audioduration (s)
sion two three runway two five next hotel november for three six five
csa seven three zero roger so you may vacate via papa or golf
sixty till four miles one eighteen one csa four yankee alfa
csa three zero three radar contact descend flight level one zero zero to final approach fix three one
eight zero nine bravo good night
csa eight zero five contact praha one two seven decimal one two five
bye bye
direct artup thank you aero flot one
easy nine charlie lima roger contact ruzyne tower one one eight decimal one good bye
ready for departure
austrian one seven six papa descend flight level three one zero only
if possible direct to
cleared takeoff run
one three three two eight five lufthansa seven juliett alfa thank you
lufthansa four whiskey yankee hello radar conta
descend flight level three two
loadmaster eight six four three praha good morning radar contact proceed to pepik
direct mikov aero flot two seven three
lufthansa seven eight seven descend to flight level eight zero
csa seven four three
csa nine six one reduce speed one four zero knots untill four miles final departure ahead regional jet
direct varik csa four victor papa
roger qnh one zero one eight easy eight three whiskey gol
taxi holding point three one via foxtrot cross runway zero four slovak government zero zero four
lot three zero five climb to flight level three four zero expect higher from wien
three three four one zero emirates one four zero
via golf stand six four jobair five one papa
lufthansa nine kilo yankee contact ground one two one decimal nine good bye
radar good morning hotel romeo november five o
radar good morning sky travel one zero three four one thousand eight hundred climbing
three cleared for the ils