58 values
На встрече, на собеседовании или на первом свидании, или другой вид отношений, которые становятся ближе, когда люди понимают, что оба обладают неким знанием.
It's a meeting or job interview or first date or some relationship that gets lubricated because two people realize they share some common piece of knowledge.
그래서 57세의 나이로 새 삶을 시작한 아버지의 말씀은
So begins life at 57, he says.
Elles peuvent traverser l'immeuble, la terre ; elles sont tellement non-interactives.
They can come through the building, through the Earth — they're so non-interacting.
Y cuando recién llegué a Damasco, vi ese extraño momento en el que las personas no parecen creer que la guerra estaba por empezar, y fue exactamente igual en Bosnia y en casi todos los países en que he visto llegar una guerra.
And when I first arrived in Damascus, I saw this strange moment where people didn't seem to believe that war was going to descend, and it was exactly the same in Bosnia and nearly every other country I've seen where war comes.
زیرا داده ها در پايگاه داده آن پایین نهان است.
Because the data is hidden down in the databases.
Mas eu vejo que as pessoas estão chegando, que o público, paradoxalmente, é muito mais suscetível e muito mais compreensivo com essa expansão do design que alguns dos meus colegas.
But I see that people are coming along, that the audiences, paradoxically, are much more responsive and much more understanding of this expansion of design than some of my colleagues are.
Pertama, kita semua tahu akan hal itu: ledakan penduduk, penduduk dunia bertambah dari 2 miliar orang menjadi hampir 7 miliar orang dalam 50 tahun terakhir.
One we all know about, the population explosion: the world goes from two billion people to almost seven billion people in the last 50 years.
她正要把火腿根部切去扔掉 , 看着那片火腿 , 她想 , “这其实是块好肉 , 为什么我要把它扔掉呢 ? ”
She goes to cut the butt off the ham and throw it away, and she looks at this piece of ham and she's like, "This is a perfectly good piece of ham. Why am I throwing this away?"
Том Райли: Точно така.
Tom Reilly: Exactly.
Anh ấy không thỏa mãn với cách an toàn và hợp pháp mà báo chí công bố thông tin. Anh ta đưa hết lên.
He wasn't content with the way the newspapers published it to be safe and legal. He threw it all out there.
O cão não fala inglês, nem americano, nem espanhol, nem francês.
The dog doesn't speak English, or American, or Spanish, or French.
Pak ztratil práci.
Then he lost his job.
Начнём разговор сегодня.
Let's start that conversation now.
(Glazba: "" La Di Da Di "", Slick Rick & Doug E. Fresh) (Glazba: "" We Can 't Stop "", Miley Cyrus) Dakle, Miley Cyrus, koja nije bila ni rođena kada je nastao "" La Di Da Di "", a nisu ni koautori ove pjesme, našla je ovu pjesmu koja je nekako urezala svoj put u kolektivnu svijest pop glazbe, i sada, sa svojom bezvremenskom razigranošću originala prevela na neki način za novu generaciju koja će ju vjerojatno prihvatiti kao svoju.
(Music: "" La Di Da Di "" by Slick Rick & Doug E. Fresh) (Music: "" We Can't Stop "" by Miley Cyrus) So Miley Cyrus, who wasn't even born yet when "" La Di Da Di "" was made, and neither were any of the co-writers on the song, has found this song that somehow etched its way into the collective consciousness of pop music, and now, with its timeless playfulness of the original, has kind of translated to a whole new generation who will probably co-opt it as their own.
So I went back that very summer.
Cum a intervenit?
How did it actually interfere?
( 笑 ) ( 拍手 ) 肉体のない西洋的合理性です ( 笑 )
(Laughter) (Applause) Disembodied Western rationality. (Laughter)
또 어느 나라가 민주주의 국가일까요? "" 라고 묻는다면 여러분께선 아마 "" 흠, '나라A' 가 중국이고 '나라B' 가 인도입니다 "" 라고 하실 겁니다 실제로는 '나라A' 가 민주주의 국가인 인도이고, '나라B' 는 오랜 기간 군부의 통치를 받은 파키스탄입니다
And which one is a democracy? "" you may argue, "" Well, maybe Country A is China and Country B is India. "" In fact, Country A is democratic India, and Country B is Pakistan — the country that has a long period of military rule.
Vastakkaisuus on tila, jossa kaksi ideaa tai mielipidettä ovat täysiä vastakohtia toiselle; Täysin vastakkaisia.
Polarity is a state in which two ideas or opinions are completely opposite from each other; a diametrical opposition.
טוב אתה חייב שיהיה לך חוש הומור לגבי זה, זה מה שאני חושבת.
Well, you have to have a sense of humor about it, that's what I think.
זה משהו שאנחנו נלחמים בו. זה משהו שמתגברים עליו.
It's something we fight. It's something we overcome.
Intel 'in 4' üncü dörtlükte kazandığı, 10.8 milyar.
Intel's fourth quarter earnings: 10.8 billion.
이건 정말 좋은 소식입니다.
This is one piece of good news.
אחת הדרכים שאנחנו יכולים להבין דרכה שגנטיקה היא פקטור היא על ידי הסתכלות על משהו שנקרא יחס הקונקורדנציה.
One of the ways that we can understand that genetics is a factor is by looking at something called the concordance rate.
Se acreditarem que eu sou o meu conectoma, creio que também aceitarão a ideia que a morte é a destruição do vosso conectoma.
If you believe that I am my connectome, I think you must also accept the idea that death is the destruction of your connectome.
Afrika 'nın dışına bakarsanız, daha az bir genetik çeşitlilik görürsünüz.
And if you look outside Africa, you actually find less genetic variation.
如果你在這兒晃的話 , 看起來就像這樣 , 這是一株老祖父級的珊瑚。
If you go on the ground there, it looks like this, and this is the grandaddy coral.
To je skutečný moment "" si se puede "".
And that's a true "" sí se puede "" moment.
그리고 그들은 도착하고 나서야, 물과 에어컨도 없는데다 여권도 빼앗아 가버린 노동자 캠프에 왔다는 것을 알아차리죠.
And when they arrive, they find themselves in labor camps with no water, no air conditioning, and their passports taken away.
Der Computer in Ihrem heutigen Handy ist eine Million mal billiger, eine Million mal kleiner und tausendmal leistungsstärker.
The computer in your cellphone today is a million times cheaper, a million times smaller, a thousand times more powerful.
Y, por último, mostraré que algunas de las diferencias entre las personas y la manera de juzgar a los demás, puede explicarse a través de las diferencias en el sistema cerebral.
And then finally, to show that some of the differences between people, in how we judge others, can be explained by differences in this brain system.
Το 1985, ανακοίνωσε στους φίλους του από τον κόσμο των κρασιών ότι ανακάλυψε κάτι απίστευτο.
In 1985, he announced to his friends in the wine world that he had made this incredible discovery.
Supongamos que las tecnologías para hallar conectomas funcionan.
Suppose our technologies for finding connectomes actually work.
Slaytta gösterilen şey de o. Bu, sizin cildiniz.
And that's depicted on this slide. This is your skin.
É criando um mercado mundial, globalizando o mundo.
It's by having one world market, by globalizing the world.
Vous ne pouvez pas simplement attendre que ça fonctionne. Vous devez aller sur le terrain et travailler pour. » C'est ce qu'on a fait, on a voyagé, et on a parlé aux sages, à des médecins, à des infimières, nous avons tenu des conférences de presse, nous sommes parti avec des soldats, nous avons dialogué avec la force internationale d'assistance et de sécurité, avec l'OTAN, avec le gouvernement britannique.
You can't just expect it to work. You have to get out and work. "" And we did, and we traveled around, and we spoke to elders, we spoke to doctors, we spoke to nurses, we held press conferences, we went out with soldiers, we sat down with ISAF, we sat down with NATO, we sat down with the U.K. government.
Fakat Asya 'da metropollerin gerçekten bir araya geldiğini görürüz.
But Asia is where we really see the megacities coming together.
سوالی که می خواهم از شما بپرسم این است که آیا شما فکر می کنید که تعداد سگهایی که باقلاده توی خیابانهای آکسفورد هر روز دیده می شوند بیشتر است یا تعداد خوک ها ؟
Now, the question I'm going to put to you is whether you think there are more dogs or pigs on leashes observed in any particular day in Oxford.
No, nismo to još postigli.
But we're not there yet.
Así que es algo muy difícil hacer que las personas amplíen su imaginación moral hasta un lugar al cual naturalmente no llega.
So, it's a very difficult thing to get people to expand the moral imagination to a place it doesn't naturally go.
Bàn chân tôi thọc vào cổ họng con vật. Buộc nó phải nhả tôi ra.
My foot goes down its throat. It spits me out.
Tout ce que je sais c'est ce que l'on ressent quand on se retrouve sans travail.
All I know is how it felt to be the guy put out of work.
Ρίτσαρντ Γκίζμπερτ: Η Νορβηγία είναι χώρα με σχετικά μικρή κάλυψη από τα μέσα.
Richard Gizbert: Norway is a country that gets relatively little media coverage.
有些新一代的企業家死於孤獨 ,
There is a new generation of entrepreneurs who are dying of solitude.
Мне стоит поблагодарить Бога, за то, что спас мою задницу.
I should really thank God for saving my lucky ass.
Nežinau, ką turiu daryti. "" Nepastebimai stengiausi ją nufotografuoti.
I don't know, what should I do? "" And I was trying to take a picture of her quietly.
Điều này gợi ra rằng, thay vì khuyên mọi người hãy đặt kí tự đặc biệt và số và những thứ điên rồ vào mật khẩu, chúng ta tốt hơn chỉ khuyên họ là nên có mật khẩu dài.
So this suggests that, instead of telling people that they need to put all these symbols and numbers and crazy things into their passwords, we might be better off just telling people to have long passwords.
دعونا ننتقل إلى الحديقتين الوطنيتين كاهيناري وبوريه في الأمازون الكولومبي — هذه حدود البرازيل على اليمين — إنه موطن لمجموعات متعددة من القبائل المنعزلة والغير معروفة.
Moving down to these two national parks, Cahuinari and Puré in the Colombian Amazon — that's the Brazilian border to the right — it's home to several groups of isolated and uncontacted peoples.
Min bedstemor blev 101 år, så jeg har forhåbentlig 30-40 år tilbage.
I mean, I like to — you know, my grandmother lived to 101, so hopefully I've got another 30 or 40 years to go.
Đây là lý do.
Here's why.
Trao thêm quyền cho những người phụ nữ, hợp tác giáo dục, cấp học bổng cho các bé gái để các em có thể hoàn tất bậc trung cấp cơ sở, với sự hiểu biết rõ ràng rằng, trên khắp thế giới, khi giáo dục dành cho nữ giới được cải thiện, quy mô gia đình sẽ giảm.
Empowering women, working with education, providing scholarships for girls so they can finish secondary school, in the clear understanding that, all around the world, as women's education improves, family size drops.
Ta druhá věc, kterou potřebovali, byla rychlost.
But the other thing they needed was speed.
ثم لديك الأطفال الذين يتحدثون الإنجليزية كلغة ثانية ، أو أيا كان ما يدرّسون به ، لغة ثانية.
Then you have children for whom English is a second language, or whatever they're being taught in is a second language.
Çocukların onu asmalarını görüyorsunuz.
You'll see the kids, they're up there hanging it up.
Միգուցե իրականում ոչ ոք իսկապես գիժ չէ:
Maybe no one's really crazy.
Jake: Hei, băieți.
Jake: Hey guys.
Та все ж майже вся кукурудза, яку ми їмо змінена генетично в деякому роді.
Yet almost all the corn we eat has been altered genetically in some way.
Jotkut salaliitot ovat tosia.
Some conspiracies really are true.
כ-20 אחוזים מכל המתכנתים הלאומיים היו מעורבים בדבר הזה, וזה הוביל להרבה ממה שיש לנו היום. היה גם שימוש בשפופרות ואקום.
About 20 percent of all the nation's programmers were wrapped up in this thing, and it led to an awful lot of what we have today. It also used vacuum tubes.
Moje pitanje je: Ovo je izuzetan san - obuhvatiti i osnažiti milion žena - koliko trenutnog uspeha zavisi od tebe, od snage tvoje očaravajuće ličnosti?
So I guess one question: This is a spectacular dream to reach out and empower a million women — how much of the current success depends on you, the force of this magnetic personality?
So we could do that for telephones.
ชายคนหนึ ่ งตายหลังจากทํางานไม ่ หยุด 36 ชั ่ วโมง
One man died after working a 36-hour shift.
عندما نصل لهذه القطع الكبيرة حقاً — ما يزيد على 100 ، 000 زوج في الأساس — فانها لن تنمو أطول بسهولة في الإشريكية القولونية. إنها ترهق كل معدات البيولوجيا الحيوية الحديثة. ولذا فقد تحولنا إلى آليات أخرى.
When we get into these really large pieces over 100,000 base pairs, they won't any longer grow readily in E. coli — it exhausts all the modern tools of molecular biology — and so we turned to other mechanisms.
Sentiram o impacto?
Did it strike you?
هذا هو التغيير المناخي و قد كانت هذا الدراسة ممتعة حقاً لأنني قمت بوضع بطاقات القمر الصناعي على ظهور طيور البطريق الماجلانية هذه
This is climate change. Now this has really been a fun study because I put satellite tags on the back of these Magellanic penguins.
พ ่ อแม ่ ของเธอเกิดเป ็ นทาสในเวอร ์ จิเนียในคริสตทศวรรษ 1840
Her parents were born in slavery in Virginia in the 1840's.
Nós esperamos ter sete milhões até o final do próximo ano.
We hope to have seven million at the end of next year.
Телебачення? Ні.
Television? No.
매우 육중한 블랙홀 속으로 좀 가벼운 블랙홀이 떨어지는 것을 상상해보세요.
Imagine a lighter black hole falling into a very heavy black hole.
(Gelach) Tegelijk ben ik jullie wat uitleg verschuldigd over de beelden die jullie daarnet zagen.
(Laughter) At the same time, I probably owe you some explanation about the images that you just saw.
بنابراین اگر به انتقال انرژی به عنوان یک ماراتن نگاه کنیم ، سوال این جاست که چگونه به خط پایان می رسیم ، چگونه باقی اقتصاد را عاری از کربن می کنیم ؟
So if we think of the energy transition as a marathon, the question is, how do we get to the finish line, how do we decarbonize the rest of the economy?
Działa to również w przypadku węzłów chłonnych przerzutowych.
And this works for metastatic lymph nodes also.
A ta třetí myšlenka, že nikdy nebudeme muset být sami, je zásadní pro změny naší psychiky.
And that third idea, that we will never have to be alone, is central to changing our psyches.
Poremećaj kolapsa kolonija nije jedina stvar koja pogađa pčele. Pčele umiru, i danas nam to predstavlja ogroman, ogroman izazov.
And colony collapse disorder is not the only thing affecting honeybees. Honeybees are dying, and it's a huge, huge grand challenge of our time.
Ի համալրում այլ բաների, եթե դուք ցանկանում եք ցույց տալ, թե որքան հարուստ եք եւ հզոր, միշտ էլ նախընտրելի է ձեռք բերել բնօրինակը, քան կեղծիքը, քանի որ բնօրինակներն ավելի քիչ են, քան կեղծիքները:
Among other things, if you want to show off how rich you are, how powerful you are, it's always better to own an original than a forgery because there's always going to be fewer originals than forgeries.
Cet exercice était un témoignage fascinant du kaléidoscope qu'est la vie et, encore plus fascinant, que la grande majorité des nécrologies présentaient des personnes, célèbres ou non, ayant fait des choses extraordinaires.
The exercise was a fascinating testament to the kaleidoscope that is life, and even more fascinating was the fact that the overwhelming majority of obituaries featured people famous and non-famous, who did seemingly extraordinary things.
Когда я встретил его - это был добрый и приветливый пожилой человек.
And when I met him, he was a kind gentle old man.
Tôi nghĩ đây là một thử thách lớn cho mình
I think it will be quite a challenge for me.
But very few of us have learned how to go to the movies on Monday afternoon.
Ten eerste zijn we als het ware de slachtoffers van ons eigen succes.
The first is that in a way, we're the victims of our own success.
저는 국가 정보부가 저를 납치했음을 알았습니다.
I knew I was being kidnapped by state security.
Kjo është një gjë e arsyeshme po ashtu.
That's a perfectly rational thing.
Vi ser röstdarrningar, svagheter och stelhet.
We see vocal tremor, weakness and rigidity.
He estado diseñando puzzles desde hace 20 años.
For the last 20 years I've been designing puzzles.
例如: 在辛巴威 , 大約只有十幾個精神病醫生 , 其中大多在哈拉雷市 (Harare) 居住和執業 (行醫), 只剩下一兩個去服務住在農村的900 萬人的精神衛生保健需要
In Zimbabwe, for example, there were just about a dozen psychiatrists, most of whom lived and worked in Harare city, leaving only a couple to address the mental health care needs of nine million people living in the countryside.
Прежде всего, её обширная власть, так как она объединила разные функции в пределах одной организации.
Foremost, it was its enormous power, because it united different functions in one organization.
Daar kwamen ze in de problemen.
And that's when they ran into trouble.
Έφτιαξα το δικό μου στούντιο στην περιοχή με το κόκκινο φως και μανιωδώς τύλιξα τον εαυτό μου με σωλήνα υδραυλικών εγκαταστάσεων και βρήκα έναν τρόπο να καθορίσω εκ 'νέου το δέρμα και να δημιουργήσω ένα δυναμικό ύφασμα.
I set up my studio in the red-light district and obsessively wrapped myself in plumbing tubing, and found a way to redefine the skin and create this dynamic textile.
La scrittrice George Eliot ci avverte che, fra tutte le forme di errore, la profezia è la più gratuita.
The writer George Eliot cautioned us that, among all forms of mistake, prophesy is the most gratuitous.
Бяха изгубени. На планината цареше пълно объркване. Всички истории бяха объркващи. Повечето от тях си противоречаха.
They were lost. There was total confusion on the mountain; all the stories were confusing, most of them were conflicting.
Apa yang kami buat tidaklah unik.
What we've built isn't unique.
Očakával ma, Mohamed mu zavolal.
He'd been expecting me. Mohamed had phoned.
Peki bunları önleyebilmek için neler yapabiliriz?
So how do we prevent them?
E agora estamos neste novo modelo de liderança. Onde o caminho para a mudança não é usando dinheiro, ou poder para pressionar o sistema. Mas liderando.
And now we're in this new model of leadership, where the way we make change is not by using money or power to lever a system, but by leading.
І вони роблять те, що, на їхню думку, є найкращим.
And they're doing what they think is best.
Lembro, de estar em seu estúdio e às 2 da manhã, ele aparecia vindo de uma reunião com cliente.
I remember, like, we'd be in his studio, like, at 2 a.m., and then he'd show up from some client meeting.
Самым загадочным и непонятным для меня в вопросе о последней миле было то, что первые 999 миль основаны только на науке.
See what's really puzzling and frustrating about the last mile, to me, is that the first 999 miles are all about science.
Nessa época, li um livro de Frank Barnaby, um físico nuclear maravilhoso, e ele disse que a mídia tinha uma responsabilidade, que todos os setores da sociedade tinham uma responsabilidade de tentar fazer as coisas progredirem, avançarem.
And at that point, I read a book by Frank Barnaby, this wonderful nuclear physicist, and he said that media had a responsibility, that all sectors of society had a responsibility to try and progress things and move things forward.
لا الزوجة ولا الأولاد. حسناً ، يمكن للخادمة أن تأتي لتقوم بالتنظيف "" هي الآن في الأستوديو. فقد أتى بها إلى الأستوديو والآن هم سوية
Not the wife, not the kids. Okay, the maid can come in and clean. "" She's in the studio. He's got her in the studio, they're together.
Как мы знаем, будущее весьма непредсказуемо.
The future, as we know it, is very unpredictable.