stringlengths 1
| translation
stringlengths 26
2700 | {"fr": "Mortadelle", "en": "Mortadella"} |
2701 | {"fr": "Mortadelle, pur porc", "en": "Mortadella, pure pork"} |
2702 | {"fr": "Mortadelle porc et boeuf", "en": "Pork and beef mortadella"} |
2703 | {"fr": "Mortadelle pistachée, pur porc", "en": "Mortadella with pistachios, pure pork"} |
2704 | {"fr": "Saucisson de cheval, type cervelas", "en": "Horse sausage, cervelat type"} |
2705 | {"fr": "Confiture ou Marmelade, tout type de fruits, teneur en sucre inconnue", "en": "Jam or marmalade, any type of fruit, sugar content unknown"} |
2706 | {"fr": "Barre chocolatée biscuitée", "en": "Chocolate bar with biscuit"} |
2707 | {"fr": "Barre chocolatée non biscuitée enrobée", "en": "Coated non-biscuit chocolate bar"} |
2708 | {"fr": "Barre à la noix de coco, enrobée de chocolat", "en": "Coconut bar, with chocolate coating"} |
2709 | {"fr": "Bonbons, tout type", "en": "Candies, all types"} |
2710 | {"fr": "Tablette de chocolat au lait", "en": "Milk chocolate bar"} |
2711 | {"fr": "Tablette de chocolat noir, à moins de 70% de cacao", "en": "Dark chocolate bar, less than 70% cocoa"} |
2712 | {"fr": "Confiture ou Marmelade, tout type de fruits", "en": "Jam or marmalade, any type of fruit"} |
2713 | {"fr": "Chewing-gum, sucré", "en": "Chewing gum, with sugar"} |
2714 | {"fr": "Miel", "en": "Honey"} |
2715 | {"fr": "Tablette de chocolat au lait aux céréales croustillantes/souflées", "en": "Milk chocolate bar with crunchy/puffed cereals"} |
2716 | {"fr": "Tablette de chocolat blanc", "en": "White chocolate bar"} |
2717 | {"fr": "Confiserie chocolatée au lait", "en": "Milk chocolate confectionery"} |
2718 | {"fr": "Sorbet, bâtonnet", "en": "Sorbet, on stick"} |
2719 | {"fr": "Pâte de fruits", "en": "Fruit jelly"} |
2720 | {"fr": "Sucre blanc", "en": "White sugar"} |
2721 | {"fr": "Sucre roux", "en": "Brown sugar"} |
2722 | {"fr": "Tablette de chocolat au lait aux fruits secs (noisettes, amandes, raisins, praline)", "en": "Milk chocolate bar with dried fruits (nuts, almonds, raisins, praline)"} |
2723 | {"fr": "Tablette de chocolat au lait sans sucres ajoutés, avec édulcorants", "en": "Milk chocolate bar without added sugar, with sweeteners"} |
2724 | {"fr": "Zeste d'orange confit", "en": "Candied orange zest"} |
2725 | {"fr": "Marron glacé", "en": "Iced chestnut"} |
2726 | {"fr": "Confiture de fraise", "en": "Strawberry jam"} |
2727 | {"fr": "Tablette de chocolat blanc aux fruits secs (noisettes, amandes, raisins, praliné)", "en": "White chocolate bar with dried fruits (nuts, almonds, raisins, praline)"} |
2728 | {"fr": "Fruits confits", "en": "Candied fruits"} |
2729 | {"fr": "Tablette de chocolat noir sans sucres ajoutés, avec édulcorants", "en": "Dark chocolate bar without added sugar, with sweeteners"} |
2730 | {"fr": "Pâte à tartiner chocolat et noisettes", "en": "Chocolate and hazelnuts spread"} |
2731 | {"fr": "Nougat", "en": "Nougat"} |
2732 | {"fr": "Touron (est une confiserie à base de miel, de sucre, de blanc d'œuf, et d'amandes entières ou pilées)", "en": "Turrón (is a confection made of honey, sugar, egg white, and whole or crushed almonds)"} |
2733 | {"fr": "Sirop d'érable", "en": "Maple syrup"} |
2734 | {"fr": "Barre glacée chocolatée", "en": "Chocolate ice cream bar"} |
2735 | {"fr": "Dragée aux amandes (amande enrobée de sucre)", "en": "Almond dragée (sugar-coated almond)"} |
2736 | {"fr": "Confiture d'abricot", "en": "Apricot jam"} |
2737 | {"fr": "Confiture de cerise", "en": "Cherry jam"} |
2738 | {"fr": "Marmelade d'orange", "en": "Orange marmalade"} |
2739 | {"fr": "Confiture de lait", "en": "Dulce de leche"} |
2740 | {"fr": "Sucre vanillé", "en": "Vanilla flavored sugar"} |
2741 | {"fr": "Caramel liquide ou nappage caramel", "en": "Liquid caramel or caramel topping"} |
2742 | {"fr": "Gélifiant pour confitures", "en": "Gelling agent for jam"} |
2743 | {"fr": "Guimauve ou marshmallow", "en": "Marshmallow or marshmallow"} |
2744 | {"fr": "Confiture de prune", "en": "Plum jam"} |
2745 | {"fr": "Chewing-gum, sans sucre", "en": "Chewing gum, without sugar"} |
2746 | {"fr": "Bonbon dur et sucette", "en": "Hard candy and lollipop"} |
2747 | {"fr": "Bonbon gélifié", "en": "Jelly candy"} |
2748 | {"fr": "Confiture de framboise", "en": "Raspberry jam"} |
2749 | {"fr": "Bouchée chocolat fourrage fruits à coques et/ou praliné", "en": "Bite-sized chocolate filled with nuts and/or praline"} |
2750 | {"fr": "édulcorant à la saccharine", "en": "Saccharin sweetener"} |
2751 | {"fr": "Rocher chocolat fourré praliné", "en": "Chocolate rocher confection with praline filling"} |
2752 | {"fr": "Mélasse de canne", "en": "Cane molasses"} |
2753 | {"fr": "Confiture de myrtilles", "en": "Blueberry jam"} |
2754 | {"fr": "Tablette de chocolat noir aux fruits (orange, framboise, poire)", "en": "Dark chocolate bar with fruits (orange, raspberries, pear)"} |
2755 | {"fr": "Tablette de chocolat noir aux fruits secs (noisettes, amandes, raisins, praline)", "en": "Dark chocolate bar with dried fruits (hazelnuts, almonds, raisin, praline)"} |
2756 | {"fr": "Barre chocolatée aux fruits secs", "en": "Chocolate bar with dried fruits"} |
2757 | {"fr": "Chocolat noir fourrage confiseur à la menthe", "en": "Dark chocolate filled with mint confectionery"} |
2758 | {"fr": "Barre goûter frais au lait et chocolat", "en": "Fresh snack bar with milk and chocolate"} |
2759 | {"fr": "Tablette de Chocolat noir à 70% cacao minimum", "en": "Dark chocolate bar with 70% cocoa minimum"} |
2760 | {"fr": "Sucre allégé à l'aspartame", "en": "Light sugar with aspartame"} |
2761 | {"fr": "Fructose", "en": "Fructose"} |
2762 | {"fr": "Chocolat au lait fourré", "en": "Filled milk chocolate"} |
2763 | {"fr": "Tablette de chocolat noir fourré praliné", "en": "Dark chocolate bar filled with praline"} |
2764 | {"fr": "Bonbon au caramel mou", "en": "Soft caramel candy"} |
2765 | {"fr": "Tablette de chocolat au lait fourré au praliné", "en": "Milk chocolate bar filled with praline"} |
2766 | {"fr": "Tablette de chocolat noir à 40% de cacao minimum, à pâtisser", "en": "Dark chocolate bar 40% cocoa minimum, for pastry making"} |
2767 | {"fr": "Gelée de fruits divers", "en": "Various fruit jellies"} |
2768 | {"fr": "édulcorant à base d'extrait de stévia", "en": "sweetener made from stevia extract"} |
2769 | {"fr": "Sirop d'agave", "en": "Agave syrup"} |
2770 | {"fr": "Bonbon / bouchée au chocolat fourrage gaufrettes / biscuit", "en": "Candy / bites chocolate filled wafers / cookie"} |
2771 | {"fr": "Calissons d'Aix en Provence : bonbon au melon et aux amandes sur une couche de pain sans levain", "en": "Calissons from Aix en Provence : melon and almond candy on a unleavened bread layer"} |
2772 | {"fr": "Guimauve ou marshmallow, enrobé de chocolat", "en": "Marshmallow or marshmallow, coated with chocolate"} |
2773 | {"fr": "Bonbon dur au caramel", "en": "Hard caramel candy"} |
2774 | {"fr": "Gelée de groseille", "en": "Redcurrant jelly"} |
2775 | {"fr": "Barre chocolat au lait avec nougat", "en": "Milk chocolate bar with nougat"} |
2776 | {"fr": "Barre goûter frais au lait et chocolat avec génoise", "en": "Fresh milk and chocolate snack bar with sponge cake"} |
2777 | {"fr": "Barre céréalière pour petit déjeuner au lait, chocolatée ou non, enrichie en vitamines et minéraux", "en": "Milk breakfast cereal bar, with or without chocolate, fortified with vitamins and minerals"} |
2778 | {"fr": "Barre céréalière aux fruits, enrichie en vitamines et minéraux", "en": "Cereal bar with fruit, fortified with vitamins and minerals"} |
2779 | {"fr": "Barre céréalière chocolatée, enrichie en vitamines et minéraux", "en": "Cereal bar with chocolate, fortified with vitamins and minerals"} |
2780 | {"fr": "Barre céréalière diététique hypocalorique", "en": "Low-calorie diet cereal bar"} |
2781 | {"fr": "Barre céréalière chocolatée", "en": "Chocolate cereal bar"} |
2782 | {"fr": "Gelée royale", "en": "Royal jelly"} |
2783 | {"fr": "Pollen, partiellement séché", "en": "Pollen, partially dried"} |
2784 | {"fr": "Confiture, tout type de fruits, allégée en sucres", "en": "Jam, all types of fruit, reduced in sugar"} |
2785 | {"fr": "Pollen,frais", "en": "Pollen, fresh"} |
2786 | {"fr": "Barre céréalière aux fruits", "en": "Cereal bar with fruit"} |
2787 | {"fr": "Barre céréalière aux amandes ou noisettes", "en": "Cereal bar with almonds or hazelnuts"} |
2788 | {"fr": "Barre céréalière chocolatée aux fruits", "en": "Chocolate cereal bar with fruits"} |
2789 | {"fr": "Tablette de chocolat", "en": "Chocolate bar"} |
2790 | {"fr": "Chewing-gum, teneur en sucre inconnue", "en": "Chewing gum, sugar content unknown"} |
2791 | {"fr": "Céréales pour petit déjeuner, grains de blé soufflés au miel ou caramel, enrichis en vitamines et minéraux", "en": "Breakfast cereals, popped or puffed wheat grain with honey or caramel, fortified with vitamins and minerals"} |
2792 | {"fr": "Céréales pour petit déjeuner chocolatées, non fourrées, enrichies en vitamines et minéraux", "en": "Breakfast cereals with chocolate, not filled, fortified with vitamins and minerals"} |
2793 | {"fr": "Céréales pour petit déjeuner, riches en fibres, avec ou sans fruits, enrichies en vitamines et minéraux", "en": "Breakfast cereals, rich in fibre, with or without fruits, fortified with vitamins and minerals"} |
2794 | {"fr": "Céréales pour petit déjeuner", "en": "Breakfast cereals"} |
2795 | {"fr": "Muesli", "en": "Muesli"} |
2796 | {"fr": "Céréales pour petit déjeuner, pétales de maïs, natures, enrichis en vitamines et minéraux", "en": "Breakfast cereals, corn flakes, plain, fortified with vitamins and minerals"} |
2797 | {"fr": "Céréales pour petit déjeuner, riz soufflé nature, enrichi en vitamines et minéraux", "en": "Breakfast cereals, plain puffed/popped rice, fortified with vitamins and minerals"} |
2798 | {"fr": "Céréales pour petit déjeuner, riches en fibres, au chocolat, enrichies en vitamines et minéraux", "en": "Breakfast cereals, rich in fibre, with chocolate, fortified with vitamins and minerals"} |
2799 | {"fr": "Céréales pour petit déjeuner, pétales de blé chocolatés, enrichis en vitamines et minéraux", "en": "Breakfast cereals, chocolate wheat grain flakes, fortified with vitamins and minerals"} |
Subsets and Splits