and myself saw the defendant attack Logan Hayes. Ric: I'm sorry, is that an objection or -- Scott: Yes, it is. Judge: Would counsel please approach the bench? Nadine: Do you think she's telling the truth? Nikolas: I think she'd say anything to protect her brother. Judge: Carry on. Ric: So, Ms. Zacchara, after the fight at the Metro Court hotel, did Mr. Hayes remain in your father's employment? Claudia: My father fired him that night, which Logan somehow blamed on me as well. You know, here he was now with no job and no girlfriend, and it was my fault, but apparently, he made one last desperate attempt to win her back by showing up at her office and hounding her there, but Lulu told him it's over. And he was angry, and he was bitter, and he blamed me. Logan showed up at my apartment, and he was crazy. He was out of control, and he tried to kill me. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: You know, I was thinking that it's probably best that the truth about Carly came out now. That way there won't be any secrets. Kate: Why don't you just admit it? Admit that you would have been perfectly happy if I had never found out that you and Carly had sex. We would have gotten married. I would have been completely oblivious. Meanwhile, you would pretend that you weren't living a lie. Sonny: That would have been the end of it, Kate. Kate: Until the next time you were alone with Carly. Sonny: So, you're telling me that if the truth hadn't come out, you think I would have had sex with Carly again? Kate: You wouldn't be the first husband -- Sonny: You know me better than that, so -- Kate: Well, I thought I did. Sonny: I don't love easily, and you know that, so you're telling me that everything that we have said to each other, everything that we have felt for each other is a lie? [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: Here, the doctor said you're supposed to take it easy. Spinelli: My stress would be considerably less if you stayed. Maxie: Why do you want me here, Spinelli? You heard what I did to Logan. I feel like I did the same thing to you, even though Logan was a pig and you're a saint. Still, that doesn't matter. I always make the selfish choice, even when it comes to someone as wonderful as you are. Spinelli: The Jackal took no offense. Maxie: You're much too good a person to waste yourself on me. Spinelli: No, no, no, please reconsider. It's -- it's human nature to harbor regret from time to time. After all, we are an imperfect species, but don't destroy all that is good and fair. As my wise granny says, don't throw out the baby with the bath water. Maxie: What is wrong with you? Why don't you understand me? People who believe in me, they always wind up disappointed or hurt and addicted to pain pills or just plain angry and bitter, and I need to leave before I do that to you. Spinelli: Regardless of your opinion of your own unworthiness, the truth is you have been loyal and compassionate to the Jackal. His spirits have been uplifted by your angelic kindness. You have -- you have broadened my horizons and provided insight and advice. Maxie: But how many times have I pushed you into doing favors for me? Spinelli: Well, that's true. The Jackal is incapable of refusing Maximista. Maxie: Then shame on me for taking advantage. Spinelli: No, no. For every so-called favor, there are the many times that Maximista has quite literally saved the Jackal from the jaws of doom. If -- if you think watching you bravely face your demons in a court of law could possibly change my high esteem for you, then you don't know me very well. I have never seen you more brave or more beautiful than you were today. [SCENE_BREAK] Claudia: Logan had an axe that he got from one of those emergency fire cases, and he was hacking through my door, and I ran into the kitchen and grabbed a knife. Ric: Did you consider calling 911? Claudia: I was just raised not to trust the police. I tried to call my father, but the battery was dead on my cell phone. I probably should have tried to run. I don't know. Ric: Why didn't you? Claudia: I mean, there wasn't anywhere to go, you know? Where was I going to go? I couldn't get around him, so I just -- I figured I could -- I could back him off with my knife, which was really stupid, because he was really, really out of control. I mean, he was crazy, and he was screaming at me that it was my fault, that I was the reason that he lost Lulu. Ric: It's okay. Take your time. Claudia: I tried to get around him, but he just flung me off of him like a little rag doll, and the knife went flying out of my hands, and we struggled. I remember I was screaming for someone to help me, but, you know, he was too big, and so he just pinned me down, and he was going to rape me. He started to unbuckle his pants, and all of a sudden, he got up, and he turned around, and I realized that Johnny was there, and Logan grabbed the axe, and he went running after my brother with it, and John didn't have time to even think. You know, he just picked up the knife, and as soon as he raised it up into the air, Logan came running straight at him. He impaled himself on the knife. Logan was going to rape and kill me. My brother John saved my life. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: How reliable is your source? Cody: Very, Karpov was here talking to another man. They were checking out the building. Jason: Why -- why does a guy like Karpov care about a free clinic? [SCENE_BREAK] Claudia: All of our lives, it's just been me and my brother. We only had each other to count on. So, John saved me, because that's what he does. After I calmed down, John said that we were going to call the police, and then he was going to get me to the hospital so I could get checked out, and I said no. I refused, and I insisted that we cover up what had just happened. Ric: Your Honor, defense would like to enter into evidence exhibit "D". Ms. Zacchara, could you tell the jury what this piece of paper is? Claudia: It is a list of all the people that I called to repair the broken door and replace the bloody carpet the morning after Logan Hayes died. Ric: You personally contacted these people? Claudia: I did. Ric: Ms. Zacchara, why was it so important for you to cover up Logan Hayes' death? Claudia: Because I was afraid that this would happen -- what is happening right now. That Scott Baldwin was going to try to railroad John. My brother's a good person. He saved my life. Please don't hurt him. Please don't hurt him. Scott: Your -- Your Honor, she's talking to the jury. Judge: Objection sustained. Ms. Zacchara, I cannot allow you to address the jury. Please disregard the witnesses' last statement. Does defense wish to continue? Ric: No, no Your Honor. No further questions. Judge: Mr. Baldwin, do you wish to re-direct? Scott: You bet I do. Other than that slip of paper allegedly naming some carpenter and some handyman, do you have any shred of evidence to back up your testimony whatsoever? Claudia: I don't know what else you want. Scott: Any proof whatsoever, other than some cooked up fairy tale to try and save your brother's life. Claudia: My brother saved my life. Scott: Well, where's the physical evidence? Where is this -- this door? Where's this axe? Where's this bloody carpet? Where the hell is the kitchen knife? Claudia: I destroyed them. All of them. Scott: How convenient, wasn't it? Claudia: Your son was a murdering, son of a bitch who tried to rape and kill me. Johnny saved me. Scott: Your Honor, I'm done with this fabricator. Judge: You may step down, Ms. Zacchara. Judge: Mr. Lansing? Ric: Yes, Your Honor. Before I call my next witness, I'd like to enter into evidence exhibit "E" -- Logan Hayes' military records, specifically an incident where Corporal Hayes stabbed another solider in a fight over a girl. Scott: Objection. Ric: It speaks to a pattern of behavior, Your Honor. Logan Hayes had a history of violent jealousy and antisocial behavior. Scott: Your Honor, he is putting the victim on trial. Ric: This victim deserves it. [SCENE_BREAK] Laura: If the worst should happen, you will survive. Lulu: I'm not sure I'd want to. Laura: I'm not telling you this to make you feel better. I'm telling you this because I know it to be true. When it feels like there's nothing left, it's love that sees you through. It feeds your soul, and it helps you to survive beyond what you thought was humanly possible. Lulu: Like you and Dad. Laura: Yeah. We've been separated by time, distance, and now this illness, but I always found a way to go on because I knew that that's what Luke would want me to do. And I want that for him, too. Do you remember right before I got sick again? Do you remember what I told you? Lulu: To live life fully -- the best life that I could. Laura: Good girl. You're more of a survivor than you realize. [SCENE_BREAK] Maxie: You're making a giant mistake. You think I'm perfect, but I am so far from it. Spinelli: Like any great work of art, it is the -- it is the absence of perfection, the contrast between light and dark that make it a real masterpiece. Maxie: You think that I'm a work of art? Spinelli: Real art. Not like the one-dimensional perfection seen in the pages of "Crimson." I -- no disrespect to Maximista's chosen career path, but you are so much more dynamic and complex than the -- than the smooth, boring women in the pages of "Crimson." You have a special heart and soul. Maxie: Well, is there any mistake I can make that you can't forgive? Spinelli: But we learn from our mistakes. We grow from them, and of course we regret the pain that we cause, but it's that pain that allows us tolerance for others that are equally as flawed. Like me, for instance. So in all honesty, I would never ask Maximista to be anything other than what she is right now. Maxie: Spinelli, you truly are the most wonderful person I've ever known. Spinelli: Does that mean you'll change your mind and stay? Maxie: Like I could ever leave you? [SCENE_BREAK] Kate: I have work to do. Sonny: Okay, hold on, hold on, hold on. I've got nothing else, you know, to lose here. So I'm going to ask you a question. I just want you to answer it. Do you -- do you think I've been lying to you this whole time? Do you think I just -- I just wanted to marry you for your money or your status or -- Kate: Don't be ridiculous. Sonny: Well, you know me. Why would I want -- pretend to be with someone I don't want to be with? Kate: Well, you wouldn't. Sonny: Okay, answer this. You think I lied to you when I -- when I told you I loved you? Kate: I believe you that you love me. Sonny: Then all you got to do is get past the pain, and I -- I will be faithful to you for the rest of my life. Kate: How am I supposed to believe that? Sonny: It -- it -- it may one of the hardest things you ever do, but you got to take that leap. Because, I swear to you, I will protect your heart just like I'll protect your life. All you got to do is marry me. We can still do this. I mean, you know, we can make -- listen, all you got to do is say yes. [SCENE_BREAK] [Matt sighs] Matt: Nurse. [Beep] [Beeping] [SCENE_BREAK] Scott: By now, all of you know that Logan Hayes was my son. I didn't know him very well, and now I am not going to get a chance to know him at all because of that man, the defendant. He killed Logan Hayes because he wanted Lulu Spencer all for himself. He lured Logan to his apartment, and then he stuck a knife in him. All of this garbage about a door and an axe -- that is all fabrication made up by his sister because she wants to get him off. She knows that if he is convicted, because Logan Hayes was a police officer and a military man, the state is going to ask for the death penalty. Ric: The evidence speaks for itself. Logan Hayes' tainted military record. The testimonies of Maxie Jones, Claudia Zacchara, and many others proving that Logan Hayes was mentally unstable and violent. Logan Hayes hacked his way through the door of John Zacchara's home to attack the defendant's sister -- the one person that he blamed for driving Lulu Spencer away from him. So what did John do? John acted in the moment, without thought for himself, to save his own sister's life. Now his subsequent actions, including his escape from police custody, resulted in his overwhelming concern for his mentally unstable girlfriend, Lulu Spencer, who drove two men against one another and who now drowns in guilt, knowing that she ignited the violent actions of Logan Hayes. Judge: Members of the jury, you have now heard all the evidence and testimony related to this murder case. I caution you to deliberate with care. This is a death penalty case. A man's life is in your hands. [Bangs gavel] [SCENE_BREAK] Lulu: How did I ever manage without you? Laura: I'm so sorry, honey. I wish that I could go back and make up -- Lulu: No, no, no, no, no. You being here now means everything to me. You look tired, Mom. Laura: It's been an exhausting day. Lulu: Well, okay, I'll walk you to your room. Laura: No, don't do that. I know it unsettles you to watch me fall asleep, right? Lulu: Yeah, okay. Laura: Okay. I'll see you soon. I'm okay. I'm all right. Nikolas: Hi. Lulu: Hi. How are you? What happened at the trial? Nikolas: Take it easy. Lulu: No, did you -- did you convince them that I was telling the truth about being the one who killed Logan? [SCENE_BREAK] Kate: Please, Sonny. Just let me put this behind me so I can get on with my life. Sonny: Which life? The one where you put your walls up to keep the feelings out? That safe life that you were so happy to leave behind? Kate: It's better than this pain. Sonny: Listen to me. Don't let a mistake, something that happened once and is not going to happen again, steal us from the life we planned together. Maxie: Kate, I'm so sorry. My testimony went longer than expected. Oh, okay, um. I brought Spinelli to help me fix that email problem, so we'll just go fix it now. Spinelli: If I may offer my deepest condolences. Maximista shared the grievous news that your nuptials had been canceled due to Mr. Sir's transgressions with -- the Valkyrie. [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock on door] Elizabeth: We never finished our conversation. Jason: Yeah, I got -- I got a meeting with the city council. Elizabeth: Are you going to let me in or make me do this in the hallway? Jason: I got just -- you know, I'm trying to get permits. Diane set up this meeting with a city council member. If I blow him off, he's -- he's going to take the whole project. So, I just -- Elizabeth: Just admit you're running, that you're afraid to talk to me. Jason: I'm sick of hurting you, telling you "no, I can't." I can't make you happy. Elizabeth: Well, that's for me to decide, not you. Jason: I mean, it would work for a little while, but sooner or later, someone you love will get hurt, or I'm going to do something that you cannot live with. Elizabeth: I accept that we don't have a future, but we do have right now. That's all I'm asking. [SCENE_BREAK] [Flames crackling] Nadine: Matt! Matt! Matt, wake up. Matt, you've got to wake up. Come on. [Nadine grunts] [Ceiling creaks] Nadine: Oh, no! [Glass shatters] [Nadine coughs] Nadine: Help! Help! [SCENE_BREAK] Nikolas: I didn't -- I didn't even need to testify, because -- because Claudia took the stand instead. Lulu: Claudia? What did she -- what could she say? She didn't come in until after Logan was dead. Nikolas: She -- she testified that Logan broke into the penthouse and tried to rape and murder her, but that John came in at the last minute to save her. Lulu: She made the whole thing up. Nikolas: I -- I didn't believe a word that came out of her mouth, but that's the most -- Lulu: Oh, my -- Nikolas: I know -- some of the most convincing testimony I've ever heard. Love her or hate her, Claudia may have saved John's life. [SCENE_BREAK] [Door opens] Claudia: Hey. Johnny: Hey. You okay? Claudia: Yeah, I'm good. I'm good, Johnny. I don't want to talk about it, okay? Johnny: No one ever did for me what you did today. No one's ever fought for me like that, and no matter what happens, I want you to know that I love you. Claudia: I love you -- love you, John. I think you're the only person I could ever love. I had to do that for you, you know? I just hope it was enough. Johnny: Yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] Anthony: You heard Baldwin's closing argument. All that crap about his son, the big hero. He had the jury eating out of his hands. Trevor: Tony, you've got to stay calm, or you're going to blow this thing right out of the water. Anthony: At least Claudia stepped up. That girl can lie like no one I've ever seen. Trevor: Yeah. Anthony: Makes her father proud. Trevor: She gave the jury something concrete to turn things around. They got something to work with now. [SCENE_BREAK] Edward: Well, folks, we can make this short and sweet. There is no guiltier man than John Zacchara. Mrs. Albright: What was the poor boy to do? His sister had just been attacked. Ron: If I saw my sister about to be raped, and there was a knife in the room, I know damn well that I'd use it. Epiphany: Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Now the first thing we need to do is choose a jury foreperson. Ron: Who here feels qualified to lead us? [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: We're having a -- a private conversation. Spinelli: Yeah -- I -- Mr. Sir's trying to persuade the fashionista to forgive his dalliance, then all -- Kate: Okay, Maxie, we won't be needing Mr. Spinelli's assistance today. You can hold all my calls. Please close the door. Maxie: Okay, mm-hmm. Sonny: Kate, look at me. Look, do not let what -- what just happened here derail us. Kate: No, Spinelli's good. It's good they showed up. I was about to give in, and I know I'd regret it. Sonny: No, you won't. We deserve to be happy. We can be happy. I will not give up on us. Kate: What if I said that I would forgive you, hmm? What would happen to us if I said that I would marry you? [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: You don't know how I've tried to talk myself out of this, but it never works. All I see is you. Jason: How I dealt with Karpov, the things you heard me say, that's -- that's who I am. All the times I got shot, and you had to nurse me back to health, I was shooting at people who were shooting at me, and sometimes they died. I chose a life where being able to kill is a measure of success. I choose to break the law. I had a chance to run away with you and the kids, and I chose to stay. What part of that makes you love me? Elizabeth: I can't explain it. It's not logical. That's why it's love. Singer: And maybe this time the fates will be kind to us so let's love like it's ours to keep | Spinelli talks Maxie out of leaving the penthouse |
682 | Lucky: You're going to be safe here. Emily: Lucky! Elizabeth: Where's the light? Emily: Lucky! Elizabeth: No! [SCENE_BREAK] Courtney: You want to stop the adoption? Bridget: I only gave up my baby because I didn't think that I could take care of her. But you've changed my mind. I can't wait to get her back and just start being a mom. Courtney: Bridget, you need to think about this. I mean, your baby may be better off where she is. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: It wouldn't be fair to get married for the wrong reasons -- if it were giving the baby a home or maybe because you feel obligated or -- Jason: No, no, no, it's -- it's simpler than that. Sam: Is it? Jason: Do you want to marry me? Because I want to marry you. [SCENE_BREAK] Jax: Hey, how are you? Viola: Good. How are you? [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: No, no, don't, don't. Don't kiss me. We're not together; we're not going to be. Lorenzo: Why? It's obvious you still care for me. Lorenzo: You saved me from being tried and possibly convicted of murder. Carly: That doesn't mean I want a relationship with you. Lorenzo: You tampered with police evidence. Carly: I was saving Steven too. He was arrested because of you. Lorenzo: When you originally came to my apartment to warn me, you thought Steven was going to take that evidence to the police. You were working against him to help me. Carly: Ok, I didn't want you to go to prison for murder. Lorenzo: Why? Carly: I trusted you once. Lorenzo, I can't do it again. So if you think that we have a chance together, you're wrong. [SCENE_BREAK] Jax: Thanks for dropping her off. Tell Alexis not to worry. Courtney and I will take very good care of her. Guess what we're going to do today, Kristina. Hey, we're going to go and see a dinosaur. That's right, a great big brontosaurus, right in the entry hall of the museum. Ned: Hey. Jax: Hey. Ned: Whoa! Who do we have here? Kristina, hello. Viola: Goodbye, Mr. Jacks. Jax: Ok, I'll have her back by 8:00. Ned: Don't you look pretty. Viola: Have a good time, Kristina. Ned: Where are you going? Jax: Natural History Museum. Isn't that right? Ned: Really? Just you and Kristina? Jax: And Courtney. She's her aunt, and I'm kind of her honorary godfather, aren't I? We take her out sometimes for ice cream and to the park. You know, it's fun for all of us. Isn't it? Ned: Yeah. You see her more than I do. I was her father for the first two years of her life, and now I have to pretend like it never happened. Jax: Easier said than done? Ned: Yeah, because once you become a parent, you love a child, you can't really stop. [SCENE_BREAK] Courtney: Bridget, you haven't even finished high school. I mean, you're working as a waitress, and today was only your first day. Bridget: It's a start, right? Courtney: Do you even know how to take care of a baby? Bridget: No, not really but, I mean, I can learn. I mean, motherhood is pretty much a natural instinct. Courtney: Ok, well, what about money? What about a place to live? Bridget: Well, maybe your foundation can help and, I mean, there's welfare and assistance and stuff like that. Courtney: Bridget, come on. I mean, you haven't really thought through the day-to-day reality of raising a child. Bridget: So? I can work it out as I go. Courtney: Listen, being a mother is more than just holding a baby and feeling that surge of love. No, it's -- it's also making the right choices for your child. Bridget: That's what I'm doing. I only gave up my baby because I thought I couldn't be a mom. You showed me that I can. I mean, I can work and I can do ok and I can make a life for myself and my baby. I want her back, Courtney, and I have you to thank. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: I want to marry you because I want you in my life. Sam: Are you sure this isn't about Hope? Jason: Well, she made everything clearer, but I'd be asking you anyway. When you moved out, it made me realize how important you are to me; how everything changed because of you. You asked me questions. You made me think about things I hadn't before. You trusted me. You opened up to me. And I found myself trusting you, too. And then I started looking forward to seeing you, thinking about you during the day, actually wanting to be home. Sam: I was feeling all those things, too. Jason: Sam, you're the person I want to be with. When you walked out, I missed you all the time. Sam: I missed you, too, Jason, more -- more than I ever thought I would, ever. Jason: I don't want you to walk out again. Please, I want you to stay -- forever. I love you. [SCENE_BREAK] Connor: Sorry. I wasn't expecting anyone so soon. I heard voices. I figured Helena found me -- I don't know. Emily: Yeah, well, the plan fell apart. She realized that I wasn't pregnant and she tried to kill me. Elizabeth: Emily has to hide out here until we find Helena. Connor: Does she know that Nikolas is still in Pentonville and I'm here trying to be him? Lucky: That's the one advantage we have left. She's not sure who's who. Connor: Yeah, for now. Lucky: That's why Emily's going to stay here with you. Connor: What if she tracks us down? Lucky: She's not going to kill a man she believes is her grandson. You should be able to protect Emily. Connor: Be a lot easier if I had your gun. Lucky: I need my gun more than you do. Connor: Come on, you can go out and buy a new one. Give me your gun. Lucky: As soon as Helena finds out Emily's missing, she'll probably come after me. Connor: What if she finds me and Emily first? Lucky: That's unlikely. Connor: What's the matter, Lucky? After all I've done to help your brother, you still don't trust me? Come on. Lucky: Listen, my dad is on Helena's trail, so hopefully you won't have to hide out here very long. Emily: I'll be fine. All I care about is proving that Helena's alive so that Nikolas can go free. Lucky: Ok, we'd better get going. Elizabeth: Ok. Emily: All right. We'll see you soon. Elizabeth: All right. It's eerie how much Connor looks like Nikolas, isn't it? Emily: Yeah, I know. Sometimes for just a second, I forget and I think he is Nikolas. I know. Elizabeth: Em, do you think you're going to be ok being here alone with him? Emily: No, you know, he's been great, you know, even risking his life to free Nikolas. Elizabeth: Yeah, but still, there's just something unpredictable about the guy, you know? Emily: Yeah, Lucky says that I'm safer with Connor than on my own, and he's right. So don't worry, ok? I'm going to be fine. Elizabeth: Ok. Just be careful. Emily: I will. Lucky: Listen, I'm not sure when I'm going to be able to visit again. I just don't want to take a chance on Helena following me. Emily: Ok, watch your step, Lucky. Don't underestimate Helena. Lucky: Believe me, I won't. Connor: Alone at last. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: I never -- I never, ever expected to hear you say you love me. I mean, even if you thought it, I -- I couldn't imagine you saying it. Jason: Yeah, for a long time, I couldn't, either. Sam: What changed your mind? Jason: You. You know, just your honesty. And I decided that -- that I had to be honest, too. Sam, love isn't always enough. You know, I still have other commitments. I'm part of a business that is brutal and illegal. Sam: I know that. Jason: My work is not -- it's not going to change. So you seriously need to think about the risk and the stress and, I mean, if you can't live with it, I'll just deal with it. Sam: Jason, listen, I have lived most of my life with danger and the possibility of getting hurt, and it can be hard, but it just -- it makes the good times all the more precious. Listen, I don't -- I don't want to change who you are. You have to understand that. Jason: Ok, and I will do everything I can to protect you. Sam: I told you I'm a survivor. You don't have to worry about that. Jason: Well, hopefully, we'll do more than just survive. Sam: Wow. I've -- I have been through a lot in my life. But the one thing I have never, ever experienced was falling in love and having it returned. Now I know what it is because it is, I think -- yeah, it is -- it's what I'm feeling right now. And I'm scared. I love you, too, Jason. I do. And I want to marry you. So, yes. My answer is yes. [SCENE_BREAK] Courtney: You think loving someone with all your heart means you can spend your life with them, but it doesn't always work out that way. Bridget: You sound like you're warning me off of a guy or something. Courtney: Hey, love is love. I mean, it can be wonderful or it can be heartbreaking. Bridget: All I want is my baby back. Courtney: Hey, you just need to think about this carefully, Bridget. When you love someone, I mean, you imagine a perfect future. You know, people will warn you that there will be hard times but, you know, all you can see is how happy you'll be. And you think love is going to make everything bright and beautiful, but that's not life. Life is rent checks and noisy neighbors and having to stay home because you can't find a babysitter. There will be disappointments and frustrations, and even moments of anger. Bridget: It still sounds better than what I've had so far. Courtney: Don't you think you owe it to yourself to live your own life before you start making sacrifices for someone else? Bridget: I can have a life and take care of my baby, too. Courtney: All right. Well, you know that you'll be pulling your baby away from two people who love her very much, a home where she's happy. Bridget: It's not too late to stop the adoption, right? I mean, they said I had a whole year. Courtney: Yeah, legally, you can take your child back. I'm just not sure that's what's best for her. Bridget: It will be. I'm going to be the greatest mom my little girl could ever ask for. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: I made the mistake of rebounding to you once. Lorenzo: It wasn't a mistake, Carly. Carly: I overlooked everything that you had done wrong. Lorenzo: You saw the good in me that I thought I'd buried when Sophie died. Carly: Lorenzo, you are good, ok, but you are also cold and you're ruthless and manipulative, and I cannot go back there again. Brook Lynn: Excuse me. Hi, is Lorenzo Alcazar here? Lorenzo: All right, it's true that I lied, but I lied to bring us together, to help you to hold on to your children. I never set out to hurt you, and I never will. You're far too important to me. Carly: It doesn't matter. Lorenzo: Carly, I had accepted the fact that I had lost you. But I never stopped feeling for you, and now I know you never did, either. Carly: Don't. Lorenzo: Your saving me proves that you care. Carly: Don't do this. Don't start pursuing me. Lorenzo: I won't. I'll leave it to you. And hopefully, sooner or later, you'll change your mind because you realize how much I love you. [SCENE_BREAK] Connor: Hey, you unpack yet? Emily: Yeah, yeah. Didn't really bring that much, so -- I feel bad about taking the bed, though. Connor: No, no, couch is fine. Better than the places I slept when I was in Iraq, that's for sure. Emily: What's wrong with that? Connor: Huh? Oh, I'm just -- I'm just doing some repairs to pass the time, you know? I tell you, whoever owns this place is going to come home to a house full of refinished furniture. Emily: Looks like you're doing a great job. Connor: Thank you. Nice to know at least one of my talents impresses you. Emily: Well, a lot more than one. You want some water? Connor: Yeah. A lot more than one, huh? How about telling me another? Emily: Oh, gosh. Well, let's see. You have a definite flair for impersonation, and you obviously know how to -- Connor: Oh! Emily: Oh, God, I'm so sorry! Connor: Damn. Emily: Oh, my God, I'm so, so sorry. Connor: No, it's all right. It's all right. Nothing like a little bit of water to get the day started, you know? Emily: Yeah. Connor: It's all right. What? Emily: Nothing. I'm sorry; it's just, you know, I haven't seen you with your tattoos before. It's just uncanny how much you look like Nikolas. Connor: That's the idea, right? [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: Thanks for walking me to work, even though you didn't have to. Lucky: Well, I doubt Helena will come after you, but it doesn't hurt to be careful. Elizabeth: Yeah, she's got other priorities, namely killing Emily. God, I hope Em's going to be ok with Connor. Lucky: Well, we just need to buy some time for my dad to find Helena, and then Emily can come home. Elizabeth: Oh, I am going to be so glad when this is all over. Lucky: We all will. So, when's your shift going to be over? Elizabeth: Just a few hours. Lucky: I'll swing by. I'll walk you home. Elizabeth: Lucky, you don't have to do that, really. I'm picking up Cam from daycare, I'm taking him home, put him in bed, and, for the grand finale, I'll put on my fuzzy slippers, pop on my pajamas, and watch TV. Lucky: Boy. Don't take this the wrong way, but that sounds pretty lonely. [SCENE_BREAK] Brook Lynn: Ma, hey. Lois: Honey. Brook Lynn: I'm guessing you're going to go see Lorenzo, right? Lois: You are right, but it's not for why you think. I've found out some very disturbing things about Lorenzo and I need to find out what's going on with him once and for all. Brook Lynn: Yeah. I think I can help you with that. Lois: Do you know something? Brook Lynn: Well, you see, I miss Diego, right, and so I was coming to see Lorenzo to see if he could get Diego back, but he was having a really intense conversation with Carly. Lois: Could you hear what they were saying? Brook Lynn: He told her that he loved her, ma. Hey. Look, I'm sorry. I probably shouldn't have said anything. I'm just trying to protect you. Lois: Uh-uh, thanks for the warning. Brook Lynn: Do you want -- do you want me to stay with you? Because -- Lois: No. I have to handle this by myself, without my daughter as an audience. Brook Lynn: Right. Hey, ma? Look, I'm really sorry I've been such a jerk. Lois: Honey, it's fine. Brook Lynn: No, no, it's not. I was so hard on you about Alcazar, right? Like if liking him was even something you could control. I'm sorry. And I'm sorry that I told you about this. Lois: Baby, no, listen to me; don't ever apologize for telling the truth, ever. Brook Lynn: Ok. So are you saying that you're going to be ok, then? Lois: No. But I have to do this alone. I love you. Brook Lynn: Love you, too. Lois: I'll make this brief. Look me in the eye and tell me you're going back to Carly. [SCENE_BREAK] Jax: Here we go. Yeah, I know. I'd rather be eating cookies, too, but I don't think Aunt Courtney would be very happy with me if I loaded you full of sugar and got you all wound up before we went to the museum. So, I'll do you a deal, ok? After we see all the exhibits and the dinosaur skeletons and skeletons of big whales and everything, then we'll stop off at Galliard's Chocolates and we'll pig out, ok? That's if Aunt Courtney remembers to meet us. Maybe she's stuck in a meeting or something. Oh. Bridget: Hi, Mr. Jacks. Jax: Hey, Bridget. Bridget: Hi, Kristina. Jax: You know, we're supposed to be meeting Courtney. Do you know where she is? Bridget: Oh, sorry. She must be handling my paperwork. Jax: Did she find you a new foster home? Bridget: No, something much better. I've changed my mind about the adoption. I'm going to take back my baby and I'm going to raise her myself. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: I'm sorry I didn't have an engagement ring to give you. Sam: Oh. It looks like you're going to have to take me shopping, then. Jason: That's fine, I'll take you shopping. Sam: Seriously, Jason, a ring -- it doesn't matter. I have your love and we have a lifetime to spend with each other, and that's all that really matters to me. That's a better gift than any ring. [Knock on door] Jason: Who is it? Courtney: Jason, it's Courtney. It's important. Jason: What happened? Courtney: Can I come in? I'm so sorry, but Bridget's changed her mind. She's taking her baby back. I'm sorry. I mean, I tried to warn you. She has up to a year to change her mind. Sam: Well, do you know why? Courtney: It's just a combination of things. You know, most of all, I just think she really misses her daughter. Jason: Are you here to take the baby? Courtney: Not yet. No, I just -- I just wanted to let you know as soon as possible so you'd have time to adjust. Jason: What -- what happens now? Courtney: Well, I'll notify social services so they can pull the paperwork to stop the adoption. Bridget will need time to set up things for her baby. Jason: Are they going to live with you? Courtney: I haven't even thought it through yet. I mean, neither has Bridget. All she knows is that she wants her baby back. Jason: Why? Courtney: Bridget honestly believes that she can take care of Hope. Look, I did my best to try and talk her out of it. I -- I'm so sorry, Jason. Look, I honestly believed that Hope would be better off here with you. Jason: Thank you. Sam: I know you said that if Bridget changed her mind that we would have to give Hope back. But, Jason, what kind of life would that little girl have if she was with her? We need to fight for her. We have to. We have to love her enough to fight for her. She needs us. Jason: We will. [SCENE_BREAK] Lorenzo: You got me through the death of my niece. You've been a caring friend. You actually made me laugh again. Lois: We enjoy each other's company. Lorenzo: You're wonderful, Lois. You stood up to me, wouldn't let me wallow in self-pity. You reached out when I pushed you away. You went against your better judgment -- Lois: But none of that changes your feelings for Carly. Lorenzo: The point is that Carly is the woman that made me care again when I thought I was shut down forever. Lois: And you are willing to risk your heart, no matter how many times it takes, just to be with her? Lorenzo: I can't stop myself. Lois: Yeah, I know the feeling. Lorenzo: Lois, wait. Lois: We have dragged this on too long, Lorenzo. I wish you well. I hope you find happiness. I doubt you will with Carly, but you never know. The only thing I know for sure is I am walking away right now for the last time. [SCENE_BREAK] Connor: Could you give me a hand here? Emily: Yeah, sure. Connor: Just hold it like this. Emily: Right here? Connor: Yeah, yeah. Can you reach that screwdriver? Emily: Where? Yeah. Here. Connor: Thanks. Thank you. There we go. I'm sorry I freaked you out earlier. I thought you knew about the tattoos. Emily: Yeah, well, you couldn't pass for Nikolas without them, right? Connor: It still threw you a little bit, though, huh? Emily: Yeah, a little. I assume once Nikolas is free, you're going to have them removed. Connor: I don't know. I'm getting used to them, you know? Actually, I think I kind of like them. Emily: You never had tattoos before. Connor: True. But it's like anything new. At first you feel a little weird, and then you get comfortable with it, you know? It's like changing my hair, the way I speak, or drinking wine instead of beer. Emily: Huh. Connor: No, I'm into it. I mean, sometimes I actually feel like I am Nikolas. Emily: You're not. Connor: Look, I've given up a lot to help that guy, you know? Emily: But you're really not like him, in any way. Connor: Whatever you say. Emily: Hey, listen, you know, I didn't mean to insult you. Connor: I'm not insulted. You're just stating a fact. I'm not Nikolas Cassadine. There you go. Emily: But you are trying to help, and I owe you a lot. In fact, I think it's time I started showing you my gratitude. Connor: What'd you have in mind? [SCENE_BREAK] Jax: Hey, Lois. You ok? Lois: Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just nursing a cold, so I'll keep my distance. Ned: Hey. Is this seat taken? Lois: Ned, hi. Ned: Hey. Lois: Um -- what brings you here? Ned: Well, a little birdie called and told me you might need some company. Lois: So our little girl's taking care of me these days, huh? Ned: Well, I'm here to listen if you want to talk. Lois: There's nothing you can do. I made a huge fool out of myself over Lorenzo, and it's just come back to bite me. Ned: Lois, you could never make a fool of yourself. Lois: Ok, well, let's just say I hope to God I never make that mistake ever again. Ned: You know, I don't really like Alcazar -- you know that -- and I can't believe I'm actually going to say this, but I admire you for reaching out and trying to make this work. [SCENE_BREAK] Courtney: Hey. Sorry I'm late. Hey. Something came up. Jax: Oh, you know, Bridget told me that she's taking back her baby? Courtney: Yeah, I just had to go tell Jason and Sam. They're devastated, and to make it worse, Bridget claims that I'm the reason she changed her mind about the adoption. Jax: Oh, no, and you were just trying to help her get life back on track. Courtney: Yeah, which gave her the confidence to want to try and raise her child. Jax: I know that's not what you were aiming for. Courtney: Not at all. No, I mean, I wanted the adoption process to go smoothly and, well, now I wound up doing just the opposite. Jax: Well, Courtney, you can't blame yourself. I mean, you knew that Bridget was volatile. Courtney: Yeah, but Jax, I mean, you should've seen the look on Sam and Jason's faces. You know, they're still dealing with the death of Sam's baby, and now another one's being taken away. I mean, how much loss can anyone stand? [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: Right. Ok, all right, all right. I'll meet you there. Thank you. Ok, Jordan's meeting me at the Metro Court in 15 minutes. Sam: Do you think there are any legal grounds to keep Hope with us? Jason: Bridget has been in and out of trouble for years. She has no means of supporting this baby. Hopefully that's enough for Jordan to start building a case. Sam: Ok, Jason, I know you hated every minute of Sonny and Carly's custody fight, and then Alexis and Sonny, it got really ugly. I don't want to drag you into another one of those. Jason: You're not dragging me. I want what's best for Hope, and I really don't think that Bridget can take care of her baby. Sam: Thank you. Thank you so much for doing this. Jason: Sam, you need to be prepared, ok? We can go to court; we can have a strong case, but still might have to give up the baby. Sam: I know, I know, but maybe Bridget will change her mind yet again. Jason: Well, we'll know more once I've talked to Jordan. Sam: Ok. All right, I know why this is happening, and I think -- I think I know what I can to do to stop it. [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: Hey. Connor: Wow, those smell amazing. Emily: Well, wait until you taste them. They're from a special, secret recipe. Connor: I would think a girl like you wouldn't even know what the inside of a kitchen looked like. Emily: Well, the rest of my family was forbidden to enter the kitchen, but Cook always made an exception for me. When I was in high school, I used to spend hours in the kitchen learning how to cook and bake, and these chocolate chip cookies are my specialty. Connor: Well, then I guess I'd better try one. Emily: I wouldn't want to force you. Connor: I'm supposed to be practicing good manners right now, right? Emily: Right. Connor: Ok. Wow, these are great. I'll just put the plate over here and be polite and finish the rest of them later. Emily: Connor? Connor: What? Emily: You -- you got chocolate all over your face. Connor: Is it gone? Emily: Almost. Connor: Get it off. Emily: Right there. Connor: Is it over here? Emily: No. Whoa! What are you doing? Connor: I think it's pretty obvious what I'm doing. Emily: Ok, the only reason that I kissed you was to fool Helena. Connor: You sure about that? Emily: Of course I am sure! I have no romantic interest in you whatsoever! Connor: Oh, come on, you throw water on me to get my shirt off, bake me cookies, and then wipe chocolate off my face. Emily: Ok, that water was an accident! Connor: An accident? What was the rest of it, just showing your gratitude? Emily: Yeah, that's right. Connor: You know what I think? I think you're just feeling guilty because you was coming on to me. Emily: Ok, get this straight -- I am not attracted to you. If I sent you mixed messages, then I'm sorry. That was not my intention. But I am married, all right? I love Nikolas, and only him. Connor: Well, then you should keep your hands to yourself! Emily: No problem. Unfortunately, we're stuck here together, so I'm going to keep my distance. [Door slams] Connor: I got your -- [SCENE_BREAK] Elizabeth: Oh, Cam, I know you're hungry, honey, but Mommy forgot I have to go to the grocery store, and then I'll feed you -- hey. Lucky: Hey. Let me take those for you. Elizabeth: What are you -- oh, thanks. What are you doing here? Lucky: Well, you know -- Elizabeth: Say hi. Lucky: Being suspended from the force has given me a lot of time on my hands and a lot of time to think, and I find myself thinking about you and that kiss we shared. I just thought maybe I could, you know, walk you home. You know, help get Cameron settled, then maybe we can even order take-out from Eli's. Elizabeth: Ok. Lucky: I've missed you, Elizabeth. Elizabeth: I've missed you. [SCENE_BREAK] Ned: You always see the best in people, Lois. Lorenzo Alcazar wasn't worthy of you. But that's his fault, not yours. Lois: You're an amazing guy, you know? Ned: Wait a minute; I just gave you a compliment. Don't turn it around on me. Lois: I am serious. How many ex-husbands you know go nurse their former spouse through a broken heart that they didn't even cause? The answer is not many. Ned: Yeah. I care about you. I always will. Lois: Right back at ya. Thank you for not saying "I told you so." Ned: I remember when we fell in love, all the mistakes I made, how I hurt you, deceived you. But you always forgave me, Lois, always. And that enabled me to try again. And even when our marriage failed, you never became bitter or cynical. I hope, I pray to God you never will. [SCENE_BREAK] Steven: Ooh. Whoa. Carly, need help? Carly: Be my guest. Steven: Bad day? Carly: You don't even want to know. Steven: Why don't you try me? Carly: Ok, listen, you know what, it's true, I have been self-destructive in the past, all right? But come on, I'd just like just a little bit of credit because I've learned from my mistakes. It's not like I don't know the difference between a safe bet and a looming disaster. Steven: Ok. What sort of a looming disaster do you have in mind? Carly: Hmm. You see, that is just the point. I don't have it in mind, and I'm not going down that road again. End of discussion. Steven: This conversation's getting just a little cryptic for me, so I'm going to ask you if I might change the subject. Carly: Be my guest. Steven: I owe you my freedom, Carly. Today you truly saved my career, and I want to thank you. I want to thank you by taking you out for dinner and by taking you out for dancing. Carly: Oh, really? An actual date? Steven: Yeah. Carly: Hmm. Steven: Let's put it this way -- if the evening happens to be romantic, then I plan to take shameless advantage. Carly: Why not? Steven: Why not dinner or why not romance? Carly: Why not both? [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: We don't want to make Bridget the villain here. We just want to prove to the court that she's not capable of caring for Hope. Jordan: The law is clear. She has up to a full year to change her mind about putting the baby up for adoption. There's nothing I could do to force it through. Jason: Bridget has a history of emotional problems. Jordan: Yes, and a police record, which means there's a possibility that I can put the baby in your protective custody. Jason: We'll take what we can get. Jordan: But that's a long shot. And for it to work, you and Sam need to be above reproach and it's imperative that you don't do anything to cast doubt on your fitness as parents. [SCENE_BREAK] Courtney: Bridget? [Knock on door] Sam: It's not going to work. Courtney: What are you talking about? Sam: Well, you're the one who convinced Bridget to stop the adoption. You think that without the baby to hold us together, Jason and I are going to break up. You're wrong, Courtney. Jason and I are getting married. [NEXT_ON] Steven: if you're ready to move beyond friendship, then so am I. Emily: What happened? Connor: Nothing, nothing. Don't worry about it. Emily: You just blew up, Connor. You're out of control. Courtney: I know exactly what you're doing with Jason, and it's not going to work. Jordan: Courtney might be the best way for you to keep the baby. | Lucky admits he wants more with Liz. |
683 | Carrie: I cannot believe how many forms I had to fill out in human resources. I mean, at Highstyle, we tried to simplify that from day one so that new employees -- [Sighs] It doesn't matter. Highstyle doesn't exist anymore. Lucas: Look, Carrie, I think you'll find that Titan is just like a family, too. I'm telling you, you're gonna love working here. Come on. [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: Mmm, there you are, Carrie. Carrie: Lucas set me up with H.R., gave me a tour. Show her what we got going on in R.D., too. Victor: Well, first I'd like a few moments alone with our newest employee. Lucas: No problem. I'll see you in a few. Carrie: Mm-hmm. I'm really looking forward to working with you, Victor. Victor: Well, I hope I can say the same. Carrie: Is there a problem? Did Lucas hire me without your approval? Victor: [Chuckles] Nobody does anything at titan without my approval. Carrie, I know that you and Austin had begun seeing each other again before you realized that he was the raider that stole Highstyle out from under you. And we both know that Austin and Nicole and Sami have decided to pit their little start-up company in direct competition with Titan's cosmetic division. Carrie: What are you getting at? Victor: Well, I assume you still have feelings for Austin. You don't exactly have a history of being a corporate barracuda, even under the best of circumstances. So my question is this -- do you have what it takes to go after Austin Reed and Company? Lucas: [Sighs] Well, what are you doing here? [SCENE_BREAK] Austin: I'm sorry I didn't get back for dinner last night. Sami: That's all right. I probably put too much salt in it anyway. Austin: Well, I had no idea I'd be gone that long. Sami: But it's because of your mother, right? Austin: What? Sami: Well, you were having coffee with her, and then you came home, and then you got some mysterious text message, so you had to disappear for hours last night. It's because she told you to stay away from me, isn't it? Austin: No. Sami: Well, if she didn't, it's because she had too many other horrible things to say about me first. God, that woman is such a bitch. [SCENE_BREAK] Abe: I wish there was more I could do to help you, partner. Alex: What I'm going to do to your beloved, precious Doc is to cause her more pain and misery than she has ever suffered. John: [Sighs] [Clears throat] Abe: W-w-whoa, hey. Take it easy, John. John: And how am I supposed to do that, Abraham? Alex North murdered Lois Banks, and he has every intention of making Marlena his next victim. John: [Grunting] Alex: Aah! [SCENE_BREAK] Alex: Marlena is going to pay for what John did to me. And when she pays, he'll pay. Marlena: Belle, you need to follow your heart. Belle: No matter who that hurts. Alex: Oh! That's all I need right now is John and Marlena's whiny brat in there. Get rid of her, Marlena. Belle: I can't believe that you think that I should stop Shawn and Mimi's wedding. Marlena: That's not what I said. Belle: But you think that I should leave Philip to be with Shawn. Mom, what if I lost custody of Claire? If I was the one that broke up the marriage, I definitely would. Marlena: That would not happen. You would always have at least half custody. Belle: So my baby spends half of her life without her mother? Well, I guess that doesn't sound so crazy to you since you walked away from our family. Marlena: Belle, that's not true. You know that. I'm here for you. I will always be here for you. But I think you've got to follow your heart. We both know...your heart belongs to Shawn. Belle: Do you really love Alex that much? Is that why you left dad for him? Marlena: I do love Alex that much. He was my first love. I knew him before I ever even met your father, and we will renew our wedding vows. Belle: But I'm supposed to abandon mine? Marlena: Shawn was your first love, the same as Alex was mine. I'm saying to you, if you want to be with him, you have to act quickly before it's too late. Belle: Mom, it's already too late. I did everything I could. I told Shawn how I feel, and he told me that he won't take responsibility for breaking up my family and that I need to move on, so you see, I have no choice. Marlena: You always have a choice. Belle: So do you. I just wish that you would remember that you love dad and that you belong together before it's too late for you, too. Marlena: I'd like to remember my past, too. And I think when that happens, I will still choose Alex. Alex: I've done my work well. Belle: You can't mean that. Marlena: I do mean that. Alex was my first love, and I belong with him. And you and I both know where you belong. [SCENE_BREAK] Bonnie: I can't believe I snagged the world-famous Calliope Jones Bradford to plan my little girl's wedding. I can't wait to rub Kate's nose in it and then stick her with the bill to boot. [Laughs] Calliope: Well, you are very lucky. I don't like to brag, but, generally, I am booked two years in advance. It just so happens I was coming to Salem to do my very Dear Friend Marlena Evans' wedding, and I thought, "why not double my pleasure and my billable hours and kill two birds with one handful of rice?" Bonnie: What? [SCENE_BREAK] Mimi: Hey. Shawn D.: Hey. Mimi: How's your mom doing? Are we gonna have to postpone the wedding? Shawn D.: No. No, we don't have to change our plans, but my mom probably is not gonna be there. Mimi: What? Shawn D.: Yeah, she's leaving town, alone. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: Where are you, Fancy Face? Excuse me. I'm Detective Bo Brady, Salem P.D. I want to know if my wife is on this flight. Attendant: I'm sorry, Detective. I can't give you that information without a warrant or TSA approval. [SCENE_BREAK] Like sands through the hourglass, so are the Days of our Lives. [SCENE_BREAK] Abe: You know, you don't know that North is gonna kill Marlena. You certainly don't have any proof, any more than you have proof that he killed Lois Banks. John: Oh, come on, Abraham. He confessed to me. He gloated about what he did to Lois and what he's about to do to Doc, and then he dared me to come after him. Abe: And look at the state you're in. John: Well, can you blame me? Abe: Look...maybe that's North's whole intention. John: What the hell are you talking about, man? I'm not tracking with you. Abe: Maybe North's playing you. Maybe there's no truth in anything he said. [SCENE_BREAK] Belle: Yes, I love Shawn, but I also love Philip. Alex: Just make a decision, any decision, and get the hell out of there. Belle: He and Claire are my family. And Shawn's right. I can't hurt them.. Marlena: Do you think it hurts her to be in an unhappy marriage? Belle: Mom, if I leave Philip, what happens to Claire? You're a therapist. How is a divorce going to affect her? I mean, she would still have both of her parents, but I don't want her growing up in some kind of tug-of-war. I mean, look at Sami. She still blames every bad thing in her life on your divorce. Marlena: I know, I feel awful about that. I know it was so hard for her. Belle: Well, you'd think she'd gotten over it by now. Marlena: You know, there are studies that show that some children just never do get over a parents' divorce. Belle: I can't do that to Claire. Marlena: But there are also studies that show a child is more damaged being in a family that is desperately unhappy together. Belle: Oh, great, so it's a lose, lose for Claire. Marlena: No, no, no, no. It's not at all. It isn't. If Claire has lots of love and understanding and someone to talk to about her feelings whenever she wants, she could be just fine. Belle: She could be just fine. Marlena: Honey, honey. Gosh, there are no guarantees on this, you know? Belle: Still, I think Philip and I should just stay together. I mean, we love each other. Marlena: Not the way you love Shawn. Belle: No. The feelings that I have for Shawn are...deeper. Marlena: Don't you think you deserve to have that kind of love? And don't you think your daughter deserves it, too, because she sees her mother model it? Don't you think that's right for you? Belle: It's too late. Marlena: It's not too late unless you give up. But if you have to, you have to act fast. [SCENE_BREAK] [Door opens] Alex: Hello? Marlena: Oh, Alex. Hi. Alex: Hi. Hi, Belle. I didn't realize you were here. Why don't I put these in some water? I'll leave you two alone. Belle: I'm gonna get going. Marlena: Let me help. Let me help. Belle: Thanks. Marlena: Listen, you think about what I said, huh? Belle: I will. Marlena: Do you know what? Oh, I'm just so proud of the person that you are. I'm so proud of the way you always want to help people and put them before yourself. And right now, I am so ready for you to put yourself first. [SCENE_BREAK] Mimi: Your mom's leaving town? Calliope: Unh-unh-unh. No-o-O. No, no. The mother of the groom must be at the wedding. Shawn D.: Well, this one won't be. Calliope: That was just a reflex. Oh, I heard about your brother. Oh, my husband, Eug, still keeps in touch with Roman -- I mean, John -- and he told me how upset your mother is with your father. Shawn D.: Do I know you? Calliope: Well, my name's Calliope Jones Bradford. I'm the wedding planner. And I'm a former Salemite, and you must have heard of me. Shawn D.: No, no, but if you know so much about everything that's happened, you should know why my mother's leaving town. Calliope: Well, I'm glad you brought that up because I don't know much of anything anymore. I mean, Marlena and John are breaking up. Bo and Hope are breaking up. I mean, it's crazy around here. Well, it always was, actually, but... Shawn D.: Yes, you could probably say that, and I wish I knew why my parents were breaking up. I always figured they would be married forever. Mimi: Shawn, it's all gonna work out. Shawn D.: It's just -- it's strange that my parents' marriage is ending and ours is just beginning. Bonnie: It sure is a shame, all right. [Clears throat] But considering that you're not speaking with your father, I guess that's maybe two names we should cross off the list. Mimi: What? Let me see this list of yours. Calliope: And let me show you some new tuxedo styles. I put a lot of energy into the rear end of the groom because I feel that, that's what people are really looking at. All right, there's lace. But, no, the man's rear end is everything. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: Listen to me. I got to find my wife. Attendant: I'm sorry. Bo: Sorry doesn't help me. Pete: Is there a problem here? Bo: Pete, Joe. Joe: Detective Brady. We're so sorry about your son. Bo: Yeah, yeah, thanks. Listen, my wife is somewhere here in the airport, and I got to find her before she gets on a plane. But the problem is, I don't know where she's going, what airline she's on, so we got to split up and check all the gates. Listen, if you find her, give me a call on my cell. Joe: Okay, Detective. Bo: No matter what she says or does, don't let her get on a plane. [SCENE_BREAK] Hope: Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Austin: Don't talk about my mother like that. Sami: Look, Austin, I'm sorry, but, come on, you know she said worse things about me. Austin: Your name never even came up. Sami: Oh, yeah, and there really is a Tooth Fairy. Austin: You know, not everything revolves around you, Sami. Sami: I know that it doesn't. But it does for your mother. She has made it her life's mission to protect her sons from my evil clutches. Austin: Don't you think you're being a bit melodramatic? Sami: No, I don't. You've heard the lecture a million times, and you know it. You know what she did to keep me and Lucas apart. I wouldn't be surprised if she's lectured Philip about me, too. Austin: Well, Philip is happily married with a beautiful baby. The last thing my mother is concerned about is him falling prey to the evil Sami. Although she did seem concerned about him and Belle, and that's it. Sami: Why? Austin: I don't know. I was talking about how happy he is, and she said nothing's a sure thing and changed the subject. Sami: She knows something. Or she's done something to my sister. Austin: I doubt it. Sami: I don't. I don't doubt it for a second. Austin: Well, whatever it is, Sami, it's none of our business unless Belle and Philip make it ours. Let's get to work, please. [SCENE_BREAK] Carrie: You're right, Victor. I don't have a reputation for being a Barracuda, but I recently learned firsthand from someone very close to me how to be totally ruthless and heartless when it comes to business. Victor: Austin. Carrie: So, the answer to your question is yes. I'll do whatever I have to, to prove myself in this job. Victor: Welcome to Titan. Glad to have you aboard. [SCENE_BREAK] Kate: I'm here to discuss something with Victor. Lucas: Well, he's busy right now, introducing Carrie to the firm. Kate: Oh, I didn't realize she was starting so soon. Lucas: Oh, yeah, she is. We'll be working together, side by side. It'll solidify the feelings she's starting to have for me. Kate: I hope so, for your sake. Lucas: Well, for your sake, I hope you remember what we discussed -- about you staying out of my business with Carrie and stop trying to throw her into Austin's arms, or I'll make sure you never see your grandson again. Kate: I do. I already talked to Austin about backing off. Lucas: Well, good. Thank you. That's a start. Kate: Yes, yes, it is a start, because you're my son and I love you and I want you to be with a woman who loves you as much as you love her, not someone who will lie to you and betray you the way... Lucas: The way you made it seem like Sami had? Kate: Or the way Carrie hurt Austin when she went off with Mike Horton. [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: Kate, what are you doing here? Kate: I need to talk to you. Lucas: Well, I'll go, then, start getting Carrie familiar with our other projects. Victor: Good. I'm very busy, Kate. What's so important you couldn't call? Kate: I need your advice about this situation with Alex and Marlena and John. Victor: My advice is very simple -- stay the hell out of it. [SCENE_BREAK] Shawn D.: You know, really, whatever Mimi decides, it's fine. I don't care. I'm sure she'll make great decisions. Calliope: That is exactly the wrong attitude. The reason that Calliope Jones Bradford's weddings are so successful is that I really care and take into consideration your preferences. It is very important for me that it reflects you and the bride so that it is a bringing together of two people in love as one. Now, look at the hors d'oeuvres. Mimi: Mom, you forgot to put Belle and Philip on the list. Bonnie: I didn't forget. It was intentional. Mimi: Okay, Belle and Philip have to be at the wedding. They're the Best Man and Matron of Honor. Bonnie: If you insist. Mimi: I do. Bonnie: Well, then, let's hope it's your wedding and not your funeral. [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock on door] Shawn D.: I'll get it. I'll get it, I got it. Belle: Hi. Shawn D.: Belle, hi. Mimi: I'm glad you came over, Belle. We're planning the wedding. Calliope Jones Bradford, this is Belle Kiriakis, my Matron of Honor. Calliope: You are Marlena and John's little girl? Belle: Uh, yeah, I am. Calliope: Oh, my, you are all grown up. What do they put in the water here? You are so beautiful. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Whose side are you on, man? Abe: Damn it. John: What? Abe: I'm on your side. What if North confessed to bait you? What if he made up everything to get you to attack him so he could file for that restraining order and keep you away from Marlena once and for all? John: It wasn't a lie. Come on, Abe. I've been around the block once or twice. The confession was real and so is the danger to Marlena. I don't give a damn about that restraining order. I'm not gonna let him get away with what he's done or what he is about to do. [SCENE_BREAK] Alex: I'll just put these down over here, and I'll be out of your way. Where's -- where's Belle? Marlena: Oh, she had to go. Alex: Oh, I certainly hope it wasn't on my account. Marlena: No, no, not at all. Oh, those are so beautiful. I love Vernaculas. Alex: Oh, thank you. Yeah. Um...so, how did things go with the wedding planner? Is she as good as the magazines say she is? Marlena: [Chuckles] You know, Calliope knows me so well. She could plan the entire wedding with no help from me and it would be perfect. Hmm. Alex: Well, as I said before, when I hired her, I had absolutely no idea that the two of you were friends. Marlena: Yeah, we were pretty close, I guess. Alex: Does that mean that she is yet another advocate for you to choose John instead of me? Marlena: Well, she did put in her two cents. Alex: Yes, on my dime. Marlena: Oh, you. Don't you worry, baby. I set her straight. Alex: Well, thank you. Marlena: You're welcome. I think there must have been something pretty special about that relationship with John. So many people want us back together. Alex: Does this mean that you're having second thoughts about renewing your vows with me? [SCENE_BREAK] Joe: Yes, I understand. Absolutely. Bo: Well? Joe: The TSA gave you clearance to board any flight before it takes off to search for your wife. Bo: Which one is leaving next? Joe: Right there, but, but...you can't delay the departure. [SCENE_BREAK] Carrie: The money that Titan threw away on these ridiculous products would have kept Highstyle going for over a year. [Sighing] Oh. Lucas: True. The companies are dramatically different. Don't -- don't do this, all right? Don't do this to yourself. Carrie: [Sighs] I can't help it. Lucas: Look, I'm gonna show you something that I'm really excited about, okay? For every bad idea, we have 10 terrific products in development. Carrie: [Thinking] "This is the beginning of our life together and nothing in the world could make me happier." [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: If you hadn't meddled in Sami and Lucas' lives, she would have never been disguised as Stan and working for Tony DiMera. She wouldn't have wreaked havoc on a half a dozen lives. In fact, Philip might still have his leg. Kate: What the hell are you talking about? Victor: Tony would have never even kidnaped him if Sami hadn't agreed to work for him. Kate: How dare you say that to me? You hate Sami just as much as I do. Have you forgotten that she tried to kill you? She's hurt every man I've ever loved. Now she's after Austin, again. [SCENE_BREAK] Austin: Can you hand me the revised projections, please? Sami: Um, yeah. Here you go. Austin: Oh, and can you -- can you check the arithmetic on this? Sami: Nicole gets to travel the world, wining and dining future investors, and I have to sit here and double-check your math. Austin: Nicole's an asset to our company and so are you. Like I said, you both have your -- well, different strengths and weaknesses. Sami: And my strengths are assisting you with arithmetic? Austin: Among other things. Sami: So what are my weaknesses? Austin: Let's see. You're easily distracted, and you're too damn nosy. Now let's finish the projections. Sami: That is not true. I am not easily distracted, and I am not nosy. Austin: No? Sami: No, I'm working hard. I'm slaving away, sweating, steam. I mean, it's killing me here. [SCENE_BREAK] Calliope: The last time I saw you, you were just a little dot of a thing, and now you're all grown up and married with a little girl all your own. How come I didn't do the wedding? Belle: Oh, um, it happened really quickly. Calliope: I guess so. From the letters and the pictures that your mother sent me, I thought for sure that you were gonna be the one that ended up with Shawn. It's so funny. [SCENE_BREAK] [Phone ringing] Abe: There you are. You know, if you violate that restraining order, North's gonna have you thrown in jail. John: Yeah. And if I don't, he makes good on his threat and he kills Marlena. Abe: Well, not necessarily. Think about it. You know, if that's what he was planning, if he really killed Lois Banks, why would he confess to you? I mean, it doesn't make any sense. He'd have to be crazy. John: Exactly. And that's what makes him so damn dangerous. [SCENE_BREAK] Alex: Are you having second thoughts? Marlena: No. No. You are the man I love. You always will be. I mean, I do have an occasional fleeting thought of John, but I don't know. It doesn't mean a thing to me. Alex: I know, I'm sorry. Marlena: Well... [Sighs] You know, people said that we were...so much in love. They wanted us back together. He was a wonderful husband, wonderful father. I [Chuckles] I don't know that person. Alex: Neither of us do. Whoever John was back then is certainly not the same man now. Marlena: No, he's not. Now he's controlling, obsessive. Even viole-- [Gasps ] Oh, my gosh. Alex, what happened? Alex: Nothing, it'll only make you more upset. Marlena: It was John, wasn't it? John did that to you. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: Hope, are you here? Flight Attendant: May I help you? Bo: I'm looking for my wife. Hope! Fa-- excuse me, pardon me. Fancy Face? Hey, Fancy Face. What are -- Flight Attendant: Let go of me. Bo: I-I-I apologize. I thought you were somebody -- somebody else. Hope! Damn it. Excuse me, pardon me. Flight Attendant: Sir! Pilot: In preparation for takeoff on this evening's flight to Morgan Island, where the temperature is currently a balmy 81 degrees, please make sure your seat belts are buckled. [SCENE_BREAK] Kate: Look, I didn't come here to argue with you, all right? [Sighs] It was generous of you to offer Carrie a position in Lucas' division. Victor: It wasn't charity. Carrie's got a lot of potential, as long as Lucas' feelings for her don't interfere with their working together as a team. Kate: Mmm, it's that obvious, huh? Victor: Blatantly. Lucas has good business instincts, but when his heart gets involved, he goes soft, like when he backed off raiding Highstyle when he found out it was Carrie's company. Now, he's gonna deny that, of course, but, I guarantee you, that's why Austin was able to snap it up. Kate: Yes, and he did it, and he broke Carrie's heart, and now she's never going to forgive him. Victor: Then she's a fool. Personal is personal. Business is business. Nothing ever came of mixing the two. Austin made a good business decision -- the same one I would have made. Kate: Well, he would never have made that decision if he knew that Carrie was the CEO. Victor: I wouldn't be so sure. Kate: He's not as ruthless as you are, Victor. Victor: Well, I like to think of it as strong. And if he intends to make a success of his little company, he's gonna have to get a lot stronger, otherwise he's never gonna be a major player, which is fine with me. Kate: I want to see him successful, but I also want to see him happy, and I want him to have love in his life. Those are two things that are missing from yours. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucas: What are you reading there? Uh...I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to see this. I had no idea it was in there. Carrie: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be nosy. I didn't know what it was until I read it. Lucas: No, it's fine. I was gonna give it to Sami on our wedding night. A wedding that never happened. Why don't I show you the files of the products we're developing? Carrie: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Austin: If these budget projections hold up, the second and third quarter are going to be amazing. Sami: Yeah, yeah, I think they are. Austin: Great job. We make a terrific team. Sami: I think so, too. Austin: Yeah. Hey. What's this cuff link? It's not mine. Sami: Oh, I guess it must be Lucas'. Austin: Lucas'? Sami: Yeah, he stopped by last night. Austin: So, is he -- he trying to get back together with you? Sami: No. No, definitely not. He, um, just wanted to talk to me about Will. Austin: So why did he leave his cuff link on the floor? Sami: I don't know. I guess it just must have fallen off. He made it clear that he has absolutely no romantic interest in me and that his heart is with Carrie, and she said that -- oh...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. Austin: What did she say? Sami: Oh, come on, Austin. You told me not to be nosy. Austin: No, I'm serious. What did she say? [SCENE_BREAK] Austin: I'm waiting, Sami. Tell me what Carrie said. Sami: Look, Austin, you really don't -- Austin: Will you just tell me what Carrie said, please? Sami: Okay, all right. She said that she doesn't want to be with you again, ever. She said that she doesn't have those feelings for you anymore, and she never will. But, Austin, she was really upset, okay? I don't think she even knew what she was saying. Austin: You're right. Sami: Yeah, well [Clears throat] I think she's gonna get over it eventually. But based on the way Carrie and Lucas were acting last night, I wouldn't be surprised if the next wedding we go to in Salem will be theirs. [SCENE_BREAK] Carrie: It's all very impressive, but it's a lot to absorb. Lucas: Yeah, yeah, it is. You know, what do you say we forget the files? We put them away, and I don't know about you, but I'm starving. Let's go grab some dinner or something. Carrie: Great, I'll just pick up my notes, and we can continue talking about these products. Lucas: Actually, we won't be needing those notes. This isn't a business dinner. I'm asking you out on a date. [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: If I seem unhappy, it's because of your insistence that I not tell Shawn that he's Claire's father. Kate: Shh! Would you be quiet? Someone could hear you. Victor: Well, maybe it's about time somebody did. Shawn has a right to know he has a child. Kate: [Groans] Shawn and Mimi are in love, and they're getting married, and no good would come of telling anyone right now. Philip's wife and child mean the world to him. If you take them away from him, then you take his life away from him. Is that what you want? Victor: Of course not. I don't want to hurt Philip any more than he's already been hurt, but it doesn't make keeping this secret right, either. Kate: Hmm, just think of it as a business decision, Victor. Victor: But it's not a business decision, Kate. It's extremely personal. [SCENE_BREAK] Calliope: So, are you happy with this Philip? Belle: Um, yeah, very, yes. We have a beautiful baby girl. Bonnie: They sure do. And she's the spitting image of her daddy. Belle: Um, actually, I like to think she takes a little after me, too. Bonnie: Of course she does, sweetie. She has your chin. Anyway, they are very happy, as are Mimi and Shawn, whose wedding you are being paid to plan. Right? Mimi: Right. Bonnie: Right. [SCENE_BREAK] Marlena: Tell me. John did this to you, didn't he? Alex: Yes. Marlena: Why? Alex: Who knows why John does anything? But there was no provocation on my part, believe me. He just saw me and assaulted me. Marlena: Oh, my gosh. I'm so sorry. Alex: Why, why, why, why? It's not your fault. Marlena: I feel like it is. I feel like it is, but you know what? Pretty soon, we're gonna renew our vows and then he's going to understand...that he has to stay away from us, that we belong together. Alex: You're right. It'll all be over soon. [SCENE_BREAK] Abe: You know...getting drunk isn't gonna help. John: I'm not getting drunk, Abraham. I'm expanding my mind. Abe: Well, you can't violate that restraining order. John: Not only will I violate that restraining order, I'm gonna kill Alex North. I will put my own life on the line if that's what it's gonna take to keep Marlena safe. [SCENE_BREAK] [Indistinct conversations] Hope: [Thinking] Goodbye, Zack. Goodbye, Bo. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: Hey. Joe: Did you find your wife? Bo: No, she wasn't on that plane. What's the next one out? Joe: Everything else leaving tonight's already left the gates. Bo: To where? Joe: We have flights going all over the world. She could be anywhere right now. Bo: Damn it. Hey, did you find her? Joe: Sorry, Detective. Bo: Hell. [SCENE_BREAK] Pete: Detective Brady. Bo! Joe: If he gets on his bike that angry, he could wind up killing himself.. Pete: Something tells me he wouldn't care. [SCENE_BREAK] Sami: Let's just ignore the fact that Carrie and Lucas are on a date. Austin: What makes you think they're on a date? [SCENE_BREAK] Lucas: It looks like Sami and Austin are on a date, too. [SCENE_BREAK] Person: Love is gonna find you while you're on this island. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: Billie! | Lucas asks Carrie out on a dinner date |
684 | Krystal: Thanks for stopping by so early, Stuart. Adam: [As Stuart] No problem. What do you want me to paint today? Krystal: Um -- the trim around the fireplace could use another coat. Adam: Ok. [Krystal's voice] How long are we going to play this game, Adam? Adam: High-gloss or semigloss? [Adam's voice] You know it's me, Krystal. Just admit it. Krystal: Whatever you think is best. [Krystal's voice] This is pathetic. You'd think a couple of grownups like us could know how to have an honest conversation without pretending to be somebody else. Maybe that's our problem -- growing up. Adam: You look real nice today, Krystal [Adam's voice] I want you. We belong together. And I know you feel the same way. Krystal: Thank you. [Krystal's voice] Why do I keep punishing myself? Why don't I just tell him to leave? Adam: Adam told me that you two spent some time together last night. Krystal: I hope he also told you that it's never going to happen again. [SCENE_BREAK] Tad: Hi. Woman: Hi. Tad: Um -- feel like a game? Woman: Sure, if you'll teach me. I'm not very good. Hannah: You can say that again, sweetie. Tad: Ok, well, then I think this is the part where I rack them. Woman: I've got a better idea. Why don't -- why don't I let you buy me a drink? Hannah: Here, honey -- let me show you how it's done. [Hannah kisses Tad] [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: Hey. Zach: Hey. J.R.: Nice of you to show up. Zach: Some of us have jobs, deadlines. Ring a bell? J.R.: I told you, I'm working on Greenlee. Zach: Mm-hmm. Last I heard, she still owns 50% of Fusion, she's not at home dreaming of little babies. Did I back the wrong horse? J.R.: I said I'd take care of it. Zach: When? J.R.: If I push her too hard and too soon, she's never going to take the bait. Zach: She already has, Junior. Already has. [SCENE_BREAK] Greenlee: Oh, I am so happy you're home. I need someone to talk to. Jack: What's wrong? Greenlee: Well, I -- I have some decisions to make, huge, life-changing, "the world will never be the same" kind of decisions. Jack: And you come to me? Greenlee: Yes, funny. Jack: Well, unexpected, to say the least. Greenlee: Well, I'm trying something new for once, Jack. I'm -- I'm going to ask first before I go blundering full speed ahead. So I need -- I need some advice and some words of wisdom. I need my dad. Jack: Well, here I stand before you. What can I do? Greenlee: I'm thinking of having a baby. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: Oh, Mother, you are back from Paris. So was it just amazing? Erica: It was great, honey. I'm so glad to see you. Kendall: Oh, good, good. So? Erica: It was wonderful. Kendall: It was? Erica: Oh, yes. Kendall: Oh, good, good. Erica: The food, the shopping. Kendall: Yes. Erica: Oh, and Bianca is absolutely wonderful, and she -- whoopsy! -- let's take that with us -- she sends her love to you, too. Hello, handsome. Kendall: Oh, and -- and there's Spikey, and Miranda? [Spike babbles] Erica: Miranda -- yes, we're going to bring that right to you. Kendall: Oh, here you go. Erica: Miranda is so good. Kendall: Good, good. Erica: Beautiful as ever. Kendall: Oh, I'm sure, I'm sure. So, I want details, and I want pictures, I expect pictures. Erica: I have plenty of pictures. Kendall: Great. Erica: And, Kendall, if you think you conned me about Greenlee, you forgot who your mother is. You're still planning to go after her, aren't you? Kendall: Mother, you are always so paranoid when you're jet-lagged. Erica: Don't change the subject. Kendall: Have you seen Ian yet? I mean, he is so big now. Erica: Yes, the hospital was the first stop I made when I got off the plane. Kendall: Yeah, I'm always just so amazed by -- by his size. It's unbelievable. Erica: I know, it's amazing. But this won't work, Kendall. Kendall: Do you want some tea? Erica: I want some truth. Kendall: Do you want honey or lemon? Erica: Unsweetened, if I may. A few weeks ago, I got a phone call from Bianca begging me to come to Paris because, all of a sudden, she missed me. Kendall: Well, of course, she did. We all do. Erica: Please. Uh -- fabulous as we all know I am, the urgency was just a little bit over-the-top. Kendall: Ok, Mother, come on. [Spike babbles] Kendall: Yes. I agree -- I agree with you. Erica: And it just so happened to coincide with exactly that same day when you promised that you were done with Greenlee -- no more plots, no more plans to attack her. Kendall: Yes, and I meant that. Erica: No, you didn't. I mean, it took a while, but Bianca finally told me that you -- oh, how was this so delicately put? -- You wanted to get me out of your hair. Kendall: No, I -- I'm sure that she didn't say that, Mom. Erica: Yeah, she did. Bianca's worried about you, too, honey. Kendall: Well, you don't have to be. I'm fine. Erica: I wish I could believe that. Kendall: Well, then I guess she told you about Spike -- how he may not be able to have the cochlear implant. Erica: Well, going after Greenlee is really not going to have any bearing on that. Kendall: But, Mom, this is not just about Spike. Greenlee told me that she wants to have a child and raise our -- our children together, like we're all supposed to be some big happy, crazy family. Erica: What? Kendall: Yes. I know -- exactly. It's like she's living in this fantasy land where she's creating siblings for Spike. Now, if that isn't proof that she's dangerous and delusional, then I don't know what is. [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: Greenlee's been talking to a fertility expert. J.R.: We have her on an emotional cliff, and we put her there. So tell me, Zach -- are we going to give her her "happily ever after"? Zach: No, we're not. J.R.: So it was a fake, this whole egg thing was a bunch of BS? Why didn't you tell me before? I could've bluffed her a little better, at least gotten her hopes up some more. Zach: You really have no conscience, huh? J.R.: I never thought about having one, especially when it comes to giving somebody what they deserve, and that's how this whole thing got started, right? Zach: It's a means to an end. You get your money, my wife gets some peace of mind. J.R.: And Greenlee gets a big armload of squat. This was your plan, Slater. As much as I hate to admit it, I am in awe of how you put this whole thing together. Zach: Junior -- wipe that smile off your face. Greenlee's going to lose her dreams. Doesn't mean we have to enjoy it. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: Now, you want a child. Greenlee: No, don't freak out on me, Jack. Jack: No, I -- I'm not freaking out at all, I just -- Greenlee: What, you -- you think it's stupid? Jack: No, I didn't -- I didn't say that. But -- has something changed? Have you seen a doctor? Greenlee: No, I -- I still can't carry a child, but, well, surrogacy is still an option. Say something. Tell me I'm nuts, tell me to leave town again. Get a life, get a grip -- something! Jack: Actually none of those things were going through my mind. Greenlee: But you think I don't have a right to children after what I've done. Is that it? Is that what you're thinking, Jack? [SCENE_BREAK] [Music plays at The Comeback] Hannah: That's how you show them you mean it. Singer: And while you're thinking of me because I've heard all those words before ♪ Tad: Nice -- oh, nice. Hannah: Yeah. Well, I'm sorry. I just can't stand incompetence in any area. Tad: Huh. Just for the record, I thought she was doing pretty good. Hannah: I thought she was bothering you. Tad: Uh, well, you know, just so you know, while you're out there tinkering with my social life, it's been so long since I was bothered, I forgot what it felt like. Hannah: You? Tad: Yeah. Hannah: I thought you were bothered by women professionally. Tad: Yeah, well, don't want to brag. On the other hand, you can't believe everything you read on a bathroom wall. Hannah: Oh. So, some of it has to be true. Tad: All of it, once upon a time. But not since the world was cooling and certainly not since Jenny showed up on the scene. Hannah: Hmm. So you, Krystal, and your daughter -- one happy, modern family? Tad: Oh, yeah. We're just thrilled. [SCENE_BREAK] Krystal: Being with Adam was a mistake. Adam: [As Stuart] But if two people love each other -- Krystal: Nothing about Adam and me was ever simple, and now it's just a million times more complicated. Adam: But you were with him last night. Krystal: One night. One night does not fix everything, no matter what Adam thinks. Adam: You broke Adam's heart when you came back here to Tad. Krystal: Well, Adam lost every right he had to ever be jealous. Adam: But you -- you were engaged to Tad and you live with Tad and -- and you've had a daughter with Tad. Krystal: Adam needs to know I don't love Tad -- not like that. Adam: That's good. That's good, and you once said that you -- you would never want to love Adam again. Now, do you still -- I mean, do you -- do you still feel that you'd never want to love Adam again? Krystal: Adam and me -- hmm. That man just fills me with -- I don't know, a -- a fire that is just so damn hard to put out. Being with him reminds me that I'm not just a mother, a friend, a boss. I'm a woman. And nobody can bring that out but Adam. Adam: [As Stuart] You make Adam a better man. Krystal: But my being with Adam hurts people, people that I care about, people who are important to me. Adam: But you can't just throw away the love of your life. And he is, isn't he? Krystal: I can't -- I can't be that selfish. I hope to God that I am never that selfish again. [Machine buzzes] Krystal: I'm going to get the laundry. Adam: Huh. [SCENE_BREAK] Erica: Why on earth would Greenlee be talking about children? Kendall: Yeah, the possibilities are scary, aren't they? Help me. Please, Mom, help me. You are the only one who knows what I'm doing. Erica: Talk to me. Kendall: I have been laying down clues and proof that Greenlee is unstable and that she's capable of doing something very dangerous, but the problem is, I'm right. She actually does have some sort of a crazy plan, some sort of an agenda, and I have no idea what it is, but I am quite sure that it involves me and Spike. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: As your father, I will tell you that I think you will make a good mother. Greenlee: You do? Jack: I do. I mean, I think you'd be untraditional and unconventional, but let me tell you something -- the one thing I have never doubted about you is your capacity to love. You know? I just want you to be happy. I want you to have the life that you want to have. And I think most of all, I want you to be able to move on, move on from the mess that happened with Kendall and Ryan. And I think maybe one of the best ways to do that is to start a family of your own. Greenlee: Thank you. Jack: Oh, oh, oh. Greenlee: Oh. [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: Oh, come on, Zach. You just about lost it there, didn't you? Zach: Don't push me. Please don't. I called you here today, because I was going to tell you something, but maybe you don't need to know everything. J.R.: What else is there? Zach: Someone's trying to cut you out. Wouldn't that suck -- you're doing all this work, and you end up with nothing? J.R.: Wait, wait. Who's trying to cut me out? Greenlee? She can't do that. She's got nowhere to go for the goods. Zach: I wouldn't be too sure about that. [SCENE_BREAK] [Aidan sighs] Aidan: Firewall. That's right, Slater. Someone's knocking at your door. [SCENE_BREAK] Greenlee: But you don't think this is a total crazy idea? Jack: I'll tell you what I think. I think -- I think I overstepped my bounds when you wanted to have a child before. I mean, I was doing what I thought was right for you, but it was not my place to interfere in your decisions. I do think that you will make a wonderful mother one day. I mean, you're filled with spirit and passion and intelligence. I'm going to bet that your children are going to get all those things and much, much more. [Jack chuckles] Greenlee: And maybe they'll get Ryan's smile. Jack: Yeah. Ryan? Greenlee: Yeah. Um -- well, that's the part I haven't told you yet, Jack. My embryos that I thought were destroyed in the blackout -- they weren't. I can have the baby I've always wanted. [SCENE_BREAK] [Music plays] Aidan: Oh. Bollocks. Tad: [English accent] Hello, darling. Would you care for a crisp? Aidan: It's not a crisp -- it's a chip. Tad: Oh -- would you like a chip? Aidan: No, thanks. Tad: [Normal voice] What are you doing? Working hard or hardly working? Aidan: Just some personal business. Tad: Oh. I see. Well, if you want my limited experience, then you know where I'll be. Aidan: Cheers, mate. Tad: Yeah. Cheers. Singer: Has me free in the dawn ♪ Aidan: Another firewall bites the dust. Singer: As to see as a humble ♪ Tad: Ok, so I'll make you a deal. I promise not to rat you out for playing hooky if you let me go all out with this ketchup. Hannah: Go for it. Tad: Ha-ha. Hannah: Right now -- work, bad, condiments, good. Tad: Yeah -- martinis, apparently -- [Hannah chuckles] Tad: Very good. What's up? Hannah: I had a meeting this morning that didn't go as well as I planned. Tad: Hmm. I have a hard time believing that. From what I hear about you, doesn't everybody just sort of snap to and do whatever you want? Hannah: Hmm, I wish. No, today I got a big reminder that I am not always in charge. Tad: Really? Hannah: Yeah. Tad: We got that in common. I had a reality check this morning myself -- kind of a shock to the system. Hannah: Hmm. Bring on the ketchup. [Hannah chuckles] Tad: Just when you think you've got your own private little utopia, you find out it's not so utopian after all Hannah: Yeah, welcome to my world. Tad: And all because there's one man out there I'd like to beat down into nothing. Hannah: Well, when you're finished with your beatdown, can you give me a hand with mine? [SCENE_BREAK] [Jenny cries] Adam: [As Stuart] Maybe this will quiet you down. [Rock music plays] [Crying] [Soft music plays] Adam: Yeah. Ok? Huh? [Jenny whimpers] Adam: No? No, nothing? Singer: Not be swept away ♪ Adam: Um -- well, maybe um -- Singer: I tried ♪ Adam: You can -- Singer: Somehow you overtake me ♪ Adam: Here. All right. All right. Singer: Somehow you ♪ Adam: All right. Hi. Uh -- hi. Singer: Somehow you ♪ Adam: Oh. Singer: Overtake me ♪ Adam: Well, this is -- I've imagined this moment, oh, about a thousand times since you became jenny. Even back when you were Charlotte. Singer: Oh ♪ [Jenny cries] Adam: Oh, ok. It's all right. [Music stops] Krystal: Stop it. Stop it right there. [SCENE_BREAK] Erica: Honey, I'm just afraid that your plan to stop Greenlee is too dangerous -- for you, for the boys. I think you have to give it up. Kendall: No, I can't. I won't. Erica: Please, honey. It won't do you any good. Kendall: I lied to Greenlee. I reeled her in, I brought her close, but I kept the truth from her. And I know, I know that Greenlee is hiding something from me -- I am sure of it. I mean, all of this talk about babies, having them and raising them? I don't know -- maybe she's talking about her own, maybe she's talking about mine. Somehow, it's always about me. Erica: I know. But your life has become all about Greenlee, too. Kendall: That's not true. [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: We're going to grind Greenlee up and, you know, why shouldn't I be happy about it? I mean, she's been blowing me off. Zach: I told you about that smile -- don't enjoy yourself too much. J.R.: Why? Aren't you? I mean, think about this for a second -- when Greenlee realizes she's given up the baby Fusion for a fake baby Lavery, she's going to fall apart. I mean, clearly nobody's given her the "life has moved on" memo. Ryan's moved on. I mean -- I think about this, and it's pathetic. I mean, it's worse -- it's stupid. I really don't even know which one cracks me up -- ah! Zach: You just don't know when to stop, do you? [J.R. groans as Zach holds his ear] J.R.: Ah. [Zach sighs] J.R.: I'm glad to know your tripwire is set. Snip, snip. What, the great avenger is getting second thoughts, getting a conscience? What happened, Zach? Where'd you go? You know, "action" used to be your middle name. It's getting sad. Zach: Did you ever have a moment of what we grownups call "responsibility," Junior? J.R.: Oh, you mean guilt? Um -- not usually, no. Zach: No, huh? That's the reason you'll never be on top. J.R.: And one of the reasons why I'm here is, because I owe Kendall for what I did to her. Zach: What you did to Kendall is almost kill her. You sure you're going to bring this up right now? J.R.: There was one point where Kendall used to come to me for help. That's before you started fighting for her. Zach: I fight so Kendall doesn't have to. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: My life is so much more than Greenlee. Erica: So, no second thoughts? Kendall: None. Erica: No wondering what will happen when this is finished? Kendall: Greenlee will be gone. Erica: And what about you? Kendall: I can raise my boys. Erica: From prison? Kendall: Mother, I know what you're trying to do. Erica: I am simply trying to make sure that you understand exactly -- Kendall: Yes, I -- I know all about consequences, ok? I offered to give my -- my body, to carry a child for Greenlee. And what did she do with my sacrifice? She throws it in my face and leaves town. So I move on with my life, and she swoops back in and tries to take my child. I give her a second chance, she puts him in the hospital. Erica: I know. Kendall: All right, I am done with Greenlee. I am done worrying about her, I am done caring. Erica: Then that's good. Be done with Greenlee. Kendall: Sometimes it feels impossible. Sometimes I wake up and I wonder if things could work out with Greenlee. And then I look at Spike, and I call out to him, and I remember that he can't hear me. And then I think of every single thing that she's done to my family and everything that my family has lost. Erica: Honey. I just want to be sure that you don't lose anything more. Maybe -- maybe this is a sign that you're supposed to move on. Kendall: Am -- am I risking too much? Maybe. Could this change Greenlee's life forever? Yes. Could this affect everyone that I care about? Definitely. Definitely. So, yes, of course, I have second thoughts. But then I think about Greenlee babbling, talking about kids, talking about creating a brother or a sister for Spike, and I remind myself that she's not going one-on-one with me. She's going after the kids -- my kids, Ryan's kids. I have to stop her, Mom. It has to be now, maybe even today. Erica: So there's no changing your mind? Kendall: Not a chance. Erica: You fight for your babies the same way I fight for mine -- Kane women. Kendall: Strong women. Erica: You let me help you. Kendall: No, but you -- you said you don't want me to do this. Erica: I can help you. I can find out if Greenlee actually does have a plan. Kendall: How are you going to do that? Erica: Don't you worry. Because if Greenlee has any intention of hurting you in any way, I'll put an end to it. Kendall: Spikey. It's awful what I'm going to do to Greenlee. I loved her so much, just like you'll love your baby brother Ian -- like family. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: You still want to have Ryan's child? Greenlee: No, no -- this isn't about Ryan, Jack. Jack: Greenlee, how the hell can it not be about Ryan? Greenlee: Those were my embryos, my dreams, my life that was taken away from me. Jack: But you're never going to have that life, even if you had those children. Greenlee: But I never had the chance to try. My dream was taken from me against my will, no options, no choices. I'm not letting Zach take anything from me again. Jack: All right, so let's go after Zach, let's file charges, let's prosecute. Greenlee: No, no, you can't say anything, no police. Jack: And why would that be? Greenlee: Hurting Zach hurts Kendall. Jack: Ah. Greenlee: And I've already hurt Kendall way too much, so I can't do it. Even if it means I have to hate Zach in silence, it's what I'll do. Jack: Ok. Greenlee: Jack, you -- you told me you wanted me to move on with my life. It's what I'm doing. This baby isn't about the past, it's about the future. Jack: You really believe that? Greenlee: Yes, yes, I honestly do, but I need your word. You can't say anything. Jack: If you can tell me that this is what you really want -- Greenlee: Look, I've done some really stupid things in the past, and I've kept you out of things. I don't want to do that again. So can I count on you? Jack: Hey! Erica: Hi. What's going on here? Jack? Jack: Well, um -- nothing. A little father/daughter chat. Greenlee: And what a great father I have. But I was just leaving, so -- Jack: Oh, ok, baby. Greenlee: Thank you. Jack: You bet. We'll talk more about this later, ok? Greenlee: Bye, Erica. Erica: Bye. [Door closes] Erica: Well, so now that your daughter's gone, you going to tell me the truth? [SCENE_BREAK] [Music plays] [Phone rings] Aidan: Greenlee, hi. Greenlee: Hey. How's it going? Did you find anything yet? Aidan: I'm just working on the backdoor into Cambias Industries. Greenlee: Well, can you do it? Aidan: I think so. If those documents that J.R. gave you are real, we should find them, and we'll find something in Slater's files. Greenlee: Want some company while you work? Aidan: I was just about to ask. Greenlee: Great minds. Aidan: Why don't you bring your great and sexy mind down here to The Comeback, baby? [SCENE_BREAK] Colby: Can I get a regular with a double chili fry to go? Singer: Will you be my favorite ♪ Dre: Whew. Ren can sure pack it away, huh? Singer: Is that pure love and the dream right through? ♪ Dre: Cool? Singer: Lose your way ♪ Colby: Yeah. There's just some funky things going on in my house. [SCENE_BREAK] Krystal: Why are you here? Adam: [As Stuart] You know why. Why, do -- do I have to say it? Krystal: No. No, don't. Adam: I hate it when you look so sad. Adam -- Adam wouldn't -- wouldn't want to see you so upset. He would -- he would hate it, because he loves you. Krystal: Stop it. Just -- just stop it. Adam: You can say anything to me, and things that you would never say to Adam. Krystal: You both know. Adam: You ran out on him this morning, told him it was a mistake. So here I am, here now. You can tell me how you really feel. Krystal: I've told you -- and Adam. Adam: But isn't there anything else? Anything -- that you'd like to say to me? Krystal: I need you. [SCENE_BREAK] [Music plays] Colby: Maybe things aren't totally over with my dad and Krystal. Dre: Isn't that what you wanted? Colby: Yeah, I guess. Singer: Favorite friend will you be my favorite ♪ Dre: Well, maybe you should just ask them what's up. I mean, at least have a family sit-down or something, whatever you do. Colby: Sometimes you just don't ask people questions you know they don't want to answer. Singer: Lose your ♪ Dre: But are you ok? Colby: I'm not sure. Going back to my old family means losing my new one, and I don't know how I feel about that. Let's go. Singer: Favorite ♪ Hannah: Yeah, well, jumping into bed used to be so easy. Tad: Oh, jumping? Try diving, hurtling. Of course, I wouldn't know from personal experience, but it could very easily be you. Hannah: When it used to be the answer to everything. Tad: Yeah, but then the problem. Hannah: Hmm. True. Tad: Especially when things don't work out the way you want. Hannah: Well, maybe you're doing something wrong. Tad: I highly doubt that. You know, I got to admit there was a -- there was a moment there when you kissed me. Hannah: You know, I am really sorry about that. Tad: No, don't be. Don't be stupid, it was great. [Hannah laughs] Tad: Are you kidding? It was an "aha" moment. I finally remembered for the first time in ages why I made such a fool of myself, you know, because nature doesn't give you a choice. Great lips, great kiss -- so your day is picking up? Tad: Yeah, yeah, exactly. Hannah: Yeah? Tad: That's a good way of putting it, actually. Hannah: Well, I'm flattered. And I -- I, too, had a moment. Tad: Note to self -- thank God. Ah, but that's just it. You know, I -- man, I used to chase at so much, you know, so often, it's unusual I wasn't dealing with something else, you know, another problem I didn't want to look it. It's like a -- like a bandage. Hannah: Hmm. And then you tear the bandages off -- Hannah and Tad: And it hurts. Tad: Ow, yeah. But as -- you know, as bandages go, it's one of the best. Hannah: Hmm. Tad: Bandages can be quite entertaining, because now they have a veritable plethora of colors and cartoons and -- I mean, for instance, Kathy. Kathy's into flowers, and Little Adam -- Adam's -- he's all about goofy. Hannah: And you? Tad: Oh, I'm a traditionalist -- Mickey Mouse all the way. Hannah: Mm-hmm. Tad: And? Hannah: Me? Tad: Yeah. Hannah: Glow-in-the-dark. Tad: Kinky. Hannah: Yeah, can be. [SCENE_BREAK] Aidan: Gotcha. Yes. Come on, Slater. Where are those records? [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: Oh, boy. J.R.: Do I even want to ask? Zach: Aidan Devane just hacked into my computer. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: Don't you worry, my Spikey. I'm not going to leave you for a second. You remember -- you remember, this is between you and me, ok? Don't tell your Daddy Ryan, don't tell Daddy Zach. Don't do that. Uh-uh, it wouldn't be good. I don't want Zach involved when all this goes down, in case something goes wrong. [SCENE_BREAK] J.R.: How does Aidan fall into the picture? Zach: I made it just hard enough for him to get the information. Now that he has it, it'll look legit. He has no address. J.R.: And for that, Greenlee comes back to me. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: You know, one day you'll realize you're different from other kids -- what being deaf is. [Spike babbles] Kendall: Yeah, you good boy, good boy. And that might hurt you, honey, it might hurt you. Yes, it might, but you know what? I'm going to make sure that Greenlee gets punished for what she did to you. She was never punished, but she's going to be. She is going to be, I can promise you that. [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: Get Fusion from Greenlee, and you get the rest of your money. Kendall: Ok, my love, after today, Greenlee's debt to you will be paid. And she will never, ever hurt you or anyone else ever again. [SCENE_BREAK] Zach: You ready? Don't screw it up. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: My sweet boy. Your mama owes you so much. [SCENE_BREAK] Adam: [As Stuart] What do you need from me, Krystal? Krystal: I -- I -- I need you, Stuart. I need you to keep coming by here and keep being my friend. It helps. Adam: Yeah. Are you sure? Krystal: Well, it confuses the heck out of me sometimes, but yeah. I -- I just feel it's -- it's right. Adam: Good. I'd love to keep coming by. [SCENE_BREAK] [Music plays] Tad: Come to think of it, you'd probably do a whole bunch of damage with one of these little suckers. If you think about it, just -- yep, kind of like that. Serves me right. Tad: I stabbed myself with your little toothpick. Hannah: Poor baby. Tad: It's not funny, I got salt in the wound. Hannah: Well, I have some bandages back at my place. Singer: 'Cause he might slip right ♪ Tad: I think a bandage would be -- a bandage would be great. Singer: Is this the big time? ♪ Tad: I'll race you to the car. Hannah: I didn't drive. [SCENE_BREAK] Greenlee: I'm here, I'm here. Put me in, coach. Aidan: Hold on. Greenlee: Did you find something? You did. Is it real? What, what, is it all true? [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: How about, "Hello, Jack. Oh, France was so wonderful. I have great photos of Miranda and Bianca and --" Erica: Hello, Jack. Jack: Hi. Erica: So, what aren't you telling me? Jack: Let's try it this way, by way of example. "Hello, Erica. I missed you so much." Erica: I missed you, too. Jack: Good. Erica: Clearly, Greenlee was here for a reason, and, clearly, you're holding something back. Jack: So tell me, how's Bianca? Erica: Ok, Jack, if you're going to continue to act like this, to be so pigheaded, I'm going to just have to say it. Jack: Say what? Erica: Greenlee is planning to kidnap Spike again. [SCENE_BREAK] Kendall: Greenlee would only buy you the most expensive clothes. Don't worry, honey, you won't have to wear "any" of them, that's right. And why? Because Greenlee won't go anywhere near you. That's right. Because she is going to get exactly what she deserves. [NEXT_ON] Zach: What's going on? What's in the bag, Kendall? Erica (to Jack): Your daughter and mine are going to rip each other apart. Richie (to Annie): When I make my move on you and Annie, you are both going to be blindsided, I guarantee it. | Greenlee reveals her plans to Jack that she wants to have a child |
685 | Stephanie: But being a clairvoyant is not one of them. Brooke: I never said I was a clairvoyant, but I do know this child is Ridge's. Stephanie: Why, because you really, really, really want it to be that way? Brooke: No, because I feel it. Stephanie: Where? In that committed heart of yours? Brooke: When I think of how close we'd become -- Stephanie: That's because I thought you'd changed. Brooke: I did change, and so did you. You accepted Ridge and me. Stephanie: And look what happened! You've enmeshed him in another one of your continuous dramas. Brooke: What happened with Nick was a tragic mistake. Stephanie: Yes, and one you may have to live with for the rest of your life. Brooke: No, Stephanie, this baby I'm carrying is Ridge's, and nothing is going to change that. Marvin: Let's go over it again. Sally: You're killing me with this, Marv, you know that. You are killing me with this. Okay? All right here goes nothing, I'll try it. First, I find the Easter egg, secret Easter egg, right? And I use that to gain access to the -- password file, password file. And then I will be able to outmaneuver their system, and break into the -- what -- restricted files. Marvin: Then what? Sally: Then, well, then I will see the two candidates for the paternity test, and using the control and the delete keys, I will be able to manipulate the outcome of that test, huh, huh, huh? Marvin: All completely undetected. Sally: Yes! Perfect. Marvin, you're a genius. Marvin: I think you've got it. Sally: I think I've got it, all right, and you know what? That means that a certain, other person is gonna get hers. That's marvelous. [Marv laughs] Marvin: I am the best hacker in the city. [Both laugh] Sally: You are the best hacker anywhere in the world, Marvin. You are a scream. Best hacker in the city. Nick: Hello, sally. I didn't know you were a regular patron of Chuck'S. Sally: Why, Captain Payne -- Nick: Hi. Sally: Hello, hello. Nick: What's going on here with your computer, and who's your friend? Sally: Ah, this is a colleague of mine. We haven't seen each other for a while. We were just catching up, but we're finished now and he has to go somewhere. Don't you, honey? Marvin: I haven't finished my beer yet. Sally: Oh, you haven't finished your beer yet. Go on, get out of here, you joker. [Sally laughs] What a character, huh? Nick: See ya, pal. So, tell me, Sally -- Sally: Sit down, sit down, drop anchor. Nick: Is this your first time here at Chuck's? Sally: Yes. Yeah, it is, but you know something -- I have definitely decided I have to get out more. Because, obviously, I don't have anything left at home. Nick: Oh, so that's your excuse, huh? Sally: My excuse for what? Life. Sally: You've got to be kidding, right? Messing with Brooke's life, that's a good one. That woman has taken absolutely everything away from me. Nick: And you're just gonna take right back, aren't ya? Bridget: So beautiful. Oscar: What, the ring? It don't hold a candle to you. I'm serious, Bridget, I've never been more serious about anything in my life. Bridget: You know about my history with deacon, and you're trying to make sure it doesn't repeat itself. Which is so sweet of you, Ozzy, but, I mean, a proposal? Oscar: No, no, this isn't Deacon. It's about me and you. I am head over heels for you. Bridget: I feel the same way about you. Oh, god -- okay. I promised myself I wouldn't do this again. Oscar: Do what, get married? Bridget: No, jump into something so quickly. No matter how right it feels. Oscar: There it is. You just listen to your heart. I mean, 'cause that's I what its there for. And it's telling you that -- you've found something good. I swear I will be good for you. Bridget: I don't doubt that. Oscar: Please, take that ring, and take all the time you want. I'd just feel a lot better knowing it's on your finger. Sally: Obviously, you don't think I have any good reason to resent Brooke? Nick: Sally, I don't know you very well, but I'm sure you can talk yourself into just about anything. Sally: About as easily as Brooke talked herself into you, huh? Listen, it doesn't bother me, I understand that you have feelings for your brother's wife. And she obviously has them for you. Don't bother to ask me how I know this, because I never reveal my sources. But there is one question that should be asked, and that is who the proud father is going to be. Nick: I'll tell you that right now. Ridge Forrester. Whiskey, please. Sally: That is a very, very noble answer, and a very insincere one. Come on, this is me you're talking to. You're in love with that woman. Don't you realize the only way you're ever going to be with her is if that baby is born smelling like old spice? Don't give up yet, captain. Your ship may still come in.] Stephanie: If you're so certain that this is Ridge's baby, why are you working so hard to convince me that it is? Brooke: I'm not. I want to ask you a favor. Stephanie: You want me to forgive you. Brooke: I want you to accept what happened and put it behind you, for Ridge's sake. Stephanie: Have you talked to Ridge lately? Brooke: We were just together. Stephanie: And he didn't say anything? Brooke: Nothing -- what about? Stephanie: Oh, you know, just that it's a very difficult time for the family. Brooke: Oh, you're talking about Eric and the shooting. Stephanie: The accident. Brooke: Of course. Stephanie: Look, Brooke, its put an enormous strain on everyone, but especially Bridget. Eric is really concerned that her feelings for Deacon are more than just sympathy. Brooke: What are you talking about? Stephanie: Well, he's worried that she has this sense of obligation towards Deacon. You know, that she feels that she's the one that has to get him back up on his feet and make up for everything that happened. Brooke: Well, that's Bridget. She's very helpful. Stephanie: No, no, he's worried that it goes beyond that. He thinks that -- he thinks Deacon's falling in love with her all over again. And apparently, he's been very open in his feelings. Brooke: Well, Bridget would never be vulnerable to him. I mean, she's with Ozzy, they're seeing each other. Stephanie: Yes, they are. Brooke: So, what's the problem? Stephanie: I don't know. Let's just hope that he can make her forget all about her ex-husband. Bridget: You're not afraid at all? Oscar: Of what? Spending the rest of my life with you? Why should I be? Bridget: Ozzy, it's not that easy. Oscar: Yeah, it is. Bridget: So confident. Oscar: Hey, that's one of the things you love about me, right? Bridget: You're right. I do, Ozzy. I love you. God, you know, I've made so many mistakes. But when I'm with you -- I just feel like I can trust my heart again. Oscar: You can. I will not let you down. Bridget: This is a really, really big step. Oscar: Yeah, it is. But you know what? I'm right here to take it with you. I love you. I do, and there's not a doubt in my mind that I would be the luckiest man in the world if I could have you as my wife. Bridget: I'm sorry, I can't stop crying. I just -- I can't believe this is happening. Oscar: Well, it is. I mean, we've both had some pretty hard knocks, you know, but I think we can get through it together, you know, rise above it and move on. And start what I think would be an amazing life. Bridget: You think so, huh? Oscar: Yeah, I know so. Bridget: Where's that ring? Oscar: Hmm. Bridget: Hmm. Oscar: I might have lost it. Oh. Brooke: Oh. Oscar: Yeah? Bridget: Yeah. Sally: Keep your eye on the prize, sailor. You know something, I have been acquainted with Ridge and Brooke for a lot of years. And you're the first man I've ever seen that could actually turn her head. I think you two would be great together. Nick: You're a funny lady, you know that? Let's be honest here, it's pretty much all about revenge for you, isn't it, Sally? Sally: Yeah, and loyalty. Nick: Loyalty to whom? Sally: Stephanie, for one. Nick: Stephanie Forrester? You're gonna have to explain that one to me. Sally: Ah, listen, her royal toughness and I go back a lot of years. I've got a lot of respect for her. I'd do anything for her. Nick: Well, with friends like you, who needs enemies? Sally: I'm can be your friend too, captain. Nick: I'll pretty much decide that. Sally: Nah, I'm serious. I think that -- you're going to make a wonderful father. Nick: You know something I don't? Sally: Maybe. All of that worldly wisdom and sophistication will make that a very lucky child. Nick: Maybe some day. Sally: Maybe sooner than you think. Bridget: Marriage. Wow. Oscar: After an engagement. Bridget: You know, this is the best part. This is the part where we -- we get to really know each other. You know, explore each other. What we like. What drives us crazy. Oscar: Yeah, and I gotta get my job goin'. Get my life back on track, so I can be a man you can be proud of. You know, um -- as for the exploring part, we can get that started any time you want. Bridget: Oh, right, yes. You've been really patient about that, and trust me, I want to be with you too. I really do. You're gonna hate this. Um -- I want to wait until we get married. Oscar: Hmm. You do? Bridget: I know, I know, I know, it's just it's so -- it's so easy to get caught up in feeling good. Ozzy, sex complicates things. When I walk down that aisle, I just -- I want to be so sure that I'm doing it for the right reasons. So you want your ring back now? Oscar: Well, you drive a hard bargain, lady. Bridget: I know what I want. Oscar: Yeah? Bridget: Yeah. Ozzy, you are so special and so amazing. When I'm with you, I feel safe, totally at peace, totally happy. Oscar: Yeah? I do all that for you? Bridget: Yeah, you do. You're probably gonna think I'm crazy, but I think I fell in love with you the second I saw you. Oscar: Me, too. Bridget: Ah, liar. Oscar: Okay, okay. Listen, maybe I'm a little slow on the uptake, but there's no question now, all right? And as for time and all that, you take all you want, all right. I respect you. I respect that. I -- I'm just so happy I see this ring on your finger. I'm just so happy to think about us starting a new life together. I'm definitely the luckiest man alive. Guess what? Bridget: What? Oscar: We're engaged. Bridget: Yeah. Oh my god. Stephanie: Okay, let's not talk about virginity. Have you thought, really, about what you're going to do if the baby turns out to be Nick's? Brooke: This is pointless. Stephanie: No, it isn't! Brooke: I'm pregnant with Ridge's child. Stephanie: But if by some quirk of fate it turns out to be Nick's -- Brooke: Why are you doing this? Stephanie: Look, I'm not trying to upset you. Honestly, I'm not. I just want you to consider the possibility. Brooke: Nick is not the father! Stephanie: And if, by some chance, the tests prove that he is? Would it be so bad? I mean, he is good looking, and he's charming. Brooke: Stephanie, he is not the man that I'm in love with. You can wish all you want. I'm sorry, it's not going to happen. Nick: You just don't give up, do you? Sally: No, not when something is this important. And I know you. I know your stomach is all tied up in knots waiting for the results of that paternity test. Nick: I'm a sailor, knots are my specialty. Sally: Well, I'm nothing but a poor woman who's lost everything. But I do know that everything can change on a dime. Bull's-eye. You better get used to the idea of being a father, captain Payne. Because tomorrow, my dart is gonna hit a bulls-eye. | Brooke asked for a few minutes of Stephanie's time |
686 | Jill: Yeah, well, some things fell off the shelves, and we had a leak in the storeroom. But the thing is, uh, I have not been able to locate the insurance policy, and I can't reach Lauren. Kay: Is she still in Toronto? Jill: Yeah, with Scotty. She left me with a mountain of work. Kay: Well, if you're swamped, don't worry about coming to the hospital, Jill. Jill: Oh, hush up. Of course I'm coming. Want me to bring you a croissant or something? Kay: Oh, thank you, but Nikki had a huge breakfast sent over. Jill: Of course, she did. All right, why don't I stop by the house and get you a change of clothes? (Call-waiting beeps) Kay: Uh, that's Nikki on the other line. Sorry, Darling. I'll--I'll call you back. Uh-huh. Jill: All right, just give Murphy my best and tell him I'll... (Phone hangs up) Jill: See him later. (Sighs) Lauren: Hello, Jill. Jill: (Scoffs) Back so soon? Lauren: When I heard about the storm, I wanted to cut my trip short and--and get back here. I-I actually thought this place would be torn apart. Jill: Well, we managed to survive without you. Shocking, isn't it? I was beginning to think you were never coming back... not that I'm complaining. Come on, Sis. Now's the time to get your claws out back at me. What, are you out of practice? [SCENE_BREAK] Nikki: Katherine loved the breakfast. Victor: You didn't tell her we were eloping? Nikki: No. I didn't want her to think we were abandoning her, especially with Murphy still in I.C.U. Victor: Sweetheart, we're only gonna be gone for one night. Nikki: I know, but I'd rather tell her in person. Victor: I'll come with you. I'm sorry it's gonna be such a short trip. Nikki: Well, it can't be helped. Your mediation with Abby and Victoria is tomorrow, so we've gotta get back. I just cannot wait for us to be married. Victor: Neither can I. Nikki: (Chuckles) [SCENE_BREAK] Deacon: It's d-day, Kitty Cat. You start boozing up the bride-to-be yet? Meggie: As soon as I get Nikki alone. Deacon: What's the holdup? Meggie: Victor won't let her out of her sight. It's, uh, positively nauseating. They're acting all lovey-dovey. Deacon: Oh, that's sweet. It's the last tender moments before that relationship goes ka-boom. [SCENE_BREAK] Cane: Billy sends love to Murphy and to you. You know, I'm sorry I wasn't here. You know, if I'd heard about the heart attack, I would have come. Kay: Darling, there's so many people fussing around. Besides, you and Lily-- the two of you needed that time alone together. Cane: (Sighs) Yeah, minus the tornado. Kay: Well, thank God we all survived. [Cane remembering] Cane: (Grunts) Now after this is over, I'm gonna haul your ass off to jail. Man: (Laughs) Actually, no, Mate. You'll untie me and let me go. Cane: Oh, really? Is that what I'm gonna do? Man: Yeah. Cane: No. Man: Yeah. Cane: I don't think so. Man: (Grunts, groans) Cane: 'Cause you stalked and you terrified my wife, okay? Man: (Laughs) Cane: (Sighs) Man: She'll find out about you, Ashby. You hand me in to the cops, it won't be long until she knows the truth about her husband, the hero. [SCENE_BREAK] Cane: You know, I'm grateful for every moment I have with my family. [SCENE_BREAK] Neil: Hey, look who it is. What a nice surprise. Lily: Hey, I hope we're not disturbing you. Neil: No, come here. Mnh-mnh, not at all. Let me give you a hand. Uh, come-- excuse me. Um, can I--can I help you? Lily: No, uh, Dad, that's, um, that's Edward. (Chuckles) He's the private security guard that Cane hired to protect us. So do you remember those men who were after Cane in Australia? Neil: Yeah, of course I do, the cattle rustlers. Lily: Yeah, well, they, uh, they followed him here, and they've been sending not-so-subtle messages. Neil: Like what? Lily: Well, do you remember those steaks that we ate? They weren't from Cane. Neil: We barbecued them. We ate them. Lily: Yeah, well, luckily, they weren't tainted, so... Neil: (Sighs) Wow. When you think of what could have happened... Lily: Yeah, and there's more. They have been taking video footage of me and Cane and the babies at the house. Neil: What? Lily: Yeah, and they sent Cane a DVD from the surveillance camera. Neil: You must be kidding me. Honey, did-- did you call the police? Lily: Well, Cane talked to J.T. after he went to go work as a consultant on the force. And apparently-- nothing the cops can do unless something illegal has happened. Neil: We have to wait for them to commit a crime? (Stammers) Lily: (Sighs) Neil: Honey, you-- you've been threatened here. Lily: I know. It's ridiculous, but... (Scoffs) I guess we haven't been threatened directly, so we can't even prove who the steaks are from. Neil: You know what? This is ridiculous. One guard is not enough for you. I'm gonna call-- Lily: Well, Dad-- actually, Dad, I... (Sighs) I came here alone because I need to ask you a favor. Neil: Yeah, sure. Anything. What? Lily: Is it okay if Mattie and Charlie and I stay here? Temporarily-- just until Cane gets this whole thing figured out. Neil: Oh, Honey, come here. Oh, Baby girl. Absolutely, all right? Lily: Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Kay: Well, it's called locked-in syndrome. Every voluntary muscle in his body is paralyzed, except for his eyes. Cane: Does he, um, does he understand what we're saying? Kay: Every word. Cane: And how long is he gonna be like this? Kay: Well, the doctors said possibly for the rest of his life. But I don't believe it. I mean, the man has had two massive heart attacks. And--and he will get better. I know he will. Cane: (Sighs) Well, he better, 'cause someone's gotta keep you in check, huh? (Chuckles) Kay: (Chuckles) Do you know something, Cane? Not many women my age can find love. I thank God every day for sending Murphy down to that creek. You know... (Sighs) When I was Marge, he didn't-- he didn't love me one bit less. Or when I was waiting on tables at Joe's diner, he thought that was good enough. (Sighs) This man has, uh, has made me take a good, hard look at my misgivings. I'm such a better person for knowing him. (Chuckles) There--there are times that... I didn't really feel I was that worthy of him. But, uh, that's because I haven't exactly... always been an angel. [Cane remembering] Man: Oh, more secrets. (Chuckles) It's gonna catch up on you, isn't it? Yeah, someday very soon, sweet Lily's gonna know you're not the man you're pretending to be. Cane: I'm not pretending. I've changed. Man: Oh, still a liar? Well, that's a hell of a role model for those kids, isn't it? [SCENE_BREAK] Kay: (Sighs) Just the thought of losing him... I... (Sighs) No, I'm serious. I'd give anything to hear him tell one of his stupid, corny jokes. Cane: (Chuckles) We're all praying for him. Kay: Well... did you get those bruises in the tornado? Here, let me see. Cane: Yeah, it was, um, an ef-3. It was pretty scary. Um, we were gonna try and outrun it, but the policeman said we should, uh, you know, stay put. He said there had been some flash floods. Kay: Oh, here, too. Cane: Yeah, we're lucky the roof held. Kay: (Chuckles) Well, I, uh, I'm just so proud of you. Cane: What did I do? Kay: Well, when the truth came out about your identity, uh, we all sort of wrote you off. But you stuck in there, and you faced the consequences, and you made something of yourself. You have such a beautiful family. You're a trusted employee. I couldn't love you any more than if you were my grandson. You know how lucky we are to have you in this family. Cane: I'm the lucky one. Kay: (Chuckles) Cane: I'm the lucky one. [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: Shall we go to the hospital now? Nikki: Well, we'd better hurry. Meggie: How are the wedding plans coming? Nikki: Hey, it's a breeze when all you have to do is show up and say, "I do." Victor: (Laughs) Meggie: What are you wearing for the ceremony? Nikki: Oh, I haven't even thought about it. I'll find something in my closet. Meggie: You're not wearing something that you've worn before. Nikki: Eh, why not? Meggie: Oh, please tell me you're not using your old wedding rings. Victor: No, of course not. Meggie: Well, then why would you wear a dress that Victor's seen you in before? Nikki: Well, I guess you have a point. Victor: Sweetheart, you have time to go shopping. Nikki: What about Katherine? Victor: I'll talk to her. Nikki: Actually, it would be kind of special to wear something... Victor: Good. Nikki: All right. Meggie: Oh, you'll be glad you did this. Nikki: All right, I've gotta go upstairs and grab my purse. Victor: See you at the hospital, okay? Nikki: Okay. Victor: Yep. Meggie: Deacon, its Meggie. You're on. [SCENE_BREAK] Jill: Why did you hug me? You've never done that before. Lauren: You know, being with Scotty these last few weeks... he and Chance were about the same age. It really, really hit home, um... I'm so sorry I wasn't here for Chance's funeral. Jill: Yeah. Losing my grandson, uh, was pretty devastating. Lauren: I-I know it doesn't make up for anything, but I made a donation in Chance's name to the fallen officers' fund. Jill: (Sighs) Thank you. (Sighs) Thank you, Lauren. Lauren: You know, I, uh, I got a lot of work to catch up on, so... Jill: (Sighs) [SCENE_BREAK] Kay: (Sighs) [Murphy remembering] Meggie: I'm honored to become part of your family, Pops. Murphy: I'm gonna tell Victor and Nikki who their assistant really is. Meggie: Oh, no, you aren't. Murphy: Let go of me! Let-- where did you go? Meggie: I can't believe he's gone. Murphy: Help... me... (Breathing heavily) My... my pills. Meggie: These pills? Murphy: Help. (Breathing heavily) (Moans) Meggie: Oops. (Pill bottle hits floor) [SCENE_BREAK] Kay: Darling, I'm right here. Oh, that's good. That's good. You're awake. Yes. You're awake. Kay: (Stammers) I don't understand. Murphy: (Sighs) Kay: Uh... God, I... I wish I knew what was going on in that mind of yours, Murphy. Victor: And how's our patient? Kay: Just woke up. Victor: Hey, Murphy, you'll be happy to know that my assistant tells me that the bait and tackle shop survived the storm. Kay: Do you hear that, Murphy? Do you hear that, Darling? Your shop is still standing. (Chuckles) Victor: Did he tell you what happened at the festival? Was he mugged? Kay: (Sighs) He just... Victor: Huh? Kay: He just gets so agitated when I try and talk to him, or anybody'd talk to him. (Sighs) Victor: I thought he was blinking yes and no. Kay: Well, I don't know. The medication seems to have made him more groggy. He tries. Victor: He's getting more medication? Kay: I just wish to God I knew what was going on in that mind of his, what he's trying to tell me. [SCENE_BREAK] Lauren: Nikki, hi! Nikki: Lauren! Lauren: How are you? Hey, Meggie, nice to see you. Nikki: Oh, I didn't know you were back. How was the trip? How's Scotty? Lauren: Oh, trip was fabulous, and Scotty-- you know, he's so great. Nikki: Aw, yeah. Lauren: And he's working hard, and he's got the most adorable new girlfriend. Nikki: Oh, really? Lauren: Mm-hmm. Yeah. Nikki: Is it serious? Lauren: I don't know, but I'm not ready to talk about weddings yet. Nikki: Oh, well, what about mine? Lauren: (Gasps) Did you and Victor set the date? Nikki: We're eloping today. (Laughs) Lauren: (Laughs) Congratulations. Nikki: Thank you. Lauren: That's so great. Meggie: That's why we're here. We're gonna pick out a dress. Lauren: (Gasps) Great. Nikki: Yes, well, Katherine wanted to do a garden wedding at her estate, 'cause she said it would be the closest thing to having a daughter marry. Lauren: (Chuckles) Well, the Chancellor rose garden is very romantic. Nikki: It is. It is. But, um, I think an elopement is even more romantic. Jill: So what is this? Wedding number 75? How long before you're divorced again? Lauren: Jill. Jill: It's the truth, Lauren. Nikki: You'll have to forgive her. Uh, I-it's very difficult to be happy for others' good fortunes when you're bitter and single, you know? Jill: Well, actually, I consider myself very fortunate that I'm ob-- not obsessed with a man who is trying to control me. Lauren: (Scoffs) I am so sorry. Nikki: Please don't even worry about it. I've heard much worse. Meggie: You want a cup of tea, Nikki? Lauren: You know what? I'll get somebody to do that. Meggie: That's all right. I know how you like it. Nikki: No, that'd be great. Thank you. Meggie: Happy to do it. Lauren: Oh, that's so nice. So what kind of dress are you looking for? Nikki: Well, I'm kind of-- Lauren: I mean, tea length or shorter? Nikki: Depending on you-- I don't know. I haven't really even thought about it. Lauren: All right, well, we can go through a bunch of stuff. Nikki: Well, I know you'll have it. Lauren: Definitely. (Voices overlapping) Lauren: That's so sweet of you. Nikki: But I'm open to anything, really. Lauren: All right, well, you know, I'm thinking there's about four different dresses I want you to see, and, uh... [SCENE_BREAK] Neil: Okay, I'll tell you what, I'm gonna call building security--make sure that no one gets up here without being cleared first. Lily: Dad, I'm really sorry to cause you all this trouble. (Sighs) Neil: As a matter of fact, I kind of like the fact that the house is gonna be full again. Are you sure that Cane's all right with this? Lily: Yeah, he's gonna stay at the house by himself. Neil: So did he-- did he tell you what he's planning? Lily: Yeah, he said that he wants to go back to Australia and face down the duffers or something stupid like that. But I'm pretty sure I talked him out of it. (Sighs) Neil: Well, if you didn't, I will. Lily: I mean, to be honest with you, I don't even think I know the whole story. Neil: So you're sure that he's told you everything? Lily: Well, when we were at the cabin, I saw someone looking at us through the window. And he went out there to go find him, and he was gone a really, really long time. And when he came back, he was all beat up, and he had this cut on his forehead, and I asked him what happened. He said that it was from the tornado and that he didn't see anyone out there. But I know I saw someone. I know somebody was there. Neil: Hey, now you know how protective Cane can be. Lily: Yeah, I know. I wouldn't even know about any of this unless I had found the DVD of the surveillance footage. (Sighs) I don't know, Dad. I just... I'm really worried that things are worse than he's letting on. [SCENE_BREAK] [Cane remembering] Cane: How much is it gonna cost me to make you get out of my life for good? Man: $5 million. [SCENE_BREAK] Cane: (Sighs heavily) (Computer keys clicking) Cane: No matter how rough. [SCENE_BREAK] Neil: Yep. Lily: Look what we got. Neil: You know, I've been thinking about what you said, that Cane is hiding something from you. You know, on the one hand, he may have good reason. On the other, marriage is a partnership. See, you have the right to know how dangerous a situation is for you and the twins. Lily: I mean, I tried talking to him, but I just... I can't even get him to open up. Neil: Why don't you let me try? Lily: (Chuckles) Dad, I don't think he's gonna say anything to you. Neil: Well, he might. Simply put, Cane and I want the same thing-- for you and the twins to be safe, right? I bet you he's feeling pretty lonely right now. He might welcome the help. Lily: I just can't even imagine what he's going through right now. You know, trying to handle all of this on his own. [SCENE_BREAK] Cane: (Thinking) "This site does not condone the creation of alternate identities. We merely offer a how-to guide for the purpose of informing the curious. The most common way to begin is to locate the name of a deceased person, someone of your same sex and approximate age. This can be accomplished with a walk through your local cemetery. Then once you have the name and birth date, you can contact your state hall of records." (Sighs) "Identify yourself as the deceased person, and order a replacement birth certificate." (Sighs) (Sighs) (Computer keys clicking) Cane: "Wisconsin cemeteries... registry..." (Sighs) "Of the deceased." [SCENE_BREAK] Kay: You know, today he seems less alert to me. Woman: Doctor Ananda increased, uh, the dosage of one of his meds. Most likely, it's causing the drowsiness. Victor: Is that a permanent side effect, or... Woman: Let me talk to the doctor, and I'll get you an answer. Kay: Thank you. Thank you. Woman: Okay. Victor: How did you and Murphy do in the tornado? Kay: Oh, God, Victor. Victor: Huh? Kay: It was terrifying. Victor: (Sighs) Kay: Well, uh, you-- you heard about, uh, J.T.? Victor: Oh, yeah. I was with Victoria when she got the news. Kay: Well, it--enough. Enough of this-- this doom and gloom. Victor: Yep. Kay: I've got some good news I'd like to share with you. Victor: Well, I got some good news, too. Kay: Yeah? Victor: You go first. Kay: All right. Um, J.T. and Mackenzie are expecting, and I am going to become a great--great-grandmother. Victor: You are? Kay: (Chuckles) Yes? Victor: Congratulations, my darling. Okay? Kay: Thank you. Victor: I am happy for you and your family. Kay: Um, all right, uh, now you tell me your good news. Victor: Well, Nikki and I are eloping. Kay: When? Victor: Well, tonight. Kay: Tonight? Victor: In and out of Las Vegas very quickly. We'll be back tomorrow. Kay: (Laughs) Well, listen, I mean, the two of you were always destined to be together. Victor: Took us a hell of a long time to realize that you were right. Kay: That's right. I'm always right. Victor: (Laughs) Kay: (Laughs) Oh. Victor: And this time, I promise I will not let her get away. Kay: And by the way, you tell Nikki just how delighted I am for her. Victor: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Lauren: Well, we have this, which is strapless, and then, ooh, sleeveless. Jill: If she were 16. Nikki: I think it's a little too bare in the back. Lauren: Okay. Okay. Well, um, ooh, look at this-- portrait and off-the- shoulder. Jill: Oh, for God sake, Lauren. This isn't a cotillion. The woman's not 16. Lauren: Jill, why the hell are you acting like this? Nikki: She's just jealous that I have a man who wants to marry me. Ignore her. I do. Lauren: Keep your opinions to yourself, please? Jill: Just show the woman something age-appropriate, would you? Lauren: (Scoffs) Nikki: Meggie, could you please get me some more tea? Meggie: Sure thing. Nikki: Thank you. Lauren: Okay, well, this would look fantastic on you. Nikki: Hmm... (Sighs) I don't know. It's a little dowdy. More like Jill's taste. Jill: (Laughs) See, here's the thing. This is very typical of you-- running off, getting married, while Katherine's husband is fighting for his life. And yet, if I'm correct about this, you were the first call she made when Murphy had his heart attack. Yet are you with her now? No. You're here trying on wedding dress number 3,000. How long before he dumps you this time, Nikki? Lauren: All right, I am warning you for the last time. Jill: (Scoffs) Nikki: You know, I think it's very ironic, Jill. I mean, you have nowhere to jet off to. You have really no life at all. But you're not at the hospital with Katherine. Why is that? You can't be bothered? Or she doesn't want you there? [SCENE_BREAK] Cane: James Collier, August 17, 1973. [Cane remembering] Man: You keep our dealings confidential. You make your payments in a timely fashion, and we shouldn't have any other problems, should we? Otherwise, well, I'm sure you remember what happens to people who break their bargains with us. [SCENE_BREAK] Cane: "Delete browser history." (Exhales) (Sighs) Yeah, hello, uh, is this Madison county hall of records? Yeah, my name is, uh, James Collier, and, uh, I need to order a, uh, replacement birth certificate. [SCENE_BREAK] Kay: Now I hear that Elvis can marry you in a pink Cadillac. Victor: (Laughs) Kay: (Laughs) Victor: A phony Elvis... Kay: (Laughs) Victor: In a pink Cadillac? That's hilarious. Kay: Oh. Victor: Nikki prefers Sinatra and skydiving. Kay: (Laughs) Victor: (Laughs) Kay: Oh, dear God. Oh, she would, yeah. Uh, well, I really don't know why she didn't mention that she was going to elope. Victor: Because we hadn't set a date yet. Kay: Why not? Why now? Victor: She insisted, and I wanted to make her happy. Kay: Okay. Victor: But to be frank with you, I'm a little concerned. I, um... (Purses lips) A little concerned that she might be drinking again. Kay: Drinking? Victor: Yeah. Kay: What made you think that? Victor: A lot of alcohol missing from the liquor cabinet suddenly. Kay: (Sighs) Victor: Yeah. But, you know, maybe I'm mistaken. I don't know. Kay: So, um, what changed your mind? Victor: Well, I asked her straight out. She denied it vehemently. Maybe it's just a lot of stress, you know? A lot of infighting in the family, so... (Sighs) Kay: Victor, are you sure? [SCENE_BREAK] Nikki: Oh, I love this one. Lauren: It's fabulous on you. Nikki: Isn't it great? Meggie: Oh, nice color. Lauren: Yeah, it's really... Nikki: (Sighs) Lauren: It's really beautiful. Nikki: What? You want to say somethin'? Spit it out. Jill: I just think it looks matronly on you. Nikki: Oh, poor Jill-- all alone. Can't even conjure up a man to take her to the movies. And I really have to tell you, I think you're gettin' a little old to be pickin' up bartenders. Don't you? (Gasps) It's a small town. People talk. We all know. Look, you have leeched your way through the Chancellors, the Abbotts, and now the Fenmores. You're really to be pitied, Jill. It must be very difficult to know that you will always be the outcast. Jill: Oh, shut up, Nikki. You don't know what you're talking about. And P.S.-- that dress still looks hideous on you. Nikki: Lauren, I'll take it. Lauren: A lovely choice. Nikki: Thank you. Lauren: I don't know why I even bothered to reach out to you. You have no class. [SCENE_BREAK] Kay: Do me a favor and, uh, have her call me if she wants to talk to someone. Victor: Yes, Ma'am. Kay: Better yet--better yet, I--let me call her. Victor: Okay, well, I hope that this getting married to her again will help her feel more secure. Kay: You stay close to her. Victor: Oh, yeah. Kay: That's the most important thing. Victor: Yep. You do the same with Murphy, okay? Kay: Mm-hmm. Victor: We'll call you when we come back from Vegas. Kay: Oh, I wish you the very best, my friend. Victor: Thank you, Sweetheart. You do the same with Murphy, all right? You take care of yourself. Kay: I will. Mm-hmm. Victor: All right? We'll call when we come back. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: Hey, how are you? Cane: Hey, Baby. Hey. Lily: So Dad said that it's fine for us to move in with him. Neil: Yeah, I think that's wise. Cane: Neil, uh, thank you for this. Um, I really appreciate it. Neil: All I care about is that everyone's safe. Lily: Hey, will you keep an eye on the twins? Cane: Yeah. Lily: I just want to check my old bedroom to see what we'll need. Cane: Yeah, you go. Okay. Neil: Um, if my telescope is in the way, I'll move it. Don't worry about that, okay? Lily: Okay. Cane: You know, it's, um, it's a huge relief knowing that Lily and the kids can stay here. Thank you. Neil: I realize that you're worried about Lily. But I need to know what you're up against. She thinks there's more to this story than you're telling. [Cane remembering] Cane: You know, you must be an idiot if you think I can go to these people... Man: (Scoffs) Cane: And ask for that sort of money without giving them-- Man: Where you get the money is your problem, Mate, right? The thing is, if you don't get it, then it becomes Lily's problem and your kids' problem. [SCENE_BREAK] Cane: Um, no. No, the, uh, duffers want retribution, whatever that means. I-I don't know. Neil: So--so have they-- have they threatened to hurt you or-- or kidnap Lily and the kids? Cane: Um, no. No, they just sent the DVDs and the steaks. Um, I made some calls to some mates back home, and Phillip is trying to make some headway. (Sighs) Neil, I want you to know I'll do whatever it takes to make sure my family's safe, okay? Even if it means that I'll put myself in danger. Neil: There was a time that I swore that I'd never trust you again. Lily forgave all your lies, but me? No, I didn't. Not completely. But I respect the fact that you've worked hard to prove how much you've changed. Cane, you're a decent, honest man. I'm gonna help you any way I can. [SCENE_BREAK] Jill: Are you leaving so soon? Lauren: I have a meeting with a rep at Gloworm. Jill: Oh. Lauren: Oh, no. No, no. You are not included. Jill: Why do you treat me so disrespectfully? Lauren: I'm being disrespectful? I was not the one throwing barbs at Nikki. Jill: Did you hear what Nikki said to me? Lauren: Because you wouldn't keep your mouth shut. Jill: (Scoffs) Lauren: Look, regardless-- regardless of your history with her, she is one of Fenmore's best customers, and maybe you haven't been reading the reports, but the couture business is tanking. And that one dress that she just bought keeps this boutique in the black for the entire month. You want to work here? You gotta brush up on your customer service skills. Jill: Hey, hey, hey, hey. You cannot prevent me from working in my own store. Lauren: Then just stay as far away from me as possible! Jill: (Groans) (Scoffs) And does nobody in this place do their job? Why didn't somebody clean this up? (Sniffs) Whoa. Alcohol? Jill: Oh, Nikki. You naughty, naughty girl. Victor: Jill? Jill: Hello, Victor. Listen, I heard that you and Nikki are eloping. Victor: How the hell do you know that? Jill: Well, she stopped by the boutique to pick out a wedding dress. I hope you won't be disappointed in that. Anyway, I thought I should stop by and discuss your plans with you. Victor: Of what concerns are my plans to you? Jill: Well, I want to do both of you a favor, okay? Because, you see, your blushing bride had herself a little booze fest today. Victor: I beg your pardon? Jill: You know... (Glugs) Victor: No, I think you're the one who has been drinking, all right? Nikki has been sober. Jill: No, my dear. She has you fooled. I saw it for myself, Victor. She spiked her tea. I smelled it. Anyway, don't thank me. Just consider it a wedding gift. Lily: So we are gonna stay with Grandpa in Mommy's old room where she grew up. Neil: That's right. It's my house, my rules, and especially no texting at the dinner table. Lily: (Laughs) Okay. They'll think texting is old-fashioned when they're teenagers. Cane: Yeah, they'll be able to, like, send their thoughts directly, right? Hmm? Lily: Yeah. Neil: Yeah, that wasn't even funny. Cane: (Laughs) Neil: I mean, why are you even joking about that? That's crazy. (Cell phone rings) Cane: Hang on a sec. Lily: Mm-hmm. Cane: Um, uh, this is a business call. I have to take it. Excuse me. Neil: Sure. Lily: Okay. (Sighs) (Door closes) Lily: So, um... Neil: Hmm? Lily: How'd the talk go? Neil: Hmm, our talk? Well, he said exactly what you said. That's all he knows. Lily: And you believe him? Neil: I don't see any reason for him to lie. [SCENE_BREAK] Cane: What the hell do you want? Man: My people want to know they're getting their money soon, or, Mate, you can say good-bye to that sweet life you're living. Cane: You're gonna get your damn money. (Sighs) Katherine, please forgive me for what I have to do. [SCENE_BREAK] Kay: Six letters. Blank, "E," "G," blank-- I-is it "Regale"? Honey, just blink once for yes, two for no. "E"-- oh, I'm sorry. (Sighs) (Chuckles) This must be so frustrating for you. Do you know, all that talk about Victor and Nikki eloping reminded me of our wedding day? It was so beautiful. Brock's speech-- very touching, very touching, and also, the--the gown that Amber made for me-- exquisite. You got all dressed up in that monkey suit just for me. (Chuckles) You're a handsome devil. And all that commotion that--that Nina caused by locking Jill in the closet. God, I wish she'd have left her there. (Laughs) (Sighs) Sweetheart, my life is so much better with you being in it. Every day you're with me is special. And that hasn't changed, and it never will. Oh, my God. It's moving. Oh, that's-- well, that's wonderful. I mean, Darling, can-- can you--can you-- can you feel this? Oh, my God. That's wonderful. You are going to get better. You really are. I know you will. I know you will. Try. I know you will. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikki: (Chuckles) I can't stop thinking about the look on Jill's face when I told her off. Meggie: Oh, she looked upset. Nikki: Eh, she deserves it, the old cow. (Sighs) Victor: Oh, you're home. Nikki: Hi, Darling, yes. I was just gonna drop off the dress and meet you at the hospital. Victor: Yeah. I've asked you this before, Sweetheart, and I want the truth. Have you been drinking? [NEXT_ON] Billy: We have a new article online? Did you post something? Deacon: You're shaking. You're shaking. Nikki: I'm so upset. Deacon: I know. It's okay. It's okay. Meggie: I'm at the Silver Star motel. Victor: Is Nikki there? Meggie: She's in one of the rooms. Victor: I'll be right there. | Lily and her bodyguard visit Neil |
687 | Luke: I've got a bad feeling about this. Laura: I do, too. What do you think it means? Luke: Worst case, some psycho from our past is trying to haunt us with the ugliest part of our history. Scott: Who you calling ugly? Luke: I'll be damned. Baldwin. [SCENE_BREAK] [Footsteps approaching] Duke: Anna. [SCENE_BREAK] [Glass shatters] Olivia: What was that? Steve: [Grunts] Olivia: [Screams] Oh, God! Steve, what happened?! What happened?! Who stabbed you?! [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: If I give you my blanket, do you think you could get your teeth to stop chattering? Because it's really interfering with me getting in touch with my unlimited potential. Rafe: I don't want your blanket. I don't want anything from you. Todd: Okay, look, I don't like bunking with you any more than you like bunking with me, but I think we're missing the point here. I think we're missing the giant ray of sunshine in all this. At least we're safe from that guy. [SCENE_BREAK] Shawn: Am I supposed to know where we're going? Alexis: I just want to stop by and see my daughter. Shawn: I thought we were going to celebrate Valentine's Day. Alexis: Yeah, yeah. We will. I just want to check on Sam. Shawn: All right. Alexis: Who should be answering by now. [SCENE_BREAK] Kate: [Gasps] Where am I? Sonny? Sonny: What? Connie? Kate: Sonny, wake up. Sonny: What's going on? Kate: Connie? Sonny, it's me, Kate. [SCENE_BREAK] Luke: If you think for one second that you're gonna start messing with my family -- Laura: Luke, don't do this, please. Luke: Why are you here? What's your game? What do you want? Scott: Why do you think I'm here, Spencer? For Laura. [SCENE_BREAK] Anna: Hi, Duke. What are you doing here? Duke: I was about to ask you the same thing. It's freezing out here. Anna: Is it? Yeah, I guess so. Duke: Although after being cooped up for all that time, I really can't complain about any elements, no matter how extreme. Anna? Anna: Oh, sorry. I guess I'm -- I'm not good company right now. Duke: Well, that's all right. Happy Valentine's Day. I was gonna call you. I wanted to send you flowers, but I wasn't sure whether you wanted to hear from me. Anna: I've been kind of up to my neck in work, really. Duke: Yeah. Me too. Trying to salvage what's left of ELQ, though there's not much, to be honest with you. That's why I came out here, to grab a breath of fresh air before I go back to the office. It's your turn. Anna: I'm trying to figure something out -- something outrageous. Duke: I specialize in outrageous. What is it? Anna: Whether or not there could be two John McBains. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: So, what's it like to be a hero? You -- talking to you. What's that like? You were right about him from the get-go, huh. I read about it in my paper. I used to own a newspaper. First time you laid eyes on him, he was trying to murder your mother. McBain: That's nice, Manning. Todd: It's true, right? Right? It's true. And then you saw him kill his brother in law enforcement, Officer Charleston. Rafe: Carlson. Todd: Didn't hesitate, right? Just pulled out this weird weapon, an innocent father of three -- just kind of sliced him up into tiny -- McBain: Enough! Todd: -- Pieces of cop. Enough for who? For you? McBain: You don't need to make the kid relive it. Todd: Well, he wouldn't have had to live it at all if you hadn't gone on a killing spree. Don't worry, kid. I got your back. Rafe: How? Todd: How? I saw him kill someone, too. She was a mother -- just like yours. [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia: I got to call 911! Steve: Liv, Liv, I'm fine. I'm fine. Look. Not a scratch. Olivia: But I just saw you -- I just saw you. You'd been stabbed. Steve: I'm fine. Olivia: [Panting] But what was the crash that I heard in there? Steve: It was the mirror coming off the bathroom door as I was getting in the shower. It must have needed a bigger nail. Olivia: Did you cut yourself or anything? Steve: No, no. I was just coming out to get a dustpan. Olivia: Okay. I don't even know where to begin with this one, all right? The mirror breaking alone -- that's seven years bad luck. Steve: If you're superstitious, which I'm not. Olivia: Which I am! Italian! Hello! This does not bode well for our wedding. Steve: No bad luck. No cuts. I'm fine. We're fine. Olivia: Steve, that image was very, very clear. You were stabbed. You were holding your stomach. There was blood everywhere. I've never been so scared. [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: It's really too bad Lucy Coe's aim was off. I mean, when I first met Lucy, I thought she was nuts, and it turns out she was, arguably, but she was right about that guy. Rafe: D-did you just say Lucy Coe? Todd: Yeah. She tried to stake our friend here right through the heart. And if she had succeeded, she would have saved a lot of lives, including Heather. Don't get me wrong. The world is a better place without Heather, but she was a person. I mean, she was a frail, middle-aged person who didn't know herself very well, but -- Rafe: Frail? Frail? I mean, I thought she was pretty sturdy. Todd: How do you know Heather? Rafe: She tricked me into giving Molly's nephew to her. It's my fault she got her hands on that baby. Todd: Don't feel bad. It -- she can be very persuasive. She's got, like, Jedi mind skills. McBain: Unbelievable you're trying to twist this to your advantage. Todd: Heather Webber was a saint. Rafe: A saint who kidnapped a baby. Todd: Well, yeah, she was stark, raving mad. But she was a human being who liked "50 Hues of Blue" and BLTs and babies and a whole bunch of other things that probably started with the letter "B." And here we are, locked up next to her killer like we're the same brand of bag. Let me tell you something. I was trying to save that baby. He was trying to steal the baby. Rafe: So? Todd: So, just saying I think we can help each other. [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock on door] Alexis: Honey, it's Mom. Are you in there? Shawn: You know, she's probably in bed by now. Alexis: I know. Listen, I know. I-I-I just -- I don't like this. I mean, her kid was kidnapped. I know he's back safe and sound, but I would like to see with my own eyes that my daughter and my grandson are okay. Shawn: Okay, well, let's do this. Alexis: What are you doing? Shawn: I can have this lock picked in no time. Alexis: Oh, you know what? That's not really necessary. Shawn: Or do you want me to break the door down? I'll pay for the damages. Alexis: Truly, I'm good. I'm good. Shawn: Then how are you gonna get inside to see if they're okay? Alexis: With my key. Shawn: Right, right. I knew you had it. Alexis: Yeah. Sure you did. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: Kate? Am I dreaming? This is really you? Kate: Yes. This is real. I'm here, Sonny. I'm Kate. Sonny: I never thought I'd see you. You came back to me. Kate: I'm back. Sonny: I can't believe it. Kate: [Chuckles] Sonny: It's been so -- Kate: I can't believe it either. Where are we? Sonny: We're at the -- the estate room at the Haunted Star. Kate: What? Why would we be on Johnny's boat? Sonny: It's not Johnny's anymore. Uh -- Lulu and Starr own it. They were having a big party tonight for the Valentine's. Kate: Valentine's? Sonny: Yeah. Kate: Oh. I missed -- I missed Christmas. I missed Thanksgiving. Sonny: It's been a while. Kate: How long has it been? Sonny: It's been -- you've been gone five months. [SCENE_BREAK] Steve: I'm sorry, baby. I know that must have been terrifying. Olivia: I'm telling you, you were clutching your stomach, like you'd been stabbed, and there was blood everywhere. Steve, I thought I was gonna lose you. Steve: Hey, hey. You're stuck with me. That's what this means. Olivia: Okay. Steve: Hey, I'm okay. Olivia: Yeah, for now. For now, but you know what these visions mean. Okay, what if this means that something terrible is gonna happen to you? Steve: What if it means nothing? Just like you see me in the shower with Sabrina -- that's not gonna come true. Olivia: There is a serial killer out there that stabs his victims. Like that Alison Barrington woman on the pier, like the police officer, like the professor from PCU. What if you're his next victim? [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: Honey? Are you here? Shawn: She's probably upstairs with Danny. Alexis: She better be. Sweetie? It's Mom. I was worried about you. She's not here. Shawn: Okay. No need to panic. Alexis: Too late. Shawn: She maybe is taking the baby for a walk. Alexis: At this hour? Do you know how cold it is out there? Shawn: Well, look, it doesn't look like anyone broke in, you know, no sign of a struggle. Everything looks like, you know, where it should be. Alexis: Yeah, everyone's here except my daughter and my grandson. [SCENE_BREAK] Duke: I read about the stabbings and that John McBain is the primary suspect. Anna: Yeah, we have surveillance footage, eyewitnesses. It's almost like the evidence appears to be conclusive. Duke: It's very difficult to imagine, considering the effort he went to save us when we were at Faison's mercy in Switzerland. Anna: Difficult -- that's an understatement. I mean, I've known John for years. He's my friend. He's a colleague, but he's more than that, you know, and -- I just -- I-I-I -- I don't think he's capable of murder. Duke: Could there be some other explanation? Anna: I've got this man in custody, Todd Manning. He's despicable as they come. And I found him here earlier. He'd taken Sam Morgan's baby after he'd been kidnapped by somebody else. Duke: The baby? Anna: Yeah. Anyway, so Manning -- he's on the run, see. And I assumed that he was gonna use the baby as leverage. Duke: Let me guess. He told you a different story. Anna: Right. He said he wasn't taking the baby, that he was rescuing him, that -- that he -- that he had come here a-and -- and found John, Heather, and the baby. Duke: Meaning that they were all in cahoots. Anna: No. Manning said he saw John strangle Heather and throw her in the harbor and then take the baby for himself. See, t-that's not even a plausible lie. You know, it doesn't make any sense at all. Why would he say something like that? Unless -- that's what really happened. Duke: What do your instincts tell you, Anna? Anna: [Sighs] Duke: Do you think John McBain is capable of such acts? [SCENE_BREAK] Rafe: I don't know who this guy is or what he's done. Todd: Nothing. Well, nothing lately. Rafe: But I know you. You killed my mother. Todd: Oh, snap. Rafe: And then -- then came back to me, swore you didn't, took me out of my cell with some lame excuse about wanting to go back to the scene to walk through what happened, all so you could kill that other cop. Why? Todd: Why? Why indeed? Rafe: Why did you have to do it in front of me? What, was it a message that I was next or what? Todd: I know, yo. Right? When I saw him kill Heather, I was like, "What?! What is this guy capable of? I mean, am I next? Is he gonna kill me next?" And you know he might have if the cops hadn't shown up. Rafe: I'm not the only witness anymore. Look, you can't intimidate me anymore, okay? Todd: Go on, son. Rafe: So what's it gonna be? You finally gonna change your story? McBain: No. It wasn't me. I didn't do any of those things. Rafe: Well, then who did? McBain: His name is Caleb. Todd: Caleb. [SCENE_BREAK] Anna: Ugh, my instincts. God. They are not as trustworthy as they used to be. Duke: I don't believe that for a second. Do you think John McBain is capable of murder? Anna: No. I do not. Besides, he was in lockup when Manning said that he saw him push Heather into the harbor. Duke: So is it possible this Manning fellow is lying? Anna: I don't think so, not about this. I really don't. Duke: So hence your theory of the two McBains. Anna: But how? God, I wish you could see the footage. The likeness -- it's striking. The face, the mannerisms, everything about him. But how is that even possible? He's identical to John. But how is that even possible? Could there be two McBains? Duke: Of course, it's possible, Anna. Well, that's exactly what happened to me. [SCENE_BREAK] Luke: You are so delusional. You're still stalking Laura? This is the story of your life. Scott: Why would I be stalking my own fiancée? [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: I expected better from you, McBain. You're gonna blame vampires for murders you committed? McBain: Never said Caleb is a vampire. Just a guy that looks like me. Todd: Even the hair? McBain: Doesn't it strike you as slightly impossible that while you supposedly saw me strangle Heather that my presence is accounted for right here? Todd: Yeah, by fellow officers. Rafe: He's got a point. Todd: Yeah! I knew I liked you. I know that sentence is weird, 'cause in prison. McBain: He doesn't have a point. None of these guys are covering for me. Todd: Of course, they are, McBain! Come on! I watch television. It's called the blue wall of silence. McBain: After I've been accused of killing a cop? Yeah, I don't think so. And you -- last time I saw you, you were in that cell. It was the day after your mother had been murdered, and we talked about Caleb, and we talked about the ring. You remember that? Rafe: Yeah. McBain: You described it for me. And then I went to go find out more about it. Todd: Yeah, from another guy who wound up dead. McBain: I was at the university talking with a professor when the guy that looks like me -- Rafe: He looks exactly like you? McBain: Caleb took you out of the cell. It wasn't me, which means that guy's still out there and other people are still in danger. Todd: [Scoffs] [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: All right, just keep Molly distracted and lock the doors, all right? And I'll call you as soon as I hear something. All right. Kristina, I do. Yeah. I love you. Bye. Shawn: No sign of Sam? Alexis: No. The girls haven't heard from her. She didn't stop by the house. Shawn: Well, you know, maybe she got spooked by what happened today and went to go stay with someone else. Alexis: She would have told me that to avoid this. I'm afraid that someone took her and Danny. Shawn: Who? I mean, Todd Manning and John McBain are both in lockup, and Heather Webber is supposed to be dead. Who else would want to hurt Sam? [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia: I know you think I've lost my mind. But we got to take these visions seriously, Steve. Steve: I don't think you've lost your mind, and I also don't think I'm next on a killer's hit list. Olivia: Okay, then why did I see you covered in blood? Steve: I don't know. Even if it did have something to do with the stabbings, Detective McBain is the number-one suspect. Olivia: Dante's partner? No. I don't believe that. Steve: Look, Liv, all the evidence points to him. That's what the news says. And he's locked up at the PCPD, so he's not coming after me. Olivia: And what if McBain isn't the killer? [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: Heather's death is alleged. There is no body. Shawn: So you think she survived and went after Sam? Alexis: I don't know if she was assaulted at all. And if she was assaulted, it wasn't by John McBain. [SCENE_BREAK] Steve: They had eyewitnesses, Liv, in three out of the four deaths. Olivia: But your mother's supposed killing happened while McBain was in lockup. How do you explain that? [SCENE_BREAK] Shawn: You trust McBain? Alexis: Don't you? Shawn: I worked with him the one time when we went after Jerry. He seemed to be a good man, but people have been known to snap. Alexis: Oh, come on. I mean, he delivered Danny, for God's sake. He -- he brought Danny to Sam. He's not a murderer. [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia: Maybe the cops arrested the wrong person. Maybe -- maybe somebody else is responsible for the killings. Steve: Like who? Olivia: Heather. [SCENE_BREAK] Alexis: Can you name one person more obsessed than Heather Webber with my grandchild? She's already taken him twice. Shawn: Yeah, most recently by letting herself into your house. That's bound to be unsettling. Alexis: Exactly. And you think I'm overreacting? I mean, that lunatic is obsessed with my daughter. What if she took both of them this time? [SCENE_BREAK] McBain: You believe what you want. This guy's out there. He's pretending to be a cop. He's got everyone believing he's me. And he's a murderer. Todd: You're gonna try and skirt prison time by saying that there's two of you running around and that one of you is a vampire. McBain: I'm not trying to skirt anything. Todd: Hey, I've done some crazy -- I've done horrible things. And I've come up with all kinds of excuses for the atrocious things that I've done, but even I haven't sliced and diced my way through an entire community. McBain: Rafe -- it's not me. Todd: [Scoffs] I don't know, McBain, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck -- McBain: Manning, you and I don't -- you and I don't like each other. That's no secret. Todd: No, it's not. McBain: But you know me. Todd: Unfortunately. McBain: Hasn't always been bad, has it? Todd: No, it's been mostly bad. McBain: Yeah, you're right. Except for that time you came back to Llanview, and you didn't know anybody. And those guys trying to kill you, and besides drinking all of my beer, well, I think I had your back, didn't I? Todd: Yeah. You had one moment of humanity. That doesn't excuse murder. McBain: So if I'm the serial killer, why expose myself now? Hmm? I'd never seen Alison Barrington before the day she walked into the police station. Bud Carlson was a co-worker, Professor Mosser a stranger, Heather Webber just nuts. What did I have to gain by killing her and stealing Sam's baby? [SCENE_BREAK] Duke: Of course, it's possible, Anna. That's exactly what Faison did to me. He stole my identity. He stole my memories. He took my love, the love I had for you, so he could try to win you over. Anna: I know. I almost fell for it. I was just so happy to have you back that I couldn't even see -- I couldn't think. That's what I mean when I talk about my instincts. Duke: You've got to stop blaming yourself. Anna: I can't. Oh, God, now I'm in a position where I really have to use my gut, and I'm scared. Duke: I'm not. You can handle anything that life throws your way. You're Anna Devane. Anna: [Chuckles] Duke: And we finally both know who I am. I'm not Faison. I'm not this person Lucy Coe thinks I am, this Joshua Temple. I'm Duke Lavery. Anna: Yes, you are. Duke: More than that, I'm a husband who's still very much in love with his wife. Anna: [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Luke: Did you just call her your fiancée? Scott: Yeah, that's what I called her, because that's what she is, Spencer. Laura: It's true. Scotty and I are engaged to be married. [SCENE_BREAK] Kate: Five months. [Sighs] Our wedding -- did we get married? Sonny: No. Kate: No? Did Connie pretend to be me? Was she -- did she lie to you? D -- why isn't she in ShadyBrook? Sonny: Connie married Johnny. Kate: What?! What?! Sonny: Only a husband can commit his wife. Kate: I'm gonna be sick. Sonny: Hey. Listen. It's okay. It's okay. We're together, all right? That's all that matters right now. It's just you and me. Kate: Wait a minute. If Connie's been out the whole time, and I just came back now -- why are we in bed together? Sonny: Kate, listen to me. Kate: Sonny -- why are we in bed together? [SCENE_BREAK] Steve: Okay, look. Let's just calm down and think this through. Olivia: Okay. Fine. Fine. Steve: Why would my mother kill a professor? Olivia: Why does your mother do any of the things that she does? I have no idea. Steve: Even if she did, according to Todd Manning, he saw Detective McBain take Sam's baby from Heather, strangle her, and throw her in the harbor. Olivia: I don't care. There has no body recovered, and until I see a corpse, I'm gonna put my money on Heather resurfacing. Steve: [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Shawn: So, if Manning's lying, Heather's back on the table as a suspect. Alexis: What if he's not lying? Shawn: I don't understand. Alexis: Well, you said it. I mean, people snap. Maybe John snapped. He's under a lot of emotional pressure. He hasn't had access to his kid in six months. And it's possible, I supposed, that Todd could tell the truth at least once. What if he did catch John trying to kidnap the baby? Shawn: So, what, do you think McBain escaped and has Sam and the baby now? Alexis: [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] McBain: You don't honestly believe I killed four people in front of witnesses, one of whom is you. Todd: I don't know. You're kind of a moody guy. Maybe that's because you're just not in touch with your dark side. McBain: Like you're in touch with yours? You think my story's unbelievable? This guy Manning, he's got a twin brother named Victor who pretended to be Manning for, like, I don't know, eight or nine years. Todd: Not just that. He stole my entire life. McBain: Made Manning mad. Real mad. So mad, he killed old Vic. Rafe: Your own brother? Todd: If you'd met him, you would have killed him, too. McBain: Yeah, you see, the point is you've been where I've been. You know what it's like trying to convince people of something that sounds crazy but you know it's true. Manning. You listening? Todd: Yeah, I'm not deaf. McBain: You sure? Todd: Make you a deal. I'll believe your story if you believe mine. [SCENE_BREAK] Anna: Duke -- Duke: You don't have to say anything. You don't have to respond. I'm not pressuring you. I just want you to know I'm here, and I'm waiting, and I'll wait for as long as it takes for you to make your choice between me or the other person. Anna: I already ended it with Luke. Duke: You did? May I ask why? Anna: You know, we had real feelings for each other. But -- he's not the love of my life. And I'm not his. [SCENE_BREAK] Luke: You're marrying this loser? Laura: [Sighs] I'm marrying Scotty. Luke: Well, what did he do, take advantage of you when you weren't thinking clearly? Laura: No. I knew exactly what I was doing when I accepted his proposal. Luke: But you don't have a ring. Laura: Well, we haven't had time to get one yet, but Scotty promised me a beautiful one, right? Scott: Yes, yes. And it will pale in comparison to you. Luke: Smarmy as ever. Scott: Here's what's forever. We're gonna get married, and we're gonna have a whole new life together. Luke: Laura -- you look me in the eye, and you tell me that you really want to marry this. Laura: I want to marry Scotty. Luke: Why? [SCENE_BREAK] Kate: Did you sleep with Connie? Sonny: Kate, you got to listen to me. Kate: Just tell me what happened, Sonny. Did you s -- did you sleep with Connie? Sonny: Yes. Kate: Oh, my God. What did she do to you? Did she pretend that she was me, that I had come back? Sonny: It wasn't like that. Kate: What happened? Did she drug you? Because anything short of a lobotomy, I don't see how this could happen. Sonny: I knew who I was taking to bed. Kate: What?! Sonny: I knew it was Connie. Kate: You slept with Connie when you knew she wasn't me. Sonny: Yeah. Kate: You're serious. Sonny: Yeah. Kate: You took her to bed. You kissed her. You touched her. I cannot believe this is happening. Sonny: Can I explain, at least? Kate: You hate Connie. She -- she despises you. Sonny: Things have changed. Kate: Apparently. Sonny: Things are different now. Kate: No, they're not different. They're disgusting. You had sex with the woman who stole my life. She did everything in her power to keep me down, Sonny. S-she wanted me to stay away from you. Sonny: I understand how you feel. Kate: Do you? Sonny: But I don't see it that way anymore. Kate: Oh. Oh, I'm sorry. Allow me some time to catch up with you. Sonny: Can you understand that it's -- can you -- can you understand that it's been five months? Kate: And what?! Five months, and what?! You got bored? Sonny: No, that's not it. Kate: You got bored, and you figure, "Oh, Connie's a substitute for Kate. Smells like her. She looks like her." Sonny: Why would you even bring that up? There is no substitute! Kate: You know what? This whole time, I thought that me being gone this long -- was the big thing. Sonny: Okay, okay, we just need to talk, okay? Kate: I don't want to talk to you. Sonny: Come on. Kate: I don't want anything to say to you. Stay away from me. Sonny: Let me explain! Let me -- [SCENE_BREAK] Steve: You're right. The authorities haven't recovered my mother's body. Olivia: So Heather could still be out there anywhere. Steve: If what Todd Manning said was true, then it's highly unlikely. My mother wasn't a great swimmer to begin with, and if she was incapacitated at all -- Olivia: Steve, your mother jumped off the roof of a freaking hospital and survived. She is indestructible. Steve: All right, she survived. She wouldn't try to kill me. Olivia: But you never thought she'd knock you over the head and knock you out either, huh? There's a first time for everything. Steve: [Chuckles] Olivia: You think this is funny? Steve: No. Olivia: I'm not gonna let your mother make me a widow before I even get married. Steve: I'm not going anywhere, all right? I'm not going anywhere before we say "I do" and especially not after. Olivia: [Sniffles] [SCENE_BREAK] Todd: That's my offer. Take it or leave it. McBain: You want me to believe your story. Todd: I know it's a stretch. McBain: I already do. Todd: You do? McBain: Yeah. I have no doubt you saw a man who looks like me on the pier. And I have no doubt you saw this man strangle Heather and take off with Danny. Rafe: But it wasn't you. McBain: No, Rafe. It wasn't me. So what do you say we start -- start at the beginning? You tell me what happened between Caleb and Heather. Yeah. You. Todd: Uh, well, he threw crazy Heather into the harbor, and then he tried to leave. McBain: But you stopped him. Todd: Well, I wasn't gonna let him leave with that baby. McBain: What went down before that? What happened between Caleb and Heather? Todd: I-I'm -- [Sighs] Look, I was focused on escaping and then this whole thing -- I mean, you're you, but it's not you. It was all very bizarre. McBain: Let's talk about Caleb and the baby. You know, why'd he want the baby? Must have been pretty significant if he was willing to kill for it. Todd: Yeah. He would have killed me, too, if the cops hadn't come. McBain: Well, make sure it's noted in the report, all right? Did he say anything to Heather before he killed her? Todd: [Sighs] He was -- he was upset at her for taking something that did not belong to her. McBain: We're talking about Danny. Todd: I don't know. I mean, he said that -- that now it would be easy for him to get the mother to come with him. I don't know. Whole thing's totally weird, but what the hell, right? McBain: No, it's not at all. It all fits. Todd: It fits. McBain: Yeah. Rafe, did your mom ever mention a woman named Livvie Locke? Rafe: Uh, yeah. I think she said they used to be friends or something. Todd: Okay, come on. Who's Livvie Locke? McBain: She's a woman who apparently resembles Sam as much as I resemble this Caleb. Todd: Right. Okay. So now there's two double people running around Port Charles? McBain: When your mom was at the PCPD, she kept calling Sam "Livvie." And Lucy said that -- Caleb was obsessed with this Livvie. It was the reason for everything he did. Todd: Right. And nothing impresses a chick more than killing four people. McBain: So if Caleb's after Livvie -- then Danny's just the bait. Caleb wants Sam. [SCENE_BREAK] Duke: I know it must have been difficult for you, putting the brakes on things with Luke. Anna: Yeah, I think we'll end up friends. You know, that's how we started, so I think that's -- Duke: May I be honest with you? Anna: Oh, God, I think we've earned that, don't you, at this point? Duke: I'm glad you've ended things with him. [Cell phone rings] Anna: [Sighs] I've got to take this. Duke: Of course. Anna: Devane. Alexis: Hi, Anna. It's Alexis. Sam and the baby are missing. Anna: What? How? Since when? Alexis: I don't know. I just got to the penthouse. They're not here. She's not answering her cell phone. And if she had gone anywhere, she would have told me. Anna: Okay, I'll get the word out. Will you meet me at the station? Alexis: Thanks. Duke: Duty calls? Anna: Yeah. This is just the day that will never end. Duke: I've got to get back to work, too. Anna? Anna: Yeah? Duke: Trust your gut. You'll get the right man. Anna: Yeah. Thanks. For the talk. I think I will. Duke: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Luke: Why would you want to marry this zero? Scott: Because we were childhood sweethearts. Luke: Oh, that's right. You've always been about the romance, haven't you, Baldwin? Especially when you tried to convince her that she had killed her own stepfather. Why would you want anything to do with this guy after all he's put you through? Scott: You raped her on the floor of the campus disco when she was married to me! To me! Laura: Stop it. Please don't. You know, the way I see it, I'm just putting things back to the way they were before you came along, Spencer, and screwed everything up. Luke: Why don't you let her speak for herself? You afraid she's gonna tell the truth? Scott: All right, Spencer. Ask her what you want. My lips are sealed. Luke: Do you love him? [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia: You know what? We'll get an alarm system, and a guard dog wouldn't be a bad idea either. Steve: Maybe that's the meaning behind all your puppy visions. Olivia: You think this is funny? Steve: [Chuckles] Olivia: This place is gonna be locked up tighter than Fort Knox. Nobody's getting in. [Knock on door] Olivia: Who is it?! Kate: Liv, it's me, Kate. Will you open up, please? Olivia: Kate? [Knock on door] [SCENE_BREAK] [Cell phone rings] Sonny: Come on. Come on. Pick up. [Sighs] Connie: It's Connie. You know what to do. [Beep] [SCENE_BREAK] Olivia: Kate? Is it really you? You're back? Kate: [Sobs] Olivia: Oh, honey. Honey, what happened? What? What happened? [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: [Sighs] [Sighs] [SCENE_BREAK] Luke: Is this really what you want? Or is he pressuring you, playing on loyalties? You deserve so much better. Laura: This is what I want. I love Scotty. And -- I want to marry him. Scott: Shall we? Au revoir, Spencer. [SCENE_BREAK] McBain: Caleb is after Sam, and nobody knows it. Rafe: I mean, there's got to be something we can do, right? McBain: Hey, Guard, you got to let me out of here! Todd: Why would Caleb go after Sam? Why wouldn't he go after Livvie? McBain: Hey, Guard! Todd: They could have little doppelganger vampire babies together. McBain: You said it yourself. He's gonna use the baby to make Sam go with him. Anna. Anna, I'm glad you're here. You got to listen to me. Anna: [Sighs] McBain: What's going on? Anna: We just wanted to make sure that you are where you're supposed to be. Todd: Where could we go? There are bars. But it's cool. We've been talking about the finer points of criminal intent and the true nature of identity. Rafe: Yeah, we've been here this whole time. McBain: Something happened. Anna: Sam and Danny are gone. | Scott says it is because they were childhood sweethearts |
688 | Marty: Are you -- are you John McBain? John: You tell me. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Marty? Marty: Is this a bad time? [SCENE_BREAK] Asa: You've been busy, boy. Bo: Pa. Glad you're here. Because it's time for us to put the past to bed -- for good. [SCENE_BREAK] Brody: "Gigi, in case you change your mind about making Brody officially Shane's father, here's some of Rex's DNA. Adriana." Shane: Is Mom back? Brody: Not yet. Shane: I thought I heard you talking. Brody: Just to myself. What are you doing out of bed? Shane: I had a really bad dream. Brody: Come here. Brody: Zombies? Shane: Worse. I dreamed you weren't my dad anymore. [SCENE_BREAK] Gigi: Balsom? Rex: Morasco? Is it really you? Gigi: I came back to 1968 to find you. Gigi: [As Emma] What's going on? Rex: Gigi -- who the hell is that? Gigi: Oh, my God. [SCENE_BREAK] Marty: You must be John McBain. John: You remember me. Marty: I remember you from your picture. The one of you and me. John: That's it, though. You don't know who I am? Marty: I don't have any memory of anything. Please don't hurt me. John: Why would you think I'd ever hurt you? Marty: After everything else you've done? John: What did you think I did? Marty: You're the reason I'm like this. You caused the accident. You put me in this bed. You took away my life and every memory of it. John: Who told you that? Marty: Todd told me everything. He told me how you shot out the tires of the van that I was in. John: That figures Todd would tell you something like that. Marty: You cared more about catching the people that were trying to hurt me than you did about protecting me. And then after the van went off the cliff, you left me there to die. John: You don't really believe that. Marty: Why shouldn't I? John: Why would I do that, Marty? Marty: I've been asking myself that for months. You tell me. [SCENE_BREAK] John: This is a dream, right? Marty: You tell me. I guess it is. It sure isn't any dream of mine. John: You're not really here. You're -- Marty: Dead? And you're moving on. But the only one you can move on to is Todd's ex-wife? A woman who hates me? John: She doesn't hate you. She didn't. Marty: That's right, past tense. Do you miss me at all? John: More than you know. [SCENE_BREAK] Asa: Bo -- you might want to pour yourself one. Bo: Oh, no thank you. No, that's what got me into this mess in the first place, and I want to get out of it stone cold sober. Asa: Sober? Bo, you're talking to your dead Pa. Bo: That lightning strike, that might have scrambled my brains some. But right now I know exactly what I'm doing. You know, the last time we had a face-to- face after you passed, I really didn't know which end was up. Asa: You tied one on that night, too. Bo: Yeah, you called me chicken. You said that I should man up and I should do what I didn't do as a kid. I should take that ride, jump over that fence, be like you. Asa: Finally do it? Bo: Oh, I went over the fence, all right. I didn't end up on the other side. I don't know if it was a dream. Maybe it was the booze, or maybe it was me seeing exactly the way things were. Like right now. Asa: So what happened? Bo: I had to be you. Asa: Big boots to fill, Bo. Bo: Oh, I filled them, but it wasn't a good fit. Not at all. [SCENE_BREAK] Rex: I can explain this -- or not. Gigi: [As Emma] When you said this other girl and I looked alike, you weren't kidding. Gigi: What the hell, Balsom? Who is this and why are you in bed with her? Rex: Uh, Gigi Morasco, meet Emma Bradley. Emma, this is Gigi. Emma: Nice to meet you? [SCENE_BREAK] John: I think about you -- I think about you every day. Marty: Do you really think this is the best plan? To get involved with Todd's ex-wife? John: We're not involved. Marty: Just sleeping together? John: I didn't mean it like that. Marty: That's one way to get back at Todd. John: It's not about him. Marty: Well, what's it about? Is it about forgetting me? John: I'll never forget you. Marty: Anybody but Blair. John: Yeah, but it is Blair. Marty: Truth is, I'm worried about you. Todd won't like this and he is a vindictive bastard. Trust me, I know. John: Manning doesn't scare me. Marty: Yeah, well, he should. And he's more dangerous when he's hurt. And anything that he says about being with another woman, he's hurting. And he will strike back. John: If it comes to that, I'll handle it. Marty: It's not a matter of if, it's when. I hope Blair's worth it. [SCENE_BREAK] Marty: Why did you leave me there? Did you want me to die? John: Is that what you think? Marty: I'm giving you the chance to explain. John: Well, you're just going to have to take my word for it. And you need to know that Todd's a liar. Marty: No. No, I trust Todd. John: For God's sakes, why? [SCENE_BREAK] Brody: Here, drink this. Shane: Warm milk? Are you kidding? Brody: I promised your mom I was going to take good care of you while she was gone. So tell me more about this dream. Shane: Well, I dreamed that you really did die in the war, like everyone said. Brody: Well, I didn't. I mean, I made it through a bunch of tours and came out pretty much scratch-free. On the outside, anyway. Shane: When I woke up in the dream, it was like you never came back. Brody: Kind of a dream in a dream. Shane: Yeah. Everything went back to the way it was before I had a dad, just the story of one. Then I woke up for real. Brody: And here I am. Shane: I was worried you wouldn't be, because if you went away now, it would be worse than when I thought that I would never know you. [SCENE_BREAK] Rex: Can I just -- can I just do this? Oh my God, you're real. I'm not dreaming. Gigi: I told you. Rex: What, that you would come back 40 years and find me? But, how -- how did you do this? Gigi: This woman, Delphina, she helped me. Rex: Damn, that quack was good for something. Gigi: She knew all about 1968 and Vietnam. Just like you said on the phone. Rex: Oh my God, you heard me. I wasn't sure. But how did you get here? Gigi: We flew to Texas, and we went to the Buchanan ranch and talked to Chuck. Rex: Okay, which Chuck? One, two, or three? Gigi: Whichever Chuck is at the Buchanan ranch in 2008. Anyway, he found your cell phone next to some fence and he gave it to me. And Delphina and I, we went out there in this big storm. Rex: Wait, wait, don't tell me. You got struck by lightning? That's how Bo and I landed here. My God, I can't believe what you went through to find me. Gigi: Delphina said it was the only way. Rex: Oh my God, are you okay? Gigi: I was. Until now. Can you think of a bigger waste of time travel than to come back 40 years and find you in bed with this -- Gigi: [As Emma] Hey, watch what you're saying. Gigi: How could you do this to me? Rex: Me? What was I supposed to do after you slept with Brody? [SCENE_BREAK] John: You can't trust this guy, Marty. Marty: He saved my life after Lee was killed. John: Lee Ramsey? Marty: Yes, and don't say anything bad about him, either. I know you hated him. John: What did Manning tell you? Marty: That Lee went after you for causing my accident. And now he's dead, maybe because of you. John: You can't believe I'm responsible for your accident, or that I killed Ramsey. Marty: You had him killed. John: You think that I must be a really bad guy. Marty: Well, Lee wasn't. He was a good man. Todd told me that he was a hero. John: He wasn't. Manning probably told you that because he's responsible for Ramsey's death. Marty: No, he wouldn't hurt anyone. He's been a wonderful friend. John: A real great guy, huh? Marty: The exact opposite of you. [SCENE_BREAK] Marty: Is Blair worth all the trouble Todd is going to cause you? He'll make your life a living hell. Take it from someone who knows. John: I'll never forget what he did to you. And all the other people he's hurt. Marty: Even Blair doesn't deserve what he did to her. And what he's going to do now. John: She'll break away from him at some point. Marty: Is that what this is about, you trying to save her? It is your way, isn't it? With me and Natalie, even Evangeline. Yeah, I'd say your failure to save Caitlin is haunting you. You keep acting it out over and over again with the subsequent women in your life. Am I getting warm? John: The last thing I need is you shrinking me in my dreams. Marty: You've had enough therapy to know it's not me doing this. It's your own subconscious. John: Don't do that. Marty: You couldn't save me. What makes you think you can save Blair? Or are you afraid you can't? John: I'll look after her. Marty: Who's going to look after you -- when Todd can't handle the fact that Blair's never coming back to him because of you. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: You know, it's one thing growing up hearing about how your father bullied the whole world just to get what he wanted -- and to even see it. But it's a whole different ballgame to travel back in time and be the one doing it. Asa: You're really buying into this time travel crap? Bo: Pa, I don't know exactly what it was, but it was something. And I saw the body count. I mean, I saw all the bodies lying there, and this time I was the one that did it because I was you. And you were a real S.O.B., Pa. Especially with women. Asa: Like they didn't have it coming, Bo, huh? Bo: What, Renee? Renee turned out to be the love of your life at the end. And Ma, poor thing, with all her trouble, you know, she loved Clint and me and I think she loved you, too, and then there was that poor little Emma Bradley. Asa: Why the hell are you talking to me about that cheap tramp for? Bo: But you see, that's what you thought about all women. You didn't care who you destroyed as long as you got what you wanted. Talk a woman into bed, go for it. Make more money than any one man ever needed. Why not? Asa: Let me tell you something, boy. Everything I did was for my family. You boys meant everything to me. Bo: And you know something? Us boys are still carrying around your lousy legacy. Asa: I was a damn good father whether you appreciated it or not. Bo: Because you make a baby with someone, that doesn't make you a father. [SCENE_BREAK] Brody: I'm right here, buddy. I'm not some dream you're going to wake up from. Shane: I'm so glad you came back. You're everything I wanted my dad to be. Brody: And you're the kid I always wanted. Shane: Mom was awesome, but you coming was, like, even better. Sometimes I get scared that it's too good. Brody: Something wrong? Something making you think I'm going to take off? Shane: Yeah. Rex. Brody: What about Rex? Shane: Mom loves him. What if she wants him to be my dad? [SCENE_BREAK] Gigi: You think I slept with Brody? Where would you ever get that idea? Rex: From him. Gigi: When? Rex: When I called you the last time. Gigi: What last time? Rex: The other night. Gigi: Oh, my God. Rex: What? Gigi: Oh, God. I was working with Brody, and he had my cell phone stashed behind the bar. He told me you called and left me a message, but he deleted it. Rex: Why would he do that? Gigi: Well, why would he tell you that I slept with him? But I didn't, okay? God, somebody has some explaining to do. And by the way, I don't think you can say the same thing about her. Gigi: [As Emma] Her? I happen to have a name. Rex: Wait -- so you're not with Brody at all. Gigi: If I was, do you think I would let lightning send me back 40 years to find you? Emma: Hmm, maybe that's my cue to leave. Gigi: Did he also happen to mention that he was married before you jumped in the sack with him? Emma: Honey, if I didn't sleep with a guy just because he was married, I'd still be a virgin. And I like Balsom. Gigi: Balsom? She calls you Balsom, too? Rex: She thinks Balsom is my first name and Bo is my nickname. Emma: That's not true? Rex: Everybody here is somebody else. Everybody thinks that Bo's Asa and I'm Bo and Lindsay's Bo's mother, which makes her my mother. It sounds crazy, I know. Gigi: Sounds? What am I saying? I'm here, too. Rex: Okay, I was trying to get back to 2008 but I didn't make it. And now I'm stuck here. And I'm Bo, supposed to go into the army tomorrow. And the Vietnam War is going on. Gigi: So you jump into bed with the first girl you can find. Emma: Are you dense? Look at me. Balsom being with me is the only way he could be with you. Rex: She's right. Yeah, I've made a lot of mistakes, but the biggest one I made was leaving you in 2008 without telling you the truth. Gigi: What truth? Rex: Morasco. Gigi -- I love you. Rex: It's true, Morasco. I love you. Gigi: [As Emma] Looks like my work here is done. Rex: Are you going to be okay, Emma? Emma: I'll live. Balsom is a good guy. Give him a break. He may have been with me, but he was thinking about you. Nice knowing you, Balsom. Maybe we'll cross paths again some time. Rex: You heard her. Gigi: Yeah, she's a real character reference. Rex: I don't want anybody but you, Gigi. I can't believe what you put on the line to find me. Gigi: How couldn't I? It's always been you, Rex. Always. [SCENE_BREAK] Bo: Do you know how empty I felt when you died? Asa: Even though I'm a son of a bitch? Bo: I didn't feel empty because you were dead. I felt empty because you were gone. So then I wouldn't be able to prove to you that I was worth having. Asa: You're over thinking things, Bo, way too much. Just like you always did. Bo: I wanted to be different from you. I wanted a woman to love me, not because I bullied her into being with me, or that maybe she was -- she wanted something from me. I just wanted a woman that loved me. Asa: Like Lindsay did? Bo: I believe that she really did love me. Asa: She needed a ticket out of the joint. You were it. That's all you meant to her. Bo: See, you really do believe that, too, don't you? And that's why you treated women the way that you did. You didn't want them to do it to you first, because otherwise, then you would end up feeling just like I do right now. Asa: Better them than me. Bo: And that's the reason that I came back here, right back here where it all started -- you not giving a crap about anybody. Asa: It works for me. Bo: I lost a lot here. But you know something? I found something, too. Asa: And what is that? Bo: I found a way to finally let go -- of you. [SCENE_BREAK] Brody: Shane, just because your mom might end up with Rex, that doesn't mean I have to leave the picture. Not if you don't want me to. Shane: I don't want you to, ever. Brody: Then I won't. Shane: Promise? Brody: I want to be your dad, always. I promise you that. Shane: How come you let Mom go look for Rex? Brody: I can't make your mom want what I want. It has to be what she wants, too. She's never going to be happy otherwise. Shuffle. Shane: I wish we could make Mom see that she'd be happy with you. Brody: She's got to figure that out. And maybe once she does, she'll come back -- to both of us. [SCENE_BREAK] Rex: I never thought that I would get a second chance to tell you how I felt about you. I tried to get back to you, but everything went wrong. Gigi: What happened? Rex: [Sighs] Um, well, there was this guy who looked like Moe. He gave Bo and I this time travel book. We thought it was crazy, but it was the only thing we had to go off of. So we went back to the same place we got struck by lightning in 2008. I had my cell phone, and this professor person, he said it was the conduit. We got struck by lightning. I dropped the phone. He thinks Bo got back, but I didn't. I'm stuck here. And I thought I'd lost you forever. Next thing I know, Emma's there, and she's the closest I thought that I had to you. But she's not you. No one could ever be. I'm sorry. Gigi: It's okay. I get it -- I think. Rex: I hope so. Because it's true, every word of it. Gigi: I have waited so long for you to tell me that you love me. I just never thought it would be this complicated. Rex: So? What do you say? [SCENE_BREAK] John: Of all the people, I can't believe you let Manning get close to you. Marty: It isn't that kind of relationship. He found me when I'd lost everything, and he could have taken advantage of me, I suppose, but he didn't. He protected me, and he took care of me. John: So you're what -- you're friends now? Marty: Yes. John: What's he doing in your bed? Marty: I was afraid. I asked him to stay. John: What were you afraid of? Marty: I was having a nightmare. Just like I am now. John: Is that what you think this is? Marty: I hope so. John: There's no reason to be afraid of me. I'm not the one who hurt you. And if you're so worried about me, why don't you go ahead and wake him up? Marty: Oh, just go. Just go. John: I'm still here. Marty: Why are you doing this? It is because of Todd? Is that why you're here? John: Why do you think I care about him? Marty: Because you're involved with his wife, and you turned her against him, and his children, too. John: Oh. And Manning didn't have anything to do with that? Marty: No -- he loves his children more than anything, and he still loves his wife. John: Does that really work for you? Me, keeping him away from his wife? Marty: Why would you leave me for dead? John: Why are you dreaming about a man who supposedly hurt you so bad? [SCENE_BREAK] John: Manning is no match for me. Marty: Don't underestimate him. I did. John: I know what he did to you, and I'll never forget. Marty: Is that what this is about? Are you punishing Todd for raping me? John: I wouldn't use Blair for that. Marty: No, you wouldn't. You're not that kind of man. John: You're as beautiful as I remember you. Marty: I wouldn't say that too loud if I were you. John: It'll be our secret. Marty: What would have happened, if I hadn't died? Would I have been the one? [SCENE_BREAK] Rex: Gigi. Oh, what did you do that for? Gigi: For sleeping with my double. Rex: I thought you said you understood. Gigi: Sort of. Rex: Well, if I didn't think you were right here, I do now. Gigi: How did we get in this mess, Balsom? [SCENE_BREAK] Shane: Queens and jacks in the house. Read 'em and weep. Brody: Oh, man. Just don't tell your mom I taught you to play so good. Shane: The only card game she knows is "Go Fish." Brody: Well, she's a girl. Shane: She never even hung out with guys. She never went out with anyone, ever. Brody: Not even once? Shane: I used to think that it was because she missed you. But -- maybe I was wrong. Brody: I think you're the only guy she wanted to hang with. Shane: Unless -- Brody: What? Shane: It was Rex that she was missing. Brody: You don't like Rex? I thought you did. Shane: Rex is cool. He used to take me to baseball and stuff. And when Mom stood up at his wedding and said that she loved him, before you showed up, I wanted Rex to love Mom and not Adriana. Brody: That's okay, I get that. What? Shane: And I thought, before you showed up maybe Rex could be my dad. [SCENE_BREAK] Rex: That's when we got struck by lightning and ended up in 1968. Noelle is Rosa, Natalie is Maria, Jared is Clint. Moe is some hippie dude named Jeremiah, making magic brownies at the Good Day Cafe. Bo is his father. He was supposed to sleep with Emma, to father David Vickers. Gigi: What? Rex: I'll save that for later. Moe hooks us up with this Professor Fina, who's basically Delphina as a man. He tells us how to get back to 2008. He thinks that Bo made it. I'm still here. Gigi: I'm here to bring you back. Rex: I don't think it's that easy. Gigi: Sure it is! We go out to the fence and do what that professor told you to do, and we're back. Rex: You don't understand. I'm not sure we can get back. [SCENE_BREAK] Marty: I don't know why I'm dreaming about you. [Exhales] I hate you for what you did to me. John: You don't seem to want to be rid of me either. Marty: But I'll wake up eventually, and you'll be gone. John: I'll be out of your mind? Marty: Uh-huh. This won't happen again. I will be free of you. John: You keep telling yourself that. [SCENE_BREAK] John: Would you have been the one? I don't even know if there is a "one" for me. Marty: We never got the chance to play it out and see. John: Now we'll never know. Marty: Maybe it's her. Hmm, she's lucky. John: Yeah? Why is that? Marty: To be there with you. I can't help it. I wish it were me. It just feels as if it's my place -- where I belong, and that she should be where I am. John: What are you saying? Marty: I've got to go. John: Don't go. What did you mean by that? Marty: You'll see me again. John: Will I? Will you be back? [SCENE_BREAK] Asa: So you're letting go of me, Bo? Bo: About time, don't you think? Asa: What are you going to do with your life, without me riding you? Bo: Start over, I guess. What choice do I have? You're gone now. Asa: You'll always be Asa Buchanan's son. Bo: Mm-hmm. But I'll also always be Bo Buchanan. I like Bo Buchanan. Asa: Hell, I could have told you that. Bo: Why didn't you ever tell me that? Asa: Would you have listened? You had to figure it out for yourself. Just like your own son will. You think he doesn't have big boots to fill, too? Bo: I don't want him to ever have to feel that way. Asa: Like you think I did you. Bo: You can rest now, Pa. I can take care of myself. Asa: It's about time you figured that out. Bo: I still miss you, old man. Asa: You wouldn't be talking to me here if you didn't. Asa: I miss you, too, Bo. Is that what you wanted me to say? Bo: Yeah. Asa: You and your brother were the best things I ever did. [SCENE_BREAK] Brody: You mean -- you wanted your mom to marry Rex so that he'd be your stepdad or something? Shane: Or that -- he really was my dad. Brody: Why would -- why would you think that? Shane: Because he was alive, and you weren't. Sorry, Dad. Brody: Don't even think about that. I mean, why wouldn't you want a dad that was alive? Shane: So, you're not mad at me? Brody: I could never be mad at you, Shane. You're the best son any father could hope to have. Brody: No matter what happens, even if your mom ends up with Rex, I'm still going to be a big part of your life. Nothing's going to change that. All right, you finish up your milk and get back up to bed. If your mom gets home and you're still up, we're toast. Shane: This really sucks, by the way. But since you made it, I'll drink it. Brody: Okay, go on. I'll be right up to tuck you in. [SCENE_BREAK] Gigi: What do you mean, we can't go back? I have to get back to Shane. Rex: Here's the thing. When I didn't make it back through the portal with Bo -- it closed. Gigi: Oh. Rex: For 20 more years, according to Fina. Gigi: Well, figure out a way to get it back open, because I cannot stay here. This place creeps me out. Did you know there's not just another me running around here? There's a little boy downstairs who looks just like Shane. Rex: That's Spencer Truman. Gigi: That guy Lindsay killed? Rex: Okay, he's not Shane. But I will get you back to Shane. Somehow, some way -- I'll think of something. Gigi: God -- what if you don't? What if I never see my son again? Rex: Hey, I won't let that happen. Gigi, I promise you, now that you're here, I know I can do it. Gigi: I hope you're right. Rex: I will do whatever it takes, Morasco. Gigi: Just one more thing, Balsom. If you think I'm sleeping with you tonight, you're whacked. I'm so glad I found you. Rex: I am, too, Morasco. | Back in Llanview, Shane has a premonition that he will "lose" Brody, find out he is not his real dad and he admits to Brody that he can sense that maybe Rex is his real father and the right man for his mom |
689 | Meg: He's checking in right now? Perfect. No, no, no, don't tell him I'm here, it's a surprise. A big surprise. Okay, Dusty. Let's get this back on track. Dusty: Sorry 'bout that. Wrong room. Meg: Oh, it's the right room. The reaction could use a little work, though. Dusty: Meg? Meg: In the flesh. Dusty: What are you doing here? Meg: Well, you said you hated lonely hotel rooms. So I'm here to fix it. So how about you drop that overnighter and come give me a proper hello. Jennifer: Oh! Everything okay, Dusty? Dusty: That's a good question. [SCENE_BREAK] Keith: Hey, listen, um, could you tell me how much longer it's going to be? I've been waiting a long time here, and it's very important that I see her. Receptionist: I'm sure someone will be with you soon. You're welcome to sit in the lounge, have some coffee. Keith: I don't like coffee, and I don't like this. This is not what I expected. Lucinda: This is an outrage. It's an absolute outrage! What is that man doing here? You, you, I trusted you. I trusted you. I thought you understood about my need for privacy. And what -- I've been here 15 minutes, less than an hour, and already you've betrayed me. Dr. Hendricks: That's not possible. Lucinda: Then you -- explain to me what that man is doing over there. Dr. Hendricks: Why don't we step into my office, and we can discuss this in private? Lucinda: He cannot see me. That's it. Forget it! Forget the whole thing. I'm out of here. I'm out of here as fast as I can get out. I'm out! [SCENE_BREAK] Margo: All right. I was saving this, but I got a surprise. I got free tickets to the Cubby game from the department. Huh? It's tomorrow at 3:00. We can drive up there. We'll go early for Giovanni's pizza, we'll see the game, and then we'll go to Ricky's for ice cream afterwards. Sound good? Tom: Yeah, sounds great. Casey: Yeah, sure. Margo: I've got an extra ticket, you can invite a friend. Casey: Like who? My ex-best friend, Will? Or better yet, Gwen, my worst enemy? Or you know what? Maybe I can call up Celia up in Montega, and she'll fly back. Oh, wait, she never wants to talk to me again because of Gwen's stupid lies. Margo: All right. All right. All right. I know that you're really bummed about this, but I was thinking that maybe a diversion will be just what you need. Tom: Come on, your mom's right. It might be good for you. Margo: Oh, Case, come on. What happened to you wasn't fair. It shouldn't happen to any kid, but once the paternity test results come in, you're going to be off the hook. Casey: Right. I sure want to be off the hook. Tom: All right, tell you what. I have an idea. Margo: Good. Please. Tom: Let's barbecue. Ribs, steaks, whatever you want. Margo: All right, come on. He doesn't offer that too often. We gotta jump on it. Tom: I have never known a slab of baby backs that did not pull Casey out of his deepest funk. Casey: Okay, fine. Tom: Okay, good. Then, why don't you go to the store, get the supplies. And Casey and I will refill the propane tank. We'll meet you back at the house, and we'll do this thing. Margo: Yeah? That sound good? Casey: Yeah, yeah. Tom: Good. Then you go to the store. We'll meet you back at the house. Margo: Okay. We'll do that. I'll see you in a bit. Tom: Okay. Casey: Okay, smooth move, Dad. Now that you've gotten rid of her, what is it you want to say to me? Tom: I think you already know. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: Listen, Gwen, I'm sorry. This whole thing is snowballing out of control, and it's not good. It's not good for you, the baby or Carly. Gwen: I don't really care what's good for Carly, and I know she doesn't care what's good for me. All I want is to do what's right for the baby. Jack: Yes, we all do. Gwen: Yeah, right, as long as your team wins. But nobody has the right to keep me from my kid. Not you, not your wife, not anybody. Jack: We care about the baby's well-being as much as you do. Gwen: No, you don't. If you did, then you'd let me get custody of him. He's my son. You only got him because of Rosanna's accident. You hadn't even planned on having him. Jack: That doesn't mean that we're not gonna take care of him. Gwen: You won't love him. Jack: Gwen, we already do. Gwen: Not the way I will. Jack: It takes more than love, Gwen. It's hard work raising a child. It's hard and relentless, and I'm not really sure you're prepared for that. Gwen: Yes! I absolutely am. Jack: Okay, you know, arguing like this, it's pointless. It's in the judge's hands now. Gwen: Yeah, but your wife's doing everything she can to influence him. And if she doesn't stop trying to get my kid away from me, she's going to be sorry. Jack: Now what is that supposed to mean? Gwen: It means if she keeps it up, I'm gonna hit back, twice as hard. She wants to throw mud? Tell her to be prepared. Because I will bury her in it. Jack: I'd be careful with your threats, Gwen. 'Cause if you start coming after Carly personally, you'll have to deal with me. Gwen: You think I'm afraid of you? Jack: This gets ugly, you should be. [SCENE_BREAK] Iris: You know, I stayed up last night thinking things through when I realized something. It's never going to be over between you and me. I mean, how can you put a price on the life of a child? Carly: It seems like you're about to try. Iris: My life was destroyed the day you killed my son. I never got it back on track. Carly: Iris, I am sorry for that. But I was just a child myself. Iris: Is that supposed to make me feel better? Carly: Look, if I could go back and undo whatever happened, I would. But I can't. And no amount of money from me can change that, can compensate you for what you lost. Iris: Yeah, but it can sure compensate for the life I've been left with. You can help me take care of the family I've got now. You know, $200 was a start. It bought a few pair of shoes, a couple days' groceries. Carly: What is it you want now? Iris: Add a few zeros to that initial $200, and then we'll start talking the same language. [SCENE_BREAK] Dr. Hendricks: I assure you, Ms. Walsh -- Lucinda: It is Mrs. Washington to you. Dr. Hendricks: Yes, of course. I apologize, Ms. Washington. But the man you refer to is a pilot, I believe. Lucinda: I know he's a pilot! What's he doing here? Dr. Hendricks: He's probably delivering medical supplies. It's pure coincidence he's here at the same time as you. Lucinda: Yeah, really. Yeah. Dr. Hendricks: You have my word. Your identity and the treatment you receive will always be treated with absolute discretion. It's not good for you to get so rattled. Your heart is racing. Lucinda: Oh, my God. My pulse. I'll probably have a heart attack and croak. My family cannot know that I'm here, and they cannot know that I'm seeking this kind of treatment. Dr. Hendricks: I do understand. We'll make sure he doesn't know you're here, and he has no clue, and he doesn't see you. Lucinda: Yes, but he was asking for me. Dr. Hendricks: Did you hear him say your name? Lucinda: He said, "I'm waiting for her." Dr. Hendricks: He was probably referring to one of our staff that handles the deliveries. Ms. Washington, please, put your trust in me. I will take care of you. I promise. Keith: You know, I'm beginning to think this is a waste of my time. Blanca: I'm terribly sorry. I was detained, but I'm on my way. And I have the shipment for you. Keith: Well, good. Well, you know what? Maybe you'll have to throw me a few more dollars for the time I've spent here? Blanca: Of course. That's the least I can do. Keith: Okay, well, hurry up. Because I'm on a tight schedule, and I do not want to fall behind. Blanca: I'll see you shortly. Keith: Well, I'll be here. [SCENE_BREAK] Meg: Well, this sure didn't go the way I thought it was going to. Dusty: Yeah, that makes two of us. Meg: Hi, Jennifer. Jennifer: Hi, Meg. And sorry. Meg: No, no, don't apologize. I'm the one with egg on my face. Jennifer: Oh, no, no, you are fine. I'm the third wheel obviously here. So I'll just -- you pretend like you never saw me, I'm gonna go to my room, and maybe there'll be someone waiting in my bed for me. I'll see you later, Dusty. Dusty: Okay. How'd you get in my room? Meg: A little white lie here, a wink there. Do I need to explain it? Dusty: No. But why? Meg: Oh, that. It seemed like a good idea at the time. You know, a fun surprise. Dusty: I'm not very big on surprises. Meg: You just think you're not. You just need to loosen up a little bit. You have to admit, the place looks great. Dusty: Yep, you really outdid yourself. Meg: Okay, so why don't you pretend to come back in again, and maybe we could do it the way I envisioned it in my head. What do you say? [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Do you really think I'm going to let you get away with this? Iris: Well, the way I see it, you don't got much of a choice. I mean, you want to hold onto custody of your kid, right? Well, remember. All it takes is one visit from me to that judge telling him how you murdered my son. Carly: Why are you doing this? What do you expect to get? Especially when you know my husband is a cop, for crying out loud! Iris: Oh, please, tell me that's not a threat. Carly: I'm not talking about muscle. I'm talking about money. Do you have any idea what a cop's salary is? I'm a stay-at-home mother. There are times we barely make ends meet. So if you think you're reaching for some brass ring, you're way off-base. [Iris claps] Iris: Nice try, Blondie. But you forget I know about the kid's trust fund, the one your sister left him? Come on, tell me you don't want to get your hands on that money as much as I want you to? Carly: I don't have access to that. Iris: But you will, once custody is decided, and if it's in your favor. So if I were you, I'd be figuring out a way to keep me happy so that I don't blow your chances right out of the water. [SCENE_BREAK] Gwen: I'm just trying to protect myself. I'm not trying to hurt anybody. Jack: Neither am I, Gwen. Gwen: Then tell your wife to do the right thing and let me have my baby back. Jack: I prefer to leave this in the hands of the courts. Gwen: Why? You have children. You both have a family. Why are trying to keep me from having the same thing? Jack: The only thing I'm trying to keep is the peace. It's a legal matter, and legal matters should be handled in courts. This infighting between you and Carly is not helping anybody. Gwen: Tell her that. Jack: I have. And I'm also telling you. Let this case play out the way it should. Margo: Hi, excuse me, somebody. Hello. I need a cake, a whole chocolate cake to go. I need one of those death by chocolate kind of -- Gwen: Yeah, yeah. Mrs. Hughes. Margo: Um, okay, never mind. Gwen: No. Mrs. Hughes, please wait. Margo: You know what? I don't have anything to say to you. We shouldn't even be talking. Gwen: I know, but I need to say something to you. It's important. It's about the baby. [SCENE_BREAK] Casey: Dad, why don't you just admit it, that you think I'm the father. Tom: Are you? Casey: I already answered that. Tom: Well, yeah, under a lot of pressure. But try to put yourself in your mom's and my shoes? I mean, what are we supposed to think? Because you weren't even going to tell us you had this big fight with Gwen. And we would have never known if we hadn't walked in on you guys. It looked like you were to kill each other. Casey: That's because she's making stuff up. I mean, she's trying to get me into trouble to save her own butt. I'm not supposed to be mad? Why don't you just admit that you don't believe me? Tom: Well, honestly, I don't know whether to believe you or not. But I do think it's time that you level with me as your father, as your friend. Are you scared of what this paternity test is going to show? Casey: Yeah, I am. Deep down dirt and oil... [SCENE_BREAK] Dusty: I got a busy day. And a very busy night. Meg: Well, that's that, then. Believe it or not, it wasn't even my idea. Dusty: Yeah, right. Meg: Really. Lucinda thought it would be fun for me to surprise you here. She even provided the champagne. Dusty: Yep, that's her favorite. Meg: You know, I already popped the cork on it. It would be a shame for it to go to waste, don't you think? Maybe we should have a drink. Dusty: Well, it's tempting -- Meg: But? Dusty: But I shouldn't. I got a business dinner with Jennifer, and I'm trying to keep a clear head. Sorry to, you know, blow your plans. Meg: Are you sure they can't change? Dusty: Yep. Meg: Of course not. You're not here alone. Jen was wrong. I'm the third wheel. Dusty: Jen came along last minute, for your information. We're here on a business trip, that's all. Meg: Well, you know what they say about all work and no play. Dusty: It keeps you on top of your game? Meg: It makes Dusty a dull boy. Dusty: Meg, I thought we were clear on where we stood. Meg: Relax, Donovan. Don't make it such a big deal. You're the one who said you don't like traveling on business and ordering room service by yourself, so I thought I'd do you the favor and come keep you from being lonely. That's it. Dusty: I appreciate it. I appreciate it. But I'm just not that big on surprises, like I said. Meg: Well, you can't blame a girl for trying. Can you? Dusty: No, I don't blame you for anything. But you should probably get dressed. Meg: Or what? [SCENE_BREAK] Jennifer: No surprise guest for me. Guess I don't rate like Dusty does. [Jennifer sighs] [Radio turns on] Oh! Jennifer: Oh, well. Party alone. Dr. Hendricks: I hope I've allayed your fears, Ms. Washington. Lucinda: I do want to give you the benefit of the doubt, Doctor, I really do, because this -- the treatment is very important to me. Dr. Hendricks: And to me. Lucinda: But so is secrecy. Dr. Hendricks: You have nothing to worry about. Lucinda: When will we begin? Dr. Hendricks: I'll go and prepare your first treatment session right now. Lucinda: Okay. Dr. Hendricks: You'll be most comfortable waiting here, I expect. Enjoy your tea. Lucinda: Uh, I'm not at all certain that I can keep this down, unless it's a magic potion. Dr. Hendricks: It's a special detoxification blend. I'll send a nurse in for you shortly. Blanca: So sorry to have kept you waiting, Mr. -- Keith: Oh, no names, okay? Blanca: Oh, of course, I understand. Keith: Can we get down to business? Blanca: Oh, yes, follow me. Lucinda: Routine delivery my eye. [SCENE_BREAK] Tom: These tests are run multiple times for accuracy. So the truth is that a positive result is 99.9% accurate. And a negative result, 100%. Casey: Really? Tom: Absolutely. So if you didn't sleep with Gwen, there's not gonna be a mistake. Casey: Well, what if she gets someone to mess with the tests? Tom: Well, that's not gonna happen, buddy, because they did the swab at home, remember? And that was supervised. And the same thing with the baby. So I'm telling you, it's just not going to happen. So if that's what has you so upset, you need to calm down. But if there's something else that's bothering you, now is probably the time to tell me. [SCENE_BREAK] Margo: What? What? What do you want to say to me? Gwen: That I'm sorry about how this turned out. Margo: Okay. Gwen: You always treated me okay. You were very nice to me. I don't hold any of this against you. Margo: What do you mean, "any of this"? Gwen: The way Casey's acting. I know he's just scared. I understand that. Margo: How do you expect him to act? Gwen: Uh, I expect him to take responsibility, at least admit that he's the father. Margo: But he's not the father. Gwen: What are you talking about? Mrs. Hughes, the judge already knows. It's in the court record and everything. Margo: Oh, man. Gwen: I just want to get my kid back. And I know that you're gonna want to be a part of his life once I do. I mean, he is your grandson. I understand that. Margo: Oh, my God, I can't believe that you would ruin Casey's life like this. Gwen: What did he tell you? Did he tell you that I'm lying? Mrs. Hughes, Casey's the father. There's no one else it could be. Margo: Gwen, I just don't believe that. Gwen: Casey is the only guy I've ever had sex with -- ever. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: How dare you? How dare you say that I'm after Rory's money! I made a commitment to my sister that had nothing to do with any trust fund. I'm not like that. I'm not like you. Iris: Oh, get over yourself. You're about to come into a huge chunk of change. Your family's set for life. And I'm still pinching pennies, trying to keep my head above water. Now, does that seem fair to you, after what you took from me? I don't think so. Carly: We still haven't talked about how much fairness we're talking about here. Iris: $10,000, and spare me the I'm a poor cop's wife routine. You know what they say -- when there's a will, and in this case, a trust fund, there's a way. Carly: And if I say no? Iris: Well, the judge is just a phone call away. You're a smart girl. You'll figure something out. And everything will turn out just fine for everybody. Jack: What will turn out just fine? What the hell is going on here? [SCENE_BREAK] Announcer: Coming up on "As the World Turns" -- Jack: Hey, you want to tell me what that was really about? Carly: What? What do you mean? Gwen: You believe me now, don't you? Margo: I don't -- I don't know what to believe. Tom: Test results are in. Judge is waiting for us. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: I thought I made it quite clear, Iris, that I didn't want you anywhere near my wife or anyone else in my family, for that matter. So what the hell are you doing here? Iris: Carly invited me in, actually. Didn't you, Hon? Jack: I find that hard to believe. Carly: She just stopped by. Jack: What is it you want? Iris: Well, as a matter of fact, I've been doing a lot of soul searching these last few days. Jack: Soul searching? Iris: Yeah. I've been a very angry lady for a long time. Hasn't gotten me anywhere. So I figured it was time for me to let go of the past, of all that pain. And I -- I came here to tell Carly that I forgive her. Jack: Have you, now? Iris: Yes. Hating each other isn't the answer. I -- I know that now. In fact, I think we need to help each other through this, and help each other generously. Isn't that right, Hon? Isn't that what we were talking about? Carly: Something like that. Yeah. Jack: Well, I'm all for anything that will put this ordeal behind us. And I know Carly is, too. Carly: Absolutely. Iris: You know, I just knew you'd see it that way. Now it just looks like everything is going to turn out right for everyone. Don't you think? [SCENE_BREAK] Tom: I need to know what's going to happen when this paternity test comes in. Are you the father of this boy? Casey: I don't want to talk about this now, all right? Mom's waiting, so can we just go? Tom: You know, I know you don't, but you can't keep running away from this. So I'm not gonna be angry at you, and your mom and I are not gonna feel any less of you if you're the father of this baby. But you need to stop being so scared and tell the truth. Did you sleep with Gwen, or is there a chance, any chance in the world, that you're the father of this baby? [SCENE_BREAK] [Margo sighs] Margo: You know, I see girls like you, unfortunately, a lot. And you will say and do anything because I know that you're scared. You got will to lie about being the father, and now you're trying to saddle it on Casey. Gwen: Why would I do that? I'm not stupid. Margo: Yeah, but you are desperate. Gwen: Mrs. Hughes, I've never had sex with anyone but your son. I swear it. Margo: No, I don't think so, because he would never do that to Celia. Gwen: It was before he was with Celia. He kept it from her. Why do you think they broke up? She found out. Margo: All right, when did this happen? Gwen: At Joel's Christmas party last year. Margo: Joel Stansbury? Gwen: Yeah. It got pretty wild, there was a lot of beer there. We both had too much to drink. One thing led to another. And after it happened, we both pass out. And when we woke up, Casey freaked out. He didn't know how he was going to explain that he had been out all night. And I think he finally got will to cover for him with some story, I don't know what. Any of this ring any bells to you? Margo: Guess what, Gwen? You just have to have been to the party to know that he didn't come home that night. It doesn't prove that he was with you. Gwen: It proves a lot more than you want to hear. I can see it in your eyes. You know I'm telling the truth. Why won't you just accept it? [SCENE_BREAK] Jennifer: Oh, oh, oh, I love this one. Oh, this is it. Oh, this is so much better than all the rest. I love it. Oh! [SCENE_BREAK] Dusty: I'm here to work. Uh, I got a lot to do in a short amount of time. I can't get distracted. Meg: So it's not me, it's the circumstance? Dusty: It's you and the circumstance. Meg: So I guess there's no changing your mind then, huh? Dusty: No. Meg: Okay, I give up, you win. The lady's going home. But you will miss me in an hour. Dusty: I'm glad to see you're not too disappointed. Meg: How do you know I'm not completely devastated? Dusty: I'll give you some advice. I'm not worth it. Meg: Well, maybe I think you are. Dusty: You know, it's not that I don't appreciate the gesture. I do. But I'm getting worried now, because either I'm not making sense, or you're not listening. Maybe we need to set things straight. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Why don't you take him upstairs? Put him in his crib for his nap? Jack: Sure. Good-bye, Iris. Carly: Don't you get too comfortable with this best friends routine. I haven't agreed to anything. Iris: Oh, yes, you have. Otherwise you would've told hubby everything, right now. But you didn't. Because you know what I can do to you. So you're going to get me those ten Gs, sweetie pie, and you're going to do it soon. Jack: Do what soon? Carly: Wow, whew, that was fast. Jack: Yeah, sound asleep as soon as I put him down. Anyway, do what soon? Carly: Just get together for some coffee. Iris: Yeah, you know, we should go to Java one afternoon. I go there a lot. Jack: Oh. Iris: Boy, do you know, I feel wonderful. It's amazing how the act of forgiveness can just lift you right off the ground, you know? There's a saying that one act of forgiveness can erase 10,000 sins. Jack: I hadn't heard that one. Carly: Me, either. Well, thanks. Thanks for stopping by, Iris. Iris: Oh, my pleasure. Nice to see you again, and I'll talk to you real soon. Carly: All righty. Iris: Good-bye. Jack: Okay, you want to tell me what that was really about? Carly: What? What do you mean? Jack: Do you really believe that she's gonna let this all go? Carly: Oh, who knows, Jack? She's a nutcase. Who knows? Jack: Yeah, but do you buy the forgiveness spiel, honey? Carly: I don't know, Jack. People say strange things. I think that she's a little unstable, and we should stay as far away from her as we possibly can. [Phone ringing] Oh, I'll get it, okay? Hello? Really? Yes, great. Great, we'll be right there. [SCENE_BREAK] Casey: I've already told you a dozen times that I'm not the father. I don't know why Gwen is saying that I am. And I don't know why you're having such a hard time believing me. Tom: Well, I want to believe you. So does your mom. We just need to make sure that you're not too afraid to tell us the truth. Casey: I am telling the truth. Tom: Okay. Casey: This was supposed to be a great summer -- you know, the best ever. But thanks to Gwen, everything's gone to hell. Tom: Hey, come on, don't talk like that. Casey: About what, hell or Gwen? I'm sorry. I just -- I wish that I'd never met her. I mean, I wish that she would just disappear from my life. I mean, I just want this whole thing to be over with. Tom: Well, we all do. [Phone ringing] Excuse me. Hello? Okay, thanks. I think you may be getting your wish. The test results are in. The judge is waiting for us. [SCENE_BREAK] Margo: I gotta -- I gotta go. Gwen: I'm not lying about this, Mrs. Hughes. No matter what he says. He's afraid to tell you the truth. I don't know why. You seem like pretty cool parents. I think you'd be pretty understanding about it. Margo: I am. I'm always understanding when it comes to my son, and he knows that. Gwen: You believe me now, don't you? Margo: I don't -- I don't know what to believe. Gwen: I just want a chance to be a mom to my son. I don't want any help from you, or from Casey, or anybody. I kept it a secret because I didn't want to put Casey in this spot. But then the judge made me tell the truth. Margo: Oh -- Gwen: Look, if I was going to lie about it, wouldn't it make more sense for me to go back to will being the dad? I know he would've taken my back like he did the first time. Margo: Well then, why didn't you? Gwen: Because I was tired of lying. I was tired of keeping it all inside. And I bet, deep down, Casey's tired of it, too. I don't know why he pretends that it's not true. But it is, Mrs. Hughes. It is. Cass: Detective, you know you two shouldn't be talking to each other. Margo: Yes, I do. I know that. We're almost finished here. Cass: I just got a call from the court clerk. The judge has received the results of the paternity test. Gwen: Well, now you'll know for sure. Margo: Yeah, I guess we all will. [SCENE_BREAK] Keith: You know, this is not the way I'm used to doing business. Blanca: Again, I apologize. The delay was unavoidable. Keith: Okay, but the package is here? Blanca: It should get here momentarily. Keith: What do you mean? It was supposed to be here the minute I got here. Blanca: Relax, everything's fine. There were a few complications during surgery, but everything is okay. They're finishing up as we speak. Lucinda: Surgery? Blanca: Here are your flight coordinates and your landing information. You are to fly the package to a small airstrip near eastern El Paso. Mr. Jones will be there at 1100 hours ready for the pickup. Keith: Well, this time I wasted, I'm barely gonna make it now. Blanca: Will this help? Keith: Can't hurt. So where's the kidney? Blanca: I'm assuming by now, harvested and waiting on ice. Keith: Well, go and get it. I'm in a hurry. Blanca: You know, you should calm down. Stress is deadly. You don't want to end up a patient in this place, do you? Keith: Just get the kidney, let me worry about my own stress. Lucinda: Hey, you keeping that for a rainy day, or just a quick getaway? [SCENE_BREAK] Meg: Thanks for letting me get dressed before you read me the riot act. Dusty: It's a shame to let this champagne go to waste. Have some. Meg: Am I going to need it? Dusty: No, not really. You know the score. Meg: Don't be so dramatic, Donovan. I came here to cheer you up. I just think we're good together in different ways, that's all. Dusty: We are. Meg: So it seems that you're the one with the problem here then. Dusty: I never said I wasn't the one with the problem. Meg: So you can't move forward, and you can't stand still. What are you really looking for, Donovan? Dusty: You'll be the first to know when I figure that out. Meg: You know, sometimes when you stop looking, things have a way of finding you. Dusty: You should listen to your own advice. Meg: Where's the fun in that? I will see you back in Oakdale. Dusty: Yeah, I'm sure you will. Meg: Can I ask you something? Dusty: Yeah, go ahead. Meg: If Jennifer wasn't here, if you'd came here alone, what would've happened? Dusty: I've learned never to ask "what if?" Meg: I'll take that as a maybe. See you later. Dusty: See you. Thanks for the thought. Meg: Anytime. [Knock at door] Dusty: Hey. You okay? How's the room? Jennifer: Well, it's a little emptier than yours. Dusty: It's a little noisier than mine, too. Jennifer: Where's -- where's Meg? Dusty: Uh, she's on her way back to Oakdale. Jennifer: Oh. Why is that? Dusty: Because it's not a good time for her to be here. Jennifer: I don't know why, but I get the feeling that you two don't know which foot to start out on. Dusty: Well, who says we're starting out on anything? Jennifer: Well, why not? Dusty: What time you gonna be ready for dinner? Jennifer: That depends. Dusty: On what? Jennifer: On you. [SCENE_BREAK] Gwen: So what happens now? Cass: We see. If the tests corroborate that Casey Hughes is the father, then the custody hearing will resume. Gwen: Casey is the dad. Cass: Then we're in good shape. Carly: I can't stand this. Jack: It'll all be over soon. Margo: How'd it go after I left? Tom: Not much different than when you were there. Casey: You know I can hear you. I'm right here. Judge: Let the record show that all parties are present, and that the results of Casey Hughes' paternity tests are in. [SCENE_BREAK] Announcer: Next week on "As the World Turns." Casey: Your honor, wait. Before you go on, can I say something? Paul: You want to know the price for throwing in with me? It's simple. All you have to do is take your baby and leave Oakdale for good. Jennifer: You are the guest of honor. | Dusty tells meg he isn't ready for a serious relationship but Meg isn't ready to give up on him yet |
690 | Darla: Oh, my gosh. Look what Stephanie and Samantha have done with the place. It's gorgeous. The perfect bride's room. Sal? Sally: I'm right here, Darla. I'm right here. Please forgive my being absent for a few minutes, but I am busy practicing my juggling act, because I figure if spectra's new collection tanks, I can always get another job with Cirque Du Soleil. Darla: Hey, honeybun, I offered to help you. Sally: I know. I know. But what self-respecting matron of honor would ever allow a bride to lift a finger on her wedding day? Never. Darla: Now that tradition, I like. The rest of them -- eh. Sally: Are you referring to the fact that you had to spend one night in bed without Thorne? Darla: Yeah. I didn't sleep at all. Sally: Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Well, missing somebody will do that, you know. So will too much excitement, so watch yourself. Darla: Yeah. True, true, true. Oh, Sally, check out this spread. Oh, my god, there's stuff here I don't even know how to eat. Sally: Well, you better learn, Darla. You better learn how to get used to a gourmet lifestyle. You're going to be Mrs. Forrester. Darla: Mrs. Thorne Forrester. Sally: Ha-ha. Oh, boy, it has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? Yeah. Lovely. Nice ring. Oh, Darla, ring. Darla: What? Sally: Ring. Darla: Yeah. Sally where's the ring? Where's the ring, the groom's ring? I had it. I saw -- Darla: Sal? Hello? Hello! Sally: No, no, no, no. What kind of matron of honor would lose a ring? I mean, how could anybody do -- Darla: Are you kidding me? Sally: Oh. Well, of course, I knew that. Darla: Mm-hmm. Sally: What kind of matron of honor would lose a ring? Not me. Darla: Exactly. And you know something, babe? You are going to be the best matron of honor a girl could ever have. Sally: I am pretty good, aren't I? Darla: The best. Sally: Yeah. I am aware, of course, that you were a little nervous there for a while, but there was really no need. Sally Spectra is on the case, and everything is under control. Ridge: How's it going up there, Catherine? Oh, you just worry about your part. You let me handle Brooke. [ Call waiting beeps ]Ridge: Oh, wait a minute, I got another call coming in. I'll have to talk to you later. Bye. What do you want, mother? Stephanie: Hello, Ridge. Your father's told me something, and I would like you to tell me that it's not true. Ridge: Well, I would, except I'd be lying. Stephanie: Are you telling me that Brooke has agreed to come to this house today with you? Ridge: Not yet, but she will. Stephanie: And you don't see anything wrong showing up here with Nick's fiancé? Ridge: She never said "I do." Stephanie: Are you telling me that she's broken the engagement? Ridge: It's just a matter of time. Stephanie: Ridge, please don't do this. I mean, haven't you humiliated yourself enough with that stunt that you pulled at her wedding? Ridge: Good-bye, mother. Stephanie: I haven't finished, Ridge. Ridge: Oh, yes, you have. Lovely talking with you as always. Thorne: Hey. Who wants to party? Stephanie: Well, I can see that you do. Hi, sweetheart. Thorne: Hey, mom. Wow, the place looks great. You guys really went all out on it. Stephanie: Oh, thank you. Well, of course, only the best for you and Darla. And this beautiful little baby girl. Thorne: Well, she's really excited her parents are getting married. Aren't you, Alexandria? Stephanie: Probably not as excited as you. Where's the rest of your clothes? Thorne: Oh, well, I thought I'd do a Chippendale's thing. You know, kind of add some spice to the wedding. Stephanie: Please, we'll have enough drama as it is. Thorne: Oh? Stephanie: No, no, everything will be fine. Don't worry. Thorne: You're talking about Brooke coming as ridge's date, aren't you? Stephanie: Doesn't that bother you? Thorne: Mom, Brooke's not going to cause any trouble. Stephanie: I hope not. What I really hope is that she just won't show up at all. Brooke: Marta, did you find Hope's blanket yet? Ridge: She's not gonna need it, not where she's going. Brooke: Ridge, I didn't know you were coming over. Ridge: Well, I didn't want to slow us down, because we just don't have that much time. Brooke: For what? Hope: Mommy. We're going to a wedding. Stephanie: All right, Joanne, never mind. Thank you. Thank you. I just wanted that chardonnay that you and Darla like so much. I mean, how hard can it be? We're here in California, aren't we? Thorne: Mother, whatever you have will be fine. Eric: Everything's all right, isn't it? Stephanie: Oh, yes, yes. I just wanted the wedding to be perfect for him. Thorne: As long as we get married, it will be, okay? Eric: There you go. The voice of reason. Thorne: Coming from the most unlikely places, huh? Eric: You have surprised your mother and me a lot lately. Thorne: Well, I think I've surprised myself, you know? I'm about to get married, a father, President of the company. Stephanie: Everything that you had, you've earned. Thorne: Thank you. But I've had two great role models. Both: Thank you. Thorne: Okay. I'd better get Alexandria over to Helen, or I may be getting married like this. Stephanie: Go ahead. Eric: He's really coming into his own now, isn't he? Stephanie: Yes, he is. Wish we could say the same for ridge. He just won't learn from his mistakes. And I think he's about to make another big one. Brooke: Ridge, what were you thinking? Ridge: That my brother's getting married, you and hope are family, so -- so -- better get dressed. Catherine: Look, Hope, you and mommy have the same dress. Hope: Isn't it pretty? Brooke: Yes, it is. It's very pretty, sweetheart, but what about Nick? Ridge: I'm sorry, I didn't make one for him. Brooke: I can't just forget about Nick and go off with you. Ridge: Now, you don't want to disappoint hope, do you? By the way, you and I have the first dance, okay? I promise. Hope: Okay. Brooke: This isn't fair. Ridge: Oh, don't worry, Logan, I'll save the second dance for you, okay? Brooke: You're impossible! Catherine: Hope, I think we left your flower headband on the patio. Should we go get it? Okay, come on. Brooke: Thank you, Catherine. Ridge: Come with me, Logan. What could it hurt? Brooke: It could hurt Nick. When I saw him in that jail -- Ridge: Hey, I saw him, too, and he's exactly where he needs to be right now. And so are you. You know I'm right. You know it. Thomas: So are you coming? Phoebe: You are, aren't you? Steffy: It'll be so much fun. Ridge: Hey, don't look at me. Thomas: He didn't put us up to this. Phoebe: It was totally our idea. Thomas: We heard you might be on the fence, so -- Brooke: So you thought you'd just push me over? Thomas: No. No, we would never pressure you. Brooke: Mm. Steffy: 'Course, it won't be the same without you there. Thomas: Please come. Steffy: Hope! Thomas: Hey. Phoebe: She looks so cute! Thomas: Hey, squirt, long time no see. Steffy: Too long. Brooke: Look, I know you all have your heart set on this, but nick and the Marones, they're my family, too. And they're going through a really hard time right now. Phoebe: You can bring them home some wedding cake. Steffy: That'd make me feel better. Brooke: Did anybody ever tell you you are the sweetest girls ever? Steffy: You told us. Phoebe: And you also said we could always count on you. Thomas: Wouldn't want to eat your words now, would you? Brooke: Oh, gosh. You are as bad as your father. Phoebe/steffy: Yes. Ridge: You won't regret it, Logan. Thomas: And let's just hope this wedding thing's contagious. Darla: Thanks for bringing her by, Helen. Sally: So what did I tell you? Alexandria came through with flying colors, didn't she? Darla: Yes, she did. And I hope we can say the same thing for her daddy, 'cause that was his first night that he was alone with her. Sally: It's good for him. Darla: Yeah, he was so sweet. Sally said to me that he didn't want me to think about anything else except becoming a bride. Sally: Good for him. Darla: Yeah. Sally: And he's absolutely right, you know that. However, I do think we have to do a couple more things other than just think about it or it's never going to happen, right? Darla: Yes. Sally: So what do you say? Let's go in here and take a look at that gorgeous wedding gown of yours. Come on. Darla: Let's do it. Sally: Oh. Darla: Sally, can you believe this? Me in a Forrester original. Sally: It is absolutely stunning, I have to say. Darla: Oh. Sally: You know, Eric Forrester really outdid himself with this. Darla: Oh, yeah. Darla: Sally, don't even think about it. No. Forget about it. You are not gonna turn this dress into a knockoff. Sally: But of course not. Whoever would have thought of such a thing, you know? Darla: God. Sally: But actually, now that you mention it, do you realize what this would do for spectra sales if we had an item like this to lead the collection? Darla: Sally, I don't want every Tom, Dick and Harry wearing my wedding dress. Sally: Oh, well, you got to put it like that, of course. I agree with you. Darla: Thank you. Sally: Honey, the truth is, if anybody deserves something wonderful and beautiful and special that is hers alone, it is you. Darla: Thank you. Cinderella makes good, huh? Who would have ever thought it? Sally: Me. I thought of it the first time I ever saw you. I remember, I said to myself, "sally old girl, you'd better hold on to that one. She's got something special." Darla: Sally, you were the only one who ever believed in me. You and Macy. I mean, at least until -- Sally: Honey, Macy forgave you for all of that. You know that. Darla: It's just not the same, you know? Not having your best friend here to -- to see your wedding. Sally: Let me show you something. See these? Darla: Oh. Sally: This is my birthstone, and Macy's birthstone. I gave these to her on her 21st birthday, when she and I were gonna conquer the world. And now -- now, it's up to you. It's up to you. Darla: Oh, Sal. Sally: Well, I figured, you know, you could use the two of them for the old bridal cliché. You know, "something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue." Darla: Blue. Sally: There's only one thing that's different. You don't have to return these to me at the end of the day. Because you see, I always meant these for my daughter. Eric: Wait, so you drove your sisters over here? Phoebe: It's great having your own chauffeur. Thomas: Hey, don't get used to it. This is a one-time only deal, a favor to dad. Stephanie: Oh? Thomas: Well, we wanted to give him some alone time with his date. Stephanie: His date? Phoebe: Uncle Thorne! Eric: Stephanie? Stephanie: Mm-hmm. Eric: When ridge brings Brooke through that door, you're gonna smile and be gracious and lovely. Promise me. Stephanie: You know, you're asking me something that's almost impossible. Eric: But you will do it, for Thorne and Darla's sake. Stephanie: Well, maybe I won't have to. Eric: Hey. Ridge: Hey. Mother, dad. Stephanie: Hi, honey. Catherine, how are you? This is a wonderful surprise. I didn't realize you were going to be here today. Brooke: She came here to watch hope. Hello, Stephanie. Eric: Brooke, good. You came. I wasn't sure you were coming. Brooke: Ridge and the kids convinced me. Stephanie: Oh, and I bet you just jumped at the chance. Ridge: Mother -- Eric: Stephanie. Come on, darling. Let's go see the groom. Thorne, you're not gonna believe who's here. Ridge: All right you. Stephanie: Who does she think she is? Ridge: Just leave it alone. Stephanie: You think I'm going to leave this alone. Ridge: Come on with me. We need to talk. Ridge: We're not gonna do this, mother. You're not gonna cause a scene. Stephanie: I am not the person that brought Brooke to this wedding. Have you lost your mind? Ridge: No. Actually, I haven't. I've found it. And now you're gonna get a piece of it! Darla: Oh, no, no, no, no! Sally: What is it? What is it? What's going on? Oh, please. Don't tell me. Another run, and you're going to qualify for the Olympics. [ Knock at door ] That better be a stocking or pantyhose salesman. Darla: Who is it? Thorne: I'll give you one guess. Darla: Thorne! What are you doing here? Sally: You can't see the bride! Thorne: I know. But there is no rule against kissing her. Darla: Oh, that's a good point. I'm right here baby. I'm right here. Thorne: Thanks, Sal. Sally: Very funny. In your dreams, pal. In your dreams. Thorne: So how is my beautiful bride to be? Any butterflies? Darla: No, baby, I am butterfly free. Sally: Geez! Do you want to save a little bit of that for the honeymoon, hmm? Darla: You should go. Sally: Ah, but be sure and hang on to the blindfold. It may come in handy tonight. Thorne: Ooh, take some lessons from us now. See you at the altar? Darla: It's a date, honey. Thorne: Okay. [ Sally laughs ] Eric: Thorne and Darla really wanted you to be here. Catherine: See? Eric: So we just have to make sure the usher gives you a nice seat right down front. Speaking of Ridge, where is he? Brooke: With Stephanie. Eric: Still? Brooke: I know because my ears are burning. Eric: Well, don't you worry about anything. No matter what Stephanie says, you're a member of this family, and you always will be. Ridge: I'm sick and tired of your interference! Stephanie: And I'm sick and tired of watching you self-destruct! Ridge: I asked Brooke to a wedding! Stephanie: No, you're throwing this in everybody's face! I mean, you go over there, you break up her wedding and -- my god, nick and Massimo are not common criminals! Ridge: Well, that's up to the FBI to decide now. Stephanie: You don't even care that you put your father in jail, do you? Ridge: Well, mother, that part was not my intention. Stephanie: Do you know what you're sounding like -- who you're sounding like?! Brooke. "Oh -- oh, I didn't mean to hurt anybody." Ridge: Look, I've made it very clear to everyone that I'm gonna do whatever it takes in my power to keep from losing Brooke. Stephanie: She's already gone, Ridge, and you don't get it. Ridge: What, just because she's carrying Nick's baby?! That does not make her his! Stephanie in her mind it does. Ridge: 'Cause you put it in her mind -- you and Jackie and Massimo. Stephanie: That's not true. We gave her the courage to do what she knew was the right thing. [ Ridge laughs ] Ridge: My god. You can put a spin on everything, can't you? Stephanie: It's the truth! Ridge: The truth? The truth is that that baby's best place is with a mother who's where she wants to be. That happens to be with me. Stephanie: Are you gonna marry her again? Ridge: You're damn right I am! Stephanie: Are you going to begin this entire cycle all over again -- nothing but lies and betrayals? Ridge: Oh, please. That -- that's not gonna happen. Stephanie: Of course it's going to happen, ridge. That's all she knows. If you do this, I'm telling you, it will kill me. [ Ridge laughs ] Stephanie: And I'm not being dramatic about this! I'm telling you, I will not be able to stand by and watch you ruin your life, your children's lives -- Taylor's children, who I promised to protect! I won't be able to go through that again. How many people are you willing to cut out of your life? How many people, for what? For this woman -- for this woman who could not remain faithful to you for one night? Is she really worth this? Is she? | With a little help from Hope, Thomas and the twins, Ridge talks Brooke into attending the wedding with him |
691 | Noah: Hmm. And one Harmony Hellfire coming right up. Woman: Ooh. [Woman laughs] [Noah hums] Woman: Ooh. [Applause] Woman: Hey. Thank you. Fancy: Bartender, we're waiting. Noah's voice: You still want me, Fancy -- not that I blame you. Edmund: What's the deal, Fancy? Why are you staring at the bartender like that? Woman: If you could see the guy, you'd know why. He's totally hot and totally gorgeous. Edmund: But can he make a decent martini? Woman: Perfect -- just like he is. Fancy's voice: Don't I know it. [SCENE_BREAK] _> > The role of Sheridan Crane is temporarily being played by Shannon Sturges. _ Sheridan: Here's something to keep your tummy happy until dinnertime. [Sheridan gasps] Sheridan: Dinner? I haven't even finished cleaning up from breakfast or lunch yet. And I've got all of the laundry to do, and I still need to make up the bed from room five. Ah. Chris: Hey, James. How's it going? Sheridan: James is fine. I'm a wreck. Chris: Well, no one will ever know to look at you. Sheridan: Flattery won't get you any extra towels. I'm way behind on laundry for the B&B. Chris: I'm going to be here for a while, so go do what you have to do. I'll keep an eye on James. Sheridan: Are you sure? Chris: Sure. You take care of him while I'm working. It's my turn now. Sheridan: Oh, great. Thanks. I have got to get the laundry in. [Phone rings] Chris: Why is he calling me again? Whatever he wants can wait. [SCENE_BREAK] Ethan: I object to prosecution's witness. Ms. Sanbourne's outburst earlier has prejudiced the jury, Your Honor. Ms. Nancier: As if Mr. Crane's one-sided verbal love letter wasn't trying to sway them the other way. Judge: Prosecution makes a good point. I'll accept the witness. Ethan: I'm sorry. Eve: Oh, Ethan, no, it's not your fault. It just comes down to what it's always been about, and that's Liz's vendetta against me. Ethan: You never know. Liz may have said some horrible things, but that jury could turn against her. Bailiff: Place your hand on the Bible and read what's on the card. Liz: I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God. Eve: Liz has been waiting to bury me ever since she got to Harmony. She can't wait to see me go to prison. Ethan: It doesn't necessarily mean you will. Eve: Oh, don't sugarcoat this, Ethan. If the jury doesn't hate me already, they will after Liz's encore. Yeah, she's going to say whatever she thinks she needs to to make sure I'm locked up for the rest of my life. Julian: Well, after Liz's earlier breakdown, maybe the jury will think she's unstable. Eve: Liz could shoot one of the jurors in cold blood right now and the 11 left would blame me. I better get used to wearing orange. I'm going to be wearing it for the rest of my life. Rebecca's voice: I can't believe how well this is going. No one will ever know I was out to poison Eve that night. Liz's testimony may be enough to convict Eve without me having to testify. Oh, I certainly hope so. Other people are threatening my loveless but very profitable marriage to Julian -- Theresa and Pilar in particular. I wonder if Gwen found the disk that could destroy us before Theresa got her grubby little manos on it. [SCENE_BREAK] [Gwen grunts] Theresa: Let go of those disks, Gwen! Let go before I hurt you! Gwen: You'll have to kill me first! Theresa: Don't you give me any ideas. [Gwen grunts] Theresa: Oh -- no! Gwen: Ha! Now how are you going to convince Ethan it was me? Pilar: What's going on here? Theresa: I've got to get Ethan and Jane back no matter what I have to do. Pilar: Theresa -- Theresa: Agh! Pilar: Theresa, no -- Theresa! Theresa: Stop, Mama -- ow! I can do this! Gwen: You are too late, Theresa. Theresa: Oh -- Gwen: The proof you needed was in one of those disks. Now it's gone. Theresa: Mama -- let me go, Mama! I can get those disks. Pilar: Don't be stubborn. You're burning your hand, Theresa! Theresa: No, I've got to get them, the proof I need to get -- ow! -- Pilar: No, Theresa -- Theresa: Ethan and Jane back is right there! I can get it, Mama! Pilar: Stop it -- Theresa: Agh! Gwen: Theresa, it's over. Theresa: No! Ah -- Gwen: You will never be able to prove that my mother and I set you up to take the fall for Ethan's paternity leak. You lose. It's over. Theresa: No -- no! Ow! Agh -- no, no -- I can't lose -- I -- I can't! Oh, Mama! [SCENE_BREAK] Fancy's voice: Noah, I'd give anything to be here with you tonight. Noah's voice: God help me, I still want you, Fancy. I shouldn't, but I do. Edmund: Do you know the bartender all these ladies are drooling over? Woman: If she doesn't, I'm sure she wants to -- just like all the rest of us do. Edmund: Well, who doesn't look good when you're drunk? Woman: I heard that. I'm not drunk. I'm happy that happy hour is early today. Fancy: Any particular reason? Woman: The Blue Note's hosting a jazz festival. It starts in a few and goes through tonight. Bottoms up -- his if we're lucky. Edmund: Good lord. Woman: Shimmy and shake me up another martini and make it extra dirty. Edmund: I didn't know Harmony had so many desperate women. Fancy: Well, you know the way we women are -- we always want what we can't have. Edmund: Why say it like that? Fancy: Like what? Edmund: I detected a tone. Fancy: I thought we were on a date, not a deposition. Edmund: I am not on your case for staring at the help. It's not like you'd ever date someone on his level. Fancy: Edmund, you're starting to sound like an elitist snob. Edmund: And you're on the offensive again. Now, if I didn't know better, I'd think that barkeep was an ex of yours. [Music plays] Fancy: That guy tending bar means nothing to me, Edmund, nothing at all. [SCENE_BREAK] Liz: There's an old photo of Eve and me when we were children. People who've seen that picture say it shows just how close and loving we once were. And it's true. The day that picture was taken was a very special day for us. We just promised that we would always be there for each other -- always. Always, Eve. My sister broke that promise when she left home. She left me to be my father's play thing. Ethan: Objection. Your Honor -- I'm sorry, once again, counsel's line of questioning does not pertain to the crimes that Dr. Russell is falsely accused of. It's just ammunition for character assassination. Judge: I concur, Mr. Winthrop. Ms. Nancier, you've established that the relationship between the witness and the defendant is toxic at best. Now cut to the chase. Ms. Nancier: Yes, Your Honor. Please tell the court why you think your sister tried to murder you. Ethan: Objection. Ms. Nancier: Now what? I'm just trying to cut to the chase, as asked by the judge. Judge: Objection overruled. You may answer the question. Liz: Well, as sick as it sounds, my sister tried to kill me because she blames me for ruining her life. Ms. Nancier: How so? Liz: According to Eve, I set out to get revenge because she left me at Daddy's mercy. She thinks that somehow single-handedly I was able to plan and carry out some vast conspiracy to decimate her life. But I didn't. I didn't. She did it all by herself. She is the liar. She's the cheater. She is a drug-using, liquor-loving whore! T.C.: That is a damn lie! Judge: Order! [Judge pounds gavel] Julian: Eve is not a whore! Judge: Order in the court! Liz: She is your mistress, Julian, the white master's black love slave! [Judge pounds gavel] Judge: Order! Order! [SCENE_BREAK] Theresa: Mama, I can do it! I can almost reach the disk! Ow! Ow! Pilar: Please, look at you. Look at your hand. You're going to be scarred for life. Theresa: Oh, Mama -- Mama, it burns! Oh! Gwen: Just like the disks! Theresa: No more! Ow! Pilar: Callate! Haven't you done enough already? Gwen: What did I do? She put her own damn hands in the fire. Theresa: Ah -- Gwen: And she just lost her last chance to get Ethan away from me. Theresa: Oh -- Gwen: You should probably know, Theresa, that if you play with fire eventually you are going to get burned. Theresa: Oh! [SCENE_BREAK] Chris: I'll deal with him later. Sheridan: Hey. Are you enjoying your snack? James: Yes. Chris: Hmm. Sheridan: Good. Chris: You know what I picked up on the way home? Yeah, I got you something here. Look at that. A coloring book. Sheridan: Wow. Chris: I thought after your snack you'd want to color some pictures with me? James: Yeah. Chris: Want to do that? James: Yeah. Chris: Great. Sheridan: Oh, that'll be fun, coloring with Daddy. You know, James and I, we had a really busy day today. Chris: Yeah? Sheridan: Mm-hmm. We watched a D.V.D. about a cat named Lucy -- Chris: Hmm. Sheridan: We read a whole lot of books, and we built a sandcastle out back in the sandbox. Chris: I'll say it again, Sheridan. You're incredible for taking care of James like you have, especially with me back in his life now. Sheridan: It's my pleasure, especially after losing my son to my crazed half sister. I'm so sorry that I was so suspicious of you when you first came to Harmony, the way you did -- using an alias. And then you got that mysterious phone call. I was convinced you worked for my father. Chris: Well, at one stage, you even doubted that I was James' father. Sheridan: We have my father to thank for that. He's made me paranoid. But, you know, you have to admit that your story sounds like something that Dominick Dunne would have written for "Vanity Fair." I can't begin to know what it's like, that black cloud you must live under, being in the witness protection program, admitting to laundering money for the mob, the fear of exposure and retaliation. I would be a nervous wreck. Chris: Yeah. [Gunfire] [Sheridan gasps] Sheridan: Gunshots? Oh, my God, Chris, it's the mob. They found you. Sheridan: Those were gunshots. Chris: Shh. Sheridan: The mob's going to kill us. Chris: Shh, wait, wait. Sheridan: I don't hear anything. Chris: Exactly. If the mob were after me, we'd be dead by now. They don't shoot and run. Ok. Go back to your coloring book, James. Yeah, boy. Sheridan: Do you think someone tried to rob Sam and he shot them? Chris: Maybe, but I'm starting to think that those weren't gunshots. Sheridan: Then what were they? Chris: Oh. Sheridan: Oh, no. Chris: How much detergent did you use in that washer? Sheridan: Too much? Chris: Mm-hmm. [SCENE_BREAK] [Women laugh] Noah: Oh! Fancy: I wasn't ogling the bartender like the rest of these desperate housewives. I just zoned out for a sec. The way he tossed around the bottles was like watching a juggler at the circus. Woman: Limber and coordinated. You just know it's heaven when he's horizontal. Edmund: The women here are a lot different from our set at the country club. Fancy: Yeah. Should I be jealous? Edmund: Hardly. That's like me being jealous of some blue-collar barkeep. Fancy: Yeah. Edmund: So you like jazz? Fancy: Love it. Edmund: Me, too. Fancy: Hmm. Edmund: You know, Alistair thought we'd have a lot in common. So did my grandfather. Fancy: Well, they didn't get to where they are by being wrong all the time, now, did they? Edmund: Should I speak to the maitre d' about getting us a table? Fancy: Yeah, I'd like that. Edmund: Ok. Fancy: Oh. Edmund: Back in a bit. Noah: Fancy, yo, do you want a drink? Woman: You know this gorgeous man? [SCENE_BREAK] [Judge pounds gavel] Ethan: I demand that this witness' testimony be stricken from the record! Judge: Order! Liz: For years I couldn't commit to a man because of the abuse -- Judge: Order in the court! Liz: That my father's scars left on my soul, scars that wouldn't have been there if my sister had just been there for me! I would have married Antonio, I would be living in paradise if it wasn't for you, Eve, you, my loving sister! Judge: Order in this court! I want order! Ethan: I demand that this witness be silenced. Ms. Nancier: For what, counselor? Telling the truth? Judge: I want order in this court! T.C.: Shut up, Liz. [Judge pounds gavel] T.C.: Eve never knew that your father molested you. If she'd known, she would have helped you. Bailiff: People, be quiet! His Honor wants order in the court! [Judge pounds gavel] Julian: Be strong, Eve. You have to have courage. Eve: Look at them, Julian. Look at them. My life is over. [Gallery murmurs] [Bailiff whistles] [Murmuring stops] Judge: Thank you, Bailiff. There will be order in this court. Anyone who can't control themselves will be locked up. Do I make myself clear? As for you, Ms. Sanbourne, you'll keep your emotions in check or I'll strike your testimony. Now, sit down. Liz: I'm sorry, Your Honor. I apologize for my lapse in decorum. It's just after everything that I've been through, being abandoned by my sister, abused by my father, the wounds are so deep. Eve: Julian, look at the jury. They believe every word that she says. Julian: Well, they won't after Ethan cross-examines her. Ms. Nancier: Ms. Sanbourne, did the defendant ever threaten your life? Liz: Yes. Yes, she did, repeatedly. Ms. Nancier: Were there ever any witnesses to these threats? Liz: Oh, numerous times -- at the Russell residence and then later at the church where we gathered for a wedding. Ms. Nancier: After Eve threatened your life, is it true that you were alone together in the church basement? Liz: Yes. The wedding was delayed, and I went downstairs to get a cup of punch, and apparently Eve wanted one as well, because she came down, and, of course, she picked a fight. Ethan: I object. Ms. Nancier: To what? The witness is just recounting what happened to her that night. Ethan: Yes, she is, in an inflammatory manner, Your Honor. Judge: Objection overruled. Continue. Ms. Nancier: Thank you. Liz: At one point, I was hoarse from all the bickering and I took a sip of the punch, and suddenly I felt funny. The next thing I knew, I woke up in the hospital having been poisoned and almost dying. Ms. Nancier: One last question. Was there anyone else in that basement that could have poisoned your punch cup? Liz: No. Eve was the only one who had access to that cup. Rebecca's voice: The only person you know of, Liz. Ms. Nancier: No more questions. Judge: The defense may cross-examine the witness. Ethan: Thank you, Your Honor, but I have no questions for this witness. Eve: Oh, my God. What are you doing, Ethan? T.C.: Ethan, have you lost your mind? Julian: Are you just going to let Eve be found guilty? [SCENE_BREAK] Sheridan: Maybe I'll just buy new towels for the B&B and then I'll send my laundry out. I'm rich. I can afford it. Chris: Sheridan, you know we have to go in there and deal with what's happened. Sheridan: Shouldn't we wait for Lucy and Ethel? This is more up their alley. Ok, ok. [Sheridan gasps] Sheridan: It's like the washing machine blew up. There are even towels stuck to the ceiling. Chris: Whoo. Sheridan: Not anymore. Chris: Well, have you ever done any laundry before? Sheridan: Oh, at the risk of sounding pampered, no, I haven't. But I didn't put in the whole box. I just -- I filled up the cup that it came with. [Sheridan coughs] Chris: This is concentrated detergent. You only needed about a quarter of that cup. Sheridan: Well, that explains the suds. But, I mean, it seemed like there was an explosion in here. What do you think happened? Chris: Well, I think the lid locks on the spin cycle, and seeing as you didn't put a dent in any of the suds on the rinse cycle, the pressure just kept on building and building until finally, boom. And those towels on the ceiling are definitely the other "plop, plop" sound we heard. Oh. You see? Sheridan: Oh. What am I going to do? Sam trusted me with the B&B, and now -- I can't let him see this mess. Chris: Well, he won't see this. We'll have this cleaned up in no time. Sheridan: "We'll"? So -- so you'll help me? Chris: After you've taken care of James and keeping my cover, of course I will. But there's just one thing I have to do first. Sheridan: Well, I guess I deserved that. Chris: Mm-hmm. [SCENE_BREAK] Noah: Would you like a drink while you wait for your date to get you a table? Noah: So who's the guy you're with, huh? He must be rich, otherwise Grampy Alistair just wouldn't approve, huh? Fancy: I told you, I don't want to make Grandfather angry. Noah: Because Alistair pays the bills? Fancy: There's that, but I honestly love him. I don't want to disappoint him when he has such high hopes for me. Noah: And a boy from the other side of the tracks just wouldn't cut it, huh? Edmund: Hey, Fancy, is this guy bothering you? Because if he is, I'll take care of him. Noah: Oh, you and what army, kid? [SCENE_BREAK] Theresa: Oh! Pilar: Pobrecita, mi nina. Theresa: Oh, Mama! Pilar: Ok, ok, ok, ok. I'm going to go get something for your hand, ok? Theresa: Ah! Pilar: I'll be right back. Theresa: Oh. I don't believe you, Gwen. I don't believe you threw those computer disks in there. That was my proof to show everyone that you and your mother set me up, that you were the ones that sent the information to the tabloid. Gwen: Well, what do you know? For once, we agree on something. Ethan is mine and he always will be, and so will Jane once we get permanent custody. Your last best chance to get Ethan back just went up in flames. Theresa: No. Maybe not. Gwen: Really? How does your warped little mind come to that conclusion? Theresa: You just admitted it, Gwen -- everything to me, that you and your mother set me up, that you were the ones that sent the information to the tabloid. You confessed it all. Gwen: Yeah? So? Theresa: I'm going to tell Ethan everything. Gwen: Go right ahead, be my guest, because he'll never believe you. Theresa: You know what? He will believe me. I'm going to tell him the truth, and trust me, he'll take my word for it. [SCENE_BREAK] Ethan: Listen to me. I am not going to cross-examine Liz because the jury is in love with her. All I would do is cement their dislike for Eve if I'd go after her on the stand right now. Julian: Yes, perhaps. Eve: Well, I suppose. T.C.: Well, how are you going to turn things around? Ethan: I'm going to start by ripping apart their next witness. Julian: Well, who is it? Ms. Nancier: The prosecution calls Rebecca Hotchkiss Crane to the stand. Ethan: Oh, God. Rebecca's Gwen's mother. Julian: Ethan, I don't care and you can't afford to. Now, we both suspected she knows more than she's admitting. You've got to get the truth out of her no matter what it takes, please. Ethan: I'll have to discredit her, because if I can't -- Eve: Then I'm going to spend the rest of my life in jail. Bailiff: Place your hand on the Bible and read what's on the card. Rebecca: I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God. Ethan: My cross-examination is limited to the areas that Nancier touches on when she questions Rebecca. Let's hope she gives me some big holes. Eve: Hope seems to be about all I have left. Liz's voice: I buried you, Eve, just like I said I would. T.C.: To think I was going to marry that bitch. Liz's voice: I'll never be Mrs. T.C. Russell, but at least Eve can't have him back once she's sent to prison, which should be very soon. Ms. Nancier: Mrs. Crane, you first saw the defendant's sister lying unconscious on the floor of the church basement, her shattered punch cup lying nearby. Eve Russell was standing right over her. Is that correct? Rebecca: Yes. Ms. Nancier: Was there anybody else in that basement that could have poisoned her cup? Rebecca: No. Ms. Nancier: I have no more questions. Your witness. Ethan: Oh, damn it. I thought Nancier would use Rebecca to establish the intensity of Eve and Liz's argument and to recall what she actually saw. I'm afraid Nancier has given me very little to question Rebecca about. Julian: Well, just do what you can, for Eve's sake. Ethan: You are Rebecca Hotchkiss Crane, Julian Crane's wife, correct? Rebecca: Yes, I am. Ethan: And you're angry, aren't you? You're angry that Julian is going to divorce you and marry the defendant. Ms. Nancier: I object. Counsel's line of questioning violates the rules of cross-examination. Ethan: I disagree, Your Honor. The counsel addressed the witness as Rebecca Hotchkiss Crane. Her relationship with Julian Crane is her motivation to testify against my client. Judge: I'll allow it. Proceed, Mr. Winthrop. Ms. Nancier: Your Honor, then the prosecution would like to withdraw the witness. Ethan: You can't do that. Ms. Nancier: Yes, I can. Your Honor? Judge: Hmm. It's highly unusual, but counsel is within her rights. The jury will disregard this witness. Ethan: Your Honor, wait. Ms. Nancier: Oh, you could call Mrs. Crane as your witness, but something tells me you won't. Oh, by the way, prosecution rests. Ethan: What? Ms. Nancier: I've proved my case. Ethan: Ok, I'm -- Your Honor, this -- counsel's grandstanding is without precedent. Judge: Well, bring it up on appeal, Mr. Winthrop. Ethan: Appeal? Your Honor, that implies that we lose. Judge: The defense will present its case tomorrow. For now, the court is in recess. Bailiff: All rise. Ethan: Your Honor -- Your Honor, please, we -- damn it. Oh. Eve: So what do we do now? Ethan: Eve, there's only one thing left we can do. Eve: What? Tell me, what is it? [SCENE_BREAK] Chris: I'll mop up if you get James cleaned up. Sheridan: Deal, and thanks for not rubbing it in that I'm laundry challenged. Chris: Well, I wasn't very good at laundering money. Oh, I'm sorry, that was -- that was a joke, a really bad one. Sheridan: Yeah. Ok. [SCENE_BREAK] Theresa: Ethan will believe me, Gwen. He always believes me. That's why in the end he always comes back to me. Gwen: Not this time, Theresa. Theresa: Especially this time, because my mother's going to back me up and Ethan knows that she would never tell a lie. I'm going to tell him exactly what happened, that we found the computer disks, that you grabbed them from us, that you ran downstairs to the basement, that you lit the incinerator, and then you threw them in there and burned them. Trust me, he's going to believe me. Gwen: No, he won't. Theresa: And why else would you do all of this if you weren't trying to hide something, Gwen? Gwen: I can say I was just trying to protect my mother's privacy. Theresa: Well, I'm going to tell him the truth. I'm going to tell him that you confessed everything, and trust me, your words, along with what you did, will more than convince Ethan that it's the truth. I promise you, Gwen, Ethan's going to leave you and he's going to be a family with me, little Ethan, and our daughter. [SCENE_BREAK] Fancy: Please don't start. You don't know what you're getting into with my date. Noah: I'm not afraid of him, all right? Edmund: Likewise, my friend. Just give my date her drink and stop bothering her. Noah: Hey, I'm just doing my job, pal. Your date was bothering me. Fancy: I was not. Noah: You were, too. Edmund: I suggest you do your job at the other end of the bar. Fancy: Please, let's just go back to our table. Edmund: It's not ready yet. Noah: Hey, pal, why don't you just leave, take the lady someplace else, like one of those flaky upper-crust country clubs and just leave us regular Janes and Joes alone, huh? Edmund: Well, why don't you and I just step outside instead? Woman: Take off your shirts, and I'll hold them. Fancy: No! Both of you, stop it. Noah: We could go outside, or I could punch your lights out right here. Fancy: Oh! No! Fancy: Edmund, Noah, stop. Noah: Edmund Sinclair? Edmund: Noah Bennett? Hey! Noah: Oh, God. Edmund: Man, have you changed. Noah: Me? Look at you. Edmund: Well, how the hell are you? Noah: I'm chill, bro. What is up? Fancy: You two know each other? Edmund: Yeah. Noah and I went to grammar school together. Noah: And junior high. Edmund: And then we kept in touch while I went off to Choate. Noah: And I went and aced Harmony High and then got a scholarship, went to boarding school. Fancy: Edmund, you went to public school before you went off to Choate? Noah: His father wanted Eddie to get to know us common folks so that when he took over Sinclair Industries he would know how to relate to us, you know, the great unwashed. Edmund: Yeah. Well, I see things haven't changed for you, Noah. You still got all the ladies hanging around, hoping to get horizontal with you. Woman: Ain't that the truth. Noah: Yeah, but you got to be careful, Eddie. It's a kick in the butt when you fall for a woman you think is special, only to find out you're not special enough for her. [SCENE_BREAK] Sheridan: Look, James, your father's almost done cleaning up. Is he amazing or what? Chris: I'm just determined. Sheridan: Hmm. Why don't you take your son and go work on the coloring book some more? Chris: I don't mind doing this. Sheridan: No, please, you've done enough already. Go play with your son. Chris: All right, if it will make you happy. Sheridan: It will. Chris: Come on, James. Ah. Let's go and give those crayons a workout. What do you say? Sheridan: James, you're very lucky to have him as a father. Very lucky. [SCENE_BREAK] Theresa: You're not as lucky as you think, Gwen. Yeah, the disks are burned. But the fact that you snatched them out of my hands and threw them into a burning incinerator only proves, Gwen, that you are out to hide something. Ethan is a lawyer. He's going to see through whatever story that you tell him, and he's going to know that I am telling the truth, and he will leave you and we will be a family with Jane and little Ethan. Gwen: Aren't you forgetting one major thing here, Theresa? Ethan is married to me, and we both know how seriously he takes his vows. So, without real, tangible proof that my mother and I set you up, he's not going to believe a single word you say. And there is no proof. Except for a little bit of ashes, the disks are gone, and your mother certainly didn't hear me confess. So it's your word against mine, and you know who he's going to believe? He's going to believe me, because I am his wife, so face it, you lost here. Ethan is mine, and he always will be. [SCENE_BREAK] Rebecca: Oh, Ms. Nancier, you are just a tribute to truth, justice, and the American way. Ms. Nancier: Oh, you're too much. Thank you. Liz: Oh, no, no, indeed. After my sister is convicted, you must allow Mrs. Crane and me to host a party in your honor at my jazz club. Ms. Nancier: Oh, well, that would be very nice, but totally unnecessary. Rebecca: Oh! Yes. Oh, it'll be great! Ms. Nancier: Oh, thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Eve: So, what are you suggesting that I do? Ethan: Give me permission to work out a plea bargain agreement. T.C.: What? Eve: You want me to admit to three counts of attempted murder? Julian: He's afraid so. T.C.: Eve didn't try to kill anybody. Julian: We know that, but the jury doesn't. They bought Liz's breakdown and her testimony. Ethan: I want to negotiate a deal in which you don't admit to any crime per se, but you do agree to a minimal amount of prison time in a minimum-security facility. Eve: Oh. Prison time? Simone: Oh, mom, no, no. T.C.: Ethan, you can't convince the jury to acquit Eve? Ethan: No. I don't think I can. The evidence, it's circumstantial, but it is overwhelming. The fact that so many people heard you threaten Liz, the fact that you had access to the poison that was ingested by Liz and Alistair, and the fact that your swipe card was used to access the storage facility that the poison was kept -- it's devastating to the defense. And, Eve, when you add to the fact that you hated Julian at the time he was shot at the cannery and that you've always hated Alistair, I am certain that the jury will convict you and they will find you guilty. Our only chance of keeping you out of prison for the rest of your life is to work out a plea bargain agreement. Eve: Do you agree with Ethan? Julian: I'm afraid so. Eve: I see. Simone: Mom -- T.C.: Oh, sweetheart -- Eve: It's ok. It's ok. It's ok, sweetheart. It's all right. Ethan, would you talk to Ms. Nancier and see what you can work out? Ethan: I will do my best. Eve: I know you will. T.C.: Honey, what do you want us to do? Eve: Oh, I want you to go home, get some rest. Tomorrow could be another long day. Yeah. It's ok. Ethan: Ms. Nancier -- Ms. Nancier: Hmm? Ethan: I was hoping we could talk. Ms. Nancier: You want a plea deal? Ethan: Yes, I do and I was -- Ms. Nancier: All right, here's the deal. She stipulates to all three charges and serves 15 years on them. Ethan: 15 years? You mean five years on each charge? Ms. Nancier: No. I mean 15 years on each charge, served consecutively. Eve: You want me to serve 45 years in prison? Ms. Nancier: Yes. That's the deal. Take it or leave it. [SCENE_BREAK] Fancy: I still can't believe you two are long-lost friends. Noah: Yep. We're Harmony's answer to the prince and the pauper. Edmund: I may have a few bucks in the bank, but Noah's a lot richer than I'll ever be. Fancy: Hmm. He is? Edmund: This is the greatest guy in the world. You know, any man who meets him wants to be his friend and any woman who meets him wants to be his lover. Woman: You said it, baby. [SCENE_BREAK] Chris: Keep up the good work. The question is, how long can I keep pretending to be your father? Sheridan: You're not James' father? [SCENE_BREAK] Eve: You want me to spend 45 years in prison on a plea bargain? Rebecca: Every cloud has a silver lining. Liz: You said it, sister friend. Ethan: You can't be serious. Julian: Ethan's right. This is absurd. Ms. Nancier: This is not a whim. This is justice, people. Take it or leave it. [SCENE_BREAK] Gwen: Whew. It is finally over. Any proof that my mother and I set you up to look bad in front of Ethan just went up in smoke. You lost him for good. Theresa: No. Gwen: Yeah. You did. So why don't you go and pack your things and leave this house, because there is nothing for you here. Theresa: I cannot believe that it has come to this. Gwen: Well, maybe you should give it some time to sink in. You know, maybe 30 years will do the trick. Pilar: Let me see. Theresa, let me see your hand. Honey, put this on your hand. Theresa: Ok. Gwen: I'm going to catch up on Jane. Theresa: No, no. Pilar: Theresa! Gwen: No! Theresa: I haven't lost anything! I'm going to burn you, Gwen, along with those disks! [NEXT_ON] Noah: Fancy is top shelf. She'd never be interested in a blue-collar guy like me. And I -- I'd never waste my time with someone like Fancy Crane. Liz: The jury is going to fry you, Eve. Julian: Run away with me tonight. We'll leave Harmony. We'll never come back. | Theresa, however, tells Gwen he will believe her because of the fact Gwen acted the way she did when she saw Theresa had the disks |
692 | Carly: Aah! It hurts! Lorenzo: You're almost there. I think I see the head. Carly: Oh, am I bleeding a lot? Lorenzo: You're bleeding. I don't know if it's too much. Carly: Ok, ok! If I pass out or something, you just make sure you get that baby out, whatever you have to do! Lorenzo: The only way for me to keep the baby safe is for you to stay alive and fight for him, Carly! [Carly screams] Carly: Oh, God help me! [Carly screams] Sonny: Oh, God. Carly? Carly: Hi. Sonny: He's almost here. His head's -- his head's out, Carly. Come on! Don't stop, don't stop! Carly: Oh! Sonny: Push one more time. Push! He's here. Oh -- he's beautiful. Hey. He's born. He's born. [Baby cries] Carly: Hey. Sonny: You see that? He's beautiful. I love you. Carly: I love you, too. Sonny: Hey. Carly. Carly? Ok, I'm going to get -- I'm going to get you to the hospital. I'm going to take care of the baby, ok? It's ok. It's ok. It's ok. It's all right now. Yeah. Yeah. He's good. He's good. I got him right here, right here beside you. Here. Here's your mama. Here you go, big guy. Yeah. Hey. Shh, shh, shh. Hey, you got to fight that, Carly, ok? Sonny: Got to fight. You can do that, can't you? Huh? Can you fight? Shh, it's ok. It's ok. It's ok. [SCENE_BREAK] Jax: Ah-ah-ah-ah -- you are becoming very predictable. Sam: Let go. Jax: Ok, ok. Hey, you know, you're the one that kissed me. Just like the time when the manager was looking for you and you jumped over the couch? Sam: No, I was using you for cover, thank you. Jax: Yes, and then you slugged me for supposedly enjoying the kiss too much. Sam: You did. Jax: Speak for yourself. Sam: I kissed you to prove a point. You were going on about my lack of passion, so -- Jax: No, no, I admit, you've got some passion. It's just that, you know, the kiss could've been improved upon. Sam: Oh, come on, don't even start. Jax: No, no, I'm just saying that, you know, you don't need to -- you don't need to tackle somebody when you kiss them. You know, just -- you just -- you just kiss them like this. Sam: Ok, if you're -- Jax: See? No need to -- no need for violence is there? Sam: Ok. If you're done manhandling me, we have some business to discuss. [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock on door] Skye: I'm coming! Luke: I can't believe it. You called the cops. I'm so disappointed. Skye: Well, that makes two of us. You see, I realized from the beginning that you were bossy, crude, irritating, full of yourself -- [Knock] Skye: But at least I thought you were honest. Turns out I was wrong. So that's it. That's the end of the partnership and there are police right outside that door ready to cart you away. Luke: Ok, fine. Let's get on with it. Skye: What are you doing? Luke: My fate is in your hands. I'm awaiting whatever's going to happen. Skye: You're bluffing. Luke: So call. Skye: You will be tried, convicted, and spend the rest of your life in prison. Not exactly your style. Luke: No, you're wrong. Prison for me is like a picnic with an option of solitary confinement. Skye: Ok. You asked for it. Officer: Skye Quartermaine? Skye: Yes? Officer: You reported seeing the fugitive Luke Spencer? Skye: I most certainly did, and I want to thank you for getting here so quickly. [SCENE_BREAK] Nikolas: Em. Emily: Hi. Nikolas: Hi. Emily: I -- I thought you went home. Nikolas: Yeah. Yeah, well, you know, I had a -- I had a late meeting, drove by the hospital, saw your car in the lot and thought I'd try and bump into you. Emily: You haven't had enough rejection for one night? Nikolas: Yeah, apparently not because I'm making a -- a revised attempt to ask you out. Have dinner with me. Emily: Did I not just say I wouldn't be with you or Zander? Nikolas: And did I not just say that I wasn't giving up? Emily: Look, everything in my life has been on hold for so long and I just need to settle down and get my bearings and decide what I want and right now what I want is not to make any decisions for a while. Nikolas: Ok. But, look, patience isn't one of my -- my better virtues, but I'll try. Emily: Ok, thanks. Nikolas: I have to warn you, though -- I plan on running into you a lot. Emily: Yeah? Guess I'll just have to get used to it. Nikolas: Well, I'll go ahead and collect what's left of my pride here and head home. Emily: Ok. Nikolas: Bye. Emily: Bye. [SCENE_BREAK] Ric: All right, I appreciate it. Whenever you can. Thanks. Hi. Elizabeth: What are you doing here? Ric: I'm just trying to call in some favors. Carly's in labor. She's stranded in a house in West Haven. Elizabeth: I know. Courtney just told me. Ric: Well, I'm trying to get her moved to the top of the list for a MedEvac helicopter. Elizabeth: Well, does the A.D.A. really have a say if it's emergency care? Ric: Well, not yet, but I'm still going to try. I want to make sure that Carly and her baby are all right. Elizabeth: God, I want to believe you. I just hope I'm right for once. [SCENE_BREAK] Courtney: Hey. Emily: Hi, Courtney. Jason said you were in an accident. Courtney: Yeah, I -- I slid off the road in the storm, but I'll be fine. I'm just really worried about Carly. Emily: Carly? Where is she? Courtney: She's in a house in West Haven. She fell down the stairs and she went into labor. Emily: Oh, my God. Carly had serious complications when she had Michael, right? Courtney: Yeah. Yeah, she's a high risk, and so is the baby. The baby has a hole in its heart, and so the doctors need to monitor it as soon as it's born. I was trying to get her help when I got in the accident, but now I don't -- the roads are so flooded, I don't know if anybody has been able to reach her. Emily: Does anyone else know where she is? Courtney: Yeah -- Sonny, Jason, Lorenzo Alcazar, but they're not doctors. You know, I'm not even sure if -- if they were even able to get to her. She needs a MedEvac helicopter, but the hospital -- I don't know, they just keep saying she's not a priority one. Emily: What? Of course she is. Courtney: You're the chief of staff's daughter. I mean, can't you get them to bend the rules or something? Emily: Just watch me. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: Oh, Lorenzo. Oh. Lorenzo: How did you get here? Carly: Doesn't matter. You're hurt. Let me help you. Lorenzo: I always knew you cared about me. Carly: Lorenzo? Marcella: Lorenzo! Look at me! You can't pass out! [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: You're doing great, Carly. Just hang on a little longer. Come on, put your hand over here. I'm going to take the baby to the car. Ok? Yeah. [Thunder] Jason: Is the baby all right? Sonny: Yeah, my boy's fine. He's breathing. Jason: How's Carly doing? Sonny: She's bleeding. We got to get her to the hospital. Jason: Yeah, she hemorrhaged when she had Michael, too. Sonny: It's not from giving birth. Jason: Sonny, what happened to her head? Sonny: I shot her. Ric: Well, apparently -- [SCENE_BREAK] Emily: Hi. You need to send a MedEvac helicopter to 92 Adams Road. Man: Is this about that woman who might be in labor? Emily: Her name is Carly Corinthos. Her baby has a heart defect. He has to be in the hospital when he's born. Man: I'm sorry. I have no other available helicopters. Emily: Make it available. Man: I have seven other people that I have to -- Emily: My name is Emily Quartermaine. General Hospital's biggest benefactor is my grandfather, Edward Quartermaine. My father, Alan Quartermaine, is chief of staff. Ric: Look, Emily, Emily -- Emily: This is not a frivolous request. Two lives -- Ric: Listen, I've called in some favors and apparently there are some stranded children that they need to get the MedEvac -- Man: Well, that job is finished, but we have other emergencies -- Ric: Well, wait a minute. If it's finished then this needs to be a priority. Emily: Look, Carly and her baby need to be brought in right now or this hospital won't have funding for band-aids! Man: All right. All right, all right. Squad 16, I need you to divert -- Emily: All right, tell them to hurry. Man: For a priority one emergency. 92 Adams Road -- Emily: Carly hemorrhaged the last time she gave birth. Man: A woman in labor. Emily: If it happens again, she could bleed to death. Man: Priority one. Go! Ok, it's done. Jax: The etiquette lessons are over. You lost the bet. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: The hell I did. Jax: No, no, you paraded your saloon girl ways all over town, drinking whiskey. No one is ever going to mistake you for an heiress. Sam: Wait a minute -- is there a law that says rich girls can't party or shoot pool? Jax: You know, you already lost the jack of diamonds. Sam: You grabbed it out of my hand! Jax: Yes, because you were too drunk to follow me. Sam: You took advantage! Jax: Those cards were mine to begin with, ok? Sam: No, a deal's a deal. You bet me 50 grand that you could teach me to pass for a lady with the Quartermaines and I intend to collect. Jax: Well, I don't see how. Sam: Ok, fine. You give up, that means you lose. I'll take my payment in cash. Jax: You know what? You're just looking for an excuse to stay close to me so you can steal the cards again. Well, guess what -- I'm going to put them in a safe place. Sam: Congratulations. You got two whole cards. Jax: Yeah, well, two cards is better than none. Sam: Three short of a hand. [Thunder] Sam: [British accent] Now, those cards are still at the Quartermaines. [Normal voice] Do you have any idea which one of them has them? Skye: Well, I heard something outside the window so I looked out and -- and there was someone in the bushes. Something -- somebody was moving. [SCENE_BREAK] Officer: Luke Spencer? Skye: Well, I think so. Officer: Did you see his face? Skye: Well, not clearly, no. Officer: But you know it was a man? Skye: I think so. Look, I -- it was dark and stormy out there and all I keep hearing about is how dangerous this suspect Luke Spencer is, and D.A. Baldwin's been all over the TV talking about what a public menace he is, so I -- Officer: Ma'am, we are in the middle of a citywide emergency. Power is out, roads are flooded. We can't waste time on unsubstantiated sightings. Skye: I understand. It's just I -- I was so frightened, I -- Officer: Don't call the police unless you have something real to report. Skye: Yes. Luke: Man. You're an excellent liar. Skye: Years of experience. Luke: Thanks for not ratting me out. Skye: I will change my mind in a nanosecond if I catch you going anywhere near those cards. Luke: They're on reserve for Jax? Skye: He needs them more than you do. Luke: He's using you and you can't see it. It's so sad. He's pumping your pedals like a player piano. Lorenzo: Have you seen Carly? [SCENE_BREAK] Marcella: We have to get you out of here! Come on. Lorenzo: Did she have the baby? Marcella: I don't know! You've been shot, you need a doctor! Come on, get on your feet! Lorenzo: It took all my strength to drag myself out here. Marcella: Do you want to give up and die? Do you want to bleed in the rain? Come on! Lorenzo: Why do you care? Marcella: You gave me a new life; now you need to save your own, but I can't carry you. Lorenzo: Oh, Carly. Marcella: Get up! You're not going to see her anymore if you don't start walking! Lorenzo: I have to see Carly. Get me to the house. Marcella: Come on. Jason: Come on! [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: My wife needs medical attention! She's been shot! Nurse: Dr. Jones, we need you. Lay her down. Tony: What have we got? Nurse: Gunshot wound to the head. Jason: She just had a baby. Tony: Oh. Sonny: It's ok. Tony: All right. Jason: It was just a couple of hours ago. The baby has a heart defect. Nurse: I'll get someone down here from neonatal. Tony: All right, get her into trauma room three. Get her hooked up to the E.K.G. Start her on two large bore IV'S and pulse oxygen, please. I'm sorry, you can't go in there. Sonny: Tony, I have to be with my wife. Tony: Well, I've got a few questions first. Sonny: What do you need? Tony: How long has Carly been unconscious? Sonny: 45 minutes, maybe an hour. I got to go. Tony: No, no, no, wait. Sonny: I got to go, Tony -- Tony, I got to go! Tony: You need to let the staff do their work, ok? Jason: Sonny, listen to me. Sonny: Jason -- Jason: Look, we got to get the baby checked out. Sonny: I got to be with her. You know that. I got to be with her! Jason: Ok. Ok, let me take him. Just let me take him. Sonny: All right. All right. You take him. Hold on, because I got to -- hold up a sec. Hey, big boy. Here's your uncle. You got him? You got him? You take care of my son. Take care of my son. Jason: I will. Doctor: We were paged to provide support for a newborn. Jason: Yeah, this is him. Doctor: What's the baby's name? Jason: Morgan Corinthos. Doctor: How old is he? Jason: Uh -- I don't know. He's just a couple hours old. He seems to be breathing ok, but he was diagnosed with a hole in his heart. Doctor: We'll take him up to neonatal and give him a complete exam. Jason: Ok. Doctor: You'll need to come with us. Jason: Ok. Andy: Hey, hold it. Jason: Hey -- I got to stay with that kid, ok? Andy: I don't think so. You're under arrest, Morgan. Tony: Did Carly lose consciousness as soon as she was shot? [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: The baby was coming. I told her to push. I know she heard because the baby was -- it was born. I held -- held the baby and I know she saw it because she smiled. Tony: Did she speak after she was shot? Sonny: She told me she loved me. Jax: Ok, let's take a look at who we have. We have Ned. Now, Ned would be the most likely to have the cards because he's a savvy businessman and he can turn any situation to his advantage. Then again, Ned doesn't believe in luck, and he's preoccupied with the custody situation. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: All right, who's next? Jax: Edward. Sam: The old guy who thought that you met me on a farm and I was from a trailer park. Is that the one? Jax: That's right, that's Edward. He can be quite ruthless. He could want the cards for whatever reason. But then again, Edward wouldn't be careless enough to leave them lying around so they can be found at random. Then there's Alan and Monica. You met her the other day -- the blond that was trying to be pleasant. Sam: Yes, I liked her. She's the one who told Edward to stick a sock in it. Jax: Well, Alan and Monica are certainly capable of this kind of scheming. But then again, they have no motive, either. That leaves A.J. Sam: He looked guilty to me. Jax: That's right. A.J. Is the Quartermaine whipping boy -- so desperate to move up in the Quartermaine pecking order, he may actually put his faith in luck? And careless enough to leave the cards lying around where someone else could find them. Sam: He has been sniffing around us for days. Jax: I'm certain that A.J. had the cards at some point. I'm not sure if he does now. Sam: Ok. You're leaving someone out? Jax: Yeah, two people, actually. The young kid, Dillon. But -- well, what would he do with the cards? So, Skye? She already gave me the card that she has. Sam: Who's to say she doesn't have the rest of them? Jax: Why would she only give me one card? Sam: Hello. She's your ex. She's obviously still hung up on you. If she's got the card, she could make a big deal about searching for them, hand them over one by one, and use your gratitude to try and win you back. Or, wait a minute -- is she just too gracious of a lady to pull a stunt like that? Skye: Jax's father is ill. He needs those cards to restore his will to live. [SCENE_BREAK] Luke: My heart bleeds. Skye: I happen to love Jax's father. Luke: And Jax knows it. Skye: Well, that's why he asked me to help. Luke: No, he asked you to help because he knew you wouldn't say no. You're divorced. Cut these people loose. Skye: There's no law that forbids me about caring for my former in-laws or my ex-husband for that matter. Luke: If you care that much, why did you divorce? Could it be that Jax dropped you when Brenda hit town? Skye: Yes, it's true. Jax hurt me badly, but that's no reason to punish his father for it. Luke: He hurt you, Skye. It's payback time. Here's payback standing right in front of you. Skye: Oh, you are so transparent. Luke: I am? Skye: You're trying to exploit my pain for your benefit. You want me so angry at Jax that I'll help you get those cards and then you sell them off to the highest bidder for a nice, big, fat profit. Luke: And there's something wrong with that? Skye: It's greed, plain and simple. There are a thousand other ways to get that money. Luke: But I don't want my money a thousand other ways. I'm trying to have a little fun. Skye: You want fun? You want fun, then rip off the Quartermaines. That was the original plan and I agreed to help. Luke: So help me with this. Skye: Absolutely not. Luke: Are you a woman who likes a challenge or not? Skye: You go after those cards; it will prove to me that you've been exploiting me all along. If I turn my back on you, you haven't got a friend in the world. Marcella: You need a bandage. [SCENE_BREAK] Lorenzo: Sonny must have delivered the baby. Marcella: Well, they're gone now. Lorenzo: He got her out. He must have taken her to the hospital. Marcella: Here. Lorenzo: Oh -- Carly was worried about the heart defect. Thought the baby might not be able to breathe. Marcella: Ok, sit still, ok? Don't fall asleep on me. I need to take you to the car. Lorenzo: Was there a lot of blood? Marcella: Hell, yeah, there's a lot of blood. I'm trying to stop it. Lorenzo: No, no, not me -- Carly. Did anything go wrong? Marcella: Oh, my God. I don't know who called you, but thank God. This man's been shot. He needs help. Paramedic: Well, dispatch sent us out to pick up a pregnant woman. Marcella: She already gave birth. Lorenzo: He must have taken her to the hospital. I need to get there. Paramedic: Yeah, but we have a helicopter outside. Lorenzo: No, no, hurry. I need to make sure she's all right! Jason: Carly's baby is in neonatal. I promised I'd stay with them. [SCENE_BREAK] Andy: This isn't an optional arrest warrant. Jason: Well, I'll just -- I'll turn myself in later. Andy: No chance! State patrol has an APB. out on you and I'm taking you in. Elizabeth: You've got to do something. This isn't right. Andy: Let's go. Ric: Whoa, whoa -- hold on a second. What's going on? Andy: Tough guy here knocked out a state trooper at one of the roadblocks. Ric: You trying to get to that house Carly was stranded in? I'll take that as a yes. So I'm going to guess the state trooper attempted to stop you but you knew Carly needed help, so you broke through the roadblock so you could get to Carly safely, right? Andy: Look, the reason doesn't matter. Morgan committed a felony. Ric: No. There's no way the D.A.'S office is going to prosecute this case, detective. Turn him loose. Andy: He assaulted a state trooper. Ric: I understand that, detective, but there is no case here, all right? The man was obviously acting under duress, so don't pursue it any further. Turn him loose. Ric: Not that I was expecting a thank-you. Elizabeth: Thank you. Sonny: Tony. How badly is Carly hurt? [SCENE_BREAK] Tony: CAT scan will tell us exactly where the bullet's lodged and the extent of intracranial bleeding. Sonny: You'll be able to get it out, right? Tony: I have to wait on the C.T. results before making a decision on how to proceed. Do you know what kind of gun she was shot with? Sonny: 9 mm automatic. Tony: Then it wasn't point-blank or she'd be dead. Sonny: Yeah, it was -- it was an accident. Ric: How did it happen? Who fired the gun? Sonny: It was an accident. I called. [Object turns in lock] [SCENE_BREAK] [Door opens] Jax: You looking -- you looking for these? Luke: So Skye called you, huh? Told you I was on my way? Emily: Hi, Courtney. [SCENE_BREAK] Courtney: Hey. Did they get a helicopter to Carly? Emily: She didn't need it. Sonny and Jason found Carly and brought her and the baby in. Courtney: So she had the baby? Is it ok? Emily: I think he's fine. They took him to neonatal for an exam and Jason went with him. Courtney: Oh God, Carly must be exhausted. Emily: Um -- Carly's in critical condition. Courtney: What, she started hemorrhaging when she had the baby? Emily: No, a gun went off and Carly was hit in the head. Courtney: Was it Alcazar? Emily: I don't know the details, but -- Courtney: He knew where to find her because of me! Emily: No, Sonny -- Sonny didn't mention Alcazar. He kept saying that it was an accident. Courtney: So who fired the gun? Jason: Is -- I'm sorry. Is Morgan all right? [SCENE_BREAK] Doctor: The preliminary exam indicates he's healthy and we're prepping for an echocardiogram to determine the severity of the defect. Would you like a moment with your son? Jason: You know what? Actually, I'm the godfather. Doctor: Are his parents here? Jason: Yeah, they're in E.R. His -- his mother's in critical condition and I promised to stay with Morgan till his parents can be with him, so -- yeah, you know, I'd like a moment with him. Thanks. Elizabeth: You know, this is the last place you should be. [SCENE_BREAK] Ric: Well, I couldn't stay away. I had to see the baby. Elizabeth: Why? Ric: I tried to steal that child from its real parents. As a result, I lost everything that mattered to me in my life; our marriage and you. Jason: Sonny and Carly will be here as soon as they can. Your mom and dad love you more than anything. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: Tony, Can I sit with her? Tony: Carly's in critical condition. No one's allowed in right now. Sonny: Yeah, I know. I'm not going to disturb her. I just want to sit with her, keep her company. Tony: We're about to take her in for a CAT scan to determine the extent of the damage. Sonny: Then you'll be able to -- to operate? Tony: You need to prepare yourself. We're doing everything we can but Carly may not survive. Paramedic: Here's the gunshot wound we called in. Lorenzo: Hey, has Carly Corinthos been admitted to the hospital? Marcella: Lorenzo, stop. Doctor: Get him hooked up and see if the OR is available. Lorenzo: She's probably -- she's probably just given birth. Marcella: I'll check into it, ok? Lorenzo: How hard can it be to find out if a pregnant woman was brought in by her husband? Sonny: Carly's here. Lorenzo: How is she? Sonny: There's a bullet in her head. The same bullet that went through you. Skye: Well, well, look who we have here. The chambermaid/heiress. [SCENE_BREAK] Sam: I just -- I wanted to borrow one of the kid's movies. Skye: Oh, really? Which one? "To Catch a Thief"? Sam: You know, you can forget it. I'm out of here. Skye: Yeah, you are but you'll be leaving with an escort from the police. Jax: I never had much use for Stefan Cassadine. He devoted his life to tormenting the Spencers and the rest of his family. There's no real loss to the world and I don't see any reason why you should go to prison for killing him. [SCENE_BREAK] Luke: Then I assume you won't be calling the cops. Jax: No, don't jump to conclusions. Murdering Stefan is one thing; breaking and entering -- well, that's another. Luke: I assume Skye told you what I'm looking for. Jax: Those cards are invaluable to me and not for financial reasons. Luke: Yeah, I know. You got your ex-wife's panties in a twist over your ailing father. Jax: My father will die without those cards. Luke: So she said. She's very concerned about it. You're using her. I admire that. Jax: Yes, and you're using her to hide from the police until you can get enough money to leave the country. Am I right? Luke: Close enough. So why don't you call the cops and tell them that? I'm going to get those cards and the longer it takes me to get a hold of them, the more you're going to have to pay to get them back. Nikolas: It's not that serious. I'm sure there are plenty of urgent cases waiting. [SCENE_BREAK] Nurse: Mr. Cassadine, you need stitches. Nikolas: All right, then fine. Stitch me up. I'll go home. I don't have to stay overnight. Nurse: I'll have to ask the doctor. Emily: What happened? Nikolas: Oh -- I have a slight injury. It's no big deal. Nurse: That's not what the rescue worker said. He found a woman and her little girl trapped in their car in a flooding creek. He risked his life to get them out. Stay put until the doctor comes back. Emily: You risked your life, huh? Nikolas: I didn't mean to. I'm just not as strong a swimmer as I thought I was. Emily: Yeah. Nice try, but I know a hero when I see one. Elizabeth: What were you thinking when you looked at that baby? [SCENE_BREAK] Ric: I don't know. What does anybody think when they look at a newborn? Amazement at the miracle of life. Elizabeth: And? Ric: Disbelief at the person that I had become; the obsession that I felt; the terrible things that I was capable of. Elizabeth: And yet you still did them. Ric: Yeah. It seems so incredible to me now -- you know, that I could actually believe that I could ease our -- our grief at losing our child by stealing Sonny and Carly's baby. Elizabeth: Were you really trying to ease our grief, or was it about revenge against Sonny? Ric: Maybe a little of both, I suppose. I couldn't separate them. You know, the ironic thing is that I -- I blamed Sonny for the loss of our child and that made me hate him more than ever. Now the hate is gone and the only thing that I'm left with is regret. Regret for the -- the opportunities that you and I missed. You know, I was thinking about that -- that little toy that I bought for our baby. You know, that little bear. The trip to Europe that we never took. The life that we could've had. That little person that we -- who we made together. I got to tell you, Elizabeth, I ache for what could have been. Elizabeth: Yeah, sometimes I do, too. Jason: The doctor says you're strong. I knew you would be. Your mom and dad are strong, too. I know that you had a -- had a tough couple hours, but it's going to get better. You're going to go home and you're going to meet your brother and your mom -- she might actually have to stay in the hospital for a little while, but she's going to make it through. She always does. And then everybody's going to be at home. Your whole family together to love you. [SCENE_BREAK] [Morgan coos] Jason: Oh, yeah. Courtney: Jason. Hey. Jason: And this is your aunt, Courtney Morgan and she wants to meet you. Courtney: Oh -- oh, he's beautiful. Jason: Yeah. Huh, buddy? The hole in his heart completely healed. He's -- he's perfectly healthy. Courtney: God, it's a miracle. Jason: You want to hold him? Courtney: Yeah. Jason: Ok. Ok. Courtney: Ok. Jason: Ok, buddy. Ok, buddy. It's ok. I want you to go to your aunt Courtney. Courtney: Hey, buddy. Jason: Make sure his head's supported. There you go. Courtney: Oh. Hey, Morgan. [Morgan coos] Courtney: Welcome to this world. Yeah. Oh, you are so loved. Marcella: They're going to prep you for surgery soon. [SCENE_BREAK] Lorenzo: You shot me, even though your own wife was right behind me. Sonny: Carly was screaming. Lorenzo: In labor pains, but you didn't hesitate to pull the trigger, did you? Sonny: I would never let you hurt my wife. Tony: Carly's condition is deteriorating. The longer we wait to remove the bullet, the greater the chance of brain damage or permanent coma. Sonny: Then take it -- take out the bullet, then. Tony: But unless we wait for Carly to stabilize, she may not survive the surgery. Sonny: So if you operate now, she could die. If you wait, she could live but she could be brain damaged. Is that what you're telling me, Tony? Tony: That's about it. Sonny: Uh -- all right, ok. Sonny: I'm -- I am so -- Sonny: I am so sorry. I'm so sorry. [NEXT_ON] Jax: Skye loves my father. Luke: Maybe she loves you, too. Skye: Tell me what it is you're really doing and what you want with Jax. Courtney: Jason and I will take the baby. Michael: Why did you shoot mommy? Lorenzo: My plan worked so well, I got Carly shot. You'd think I'd know better than to play God. | They take them to GH where Tony Jones tells Sonny that Carly has to have surgery immediately, but she isn't stable, so the surgery could kill her |
693 | Sam: It feels really good to be out of the hospital. I mean, I know I was only there for like a hot second, but there is no place like home. Jason: Dr. Lee says you need to rest. Sam: Mm-hmm. Jason: So would you like to do that upstairs or would you like to stay down here? Sam: Oh, down here. Jason: Here. Sam: Here. This way, you can take care of me. Jason: You got it. Sam: Good. Jason: Ok. Sam: Ahhh. Jason: You ok? Sam: Ooh. Yeah. [Exhales] This pain reminds me of when I lost my baby. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: God, it's a miracle. You just can't imagine that she had a kidney transplant. She's happy, she's healthy, she's growing. She looks so good. Jax: Guess we got lucky, huh? Carly: Yeah. I mean, you think about the fact that she could have had chemo or radiation, the thought of that just kills me. Jax: Yeah, me, too. Look where we are now. Release papers are signed. She's ready to come home. Carly: Yeah. The day we've been praying for. Jax: Yep. Carly: Or dreading. Jax: Heh. Carly: I don't want to fight with you. Jax: We don't have to fight. As long as you agree that she comes home with me. [SCENE_BREAK] Betty: I'm so glad to see you. I was starting to worry. Suzanne: Afraid I'd been apprehended and charged with kidnapping my own grandson? Betty: The thought crossed my mind. It would be a shame if after all this time and everything we'd been through, something went horribly wrong. Suzanne: No, no. We're home free, Betty. My grandson and I are safe. [SCENE_BREAK] Spinelli: As requested, the Jackal's been combing cyberspace for any leads on Suzanne and where she's absconded with the young Lucian. I think I may have found something. Sonny: Can you get to the point in a way that we can understand? Brenda: Hey, hey. So I hope that the three of you together means that you found out something about where Suzanne has taken my son. Have you? [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: How are you feeling? Sam: Mild discomfort. Not that I'm complaining because it's for a good cause. If, of course, we decide to go that way. I mean, not that I'm pushing. Gosh, I don't know, maybe I should be running. It's not like I came from a good home life or anything. Who am I to think that I could be some poor kid's mother? I don't even have pets. Oh, God, there I go again. Jason, you can just take one of those pillows and stuff it in my mouth. Maybe then it'll stop me from babbling on about a baby that doesn't exist. Jason: It's ok. Sam: It's not. It's pressure. It's unfair. [Jason exhales] Sam: Especially now, it's just too soon after Jake, I know that. Jason: That's why I don't like to go to sleep. Because as soon as I wake up...I realize all over again that Jake is gone. And I have to just take that in and just try to get through the rest of the day the best I can. So, um, you had the procedure. Sam: Mm-hmm. Jason: And I know it's going to be on your mind and you're going to want to talk about it. I'm just saying that it's ok. [SCENE_BREAK] Betty: You got a lot to fill me in on. Suzanne: Well, I'm sorry I've been out of touch for a while, but maybe I was being overly cautious. I just didn't want to take a chance that anyone would trace me back to you. I had planned on going back to Port Charles to play the stricken grandmother, just tie things up. Betty: Remove any lingering suspicion? Suzanne: You catch on fast. Betty: I'm learning from the master. Suzanne: Well, I would have walked into a trap. Somehow, Sonny figured the whole thing out. Betty: How? Suzanne: I don't know. Betty: You were so careful. Suzanne: I don't know. He never liked me and he never trusted me. But fortunately, Brenda went public. She offered $5 million for information leading to my arrest and Lucian's return. Betty: I'm surprised Sonny didn't stop her. Suzanne: It's a good thing he didn't. Thanks to Brenda and her big mouth, Suzanne Stanwick is off the radar. Lucian is safe somewhere where Brenda will never find him. And I can live my life with my grandson. Just plain old sherry Scott in San Antonio. [Sighs] It's been a long, strange journey, hasn't it, my friend? Betty: Oh, most certainly. Suzanne: Mm, well, it's time we're going to have to part. I'm going to miss you. You've been more than a friend. You've been like family. Betty: It's been my joy to take care of your grandson and to know you. I love you both dearly. Suzanne: The feeling's mutual. Here's to a job well done. [SCENE_BREAK] Brenda: So I see the looks on your faces. So obviously you guys know something. So just tell me, please. Spinelli: The Jackal may have uncovered-- Sonny: The Jackal's looking for something right now. As soon as he gets it, we're going to let you know. Brenda: I don't understand what that means. I mean, you're not holding out on me, right? None of you guys would hold out on me. 'Cause you realize, this is my son. This is my blood. Sonny: Right, right. I understand. Brenda: Uh-huh, so I can just do something to help, or will you guys tell me what's going on? Spinelli: No offence, but the Jackal toils in solitude. Sonny: Ok, we got everything under control. Completely. Brenda: Oh, I see what's happening. Everybody's mad at me, right? You guys are all mad at me because Sonny told you that I went public, and so now I screwed everything up because I thought I was doing the right thing? Sonny: You did the best thing that you thought you should do. Brenda: I know, but I had to lie to you in the process and I'm sorry for that, honey. Dante: Look, Sonny might be upset with you because the news conference that you held had repercussions, ok? Now Lucian is known to be with his grandmother, and he's not as high a priority anymore. Brenda: Wait a minute, what are you talking about, he's not a high priority?! What's that supposed to mean?! What do you mean, my son's not a high priority anymore? Dante: That's not what I mean. I just mean he's still considered missing, but the police now know that he's with his grandmother. It's not as urgent anymore. Brenda: Oh, my God. Sonny: Let me talk, let me talk. You gotta let us do the legwork. I don't want you to get your hopes up and then get disappointed. Brenda: Ok, well, you know what, I understand what you're really saying underneath that whole thing you just did. And what you're really saying is that you are shutting me out, and it's not ok with me. So you guys go ahead and do whatever it is that you want to do, and I'll go do what I want to do. Sonny: Which is what, go to Jax-- Brenda: Yeah, go to Jax, because Jax is very helpful-- Sonny: He got you in trouble in the first place calling the press conference and tipping off Suzanne, honey. Brenda: Jax didn't get me into trouble. What Jax does is he tries to help. So I don't understand what it is that you're trying to do right now, but if you're trying to say that it's suddenly my fault that my son is missing, if you think it's my fault, it's not! And it's not Jax's fault either, ok? Sonny: Ok, the way to help your son is not by doing whatever you think is best, 'cause that's not the way to help him. You gotta let us do what we gotta do-- Brenda: Right, I need to let the big boys handle it? Why don't you say what you really mean? Ok, listen to me. If I in fact do realize that that bitch has my son, then I am telling you, this is the last time that woman is ever going to betray me, because I am going to go there and I am going to get him back. Period. Sonny: Ok, you let her manipulate you in the first place. She played you like a piano. You almost lost your life. I don't want that to happen again. Brenda: I don't think you understand something. I'm so over everything. I'm so over it. I don't care what you want, I don't care what you want. I don't care what you want anymore. I want my son. Don't you people understand that? And if you don't like what I need to do to go about doing that, Sonny, I really don't care. Spinelli: She's quite the capacity for fury. Sonny: Ok, now you guys know why we can't have her on the search. She's emotional. It's her son. You can understand how she can be, right? Dante: Yeah. Sonny: Ok, I don't want to fight. I don't want to go against my wife. But this is the only shot we have right now of finding her son, right? Dante: Yep. I mean, look-- Sonny: We gotta be able to manage her. So sit down real quick. Get to work on that thing, ok? We all know now that we gotta do this quickly. So you better have something on that that is useful. Because I am not going to lose my wife. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: You know I'm right. Josslyn should come home with me. She should be in her own home, her own bed with her mother. Jax: No, you're absolutely right. If our circumstances were different, that would be great. But you choose to surround yourself with gangsters and criminals who put our daughter's life at risk. Carly: Shawn is here to protect Josslyn from Franco. Jax: You know that doesn't make me feel any better. Carly: Of course not. [Scoffs] Jax: None of your kids are safe from the violence in Sonny and Jason's life, ok? Josslyn doesn't even have to be the intended target. I mean, Michael wasn't, either. I don't want my daughter to be a casualty. Carly: You must really be angry to try and hurt me like this, you know? Jax: I'm not trying to hurt you. I'm just--you can see her whenever you want. I already told you that. Actually, you know what, you can move into the hotel if you'd like. Carly: You know what, you're making a lot of assumptions. That you're going to win in court. That you're going to be able to take my daughter from me. You're wrong. Because I will fight you with everything I got. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: Ok, so... Sam: Thank you. Jason: You get to say whatever's on your mind. Sam: Why? I mean, really, why should I be able to ramble on about every one- track thought that goes through my head? I say it stops now, for the sake of my own sanity, and your sanity, of course. It's just that maybe every time I obsess over baby, I should just shut the thought down. I just had the procedure and we have miles to go before we make any sort of decision. Jason: But between now and then, it's a mental process. You gotta talk about it, we gotta talk about it. It's part of what ultimately becomes the decision. Sam: I got so lucky the day you fell in love with me. Jason: Mm-mmm. It was me. [SCENE_BREAK] Lulu: Yeah, well, I'm running late. Oh, ok, I'll try and have the lattes hot. Maxie, I know that this is not you. I know it's Kate. [Knock on door] Lulu: I have to go. Ok. Hi. Tracy: Hi. I'm sorry to come by unannounced. I wanted to know if you heard anything about this ridiculous lawsuit your father wants to file. Lulu: Oh, Alexis came by the Haunted Star when Ethan and I were there and she wanted to know if it had merit or something. Tracy: And did you tell her it didn't? Lulu: I told her that Dad is using it as a distraction from his drinking. Tracy: That's just about what I said. Lulu: But I don't think Ethan agrees. Tracy: He's supporting the lawsuit? Lulu: No, he's not supporting the lawsuit, he's supporting Dad's drinking. When I went back there again, they were sitting at the bar and they both had a drink in their hands. Tracy: Oh, that's disappointing. Lulu: Well, I don't know, I mean, I'm not surprised about Ethan because I didn't even think he was going to go along with the intervention because he's so much like Dad, he doesn't want to believe that he has an alcohol problem. Tracy: Well, you didn't, either. Are you changing your mind? Lulu: No, I know that Dad has a drinking problem. I know. The way that he's been since Jake died, he's not himself and he's trying to wreck himself. And unfortunately, the intervention didn't work. Tracy: Well, it still might. If we stick to our guns about the consequences of his drinking. Lulu: I'm sorry, I can't deal with this right now. I have so much that I have to do. I'm running late. I have to get lattes. Tracy: And it's too painful to talk about. [SCENE_BREAK] Spinelli: Once Theo's identity as the Balkan was discovered, I was able to make considerable progress procuring an electronic footprint, as it were. Dante: Records, financial, medical, that kind of-- Spinelli: Yes. And once it became apparent that Suzanne took Lucian to Phoenix, I was able to hone in on a specific area. I discovered that one of Theo's bank accounts was used to procure an automobile. Dante: Well, that's a car. Sonny: You think I don't know that? Spinelli: And thanks to technological advancements in automobiles, I was able to hack into said car's electronic systems and track it to a residential area in San Antonio, Texas. Sonny: Ok. So once Brenda went public, Suzanne, it was out of the question for her to fly, so she hit the road. Dante: San Antonio's pretty close to the Mexican border. Sonny: We can't let her get that far. Dante: Well, I'm ready to go if you are. Sonny: You know how to contact my pilot, right? Spinelli: I do, sir, yeah. Sonny: All right, tell him to have the jet fueled and ready 10 minutes ago. Spinelli: Right. Should I inform the Divine One? Sonny: Did you see what transpired here? Did you not hear anything I said? Spinelli: You were reluctant to bring Brenda into the loop. But that was before you knew my information. Now that you know that it might lead to the actual location of her son, don't you think that she might want to come along? Sonny: Ok, listen to me, ok, can you just listen to me again? I'm going to say it to you because I know you have a problem communicating or something. Are you listening? If you say one word to Brenda about San Antonio, I will break your leg. Spinelli: That seems fair. Sonny: Ok, good. You ready? Who you calling? Dante: Retired social worker. I know if this were an official rescue, we'd call one in to handle the kid in case he was traumatized or something. Sonny: Good idea. But no social worker. I think I got somebody else I can bring. [SCENE_BREAK] Shawn: Is there a problem here, Mrs. Jacks? Can I call someone for you? Your lawyer, maybe? Jax: Come on, man, how many times do I gotta tell you to stay out of this? Your sole purpose is to guard Josslyn. Stay out of what doesn't concern you and just do your job. Over there. Carly: I'm fine. Thank you very much for your support, but I'm ok. Shawn: If you need anything, you holler. Carly: You think you're going to win in court? It may not be the slam dunk you're banking on. Not everyone thinks it's a great idea to take a child away from their mother. Jax: See, there you go exaggerating again. Because I'm not doing that. I'm actually giving you full access to your daughter. Carly: That's not good enough. Josslyn should be with me half the time. Jax: Not until you do some housekeeping on the company you keep, ok? Carly: Ok, so you're saying that I provide a dangerous environment for children. Jax: Yes. That's what I've been saying. Carly: Ok, that's going to ring really hollow coming from you because you married me knowing that Sonny was the father of my boys. Pretty much making him a constant presence. What about when Josslyn was conceived? Michael was shot and still in a coma. You obviously didn't think I was a threat to children then. No, that happened, Jax, after I left you. So how's that going to play to a judge? The rich, powerful guy wants to punish his ex-wife for leaving him by taking her child? Jax: Well, I would certainly never use Josslyn in that way. Carly: That's not the point. I'll make it look like you did. You want to play dirty? I'll get in the mud with you. And we both know, I'm a way better liar. [Cell phone rings] Jax: Yeah, we both know that, don't we? Carly: Yep. [Ring] Jax: Brenda, any news on Lucian? Brenda: I'm at your office right now. Jax: I'll be right there. Don't take Josslyn out of this hospital until we sort this out. Carly: Yeah, you think she's supposed to linger in the hospital all day long while you go play with your girlfriend? Jax: Why don't you just put yourself in Brenda's shoes for just one second? How would you feel if someone stole Josslyn? [SCENE_BREAK] Dante: Mmm. Lulu: Hey. Dante: Hey yourself. Thanks for meeting me here, of all places. Lulu: What do you mean? I like Kelly's. Dante: Yeah, I know, but your father's staying upstairs and I've been encouraging you to stay away from him, so. Lulu: Well, he's not here-here. So. I mean, if he was, I wouldn't leave. I'm not seeking him out but I'm not going to hide from him, either. Dante: That's very evolved. Lulu: I'm trying. Dante: Look, I know it's tough, your situation with your father, and I want to be here to support you. Lulu: I'm sensing a but is coming. Are you going somewhere? Dante: Well, Spinelli tracked down Suzanne. She's in San Antonio. So Sonny and I are going to fly down to San Antonio and hopefully bring back Lucian. Lulu: Wow. I'm surprised. I thought that you were off the case. Dante: I am, officially. Lulu: Unofficially... Dante: Unofficially, I don't think this is a police matter. I just want to help my family. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: I think it's good that we have time to talk about this and think about it. Sam: Absolutely, I agree. I mean, it's a lot more than just adding a cute, cuddly little person in the mix. We've gotta make the right choices and put them first. Jason: Choices. Yeah, you have no idea whether you're making the right choice or you're not. And then one day you come face to face with everything that you did absolutely wrong. Sam: Yes, and it hits out of nowhere. That, I remember. It's going to be like that for a while. I'm here for you, whatever you need. I just want you to know that I am here to help you. Jason: You do. You're helping me. I'm glad you're here. [SCENE_BREAK] Jax: Hey. Brenda: Oh, my God, ok, I'm glad you're here. Listen, I'm so mad that I could scream. I mean, I just feel like I'm so worried about my son, and I think he must just be sitting there and he's probably wondering where I am. Jax: Ok, it might not seem like it this minute, but we are going to find him. Brenda: We are? Jax: Yeah. And you know that Suzanne would never hurt him, right? Brenda: I do? Jax: Yeah. Lucian's her grandson. Whatever way that woman loves, she loves him. Here. Brenda: Thanks. Jax: You got any more news at all? Brenda: No. I'm not allowed to know anything. Jax: What, is Sonny keeping information about your son's whereabouts from you? Brenda: No, Sonny apparently is telling me that there are no real leads. But the real reason is, he's furious at me for going public so he's completely shutting me out. I have to tell you, if you weren't here, I feel like I could lose my mind. [SCENE_BREAK] Carly: I'm so tempted to grab her and take her home. I mean, possession is 9/10ths of the law, right? Jax and I aren't divorced. We have no custody agreement in place. And I have just as much right to walk out of here with her as he does. Shawn: Well, if that's what you want, we'll make it happen. Just say the word. Carly: I'm tempted. But I should call my lawyer. Because you know Jax, he's going to show up, he's going to twist everything around and say that I'm a bad mother. Sonny: Carly, can I talk to you for a second? It's important. Carly: Yeah, sure. Did you guys find Lucian? Sonny: Dante and I, we got a lead that's going to take us to San Antonio. And I think that's where we'll be able to find Lucian and Suzanne. I can't take Brenda 'cause she's volatile right now, and Suzanne's dangerous. So I need a little help, a woman to help me take-- Carly: This is a bad time, Sonny. Really. Sonny: Yeah, I know, but the thing is, I'm sorry. I can't ask Robin because I don't want her getting in the middle. No, listen, Suzanne is not going to go down without a fight. So I need someone that I trust to be able to take care of the kid. Will you help me? [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: You know, I just can't--I can't stop my brain from just remembering every moment. Every moment I spent with Jake. I mean, I wonder where, what moment I could have done something to change what happened. And I know it doesn't work like that. And I've...I'm trying to accept that the randomness of death comes down on people that you love and there's nothing you can do about it. But it's just as far as I can get in my head. Sam: That's ok, you're making your way through a process. Jason: I know, but I don't want to hold you back. Sam: How? Jason: Well, I mean, if you're ready to get pregnant and I'm not quite ready, I just-- Sam: No, no, no, no, don't do that. Stop right there. Jason, if we decide to get pregnant, it's going to be a decision and a time that works for both of us. And now clearly isn't it. So you know what we're going to do? We are just going to take it one day at a time, one task at a time. Will you do me a big favor? Jason: Yeah, anything. Sam: Get out of here. Go. Go somewhere. Go on your bike and just ride and clear your head. Jason: I'm not going to leave you alone. Sam: Really? Because I'm exhausted. And I could really use a nap. Jason: Are you sure? Sam: Mm-hmm. I'm positive. Go. [SCENE_BREAK] Dante: Look, it's not like the irony is lost on me in the situation, ok? I mean, Brenda's son is missing and her best friend, who she thought was her best friend, took him. And she's angry and scared and she's taking it out on Sonny, who's trying desperately to fix things. And Sonny and I are... Lulu: What? Dante: It's like when I was undercover and I find myself thinking that he's a good guy. Lulu: Well, he's charming. Dante: It's not that. It's like he trusted me, so he let down his guard. And then I got to see who he was and how he got to where he is. He's smart. He's got a sense of humor. All that went out the window when he shot me and I found out he was my father, and whatever. Anyway, here we are, working together again for a common purpose, for an honorable purpose. I don't have to stand in judgment. I don't have to look for incriminating evidence. We're joining forces, and I get along with him. It's nice, I guess. Lulu: Well, I mean, you know how I feel about Sonny so I'm surprised I'm going to say this, but I am happy for you. Dante: You are? Lulu: Yeah. I know how important it is for you to get to know your father. So I think you should savor it, because you never know when you're going to have the chance to do that again. [SCENE_BREAK] Jax: You know, it doesn't matter what Sonny does right now. The authorities are looking for Suzanne and Lucian and it's only a matter of time before they're found. Brenda: Ok, but guess what, Dante told me that because of what we did, that Lucian is no longer a priority. Jax: Why not? Brenda: What do you mean, why? He said that because we went public about the fact that Suzanne Stanwick is Lucian's grandmother, that they don't think that Lucian is in danger anymore. Jax: No, I don't believe that for a second. And you know what, it doesn't matter anyway. Because I made some calls and I got some friends in high places. I called in some favors. Not that I really needed to. Because everyone is more than happy to help a mother find her kidnapped son. So don't worry. We're going to find him, ok? Brenda: Wow. I almost believe you. Jax: I'm not going to let you down. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: I don't know what Suzanne, what her resources are. But since she was married to Theo for all those years, I'm sure she has a lot. Now we gotta remove this little boy from possible danger. Because he needs to be comforted, taken care of. I know you can do that. Carly: Sonny... Sonny: All you gotta do is, when we grab the kid, just bring him to Port Charles. Carly: I would love to help you, you know I would, but Josslyn's being released today. Jax and I are fighting over custody. I'm going to be the one to take her home. Sonny: I wouldn't be asking you this if I didn't know your little girl was a hundred percent healthy. I know you want to take her home, but we may never see this little boy again. Carly: I can't risk it. You have to find someone else. [SCENE_BREAK] Lulu: I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm not encouraging you to permanently join up with Sonny forever and ever. Dante: I know that. I know. And I'm not going to throw away my badge and join the family business. I just appreciate this, to work towards the same goal with him, and then I get to see the good in him. Lulu: It's not too much to ask for. Dante: I feel for the guy. I mean, Brenda is losing it right now and she's taking it out on him. He's an easy target for her. And all he's doing is trying to find her son. [Cell phone rings] Dante: Sorry. Lulu: That's ok. Dante: Yeah, what do you got? Spinelli: A location on Suzanne's car. It's parked in the driveway of a house bought by a woman named sherry Scott three years ago. I have not yet been able to tie it to Theo. Dante: Well, yeah, that's because she wouldn't want him to know about it. Send me everything you know on sherry Scott. I gotta meet Sonny at the air strip. Spinelli: Will do. Dante: Looks like it's on. Lulu: Ok. Dante: Love you. Lulu: I love you. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: Of course you're going to think of Josslyn first. But she's doing great. And now Jax can never say you're a bad mother. So I don't know what you're talking about. Carly: You tried once. Sonny: But look where it got me. I hope for your sake and Josslyn's sake you don't have to go through a court battle. Because I don't wish that on anybody. I mean, Jax, I would pay Diane to make him squirm a little bit. But you know what, I can imagine you on the stand, courage, motherly love, it would be amazing. Carly: Stop. You're flattering me to get me to do what you want. Sonny: Maybe. But I'm telling you the truth, ok? Let's get to the point. We're talking about a little boy. Ok? He's in an impossible, dangerous situation. He's scared, he's confused, and he needs somebody to take care of him. And I know that you're resourceful. You can do that. I'll tell you what, if you do this for me, I will do anything you want as far as Josslyn. Will you help me? Carly: No. But I will help Lucian. That poor kid. Sonny: Thank you. Carly: But we have to be fast! I have to get back here. Sonny: Yeah, yeah, that's what I want. [Line ringing] Spinelli: Jackal here. Sonny: Hey, listen, Carly agreed to go to San Antonio. So tell Dante we'll meet him at the strip. Spinelli: Dante's already on his way. Sonny: Ok. You keep the fort down, ok? Spinelli: You can count on me. [Dial tone] Carly: Ok. Sonny: Let's bring Brenda's kid home. Carly: Fast. Sonny: Mm-hmm. [SCENE_BREAK] Suzanne: I missed you so much, sweetheart. And you know what? Hmm. I have good news. All my business trips, they're all over. And from now on, we get to stay together all the time. There were a couple of days when I wasn't sure I could pull it off. But then I just thought about you and I knew that I had to. You're so much like your daddy, Alec. That was his name too, you know. I couldn't protect him, but I'm going to make sure you have the life that your daddy couldn't have. And so much more. We're going to have a really good time together. [SCENE_BREAK] Brenda: Oh. Hey. Uh, I'm actually glad I caught you. I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to get so upset. And I'm not mad at you. Spinelli: No. No apology is expected or needed. Brenda: Truth is, I'm not really mad at Sonny, either. Spinelli: It's the situation, you're frustrated and scared. Brenda: Well, thanks for understanding. Will you, um, will you tell me what's going on? Please? Spinelli: I've been sworn to secrecy, but I can say this much. You may soon have cause to rejoice. Brenda: What are you talking about? What are you talking about? They may have found my son? Spinelli: Um, all efforts are being made. Mr. Sir is determined to bring young Lucian home and Dante is providing able assistance. And now that the Valkyrie is joining them, she's a veritable warrior-- Brenda: Wait, the Valkyrie, that's Carly. What are you talking about, why are you talking about Carly? What does Carly have to do with anything? Listen to me. Please listen to me. If you have ever, ever really been my friend, you will tell me right now. Please. What is happening with my son? Spinelli: It's true, Carly is going with them to search for your son. That is --that is all. Ok. Bye. [SCENE_BREAK] Dante: When you said you were getting someone to help with Lucian, I didn't know you meant Carly. Carly: You're not my favorite person, either. Dante: You know, Carly, I actually really do admire you, you know, as a mother. You really fight for your kids. I just think Brenda's going to be pretty pissed off when she finds out you took her. Sonny: You know the reasons we can't have Brenda here. She'll lose it completely. And Carly knows what to do. Most important thing right now is to bring Brenda's son home safely. Dante: I agree. I'm surprised you two are working together, because you were cordial at his birthday party. But aren't you two in a fight right now still? Carly: I have no reason to fight with Sonny. Sonny: No, I think he's referring to what you pulled at the wedding. Carly: I didn't pull anything. I was just telling the truth. Sonny: Oh, Carly, little miss honesty. Carly: I would really watch it. I'm doing you a favor right now. Sonny: Yeah, you're right, you're right. Listen, one thing you gotta know about me and my ex-wife, no matter how many times we fight, we always have each other's backs. [SCENE_BREAK] Jason: What's going on with Carly? Shawn: Well, Jax was here earlier fighting with Carly over Josslyn. She's being released today and Jax won't let Carly take her home. Well, before things got too heated, Jax got a call and took off. Then Sonny showed up. He spoke to Carly privately. It looked like he was talking her into something. And Carly told me to stay with Josslyn and that she had to help Sonny with something important and hoped they'd be back soon. Jason: Did either of them say where they were going? Shawn: No, not to me. I'm not exactly in Sonny's loop. Jason: Sonny wouldn't ask Carly to leave if it wasn't an emergency. And if Josslyn is being released today, it's just not a good time for Carly to go. Shawn: Yeah, I hear you. I've seen enough to know the fight for that little girl is going to be fierce. [SCENE_BREAK] Jax: What's going on? Brenda: What's going on is that Sonny is not answering my phone calls, and I just found out that his jet just took off from the private airport. So I don't know what this is about, but I know it has something to do with Lucian. Jax: Well, that's great. Brenda: No, it's not great, this is my point. My point is that he just went to go find my son, I believe. And he didn't take me, he took Carly. Jax: No, that can't be true. Carly wouldn't leave, not today. Brenda: No, Spinelli has no reason to lie. [SCENE_BREAK] Suzanne: Grandma bought a new car and we're going to go for a ride in it and we're gonna go on an airplane. And I'm sorry it's taken this long for us to be together. [SCENE_BREAK] Dante: I got a good feeling about San Antonio. I think we're going to find him. Sonny: We're going to have to improvise depending on what Spinelli turns up. But what we have in our favor is the element of surprise. Suzanne doesn't know she's going to be found. Dante: And Suzanne doesn't want this kid traumatized any more than we do. Carly: Let's hope. [SCENE_BREAK] Suzanne: From the moment I found out about you, everything I did--dealing with Brenda, placating your grandpa--everything I did was to make sure you'd grow up safe. Away from the bad guys. [SCENE_BREAK] Sonny: As soon as we get Lucian, I want you to grab him, reassure him, and just get him out of any kind of danger. Carly: Ok. I know what to do. [SCENE_BREAK] Suzanne: And that little smile? That's what keeps me going. You're going to have the best life ever, and I'm going to make sure of it. Alec: I love you, Grandma. Suzanne: I love you, too, sweetie. [SCENE_BREAK] Dante: Let's just hope Suzanne doesn't put up a fight, that she goes quietly. Sonny: Well, let's just say this. She's worked long and hard to pull off this scam. We need to be prepared for a fight. | Carly tells him that if he tries to take her daughter from her, she will fight him with everything she has |
694 | Kevin: Thanks to you two, I'll be able to walk my daughters down the aisle one day. You saved my life. Ian: All in a day's work. Lucy: I'm just glad we could help you. And I'm also so very glad in my spare time i could come up with the cure for you. Ian: Isn't she amazing? Kevin: She's the best, all right. And it took spending time with the two of you for me to realize just how perfect you two are together. Ian: I hope we can be friends. Kevin: We can and we will -- for the children. Lucy: For the children. Kevin: Well, thank you, Lucy, for everything. You gave me back my life. [SCENE_BREAK] Ian: Hey. You all right? Lucy: Hey. Yeah. Lucy: So tell me, did you get the test results back from dr. Light? Is there any change at all? Ian: The swelling's down, but there's still no movement on his left side, so I guess he's coming home with us. [SCENE_BREAK] Jamal: I can't believe that jerk Ricky took off on my bike right under my nose. Imani: I'm sorry, Jamal. Jamal: Well, at least you don't have to worry about taking a ride with me that I was offering you. Imani: It's motorcycles I don't like, not you. Jamal: Well, that's encouraging. Imani: And besides, it was kind of sweet seeing how attached you are to your bike. Jamal: Well, she's a good girl. You know, old school. 1,300 cc's of pure love. And pickup. She had some pickup. I could always count on her to get me out of a jam. Imani: Well, I am sure that she misses you, too. And somehow, she'll find her way back to you. Jamal: Well, for a girl who hates bikes as much as you do, you sure do know how to say all the right words. Imani: Well, I had a tricycle once I was pretty fond of. Jamal: Well, there's no use of me moping around about it, right? See, there was going to be this spot I was going to take you to across town to grab a bite to eat, but as you can see, that jerk Ricky stole my bike. [SCENE_BREAK] [Pounding on door] Rafe: Alison -- [pounding] Rafe: "Rafe, my mother wanted to see me. Everything's ok. I'll see you later. Love, Alison." [Pounding] Rafe: Ok, I'll be right there! What the hell do you want? Livvie: There is something I need to tell you, and it's about you and Alison. You have to leave town. [SCENE_BREAK] Caleb: Well, what a surprise. I was expecting your lesser half. Alison: Why is that? Caleb: Oh, I don't think Rafe will stop hounding me until he figures out how to get this. Alison: Right, actually, I really wanted to talk to you alone. Caleb: And here I thought he'd try his same old tricks. Instead, he sends you. Alison: No, he doesn't know that I'm here. Caleb: Well, this is getting more interesting by the minute. Won't you come in? Alison: No. I was really hoping to keep this between you and me, so if Livvie is here -- Caleb: She's not here. Alison: Ok, then. I'll just cut to the chase. Caleb: Yeah, I figured it wasn't a social call. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're here to inquire about a particular piece of jewelry. Alison: No. I know that you would never actually give me your ring, so I'm here for something else. I will do anything -- and I mean anything -- if you just leave town. Now I just need to know what you want me to do. [SCENE_BREAK] Lucy: Oh, doc, how could you leave me after I nursed you back to health like that? [Lucy sighs] Kevin: Does this answer your question? Because I couldn't. Oh, my kisses always made you weak in the knees. Lucy: Oh. Oh, I was so worried about you. Look at you. How did you get so much better? Kevin: I simply bit on the bullet, sucked in the pain, and stood up. Lucy: You are the strongest man I've ever known. Kevin: And that's why I have to leave. Now that I can walk, I have to walk away. Lucy: No -- Kevin: I'm only coming between you and him. Lucy: Oh, I'm tired of him coming between us. I cannot let you leave this house. Kevin: I'm sorry, darling. Our wild roller coaster ride has finally come to an end. Lucy: No. No, doc, you can't go. You can't. Ian: That's right, you can't leave. I made a mistake. I came between two people that have always belonged together. Lucy: Do you really mean that? Ian: Better man won. Good luck to you. [Door opens and closes] [SCENE_BREAK] Rafe: Ok, let me get this straight. You want Alison and I to just leave town? Keep dreaming, all right? Livvie: It's as much your benefit as it is mine. The four of us here together are poison. Rafe: Well, in case you hadn't noticed, Alison and I just opened a business together, so we're not going anywhere. You and Caleb, on the other hand, I'll throw you guys the biggest going-away party Port Charles has ever seen. Livvie: Ok, god knows that nothing is keeping me in this hick town, but Caleb seems strangely attached to it. Rafe: Well, when your last address was hell, anything's an improvement. Livvie: Could you not be sarcastic for, like, two seconds, please? Rafe: Could you stop acting like the world revolves around you? Livvie: Oh, you know what? I think I'm talking to the wrong person. Alison? Where is she? Rafe: She's with her mother. Would you shut up? She's with her mother. Livvie: Well, I think she could convince you to pack up and move on. Rafe: Keep her out of this, all right? Livvie: Oh, yeah, god forbid, your delicate flower. Rafe: She can take care of herself. I just don't want her anywhere near you or Caleb, ok? [SCENE_BREAK] Caleb: That's a -- that's a very dangerous question, Alison. Are you sure you're prepared to do anything? Alison: At this point, yes. Someone's got to stop this battle between you and Rafe before everyone gets hurt. Caleb: Well, that's the nature of war. People get hurt. Are you afraid? Are you afraid of me, Alison? Alison: No, I'm not. Caleb: Then why do you keep glancing at the door? Maybe you'll feel better if you had an escape route. Here. Alison: Come on, let's just be reasonable, ok? There's no point to this endless fighting. I mean, there's got to be a way to stop all of this where everybody wins. Caleb: Hmm. Well, you could ask your boyfriend to back off. Alison: Caleb, you could live anywhere in the entire world. Caleb: Well, Port Charles does have a certain charm, doesn't it? Alison: Why don't you just go back to Transylvania or wherever it is that you came from? Caleb: I like it here, Alison, this little corner of the world. I can be anything I want. I don't have to hide who I am or what I am from anybody. Alison: I think that you feel like Port Charles is actually your home. [SCENE_BREAK] [Ian sighs] Ian: Where's Kevin? Lucy: He went away. Ian: Why? Lucy: Because I sent him away. This arrangement isn't working at all, and you've been so understanding and so compassionate and so wonderful, and I just can't have Kevin cutting into our time together. Ian: You didn't have to do this for me. Lucy: I didn't do it for you or me. I did it for us. [SCENE_BREAK] Livvie: Listen to reason. If the two of you relocated, you wouldn't have to worry about Alison crossing paths with Caleb ever again. Rafe: Ok, so, what do you think I'm going to do? I'm just going to let you and Caleb stay here in town with the ring? Sorry. Livvie: Fine, then we're all going to be in this mess together. Rafe: What is this about? What got you so worked up, huh? Livvie: Rafe, I love Caleb. You know that. Rafe: Yeah? Livvie: But lately, it just -- Rafe: All right, you know what? I'm sorry. I'm sorry I asked. The last thing I want to hear about is you and your messed-up love life, all right? Livvie: Oh, please, like you and Alison are any different than me and Caleb? You're not, Rafe. And if you want to live your life without any interference, it's not going to be possible if we keep bumping into each other every two seconds. Rafe: If you're really serious about this, you're sort of ignoring the obvious. Livvie: What's that supposed to mean? Rafe: See, there is one person that Caleb will listen to, someone near and dear to what passes for his heart. That would be you. Livvie: Not lately. He's kind of been tuning me out. Rafe: I know you. You can be pretty persuasive when you give yourself a chance, right? Livvie: True. Rafe: So think about it. You know, you get the ring, and you happen to make a wish that you and Caleb leave town and never come back. You leave all the bad memories behind. Livvie: Yeah, a fresh start. Of course that's what I want. Rafe: Yeah. Livvie: Yeah. Yeah, and I -- I just got to do it myself if I want the job done right. Thanks. [SCENE_BREAK] Imani: Jamal? Jamal: Hmm? Yo. Jamal: Really? Imani: I got you something. [Jamal sighs] Imani: Ok, look, I know it's not the real thing, but just check it out because you can -- you can pop wheelies, do whatever it is you boys do on bikes. Jamal: Where did you get this thing? Imani: The busboys. They race them in the alley between shifts. And, look, I know it's kind of goofy, but I just really wanted to -- Jamal: No, no, no, no, no, no. You are so great. This is amazing. Ok, let's try this little thing out, then. Let's see what we got. What you got, yellow man? Yellow man? Yellow like me, huh? [Jamal and Imani laugh] Jamal: All right, set -- ah! He kind of got a little traction, got some moves. Imani: Uh-huh. Jamal: Ok, look, look, I know you don't like bikes, but I'm going to start you off small. You think you can handle him? Imani: Ok, I guess so. Jamal: Yeah? Imani: All right. Jamal: Yeah, yeah -- yeah. Go to the left, go to the left, go to the left. You're going to hit -- you're going to hit -- Imani: Whoa -- whoa! Jamal: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Imani: Oh, I'm sorry. Jamal: I got you. I got you, little mama. Imani: I'm sorry. Like I said, you know -- I mean, I know it's not the real thing, but -- Jamal: You've got some beautiful brown eyes. [Phone rings] Imani: I think you should get that. [Imani giggles] [Jamal sighs] [Imani sighs] Jamal: Yo. This had better be good. Rafe: Believe me, it is. [SCENE_BREAK] Caleb: Port Charles as my home. I never quite thought of it that way. Alison: Well, it's where you met Livvie, right? And it's where you played your first live concert. You defeated Joshua here, and you did all of these things without the ring. Caleb: Back to that, are we? Alison: Come on, Caleb, think about it, honestly. I mean, you settled down here, and you tried to build yourself a nice home, and it was good for a while, all up until everyone started fighting over the ring. Caleb: There never would have been any trouble, Alison, if they hadn't taken it from me. I owe it to my father to protect the ring. Do you understand that? Alison: I do, but was it really worth it? I mean, are you and Livvie any happier because of it? I think that Jamal had the right idea when he threw it in the river. Caleb: In a perfect world, what would you have me do? Alison: Why don't you just give it to me? I promise you, I will make sure that that ring does not cause anyone any more harm. What do you say? Will you just give it to me? [SCENE_BREAK] Lucy: Anything I can do for you? Kevin: Well, you could find the use of my left side. That would help. [Lucy sighs] Kevin: It's no picnic being helpless. Lucy: I know. Would you like some water? Kevin: Yeah, thanks. Lucy: Here, why don't you try to use your other hand and give it a go? Wait. Kevin: Oh -- Lucy: I'm sorry. Kevin: Damn it. Lucy: I'm sorry. It's -- it's my fault. Kevin: I can't even drink a glass of water. Lucy: It's just going to take a little time, that's all. Kevin: You know, I really don't ever want to get used to this. Lucy: Sorry, I know that. Kevin: I was just getting everything back together, you know? Lucy: You are going to pull through this. And I will be here to help you. Kevin: It's no fun to be so dependent. Lucy: I know that. I guess you just got to figure everybody sometime needs help from somebody. Kevin: I just hate the idea of you and Christina seeing me like this. Lucy: Don't do that, come on. Christina is going to be fine. Don't worry about her. Kids adjust. They're very resilient. All she wants is her daddy around, and she wants her daddy to sit and watch her color or hug her -- kiss her. She'll be fine. Come on. Where's that fighting spirit? Ian: Hey. How are you feeling? Kevin: Well, I'm not feeling anything. That's the problem. An M.R.I. should have come back. Is there any change? Ian: Nothing definite. Kevin: It's that bad, huh? Lucy: Well, the good thing is we can get you out of the hospital, though, and take you home with us. Kevin: You know, you still have time to change your mind. I don't know, you might decide to renovate the house or take a trip around the world. You know, I hear Australia is really nice this time of year. Lucy: No. You are coming home with us. Ian: Yeah. All the arrangements have been made, and all the equipment's at the house already, so -- Kevin: Oh, that's great. We'll just be one big happy family, won't we? [SCENE_BREAK] Imani: Listen, Jamal, you will get your bike back. No one should ever break up such a perfect couple. Jamal: Well, I must say that you really took my mind off my troubles tonight. I just wish there was a way I could thank you. Rafe: Jamal -- Jamal: Rafe! Rafe: Hi. Jamal: Hey. Rafe: Sorry. I'll be right over here. Jamal: Well, look, if you want to hang out for a second while I talk to the man over there, I'll walk you home. Imani: No, I think I'll be ok. Jamal: You sure? Imani: Yeah. It was nice. Jamal: Right. Get home safe, all right? Imani: I will. Jamal: All right. Jamal: Did you see that? Has anyone ever told you you have the worst timing in the whole wide world, Rafe? This better be good. What? Rafe: I figured out a way to get the ring from Caleb. Jamal: Ok, that's good. Lay it on me. What? Rafe: We have Livvie get it. Jamal: Oh. Oh, because she's been dying to do you that favor, right? Rafe: Well, I just may have suggested to her that she get it for herself. I think she took the bait. Jamal: Well, I thought Caleb wouldn't give it to her. I mean, he doesn't trust her any more than we could trust that crazy girl. Rafe: Livvie wants what she can't have, and most times she gets it. So my bet is that she's going to work Caleb over until he gives in. Jamal: Ok, so you think we have a better chance of getting the ring from Livvie as opposed to Caleb? Why? Rafe: Come on, Caleb has been guarding that ring with his life for centuries. Livvie will obviously be easier to distract. Jamal: Ok, fine. So are you saying that Livvie gets the ring from Caleb, and when -- Rafe: And I get it from Livvie. Jamal: Simple as that? Rafe: Problem solved. World saved. [SCENE_BREAK] Alison: So what are you saying? Will you do this for me? Caleb: You were always nice to me, Alison. You gave me a chance when no one else would. If this is what you want, I'll give you my ring. Alison: Thank you. Caleb: I trust you. I trust you like no one else. Alison: I know you've entrusted me with your family ring, and I promise you -- I promise you I will not let you down. Caleb: Just try and do the right thing with it. Alison: This ring will never do harm to another person. And maybe this feud between you and Rafe will actually end in peace. Thank you. I owe you one. Caleb: I'll keep that in mind. [SCENE_BREAK] Imani: Oh, dang, I left my keys. Livvie: Get out of my way. Imani: Hey, lose the attitude. What the hell is your problem, anyway? Livvie: You're the one with the problem. [Imani gasps] Imani: Ow! [Imani screams] Stay tuned for scenes from the next "Port Charles: The Gift"-- [NEXT_ON] Alison: I will make sure this ring never hurts another person again. Chris: Georges has flown back to Europe. Elizabeth: Get him back here. I'm in trouble. Imani: Blood? I'm bleeding. Lady, you just made a big mistake. | Stating that he trusts Alison like no one else, Caleb places his ring in her hand |
695 | [Little Ethan Cries] [Theresa hums] Pilar: Theresa? Theresa: --- Pilar: W w h he? Theresa: Thank you coming, mama. I can't seem to get him to calm down. Pilar: here, let me hold him. VeveN. Vecocon lita. VeN. Eresesa: .. Pila ven. Oh, there you go. Did something happen to upset him? Theresa: I don't know, mama. Maybe -- I mean, I guess maybe he's upset because I'm upset. You know, I had this terrible dream. I dreamed that I lost little Ethan. Pilar: You lost him? Theresa: Yeah. It was horrible. I can't lose him, mama. I mean, I've already lost Ethan. I can't lose my baby. He's all I've got left. Pilar: I know. It's all right. It's o.K. Abuelita is right here. I'm right here. Theresa: He must have been reacting to my feelings. Pilar: Theresa, I can understand why you're so upset, mija, with Julian threatening to take away little Ethan. That's why you're having bad dreams. Theresa: I'm sure you're right, mama. Pilar: There is so much turmoil in this house, in this family. Has Sheridan come back yet? Theresa: No. How did you know that she left? Pilar: Hank came by, looking for her. He said that -- that she went out earlier and she didn't tell Antonio where she was going. Theresa: Yes, hank woke me and he told me that he and Luis were going to look for her, too. Pilar: Poor Sheridan. She's under so much stress. I hope she's all right. Theresa: Sheridan had a terrible dream earlier, too, about losing her baby. Pilar: God. It's probably all the anxiety she's suffering because of the situation with Luis and Antonio -- not knowing who the baby's father is, not knowing how to tell Antonio that she's in love with Luis. Theresa: She shouldn't be under such pressure when she's pregnant. Pilar: I just pray that someday all of my children will be happy, you know? God, I hope Luis has found Sheridan. Luis: Sheridan, did you see which way this woman went? Sheridan: No, no, I was too scared. Luis: She's got to be the same person who set fire to your cottage, that same person that's been trying to hurt you. Whoever you are, I'm going to find you and make you pay! Antonio: Sheridan. Are you all right? Luis, I heard you yell. What's going on? Luis: Some crazy woman came after Sheridan with a letter opener. Antonio: Where is she? Did you see her? Luis: No, I didn't see her. I heard Sheridan scream, I came running. She was gone by the time I got here. Hank: Did you see her face, Sheridan? Could you describe her? Sheridan: I don't know. She was tall, she had dark hair and this crazy look in her eyes. Hank: Sounds like the woman I saw earlier, the woman destroying all those Blondie dolls. Charlie: This one's my favorite because she looks the most like Sheridan Crane -- or she did. Oh, boy, you should have seen her. She had the same color eyes, the same shade of hair and porcelain white skin. That was before I gave her the acid wash. Charlie: When are we going to kill the real one, Bethie? She deserves to die! Mrs. Wallace: Oh, you are so finished, Bethie. Luis is gonna find you and Charlie, too boo-hoo Luis: I know you're out there! I'm going to find you and make you pay! Beth: That's Luis. If he finds us, we're done for. Luis: I'll find you, I swear I will! I swear I'm going to find you. Eve: What did you say? Whitney: Oh, you heard me, mama. I'm not going to leave here with you. And I'm certainly not going to leave Chad. Eve: I am your mother, Whitney, and I say that you are coming home with me. What is wrong with you? Whitney: No, mom, what is wrong with you? How could you just yank me offstage like that? And embarrassing me, treating me like a complete child? Eve: I'm supposed to let you stay up there and just make a spectacle of yourself? Whitney: By singing a song? What is wrong with you? Why is that so horrible? Chad: Dr. Russell, you heard Whitney. She's good. Eve: You just stay out of it, Chad, ok? I am not having it! I'm not having her singing! Chad: What's wrong with it? Why are you so down on people that sing? Eve: I thought I knew I could live without you but I could tell if I fell under your spell Julian: This stuff coats the throat. One glass won't kill you. Eve: Well, maybe you're right. Maybe I should. Julian: Yeah. Eve: Whitney, honey, it's just that there are so many terrible things that could happen to a young girl in a place like this. Fox: With all due respect Dr. Russell, this is not a bad or dangerous place. It's a jazz club, ok? It's a place where people come to listen to music, that's all. Eve: No, that is not all! Come home with me. Whitney: No, I am not. Rebecca: Well, Julian? Answer me. What did you mean? Julian: What did I mean about what? Rebecca: Don't play dumb with me. You said that it's a good thing T.C. Wasn't here to see this. Why would you say that? Julian: I just meant that he'd be furious if he knew his daughter was here in this club with Chad. Julian's voice: And that much closer to finding out about eve's past with me. Liz: Did you hear me, T.C.? T.C.: Yeah, I hear you. I just woke up. What did you say, Liz? Liz: I said could you come down to this club? It's called the blue note. T.C.: Blue note? Why? Liz: Something is happening here that you should see, something you should know about. Eve: Whitney, you can't stay here! Liz: And when he does, sister dear, it is all over for you. Singer: I would hold the hand of the one who could lead me places and kiss the lips of the one who could sing so sweet and i would fly on the wings of the bird I knew could take me highest breathe in, breathe out you keep me alive you are the fire burning inside of me you are my passion for life Whitney: I am not leaving. Bartender: Too bad her mother showed up. That girl can sing. Fox: Yeah. She's amazing. [Music plays] Whitney: Something about him mos s thwawathatate sosoftly spspks m my name the way his Fox: She's so beautiful. Whitney: Love is such a gentle rush like a quiet morning rain Fox: Her voice is like an angel's. Whitney: Something about him shakes me Bartender: You better watch it, Mr. Crane. You're looking at that girl Whitney like she's fresh fruit on the vine. Fox: Am I? Bartender: Yeah. And if her boyfriend sees you looking at her like that, he's going to know you've fallen hard. Eve: Whitney, this is no place to talk about anything. Just come home with me now. Whitney: No. I told you no, mom. How can -- how can you be such a hypocrite? Eve: A hypocrite? What do you mean? Whitney: I'm talking about the way you come down on daddy. You get mad at daddy for pushing me to play tennis because it's his dream and not mine. But here you are telling me I can't do something that I want to do just because you don't want me to do it. You know, you are no different than daddy. You're just like him. Liz: T.C., Are you coming or not? T.C.: Liz, I still don't know what you want me to come and see. Liz: Well -- listen, T.C., Now, I don't want you to blame Whitney. I'm the one who brought her here. T.C.: Whitney? Whitney's at the blue note? Liz: Yes, but, T.C., You can't get upset, please. T.C.: That damn Chad. Chad brought her there, didn't he? Liz: No, no, T.C. I brought her here. I'm the one to blame. I just didn't know that chad was going to be here, and now eve is hehere, toO. T.C.: Eve? What the hell is my wife doing there? Eve: I don't want to hear another word about it, whitney! You are coming home with me now! Whitney: I told you no! I am not leaving with yoU. T.C.: Liz, wt t e hellll is gogoing ? Liz: Eve and whitney are fighting. And like I said, chad is herE. Oh, T.C., I thk k you really better get down here right away before something bad happens. T.C.: Damn it, I am on my waY. Liz: I can't wait. Oh, sister dear, this is iT. Your life is finally going to be destroyeD. I am finally going to get revenge against my sisteR. Luis: I want you to send as many units as you can spare down to the wharF. I want this whole place sealed off, nobody in, nobody out. We're after a woman who's armed and dangerouS. All right, we'll just wait here until they show up. Sheridan: Luis, what if she comes back? Luis: I'm not going to let anything happen to you. Antonio: You know what? Hank and I can help you start searchinG. Luis: Good. Let's not let this woman get off the wharf, all right? Antonio: Hank and I can start in that directioN. Hank: I'm with you, antoniO. Let's go. Antonio: Come on, hanK. We got to find this whack joB. Hank: We'll find her. Beth: Charlie, hurry uP. Come on, we got to get out of herE. Let's go. Ethan: Gwen, is the baby all right? Gwen: Yes, yes. I just -- just felt a little twinge. God, this is so incredible. Ethan, it's our baby. Ethan: It's wonderful. It's -- it's incrediblE. Gwen: I am so happy that you decided to marry me and be a family with our chilD. Sweetheart, we are going to be so happy, I promise yoU. Pilar: That's a good little boy. Come on, let's put you down, huh? Theresa: Thank you so much, mama. You got the magic toucH. Pilar: He was just overly tireD.And you look so and so tense. Why don't you go for a walk, huh, and get some fresh aiR. I'll stay with the babY. Theresa: Oh, no, I hate to impose on you any more than I already have, mamA. Pilar: Baby, I'm your mommy. You can't impose. Now go put on some clothes and try to get your mind off your problems, huh? Theresa: All righT. Thanks. Pilar: Oh. Go. Theresa: Ok. Pilar: HeY. I remember when your mama, luis, and miguel and antonio and paloma were babies. They slept peacefully, too. God, but now they're all grown up and full of problemS. What's happened to my family? Luis: HeY. Don't you worry, ok? This is all going to be over soso we're going c catch this womaN. And we're nanally ing toto tell anantoo ththe truth, ok? Officer: Hey, luiS. Luis: HeY. Officer: Just wanted to let you know -- cooper and I are here, all thotother units are on the way. Luis: Ok, why don't you guys start over on this section. I've already got a couple guys working over here, all right? Officer: All right, got iT. Luis: There are going to be cops swarming all over this place soon, all right? You're going to be all right. You, too, mrs. Wallace. Mrs. Wallace's voice: Oh, it's so obvious that shedadan and luis bontogethth. Why dimy daughghteh veve to so e evil?L? [Sirens] Beth: Sirens. Charlie: Oh. Beth: Luis must have called for backup. Charlie: Oh. Oh, I feel so stupid, beth. Sheridan saw me and she saw the letter openeR. Beth: No, no, it's all right. I have a new plan, which means that we have got to get rid of sheridan without it being traced back to you or me. Charlie: , Nono, I still think we should do a "thelma & louise." We can go on the lam and hide out. Then it doesn't matter if they connect us to the murder or not. Beth: No, no, no, , , it t too risky. We've got to be in the clear, and my plan is going to be incredible and bizarre -- [Footsteps] Beth: Oh, no. Quick, quick, hide! Charlie: Oh! Oh! [Sirens] Beth: We got to get out of here, charlie, or everything's going to be ruineD. Charlie: Oh! Eve: I am your mother. I am supposed to protect you! Whitney: Protect me from what? Look, I'm not leaving with you, ok? Rebecca: My goodnesS. Eve and her daughter are really going at it, aren't they? Julian: S,s, thi I is me I I spppped iT. Rebecca: Why? Why do you have to stop it, hmm? Julian, what is going on here? Why do you want to get involved in the russell family soap opera? Whitney: You are just as bad as you accuse daddy of being, trying to force me to do what you want without even thinking about what I want! Eve: How do you even know what your father and I talk about? Whitney: Oh, I hear things, moM. I hear you and daddy talking about me, about my future, about my lifE. And you know what, mom? It stops right now. Eve: Whitney -- whitney: I mean it, mom. Daddy doesn't get to make decisions about my life anymore, and neither do you. I'm going to decide what I want to do with my own life. I'm going to decide what my dream really is, and everyone else can go straight to hell! This is global news. Robin: Good afternoon toronto mayor mel lastman is fighting back. Lastman blasted the world health organization for listing toronto as one of the cities that travelers should avoid because of sars. He says that the W.H.O. Warning will have a devastating impact on tourism and said it is not supported by medical evidence. Mayor is d'manning that the original anicision send someone to see firsthand how the medical community and he residents are handling this crisis joy want them here tomorrow! I want them to investigate toronto tomorrow. I think they are doing this service and this country a disservice. Robin: Lastman says toronto is not gripped by fear over sars and that things are bus as usual. The O.P.P. Has laid charges against stand and frank koebel, two men at the centre of the walkerton water tragedy. The announcement came in walktoriton. This had been charged with making and using false document and breach of trust. But some walkerton residents are not happy with today's development yim' mad. I'm pissed off. Like this guy should be in jail and he should in population in jail, where somebody to beat the -- out of him every day why 7 people died in walkerton after ecally got in the water system. Stan koebel's lawyer says his clients will plead not guilty. Toronto secretary school teachers are threatening to start job action unless they get a new contract. The president called the toronto school board dysfunctional this morning. He says second tear teacher don't want to hurt student education but me me may have to taken measures that end up doing that. We will have more tonight at 35 350k. Until then, have a great day. Rebecca: You've been behaving very strangely tonight, julian. What is going on? Why are you trying to get involved in the russells' lives? Julian: I am not trying to get involveD. Rebecca: Yeah, well, something is going oN. Julian: Rebecca, this is my cluB. Having a family squabble played out in the middle of it is bad for business, that's all. Now, will you excuse me for a moment? Eve: I'm not trying to run your life, whitney. Whitney: Then what do you call it? Eve: I am trying to protect you! Whitney: Protect me? Protect me from what? I mean, what terrible things are going to happen to me by singing in a jazz club? Julian: Excuse mE. Is there -- is there anything I could do? Eve: Yes, juliaN. Could you please tell my daughter that she needs to come home with me? Julian: Whitney, you and i have talked before. I know how you feel, but perhaps it is best if you listen to your mother and went home. Whitney: No. I don't mean to be disrespectful, but I've decided that nobody is going to tell me what to do. I'm not leaving here, mom, until they lock the doors or until they throw me out, okok, and there's nothing you can do about it! Chad: Whitney, waiT. Julian: Chad, let -- eve: Julian, just stay out of iT. Nobody asked for your opinioN. Julian: I'm only trying to helP. Eve: Well, you're not lplpinG.G. I'm gog g to g m my daughter and take her homE. Chad: Dr. Russell, please, don't do thiS. Eve: Chad, get out of my way! Chad: I'm not going to movE. I'm sorrY. Look, whitney's right about this and you're wrong. I'm not going to let you come down on her because she's going after something she loveS. Fox: Whitney, can I help? Whitney: No, fox, there's nothing you can do to helP. Fox: Barry? Get her a glass of water, will you? Barry: Sure. Whitney: I've never talked to my mother like that beforE. Why can't she just understand? I mean, it's only singing, right? And I love to sing. Fox: Yeah. Who really knows why parents do anything that they do, you know? I think maybe just want to hold on too long -- unless, of course, they're minE. Mine just wanted to be rid of mE. Whitney: Well, my parents are really wonderful. I mean, we've always got along great and had a really good relationship until now. And now it seems like all we do is fight. Fox: HeY. I'm sorrY. Whitney: I just wonder what's going to go wrong next, you know? Liz: Oh, T.C., Come oN. Hurry up and get herE. I can't wait to see eve's life fall apart right in front of everyonE. It'll be everything I ever dreamed of. It's going to be so wonderfuL. T.C.: Liz, what's going on? Is chad still in there? Liz: YeS. T.C., Now, please, try to calm down. T.C.: I'm going to calm down. I'm going to kill the bastarD. Liz: T.C., Wait. I cannot let you go in there like thiS. Luis: Oh, heY. Glad you guys made iT. Antonio: I'm glad some reinforcements arrived. Luis: Yeah, we got this place locked down tighT. Antonio: Well, hank and I -- we searched over that way and there's no sign of anyonE. How you doing, sweetheart? Sheridan: I'm ok. Luis: All right, you two -- you stay here with sheridan and mrs. Wallace, all right? Now, come on. Let's stay focused. We're going to find this woman, all right? [Helicopter approaches] Luis: Good. The chopper's here. There's no way that woman's getting out noW. Come on! Come on, let's gO. Charlie: Oh! Beth: Charlie, we got to find a way off this wharf. Charlie: There's an alley down that waY. Come oN. Beth: Yeah. Charlie: Oh! Beth: Oh, no. Beth: Oh, no. It's a dead enD. We're trappeD. Luis: You go that waY. We'll check out the alleY. Singer: You are my passion for life theresa: Mama thinks taking a walk will get my mind off my problems, but -- I try not to think about ethan, but everywhere I look, I see hiM. I see my lost love. Ethan: I love you. I love you, theresA. [Gwen yawns] Gwen: Excuse me! Ethan: Well, someone's tireD. Gwen: Well, maybe I'll be able to sleep noW. Ethan: Well, I hope so because you and the baby need your resT. Gwen: As long as I know that you'll be here for us, and as long as I know you're committed to me and our baby above anyone else -- ethan: You mean theresa. Gwen: Yeah, I do. Ethan: I'm married to you and I'm committed to you, our marriage, and the baby. Gwen: I love you. Good night, sweetheart. Ethan: Good night. Ethan: I'm getting pretty good at this, huh? Theresa: You're great at it. [Little ethan coos] Ethan: Yeah! We, you u e a a good teacher. The alaska job fell through, and I need to work, theresA. Ththeresa: Oh, this is perfect! We are going to be working together all of the time. Ethan: No. I am a happily married man. Ethan: What is wrong with theresa? Whitney: I hate thiS. I hate yelling at my mom, making her feel baD. But I just can't take it anymore, you know? I -- they can't tell me how to run my life, you know? Fox: Hey -- hey, you know what, I know exactly how you feel. Whitney: What are you -- what are you doing? Fox: What am I doing? I was -- I'm just trying to be your frienD. Whitney: Theresa told me that you did help her through some pretty rough times. She said that you weren't like most of the rest of the cranes. They look for people's weaknesses and then try to take advantagE. She said that you're not like that. Fox: No, I'm noT. Barry: Yeah, and the sky's not blue. Fox: Barry, don't you have some wine to stock? Barry: Yes, sir, mr. CranE. Fox: SorrY. Whitney: You know, it wasn't supposed to be like this. My parents were supposed to fall in love with the man that I fell in love with. Fox: You know what, whitney? I mean, maybe your parents will end up loving the man you marrY. Whitney: I don't see that happeninG. Fox: Things change, you knoW. The only constant is change. Eve: You don't know what you're talking about, chad. Chad: Your husband forced his dream of tennis on whitney, and you went along with it. And because whitney is such a great daughter, she tried as hard as she could to make that dream come true, for you and her pops. But that wasn't her dreaM. Her dream is to sing. And what kind of mother would you be if you took that away from her? If you stopped her from doing the one thing that could make your daughter happy? T.C.: Liz, I need to get in there. Liz: Listen, I know you're furious with chad right noW. But if you want to be mad with someone, be mad with me. I'm the one who brought whitney here. T.C.: Why did you bring her here? And what is she doing in there? Liz: Chad talked her into singing a sonG. T.C.: Wait a minutE. Whitney is singing? Liz: Yeah. T.C., She was so gooD. No, she was better than that. She was greaT. T.C.: It's that damn chaD. He's manipulating her so she'll move to L.A. With hiM. Liz: No, no, T.C., Listen to me. I was the one who brought whitney here in the first placE. I never should have done thaT. I just wanted her to feel better. T.C.: I don't blame you, ok? I me, , itity y neededomomnene to talk to, and you were there for heR. It's a shame that eve doesn't have any sisters because she would need an aunt about right now to talk to. Liz:Z: Thank you, T.C. Just do me a favor -- don't tell anyone that I called you herE. T.C.: It's all right. You did nothing wronG. Liz: Yeah, but I don't want eve to be mad at mE. T.C.: You know what? She will probably thank yoU. Liz: Ok. T.C.: I need to get in the ananmake sure that chad stays e hehellwawafrom my little girl. Liz: You go, T.C. You go right ahead. And you'll go ballistic, too, when you realize that julian is here. And eve's life will finally be over once and for alL. Sheridan: I'll be glad when all this is over. Mrs. Wallace: Me, too, you sweet souL. I think it's horrible -- horrible -- that somebody t t to kill you, sriridaN. Sheridan: I just hope that they find hesosoon so that I can breathe agaiN. You know, I don't know how I would have made it if I didn't have such good friends. Especially betH. She's been such a good frienD. Mrs. Wallace: Oh, ahahshe's s a real peach. Thth oh, no. It's luiS. We're never going to get out of herE. Luis: You saw someone going this way? Officer: Yeah. Luis: Was it a man or a woman? Officer: Itit was pretty chch a blur, but I'm sure it was a womaN. Luis: Could be our gal. Officer: Yeah. Luis: What about the end of this alley? Is it sealed off? Officer: No, it's a dead enD. No way out a a all the doors are sealed off. If someby y ran in there, we've got them. Luis: PerfecT. Why don't you guys go get sheridan. We're going to need her to identify the suspect, right? Well, if it turns out that it is the woman who's trying to hurt sheridan, she's going to be put away for a long, long time. I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Thanks to early detection and treatment, I'm doing well. But many others are not. Breast cancer continues to kill women by the thousands. Each day, fifty-six canadian women are diagnosed with the disease. I'm proud to be a spokesperson for the canadian breast cancer foundation, ontario chapter. We're working to create a future without breast cancer. Please join us to create that theresa: God, I've got so much on my mind right now -- julian threatening to take my baby from me, losing ethan. I mean, what should I do? Mama always told me that in times of trouble I should pray to you for help, so, please, send me some helP. Send me an answeR. Ethan: TheresA. You all right? Theresa: Thank you, god. Thank yoU. Chad: What is it with you and music, anyway? You know, I remember that night at the seascape restaurant. You got me to give you that cassette that I played, and then you destroyed it. I mean, why would you do that? Why do you hate music? Don't you know music is a gift from god? Eve: Don't preach to me. Chad: I'm not preachinG. I'm just saying that whitney's been blessed with a voice that is truly a gift, a voice that can make a lot of people happy in the world. And she loves to sinG. She's really happy when she's up therE. Could you really take that kind of happiness away from your daughter? [Music plays] Eve: Hi. Do you know who I need to speak to about this tape that you're playing? Because they don't have permission to use it. Man: That's not a tape, ladY. That's the singer onstagE. She's great, isn't she? Whitney: After all that we've been through it still feels like it's so brand new and it's something I never want to lose chad: Can't you let her be happy, dr. Russell? Don't you want her to be happy? Julian: I'll be back. Rebecca: Where are you going? Julian: Eve, I am so sorry. Eve: Damn you, julian! This is all your fault! My daughter is going to be a whore, just like the whore you turned me into! Chad: Hey, fox. Hey, listen, thanks for taking care of whitneY. Fox: Yeah. Any time, maN. Any time. Chad: Thanks, maN. Whitney: Oh, chad. Chad: It's going to be all righT. I'm going to make it all right. T.C.: I'm going to make sure you never touch my daughter agaiN. Sheridan: Antonio, did they find her? Antonio: The police have a woman trapped in the alley. Hank: Luis wants you to come see if you can identify heR. Sheridan: All right, let's go. Mrs. Wallace: They've got you now, bethiE. You are history! Beth: How could I be so stupid? You and I should have split up. If they catch us together, they'll know we're in cahootS. Damn it! Luis: Hang back, all right? I'm going to head down the alleY. Sheridan: Wait a minutE. You think the woman who tried to kill me is in there? Luis: Yeah, I think so. Beth: Luis is coming. I'm -- I'm caught! Tour flashback brought to you by volkswagen. On t gwen: Ethan? Ethan, where are you? Ethan? Gwen: Oh, no. No, it can't bE. What the hell is she up to now? Damn you, theresa! Will you ever leave ethan alone? No, I'm going down there. I have to find out why ethan is talking to theresa in the middle of the night. Ethan: You've been crying. What is it? Is there anything I can do? Theresa: Yes, ethan. There is something that you can do, something that will keke me happy for the rest of my life. Julian: I know -- I know you're upset, but please don't say such thingS. I truly want to help. I know we can work things out with whitney. Eve: "We"? We'll work things out with whitney? We're not going to work anything out with whitney. You're the reason she's on this destructive path in the first placE. Julian: Me? What are you talking about? Eve: This is just the way it started with us, julian -- in a club that's just like this one. And don't think that I didn't notice that this club looks just like the club where we met when I was singinG. And I'm sure you're responsible for that. Julian: I bought the place, I had it remodeled, yes, but -- eve: No, you made it look exactly like the old blue note club in boston, where we met and where you ruined my life! Julian: Look, I've apologized for leading you down that path. I deeply regret it. Eve: Well, if you regretted it so much, why did you -- you make this club look just like that club? Julian: Because this club reminds me of the most wonderful time in my life -- the time I first met yoU. Julian: Everything is going to be all right, eve. T.C.: I knew you wouldn't leave town without trying to convince whitney to come with you. Chad: I didn't force her to do anything. Whitney: Ok, daddy -- T.C.: So what you doing bringing her here, huh? Trying to get her drunk so she'll come to L.A. With you? Whitney: Daddy, I'm not drinking. Fox: Ok, look, you know what, coach russell? We don't want any trouble, ok? Rebecca: Speak for yourself, foX. I'd like to see them take off those shirts and oil uP. T.C.: I told you to leave my daughter alonE. I guess you didn't hear me the last 10 timeS. Chad: She's a grown woman, coacH. She can make her own decisions. T.C.: Well, she decided to stay here with her family. Chad: Well, like they say, it's a woman's prerogative to change her mind. Fox: Hey, hey, don't -- whitney: Wait, no! No! Daddy, chad, stop! Fox: Get away from him! This is not -- T.C.: Come on, do it! Fox: Hey! Luis: This is the police! Whoever's in there, just come on out. There's no way out there, so don't make this hard on yourselF. Just come on out. Beth: Luis can't find me with you. He can't. Luis: Beth? Mrs. Wallace: This is it, daughter from hell. You are finished, kapuT. Julian: You just made me a very happy man. Liz: Oh, my. Chad: Look, I love your daughteR. And if we're going to be together, I can do whatever I want. Fox: All right, come on, knock it off! Whitney: Stop it! Gwen: Theresa, get your hands off of my husband! | Fox tries to comfort her while Liz calls T.C |
696 | [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Summer: Theo and one of his favorite influencers are about to land soon. Kyle: Tonight? Summer: Yeah, they want to meet to see if jabot collective is a good fit, and since we left new york, they're coming to us. Kyle: Mnh-mnh. It's after hours. Lola: I thought you were clubbing it out with the fancy people. Kyle: I told summer it was her party. I had somewhere else to be. Sharon: Adam is alive? Victor: Apparently, he doesn't remember a damn thing that happened before the explosion. I think will be able to bring him back. [ Door closes ] Sharon: Oh, my god. It is you. Nick: Mom got here before you did. Victoria: I'm sorry we're late. We had to drop the kids off with hannah. Nikki: Oh! It's okay. Billy: Well, and, let's be honest, we had to shower. Nikki: Oh! Yeah. How was your camping trip? Victoria: Um, earthy. Nick: [ Chuckles ] Nikki: Well, you seem... relaxed, anyway. Billy: She is now. She spent the first couple days with a cellphone over her head trying to get reception. Victoria: Thank you. Can we not? Nick: Ah, so bugs and dirt and fishing. Billy: Bugs, dirt -- all of it. Victoria: So, now that you've had the update, what's going on? Nikki: Well, nicholas and i wanted to speak with you about something. Victoria: Did rey find out what dad's been hiding? Nikki: He went to las vegas with sharon, and, um, he learned some important things. Billy: Does it have anything to do with this "spider" guy? Which, let me just say, is a heck of a nickname. Could be the alias of any number of people that I knew in my gamblin' days. Nick: Actually, we all know him. Billy: What? Victoria: The poker player? I don't understand. Nikki: Honey... Victoria: Huh? Nikki: [ Sighs ] Victoria: What? Nikki: I wish there were an easier way to tell you this, but... spider is... actually adam. Your brother is alive. Sharon: Uh... I'm not sure I really believed. I mean, victor told me... you and I texted... but it's really you. Adam: I didn't mean to startle you. Sharon: No, that's okay, I -- I was just... I, um... I wasn't sure you'd come. Adam: Well, neither was I. Sharon: But it's your home. Adam: To a degree. Sharon: I'm sorry, I just can't stop... Adam: Victor did the same. You know, my job depends on people not looking too closely, spotting my tells. I try not to draw attention as a rule. Sharon: But victor didn't give you a choice. Adam: Mnh-mnh. He told you about my situation? Sharon: Your memory. You can't recall anything before the explosion? Adam: Well, the explosion was news, too. Sharon: And since that time, no flicker of your past? Even now? Seeing my face? Hearing my voice? Still nothing? Lola: Yeah. Okay. I love you, too. [ Sighs ] Kyle: Sounds like good news. Mia's cramps stopped. Lola: Yeah, they're still in the E.R., Though. Doctor says that he wants to get an ultrasound just to make sure that the baby's okay. Kyle: Rey must be relieved. Lola: How can you even be with me? Kyle: What are you talking about? Lola: My family is non-stop drama. Kyle: Have you met the abbotts? They invented drama. But someone stole the patent. Lola: Wow, jabot burn! Mm, a little too soon, no? Kyle: Mm, laughing is the only option. Tell me -- what can I do for you? Lola: Well, you already set work aside for my sake. Kyle: Like that was such a hardship. There's no else I'd rather be. Adam: I thought seeing you would be like this...lightning bolt. It would all come back and i would feel like -- like I knew myself. Sharon: And it hasn't happened that way? Adam: It was a long shot. Victor told me about you. About us. Sharon: And? Adam: It sounds like a crazy story. About as wild as the one about victor and me. Yet... I have stood face to face with this man who is supposed to be my father, and... nothing. Other than being intimidated. Sharon: Well, victor can do that to anyone, stranger or family. Adam: Well, in my case, both. Maybe between you and him, it's a sign. It's better for me not to know, not to remember. Sharon: You kept this picture. When you threw all the others out. I'm sorry, I was looking around. Adam: Oh, the psychiatrist digs around in my mind, victor hangs around my poker games, and you go through my garbage. Sharon: Are you angry? Adam: No, more like tired. Sharon: Can you tell me why you kept this photo? Adam: Victor said his name was christian and that he's my son. Sharon: And when you saw this picture, did you feel something. Adam: Maybe. Maybe I wanted to. Sharon: All of these pictures... all these family members, and yet, this one image... Adam: It was random. Sharon: He's the one you had the least experience with, the child you left behind. Maybe that's significant. Adam, I have to believe that a part of you remembers who you once were. Adam: [ Sighs ] Additional sponsorship Victoria: All of this time, adam has been alive, and dad knew? Nikki: No, not the whole time. Victoria: But for months he's seen him, he's talked to him... Billy: Okay, can we just slow down here for a second? I need to understand this. So adam's been hiding out in vegas, claiming that his hard drive was erased? Nick: While avoiding a boatload of issues, including prison time. Billy: Wow. Feels like old times. Nikki: All right, now, wait a minute. Victor believes that this is different. Billy: How? Is adam claiming that he -- he doesn't know or he doesn't remember that he's a fugitive? Let's be straight here. This is the same guy that convinced us all that he was blind. Nikki: Victor thinks adam is sincere. Victoria: Well, what about the other names you got in vegas? The poker queen, the psychiatrist... Nikki: The doctor specializes in memory recovery, and that young woman riza seems to be adam's only friend. Billy: More than he has here. Victoria: [ Sighs ] Dad kept all of this from us. No explanation as to why he left town, no mention that our brother is still alive? Nikki: Sweetheart, he was more focused on getting through to his lost son. Billy: [ Scoffs ] Nick: Dad has always felt responsible for adam being at the cabin that night and feels like he's got a lot to make up for, and maybe this is his shot. Victoria: And by keeping him away, he protected him from all of the legal issues. Nikki: Well, your father took care of that on his own. The courts, even the governor. Adam is a free man. Billy: You know what this means. Victor's ready for the prodigal son to return. Sharon: He's a beautiful child. He's sweet and loving. He just started the dinosaur phase. Adam: [ Sighs ] I'm sure he's great, but I don't see myself in his eyes, or anything. Sharon: And yet, you felt a connection. Adam: Well, maybe it was just pity. He's a kid that's growing up without a father. Sharon: Does that resonate with you? A fatherless child? Adam: I don't know, maybe I just feel guilty because there's a kid out there with my dna, and I feel nothing. Sharon: No one's trying to push you. Adam: Okay, we both know that's not true. Victor has been on me non-stop, forcing me to go to sessions and talk about my thoughts and feelings. Sharon: He's hoping that will help. Adam: Who? Because I'll be honest with you. None of this is making my life better. I don't know, maybe that's the wrong perspective. I mean, the man is clearly grieving the son he lost. It's obvious that they were close. "They." We. [ Chuckles ] Sharon: I don't know how much you've read, but... Adam: Oh, that doesn't sound at all foreboding. Sharon: You and victor did have a complex relationship, but there was a lot of affection there. And there was a level of competition, too. There were times when you brought out the worst in each other. Adam: See? That right there. Sharon: What? Adam: You just validated my instincts. This is my life, what I have right here and now. The only safe bet's to leave the past in the past. Tremfya® can help adults with moderate to severe Lola: You're wearing the watch I gave you. Kyle: Yeah. It's my favorite. Lola: But it's not very stylish nor social media-friendly. Kyle: So? Lola: Well, don't you have fancy influencers to impress? Kyle: Who, theo and nazanin? I already hooked them up with the hottest chef in town. Summer can sit and have drinks with them if that's what she wants to do. Lola: I don't think she intended to do all of that without you. Kyle: Mm, this way, she gets all the attention and the credit. That should work for her. Lola: Kyle, but jabot is important to you, as well. Kyle: Yeah, but it's time to learn perspective, focus on a life-career balance. Lola: Mm, how very zen of you. Kyle: Well, it's a work in progress. Lola: Well, if inner peace is what you're looking for... perhaps I can actually help you in the next step. Kyle: Hmm? Which is? Lola: No watch, no shirt... Kyle: Upstairs? Lola: Outside? Kyle: I'm game. Lola: To the pool? Kyle: [ Sighs ] Lola: Look, I know the last time we were there, you were pulling me out of the water. Kyle: It was the most terrifying moment of my life, not knowing if... Lola: But, look, I'm here now, okay? And I want all of those bad memories to go away. Besides, I bought this really cute suit, and I look really good in it. Kyle: What are we waiting for? Victoria: Has dad told you anything else about adam? Nick: He's avoiding my calls. Fairly certain he knows exactly where I stand on all this. Billy: Which is a bad sign because he knows whatever he has planned for adam, he's gonna get pushback from the family. Nikki: No, I disagree. Victor had a lot of guilt about adam's death. He needed some time to process that on his own. Victoria: And you're okay with that, being in the dark all this time? Nikki: Well, honey, I just have to call this extenuating circumstances, and, right now, adam is refusing any contact with victor. Victoria: Why? Nikki: He pushed him too hard when he was trying to jump-start adam's memory. Nick: So now sharon's caught in the middle of all this. Victoria: Why would dad trust her to act as his go-between? Nick: She is strictly bait. Dad is using her to try and lure adam back in, given their history. Nikki: I think your father would do anything he could to& get through to adam. Victoria: Well, we are all very grateful that he's alive, but whether adam remembers his past or not, he is still adam. Billy: He's a card shark working the circuit, okay? The guy's always got an angle. Nick: Exactly. Pulling back from dad could be just another power play. Victoria: Okay. So what are you thinking? Nick: Dad clearly wants adam back in the fold. I mean, he already brought in sharon. The question is -- what's he gonna offer up next? Adam: Do me a favor. Get victor to back off. Sharon: Even in this short time, you have to know that no one can make victor do anything. Adam: He needs to go back to his life and let me go back to mine. Sharon: If I knew what your life was... Adam: What do you mean? You've seen it. I'm living it. Sharon: Adam, your world used to be so much bigger than this. Adam: Well, sounds like that worked out well for me. Sharon: You're tired. You're frustrated. But you met me tonight because you're not ready to give up. Adam: Look, maybe you knew me once, but that has all changed. And this was a waste of your time. And mine. Sharon: You're not a waste of anyone's time. (Announcer) do you push through migraine? Nikki: I understand your concerns, and, to a certain point, I share them. Victoria: Then why does it sound like you're about to tell us how wrong we all are? Nikki: Honey, I am just asking you to stop and take a breath. Nick: Dad has plans for adam. There is an end game here. Nikki: That doesn't mean adam will go along with it. He may choose to stay in las vegas. Billy: Now that his cover's blown? I don't think so. Nikki: If adam never lost his memory, as you suspect, he could have come back to genoa city at any time. Victoria: And gone straight to prison, but dad has conveniently taken care of all of that. Nikki: But if he did lose his memory... Billy: That's a big "if." Nikki: Okay, I'm just saying, if he had heard anything about his life here, any kind of detail at all, he might be more inclined to stay where he is. He would realize that he has very few allies here. Victoria: Well, when has that ever stopped adam? He loves feeling like it's him against the world. Nikki: If he doesn't even know who we all are... Nick: This is adam we're talking about, which means he's greedy and manipulative. This guy hasn't been purified. Victoria: We can't wish this one away, mom. Nikki: Would you rather get all worked up over something that might never happen? Nikki: He plays in secret poker games for a living. He's gonna want a piece of what the newman family has to offer. Nikki: Oh, my god. All of you are just thinking about money. Billy: Which just happens to be adam's pride and joy. Nikki: What about chelsea? What if he wants to find her, and connor? Victoria: Except nobody knows where chelsea is. Nikki: Which leads me back to adam not having any reason to leave las vegas. But none of your are convinced. Victoria: Well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see, won't we? But thank you for finally getting the answer. It's good to know that dad's not in any trouble. Nick: He's hiding our amnesiac brother from us. Billy: As one does. Nikki: Please don't forget what adam means to victor. He cares very much about all of his children. He'd do anything for them. Now, I am going home. I suggest you get a good night's sleep in a bed, not a sleeping bag. Victoria: That's a great idea -- should we go? Billy: We'll walk you out. Nick: Bye, mom. Nikki: Bye, darling. Nick: See ya. Victoria: Bye. Billy: Thanks. Nick: See ya. Nick: Hey, sharon, it's me. Can you call me? Let me know how things are going. Adam: Victor's got to have his update. Sharon: Actually, it's your brother nick. Nicholas. I know that victor showed you all of those photos, but I'm not sure how much he told you. Adam: Mm, just some whitewash basics. The thing is, I'd already run a name search on adam newman. Sharon: What? How? Adam: Mm-hmm. Sharon: You remembered your name? Adam: No, but I heard a couple times "you like like this mogul's dead son." Victor didn't tell you? That's how he heard about me. Sharon: How much did you read? Adam: Enough that I didn't want to know more. Then victor showed up and gave me his version of things, which, uh, sort of set the tone for our trust level here, as in not a lot. Sharon: The events you may have read about... Adam: You want to tell me they're not true? Sharon: They're not the whole story. Adam: Which is what victor said, but the guy that I read about, I don't want to know him. And I definitely don't want to be him. Sharon: [ Sighs ] Tell me how you became "spider." You said you don't remember the explosion. Adam: I woke up on a freight train. Sharon: Are you serious? Adam: Mm-hmm. I jumped off not that far out of town. I was, uh -- well, I was homeless, panhandling. There was some guys in the back room of a bar playing poker, and something registered for me. It was like I knew the game, and I knew how to win. So I did. I won. And then I won some more, got a motel, some secondhand clothes. More games, more scores. Nicer hotels. Then I met riza, and she became -- I don't know what you would call it, a patron. Sponsor, backer. Then victor showed up. Sharon: And turned your world upside-down. Adam: Why are you here? Sharon: Victor had been disappearing for months. The family wanted to know why, and I came here to help find him. Adam: No, not that part. I meant why do you want to help me? "The young and the restless" will continue. Sharon: Exactly how much did victor tell you about our history? Adam: Just that we were close for a while. Involved. It was good, bad... but it was over, right? You know, long before I blew up. I'm sorry, that -- none of this seems real to me. Sharon: Well, it was very real to the rest of us. Adam: I shouldn't joke about that. Sharon: As for our history, yes, um, our time together had passed. You were married to chelsea when you... Adam: Mm. Sharon: But there was an acceptance, an understanding. What about connor? Did victor mention him to you? Adam: My other son, yeah. Two kids without a dad. So, this is just good samaritan, old time's sake kind of thing for you? Sharon: When I look at adam, when I look at you, I see the person who changed my life. Adam: Mm, that doesn't, uh -- that doesn't sound like the guy I read about. Sharon: I was in a very dark place, and I did something, I -- I burned down victor's house. Adam: Mm. Sharon: And you saved me. Adam: As in...? Sharon: You picked me up and carried me away from the flames. And then you got me help, a psychiatrist, and... it took a while, but I got well. Adam: Well, maybe your doctor's better than calhoun. Sharon: I have bipolar disorder, and it's a battle, but I fight it daily with meds and, um, regular check-ins. Adam: Doesn't sound easy. Sharon: It's actually proven to be quite inspiring. It encouraged me to go back to school, get a degree in psychology... Adam: Are you, uh, here as a professional? Sharon: I'm here as your friend because I can never thank you enough for what you did for me. [ Keyboard clicking ] Sharon: Nick, will you try to remain calm and rational? Nick: Look at me. I'm completely calm. But there is nothing rational about you hooking up with adam again. Sharon, you were doing so well. Now you're making all these bad choices again. Sharon: What? What other choices are you talking about? Nick: Well, think about it. How many times has this psychopath ruined your life? Sharon: He's different. He's changed now, nick. Nick: You don't really believe that, do you? Why are you sabotaging yourself? Sharon, do you not think that you're worthy of being happy? Sharon: That is nonsense, nick. Will you stop this negativity? I really doubt that my therapist would want me listening to it.& Nick: Okay, so your therapist said it was okay for you to just jump right back into a relationship with adam? That's what you're telling me. Sharon: Okay, well, what i talk about with my therapist is really none of your business. Nick: You're right. It is not too late for you to get out of this. Tell adam you thought about it and you made a mistake. You just want to keep things professional. Look, if you're not gonna do it for me, then do it for noah and faith. Kyle: [ Shivers ] We should have stayed have stayed in the pool. It was warmer there. Lola: That was my first real exercise since the operation. Kyle: How do you feel? Lola: Like me again. But bionic me, new and improved. Kyle: Mm. That suit was an a-1 purchase. Lola: Mm, not showing too much skin? Kyle: Mm, I analyzed it closely. It's the perfect skin-to-suit ratio. Lola: Your ratio works, too. Kyle: Mm. Mnh-mnh. [ Knocking on door ] This is fun. Summer. Lola: She's psychic now. Kyle: I'll take care of it. It's late, summer. Summer: Wow, so this is why you skipped drinks with our next media partner? Kyle: I have a phone, summer. You know the number. Summer: Oh, wow, the glory of nepotism. Okay, so I do all the heavy lifting for the sake of your family's company, and you, what, you go skinny-dipping? Yeah, that's classy. Why am I not surprised? Kyle: Or maybe I have faith in your people skills to close the deal. Summer: Oh, well, I hate to break it to you, but the deal is still open. Kyle: What? Summer: Yeah, uh, believe it or not, nazanin doesn't really like being blown off by junior execs. Kyle: Not really a junior, and I didn't blow her off. Summer: Okay, well, theo's not impressed, either. Kyle: I -- I'll talk to him. Summer: Good. The car is waiting. Lola: Wait. You want him to go now? Summer: Well, nazanin is heading back to new york, first thing, so either you can fix it now or the deal is screwed. Kyle: I'm off the clock, summer, not going anywhere. Lola: Look, if you need to go smooth things over with these people. Summer: Oh, well, at least one of you understands the conceptof a work ethic. Lola: Okay, if nazanin is upset over this, imagine how many hoops she'll make you jump through when you have an actual deal in place. Kyle: Hey, theo? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Everything's fine. Just checking in since I missed the rest of your big night out in genoa city. Ah, we're looking forward to working with nazanin, too. And sorry for cutting out early. Yeah. She is pretty great, isn't she? So, it wasn't a problem I left early? Okay, then. I'll let you go, but have a good flight home. We'll be in touch. Summer: Mm, look at you. You got your smug face on. Kyle: Mm. The deal's in place, and everyone is happy with how tonight turned out. Summer: Well, that just means that I did a better job covering for you than I thought. Kyle: Go home, summer. Sleep it off. And tomorrow, you can tell my dad about how you saved the day. Summer: And then you can just show up or not since that's your thing. Kyle: [ Sighs ] Lola: You knew she was lying? Kyle: You didn't? Lola: She's so good at it. Kyle: That's why you were about to shove me out the door. Lola: Yes, for the sake of your career and because I don't want to cause any problems with you and your father. Kyle: [ Sighs ] It's so weird. Summer: What? Kyle: Being with someone who has my best interests at heart. I've never had that before. Lola: Some things are worth the wait. Victoria: I mean, he was there in vegas while you and i were there, planning that poker game, trying to catch spider. Billy: If he walked in in that moment... Victoria: With adam... right then and there, with no warning, no idea that he's still alive.... Billy: It would have been bad. For everyone involved. Which is probably why he was a no-show. Maybe he knew or suspected, at least. Victoria: I just can't even think about it. Billy: I was wrong. I told you stop digging into victor's business, and I was wrong. Yourmom knew, she was right. She knew that this was too big to just leave alone. [ Sighs ] Victoria: Do you think he's gonna come back here? Billy: [ Scoffs ] There's not a doubt in my mind. Victoria: Well, you know, he doesn't have to be a part of our lives, billy. Billy: Oh, your father would disagree with that. Victoria: [ Sighs ] Then your life. Billy: Whether I see his shifty face in person or not, it doesn't matter. He's always gonna be a part of my life. Victoria: In court, you said -- Billy: I said that I forgave him. Yeah, I know. Victoria: Nobody expects that you would forget what happened to delia. Billy: Well, I'm not gonnaavoid M. I'm gonna make sure that he knows that I got my eye on him, and he's not gonna mess with you or the kids, ever. Welcome to my new mission in life. Adam: There is more to our story, isn't there? Sharon: There is for any relationship. Adam: But you're not gonna tell me now. Sharon: In due time. Adam: I get why victor wanted us to meet. Sharon: Why do you think that is? Adam: Well, evidently, you are the only person who thinks there's anything worth redeeming in adam newman. Sharon: I don't think I'm the only one who thinks that. Look, the newman family is complex, and there's going to be tension, but... I was at your memorial service, and the regret and the sadness, that was sincere. I think that everybody would be grateful to have another chance to do better, just to heal, even if a little bit... Adam: Look, I got to say, that sounds exhausting. Sharon: Does being alone sound better? Adam: I have a life here. Sharon: What about real connection, like human connection? I mean, I know you've got riza, but is there anyone else? I mean, what else fills your day? And this apartment... Adam: I like it. Sharon: It's soulless, adam, and that's not you. Adam: All right. I'm still an actual person. You get that, right? I mean, I might not have the same memories as you do, but this is my life. Sharon: There's nothing here, adam. There's no pictures, there's no mementos, there's no personality. Adam: Well, maybe I'm just a boring guy. Sharon: I don't care how much you've forgotten. You're not capable of being boring. And you deserve more than this. Adam: Mm, well, from what i read, the guy I used to be deserves to get run over by a truck. Sharon: Adam, don'T... Adam: Leave that guy in the past. Sharon: Okay, fine. I will. Come to genoa city. Adam: [ Scoffs ] And this is you trying to bluff again. Sharon: No, I mean it. Come home and reconnect. At least try. If you hate it or if it means nothing to you, I'm sure this apartment and the poker table will be waiting for you. One week. Adam: If I say I'll think about it, can we end this conversation? Sharon: Say it and mean it. Adam: I will think about it. Seriously. Sharon: That's all I can ask. Now I'll go. Good night. Adam: Good night. Summer: Hey, uh... dark and stormy, please. [ Sighs ] [ Cellphone rings ] Summer: Hello? Theo, hi. This is a nice surprise. Yes, I am still up. I am under 50. Yeah, I thought tonight was pretty great, too. No, I'm just having a night cap. Uh, in fact, why don't you come and join me? Lola: I didn't know that a real thing. Kyle: What? Lola: My knees just buckled. Kyle: [ Chuckles ] I must be more amazing than I thought. Lola: Do it again. Okay, I don't think I can walk. Kyle: Oh. Not a problem. Lola: [ Laughs ] Victoria: This adam, the version he is now, he might have changed. We both have. Billy: Come on, his nickname is not "teddy bear." It's "spider." Victoria: Well, I am relieved that he didn't die. Billy: Yeah. Victoria: Although, I can't shake the feeling that... Billy: That he's a grenade and victor pulled the pin? Victoria: We can handle it! Because you and I are in a good place. We're in the right place, and we make each other stronger. Billy: Say that again. Victoria: What? We -- Billy: We make each other stronger? Are you saying that you trust me? Victoria: I do. I trust you. Billy: Wow. That's progress. Victoria: Yeah, it sure sounds like it, doesn't it? Billy: Well, now that we settled it for the calm before the storm, we should make the most of it. More time like this, more family time, more just me and you. Because it's all that I want. Even though I don't deserve it. Victoria: Get over here. [ Giggles ] Sharon: Yes, victor, I know you were hoping for some flash of remembrance, but we did talk, and I think adam trusts me. I've asked him to think about coming home, even if just for a week. So now we wait and see if he's willing to take the leap. | He admits that he searched on his name and didn't like what he found and would rather leave everything in the past |
697 | Sharon: My husband is staring at me. Jack: You're so beautiful he can't help himself. Sharon: Feel free to say that to me every morning. Jack: I should, you know? I've been lying here thinking about how I'm gonna tell the world today that I owned Jabot, that I bought it, that I fixed it and I sold it and I can tell them everything. Sharon: And you're smiling. Jack: Well, that's 'cause I'm lucky to be your husband. Sharon: Thank you. Jack: In the next few days, people are gonna say, "The truth set Jack Abbott free." The real truth is, you set me free. [SCENE_BREAK] Kevin: You know, Mom, I know this will come as a complete shock to you, as you'd never pressure me into doing something that could make "The convicted felon" my middle name, but making that DVD was illegal. Gloria: I called Victor Newman last night. Kevin: Why, are you gonna marry, then bury him? Gloria: Don't make jokes about this, Kevin. Kevin: Let me guess, you offered him the DVD. Gloria: I said I might have something of interest concerning Jack. Kevin: Might? Now that is an auxiliary verb used to express possibility, not certainty. Gloria: I want your opinion. Look at this and tell me what you see. Kevin: "Wisconsin cheese fest expects big crowd." Wow. Gloria: Jack's not on the front page anymore. Kevin: Bumped by cheddar. That has to hurt. Mom, there is a Senate investigation-- Gloria: And how long is that gonna take when we have proof that Jack owned Jabot? Kevin: Not quite. He never came out and said it. Gloria: Come on, Kevin. Help me bring that son of a bitch down. Kevin: Mom, I don't wanna end up as his cell mate. Gloria: Victor will never know where I got the DVD. Honey... this is our chance to pay him back for everything he's done to us. Kevin: My name is never, ever to be mentioned. Do you understand? [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: Now before we discuss the development, how's your mother doing? Cane: Thank you for asking, Sir. It's been, um, it's been rough. Victor: I'm sure you have been a comfort to her. Lily: Hi. Oh, hi, Mr. Newman. Victor: Hello, Lily. So let us see what damage Jack has done to our investment. [SCENE_BREAK] (Gloria calls Victor) Victor: Excuse me. Yes? Gloria: It's Gloria. Michael: Hey! Who's she talking to? Kevin: Her bookie. Gloria: I told you I'd call. Victor: Uh, come to my office later. Gloria: Thank you, Victor. Michael: Victor? As in Newman? You are not gonna give Victor Newman that DVD. Kevin: Yes, she is. Gloria: And I know exactly what you're going to say, Michael-- that recording the Jabot boardroom was a little bit shady. Michael: Shady? Shady? It is a great, big, major felony. Kevin: Yeah, we know. Michael: Did I or did I not-- less than 24 hours ago-- negotiate a plea bargain for you? The ink's not even dry. The judge hasn't even signed off on it yet. And yet--yet, you would prefer to be arrested for another one now? Kevin: It's not traceable. Michael: Why didn't I go to medical school? Kevin: Oh, Michael, come on. Tell me that you don't wanna see Jack disgraced, debased in in da pokey. Michael: It is my fervent desire to see that man get everything he so richly deserves. Gloria: Which is exactly what we're going to do. Michael: No, we're not. This insanity is gonna stop now. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: And have we heard from the sales team at the development today? Woman: No, Mr. Newman. Nick: All right, you tell them I wanna see new sales and lease reports in ten minutes. Brad: Nick, have you seen Victor? Nick: He's got a working breakfast at the club. What's up? Brad: I just have to, uh, get out of here early. Yom Kippur starts at sundown. I wanted to talk to him before I go. I'll see you later. (Cell phone ringing) Nick: Hold on. Excuse me. I need to take this. Nick Newman. I need to take this. Thank you. Yeah, I'll accept the charges. Phyllis? Phyllis: Hey! Hi! Free at last. Well, not free, of course. But as normal as it gets. Nick: That's great. Phyllis: Yeah, normal job in the laundry, normal privileges in the commissary. Put some money in my account. I'm craving M&Ms. Nick: Done. How about regular visiting rules? Phyllis: I wish. You're still not on the list. Nick: For the, uh, the high crime and misdemeanor of wanting to see you too much. Phyllis: Do you think it's okay if you can legally change your name? Um, I gotta go. Uh, listen, um... I, um, I'm doing a workshop on how to build a web site. Usable skills for when we reenter society. Nick: Well, you'll be able to teach it when you get out. Call me as soon as you can, okay? Phyllis: Okay. I love you. Nick: I love you, too. Nick: Hey, Becki, uh, all my meetings this morning? Cancel 'em. [SCENE_BREAK] Noah: Why do I have to be in the top spelling group? I mean, it's not fair. Sharon: What did Mrs. Schultz say? Noah: That everyone who got an "A" on the last test had to learn six bonus words. I mean, we get punished for doing a good job. Sharon: Well, it's not punishment. She knows you're capable of excellent work. Noah: Uh, how about good work? I mean, the kids who got "B's" didn't have to learn bonus words. Jack: Is Fisher enjoying your breakfast there? Noah: Does Phyllis get breakfast? Jack: Uh, sure. You know what? We gotta keep things moving here. We're gonna leave for school in ten minutes. Sharon: Mm-hmm. Noah: Yeah. Sharon: And don't forget your book report on "Stargirl." Noah: Can Fisher come to school with me? I'm there all day and you guys are at work all day. Sharon: It would be nice if he could. Noah: Because when people have to be away from the people they love, they get sad and scared. Jack: You know, you could always make a videotape of yourself for Fisher. Noah: How would he turn it on? Jack: Um, we could have it on a continuous loop. (Doorbell rings) Sharon: Oh, no, don't go. I'll get it. I'll get it. Noah: But it's just not the same. I mean, Phyllis made videos for Summer, but she never says "Mama" to them. Sharon: Hi, Nick, come on in. Nick: Hey, thanks. So, uh... I just got off the phone with Phyllis. She's out of S.E.G., back to normal. Sharon: Great. Nick: There's only one problem-- I still can't see her. Sharon: Why not? Nick: It's a long story. Summer's in the Newman day care. I was gonna go up there anyway. Sharon: But she can't see you. Nick: Yeah, I know, but she can see Noah. And Noah's been asking about her a lot. Sharon: I know. Nick: I know he has school today, but if it's okay with you, I was gonna... get him out of school and go up there with him. Sharon: How about if we both take him? [SCENE_BREAK] Colleen: Go talk to him. Lily: And say what? Oh, hey, Cane, it was nice hooking up with you at my divorce party! Colleen: Do you like him? Lily: Oh, and thanks for being there when I puked my guts out. I'm sure I looked really hot. Colleen: Because I think he likes you. Lily: Please, he is a total player. And--and why--why are you pimping the guy? Colleen: I'm not. Lily: Yeah, you are. Colleen: Because I think you like him and you wanna talk to him but he intimidates you, okay? Lily: (Scoffs) Colleen: I mean, come on, he's hot. Lily: Well, I mean, that's-- that's debatable. Colleen: And he's older and he's sophisticated. Did I mention hot? You know what? I get it. I was like that at first with Adrian. Lily: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, do not even compare me to you, because you were a drooling idiot around Adrian and do you see me wearing a bib? Colleen: Well, look how it worked out, huh? Lily: Hmm. [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: Why are you here? Brad: To apologize. Victor: Really? Brad: I know there are times this past year when you wanted to make my life hell. Victor: That's putting it mildly. Brad: I endangered you and your family. Victor: You did more than that. You broke my daughter's heart. Brad: You and your family risked your lives for me. I'm sorry about all those things. Victor: Wait a minute, isn't this... at sundown, you start your... day of atonement, don't you? Yom Kippur-- isn't that what this is? Brad: Yes, it is. Victor: Aha. Brad: You know, since I was a teenager, I have never been able to celebrate publicly. Brad Carlton certainly wasn't Jewish. And in part, because of your help this past year, I don't have to hide anymore. Victor: And all your actions since then, have the been indicative of your saying thanks? Brad: I can do better. Victor: You bet you can, Brad. But words are cheap, you know? You gotta show it. Brad: And then? Victor: You have no right to ask that question. You show me that your metamorphosis is real, and then perhaps I'll change my mind about you. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: Um, if I'm interrupting, I can-- Cane: No, no, no, no. Work can wait. Lily: Oh, okay. Um, well, I know that we talked about getting a cup of coffee. And, I mean, I see that you have coffee, but, um, I mean, I could order a cup of coffee and... Cane: That'd be great. Please. Lily: Okay. Thank you. Thanks. So... working hard or hardly working? I'm sorry, I... I can't believe I-- I just said that. I-I never, ever say things like that. Um... I'm just--I'm--I'm nervous. Cane: You know, I can't figure it out. Lily: What? Cane: Why a woman with your class and beauty would be nervous around a chump like me. Lily: Um... the party. Cane: Oh, right! Where you forced me to kiss you. Lily: Yes, yes, I forced you. Cane: Utterly against my will. Lily: You know, I could've sworn that you liked it and that it was possibly your idea. Cane: (Sighs) I know your sort. You'll use me and abuse me and then you'll consign me to the dust heap of boyfriends past, huh? Lily: With a lovely parting gift, of course. Cane: Which would be a tattoo of your name--"Lily"-- on my bum, so when I'm all heartbroken, I'll have to add "Livered" to it. Lily: "Lily-livered?" That is so sad. Cane: That's exactly what my next girlfriend will say. Lily: (Laughs) [SCENE_BREAK] Brad: Colleen? Colleen: Dad. Brad: Got a minute? How's living with the boyfriend? Colleen: All you're trying to do is break us up. Brad: In the past. I'm trying to respect your wishes now. Colleen: It shouldn't be that tough. Brad: You're right. You're right. It shouldn't be. But it's hard to let my baby go. Colleen: Dad, I'm already gone. Brad: Tonight's Kol Nidre. Colleen: The start of Yom Kippur, I know. Brad: Yeah, the holiest day of the year. We fast. We try to make amends for the wrongs we've done. Colleen: Are you trying to make amends with me? Brad: I know I've hurt you. Colleen: If you're waiting for me to deny it-- Brad: I'm not. I'm apologizing for it. You know, this is the first time since I was a kid that I've been able to go to synagogue without looking over my shoulder. Your grandmother's in Los Angeles visiting friends. And it would mean a lot if I had you by my side. Colleen: I don't know. See... you apologize now, but you'll go right back to interfering. Brad: Well, how about you give me a chance? Colleen: When you fail, and you will fail, you'll come back to me next year and apologize, and the year after that and the year after that. You see, 'cause it's not how special one day is, Dad. It's not gonna change you. [SCENE_BREAK] Sharon: So the cells are right through there. Noah: Phyllis has a regular bed, right? Nick: Of course she does, Buddy. McQueen: Ms. Abbott, you and your son are cleared to see Mrs. Newman. Sharon: Okay, thank you. McQueen: You, Sir, are not. Nick: I was hoping you'd reconsider. McQueen: You broke the rules, Sir. Being a Newman does not give special privileges here. Nick: Fine, I was just gonna explain to my son that-- McQueen: Wait in the lobby, Sir. Nick: Do it, Dad. I don't want them to put you in jail, too. McQueen: Mr. Newman? Nick: No. Sharon: Nick? Noah: Dad! Nick: You just scared a 10-year-old. My 10 year old son. And I'm not leaving until I can explain a few things to him. [SCENE_BREAK] Victor: You're here to accuse me of leaking the audiotape of you and your co- conspirator? Jack: I feel like I have to ask now. Are we recording this conversation? Testing, one, two, three. I notice the camera that caught your wife kissing another man is gone. Victor: All right, slings and arrows. I am far too busy. Get to the point. Jack: Granville Global. My staff tells me you were inquiring about the loss of a rather lucrative state contract? I just wanted to let you know I had nothing to do with that. Victor: Is that so? Jack: No, I don't have that kind of power. Victor: You underestimate your power. The Senate ethics committee wouldn't investigate you if you had no power. Jack: Must be a source of some concern for you that you're losing yours. Here all this work, and you haven't been able to hurt me. Victor: I didn't have to use my power. You did this all on your own. Jack: Maybe you're right. I can live with that. Victor: Uh-huh. Jack: You, my friend, might wanna spend a little more time at the gym, though. I think your punches are losing their oomph. Victor: (Laughs) You be careful, Jack. Be very careful, okay? [SCENE_BREAK] Noah: I don't understand. Why can't you see Phyllis? Nick: Well, it's kinda like in school. I don't get to do certain things because the last time I was here I broke a rule. Noah: But she really wants to see you. It isn't fair. Sharon: I'm with you there, sweetie. Nick: Look, I don't want you to worry about that, all right? I want you have a good visit with Phyllis, but don't tell her I'm here, okay? It'll just make her sad. Come here. Noah: I hate that warden. Sharon: Well, you mean you're angry with him because he made that rule. Noah: No, Mom, I really hate him. Do you think Dad saw the candy machine out there? Maybe I should go tell him. Sharon: Uh, Noah? Phyllis: Hey! Noah: You -- you look okay. Phyllis: Well, thank you. I am okay, Goofball. Thanks for bringing him. What? Sharon: Oh, nothing. He--he just-- he really wanted to come. Noah: So, uh, how's the food? Phyllis: Oh, the food? Uh, okay, well, you know those, um... frozen pancakes that make you gag? They're worse. Noah: Do you have a roommate? Phyllis: No, not yet. But I have a job in the laundry now. Noah: But you hate doing the laundry at home. Phyllis: Yeah. Sharon: Hey, it's okay. You -- you can hug her. Noah: Well, in the movies, the prisoner is behind glass. And I didn't see any glass, so I didn't think we were allowed to touch. Phyllis: Come here. Noah: I missed you a lot. Phyllis: I missed you, too. I-I feel better -- a lot better. Noah: Yeah? Phyllis: Yeah. Sharon: You know, Phyllis, um, I wanted to thank you for what you said to Jack yesterday. Phyllis: Oh, you're welcome. I should get a year off of my sentence for agreeing with you. I'm kidding. Kind of. Are you okay? Noah: Yeah. Sharon: Um... Noah, why don't you tell Phyllis what you did in school recently. Noah: Uh, spelling. Phyllis: Spelling? Great. I-I was b-a-d at spelling. Hey, something is wrong. What's going on? Sharon: Okay, we should've never put you in this position. Phyllis: What? Noah: If the warden wasn't so mean... Sharon: Noah! Noah: I mean, I wanna punch him. Sharon: Hey, it's okay. Sweetie, he's doing his job. Phyllis: Why don't you tell me what's going on? Noah: Dad's right by the door, but the warden won't let him in. Phyllis: He's here? [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: That's right, 5:30 at the Athletic Club. Be ready for a live remote. Oh, I promise, there's gonna be news. [SCENE_BREAK] Gloria: Do you have any idea how tough it is to have evidence against Jack and not be able to use it? Michael: I do. Perhaps you should take up meditation. Gloria: What kind of advice is that, Michael? Michael: Very good advice. You should listen to me more often. Gloria: Oh, please, just stop it. Kevin: Hey, I got what we need. Michael: What, lunch? Kevin: Yeah, burgers and a DVD. Each burnt at a secure location to go. Each one untraceable. Gloria: My genius! Michael: Resist the temptation, Gloria. Do it for your feloniously inclined younger son. Kevin: I wanna see her bust Jack. Michael: Then why don't you just go downtown to the jailhouse and check yourself in? Save them and me a whole lot of trouble. Kevin: Un-trace-able. Michael: Nothing is untraceable. You are gonna get in trouble and I'm gonna have to come and take you-- Kevin: I know a lot more about computers than you do, Michael. Michael: This is ridiculous! You cannot keep-- Kevin: I don't wanna let Jack get away with what he's done to Mom! Michael: I don't wanna keep going down to the jail to bail you out! Gloria: All right, stop! Stop, both of you! I hate to admit it, but I think Michael might be right. If there's the slightest chance this DVD could cause you trouble, that's a chance I'm not willing to take. [SCENE_BREAK] Nick: Thank you for seeing me. McQueen: What did you wanna talk about, Mr. Newman? Nick: My wife. McQueen: We covered that ground, Sir. If there's nothing else? Nick: I was in a, uh, a plane crash. I don't know if you heard about it or read about it? McQueen: I did. Nick: Well, I shouldn't have survived. The co-pilot and pilot-- they didn't. I ask myself, why them and not me, but I can't answer it. No one can. I think about their families all the time. You know, I started a... a college fund for their children, but that's easy. It's just--it's just money. It's something I have. McQueen: Is there a point to this, Mr. Newman? Nick: When I came to after my accident, I didn't remember the last two years of my life. I didn't remember that I... lost a daughter in a car accident, or that I had a new daughter with my new wife Phyllis. I treated her like she was a total stranger, like someone I could barely tolerate. And she loved me the whole time. She never gave up. And something happened-- something amazing-- the night before she had to come here. I fell in love with her all over again. We had one night together, Warden. Just one night. Now I know none of this is your problem. My wife committed a crime. She belongs here. But I'm asking you not to punish her for a mistake that I made. Acting as her lawyer just so I could see her was stupid, but it was my mistake, not hers. You wanna know the truth? If I could do it all over again to see her, I would, in a second. I'm asking you, if you have ever loved a woman the way I love my wife, please... just let me see her. One time. [SCENE_BREAK] Sharon: You try to get your kid to eat healthy, and then his dad gives him money for the candy machine. Nick: It was a cheap bribe to get him to leave so I could talk to you. Sharon: About what? Oh, Phyllis? Well, there's nothing to say. I'm--I'm happy for you. Nick: You know, the irony is, it's not like I'm getting my memory back. I love Phyllis. But when I look you, I still see who we used to be. Sharon: Before Cassie died. That's not who we are now. Nick: You know, Noah was telling me about this novel he read. It was about two universes, where you get to live two separate lives at the same time. I wish with all my heart that that was true. Sharon: But it isn't. Nick: No, it isn't. Nick: Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Lily: Okay, okay, 5 bucks says that you can't eat one onagi maki roll. Cane: What's that? Lily: It is cucumber and raw eel. Cane: Oh, where I come from we call that bait. Yeah. Lily: Oh, my gosh! Cane: (Laughs) you see that bloke over there? Lily: The bloke? Yes, I see him. Cane: Well, that bloke is gonna make me tear myself away from you to go and talk business. But... one of these days, I would like to take you up on that bait thing. Lily: Okay. You better. Cane: Okay. Excuse me. Colleen: What happened? Lily: Um, can you make it any more obvious? Colleen: So? Lily: It was, uh... it was fun. Colleen: That's it? Lily: Well, except for when we went under the table, and he ripped my clothes off. Colleen: Yeah. Lily: But you were over at the corner table pouring coffee. Colleen: Okay, good point. Take it slow. Lily: I don't know, I just... I think about my marriage and I still get angry, you know? But I can have fun with Cane and flirt and whatever, but I just don't wanna get involved with another guy and have to go through all of those bad feelings again. Colleen: You're not marrying the guy, you're just chilling. Lily: I know. But I still don't wanna get involved. We're friends. We're friends. Colleen: Maybe eventually? Lily: Maybe. [SCENE_BREAK] Woman: Three minutes. Phyllis: I can't believe this time is up already. Nick: I'll be back. And I'll bring Summer. Phyllis: Okay. Is she good? Is she happy? Nick: As a clam. Phyllis: Yeah? Nick: Yeah. Phyllis: Good. There's so much I wanted to say to you. I wanted to ask you so many questions. Your father was here yesterday. Nick: Oh, yeah? Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Yeah, he said he could use his influence to get me out and get me into one of those prisoner release programs where you live in an apartment on the outside. Nick: He did? That's amazing! Phyllis: Yeah. But he wanted me to turn on Jack. Nick: Are you telling me he put a condition on it? Are you kidding me? Phyllis: I didn't wanna tell you. Nick: No, no, no, I'm glad you did. Phyllis: But he could get me out. He could get me out. If it could... Nick: Look... if he can do it, trust me... he's gonna do it. [SCENE_BREAK] Gloria: Jack Abbott is a horrible human being who's gotten away with too much for far too long. And coming to you was the right thing to do. Victor: What can I do for you? A DVD? Gloria: And I think it might interest you. Victor: Starring, by chance, Jack Abbott? Gloria: Mm-hmm. Victor: Where'd you get it? Gloria: Let's just say it found its way to me. Victor: And I understand from whence your son gets his acumen. Gloria: Thank you, Victor. But my son the attorney doesn't know about this and neither does my son the Jabot employee. Are we clear on that? Victor: Perfectly. You have a nice day. [SCENE_BREAK] Brad: Thank you, Mr. Artenian. We'll be in touch. Colleen: Dad? I'm still angry with you. Brad: I know you are. Colleen: I don't always make good decisions. I make mistakes. But, dad, they're my mistakes. And you have to let me make them. Can you do that? Brad: Honey, if you're heading for a cliff-- Colleen: Can you? Brad: I don't know. Colleen: Well, can you at least give me your word that you'll try? Brad: That I can do. Colleen: Well, I'd like to come to the synagogue with you tonight. Brad: Thank you, Baby. That means so much to me. [SCENE_BREAK] Jack: I gotta tell you, Buddy, seeing Phyllis in that place was kinda hard on me. How about you? Noah: Yeah. But she looked the same. So that was good. Jack: Yeah, that's true. That is good. Noah: I keep thinking that something bad is gonna happen to her. Like when I'm at school, I start thinking about her and then I don't hear the teacher. Don't tell Mom, okay? Jack: I gotta tell your mom, Sport. We're a family. Families talk about this kind of stuff. Noah: But she'll get that look on her face. I hate that look. Jack: You know what? Your mom and your dad are always gonna take you to see Phyllis. So am I. That'll make it easier, huh? Noah: But six years? That's a long time. Jack: You know what? It may not be that long. You know, she could get some time off for good behavior. Noah: It's still a long time. What if you, or my dad or mom-- what if you did something bad, and you had to go to jail? Jack: Noah, if that happens, you've got four parents who love you very much, two of them are always gonna be there for you to look out for you. Noah: Why do I have to go back to school? I don't want to. Sharon: Arguing will get you nowhere. (Cell phone ringing) Sharon: Oh, this is about the shoot. Sharon Abbott. Um, can you hold on a moment? This is gonna take a while. It's a scheduling nightmare. Jack: It's all right. I'll take Noah to school and come back and pick you up. Sharon: Great! Thanks! Okay, bye, Sweetie. Noah: Bye, Mom. Bye. Oh, strawberry, extra thick. Dad's favorite. Jack: I think I'm gonna like this. You ready to go? We'll drink these in the car? Noah: Yeah. I was thinking... like, if anything bad did happen to you and you went away, then it would be just my dad and my mom and me and Summer. Jack: You ready to go? Noah: Yeah. Jack: Come on. [SCENE_BREAK] Cane: So you working hard or hardly working? Lily: You're never gonna let me live that one down, are you? Cane: Probably not. So... I have some great news. Lily: What? Cane: Do you remember that bloke at the bar? Well, he hooked me up with two tickets to Robert Cray. Lily: I love him! He's--he's amazing! Cane: Mm-hmm. Its tomorrow night at a club in Milwaukee. And I was thinking that... maybe I could win that sushi bet first. Lily: Uh, well, yes to the sushi. Cane: But? Lily: Well, um... I mean, I'm probably the only 19-year-old on the planet who doesn't have a fake I.D., so... Cane: You're only 19? Lily: It's not that young. [SCENE_BREAK] Brad: Can I have some coffee, too, please? Thank you. Sharon: Call me when you do know. Thanks. Brad: Hey. Sharon: Hey. Brad: How are you? Sharon: I'm frazzled. Brad: Work, or is it something to do-- Sharon: Don't even say it. Brad: Work? Sharon: Nick and I took Noah to see Phyllis this morning. And, uh, Jack is scheduling a press conference today, 5:30. He's going to take full responsibility for Jabot. Brad: You're an alchemist. Sharon: It was his decision. Brad: Well, I would tell you that I'll believe it when I see it, but I'm not gonna see it. Sharon: Oh? Why not? Brad: Kol Nidre. I'm heading to synagogue with Colleen. Sharon: Well, that's great. You two are talking again. Brad: Yeah. You know, Jews think Kol Nidre is sort of a mystical time. The gates of heaven are still open. You can atone to God in temple, and to people you've wronged in person. Sharon: You apologized to her? Brad: And to Victor, believe it or not. But the person I owe the biggest apology to is you. Sharon: Me? Brad: Before I married Victoria, you told me that you loved me. But I married her anyway. I regret it every minute of every day, Sharon. If I'm never with you-- if you truly love Jack and wanna be with him-- I'll regret it for the rest of my life. Sharon: I... I can't. I... I have to go. [SCENE_BREAK] Kevin: My mother and the great Victor Newman, who'd've thunk it? Gloria: Me. Kevin: Voila! Hard drive scrubber, do your thang. Gloria: All right, while you're doing that, I'm gonna go take a nice, long bubble bath. Kevin: Okay. (Knock on door) Michael: Hey, heads up. Greetings and salutations, little brother. Uh, you just have one more court appearance-- what are you doing? Kevin: Oh, nothing. I, uh, I was just reading online that, uh, day of the Jackal Abbott has a news conference scheduled at 5:30. Michael: Really? Let me see. Kevin: Oh, I just-- I just logged off. It's gone. Michael: Oh, I'm sure we can bring that-- huh. You apparently are running a hard drive scrubber. Why would you need your hard drive scrubbed? Kevin: Well, to get it squeaky clean, of course. Michael: Listen... tell me the truth. Did Gloria do what I think she did? Kevin: Yep. Michael: She gave Victor Newman that DVD? And you let her? Kevin: Well... it's more like I didn't stop her. But, Michael? I'm really, really sorry. Michael: Well... oh. Look... the scrubbing stopped. Time to rinse. (Water spills) Michael: Oh. I'm really, really, really sorry. [SCENE_BREAK] [Victor puts in Gloria's DVD] Jack's voice: I'm telling you very soon Jabot and N.V.P. will announce to the world that for the benefit of both endeavors-- Ji min's voice: And the good of the Abbott for Senate campaign [Nick walks into Victor's office and Victor shuts the lid to his laptop] Nick: I need to speak with you. Victor: Where have you been, son? You missed some important meetings. Nick: I went to see my wife, same as you. Victor: Mm-hmm, and? Nick: She told me you told her you could get her out of prison if she did what you wanted her to do. Victor: Is that what she said? Nick: Look, I don't care what string you have to pull, or favor you have to call in, or connection you use, if you can get my wife out of prison, then do it. Now. [NEXT_ON] J.T.: Victoria could have any guy she wants. She's a Newman. She could do better. Victor: I know things need to change. Victoria: Not things, Dad, you. Noah: I'm never gonna forgive you. | The warden is still refusing to let Nick see her so he tries to convince him to let him |
698 | Samantha: You want to talk about our daughter? Hector: About time, don't you think? Samantha: Is this some kind of sick joke? I don't have anything to say about her and I have nothing to say at all to you. Hector: Now, why doesn't that surprise me? Samantha: You got a lot nerve coming here, Hector. Get out. Hector: Not so easy to get rid of me anymore. Samantha: Whatever you have to say, I don't want to hear it. Hector: Right. That way you can keep your head buried in the sand. Living your life according to what's convenient for you. Everything else be damned. Samantha: How dare you storm in here and start yelling at me when I've seen you exactly once in all these years. Hector: Then you do remember. Samantha: How could I forget? Jimmy: Dad never lets me watch T.V. At this hour. Amber: No? How about eating ice cream right out of the carton? [ Laughter ]Amber: I'll be right back. Caitlin: Dad? Oh, hey, Jimbo. Where's Dad? Jimmy: Oh, he went out. You feeling any better? Amber: Here we go, two spoons, fudge brownie ice cream and no bowls. Hey, Caitlin. Caitlin: Hey. Amber: Would you like me to get you a spoon, too? You know, ice cream can be very therapeutic. Caitlin: No, thanks. I'm fine. Jimmy: No, you're not. Caitlin: Jimmy. Jimmy: No, it's okay, amber knows. Amber: Don't worry. If there's anyone who understands what it's like to have a panic attack, you're looking at her. Okay, believe me, I could write a whole book on it. Caitlin: Well, I'm not sure I was actually panicking. Amber: Well, what were you feeling? [ Nick sighs ] [ Phone ringing ] Nick: Hello, Mother. Jackie: Aloha, Nicky! So tell me, darling, how are things in paradise? Nick: Fine. I can't talk right now. I'm in the bedroom and -- Jackie: Oh. Well, I don't mean to interrupt. I just couldn't resist calling you, darling, and telling you how thrilled I am about the engagement. Nick: How could you do that. I can't believe it. You and Stephanie and the old man, you get a shrink to ambush Brooke. What the hell were you thinking?! Jackie: She was stuck. She was caught between you and Ridge. I mean, we had to do something. Nick: So, naturally, you just trap her in her room until she agrees to marry me. Jackie: Please don't be so angry. What really matters is that Brooke has finally made her decision. And she's decided to spend the rest of her life with you, Nicky. Brooke: I thought it would get easier, but it hasn't. The annulment. My engagement to Nick. And now this. Ridge, I don't know if I can go through with this. Are you there? Ridge: You want to know if you should make love to my brother? I despise the guy and you want my permission? I'll tell you exactly what I want you to do, Logan. I want you to get the hell out of there! I don't want that jerk laying a hand on you ever again! [ Brooke sighs ] Ridge: Logan. [ Ridge sighs ] You will always be mine. Brooke: Ridge, I never want to betray you. Ever. Ridge: But you're engaged to him. You're having a child with him. I can't talk about this. I just -- Brooke: I know, this isn't fair to you. I'm sorry. I'll love you, Ridge. Forever. [ Phone beeps ] Nick: I just wish you hadn't pressured her. [ Jackie scoffs ] Jackie: It wasn't like that, Nicky. Really, I mean, Brooke agreed to marry you all on her own. Okay, if we helped her see her way, then -- quite frankly, I'm glad. But that's all it was, I promise you, darling. Now, just tell me, how is Brooke? Has she managed to relax? Nick: Well, she seems to be relaxed. We're moving slowly. Jackie: So that means that you haven't actually -- Nick: Mother! Jackie: What? What? I mean, since when did "making love" become a dirty word? Nick: Since when did it become any of your business? I don't want to rush into this. I want it to be her choice. Jackie: I'm glad that I raised a true gentleman. Nick: I'm happy. I like feeling happy. I want her to feel happy. Jackie: Of course, you do, darling. And hearing you say how happy you are, it makes me realize that everything that you have gone through that's brought you to this place has been worth it. Nick: Look, I got to get back to things here. Okay? Jackie: Yeah. I don't want to keep you another second. But, Nicky, just remember that you're in one of the most romantic places in the world. Take full advantage of it, darling. [ Strums ukulele ] Nick: Good-bye, Mother. Jimmy: I think I'm going to see what this ice cream tastes like in my room. Amber: You know, it's okay if you don't feel like talking, I totally understand. Caitlin: No, it's just -- it's kind of embarrassing having nightmares. I'm not exactly a kid anymore, you know? Amber: Again, you are talking to the right person. You know, I also happen to be the queen of embarrassment. Sometimes the only way to get over it is just to talk things through. Caitlin: It used to happen all the time. Amber: What? Caitlin: I'd have these dreams about my Mom. Which is weird, because I never even knew her. She died when I was little. Actually, she died giving birth to me. Amber: But, obviously, you still feel very connected to her. Caitlin: Yeah, I mean, I know it seems weird, because I never even knew what she looked like, but in my dreams, she seems so real. Amber: You know what? That doesn't sound crazy at all. Caitlin: I've always wondered how you can miss someone that you've never even met, but I do. I don't know, maybe it's because my birthday's coming up, but I seem to miss her more than ever lately. Samantha: I almost wish I could forget. Hector: Seems to me you've done a pretty good job of it. Samantha: Well, I had to get on with my life. Hector: What happened to you, Sam? This person that you've become? Samantha: You don't know who I am anymore? Hector: I remember who you used to be. Those months -- those months were the best of my life. Samantha: Mine, too. What happened, Hector? Amber: You know, life has this way of challenging us. Sometimes, things are taken away from us for no apparent reason. But life is also full of all kinds of wonderful surprises. Something tells me your toughest times are over. Caitlin: Yeah? Amber: Trust me. There are definitely great things in store for you. Caitlin: Well, that's really nice of you to say, Amber. But I would give up all those great things in a second just to have one day with my Mother. Hector: We had a purpose, Sam, a cause. We were going to leave our mark on this world. That's the girl I fell in love with. Samantha: Until I got pregnant. Hector: I loved the idea of you having my baby. We were young, but I was convinced we could make it work. There's nothing more that I wanted in this life then to have a family with you. Pretty foolish, huh? Thinking that we could have a life together? Samantha: No, I was the fool for actually believing that you would marry me. Hector: I wanted to. But you moved away. Samantha: I didn't have a choice, hector! My parents made me! And I don't understand. Why are you dredging all of this up now? Hector: Because it's only a week away. Samantha: What? Hector: I think you know what I'm talking about. The day our baby was born. Ridge: Oh, damn it, Brooke. It should be me over there with you right now. It should be me. Samantha: The day our daughter was born was the worst day of my life. Hector: How could you even think of such a thing? God, Samantha, what happened to you? You used to be the most caring person I'd ever known. That's the girl I fell in love with. How could you become so callous? I bet your Mother is just thrilled to pieces, isn't she? It used to bug you that she had this superficial view of the world. And now you're just like her. Samantha: It looks like you're the one who's quick to judge now. Hector: Well, it's the only explanation I can think of. You and I used to feel the same way about your Mother. But she got to you somehow. Molded you until you didn't care about anything or anybody except yourself. Samantha: Why are you saying that? Why are you being so cruel? Hector: Well, what do you expect? It's as if our daughter doesn't even exist to you. Samantha: Our daughter is dead! Hector: Is that how you look at it? That she's dead? Samantha: She is dead! Hector: You mean dead to you. Samantha: We once loved each other so much, hector, I don't know why you're being so hateful. Why are you twisting the knife? Hector: Me? Priscilla: That's enough! You have no right to come in here. Badgering my daughter like this. Hector: Sam is not the victim here. [ Samantha crying ] Samantha: I don't know why you think that I'm to blame, as if I did something wrong. You have no idea how difficult this has been for me. It was our child, Hector, and she died! I've been traumatized by that practically my whole life. How dare you accuse me of not caring. Hector: Sam! Priscilla: Let her go. Hector: She said our daughter is dead. Why would she say that, Priscilla? Priscilla: Wait -- I will tell you why. | Jackie calls Nick to find out how things are going in Hawaii |
699 | Wyatt: You're serious about taking over Forrester Creations? Liam: Yep. Wyatt: But how? Liam: Starting with Steffy. She has shares, and I plan to use them. Wyatt: Wait, you're calling her now? What time is it in Paris? Liam: She's not in Paris. She's in L.A. Hopefully at Forrester seeing what a disaster that place has become. [Cell phone rings] Steffy: Liam. Liam: Hey, how's it going? Steffy: Uh, it's been better. It's just like you said over here. Maybe worse. Something has to be done. Liam: And you're the one to do it. Listen, come by my office. We'll talk about your options. [Cell phone beeps] [SCENE_BREAK] [Knock on door] Ridge: Hey. Welcome. Caroline: I-I found it. Ridge: Yeah, come on in. Come on in. Caroline: Hey, why are you texting me from a weird address? Ridge: It's not weird. I've had this place for a couple weeks, and I thought it was time you would see it. Caroline: Wait. This is your place? Ridge: Mm-hmm. I come here and I sketch and I-I paint. Caroline: You -- you painted these? Ridge: Mm-hmm. See what you inspired me to do? [SCENE_BREAK] Deacon: Hey there, beautiful. What brings you by? Brooke: Oh, thank God. Quinn's not here. Deacon: [Chuckling] How do you know that? Brooke: Calling me "beautiful"? You'd have a sword through your heart already. Deacon: Well, you got me. I'm an unrepentant flirt. Quinn knows it doesn't mean anything. Brooke: I still have a hard time seeing you two as a couple. Deacon: I imagine, yeah. I mean, jealousy's a powerful emotion. Brooke: I'm not jealous. Deacon: I saw that, uh, that e-mail you forwarded from hope. Is that why you came over? Brooke: No, actually. This isn't about Hope. I'm worried about my son. And I thought who could I talk to about this, and somehow I ended up here. [SCENE_BREAK] Maya: So, it was Stephanie's gun? Rick: Yes. It was in the drawer. I didn't plan on hurting them. Maya: I know. Rick: I figured a couple of shots above their heads should get Ridge off of Caroline. [Both chuckle] Maya: Well, I'm fine if that's all it was. And not that you were enraged that she was with someone else. Rick: Does it look like I want to be with someone else? [SCENE_BREAK] Deacon: Here you go. Unless you want something a little harder. Brooke: I'll stick to water. Deacon: Okay. So, tell me. What's going on with Rick? Brooke: His marriage appears to be over. Deacon: Ah. You know, I got to tell you, though, I always thought that that Spencer chick was kind of a handful. Brooke: He's moved on to somebody equally as difficult. She's a Forrester model, and she doesn't apologize for enjoying the good life. Deacon: Who would? I mean, there is a reason they call it the good life. So I imagine Caroline's little heart's broken. Brooke: No, no. She latched on to somebody else immediately. Ridge. Deacon: What?! [Laughs] Brooke: That little girl thinks she can mess with my son. I'm gonna teach her a lesson. Caroline Spencer is getting put in her place. [SCENE_BREAK] Caroline: This is a little surprising. Ridge: What? The paintings? Caroline: Uh, the paintings, the loft, everything. Ridge: A man needs a place to call his own. Caroline: Yeah, but this is a lot different than the Forrester estate. Ridge: Yeah. I wanted something simpler, less complicated. I've had sports cars, mansions. That doesn't make me happy. This makes me happy. Painting, drawing... spending time with you. I want to do something. Caroline: Yeah? Ridge: Sit for me. Caroline: What? Ridge: I want to paint my inspiration. [SCENE_BREAK] Wyatt: So, if Steffy joins us... Liam: If Steffy joins us, it's the first step in taking control of Forrester. But the thing is, I need you over there. Wyatt: [Sighs] Liam: You can't quit. Wyatt: I know. Liam: I hate saying this, but you got to make nice with Rick. Wyatt: Wyatt Spencer, double agent. Liam: Exactly. Rick's abusing his power. He's mistreating Ivy and Caroline, and we're gonna take him down. [Knock on door] Alison: Steffy Forrester to see you. Liam: Yeah, send her in. Steffy: Hey. Liam: Hey. Steffy: Oh, hi, Wyatt. Wyatt: Steffy, how are you? Steffy: Oh, well, let's see. My company's being run by an egomaniac who thinks his job is to sleep with models and shoot at employees. And you know the worst part? I actually sympathize with the bastard, because if I walked in on my dad making out with Caroline, I'd shoot, too. And how are you? Rick: I thought I knew loyalty until I met you. No one has ever stood by me. No one has ever been as honest as you have. Just, I got to tell you, I'm so tired of the lies with Caroline and Amber. [SCENE_BREAK] Maya: Okay, so, Amber's your first wife, right? Tell me about her. Rick: I don't even know what to say. She's, um, she's the polar opposite of Caroline. But it's all very much the same. Maya: What is? Rick: All the lies and the other men. Caroline and Ridge, the artist, and Amber and Raymond, the musician. Maya: Wait. "Raymond," Raymond? [Laughs] Rick: Well, I'm guessing that he's not calling her back these days since he's made it so big. Maya: Okay, we are gonna have to get very, very comfortable because I want to hear all about this. [SCENE_BREAK] Deacon: So, you're gonna teach Caroline a lesson, huh? Brooke: Yes, I am. Deacon: I got to tell you, I like feisty Brooke. All right, she's got it coming. What's the plan? Brooke: I told Caroline that I could have Ridge back just like that. Deacon: Oh, boy. Brooke: She better enjoy this little romance while it lasts. 'Cause now that I'm back and now that I see where I'm needed... Ridge and I will definitely be getting back together. [SCENE_BREAK] Liam: I mean, I admit, the whole thing with Caroline and your father is a little strange. Steffy: Strange? It's embarrassing! Wyatt: Look, I'm only just getting caught up on this myself. Is it really getting serious? When I left for Europe, she was still fighting for her marriage. Liam: Yeah, well, I think she finally clued in to the kind of guy her husband is. Steffy: She can leave Rick. Any sane woman would. But that doesn't mean she can just turn to my father. And I really don't get it. She grew up with two moms. Like, she really shouldn't have daddy issues. Liam: That's what you think this is? Steffy: Things aren't going well with her husband, so she moves on to the older man in the room. Of course, that's what's going on. You know, my dad, just he can't give up a beautiful blonde who's helpless. And really, it just makes me sick. [Sighs] God, I feel like a kid again. I'm always the afterthought for my father. You know, I just thought things would be different when I was in Paris. It'd be me, my dad, Thomas. We'd all be together in a different city away from the drama. You know, this would be our chance, but it just feels like my dad never wants it. I barely moved out to Paris, and he was back in L.A., and as hurt as I was, you know what? I wasn't really surprised, because he can't stay that long away from Brooke. But this? A woman who is pulling him away that is my age? I will not accept it. [SCENE_BREAK] Caroline: Pose for you? Ridge: Uh-huh. Caroline: Are you serious? Ridge: Yeah. You're the reason I can draw again. Your talent, your hands, and... now I want to show you what these hands can do with all of this. Caroline: As if I could say no to that. [SCENE_BREAK] Rick: So, Raymond was -- was a friend of Amber's from high school, and he was in Los Angeles working out his material for his world tour. And, of course, Amber was all over that. Raymond: Hey, this next song I'm about to do is dedicated to a very special person to me, Amber Moore, dear and close friend of mine. Amber, this is for you, baby. [Applause] Maya: So, what? Amber just sings a duet with him and then suddenly she's all over him? Rick: Well, they were -- they were friendly. Um, I can only imagine what they were talking about when I wasn't around. Raymond: A toast to us. [Glasses clink] Maya: Yeah. Okay, well, I definitely understand better now why what Caroline did was so painful. I mean, you'd already been cheated on, lied to. And you take all this time to decide to get married again, only to find out that it's more of the same. Rick: Yeah. Maya: You know that's not me, right? What Caroline and Amber did. I would never hurt you like that. Rick: I know. [SCENE_BREAK] Deacon: So, you're gonna go after Ridge, huh? Brooke: Yes, I am. Deacon: What about this little thing with Caroline? Brooke: Well, it's a ridiculous flirtation. Deacon: Oh. Brooke: There's really no substance. Put that next to the years of history and attraction that Ridge and I have shared, and there's no contest. Deacon: I got to say, my money's on you. That's for sure. I have no doubt in your ability to get any man that you want. [SCENE_BREAK] Caroline: Where do you want me? There. Now I can sit still. [SCENE_BREAK] Wyatt: Good to see you again, Steffy. Steffy: You, too, Wyatt. Well, Wyatt's gone. Isn't it your cue to start the hard sell? Liam: Don't think I have to, do I? You're so ticked off about what's going on over there, you're practically salivating over my offer. Steffy: Liam, I'm upset. This is my family's company. God, like, I'm a Forrester, and you are asking me to give up control to you and Spencer Publications. I just don't know if I can do that. Liam: I am asking you to take your company back, stop the insanity. Steffy, you should be in charge. I want you to run Forrester Creations. [SCENE_BREAK] Quinn: Hey, there. Deacon: Hey. I was kind of hoping you'd be home soon. Quinn: [Chuckles] Deacon: Hey, baby. Hey, Brooke. You, uh, joining us for dinner, drinks, what? Brooke: No, no. I am leaving, actually. Quinn: Okay, yeah, you know what? I'm gonna take one of those. Deacon: Good choice. Deacon: It's good seeing you. Quinn: [Chuckles] Stay away from Deacon. Brooke: I'm not interested. Quinn: Well, I am. And I won't have you ruining it. [SCENE_BREAK] Naked, open our perfect place low light, hot night slow wins the race breaking gently pushing the boundaries of body yeah ooooh you and me we are like energy two extremes making mad chemistry you and me oh, yeah we are like energy light beams shooting from me to you you to me beautiful lover we don't have to be but here it's just you and me and the music we're making living out our fantasies our bodies keep playing 'cause it's just you and me oooooh yeah [SCENE_BREAK] Steffy: You really think I should be running Forrester Creations? Liam: Can you think of a better candidate than you? Steffy: Hmm, it does carry some weight, yeah. Liam: Steffy, I told you before. I want you to be CEO. I mean, just imagine if I could give you control of Forrester. I mean, you and me working together! Come on! Steffy: Okay, I know. It's -- it's tempting. Liam: You're damn right it's tempting, because it makes sense and it's brilliant and you're gonna be brilliant. Steffy, I want this. I want this. I mean, I need this. I need to make that place better for Ivy. Steffy: Oh, yeah, I forgot. It's... this is about her. Liam: It's -- it's about her. It's about Caroline. It's about you. We could fix this for everyone. Steffy: What... what am I doing? I-I can't. I can't do this. Liam: What -- Steffy, what? Come on. Steffy: No, don't you see what this does to me?! Watching you fight for another woman, doing everything you can to protect her and keep her safe? Liam, come on! I was the one! I can't. Liam: Listen, I know, but this benefits you, too. Steffy: No, you think I really could see you every day, every day at work? Liam: Why not? Steffy: I moved halfway across the world for one reason. [Voice breaking] Because it was difficult to see you. Liam: Even now? After all this time? Steffy: We lost our child. No amount of time will ever make me forget that! Liam: No, of course not, and you shouldn't forget. But -- but, Steffy, that doesn't mean we can't work together. Steffy: Not if you're with Ivy, we can't. Liam: What? Steffy: I can see how close you guys are. I know how you feel for her. But yet you call me up, and you ask me to run Forrester Creations with you. I can't do that! Liam: Steffy, listen. Steffy: No, are -- are you dense, Liam?! I still love you! | And he hates to keep saying it but Wyatt has to play nice with Rick and stay in that office for all of this to work |
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