58 values
और मैं फ़िर से देश-निकाले का जीवन जीने पर मजबूर कर दी गयी ।
And I fell into a life in exile.
Судија Форер је морала да поштује закон.
Judge Forer had to follow the law.
Я думаю, що ми можемо змінити процес керування машиною, надавши нашим автівкам можливість розмовляти одна з одною.
I think we can transform the driving experience by letting our cars talk to each other.
"وه بڕیاریدا كه كه سه نزیكه به رزه كانی نه مێنن"
"And decided his top people had to be extinctified."
所以我可能根本無法找到控制電池的代碼 , 但有很多東西都是非常相似的。
So I might not be able to find the code that controls the battery, but there's a lot of things that are very similar to that.
Našťastie, vraví sa — ja si stále nie som istý — ale našťastie, vraví sa, že keď dosiahnete tento stav — lebo niektorí ľudia v budhistickej literatúre vravia: Ach, kto by už len chcel byť súcitný?
Luckily, they say — I still am not sure — but luckily, they say that when you reach that point because some people have said in the Buddhist literature, they say, "" Oh who would really want to be compassionate?
მაგრამ მიუხედავად ამისა, ძილი შესანიშნავი იყო.
But anyway, we had a great night's sleep.
为什么呢 ? 因为万神殿被固定为了被设计出的有形物体 , 是那些人们单是通过观看和体验就能受到启发的东西 , 并且会这样无期限地延续下去。
Why? Because Pantheons are anchored in designed physical objects, ones that inspire by simply seeing and experiencing them, and will continue to do so indefinitely.
Na ekranu imamo reprezentativni uzorak od 100 Amerikanaca.
We have on the screen a representative sample of 100 Americans.
לכולנו יש נרטיב פנימי שהוא הסיפור הפנימי שלנו.
We all have an internal narrative that's our own inner story.
အဲဒါဟာ ကျွန ် တော ် တို ့ ရဲ ့ ရှေ ့ တန ် းမျက ် နှာစာကို ချဲ ့ ထွင ် မှုပါ ။
It's about changing our frontiers.
Gen je poškozen.
It damaged the gene.
În loc de asta, ne-am gândit că este... este nevoie să se inventeze ceva nou.
Instead of all of that we thought there is — something new needs to be invented.
Отстраняясь от своих коллег.
Disengaging their colleagues.
我們看下一位指揮家 , 李察 · 史特勞斯
Let's look at the next conductor, Richard Strauss.
Assim o governo de Bermuda reconheceu a necessidade e sua responsabilidade tendo uma parte do Mar de Sargaços dentro da sua jurisdição nacional — apesar da maioria estar fora dela — de ajudar a liderar um movimento para conseguir proteção para essa área vital.
Thus, the government of Bermuda has recognized the need and its responsibility as having some of the Sargasso Sea within its national jurisdiction — but the vast majority is beyond — to help spearhead a movement to achieve protection for this vital area.
ئێمە لێرەدا هیچ لە خانەکان ناکەین
We're not doing anything to the cells here.
Parlons concrètement.
Let's make it concrete.
Non se le lanciano l'un l'altro, ma questa è una parte fondamentale dell'essere giocherelloni.
And — they don't throw it at each other, but this is a fundamental part of being playful.
Если такой сценарий не устраивает, есть ещё ревизоры.
If folks aren't comfortable with that, there are a number of inspectors general.
Як нам боротися з ним?
How do we solve it?
Как это работает? Если каждый из вас отличается от вашего соседа одним из тысячи, но только 3% кода, что означает всего лишь 3% тысячу раз, небольшая разница в пунктуации может иметь большое значение. Возьмем простое утвердительное предложение.
How's this stuff work? If each of you differs from the person next to you by one in a thousand, but only three percent codes, which means it's only one in a thousand times three percent, very small differences in expression and punctuation can make a significant difference. Take a simple declarative sentence.
Ён павінен працаваць таксама добра ці нават лепш за найлепшыя механізмы на рынку.
It needs to perform on par or better than the best products on the market.
Z 65 mil za hodinu na nulu.
It was just going 65 — to zero?
Apă curată, educaţie, medicină şi chiar antreprenoriat social.
And clean water, education, medicine and even looking at social entrepreneurship.
فوضع القلم جانباً
So he put the pen down.
Burunları tıkalı.
They have a stuffy nose.
The lesson that I ultimately learned from my tattoo and that I want to leave you with today is this: We need to learn to love the flawed, imperfect things that we create and to forgive ourselves for creating them.
A vida se desenvolveu sob condições de luz e escuridão, luz e escuridão.
Life evolved under conditions of light and darkness, light and then darkness.
فيجب علينا النظر لما بعد المرض وداخل نطاق القدرة البشرية
So we need to see through the pathology and into the range of human capability.
So sind wir im Jahre 1900 gereist.
That's how we traveled in the year 1900.
(Applaus) DH: Wow! Junge!
(Applause) DH: Wow! Boy!
این بزرگتر از تفاوت بین میکروب ها دراین صخره واین دشت است.
It's bigger than the difference between the microbes in this reef and the microbes in this prairie.
Хто ж ці родичі?
Who are these cousins?
Säg det ni.
You say it.
Este mecanismo de salto tem cerca de quatro milímetros de lado. É muito pequeno.
So this jumping mechanism is about four millimeters on a side, so really tiny.
(Risas) Y no nos gustan hechos de plástico, por la misma razón, tampoco me gusta mucho mi móvil, no es así como quiero experimentar la información.
(Laughter) And we don't like them made of plastic, in the same way I don't really like my phone very much — it's not how I want to experience information.
我們要做的是 , 丟給米羅一個問題。
And what we did was, we needed to give Milo this big problem.
Sono corso a piedi. Non avevo attrezzatura medica.
I ran there by foot. I had no medical equipment.
Ja imam veoma svojstvenu prošlost, stav i pristup stvarnom svetu zato što sam opsenar.
I have a very peculiar background, attitude and approach to the real world because I am a conjurer.
( 掌声 )
O que sabemos nós acerca do país e das pessoas que pretendemos proteger, acerca das aldeias onde o único medicamento para aliviar a dor e parar a fome é o ópio?
What do we know about the country and the people that we pretend to protect, about the villages where the only one medicine to kill the pain and to stop the hunger is opium?
و يبقى السؤال ، ما الذي يسبب التوحد ؟
So the question remains, what does cause autism?
Até agora, a maioria dos governos municipais foram eficientes em usar a tecnologia para transformar os cidadãos em sensores humanos que dão às autoridades dados sobre a cidade: buracos, árvores caídas, lâmpadas quebradas.
So far, most city governments have been effective at using tech to turn citizens into human sensors who serve authorities with data on the city: potholes, fallen trees or broken lamps.
Sugata Mitra: Årsaken til at jeg endte med bildet av denne unge damen over der er fordi jeg tror mange av dere kjenner henne.
Sugata Mitra: The reason I ended with the face of this young lady over there is because I suspect many of you know her.
Rayların üzerindeki kalabalık onları izlemeye devam etti.
The people on the tracks just continued to watch them.
Какво правят когато са там?
And what do they do when they're there?
Lub — pomyślcie o tym — te 60 000, to więcej, niż koszt wysłania jednej osoby do Harvardu.
Or — think about it — that 60,000 dollars is more than what it costs to send one person to Harvard as well.
Патки във вира, гъски в океана, дявол в хубавото момиче, като си науми нещо.
Ducks on the millpond, geese in the ocean, Devil in the pretty girl when she takes a notion.
而且涉及到一系列的领域 ― ― 从软件 , 天文 , 自然科学 , 到广阔的休闲和文化领域比如风筝冲浪 , 等等 ― ― 你们会发现这些人是因为热爱而想做那些事情 , 但是他们想把这些事情做到极其高的水准。
And across a whole range of fields — from software, astronomy, natural sciences, vast areas of leisure and culture like kite-surfing, so on and so forth — you find people who want to do things because they love it, but they want to do these things to very high standards.
در واقع کربن نَنو اسکیل (کربن درمقیاس بسیار کوچک) شفاف و انعطاف پذیر است. در واقع کربن نَنو اسکیل (کربن درمقیاس بسیار کوچک) شفاف و انعطاف پذیر است. در واقع کربن نَنو اسکیل (کربن درمقیاس بسیار کوچک) شفاف و انعطاف پذیر است.
Carbon at the nanoscale is actually transparent and flexible.
Обичах да получавам отлични оценки.
I loved getting As.
Sie beseitigen Kadaver bis auf die Knochen.
They clean up carcasses right to the bone.
Konkrečiau, ten buvo daug daugiau moterų ir nepilnamečių, negu aš tikėjausi, ko paprastai nepamatysi tradicinėje inžinerijos dirbtuvėje.
And specifically, there were a lot more women and minorities than I expected, and that you wouldn't usually see at a traditional engineering workshop.
Dolazilo je, stizalo u grad sa severozapada, i zato se Smitfild (Smithfield), poznata londonska mesna pijaca, nalazila tamo.
So it was coming in, and arriving at the city at the northwest, which is why Smithfield, London's very famous meat market, was located up there.
Ете што ни кажуваат податоците. Ако трендот продолжи вака ќе стигнеме до.. уау.. нулата.
That's what the data is telling us. If the trajectory continues, we get to, wow, the zero zone.
אם אנחנו מכונות, אז בעיקרון לפחות, אנחנו צריכים להיות מסוגלים לבנות מכונות מדברים אחרים, שהן לפחות חיות כמונו.
If we are machines, then in principle at least, we should be able to build machines out of other stuff, which are just as alive as we are.
A minha visão, é tornar a investigação genética mais nativa, é tornar indígena a tecnologia de sequenciação do genoma.
My vision is to make genetic research more native, to indigenize genome sequencing technology.
মানুষকে জীবন ধারণ তো করতে হবে ।
People have to make a living.
So mountains are built up, and they erode away by water and rain and ice and so forth, and they become grains of sand.
I tad smo imali eureka momenat.
And then we have our eureka moment.
Ze was toen hoofd van de afdeling onderwijs in de Indiase staat Haryana.
She was, at that time, the head of the Department of School Education in a state called Haryana in India.
To mała kuchnia, około pięciu metrów kwadratowych.
Okay, it's a small kitchen. It's about five square meters.
VAP: Vento, água, pássaros — sons naturais estocásticos compostos de muitos acontecimentos aleatórios individuais todos eles muito saudáveis, todos eles som com o qual evoluímos ao longo dos anos.
WWB: Wind, water, birds — stochastic natural sounds composed of lots of individual random events, all of it very healthy, all of it sound that we evolved to over the years.
Oui, l'implication militaire est une partie importante de l'histoire, mais inventer un ordinateur a nécessité d'autres éléments : les boîtes à musique, les jouets joueurs de flûte, les claviers de clavecin, les motifs colorés sur du tissu et ce n'est qu'une petite partie de l'histoire.
Yes, the military involvement is an important part of the story, but inventing a computer also required other building blocks: music boxes, toy robot flute players, harpsichord keyboards, colorful patterns woven into fabric, and that's just a small part of the story.
Będę żonglował sierpami, ostrymi jak brzytwy,
So to do that, I will juggle these three razor-sharp sickles.
Za vas da bi imali ideju, od tri miljarde ljudi koji danas žive u gradovima, jedna miljarda su ispod linije siromaštva.
For you to have an idea, out of the three billion people living in cities today, one billion are under the line of poverty.
Chúng tôi cố gắng làm giống như trước băng cách thương lượng với ngành công nghiệp nước giải khát và đồ ăn vặt để cắt caloric và các chất nguy hiểm khác khỏi đồ ăn cho con em chúng ta ở trường.
We tried to do the same thing by negotiating industry-right deals with the soft drink and the snack food industry to cut the caloric and other dangerous content of food going to our children in the schools.
Yani tam anlamı ile kendimi galeriye fırlatabilirim.
I could, quite literally, fire myself into the gallery.
Entonces, ¿es sólo una cuestión de Tailandia?
So is this just a story from South Thailand?
À ce stade, nous avions accumulé une dette d 'environ 600 000 dollars Si Movember 2006 n' avait pas eu lieu, les quatre fondateurs que nous sommes auraient été ruinés, nous serions devenus des sans-abris, assis dans la rue avec rien d 'autre que nos moustaches. (Rires) Mais on s' est dit: « Si c 'est le pire qui peut nous arriver... eh bien, advienne que pourra! »
So we'd racked up at this stage about 600,000 dollars worth of debt. So if Movember 2006 didn't happen, the four founders, well, we would've been broke, we would've been homeless, sitting on the street with mustaches. (Laughter) But we thought, you know what, if that's the worst thing that happens, so what?
Hämmastaval kombel oli see ikkagi hõrk.
Amazingly, it was still delicious.
Nous avons ici Psycho Milt, un utilisateur de Flickr, qui a fourni une et une seule photo intitulée "" Irak "". Et voici la photo. OK. Intitulée "" Mauvais jour au boulot "". OK ? Donc, la question est : « voulez-vous cette photo ? Oui ou non ».
We have over here Psycho Milt, a Flickr user, who has contributed one, and only one, photo titled "" Iraq. "" And here's the photo. Right. Labeled, "" Bad Day at Work. "" Right? So the question is, do you want that photo? Yes or no.
Thank you.
這裡有一張泡泡圖 , 沒有泡泡圖還像TED嗎 ?
So here's a bubble chart, because what's TED without a bubble chart?
当然 , 你会失去机构的控制力量 ,
You lose the institutional imperative.
Het water kwam terug en het schuimde over het rif.
The water had started coming back. It was foaming over the reef.
Nó kết nói với iPad của tôi, đây là phần mềm trên iPad.
So it's wirelessly linked to my iPad, and this is a software that's running on the iPad.
Коли ми зустрічаємось і вітаємось, скільки раз потрібно поцілуватись?
When we see each other, when we say hello, how many kisses are we going to do?
Perguntamos às pessoas: "" Quer esta ação, "e ter edifícios pintados desta maneira?" E depois a segunda pergunta era: "Quer que isto pare ou quer que continue?"
We asked people, "" Do you want this action, and to have buildings painted like that? "" And then the second question was, "Do you want it to stop or do you want it to continue?"
Ia berkata, "" Apa yang sedang kamu lakukan? "" Dan pria itu berkata, "" Saya sedang membuat jarum. "" Dan ia berkata, "" Konyol sekali. Kamu mana bisa membuat jarum dengan cara menggosok sebongkah besi dari kain. "" Dan pria tersebut berkata, "" Apa betul? "" Dan menunjukkan kepadanya satu piring penuh dengan jarum.
He said, "" Well what are you doing? "" And the man said, "" I'm making a needle. "" And he said, "" That's ridiculous. You can't make a needle by rubbing a lump of iron with a cloth. "" And the man said, "" Really? "" And he showed him a dish full of needles.
E, oh tra l'altro, la situazione è rimasta la stessa per 25 anni.
And, oh by the way, this hasn't changed for 25 years.
因為就是在這些關係裡 , 我們才會開始了解我們自己是誰這類深奧的事情。
Because it's in that nexus that we actually begin to understand truly profound things about who we are.
Kita harus memperlombakannya pada masa yang sama. "" Oke. Saya berikan Singapura, pada tahun di mana saya dilahirkan.
We have to do real-time competition. "" Okay. I give you Singapore, the year I was born.
Mas o cara com uma câmera que eles nunca pegaram foi o cara que entrou com uma fita em branco e foi ao setor de câmeras da Best Buy e colocou a sua fita em uma das câmeras deles e simulou que estava comprando.
But the one camera guy they never caught was the guy that went in just with a blank tape and went over to the Best Buy camera department and just put his tape in one of their cameras and pretended to shop.
Bueno, no tiene por qué ser tan malo.
Well, it doesn't have to be terrible.
Y las dos personas divinas lucharon y los dioses estuvieron del lado de la divinidad.
And the two divine people fought, and the gods were on the side of divinity.
این هم بخشی از نتایج انقلاب اینترنتی ست.
This is also partly a result of the Internet revolution.
Am descoperit că nu mai eram la joacă.
I found that I was no longer at play.
העובדה שאבי לימד באוניברסיטה את תורת דרווין כבר גרמה לביקור בכיתה מצד המנהיג של מה שהתקרא "" החזית להצלת האיסלם "", שהוקיע את אבי כתומך הגישה הביולוגית לפני שאבי השליכו מהכיתה, וכעת, כל מי שעמד בחוץ לא הסכים להזדהות או להסתלק,
My father's university teaching of Darwin had already provoked a classroom visit from the head of the so-called Islamic Salvation Front, who denounced Dad as an advocate of biologism before Dad had ejected the man, and now whoever was outside would neither identify himself nor go away.
La Kroniklo kaj la Libro de Ezra, en la hebreaj skribaĵoj, rakontas ĉion triumftone.
And the Book of Chronicles, the Book of Ezra in the Hebrew scriptures reported in ringing terms.
Ak by ste hodnotili dve spoločnosti ich porovnávaním, chceli by ste vedieť, ktorá ma vyššie hodnotenie.
If you went and you were valuing two companies against one another, you'd want to know which was more valuable.
אז עכשיו זו גם אופרה יפה. וזה נוגע לליבנו, אותה אופרה.
Now it's also a beautiful opera, and we're moved by that opera.
To mi ni dalo miru.
That really stuck with me.
Nó không như vậy, ngoài ra, ngoài cộng đồng này, bằng những công cụ này, họ có thể cùng nhau tạo ra điều gì đó.
This looks like a dis-org chart, and yet, out of this community, but using these tools, they can now create something together.
Otros son calientes.
In some it is hot.
Naquela primavera, peguei uma infecção atrás da outra e, todas as vezes que ia ao médico, ele dizia que não havia nada de errado.
That spring I got infection after infection, and every time I went to the doctor, he said there was absolutely nothing wrong.
E a primeira coisa a ser vista é que a África não é um país.
And the first myth to dispel is that Africa is not a country.
وعندما تسمع الضجه البيضاء يركز عقلك فيها فوراً
And when you hear the white noise, your brain is immediately focused on it.