58 values
Thank you.
Existe apenas uma, e essa é os Estados Unidos — felizmente, felizmente.
There is only one, and that's the United States — fortunately, fortunately.
Jadi dengan sendirinya, ini banyak menceritakan bagaimana orang berperilaku.
So by itself, I think this tells a lot about how people behave.
"" Sprawujesz się gorzej. "" Niezadowolenie.
"" You're doing worse. "" Frown.
Es gibt hier eine Gelegenheit, und sie ist real.
There's an opportunity here, and it's real.
Otázka, kterou jsme si položili, je jak můžou vůbec něco dělat?
The question we had is how could they do anything at all?
Así que la industria está creciendo ya alrededor de estas nuevas urbanizaciones.
So the industry's already growing around these new developments.
Ласкаво прошу до світу шоу.
Welcome to the performance world.
E parte deles são a ideia de criar meios — meios como a escultura, algo que mantenha a escultura arejada e em constante mudança, ao simplesmente criar os meios de que a escultura é feita.
And some of it is just the idea of creating media — media as a sculpture, something that would keep the sculpture fresh and ever-changing, by just creating the media that the sculpture is made of.
ja se on fysiikka. Perustavanlaatuinen päättely.
It is physics. You know, the sort of first principles reasoning.
E por volta daquela época, na década de 80, em que nós vimos o número de mortes por doenças cardíacas subirem, subirem, subirem, subirem, subirem, ela escreveu um editorial no Jornal de Medicina de New England e descreveu, a síndrome de Yentl.
And right around that time, in the 1980's, that we saw women and heart disease deaths going up, up, up, up, up, she wrote an editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine and said, the Yentl syndrome.
Politici se také musí naučit občas přiznat, že některé věci, které voliči chtějí, určité věci, které byly voličům slíbeny, mohou být věcmi, které neumíme splnit, nebo třeba máme pocit, že bychom je plnit neměli.
Politicians also need to learn, occasionally, to say that certain things that voters want, certain things that voters have been promised, may be things that we cannot deliver or perhaps that we feel we should not deliver.
และจากนั ้ น อีกฝั ่ งหนึ ่ งของห ้ อง นักออกแบบก ็ กําลังทําการเปลี ่ ยนแปลงนิดๆหน ่ อยๆ ร ่ างภาพ วาดรูปด ้ วยมือ นํามันขึ ้ นไปในคอมพิวเตอร ์
And then, on the other side of the room, the designers are making small adjustments, sketching, drawing by hand, putting it in the computer.
E a forma da mesa é importante, e como ela é interativa ao toque, bem da maneira que se faz dissecação no laboratório, ou além disso da maneira que o cirurgião opera um paciente você pode literalmente interagir com a mesa.
And the table form is important, and since it's touch-interactive, just like the way they do dissections in the lab, or furthermore just the way a surgeon operates on a patient you can literally interact with your table.
Fiecare etapă de viaţă e complet diferită de cea precedentă, au fiziologii diferite.
And each of those life stages not only looks totally different from each other, they have totally different physiology.
先ほど申し上げた 2つ目のポイントにありますとりわけ民主主義においてルールは皆のためにあると考えています
HK: Yeah, I did so because of the second point I mentioned, that I think especially in a democracy, the rules are for everybody.
Ukoliko želite da to iskustvo i dalje živi kao nešto povijesno, onda ću vas stimulirati da noćas na prijemu učinite nešto više nego što to ljudi normalno čine, i nazivaju sklapanje poznanstava.
If you want this experience to live on as something historic, then at the reception tonight I'd like to encourage you to do something beyond what people normally do and call networking.
Szerencsés háttérből jövök: szerető családban, tehetséges művészek közt nőttem fel a világ egyik csodálatos városában.
As background, I was fortunate enough to grow up in a family of loving and talented artists in one of the world's great cities.
Donc, "" La merveilleuse famille de ma mère a aussi fuit la Russie,
So, "" My beautiful mother's family fled Russia as well.
Ele pode, de forma inovadora, realmente mudar de tonalidade sem o risco de grandes dissonâncias.
He can, very innovatively, actually change keys without risking huge dissonances.
To ironiczne, ponieważ znajdujemy się w Banku Centralnym.
And it's ironic, because we're standing today in the Central Bank.
Vestea proastă e că cele mai multe din ele nu funcționează.
The bad news is that most of them don't work.
No se podía decir qué parte pertenecía a qué cuerpo.
You couldn't tell which part belonged to which body.
Ve o benim için elle tutulamayanı ifade eden ve sesi olmayan insan ve hikayelere ses veren bir araç.
And it is, for me, a language which expressed the intangible, and gives voice to people and stories without.
Tai atostogų miestelis.
It's a vacation community.
The blue area here is where we know it must be.
(خنده تماشاگران) سه تا خانم با همدیگر ، مواظب باشید ، بی وفایی.
(Laughter) Three women together, be careful, it's adultery.
Nem a saját akaratukból keresik a társaságot, hanem mert irányítás alatt állnak.
They aren't sociable through their own volition, but because they are being controlled.
我们所到之处 , 我们为当地业余喜剧爱好者举办试演会 ,
So everywhere we went, we auditioned amateurs.
Եթե ցանկանում եք հարցնել. Այդ ինչպե ՞ ս: Ինչու ՞: Ի ՞ նչպես նրանց մոտ հաջողվեց:
So the question you want to ask is: How come? Why? What is it about them?
AV: Ik ben blij dat Rufus dit ter sprake brengt, want je kan zien waar zijn dip zit. Het eerste jaar is waar ik volgens mij het meeste werk deed.
AV: Well, I'm glad Rufus is bringing this up, because you can notice where he dips in the first years where I think I was doing most of the work.
Напрыклад, назавіце вашага лепшага сябра, або ваш любімы від адпачынку ці хобі, якая музыка вам падабаецца?
For example, name your best friend, your favorite kind of vacation, what's your favorite hobby, what's your favorite kind of music.
첫째, 전 19세에 하버드를 졸업했고 수학 우등 학사 학위를 받았습니다.
One: I graduated from Harvard at 19 with an honors degree in mathematics.
During Reconstruction, when new African-American voters, new African-American citizens, began to exercise their power, they celebrated in jubilee parades that connected emancipation with their newfound right to vote.
Nije čudo da je mjesec u prozoru naizgled isplovio iz ljubavne pjesme koju si znao na pamet.
No wonder the moon in the window seems to have drifted out of a love poem that you used to know by heart.
اگر برق هم نداشتید ، مشکلی نیست.
If you don't have electricity, no problem!
این دماهای بالا روی حیوانات اثر گذاشته اند ، گیاهان ، مردم ، زیست بوم.
These higher temperatures are having an effect on animals, plants, people, ecosystems.
ยังมีอีกเรื ่ องหนึ ่ งที ่ สําคัญ
There's a second piece of this that's important.
Die Psychologen fragten andere Bürger eine leicht veränderte Frage.
The psychologists asked other people a slightly different question.
저는 이를 정당화 시켰습니다. "" 모든 혁명에는 대가가 있는 거야. ""
I justified it, and I said, "" This is the cost of revolution.
مايك ماتاس: شكرا لك. (كريس أندرسون: حظا سعيدا.) (تصفيق)
MM: Thank you. (CA: Good luck.) (Applause)
Dus dacht ik, dan alleen piazza 's ik duik erin en eronder, laat zien hoe ze groeien en waarom ze er zo uitzien.
So I thought, well, I'll just do piazzas, and I'll get inside and underneath and I'll show these things growing and show why they're shaped the way they are and so on.
לפתע, ב11 בספטמבר העולם נהיה גדול יותר.
Suddenly on September 11th, the world got bigger.
و در حالیکه می تواند ابزاری سودمند باشد ، در خدمت بی اعتبار کردن عواطف زنان است.
And while this can be a useful tool, it serves to invalidate women's emotions.
彼らは言いました「おおいにやれ !
They said, "" Knock yourself out, kid!
ich freue mich auf die Gespräche mit Ihnen allen!
I look forward to talking with all of you.
بلغت المدة الزمنية لهبوطي أربع دقائق و27 ثانية.
It was a four-minute and 27-second descent.
Sus nombres se han vuelto familiares: James Foley, Steven Sotloff, David Haines, Alan Henning, Peter Kassig, Haruna Yukawa, Kenji Goto Jogo.
Their names have become familiar: James Foley, Steven Sotloff, David Haines, Alan Henning, Peter Kassig, Haruna Yukawa, Kenji Goto Jogo.
Ten zuiden van de Intiwatana vind je een altaar.
If you come to the south of the intiwatana, you find an altar.
Ми просто склали щось докупи, щоб пережити цю зустріч.
We basically put something together to get through the meeting.
Bạn sẽ hỏi, tại sao tôi đề cập đến việc thu nhận một bé gái vào trường học?
You will be asking, then, why should I mention about the admission of a girl in a school?
如果呢部火車係不需要停靠呢 ?
What if in this train you didn't have to stop?
Mijn kinderen zagen de film. Achteraf kwamen ze bij me en vroegen: "" Pap, dat personage — dat is Jill, hè? "" Ik zei: "" Ja zeker, dat was ze. "" "" En die andere persoon, is dat... "" Ik zei: "" Ja "".
My kids saw the movie, and afterwards they came to me and they said, "" So, Dad, so — so — that character — that's Jill, right? "" I said, "" Oh, yeah, yeah — absolutely. "" "And that other person, that's someone —" I said, "Yes."
Трябва да учим неща и да бъдем по-толерантни и да бъдем по-умни, и да учим по-бързо, и да бъдем по-изобретателни, вероятно, тогава ще сме типично в нашите истински животи.
We must learn things and, you know, be more tolerant, and be smarter and learn faster and be more creative, perhaps, than we are typically in our real lives.
"" Pickpocket "" started a debate about criminality disenfranchisement.
كيف يمكننا حل هذه المشاكل الثلاث التي أود ذكرها
How do we solve these three problems that I'd like to mention?
Si están a medio kilómetro de donde esta bomba estalló, tienen un 90% de probabilidades de no contarlo.
And if you're in the half-mile radius of where this bomb went off, you have a 90 percent chance of not making it.
To tak jakby Twoje własne oczy wytężały się aby się sobie przyjrzeć.
And it's like your eyes start straining to see themselves.
vol van paniek en angst. Het geluid van huilende en jammerende vrouwen in de woestijn.
It's full of panic and fear, and I'd heard the women wailing and crying in the desert.
И в средата на записа, микрофони хващат това, но по-късно в записа, това хлапе се появява, и започва да използва линия в горната част на парка за да направи някои много напреднали трикове на нещо наречено високата релса.
And in the middle of the recording, the mics pick this up, but later in the recording, this kid shows up, and he starts using a line at the top of the park to do some very advanced tricks on something called the tall rail.
Pădurea sclipea.
The forest was sparkling.
Po raz pierwszy publicznie.
This is your first time playing my game. Okay.
A posledním činitelem je to, že jsme propojeni s mnohem více lidmi na planetě než kdy dřív – snad kromě toho, když vedle někoho sedíte.
And last is that we're more connected now to more people on the planet than ever before — except for if you're sitting next to someone.
70ականների սկզբում դպրոցում էի ։
The early '70s, I was in college.
Have sex.
Nie będę się tu rozwodził, ale powodem dodania funkcji sieci kratowej, jest chęć, by dzieci w odizolowanych, najbiedniejszych regionach nie tylko dostały laptopy, ale miały ze sobą łączność.
The mesh network, the reason I — and I won't go into it in great detail — but when we deliver laptops to kids in the remotest and poorest parts of the world, they're connected. There's not just laptops.
( 音乐 ) 博诺 : 这些漫画英雄
(Music) Bono: They're mythologies.
Dacă acest câmp Higgs ar fi mai intens, am vedea atomi micșorându-se, neutroni descompunându-se în interiorul nucleilor atomici, nuclee dezintegrându-se, și hidrogenul ar fi singurul element chimic posibil din univers.
If the Higgs field were only a few times more intense, we would see atoms shrinking, neutrons decaying inside atomic nuclei, nuclei disintegrating, and hydrogen would be the only possible chemical element in the universe.
आखिर में, अभी, हमने खुदाई की जगह ढूँढ निकाला जहा स ् थानीय शिकारी को स ् पिनोसॉरस की बहुत सी हड ् डिया मिली थी |
Finally, very recently, we were able to track down a dig site where a local fossil hunter found several bones of Spinosaurus.
Charile Ledbetter, ontem, na minha opinião, falou muito bem sobre essa necessidade de inserir os consumidores, inserir as pessoas no processo de criação.
Charlie Ledbetter, yesterday, I thought, talked very articulately about this need to bring consumers, to bring people into the process of creating things.
E la questione su di lui è che entrò in questa caotica e selvaggia industria petrolifera, e la razionalizzò in un'azienda verticalmente integrata, una multinazionale.
And the thing about John D. is that he went into this chaotic wild-east of oil industry, and he rationalized it into a vertically integrated company, a multinational.
Сериозно - дајте му аплауз на ова, навистина е одлично.
Seriously — give that one a hand, it's pretty great.
Πρέπει να προέρχεται από τον πάτο του ωκεανού.
It must come from the ocean floor.
Chcemy być pierwszy, dla geeków, którzy docenią, że uchwyciliśmy moment narodzin nowej technologii.
We want to be the first to do it, for the geeks who appreciate that, we'll catch it right there at the technology-trigger.
Но в действительности, каждое измерение, которое он делает, очень ценно, потому что оно дает нам знания об отношениях звезд и планет и звездном свете, который дает базу для формирования жизни во Вселенной.
But really, every measurement it makes is precious, because it's teaching us about the relationship between stars and planets, and how it's really the starlight that sets the stage for the formation of life in the universe.
Dan saya tidak merasa hal ini berbeda dari gambar tangan kanan di sana yang akan saya gunakan untuk mengklik "" tangan, "" kita mengunjungi laman "" tangan, "" di mana saya menemukan hal sepele yang paling menyenangkan dan mungkin memalukan yaitu hal ini: Bagian belakang tangan secara resmi disebut opisthenar.
And I really don't think it's that different form our own little dominant hand avatar right there that I'm going to use now to click on the term for "" hand, "" go to the page for "" hand, "" where I found the most fun and possibly embarrassing bit of trivia I've found in a long time. It's simply this: The back of the hand is formally called the opisthenar.
На потолке я разместил зеркало, добавил тумана, дыма.
I also put a mirror in the ceiling, and some fog, some haze.
These things are faint.
I dzieci i gliniarze kochają sport.
Both cops and kids said they love sports.
Nous devons donc revoir la conception de ces choses-là si nous voulons vraiment répondre aux graves défis environnementaux.
So we need to design things like this far better if we're going to start addressing serious environmental problems.
但我们并不十分清楚这些是如何发生的 , 为什么发生。
But we don't really know how and why that happens.
Συγκεκριμένα, η αρετή που χρειαζόμαστε πάνω απ 'όλα είναι η αρετή που ο Αριστοτέλης ονόμασε πρακτική σοφία.
And in particular, the virtue that we need most of all is the virtue that Aristotle called "practical wisdom."
Et ensemble nous avons traversé la tempête financière en Islande sans pertes directes sur nos capitaux ou sur les fonds de nos clients.
And together we got through the eye of the financial storm in Iceland without taking any direct losses to our equity or to the funds of our clients.
Have a listen.
세부적인 항목으로 들어가면, 우리는 모든 것을 고려합니다.
When it comes down to the details, we consider everything.
Ăsta e de obicei un semn pentru băiat.
That's usually a sign to the boy.
Pytagoras objavil, že sme sa mýlili.
Pythagorus discovered that we were wrong.
La différence entre le vrai et le faux semble floue pour eux parfois.
The difference between truth and lies seemed at times hazy to them.
И ето още един пример на паразитна манипулация.
And here is another example of a parasitic manipulation.
Video: Panbanisha is communicating to Dr. Sue where she wants to go.
כעדות למסע שלהם הם השאירו מאחוריהם מסתוריים תחריטים וציורים, כמו לוח זה של אנשים, משולשים וזיגזגים מאוחו גוארנה בספרד.
As witness to their passage, they left behind mysterious engravings and paintings, like this panel of humans, triangles and zigzags from Ojo Guareña in Spain.
W Afganistanie, szukaliśmy nowych dróg - dostępu do negocjatorów.
And in Afghanistan, we're trying new approaches — access negotiators.
და ეჭვგარეშეა, რომ სწრაფი დაწევა გარდაუვალია.
And there is no doubt that fast catch up can take place.
Doe dat niet.
Do not do that.
Nėra beveik jokios informacijos kaip jas naudoti, kaip ir informacijos apie tai, kaip jos gaminamos.
There's barely any information available on how to use them, and very little is said about how they are produced.
بازکار به افراد امکان میدهد که اتومبیل شخصی شان را به دوستان و همسایه ها کرایه بدهند.
Buzzcar lets people rent out their own cars to their friends and neighbors.
Spýtal som sa, "" Kde ste boli 11.septembra? "" Jeden mladý Ranger vzadu — strapatý, červená tvár, ošľahaný vetrom z bojov v studenom afgánskom vetre — povedal: "" Pane, bol som v šiestej triede. "" A pripomenul mi, že operujeme s vojskom, ktoré musí mať zdieľaný zmysel a zdieľané vedomie, a predsa on má rozdielne skúsenosti, vo veľa prípadoch rozdielny slovník, úplne odlišný súbor zručností v digitálnych médiách, ako ja a mnoho iných starších veliteľov.
I asked, "" Where were you on 9 / 11? "" And one young Ranger in the back — his hair's tousled and his face is red and windblown from being in combat in the cold Afghan wind — he said, "" Sir, I was in the sixth grade. "" And it reminded me that we're operating a force that must have shared purpose and shared consciousness, and yet he has different experiences, in many cases a different vocabulary, a completely different skill set in terms of digital media than I do and many of the other senior leaders.
("" Što čini dobrog rukovoditelja 21. stoljeća? "") U svijetu 21. stoljeća, koji je globalan, digitaliziran i transparentan, s velikom brzinom protoka informacija i inovacijama, gdje se ništa značajno ne može završiti bez neke vrste složene matrice, oslanjanje na tradicionalne prakse razvoja onemogućit će vaš rukovoditeljski napredak.
("" What makes a great leader in the 21st century? "") In a 21st-century world, which is more global, digitally enabled and transparent, with faster speeds of information flow and innovation, and where nothing big gets done without some kind of a complex matrix, relying on traditional development practices will stunt your growth as a leader.
และศักยภาพนั ้ น ศักยภาพที ่ ทรงพลัง คือ ศักยภาพของเรา ของคุณและของผม
And that potential, that powerful potential, is also our potential, of you and me.
이 기구는 아이들이 커다란 고성능 모니터 앞에 앉아 광대역 인터넷을 사용할 수 있도록 설계되었습니다. 단 여러 명이 사용해야 합니다.
The furniture is designed so that children can sit in front of big, powerful screens, big broadband connections, but in groups.