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1909_public laws_554_6 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 553 | 5 | CHAPTER 553 AN ACT TO PROVIDE A LEGALIZED PRIMARY ELECTION FOR CLEVELAND COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That no candidate shall be declared the nominee of any party, organization or association for any office unless he shall receive a majority of the votes cast in said primary for said office; and in the event that no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast for any office in the first primary, then a second primary shall be held within two weeks from the first one, under the same rules and regulations as the first primary, unless one of the opposing candidates should voluntarily withdraw from the race in the meantime: Provided, that only the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes for the respective offices in the first primary shall be eligible as candidates in the second primary. |
1897_private laws_208_23 | project experts | 1jim_crow
| private laws | 207 | 22 | CHAPTER 207 An act to correct and amend chapter 166, private laws of 1895, entitled an act to amend chapter 211, laws 1889, relating to the charter of eastern band of Cherokee Indians. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: That chapter 166, private laws of 1895, entitled an act to amend chapter 211, laws of 1889, relating to charter of eastern band of Cherokee Indians, be amended and corrected so as to read as follows: , | That the council of the eastern band of Cherokee Indians shall direct the management and control of all property, either real or personal, belonging to the band as a corporation ; but-no person shall be entitled to the enjoyment of any lands belonging to the eastern band of Cherokee Indians as a corporation or as a tribe, or any profits accruing therefrom, or any moneys which may belong to said band as a corporation or as a tribe, unless such person be of at least one-sixteenth (1-16) of eastern Cherokee blood, and in case that any money derived from any source whatever, belonging to the eastern band of Cherokee Indians, shall be distributed among the members thereof, the same shall be divided per capita among the members entitled thereto. |
1905_private laws_283_5 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 283 | 4 | CHAPTER 288 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF ASHEVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That section sixty-five of chapter one hundred of the Private Laws of one thousand nine hundred and one be and the same is hereby amended as follows: Insert in line fifteen of said section, between the word affected and the word by, the words in anywise, and immediately after the word thereby and before the word shall, in line eighteen thereof, the words which shall include, as far as may be, all persons owning lands supposed to be within the area of special benefit or damage resulting from said proposed improvement, whether said lands abut on said street or right-of-way or not; and in line twenty-five thereof, between the word affected and the word by, the words as aforesaid ; and immediately after the word jury and before the word such, in line twenty-six of said section, the following: Provided, that all amendments hereinabove made to this section are hereby construed to express the meaning of said section prior to the adoption of said amendments: Provided, this section shall not permit such assessments upon property abutting upon streets which have heretofore been paved. |
1917_private laws_130_7 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 129 | 6 | CHAPTER 129 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF BEL- MONT GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO ISSUE ADDI- TIONAL BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF ERECTING AND EQUIPPING A GRADED SCHOOL BUILDING AT BELMONT, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of the Belmont Graded School District the question of issuing Said bonds and levying and collecting all taxes hereinbefore provided for, the county board of commissioners of the county of Gaston, upon petition of the board of trustees of the Belmont Graded School District, or upon petition of one-fourth of the freeholders of said district, indorsed and approved by the county board of education, shall within thirty days thereafter order an election to be held in said district at the usual polling place in Belmont, appoint a registrar and two judges of election, and shall give thirty days notice in some newspaper published in Gaston County, and shall order an entire new registration of voters for said election. |
1915_public local laws_276_6 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 275 | 5 | CHAPTER 275 AN ACT TO ABOLISH THE OFFICE OF TREASURER OF CAMDEN COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. . |
1923_public local laws_149_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 148 | 3 | CHAPTER 148 AN ACT TO ABOLISH THE OFFICE OF COUNTY TREAS- URER IN JACKSON COUNTY, ESTABLISH THE OFFICE OF COUNTY AUDITOR, REGULATE COMPENSATION OF THE TAX COLLECTOR, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The duties of said auditor shall be -1 All of the duties heretofore (and under the same penalties) required of the treasurer, except those of receiving and disbursing the public funds. -2 It shall be his duty, and power is hereby conferred on him, to require a modern, simple and, so far as practicable, uniform system of bookkeeping and accounting in all the departments of the county, including jail, county home, county board of education, county road commissioners, and others receiving and handling public funds. -3 It shall be his duty to compute the taxes and make out tax receipts, revise the tax lists and, under direction of the county commissioners, enter corrections of same as may be necessitated by reason of errors, transfers, releases, reductions, increases, discoveries or other valid reasons. -4 It shall be his duty to diligently inquire into and investigate the listing of all property in the county that should properly be on the tax books, at its TRUE value, and is authorized to visit any and all parts of the county for this purpose, and report to the commissioners, to the end that no property shall escape its proper and lawful taxation. -5 It shall be the duty of the said auditor, with any necessary aid, to be furnished by the county commissioners (expense of such aid to be chargeable in equal amounts to the general county, road, and general school funds), to audit all the books and accounts contemplated in subsection two of this section once each year, and at the request of the county commissioners those of any one or more offices at any other time, and shall make frequent inspections of all books and accounts and keep the various boards informed as to the particular funds administrable by each board. |
1927_public local laws_481_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 480 | 3 | CHAPTER 480 AN ACT TO RE-ENACT CHAPTERS 77, 266 AND 324, PUBLIC- LOCAL LAWS, 1923, AND RELATING TO FINANCES OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the commissioners of Buncombe County are authorized to levy a special tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of all notes issued under this act. Said taxes to be levied and collected in like manner as other county taxes. |
1911_private laws_28_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 27 | 2 | CHAPTER 27 AN ACT TO. INCORPORATE THE TOWN OF WOODVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the boundaries and corporate limits of said town shall be as follows, to wit: Beginning at the foot of Candys Hill on the Indian Woods road; thence a northeast course a_ straight line to Jacks Branch at the Woodville and Windsor public road; thence up said Jacks Branch to the Camp Manufacturing Companys railroad as now located; thence with said railroad to the Seaboard Air Line railroad; thence with said Seaboard Air Line railroad north to the county road leading from Lewiston to Kelford; thence along said county road and across the Woodville and Kelford road to Gus Pughs back line fence as now located; thence a southerly course to Camp Manufacturing Companys railroad; thence along said railroad to the Hills Ferry road; thence a straight line to the beginning. |
1923_public local laws_325_8 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 324 | 7 | CHAPTER 324 AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT TO REVISE THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM OF THE COUNTY OF BUNCOMBE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the county commissioners of said county from making arrangements for the collection of the delinquent taxes which may be the subject of litigation by special contract and requiring the report of the special employee thereon not oftener than every thirty days. |
1913_public local laws_757_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 756 | 1 | CHAPTER 756 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAY OF THE COMMIS- SIONERS OF BLADEN COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the commissioners of Bladen County shall be entitled to four dollars per day and mileage at the rate allowed by law for all services rendered by them in attending the meetings of said board or serving as committeemen of said board in attending to the business of Bladen County: Provided, that no commissioner shall be construed as acting as committeeman unless he was appointed as such at a previous meeting of said board, the Same appearing in the minutes thereof: Provided further, that no commissioner, except the chairman of the board, shall receive pay for more than four days in any one month. |
1880_public laws_20_24 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 19 | 23 | CHAPTER 19 AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT RELATING TO ROADS AND HIGH- WAYS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enaet : | Any person charged with a road tax may discharge the same by labor on the public highways within the district where the same is charged within the time designated in this act, at the rate of one dollar per day and a ratable allowance per,day for any team, implements and material furnished by any person under the direction of the supervisor of such district, who shall give to such person a certificate specifying the amount of tax so paid, and the district and township wherein such labor was performed, which certificate shall in no case be given for any greater sum than the tax charged against such person, and the county treasurer shall receive all such certificates as money in the discharge of said road tax. All road taxes collected by the county treasurer shall be paid over to the township trustees of the proper township. The township trustees in determining the division of this fund shall be governed not by the miles of road in each district, but by necessities of the roads, the convenience of getting material, the quantity of material necessary to make substantial repairs, ete., and thus make a just and equitable division of said fund between the several districts. |
1883_public laws_167_7 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 166 | 6 | CHAPTER 166 An act to repeal local prohibition in certain localities and to pro- hibit the sale of intoxicating liquors in certain other localities, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the sale of spirituous liquors shall be prohibited within three miles of the following places, to-wit: Bethel Methodist and Baptist churches, in Haywood county ; Town of Charleston Methodist Episcopal Church South, at Coopers Creek; the Indian Baptist church at Bird Town; Yellow Hill Baptist church, Cold Springs Baptist church, Witcher Chapel, Methodist Church South, Brushy Creek Baptist church, in Swain county ; Rose Hill church, in Pitt county; Cataloochee church, in Haywood county. |
1939_public laws_326_14 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 325 | 13 | CHAPTER 325 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A SANATORIUM IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA FOR THE TREATMENT OF TUBER- CULOSIS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Each member of the Board of Directors while engaged in attending to the affairs of said sanatorium shall be entitled to receive as compensation the sum of five dollars ($5.00) per day, and in addition thereto the necessary traveling and hotel expenses of such member. |
1899_private laws_103_14 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 102 | 13 | CHAPTER 102 An act to amend the charter of the Southern Guarantee and Investment Company. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: That the charter of the Southern Guarantee and Investment Company, formerly the Worth-Wharton Real Estate and [nvest- ment Company, a corporation duly incorporated under the laws of this state on the fourth day of August, eighteen hundred and ninety, with its principal office at Greensboro in this state, be amended so that the same shall read as follows: | Any and every court in which moneys may be paid, lodged or deposited by agreement of parties or by order, judgment or decree of such court, may order or direct the same to be deposited with the said company, and when such deposits shall have been made the same, like all moneys deposited with said company by individuals or corporations, shall be at all times subject to withdrawal by the check or order of the person entitled and duly authorized to withdraw the same; and any executor or administrator, guardian or other trustee or public officer having the control of any bonds, stocks, securities, moneys or other valuables belonging to others shall be and is hereby authorized to deposit the same for safe keeping with said company. |
1893_private laws_229_6 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 228 | 5 | CHAPTER 228 An act to incorporate the Mountain View Road Company, and to authorize the construction of a turnpike road between the iron bridge west of Morganton and the town of Linville or Millers Gap. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That when said road is open for public travel between the points hereinbefore specified, the company shall have power to erect gates on any part of the new portion of said road, the said gates to be at least ten miles apart: Provided, there shall be not more than two gates between Morganton and Linville, and collect such tolls as they may fix for passage over said road not to exceed the following: For hogs, cattle, sheep or goats, five cents each; loose horses, mules and asses ten cents each; single horsemen, fifteen cents; vehicles pulled by one animal, twenty cents; by two animals, thirty cents, and for each additional animal ten cents: Provided, that the said company and their associxtes, successors and assigns shall keep said road in good condition. |
1935_public local laws_176_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 175 | 1 | CHAPTER 175 AN ACT TO VALIDATE THE ACTS OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF HENDERSON COUNTY RELATIVE TO THE ACCEPTANCE OF CERTAIN BONDS FOR TAXES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the acts on the part of the Board of County Commissioners of Henderson County and the tax collector of said County in accepting bonds and interest coupons of the County at par in the payment of taxes and in the sale of tax sale certificates be, and the same are hereby ratified and validated. |
1897_private laws_28_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 27 | 3 | CHAPTER 27 \ An act to incorporate the Levi Bank of Rutherfordton, N. C. 3 | That the corporators in the first section named, ora | majority of them, are hereby empowered to open books of subscription to the capital stock of said corporation at such time or times, at such places and forsuch periods as they shall determine ; and the stockholders at any general meeting called after due organization of said corporation, may, at their discretion, from time to time re-open books of subscription to said capital stock until the same, as herein limited, be wholly taken. |
1919_private laws_69_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 68 | 1 | CHAPTER 68 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 219 OF THE PRIVATE LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA OF THE SESSION OF THE GEN- ERAL ASSEMBLY OF 1907, RELATIVE TO TRUSTEES OF ABERDEEN GRADED SCHOOL The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That section two of chapter two hundred and nineteen of the Private Laws of the General Assembly of one thousand nine hundred and seven, be and is hereby repealed and the following substituted in lieu thereof: On the third Tuesday in March, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen, six trustees shall be; elected for the Aberdeen graded school district, by the qualified voters thereof; two for the term of three years; two for the term of two years, and two for the term of one year; and as these terms of office expire, their successors shall be elected for terms of three years each, at an election to be held in said graded school district annually on Tuesday after the first Monday in May. All such elections shall be held under the laws, rules and regulations governing state, county, and municipal elections. |
1925_public local laws_579_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 578 | 1 | CHAPTER 578 AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE SHERIFF OF DUPLIN COUNTY TO PAY ANY FUNDS NOW IN HIS HANDS BELONGING TO CALYPSO GOOD ROADS DISTRICT, DUPLIN COUNTY, TO GEO. W. ALBRITTON, AND ALBERT D. BYRD, TO BE USED ON THE PUBLIC HIGHWAYS IN SAID DISTRICT. That whereas, Calypso good roads district, in Duplin County, held an election and sold bonds for the purpose of improving the highways in said district, all of which. bonds and the inter- est thereon accrued, have been paid off and discharged, and there now remains in the hands of the sheriff of Duplin County certain funds belonging to said district: The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the sheriff of Duplin County be and he is hereby authorized and directed to pay any funds now in his hands belonging to the Calypso good roads district to Albert D. Byrd and Geo. W. Albritton, to be used by them in improving the highways in said good roads district; that the receipt of said Aibert D. Byrd and Geo. W. Albritton, in the hands of the sheriff, shall be and constitute a proper voucher in all settlements by him with the commissioners of Duplin County, or any other official, or person, who may have the right to request the sheriff to make settlement for said fund; and the said Albert D. Byrd and Geo. W. Albritton shall make written report of the expenditures by them of the said fund to the commissioners of Duplin County. |
1939_public local laws_319_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 318 | 3 | CHAPTER 318 AN ACT TO REQUIRE THE CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT OF ALEXANDER COUNTY TO FILE AND PRESERVE ALL PAPERS AND PROCEEDINGS BE- FORE HIM OR BELONGING TO THE COURT, AND TO KEEP A PROPER INDEX THEREOF. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | All papers, books and records required by this Act, or any other law of this State relative to the same, shall be kept and filed in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court and shall not be taken therefrom, unless by a special order of the court or on the written consent of the attorneys of record of all the parties; but parties may, at all times, have copies thereof upon payment therefor. |
1923_public laws_137_13 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 136 | 12 | CHAPTER 136 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CONSOLIDATED STATUTES AND TO CODIFY THE LAWS RELATING TO PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Whereas the acts of the General Assembly relating to public education are for the purpose of aiding all the people, and espe- cially school officials, in maintaining and conducting a system of public schools and in providing revenue for the same; and Whereas a great need is apparent for collecting all the laws relating to public education and codifying them in such a way as to set forth as clearly as possible the legal duties, powers, and responsibilities of the several school officials, in order to give them and all other friends of public education a clearer concep- tion of their duties in maintaining and conducting public schools in accordance with the needs of the people and the provisions of the Constitution: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: PART I ARTICLE I. INTERPRETATIONS | How nominated and elected. In all the counties of the State there shall be nominated in the year one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four, and biennially thereafter, at the party primaries or conventions, at the same time and in the same manner as that in which other county officers are nominated, a candidate or candidates, by each political party of the State, for member or members of the county board of education to take the place of the member or members of said board whose term next expires. The names of the persons so nominated in such counties shall be duly certified by the chairman of the county board of elections, within ten days after their nomination is declared by said county board of elections, to the Superintendent of Public Instruction, who shall transmit the names of all persons so nominated, together with the name of the political party nominating them, to the chairman of the committee on education in the next session of the General Assembly within ten days after it convenes. The General Assembly shall elect or appoint one or more, from the candidates so nominated, members of the county board of education for such county. Upon failure of the General Assembly to elect or appoint members as herein provided, such failure shall constitute a vacancy, which shall be filled by the State Board of Education. The term of office of each member shall begin on the first Monday of April of the year in which he is elected, and shall continue until his successor is elected and qualified. (C. S. 5404.) |
1905_private laws_390_7 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 390 | 6 | CHAPTER 390 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE NORTH STATE TELE- PHONE COMPANY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the said corporation shall have a common seal, may sue and be sued in the courts of the State, and for the purpose of its business may hold and possess real and personal property ; and further, may establish branch lines, purchase other lines, co-operate with other lines at its terminal office with any and all telephone lines or systems of telegraph companies doing business within the State. |
1913_public local laws_486_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 485 | 3 | CHAPTER 485 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR AND REGULATE THE NUMBER, PAY, AND DUTIES OF COUNTY. COMMISSIONERS OF CHATHAM, DAVIDSON, WARREN, WATAUGA, WILKES, PASQUOTANK, BLADEN, AND McDOWELL COUNTIES, AND FIXING PAY FOR BOARD OF EDUCATION OF HALIFAX COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the members of the board of county commissioners of Warren County shall be allowed and shall be paid by the treasurer of the aforesaid county the sum of four dollars per day for each day they are in actual attendance on their duties as such commissioners, and no more, and that they shall receive the further sum of five cents per mile to and from their places of meetings on the first day of each session, and no mileage on other days. |
1959_session laws_492_5 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 491 | 4 | CHAPTER 491 AN ACT TO AMEND ARTICLE 3 OF CHAPTER 128 OF THE GENERAL STATUTES RELATING TO THE NORTH CAROLINA LOCAL GOV- ERNMENTAL EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | G. S. 128-24 is hereby amended by inserting a new paragraph immediately following the paragraph numbered (1) and immediately preceding the paragraph numbered (2), to be designated as (la), and to read as follows: 411 (1a) Should any member in any period of six consecutive years after becoming a member be absent from service more than five years, or should he withdraw his accumulated contributions, or should he become a beneficiary or die, he shall thereupon cease to be a member. |
1915_public local laws_433_13 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 432 | 12 | CHAPTER 432 AN ACT TO CREATE A SPECIAL PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT COMPOSED OF PORTIONS OF .MOORH, MONTGOMERY, AND RICHMOND COUNTIBS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | When and if Roger A. Derby shall cause to be conveyed to the said district his residence situate in said school district, consisting of three adjoining connected wings, each sixteen by forty feet, with six windows in each wing, two bathrooms and plumbing, and five fireplaces, ceiled and weather-boarded, roof shingled _ and all stained, together with ten acres of adjoining land, free of all encumbrances; or shall cause a school building acceptable to said school committee to be built in said school district for the purposes of conducting a school therein, the said residence or school building, one or both, shall be known and designated as the Derby Memorial School, as a memorial to the father and mother of the said Roger A. Derby. i |
1883_private laws_146_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 145 | 1 | CHAPTER 145 An act to incorporate the Bank of Oxford. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That H. C. Herndon, R. I. Devin, A. H. A. Williams, 8 H. Cannady, W. A. Davis, B. F. Hester, R. H. McGuire, R. V. Minor, N. M. Ferebee, Addieus Morris and J. L. Carroll, and all other persons who may hereafter become associated with them, are hereby constituted body politic and corporate under the name and style of The Bank of Oxford, and assuch shall have succession for the term of thirty years, and by that name may sue and be sued, appear, prosecute and defend in any court of record or other court or places whatsoever, and may have and use a common seal, and may hereafter break and renew the same at will, and may make, establish and put in execution such by-laws, not being contrary to the laws of this stute orof the United States, as may be necessary for the regulation and management of its affaire, and do all such acts and things as may be necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this act. |
1919_public local laws_506_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 505 | 2 | CHAPTER 505 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 629 OF THE PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF 1917, RELATING TO THE RECORDERS COURT OF LEAKSVILLE TOWNSHIP, ROCKINGHAM COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Amend said section two of the said chapter six hundred and twenty-nine of the General Assembly of one thousand nine hundred and seventeen by adding at the end of said section two the following: That said prosecuting attorney is hereby given full power and authority to take affidavits to warrants, and to issue warrants in all criminal cases originating and occurring in said Leaksville Township, and to affix the seal of the court to other writs and process of the court. |
1927_public laws_31_6 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 30 | 5 | CHAPTER 30 AN ACT DEFINING CO-OPERATIVE NON-PROFIT LIFE BENEFIT ASSOCIATIONS WITH REPRESENTATIVE FORM OF GOVERNMENT, PROVIDING THE TERMS ON WHICH SUCH ASSOCIATIONS MAY DO BUSINESS IN THIS STATE, PROVIDING FOR THE RE-INCORPO- RATION OF SUCH FOREIGN ASSOCIATIONS, PRO- VIDING FOR THE TAXATION, SUITS AND SERVICE REGULATION AND CONTROL OF THE BUSINESS OF SUCH ASSOCIATIONS DOING BUSINESS IN THIS STATE AND PROVIDING THE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH SUCH ASSOCIATIONS MAY BECOME LEGAL RESERVE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | All policies mutual and participating. All _ beneficiary certificates or policies issued by such association on said American Experience Table of Mortality with said interest assumption or any higher standard, shall be mutual and participating, and the association may provide for automatic paidup or extended insurance for an amount not to exceed the amount the reserve to the credit of such member will purchase in the event of suspension after said certificate shall have been in force for not less than two full years or more from date of issue, and shall carry such liability on its books. |
1917_public local laws_652_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 651 | 2 | CHAPTER 651 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE TOECANE BAPTIST CHURCH IN MITCHELL COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That any person or persons violating the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than twenty dollars. . |
1893_private laws_45_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 44 | 2 | CHAPTER 44 An act to amend chapter one hundred and seventy-two of the private laws of one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one, the same being an act to incorporate The Commercial Security Company. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That section eleven of said chapter be amended by striking out all the words after the word elect in line nine down to and including the word directors in line ten and insert in lieu thereof the following words, to-wit: from their number a board of directors of such number as said company shall provide for in the by-laws thereof. |
1907_public laws_117_10 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 116 | 9 | CHAPTER 116 AN ACT TO PROTECT PRIMARY ELECTIONS AND CON- VENTIONS OF POLITICAL PARTIES IN UNION COUNTY, AND TO PUNISH FRAUDS COMMITTED THERBEAT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | If any person shall attempt to influence the vote of another by the use of intoxicating liquors, or shall bribe or shall offer to bribe any voter by the promise of anything as a reward to be delivered or a service to be performed, prior to, at the time, or subsequent to the primary, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than five hundred dollars. |
1965_session laws_283_10 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 282 | 9 | CHAPTER 282 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 115, SESSION LAWS OF 1963, THE SAME BEING THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Subsection (b) of Section 3, Article II, Chapter 115, Session Laws of 1963, is hereby amended by striking all of the last two sentences thereof beginning with the word In in line 19, and inserting in lieu thereof the following: Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Charter, the municipal elections in the City of Lumberton shall be held on the last Saturday in May of 1965, and biennially thereafter. In the municipal election in 1965, and biennially thereafter, there shall be elected one councilman from each ward or precinct. The person from each ward or precinct, receiving the highest number of votes of the persons running from said ward or precinct, shall be declared elected. |
1941_public laws_94_5 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 93 | 4 | CHAPTER 93 AN ACT TO PROVIDE STATE AID FOR PUBLIC LIBRA- RIES IN NORTH CAROLINA. WHEREAS, it is provided in the Constitution of the State that religion, morality and knowledge being necessary to good gov- ernment and happiness of mankind, schools and means of edu- cation shall forever be encouraged, and that the people have the right to the privilege of education, and it is the duty of the State to guard and maintain that right; and WHEREAS, the establishment and maintenance of public libra- ries is an integral part of the educational program of a great State: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | For the necessary expenses of administration, allocation and supervision a sum not to exceed five per cent -5% of the annual appropriation may annually be used by the North Carolina Library Commission. |
1891_private laws_244_64 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 243 | 63 | CHAPTER 243 An act to amend the charter of the city of Raleigh. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | Every bank (not incorporated), banker, broker or stock jobber shall, at the time fixed by this charter for listing personal property, make out and furnish the clerk a sworn statement, showing: (1). The amount of property on hand or in transit. (2). The amount of funds in the hands of other banks, bankers, brokers or others subject to draft. (3). The amount of checks or other cash items, the amount thereof not being included in either of the preceding items. (4). The amount of bills receivable discounted or purchased and other credits due or to become due, including accounts receivable and interest accrued but not due, and interest due and unpaid. (5). The amount of bonds and stocks of every kind, state and county warrants and other municipal securities, and shares of capital stock of joint stok or other companies or corporations held as an investment, or anyway representing assets. (6). All other property appertaining to said business other than real estate, which real estate shall be listed and assessed as other real estate is listed and assessed under this act. (7). The amount of deposits made with them by other parties. (8). The amount of all accounts payable other than current deposit accounts. (9). The amount of bonds and other securities exempt by law from taxation, specifying the amount and kind of each, the same being included in the preceding fifth item. The aggregate amount of the first, second and third items in said statement shall be listed as moneys. The amount of the sixth item shall be listed the same as other similar personal property is listed under this chapter. The aggregate amount of the seventh and eighth items shall be deducted from the aggregate amount of the fourth item of said statement, and the amount of the remainder, if any, shall be listed as credits. The aggregate amount of the ninth item shall be deducted from the aggregate amount of the fifth item of such statement, and the remainder shall be listed as bonds or stocks. |
1879_private laws_20_13 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 19 | 12 | CHAPTER 19 AN ACT TO AMEND THE UHARTER OF THE TOWN OF MOORESVILLE, IN IREDELL COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That said taxesshall be due the first Monday in August of each and every year, but the tax collector shall have no power to enforce collection of the same by sale before the first day of November next ensuing. |
1929_public laws_180_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 179 | 2 | CHAPTER 179 AN ACT TO APPOINT JUSTICES OF THE PEACE FOR THE SEVERAL COUNTIES OF NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That section one hundred and ninety-eight of the Consolidated Statutes shall not be applicable to the said Fred W. Ashcraft and B. Capps, herein appointed Justices of the Peace. |
1965_session laws_646_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 645 | 3 | CHAPTER 645 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATIONS IN TYRRELL COUNTY AND FOR THE ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION OF TAXES FOR CON- STRUCTION, REPAIR, AND MAINTENANCE OF NEEDED WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Upon its receipt the Board of Commissioners of Tyrrell County shall review the petition and determine if it bears the requisite number of signatures, if those who signed the petition were eligible to sign as residents within the area of the proposed association, and if the description of the area of the proposed association clearly sets forth the boundaries of the association. If the Board of Commissioners of Tyrrell County should find the petition lacking in any of the particulars set forth in Section 2 of this Act, it shall be returned to the petitioners together with notice in writing of any deficiences found. Upon receipt of such notice the petitioners may correct the petition as indicated and re-submit same to the Board of Commissioners of Tyrrell County. |
1927_public laws_54_6 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 53 | 5 | CHAPTER 53 AN ACT TO REGULATE THE MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF INSECTICIDES AND FUNGICIDES IN NORTH CARO- LINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all manufacturers and dealers, for the purpose of defraying the expenses connected with the enforcement of this act, shall pay to the Department of Agriculture the sum of ten cents per hundred pounds for paris green, calcium arsenate, lead arsenate and all other insecticides and fungicides, manufactured for sale or sold in this State. |
1907_public laws_257_15 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 256 | 14 | CHAPTER 256 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 588 OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF 1905 The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: That chapter five hundred and eighty-eight of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and five, relating to raising revenue, be amended so as hereafter to read as follows: SCHEDULE A. | Proportion of tax to be repaid upon certain conditions. Whenever debts shall be proven against the estate of a decedent, after the distribution of legacies from which the inheritance tax has been deducted in compliance with this act, and the legatee is required to refund any portion of the legacy, a proportion of the said tax shall be repaid to him by the executor or administrator if the said tax has not been paid into the State Treasury, or shall be refunded by the State Treasurer if it has been so paid in. |
1903_public laws_272_8 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 271 | 7 | CHAPTER 271 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR REGISTRATION OF LABBLS, TRADE-MARKS AND DESIGNS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Whenever any person or corporation has heretofore adopted and filed for record or registry, or shall hereafter adopt and file for registry, any label, trade-mark, term or design, as herein provided, it shall be unlawful for any other person or corporation to make any use, sale, offer for sale or display of the genuine label, trade-mark, term or design of any sveh person or corporation filing the same, or to have any such genuine label, trade-mark, term or design in possession with intent that the same shall be used, sold, offered for sale, or displayed, or that the same shall be applied, attached or displayed in any manner whatever to or on any goods, wares or merchandise, or to sell, offer to sell, or dispose of, or have in possession with intent that the same shall be sold or disposed of, any goods, wares or merchandise in any box, case, can or package, to or which any such genuine label, trade-mark, term or design of any such person or corporation is attached, affixed, or displayed, or to make any use whatever of any such genuine label, trade-mark, term or design, without first obtaining in every such case the license, consent or authority of the person or corporation adopting, filing and registering the same, or causing the same to be adopted, filed and registered; and any such license, consent or authority may be revoked and terminated at any time upon notice, and thereafter any use thereof shall be a violation of this act, and subject those violating the same to all the liabilities and penalties herein provided against any violation thereof. |
1965_session laws_223_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 222 | 2 | CHAPTER 222 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF CONCORD. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Section 2 of Chapter 716 of the Session Laws of North Carolina Session of 1947 is hereby repealed, and in lieu thereof is inserted the following: The board of aldermen at the regular meeting in June 1965 shall appoint three members of the Board of Light and Water Commissioners, one of whom shall be appointed for a term of one year, one of whom shall be appointed for a term of two years, and one of whom shall be appointed for a term of three years. Each succeeding term shall be three years. The City Manager of Concord shall be an ex officio member of said board but shall not have a vote. The board of aldermen shall also appoint a treasurer, an attorney, and such other officers as it may deem necessary for the proper government of the city who shall hold office during the pleasure of the board of aldermen, or until their successors are appointed and qualified. The Mayor of the City of Concord shall be chairman ex officio of such board and shall preside at all meetings but shall not have a vote in such proceedings. |
1957_session laws_1436_8 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 1,435 | 7 | CHAPTER 1435 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE ZONING OF UNINCORPORATED AREAS IN PERQUIMANS COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | As soon as practicable after their appointment the planning and zoning commissioners shall meet and organize by electing one of the members chairman and one secretary. It shall be the duty of the chairman to preside at all meetings and hearings of said planning and zoning commission and to be its executive officer. It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep minutes of the meetings and hearings of said planning and zoning commission in a permanent record book and to perform such other duties as are usual for secretaries of similar organizations. |
1913_public local laws_693_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 692 | 1 | CHAPTER 692 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A RECORDERS COURT IN MOUNT AIRY TOWNSHIP, SURRY COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, AND TO PRESCRIBE THE JUISDICTION THEREOF. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | A special court for the trial of petty misdemeanors and certain civil causes committed in Mount Airy Township, the county of Surry, and to be designated as the Recorders Court of Mount Airy Township in Surry County, is hereby created and established. |
1915_public local laws_441_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 440 | 1 | CHAPTER 440 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 618 OF THE PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA, SESSION 1918, BHING AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE WORKING OF THE PUBLIC ROADS OF ROBESON COUNTY AND TO LEVY A TAX FOR THE SAME. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That chapter six hundred and eighteen of the PublicLocal Laws of North Carolina, session one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, be amended as follows, towit: Strike out section 40a, section 40b, section 40c, section 40d, section 40e, section 40f, section 40g, and section 40h. 5 |
1967_session laws_134_5 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 133 | 4 | CHAPTER 133 AN ACT INCREASING THE NUMBER OF MEMBERS AND APPOINT- ING THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE WHITEVILLE CITY SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. |
1907_public laws_259_57 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 258 | 56 | CHAPTER 258 AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ASSESS- MENT OF PROPERTY AND COLLECTION OF TAXES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: That chapter five hundred and ninety of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and five be amended so as hereafter to read as follows: ARTICLE I. BoarRD OF STATE TAX COMMISSIONERS. | Railroads. When any railroad has part of its road in this State and part thereof in any other State, the said Commission shall ascertain the value of railroad track, rolling-stock, and all other property liable to assessment by the Corporation Commission, of such company, as provided in the next preceding section, and divide it in the proportion to the length of such main line of road in this State bears to the whole length of such main line of road, | and determine the value in this State accordingly. On or after the first Monday in July the said Commission shall give a hearing | to all the companies interested touching the valuation and assessment of their property. The said Commission may, if they see fit, require all arguments and communications to be presented in writing. |
1911_public local laws_615_11 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 614 | 10 | CHAPTER 614 AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT TO DEFINE THE JURISDICTION OF THE RECORDERS COURT IN THE TOWN OF HENDER- SON, BEING HOUSE BILL FOUR HUNDRED AND FORTY- TWO, SENATE BILL FOUR HUNDRED AND~ THIRTY-FOUR, RATIFIED FEBRUARY FOURTEENTH, ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND ELEVEN, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the present mayor of the town of Henderson shall preside over and discharge the duties of the said recorders court until the first Monday in December, one thousand nine hundred and twelve, and at the next general election held for the election of county officers of Vance County and every two years thereafter a recorder shall be elected to fill said office by the voters of the entire county of Vance as other county officers are elected and voted for, and the said court shall after that date be held in the county courthouse. Should a vacancy occur by resignation, death of the recorder, or from any cause whatever, then the board.of town commissioners of the town of Henderson and the board of county com- missioners of Vance shall immediately meet in joint session and appoint a recorder to discharge the duties of the office until the next general election for county officers shall be held to elect a recorder. |
1907_private laws_329_8 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 326 | 7 | CHAPTER 326 AN ACT TO REGULATE PRIMARY AND OTHER ELECTIONS IN MITCHELL COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That this act shall be in force from and after its ratifieation: Provided, that any political party may at any meeting duly advertised reject this act and have an order so written and signed by the secretary and approved by the chairman of such party, and have said order recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of such county on the book of orders and decrees. In this event such political party shall not be subject to the provisions of this act. |
1911_public local laws_587_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 586 | 3 | CHAPTER 586 AN. ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COMMISSIONERS OF LEE COUNTY TO SUBMIT TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF SAID COUNTY THE QUESTION OF ISSUING BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING AND IMPROVING, ETC., THE PUBLIC ROADS OF SAID COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That at the said election or elections, the ballots tendered and cast by the qualified voters, shall have written or printed, or partly written and partly printed upon them For good roads, or Against good roads, and all qualified electors who favor the issuing of said bonds shall vote For good roads, and all qualified electors opposed to the issuing of bonds shall vote Against good roads. |
1907_private laws_312_5 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 309 | 4 | CHAPTER 309 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 577, PUBLIC LAWS OF 1905, RELATING TO COTTON-WEIGHER FOR THE TOWN OF DUNN, HARNETT COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That said chapter be further amended by adding at the end of section six thereof the following words: And it shall also be his duty to assess and deduct just and proper weights on account of dampness, damage or excessive weight, bagging or ties and so forth. |
1889_private laws_184_18 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 183 | 17 | CHAPTER 183 An act to amend an act entitled an act to incorporate the town of : Marion, county of McDowell. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That the mayor of said town is hereby constituted an inferior court, and as such shall, within the corporate limits of the town, have all the power, jurisdiction and authority of a justice of the peace to issue process; to hear and determine all causes of action which may arise upon the ordinances and regulations of the town; to enforce penalties by issuing execution upon any adjudged violation thereof; and to execute the by-laws, rules and regulations made by the aldermen. The mayor shall further be a special court within the corporate limits of the town to have arrested and to try all persons who are charged with a misdemeanor for violating any ordinance of the town, and if the accused shall be found guilty he shall be fined at the discretion of the court or mayor not exceeding the amount specified in the ordinance so violated, or imprisoned at the discretion of the court or mayor not exceeding the length of time specified in the ordinance or ordinances so violated. |
1913_private laws_155_5 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 154 | 4 | CHAPTER 154 AN ACT TO ENABLE THE HERTFORD GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO ISSUE BONDS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That said board of graded school trustees may in their discretion ask for issuance of a total sum of bonds provided for at any one election or may ask for any part of said sum at any election, and shall have the right and power to require the commissioners of the town of Hertford to call elections to vote upon the issuance of any part of the bonds herein provided for, and for each of the purposes herein set out, at any time they may deem advisable: Provided, however, that they shall not call, require, or ask that any election be held within six months of any other election held hereunder: and Provided further, that the total amounts of bonds issued from time to time not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000), as herein provided: Provided further, that there shall not be any elections under this act after July first, one thousand nine hundred and sixteen. |
1921_public laws_6_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 5 | 3 | CHAPTER 5 AN ACT DEFINING THE CRIME OF BURGLARY WITH EX- PLOSIVES, AND PROVIDING THE PUNISHMENT THERE- FOR. The General Assembly of North Carolina do cnact: | That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. |
1897_private laws_23_6 | project experts | 1jim_crow
| private laws | 22 | 5 | CHAPTER 22 An act to incorporate The Peoples Benevolent and Relief Association of North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: - | That two-tenths (2-10) of one per cent. of any and all {money or monies obtained as premiums by the association, shall be donated to the Colored Oxford Orphan Asylum. |
1883_public laws_181_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 180 | 2 | CHAPTER 180 An act to prevent the felling of timber in Pigeon river in Haywood county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Any person violating this act shall be guilty of & misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined or imprisoned, at the discretion of the court. |
1931_public local laws_351_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 350 | 1 | CHAPTER 350 AN ACT TO PRESCRIBE THE FEES TO BE CHARGED BY THE REGISTER OF DEEDS OF GRANVILLE COUNTY FOR RECORDING CERTAIN INSTRUMENTS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The Register of Deeds of Granville County shall receive for registering deeds, mortgages, Deeds of Trust, and contracts, and other instruments not hereinafter specifically mentioned, the sum of One ($1.00) Dollar for the first three hundred words and fifteen (15c) cents for each additional hundred words or fraction thereof contained in the instrument and certificates: For recording the statutory short form of agricultural lien and chattel mortgage combined the sum of fifty (50c) cents and for recording the statutory short form of chattel mortgage alone in which no crop is mentioned the sum of thirty-five (35c) cents. |
1927_public laws_72_22 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 71 | 21 | CHAPTER 71 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE LISTING AND VALU- ING OF ALL PROPERTY, REAL, PERSONAL, AND MIXED, AT ITS REAL VALUE IN MONEY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE I. | Sleeping-car companies. Every joint-stock association, company, co-partnership, or corporation incorporated or acting under the laws of this or any other state, or of any foreign nation, and conveying to, from, through, in, or across this State, or any part thereof, passengers or travelers in palace cars, drawing-room cars, sleeping cars, dining cars or chair cars, under any contract, express or implied, with any railroad company or the managers, lessees, agents, or receivers thereof, shall be deemed and held to be a sleeping car company for the purposes of this act, and shall hereinafter be called sleeping-car company; and every such sleeping-car company doing business in this State shall annually, between the first day of May and the twentieth day of May, make out and deliver to the State Board of Assessment a statement, verified by the oath of the officer or agent of such company making such statement, with reference to the thirtieth day of April next preceding, showing: First. The total capital stock of such sleeping-car company, invested in its sleeping-car business. Second. The number of shares of such capital stock devoted to the sleeping-car business issued and outstanding, and the par or face value of each share. Third. Under the laws of what state it is incorporated. Fourth. Its principal place of business. Fifth. The names and postoffice addresses of its president and. secretary. Sixth. The actual cash value of the shares of such capital stock devoted to its sleeping-car business on the thirtieth day of April next preceding such report. Seventh. The real estate, structures, machinery, fixtures, and appliances owned by said sleeping-car company and subject to local taxation within this State, and the location and assessed value thereof in each county within this State where the same is assessed for local taxation. ; Eighth. All mortgages upon the whole or any part of its property, and the amounts thereof devoted to its sleeping-car business. Ninth. (a) The total length of the main line of railroad over which cars are run; (b) the total length of so much of the main lines of railroad over which the said cars are run outside of the State of North Carolina; (c) the length of the lines of railroad over which said cars are run within the State of North Carolina: Provided, that where the railroads over which said cars run have double tracks, or a greater number of tracks than a single track, the statement shall only give the mileage as though such tracks were but single tracks; and in case it shall be required, such statement shall show in detail the number of miles of each or any particular railroad or system within the State. When the assessment shall have been made by the State Board of Assessments in accordance with section twenty-six of this act, the clerk of the board shall thereupon notify the officer attesting such report of the amount assessed against it, and such sleeping-car company shall have thirty days within which to appear and make objection, if any it shall have, to said assessment. If no objection be made within thirty days, the Commissioner of Revenue shall assess the State tax against such company and send by letter to the officer attesting such report a bill for the State taxes upon said assessment, and such sleeping-car company shall have thirty days within which to pay said taxes; and the clerk of the State Board of Assessment shall certify to the county commissioners of the several counties through which such cars are used the value of the property of such sleeping-car company within such county in the proportion that the number of miles of railroad over which such cars are used in said county bears to the number of miles of railroad over which such cars are used within the State, together with the name and postoffice address of the officers attesting such report of such sleeping-car company, with the information that tax bills, when assessed, are to be sent him by mail; and such value, so certified, shall be assessed and taxed the same as other property within said county. And when the assessment shall have been made in such county, the sheriff or county tax collector shall send to the address given by the Clerk of the State Board of Assessment to the county commissioners a bill for the total amount of all taxes due to such county, and such sleeping-car company shall have sixty days thereafter within which to pay said taxes; and upon failure of and refusal to do so such taxes shall be collected the same as other delinquent taxes are, together with a penalty of fifty per cent added thereto, and costs of collection. |
1967_session laws_1078_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 1,077 | 1 | CHAPTER 1077 AN ACT TO AMEND SUBSECTION (b) OF G. S. 20-127 PERTAINING TO WINDSHIELD WIPERS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Subsection (b) of G. S. 20-127, as the same appears in the 1965 Replacement Volume 1C of the General Statutes, is hereby amended by inserting in line 5 thereof immediately following the word vehicle. the following provision: 1591 Provided, on any vehicle equipped by its manufacturer with such devices on both the right and left sides of windshield, both such devices shall be in working order. |
1907_public laws_175_5 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 174 | 4 | CHAPTER 174 AN ACT TO PROHIBIT THE MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF SPIRITUOUS, VINOUS AND MALT LIQUORS IN McDOW- _ ELL COUNTY AND TO PREVENT THE IMPORTATION THEREOF INTO SAID COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined or imprisoned, or both, in the discretion of the Court. |
1933_public laws_156_8 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 155 | 7 | CHAPTER 155 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONSERVATION OF THE ASSETS OF BANKING INSTITUTIONS AND THE ISSUANCE OF PREFERRED STOCK. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Notwithstanding any other provision of this act or any other law, and notwithstanding any of the provisions of its Articles of Incorporation or by-laws, any bank may, with the approval of the Commissioner of Banks, and by vote of stockholders owning a majority of the stock of such bank, upon not less than two days notice given by registered mail pursuant to action taken at a meeting of its Board of Directors (which may be held upon not less than one days notice) issue preferred stock in such amount and with such par value as shall be approved by said Commissioner of Banks. A copy of the minutes of such directors and stockholders meetings, certified by the proper officer and under the corporate seal of the bank, and accompanied by the written approval of the Commissioner of Banks shall be immediately filed in the office of the Secretary of State, and when so filed, shall be deemed and treated as an amendment to the Articles of Incorporation of such bank. No issue of preferred stock shall be valid until the par value of all stock so issued shall have been paid for in full in cash or in such manner as may be specifically approved by the Commissioner of Banks. |
1927_private laws_102_5 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 101 | 4 | CHAPTER 101 AN ACT TO CREATE A PARK COMMISSION FOR THE CITY OF ASHEVILLE AND TO PRESCRIBE THE DUTIES OF SAID COMMISSION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the governing body of the city of Asheville shall make sufficient appropriation from the general revenues of said city, or from funds derived from the sale of bonds of said city, said bonds to be sold im accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina governing the sale of municipal securities, to purchase, develop and maintain such lands and improvements as herein provided for, at the request of said park commission. |
1959_session laws_97_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 96 | 2 | CHAPTER 96 AN ACT TO AMEND G. S. 14-835 WITH RESPECT TO PUBLIC DRUNKENNESS IN CASWELL COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. |
1907_public laws_13_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 12 | 1 | CHAPTER 12 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION 958 OF THE REVISAL OF 1905 The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That section nine hundred and fifty-eight of the Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five be and the same is hereby amended by inserting in line four, between the word sage and the word for, the words or deed of trust, and by inserting in line seven after the word deed the words or deed of trust. |
1925_public local laws_36_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 35 | 3 | CHAPTER 35 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION 10, CHAPTER 84 OF THE PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF 1919, BEING AN ACT TO PRO- VIDE GOOD ROADS IN GOLDMINE TOWNSHIP, FRANKLIN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. |
1939_public laws_232_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 231 | 2 | CHAPTER 231 AN ACT TO AMEND THE MUNICIPAL FINANCE ACT, ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-ONE, AS AMENDED, THE COUNTY FINANCE ACT, AS AMEND- ED, THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, AS AMENDED, AND THE ACT PROVIDING FOR FUNDING AND RE- FUNDING DEBTS OF LOCAL UNITS OF GOVERNMENT OTHER THAN COUNTIES, CITIES AND TOWNS, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO FUNDING AND REFUND- ING OF NOTES AND BONDS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the County Finance Act, being Chapter eightyone of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and twentyseven, as amended, be and the same is hereby amended as follows: (a) Amend Section five by adding at the end thereof the following: In addition to the foregoing powers, a county may borrow money for the purpose of refunding or funding the principal or interest of bonds due or to become due within four months and not otherwise adequately provided for, and such loans shall be paid not later than the end of the next succeeding fiscal year following the fiscal year within which they are made: Provided, however, if such loans, or any renewals thereof, shall not be paid within the fiscal year in which the same are made, the governing body shall in the next succeeding fiscal year levy and collect a tax ad valorem upon the taxable property in the county sufficient to pay the principal and interest thereof. (b) Amend Section six by adding at the end thereof the following: The resolution authorizing issuance of notes for money borrowed under Section five of this Act for the purpose of refunding or funding principal or interest of bonds shall contain a description of the bonds the principal or interest of which is to be so paid, including the respective amounts of such principal or interest and the date or dates on which the same is due and payable. (c) Amend clause (j) of Section eight by striking out in the last sentence thereof the words One thousand nine hundred thirty-eight and inserting in lieu thereof the words One thousand nine hundred forty. (d) Amend Section thirty-two by substituting a colon for the period at the end thereof and adding the following: Provided, however, that funding or refunding bonds heretofore or hereafter authorized may be issued at any time within five years after the order takes effect. |
1925_public local laws_103_13 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 102 | 12 | CHAPTER 102 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE MADISON COUNTY TO ISSUE BONDS FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF: The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Said bonds shall be sold by the said board of county commissioners in the manner provided by the municipal finance act for the sale of bonds. They shall not be sold for less than par and accrued interest. |
1939_public local laws_430_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 429 | 1 | CHAPTER 429 AN ACT TO EXTEND THE TERMS OF OFFICE OF COUN- TY COMMISSIONERS OF CHEROKEE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the county commissioners, now holding office in Cherokee County, shall serve in such capacity until the first Monday in December, one thousand nine hundred forty-two. |
1889_private laws_138_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 137 | 2 | CHAPTER 137 An act to incorporate the town of Roberdel, in the county of Rich- mond. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That the corporate limits of said town shall be as follows: Beginning at the mouth of a branch on south bank of Hitchcock creek, about two hundred yards below the bridge, and runs with the outside lines of the lands of Roberdel Manufacturing Company, as follows: N. 9 W. 23 5, chains; thence east 13 chains; thence S. 29 EK. 13 345, chains; thence N. 14 E. 10 chains, to the run of said creek; thence down said run to the corner of said companys land; thence with its line in a southerly direction 125 yards to its corner; thence with its west line in a westerly direction about 125 yards to R. L. Steeles N. E. corner; thence with his line to his 8 E. corner; thence with his line to his . W. corner; thence with his line to his N. W. corner, being a corner of said companys land; thence with its line N. 25 W. to the run of said creek, just below a spring; pence with said run to the beginning. |
1909_public laws_129_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 128 | 2 | CHAPTER 128 AN ACT TO PROHIBIT SEINING IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Any person or persons violating this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon conviction therefor be fined or imprisoned in the discretion of the court, not less than five dollars in each and every case, in the discretion of the court. |
1919_public local laws_558_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 557 | 1 | CHAPTER 557 AN ACT TO FIX THE COMPENSATION OF THE SHERIFF AND TREASURER OF HAYWOOD COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the compensation of the sheriff and of the treasurer of Haywood County shall, in no year, exceed the amount received by the said sheriff and the said treasurer for the fiscal year ending the first Monday in December, one thousand nine hundred and eighteen: Provided, that in computing the compensation of the sheriff and the treasurer for the year one thousand nine hundred and eighteen their commissioners on all taxes listed for that year shall be included. |
1957_session laws_1215_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 1,214 | 3 | CHAPTER 1214 AN ACT TO AMEND ARTICLE 5 OF G. S. CHAPTER 72 RELATING TO THE SANITATION OF ESTABLISHMENTS PROVIDING FOOD AND LODGING. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That G. S. 72-49 be and the same is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the following proviso: Provided, food or drink stands operated by church, civic or charitable organizations for a period of one week or less shall meet minimum sanitation requirements but shall not be subject to grading. Provided further, that this Article shall not apply to boarding houses having regular boarders, private clubs, picnics, camp meetings, reunions, box suppers, field trials, 1154 occasional fund-raising suppers and similar gatherings conducted from time to time by church, civic or charitable organizations. |
1905_private laws_174_10 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 174 | 9 | CHAPTER 174 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF MAGNOLIA IN DUPLIN COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That said judges of election, together with the registrar, who shall take with him the registration book, shall assemble at the polling place on the day of election held in said town and shall open the polls at seven o'clock A. M. They shall superintend said election and shall keep the polls open until sunset, when the polls shall be closed and the votes for mayor and commissioners shall be counted out by them. They shall keep poll-books and shall write in them the name of every person voting at said election, and at the close thereof shall certify said poll lists and deposit them with the clerk and treasurer of said town, and said poll-books shall, in any trial for illegal or fraudulent voting, be received as evidence. If for any cause any of the judges of election shall fail to attend, the registrar shall appoint some discreet person or persons to fill the vacancy, who shall be sworn before acting. |
1887_private laws_92_10 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 91 | 9 | CHAPTER 91 An act entitled * An act to incorporate the Enterprise Land and Lumber Company. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That this corporation is hereby granted all the privileges contained in this charter, to them and their associates and successors, in perpetual succession forever, and: sections six hundred and sixtysix, six hundred and eighty-seven, six hundred and ninety, six hundred and ninety-three and six hundred and eighty-five of The Code, together with all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act, are hereby repealed in so far as they affect this corporation, and no farther. |
1919_public laws_93_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 92 | 2 | CHAPTER 92 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 231, PUBLIC LAWS OF 1917, IN RELATION TO THE ASSESSMENT OF PROPERTY AND THE COLLECTION OF TAXES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE I Boarp OF STATE TAX COMMISSIONERS | The members of said board shall take and subscribe the constitutional oath of office to be filed with the Secretary of State. |
1915_public laws_243_7 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 242 | 6 | CHAPTER 242 AN ACT TO PROTECT AND REGULATE AGRICULTURAL FAIRS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That every such person mentioned in the preceding section shall apply in advance for a license to the board of county commissioners of the county in which he proposes to peddle, sell or operate and the board of county commissioners may in their discretion issue license upon the payment of the tax to the sheriff which shall expire at the end of twelve months from its date. |
1911_private laws_254_9 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 253 | 8 | CHAPTER 253 AN ACT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A GRADED SCHOOL TO BE KNOWN AS OAK GROVE GRADED SCHOOL, IN SURRY COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all statistical reports of said graded school shall be made to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. |
1913_private laws_487_19 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 484 | 18 | CHAPTER 484 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUE OF BONDS BY THE TOWN OF ANDREWS IN CHEROKEE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The board of aldermen are hereby authorized to pay a reasonable sum, to be fixed by them, for legal and other expenses which may be incurred in connection with the sale thereof, and the board may sell any issue of said bonds at public or private sale, as May seem best. |
1921_public laws_196_7 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 195 | 6 | CHAPTER 195 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE CRIMINAL COURTS OF GUILFORD AND ROWAN COUNTIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the defendants and witnesses recognized to appear at any criminal term shall be in the recognizance be ordered to appear on the first day of the term, as now provided by law, but in fact shall not be required to appear until the day on which the ease is set for trial, and no witness shall prove for attendance prior to the day on which the case is set on the calendar. |
1909_public laws_391_16 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 390 | 15 | CHAPTER 390 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE WORKING OF THE PUBLIC ROADS OF NORTHAMPTON COUNTY AND TO LEVY A SPECIAL TAX THEREFOR, AND TO REPEAL CHAPTER 538 OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF 1903 The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Every supervisor or other officer may be required to execute a proper undertaking, in an amount to be fixed by said board of road commissioners, for the faithful performance of his duties and for the proper accounting for the funds and property which may come into his hands as such, and shall always be subject to the orders and control of said board, and may be at any time removed by them for inefficiency, misconduct and other good cause, and a successor may be appointed by them. |
1939_public laws_51_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 50 | 2 | CHAPTER 50 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION FIVE THOUSAND AND FORTY-FOUR OF VOLUME TWO (ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED NINETEEN) OF THE CONSOLIDAT- ED STATUTES RELATIVE TO COURT COSTS IN JUVE- NILE COURTS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. |
1915_public local laws_362_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 361 | 2 | CHAPTER 361 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE ROBERT J. LOWERY, FORMER SHERIFF OF ANSON COUNTY, TO COLLECT BACK TAXES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the power and authority herein granted shall expire on the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen. |
1881_public laws_96_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 95 | 3 | CHAPTER 95 AN ACT TO APPOINT A COTTON WEIGHER FOR THE TOWN OF FRANKLINTON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The said weigher before entering upon the duties of his office shall take the following oath before some justice of the peace, viz: I......... , do solemnly swear that I will faithfully perform the duties of cotton weigher, and that I will take no interest, near or remote, in buying and selling cotton in the town of Franklinton. |
1899_private laws_367_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 366 | 2 | CHAPTER 366 An act to incorporate the town of Belhaven in the county of Beaufort. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the corporate limits of said town shall be as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of the buildings of the Norfolk and Southern Railroad depot; thence north forty-seven east across the center of the railroad five hundred feet; thence south forty-three east to Haslins street; thence north tortyseven east with said street about nine hundred efeet to Pantego street; thence with Pantego street, south forty-three east to Pungo river; thence in the various courses of Pungo river and Pantego creek to the beginning. * |
1929_public laws_213_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 212 | 2 | CHAPTER 212 AN ACT TO ENABLE THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE APPALACHIAN STATE NORMAL SCHOOL TO MAKE CERTAIN CONTRACTS WITH THE WATAUGA HOSPITAL, INC. Whereas, the Appalachian State Normal School is in need of an infirmary for the benefit of the officers, teachers and stu- dents, and Whereas, the erection of such infirmary would cost more than the plan herein authorized, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The-trustees are further authorized and empowered to pay any cost of such treatment, nursing and care to the Watauga Hospital, Incorporated, from time to time in accordance with the contract or contracts hereinbefore authorized, provided, such Appalachian State Normal School shall thereby assume no responsibility for the proper conduct of the said Watauga Hospital, Incorporated. |
1939_public local laws_125_6 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 124 | 5 | CHAPTER 124 AN ACT TO PROHIBIT THE MANUFACTURE, PUR- CHASE, SALE, DEALING IN, TRANSPORTATION, POSSESSION, ADVERTISEMENT AND USE OF PYRO- TECHNICS IN PAMLICO COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That for the proper construction of the provisions of this Act, the word pyrotechnics as is herein used shall be deemed to be and include any and all kinds of fireworks and explosives, which are used for exhibitions or amusement purposes: Provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall prevent the manufacture, purchase, sale, transportation and use of explosives used in the course of ordinary business or industry, or shells or cartridges used as ammunition in firearms. |
1911_private laws_282_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 281 | 3 | CHAPTER 281 AN ACT TO EMPOWER THE TOWN OF JONESBORO, IN LEE COUNTY, TO ACQUIRE AND ESTABLISH A SYSTEM OF WATERWORKS, AND TO PASS ORDINANCES FOR THE MAN- AGEMENT AND CONTROL OF THE SAID WATERWORKS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The commissioners of the town of Jonesboro shall have power to pass such ordinances as they may deem best for the regulation and management of the water system, and the supplying of water to the patrons thereof, and for the further protection of the water supply and waterworks. |
1931_public laws_360_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 359 | 2 | CHAPTER 359 AN ACT TO PROMOTE ECONOMY AND EFFICIENCY IN THE OPERATION OF THE PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOLS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA BY PROVID- ING FOR A UNIFORM ADOPTION OF HIGH SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the Governor and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, at the expiration of the present high school textbook contracts, shall appoint a State committee on high school textbooks, consisting of five members, five of whom are actively engaged in school work, who shall serve for a term of five years without compensation except for reimbursement out of the State Treasury upon the requisition of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction for actual expenses incurred by attendance upon meetings of the committee that may be called by or under the direction of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. |
1903_private laws_234_21 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 233 | 20 | CHAPTER 233 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE VIRGINIA AND CAROLINA SOUTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | This act shall not be forfeited by non-user: Provided, that the said company shall be organized within five years from the ratification of this act. |
1967_session laws_1061_9 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 1,060 | 8 | CHAPTER 1060 AN ACT TO AMEND PORTIONS OF CHAPTER 165 RELATING TO VETERANS, AND TO REWRITE AND RECODIFY INTO CHAPTER 165 THE PRESENT ARTICLE 15 OF CHAPTER 116 RELATING TO SCHOLARSHIPS FOR VETERANS CHILDREN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Article 4 of Chapter 165 of the General Statutes, as the same appears in 1964 Replacement Volume 3D, is hereby rewritten to read as follows: Article 4 Scholarships for Children of War Veterans $ 165-19. Purpose. In appreciation for the service and sacrifices of North Carolinas war veterans and as evidence of this States concern for their children, there is hereby continued a revised program of scholarships for said children as set forth in this Article. 165-20. Definitions. As used in this Article the terms defined in this Section shall have the following meaning: (a) Veteran means a person who served as a member of the Armed Forces of the United States in active Federal service during a period of war and who was separated from the Armed Forces under conditions other than dishonorable. A person who was separated from the Armed Forces under conditions other than dishonorable and whose death or disability was incurred -1 as a direct result of armed conflict or -2 while engaged in extra-hazardous service, including such service under conditions simulating war, shall also be deemed a veteran and such death or disability shall be considered wartime service-connected. (b) Armed Forces means the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Coast Guard, including their reserve components. (c) Active Federal Service means full-time duty in the Armed Forces other than active duty for training; however, if disability or death occurs while on active duty for training -1 as a direct result of armed conflict or -2 while engaged in extra-hazardous service, including such service under conditions simulating war, such active duty for training shall be considered as active Federal service. (d) Period of war and wartime shall mean any of the periods or circumstances as defined below: -1 World War I, meaning (a) the period beginning on April 6, 1917 and ending on November 11, 1918, and (b) in the case of a veteran who 1562 served with the United States Armed Forces in Russia, the period beginning on April 6, 1917 and ending on April 1, 1920 -2 World War II, meaning the period beginning on December 7, 1941 and ending on December 31, 1946 -3 Korean Conflict, meaning the period beginning on June 27, 1950 and ending on January 31, 1955 -4 Any period of service in the Armed Forces during which the veteran parent of an applicant for a scholarship under this Article suffered death or disability (a) as a direct result of armed conflict or (b) while engaged in extra-hazardous service, including such service under conditions simulating war. (e) Child? means a person who has completed high school or its equivalent prior to receipt of a scholarship as may be awarded under this Article and who further meets one of the following requirements: -1 A person whose veteran parent was a legal resident of North Carolina at the time of said veterans entrance into the Armed Forces. -2 A veterans child who was born in North Carolina and has lived in North Carolina continuously since birth. Provided, that the requirement in the preceding sentence as to birth in North Carolina may be waived by the North Carolina Department of Veterans Affairs if it is shown to the satisfaction of the Department that the childs mother was a native-born resident of North Carolina and was such resident at the time of her marriage to the veteran and was outside the State temporarily at the time of the childs birth, following which the child was returned to North Carolina within a reasonable period of time where said child has since lived continuously. -3 A person meeting either of the requirements set forth in subsections -1 or -2 above, and who was legally adopted by the veteran prior to said persons reaching the age of six years and within 10 years of the veterans entry on active duty for the period of war under which said persons entitlement to a scholarship is being considered. (f) State Educational Institution means any educational institution of higher learning which is owned and operated by the State of North Carolina, or any community college operated under the provisions of Article 3 of Chapter 116 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, or the North Carolina School of the Arts. 165-21. Scholarship. (a) Unless expressly limited elsewhere in this Article, a scholarship granted pursuant to this Article shall consist of the following benefits in any State supported institution of higher education, including the Community Colleges and the college program of the North Carolina School of the Arts: -1 Tuition. -2 A reasonable board allowance. -3 A reasonable room allowance. -4 Such other items and institutional services as are embraced within the so called institutional matriculation fees and other special fees and charges required to be paid as a condition to remaining in said institution and pursuing the course of study selected. 1563 (b) Only one scholarship may be granted pursuant to this Article with respect to each child and it shall not extend for a longer period than four academic years, which years, however, need not be consecutive. $ 165-22. Classes or Categories of Eligibility Under Which Scholarships May be Awarded. (a) A child, as defined in this Article, who falls within the provisions of any eligibility class described below shall, upon proper application be considered for a scholarship, subject to the provisions and limitations set forth for the class under which he is considered: -1 Class I-A: Under this class a scholarship shall be awarded to any child whose veteran parent a. Was killed in action or died from wounds or other causes not due to his own wilful misconduct while a member of the Armed Forces during a period of war, or b. Has died of service-connected injuries, wounds, illness or other causes incurred or aggravated during wartime service in the Armed Forces, as rated by the United States Veterans Administration. -2 Class I-B. Under this class a limited scholarship providing only those benefits set forth in Section 165-21 (a) -1 and (4), and Section 165-21 (b) of this Article, shall be awarded to any child whose veteran parent, at the time the benefits pursuant to this Article are sought to be availed of, is or was at the time of his death receiving compensation for a wartime service-connected disability of one hundred per cent -100% as rated by the United States Veterans Administration. Provided, that if the veteran parent of a recipient under this class should die of his wartime service-connected condition before the recipient shall have utilized all of his scholarship eligibility time, then the North Carolina Department of Veterans Affairs shall amend the recipients award from Class 1-B to Class 1-A for the remainder of the recipients eligibility time. The effective date of such an amended award shall be determined by the North Carolina Department of Veterans Affairs, but, in no event, shall it predate the date of the veteran parents death. -3 Class II: Under this class a scholarship may be awarded to not more than one hundred children yearly, each of whose veteran parent, at the time the benefits pursuant to this Article are sought to be availed of, a. Is or was at the time of his death receiving compensation for a wartime service-connected disability of thirty per cent -30% or more, but less than one hundred per cent (100%), as rated by the United States Veterans Administration, or b. Is or was at the time of his death receiving wartime compensation for a statutory award for arrested pulmonary tuberculosis, as rated by the United States Veterans-Administration, or ec. Was a prisoner of war for a period of at least six months and who was wounded in combat against an enemy of the United States of America during the time of war and is or was at the time of his death receiving compensation for a wartime service-connected disability of twenty per cent -20% or more, as rated by the United States Veterans Administration. -4 Class III: Under this class a scholarship may be awarded to not more than one hundred children yearly, each of whose veteran parent, at 1564 the time the benefits pursuant to this Article are sought to be availed of, is or was at the time of his death drawing pension for permanent and total disability, nonservice-connected, as rated by the United States Veterans Administration. 165-22.1. Administration and Funding. The administration of the scholarship program shall be vested in the North Carolina Department of Veterans Affairs, and the disbursing and accounting activities required shall be a responsibility of the Department of Administration. The Department of Veterans Affairs shall determine the eligibility of applicants, select the scholarship recipients, establish the effective dates of scholarships, maintain necessary records, and promulgate such rules and regulations not inconsistent with the other provisions of this Article as it deems necessary for the orderly administration of the program. It may require of State educational institutions, as defined in this Article, such reports and other information as it may need to carry out the provisions of this Article. The Department of Administration shall disburse scholarship payments for recipients certified eligible by the Department of Veterans Affairs upon certification of enrollment by the enrolling institution. Funds for the support of this program shall be appropriated to the Department of Administration as a reserve for payment of the allocable costs for room, board, tuition, and other charges, and shall be placed in a separate budget code from which disbursements shall be made. In the event the said appropriation for any year is insufficient to pay the full amounts allocable under the provisions of this Article, such supplemental sums aS may be necessary shall be allocated from the Contingency and Emergency Fund. The method of disbursing and accounting for funds allocated for payments under the provisions of this Act shall be in accordance with those standards and procedures prescribed by the Director of the Budget, pursuant to the Executive Budget Act. Allowances for room and board shall be at such rate as the Director of the Budget may determine to be reasonable. |
1915_private laws_181_67 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 180 | 66 | CHAPTER 180 AN ACT TO REVISE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF WIN- STON AND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF SALEM, AND TO ADOPT A CHARTER FOR THE CITY OF WINSTON- SALEM. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The judge of the municipal court shall be elected by the board of aldermen as provided in this charter, and before entering upon his duties he shall take and subscribe the oath required of judges of the Superior Court. |
1907_public laws_150_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 149 | 2 | CHAPTER 149 AN ACT FOR THE PROTECTION OF FISH IN NORTH PACO- LET RIVER AND VAUGHNS CREEK AND THEIR TRIBU- TARIES IN POLK COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That it shall be unlawful for any one to fish with hook and line or with hooks and lines, without the written consent of the Tryon Fish Commission Club, unless he or she is a propertyowner or a resident along said river or streams. |
1895_public laws_115_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 114 | 1 | CHAPTER 114 An act to authorize the appointment of special tax collectors for the counties of Northampton and Robeson. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the commissioners of Northampton and Robeson county or the board of trustees of said county be and hereby are authorized and empowered, if in their discretion it shall be deemed advisable, to appoint special tax collectors in and for said counties to collect the taxes levied and hereafter to be levied. |
1935_public laws_166_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 165 | 2 | CHAPTER 165 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE STATE HIGHWAY AND PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSION TO ESTABLISH AT THE CENTRAL PRISON AT RALEIGH A SHOE FACTORY TO MANUFACTURE SHOES FOR THE INMATES OF THE VARIOUS STATE INSTITUTIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The Director of the Division of Purchase and Contract for the State of North Carolina, or such other authority as may exercise the right to purchase shoes for the various State institutions, is hereby directed to purchase from, and to contract with, the State Highway and Public Works Commission for the shoe requirements for said institutions from year to year. |
1881_private laws_41_46 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 40 | 42 | CHAPTER 40 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That they may provide for the establishment, organization and equipment, government and pay of such number of fire companies as they shall deem necessary and proper. That in case of a fire occurring in said city, the mayor, or, in his absence, a majority of the aldermen who may be present, may erder the blowing up, or pulling down, or destroying any house or houses deemed necessary to stop the progress of the fire; and no person shall be held liable civilly or criminally for acting is [in] such case in obedience to such orders. They shall also have power to establish fire limits within said city, within which it shall not be lawful for any person to erect or build any wooden house, make any wooden additions to any buildings, or cover any building with any material other than metal or slate. They may prohibit wooden buildings from being removed from without into said fire limits, or from being removed from one place to another within the same, under such penalties as the board of aldermen may establish; and said penalty may be sued for and recovered from the owner in an action of debt in any court having jurisdiction. |
1903_public laws_415_7 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 414 | 6 | CHAPTER 414 AN ACT TO PROMOTE AND PROTECT THE SHELL FISH IN- DUSTRIES IN BRUNSWICK COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons, to take clams from the waters of Brunswick County, or for any person or persons to pound or bed any clams in any of said waters between the first day of April and the first day of November of each year. |
1899_public laws_270_5 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 269 | 4 | CHAPTER 269 An act for the establishment of a graded school in the town of Albemarle, Stanly county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That for the purpose and benefits of this act the town of Albemarle shall be a public school district and it is hereby named and designated the Albemarle graded school district. |
1893_public laws_213_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 212 | 1 | CHAPTER 212 An act to authorize the board of commissioners of Edgecombe county to submit to the voters of Tarboro township the levying of a tax for the ' schools of said township. : The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the board of commissioners of the county of Edgecombe be and they are hereby authorized and required to submit to the qualified voters of Tarboro township in said county on the first Monday in May, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, under such rules and regulations as said board may prescribe, whether an annual tax shall be levied therein for the support of public schools for the children in said township. Each voter shall vote a written or printed ballot with the words For schools or Against schools, and said election shall be conducted under the same rules, regulations and penalties as are prescribed by law for the election of members of the general assembly. The board shall submit such amount of taxation as the Tarboro school-board shall by resolution request, not to exceed twenty cents on the one hundred dollars of property and sixty cents on the poll, the said tax to be in lieu of the present special tax. |
1931_private laws_42_11 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 41 | 10 | CHAPTER 41 AN ACT FOR THE EXTENSION OF THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF HICKORY, FOR AN ELEC- TION IN FURTHERANCE THEREOF, FOR THE RE- PEAL OF THE CHARTERS OF OTHER TOWNS WITHIN THE EXTENDED LIMITS, AND FOR OTHER PUR- POSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | In the event the proposed teritory shall be embraced in the corporate limits of the City of Hickory, under the provision of this act, the City so consolidated shall before the next annual municipal election, be divided by the City Council into six -6 wards of equal population, or as nearly so as possible. The Board of Aldermen of the Town of Highland is hereby authorized and empowered to choose by majority vote of its body a member of the Council of Greater Hickory to serve for the time elapsing between the going into effect of this act and the next municipal election; and the Board of Aldermen for the Town of West Hickory, by a majority vote of its own body, is also authorized to elect a member of the City Council of Greater Hickory to serve for said time. |
1887_private laws_37_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 36 | 1 | CHAPTER 36 An act amendatory of an act to consolidate the fire companies of the city of Newbern. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That section six of chapter twenty-five of the private acts of one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six and one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, be and the same is hereby repealed and the following substituted therefor: |
1911_public local laws_438_6 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 437 | 5 | CHAPTER 437 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COMMMISSIONERS OF PERSON COUNTY TO ISSUE BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF MACAD- AMIZING AND SAND CLAYING THE PUBLIC ROADS OF SAID COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That said bonds shall be made payable forty years after the date thereof, and shall bear on their face the purpose for which and the authority by which they were issued. The bonds and coupons shall be numbered consecutively, and shall be signed by the chairman of the board of commissioners, and countersigned by the register of deeds of the county, and bear the corporate seal of the said county of Person. |
Subsets and Splits