The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my daughter is 20, she has very bad pains n her stomach, belly swollen. she had her gallbladder out in march. she was told she had the start of chrons.. but now they say they r not sure if it question is why does she have this pain and why would her belly be swollen? [|AI|] HI. History of cholecystectomy noted. The swollen belly along with severe pain in abdomen has to be taken as intestinal obstruction unless proved otherwise. I would advise the following:: Standing X-ray of the abdomen along with Blood-complete blood picture, kidney functions tests, blood sugar fasting and post-lunch, Urine-routine, microscopy, culture and sensitivity (before start of antibiotic)Ultrasonography of abdomen. Colonoscopy is also very important.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have had a pulsating feeling in my left mid back for about a week and I get dizzy,light headed, short of breath, and my chest gets tight when I workout. I went to the doctor and they did a chest x ray and said I was fine and thought I had bronchitis but it hasn t gone away? [|AI|] Welcome, after going through your problem my view that you might have asthma/ chronic bronchitis /ankylosing spondylitis. For diagnosis please have the following tests done X-ray Torso lumber spine, cbc, esr, crp, HLAb27, and spirometer for lung volumes, have a CCT chest done. Meanwhile, take rest, take good nutritious diet, morning walk, aerobic exercises(if tolerable). Consult philologist and orthopaedician.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Since I was 15, I have been in a dreamlike state, which I feared to be Depersonalisation disorder. I am 29 now and this feeling has not gone away, even for a moment, in the last 14 years. I have done more searching and found this thing called Oneirophrenia. I am aware that I have sugar problems and need to get it under control, but do not know exactly what to get tested for. Can Oneirophrenia last this long without any relief?Which tests would determine this diagnosis? [|AI|] Oneirophrenia is a clinical diagnosis that your doctor makes after reviewing your history. It is a diagnosis that is now RARELY made. You should consult a psychiatrist who will evaluate you in detail. Chat Doctor. Depending on your complaints and history, the doctor may or may not order some tests. You say that you have sugar problem. If you are diabetic, then follow guidance of your doctor regarding medicines, diet and exercise. I hope this answers your question.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] DEAR SIR.I AM 26YRS OLD.I HAVE GOT A LUMP ON MY LOWER NECK.MY FAMILY DOCTOR TOLD ME TO TAKE CT SCAN AND ULTRA SOUND OF NECK AND CHEST.IT IS FOUND THAT MIDLINE LIPOMA.MY QUESTION IS THAT ANY PROBLEM WILL BE THERE FOR MY IN FUTURE IT MAY CHANGE TO CANCER.AND I NEED TO REMOVE IT OR NOT? [|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have some soft tissue tumor like lipoma or neurofibroma. You should go for fine needle aspiration cytology or biopsy and ultrasound study. It will give you exact diagnosis. If it is lipoma then it can be left there. There is very rare chance of malignancy in it. So if you don't want to remove it then also it's ok. Only indication of surgery is pain, cosmetic purpose or increase in size. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my daughter is 13 weeks pregnant and has a tsh level of 3. her T4 level is 15.1 she is aware that this tsh level may cause neurological problems in her unborn baby and other problems. is this serious enough to consider terminating a pregnancy and how likely is this condition to affect her baby. [|AI|] Hithanks for using Chat Doctor. Her TSH level is on higher side according to her gestational period, but you mention T4 that is 15.1, is not sufficient as we need free T4 level. If free T4 level is on lower side that mean she is suffering from Hypothyroidism and need levothyroxine after consulting an endocrinologist. Hypothyroidism in pregnancy if left untreated can cause neurological problem in unborn baby. I don't think that this level you think of terminating the pregnancy. You keep continue watch over TSH and free T4 level and take levothyroxine if indicated or advise by endocrinologist. Thanks
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] sir/madam, i am 32 year old and am smoking from 17 years not a heavy smoker but just 5-6 in 24hrs. Now my problem is that from last 2 years i am feeling pain in my chest on the right side, i went to a chest specialist and he told me there is nothing to worry about. but i am little concern about this as sometimes the pain goes hard. please reply [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Since you are a chronic smoker, pleurisy (inflammation of pleura) can cause similar kind of chest pain. In pleurisy, all reports, chest x-ray, PUT (Pulmonary Function Test) are normal. So in my opinion, you should quit smoking as soon as possible. Take simple painkiller and anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. Apply warm water pad on affected areas of chest.Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi. I took postinor 2 twice the previous month and I got my period. I then had sex on the 1st of September and I think I was ovulating, so I took postinor 2 immediately. I feel strange,so I did a urine test whicChatDoctore back negative(I did this 8 days after unprotected sex). Please what are my chances of still being pregnant? [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for letting us know your health concern. You are well protected even if you were ovulating during the sexual act as you took the emergency contraceptive pill soon after the intercourse. The home pregnancy test cannot read so soon if you suspect pregnancy. You have to go for the blood test. Also, since you consumed the emergency contraceptive pill several times in recent times, your hormone balance is going to be disrupted and a such, you can expect erratic cycles. Do not use the pill more than once or twice per year. Instead, go for regular contraception. Please get further help from your consultant. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my son has a SGOT LEVEL OF 75 & SGPT LEVEL OF 195, TOTAL BILIRUBIN IS 0.8, DIRECT BILIRUBIN 0.5 AND INDIRECT AT O.3. HEPATITIS C TEST SHOWS 0.07 AND HEPATITIS B IS NON REACTIVE. MY SON DOESNT HAVE ANY SYMPTOMS OF HEPATITIS A . I WANT TO KNOW HOW TO DECREASE HIS SGOT AND SGPT LEVELS WHICH ARE IN THE RANGE OF 160-200 AND SGOT 47-75 [|AI|] Hello, Rajiv.PEC, I am sure that when they did tests for hepatitis, they did for all three types. You mention that he was positive for Hep-C. I think you need more information about the tests they did for Hepatitis -C. This type, in most people, does not produce any symptoms (Although rarely) it goes into what is called "ChronicHepatitis". At this stage, the liver enzymes stay abnormal and one can experience symptoms of fatigue, aches and pains in the joints, skin rash, poor appetite etc. It is important to rule this out. Type-A hepatitis comes from eating or Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have had a chesty cough for 8 weeks I ve tried benlyn cough mixture various cough tablets. Black magic cough mixture and antibiotics I still feel very ill and I am coughing so much I go dizzy I still have a very chesty cough and don t know what to do [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. You are having chronic chesty cough (cough with expectoration) since 2 months which is not improved by routine OTC (over the counter) Chat Doctor. So better to consult pulmonologist and get done clinical examination of respiratory system, chest x-ray and PFT (Pulmonary Function Test) to rule out lung infection and bronchitis. You may need higher antibiotics, inhaled bronchodilators (formoterol or albuterol) and N acetyl cysteine (NAC) depending on the reports.Don't worry, you will be alright. First diagnose and then start appropriate treatment. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i have a swollen groin glad and a swollen lump just outside my anal hole together with some sores around it, i have had this in the past but have never had it checked out. Recently had sex with my husband after a long break due to young child but dont know if this has any relevance. [|AI|] Hi. The groin lumps can very well be lymph nodes secondary to trivial injuries one gets during intercourse after a long gap. The lump outside the anal whole may have different pathology (unless there was fiddling) This may be a cellulitis, / boil/ prolapsed pile. You have to undergo a proper clinical examination to be done by a Doctor who can catch many of the problems on your proper history and physical examination and can then guide for further investigations and treatment.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have very tight muscle in my neck on left side and back of neck. Had massage and Chiropractor visits but gradually improving. Not sure of cause but nowim getting left upper arm muscle spasms that are a noticeable pulsing and I just realized it was noticeable after I did a workout. Would it be a neck muscle strain, or something more concerning. What is the best method to fix the problem. Feels like a pinched nerve but exray doesn t show anything [|AI|] Hi, thank you for providing the brief history of you. As you have a doubt of the pinched nerve in the cervical spine, then an x-ray will not reveal such nerve compression because x-ray show roughly the idea about the bone and fractures. Also, for nerve injuries in the cervical spine usually an MRI is advised to see the amount of disc pressure applied on the nerve root. Also, chiropractor can help to unlock the facet joints and there by spasm can be relieved, but the actual compression on the nerve root may not get relived. Besides, massage can help soothe the muscles and lead to vasodilation to the muscle and reduce the pain. For the proper way to handle the fiscal injuries the muscle strength has to be regained as by regaining the strength the inter vertebral space is maintained and the compression from the nerve root will be elevated. That is how the in my clinical practice we rehabilitate the patients. RegardsJay In Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am mother of two boys,my bigger son, he is 15 years old and i have a strong feeling that he shakes his pennis because i have found some white spots in his underwear. Does shaking penis will harm my 15 yr old kid?what are the symptons of shaking penis? [|AI|] Hello. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. Masturbation is natural, normal and never unhealthy. It also does not affect your sons growth or intellect. But make sure that someone speaks to him about this and warm him from overdoing it. Safe frequency is three or four times a week. Hope I have answered your query. You can contact me for treatment options. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My brother had the blood supply partially cut off to his spleen because of bad varices in his stomach and esophagus. He also has blood clots in the hepatic portal vein area and threw a pulmonary embolism after the spleen surgery. He is on coumadin now and breathing fine without oxygen but he still has a shooting pain from his spleen up to his clavical and has started to have tremors. Is this normal after the spleen surgery and will the nerve (that is what the hospital said the pain was from) ever die or stop causing his so much pain or do you have any suggestions on what can stop the pain. Thanks so much. [|AI|] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. This is referred pain caused by Phoenix nerve irritation due to enlarged spleen and raises intra-abdominal pressure. It won't stop until speed is enlarged. Spleen can be removed, but it may be risky in such patients. There some potent painkillers with might help based on opiate. He should consult with his doctor about it. It is to expect that nerve will die or stop pain producing, unfortunately. Tratmen of cause will make all symptoms easier.Wish you good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 36 years old i am overweight and my height is 5-8 I had ultra sound in which about my pelvis is mentioned as Pelvis: Bulky uterus with irregular endometrial lining with nodularity and calcification with bil adnexal fts of irregular echotexture, nodularity and distortion. i want to know that do i have chance of getting pregenant or not. [|AI|] Hi Shamanic,your ultrasound needs to be redone again. Bulky uterus with distortion usually means that there is an anatomical defect like fibroid etc. There is no mention of that in the report. So the main thing here is how severe the distortion is. If your periods are regular, there may be a small chance but with severe distortion, there are high chances of miscarriage. I would suggest that you repeat the ultrasound.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello! Our daughter is 30 months old. For the past several months she was getting ill very often after she has had an enteric infection in the summer when she was treated with antibiotics. After that she had colds or flu several times, stomatitis, with a high fever. Recently when again she had a flu as we thought, our doctor advised to make some tests (blood, urine for dysbacteriosis etc.). The results returned with Proteus Vilgaris in her urine, sensitive to cyprofloxacin. Ultrasound for kidneys is fine, blood shows eosinophil - 1, white cells 5, neutrophyle lymphocyte 39, segment 53, ESR - 3. Can this be the reason why she is getting ill so often? If the reason is Proteus Vulgaris should there be any other symptoms apart from the fever? If we use antibiotics again will we supress her immune system even further? Should we repeat the urine test in case it is a mistake as we might have not collected her urine properly? Thank you very much in advance! [|AI|] If urine test is positive for Proteus Vulgarism you will have to take appropriate antibiotics for urinary tract infection. Regarding recurrent episodes of cough cold and fever, it's not unusual for a baby under the age of a year to have frequent coughs and colds. At this age the bodies immune system is still immature, so a baby is likely to develop symptoms such as a cough, runny nose and sometimes a temperature when they become infected witChatDoctormon viruses. Other causes of sucChatDoctorplaints are Allergy, chronic Rhinosinusitis etc. For further queries regarding this disease or its medications you may take my appointment at Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I am 18, I have a significant size lump under my last molar on the right side of my mouth, it s pretty from the surface of the gum. It doesn t hurt, there is no discoloration (yet), it s hard, I don t have a sore throat , or hurt to swallow so far. I don t know if it s a wisdom tooth , if it is then it s coming in sideway s. I don t know if it s a cancerous mass or not. On a side a note, I am a football player, our season has been over for two months but we still play backyard football. I lost a little part to my filling to the molar that the lump is under after a tackle about three weeks ago. I am going to the dentist next week. pleaseee give me feed back, I AM EXTREMELY WORRIED! [|AI|] There can be many reasons behind the swelling but what I feel from your description is that the swelling is MUSCLE (though it requires a clinical examination). Muscles are lumps formed as a result of saliva the escapes into the tissue from damaged salivary glands (minor). They are translucent and bluish gray in color. The main cause is trauma. Usually they burst down but if not then requires surgical removal under local anesthesia. The bump in the gum can be hard or soft swelling. They are usually related to infection due to adjacent tooth. It is advised to see a dentist for clinical evaluation and correct diagnosis.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My daughter tested positive for the barr virus (mono). After 5 days in the hospital and terrible headaches they ordered an mri showing small blood clots in her brain. Cerebral vein thrombosis. She has since had blood tests done that have come back abnormal. She is on warafin. I have been looking for information connecting the two. Mono and clots. She is only 21, an athlete was in great shape before all this. She has lost 20 pounds because of the nausea and now is getting little sleep. We have Kaiser Insurance. We were told to wait 6 weeks for another blood test and in the meantime take oxycoden for the headaches. In 6 weeks if the blood test are still abnormal he will refer us to a hematologist. My question is should we seek a 2nd opinion and is there anything else we should be doing for her? [|AI|] Hi, Hypercoagulable state is a condition whicChatDoctormonly comes about because of infectious states, deny Chat Doctor. The blood clots are referred to as sinus venous thrombosis or venous thrombosis, and they are in the venous circulation of her body...which is not a bad thing compared to if they would be on the arterial side in which case she may have suffered acute strokes....not to minimize the gravity of the current situation....she's got a bit of work to do to get normal....but she's not lost any neurological function due to the clots....just slowed her down...and giving her some mild headaches, I'm sure. Since your daughter has been diagnosed with ABV...then, that is likely the most plausible explanation for her blood clots, severe headaches, cloudy thinking, etc. The good news is that shell get better...she's on an oral anticoagulant though current guidelines actually recommend she NOT be given orals. If she's converted to warfarin then, I'd ask the doctor if he'd consider something instead like Eliquis (newer version of warfarin such that no INR testing is really needed, less bleeding complications overall). I'm not sure why they chose oxycodone for headaches. CVT headaches have been shown to have pathophysiology very similar to migraine, and they do respond to standard migraine regimens. She may benefit from IV THE (dishy
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] In 2008-2009 I was diagnosed with Ewing s Sarcoma. I did a years worth of chemotherapy and 6 weeks straight of radiation. They moved my right ovary over so it won t get damaged from radiation. I ve been in a relationship for over 6 yrs now and me and my partner really want to conceive. I am getting a little doubtful. It is hard for me to find out exactly when, or if I do ovulate because I don t have normal periods (every month ) my period only comes when it wants to and out of nowhere. I finally had a period on my own last month which really surprised me and made me happy. It s February 20th today and I should have started my period by now but haven t yet. On another note, last night me and my partner were getting a little touchy last night and he even noticed that I had a thick clear discharge in my vagina. I know it normally happens before a period but I m not getting no cramps at all. Which I always do before I start. I ve never had this kind of discharge are all before and I have been sexually active since the day I ended my last period which was in January 27th. Does anyone have any guess or answers at all as to why I had this unusual discharge last night and if this is some kind of sign, could I possibly be pregnant or is my body finally functioning the way it s supposed to. Since I did have a period last month does that mean I can and do still ovulate [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in. It is possible that after getting treated for Ewing's sarcoma by chemotherapy and radiation therapy, you have had a sub fertility and this is due to hormonal imbalance. If your periods are not regular then please consult your gynecologist and follow treatment to regularize it. Ovulation occurs 14 days before periods in most women. However since your periods are irregular therefore it is not easy to predict ovulation in your case. There are home test kits available to monitor ovulation or do ultrasound follicle monitoring around the time of ovulation. When your periods are regular then you might use the ovulation kit to know exactly when you are most fertile and conceive. If there is persisting difficulty in monitoring ovulation then there is a chance of pregnancy by artificial reproductive techniques. Please do not worry.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have one foot that is very dry, itchy. Some times i end up peeling my skin and it starts to bleed, sometimes i peel a bump or two that have clear like subtance that comes out. I also have itchy toes which i was told it was chiggers, not sure if the chiggers clear or itchness is part of what i have on the bottom of my foot. The strange part is i have it bad on one side of my foot and the other side is just my toes. [|AI|] Hello and welcome to ChatDoctor Chat Doctor. I would ask you get a KOH wet mount from the scale, for a confirmatory diagnosis. If KOH wet mount shows fungal elements, then you could apply a topical OTC antifungal cream e.g. clotrimazole cream, twice daily for 4-6 weeks. An oral antifungal e.g. fluconazole 150 mg once weekly for 4-6 weeks is also advisable for a confirmed fungal infection. An OTC antihistamine e, g cetirizine 10 mg once daily would help you in providing symptomatic relief from itching. Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have been having some back and chest pains for about 2 weeks. I have an echocardiogram, stress test, egg and an angiogram. The stress test and ekg were abnormal but when they did the angiogram, there were no blockages. The echo was ok as well. should i be concerned? [|AI|] Hello Thanks for posting at Chat Doctor. ECG,2 d echo and treadmill tests are non-invasive tests which can be false positive. An angiography is an invasive test which directly visualizes the arteries of the heart. It is a very sensitive test for heart blockages. Since there are no blockages on angiography, there is nothing to worry about. ECG and stress test will remain abnormal in your case always. Wishing you good health. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am having a lower back pain. When I get up from my sleep in the morning my back is very stiff. I take 2 tablets panadiene but does not help. I also use a hot pack on my back but it only gives momentary relief. I am also under treatment for osteoporosis. Please advise. [|AI|] Thank you for choosing ChatDoctorBased on your description, it is likely that osteoporosis can be causing the pain that you are having. I do hope that your Doctor has started you on vitamin D and Calcium to help prevent the problems and symptoms as far as possible. There are a few more things that you can do to see if they help:Ice the back for 15 mins at a time Then warm the back with a hot pack for 5 mincemeat this after 1 hours, you can do stretches for the lower back and also massage the area. Follow up after 5 days. All the best. Another therapy is giving local injections to stop the pain, but this is a last resort. Hope this helps you
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Dear SirI am 39 years old man 5 months before i have stocmach pain.then i consult one Dr.After scaning its found i have fatty liver.Dr, suggested me use medicine for three month? Dear Dr.any dangerous situation in my future life.?And what food i eat and what fruits i can eat? How i can reduce this faty liver disease? pls send me kind reply. [|AI|] Hello, saha.Kenneth, Thanks for contacting Chat Doctor. You are a young man 39 years and you have a long life ahead of you. There are several causes for fatty liver. Here in Western culture, alcohol is number one. There is a condition called metabolic syn Chat Doctor. I am sure you have been screened for all of these. If you are overweight, bring down your weight with proper diet and exercise. Essentially, you should be on a low fat diet. Avoid greasy, fried foods. Cut back on sugars and starches. Add more fresh fruits, nuts, vegetables. Try to
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i have this "mosquito" bites on the back of my knees, which was swollen, itchy and red. then it spread to a semi circle shape with liquid oozing out every time after i bathed. the next day it spread to the back of my another knee. i keep discovering new "bites" after i wake up and they are now all turning purple. it has even spread to my thighs and feet. i went to my GP and he just gave me antibiotics and a cream to apply. i even had slight fever when i visited him. the medicine does not seem to be helping and its spreading even further. [|AI|] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor If the oral antibiotics are not effective, you may need to see your doctor for reassessment. It is possible that the infection is resistant to it, and you may need an alternative. The use of anti-inflammatory medication may help with the fever and reduce the inflammation associated with the bites. This includes medication such as ibuprofen, naproxen, Catalan. You also need to wear protective clothing and insect repellent to prevent new bites. Check the surroundings for any collections of water (even a bottle cap can breed mosquitoes). I hope this helps
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi I am struggling with finding a replacement medication for Soma . I have taken them for many years for chronic back pain associated spasms and have not found anything comparable in efficiency. have tried baclofen, and flexeril to name a couple. Soma works great but, about four years ago I took two and felt kinda like I was flying, I got pretty high on those two pills. Well here I am four years later with a pretty serious addiction to them. I could drop them if I had a viable option that worked as well as the Soma W/O the high. any suggestions? [|AI|] Hi, for chronic back pain you can use moist heat .use wash wet cloth and make sure it should not be too hot that it will burn you, you can also use hot water bag but use only one type of thing from both ways of treatment do back strengthening exercise and one most important thing is posture use correct posture to sit stand and sleep if not correct it. Take care of do and don't that will also help you don't take too much muscle relaxant it will harm you. Go for physiotherapy treatment help you out. if you want to know about physio treatment more you can post us.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I went to the ED for a stiff neck i have for two days now. 3d ago I was diagnosed with possible, bells palsy. I try to tell the PA ED that I have cervical problems and also several spinal problems. I was described Valium and steroids and send home. I am a VA dis. Vet and was wondering if i should go to VA ED to get MRI on cervical spine? I also show increased signs of MS. My neck hurts into the brain, I have Migraine history for the last two years only, off and on. I am on preventative meds for that. Neck stiffness with migraine, earache, all on left side. [|AI|] Hi I did review your condition sir. I would advise you to get an MRI of brain and neck spine done to know about this earache and headache that you are having along with neck stiffness. It can be due to cervical spondylosis or arthritis, or it could be some problem within your skull bone. Another possibility is fibromyalgia, but that can be thought only after a normal MRI and spine MRI. I hope this yellowish you all the Bethany you for choosing Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have smth happening to le since couple if years. Whenever my skin is pressed for a bit long period like when holding my kid or something, i have an allergy reaction (skin turns red, feels hot and if it is pressed for long time and a little swelling after a while)Im planning to see a doc soon but could you tell what that could be?For the record, i do bodybuilding and take supplements like whey protein, creatine ang glutamine. Thanks in advance for your feedback. Regards. Younes GOUAITI [|AI|] Hello, What you are having is histamine release from tissues under the skin on the influence of pressure. Scratching or writing on the skin will leave similar marks that stay for a few minutes to maximum an hour. I do not know the exact association with body building supplements to development of physical urticaria or demographic, but if this condition has started AFTER you have begun on the supplements, then it will be best to stop and see the effect. Otherwise, long-acting antihistamines such as Allegra 180 mg once daily is the usual treatment. Best Wishes.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my 24 year old son has had recurrent chest pain. He has visited the er on at least 2 occasions for this. THe first visit he had a heart rate in the 30 s with normal b/p readings. He had to wear a heart monitor for 24 hours, apparently with no abnormalities. He has passed out at work before. He generally doesn t feel well. He does take Lithum and is monitored for levels as he has had a critical high level approx. 1 year ago. His blood was drawn last night in the ER and they stated it was abnormal and was being sent away. He is 6 3 , 165lbs and a smoker. Any thoughts would be appreciate. We live in an extremely rural area. Eastern Maine Medical Center in Bangor is 95 miles away. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Janet [|AI|] Hi, I understand your concern and would explain that your sons' heart rate seems to be little low (30 bpm). Bradycardia does not explain chest pain, but may lead to fatigue and shortness of breath. I would like to review his ECG report for a more professional opinion. As he is taking Lithium, anxiety can not be excluded either. Anyway, I would recommend performing some further tests: - a fibrogastroscopy for possible HERD or esophageal spasms- a chest X-ray study and pulmonary function tests-complete blood count, PCR, ESR for inflammation- an exercise cardiac stress test to investigate for coronary artery disease. You should discuss with his doctor on the above tests. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I was talking to my son in TN today and we were discussing allegies. He has had about 3 episodes of breaking out in a rash but first he has a burning sensation in his ears then gets dizzy and feels like he will pass out. one time it happened while in line at a convenience store another time in a restaurant. He stated that he had not had any thing unusual to eat before his occurence. Any info would be appreciated. [|AI|] Hi, Perhaps he had hives. Hives are itchy welts with surrounding flare. There can be associated dizziness and feeling of passing out in a severe reaction. Hives can happen as an allergic reaction to either food or food preservatives, Chat Doctor. I suggest him to take an oral antihistamine e.g. Tab Cetirizine once a day for a few days. Topically he may use a soothing lotion e.g. calamine lotion to calm down the rashes. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am a 26 year old lady and have been suffering from stomach ulcer for the past 8 years.I tried so many medication and even tried injections, i dont get better and they work for a short period.Im worried because now started to feel as if its swollen in the stomach and also feeling pains especially when I eat after swallowing food.I ve lost food appetite but i always force myself to eat to avoid hunger.Are the any chances of getting Cancer from Ulcer?Can it be cured?What treatment can i take? [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for posting your query. Since you did not find relief with medicines you can go for surgical management. There are many surgical procedures for gastric ulcers. Chances of ulcer transforming to cancer are there though rare. Consult a general surgeon, he is the right person. You can also directly consult a surgical gastroenterologist. Hope I have answered your query. Wishing you good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi Dr.i am 30 years old man.i had stones in my kidney from the last 2 years but i take the treatment for it and i dont now if its go outside of or not.yesterday i was so tired and i have make an ultrasound which shows minimal left sided PC dilatation what does this mean?and what should i do regarding this? [|AI|] HelloYour findings suggests minimal left PC dilatation, it means there is minimal back pressure changes in left kidney may be due to calculus in kidney etc. Your report doesn't mention calculus etc. Your condition need to evaluate about underlying cause. You need proper evaluation by a urologist, Treatment of renal calculus depend upon many things like composition, position,size of calculus etc. You may need CT scan of PUB region or MVP(intravenous paleography)to investigate the underlying cause. Treatment depend upon findings. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my grand father is not taking alcohol,drugs and other poisonous things but he is suffering from liver cirrhosis why? and how it can be treated [|AI|] Hi, welcome to Chat Doctor. What you need to know is that Cirrhosis is most commonly caused by alcoholism, hepatitis B and C, and fatty liver disease, but theses are not the only causes, there is a multitude of causes. Some cases are idiopathic, i.e., of unknown cause. You can look into these other causes, if he fits in any : *Fat that accumulates in the liver (nonalcoholic fatty liver disease)- in fat people* Iron buildup in the body (hemochromatosis)*Too much copper accumulated in the liver (Wilson's disease)*Liver disease caused by his bodies immune system (autoimmune hepatitis)*Heart problems-Repeated episodes of heart failure with liver congestion can lead to cirrhosis.*Parasite [in developing countries (schistosomiasis)] Now the treatment will depend on the cause for the cirrhosis, also the complications of cirrhosis must be treated.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi, im a teenage girl and just need help about all the things that happen to me when im at school. I get really anxious and when i stand up i get really dizzy. My hands are extremely sweaty and my hands and feet are constantly shaking. I get a tight, uncomfortable feeling in my chest and I also occasionally find it hard to swallow? why is this? [|AI|] Hi, From what you have mentioned, you seem to be manifesting symptoms of anxiety. An anxious state leads to increased heart rate, dizziness, increased sweating, tremors, tightness in chest. Often such symptoms can suddenly exacerbate leading to a heightened state of anxiety which results in panic attacks. I would suggest that you discuss your symptoms with your parents and consult a psychiatrist for initiating treatment. Medications like paroxetine would be beneficial in your condition and will help control your anxiety. In addition, you should start exercising daily. It will help you relax and feel better. I do hope that I was able to answer your query. Best wishes.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi Dr Rynne. I was diagnosed years ago with right bundle branch block. Recently my doctor prescribed cyclobenzaprine for a different problem. Online I see that one of cyclobenzaprine s contraindications is heart conduction problems Am I safe to take this drug? [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Yes, cyclobenzaprine can affect conduction system of heart and worsen underlying cardiac conduction defect. Since you are known case of right bundle branch block (RBBB), it is better not to take cyclobenzaprine as it would worsen your RBBB. Better to talk with your doctor for alternative Chat Doctor. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi doctor,i am 23yrs old,5ft, married life is of 3 and half year,once i had pregnency and had aborsion in 3rd month due to no heart i moved for 1year for follicular study and had no pregnency yet .folliculin 75 ui,tablet fertyl,glycomet,thyronorm,folvite ,apcod sachet. and now doctor is suggesting me for this very early to decide plzz give me correct answer [|AI|] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor. I have gone through your question. You had done treatment for 1 year with this medicine. I would advise that you can continue with these medicines for at least 6 months as your age is only 23 and 3.5 year married life. After 6 months if couldn't conceive then go for intrauterine insemination GUI. Hope I have answered your question. Would be happy to help you further. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My heel has been hurting for about six months now and is getting worse. I have flat feet and have insoles. I had planter pacidus. I m only 12. I have iced it every night and have tried to stay off of it. Do I have to see a doctor and wear a boot or use crutches. Whats wrong [|AI|] hi Hope this msg finds u in good health. I have gone through your complaints and understand your concern. U might be having plantar fasciitis or a bony spur under your heel that might be causing pain and inflammation. I suggest u get a X-ray done to find out what's wrong. Nothing to worry about. Hope your question has been answered. If u have any follow-up queries, feel free to consult me anytime. Thanks Take care god bless
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi,i had bad cough from last 1 n half month ,with cough i have back head pan and fore head pain,even some time chest pain.and now from 2-3 days pain or pressure around nose cheek and forehead ,even i have cold now,cough is so bad at night,not able to sleep,please advise,reason to which doctor should i meet [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. By your history and description, possibility of sinusitis and bronchitis is more likely. So Chat Doctor. Do steam inhalation and warm water gargles 5-6 times a day. Take broad spectrum antibiotic like levofloxacin or azithromycin once a day for 5 days. Also take levocetrizine and paracetamol combination twice daily. Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. If not improving in 1 week, consult doctor. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello doctor ...i am 22 yrs girl .. my weight is 60 kgs. i joined gym 15 days back...but now i have started getting back pain ...pain is not severe, but its always a discomfort...i dont do stretching before and after dis the reason for the pain.???? i also jump rope at home sometimes....2000 jumps... doctor please advice me, how to prevent this pain,while continuing my gymming... [|AI|] Hello. Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. You have to prepare your body for strenuous exercise by warming and stretching for at least 15 minutes before gumming. If you don't do it you land up with muscular injuries like you got it. For any exercise regime to be successful you have to be very, very regular. Never miss your exercises for continuous 2 days. Maximum you miss is 1 day. In present circumstance you stop gym for 10 days and go for long walks and light exercises. Start gym after 10 days and gradually increase the time and intensity of your exercises. Always stretch for 15 minutes daily before starting your exercises. Thanks and good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my 7 month old daughter has a very horse cough and is very congestant it seems to hurt her everytime she coughs. She had a chest x-ray done and it came out o.k., but that was on 5-18-11. Could there be something wrong now, when had x-ray done she didin t seem to be having pain when coughing. Just worried @ it. [|AI|] Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. Cough and cold are viral 95% of the times in child Chat Doctor. For cold, you can use anti-allergics like cetirizine and for nose block, saline nasal decongestants will do. Paracetamol can be given in the dose of 15 mg/kg/dose (max ceiling dose 500 mg) every 4-6th hourly, that too only if fever is more than 100F. I suggest not using combination medicines for fever, especially with Paracetamol. For cold, you can use Cetirizine at 0.25 mg/kg/dose every 12 hourly for 3 days. For nasal block, plain saline nasal
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, i am 29 years old. me and my husband planning for baby form last 3 years but result not possitive till now. During this time all my nessasary test had be done like TVS,HSG , FOLLICULAR STUDIE AND TSH.all my report are normal as per dr.suggetion. also i have taken sevaral medicine like sustant,ovalife,folvite,normoz,etc. Now i meet a new doctor. My doctor suggest me to take sterodin injection for 10 days beore go for PCT test. My question is that is this injection safe for me?? and what is the side effect of sterodin injection?? [|AI|] Hello, Please have fully trusted in your treating doctor. As you have all normal test reports, you need not worry about getting pregnant. Please get your partners' semen analysis done to know about the quality and quantity of sperms. Follicle study from day 10 of the cycle is helpful to know about the day of ovulation. You can opt for GUI- Intrauterine insemination on the day of ovulation or opt for unprotected sexual activity on and around the day of ovulation. Frankly speaking, Steroid injection is not a routine pharmacological agent. You can ask about the same to your treating doctor. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I was advised by Neurologist to carry out MRI of brain and MRI REPORT OF BRAIN FEW T2 AND FLAIR WEIGHTED HYPERINTENSITIES ARE SEEN IN DEEP WHITE MATTER OF BILATERAL FRONTAL LOBE IN HIGHER SECTION LIKELY CHRONIC ISCHEMIC FOCIPlease explain me the disease in detail.ThanksI DR V K JAIN, (PROFESSOR CHEMISTRY) AGE 51 YEARS [|AI|] Hi White matter Hyper intensities(WMH) of brain indicate either ischemia or dementia. They usually represent small vessel disease. They are also useful to assess effectiveness of treatment They are associated with frontal hypometabolism and executive dysfunction.WMH have a stronger effect on glucose metabolism in that region and cortical atrophy, Frontal WMH was associated with memory dysfunction in nondemented subjects. They are more likely to occur in bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder. So I hope this answers your query and if you have any further queries, you can ask us.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] H from my dentlei , I nswer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...ok i am sufring from pyria my gums swell again and again wat should i do and sometime getting blode from my gums and now from last three days my right side last gums get swelling and my mouth not open properly so wat should i do to remove this problam? [|AI|] through your query...accordingly I can say that the problem of difficulty your facing is due to periodontal abscess(pus getting collected under the tooth).nothing to thorough brushing in morning and night.use Listerine mouth wash twice.flossing also...then do salt water gargle.treatment for pyorrhea depends on the extent of the disease into bone and periodontal ligament which can be understood by better go and meet periodontist.and he will start the treatment based on X-rays...and clinical presentation.antibiotics(amoxicillin+metronidazole)may be required...and also diclofenac(painkiller).don't worry...hope your benefitted something with this reply...have a healthy day!!!
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi sir i am having palpitations from last four years with breathlessness and skipped beats , sir i had gone threw all cardiac evaluations with echo holter and tmt all was negative , doc said nothing to worry but i still annoyed with these palpitations , some times i feel sinking sensation and palpitations all day , pls sir help me what should i do now , in my holter there was only a single event of ventricular bigeminy rest was normal , sir pls guide me what should i do now. [|AI|] Hello! Welcome and thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! Your symptoms don't seem to be cardiac related (your performed tests can exclude any cardiac disorders related to your symptomatology). A single event of ventricular Gemini is quite normal in healthy individuals and doesn't indicate a cardiac arrhythmia. So relax and don't worry about it! Your heart is in optimal conditions. Your symptoms seem to be related to anxiety. I recommend consulting with a specialist of this field to help you manage with your anxiety. Psychotherapy (behavioral therapy) and physical activity (walking, yoga, recreational sports, etc.)are very helpful! You should also avoid caffeine intake, which is known to trigger anxiety. Hope to have been helpful! Best regards,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My daughter (21) studies in an Engg College at Ahmedabad (5th Sem.). She stays in an Private hostel as paying guest. We, her parents, reside in our home in NE India. She has been quite normal when she came home last vacation in July, 2010. In the last week of August she was down with viral fever & UTI. She was in the hospital from 2nd Sept. to 9th Sept. She started behaving quite unnaturally since 6th September. She first started lamenting that, due to her illness, a lot of money is being spent & her father is going to be poor. Then she started lamenting that she committed mistake in having an affair with a boy. She also told that the boy has threatened her. She started experiencing hallucination that her father is being beaten by police & goons. She told that the boy has told everyone that she was not a good girl. On 10th of Sept, when she was returning home by flight via Chennai, she fell sick at Chennai Airport. She was extremely drowsy & was subsequently hospitalised in Chennai. There she told that she had consumed 20 sleeping pills the night before though it was completely untrue. She was again sent to Ahmedabad with her mother on 19th Sept, 2010 to continue her study. She went to college on 20th but now she is bent on leaving the college & Ahmedabad. She has been telling that all the other students are neglecting her considering her a very bad girl, good students stopped talking to her, Boys are seeing her as a girl having bad character. Now she is telling that she cannot continue her study in the college with such humiliation. We believe that all these are her imagination only. But she is bent upon leaving the city & the college. What should we do? [|AI|] Hi dear. I had gone through your query. I understand your concern. All symptoms indicate pathology in thought process. Maybe it is auspiciousness and maybe it is a kind of delusional thoughts. Thoughts need to be evaluated in details. There are various good psychiatrists in Ahmedabad. Consult them. Early treatment will bring fast and better recovery. Still if you have a query then feel free to ask. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I ve been having insomnia and consequest migraine headaches for the past 8 years. The very first neurologist i met had prescribed me an MRI which concluded that everything was normal. For the past 8 years i ve been on and off neuromedicines, without any permanent relief. i ve been visiting another neurologist for the past 2 years who had prescribed me almost all kinds of Benzodiazepine family medicines over different periods of time. he had to keep rotating the meds due to me developing immunity from the particular BZD medicine. a week ago he asked me to undergo MRI scan once more, which concluded that i have MESIAL TEMPORAL SCLEROSIS on both sides (R L). thus my doctor asked me to spend 3 days at the hospital during which he had given me intra-venous medicines. 4 days ago, he asked me to stop all anti-depressants (BZD) and has prescribed me Rovastat TG (Rosuvastatin and Fenofibrate), Citistar (Citicoline 500mg) to be taken 3 times a day, as well as Dayo OD (Divalproex 250mg) taken once every night. Since i am offthe anti-depressants, i have been feeling extremely depressed for the past 3 days. I would like to know if the line of treatment is correct, and what are my medical scopes in future that i should be aware of? [|AI|] Hello, Usually, patients with medial temporal sclerosis usually have seizures as their main symptom. As advised by your doctor it's better to stop BZD its role in depression in very minimal or none. The next thing is Divalproex can helpful for your migraine headache, and also it has mood-stabilizing property, its another effect is it can cause sleepiness, and it has anti-seizure activity also. Some migraine prophylactic Chat Doctor. It's better to wait for two to three weeks for your new medication to act if depression is more bothering you newer antidepressant medication is available which a psychiatrist will prescribe. If you have abnormal lipids rosuvastatin and fenofibrate are useful or else it can be stopped. The rest can be continued. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my husband is 44 yrs old and has pain on the left side under the rib cage, very tender to touch and hurts to breathe and move, he s not one for complaining and had a high tolerance for pain, i am concerned. should we head to the emergency room, it started yesterday and is worse today......what should we do? could this be muscle pain and give it a day or two?? [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for your query. Strained muscle is the most probable reason. Strained muscle usually appears only when the chest is moving, and should be completely gone when lying down and not breathing. If the pain is sharp and well localized, more intense when breathing, rib nerve issue is the most probable reason. In both cases, rest and anti-inflammatory medicines like Diclofenac should help. I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i m 36 year old women with having problem of high cholesterol , hypertension , fatty liver , diabetic and hiatas hernia , also i daignosed before 10 years as tortious aorta but this thing i gnored now want to ask that tortious aorta could be treated without medical treat3emnt or should i consult with cardiologist also i got symptoms of heaviness in chest and also get drowsiness in day time [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Yes, you should definitely consult cardiologist for your co-morbidities (hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes) and tortuous aorta. Your tortuous aorta is mostly due to high cholesterol, obesity and hypertension. Once you control all these, your aorta problem might resolve also. You should start antihypertensive, antidiabetic and lipid lowering Chat Doctor. Even after control of all these, you have tortuous aorta then you may need surgical correction (Stent placement) of aorta. So consult cardiologist and discuss all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi. My last period was february 28 but i dint have my period last march 28 so I just waited. On April 8 I took a pregnancy test and it was positive so I took 5 cytotec, 3inserted and I took 2 tabs orally. I had a bleeding for 3 days. its now May 9 and my pregnancy test is still positive. I also feel the signs of pregnancy and i keep on gaining weight. Am I still pregnant? [|AI|] Hello, You would undergo one TVS scan & blood test for beta-ChatDoctor to check pregnancy status along with gestational age. After that you need to consult with gynecologist for next line of management. You may need to undergo D & C to complete the abortion. Otherwise, if all reports are within normal range and there is no sign of miscarriage, you can continue your pregnancy if you want. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I just found out that my son has Chiari Malformation. He was in a car accident when he was in the ER the doctor gave him an MRI. My wife came back from the follow up appointment and told me that they discovered that he had type 1. One of my biggest concerns is his eye sight. His vision to me seems to me getting progressively worse. [|AI|] I read your question and I understand your concern. I must say though that Chiara malformation doesn't affect vision. It does not involve any of the brain structures whicChatDoctorpose the visual pathways. Actually I wouldn't be surprised if the finding was an incidental one, not related to the accident but already present for a long time. So unless there is some other finding that you don't mention in the MRI you should look elsewhere rather than the brain for the cause of eyesight reduction, a visit to the eye doctor is what I would recommend. I hope to have been of help.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi,Im a 46 yr old female and I received the Tdap vaccine last Tuesday. On Wed. my upper arm was swollen, red and ichy. I called my doctors office and they said this was normal and to call back on Monday if it isnt any better. Over the weekend, the red and swollen area has gotten larger and I am ichy on other areas of my body. Ive taken benedryl the last two night and applied ice packs and it has not helped. Are these symptoms normal and is there anything else I can do for this? [|AI|] Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor . I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns. As per your complaint Trap injection is an immunization injection to fight three fatal diseases Tetanus, Diphtheria and whooping cough. As you have got redness and itching with it many a times mild itching and redness is common due to allergic reaction as the immunizations contain allergens that can initiate antibody formation in the body that can lifelong fight with the disease and do not let it flourish. As you are not relieved with anti allergic sad ice packs there is a possibility that reaction is severe, and you may need injectable anti-allergics and steroids for resolution of symptoms. You should continue taking anti-allergic right now and apply steroid ointment over the rashes and also keep doing cold compresses. But consult a Physician early and get evaluated. Hope these information helps. Thanks and regards. Chat Doctor. .
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] What is the organ below your left chest about 2 inches above your belly button? I stretched ad it rose up about 2 inches and is as hard as a golf ball and hurts and feels like someone is pressing down really hard and feels like it will rupture right now [|AI|] Hi, Dear thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. Cause and treatment-for Your lump above belly button below ribcage-In my opinion -the lump -is mostly a-Entrapped- Epigastric hernia-as it hurts and has feeling that someone is pressing down with in abdomen and would rupture just NOW. Treatment for it-a-Surgeon consultation is advised This would help you to plan a treatment for this query. So don't worry and act fast ASAP. Hope this would help your worry to take proper steps for health. Wishing you fast recovery. Wellcome again if you have any more query in this regard. Have a Good Day.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...Hi i just discovered my 4 year old has chicken pox and we will be going away for a few days. Will he be able to swim in a swimming pool and be outdoors whilst he has the spots. [|AI|] Hi & Welcome/I appreciate your concern about your 4-year-old son with chickenpox. It is not advisable for your son to go swimming during chickenpox infection. Chickenpox is highly contagious. If your child has contracted chickenpox, he/she should not go swimming or play contact sports unless all blisters have crusted over. This normally takes place a week after the first rash started. Try to avoid public places, as others may catch the virus, which may be dangerous, especially to those who are pregnant or have a weak immune system. Swimming may also soften the crusts, which may result in a more intense itch and the crusts may fall off early leaving scars. Hope to have answered your query.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i have been unwell for 1 year my mind feels numb i feel barley concous cant think or concentrate constant exhaustiomy brain dosent feel the same anymore dont socilize anymore too tired and detached have had lot of blood work done ct head sczan and tested for addissons disease please help i cant go on like this anymore [|AI|] HIFI understand your concern. Aromatization means somatic symptoms without medical explanation. Tiredness/weakness/headache/lack of concentration may a part of somatic presentation. Aromatization and depression can both have same symptoms. Or it can be Chronic fatigue syn Chat Doctor. Go for more evaluation. Take proper sleep. Healthy diet. Consult physician for general body check up. Consult psychiatrist for psychological evaluation. Still if you have a query then feel free to ask. . Thank you. Get well soon.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my daughter is 8 /12 yrs old she is been diagonised of allergioc bronchitis. She is on inhaler seroflo12mg 2 puffs a day. from past 4 months on & off she gets severe respiratatory infection her pediatrician + ent specialist have prescribed antibiotics till now in 4 months she has taken 4 times antibiotics for the same problem now again she is down with chest congestion pls tell me what to do [|AI|] Hi, By what you quote I feel what your kid could be having viral associated wheeze or multi triggered wheeze. Questions: 1. How many days per month does your kid cough or feel breathless?2. How many nights per month does your kids sleep gets disturbed due to the above symptoms?3. Does your kid feel breathless when running around or playing with other kids?4. Are the symptoms when there are seasonal changes?5. Is there any family history of asthma or any other sort of allergies like skin allergy etc.?6. Is the cough always associated with fever? Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] iam using duphaston 10mg for 10 days from 15 day of my period and metformin 500mg daily since two month my cycle started 4th day after stopping duphaston will it be same this month also or are their chances of pregnancy if its delayed ....iam trying to get pregnant [|AI|] Hi, There may be chance of pregnancy if you have this sex in fertile period of cycle, and you have normal ovulatory function and correct hormonal balance. Dupahston contain progesterone. It makes uterine environment favorable for implantation and support pregnancy. Metformin will help to induce period and decrease insulin resistance. So hope you become pregnant. If it does not respond then you can ask a gynecologist for Camphene citrate and Chat Doctor injection for effective conceiving. All this medicine should be taken under advise of gynecologist after detail evaluation and monitored regularly by USG scan and ovarian follicle study. Avoid stress, take healthy diet, Chat Doctor. Hope this may help you. Contact further if follow up needed. Best regards,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello. Since almost a week, i ve been feeling somewhat uncomfortable in the left testicle, with slight pain on it. I ve checked my testicles for many days and I don t find any lumps or anything suspicious, however i m a bit worried that this condition has persisted. I would like to hear any advise of what the problem could be. Thank you. [|AI|] HelloThanks for query. Discomfort in the Left testicle could be due to Varicocele.However, this needs to be confirmed by clinical examination by a qualified General Surgeon or Urologist. . Please consult qualified Urologist or General surgeon for clinical examination and get following basic tests done to confirm the diagnosis. 1)Ultrasound scanning of Scrotum.2) Color Doppler study of scrotum.In the meanwhile take painkillers like Diclofenac twice daily. Further treatment will depend upon result of these tests and final diagnosis. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Within the past 3 months I started experiencing heart fluttering on an irregular basis maybe a couple of times a week at different times of the day. I was concerned so I went to the AZ Heart Institute for a test and they gave me a calcium score of 104 which is considered moderate. The site was in the lower anterior ventricule. I exercise at least 4 times a week to include cardio work on a machine for roughly 40 minutes trying to keep my heart between 120 and 160. Do i just need to focus more on a healthier lifestyle or be worried at this point? My cholesterol on my last test was 150, triglycerides -111, HDL was 32. All other blood work was normal with exception of Hematocrit which was 39.9. What should I be concerned about? [|AI|] His understand from your description that you are experiencing palpitations on and off for the last three months. Palpitations could arise because of certain electrical disturbances in the heart which are termed as arrhythmiaWhen you visited the hospital did they take an ECG? Was it normal? Sometimes certain arrhythmias cannot be detected on an ECG and you might then require a Holder Monitor. As far as your cholesterol is concerned it is well within the normal range. Even your hematocrit is in the normal range and I would not be concerned about it. I do not think you should worry too much at the moment about your calcium score if you are not currently diabetic, hypertensive and doing regular exercise as you do. Your calcium score will not be having any bearing on the fluttering that you are complaining of. If you really are getting disturbed by these palpitations, get yourselves examined by a cardiologist for cardiac arrhythmia so that the exact cause can be identified and treated accordingly. Usually Holder and a physical examination may reveal clues besides ECG. Hope I answered your question
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] OMy girlfriend suffers every year from Raynaud s phenomenon. I said Raynaud s because the symptoms she gets indicates that it must be Raynaud s. She has these problems every winter. here a physician told her that she has pernicious. I m worried too much about this. Please help.... [|AI|] Hello, THX to contact us. I understand your concern. If I am your doctor I advise you that on winter cold stimulates blood vessels to contract, which leads to Reynolds disease or chaotic spells in peripheral vasculature. I advise you to keep more clothing in limbs. Take the Vitamin supplements under your doctors' guidance as she has pernicious anemia. I will be happy to answer more of your concerns, kindly know me, Wish you a very good health at Chat Doctor. Chat Doctor. Infectious Disease.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] for 2 years i feel as though i am forgetting everything and going to lose my memory all together. i started taking blood pressure medicine 3 yrs. ago. i am 67 yrs. old. I thought i was getting altzheimers---went to neurologist and he does not know what is wrong----thinks it is psychiatric--- [|AI|] Hello, First, memory normally decrease with age. To slow down this process, you should take vitamin B complex once per day after meals, Benfotiamine twice per day after meals. Aspirin twice per day after meals. You should do Lipid profile in your blood and if it were high, you should receive a medical treatment, reduce fat intake. The reduction of salt intake is essential for you. Second, you should eat grilled fish and a healthy diet to avoid the deterioration of memory. You do not have Alzheimer's disease, but you should protect yourself by the healthy diet, vitamins B complex and treating systemic illnesses. If you lived alone, you could get depression. The symptoms of depression in the elderly can be similar to early-stage Alzheimer's, so you should do some hobbies and go to the club to meet people and avoid being isolated. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] 6 year old male diagnosed with high lead levels. has been treated with chelation intramuscularly and then with the medication given by mouth. level receded to high normal level for one month. current blood test shows a significant elevation and the chelation medication is to be started again this evening. are there any other suggestions that you can make as far as treatment to permanently diminish this problem to a safe level. surroundings, toys, etc. have all been tested and show no lead content that is harmful. [|AI|] Thanks for your query on ChatDoctorFrom history its seems this child is having chronic lead exposure and lead toxicity. Its treatment include 1. Identification of source of exposure. It may be due to eating soil, paint, some herbal remedies etc.2. Behavioral modification to reduce non-nutritive eating habits.3. Dietary counselings to insure sufficient intake of essential elements calcium and iron.4. Chelation therapy to decrease lead level Hope this information will help. For more queries you may contact me at this site. Regards- Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi,iam have undergone laproscopic surgery for endomentriosis & ovarian cyst last jan.Took lupride injection as per doctors advice which stopped periods for 4 months.I having periods normally but irregular- one month 32 day and the other 28...simultaneosly.I got my periods 17 days before this month.Having pain in lower abdomin.incresed weight by 5 kgs,blotting stomach,back pain & exterme hungry are symtoms i have.we r planning for children.Can I be pregnant? [|AI|] Several side effects of pride injection is constipation, back pain, vaginal discharge, and due to constipation bloating of stomach is also possible. But this all can be controlled now since you are not on same medication. This control can be done by improving your lifestyle and doing certain changes like having healthy balance diet, maintaining timing for break fast, lunch and dinner. Keeping break fast good lunch average and dinner minimum that too at or before 8:00pm, also avoid spicy food. Have fruits regularly. Keep tea and coffee minimum, keep fiber diet more in your meal. Do regular exercise like walking or jogging or cycling at least 25-30 minutes per day. Next your question is how to treat back pain: I suggest if your pain is only at back and not radiating to your legs as well there are no signs like numbness in leg and tingling sensation. Then it must be related to your spinal muscle weakness. And you need to take physiotherapy treatment after proper evaluation. As well follow spinal exercises regularly to improve strength and stamina of spinal muscles. You can also use hot or cold pack frequently at home to have some more pain relief. Also check your vitamins d and calcium level in body if it is low take a supplement for the same. Next question was on pregnancy: yes you can get pregnant if there is no further gone issues. But during the pregnancy you will put up on weight and so that you may have more back pain. So discuss with your physio and do regular spinal exercises as well take advice on posture priorly only. Another thing to answer your headline question:Increase back pain, bloating of stomach is possible during pregnancy. I am sure this must be helpful to you. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] HELLO for about 2 weeks now when i change my daughters diaper she complains and also grabs like puts her hand over her clitorus she is 18 months btw. so last night i said let me try and see because she doesnt let me really touch and when i see on one side of the over laping skin of clitorus i saw red cracked skin (irritated). I was putting ointment on it a&d for two days to see should i be concerned also she grinds herself to sleep like humps the bed. [|AI|] Thank you for posting your question. The redness that your have noticed on the labia major of your child is likely to be a diaper rash. It maybe avoided by frequent changing of diapers, cleaning of the area and keeping the area Chat Doctor. Also while cleaning make sure you clean from front to back i.e. vagina to anus. This would prevent any infection from the anal canal to affect the vagina. Apart from that, you may try applying any zinc oxide containing rash cream around the vaginal opening(not inside). Having said, so I suggest you also keep a watch for any discharge from the opening, difficulty in passing urine or increase in rash in which case a medical consultation would be advisable. Try to prevent her from itching the area as it may exacerbate the rash. If you have any more doubt do write back.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Sir, I have been diagnosed with sarcoidosis with erythema nodosum symptom and have been taking omnacortil for last six months and stablised at 7.5 mg a day. This is the third relapse of sarcoidosis in three years and that is my doctor has advised 7.5 mg for another 6 months. Do you suggest to use an air purifier in my bed room to avoid another relapse? [|AI|] Hi Dear ! I have gone through your question and I understand your concerns would say that an air purifier will help your air in the room to clear from "allergens and other contaminants. Especially CO2. These may irritate your lungs and cause pulmonary problems with inflammation. The result is good to have the air clean and avoid other inflammation. But about if they will help you to avoid totally a new relapse, that is not sure.Because Acidosis is "Your immune system causing the disease (Lymphocytes)" and the cause why your system do that is not clear yet. The relapse of Acidosis may be caused cause of low doses of cortisone this often happens after you stop the medication for a time or when we low the dosage (from acute dosage to maintenance dose 7.5 mg). To avoid that if I were you treating doctor if you have another relays I would consider starting a new Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have an atraumatic ehl tendon rupture. My dr gave me the option of repair it now or wait until it curls too much and have toe fusion surgery. I am not in pain but can feel the difference of my feet, especially when walking barefoot. Is it preferred to have it repaired right away? I am a long distance runner. Are there other ramifications if i dont get it fixed? XXXX [|AI|] Hi, Yes, it is better to get it repaired early. Since EHL tendon is necessary to attain and maintain balance while walking and running, so it may decrease the ankle strength resulting in difficulty in walking or running if it is not fixed. Surgical repair or reconstruction of EHL tendon is a reliable procedure that restores the ankle strength and function in most patients. So, it should be repaired without further delay. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Dear Madam, My wife has a regular period of 28 days. It is 28th day today she had a mild light discharge of bleeding. She is very sensitive to allergic conditions. We had intercourse from 9th Day to 16th day, she use to sneeze a lot usually after getting up in the morning. But today after the discharge at around 3 PM in the afternoon, she sneezed a lot and seem to have a little pain in the lower abdomen. Then after some time she does not have the pain. We a very hesitiated to take any antihistamines like, Levo cetirizine/ cetirizine/ loratadine, which ENT doctors have prescribed. We a yet to take a ChatDoctor test. Will this sneezing cause any problems. Can you pls advice us.... [|AI|] Hello sir! Your wife seems to be suffering from allergic rhinitis as suggested by the morning sneezes and response to anti histamines..... its 28th day, so she may have uterine cramps, the cause for her abdominal pain - characteristically intermittent as you have described. These two conditions are not related as such ... but continuous sneezing can stimulate uterus due to increased abdominal pressure during sneeze .... such conditions require treatment withal. levocetrizineAnd selective COX 2 inhibitors - CELECOXIB For highly symptomatic rhinitis, beclomethasone nasal spray can be used .... Thank you :-)
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my mother (75) is given urotone and flotral but how long and for what purpose we really dont know. her scan shows kidney ok but some blockage in bladder. she used to hv high bp, now ok, she is suffering from hypothyroide, heart problem .some urine in with flow, some time to know how much urine she should pass and what should be the water intake. pls reply [|AI|] Good Day, and thank you for being with Chat Doctor ! Proton and floral is used to Increase bladder pressure and decrease resistance to urine flow. You mother might have a bladder outlet obstruction which is quite common for elderly females. Continue the medicine for one month and check for improvement. Amount of fluid should be around 1-1.5liters per day, and she should be able to urinate the same amount of her intake. I suggest keeping a voiding diary where you measure how much she Chat Doctor. I hope I have succeeded in providing the information you were looking for. Please feel free to write back to me for any further clarifications at: http://www.ChatDoctor .com/doctors/
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I ve been exhausted and fatigued a lot lately and at night I get the shivers accompanied by a fever. There has been some abdomen pain (slight) and irregularity. Also a total loss of appetite. I m normally a very healthy person but this has been bothering me for more than a week now. Ideas? Thank you. [|AI|] HelloExhaustion, fatigued, shivers, fever, loss of appetite, mild abdominal pain, all these symptoms may be due to these possibilities, these include:1 Typhoid fever, diagnosis can be confirmed by Tidal and serology test.2 Jaundice, diagnosis can be confirmed by serum bilirubin level .3 Tuberculosis, diagnosis can be confirmed by X-ray chest (in your case it remote possibility). Since fever is for 7 days, so it may be due to viral type fever. So first consult a physician and get his opinion for diagnosis.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My wife feed street dogs..she used feed puppies [5/6 months old] and on 3 rd march she tried to feed one who was infected by rabies..She called NGO who took him with them. Dog did not bite but there is possibility of his salyva coming in contact with her hand.. She took first injection on 5 th March and followed by second on 12 th March i.e today.. There is a difference of opinion between doctors about schedule to be followed...we are in advise..railkar [ YYYY@YYYY ] [|AI|] Contact with saliva of a rabid dog to the intact skin do not cause any chance of getting rabies. But if there is any cut or scratch injury in the hand there is a minor chance of getting rabies. In case of having intact skin there is no need of taking post exposure prophylaxis. In disrupted skin you may have a need to take antirabies vaccine prophylaxis. There are so many vaccination schedules depending upon the route and number of site of administration. Single site intramuscular administration on 0,3,7,14 days since exposure is commonly followed schedule.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i fell down steps and landed on the right side of my back 4 days ago. It was sore, but yesterday I sneezed and now I have a shifting/popping on my back right side accompanied by real sharp pains when I move a certain way, sneeze, or cough. Did I break something? Should I got to the E.R. or Dr.? Thanks! [|AI|] Hello welcome to ChatDoctoractually you have developed SPASM OF BACK MUSCLES which is causing pain and stiffness...kindly take following treatment for 1 week - (1) TABLET IBUPROFEN three times a day(2) TABLET CHLORZOXAZONE three times a day(3) if pain is very severe you can have INJECTION THIOCOLCHICOSIDE intramuscularly twice daily for 3 days(4) HOT FOMENTATION twice daily in the region of pain(5) avoid Chat Doctor. E DISC PROLAPSE and consult an orthopedic with your MRI REPORTSregardsChatDoctor
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello Doc !my age: 29 weight 62 kgs height 5.0 feet we shifted to france from india in mar, after that i dint get my periods for 3 months, then i went to doc, after confirming that i wasnt preg , he prescribed me norlevo, i got my periods , then i went to gyno, she did tummy scanning and confirmed that my system is healthy, then i took blood test for harmones, concluded that my harmones are balanced. i have been priscribed progesterone tablets for 3 months to regulate periods, we want to have kid, am i on correct prescription? [|AI|] Hi, if you want to conceive, you can take some medicines like camphene for the growth of your follicles and track your follicles' growth by repeated ultrasound. When follicles reach a size more than 17 to 18 mm, take injection for rupturing the follicles. Be in contact with your husband every 2 to 3 days after your periods stop. Take progesterone for next 2 weeks after follicles rupture. Don't take progesterone throughout the cycle. Do a urine pregnancy test at home after that. You can try like that for 3 to 6 months. Hope I have answered your question. Regards Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I pressed my rib cage hard against the edge of a pool, while reaching for an object. I heard 2 crunching sounds coming from my lower right rib cage. It is sore when pressed. Does it sound like fractures? I am 64 and have had 2 fractures from falls within thus past year. Both healed in 2 months. [|AI|] Hi Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. Within last one year you got fracture due to fall i.e. prone to fracture. Now again pressed hard and also heard crunch voice. So you are prone to fracture (maybe due to weakness in bone) , so in this situation please consult an orthopedic surgeon and get his opinion because physical examination is important in such cases. Till rest, and don't press rib cage. Hope this will help you. Good luck
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi, i have been in pain for 2 yrs and some months. i was in a car accident(minor ) due to what my car looked like but was slung around with a seat belt on. i have dizziness all the time and pain in my spine at the bottom but all the test are neg..blood work, mri and ekg . do you know what it can be? i was told some symptoms of crps but i think its spinal stenosis too. i type in my symptoms onlline now cause i my doctor think i m not telling the truth but i m in lots of pain. can you help? thanks [|AI|] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Spinal stenosis can be congenital or due to some disease, of course it could be due to herniation of the disc due to jerk during accident. anyhow it is excluded by C.T.scan so you don't worry about it. Besides the pain in the spine and dizziness there will be so many symptoms like numbness etc., so the possibility is wholly excluded. The possibility could be due to concussion type of head injury, and jury sprain of the back muscles. It may be cleared by muscle relaxants, and anxiolytic. I advise you to consult a surgeon for diagnosis and treatment, don't think of the stenosis, and use the medicines prescribed. Try to be engaged in Extracurriculars like reading, hearing music etc. to avoid tension of anxiety. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery, and thanks for calling.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi! Im suffering from pain in the abdomen and stomach area. It all started a week ago early a.m.. I was sitting on the toilet when all of a sudden I sneezed very had and sound like I tore or ruptured something in my stomach also forced stool when I didnt feel like I needed to go. My stomach cramps and with pain very bad. Do I need to go to the hospital or see my Dr.? I also have been diagnosed with GERD and Interstitual cystistics in the bladder. I have had diarrhea since this has happened. [|AI|] HIT hank foe asking to ChatDoctorI think no need to go the doctor, the force which exerted due to sneezing might have pulled the abdominal muscle or smooth muscle of gut might be affected just take a little rest this will come around for sure, your other problem of diarrhea will also be fine and nothing to worry about HERD you might have taken treatment, if not then Omeprazole 40 mg would be the Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have had pain in a lower front tooth since Feb. 2012. In May-June I had a root canal done. After the first treatment I still had the same pain. At the final treatment, the same pain. I was then diagnosed with TGN. I have been on many anti-seizure meds with terrible side effects and not much relief. I am presently on the last med there is, with a bit of relief and I go to see the neuroligest soon. Is there any chance this pain could be caused by shingles of the gums? [|AI|] Hi and welcome, Pain in the lower front tooth can be diagnosed by taking an x-ray of the lower jaw. x-ray can confirm if there is any periodontal infection, root caries or other pathology associated with lower teeth which gives symptoms of pain. Accordingly, the teeth can be treated. Infected teeth can be treated with root canal procedure and gum infection can be treated by deep scaling and root planing. If you are diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuralgia then the painful attacks can be associated with it. You need to get it confirmed from a neurologist. Carbapazepine is the antiseizure Chat Doctor. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had done a blood test of my son he is just 7 years old the report says that Microcytic & Hypochromic Anisopoikilocytosis + mild Polychromasia what does this mean The report also mention that the normal range of w.b.c. count is 4000- 11000 / cu mm and his result mention 14800 / cu mm Kindly explain [|AI|] Hi...please do not worry. If your son is normal clinically and is actively playing around, these results of high blood count doesn't mean anything. The lab report about polychromasia means that he might be having iron deficiency anemia. I suggest you get back to me with the actual hemoglobin value which would have been mentioned in the report, so that I will be able to suggest you a proper iron preparation. If as per countries laws iron is not an over the counter medication, please consult your pediatrician. Regards -
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hiii had been sufferring from viral hepatitis two months ago. my bilirubin was 8.7 and sgpt was 1200. i had been hospitalised for that too and taking hepamerz, silibon 70, pantocid dsr, and my bilirubin is 0.92 and sgpt is 177.please advice how to reduce my sgpt. [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for posting your query. I am Chat Doctor. K and I am pleased to assist you. There are umpteen number of causes of raised SGPT, the most common being non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. But in your case the high SGPT is due to viral hepatitis. This is one of the few conditions in which the SGPT is in thousands. Acute viral hepatitis is self limiting and the SGPT level will return to baseline level on its own over a period of few weeks. In your case it has come down from 1200 to 177. So you continue taking the liver supportive medications which you are taking now. I hope that answers your question. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi Doctors,I have severe hair loss.. can you please let me know is there anyway i can regrow hairs in balded area and stop hair loss further or should i go for hair transplantation or any other way to get hairs back.. Please advice.. i am planning to get married.. Thank You,Sunil [|AI|] Hi. As per your case history u seem to be suffering from an Chat Doctor. Hair can be regrown only where hair follicles are present. So in complete bald area there is no chance of hair regrowth. U can go for hair transplantation if u can afford as it is costly. As far as hair loss is concerned it can be controlled and further baldness can be slowed down. Use minoxidil 2% solution 1ml twice daily. Satisfactory result will start after 2 months. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi Doctor, i am 32 year old female and facing problem of tooth decaying. its happening since last 15 year and now my four teeths decayed alot and outer layer of tooth is completly decayed and inner line is visible. i dont have any pain in these teeths and one of the teeth start becoming black. my teeths color is yellow, please advice on aall this issues [|AI|] Hi, Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, Since it is clinically visible that the teeth are already decayed visit the dentist once. Since you are not having pain based on X-ray findings, if the decay is not deep enough restorations i.e., fillings of the teeth are enough. But if the decay is extending deep close to or involving pulp, they might require root canal treatment. The yellowish color of teeth might be due to calculus i.e., deposits on tooth surface or due to fluorous. The treatment for this is got a Scaling done once, and if the yellow color still persists better get a bleaching done or veneering. Hope so this will help you, Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here. My left armpit has been itchy for 2 or 3 weeks now. My right armpit is just fine. there is no rash or any visible sign of infection. The left armpit is also slightly sore to the touch and at times feels like there is a lump in it. Is this something that I should have checked out further by my family doctor? [|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor .1. Yes, You need to see your doctor. As the present condition might need a course of antibiotic course or depending on the size and condition of lump a small incision and Chat Doctor. 2. The possibilities are inception of the hair follicles (carbuncles / fur uncles) and superficial rashes could be due to the underlying infection.3. Recommendations - avoid shaving for some time, use trimming it will help in healing process.4. Try to keep the area
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello I went to a doctor to day as ive had something under my jaw bone for months its pain full when moving my toung even yarning its quite pain full the doc said I had to go to the dentist but the dentist could not find anything wrong with y teeth so she did a xray theres no absece and no cist but a shadow shes refured me to a hospital what do you think [|AI|] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The jaw pain can be because of the myofascial pain dysfunction syn Chat Doctor. Nothing to be panic, consult an oral physician and get it evaluated. If it is a myofascial pain you need to take an analgesic with muscle relaxant like ibuprofen and chlorzoxazone respectively. If it is secondary to TMJ disorder, then you have to take proximal tablet. You should not eat hard things and do not open your mouth too wide. I hope my answer will help you, take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello Doctor, This is regarding my mother s health. She is of 65 years old. She doesn t have any B.P. , diabetics as per her every 3 months checkup . But she is very badly suffering with pricking sensation, burning and pinching in her both feet . She is suffering it from the last 4 years . But sometimes the pain is unbearable throughout the day . She cannot stand or walk for more time. Otherthan this she has no other complaints. Please please kindly tell me the reason for this pain and also the proper specialist for this problem . They stay in a town. She could show to a specialist in Vizag in Andhra Pradesh in India. Please kindly tell me your advise . We are very greatful to you. [|AI|] Dear enquirer Thanks for your query The pattern of symptoms your mother has suggested either peripheral neuropathy that is affection of the nerves of the legs or remote possibility of spinal cord problem. The investigations which mainly would help are1. Nerve conduction studies of the upper and lower limbs2. Vitamin B 12 and vitamin D levels3. If indicated Protein electrophoresis4. Urine BJ Proteins5. ESR, RA Factor and CRP Before all these she needs proper assessment by a neurologist. Thus, I Suggest book an appointment with neurologist at VIZ AG at earliest. Depending upon this test treatment for general symptomatic relief as well as for treatment of underlying condition can be planned.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi, im pretty sure my daughter (which she is 5) has inhaled gum. she was chewing gum at the time and took a big gasp and looked at me like she was shocked. I asked her if she felt like she swallowed and she said no it just went right down. she did not cough or gag and is still acting normal right now. i know im probably sounding like a crazy person but i still want to make sure there is no potential problem. [|AI|] Hi.... as your daughter is not having any respiratory symptoms like coughing or choking or fast breathing or respiratory distress, you can be rest assured now, she would not require any emergency medical care. But these symptoms may start to occur even later when the foreign body in the airway is very small and when it gets lodged in the lower airways. If she has ingested it, no problem at all. It will come out tomorrow, or it may get digested. Because a 5-year-old kid cannot explain properly what has happened with Hun Chat Doctor. Regards -
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 16 year old son was sitting in a chair today and had sudden chest pain. He passed out but recovered quickly. He hit his head and bit his tongue in the fall but was otherwise ok. I took him to his pediatrician who ordered blood work and an ekg. We have not gotten the results yet but will most likely consult a cardiologist next week. This is not the first time he has had syncope and has dizzy spells occasionally. About 6 weeks ago he was hit very hard in the chest in karate class. Although worrisome , the injury resolved itself and I did not seek medical care for him. For a few days he coughed every once in a while but otherwise got progressively better. Could this be related? [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Yes, that chest injury and this chest pain and dizziness can be associated with each other. He had blunt chest trauma. This can cause heart damage. And this kind of heart damage can cause chest pain and dizziness after 10-15 days. So better to consult cardiologist and get done 1. Blood pressure monitoring 2. ECG 3. 2d echo All these reports are needed ti rule out heart damage. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your son. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 54 and am having trouble breathing lately. My doctor gave me an albuterol inhaler because he said I was breathing shallow. I just used the inhaler and it made it even harder for me to breath. What could possily e causing this. My chest is tight and I feel like someone is standing on top of it. [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Albuterol is bronchodilator. So it is effective only if there is bronchospasm (bronchitis). Since you are not improving with albuterol and also have chest tightness and pressure, better to rule out cardiac cause for your symptoms. So get done ECG, 2d echo and stress test. You may need diuretics and other cardiac supportive Chat Doctor. Don't worry, you will be alright but first rule out heart diseases. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Sir, My mother aged 82 years,recently recovered from dyrhea .Her blood platelets counting showing NIL Sodium & low monocytes.Presently ,suffering from high chest conjecture & respiration problem.Kindly suggest.E.Mail address:- YYYY@YYYY [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your mothers situation and problem. At her age of 82 years, heart and lung diseases can cause chest congestion and breathlessness. So better to get done 1. ECG, 2d echo to rule out cardiac diseases. 2. Chest x-ray and PFT (Pulmonary Function Test) to rule out lung diseases. So better to first diagnose herself and then start appropriate treatment. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your mother. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Good morning. I just had an MRI w/wo contrast and I am just trying to read and understand my results. The impression reads... No evidence of acute infarction or space occupying lesion . No evidence of demyelinating disease . Developmental venous anomaly suspected in the right occipital lobe and left cerebbellar hemisphere. Abnormal signal intensity in the diploic space of the left parietal bone posteriorly may represent an intradipolic epidermoid or prominent venous lake. The reason of this test is family history of MS and brain aneuryms. I have had lots of tingling and numbing in my hands, legs and feet. Also, I lost the use of my right arm about 1 mos ago - it just refused to lift up? Should I be concerned with this report? [|AI|] Dear thank you for sharing your MRI result with us. As family history with cerebral disease I think it is more important to understand the lost of use of the right arm. The result of MRI isn't conclusive. I would recommend to discus with your neurologist the possibility of doing an Anglo MRI(venous phase) or much better a brain arteriographic which with show the complete brain basal structure. Hope my answer will help, wish you all the best
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I have type 2 diabetes and have trouble controlling it. I was put on Innovona months ago and after couple months my legs had gotten very sore and hurt bad, where i couldnt even sleep, well I stop the meds and within two days felt 90 % better, but now they want me to take Farxiga, which i hear is the same thing. scared to try? Wondering if they are the same or different? [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for your question. Noted your concern. Invokana contains Canagliflozin and Foreign contain Dapagliflozin both are of same class of antipathetic medicine SGLT2 inhibitor. It acts by excreting extra glucose from body through urine by lowering renal threshold for glucose excretion. While excreting glucose there may be loss of water and some essential electrolytes like sodium, potassium through urine which may be responsible for leg cramps. Adequate water intake and regular monitoring for serum electrolytes may help in prevention of these symptoms. Diabetic neuropathy may also cause these types of symptoms. In such a case I may suggest-- Detailed physical examination to assess neuropathy.- Investigations Complete Blood Count HbA1c Fasting and Postprandial Blood sugar level. Renal function test Liver Function test Vitamin B12 and vitamin D level Urine examination. Depending upon above evaluation appropriate changes in medicines if required may be suggested. Hope this helps you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello sir, I am using lomela since 5 months. I am addicted to lomela cream can you please tell me that if i stop using it thn after how many days should i start using another creams like fair and lovely, borolin, garnier etc.. And shall we use cold cream while using lomela? [|AI|] Hello. Thank you for writing to us at Chat Doctor The cream that you are using is a prescription product and is a combination of HY Chat Doctor. Together this combination is gold standard treatment for facial hyperpigmentation.However, this combination should never be used without supervision of a doctor or dermatologist. It should in any case never be used for more than 1-2 months, regularly. Tretinoin and HY
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] HI I HAVE A SON THAT IS 2YEARS AND 10 MONTHS OLD, HIS PAEDIATRICIAN SAID THAT HE HAS ASHMA, BUT EVEN WITH THE PUMP AND MEDS HE HAS A CHRONIC COUGH THAT DOES NOT WANT TO GO AWAY HE WAS DIAGNOSED LAST WEEK WITH RSV AND WAS TREATED FOR IT HIS LUNGS HAS WHITE SPOTS ALL OVER THE PAEDIATRICIAN SAID IT LOOKS AS THOUGH HIS ONE LUNG HAS DEFLATED A BIT, EVEN AFTER BEING IN THE HOSPITAL FOR A WEEK AND STILL TAKING MEDS HE COUGHS SO MUCH THAT HE CANT SLEEP AND HIS X-RAYS ALWAYS HAS WHITE SPOTS. HE WAS BORN WITH ALOT OF WATER ON HIS LUNGS AND HAD TO BE KEPT IN AN INCUBATOR WITH OXYGEN TO HELP HIM BREATHE COULD THAT BE THE REASON FOR HIS REPEATED LUNG PROBLEMS???? [|AI|] Hi, Welcome to the Chat Doctor. Since a lung actually transfer oxygen from atmosphere to blood and CO2 from blood back to atmosphere. For this function it has so many air sacs called alveoli, and these alveoli keep increase in number till the child is 2 yrs. If a neonate gets any problem during neonatal (first month) period, there is almost damage to actual number of alveoli, so the function of lungs get disturbed (breathlessness, increase CO2 in body and increase need of O2 etc.). All these factors stimulate inflammatory response in lung tissues so recurrent breathlessness and infection can happen later in life. As respiratory initial virus is the commonest viral infection during this age, and needs to be carefully and symptomatically treated as chances of worsening of lung function increase having history of previous lung infection or aspiration or pneumonia. Make sure he is given all recommended vaccinations on time. And follow your doctor accordingly. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have been having an uncomfortable feeling right below the right rib cage. It s like something is there. I don t feel it all the time. I have a handicapped daughter who I pick up frequently. She weighs 100 lbs. Could this be a hernia? Thank you. [|AI|] HelloDiscomfort below the right rib cage may be due to many causes like right lung or pleural cavity pathology, problem in liver or gall bladder, musculoskeletal causes etc. It appears that it is due to musculoskeletal cause, but it is important to exclude other causes. You may need clinical correlation and further investigations. Investigation includes routine hologram, liver function test, chest X-ray (PA), ultrasound of abdomen. Ultrasound of abdomen can exclude many conditions. Proper treatment depend upon findings. It is not a common site of hernia. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello Dr. My daughter is 1.6 yr old, She never eat any thing we always use to force feed her.also visited all type of child spec., one doc suggested me leave her independent she will eat whenever she feels hunger. i tried one month same activity described by doc. she lost her 2.5 kg weight in month. doesn t eat any i can see 194 doc r online.any body can hv experienced such case .plz guide me. she is under thing i obesevd abt her she is very clean type of person .she dont want to touch any thing like mud,liquid food(Dal rice etc..) [|AI|] Hi, How old was she when she stopped eating? force-feeding is commonly used by parents when they believe the child is not eating enough. When a child has been ill or was prematurely born a parent may consider her fragile and force her to take more food than she wants. Mothers can overestimate the quantity of food that a small child requires. The apparently small quantity which the child takes is enough for an average weight gain, but when mother does not realize this, she may try to force-feed her to eat more. Most appetite problems begin between 6 and 18 months of age when the infant is developing independence and resists domination. I agree with the doctor who told you that all attempts at forcing her to eat must be stopped. No persuasion, no coaxing, no bribing, no threatening and no punishment. She will eat when she wishes. Place her in the high-chair and let her sit at the table with the rest of the family. The food is placed before her, and it is expected she will take what she wants. Encourage holding and Chat Doctor. Allow her to try placing food in her mouth by herself, and then help her if need be. If she does not touch her meal, she is left without any food until the next meal. If she doesn't touch the next meal, again she should be left without food. She will soon eat when hunger overtakes her as long as no one makes a fuss about what she eats. A small child can eat some meat, then the pudding and return to the meat. Parent makes it clear that the food in front of her is all there is and that if she does not like it she can leave the table, but there will be nothing else. A child likes bright colors so make food attractive and of variety. As long as she has a poor appetite, give no more than a pint of milk a day. Allow her to feed herself as much as possible. As soon as your infant realizes that she cannot make more fuss and attract any more attention the food refusal stops. She needs outdoor exercise and over-fatigue should be avoided. Normal amount of sleep for her age is 12 to 13 hours a day. Naps decrease from two to one at average age of 18 months. When parents carry out this treatment plan, the response is extremely satisfactory. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Recently had a stress test done. Had to stop after 6 minutes short of breath blood pressure 220 over 110, heart rate 87, ekg ok what does this mean? Tak bata blockers and atacand since january, no other medication. No real symptoms other than tighness in chest, short of breath. Age 47 female [|AI|] Hi, Based on the findings given in the history you seem to be suffering from heart failure secondary to uncontrolled blood pressure. I advise you to consult a physician/cardiologist for further evaluation which may involve certain tests such as ECG, Echocardiography and routine lab tests. You may also need Chat Doctor. You must restrict your dietary salt intake, avoid smoking, alcohol, and stress. Hope these answer your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello, My mother has lived with me for the past 4 years. She was diagnosed with cirrhosis 15 yrs. ago at the age of 60, even though she didn t touch any alcolol until the age of 45, when my father died. She was never a heavy drinker, but was extremely obese and ate tons of white sugar right out of the bowl. She had a gastric bypass in 1986, and now weighs a svelt 225 lbs., down from 325. She was in a serious car accident 5 years ago, broke her pelvic socket, crushed her right hip, etc. (she d been having TIA s before the accident) and is now in a wheelchair. She has since been diagnosed with kidney disease and CHF, although no on has ever told us specifically. I ve made copies of her records in between transporting her from the hospitals and rehab facilities, due to falls and now cellulitis flare ups. She s had ascites on her legs for 4 yrs., and probably her abdomen (she s so heavy it s hard to tell). The muscles in her hands have atrophied, and her extremeties are now a deep red. Her sleeping habits are all over the place, and she is constantly falling asleep, and seeming confused consistently. I have given up work to care for her, but am also married, and raising a 13 year old daughter. I would truly appreciate some honesty regarding how much longer I ll have to endure caring for her. I have POA, and my 3 siblings have pretended that we don t exist for the last 4 years because they don t want to deal with her health issues any further. Despite all my negativity, I would like her to pass away in my lovely home, rather than a nursing facility. She s so fussy, I know that no on would provide her with the empathy that I struggle to continue to give. Your response is most appreciated. [|AI|] Hello, Sorry about your mothers' health condition. She is suffering from CKD with cirrhosis of liver with hip fracture with cellulitis of limbs with altered sensorial. This condition you may just take supportive care. 1. Check urine output regularly.2. Use antibiotics and diuretics to reduce edema and cellulitis.3. Reduce fluid intake 4. Check serum electrolytes for altered sensorial.5. Give low salt diet.6. Check her seem creatinine at least two times in a week.7. Physiotheraphy may useful. Please post me follow-up reports will guide you accordingly. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i am 69 years of age having ED problem, tried viagra 100mg before sex but could not get hard errection, igot my testrone level checked and found low, my blood pressure is almost normal most of the time, iam suffering from BPH now a days PSA is 4.5 and creatinine level is slightly higher its 1.3 and blood uea is at the border line its 19, my height is 5ft 5 inches, weight is 67 kgs Overall i am active and take regular morning walk for one hour, please do suggest me the medicine to cure this problem of errectile dusfunction, thanks Rgards K. akbar [|AI|] Hi Akbar, Thanks for writing to us. I can understand your concern. Thanks for detail info. You should be given testosterone but considering you BPH problem it is contraindicated. You can be helped by Tetra fol Plus. It is mostly over the counter vitamin medicine contains pyridoxine phosphate. Which helps in ED. it is to be taken two times daily after meal. Response can be seen after 15 days. Other options are trazodone or combine as well as tadalafil. You need to consult psychiatrist/sexologist or urologist/ for evaluation and prescription of the treatment. Hope I have answered your query, regards, hhtp://Bitly/ Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] sir,i had fever for 2-3 days.after 3 days of illness i got my platelets checked and it comes to be my fever got diminished today.i also got problem in stomach such as pain and hardness.i also feel that i am i have dengue??please reply [|AI|] Hello.I would like to know whether you have any bone pain, severe muscle pain, easy bruising, pain in the back of eyes, or any other issue you have forgotten to mention.the platelet count you mentioned is not very low.platelets go down to less than fifty thousands in dengue.if the fever doesn't subside even after three days, along with other symptoms, if you are in an endemic area for dengue I advise you to get dengue IGM and NS1 antigen testing to confirm diagnosis.approach your doctor for further help.hope my answer helps you if you have any more queries I would be happy to answer.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My sister has been unable to function for a month now.. We thought it was vertigo. But I m concerned it is more serious. She is very dizzy.. Can t walk at times without help. Acts as if she is drunk. Slurred speech.. Gets confused.. Can t watch TV.. Any lights make her nauseous. She can wake up and feel ok.. A little dizzy.. But by 6 at night she is vomiting.. Very dizzy.. And can t walk without help. Don t know what to do. [|AI|] Hi there, thank you for writing. I would recommend that your sister seek immediate medical attention in an emergency room. If she is having slurred speech, confusion, and dizziness, along with persistent vomiting and an inability to walk without help, her symptoms are very concerning to me because they could be caused by an intracranial process, like a brain tumor or stroke. Since she has not gotten any better in the past month, and is not acting like her usual self, or able to participate in any of her normal activities, let alone walk, I think she needs emergent medical attention. I hope this answer has been helpful to you, wish you the best.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My son was at a wrestling match yesterday and got hit in the penis. We saw him holding it during the rest of his matches but said he was fine. Today he is complaining of pain and keeps trying to pee but barely any urine comes out. He also said he has pain in his shaft but no bruising or swelling. Shaft is a little red but he is also grabbing if a lot. Any idea what could be wrong?Thank you,Courtney [|AI|] Hi and thank you so much for this query. I am so sorry to hear about this problem your son has. Most likely, there has been inflammation of the penis that has obstructed the opening of the urethra. This has certainly caused obstruction that prevents him for being able to urinate freely. The urethra is a very sensitive organ that needs t be ad Chat Doctor. I will like that you seek for medical consultation. Also, if he had just any blood
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello... I had sex on Friday night and the next afternoon there was some tingling on my penis and a tiny flesh coloured lamp had popped up. It s next to some abrasions. I used a condom and so I m thinking it may be caused by teeth during the blow job? Or is it herpes? Please help. [|AI|] Hi, It could be either but probably some trauma by bite. I cannot say until I examine you or see a Photograph of the lesion. I suggest you see a Surgeon or a Skin Specialist who can examine you and advice accordingly. If it is herpes or some other STD then treatment requires to be initiated at the earliest. Do not worry, it would be fine with treatment. But please get yourself examined or upload a photo of the same by asking a Specialist/ Direct query on this website. Take care, Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Doctor my name is dev and i have been habitual of masturbating from 10 years, sometimes it becomes 5 time per day, else 2 times i do that, i am 25 years old, i feel weakness but i am unable to stop it, i don t have strength in my hand and sometimes when i ejaculate, nothing comes from my penis, has my sperm finished? please help me, i am very depressed. [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in. Every adult does masturbation for pleasure and to relieve stress at your age. It must be done at most 3 to 4 times a week and not more than once daily. Since you do even 5 times a day, you are addicted to it and need to control yourself. To control masturbation addiction, I would recommend that you do not masturbate for 10 days and keep yourself busy when sexual thoughts come to your mind. Go for long walks, meet friends and start reading books or listening to music when you feel like masturbating. Avoid touching your genitals except during passing urine and toilet. Also eat healthy food and have at least 8 hours of sleep every night. Do not see pornography. If you have difficulty controlling by yourself then please consult psychiatrist.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] ?. My father-in-law has emphysema, very thin (125 ish),on lots of medication,recently trouble with fluid in lower legs. Low O2 blood levels, Just started full time oxygen. But my question is..Heart rate of 130 at most of the time? (Also just stopped smoking because of the O2). Is the heart rate part of the process or is it a preventable issue? [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for writing to Chat Doctor, I am Chat Doctor. Let me tell you some basics to understand, blood carries oxygen and heart pumps blood to all parts of the body to supply oxygen to the farthest parts of the body. When there is low quantity of oxygen in the blood the heart has to pump more times per minute to supply same quantity of oxygen to the tissues. Yes in case of low oxygen saturation in the blood faster heart rates are normal to find in the patient. It is definitely preventable by taking measures to treat the underlying issues, that is respiratory failure in this case, if you can correct the respiratory failure and oxygen saturation of the blood goes back to normal the heart rates will get back to normal automatically. I hope this answered your question, If you have more queries I am happy to answer you. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi,Age - 29, Height, 5"11, Weight - 62.. No medical historyDo you get weak if you mastrubitate? and if yes, what is it that you need to intake / eat, if you get weak...(pls guide preferably veg food)? any specific comments with the details mentioned above on height and weight [|AI|] Hi, Sperm are regularly produced in our body along with fluids secreted from glands like prostate seminal vesicle etc. it becomes semen. So if it is produced regularly it should be discharged regularly from body by sexual intercourse and manually through masturbation otherwise it comes out during nightfall. Now masturbation does not cause weakness or defect in sexual organ (energy lost is almost similar to doing other activity in muscle contraction n relaxation). It gives pleasure during act of masturbation and later calmness which is thought as weakness. Your height and weight are normal. So in my opinion you don't require supplementing any diet if you are taking balanced diet. Hope this will help. For any queries feel free to ask. THANKS N REGARDS