58 values
伊莱克斯的高管们拿到了这些筹码 , 我们提供的刺激政策 , 然后他们走出了房间 , 17分钟后 , 他们回来了 , 然后说 : “哇哦 , 这是为了保住当地的工作岗位任何社区提出过的最慷慨的提议。
So the management of Electrolux took our pile, our list of incentives, and they went outside the room for 17 minutes, and they came back in and they said, "" Wow, this is the most generous any community has ever been to try to keep jobs here.
Tôi không thể dùng thuyết giản hóa, để làm mọi thứ nhỏ hơn, dễ nghiên cứu hơn trong phòng thí nghiệm, và phán rằng: "À, giờ thì tôi đã biết mọi chuyện." Coi vậy chứ không phải vậy.
I can't use the normal products of reductionism to get a smaller and smaller thing that I can study in a laboratory and say, "" Oh, now that's something I now understand. "" It's the whole or it's nothing.
et qui le devient de plus en plus quand nous voyons des animaux faire des choses que nous pensions, de manière arrogante, être une exclusivité de l'Homme.
It's getting wuzzier all the time as we find animals doing things that we, in our arrogance, used to think was just human.
Il y avait là une femme qui avait travaillé au Darfour, elle a vu des choses qu'aucun être humain ne devrait voir.
Here was a woman who had worked in Darfur, seeing things that no human being should see.
Các bạn sẽ thấy pha hành động, 3 chọi 3, hoàn toàn tự động.
You're going to see the action, three against three, completely autonomous.
في الواقع قد ذهب هذا الشخص الى الجامعة
The person went to university.
"" Laut den Kunstprüfer Dr. Albrecht Götz von Ohlenhusen wird die Verfahrensweise rechtlich geschützt welche die Kunst durch spezifisch aufgeräumte Regelmässigkeiten des allgemeinen Formenschatzes neue Wirkungen zu erzielen möglich wird. "" Tərcümə edərdim burda yazılanları, ancaq sizin üçün heç bir fərqi olmayacaq.
"" Laut den Kunstprüfer Dr. Albrecht Götz von Ohlenhusen wird die Verfahrensweise rechtlich geschützt welche die Kunst durch spezifisch aufgeräumte Regelmässigkeiten des allgemeinen Formenschatzes neue Wirkungen zu erzielen möglich wird. "" Ja, well I could have translated that, but you would have been none the wiser.
Как Талибан набирает себе людей из вашей долины?
How do the Taliban in your area get people to join them?
Na osnovu ove ilustracije, svi mi koji radimo u ovoj oblasti smo se uverili da mozak pravi precizna predviđanja koja oduzima od onoga što se oseti.
And based on this illustration, we really convinced ourselves in the field that the brain's making precise predictions and subtracting them off from the sensations.
Het zit verstopt onder 52.000 stoelen.
It's tucked away under 52,000 seats.
세계적으로 이산화탄소가 어느 분야에서 배출되는지 보면, 52% 가 건물과 관련되어 있습니다.
And when you look at the worldwide sources of CO2, 52 percent are tied to buildings.
When the rescue workers came, they resuscitated him and there was no brain damage.
Dhe kështu që Crick dhe unë, filluam të ndërtonim modele, dhe kisha mësuar pak kimi, por jo aq sa duhej.
And so Crick and I, you know, started building models, and I'd learned a little chemistry, but not enough.
Ils pouvaient s ’ acheter des moustiquaires,
They might be able to buy mosquito nets.
ומסתבר שבכל מקום בעולם, נשים זקוקות ליותר בטחון עצמי, כי העולם אומר לנו שאנו לא שוות לגברים.
And it turns out, everywhere in the world, women need more self-confidence, because the world tells us we're not equal to men.
În SUA, 35% dintre antreprenorii studiați aveau dislexie.
In the US, 35 percent of the entrepreneurs studied had dyslexia.
Sizi uyarmam lazım, bazılarınız bunları sakıncalı bulabilir.
And I have to warn you, some of you might find them quite explicit.
למרות שהמחלות הללו תוקפות נשים באופן לא פרופורציונלי, הן לא מחלות נשים.
Even though these diseases disproportionately affect women, they are not women's diseases.
P: nu sunt media, la naiba!
SP: I'm not the media, dammit!
Você nasce com uma essência, e você é isso até morrer, se você acredita em vida após a morte, talvez você continue.
You're born with an essence, that's what you are until you die, if you believe in an afterlife, maybe you continue.
أنت تصبح بلادك. أنت تصبح ديانتك
You become your nation. You become your religion.
Estes animais não receberam o memorando.
These animals did not get the memo.
ושני הדברים הללו ביחד — המוטיבציה העתיקה של האדם והכלים המודרניים המאפשרים למוטיבציה זו להתאחד לכדי מאמצים בקנה-מידה רחב — הם המשאב החדש המעצב.
And it's those two things together — ancient human motivation and the modern tools to allow that motivation to be joined up in large-scale efforts — that are the new design resource.
Мы ехали с друзьями по неосвещённой дороге ночью, когда нас остановила полицейская машина.
We were driving with friends down a dark road at night, when a police car stopped us.
Hier ist also, wie das mit Batterie und Glühbirne funktioniert.
Now, here's how you do the battery and the bulb.
Felkészítik önmagukat a méh túloldalán található világgal való találkozásra.
They're preparing themselves for the kind of world they will encounter on the other side of the womb.
Dakle tu su Tom, Dik i Heri koji rade na gradilištu.
So there's Tom, Dick and Harry and they're working construction.
Они были на пути домой, когда сотрудник полиции остановил их машину.
They were on their way home, and they were pulled over by a police officer.
We can't wait that long.
فذهبت للقاء أحد زعماء الدوزو. و أخبرني عن قواه السحرية.
I went to see a Dozo chief; he told me about his magical powers.
Wir alle brauchen einen Coach.
Everyone needs a coach.
Một lần nữa, tôi xin được nói là tôi đến từ một nơi khác.
First of all, I have to say I'm not from around here.
Это даёт нам шанс рассмотреть возможность замены некоторых из этих тюрем игровыми площадками и парками, рассмотреть возможность преобразования наших районов в [нормальные] районы, и позволить появиться новой стратегии, новому набору методов, новым работникам; наука, таким образом, заменит моральные принципы.
It gives us an opportunity to consider the possibility of replacing some of these prisons with playgrounds or parks, and to consider the possibility of converting our neighborhoods into neighborhoods, and to allow there to be a new strategy, a new set of methods, a new set of workers: science, in a way, replacing morality.
We hebben ook onze minder gepolijste kanten. Grappig, mijn vader had gelijk.
We have our edgier sides, too.
总而言之 , 这个算术问题不会消失 ,
And, ultimately, the arithmetic problem isn't going to go away.
Ինչպես այնտեղ փակցված ցուցանակն էր ասում. < > Նրանք ապրելու ուրիշ տարբերակներ չէին ճանաչում, քան այն, որ հետեւեն իրենց երազանքներին:
As the sign said back there, "" without limitations. "" They knew no other way to live than to follow their dreams.
Hy vọng và những ước mơ, những gì ta muốn hoàn thành, đều khác biệt, và con đường ta đi cũng sẽ khác. tất cả đều là những câu chuyện.
All of our hopes and dreams, what we want to accomplish, is different, and our paths will be different, they are all stories.
ואם לסכם בקצרה בכמה נתונים שמראים שזה אפשרי:
So to just quickly conclude with some brief data that suggests this might be so.
Dinosaurët patën një ditë vërtet të keqe.
The dinosaurs had a really bad day.
Mi smo sada najveći faktor uticaja na našoj Zemlji.
We are now the major agent of impact on our Earth.
אז ב 2013, היה לנו את הנסיון הראשון שמכונית נהיגה עצמית בו נתנו לאנשים רגילים להשתמש בה.
So back in 2013, we had the first test of a self-driving car where we let regular people use it.
Kita bukan yang pertama yang harus melindungi diri dari beberapa bakteri.
We're not the first ones to have to protect ourselves from some bacteria.
Ho ancora due minuti.
I still have two minutes.
သူတို ့ ရဲ ့ ဦးနှောက ် ကို ထိန ် းနိုင ် ရင ် နာကျင ် မှုကို ထိန ် းနိုင ် ပါတယ ် ။
When they control their brain, they can control their pain.
"" Geweldig "", zei ik. En legde de telefoon neer.
"" Great, "" I said. Got off the phone.
Ce sont tous des problèmes qui ont tendance à être plus fréquents au bas de la pente sociale.
They're all problems that tend to be more common at the bottom of the social gradient.
از مسکو ۱۳ ساعت پرواز است.
It's 13 hours' flight from Moscow.
And we can actually use that strategy to now understand and to identify those genes causing autism in those individuals.
얼음으로 된 자갈이 보입니다. 그렇죠?
These are probably water ice pebbles, yes?
Mas importante, a Cargil e mais outra empresa fornecem 50 por cento do óleo de palma que vai para a China.
More importantly, Cargill and one other company ship 50 percent of the palm oil that goes to China.
Přihlížející Bonica asistenta odstrčil a vyčištěním dýchacích cest zachránil život své ženě i nenarozené dceři.
Bonica, who was watching all this, pushed the intern out of the way, cleared her airway, and saved his wife and his unborn daughter.
Valójában ez az érzés késztetett arra, hogy pályát módosítsak, s lettem szoftvermérnökből tudományos író. Így a tudomány örömeiből is kiveszem a részem, és annak közvetítéséből is.
That feeling was the trigger for me to actually change my career — from being a software engineer to become a science writer — so that I could partake in the joy of science, and also the joy of communicating it to others.
Et les revenus de la télévision, du satellite et du câble sont en hausse.
And TV, satellite and cable revenues are way up.
The Indus script also exhibits similar kinds of patterns.
Hala duruyorlar.
And she still actually has those.
Sendo que eu acredito ter vindo de uma realidade não-humorística, você sabe, com intenções sérias. E de repente meu trabalho se torna engraçado.
I suppose I come from a sort of non-humorous background with serious intent, and then suddenly my work is funny.
İnternet bir isim değil. O bir fiil.
It's not a noun. It's a verb.
Zrobię tu krótką przebitkę.
I'm going to segue a little here.
Les dije que quería contarles la historia « alucinante » quería compartir con Uds las tres A de « alucinante » y quería dejarles un pensamiento final.
I said I wanted to tell you the Awesome story, I wanted to share with you the three As of Awesome, and I wanted to leave you with a closing thought.
Pe de altă parte, natura lucrează într-un mod diferit.
Nature, on the other hand, works in a totally opposite way.
Az életem minden területét mások uralták.
Other people controlled every aspect of my life.
J'ai appris que New York fut la première ville géante, une ville de plus de 10 millions de personnes en 1950.
I read that New York City was the first mega-city, a city of 10 million people or more, in 1950.
و دیگر هیچ نشانه ای وجود ندارد که ما را از زیاده روی در استفاده از انرژی باز دارد.
So there's no more signal for us to tell us to stop.
تريدون فقط التشبث بها
You just want to cling onto this.
Sonra o kısmı kapattım.
And I shut that part down.
لذلك ، مهما كانت درجة الشذوذ التي تتّسم بها هذه المواضيع ، فإنّها جميعا تُظهر الشيء ذاته.
So, no matter how atypical these subjects would have to be, they all show the same thing.
Když stoupáme po schodišti, vlastní zájmy mizí, stáváme se mnohem méně zištnými, a máme pocit, že jsme lepší, vznešenější a jakoby povzneseni.
When we climb that staircase, self-interest fades away, we become just much less self-interested, and we feel as though we are better, nobler and somehow uplifted.
Maar de gevolgen van 3D-printen gaan veel verder dan het topje van onze neuzen.
But the implications of 3D printing go well beyond the tips of our noses.
This sign is the most frequently-occurring sign in the Indus script, and it's only in this text that it occurs as a doubling pair.
Mas a forênsica do pólen pode ser bem sutil.
But pollen forensics can be very subtle.
And so we've been very lucky to have a chance to work.
Recentemente, nell'ultimo decennio, abbiamo cominciato a vedere in queste comunità un inizio, sebbene esitante, della ricerca di un accordo.
More recently, in the last decade, we begin to see these communities start, hesitatingly, to come together.
We've talked about mobility and the rest of it, let's talk about health.
Jednym z problemów z tym związanych jest fakt, że na ludziach, kiedy badasz tą sferę, zupełnie nie można polegać, kiedy przychodzi do opowiedzenia, skąd pochodzą ich świetne pomysły, albo jaka jest historia tych pomysłów.
And one of the problems with this is that people are actually — when you research this field — people are notoriously unreliable, when they actually kind of self-report on where they have their own good ideas, or their history of their best ideas.
בשנת 2000, זה היה העצם הנייד הגדול ביותר על פני כדור הארץ.
In 2000, this was the largest moving object on the planet.
Dlaczego nasza demokracja nie działa?
And why is our democracy not working?
Sólo en 50 años — eso es una centésima de una millonésima parte de la edad de la Tierra — la cantidad de dióxido de carbono en la atmósfera empezó a aumentar, y ominósamente rápido.
Within just 50 years — that's one hundredth of one millionth of the Earth's age — the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere started to rise, and ominously fast.
Así que los jóvenes tienen mucha experiencia y confianza interactuando con las nuevas tecnologías, pero muchos menos crean y se expresan con ellas.
So young people today have lots of experience and lots of familiarity with interacting with new technologies, but a lot less so of creating with new technologies and expressing themselves with new technologies.
Mari kita melihat pada neuron,
Let's look at neurons.
Zkouška ohněm mé firmy.
It's my company's trials by fire.
אנחנו יודעים ששימפנזים וכמה יצורים אחרים יכולים לזהות את עצמם במראה — עצמם בניגוד לאחר. יש להם חוש הומור, ואלה הדברים שבאופן מסורתי נחשבו ליתרון האדם.
We know that chimpanzees and some other creatures can recognize themselves in mirrors — "" self "" as opposed to "" other. "" They have a sense of humor, and these are the kind of things which traditionally have been thought of as human prerogatives.
Cei care deţin magazinele angajează mai mulţi oameni.
The shopkeepers are hiring more people.
Jest to jedna z cech definiujących czym jest sieć.
That's one of the things that defines what a network is.
Це все - природні людські імпульси, але, завдяки технологіям, щоб задовольнити ці імпульси, потрібно лише натиснути клавішу.
These are all natural human impulses, but because of technology, acting on these impulses is only one click away.
И удушитель, не смущаясь, отвечает: "" О, нет. Если б я переживал, я бы не смог этого сделать.
And the strangler says very matter-of-factly, "" Oh no. If I'd felt the distress, I could not have done it.
Hindistanda mən doğulduğum 50-ci illər, ümumilikdə 50-60-cı illər qadınlara məxsus illər deyildi.
Many years ago, when I was born in the '50s —' 50s and '60s didn't belong to girls in India.
ตอนนั ้ นฉันไม ่ รู ้ เลยว ่ าชายคนนี ้ จะเปลี ่ ยนชีวิตฉัน
And I had no idea that this man was going to change my life.
Há uma bonita história que eu li numa revista futurista há muitos, muitos anos.
There's a lovely story that I read in a futurist magazine many, many years ago.
Jak sobie z tym poradziliście?
How have you managed it?
Každý list začal: „Môj najdrahší, miláčik pán prezident,“ a napísal mu niečo úžasné o tom, čo urobil.
Every letter started, "My dearest, darling Mr. President," and he'd tell him something wonderful about what he did.
اول اینکه ، بچه ها دروغ گفتن رو بعد از وارد شدن به مدرسه ابتدایی ، یاد می گیرن.
One, children only come to tell lies after entering elementary school.
Bây giờ, tại sao tôi thực sự biết ơn TED?
Now why was I so grateful to TED?
To je tá smutná časť.
And that's the sad part.
Gaur egungo liberal indibidualista bati esango bagenio, "Aizu, sermoi bat entzun nahi duzu?"
If you said to a modern liberal individualist, "Hey, how about a sermon?"
Savaş zamanında büyük teknolojik ilerleme oluyor. Ve bu sırada dünyada yokluk oluyor - İkinci Dünya Savaşında çelik bulunmuyordu, alüminyum yoktu.
In moments of war there's great technological innovation, and in the world you have to do without — well, during the Second World War, you had to do without steel, you had to do without aluminum.
A následně nás to začali učit i v kontextu inovace a ekonomiky.
And then they began to teach us in the context of innovation, economics.
산으로 피부를 지져버렸어. "" 으아아아아! "" 그는 바닥에 쓰러졌고 그 앞에 난 섰지. 내가 총을 집어들었어. 난 총이 싫어. 잡기조차도 싫지. 난 배트맨이니까.
Skin meets acid: "" Ahhhhhhh! "" And he's on the floor and I'm standing over him and I got the gun in my hands now and I hate guns, I hate holding 'em' cause I'm Batman.
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