1 value
3754 Dialler Outcomes Overview Loader Event Config Changes Event Type Config AOM Config WatchDog Config Scheduler Config DiallerOutcomesHandler Activity ProcessDiallerOutcomesFile Function String ProcessDiallerOutcomesFile--(String filePath,String delimiter ,boolean hasHeader) DiallerOutcomesPreProcessor Activity DiallerOutcomesPayloadHandler Activity Context Mapping Overview Dailler Outcomes are now handled using Trigger Event Framework and as part of Event loader case. Loader Event Config Changes Event Type ConfigLeaveRequest Events Pertaining to Customers Requesting Port Out Information Disconnections Backend Customer Disconnection Events AppPushResponse Airship App Push Responses DiallerOutcomes Call Center ResponsesEvent Type Description DiallerOutcomes DIALLED_SUCC ESS TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE DiallerOutcomes DIALLED_DECLI NE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE DiallerOutcomes DIALLED_DECLI NE_DNC TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE DiallerOutcomes DIALLED_NO_D MC TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSEEventType SubEventType ProcessFlag RampUpValu eCIS ProcessEvent CaptureRespon seStoreRA WEvent
3755 AOM Config WatchDog ConfigDiallerOutcomes DIALLED_RETRY TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE DiallerOutcomes DIALLED_NOT_E LIGIBLE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE DiallerOutcomes EXPIRED TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE LoaderEntityList Event LeaveRequest,Disconnections,AppPushResponse,DiallerO utcomes FileAttributes DiallerOutcomes "{""LoadType"":""delta"" , ""CompressionType"":""zip"" , ""Encrypted"":true , ""InputFilePattern"":""aom_. d i a l l e r _ o u t c o m e "" , ""Mandatory"":false, ""HasChecksum"":false, ""HasHeader"":false, ""Delimiter"":""|"" , ""PositiveVariationPercentage"":10 , ""NegativeVariationPercentage"":10,""LargeFile"":true}"ConfigType ConfigName ConfigValue Missin gWeb helpE ventFi lesVFUK-FW- AOMFW-Data- WatchDog- ReportData IdentifyMi ssingFilesFatalNo File for Webhelp in last 24 hours{"IntervalPeriod":"24","IntervalType" :"hours","AttributeDetails":"dialler_o utcomes_webhelp","AttributeGroup" :"EventLoader","AttributeName":"Di allerOutcomes"}true CSV R 2.12 Missin gRes QEve ntFile sVFUK-FW- AOMFW-Data- WatchDog- ReportData IdentifyMi ssingFilesFatalNo File for ResQ in last 24 hours{"IntervalPeriod":"24","IntervalType" :"hours","AttributeDetails":"dialler_o
hours{"IntervalPeriod":"24","IntervalType" :"hours","AttributeDetails":"dialler_o utcomes_resq","AttributeGroup":"Ev entLoader","AttributeName":"Dialler Outcomes"}true CSV R 2.12 Dialler Outco meFai ledRe cordsVFUK-FW- AOMFW-Data- AOMError IdentifyIn validPara meterRec ordsErrorIdentify list of Error Records when a particular event in the Event Framework fails due to invalid parameter mapping{"IntervalPeriod":"1","IntervalType":" hours","ErrorCodes":""1204","1208" "}true CSV NameClassName SQLR uleReportD efinitionSever ityDescriptio nDynamicParameters IncludeAs Attachmen tAttac hmen tTypeRelea se
3756 Scheduler Config DiallerOutcomesHandler Activity ProcessDiallerOutcomesFile Function DiallerOutcomesPreProcessor Activity153d6984-976d- 4529-a562- 75a982003c52CaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"Missing ResQEventFiles"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog false WatchDog af4e4443-9323-4198- 8cd8-0db1b4629b81CaseIgni tor{"CaseSubType":"Missing WebhelpEventFiles"}VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- WatchDog false WatchDogpyGUID Activity NameActivityParameters ClassName CronExpress ionEnabled Type Will process the Dialler Outcome records in the task_status table. It validates if the file hasn’t been previously loaded. Applies To VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-TaskStatus Ruleset AOMFW Input Parameter N/A Output Parameter N/A Error Handling Primary Catch-all Error Handler Log to Error LogDiallerOutcomesHandler Processes the response file for Dialler Outcomes event by reading file in filePath and it will ignore 1st record based on hasHeader. For each record it will call DiallerOutcomesPreProcessor for creating a record in Event_Status table. Paramet ersfilePath The full path of the Event file delimiter Delimiter used in the Event file hasHeader Does the Event file have a header? Returns Duration of the process as String Throws RuntimeException - Error in ProcessDiallerOutcomesFile while reading the fileString ProcessDiallerOutcomesFile--(String filePath,String delimiter,boolean hasHeader) DiallerOutcomesPreProcessor
3757 DiallerOutcomesPayloadHandler Activity Context Mapping Will process the payload and set the Work.TextValueGroup data for Capture Response Event handling, please Refer Context Mapping . Will process the inputs and do below validations before creating a Event_Status record with metadata = { "Delimiter":"json"} Identify Where EventTimestamp is More than 90 days in past Identify Where EventTimestamp is in Future Sub Event Type Not Matched Applies To VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-TaskStatus Ruleset AOMFW Input Parameter Payload Delimiter Output Parameter N/A Error Handling Primary Catch-all Error Handler Log to Error Log Will set SourceIdType, SourceId and SkipLogic Applies To VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-EventStatus Ruleset AOMFW Input Parameter N/A Output Parameter N/A Error Handling N/ADiallerOutcomesPayloadHandler Channel OutboundCC The channel that generated this event Hardcoded SubChannel ResQ, Webhelp Subchannel CallCentre EventType DiallerOutcomes The source of this event Hardcoded SubEventType DIALLED_SUCCESS DIALLED_DECLINE DIALLED_DECLINE_D NC DIALLED_NO_DMC DIALLED_RETRY The Outcome of this event. Outcome Context Text Value Group Sample Values Description / Notes Mapping
3758 DIALLED_NOT_ELIGI BLE EXPIRED InteractionId 656289047413516254 1 The Interaction Id that caused this event PropositionName Proposition Name linked to the event (TreatmentName) TreatmentName EventTimestamp 20181204T191957.147 GMT The timestamp of the event/outcome - EventTimestamp DialledTimestamp CallDirection OUTBOUND Direction of Call Made CallerType AGENT,CALLBACK Type of Call Made CallCentrePhoneNumber 03334432289 Phone Number Dialled From CallCentreOutcome Answerphone Lower Level Outcome DiallingCompletedFlag N,Y Has Dialling Completed MSISDNDialled CallCentre OfferName Corresponding Offer name OfferVariant Corresponding Offer Variant TreatmentVariant Corresponding Treatment Variant
3759 Webhook Description Webhook Event is one of the event types which is processed in Process Mailjet Webhook Event activity through calling AOM Webhook Event rest service. AOM Webhook Event rest service gets the Webhook’s JSON request. After this call, the below activities are triggered to process the Webhook Event request. Payload Handler Router Activity In this activity, there is a when the rule to check EventType then according to eventType call child activities for each of eventType. According to the Webhook event type, it invokes WebhookPayloadHandler Activity. Webhook Payload Handler Activity There is some set up here as below: .SourceIdType =”CustomerID” Param.SkipLogic=false JSON SampleProcessMailjetWebhookEvent Activity Creates a record into event_status table for the event and Webhook Event specific values. Then run Queue-Processor ProcessQueueItem Activity At the beginning of activity status is updated as “ P r o c e s s i n g“, After completing the Process Payload Activity and Event Handler Activity processes it is updated as “ C o m p l e t e d“ ProcessPayload Activity The ProcessPayload activity parses the Payload field into TextValueGroup or TextValueList properties PayloadHandlerRouter Activity According to EventType, suitable activity is invoked to prepare payload to storing. WebhookPayloadHandler Completing some settings and preparing payload before EventHandler activity is triggered. EventHandler Activity It is where event is sent to CaptureResponse Dataflow according to event type configuration for Webhook event.Webhook’s Process Descripiton 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9{ "event": "sent", "time": 1433333949, "MessageID": 19421777835146491,
"MessageID": 19421777835146491, "Message_GUID": "1ab23cd4-e567-8901-2345-6789f0gh1i2j", "email": "[email protected]", "mj_campaign_id": 7257, "mj_contact_id": 4, "customcampaign": "",
3760 EventType Config 10 11 12 13 14 15 "mj_message_id": "19421777835146490", "smtp_reply": "sent (250 2.0.0 OK 1433333948 fa5si855896wjc.199 - gsmtp)", "CustomID": "1234556789", "Payload": "{\"CustomerID\":\"-17757200\"}" } Webhook blocked TRUE 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE Webhook bounce TRUE 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE Webhook click TRUE 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE Webhook open TRUE 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE Webhook sent TRUE 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE Webhook spam TRUE 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE Webhook unsub TRUE 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE EventType SubEventType Process FlagRamp Up ValueCIS Process Event Capture Response StoreRawEvent
3761 Disconnections Description Disconnections event is the one of events that are processed through LoaderCase. It is contains backend customer disconnection events. Below activities are triggered to process the Disconnections Event. Payload Handler Router Activity In this activity, there is a when the rule to check EventType then according to eventType call child activities for each of eventType. According to the Webhook event type, it invokes DisconnectionsPayloadHandler Activity. Disconnections Payload Handler Activity There is some set up here as below: .SourceIdType =”ServiceNumber” Param.SkipLogic=true (if EventStatus is error) EventType ConfigProcessEvent Activity Loading the events through this activtiy in Loader case. Call ProcessEventFile funtion to encyripty event file as Disconnections event file is not largesize. Then, InitializeEventStatus activiy is invoked in the function to start processing. InitialiseEventStatus Activity Creates a record into Event_status table for each of interaction as an event with “ I n i t” status and run Queue-Processor ProcessQueueItem Activity At the beginning of activity status is updated as “ P r o c e s s i n g“, after completing the Process Payload Activity and Event Handler Activity processes it is updated as “ C o m p l e t e d“ into event_status db table. ProcessPayload Activity The ProcessPayload activity parses the Payload field into TextValueGroup or TextValueList properties PayloadHandlerRouter Activity According to EventType, suitable activity is invoked to prepare payload to storing. DisconnectionsPayloadHandler Activity Completes some settings and prepares payload before EventHandler activity is triggered. EventHandler Activity It is where event is stored into the event_anaylsis_store DB table and CustomerEvents dataset or sent to ProcessEvent DataFlow according to Config settings. E.g. both
dataset or sent to ProcessEvent DataFlow according to Config settings. E.g. both FixedLine and Mobile sub events are stored into event_anaylsis_store DB table and CustomerEvents dataset, but only Mobile sub event is sent to ProcessEvent DataFlow as process event flag is true in EventType Config.Disconnections Process Descripiton EventType SubEventType Process FlagRamp Up ValueCIS Process Event Capture Response StoreRawEvent
3762 Disconnection sFixed Line TRUE 0 TRUE FALSE FALSE Disconnection sMobile TRUE 0 TRUE TRUE FALSE
3763 AppPushResponse Description AppPushResponse is the one of events that are processed through LoaderCase. It contains Below activities are triggered to process the AppPushResponse Event. PayloadHandlerRouter Activity In this activity, there is a when the rule to check EventType then according to eventType call child activities for each of eventType. According to the AppPushResponse event type, it invokes AppPushResponsePayloadHandlerActivity.ProcessEvent Activity Loada the events through this activtiy in Loader case. Calls InsertWatchDogReportData activity and activity InitialiseTaskStatus as AppPushResponse event file is large size. Then, InitialiseEventStatus activiy is invoked in the function to start processing. InitialiseTaskStatus Activity Creates a record into task_status table for each of interaction as an event with “ I n i t” status and run Queue-Processor ProcessQueueItem Activity At the beginning of activity status is updated as “ P r o c e s s i n g“ into task_status db table. Then invokes AppPushResponseHandler according to task type whic stands for entity name. E.g. it is AppPushResponse for AppPushResponse event type. AppPushResponseHandler Activity After completing the process by calling ProcessAppPushResponsesFile function, status is updated as “ C o m p l e t e d“ into task_status db table. AppPushResponsePreProcessor Activity This activity is invoked from ProcessAppPushResponsesFile funtion and is where starting preprocess for AppPushResponse event. It invokes InitialiseEventStatus activity to queue to TriggerEventFramework. InitialiseEventStatus Activity Creates a record into Event_status table for each of interaction as an event with “ I n i t” status and run Queue-Processor
status and run Queue-Processor ProcessQueueItem Activity At the beginning of activity status is updated as “ P r o c e s s i n g“, after completing the Process Payload Activity and Event Handler Activity processes it is updated as “ C o m p l e t e d“ into event_status db table. ProcessPayload Activity The ProcessPayload activity parses the Payload field into TextValueGroup or TextValueList properties PayloadHandlerRouter Activity According to EventType, suitable activity is invoked to prepare payload to storing. AppPushResponsePayloadHandler Completing some settings and preparing payload before EventHandler activity is triggered. EventHandler Activity It is where event is sent to CaptureResponse Dataflow according to event type configuration for Webhook event.AppPushRespons’s Process Descripiton
3764 AppPushResponsePayloadHandler Activity There is some set up here as below: .SourceIdType =”CustomerID” Param.SkipLogic=false Completed MetaData Sample { "Delimiter": "~", "Duration": "PT0.026577S", "HasHeader": "true", "pxObjClass": "VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work", "pyID": "L-133265" } EventType Config AppPushResp onseOPEN TRUE 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE AppPushResp onseSEND TRUE 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE AppPushResp onsePUSH_REJECT EDTRUE 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE AppPushResp onseIN_APP_MESS AGE_DISPLAYTRUE 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE AppPushResp onseIN_APP_MESS AGE_RESOLU TIONTRUE 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE AppPushResp onseIN_APP_MESS AGE_EXPIRATI ONTRUE 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE AppPushResp onseRICH_DELIVER YTRUE 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE AppPushResp onseRICH_READ TRUE 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE AppPushResp onseRICH_DELETE TRUE 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE AppPushResp onseTAG_CHANGE TRUE 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE EventType SubEventType Process FlagRamp Up ValueCIS Process Event Capture Response StoreRawEvent
3765 Process App Push Responses High Level Solution Description Configuration Event Type Config Implementation Activities High Level Solution Description A new loader case will process the incoming App responses and queued to the Event Queue Processor (See Trigger Event Framework ) which invokes the associated ProcessQueueItem (VFUK- FW-AOMFW-Data-EventStatus) activity which is responsible for handling the events based on EventType and EventSubType. A new App Response Handler will be created for processing the responses. After context is populated with required values Capture Response Data Flow is called to insert the record in IH Configuration Event Type Config Implementation Initial EventStatus details before processing File Modified ConnectStreamtoFileMapping.xlsx Aug 25, 2020 by SaiSuman Rekala Drag and drop to upload or browse for files ConnectStream … 25 Aug 2020, 03:06 PMng.xlsx AppPushResponse SEND TRUE 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE AppPushResponse SEND_REJECTED TRUE 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE AppPushResponse OPEN TRUE 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE AppPushResponse IN_APP_MESSAGE_DISPLAY TRUE 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE AppPushResponse IN_APP_MESSAGE_RESOLUTION TRUE 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE AppPushResponse IN_APP_MESSAGE_EXPIRATION TRUE 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE AppPushResponse RICH_DELIVERY TRUE 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE AppPushResponse RICH_READ TRUE 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE AppPushResponse RICH_DELETE TRUE 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE AppPushResponse TAG_CHANGE TRUE 0 FALSE FALSE TRUEEventType SubEventType ProcessFlag RampUpValue CIS ProcessEvent CaptureResponse SourceId Filename_LineNumber UAData_05-12-2018T06-06-40.csv_2599 SourceIdType Constant Filename_LineNumber EventType Constant AppPushResponse Delimiter Constant ~ Status Constant InitAttribute Value Actual / Sample Value
3766 EventStatus details updates whilst/after processing Below are the fields and their position in Payload we use in the activity for each event(response) processing Activities ProcessPayload: Now will call new AppPushResponsePayloadHandler for EventType = “AppPushResponse” AppPushResponsePayloadHandler: New handler will process the inputs and prepare the context data for DF call. We need to handle the response based on EventType we receive. If EventStatus.SubEventType= TAG_CHANGE (Tag Events): Should identify in TagAddEvent field where like 'AOM_%' (AOM_I_3860613559270338727_CLICKED_BUTTON") and then split string into: AOM = Identifier I/A = Sub Channel Inbox or App Push InteractionID Action – Outcome Browse the Push_Interaction_History with InteractionID for CustomerID, PropositionName and PusdID Else if EventStatus.SubEventType= OPEN(Open Events): Browse the Push_Interaction_History with Push_Id= TriggetingPushID for CustomerID, PropositionName and InteractionID. Else: Browse the Push_Interaction_History with Push_Id = PushID for CustomerID, PropositionName and InteractionID Payload Entire Line Contents 00000167-7cf3-65a7-fc90-f61b33faab7e~1000917620203~2020- 08-24T05:59:45.319Z~2018-12-05T06:06:02.327Z~d2cdcaaf- 0385-46e3-9566- c72d696f94207e0c54b1b2ca615a1f5964277df3a849896c7cc0f90f
0d6979095f817b6ecb037.3~iPhone11,2~WIFI~com.vodafone.myv odafoneuk~Europe/London~true~GB~12.1~0~vodafone UK~en~false~true~8.2.0~FOREGROUND_ALLOWED~TAG_CHA NGE~~~~~~~~~~~"ua_locale_language":["en"],"ua_ios_version": ["12.0.X"],"ua_locale_country":["GB"],"ua_ios_sdk_version": ["8.2.X"],"ua_location_enabled":["false"],"ua_ios_model": ["iPhone11,8"],"ua_ios_app_version":["7.3"],"device": ["something1","something2","AOM_I_-5646893061246923172_CLI CKED_BUTTON"]"ua_locale_language":["en"],"ua_ios_version": ["12.1.X"],"ua_locale_country":["GB"],"ua_ios_sdk_version": ["8.2.X"],"ua_location_enabled":["false"],"ua_ios_model": ["iPhone11,2"],"ua_ios_app_version":["7.3"]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SourceId EventId_OffsetId 00000167-7cf3-4ddd-6bfa-40e03648ea29_1000917620202 SourceIdType Constant EventId SubEventType 24th column value - event_type - Refer Configuration Section IN_APP_MESSAGE_EXPIRATION EventTimestamp Status Current Status Processing, StatusTimestamp DecisionTimestamp ? MetaData ? Attribute Value Sample 5 ios_channel_id DeviceId 4d588e6b-605e-431c-8f2d-4d0afa5d529f 6 android_channel_id 24 event_type EventType IN_APP_MESSAGE_EXPIRATION
6 android_channel_id 24 event_type EventType IN_APP_MESSAGE_EXPIRATION 25 push_id PushId 9c026299-b1b1-417a-9482-92fa8fd604e2 30 triggering_push_id TriggeringPushId 9c026299-b1b1-417a-9482-92fa8fd604e2 35 tag_add_event TagAddEvent "crm":["partner","active"],"loyalty": ["silver_member"]Position CSV Field Name AOM Name Example
3767 LeaveRequest Description LeaveRequest is the one of events that are processed through LoaderCase. Below activities are triggered to process the LeaveRequest Event. PayloadHandlerRouter Activity In this activity, there is a when the rule to check EventType then according to eventType call child activities for each of eventType. According to the LeaveRequest event type, it invokes LeaveRequestPayloadHandler Activity. LeaveRequestPayloadHandler Activity There is some set up here as below: .SourceIdType =”ServiceNumber” Param.SkipLogic=true (if EventStatus is error) Completed Payload Sample { "Channel": "SMS", "CustomerSegment": "PAYG", "ErrorCode": "BUSINESS ERROR",ProcessEvent Activity Loads the events through this activtiy in Loader case. Invokes ProcessEventFile function to encrypt event file as LeaveRequest event file is not large size. Then, InitialiseEventStatus activiy is invoked in the function to start processing. InitialiseEventStatus Activity Creates a record into Event_status table for each of interaction as an event with “ I n i t” status and run Queue-Processor ProcessQueueItem Activity At the beginning of activity status is updated as “ P r o c e s s i n g“, after completing the Process Payload Activity and Event Handler Activity processes it is updated as “ C o m p l e t e d“ into event_status db table. ProcessPayload Activity The ProcessPayload activity parses the Payload field into TextValueGroup or TextValueList properties PayloadHandlerRouter Activity According to EventType, suitable activity is invoked to prepare payload to storing. LeaveResquestPayloadHandler Completes some settings and prepares payload before EventHandler activity is triggered. EventHandler Activity It is where event is stored into the CustomerEvent dataset or sent to ProcessEvent
triggered. EventHandler Activity It is where event is stored into the CustomerEvent dataset or sent to ProcessEvent DataFlow according to Config settings. E.g. both PAC and STAC sub events are contuniue with ProvessEvent Dataflow, but only INFO sub event type is not as ProcessEvent flag is false in the event type config. LeaveRequest’s Process Descripiton
3768 "ErrorDescription": "SMS_PAC_STAC_INGRACEPERIOD", "EventStatus": "New", "EventTimestamp": "2021-11-25T04:51:44.689Z", "EventType": "LeaveRequest", "IsMultiDevice": "false", "IsMultiServiceAccount": "false", "IsVoxi": "true", "PAYGBalance": "0.0", "ServiceNumber": "447233333333", "SMSDestinationMSISDN": "75075", "SMSMessage": "8612", "SubEventType": "STAC", "SwitchingCode": "XDQ949297", "SwitchingCodeValidityDate": "2021-12-29" } EventType Config LeaveRequestINFO TRUE 0 TRUE FALSE FALSE LeaveRequestPAC TRUE 1 TRUE TRUE FALSE LeaveRequestSTAC TRUE 0 TRUE TRUE FALSE EventType SubEventType Process FlagRamp Up ValueCIS Process Event Capture Response StoreRawEvent
3769 Roaming R3.1 Changes Update ValidateRoamingEvents Add filter to drop Calcel Events RoamingEvent Process RoamingEvent is one of the event types which is processed in ProcessRoamingEvent activity when there are new and valid RoamingEvents RoamingEvents has a Sample JSON Request as below. DataSets 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10{ "imsi": 272017635077361, "msisdn": 447234159135, "timestamp": 1637771147517, "vmcc": "234", "vmnc": "15", "dataSource": "rtm_data-dia", "updateType": "Update-Location", "resultCode": "Success" } RawRoamingEvents(VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-RoamingEvent) RawRoamingEvents is Kinesis Dataset,which consume records from AWS Stream and contain following fields vmcc - (String) Visited mobile Country Code) resultCode - (String ) DataSet Description
3770 DataFlows Activities Below are are the activities that triggered while Processing RoamingEventsimsi - (Double) msisdn - (Double) vmnc - (String) Visited Mobile Network Code dataSource - (String) timestamp - (Double) updateType - (String) ValidRoamingEvents(VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-RoamingEvent) ValidRoamingEvents is of type Stream Dataset which store all RoamingEvents that are passed all validations. Additionally this dataset we will store below fields EventTimeStamp - (DateTime) converting timestamp (double) and storing as DateTime SubscriptionId - (String) to store MSISDN as string RoamingEvents(VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-RoamingEvent) RoamingEvents is cassandra dataet and is used to store events Data While saving records to these dataset we have specified TimeToLive for 18 Months This dataset has following fields Keys SubscriptionId - (String) CountryCode - (String) TripEndTimeStamp - (DateTime) TripStartTimeStamp - (DateTime) Other fields LastUpdateTimeStamp - (DateTime) LastAccessedNetworkCode - (String) LastResultStatus - (String) ValidateRoamingEvents ValidateRoamingEvents is a realtime Dataflow This Dataflow takes RawRoamingEvents Dataset as Source and will contain ValidateRoamingEvent activity as destination ProcessRoamingEvents ProcessRoamingEvents is also a realtime Dataflow It takes ValidRoaminfEvents dataset as source and ProcessRoamingEvent activity as destinationDataFlow Description
3771 ValidateRoamingEvent Activity ProcessRoamingEvent ActivityValidateRoamingEvent Activity Check and does all required validations on RomaingEvents ProcessRoamingEvent Activity Check for event and then invokes InitializeEventStatus activity to create a record into event_status db table if no event exists or update it if it exists. InitialiseEventStatus Activity Creates a record into Event_status table for each of interaction as an event with “Init” status and run Queue-Processor ProcessQueueItem Activity At the beginning of activity status is updated as “Processing“, After completing the Process Payload Activity and Event Handler Activity processes it is updated as “Completed“ ProcessPayload Activity The ProcessPayload activity parses the Payload field into TextValueGroup or TextValueList properties PayloadHandlerRouter Activity According to EventType, suitable activity is invoked to prepare payload to storing. RoamingEventPayloadHandler Activity Preparing payload to store event into db and dataset in EventHandler Activity EventHandler Activity It is where event is stored into the event_anaylsis_store DB table/CustomerEvents dataset or sent to dataflow according to event config settings. RoamingEvent Process Descripiton Purpose of this activity is to Validate all RoamingEvents that are coming to RoamingEvents Kinesis dataset and to store only valid events to another dataset ValidRoamingEvents. Applies To VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-RoamingEvent Ruleset AOMFW-Int Input Parameter N/A Output Parameter N/A Error Handling Log to Error LogValidateRoamingEvent ProcessRoamingEvent activity will take valid RoamingEvents and process events by checking on events exists in the RoamingEvents dataset and update that event,if event not found it will create new event and also follow up new Event Trigger (InitialiseEventStatus)
InitialiseEventStatus is done only when D_CountryNetworkMapping datapage returns ProcessEvent as true. Applies To VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-RoamingEvent Ruleset AOMFW-IntProcessRoamingEvent
3772 Payload Handler Router Activity RoamingEventPayloadHandler Activity DatabseTablesInput Parameter N/A Output Parameter N/A Error Handling Log to Error Log In this activity, there is a when the rule to check EventType then according to eventType call child activities for each of eventType. According to the Roamingevent type, it invokes RoamingEventPayloadHandler Activity. Applies To VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-EventStatus Ruleset AOMFW-Int Input Parameter N/A Output Parameter SkipLogic [ String ] Error Handling ErrorStackTrace is Populated for parent activities ProcessRoamingEvent Purpose of this activity is to attach Plan and Handset related ProductRoot to the subscription of the msisdn for which Roaming event is generated. Roaming Event is only processed if ProcessEvent flag from EventTypeConfig is True if Process Event is false, no further processing will be performed Applies To VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-EventStatus Ruleset AOMFW Input Parameter N/A Output Parameter N/A Error Handling Log to Error LogRoamingEventPayloadHandler DatabaseTables Columns
3773 DataTypes DataPages D_CountryNetworkMappingCountryNetworkMapping Country - String NetworkProvider - String CountryAbreviation - String TadigCode - String MCCMNC - String (PK) ProcessEvent - Boolean CountryZoneMapping CountryAbreviation - String (PK) NetworkAbreviation - String (PK) TadigCode - String Country - String InvoiceDisplay - String Description - String ZoneCodeHMD - String IsVATApplicableHMD - Boolean ZoneCodeConsumer - String IsVATApplicableConsumer - Boolean IsVATApplicableSOHO - Boolean IsVATApplicableSOHOBrexit - Boolean CountryNetworkMapping Maintains mapping of mnc/mcc to TADIG CountryZoneMapping Maintains mapping of TADIG code to Network ZoneData Types Purpose This data page returns network provider for a given country and network code combination. Data is returned using Lookup on CountryNetworkMapping class which also has CountryNetworkMapping DataType Structure Page Object Type VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-CountryNetworkMapping Mode Read-Only Ruleset AOMFW-Database Scope Node Data Source Lookup (CountryNetworkMapping) Input Parameters MCCMNC (MobileCountryCode/Mobile Network Code)
3774 D_CountryZoneMapping Config Changes Event Type ConfigLoad Management - Reload if older than Reload once per day This data page returns Zone and Provider of mobile network for a given country and network code combination. Data is returned using ReportDefinition called GetCountryZoneMapping. Data is managed by CountryZoneMapping datatype. Structure List Object Type VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-CountryZoneMapping Mode Read-Only Ruleset AOMFW-Database Scope Node Data Source Lookup (CountryNetworkMapping) Input Parameters MCCMNC (MobileCountryCode/Mobile Network Code) Load Management - Reload if older than Reload once per day Roaming CountryUpdate TRUE 0 FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUEEventType SubEventType ProcessFlag RampUpValu eCIS ProcessEvent CaptureRespon seStoreRA WEvent
3775 Loading the Roaming Payload Sample Payload Step 1 - Encode the payload using base64, we encoded using the below site Base64 Encode and Decode - Online Step 2 - Loading Payload We are using postman for loading payload and it involves 1. Getting authorization information using AssumeRole 2. Loading the payload using input request Import the Kinesis Roaming data load project from AOM-Tech-Team folder in Onedrive to postman. Authorization: We need to hit the GET method with action = ’AssumeRole’ so that we get the credentials to load the payload. 1. Set Parameters Please check the below screenshot to set the parameters 2. Authorization Please check the below screenshot to set the authorization 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10{ "vmcc": "208", - Country code "resultCode": "Success", "imsi": 2341595133473358, "msisdn": "447584581318", "vmnc": "09", - Network code "dataSource": "rtm_data-ss7", "timestamp": 1660025409, "updateType": "Update-Location" }
3776 3. Output Once you hit the Assume role you will get below details needs to be used to load payload using POST AccessKeyId SecretAccessKey SessionToken Loading Payload: We need to hit the POST method with action = ‘PutRecords’ so that to load the payload using the credentials we got earlier from hitting Assume Role request. 1. Authorization: Input request: We need to prepare the input request body to hit the Kinesis stream. You can give multiple payloads in a single request. Below is the sample: 1 2 3 4 5 6{ "Records": [ { "Data": "eyJ2bWNjIjoiMjA4IiwgInJlc3VsdENvZGUiOiJTdWNjZXNzIiwgImltc2kiOjIzNDE1OTUxMzM0NzMzNTgsICJtc2lzZG4iIDo "PartitionKey": "1" }
3777 Final Step : Please browse the RoamingEvents Dataset to check the output. 7 8 9 ], "StreamName": "PegaApplicationDev2-Kinesis-OHFU8LGUHILO-kinesis" }
3778 IMI - Outbound Events IMI Outbound Event Process JSON Sample Process IMI Outbound Response Dataflow Class Rules DataSet SubEventT ype Mapping Activities Process IMI Email Response Activity IMIEmailResponsePayloadHandler EventT ype Config IMI Outbound Event Process IMI Response Events are the responses to the Email Requests sent to IMI like Delivered, Bounced, Clicked, Opened etc. Events from IMI are pushed into AOM using AWS Kinesis Dataset, Processing for the events in AOM is triggered by the real-time data flow. Dataflow is responsible for filtering the Hard bounced email into a separate table and processing the event by converting the IMI response to the Trigger Event framework by invoking ProcessQueueItem. JSON Sample
3779 Process IMI Outbound Response Dataflow Input: IMIResponse Dataset Target : Process Activity Validate the response and record any error Convert the IMI Event data into TriggerEvent API Data Class Rules DataSet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16{ "deliveryInfoNotification": { "deliveryInfo": { "deliveryChannel": "email", "Description": "Submitted", "destinationType": "emailid", "timeStamp": "2016-07-21T12:44:23.644", "code": "7501", "deliveryStatus": "Submitted", "destination": "[email protected]" }, "correlationid": "3bd8edf31c81-4b72d8a2-290d-49e2-993e", "callbackData": "return callbackdata", "transid": "4b72d8a2-290d-49e2-993e-3bd8edf31c81" } } VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-IMI-WebhookResponse Top Level Class for all IMI Integrations VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-IMI-DeliveryInfoNotification Class to populate all the Delivery Notification information VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-IMI-DeliveryInfo Class to populate all the Delivery informationRule Name Type OutboundResponses (VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-IMI- WebhookResponse)OutboundResponses is Kinesis Dataset,which consume events from AWS Stream and contain following fields
AWS Stream and contain following fields deliveryInfoNotification - (VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-IMI- DeliveryInfoNotification): correlationid - (String) callbackData - (String) transid - (String) deliveryInfo - (VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-IMI-DeliveryInfo): deliveryChannel - (String) Description - (String) destinationType - (String) DataSet Description
3780 SubEventType Mapping The SubEventType will be derived based on code Activities Process IMI Email Response Activity timeStamp- (Timestamp) code - (Integer) deliveryStatus - (String) destination - (String) 7500 Delivered Delivered 7502 Read Opened 7528 Clicked 7240 EmailId in bounce blacklist HardBounce 7523 Invalid email address InvalidEmailAddress 7520 Permanent_General Permanent_OnAccountSuppressionList Permanent_SuppressedHardBounce Transient_General Transient_MailboxFull Transient_MessageTooLarge Transient_ContentRejected Transient_AttachmentRejectedBounced 7521 Complaint Complaint 7025 Mandatory Custom Parameters Missing InvalidRequest 7241 EmailId in unsubscribe blacklist Unsubscribe 7200 Unkown Status Error 7522 Email address is not verified 7553 SMTP Authentication Failed 7534 Attachment send failure 7535 Attachment length exceeded 7536 Exception while parsing the EMAIL Template, unable to fetch content 7524 Email address max length reachedCode Description Subevent Type
3781 IMIEmailResponsePayloadHandler EventType ConfigThis activity process the IMI Webhook Response as below: Require attributes check like callbackData, code, timeStamp, destinationType Determines the SubeventType based on DeliveryInfo.code - please refer SubEventType Mapping above Process the callbackData to get customerId Create a new EventStatus page Set SourceId as callbackData .CustomerId SetEventTimeStamp as DeliveryInfo.timeStamp Set payload as callbackData Set SubEventType Set EventType as “IMIWebhook” Call EventStatus.ProcessQueueItem Check if the event is HardBounced ( need to check based on code) Add record into email_bounced table Populate Audit and Error Log table where applicable use below along with other applicable parameters a. Additional Attribues= “ResponseCode“: “DeliveryInfo.code“;“DeliveryStatus“: “DeliveryInfo.DeliveryStatus“;“Description“: “DeliveryInfo.Description“ Applies To VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-IMI-WebhookResponse Ruleset AOMFW-Int Input Parameter N/A Output Parameter N/A Error Handling Log to Error Log and AOMError tableProcess Activity is responsible for processing the response using the EventTypeConfig data Applies To VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-EventStatus Ruleset AOMFW Input Parameter N/A Output Parameter SkipLogic [ String ] Error Handling ErrorStackTrace is Populated for parent activitiesIMIEmailResponsePayloadHandler EventType SubEventTypeProcess Flag Ramp Up ValueCIS Process Event Capture ResponseStoreRawEven t
3782 IMIEmailRespo nseDelivered Y 0 Y IMIEmailRespo nseOpened Y 0 Y IMIEmailRespo nseClicked Y 0 Y IMIEmailRespo nseHardBounce Y 0 Y IMIEmailRespo nseInvalidEmailAd dressY 0 Y IMIEmailRespo nseBounced Y 0 Y IMIEmailRespo nseInvalidRequest Y 0 IMIEmailRespo nseComplaint Y 0 Y IMIEmailRespo nseUnsubscribe Y 0 Y IMIEmailRespo nseError Y 0 Y
3783 Email Bounced Description Implementation Table Definition Sample Data DataSet AOMConfig V alues ConnectSQL Description Hard bounce outcomes will be received from IMI for email campaigns. The bouncing email addresses need to be stored for 18 months (in line with data retention policy) and made available to Pega campaign logic for use in exclusions and eligibility rules. Implementation Table Definition Sample Data DataSet Create a new dataset for EmailBounced. Dataset Name: EmailBounced Class: VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-EmailBouncedClass Name VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-EmailBounced Dataset Name EmailBounced Column NameColumn Type Property NameProperty Type Description Constraint sSource email_address varchar(255) EmailAddress Text Email addressed has been bouncedPK - NOT NULLWill be covered in IMI OB response design bounced_timest amptimestamp UpdateTimesta mpDateTime Bounced time NOT NULLWill be covered in IMI OB response design reason varchar(255) Reason Text Reason for bounced Will be covered in IMI OB response designTable Name email_bounced halime.savasci@adqu ra.com2022-04-07 14:31:17.846 EmailId in bounce blacklistemail_address bounced_timestamp reason
3784 Type: DatabaseTable Key: EmailAddress AOMConfig Values ConnectSQLHousekeepingSQL EmailBounced VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-EmailBounced HousekeepingRetentionPeriod EmailBounced 540 ConfigType ConfigName ConfigValue PurgeData VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-EmailBounced {SQLPage:SQLDiagnostics} select purge_data('email_bounced', 'bounced_timestamp', {.RetentionPeriod}::integer)Name Class Script
3785 Call Event Handler Description Implementation Classes Mapping Activity Changes Process Trigger Event Activity Payload Handler Router Activity Call Event Payload Handler Activity Event Handler Activity Payload Sample JSON Sample Config Changes EventT ype Config Description AOM is looking to bring in realtime NIRMS events to provide insight into relative events which happen in the inbound Telephony estate within Vodafone. Implementation Classes Mapping VFUK-AOM-Int-TriggerEvent-CallEvent Extend Class mapping regarding AOM Interface Spec for Trigger Event: Activity Changes Process Trigger Event Activity Add Call Event’s blocks in that activity for helping set up metadata and payload from request JSON. There are context mapping and looping into the Interactions that come from request JSON. The rest of context mapping is set up in the loop and invoked the Initialise Event Status activity to create a record into the DB and start to queue process by QueueProcessor Payload Handler Router Activity AppliesToClass: VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-EventStatus ActivityName: Payload Handler Router Purpose: It is a new activity is called Payload Handler Router to call other Payload Handler activities according to Event Type. Call Event Payload Handler Activity AppliesToClass: VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-EventStatus ActivityName: Call Event Payload Handler
3786 Implementation It is a new activity, help to prepare payload according to some setting such as below: .SourceIdType =”ServiceNumber” Param.SkipLogic=false Event Handler Activity Implementation Events store CustomerEvents dataset and event_analysis store. Like the below mapping should store records in CustomerEvents DataSet or event_analysis_store DB table. PrimaryContext= CallEvent.Interactions.Intent SecondaryContext= "Undefined" SubscriptionId = Match Subscription based on ServiceNumber in Request EventTimestamp = CallEvent.StartTimestamp Channel = IVR Context: ConnectionId: CallEvent.ConnectionId InteractionIndex: CallEvent.Interactions.Index Duration: CallEvent.Interactions.Duration DerivedIntent: CallEvent.Interactions.DervivedIntent Payload Sample { " C o n n e c t i o n I d " : " 0 1 1 2 3 2 3 4 5 4 5 6 4 2 3 4 " , " D e r i v e d I n t e n t " : " u n b i l l e d - m i n u t e s " , " D u r a t i o n " : " 5 5 5 " , " I n t e r a c t i o n I n d e x " : " 2 " } JSON Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 { "Identifier": { "ServiceNumber": "447818777111" }, "Event": { "Type": "CallEvent", "SubEventType": "NIRMS", "Channel": "IVR",
"SubEventType": "NIRMS", "Channel": "IVR", "EventTimestamp": "2020-06-18T12:51:22.431Z", "Status": "New" }, "EventDetail": { "CallEvent": { "ConnectionID": "0112323454564234", "CallKey": "2019123100145301022007818569460", "OriginatingService": "447818777111", "DestinationLine": "03333040191", "LastIntent": "pay-bill",
3787 Config Changes EventType Config 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 "StartTime": "2020-06-18T12:51:22.431Z", "EndTime": "2021-01-30T23:00:15", "NLCSLegs": 1, "PredictedIntent": "enquire-upgrade", "PredictedIntentTaken": "N", "Transferred": "Y", "TransferredDestination": "IPT", "VDN": "2008002", "Interactions": [ { "Index": 1, "Duration": 30, "Intent": "balance-enquiry", "DerivedIntent": "unbilled-minutes" } ], "AgentDetails": [ { "CallID": "40411412", "Segment": 1, "ID": "1010101", "StartTime": "2021-01-30T23:00:15", "EndTime": "2021-01-30T23:00:15", "SkillIdentifier": 113 } ], "IVRDetails": [ { "EventTime": "2021-01-30T23:00:15", "TagName": "AOD7-NLCS-START", "TagValue": "1" } ] }
"TagValue": "1" } ] } } } CallEvent NIRMS TRUE 0 TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUEEventType SubEventTypeProcess Flag Ramp Up ValueCIS Process Event Capture ResponseStoreRawEven t
3788 Support of Multiple Identifiers for CallEvent Description According to business needs for CallEvent EventType, AccountNumber will start to use as an identifier If ServiceNumber does not start with 447. Regarding the need some of the rules have been updated below: Imlementation ProcessTriggerEvent Activity There is a condition to set SourceId property so in this condition ServiceNumber is checked If it is starting with 447 or not. CallEventHandlerPayload Activity There is a condition while setting the SourceIdType property and SkipLogic parameter. If SourceIdType is AccountNumber pass true to SkipLogic parameter. Else works as in existing structure. CallEventRequestValidation DataTransform The DataTransform is used to check mandatory fields for the CallEvent event type. AccountNumber field's null or empty will be checked, if there is ServiceNumber and It starts with 447.
3789 Troubleshooting The Processes AOM Audit Tables AOM Error Tables AuditMetadata AOM Error Codes AOM Errors & Troubleshooting Frequently Occurring Problems (FOP) Environment Check List Troubleshooting GuideExpand all Collapse all
3790 AOM Audit Tables Implementation Class Activity Create Audit Log Activity Input Parameters of Activity Implementation Class VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-AOMAudit Activity Input Parameters of ActivityIt writes log into aom_audit db table and log file. Applies To VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work Ruleset AOMFW Input ParametersCheck below Output ParametersNA Error HandlingThrows Runtime Exception Create Audit Log Activity SourceId String Transaction id from the service or relative identifier SourceIdType String Type of source id present in the system SourceSystem String Source system who hosts the service ProcessName String Name of the overlaying service IdentifierType String Identifier type present in the request Identifier String Identifier of the individual transaction RequestTimestamp Date time StartTimestamp Date time Timestamp from when AOM started processing requestInput Parameter Data Type Description
3791 EndTimestamp Date time Timestamp from when AOM completed processing request ChannelContext String Channel in which originated the call - this is only relevant for channels when passed into the request itself SubchannelContext String Sub channel in which originated the call PrimaryContext String Top level primary context of the request SecondaryContext String Second level context of the request StatusCode String HTTP status code StatusMessage String Relevant status message Metadata String Request body Status String HTTP status code (deprecated and copying old values into StatusCode) Additional String It takes name-value pair to write additional parameters into the log. This parameter is not used to log into DB only for log file. Value format which is passed to this parameter must be in this format: "NAME= " + .Value
3792 AOM Error Tables
3793 AuditMetadata AOM Audit Log VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- AOMAuditViewAudit TRUE Stores all the entries for all the AOM process and APIs AOM Error Log VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- AOMErrorViewErrors TRUE Stores Error messages if any as part of any API / Process execution AOM Logs VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- AOMLogViewLog TRUE Stores all the logger entries for all the AOM applications Admin Audit Log VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- AdminAuditLogViewAdminAuditLog TRUE Event Status VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- EventStatusViewEventStatus TRUE Stores the information of a ProcessEvent request including metadata. The status will be updated based on progress of request. HTSL Status VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- HTSLStatusViewHTSLStatuses TRUE Stores the information of a Loader case including metadata. The status will be updated based on progress of case. Index Status VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- IndexStatusViewIndexStatuses TRUE Unica Events StatusVFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- UnicaCampaignEventsViewUnicaCampaign EventsTRUE Stores the information of a UnicaCampaignEvent request including metadata. The status will be updated based on progress of request.N a m e C l a s s N a m e R e p o r t D e f i n i t i o n A c t i v e N o t e s
3794 AOM Error Codes AOMFW Error Codes 1001 Error in ProcessWebhook Invalid visitor_id_asset_active in Tealium Event This occurs when the visitor_id_asset_active value in the Tealium Event is empty or null or not included in the payload 1002 Error in ProcessWebhook Unable to decrypt <<visitor_id_asset_active>> using RWA This occurs when the visitor_id_asset_active value in the Tealium Event is unable to decrypt using RWA 1003 Error in SaveServiceLineUpgrades Set activity status to fail in SaveServiceLineUpgrades R2.9 1004 Error in ProcessWebhook Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int- TealiumEvent.ProcessWebhook activity 1005 Error in ProcessWebhook Unsupported datetime format found in event_timestamp This occurs when the event_timestamp date format in the Tealium Event is invalid. Date format should be yyyy-DD-MM'T'HH mm ss.SSSZ 1006 Error in ProcessEvents Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Loader.ProcessEvents activity 1007 Error in ProcessQueueItem Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- TaskStatus.ProcessQueueItem activity 1008 Error in ProcessQueueItem Unsupported task type >> This occurs in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- TaskStatus.ProcessQueueItem activity when the Task Type is Unsupported. i.e. when it doesn’t match these conditions @String.equalsIgnoreCase(.page_section, ecare ) 1009 Error in ProcessQueueItem This occurs in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-
1009 Error in ProcessQueueItem This occurs in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- TaskStatus.ProcessQueueItem activity when the Obj-Save on Error Fails 1010 Error in AppPushResponseHandler Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- TaskStatus.AppPushResponseHandler activity 1011 Error in AppPushResponseHandler Delimiter is Missing This occurs in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- TaskStatus.AppPushResponseHandler activity when the Delimiter in the TaskStatus.MetaData is missing 1012 Error in ProcessRetryTasks Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- TaskStatus.ProcessRetryTasks activity 1013 Error in AppPushResponsePreProcessor Payload column count should be 54 but we got + (@Utilities.SizeOfPropertyList(APRPP.Tex tValueList) - 1)This occurs if payload column length is not equal to 54 Code Message Prefix Details Release
3795 1014 Error in AppPushResponsePreProcessor ”Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- TaskStatus.AppPushResponsePreProcessor activity 1015 Error in InitialiseTaskStatus Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- TaskStatus.InitialiseTaskStatus activity 1016 Error in AppPushResponseHandler + Primary.SourceId + has been processed before. Duplicate App Push Response File Error Handler. 1017 Error in GetProcessedServiceList + @(Pega-RULES Utilities).getWorstMessage(tools)Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-TIL- ProcessedServiceListAPI.GetProcessedServiceList activity 1018 Error in GetSubscription Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- Subscription.GetSubscription activity 1019 Error in GetProspect Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- Prospect.GetProspect activity 1020 Error in CheckRetentionEligibility + @(Pega-RULES Utilities).getWorstMessage(tools)Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-TIL- RetentionEligibilityAPI.CheckRetentionEligibility activity 1021 Error in ExecuteSeedTest Unable to execute seed test. Please supply a valid JSON structure for SeedParametersJSON This occurs when SeedParametersJSON parameter has invalid JSON structure or it fails on AdoptJSON function while converting from SeedParametersJSON parameter to SeedParameters SR page in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work.ExecuteSeedTest activityR1.11
in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work.ExecuteSeedTest activityR1.11 1022 Error in ProcessAppPushSeedTest Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW- Work.ProcessAppPushSeedTest activityR1.11 1023 Error in ProcessEmailSMSSeedTest for + Param.ChannelPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW- Work.ProcessEmailSMSSeedTest activityR1.11 1024 Error in ExecuteSeedTest Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW- Work.ExecuteSeedTest activityR1.11 1025 Error in GetCustomerPartyList Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int- TIL.GetCustomerPartyList activity R2.2 1026 TargetSubChannel is empty for treatment + TreatmentSubChannelList.pxResults(<CU RRENT>).pyNameThis occurs when TargetSubChannel is empty in TreatmentsForOB dataset 1027 Error in CreateTreatmentVolumeConfig Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Extractor.CreateTreatmentVolumeConfig activity 1028 Error in ApplyOutboundVolumeLimit Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Extractor.ApplyOutboundVolumeLimit activity 1029 Error in CopyBDCManifest Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Loader.CopyBDCManifest activityR1.13 1030 Error in Prepare Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Loader.Prepare activityR1.13
3796 1031 Error in CreateEASEntry Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW- Work.CreateEASEntry activityR2.1 1032 Error in CreateAuditLog Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW- Work.CreateAuditLog activityR2.2 1033 Error in ProcessEmailSeedTest Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW- Work.ProcessEmailSeedTest activityR2.2 1034 Error in ProcessSMSSeedTest Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW- Work.ProcessSMSSeedTest activityR2.2 1035 Error in Scheduler Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW- Work.Scheduler activityR1.12 1036 Error in Scheduler Please supply requested mandatory parameter Type This occurs when the Type parameter is not populated in the VFUK- FW-AOMFW-Work.Scheduler activityR1.12 1037 Error in Scheduler Unable to find any enabled Scheduler Config forThis occurs when there is no data in the Scheduler Config for the selected Type parameter in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work.Scheduler activityR1.12 1038 Error in FlushDataPage for Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW- Work.FlushDataPage activityR1.12 1039 Error in ProcessEmailForMailJet Error in ProcessEmailForMailJet - No Results from PrepareEmailTreatmentsForSeedTest Data FlowR3.04 1040 Error in GetCustomerPartyList TBC TBC
1040 Error in GetCustomerPartyList TBC TBC 1041 Error inError in GetStockAvailability Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-TIL- StockAvailabilityAPI.GetStockAvailability activityR2.2 1042 Error in CheckRetentionEligibility Catching TIL Error Code & Error Message for CheckRetentionEligibility ActivityR2.4 1043 Error in PrepareGetStockAvailabiityRequestError in PrepareGetStockAvailabiityRequest Activity Caught by GetProductStockAvailabiity ActivityR2.2 1044 Error inError in GetProductStockAvailabiityPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in the Code-Pega- List.GetProductStockAvailabiityR2.2 1045 Error in InsertWatchDogReportData Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW- Work.InsertWatchDogReportData activityR1.12 1046 Error in HasRCSExtractData Error getting RCS extract data in HasRCSExtractData activity R2.6 1047 Error in HasMMSExtractData Error getting MMS extract data in HasMMSExtractData activity R2.6 1048 Error in LeaveRequestPayloadHandler This occurs when Mandatory values in a payload are empty for LeaveRequest event records in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- EventStatus.LeaveRequestPayloadHandlerR1.12 1049 Error in DisconnectionsPayloadHandler This occurs when Mandatory values in a payload are empty for Disconnections event records in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- EventStatus.DisconnectionsPayloadHandlerR1.12 1050 Error in InitialiseLoader Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Loader.InitialiseLoader activityR1.12
3797 1051 Error in InspectDropZone Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Loader.InspectDropZone activityR1.12 1052 Error in InspectEntityFiles Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Loader.InspectEntityFiles activityR1.12 1053 Neither the ManifestFilePattern nor the InputFilePattern was specified for This occurs in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work-Loader.InspectEntityFiles activity when an Entity has Neither the ManifestFilePattern nor the InputFilePattern configured in the LoaderFileAttributes/FileAttributesR1.12 1054 Error in InspectEntityFiles Checksum for - <INPUT-FILE-PATH> - failed.This occurs in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work-Loader.InspectEntityFiles activity when the checksum for an input file fails.R1.12 1055 Error in InitialiseDigestStatus Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Loader.InitialiseDigestStatus activityR1.12 1056 “Error in Save OutboundCommsStore Activity“Input Validation Error Message. Checks if either of SubscriptionId/InteractionId/Content is empty and reports error in AOMError Table with this error code R1.12 1057 Error in Save OutboundCommsStore Activity +Local.ErrorStackTrace + . + @(Pega-RULES Utilities).getWorstMessage(tools)Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- OutboundCommsStore.Save activityR1.12 1058 Error in ProcessBDCModels Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work-
Loader.ProcessBDCModels activityR1.12 1059 Error in BDCModelHandler Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- TaskStatus.BDCModelHandler activity R1.12 1060 Error in BDCModelHandler + Primary.SourceId + has been processed before. Duplicate BDC Model File Error Handler. R1.13 1061 Error in CheckTaskStatus Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Loader.CheckTaskStatus activityR1.13 1062 Error in CheckTaskStatus No record available in TaskStatus for the file Record Unavailable Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Loader.CheckTaskStatus activityR1.13 1063 Error in CheckTaskStatus There has been an issue while processing the file File Processing Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Loader.CheckTaskStatus activityR1.13 1064 Error in CheckTaskStatus CheckTaskStatus has been stopped as we have now looped through more than the configured limit of Loop Limit Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Loader.CheckTaskStatus activityR1.13 1065 Error in PrepareIHRExtractData Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Extractor.PrepareIHRExtractData activityR1.13 1066 Error in InitialiseExtractorStatus Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Extractor.InitialiseExtractorStatus activityR1.13 1067 Error in CombineExtractOuputs Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work-
Extractor.CombineExtractOuputs activityR1.13
3798 1068 Error in GenerateExtract Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Extractor.GenerateExtract activityR1.13 1069 Error in GenerateExtract Unsupported Extract Type Unknown ExtractType Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW- Work-Extractor.GenerateExtract activityR1.13 1070 Error in GenerateExtract Extractor Status Table Update Error Handler in the VFUK-FW- AOMFW-Work-Extractor.GenerateExtract activityR1.13 1071 Error in CreateSalesOrder Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-TIL- SalesOrderAPI.CreateSalesOrder activityR2.6 1072 Error in CreateSalesOrder SalesOrder API Error Response Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW- Int-TIL-SalesOrderAPI.CreateSalesOrder activityR2.6 1073 Error in ApplyOutboundVolumeLimit Invalid Volume Type This occurs when Invalid VolumeType value is passed as parameter to ApplyOutboundVolumeLimit activityR1.14 1074 Error in GetOOBCharges Primary Catch-all Error Handler in theCode-Pega- List.GetOOBCharges activityR1.14 1075 Error in SaveCustomerEvents Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW- Work.SaveCustomerEvents activityR2.1 1076 Error in EventHandler Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- EventStatus.EventHandler activityR2.1 1077 Error in EventHandler EventTypeConfig Error Unavailable EventTypeConfig Error Hander in the VFUK-FW- AOMFW-Data-EventStatus.EventHandler activityR2.1 1078 Error in Error in
AOMFW-Data-EventStatus.EventHandler activityR2.1 1078 Error in Error in GetCombiOffersForCPHTariffsInput Parameter validation for GetCombiOffersForCPHTariffs R 2.1 1079 Error in InitialiseEventStatus Primary Catch-all Error Handler in InitialiseEventStatus activity R2.7 1080 Error in GetExceptionTemplateAttributes Primary Catch-all Error Handler in GetExceptionTemplateAttributes activityR2.13 1081 Error in GetProductOfferHolding Input Parameter validation for GetProductOfferHoldingchild R 2.1 1082 Error in ProcessUnsubscribe Primary Catch-all Error Handler in ProcessUnsubscribe activity R2.7 1083 Error in CreateSalesOrderTH Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-TIL- SalesOrderAPI.CreateSalesOrder activityR 2.6 1084 Error in ProbeRLB Error probing rate limiting buckets in ProbeRLB activity 1085 Error in GetCombiOffersForCPHTariffs +@(Pega-RULES Utilities).getWorstMessage(tools)Captures Any Error that occurs within the activity R 2.1 1086 Error in SaveServiceLineMigrations Set activity status to fail in SaveServiceLineMigrations R 2.9 1087 Error in SaveOffersMetadata Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- OffersMetadata.SaveOffersMetadata activityR2.9 1088 Error in GetOffersMetadata Primary Catch-all Error Handler in PegaMKT-Work-Microsite- Offers.GetOffersMetadataR2.9
3799 1089 Error in GetCustomerDetails Primary Catch-all Error Handler in PegaMKT-Work-Microsite- Offers.GetCustomerDetailsR2.9 1090 Error in FetchOffers Primary Catch-all Error Handler in PegaMKT-Work-Microsite- Offers.FetchOffersR2.9 1091 Error in CaptureOfferResponse Primary Catch-all Error Handler in PegaMKT-Work-Microsite- Offers.CaptureOfferResponseR2.9 1092 Error in GetOffersMetadata No OffersMetadata Error Handler in PegaMKT-Work-Microsite- Offers.GetOffersMetadataR2.9 1093 Error in <ActivityName> Calling Data Page D_ProcessedServiceList Failed + GPSLPage.Response.ResultStatus.Mess ageCapture The TIL ResultStatus In case of Failures when called D_ProcessedServiceList R2.1 1094 Error in GetCombiOffersForCPHTariffs Invalid Upgrading Line Capture the error If the MSISDN Given in the input is not existing in GPSLR2.1 1095 Error in DestroySeedTestDataSampleIdCounters Primary Catch-all Error Handler in DestroySeedTestDataSampleIdCounters activityR2.2 1096 Error in InvokePaymHandsetsCatalogueSyncCatching Error If any Failure on Obj-Browse or Initializing Connect Queue for InvokePaymHandsetsCatalogueSyncR2.2 1097 Error in InvokeDiscountsCatalogueSync Catching Error If any Failure on Obj-Browse or Initializing Connect Queue for InvokeDiscountsCatalogueSyncR2.2 1098 Error in InvokeServicesCatalogueSync Catching Error If any Failure on Obj-Browse or Initializing Connect Queue for InvokeServicesCatalogueSyncR2.2
Queue for InvokeServicesCatalogueSyncR2.2 1099 Error in InvokeAccessoriesCatalogueSyncCatching Error If any Failure on Obj-Browse or Initializing Connect Queue for InvokeAccessoriesCatalogueSyncR2.2 1100 Error in InvokeTariffsCatalogueSync Catching Error If any Failure on Obj-Browse or Initializing Connect Queue for InvokeTariffsCatalogueSyncR2.2 1101 Error in InvokeCatalogueSync Catching Error If any Failure on calling Entity level sync activities. R2.2 1102 Error in CatalogueSyncHandler Catching Error If any Failure on calling Connect Rest for CatalogueSyncAPI, Catched on invoking any functions failed.R2.2 1103 Error in InvokeCatalogueSync APIBatchSize Configuration for CatalogueSync Empty Catching Error If the APIBatchSize configuration is missing or EmptyR2.2 1104 Error in InvokeCatalogueSync CurrentEnvironment Configuration for CatalogueSync Empty Catching Error If the CurrentEnvironment configuration is missing or EmptyR2.2 1105 Error in GetRecomendations Catching Error that is coming form GetSubscription activity R2.3 1106 Error in GetRecomendations Catching Error that is coming form GetRetentionEligibility activity R2.3 1107 Error in GetRecomendations Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI- Assisted.GetRecomendations ActivityR2.3
3800 1108 Error in SaveAccountEvents Activity Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW- Work.SaveAccountEvents activityR 2.7 1109 Error in GetAgentRecomendations Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI- Assisted.GetAgentRecomendations ActivityR2.3 1110 Error in CheckUpgradingLineExists Primary Catch-all Error Handler R2.3 1111 Error in GetCalculatedOffersForAccount Primary Catch-all Error Handler R2.3 1112 Error in InitialiseOffers Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the PegaMKT-Work-Microsite- Offers.InitialiseOffersR2.9 1113 Error in GetCombiOffersForAccount Primary Catch-all Error Handler R2.3 1114 Error in ProcessOfferExclusion Primary Catch-all Error Handler R2.3 1115 Error in GetOfferAndProductExclusionRecord Primary Catch-all Error Handler R2.3 1116 Error in ProcessDistinctQIDAndAsstIntCount Primary Catch-all Error Handler R2.3 1117 Error in ProcessOfferRecords Primary Catch-all Error Handler R2.3 1118 Error in GetProcessedServiceList Catching TIL Error Code & Error Message for GetProcessedServiceList ActivityR 2.3 1119 Error in AssistedUpgradeTH Error in AssistedUpgradeTH Invalid Loan Eligibility Status R 2.4 1120 Error in AssistedUpgradeTH Primary Catch-all Error Handler R 2.4 1121 Error in InitialiseTreatmentBuckets Catching error from InitialiseTreatmentBuckets activity R 2.5 1122 Error in GetSellablePaymHandsets Error in GetSellablePaymHandsets +
@AOMUtilities.GetJSONOfPage(SQLDiagnostics) + + @(Pega- RULES Utilities).getWorstMessage(tools)R 2.5 1123 Error in DeleteTreatmentBucketsMap Catching error from DeleteTreatmentBucketsMap activity R.2.5 1124 Error in InitialiseSimulation Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the InitialiseSimulation activity R.2.7 1125 Error in CheckSegmentRunStatus Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the CheckSegmentRunStatus activityR.2.7 1126 Error in CheckSegmentRunStatus Segment run status check looped through more than the configured limitR.2.7 1127 Error in RunSegment Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the RunSegment activity R.2.7 1128 Error in BuildSubscription Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the BuildSubscription activity R.2.7 1129 Error in CreateSimulation Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the CreateSimulation activity R.2.7 1130 Error in RunSimulation Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the RunSimulation activity R.2.7 1131 Error in CheckSimulationRunStatus Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the CheckSimulationRunStatus activityR.2.7 1132 Error in LoadSimulationLookUpData Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the LoadSimulationLookUpData activityR.2.7
3801 1133 Error in GenerateSummary Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the GenerateSummary activity R.2.7 1134 Error in TruncateDateSet Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the TruncateDateSet activity R 2.6 1135 Error in GetTariff: Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the GetTariff activity R 2.6 1136 Error in GetServicesForService Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the GetServicesForService activityR 2.6 1137 Error in GetTariffsForDept Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the GetTariffsForDept activity R 2.6 1138 Error in GetDiscountsForTariff Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the GetDiscountsForTariff activity R 2.6 1139 Error in GetTariffsForHandset Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the GetTariffsForHandset activity R 2.6 1140 Error in GetServicesForTariff Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the GetServicesForTariff activity R 2.6 1141 Error in GetInsuranceServicesForHandsetPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in the GetInsuranceServicesForHandset activityR 2.6 1142 Error in GetHandsetsForTariff Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the GetHandsetsForTariff activity R 2.6 1143 Error in GetCustomerTariffAndDiscountList:Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the GetCustomerTariffAndDiscountList activityR 2.6 1144 Error in GetDiscount Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the GetDiscount activity R 2.6 1145 Error in GetAccountService Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the GetAccountService activity R 2.6 1146 Error in GetPaymHandset Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the GetPaymHandset activity R 2.6
1147 Error in HasFixedLineOnAccount Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the HasFixedLineOnAccount activityR 2.6 1148 Error in ClearEntityCache Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the ClearEntityCache activity R 2.6 1149 Error in GetSellablePaymHandsetBySKU Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the GetSellablePaymHandsetBySKU activityR 2.7 1150 Error in CheckSegment Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the CheckSegment activity R 2.7 1151 Error in GetCombiOfferRewards Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the GetCombiOfferRewards activityR 2.7 1152 Error in GetCombiOffersForTariff Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the GetCombiOfferRewards activityR 2.7 1153 Error in PrepareDataForBatchNBA Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the PrepareDataForBatchNBA activityR 2.7 1154 Error in CheckPrepareDataForBatchNBADFStatu sPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in the CheckPrepareDataForBatchNBADFStatus activityR 2.7 1155 Error in CreateSimulation Invalid SimulationType R 2.7 1156 Error in ValidateLoadThreshold Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Loader.ValidateLoadThreshold activityR 2.7 1157 Error in GetCombiOffersForTariff Input Parameter Validation Error R 2.7 1158 Error in CheckSegmentRunStatus Segment Run Failure Handler R 2.7
3802 1159 Error in CheckSimulationRunStatus Simulation Run Failure Handler R 2.7 1160 Error in : GetSellablePaymHandsets Error Handler for Input parameter validation R 2.8 1161 Error in : GetSellablePaymHandsetBySKUError Handler for Input parameter validation R 2.8 1162 Error in GetTariffsForDept: Error Handler for Input parameter validation R 2.8 1163 Error in : GetHandsetsForTariff Error Handler for Input parameter validation R 2.8 1164 Error in : UnlockCataloguePush Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the UnlockCataloguePush activityR 2.8 1165 Error in : PrepareRIExtractData Error in Preparing RI Extract Data in PrepareRIExtractData activity R 2.8 1166 Error in : HasRIExtractData Error getting RI extract data in HasRIExtractData activity R 2.8 1167 Error in : ModifyOrderRequest Error Handler for Input parameter validation R 2.8 1168 Error in : ModifyOrderRequest Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the ModifyOrderRequest activity R 2.8 1169 Error in SaveSiebelOrderDetails Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the SaveSiebelOrderDetails activityR 2.8 1170 Error in SaveSubscriptionProductUpdatesPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in the SaveSubscriptionProductUpdates activityR 2.8 1171 Error in PurgeAccountNewPromotions Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Housekeeping.PurgeAccountNewPromotions activityR 2.8 1172 Error in SaveAccountNewPromotions Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the SaveAccountNewPromotions activityR 2.8 1173 Error in SetupRateLimitingBucket Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-
Work.SetupRateLimitingBucket activityR2.8 1174 Error in SalesOrderPayloadHandler Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- EventStatus.SalesOrderPayloadHandler activityR2.8 1175 Error in GetSellableBars Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the GetSellableBars activity R2.9 1176 Error in GetSellableAccessories Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the GetSellableAccessories activityR2.9 1177 Error in GetSellableBars Error Handler for Input parameter validation R2.9 1178 Error in GetSellableAccessoriesByIdentifierPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in the GetSellableAccessoriesByIdentifier activityR2.9 1179 Error in GetSellableAccessories Error Handler for Input parameter validation R2.9 1180 Error in InvokeBarsCatalogueSync Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the InvokeBarsCatalogueSyncactivityR2.9 1181 Error in ClearCaches Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the ClearCaches activity R2.9 1182 Error in PerformOfferResponse CaptureResponse Error Handler in PegaMKT-Work-Microsite- Offers.PerformOfferResponseR2.9 1183 Error in Bite Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the ClearCaches activity R2.9
3803 1184 Error in ClearCaches Catching Error If an invalid Source Type parameter is passed to the ClearCaches activityR2.9 1185 Error in PrepareUsageCharges Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the PrepareUsageCharges activityR2.10 1186 Error in TriggerPMEvent Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the TriggerPMEvent activity R2.10 1187 Error in ProcessCUH Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Loader.ProcessCUHR2.10 1188 Error in DeleteCUH Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Tasker.DeleteCUHR2.10 1189 Error in : GetTariffsForHandset Error Handler for Input parameter validation R2.10 1190 Error in CheckProcessCUHDFStatus Error Handler for CheckProcessCUHDFStatus R2.10 1191 Error in GetBars Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the Code-Pega-List.GetBars R 2.10 1192 Error in CaptureCustomerResponse Primary Catch-all Error Handler in PegaMKT-Work-Microsite- Offers.CaptureCustomerResponseR2.10 1193 Error in ProcessUsageCharges Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Loader.ProcessUsageCharges 1194 Error in CheckPrepareDataForBatchNBADFStatu sPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- BatchNBA.CheckPrepareDataForBatchNBADFStatusR2.10 1195 Error is PopulateBatchNBADecisionSummaryPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Extractor-PopulateBatchNBADecisionSummaryR2.12 1196 Error in TrackClickedUrl Invalid Parameters Handler R2.11
1196 Error in TrackClickedUrl Invalid Parameters Handler R2.11 1197 Error in TrackClickedUrl Business Logic Error Handler R2.11 1198 Error in FetchOffers No Actions from IdentifyBestMicrositeTreatments Error Handler R2.11 1199 Error in FetchOffers Business Logic Error Handler R2.11 1200 Error in TrackClickedUrl Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the PegaMKT-Work-Microsite- Offers.TrackClickedUrlR2.11 1201 Error in PrepareDataForBatchNBA Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the PrepareDataForBatchNBAactivityR2.11 1202 Error in CheckPrepareDataForBatchNBADFStatu sPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in the CheckPrepareDataForBatchNBADFStatus activityR2.11 1203 Error in DiallerOutcomesPreProcessor Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the DiallerOutcomesPreProcessoractivityR2.12 1204 Error in DiallerOutcomesPreProcessor Invalid SubEvent Handler R2.12 1205 Error in DiallerOutcomesHandler Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the DiallerOutcomesHandler R2.12 1206 Error in DiallerOutcomesHandler Duplicate Dailler Outcome Response File Error Handler R2.12 1207 Error in DiallerOutcomesPayloadHandlerPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in the R2.12
3804 DiallerOutcomesPayloadHandler 1208 Error in DiallerOutcomesPreProcessor Invalid EventTimestamp Handler (More than 90 days in past or is in Future) R2.12 1209 Error in SaveSelectedBatchNBATreatmentsPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Extractor-SaveSelectedBatchNBATreatmentsR2.12 1210 Error in CleanUp Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Extractor.CleanUpR2.12 1211- 1240Reseved for Deta Team Reseved for Deta Team( DFStatus Fix) R2.12 1241 Error in SaveSubscriptionProductUpdatesError Handler for MISISDN not found R2.12 1242 Error in SaveServiceLineMigrations Error Handler for MISISDN not found R2.12 1243 Error in SaveServiceLineUpgrades Error Handler for MISISDN not found R2.12 1244 Error in CaptureResponseHandler Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the CaptureResponseHandler activityR2.12 1245 Error in CaptureResponseHandler CustomerID handler not found in the CaptureResponseHandler activityR2.12 1246 Error in CreateSelectedTreatmentsAttachmentPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Extractor-CreateSelectedTreatmentsAttachmentR2.12 1247 Error in PrepareDataForBaselineSimulationPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Simulation.PrepareDataForBaselineSimulationR2.13 1248 Error in TruncateBaselineSimulation Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Simulation.TruncateBaselineSimulationR2.13
Simulation.TruncateBaselineSimulationR2.13 1249 Error in ExportBaselineSimulation Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Simulation.ExportBaselineSimulationR2.13 1250 Error in IMIResponseHandler Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- TaskStatus.IMIResponseHandlerR2.13 1251 Error in IMIResponsePreProcessor Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- TaskStatus.IMIResponsePreProcessorR2.13 1252 Error in IMIResponsePreProcessor Invalid Parameter Handler (PostbackData has more than 3 strings) in IMIResponsePreProcessor activityR2.13 1253 Error in IMIResponseHandler Duplicate IMI Response File Error Handler in IMIResponseHandler activityR2.13 1254 Error in IMIResponsePreProcessor Invalid SubEvent Handler in IMIResponsePreProcessor activity R2.13 1255 Error in IMIResponsePreProcessor Invalid EventTimestamp Handler (Outcome Date is in Future) in IMIResponsePreProcessor activityR2.13 1256 Error in IMIResponsePreProcessor Invalid Parameter Handler (PostbackId is null/empty) in IMIResponsePreProcessor activityR2.13 1257 Error in IMIResponsePreProcessor Mandatory Field Validation Error Handler in IMIResponsePreProcessor activityR2.13
3805 1258 Error in CheckPrepareDataForBaselineSimuation DFStatusPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Simulation.CheckPrepareDataForBaselineSimuationDFStatusR2.13 1259 Error in CheckBaselineSimulation Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Simulation.CheckBaselineSimulationR2.13 1260 Error in ExecuteCustomerSimulation Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Simulation.ExecuteCustomerSimulationR2.13 1261 Error in CheckCustomerSimulationDFStatusPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Simulation.CheckCustomerSimulationDFStatusR2.13 1262 Error in CaptureSimulationDropOff Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- SimulationFunnelAudit.CaptureSimulationDropOffR2.13 1263 Error in CaptureSimulationFinalFunnel Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-AOMFW- SR.CaptureSimulationFinalFunnelR2.13 1264 Error in GetNextBestContent Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-AOMFW- SR.GetNextBestContentR2.13 1265 Error in GetNextBestContent Business Logic Error Handler R2.13 1266 Error in GetNextBestContent No Actions from GetNextBestContent Error Handler R2.13 1267 Error in ValidateRoamingEvent :Invalid XXX cannot be empty or null Invalid Validation For Request Parameters Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-RoamingEvent.ValidateRoamingEventR2.13 1268 Error in ValidateRoamingEvent unable to find CustomerID for ServiceNumber: XXXCustomerID not found for any given ServiceNumber Error Handler in
find CustomerID for ServiceNumber: XXXCustomerID not found for any given ServiceNumber Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-RoamingEvent.ValidateRoamingEventR2.13 1269 Error in ValidateRoamingEvent Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int- RoamingEvent.ValidateRoamingEventR2.13 1270 Error in ProcessRoamingEvent Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int- RoamingEvent.ProcessRoamingEventR2.13 1271 Error in RoamingEventPayloadHandler Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- EventStatusR2.13 1272 Error in CountryNetworkMapping Datapage Error handling in ProcessRoamingEvent R2.13 1273 Error in RoamingEventPayloadHandler Error handling for GetSubscription activity inside RoamingEventPaylodHandlerR2.13 1274 Error in QueueSelection Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- SMSStaging.QueueSelectionR3.01 1275 Error in SMSQueue.ProcessQueueItem Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- SMSSendQueue.ProcessQueueItemR3.01 1276 Error in GetEntertainmentServicesForTariffPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in GetEntertainmentServicesForTariffR3.01 1277 Error in InitialiseStatic Primary Catch-all Error Handler in PegaMKT-Work-Microsite-Static- InitialiseStaticR3.01 1278 Error in BuildInboundSubscription Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- R3.01
3806 Simulation.BuildInboundSubscription 1279 Error in PrepareDataForInboundSimulationPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Simulation.PrepareDataForInboundSimulationR3.01 1280 Error in CheckPrepareDataForInboundSimulation DFStatusPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Simulation.CheckPrepareDataForInboundSimulationDFStatus:R3.01 1281 Error in ExecuteInboundCustomerSimulationPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Simulation.ExecuteInboundCustomerSimulationR3.01 1282 Error in CheckInboundCustomerSimulationDFStat usPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Simulation.CheckInboundCustomerSimulationDFStatusR3.01 1283 Error in TruncateInboundBaselineData Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Simulation.TruncateInboundBaselineDataR3.01 1284 Error in CheckInboundBaselineSimulationPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Simulation.CheckInboundBaselineSimulationR3.01 1285 Error in PrepareDataForInboundBaselineSimulatio nPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Simulation.PrepareDataForInboundBaselineSimulationR3.01 1286 Error in CheckPrepareDataForInboundBaselineSi mulationDFStatusPrimary Catch-all Error Handler VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Simulation.CheckPrepareDataForInboundBaselineSimulationDFStat usR3.01 1287 Error in CheckPrepareSubscriptionsForInboundSi mulationDFStatusPrimary Catch-all Error Handler VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work-
mulationDFStatusPrimary Catch-all Error Handler VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Simulation.CheckPrepareSubscriptionsForInboundSimulationDFStat usR3.01 1288 Error in GetCustomerDetails No ProductRoot in ServiceList R2.13 1289 Error in CreateDataFlowAuditLog Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW- Work.CreateDataFlowAuditLog ActivityR3.01 1290 Error in ExportInboundBaselineSimulationPrimary Catch-all Error Handler VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Simulation.ExportInboundBaselineSimulationR3.01 1291 Error in PrepareTariff D_Tariff Failure Event handler R3.01 1292 Error in PrepareTariff D_EntertainmentServiceForTariff Failure Event handler R3.01 1293 Error in SendSMSMessage Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW- Int.SendSMSMessageChannel Manageme nt 1294 Reseved for Deta Team Reseved for Deta Team( Purge Interaction History and Product Holiding)R3.01 1295 Reseved for Deta Team Reseved for Deta Team( Purge Interaction History and Product Holiding)R3.01 1296 Reseved for Deta Team Reseved for Deta Team( Purge Interaction History and Product Holiding)R3.01
3807 1296 Reseved for Deta Team Reseved for Deta Team( Purge Interaction History and Product Holiding)R3.01 1297 Reseved for Deta Team Reseved for Deta Team( Purge Interaction History and Product Holiding)R3.01 1298 Reseved for Deta Team Reseved for Deta Team( Purge Interaction History and Product Holiding)R3.01 1299 Reseved for Deta Team Reseved for Deta Team( Purge Interaction History and Product Holiding)R3.01 1300 Error in GetDiscountsForTariff Validation Error message for mandatorty input parameters R 2.13 1301 Error in GetCustomerDetails Customer is not active 1302 Error in GetSMPPAccountDetails Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- SMPPAccount.GetSMPPAccountDetailsChannel Manageme nt 1303 Error in LoaderStats Activity (L4 Team) L4 Team R3.02 1304 Error in GetChannelManagementDetails Primary Catch-all Error Handler in Data-Portal-AOMManagement- GetChannelManagementDetailsR3.02 1305 Error in CheckContextIsNA Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI- Simulation.CheckContextIsNAR3.02 1306 Error in UpdateTreatmentStatus Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI- OutboundTreatmentComms-UpdateTreatmentStatusR3.02 1307 Error in Submit Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI- Simulation.SubmitR3.02 1308 Error in ValidateAutocomplete Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI-
1308 Error in ValidateAutocomplete Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI- Simulation.ValidateAutocompleteR3.02 1309 Error in CaseIgnitor Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI- Simulation.CaseIgnitorR3.02 1310 Error in SMSQueue.ProcessQueueItem: Error while saving responseSave Response Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- SMSSendQueue.ProcessQueueItemChannel Manageme nt 1311 Error in TruncateCustomerSimulation Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Simulation.TruncateCustomerSimulationR3.03 1312 Error in GenerateCustomerSummary Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Simulation.GenerateCustomerSummaryR3.02 1313 Error in GetRequestDatesForGetNBA Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- InboundSubscriptionContext.GetRequestDatesForGetNBAR3.02 1314 Error in GetRequestDatesForTIL Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- BundleEventContext.GetRequestDatesForTILR3.02 1315 Error in CheckProcessSimulationDropOffStatusPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Simulation.CheckProcessSimulationDropOffStatusR3.03
3808 1316 Error in StartProcessSimulationDropOffDataFlowPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Simulation.StartProcessSimulationDropOffDataFlowR3.03 1317 Error in CaseDependencyCheck Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI- Simulation.CaseDependencyCheckR3.02 1318 Error in QueueSelection SendSMSQueueProcessor Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW- Data-SMSStaging.QueueSelection activityR3.03 Channel Manageme nt 1319 Error in SetRequestDates Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI- Simulation.SetRequestDatesR3.02 1320 Error in SetRequestDates: Data Page errorData Page Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI- Simulation.SetRequestDatesR3.02 1321 Error in GetSMPPAccountDetails: Mandatory Input Parameters are Null/EmptyInput Validation Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- SMPPAccount.GetSMPPAccountDetailsChannel Manageme nt 1322 Error in GetChannelSummary Primary Catch-all Error Handler in Data-Portal-AOMManagement- GetChannelSummaryR3.03 Channel Manageme nt 1323 Error in GetChannelErrorDetails Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI- OutboundChannelComms-GetChannelErrorDetailsR3.03 1324 Error in UpdateTreatmentProperties Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI- OutboundTreatmentComms.UpdateTreatmentPropertiesR3.03 Channel Manageme nt
OutboundTreatmentComms.UpdateTreatmentPropertiesR3.03 Channel Manageme nt 1325 Error in ProcessEmailForIMI Catch All Errors in the child SendEmail activity from VFUK-FW- AOMFW-Work.ProcessEmailForIMI activityR3.04 1326 Error in UpdateTreatmentStatus Catch All Errors in the child TreatmentSendConfigAudit Save activity from VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI- OutboundTreatmentComms.UpdateTreatmentStatus activityR3.03 Channel Manageme nt 1327 Error in GetTreatmentErrorDetails Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI- OutboundTreatmentComms-GetTreatmentErrorDetailsR3.03 Channel Manageme nt 1328 Error in PrepareDataForSMSStaging Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Extractor.PrepareDataForSMSStagingR3.03 Channel Manageme nt 1329 Error in CheckPrepareDataForSMSStagingDFStat usPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Extractor.CheckPrepareDataForSMSStagingDFStatusR3.03 Channel Manageme nt
3809 1330 Error in DeleteChannelManagementRecordsPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Extractor.DeleteChannelManagementRecordsR3.03 Channel Manageme nt 1331 Error in CheckExportBaselineSimulationDFStatusPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Simulation.CheckExportBaselineSimulationDFStatusR3.02 1332 Error in CalculateTreatmentProperties Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI- OutboundTreatmentComms.CalculateTreatmentPropertiesR3.03 Channel Manageme nt 1333 Error in CheckExportInboundBaselineSimulationD FStatusPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Simulation.CheckExportInboundBaselineSimulationDFStatusR3.02 1334 Error in GetChannelConfig Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI- OutboundChannelComms-GetChannelConfigR3.03 Channel Manageme nt 1335 Error in SaveChannelSummary Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI- OutboundChannelComms-SaveChannelSummaryR3.03 Channel Manageme nt 1336 Error in ValidateTreatmentProperties Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI- OutboundTreatmentComms.ValidateTreatmentPropertiesR3.03 Channel Manageme nt 1337 Error in CancelAllOutboundTreatments Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI- OutboundTreatmentComms-CancelAllOutboundTreatmentsR3.03 Channel Manageme nt 1338 Error in
Channel Manageme nt 1338 Error in CancelSelectedOutboundTreatmentsPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI- OutboundTreatmentComms-CancelSelectedOutboundTreatmentsR3.03 Channel Manageme nt 1339 Error in RequeueSelectedOutboundTreatmentsPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI- OutboundTreatmentComms-RequeueSelectedOutboundTreatmentsR3.03 Channel Manageme nt 1340 Error in RequeueAllOutboundTreatments Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI- OutboundTreatmentComms-RequeueAllOutboundTreatmentsR3.03 Channel Manageme nt 1341 Error in ProcessBackoutIH Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Tasker.ProcessBackoutIHR3.03
3810 1342 Error in UploadFactIds Primary Catch-all Error Handler in Data-Portal- AOMManagement.UploadFactIdsR3.03 1343 Error in PrepareIHDExtractData Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Extractor.PrepareIHDExtractDataR3.03 1344 Error in HasIHDExtractData Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Extractor.HasIHDExtractDataR3.03 1345 Error in SubmitDeleteIH Primary Catch-all Error Handler in Data-Portal- AOMManagement.SubmitDeleteIHR3.03 1346 Error in StopProcessSimulationDropOffDataFlowPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Simulation.StopProcessSimulationDropOffDataFlowR3.03 1347 Error in CancelTreatment Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI- OutboundTreatmentComms-CancelTreatmentR3.03 Channel Manageme nt 1348 Error in RequeueOutboundTreatments Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI- OutboundTreatmentComms-RequeueOutboundTreatmentsR3.03 Channel Manageme nt 1349- 1350Reserved for Delta team 1351 Error in EmailSendQueue.ProcessQueueItemPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- EmailSendQueue.ProcessQueueItemR3.04 1352 Error in QueueSelection SendSMSQueueProcessor Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW- Data-SMSStaging.QueueSelection activityR3.04 1353 Error in QueueSelection Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- EmailSendQueue.QueueSelectionR3.04
EmailSendQueue.QueueSelectionR3.04 1354 Error in ProcessEmailForMailJet Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW- Work.ProcessEmailForMailJetR3.04 1355 Error in ProcessEmailForIMI Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW- Work.ProcessEmailForIMIR3.04 1356 Error in QueueSelection Inactive channel R3.03 1357 Error in QueueSelection Email channel is not active R3.4 1358 Error in ProcessEmailForIMI Error in ProcessEmailForIMI - No Results from EmailCustomersWithParentTreatmentsForChannelManagementSee dTest datasetR3.04 1359 Error in ProcessEmailForIMI Catch All Errors in the child PrepareRequest activity from VFUK-FW- AOMFW-Work.ProcessEmailForIMI activityR3.04 1360 Error in GetChannelErrorDetails: Input is invalidInput Validation for Channel Parameter Error Handler in VFUK-FW- AOMFW-UI-OutboundChannelComms-GetChannelErrorDetailsR3.04 1361 Error in HasVFTQualifierOnAccount Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- AUPostMV
3811 VFTQualifier.HasVFTQualifierOnAccount P2 1362 Error in GetChannelErrorDetails: Mandatory Input Parameters are Null/EmptyChannel Parameter Null/Empty Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW- UI-OutboundChannelComms-GetChannelErrorDetailsR3.04 1363 Error in ProcessEmailByChannelManagementPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Extractor.ProcessEmailByChannelManagementR3.04 1364 Error in CheckProcessEmailByChannelManagem entDFStatusPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Extractor.CheckProcessEmailByChannelManagementDFStatusR3.04 1365 Error in PrepareDataForEmailStaging Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Extractor.PrepareDataForEmailStagingR3.04 1366 Error in CheckPrepareDataForEmailStagingDFSta tusPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Extractor.CheckPrepareDataForEmailStagingDFStatusR3.04 1367 Error in GetCountryZoneMapping Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- CountryZoneMapping.GetCountryZoneMappingR3.03 1368 Error in GetCountryZoneMapping : Input Parameters(MCC or MNC) are EmptyInput Validation Failed in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- CountryZoneMapping.GetCountryZoneMappingR3.03 1369 Error in GetCountryZoneMapping : No Data Found for MCC & MNCNo Data Found in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- CountryZoneMapping.GetCountryZoneMappingR3.03 1370 Error in GetCountryZoneMapping : No
CountryZoneMapping.GetCountryZoneMappingR3.03 1370 Error in GetCountryZoneMapping : No Data Found for TADIGCodeNo Data Found in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- CountryZoneMapping.GetCountryZoneMappingR3.03 1371 Error in GetCountryZoneMapping : Error in Obj-Open on CountryNetworkMappingError in Obj-Open on CountryNetworkMapping in VFUK-FW- AOMFW-Data-CountryZoneMapping.GetCountryZoneMappingR3.03 1372 Error in GetCountryZoneMapping : Error in Obj-Browse on CountryZoneMapping Error in Obj-Browse on CountryZoneMapping in VFUK-FW- AOMFW-Data-CountryZoneMapping.GetCountryZoneMappingR3.03 1373 Error in ProcessIMIWebhookResponse Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-IMI- WebhookResponse.ProcessIMIWebhookResponseR3.05 1374 Error in ProcessIMIWebhookResponse Invalid Code or Description Error in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-IMI- WebhookResponse.ProcessIMIWebhookResponseR3.05 1375 Error in ProcessIMIWebhookResponse Missing Required Attributes Error in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-IMI- WebhookResponse.ProcessIMIWebhookResponseR3.05 1376 Reserved for Delta team 1377 Error in ProcessAggregateIH Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Tasker.ProcessAggregateIHR3.05 1378 Error in LogAggregatedIH Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Tasker.LogAggregatedIHR3.05 1379 Error in CheckProcessSimulationDropOffDFStatu
1379 Error in CheckProcessSimulationDropOffDFStatu sPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Simulation.CheckProcessSimulationDropOffDFStatusR3.03
3812 1380 Error in ProcessAggregateRI Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Tasker.ProcessAggregateRIR3.06 1381 Error in GetMostSoldProducts Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- List.GetMostSoldProductsR4.01 1382 Error in GetCalculatedOffersForAcquisitionPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in Code-Pega- List.GetCalculatedOffersForAcquisitionSLPP 1383 Error in GetCalculatedOffersForUpgrade Primary Catch-all Error Handler in Code-Pega- List.GetCalculatedOffersForUpgradeSLPP 1384 1385 Error in SMSQueue.ProcessQueueItem: Missing xValidation Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- SMSSendQueue.ProcessQueueItemR3.07 1386 Error in SMSQueue.ProcessQueueItem: Could not find token after x retriesValidation Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- SMSSendQueue.ProcessQueueItemR3.07 1387 Error in GenerateVideo Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-Idommo- GV-StoryboardAPI.GenerateVideoR3.07 1388 Error in PersonalizedVideoAudit.Save Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- PersonalizedVideoAudit.PersonalizedVideoAudit.SaveR3.07 1389 Error in PersonalizedVideoAudit.Save Validation Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- PersonalizedVideoAudit.PersonalizedVideoAudit.SaveR3.07 1390 Error in ResendOutboundTreatments Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI- OutboundTreatmentComms.ResendOutboundTreatmentsR3.07 1391
OutboundTreatmentComms.ResendOutboundTreatmentsR3.07 1391 1392 Error in GeneratePersonalizedVideo No VideoMetadata Error Handler in PegaMKT-Work-Microsite- Offers.GeneratePersonalizedVideoR3.07 1393 Error in GeneratePersonalizedVideo Attributes Validation Error Handler in PegaMKT-Work-Microsite- Offers.GeneratePersonalizedVideoR3.07 1394 Error in GeneratePersonalizedVideo Primary Catch-all Error Handler in PegaMKT-Work-Microsite- Offers.GeneratePersonalizedVideoR3.07 1395 Error in GeneratePersonalizedVideo Generate Video Service Failure Error Handler in PegaMKT-Work- Microsite-Offers.GeneratePersonalizedVideoR3.07 1396 Error in GeneratePersonalizedVideo Error while Preparing Personalized video URL Hnadler in PegaMKT- Work-Microsite-Offers.GeneratePersonalizedVideoR3.07 1397 Error in ProcessAppPushByChannelManagementPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Extractor.ProcessAppPushByChannelManagementR4.01 1398 Error in CheckProcessAppPushByChannelManag ementDFStatusPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work- Extractor.CheckProcessAppPushByChannelManagementDFStatusR4.01 1399 Error in AppPushSendQueue.ProcessQueueItemPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- AppPushSendQueue.ProcessQueueItemR4.01
3813 1400 Error in Saving Responses AppPushSendQueue.ProcessQueueItemError while saving response to tables in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- AppPushSendQueue.ProcessQueueItemR4.01 1401 Error in AppPushSendQueue.ProcessQueueItem -No tokens Available for realtimeError as no tokens available even for real-time record even after X times reties in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- AppPushSendQueue.ProcessQueueItemR4.01 1402 Error in TriggerAppPushNotification Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-APIX- PushNotificationAPI-TriggerAppPushNotificationR4.01 1403 Validation Error in TriggerAppPushNotificationPushNotification Request Mandatory Error Handler in VFUK-FW- AOMFW-Int-APIX-PushNotificationAPI-TriggerAppPushNotificationR4.01 1404 Service Error in TriggerAppPushNotificationPushNotification Service Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int- APIX-PushNotificationAPI-TriggerAppPushNotificationR4.01 1405 Error in SendRealtimeAppPush Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-AOMFW-SR- SendRealtimeAppPushR4.01 1406 Error in AppPushStaging.QueueSelectionPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- AppPushStaging.QueueSelectionR4.01 1407 Error in SendRealtimeAppPush TreatementSendConfig not found Error Handler in VFUK-AOMFW- SR-SendRealtimeAppPushR4.01 1408 Error in InvokeAppPushNotification Primary Catch-all Error handler in VFUK-AOMFW- SR.InvokeAppPushNotificationR4.01
SR.InvokeAppPushNotificationR4.01 1409 Validation Error in SendRealtimeAppPushValidation Error Handler Error Handler in VFUK-AOMFW-SR- SendRealtimeAppPushR4.01 1410 Error in QueueSelection caused by SendAppPushQueueProcessorSendAppPushQueueProcessor Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW- Data-AppPushStaging.QueueSelectionR4.01 1411- 1420Reserved for Delta team - Viper 1421 Error in GetBundleEventDetails Primary Catch-all Error handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- BundleEventNTIDMap.GetBundleEventDetailsR4.02 1422 Error in GetWBWDeviceMultiplierMatrix Primary Catch-all Error handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-List R4.03 1423 Error in ValidateRoamingEvent TADIG value do not matchTADIG value in the payload does not match with the TADIG value in the D_CountryNetworkMapping Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW- Int-RoamingEvent.ValidateRoamingEvent R4.03 1424 "Error in GetRecommendations: " + @(Pega- RULES:Utilities).getWorstMessage(tools) + "No Active Primary Subscription"Catch all errors raised when populating primary subscription for watch upgrade in PilotUIR 4.04 1425 Error in adding record to Queue Processor in QueueSelectionPrimary Catch-all Error Handler for individual records in VFUK-FW- AOMFW-Data-AOSStaging.QueueSelectionR4.05 1426 General Error in QueueSelection Primary Catch-all Error Handler for entire process in VFUK-FW- AOMFW-Data-AOSStaging.QueueSelectionR4.05
AOMFW-Data-AOSStaging.QueueSelectionR4.05 1427 Error in SetupAOSThrottleBuckets Primary Catch-all Error handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW- R4.05
3814 AOM Error CodesWork.SetupAOSThrottleBuckets 1428 Error in CreateSalesOrderForAOS Primary Catch-all Error handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-TIL- SalesOrderAPI.CreateSalesOrderForAOSR4.05 1429 Error in ProcessQueueItem Primary Catch-all Error handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- AOSSendQueue.ProcessQueueItemR4.05 1430 Validation Error in CheckProductEligibilityRequest Mandatory Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-TIL- CPE-API activityR4.05 1431 Error in CheckProductEligibility Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-TIL- CPE-API activityR4.05 1432 Error in SetupAOSThrottleBuckets: Data Page errorData Page Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW- Work.SetupAOSThrottleBuckets activityR4.05 1433 Error in ProcessQueueItem Queue Retry Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- AOSSendQueue.ProcessQueueItem activityR4.05 1434 Error in ProcessQueueItem Catch All Errors in the child Save activity from VFUK-FW-AOMFW- Data-AOSSendQueue.ProcessQueueItem activityR4.05 1435 Error in AOSHandlerPreProcessor Payload Validation Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- TaskStatus.AOSHandlerPreProcessor activityR4.06 1436 Error in AOSHandlerPreProcessor No Active Subscription found for ServiceNumber Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-TaskStatus.AOSHandlerPreProcessor activityR4.06 1437 Error in AOSHandlerPreProcessor Product Validation on AOS Product Whitelist Table Error Handler in
1437 Error in AOSHandlerPreProcessor Product Validation on AOS Product Whitelist Table Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-TaskStatus.AOSHandlerPreProcessor activityR4.06 1438 Error in AOSHandlerPreProcessor Primary Catch-all Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- TaskStatus.AOSHandlerPreProcessor activityR4.06 1439 Error in GetAOSErrorList Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI- AOSError.GetAOSErrorList activityR4.06 1440 Error in AOSHandler Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- TaskStatus.AOSHandler activityR4.06 1441 Error in GetAOSProductSourceErrorList Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI- AOSError.GetAOSProductSourceErrorList activityR4.06 1442 Error in GetAOSSummary Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI- AOSSummary.GetAOSSummary activityR4.06 1443 Error in GetProductSourceConfigList Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI- ProductSourceConfigs.GetProductSourceConfigList activityR4.06 1444 Error in AOSHandler Duplicate AOS File Error Handler R4.06 1445 Error in GetAOSManagementDetails Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the Data-Portal- AOMManagement.GetAOSManagementDetails activityR4.06 1446 Error in UpdateProductSourceStatus Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI-
ProductSourceConfigs.UpdateProductSourceStatusR4.062001 Error in SetNBAResponse Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-AOM-Int- Services.SetNBAResponse activityR1.11Code Message Prefix Details Release
3815 1447 Error in CancelProductSourceConfig Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI- ProductSourceConfigs.CancelProductSourceConfigR4.06 1448 Error in UpdateAOSSummary Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI- AOSSummary.UpdateAOSSummary activityR4.06 1449 Error in GetThrottleConfigList Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI- AOSSummary.GetThrottleConfigList activityR4.06 1450 Error in CreateNewThrottleConfigRecord Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI- AOSSummary.CreateNewThrottleConfigRecordR4.06 1451 Error in DeleteExistingThrottleConfigRecordPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- AOSThrottleConfig.DeleteExistingThrottleConfigRecordR4.06 1452 Error in GetThrottleConfigList: Data Page errorData Page Error Handler in VFUK-FW-AOMFW-UI- AOSSummary.GetThrottleConfigList activityR4.062002 Error in SetNBAResponse Business Logic Error Business Logic Error Handler in the VFUK-AOM-Int- Services.SetNBAResponse activityR1.11 2003 Error in SetNBAResponse CustomerId not Found OR Error in SetNBAResponse ProspectId not Found CustomerID/ProspectId Not Found Error Handler in the VFUK-AOM-Int- Services.SetNBAResponse activityR1.11 2004 Error in GetNextBestActions Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-AOM-Int- Services.GetNextBestActions activityR1.11
Services.GetNextBestActions activityR1.11 2005 Error in GetNextBestActions Business Logic Error Business Logic Error Handler in the VFUK-AOM-Int- Services.GetNextBestActions activityR1.11 2006 Error in GetNextBestActions Subscription MSISDN Not Found ServiceNumber Not Found Error Handler in the VFUK-AOM-Int- Services.GetNextBestActions activityR1.11 2007 Error in GetNextBestActions InvalidInvalid Validation For Request Parameters Error Handler in the VFUK- AOM-Int-Services.GetNextBestActions activityR1.11 2008 Error in SetNBAResponse Invalid Invalid Validation For Request Parameters Error Handler in the VFUK- AOM-Int-Services.SetNBAResponse activityR1.13 2009 Error in GetBundleEventDecisionDet ails Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-AOM-Int- Services.GetBundleEventDecisionDetails activityR1.14 2010 Error in GetBundleEventDecisionDet ails MSISDN not found MSISDN Not Found Error Handler in the VFUK-AOM-Int- Services.GetBundleEventDecisionDetails activityR1.14 2011 Error in GetBundleEventDecisionDet ails NTID not found NTID Not Found Error Handler in the VFUK-AOM-Int- Services.GetBundleEventDecisionDetails activityR1.14 2012 Error in GetBundleEventDecisionDet ails Business Logic Business Logic Error Handler in the VFUK-AOM-Int- Services.GetBundleEventDecisionDetails activityR1.14 2013 Error in GetBundleEventDecisionDet ails Invalid Invalid Validation For Request Parameters Error Handler in the VFUK-
GetBundleEventDecisionDet ails Invalid Invalid Validation For Request Parameters Error Handler in the VFUK- AOM-Int-Services.GetBundleEventDecisionDetails activityR1.14 2014 Error in GetNextBestAction Invalid JSON Json error in the VFUK-AOM-Int-Services.GetNextBestAction R1.14 2015 Error in GetCustomer Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-AOM-Int- Services.GetCustomer activityR2.4 2016 Error in AssembleSubscriptionXCARPrimary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- Subscription.AssembleSubscriptionXCAR activityR2.4 2017 Error in PrepareCustomerAPIRespon se Primary Catch-all Error Handler in the VFUK-AOM-Int- Services.PrepareCustomerAPIResponseactivityR2.4