audioduration (s)
fly nicky eight four nine zero climb flight level three six zero
alfa romeo tango one zero seven papa descend to flight level eight zero
contact ground one two one nine
two ten seven one one zulu
csa six three one reduce to two three zero knots contact radar one one nine decimal zero
we climb level one six zero
praha good evening lufthansa seven eight six heavy out of two eight eight climbing three one zero
wizz air five nine one runway three one cleared for takeoff wi
hello easy two five eight quebec ruzyne tower roger
austrian seven one one zulu turn left heading two nine zero
praha b air one four one flight level two four three
nine whiskey golf november
cept localizer runway
five one seven four
seven decimal one two five
november five one one we are reaching five thou
one one
praha radar sky travel eight two four climbing flight level one six zero
lot five two five radar radar contact descend flight level one zero zero kilo information in three minutes expect shortcut
baltu four
k uniform november
ryan air eight zero eight eight confirm requested flight level
contract two lima golf descend four thousand feet cleared ils three one
contact ruzyne radar one one nine decimal zero good by
csa five charlie tango ruzyne tower continue approach
hotel echo xray wind calm runway two five cleared touch and go
left three four zero and will call estab
eight five six and continue present heading
and we expect to line up via runway two two
say again for startup who wanted star up
mike wait what i sa
five four nine eight bye bye
praha oscar kilo alfa lima zulu i am ready to
ruzyne tower trans europe four two one dobry vecer establish localizer two four
malev eight two four to the left heading one six zero cleared for ils approach runway one three
lufthansa two mike echo contact radar one two zero decimal two seven five
left heading
twin star eight eight seven turn right heading two two zero
left turn to venux csa three delta lima
austrian seven one zero papa runway one three cleared for takeoff wind zero five zero degrees five knots
one two one zero five five lufthansa six tango yankee have good night bye thank you thank you
jobair zero five papa
ero direct somis csa eight seve
air malta five three eight radar hello radar contact after maintain high speed
five tango
climb flight level three three zero singapore three two five
austrian eight seven praha radar contact climb flight level three two zero
direct bodal csa nine five six csa eight two six direct to pisam
csa nine seven five
csa nine one seven descend flight level nine zero
eed two six zero knots five five alfa two
sky travel six one eight ready in seque
going to one three four eight seven five sierra s tango
air berlin three four nine alfa proceed direct rapet
cimber three five two five reduce speed two fo
praha good day turkish one nine five five flight level three four zero
x nine one descend flight level nine zero and left hea
lufthansa six hotel xray when ready descend flight level two five zero cro
information lima one zero two zero
swiss four nine nine charlie any chance for early right turn
lufthansa eight juliett echo climb flight level three three zero we have a request
radar good morning lufthansa six kilo victor in flight level three four zero inbound direct rapet
lufthansa eight echo papa climb flight level three one zero
b air one four one contact praha radar one two seven decimal eight two five
we are maintaining flight level nine zero to
anyway you can use runway two two and hold short of runway three one
ero left turn to papa romeo nine zero six csa si
csa five four four runway one three clear to takeoff wind zero two zero degrees four knots
csa nine two seven descend flight level one three zero
jobair zero six two runway one three cleared to land wind zero two zero degrees six knots
praha radar csa nine seven eight passing two thousand one hun
austrian seven zero three if possible keep high speed proceed to kenok then intercept localizer runway three one
ok we ll heading in zero nine zero degree
tower good evening beline six one golf delta holding short runway
four six three level three zero zero before rapet
ok we takeoff runway three one bri
praha sierra victor oscar any chance for shortcut direct hotel delta os
one zero alfa
climb flight level three four zero easy four six zero bravo
german wings two one four
clear to land runway three one
descend four thousand feet qnh one zero one eight cleared for ils approach runway three one
further climb approved again nav checker five one one
csa eight zero three when ready descend flight level two nine zero
ntinue approach
ect hemrsdorf austrian three two three golf
three five eight zero roger contact ruzyne tower one one eight decimal one good bye
vinair one zero bravo praha radar good evening radar contact
easy two five eight quebec contact radar one two zero two seven five by
tower yangtze river seven four six zero switch to departure good day
six two three
foxtrot delta uniform line up and wait via intersection alfa qnh one zero one seven
sierra papa sierra
radar csa five seven hello descending three two zero to
four five passing one thousand six hundred to five thousand feet baltu
to mikov klm one eight four seven
five zero nine descend four thousand feet qnh one zero one nine and you may proceed visually to final of runway
lufthansa two five two six contact praha one three
climb flight level one six zero sky travel one zero three eight