audioduration (s)
german wing seven papa ruzyne tower hello again roger
climb flight level one six zero emirates one four zero
singapoore three two five request flight level three three zero standby
to actualy it will be runway two two
praha radar oscar kilo k uniform november direct to inbound to vla
oman air one one three contact munich one three two decimal one five five good morning
austrian three one seven november contact praha one three three decimal three nine zero
sun turk six nine seven contact rhein one three six decimal four zero five
leaving flight level three one zero for flight level two nine zero lot four one two six
lufthansa seven two six proceed direct lima delta zulu contact warsaw one three four nine two five good bye
time air six one two papa vacate ground one two one nine
el al three five two praha radar cont
nd flight level one three zero
hotel papa mike perfect thank you very much
csa six two three hold at eveni descend flight level one two zero
five five four two negative sir
bratislava one three four decimal four seven five xanadu two zero zero nine bye bye
down level two nine zero one two seven one two five lufthansa six november hotel
qatari zero two mike on taxiway juliett cross runway one zero contact apron one two one decimal seven five five good bye
csa three foxtrot descend flight level nine zero
lufthansa five alfa hotel climb level three one ze
ruzyne tower air france one three three
radar hello sky three one three maintain level three four zero
sky travel one zero one zero climb to flight level nine zero
tango three one three sion ground hello again taxi approved
start and pushback approved cleared to antalya one bravo and squawk one four zero
proceed two one zero radar departure trun right heading three six zero
oger climb level
lufthansa nine alfa hotel one three three three nine zero good bye
wien one three four decimal four four zero lot three zero five good day
direct mikov new squawk one four six six wizz air four bravo papa
left hotel lima holding point three one bline seven zero victor
maintain heading with the free free sp
ruzyne tower sky travel nine five juliett fully established ils one three
praha good evening swiss one three five three flight level three hundred
tango three six five sion tower good morning air taxi holding point
starting holding over tango
oscar kilo golf ae
ok reach nine seven four understand
level one hundred oscar kilo papa mike bravo
zero inbound bepas swiss air three five two november praha radar contact
seven five
lot five two fi
hotel echo lima affirm remain on my frequency you are still within the tma
csa five four four line up runway one three line up runway one three csa five four four
four seven five thank you wizz air four
one fifty we will do
austrian three seven five alfa contact praha one three three three nine zero good day
csa nine two delta line up runway three one and wait
speed bird eight five five runway three one cleared for takeoff wind one one zero degrees two knots good b
one two zero nine five zero lufthansa two five five zero bye
beria eight seven five
csa six nine one left heading one six zero clear ils approach runway one three
hotel quebec mike i confirm cleared to land runway one four
ruzyne radar opera jet three hundred passing one thousand seven hundred one hotel
csa six nine zero ruzyne tower line up runway one three cleared for takeoff wind one five zero degrees four knots lining up and cleared for
changing ground runway vacated
climbing flight level three four zero austrian three two five golf
by rape direct rapet thai nine two two
level one three zero an
lufthansa seven five zero climb flight level three four zero
one zero to somi
aero flot on
hello seven romeo golf ruzyne tower roger number three
runway three four left cleared to land then request above three two bravo four if available jetstar four zero nine
two one five good
smart wings one zero seven papa descend to altitude four thousand feet qnh one zero two three cleared for approach runway three one
passing two four zero
r zero aero flot two
descending flight level one
on foxtrot cross runway one zero one two one seven five
climb flight level one four zero csa five six zero
heli india echo hotel whiskey three thousand six hundred feet
victor lima mike
roger thank you
two foxtrot euro trans one three juliett
cleared for takeoff runway one three csa four delta romeo
descending four thousand feet one zero one eight maintaining the heading quality
csa seven eight nine contact ground one two one point nine
csa nine six one reduce to one nine zero knots descend flight level nine zero
ufthansa two victor charlie direct to s
praha good morning austrian nine three level two five two climbing level two eight zero
descending flight level one zero zero csa seven two seven
fraction six victor lima hello radar contact
five zero air china nine
reach one two zero contact bratislava one three four decimal four seven five good bye
yes easy three zero six five
oscar kilo bravo yankee romeo
at base
two seven five and four knots qantas four forty six
five zero
praha radar csa four echo passing two thousand fee
prague controle two zero eight heavy leaving flight level two six four climbing flight level three one zero
kingfisher zero zero eight contact bratislava one three four decimal four seven five
cleared to land runway one three csa five mike bravo
o and intercept localizer runway three one
affirm ok great and the level cleared is not descend at three four
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