stringlengths 2
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יש לנו מידע על דברים כגון היכן זה פורסם, מי היה המחבר, מתי זה פורסם.
| We have information about things like where was it published, who was the author, when was it published.
| he-en |
(Aplausos) Assim, a parte final deste quebra-cabeça é, como fazer tudo isso funcionar financeiramente, em especial quando as pessoas não podem pagar?
| (Applause) So the final part of the puzzle is, how do you make all this work financially, especially when the people can't pay for it?
| ptbr-en |
Elkezdtem kifejleszteni olyan digitáliskönyv-technológiákat, mint a digitális Braille-szerkesztő, digitális Braille-szótár, és egy digitális Braille-könyvtári hálózat.
| I started developing digital book technologies, such as a digital Braille editor, digital Braille dictionary and a digital Braille library network.
| hu-en |
Annie Pesara: Szeretlek. Szeretlek. Szeretlek.
| AP: And I love you. I love you. I love you.
| hu-en |
وتشاهد هذه المحاذاة ، هذه المحاذاة الغريبة.
| And you see this alignment, this strange alignment.
| ar-en |
| And the reason is, it's been done.
| ja-en |
| It's probably the smallest of the 21 apps that the fellows wrote last year.
| zhtw-en |
E o que as metástases são é quando o tumor - quando um pedaço - se parte e viaja pela corrente sanguínea e vai para um órgão diferente. Isso é o que a metástase é.
| And what metastases are is when the tumor — when a piece — breaks off and travels through the blood stream and goes to a different organ. That's what a metastasis is.
| ptbr-en |
Fakat dışına çıkarsak, çeşitli şekillerde cezalandırılırız.
| When we step outside that range, we get punished in a variety of ways.
| tr-en |
(Смях) (Аплодисменти) И ние, всъщност, когато ние пуснахме това по света.
| (Laughter) (Applause) And we, in fact, when we have played this over the world.
| bg-en |
Wymieniamy się pomysłami z wieloma osobami, ale nic się nie stanie, jeśli nie zdecydujemy się wcielić ich w życie.
| We're going to share lots of things with people, but nothing's going to happen until we risk putting those ideas into action.
| pl-en |
तुम ् ही मला विचाराल हे कसे? थांबा सांगतो.
| I know you're too polite to ask, so I will tell you.
| mr-en |
Remi, 22-jara, estas altstatura kaj tre bela. Li ne parolas,
| Remi is 22, tall and very handsome.
| eo-en |
Mund t 'i vendosim njerëzit në Skaner me Rezonancë Magnetike dhe t' i bëjmë të luajnë një video lojë sikur atë që ua tregova dhe të presim për këtë sinjal.
| So we can put people in an MRI scanner and have them do a little video game like the one I showed you and look for this signal.
| sq-en |
الآن ، تم عمل هذا من الملامح الحية لوجه براد.
| Now, this was made from a life cast of Brad.
| ar-en |
Siamo arrivati al punto, in pubblicità o nel cinema, in cui "" felice "" ormai ha una cattiva reputazione tale che se vuoi creare qualcosa sull'argomento e apparire comunque autentico, devi quasi farlo con un punto di vista cinico.
| It has gotten to the point where, you know, within advertising or within the movie industry, "" happy "" has gotten such a bad reputation that if you actually want to do something with the subject and still appear authentic, you almost would have to, you know, do it from a cynical point of view.
| it-en |
Проектируя города для слепых, я надеюсь, вы начнёте осознавать, что это действительно был бы более доступный, более справедливый город для всех.
| So, in designing a city for the blind, I hope you start to realize that it actually would be a more inclusive, a more equitable, a more just city for all.
| ru-en |
L'anno scorso ero di nuovo incinta.
| So, last year I was pregnant again.
| it-en |
Czy w Układzie Słonecznym jest życie poza Ziemią?
| Well, is there life beyond Earth in the solar system?
| pl-en |
Und was wäre, wenn wir für 60 Cents / Meile 50 Millionen Leute in den USA zum Mitfahren bewegen könnten?
| And what if at 60 cents a mile we could get 50 million people carpooling in the United States?
| de-en |
Είμαι έτοιμος να υποδεχθώ μια νέα παγκόσμια δημοκρατία, για να επανακτήσουμε τη δημοκρατία μας.
| I am ready to reach out and embrace a new global democracy, to take back our democracy.
| el-en |
אבל לא ידעתי איך.
| But I didn't know how.
| he-en |
Хората на средна възраст избързаха да се разведат с хора, които млади възрастни избързаха да се оженят.
| Middle-aged people rushed to divorce people who young adults rushed to marry.
| bg-en |
我可以告诉你 , 她不会给你打电话了。因为我跟她是在同一波段上的。
| I can tell you he won't call back. It's a vibe I share.
| zhcn-en |
Singapur je danas najbolji.
| Singapore is the best one.
| hr-en |
年幼的孩子們不會乖乖地吃沙拉吧、大一點的孩子則會往裡面吐口水 ; 然而兩種情況都不曾發生。
| Little kids couldn't eat off the salad bar, big kids would spit in it — neither happened.
| zhtw-en |
E isto é incrível.
| And it is amazing.
| ptbr-en |
JY: Her yıl en az 213 milyon kilogram ftalat havamızı, suyumuzu ve toprağımızı kirletiyor.
| JY: Every year, at least 470 million pounds of phthalates contaminate our air, water and soil.
| tr-en |
| (Applause)
| it-en |
Давай, давай, іди до своєї кімнати.
| Just go on, go on in your room.
| uk-en |
Muito obrigada por estarem aqui hoje, conosco.
| Thank you all so much for being here with us today.
| ptbr-en |
Man kann wirklich in jemandes Wahrnehmung eintauchen und sie etwas erleben lassen.
| You can really get inside somebody's perception and have them experience something.
| de-en |
Voglio dire, guardaci, siamo una famiglia piuttosto grezza, furoreggiando, stringendo mani e facendo la lotta attorno a me.
| I mean, look how we are, the roughy family, palling around and shaking hands and wrestling around me.
| it-en |
Držite ruke gore ako imate zadovoljavajuće životno osiguranje.
| Keep your hands up if you have sufficient life insurance.
| sr-en |
E in effetti la mia vita adesso è più complessa a causa della bambina, ma è tutto a posto. Penso che resteremo comuque sposati
| And so, my life is much more complex because of the baby, actually, but that's okay. We will still stay married, I think.
| it-en |
Thật không may, có một nhóm người hầu như không có phản hồi hệ thống để giúp họ làm việc tốt hơn, và những người này có một trong những công việc quan trọng nhất trên thế giới.
| Unfortunately, there's one group of people who get almost no systematic feedback to help them do their jobs better, and these people have one of the most important jobs in the world.
| vi-en |
فالدليل ضد نموذجنا ، غالبا سنتجاهله ، حتى لو كان قاهرا.
| So evidence against our model, we're likely to ignore, even if it's compelling.
| ar-en |
Cái lõi rốt cuộc có dạng như những hình trụ ống bằng đá vôi như thế này
| The core comes up as these cylindrical tubes of limestone.
| vi-en |
Tai taip blogai. Mano broliai gauna viską. ” Ir ta mergaitė pasikėlė ir rėžė: „Man labai patinka būti mergaite.
| It's all bad. My brothers get everything. "" And this girl just sat up and went, "" I love being a girl.
| lt-en |
Sest loomulikult küsisid need, kes projektiala servale jäid: "Aga minu katus?" Niisiis otsustasime järgmisel aastal naasta ja projektiga jätkata.
| Because of course, when we left, the people who were just at the edge of the project said, "" Hey, what about my roof? "" So we decided to come the year after and keep doing the project.
| et-en |
Ich besuchte diese sehr ordentliche christliche Schule, wo Nonnen und Pater, Brüder und Schwestern unterrichteten.
| I went to this very proper Christian school taught by nuns, fathers, brothers, sisters.
| de-en |
Chỉ có vậy.
| That is it.
| vi-en |
Eine andere Idee, die mich als Kind faszinierte ist, dass eine ganze Galaxie in einer einzigen Murmel stecken kann.
| Another idea that really fascinated me as a child was that an entire galaxy could be contained within a single marble.
| de-en |
| All of our feelings of security about those diseases come from models given to us, really, by science filtered through the media.
| zhcn-en |
النظر إلى السلوك منفردًا يمكن أن يفقد جزءا مهما في حل اللغز, تقديم صورة غير كاملة ، أو حتى خادعة ، عن مشاكل الطفل
| Looking at behavior alone can miss a vital piece of the puzzle and provide an incomplete, or even a misleading, picture of the child's problems.
| ar-en |
Také niečo hľadáme všade.
| And this is one of the things that we are looking for everywhere.
| sk-en |
Držme se definice.
| Stick with the definition.
| cs-en |
Аз се обърнах, погледнах го и казах: "" А можеш ли да дишаш през устата? "" (Смях) А той продължи: "" Да, но не мога да дишам през носа! "" И така, като една добра съпруга, аз го замъкнах в спешното в 2 часа сутринта.
| And I roll over and I look, and I said, "" Well, can you breath out of your mouth? "" (Laughter) And he goes, "" Yes, but I can't breath out of my nose! "" And so like any good wife, I rush him to the emergency room at 2 o'clock in the morning.
| bg-en |
چند پیغام روی فیس بوک, چند تا توییت روی توییتر, چند پیغام روی فیس بوک, چند تا توییت روی توییتر, و به مردم این فرصت را دادم که حق تجاری صحبت من رو روی TEDTalk 2011 بخرند. و به مردم این فرصت را دادم که حق تجاری صحبت من رو روی TEDTalk 2011 بخرند.
| I sent out some Facebook messages, some Twitter messages, and I gave people the opportunity to buy the naming rights to my 2011 TED Talk.
| fa-en |
Και οφείλεται στην παρουσία πάρα πολύ σεροτονίνης του εγκεφάλου κατά την ανάπτυξη. Γεγονός το οποίο έχει ενδιαφέρον, διότι η σεροτονίνη υποτίθεται ότι σε ηρεμεί και σε χαλαρώνει.
| And it has to do with too much brain serotonin during development, which is kind of interesting because serotonin is supposed to make you calm and relaxed.
| el-en |
oysa ki Darwin, elbette genler hakkında birşey bilmiyordu.
| Darwin didn't, of course; he didn't know about genes.
| tr-en |
Non credo.
| I don't think so.
| it-en |
Дивовижний хлопець.
| Fantastic chap.
| uk-en |
Es muy difícil desarrollar nuevos fármacos y la razón de esta dificultad es porque en las primeras etapas del desarrollo de medicamentos, las drogas son muy riesgosas, y muy caras.
| It's very difficult to develop new drugs, and the reason it's difficult to develop new drugs is because in the early stages of drug development, the drugs are very risky, and they're very expensive.
| es-en |
และสําหรับผมมันก ็... ผมก ็ ต ้ องเต ้ นไปวาดไป
| And for me it was, I had to dance while I painted.
| th-en |
E este probleminha tomou dois anos da equipe para ser resolvido.
| That little issue took the team two years to solve.
| ptbr-en |
이것은 흥미있는 일이라고 생각할 수 있겠지요, 주어진 문제의 크기가 크다는 것을 생각한다면, 앞으로 탐구할 여지가 많다는 점에서요, 그렇지만, 현재는 무시되고 있는 영역 입니다.
| You would think that it would be of some interest to try to find out more about this given that the stakes are so big, but it's a very neglected area.
| ko-en |
암호를 분석하는 단체에서 일하는 사람들이 매는 출입증에는 "" 데이터를 봐라 "" 라고 쓰여있습니다. 이것이 제가 퍼뜨리고 싶은 아이디어 입니다. 데이터를 봐야 합니다.
| So the lanyard that our people who work in the organization that does our crypto-analytic work have a tab that says, "" Look at the data. "" So that's the idea worth spreading. Look at the data.
| ko-en |
רוב האנשים משתמשים בדשנים כימיים, אבל נחשו מה?
| Most people use chemical fertilizers. But guess what?
| he-en |
어떻게 아냐구요? 제가 바로 그 연구를 한 과학자거든요.
| How do I know? I'm the scientist who did the study.
| ko-en |
DH: Saltaré por encima de mi hombro.
| DH: Leap over my shoulder.
| es-en |
지금 몇 시 인가요? 몇신지 아십니까?
| What time is it? What time is it?
| ko-en |
Insanoglu mutlu olmak ister.
| Human beings want to be happy.
| tr-en |
او که به معنای واقعی ، این کار را با جایگزین کردن زمین با خورشید در مرکز منظومه شمسی انجام داد. پس با این عمل به ظاهر ساده ، او یک انقلاب علمی و تکنولوژی را آغاز کرد که خیلی ها آن را انقلاب کوپرنیکی می خوانند.
| He did that, literally, by replacing the Earth with the Sun in the center of the Solar System, and then with this simple-looking act, he actually launched a scientific and technological revolution, which many call the Copernican Revolution.
| fa-en |
| Come on.
| it-en |
Έχω μία φίλη, την Έμιλι Ουίλινγκχαμ, η οποία είναι επιστήμονας, και η οποία έγραψε ένα άρθρο για το Forbes πριν λίγο καιρό με τον τίτλο « Τα 10 πιο περίεργα πράγματα που συνδέουμε με τον αυτισμό ». Η λίστα είναι αρκετά μεγάλη.
| I have a friend, Emily Willingham, who's a scientist, and she wrote a piece for Forbes not long ago entitled "" The 10 Weirdest Things Ever Linked to Autism. "" It's quite a list.
| el-en |
אז הנה רעיון לסוג חדש של כלכלה, סוג חדש של פוליטיקה שאני קורא לה קפיטליזם חדש.
| So here's an idea for a new kind of economics, a new kind of politics that I call new capitalism.
| he-en |
We zijn geïnteresseerd in dingen met grote tanden. Daarvan zie je de evolutionaire waarde in. Je kunt ook de praktische betekenis ervan zien door naar Animal Planet te kijken.
| We're interested in things that have big teeth, and you can see the evolutionary value of that, and you can also see the practical consequences by watching Animal Planet.
| nl-en |
V průběhu 10 let od první laparoskopické operace žlučníku byla většina operací žlučníku byla většina operací žlučníku provedena laparoskopicky — opravdu velmi velká revoluce.
| Within 10 years of the first gallbladder surgeries being done laparoscopically, a majority of gallbladder surgeries were being done laparoscopically — truly a pretty big revolution.
| cs-en |
که واتە ، ده ست ده نێیت به دوگمه دا که ڕیکۆرده که هه ڵده کات ، تۆ تێده گه ی
| Well, press the button and you're on record, you understand.
| ku-en |
L 'un de mes souvenirs les plus tenaces a eu lieu en 1999, Mary faisait la lecture pour moi et les enfants près de la plage Manly "Harry Potter à l' école des sorciers."
| And one of my most enduring memories is in 1999, Mary reading to me and the children down near Manly Beach "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone."
| frca-en |
Du-te după materia neagră din orice domeniu pe care alegi să îl explorezi.
| Go after the dark matter in whatever field you choose to explore.
| ro-en |
Trên thực tế, điều họ làm để có thực phẩm là lên ô tô, lái tới một cái hộp nào đó ở ngoại ô, và quay về với số hàng hóa tiêu thụ được trong cả tuần, và tự hỏi phải làm cái quái gì với chúng.
| In fact, what they did to get food was they got in their cars, drove to a box somewhere on the outskirts, came back with a week's worth of shopping, and wondered what on earth to do with it.
| vi-en |
În acest caz un magnet sferic joacă rolul unui pixel 3D în spațiu, încît atît calculatorul cît și omul pot mișca acest obiect oriunde în acest mic spațiu 3D.
| Well, in this case, this spherical magnet acts like a 3D pixel in our space, which means that both computers and people can move this object to anywhere within this little 3D space.
| ro-en |
कदाचित पुष ् कळ जगलात, तर तुम ् हांलाही तो अनुभव येईल.
| Maybe all of us, if you live long enough.
| mr-en |
Há muitas salas, então as pessoas podem subir e entender o que é antes de se envolverem.
| There's lots of room, so people can come up and understand what it is before they get involved.
| ptbr-en |
Но ещё более потрясающе то, что скрыто от нашего взора: теперь мы знаем, что вокруг почти каждой звезды вращается одна или несколько планет.
| But what's more amazing is what you can't see, because what we know now is that around every star or almost every star, there's a planet, or probably a few.
| ru-en |
Αφού είμαστε τόσο καλοί στην τέχνη μας, θα πρέπει να μπορούμε να σκεφτούμε με αρχιτεκτονικούς όρους ένα τρόπο που να συνενώνει αόρατα τους περιορισμούς που θέτει ο πελάτης και αυτούς του έργου.
| If we are so good at our craft shouldn't we be able to conceive of an architectural manifestation that slides seamlessly through the project's and the client's constraints?
| el-en |
ويتبادر إلى الأذهان أن الصين لديها شانغهاي والهند لديها مومباي.
| One simple answer is China has Shanghai and India has Mumbai.
| ar-en |
Spójrzmy na lotnictwo.
| Let's take a snapshot at aviation.
| pl-en |
Solárna a veterná energia urobili veľký pokrok, a preto sa často hovorí, že to nie je až taký problém, keďže práve solárna a veterná energia to vyrovnajú.
| Now, solar and wind have been making huge strides, so you hear a lot of talk about how it doesn't really matter, because solar and wind is going to make up the difference.
| sk-en |
Siitä huolimatta ihmisten kuullessa oikeaa naurua ja tekonaurua aivot reagoivat täysin eri tavalla, huomattavan eri tavalla.
| Nonetheless, when you hear real laughter and when you hear posed laughter, the brains are responding completely differently, significantly differently.
| fi-en |
實際上 , 我們就是這樣的多細胞族群。
| And in fact, we're such a multi-cellular community.
| zhtw-en |
Hicieron muy buenas promesas, y de hecho cumplieron muchas de ellas.
| They made some really great promises, and actually have fulfilled a lot of them.
| es-en |
Và đây là lý do tại sao các nhà khoa học khí hậu nói rằng Đo ́ không chỉ là điê ̀ u chúng ta biết ră ̀ ng biê ́ n đô ̉ i khi ́ hâ ̣ u đang xa ̉ y ra ma ̀ la ̀ khí nhà kính là mô ̣ t phâ ̀ n quan tro ̣ ng trong các lý do.
| And so this is why climate scientists say it's not just that we know that climate change is happening, we know that greenhouse gases are a major part of the reason why.
| vi-en |
Više životinja, ukoliko počnu sa pretragama.
| More animals, if they start doing searches as well.
| hr-en |
От време на време в течение на историята това понятие за много широка космическа перспектива излиза на повърхността и в резултат на това виждаме преобразяващи и дълбоки открития.
| Occasionally, throughout history, this concept of this very large cosmic perspective comes to the surface, and as a result we see transformative and profound discoveries.
| bg-en |
وهذه الحالة ليست لإحلال الكمبيوتر مكان البشر ولكن للعمل معاً
| This is a case not where the human is being replaced by a computer, but where they're working together.
| ar-en |
| (Applause)
| tr-en |
Tetapi ada sesuatu yang lain yang kita semua sedang alami dalam ruangan ini.
| But there is something else that we are all experiencing in this room.
| id-en |
وقتی یه چیزی فوق العاده کم هزینه باشه ، بصورت انبوه بکار گرفته می شه. وقتی یه چیزی فوق العاده کم هزینه باشه ، بصورت انبوه بکار گرفته می شه.
| When something becomes ultra-low cost, it becomes massively scalable.
| fa-en |
Ale znajdowały się one już w literaturze.
| But there was ones in the literature.
| pl-en |
Sie müssen Bestäuber anlocken die ihnen helfen.
| They have to try and attract pollinators to do their bidding.
| de-en |
І я відповідав на ці листи, говорячи, "" Зачекайте хвилинку. Ми не французи.
| And I'd write them back, and I'd say, "" What a minute. We're not French.
| uk-en |
지금 그곳의 문제 중 하나가 하얀 껍질 소나무의 멸종입니다.
| One of the issues they have now is white bark pine die-off.
| ko-en |
Dla tych z was, którzy nie są jeszcze pilotami - istnieją cztery główne powody dla których ci, którzy pilotami są, nie latają tak często jak by chcieli: pogoda, po pierwsze, koszt, długi całkowity czas podróży i mobilność w miejscu przeznaczenia.
| For those of you who aren't yet pilots, there's four main reasons why those of us who are don't fly as much as we'd like to: the weather, primarily, cost, long door-to-door travel time and mobility at your destination.
| pl-en |
花更多的钱 , 研究出更少的新药。嗯。
| More money, less drugs. Hmm.
| zhcn-en |
試験管内で私たちの体内で起こるのと同じように DNAが何百万回も繰り返し複製されていく様子がここで観察できます
| And I can see how in this case, DNA is being replicated millions of times, just like it's happening inside your body right now.
| ja-en |
Yukarıda tepe örtüsü üzerinde, yanımda otursanız ve doğal orman ekosistemlerinden farklı bir yöne dönseniz, bunun gibi sahnelerde de görürdünüz.
| Up in the canopy, if you were sitting next to me and you turned around from those primary forest ecosystems, you would also see scenes like this.
| tr-en |
en de veranderingen gaan alsmaar sneller.
| And this change is getting more rapid.
| nl-en |
Subsets and Splits