Acrobasis vaccinii
The larva feed on "Vaccinium corymbosum", "Vaccinium macrocarpon", "Vaccinium vitis-idaea" and "Vaccinium stamineum". Larvae feed inside a berry until most of its contents have been consumed. Larvae are mostly green, with some brownish-red pigmentation on the dorsal surface, and grow to about half an inch before pupation. Full-grown larvae over winter in a cocoon, and emerge as adults after full bloom and fruit set.
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Moths described in 1884,Acrobasis,Moths of North America
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Acrobasis vaccinii
Female moths lay their eggs on the fruit, usually on or within the calyx cup of unripe berries. One generation emerges each year, with each larvae feeding on as many as eight berries to complete its development.
Moths described in 1884,Acrobasis,Moths of North America
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Acrobasis vaccinii
Monitoring the flight of the moths using pheromone traps is essential for optimizing pesticide treatments. One particular pheromone lure, ISCAlure-Vaccinii, developed and manufactured by ISCA Technologies in Riverside, California, has been shown to be a highly effective tool for monitoring this pest. Alternatively, calyx ends of the berries can be inspected for eggs by experienced scouts. The eggs are flat, white, scale-like, and quite small, so this will probably require a hand lens.
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Moths described in 1884,Acrobasis,Moths of North America
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Section::::Monitoring and control.
Acrobasis vaccinii
One method of control is to pick off infested berries. In larger fields, where such measures are impractical, treatments with broad-spectrum insecticides, such as Danitol, Asana, Mustang Max, or Imidan, may be required. Due to the increasingly negative public perception of these insecticides, a number of "softer" materials have been introduced in recent years, including Assail, Altacor, Avaunt, or Delegate.[4]
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Moths described in 1884,Acrobasis,Moths of North America
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Section::::Monitoring and control.
Acrobasis vaccinii
BULLET::::- Species info BULLET::::- Fruitworm factsheet
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Moths described in 1884,Acrobasis,Moths of North America
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Section::::External links.
There Was an Old Woman (The Twilight Zone)
"There Was an Old Woman" is the forty-eighth episode and the thirteenth episode of the third season (1988–89) of the television series "The Twilight Zone".
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1988 American television episodes,The Twilight Zone (1985 TV series) episodes,Ghosts in popular culture
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There Was an Old Woman (The Twilight Zone)
Hallie Parker is a disillusioned author of children's books, believing that her stories don't appeal to the "video" generation. Aside from writing, she is passionate in reading children her stories in the local library. However, since new forms of entertainment are overlapping the old her audience has dwindled. One day a young woman named Nancy Harris requests the author's autograph for her son Brian who is sick.
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1988 American television episodes,The Twilight Zone (1985 TV series) episodes,Ghosts in popular culture
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There Was an Old Woman (The Twilight Zone)
Hallie, apparently overcome by Nancy's request, says she would love to come to him and sign it in person. Mrs. Harris is excited and deeply grateful.
1988 American television episodes,The Twilight Zone (1985 TV series) episodes,Ghosts in popular culture
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There Was an Old Woman (The Twilight Zone)
When she arrives, Hallie discovers Brian to be very sick indeed, with prescription bottles and oxygen tanks at his bedside. Hallie takes her book over to show him the autograph she wrote out for him and decides to read to him from her book. They truly enjoy their time together. Brian asks her if she will come back and read more but Hallie, who is moving to Arizona, tells him that she isn't sure.
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1988 American television episodes,The Twilight Zone (1985 TV series) episodes,Ghosts in popular culture
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There Was an Old Woman (The Twilight Zone)
At her home, Hallie tries to sleep but is interrupted by sounds of laughing children. She is confronted by blowing drapes and moving rocking chairs. When her real estate agent visits with a young couple looking to buy her house, she shows signs that she really doesn't want to leave. During the tour strange signs that children have been in her house appear, such as a baseball breaking her window and roller-skates are found at her stairs. Soon afterward, Hallie discovers the book she brought to Brian.
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1988 American television episodes,The Twilight Zone (1985 TV series) episodes,Ghosts in popular culture
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There Was an Old Woman (The Twilight Zone)
Thinking some child might have stolen it and brought it there she calls the Harris house. She discovers that Brian has died and there is no way his book could've been there as his parents had the book buried with him. Hallie is confused but then hears voices upstairs, so she goes to investigate. She finds ghostly images of Brian and other deceased children. Brian wants Hallie to stay and read them stories and to comfort them.
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1988 American television episodes,The Twilight Zone (1985 TV series) episodes,Ghosts in popular culture
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There Was an Old Woman (The Twilight Zone)
Initially she is shocked but then is relieved when she realizes that she is now useful and has a reason to stay in her home.
1988 American television episodes,The Twilight Zone (1985 TV series) episodes,Ghosts in popular culture
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Bernard Longley
Bernard Longley (born 5 April 1955) is an English prelate of the Roman Catholic Church. He was named the Archbishop of Birmingham on 1 October 2009, and installed by Bishop David McGough and presented with his crozier by Archbishop Vincent Nichols, his predecessor, in St Chad's Cathedral at a Solemn Mass on 8 December 2009, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, attended by 600 people. Previously he was an Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster.
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20th-century Roman Catholics,1955 births,People from Manchester,Post-Reformation Roman Catholic bishops in England,21st-century Roman Catholics,Living people,Alumni of New College, Oxford
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Bernard Longley
Bernard Longley was born in Openshaw, Manchester, and was educated at St Vincent de Paul parish school, then at Xaverian College in Rusholme. He later studied at the Royal Northern College of Music and New College, Oxford. He then trained at St John's Seminary, Wonersh where he was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton on 12 December 1981. He then served as an assistant priest at St. Joseph's Church in Epsom and as a chaplain to psychiatric hospitals.
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20th-century Roman Catholics,1955 births,People from Manchester,Post-Reformation Roman Catholic bishops in England,21st-century Roman Catholics,Living people,Alumni of New College, Oxford
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Section::::Early life and ministry.
Bernard Longley
Longley became Surrey Chairman of Diocesan Commission for Christian Unity in 1991, and National Ecumenical Officer at the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales in 1996. From 1987 to 1996, he taught dogmatic theology at St. John's Seminary in Wonersh. In 1999, he was named Moderator of the Steering Committee of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, as well as Assistant General Secretary of Catholic Bishops' Conference with responsibilities for Ecumenism and Interfaith Affairs.
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20th-century Roman Catholics,1955 births,People from Manchester,Post-Reformation Roman Catholic bishops in England,21st-century Roman Catholics,Living people,Alumni of New College, Oxford
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Section::::Early life and ministry.
Bernard Longley
On 4 January 2003 Longley was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster and Titular Bishop of "Zarna" by Pope John Paul II. He said he was "greatly honoured" and "very much overwhelmed" by his appointment. Longley received his episcopal consecration on the following 24 January from Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, with Bishops Arthur Roche and Kieran Conry serving as co-consecrators.
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20th-century Roman Catholics,1955 births,People from Manchester,Post-Reformation Roman Catholic bishops in England,21st-century Roman Catholics,Living people,Alumni of New College, Oxford
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Section::::Episcopal career.:Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster.
Bernard Longley
In 2007, Longley played a prominent role in the integration of the independent Soho Masses Pastoral Council, a group that sponsors Masses for homosexual Catholics, into the Archdiocese.
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20th-century Roman Catholics,1955 births,People from Manchester,Post-Reformation Roman Catholic bishops in England,21st-century Roman Catholics,Living people,Alumni of New College, Oxford
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[ { "paragraph_id": 8, "start": 0, "end": 185 } ]
Section::::Episcopal career.:Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster.
Bernard Longley
The Bishop helped to form an agreement that moved the group's liturgies from an Anglican parish to a Catholic church (Church of our Lady of the Assumption and Saint Gregory), as well as a statement on ministry to homosexual Catholics that, while following Catholic teaching on homosexuality, underscored that "the Church's pastoral outreach recognises that baptised persons with a homosexual inclination continue to look to the Church for a place where they might live in authentic human integrity and holiness of life."
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20th-century Roman Catholics,1955 births,People from Manchester,Post-Reformation Roman Catholic bishops in England,21st-century Roman Catholics,Living people,Alumni of New College, Oxford
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Section::::Episcopal career.:Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster.
Bernard Longley
In a BBC interview, Longley said that "it's never been the practice of the Catholic Church, as it were, to 'means-test' people before admitting them to the celebration of the Eucharist. It would be a mistake to jump to conclusions or to generalise about anybody's particular lifestyle, or their state of grace."
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20th-century Roman Catholics,1955 births,People from Manchester,Post-Reformation Roman Catholic bishops in England,21st-century Roman Catholics,Living people,Alumni of New College, Oxford
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Section::::Episcopal career.:Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster.
Bernard Longley
Longley is the head of the Diocesan Pastoral Board and has responsibilities for the Deaneries of Camden, Hackney, Islington, Marylebone, Tower Hamlets, and Westminster. He is considered to be a conservative who is "friendly" to the traditional Latin Mass, but also a "born diplomat."
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20th-century Roman Catholics,1955 births,People from Manchester,Post-Reformation Roman Catholic bishops in England,21st-century Roman Catholics,Living people,Alumni of New College, Oxford
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Section::::Episcopal career.:Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster.
Bernard Longley
His name was mentioned as a possible successor to Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor as Archbishop of Westminster and thus often considered to be the 'head' of the Church in England and Wales, but the position ultimately went to Archbishop Vincent Nichols.
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20th-century Roman Catholics,1955 births,People from Manchester,Post-Reformation Roman Catholic bishops in England,21st-century Roman Catholics,Living people,Alumni of New College, Oxford
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Section::::Episcopal career.:Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster.
Bernard Longley
On 1 October 2009, Pope Benedict XVI appointed Bishop Longley as the Archbishop of Birmingham. He succeeds Archbishop Vincent Nichols, who was translated from Birmingham to Westminster earlier in 2009. Archbishop Longley was installed at St Chad's Cathedral on 8 December 2009, the feast of the Immaculate Conception. Before the ceremony, Archbishop Longley spoke of how much he was looking forward to joining both the Catholic and wider Christian communities in the Midlands and contributing to their work.
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20th-century Roman Catholics,1955 births,People from Manchester,Post-Reformation Roman Catholic bishops in England,21st-century Roman Catholics,Living people,Alumni of New College, Oxford
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[ { "paragraph_id": 11, "start": 0, "end": 507 } ]
Section::::Episcopal career.:Archbishop of Birmingham.
Bernard Longley
Archbishop Longley played a leading role in the plans for the beatification of Cardinal John Henry Newman and presented the petition for canonisation to Pope Benedict XVI, which took place in Cofton Park, Birmingham on 19 September 2010 during the papal visit to the United Kingdom in September 2010. On 5 January 2011, Archbishop Longley was appointed among the first members of the newly created Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelisation.
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20th-century Roman Catholics,1955 births,People from Manchester,Post-Reformation Roman Catholic bishops in England,21st-century Roman Catholics,Living people,Alumni of New College, Oxford
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Section::::Episcopal career.:Archbishop of Birmingham.
Bernard Longley
Archbishop Longley is also co-Chair of ARCC and has previously served as Moderator of the Steering Committee of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, as well as Assistant General Secretary of Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales with responsibilities for Ecumenism and Interfaith Affairs. On Tuesday, 18 September 2012, Pope Benedict XVI named Archbishop Longley to serve as one of the Synod Fathers for the October 2012 13th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the New Evangelization.
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20th-century Roman Catholics,1955 births,People from Manchester,Post-Reformation Roman Catholic bishops in England,21st-century Roman Catholics,Living people,Alumni of New College, Oxford
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Section::::Episcopal career.:Archbishop of Birmingham.
Bernard Longley
BULLET::::- Profile on "Catholic Hierarchy"
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20th-century Roman Catholics,1955 births,People from Manchester,Post-Reformation Roman Catholic bishops in England,21st-century Roman Catholics,Living people,Alumni of New College, Oxford
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Section::::External links.
Holiest sites in Sunni Islam
According to Sahih al-Bukhari, Muhammad said ""Do not prepare yourself for a journey except to three Mosques: Masjid al-Haram, the Mosque of Aqsa (Jerusalem) and my Mosque."" In the Islamic tradition, the Kaaba is considered the holiest site, followed by the Al-Masjid an-Nabawi ("The Prophet's Mosque") and Al-Aqsa Mosque.
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Mosques in Afghanistan,Mosques in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Turkey,Sunni Islamic holy places,Cemeteries in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Iraq,Ziyarat,Mosques in Iran,Mosques in Israel
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Holiest sites in Sunni Islam
Masjid al-Haram ("The Sacred Mosque"), is a large mosque in the city of Mecca, and the largest in Islam. It surrounds the Kaaba, the place which all Muslims face each day in prayer, considered by Muslims to be the holiest place on Earth.
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Mosques in Afghanistan,Mosques in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Turkey,Sunni Islamic holy places,Cemeteries in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Iraq,Ziyarat,Mosques in Iran,Mosques in Israel
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Section::::Masjid al-Haram.
Holiest sites in Sunni Islam
The current structure covers an area of including the outdoor and indoor praying spaces and can accommodate up to 820,000 worshipers during the Hajj period. During the Hajj period, the mosque is unable to contain the multitude of pilgrims, who pray on the outlining streets. More than 2 million worshipers gather to pray during Eid prayers.
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Mosques in Afghanistan,Mosques in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Turkey,Sunni Islamic holy places,Cemeteries in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Iraq,Ziyarat,Mosques in Iran,Mosques in Israel
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Section::::Masjid al-Haram.
Holiest sites in Sunni Islam
According to the teachings of Islam, God, in the Quran, used the word mosque when referring to the sites established by ʾIbrāhīm (Abraham) and his progeny as houses of worship to God centuries before the revelation of the Quran. The first of these spots is Masjid al-Haram in Mecca and the second is Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.
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Mosques in Afghanistan,Mosques in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Turkey,Sunni Islamic holy places,Cemeteries in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Iraq,Ziyarat,Mosques in Iran,Mosques in Israel
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Section::::Masjid al-Haram.
Holiest sites in Sunni Islam
Before Mecca and Jerusalem came under Muslim control between 630 CE and 638 CE, the site of the Kaaba, which (according to Muslim belief) was established by Abraham and Ismail, was used by non-Muslim Arabs who worshiped multiple gods.
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Mosques in Afghanistan,Mosques in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Turkey,Sunni Islamic holy places,Cemeteries in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Iraq,Ziyarat,Mosques in Iran,Mosques in Israel
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Section::::Masjid al-Haram.
Holiest sites in Sunni Islam
Al-Masjid an-Nabawi (Arabic: المسجد النبوي, ) or the Mosque of the Prophet, located in Medina, is the second holiest site in Islam.
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Mosques in Afghanistan,Mosques in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Turkey,Sunni Islamic holy places,Cemeteries in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Iraq,Ziyarat,Mosques in Iran,Mosques in Israel
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[ { "paragraph_id": 7, "start": 0, "end": 131 } ]
Section::::Al-Masjid an-Nabawi.
Holiest sites in Sunni Islam
The edifice was originally the house of Muhammad; he settled there after his migration to Medina, and later built a mosque on the grounds. He himself shared in the heavy work of construction. The original mosque was an open-air building. The mosque also served as a community center, a court, and a religious school. There was a raised platform for the people who taught the Quran. The basic plan of the building has been adopted in the building of other mosques throughout the world.
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Mosques in Afghanistan,Mosques in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Turkey,Sunni Islamic holy places,Cemeteries in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Iraq,Ziyarat,Mosques in Iran,Mosques in Israel
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[ { "paragraph_id": 8, "start": 0, "end": 484 } ]
Section::::Al-Masjid an-Nabawi.
Holiest sites in Sunni Islam
Subsequent Islamic rulers greatly expanded and decorated the mosque. The most important feature of the site is the green dome over the center of the mosque, where the tomb of Muhammad is located. Constructed in 1817 CE and painted green in 1839 CE, it is known as the Dome of the Prophet. Early Muslim leaders Abu Bakr and Umar are buried beside Muhammad. Medina is also home to the historically significant Quba Mosque and Masjid al-Qiblatayn.
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Mosques in Afghanistan,Mosques in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Turkey,Sunni Islamic holy places,Cemeteries in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Iraq,Ziyarat,Mosques in Iran,Mosques in Israel
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Section::::Al-Masjid an-Nabawi.
Holiest sites in Sunni Islam
al-Ḥaram al-Šarīf ("the Noble Sanctuary"), also known as the Temple Mount, is a holy site in Shia and Sunni Islam and is located in the Old City of Jerusalem and widely regarded as the Temple Mount. It includes the al-Aqsa mosque and the Dome of the Rock. It is the third holiest site in Sunni Islam, and is also regarded as the holiest site in the world by Judaism. The term Al-Aqsa Mosque was coined in the Quran:
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Mosques in Afghanistan,Mosques in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Turkey,Sunni Islamic holy places,Cemeteries in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Iraq,Ziyarat,Mosques in Iran,Mosques in Israel
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Section::::Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Holiest sites in Sunni Islam
Al-Aqsa Mosque is sacred because the "first of the two Qiblas" (Arabic: اولى القبلتين) was Jerusalem. In Islamic tradition, Al-Aqsa is said to be the "second Masjid" (Arabic: ثاني المسجدين). The mosque is also the "third of the two holy Sanctuaries" (Arabic: ثالث الحرمين), under Islamic Law.
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Mosques in Afghanistan,Mosques in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Turkey,Sunni Islamic holy places,Cemeteries in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Iraq,Ziyarat,Mosques in Iran,Mosques in Israel
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Section::::Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Holiest sites in Sunni Islam
The term used for mosque, "masjid", literally means "place of prostration", and includes monotheistic places of worship but does not exclusively lend itself to physical structures but a "location", as Muhammad stated "The earth has been made for me (and for my followers) a place for praying...". When Caliph Umar conquered Jerusalem after Muhammad's wafat, a prayer house was built on the site.
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Mosques in Afghanistan,Mosques in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Turkey,Sunni Islamic holy places,Cemeteries in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Iraq,Ziyarat,Mosques in Iran,Mosques in Israel
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Section::::Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Holiest sites in Sunni Islam
The structure was expanded by the Umayyad caliph Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan and finished by his son al-Walid in 705 CE. The building was repeatedly destroyed by earthquakes and rebuilt, until the reconstruction in 1033 by the Fatimid caliph Ali az-Zahir, and that version of the structure is what can be seen in the present day. This same area was called at later Islamic periods as the Noble Sanctuary.
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Mosques in Afghanistan,Mosques in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Turkey,Sunni Islamic holy places,Cemeteries in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Iraq,Ziyarat,Mosques in Iran,Mosques in Israel
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Section::::Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Holiest sites in Sunni Islam
It is believed by many to be the area from where Muhammad is said to have ascended to heaven, although other theories claim it had been from a mosque in Medina, Jir'ana or Kufa. Although most political references to the Al-Aqsa Mosque date from the 12th century or later due to its occupation by the Crusades, others claim that the mosque's position in Islam is firmly grounded in a number of hadith dating from the birth of Islam.
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Mosques in Afghanistan,Mosques in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Turkey,Sunni Islamic holy places,Cemeteries in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Iraq,Ziyarat,Mosques in Iran,Mosques in Israel
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Section::::Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Holiest sites in Sunni Islam
While Jerusalem is not mentioned by name in the Quran, it is recognized as a sacred site based on several references that have been linked to Jerusalem by later Islamic traditions such as the hadith. Some academics attribute the holiness of Jerusalem to the rise and expansion of a certain type of literary genre, known as "al-Fadhail" or history of cities. The Fadhail of Jerusalem inspired Muslims, especially during the Umayyad period, to embellish the sanctity of the city beyond its status in the holy texts.
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Mosques in Afghanistan,Mosques in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Turkey,Sunni Islamic holy places,Cemeteries in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Iraq,Ziyarat,Mosques in Iran,Mosques in Israel
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Section::::Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Holiest sites in Sunni Islam
Others point to the political motives of the Umayyad dynasty which led to the sanctification of Jerusalem in Islam.
Mosques in Afghanistan,Mosques in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Turkey,Sunni Islamic holy places,Cemeteries in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Iraq,Ziyarat,Mosques in Iran,Mosques in Israel
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Section::::Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Holiest sites in Sunni Islam
Later medieval scripts, as well as modern-day political tracts, tend to classify al-Aqsa Mosque as the third holiest site in Islam. For example, Sahih al-Bukhari quotes Abu Darda as saying: "the Prophet of God, Muhammad said a prayer in the Sacred Mosque (in Mecca) is worth 100,000 prayers; a prayer in my mosque (in Medina) is worth 10,000 prayers; and a prayer in al-Aqsa Mosque is worth 1,000 prayers", more than in any other mosque.
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Mosques in Afghanistan,Mosques in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Turkey,Sunni Islamic holy places,Cemeteries in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Iraq,Ziyarat,Mosques in Iran,Mosques in Israel
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Section::::Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Holiest sites in Sunni Islam
In addition, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, refers to the al-Aqsa Mosque as the third holiest site in Islam (and calls for Arab sovereignty over it).
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Mosques in Afghanistan,Mosques in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Turkey,Sunni Islamic holy places,Cemeteries in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Iraq,Ziyarat,Mosques in Iran,Mosques in Israel
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Section::::Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Holiest sites in Sunni Islam
BULLET::::- Holy city BULLET::::- Holiest sites in Islam BULLET::::- Destruction of early Islamic heritage sites in Saudi Arabia
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Mosques in Afghanistan,Mosques in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Turkey,Sunni Islamic holy places,Cemeteries in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Iraq,Ziyarat,Mosques in Iran,Mosques in Israel
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Section::::See also.
Holiest sites in Sunni Islam
BULLET::::- Aghaie, Kamran Scot (2004). "The Martyrs of Karbala: Shi'i Symbols and Rituals in Modern Iran". University of Washington Press. BULLET::::- (In Arabic) BULLET::::- Shimoni, Yaacov & Levine, Evyatar (1974). "Political Dictionary of the Middle East in the 20th Century". Quadrangle/New York Times Book Co.
Mosques in Afghanistan,Mosques in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Turkey,Sunni Islamic holy places,Cemeteries in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Iraq,Ziyarat,Mosques in Iran,Mosques in Israel
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West Side, Jersey City
The West Side of Jersey City is an area made up of several diverse neighborhoods on either side of West Side Avenue, one of the city's main shopping streets. Parallel and west of Kennedy Boulevard, West Side Avenue carries two county route designations.
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West Side, Jersey City
West Side Avenue at its northern end begins in the Marion Section as a dead end at the PATH trains, though there is no station there After crossing Broadway and Sip Avenue it passes Holy Name Cemetery on the west and nearby Saint Peter's College to the east. "The Bubble", an air-supported structure that is part of Yanitelli Center, is visible on the slope of Montgomery Street.
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West Side, Jersey City
Lincoln Park is one of the largest county parks in Hudson County and includes recreational facilities (tennis, track, athletic fields, golf range, biking, running) and picnicking areas. Overpasses provide pedestrian access over Truck 1-9 from the older, more urban eastern section of the park to the more natural west section on the Hackensack River. The streets ascending from the park contain an eclectic mix architectural styles including Victorian and Edwardian mansions, and pre-war and Art Deco apartment buildings in the Bergen Section.
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West Side, Jersey City
St Aloyius Church is a prominent landmark near the park. At Communipaw Avenue the street enters the heart of West Bergen. West Bergen is so called in reference Bergen-Lafayette Section and in the 19th century was part of Bergen Township and Bergen. (The name Bergen is from the original Bergen, New Netherland centered on Bergen Square). One of the very few older residential districts of the city west of the avenue radiates from Mallory Avenue as it runs south from Lincoln Park.
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West Side, Jersey City
The West Side Avenue Station is the terminus for the single branch of the Hudson Bergen Light Rail. The station is on an embankment above the east side of street, and consists of an island platform and two tracks. Bumper blocks are at the west end of the station, a pedestrian bridge and elevator connecting it a large park and ride lot and bus stations.
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West Side, Jersey City
The former Central Railroad of New Jersey right of way formerly continued west across the Newark and New York Railroad Bridge at Newark Bay and there are proposals to extend the line to a station close by. The Jersey City Board of Education is located nearby.
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West Side, Jersey City
The West Campus of New Jersey City University began development in 2006, and will more than double the campus's with academic buildings, residences, retail spaces, parking, and a "University Promenade." Along with Bayfront, Jersey City, another planned community, the West Side will be expanded with residential, retail, and recreational areas.
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West Side, Jersey City
West Side Avenue's southern end is the Country Village section of Greenville at Danforth Avenue close to NJ-440, across which is the Droyer's Point and completed sections of the Hackensack RiverWalk. New Jersey Transit bus routes #1, #80, #87 as well as A&C Bus Corporation serve the district.
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West Side, Jersey City
BULLET::::- Hudson Parks BULLET::::- National Register of Historic Places listings in Hudson County, New Jersey BULLET::::- List of neighborhoods in Jersey City, New Jersey BULLET::::- Fairmount Apartments (Jersey City, New Jersey) BULLET::::- Temple Beth-El
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Section::::See also.
Halfway (EastEnders)
Callum "Halfway" Highway is a fictional character from the BBC soap opera "EastEnders", played by Tony Clay. He was introduced in the episode first broadcast in the United Kingdom on 1 January 2018. Halfway is introduced as a friend of the Carter family and a love interest for Whitney Dean (Shona McGarty). The character's introduction was not publicised beforehand. Halfway is a comedic character who is jovial, dopey and "happy-go-lucky". Halfway wears shabby clothing and beanie hats.
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Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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Halfway (EastEnders)
Halfway's initial stint on the show focuses on his relationship with the Carter family and establishing a relationship with Whitney.
Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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Halfway (EastEnders)
The actor was only contracted for two months and Halfway departs in the episode first broadcast in the United Kingdom on 16 February 2018. Afterwards, Clay was invited back to reprise his role and Halfway returns two months later after serving in the Army. His experience in the Army and his relationship with Whitney are explored upon his return. Producers introduced Halfway's brother, Stuart Highway (Ricky Champ), and their relationship is portrayed as dark.
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Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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Halfway (EastEnders)
Clay's portrayal of Halfway has received a positive response from critics, with a "Soaplife" columnist describing him as "a welcome ray of sunshine in the bleak world of Albert Square", and Laura-Jayne Tyler of "Inside Soap" opining, "Square chiefs had clearly found a diamond in the rough with actor Tony Clay".
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Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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Halfway (EastEnders)
Halfway sends his friend, Mick Carter (Danny Dyer), a text message saying he is coming to his area. Halfway later shoots Mick when he is robbing a van that Halfway is in, not realising it was Mick under a mask. However, Halfway recognises Mick and tries to help him by accompanying him to his home, The Queen Victoria public house, with his wife, Linda Carter (Kellie Bright), and mother, Shirley Carter (Linda Henry).
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Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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Halfway (EastEnders)
It emerges Halfway knows Mick and Linda because he was friends with their son, Lee (Danny-Boy Hatchard), as a teenager. The following day, he offers his assistance in The Queen Vic as an apology, although annoys the family when he accidentally orders too much alcohol and breaks glasses. Tiffany Butcher (Maisie Smith) sets Halfway up to spend time with her sister, Whitney Carter (Shona McGarty). Halfway offers to buy Whitney food and makes her laugh, so she considers meeting him again.
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Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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Halfway (EastEnders)
They arranges to meet for a drink in The Queen Vic, and Whitney turns up in casual clothes and wearing no makeup but Halfway has prepared for a date, giving her a rose and having candles. He asks if she fancies him and then pulls a ring from his pocket, to which Whitney says she will not marry him but he says he only wants her to be his girlfriend. She turns him down and leaves, and he follows, leaving the ring behind.
Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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Halfway (EastEnders)
Mick finds the ring and has it valued at £20,000, telling Halfway that he could use the money to buy back The Queen Vic, and Halfway agrees, revealing that he found the ring during the robbery. When the ring turns out to be worth £200,000, Halfway tells Mick to save his pub as long as there will always be a room for Halfway if he needs it.
Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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Halfway (EastEnders)
Whitney is touched when Halfway recalls how his grandfather brought him up to treat women with respect. When Halfway leaves for army duty, Whitney apologises to him and they share a sweet goodbye. After leaving his bag behind, he returns and passionately kisses Whitney, before leaving again. Halfway and Whitney stay in contact via video calls. When Halfway returns, he is hiding a wound from his abdomen but later tells Whitney that he was injured by shrapnel in an explosion. He and Whitney have sex for the first time.
Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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Halfway (EastEnders)
Halfway reveals that he saved a child's life in the explosion and he is hailed a hero by the Carters, who throw him a party, but Halfway dislikes the attention. Halfway's brother, Stuart Highway (Ricky Champ) arrives and realises Halfway is lying about his injury. Halfway tells Mick that when he saved the child, his friend lost his legs and the child's mother was killed, but Mick says Halfway was not to blame. Halfway and Mick later assist Stuart in his work exposing paedophiles.
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Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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Halfway (EastEnders)
Hoping to prove himself to Stuart, Halfway confronts Fred Lewis (Malcolm Freeman), but lets him go when Mick threatens him with violence. When Linda finds out, she warns Halfway and Mick that they could get hurt. Regardless, Halfway tells Stuart that he wants to confront Fred again; Stuart confronts him instead and posts a video online about it.
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Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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Halfway (EastEnders)
After discovering that Stuart attacked Mick's aunt, Tina Carter (Luisa Bradshaw-White), when they were younger, the Carter family reject Stuart and warn Halfway to do the same. Stuart manipulates Halfway into leaving the Carters and moving into his apartment; Halfway tells the Carters that Stuart needs someone to believe him. Whitney visits Halfway, who tells her that Tina attacked Stuart. After Whitney visits Stuart, he tells Halfway that Whitney tried to kiss him; Halfway ends their relationship.
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Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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Halfway (EastEnders)
When Stuart confesses that he lied, Halfway disowns him and leaves. After receiving a silent voicemail from Stuart, Halfway panics that he is suicidal; he and Shirley visit Stuart's flat where she finds a defaced photo of Halfway. With Shirley's help, Halfway and Whitney reunite. Halfway meets Stuart and they argue. Stuart later asks for Halfway's help and he protects Stuart from the Carters, claiming that he is in Dublin, as Stuart burns photos of Halfway with the Carters.
Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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Halfway (EastEnders)
Stuart is later shot in The Queen Vic by an unknown assailant with Halfway and the Carters being interviewed by the police. Shirley argues with Halfway when she accuses him of shooting Stuart, which he denies. Stuart admits to Halfway that he shot himself, before claiming that Mick shot him; Mick is arrested and Halfway and the Carters vow to prove his innocence. Mick is later released, and Stuart is rejected by Halfway.
Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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Halfway (EastEnders)
Halfway and Whitney panic when she tells him that she may be pregnant. Whitney turns out to not be pregnant, but they decide they would like a baby and they agree to try for one. Halfway later tells Whitney they should put the baby on hold and save up to buy a flat instead. Halfway is called up to the army again and his doctor, Dr. Cosslett (Hywel Simons), deems him fit to return.
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Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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Halfway (EastEnders)
Upset by the result of the assessment, Halfway tries to harm himself, which is witnessed by Ben Mitchell (Max Bowden). Jay Brown (Jamie Borthwick) is impressed with Halfway when he gets one of his clients, Mrs. Coombes (Jonna Wake), to upgrade her husband's funeral plan and offers him a job as an undertaker at the funeral parlour. Halfway and Whitney also move into the flat above the parlour.
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Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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Halfway (EastEnders)
Halfway angrily confronts Ben over selling him a stolen van and it leads to a charged moment between the pair. Ben accuses Halfway of being attracted to men as well as women, but he denies it. Ben tells Halfway he should not hide who he is and they end up kissing. Still confused about his sexuality, Halfway proposes to Whitney, who happily accepts. Halfway later contacts his estranged father, Jonno Highway (Richard Graham), and he comes to Walford.
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Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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Halfway (EastEnders)
When Jonno berates Halfway for his lifestyle, conflict arises between them; Jonno pins Halfway against a wall, but Stuart intervenes and orders Jonno to leave. Afterwards, Ben comforts Halfway and kisses him, which Stuart witnesses. Stuart confronts Halfway about the kiss, so Halfway confesses; Stuart then attacks Ben. At the Walford Pride event, Halfway becomes emotional.
Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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Halfway (EastEnders)
Ben continues to frustrate Callum with his constant presence and Callum panics that he'll say something to Whitney. Overcome with stress, Callum eventually confronts Ben and punches him.
Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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Halfway (EastEnders)
Actor Tony Clay was cast in the role of Callum "Halfway" Highway on a two month contract. The character's introduction was not publicised in the media and he made his first appearance in the episode broadcast in the United Kingdom on 1 January 2018. Following his first episode, in which established character Mick Carter (Danny Dyer) is shot by Halfway, it was suggested by Joe Anderton from "Digital Spy" that Mick would know his shooter.
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Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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[ { "paragraph_id": 12, "start": 0, "end": 440 } ]
Section::::Creation and development.:Casting and introduction.
Halfway (EastEnders)
When viewers suggested that the shooter could be Mick's son Lee Carter, with the role recast from actor Danny-Boy Hatchard to Clay, David Brown of the "Radio Times" doubted that this would be true. In his second episode, Halfway was confirmed to be the shooter and Lee's friend. Clay agreed with Daniel Kilkelly of "Digital Spy" that it was risky for Halfway to shoot Mick in his first episode.
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Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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[ { "paragraph_id": 12, "start": 441, "end": 835 } ]
Section::::Creation and development.:Casting and introduction.
Halfway (EastEnders)
It was not confirmed whether Halfway would be a regular character. However, executive consultant John Yorke had announced in December 2017 that a new friend for Mick and a new interest for Whitney Dean (Shona McGarty) would be introduced in 2018. Kilkelly ("Digital Spy") wondered whether Halfway could be the aforementioned friend of Mick and love interest for Whitney.
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Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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Section::::Creation and development.:Casting and introduction.
Halfway (EastEnders)
When asked whether he found joining "EastEnders" "daunting", Clay replied, "Yes and no" and stated that although he found it surreal to work with Steve McFadden, who portrays Phil Mitchell, his nerves settled quickly. Halfway departs in the episode broadcast in the United Kingdom on 16 February 2018, signalling the conclusion of Clay's contract.
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Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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[ { "paragraph_id": 13, "start": 371, "end": 718 } ]
Section::::Creation and development.:Casting and introduction.
Halfway (EastEnders)
Claire Crick of "Digital Spy" pointed out that Halfway was a plot device introduced only to support the Carter family's storylines, especially when Halfway is revealed to be in ownership of an expensive ring, which he lets the Carters sell when they need money to save their home, a plot that Crick thought was "convenient".
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Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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[ { "paragraph_id": 13, "start": 719, "end": 1043 } ]
Section::::Creation and development.:Casting and introduction.
Halfway (EastEnders)
After the end of his original contract, Clay received a phone call from producers asking him to reprise the role. He thought that because he was invited back, he was "really doing something right", and hoped that he was reintroduced based on a positive first stint. On 28 March 2018, it was announced that Clay would reprise his role as Halfway in spring 2018.
Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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[ { "paragraph_id": 15, "start": 0, "end": 360 } ]
Section::::Creation and development.:Reintroduction.
Halfway (EastEnders)
Clay said that he looked forward to reprising the role, that Halfway is "such a lovely role to play" and that he wanted to explore the character further. He had already began filming when his return was publicised.
Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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[ { "paragraph_id": 15, "start": 361, "end": 575 } ]
Section::::Creation and development.:Reintroduction.
Halfway (EastEnders)
On 20 April, Sophie Dainty of "Digital Spy" reported that Halfway would return in the episode broadcast on 30 April and teased that he may return with a secret. Further details about his return were released two days later, confirming that he would have a secret. It was reported that Whitney would be overjoyed when Halfway returns but that she would notice that "Halfway's mind seems to be elsewhere".
Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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[ { "paragraph_id": 16, "start": 0, "end": 403 } ]
Section::::Creation and development.:Reintroduction.
Halfway (EastEnders)
Clay explained that it is evident from his return that something has happened to Halfway, despite his efforts to hide this. He said that Halfway wants to share his secret with Whitney as he is a good person and it "conflicts him a bit". The actor expressed how a main aspect to his character is that he does not like keeping secrets and wants to share everything with Whitney. Also, there is a clear change in Halfway's personality when he returns, which is due to the secret.
Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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[ { "paragraph_id": 16, "start": 404, "end": 880 } ]
Section::::Creation and development.:Reintroduction.
Halfway (EastEnders)
Clay thought it would be "exciting" for the audience to witness his journey.
Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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[ { "paragraph_id": 16, "start": 881, "end": 957 } ]
Section::::Creation and development.:Reintroduction.
Halfway (EastEnders)
In his return episode, it is shown that Halfway has been wounded while in the Army. Johnathon Hughes of the "Radio Times" described Halfway injury as "a large, very painful-looking wound". The following episode sees Halfway reveal to Whitney that he was hit by shrapnel while saving two children, leaving Whitney "taken aback by Halfway's heroism". Dainty ("Digital Spy") wondered whether Halfway was "actually more shaken by his army ordeal than he's letting on".
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Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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[ { "paragraph_id": 17, "start": 0, "end": 464 } ]
Section::::Creation and development.:Reintroduction.
Halfway (EastEnders)
It was reported on 8 May 2018 that Halfway would confess to Mick that he was lying about the incident in the Army. In the episodes that followed, Halfway tells Mick that he caused another soldier to lose his leg when saving the children, but is "surprised and heartened" when Mick is not upset by the news.
Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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[ { "paragraph_id": 17, "start": 465, "end": 771 } ]
Section::::Creation and development.:Reintroduction.
Halfway (EastEnders)
Clay told Duncan Lindsay of the "Metro" that Halfway returns to Albert Square, the show's setting, because he views it as a home and opined that "he's ever really had a place to call home, this is where he feels loved by Whitney and I think he feels like this is his family, this is his world now and I think this is what brings him back."
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Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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[ { "paragraph_id": 18, "start": 0, "end": 339 } ]
Section::::Creation and development.:Reintroduction.
Halfway (EastEnders)
On Mick and his wife, Linda Carter (Kellie Bright), offering Halfway a room at their home, The Queen Victoria pub, as a thank you for helping them with their financial troubles, Clay explained that Halfway wants to return to The Vic and that after helping the Carters, he feels better about himself. He also noted that the Carters gave Halfway "their word that they would always try to look after him whenever he needed it".
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Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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[ { "paragraph_id": 18, "start": 340, "end": 764 } ]
Section::::Creation and development.:Reintroduction.
Halfway (EastEnders)
Halfway's return to "EastEnders" and secret was placed at number four in "Digital Spy" "big soap moments you have to see this week". A "Soaplife" journalist thought it was "typical" that he was hiding a secret when he returned.
Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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[ { "paragraph_id": 19, "start": 0, "end": 227 } ]
Section::::Creation and development.:Reintroduction.
Halfway (EastEnders)
The "Daily Express" ran a poll for readers to vote on what they believed Halfway's secret was: 39% of readers thought that Halfway was "ashamed" of something that happened in the Army; 26% of readers were in the opinion that Halfway had given his kidney to Aidan Maguire (Patrick Bergin) to repay him; 15% of readers believed that Halfway left the Army; 13% were convinced that he had been stabbed; and the remaining 7% of readers thought it was something else.
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Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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[ { "paragraph_id": 19, "start": 228, "end": 689 } ]
Section::::Creation and development.:Reintroduction.
Halfway (EastEnders)
There was a positive reaction to his return on Twitter with fans excited that Halfway and Whitney had been reunited.
Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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[ { "paragraph_id": 19, "start": 690, "end": 806 } ]
Section::::Creation and development.:Reintroduction.
Halfway (EastEnders)
Halfway's costume consists of "scruffy clothes and wooly headwear", mainly beanie hats, and he has a full fringe, which differs from Clay's appearance. Claire Crick of "Digital Spy" thought that Clay could not "look less like his character if he tried." Clay had his hair cut for the role of Halfway as he thought it would suit his character. Clay described the hairstyle as "mad" and thought people sympathised with the character because of it.
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Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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[ { "paragraph_id": 21, "start": 0, "end": 445 } ]
Section::::Creation and development.:Characterisation and appearance.
Halfway (EastEnders)
He hoped that Whitney would decide to take Halfway for a better haircut.
Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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[ { "paragraph_id": 21, "start": 446, "end": 518 } ]
Section::::Creation and development.:Characterisation and appearance.
Halfway (EastEnders)
When Halfway returns to the series, he is 27 years old. Halfway is a comedic character, which Laura Morgan of "Digital Spy" liked as she felt scenes including Halfway were "always funnier [than those without him]". Crick believed that Clay's background in stand up comedy would be resourceful when portraying Halfway. Clay also observed that Halfway is comedic, which he thought was a nice characteristic.
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Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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[ { "paragraph_id": 22, "start": 0, "end": 405 } ]
Section::::Creation and development.:Characterisation and appearance.
Halfway (EastEnders)
He explained that Halfway tries to do good and wants to feel "included", and stated that Halfway is a jovial character. He described Halfway as "happy-go-lucky". Clay felt that although he and Halfway shared similar mannerisms, he was not as "dopey" as his character. Halfway often misinterprets moments with other people and says "things at the wrong time". Clay thought that this was Halfway's biggest flaw, commenting, "He loves to put his foot in it!"
Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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Section::::Creation and development.:Characterisation and appearance.
Halfway (EastEnders)
Morgan billed Halfway as "hapless", "adorable" and "caring". She observed that Halfway acts as "a bit of a dope" and in a silly manner, but is actually quite clever. In article about the character, Morgan expressed her hope that writers would not portray Halfway as "a one-dimensional dumbass". Daniel Kilkelly of "Digital Spy" called Halfway a "cheery soul".
Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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[ { "paragraph_id": 23, "start": 0, "end": 359 } ]
Section::::Creation and development.:Characterisation and appearance.
Halfway (EastEnders)
Brown ("Radio Times") described Halfway as "loveable" and a "cheeky chappie", while Hughes ("Radio Times") called Halfway a "chirpy chap" who is "troubled" when he returns. A "Soaplife" reporter described Halfway as a "sweet and simple soldier", who is also slow-witted.
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Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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[ { "paragraph_id": 23, "start": 360, "end": 630 } ]
Section::::Creation and development.:Characterisation and appearance.
Halfway (EastEnders)
Producers established a relationship for Halfway when they paired him with Whitney Dean, who is Lee's former wife. Brown ("Radio Times") said that Halfway "anxiously prepares" for his date with Whitney. Rory O'Connor from the Daily Express said that Halfway "gives Whitney a shock" when she thinks Halfway is proposing marriage. Lindsay ("Metro") reported that following the date, Halfway continues to show his feelings for Whitney and starts "to win her round with his likeable personality."
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Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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Section::::Creation and development.:Relationships.:Whitney Dean.
Halfway (EastEnders)
Clay said that although Halfway is not Whitney's typical boyfriend, his effort and charm would impress her. He felt that his characteristics were more appealing to Whitney than his appearance. He added that the shared love between Halfway and Whitney makes them a nice couple. Clay liked Halfway and Whitney's relationship and looked forward to seeing it develop.
Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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Section::::Creation and development.:Relationships.:Whitney Dean.
Halfway (EastEnders)
When Halfway arranges a second date, a romantic meal on the roof of The Queen Vic, Clay said, "It's that kind of thing that you fall in love with." He told Laura-Jayne Tyler of "Inside Soap" that his relationship with Whitney and the romantic meal helped alter the audience's opinion of Halfway as it showed he is a "hopeless romantic".
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Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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[ { "paragraph_id": 26, "start": 857, "end": 1193 } ]
Section::::Creation and development.:Relationships.:Whitney Dean.
Halfway (EastEnders)
Tyler found Halfway's location for the date amusing because in a recent storyline, Whitney's friend, Abi Branning (Lorna Fitzgerald), died after a fall from there. She described his actions as "thoughtful", but commented, "And they say romance is dead!" A journalist from "Soaplife" pointed out that Halfway makes Whitney smile, which they said is not easy considering Whitney's relationship history. Callum Crumlish of the "Daily Express" described Halfway and Whitney's relationship as "unlikely".
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Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
{ "revid": 913914257, "timestamp": "2019-09-04T00:33:02", "parentid": 0, "pre_dump": false, "pageid": 61683022, "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Halfway%20(EastEnders)&oldid=913914257" }
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Section::::Creation and development.:Relationships.:Whitney Dean.
Halfway (EastEnders)
Following his departure in February, Morgan hoped that producers planned to reintroduce the character by quitting his army job and returning to be in a relationship with Whitney. Viewers of "EastEnders" were disappointed by Halfway's departure in February and hoped that he would return and begin a relationship with Whitney. When he reappeared in the following episode and kissed Whitney, fans expressed their delight at the potential relationship.
Fictional chefs,Fictional characters introduced in 2018,Male characters in television,EastEnders characters,Fictional bartenders,Fictional bisexual males,Fictional salespeople,Fictional undertakers,Fictional British Army personnel
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Section::::Creation and development.:Relationships.:Whitney Dean.