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1923_public laws_216_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 215 | 2 | CHAPTER 215 AN ACT TO VALIDATE CERTAIN REGISTRATIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That in every case where it shall appear from the records in the office of the register of deeds of any county in this State that any instrument required or allowed by law to be registered, bearing date prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five, executed by any person or persons residing in any of the United States, other than this State, or in any of the territories of the United States, or in the District of Columbia, has been proven or acknowledged, or the privy examination of any feme covert taken thereto, before any officer or person authorized by any of the laws of this State in force prior to the said year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five to take such proofs, privy examinations and acknowledgments, and the said instrument has been registered in the proper county without the certificate of the Governor of the state or territory in which such proofs, acknowledgments or privy examinations were taken, or of the Secretary of State of the United States, when such certificate or certificates were required, as to the official character of the person taking such acknowledgment, proof or privy examination, as aforesaid, and without an order of registration made by a court or judge in this State having jurisdiction to make such order, then and in all such cases such proofs, privy examinations, acknowledgments and registrations are hereby in all respects fully validated and confirmed and declared to be sufficient in law, and such instruments so registered may be read in evidence in any of the courts of this State. |
1921_public laws_39_105 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 38 | 104 | CHAPTER 38 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 92, PUBLIC LAWS OF 1919, IN RELATION TO THE ASSESSMENT OF PROPERTY AND THE COLLECTION OF TAXES, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE I BoarD OF STate Tax COMMISSIONERS | In every cause of failure by the sheriff or other accounting officer to settle his account within sixty days from the time prescribed by section one hundred and one of this act for such settlement, and to take the oath required in his settlement and pay the amount due to the Treasurer, the State Auditor shall forthwith report to the Treasurer the account of such sheriff or officer, as shown by the abstract of listed and unlisted taxables furnished by the register of deeds or auditor for such county, deducting therefrom for commissions, but adding thereto one thousand dollars and ten per centum of the amount of taxes with which said sheriff is charged for the amount of taxes supposed not to appear in the list transmitted by the register of deeds or auditor, and furnish him a copy of the official bond of the said officer, and his sureties; and if the whole amount be not paid, the Treasurer, on motion of the solicitor in the Superior Court of Wake County, before the clerk thereof, within thirty days after default shall have occurred, shall recover judgment against him and his sureties; without other notice than is given by the delinquency of the officer ; and to the end that obligations and names may be known, the clerk of the Superior Court shall, on or before the second Monday in each year, transmit to the State Auditor a copy, certified under the seal of the court, of the bond of the sheriff and his sureties, upon pain for his default of forfeiting to the State one thousand dollars, which the State Auditor shall and is hereby specially charged to collect in like manner and at such times as is provided in this section. |
1921_public laws_35_120 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 34 | 404 | CHAPTER 34 AN ACT TO RAISE REVENUE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Blank forms to be kept on file with Register of Deeds. For convenience of all parties liable for making a return of income, and who may not receive blank forms by mail for this purpose, the State Tax Commission shall keep on deposit with the Register of Deeds in each county a supply of blank forms for distribution. |
1927_public laws_42_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 41 | 1 | CHAPTER 41 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A BRIDGE ACROSS CAPE FEAR RIVER AT WILMING- TON AND TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR THE ERECTION OF THE SAME. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The State Highway Commission is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to build a bridge, or bridges, across the Cape Fear River and the North East River at a location to be selected by the State Highway Commission and connect the same with the street system of the City of Wilmington and the State system of highways in the most practical manner, which bridge or bridges shall be and become a part of the State Highway System. |
1935_public laws_419_7 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 418 | 6 | CHAPTER 418 AN ACT TO EXEMPT NEW HANOVER COUNTY FROM THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE EIGHT OF CHAPTER SIXTY-SIX OF VOLUME THREE OF THE CONSOLI- DATED STATUTES, KNOWN AS THE TURLINGTON ACT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | No member, officer, agent or employee of the Board shall directly or indirectly, individually or as a member of a partnership or of an association, or as a member or stockholder of a corporation, have any interest whatsoever in the manufacture of or in the dealing in alcoholic beverages, or in any enterprise or industry in which alcoholic beverages are required, or receive any commission or profit whatsoever from, or have any interest whatsoever in the purchase or sale of alcoholic beverages by the Board, or by any other person whatsoever, or have any interest in or mortgage on any land or building where alcoholic beverages are manufactured for sale, kept for sale, offered for sale, or sold, or any personal property used therein, or in any contract other than this contract of employment made with the Board. |
1935_public laws_457_23 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
1935_public laws_462_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 461 | 2 | CHAPTER 461 AN ACT TO AMEND CONSOLIDATED STATUTE NUM- BER 6055, SUB-SECTION (a 26) AND CONSOLIDATED STATUTE NUMBER 6055, SUB-SECTION (a 27) AS AP- PLICABLE TO HOLDING GENERAL ELECTIONS IN CHEROKEE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That Consolidated Statute Number 6055, Sub-section (a27) be amended by exempting Cherokee County from the said act, and that none of the said act shall apply to Cherokee County. |
1913_public local laws_221_10 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 220 | 9 | CHAPTER 220 AN ACT TO IMPROVE THE HIGHWAYS OF MANNINGS TOWNSHIP, NASH COUNTY, AND TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUING OF BONDS FOR THAT PURPOSE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the said road supervisors are hereby authorized to purchase such material, machinery, teams, etc., as may be deemed necessary to carry on said work, and to pay for the same out of the Mannings Township road fund. |
1913_public local laws_205_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 204 | 3 | CHAPTER 204 AN ACT FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF ROADS IN CHEROKEE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Said highway commissions shall have the same supervision, powers, and rights in respect to all the public roads in their respective townships as has heretofore been vested in either the board of supervisors of public roads or in the board of county commissioners of Cherokee County, except as such laws are modified herein. They shall have full power and authority to order the laying out of public roads where necessary, in its judgment, and to discontinue such as shall be found useless, and to alter roads so as to make them more useful. They shall also have power and authority to lay out cartways, church and mill roads, and to alter or discontinue the same in the way and manner provided in the general law, except as such laws are modified herein. |
1913_public local laws_20_9 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 19 | 8 | CHAPTER 19 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF FORSYTH COUNTY TO ISSUE REFUNDING BONDS OR NOTES FOR A PORTION OF THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF WINSTON TOWNSHIP ISSUED FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE ROAN- OKE AND SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Whereas Winston Township, embracing the cities of Winston and Salem, North Carolina, was authorized by an act of the Legislature, chapter two hundred and seventeen, Acts of one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, ratified March seventh, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, to vote a subscrip- tion of one hundred thousand dollars in bonds to aid in the con- struction of the Roanoke and Southern Railway; and whereas the board of county commissioners of Forsyth County, by virtue of said act of the Legislature ratified March seventh, one thousand. eight hundred and eighty-seven, did submit to the voters of Winston Township the question of subscribing one hundred thou- sand dollars to aid in the construction of the said Roanoke and Southern Railway ; and whereas said subscription was duly sub- mitted, voted on, and ratified by the voters.of Winston Township ; and whereas, by virtue of the acts of the Legislature ratified March seventh, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, the board of county commissioners did on the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight, issue one hundred thou- sand dollars in bonds of Winston Township, to fall due July first, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen; and whereas the sinking fund accumulated under said act for the purpose of paying said bonded indebtedness amounts to be about seventy-five thou- sand dollars ($75,000), but this amount is insufficient to pay off the entire indebtedness of one hundred thousand dollars: The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the board of county commissioners of Forsyth County shall keep or cause to be kept by the clerk of the board a book showing the number of bonds or notes issued under this act, with the date of issuing and to whom sold, and at what price and when the interest falls due. |
1913_public local laws_137_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 136 | 1 | CHAPTER 136 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION 2802 OF THE REVISAL OF 1905, RELATIVE TO THE PAY OF THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OF WILSON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That section two thousand eight hundred and two of the Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five be and the same is hereby amended by adding at the end of said section the following words, to wit: The fees of the county surveyor of the county of Wilson shall be five dollars per day for all services rendered by him in his official capacity: Provided, that the clerk of the Superior Court shall approve the same. |
1913_public local laws_114_31 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 113 | 30 | CHAPTER 113 AN ACT TO PLACE THE OFFICERS OF SAMPSON COUNTY UPON A SALARY BASIS AND TO CREATE AND ESTAB- LISH AN AUDITORS OFFICE FOR THE SAID COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | It shall be the duty of the said auditor to inquire into and investigate and file a detailed and itemized account of the condition of all county finances, the accounts of all public officers, including the board of education and road commission, or their successors, and to make a TRUE report thereof, and record the same in a book to be kept for that purpose and to be known and designated as the Record of the Auditor of Sampson County. He shall within ten days after the first Monday in December in each and every year publish a statement of the financial condition of the county of Sampson, showing by itemized statement the permanent and floating debt of the county, when contracted, for what contracted, and when due; and shall also publish a statement of the receipts and disbursements of all the public funds of the county, showing the total amount received and disbursed for each particular purpose, which said report shall be published at the courthouse door and also in some newspaper in general circulation published in the county, once a week for at least two weeks immediately following the filing of said report, and the expense of such publication shall be paid by the board of commissioners of said county out of the general county fund. |
1911_public local laws_633_16 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 632 | 15 | CHAPTER 632 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF FORSYTH COUNTY TO ISSUE BONDS TO IMPROVE THE HIGHWAYS OF FORSYTH COUNTY AND TO CREATE A HIGHWAY COMMISSION THEREIN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Any person who shall obstruct the engineer, road superintendent or other agent, subordinate or employee in making a survey or engaging in any road work under authority of the highway commission, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined or imprisoned, or both, in the discretion of the court. |
1911_public local laws_452_30 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 451 | 29 | CHAPTER 451 AN ACT FOR BUILDING AND IMPROVING THE PUBLIC ROADS IN THE DIFFERENT TOWNSHIPS IN NASH COUNTY. Whereas, certain townships and certain parts of other townships of Nash County, have already provided for working their public roads by a system of taxation and by the issuance of bonds; and, whereas, the other townships in Nash County, together with the excluded parts of those townships already partially embraced in the road law, desire to provide for the working of their public roads in like manner, without, however, disturbing or in any wise interfering with the districts already created, or with the grant of legislative powers to them, except as may be hereinafter expressly provided for; now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the road commissioners of the several townships hereinbefore named shall have power and authority to make such rules and regulations as they may deem expedient and necessary for the carrying out of the provisions of this act as relates to their respective townships not inconsistent with or superior in authority to the provisions of this act. They shall have authority to employ counsel in all matters wherein they deem it necessary, and pay such counsel out of any funds that may come into their hands. |
1911_public local laws_407_7 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 406 | 6 | CHAPTER 406 AN ACT TO SECURE COMPULSORY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE IN THE BISCOE GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT, MONTGOM- ERY COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That any parent, guardian or person having control of a child between the ages of seven and fifteen years who shall violate any of the provisions of this act shall be warned as aforesaid, as soon as possible after the beginning of the school term of said district of each year and also at any time thereafter when such violation shall be discovered by the attendance officer herein provided for, to place and keep such child in regular attendance at some day school within three days of the service of such written or printed notice of warning, and upon failure to comply with this act after a lapse of three days from the date of service of said notice of warning, said parent, guardian or person having charge or control of said child shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall pay a fine of not less than five dollars and not more than twenty-five dollars, or be imprisoned for not less than two days and not more than thirty days: Provided, that said sentence of fine or imprisonment may be suspended and finally remitted by the court, with or without the payment of costs, at the discretion of the court, if the said child be immediately placed and kept in regular attendance in some day school as aforesaid, and such fact of regular attendance shall be subsequently proven to the satisfaction of said court by a properly attested certificate of attendance from the superintendent or teacher of said day school: Provided, further, that every day any parent, guardian or other person shall willfully and unlawfully keep such child from school after the expiration of three days from the service of such notice on such parent, guardian or other person having control of said child shall constitute a new and separate offense and shall subject such parent, guardian. or other person having control of such child to the penalties herein prescribed. |
1911_public local laws_397_14 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 396 | 13 | CHAPTER 306 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER THREE HUNDRED AND EIGH- TY-SEVEN OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND NINE PROVIDING FOR THE LAYING OUT AND WORKING OF THE PUBLIC ROADS OF GUIL- FORD COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Cerolina do enact: | Said board of county commissioners and said township commissioners, their agents and employees, shall have the power to cut and take any timber, stone or gravel for the purpose of making, improving or repairing any road, bridge, or crossway in the county. They shall, on the demand of the owners of the lands, their agent or agents or the guardian of any ward or the executor or administrator having lands in charge from which timber, stone or gravel were taken as aforesaid, give a certificate showing the quantity of such timber, stone or gravel with the value thereof respectively, and the time and purpose for which the same were taken. |
1911_public local laws_347_14 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 346 | 13 | CHAPTER 346 AN ACT TO CREATE-AND ESTABLISH AN AUDITORS OFFICE FOR THE COUNTY OF ROBESON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The said auditor shall have the right from time to time to prescribe the manner of keeping all the public accounts of the county, and the power to prescribe for each of the public officers of said county the form of books to be kept by them in the receipt and disbursement of all funds which may come into their hands by virtue of their office. It shall be the duty of the board of commissioners of said county to furnish to each of the various public officers of said county the necessary books prescribed for such office by said auditor. |
1911_public local laws_344_14 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 343 | 13 | CHAPTER 343 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A SPECIAL COURT IN THE TOWN OF PLYMOUTH, AND THE COUNTY OF WASHINGTON, AND TO PRESCRIBE THE JURISDICTION THEREOF. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The clerk of the recorders court shall provide a permanent docket for recording all the processes issued by said court which shall conform to the docket kept by the clerk of the superior court. He shall also provide proper files to properly keep records of all cases which shall be disposed of in the said court and what disposition has been made of them. |
1911_public local laws_316_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 315 | 1 | CHAPTER 315 AN ACT TO PROVIDE GOOD ROADS IN LOUISBURG TOWN- SHIP, FRANKLIN COUNTY. : The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That F. B. McKinne, J. R. Collie, W. H. Allen, John H. Uzzell, C. B. Cheatham, E. A. Kemp, Herbert H. Harris, W. T. Wilder and A. W. Wilson, Jr., are hereby constituted a board of trustees for the public roads of Louisburg Township, in Franklin County. The first three shall hold the said position of trustees for six years, the next three for four years, and the last three for two years. At the expiration of the terms of any, their successors shall be elected for six years by the board of county commissioners of Franklin County. All vacancies caused by death, resignation or removal from the said township shall be filled for the unexpired term by the remaining members of said board: Provided, that the position of trustee shall not constitute an office within the meaning of article seven, section fourteen of the Constitution of North Carolina. |
1911_public local laws_162_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 161 | 2 | CHAPTER 161 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED AND TEN OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND FIVE; AND CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY- SEVEN OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND NINE, AUTHORIZING THE HIGHWAY COM- MISSION OF VALLEYTOWN TOWNSHIP, IN CHEROKEE COUNTY, TO ISSUE BONDS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Whenever the highway commission shall deem it expedient, they are authorized to erect and maintain automatic gates, when building new roads through enclosed lands or fields, at the entrance and exit thereof. Any person who shall leave open any gate which may have been constructed across any public road or shall interfere with or injure any such gate, its fastenings or appurtenances, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not exceeding fifty dollars or imprisoned not more than thirty days, or both, in the discretion of the court. Such gates may be discontinued at any time by agreement between the landowner and the highway commission. In the laying. out of cartways and church roads the manner of procedure shall be followed as laid down in sections two thousand six hundred and eighty-nine to two thousand six hundred and ninety, both inclusive, Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five. |
1911_public local laws_155_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 154 | 2 | CHAPTER 154 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF RUTHERFORD COUNTY TO LEVY AND COLLECT SPECIAL TAXES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the tax herein authorized shall be levied and collected in the same manner as State and county taxes are levied and at the same time and place, and, in making said levy, the board of commissioners of Rutherford County shall observe the constitutional equation between the property tax and the poll tax. |
1941_public laws_52_7 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 51 | 6 | CHAPTER 51 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR SPECIAL JUDGES IN NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the special judges so appointed shall receive the same salary and traveling expenses as now are, or may hereafter be, paid or allowed to judges of the Superior Court for holding their regularly assigned courts, and they shall hold all such regular and special terms of court as they may be directed and assigned by the Governor to hold, without additional compensation: Provided, that no person appointed under this Act shall engage in the private practice of law. |
1941_public laws_237_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 236 | 2 | CHAPTER 236 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION FIVE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND FOURTEEN OF VOLUME TWO OF THE CONSOLIDATED STATUTES OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND NINETEEN RELATING TO CREDIT UNIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. |
1939_public laws_391_10 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 390 | 9 | CHAPTER 390 AN ACT TO PERMIT COUNTIES, CITIES, AND TOWNS TO PROVIDE OLD AGE SECURITY FOR OLD AND INCA- PACITATED LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES, TO PROVIDE FOR THE CREATION OF A RETIREMENT FUND THROUGH THE JOINT CONTRIBUTIONS OF EM- PLOYERS AND EMPLOYEES, AND TO PROVIDE MA- CHINERY FOR THE PROPER ADMINISTRATION OF THIS ACT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The board of trustees shal] be the trustee of the several funds created by this Act as provided in Section ten, and shall have full power to invest and reinvest such funds, subject to all the terms, conditions, limitations and restrictions imposed by the laws of North Carolina upon domestic life insurance companies in the making and disposing of their investment; and subject to like terms, conditions, limitations and restrictions, said trustee shall have full power to hold, purchase, sell, assign, transfer and dispose of any of the securities and investments in which any of the funds created herein shall have been invested, as well as the proceeds of said investments and any monies belonging to said funds. -2 The board of trustees annually shall allow regular interest on the mean amount for the preceding year in each of the funds with the exception of the expense fund. The amounts so allowed shall be due and payable to said funds, and shall be annually credited thereto by the board of trustees from interest and other earnings on the monies of the Retirement System. Any additional amount required to meet the interest on the funds of the Retirement System shall be paid from the pension accumulation fund, and any excess of earnings over such amount required shall be paid to the pension accumulation fund. Regular interest shall mean such percentum rate to be compounded annually as shall be determined by the board of trustees on the basis of the interest earnings of the system for the preceding year and of the probable earnings to be made, in the judgment of the board, during the immediate future. -3 The secretary-treasurer of the board of trustees shall be the custodian of the several funds. All payments from said funds shall be made by him only upon vouchers signed by two persons designated by the board of trustees. The secretary-treasurer of the board of trustees shall furnish said board a surety bond in a company authorized to do business in North Carolina in such an amount as shall be required by the board, the premium to be paid from the expense fund. -4 For the purpose of meeting disbursements for pensions, annuities and other payments there may be kept available cash, not exceeding ten percentum of the total amount in the several funds of the Retirement System, on deposit in one or more banks or trust companies of the State of North Carolina, organized under the laws of the State of North Carolina, or of the United States: Provided, that the sum on deposit in any one bank or trust company shall not exceed twenty-five percentum of the paid up capital and surplus of such bank or trust company. -5 The board of trustees shall select a bank or banks for the deposits of the funds and securities of the Retirement System in the same manner as such banks are selected by the Treasurer of the State of North Carolina. Such banks selected shall be required to conform to the law governing banks selected by the State. The funds and properties of the North Carolina Governmental Employees Retirement System held in any bank of the State shall be safeguarded by a fidelity and surety bond, the amount to be determined by the board of trustees. -6 Except as otherwise herein provided, no trustee and no employee of the board of trustees shall have any direct interest in the gains or profits of any investment made by the board of trustees, nor as such receive any pay or emolument for this service. No trustee or employee of the board shall, directly or indirectly, for himself or as an agent in any manner use the same, except to make such current and necessary payments as are authorized by the board of trustees; nor shall any trustee or employee of the board of trustees become an endorser or surety or in any manner an obligor for monies loaned or borrowed from the board of trustees. METHOD OF FINANCING |
1939_public laws_359_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 358 | 1 | CHAPTER 358 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ADMINISTRATION AND OPERATION OF A UNIFORM SYSTEM OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF THE STATE FOR THE TERM OF EIGHT MONTHS WITHOUT THE LEVY OF AN AD VALOREM TAX THEREFOR. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | (a) Purpose of the Act. The purpose of this Act is to provide for the administration and operation of a uniform system of public schools of the State for the term of eight months without the levy of an ad valorem tax therefor, and it is the purpose of this General Assembly to change the policy heretofore followed by previous General Assemblies of reenacting biennially the School Machinery Act, and this Act shall remain in force until repealed or amended by subsequent Acts of the General Assembly. (b) Appropriation. That the appropriation made under Title nine (IX - 1) Support of Eight Months Term Public Schools, of An Act to Make Appropriations for the Maintenance of the States Departments, Bureaus, Institutions, and Agencies, and for Other Purposes, and such funds as may be made available by Acts of the Congress of the United States for public schools, and such other funds as may be made available from all other sources for the support of the eight months term public schools, for the year ending June thirtieth, one thousand nine hundred forty, and annually thereafter, shall be apportioned for the operation of an eight months school term as hereinafter provided. |
1939_public laws_306_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 305 | 3 | CHAPTER 305 AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE GRANTING OF TITLE TO THE CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS HOME PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF RALEIGH BY THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA TO THE CITY OF RALEIGH FOR A CON- FEDERATE MEMORIAL PARK. WHEREAS, the State of North Carolina, by Chapter sixty of the Private Laws of one thousand eight hundred ninety-one, gave to the Soldiers Home Association a tract of land lying East of and near the corporate limits of the City of Raleigh, then known as Camp Russell, and formerly known as Pettigrew Hospital, to be held and used by them for the purposes of a Soldiers Home, and for no other purpose, and WHEREAS, said Chapter sixty of the Private Laws of one thousand eight hundred ninety-one, provided that when the said land should no longer be used for the benefit of the Confederate Veterans the same should revert and belong to the State, and WHEREAS, said property has ceased to be used in accord- ance with the provisions of said Act and has reverted and now be- longs to the State of North Carolina, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The proceeds of the sale of the whole or any part thereof shall be paid into the Treasury of the State, and shall become a part of the general fund. |
1938 extra_public laws_4_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 3 | 1 | CHAPTER 3 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION TWO THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND FORTY-THREE OF CONSOLIDATED STATUTES, VOLUME THREE, AS AMENDED, THE SAME BEING A PART OF THE MUNICIPAL FINANCE ACT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That section two thousand nine hundred and forty-three -2943 of the Consolidated Statutes, Volume Three, being a part of the Municipal Finance Act, as amended by section one of chapter one hundred and two of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred twenty-seven (the same being also sub-section two of section two thousand nine hundred forty-three of the North Carolina Code of one thousand nine hundred thirty-five (Michie), be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the period in the last line of said sub-section two, of said section two thousand nine hundred forty-three, and inserting in lieu thereof a comma, and further by adding after the word jurisdiction in the last line, of said sub-section two of said section two thousand nine hundred forty-three, the words, or are bonds for erosion control purposes or are bonds for erecting jetties or other protective works to prevent encroachment by the ocean, sounds or other bodies of water. |
1937_public laws_408_8 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 407 | 7 | CHAPTER 407 AN ACT TO REQUIRE THE REGISTRATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES, TRAILERS AND SEMI-TRAILERS, AND TO REQUIRE THE PAYMENT OF FEES THEREON; AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES OF TITLE THEREFOR, AND TO PREVENT THE TAKING, TRANSFER OF OR INJURY TO ANY MOTOR VEHICLE WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE OWNER; TO PROVIDE FOR THE OFFICE OF VEHICLE COMMISSIONER AND MOTOR VEHICLE BUREAU, AND DEFINE THE POWERS AND DUTIES THEREOF; TO REGULATE THE OPERA- TION OF VEHICLES ON HIGHWAYS; TO PROVIDE PEN- ALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ACT, AND TO MAKE UNIFORM THE SUBJECT MATTER THEREOF. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE I | Authority to Administer Oaths and Certify Copies of Records. (a) Officers and employees of the department designated by the commissioner are, for the purpose of administering the motor vehicle laws, authorized to administer oaths and acknowledge signatures, and shall do so without fee. (b) The commissioner and such officers of the department as he may designate are hereby authorized to prepare and under the seal of the department and deliver upon request a certified copy of any record of the department, charging a fee of fifty cents (50c) for each document so authenticated, and every such certified copy shall be admissible in any proceeding in any court in like manner as the original thereof. |
1937_public laws_236_5 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 235 | 4 | CHAPTER 235 AN ACT TO PROTECT THE INMATES OF THE CASWELL TRAINING SCHOOL. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. |
1935_public laws_85_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 84 | 2 | CHAPTER 84 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY-TWO OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF ONE THOUS- AND NINE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-ONE, RELAT- ING TO PAYMENT OF CRIMINAL COSTS BEFORE A JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND OTHER INFERIOR COURTS IN SWAIN COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the provisions of this act shall apply only to Swain County and the Town of Bryson City. |
1915_public laws_166_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 165 | 2 | CHAPTER 165 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 95 OF THE REVISAL OF 1905, RELATING TO PHARMACISTS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the provisions of this act shall not affect any one now licensed as a pharmacist or who may become licensed before January, one thousand nine hundred and eighteen. |
1887_public laws_367_7 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 366 | 6 | CHAPTER 366 An act to extend the provisions of the Mecklenburg road law to Randleman township, Randolph county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That all !aws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act be and the same are hereby repealed. |
1915_public laws_159_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 158 | 2 | CHAPTER 158 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 194, PUBLIC LAWS OF 1913, RELATIVE TO SALARY OF CHIEF CLERK OF THE NORTH CAROLINA INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | All acts or parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. |
1911_public laws_212_5 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 211 | 4 | CHAPTER 211 AN ACT TO AMEND CERTAIN SECTIONS OF THE REVISAL OF 1905, AND TO REGULATE THE PUBLIC PRINTING. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That section four thousand four hundred and thirtythree be amended as follows: Add at the end of said section the words: Provided, however, that not more than five thousand dollars shall be used for this purpose in any biennial period. |
1903_public laws_527_18 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 526 | 17 | CHAPTER 526 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE BETTER WORKING OF THE PUBLIC ROADS AND HIGHWAYS OF YANCEY COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That any person or persons who shall obstruct any public road of the county or interfere with any officer working the same, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not to exceed $50 or imprisoned not to exceed 30 days. |
1903_public laws_438_14 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 437 | 13 | CHAPTER 437 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE BETTER WORKING OF PUB- LIC ROADS AND HIGHWAYS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That in case the land owner or his local representative shall be dissatisfied with the finding of the juries provided for in sections eleven and twelve of this act and with the decision of the County Commissioners, such dissatisfied party may appeal from the decision of the County Commissioners to the Superior Court of the county, all such appeals being governed by the law regulating appeals from the courts of justices of the peace, and the same shall be heard de novo; but the Judge may in his discretion require said land owner to give bond when the case is taken by oO to the Superior Court. |
1903_public laws_227_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 226 | 2 | CHAPTER 226 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT AND EN- LARGEMENT OF LIBRARIES IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF THE RURAL DISTRICTS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | As soon as the County Board of Education of any county shall have made an appropriation for a library in the manner prescribed, the County Superintendent of Schools shall inform the secretary of the State Board of Education of the fact, whereupon the said State Board of Education shall remit to the treasurer of the county school fund the sum of ten dollars for the purchase of books. |
1901_public laws_729_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 728 | 1 | CHAPTER 728 An act to allow Mecklenburg County to appropriate money to pay for a bridge at Mount Holly. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the Board of Commissioners of Mecklenburg County is hereby authorized and empowered to appropriate such a sum of money,not exceeding one thousand ($1,000) dollars, as it may deem proper toward paying off and discharging any outstanding indebtedness contracted in the construction of the public bridge across the Catawba River at the town of Mount Holly, which bridge is between Mecklenburg and Gaston counties. |
1901_public laws_641_5 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 640 | 4 | CHAPTER 640 An act regulating settlements of partnersbips by surviving partners. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact. | All debts and demands against a copartnership, where one partner has died, shall be paid pro rata, except debts which have a specific lien on property belonging to the partnership. |
1901_public laws_493_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 492 | 1 | CHAPTER 492 An act supplemental to an act ratified the fifth day of February, 1901, entitled an act to allow the Board of Commissioners for Jackson County to levy a special tax. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That section one of said act be and the same is hereby amended by adding after word bridges in said section and before the word in, the words and roads. |
1901_public laws_473_5 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 472 | 4 | CHAPTER 472 An act to incorporate the States Prison of North Carolina and to pro- vide for the government thereof. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The said Board of Directors shall have charge of an through its agents and employees aforesaid, hold and manage all the property and effects of the said corporation, and conduct the operation of all its affairs. The said Board of Directors may adopt and enforce such rules and regulations for the government of the said institution, its agents and employees, and the convicts therein confined, as to them may seem just and proper. |
1901_public laws_383_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 382 | 1 | CHAPTER 382 An act to create the office of County Treasurer in the county of Beaufort. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the offices of Sheriff and County Treasurer in the county of Beaufort be separated and that the office of County Treasurer for the county of Beaufort be and is hereby created. That the said office of County Treasurer for the county of.Beaufort be filled at the next regular election for said county. That the said office be subject to all the general laws relating to County Treasurers as regards the duties, liabilities and compensation of the office, and the Treasurer shall give bond asi required by law: Provided, this act shall not apply to R. T. Hodges, the present Sheriff of Beaufort County. |
1901_public laws_30_26 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 29 | 25 | CHAPTER 29 An act supplemental to and amendatory of an act ratified on March 11,1901, entitled An act to provide for the division of the State into Judicial Districts and for holding the courts therein. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the cases now pending in or returnable to the criminal courts of any county are hereby transferred to the Superior Courts of the counties in which the respective cases are pending or to which they are returnable; and all recognizances, subpcenas, capiases or process issued and now in the hands of the Sheriff or of any other officer, and all papers, recognizances, subpenas, capiases, process or obligation hereafter issued or taken by any officer of the law shall be issued, taken and made returnable to the next succeeding criminal term of the Superior Court of the respective counties. |
1901_public laws_259_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 258 | 3 | CHAPTER 258 An act to allow the Board of County Commi:sioners of Hyde County to levy a special tax. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That said tax shall be collected and accounted for by the Sheriff or Tax Collectors in the same manner and under the same rules and regulations and under the same penalties as are prescribed for the collection of State and county taxes. |
1903_public laws_805_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 804 | 2 | CHAPTER 804 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF ELEC- TION OFFICERS FOR MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS IN IREDELL COUNTY: The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That said Board of Elections shall meet in Statesville on | the first Monday in April in each and every year preceding any | municipal election in said county and appoint one registrar and | two judges of election for each voting precinct of all cities and owns in said county holding elections for that year. Both of said judges of election shall not belong to the same political party. |
1901_public laws_258_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 257 | 3 | CHAPTER 257 An act to appoint a cottoa-weigher for the town of Wingate, Union County. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That said cotton weigher shall be elected by the Board of County Commissioners of said county, at their regular meeting in June, nineteen. hundred and one (1901), and annually thereafter. |
1901_public laws_207_2 | project experts | 1jim_crow
| public laws | 206 | 1 | CHAPTER 206 An act for the relief of Addie Elmore, public school teacher. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the Treasurer of the school fund of Chatham County be and he is hereby authorized and directed to pay to Mrs. Addie Elmore, out of any unappropriated funds the sum of thirteen 75-100 dollars ($13.75) balance due for teaching school in White District No. 2, in Hadleys Township, and charge the same to said district. |
1899_public laws_87_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 86 | 1 | CHAPTER 86 An act to prevent the sale of adulterated and unbranded food, and: to _amend and make more effective the provisions of chapter one hundred and twenty-two, laws of one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That for the purpose of protecting the people of the state from imposition by the adulteration and misbranding of articles of food. the board of agriculture shall cause to be procured from time to time, and under rules and regulations to be prescribed by them, in accordance with section nine of this act, samples of food, beverages and condiments offered for sale in. the state, and shall cause the same to be analyzed or examined mi; eroscopically or otherwise by the chemists or other experts of the department of agriculture. The board of agriculture is hereby) authorized to make such publications of the results of the exam inations, analyses and so forth as they may deem proper. | |
1899_public laws_80_17 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 79 | 16 | CHAPTER 79 An act to repeal chapter sixty-six, volume two of The Code. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That if the parties shall disagree touching the amount of reward or salvage to be paid to the persons employed, the commander, owner or commissioner who are representing the same shall choose one disinterested person, and also the salvors shali nominate one other who shall adjust and ascertain the same; and if the persons thus chosen can not agree, they shail choose one other indifferent person as umpire to decide between them: Provided, that the amount to be paid such salvors shall be determined and agreed upon before sale is made of such goods. |
1899_public laws_666_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 665 | 1 | CHAPTER 665 An act regulating the use of and for the protection of meridian monu- ments and standards of measure at the several county seats in North Carolina. WHEREAS, meridian requirements for determining the varia- tion of the magnetic needle of the compass from the TRUE north, and a standard length for measuring surveyors chains have already been established in nearly one-half of the counties of the state by the North Carolina Geological Survey and the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, cooperating with the commis- sioners in the several counties and similar provision has bees made for establishing such standards at the remaining county seats of the state during the present year; and WHEREAS, it is of great importance in the making of all sur- veys of boundaries of lands, townships, counties, ete., that the chains, compasses and other instruments used by surveyors should at intervals be properly tested: The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That every surveyor operating in any of the counties of this state with magnetic instruments, whether in a public or private capacity, shall between the first day of January and thirty-first day of December in each and every year carefully test his needle upon the official meridiary monuments in the eounty in which he resides or the nearest county in which such monuments have been erected, by adjusting his instrument over the intersection of the lines cut into the top of. one of the meridian monuments by established and sighting to the insersection of the lines cut into the top of the other meridian monuments, noting the variation of the magnetic from the TRUE meridian and the direction thereof; and shall test the chain or other instrument of line or measure upon the distance from centre to centre as indicated by intersecting lines of the two beans, tablets or other official monuments set at or near the county court-house for this purpose, noting the error of such instrument as compared with the standard of the monuments. Such tests and the correction, if any, resulting therefrom shall be returned by the surveyor in writing and under oath to the register of deeds for the county in which such meridian is situate within ten days from the taking of the observations aforesaid,.setting forth the name of the surveyor, his residence, the character of the instrument tested, the date of the observations, the declination east or west of the magnetic needle from the TRUE meridian, together with a fee of ten cents for filing and recording the same; and such return shall be filed and recorded by the register of deeds in a book properly raled and lettered, to be furnished by the board of commissioners of the county, to be used for such purpose exclusively and entitled the meridian record: Provided, that before making surveys in any county other [than] the one in which the magnetic instruments and instruments for line or measure to be used have already been tested, said surveyor shall procure in writing from the register of deeds of the county in which said monuments have been established, nearest to the point where the survey is to be made, a statement giving the declination of the magnetic needle for the year in which it was Jast determined, and the rate and direction of the variation of said magnetic needle since that time, and this data shall be recorded as a part"of the record of his survey: Provided further, that no surveyor shall be required to go outside of the county in which he resides for the purpose of ot ing the instruments herein named. : |
1899_public laws_508_29 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 507 | 28 | CHAPTER 507 An act to regulate elections. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That the county board of elections, or upon their failure, the registrar and judges of election, shall provide for each election precinct in their respective counties ballot boxes for each class of officers to be voted for in which to deposit the ballots for such officers respctively. Each of said boxes shall have an open- ing through the lid of sufficient size to admit a single folded ballot and no more. And each box shall be labeled in plain roman letters designating the officers voted for. That the said ballot boxes shall be kept by the registrar and judges of election for the use of the several precincts respectively; and the said registrar and judges of election before voting begins shall carefully examine the ballot boxes and see that there is nothing in them. |
1899_public laws_450_9 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 449 | 8 | CHAPTER 449, An act to provide for the building and keeping in repair the public roads in Polk county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | All persons subject to taxation under this act may if they so desire work out the amount of their tax on the public roads in their sections under the supervision of the overseer at the rate of fifty -50 cents per day or by furnishing a substitute to be acceptable to and approved by said overseer. |
1899_public laws_352_9 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 351 | 9 | CHAPTER 351 An act to empower the commissioners of Swain county to issue bonds for the purpose of paying off the indebtedness of said county, con- tracted and incurred by said county for the necessary expenses thereof. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That the taxes collected by virtue of this act shall be used for no other purpose than that herein specified, and any failure to levy, collect or apply the same as herein provided shall be a misdemeanor and punished according to law. |
1899_public laws_257_7 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 256 | 6 | CHAPTER 256 An act to improve the roads in New Hanover county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | When any of said bonds are sold the proceeds of sale shall be turned over to the county treasurer of New Hanover county, who shall keep said funds and all other funds provided for in this act which may come into his hands separate from all other funds; and he shall keep separate accounts of the same and said county treasurer, before any fund provided for in this act shall be paid over to him, sha}l execute an official bond payable in the usual manner in asum at least fifty per centum greater than the sum which may come into his hands by reason of this act, conditioned for his faithful safekeeping of the same and rendering TRUE account in respect thereto, and in all things holding and disbursing and accounting for the same as required by law; which bond shall be received by said county commissioners as they pass upon, accept and receive other like bonds. And all orders directed to said county treasurer for payment of money under this act shall state on their face that they are oe orders and to what account they are chargeable. |
1899_public laws_251_7 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 250 | 6 | CHAPTER 250 An act to regulate the public printing. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Of the public laws there shall be printed nine thousand copies, fifteen hundred of which shall be bound in law sheep, and seven thousand and five hundred copies in half binding; of the private laws there shall be printed two thousand copies, of which there shall be one thousand copies in law sheep, and one thousand copies in half binding; of the house and senate journals, each four hundred and fifty copies, bound in law sheep; of the public documents three hundred and seventy-five copies bound in law sheep; of the reports of state officers there shall be printed such a number of copies and bound in such style as the governors council shall advise; and of the reports of state institutions such a number of copies as their respective boards may order; of the supreme court reports, such a number of copies as the secretary of state and attorney-general may order, to be bound in law sheep; Provided, that when printing the reports of state officers and state institutions, the public printer shall print of said reports the number of copies necessary for binding in the public documents, and for the copies required for public documents, said printer shall be paid in addition to the press work only for changing heads and folios of said reports such amount as said commissioner of labor and printing may allow therefor. |
1899_public laws_167_6 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 166 | 5 | CHAPTER 166 he An act to provide a permanent system of government for Craven county. 4 The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : oe | This act shall apply to Craven county only. |
1901_public laws_242_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 241 | 1 | CHAPTER 241 An act to amend Ch:pter 471 of the Public Laws of {899 in reference to the appointment of the Judges of the Criminal Courts. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That chapter 471 of the Public Laws of 1899, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out in section seven -7 thereof the words and elected by the General Assembly of North Carolina in lines three and four, and inserting in lieu thereof the words by the Governor. |
1905_public laws_163_10 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 162 | 9 | CHAPTER 162 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COMMISSIONERS OF CAS- WELL COUNTY TO SUBMIT TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF SAID COUNTY THE QUESTION OF ISSUING BONDS - FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING AND IMPROVING, ETC., THE PUBLIC ROADS OF SAID COUNTY. WHEREAS, the special tax authorized by chapter one hundred and thirty-eight, Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and three, to be levied by the Commissioners of Caswell County for the years one thousand nine hundred and three and one thousand nine hundred and four is no longer necessary for the general county expenses ; AND WHEREAS, the public roads of said county are badly in need of repair: therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | When any of said bonds are sold the proceeds of such sale shall be paid by the purchaser or purchasers of said bonds to the: Treasurer of Caswell County, who shall keep said funds and all other funds which may come into his hands under the provisions of this act separate and apart from all other funds which may be in his hands, and he shall keep separate accounts of the same; and said treasurer shall, annually, before any fund provided for in this act be paid over to him, execute an official bond, payable to the county of Caswell, in the usual manner, equal to the greatest amount which may at any time come into his hands during the succeeding year by reason of this act, conditioned for his faithful safe-keeping of the same and rendering a due account in respect thereto, and in all things holding and dispensing and accounting for the same as is required under the provisions of this act, which said bond shall be passed upon by the board of county commissioners under the same rules and regulations now governing the bonds of county officials. All orders directed to the treasurer for the payment of money under the provisions of this act shall state on their face that they are highway orders, and to what account they are chargeable, and shall be signed by the chairman and secretary of said highway commission. |
1905_public laws_198_22 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 197 | 21 | CHAPTER 197 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE BETTER WORKING OF THE PUBLIC ROADS OF CHATHAM COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: That chapter five hundred and eighty-one of the Public Laws of one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine as amended by chapter three hundred and twenty-eight of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and three be and the same is hereby amended to apply to the county of Chatham, so as to read as follows: | When in any township in any county coming under the provisions of this act a petition is presented to the board of county commissioners, signed by a majority of the land-owners of said township, asking that in that township an additional special tax be levied for road purposes, or when in any such township an election being held in accordance with the laws of this State, and a majority of the votes cast at said election being in favor of such special tax, the county commissioners in such county shall, at their next regular June meeting, levy in such township such additional special road tax as they may have been requested to levy by said petition or vote, said tax to be levied and collected as provided for other road taxes in section one of this act; and said taxes shall be added to the township road fund of the township in which it is paid, and shall be used only on the roads in that township, under the direction of the Board of Road Commissioners of Chatham County or under the direction of the three township road commissioners named in said petition or vote, if such be named. Upon the petition of one-third of the qualified voters of any township in Chatham County it shall be the duty of the board of county commissioners of said county to order an election to be held in such township upon the question of issuing bonds for road purposes therein. The order for such election shall state the amount of bonds proposed to be issued, which shall not exceed fifteen thousand dollars for any township, the character of such bonds, the rate of interest which they will bear, and the time they are to run. Such election shall be called and held under the same rules and regulations as elections for members of the General Assembly. Those voters who favor the issuance of bonds shall vote a written or printed ticket containing the words For Bonds, and those opposing such issue of bonds shall vote a similar ticket containing the words Against Bonds. It shall be the duty of the board of county commissioners of said county to canvass the returns of said election and declare the result; and if a ' majority of the qualified voters in such township shall vote For Bonds, then it shall be their duty to issue the said bonds, sell the same at not less than par, and apply the proceeds for. road purposes in said township. It shall be the duty of said commissioners to annually levy a special tax in such township to meet the interest on such bonds and to provide a sinking fund for the payment of the principal at maturity. When any township levies a special tax as herein provided, such township may be permitted to use on its road its part of the taxes paid by it for the county road fund. |
1905_public laws_258_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 257 | 1 | CHAPTER 257 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COMMISSIONERS OF CURRI- TUCK COUNTY TO USE SURPLUS OF SPECIAL TAXES FOR GENERAL COUNTY PURPOSES AND TO WITHDRAW AUTHORITY TO LEVY FURTHER SPECIAL TAXES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | WHEREAS, the Commissioners of Currituck County, by virtue of chapter three hundred and seven (307), Public Laws of nineteen hundred and one (1901), were authorized and empowered to levy special taxes to settle certain indebtedness against Currituck County; AND WHEREAS, all the indebtedness, including bonds held against the county, have been fully paid and there will be a surplus of the special tax levy for nineteen hundred and four -1904 in the hands of the county treasurer, the Commissioners of Currituck County are hereby authorized and empowered to use any surplus that may be in the hands of the County Treasurer of Currituck County, by virtue of special taxes levied under chapter three hundred and seven (307), Public Laws of nineteen hundred and one (1901), for general county purposes. |
1909_public laws_682_13 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 681 | 12 | CHAPTER 681 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF LEXINGTON TOWNSHIP TO ISSUE BONDS. The General .Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That for the purpose of paying the interest accruing on said bonds issued under this act the board of trustees are authorized and directed to take and appropriate of the money collected for public-road purposes, as is provided for by existing laws applicable to Lexington Township in chapter three hundred and seventyfive, Public Laws of one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, and apply as much thereof as is necessary for the payment of said interest whenever the same is due; and said board may at any time, after the expiration of five years from the ratification of this act, create a sinking fund from the taxes collected for said road purposes by setting aside a sum thereof annually for the payment of the principal of said bonds at maturity. Any money thus appropriated may be invested in the purchase of said township bonds, if they can be purchased at par, but in case such bonds cannot be purchased the said board may lend said sinking fund, or any part thereof, in sums as they may deem proper, for a length of time not greater than the time elapsing six months prior to the maturity of the bonds next coming due, for the redemption of which such money may be needed, taking as security for the payment thereof mortgages or deeds of trust on real estate sufficient to amply secure the same, or said township bonds may be taken as collateral security for said loans at not exceeding their par value. In issuing said township bonds the board of trustees shall cause to fall due in any one year not more than ten thousand dollars of the bonds, exclusive of all interest. |
1909_public laws_602_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 601 | 2 | CHAPTER 601 AN ACT TO PROTECT THE SANITARY CONDITION OF CER- TAIN FREE-SCHOOL ROOMS IN PITT COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Any person or persons violating the provisions of this act shall be liable to a fine of not less than one dollar nor more than five dollars. |
1909_public laws_554_7 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 553 | 6 | CHAPTER 553 AN ACT TO PROVIDE A LEGALIZED PRIMARY ELECTION FOR CLEVELAND COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Any officer who shall be guilty of willfully violating any of the duties devolved upon such position hereunder shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars or imprisonment not to exceed six months; and any officer who shall be guilty of fraud or corruption in the management of such election shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not to exceed five hundred dollars or imprisoned for a term not to exceed twelve months, or both, in the discretion of the court. |
1909_public laws_471_11 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 470 | 10 | CHAPTER 470 AN ACT TO PROVIDE A BOARD OF AUDIT AND FINANCE FOR THE #NAME? OF ROBESON AND TO FIX THE DUTIES OF THE SAME. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The board of audit and finance shall have the right from time to time to prescribe the manner of keeping all the public accounts of the county, and have the power to prescribe for each of the public officers of the county the form of books to be kept by them in the receipt and disbursement of all funds which may come into their hands under color of their oflice. It shall be the duty of the Board of Commissioners of Robeson County, upon the request of said board of audit and finance, to furnish to the various public officers of Robeson County the necessary books prescribed by said board of audit and finance. |
1909_public laws_413_6 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 412 | 5 | CHAPTER 412 AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE COMMISSIONERS OF GREENE COUNTY TO ISSUE BONDS TO PAY ITS PRESENT FLOAT- ING INDEBTEDNESS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That in order to pay the interest on said bonds as it may accrue and the principal thereof as it may mature, the board of commissioners of said county may annually levy a special tax sufficient to meet these demands. The said tax shall be levied and collected as other county taxes are levied and collected, and shall be imposed upon such property, polls and other subjects of taxation as are now or may hereafter be subject to taxation under the laws of the State, and it shall be collected by the officer or officers charged with the collection of other county taxes, and who shall in respect thereto be liable officially as well as personally to all the requirements of law now prescribed or which may hereafter be prescribed for the faithful collection and payment of other taxes. |
1909_public laws_357_6 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 356 | 5 | CHAPTER 356 AN ACT TO PROVIDE A METHOD OF PROVIDING JURIES FOR THE SUPERIOR COURTS OF CLEVELAND COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That this act shall apply only to Cleveland County. |
1909_public laws_233_17 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 232 | 16 | CHAPTER 232 AN ACT TO REGULATE FEES OF OFFICERS OF THE COUNTY OF MADISON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That in the event the sums received by said officers do Fe not amount to the salary herein designated, then the said officers . shall be entitled to the amount of such fees as have been collected by them, which shall be in full compensation for all services rendered. |
1909_public laws_118_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 117 | 1 | CHAPTER 117 AN ACT TO APPOINT JUSTICES OF THE PEACE FOR OCRACOKE TOWNSHIP, HYDE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That Thomas W. Howard, Benjamin G. ONeal and C. M. Scarborough be and they are hereby appointed justices of the peace for Ocracoke Township, in Hyde County, for a term of two years. |
1908 extra_public laws_135_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 133 | 3 | CHAPTER 133 AN ACT TO PROHIBIT THE [LLEGAL SALE OF LIQUOR IN ANSON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That if any person shall have in his possession any internal revenue license from the United States government for the sale of liquors, wine or beer, procured after the passage of this act, it shall be prima facie evidence of his keeping liquor for sale as prohibited by this act. |
1907_public laws_100_10 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 99 | 9 | CHAPTER 99 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF BRUNSWICK COUNTY TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE CAPI- TAL STOCK OF THE WILMINGTON, BRUNSWICK AND SOUTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY. The General Assembly of North-Carolina do enact: | Every registrar and judge of election and other official who shall,fail or neglect to perform his duties as prescribed by this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be fined or imprisoned, or both, in the discretion of the Court; and all laws and clauses of laws of North Carolina relative to frauds and other offenses pertaining to holding elections shall apply to the officials holding the election provided for in this act. |
1907_public laws_854_5 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 853 | 4 | CHAPTER 853 AN ACT TO PROVIDE A SYSTEM FOR THE KEEPING UP, BUILDING AND REPAIRING OF THE PUBLIC ROADS AND BRIDGES IN PAMLICO COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Those hands subject to road duty when warned shall meet as directed by the overseer, .with the tool named, and shall work a day of ten hours, or pay to said overseer prior to said day the sum of one dollar in lieu of said days work, for the purpose of employing.a substitute or used for road work. |
1907_public laws_789_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 788 | 1 | CHAPTER 788 AN ACT TO LEVY A SPECIAL TAX IN CLEVELAND TOWNSHIP, JOHNSTON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That there shall be a special tax levied in Cleveland Township, Johnston County, in and for the year one thousand nine hundred and seven, in an amount not exceeding one-eighth of per centum on property and ten cents on each poll, for the purpose of building a township public building. |
1907_public laws_772_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 771 | 1 | CHAPTER 771 AN ACT TO CONFER POLICE POWERS ON DEPUTY SHER- IFFS AND CONSTABLES AT HOLT GRANITE MANUFAC- TURING COMPANY, HAW RIVER, ALAMANCE COUNTY, AND TO PROHIBIT PUBLIC DRUNKENNESS THERE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That it shall be the duty of the Deputy Sheriff or Deputy Sheriffs, Alamance County, living and residing at Haw River in said county, or those appointed by the Sheriff: of Alamance County for that section of said county in which Holt Granite Manufacturing Company is situated, and the constable of Haw River Township, in said county, and he or they shall have power and authority to suppress all disturbances of the quiet and good order of and in the village of Haw River, and on the premises of the Holt Granite Manufacturing Company, in said county, and to arrest all offenders against the same, and to prevent as far as possible all injury to property in said village; and on the above-mentioned premises said Deputy Sheriff or Deputy Sheriffs and constable shall have authority and power, if resisted in the execution of his or their official duties, to summon a sufficient number of men to aid him or them in enforcing the law; and if any person so summoned shall refuse to assist, the said Deputy Sheriff or Deputy Sheriffs or constable are hereby required to report the name of such person to the proper authorities, to the end that he may be dealt with as the law directs. Said Deputy Sheriff or Deputy Sheriffs and constable shall have power to enter the enclosure and house of any person in the aforesaid premises without warrant, when he or they have good reason to believe that a felony or infamous crime has been or is about to be committed, for the apprehension of any person so offending, and if necessary to summon a posse to aid him or them, and all persons so summoned shall have like authority to enter and arrest. Any person arrested by said Deputy Sheriff or Deputy Sheriffs or constable for any offense shall, as soon as practicable, be taken before some justice of the peace of Alamance County, when and where formal complaint shall be lodged against such person as prescribed by law, to the end that such person may have a speedy trial and be dealt with as the law directs, and in the meantime and until the case is disposed of such persons so under arrest may be detained and confined in a guard-house or calaboose provided for that purpose by any of said officers, unless bail is given, as provided by law. |
1907_public laws_759_9 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 758 | 8 | CHAPTER 758 AN ACT TO CONSTRUCT PERMANENT HIGHWAYS IN RANDOLPH COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That none of the bonds authorized by this act shall be disposed of by said Highway Commission by sale, exchange or otherwise for less than their face value and accrued interest, nor shall said bonds or proceeds be used for any other purpose or purposes than those declared by this act: Provided, however, that the purchasers of said bonds shall not be required to see to the application of said fund. When said bonds are issued they shall be numbered consecutively, and the coupons attached and issued with them shall bear the number of the bond to which they are attached. The bonds and coupons shall state on their face when they are due and when payable, and said bonds shall show by what authority they are issued. #NAME? said Highway Commission shall record all their proceedings in respect to said bonds in the minutes of their meetings, and whenever the same are sold, the number of bonds and their denomination, to whom sold, and the number of coupons attached, must be recorded in said minutes: Provided, that the minute-book and all other books kept by the Highway Commission shall at all times be open to the inspection of the Commissioners of Randolph County. |
1907_public laws_699_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 698 | 2 | CHAPTER 698 AN ACT TO EXTEND THE TIME FOR HUNTING DEER IN BRUNSWICK COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. |
1907_public laws_511_38 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 510 | 37 | CHAPTER 510 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH, CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN A SYSTEM OF PUBLIC ROADS FOR MADISON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That in laying out new roads and in making amendments on existing roads, the Board of Commissioners or Superintendent of Roads may employ a competent engineer or surveyor to assist in laying out and grading said roads, said engineer or surveyor to be paid out of the general road fund of said county. |
1907_public laws_259_18 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 258 | 17 | CHAPTER 258 AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ASSESS- MENT OF PROPERTY AND COLLECTION OF TAXES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: That chapter five hundred and ninety of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and five be amended so as hereafter to read as follows: ARTICLE I. BoarRD OF STATE TAX COMMISSIONERS. | Oath of taz-listers aha ASSESSOrs. The Board of List-takers and Assessors shall make a complete return of their assessments, embracing an abstract of the taxable property of their respective townships, to the Board of County Commissioners on or before the second Monday in July, and annex the following affidavit, subscribed and sworn to before a justice | of the peace, who shall certify the same: We, the list-takers and assessors of .......... Township, of sake hereto County, make oath that the foregoing list contains, to the best of our knowledge and belief, all the real and personal property required by law to be assessed in said township, and that we have assessed every tract or parcel of land or other real and personal property at its TRUE value in money, and have endeavored to do equal justice to the public and to the tax-payers concerned. Before entering upon the discharge of the duties of their office they shall also take and subscribe the following oath before the chairman of the Board of County Commissioners for their respective counties, or some officer qualified to administer oaths: Se Mana ays aectraveitiy retraite , list-taker (or assessor) of ........ Township Olivuslesssersystate es County, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will discharge the duties devolving upon me as list-taker (or assessor) according to the laws in force governing said office: so help me, God. |
1907_public laws_242_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 241 | 3 | CHAPTER 241 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWN OF DUNN IN HAR- NETT COUNTY, UPON A MAJORITY VOTE OF ITS CITI- ZENS, TO ESTABLISH A DISPENSARY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That said Board of Dispensary Commissioners shall establish one dispensary in the town of Dunn, to be located on one of the principal streets of said town, for the sale of spirituous, vinous and malt liquors, as soon as possible after their term of office begins. The said Board of Dispensary Commissioners shall elect a manager for said dispensary, who shall be a man of good character and sobriety, who shall have charge of the same under the supervision of the Board of Dispensary Commissioners, subject to be discharged without notice. The said Board of Dispensary Commissioners may appoint such assistants or clerks as they may deem necessary, and may discharge them at pleasure without notice. The said manager shall be required to give bond. payable to the State of North Carolina, in such sum as the Board of Dispensary Commissioners may determine, not less than two thousand dollars, conditioned upon the proper accounting for all moneys that may come into his hands as such manager and for the faithful performance of all the duties of his office of manager as prescribed in this act and the rules and regulations of said Board of Dispensary Commissioners; and the said manager shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by said board, which shall not exceed seventy-five dollars per month, and shall in no way depend upon the amount of sales: Provided, that said manager may give bond with some safe bonding company as surety, to be approved by said Board of Dispensary Commissioners, and charge the expense of said bond as an expense of said dispensary. And the said board shall likewise require bonds, and in such amounts as they may deem proper, from such assistants or clerks as they may employ. q |
1907_public laws_105_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 104 | 2 | CHAPTER 104 AN ACT TO REGULATE THE KILLING OF QUAIL AND OTHER GAME BIRDS IN MADISON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ~ | That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to sell or offer for sale, or have or keep in his or her possession for sale any of said game birds killed within said Madison County, except between the fifteenth day of November and the first day of February of each and every year. |
1905_public laws_813_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 812 | 2 | CHAPTER 812 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 406, PUBLIC LAWS 1903, RELATING TO A DISPENSARY IN THE TOWN OF OX- FORD. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That section six of said chapter be amended by striking out all after the word our in line eleven and inserting in lieu thereof the following: Fifty per centum of the profits of said dispensary to the Treasurer of Granville County, one-half to be applied to the public school fund of said county and onehalf to the public road fund of said county; and the other half of the profits of said dispensary to be paid to the Treasurer of the town of Oxford. |
1905_public laws_602_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 601 | 1 | CHAPTER 601 AN ACT TO PREVENT RIDING OR DRIVING OF ANY BEAST OR VEHICLE ON ANY PUBLIC ROAD IN GUILFORD COUNTY WHERE ANY WORK IS BEING DONE UNTIL SUCH ROAD HAS BEEN OPENED UP FOR PUBLIC USE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to ride or drive any beast, bicycle, tricycle, automobile, buggy, carriage, cart, wagon or any other vehicle of any kind whatsoever on any public road or highway in Guilford County where any work is being done for the preparation of macadamizing the same, or if said road or highway has been macadamized, until the superintendent of roads or highways has caused said road or highway to be opened up for public use or by permission of the superintendent: Provided, however, the said superintendent shall provide suitable passways along or around said roads or highways for the public to pass back and forth until said roads or highways shall be opened for public use. |
1905_public laws_591_50 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 590 | 48 | CHAPTER 590 AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ASSESS- MENT OF PROPERTY AND THE COLLECTION OF TAXES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: That chapter two hundred and fifty-one of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and three be amended so as hereafter to read as follows: ARTICLE I. Boarp oF STATE TAx COMMISSIONERS. | Manner of assessment. Said Corporation Commission shall first ascertain the TRUE cash value of the entire property owned by the said association, company, copartnership or corporation from said statements or otherwise for that purpose, taking the aggregate value of all the shares of capital stock, in case shares have a market value, and in case they have none, taking the actual value thereof or of the capital of said association, company, copartnership or corporation in whatever manner the same is divided, in case no shares of capital stock have been issued: Provided, however, that in case the whole or any portion of the property of such association, company, copartnership or corporation shall be encumbered by a mortgage or mortgages such board shall ascertain the TRUE cash value of such property by adding to the market value of the aggregate shares of stock or to the value of the capital; in case there should be no such shares, the aggregate amounts of such mortgage or mortgages, and the result shall be deemed and treated as the TRUE cash value of the property of such association, company, copartnership or corporation. Such Board of Corporation Commissioners shall, for the purpose of ascertaining the TRUE cash value of the property within the State of North Carolina, next ascertain from such statements, or otherwise, the assessed value for taxation in the localities where the same is situated, of the several pieces of real estate situated within the State of North Carolina and not specifically used in the general business of such associations, companies, copartnerships or corporations, which said assessed value for taxation shall be by said board deducted from the gross value of the property aS above ascertained. Said State Board of Corporation Commissioners shall next ascertain and assess the TRUE cash value of the property of the associations, companies, copartnerships or corporations within the State of North Carolina by taking as a guide, as far as practicable, the proportion of the whole aggregate value of said associations, companies, copartnerships or corporations as above ascertained, after deducting the assessed value of such real estate without the State which the length of lines of said associations, companies, copartnerships or corporations, in the case of telegraph and telephone companies within the State of North Carolina, bears to the total length thereof, and in the case of express companies and sleeping-car companies the proportion shall be the proportion of the whole aggregate value, after such deduction, which the length of the lines or routes within the State of North Carolina bears to the whole length of the lines or routes of such associations, companies, copartnerships or corporations, and such amount so ascertained shall be deemed and held as the entire value of the property of said associations, companies, copartnerships or corporations within the State of North Carolina. The Corporation Comumnission shall also assess the value for taxation of all real estate, structures, machinery and appliances of telegraph and telephone companies within the State subject to local taxation, and this assessment shall be certified by the Commission to the localities in which such property is situated. Irom the entire value of the property within the State so ascertained there shall be deducted by the Commissioners the assessed value for taxation of all real estate, structures, machinery and appliances within the State and subject to local taxation in the counties as hereinbefore described in sections 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 and 45 of this act, and the residue of such value so ascertained, after deducting therefrom the assessed value of such local properties, shall be by said board assessed to said association. |
1905_public laws_548_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 547 | 1 | CHAPTER 547 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 44, ACTS OF 1899, AND TO FACILITATE THE RESTORATION TO THE RIGHTS OF CITIZENSHIP IN CERTAIN CASES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That section one of chapter forty-four, Public Laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, be amended by inserting between the words Governor and such in line seyen the following: or the court suspended judgment or suspended judgment on payment of the costs and the costs have been paid. |
1911_public laws_88_13 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 87 | 12 | CHAPTER 87 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH THE NORTH CAROLINA SCHOOL FOR THE FEEBLE-MINDED. Whereas the Constitution of North Carolina, article two, see- tion nine, authorizes the State to make provisions for her feeble- minded, idiots, and imbeciles; and whereas it is necessary from a humanitarian, economic, and health standpoint that some provi- sion be made for this class of unfortunates: now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The board of trustees shall have power to take any measures which they deem expedient for encouraging subscriptions, donations, and bequests to said school; to take charge of al) the interests and concerns of said school: to enter into and bin said institution by such compacts and engagements as they may deem advantageous; to make such rules and regulations for thei own government and that of the school, not inconsistent with thi: act, as may appear to them reasonable and proper. They ma} sue and be sued, and own all classes of property, both real anc personal, that may be advantageous to said school. |
1909_public laws_901_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 900 | 1 | CHAPTER 900 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 368, PUBLIC LAWS OF 1907, ENTITLED AN ACT TO PREVENT THE MANUFACTURE OR SALE OF ADULTERATED, MISBRANDED, POISONOUS OR DELETERIOUS FOODS, DRUGS, MEDICINES OR LIQUORS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That chapter three hundred and sixty-eight, Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and seven, be and the same is hereby amended as follows: After the word colored and before the word powdered, in line one, subsection four, section six, insert the word bleached. |
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