The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi doctor. I hope you can help me. I have a son he is 5 becoming 6 in October. When he was 2 years old he was getting truble with his tonssils, and therof he was very much on antibiotics, and when he was 4 years old I was letting his tossils get out, by the time that happens he toothes wat all damaged. Last year I was also going to the dentist to get his tooth out(all 20) because he had to go to school this year. And he also has n problem to go to the toilet but I did give him pegicol on a daily basis now he goes out every day. My problem is that a doctor at our camise told me to give my son on a daily basis 1 topaz, but im not sure if this is gonna help because I do understand that my sons body is very low that s why im giving him scotts emulcion. im really hellples and hope you can help, and his coughing most of the time. Tanx [|AI|] Your sons secondary teeth will come in over the next years. The dentist can confirm with an X-ray the presence and to some extent the conditions of the teeth. Unless he had tetracycline, other antibiotics should not have caused damage. Scott's emulsion, cod liver oil and vitamins with calcium, is a good source of some vitamins but should not be used excessively. Follow the directions. I am not sure what you mean by Topaz. If you are referring to a source of fluoride, that is a good thing if your water does not already contain fluoride. If it helps, you could post in your original language to make your question clearer.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i have been experiencing flu like symptons for over a week now. i have no energy and find any task draining. I am able to eat but am not really hungry. get chills, follewd by fever and sweating. Also get heade aches and stomach cramps like i need to go to bathroom but dont. [|AI|] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, The history and symptoms suggests me that you are having some infection in the body. Common conditions which can have these symptoms are1. Urinary tract infection2. Viral fever3. Malaria4. PneumoniaThese are some of the conditions which can produce these symptoms. You require physical examination and lab investigation to confirm the diagnosis, and then we can decide further mode of treatment. For your symptoms I would suggest you to followers ParacetamolOral Antibiotics like BactoclavOral antihistaminesOral rely Chat Doctor. This medicine can help to control the symptoms, but you require complete evaluation for your symptoms. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] on my way to work on the tube this morning i noticed difficulty breathing them felt sick and dizzyness, i then found it vey difficult to see properly, and was unbalanced and couldnt stand, after a while i felt absolutely fine again, what could have caused this? [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. By your history and description, possibility of transient ischemic attack (TIA) is more. It is momentary decrease in blood supply to some part of brain which is causing sudden onset dizziness, not able to stand, imbalance, breathlessness etc. So better to consult neurologist and get done clinical examination of Central nervous system (CNS), blood pressure monitoring and MRI brain to rule out major CNS pathology. Also get done serum lipid profile to rule out dyslipidemia. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello My mother broke her humorous bone right at the ball n three weeks ago now the bone has moved she was in a brace they took it off said they hope gravity will move bone back down in place is this a normal procedure? or should I take her some where else ..she is 71 [|AI|] Hello, I think your mother will be better off with surgery as in her age plaster treatment will not be able to unite bone, and it will be difficult to keep that plaster for three to four months with continuous movement, she will feel pain and discomfort. So with surgery she can be treated easily and faster. She will be fine with in one month. If you want further advise then please share her x-rays with me. I hope this answer will be useful for you. Let me know if there is any other followup questions. Thanks
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My son is 16 months old..since 4 months due to teething he is passing lose motions with severe stomach contractions and has fever till 102 every per the doctor suggestions i gave him econorm and crocin and meftal alternatively during first 2 visits and within 2 days he recovered and last month he had same problem i continued the same and since yesterday he again started motions with temp rising upto 102. But this time he had vomitings(3) followed by fever and motions(3) with contractions of stomach. I gave him same medications. So my Question is can i use these medications every month are they safe or do i have to take him to hospital? Last month my doctor said to wait for 2 days and get if not recovered but he recovered. So please suggest me what to do? [|AI|] Thanks for consulting at Chat Doctor. Fever, diarrhea and vomiting suggest your son is probably suffering from gastroenteritis. Gastroenteritis may be caused due to bacterial, viral or protozoal infection, but viral infections are more common. Since it's been four months your son is having sucChatDoctorplaints, it will be better if you consult a Pediatrician. Pediatrician may advise investigations like Stool Examination, USG Abdomen, CBC etc. to find out exact cause of sucChatDoctorplaints Treatment may include antiemetic like Ondansetron for vomiting, ORS solution to prevent deny Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i have a lump directly behind my right ear and also have a couple cysts or pimples vehind the same ear, it has been a couple weeks and i am not sure if i should be concerned? Also i dont know if this could be a factor but i missed my last menstrual cycle also. [|AI|] Hi, Dear,Welcome with your query to Chat Doctor. Studied your query in full depth of its details. Reviewed it in context of your health concerns. Based On the facts, You mostly seem to suffer from-Sebaceous Cyst with Pimples. Missed period with surge in hormones has added more lumps by pimples-acne which is known to flare up with sex hormonal changes.Thus, your lumps and cysts behind right ear seem to be related and connected to the sex hormonal surge due to missed period / cycle. Hope This reply would help you to plan further treatment soon with your treating doctors. Best of Luck and early recovery. Welcome any further query in this regard, which would be replied in next session. Good Day!! Chat Doctor. N. Senior Surgical Specialist. S. Genl-CVTS
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello - I have noticed a series of small purple raised but soft bumps on both sides of my labia minors. The are not painful or bleeding and they seem to be where there is clearly a dark vein under the skin. Is this anything I should worry about. I don t look often so not sure how long but there certainly was on one or two last time , a couple of months ago. [|AI|] HI, Dear,Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. I understood your concerns about the labia lump. Cause-In my opinion its -varicose venous lumps mostlyTreatment-a-Take opinion from your ER Granted if it remains and grows in size in next 2 MHSI would advise Salon cap/ and It E- till then. Hope this would resolve your worry. Hope this would help you to plan the treatment with Your family doctor. Wishing you early recovery. You are always Welcome for further query to Chat Doctor in this regard. Have a Good Day...!!
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi my 15 year daughter has been suffering with lower bak pain and tummy ache since August . She has had blood in her urine and urine tests showed protein in it. The doctor sent her for a scan which showed up a cyst but has a shadow in the middle. One off her blood test showed 77 think kidney one they retested again recently which now is 68. A pediatrician now wants to rescan her as he is concerned about the unusual shaped 2cm cyst with a shadow in the middle. What can you tell me about this. Thank you [|AI|] Hi. I am afraid you need to be a bit more clear about the name of the blood test result and the value. If it is creatinine and the value is millimole, it seems normal. However, there is some physical abnormality in the kidney which needs further investigation. I suspect your daughter will need a CT scan of the kidneys to clarify the nature of the cyst. Many a time it turns out to be benign (i.e. nothing to worry about) but worth getting the advised investigation ASAP. Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my dad 79 years old high bloodpressure diabetic just yesterday found out had cellulitis on keflex 500 already had 6 pills has a pain in left shoulder took bloodpressure 240 over 150 had squad come went to 204/150 want to know if keflex can raise it [|AI|] Hi and thank you so much for this query. I am so sorry to hear about this cellulitis. Reflex cannot cause this sudden and alarming increase in blood pressure. I will suggest that you get your father to the emergency room because these numbers are very high and need immediate attention to avoid related complications like stroke, heart, kidney damages, etc. Cellulitis in diabetics should be approached with full force because of the fear of severe complications. If the improvement is not remarkable withing 48 hours, please talk to his treating doctor. I hope this helps. I wish you well.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My brother had a heart attack 1 month ago still is suffering from severe shortness of breath had 4 stents put on his right side of the heart was just told on friday his heart is working at 35% I know this is very serious what are his chances for long term survival. Bypass surgery? He is 58 a smoker 250 lbs 59 hasnt seen a doctor in 10 years [|AI|] Hi35% is a critically lower section fraction but post PTC things are going to improve as blood supply is again maintained to heart, there are medicines like ace inhibitor, trimetazidine and spironolactone which prevent cardiac remodeling and hence helps to improve the ejection fraction, power if things worsen AID can be given. Chances of survival are from 10 years to 30 years depends on medication, lifestyle modification and patency of stents., by pass surgery at an EF of 30% has five year survival rate of 70%
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] How should I choose a doctor who specializes in osteoporosis or check with my family or orthopedic doctor. Every time I fall I break something. My last fall I broke both legs and right hip. They did hip replacement and told me I had osteoporosis without doing the test, which I agree. They had hard time with knee surgery had to rebuild area so how do I choose the right doctor and what should I expect? [|AI|] I understood your problem. Look osteoporosis is an aging disorder as age advances it happens in each and everyone's life. It can't be revert it's a natural phenomenon . One thing we do is we just slower down this phenomenon with medications. Yes although there are some tests to detect how severely you're having osteoporosis or better to say your bone quality affected some of them are DEXA scan. I generally suggest my patients having weak bone just to modify lifestyle avoid heavy works and avoid sudden jerky activities, take calcium and vitamin D supplements, milk and some time medications Bisphosphates by Chat Doctor. . Hope ill be helpful happy to help you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, My Father has got cancer in left side of his neck (near Parotid glands) and it has comeout behind his ears. He has undergone 4 Surgeries since 2004, Radio theraphy was done in 2004 and Chemo in Dec2010 for which the disease dint respond. As it said it cannot be operated may i knpw what is the other solution? Need help as soon as possible [|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. He has throat cancer. But it looks later stage. Surgery is not possible. Because of spread of cancer we can not remove all part. Other treatment options are chemotherapy and radiotherapy. But if it is not responding then no any treatment is given. Just give symptomatic treatment. Because treatment can not cure the disease, despite treatment prognosis remains poor. Life expectancy is not good. And chemotherapy causes many side effects, and it worsens the quality of life. So according to my opinion no treatment should be given. Sorry to say but it is fact. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi! My mom got abdominal pain(she shows epigastral zone,sometimes in the left side of abdomen for a month(stronger).the whole period of the pain is about one year.she describes it like cramping,sometimes burning,spastic pain.its permanent,time to time it wores.with food or without.because of this pain she refuses to eat.she has diarrhea almost every two weeks for last two month.she refuses to drink,too,because she says,after water in about 15-20 min.she gets diarrhea,she drinks one cup of camomile tea(only because I ask her,,but doesnt want more).she cannot eat most of vegetables(row at all),diary products.her diet is very very limited and a very small amount.a lot of times she has nausea,she lost her appetite and lost her weight at least 10 pound for the last time.what it can be?in anamnes she had gastritis ,pancreatitis,duodenites.she also has diabetis tips 2, high blood pressure,so she has to take a lot of medication.what you can suggest her?thank you [|AI|] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor forum. Your mother got severe pain since 1 month, and pain since 1 year. The pain is burning, cramping, spastic, time to time, increasing after food, Sometimes diarrhea, Nausea, loss of appetite. She had gastritis, pancreatitis, duodenites, diabetes, and hypertension. Gastritis and duodenites may be cured completely, but pancreatitis can recur, other 2 also have possibility or recurrence. Which all these symptoms, diabetes and hypertension should under control. I advise you to consult a physician for diagnosis and treatment. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery, Best regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Pregnant pt 9 weeks pregnant, has not been seen by OB/gyn yet (disadvantaged) and has dental infection presenting as swelling. Pt needs treatment and administration of local anesthetic, antibiotic and pain medication... recommendation would be no epinephrine, amoxicillin or clindamycin and paint no ibuprofen? [|AI|] You are less likely to have dental problems during pregnancy if you already have good oral hygiene habits. Suggestions include:Brush your teeth at least twice daily with fluoridated toothpaste. Floss between your teeth. Visit your dentist regularly. If you are planning on getting pregnant, see your dentist. It is more convenient to have elective procedures done before you conceive. If you require dental treatment during pregnancy, non-urgent procedures are often performed after the first trimester.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have been brushing and flossing my sons teeth since he was one years old. He is 17 months now. I recently noticed that on his two bottom teeth he has a dark line around two of his bottom teeth. Its not directly by the lining of the teeth but under the pink lining like a stripe circumferencing the two teeth. He has an appointment on March 21. Should I be concerned and see if the doctor can see him right away? [|AI|] Hi. Thanks for the query. As per your complaint a dark line around the lower teeth of your baby that is appearing like a stripe can be either of the 2 reasons:1. Staining of the teeth.2. Decay in teeth. I would suggest you to consult a Periodontist and get evaluated, and a thorough clinical evaluation will help in ruling out the exact cause of the dark line and treatment can be done accordingly. In case if there is staining of the teeth then it can be very easily removed with scaling as stains cannot be removed with tooth brushing as they are tightly attached to the tooth. In case if it is due to decay then filling of the same with tooth colored filling material can help. Also, please relax as it does not look like medical emergency so do not worry about it. Hope this helps. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My medical insurance ran out about 2 months ago and that is when I stopped the generic YAZ birth control pill. I am almost 24 yrs old & I have been on different types of bc pills for 10 years and this is the 1st time I have not been on it. Now, I have not had a period for this entire time and am concerned. Took 2 at home preg test and both negative. Also, I have dropped about 20 lbs over this time too (was 145 now 125) and have been having very severe anxiety/depression... Over the past 10 yrs I have also experimented with all types of drug use. Is my body changing for good?? [|AI|] Hallow Dear, Pregnancy test on urine is reliable after about a week of missed period; earlier these tests can report false negative results. However, since you have repeated the test twice, it is likely that later test was done after about a week of missed period. If not you may repeat the test on overnight early morning first urine sample after 4 more days. If this test also reports negative, you are not pregnant. There are multiple causes apart from pregnancy for missing a period. However, from your history, it appears that you are under tremendous depression and anxiety. Your feeling for permanent change in the body also seems to be out of anxious feeling. This is one of the very important and common causes of missing a period; and then irregular menses subsequently. Please report to some counselor/psychiatrist with your anxiety/depression issue for effective management. Hormonal imbalance also can cause irregularity in the menses. Please report to your Gynecologist for thorough investigations and management.Meanwhile, you may take some progestational preparation like Devilry for 5 days and then hope for the with Chat Doctor. This medicine should be taken with a Gynaecologists' advice only. I hope this helps you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 24 year old man. From sometime, i am facing a problem that after doing certain physical work, my hands and legs begin to shiver. However, this happens for a short time and when my nerves get settled, then it is normal.Can you please tell why does this happen and how to cure it ? [|AI|] Hello, I have studied your case. Sudden shivering can be due to two causes. First, it can be due to anxiety. Other causes can be due to the hormonal problem like excessive thyroxine hormone in the body. I would suggest you get your thyroxine hormone level and also start taking tablet Collar which will take care of your anxiety. If there is excessive production of thyroxine on the test then you need to take opinion from an endocrinologist. I hope these steps will be helpful for you. Let me know if there is any other followup questions. Thanks
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had a fundoplication and hiatus hernia op 4 months ago. I have been having a pain in the middle of my chest which gets worse if I bend down, run, walk fast or carry any shopping. It seems to be getting worse. (It feels heavy, like a weight or sometging lodged) I sweat more, and in the last 2 weeks developed a cough that I have never had before. I also have a constant ache about 3 inches (and a little to the left) below the chest pain. Could this be related to the operation and should I see my doctor? [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Yes, you should definitely consult your doctor for all these symptoms. You are mostly having HERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) related symptoms. Hiatus hernia is known cause for this. Surgical correction of Hiatus hernia is not always sufficient for symptomatic relief. You need to follow these lifestyle modifications for better symptomatic relief. 1. Avoid stress and tension. 2. Avoid hot and spicy food. 3. Avoid large meals, instead take frequent small meals. 4. Take combination of pantoprazole and risperidone. 5. Quit smoking and Alcohol if you have these habits. 6. Keep 2-3 pillows under head in bed to prevent reflux. Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i have got stretch marks in purple red color since about 5 months....and it is very says its not a fungus.......and he prescribe me propygenta nf cream........its not about the stretch mark but i want to know why it has got infection only on my stretch mark and not anywhere else in my body [|AI|] Hi, I understand your query. - Stretch marks appear due to overstretching of skin due to pregnancy, overweight. - The infection in stretch marks seems to be due to- - excessive scratching, the source of infection being from under nails. - try not to scratch, keep the nails clean & properly cut. - Chat Doctor. I would suggest application of Newsprint H (with moisturizer) it will cover most of the organisms for infection. - Avoid excessive sweating, you can use Newsprint H dusting power in case its sweating a lot. -If this does not help, culture of the exudate/ swab & sensitivity would help in selection of specific
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I m a 63 yr. old female gastric bypass /roux-en-y Aug. 2013. Been on Losartan Potassium 100mg. qd for awhile now, put on Bystolic 5 mg. maybe 6 mos. before surgery both meds are taken q AM I m having periods of funny strange drifting feelings lasting approx. 30 sec. pulse rate regular running 55-61..BP 128/76. Could this be the two bp meds fighting each other, my BP is nothing as it was before the surgery (always elevated) Which med should I start to taper off of first? Weight has gone from 269 to 194. [|AI|] Hello! Thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! Your blood pressure values and heart rate seem to be within the normal limits. Regarding your concern, I would explain that losartan and nebivolol both increase potassium levels in the blood. I recommend performing blood electrolytes levels, to monitor potassium levels and avoid any abnormal increase, which may lead to bradycardia. The decrease in your weight is another factor contributing in lowering your blood pressure. This is a good way to control your blood pressure. If your blood pressure gets lower, I recommend consulting with your doctor to consider the possibility of lowering systolic dose (which also contributes in a low heart rate). Hope to have been of help! Best regards,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi I have an oval shape lump in upper thighs.. When I run them it feels brused but no colour.. I have had this over 2 months, they have got smaller but still there.. This started when I started my new job which is sitting all day 12 to 14 hrs shift.. I am quite active but since I started this job have no time to excersize like I used to. I am a bit worried about theses lumps. [|AI|] Hi, Dear,Welcome with your query to Chat Doctor. Studied your query in full depth of its details. Reviewed it in context of your health concerns. Based On the facts, You mostly seem to suffer from-Ring worm bumps is the possibility. Without Much information from your query I would suggest taking Second opinion from Surgeon, who would examine n decide on its cause and would treat it accordingly as per the cause of it. Hope that, This reply would help you to plan further treatment soon with your treating doctors. Best of Luck and early recovery. Welcome any further query in this regard, which would be replied in next session. Good Day!! Chat Doctor. N. Senior Surgical Specialist
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Its a little over 6 days after my wisdom tooth extraction ( I had all 4 taken out). Pain pretty much stopped the second day ( didnt even need the painkillers doctor prescribed). The swelling stopped a couple days after that. Perceivably, things are going smoothly. This afternoon, however, I noticed that my stitches dissolved ( like my surgeon said they would) except on the bottom left side of my jaw I noticed something that, to me, seemed a bit peculiar. In that area, the site seems to be slightly open with, what looks like, bone slightly protruding from it. I still have no pain/swelling, and the area still looks the slightest bit inflamed. Is this normal? Is it infection or the beginnings of dry socket? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. [|AI|] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. From the details produced, its clear that socket has not healed completely. To prevent occurrence of Chat Doctor. Swish with lukewarm saline frequently. Irrigate the socket with Betadine, apply eugenol as well as lidocaine solution within the socket. Avoid spicy foods, smoking. Take adequate rest and stressful work has to be limited. If symptoms persists, please do visit a dentist. Hope this helps.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi. I sprained my ankle 10 days ago and it was put in a cast for 7 days. I have been using an ankle brace for the past 3 days, There was minimal bruising, i.e. only 3 really dark purple bruises and some discoloration on the sides of the ankle, but quite a bit of swelling. The swelling has gone down almost all of the way. I still have pain in the evening when I go to sleep. I am going on a 10 hour flight on Saturday and my question is, should I inject myself with Fragmin, or would taking an Aspirin and wearing compression socks be enough. As a side note, I bruised really badly when injecting the first 4 days, there was intense pain for about half an hour after each injection and there was a dark red circle around the injection site. The pharmacist suggested that I stop injecting and use aspirin. [|AI|] Dear friend have not understood the need to use dalteparin that is frag min and aspirin in a case OS simple sprain ankle which has been adequately immobilized by a cast. Do you have any co-existing disease due to which this was indicated, in normal course the bruises resolve on their own in time it does not need any rigorous intervention. As regards to you need for travel is concern, if you are mobile and can walk, periodic walk down the aisle and keeping HY Chat Doctor? All you need is to keep flexing your toes and contracting your calf muscles when seated for a long case you do have clotting condition then use of aspirin is a good idea but still the former two i.e. fluids and walking still stay as use full.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I am Anjali, I am 25 years old, my weight is 40kg and my height is 5"3. I recently get my abortion on monday, the reason of abortion was the heart beat was detected in 7 weeks of my pregnancy. And after testing my blood report there is a problem of thyroid my thyroid level is increased 2%. my hameoglobin is fine.i want to known that is thyroid problem is realy a big problem to conceive pregnancy again or when i plan to pregnant again or i also i want to know that is there any chances of further miscarraige? [|AI|] Hello dear, i understand your concern. In my opinion thyroid abnormalities like hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism is associated with menstrual irregularities there by leading to infertility, miscarriages,intrauterine growth retardation, low IQ in child Chat Doctor. But don't worry the above said complications are seen in patients with poor thyroid control. Once the thyroid is under control then the chances of complications are very less. So I suggest you to take thyroid medication regularly to make it normal. Then plan your next pregnancy after a gap of 3 months.Don't worry. Avoid stress. Best regards....
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My wife is 32 and remembers sitting at her desk. We found her in the back of her room convulsing, having a seizure. She has never had seizures before. What could have caused her to have one? She doesnt remember walking to the back of the room at all. [|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor .com I am Chat Doctor. Mariano Into Bruno Mascaras. I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you. Seizures could be due to 1. Chemical abnormalities in Brain2. Electrical Abnormalities in Brain3. Structural abnormalities in Brainless consult a neurosurgeon at once and get her evaluated and control the seizures Hope you found the answer helpful. If you need any clarification / have doubts / have additional questions / have follow-up questions, then please do not hesitate in asking again. I will be happy to answer your questions. In the future, for continuity of care, I encourage you to contact me directly in Chat Doctor at
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] All over Abdominal pain yesterday, by evening it was most painful on lower right side. No fever. Took ibuprofen and pain diminished enough to sleep through the night. Woke up this morning and pain is still present in midsection and lower right. Still no fever, but very nauseated. [|AI|] Hello, Appendicitis and colitis can be the possibility as per history. So, your USG (Ultrasonography) abdomen scan is advisable for your condition. If appendicitis present, then antibiotic course prescribed. Avoid excess spicy foods. Fruit juices and fiber diet should be taken more. If nausea troublesome, then Risperidone Chat Doctor. Also, consult surgeon for examination Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My whole body from scalp to toe has lost a sense of feeling/touch. It has been going on for a 3days now. An example, when I scratch my neck, I dont feel like I am scratching myself, though I can feel that it is being scratched. i am really feeling very uneasy i just cant feel anything especially when i touch my body cant feel the sense [|AI|] Hello dear, The symptoms as mentioned in your post can be attributed to:1. Entrapment of nerve fibers at the Cervico-thoracic region.2. Inadequate HY Chat Doctor. Dietary deficiencies of certain nutrients like Iron, Calcium, vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Folic acid, etc. which help in blood formation & nerve conduction.4. Peripheral neuropathy caused due to any fluctuation in blood pressure or blood sugar level. Symptomatic relief can be obtained by intake of cervicogenic agents (like Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Folic acid) as well as multivitamin & multimineral supplements including iron, calcium & vitamin D needs to be added in your diet. Physiotherapy & postural exercise will also be helpful. If symptoms still persist, kindly consult a Neurologist & get a complete Neurological examination done. Certain investigations like complete blood count, serum electrolyte estimation, fresh estimation of blood pressure & blood sugar levels & nerve conduction studies will be helpful to rule out any pathological cause for the symptoms.X-ray & MRI of Cervico-dorsal spine can also be carried out to detect any nerve entrapment. Wishing you a Good Health. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] when i was on my cigarette break, my chest begins to tighten. its like there are heavy bricks on my chest. Then after that i have this shortness of breath. i cant breath in deeply. My chest became more heavier that i feel dizzy. I go straight to the hospital after my shift, my heart rate is normal. ECG is normal. What could this be? But the doctor advice me not quit smoking ASAP. Is this an asthma attack? Even now i still have this heavy chest feeling. Im really paranoid. I cant sleep. Please help. Thank you. [|AI|] Hi welcome to the Chat Doctor Here your work up apart from EKG done as follows..... (according to your complaint)... -Auscultation -Chest x-ray -pulmonary function test -CBC This investigation will reveal COPD or any other restrictive lung disease if present According to cause specific treatment given If pulmonary fibrosis is the cause than steroid might prescribe If COPD present than ipratropium bromide like inhaler therapy given Avoid smoking as it damage lung parenchymal by elastane release Take care Consult pulmonologist for your examination and subsequent work up
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi i m male age 25.i stay in navi mumbai maharashtra. my foreskin is tigh i cannot put it up nd down its pain i think of surgery ..will u help where to go for the much times it takes to get back to my work after surgery md how mucn it cost...plss help me [|AI|] Thanks for asking in Chat Doctor forum In short: Surgery is the best option. It is free in Government hospitals and may cost you 15000 to 20000 in Private hospitals including all charges. Explanation: Go for surgery if it is not possible to retract the skin with point clobetasol daily. The cost depends on the place and charges of the hospital. It is a day care surgery. You can go home after that. Rest of 3-5 days is sufficient or else maximum is 10 days.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] After I peed, I wiped and I had what looked like tiny particles that were on the toilet paper. I ve had a severe bladder infection that keeps reoccurring. I m on antibiotics now and was. They put me on it before but it came back. And this time it still hurts after about 3 or 4 days of taking the antibiotic. Usually I feel better after the 1st or 2nd day. Help. This is the 1st time it s happened [|AI|] Hi. You are having repeated infections of the urinary tract. This may be an indication of some anatomic defect. If one of my patients had such a problem I would advise a CT scan to rule out any anatomic abnormality. The particles in your urine may be very tiny kidney stones. Now there a different type of kidney stones. Stones from infection are large and cannot be passed in the urine ruling out infection as the possibility for your urine particles. Other causes may include calcium stones, oxalate stones, cysteine stones. I would suggest checking your Calcium level as well. In the meanwhile make sure to Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] In line with the same question, my Left side is in pain (upper left quadrant). It pains so bad that I come home after workout and have to floss my gums and brush and then the pain subsides in 10-15 mins. Is it due to me drinking cool water during workout or is it due to infection or something else . Do I need to be worried about it ? [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. In my opinion it seems muscular pain only. But since it is left sided chest pain, we have to rule out cardiac and pulmonary causes first. So please get done1. ECG to rule out cardiac cause.2. Chest x-ray to rule out pulmonary cause like chest infection. If both of the above are normal than it must be due to muscle pull only. So try to follow these.1. Avoid heavy weight lifting.2. Avoid strenuous exercise. 3. Take good painkillers and muscle relaxant. 4. Avoid bad postures in sleep.5. Wear chest belt for minimal mobilization of affected part.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello Doc, am 33 years old and have one son by Caesarean section who is 4 years of my tube was blocked during my c/s due to bleeding at the fimbrial end, so left with only one tube. And have tried several means of getting pregnant but not occur. My doctor diagnosed me of cyst and have treated it now scan shows cyst 3 by 1.5size. Can I use parlodel to get a chance of having twins. I need it seriously. Please kindly help me. [|AI|] Hello, When you have tubal block on one side the first step is to confirm the patency of the other tube by either HSG or diagnostic hysterolaparoscopy. After confirmation of the patency you need to be ideally put on ovulation induction medication and need follicular monitoring. The problem here are the chances of pregnancy would be higher only if follicles develop in the ovary on the side where the Fallopian tube is patent. If the follicles r growing in the other side the chances of pregnancy are relatively less than transmigration of oocyte is less common and if this does not work or if both tubes are blocked, then I would suggest you to go for IVF (In Vitro Fertilization). Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a pain related to cramping on my stomach about 7 inches left of belly button. I am also experiencing symptoms of UTI for the past week of which have diminished without antibiotics through herbal teas and cranberry, additionally my physician has told me my prostate is slightly enlarged. The cramp however is persistent [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor for posting your query. I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through. The cramps could be a manifestation of urinary tract infection. Many times the bladder infection can lead to this kind of problem. You can get a fresh urine test done to identify the same. Hope I am able to answer your concerns. If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you. In future if you wish to contact me directly, or want any further details about this same issue you can use the below-mentioned Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i have a lump in between my buttocks at the top iv had it for some time its red around the area and has maybe got slightly bigger over time, there is no drainage or anything from it though, not even much pain really just maybe slight discormfort, is this a pilonidial cyst ? [|AI|] Hi, thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. Dear, I understood your health concerns. Based on the facts of your query, your red, sore lump seems to be an early stage indicated perifolliculitis of Hair follicle(Boil), or it could be Colonial Sinus, or it could be Sebaceous Cyst with mild re-infection. Treat-Rule out diabetes by Fasting/and Post-meal Blood Sugar studiesContact Surgeon and treat it with antibiotics / antipyretic/ and anti-inflammatory, with a long term followup. Surgical planned Excision of the Sebaceous Cyst or of the Chronic Boil or of the Colonial Sinus would be needed.US / CT study would fix the extent of the cause and its depth. Treatment could be planned according to the causes as suggested above. Hope this reply would help you to plan further treatment in your case. Good Day!! Chat Doctor. S. Genl-CVTS
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Good evening. I have been having a nagging pain in my right scrotum for the past 2 or 3 days. Its most noticeable when I run or jump. Since I am an active runner, this is disconcerting to me. It feels light something is squeezing my right testicle. Is this something that will clear up in a few days? Can I wait to see if it will get better? [|AI|] Thanks for contacting ChatDoctorYou are concerned about having right testicular pain after exercise. This pain could have many causes. The most common would be just strain of the groin muscles. During your exercises make sure you wear a jock strap and tight-fitting underwear to support your testicles. Another possibility is an inguinal hernia. These are congenital and will manifest themselves with testicular pain and a lump in the groin. Your doctor should do a hernia check.Also, you could have epididymitis an infection of the sperm tubules behind the testicles. Your doctor again should check and if needed start you on antibiotics. I recommend if after wearing better supportive underwear or jock strap that if you are still having pain that you seek medical attention. Hope this answers your question. Please contact us again with your health care concerns and questions
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello Doctor. Last Saturday I went to the hospital because I discovered itchy white spots through my pubic hair area. Blood and urine tests were taken and both turned out normal (WBC & RBC, etc). I washed, and shaved the pubic area and it turns out I have multiple flat red spots in the pubic area (none on my penis or scrotum). They can become very itchy at times. The itchiness affect the pubic area and the bottom sides of the scrotum (in the groin). The spots have no white head nor do I see any puncture holes. I used KY Jelly earlier the same day, so is it possible that Im allergic to KY lubricant? TY [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for posting in Chat Doctor. I understand your concern. It appears that you could be allergic to KY Jelly what you have used. It is better not to use it and switch to some other alternative in case you need to use so. Also, you could be having mild fungal infection as well along with the allergy. Kindly wash the area with mild antiseptic like Salon twice daily. Apply antifungal cream containing Clotrimazole on lesions after the area Chat Doctor. Also take tablet Cetirizine once a day to control itching. Gradually, your symptoms should subside, and you should be back to normal. Hope the information provided would be helpful. All the best.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am a certified holistic RN and I do healing work on all levels. I have an 11 YO client with diagnosis of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. What is the best medication for him to be on while his brain chemistry is being balanced thru more natural healing work?Would enhancing his seratonin and dopamine levels help?What is the role of norepinephrine in his brain chemistry? [|AI|] Greetings ! Well first it is wrong to diagnose a person with both Bipolar disorder and schizophrenia at the same time since both these conditions are mutually exclusive of each other. However, a positive thing in providing treatment for both of these conditions is that an anti-psychotic medication like olanzapine or quetiapine or aripiprazole works very effectively in both the conditions by lowering the dopamine levels in the brain since excessive dopamine levels in the brain have been considered to have been associated with either of these conditions. So practically speaking use of an anti-psychotic Chat Doctor. Role of norepinephrine and serotonin is limited in such a patient,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Does it cost money? Because Ive spent a ton of money on a kidney biopsy and several doctors appointment so I really cant afford any of those so the last thing I could afford is this. What was i thinking looking fir free help. I just have to suffer for being broke in many senses of the word [|AI|] Hello, I totally understand your problem. Yes it does costs for renal biopsy as it includes expertise and involvement of radiologist and nephrologist. But if you have financial issues you can always try going to government run hospitals or medical institutions where they do it free of cost or at very minimal costs as compared to private hospitals. I hope I have been help to your problem. Thank you
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi,My mind always gives me thoughts all the time even when I am doing some work, talking with somebody or watching TV. Sometimes, it seems that it is trying to impose its thoughts over me. It is now getting very disturbing, I am not able to bear it. My mind is giving me thoughts which I do not want to think. If I try to control it it becomes aggressive. I am not able to understand what to do. [|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. This is simply called obsession. You had that disturbing experience once. You expected it to happen again and tried. Then you started experiencing it as you were expecting it. Then your body brought the familiar symptom because you are expecting it. Then you started worrying that the symptom is coming again and again and expect it and close your eyes. Body brings it again as you are expecting it. You become worried and so on. That is obsession in simple terms. Ignore it and the problem vanishes. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 14 years of age, I weigh 156, and I am 6 0 , I had well what I think I had a stomach bug about a week ago. I began to get better later on through the day, anyway now my stomach won t growl when I m hungry anymore it just has little periods of a burning sensation , I eat then after I feel a little sick and I do not know if it was the stomach bug or something else? I tried drinking milk to lessen the burn , but could it be maybe acid burns? [|AI|] Yes its most likely an acid reflux and possibly associated gastritis (inflammation of the stomach) , the hint here is the pain after eating, and using milk to lessen the burn sensation. I recommend the following :- avoid eating pipers and spicy food - avoid caffeine especially in early morning - use one of the proton pump inhibitor for 1 month duration, use it half an hour before breakfast, try lansoprazole 30 mg once daily or omeprazole 40 mg once daily, this dose is measured according to your body weight. I hope this helps
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a low grade fever 100-101, which I have had since Friday, along with congestion and sore throat(I have had my tonsils removed). Now my lymph nodes bilaterally are so swollen and painful it hurts to turn my head. My son had similar symptoms a week ago and tested negative for flu and strep. Should I continue to just ride this out as supposed virus? [|AI|] Hello, the commonest cause for the symptoms you describe is viral infections. Lymph node enlargement cane seen in both viral and bacterial infections. Low grade fever with more nasal congestion and other symptoms are suggestive of a viral infection. something like infectious mononucleosis. You have a contact history also.(your son) Strep infection would have high fever with other symptoms but less nasal congestion. Also, your throat will have white plaques or pustules. You can have adequate bed rest, loratadine or fexofenadine, paracetamol, warm beverages, After 4 days if symptoms are not subsiding, get your blood tested. Because if it turned out to be bacterial, strep needs antibiotics. Hope this helps. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I started out with severe abdominal pain upper and lower but worse in the upper left side around ribs no fever. I then started having very bad skin pain near my left ribs and around side. It is painful to the touch even clothes touching it. Last night it felt like something bit me on my left side back area and there was no bug found but it felt like I was stuck with a hot needle over and over very fast. The area is red and raised in several areas but does not look like a bug bite and was not there when the skin pain started. I have not started any new meds or used any new products that come in contact with my skin or eaten anything new. [|AI|] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor. Forum. I started with severe abdominal pain, no pain, severe in the left abdomen, around your ribs. Last night you felt that something bit you on the back. The area is red and raised. You didn't take any new medicine or food. It appears to be the neurological pain, cause may be herpes infection, latter may proceed to watery rash, followed by neuralgia. Other possibilities could be gastritis, and urticaria related or not related to the pain. I advise you to consult a physician for diagnosis and treatment, to prevent permanent neuralgia, not relieved even after revision of the rash. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Best regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi doctor have a nice day,kindly ask something about lump in the ribs,what may trigger on it??what is the caused of that lump in ribs,is it cancerous??what should i do to cure that lump or any treatment that we need to undergo.because my aunt has a lump in the ribs its like a fist of adult and that lump appears 3months ago.. [|AI|] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thank you for your quarry. It sounds like thoracic wall lesion. It is questionable is it subcutaneous lesion, or it comes from rib born. If this is soft and painless it can be lipoma, fibrous or other benign skin tumors. If this is hard then some more serious diagnosis should be considered. Lung cancer doesn't start on this way. So I suggest doing ultrasounds and needle biopsy after which it can be easily surgically removed. Wish you good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I was recently diagnosed with glandular fever, I am normally a healthy and extremely sporty active person. I have noticed lumps and bruising on my shins which I havnt bashed? I also have itchy skin and what looks like exczma on my elbows? Are these as a result of the glandular fever? [|AI|] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, Glandular fever, as you say has been diagnosed by tests is a viral disease with self limiting nature. Its symptoms usually resemble to flu like state. Along with fever, nausea, headache there is sore throat and lymphadenopathy. Inflammation of tonsils can occur which can can lead to pain behind your ear as well as your jaw. It usually subsides as the inflammation decreases with medication. Wait for some time and have regular medication as you are taking for glandular fever, if any. If still persist, I suggest you to consult a physician for proper examination and management. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi doc,Im heavy smoker and Im regularly whizzing but recently my issue is whenever I sneeze or cough I immensely feel like my breathing is missing. I am using voltraine inhaler and when I puff twice or thrice I feel better. My question is am I having asthma problem and what medicine should I take to get cured from this nightmare of my life. Please advice Im regular follower of yours.RegardsUsman [|AI|] Dear Usman, The case history as mentioned in your post suggests that you might be having asthma. Wheezing is caused due to bronchoconstriction (obstruction of smaller airway passages) which is indicative of Hyper-responsiveness of air passages due to asthma. Management consists of:1. Avoid smoking- it causes bronchoconstriction & aggravates asthma.2. Stalin+ Aeroflot inhaler-provide symptomatic relief by causing bronchodilator (dilating the smaller airway passages, relieving the obstruction & increasing airflow to lungs)So, it can be used during an acute attack.3. Montelukast preparations- used as a maintenance therapy to relieve symptoms of asthma.4. Antihistamines like Cetirizine can also be used to provide symptomatic relief.5. Need for anti bionics can arise if there is a secondary infection.6. Also make sure that you are well protected from exposure to cold, dust or other allergens. This condition is related to the hyper-sensitivity of the immune response. It can only be managed symptomatically. Complete cure will need complete shut down of the immune mechanism, which will make you prone for severe life-threatening secondary infections. So, it is advisable to kindly continue the medications & inhalers as prescribed by your treating Doctor. Wish her a good health. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Have a teenage son the age of sixteen whose pulse rate is 188 during excerise on a treadmill. He has MVP and reguiritation and has been having headaches and sharp chest pains which are mainly at night. Thickness of the wall of his heart is 1.7 what could be the problem ? [|AI|] Hello, The pulse rate of 188 for intensive exercise on treadmill for a 16-year-old is normal, if its sinus. MVP can explain all the symptoms you describe like chest pain, headache. So MVP is completely being and is not going to cause a major problem is 95 % people ever, it does cause myriad of symptoms. Reassurance might help him. Do consult your doctor for consideration on starting a beta blocker in small dose which would help for symptom relief and also to prevent any progression of mitral regurgitation. Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My mother has one kidney after nephrectomy due to renal cell carcinoma. She is out of state on a trip and ct has revealed mutiple organs with tumors as the cancer has spread. She was released from hospital thursday and we have a flight for tomarrow to bring her home. She just called and said her ankles are swelling. What do i do? Can she fly? Emergency room? Is she in renal failure? She is weak and tired as cancer is taking over. I am a 5 hour plaine ride away, help [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. In my opinion your mother should avoid flight journey. There are many causes for her ankle swelling and pain. But the common causes are1. Renal failure 2. Hypoproteinemia 3. Liver metastasis 4. Heart failure due to heart metastasis. So better to consult doctor and get done renal function test, liver function test, serum protein level, 2d echo to rule out above-mentioned causes. Prognosis in her case is very poor as she is having metastasis in other organs. And ankle edema will further deteriorate her life expectancy. So better to consult doctor and first treat her.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello sir actually I am suffering from androphobia(fear of men).now i am in very extrem level of this phobia i feel that all boys are hate me and bad rumour like i am very bad charecter girl is spread all over the villege .i am suffering from this phobia since 12-13 year ago.i am really get very distrub,frustrated .i want to get suiside.please help me sir.i never forget your help.please help me sir [|AI|] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thanks for your query. I understand that you are going through a lot of suffering due to your problems. Now, the first thing I would advise you to do is to consult a psychiatrist for a detailed psychological evaluation. Once this is done, then the appropriate treatment can be started. There are effective treatment options - in the form of medication and psychotherapy, which will help you overcome your problems. So, please consult a psychiatrist for further evaluation and treatment. Wish you all the best.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I went to the dr yesterday for white spots on my tonsils. I have no fever and the strep test came back negative. Today my throat is real sore and I have more spots. The dr did think I might have a fungal infection in my throat due to alot of antibiotics I have taken in the last eight months. Im on diflucan right now. I have had issues with having a feeling of a lump in my throat for months. Does this type of infection cause white painful spots on your tonsils? [|AI|] Thanks for contacting Chat Doctor with your medical questions. I am sorry to hear that you have been having sore throat over the past week. Since you have been on numerous antibiotics recently and your strep test was negative there is a good possibility that you have thrush or candida/fungal infection in the throat. The white patches usually appear on the soft upper palate and also on the insides of the mouth. These areas can be painful and feel like you have something caught in your throat. I do recommend that you continue to take your antifungal medication but if you do not improve soon then seek medical attention again Hope this answers your question. Please contact us again with your questions and concerns
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My sinuses are open, nose is running yet I still have pressure and pain. Pain is in the front under eyes, middle forehead and back head and neck. Had swollen glands under tongue outward, up to ears. Have been on antibiotics for 4 days now. Started Flonase 4 days ago. Low grade fever, 99.5 off and on. Sore throat is gone and glands have receded. [|AI|] Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor . I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns. As per your complaint it seems that open sinuses, runny nose and pain and pressure under the eyes and middle of the forehead seems to be most probably due to inflammation and infection in sinuses leading to Sinusitis and as there are large sinuses present in the forehead and cheek area therefore there is pain and pressure experienced. Fever and swollen lymph nodes is also due to infection. I would suggest you to consult an Otolaryngologies and get evaluated and a thorough clinical evaluation and investigations like PNS view x-ray or MRI scan can help in diagnosis and treatment can be done accordingly. You can be advised a course of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory painkiller like Ibuprofen, decongestants like Pseudopod Chat Doctor. . You can also be advised decongestant nasal sprays containing Xylometazoline or Oxymetazoline. Avoid spicy and chilled foods. Do warm compresses around nostrils. Hope this information helps. Thanks and regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have red blotches that itch and have appeared on my left cheek and back of left hand, also on the back of my right hand and another on my right fore arm. In addition to these spots that are red, round and itch, my lips were also swollen when I got up this morning. There are no blisters or previous injury. Benadryl cream helps with itching. No fever but do have headache. I have had this happen a few times the past year and each time the spots come back on the same areas. It lasts about a week. It s really bothers me when my lips and face swell up. [|AI|] Hi, You seem to suffer from urticaria. Consult the dermatologist for the perfect diagnosis and proper treatment. There may be some triggering factor. Try to find out. It may be some dietary factors like seafood eggs, cows milk, soy protein, banana, fermented food or some contact ants like pollen, wool, dust, soap, insects, etc. Tab. Fexofenadine thrice a day will alleviate your ailments. If needed, oral steroid in tapering dose may be taken after visiting your doctor. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] After eating certain fruits and vegtables (raw carrots, corn on the cob, blueberries, etc) I sometimes have back pain (in the middle right wear my bra strap is ) and upper abdominal pain . It will go straight from my middle back to the middle front. I also have a gas build up and it causes me to burp. It is quite painful and will last for a few hours and gradually ease of . I have had this problem for about ten years. I get these attacks maybe two or three times a year and it always seem to be brought on by the foods I mentioned above. thank you for any suggestions as to what my problem [|AI|] Hello. Thanks for writing to us. The pain in the back that you are having is likely to be related to gas and indigestion which gets precipitated by the particular foods. Most of the time these symptoms are self limiting and subside spontaneously. Taking peppermint oil will also be helpful. I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. You can consult me again directly through my profile URL Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My mother was 74yrs old. Had kidney transplant 03-05-15 after 9years of dialysis 3x a week. During the transplant she had mild heart attack and received a stent that later deflated. She needed an open heart surgery but due to transplant open heart was postponed and she was sent to rehab to build up strength. I found my mother laying on her rt side on the floor in the bathroom the morning of June 08, 2015. While on the phone with 911 I was asked to turn her over to her back. When I did she had white foam coming out of her mouth and nose. She could not be revived as the rep from the ambulance said we are sorry for your loss and it was difficult because their was not a life line to work with. Based on the position I found her in she must had just gotten off the commode. Her cane was in the bathroom so I know she had it with her when she went in there. She was on oxygen at night and was ok for sleeping that night before we went to bed. The hospital had sent mom home 05-26-15 and for some reason postponed the less invasive procedure TAVR out for 3months. Can you help me understand from a medical standpoint what may have happened to my mother in the bathroom. [|AI|] Hello .sorry for Your loss... this is case of sudden death .if u noticed her with in 30-min her going in bathroom she is already heart patient .and kidney pt ...may be old age also ....this most probably died to ventricular tachycardia episode OR some other irregular and fast heart rhythm ...which leads to sudden stoppage of heart ...whicChatDoctormon if heart is damaged ....usually if patient luckily survived then we can PUT ICD IMPLANT .if patient is having heart arrhythmia problem ..... I think not to think much...regarding this because it will be painful for u...nothing more u can do...every thing is not preventable
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi Dr. I need help and advice I was working as a house cleaner that s what I do for living. This morning I clean someone s house and I needed to use a bleach and other cleaning stuff to remove the mouldy bathroom and toilets. I was exposed and inhaled the chemicals for 3 hours. I feel dizzy, coughing and my eyes are burning. I just want to ask if what should I do , what are the treatment. Will this make a damage to my lungs? Thank you, [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. You are having inhalation induced symptoms. Yes, you are right about lung damage. It can damage lungs. But the damage depends on on1. Duration of exposure.2. Amount of exposure.3. Single exposure or continuous exposure.4. Underlying lung disease present or not.5. Smoker or not. So single exposure of bleach fumes do not harm much. But continuous exposure in person who is having lung disease with smoker can damage lungs. Since you are doing work of cleaning, bleach fumes exposure is unavoidable for you. So better to consult pulmonologist and get done chest x-ray and PFT (pulmonary function test) to rule out lung damage. And start wearing mask during work.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello DoctorSince the past 2 weeks Ive been freaking out a lot, Ive had and on and off sore throat and pain in my underjaw, lightheadedness, pain behind the right eye socket and frontal/sinus headaches which went down now. Now yesterday my tongue was very swollen and hurt on the right side when I dont remember accidentally biting it but I didnt check it out. I just went and checked it in the mirror and the skin at the part that was swollen and hurting is gone (the skin that covers your tongue if that makes sense). I started looking up cancer symptoms and now Im freaking out even more. Im only 21 and have always been healthy as could be, Ill go to the medical office first thing tomorrow but Im frightened out of my mind right now. [|AI|] Hello, Read your query as you have pain in your tongue which is swollen and sore throat also don't worry about pain in tongue you can apply ointment like Mugel or McCoppin gel on tongue locally and take Capsule Becoming by consulting with you local doctor and for sore throat you can take tablet like Definite by consulting with your doctor, if symptom persist consult physician for examination. Hope this will help you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] last year my wife was went through a surgery for appendix cancer, that appendix was removed , that appendix slice tested in lab and found so called adino carcinoma in apedix, after that doctor decided to operate again and remove her partial intestine, there was no sign of cancer in any test other than the biopsy of appendix, however after one moth of hospitalization came back to home, 6 month of follow up check up no bad sign, now almost one year of surgery puss mark notice at steches near belly button .Please advice this is not a sign of any cancer [|AI|] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. First, you don't have to worry. This cant be tumor relays because this is lesion in abdominal wall, obviously some local infection or wound abscess. This is often seen after laparotomy. Appendix cancers are rare but in most cases surgery is enough for complete treatment and recovery. If there were no found metastasis or extended disease during the surgery, you don't have to expect relays. If they found it they would recommend chemotherapy. This lesion around belly can be treated with antibiotic creams or by surgical Chat Doctor. Wish you good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi so recently I was showering and when drying me self off I noticed a few pimple sized red spots behind my scrotum, for the most part they are not raised and do not hurt or itch, in fact if I had not physically seen them I would have never known about them. I work in a auto shop in very heavy pants so I have been getting normal sweat pimples occasionally but I feel the proximity and area of these are a little different. The last time I had sex was probably a month ago and it was fully protected with just a short bit of unprotected oral. And as of today i have been feeling a little bit clammy and off the weather but Intend to over myself so it could be that, along with recent lack of sleep the past few nights, but after drinking a bit of water felt a lot better. My question to you is how closely do any of these symptoms correspond to a std such as herpes. I know nothing is certain over the internet but a little peace of mind will make me feel better [|AI|] Hi Heath symptoms that you have described is most likely to be a fungal infection which occurs after skin excoriation caused by sweat. Fungal infections can be treated relatively easily, but some modification in clothing will allow it to heal faster. Try wearing looser clothing or clothing that will not make you sweat as much. When sleeping, if possible, wear as little clothes that cover your pubic area as possible. Antifungal creams/ointments such as Ketone / Clotrimazole /Tamil etc. should be applied on the area. Remember, scratching will only allow the infection to spread faster and delay healing. A mild antihistamine will help if the itching is affecting your daily activities.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Good morning from Cape Town, I m a 57yr old female who loves open swimming. I breathe predominantly to the right but do breathe left every other stroke . I m a left leg amputee so somehow I roll to the right by default. My problem is extreme numbness in my right hand from the thumb to middle finger after about 15minutes in the water. Very diconcerting. When training I can stop and shake my hand to get the feeling back but in open water I just keep going and hope for the best!!! Ta. Maura [|AI|] Hi, Thank you for posting your query. Your symptoms are most probably due to carpal tunnel syn Chat Doctor. In CTS, the median nerve gets compressed at the level of wrist, before it enters the hand. This can lead to numbness in thing to middle finger, associated with tingling and pain. The diagnosis can be confirmed by doing nerve conduction studies. There are good treatments available for treating this condition. I hope my answer helps. Please get back if you require any additional information. Wishing you good health,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi. About 3 weeks ago I got slapped on the right side of my face. I had a quarter size of bruising on the right of my chin and a broken lip. It happened about 7 p.m. at 9 p.m. I went to sleep. When I woke up the next day I could not sit up. My head was spinning. I have not been the same since. For 2 weeks I experienced dizziness as if I were drunk, then 1week ago I developed real bad right ear pains and the right hemisphere of my head is sensitive to touch. I have been taking amoxillin 500 mg 3 times per day, for 6 days. Ear pain stopped, but now is back again. To recap: 1. 1/17/2014. A couple of hard blows in my face, mostly in the right, including my jaw. 2. 1/18/2014 Dizziness the next morning combined with severe vertigo, but no vomiting or naucea. 3. 01/28/14. Ear pain started. Headspinning continues when my head changes position. 4. 01/30/14. Began amoxicillin treatment and neomycin drops. Pain stopped 02/02 5. 02/05/14 Pain came back, still taking amoxicillin orally and neomycin drops (in my ear) and aleve for pain. 6. I ve done the Epley maneuver, 4 times. It has not worked. My questions: Do you think that blow to my face injured something in my ear? What should my next step be? Should my prescription be changed? [|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor! From my clinical experience I can say that you have suffered an injury to nervous system (due to the blow on your face). It does no tapper to be due to infection (that is why antibiotic will not work properly in subsiding it). You should get an MRI brain to rule out any injury / concussion syn Chat Doctor. Get visual screening test done. I would advise that you should see a neurologist and get your self thoroughly examined. Any further change in medicine should be done only after complete investigation. Hope the reply is usefulPlease feel free to ask more questions
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 19 and have 2 pituitary tumors. was told that the tumors are not causing headaches but i have one everyday some days are very bad and i feel shaky all over and anything i take for my headache does not work. I have recently loss my appetite i am getting worried and feeling bad. [|AI|] Hello! Welcome on Chat Doctor! I understand your concern and would explain that the pituitary gland is the most important hormonal gland in our body. It regulated the balance of many hormones. Your symptoms could be related to a hormonal imbalance. That is why I would recommend consulting with an endocrinologist and performing some hormone levels (TSH, LH, GH, GRH, TRY, FSH, ACTH, cortisol, etc.). A new MRI would be needed to evaluate the possible progression of the tumor. Hope you will find this answer helpful! Wishing all the best,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have rib pain that seems to come and go, sometimes it is in my front ribs underneath my breasts, and then it will go away and I won t notice it. Other times, like right now, there is lots of pain in my lower right rib on my backside, hurts to the touch, which radiates all the way up to my shoulders and arm. only on the right side, though. Why do I continue to get rib pain in different areas periodically? whenever i push my skin anywhere, there is always a little discomfort and I bruise very easily. help please [|AI|] Hi, Difficult to say without seeing you. However, if it is able to be triggered by a touch that tells you where the area is. If it is not constant, then it is hard for it to be a major injury in general. Easy risibility is pretty common just from thin skin. Cannot say in your particular case, but some people are built without very thick connective tissue. This makes tendons easily strained and more susceptible to bruising. Not being malnourished is helpful to treat if that is going on, but that is rather rare. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi doctor. Im 27 year old male. I was on unprescribed anti biotics ( augmentin) for like 3 days and later on I started using amoxycilin and penicillin for no just cause. Since then I have been feeling nausea, diarrhea, sore throat, muscle and joint pain, and low grade fever. Though I had 2 different unprotected sex contacts last 2 weeks. I have been so bothered and i have been wondering if its the anti biotics side effect or viral symptoms. Moreover , I stopped taking the anti biotics 5 days ago and Ive been taking paracetamol and vitamin c; since then the symptoms Is relieving me bit by bit. Help!! Thanks. [|AI|] Hi I did review your concern. I would advise you to get your stool examined if the symptoms of diarrhea persist. Amos can cause mild diarrhea as well as it can precipitate C.diff infection in the gut. I Would more likely suspect a viral pro Chat Doctor. Diff toxin assay and lactoferrin would be best so that we do not miss out on anything. Wait for 2 days, and then you can proceed with this test if symptoms persist, hope the advice helps you out. Wish you a very healthy life ahead.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] After sex I had unwanted 72 for two days dats twice in month of Feb I had d pill within 36 hrs or less than dat my period fr month of Feb was due on 27th have no periods till date I took a course of dub 5mg on 9th march till 13th march but no periods yet.. Plz help [|AI|] Hi, I understand your concern. Unwanted 72 is an emergency contraceptive, & prevents pregnancy if taken in prescribed time. It has high dose of hormones which helps in its action. & so it tends to cause delay in period with excessive bleeding. You have taken the pill s twice in a month(which should never be done-once taken, one can use other contraceptive major like barrier to prevent pregnancy in following sex in same month..... Unwanted 72 is to be taken only in emergency, & should not be used as regular contraceptive, Cyclical oral contraceptives are better) Both the incidences must have created a hormonal imbalance & disturbed your period... & on top of that you had taken dub 5 mg (again hormone) & hoping for with Chat Doctor. . Now, please do not worry.... - Get blood Chat Doctor test done to exclude pregnancy, - Wait patiently for periods to come/don't take any medicines for that. - consult a gynecologist for regularizing following cycles after you get bleeding. Thanks
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I suffered a very bad case of bronchitis for about 3 weeks, which included blood mixed mucus for over a week. I had a Physical that was already scheduled just as I was recovering in which a blood test came back with low blood platlets, I was sent to a hemotoligist, and began taking predisone. Within a few days I felt great because the predisone finished clearing my chest. However my platlets went from 48000 to 38000. I haven t had any of the signs of Itp (my diagnosis) and there were no other issues with the blood test. Could the bronchitis cause the low platlets [|AI|] Hello, Infections anywhere especially, a viral infection can cause low counts; no doubt about this and your bronchitis might be a viral one. However, there are a lot of causes of low platelets count, and after your bronchitis is over, the count should have gone up, so there must be other things in mind.ITP (Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura) can well be the cause of your low platelets and ITP most of the time do not produce any symptoms and is not very uncommon. Whatever could be the cause (if other things are ok and the patient is stable), I generally ask such patient to repeat the count frequently if not improving seeing hematologist again is very necessary. They may think about bone marrow examination then. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] On 27th February,I ve been detected with hepatitis A and at that time, according to LFT some of the parameters were Total Bilirubin : 2.7 Direct Bilirubin:2.7 SGPT( ALT ) serum : 1120 SGOT (AST) serum : 190 Alkaline phosphet serum : 220 Globulin : 2.6 SGGT : 170 on 16th March the report was Total Bilirubin : 1 Direct Bilirubin:0.4 SGPT(ALT) serum: 200 SGOT (AST) serum : 92 Alkaline phosphet serum 213: Globulin :2.7 SGGT :Not known Now again SGPT increases to 634. I m worried [|AI|] Dear Friend. Hi, I am Chat Doctor, I have read your query in detail, I understand your concern. Hepatitis A can cause serious rise in liver enzymes. We advise admission at this level due to risk of hypoglycemia, bleeding and encephalopathy. I would advise you to get a PT/INR done and also make sure you don't get constipated. In case admission is not possible do take a lot of glucose orally. Also, you may take Spy Lactulose 30 ml Twice a day, so that you pass 2-3 loose stools per day to prevent encephalopathy. This is my personal opinion based on details available here. If you still have any query you may please ask me. Stay Healthy. Chat Doctor, MD
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] About a year ago, my dog scratched me on my hand by accident. Every now and then I have this spot that glares up I that same spot. Its a round bubbly patch and itches. I have psoriasis, so I figured that is what this spot is, but my cream Ive been using for the psoriasis is only making this spot on my hand worse. Its sore and inflamed. Could it be a fungal rash from the dog? [|AI|] Hi, Yes the chances for rash being a fungal rash, are high. But other probable diagnosis are bacterial infection. So, I highly recommend you to stop applying the psoriasis medication on the suspected rash, as it may worsen the condition. Do consult your Dermatologist as soon as possible to confirm the diagnosis and to initiate the proper treatment. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have never had allergies before, up until this year (some sinus issues on and off, but nothing major). About 4 months ago I had a few episodes were my eyes got very itchy and dry on and off and a few times I had some eye symptoms...minor swelling of the right upper eyelid , twice had a bubble which looked like a mosquito bite form under the eye (one time each eye) and another time I woke up with small to medium size bag under my left eye. Each time I felt fine other than the small amount of swelling and each time it was only in one eye, never both. In fact, most times I didn t realize until I went and looked in the mirror and then got scared after seeing the small amount of swelling. I also saw an eye doctor last fall after the first issue with it and the covering of my left eyeball was slightly fluid filled, which he said was due to an irritant and nothing to worry about. We had also found some black mold in our basement at that time that a plumber opened up the ceiling (so conceivably, some of these mold spores may have come out into the air...I had had no issues before this). I am now about 120 pounds (was 140 before I lost the weight) and female and 45 years old. I am a very nervous person and had been under severe stress for several months. It was during this time I started getting the eye symptoms. So stress, the mold issue and most likely the start of peri- menopause may all be contributing. Two of times I got the eye symptoms I had eaten peanut butter....but many hours beforehand. One time it was probably between 4-6 hours earlier and the second time, it was about 10-12 hours earlier. I had also had peanut butter in between with no symptoms. Each time I felt fine other than later on getting some eye symptoms. I had also, due to the stress, had lost 20 pounds during those months and once became dehydrated. Both times I had gotten the little bump under my eye (like a mosquito bite), I had been under acute stress both those days. Those are the only 2 times that ever happened. My general physician feels it s all stress-related and also seasonal allergies (I seem to have a little bit of hayfever). He said my symptoms are not consistent with food allergy or peanut butter allergy. Since not having any peanut products, I ve had no eye swelling, bags or bumps, but my stress level is also a LOT lower now. Should I get a blood allergy test for peanuts or is it most likely stress-related or hormone-related? Is it just a coincidence? Whenever I ve eaten peanut butter I always feel absolutely fine afterwards...even relaxed. No other rash, no breathing issues, nothing else. Being the nervous person I am though, I have worried that if the eye symptoms were related to the peanut butter, then my reaction could be worse next time. That s my main fear in trying the peanut butter again (as I said, I had been suffering anxiety and panic for several months, so my thought process became a little skewed). Would love to know if it s safe to just try the peanut butter again or if I should have the blood test. Thank you. [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in. I think you should get yourself tested for an allergy to peanuts. Its unlikely that stress or hormonal issues are contributing to these allergies. I would suggest that you steer clear of peanuts for the time being as allergic reactions can be very severe at times (fatal reactions have also been reported)Try and reduce your anxiety levels with deep breathing and yoga. This should benefit you a great deal. Hope this helps.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I went to the DR. and complained that i felt like I was lossing my mind . Im have suver . Im having a lot of memory loss proublems . I can be talking to someone the nexted thing I dont ever rememeber the talk ,go places not remember how I got there . After going to bedmovements Ill wake up and roll over and not remember who the man in my bed is ( my husband of 28 yrs ) . My DR. said I have Tardive Dyskinesia , I do have involuntargive movement with face and hands . But i am more worried about my los of memroy . [|AI|] Hi, Thank you for posting your query. Based on your symptoms, you could be having a mild cognitive impairment of early dementia. You require a detailed evaluation by a neurologist to determine the severity and the underlying causes. This would involve doing a brain scan such as MRI, EEG, blood tests such as vitamin B12 and thyroid profile. You would get better with treatment. Please get back if you require any additional information. Best wishes, Chat Doctor. Ly/
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi I got a MRI the other day and got a copy of the results are you ready? Mild inflammation in the AC joint Interstitial undersurface tear of the mid to posterior suprasspinatus tendon It maesures less than 50% of the tendon thickness The NTERIOR AND THE REMAINer of the posterior supraspinatus tendon is intact Whats this mean? [|AI|] Hi, thank you for providing the brief details of the MRI scan. As mentioned in the scan, you need a thorough musculoskeletal assessment. As there appears to be a mild inflammation of the AC joint and a tear of the supraspinatus tendon, this report has to be related clinically. If clinical symptoms are found to be positive then the next course of action will be implemented. Like Medication for pain and physical therapy for improving the joint ROM and also strength. Also, the report indicated that, AC joint inflammation, Means there is an inflammation in the acromioclavicular joint - this joint is formed by the lateral part of the collar bone and acromion of the scapula (which is your upper backbone). The supraspinatus tendon is the tendon which arises from the supraspinatus muscle which allows the shoulder complex. Usually cases with shoulder complex are well controlled with medication and physical therapy in my clinical experience, only a few needs surgery who has major damage to the joint. RegardsJay In Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi i have had a lump appear just outside my anus hole,had it for 5 days now,i thought it was a pile so been using anusol + on it but it still hurts and its not reducing in size.its quite painful and when i looked at it last night there is a non protruding black spot on it,im a little concerned? [|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have internal or external piles. You should go for examination. Medical treatment helps in most of the cases. Avoid spicy food. Take high fiber diet and plenty of water. Avoid constipation. Local anesthetic gel like lignin can be used to receive pain. If you have bleeding then ethamsylate can be used to control bleeding. If you don't get relief then surgery is the permanent treatment. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Dear doctor, i am 34.yesterday my BP shot high 145-95. I have no past history. I rushed because of uneasiness and restlessnessto a doctor. Could u please guide me as to what shouldtbe done at home during emdrgency as an immediate control? Thanks. Adam [|AI|] Hello Adam, I understand your concern. What you had was probably a panic attack and the BP would be elevated due to that. BP up to 140/90 is normal. So there is nothing to worry about an episodic elevation to 145/95. Take a deep breath and try to relax. This is not an emergency. It would be good idea to restrict your salt and to lose weight if you are overweight or obese and adopt a healthy lifestyle. If the BP is persistently elevated you would require medicine in addition. If you have further queried, I am available to answer.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a hard lump on my knee just to the left of my patella. It just appeared one morning after I ran 3.2 miles the day before. It hurts when I stand, when it is bent, when it is pushed on, and when I kneel. It is about the size of a dime and is visible when my knee is bent. What could it be? [|AI|] Hi! Welcome to our health forum, and thanks for your post that gives me another opportunity to discuss on the knee lumps! I often get such patients and never got some serious diagnosis therefore not to worry at all! We get cases as following frequencies, and we confirm by fine needle biopsy if necessary under image-guidance:1. Bursa 60% cases2. Ganglion 10% of cases3. Synovitis 10% cases4. Loose bodies / hematoma 5% cases5. Benign tumors like neurofibroma/Chen Chat Doctor. Patellar dislocation / tendinitis 5%Therefore see an orthopedic surgeon to determine the diagnosis and the management line!regards,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a small, stationary lump on the left eye area. It is attached to the Zygomatic bone, next to the temple area. In the morning I have this dried fluid that is secreted from the corner of that eye and it is crisp and a bit gummy. Of coarse I am worried because it is not like a lymph node that floats or moves around when messaged when infection is present. Any information on what this is would be very helpful. Thank you Sorry to say I cannot pay for your services at this time. [|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have some sebaceous cyst or dome other soft tissue lump. You should go for excision biopsy of that lump. Then you should go for histopathological examination and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i have a history of heart problems. I have had multiple heart attacks and a double bypass after 4 stents failed and still continue to have them. but here lately I been getting really light headed and then my right eyes vision will go completely black and I am just sitting here relaxing. also been having weakness in right arm. should I be concerned? [|AI|] Hi, Thank you for posting your query. Your symptoms are suggestive of TIA-transient ischemic attacks. In this condition, the blood flow to a part of brain is reduced for a while, resulting in these symptoms such as vision loss and arm weakness, and complete recovery occurs in a few hours (always within 24 hours). You should see a neurologist, get MRI and angiogram done, and start on aspirin. I hope my answer helps. Please get back if you require any additional information. Wishing you good health, Chat Doctor. Ly/
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a sharp pain that feels like a long pulling pain and some cases when i move my shoulder a certain way I can t move it at all, but it only hurts sometimes and prevents me from doing stuff like pushups but I can do chest press. is it a pinched nerve [|AI|] Hi, thank-you for providing the brief history of you As you have a pulling pain it can be related to a pinched nerve. Getting a clinical examination and an MRI of cervical spine should help father. Treatment:Physical therapy has been successful in many patients in my clinical practice. Physical therapy will include - therapeutic ultrasound therapy, TENS therapy and exercises in specific. RegardsJay In Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello , i m heena. i m trying to conceive . i m 23 yrs old and i have been married since 7 months. previously i got too much bleeding for many daus. which is now cured by my physician. now i want to plan my first doctor said to go through some checkups which are husband too got normal what are the things which can help me to concieve...plzzzzzzzzz suggest............. [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for the query. I understand your concern. -start taking tab. Folic acid 5 mg a capsule of vitamin E 200 mg daily . By both of you. -have healthy diet. Daily exercises. Sound sleep.happy positive mind avoid ill health. -have unprotected sex for 6 days from +ve LH surge test (which marks ovulation). -Let the semen be retained in vagina for half hour (take pillow under waist if needed) -test for pregnancy by HTP after 8 days deal in periods. *In case there is no positive response with these in 6 months(which is rare in healthy couple.... you both would need detailed investigations consultation of sterility doctor. Thanks
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi.i am sandeep singh .before 2 years ago i found my OT,PT higher near by 90 and 140 in liver function test..then i got treatment from a doctor and he said it is Problem of N.A.F.L.D and he suggested me medicine of udiliv300(Ursodeoxycholic Acid ) i m taking this medicine since two years but i sill have that fatty liver problem .please suggest me .what should i do..... [|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have slightly high GOT and SGPT. You have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Furthermore, you should continue your Adílio. Avoid high fatty diet. Go for regular exercise and weight reduction. Take high protein diet. Avoid alcohol. Lifestyle modification is key in NAFLD. Consult your doctor and plan accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a 3 year old daughter who has seizures at 6 months of age and lost all developmental and cognitive abilites. She is slowly gaining them back at is at this time functionally at a 1 1/2 to 2 year old. We have had mris and catscans done and all is well we have had e.e.g s done and they are improving. She was born with a low sugar level of 24 and otherwise was ok. She has been seizure free for 2 and 1/2 years and was on topamax for 2 years. She is dealing with the side effects of that now. She is currently on keppra 1.5 ml bid as a preventive measure. what could cause a baby to have seizures and then they go away but leave such a bad path. I see her improving daily. We have had tests ran and nothing comes up no cerebral palsy chromosomal or metabolic. Please help. [|AI|] Hi, Seizure and loss of already attained milestones occur in a condition called neurodegenerative disorder. Truly speaking, this is not a single disease but a group of conditions with neuro-regression. Frequently, despite thorough investigations, we won't be able to find out a specific course, as new diseases are being discovered year by year and the list we have now is incomplete and yet to expand. The hypoglycemia she had after delivery could be a reason, but in that case we expect MRI to be abnormal and although milestones can be delayed, loss of already gained ones is unusual. In such cases, what we can offer is symptoms oriented supportive measures like early stimulation to maximize development, seizure control with Chat Doctor. Your doctor will guide through these steps. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my father is 80 years old. has high blood pressure. had a stroke over a year ago and has only 33 percent of his kidney usage. he wears a cathoda for apps 1 1/2 yrs now. every 2-3 months it is absolutely agonizing for him and painful to the extreme he is screaming in pain. he wishes to be put out with general anesthesia during this process not just a local and he is awake. he wants to be put asleep. can you help me find someone [|AI|] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor Urinary catheter replacement is not normally done under general anesthesia. It is normally uncomfortable but should not be painful to the extent that your father is screaming in pain. It would be important to look for a cause for this level of discomfort since this is not the expected response. Some causes of severe pain on catheterization are infection, stricture (narrowing) of some aspect of the urinary tract, perforation, using a catheter that is too large He may want to see a urologist to determine the cause of his pain. I hope this helps
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Yes, thank you. I have severe emphysema and for the last 10-12 months have had a rib pain that is a tightening around my lungs along with a lot of pain - my breathing becomes shallow and life just becomes miserable. What causes the ribs to tighten and hurt so much,Thanks [|AI|] Emphysema is the dilatation of the alveoli which is the smallest unit of lung or the smallest respiratory unit dilatation of alveoli occurs in cop din emphysema lungs grow in size and that causes the symptoms of coughs breathlessness, phlegm tightening symptoms are due to obstruction in the airways pain in ribs can be a symptom you need to consult a Pulmonologist who ll request for a spirometry and ll stage your disease and give you inhaled medications as necessarythanksfeel free to ask more questions
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi I have high level of enzymes in my liver and am always dehydrated, I also have low levels of ferretin in my body and recently have started to become dizzy, confused, fatigued and increasingly tired. My GP has arranged for ultrasounds and a visit with gastrogenitus specialist. What do you think this could be??? My hepatitis tests have come back negative which is one good thing. [|AI|] Hi thanks for asking question. Your serum ferritin levels are low, so you can have anemia. Low HE that is anemia can lead such symptoms. So correct your anemia with ferrous sulfate tablet. Maintain your HY Chat Doctor. Take enough nutrition with more fruits. As far as liver enzymes concerned then in your case no hepatitis present. Do you have done USG??? Because fatty liver simply can elevate liver enzymes. If no liver problem present then let me know you do you have any heart problem??? Because if you have hypertension induce or other caused heart disease then it might be possible organ not getting enough oxygenated blood. In heart problems also liver enzymes can be elevated. So if present treated accordingly. Do you have any muscle problem??? Myositis or muscular trauma can lead elevated enzymes. Repeat your liver enzymes after few days. I hope my suggestion will helpful to you. Regards;
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Good day, for the past 4 years or so I have been having some stomach issues. It is a very painful almost unbearable pain that occurs in my abdominal area. I went to a Gastroenterologist and had an endoscopy but that came up clean. Blood results also came up clean. However this must be something! The pain is sometimes so great that I need to go to the E.R. I think that it has a lot to do with gas build up in my abdominal area. If I do not eat at the exact time that I am hungry my stomach fills up with gas and I become full. However if I eat my stomach would still sometimes fill up with gas. Especially during times of high stress/anxiety such as exam time. My most recent attack was two days ago on an airplane. The pain was localized in my top abdominal and was very severe lasting for about 1 hour after I ate some sour candies. Could this be gallstones? [|AI|] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Thanks for calling Chat Doctor. Forum. You are having the pain in the upper middle part of the stomach. It appears to be the gastric irritation, due to peptic ulcer, or gastric irritation. Or may be gallbladder pain, or pancreas pain. I advise you to go to the gastroenterologist as a follow-up visit. You may have to get gastrostomy, M.R.I, besides other routine tests for confirmation. I advise you some diet recommendations as avoid taking spices, junk foods, and oily foods to avoid gastric irritation. Practice yoga, meditation, reading magazines, and hearing music to avoid stress and anxiety, and hence reflex gastric irritation. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Best regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My Mother has bad pain in her back, she has been told by the doctor that her kidneys need to be looked after and she needs to drink more water, she has diabetes and rhumatoid athritis and has the onset of alzheimers so it is hard to remind her to drink plenty of water [|AI|] Hello, I have studied your case with diligence. Osteoporosis is common in diabetic and RA patient leading to back pain. Degenerative wear of muscles and ligament and loss of elasticity of muscles, due to deficiency of IT B12 and carnitine these symptoms can be aggravated .so supplements of these nutrients can relieve pain. Check your bone strength with DEXA SCAN and you can start medication according to level of osteoporosis, I will advise you to do regular physiotherapy and exercises as my patients find much relief by these therapies. MRI spine will help in diagnosis. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Wishing you good health. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi doctor,i am having erectile dysfunction i beileve..or premature ejaculation as i am unable to hold it of for a minute while doing masturbation..also erection is also not so penis size is just 5inches when it get erected and by normal 2 inches..i am a single..can i marry and lead a happy sexual life [|AI|] HIT hank for asking to ChatDoctorI can understand your problem, of course you are going to have a happy married life, no need to worry at all what ever you stated here are not the disease this just your functional problem and these will go way once you will get married, your confidence will return soon, stop worrying, just take it easy it all right your size of penis and other things, hope this information ease you, take care and cheer up bye.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hiim just wondering if i should have someone look at my frenulm it is sore when i get hard and its sore after intercorse i had a circ 3 years ago it looks like it is streched out by the head i did not know if there is something that could be done about it [|AI|] Dear, We understand your concerns went through your details. The present soreness of frenulum should be due to the hard intercourse you are referring to. These problems are common, and you have nothing to worry about it. Just give rest to the area for three days, and it will be alright. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute detail possible. Hope this answers your query. Further clarifications are welcome. Good luck. Happy New Year. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hey, I am a nurse that has been working in critical care for a little over a year, once i was on antidepressants mainly for anxiety. I am finding myself unable to do my job now because I am so nervous in social situations. I want to help people and i love what i do, i just cant do it. Should i get put back on medication? [|AI|] Hi. This might be due to performance anxiety. I feel you should make a change over to preferably to general ward rather than being in ICU/CCU/CCC or any of the units which need emergency/quick response so that it will suit your personality. Since you love your job it's really a great thing to hear & you can serve utmost as long as you choose a profile which will not put you under stress. Hope this helps. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am a 42 yr old female in good health. Friday of last week, I had my lower right wisdom tooth removed. It was very difficult to remove and was ultimately cut up and removed. Now my right tonsil and gum area hurts whenever I swallow!! Whats going on? [|AI|] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The pain in the tonsil or gum area near the wisdom tooth can be because of ulcer that usually occurs following wisdom tooth removal that can be authors or traumatic ulcer. The other possible cause of pain can be presence of bony spicule near the extracted site, that occurs if the bone filing has not been done properly. Nothing to be panic, consult your dentist and get it evaluated. Meanwhile you can take symptomatic treatment like topical anesthetic and analgesics like 2%lignocaine and choline salicylate gel (Anabel gel) apply 3-4 times daily before food and if the paid is severe you can take systemic analgesics like diclofenac 50 mg BID for 3 days. Do saline gargling. I hope my answer will help you, take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi ,I am 44, i got recently married . I am not able to sustain rock hard erection and erection long lasts for two or three minutes only. I am forced to have sex within this time. otherwise the erection loosens inside the vagina faster. I feel that i have stress,anxiety to perform on that day by compulsive reflex with me. I have been doing sex for the past 15 days quite successfully ,but this problem arisen just recently. [|AI|] Hello, You yourself are saying that you were able to do sex perfect for fifteen days. This erection problem is happening only recently. You are just 44 and there is no need for you to worry further. If you worry too much about this, the condition may worsen. As you said, this could be due to your stress, apprehension and anxiety. Just wait for a few days without trying for sex and build understanding, love, affection with your wife. They try after around a week. It should be alright. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. V. Anand, Psychologist
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My daughter is 4, and has had 2 previous bouts of having stool back up all the way to her ribs. It always starts with the symptoms of a uti, and the drs can find no infection or anything until she spikes a fever. She s on a high fiber diet, and is very regular with her bowel movements, yet still has this trouble. Last time the xray revealed that her colon was stretched. Drs are stumped. Any idea what it could be? [|AI|] Hi there, The backed up stool and tendency to urinary tract infection does point to the idea that she could be constipated, despite being regular. Regarding the frequency of bowel movements, do note that different people tend to have different bowel needs, up to 3 times a day is accepted as normal. So she could actually be going daily and still be relatively constipated. What we are aiming for is the right consistency of stools, which is long and sausage-like, with or without cracks. If you need more visual guidance, look for the Bristol stool chart online, and aim for Type 3 or 4. It is good that she is taking enough fibers, but also pay attention to her habits and stress to her that she needs to go when she feels like it even if it is more than once a day. Constipation often occurs at this age because this is when they are getting better at holding it in, and prefer other exciting activities to sitting in the toilet. The other rarer possibility would be that she has a mild form of Hirschsprungs disease, which means that some nerves are missing from the end of the colon, making the evacuating of stool difficult. Most people have this diagnosed as babies, but if its very mild it can be missed. It might be more likely if she had delayed bowel movement more than a day after birth, or had tendency to constipation even as a baby. You will have to discuss with your doctor on this possibility, because confirmation would be needed with a rectal biopsy. Hope this helps, and all the best to you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, may I answemmr your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...I m 25year old married girl.i had pain in lower abdomen side from nov.2009. Emy mx& elisha for kochs was positive.i had medication from 8.1.10-26.11.10. Again i had pain after 2 month during period. Some mesentric nodes found in uterus in u.s.g report.again tb drug taken 2 month till march 2011.again dr. told to take drug next 3 month.then i visited another dr.,my pcr in menstrual blood is positive.can i concieve?(tb drug taken 13 month).thank u. [|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have tuberculosis. Your tb PCR is positive. You have already taken 13 months treatment. You may have multiple Chat Doctor. Furthermore, you should go for culture and sensitivity test. It will give you exact diagnosis. Then you should take treatment accordingly. You can conceive, but chances are low. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I was doing a chest stand (gymnastics) and my head started hurting shortly after, not really bad to the point i cant take it, but enough to make me put a rag on it. i know it has something to do with the chest-stand. But what do you think this is? It hurts on the left side of my forehead, to the top-left side of my nose. [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for the query. It could be due to some minor contusion that had occurred during the head stand. Nothing much to worry as it will subside with simple conservative measures. As of now you can take analgesics like acetaminophen or diclofenac for pain relief. You can do a CT scan in case of persistent pain or symptoms like vomiting or dizziness. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a small, hard unmovable lump behind the top of my left ear. It feels like it is attached to the bone of my skull and my skin moves freely over it. Also, the ear that the lump is behind has sun damaged skin that I am having removed. I am told that the damaged skin will turn into skin cancer if its not removed. What could the lump be and are the two related? [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing to Chat Doctor. That lump can be a Desmond cyst, with a possible intracranial extension. You need to show it to a surgeon for a physical examination and a skull X-ray. That lump and the skin can be removed in a single sitting only simultaneously, and they are mostly unrelated to each other, unless the lump runs out to be a lymph node. So it is advisable to get a needle biopsy of the lump prior to its excision, as it will help in planning the excision. Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I fallen down a flight of stairs and four days later; I had to go to the ER for treatment and the doctor said I have a contusion of the shoulder from the fall and gave me some pain pills. My shoulder has not stop hurting after taking the pain pills and I am also a cancer patient it started as breast cancer and then the doctor said it went to my bones and that why I am so worried about the fall and my shoulder hurting so badly even with taking the pain medicine. Thersea [|AI|] Dear patient Since you have fall with injury to your shoulder and pain is not relieved by medication possibility of fracture cannot be ruled out. I would like to advise X-ray of involved shoulder anteroposterior and lateral views to confirm diagnosis. Visit radiology center nearby you and get it done. Meanwhile, apply shoulder immobilizer brace on your shoulder to prevent pain ND mobility of involved shoulder. You need to consult expert orthopedic surgeon with report. All the best.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My grand daughter just came from her OB and they said that she definitely was pregnant, but now it is detaching from the uterus. She has slight cramping; nothing major, no bleeding. She was given a prescription for suppositories to induce the D&C affect. Should she take these without any other symptoms present at this time? [|AI|] Respected user, thanks for using Chat Doctor.come have evaluated your query thoroughly.* Cramps during pregnancy may be due to - non-specific cause - uterine expansion via growing fetus - placental separation - fetal movements related - other abdominal causes * Only pain is not the criteria for induction of D&C effect, there are many parameters gone doctor evaluate and then decide for the prescription.* I strongly recommend following strictly your doctor's advise only. Hope to clarify your query. Welcome for further assistance. Thanks for using Chat Doctor .com & giving opportunity to assistWishing her fine recovery. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 53. I have a Merina IUD that was inserted a year ago to stop my heavy periods. I have recently had an ultrasound that indicates a thickening of my uterus, 9mm. Apparently this is abnormal for menopausal women. Is it abnormal for premenopausal women with this IUD? I would have thought the IUD would prevent thickening. [|AI|] Hi, This thickening of the endometrium is definitely abnormal in the menopausal uterus while it is under normal limits for a premenopausal woman. IRENA contains hormone and hence helps to control the duration and amount of bleeding. It does thin the endometrium. In the current scenario, you need further monitoring to see if the IRENA is really working or not. If there is a persistent rise in the endometrial thickness, you may need to have further investigation. Hope you find this information useful. Wish you good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I am having back pain, but only at night. When I go to sleep, I usually feel fine. At night I often wake up with pain in my lower or middle back. In the morning or during the night I do some exercises that my doctor recommended, which seem to help. Once I get up in the morning and start moving around, I start to feel better. By mid-morning I usually feel fine. I have changed my mattress and tried sleeping on different beds, but I cant find anything that gives long term relief. What do you think? [|AI|] Hi, Based on your details you have backache which is more at night after lying. You should consult neurologist for clinical examination .MRI lumbosacral region should be done to rule out spine degeneration and disc and other lesionsUsually these type of symptoms are seen in lumbosacral canal stenos is. Meantime do spinal exercise and avoid heavy weight lifting, and you can have analgesic for short durational of action depends on further evaluationRegards Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have acute sqeezing very painful contracting type pain on my right side that starts slowly like a sqeezing and as the sqeezing increases the pain increases until it is so intense I cannot function and must take pain medication to manage. The pain is worse than childbirth. The sqeezing intensifies and lasts until I can go to sleep on pain medication. I feel like I have to urinate but can only get dribbles. When I wake up in the morning, the intense sqeezing pain is gone but my side feels like I have been kicked and am bruised. It comes on out of the blue. [|AI|] Hi. The squeezing type of pain as you have described, which increases gradually, gets a relief only on medication followed by a feeling of being kicked and bruised on the right side can be due to the following :-Intestinal obstruction, particularly where the small intestine opens into the large intestine. This is called ileo-caecal region. There are few diseases which affects this area. These are Tuberculosis, Crowns, recurrent intususception. This can be well diagnosed by :-Colonoscopy and biopsy.-CT scan of the abdomen. The treatment will be as per the reports and clinical suspicion.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Have cervical stenosis at c5,6,7 lower lumbar stenosis c3,4 osetharthis grade 3 in knees my medication help very little have not had a,body scan in 3years for narrowing of spinal cord. Just feel am getting pushed from pillar to post, docs now say I have fibromyalgia. The pain is really get me down [|AI|] Hi, Decompression surgery is the best option for you. But before all that, I suggest you see a spine surgeon and seek his opinion with all your scans too. After a thorough physical examination, if the cause of the pain seems to originate from the nerve compression, it probably is not fibromyalgia. The best thing is to get a repeat MRI scan after consulting with your spine surgeon. Hope this answered your question.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I feel weak when I wake up in the morning and experience low temperature- around 97 degree F.I get pangs of hunger. I had a blood test done recently. Diabetes and Thyroid are ruled out. My haemoglobin is 11.9. Lympocytes is 44%, Neutrophil (stab) is 0% Neutrophil (segm) is 52% Platelet count 2,20,000 Total R.B.C is 4.4 milliom/cumm P.C.V is 35% I have been suffering from Cervical Spinal Stenosis for the past 3 months and was under medication of pain killers and muscle relaxants. I was advised surgery but Osteopathy treatment improved my condition. [|AI|] Hi, Sometimes screening blood work for thyroid disease is not entirely accurate since most primary doctors will only check a TSH to detect an abnormal state. In your case, since it appears as if low metabolic function may be to blame for your symptoms I would recommend expanding the blood work a bit to include several other thyroid tests such as a FREE T4, Total T3 and Free T3. I might even check a random cortisol and also look at your vitamin D, B12, and folate levels due to the very mild anemia which may or may not be relevant to the rest of your symptoms. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Iam 30 years old man,I have lost my hair about 50% from front to back,I Would like to know that is there any medicine will help me to restore my hair again if not please like to know how much cost for hair transplantation and how long need the treat ment.(Iam working in Saudi Arabia and more than 2 months vacation is difficulty) [|AI|] Hi, You seem to have an Chat Doctor. It is a hereditary condition influenced by hormone.testosterone. Initially, there is recession on the forehead. Then, the hair fall continue to bald the occipital area. I think you have baldness on frontal area extending to backward. If you have sparse hairs on the bald area, then medical treatment might give good result. You may take finasteride 1 mg daily till good result. And biotin 10 mg twice a day along with vitamin E 400 mg once a day may be taken. Minoxidil 10% solution may be applied on the bald area twice a day. Ketoconazole containing shampoo may be used to cleanse the scalp. Have patience for the result. You should take treatment under observation of dermatologist. If the affected area is complete bald, then hair transplantation may be considered. Cost varies from doctor to doctor and according to the affected area. I hope you got my answer. Thanks.