1 value
03-15Withdrawn as it is unneeded. Data token replacement is applied as part of PopulateOutputPropertiesForE mailByBatch strategy2.2 Withdrawn Strategy SMS PopulateOutputPro pertiesForSMSByB atchForSeedTestAOMFW 01- 03-15Withdrawn as it is unneeded. Data token replacement is applied as part of ProcessSMSSeedTest activity by using 2.2 Withdrawn
3878 @AOMUtilities.SubstitutePrope rtyTokens function Strategy Email PrepareEmailTreat mentsForSeedTestAOMFW 01- 03-15Withdrawn as it is unneeded. PrepareEmailTreatments strategy is being used2.2 Withdrawn Strategy SMS PrepareSMSTreat mentsForSeedTestAOMFW 01- 03-15Withdrawn as it is unneeded. No need this straregt as SMS data token replacements is applied as part of ProcessSMSSeedTest activity by using @AOMUtilities.SubstitutePrope rtyTokens function2.2 Withdrawn Data flow SMS PrepareSMSTreat mentsForSeedTestAOMFW 01- 03-15Withdrawn as it is unneeded. No need this straregt as SMS data token replacements is applied as part of ProcessSMSSeedTest activity by using @AOMUtilities.SubstitutePrope rtyTokens function2.2 Withdrawn
3879 SMS & Email Seed Test Functionality HLD GetPropositionDataForTreatment Strategy The main path should be Treatment data Email and SMS should be added to the strategy Treatment & Treatments Variant should be handled in the strategy, example context: TreatmentVariant → TreatmentVariant1 TreatmentId → Trt1 Children treatments should be imported wrt parent TreatmentId if children exists Children treaments should pick up default treatmentvariants. If the TreatmentVariant is null, all the possible treamentvariants should be populated and send to the customer. @Zeynep Pinar PrepareSMSTreatment DataFlow Input: Abstract (Subscription) Strategy: PrepareSMSTreatments Output: Abstract (SR) PrepareEmailTreatment DataFlow Input: Abstract (Subscription) Strategy: PrepareEmailTreatments Output: Abstract (SR) ExecuteSeedTest Activity: Update Step 17 as channel specific ( Call 3 channel based sub-activities ): Activity: ProcessAppPushSeedTest Activity: ProcessEmailSMSSeedTest Set Personalization data tokens in Context dynamically as below FirstName → Context(SDT_FirstName) ServiceNumber → Context(SDT_ServiceNumber) Append Context Page into Subscription Page Set DecisionRequest page Append the output of GetPropositionDataForTreatment with Subscription data (Customer.TreatmentList) Call PrepareEmailTreatment Data flow (If Channel = Email) Call PrepareSMSTreatment Data flow (If Channel = SMS) Call ProcessOffer activity → Parameters that should be set to run ProcessOffers: .ResultPage Param "BatchResults" .TestExecutionMode Param "TEST"Parameter Page Value
3880 .DictionaryName Param "Customer" .SubmitOperator Param pyUserIdentifier pyEmail1 (Email) Subscription SeedUser.Email / DataToken ServiceNumber (SMS) Subscription CustomerID Subscription SeedUser.CustomerID / DataToken
3881 Seed Test Design Extractor Case - Vishnu Create a new process in extractor case ProcessSeedTestData Create a new AOMConfig to call ProcessSeedTestData process ConfigType: ProcessFlowToggle ConfigName: ProcessSeedTestData ConfigValue: TRUE/FALSE/HOLD Change above ConfigValue as TRUE to not run this process in Prod environment Create a new AOM Config for DF Work Item Create a new DF Work Item Call PopulateSeedTestLiveData DF that logic created Use existing ProcessFlowToggle process Check the status of DF and notify support in case of failure Introduce a new Replace Data Token Function - Kagan -TBC @Suraj Create a new function as SubstituteTokens(ClipboardPage, String) which will replace all the square brackets in a given String by using given ClipboardPage Example: Inputs: SR Page has below details FirstName: Bruce SecondName: Wayne String has square brackets to be replaced like below Hi [FirstName] [SecondName], welcome to the [City] Output → Hi Bruce Wayne, welcome to the Gotham If the data is not available in ClipboardPage, throw an error as data token is not found ExecuteSeedTest Activity - Vishnu, Kagan Create a new 2 new parameters UseLiveCustomerData SeedDataSize Update TreatmentID → TreatmentName in SeedParametersJSON Update GetPropositionDataForTreatment Strategy for above change @Logic Update the ValidateSeedTestParameters DT validation wrt UseLiveCustomerData flag If UseLiveCustomerData true, SeedDataSize should be available Browse SeedUserList for given tag Loop thourgh SeedUSerList Do the required validation for each channel for each seed user Email → pyemailadress SMS → ServiceNumber AppPush → NamedUser
3882 Browse Default data tokens and populate DefaultDataTokensList Populate DefaultDataTokensSR page Set MaximumLoopSize = (UseLiveCustomerData = true ? Param.SeedDataSize : 1) Loop through 1 to MaximumLoopSize Loop through SeedParameters.JSONArrayList If UseLiveCustomerData = false, Call GetPropositionDataForTreatment DF and append results into PropositionSRList If UseLiveCustomerData = true, Browse SeedTestLiveData data set with below keys TreatmentName TreatmentVariant OfferVariant SampleId = CurrentCounter If no result returned throw a known error. Else, go on next step Append all results into PropositionSRList.pxResults Loop through SeedUserList Populate SeedUserSR page from SeedDataToken If UseLiveCustomerData = true, override DefaultDataTokensSR with values from PropositionSRList.pxResults(1) (By Default use LiveCustomerProposition values) Override DefaultDataTokensSR with SeedUserSR (By default use SeedUserSR values) Populate SeedUserSR page for below properties from seed user info with pySubjectID CustomerID pyEmailAddress ServiceNumber NamedUser .CustomerAccount.Contact.EmailAddress = .pyEmailAddress Call ProcessEmailSeedTest (Use PropostionSRList & SeedUserSR Page) Prepare Subscription.Context from SeedUserSR page Be sure you are passing below properties as part of Subscription.Context FirstName ServiceNumber Call PrepareEmailTreatments DF Call ProcessOffer Call ProcessSMSSeedTest (Use PropostionSRList & SeedUserSR Page) Substitute data tokens with SubstituteTokens(ClipboardPage, String) for TreatmentDynamicVariable1 attribute from SeedUserSR page -TBC Call ProcessOffer ProcessAppPushSeedTest (Use PropostionSRList & SeedUserSR Page)
ProcessAppPushSeedTest (Use PropostionSRList & SeedUserSR Page) Merge SeedUserSR page & PropostionSRList.pxResults(1) Call InvokeAppPushNotification activity Questions 1. How to do bundling for Email? @Logic 2. Which property should be populated for SMS offer flows? @Logic +
3883 a. SMSBodyText b. TreatmentDynamicVariable1 → Use that one 3. We should not be truncating new data set in extractor run, right? → No, do not truncate it 4. Do we need to check ServiceNumber for apppush in addition to NamedUser check?Check servicenumbr 5. SeedTesting/IsProcessSeedTestData & DF WorkItem configuration should be carried as part of AOMBusinessConfig or AOMConfig? → AOMConfig + 6. Check if there is any new data token for email? @Logic 7. GetPropositionDataForTreatment needs to update for below condition @Logic a. Treatment Name (.pyName) - Remove TreatmentID 8. What is the new DF name? @Logic
3884 652041 - Add Division to Seed User Extend SeedUser Datatype to have new field Division Create new datapage Create activity Alternative approach: Make changes to the existing DataPage and Activity:Division Division Text(Single Line) AOM Framework v3Name ID Type Options Application Layer Datapage uses an activity so that logic can query the SeedUser based on Division Applies To VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-SeedUser Ruleset AOMFW-Database ParametersServiceNumber, Division Scope Node Activity GetSeedUserFromDivisionD_SeedUserForDivision Browse seed user with given service number and seed user division, loop through all the values in Division, If Param.Divisionexists in seed user division, copy current SeedUser page into D_SeedUserForDivision Applies To VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-SeedUser Ruleset AOMFW Input ParametersServiceNumber, Division Output ParametersGetSeedUserFromDivision Error Handling Throws Runtime ExceptionGetSeedUserFromDivision Datapage uses an activity so that logic can query the SeedUser based on DivisionD_SeedUserFromTagList
3885 Applies To VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-SeedUser Ruleset AOMFW-Database ParametersServiceNumber, Division, SeedUserTags Scope Node Activity GetSeedUserFromDivision Browse seed user with given service number or division and seed user tags. Applies To VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-SeedUser Ruleset AOMFW Input ParametersServiceNumber, Division, SeedUserTags Output ParametersGetSeedUserFromTagList Error Handling ServiceNumber or Division; Throw error if one is empty Throws Runtime ExceptionGetSeedUserFromTagList
3886 Get NBA Seed Test Introduction Technical Details Class Data Type Data Page Report Definition AOM Config Activities Introduction Technical Details Class Data Type Data PageFeature/Functionality GetNBA Seed testing functionality that bypass business rules and present relative offers and treatments back to channel with no relative business rules applied Data tokens are replaced from AOMBusiness config and SeedUser data types if available. If no record is available in SeedUserNBAWhitelist for service number, Get Next Best Actions REST API BAU operation is applied Description GetNextBestActions, ExecuteNBASeedTest activities to return strategy results to GetNBA response for Seed TestingGeneral Availability R2.7 VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- SeedUserNBAWhitelistInherits from VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data className Note SeedUserNBAWhitelist VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data- SeedUserNBAWhitelist Please check Seed User NBA Whitelist for detailName Id Note D_SeedUserNBAWhitelist 1 day cache List type node levelServiceNumber Channel SubChannelName Detail Keys
3887 Report Definition AOM Config Activities GetSeedUserNBAWhitelist Query to VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-SeedUserNBAWhitelist class with below keys and return results TreatmentName, TreatmentVariant and OfferVariant ServiceNumber Channel SubChannelName Steps SeedTestEnabled GetNBA TRUE or FALSEConfigType ConfigName ConfigValue This activity gets default & seed user data tokens for a service number and after calling the PrepareInboundNBAForSeedTest DF, it replaces data tokens for TreatmentAttributes & ActionTemplateDetail properties in strategy result list Applies ToVFUK-AOM-Int-Services Ruleset AOM-Int Input Parameter sN/A Error HandlingPrimary Catch-all Error Handler: Catches all the unhandled Exceptions or Errors in the activity Empty data token value error handler Multiple records for a ServiceNumber in Seed User data type Error HandlerExecuteNBASeedTest
3888 Adding Seed Test to Channel Management ExecuteSeedTest GetPropositionDataForTreatment to return the TargetSubChannel property in the response proposition data for the given treatment/offer/channel combination App to verify, if a TargetSubChannel is the same for all treatments It should be either MailJet or IMI Error out, if either of the above fail App to SeedTestLiveData, browse the data using the input SeedParametersTreatment JSON data (do this only, if UseLiveCustomerData=true) App to verify, o if a TargetSubChannel is the same for all treatments o It should be either MailJet or IMI o Error out, if either of the above fail Store the sub-channel in a local variable to be used later Pass the sub-channel to the ProcessEmailSeedTest activity invocation ProcessEmailSeedTest Populate subscription context (as-is) Populate the TreatmentList on the Subscription page (as-is) Add Sub-channel as a parameter to ProcessEmailSeedTest Activity Add new condition on Sub Channel If Sub Channel=MailJet Invoke ProcessEmailForMailJet Sub Activity If Sub Channel=IMI Invoke ProcessEmailForIMI Sub Activity ProcessEmailForMailJet Invoke PrepareEmailTreatmentsForSeedTest DF Move applicable steps from ProcessEmailSeedTest to this activity Invoke ProcessOffer Activity Error handling as per AOM standards ProcessEmailForIMI Invoke PrepareEmailTreatmentsByChannelManagementForSeedTest DF Prepare the IMI Request (Separate activity implemented as part of channel management) Invoke the IMI Connector activity to send an email Error handling as per AOM standards ProcessSMSSeedTest (Channel Management will be enabled no Dual running) Remove all steps populating the data into the DecisionRequest page
Remove all steps populating the data into the DecisionRequest page Invoke VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int.SendSMSMessage
3889 Assisted Upgrades Test Harness Assisted Upgrade Test Harness Input Parameters Design Overview Implementation Activities Error Scenarios Assisted Upgrade Test Harness AssistedUpgradeTH provides the ability to test AssistedUpgrade dataflow logic and visualize the SIMO to SIMO recommendations whilst the Agent front end is not available. The test harness activity will call CheckRetentionEligibility(CRE) and ProcessedServiceList(GPSL) API’s to provide input to DF. Please refer to the AOM External Interface Spec for more details on CRE and GPSL API. Input Parameters A c c o u n t N u m b e r – Used as a request parameter for GPSL API S e r v i c e N u m b e r – Used to build the subscription page and used as a request parameter in CRE API and set as Context("ServiceNumber") in Subscription A g e n t D e p a r t m e n t – Used as request parameter in CRE API and set as Context("AgentTeam") in Subscription C h a n n e l – Set as Context("Channel") in Subscription when calling the AssistedUpgrade DF. Currently it is hardcoded to “InboundCC” Design Overview The AssistesUpgradeTh activity will follow the below design to set CRE and GPSL API response to the Subscription page before calling the AssistedUpgrade Dataflow.
3891 Implementation AssistedUpgrade Activity was implemented based on requirements specified in AOM-1714 and AOM-1959 userstories. The Subscription page which is built by calling the GetSubscription activity is updated with CRE and GPSL responses before calling the logic. In CRE response is mapped to the Subscription Context. In The GPSL response, the matching ProductRoot and OfferDetails are mapped to the respective properties in the Subscription. Logic will not be called if there are no eligible Retention for the upgrade in CRE Response and will display the message. Activities GetRetentionEligibility: This activity will 1. Set ServiceNumber to the CRE request based on SubscriptionType 2. Set AgentTeam to the CRE Request and invoke CheckRetentionEligibility activity which calls the CRE API 3. Set the ErrorStackTrace id CRE Response is not successful or there is no eligible Retention in the Response 4. Returns RetentionEligiblity if above condition (3) is false GetServiceList: This activity will 1. Set AccoountNumber to the GPSL request 2. Invoke GetProcessedServiceList Activity which calls the GPSL API 3. Set the ErrorStackTrace if GPSL Response is not successful 4. Returns ServiceList if GPSL response is successful. Error Scenarios Below are the error scenarios and corresponding messages displayed: MSISDN Not Found in AOM The MSISDN >>" + Param.MSISDN + "<< not found. CRE Response unsuccessful CheckRetentionEligibility API was unsuccessful: Severity - <E>: Message - <CustomerIdentification is not valid> RetentionEligibility is Empty in CRE response RetentionEligibility is empty for ServiceNumber : <9876543210>
GPSL response unsuccessful ProcessedServiceList API call was unsuccessful with message: <Invalid Data Exception>Scenario Message Displayed
3892 Email Seed Test POC Users are able to send the treatment/s to the dummy users which does not exist in the subscription spine. If the treatments can be bundled it is bundled in via calling PrepareEmailTreatments strategy and prepared in DF_ProcessOffer dataflow and send to the selected email address. If the personalization tokens are set in DataTokens property in JSON format, the values in the corresponding property will be used in email treatment. Else, the default values will be used to substituting the tokens. Email/s are prepared in the Process1 & delivered in the Process2. Process1 Parameters Steps Populate Treatment Data Proposition data is prepared for the TreatmentId/s & TreatmentVariant and results are stored in SRPageList page list. Bundle email treatments if exists SRPageList page list copied into Customer.TreatmentList page list to process records in the PreapareEmailTreatments strategy. GetBundleEmailData DF is called to call the PrepareEmailTreatments strategy and results stored in SRPageList2 page list. Load Default Data Tokens Default data token values are stored in SeedUserSR page. Load Seed User Data If the DataTokens parameters is not null, the JSON values converted into as a page into SeedUserDataToken page.TreatmentId The treatment/s to be sent to the selected email address as comma separated values.Trt1,Trt2,Trt5 TreatmentVariant Treatment variants to populate the treatment variant dataTreatmentVariantDefault CustomerID Dummy CustomerID which does not exist in the Subscription spineABC EmailAddress Email address to sent the email [email protected] FirstName Default first name to populate the personalization tokenKaya ObfuscatedMobileNumber Default mobile number to populate the personalization token905554443322 DataTokens Data tokens in JSON format to override the
personalization token905554443322 DataTokens Data tokens in JSON format to override the default personalization tokens for the selected customer{ "FirstName": "Kagan", "ObfuscatedMobileNumber": "905556667788" } Operator Ther operator that runs the email seed test [email protected] Description Example Value
3893 SeedUserDataToken values are merged into SeedUserSR page. If the same property exists in both pages, the value from SeedUserDataToken page overrides the value in the SeedUserSR page. Call ProcessOffer OOTB activity SRPageList2 page list copyed into pySRList page list to process values in ProcessOffer activity. ProcessOffer activity called. Parameters are populated for the ProcessOffer activity. ProcessOfferHelper activity called to get top level SR class. (VFUK-AOMFW-SR) pxRunSingleCaseDDF activity called to trigger the InboundPrimaryData DF which calls DF_ProcessOffer DF. Results are stored in EmailStaging table. Process2 SendEmailsInBulk Agent The agent that picks up email records and queues for PegaMKT-Engine.SendEmailChild in every 10 seconds. SendEmailsInBulkMaster Activity This activity queues all the “Pending-Delivery” status records to PegaMKT-Engine.SendEmailChild agent. It is run for every 10 seconds SendEmailChild Agent This agent that processes queued items for “Pending-Delivery” status in EmailStaging table It is run for every 10 seconds SendEmailChild Activity This activity that picks up records from EmailStaging table sends emails for every 10 seconds. Success records are truncated from EmailStaging table DF_ProcessEmails DF is called to send emails, unsuccessful records are populated into EmailStaging table again.
3894 API Simulation Below is the list of API’s Consumed by AOM which need to be stubbed in a non-integrated environment. Below Data transforms would helpful to set up the required data from the API as part of the Simulation Response CustomerPartyList (GPCL)TIL REST CustomerPartyListSim ulationActivityCustomerPartyListSimulatio nResponseVFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-TIL- CustomerPartyListAPI ProcessedServiceList (GPSL)TIL SOAP ProcessedServiceList SimulationActivityProcessedServiceListSimul ationResponseVFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-TIL- ProcessedServiceListAPI CheckRetentionEligibi lity (CRE)TIL SOAP CheckRetentionEligibil itySimulationCheckRetentionEligibilityStu bResponseVFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-TIL- RetentionEligibilityAPI Get Stock Availability (GSA)TIL SOAP StockAvailabilityAPISi mulationActivityGSASimulationResponse VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-TIL- StockAvailabilityAPI GetOutOfBundleChar ges(OOBCharges)TIL REST OOBChargesSimulatio nActivityOOBChargesSimulationRes ponseVFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-TIL- OOBChargesAPI CatalogueSync( PM Tool REST CatalogueSyncSimulat ionActivityCatalogueSyncSimulationR esponseVFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-PMT- CatalogueSyncAPI SalesOrder (CSO) TIL REST SalesOrderSimulation ResponseSalesOrderSimulationRespo nseVFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-TIL- SalesOrderAPIService API SourceAPI TypeActivity Name Data Transform Name Data Transform & Activity Applies To Class
3895 Knowledge Base The selected root page could not be found.
3896 Creating New Class Mapping for External Table From the Configure button the Designer studio as shown below. Select the Database Class Mapping option as shown below Click on New External Database Table Class Mapping button to create a new Class for the external table as part of this activity below rules are created in the Ruleset and version provided which is latest ruleset version of the AOMFW-Database. Provide the Table Name and schema information as below Provide Ruleset Name (should be AOMFW-Database) and Version and the ClassName to be created. Class Name can be updated to suite your requirements
3897 Map the columns to the properties. Primary Key columns defined on table would automatically be selected as Keys. Search for the class from the Search box in the Designer Studio Select the Database Table rule from the above search results. 1. Ruleset (RS) should always be AOMFW-Database Default value is AOMFW Ruleset needs to be changes to AOMFW-Database 2. Schema name should be empty By default, schema name will be populated which is aom in this case
3899 Frequently Used / Useful Pega Functions Utilities.SizeOfPropertyList(ClipboardPr operty aProperty)Returns the size of the property (scalar or list/group)Get the length of an atomic property or the number of elements in this list or group property, returns number of elements. If this method fails, 0 is returned. N a m e D e s c r i p t i o n U s a g e
3900 How to use Simulations in Service Connector Rules Simulations is an OOTB feature provided by Pega Platform to configured the stub responses for the connectors developed in Pega Platform which depend on the availability of the external services. These can be used to test various scenarios using the stub data before connecting to the actually service in dev/test environments. All connectors rules types Rest/SOAP/JMS/MQ supported by Pega Platform comes-in with built in feautre to configure the simulation activity which is available at the bottom of the connector rule on the Service Tab From the Records-->Integration-Connectors-->> Select the Required Connector Type Select any Service Connector and Click on the Service tab as shown below. Down at the bottom of the rule, you can see Simulations button. When you click on the Simulations button, below screen is displayed.
3901 Click on the + button/icon to add the simulation activities. Connect Simulator Properties Simulation Activity Activity name of an activity that simulates the results of the connector rule Global Enables system-wide use of the simulator whenever flow execution reaches the connector shape. When enabled along with a User Session, the User Session overrides the Global simulator. User Session The simulation occurs only when the flow is started by the logged-in user. The User Session overrides a Global simulator. Clear Local Click to clear the User Session option from all Simulation Activities. Clear Global Click to clear the Global option from all simulation activities. This option is not available if the production level of the system is 5. Apply Changes Click to apply changes to the Connect Simulator. Close Click to close the Connect Simulator form.Field Description
3902 Clearing the Simulations From the Configure Menu Item, Select Integration-->Connectors-->Connector Destinations & Simulations From the above screen User can check all the active simulations User can disable individual simulation by selecting them Disable or Clear all the simulations across the system.
3903 Service REST Features PoC End Requestor When Done Use fast processing Execution mode Request Processor Service Monitoring Enable service SLA with fallback activity OpenAPI Lightweight clipboard mode Method is read-only Automation Automation Rules Rest Service Automation End Requestor When Done On the Context tab of the Service Package form, select Stateful when you want to maintain a clipboard across second and subsequent service requests. Select Stateless to perform a simple calculation from inputs: the service request arrives, your activity performs a calculation, then send the response, and nothing you've done is needed to process later service requests.. On the Service tab of the Service SOAP form, the End requestor when done check box has no impact on stateless services. Regardless of the check box setting, when a service completes, the requestor is not destroyed so that Process Commander can re-use it for later service requests, thereby avoiding the overhead of creating another requestor. For stateful services, select the End requestor when done check box only on a service that is the last one of a series of requests. This indicates that you're finished with the requestor, so that it can be destroyed. Earlier requests in the series have the box cleared, so that the same requestor is used throughout. Use fast processing Enable the 'Use Fast Processing' option in the Connect-REST Response tab for a method as applicable. This field is displayed when JSON is selected in the 'Map from' field. For complex JSON structures, if the Clipboard structure exactly matches the JSON structure, selecting this field improves processing speed. For this option to work, follow the below guidelines when configuring the Data model: 1. The JSON property names and the Clipboard property names must match.
1. The JSON property names and the Clipboard property names must match. 2. The JSON tree structure and the Clipboard tree structure must be similar. 3. The scalar arrays in JSON must be mapped to the Clipboard as page lists. 4. Multi-dimensional arrays must be mapped into page lists of page lists with the same embedded property names. Map multi-dimensional arrays into page lists of page lists with the same embedded property names. Page groups, value groups, and Java objects are not supported. When using the 'Use Fast Processing' option, the JSON mapping does not work for a property that leverages the pzExternalName property
3904 qualifier to map the value to the Clipboard. Note: When we use that option in the Response mapping, pxObjClass parameter is returned within the response object. Execution mode Execute synchronously – Select this option if you want the service to run the request immediately. Execute synchronously (queue on error) – Select this option when you want the service to queue the request for asynchronous execution only if processing fails while executing the service activity.Note: If no processing errors occur, the result is the same as a normal synchronous request. If a processing error occurs, the error details are stored in a Service Request Processor data instance ( D a t a - A d m i n - R e q u e s t P r o c e s s o r - S e r v i c eclass), along with the request data that was originally mapped to the clipboard. The service returns the Queue Item ID to the external application, and the request is either reprocessed automatically by an Agent configured for queue processing, or manually by a system administrator. Execute asynchronously (queue for execution) – Select this option when you want the service to queue the request for asynchronous execution, return the Queue Item ID to the external application, and end the service call while the processing starts.Note: Choose this option only when a Service Request Processor data instance ( D a t a - A d m i n - R e q u e s t P r o c e s s o r - S e r v i c eclass) exists with a key that matches the Service Package key part of the service rule. This means that when the queued service request executes, the execution is performed with the authorization profile of the service. For more information, see How asynchronous service processing works. Request Processor
For more information, see How asynchronous service processing works. Request Processor The list in this field displays only the request processors that are defined for the same service package as this service rule. Use service request processor instances to specify: How to handle the queued service request objects Which queue to use How many times to run the requests if they fail the first time Whether to store the request object with the results of the processing after the processing is finished. Note: If you select Execute asynchronously (queue for execution) in the Execution mode field, or you configured a Queue When condition on the Response tab of the service rule, you must also select the name of the service request processor (the instance of ( D a t a - A d m i n - R e q u e s t P r o c e s s o r - S e r v i c eclass)). For more information, see How asynchronous service processing works. For more information, see Service Request Processor data instances.
3905 Service Monitoring To specify whether to monitor this rule, and whether to include the clipboard state when monitoring, in the Service monitoring field, click Properties. The service/EnableGlobalMonitoring dynamic system setting with owning ruleset Pega-IntegrationEngine, can be set to On, Off, or Deferred (the default). When set to On, all REST services in the system are monitored. When set to Off, no REST services in the system are monitored. When set to Deferred, you can configure monitoring on the service package or individual service level. If the setting does not exist, the default behavior is the same as if it is set to Deferred. To enable monitoring for this rule, in the Select service monitoring field, select Yes. 1. If you enable monitoring and you want to include the state of the primary data page in the monitoring results, in the Capture clipboard state field, select Yes. 2. Click Submit. For more information, see Service REST Monitoring.
3907 Enable service SLA with fallback activity You can select this option to configure a fallback activity for a time-out. For example, when the service activity is not finished after a configured amount of time and the maximum number of violations has occurred, the fallback activity is called. No further requests are attempted until the retry interval has passed. If the next attempt is successful, normal processing is resumed. If you select Enable service SLA with fallback activity, the following options are displayed: Maximum duration for service activity (milliseconds) – Enter the amount of time, in milliseconds, after which the service activity is considered to have failed. The default is 500 milliseconds. Maximum consecutive violations – Enter the number of SLA violations that must occur before the fallback activity is called. The default is 3. Retry interval (seconds) – Enter the amount of time, in seconds, to wait before attempting to process the service activity. The default is 10 seconds. Also, ‘Use application settings’ can be selected to configure production-level-specific run-time settings for the same parameters:
3908 OpenAPI Use the OpenAPI tab to view the auto-generated OpenAPI Specification (OAS) documentation that describes the REST services that are included in your service package. The OpenAPI tab displays the REST services in YAML and Swagger. The OpenAPI tab is available in both REST service rule forms and service package rule forms: In REST service rule forms, use the OpenAPI tab to view the OAS documentation that was generated for an individual REST service rule. In service package rule forms, use the OpenAPI tab to view the OAS documentation for all the service REST rules included in a specific service package Lightweight clipboard mode Improve clipboard performance in Service REST processing by using the Lightweight clipboard mode option. lightweight-clipboard-mode-82 Method is read-only You can select this option to indicate that each use of this service does not count as a service invocation under the terms of your license agreement. For more information, see License compliance. Automation Automation Rules Automations are Pega-supplied rules that you can use in Case Designer, flows, and activities to perform specific tasks, for example, to move a case to the next stage. You can view an automation rule to understand its inputs, outputs, and implementation; you cannot create a new automation rule. You can use automations in utilities in flows and as steps in Case Designer. When you are prompted to select an automation, all
automations in your application are listed, not just automations for the applies to context that you are in. You can also use automations in activities by using the Call-Automation method. For more information, see Automation. Rest Service Automation The ability to create automations is restricted in Pega Platform 8.4. You can take advantage of this capability in an upcoming Pega Platform release. Create a request for your service so that you can define an external API over REST that customers can call for their application. To create the request, select an automation, and map the request headers, resource path parameters, and query string parameters, and request
3909 message data to the inputs of the automation. For more information, see Creating a request for POST, PUT, and PATCH methods by using an automation implementation.
3910 Is Case Runnable IsCaseRunnable is one of the core features of AOM functionality which is responsible for checking the case dependencies. When a particular case is invoked it loads the respective case dependencies AOMConfig and then checks if any of those dependant cases is running if so then the case will be routed to Snooze until the dependant case is completed. Below is the design of the feature implemented in AOM. 1. Activity initially gets the status of the current initiated case using the CaseType & ConfigName(CaseSubType+ CaseType) AOM Configs. If the supplied CaseType is not found on the AOMConfig Table then an exception will be thrown notifying that its not supported CaseType and the case will be moved to Pending-Investigation. 2. CaseDependencies are loaded into memory for the CaseType and ConfigName(CaseSubType+ CaseType) . If the supplied CaseType is not Found or CaseDependencies are empty it means that the current case doesn’t depend on any other case to complete. Hence isCaseRunnable is set to true and the case continues. An important point to be noted here is that CaseType can have as itself as a dependency which means no two same case types can running in parallel. 3. Using, Custom java function SplitString the CaseDependencies comma-separated value is converted to a ValueList and stored in the case level property TextValueList. 4. Activity loops through all the CaseDependencies CaseType and gets the case status of each case type. If any of the CaseType is not Completed then the process will terminate the loop and isCaseRunnable will be set to false so that the current case will be the routed to
Snooze and waits for the dependant case to be completed. If all the cases are set to Completed status then isCaseRunnable is set to true and the case can continue execution. BatchNBA CaseStatus Completed CCDExtractor CaseStatus CompletedConfigName ConfigType ConfigValue SpineLoader CaseDependencies CCDExtractor,MSLoader,SpineV2Loader,BatchNBA SpineV2Loader CaseDependencies CCDExtractor,MSLoader,SpineLoader,BatchNBA CCRLoader CaseDependencies CCDExtractor,BatchNBAConfigName ConfigType ConfigValue
3911 Common Utilities Below are the common utility activities to support or work around any of the below-concerning issues mentioned below. All the activities are on VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work DeleteCorrupte dRuleActivity pzInsKey (Corrupted Rule pzInkey from User Context)Activity can be run if a rule can neither be discarded nor checked-in. Activity needs to be run from the same user context who is facing the issue MoveClassRul eActivity className: Name of the class Rule targetRulesetName: Target RulesetName targetRulesetVersion: Target Ruleset VersionActivity will move the class rule to another ruleset RefactorRules etRulesActivity SourceRulesetName: Ruleset Name from where rules should be deleted SourceRulesetVersion: Ruleset Version from where rules should be deleted TargetRulesetName: Ruleset Name into which rules should be archieved TargetRulesetVersion:Ruleset Version into which rules should be archieved DeleteOrWithdraw: Purge Type Delete/Withdraw from the source rulesetThis activity will pruge/deleted the rules from the source version and move it archieve ruleset. This activity is run after every release to move the rules from AOMFW-Testing into AOMFW-Testing-Archive( this rules set is part of another POC application) so that the rule can be retrieved if required UnlockRuleset VersionActivity RulesetName : Name of the Ruleset RulesetVersion: Ruleset VersionActivity is used to un-lock the ruleset, if the password used to lock the ruleset is not working or forgot. Please use activity this carefully. WithdrawAllRul
not working or forgot. Please use activity this carefully. WithdrawAllRul esForClassActivity TargetRulesetName: Target TargetRulesetName where the withdrawn rules will be created TargetRulesetVersion: Target TargetRulesetVersion where withdrawn rules will be created ClassName : Name of the ClassActivity picks up all the rules created on the Class provided as parameter and withdraws all of them in the Target RulesetName & RulesetVersion ChangePropert yDatatypeActivity ClassName : Name of the Class Rule PropertyName: Name of the Property Rule TargetRulesetName: Target RulesetName where the new rule to be created TargetRulesetVersion: Target TargetRulesetVersion where the new rule to be createdActivity programmatically updates the Property Type of the existing and create the new rule in the TargetRulesetName & TargetRulesetVersion N a m e R u l e P a r a m e t e r s D e s c r i p t i o n
3912 Documentation Template <<Describe functionality/actions performed by the activity >> Applies To <<APPLIES_TO_CLASS>> Ruleset <<RULE_SET_NAME>> Input Parameters<<INPUT_PARAMETER_1>> <<INPUT_PARAMETER_2>> Output Parameters<<OUTPUT_PARAMETER_1>> <<OUTPUT_PARAMETER_2>> Error Handling<< Explain all the error handling implemented as part of this activity>><<ACTIVITY_NAME>>
3913 Dynamic System Settings - Server Restart Server Restart is required if the DSS change If its on Pega-Engine Ruleset. For more details on this DSS you can go through the following article provided below. This DSS will require a server restart as this is present in the Pega-Engine Ruleset. Not all the DSS will require a server restart but it will depend on the DSS if its is a Engine level change or application level. Following is an article that provides details on when to perform a restart to app server. server#:~:text=Restart%20Required%3A%20System%20changes,-Restart%20the%20application
3914 Pega Unit Test Case Design & Limitations Overview: Overview: Pega Unit Test Framework Sections: Steps to create & run an automated test Limitations: The Design Approach: This document expains the limitations that Pega Unit Test case and design approach to be followed to build end to end test cases for Data Pages, Activities. Pega Unit Test Framework Sections: Steps to create & run an automated test 1. Run the rule you want to create a test case for Open the rule and manually run it first Once you are satisfied with the output, you are ready to create an automated test for it 2. Convert the run to a test by selecting “Convert to test” option on the run window 3. Give proper description, explaining what the test is for 4. Add steps to setup test data You can go to the “Setup/Clean-up” tab of the test case to define steps that would generate the necessary test data for the test to execute the rule There are multiple options to create test data. You can run a data transform, create and load objects, load data pages, run an activity, copy pages from clipboard Limitations: The Rules created within the same class heirarchy where the test case created is only possisble to invoke , For example If we have any Activity ot Data Transform that is created to set global configuration settings in the same application or other application is not possible to invoke from test data setup. 1. Apply Data Transform - It allows only to invoke the Data Transform rules created on the same class hierarchy. 2. Execute Activity - It allows only to invoke the Activity rules created on the same class hierarchy..
3915 3. Setup the test data pages using setup data by copying the existing page from clipboard provided the pages are not removed at the end of the activity rule execution or creating new page, However its not possible to access the pages created when the rule is being executed to validate page results. 4. The tool does not allow us to perform any computations and assign the properties for the newly created page. So we will be verifying the hot coded results instead of having computations and verify the Rule Calculations.
3916 All above te same applicable for After Rule Execution. The Design Approach: 1. The Rules we build should have switch to check whether the Rule is being executed for realtime application or Unit Testing a. Introduce a Seperate Configuration DataType (TestConfig) in Testing Ruleset which will not deploy in high end environments b. Enable/Disable Pega Unit for each functional area (i.e PC, OC, BDC) using the configuration. c. Check in the activity rule whether Pega Unit rule is enabled or disabled. 2. The Rule should not be deleting the Pages that are deriving after logic execution from Clipboard If the Rule is configured for Unit Testing. a. On Clean step of activity, check if the rule is enabled for Unit testing then skip the step. 3. Create Pages with expected results and compare with actual result pages to verify the Rule Logic. 4. Build a ErrorConfig which captures the expected errors on negative scenarios that will be used to verify the negative results.
3917 How to Induct new resources into App Team Check with resources, if both Microsite and Gmail Adqura accounts are created, if not check with the NPE team (Asit) to create both with the right access privileges Add the resource to other relevant Teams Group like Vodafone UK, AOM-Tech-Team, VFUK Tasks, NPE Support etc Announce or Welcome the team member by posting in AOM-Tech-Team Introduce the New member on Friday’s VFUK Weekly call Go through the working etiquette How to use teams How to update wiki on Teams Process for Applying for leave Setup Vodafone Access Send an email to Piers and NPE team for below access to the development environment Pega Dev Studio SSH Access to check logs Database Access Need to get the Vodafone account ( Piers is the contact person) Setup the bastion access for both Database and SSH for a dev instance Overview of the AOM Sprint Model Sprint timing and releases Adhering to coding standards Code Reviews/ Unit test Cases Updating Adqura and Vodafone confluence pages Getting started with the start pack videos for the AOM introduction Go through the confluence and code base for understanding Buddy/ Pair Program for one/two releases until the new resource can contribute/work individually
3918 AES 256-bit Encryption Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) uses a symmetric algorithm, which means the same key is applied for both encryption and decryption. AES differs from other encryption types in that it encrypts data in a single block, instead of as individual bits of data. AES comes in 128-bit, 192-bit, and 256-bit implementations, with AES 256 being the most secure. AES-256, which has a key length of 256 bits, supports the largest bit size and is practically unbreakable by brute force based on current computing power, making it the strongest encryption standard. How AES encryption works AES includes three block ciphers: AES-128, AES-192 and AES-256. AES-128 uses a 128-bit key length to encrypt and decrypt a block of messages, while AES-192 uses a 192-bit key length and AES-256 a 256-bit key length to encrypt and decrypt messages. Each cipher encrypts and decrypts data in blocks of 128 bits using cryptographic keys of 128, 192 and 256 bits, respectively. Symmetric, also known as secret key, ciphers use the same key for encrypting and decrypting, so the sender and the receiver must both know -- and use -- the same secret key. There are 10 rounds for 128-bit keys, 12 rounds for 192-bit keys and 14 rounds for 256-bit keys. A round consists of several processing steps that include substitution, transposition and mixing of the input plaintext to transform it into the final output of ciphertext. AES 256 algorithm using CBC mode In Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode, an initialization vector (IV) is added to the first block of plaintext before encryption and the resultant
ciphertext is added to the next block of plaintext before encryption, and so on. The IV has the same size as the block that is encrypted. In Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode, the first block of the plaintext is exclusive-OR'd (XOR'd), which is a binary function or operation that compares two bits and alters the output with a third bit, with an initialization vector (IV) prior to the application of the encryption key. The IV is a block of random bits of plaintext. The resultant block is the first block of the ciphertext. Each subsequent block of plaintext is then XOR'd with the previous block of ciphertext prior to encryption, hence the term “chaining.” Due to this XOR process, the same block of plaintext will no longer result in identical ciphertext being produced. Decryption in the CBC mode works in the reverse order. After decrypting the last block of ciphertext, the resultant data is XOR'd with the previous block of ciphertext to recover the original plaintext.
3919 To perform AES 256-bit encryption in CBC mode, first we need to generate random Secret key and Initialization vector(IV). The following function generates 256-bit secret key and 128-bit IV. GenerateAES256IVAndSecretKey function This function generates random 256-bit secret key and 128-bit initialization vector for AES 256 algorithm and doesn’t have any input parameters and returns a string Packages imported:; javax.crypto.KeyGenerator; javax.crypto.SecretKey; javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec; javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; java.util.Base64; Java: try { SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom(); KeyGenerator keyGenerator = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES"); keyGenerator.init(256,random); // Generate Key SecretKey key = keyGenerator.generateKey(); SecretKeySpec keySpec = new SecretKeySpec(key.getEncoded(), "AES"); String encodedKeySpec = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(keySpec.getEncoded()); // Generating IV. byte[] IV = new byte[16]; random.nextBytes(IV); IvParameterSpec ivSpec = new IvParameterSpec(IV); String encodedIV = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(ivSpec.getIV()); return ">>>> 1. SecretKey for AES256 (256 bit) : " + encodedKeySpec + " >>>> 2. IV for AES256 (16 byte) : " + encodedIV; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Error in GenerateAES256IVAndSecretKey: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
3920 } Output: >>>> 1. SecretKey for AES256 (256 bit) : tbAjBEtdzBD9xSBDCxL1JQBvaPZ5lCSvNNZGPT7UrjE= >>>> 2. IV for AES256 (16 byte) : i1z2gJ0D8CxeLXOyexVObA== After generating Secret key and IV, we can encrypt the data by using the following function EncryptUsingAES function This function has three input parameters initializationVector, encryptionKey and dataToEncrypt which performs AES encryption and returns Cipher Text (String). Parameters: initializationVector - This is IV generated in above function (Ex: i1z2gJ0D8CxeLXOyexVObA==) encryptionKey - This is Secret Key generated in above function (Ex: tbAjBEtdzBD9xSBDCxL1JQBvaPZ5lCSvNNZGPT7UrjE=) dataToEncrypt - This is a Plain Text that needs to be encrypted (Ex: Vishnu) Packages: javax.crypto.Cipher; javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec; javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; Java: String errorPrefix = "EncryptUsingAES: Mandatory Input Validation Failed"; aomfw_aomutilities.InputValidation("initializationVector", initializationVector, errorPrefix); aomfw_aomutilities.InputValidation("encryptionKey", encryptionKey, errorPrefix); aomfw_aomutilities.InputValidation("dataToEncrypt", dataToEncrypt, errorPrefix); try { byte[] ivBytes = Base64.decodeBase64(initializationVector.getBytes("UTF-8")); IvParameterSpec ivSpec = new IvParameterSpec(ivBytes);
IvParameterSpec ivSpec = new IvParameterSpec(ivBytes); Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding"); SecretKeySpec key = new SecretKeySpec(Base64.decodeBase64(encryptionKey.getBytes("UTF-8")), "AES"); cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key, ivSpec); return new String(Base64.encodeBase64(cipher.doFinal(dataToEncrypt.getBytes("UTF-8")))); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Error in EncryptUsingAES: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } Output: 6nElsUYyvJx8NI05e3g0UA== Now we can decrypt the Cipher Text and get plain text using the following function DecryptUsingAES function This function has three input parameters initializationVector, encryptionKey and dataToEncrypt which performs AES encryption and returns Plain Text (String).
3921 Parameters: initializationVector - This is IV generated in above function (Ex: i1z2gJ0D8CxeLXOyexVObA==) encryptionKey - This is Secret Key generated in above function (Ex: tbAjBEtdzBD9xSBDCxL1JQBvaPZ5lCSvNNZGPT7UrjE=) dataToEncrypt - This is a Cipher Text that needs to be decrypted (Ex: 6nElsUYyvJx8NI05e3g0UA==) Packages: javax.crypto.Cipher; javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec; javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; Java: String errorPrefix = "DecryptUsingAES: Mandatory Input Validation Failed"; aomfw_aomutilities.InputValidation("initializationVector", initializationVector, errorPrefix); aomfw_aomutilities.InputValidation("encryptionKey", encryptionKey, errorPrefix); aomfw_aomutilities.InputValidation("dataToEncrypt", dataToEncrypt, errorPrefix); try { byte[] ivBytes = Base64.decodeBase64(initializationVector.getBytes("UTF-8")); IvParameterSpec ivSpec = new IvParameterSpec(ivBytes); Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding"); SecretKeySpec key = new SecretKeySpec(Base64.decodeBase64(encryptionKey.getBytes("UTF-8")), "AES"); cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key, ivSpec); return new String(cipher.doFinal(Base64.decodeBase64(dataToDecrypt))); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Error in DecryptUsingAES: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } Output: Vishnu ***WIP***
3922 Working with SSH Once after login into SSH, Type sudo -i command to get into root folder Type alias to check shortcuts for all other commands which we used on daily basis ** WIP **
3923 Mashup Description Creating a Mashup Mashup Attributes Customizing Mashup Inputs Parameters URL Actions Loading the Mashup Sample Mashup Create new case Mashup loads directly Create new case Mashup with HTML form OpenW orkItem Mashup with HTML form ADO 675811 - CCS 22.2 || T3/SUP02/SIT2 || AOM Assisted Upgrades || V ADR is not launching with correct URL in second Instance - ALM 73537 Description Pega Web Mashup enables you to embed Pega application content or functionality within a web page or mobile application. Mashup can perform some actions related to case and actions commonly defined inside a mashup include: Create a new case Display a page Get next work Open an assignment Open a case by ID Open a case by Handle Open a case by URL Creating a Mashup Goto Application->Channels and Interfaces Click on Mashup Please refer below Mashup page screen shot to configure Mashup and check below links for more details. Creating a mashup
3924 Click on “Generate mashup code” to generate mashup. We can see iframe code and Mashup code, copy mashup code and embedded in the host page. Mashup Attributes data-pega-gadgetname Name for the mashup gadget which can be used to perform actions VADRNewUpgrade data-pega-action Action for the mashup createNewWork / openWorkItem data-pega-action-param-classname Case applies to class and applicable for createNewWork action VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade data-pega-action-param-workid It holds the work item id and applicable for openWorkItem action. U-1001 / [page/id/CaseId] data-pega-isretained To retain the state of the case after the user refreshes the browser that displays the mashuptrue OR falseAttribute Purpose Values
3925 Please refer Mashup attributes for more details Customizing Mashup We need to customize the generated mashup based on the external system requirements Inputs We can inputs to the mashup so that Parameters Parameters for the mashup, if any, need to be defined in the d a t a - p e g a - a c t i o n - p a r a m - p a r a m e t e r s attribute. These parameters need to be populated before calling the mashup script. Parameter values can be set in host pages and if the values need to be set from a form elements then the accepted format is “[page/id/elementId]”. For e.g. "OwnerAccountNumber":"[page/id/AccountNumber]", and “AccountNumber” is a reference to input element in the page (DOM elements) or id of the HTML element which hold the AccountNumber. The prefix “page/id” is a Pega format and is same for all parameters. URL We need to replace “” in all the urls “” with environment specific pega URL We need to replace “” with target environment pega URL Actions Loading the Mashup If we integrate mashup in HTML, we can either want the action to occur when the Gadget Manager first loads the page or whether the action waits until action invoked manually based on a requirement like on button click. The attribute “ d a t a - p e g a - i s d e f e r l o a d e d” will control this and it accepts 2 values: false- will load mashup on HTML form load true - it needs to be loaded manually.
false- will load mashup on HTML form load true - it needs to be loaded manually. Use the below doAction function in JavaScript to load the mashup when needed e.g. in on button click function. We need to send GadgetName - Name for the mashup gadget defined in data-pega-gadgetname. ActionName - Action for the mashup like load Please refer Mashup JavaScript page actions for more Mashup JavaScript actions. Sample Mashup Create new case Mashup loads directly data-pega-isdeferloaded Specifies whether the action occurs when the Gadget Manager first loads the page or whether the action waits until action invoked manuallytrue OR false data-pega-applicationname Name of the Application VADR data-pega-threadname The name of a thread in which the mashup action takes place Upgrade data-pega-channelID This is the channel identifier. Please use the value provided. MASHUPaf9c64a149264e6daaa7a517119d8544 data-pega-resizetype Resize mode for the mashup. For fixed we need to specify the size in height and width.stretch OR fixed data-pega-url Target environment URL of the mashup application in the system https://<>/prweb/ app/vadr/ data-pega-action-param-parameters JSON object for passing additional parameters such as user-defined parameters '{"OwnerAccountNumber":<" [page/id/AccountNumber]">, "Channel":<“[page/id/Channel]">,"Division": <“[page/id/Division]”>,"UpgradingServiceNumber": <“[page/id/ServiceNumber]”>,"ContactId": <“[page/id/ContactId]”>}'
<“[page/id/ContactId]”>}' Format :pega.web.api.doAction(”<GadgetName>”,”<ActionName>”) 1pega.web.api.doAction ("VADRNewUpgrade" ,"load"); 1 2 3<!-- ********************** Begin Pega content ********************** --> <script src ='' </script> <div
3926 Create new case Mashup with HTML form OpenWorkItem Mashup with HTML form 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17data-pega-gadgetname ='VADRNewUpgrade ' data-pega-action ='createNewWork ' data-pega-action-param-classname ='VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade ' data-pega-isretained ='false' data-pega-isdeferloaded ='false' data-pega-applicationname ='VADR' data-pega-threadname ='Upgrade' data-pega-channelID ='MASHUPaf9c64a149264e6daaa7a517119d8544 ' data-pega-resizetype ='stretch' data-pega-url =' ' data-pega-action-param-parameters = '{"pzSkinName ":"UpgradeSkin ","pyMashupSkeletonName ":"pyDefaultMashupSkeleton ","OwnerAccountNumber ":"456237","Channel":"BACKOF </div> <!-- ********************** End Pega content ********************** --> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40<script> function runCase() { var myForm = document.getElementById("myForm"); if ( == "none") { = "block"; } else { = "none";
6ea579c82f0c-1 = "block"; } else { = "none"; } pega.web.api.doAction("VADRNewUpgrade","load"); } </script> <div id="myForm"> <br/> Account name: <input type="text" id="AccountNumber " name="AccountNumber " /><br/> Channel: <input type="text" id="Channel" name="Channel" /><br/> Division: <input type="text" id="Division " name="Division "/><br/> ServiceNumber: <input type="text" id="ServiceNumber " name="ServiceNumber "/><br/> ContactID: <input type="text" id="ContactId " name="ContactId "/><br/> <button onclick="runCase() " name="load case ">Run Case </button> </div> <!-- ********************** Begin Pega content ********************** --> <script src ='' </script> <div data-pega-gadgetname ='VADRNewUpgrade ' data-pega-action ='createNewWork ' data-pega-action-param-classname ='VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade ' data-pega-isretained ='false' data-pega-isdeferloaded ='true' data-pega-applicationname ='VADR' data-pega-threadname ='Upgrade' data-pega-channelID ='MASHUPaf9c64a149264e6daaa7a517119d8544 ' data-pega-resizetype ='stretch' data-pega-url =' '
data-pega-action-param-parameters = '{"pzSkinName ":"UpgradeSkin ","pyMashupSkeletonName ":"pyDefaultMashupSkeleton ","OwnerAccountNumber ":"[page/id/AccountNumber] ", </div> <!-- ********************** End Pega content ********************** --> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18<script> function loadCase(){ var CaseID = document.getElementById("caseid").value; pega.web.api.doAction("PegaGadget","load"); } </script> <div> <br/> Case ID: <input type="text" id="caseid" name="caseid" /> <br/> <button onclick="loadCase() " name="load case ">Load Case </button> </div> <!-- ********************** Begin Pega content ********************** --> <script src =' '></script> <div data-pega-gadgetname ='PegaGadget ' data-pega-action ='openWorkItem ' data-pega-action-param-workid ='[page/id/caseid] ' data-pega-isdeferloaded ='true'
3927 ADO 675811 - CCS 22.2 || T3/SUP02/SIT2 || AOM Assisted Upgrades || VADR is not launching with correct URL in second Instance - ALM 73537 1. UI introduced new style attributes which addresses the UI popup issue and scrollbar navigation issue. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26data-pega-applicationname ='AOMFW' data-pega-threadname ='TestPocMAshup ' data-pega-channelID ='MASHUP919c1037c44f40118f9d19a5a69c2190 ' data-pega-resizetype ='stretch' data-pega-url =' ' data-pega-action-param-parameters ='{"pzSkinName ":"AOMFW","pyMashupSkeletonName ":"pyPerformSkeleton "}' ></div> <!-- ********************** End Pega content ********************** --> 1 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65<!-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 2 contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with 3 this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. 4 The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
4 The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 5 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with 6 the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at 7 8 9 10 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 11 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 12cdcd WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 13 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 14 limitations under the License. --> <!DOCTYPE HTML><html lang="en"><head> <meta name="viewport " content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0 " charset="UTF-8"> <title>Apache Tomcat Examples </title> </head> <!-- Begin:Changes wrt ADO 675811, PEGA SR INC-211199, INC-216779 --> <style> /*default 1024x768 @100%*/ #pegaCustom{ height: 615px !important; max-height:800px!important; } /*laptop 1920x1024 @150%*/ @media (min-width: 1200px) { #pegaCustom{ height: 580px!important; max-height:1100px!important; } } </style> <!-- ********************** Begin Pega content ********************** --> <script> pega.Mashup.Communicator.register(pega.Mashup.hostActionsProcessor); </script> <!-- Begin:Changes wrt ADO 675811, PEGA SR INC-211199, INC-216779 -->
<script src =' '></script> <div id="pegaCustom " <!-- Changes wrt ADO 675811, PEGA SR INC-211199, INC-216779 -->
3928 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83data-pega-gadgetname ='VADRNewUpgrade' data-pega-action ='createNewWork' data-pega-action-param-classname ='VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade' data-pega-isretained ='false' data-pega-isdeferloaded ='false' data-pega-applicationname ='VADR' data-pega-threadname ='Upgrade' data-pega-channelID ='MASHUPaf9c64a149264e6daaa7a517119d8544' data-pega-resizetype ='fixed' <!-- Changes wrt ADO 675811, PEGA SR INC-211199, INC-216779 --> data-pega-url ='' data-pega-action-param-parameters ='{"pzSkinName":"UpgradeSkin","pyMashupSkeletonName":"pyDefaultMashupSkeleton","OwnerAccountNumber":"Q9S42c6ixGPxA1v/WrZOqQ==","Age </body></html>
3929 Articles Dataflow Partition Calculation Escape special characters in JSON as part of Rest API Purging Dataflow W orkItems Dataflow Partition Calculation The formula to calculate the number of parallel processing is : numOfNodes * numOfThreads * scaliabiliyFactor. Community Links Data Flow distribution not evenly distributed between nodes | Pega Support Center Escape special characters in JSON as part of Rest API When a property contains double quotes (") as part of its value, the generated JSON object fails to escape the special character. This creates incorrect JSON objects during a REST Request. This occurs no matter where the quotes are in the string. Community Links Generated JSON fails to escape special characters | Pega Purging Dataflow WorkItems By default dataflow, workItems from the landing pages would be deleted after 30days and below DSS can be updated to hold the run details for longer. json/escapeSpecialCharacters Pega-IntSvcs trueDSS Name Owning Ruleset Name Value dataflow/run/maxDaysToKeepRuns Pega-Decision-Engine <<VALUE>> DSS Name Owning Ruleset Name Value
3930 Extend IH Table Steps to Extend IH Table: Scenario: You want to update interaction with customer property LastName 1. Create the property in the appropriate IH Table 2. Create a new LastNameproperty in PR_DATA_IH_FACT Table 3. Create the property in the appropriate IH class a. Create a new LastName property in Data-Decision-IH-Fact Class 4. Update Data-Decision-IH-Configuration.pyInteractionHistoryConfiguration with the new property(LastName). a. Save as the Data Transform.pyInteractionHistoryConfiguration to your Artifacts ruleset and update it to add your new property 5. Re-save the corresponding Database Table rule for the IH class a. Open the Data base rule for Data-Decision-IH-Fact and don’t update anything and just click save. To Use this property in Srategies Create a SR Property with same name (LastName)
3931 Database ER-Diagram Tables - Description Entity Relationship Diagrams
3932 Tables - Description
3933 Entity Relationship Diagrams VFUK AOM Product Catalogue ERD v0.5 AOM LDM (with … 25 Sep 2020, 03:15 PM0.5.pdf VFUK AOM Off … 14 Aug 2020, 10:15 AMERD.pdf VFUK AOM Pro … 25 Sep 2020, 03:17 PM0.5.pdf AOM_Product_ … 14 Aug 2020, 10:13 AM.5.xlsx
3934 AOM LDM (with sourcing) ERD v0.5
3935 Data Model based on the PDTT / Offer Feed
3937 Reference Material KT Sessions AOM Issue Triage Questionnaire Pega Support Request Guide Coding Best Practices Triage activities STF FlowExpand all Collapse all
3938 KT Sessions Monthly Ops Handover Before Go Live AOM VADR Weekly KT Sessions to V odafone L2/L3 Teams Weekly Config Club ( Thursdays) Monthly Ops Handover Before Go Live This session is scheduled just before the release going live so that the VF L2/L3 team is aware of what's coming for them to support. Below is the list of items as part of the agenda to be covered A O M 1. Integration with TIL Rest/SOAP Services 2. Introduced new Rest API 3. Loader Case Modifications a. New Sub Type b. New Entity/File c. Changes to Existing Implementation 4. Extractor Case a. New File Generation b. New Sub-Type 5. Housekeeping Case a. New Subtype 6. New Case Additions 7. Watchdog 8. Job Schedulers 9. AOM Config 10. AOM Error Codes V A D R 1. Integration with TIL Rest/SOAP Services 2. Integration with AOM Rest Services 3. New Case Changes 4. Mashup Changes 5. VADR Config 6. VADR Error Codes Weekly KT Sessions to Vodafone L2/L3 Teams This meeting is to share the knowledge on the new AOM features to be supported by Vodafone L2/L3 teams. KT is more inclined towards supporting the features developed like what all they need to check in case of any errors and alert the respective team in case of any issue.
3939 Weekly Config Club ( Thursdays) This meeting is to share the details Optimization and Capability team with respect to the Ruleset versions used and the PM tool catalogue versions for the upcoming release and also let the Optimization team know about them when they expect the new feature to work ok the Optimization changes. App team contribution towards this meeting is to see, if there are any issues in the process and raise them.
3940 AOM Issue Triage Questionnaire Loader Case BatchNBA Case Extractor Case AOM API TIL API Minimum details on ADO Loader Case 1. Can you please check, if the Operator who triggered the Case is pointing to the right access-group? 2. Can you please check the error message in the Pega logs? 3. Can you please check the aom_error and aom_audit tables for this issue? 4. Can you please check the admin_spine_load_status table? a. If a record exists in this table with the same file name loader will skip the file and no data will be loaded 5. Can you please check, if the applicable ResumeCaseFlow Agent is running? BatchNBA Case 1. Can you please check, if the Operator who triggered the Case is pointing to the right access-group? 2. Can you please check, if the SMS and Email campaigns are scheduled and the last run is successful before triggering the batch NBA case? 3. Can you please check if the respective dataflow work item id is available in AOMConfig and the dataflow landing page, both need to complement each other for each dataflow which needs running from the case 4. Can you please check the error message in the Pega logs? 5. Can you please check the aom_error and aom_audit tables for this issue? 6. Can you please check, if the applicable ResumeCaseFlow Agent is running? Extractor Case 1. Can you please check, Is the Operator who triggered the Case is pointing to the right access-group? 2. Can you please check the error message in the Pega logs? 3. Can you please check the aom_error and aom_audit tables for this issue?
3. Can you please check the aom_error and aom_audit tables for this issue? 4. Can you please check the extractor_status table and check if the status is completed for the respective CaseId? 5. Can you please check, if the applicable GenerateExtract Agent is running? AOM API 1. Please validate the request JSON using online tools or Notepad++ Plugins, ( 500 error is possible outcome for an invalid input JSON as well) 2. Can you please check, if the API Operator who triggered the API is pointing to the right access-group? 3. Can you please check the error message in the Pega logs? 4. Can you please check the aom_error and aom_audit tables for this issue?
3941 TIL API 1. Can you please check, if the API Operator who triggered the API is pointing to the right access-group? 2. Can you please check the error message in the Pega logs? 3. Can you please check the aom_error and aom_audit tables for this issue? 4. Can you please check, if the Simulation Data Transform or Dataset (STF Data) are right for the scenario being tested? Minimum details on ADO 1. Exact Error Message from the log file 2. aom_arror and aom_audit records for the test which would help us understand the request and response in the case of API and where it went wrong in other cases like case failures etc 3. Details of scenario with expected result and current result. 4. The request or file used
3942 Pega Support Request Guide Submit a Pega Support Request Go to link and click Support → Submit a Support Request User needs to populate below 4 steps for a new pega support request Create What type of issue is being experienced? Application behaviour incorrect Application performance issue Application security issue Seeing a display error A documentation error Error in log file Install or Upgrade or Migration Issue Service not responding System infrastructure issue System not accessible User interface The type of the issue that user is having for the corresponding support request. Pick up one of the available options with respect to the issue that you have Short description NA The short description of the issue that user want to raise Ensure that you specify the issue in high level with couple of words How severe is the issue? Sev1: Production down. Please call Pega Support The production system is down or inaccessible. Severity 1 only applies to production systemsQuestion Available Options Definition
3943 Details Sev2: Prevents users from performing significant portions of work The reported problem causes disruption of a major feature or function of the system that has significant impact on production but does not result in extended downtime. A Severity 2 problem can also severely impair development efforts. A Severity 2 problem prevents users from performing work or significant portions of their work, and it affects a large number of users Sev3: Product not working as desired This is the default severity level for submitted Support Cases. The reported problem involves a feature or functional failure that results in the Pegasystems product not working as described in the documentation. A Severity 3 problem prevents or delays users from performing some tasks Sev4: Does not prevent performing tasks The reported problem is a presentation or product usability defect with little to no business impact. Severity 4 problems do not prevent users from performing tasks. Examples of Severity 4 problems include typographical errors and user interface element misalignment What is the impact on work? Blocker: Work cannot be completed Select this option if the issue is blocking the development or release High: Major disruption to work Select this option if the issue has an impact on critical or frequently used parts of the system Medium: Minor disruption to work Select this option if the issue has a minimal impact on the functionality which causes a slight deviation in the requirement Low: Can still perform daily tasks Select this option if the issue does not have any impact on the functionality like cosmetic and the desired results can be easily obtained by working around Describe the issue NA Describe the issue that you have in detail Explain the expected results and the actual result you are seeing Try to explain the issue in step by step and specify the error logs/observations clearly
Try to explain the issue in step by step and specify the error logs/observations clearly Specify screen shots to be able to represent the issue visually which will make the Pega Support more clear if available What are the steps to reproduce the issue? NA Define the steps to be able to reproduce it again Specify screen shot if available Is the issue consistently reproducible? Yes NoSelect one of the option if the issue consistently reproducible or intermittent When was the issue first observed? Start of development Select this option if the issue was existing from the start of project development started Recently Select this option if the issue has occured with your recent development activities and has not occurred previously Describe recently implemented changes NA Specify the changes that has been done as part of environment and development activitiesQuestion Available Options Definition
3944 Environment Is the issue specific to an individual user? Yes NoSelect Yes if the issue is occuring for a specific a user else select No Has a patch or version upgrade been applied in the past 30 days?Yes NoSelect Yes if there is any upgrade operation has been done in the past 30 days else No Describe attempted solutions NA Describe all the attempted solutions to be able to sort out the issue step by step Document the errors in detail as you have attempted solutions if available Error messages received NA Specify the attachment names and give some explanation for each of them Primary application List of available applications defined for the client Select the application that issue occurs Deployment Client Cloud On Premise Pega CloudSelect the option wrt your environment exists in which hardware category Environment type Production Select this option if the environment type is Production Staging Select this option if the environment type is Pre-Production DevTest Select this option if the environment type is Development or Test environment Product List of available products provided by Pega such as Pega Platform, Pega MarketingSelect the most related product that your issue exists Generally, It is specified as Pega Platform Platform List of available pega platform versions such as 8.4.1, 8.5.1 Go to Dev Studio → PEGA (on the right bottom corner) Add attachments Screen shot of issue Please add screen shot of the issue you are having in design/run time if available PegaRULES.log Go to Dev Studio → Configure → System → Operations → Logs → Log Files → PEGA Copy all the logs into a txt file from the start of the issue Apply above steps for each node as above if the issue is
Apply above steps for each node as above if the issue is being produced by sytem users which may occur in any node Hot fix scan Go to Dev Studio → Configure → System → Release → Hotfix Manager → Download Scan Result Tracer Logs Run the tracer before reproducing the issue and pause once the issue preproducedQuestion Available Options Definition
3945 Communication Preferences Maintain a Pega Support Request Update AOM- Pega SR Details sheet wrt the latest status and notes for the corresponding Pega Support Request Support Response Times The Support response times specified in the following table are the general Service Level Agreements (SLAs). NOTE: All Pega Cloud Services clients receive Premium support for Severity 1 issues. Standard communication for non-Severity-1 Support Cases are via email. If a client wishes additional people to be contacted about an issue in addition to the standard administrator contacts, telephone numbers must be provided for those contacts.Click on save button on tracer and check the downloaded file Video record of issue ?? Primary contact NA Update the primary contact that Pega Support will be contacting if required Ensure that you have specified the phone number which Pega Support will contact on phone rather than mail in case of any urgency Additional contacts NA Add additional contact and phone numbers if any other parties inside the organization should be mailed as wellQuestion Available Options Definition Severity 1Premium 24 hours, 7 days a weekDirect communication with the client within 15 minutes of the Support Case being submitted by the client by telephoneAt a minimum, daily updates or mutually agreed upon frequency Standard 5 days a week (Business Week)Direct communication with the client within one business hour of the Support Case being submitted by the clientAt a minimum, daily business day updates or mutually agreed upon frequency Severity 25 days a week (Business Week) Direct communication with the client within one business hour of the Support Case being submitted by the clientAt a minimum, daily business day updates or mutually agreed upon frequency
updates or mutually agreed upon frequency Severity 35 days a week (Business Week) Direct communication with the client within two business hours of the Support Case being submitted by the clientAt a minimum, updates every five business days or mutually agreed upon frequency Severity 45 days a week (Business Week) Direct communication with the client within four business hours of the Support Case being submitted by the clientAt a minimum, updates every five business days or mutually agreed upon frequencyLevel Support Initial Response Support Case Updates
3946 Client Response Times The following table specifies the required client response times based on the Support Case severity: A Support Case will be closed if GCS does not receive any response from you after contacting you three (3) times over the course of five (5) business days by either telephone or email. Your Support Case will be closed when it has been referred to Pega Consulting or another party outside of Pega. Your Support Case will be downgraded or closed if you do not respond in a timely manner to the Client Support Engineer (CSE) working your case. Frequently Asked Questions 1 Within 1 to 4 business hours Severity 1 Support Case is closed New Support Case is opened with Severity 2 classification 2 Within 5 to 8 business hours Support Case downgraded to Severity 3 3 In 5 business days Support Case is closed 4 In 5 business days Support Case is closedSupport Case Severity Level Client Response Required Otherwise This Action Is Taken How can I upload a file which exceeds maximum size allowed? A new storage link is provided once the SR is opened, please upload all the files into that location Is it possible to reopen a case? Users can re-open an existing Support Request if it is resolved and occurred again. Go to corresponing SR → Actions → Reopen How can I get status email for an SR although i am not an additional contact? Go to corresponing SR → Follow How can I update the Severity for an SR? Users can not update the status of the SR You need to comment your Severity request which will be evaluated and applied by a CSE if applicableQuestion Answer
3947 Coding Best Practices Design Code Review Development Rule Naming Conventions General Function Usage Documentation Rule Types CaseT ypes Activities Step Labels Data Transforms Process Flows Classes and Properties Database Class mappings Connect SQL Data Pages Report Definitions Functions Integration-Services Rest API Integration-Connectors Rest Connector SOAP Connector Linux Working with Linux Design 1. All the details which are part of the ADO Story/Task should be part of the design, Every detail is important 2. Design should also highlight the impact on the existing implementation (if any) and detail on the resolution as well 3. Use Macros in confluence, if you are using any code snippets in the design 4. While creating a new service, API should have plural properties for Complex Repeating items (like LineItems), if not, we should discuss with Suraj Code Review 1. All Code need to be reviewed related to that task 2. All the check-in comments should explain the changes performed along with the ADO number 3. All the unit testing results/evidence should be recorded and presented in the code review 4. Update the build log with all the rules to be packaged as part of the build 5. Update the build long instructions to the deployment if applicable 6. Adqura confluence page should be updated with all the documentation along with the new error codes added as part of the task 7. Relevant Vodafone confluence page(s) should be also be updated.
3948 Development Rule Naming Conventions 1. Rule Name should not contain redundant information like RulesetName, RuleType, Application Name etc 2. Rules created in the testing ruleset should be deleted after the tests are completed 3. Input parameters to report definition, obj-browse should not be part of output unless absolutely required 4. Using Plural Rule Names should be used depending on if they actually represent multiple data items or not, an example would be ClassName rules should be Singular in most of the cases. 5. Please follow the rule naming convention as per the Rule Naming Conventions ( Recommendations from Pega) 6. Please don’t save-as, use create new always for any new rule as Save-as uses the current rule as a base. Also, pega creates Relevant Records which pega uses internally and impact other functionality 7. Database table and column names should be in lower case and each word is separated with an underscore (“_“). Please refer to SQL Naming conventions for more details. 8. Please follow Java naming conventions and indentations whereever you are writing java code(in functions) in Pega. General 1. Error Code variables should be Integer type 2. Refer to Rule Types and Rulesets page to understand which rule type need to create in which ruleset. Function Usage 1. Use @AOMUtilities.GetCurrentPegaTimestamp() function to set any DateTime properties 2. Use @AOMUtilities.IsPageListEmpty function to check if pageList is empty 3. Use @String.EqualsIgnoreCase function in case of any string comparisons Documentation 1. Add release number and ADO task number as a label to confluence the design page Rule Types CaseTypes 1. AOMFW Application is password-protected for any updates. Hence you need to use the password to update as mentioned below
2. Please remove the Password Protection on the application rule before adding a new case type a. Un-check the Require password to update the application on the Integration & security tab of the application Rule 3. After creating the new Case Type, set the password-protected back onto the application rule. 4. Please re-use the existing process flows, if it fits the requirement you are looking for. Activities 1. All activities should contain START and END log message steps with Logging Level Set to Info with Label and Description set appropriately. 2. Label Name for the Step should not be more than 3 characters 3. All clipboard pages created as part of the activity should be removed at the end of the activity and Label it as Clean. 4. Privilege Class on the Security Tab of Activity rule should be the same as Applies-To Class unless there is special use. 5. Security Tab of Activity Rule
3949 a. Disable Allow direct invocation from the client or a service option b. Enable Require authentication to run c. Set Activity Type as Activity 6. Remove/Delete the un-used Local Variables and Pages Defined on the Page & Classes Tab 7. Add the Description and Usage on the History Tab for the Activity rules to describe what the activity does with possible errors/exceptions. 8. Define default Error Step(Err) to catch All errors and set description as Primary Catch-all Error Handler 9. In any case of failure or exception in any step within the activity should use StepStatusFail when rule in the jump step condition and jump to Error Step (Err) 10. Definite meaningful page names as per the context and void suffixing with numbers like Work4/Test1 etc 11. Activity Step Comment/Description should explain WHY the step is added like initializing the variables for later use and if it is more of a standard step like Page-Copy or Page-New just explain WHAT is being done in the step. Also, add the JUMP logic to the description for readability purposes. 12. All Function invocations should contain the LibraryName along with the function name as @<<LIBRARY_NAME>>.FUNCTION_NAME(parameters) 13. Be careful while using VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work.CreateErrorLog activity so that sensitive customer information should not be pushed into log files, hence disabling the SkipLogToFile activity parameter a. use @AOMUtilities.GetCurrentPegaTimestamp() function to set ErrorTimestamp parameter b. Process Name= Activity Name( if the name is generic then prefix the Applies To Class Name Ex. SMSStaging.Process) 14. Invoking VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work.CreateAuditLog activity a. use @AOMUtilities.GetCurrentPegaTimestamp() function to set StartTimestamp/EndTimestamp parameters
a. use @AOMUtilities.GetCurrentPegaTimestamp() function to set StartTimestamp/EndTimestamp parameters b. Process Name= Activity Name( if the name is generic then prefix the Applies To Class Name Ex. SMSStaging.Process) 15. All error handling messages should have a specific error code (integer type) defined in both the implementation and the document: A OM Error Codes 16. In a loop, avoid using <<CURRENT>> in multiple places and use page-copy instead 17. When using page-copy method, jump to Error Step( Err) in case of any failure or any exception using StepStatusFail 18. All obj-browse should be limited to a specific value to avoid loading huge data into memory 19. Input parameters to obj-browse should not be part of output unless absolutely required 20. Use pxResultCount field to check Page List length for RD-List & Obj-Browse (this property is not available for Data Flows) 21. As part of Datapage Error handling, @Default.hasMessages(<<DATA_PAGE_NAME>>) needs to be checked for any errors after the data page has been loaded/copied/retrieved. This is a workaround for a Pega bug where data page error is thrown only for the first time and from the second time of access it uses cached error hence we could possibly missout on an error scenario 22. Add unit tests if possible, 23. All the parameters applicable to the context of invocation to CreateErrorLog and CreateAuditLog Activities should be passed 24. Use cached @AOMUtilities.GetCachedAOMConfigValue function, if there is no specific reason to have a real-time value 25. Expression in WHEN Rules on the steps should not throw an error as Pega terminates the execution if there is an error in the expression
and it's not caught by StepStatusFail. Avoid using functions that throw errors 26. Bubble up the error from the child activities and log them in parent only unless there is a specific need to log in child activities 27. Make sure you give as much as possible information in the Error Message to analyse easily if there is an issue 28. Use PageGroup property and avoid multiple loops when updating items in Lists, which is more performant. 29. Top-level class VFUK-FW-AOMFW is mapped to aom_config to map the connect SQL rules.
28. Use PageGroup property and avoid multiple loops when updating items in Lists, which is more performant. 29. Top-level class VFUK-FW-AOMFW is mapped to aom_config to map the connect SQL rules. 30. Avoid using Schema Name and Table Name in ConnectSQL rules and use class name instead. Below is the query in the ConnectSQL rule 1select count(*) from {Class:VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-SMSSendQueue}
3950 Step Labels Please find below the common Activity step label and description which needs to be followed as part of best practices Data Transforms 1. Define Parameters, even if the parameter page is passed from the invoking rule for more readability 2. Add Comment from Action to describe the step 3. Expression in WHEN Action step should not throw an error as Pega terminates the execution if there is an error in the expression and it's not caught by StepStatusFail. Avoid using functions that throw errors. 4. If possible, create multiple Data Transform rules and invoke them in the main Datatransform for more readability and maintainability 5. Add unit tests if possible 6. Disable “Call superclass data transform” check box. Process Flows 1. Follow the rule name conventions to create a Process Flow rule 2. Never check in the flow with DRAFT Mode On as it will fail in the Production Environment 3. Each process should contain Start and End shape 4. Add names to the Connectors where possible 5. Add the Audit Note where necessary 6. Add Likelihood appropriately and should not be left empty 7. All Error Handling should be handled by routing to NotifySupport unless specified 8. Always use a single END shape and avoid using multiple END shapes 9. Always the complete process flow should be made visible on a single screen to avoid scrollsStart Log Start of Activity This label and description should be used for the first step in the activity and LoggingLevel should be set to Info End Log End of Activity This label and description should be used for the last step in the activity and LoggingLevel should be set to Info Fin Succesfull finito step, jump to <<STEP_LABEL>>This label and description should be used for the last step in the activity Err Primary Catch All Error Handler Default Exception Handler in the activity.
Err Primary Catch All Error Handler Default Exception Handler in the activity. Clean Remove Pages created in this activityRremove all the pages created as part of the activity QAL Log to Audit Table Invokes the CreateAudit Activity QEL Log to Error Table Invokes the CreateError Activity EOL End of Loop BLErr Business Logic Error + << ADDITIONAL_MESSAGE>> BLVErr Business Logic Validation Error + << ADDITIONAL_MESSAGE>> Label NameLabel Description Comments