stringlengths 14
| text
stringlengths 2
| source
stringclasses 1
value |
1aa70caa753a-0 | Vodafone30
AOM Info32
VFUK Production Refresh L3 Tasks40
Useful Links42
Optimisation How-To KT43
PM Tool: How-To44
Main Menu and Versioning45
Proposition structure53
Intent related screens54
Offer related screens58
Offer Variation61
Treatment related screens63
Treatment Variation67
T2TV Actions and T2TV Attributes70
Control Group76
Volume Constraint77
Arbitration Control Parameters80
Configuration screens81
Other screens84
Upgrade Screens -How To90
Division to Team mapping91
Tariff Groups93
Band Management95
Cohorts Management97
Commercial Recommendations102
Pick N Mix and Discounts Blocks104
Upsell Discount Config105
Team Price Matrix106
Segment Of 1 Discount107
AddOn Group109
HBB Screens110
Manage Work Items115
Create a work item116
Assign work item to different user117
Discard work item changes118
See Offers/Treatments in Edit119
Rollback changes to Offer/Treatments120
Reopen Offer/Treatment in Edit121
Push changes to Dev2122
Assign to Manager123
Approve work item124
Change 'Assigned to Release' work item126 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
761eee5bde6e-0 | Pull functionality127
Manage Offers129
Search Offer130
Delete Offer132
Create new Offer133
Edit existing Offer134
Edit Intent to Offer mapping135
Enable/Disable Offer to Offer Variation136
Add/Edit Offer Variation137
Clone Offer139
Clone Offer Variation & Offer To Variation140
Upload/Download Offer141
Upload/Download Offer To Variation146
Manage Treatments147
Search Treatment148
Delete Treatment151
Create new Treatment152
Edit existing Treatment153
Assign to Bundle154
Enable/Disable Treatment to Treatment Variation156
Add/Edit Treatment Variation157
Volume Constraints162
Clone Treatment163
Clone Treatment Variation & Treatment To Variation164
Clone Treatment To Variation165
Upload/Download Treatment166
Upload/Download Treatment To Variation167
Manage Releases168
Create Release169
Discard Release171
Schedule Push172
Approve Push173
Assisted Upgrade Wizard174
Create Version175
Manage Artifacts177
Change History180
Merge To Trunk181
Approve AU Push184
Config Flow187
create a config flow work item188
Assign config flow work item to a different user189
Discard config flow work item changes190
See Artifacts in edit191
Manage Config Flow Artifacts193 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
86f177eaaf06-0 | Rollback Changes195
Push Artifact changes to Dev2197
Assign work item to Manager198
Approve config flow work item199
Change 'Assigned to Release' config flow work item202
Pull in Config Flow203
PMT - Test Cell Management205
PMT - Channel Management207
Channel Screen208
Treatment To Treatment Variations Screen210
PMT - TradeIn211
WBW Device Multiplier Matrix212
Manage Versions219
Compare Versions221
Handover Actions231
Opti and Landing process233
PM Tool Access Groups234
MBB Configuration235
PM Tool Screens237
HBB MAF Band238
HBB Pre To Post MAF Threshold239
HBB Tier Discount240
HBB Technology241
HBB Retention Discount242
HBB Plan Prioritisation243
HBB Plan Eligibility Management244
SegmentOf1 Discount246
Source Config249
Product Config250
S15 Same Or Higher251
S15 Threshold252
S15 Journey Threshold253
Offer To Offer Variations256
Designer Studio : How-To260 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
99021fe0dd4c-0 | Eligibility Rules: How-To261
Proposition Filters- How To263
Re-validation for Outbound Channels : How-To267
Squad Zone Strategies: How-To268
Recognize the capability change : How-To271
Unit Testing NBA FW - Reconfigure Volume Constraint Process in Batch Mode272
Output Properties:273
Output Properties: How-To274
IH Properties: How To286
Data Tokens For Templates295
Channel Specifics : How-To298
Offer Flows : How-To299
Email Offer Flows300
SMS Offer Flows And SMS Treatment Template306
App-Push Templates and App-Push Data Tokens311
OBCC Output property mapping & file format :314
DM Output property mapping & file format :316
SOAP UI Testing : How-To318
Text-to-Switch End-To-End Testing:319
Data Depletion End-to-End Testing:324
IVR End-To-End Testing:329
Assisted Upgrade - Product List End-To-End Testing:333
Assisted Upgrade - GetRecommendations End-To-End Testing:340
Email Template345
Batch Testing : How-To353
Batch NBA Case Testing : How-To354
Batch Extractor Case Testing : How-To364
IVR - How To374
IVR Subchannels and Respective Request Structure/Data375
Configuring Apptag Data377
Identify Intent for Each Subchannel378
Configuring Offers380
Identify Offer/Business Purpose for a Given Intent381
Configuring Offer Variants382
Configuring Routing Options (Treatment Variants)383
Identifying Routing Option (Treatment Variants)386
Validating Routing Recommendation387
IVR -SMS and Populating SMS Data Tokens Using Apptag Data388 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
99021fe0dd4c-1 | IVR -SMS and Populating SMS Data Tokens Using Apptag Data388
Elaborating End to End Run Using Postman390
Assisted Upgrade: How-To391
Get Recommendation API392
Identifying Best Deal396
Customer Current Details398
Configuring And Evaluating Commercial Recommendations399
Configuring and Evaluating Logic Recommendations400 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
16b27e8be633-0 | Get Product List API403
Validate Basket API411
VF Together Offers414
Configuring Offers, Offer Variants, Treatments, Treatment Variants415
Fix or Flex418
Validate Delete API420
Conditional investigation For RT APIs422
Extractor Failure Scenario when Batch is Triggered423
OPTI KT: Second Line Digital Private Pricing424
OPTI KT Second Line Private Pricing427
OPTI KT: Test Cell Management in 2nd Line Private Pricing436
OPTI KT: GetNBA Logic438
OPTI KT: Get Product List Logic441
OPTI KT MVA- Full Screen Promo446
Scenario Based Templating458
Extras Landing Page KT460
XLP Propositions and PM Tool Screens463
XLP Logic Components473
XLP Error Scenarios480
XLP App layer482
2nd Line Private Pricing489
Propositions and PM Tool screens for 2nd Line PP492
Get Product List Logic494
GetNBA Logic497
OPTI KT Test Cell Management in 2nd Line Private Pricing500
Propositions and PM Tool screens for eCare506
eCare Logic511
eCare Decision Mix Logic513
New BDC Pipeline - dual running516
Move output properties to Squad Zones KT539
Conditional investigation For RT APIs KT542
Seed Test Functionality KT562
Channel Management Email OPTI KT571
Propositions and PM Tool screens for Channel Management Email572
Channel Management Email Logic577
Channel Management Email Seed Test Logic587
T2TV Contact Rules588
New Channel For GetNBA - TOBi590
Propositions and PM Tool screens for TOBi598
TOBi Logic604 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
16b27e8be633-1 | Propositions and PM Tool screens for TOBi598
TOBi Logic604
Channel Management Email Part 2 OPTI KT608
Personalised Video611
Personalised Video Logic613 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
00557cece4db-0 | PM Tool screens for T2TVHandoverActions617
Optimisation Artefacts By Release620
Release 1.7.1621
VF-UK AWS - Access via bastion622
Extras Landing Page - Microsite625
Propositions and PM Tool Screens629
Logic Components637
Error Scenarios644
App layer - Extras Landing Page646
AOM Simulation653
How to Create a Segment654
Simulation Explaination658
Simulation Funnels (Batch)661
Manual Steps For AOM Simulation (Batch)673
Customer Level Simulation Design Pattern683
Simulation Fix Details684
Simulation Funnels (GetNBA)686
GetNBA Funnel and Distribution Simulation Query699
Running the Simulation Case700
Simulation Funnels (TIL)706
TIL Funnel and Distribution Simulation Query716
Simulation Output Tables717
AOM Proposition Hierarchy719
AOM Decisioning Funnel720
Trade In - Phase 2; Payment Methods & When Bought With (WBW) Offers722
Assisted Upgrade - Record Deal - Options738
Prepare Data Data Flow Usage741
Adding New Channel In AOM742
Adding New Squad In AOM746
Logic Design Approach748
Release 1.7749
AppPush Design Approach750
Batch NBA Design Approach753
Release 1.8761
HBB - 2 Design Approach762
File Extractor Design Approach764
Control Group Design Approach766
Extend IH767
OBCC output for NBA Batch769
Release 1.9770
CR - AOM-1531771
Epic - Tealium772
Epic - NBA Batch FW (excluding Squad Zones)777
Epic - DM Channel779 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
a68c5b955b70-0 | Release 1.10782
Assisted Upgrade - Drop 1783
NBA FW - Squad Zones - Offers791
NBA FW - Squad Zones - OfferVariants792
NBA FW - Squad Zones - Treatments794
NBA FW - Squad Zones - TreatmentVariants797
Epic - App Push Response Feed798
Release 1.11799
Assisted Upgrade -Drop 2800
NBA FW - Offer Tagging for Execution Mode802
NBA FW - Best Treatment804
Trade In806
Create SetNBA API810
Release 1.12811
Using Best Channel Model for Best Treatment Selection812
Migrate T2S to NBA FW813
NBA FW - Best Treatment Variant819
IVR AOM Integration (GetNBA)821
Assisted Upgrade - Integrate CRE829
Assisted Upgrade - Customer Cohorts831
Assisted Upgrade - Commercial Recommendation To Cohorts838
Oldest Subscription In Account Spine840
Simulation MVP Solution843
Assisted upgrade -Division to Team mapping848
Assisted Upgrade- Add new Upsell Discount options849
Release 1.13850
Data Depletion Migration to NBA851
Assisted Upgrade-Segment Strategy Identification867
Handling Email Bundles in AOM Volume Constraints Process870
Pick Best Treatment For Offer By Treatment Rank871
Device Reference Data872
Update Tealium Integration873
Release 1.14874
Intent Logic Change for IVR & Assisted Upgrade875
Assisted Upgrade -Pick&Mix880
Assisted Upgrade- Update Cohort DiscountFlag / Discount Code validation889
NBA FW - Control Groups891
IVR - SetNBA899
IVR-Get NBA- Populating Details & Actions901 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
a68c5b955b70-1 | IVR - SetNBA899
IVR-Get NBA- Populating Details & Actions901
IVR-Using IVR Deflection Model In logic903
Epic - Seedlist904
Release 2.1905
IVR- Integrating Event(Apptag) Parameters to Logic906
IVR-Send SMS910 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
e1c254f9f69a-0 | IVR-Treatment Eligibility912
IVR-Treatment Template Integration to Logic914
IVR-Inent Logic Update-Using BDC model916
GetNBA - Channel Control918
Assisted Upgrade-Segment of 1 Chort922
Assisted Upgrade-Segment of 1 Discount Strategy926
Assisted Upgrade - Using Segment of 1 in the logic Recommendations928
Assisted Upgrade -Recommendation Output929
Assisted Upgrade- Changing Segment Strategy Identification Logic931
Aggregated Event Store933
NBA FW - Offer Level Contact Strategy936
NBA FW - Manage Mandatory Communications940
NBA FW - Global Contact Strategy942
Release 2.2944
Assisted Upgrade-Current S15Maf Sourcing & Using as Cohort variable945
Assisted Upgrade -Update Current Discount Amount calculation947
Assisted Upgrade -Extent the list of tariff used in Pick n Mix948
Assisted Upgrade-Update Logic Recommendation for S15950
Assisted Upgrade- New Cohort variable959
NBA FW - Manage presentation of Offer Variants960
NBA FW - Seed testing using NBA data962
NBA FW - Interaction History Write Consolidation - Batch Only964
NBA FW - Business Purpose Level Contact Strategy976
NBA FW - Audit Log979
AssistedUpgrade- Integrating Logic Recommendation with Commercial Recommendation982
Release 2.3988
NBA FW - Interaction History Write Consolidation - TIL989
NBA FW - Interaction History Write Consolidation - ProcessEvent991
NBA FW - Interaction History Write Consolidation - IVR & Deflection SMS997
NBA FW - FUT Cohort for AOM Treatments1000
Assisted Upgrade-S15 Enhancements1004
Assisted Upgrade-Include Data Usage to Segment Strategy1010
Add URL validation to Event Parameters1012 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
e1c254f9f69a-1 | Assisted Upgrade-Include Data Usage to Segment Strategy1010
Add URL validation to Event Parameters1012
Assisted Upgrade- Offer Hierarchy Changes1013
NBA FW - Resolve Arbitration Steps in NBA Funnel1019
Assisted Upgrade-Multi CTN Cohort Variable1028
Assisted Upgrade-Consume the New Handset BDC Model1029
NBA FW - IVR Repeated Intent1031
NBA FW - Interaction History Write Consolidation - ProcessDiallerOutcome1033
Assisted Upgrade- Reporting Requirements - (IH Write for InboundCC)1036
Release 2.41039
NBA FW - MVA - Add new channel and business purpose to NBA Funnel1040
NBA FW - Offer Propensity Model Configuration1053
NBA FW - Automated Testing - Logic POC1061
Assisted Upgrade-Bingo Details1074 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
0882e0acb42a-0 | Assisted Upgrade-Get Handset Stock Details1079
Assisted Upgrade-Loan Principles1080
Assisted Upgrade-Bingo Logic Recommendation1081
Assisted Upgrade-Auto Added Product In Logic Recommendation1087
Assisted Upgrade -Bingo Commercial Recommendation1090
Assisted Upgrade -Auto Added Product In Commercial Recommendation1093
Assisted Upgrade-Refine By1095
Assisted Upgrade- Commercial Recommendation Validation1098
Assisted Upgrade-Pick And Mix Logic Change1100
Release 2.51103
NBA FW - Reconfigure Volume Constraint Process in Batch Mode1104
NBA FW - Segmentation By Offer1108
NBA FW - Trade In Phase D: Payment Methods & WBW Rule 61111
NBA FW - Record Model Use in IH1117
NBA FW - Multiple Offers in Intent To Offer Mapping1123
Assisted Upgrade -Calculate PreS15 for Handset Customers1124
Assisted Upgrade- Upgrade LifeCyle Conditions1126
Assisted Upgrade - Get Product List1132
Assisted Upgrade-GetRecommendation API Integration1140
Assisted Upgrade-Validate Basket1146
Release 2.61149
Assisted Upgrade -Promos1150
Assisted Upgrade-Query Eligible VF Together Offers1153
Assisted Upgrade-Display VF Together in the Tariff List in the Edit Tariff Tab1159
Assisted Upgrade -Validate Basket VF Together Details1160
Assisted Upgrade-Using GPSL for Current Product Price1161
Assisted Upgrade -Calculate Device Loan S15 Benefit1163
Assisted Upgrade-Early Upgrade Tariff Tenure Rule1165
Assisted Upgrade -Edit Deal Addons1167
Assisted Upgrade-Setting Card Title1173
Assisted Upgrade -Update Upsell Discount Calculation1174 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
0882e0acb42a-1 | Assisted Upgrade-Setting Card Title1173
Assisted Upgrade -Update Upsell Discount Calculation1174
Assisted Upgrade- Remove Basket details from GetTariffList & Get HandsetList1176
Assisted Upgrade -Setting Recommendation More Info1179
NBA FW - Intent Enhancements1181
NBA FW - Introduce a Priority Cut-Off step for NBA1183
NBA FW - Adding a new channel RCS to NBA Funnel1186
NBA FW - Adding a new channel MMS to NBA Funnel1196
Assisted Upgrade - Edit Deal Discount1206
Assisted Upgrade - Edit Deal Insurance1214
NBA FW - Expose TPS data to decisioning logic1218
NBA FW - Response Management1220
NBA FW - Interaction History Write Consolidation - CaptureResponse1225
NBA FW - Interaction History Write Consolidation - Retail1230
Release 2.71231
Assisted Upgrade- Calculate Net Revenue1232 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
321d783b0d90-0 | Assisted Upgrade -Display Tariff type on the Tariff tab1236
Assisted Upgrade - Calculate Prorated Discount for Basket1237
Assisted Upgrade - Early Upgrade control in discount list1238
Assisted Upgrade -Replace Atomic Rule -R1801239
Assisted Upgrade- Remove the GPSL Fall back logic.1241
Assisted Upgrade-Identifying a discount in the Subscriber Invoice Table1243
Assisted Upgrade-Validate Delete1244
Assisted Upgrade- Display Tariff Max Discount1247
NBA FW - New Business Purpose (HomeBroadband - HBB)1249
NBA FW - New Business Purpose (Loyalty)1260
NBA FW - Model migration to new pipeline for batch1271
NBA FW - Extend Target/Control Logic to GetNBA1274
NBA FW - Add TPS Flag to AoM Audit Log1278
NBA FW - Squad level Intent to Offer mapping1281
NBA FW - Inbound Seed Testing (IVR & App)1284
NBA FW - Extend contact strategy to GetNBA1287
Assisted Upgrade -Use the Enriched PC data in the logic1290
Assisted Upgrade-Device Tab Ordering1293
Assisted Upgrade-Refine By Update for Device1294
Assisted Upgrade- T4 logic to include entertainment1298
Release 2.81299
Assisted Upgrade - Record Deal Presentation1300
NBA FW - Conditional investigation function for RT APIs1305
Assisted Upgrade -Fix or Flex (Part 1)1313
Assisted Upgrade - Commercial Recommendations- Update Very Early Upgrade S15 controls1317
Assisted Upgrade - Edit Commercial Recommendation-Discount List1323
Assisted Upgrade - Edit Commercial Recommendation-Validations1325 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
321d783b0d90-1 | Assisted Upgrade - Edit Commercial Recommendation-Validations1325
Assisted Upgrade-Sellable Control1327
NBA FW - Add Benefits Spine to Data1330
NBA FW - Move Intent to Offer Dedupe further down the funnel1332
NBA FW - Introduce Revalidation Steps for Batch1335
Extras Landing Page - Strategy Framework Changes1338
Assisted Upgrade -Fix or Flex (part 2)1343
Assisted Upgrade -Refine By Update1348
Release 2.91349
Trade In - Payment Methods & When Bought With (WBW) Offers1350
Assisted Upgrade -Stock Control for Device Recommendation1353
Assisted Upgrade -Exclude APD from Update Max Discount Calculation1356
Assisted Upgrade-Display Secure Net1357
Assisted Upgrade -Add Bars Tab1359
Assisted Upgrade -Add Accessories Tab1361
Assisted Upgrade- Max Discount Presentation for Fixed Tariffs1363
Assisted Upgrade - Watch Recommendation -Part11365
Assisted Upgrade - Watch Recommendation -Part21369
Assisted Upgrade - Get Device List for Watch1372 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
25471c263ce6-0 | Assisted Upgrade - Get Tariff List for Watch1373
Assisted Upgrade - Get Discount List for Watch1375
Extras Landing Page: Capture Response for Microsite1376
Extras Landing Page: Offer revalidation for Microsite1382
Extras Landing Page: Multiple offers presented on the landing page1384
Extras Landing Page: Offer Expiry1388
Extras Landing Page: Send Offer SMS1390
ApplyFUTCheck Optimization1392
Extend Target/Control Logic at Treatment Level for Batch and TIL Execution Modes1393
NBA FW - Model migration to new pipeline for HBB1396
Release 2.101397
Assisted Upgrade - Record Deal Response1398
Assisted Upgrade -CRE Control Changes1416
Assisted Upgrade- Early Upgrade S15 Control Changes1418
Assisted Upgrade -Price Matrix Discount Update1420
Assisted Upgrade-Early Upgrade Fee1422
Assisted Upgrade-Customer Profile-Usage Data1425
Assisted Upgrade -Design Change for SecureNet1428
Assisted Upgrade-Second Line Pricing-Upgrade impact1429
2nd Line Private Pricing - GetProductList1430
2nd Line Private Pricing - GetNBA1436
2nd Line Private Pricing - Assign Customer To Test Cell1439
NBA FW - Test Cell Management1441
2nd Line Private Pricing - Offer Catalogue1443
NBA FW - RCS and MMS Responses1444
NBA FW - Introduce a Fallow Period for Offer Expiry Date1454
Extras Landing Page - Capture URL Click Response1457
Assisted Upgrade - Optimise Data page loads for Assisted Upgrades logic1463
Assisted Upgrade - Customer Profile- UI1465
Release 2.111467
Assisted Upgrade-Handling No Recommendation1468 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
25471c263ce6-1 | Release 2.111467
Assisted Upgrade-Handling No Recommendation1468
Assisted Upgrades -Change to Promotions1470
NBA FW - Test Cell Allocation Scenarios1472
NBA FW - Scenario Based Templating & Microsite Templating1474
Test Cell Management1481
Release 2.121484
Assisted Upgrade - Update the Fix or Flex visibility flags at Product Level1485
Assisted Upgrade – Sellable Flags for Addons 1487
Assisted Upgrade - Regulatory Offers1489
Assisted Upgrade - UI-Customer Profile -Customer Notifications1490
Assisted Upgrade- Commission Tier- Part 11493
NBA FW - Capture Call Center Responses1497
NBA FW - Batch controls - pause, hold, resume1505
Assisted Upgrade – Additional Plan Discount Display message 1511
Assisted Upgrade -Refine By Update-Fix1513 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
c1a41b93f12d-0 | Release 2.131515
Tradein CR - ADO 6441361516
NBA FW - Determine Sellable Plans by Order Type1518
NBA FW - New Sub-channels for eShop1519
NBA FW - GetNextBestContent1520
NBA FW - SetNBAResponse - Upgrades & Offers page response capture1524
NBA FW - SetNBAResponse - Options To Buy (OTB) page response capture1525
NBA FW - Check cross sell headline discount for legal compliance (2nd line PP)1526
Assisted Upgrade - Write product details to IH for Web interactions (2nd line PP)1530
NBA FW - 2nd Line Private Pricing - Offer Catalogue R2.121533
NBA FW - Get NBA - Return Product Group & Max Discount Per Product Group (Options To Buy popup)1534
NBA FW - Determine Plans & Personalised Discounts1535
NBA FW - Mismatched Interaction ID Fix - Core Changes1537
NBA FW - Mismatched Interaction ID Fix - IVR & Deflection SMS1539
NBA FW - Mismatched Interaction ID Fix - Landing Pages1541
NBA FW - Mismatched Interaction ID Fix - TIL Service1543
NBA FW - Mismatched Interaction ID Fix - Process Event1544
NBA FW - Mismatched Interaction ID Fix - Batch Email/SMS1545
NBA FW - Mismatched Interaction ID Fix - Get NBA1546
NBA FW - Mismatched Interaction ID Fix - Capture Response1547
NBA FW - Mismatched Interaction ID Fix - Get Assisted Upgrade1549
NBA FW - Mismatched Interaction ID Fix - Capture Deal Response1550
Assisted Upgrade - Loan Principles rule in VDAR1552 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
c1a41b93f12d-1 | Assisted Upgrade - Loan Principles rule in VDAR1552
Assisted Upgrade - PreS15 Calculation for Evo customers1553
Simulation - Pega OOTB Simulation Update1554
Simulation - Customer Level Simulation1556
Simulation - Update to Runtime Volume Capacity Check1573
NBA FW - Simplify Intent - Static confidence for event driven intents1574
NBA FW - Simplify Intent - Remove Low Confidence Mappings1576
Assisted Upgrade - Identification of Reward Line1577
Release 3.011578
NBA FW - Add 12/24 month dimension to discount matrix1579
NBA FW - Simplify Intent - Remove Model Based Definition1580
Simulation - GetNBA Simulation - Decisioning Funnel & Distribution1582
Simulation - GetNBA Simulation - Customer Level1585
NBA FW - Intent Redesign1592
NBA FW - SubChannel Validation In Volume Limit Calculation1594
NBA FW - Activate Global Contact Strategy1598
NBA FW - 2nd Line Discount Eligibility1600
NBA FW - Real-time Triage Tool1601
NBA FW - Run-time Capacity Check before Channel Mix1606
NBA FW - Dual Running Of Models (Old & New Pipeline)1609
NBA FW - Add New Channel eCare to GetNBA1613
NBA FW - Standard outcome - make all upcase1618
NBA FW - Capture responses from eCare1620 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
906e61fa044e-0 | NBA FW - Introduce a decision mix capability for eCare channel1622
NBA FW - Prioritize List of Plans1630
NBA FW - Activate Global Contact Strategy Changes1639
Release 3.021641
Simulation - TIL Simulation - Decisioning Funnel & Distribution1642
Simulation - TIL Simulation - Customer Level1645
Assisted Upgrade - Entertainment Flag changes1649
Digital Upgrades - Get Product List Integration (Tariff & Discount)1652
Assisted Upgrade-Variable Discount Handling1661
Assisted Upgrade-Channel Reporting1663
Assisted Upgrade- Commission Tier- Part 21664
Assisted Upgrade-VF Together Reporting1666
Plans & Discounts to JSON in IH Reporting1668
NBA FW - Conditional investigation1670
NBA FW - Inbound Seed Testing1682
Release 3.031686
Assisted Upgrade - Being able to understand that a customer has been identified as a 3G customer1687
Assisted Upgrade - Recording the Pilot 1 Interaction outside IH1688
Assisted Upgrade - Profiling1689
HBB Upgrade - Get Product List Integration (Tariffs)1691
HBB Upgrade - Get Product List Integration (Discounts and Profiling)1698
HBB Upgrade - Get Product List Integration (Prioritization and Reporting)1701
Contact Rules - Introduce New Configuration at T2TV Level1703
Validate NBA for eligible Treatment to Treatment Variant1707
Siebel Orders - Expose data to logic1708
Channel Management - SMS1709
Move output properties to Squad Zones1714
Priority Cutoff Score Changes1718
NBA FW - Redesign Outbound 2nd line PP1720
Release 3.041734
Assisted Upgrade - Renegotiation1735 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
906e61fa044e-1 | Release 3.041734
Assisted Upgrade - Renegotiation1735
Assisted Upgrade - Update IH Recommendations Table to include Pac/Stac Request1742
Assisted Upgrade - Ensure that the stock check is performed for duplicated devices when launching the device tab
Assisted Upgrade - Update the wording of the tariff incompatible warning icon1744
HBB-Query Eligible VF Together Offers1745
Product visibility for different journeys and different channels1747
Create new Offer metadata items for use in logic1751
Channel Management -Email1753
Channel Management Email Seed Testing1760
pxPriority Changes1763
NBA FW - MVA - Full Screen Promo1766
NBA FW Limit Number of Recommendations1771
Release 3.051773
Upgrade - Assisted MBB - Get Recommendation API1774
Upgrade - Assisted Upgrade -Re code -Multi CTN Cohort Variable1783 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
f4660b0fcad0-0 | Upgrade - Digital Paym Upgrade - Make the Lead Plan selection conditional1784
Upgrade - Assisted Upgrade -Source the Right customers churn1785
Upgrades-HBB-Managing eligibility based on Technology1786
Upgrade - Apple Lovers1788
NBA FW - Extend Discount Management to Batch1790
NBA FW - Add New Channel TOBi to GetNBA1795
NBA FW - Capture responses from TOBi1802
NBA FW - Email Channel Management - Response Capture1804
Release 3.061807
Assisted 2nd Line Private Pricing Stories1808
Introduce Execution Mode for GPL1826
Upgrades - Basic Plans1828
Upgrades - MBB Part 21831
Upgrades - device based on loan cost1835
Upgrades - HBB Pro- Retnetion Campaign1836
Upgrades - Data usage -Roaming Data1839
Upgrades-Assisted S15 and Watch Manufacturere.doc1841
Simulation Post Processing1843
MBB Upgrade - Logic Review / Update1846
Release 3.071847
OB Enabler - App Push & Inbox into Templating1848
OB Enabler - SMS Pega Marketing decom1852
Personalised Video (Build - Email/SMS/AppPush, Dev Test - Email Only)1857
NBA FW - Revise High Intent Bypass for Offer Self Contention1869
Customer Simulation - Offer Eligibility split1871
Customer Simulation - Offer Variant Eligibility split1884
Upgrades - MBB Upgrades Part 31900
Upgrades - Retail Channel1902
Upgrades - Digital Upgrades Part1 Design1905
Upgrades - Device Edit Screen: Do not Recommend the device in the Top 5 if the device is out of stock1911 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
f4660b0fcad0-1 | Release 4.011912
Expose Loan Spine To Logic1913
Align 2nd Line Propositions with EVO 2.01920
Customer Simulation - Treatment Eligibility split1923
Customer Simulation - Treatment Variant Eligibility split1970
Bundle Event Tech Debt - Remove Outbound Calls from MVP Flow1985
OB Enabler - App Push & Inbox into CM1987
Upgrades- Digital campaign Recommendation1994
Upgrades - Exclude Discount list1998
Upgrades - 5G Ultra2000
Add the unsubscribeURL to IMI outbound API call2003
Upgrades MBB -Refine By2004
Release 4.022010
Trade-In - Buy Back Guarantee Redemption2011
Trade-In - PriceGuarantee2023 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
f09ba0f1f18e-0 | Release 4.032024
Upgrades - Extending Refine by Params2025
Upgrade - Managing HBB rules strategy2027
Upgrades - Special Addons2029
Upgrades - Calculate SecuredNetDiscountCost2031
Upgrades - Logic to recommend EVO products.2033
Upgrades - Display Name change for Watch Device2035
NBA - Bundle Event Tech Debt - Introduce Multiline Messaging2037
NBA - Introduce Dual Running For Evo and Non Evo MBB Plans2040
SOHO (1186502) - Add New Squads EBUService2048
SOHO (1186503)- Add New Squads EBUUpsell2053
NBA (1186536)- Squads split between Consumer and Soho2058
Soho - Ramp up2063
Soho -Spend Manager - NTID 541 - Suppression OPTI STORY2064
TradeIN - Redesign WBW lookup to use Data Type instead of Decision data2065
Simulation - change in Import Propositions - Estimated as part of Soho2067
Remove Intent Logic from Data Flow 12069
Redesign FUT to remove the datapages2072
Release 4.042074
Upgrade - Include Data Usage IN IH2075
Upgrade - UnPlugging the HBB old logic2077
Upgrade - ADO 11705852078
Upgrades -Introducing Retail Channel-GetReceommendations2084
Upgrades -Introducing Retail Channel-GPL/Basket Validation2092
Upgrade- EVO 2.0 OneNumber Relaunch MVP Changes2099
NBA-Exclude 'eCare' Control Customers from targeting population2105
Release 4.052106 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
f09ba0f1f18e-1 | NBA-Exclude 'eCare' Control Customers from targeting population2105
Release 4.052106
NBA-Simulation Execution Mode2107
NBA-Assisted 2nd Line - OneNumber2108
NBA-Assisted 2nd Line2114
NBA-Assisted 2nd Line - Update Interested Service2117
NBA-Digital Second Line PP (eShop) - Discount Compatibility after latest CMT changes2118
GPL-Assisted Second Line Private Pricing: Entertainment in AOM response to indicate if a product/tariff is content
GPL Assisted Second Line- To send relevant values for unlimited data, SMS and Voice plans in AOM response2122
GPL Assisted Second Line: To send short tariff name in AOM response call2124
GPL-To send missing qualifying criteria and rewards data attributes in the offer block in AOM response2125
Upgrades - MBB Connected Tablet2127
Upgrades - S15 NET MAF value in Cohorts Screen2129
Upgrades - Exclude Unlimited Lite Plans2130
Upgrades -HomeBroadBand Eligibility Rules2132
Upgrades -HomeBroadBand Discount Calculation2138
Upgrades -HomeBroadBand Prioritization2146
Release 4.062151
NBA - AppPush Via Process Event2152
NBA -Treatment Level Self Contention2155 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
1a42c73d2bde-0 | NBA - Introduce SIMO Xtra plans to second line journeys2165
NBA - Introduce Best Account Contact details to the NBA Framework2167
NBA -IH Extension to Include 'Division' column in 'IH Reporting' for eCare treatments2170
Upgrades -Removing Airtime plans in MobileService Journey2171
Upgrades -Same or Higher S15 rules based on all the current plan type2177
Upgrades - Pre to post S15 Threshold: Remove the Tenure Restriction2180
Upgrades - Pre to post S15 Threshold: Remove the Product Journey Restriction2182
Upgrades - Pre to post S15 Threshold: Being Able to manage Pre to Post Threshold at journey level2184
Upgrades - MBB GigaCube2186
Release 4.072192
NBA-Create Logic to Define Business Properties for use in NBA decisioning2193
NBA-Run AOM batch during business hours, single or multiple times2200
NBA-Consolidation of Priority GetNBA Response2204
NBA-Ability to Cater for NULL Account Details2209
NBA - Seed Testing Capability of AOM Microsite2212
Upgrades - Update to Cohorts Attributes2216
Upgrades - Cohort Changes for Sim X plans2218
Upgrades - Recommendation- Positioning of Recommendation in Card 1, 2 or 32222
Upgrades -MBB- Edit - Update Display Bars2224
Upgrades - NET MAF value in Cohorts Screen2226
Upgrades - MBB Get Recommendations2227
Upgrade - Managing Netflix Plans2233
New CrossSell Model2236
Bundle Event Tech Debt - Remove Outbound Call from MVP Flow2237
Purge File2241 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
1a42c73d2bde-1 | Bundle Event Tech Debt - Remove Outbound Call from MVP Flow2237
Purge File2241
NBA FW - Interaction History Write Consolidation - Web2243
Prospect-Customer Matching Process2244
App-Push RampUp2245
NBA FW - Select winning email subject line in real time (Intra-day)2246
NBA FW - Select winning email subject line in real time (next-day)2254
NBA FW - DF2 Performance Changes2259
Batch Funnels2261
Inbound Seed Testing (GetNBA) - Enable channels Web, InboundCC & Retail2268
Hotfix - PopulateOutputPropetiesForGetNBAPrivatePricing2270
Assisted Upgrade – Sellable Flags for Discount 2271
NBA FW: Priority Score changes2273
NBA FW - Introduce Medium Confidence Intent Band2274
Upgrades -Removing Airtime plans in MobileService Journey - Duplicate page2276
Upgrades - MBB Cohorts2281
Upgrades - Updates to One number Watch Flow2283
NBA-AOS Logic changes2286
AU UAT Defects2287
Special Package 012288
Assisted Upgrade - Create a list of FIC to exclude or include add on FICs from the logic processing2289 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
27eba4ac6968-0 | Assisted Upgrade - Pick & Mix Update for Promo2290
Assisted Upgrade - PreS152292
Assisted Upgrade - Remove Subscription Spine End Date2294
Special Package 022295
Assisted Upgrade - Special Package 022296
Special Package 032298
Assisted Upgrade - Special Package 032299
MVP US2301
Assisted Upgrade - Stock Changes2302
Database Design2304
VADR Documentation2317
Application Setup2318
TIL Connectors2320
Get Stock Availability (GSA) Connector2321
Stock check validation on Basket Summary screen2325
ADO 526182 - Stock check validation on Basket Summary screen2326
Get Invoice List2327
Get Document List2330
AOM REST Connectors2333
SubmitBasket VADR- ADO Task 4966932342
VADR Exposed Services2352
Product Metadata REST API2353
VADR Mashup2356
Upgrade Case2361
App Artefacts2371
Mashup Encryption2372
Rules for Edit Deal Screen2377
Pinning the Selected Products Card2381
UI Artefacts2383
Customer Account2384
Existing Deal2388
Update the Customer Address in the Customer Profile Panel2396
Edit Deal2426
Basket2475 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
6fc9e6bd743c-0 | UI Classes2488
MBB Recommendation Updates2502
Display Tariff Tab2505
Usage tab2506
Changes required on the Refine by2507
944633 - Display Device tab2510
908854 - MBB-UI changes on the Edit screen to Add a Chevron tab button on the Selected basket2512
Selected Basket Edit Screen UI2514
Display Device Tab2517
953555 - Display Data Roaming Usage2518
4.3 ADO2521
US - 1083266 - Billing - Display Spend Manager in the Billing Panel2522
1172861 - Being able to refine by Device color and storage for Mobile2523
UI Resolution2531
Renegotiate additions to Upgrade Case2533
Renegotiate case subtype changes2535
Renegotiations Updates 838175 & 8381582537
Error Handling in VADR2539
ADO 1092383 - Recommendations Refresh button2550
VADR Error Codes2552
VADRUtilities Library2555
VADR Functions2556
VADR Config2563
VADR Common Case Flows2565
VADR API Simulation2567
Handset Manufacturer Model Map2568
VADR Timeout2571
VADR UI solution design2575
Issue Trouble Shooting2577
914083: Provide the ability to switch the access controls/groups of agents in bulk2581
How to switch access groups of agents in bulk2583
1063194 - VADR Performance - AWS Secret Cache2589
4.4 Sprint Tasks2590
1083261 - Display the Tiers in the Summary Screen2591 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
6fc9e6bd743c-1 | 1083261 - Display the Tiers in the Summary Screen2591
1083193 - Summary Screen Benefit Revamp to remove the pictures/Icons2593
1083201 - TSAR - Update the stock display in TSAR to be inline with Retail look and feel2598
1082376 - Being able to change CTN2602
1082203 - Retail: Remove Tiers2607
1079501 - Retail: Renegotiation2609
1079515 - Retail: Hand back a Retail deal to Halo2610
938334 - Retail: Edit Device screen- New UI to Display both In Store Stock check and Warehouse for Retail Agent
2612 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
4312db958fb9-0 | Retail - Test Only Stories2615
R4.05 Retail2621
1082218 - Retail: Total Net Revenue2622
938125 - Retail- TNR figure to display on click2626
1082301 - Retail: Remove Accessory Stock Display2628
1082338 - Retail: Remove the automatic Stock Check in the Basket Summary2629
1082343 - Retail: being able to deliver to another store2630
R4.05 Task2631
1242780 - TSAR - Update the stock display in TSAR to be inline with accessories Tab Look and Feel2632
1206211 : Last Used Device for SIMO Existing Products2635
1216428: Existing Existing Products Title Banner Products Title Banner2637
1263821: Edit Update Tariff Tab look and feel to display full name of tariffs2639
556365: Display Unknown on Customer profile if name is not known2641
868359: Display a message " No results found" when there are no recommendations2642
4.06 Task2643
OLD: 751704 - Edit package- Updating OOTB functionalities for the filter funnel to close of the defect raised2644
1329871: Filter Modal Options.2646
904758: Refine by- Display new message when an Agent clicks on 'More' following a Refine by update2649
1329867: Being able to Clear Filters2651
734010: Enhancement to 'Apply' and 'Cancel' button on the Filters2653
4.07 Task2655
1470628 - Being able to change CTN (4.7)2656
1381628: VADR API error code on Timeout2658 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
4312db958fb9-1 | 1381628: VADR API error code on Timeout2658
Pega Certification Readiness2661
Apps Documentation2668
Loader Case Design2677
Configure new spine entity to the spine loader2693
Loader Process - Process Usage Charges2695
Event Loader Development2698
MEF - Digital Enriched Data2705
Batch NBA Case Design2740
Oldest one2748
Treatment Buckets Design2750
DataFlow Audit History2753
1393706: Run AOM batch during business hours, single or multiple times2755
Extractor Case Design2760
Extractor Case Design _backup2784
Create RCS Channel Extract2789
Create MMS Channel Extract2790
Create RecommendationItems Extract2791
Batch Controls - pause, hold, resume at treatment level2793
Running the Extractor Case2806
Housekeeping Case2808 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
bf22199034e4-0 | Housekeeping for PurgeEOC (Purge Expired Outbound Comms)2810
Common Case Flows2812
Checkpoint Check2817
Generate Extract Agent Activity Updates2818
Include recommitted in OBC purge file2819
Apply Volume Constraints Redesign2821
Scheduler Design2828
Throttling Design2831
Hazelcast Bucket4j2834
Subscription Case Design2836
Channel Execution Approval & Switch Control Implementation2837
Product & Offer Catalog Design2841
Loader Case Design For PC/OC2842
DiscountNotSellable Datatype2851
Product Catalogue Data Pages - OLD2852
User Story 336089 - Siebel Tariff to Service Compatibility2883
User Story 336092 - Siebel Tariff to Discount Compatibility Data2887
Flush Data Pages for Loader Case Sub Types2890
Product Catalogue Data Pages2892
Offer Catalogue Design - Cassandra Design2917
Truncate Cassandra Data Sets for Loader Case Sub Types2922
Modify the HBB Discount to include the VFT(Vodafone Together) discount2924
Vodafone reference architecture2926
BDC Models2927
Recommendation UniversalTariff BDC Model2930
Ingest Predictive IVR BDC Model2932
BDC to AOM Multipart Files Design2934
Device Recommendation BDC Model2936
Convergence BDC Model2938
Store All Outbound Communications Sent2939
Unsubscribe Case Design2945
Extract the new IH Report table to EDW2947
Store IH Reporting fields in IH Reporting table2949
Case Dependencies2951
GetNBA Response Mapping For IVR2953
Apply Volume Constraints for Customers in Control Group2955 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
bf22199034e4-1 | GetNBA Response Mapping For IVR2953
Apply Volume Constraints for Customers in Control Group2955
Extend BundleEventAPI for Additional Parameters2963
AOM RT Aggregated Event Store2968
Track Trigger Event Processes Into New Event Store Process2969
Track BundleEvent Processes into New Event Store Process2971
Extend Trigger Event for Sales Order Events2972
Event Analysis Store2974
Extend parallel spine loads to all spines2975
Recommendations Portal2976
651840 & 651806 - Enable Device & Watch Recommendations2983 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
64a71113f324-0 | Provide the ability to define and manage an effective FUT Cohort within AOM for Treatments2984
Provide Better Alignment of AOM Logging Processes (AOM-1797)2985
Simulation Orchestration2989
Case Details3003
Base Line Simulation3025
Customer Simulation3028
Inbound Simulation3031
TIL Simulation3044
ProcessSimulationDropOff Update3068
Pega 8.8 Upgrade - Simulation changes3073
Stop Simulation3076
AOM RT Aggregated Event Store - Account Event3077
Data Load Threshold Assurance3080
App Changes for LIVE UAT Seed Test3088
CSO Transform - Modify Order3091
CSO Transform - Modify Order Transform - ADO Task/Design3094
Save Offers Metadata3098
Offers Case Management and Setup3099
Landing Page3114
Landing pages & Exception Message Handling3122
Personalized Video3127
Generate Video From Storyboard API (Idomoo)3128
Offer Case Changes3130
Store Idomoo Video Outcome3133
Seed Testing3135
Decision Metadata for GR and GPL APIs3140
Submit Basket Request Body Additional Attributes3141
Tasker Case3143
896436 - AggregateIH - New case subtype in Tasker case3149
921213: How we identify Top selling MBB products3153
Handle Business Logic Error In GetNBA API - 5261573156
Calling Capture Response in Offers Setup Stage3157
Get Product List V2 Enhancements3158
Product Cataogue Data Page & Catalogue Sync Changes3161
Store Dataflow Response3163
Async Capture Response3165
Working with PRPC Branching3169 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
64a71113f324-1 | Async Capture Response3165
Working with PRPC Branching3169
How to setup new Branch3175
Guidelines for Merging Branches3181
Guidelines for Testing using Branch Application3182
Branching Approach3183
Channel Management3184
Design Overview3185
Treatment Send Config3190 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
5e6b3dab9553-0 | User Interface3193
Email Data Model3211
Rules & Activities for Email3219
Case Changes for Email3221
SMS Data Model3224
Rules & Activities for SMS3232
Case Changes for SMS3236
App Push3237
AppPush Data Model3238
Rules & Activities for App Push3245
Case Changes for App Push3248
Send SMS Message3249
Simulation Portal3255
Create Simulation Screen3256
Back out IH3266
Back out IH Design3267
Back out IH Data Model3268
Back out User Interface3271
Back out IH Rules & Activities3272
Back out IH Case Changes3276
Backout Data Design3281
Making a Delete IH request3282
Assisted 2nd Line Acquisition3284
933266: Refresh GetCustomer info every time VADR is launched3290
991853: Recommendation Reasons3292
991858: Include Digital in Commercial UI3294
Upgrades - Get Customer performance improvement (1035177, 959910)3295
1187062 - Newly added column mappings for device_v3297
Redesign WBW lookup to use Data Type instead of Decision data (ADO 1163201)3301
1190526 - Consume Strategic Roaming feed3304
Automated Order Submission (AOS)3306
AOS - Overview3307
AOS - Data Model and Config3308
AOS - Portal/UI3318
1338982 - Ability to view total errors across all products and errors3319
AOS - AOS Management3323 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
5e6b3dab9553-1 | AOS - AOS Management3323
AOS - Activities and Rules3335
AOS - Selection Process3336
AOS - Order Processing3339
AOS - Database Tables3344 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
cfa6f889025a-0 | AOS - Event Loader Changes3346
AOM Config3352
AOM Business Config3421
Microsite Configuration3425
AOM Utilities3427
Scheduler Config3491
Old AOM Config3494
Seed User NBA Whitelist3524
Flush Caches/Truncate Datasets3525
AOM Access Groups3528
Clearing AOM Config Cache3531
External System Integration Services3534
Tealium-AOM Integration3535
Create Sales Order Connector3538
Check Retention Eligibility Connector (CRE)3544
Get Out of Bundle Charges Service - OOBCharges3546
Get Stock Availability (GSA)3549
Get Customer Party List (GCPL)3554
Get Live Account Information Data Page (AOM-2734)3558
Catalogue Sync3559
Get Processed Service List (GPSL)3564
IMI -Inbound Webhook Events3566
POC - JWT Authentication3568
Check Product Eligibility3571
AOM Exposed Services3573
GetRecommendedProductList (GRPL)3574
Get Next Best Actions REST API3575
CRE Call3584
Set NBA Response REST API3585
Customer REST API3587
CRE Call for Multiple Customers Simultaneously3606
1347204 - Handling of Prepay subscriptions in GPSL within an Post pay upgrade3608
Get Product List REST API3610
Get Recommendations REST API3612
Submit Basket REST API3616 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
cfa6f889025a-1 | Get Recommendations REST API3612
Submit Basket REST API3616
CSO Mapping Design-- 4282093619
Create Sales Order Mapping Changes - ADO Task 4963583627
Validate Basket REST API3636 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
c144b3d7af5e-0 | Validate Delete REST API3638
GetProductList V2 REST API3640
Get Customer Usage Rest API3643
Get Notification Messages REST API3645
RealTime Triage Tool3647
Watchdog Design, Config And Reports3649
Alert Management3650
WatchDog to Provide better supporting Information with Alerts3651
Alert Subscription Management3653
WatchDog Unsubscribe3664
WatchDog Case Design3666
WatchDog Exception/Error Reports and Jobs Scheduled3667
WatchDog Modifications3686
Reusable Report Definations3694
Event Handlers & Framework3697
Customer Permissions3698
Sales Order Events3699
Retention Eligibility Events3700
Customer Interaction3701
Connect Queue Parameters3702
Event Framework - Invalid Parameter Mapping3703
Trigger Event Framework3704
Call Event3709
Sales Order3712
Siebel Orders Data3716
Dialler Outcomes3754
Process App Push Responses3765
Loading the Roaming Payload3775
IMI - Outbound Events3778
Email Bounced3783
Call Event Handler3785
Support of Multiple Identifiers for CallEvent3788
Troubleshooting The Processes3789
AOM Audit Tables3790
AOM Error Tables3792
AOM Error Codes3794 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
f569be0279e9-0 | AOM Errors & Troubleshooting3821
Frequently Occurring Problems (FOP)3822
Environment Check List3824
Troubleshooting Guide3825
Defect Triage for 2.093846
Data Page Errors Debugging3849
PAT Support3857
VADR Versions3860
Testing Functionality3862
Test Action from offer flow3863
Seed Test Functionality3866
SMS & Email Seed Test Functionality HLD3879
Seed Test Design3881
652041 - Add Division to Seed User3884
Get NBA Seed Test3886
Adding Seed Test to Channel Management3888
Assisted Upgrades Test Harness3889
Email Seed Test POC3892
API Simulation3894
Knowledge Base3895
Creating New Class Mapping for External Table3896
Frequently Used / Useful Pega Functions3899
How to use Simulations in Service Connector Rules3900
Service REST Features PoC3903
Is Case Runnable3910
Common Utilities3911
Documentation Template3912
Dynamic System Settings - Server Restart3913
Pega Unit Test Case Design & Limitations3914
How to Induct new resources into App Team3917
AES 256-bit Encryption3918
Working with SSH3922
Extend IH Table3930
Database ER-Diagram3931
Tables - Description3932
Entity Relationship Diagrams3933
Reference Material3937
KT Sessions3938
AOM Issue Triage Questionnaire3940
Pega Support Request Guide3942
Coding Best Practices3947
Rule Types and Rulesets3953 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
af92b925d7e3-0 | Creating Data Type3955
Versioned and Un-Versioned Rules3967
Triage activities3968
STF Flow3970
PRPC Features3972
8.5.3 - New Features3973
Case Management3976
Obtain approvals from email and push notifications from App Studio3977
Determine a relevant case approver by using business logic3978
Capture initial data faster with the default Create stage3979
Save time and effort with automatic draft off mode for processes in case types3981
Low-code Application Development3982
Nested Declare Trigger rules3983
Define fields in data objects intuitively3985
Create conditions in an enhanced condition builder (8.5)3986
Estimate projects automatically in App Studio (8.5)3987
System Administration3988
Identify performance issues with queue processor and job scheduler activities3989
Automatically update dependent applications to be built on the latest application versions in an archive3991
Enhance your data sets with Apache HBase 2.1 and Hadoop 3.0 (8.5)3992
Access and curate your data by using enhanced data APIs
(8.5) 3994
Decision Management3998
Limit the number of active data flow runs (8.5)3999
Call authenticated APIs from any application (8.5)4001
Data Integration4003
Control empty behavior in your JSON data transform4004
User Guide4005
How to Run the Loader Case4006
How to run BDC loader and add new BDC model files4009
Offers Landing Pages4012
How to Run a Loader Case - Loading files4023
How to create a Renegotiation case with mock data4030
Run Simulation4031 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
af92b925d7e3-1 | How to create a Renegotiation case with mock data4030
Run Simulation4031
Application Versions4035
Releases & App Version Mapping4043
R4.1 And R4.24051
R4.54057 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
047c0d5c8af7-0 | R4.64059
Creating a new AOMFW Application Version4062
Create a new AOM Application Version4071
Artefacts to deploy to switch any application version to Live4074
914098: Designing the process to support feature-based releases4076
Deployment to make an Application Version Live4083
VF Confluence Links4084
R 4.044085
ST Team - Home Page4088
Defect Management & Triage4089
Triage Guidance4090
Defect Management Guidelines for Azure DevOps (Vodafone)4092
STF - Introduction4098
STF Demo Link4101
STF Graph Generation Process & Usage Guidelines4102
STF - API testing guidelines4103
STF - Truncate Data Sets & Flush Data Pages4104
R3.1 ST Epics Walkthrough Status4107
R3.1 - PC SIT Environment Downtime Log4112
R3.1 Data Configuration Concerns4113
AppPush Valid JSON4116
R3.2 ST Epics Walkthrough Status4118
R3.3 High Level Test Approach (MIRO)4121
R3.3 ST Epics Walkthrough Status4122
R3.3 - Environment Downtime Log4124
R3.3 Data Configuration Concerns4125
MVA-My Vodafone App4127
R3.4 Design Walkthrough Sessions Recordings4143 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
047c0d5c8af7-1 | R3.44142
R3.4 Design Walkthrough Sessions Recordings4143
R3.4 High Level Test Approach (MIRO)4144
R3.4 ST Epics Walkthrough Status4145
R3.4 - Environment Downtime Log4146
R3.4 Data Configuration Concerns4147
R4.04 ST Execution Person Days Lost4150
4.5 Release4151 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
dfff87e22254-0 | 4.5 HBB Upgrades4152
ST Internal KT Sessions4153
AOM Config - QA4156
Roaming 2.13 & 3.14161
Batch Framework - BATCH AND EXTRACTOR4164
Case Management - Loader4165
Assisted Upgrades - QA4166
Case Management - Extractor4184
Text2Switch - Business purpose - Retain4186
T2S - SMS RealtimeEvent Record not stored in IH4189
Extras Landing Page4191
ST Release Testing Downtime Tracker4216
Changes / Challenges in Execution4218
Digital Upgrades4221
Rel. 3.3 Channel Management - SMS4232
Existing Graphs modification is required due to Retention Eligibility Data Set modified:4235
AU - Private Pricing4236
Extractor Data Flow Dictionary (VF Sharepoint)4237
Soho 4.24238
Cobra 4.14242
829782 - MBB - 30 Day SIMO Upgrade Eligibility4252
833210 - MBB - Eligibility for MBB Customers Except Gigacube and 30 day SIMO4253
833247 - MBB - Star Rating4254
834204 - MBB - Additional Plan Discount4255
834607 - MBB - Max Discount4256
835012 - MBB - Post S15 Legacy Calculations4257
847320 - MBB - Promo Discount4258
850243 - MBB - Display Device Upfront Cost in the Device tab on the Edit screen for bundled Device and Tariff
4259 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
dfff87e22254-1 | 4259
852647 - MBB - Basket validation for Bundled Device And Tariff4260
857558 - MBB - Enrichment icon4261
863267 - MBB - Fix and Flex4262
865988 - MBB - Usage Tab4263
899476 - MBB - Display Discount Tab4264
899479 - MBB - Very early Upgrade S15 rules apply4265
899481 - MBB - Display Tariff Tab4266
908972 - MBB - Commissioning Tier Indicator4267
921213 - Logic - How we identify Top selling MBB products4268
845094 - MBB - Create a Commercial Recommendation For a Cohort4269
831612 - MBB - Create A Commercial Recommendation Cohort4270
Renegotiation Functionality4271
Shadow Plans4274
Renegotiate a SIMO or SIMO Xtra Deal including SIMO Shadow Plans.4276 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
5ca5ea666ba1-0 | Private Pricing For Batch(OBCC)4280
Prerequisite for Running Batch & Extractor4282
VADR - Mashup file creation process4283
Team Skills Matrix4286
ST Checklist4287
Release 3.64288
Release 3.74289
Release 4.14290
Release 4.24291
FullScreenTakeOver (FSP)4292
3.5 Extras Landing Page4296
Release 4.54306
4.5 HBB4307
PM Tool Test4308
Treatment Screen4309
WBW Device Multiplier Matrix screen4310 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
33fb6a6eeb6b-0 | 30
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Upgrades - MBB Get Recommendations
38 minutes ago • contributed by raviteja lingutla
NBA -IH Extension to Include 'Division' column in 'IH Reporting' for eCare
about 2 hours ago • contributed by Rosemary White
NBA-Create Logic to Define Business Properties for use in NBA decisioning
about 2 hours ago • contributed by Rosemary White
1470628 - Being able to change CTN (4.7)
about 4 hours ago • contributed by Simon Ellison-Burns
Upgrades -Removing Airtime plans in MobileService Journey
yesterday at 2:35 PM • contributed by Sunand Kanakala
1393706: Run AOM batch during business hours, single or multiple times
yesterday at 2:07 PM • contributed by Neslihan Türközü
Troubleshooting Guide
yesterday at 1:11 PM • contributed by Dennis Andrusiak | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
33fb6a6eeb6b-1 | Troubleshooting Guide
yesterday at 1:11 PM • contributed by Dennis Andrusiak
1381628: VADR API error code on Timeout
yesterday at 12:07 PM • contributed by Neslihan Türközü
Upgrades - Cohort Changes for Sim X plans
Jul 18, 2023 • contributed by Sunand Kanakala
Jul 18, 2023 • contributed by Divya Aenugu
Jul 18, 2023 • contributed by Divya Aenugu
S15 Same Or Higher
Jul 18, 2023 • contributed by Divya Aenugu
S15 Threshold
Jul 18, 2023 • contributed by Divya Aenugu
S15 Journey Threshold
Jul 18, 2023 • contributed by Divya Aenugu
Jul 18, 2023 • contributed by Divya AenuguWelcome!
This is the home page for your knowledge base space within Confluence. You can use your knowledge base to capture best practices and address common
Search for a solution | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
7fb4e5d56bbc-0 | 31
953555 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
c8f29cd527e0-0 | 32
AOM Info
JVM Config
Application Server Config
Environment Config
Dynamic System Settings
AOM Config
JVM Config
ms should be minimum 4GB
mx should be minimum 8GB
Other settings that we have used in the past but you need to check and tune these as per Pega's recommendations:
verbose:gc -Xloggc:/opt/tomcat/logs/gc.log -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation -XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=10 -XX:GCLogFileSize=5M -
XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -
XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/opt/tomcat/logs/ -XX:ErrorFile=/opt/tomcat/logs/ -
XX:+UseCodeCacheFlushing -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=512m
Application Server Config
The connectionTimeout need to be increased
Add a new AOM DB DatasourceThis is a WIP article
1<Connector port="8080" protocol ="HTTP/1.1 " connectionTimeout ="900000" redirectPort ="8443" />
6<!-- Setting for AOM DB Datasource --> | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
c8f29cd527e0-1 | 1
6<!-- Setting for AOM DB Datasource -->
<Resource name="jdbc/AOMDB "
auth="Container "
type="javax.sql.DataSource "
factory="org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSourceFactory "
driverClassName ="org.postgresql.Driver " | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
b39e392f46e4-0 | 33
The following additional log4j config needs to be added to the prlog4j2.xml file located in <tomcat_home>/webapps/prweb/WEB-
INF/classes folder:
The following additional appender can be added in dev environment only to aid development:
18url="jdbc:postgresql://<url>:<port>/pega "
username ="<aom_user> "
password ="<aom_pass> "
maxTotal ="200"
maxWaitMillis ="900000"
removeAbandonedOnBorrow ="true"
removeAbandonedOnMaintenance ="true"
removeAbandonedTimeout ="900"
logAbandoned ="true"
accessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed ="true"
34<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Configuration status="debug">
<Appenders >
<JDBC name="AOMLOG" tableName ="AOM_LOG" ignoreExceptions ="false" bufferSize ="10">
<DataSource jndiName ="java:/comp/env/jdbc/AOMDB " />
<Column name="LOG_ID" pattern="%u" isUnicode ="false" />
<Column name="LOG_TIMESTAMP " isEventTimestamp ="true" />
<Column name="LOG_LEVEL " pattern="%level" isUnicode ="false" /> | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
b39e392f46e4-1 | <Column name="LOG_LEVEL " pattern="%level" isUnicode ="false" />
<Column name="APPLICATION " pattern="%X{app}" isUnicode ="false" />
<Column name="LOGGER_NAME " pattern="%c" isUnicode ="false" />
<Column name="OPERATOR " pattern="%X{userid} " isUnicode ="false" />
<Column name="STACK" pattern="%X{stack} " isUnicode ="false" />
<Column name="NODE_ID" pattern="%X{nodeId} " isUnicode ="false" />
<Column name="MESSAGE" pattern="%message " isUnicode ="false" />
<Column name="MDC" pattern="%X" isUnicode ="false" />
<!--Deny message logged under ALERT log level-->
<ThresholdFilter level="ALERT" onMatch="DENY" onMismatch ="NEUTRAL"/>
</Appenders >
<asyncRoot >
<AppenderRef ref="AOMLOG"/>
</asyncRoot >
</Configuration > | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
739a7284ef01-0 | 34
Environment Config
Dynamic System Settings
AOM Config
30<RollingRandomAccessFile name="AOMDEV" fileName="/opt/pega/logs/AOMDEV.log" filePattern="/opt/pega/logs/AOMDEV-
<!--Deny message logged under ALERT log level-->
<ThresholdFilter level="ALERT" onMatch="DENY" onMismatch="NEUTRAL"/>
<TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy />
<SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="500 MB"/>
<DefaultRolloverStrategy max="20"/>
<AppenderRef ref="AOMDEV"/>
<Logger name="com.pega.dsm.dnode.impl.dataflow.service.DataFlowDiagnosticLogger" additivity="false" level="err
<AppenderRef ref="PEGA"/>
<Logger name="com.pega.dsm.dnode.impl.dataflow.service.DataFlowDiagnosticsFileLogger" additivity="false"
<AppenderRef ref="PEGA"/>
Compiler | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
739a7284ef01-1 | <AppenderRef ref="PEGA"/>
SettingPega-RULES compiler/defaultPaths/opt/tomcat/latest/lib/postgresql-42.2.5.jarThis should have the full path of
the PostgreSQL JDBC Driver path.
The nodes will need to be
restarted for the changes to take
Description Owning
RulesetSetting Purpose Value Notes
ConfigType ConfigName ConfigValue Notes | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
e9c2c91031a4-0 | 35
CaseId CCDExtractor E-72 The Identifier of the current running case
CaseId IHExtractor E-69 The Identifier of the current running case
CaseId PurgeDataHousekeepi
ngH-6 The Identifier of the current running case
CaseId PurgeFilesHousekeepi
ngH-9 The Identifier of the current running case
CaseId RefreshSpinesHouseke
epingH-12 The Identifier of the current running case
CaseId SpineLoader L-54 The Identifier of the current running case
CaseStatus CCDExtractor Completed The Status of the case identified in the Config Name
CaseStatus CCRLoader Completed The Status of the case identified in the Config Name
CaseStatus IHExtractor Completed The Status of the case identified in the Config Name
CaseStatus MSLoader Completed The Status of the case identified in the Config Name
CaseStatus PurgeDataHousekeepi
ngCompleted The Status of the case identified in the Config Name
CaseStatus PurgeFilesHousekeepi
ngCompleted The Status of the case identified in the Config Name
CaseStatus RefreshSpinesHouseke
epingCompleted The Status of the case identified in the Config Name
CaseStatus SpineLoader Running The Status of the case identified in the Config Name
emIdApplyControlGroups DF-19 The Work Item Id of the Data Flow identified in the
Config Name
emIdBackoutOBProcess1 DF-20 The Work Item Id of the Data Flow identified in the
Config Name
emIdBackoutOBProcess2 DF-21 The Work Item Id of the Data Flow identified in the
Config Name
emIdCCR DF-14 The Work Item Id of the Data Flow identified in the
Config Name
emIdDedupeByContactDetai | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
e9c2c91031a4-1 | Config Name
lDF-18 The Work Item Id of the Data Flow identified in the
Config Name
tsDF-17 The Work Item Id of the Data Flow identified in the
Config Name
orControlGroupsDF-24 The Work Item Id of the Data Flow identified in the
Config Name
1DF-15 The Work Item Id of the Data Flow identified in the
Config Name
2DF-16 The Work Item Id of the Data Flow identified in the
Config Name | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
e00072c136be-0 | 36
tsDF-23 The Work Item Id of the Data Flow identified in the
Config Name
ointsCCD 06:30-07:30,10:00-14:30, 14:45-
15:20, 15:30-23:59Comma separated list of check point time ranges in
which the Case will be allowed to run.
ointsIH 06:30-07:30,09:00-13:00,13:15-
erCCDLondon , Example optional config: The Extractor Delimeter for
the Fictional London OBC Dialler file. This config can
be used to overide the default | (pipe) delimiter.
tionPathCCDStoke /mnt/share/aom/extractor_output_ar
ea/ccd-stoke/The Destination Path for Stoke's OBC Dialler file
tionPathIH /mnt/share/aom/extractor_output_ar
ea/ih/The Destination Path for Interaction History Extract
mestampIH 2019-07-05T00:00:00.000 This shows the Interaction History Extract's Start
Timestamp of the previous sucessful run which defaults
to the previous run's End Timestamp.
estampIH 2019-07-05T00:00:00.000 This shows the Interaction History Extract End
Timestamp of the previous run which defaults to the
current day minus the time so its 00:00hrs. This is used
as the Start Timestamp for the next run.
ExtractorGPGRe | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
e00072c136be-1 | as the Start Timestamp for the next run.
cipientCCDStoke [email protected] The GPG Recipient for the Stoke's OBC file(s)
cipientIH [email protected] The GPG Recipient for Interaction History Extract file
InclusionCCDStoke false Flag to determine if the header needs to be included for
OBC Stoke. This config is optional and defaults to true
if it isn’t specified.
mitCCD 5 The CheckExtractorStatus Activity in the Check
Extractor Status flow is run in a loop to check if the
extract job has finished and this limit is used to control
how many times it should loop and also to prevent an
infinite loop condition.ExtractorLoopLi
mitIH 10
ExtractorNodes CCD ExtractorNode This specifies the NodeType allocated for the extraction
job for the specified extract type.
ExtractorNodes IH ExtractorNode
ntsCCD 10 This specifies the number of segments/partitions
allocated for the extraction data for the specified extract
ntsIH 10
ndialler_outcomes aom_dialler_outcomes_*_*_*_delta.
dsvDeprecated / Not in use | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
e2656074bda0-0 | 37
nmodel_score bdc_model_*_*_delta.dsv
ParametersFileEncoding UTF-8 File encoding format that will be used by HTSL (for
ParametersAOMDBJNDIName java:/comp/env/jdbc/AOMDB HTSL uses this JDBC DataSource Pool to borrow a
connection to do the streaming load.
ParametersArchivePath /mnt/share/aom/archive/ This specifies the directory path where the files need to
be moved for archival. Currently used by the Loader
case to moved the incoming files after processing
ParametersBRBModeActivated FALSE Big Red Button switch - this controls if the logic is
bypassed and a error (521) message is returned in the
GetBundleEventDecisionDetails API
ParametersCurrentExtractorCaseIdE-27 Deprecated / Not in use
ParametersDefaultSnoozeTime 30 The default time in seconds that is used by flows
throughout the application to pause/sleep the flow.
/The directory used by the Extractor case to temporarily
store files whilst processing.
ParametersGNUPGHome /mnt/share/aom/.gnupg The GPG Home directory that will be used for all GPG
operations. See for
more details.
ParametersLoaderWorkAreaPath /mnt/share/aom/loader_work_area/ The directory used by the Loader case to temporarily
store files whilst processing.
ParametersRealTimeDSPointer 1 This keeps track of the current Real Time DataSet
Pointer: BestOBTreatments1 or BestOBTreatments2 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
e2656074bda0-1 | Pointer: BestOBTreatments1 or BestOBTreatments2
ParametersSecretsManagerId AOM-DEV-GPG-PASS These parameters are used in the AWS cli to retrieve
the GPG Passphrase from the AWS Secrets Manager.
ParametersDevMode false This flag is used to enable some specific features to aid
development. Please ensure this is set to false for all
non-dev environments.
PauseCase CCRLoader false This causes the case (for the specified Case Type) to
pause and sent to the Notify Support flow when the
Commit Case State flow is invoked. PauseCase MSLoader false
PauseCase SpineLoader false
chiveAreasExtractorArchiveArea /mnt/share/aom/extractor_work_area
/Individual File Purge Directories with relevant
Configuration Name for Reference
HousekeepingArLoaderWorkArea /mnt/share/aom/loader_work_area/ | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
02cece2708d6-0 | 38
chiveAreasArchiveArea /mnt/share/aom/archive/
ntityListRefreshSpines subs_invoice_charge,unica_campai
gn_history,model_scoreComma Separated Spine Entity list which require to be
run through refresh spines
etentionPeriodPurgeFiles 7 Default Retention Period in days of Purge File Process
etentionPeriodPurgeFilesArchiveArea3 Override of Individual Entities defined in
HousekeepingArchiveArea Configuration retention
etentionPeriodAOMAudit 90 Retention Period for Individual Entities defined in
HousekeepingSQL Configuration
etentionPeriodAOMError 90
etentionPeriodAOMLog 90
etentionPeriodAdminAuditLog 90
etentionPeriodBundleEvent 90
etentionPeriodInteractionHistory 90
etentionPeriodSMSOrder 90
etentionPeriodWatchDogReportData 90
QLAdminAuditLog VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-
AdminAuditLogThe Applies-To Class of PurgeData Connect SQL Rule
for Purge Data Case to be run against
QLBundleEvent VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-
QLInteractionHistory VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-
HousekeepingS | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
02cece2708d6-1 | QLInteractionHistory VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-
QLSMSOrder VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-SMSOrder | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
8289d9233bf7-0 | 39
QLWatchDogReportData VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Data-
ntsCCR 00:00-08:00,18:00-19:00 Comma separated list of check point time ranges in
which the Case will be allowed to run.
ntsSpine 06:30-14:30, 14:45-23:59
ntsMS 00:00-03:59,11:00-11:30,12:00-
LoaderEntityListCCR dialler_outcomes Comma separated list of entities for the specified type
LoaderEntityListMS model_score
LoaderEntityListSpine subscription,account,contact,product
PathCCR /mnt/share/aom/inbound/response_f
eeds/The path of the incoming directory where the Loader
will look for the input files for the specified type
PathSpine /mnt/share/aom/inbound/core/
PathMS /mnt/share/aom/inbound/models/
LoaderLoopLimitSpine 10 The PostProcessHTSL, InspectDigestStatus &
InspectIndexStatus Activity in the Loader Case is run in
a loop to check if the background task that was initiated
has finished and this limit is used to control how many
times it should loop and also to prevent an infinite loop
condition.LoaderLoopLimitCCR 10
LoaderLoopLimitMS 10
LoaderNodes CCR LoaderNode Deprecated / Not in use
LoaderNodes Spine LoaderNode Deprecated / Not in use
LoaderNodes MS LoaderNode Deprecated / Not in use | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
8289d9233bf7-1 | LoaderNodes Spine LoaderNode Deprecated / Not in use
LoaderNodes MS LoaderNode Deprecated / Not in use
SupportEmail Default [email protected],
[email protected] Default Support Email to which most support
related notifications will be sent. | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
12c1b6ab42db-0 | 40
VFUK Production Refresh L3 Tasks
Switch on TIL BRB TIL Ops N/A
AOM Deployment window (Downtime)Sahil & Adqura
Switch off AOM Auto loader & extract
jobsL3 Adqura Team 1. We didn’t find AOM Spine Loader in the
Admin Studio → Resources → Jobs, please
let us know the navigation to Switch off the
AOM Auto Loader.
2. We will switch off the IH and CCD
extractor Scheduler Jobs. please let us know
if there are any other extracts jobs to be
Switched Off.
Switch off File transfer job from SFTP
to AOMSahil N/A
Sanity Test L2/L3 Team, Russ, Debarshi
1. Adqura L3 team will perform all the
scenarios listed in the PAT Sanity Testing.
2. We need inputs from 10th point onwards
in PAT Sanity Testing.doc
Switch on AOM BRB Adqura Team/Russ Navigate to AOM Management Page →
Enable BRB
Sanity Test (API) L3 Adqura Team 1. In order to test all the possible
combinations as part of Sanity Test
Production API, Test Data is required for
Continue, Override, Suppress and error
2. We will check the responses at API level
and in AOM Management Portal.
Switch off TIL BRB TIL Ops N/A
Switch off AOM BRB with rampup 0 L3 Adqura Team 1. Steps to Switch off the AOM BRB:
a. Naviugate to AOM Management
Poratal → Disable the AOM BRB
b. Now Navigate to Dev Studio → Data | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
12c1b6ab42db-1 | Poratal → Disable the AOM BRB
b. Now Navigate to Dev Studio → Data
Types → BundleEventNTIDMap → Task Owner Adqura Responsibility / Task
PAT Sanity Testi
28 Nov 2019, 10:47 AMng.docx | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
ad64bf932b3c-0 | 41
Change to 0 → Save
Run SFTP to AOM transfer and switch
on cronjobSahil N/A
Extract IH for previous day Adqura Team Adqura team will run IH Extractor through
case ignitor and monitor untill its completed
Load ETL Data (Manual) Adqura Team Please provide more details on this activity.
Extract CCD Adqura Team Adqura team will run CCD Extractor through
Case ignitor and monitor untill is completed.
Sanity (NTID response and logs) L2/L3 Team, Russ, Debarshi NTID Response: We will check AOM
Management Page.
Logs: (Application Server Logs / Real time
servers): We will monitor the server logs for
all the NTID responses and check if there
are any errors.
Note: If we need to check the logs at the
specific node level then we need to have
access in order to monitor.
Change rampup value to 90 L3 Adqura Team 1. Now Navigate to Dev Studio → Data
Types → BundleEventNTIDMap →
Change to 90 → Save
Switch On AOM Auto loader & extract
jobsAdqura Team 1. We didn’t find AOM Spine Loader in the
Admin Studio → Resources → Jobs,
please let us know thew navigation to
Switch on the AOM Auto Loader.
2 . We have IH and CCD extractor, we will
Swtich on them, do we have any other
extract jobs to Switch ON
Monitor System health check L2 Team N/A | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
cb8e1f2c6390-0 | 42
Useful Links
Web single sign-on (SSO) with SAML 2.0 -
Authentication in Pega Platform -
Authorization models in Pega Platform -
REST Service Links:
How to Create a REST Service in Pega 7.3x
Extending Interaction History -
System limits and maximums -
Repository APIs (JFrog Artifactory, Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure, local file system) -
Connect to remote repositories through File data sets -
Node classification -
Data Pages
Project Docs | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
cb8e1f2c6390-1 |
Project Docs
UK AOM EndtoEndProcess -
VFUK Env Access -
AOM Interface Spec -
Common Issues and Resolutions/Workarounds
Oracle 4k character column value max / ORA-22835: Buffer too small for CLOB to CHAR or BLOB to RAW / retrieveFullClobContent DSS /
- | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
5c246e67b28e-0 | 43
Optimisation How-To KT
Home for all of the handover documentation that accompanies the walkthroughs with the Optimisation Team
Add how-to article | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
8f46dd4a243a-0 | 44
PM Tool: How-To
Proposition Management (PM) Tool is an application developed in PEGA, accessed via a URL on a web browser, where all the metadata
for a project functionality are configured, saved and then pushed to respective environments to be used by the Pega Decisioning/logic.
‘Catalogue’ is the term used for all such data properly arranged and in co-relation. PM Tool has the concept of versioning to maintain
different versions of a catalogue.
A catalogue has a set of artefacts and each artefact e.g. Offer, Treatment etc. have their own screen with user input fields for relevant
attributes e.g. Offer screen has user input field for offer name, offer rank etc.
More details of each screen is provided in pages reached by below links.
Page links:
Main Menu and Versioning
Intent related screens
Offer Variation
Treatment related screens
Treatment Variation
Control Group
Volume Constraint
Arbitration Control Parameters
Configuration Screens
Event Type Config
Bundle Event NTID Map
Split Variant Percentage
Split Config
Other screens
Business Config
Business Purpose
Business Segment
Customer Segment
Channel Contention
Channel Purpose Eligibility
Channel Control By Execution Mode
Sub Channel Control By Execution Mode
Seed Test Recipient
The ‘All Rules’ screen and assignment of the rules in other screens e.g. assigning a rule to an offer in Offer screen is only for
information. The actual implementation done in Pega designer studio is NOT affected if a rule is added to or removed from an artifact
in PM tool. | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
d4cc12c7e628-0 | 45
Main Menu and Versioning
This is the PM Tool landing page and lists all the catalogue versions present in Trunk and Branch along with other details in the ‘Catalogue
Versions’ section.
‘ReleaseNameNumber’ depicts trunk version e.g. Release35.2.
'ReleaseNameNumber_B' depicts branch version e.g. Release35.1_B.
The landing page looks like this:
Trunk and Branch (like a tree)
Trunk is the main route. The very first catalogue version is a trunk version. Branches are carved out of trunk as needed. There can be more
than one branch at a given time. | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
c90aa0f55771-0 | 46
Basic Workflow
1) Trunk: From above diagram, ‘Release01’ is a catalogue version in trunk that has all the project release 01 metadata and the version is
2) Branch: To proceed with work for project realease 02 a branch is created from Release01 and named as Release02. _B is automatically
appended on branch creation. Branch is always created from an approved/checked-in trunk version.
3) Project release 02 work goes on in the branch version.
4) Pull: Suppose, while 02 branch is open/work in progress, some urgent changes came in and another branch (01.01) was created, work
done and approved i.e. merged to trunk. But 02 branch will not have that data. So the data for the work that was done in 01.01 (which is
currently merged to trunk) can be pulled into the 02 branch, so that it is in sync with trunk. (More details of the Pull process is in the later
part of this documentation.)
5) Merge: After work on 02 branch is complete, it needs to be merged to the approved trunk version Release01.01 for this example. After
merge, the branch ceases to exist and the only one current version is trunk version Release02. (More details of merging process is in the
later part of this documentation.)
6) Release02 version should be approved before pushing to production.
At any point during above steps, a catalogue versioin can be pushed to any environment as required. Also it can be assigned to another
user but only one person can work on a version at a given time.
‘MANAGE VERSIONS’ SCREEN | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
c90aa0f55771-1 | ‘MANAGE VERSIONS’ SCREEN
This screen lists all the draft (not approved, work in progress) versions with an additional link ‘Open’, enabled, if the version is assigned to a
user. And a ‘Create Branch’ button.
Creating a version (branch)
A branch is always created from an approved trunk version.
Pull brings in changes from a trunk version that is approved/checked-in. | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
93662f074b0b-0 | 47
‘Create Branch’ button opens up above screen. Name the version, add comments. Clicking ‘Submit’ will create a branch version from the
latest approved trunk version.
As mentioned earlier, the ‘Open’ link for a user will be enabled if a version is assigned to the user. Clicking it selects the version.
Open a version
After a version is created, in Main Menu > Manage Versions, user will see an ‘Open’ link. Clicking the link selects the version. A small pop
up on the upper right hand side of the screen.
A version that is not assigned can be selected from ‘Home’ screen.
Comparing any two versions
Open link will be disabled if the catalogue is not assigned to the user making the changes. | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
1c87396cdb51-0 | 48
OR | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
986e2a17b2ce-0 | 49
Select two versions and click ‘Compare’ button.
This will list all the artefacts that are different in the two versions + details of the changes in each version. This is only a read-only screen.
Click on the Artifact name and then click each entry for the artifact to see the differences.
Push a catalogue version to a Pega environment
Push updates the decision data and data types in the target environment with what is in the catalogue.
Select a version, target environment and click ‘Deploy Version’ button.
'Push Audit Details' section shows the push history. Latest push will show ‘In Progress’ at the start and clicking ‘Refresh’ button will refresh
the push status. | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
dffa1feef11b-0 | 50
If a push has failed, as shown in the screenshot above, clicking on the row will show the artifacts that were pushed successfully and the
ones that failed.
Lists each change done. This is a read only screen.
For a version that is open and assigned to, user can see below additional menu items and screens.
‘Assign’ button: To assign a catalogue version to another user.
‘Assign To Basket’ button: Work in progress for a future implementation, but the idea is to assign the version to a common area/basket so
that any user can pick it up. E.g. think of squad zones. Let the catalogue be assigned to ‘CrossSell’ squad so that any user working on that
squad can pick it up.
If the data in a branch is intended to go to Production, the branch must be merged to trunk for approval before pushing to Production.
1) Select the branch version to be merged.
2) Click ‘Merge’ link on Main menu.
3) Before merging, best practice is to review the ‘Artifact Changes’ section that lists all the changed artifacts and relevant attributes, with the
branch and trunk value.
4) ‘Discard’ check box for an artifact will discard the branch changes i.e. will not be merged. E.g. if there are 10 new offers in branch but
now 3 not needed anymore, check ‘Discard’ for those 3 offers.Double check the target environment before pushing to avoid accidental push to Production.
A push will overwrite all local decision data changes that is done via PEGA designer studio as part of seed testing/local testing. | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
dffa1feef11b-1 | Best Practice: Although it can be done, a branch should NEVER be pushed to production directly. To maintain uniformity, it should be
merged to trunk first, before pushing to Prod. That way there is always a single version (trunk) that goes to production. | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
298853d0f0d2-0 | 51
5) Also, for a specific attribute of an artifact, ‘Prefer Trunk’ checkbox gives the option of keeping branch or trunk value. E.g. in above
screenshot, for artifact Offer i.e. Tariff Migration, the attribute ‘Enabled’ has different branch and trunk values and if ‘Prefer Trunk’ is
checked, branch value will not be merged.
To pull the data from an approved trunk version to a branch. This is useful when a trunk version has new data as the branch could have
been created earlier. So, pull the new data to branch for it to be up to date.
1. Select the branch version
2. Click ‘Pull’ link on Main menu
3. Screen lists all the changed artifacts and relevant attributes with the branch and trunk value
4. For the next two steps, please understand that there is an artifact and then there are attributes for the artifact e.g. artifact =
SmartWatchOffer and artifact attributes e.g OfferValue, Enabled, StartDate etc.
5. ‘Discard’ check box is at artifact level and if checked pull will not bring in the changes from trunk for the whole artifact and keep branch
6. ‘Prefer Branch’ check box is at artifact attribute level and if checked pull will not bring in the changes for that attribute only from trunk and
keep branch value.
Once a version is opened/selected, click ‘Artifacts’ on the left hand side of the screen.
This will present all the artifacts of the catalogue with their screens.
Save, Clone button
For the first time, when there is no record for an artifact, screen will have empty fields. After entering data and comment, ‘Save’ button will | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
298853d0f0d2-1 | save the record. Some important fields will become disabled and cannot be changed.
Now for the next/new record, select an existing record and click ‘Clone’. All the fields are enabled, new data can be entered and ‘Save’ will
create this new record.
Some screens are for a specific functionality e.g. ‘Assisted Upgrade' and some are common e.g. 'Offer’.
Upload, Download button
All screens have the option of uploading all data at once from a csv using ‘Upload’ button. And ‘Download’ button, to download all data as
csv. | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
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Proposition structure
Vodafone propositions are presented in a four-level structure. Let’s consider the NBA Batch functionality as an example to demonstrate this,
as below:
Offer e.g. SmartWatch
Offer Variation e.g. Android, Apple
Offer To Offer Variations e.g. SmartWatch-Android, SmartWatch-Apple
Treatment e.g. SmartWatch_Email, SmartWatch_SMS (Treatment is a combination of offer and channel)
Treatment Variation e.g. AndroidWatch, AppleWatch
Treatment To Treatment Variations: This is the combination of Treatment-TreatmentVar-OfferVar e.g. SmartWatch_Email-AndroidWatch-
Android, SmartWatch_Email-AppleWatch-Apple.
More information on how to create and add data to this heirarchy, along with details of other screens in PM Tool is detailed in following part
of the article.
Continued… | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
40e6d0c4d92e-0 | 54
Intent related screens
Intent is the objective/purpose/wish of a customer. It is a combination of Level 1 and Level 2 intents. Example of an intent is Buy-Mobile,
Manage-Plan etc.
Level1 Intent
Select/Open a version > Artifacts > Screen: Level1 Intents
Step 1: Enter Level 1 intent name. This will be combined with Level 2 intent to give meaning to the actual intent.
Step 2: Enter comments, it’s mandatory.
Step 3: Click 'Save' button to save the record. Click 'Clear' button to clear and re-do before saving.
Level2 Intent
Select/Open a version > Artifacts > Screen: Level2 Intents
Step 1: Enter Level 2 intent name. This will be combined with Level 1 intent to give meaning to the actual intent.
Step 2: Enter comments.
Step 3: Click 'Save' button to save the record. | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
412c90624ffe-0 | 55
It is a good practice to keep an eye on the ‘Change History’ section at the bottom of each screen, just to keep track of the changes.
Intent is combination of Level 1 and Level 2 intents.
Select/Open a version > Artifacts > Screen: Intents
Data gets pushed to Pega Environment to Proposition Decision data: Pega Decision Data: Configure > Decisioning > Decisions >
Proposition Management > Heirarchy > NonPropositions > Intents
Also to decision data: IntentToBusinessPurpose.
Step 1: Select Level 1 intent (options presented are created in Level1 Intents screen)
Step 2: Enter numeric Intent Weight. Value is used in priority score calculation.
Step 3: Check box to enable/disable the intent.
Step 4: Enter BDC Model id. Required for model based intents. Based on the model id there are calculations for Intent confidence score
and Intent BDC Model propensity.
Step 5: Select Level 2 intent (options presented are created in Level2 Intents screen)
Step 6: Enter description of the Intent. Usually the actual intent name i.e. Level1Intent-Level2Intent e.g. Buy-Mobile.
Step 7: Enter BDC Model Multiplier. Required for model based intents. Value used in calculation of Intent BDC model propensity.
Step 8: Click on a business purpose in the ‘Available Business Purpose’ section to add to the intent. To remove it click the intent in ‘Existing
Business Purpose’ section. This step is pushed to a separate decision data: IntentToBusinessPurpose. Business purpose is applied to
intents with a ‘low’ confidence score.
Steps for ‘Comments’ and ‘Save’ are same for all screens. Thus not including these steps for the rest of the article. | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
688a2d440659-0 | 56
Intent To Offer
This is one-to-Many mapping. An Intent can be assigned to Multiple Offers . Select/Open a version > Artifacts > Screen: Intent To Offer
Data gets pushed to Decision Data: IntentToOffer.
Step 1: Select Intent (options presented are created in Intents screen).
Step 2: Select Offer to which intent needs to be linked. This is one-to-one mapping.
Intent Confidence Level Score
Confidence score for a confidence level is defined here. E.g. from below screenshot if an Intent passes the confidence level 1 rules, it is
assigned a score of 1. Similarly, other entries in the decision data could be ConfidenceLevel2 with score 20. So if an Intent passes
confidence level 2 rules, it gets a score of 20.
Select/Open a version > Artifacts > Screen: Intent Confidence Level Score
Data gets pushed to Decision Data: IntentConfidenceLevelScore.
Step 1: Enter Confidence Level name e.g. ConfidenceLevel1, ConfidenceLevel2 etc. Each confidence level has a set of rules that an Intent
needs to pass to get the score.
Step 2: Enter Confidence Score in whole number e.g 1, 21 etc.
Step 3: Make it Enabled by clicking the check box.
pyName(UniqueID) = Intent & Offer Name combination. This will allow to configure multiple offer for the same Intent in this decision
data. | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
cb82fada7a67-0 | 57 | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
417e189c9a55-0 | 58
Offer related screens
Offer is the proposition presented to customer after business eligibility rules are met.
Data gets pushed to Pega Environment to Proposition Decision data. Location: Configure > Decisioning > Decisions > Proposition
Management > Heirarchy > (relevant Business Purpose e.g. CrossSell) > Offers.
Navigate to PM Tool screen: Select/Open a version > Artifacts > Screen: Offer
Step 1: Offer Name: Enter meaningful name of the offer e.g. TariffMigration.
Step 2: Offer ID: Unique offer id.
Step 3: Description: Enter description of the offer.
Step 4: Start Date: Pick start date of the offer using the date picker component.
Step 5: End Date: Pick end date of the offer using the date picker component.
Step 6: Business Purpose: Select relevant business purpose. All business purpose entries created via ‘Business Purpose’ screen are
available in the drop down.
Step 7: Business Segment: Select relevant business segment. All business segment entries created via 'Business Segment; screen are
available in the drop down.
Step 8: Customer Segment: Select relevant customer segment. All customer segment entries created via ‘Customer Segment’ screen are
available in the drop down.
Step 9: Enabled: Check box to enable/disable offer.
Step 10: Starting Propensity: Enter a number, can be decimal e.g. 0.5, that is used in the priority score calculation. Also if no propensity is
returned by BDC model, value of starting propensity is used.
Step 11: Offer weight: Numeric value is used in priority calculation.
Step 12: Offer Value: Enter a number, usually a whole number, for offer value that is used in priority score calculation. | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
417e189c9a55-1 | Step 13: Control Group Percentage: Numeric value without the percentage sign. For a value greater than zero, control group logic is
applied and in control group flag is set to Yes.
Step 14: Pick Best Treatments Method: Options presented are: ChannelHeirarchy, BestChannelModel, TreatmentRank. Pick best
treatment logic is appled based on this.
Step 15: Max Best Treatments: A numeric value determines the max best treatments (for email) for a parent offer that is used in parent
child bundling concept used in Batch NBA emails that displays more than one offer.
Step 16: Mandatory: Options: Yes, No. If an offer is madatory it should always be presented and must have a representation rate, step 20.
All mandatory offers are arbitrated separately from the non-mandatory ones.
Step 17: Apply Gloabl Contact Strategy: Options presented are: Yes, No. Based on the value contact strategy logic is applied.
Step 18: Apply Offer Self Contention Strategy: Options presented are: Yes, No. Based on the value offer self contention logic is applied.
Step 19: Apply Business Purpose Contact Strategy: Options presented are: Yes, No. Business Contact startegy should be applied only
for batch executions and it should be applied when ApplyBusinessPurposeContactStrategy is set to Yes.
Step 20: Representation Rate: How many days must elapse before an offer can be repeated. Valid values: Any value from -1, 0 or positive
integer). This value is used in offer self contention logic and compared to the number of days returned for a Selected or Pending response
from Pega Interaction History and Unica Campaign History.
Step 21: Fallow Period For Negative Response: How many days must elapse before an offer can be presented after it has been rejected | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
417e189c9a55-2 | or is successful. Valid values: Any value from -1, 0 or positive integer). This value is used in offer self contention logic and compared to the
number of days returned for a negative response from Pega Interaction History.
Step 22: Fallow Period For Positive Response: Valid values: Any value from -1, 0 or positive integer). This value is used in offer self
contention logic and compared to the number of days returned for a positive response from Pega Interaction History. | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
0ef82f8438ac-0 | contention logic and compared to the number of days returned for a positive response from Pega Interaction History.
Step 23: Propensity Attribute: This field is not mandatory and can be NULL. If populated, it should be the “key” name of ModelAttributes
JSON and the respective propensity value from ModelAttributes will be used for Propensity. Multiple “key” values are allowed on this field
which should be provided as comma (,) separated list. When multiple “key” is used, the respective Max propensity value will be used for
Propensity. If left blank, Propensity column from Model Score table will be used for Propensity. | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
9e6701fb5cf3-0 | 59
Step 24: Propensity Source: Possible Values:
BDC: Indicates that the propensity will be sourced from a BDC model.
Default: StartingPropensity should be used as Offer Propensity. Default will work same as leaving it blank (i.e. not populated).
Step 25: Model Id: This field is displayed if PropensitySource is BDC.
Step 26:Priority Cutoff score: Enter any values for Priority Cutoff score,so that to select offer only when priority is more than cutoff score.
Step 27: To add a channel to the offer, click on it in the Available Channels section. To remove, click on it in the Existing Channels section.
Step 28: To add an execution mode to the offer, click on it in the Available Offer Execution Mode section. To remove, click on it in the
Existing Offer Execution Mode section.
Step 29: To add a rule to the offer, click on it in the Available Rules section. To remove, click on it in the Existing Rules section.
Step 30: Offer Expiry Interval : To add expiry interval to offer, select values from drop down Days, Months, Years, Set. To remove, select
‘Select’ from dropdown.
Step 31: Offer Expiry : To add offer expiry period to offer, put integer value for Days, Months, Years and select date from calendar for Set
Step 32: FallowPeriodForOfferExpiryInterval : To add Fallow period for offer expiry interval to offer, select values from drop down Days,
Months, Years, Set. To remove, select ‘Select’ from dropdown. This will be enabled only after selecting value for Offer Expiry and Offer
Expiry Interval tabs. | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
9e6701fb5cf3-1 | Expiry Interval tabs.
Step 33: FallowPeriodForOfferExpiry : To add fallow period for offer expiry period to offer, put integer value for Days, Months, Years and
select date from calendar for Set options. This will be enabled only after selecting value for Offer Expiry and Offer Expiry Interval tabs.
Please note rules added/removed in step 24 does not affect the actual rule implementations as this is for information only in the PM
Tool. | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
7fe82eae8906-0 | 60
Offer Decision Mix
This is used in the logic that limits the the maximum offer(s) for an execution mode. Data gets pushed to Pega Environment to Decision
data. OfferDecisionMix
Navigate to PM Tool screen: Select/Open a version > Artifacts > Screen: Offer Decision Mix
Step 1: Select execution mode from drop down.
Step 2: Enter Decision Mix Context. GetNBA Execution Mode for IVR channel has 2 separate contexts - TradeIn and Standard IVR which
requires different MaxOffers configuration and hence DecisionModeContext has been added as new dimension for this configuration. This
can further to use such separation for all execution modes.
Step 3: Enter a number for Max Offers. Can have values: -1, 0 or any positive integer. Value of -1 means that offer decision mix logic for
max offers is not applied. Value 0 means no offers can pass through and a greater than zero value implies the number of offers that can
pass through for a particular execution mode. | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
85d3bef73a67-0 | 61
Offer Variation
Represents the variation of an offer e.g. an offer is ExtraData, variations can be 1GB, 2GB etc.
Offer Variation
Data gets pushed to Pega Environment to Proposition Decision data. Location: Configure > Decisioning > Decisions > Proposition
Management > Heirarchy > (relevant Business Purpose e.g. CrossSell) > OffersVariations.
Navigate to PM Tool screen: Select/Open a version > Artifacts > Screen: Offer Variations.
Step 1: Enter offer variation name.
Step 2: Enter meaningful description.
Step 3: Pick start date using date picker component.
Step 4: Pick end date using date picker component.
Step 5: Check box to enable/disable.
Step 6: If Customer Interaction is checked rest of the fields in the section appear. If checked create customer interaction api is called to
send data to Siebel. Data in below steps 7 to 12 are as per requirements from Siebel.
Step 7: Priority options are: 1-ASAP, 2-High, 3-Medium, 4-Low.
Step 8: Catergy options are: Services, Buy, Recommendation, Account, Products, Billing, Leave, WebChat, Device Returned.
Step 9: Sub Category values are provided based on the category selected.
Step 10: Enter comments.
Step 11: Options are: Order raised, Quote Given, Information given, Call Dropped, Add/Remove Item, Fault Resolved.
Step 12: Enter customer interaction description.
Step 13: To add a rule, click on it in the Available Rules section to be added to Existing Rules and vice-versa to remove.
Offer To Offer Variations | VODKB-200723-160306.pdf |
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