The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I have Hep C. I am treating it with the triple therapy peg-interferon alpha 2b, ribavirin and Victrelis. I have had four undetectable blood tests come back, and only 7 weeks left of treatment! Thats very exciting news for me, now I am so worried about my 13 year old son. Should I get him tested for the virus. What is the percentage of children born to a mother with hep c actually getting it and the virus becoming chronic? Please help, I am really in need of a correct answer. Thank you. [|AI|] Hi, Thank for choosing Chat Doctor, I really understand your worry, as matter of fact you should go for testing of your son, as the chances of infection of hepatitis virus from mother to son is more likely, I said more likely but not always, it is all depend on the immune system of mother if she has good immune system then the chances of infection is minimal, so it is better to test your son, take care of your family, Have good day.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my son is two yr old nnow m pregnent,he only take mother feed n some other food by choice n only 10 kg in weight he z v week his appetite z poor tell how to increas his weight n convince for bottle feed nt mother feed n he dont speak clear words except mama papa just [|AI|] Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. I take this opportunity to tell you certain scientific facts and relieve your distress -1. An active is a well kid even if she/ he is not eating well.2. Development of a kid is as important as, or I would say even more important than growth alone.3. As the kids grow their interest in food decreases and interest in play activities increases so that they eat small quantity and run away to play. As parents, we need to be more patient and feed than less quantity but more liquors per day.4. This age rather than the quantity of the food I suggest you concentrate more on the number of times you feed her and also make whatever you feed her calorie dense by adding good amount of ghee to it.5. I suggest you not to use appetite stimulants on long run as they may cause Chat Doctor. Regards -
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I was diagnosed with typhoid with titer of 1:80. I completed 14 days of cefixime 400 mg twice daily and ofloxacin 300 mg along with antimalarial arthimeter. As I completed the course use to get fever upto 99 degree Fahrenheit til the 10 days no fever during last 2 days of antibiotics. But again after 2 days after antibiotic started 2 get fever once a day upto 100 degree Fahreinheit. (The titer was 1:160 on the 14th day). why I am getting fever again and what is the further treatment. [|AI|] Hi welcome to the Chat Doctor You have been diagnosed with typhoid You have not recovered fully after antibiotic treatment Hence here antibiotic resistance should be ruled out Culture study will be beneficial for that If definite resistance than azithromycin can be prescribed Avoid heavy fatty meals and fried foods Fruits juices will be beneficial Avoid excess spicy foods... Small meal taken with frequent interval Take care Consult physician for examination with keeping all this in mind Hope your concern solved
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 2 year old woke up screaming last night. I changed her bum (because she had pooed) and noticed that her bum cheeks were bright red raw and looked very sore. It obviously hurt her while I was wiping her bum. I put cream on her but the problem is still the same today. It doesn t look any better. She has not had this before and wondered what could have caused it and what I can do to fix it. I m not sure whether this is relevant but she ate peanuts yesterday at a party which she doesn t normally eat. [|AI|] Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. Skin conditions are best diagnosed only after seeing directly. I suggest you to upload photographs of the same on this website, so that I can guide you scientifically. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Chat Doctor are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Good night earlier around 5 I checked my grandfather glucose and it was 435 but he had just ate and right now 10:35 I check it again and its 360 but he drinked a little coffe at 7 what should I do his has normally been elevated since his last Doctor visit so they took him of his glemiperide since his been doing good .but what do you recommend for me should I give him 1/2 a pill or rush him to the hospital he said he feel fine no pain and his breathing fine and everything else looks fine. Thanks in advance [|AI|] Hello, With the blood glucose levels you mentioned, he needs to take antidiabetic Chat Doctor. I would recommend getting HbA1C blood test done to see the diabetes control over the last 3 months. What is the weight of your grandfather? If he is overweight or obese, I would recommend starting him on metformin (and only if his liver function tests are normal). The dose I would start my patient on with similar blood glucose readings will be 500 mg three times a day with meals. If his weight is normal then I'd recommend resuming Glemiperide and the dose I would prescribe to my patient of the same age group would be 1 mg per day. After a week of regular use of medicine and with continuation of medications, he can get his blood glucose level checked 6 times by a glucometer, before the three meals as well as 2 hours after the three meals and according to the recorded blood glucose levels the medicine dose can be adjusted. Please do meet the treating physician of your grandfather for further evaluation. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Have lumbar stenosis that is getting worse and seeing the doc Thursday but, wondering how often should I rest to take the pain away per day. I mean, I can t walk 30 minutes without wanting to sit and really don t like to stand. I know they (docs) want me to keep moving but, some days all I want to do is sit. So can you give me a rule of thumb to follow? Sometimes if I elevate my feet for awhile I am much better other times not. [|AI|] Hello! Welcome and thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! I can understand your situation. Difficulty walking for long distances is a typical feature of lumbar stenosis. For this reason, I would recommend consulting a neurosurgeon and discuss on possible spinal surgery to improve your situation. Meanwhile, it would be recommendable to avoid standing up or walking for a long time. Hope you will find this answer helpful! Kind regards,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here... my patient had buccal mucosa cancer and ealrly detection done. size was 1.5 cm*0.8 cm*0.4cm depth. undergone surgery. now what we should know? weather this is a life threating ? [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Buccal mucosa cancer if localized and not metastatic than unblock resection with negative margins is the treatment of choice for it. So get done surgery for this. Usually post-operative chemotherapy and radiotherapy is not needed for small size tumor. So in your patient s case, only surgery is required. And prognosis is very good in buccal mucosa cancer. Usual life expectancy is more than 10 years. So no need to worry much for this. This is not life-threatening cancer. Ask patient to avoid hot and spicy food. Avoid hard to chew food. Avoid habit of tobacco chewing if he has this habit. Start multivitamin and antioxidants tablet. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your patient. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello I am a 66 year old man.i have had 2 episodes of blood in my semen,first time I masturbated,not vigourously and the semen was pinkish.i waited ten days and today it was darker in color.i had a psa and a digital rectal exam and both were normal on December 19 I called my primary and my urologist and no response yet.i am thinking of going to the ER if ican not see ,my primary.any sugggestions?lanskey [|AI|] Hi I understand your concern, blood in semen is not normal. It such cases the probability of a cancer prostate should be ruled out. When negative other conditions such as vasculitis which is inflammation of the seminal vesicles(the part of the testes which produce most of the fluid of your ejaculate) can cause blood in semen. Other conditions such as any abnormalities in bleeding or any anticoagulant may cause a similar picture. An S.T.D screen could be taken to be on the safe side. Hypertension rarely causes such a complaint. You could discuss on ruling out the above causes with your physician, if no cause is ultrasound of the bladder is beneficial to see if there is any early growth that is causing your symptoms. Thank you wish you a speedy recovery.!
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I was taking 3-4 Zyrtec per day with nasal decongestant spray. I have hypertension could this increase my BP further. I have stopping taking these meds. But I do wonder could have affected my BP. MY BPreached 194/113 ,now on anti hypertensives med and my Bo is on its way down. Thank you. Nick [|AI|] Hello, I would explain that Zyrtec does not usually cause high blood pressure as an adverse effect. For this reason, I would recommend consulting with your attending physician for a physical exam and some tests in order to investigate the possible causes underlying high blood pressure values: - complete blood count, PCR, ESR for inflammation- thyroid hormone levels for thyroid gland dysfunction- blood electrolytes for possible imbalance-kidney and liver function tests-fasting glucose. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My daughter is 15 months old. She fell about an hour ago on her fisher price house and hit right at her cheek bone and ear. She cried for about a minute, we put ice on it and watched her. There is just a little swelling where she hit. Her balance seems to be fine and she is acting normal. She didn t drink all of her milk before bed, but not sure if this is related. Is her fall cause for concern? [|AI|] Holloway to look for in a head injury:Call the doctor if your child is an infant; has lost consciousness, even momentarily; or if a child of any age has any of these symptoms:~won't stop crying~complains of head and neck pain~vomits repeatedly~difficult to awaken~becomes difficult to console~isn't walking normally in your case its seems to be an external head in jury not internal. So i don't think there is a reason to panic. Just watch your child for any symptoms. Hope this answer helps. Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi i am tushar age 23 , every mornin i get up i sneeze 4 to 5 times ... sometimes sneezing doesnt stop & eyes start watering and its even worst .. i avoid taking medicine but when i cant control the sneezing i take allegra & after that then its fine ...please suggest what is wrong with me ... [|AI|] Hello Pusher, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to make suggestions for you as follows:1. From your history, I would first think of allergic rhinitis. I usually prescribe my such patients' combination of montelukast and an antihistamine like fexofenadine (Allegra that you are taking).2. It is important to mention here that above medicines can only "control" your symptoms, they basically do not "cure" allergies.3. I would suggest you allergy testing which will help you identify the substances you may be allergic to and also to know the measures to avoid them. Based on your allergy testing, an Allergist-Immunologist may prescribe you allergen specific immunotherapy which works on immune system to improve your allergy symptoms on a long term basis.4. I would especially think of allergy to house dust mites or indoor molds as you have early morning symptoms.5. In general, I would suggest you to avoid exposure to dusts, smokes and air pollution as much as possible.6. I would also suggest you to take a healthy diet rich in vitamins & minerals (adequate amounts of green leafy vegetables, fruits, sprouts, etc.) which will improve your immunity and will be helpful in a long run. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you the best of the health. Thank you & Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] what is meant by gross dilatation of pelvicalyceal system noted in the left kidney?Right kidney measured 12.3cm,Left kidney measured 12,7cm,Renal outline are normal,Perinipheric space are normal.bladder is normal in outline No evidience of intraluminial pathology seen.Post void resude -Nil. [|AI|] Hello Gross dilatation of pelvicalyceal system in left kidney may indicate gross HY Chat Doctor. It may be due to many causes like calculus, PUJ obstruction etc. As calculus is not mentioned in the report, it may be due to PUB obstruction, reflux etc. You may need CT biography. It is very helpful in assessing exact cause and management. Proper management depend upon findings. Get well soon. Take Care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi,I am 70 year old. I have finding problem inside the tonge.Always two wound comes twin side of tonge. I hd checked so many times.It will correct for some time. after some day it will automatically started with pain.for that I am not able to eat.Plz suggest me what I will do [|AI|] Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor . As per your complaint recurring episodes of eruption of ulcers on either side of tongue points towards a condition Recurring Authors Dermatitis or Recurring Authors Ulcers. It can occur due to a few common conditions like tongue injury caused by sharp teeth, Nutritional Deficiency iron, Vitamin B12 and folic acid, stress, immune deficiency conditions like Diabetes, acid reflux etc. You should consult an Oral Physician so that a thorough clinical evaluation can be done to rule out the exact cause and treatment can be planned accordingly. Aa of now for relieving the pain you can apply a numbing gel containing Lidocaine or Choline Salicylate over the sores for relief. Gargle with 1:1solution of milk of magnesia and Ben Chat Doctor. . Soda bicarb solution in water can also be used for gargles. Sucking ice pops and gargle with cold water can also relieve by reducing Inflammation and pain. Hope this information helps.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, is Lympodema hereditary. My mother had it. Ive now developed unusual lumps in my arms, groin, and kidney area. Ive seen a consultant today who is organising surgery to have the lump in my arm removed and a biopsy done. He has also checked the lymph nodes in my armpit. [|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Many lymphoma has some hereditary causes. Not all lymphomas are hereditary. It is just one of the cause. Multiple causes play role in that. You should go for biopsy of your lump. Go for histopathological examination. It will give you exact diagnosis. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Good evening, my daughter has been having trouble to concentrate in school, tuition, home is difficult for her to carry out a task. For example, it takes her 1 hour to eat a regular meal, require constant reminders for her to focus and have her swallow her food. She is eight years old. Pleases advise in some of the way I can help her boost her concentration without using drugs. [|AI|] Hello, You can help your daughter by doing the things together with her. You should create a daily agenda for her with a lot of things but in short terms example 30 min music, 30 min reading, 30 min eating, 30 min cooking. But you must be present in most time in these activities. About the food, you can try to ask her to make a menu what she wants to eat during a week. Let her choose. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi just want to know if Im pregnant or not, yesterday I do a home pregnancy test thist the result was - but after about a hour and a half it was + ( it was fade but 100% positive) I do some more tests but they were -. This morning I repeat the test and it was - again. My last menses was 30 July 2010. Could I be pregnant, Is there any hope that I can be pregnant ThanksSarina [|AI|] Hi dear ! I have read your question carefully and understand your concern. If you delay periods and have both positive and negative results of pregnancy tests than you should make a blood BChatDoctor test to confirm /rule out pregnancy. If it will be positiver than you should contact with your gynecologist. If it will be negative than there are other many reasons than can cause delay periods. Hope I have been helpful
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello Dr. My child is 23 months old and he has high fever and has got ceasers attach twice. Once in nov. 2009 and again last week. Dr. in Chennai have given Mental P but i heard giving Meftal P for long time is very bad for kidney. Is it true and if yes what are the side effects? [|AI|] Hello, Fever of a few days without any localizing signs could as well a viral illness. Usually, rather than fever, what is more, important is the activity of the child, in between 2 fever episodes on the same day. If the kid is active and playing around when there is no fever, it is probably a viral illness and it doesn't require antibiotics at all. Once the viral fever comes it will there for 4-7 days. So do not worry about the duration if the kid is active. Paracetamol can be given in the dose of 15 mg/kg/dose (maximum ceiling dose of 500 mg) every 4-6th hourly that too only if fever is more than 100F. I suggest not using combination medicines for fever, especially with Paracetamol. Metal contains Metonymic acid which is a NSAID. It carries the risk of gastritis and renal problems in the long run. Please do not use Metal. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi my mom just had a surgery about a week ago. today she had went to the er because she was bleeding from the vaginal area. they said she was an acute infection of female upper reproductive tract and postoperative vaginal bleeding. can this be cause by a dog? [|AI|] HIT hanks for posting your query. Actually your question is not clear. Are you asking whether you moms genital infection be caused by a dog ? Where is the relation between genital infection and a dog ? Your ER doctor is right, its post-operative infection, and she requires an antibiotic for that. Kindly consult her operating surgeon and request for antibiotic prescription. Hope this information was useful to you. Any clarifications feel free to ask.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 33 years old. I have been sporadic muscle and nerve pain, throughout my body for a couple of years. Yesterday afternoon, my right wrist began to bother me. It was out of the blue, there was no injury. I found it difficult to flex, or even rotate my wrist. When I woke up this morning, I had the same pain in a ddition to severe pain in the palm of my hand. It is painful to make a fist, and it is a very relaxed fist. I also began to feel as though I had sciatica. I do not know if the two are related, but the pain is becoming unbearable. [|AI|] Hi, Sometimes, we injure ourselves not only by trauma but also by unknowingly overexerting or doing abnormal movements or just by keeping the part in abnormal position. Your symptoms doesn't points towards a pathology. Treat your pain conservatively by warm saline fomentation and over the counter painkillers. If the pain persists for more than 3-5 days than get an X-ray and blood investigations done. Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi Doctor, I am facing a problem. I masturbate daily. I wake up I masturbate. I come from ofc I masturbate. If I dont then there is some sensation in genitals which make me masturbate and then I feel good. Masturbation is not affecting my ofc work but it does affecting my work at home. I think it has affected my memory. I read some sexual stuff on net and this eats my 2 hrs daily. I almost daily watch porn pics though i have stopped watching videos. I tried stopping masturbation but i think i am low on will power. After 2 days i again start doing. I even tried to decrease frequency but again after some day i do it daily. I had a good memory once but now it takes a lot of effort to study anything. Even while studying I masturbate. Please tell me the solution for this. [|AI|] HIT hank for asking to ChatDoctorI can understand your problem, this is real situation this is kind of addiction, but you can come out of this all you have to do is control your thoughts try to be with your best friend share the talk, read nice books, take interest in nature, if this does not help you then in my opinion you may need psychiatrist help, but you have to try it on your own first, hope this information helps you, take a good care and have nice day.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I am on Olmatec and Atenalol and have been for some years for high blood pressure problems. I had it checked a few weeks ago with my doctor and he was concerned it was 167/83 however I had missed a few days medication. I checked it today and it is 134/76 is this okay considering I am on medication still? thanks for your help. [|AI|] Hi There I understand your concern for your health and I would like to suggest that your Blood pressure is well under control (134/76) with these two medicines. So its advisable that you should continue with them and don't skip them in between as it can cause an increase in your BP. Rest general precautions you should take like avoiding high dietary salt, avoid smoking and excessive coffee intake. I wish you good health
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My son is 5 years old Sunday he complained of a belly ache he has severe constipation I gave him an enema and he went of course after that then he was fine. around 8 o clock that night he started to run a very high temp. early Monday morning he vomited several times. fever has continued and now he is complaining both sides of his neck hurts. What could be going on with him? Thanks [|AI|] HI... This looks like a viral illness. Fever and neck pain is not related to constipation. But vomiting could be due to constipation. Fever of few days without any localizing signs could as well a viral illness. Usually rather than fever, what is more important is the activity of the child, in between 2 fever episodes on the same day. If the kid is active and playing around when there is no fever, it is probably viral illness and it doesn't require antibiotics at all. Once viral fever comes it will there for 4-7 days. So do not worry about duration if the kid is active. I suggest you give Paracetamol at the appropriate dose and plenty of fluids to Chat Doctor. Regards -
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 47 year old wife just got a stress test back that said it was negative for Ischemia. She performed very well on the test, going 13 METS, 10 minutes on the treadmill with no pain and was able to reach 105% of her predicted max heart rate (I think it was 183). Blood pressure went to 184/72. However, the test also said that she had horizontal st depression in several of the leads (about 6 of them) at peak stress. The test report said that the st depression resolved by 2 minutes into recovery. The test also said her DUKE score was 3 (although I calculate it at 2.5, based on 10 minutes of exercise and 1.5 mm st depression). And the test report said that it was negative for ischemia with an intermediate chance of CAD and a 1% per year cardiac death rate predicted. I have found information about false positives, particularly in women and my wife is on 2 mg estradiol per day and has had a hysterectomy. Does any of this seem out of norm to you? [|AI|] The test you described is normal. During any exercise even in normal people the blood pressure has to do up, because a healthy heart has to pump blood to the exercising muscle, which is a normal requirement. The St segment depression you described are secondary to tachycardia (increase in pulse rate), which normally occurs with exercise, so be rest assured. The risk you mentioned is for any person of that age group Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi I am 21 years old and have been with my boyfriend for three years and this whole time I been trying to get pregnant we have inter course everyday with no protection and I dont get my period every month what is a way to get pregnant ? Please help thank u [|AI|] Hi, There could be several reasons. You may not be ovulating regularly, local factors like a introverted uterus, anti-sperm antibodies or tubal factors may be working against or there could be a male factor. All these need proper investigation and treatment if any needed. You may need a complete hormonal profile, tubal patency tests, trans-vaginal sonogram, blood counts and urinalysis apart from a complete physical examination. Your partner also needs to get assessed. Hope your query is clarified. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have an 89 year old neighbor, female, who is experiencing (sp?) numbness in the fingers of her left hand all morning. They are very white compared to her other hand. I don t notice any other symptoms (like facial deformity, or slurred speech), Is there other symptoms to look for? Or is there a remedy besides soaking in warm water? Or do I try to get a family member take her to a doctor [|AI|] Hi, as you mentioned that you didn't notice slurred speech, facial deformity it should be ruled as a major issue. Thanks for the quick assessment made by you. As you said she is feeling numbness in her hand you should see if she has placed her arm in a resting position where it is compressed. Like resting on a edge of the chair etc. Also, she might have pinch nerve which may be leading symptoms of numbness for her. Taking a help of a physical therapist for this will help her. Also, as she is aged, there will be a lot of weakness which can be corrected by doing some simple active physical exercises. Neck exercises are also important to keep the muscles stronger and avoid the symptoms. With the grace of God I wish your neighbor a good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a very large distended stomach with pain n upper left quadrant n lower abdominal pain . I hat a CT scan out of town said my uterus has falling out of place layoffs on my small bowel n the fluid in my abdomen where the pain is in the upper left quadrant where my colon descends seems to be kinked I was also told my cervix was already down on my vagina. I cannot use the bathroom only having 3 bowel movements in almost a month which were so painful I broke out n a sweat I ve taken stool softeners fleets n several other things just causes mote pain bloating n cramps I take take gas pills n no relief either and do not pass a lot of gas or feel the need to. I can t eat much very small amours n mostly liquid or soft foods. I often lose control of my bladder n sometimes feel I need to go so badly bit just trickles out or none at all. I was told I had a hiatal hernia a few weeks ago and last night I got the hiccups so very bad n couldn t stop the pain increased my husband said o kinda slumped over on the couch n was unresponsive for about 30 to 60 seconds. Do I need to go yo the emergency room or can I wait to schedule an appointment and with which h Dr do o need t [|AI|] Dear madam, you need to go to ER if you feel constant pain, fever, breathless, vomit blood or feel fatigue but your symptoms definitely means something and detailed work up should be done. You obviously have some kind of intestinal passage disorder caused by either mechanical or non-mechanical causes. YOUR GYNECOLOGICAL PATHOLOGY U VE DESCRIBED COULD affect your intestinal motility and if there is a certain cause then pills won't be helpful. The best way to rule this out is to the colonoscopy, barium swallow or diagnostic laparoscopy and everything should be clear. Wish you good health,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, the other day i was doing splits on a wall and i didn t warm up before-hand and i hear a pop because my leg slipped and it got pushed a little further than what i can usually do the splits for. Should i see a doctor? I cant do ballet exercices or raise my leg above 90 degrees without crying with pain. My knee also hurts and when i sit it bothers me and when i m about to bend down i m always scared of feeling the pain. What to do..? My mom is complaining about how expensive it is to go to a doctor so that is why i m wondering how necesary it actually is... [|AI|] Based on your history you probably have an adductor strain (straddle injury or also known as charlie horse injury)and hamstring strain raising your leg above 90deg specifically stretches these over pulled muscles even more thus producing the pa intake anti-inflammatory medications such as celecoxib to decrease the inflammatory response of the muscle and the pain as well pain might persist for a while since the muscles take a while to recover (2 to 3 weeks minimum)
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi doctor i cant control my eyes. when im talking with persons my eyes moves to areas that makes me anxious. and when im on school i cant control my eyes. my eyes goes to some of the students in the class. and im unable to take away from there. its like my eyes get locked on that area.please help.what is this.when i consulted doctor. doctor gave me oleanz 2.5 and Zosert.. [|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. But in psychology, we broadly call it obsession. You had that disturbing sensation once. You expected it to happen again and tried. Then you started experiencing it as you were expecting it. Then your body brought the familiar symptom because you are expecting it. Then you started worrying that the symptom is coming again and again and expect it and close your eyes. Body brings it again as you are expecting it. You become worried and so on. That is obsession in simple terms. Ignore it and the problem vanishes. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have been feeling extremely tired lately, lightheaded here and their and sick to my stomach. I have been feeling heat on the back of my neck which makes me feel like Im having a hot spell but its cold to the touch. I have a bad back to begin with but lately my lower back has been hurting more then normal. [|AI|] Hi, Back pain and body weakness are generally signs of symptoms of a wide arena of diseases, Associated signs and symptoms, specific medical context are very important to orient diagnosis and further testing. Low blood cell levels, inflammation, autoimmune disease, tumors are conditions that could excite all of these symptoms. At times, they might be well related. I suggest you consult your primary care doctor. Kind regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my age is 38yrs, my serum creatinine is 1.28, how to control, i ih BP, currently i m taking Telmisartan+HCTZ and it controlled 120/80.Last April 2014 it was 0.866. What is the reason for increase in creatinin. Is there any medicine in Homeopathy to control cure this, [|AI|] Hello, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I understand your health concern, if I am your doctor I suggest you that raising creatinine level is always suggestive of kidney affection. Since you are hypertensive it has most probably affected your kidney, also there are chances of diuretic induced rise in creatinine. But whole history is necessary to diagnose the condition accurately. Kindly visit the nearby doctor and discuss with them the above-mentioned description. I will be happy to answer all your future concern. Thank you, ChatDoctorInfectious disease specialist. Wish you the best health at Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am a 21 year old female. I have been smoking for 4 years and I have never had any respiratory issues until this week. Everytime I take a deep breath, it feels as though I am gasping for air. I went to my Doctor and my O2 level came back at 100%. My blood pressure was normal for my age and weight. I have been having slight discomfort on the left side of my chest which did worry me but it is not unbareable. I have not been smoking for the past 2 days because my sister (who works in a respiratory department in a hospital) said I could have something they call a "cloudy lung" because of the smoking. How long would a cloudy lung take to clear? And is that what it could be? [|AI|] Hello dear, welcome to Chat Doctor.come have gone through your concern in depth.* The cloudy lung indicates different types of conditions as - lung emphysema - effusion or pneumonia - severe pulmonary congestion - tumor - tuberculosis - others.* Needs x-ray of chest to find out the diagnosis and get management in accordance with that rather than getting panic.* And just stick to the decision of not to smoke now in future for your better health aspects. Wishing you fine health ahead. Welcome for any further guidance. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] What does it mean when your heart starts beating really fast(over 160bpm), short of breath like someone is pushing on my chest, and dizzy? This was while I was at home, not doing any activities just walking around the house, bent down to pet the dog and it started when I stood up. [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. In my opinion, we should first rule out arrhythmia (rhythm disturbances in heart) like atrial fibrillation (AF), atrial flutter, supra ventricular tachycardia (SVT) etc. All these can cause rapid heart rate, dizziness, chest tightness and discomfort. So get done ECG, 2d echo and Holder monitoring (24 hour continuous monitoring of ECG) to rule out arrhythmia. On the basis of reports, you may need anti arrhythmia Chat Doctor. Don't worry, you will be alright. First diagnose yourself and then start appropriate treatment. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have costochondritis. I have not had any pains since I became pregnant and my daughter is now five months old. About four days ago it came on suddenly at night and has been bothering me since. Its the worst at night and my heart is racing. What should I do to get it to stop? [|AI|] See if you are lactating you might be depleted of essential vitamins and minerals like calcium magnesium potassium required for proper muscle function and might be one factor to trigger sharp pains in run muscles due to spasms take proper nutrition and multivitamin supplements needed for lactation(feeding Baby) and continue to take them well over 1 year after you stop lactation for body to recover. If you continue to experience pains and if you are feeding baby better take Physiotherapy and topical pain creams to apply rather than taking pain meds orally. Hope this helps
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am currently 18 weeks pregnant. I undergone ultrasound scan and the results said that my foetal had small choroid plexus cyst with in the right lateral ventricle measures 5 x 5 mm. I consulted with my doctor and she asked me to take triple marker test. I am restless regarding this. I can t to control my emotions. Please help me to get rid of this. Guide me regarding this issue. What I do next? I am waiting for your reply. [|AI|] Hi Welcome to Chat Doctor ! Ma'am sorry to hear that your baby has choroid plexus cysts. You should consult a neurologist or neurosurgeon for this cyst, but before that please undergo triple marker test as it is done to detect congenital abnormalities. If you have any further query then you can come back to Chat Doctor. I will definitely help you and guide you appropriately. With Regards Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i got mild chest pain in left side 2 days before. now i feel little difficulty while sollowing food, drinking water, even while sneezing. I have acidity problem only while morining brush [vomit feeling] from last 6 months and have takesn no treatment for the same. Would like to get your opition for the same. [|AI|] Hello, you mentioned you have difficulty swallowing solids and liquids. Is it really only for past 2 days or u had difficulty even before that ? Do u really feel that your food gets stuck when it finds its way down your throat or food pipe and isn't going down properly as it used to ? Is it like initially you had difficulty swallowing solids, and then it progressed to difficulty in swallowing liquids as well, or it happened for both solids and liquids at once ? Did you have any episodes of vomiting ? Is there pain during swallowing or only difficulty ? What's your age? Any addiction to smoking or alcohol ? Do you have any other respiratory complaint apart from the chest pain you mentioned ? Your symptoms need detailed evaluation. Difficulty in swallowing can be due to issues with your throat or food pipe or something compressing on your food pipe from outside (example - enlargement of lymph nodes around your food pipe or any other growth) or it can be due to motility disorders of your food pipe (Andalusia cardiac). There are many possibilities, so I would suggest you consult a physician in person.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I m a 44 yr. old female, 5 4 , 140 lbs. In Sept. 11, I had an abdominal hernia repaired. Prior to the surgery, and for more than 1 year, I suffered constant fatigue , general nausea, vomiting, bouts of constipation / diarrhea . I saw both my GP and OBGYN , but neither found a cause / solution. The quality of my daily life was in the toilet (pardon the pun). One day, I pushed my chair back from the table, stood up, and a peach sized globe popped out of my navel. I pushed it back in, went to a different GP (in the same office as my original one), and he confirmed the abdominal hernia. I had surgery 2 days later. My symptoms improved, but have never disappeared. Ever since surgery, the scar has been some combination of red, inflamed, irritated, itchy, and doesn t seem to want to heal. Sometimes part of it splits open, scabs over, but always stays red. I went back to the office for post-op visits & expressed some concerns; something just didn t seem right. A nurse told me I was over-reacting and just need to relax about it. Needless to say, I haven t been back to that office for any further follow-ups. In Dec 11 I saw my dermatologist (for dyshidrotic eczema ) and, on a whim, asked about the scar. She was very concerned, mentioned keloid tissue, the need to manage the formation, care for surrounding tissue / organs, etc., and she injected quite a bit of hyaluronic acid into the scar, in different parts of my navel, & into the skin surrounding the scar (the scar is just over 1 long, just below my navel). It didn t take long to notice the hard tissue under my skin disappearing. Now, the hard tissue is back, the scar is red and itchy, and I m suffering bouts of fatigue and diarrhea. Are these occurrences related to the mesh? What should be my next step? Visit my Dr. (that confirmed the hernia) and ask for a CT or MRI? How are culprits to abdominal distress discovered and treated? Thanks in advance for your insight and advice. [|AI|] Hi. As per your question, any injury/incision over your body leads to keloid formation. It can't be prevented. It should be managed only with Intro keloid injections. Regarding red scar, it may be due to underlying mesh. But diarrhea may not be due to mesh, as the mesh will be fixed to surrounding structures with Non-absorbable sutures. As mesh is a foreign body, it may lead to infection. So, Clinical examination should be done first.CT/MRI are not needed now.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello i had the new implant put in my arm end of may and did not have a period till september and then i have only had a couple and its been very light for a couple of days. but i have a interest in new foods and i am slowely putting on weight but i am trying to lose it. i get a sick feeling every day but have not been sick. do u think i am pregant or is it just the implant? thank u [|AI|] Hello what, and I hope I can help you today. The contraceptive implant is actually one of the most effective birth control methods available, and has a lower failure rate than even sterilization. Unfortunately, it is also very common to have irregular bleeding, mood changes, food cravings, and weight gain as a side effect of the hormones in the implant. So just in case, I would perform a urine pregnancy test to make sure that you are not pregnant, however the most likely explanation for your symptoms is general side effects from the hormones in the implant. Most people eventually stop menstruating completely with the implant and have minimal hormonal changes, but this may take 6 to 9 months to develop. I hope I was able to adequately answer your question today, and that my advice was helpful. Best wishes,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I found a dime size lump on the side of my three year old sons jaw. Its movable and doesnt seem to bother him? What can it be, Im completely freaked out and it the weekend so I have to wait till Monday to get him in to the pediatricians office. [|AI|] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The lump over the side of the jaw can be an enlarged lymph node secondary to any tooth or gum infection. The other possible cause can be a fibrous or lipoma. Consult an oral physician and get it evaluated. Meanwhile you can start with a course of antibiotics like amoxicillin(if you are not allergic). Nothing to be panic. I hope my answer will help you, take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] HELLO MY FATHER IN LAW HAS UNDERWENT BY PASS SURGERY.HE LASO HAVE DIABETES.ALTHOUGH HE IS TAKING REGULAR MEDINES,FROM LAST ONE MONTH SUDDELY HE GETS ABNORMAL MARKS WITH SWALLOWING ON HIS FACE AND EYES.WE DONT KNOW WHY THESE MARKS COMES UP SUDDENLY.WE WANT TO CONSULT.OUR MOB 0000,0000 [|AI|] Hello, I understand your concern and would explain that these signs are indicative of increase fluid retention. This could be related to heart failure or antihypertensive Chat Doctor. Coming to this point, I would recommend consulting with his doctor for a physical exam and some tests: - a cardiac ultrasound and NT pro BNP values for heart failure-kidney and liver function tests-blood electrolytes- a urinalysis. A diuretic (Las ix) may help to improve his situation. In case he is taking any calcium channel blockers (amlodipine, lercanidipine, etc.) I would recommend stopping them and switching to other antihypertensive
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I hit a wall earlier. My hand was really swollen and bruised. My knuckles are still swollen. My pinky is very bruised with swelling still.. I put ice on my hand for a while and now it still hurts should I go see a doctor? It hurts really bad to move it. I can make a fist though... the middle part of my finger are swollen too.. what should I do? [|AI|] Hi, thank-you for providing the brief history of you. As you have hit the wall earlier I will first advise you to not do it again as major injuries might occur. Also, as you are able to make a fist I think there will be not a major injury to your hand. Maybe some small soft tissue injury will be there leading to swelling and pain. Continuing icing will help to reduce pain and inflammation. In my clinical practice most cases recover well within 5-7 days of time. RegardsJay In Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] GREETIS DOCTOR. IM ON ORALCON FOR 3DAYS. THE THING IS I WANT TO GT PREGNANT AND I WAS ON INJECTION SO IM NT FALIN PREGNANT. I HAV MY PERIOD REGULAR BUT NOTHIN HAPENIN. NURSE TOLD ME TO TAKE ORALCON FOR 3MTHS DURIN WHICH I MUST HAVE INTERCOURSE N MISS THE PILL ON THE DAY I HAV INTERCOURSE. WILL I GT PREGNANT [|AI|] Hi, You have to stop Oralcon as it is oral contraceptive pill and prevent pregnancy. Your period is regular. I would suggest consulting gynecologist and undergo reproductive hormone analysis, USG scan and ovarian follicle study for better management. Following treatment will help you to become pregnant. Progesterone pill in second half of period: it makes uterine environment favorable for implantation and support pregnancy. Tablet Ova care will also help to become pregnant. Other Chat Doctor. Also go for Semen analysis of your partner to confirm no any issue in male reproductive system. Avoid stress, take healthy diet,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 9 month old baby is very active. No fever, cold, crankiness. Feeds on solid from 6th month onwards regularly. But from past 8 days she is passing stools about 4-5 times aday. Her stools are normal sometimes and sometime its loose and creamy. What is the reason for passing stools so many times?? [|AI|] Thank you for posting your question. Increased stool frequency may occur normally in a lot of babies and may depend on the type of diet consumed. Also since you mentioned that the stools are mostly of normal consistency, it is most likely to be a normal occurrence. However, considering the age, it could also be a mild viral infection of the intestine. In any case, all that needs to be done is keeping the child HY Chat Doctor. You may breastfeed more frequently, use oral rely
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am a female, 56 age and diagnosed as having mild AR or aortic regurgitation. in recent years i suddenly suffer from breathing trouble particularly during night and this occurs 2-3 times in a year. I am non-diabete, 5ft-2 inch with 64 kg body weight and normal blood pressure. I have also trivial MR. ejection fraction is 66%. Is my problem due to mild MR causing congestive heart failure. [|AI|] Hi, The complaints you're experiencing doesn't seem due to AR. AR for having complains of breathlessness needs to be severe which doesn't seem to be, in your case, specially when your BP is're not a diabetic patient, however at your age, coronary artery disease is a more common cause for breathlessness. I would suggest you to get a check-up with a cardiologist as having breathlessness and that too at night is not a good symptom and maybe an early sign of heart failure. (normal LVEF on 2d echo don't rule out heart failure). Hope you get well soon and let me know if you need any further this matter.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I feel like I have air bubbles in my chest... I find relief when I switch positions, but it comes back. Ive also felt discomfort in my left arm and Im feeling very sluggish... Im 36 years and im a little worried it could be my heart. could it? ive checked my pulse and its been normal... [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. In my opinion, we should first rule out cardiac diseases for your symptoms. So get done ECG, 2d echo and stress test (trade mill test). If all these are normal then no need to worry about heart diseases. Sometimes gaseous distention can also give air bubbles sensations in chest. So take pantoprazole and levosulperide combination twice daily on empty stomach.Don't worry, you will be alright. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 11 year old girl has the following symptoms:headache, stomach ache, cold - these are kind of the usual, no fever - but a few things have happened in the last 24 hours that concern me. She fainted - flat out yesterday and has been lethargic for the last 36 hours. She also has a strange rash on the sides of her nose - little red dots. I did call her pediatrician and she said that if she faints again, obviously get her in but wanted to get some thoughts from you Thanks [|AI|] Thanks for consulting in Chat Doctor. I wanted to ask you, did she eat before loss consciousness, it can be hungry fainting, the second thing,"What is her hemoglobin?" She may be had anemia, please do blood test and let me know. The third thing, she has some infection, which can give to her intoxication and weakness, her vessels are weak, she has some hemorrhagic rash on the nose, which I suggest appear after fainting. What we should do more-check her BP, if she has hypotonia, we should give to her some chocolate, black tea, in addition, you can do EEG at neurologist for exception to high intracranial pressure or epilepsy attacks or other. Do you know prophylaxis is the best? For headache, you can give to her usual paracetamol, for stomach ache-give charcoal 3 tabs, if no effect then Alcatel 1 tablespoon 3 times after 1 hour before meal during 10 daysRecovery soon, take Carell the best Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My child is 2.5 years old, and she is having very watery stools since yesterday. A total of 4 times today. The last time there are some redness which I am not sure if its blood as I applied quite a lot of drapolean on her for her rash due to the liquid motion. She also just vomited once today and had fever of about 38 since Friday, when her liquid motion started. Should I be alarmed? [|AI|] Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Understanding your concern. As per your query your child have symptoms of fever and loose motion which is due to viral infection of body leading to acute gastroenteritis. It could be due to poor digestion, poor absorption or rapid movement through the intestines and all this leads to watery diarrhea. Need not worry. I would suggest you to take zinc supplements along with oral rely Chat Doctor. You should maintain the HY
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi There, I just had a health test and in my urine the results showed "protein albuminuria". I have done some research on what that is, and I think I get the gist of it, but it is still pretty complex. I am worried because I am in a foreign country teaching English and just arrived about 2-weeks ago. Is this something that I should take very seriously?? (Also when I took the urine test I was very dehydrated and jetlagged from the flight - could this facilitate these factors?) Any help would be greatly appreciated!Thanks,Greg [|AI|] Hi Greg, I would advise you repeat the test after a week and just to confirm also do a urine microalbuminuria test. Yes it could be a temporary phenomenon. But if it persists----If you are not a Diabetic or hypertensive then we have to look for a condition called nephrotic syn Chat Doctor. Firstly let us confirm after a week. Secondly let us see the level by doing urine microalbuminuria, and then we can decide further action--regards and wish you the best.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a lot of muscle movement and pressure in lower right side of my body, I just ,had a hip implant Jan/1/2013 one doctor told me it might be my Kidneys. Another told me he see another bone growing out of my hip were i had the implant, i am going to have another hip surgery to remove the bone. i just want to know what you think about all this pressure and muscle movement...Thank You Ms. Dorsey [|AI|] Hi, dear I fail to understand what exactly you mean by muscle movement, are they involuntary (happening by itself without you doing anything) or on movement, where exactly do you feel the pressure, what hip implant do you have and what surgery you are about to go through, In my opinion if the symptoms are not voluntary, possibility of parkinsonism, or any other neural disorder is high. If voluntary, do you have implant loosening, or anything or clue you want to provide us with that your doctor would have written.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am a 40 year old female. Average weight/petite. I have a walnut-sized lump on the front of my neck that is getting bigger over the last year. I have had two ultrasounds of my thyroid and all is normal. Food gets caught in my throat and cbc was normal. Should I see an ENT even if ultrasounds showed nothing? Everyone sees the bump, it is protruding farther out than my Adam s apple to the left and above it. It is hard to the touch and the dr. said it is not a lipoma. My other symptoms are muscle weakness, upper back pain (having physical therapy for pain between my shoulder blades and daily headache) worse when I wake up in the morning, and severe fatigue (weakness, constant napping on weekends, going to bed at 7-7:30 at night..progrssively getting worse). I am taking B12 and vitamin D and synthroid. My thyroid levels were within range. Bad cholesterol a little high. I also have a uterine fibroid(1.5-2 cm), and ovarian cyst(3cm)as of ultrasound last August (probably unrelated, but thought I would add). Otherwise I am healthy. Hardly ever sick with colds or flu! [|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have hard enlarged lump in neck. It may be due to some enlarged cervical lymph node. It can be due to reactive hyperplasia, tuberculosis, lymphoma or metastatic carcinoma. Or it may be some soft tissue tumor. You should go for fine needle aspiration cytology or biopsy of that lump. It will give you exact diagnosis. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I was elbowed on my right upper chest about a week ago in a basketball game and my right chest hurts when I sneezed or coughed. The pain is concentrated on that upper region of the chest, just at the point where one can start feeling the rib bones with his fingers. Slight pain can also be felt when rubbing in between the rib bones. The pain has been there until today (12/29/11) and I am wondering whether I should go and get an X-ray to check for cracked rib(s) or dont go get an X-ray as it may be internal bruising? [|AI|] HAI, u had got a blunt trauma to your chest without external injury injuriesInjuries to the chest especially the ribs are very painful duet rich innervation of the nerves. U cam go ahead for a Chester app (anteroposterior view) to rule out any bony injuriesTake good painkillers like diclofenac or tramadol added with antacids at least fora week. These pains take at least 2 to3 weeks to subside. Follow deep breathing exercises with chest physiotherapy to prevent atelectasis. Local application of pain gel forms will be of good help. Take care .good luck
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Today I began experiencing a vibration sensation (like a cell phone) in my lower left abdomen. Ive looked online and there are hundreds of posts about this symptom but no answers as to what it might be. They are intermittent but feel exactly like a cell phone is going off and laying on your stomach. No pain but extremely bizarre symptom. What could be causing this? Thank you. [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Your symptom of vibration could be due to abdominal muscle contraction causing vibration like feeling could be due to exposure to cold or stress. Or could be due increased intestinal movements, Get USG abdomen done. Consult your doctor for examination and management. Hope I answered your question. Feel free to ask me if you have any further queries. Wish you good health. Take care. Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I talked to a doctor and my doc said I had a miscarage because Ihad my period a week later I started spotting and then I had a burning feeling at the end of the week and a good size meaty clot came out and then my period stopped that day the next day my period started for a full week and ever since then I ve had a period twice a montgh and when I got pregnant with my first I had a miscarrage a week prior and then the next week I found out I was two months along what does this mean I know twins run in my family I m getting nausiated anfd I don t know if u can have a period twice a month and be pregnant [|AI|] Hello would like to say ask if the pregnancy was confirmed by-1. A doctors' examination of the clot you passed, preferably by histopathological examination.2. A blood pregnancy test. OR3. An ultrasound that clearly showed a pregnancy in the uterus. If any of the above was positive, then yes, you did have a miscarriage, and it is best to go back to the doctor to see why you are still bleeding. The cause can only be ascertained by a clinical examination and blood tests and an ultrasound scan. However, if none of the above was done, the possibility of pregnancy in the first place itself is questionable, and you may just be having irregular periods. In any case, go and see your doctor, and hopefully you will find an answer. The possibility of twins and miscarriage of one twin can is there, but till you see your doctor and have a scan, these are all merely speculations. Best wishes.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My brother, age 41, avid runner and extremely fit was diagnosed yesterday with prostate cancer. Our father, age 74, passed away 6 months ago from prostate cancer that went to bone cancer. My brothers Dr. has ordered a sodium chloride bone scan to be done this Thursday morning. What can you tell me about this type of scan and what if any are the reasons for its use as opposed to the conventional scan. [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in. Cancer is a difficult condition to treat and complete staging is required before starting treatment. This is because the treatment for each stage of cancer differs and for better recovery and cure a detailed test is required. Prostate cancer is known to spread to the bones of the skeleton. As you are aware, your father also had the same problem and his prostate cancer had affected his bones. Sodium chloride scan is a technique by which radioactive chemical will be injected in to the system and images acquired after a short duration. This scan will tell any cancer areas in the bones and this is recommended to know if your brother has a prostate cancer that has involved the bones. In the conventional scan, it takes time to visualize cancer in the bones. In the sodium chloride scan the bone involvement is visible many months before it can be seen in the conventional scan. Therefore, the doctor has taken the right decision in recommending a sodium chloride scan for your brother who has prostate cancer. This is to provide accurate staging of disease and give the required treatment. Please do not worry.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I HAVE A LUMP AT THE LUMBAR REGION OF SPINE FOR 6 YEARS, NOW I HAVE PAIN AT THE AREA, AND ALL MY JOINTS HURT, MY ARMS AND LEGS FEEL HEAVY AND PAINFUL IN MUSCLES AND JOINTS, THE ACTUAL BONES FEEL COLD INSIDE WHEN HURTING THE MOST AND FIND IT HARD TO WARM THEM UP. SEEMS TO EASE A LITTLE WITH PAINKILLERS AND WARMTH BUT FEEL PRESSURE/PAIN AT ALL TIMES. CAN ONLY WALK FOR A SHORT AMOUNT OF TIME BEFORE TOO PAINFUL AND EXHAUSTED. NO REAL APPETITE, MAINLY LAYING DOWN. BEEN DIAGNOSED WITH PALLINDROMIC RHUEMATISM 10 YEARS AGO, ALSO RECENTLY HAD BLOOD TEST AND MY RED BLOOD CELLS ARE VERY HIGH AND MY DOCTOR SUSPECTS POLYCYTHEMIA. SINCE CHRISTMAS I HAVE HAD BOWEL PROBLEMS, DIARRHEA, VERY PASTY STOOLS, CONSTIPATION, MUCUS IN STOOLS AND A SMALL AMOUNT OF RED BLOOD ON THE OUTSIDE OF A MUCUS STOOL (ONCE). CURRENTLY TAKING SERTRALINE, CERAZETTE AND HAVE B12 INJECTIONS EVERY 10 WEEKS DUE TO A DEFICIENCY. [|AI|] Hello, thank you for your question. I was thinking about your condition for a while. I want to talk about the lump first. It is important to know what is the structure of the lump, is it soft or solid, does it feel photogenic, or it is more heterogeneity and can it be moved around, or it is anchored at place. I suggest physical examination preferably by a general surgeon and probably excision and histopathology. If the skin around it is reddish and swollen it is probably infected. It is suggestive that the joint problems are due to the rheumatism you are diagnosed with. If you were my patient, I would suggest you to consult a vascular surgeon due to the pain after short amount of time. It is called claudication intermittent and is suggestive of arterial disease. I want to alert you about the mucus in the stools. I strongly suggest you to undergo colonoscopy. Mucus is secreted by a certain type of large Bowell polyp. Wish you a good health. Best regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My child is 5.5 years old and since her early childhood she shows signs of being scared/shy from new guests/strangers etc. even when I am around.At first I was glad she doesn t mingle with strangers but I encouraged her a lot to go for kids reading sessions that takes place weekly and she begins crying and asking me to be around her. Once I forcibly took her to the session and I was still present but she left it within 5 minutes and was crying bitterly. Last week I went for a dinner there were around 400 people, there were also many kids young and elder to her, she began to cry bitterly as soon as she lost my sight for a while. Worried and concerned mother [|AI|] Hi, What you are describing is called stranger anxiety which is very common in kids. The best way to deal with it is to try to convince the kid that it is not only her but many kids of her age have this problem, and they yet have to do what they have to do. Keep the child with you but try to be more interactive socially with others when the child is still on your lap so that she will learn to socialize and to be near strangers. Distract the child through play activities or with toys and music. Observe the child without her noticing and see how she behaves. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] When I was 22 I had 3 wisdom teeth pulled.They said I only had 3. Well I am almost 40, is it possible to have that 4th wisdom tootChatDoctoring in now? Or is this pain with a white spot that is hard and hurts when touched, also ear and neck pain something else. Thank you! [|AI|] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The pain over the white spot could be because of the erupting wisdom tooth, or it can be because of the trauma from the opposing tooth. Nothing worry, consult an oral physician and get a radiograph done to rule out any wisdom tooth. If there is a wisdom tooth, get it removed. If there is pressure from the opposing tooth, get it rounded off. I hope my answer will help you, take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I am a 32 yrs maile, a software developer by profession and I have slightly high level of BP 100-140., My USG for abdomen reads mild hepatomegaly showing grade 1 fatty infilteration, LFT & Lipid profile correlattion needed. Lipid profile and LFT within range. Please suggest. [|AI|] Hello. Thank you for your question and welcome to Chat Doctor. I understand your concern. Normal blood pressure standardized in the world population is: systolic 100-139 mmHg, diastolic 60-89 mmHg. According to your age, it is uncommon, although not impossible, to have high blood pressure (hypertension). The blood pressure can go up and down during one day, because a myriad of reasons. It is recommended that you check your blood pressure after being 15 minutes in relaxing state and sitting. You could also be put on a 24-hour blood pressure monitor, to check your BP throughout a day, and decide whether this is a some-times a day thing, or it is a constant finding. You must remember that various Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi the last cycle of my started at 22july she supposed to be get cycle by today, we did the urine test and it shows positive . we are confused the pregnancy line is very fade.. is she pregnant, and what should we do if do want to go with this pregnancy ??? [|AI|] Hello dairy understand your concernPregnancy test will give true positive result 8-10 days after the missed period. Fade line could be due to improper use of test, evaporation line, early pregnancy, I would suggest going for repeat the pregnancy test 8-10 days after the delayed period. You can also go for blood Chat Doctor test, as it is very accurate and give positive result even 10 days after the unprotected sexual intercourse. If you will be pregnant then you can still terminate the intrauterine pregnancy by the abortion pill under the supervision of the gynecologist. Avoid stress, take healthy diet, Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I was diagnosed with severe hydronephrosis of the left kidney in July. I had a stent put in on August 19th. My surgeon found a congenital stricture of the ureter. I am having an MRI in 2 weeks to role out a crossed vein/artery which could be constricting the uteter. I feel inclined to opt for pyeloplasty since the success rate is near 100%. My surgeon does open pyeloplasty. But having had laproscopic colorectal surgery last year, I would prefer to get robotics assisted laproscopic pyeloplasty. What are the major advantages and disadvantages of each type? Hypothetically, if it was you, your wife, or daughter who needed surgery, which would you choose/recommend and why? Also, I work full-time (40 hours/wk) as a graduate assistant in a university. I am also pursing my Master s degree concurrently. So, I can only do any surgery after the semester ends (after Dec. 8th and before Jan. 2nd). EeeWhich requires less healing time? Thank you for all of your help and advice. [|AI|] HelloThanks for query. You have been diagnosed to have congenital PUB obstruction which needs surgery of Pyeloplasty. As regards your query about the modality of surgery .if you were to be my close relative I would go for Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty which is done routinely all over the world. Technically Robotic pyeloplasty and Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty are similar except that one is performed by a laparoscopic surgeon himself while Robotic procedure is a Robot assisted laparoscopic surgery. Results of both the methods are similar However Robotic surgery is costlier than conventional laparoscopic surgery . Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] DEAR SIR, EARLIER I HAD SOME SORT OF ALLERGY OVER MY BODY WHICH CREATED RASHES ALL OVER MY BODY....THEN DOCTOR PRESCRIBED A MEDICINE {PRESENTLY I DONT REMEMBER ITS NAME}... AFTER WHICH I FELT WHEEZING{I M NOT SURE WHETHER ITS CAUSED BY THOSE TABS OR NOT!!!!!!} ...AFTR WHICH DOC PRESCRIBED MONDESLOR FOR 20 DAYS...ON STOPPING THOSE MEDICINE I FEEL MORE WHEEZING AND BREATHING DIFFICULTY........SHOULD I CONTINUE IT...OR DO IT HAVE ANY SIDEEFFECT ON ME....OR SHOULD I CONSULT SOME OTHER SPECIALIST...........!!!! PLZ DO HELP ME.... [|AI|] Hello, I think you should make an appointment with allergologist to do some examination to find the cause of allergy. Prick test, for example, thoracic radiography or spirometry. Confessor sometimes can cause side effects like shortness of breath, chest tightness etc. Do not worry about the right prescription you will be better. Just make an appointment with the doctor. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 26 yrs old.I have irregular periods and it ranges from 25-45 days.I would like to know when is my ovulation date exactly fertile days . I am married for last 11/2 yr and trying to conceive but i fail. I tried using ovulation calender and tried last month but failed.please advise my fertile days and when is the right time? [|AI|] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor. Forum. To conceive is not a matter concerned with women. Of course irregular periods is one of the causes for infertility. Both the partners should consult a gynecologist or a fertility clinic. If the period is regularly irregular means every 40 days or every 45 days like that you can calculate the ovulation time. It is 14 days prior to the expected date 5 days before after are the conceiving days. And vaginal thermometers are also available to confirm the ovulation, it is 1degree more than daily.temperature. Besides I advise male above mode of sex. Female should not get up immediately or wash. Wishing for a beautiful baby soon.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi! I have a young daughter, about 18 months old, and tonight while giving her some water from the faucet with her leaning back in my arms, she gurgled for a moment, then seemed to swallow, and then was fine. My question is, if the water had gone down the airway toward the lungs, would her body produce coughing automatically, or is it possible for a drink of water to go down the wrong pipe without coughing? [|AI|] No water if enters into the windpipe will produce tremendous cough and choking. Body's cough reflex will automatically try to expel the water out of the windpipe through cough. But one thing I should suggest is never to feed or let Chat Doctor. Always feed your child in sitting position, and after you end your feed take her on your shoulder to burp him properly. As though cough reflex protects from food and
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my son is 14 he masturbates 3-5 times daily and some days it could be 10 he is unable to control this problem how can i help himAnswers to Dr. Dr. Ashish questions 1-How you came to know about his excessive masturbation? He told us about it and sometimes he feels guilty 2-Is he ejaculating 3-5 times a day or having dry orgasm only. He says he ejaculate 3 times and the rest is dry orgasm 3-How is he in studies? He is so far an A student but we are currently watching him closely and try not to leave him alone (not a healthy way for all) despite that he sneaks to his room to do it. There is strong signs that he is regressing for lack of focus4-Any other recent change in behavior? Like any boy his age he has high temper, and argumentive 5_Current maladaptive behaviors? I dont think he has one 6- History of past medical and psychological problems. Does not have any medical issues, but since KG he changed 3 school due to his Dad work relocation Based on the above do we need to worry and take it a step further? [|AI|] Hi I can understand your concern... Your son having over masturbation habit ... Here you have consulted psychiatrist so follow his advice .... Here I am giving few suggestions.... Because of over masturbation social guilty, fatigue, mood disorder like complaint common.... Advise him to do daily yoga to relax mind ... Avoid smoking and alcohol if habit .... Take healthy and balanced diet. ... Less pornograpChatDoctoragazine and videos... Daily exercise or meditation helpful... Daily short term and long term goals decided and be with him for motivating towards study .... Try to avoid keep him alone in room... Endulge him in daily activities.... Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My son is 17years old. He has been hurting from the upper part of his abdomen for the last 10-12 days. He can t keep food down and has lost 9 pounds in 12 days. We took him to 2 ERs and they gave him a couple of meds to help rebuild the stomach wall. He continues to throw up and we are just waiting for a GI specialist next week. Any help? Please help? [|AI|] He is suffering from gastritis. Avoid to remain in empty stomach for more than 3 hrs, avoid too sour, too hot and too spicy food for next 2 months. Give him Tab Tablet D 1tab daily in empty stomach for 6 weeks. Gradually his symptoms will come down. Also try to reduce if any stress is present in his life... If the symptoms are not resolving after 15 days do a blood test for serum amylase and lipase, and upper GI endoscopy.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi.... am seeking for a best psychiatrist to give counseling for my mother-in-law. she is 45 years old. she always fights with my father-in-law for silly reason. This has been started from their marriage itself. my fater-in-law s family is a big family.he has 5 siblings. my mother-in-law always consider them as their enemies. but the thing is basically they are good people and they are not troublesome. she always imagine that each and every bad thing happened to their family is only because of his father-in-law was suffering by this for the past 25 years. he tried to take her to counseling. but she refused. could any suggest any solution [|AI|] Hi Talking therapies like couple therapy or Inter personal therapy or CBT are best used in this kind of situation but would work only if the concerned parties are both interested. If you mother-in-law is not able to/willing to go for the talking therapies, then an assessment by a psychiatrist to see if there is any scope for the use of medication is the alternative. Usually, people like this will need lot of gentle and consistent persuasion to even come to the psychiatrist and the family will need to play the role of silent and unbiased mediator, which is easier said than done. Good Luck
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi I am a 45 year old woman. For the past three years or so I can t seem to stop sneezing every so often, mostly at work, I do sneeze at home as well, but not as much. I find that the normal allergy medication dosen t work, the only thing that seems to work is Advil , so I m taking Advil on a daily basis and don t really like that idea. I did get checked for allergies but nothing major showed up. Could you suggest what I could do or take to help me stop sneezing continously please. [|AI|] Hi, Sneezing could possibly be due to an allergen for sure. Its possible you could be getting relief from Advil. However, Advil is Ibuprofen, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. It could be worth knowing whether you changed your room, office or are constantly exposed to dust, pollen or cold. If any of these symptoms aggravate the disease, then could try as much as possible to avoid it. Secindly,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Five days ago I slipped on a tile floor and landed on my back hard. It knocked the wind out of me. I also hit my head. Had my back x rayed no new injury. The stiffness is improving but now I have sharp pain in my chest right side front if I stand or sit long. If I lay on my back I feel fine. Any ideas??? [|AI|] Howell come to ChatDoctorBecause of the fall chances of soft tissue injury may be likely particularly in rib area and this could take little more time to come around, and for the pain you can try the medicines given below.1) Tab Diclofenac 50 mg sustain release2) Tab Chlorzoxazone once in day3) Tab Acetaminophen 500 mg once in day You can have this medicine at the time of pain and no need to take this without the pain, hope this information helps.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my husband has bad psoriasis on legs and some on body, dr. gave him prednisone for an infection for 2 weeks, took him off and all of a sudden his legs swelled up and all red, now in am his legs are thinner and during day swelling again and maybe there is fluid in there, the drs. dont know. help me. [|AI|] Hello, welcome1. Psoriasis is skin disease in which skin becomes scaly and patchy. Itching is also symptom of this. It is a bit complicated disease which takes long treatment course2. I am surprised and a bit shocked that doctor is giving you steroid (prednisolone injections) for psoriasis condition which is totally wrong treatment.3. Due to high doses of injection there is interference of kidney functions and retention of water in lower extremities. kindly get the kidney function test done to assess the effect of steroids 4. It is very, very common side of steroids. Swelling will go off slowly slowly5. I see 4-5 case of psoriasis every day but i never ever give steroids to them. As it has the lot of side effects one of them your husband got other than these steroids can cause pustular psoriasis or further worse the psoriasis.6. Stop the injections immediately7. Start methotrexate 5-10 mg once in week and folic acid rest of the day. This medicine needs proper guidance like liver function test, kidney function test, CBC 8. I very frequently give methotrexate to psoriasis patients and get very, very good results.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Dear Doctor,My wife is suffering from this strange disease of hearing voices of people whom at times she says spirits at other times not. But she does not recognise no know any one of them. She has been suffering from this from the year 2005. At present she keeps swinging her mood , remains irritated , short tempered and always talks to herself. Does this problem of hers have any medical treatment ? If yes How and where ? Whom to approach ? [|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. From the description it is clear that your wife is suffering from a mental disorder named schizophrenia with hallucination and paranoid personality disorder. Hearing of other voices are actually a delusion and are common for these patients. Medical treatment is a must. Please consult a psychiatrist for further advice. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] The question is probably more geared toward a urologist. What can I use to treat tears below the head of my penis right where the skin is connected. Not the top skin torn because of lack of circumcision. At 23, I was still uncircumcised and then the skin was cut during intercourse causing much bleeding probably occurring because she had a diaphragm inside of her. I felt the cut and immediately ejected, went to hospital where I received temporary medication, told to use cocoa butter and sent home saying, I guess you were naturally circumcised. I never really had a problem afterward the skin tear, but as I get older, it seems to get slight tears at the bottom of the head where the skin is pulled back as far as it can, despite only having periodic sex. Any suggestions for remedies, special dermatological solutions etc??? [|AI|] Hello, I had gone through history and understand your concern. As you had cut of the skin on the ventral surface of the penis during the sexual intercourse, and you are naturally circumcised during the act. Nothing to worry the skin tag will not cause any problem. If you are having any problems like bleeding after the sex, any discharge, pain in that area then you have to bother. I would suggest you to maintain good hygiene of the genitals and nothing is required. If you develop any of the symptoms then you have to consult your urologist. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello Doctor,This is Lavanya. My Mother, 43 years of age is suffering from disc slip problem. She is having a "Strong pull" sensation in her lower back. She is suffering from this from past 7 to 8 years. She took all types of medicines like homeopathy, ayurvedic and even the pain killer tablets, but of no use. Can you please suggest- how correct is to go for an surgery ? [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for posting your querulous mother is suffering from slip disc which causes pressure over nerve roots. There are several modes of treatment like medicines, physiotherapy, epidural injections. If there is no improvement with conservative treatment, surgery is another option by which pressure over nerve roots relieved by removal of bulging disc (discectomy). Hope this will help regards Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had a robotic hysterectomy in 2008 after an adenocarcinoma was found in the lining of my uterus. The surgeon said he was not able to sew me up completely because he was not able to apply enough pressure. I didn t realize that sex would be so painful. It s like putting a size 12 foot into a size 5 sock. My problem is worse than this. I now have a tear or what looks more like a small hole (looks much bigger in my x10 magnifying mirror) with tissue coming out of it and black spots above it. I am not sure if this is bruising or if this is a new sign of cancer reoccuring. [|AI|] Vaginal narrowing after hysterectomy is common problem with this situation which leads to difficulty in sexual activity. Forceful sexual act may lead to vaginal injury. This may be another reason for this lesson apart from reappearance of cancer. You should consult your gynecologist for proper vaginal examination to find out the cause. Vaginal dilatation is the treatment of vaginal narrowing due to surgery which may help you in this situation if it is not reappearance of the cancer.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello, I am a bisexual 18 year old male who recently had a dangerous sexual encounter with a male partner at school. I am scared to death that I have swollen lymph nodes behind my knees. They seem to be two lumps right on the joint- about 2 inches in diameter- they do not hurt nor do they appear in clusters. Honestly, I cannot tell if they are muscles/ tendons or swollen nodes. I can only feel the lumps when my legs are stretched out straight. Help please... [|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have some cyst or soft tissue tumor. Chances of lymph node enlargement at knee joint is very rare. Don't worry much about that. It is not a serious condition. You should go for biopsy of that lump. It will give you exact diagnosis. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have any doubts then contact me at Chat Doctor. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had tooth 19 extracted, 1st molar left side. Periodontist performed the procedure. Buccal side of gum had small abcess due to cracked root. No evidence of any peridontal disease. I am 61 and pre medicated with Clindamycin since I have a complete joint replacement LK. Swelling of facial area parrallel to site of extraction, about golf ball size. Peridontist Rx Z-Pack which I am taking. i am afebrile but noticed about 1 inch submandibular swelling today on lect side of face. Should I add back in the Clindamycin? [|AI|] Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor . I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns. As per your complaint swelling in the area parallel to the area of extraction and also submandibular region can be due to persisting infection at the site of extraction. In case if the extraction was surgical in nature then injury to the soft tissues during surgical procedure can lead to inflammation and swelling. I would however suggest you to consult your treating surgeon and get evaluated and a thorough clinical evaluation and if needed x-ray can help in diagnosis and treatment can be planned accordingly. As of now take anti-inflammatory painkiller like Motrin or Alive for reducing swelling and pain. Do cool compresses over the swelling as well as swollen lymph nodes. Hope this information helps. Thanks and regards. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello Doctor, I have severe back pain since last more than 6 months. I had 2 ceasereans. I have two kids. One 8 yrs old and one 1 yr old. My last C-Section was done on 5th feb, 2011. The place where they give the injection in the spine, that full area (horizontal) has severe pain. I cannot change my side while I sleep by early morning or sometimes cannot stand immediately after I wake up. Please recommend remedy. I am 37yrs old. thanks and regards, Lina [|AI|] Hi Lina, Thanks for writing in. It is unlikely that the pain you are experiencing is due to the epidural anesthesia that you would have received during cesarean section. I would suggest the following:a. Start exercising. You need to be walking for 50 minutes daily for 5 days a week. Lose excessive weight through a combination of diet and exercise. Avoid forward bending and picking up heavy weighted. An MRI of the back (particularly the lumbosacral region) would be needed to rule out a process which is impinging on a nerve. I would suggest you see an orthopedic surgeon at the earliest. This would be needed for a detailed examination and proper treatment. Hope this helps.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi I am a female 19 years old and I have been having sever back pain ranging from my lower to mid. Back. Occasionally it extends all the way up to my next. The pain tends to become the worst at night. I have trouble falling asleep and getting comfortable without being in pain. It can take me sometimes 2 hours. It also hurts when I sit for too long. I have been taking aspirin using heat and stretching to try and relieve the pain but nothing seems to help. I was wonder what some suggestions maybe for me, if you may know what it could possibly be based on these symptoms or if the is a specialist I should go see. [|AI|] Hi if you do not have regular fever, no pain in your limbs, no localized pain at back then my suggestion would be following for 3 weeks, then come back to me- 1.improve your posture by sitting straight, walk straight to simplify behave like a soldier. Avoid constant sitting that is not more than 30-45 min. 2.take diet rich in calcium and it. D like milk or milk product. 3.regular back strengthening exercises. Wish you good health. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am on AVELOX for bronchitis and it is really scary having this cough that feels like i am being choked i use inhaler also when do you know if you need to go to the hospitali am 59 190 lbs. 57 yrds old and have hep c also only other medical prob. thank you YYYY@YYYY [|AI|] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor .... You are having bronchitis according to history and taking antibiotic for that... Your auscultation and spirometry should be done.... Spirometry will help in assess severity of bronchitis and accordingly management done..... You might need ipratropium bromide like inhaler for your condition if chronic bronchitis there... Pulmonary rehabilitation and graded exercise will be beneficial.... Avoid smoking..... Complete antibiotic course... Advise : Pulmonologist consultation for examination...
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi doctor my son 5 yrs and 3 months old complained that he cannot read faraway letters so we went for an opthalmologist and he confirmed myopia. his prescription is -1.5 in left eye and -4.5 and cylindrical power -2 in right eye. he prescribed glasses and patch for symptom of lazy eye. i wanted to know how worst is this and how to follow up [|AI|] Hello, You are on the ball. Your child complained, and you took him to the eye doctor immediately! Many young child Chat Doctor. In fact, it is the most common vision defect in this age group. Normally both eyes line up together. In a lazy eye, one of the eyes deviates, so the eyes do not line up together. The patch makes a correction so that with time both eyes will line up normally. If you had not taken your child to the ophthalmologist and his lazy eye wasn't correct, your son would have vision loss. I should think the eye specialist would want to see your son back in 2 months for his first eye check since he got his glasses. You may wish to invest in a pair of eyeglasses whose frames bend and not break and whose lenses are scratch resistant. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] 54 y.o. post-menapausal, 140lbs. 5 4 . meds: humira 2x month, toprol (racing heart), lipitor, wellbutrin, prozac & aspirin. my blood pressure has always been normal; the exception was twice over the last 3 years and then again today beginning 3pm and continuing currently. the highs for systolic ranged from 144 to 154, 92 to 129. i took another toprol (low dose) and .25 xanax about an hour ago. currently 141/94. no jaw pain. can i wait until tomorrow th.e speak with my cardiologist? any advice to get these numbers down tonight? thanks [|AI|] Hello, I would explain that the situation can wait until tomorrow as your blood pressure values are not very high. I would just recommend having some rest and take a glass of lemon juice. Adding a new antihypertensive Chat Doctor. But, before coming to this conclusion, I would recommend performing some blood lab tests in order to exclude other metabolic causes underlying high blood pressure values. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My wife has been suffering from chronic psoriasis for a long time (15 years). She is 48 years old with two children. Her weight is 86 Kg with 5 feet 3 inches height. She also suffers from diabetics. I would like to meet you for her treatment . Would you please suggest me when and how I can approach you? What is the first treatment? would you please let me know in My email address [email protected] with regards [email protected] [|AI|] Hii welcome to Chat Doctor.I went through your case, i feel that homoeopatChatDoctoredicines would be of great help. Coz psoriasis being a chronic immune mediated disease that appears on the skin, well u have not specified as who is the psoriasis affection as such, coz there are different types of them. Homoeopathy has well-defined German origin medicines that would prove effective if u take it on a regular basis and following up the necessary diet and regimen.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My breasts have been sore all over, especially my nipples ,for the past two weeks. My husband and I were scared that I may be pregnant, so i took a test. It was negative, however, my period missed away and my breasts seem to be getting bigger and hurt worse everyday. I have gained 7 pounds in the last month and feel very exhausted for no reason.(April 2nd is my last mensural circle and we took the test on may 11th).Nowdays sometime i feel like a metal taste on tongue ..and sometimes feeling tired.. Should I take another pregnancy test? I know that some women still have their period during pregnancy. How common is that? I do not have health insurance right now so going to the doctor is out of the question. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. [|AI|] Hello, Your LMP was 2nd April and did pregnancy test on 11th which was also negative. There is complete absence of period during pregnancy. If bleeding is present, then possibility of abortion is there. Do a USG lower abdomen to rule out underlying pathology or conception. There are several reasons of missed or delayed period like thyroid problem, psychological upset, stress, over wt or extreme loss, eating disorder, ovarian cyst, hormonal imbalance etc. Do some hormone tests like thyroid profile and LH/FSH. Then consult with your doctor with all test reports and take advice accordingly. Take healthy diet, control body wt, avoid stress and need proper sleep. Also wear tight breast support to relief from breast problems. Be well and practice safe sex to avoid unwanted pregnancy.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My husband is 83 and his nose runs constantly .... ven dripping before before he can retrieve his handkerchief. What can he do to help prevent this embarrassing condition? [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for using Chat Doctor. I have gone through your query and I can understand your concerns. Running nose or gonorrhea can be due to many causes, most often it is allergic in origin. It can be due to viral infection also. Some other rare conditions like CSF gonorrhea have to be ruled out before commencing the treatment. As a first line therapy you can try the following:1. Vapor rubs and nasal decongestants.2. Antihistamines like levocetrezine.3. Steam inhalation.4. Nasal sprays(olapatidine containing sprays are highly effective)5. Avoid dust and cold. If symptoms persist despite all these consult an ENT specialist and get a detailed evaluation done. Hope this information helps. Regards. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have developed a skin condition with red bumps on my neck, arms and legs. They last a few days than dissapear only to return again after a few days in yet a different spot. I have been to the dermatologist had a biopsy done and was given Clobetasol to use twice a day. This has been going on for about 3 weeks. My question is can anxiety contribute to this condition? The dermatologist said it might be a virus and she would consider an antibiotic but that shouldnt be used to treat a virus, right? [|AI|] Hi. Thanks for your query. Noted the history and understood your concerns. Recurrent skin red bumps in changing position that goes away to come back at different places indicate that this is a condition called urticaria and is necessarily an allergic condition. I would advise you the following in such a situation. Post clear pictures and give detailed history. Take second opinion of another Doctor. Get stool and blood tests, you may need the following medications on empirical basis. Antihistamine to avoid allergy. Oral steroids if you are not diabetic for control of urticaria. Medicines to treat intestinal worm infestation. Also identify the foods, beverages, atmospheric conditions, dusts, mites, mold and mildew whicChatDoctore in contact to cause this problem and avoid this altogether.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hy doc I have this unbearable pain on the right of my abdominal area at first I thought it was period pain bt this pain its just too much n its accompanied by feeling of hunger ,I would eat now bt 30min down the line I would feel hungry bt my stomach would hurt as if my intestines are curling together I went to the doc he did sonar I don t knw why coz I m not pregnant bt he mentioned that there s something that s in my abdominal. Area n gave me infection pills n I don t hv infection the pain gets worse at night when I m lying down or standing I m worried ild also feel like vomitting but nothing comes out I m 21 years old girl [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for posting your query. With the available described symptoms, there appears to be possibility of acute gastroenteritis or peptic ulcer disease. Ultrasound imaging is not only advised for pregnancy but also for intra-abdominal pain and appendicitis and cholecystitis etc. Presence of curling pain along with abdominal pain suggests the diagnosis. You should remain in touch with your treating doctor and should go for prescribed medications. If your conditions improves then you can stop treatment after 5-7 days. If your conditions won't improve then you should also go for CT/ MRI scan and endoscopy. Meanwhile, you should also take proton pump inhibitors along with antacids. Take care,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have been diagnosed with hyper-reactive airway & chemical bronchitis. I recently attended an office with an airborne irritant which caused my lips to burn, then my cheeks & eyes felt warm then burning, then voice changed, airway tightned. I went to freshaire, used hfa, symptoms lessened but lasted for 3 days. Can you recommend a kind of a face mask I can use that can eliminate all my exposure while using an O2 canula? [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. In my opinion you should use N 95 masks. This mask is specifically designed for prevention of swine flu. And it is having very good filters which acts as barrier for most of the organism and dust, fume particles. And it is easy to use, very light weight and make up of soft material. So good for facial skin too. And you can also use nasal cannula for oxygen with this N 95 masks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i am having pain in my left testicle and groin. I have been to emergency twice. I have had two ultra sounds done. One ultrasound found an iguinal hernia and another found a Varicocele. Also found inflamation in the Epididitmis. hence the antibiotic i think. i had a surgery done where they went in through my belly button with a camera and the uroloigist said that they felt neither was in need for sugery. I have been on antibiotics for 11 days already but the pain is still there. The pain is somewhat tolerable if i laydown and do nothing but never goes away. [|AI|] Greetings. I understand your concern. Most probably your pain could have been because of hernia getting partly obstructed and ending up in casualty. I hope that was repaired, and you are free of hernia now. Coming to the second reason for pain is of epididymis infection. Even if you take antibiotics for 2 to 3 weeks the pain may not subside as the infection may not be corrected completely. There may be associated testis and prostatic involvement which might need prolonged antimicrobial treatment. A urology consultation will help you in confirming the pain and continuing antibiotics. So I suggest you to take an expert opinion. Hope my answer helps you. Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] ABOUT4DAYS AGO I FELL AND LANDED ON MY LEFT SIDE I BROKE MY HAND IN 3PLACES AND MY WRIST last febiary i shattered my wrist here i go again, my question is this for almost a month i have felt somethings wrong i felt this with in myself, in 2006 i had a brain anurisem and was in a coma when it happened i kind of felt the way i do now exceptnow i keep gettong light headed and feel like im falling forward and start to loose my balance and start stumbeling im uneasy even going up or down 3 stepts my vertigo isnt to well and ive even been tripping on a flat service, my ears are pluged but ive been horse with a rsapy voice that wont go away my vishions blurry and my eyes hurt there puffy i have no appitite for food nothing latley interests me i cry alot and dont care or have the energy to do nothing. i have been to the ER they gave me a CT scan and found nothing and my stomach blouts out looking like im in labor cant poop stools are full of yellow clear slimmy jell?????? [|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor .com I am Chat Doctor. Mariano Into Bruno Mascaras. I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you. Brain Aneurysms can cause loss of balance Hope you found the answer helpful. If you need any clarification / have doubts / have additional questions / have follow-up questions, then please do not hesitate in asking again. I will be happy to answer your questions. In the future, for continuity of care, I encourage you to contact me directly in Chat Doctor at
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello, i am wondering why the side of my lips are turning white. it is especially evident when i smile. i am 18 years old with asthma and skin asthma, i wonder if this is related in any way. by turning white, i mean it looks as though it has been stretch. thanks! [|AI|] Hi, I understand your concerns. You are reporting to have asthma and skin asthma. I believe you are also taking oral medications like albuterol or steroid oral spray. The long term use of such medications would make your oral mucosa turn white. Another cause might be oral thrush or even anemia. I advise to:- run a complete blood count to rule out anemia in order to treat it accordingly- culture oral swab to rule out candida overgrowth and if you need further treatment-keep a good oral hygiene Discuss it further with your doctor! Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] At dental check up today, hygenist noticed small white spot on inner cheek near where wisdom tooth was removed in Sept. They were concerned about a little lacy effect on inner cheek. :Check up in Four mos. Now 1 am concerned about oral cancer I do bite that area since wisdom tooth is missing [|AI|] Hello, Welcome Thanks for consulting Chat Doctor I have gone through your query, as you have mentioned that you have white spot near cheek where wisdom tooth removal don't worry it is not Oral Cancer, it can be white lesion, or due to infection near socket due to not maintain of oral hygiene, go to dentist and go for Oral examination, If necessary go for investigations like Cytology or if needed go for Biopsy. Do warm saline gargle two - three times a day Do chlorhexidine mouthwash 2 times a day Hope it will help you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi Doc, i have a flu like symptoms right now, my throat hurts when i swallow and theres a lot of these zits -looking bumpbs in my head right now. My scalp feels so sensitive right now because of them. I also have some of these red bumps in my body including my feet. What could this be? [|AI|] Hello, Flue like symptoms with throat pain & bumps all over in the body & foot commonly is indicative of impetigo, chickenpox, contact dermatitis associated with pharyngitis. You are suggested to visit a GP, get physically examined. This type of skin infections are highly contagious, take care of your hygiene & avoid sharing clothes, bedding or toiletries. Diagnosis is made by clinical examination & blood tests. Your treatment will depend upon the severity of infection detected. You may need antibiotics & antivirals. Gargle with warm saline water or Medicine mouth wash three times a day. Take Acetaminophen (Tylenol) for relieve. Take semi-solid food(oatmeal/oats) or liquid diet. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi my name is Christina I hit my head in 2005 and it fills like I have bugs or worms in my head its burning im dizzie its hard for me to take care of every day thing like take ing care of my babys I hurt almost all the time I fills like rash now I don t fill the little bug legs in my head any more the one thing that makes me think that it can be fixd is that it seems to be getting stronger and its more I mean one day my world was spineing I could hardly stand and walk down the hallway I don t know what to do help me or send me to some one who can this hurt bad im having to keep my self high on pot to keep the pain away but want this pain anymore if there might be a chanse of me getting better [|AI|] Hi Ms Christina, Thank you for posting your query. I have noted your symptoms. It is less likely that your symptoms are fully due to old head injury that you suffered in 2005. Generally, the effects of head injury would go away in a few weeks time. Do you have any CT or MRI brain report? What was the nature of brain injury? We need to repeat another MRI of brain to find out the reason for your current symptoms. Possible causes may include ischemia (lack of blood supply to the brain), brain tumor, etc. As of now, you can take betahistine tablets to relieve the dizziness. I hope my answer helps. Please get back if you have any follow-up queries or if you require any additional information. Wishing you good health, Chat Doctor. Ly/
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello, when i eat and do any movement after my right side upper chest area to my shoulder hurts really bad. i cant walk after i eat it is painful. this being going on for years and getting worst. have done ekg, stress test, blood work and doctor still have tell me the problem. [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. First no need to worry about major heart and lung diseases because you're all reports are normal. Possibility of musculoskeletal pain is more likely. So avoid movements causing. Avoid heavyweight lifting and strenuous exercise. Apply warm water pad on affected areas. Take simple painkiller and muscle relaxant Chat Doctor. Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello,Im going to be donating a kidney to a friend soon, and Im in the final stages of medical evaluations and what-not to see if our plumbing is a match. Im wondering if theres a particular type of diet I could get into until the procedure that would be especially good for my kidneys. I want them in squeaky clean, tip-top shape for the operation. any suggestions?thank you for your time. Matt [|AI|] Hello Matt and welcome to Chat Doctor. As a Urologist and kidney transplant surgeon, i can understand your anxiety. First, i must congratulate you for taking this noble decision. Before a kidney transplant surgery, there are 3 tests, which must be matching :1. Blood group match. 2. PRA match and 3. Tissue match or HLA match. Then the blood tests, to determine medical fitness, along with chest X-ray ECG, and CT angiography with ICU, will be done, to know kidney status. Donors just need to have a healthy, balanced diet. Chat Doctor. Manga.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had an extraction a week ago. The tooth was loose, but broke during the extraction. The dentist got all the tooth without too much trouble. I ve had little to no pain in that area since the extraction, but I noticed a few days ago that above the extraction site, the gum looks split. I have to admit that I was a little too scared to look at the area before I finally did and noticed the split. It looks fine, but I m wondering if this is normal or if I should make an appointment to disrupt my day and drive an hour to the dentist. [|AI|] Hiafter the extraction process, the healing starts to take place. This happens by organization of blood clot in side the extraction site. As the new tissue starts forming from inside out the visible split will disappear and the gums will star to look and feel even and regular following the bone contour. So I would say that you don't need to see a dentist for this particular condition right now. You can relax and carry on with your work for now, but as I tell my every patient that they must get the oral and dental examination done every 6 months so same I will tell you. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi I ve having sharp lower back pain, that when I wake up in the morning it takes me awhile to walk normally, also I actively wake two hours a day and I seem to have problems with that too. My legs go numb and not only does my lower back hurt but also my upper back [|AI|] Hi, thanks for posting your concern in the Chat Doctor. I think you're having articular pain involving your lower and upper back. Information regarding your age, any history of recent or past trauma, is very important to come to a specific diagnosis. However, both upper and lower back pain with radiation and leg numbness suggests lumbar spondylosis along with degenerative disease of the spine. You should consult your local spine surgeon or orthopedic surgeon at the earliest for further evaluation. You would need to have X-ray of LS spine-AP/Lat view along with MRI of the whole spine (cervical, dorsal, lumbosacral) to find out any abnormality. You should have the following tests done too-Blood for CBC, ESR, urea, creatinine, calcium, it D(25), fasting TSH, HbA1cI usually advice my patients to have Pregabalin+Mecobalamine combination capsule, if they present with similar problem. It is available in Indian market in the name of Fibrogenic or Pregabalin. Please avoid having alcohol, spices, carbonated beverages, tobacco. For severe muscle pain I usually advice my patients to have cyclobenzaprine 15 mg at bedtime along with Paracetamol 650 mg SOS (min. 6 hr. interval between 2 doses). For any further information, write back to me directly.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My doctor told me that my PSA spiked and that I need a prostate biopsy and most likely surgery and chemo and radiation. I have learned that prostate cancer is very slow growing and so I have taken steps to treat it myself with radical diet changes and it seems to be working. WWW.WWWW.WW is also very helpful to learning more about cancer treatment and prevention. [|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Diet change will not cure the prostate cancer. You should go for prostate biopsy and then go for surgery followed by chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Any diet change will not cure any cancer. It is just a false belief. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi my 10 month old baby girl has been having a runny nose, ffever and hight temp for the past few days. sheis also having a very fast heart beat. she is teething at the moment and am not sure if this isthe cause or could she be having a chest infection?. please what should i do, i ahve given her calpol several times today [|AI|] Hi madam, your daughter most likely has upper respiratory tract infection which most of the time its viral, and rapid heart beats is normal during fever unless if its above 180 beat / minute.because she is an infant I recommend seeing the pediatrician and do a physical exam because sometimes pneumonia can present with these symptoms and especially high grade fever, and physical exam is very helpful in the diagnosis. I hope this is helpful
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 7 year old daughter keeps complaining of stomach ach and has been for a few week, she always has wind in the morning which we give her gripe water and she also drinks a lot, but she has never complained of her stomach hurting her like she is now ,its normally in the evening when she starts complaining.My daughter says the pain is in the lower part of her stomach, can you help with any ideas of what it might be or should i take her to the doctors.thank you [|AI|] Hello data would like to have a complete history. Does your daughter have perianal itching also?if yes then its worm infestation. Does she have increase frequency of urination also? Does she have painful/burning micturition?.if yes then its probably urinary tract infection. I would advise a urine routine examination of your daughter. Give her plenty of fluids and spy. Vermox 5 ml twice a day for 3 days. Avoid constipation by adding fiber to the diet. Hope it will help. Wishing your child good health :-)
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My Father-in-law suffered a fall and suffered a Subdural heamatoma (blot Clot ) 3 1/2 months back. He was hospitalised in ICU for 15 days, and then brought home. He is a BP and Diabetic patient. However they are in good control. CT scan just a week ago shows the clot has been resolved. But my father-in- law canoot walk steadly at all, and needs 24 x 7 attention even now in his day to day activities.. He hallicinuates, gets deppressed often. He however eats quite well. He generally keeps sleeping. When awake he sometimes believes to be elsewhere than our home. He is pushing 94 years. His physician prescribed Serlift, and Admenta. That makes him all the more inert and very drowsy. Befor the fall he was in a very fit shape, inspite of his age, and performed all his activities very well. Today he can neither read the newspaper, or watch TV as he says he cant understand whats going on. What is the prognosis in such cases. ? [|AI|] Hi, Important information that I need is: "Where is location of subdural hematoma?". Generally, we see the above symptoms when there is an insult is in the frontal lobe. Another point is "A resolved clot at CT scan does not change the prognosis". You should note that after a brain injury, there is only a 3-4 hours window to put off the pressure. After that the brain cells will be damaged and the damage will remain, even if the clot or the pathology resolves. The other point is: As there is only 3.5 months since the insult, there is still hope for more improvement (at least for other 6 months). So, overall, you have still time for improvement, although the prognosis is worse in elder people. The two Chat Doctor. I would suggest adding Neurotic II to increase the chance of improvement. Also, if a good occupational therapy center is available, I strongly suggest regular treatment sessions there, as rehabilitation is the only, evidence based treatment after brain injury due to subdural hematoma (if surgery not indicated). If occupational therapy is not feasible, or you cannot take him to the clinic, you can contact me or other neuro-rehab expert doctor to design an in-home exercise program for you. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I stop smoking 3 months i feel great .can nicotine lozengers cause oral thrush i have it mild.on and off im on quitapine and i have to lower the beat it all logic seems unfair as i have done so well to stop smoking i look and feel 5 years younger on a good day im sure i stop smoking for good. [|AI|] Helloo...first I congratulate for the determination for stopping the cigarette....regarding thrush it can develop in certain cases but nothing to be worried...u can do tongue scraping daily twice and brushing and chorhexidine mouth rinse....also use statin gel on the thrush area for one week or so...maintain good oral hygiene.above all be happy and cool that's the best medicine...hope your benefitted something with my reply...have a healthy weekend!!!