The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi, i am planning to apply for uae dubai, but my problem is i have a lung scar, and i have read a lot about medical examinations in uae and i found out that they would really deny those found with a lung scar active or not. is it really true? what if i have undergone a tests and it is not active would i still be denied. [|AI|] Hi, Dear,Thanks for your query to Chat Doctor. Dear I read your query and reviewed it with context to your query facts. I understood your health concerns and feel Concerned about them. Based on the facts of your query, you seem to suffer from-?TB / or Parasitic Granuloma with scar? Asbestosis with granuloma with Scar. Treatment-Consult your Chest Physician, who would rule out the various causes leading to Lung scar like you have. As you don't seem to have accompanied dyspnea or any other complaint, you need not worry, as it seems to be incidental finding and seems to be caused by old illness...mostly TB lungs.IRA and PCR tests of the scar tissue biopsy would confirm any active lung infection right now in your case. Supplementary blood ESR, CBC,would be helpful in coming to specific cause of the scar in your lung. Hope this would help you to solve your health issues in the best way possible. Welcome for any further query in this regard. Good Day!! Chat Doctor. N. Senior Surgical Specialist. S. Genl-CVTS
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] occasionally when I first wake in the morning as I bend my fingers or reach to grab something I get a sharp burning or stinging sensation on the backs of my hands. After that, I dont feel it again until after my hands at rest for a good while. Any thoughts what could cause this? [|AI|] Hello! Welcome on Chat Doctor ! Your symptoms are not indicative of any neurological disorder. Arthritis can not be excluded. For this reason, I would recommend consulting with your GP and performing some blood lab tests (complete blood count, PCR, sedimentation rate, Rheumatoid factor). Further tests may be needed, depending on the above test results. Hope you will find this answer helpful! Best wishes,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, My son is 1.4 yrs old, weighing 12.5 Kgs. Today, he is suffering again from chest congestion and cough, today morning when we measured his temperature it was 99.7 F, so a little fever too. History ======= In the last week (8-Aug to 17-Aug 14) he was having high fever 101-102 F (8-13 Aug) with cold and cough. One of the Pediatrician to whom we consult gave following medicine to him, after which by 14-Aug he was recovering well, in-fact there was no fever after 14-Aug, and he was all good by 18-Aug. Medicine: ========== 1. Clamp KID from Dr. Reddy s (3.5 ml twice a day for 5 days) 2. Relent + (4ml twice a day) for 3-5 days 3. Ambrodil S (6ml twice a day) for 3-5 days Now, that he is AGAIN have cold and cough with a little fever too, wondering what should be done next. Thanks, Paresh [|AI|] Hi... I think that your kid is getting recurrent viral illness and doesn't need antibiotic at all. I will clarify certain issues regarding viral illness and if these are suiting your kid, that means, he was having only viral illness and nothing to worry as such. Fever of few days without any localizing signs could as well a viral illness. Usually rather than fever, what is more important is the activity of the child, in between 2 fever episodes on the same day. If the kid is active and playing around when there is no fever, it is probably viral illness and it doesn't require antibiotics at all. Once viral fever comes it will there for 4-7 days. So do not worry about duration if the kid is active. While recovering from viral illness, it is quite common to have cough and cold and that is how the phlegm comes out while vomiting or in motion. Regards -
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a tooth infection. My doctor says to have Mox 500 mg. Previously he said Augmentin 625 with amoxicillin + clavulanate potassium. Are these two work the sameway?He said wth Mox 500 i shd have metronidazole 500, and not lactid acid bacillus? Please guide if fine [|AI|] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your question, the penicillin(Amos) is effective against tooth infection, amoxicillin+Slavonic acid has extended spectrum of activity which is effective against certain organisms which are resistant to penicillin...metronidazole is effective against anaerobic infections like tooth infection resulting in swelling and gum infections...Amos with metronidazole is the gold standard Chat Doctor. .augmenting is a bit expensive....according to me Amos with metronidazole is effective against any photogenic infection...I hope my answer will help you...
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I think I have ADHD I am eleven, but my parents won t listen because I have high grades. Everyone thinks I have it. My dad has it and he almost got 100% on his state tests when he was a kid, so what does that have to do with anything? I guess I have just used what I know because I get numbers. I fidget almost all the time to help me focus, I am SUPER disorganized, I forget things constantly, and my grades are slipping. Believe me, there is much more. I also have synesthesia and most websites say that increases the chance of ADHD. I just moved, so I don t have a doctor to ask and I REALLY want to get into the Gifted and Talented program in my school. WHAT DO I DO?!?!?!?!?! [|AI|] Thanks for the query dear. His level of awareness at your age is really commendable. As per your description it seems you have almost decided that you are suffering from ADHD. You have not mentioned what your doctors said regarding your condition, that is before you shifted to a new place. You may be quite simply a disorganized adolescent so to speak, then you will need support of a psychologist. But again it is best to find a good doctor in your new place, take your parents in confidence and take help from the doctor. He shall be able to guide you or prescribe medication if needed, in better way.Don't suffer unnecessarily by obsessing over something that has not been diagnosed as yet (you have not mentioned that it's a confirmed diagnosis). Take professional help, and you shall be better and improve on your grades.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi sir.. good morning.. i am very disappointed with black in armpits and between thighs. how can i get white skin bet ween these parts. please give me your precious advice and prescription.. thanking you sir.. am eagerly waiting for your reply. my email id YYYY@YYYY and i am from india.. i hope u will give prescription which is available in india [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for writing your query to us. Shaving causes hair to grow back thicker and darker, and this dark hair is often visible under transparent, light skin - which is what makes the skin look darker. Also, waxing removes dead skin, while shaving does not do the same. If you shave underarms regularly, you may want to scrub your underarm area with a pumice stone on a daily basis. This should help combat darkness to an extent. Apply lemon juice. Don't wear polyester clothing near those areas. Wash regularly, make sure these areas are Chat Doctor. Try Shower to Shower. Wax these areas regularly. If your inner thighs rub together this also causes it to go dark, so you may need to lose weight on your thighs. Stop using hair removal cream on your underarms and start waxing. Scrub your underarms daily with a pumice stone, after applying soap, while taking a shower. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi so the past month and a half almost 2 months ive been feeling ill. it started off with just a normal flu virus that was going around wasnt a big deal but then the extreme fatigue, dizziness, increased nausea and headaches symptoms stayed. I still feel like this every day im so exhausted i feel i dont have energy to do much of anything im wanting to sleep alot more then anyone should because of this. i also have chronic back pain ive been dealing with since i was 16 and last dec i was hit as a pedestrain by a car not going fast but coming out of a plaza exit onto the sidewalk. i dont know if its my bodys stress from everything the increased pain and stress from the accident or what. my family doctor has no idea only thinks depression issue but my mood and mental health have been doing good , and because of this ive been off work because i cant function properly [|AI|] Hello, Any viral infection will cause fatigue. Most of the viral infections are self limiting. The symptoms improve within a week or so. It the symptoms persists and associated with dizziness, nausea and headache it should be thoroughly evaluated. Psychiatric cause can only be attributed when all the organic causes are ruled out. This symptoms may be related to you backache and may be aggravated by the accident.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i had infertility pblm. i have my periods 6 months wise from my 14 i am 30.i got married 4 yrs husband is in 40.i dont what to do, so many hospitals i got treatment but still i am like this i dont know why.we r planning for baby.suggest me please i am in bangalore near marathahalli [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing to Chat Doctor. I Think you have investigated ourself thoroughly as you have shown many places. I take it that your hormone profile and ultrasound, tubal patency and hysteroscopy are normal. Furthermore, I suggest you to go for ovulation inducing Chat Doctor. This will increase your chances of conception. I also suggest you to go for GUI. GUI is intrauterine ingestion of sperms. Here sperms are washed and processed and placed in uterus. You can try 3 to 4 cycles of GUI. You discuss this with your doctor. Hope I have been helpful. Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi my Mother has been pretty depressed off and on for the past couple of years. Nearly two years ago, she lost her job at an advertising firm due to the economy. She found a new job as a hostess for a restaurant. She clearly is unhappy with her new job and feels a sense of worthlessness from this. Unfortunately, this also comes with major mood swings and extreme agitation over the smallest of issues. The only way to get someone help is to make them understand that they do need help. How do I get my mother to understand that she needs to seek help? [|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. Mood swings and depression are words which are supposed to be used clinically. Here the words are denoting just irritable mood / altering mood and disappointment which resulted in general irritable feeling. These common scenarios are easy to tackle. Your mother knows how to deal with those. Just tell her that her behavior is a bit weird. Also ask her friends to tell her the same. Once she realizes that her behavior is not correct, she will correct. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have been suffering hair loss for the past five years. I am just 28 and the centre part of my head has almost gone bald. This has become very stressful in life, since I am yet to get married. No medicine works on treating my hair. Can you help me with some remedy Doctor.. [|AI|] Hi, After reading history you provided, I can conclude that most probably you may be having an Chat Doctor. You consult dermatologist for firm diagnosis. I would recommend as follows...- tab finasteride 1 mg daily-minoxidil 10% solution to apply twice a day on bald area-tab biotin 10 mg twice a day-shampoo with ketoconazole lotionContinue treatment till good result. I hope this would help you. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Good day. I have been feeling some sort of discomfort or pain at my lower abdomen , around the belt line for a while now. The pain is on my left which is your right. About 5 years ago, the pain was severe and I went to see a doctor thinking it was appendicitis but it was not. The pain subsided for a while but sometimes comes and goes. The pain is not sharp like appendicitis but just gives me serious discomfort that sitting down sometimes in one place is a little difficult and uncomfortable. My palms would be sweaty sometimes at that point Also I have been having this nagging back pain for a couple of months now. I dont notice in particular how i walk whether i bend a lot or not. I crack my back a lot like am cracking my fingers. Its quite disturbing. Would appreciate your feedback. [|AI|] There are several reasons for abdominal pain. It is also possible that sometimes this pain can spread to the back. However, it is also possible that your pain could also be originating from the back. It is important that a doctor can take a detailed history and examine you to find out. Also, investigations such as an abdominal ultrasound and spine x-ray may be able to provide more information about the cause. It is advisable that you stop cracking your back as this may put unnecessary strain on the spine and if there is pain may affect it.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I get shivering and feeling uncomfortable when I am excited, angry or nervous. This happens to me very often now. I am 30 years of age. I was a good sportsman in school.But I never had this problem at that time. I play music in clubs and restaurants and sometimes when I am about to play infront of va huge audience I get this problem. At the same time I feel very stressed and sometimes feel like fainting. I am so worried about this. I was not like this before. But now I am almost like getting scared to things quickly.Please help on this. Thanks [|AI|] Hi, I can understand your concern regarding your symptoms. From, what you have mentioned, you seem to be suffering from anxiety disorder with predominant performance anxiety. These anxiety manifests as shivering and feeling uncomfortable. I would suggest that you seek a psychiatric consultation for your symptoms. Treatment with medications like paroxetine or sertraline would be helpful. In addition, doing exercise daily will help you feel relaxed. Relaxation exercises like deep breathing and progressive muscular relaxation would be helpful. I hope that the above information was helpful. Best wishes.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello, my name is Kylie. I have had a Blood pressure check a few weeks ago and it was 146/95 the highest reading was 143/110 and it was monitered over a 4 week period by my doctor, the last check was 142/88. im 36 non smoker, non drinker and im not overwieght. i have to have some blood tests done and to check my renal arteries for maybe a blockage, but other than that i dont feel unwell at all, always have had lots of energy and do not have any other health problems, my blood pressure was last checked 1 year before and was 120/80. any suggestions what could possibly cause it to be high?? [|AI|] HiT hanks for query. Looking at your complaints my opinion is as follows.1. Causes of High blood pressure is multifactorial. Apart from the parameters you mentioned, there are other factors too like stress, lifestyle, type of personality, exercise and workout, nutrition, history of hypertension/diabetes in family, history of myocardial infarction in family, hypercholesterolemia which contribute to pressures. 2. Keep a checklist on the factors I have mentioned and if your answer is yes to any or few of those then chances of developing hypertension and complications arising out of hypertension is more.3. Get a lipid profile tested to rule out high cholesterol as possible cause.4. If your BP reading is consistently high on multiple occasions then it's better to start on antihypertensives, and make necessary lifestyle modifications. Hope this helps. Any questions happy to help again
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Does Zolpidem (10 mg) ever have the side effect of, upon awaking in the dark, having large spots or circles in the eyes, which will disappear upon being in the light, and never happening during the daylight hours? I did quit taking Zolpidem at this time, and have not had the problem with eyes since [|AI|] Hi. I understand your concern. Holiday is remedy used for insomnia. Dark circle or black out is not common side effects. Though there are few cases reported in literature. But most of them occur due to they were taking co current other medicines. So holiday alone does not have such side effect, but combination with other medicines may lead to such side effect. Try alternative medicines for sleep disturbances. Consult psychiatrist and get help. I hope I have answered your question. Still if you have a query then feel free to ask. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Every few weeks, Ill wake up with a knot on the right side of my head. Its very sensitive to the touch and it usually goes away in about 2 weeks. It feels and looks like I banged my head on something, but it always appears overnight. The worse one went from a bump/knot to a bruise that scabbed up, Theyre usually no bigger than a quarter. Should I make an appointment to see a professional about this? [|AI|] Well come to ChatDoctorThank for asking and your concern being appreciated, this could be tension headache, although migraine attack is very less likely, most of the time such headache is functional and may not be due to any cerebral pathology, still it can not be taken as granted and I would advise seeing the neurophysician it may require ct brain and other routine till then you can try Tab Carbamazepine 100 mg at bedtime some time this may help you hope this information helps.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Sometimes when i eat something cold i will immediately have severe pain in my stomach. It is a pain similar to the "the brain freeze" feeling after eating ice cream. I have been diagnosed with stomach polyps in the past, but after stopping Aciphex most went away. What could cause this> [|AI|] Hi, thank you for posting. From what you refer I think that you suffer from Peptic ulcer. Peptic ulcer is a distinct breach in the mucosal lining of the stomach.1. You should eliminate coffee, milk, alcoholic Chat Doctor. 2. Eat 5 meals a day, small portions.3. Quit smoking cigarettes(if you smoke).However, you need the following tests to determine the diagnosis:1. Fibrogastroendoscopy.2. Liver function test.3. Glucose test.4. Complete blood count.5. Urine test. The treatment will contain proton pump inhibitor medicines like Omeprazole. Contact your gastroenterologist. I wish this information is helpful. I wish you a fast and healthy recovery.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am looking for Charparral (dried) to help with toenail fungus. Have found a Toenail fungus protocol on the internet. Use six tbsp dried chaparral to one quart of boilling whiskey.. Reduce and simmer for 20 minutes. Remove and steep for 8 hours. Soak your feet in this solution for 20 minutes a day, Repeat the procedure for two weeks.Have had laser treatment on both feet and did not help. Costly $400 for one treatment. Have used a natural mixed with Mother of Vinegar, but does not help.According to the info I have seen on the internet chapparral is dangerous to take internal, but want tosoak my feet in this. Would this be safe? [|AI|] Hello, Fungal infection can only be treated with antifungal agent beside this it cannot be given try with anything else, such experiment you have mentioned here may prove dangerous or some time flair up disease. If this is the fungal infection of the nail then it best can be managed with Fluconazole ointment and oral antifungal medication like Terminating Chat Doctor. But it is all depends upon the clinical condition, why not to consult the dermatologist for best line of treatment and proper diagnosis. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi I am Sujata 69 Female from India.I am DM type 2 IDDM since last 25 years. Taking Humalog TDS and Lantus in night at 11 pm.My S. urea and S. Creatine level had started to rise and with all possible control on Blood Pressure and Sugar my S.urea 88 mg/dl S. Creatinine 4.6 mg/dl on 21.6.2012 when I was hospitalised for EDEMA due to Anemia Hb 8.6%.After discharge swelling on my ankles and feet was gone,was put on Erythropotien injection 0000 iu every ten days.My Hb improved to 9.8%.But S.Urea increased to 112 mg/dl and S.creatinine 6 mg/dl. Was diagnosed with UTI.Prescribed Nitrofuraton Bd for 7 days and Amikasin inj250 mg OD for 7 days.These were found SENSITIVE in Urine culture report.I have been advised by NEPHRO to get AV fistula fitted.What to do now.Am I inching towards Dyalisis? [|AI|] Dear friend, welcome to Chat Doctor ! I am concerned with your uremic trends. I think you have diabetes related chronic kidney disease which has worsened with UTI.rising urea, great, edema and overall trends suggest worsened renal function and as per your nephron advice, you may need dialysis soon. AV fistula is planned for dialysis. Pl. go by your nephron. Advice.hope you recover soon. And do not fall prey to gossip/ unauthentic keep me posted on your progress.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a bilateral rash that comes and goes. It mostly comes after a shower. I am on an antibiotic now for a bacterial infection I got after plastic surgery . Tomorrow is the last day of the antibiotic. At first when I started taking the antibiotic,augmenting the rash went away. Tonight after I showered it came back on both sides of my trunk. What do you think it is? [|AI|] Hi there. I read your problem with interest, but it does seem some form of physical or heat/cold induced urticaria. Dermatology however, is a very visual line & as such, requires some clear visual digital photographs or to be seen on the ground by a dermatologist nearest you for best results! Please take a non-sedative antihistamine namely 180 mg fexofenadine taken once a day that is safe but may require a prescription in your parts. Worst case scenario is that a skin biopsy may be required to help clear the diagnosis & for further management. Cheers & Godspeed! Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a problem with meds. all together. I can t use any pain meds. OK my muscles are getting damage by cholesterol medicine. I have real bad muscles cramps. I would like to know is there anything I can take that will not make me hurt ,my hands and legs does a number on me. [|AI|] Hi, thank you for providing the brief history of you. As you mentioned you are getting muscle cramps, and you are having problems with medicine, I can help you find some solution for this. Which is a simple process. Muscle cramps occur due to the imbalance in the electrolyte transmission which disturbed the neural impulses. Performing regular strengthening exercise will help the channels of transmission is to optimal functioning which will improve the muscle absorption and contraction by which the cramps will be avoided. I have personally experienced my patients with similar complaints and later stages stretching has helped them avoid the muscle cramps. In fact I should say no cramping as the electrolyte transmission channels are functionally well. I hope the same recovery in you. RegardsJay In Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my son is 7 months old and i have been giving him Good Start from the beginning. However, his tongue is green. He has been given meds and it won t go away. I am nervous about it...we have had it checked out and came out neg. Switch formula, give him whole milk?? [|AI|] Hello, I can understand your concern. The most common cause of green tongue in babies is presence of fungal/yeast infection on the tongue. It would have been helpful if you had mentioned what medicines are being given to him and if it includes antifungal medications. Sometimes, use of antibiotics can also cause development of fungal growth on tongue. Other causes may include presence of bacterial infection causing hairy tongue and possible upper respiratory tract infection. I would advise you to go for analysis of tongue swab in the laboratory. It can be done with the help of a dentist. Based on the analysis result, confirmed diagnosis can be reached and treatment can be started. I hope this information helps you. Thank you for choosing Chat Doctor. Let me know if you have follow-up questions. Best,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a small puncture wound on left side of my big toe of left foot. Iit was a result of a sting ray. It seemed completely healed after 3 days, but now is kind of red and sore. Not much swelling. I know it went into the bone, but it was fine by next day?? Any ideas [|AI|] Hi. There is a possibility that the stinger is still embedded into the skin leading to the symptoms of allergic reaction and inflammation that you are facing. So once get it checked clinically to rule out what is the exact cause of it. For now, you can do cool compresses over it and apply steroid ointment like dexamethasone. Avoid touching or scratching it to avoid spreading. If the inflammation increase or swelling increase a steroid shot can be advised. If the stinger is embedded it should be removed. Hope I have answered your query. Please let me know if I can assist you further. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello,I have below symptons from last 2.5 years.constant runney nose ( very frequent in years),irritation in eyes (sometimes rediness), I have very short of breath last yer when i painted my house, i feeling not confirtable with smell of housepaints etc. from last six months i also feel with fast breath very frequent and not able to good sleep sometime due to short of breath. Is it allergic asthma? i need treatement from spealist? [|AI|] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor Your symptoms are in keeping with allergic rhinosinusitis and allergic conjunctivitis. Allergic rhinosinusitis are allergic symptoms in the nasal passages and sinuses. The symptoms are sneezing, congestion, post nasal Chat Doctor. Allergic conjunctivitis presents with itching, watering, redness , swelling of the eyes. You may need to consider the use of a topical steroid nasal spray and oral antihistamines. You may also need an eye
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I take Dexilant for acid reflux...nothing else was really working. A friend of mine tells me that those ppi s are like poison to your system and ruin the kidneys. He said they should not be taken consistently. So what can a person do to not have the acid reflux if you don t take the meds? Zantac was ok for awhile but then quit working for me. I do not eat the foods that they say are bad for acid reflux. [|AI|] Hi, Your symptoms are nonspecific, but these may be suggestive of gastritis, HERD or hiatal hernia, so you should do gastrostomy to evaluate it more accurately. This is caused by irritation of stomach mucosa by certain food or medications, stress and smoking. It should be treated by changing lifestyle habits first and in severe cases medications or surgery may be required. You need to eat smaller meals but frequently, avoid long sitting after meal and regulate your body mass. You need to avoid fried food, carbonated Chat Doctor. Furthermore, you should eat more milk products, vegetables and boiled food. Also, certain antacid medications may be required by diagnosis should be established first. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I was bitten by a mosquito 10 days ago and have developed flu like symptoms over the last week, high temperature on and off, fatigue, coughing, sore joints and generally been feeling unwell. i just wondered if i could have been given an infection by the mosquito bite? [|AI|] Hello, I understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor, infectious disease specialist, answering your concern. As per your symptoms it looks like a chikunguniya infection. Chikunguniya usually spreads after a mosquito bite. It causes flu like symptoms, high temperature and joint pain. You can diagnose your self for it. There is ELISA test available to diagnose it. Though there is no treatment available for chikunguniya. In mild to moderate cases Diclofenac and other Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. In severe cases steroids can be added as per the requirement. Glad to answer your further concern. You can contact me on
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello I am a 55 year old female who suffers from severe allergies to mold spores and dust mites. I currently am having terrible earaches, stiff sore neck, and sore glands on both sides of the neck. I use decongestants and antihistimines on a regular basis but nothing seems to really help. What can I do to break this cycle? [|AI|] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor The only way to completely eliminate the allergic response to an allergen would be to prevent or decrease exposure as much as possible. This means that you would need to eliminate any dust mites in your bedding and sofa. In addition, you should have your house and, if possible, work environment, assessed for mold and this should also be eliminated. Once you continue to be exposed, the symptoms would continue. I hope this helps
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi..have suffered many yers with a ultrarian rapid cycling condition ..I am into a holistic approach to medicine..many years ago I took a coritsol siliva test when I was at my worse ebb ..down.. irritable and feeling dysphoric..I wanted to take this test not when was feeling myself but in this down results the range was 3.5 -9.0 and my results were 1.7..I want to use bioidentical hydrocortisol prepared by a compounding pharmacist ..most doctors do not understand thuis method of treatment but it makes sense ..before I can address the thyroid I need to fix the arfenals first.. thankls for your help.. [|AI|] Hi, 10 to 20 per cent of people with bipolar disorder may have rapid cycling, and it is probably more common in people with the form of bipolar disorder sometimes referred to as bipolar II (those that experience less severe highs). Diagnosis of rapid cycling bipolar disorder can be difficult. In adolescents, it can be mistaken for conditions such as ADHD. Treated with Lithium or Aborigine according to the body weight and episodes. Please consult your psychiatrist he will examine and treat you accordingly. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My father is taking Aldactone right now and the doctor told us that he should take livolin forte. My father had been medicated for liver cirrhosis which the doctors said his condition will only give him a max of 6 months life. Right now his ascites is causing his abdomen to bloat. Can you tell me what medicine could be more effective to discharge the fluids faster than aldactone? [|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor, Your father is having Liver Cirrhosis due to this he is having ASCIIs in this disease accumulation of fluid in peritoneal cavity, just reducing fluid in abdomen may not be enough, if it is causing discomfort paracentesis may be done which is removal of fluid by needle aspiration. Please consult Gastroenterologist and there are many medicines which can be given. You need to check his serum protein level and if it is low blood or salt free Albumin may be useful. If this disease is due to Alcohol please make sure he is not taking alcohol. If he is compensated and takes care he should continue to do well, see no one can predict the eventuality. Please take care. Good Luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 11yr old daughter has white bumps on the front part of her tongue and since Saturday it has been extremely sore and feels like its on fire, she has not eaten anything different, Motrin will only help for a little bit , even lidocaine is not helping, any ideas? [|AI|] Hi. Thanks for the query. White bumps on the tongue that are sore can be due to inflamed tongue papillae or can be canker sores. So my suggestion is to make her do warm saline gargles. Gargling with a solution of soda bicarb in water can help. You can also consult an Emergency room and get her checked so that they can advise her vitamin B complex. You can also give her soft and non-irritant foods. Sucking ice lollies can help in reducing inflammation and pain. Hope this helps. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i have a rash of some kind i thought it was shingles but now dont think so it itchs so bad i cant stand it and it is for the most part spread out not in a bunch more like smaller seperated some in a bunch but single spots the more i scratch the more pops up [|AI|] Hello, Thank you for posting on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern regarding the skin lesions but It's difficult to point specific diagnosis in absence of clinical examination. Therefore, I insist you to post good clinical pictures to me so that I can help you in a better way. You can reach me directly through the below-mentioned link. ChatDoctor .com/doctors/ Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 5 year old daughter has had a dry, short, raspy cough for months now. She has been perfectly healthly otherwise. it sounds like when one has a hair tickling their throat. or a cat with a fur ball. It doesnt seem to bother her or slow her down, but it is always there. should I be concerned? [|AI|] Hi, Thank you for asking question on Chat Doctor. Seasonal coughs will clear with cough syrups containing Dextromethorphan and an anti histamine like cetirizine. When persisting for months one has to exclude whooping cough and even asthma. Better consult pediatrician. Hope this answer will serve your purposeless feel free to ask any more queries if requiredTake care Chat Doctor. V. Subrahmanyam MD;Disassociate professor of pediatrics
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi,My son is 3.6years old and he is having loose motions (once or twice) a day.Stool test was done and found that there is bacteria.We have doen several medications but still its the same.Can you let me know is there any good docs whom I can consut on this? [|AI|] Hi... Greeting from Chennai. Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. It seems your kid is having viral diarrhea. Once it starts it will take 5-7 days to completely get better. Unless the kids having low urine output or very dull or excessively sleepy or blood in motion or green bilious need not worry. There is no need to use antibiotics unless there is blood in the motion. Antibiotics might worsen if unnecessarily used causing antibiotic associated diarrhea. I suggest you use zinc supplements (Z&D Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I was in a car accident 3 years ago. I was only treated for my fracture in right hand. I believe I had whiplash and now suffering from chronic pain. I didn t notice anything was wrong at the time. I am being treated for my neck but right collar bone isn t the same as it is on the left. It has a dent close to shoulder and I have shoulder pain. If I get an xray or mri is it possible to show fracture or if something happened? I know something is wrong. Also what are the possibilities of the dent in collar bone. Could I have dislocated shoulder? [|AI|] Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Understanding your concern. As per your query you have chronic shoulder pain and hand pain. Well there can be many reasons for symptoms you mention in query like muscle spasm, nerve compression or heart problem like angina. I would suggest you to consult orthopedic surgeon for proper examination and treatment. Doctor may order CT scan, MRI along with nerve conduction test and physical examination to confirm the diagnosis. Doctor may prescribe muscle relaxant, anti-inflammatory, nerve supplement along with physical therapy . For now stay calm, take ibuprofen, apply warm compresses to shoulder and arm, do light stretching exercises under expert or acetaminophen for pain and take proper rest. Hope your concern has been resolved. Get Well Soon. Best Wishes,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i am kvreddy aged 44 yrs. My left kidney measuring 104x53mm with mild hydrouretoronephrosis. Cortico medullary differentiation is maintained. No solid or Cystic lessons. Small calculi measuring 8 mm noted in mid pole and 5 mm in the upper pole, Few small calculi measuring 4 mm noted in the lower pole. Till date no pain. pl advice me. this report was of 06 Mar 2013. [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in.Dos for kidney stones(i) Chat Doctor. 5 to 2.5 liters) a day may help flush out your urinary system. This will also allow small stones to pass through.(ii) Visit washrooms regularly and empty your bladder when you feel like doing urination.(iii) Please take fruits like apple, papaya, watermelon, pineapple, Mesabi, bananas and orange, vegetables like, white gourd, ladyfinger, pumpkin, pulses like too DAL, moon DAL, Bengal gram(iv) If you are having pain and burning during passing urine then you can take ALSO syrup 15-30 ml twice or thrice daily, dissolved in water for one week. This will prevent acidic urine and stone formation.(v) If you have sharp pain then you can take tablet containing hosting (e.g. HBO Max 10 mg or HYSSOP 10 mg) twice a day for 2 to 3 days, till you have pain. Though side effects are rare, please consult your doctor and take these medications under strict supervision.Dots for kidney stones(i) Please avoid holding urine for long intervals.(ii) Please reduce foods containing oxalate like non veg, vegetables like spinach, tomato, cauliflower, brinjals, nuts like AJU, pasta and almonds.(iii) Decrease extra salt in foods.(iv) Avoid spicy pickles.(v) Do not neglect any pain and consult your doctors immediately.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i injected cloud 9 over a 3 month period and i have been off of it for about 6months but still having at night more racing heart nerve spasms in arm and chest and sometimes feels like i have damaged my nerves or blood vessels in my heart .i went to the cardiology dr and they done a full check even a heart cath and said my heart was real healthy .i am just scared i can only sleep on my right 36, 6ft, 210lbs and no bad medical history at all. [|AI|] His your cardiac cat his normal I would advise you to go for a 24 hour holder monitoring, it will keep a record of your heart beats and nature of your palpitations. Your beats would be recorded for a period of 24 hours hence any problem with electrical currents of heart would be ruled out.cardiac path tells us only about myocardial ischemia, while electrical current disturbances can also cause the problems.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Im having SGOT 44 and SGPT 67 and trigliceride at 400. Im on 10 mg Atorvastatin. I used to take 160 mg of Lipitor also along with Atorvastatin. Ive stopped Lipitor for last 2 months. I have been on these drugs for last 5 years. The SGPT and SGOT have been steadily over the last 5 year. Please advise. [|AI|] Hello! Thanks for putting your query in Chat Doctor. I am a Gastroenterologist. Increase in GOT and SGPT has many cause like Hepatitis B, C, Metabolic disorders, NAFLD, alcohol intake etc. So I will suggest you to visit a Hepatologist for evaluation who will advise tests and then manage accordingly. Meanwhile, there are few medicines which I found very useful in my patients are ursodeoxycholic acid and vitamin E. Do regular exercise and reduce your weight if you are overweight, avoid alcohol if you Chat Doctor. I hope I have answered your query and this will help you. Wish you a good health
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi good morning im mayflor montes im 22 years old from philippines i would like to ask why is it in my stool there is a blood im pregnant right now 2 months i dont know doc what happening to me because i feel normal but if i go to bath room there is a blood evry stool i give out can you please advice me..thanks this is my email adress YYYY@YYYY i hope to hear from u soon ... respectfully mayflor [|AI|] Hallow Dear, During pregnancy a hormone called Progesterone increases many times in the body. This hormone relaxes the smooth muscles, blood vessels and causes constipation. Dilated blood vessels in the rectum and straining due to constipation is known to cause piles or aggravate already existing piles in the rectum. These pile further start bleeding if hard stools have to be pushed by straining. Therefore, during pregnancy, bleeding piles is a known complication. You seem to have bleeding piles. Please get the diagnosis confirmed from a doctor by per rectal examination. To get relief from this:1. Have soft diet with roughage.2. Eat plenty of fruits; in particular Banana, Citrus fruits like oranges, sweet lime, etc. 3. Chat Doctor. 4. For few days you may take Liquid paraffin for softening the stools. 5. Locally apply Practosedyl cream. Please do not use its applicator for application, apply with fingers deep inside the rectum. With these you should feel somewhat better. If still the bleeding continues, you may have to undergo ligation of the piles. Please report this to your Obstetrician. I hope this should help you for the immediate relief.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] we had sex on 15th of march.. well, during the period of intercourse, he removed the penis before the sperms came out. i am a bit worried even then if it is safe not to take an IPILL as he is sure that he removed it before the sperms were out. please reply at the earliest.... thank you. [|AI|] Hello dear, I understand your concern. In my opinion as the semen was not ejaculated inside the vagina there might be no chance for pregnancy. But if you don't want to take chance even for 1% then the Pill can be taken. To be effective Pill needs to be taken within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse. So relax. Avoid stress.Don't worry. The chances of pregnancy are rare as your partner is confident about with Chat Doctor. Hope this helps. Best regards....
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I just checked my blood pressure. I normally take it on my left arm and it normally is around 104 to 110 over 68 to 76. However tonight my left arm pressure was very low at 82/62 but I don t feel bad. I took it again and it was approximately the same. So I decided to take my pressure in my right arm and it was normal -104/70. I have now taken my pressure 3 timess in both arms with the same results. Should I be extremely worried about this difference? [|AI|] Hello, I understand your concern and would explain that this difference between both arms is quite normal, due to the anatomical changes of the blood vessels in the arm. So, there is no reason to worry about it! Anyway, your blood pressure values are low. For this reason, I recommend having some rest and taking plenty of fluids. If you are taking any antihypertensive Chat Doctor. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi, i have been having a bad smelly fluid/gooey substance in my belly button. it usually occurs before menustal cycle and usually once throughout the month randomly. when i clean it with a cutip, it kind of looks like ear wax. it smells really awful and im embarrassed by it. please help me. this has been going on for years but now getting worse. [|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have umbilical discharge. You may have some umbilical sinus or fistula. So there may infection in that tract. You should go for examination to check your condition. If needed to take antibiotics and other treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question. If you have any doubts then feel free to ask me. I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi My name is Daniel! I am 30 years old! I live in Brazil! I have been diagnozed with Dengue on Thursday (just based symptoms and very low platelets ) and yesterday they discovered I have chickenpox. (no joke) I had a horrible chicken eruption yesterday, I also felt some big lumps under my skin in the neck area. Should I expect the worst? (I can provide more details). It s not clear whether it is only chickenpox or a combination of both. Thank you! [|AI|] HIT hanks for posting your query. Neither Dengue nor Chicken pox causes big lumps under the skin over neck area. Sometimes associated with chicken pox (which is a viral infection), there occurs additional bacterial infection of either the skin lesions or the throat. This bacterial infection of the throat can cause enlargement of glands in the throat region. These glands are called Lymph nodes, and it is these enlarged Lymph nodes that you are noticing as big lumps. There is no need to worry, but you need to meet your doctor and get a prescription for Antibiotics for the enlarged lymph nodes. Hope this information was useful to you. Any clarifications feel free to ask.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 61, Few years ago I had breast cancer , one breast removed went thru all chemotherapy , radiation etc Am on femara n heart pills, sugar reduction pills, have cholesterol and sugar levels fluctuate mostly on high side ! Sometimes feel nose blocks then when I blow my nose I see blood on my tissue It isn t much but noticed it on different occasions, My Question is how do I control sugar ? Getting blurry eyes can t even watch Tv as I can t see faces clearly Also want to drive my car as I feel happy when I drive [|AI|] For control of sugars first thing to do is to go for regular exercise, diet control and medications. Medications prescribed by your doctor need to be strictly adhered to. If there is no control with oral medicines if your doctor things it is necessary. Then he will put you on insulin. Your blood pressure also needs to be checked regularly. High blood pressure is a common cause of nose bleed, but other local causes can be ruled out by an ENT specialist only. Your blurring of vision is also likely due to high sugars
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Doctor advice me to take Susten 300 sr 1 Tab daily after Dinner, i want know that have any problem to take susten 300. please advice and i am 7weeks pregnant and also doctor said in my blood test they find thyroid 7.78. If it is anything affect my baby. [|AI|] Hallow Dear, Susten 300 is a Progestational medicine. Throughout the pregnancy, Progesterone is required to maintain the pregnancy. It prevents the uterine contractions and stabilizes the pregnancy. Probably your doctor might have noticed some factors which might have indicated the possibility of instability of the pregnancy. Therefore, he/she must have started Austen 300 to stabilize the pregnancy. So Austen 300 is very safe during pregnancy and necessary in Progesterone deficiency or Pregnancy at risk. One such factor which may affect your pregnancy is your Thyroid levels. In fact in Thyroid function test, T3, T4 and TSH are evaluated. I believe you have mentioned the level of 7.78 as TSH level. Yes, 7.78 TSH is high indicating that your Thyroid is functioning low. This may affect the pregnancy and/or baby adversely. Hence, you need to take Levothyroxine throughout the pregnancy. Please get the prescription from your Obstetrician. I hope this helps you today.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] we had oral sex and my pre cum has touch on the tip of the vagina i i didnt ejaculate inside too and the pre cum too as i was using condom but during the oral sex i was rubbing with my penis the vagina and condom remove and my pre cum has touch on the vagina and after that i have given ipill in just a hour of it after having oral sex. is it possible if she gets pregnant. Her last period was on 21/5/15 and we did oral sex 6/6/15 [|AI|] Hello dairy understand your concerned pre-cum goes close tot the vaginal introits then there may be chance of the pregnancy. But you have given I pill with in one hour of sex. It is highly effective in preventing the pregnancy. It has 95-97% success rate to prevent the pregnancy. So very less chance of the pregnancy (0-5%). But I pill cause change in the menstrual cycle as it cause hormonal imbalance. It may cause early period, delayed period by 1-2 week, excessive bleeding and intermenstural bleeding. If period will delay by the more than 2 weeks then go for urine pregnancy test and or blood Chat Doctor to confirm the pregnancy. If pregnancy will be there then still you can terminate the intrauterine pregnancy by the abortion pill under the supervision of the gynecologist.Meanwhile, avoid stress, take healthy diet, Chat Doctor. Use condom in future to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Hope this may help noncontact Chat Doctor for further health query Best regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] In the last few weeks I have been experiencing an average BP of 140/90, my heart rate varies between 85-107, other symptoms are painful burning-tingling in my forearms and hands, dizziness, ringing in my ears, nausea, inability to concentrate, chills, and occasional brief unconsciousness. What kind of doctor do I need to see? [|AI|] Hello! Welcome and thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! I read carefully your question and understand your concern. Your symptoms may be related to different disorders: - Thyroid dysfunction (Hyperthyroidism can mimic this clinical scenario)- Anxiety - A chronic infection affecting different systems (like Lyme disease)- Cardiac arrhythmia-Seizures (seizures can be closely related to cardiac arrhythmia)I recommend consulting with the GP for a careful physical examination, a resting ECG, a chest x-ray and some lab tests: - complete blood count-fasting glucose-kidney and liver function tests-blood electrolytes- thyroid hormone levels- inflammation tests (PCR, fibrinogen, sedimentation rate). Further tests may be needed to establish the cause (like an ambulatory 24-hour ECG monitoring, an EEG, infection disease screening tests). Regarding your blood pressure, it is a borderline high blood pressure, and some modifications to your lifestyle would be helpful to reduce it: - diet modifications (less caffeine, less salt intake and carboy Chat Doctor. Hope to have been helpful! Best regards,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] During the night i feel difficulties in breathing and when i breath a sound comes from my chest.I feel some congestion in my lungs and also cough badly.I also feel sneezing and irritation in my nose most of the time here in bangalore.I am from rajasthan ,when i am there i do not see any problem at all.but when i come to Bangalore all the problems start.i came bangalore 4 years before,but previously i naver had breathing difficulties but now it is getting worse.Please provide suggestion to cure this problem. [|AI|] Hi, thanks for your question. I read carefully your question and in my opinion runny nose, breathlessness,chest sound(probably wheezing), cough and the fact that all this respiratory symptoms are worse during the night and when you change city suggest for allergic bronchial asthma. I recommend going to your physician so he/she can order some necessary test like chest x-ray(to exclude a pulmonary infection), pulmonary function test and skin prick test(to find if there is something to which you are allergic) to confirm Bronchial asthma and start treatment. Hope I answered your question. Wish you good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had seizures in past but noone could diagnose my seizues I am fine now but from that time I have memory problems I never have a desire to remember the past nothing comes naturally I really care for my condition. Is this a memory problem or another disorder [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in. Memory is the function of a group of brain centers and this is known as a higher mental function. Seizures happen due to bursts of electric current within the brain. Any seizure patient must be investigated in detail. This includes full neurological clinical examination and psychological assessment. You need to take tests to evaluate your recent, short term and long term memories. Since you have said that the past cannot be recalled easily, it might be due to long term memory problems. You also need electroencephalography and functional MRI scan to know exactly which part of your brain is involved when asking questions on memory. These studies should be done in a research institute where facilities are available.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Res Doctors I am feeling breath trouble since two months on 30th Oct. I got 101 fever and cold and cough. Consult with general physician he has given routine medicines Acufix, Doxyril, Omnacortil, PCM etc. but breathing trouble continued till 13th Oct. On 14th Oct I admit in Jaipur Golden for breathing trouble. They diagnose as anxiety neurosis with sinusitiis and given me Respule Levolin, Budecort ,Torpan, Aziwok,DOM DT, Deriphylin, Lonazep, Prothiadin, Brozedex,Steam Inehalation, Duonase nasal Spray. All the test fasting pp cbc tsh trop T kit PA view are normal except Neutrophiles wich is 82 above the range 40-75, and Left maxillary antrum shows moderate degree of opacity with loss of definition and irregularity of sinus wall. Please advice me whether the treatement is correct or should I consult to any other doctor if yes then where and which department to consult. Virender Gupta 0000 YYYY@YYYY [|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. Neurosis is functional mental disorders. In a way anxiety neurosis is anxiety disorder. Therefore, don't confuse. You should know that these problems are not mental diseases, but are mental disorders. Many researches and researchers confirm that medicines alone cannot cure mental disorders. Lifestyle changes, change in thinking pattern, relaxation etc. are as essential as medicines. Psychotherapy can help you to change your lifestyle and thinking patterns. Yoga and meditation help you to streamline your metabolism and neurological balance. Please consult a psychologist for further information. Psychotherapy techniques should suit your requirement. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I recently had a ultrasound on my heart due to palpitations and feeling very fatigued, extremely sluggish, chest pressure, numbness down my arms at times, and feeling like i could not go for days on end. Hard to breathe, etc. The results of my ultrasound came back saying this: Report Pulmonic Valve: Trace pulmonic valve insufficiency is noted. Pericardium: No evidence of hemodynamically significant pericardial effusion is noted. Venous: The IVC is normal in diameter. Conclusion: Otherwise normal echocardiogram. At the time of interpretation, no previous studies were available for comparison. Summary 1. Estimated Ejection Fraction of 55 to 60%. 2. No tricuspid stenosis. 3. Trace mitral regurgitation. 4. Trace pulmonic valve insufficiency. 5. Trace tricuspid valve regurgitation. I would like to know if all this is normal or something I need to be watching or monitoring? [|AI|] Hi, Mild tricuspid regurgitation or pulmonary regurgitation or mitral regurgitation may be seen in hematological heart disease or pulmonary hypertension or ischemic heart disease with dilated cardiomyopathy etc. If it is mild no problem but if it is moderate to severe lead to pulmonary edema, palpitations, dyspnea or cardiac failure. So you have to control your blood pressure and diabetes. Regular exercise and eating green leafy vegetables are useful. Please consult your cardiologist, he will examine and treat you with medication to prevent further progression. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am taking now metoprolol er 50mg. I am an active and play soccer. Sometime just to warm up, I do jogging for 3 miles and it has become difficult. I get short breath and whizzing. Why is that? Is there any remedies? is there any one who can help me? I am dont have money? [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. In my opinion, you should consult pulmonologist because possibility of either asthma or bronchitis is more. Both of these can cause wheezing and breathlessness. So consult pulmonologist and get done 1. Clinical examination of respiratory system 2. PUT (pulmonary function test). PFT will not only diagnose them, but it will also tell you about severity of the disease and treatment is based on severity only. You will need inhaled bronchodilator (formoterol or albuterol) and inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) (budesonide or fluticasone). Don't worry, you will be alright. First diagnose yourself and then start appropriate treatment. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Every time i sit on my sofa or i lie down in my bed, i get this pain in my back in the exact same place all the time (to the right , across the middle) and then i have to stand up or roll over as it becomes very uncomfortable. i am worried as i am only 17 and this has been going for quite a while. [|AI|] Hi Welcome to Chat Doctor I have gone through your query and understand your concern. This seems to be muscular pain with trigger spot as pain is on same spot. But you are required to get MRI of the region to exclude local pathology. Treatment of this is rest and analgesic such as ibuprofen. I apply injection triamcinolone locally to such persons coming to me with good results. You can discuss with your doctor about it. Hope your query get answered. If you have any clarification then don't hesitate to write to us. I will be happy to help you. Wishing you a good health. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] how do i know if i had skitzophrenia? i dont want to go to a real doctor so that he can blame things on "stress" or "horemones" or whatever, just to eat up my parents money. but for the past couple of nights its been an angoing process of hallucinations and paranoia that follows me througout the day. like today i was so paranoid at everything that i wanted to eat lunch by myself. last night i felt my skin crawl and it felt like something was eating me and tickling me at the same time, pain/joy? very much so, its very wierd and my doctor thought i had pheochromacatoma which is a tumor in your adrenal gland, and my other doctor thinks i might have addisons disease, but my symptoms are spinning, shaking, dizzy, palpatations, sweating, im ALWAYS tired no mattter how much sleep i get. . . please help [|AI|] Hi. Symptoms of schizophrenia are delusion, hallucinations, disorganized behavior and speech etc. Symptoms must be presented since 6 months. But you have symptoms are in transient phase like pro Chat Doctor. In pheochromocytoma and Addison's disease may have neurological involvement and produce psychiatric manifestations. So you have required detail endocrine work up to ruled out it. For schizophrenia, you have to consult psychiatrist for better evaluation and proper diagnosis. So consult and get help. Still if you have a query then feel free to ask. Happy to help you further. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello mother is suffering from toe nail infection.drs diagnosed it as an onchomycosis.she has been treated by local antifungal plus oral antifungal.i.e.fluconazole.but got no has been almost 1 year.her other nails also got stating same yellowish,powdery look...plz help. [|AI|] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor Toe nail infections can be difficult to treat, and the medication has to be taken for a prolonged period of time. Terbinafine (Tamil) and itraconazole (soprano) are the Chat Doctor. Terminating is used 250 mg once daily for 12 weeks. Itraconazole is also used daily for 12 weeks for toenail infections. She may want to visit her doctor for a review and a prescription for one of these medications. I hope this helps
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Had a cold for 3 weeks. Went away. 2 weeks later came back. Doctor treated me with 5 day Z Pak (250 mg) & a corticosteroid pill (4 mg). Still sick. Bad cough. Cough up white foamy stuff. Using Mucinex & Robitussin. Lots of clear discharge from nose. Wheezing. [|AI|] HelloPersistent cough with foamy stuff for 3 weeks may be due to allergy and wheezing is due to bronchoconstriction. So when such type of patient visit my clinic I advise them to take some anti-allergic + bronchodilator combination for prompt relief. I advise taking montelukast+albuterol once in the night. Usually patient get relief within 2-3 days. Hot coffee and steam inhalation also provide relief. Since this is a prescription Chat Doctor. If no relief within 3-5 day get in X-ray chest and consult a Chest specialist. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My daughter was just released from the hospital last night after being hospitalized with a kidney infection . Before being admitted her temp had gotten as high as 104.6. After being admitted her fever broke and she has been anywhere from 99.2-97.6. Today she has been around 97 but in the last couple of hours I have been checking her and all of her temp readings were 96.7 or as low 96.0. When at the hospital she was having her electrolytes checked also and they had said her crp readings as of yesterday were at 7.5 which was higher than when she had been admitted. Should I be concerned about her body temperature being low like that or is it ok? [|AI|] After the episode of severe sepsis/infection, next about 3-6 months are quite important in that immunity of the affected individual starts getting normal over that duration of time. You need not check temperature records so frequently. Maintain good nutrition, fresh fruit, salads,personal & surrounding hygiene.CRP levels may remain elevated for a long time. You may get her urine culture repeated. Please Do not get unduly concerned about her body temperature. Best of Luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello I m am 18 years old and I ve had a soft lump on the outside of my right butt cheek but right next to my anus. It s under the skin and it does not bother me. It only gets sore when I keep touching it but it eventually goes away. I ve had it for awhile now but haven t went to the doctors for it. At first I thought it was just a pimp but then it got bigger . Feels like there could be liquid in there because it s not solid, but I m not sure. What can this be ? [|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor .1. The history given by you suggest that it's a bacterial infection with pus collection within the lesion.2. Most possible cause could be hair follicular infection - causes like these symptoms.3.It's good if you take an appointment and let the GP examines the lump and a course of antibiotics might help. If the size is big an incision and Chat Doctor. 4. There are complications like colonial sinus / fistulas - its starts the way you are having symptoms.5. Do not scratch or press it will increase healing time, clean with antiseptic liquids, maintain local hygiene. Good luck. Hope it helps you. Wish you a good health. Anything to ask ? Do not hesitate. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi i am a 28 year old male that does very hard construction work 40 to 80 hours a week. I have had this hernia for a bout 7 years. I went to the dr about 6 and a half years ago and he told me it was just cosmetic and needed no further treatment. I did not agree. At the time that i went to the dr it was about the size of a very small grape and very painfull. Now it is about the size of a golf ball. Sometimes it gets very hard and tight and is really painfull. and sometimes it is soft and causes mild discomfort. Most of the time it is painfull.. What type of dr do i need to see and how long would i be out of work and how much do you think the surgery would cost ballpark. What might I do to take care of it untill i can get to a dr. Thank you so much! [|AI|] Thanks for contacting Chat Doctor with your medical concerns assume that you are concerned about a hernia in the inguinal area which is in the groin. A hernia in this area does require repair. I would recommend you seek a general surgeon for consultation and surgery. If this is an umbilical hernia, one from the middle of your belly button then this is less of an issue. It does not usually require repair but if it does cause significant pain and discomfort then I do recommend consultation with a surgeon for repair. The repair is more difficult to preform if you are over weight. The time off from work with both procedures could take 4-6 weeks. Hope I answered your question. Please feel free to contact us again for you medical concerns and questions
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 5 years old son had the flu last week but he is over it. Last night he had involuntary diareaha and through today he had diareaha... Tonight in bed he wak up by another involuntary diareaha and a vomit. Other then that he seems normal with no other symptoms... [|AI|] Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. It seems your kid is having viral diarrhea. Once it starts it will take 5-7 days to completely get better. Unless the kids having low urine output or very dull or excessively sleepy or blood in motion or green bilious need not worry. There is no need to use antibiotics unless there is blood in the motion. Antibiotics might worsen if unnecessarily used causing antibiotic associated diarrhea. I suggest you use zinc supplements (Z&D Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had a habited of smoke and love to enjoy any nicotine stuff for three years with daily consumption of these kind of stuff very much.slowly I was not enjoyed with this stuff or maybe I was suffering in bad health or very weak.After that I tried to avoid it by doing meditation for improving my self confidence to control over those bad habits.And I was successfully control myself from last five years without been touch with those stuff.But when I feel stress and any tension enviroment my tendency for nicoten again increase and sometime I want to start those stuff again. please advise what to do? [|AI|] Hello....... Thanks for your query. I would like to complement you for your efforts to quit smoking. There are multiple medical strategies available including nicotine chewing gums and bupropion. Additionally, relapse prevention and motivation enhancement strategies can be used to help you. Hence, I would suggest you undergo an evaluation by a substance use dead diction specialist and try out the above strategies. All the best. Regards Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i had embryo transfer 3 days ago and started running fever of 99.5 then went to 100.1 in 30 minutes. no bleeding or pain or any problems either. but i took 2 tylenol 30 minutes ago and it is at 98.8 so what in the world is going on? just took a pregnancy test clear blue easy digital and it said not pregnant [|AI|] Hi, I understand your concern. Yes moderate rise of temperature for first 48 hours after embryo transfer is normal. It is due to progesterone that are given along with the procedure. It is also supposed to be due to immunological reaction after transfer. Paracetamol/ Tylenol can be taken to get relief. But if the temperature is not controlled within 48 hours, doctors consultation becomes essential. . For treating possible infection with proper antibiotics. Chat Doctor testing for confirming pregnancy is done after one week of transfer. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] one of my friends,aged 39 male 100kg body wt, have constant high BP 150/100 even after medication,has developed Diabetis mellitus and angioedoma for the last 1 1/2 years.he had an attack of jaundice 1 year back and cured. occasionally he gets bouts of weakness,lassitude + raised SGOT and SGPT(95 IU/ml) levels.what may be the diagnosis? [|AI|] HIT hank for asking to ChatDoctorI really appreciate your concern for your friend looking to the history given here the blood pressure is not that much high that could need antihypertensive the salt restriction alone could control this and for the liver enzyme it all depends upon the clinical manifestation if there is no clinical complaint then no need to worry about this, hope this information helps you, have a nice day.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] 30 male smoker 206lbs 5 8 high blood pressure recently controlled with 10mg Lisinopril (about 2 months),10mg Amlodipine (about 6 months) & 25mg Hydrochlorothiazide (About 6 months). Also take 20.6mg Omeprazole Magnesium (on over 5 years) for acid reflux and Dasotraline 6mg (about 4 months) for adhd study. Over the last two weeks I have had High heart rate {~100 when wake up 113-128 throughout day} (thought maybe dasotraline so lowed dose from 8mg to 6mg, avoided caffeine and alcohol and drink 1-2 gallons of water a day as well as a Gatorade) Numb and tingle feeling eye line of face to middle of skull for 10-14 hrs a day (lower dasotraline seemed to make this not as frequent or sever but still there periodically after 5 days of lower dose however last 24 hours has been much more prevalent from cheekbone to jaw line. Intermittent muscle cramps in calves forearms upper arms lower right back and side(thought dehidration so avoided caffeine and alcohol and drink 1-2 gallons of water a day as well as a Gatorade). Over the last few days (could have been longer but I didn t notice) I have noticed my stool is green and I am going to the bathroom less frequently than normal. Still at least once a day. Also not falling asleep well, seem to be wanting to smoke more than normal, struggling with concentration and lengthy or purposeful (ie: work related/important) conversations. I had a tooth ache a couple months ago but it went away and my sister totaled 2 cars in 10 days but everyone s fine and neither directly effected me but I would say I m a little more stressed than usual but never been a problem before. Waiting on lab work from clinical trial, ECG 5 days okay was good other than heart rate. Freaking out as I normally always feel healthy. [|AI|] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor. I understand your query and concern. Best treatment for elevated blood pressure is through Chat Doctor. Before that adequate management and work up is needed. I advise you to have a baseline 2 dimensional echocardiography, ECG and lipid profile to assess the basic cardiac reserve of your heart. Restrict the intake of salt to less than 6g/day. Regular physical exercise in the form of brisk walk for 20 min a day for 5 days a week is pretty useful.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi I have a grand son who have cerebal palsy,and he has a problem where he cough constantly and he get choaked all the time and he spits up his food and it come out his nose had this have been going on and on for years, he had a cyst removed from his throat in august and that was suppose to help but it did not, he have been to throat drs. lung dr.and this is really getting bad and I dont no what else to do, he has Medicade and some Drs wont see him and this is getting worse, and worse, I dont no what else to do , he get severly choaked all the time, please help if u can, Im so tired. Grand mother Mary [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. Forum. Sometimes doctors cant do anything except helplessness. In your grandson case same thing is there. When any person gulp anything it enters into esophagus (food pipe) and enter into stomach. When we inhale air it enters into larynx from pharynx and from larynx to lungs. This is the way. In cerebral palsy patient is not able to raise his esophagus above the level of larynx and this food or fluid enter into larynx and this develops cough or chocking sensation. Here I want to say that there is also palsy of esophagus (oropharynx portion) so food don't enter into food pipe. This is the reason of cough and chocking sensation. In my opinion consult a plastic surgeon and reconstructive surgery of esophagus is the only an option. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had a blood test taken 3days ago and it was the most painful blood test is ever had, I had a sharp needle pain in lower to where the blood was taken and a sharp shooting pain. I told the lady that took my blood but she insisted it didn t hurt :/ annoyed me. Now my arm feels numb and slightly tingly and I keep getting horrible twitches when I move my arm. ? Please help me ? [|AI|] This is very unusual, obviously. The type of pain and shooting imply a nerve is hit. Their are no major nerves in that area but certainly everywhere there are SOME nerves. With neuropathic pain:1) short run any nerve pill such as a lidocaine patch (you need ONE, cut into 2 cm squares, apply one 2x2 daily), anti-seizure med, or amitriptyline are likely to work at quite low cost2) long term minor nerves usually grow back ok. Cannot say in your particular case.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] sir my mom is 74 years old , she is an astemetic patients she is getting low grade fever in the evening . her appetite is very poor now . she doesnt like to eat anything . she feels tired and sleepy all the time . her hemoglobin is 8.5 and her ESR IS 95 . PLS TELL US WHAT IS IT ? [|AI|] Hi! Welcome to Chat Doctor! I can understand the problems your mother is suffering. As per the details given in the question she might be suffering from Tuberculosis. Evening rise of temperature, raised ESR, low Hemoglobin, loss of appetite and the fact that she is having asthma are highly suggestive of TB. Chest X-ray and the sputum analysis should be done to confirm the diagnosis, and she should be treated accordingly. Regards!
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My son complained of headaches...took him to his doc about a week ago-says well give him a strong antibiotic for a sinus infection and some medicine for allergies, if it doesnt get better in a month he needs m.r.i. he vomitted once about 6 days ago we held back on the antibiotic had an ok appetite but not his normal self, tired and a little distracted. yesterday he starts having diarrhea, stomach pains, and the same complaints of a headache. Last night he vommited multiple times and diarrhea. managed to make it through the whole day without vommitting drank some and ate some soup. thought we were clear..he just vommitted again seems to vommit at night, he had a fever earlier and stomach pains, I have been feeding him ice chips to keep him somewhat hydrated planning to take him to doctor tomorrow any clue whats happening? [|AI|] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor Sinus infection can be associated with headaches, but they would normally be additional symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny nose, post nasal Chat Doctor. Some of these are usually present. Vomiting and diarrhea are commonly due to infection of the gastrointestinal tract. This can be viral or bacterial, headache can occur. You should continue with the ice chips though using a fluid with electrolytes would be better to give him back both. e.g. mediate or another oral rely
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi doc, i am bitten by a dog 1 month ago. I took anti rabies injection 5dose course. My doc hadnt specified any diet restrictions but my friends and relatives say that ishould avoid Non veg(egg also), jaggery, beans etc... wat advise can you give me in this regard. [|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor! It is only a myth that non veg food should be avoided after dog bite. It has no scientific basis and is hence certainly false. In fact non-veg food provides you with proteins which is needed by your body to fight off infection. So, there is no such food which should be avoided during this period. As for dietary advice, I'd advice you to eat a balanced diet. Soybean, egg and non-veg food will be beneficial to fight off the infection. Hope this information helps. Feel free to ask if you have any doubts. Wishing you a speedy recovery. With warm regards,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ?Dear doctor, I am 33 yrs old, married with one daughter age 9. In recent times I have developed severe backaches which continues for several days.I had a miscarriage recently, during my last scan my doctor informed me that my left ovary is slightly oversized compare to the right one. Can it be due to fibroid. I always hear woman saying if having terible backpain always, it might be because of fibroid, is that true? My daughter (9 yrs old) was born through vacuum, and my doctor recommended epidural during my delivery due to very long labor. Can you pls advise? [|AI|] Hi, welcome to Chat Doctor As I can understand from your history, your major complaints are of back pain. A slight oversized left ovary, as reported by doctor. A history of miscarriage. Considering this information following conditions appears likely ovarian cyst, uterine fibroid, endometriosis. All these conditions can have presentation similar to yours. If a patient witChatDoctorplaints and history as yours comes to my clinic, I would advise a Transvaginal sonography to rule out uterine conditions. A consultation to gynecologist will definitely help. Welcome for further suggestions. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i am masturbating daily since age of life partner died 12 years back. i am not remarried.but continued b.p gone 160/110 and 2-3 epithelial cells detected in my urine and cholestrol ayu doctor prescribed me decrin plus and he left practice and gone to very recently i suffered hematospermia which stopped later.i cant stop stocmach getting spoilt badly,indigestion,burning sensation and prickling sensation in urethra..what to do? [|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. Please understand, hematospermia has nothing to do with masturbation. Seeing blood in the semen can make a man anxious. Fortunately, it doesn't always signal a major medical problem. For men younger than 40 with no related symptoms and no risk factors for underlying medical conditions, blood in semen often disappears on its own. But for men 40 and over, chances are higher that blood in the semen needs evaluation and treatment. This is especially true for men who:1. Have repeated episodes of blood in the semen2. Have related symptoms while urinating or ejaculating3. Are at risk for cancer, a bleeding disorder, or other conditionsTherefore, you should consult a urologist for detailed evaluation of the problem without fail. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute detail possible. Hope this answers your query. Further clarifications are welcome. Good luck. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am a 68 year old male in relatively good shape, non-smoker and non-drinker......have been informed that I have a small growth in my prostate. Test 2001 was 1.81......recent test is 4.66. Should I have a biopsy? The MD is saying yes......I have other older males who say no....I would appreciate your thoughts. Sincerely, Greg Wiechert [|AI|] Hello dear, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I read and understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor answering your concern. No, you should go for biopsy. Rising PSA level in male is having two possibilities 1. BPH that is being prostatic hypertrophy.&2. Prostatic malignancy. There is one more test PSA velocity is used to measure the exact diagnosis if you don't want to do biopsy than you can do this test. High velocity of PSA is suggestive of malignancy. Biopsy will tell you exact nature of malignancy and its possible management. So in my advice you should go for biopsy and then further management. I will be happy to answer your further concern on Chat Doctor. Thank you, ChatDoctorInfectious diseases specialist, ChatDoctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My bottom second to the back tooth, may have been filled at one time. Has a black line between the gum and tooth. On the inside of the mouth and outside cheek area. It"s like someone tried to make a circle around the tooth with a black ink pen. I "m just starting to feel a little pain in it now. It has just showen up it wasn"t there a few days ago . What could this be? [|AI|] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your question, the black line between the tooth and the gum could be a hard deposit or calculus(black)...if it is on the gingival it could be a normal melanin pigmentation which usually occurs in smokers called smokers' Melanesia...nothing to worry get your teeth cleaned...if you have the habit of smoking stop it gradually...maintain oral hygiene...consult an oral physician...I hope my answer will help you...take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 13 year old sister has been having symptoms of strange behavior that started with her having chest pains and saying she can t breathe. My parents took her to the er where a brain scan was done and also a look at her heart. Everything came back normal. Today she is acting very slow and strange. She can t sleep. She says she s too hot one minute and then she gets cold a little while later. She says her feet and hands feel like pins and needles and that light is too bright and that her hair is too heavy. She talks slowly and can t seem to think clearly and answers to questions are unorganized or not relevant to the question. I am very scared for her. I asked my parents to take her to a psychiatrist but they are waiting to see if she gets better. I don t know what to do. [|AI|] Your sister is likely suffering from Conversion Reaction. This is common in this age group specially in girls. Something has happened which is subbed consciously causing problem to her. She is not able share the problem to anyone and that is increasing her distress. There may be any problem starting from onset of periods, any bulling or teasing in school, any love issues... anything. Ask your parents to talk to her regarding any problem giving assurance that they will be by her side. Once she starts communicating things will resolve. . Tab clonazepam can give her some relieve. As weight is not mentioned can't give you the dose. Hope this helps.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi doctor, I have being suffering from lowback pain, and some numbness of toes for quite some time. There is an area just above the knees (both), parallel to the hands when when stand with arms hanging down. It is fairly a small area where the feeling is different. i have consulted many neuro and orthopaedic surgeons and taken two to three MRI images along with number of x-rays. But none of those MRI s show a severe damage to the joints L4 L5 or any other area examined. But highlighted there is a slight bulging in L4 & L5, I m a regular Badminton player for the last one & half years. When playing i don t have much of difficulties, but after sitting and doing some work, it is difficult to strighten my back with one go, it takes a while for me to settle down. In addition to that if i put my right arm back of my head or extend above the head and keep resting for a while, i find it very difficult to bring it back without the healp of the other arm. But after few movements it becomes close to normal, but have very pale pain in the shoulder joint area. Would appreciate if you could advice me on the type of problem i have and how to overcome or treat to my problem. Thank you Hussain [|AI|] Hello Hussain! I just read your concerns. The pain on your lower back and numbness in your toes is caused by the bulge in your L4-L5 (lumbar area). With the description you gave me, it seems you have a nerve root compression in your back. Nerve compressions are treated initially with physical therapy, analgesics, and warm compress. For more severe cases, surgical intervention is suggested. I suggest you go to the nearest rehabilitation for you to start your physical therapy-- it will greatly reduce your pain and discomfort.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi,i had sex with my husband three days after my periods, after two hours i had an i-pill, but the next day i had sex again.. and after three days i am bleeding..will the i-pill taken the previous day still there any chance of getting peganant?? [|AI|] Hello dairy understand your concerned not worry. There is no chance of the pregnancy.1. You took I pill within 2 hours of the sex and it if highly effective in preventing the pregnancy. (95-97%)I pill does not protect against the second sexual intercourse. But2. You had sex just 3-4 days after the period, and it is completely safe period of the cycle. During this period, no ovulation take place so no fertilization. Your bleeding is a breakthrough bleeding due to progesterone with Chat Doctor. (Side effect of I pill as it contain high progesterone). It will go in next 1-2 days. Avoid sex, take healthy diet,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I was diagnosed with bursitis, wore a temporary cast, advised to wear special boot. Took a painkiller for a few weeks. Pain has increased beyond toleration affecting my work and home life . I am pretty tolerant to pain but it has now become difficult to function as I endure 17 hour days. Please advise... I stretch before rising, administer ice packs, cortisone cocktails dull pain for only a few days. I lay in bed with pillow propped under foot, I tried Yoga meditation, I take aspirin daily against my beliefs to medicate myself . I experience soreness in my calf as well... Nancy M. [|AI|] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, Bursitis is inflammation of a bursa. It may be a Trochanteric bursitis frequently causes tenderness of the outer hip and Social bursitis which can cause dull pain in the upper buttock area. The noninfectious bursitis is treated by rest, ice, and medications for inflammation and pain. Infectious bursitis can be treated with antibiotics, aspiration, and surgery. Steroid injection of corticosteroid along with a local anesthetic may also be helpful in relieving symptoms of hip bursitis. It involves a single injection into the bursa. The injection may provide temporary (months) or permanent relief. If pain and inflammation return, another injection or two, given a few months apart, may be neededOnce the pain is down do stretch of hamstrings muscle and performs muscle. The stretches to be done 5 times for the hold of 10 counts 2 times a day. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a bartholin cyst ,bt it was small and painless.but 15-20 days ago it was totaly few days ago after a sexual activity( fingaring) the cyst became larger and painful.. Nw it is itiching and rashes on it.. Whats wrong in my cyst? Is it normal? [|AI|] HelloWelcome to ChatDoctorThanks for posting your query in Chat Doctor. As the Catholics cyst is swollen and painful, it seems to be infected. So, you need to take a course of antibiotics for this along with painkillers like ibuprofen. Also give hot fomentation on the swelling daily for 4-5 times. If the symptoms won't come down by all this you need to undergo a minor procedure called marsupialization after consulting your gynecologist. Hope you are happy with the answer. Thank you
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] 786MY NAME IS RAHIMULLAH:I am 30 years old when I born from my mother I had undesinded testes when I become 14 years old I operation it right site and I operation left site when I become 26 years old I get marred tow years ago I have no children and I have azoospermia I must mention that both site became hol with its self .Rahimullah My email add is :( YYYY@YYYY )My skype name is (rahimullah100)And my phone no is: 0000 and 0000 Can I have care or no? If yes how and where? if in India how much money is need send email or add me in skype to chet and I understand youI well be faward to your answer Thanks rahimullah [|AI|] Dear Rahimullah, I do empathize your situation. If after surgical treatment for your descended testes on both the sides, your semen shows no sperms, it is now unlikely that you can have your own sperms. You can go for donors sperm; then either intrauterine insemination or in vitro fertilization with embryo transfer. However, you have to understand the legal provisions and aspects of donors semen. Each country has its different laws. Please find out the legal status before you go for donors sperms. In India, (provided there is no legal hassle) the cost depends upon the procedure required to be performed and the number of times it needs to be performed. More details may be on the Direct question. Best Wishes,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi Doctor,Im 22 year old and I have been having minor depression for the past 6 months.About 4 months ago I passed out at work due to the pain in period, my doctor suggested me taking birth control pills. Im getting worse with my depression and Im worrying the birth control pills not helping with my depression although they helped my period problem. Im feeling hopeless, please help!Hopeless [|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I can understand. Birth control pills do have these problems. Have you got diagnosed your mild depression from a psychiatrist / psychologist? You cannot diagnose depression yourself. There are certain criteria and need to diagnosed deferentially. You could just be disappointed and irritated. In such a condition also symptoms that resemble depression manifest, but are short-lived. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi Im using the product of hair 4U for past 2 months nd taking the tablet of ABDIFER my hair fall has increased Im so worried :-( hair has become so thin...Wat should I do Nw.....I took tis treatment with dermatologist consultant oly Nw I couldn contact kindly pls me out of tis of friend also took treatment for hair fall but got good result I dont knw Wat medicine she used ...she told me sum spray with get nd iron folic ... [|AI|] Hi Dear, Understanding your concern. As per your query you have symptoms of hair fall with thinning which can occur due to stress, improper hygiene, fungal infection and could be due to hormonal changes. I would suggest you to start with Minoxidil lotion first to get proper results and don't stop in between. Apply Indian gooseberries. You should consult dermatologist once for proper examination. The doctor may order skin patch test, blood test, allergic test and physical examination and may prescribe supplements like Omega-3 minoxidil spray, and vitamin E. Hope your concern has been resolved. Best Wishes,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello sir, i have an allergy to mosquitoes and if they bite me, i get a lot of itching, and later spots which wont heel for days also, after its gone it leaves a dark spot, one doctor i consulted before said its a rare dermatological condition which occurs on fairer skin people. i desperately need to know the cure, its only on my hands and legs, n i feel embarrassed to wear small sleeve dresses [|AI|] Dear Shine, This is a normal response to an insect bite, especially mosquitoes, that you get. The response to fiery red ants, wasps and bees may provoke an anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction) response but not against mosquitoes. A mild potency steroid cream (dexamethasone) and anti-histamines taken over 3-4 days usually suffices as treatment of skin reactions to mosquito bites in adults. However, if you are getting bruises or dark areas on severe scratching, you need to ensure that you do not have an abnormal platelet number (low) that leads to the bruising. A complete blood count test should tell you the platelet number. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a serious case of ringworm, so I ordered syscan 100 and wish to take them to heal myself of the athletes feet disease, which is spreading over my body. Im in perfect health other than I have Hepatitus C. The reason Im doing this is because the doctor I see will do nothing for me, and no explanation for his decision not to treat. [|AI|] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, As you are having ringworm infection which should be confirmed by physical examination. The fungus is the normal commensalism of the wet areas, and it can sustain for longer period of time in wet and poor hygiene areas.This fungus is kept under control by helpful organisms, whenever there is an imbalance in the environment it will multiply and produces symptoms. For the present symptoms I would suggest you to follow1. Keep the area Chat Doctor. Oral Terminating, 250 mg,once a day for 6-12 weeks3. Topical agents like clotrimazole need to be applied daily. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i am 23 year old male i have had jaundice once when i was born and 2nd time at the age of 14 and now again i am suffering from jaundice i have done my blood test in which serum bilirubin total and direct are above the normal levels AL-T(SGPT) is 2245 out of 30-65 ,gamma gt (ggt)149 and alkaline phosphatase 151 .my current doc has kept my case under observation i wanted to have a second opinion i am currently suffering from nausea which makes me really uncomfortable . [|AI|] Hi there, thanks for putting your faith in Chat Doctor. I would rather appreciate you for a more concise and detailed note of your history. However, I would have preferred to know the bilirubin levels though, as well as any associated symptoms like itching, decreased appetite or vomiting you experience along with increased levels of bilirubin as jaundice is a symptom which is basically the rise of the yellowish pigments (bilirubin in your body) which are normally converted by liver in soluble forms and excreted into your gut to be excreted out of your body with the stools. The first such incidence of its rise which you experienced in your neonatal life which resolved itself is a type called physiological jaundice, and it is not considered to be a disease, so you need not worry about that, but the second incidence in your adolescence might be because of acute hepatitis which in the majority of cases is viral. But its recurrence is a bigger concern for me as it needs a detailed evaluation to rule out any other cause of chronic liver disease. Though such higher levels of ALT are usually present in Hepatitis A or E which resolves by itself between 1-2 weeks approximately. Your GGT levels indicate around 5 times of the normal levels of your age group which is suggestive of intrahepatic homeostasis or inflammatory hepatitis again favoring an acute inflammatory cause which is likely viral mostly and is water born disease with self remission. If these levels were as high as 10-30 times we would have suspected any obstruction of bilirubin outflow (aka biliary tract diseases) which are unlikely in your case. Also, that there are some diseases which interfere in conversion of insoluble bilirubin into soluble ones or in the excretion inside liver cells due to enzyme deficiencies, which when present or detected in adolescence or afterwards is Gilbert's disease in most of the cases which needs monitoring only along with symptomatic care with no long term treatment need. If I were your physician I would have ordered viral sexologies for hepatitis, along with an ultrasound for liver size and structure as well as outflow tracts from liver and their patency, along with an albumin globulin ratios. I would also have been interested to know synthetic functions of your liver by monitoring INR to see for any need of vitamin K supplementation. The ideal treatment is rest, Fluids, HY Chat Doctor. Also, that if you were experiencing and symptoms of itching, decreased intake, severe vomiting or
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello doctorfor last few months im feeling really upset, frustrated and i think the reason is my activity schedule..theres no perfect timing of sleeping, eating..i feel very tired and lazy..plzz help me...suggest me how much should i need to sleep as im 17 and plz do keep in mind that ive to study atleast 6 hours daily, my school time is 6:30am to 2:30am and my other classes are from 5:00pm to 9:00pmand apart from this schedule i need to give time to self studies, and atleast 5-6 hrs. and my parents sugget me that i should wake up early in the morning and study even my professor suggest me that too...but im not a realy riser, i study late at night for about 2:00pm to 3:00pm and then i feel irritated the whole day..please suggest me a perfect time to sleep with ragard to my studies..and heatlh....also i want to tell you that whenever i face some tention or anythng my hands and foot get cold and i had consulted a doctor earlier, he asked me to consult a nurologist.. [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in. Sleep hygiene is very important. You may like to reschedule your day and have a short refreshing nap for about 15 minutes in the afternoon. It is difficult to concentrate on any study for more than an hour, and you may take a 5-minute break after every hour of study. Also include simple activities like meditation and listening to music but not more than 10 to 15 minutes at a time. Try to get sleep by 12 o clock in the night and wake up by 6 in the morning. You will have difficulty for two weeks and then get used to it.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 56, 175cm and 80 kg. I am diabetic (HbA1c = 6.7) and have elevated cholestrol and low HDL; I am hypertensive. I take medication for all these conditions. My normal heart rate is 78-80. Recently the heart rate has increased to about 90 and sometimes climbs to 120 after i lie down. What could this be due to? [|AI|] hide you snore at night, have interrupted sleep, excessive daytime sleepiness, if yes it suggests OSA, and it needs a treatment, and it could be a cause for elevated heart rate. Also smoking, low hemoglobin, anxiety, some medicine like inhalers may lead to it. One thyroid test should also be done. Anyway if no reason is found you should monitor your at rest pulse rate and if high need to take medicine beta blocker like Metoprolol. So you should discuss with local doctor. For your cholesterol you should avoid fatty, sugary diet and regular exercises. Also get tablets like atorvastatin 10 mg bedtime prescribed from local doctor and continue this lifetime since this medicine has got cardio protective effect.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have what appears to be psoriasis on the front of my left leg, between the shin and ankle. Is there an over the counter cream I can use to help alleviate the itching and help heal it? I just received my paperwork on Covered Calif,. so I will be seeing a physician soon. Thank you, Melinda Thanks, however, I am not in the position to pay for online consult . I will wait until I see a DR. Thanks [|AI|] Hello, Thank you for posting on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern regarding the skin lesions but It's difficult to say whether it is psoriasis or eczema in absence of clinical examination. Therefore, I insist you to post good clinical pictures to me so that I can help you in a better way. You can reach me directly through the below-mentioned link. ChatDoctor .com/doctors/ Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello I am a 52 year old female with hasamotios disease and had blood work done not fasting and had a hemoglobin of 5.9 could this cause this to be high and i have also had anemia in the past and by t4 is 2.0 and tsh is 0.050 and I still feel tired all the time. [|AI|] Hihaemoglobin 5.9 at any age is suggestive of anemia. Now low count can be due to1) low production of He due to multiple cause -nutrition deficiency(most common iron and or it. B12), hormonal (hypothyroidism common), or defect at bone marrow level where He production happens. Complete blood count with RBC MORPHOLOGY will suggest the exact cause.2)rapid destruction of RBC due to hemolytic tendency in infectious and autoimmune cause. Serum level bilirubin (specially indirect) will increase in hemolytic anemic condition.3)internal or external hemorrhage(like hemorrhagic) also falls the He short, low He, is the just sign of many has to be found out with proper investigations
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] At first it was abnormal liver functions, then fatty liver disease , then with a ct enterography..lesions on my liver..i also have had chronic pancreatitis following a botched removal of my gallbladder with injury to my main bileduct...i keep trying not to think cancer...have been so sick...should also say i have been on many meds ocer the years..and for the last five years or so..have been on vicodin ..tizanidine..morphine..neurontin.. [|AI|] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. If you don't have hepatitis or cirrhosis then possibility of having cancer isn't big, but those lesions must be evaluated. It can be localized fatty infiltration but also liver cancer or metastases. You should do detail work up including PET CT scan. What about your liver enzymes and bilirubin. If this is raised then something is wrong, obviously. Your Chat Doctor. Wish you good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi my daughter fell over a bike that was lay on the ground back in march. She was 21months at the time. This left a lump on her shin and bruising. The bruising has gone but she still has a lump on her leg. it doesnt seem painful to touch but is this normal for a lump to still be there? [|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. She has history of trauma and injuries. It leads to hematoma formation and produce lump. It will clear with in few days. She should take anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a rash on both legs and on my belt line.One Dr. said Yeast infection and gave me triaderm 0.1% with no improvement I went back and the DR, gave me viaderm k c cream. the rash spread and got more pain full at the ER myblod sample indicated Phosphorus too high, should I be concerned? I am 81 yrs old [|AI|] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, As you are having symptoms of fungal infection, your doctor has advised creams like Rider cream is a triamcinolone acetone which helps to reduce the swelling, itching, and redness that can occur in these types of fungal infection. Viaderm KC is also having same Chat Doctor. E triamcinolone acetone is a topical corticosteroid prescribed to treat an irritation, pain, and swelling associated with injuries. Side effects that may occur while using these creams like pain, burning, or irritation at the application site. The most common cause of elevated phosphorus levels in the blood is decreased kidney function. Rarely, it is due to excess intake of phosphorus or vitamin D, which increases absorption of phosphorus from the small intestine. As you are having increased phosphorus level you need to undergo renal function test to see other parameters. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I noticed a painful lump on the ball of my foot but experienced no trauma to cause the lump. When I rubbed it, a rather large bruised area appeared around the lump as well as the big toe and side of my foot. The bruising is gone, but the lump is still there. The lump is firm but not hard and still tender to touch and put weight on. Could it be a Ganglion cyst? [|AI|] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, Heel of the foot is not a common site of ganglion cyst. Painful lump on the heel can be due to soft tissue thickening known as fasciitis. Bruising commonly occurs due to trauma most commonly or due to platelets disorder or vessel disorders. However, a clinical assessment and relevant investigations are required to know the exact nature of the lesion. Consult your orthopedic for examination and further work up. Thanks and take care Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i m pretty sure i have pericoronitis, what antibiotics do i need to make this go away, or what are my next steps to recovery [|AI|] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor forum, as you are aware that peritonitis is inflammation of soft tissue that covers your erupting tooth, you should perform warm saline rinses 3-4 times a day. This will relieve pain as well as resolve inflammation. You should visit your dentist, he might place a medicated pack over the soft tissue, it usually takes a week to completely resolve, but depends on from case to case. Your dentist will prescribe you antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medicine according to your condition, kindly keep doing rinses and keep that area clean off food debris.I wish you good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I was diagnosed with a kidney infection 12 days ago. put on cipro for two weeks. had a cat scan that showed a cyst in kidney. I was feeling good until today when the back pain returned. I have 2 days left of cipro but im concerned because of the pain returning. does this mean the cipro is not working? [|AI|] HelloThanks for your query, based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have Cyst in your kidney and UTI and have been taking antibiotics (Ciprofloxacin)for a week but still has pain. The cysts in the kidneys are benign cyst and can not be cured with any antibiotics. Please get your routine urine test and urine culture done to find out the organisms causing this infection and antibiotics to which they are sensitive to. Please take broad spectrum antibiotics like Čeferin along with urinary antiseptic like Nitrofurantoin twice daily and urine alkalizer thrice daily. Later on switch on to appropriate antibiotics as per culture report. Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. Get the prescription of medicines from your family Physician. Ensure to
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello. Im a 20-year old healthy female. Today, I went for blood donation for the first time ever. Everything went fine, I didnt even feel dizzy... Just drowsy. However, when I was there, the injection site continued to bleed. And now, 7 hours later, its still bleeding... But a lot less and slower... Should I be worried? :( [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for asking. Based on your query, my opinion is as follows.1. 7 hours later if still bleeding from site, it is worrisome. However, if you are moving the limb and did some heavy work, then not to worry.2. If you did not have similar episodes previously, when you were injured, then it is nothing to worry.3. Put pressure on it for 5 minutes and then do not move the arm much. If it still continues to bleed, the hemostats is test like Bleeding time, PT and APT is necessary. Meet your doctor at the earliest. Hope it helps. Any further queries, happy to help again.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am being treated for bronchitis. I took a five course of arithromycin. I felt better and then worse again. My doctor prescribed Augmentin. After the third dose, I woke up with excessive saliva, eventually vomiting several times. Is this likely an intolerance to the Augmentin? [|AI|] Hello. Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history. I would like to ask you a few more questions like: What is the total duration of your illness? Why did you need 5 courses of azithromycin? At what interval and for what duration did you take azithromycin? Did you have any blood reports? If yes, what were they? What are the other medications you are taking currently? Did you have fever? After antibiotic course, do you have fever at present? Did you have sucChatDoctorplaints in past? etc. etc. However, from your history, I would like to suggest you following:1. I would first think of gastritis as cause for excessive salivation and vomiting. It can be due to any antibiotics or some other medicines also. So it does not necessarily suggest intolerance to Augmenting. I would suggest you antacid like omeprazole or pantoprazole half-an-hour before meal for at least 7 days/as long as you are taking antibiotics/medications whichever later. 2. Please continue your other medications as prescribed by your doctor.3. If you have not had complete blood count, I would like to suggest getting it done. It may be helpful in deciding whether you need further antibiotics. Personally, if counts are normal and if you no longer have fever also, I would not prescribe antibiotics.4. Taking Augmenting after meals will also help. 5. Please try to avoid smoking, caffeinated beverages, hot & spicy meals. Hope this will be helpful to you. Wish you a quick recovery and the best of the health. Should you have any query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] With Helicobacter pylori, how does it enter through your mouth? Is it Via food or contact with a human for eg; kissing . How does it enter the body in the first Place ? What are the correct procedures to get rid of the problem? If by diet, what foods are recommended? [|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. H.pylori is not an inhabitant of the mouth, so it is not transmitted through the kissing. It only enters the stomach through the foods, and the water, especially the green leafy vegetables, vegetables etc. If there is H.pylori infection, it causes the peptic ulcer, and cured only by using the specific antibiotic along with the anti ulcer ants. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I started having chest pains after my car accident which was 2 years ago and my chest hurts in the middle and a couple of times I left like I had something heavy on my chest.. Is there anything I could do so it would stop hurting because I dont have medical insurance [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Your chest pain is mostly due to accident you had in the past. It is musculoskeletal in nature. No need to worry much for this. Apply warm water pad on affected areas of chest. Take simple painkiller like paracetamol or ibuprofen. Avoid movements causing pain. Avoid heavyweight lifting and strenuous exercise. Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi doctor My age is 25 and I have just completed my p.g from last 3 month I m going through lots of stress. Actually that is love problem she left me and I m going through a trauma. Even I cant focus on my career. I cant sleep whole night. What should I do I really dont know should I take sleeping pills. please help me. [|AI|] Hello thanks for asking It is common in youngsters to develop symptoms of anxiety and depression after relationship problems especially after breakup. You are not able to sleep properly and this is causing significant distress and is affecting your carrier. Taking sleet pills will not cause the condition to improve. You have to face the situation. Sleeping pill will make you dependent and this can prove deleterious to your health. If you are not able to control your anxiety and depression symptoms then I would advise you to consult a Psychiatrist for expert opinion. Medicines like Mirtazapine can be used as antidepressant Chat Doctor. Thanks, consult a Psychiatrist for detailed prescription.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I have problem in breathing, cough and chest pains due to nasal bone growth. I had consulted ENT specialist and they prescribe medicines to me but problems was repeated after some days. Now doctor suggest to do operation. I want to know is this operation safe and solve my problems forever ? Please suggest. [|AI|] Hi, thank you for providing the brief history of you. As you mentioned your clinical symptoms I feel all the possible medication has been tried to make sure your problem is solved. But unfortunately your cough, breathlessness and chest pain hasn't come down. What I will explore here is that the lung tissues are treated with simple way and naturally. As most medication are symptomatic and not a cure purpose basis. For the cough and breathlessness this happens due to poor respiratory system. The best way to improve the poor respiratory system is by improving the lung capacities in the form of doing regular breathing exercises and nebulization. Now nebulization will help loosen the mucous and breathing exercises will help improve the strength in the respiratory system. The chest pain is due to the weakness of the respiratory muscles as the respiratory muscles woo get tired and fatigue due to breathlessness and heavy work of the respiratory system. Now in my clinical practice most patients with such issues are referred to physical therapy for strengthening the respiratory muscles and most of them are above 80+, who gets helped for their breathlessness issue. Regarding the operation, I will advise you to try out physical therapy for regaining strength of the respiratory muscles, and you can surely avoid the surgery. As per me, I do not feel the operation will solve your problem. RegardsJay In Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi. i am currently on antibiotics for a tooth infection and having 1gm of amoxillin twice a day. I use Jack 3D preworkout supplement , but have stopped using it ever since I am on antibiotics. Also I used to take amino acid tablets and protein drinks after workout. Kindly suggest if it would be advisable to continue using the supplements during the antibiotic course which is to be continued for 7 days as advised by the dentist. [|AI|] HelloWelcome to ChatDoctorYou didn't mentioned that is this acute infection or chronic infection. I suggest you to go for amoxiclav-625 combination twice a day along with that you should take some multivitamin like Tenvit-plus capsules because these antibiotics suppress bacterial flora which is good for our body. You may also take antacid like omeprazole -20 mg if you any gastric problem with them. I also advise you to do some dietary modification like take more of green leafy vegetables, pulses, sprouts, egg, meat, milk, chicken, fish, other seafoods, fruits, juices, and Chat Doctor. It's really important for you. Take Care Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] The other day I landed on my feet and twisted my knee (I m a cheerleader) and it s felt stepperated and just wrong ever sense, I tumbled on it again tonight and when I got home I stepped on that leg and felt a snaping feeling in my knee and it made like a popping noise, iv never had a single body part swell before and it s got slight bruising oh and the pain radiates down my shin and back of my leg to my ankle [|AI|] Hi, Thank you for providing the brief history of you. As the pain is radiating in nature, a thorough neuromuscular assessment is advised. This kind of pain occurs due to pinch of the nerve root in the lumbar spine and radiates down the leg depending upon the dermatome and motor regions. Also, with simple physical therapy, you should get maximum benefits. As per the research, majority of cases recover with physical therapy and have a better functional ability. RegardsJay In Chat Doctor.