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1899_public laws_385_2 | paschal | 1jim_crow
| public laws | 384 | 1 | CHAPTER 384 An act to promote the comfort of travellers on railroad trains, and for other purposes. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That all railroad companies and steamboat companies engaged as common carriers in the transportation of passengers for hire in the state of North Carolina other than street railways shall provide separate but equal accommodations for the white and colored races on all passenger trains and steamboats carrying passengers. Such accommodations may be furnished by railroad companies either by separate passenger cars or by compartments in passenger cars, which shall be provided by the railroads under the supervision and direction of the board of railroad commissioners or the officers succeeding to their powers: Provided, that this shall not apply to relief trains in cases of accident, to Pullman or sleeping cars or through express trains that do not stop at all stations and are not used ordinarily ae travelling from station to station, to negro servants in attendanee on their employers, to officers or guards transporting prisoners, nor to prisoners so transported. He |
1899_public laws_371_9 | paschal | 1jim_crow
| public laws | 370 | 8 | CHAPTER 370 An act to provide for the government of the North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The appropriations made or which may hereafter be made by congress for the benefit of colleges of agricultural and mechanical arts shall be divided between the white and colored institutions in this state in the ratio of the white population to the colored. |
1899_private laws_209_15 | paschal | 1jim_crow
| private laws | 208 | 14 | CHAPTER 208 An act to amend the charter of Siler City, Chatham county, chapter eighty-eight, private laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-seven. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | that the cemetery for the burial of white people shall be known by the name of Oak Hill Cemetery. No colored person shall be buried within the above-named cemetery. No colored person or any one else shall be buriea inside the limits of the town corporation outside the cemetery. Any person or persons violating either clauses of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined one hundred dollars. |
1897_public laws_363_14 | paschal | 1jim_crow
| public laws | 361 | 13 | CHAPTER 361 An act to establish a graded school in Hayesville, Clay county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Provided, further, that the colored race shall not be allowed to vote as to levying tax, We., for the Hayesville graded school fer white children. Ratified the 6th day of March, A. D. 1897 |
1897_public laws_345_9 | paschal | 1jim_crow
| public laws | 343 | 8 | CHAPTER 343 An act to establish graded schools in the town of Washington. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That the public school committee of the said public schools shall consist of nine members, six of whom shall be of the white race and three of whom shall be of the colored race. They shall be elected by the board of town commissioners of the said town of Washington at the first regular meeting of the said board of commissioners held after the municipal election in May, next, and shall hold office from date of election. The said three members from the colored race shall be nominated by the colored members of the board of town commissioners, and no one not so nominated shall be elected a member of the public school committee from the colored race. The said board of commissioners shall, by ballot, divide the said public school committee into three classes of three each ; the members of the first class shall hold office for a term of two years from date of election; the members of the second class shall hold office for a term of four years from date of election, and the members of the third class shall hold office for a term of six years from date of election. All vacancies oceurring in said public school committee shall be filled by the said board of town commissioners for terms of six years each except in cases of death or resignation in which cases the vacancies shall be filled only for the unexpired terms of the members dying or resigning. |
1893_public laws_124_2 | paschal | 1jim_crow
| public laws | 123 | 1 | CHAPTER 123 An act to protect the owners of live stock from the depredations of thieves. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That the Brunswick Bridge and Ferry Company, its agents, lessees or assigns, are hereby required to take and keep in a book provided for that purpose, the ear mark, color, brand and sex of any and all live stock which May be transported by it or them across the ferry owned by said company at Wilmington, and the date at which the same were delivered to it for transportation, and shall take and record the name and color of the person or persons bringing the same for transportation. |
1897_public laws_109_12 | paschal | 1jim_crow
| public laws | 108 | 11 | CHAPTER 108 An act to revise and improve the public school system of North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | It shall be the duty of the school committee to distribute and apportion the school money of their district so as to give each school in their district, white and colored, the same length of school term, as nearly as may be each year, and in making such apportionment the said committee shall have proper regard for the grade of work to be done and the qualifications of the teachers pouuincd : in each school, white and colored, within their district. |
1895_private laws_354_101 | paschal | 1jim_crow
| private laws | 352 | 100 | CHAPTER 352 An act to amend, revise and consolidate the charter of the city of Asheville. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Said schools shall be separated and kept separate in such manner that only white children shall be admitted to the white schools and other children to the other schools, and said board of aldermen shall be the exclusive judges of whether or not any applicant for admission to any of said schools is entitled to enter or attend the same under the provisions of this section. |
1895_public laws_151_6 | paschal | 1jim_crow
| public laws | 150 | 5 | CHAPTER 150 An act to provide for public burial-grounds in Duplin county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That separate grounds, as provided in this act, shall be established for the white and colored races. _ |
1899_public laws_508_12 | paschal | 1jim_crow
| public laws | 507 | 11 | CHAPTER 507 An act to regulate elections. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That before the next general election on the first Thursday in August, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred, provided for in this act, there shall be an entirely new registration of all persons who shall be entitled to register in every voting precinct in the state, and only such persons as are registered shall be entitled to vote in any election held under this act. That in all cases the applicant for registration shall be sworn by the registrar before being registered and shall state and answer his age, place of residence, stating ward if he resides in an incorporated town or city, number of his house if nuinbered, and if not nuwbered then a designation of its iocality by streets; and if not the owner, then the name of the owner or renter. If not a resident of an incorporated town or city he shall then state his place of residence in the election precinct; and if he is not the owner of the house in which he lives then he shal! state the name of the person who does own the same or upon whose land he lives; the time of his residence in said county, ward or election precinct; his avocation, place of business, where and by whom employed if employed; if a new comer from whence he comes, and his postoffice address before removal; whether he has been disqualified asa voter by judgment or decree of any court, if so by what court reinstated; whether he has listed for taxation his poll for the current year in which he proposes to register, and for the year next preceding, if liable to pay a poll tax, and any. other questions which may be regarded by the registrar as material upon the question of the identity and qualification of the said applicant to be admitted to registration. | The registrar may require the applicant to prove his identity or age and residence by the testimony of at least two electors under oath. And the statements made by the appticant for registration in answer to any of these questions shall be evidence against him in any proceedings for FALSE or fraudulent registration. And the registrar shall record the full name by which he is known, his age, occupation, place of birth and place of residence of said elector, the name of the post-office, township, county or state from whence the elector has removed, in the event of a removal; by whom employed, if employed; whether he bas listed his poll for taxation for the current year in which he applies for registration and fer the year next preceding, if liable to pay a poll tax, in the appropriate column of the registration books, and the registration books containing{the said record shall be evidence against the applicant in any court of Jaw in a proceeding for FALSE or fraudulent registration. And thereupon if the said registrar shall adjudge the applicant to be duly qualified and entitled to be registered as an elector he shall register the name of the applicant, giving his race opposite to his name on the registration books: Provided, that nothing herein contained shall Beaker elector or judge of election on the day of election and when the elector presents himself to vote from challenging the right of the elector to vote. If an elector has previously been admitted to registration in any ward, township or precinct in the county in which he resides he shall not be entitied to register again in another ward, precinct or township in the same county until he produces a certificate of the registrar in the former township, ward or precinct that his name has been erased from the registration books of the ward, precinet or township from which he has removed, and the identity of any person claiming the right to be registered in any precinct of the same county by virtue of said certificate with the person named therein shall be proven by the oath of the claimant, and when required by the registrar by the oath of at least one other elector. Every person found and adjudged by the registrar qualified as an elector shall take the following oath: ] dosolemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of North Carolina; that I have been.a resident of the state of North Carolina for twelve months and of the county of _____for ninety days; that I am twenty-one years of age; that I have not registered for this election in any other ward, precinct or township; that I am the identical person I represent myself to be, and that I am a bona fide resident of #NAME? precinct. So help me, God. And thereupon the said person shall be entitled to register. Thatif any applicant for registration who is permittedto register shall confess upon his examinalion under oath at the time he is admitted to registration that he has not listed his poll for taxation for the current year, if the time of his said application is after the time fixed by !aw for listing taxes in that year, or if he shall admit that he did not list his poll for taxation for the year next preceding, it shall be the duty of the registrar to certify said fact or facts to the clerk of the superior court of his county, and the said clerk shall hand such certificate to the solicitor for the district at the next term of the superior court, and the solicitor shall without delay draw and send to the grand jury a bill of indictment against such elector so registering for failure to list his poll tax. And if any applicant shall falsely swear he has listed his poll for taxation he shall be guilty of perjury and punished as prescribed by law: Provided, that the answer of the delinquent, that he has not listed his poll for taxation, shall not be used against him in any criminal proceeding for a failure to list his poll; but it shall be the duty of the solicitor to whom said name is certified, if he shall be satisfied that said alleged delinquent elector is liable to list his poll and that he has failed to do so as required. by law, to Send a bill of indictment against such delinquent to the grand jury for failure to list his poll. |
1893_private laws_317_5 | paschal | 1jim_crow
| private laws | 316 | 4 | CHAPTER 316 An act to promote education in the town of Williamston, Martin county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That any balance arising from the bonds issued under this act the said commissioners are authorized and empowered to apply in enlarging, improving or building a school-house for the colored children in the school district for colored children in which Williamston is situated, in any manner that may be agreed on between said commissioners and the schoo! committee of said district. |
1895_private laws_76_8 | paschal | 1jim_crow
| private laws | 75 | 7 | CHAPTER 75 An act to amend the charter of the town of Kinston, Lenoir county, chap- ter thirty-three, private laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-five. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That section fifty-one of said chapter be and the same is hereby repealed, and the following substituted therefor: That they may provide graveyardsat least one for the white race and one for the colored racein or near the corporate limits and regulate the same, and may appoint and pay keepers: a white keeper for that of the white race, and a colored keeper for that of the colored race, and compel the keeping and returning bills of eet and they may prohibit interments within the town. |
1927_public local laws_674_14 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
1929_private laws_165_7 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 164 | 6 | CHAPTER 164 AN ACT TO CREATE AN EMERGENCY RESERVE FUND FOR PERSONS ENGAGED IN THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE CRIMINAL LAWS IN THE CITY OF GREENSBORO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The funds accumulated under this act shall be known as the Emergency Reserve Fund of the City of Greensboro, and shall be used as a fund for all arresting officers, as defined in section two hereof, and their families, under the following terms and conditions, that is to say: If an officer while in the actual performance of his duties shall become disabled, there shall be paid to him a sum not in excess of five hundred dollars ($500.00), and a monthly pension while so disabled not in excess of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per month, and the board may pay to such disabled officer an additional sum not in excess of twenty dollars ($20.00) per month for each child or dependent under the age of eighteen years while the disability of such officer may exist and while the said officer shall live; and in case of death resulting while in the actual performance of his duties, if the officer shall be married, the board may pay immediately to the widow of such officer a sum not in excess of five hundred dollars ($500.00), and may further pay a sum not in excess of fifty dollars ($50.00) per month for said widow during widowhood, and, in addition thereto, the board may pay the said widow for the support of any dependent children she may have a sum not in excess of twenty dollars ($20.00) per month for each child until said child shall reach the age of eighteen -18 years; and in case of death resulting while in the actual performance of official duties under this act where the individual or officer as herein defined may be unmarried, the board may pay to the nearest dependent next of kin of deceased a sum not in excess of five hundred dollars ($500.00), or in lieu thereof the board may pay the funeral expenses of deceased not in excess of five hundred dollars ($500.00); and it is further the TRUE intent, meaning and purpose of this act that any payments enumerated in this act are limited to be not in excess of the maximum amount or amounts herein set out; and it is further the TRUE intent, meaning and purpose of this act that the board shall be empowered hereunder, in its discretion, to pay any amount less than the maximum enumerated, and said board may refuse to make a payment of any amount in any case in any or all of the classes herein enumerated. |
1929_private laws_86_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 85 | 1 | CHAPTER 85 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR AN ELECTRIC WHITE WAY SYSTEM FOR THE CITY OF GOLDSBORO. Whereas, the present electric lighting system along the side- walks of Center Street between the southern line of Chestnut Street and the northern line of Ash Street, along the side- walks of John Street between the northern line of Chestnut Street and the northern line of Ash Street, along the sidewalks of Walnut Street between the western line of William Street and the western line of Carolina Street, along and on the Golds- boro Union Station lands, along the sidewalks of Mulberry Street between the western line of Center Street and the eastern line of John Street, and at the intersections of the sidewalks of Chestnut and Center Streets, Ash and Center Streets, John and Ash Streets, Walnut and James Streets, Mulberry and Center Streets, Carolina and Walnut Streets, and Mulberry and John Streets, in the City of Goldsboro, is obsolete and inadequate; and, Whereas, it is necessary for the general welfare of the City of Goldsboro and its citizens that an adequate electric lighting system, commonly known as an electric white way, be installed on and along said sidewalks and at said intersections of said sidewalks, now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the board of aldermen of the City of Goldsboro, is hereby fully authorized and empowered to remove the present electric lighting system from the sidewalks and at the intersections of the sidewalks named in the preamble of this act, and to cause to be installed on and along said sidewalks and at said intersections of said sidewalks an electric white way lighting system. |
1931_private laws_88_5 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 87 | 4 | CHAPTER 87 AN ACT TO RELIEVE CHURCH PROPERTY IN THE TOWN OF ZEBULON, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CARO- LINA, FROM ALL STREET PAVING ASSESSMENTS BE- COMING DUE JANUARY FIRST, ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED THIRTY, AND SUBSEQUENT THERETO IF APPROVED BY A MAJORITY OF THE VOTERS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That at the next regular municipal election to be held in the Town of Zebulon on Tueday after the first Monday in May, -1931 one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one, there shall be submitted to the qualified voters of said town the question of relieving the said churches from the payment of said street paving assessments as set forth in Section one of this Act. At said election the voters favoring the relief of said churches shall vote a ballot on which shall be written or printed the words For Relief of Church Property, those opposed shall vote a ballot on which shall be written or printed the words Against Relief of Church Property. If a majority of the votes cast on this question shall be for relief of church property then this Act shall be in full force and effect, otherwise to be and void. |
1931_private laws_150_9 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 149 | 8 | CHAPTER 149 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A SCHOOL BOARD FOR THE ASHEVILLE LOCAL TAX SCHOOL DISTRICT AND DEFINING ITS POWERS AND DUTIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Said School Board shall each year prepare and transmit to the Board of Financial Control if established by law, or otherwise to the Board of County Commissioners, a budget requirement for the next fiscal year for the operation and maintenance of the schools of said district, showing the allocation of the different funds as now required by the school laws of North Carolina. The Superintendent of Schools elected by said board shall be ex-officio secretary thereof and shall keep the minutes, records, financial and otherwise, and correspondence of said Board and as such prepare a tentative budget as above required subject to the approval and adoption by the Board. |
1927_public local laws_396_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 395 | 2 | CHAPTER 395 AN ACT AUTHORIZING WARREN COUNTY TO ISSUE BONDS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The said board of commissioners is hereby further authorized to levy annually a special tax ad valorem on all taxable property in said county for the special purpose of paying the principal and interest of all bonds issued under this act as such principal and interest becomes due, which tax shall be in addition to all other taxes authorized by law to be levied in said county. |
1933_private laws_106_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 105 | 2 | CHAPTER 105 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION FIVE OF CHAPTER 314 OF THE PRIVATE LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1909, RE- LATING TO THE ELECTION OF THE MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF TARBORO, EDGECOMBE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. |
1929_public local laws_61_5 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 60 | 4 | CHAPTER 60 AN ACT CREATING THREE DISTRICTS IN CAMDEN COUNTY FOR THE NOMINATION OF MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the candidate receiving a majority of the votes cast in his district shall be declared to be the nominee of his said district for membership upon the county board of education of said Camden County. |
1927_private laws_138_25 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 137 | 24 | CHAPTER 137 AN ACT TO PROVIDE A PRIMARY ELECTION FOR THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. |
1925_private laws_10_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 9 | 2 | CHAPTER 9 AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF WILMINGTON TO APPROPRIATE MONEY TO THE WILMINGTON TRAFFIC ASSOCIATION, INCOR- PORATED. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. |
1925_public local laws_292_12 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 291 | 11 | CHAPTER 291 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE PASQUOTANK HIGHWAY COMMISSION TO ISSUE BONDS FOR ROAD CONSTRUC- TION IN PASQUOTANK COUNTY, AND FOR OTHER PUR- POSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the purchaser or purchasers of any part of said bonds shall not be required to see to the application of the proceeds of the sale thereof, and said bonds shall be valid and binding obligations of said county, for which the full faith and credit and taxing power of said county is committed and pledged notwithstanding any misapplication of said proceeds. |
1925_public local laws_149_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 148 | 1 | CHAPTER 148 AN ACT APFOINTING MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION FOR FRANKLIN COUNTY AND REGULAT- ING THE TERM OF OFFICE OF THE MEMBERS OF THE SAID COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the board of education of Franklin County shall consist of five -5 members, nominated and elected as provided in part eleven, chapter one hundred and thirty-six, Public Laws of North Carolina, session one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three, except as herein after provided. |
1924 extra_private laws_16_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 15 | 2 | CHAPTER 15 AN ACT TO FIX THE TITLE TO CERTAIN SCHOOL PROP- ERTY IN THE CITY OF GREENSBORO, AND MAKE PRO- VISION FOR THE SALE OF THE SAME. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the said city of Greensboro is hereby authorized and empowered, through its mayor and city council, to sell privately and convey in fee, for the sum of seventy-one thousand five hundred dollars ($71,500), to the trustees of the First Presbyterian Church, and their successors, for the use and benefit of the said church, its successor or successors and assigns, the land hereinbefore described, together with one other parcel described and bounded as follows: Beginning on the northeast corner of the Presbyterian Church burying ground; thence north eighty-six and one-half -86144 degrees east about two hundred and forty-eight -248 feet to Forbis Street; thence with the west line of Forbis Street two and one-half (24%4) degrees west about seventy-two -72 feet to a stake; thence south eighty-six and one-half -8644 degrees west about two hundred and forty-eight -248 feet to a stake; thence north two and one-half -2% degrees east about seventy -70 feet to the beginning, being known as the Catholic Church property. |
1923_public local laws_325_7 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 324 | 6 | CHAPTER 324 AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT TO REVISE THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM OF THE COUNTY OF BUNCOMBE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit township deputy tax collectors from settling with the county tax collectors on the dates as appears in said act. |
1919_public local laws_582_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 581 | 1 | CHAPTER 581 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE ERECTION OF A BRIDGE ACROSS SMITHS CREEK, PAMLICO COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The board of county commissioners of Pamlico County is hereby authorized and empowered, in its discretion and upon petition of local residents and property owners, to erect or cause to be erected a bridge across Smiths Creek opposite or near the town of Oriental, Pamlico County, and to pay the cost of said bridge out of the public road funds of Pamlico County: Provided, that the erection of said bridge shall not be begun and the contract for its erection shall not be let until the residents and the property owners of the community requesting such erection shall have given to the board of county commissioners a written guarantee that they will, upon the completion of the bridge, reimburse the public road funds-of the county in such an amount as shall be stated in said guarantee, and shall be satisfactory to the board of county commissioners, and until said residents and property owners shall have, at their own expense and without expense to the county, constructed satisfactory roads connecting the nearest existing public roads on either side of Smiths Creek with the site of said proposed bridge. |
1917_public local laws_76_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 75 | 1 | CHAPTER 75 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 101 OF PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF 1915 RELATING TO FINANCIAL AGENT FOR PERSON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That section two of chapter one hundred and one, Public-Local Laws of one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out lines six, seven, eight and nine thereof, and inserting in lieu thereof That as to Person County, it shall be the duty of the board of county commissioners to arrange with one or more banks in the county to act as financial agent or agents for said county in lieu of the county treasurer, and in making such agreement said board of county commissioners shall employ such bank or banks with which the most satisfactory agreement can be made. |
1917_public local laws_303_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 302 | 3 | CHAPTER 302 AN ACT REQUIRING INSTRUCTION TO BE GIVEN BEYOND THE SEVENTH GRADE IN EVERY SCHOOL DISTRICT, IF THERE BE NO HIGH SCHOOL IN SAID SCHOOL DISTRICT, AND MAKING IT THE DUTY OF THE SCHOOL BOARDS TO PROVIDE FOR ADDITIONAL GRADES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. |
1917_public local laws_111_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 110 | 1 | CHAPTER 110 AN ACT TO PROVIDE A POLL TAX FOR THE MAINTE- NANCE OF PUBLIC ROADS IN LIEU OF PERSONAL SER- VICE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That upon presentation of a petition in writing signed by not less than one-fourth of the qualified voters of any township in Pitt County, to the board of county commissioners of said county, requesting them to submit to the qualified voters of the township where such petitioners reside, a proposition asking that they be allowed to vote on the question of levying a poll tax in said township in lieu of personal. road service or duties, as required by Revisal, section two thousand seven hundred and twenty-five, setting forth the maximum and minimum poll tax desired to be voted upon: Provided, the poll tax so voted shall not be less than three dollars nor more than six dollars on said poll, the board of commissioners shall within thirty days order an election to be held in such township and submit to the qualified voters therein the question of increasing poll tax to the amount specified, at which election all those qualified to vote who are in favor of the proposition, shall vote a ballot upon which shall be written or printed the words For Poll Tax for Road Maintenance, and those opposed to the proposition shall vote a ballot upon which shall be written or printed Against Poll Tax for Road Maintenance, and the election for this purpose shall be conducted in the same manner and subject to the same rules and regulations as are or may be provided for the election of township officers by the general election laws of this State, unless in any manner otherwise provided for in this act. That it shall be optional with the board of county commissioners of Pitt County whether a new registration shall be ordered for said election or not: Provided, that should a new registration be ordered, the board of county commissioners shall at the time of ordering said election appoint one registrar and two judges of election in said township to hold said election. The books shall be kept open for the registration of voters for twenty days preeeding the day of election. And for the purpose of registration, the books used in the general election shall be delivered to and revised by the registrar; and in case of a new registration, thirty days notice therecf shall be given: Provided, that elections may be ordered and held upon petitions under the provisions of this act not oftener than every twelve months in any township until the poll tax limit specified in this act shall have been reached: Provided further, that all funds derived from said poll tax levy shall be applied solely to the maintenance and improvement of the roads within the township voting for said poll tax. |
1913_public local laws_775_13 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 774 | 12 | CHAPTER 774 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH IN THE COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK A SPECIAL COURT TO BE CALLED THE RECORDER'S COURT, AND PRESCRIBE THE JURISDICTION THEREOF. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Said court shall also have jurisdiction to try all actions for the recovery of any penalty imposed by law or this act or by any ordinances of the city of Southport for any act done within said city of Southport, and said penalty shall be sued for and recovered in the name of the city of Southport, and if incurred by a minor, shall be recovered from and in an action against the parent or guardian. From any judgment for such penalty imposed or allowed to be imposed by this act, or for the violation of any ordinance of the city of Southport, either party may appeal to the next term of the Superior Court of Brunswick County, in like manner and under the same rules and regulations as are prescribed for appeals from justices of the peace; and in case the recorder shall be disabled by reason of relationship or is otherwise incompetent to hear and determine such action, the same may be instituted and prosecuted in any court within the county of Brunswick which would but for this act have jurisdiction thereof, under the same rules and regulations as if instituted and tried in said recorders court where applicable. In all cases where judgment may be entered up against any person for fines or penalties according to law and the ordinances of said city of Southport, and the person or persons against whom same is adjudged refuse, fail, or are unable to pay such judgment, it shall be lawful for the recorder of said court to order and require said person or persons ,to be worked on the public roads of said county of Brunswick until, at a fair rate of wages, such person or persons shall have worked out the full amount of such judgment and costs. |
1913_public local laws_335_15 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 334 | 14 | CHAPTER 334 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR GOOD ROADS IN SURRY COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the board of commissioners of Surry County, when a petition of one-fifth of the voters in Shoals Township is filed, is hereby empowered and instructed to submit to the voters BeBe cio tet Township, Surry County, on a day to be designated by the board of commissioners of Surry County, the question whether the said township (Shoals) shall issue bonds in a sum not exceeding thirty thousand dollars, with interest coupons: attached, the proceeds of which to be used for the improvement of the public roads of Shoals*Township as hereinbefore provided in this act. The said board of county commissioners shall for at least thirty days before the election give public notice of said election, together with the publication thereof in one or more newspapers published in Shoals Township: Provided, that if a majority of the voters of said township shall not yote to issue the bonds at the election so held, said board of commissioners is hereby directed to submit the said question to the said voters at the expiration of four months from time of first election under the regulations hereinafter set out; and Provided further, that if a majority of the yoters of said township shall not vote to issue bonds at the election so held, the said board of commissioners of Surry County are directed to submit the said question to the voters at any other time or times when as many as one-fourth of the voters of said township shall by petition request it. |
1933_public local laws_303_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 302 | 3 | CHAPTER 302 AN ACT AUTHORIZING AND EMPOWERING THE COMMIS- SIONERS OF GASTON COUNTY, IN THEIR DISCRETION, TO DEFER FOR THREE YEARS THE FORECLOSURE UNDER DEEDS OF TRUST AND MORTGAGES HELD IN THE SINKING FUND OF SAID COUNTY AND TO AUTHOR- IZE AND EMPOWER SAID COMMISSIONERS TO SELL REAL ESTATE NOW OR HEREAFTER HELD BY THEM FOR THE SINKING FUND OF SAID COUNTY UPON SUCH TERMS AS, IN THEIR DISCRETION, THEY THINK PROPER, BUT IN NO CASE FOR A PERIOD LONGER THAN FIVE YEARS. Whereas, the Board of Commissioners of Gaston County hold deeds of trust and mortgages against the property of citizens of said County, which said collateral constitutes a part of the sinking fund of said County; and Whereas, foreclosure proceedings to collect under said deeds of trust and mortgages when due might work a hardship on many honest citizens during these depressed financial times; and Whereas, the Commissioners of Gaston County now hold, and may hereafter acquire, certain real estate which it now or may hereafter hold as part of the sinking fund of said County; and Whereas, it may be desirable to sell said real estate upon terms, in the discretion of said Commissioners, rather than for eash; Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the Board of Commissioners of Gaston County be, and they are hereby, authorized and empowered to execute deeds for and take mortgages or deeds of trust for any and all property sold by them under Section two above. |
1925_public local laws_560_27 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 559 | 26 | CHAPTER 559 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT IN GUIL- FORD COUNTY OF A GAME COMMISSION AND THE OFFICE OF GAME WARDEN: TO PROVIDE FOR THE BETTER ENFORCEMENT OF THE GAME LAWS AND FOR THE BETTER PROTECTION AND CONSERVATION OF GAME IN GUILFORD COUNTY AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES HEREIN SET FORTH. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Dogs running at large. Section two thousand one hundred and thirty-two of chapter thirty-eight of the Consolidated Statutes of nineteen hundred and nineteen is hereby amended and supplemented in its application to Guilford County to read as follows: to wit: It shall be unlawful for the owner or any person having the care of any dog of any breed or pedigree to permit the same to run at large during the breeding season of quail; namely, from May the first to September the first of any year. The fact that any dog shall be ranging in the fields or woods, whether such field or woods be owned by the owner or keeper of the dog or not, shall be prima facie evidence that the owner or keeper of such dog has violated the provisions of this section and the wardens or deputy wardens and owners of land on which such dogs shall be ranging are hereby authorized to impound or kill such dogs; and the owner or keeper of such dog upon conviction of violating this section shall suffer the penalty of this act provided. |
1913_public local laws_626_12 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 625 | 11 | CHAPTER 625 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR AND REGULATE THE HOLDING OF PRIMARY ELECTIONS IN THE COUNTY OF MARTIN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the registrars herein provided for shall receive as compensation for their services the sum of five cents per name for each new elector whom they may register, and the managers shall receive for their services one dollar per day each for holding said elections, and the pay of said registrars and managers shall be paid out of the deposits herein provided. |
1909_private laws_16_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 15 | 2 | CHAPTER 15 AN ACT TO DRAIN WHITE OAK SWAMP, IN BLADEN COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the objects for which said corporation is formed are to secure the drainage of White Oak Swamp, in Bladen County. North Carolina, to dig such canals, enlarge existing canals, erect and maintain dams to keep out of the said swamp the high water of Cape Fear River, and in all other ways and manners to render the lands of White Oak Swamp and the lands adjacent thereto suitable for tillage for agricultural and other purposes. |
1941_private laws_11_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 10 | 2 | CHAPTER 10 AN ACT FOR THE RELIEF OF T. D. SANFORD, FORMER DISABLED POLICE OFFICER OF THE CITY OF WILMING- TON. That Whereas, T. D. Sanford served as a police officer in the City of Wilmington for a period of approximately sixteen years and was a most efficient and capable officer; and Whereas, during the year of one thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight he became incapacitated through physical disability to perform his duties as an officer and was granted a furlough for a period of one year, which furlough was later extended until December thirty-first, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine, from said department; and Whereas, Chapter two hundred and sixty-eight of the Private Laws of one thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine was passed by the General Assembly with the view of relieving such disabled officer, and has been held by the City Attorney of Wilmington not to apply to T. D. Sanford for the reason that at the time of passage of said Act the said T. D. Sanford was on a furlough from the Wilmington Police Department and was not reinstated before his name was removed from active duty: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. |
1891_private laws_85_34 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 84 | 33 | CHAPTER 84 An act to consolidate and amend the several acts heretofore passed for the better regulation and government of the city of Burlington in Alamance county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the constable shall have the same powers and be bound by the same rules in this respect as_constables of the county of Alamance to apprehend all offenders against the state within the limits of the city and to carry them before the mayor or some justice of the peace, and for such duty he shall have the same fees as constables of said county, to be paid by the party offending if found guilty, otherwise by the city; unless the mayor should be satisfied that there is no probable cause for the prosecution, and in such cases he may ascertain the instigator of the prosecutor and tax him with the costs. |
1913_public local laws_188_24 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 187 | 23 | CHAPTER 187 AN ACT FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE PUBLIC ROADS IN GREENWOOD TOWNSHIP, MOORE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the Secretary of State is hereby directed to send to the Register of Deeds of Moore County, immediately after the ratification of this act, a certified copy thereof. |
1955_session laws_355_5 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 354 | 4 | CHAPTER 354 AN ACT TO AMEND CERTAIN SECTIONS OF ARTICLE 2 OF CHAP- TER 106 OF VOLUME 3A OF THE GENERAL STATUTES, RELAT- ING TO THE NORTH CAROLINA FERTILIZER LAW. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The last sentence of subsection (c) of G. S. 106-50.8 of Volume 3A is hereby rewritten so that said last sentence shall read as follows: Such sums as shall be found to be payable to consumers on lots of fertilizer against which said penalties were assessed shall not be subject to claim by the consumer after twelve months from the date of assessment. - |
1903_public laws_245_6 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 244 | 5 | CHAPTER 244 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A GRADED SCHOOL IN CERTAIN SPECIFIC TERRITORY IN ALAMANCE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all moneys coming to the said district above described for school purposes from the State and from the county, as well as that coming from the special tax above referred to, shall be by the proper officers paid to the Board of Trustees above created and apointed and their duly constituted successors, and shall be by them used for the benefit of the graded school above referred to. |
1941_public local laws_128_8 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 127 | 7 | CHAPTER 127 AN ACT RELATIVE TO THE LISTING, SELLING AND FORE- CLOSURE OF UNLISTED TAXES, PAYMENT OF PAVING ASSESSMENTS AND TAXES, TAX SALES AND FORE- CLOSURES FOR THE TOWN OF AULANDER, BERTIE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Aulander shall be, and it is hereby, authorized and empowered, in its discretion, to accept the principal amount of all real estate taxes now owing to it for the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven, and for all years prior thereto, including taxes which may be after-listed as provided in Section three of this Act, exclusive of interest, penalties and cost: Provided such payments shall be made on or before the thirty-first day of December, one thousand nine hundred and forty-one. |
1929_private laws_212_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 211 | 3 | CHAPTER 211 AN ACT AMENDING CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY- FIVE, PRIVATE LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA OF EIGHTEEN HUNDRED EIGHTY-NINE, RELATING TO THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF FOUR OAKS, JOHN- STON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The Generai Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the corporate limits of said town shall be as follows: Beginning at a black-jack, near the colored church, on a road leading into the town of Four Oaks, and runs south ten west one hundred and fifty-six poles to a trestle on the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, a small branch; thence Aa down said branch to the public road; thence south sixty-two east eighty-nine poles to the run of Juniper Branch; thence down the run of said branch to the Smithfield road; thence as said Smithfield road to a road leading to Four Oaks, near Keens; thence with the said road to another road leading to Four Oaks; thence through a field north five west one hundred and twenty-five poles to the head of a small branch; thence north thirty west one hundred and seventeen poles to a forked poplar in the head of the branch; thence south seventyone and one-half west one hundred and forty-two poles to the beginning. |
1913_public local laws_302_11 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 301 | 10 | CHAPTER 301 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A CHAIN-GANG AND FACILITATE THE WORKING OF THE PUBLIC ROADS OF RUTHERFORD COUNTY, AND TO REPEAL CHAPTER 417 OF THE PUBLIC- LOCAL LAWS OF 1911 The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all able-bodied male persons of Rutherford County between the ages of eighteen and forty-five shall pay to the road superintendent or the township supervisor or to the county treasurer of Rutherford County the sum of two dollars per annum, to be paid as other taxes, and to be kept in the general road fund of the county, to be expended in the improvement of the road in the township from which it was paid. |
1913_private laws_253_34 | project experts | 1jim_crow
| private laws | 252 | 37 | CHAPTER 252 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CITY OF SALISBURY AND TO REPEAL ITS PRESENT CHARTER AND ALL LAWS IN CONFLICT WITH THIS ACT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ORGANIZATION. | That each registrar shall be furnished by said board of commissioners with registration books, and it shall be his duty after being qualified, to perform the functions of his office fairly, impartially, and according to law; to revise the existing registration books of the precinct for which he is appointed in such manner that said books shall show an accurate list of electors previously registered in such precinct and still residing therein, and entitled to vote without requiring such electors to be registered anew; and such registrar shall also, between the hours of seven o'clock A. M. and sunset (Sunday excepted), from and including the last Monday in March up to ten days previous to the election, keep open the books for the registration of any electors residing in such city and entitled to registration, whose names do not appear in the revised list, and he shall register in said books all names of persons not so registered who may apply for registration and who are entitled to vote in said city. Each registrar shall be required to be at the polling place for his precinct on Saturdays from nine A. M. until eight Pp. mM. during the period for registration. He shall keep the names of white voters separate and apart from those of the colored voters, and any person offering to register may be required to take and subscribe an oath that he has resided in the State of North Carolina two years, in Rowan County six months, and in the precinct in which he offers to register four months previous to the day of election, and that he is twenty-one years of age, and that he is a qualified elector of said city. If any person willfully swear falsely in taking such oath, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be sentenced to pay a fine of one hundred dollars and imprisoned sixty days in the county jail. But the board of commissioners, on fifteen days notice, by publication in some newspaper of the city, before the opening of the books, may order an entire new registration of voters whenever they may deem it proper, and in case this form of government is adopted by a vote of the people of Salisbury, together with this charter, there shall be an entirely new registration for the first primary and election held hereunder, and at any and all subsequent primaries and elections, and any one registering and offering to register in either primary or election who is not entitled to register shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The registration books shall be closed at eight oclock P. M. on the second Saturday before the election, and after the same are closed no person shall be allowed to register except those coming of age after the books close and before or on election day, who are otherwise qualified electors of the city, and the book shall then be placed in the office of the city clerk, and may be inspected by any person so desiring, and the clerk shall mark the day on which they were received by him, and they shall not be taken from his custody until the day of election. Any registrar failing to deposit his registration book with the clerk at the time prescribed shall receive no compensation for making said registration, and shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. |
1891_private laws_136_7 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 135 | 6 | CHAPTER 135 An act to amend the charter of the city of Asheville. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The amount of assessment for such streets improvement and for sidewalks exclusive of curbing and for road-ways, as hereinbefore provided, on each piece of real estate, being estimated as above directed, shall be a lien on such real estate, and the said mayor and aldermen shall cause the city engineer to make a survey and a report of the amount of work done [and] the cost thereof, upon, which street and sidewalk, the name of each abutting owner thereon, the number of feet of each lot, and the pro rata share of such cost of such street and sidewalk improvement to be assessed against such real estate; and upon the adoption of said report the said lien shall become complete and operative, which said report shall be transcribed upon the minutes of said board of aldermen, and the amount of said lien and of said assessment against all property abutting on said street as aforesaid shall become due as follows: one-sixth in six months and the balance in five equal amount installments, The adoption of said report of said surveyor by such board of aldermen shall constitute the said lien for the amount therein stated against each of the separate pieces of real estate therein described, and the same shall become due and payable as aforesaid; and in case of failure to pay either of said assessments in thirty days after its maturity then all shall become due at once and an execution shall issue by the clerk of said board of aldermen, directed to the marshal of said city, who shall advertise the land upon which said defaulting assessments are made as aforesaid, or [as] required by law for sale of land for taxation under the provisions of the charter of said city, and shall sell the same and give to the purchaser a receipt stating the time the land was advertised, the day of sale, the purchaser, the price paid, the assessment due thereon, the cost of sale, the name of the owner of the land, and the description of the lands sold; and the owner of the land sold shall have twelve months within which to redeem said land by paying to the purchaser the amount he paid and twenty per centum additional; but if the land is bid off for the city or for said sinking fund then the owner in order to redeem the same must pay the assessment due on said land, the cost of sale and twenty per centum on said assessment; if the land is not redeemed within twelve months then the marshal shall make to the purchaser a deed for said land, and the same shall operate to pay [convey] to the purchaser the title to said land, and the proceeds of said sale shall be applied, first, to the payment of all that then may remain unpaid upon said assessment and liens, together with the cost of such sale, which cost shall be the usual fees allowed the marshal for selling land for taxation and receive; the balance, if any, of such proceeds shall be paid to the owner of said land at the time of said sale: Provided, however, that any owner of said land may have the privilege of paying off all of said assessment before due, and upon such payment the said lien shall be released and discharged pro facto: Provided further, that any owner of land upon which said lien for such assessment exists, shall have the right to file before the mayor and board of aldermen of said city [an] affidavit denying that the whole or any part of the amount, if any he admits to be due, which amount so admitted to be due he shall pay or tender, accompanying his affidavit with it, and before it shall be received, and then the said affidavit shall be received only for the balance, and all such affidavits so received shall be returned to the superior court of Buncombe county for trial, and it shall be considered that the issue as to the amount then due is raised upon reception of such affidavit and without any plea upon the part of the city of Asheville, but this shall not be construed to prevent the said city of Asheville from filing an answer or any other defence to which it may be entitled under the laws of North Carolina; and upon such trial if the issues be all found in favor of the affiant then the lien shall be discharged; if, however, the issues shall be found in favor of the said city of Asheville to any amount, and if it be thereby ascertained that the affiant is due to said city any amount by virtue of the matters therein referred to, then the said amount so found, together with eight per centum (8 per centum) interest thereon from the date of its maturity, and together with the costs thereon accrued, which costs shall be assessed as costs in other civil actions, shall be and continue a lien against the property upon which the original assessment was placed, and shall be collected by an execution issuing from said superior court directed to the marshal of said city, which shall be collected by him by the sale of said land as hereinbefore provided in case of execution issuing from the clerk of said city. |
1933_private laws_59_2 | project experts | 1jim_crow
| private laws | 58 | 1 | CHAPTER 58 AN ACT TO PERMIT THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF EAST BEND OR THE TRUSTEES OF THE EAST BEND BAPTIST CHURCH, YADKIN COUNTY, TO REMOVE BODIES TO THE BENBOW CHAPEL COLORED CEME- TERY. : The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the board of commissioners of the town of East Bend, Yadkin County, or the trustees of the East Bend Baptist Church, be and they are hereby authorized to remove, or cause to be removed, the bodies now buried in the old colored cemetery near the white Baptist Church in said town embracing seventeen bodies, more or less, to the Benbow Chapel colored cemetery nearby in said county: Provided, that before the removal of said graves notice of such action shall be published in some newspaper published in Yadkin County for four successive weeks. |
1933_public local laws_431_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 430 | 1 | CHAPTER 430 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 61 OF THE PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF 1931, RELATIVE TO THE ELECTION OF COM- MISSIONERS OF FRANKLIN COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That section five, of chapter sixty-one, of the Public-Local Laws of one thousand nine hundred thirty-one, is hereby repealed and a new section re-enacted as follows: Section 5 That there shall be elected in the general election in one thousand nine hundred thirty-four three county commissioners; one from district number one, one from district number two, and one from district number three, as set out in this act; that the commissioners elected in districts numbers four and five of this act shall serve for the entire term of four years for which they were elected in the general election of one thousand nine hundred thirty-two, and after the expiration of their fouryear term of office all of the said commissioners from all of the respective districts shall be elected for a term of two years from their respective districts as now by law provided, it being the purpose and intention of this act to change the election of county commissioners in said county back to a two-year period after the two commissioners, now serving four-year terms, terms of office have expired. |
1935_public local laws_347_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 346 | 2 | CHAPTER 346 AN ACT TO EXTEND THE TIME FOR THE SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES IN CASWELL COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The Sheriff shall make an itemized list of all tax receipts in the books on October first, as hereinbefore referred to, for all uncollected taxes in said books, not including the insolvent list return as hereinbefore provided, and shall deliver said tax receipts to the County Accountant and/or Auditor, or any other person that may be appointed by said Board to perform the duties required under the provisions of this Act, who shall give a receipt for same, which receipt shall be used by the Sheriff in the settlement of the taxes for said year, and which receipt shall be recorded for information only in the records of the Board of Commissioners of Caswell County: Provided, however, that before the delivery of the tax receipts to the said County Accountant and/or Auditor, or any other person that may be appointed by said Board to perform the duties required under the provisions of this Act, he shall give such bond or bonds as the Board of Commissioners of said County may require. |
1923_public local laws_362_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 361 | 1 | CHAPTER 361 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY TO BUILD AN ANNEX OR ADDITION TO THE PRESENT COURTHOUSE OF SAID COUNTY, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES, AND TO ISSUE BONDS THEREFOR. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the board of commissioners of New Hanover County be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to issue serial bonds of the county of New Hanover, in an amount not to exceed one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, the same to bear such rate of interest, to be in such denominations, to run for not more than twenty-five years, and to be issued upon such terms aS may be agreed upon by the said board of county commissioners and the purchasers of said bonds. |
1929_public laws_53_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 52 | 1 | CHAPTER 52 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION 2334 OF THE CONSOLI- DATED STATUTES, VOLUME 3, RELATING TO GRAND JURIES IN PITT COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | .That section two thousand three hundred and thirty-four of the Consolidated Statutes, Volume Three, be, and the same is hereby amended by inserting the word Pitt after the word Moore and before the word Richmond in line three of the first paragraph of said section. |
1923_public local laws_451_21 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 450 | 20 | CHAPTER 450 AN ACT TO CREATE AND ESTABLISH AN AUDITORS OFFICE FOR THE COUNTY OF BLADEN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | It shall be the duty of said auditor of Bladen County to act as tax supervisor, to have general supervision of the listing of property for taxes and the assessment of same by the various list-takers and assessors of the county; and the said auditor shall appoint an assistant for each township, and in townships where the needs may require such number as may be necessary, such assistants to be known as list-takers and assessors, and he shall appoint only those who in his judgment are suitable and competent to perform said duties of list-takers and assessors. The board of commissioners shall fix the compensation of said assistants and pay the same from the general fund. |
1959_session laws_858_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 857 | 2 | CHAPTER 857 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF GASTON COUNTY TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR THE CONSTRUC- TION OF LIBRARY BUILDINGS IN STANLEY AND LOWELL. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. |
1967_session laws_1127_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
1965_session laws_80_10 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 79 | 9 | CHAPTER 79 AN ACT TO REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF AYDEN, NORTH CAROLINA, SUBJECT TO AN ELECTION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | No provision of law heretofore repealed expressly or by implication, and no provision of law granting authority which has been exhausted, shall be revived by: (a) The repeal herein of any Act repealing such provision of law; or (b) Any provision of this Act that disclaims an intention to repeal or effect enumerated or designated laws. |
1957_session laws_515_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 514 | 2 | CHAPTER 514 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 41 OF THE GENERAL STATUTES TO PROVIDE FOR TRYING TITLE TO LAND CLAIMED BY THE STATE AND BY OTHER PARTIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. |
1957_session laws_1302_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 1,301 | 1 | CHAPTER 1301 AN ACT TO FIX THE FEES OF JUSTICES OF THE PEACE IN CRIMINAL ACTIONS IN NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Fees in criminal actions in courts of Justices of the Peace in Northampton County shall be as hereinafter set out, provided that if no fee for any service is fixed by this Act, the fee fixed by other laws applicable to Northampton County shall be charged for such services: Wa tranites (GAC) mete. occ cel cyeis sis sisiole ogeees parece est mouse tke Le $2.00 Subpoeriaa WCACH) bp vaca cise oidepe cue olaio sca aiageiep ols > oie eis ores ss eia el cie aoe Commitment (CACM )kr.cicmcene cae crepes cio een oi pene oer sei 1 Recognizance (each) .........ccecerccesee se ee ccs senetecee 50 Judgment, contested (each) ........c eee e cece teen eects 3 Judgment, not contested (each) .....--.e eee eee eter teres 2 Affidavit, for removal (each) ........ eee eee eee teeters 50 Capias and order (each) .......cceee cece eerste sc eteees 1 Bond of undertaking (each) ......... cece eee ee ee eee eters 1 Gontinwancem(each))p ec cecueeis-pi orotic elsvus est 5 eno ae 50 Agreement to enter a plea of guilty (each) .........-+.+00-- 1 |
1957_session laws_1262_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 1,261 | 2 | CHAPTER 1261 AN ACT TO AMEND GQ. S. 51-6 RELATING TO THE ISSUANCE OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. |
1939_public local laws_237_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 236 | 1 | CHAPTER 236 AN ACT TO REGULATE THE GRAND JURY OF GRAN- VILLE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That at the first term of court for the trial of criminal cases in Granville County after the first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine, there shall be chosen a grand jury as now provided by law, and the first nine members of said grand jury chosen at said term shall serve for a term of one year, and the second nine members of said grand jury so chosen shall serve for a term of six months, and thereafter at the first term of criminal court, after the first days of January and July of each year there shall be chosen nine members of said grand jury to serve for a term of one year. |
1869/70_public laws_230_42 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 229 | 35 | fra, TBR CC XX xX. AN ACT TO RAISE REVENUE. | The register of deeds shall keep a book, in which he shall record the name of the person licensed, the trade or protession to be followed or the franchise to be enjoyed, the date at which it begins to run and the sum paid to the sheriff, and he shall, on the third Monday in January, April, July and October, send a certified copy of such record, for the quarter last preceding, to the auditor of the state, who shall charge the sheriff with the amount so appearing due. If any register shall fail to perform the duty hereby imposed on him he shall forfeit to the state a penalty of two hundred dollars, to be recovered of him and the sureties to his official bond, on motion in the superior court for the county of Wake, and on such motion a certified copy of his official bond and the certificate of the auditor of the state, setting torth his failure to make the required return, shall be prima facie evidence entitling the state to judgment in the absence of any sufficient defence. |
1911_public local laws_633_6 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 632 | 5 | CHAPTER 632 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF FORSYTH COUNTY TO ISSUE BONDS TO IMPROVE THE HIGHWAYS OF FORSYTH COUNTY AND TO CREATE A HIGHWAY COMMISSION THEREIN. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That said taxes, when collected, except a sufficient amount to provide a sinking fund and pay interest on the bonds, shall be paid over by the board of county commissioners to the highway commission hereinafter provided for. |
1903_private laws_171_20 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 170 | 20 | CHAPTER 170 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CITY OF WASHINGTON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That they, from time to time, whenever the health of the city may demand the same, establish and create anywhere in Washington Township such sanitary district or districts as they may deem expedient, and the provisions of this charter, as well as all sanitary laws, ordinances, rules and regulations as may now or hereafter exist under the provisions of this charter, shall apply to the householders or occupants of the lots within said sanitary districts established as aforesaid as if the same were within the corporate limits and said occupants or householders residents of said city: Provided, said sanitary district shall not be farther than one mile from the corporate limits. |
1911_public local laws_315_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 314 | 1 | CHAPTER 314 AN ACT TO FIX AND SETTLE THE DIVIDING LINE BETWEEN THE COUNTIES OF WASHINGTON AND BEAUFORT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the board of county commissioners of the counties of Washington and Beaufort shall appoint two commissioners, one on the part of the county of Washington, and one on the part of the county of Beaufort, who shall settle, determine, run and mark the dividing line between said counties, from the western to the eastern terminus thereof. |
1899_private laws_130_5 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 129 | 4 | CHAPTER 129 An act to incorporate The Bank of Wadesboro, Anson county, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact - | The said board of directors niay adopt and use a seal, and break and alter the same at pleasure; may prescribe the manner of paying for stock and transferring the same; may regulate the method of conducting the business of the said bank; may do a general banking business and exercise all the powers, rights and privileges conferred by the public laws of the state on banks and corporations of a like character; may lend money upon such rates of interest as may be agreed upon. not to exceed the legal rate; may discount, buy and sell notes, drafts and all other securities or evidence of debt; may loan money on mortgages of real and personal property; 1uay buy, build or lease a banking house and sell or exchange the same at pleasure, may negotiate loans on mortgages, real or personal estate, or both, and they shal! direct when dividends or profits shall be made and declared: Provided, said bank shall not charge a greater rate of interest than is allowed by law, to wit: six per centum. |
1889_public laws_507_6 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 506 | 5 | CHAPTER 506 An act to incorporate the Asheville and Craggy Mountain Railway Company. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The company shall have power in its corporate name to sue and be sued, to own real and personal estate, to condemn land for right of way and depot stations and other like railroad purposes in the same manner as the North Carolina Railroad Company, and to farm out or lease its railroad to any other person or corporation. |
1889_public laws_189_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 188 | 1 | CHAPTER 188 An act for the relief of P. T. Massey, late treasurer of Johnston county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the board of county commissioners of Johnston county are hereby authorized and empowered to settle and finally adjust with P. T. Massey and the sureties of his official bond the amounts now due from him to the school or county funds of said county, and which were lost in the failure of the State National Bank of Raleigh, and the said commissioners are authorized and empowered to relieve the said P. T. Massey and his sureties from all liability on account of said loss, if, in their judgment, they deem it proper,;to do so. |
1887_public laws_70_9 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 69 | 8 | CHAPTER 69 An act to provide for the drainage of the swamp lands on Mud creek in Henderson county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | When in the drainage of the said lands, either by changing the course of the creek'or any tributary thereto, by ditching, canaling, or otherwise, it becomes necessary to enter upon the lands of any owner or resident on the said creek or tributary thereto, the said board of commissioners shall elect three freeholders of the said county to assess the damages incurred by the owner of the said lands entered upon. The said freeholders shall ' at once personally inspect the lands entered upon, and shall assess such actual damages as may be sustained by the owner of the property affected thereby, taking into consideration, in estimating the said damages, the advantages that may accrue to the owner by reason of the drainage of his lands. In five days the said assessors shall make a report to the board of commissioners, who shall cause a copy of the same to be served upon the owner of the said land, with notices to file exceptions to the same with the clerk of the said board within ten days from the date of service thereof. Upon the filing of a bill of exceptions, the board of commissioners shall fix a day for the hearing thereof; and, if the exceptions are not sustained by the said board, the party aggrieved thereby may appeal to the next term of the superior court for Henderson county, by filing bond and giving such notice to the board of commissioners as is required by law in cases of appeal from justices courts; but in no event shall such appeal stay, delay or impede the progress of such work. |
1881_public laws_195_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 194 | 1 | CHAPTER 194 AN ACT TO EMPOWER THE COMMISSIONERS OF MACON COUNTY TO RAISE REVENUE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That the county commissioners of Macon county shall have full power and authority to make all necessary contracts for the building of a new court-house in the town of Franklin in said county. |
1959_session laws_267_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 266 | 1 | CHAPTER 266 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 1160 OF THE SESSION LAWS OF 1953 RELATING TO THE FILING OF PAPERS IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT SO AS TO MAKE THE SAME APPLICABLE TO DUPLIN COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Chapter 1160 of the Session Laws of 1953 is hereby amended by inserting the word Duplin, immediately following the word Mecklenburg, in line 1 of Section 1 and immediately following the word Mecklenburg, in lines 1 and 2 of Section 2 of said Act. |
1967_session laws_822_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
1931_public local laws_349_6 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 348 | 5 | CHAPTER 348 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY-TWO, PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF ONE THOU- SAND NINE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-NINE, RELAT- ING TO THE SALARIES OF THE JUDGE AND PROSE- CUTING ATTORNEY OF THE RECORDERS COURT OF ELKIN, SURRY COUNTY, AND INCREASING THE TER- RITORIAL JURISDICTION OF SAID COURT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That at the end of the term of office of the present Prosecuting Attorney of the Recorders Court of Elkin, Surry County, to-wit, the first Monday in May, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one, the Recorder of the said Court shall appoint his successor for a term of two years, and said Prosecuting Attorney shall be appointed by the Recorder every two years thereafter; Provided, that said Recorder shall fill any vacancy occurring in the office of the Prosecuting Attorney. |
1913_public local laws_684_6 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 683 | 5 | CHAPTER 683 AN ACT TO PROMOTE RAISING QUAIL IN STANLY AND DAVIDSON COUNTIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That if the citizens of Stanly and Davidson counties, or any township in said counties, desire that any section or all of said act shall be put in force in said counties, they shall first file with the board of commissioners of said counties a petition signed by a majority of the qualified voters in said counties or in any township thereof, as the case may be, setting out fully and concisely what provisions of this act they desire to be put in force; then it shall be the duty of the board of commissioners of said counties at said meeting to make an order setting forth what section or sections of this act shall be put in force in said counties or any township therein, and a copy of said order shall be entered upon the records in which the records of their meetings are kept and a copy thereof filed and recorded in the office of register of deeds for the county, and posted at the courthouse door for thirty days and published in some newspaper published at the countyseat for four successive weeks, and from and after the expiration of the time set out in said order any section or sections therein included shall be in force in the counties or township, as the case may be, and all provisions of any other section herein which is necessary to enforce the same shall be in force from and after said date, and any person violating either of said sections shall be guilty of a misdemeanor as heretofore provided. |
1911_public local laws_221_8 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 220 | 7 | CHAPTER 220 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A SPECIAL CRIMINAL COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF ANSON AND TO PRESCRIBE THE JURIS- DICTION THEREOF. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The clerk of superior court of Anson County shall be ex-officio the clerk of the recorders court and shall receive a salary for such services of twenty-five dollars per month, to be paid monthly by the treasurer of Anson County. |
1899_private laws_241_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 240 | 1 | CHAPTER 240 An act to incorporate the Trans-Appalachian Railway System. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That H. L. Miller and D. W. Beach, of Washington, District of Columbia, and S. D. Dunavant, W. C. Ervin, 8S. T. Pearson, F. P. Tate, J. R. Ervin and W. E. Walton, of the county of Burkeand state of North Carolina, and such persons as may be associated with them, their successors and assigns, be and they are created a body politic and corporate under the name and style of The Trans-Appalachian Railway Company, which shall have perpetual succession and may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, contract and be contracted with, adopt and use a common seal, and change the same at pleasure, and be eapable of taking and holding by purchase, gift or devise, or in any other manner, real and personal property, and of leasing, selling or conveying the same or dealing with the same in any manner. And said corporation shall have and enjoy all privileges, rights and immunities which corporate bodies may lawfully exercise, and make all necessary by-laws necessary for its government or which its directors may deem proper and expedient, not inconsistent with law. |
1907_public laws_471_4 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 470 | 3 | CHAPTER 470 AN ACT TO GIVE RAILWAY CONDUCTORS AUTHORITY TO ARREST CERTAIN PERSONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all passenger conductors of railroad trains and station or depot agents are hereby declared to be special police of the State of North Carolina, with full power and authority to make arrests for offenses committed in their presence or view, or for felony, or on sworn complaint for misdemeanor, except that the conductors shall only have such power on board of their respective trains or their railroad right-of-way, and the agents at their respective stations; and said conductors and agents may cause any person or persons so arrested by them to be detained and delivered to the proper authority for trial as soon as possible. |
1903_private laws_382_7 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 381 | 6 | CHAPTER 381 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE BANK OF NASHVILLE, NASH COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The affairs of the corporation shall be managed by 2 board of directors, who shall be elected annually by the stock: holders. The directors so elected shall choose a president and vice president, who shall hold for one year and until their successor: shall have been duly elected. They shall also elect a cashier and such other clerks and assistants as shall be necessary to a suc. cessful operation of the business, who shall serve until their successors are chosen. A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and may fill vacancies occurring in its body till the next annual meeting of the stockholders. It shall be the duty of the board of directors, and they are hereby fully empowered, to make rules, regulations and by-laws for the government of said corporation and for the conduct of its business; also to fix the salaries of all officers and employees, and fix the bonds of all such officers and employees as they may require to give bond. |
1933_public laws_229_6 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 228 | 5 | CHAPTER 228 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER SIX OF THE CONSOLI- DATED STATUTES OF NORTH CAROLINA ON BAS- TARDY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | No mother of an illegitimate child shall be excused, on the ground that it may tend to incriminate her or subject her to a penalty or a forfeiture, from attending and testifying, in obedience to a subpoena of any court, in any suit or proceeding based upon or growing out of the provisions of this act, but no such mother shall be prosecuted or subjected to any penalty or forfeiture for or on account of any transaction, matter, or thing as to which, in obedience to a subpoena and under oath, she may so testify, nor shall she be forced or compelled to testify against the accused party against her will. |
1965_session laws_715_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 714 | 1 | CHAPTER 714 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE COASTAL COUNTIES TO LEVY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AGAINST BENEFITED PROPERTY TO FINANCE THE CONSTRUCTION AND PRESERVATION OF BEACH EROSION CONTROL AND FLOOD AND HURRICANE PROTECTION WORKS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Chapter 153 of the General Statutes of North Carolina is hereby amended by adding thereto a new Article, to be appropriately numbered, and to read as follows: gph eal Assessments for Beach Erosion Control and Flood and Hurricane Protection. S$ 1 Beach Erosion Control and Flood and Hurricane Works Defined. As used in this Article, beach erosion control and flood and hurricane works shall include any project involving the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, extension, improvement, enlargement, or replacement of groins, jetties, dikes, moles, walls, sand dunes, vegetation, or other types of works or improvements which are designed for the control of beach erosion or for the preservation or restoration of man made facilities or natural features which afford protection to coastal beaches and other land areas and the life and property thereon. S$ 2 Authority to Make Special Assessments. The board of commissioners of any county may specially assess all, or part, of the cost of any beach erosion control or flood and hurricane protection works against the property to be benefited by such works. Provided, that no property lying within the corporate limits of any municipality shall be subject to assessment unless the governing body of the municipality has by resolution given its approval prior to the undertaking of any proposed works. Provided, further, that the total special assessment levied against any lot or tract of land under the authority of this Article shall not exceed the sum which would be due under an ad valorem tax of ten cents (10) (the valuation to be that of said lot or tract of land without improvements as of the time of the making of the special assessment) if such an ad valorem 980 tax were levied annually for the period of years during which said special assessment is authorized to be paid in installments in accordance with the provisions of Section 13 of this Article. Provided, further, the authority herein granted shall apply only to those counties which are in part, or in whole, bounded by the Atlantic Ocean. 3 Basis for Making Assessments. Assessments may be made on the basis of: -1 The frontage of land abutting on any beach erosion con.rol or flood and hurricane protection works, at an equal rate per foot of frontage, or -2 The frontage of land abutting on a beach or shore line which is protected or benefited by any beach erosion control or flood and hurricane protection works, at an equal rate per foot frontage, or -3 The acreage of land benefited by any beach erosion control or flood and hurricane protection works, at an equal rate per acre of land, or -4 The valuation of land benefited by any beach erosion control or flood and hurricane protection works, the valuation to be based upon the value of the land without improvements as shown on the tax assessments records of the county, at an equal rate per dollar of valuation, or -5 A combination of two or more of these bases. Whenever the basis selected for assessment is either acreage or the value of land, the board of commissioners may provide for the laying out of benefit zones according to the distance from the shore line, the distance from the beach erosion control or flood and hurricane protection works, the elevation of the land, or other relevant factors, and establish differing rates of assessment to apply uniformly throughout each benefit zone. 4 Preliminary Resolution to Be Adopted; Contents. Whenever the board of commissioners of any county determines to undertake any beach erosion control or flood and hurricane protection works and assess all, or part, of the cost thereof, the board shall first adopt a preliminary resolution setting forth its intention and describing the nature of the project, or projects, and the proposed terms and conditions by which it is to be undertaken. Specifically, the preliminary resolution shall contain, but not be limited to, the following: -1 A statement of intent to undertake the project(s); -2 A general description of the nature and location of the proposed project(s); -3 A statement as to the proposed basis for making assessments, which shall include a general description of the boundaries of the area benefited if the basis of assessment is either acreage or value of land; -4 A statement as to the percentage of the cost of the work which is to be specially assessed; -5 If any assessments are proposed to be held in abeyance, a statement as to which assessments shall be so held and the period they will be held in abeyance; -6 A statement as to the proposed terms of payment of the assessments; and 981 -7 An order setting a time and place at which a public hearing on all matters covered by the preliminary resolution will be held before the board, said public hearing to be not earlier than three weeks, nor later than ten weeks, from the date of the adoption of the preliminary resolution. $ 5 Preliminary Resolution Published. The board of commissioners shall cause a copy of the preliminary resolution to be published in a newspaper having general circulation in the county at least ten days prior to the date set for the public hearing on the proposed project or projects. In addition, the board of commissioners shall cause a copy of the preliminary resolution, containing the order for the public hearing, to be mailed to the owners of all property subject to assessment if the project, or projects, should be undertaken. The mailing of copies of the preliminary resolution shall be to the owners of that property as shown on the tax records of the county, and shall take place at least ten days prior to the date set for the public hearing on the preliminary resolution. The person designated to mail these resolutions shall file a certificate with the board of commissioners that such resolutions were mailed, the certificate to include the date of mailing. Such certificates shall be conclusive in the absence of fraud. 6 Hearing on Preliminary Resolution; Resolution Directing Undertaking of Works. At the time and place set for the public hearing, the board of commissioners shall hear all interested persons who appear with respect to any matter covered by the preliminary resolution. After the public hearing, if the board of commissioners so determines, the board may adopt a resolution directing that the project, or projects, covered by the preliminary resolution, or part of them be undertaken. This resolution shall describe the project, or projects, to be undertaken in general terms (which may be by reference to projects described in the preliminary resolution) and shall set forth the following: -1 The basis on which the special assessments shall be levied which shall include a general description of the boundaries of the area benefited if the basis of assessment is either acreage or value of land; -2 The percentage of the cost to be specially assessed; -3 The terms of payment, including the conditions under which assessments are to be held in abeyance, if any. Provided, the percentage of cost to be assessed as set forth in the resolution directing the undertaking of the project, or projects, may not be different from the percentage proposed in the preliminary resolution. If the board of commissioners decides that a different percentage of the cost should be assessed, following the hearing the board of commissioners shall adopt and advertise a new preliminary resolution as herein provided. $ 7 Determination of Costs. Upon completion of the project, or projects, the board of commissioners shall ascertain the total cost. In addition to the cost of construction, there may be included therein the cost of all necessary legal service, the amount of interest paid during construction, costs of rights of way, and the costs of publication of notices and resolutions. The determination of the board of commissioners as to the total cost of any project shall be conclusive. 982 8 Preliminary Assessment Roll to be Prepared; Publication. Upon determination of the total cost of any assessment project, the board of commissioners shall cause to be prepared a preliminary assessment roll, on which shall be entered a brief description of each lot, parcel, or tract of land assessed, the basis for the assessment, the amount assessed against each, the terms of payment, and the name or names of the owners of each parcel of land as far as the same can be ascertained; provided, that a map of the project on which is shown each parcel assessed and the basis for its assessment, together with the amount assessed against each such parcel and the name or names of the owner or owners, as far as the same can be ascertained, shall be a sufficient assessment roll. After the preliminary assessment roll has been completed, it shall be filed in the office of the clerk to the board of commissioners where it shall be available for inspection. A notice of the completion of the assessment roll, setting forth in general terms a description of the project, noting the availability of the assessment roll in the office of the clerk for inspection, and stating the time and place for a hearing before the board of commissioners on the preliminary assessment roll, shall be published in a newspaper having general circulation in the county at least ten days prior to the date set for the hearing on the preliminary assessment roll. In addition, the board of commissioners shall cause a notice of the hearing on the preliminary assessment roll to be mailed to the owners of property, as shown on the tax records of the county, listed on the preliminary assessment roll at least ten days prior to the date of the hearing. In addition to the notice of the hearing, the notice mailed to the owners shall note the availability of the preliminary assessment roll for inspection in the office of the clerk to the board and shall state the amount of the assessment against the property of the owner or owners, as shown on the preliminary assessment role. The person designated to mail these notices shall file a certificate with the board of commissioners that such notices were mailed, the certificate to include the date of mailing. Such certificates shall be conclusive in the absence of fraud. $ 9 Hearing on Preliminary Assessment Rolls; Revision, Confirmation; Lien. At the time set for the public hearing, or at some other time to which the public hearing may be adjourned, the board of commissioners shall hear objections to the preliminary assessment roll from all persons interested who appear. Then, or thereafter, the board of commissioners shall either annul, or modify, or confirm, in whole or in part, the assessments, either by confirming the preliminary assessments against any or all of the lots or parcels described in the preliminary assessment roll, or by canceling, increasing, or reducing the same as is determined to be proper in accordance with the basis for the assessment. If any property is omitted from the preliminary assessment roll, the board of commissioners may place it on the roll and levy the proper assessment. Whenever the board of commissioners shall confirm assessments for any project, the clerk to the board shall enter on the minutes of the board and on the assessment roll the date, hour, and minute of conformation, and from the time of confirmation the assessments shall be a lien on the property assessed of the 983 same nature and to the same extent as county and city taxes and shall be superior to all other liens and encumbrances, After the assessment roll is confirmed a copy of the same shall be delivered to the county tax collector for collection in the same manner as taxes, except as herein provided. $ 10 Publication of Notice of Confirmation of Assessment Roll. After the expiration of twenty days from the confirmation of the assessment roll, the county tax collector shall cause to be published once in a newspaper having general circulation in the county a notice of confirmation of the assessment roll, and that assessments may be paid at any time before the expiration of thirty days from the date of the publication of the notice without interest, but if not paid within this time, all installments thereof shall bear interest at the rate of six per centum -6% per annum from the date of the confirmation of the assessment roll. 11 Appeal to Superior Court. If the owner of, or any person interested in, any lot or parcel of land against which an assessment is made is dissatisfied with the amount of the assessment, he may, within ten days after the confirmation of the assessment roll, file with the board of commissioners and the court a written notice that he takes an appeal to the Superior Court of the county, in which case he shall within twenty days after the confirmation of the assessment roll serve on the chairman of the board of commissioners or the clerk to the board of commissioners a statement of facts upon which he bases his appeal. The appeal shall be tried as other actions at law. S$ 12 Reassessment. The board of commissioners shall have the power, when in its judgment there is any irregularity, omission, error or lack of jurisdiction in any of the proceedings relating thereto, to set aside the whole of any special assessment made by it, and thereupon to make a reassessment. In such case there shall be included, as a part of the cost of the project, all additional interest paid, or to be paid, as a result of the delay in confirming the assessment. The proceeding shall, as far as practicable, be in all respects as in the case of original assessments, and the reassessment shall have the same force as if it had originally been properly made. $ 13 Payment of Assessment in Cash or by Installments. The owner or owners of any property assessed shall have the option, within thirty days following the publication of the notice of the confirmation of the assessment roll, of paying the assessment in cash or of paying in not less than two and not more than ten annual installments, as may have been provided by the board of commissioners in the resolution directing the undertaking of the project giving rise to the assessment. With respect to payment by installment, the board of commissioners may provide -1 that the first installment with interest shall become due and payable on the date when property taxes are due and payable and one subsequent installment and interest shall be due and payable on the same date in each successive year until the assessment is paid in full, or -2 that the first installment with interest shall become due and payable sixty days after the date of the confirmation of the assessment roll, and one subsequent in- 984 stallment and interest shall be due and payable on the same day of the month in each successive year until the assessment is paid in full. $ 14 Enforcement of Payment of Assessments. No statute of limitations shall bar the right of the county to enforce any remedy provided by law for the collection of unpaid assessments, save from and after ten years from default in the payment thereof, or if payable in installments, ten years from the default in the payment of any installments. Such assessments shall bear interest at the rate of six per centum -6% per annum only. Upon the failure of any property owner to pay any installment when due and payable, all of the installments remaining unpaid shall immediately become due and payable, and property and rights of way may be sold by the county under the same rules and regulations (except that the sale of liens shall not be required) rights of redemption and savings as are now prescribed by law for the sale of land for unpaid taxes. Provided, after the default in the payment of any installment of an assessment, the board of commissioners may, on the payment of all installments in arrears, together with interest due thereon and on reimbursement of any expense incurred in attempting to obtain payment, reinstate the remaining unpaid installments of such assessment so that they shall become due in the same manner as they would have if there had been no default, and such extension may be granted at any time prior to the institution of an action to foreclose. 15 Assessments in Case of Tenant for Life or Years; Apportionment of Assessments. The following provisions of the General Statutes concerning municipal special assessments, as they now exist and as they may be amended, with modifications as specified, shall apply to beach erosion control or flood and hurricane protection assessments levied by counties: G. S. 160-95 to 160-97, which relate to assessments in case of tenants for life or years; G. S. 160-98, which relates to liens in favor of co-tenants or joint tenants paying assessments; G. S. 160-191, which relates to apportionment of assessments where property has been or is subject to be subdivided (except that for governing board, read board of commissioners). $ 16 Authority to Hold Assessments in Abeyance. The board of commissioners of any county may, by resolution, provide that assessments levied as authorized in this Article to be held in abeyance without the payment of interest for any benefited property assessed. In providing for the holding of assessments in abeyance, the board of commissioners shall classify the property assessed according to general land use or other relevant factors, and shall provide that the period of abeyance be the same for all assessed property in any classification. Provided, said resolution may not provide for the holding in abeyance of any assessment for more than ten years. Any assessment held in abeyance shall, upon the termination of the period of abeyance, be paid in accordance with the terms set out in the confirming resolution. 985 All applicable statutes of limitations are hereby suspended during the time that any assessment is held in abeyance without the payment of interest, as provided in this Section. Such time shall not be a part of the time limited for commencement of action for the enforcement of payment of any such assessment, and such action may be brought at any time within ten years from the date of the termination of the period of abeyance. |
1957_session laws_980_13 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| session laws | 979 | 12 | CHAPTER 979 AN ACT TO AMEND G. S. 47-20.2(B) RELATING TO THE PLACE OF REGISTRATION OF MORTGAGES ON PERSONAL PROPERTY AND TO AMEND CERTAIN PARTS CF | G. S. 55A-12 (a) -2 is hereby amended by inserting immediately following the word including and immediately preceding the word street in line one thereof the words county and city or town, and so as to make the subdivision read as follows: (2) The address, including county and city or town, and street and number, if any, of its then registered office. |
1913_private laws_438_103 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 435 | 102 | CHAPTER 435 AN ACT TO REVISE, AMEND, AND CONSOLIDATE THE CHARTER OF THE, TOWN OF BEAUFORT, CARTERET COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That it shall be lawful for the town authorities, in their discretion, to contract in writing with the board of county commissioners for the employment of such prisoners as may be confined in the county jail by order of the court on the streets. |
1919_public local laws_30_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 29 | 1 | CHAPTER 29 AN ACT TO INCREASE THE PAY OF MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF GATES COUNTY AND CAUSE THE CHAIRMAN TO AUDIT CERTAIN AC- COUNTS. , The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the county commissioners of Gates County shall receive for their services as such commissioners the sum of four dollars per day instead of two dollars per day as is now provided by law, and shall receive five cents per mile to and from their homes for each session they may attend of such board. |
1911_private laws_121_39 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 120 | 38 | CHAPTER 120 , AN ACT TO REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE CHARTER FOR ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | If any person be challenged as having been convicted of any crime which excluded him from the right of suffrage, he shall be required to answer any question in relation to such alleged conviction, but his answers to such question shall not be used against him in any criminal prosecutions; but if any person so convicted shall vote at the election without having been restored to the rights of citizenship, he shall be guilty of an infamous crime and punished by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars or imprisoned at hard labor not exceeding two years, or both. |
1913_private laws_353_37 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 352 | 36 | CHAPTER 352 AN ACT GRANTING A CHARTER TO THE CITY OF HENDER- SONVILLE, IN HENDERSON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: CORPORATE NAME; BOUNDARIES. | The tax collector of the city of Hendersonville is hereby clothed with all the powers incident to the office of tax collector for Henderson County to enforce the collection of taxes due the city, and shall have all of the rights, remedies, and actions, distress and powers of sale as to property and persons or subjects of taxation as the county tax collector has for the collection of taxes in his office, and shall proceed to collect the same in like manner; and as to the sale of property and enforcement of the collection of taxes the city shall have the same rights as the county of Henderson has under such proceedings and actions and sales by the county tax collector; and the persons whose property may be sold under such proceedings shall have the same rights of redemption as are applicable to property sold for taxes by the county tax collector. |
1913_public local laws_325_11 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 324 | 10 | CHAPTER 324 AN ACT TO IMPROVE THE PUBLIC ROADS OF SHEFFIELDS AND RITTERS TOWNSHIPS IN MOORE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That for the purpose of building or constructing, repairing or maintaining the public roads of said township, or for constructing ditches or drains for the construction of said public roads under the direction of the board of road commissioners, the said supervisor shall have full power and authority to enter in and upon any lands in said township or any adjoining lands near any public road in said township and dig and maintain any ditches and cut down and carry away any trees or timber or remove any sand, Clay, gravel, stone, or other substance which may be necessary to repair, construct, or improve said roads, and may also construct or open upon or over said lands all necessary ditches or drains for the construction, improvement, or maintenance of said roads. If the owner of the land over which any road is constructed or over which any material is removed or on which any drains or ditches may be caused to empty shall demand compensation therefor, and present his claim to the board of road commissioners, it shall be the duty of said board of road commissioners to pass upon and consider the same and to pass an order for the payment of said account if the said board shall deem it just: Provided, that in the event any person over whose lands any new road has been located or from which any material may be removed or on which drains shall be made, shall claim damages therefor, which the said board shall refuse to pay, such person claiming damages shall within thirty days after the location of said road or removal of material or making said drains, petition said board of road commissioners for a jury to assess said damages. It shall then be the duty of said board within sixty days after the completion of said road or work thereon, to order a jury of three disinterested freeholders of said township to be summoned by the Sheriff of Moore County, to be named and designated by said sheriff, qualified to serve as jurors, and the jury so selected shall give three days notice to the landowner and to the board where and when said jury shall meet to assess said damages, and in the consideration thereof it shall be the duty of said jury to take into consideration any decrease in said damages by any benefit to the owner of the land by reason of the construction or improvement of said road, and if the benefits derived are equal to or greater than the damages sustained, the jury shall so declare, and it shall report its finding in writing to the board of road commissioners for confirmation or revision: Provided further, that a landowner may appeal to the Superior Court of Moore County from the decision of the jury and said board of road commissioners, and upon said appeal the same shall be heard de novo in said court. |
1885_public laws_84_5 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 83 | 4 | CHAPTER 83 An act to authorize the county of Martin to borrow money, issue bonds and levy a special tax. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That said taxes shall be collected by the sheriff of said county, whose bond shall be liable therefor as for other county taxes, and he shall pay over the same to the county treasurer of said county on or before the first Monday of December of each year. |
1880_private laws_9_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 8 | 1 | CHAPTER 8. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE TOWN OF RICHLANDS IN ONS- LOW COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That the town of Richlands, in Onslow county, be and the same is hereby incorporated by the name and style of the Town of Richlands, and shall be subject to all the provisions contained in chapter one hundred and eleven (111) Battles Revisal, not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of this state and the United States. |
1911_public local laws_623_22 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 622 | 21 | CHAPTER 622 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COMMISSIONERS OF STANLY COUNTY TO SUBMIT TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF SAID COUNTY THE QUESTION OF ISSUING BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING AND IMPROVING, ETC., THE PUB- LIC ROADS OF SAID COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That th compensation of said highway commissioners shall be the same in all respects as the compensation of the county commissioners of Stanly County. |
1899_private laws_311_7 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 310 | 6 | CHAPTER 310 An act entitled an act to incorporate the Peoples Savings Bank at Asheville, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The said corporation may receive and pay out the lawful currency of the country, deal in exchange, gold and silver coin, uncurrent paper, and public and other securities; may loan money to and receive deposits of money or other property or evidences of debt from corporations, minors, feme coverts or other persons, on such terms and time and manner of collection and payment as may be agreed upon, and for the use and loan of money may charge so higha rate of interest asis or may be allowed by the laws of the state of North Caiolina and may take and receive said interest at the time of making said loan; may invest in the stock, bonds or other securities of the United States, of this or any other state in the Unien [or] of any corporation under the laws thereof, and take such real.or personal property as seeurity for all loans and upon such terms as may be agreed upon. |
1913_private laws_80_7 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 79 | 6 | CHAPTER 79 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY OF SOUTHPORT, N. C., TO ISSUE BONDS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF STREETS AND TO LEVY A SPECIAL TAX TO PAY SAID BONDS AND INTEREST. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That said bonds shall not be issued until authorized by a majority of the qualified voters of said city at a public election to be held at such a time and place as said board shall appoint, of which notice shall be given for twenty days in some newspaper published in said city, and if no newspaper, then by written notices posted in three public places in said city; and at said election those favoring the issue of said bonds shall vote a printed or written ticket with the words For Street Bonds thereon; those who are opposed shall vote a printed or written ticket with the words Against Street Bonds thereon; the result of said election shall be ascertained by the judges of election of the different wards and certified and returned by them to the aldermen of the city of Southport within two days from the day of election, who shall verify and also certify such results and cause the same to be recorded in their minutes, and shall also make return of said result under the signature of the mayor and clerk of said city to the Register of Deeds of Brunswick County, who shall duly record the same. |
1911_public local laws_282_14 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 281 | 13 | CHAPTER 281 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND KEEP- ING IN REPAIR THE PUBLIC ROADS OF FORSYTH COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all male prisoners confined in the county jail of Forsyth County under final sentence of the court for crime or imprisonment for nonpayment for cost or fines, or under the vagrant acts, all male insolvents who shall be imprisoned by any court in said county for nonpayment of costs, and all male persons sentenced in said county to the States Prison for a term of less than ten years shall be worked on the public roads of the county. Judges of the superior court or the judges of the criminal court, the justices of the peace, and the recorder, police justice or judge of any municipal court, may assign such persons convicted in his court to work on the public roads of said county. All such convicts to be fed, clothed and otherwise cared for at the expense of the county: Provided, that in case of serious physical disability certified to by any county physician or other satisfactory reasan appearing to the presiding judge, said person so convicted may be sentenced to the penitentiary or to the county jail. |
1911_public local laws_159_8 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 158 | 7 | CHAPTER 158 AN ACT 10 ESTABLISH A RECORDERS COURT IN THE TOWN OF HENDERSON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The warrants, summons, subpenas and other process issued by said court or its clerk shall be directed to the chief of police or any police officer of the town of Henderson or any other lawful officer of Vance County, and service thereof shall be lawfully made in 10 any part of Vance County, when made by the sheriff of said county or any township constable of said county or any police officer of the town of Henderson or, in the absence of such officers by any proper person specially deputized by the recorder in writing to make service; and said warrants, summons, subpenas and other process of said court, when attested by the seal of said court, shall run anywhere in the State of North Carolina and shall be executed by all officers according to law. |
1911_public local laws_159_6 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public local laws | 158 | 5 | CHAPTER 158 AN ACT 10 ESTABLISH A RECORDERS COURT IN THE TOWN OF HENDERSON. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The jurisdiction of said court shall be as follows: (a) Said court shall have final, exclusive, original jurisdiction of all criminal offenses committed within the town of Henderson which are now within the jurisdiction of the justices of the peace or which may hereafter be within the jurisdiction of the justices of the peace. (b) Said court shall have final, exclusive, original jurisdiction of all violations of the town ordinances committed within the limits of the town of Henderson. (c) Said court shall have final, concurrent, original jurisdiction of all criminal offenses committed within Henderson Township, out- side of the corporate limits of the town of Henderson, which are now or may hereafter be within the jurisdiction of the justices of the peace. (d) Said court, in addition to the jurisdiction conferred in subsections (a), (b) and (c) of this section, shall have final, exclusive, original jurisdiction of the following criminal offenses, to wit: Carrying concealed weapons; gaming; gambling; keeping gambling tables and houses; keeping bawdy houses and disorderly houses; the larceny of and the receiving stolen goods, knowing them to be stolen, when the property stolen does not exceed ten dollars in value; failure to list taxes; assault and battery with a deadly weapon, or where serious damage is done; fornication and adultery; abandonment; failure to provide adequate support; cruelty to animals; malicious injury to real or personal property; trespassing on land after forbidden; forcible trespass; enticing servants to leave masters; indecent exposure of person; retailing spirituous liquors without license; selling or giving away spirituous liquors to a minor; selling or giving away cigarettes to a minor; obtaining advances by a FALSE pretense; disposing of mortgaged property; maintaining nuisances; all crimes against public health, as contained in The Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five from section thret thousand four hundred and forty to three thousand four hundred and forty-eight inclusive, and all acts amendatory thereof and not within the jurisdiction of justices of the peace; all misdemeanors as contained in chapter eighty-one of The Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five, or any act amendatory thereof, where the punishment does not exceed a fine of two hundred dollars and imprisonment for one year, and which are not within the jurisdiction of justices of the peace; and all crimes which at. common law are misdemeanors, wherein the punishment is in the discretion of the court; and all such crimes hereinbefore enumerated are hereby declared by this act to be petty misdemeanors, and the punishment thereof shall be as now prescribed by law. (e) In any other criminal matter wherein said court has not final jurisdiction it shall have power and it is hereby fully authorized to hear and bind over to the proper court all persons charged with any crime committed within the town of Henderson or Henderson Township, whereof the preliminary investigation is now conferred on justices of the peace or the mayor of the town of Henderson, and to render such judgment in such matters as now provided by law: Provided, that in any case where prosecution has been commenced prior to the ratification of this act the court in which said prosecution has been instituted shall have jurisdiction thereof, and any and all cases heard by the mayor as recorder of the court established by this act as committing magistrate against any person or persons for any offense whereof said court herein established has not final jurisdiction, in which probable cause of guilt is found, such person or persons so charged shall be bound in bond or recognizance with sufficient surety, if the crime be bailable under the law, to appear at the next term of the superior court of Vance County for the trial of criminal cases, and in default of such bond or recognizance such person or persons shall be committed to the common jail of Vance County to await trial as aforesaid; if the crime be not bailable, then to commit the defendant so charged to the common jail of Vance County to await the action of the superior court thereof. (f) Said mayor as recorder shall have all the power and jurisdiction and authority now conferred by law upon justices of the peace or the superior court of Vance County to sentence any person convicted in said court of a misdemeanor for which the punishment prescribed by law is imprisonment to be worked on the public roads of said county, as now or may hereafter be provided by law. (g) Warrants may be issued by the mayor as recorder of said court for any person or persons charged with commission of any criminal offenses of which the said court has jurisdiction, and any person convicted in said court shall have the right to appeal to the superior court of Vance County; and upon such appeal the trial in the superior court shall be de novo. (h) The said recorders court shall have jurisdiction of any and all criminal offenses as hereinbefore in this section enumerated, which have been committed before the ratification of this act, and of which no court has taken jurisdiction. |
1939_public laws_264_3 | project experts | 1jim_crow
| public laws | 263 | 2 | CHAPTER 263 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTIONS FIVE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED THIRTY-FIVE AND SIX THOUSAND TWEN- TY-SEVEN OF THE CONSOLIDATED STATUTES OF NORTH CAROLINA SO AS TO REQUIRE A NEW STATE- WIDE REGISTRATION OF VOTERS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | For each precinct the chairman shall have copied in a new registration book, to be known and labeled as The General Election Registration Book, the names only of all registered electors who are shown by the poll book to have voted in such precinct in either the one thousand nine hundred and thirty-six or the one thousand nine hundred and thirtyeight general election or the primary election, except electors who are known by the chairman to have died or moved their voting residence, and to record in said book opposite each name, information available with reference to the race, age, residence, place of birth and the township, county and state from whence he has removed, in the event of a removal. The party affiliation of the voters shall not be entered in this general election registration book. When this is completed, there shall be prepared for each precinct in duplicate a list of all the registered voters whose names were not transferred to the new general election registration book for the reason that such electors did not appear, according to the poll books, to have voted in either the general election or the primary election of one thousand nine hundred and thirty-six or one thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight. The said Chairman of the County Board of Elections shall thereafter publish said lists once a week for at least two consecutive weeks in a county journal or in his discretion have said lists posted at the courthouse door of said county at least two weeks prior to the opening of the regular primary registration period notifying all persons on said lists that their names would be erased from the registration books unless such persons personally appeared before their respective registrars during the regular registration period and showed their right to remain on the registration book and vote as qualified electors in said precinct. In the event that either the one thousand nine hundred and thirty-six or one thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight poll books for a precinct are lost and cannot be found then the chairman shall order a new registration of voters in such precinct before the primary election. In all counties having had a new countywide registration of voters, either in the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty-six or one thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight, the said chairman in said county is authorized to transfer to the new registration books the names of all persons registered therein regardless of whether any of the persons so registered voted in either of said elections or primary elections of one thousand nine hundred and thirty-six or one thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight, except that the chairman shall remove from the books the names of all persons known by the chairman to have died or moved their voting residence elsewhere since said registration was held: Provided, however, that if the registration books in those counties having had a new registration within the time above mentioned do not show the party affiliation of the voter together with the other required information then the chairman shall order a new registration therein. In instances where the party affiliation is shown part of the time and is not shown in some cases, then the procedure set forth in the third section of this Act shall be followed: Provided, further, that in those counties having had a new county-wide registration of voters either in the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty-six or one thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight, which registration, revision and relisting of voters was performed in substantial compliance with the terms of this Act, in the opinion of the Chairman of the State Board of Elections the said chairman will not be required to comply with the terms and provisions of this Act. |
1935_public laws_372_190 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 371 | 454 | CHAPTER 371 AN ACT TO RAISE REVENUE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE I SCHEDULE A INHERITANCE TAX | Officers, agents, and employees; misdemeanor failing to comply with tax law. If any officer, agent, and/or employee of any person, firm, or corporation subject to the provisions of this act shall wilfully fail, refuse, or neglect to make out, file, and/or deliver any reports or blanks, as required by such law, or to answer any question therein propounded, or to knowingly and wilfully give a FALSE answer to any such question wherein the fact inquired of is within his knowledge, or upon proper demand to exhibit to such Commissioner of Revenue or any person duly authorized by such Commissioner any book, paper, account, record, memorandum of such person, firm, or corporation in his possession and/or under his control, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for each offense. |
1935_public laws_327_15 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 326 | 14 | CHAPTER 326 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE SAFETY OF LIFE AND PROPERTY AND TO CREATE A BOARD OF BOILER RULES WHICH SHALL FORMULATE RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE SAFE CONSTRUCTION, USE AND OPERATION OF STEAM BOILERS; TO PROVIDE FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE RULES AND REGU- LATIONS OF THE BOARD OF BOILER RULES; TO PRO- VIDE FOR THE INSPECTION OF STEAM BOILERS AND THE FEES TO BE CHARGED FOR SAME; AND TO PRO- VIDE A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE PRO- VISIONS OF THIS ACT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The chief inspector shall furnish a bond in the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000), and each of the deputy inspectors shall furnish a bond in the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000), conditioned upon the faithful performance of their duties and upon a TRUE account of moneys handled by them respectively, and the payment thereof to the proper recipient. The cost of said bonds shall be paid by the State Treasurer out of the special fund provided for in section thirteen: Provided, this act shall not apply to Cleveland, Montgomery, McDowell, Rockingham, Moore, Swain, Bertie, Wayne, Halifax, Yancey, Franklin, Granville, Person, Martin, Robeson, Gaston, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Cabarrus and Iredell Counties, Provided further, that this act shall not apply to ground sawmills. |
1935_public laws_254_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 253 | 1 | CHAPTER 253 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED FORTY- SIX OF PUBLIC LAWS OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUN- DRED THIRTY-THREE RELATIVE TO FEES OF CER- TAIN OFFICERS OF MOORE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That chapter two hundred and forty-six of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three be amended by striking out the words Moore and in line five of section one and section two, it being the intent and purpose of this act to eliminate Moore County from provisos in said section. |
1931_public laws_187_7 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 186 | 6 | CHAPTER 186 AN ACT TO PROVIDE THE MANNER IN WHICH THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS OR NOTES OF A UNIT AND THE INDEBTEDNESS OF A UNIT MAY BE VALI- DATED. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | In the event no appeal is taken, within the time prescribed by law for other appeals, from a decree validating said bonds and means of payment, or, if taken, and if such decree be affirmed by the Supreme Court, the decree of the Superior Court shall be forever conclusive as to the validity of such bonds and the validity of the means of payment provided therefor as against the unit and as against all taxpayers and citizens thereof, to the extent of matters and things pleaded or which might have been pleaded, and to such extent the validity of said bonds and means of payment thereof shall never be called in question in any court in this State. |
1929_public laws_78_2 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 77 | 1 | CHAPTER 77 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION 6054, CONSOLIDATED STATUTES, PLACING McDOWELL COUNTY UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE PRIMARY LAW. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That chapter ninety-seven, article seventeen, section six thousand and fifty-four of Consolidated Statutes be amended by striking out the word McDowell in line seven of said section. |
1927_public laws_101_18 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| public laws | 100 | 17 | CHAPTER 100 AN ACT TO ENABLE THE CREATION, GOVERNMENT, MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF SANITARY DISTRICTS AND PRESCRIBING THE POWERS OF SUCH DISTRICTS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Upon the creation of a sanitary district and after each assessment for taxes thereafter the boards or boards of county commissioners of the county or counties in which the sanitary district is located shall file with the sanitary district board the valuation of assessable property within the district. The sanitary district board shall then determine the amount of funds to be raised for the ensuing year in excess of the funds available from surplus operating revenues set aside as provided in section twenty of this act to provide payment of interest and the proportionate part of the principal of all outstanding bonds, and to retire all outstanding certificates of indebtedness. The sanitary district board shall determine the number of cents per $100 necessary to raise the said amount and so certify to the board or boards of county commissioners. The board or boards of county commissioners in their next annual levy shall include the number of cents per $100 so certified by the sanitary district board in the levy against all taxable property within. the district, which tax shall be collected as other county taxes are collected and every ninety days the smount of tax so collected shall be remitted to the sanitary district board and deposited by said board in a bank in the State of North Carolina separately from other funds of the district. Said bank, however, before said funds are deposited in it is to execute a proper surety bond as described in section fifteen for the proper care and disbursement of and accounting for said taxes. |
1909_private laws_347_3 | project experts | 0no_jim_crow
| private laws | 346 | 2 | CHAPTER 346 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION 116 OF CHAPTER 342 OF THE PRIVATE LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA OF 1907, RELA- TIVE TO THE POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. |
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