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1903_public laws_248_63 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 247 | 62 | CHAPTER 247 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 9 OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF 1901, IN RELATION TO RAISING REVENUE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: That chapter 9 of the Public Laws of 1901, relating to raising revenue, be amended so as hereafter to read as follows: SCHEDULE A. | Druggists selling liquors. Druggists dealing in spirituous, vinous or malt liquors, or medicated bitters, shall, on or before the first day in June of each year, obtain a license upon the payment of twenty-five dollars to the Sheriff or Tax Collector. But any druggist who allows liquor to be drunk within his place of business, or sells liquors except upon the prescription of a practicing physician, as allowed by law, shall be subject to all the taxes levied upon dealers in liquors, and shall be guilty of a misdemeanor: Provided, that nothing in this section shall have the effect of modifying or repealing, in whole or in part, chapter two hundred and fifteen, Public Laws of 1887, or chapter three hundred and seventy-five, Public Laws of 1889 |
1908 extra_public laws_53_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 51 | 3 | CHAPTER 51 AN ACT TO CHANGE THE JURISDICTION OF THE SPRING TERM OF THE SUPERIOR COURT OF RICHMOND COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby expressly repealed. |
1939_public laws_210_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 209 | 1 | CHAPTER 209 AN ACT TO AMEND SENATE BILL FIFTY-NINE, RATI- FIED FEBRUARY FIFTEENTH, ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED THIRTY-NINE, AMENDING CHAPTER ONE OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF THE EXTRA SESSION OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED THIRTY-SIX, KNOWN AS THE UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION LAW. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That Section eight of Senate Bill fifty-nine, enacted and ratified by the General Assembly on the fifteenth day of February, one thousand nine hundred thirty-nine, amending Section eleven of Chapter one of the Public Laws of the extra session of one thousand nine hundred thirty-six, known as the Unemployment Compensation Law, be, and the same is hereby amended in the following particulars: -1 In line seven of said Section eight, after the second word, insert after due notice so as to make the line read as follows: The commission after due notice shall have the right and power ... 3; -2 Strike out all that portion of said Section eight, beginning with the word upon in line ninety-five of said section and ending with the period after the word law in line one hundred three, and insert in lieu thereof the following: upon any realty owned by said employer in the county only from the date of docketing of such decision or determination in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court and upon personalty owned by said employer in said county only from the date of levy on such personalty, and upon the execution thereon no homestead or personal property exemptions shall be allowed; provided, that nothing herein shall affect any rights accruing to the commission under Section fourteen of the Unemployment Compensation Law and subsections thereunder so as to make the sentence read as follows: (o) The decision or determination of the commission when docketed in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of any county and when properly indexed and cross indexed shall have the same force and effect as a judgment rendered by the Superior Court, and if it shall be adjudged in the decision or determination of the commission that any employer is indebted to the commission for contributions, penalties and interest or either of the same, then said judgment shall constitute a lien upon any realty owned by said employer in the county only from the date of docketing of such decision or determination in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court and upon personalty owned by said employer in said county only from the date of levy on such personalty, and upon the execution thereon no homestead or personal property exemptions shall be allowed; provided, that nothing herein shall affect any rights accruing to the commission under Section fourteen of the Unemployment Compensation Law and subsections thereunder. |
1935_public laws_363_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 362 | 1 | CHAPTER 362 AN ACT TO ENLARGE THE TERM OF OFFICE OF THE SEVERAL REGISTERS OF DEEDS OF THIS STATE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That at the general election for the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty-six and quadrennially thereafter there shall be elected in each county of this State by the qualified voters thereof a register of deeds, who shall serve for a term of four years from the first Monday in December after his election and until his successor is elected and qualified: Provided, however, that this act shall not apply to Alleghany, Alexander, Ashe, Avery, Beaufort, Bladen, Clay, Davidson, Edgecombe, Halifax, Harnett, Haywood, Hyde, Iredell, Jackson, Johnston, Macon, Mitchell, Orange, Rowan, Rutherford, Stanly, Swain, Transylvania, Vance, Washington, Yadkin, Cherokee, Dare, Lincoln, and Moore Counties. |
1939_public local laws_305_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 304 | 2 | CHAPTER 304 AN ACT TO REGULATE THE FEES TO BE COLLECTED BY THE CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT OF SWAIN COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That Chapter one hundred and one of the PublicLocal Laws of one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three, be, and the same is hereby made applicable to the County of Swain. |
1957_session laws_1436_14 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 1,435 | 13 | CHAPTER 1435 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE ZONING OF UNINCORPORATED AREAS IN PERQUIMANS COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Any person, association, or corporation desiring to build or alter a structure of any kind in a planning and zoning area shall present to the planning and zoning commission of said area plans thereof and a map showing the location of said structure for approval in accordance with the rules and regulations of such area. Upon approval by said commission, a permit shall be issued by it for the erection or alteration of such structure. A fee for such permit in an amount to be fixed by the zoning commission not to exceed five dollars ($5.00) shall be paid to the treasurer of the county in which such area is situated. In the event a permit is refused, the person, association, or corporation may appeal to the board of county commissioners by filing notice of such appeal with the secretary of the planning and zoning commission and the clerk to the board of county commissioners within five -5 days from the refusal of said commission to issue or grant a permit. The board of county commissioners shall hear the appeal as soon as it may conveniently be heard and shall have the authority to reverse the decision appealed from or to alter, amend, or rescind any rule or regulation under which the appeal was brought. Provided, in the event any order or 1636 resolution of the said board of county commissioners shall have the effect of altering, amending, or rescinding any rule or regulation of a planning and zoning area, then such order or resolution shall be incorporated in and become a part of the rules and regulations of the planning and zoning area and shall be recorded in the office of the register of deeds of the county in which such area lies and indexed in the name of the planning and zoning area to which the same shall apply. |
1893_public laws_304_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 304 | 2 | CHAPTER 304 An act to regulate fishing in Juniper swamp in Wayne county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That any person violating the provisions of this sini guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be fined more than fifty dollars or imprisoned not more than thirty days. |
1957_session laws_15_12 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
1919_public local laws_218_20 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 217 | 19 | CHAPTER 217 AN ACT TO AMEND THE HENDERSON COUNTY ROAD LAW, CHAPTER 3 OF THE PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA, SESSION 1913 The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | It shall be the duty of every district supervisor to} warn out his men to work on any new road or change in any old, road which has been made a public road in his district, when ordered by the chairman of his township or by the general road supervisor. Each district supervisor shall keep an accurate | account of all work done in his district, giving the names of, the persons, and the number of days of work done by each person, the amount of money collected, and the name of the party from whom the money was collected, as well as an account of all money expended, and shall make out this account on blanks, furnished by the board of county road trustees, and shall swear to and file said account with the township trustees at their meeting on the first Monday in April. |
1917_public local laws_485_5 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 484 | 4 | CHAPTER 484 AN ACT FOR THE PROTECTION OF ALTAN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN UNION COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That any person violating any of the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined or imprisoned in the discretion of the court. |
1907_public laws_559_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 558 | 3 | CHAPTER 558 AN ACT FOR THE BETTER DRAINAGE AND STRAIGHTEN- ING OF NOE a IN DAVIE COUNTY. The General Assembly of oh Carolina do enact: | That said Commissioners shall estimate the number of acres of bottom-lands on said creek #NAME? to each land-owner within said boundary, and to make such estimate they are hereby authorized to employ some competent surveyor to survey said bottom-lands of the land-owners within the territory aforesaid; and from time to time, not oftener than once a year, in order to raise money for he purpose contemplated in this act, they shall levy an assessment, not to exceed one dollar and a half ($1.50) per acre of the estimated amount of bottom-land, on the land-owners aforesaid; of which estimate of the number of acres, and the names and amounts of each owner thereof, and also the rate of assessment, they shall make a report to the Commissioners of Davie County, who shall file the same among their records and spread the same upon their records. |
1885_public laws_218_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 217 | 3 | CHAPTER 217 An act to change the name of the charter of the Albemarle and Roanoke Railroad Company, ratified the twenty-seventh day of February, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, to the Roanoke Railroad Company. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That the capital stock of said company may be created by subscription or contribution on the part of governments, individuals, counties, townships, towns or cities, or by banking, railroad, or other corporations in shares of the value of one hundred dollars each, the same having been approved by a vote of the people of the county, township, town or city, or properly authorized officers of corporations. . |
1891_public laws_303_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 302 | 1 | CHAPTER 302 An act to define the words swamp lands as the same are employed in the statutes of this state in respect to the entry and grant of lands and the lands appropriated and belonging to the state board of educa- tion. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That the words marsh and swamp land employed in section twenty-seven hundred and fifty-one -2751 [of] The Code, and the words swamp lands employed in the statutes creating the literary fund and literary board of North Carolina and the state board of education of North Carolina, or in any act in relation thereto, shall be construed to include all those lands which have been or may now be known and called swamp or marsh lands, * pocosin bay, briary bay and savanna, and all lands which may be covered by the waters of any lake or pond. |
1935_public laws_419_6 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 418 | 5 | CHAPTER 418 AN ACT TO EXEMPT NEW HANOVER COUNTY FROM THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE EIGHT OF CHAPTER SIXTY-SIX OF VOLUME THREE OF THE CONSOLI- DATED STATUTES, KNOWN AS THE TURLINGTON ACT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The Board shall have complete control and jurisdiction over the importation, transportation, sale and distribution of alcoholic beverages within New Hanover County, as hereinafter provided, and shall have the exclusive power to buy in the manner hereinafter set forth, have in its possession and sell in its own name all alcoholic beverages distributed within New Hanover County. The Board shall adopt rules and regulations governing the carrying out of this act, and any supplemental acts, which said regulations shall have the force and effect of law. All rules and regulations promulgated by the Board shall be published in pamphlet form and supplied to the public on request. |
1911_private laws_45_10 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 44 | 9 | CHAPTER 44 AN ACT TO CONSOLIDATE AND REVISE THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF ELKIN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the mayor of said town is hereby constituted an inferior court, and as such shall, within the corporate limits of the town, have all the power, jurisdiction and authority of a justice of the peace to preserve and keep the peace, to issue process, to hear and determine all causes of action which may arise upon the ordinances and regulations of the town, to enforce penalties by issuing execution upon any adjudged violation thereof, and to execute the by-laws, rules and regulations made by the commissioners. The mayor shall further be a special court within the corporate limits of the town to arrest and try all persons who are charged with a misdemeanor for violating any ordinance of the town, and if the accused be found guilty, he shall be fined at the discretion of the court or mayor, not exceeding the amount specified in the ordinance or ordinances so violated, or at the discretion of the mayor or court trying the same such offender may be imprisoned not more than thirty days in the common jail of the county. If the accused is dissatisfied with the judgment of the mayor or court he may appeal in like manner as prescribed for appeals from judgments of a justice of the peace. |
1967_session laws_966_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 965 | 3 | CHAPTER 965 AN ACT TO AMEND G. S. 105-280 AS THE SAME APPLIES TO CALDWELL AND ALEXANDER COUNTIES SO AS TO FIX THE VALUATION DATE FOR INVENTORIES FOR AD VALOREM PROPERTY TAX PURPOSES AS THE FIRST DAY OF TAXPAYERS FISCAL YEAR. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. |
1911_private laws_241_6 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 240 | 5 | CHAPTER 240 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF NEWTON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That section one hundred and twenty-four of chapter thirty-nine, Private Laws of nineteen hundred and seven, be amended by striking out the word any in line ten and inserting in lieu thereof the words a sufficient, and by striking out the word may in line eleven and inserting in lieu thereof the word shall. |
1927_public local laws_25_8 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 24 | 7 | CHAPTER 24 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH THE OFFICE OF THE TAX COL- LECTOR OF JOHNSTON COUNTY AND TO PROVIDE COM- PENSATION FOR SUCH OFFICE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The tax collector shall receive an annual salary, for all services done and performed by him in connection with the collection of, and accounting for all taxes, of not exceeding three thousand ($3,000) [dollars] per annum, which salary shall be paid to him by the county commissioners in monthly installments of one-twelfth part thereof each. The board of eounty commissioners shall have the power to fix the salary of the tax collector in their discretion not exceeding three thousand ($3,000) {dollars] per annum, The board of county commissioners shall have the authority hereunder and are charged with the duty to employ such clerical assistance, if any, as may be necessary to the proper execution of the duties of this office, and shall fix the salary for such clerical assistants, not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) per month. |
1891_public laws_128_16 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 127 | 15 | CHAPTER 127 An act to incorporate the Carolina and Virginia Railway Company. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | The board of directors hereinbefore provided for shall consist of not less than five nor more than nine, who shall be elected from the stockholders, and shall be elected by the stockholders at their annual meeting to be held on such day as the stockholders in their first meeting may direct, and shall continue in office for the term of one year from and after the date of their election and until their successors are elected and accept the duties of the office. And in case of the death, resignation or incapacity of any member of the board of directors during his term of office, the said board shall elect his successor for the unexpired term; and in case of the death,,resignation or incapacity of the president during his term of office, then the said board of directors shall elect one of their number to fill the unexpired term and also to elect a member of their board as hereinbefore provided for to fill the vacancy occasioned by the election of the president. |
1905_public laws_489_5 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 488 | 4 | CHAPTER 488 AN ACT. TO PROVIDE FOR THE ERECTION OF A BRIDGE ACROSS THE CATAWBA RIVER BETWEEN BURKE AND CALDWELL COUNTIES. WHEREAS, The erection and establishment of a bridge over and across the Catawba River at a point where said stream divides the counties of Burke and Caldwell at or near the old (Daniel) John- son ferry or ford is a necessary expense to be borne by the said counties: now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the said several issues of the bonds of the said counties shall be sold by the said boards of commissioners, respectively, for not less than their par value and the amount realized from such sales used by them in paying the costs and charges of constructing and building the said bridge, including the approaches thereto, according to the liability of each of said counties therefor when proportioned in the manner provided in section one -1 of this act. |
1927_public laws_46_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 45 | 1 | CHAPTER 45 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER GUARDIANS OF IDIOTS, INEBRIATES, LUNATICS OR INCOMPE- TENTS, TO RENEW OBLIGATIONS OF THEIR WARDS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That in all cases where an inebriate, lunatic, or incompetent, from want of understanding to manage his or her own affairs by reason of the excessive use of intoxicating drinks or other causes, and such inebriate, lunatic, or incompetent has been so judicially declared and pursuant to such judicial finding such inebriate, lunatic, or incompetent has had a guardian appointed, is the maker or one of the makers, a surety, or one of the sureties, an endorser or one of the endorsers of any note, bond or other obligation, for the payment of money which is due or past due at the time of the appointment of said guardian, or shall thereafter become due prior to the settlement of the estate of the said ward, the guardian of said wards estate is hereby authorized and empowered to execute as such guardian a new note, bond or other obligation for the payment of money, in the same capacity as ward was obligated for the same amount or less, but not greater than the sum due on the original obligation which shall be in lieu of the original obligation of the ward, whether made payable to the original holder or another, and is authorized and empowered to renew said note, bond, or other obligation for the payment of money from time to time, and said note, bond or other obligation for the payment of money so executed by said guardian shall be binding upon the estate of said ward to the same extent and in the same manner and with the same effect that the original note, bond or other obligation for the payment of money so executed by the ward was binding upon his estate: Provided, the time for final payment of the note, bond or other obligation for the payment of money, or any renewal thereof by said guardian shall not extend beyond a. period of two years from the qualification of the original guardian as such upon the estate of said ward. |
1915_private laws_148_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 147 | 2 | CHAPTER 147 AN ACT ALLOWING THE TOWN OF NASHVILLE TO ISSUE BONDS FOR WATER-WORKS AND SEWERAGE AND ELEC- TRIC LIGHTS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the said bonds shall be payable or redeemable at such place or places and such time or times as may be determined on by the said board of commissioners, not exceeding fifty years from the date thereof. |
1911_private laws_95_13 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 94 | 12 | CHAPTER 94 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE TOWN OF LOCUST IN STANLY COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the commissioners of said town are hereby directed and allowed to use the taxes levied and collected in said town for the purpose of defraying the expenses of said corporation and for working and repairing streets and sidewalks therein, and in keeping the same in good and passable condition. |
1967_session laws_442_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 441 | 1 | CHAPTER 441 AN ACT TO PROHIBIT THE USE OF RIFLES FOR DEER HUNTING IN CAMDEN COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | It shall be unlawful for any person to hunt, take, kill, or attempt to take or attempt to kill deer in Camden County with a rifle; provided, that it shall be lawful to hunt, take, kill or attempt to take or attempt to kill deer with a rifle from a stand at least eight feet high, or while hunting on ones own land or while hunting on land owned or leased by a hunt club of which the hunter is a member, or while hunting on land with the permission of the owner. |
1889_private laws_111_23 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 110 | 22 | CHAPTER 110 An act to incorporate the town of Brevard, and for other purposes. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That the board of commissioners shall have power and authority to levy and collect a special tax not exceeding fifty dollars upon every circus company for each separate exhibition within the town; upon every person or company exhibiting within the town limits dogs or theatrical plays, sleight-of-hand performance, rope or wire dancing and tumbling, and menageries, and the exhibition for reward of artificial models or curiosities (models of useful inventions excepted), a tax not to exceed twenty dollars for each separate exhibition, said tax to be paid before the exhibition, or the tax may be doubled: upon any other exhibition for reward not enumerated above, five dollars for each exhibition: Provided, that this act shall not apply to exhibitions by amateur companies, when said exhibition is for a religious or charitable object: And provided further, that the board of commissioners are authorized and empowered to remit a part or the whole of any of the taxes allowed in this section upon good and satisfactory cause being shown to them by the exhibition [exhibitor]: And provided further, that the tax-collector, in case of a failure on the part of any of the exhibition [exhibitors] above specified to pay said tax before exhibiting, shall, immediately after the exhibition closes, demand from said exhibitions [exhibitors], the manager or treasurer, if he or she be known, if not, any member of the company, double the amount of the tax, and if it be not paid, he shall immediately levy on any of the goods or property belonging to said company, or any of them, or which was used in the exhibition or exhibitions given by them. |
1931_public laws_359_6 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 358 | 5 | CHAPTER 358 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTIONS FOUR THOUSAND AND SIXTY, FOUR THOUSAND AND EIGHTY, AND FOUR THOUSAND AND EIGHTY-SEVEN OF THE CONSOLI- DATED STATUTES OF NORTH CAROLINA RELATING TO WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS AND THE NEGOTIABIL- ITY THEREOF. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. |
1941_public laws_363_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 362 | 1 | CHAPTER 362 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A CONCILIATION SERVICE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND FOR THE MEDI- ATION OF LABOR DISPUTES IN NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Declaration of Policy. It is hereby declared as the public policy of this State that the best interests of the people of the State are served by the prevention or prompt settlement of labor disputes; that strikes and lockouts and other forms of industrial strife, regardless of where the merits of the controversy lie, are forces productive ultimately of economic waste; that the interests and rights of the consumers and the people of the State, while not direct parties thereto, should always be considered, respected and protected; and that the conciliation and voluntary meditation of such disputes under the guidance and supervision of a governmental agency will tend to promote permanent industrial peace and the health, welfare, comfort and safety of the people of the State. To carry out such policy, the necessity for the enactment of the provisions of this Article is hereby declared as a matter of legislative determination. |
1935_private laws_119_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 118 | 3 | CHAPTER 118 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ORGANIZATION, INCORPO- RATION AND OPERATION OF A CASH DEPOSITORY IN THE TOWN OF ZEBULON, IN THE COUNTY OF WAKE. T'he General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That said cash depository shall be to the same extent as any State Bank subject to examination by and the supervision of the Commissioner of Banks and to the Statutes of North Carolina, and particularly to the following sections of the Consolidated Statutes of North Carolina as amended: 217 (b), 217 (c), 217 (d), 217 (e), 217 (f), 217 (g), 217 (hb), 217 (i), 217 (j), 217 (k), 217 (1), 218 (a), 218 (b), 218 (c), 218 (f), 219 (f), 220 (h), 220 (i), 220 (j), 220 (m), 220 (n), 220 (0), 220 (s), 220 (u), 220 (w), 220 (x), 220 (z), 220 (aa), 220 (bb), 220 (cc), 220 (dd), 220 (ee), 220 (ff), 221 (a), 221 (b), 221 (d), 221 (e), 221 (f), 221 (g), 221 (h), 221 (i), 221 (j), 221 (k), 221 (1), 221 (m), 222 (a), 222 (b), 222 (d), 222 (e), 222 (f), 222 (g), 222 (h), 223 (a), 223 (b), 223 (c), 2238 (d), 228 (e), 228 (f), 228 (g), 224 (a), 224 (b), 224 (b%4), 224 (d), 224 (e), 224 (f), 224 (g), 224 (h), 224 (i), and 224 (j) ; Provided, however, that said cash depository shall not make any loan of the moneys coming into its hands. |
1889_public laws_239_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 238 | 2 | CHAPTER 238 An act to prohibit the sale of spirituous, vinous or malt liquors within the corporate limits of the town of Pineville, Mecklen- burg county, by any druggist on the prescription of any physician whatsoever. , The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That any person violating the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be fined not less than fifty or more than two hundred dollars or imprisoned not less thansixty or more than one hundred days. |
1959_session laws_623_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 622 | 1 | CHAPTER 622 AN ACT TO AMEND ARTICLE 24 OF CHAPTER 130 OF THE GEN- ERAL STATUTES OF NORTH CAROLINA RELATING TO THE FORMATION AND CORPORATE POWERS OF MOSQUITO CON- TROL DISTRICTS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | G. S. 130-211, as the same appears in the 1957 Cumulative Supplement to Volume 8B of the General Statutes, is hereby amended as follows: 511 (a) Paragraph one of subsection (b) is amended by adding at the end thereof the following: Upon determining that the district should be created and established, and prior to the submission of the question of the formation of the district to the voters of the proposed district, the board of county commissioners may determine the maximum amount of special tax to be levied for mosquito control purposes should the formation of the district be approved by the voters; provided, however, that in no event shall the maximum authorized levy exceed thirty-five cents (35) upon the one one hundred dollar ($100.00) assessed valuation. If the board of county commissioners determines that the maximum amount of special tax to be levied for mosquito control purposes should the voters approve the formation of the proposed district is to be less than thirty-five cents (35) on the one hundred dollar ($100.00) valuation the maximum amount thus determined must appear on the ballot to be used by the voters voting on the question of the creation of the district. (b) Paragraph four of subsection (b) is amended by adding immediately following the word tax and immediately preceding the word for in lines four and six of said paragraph the following words and punctuation: There insert the words not to exceed and the maximum amount of special tax to be levied for mosquito control purposes if the board of county commissioners has determined that the maximum authorized amount is to be less than thirty-five cents (35) on the one hundred dollar ($100.00) assessed valuation]. |
1931_public local laws_216_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 215 | 1 | CHAPTER 215 N ACT TO REGULATE THE HUNTING OF FOXES IN HARNETT, CUMBERLAND, SAMPSON, HOKE AND LEE COUNTIES. he General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That it shall be unlawful for any person to hunt xxes in Harnett, Cumberland, Sampson, Hoke and Lee Counties ccept during the period each year from September first to arch fifteenth, both dates inclusive, and then only with dogs, :cept that foxes may be killed in any manner at any time during .e year when caught in the act of committing or about to comit depredations to domestic live stock and poultry. |
1933_public laws_446_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 445 | 2 | CHAPTER 445 AN ACT TO RAISE REVENUE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE I SCHEDULE A INHERITANCE TAX | Property exempt. The following property shall be exempt from taxation under this article: (a). Property passing to or for the use of the State of North Carolina, or to or for the use of municipal corporations within the State or other political subdivisions thereof, for exclusively public purposes. (b). Property passing to religious, charitable, or educational corporations, or to churches, hospitals, orphan asylums, public libraries, religious, benevolent, or charitable organizations, or passing to any trustee or trustees for religious, benevolent, or charitable purposes, where such religious, charitable, or educational institutions, corporations, churches, trusts, etc., are located within the State and not conducted for profit. (c). Property passing to religious, educational, or charitable corporations, not conducted for profit, incorporated under the laws of any other State, and receiving and disbursing funds donated in this State for religious, educational, or charitable purposes. (d). Proceeds of life insurance policies, not exceeding in the aggregate twenty thousand dollars, when payable to a beneficiary or beneficiaries named in such policy or policies, and such beneficiary or beneficiaries are any such person or persons as are designated in section three (a) of this article, and also proceeds of all life insurance policies payable to beneficiaries named in subsections (a), (b), and (c) of this section. And also proceeds of all policies of insurance paid by the United States Government to the beneficiary or beneficiaries or heirs at law of any deceased soldier of the World War, under the present laws of Congress or any amendment that may be hereafter made thereto. |
1939_public local laws_519_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 518 | 2 | CHAPTER 518 AN ACT RELATING TO THE LEVYING OF TAXES IN THE TOWN OF DOBSON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed. |
1893_private laws_296_20 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 295 | 19 | CHAPTER 295 An act to amend the charter of the town of Ayden in Pitt county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the said board of commissioners shall at their first meeting in each year elect a town clerk, a tax collector and treasurer: Provided, that the said commissioners may elect the clerk or constable as tax collector, and they may also elect one of their number as treasurer if they choose. |
1905_public laws_569_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 568 | 1 | CHAPTER 568 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF ROAD COMMIS- SIONERS OF WAYNESVILLE TOWNSHIP, HAYWOOD COUNTY, TO PAY OVER TO THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF .WAYNESVILLE PART OF THE PRO- CEEDS ARISING FROM THE SALE OF BONDS FOR ROAD IMPROVEMENT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the Road Commissioners of Waynesville Township, Haywood County, created by chapter three hundred and seventy-five, Public Laws one thousand nine hundred and three, are hereby authorized and directed to pay over to the Board of Aldermen of the town of Waynesville the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000), the same being a portion of the sum realized from the sale of bonds issued by virtue of the said chapter, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Aldermen of the town of Waynesville for the purpose of grading, macadamizing and otherwise improving Main Street from a point of intersection of Hilliard and Main Streets at the Presbyterian Church to the point of intersection of Academy Street and Main Street in the said town. |
1891_private laws_258_14 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 257 | 13 | CHAPTER 257 An act to incorporate the Farmers and Merchants Bank of Greenville. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | This company is specially invested with the power and privileges usually incident to savings banks, nray receive deposits in very small sums, the limits to be fixed by its board of directors, and may pay interest thereon by way of dividends out of the net savings or by fixed rates according as may be agreed upon between the company and its depositors, and the board of directors are hereby fully authorized to make all needful by-laws and regulations for conducting and carrying into effect the savings bank features of this corporation. |
1893_private laws_240_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 239 | 2 | CHAPTER 239 An act to amend the charter of the town of Reidsville. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the board of commissioners of the town of Reidsville the next regular election cause an election to be held as to whether or not the board of commissioners shall consist of five or seven members; if the majority of the votes cast shall be for five -5 members, then the five names receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected; if the majority of votes cast shall be for seven members, then the seven names receiving the highest number of votes cast shall be declared elected. |
1939_public laws_78_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 77 | 1 | CHAPTER 77 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUANCE OF NOTES OF THE STATE FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING APPRO- PRIATIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That for the purpose of paying appropriations made for each year of the biennium ending June thirtieth, one thousand nine hundred and forty-one for the various institutions, departments and agencies of the State, the State Treasurer, by and with the consent of the Governor and Council of State, shall have authority to borrow in anticipation of the collection of taxes and revenues for such biennium such sum or sums as may be necessary for such purpose and as may be determined by the Governor and Council of State, and to execute and issue notes of the State for the money so borrowed, and to pledge the credit of the State for the payment thereof. Such notes may be renewed from time to time and money may be borrowed upon new notes from time to time for the payment of any indebtedness evidenced thereby. All such notes and renewal notes shall bear such date or dates and such rate or rates of interest, and shall mature in such amounts and at such time or times as may be determined by the Governor and Council of State, and shall be executed by the State Treasurer and negotiated and disposed of by him in such a manner as may be determined by the Governor and Council of State. |
1919_public laws_93_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 92 | 3 | CHAPTER 92 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 231, PUBLIC LAWS OF 1917, IN RELATION TO THE ASSESSMENT OF PROPERTY AND THE COLLECTION OF TAXES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE I Boarp OF STATE TAX COMMISSIONERS | It shall be the duty of said board and they shall have power and authority to have general supervision of the system of taxation throughout the State, and to have and exercise general supervision over the administration of all assessment and tax laws, over all county, township, and city tax assessors and boards of equalization, to the end that all assessments of property, real, personal, and mixed, be made relatively just and uniform, and at its TRUE value in money; to require all county, township, and city assessors, boards of equalization and levy and assessment oflicers, under penalty of forfeiture and removal from office as such assessors or boards, to assess all property of every kind and character at its TRUE value in money. 1 To confer with and advise assessing officers as to their duties under this act, and to institute proper proceedings to enforce the penalties and liabilities provided by law for public officers, officers of corporations and individuals failing to comply with this act; to prefer charges to the Governor against assessing and taxation officers who violate the law or fail in the performance of their duties in reference to assessments and taxation; and in the execution of these powers the said board may call upon the Attorney-General or any prosecuting attorney in the State to assist said board, and any person or officer who fails or refuses to comply with any lawful order of the State Tax Commission shall be subject to a penalty or forfeiture of one hundred dollars, the same to be imposed by order of said Commission; and in addition any such person or officer so offending shall be liable to punishment by said board as for contempt. 2 At least thirty days previous to the date fixed for listing taxes, to prepare a pamphlet for the instruction of tax assessors. said pamphlet shall, in as plain terms as possible, explain the proper working of the tax laws of the State, and shall call particular attention to any points in the administration of the laws which have seemed to be overlooked or neglected. They shall advise the assessors of the practical working of the laws and explain any points which seem to be intricate and upon which assessors may differ. 3 To receive complaints as to property liable to taxation that has not been assessed or of property that has been fraudulently or improperly assessed through error or otherwise, and to investigate the same, and to take such proceedings and to make such orders as will correct the irregularity complained of, if found to exist. 4 To see that each county in the State be visited by at least one member of the board as often as is necessary, to the end that all complaints concerning the law of assessment and taxation may be heard; that information concerning its workings may be collected ; that all assessing and taxation officers comply with the law and all violations thereof be punished, and that all proper suggestions as to amendments and change may be made. 5 To require from any registers of deeds, clerks of courts, mayors and clerks of towns, or any other officer in this State, on forms prescribed by said Board of State Tax Commissioners, such annual or other reports as shall enable said board to ascertain the assessed valuations of all property listed for taxation throughout the State under this act, the amount of taxes assessed, collected, and returned delinquent, and such other matters as the board may require, to the end that it may have complete and statistical information as to the practical operation of this act; that every such officer mentioned in this section who shall willfully neglect or refuse to furnish any report required by the commission for the purposes of this act: or who shall willfully and unlawfully hinder, delay, or obstruct said commission in the discharge of its duties, shall forfeit and pay one hundred dollars for each offense, to be recovered in an action in the name of the State. A delay of ten days to make and furnish such report shall raise the presumption that the same was willful. 6 To make diligent investigation and inquiry concerning the revenue laws and systems of other States and countries, so far as the same is made known by published reports and statistics and can be ascertained by correspondence with officers thereof, and, with the aid of information thus obtained, together with experience and observation of our own laws, to recommend to the Legislature at each regular session thereof such amendments, changes, or modifications of our revenue laws as seem proper and necessary to remedy injustice and irregularities in taxation and to facilitate the assessment and collection of public revenues. 7 To further report to the Legislature at each regular session thereof, or at such other times as the Legislature may direct, the whole amount of taxes collected in the State for all purposes, classified as to State, county, township, and municipal purposes, with the sources thereof; the amount lost, the cause of the loss, the proceedings of said board, and such other matters of information concerning the public revenues as it may deem of public interest. 8 To discharge such other duties as are or may be prescribed by law. |
1903_public laws_603_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 602 | 2 | CHAPTER 602 AN ACT TO REGULATE THE SALE OF LIQUOR AT JONKES- BORO AND VASS, IN MOORE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the place where delivery of any spirituous, malt, vinous, fermented or other intoxicating liquors is made within the corporate limits of the town of Jonesboro, or within one mile of the railroad depot at Vass, in said county, shall be construed and held to be the place of sale thereof; and any station or other place within the corporate limits of the town of Jonesboro, or within one mile of the railroad depot at Vass, in said county, to which any person, company, firm or corporation shall ship or convey any spirituous, malt, vinous, fermented or other intoxicating liquors, for the purpose of delivery or carrying the same to a purchaser, shall be construed to be the place of sale: Provided, this section shall not be construed to prevent the delivery of any spirituous, malt, vinous, fermented or other intoxicating liquors to druggists in sufficient quantities for medical purposes only, or to legally organized dispensaries. |
1965_session laws_36_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 35 | 1 | CHAPTER 35 AN ACT TO AMEND ARTICLES 24 OF CHAPTER 7 OF THE GEN- ERAL STATUTES OF NORTH CAROLINA AND CHAPTER 385, SESSION LAWS OF 1957, RELATING TO RECORDERS COURT IN THE CITY OF BELMONT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The quoted portion of Section 1 of Chapter 385, Session Laws of 1957, is hereby rewritten to read as follows: 78 That if and when a Recorders Court for the City of Belmont is established under the provisions of this Article, some suitable person who may be an attorney at law and who shall be of good moral character, shall be elected by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Belmont as Recorder of said Court to serve for a term of two -2 years and until his successor is appointed and qualified, and the Board of Commissioners shall have full power and authority to select and elect the said Recorder, and each successive Recorder biennially thereafter. The said Recorder shall be elected by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Belmont within thirty -30 days from the creation and establishment of said Court. If a vacancy occurs in the office of Recorder at any time, the same shall be filled by the election of a successor for the unexpired term by the governing body of the City of Belmont, at a regular or special meeting called for that purpose; provided, that before entering upon the discharge of their duties hereunder, the Recorder, the Vice-Recorder and the prosecuting attorney, who may be elected under the provisions of this Article, shall take and subscribe before some person authorized to administer oaths, the oath required of Judge and Solicitors of the Superior Court; provided, that the governing body of such city is hereby authorized to provide a schedule of fees to be charged by said Recorder. |
1891_private laws_102_9 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 101 | 8 | CHAPTER 101 An act to incorporate the town of Hub in the County of Columbus . and State of North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | Said election of mayor and commissioners shall be held at some house in said town to be selected by said commissioners, and no person shall be entitled to vote at said election or at any election held in said town for municipal purposes unless he shall be an elector of the state of North Carolina and shall have resided ninety days next preceding the day of election within the said corporation. |
1927_public local laws_496_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 495 | 2 | CHAPTER 495 AN ACT TO REGULATE THE HUNTING OF FOXES IN CHATHAM COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That it shall be unlawful for any person to hunt, trap, catch, or kill any fox in Chatham County from the first day of March to the first day of September in each year: Provided,) however, that nothing in this act shall be construed to prohibit. the killing or catching of foxes during said period when actually committing, or about to commit, depredations on property. |
1901_public laws_450_14 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 449 | 13 | CHAPTER 449 An act to incorporate the Montane Road and Power Company. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That said company shall have the rights granted to the Asheville Electric Company in section six, chapter two hundred and thirty-nine of the Public Laws of 1897 |
1899_public laws_376_18 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 375 | 17 | CHAPTER 375 An act relating to the public roads in Lexington township and other town- ships in Davidson county, and extending certain provisions of the Meck- lenburg road law to said townships. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That nothing in this act shall be construed to take the }power from the county commissioners to. exempt anyone from ldisability to work on the public roads; and all general laws in respect to public roads so far as applicable shall be construed in laid of this act but not in derogation thereof. |
1913_public laws_204_42 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 203 | 41 | CHAPTER 203 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 50, PUBLIC LAWS OF 1911, IN RELATION TO THE ASSESSMENT OF PROPERTY AND THH COLLECTION OF TAXES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE I. BoarD oF STATE TAX COMMISSIONERS. | Commissioners shall have power to exempt; sheriff to garnishee if taxes are not paid in sixty days; form of attachment. The board of commissioners of the several counties shall have power to exempt any person from the payment of poll tax on account of poverty and infirmity; and when any such person has been once exempted he shall not be required to renew his application unless the commissioners shall revoke the exemption. When such exemption shall have been made, the clerk of the commissioners shall furnish the person with a certificate of such action, and the person to whom it was issued shall be required to list his poll, but upon exhibition of such certificate the list taker shall annually enter in the column intended for the poll the word Exempt, and the poll shall not be charged in computing the list. If any poll tax or other tax shall not be paid within sixty days after the same shall be demandable it shall be the duty of the sheriff, if he can find no property of the person liable sufficient to satisfy the same, to attach any debt or other property incapable of manual delivery due or belonging to the person liable or that may become due before the expiration of the calendar year, and the person owing such debt or having such property in possession shall be liable for said tax. Any corporation, firm or person who shall, on demand or request made, re-. fuse to give to the tax collector of any county, city or town a list giving the names of all persons employed by them who are liable for tax, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. For the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this section the following form shall be used as an attachment, viz.: Take notice that this is to attach any debt that is now due or: may become due to C D, a delinquent in his poli (or property) tax for the year one thousand nine hundred and ...., and you are hereby summoned to appear before E F, an acting justice of the peace for ........ County, and disclose any indebtedness which is or may be due said delinquent by you during the present calendar year, and to show cause why judgment should not be rendered against you for said delinquent tax and costs of this proceeding. rbiraryAc che Gay OL. ceecctscce, 19... A B, Sheriff, or Tax Collector. For serving notice the sheriff shall receive twenty-five cents, J and if judgment is rendered the justice shall receive twenty-five cents as costs. |
1957_session laws_486_7 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 485 | 6 | CHAPTER 485 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE REGISTRATION OF VOTERS AND FOR THE ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR THE TOWN OF STAN- FIELD IN STANLY COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. |
1917_public local laws_478_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 477 | 2 | CHAPTER 477 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER TO ISSUE BONDS FOR SCHOOL BUILDINGS AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The proceeds of the sale of said bonds shall be apportioned to the following objects: Sixteen thousand dollars may be used to pay off any outstanding indebtedness, and the balance shall be thus distributed: Hish?school: 320 aereseetis Ske ee $125,000.00 Purchasevof balancevotdotaescentere ieee 10,000.00 CarolinasBeachie iat 2A eee eee 1,500.00 Oak Billie seis BEE SSP ee eee 1,500.00 Past Wilningtonnie. tke ssi oiee eee 3,000.00 Repairs to old high school building...... 15,000.00 Peabody. schoolastaaeee See ae 20,000.00 Williston industrial addition............ 10,000.00 Williston. primary: <4. 330s eee eee 2,000.00 Myrtle :Grovesd.t:2 katie ee Se eee 1,000.00 Ruralj,colored ys asacnt. te Se Ree 5,000.00 Scottiss Millioaiee Wess Sao Ree eee 1,500.00 South: Wilmine tong sagee sa See eee 2,000.00 Acorn: Braneh &:t22 eee eee eee 1,500.00 iBearsMemorial ss &.2ee eee ae Se eee 8,000.00 |
1907_private laws_238_7 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 235 | 6 | CHAPTER 235 AN ACT TO AMEND THE AURORA GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the said board of graded school trustees and their successors shall be and are hereby constituted a body corporate by the name and style of the Board of the Aurora Graded School Trustees of Aurora, North Carolina, and by that name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, contract and be contracted with, acquire by gift, purchase or devise real and personal property, hold, change, mortgage or sell the same and exercise such other rights and privileges as are incident to other corporations, and said corporation shall have a corporate seal which it may break and change at pleasure. |
1923_public local laws_430_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 429 | 2 | CHAPTER 429 AN ACT TO PERMIT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF CASWELL COUNTY TO EMPLOY A PROSE- CUTING ATTORNEY AND FIX HIS FEES THEREFOR. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The justices of the peace of Caswell County shall, upon issuing any warrant, immediately notify the prosecuting attorney of the crime charged and when the same is set for hearing. |
1933_public laws_386_9 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 385 | 8 | CHAPTER 385 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE THRIFT SOCIETY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The funds in the Treasurers hands may be deposited by him to his credit as State Treasurer and Treasurer of the Society in banks upon like terms and secured in like manner as other State deposits. The interest accruing and paid on such deposits shall be added to the funds of the Society. |
1887_private laws_102_17 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 101 | 16 | CHAPTER 101 An act to amend and consolidate the acts incorporating the town of Rockingham. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | If for any cause there should be a vancancy in the office of mayor or commissioner of said town, the board of commissioners thereof shall be and are hereby empowered to fill said vacancy or vacancies, and their appointee or appointees shall hold office until the next regular election herein provided for. |
1927_public local laws_634_5 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 633 | 4 | CHAPTER 633 AN ACT TO PROHIBIT PERSONS FROM PUTTING OUT POISON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That this act shall apply to Watauga County only. |
1933_public laws_236_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 235 | 1 | CHAPTER 235 AN ACT TO PREVENT THE INTRODUCTION AND PLANTING IN ANY OF THE WATERS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA WHAT IS KNOWN AS JAPANESE, PORTUGUESE OR MONGOLIAN OY- STERS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | It shall be unlawful for any person, persons, firm or corporation to plant, store, distribute or in any way deposit the Japanese, Portuguese or Mongolian oysters in any of the waters of North Carolina. |
1935_public local laws_36_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 35 | 2 | CHAPTER 35 AN ACT TO CONFER CIVIL JURISDICTION UPON THE RECORDERS COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF SCOTLAND. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the jurisdiction of such Court in civil actions shall be as follows: (a) Jurisdiction concurrent with the justices of the peace within the county. (b) Jurisdiction concurrent with the Superior Court in all actions founded on contract, wherein the amount involved, exclusive of interest and cost, does not exceed five hundred ($500.00) dollars. (c) Jurisdiction concurrent with the Superior Court in all actions not founded on a contract wherein the amount involved, exclusive of interest and cost, does not exceed the sum of five hundred ($500.00) dollars. |
1901_public laws_590_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 589 | 2 | CHAPTER 589 An act to regulate fishi:g in certain waters of North River in Camden County. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That any person violating tne provisions of this act shall upon conviction be fined not more than fifty dollars, or imprisoned not to exceed thirty days. |
1903_public laws_799_7 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 798 | 6 | CHAPTER 798 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACH- ERS IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That tuition in said institution shall be free to all persons in the State who shall sign a pledge to teach in the public schools of North Carolina for a term of not less than two years. |
1925_private laws_205_14 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 204 | 13 | CHAPTER 204 AN ACT TO CHANGE THE NAME OF THE APPALACHIAN TRAINING SCHOOL AND TO OUTLINE ITS ORGANIZA- TION, POWERS AND DUTIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all appropriations made to the Appalachian Training School for the fiscal year ending June the thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty-five, remaining unpaid, at the time of this act, shall be paid to the new corporation in the manner and form provided in the appropriation act of nineteen hundred and twenty-three. |
1921 extra_public local laws_95_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 94 | 2 | CHAPTER 94 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION 2116 OF THE CONSOLIDATED STATUTES, RELATIVE TO THE CLOSE SEASON FOR QUAIL OR PARTRIDGE IN POLK AND RUTHERFORD COUNTIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That section two thousand one hundred and sixteen of the Consolidated Statutes be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the words February fifteen to December one occurring after the word Rutherford and inserting in lieu thereof the words February fifteen to November fifteen. |
1924 extra_private laws_30_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 29 | 2 | CHAPTER 29 AN ACT TO RATIFY AND VALIDATE THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE MINERAL SPRINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT, MOORE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, FOR THE ISSUANCE OF SCHOOL BONDS OF SAID DISTRICT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That said bonds shall be sold by the board of commissioners of Moore County at either public or private sale, and when said bonds shall have been delivered and paid for at not less than par and accrued interest, they shall constitute valid and binding obligations of said school district, and for the payment of the principal and interest on said bonds a direct annual tax not exceeding fifteen cents (15c.) on the one hundred dollars ($100) of value shall be levied by the board of commissioners of Moore County on all the taxable property within the said district. |
1899_private laws_301_6 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 300 | 5 | CHAPTER 300 An act to authorize the commissicners of the tewn of Rocky Mount to issue bonds to construct waterworks in said town. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That the question of Waterworks or No waterworks shail be submitted to the quatified voters of said town at the next annua! election for town offices of said town. and at the voting place in each ward there sha!l be aseparate box in which this voie on waterworks shail be polled. and at said election those in favor of waterworks shall votea written or printed ticket wits Waterworks thereon and those opposed to waterworks shall vote a written or printed ticket with No waterworks thereon, an at the said election the registrars aud poll holders sha'l vote the number of freehollers in their respective wards and the number of said freeholders who vote for and against *Waterworks, and shall certify the same, showing fully the number of votes cast for waterworks, those cast against waterworks and the number of freeho!ders who voted **Waterworks, and the number of freeholders who voted No waterworks. These certificates shall be sealed and delivered to the cierk of the board of commissioners of said town, who shall present the same to the board of commissioners at their next meeting after said election, whether said meeting be a general or a special meeting and the result of the election in the several wards shall be ascertained by the said board and entered upon the record book of said town and the result posted at the door of the mayor's office of said town and at the post-office door for ten days; and if the votes so certified be in favor of waterworks, aud if no exception be filed thereto within ten days, said record shall thereafter import verity, and shal! be conclusive evidence of the correctness of said returns, and the same shall therefore be received in all the courts of this state and the United States as conclusive evidence of the correctness of the vote polled at said election. |
1959_session laws_274_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 273 | 2 | CHAPTER 273 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 53 OF THE GENERAL STATUTES SO AS TO PROVIDE FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OF BANKS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. |
1915_private laws_334_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 333 | 1 | CHAPTER 333 AN ACT TO CHANGE THE BOUNDARY LINE OF SPRING SCHOOL DISTRICT IN ALAMANCE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That chapter two hundred and sixty-three of the Public Laws of nineteen hundred and three be changed by striking out in section: one all that part from the phrase as follows in line three to the word near in line seven, and inserting instead the following: Beginning on the west side of Haw River on the line between G. W. Stockard and J. C. Thompson, running west, including the farm of G. W. Stockard, to Marys Creek. |
1913_public local laws_186_18 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 185 | 17 | CHAPTER 185 AN ACT FOR THE WORKING AND IMPROVING THE PUBLIC ROADS OF ASHE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That section twenty-nine of said chapter and act be and the same is hereby repealed, and the following substituted in lieu thereof: whenever any person desires to change a road from one part of his land to another part, he shall file his petition in writing with the board of road trustees of that township in which the road to be changed is situated, setting forth the proper change, who in their discretion may appoint two disinterested freeholders who, together with the road overseer of said road, shall go and view said proposed change, and they may permit said change to be made upon such terms and conditions as to them may seem best, and when said change has been made upon a reasonable grade they shall make their report to the board of road trustees of said township, who shall confirm same if the terms and conditions of said change have been complied with. |
1893_public laws_310_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 310 | 1 | CHAPTER 310 An act to amend section two, chapter three hundred and sixty-two, laws of one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine, concerning the sale of spirituous liquors in Brunswick county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That section two of chapter three hundred and sixtytwo, laws of one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine, be amended by striking out the word three in line two of eection two and inserting in lieu thereof the word two. . |
1913_public local laws_796_6 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 795 | 5 | CHAPTER 795 AN ACT TO PROVIDE A LEGALIZED PRIMARY ELECTION FOR ROCKINGHAM COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Any person entitled to vote at any primary which may be held under this act shall, on the day said primary is held, be entitled to absent himself from any service or employment in which he is then engaged or employed for a period of one hour, or longer, if necessary, between the time of opening and closing the polls, and such primary elector shall not, because of so absenting himself, be liable to any penalty nor shall any deduction be made, on account of such absence, from his usual salary or wages: Provided, however, that notice of such leave of absence shall be given prior to the taking of same. Any employer who imposes any penalty or forfeiture on account of such absence or refuses to allow any employee in his employment to attend said primary shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and fined or imprisoned, in the discretion of the court. |
1911_private laws_100_6 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 99 | 5 | CHAPTER 99 AN ACT TO REVISE THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF LUM- BER BRIDGE, IN THE COUNTY OF ROBESON. Whereas, by chapter one hundred and fifty-one, Private Laws of one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one, the town of Lumber Bridge was duly incorporated; and, whereas, it is deemed advisable by the authorities and citizens of said town that the said act should be amended and revised to the end that the charter of said town shall be contained in one act of the General Assembly; there- fore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | In ease the office of mayor or commissioner shall become vacant from death, resignation, removal or otherwise, such office shall be filled by the commissioners of said town, and the person so elected shall serve the term to which his predecessor was elected and until his successor shall be elected and qualified. |
1879_private laws_79_53 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 78 | 52 | CHAPTER 78 AN ACT TO CONSOLIDATE THE TOWNS OF WINSTON AND SALEM. The General Assembly of North Carolina-do enact : | That the aldermen of the city of Salem shall impose, levy and collect a corporation tax of not less than five hundred dollars per annum upon every person obtaining a license for any one of the purposes specified in sections fifty and fifty-one of this act: Provided, that nothing in this act shall prohibit the board of aldermen from granting a license to retail malt liquors, such as ale, lager beer and porter, and for such license, if granted, the board of aldermen shall impose, levy and collect a corporation tax of not less than two hundred dollars per annum, and said board of aldermen shall have full power to revoke or recall said license, at pleasure, at any time after granting the same, but the said board of aldermen shall refund the proportionate amount of said tax collected for the unexpired portion of the license year to the party or persons from whom such license may be taken, recalled or revoked, and said aldermen shall grant no license to any person for any one of the purposes herein enumerated until such person shall have paid the whole tax imposed for said license, and proved a good moral character by the oaths of not less than two respectable and responsible citizens of the city, and the said aldermen shall have free and full power to grant or refuse a license to any person for any one of the aforesaid purposes at their discretion. |
1925_public local laws_280_6 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 279 | 5 | CHAPTER 279 AN ACT TO PROMOTE THE LIVESTOCK INDUSTRY OF AVERY COUNTY AND TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO PURCHASE PURE BRED STOCK. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The bulls selected by the livestock commission shall be from approved herds of pure bred Shorthorns and Herefords, not more than two years, and preferably between the age of fifteen and twenty-four months, and the locality where the bulls are kept must be open for inspection and no bull shall be kept at one place longer than one year. |
1883_private laws_113_21 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 112 | 20 | CHAPTER 112 An act for the relief of creditors of the former town of Fayetteville, and for other purposes. Wuereas, by virtue of chapter fifty-eight of the private laws passed bygthe general assembly of North Carolina at the session of one thousand eight hundred and eighty- one, ratified March twelfth, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one, the charter of the town of Fayetteville, in Cumberland county, has been repealed and abrogated, leaving the creditors of said town without the means of collecting any part of their debts, and leaving the com- munity without the necessary means of local government, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : bn | The commissioners may organize fire companies, and to that end tbe district of Fayetteville shall be divided into four wards; the first ward shall comprise all the territory lying south of Person street and east of Gillespie street; the second ward shall comprise all territory 1883.PrivATECHAPTER 112 west of Gillespie street and south of Hay street; the third ward shall comprise all territory north of Hay street and west of Green and Ramsay streets; and the fourth ward shall com prise all the territory north of Person street and east of Green and Ramsay streets. There shall bea chief fire warden for Fayetteville, and an assistant fire warden for each of the four wards, appointed by the commissioners annually, and fire companies may be organized to number not more than seventy-five men who shall, under the direction of the commissioners, be subject to the orders of the chief fire warden and the assistant fire wardens. And upon the due organization of such companies, and upon report by the fire warden that any person isan efficient member and a regular attendant at their meetings and drills, the commissioners may direct their clerk to give such person a certificate of exemption from poll taxes imposed by this act, and such exempted person_is hereby declared exempted from all jury duty; but sue exemptions from taxes and jury duty shall only continue while such person continues to be an eflicient member of the fire company and regular in his attendance upon its meetings and drills. |
1919_public laws_226_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 225 | 1 | CHAPTER 225 AN ACT CONCERNING INDUSTRIAL BANKS, DEFINING THE SAME, AND PROVIDING FOR THEIR INCORPORA- TION AND SUPERVISION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The term Industrial Bank as used in this act shall mean any corporation formed under the provisions of this act, and any corporation heretofore organized under the general corporation law of this State which shall hereafter reorganize as an industrial bank pursuant to the provisions of this act. |
1923_public local laws_124_16 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 123 | 15 | CHAPTER 123 AN ACT TO BUILD AND MAINTAIN A SYSTEM OF ROADS IN YANCEY COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That whereas the tax authorized and directed to be levied and collected for the present year is not available for the immediate use of said county commissioners for the prompt and proper application of this act, the county commissioners of Yancey County are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to borrow money sufficient to carry out the provisions of this act, in anticipation of the tax to be levied and collected, to an amount not less than twenty thousand dollars. These funds to be borrowed on short time and to mature when in the opinion of the commissioners or a majority thereof the taxes to pay same off will have been collected. |
1935_public laws_457_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 456 | 2 | CHAPTER 456 AN ACT TO DECLARE THE NECESSITY OF CREATING PUBLIC BODIES CORPORATE AND POLITIC TO BE KNOWN AS HOUSING AUTHORITIES TO ENGAGE IN SLUM CLEARANCE AND/OR PROJECTS TO PROVIDE DWELLING ACCOMMODATIONS FOR PERSONS OF LOW INCOME; TO PROVIDE FOR THE CREATION OF SUCH HOUSING AUTHORITIES; TO DEFINE THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF HOUSING AUTHORITIES AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE EXERCISE OF SUCH POWERS, INCLUDING ACQUIRING PROPERTY BY PURCHASE, GIFT OR EMINENT DOMAIN, AND IN- CLUDING BORROWING MONEY, ISSUING REVENUE AND CREDIT BONDS AND OTHER OBLIGATIONS, AND GIVING SECURITY THEREFOR; TO CONFER REMEDIES ON OBLIGEES OF HOUSING AUTHORI- TIES; TO PROVIDE THAT THE BONDS OF THE AU- THORITY SHALL BE LEGAL INVESTMENTS; TO PROVIDE THAT HOUSING AUTHORITIES, AND CER- TAIN PROPERTY AND SECURITIES THEREOF, SHALL BE TAX EXEMPT AND TO DECLARE THAT THIS ACT TAKE EFFECT FROM THE DATE OF ITS RATIFICATION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Finding and Declaration of Necessity. It is hereby declared that insanitary or unsafe dwelling accommodations ,exist in various cities and towns of the State having a population of more than fifteen thousand inhabitants and that such unsafe or insanitary conditions arise from overcrowding and concentration of population, the obsolete and poor condition of the buildings, improper planning, excessive land coverage, lack of proper light, air and space, insanitary design and arrangement, lack of proper sanitary facilities, and the existence of conditions which endanger life or property by fire and other causes; that in all such cities and towns many persons of low income are forced to reside in insanitary or unsafe dwelling accommodations; that in various cities and towns of the State having a population of more than fifteen thousand inhabitants there is a lack of safe or sanitary dwelling accommodations available to all the inhabitants thereof and that consequently many persons of low income are forced to occupy overcrowded and congested dwelling accommodations; that these conditions cause an increase in and spread of disease and crime and constitute a menace to the health, safety, morals and welfare of the citizens of the State and impair economic values; that the aforesaid conditions also exist in certain areas surrounding such cities and towns; that these conditions cannot be remedied by the ordinary operations of private enterprises; that the clearance, replanning and reconstruction of the areas in which insanitary or unsafe housing conditions exist and the providing of safe and sanitary dwelling accommodations for persons of low income are public uses and purposes for which public money may be spent and private property acquired; that it is in the public interest that work on such projects be instituted as soon as possible in order to relieve unemployment which now constitutes an emergency; and the necessity in the public interest for the provision hereinafter enacted is hereby declared as a matter of legislative determination. |
1903_private laws_264_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 263 | 1 | CHAPTER 263 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF BEL- HAVEN, BEAUFORT COUNTY, N. C. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That section 2 of the charter of the town of Belhaven, Beaufort County, be and is hereby amended by striking out section 2 and in lieu thereof insert the following: Beginning at the channel of Pantego Creek at the eastward line of the Alleghany Companys property, and running north 47 east with said companys line to Pantego street, thence south 43 east with Pantego street to Thoms Creek, thence with the channel of Thoms Creek to the channel of Pungo River, thence westerly with the channel of Pungo River to Pantego Creek, thence northwesterly with the channel of Pantego Creek to the beginning. |
1913_private laws_133_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 132 | 3 | CHAPTER 132 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWN OF SELMA TO ISSUE BONDS TO COMPLETE ITS ELECTRIC LIGHT AND WATER SYSTEMS. Whereas the town of Selma in Johnston County, on account of the large number of its inhabitants and of the great increase in the number, size, and value of its residences, hotels, and business houses, is in great need of a public water supply and electric light system ;.and whereas it is necessary to protect the property of said town from destruction by fire, and to furnish an adequate electric lighting system for the protection, convenience, and benefit of its citizens and their property; and whereas it is necessary for the protection of the health of said town that there should be a sys- tem of sewerage and waterworks in the town; and whereas, in pursuance of the urgent needs aforesaid the qualified voters of said town have heretofore by popular vote authorized the issuance of twenty-five thousand dollars interest-bearing coupon bonds; and whereas the money derived therefrom has been devoted to the installation, construction, and erection of water and electric light systems for the purposes aforesaid; and whereas the money derived from said bonds has been insufficient to carry said work to a completion, and an additional five thousand dollars is neces- sary to complete said water and lighting systems, and it is im- peratively necessary that this be done at as early a date as prac- ticable; and whereas the mayor and board of commissioners of said town of Selma, after full consideration of all conditions, have declared that there exists in said town an absolute and urgent necessity for the completion of its waterworks and electric light system for the protection of health and against fire; and whereas the ordinary funds derived from current taxes of said town are wholly insufficient to complete said works: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Said bonds are hereby declared to be within the exercise of the corporate powers of the town of Selma, and the purposes for which the same are to be issued are hereby declared to be a municipal necessity. |
1881_private laws_100_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 99 | 2 | CHAPTER 99 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE ASHEVILLE GAS AND WATER SUPPLY COMPANY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The capital stock of the said company shall be fifty thousand dollars (with the privilege to the shareholders of increasing the amount to two hundred thousand dollars) divided into shares of fifty dollars each. Each share shall be entitled to one vote in all the meetings of the stockholders, and shall be transferable as by the by laws of the company may be prescribed. |
1899_public laws_268_10 | project experts | 1jim_crow
| public laws | 267 | 9 | CHAPTER 267 An act in relation to the public school in the town of Mount Airy, and providing for the levying of a tax to support the same. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | The school committee provided for by this act shall apportion the money raised or received for educational purposes in the town of Mount Airy as shall be just to the white and colored races, without discrimination in favor of or to the prejudice of either race, due regard being paid to the cost of keeping up and maintain [maintaining] the public schools of both races. |
1887_public laws_5_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 4 | 3 | CHAPTER 4 An act to incorporate the Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railway Company. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the capital stock of said company shall be ($5,000) five thousand dollars, and the same may be increased from time to time as a majority of the stockholders may determine, up to ($500,000) five hundred thousand dollars. That the stock of said company shall be in shares of ($100) one hundred dollars each, for which certificates shall be issued, and each share shall be entitled to one vote, and the stockholders shall not be individually liable for anything beyond the amount of their subscription to the said capital stock. That books of subscription shall be opened by the corporators, or a majority of them, at such times and places and under such rules and regulations as they, or a majority-of them, may prescribe. That the said corporators, or a majority of them, acting in person or by proxy, after the sum of five thousand dollars has been subscribed, shall call a meeting of the subscribers to the said capital stock, for the purpose of completing the organization of the company, giving ten days notice thereof in some paper published in the county of Union or Anson. That at such meeting the stockholders shall elect a _board of directors, consisting of five members, who shall immediately elect one of their number president of the company. |
1915_private laws_216_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 215 | 1 | CHAPTER 215 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF BATTLEBORO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the act entitled An act to incorporate the town of Battleboro, ratified the eighth day of February, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, and the amendments thereto ratified the tenth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, be and the same are hereby amended by adding thereto the following new sections, and so much of the said two acts as is inconsistent with the provisions hereafter set forth be and the same is hereby repealed. |
1925_public local laws_549_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 548 | 1 | CHAPTER 548 AN ACT TO PREVENT THE BUYING OF SEED COTTON IN NASH COUNTY AND THE COUNTIES ADJACENT THERE- TO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, except the landlord, or by his written consent, on whose land the cotton is made, to buy, sell, deliver, or receive for a price or for any reward whatever any cotton in the seed where the quantity is less than that which is usually baled before January fifteenth of the following year in which the cotton is made. |
1941_public laws_354_18 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 353 | 17 | CHAPTER 353 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE TRANSFER OF SHARES OF STOCK IN CORPORATIONS AND TO MAKE UNI- FORM THE LAW WITH REFERENCE THERETO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Lost or Destroyed Certificate. Where a certificate has been lost or destroyed, a court of competent jurisdiction may order the issue of a new certificate therefor on service of process upon the corporation and on reasonable notice by publication, and in any other way which the court may direct, to all persons interested, and upon satisfactory proof of such loss or destruction and upon the giving of a bond with sufficient surety to be approved by the court to protect the corporation or any person injured by the issue of the new certificate from any liability or expense, which it or they may incur by reason of the original certificate remaining outstanding. The court. may also in its discretion order the payment of the corporations reasonable costs and counsel fees. The issue of a new certificate under an order of the court as provided in this section, shall not relieve the corporation from liability in damages to a person to whom the original certificate has been or shall be transferred for value without notice of the proceedings or of the issuance of the new certificate: Provided, nothing in this section shall prevent the issuance of a new stock certificate in the place of a lost or destroyed certificate in accordance with the provisions of Section one thousand one hundred and sixty-two of the Consolidated Statutes of one thousand nine hundred and nineteen. |
1929_public local laws_2_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 1 | 3 | CHAPTER 1 AN ACT RELATING TO DRUNKENNESS IN MACON COUNTY AND PRESCRIBING A SPECIFIC PENALTY APPLICABLE THERETO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That this act shall apply to Macon County only. |
1899_private laws_170_7 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 169 | 6 | CHAPTER 169 An act to incorporate The L E. Davis Milling Company. he General Assembly of North Carolina do enuct : | That owners of stock in this company shall not be individually liable for any contract, indebtedness or liability of this company. |
1899_private laws_113_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 112 | 2 | CHAPTER 112 An act to incorporate the town of Union City, in Robeson county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the corporate limits of said town shall be as follows, viz: Beginning at the point where the Inman and Ionia roads intersect and runs north one-half mile; thence east onehalf mile; thence south ene mile; thence west one mile; thence north one mile; thence east one-half mile, making one mile square. |
1965_session laws_227_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 226 | 2 | CHAPTER 226 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 759, SESSION LAWS OF 1963, EN- TITLED AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COM- MISSIONERS OF CARTERET COUNTY TO MAKE APPROPRIA- TIONS FOR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT PURPOSES AND TO CREATE AND FIX THE POWERS OF AN INDUSTRIAL DEVELOP- MENT COMMISSION FOR CARTERET COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Section 2, Chapter 759, Session Laws of 1963, is hereby amended by striking the following sentence, beginning in line 8:00 In making said appointments, the Board of Commissioners shall maintain an equal balance insofar as political party affiliation is concerned. |
1927_public laws_54_10 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 53 | 9 | CHAPTER 53 AN ACT TO REGULATE THE MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF INSECTICIDES AND FUNGICIDES IN NORTH CARO- LINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the Commissioner in person, or by deputy, shall have the power to enter into any car, warehouse, store, building, boat, vessel or place supposed to contain insecticides or fungicides, for the purpose of inspection or sampling, and shall have the power to take samples for analysis from any lot, package or parcel of insecticides or fungicides. It shall be unlawful for any person to oppose entrance of said Commissioner or deputy, or in any way interfere with the discharge of his duty. All analyses shall be made by the official methods of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists of the United States, and shall be made by chemists of the Department of Agriculture. |
1965_session laws_8_7 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 7 | 6 | CHAPTER 7 AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF TOWN LIQUOR CONTROL STORES IN THE TOWN OF MOORESVILLE UPON A VOTE OF THE PEOPLE AND PROVIDING FOR THE ALLOCATION OF THE NET PROCEEDS FROM THE OPERATION OF SUCH STORES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The net profits derived from the operation of liquor control stores in the Town of Mooresville, after deducting the necessary funds for law enforcement as provided in G. S. 18-45, shall be divided as follows: 1 Twelve and one-half percent (124%%) shall be turned over to the Iredell County Board of Commissioners to be used exclusively for school purposes. 2 A minimum of twenty-five percent -25% shall be used by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Mooresville for the acquisition and improvement of lands and buildings for public parks, playgrounds, and recreational centers and the maintenance and operation of the same. 3 A minimum of twenty-seven and one-half percent (27'2%) shall be used by the Mooresville City School Board to operate the Mooresville Schoo) District schools at a higher standard than provided by county or state support, including the use of said funds for capital improvements, and to supplement the salaries of public school teachers teaching in the Mooresville Schoo] District. 4 The remaining net profits shall be turned over to the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Mooresville to be used for any of the following purposes: a. To provide additional funds for Alcoholic Beverage Control law enforcement. b. Any town governmental purpose. c. To provide funds in addition to the minimum amounts hereinbefore specified for the acquisition and improvement of lands and buildings for public parks, playgrounds, and recreational centers and maintenance and operation of the same. d. To provide funds in addition to the minimum amounts hereinbefore specified to operate the Mooresville School District schools at a higher standard than provided by county or state support, including the use of said funds for capital improvements, and to supplement the salaries of public school teachers teaching in the Mooresville School District. e. Acquisition of sites and construction, maintenance and operation of public hospitals. f. Acquisition, maintenance, operation, enlargement and improvement of public libraries, public art museums, and armories. 25 |
1909_public laws_504_10 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 503 | 9 | CHAPTER 503 AN ACT TO FIX SALARIES FOR PUBLIC OFFICERS AND CREATE AND ESTABLISH AN AUDITORS OFFICE IN DUR- HAM COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The Treasurer of Durham County shall receive a salary of one thousand-six hundred dollars per annum in lieu of all other compensation whatsoever; and Provided further, that the premium on the bond of said treasurer shall be paid out of the fund hereinafter created. |
1933_public local laws_83_19 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 82 | 18 | CHAPTER 82 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 276 OF THE PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF 1913, AND ALL SUBSEQUENT AMENDMENTS THERETO .RELATING TO THE RECORDERS COURT OF LEXINGTON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Amend section twenty-one of said chapter two hundred and seventy-six of the Public-Local Laws of North Carolina of nineteen hundred and thirteen, page six hundred and thirteen, by striking out the said section and inserting in lieu thereof the following: The Clerk of said court shall keep a record of all fines and amounts taxed for costs as hereinbefore set out and ones costs received, and shall monthly on the first day of every month pay to the Treasurer of Davidson County the fees and fines as hereinbefore taxed for the Judge and Solicitor and other expense of the Court and shall pay the witness fees and the arrest py | allowed by law to the proper person entitled thereto. The Clerk's salary or compensation for keeping the records of said court. shall be fixed by the County Commissioners of Davidson County. |
1965_session laws_630_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 629 | 1 | CHAPTER 629 AN ACT TO AMEND G. S. 37-5 RELATING TO THE TREATMENT OF CORPORATE DISTRIBUTIONS BY FIDUCIARIES AS PRINCIPAL AND AS INCOME. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Amend G. S. 37-5 by renumbering the present subsection -5 as subsection (6) and by adding a new subsection -5 immediately following the present subsection (4), as follows: (5) Distributions made from ordinary income by a regulated investment company shal] be deemed income. All distributions made by such a company from capita] gains, whether in the form of cash or an option to take new stock or cash or an option to purchase additional shares, shall be deemed principal. |
1959_session laws_1066_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 1,065 | 2 | CHAPTER 1065 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUANCE OF SCHOOL BUILDING BONDS AND NOTES IN BEHALF OF THE WADESBORO CITY ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT AS A SPECIAL BOND TAX UNIT AND THE LEVY OF TAXES WITHIN SUCH UNIT FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST OF SUCH BONDS AND NOTES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | At the close of the polls the election officers shall count the votes and make returns thereof to the Board of County Commissioners of Anson County, which board shall, as soon as practicable after the election, judicially pass upon the returns and judicially determine and declare the results of such election, which determination shall be spread upon the minutes of said board. The returns shall be made in duplicate, one copy of which shall be delivered to the Board of County Commissioners of Anson County as aforesaid and the other filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court of Anson County. The Board of County Commissioners of Anson County shall prepare a statement showing the number of votes cast for and against the bonds or notes, and declaring the result of the election, which statement shall be signed by the chairman of the board and attested by the clerk, who shall record it in the minutes of the board and file the original in his office and publish it once in a newspaper published or circulating in such district or unit. |
1917_public local laws_548_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 547 | 2 | CHAPTER 547 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY OF KINSTON TO ISSUE GRADED SCHOOL BONDS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the said bonds hereby authorized to be issued shall not be sold for less than their face value, and the treasurer of the city shall receive all such moneys paid in the purchase of the bonds in his official capacity as treasurer of said city, and he and the sureties on his official bond shall be liable to account for and pay over the same as is provided in this act or may be provided otherwise by the laws relating to the treasurer of the said #NAME? of Kinston, and it shall be the duty of the said city council of the city of Kinston to see to it that the bonds of the said treasurer shall at all times be sufficient in amount and with satisfactory sureties to provide against any loss of money arising from sale of said bond, and to that end may at any time require said treasurer to renew his official bond in such sum and with satisfactory sureties as they may require, and in default thereof remove him from office as treasurer. |
1907_public laws_476_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 475 | 2 | CHAPTER 475 . AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE HOLDING OF AN ELEC- TION IN LIBERTY TOWNSHIP, YADKIN COUNTY, IN RE- GARD TO THE STATESVILLE AIR LINE RAILROAD. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That for the purpose of carrying out the election mentioned in section one of this act, the Board of County Commissioners shall appoint a registrar and judges of election in each precinct in said township. Such registrar shall keep the registration books open for twenty days, and shall attend at the voting precinct, for the registration of voters, at least two Saturdays next preceding said election, and said Commissioners shall give thirty days notice of the time and place of holding said election in some newspaper published in Yadkin County or by posters at three public places in each precinct. |
1913_public laws_88_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 87 | 3 | CHAPTER 87 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE TO MAKE PREPARATIONS TO FURNISH LIME TO THE FARM- ERS OF THE STATE FOR AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES AT A REASONABLE COST. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The board of agriculture are authorized to make all regulations necessary to execute the provisions of this act and shall report annually to the Governor and furnish him itemized statement of the receipts and expenditures, which shall be published in the report of the Commissioner of Agriculture to tbe Legislature. |
1903_public laws_541_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 540 | 2 | CHAPTER 540 AN ACT TO REGULATE THE SALE OF MALT IN CABARRUS COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | No druggist shall sell or otherwise dispose of any malt or malt extracts except for bona fide medical purposes and upon the prescription of a practicing physician known to such druggist to be of reputable standing in his profession or recommended by a physician who is so known, which prescription shall be in writing, signed by such physician, and shall specify the name of the person to be supplied, and the quantity of dose. Any druggist who shall violate the provisions of this section, and any physician who shall give any prescription for malt or malt extracts in violation of this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be fined or imprisoned at the discretion of the court. |
1933_public local laws_483_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 482 | 3 | CHAPTER 482 AN ACT TO APPOINT AN AUDITOR FOR COLUMBUS COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act be and they are hereby repealed. |
1931_private laws_122_63 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 121 | 62 | CHAPTER 121 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CITY OF ASHEVILLE, TO DEFINE ITS CORPORATE LIMITS, TO PROVIDE FOR ITS GOVERNMENT AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE I. Corporate Organization. | Any taxpayer in the city may maintain an action to recover for the city any sum of money paid in violation of the civil service provisions, or to enjein the director of civil service from attaching his certificate to a payroll or account for services rendered in violation of this charter or the rules made thereunder; and the rules made under the foregoing provisions shall for this and all other purposes have the force of law. |
1917_public local laws_146_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 145 | 2 | CHAPTER 145 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 56 OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF 1915, RELATING TO LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the amendment to this act shall apply only to Union County. |
1937_public laws_113_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 112 | 1 | CHAPTER 112 AN ACT TO PROHIBIT TATTOOING IN NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to tattoo the arm, limb, or any part of the body of any other person under age of twenty-one years of age. |
1933_public local laws_269_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 268 | 2 | CHAPTER 268 AN ACT TO ALLOW CERTAIN DISCOUNTS IN THE PAY- MENT OF DELINQUENT TAXES IN THE TOWN OF BEAUFORT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That amount of payment or payments to be made under the schedule set forth in section one of this act shall be computed and determined by allowing the discount or discounts appropriate to be made from the principal face amount of the tax sales certificate or certificates now outstanding and held by _ the said Town of Beaufort or any other agency on its or their behalf. That is to say, the allowances above provided for shall be deducted from the face value of the certificates without the addition of any penalties or interest since the date of issuance of said certificates: Provided, however, that the provisions of this act shall not apply to the payment and/or redemption of certificates now outstanding and in the possession of third parties holding for value at the time of the ratification of this act: Provided further, that nothing in this act shall be con strued to authorize or allow the Town of Beaufort, through its collecting agency or agencies, to impose in the payment or settle ment above provided for any court costs or other expenses here tofore incurred on account of foreclosure proceedings institutec for enforcement of payment. |
Subsets and Splits