The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I can feel my heart skipping beats and beating really fast for no reason. I get dizzy and sometimes feel very sick to my stomach. The other night all I did was stand up, not fast I just stood up and my heart took off and gave me chest pain, I felt sick to my stomach and very dizzy. I took my blood pressure and it was 177/100. Im very concerned so what could this mean? [|AI|] Hi Sir/Madam. Welcome to Chat Doctor. I understand your query and concern. You possibly seem to have ventricular ectopic beats. These can manifest as skipped beats, producing a sensation of dizziness. This can sometimes lead to chest discomfort producing chest pain. The symptoms need evaluation in the form of baseline ECG and 2D echo.Additionally, 24h Holder ECG monitoring may be required. Elevated blood pressure has to be controlled in your case with suitable antihypertensive therapy.It's always advisable to keep your blood pressure under 130/80 mm of Hg. Pertaining to stomach issues, there could be an underlying element of acid reflux disease. I generally treat my patients with oral tablets of Pantoprazole. I suggest you to please see a doctor if his views are same and if you can prescribe these Chat Doctor. Definitive management depends upon treating the underlying cardiac arrhythmia with medical management and if necessary institution of a temporary or a permanent pacemaker to counteract nocturnal hypotension. I advise you to have a cardiac work-up at the earliest. Consultation with an expert cardiologist will help. Post your further queries if any, Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello doctor ! I am monisa and my father has undergone kidney transplant . But his creatinine level always increases. Will ragi ,barley , maize reduce creatinine levels and what foods should be taken to reduce urea levels sir ? Kindly plz answer me sir and I m waiting [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in. Diet is an important part of maintaining creatinine levels in kidney patients. Vegetable that are to be taken includes Bottle gourd/white pumpkin, cabbage, cauliflower, green peas, potatoes, carrot, spinach, french beans, brinjal / eggplant, ladyfinger, pumpkin yellow, mushroom, fenugreek leaves, capsicum, ridge gourd. Fruits which can be taken are Apple, red grapes, cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, cherries, pineapple, pomegranate. Please give vegetables and fruits in required quantities and cooked with less oil and salt. Making it spicy should also be avoided. Please discuss daily water and fluids intake with the doctors.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Ok, Randomly about once every 3 months or more I get these instances where my heart beats extremely fast and its almost as if it is difficult to breath. Im typically not doing anything energetic. This time I was just sitting on the couch watching my daughter play and it lasted about 3 minutes. Then it stopped. What do you think? [|AI|] Hi Thereafter going through your query I understand your concern. I would like to tell you that there are many reasons of rapid heart rate associated with breathlessness like panic attack, atrial fibrillation, heart rhythm disorder, anxiety etc. But an evaluation is important because some underlying diseases can be fetal.It's recommended for you to get an ECG, Electrocardiography and a HOLDER monitoring for 48 hours done and consult a cardiologist with reports. Hope this will helping Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi iam 46 female been in hospital too weeks ago low blood levels they hospital was treating me for poss stroke had mri scan came back said no stroke iam very weak i have no strength but sleep i have short term memory loss butm my blood levels are up and down they said iam border line die bets iam on sick leave at the moment i dont feel well at all my blood level went down to 2.7 they could not give me a reason i still have a weak leftside of my body i dont know what wrong iam usuall very active person [|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor. Complete body profile investigation is required to reach the perfect diagnosis.Otherwise, short time memory, weakness and borderline diabetes suggest Vitamin deficiency, particularly vitamin B 12. Start intro muscular vitamin B 12 injection. Your diabetes should be diagnosed properly by investigation FBS, PPBS, and GTT. Eat good nutritious, high fiber diet, start routine exercise and yoga. Consult your doctor for better medical management.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I just started having pain and numbness in my feet, what is causing it? I have graves disease and I also am anemic suppose to take vitamin b12 ,iron pills and vitamin d. I haven t taken any of them in a couple of months. I do take thyroid medication. [|AI|] Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Understanding your concern. As per your query you have numbness of the feet in patients with Graves disease. Well there can be many reasons for symptoms you mention in query like alcoholism, diabetes, herniated disk multiple sclerosis or sciatica. I would suggest you to keep your feet in hot water tub with Epsom salt in tub, massage with almond oil gently and do not stand for long time. If condition doesn't get well then consult orthopedic surgeon for proper examination. Doctor may order certain test like nerve conduction test and physical examination. Doctor may recommend physical therapy prescribe anti-inflammatory. Doctor may also refer you ton endocrinologist for thyroid problem. Hope your concern has been resolved. Get Well Soon. Best Wishes,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Have history of kidney stones. Had back pain in June. Saw my family physician. Urine test showed trace of blood. I went to my urologist two days ago. Urine test again showed a trace of blood during testing. The urologist wants to send me for some type of scan to see if stones are present and to see if I have bladder cancer. This scared me but I did not ask any questions. I don t smoke. I am 53. Why do you think he is making the leap from kidney stones to bladder cancer? I also take a baby aspirin every day and have done so for years. No family history of cancer. [|AI|] Hi, I had gone through your question and understand your concerns. Well, symptoms of kinda stones and urinary dance may be very similar. You have symptoms of kidneys stones and cause of your signs are most probable benign. However, it is always good and should be ruled out cancer, for your own good. You should just do cystoscopy and this will show if you have reason to worry. I am sure that you don't, but as I said, this is just preventive measure and in your age bladder cancer may be present. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions. Wishing you good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had an echocardiogram, nuclear ultrasound and angiogram all within last 2 months, tests were within normal range but am still getting symptoms of chest pain/pressure, sob, mostly when walking too much or climbing stairs, and feet swell and throb after walking a short time. Why??? [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. No need to worry about heart diseases for your symptoms as your cardiac tests are normal. Similar symptoms are also seen in bronchitis (inflammation of airways). So better to consult pulmonologist and get done clinical examination of respiratory system and PFT (Pulmonary Function Test). PFT will not only diagnose bronchitis, but it will also tell you about severity of the disease and treatment is based on severity only. You may need inhaled bronchodilators (formoterol or albuterol) and inhaled corticosteroid(ICS) (budesonide or fluticasone). Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi doctor, This is vaidyanathan from chrompet. I am writing here for my mother. she is suffereing from Asthma for the last one year getting treatment but from the very beginning cough does not stops for her. Sheis not able to sleep at night due to heavy cough. she is using the inhaler for the past one week only. We have consulted several doctors all are giving tablets but no response. Pls give a suggestion to cure her cough. [|AI|] Hello Vaidyanathan, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I would like to know more about your mother like - What is her age? Does she need to take any other medications regularly/frequently? Does she have any other medical conditions? Does she have any other allergies/nose symptoms/skin symptoms, etc.? Which inhalers and Chat Doctor. There are two types of inhalers - "reliever" types to be used on as-and-when-needed basis for asthma symptoms and "preventer" types - to be used on daily basis irrespective of symptoms.2. Were I treating her, I would suggest her to use both types of inhalers appropriately. I usually prescribe my patients' albuterol/levosalbutamol inhalers as "relievers" and budesonide-formoterol inhalers as "preventers".3. I would also suggest her spirometry with post-bronchodilator reversibility as well as allergy testing. Spirometry will exactly diagnose the kind of respiratory problem she has and also will measure her lung capacity. Allergy testing will help her to know whether she is allergic to particular substances. In such case, avoidance of the substances she is allergic to is the best strategy.3. In general, please avoid exposure to dusts, smokes, fumes and air pollution to her.4. Regular breathing exercises and a healthy diet rich in vitamins & minerals (adequate amounts of green leafy vegetables, fruits, sprouts, etc.) will also help her to improve her lung capacity and immunity respectively. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to her. Should you have any other concern, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish your mother the best of the health. Thank you & Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My bloodsugar registered 599 so I re-checked it and now the meter will read is "HI". Should I seek medical assistance at this time or is there some way to lower my sugar until I can see my physician Monday. I have not been diagnosed with diabetes. And I am taking blood pressure and synthyroid meds. [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for asking. Based on your query, my opinion is as follows.1. Blood sugar is too high. Yes, you should seek medical assistance at this time.2. Do not try to take any medications without an exact diagnosis.3. At the hospital, do get an HbA1C done for diagnosis of diabetes. Will require estimate of ketone bodies too. It could be complicated diabetes mellitus. Hope it helps. Any further queries, happy to help again.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi I live in canada I want to get pregnant but during my first delivery I was in india at that time I was given calcimax , alamin m forte and richar xt know I am worried will I get this medicine in canada as I am pure vegetarian I need some supplement medicine from in canada how can I get that medicine as my first child was throgh surgery I need medicine. if I get pregnant I has to go back to india to buy medicine [|AI|] Hi, If you are yet to conceive, it's the time to take Folic acid supplements by both the partners. It avoids certain spinal problems in baby & also improves quality of Games. The dietary supplements offered in pregnancy depend on mothers health & required supplements in that specific pregnancy. So it's not necessary, that you will need same medicines in second pregnancy also. Please don't carry unnecessary tension. You have to consult a doctor there, after you conceive, & he will prescribe the needful(which will be available in Canada). Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My left area beloow my rib in back huurts to press on it, or if I lean over and move certain way. Also I wake up every morning with severve pain in my lower abdominal area, sides and lower back. Been goin on for months and its getting worse and more consistant. Had labs run for uti and its negitive??? Don t have an appointment to get in with doctor for another week? Thanks. Age 32,,158lbs had baby 14monthslots ago [|AI|] Hello, I read carefully your query and understand your concern. The symptoms can be related to a pulled muscle. I suggest doing a abdominal ultrasound for further evaluation. Meanwhile, I suggest using a muscle relaxant such as Baclofen three times a day. I also suggest using a magnesium supplement for muscle relaxation. Hope my answer was helpful. If you have further queries feel free to contact me again. Kind regards! Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 39 4/7 weeks pregnant and everytime I eat I get a feeling in the back of my throat where I feel like I have a hairball or something in there, and I cant get it to go away. My throat also gets dry from trying to get whatever it is to come out. [|AI|] Hello, and I hope I can help you today. The sensation of feeling something stuck in your throat is a symptom of reflux-when the food that you eat or the acid in your stomach can back up and irritate it. This is common when you have a large belly at full term because your stomach is being pushed up towards your chest and also the hormones from the pregnancy cause the top opening of your stomach that connects to your esophagus to be looser, so food and acid can leak more easily. The best way to try to control this is to eat only small amounts at one time and to make sure you sit up for at least 2 hours after meals. Taking antacids, which for the most part are all safe during pregnancy, can also help. Trying to cough up what you feel in your throat will not help because there is not actually something solid coming up. These symptoms may be difficult to treat, but the good news is the symptoms will get better after you have the baby. I hope I was able to adequately answer your question today and that my advice was helpful. Best wishes for the rest of the pregnancy,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 3 year old son had a basic allergen profile blood test. It showed low allergy to milk and undetermined allergy to egg whites and wheat. Doc will not refer him to an allergist for further testing. He just wants us to try an elimination diet for a few weeks. His only symptoms that we noticed are a rash (keratosis pilaris) and a runny nose. The allergen profile only tests for a few things. Should we insist on seeing an allergist? [|AI|] Hello, If symptoms of allergy like a rash or runny nose improve after eliminating egg or milk, then probably you don't need to go for further testing. More than food other allergens like pollen, dust, mites, artificial flavors in candies, chocolates, juices, etcetera, can cause allergy. If symptoms are not improving, you need to go to an immunologist. In the meantime, you may have antihistamines medicine for symptom relief. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Dear Sir i have a long pain in the middle of my heart for a long time, i went to man y doctors but they never said me the exact problem they give only few medicine saying that it will be all right but then i could not get heel of it,if you would show me any path in this regard it would be a very kind full to me . Thanks & Regards RAvi [|AI|] Hello, Regarding your concern, I would explain that chest pain could be related to different possible causes: musculoskeletal pain, coronary artery disease, gastroesophageal reflux, anxiety, etc. Does deep breathing or pressure on the chest trigger the chest pain? This would be indicative of musculoskeletal pain. Anyway, I would like to review your performed cardiac tests in order to be able to give a more professional opinion. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 65 yrs. female recently diagnosed with a possible TIA, but with unusual symptoms. Did not have the classic symptoms. That was on May 7. All during last night I had charley horse severe cramps in my left calf. Woke up feeling tingly all over, feeling shaky, severe dry mouth-absolutely no saliva. The whole body tingling and shakiness comes in waves, then goes away. I tingle from my toes to the top of my head. No vision problems, can smile if my mouth is lubricated by drinking water. No pain anywhere. The waves of tingling seem to be accompanied by slight warming sensation. Not a hot flash. I ate some cereal thinking my blood sugar was low. I am up and about now but the tingling and shakiness persist although dry mouth is not so bad. Having a little difficulty typing this from the shaky feeling in my fingers. [|AI|] Hello, I passed carefully through your question and would explain that your symptoms are not typical of a TIA. For this reason, I would also recommend checking thyroid hormone levels in order to exclude possible thyroid gland dysfunction and an ambulatory 24-48 hours ECG monitoring in order to exclude possible cardiac arrhythmia. An EEG is also necessary in order to exclude possible seizures. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had gallbladder surgery Monday and ended up with a collapsed lung and blood clots to the lungs. I am on xaeltto and have been to er today and had another cat scan as I have had bad shoulder pain since last night and also had elevated bp. It is better now but I am a little short on breath and still have pain in my shoulder. My heart rate is high 104. I am not getting much help from er so what can I do for myself? [|AI|] Hi, Following GB surgery, some complications like collapsed basal segments of right lung and shoulder pain may rarely occur. Pain may increase your blood pressure and heart rate and collapse may be causing breathlessness. I suggest you to start beep breathing exercises which will help not only your breathlessness but also your blood pressure. Cut your salt to less than 6 GMS per day. Take an anxiolytic like alprazolam and pain Chat Doctor. All the best.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello sir my kid is 4yrs old he has been treated for childhood asthama since birth now his pediatric doctor is saying to consult a chest specialist another doctor has seen him and he is saying that his toncils are bigger than normals that is why all this problems are emerging. sir what i am confused to what to do and whoom to consult now plz help me. [|AI|] Hi... Suggestions on wheezing - 1. There are certainly alternative management therapies in allopatry now-a-days. Medicine has advanced a lot and not asthma is 100% controllable.2. Inhalers are the newest management strategies for this. If I were your pediatrician I would have suggested the use of Decor metered dose inhaler (100mcg) 2 puffs twice a day through a spacer and this is for regular use for 8 weeks. Another metered dose inhaler is Leveling and this can use as rescue therapy whenever the kid is having severe cough in spite of regular usage of Decor. The technique is very important and very crucial for the Chat Doctor. Regularity of medicine usage also matters a lot. So do not discontinue abruptly after you notice some improvement. The technique of administering an inhaler using a spacer has to be taught to you by your doctor and these are prescription medicines. So I suggest you consult your pediatrician for this.3. Triggers can be environmental changes/ dust/ talcum powder/ seasonal changes/ uncleaned a / c vent/ cold weather etc....we can specifically say this is the cause - unless we observe the kid closely - the best person is the parent. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Chat Doctor are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] HI, I began with a dry cough that was followed with a low grade fever (got to 101 at one point)..a lot of coughing, etc. The fever has now subsided the past few days but I am having sudden onset coughing bouts and just today began coughing up very salt sputum, my nose hurts (first time) and my stomach has this awful gnawing I began sneezing now. Is my body expelling the flu and thus in its final phase? [|AI|] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor It is the progression of your viral illness. It can progress from a Chat Doctor. The symptoms can change as the illness progresses. You may want to try a bucolic. This would help to break up the mucus so that it would be expelled easier. Examples are bipolar, Robitussin, Mucomyst addition, an antihistamine and cough suppressant would also be helpful. I hope this helps
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, my name is Rikie. I have a lump on top of my head. It is not hurting, just sometimes it feels itchy. When I pick it, pretty easy like zit, it looks like small bundle of fat, but when I do that it causes bleeding. I can send you a picture. Please help. [|AI|] Hi, dear. I have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Most probably you have some Desmond cyst. You may have some skin tumor. Please send me the picture so that I can help you further. You should go for fine needle aspiration cytology study of lump. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Excision is the treatment of choice for most of the benign lump. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i m suffering my anger, and have got suicidal tendencies. i have a gf of 4 years, and when ever i land into any argument with some1 only she is able to calm me down, help me basically. she is like a force who calms me down. i want to know what is wrong with me?? even my parents cant help me nor control my anger. it s like in anger i don t know what i feel or do, its just an instant without conscience..... i also feel like keep hitting things to let my anger out but my gf stops me. [|AI|] Hello......... Thanks for your query. On going through your symptoms, it appears you have pathological personality traits. The other alternative could be mild mood fluctuations refereed to as cyclothymic. Hence, I would advise you to undergo a thorough psychiatric evaluation as well as personality profiling so that above disorders can be ruled out. Effective anti-aggression agents like mood stabilizers and beta blockers are available to deal with the condition. Avoid any substances of abuse as they may worsen your state. Wish you speedy recovery. Regards Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Woman, 31, mother of one. Lower abdomen pain in right side since june on a spesific location. The pain goes away in the night, comes back in the morning. Lots of going to the toilet all the time (every fiteen minutes or half hour within two hours in the morning). Lots of gas, although i think that runs in the family. The pain is pulsating, sometimes like a knife cutting. Have seen a gynechologist, nothing wrong with ovary or anything else there. No urine infection. Sometimes tired, have had one or two coinsidences of feeling nauseas. I have handed in a hemofec- test, it was fine. Feeling very anxious about this. My mom has had cancer, my father has diabetes type 2. Can this be anything BUT cancer? Being sent to CT exray these days... Terrible wait. Thank you for the respons. [|AI|] Do not panic with thought of cancer or diabetes. None of these seems to possible in your cases you said it is gas troubling you To be safe to get an ultrasound of whole abdomen done for gas in GIT management Stop eating oily food meat and junk food morning exercise and morning walk to be started. Antacid liquid form 3 to 4 times a day Now packed June Avoid milk Take curd it has been served that those who have anxiety or are nervous gas trouble them a lot .so some antianxiety Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had blood in my urine with pain in lower abdomen mainly where bladder is. I went in for a urinalysis and was told they couldn t see any infection. They were going to keep it for a culture to see if anything came of it. Prior to this I felt a heaviness in bladder and urgency to go to the bathroom that produced little to nothing. Over the course of the evening my urine wasn t bloody that I could see. This morning when going to the bathroom things are feeling better, (no noticeable blood and pain in bladder feels better). Would this be something that needs to be looked into further? Should I be concerned about bladder cancer if I start to feel better? What would cause this onset and then to go away? [|AI|] Hello! Thank you for the query. Even if there were no bacteria found in your urine sample, it does not mean that there is no infection. That is why, urine culture test is a very good idea. Blood in urine (it does not have to be visible by you) can be also caused by urinary tract stone or glomerulonephritis (kidney inflammation). Urinary bladder cancer is also possible. That is why you should not neglect such symptom. If you feel better, I suggest you to have urinalysis repeated once again and see if the blood is still there. If yes, and no bacteria in culture, you should consult urologist and have cystoscopy performed. If no blood at all and abdominal pain is gone, you may wait and have urinalysis performed from time to time. Hope this will help. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi my name is phil i am 41 and for past 6 years i have had severe spasms every night in sleep in lower bowel and testicles with urgency for loo to urinate 4 times a night always in pain spasm lower back tubes in teicles swell like varacosele when i eat or drink certain food groups my tesicles are hard like rocks all night throughout sleep..bloated stomack very large as tight as a drum hard to breath have an erection all night..bitter taste in mouth like bleach ear wax taste,oral thrush thrush down below sometimes intolerant to wheat soya and milk..soon as i have these stomach goes massive within 5 mins get a rash up stomach stomach stays this way for weeks sometimes,gassy and itchy and blurred eyes plud loss of memory and coordination sometimes ,dizzy depressed and anxcious have had an endiscopy however had elimenated wheat from my diet prior to this so unfortunately the result came back negative for celeac desease,spams are agony everything i eat now have problem digesting pain under ribs the spasms are unbearable whe i sleep every day now for six years and i am exausted and frustrated because doctors have not found the problem i am wondering if i have candida,thought i was celeac,i just dont know my stomach swells so large and tight it is as if you stuck a pin in it it would testicles go like rock hard during sleep which is virtually non existent everynight..i sleep for i hour or two then up in pain to toilet and so it repeats itself throughout ht night my dreams always mirror and incorporate the pain i am suffering pain down my legs and lbacksise,can you please help kind regards phil.. [|AI|] Hi, This seems like you are having trouble with your stomach. However, I need to ask some other things as well regarding your disease. I suggest you visit your doctor to have some other tests for Inflammatory bowel disease and H. Pylori related infections as well. I need to see your endoscopy report as well to interpret and correlate with your history. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi I am 25, I was very upset and yelling yesterday with a lot of straining and now I have pain in the center of my chest. It is constant no matter if I stand or sit or shift positions. I have no known history of heart problems. I am not overweight but dont exercise much. [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Since your chest pain is started after straining, possibility of musculoskeletal pain is more. This pain is worsening by your stress and anxiety. So we should first control your stress and anxiety. So consult psychiatrist and get done counselling sessions. Try to identify stressor in your life and start working on its solution. You may need anxiolytic Chat Doctor. For chest pain, follow these steps. Avoid heavyweight lifting and strenuous exercise. Avoid movements causing pain. Avoid bad postures in sleep. Take painkiller like ibuprofen. Apply warm water pad on affected areas. Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am a 71 year old female. Today I saw a Neurologist at the University of Washington in Seattle. My MRI showed split cord abnormality. I went to see this Doctor because I m in alot of pain and I hate to increase my pain medications . He said I should see doctor that deals with sports injuries. The appt. is in the works. Also some phyicial theropy may help. He was reluctant to consider surgery because of my age. Would like your opinion. thankyou, Maryellen Person [|AI|] Hi, Thank you for posting your query. I agree with your doctor. Split cord abnormality (diastematomyelia) is generally a congenital condition, and presents with symptoms in early childhood. So, if you have remained almost asymptomatic till now, surgery may not be needed (not considering the risks involved in a spinal cord surgery). So, I think physiotherapy is the way to go. Please get back if you require any additional information. Best wishes, Chat Doctor. Ly/
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My nephew is in the hospital with Hepatitis C. His conditioning is worsening each day. I know there is a medication that is on the market now, but the cost is $1000 per pill. His most recent symptom is that his testicles have swollen to grapefruit size. Is this one of the symptoms of the infection spreading in his organs? [|AI|] Greetings from Chat Doctor. P No I don't think it is a symptom of Hepatitis C spreading to testes. Due to severe hepatitis it damages the liver and because of the liver damage the protein production gets reduced. If the protein concentration in the blood reduces then it can cause swellings in legs or face or in testes. I would recommend him to get Serum Albumin levels which will confirm that protein levels are low If at all it is in normal range then an ultrasound Scan of scrotum has to be done. Hope this information was useful to you. Any clarification feel free to ask. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] The doctor said i have some kind of bacteri growing beside my tooth something like formation its a small pimple growing beside my decaying tooth on the outside layers of the chewing gums. I was given medication and still it did not go its still there and i was not given the list of types of food i should eat because its now im google it seems like most food i hve beeen eating were causing the pain feeding my decaying tooth what should i do? They wont remove my tooth until that bacteria is gone im a foreigner staying in china i dont know what to do now [|AI|] Hi. Can understand your concern. As per your complaint when the tooth gets deeply decayed due to infection caused by bacteria, there is formation of pus near the root tips of infected tooth and is known as a "DENTAL ABSCESS" and it creates pressure when there is no escape way and causes pain. The formation of pimple is a pus filled lesion caused due to infected tooth. Taking antibiotics and painkillers can help in reducing the infection, but it takes time for the infection to reduce to an optimum level so that the pus Chat Doctor. There is no specific food stuffs that you can take or avoid reducing pain or protect the tooth if it is already so deeply infected. The only precaution which you can take is avoid hard food items and do not chew from the affected side to prevent flaring up of pain. You should also avoid very cold and very hot
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Dear Sir,My friend has 2-3 boils/lumps below his penis, i.e, on the balls/scrotum/testicles. what is this? Is this an indication of some serious problem like std diseases or simply bacterial infection? pls advise. Is their any danger for others if they have sex with him? [|AI|] HelloThanks for query, Lumps on the scrotal sac are mostly Sebaceous Cysts over scrotal wall. The Scrotal skin is rich in sebaceous glands and hence prone to get more sebaceous cyst due to accumulation of sebum beneath the skin. Normally they fade away without treatment however they need to be treated if increase in size or get infected. Please consult qualified General Surgeon for clinical evaluation and further treatment. If needed some of them which are bigger may need to get excised in Toto (Completely along with the sac) Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have mild altimers I take rivastigmine id like to know are these good pills I have taken some otherones but they made me sick it was called donepezil could you tell me Ive gotten sick from the rivastigine ihave gotten sick the first two days but now its not that bad so how will I be maggie [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor for posting your query. I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through. Rivastigmine is a good Chat Doctor. If there are no side effects, and you are tolerating it well then you may continue taking it regularly. Look for the progress of the disease and if the disease progresses further Meantime could be a good treatment choice. Hope I am able to answer your concerns. If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you. In future if you wish to contact me directly, or want to know further details, you can use the below-mentioned
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] We cant seem to get my 3 year old Grand Daughter to eat much and she was sick a week ago but now all she seems to have is some diearah and a swollen stomach and all she will eat is yogurt and a some Gatorade and milk. she is still very active should we take her off the milk for a few days. [|AI|] Hi... I take this opportunity to tell you certain scientific facts and relieve your distress - 1. An active is a well kid even if she/ he is not eating well. 2. Development of a kid is as important as, or I would say even more important than growth alone.3. As the kids grow their interest in food decreases and interest in play activities increases so that they eat small quantity and run away to play. As parents, we need to be more patient and feed than less quantity but more liquors per day.4. This age rather than the quantity of the food I suggest you concentrate more on the number of times you feed her and also make whatever you feed her calorie dense by adding good amount of ghee to it.5. I suggest you not to use appetite stimulants on long run as they may cause Chat Doctor. Regards -
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] So last week I started itching real bad, especially in my legs. I started noticing some bruising (and there were a lot of bruises, BIG bruises) where I scratched. I didnt think I was scratching so hard and Ive never bruised like this before whenever Ive had skin problems where I needed to scratch. Now, I found a lump in my upper thigh and its the size of a quarter. I can only notice it when I touch it and it feels like Im pressing against another bruise. However nothing has appeared on the skin which is leading me to believe its beneath the skin. Any ideas on what it could be? [|AI|] Hi, Dear,Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. In My opinion-Currently-I feel you have Urticaria bruise. Cause of this -could be allergy to cosmetics / body spray/ food, or it could be worm infestation eosinophilic / or it could be due to skin disorder in itself/ Chat Doctor. Advise-Consult a doctor who would treat it accordingly. Hope this would help to plan treatment with your doctor. Hope this will help you to take further needful steps and to treat this emergency. Wellcome for further query in this regard. Wishing you fast recovery.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My FNAC on right thigh swelling showes !)Smears are paucicellular 2) very few smears show fragments of adipose tissue 3) necrosis is not seen IMPRESSION: few fragments of adipose tissue only, Favour Lipomatous Lesion. Advised excision. can you advise what it means [|AI|] Hello, Basically what they are saying is that they didn't see a lot of cells (smears are unicellular), very few smears show some fat tissue (very few smears show fragments of adipose tissue), and there are no dead cells that they see (necrosis is not seen). The impression is that the pathologist got is that it just looks like normal fat, which means the lesion is likely a common non-cancerous growth of fat called a lipoma. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello, My husband is a type 11 Diabetic , he is going to have Surgey on his Torn Aorta next month, suddenly today he right leg started hurting with pain and now it feels cold ,with a small amount of whitish color , his left leg is normal , could this be a possible sign of a blood cot ...???:( [|AI|] Hello! Welcome on Chat Doctor! I understand your concern and would explain that his symptoms may be related to peripheral arthropathy. An arterial thrombosis could not be excluded too. I recommend going to the ER for a careful physical examination, a Doppler ultrasound of the leg vessels and some blood lab tests (complete blood count, PCR, sedimentation rate, D-Dimmer, blood electrolytes). If an arterial blood clot is diagnoses, a vessel intervention should be performed urgently. Hope to have been helpful! Feel free to ask any other questions whenever you need! Greetings!
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had asthma as a child.... But i havent had any problems since i was about 7 and im 21 now. About two weeks ago it seems like its hard to breath off and on. Like my lungs are heavy and i feel like i wanna cough to breath correctly or take in deeper breaths. [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. In my opinion, we should should definitely rule out bronchitis and asthma in your case because breath, cough, chest heaviness are commonly seen with these diseases. So consult pulmonologist and get done 1. Clinical examination of respiratory system 2. PUT (pulmonary function test). PFT will not only diagnose asthma or bronchitis, but it will also tell you about severity of the disease. And treatment is based on severity only. You may need inhaled bronchodilator (formoterol or albuterol) and inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) (budesonide or fluticasone). Don't worry, you will be alright. First diagnose yourself and then start appropriate treatment. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi my breast have gotten bigger and my nipples have darkened I have little spots around and on my nipples I feel slight kicks in the bottom bit of my tummy now and again but not very often I have been bleeding but I can t tell if its normal because im on the implant ive taken test after test but all negative. .. [|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. It appears that you must be having the features of pseudocyasis. Due to anxiety, or hormonal imbalance etc. It is a false pregnancy, with all the features of pregnancy, if not attended, may lead up to the end of the pregnancy, and the false delivery. I advise you to consult a gynecologist for diagnosis and treatment. You may need to have an M.R.I. for diagnosis. Take more of green leafy vegetables, pulses,sprouts, and protein rich foods to have blood, general health and resistance against infections. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I was experiencing groin pain- I had massage therapy which aggravated it - about a week after, I had diverticulitis -antibiotics - that went away but I still have groin pain - really only bothers me very early morning if it should try to turn over in bed. During the day there is some aggravation from time to time but not anywhere severe as morning.I have to sleep on one side only. Any help would be appreciated - thank you ps Having a colonoscopy and stomach check June 12th [|AI|] Hello, The pain in the groin prior to massage or after - it should be due to diverticulitis as you mention. If you can understand what is diverticulitis - that will explain the cause for your present problem. Diverticulitis is the formation of pouches (diverticula) within the bowel wall, typically occurs within the large intestine, or colon, although it can occasionally occur in the small intestine.cause: Raised intraluminal colonic pressures and lack of dietary fiber. Till colonoscopies confirmation Antibiotic can be taken, along with investigations like TC, DC, ESR, He, MX, X-Ray Chest and USG abdomen. Most cases of simple, uncomplicated diverticulitis respond to conservative therapy with bowel rest and antibiotics. Surgery is not indicated for you why because, surgery is decided by the stage of the disease, the age of the patient and his or her general medical condition, as well as the severity and frequency of attacks or if the symptoms persisted after a first acute episode. I wish you a normal colonoscopies report. Best wishes
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i have had low blood pressuse 90/70 and lower since i had my son 6.5 years ago my pulse has been high since 2001 at least thats when it was noticed while i was in hospital. cardiologist said i have a smaller than usual heart which makes my pulse higher . said it may affect me more as i get older as it puts pressure on the arteries. however i have been tired latley . always been dizzy upon standing was told to sit down when my pulse gets high if that was the case i would have spent alot of my days sitting . playing oout side with my son i had to sit down i got dizzy and nauseated eyes couldnt adjust . it happened at christmas time while i was shopping i fell into a shelf lost vision got weak n had to sit down. blood work is great no anemia levels r all good perfect health. so why is this happening . i dont want to have a heart attack [|AI|] Hello Sir / Madam, Thanks for writing in to Chat Doctor. Firstly, since you have been having a history of hypotension, it is advisable to consult a cardiologist for cardiac evaluation :1. ECG- to monitor the electrical events of the heart.2. Echocardiography- to monitor the mechanical events of the heart this will guide us to rule out any cardiac causes of weakness, tiredness etc. Since your blood reports are normal, If the cardiac causes are ruled out then your hormone levels may need to be checked especially the thyroid profile to rule out hormonal causes of tiredness. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] What would cause a person to be so tired all the time? This person has a high red cell count of over 20. I was wondering if that could be the cause or if it might be something else. We have seen a doctor for the high red cell count, but I dont recall him being this tired in the past. [|AI|] Hithanks for using Chat Doctor Increase red cell count more than 6 millions is towards polycythemia Vera. There are various causes for it like abnormality of bone marrow, genetic factor, high altitude, any tumor which is secreting erythropoietin etc. Various symptoms of it includes Headache, Dizziness, Itchiness, especially following a warm bath or shower, Redness of your skin, Shortness of breath, Breathing difficulty when you lie down, weakness in your hands, feet, arms or legs, Fatigue etc. he should consult a physician to find out the cause and further treatment. Thanks
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi Dr. Keerthi. My husband had a traumatic head injury 20 years ago and was in a coma for 20 days. The injury left him with a limp in his walk and memory problems. Four years ago he had a stroke whicChatDoctorplicated his recovery. He is now unable to walk and has severe aphasia. The doctors are saying he has advance volumn loss in his brain. Could it be that this advance volumn loss and age related neuronal attrition is what is complicating his recovery. Thank you for any answer you may have. [|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor .com I am Chat Doctor. Mariano Into Bruno Mascaras. I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you. Question : Could it be that this advance column loss and age related neuronal attrition is what is complicating his recovery. Answer : Yes. The Volume Loss and Age Related Neuronal Attrition are the cause of slow and delayed recovery Hope you found the answer helpful. If you need any clarification / have doubts / have additional questions / have follow-up questions, then please do not hesitate in asking again. I will be happy to answer your questions. In the future, for continuity of care, I encourage you to contact me directly in Chat Doctor at
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have had pain in my right side of chest, above breast but pain goes down right breast and into my right side under arm. I have had lap banding (vbg) about 6 years ago and have kept the weight off. I have trouble keeping food down and have been vomiting it up to relieve some of the pain. I also have a large hernia (from the surgery), which took over 200 stitches to close. I am just wondering if I have caused some problem to my chest or throat from all the throwing up I have done. I do this at least once a day if not more. [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Since you had banding surgery possibility of spasm of lower esophageal sphincter is more likely. This sphincter plays very important role in swallowing. If this sphincter doesn't work properly, chest pain, vomiting, pain relieved by vomiting is seen. So better to consult gastroenterologist and get done upper GI (gastrointestinal) copy with manometry (pressure monitoring). Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am experiencing some off balance issues, and some tingling in my legs arms and face, and a bit tired, I am seeing a physic therapist for a posture problem and he has me doing some excerise for it, but I did have this balance issue once 2 months ago, went to clinic they did blood work nothing came back and it went away, now it is back, should I be really concerned [|AI|] Vertiginous syn Chat Doctor. Since you had these problems during or after physical exercise, where the head maybe has moved abruptly you should consider an ENT visit. Regarding the tingling sensation and tiredness it can be connected with different issues, like for example diet or physical activity changes, if you're smoking or not, different ages, etc. You may check the cell blood count, blood electrolytes, muscles and hepatic enzymes at first.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] After taking bath in pool 2 days before I am getting some rashes on tip of my penis and the urine hole is red and while urinating there is pain and discharge is little red and some mucus with urine, the front part appears to have some rashes.What is it how do i treat? [|AI|] Hi, These symptoms and signs are suggestive of STD especially if there is associated pain, fever, urethral discharge and recent sexual intercourse. So this is the first thing to rule out by doing STD testing. Second, it may be signed of reinfection or urinary stones and some other genital infection, but this is less common. In every case, antibiotic therapy may be required, so test should be done as soon as possible so that appropriate treatment can be started. Till that try to Chat Doctor. I hope I have answered you query. If you have any further questions you can contact us in every time. Wish you good health. Kindly regards,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello, I have doubts concerning the means of infection of the Simplex virus 1. I have Oral Herpes and I am concerned about passing it on throught saliva when kissing someone or sharing a glass, even when the sores are gone and my skin condition is apparently fine. Thank you. [|AI|] Hi. Can understand your concern. As per your complaint Herpes infection can be transmitted through saliva and other body fluids. Although there may be no active infection present, but there can be virus present on the skin surface in inactive stage, and it can be transmitted by sharing glasses or personal use things like napkins, towels, glasses etc. and through kissing. Anytime the virus can re-activate and can multiply in the skin cells and cause outbreaks of sores. You need to be careful and consult a dermatologist and can get investigations like Polymerase chain reaction, virus culture and antigen-antibody reaction done to rule out the extent of infection and possible transmission. Hope this information helps. Thanks and regards. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi my two year old son keeps sticking his fingers in his moutChatDoctorplaining of an itchy tongue I asked him to open up and on the back of Hus tongue there are bumps the same color as his tongue or even red is it normal or is that a sign of anything I should look out for [|AI|] Hello, thank you for consulting with Chat Doctor. As you are mentioning that your son is having itching sensation in tongue and there is some red color bump present in the back, it looks that your son is having oral thrush. Actually it is a common condition which occur in infants and toddlers. It occurs because of improper oral hygiene maintenance in them. In this condition a white area occurs in the mouth and tongue and when you scrape that white area below it a red itchy area is present. Better you should visit a periodontist (child dentist) to get it treated. As only medications are not the treatment. Hope it will help you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Im having constant horrible pain in my lower jaw tooth ear and jaw. Dentist took X-rays says its not my tooth even though I had part of a filling come out recently and he put in a temp filling. I went to my dr she said Im beginning to get a near infection but this pain has to be a tooth issue. I have been on antibiotics for 4 days and had a steroid shot. The pain is still the same. What should I do? [|AI|] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The pain in the jaw, tooth and ear can be because of two reasons. The first reason can be a tooth infection, since you are telling about a fractured filling, this might cause radiating pain to the jaw and ear. The other possible cause can be disc displacement in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ disorder). This can cause pain in the jaws and the ear. The last possibility is, there can be both TMJ disorder and tooth infection. Consult an oral physician and get it evaluated, you need to take radiographs like OPG and TMJ views. If it is tooth infection, get the tooth treated with RCT with a course of antibiotics like amoxicillin 500 mg and metronidazole 400 mg TID for 5 days (if you are not allergic). If it is TMJ disorder, You can take anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. You can also take muscle relaxants like chlorzoxazone. You can give hot fomentation over the joints. Do not eat hard things, do not open your mouth too wide. Take soft diet. I hope my answer will help you, take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My brother is suffering from Dengu fever for past 2 weeks. He was in hospital for 2 days and now he is discharged but still he has mild fever and heavy sweating. They are saying that he needs to take rest and take paracetomol is there anything else. how dangerous is this dengu fever? [|AI|] Hi, I had gone through your query and understand your concern. They discharged your brother with proper advice. Please follow their advice. Dengue is dangerous only when platelet count is very low producing bleeding manifestation. Immediately consult a doctor if any of the following manifestations appear:> bleeding from the nose or gums> frequent vomiting> vomiting with blood> black stools> excessive thirst (Chat Doctor. If you have any additional questions or follow-up query, please feel easy to write us. Wish your brother good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] For 7-8 months Ive had ulcers come on my tongue off and on as soon as they would go away some more would come on in another area on my tongue. It got to where some time it was very hard to eat or swallow. It also affected my ear by hurting. Then I noticed blisters (one or two small) would appear at a time. Im going to a ENT doctor now to see what is causing this problem. He has ruled out cancer. It seems like I cant get rid of these or be told what I need to do to treat it or what can be done to make it all go away and stay away. Can you help me? [|AI|] Hi. Thanks for the query. If the ulcers come and go that means if the ulcers appear, but they resolve completely over the time then it is not cancerous because cancerous ulcers does not heal and are persistent. So my suggestion is to consult an Oral Surgeon and get examined and the first thing that should be done is Biopsy if ulcers are considered cancerous. Further treatment can be decided accordingly. For now, you can apply a steroid oral paste over it and along with it gargle with 1:1 solution of Ben Chat Doctor. . Do warm saline gargles. Take vitamin B complex supplements. Hope this helps. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have had an infection below my left back molar for a long time. Had a root canal in July and pain is back once again. Dentist put me on Amoxicillin and sent me back to Endodontist. Amoxicillin wasnt working so endo changed it to Clyndomyicin four times a day. That was Tuesday and now its Sunday. No relief. Infection feels like its getting worse. Yesterday I woke up with a circular sore on my inner thigh. Its red, itchy, bumpy and is white on the inside of the circle. What could this be? [|AI|] Hello, Welcome Thanks for consulting Chat Doctor I have gone through your query, as you have said that you have infection in molar tooth, don't worry you should go for proper Root canal treatment and do warm saline gargle and the consult your dentist for medications As you have sore in your thigh you can put Betadine powder on it and take one Tablet Co-trimoxazole twice daily for 3 days and consult physician for that, Hope this will help you. Wish you good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Last night, I was having dinner with my friends and when I stood up I felt like the whole roomWas spinning. I automatically lost my balance, like I couldnt feel my legs, then when I sat down there was a loud ringing in my ear. I felt like throwing up. But tried to fight it. My friends told me that I looked pale. My face was stone cold when I got out of it. The episode lasted about 2-3 mins. When I got a bit stable I felt like I could not catch my breath. I went to sleep. Woke up still feeling like I cant breath. My heart rate is 108 and I am 36 years old. [|AI|] Hello Thanks for posting at Chat Doctor. Going by your symptoms it looks like you had a syncopal attack followed by breathlessness. The cause of the syncopal attack and the breathlessness should be evaluated.First a cardiac cause must be ruled out. Please do AA ECG and 2 d echo. If any rhythm disturbances are seen on 2 d echo a Holder monitoring which records your ECG for 24 hours while you go about your daily activities should be done. Heart rhythm disturbances can lead to such symptoms and such disturbances can be diagnosed on Holder monitoring. Next step is the carotid arteries which supply blood to the brain. If this blood supply is decreased you may feel dizzy and lose consciousness. For this, please do a carotid artery Doppler which will show if there are any critical carotid artery blockages. Next to be evaluated is the ear. Internal ear issues can cause dizziness and vertigo. Please consult with your ENT specialist. Next, is the cervical spine issues which can also cause similar symptoms. Please do a cervical spine x-ray. Please do the above-mentioned tests and revert. Wishing you good health. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, my daughter(12 days old) have heart murmur. We will go for 2d echocardiography for heart murmur. What are the chance of going for heart surgery? and is it possible that the murmur cause any other significant diseases? She also has Rubella in significant caution. [|AI|] Hi... as you say that she has got congenital rubella syn Chat Doctor. Whether it will require surgery or not can be decided only after seeing the extent of the structural heart defect and also the pulmonary pressures. I suggest that you go ahead with the Echocardiography and the cardiologist will explain you when and what type of surgery will be required and also if surgery is required or not. Regards -
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi.. hope you can give me some advice. My mother is in her final stage of neurendocarinoma cancer of the liver. SHE HAS TYPE 2 diabetes and has frequently been hospitalized for hypercalcemia. what can I do for my mom to give her physical strength as she is bringing up everything we ( myself and the drs) try to give her, including water. Her tumor has grown to 75 percent of herliver, but I still hold hope. is there? [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. Neuroendocrine tumors are very notorious in their course. They tend to have frequent fluctuations. And in terminal stages only palliative care can be given. Surgery is contraindicated. Give her nutrition support in the form of multivitamins, iron, blood transfusion etc. If pain is there than you can give transdermal patch of centrally acting painkiller. It is very effective in terminal cancer pain. You can also Chat Doctor. Debunking surgeries may give symptomatic relief but oncosurgeons consultation is must.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have had a pain on the right upper abdomen with fizzing..I have no gallbladder or append. I have had a colonoscopy that was neg except for polyp near the illiocum? I wake up in the morning with a very uncomfortable feeling on the side. The pain will at times radiate around the back . I see a chirpractor also who thinks it is IBS as well. I have had these sx. for the past 9 months or so. I have a hx of IBS.Thanks [|AI|] Hi ! Good evening. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. Although it requires a clinical examination of your abdomen, from your history it seems that possibly the pain could be due to a calculus in the common bile duct or there could be some kind of pancreatic inflammation. IBS would be the last diagnosis I would consider for this kind of pain. If I were your doctor, after a physical examination of your abdomen I would advise you for an ultrasound of whole abdomen with special attention to the biliary tract and the pancreas. In addition, I would also get done a few of the blood tests like a CBC, a serum amylase and lipase, an LFT and KFT to aid in the diagnosis and management. Till then, I would advise you for an anti-spasmodic and a proton pump inhibitor Chat Doctor. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] About a month ago, I made out with and was fingered by a guy who LATER told me he had herpes. He also told me he was starting to have an outbreak the night we were together. What are the chances I have contracted it? I have gone for a test and am waiting on the results. Meanwhile, I am very worried.. [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for posting in Chat Doctor. Herpes is a contagious viral disorder. Herpes simplex viruses spread from person to person through close contact. Herpes Simplex Virus - 2 (HSV-2) causes primarily congenital infections. You may wait for the results. If your immunity is good, you may not develop any lesions. In case you get fever and painful lesions, then you need to take treatment immediately. Antipyretic and Analgesics like Ibuprofen and paracetamol will help to reduce pain and fever. You can use topical anti-viral creams or oral intake of anti-viral Chat Doctor. Hope the information provided would be helpful. All the best.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I noticed a nickel sized bruise on my left forearm about 3 weeks ago. It was only slightly discolored when I noticed it and there also seems to be a small knot under the skin. It hasn t gone away completely and the coloring seems to change. A few days after I noticed it the blue/green tint was gone but it still felt like a normal bruise. The next week the blue/green tint was back and then a few days later it was gone but felt the same. Now the color is bac again. I plan on making an appointment to have it checked, but wanted to make sure I didn t need to do something immediately. Thanks! [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for your query. Unexplained bruising once in while is understandable but if occurs frequently should be investigated thoroughly since it can indicate an underlying medical condition or ailment. It has been observed that bruises are often observed more on women than men. Women often complain of bruising on legs, thighs, buttocks and upper arms. Thinner people are more prone to bruising as they lack the fat cushion that helps prevent injury. It may also be due to deficiency of vitamin C, vitamin B12, folic acid and vitamin K. Many times taking medications like aspirin, ibuprofen, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. Topical and systemic corticosteroids cause skin thinning, making one prone to bruises. Many a time bruising can be caused due to liver ailments, kidney diseases and blood disorder. I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello. I have a question. Last week I had unprotected intercourse with my boyfriend, but just at the beginning, he didn t finish... It was 3 days after my menstruation stopped. It wasn t the first time we did that, but he told me to do a pregnancy test. Do you think I should be stressed about it? [|AI|] HI, Thanks for the query. I understand your concern. You had sex about 8th to 9th day of your menstrual cycle.which is not likely to be in fertile days in normal 30 days menstrual cycle. So there is less possibility of pregnancy with the sex you are referring to- & you need not stress (unless you have a very short/ regular cycle of 22 to 24 days. ) In case of short cycle, considering possibility of pre-ejaculate deposited in vagina . You have to exclude pregnancy by urine pregnancy test by HPT after 8 days delay in expected date of coming period. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have had my canine crowns redone twice now. After the first placement I noticed that I had alot of sensitivity around the gumline They were redone and a week later the sensitivity is still there in the exact same spot. New impressions were taken and new crowns were made so why is this happening and is the lab just not making them right or iis it my dentist s error?What needs to be done now? [|AI|] Hi Amy, Sensitivity of teeth after crown preparation is a common occurrence but as you have mentioned that even after the placement of the new crowns (assuming that the margins are proper) it persists and is severe then the only option you have is a root canal. If there is an exposed area around the teeth not covered by the crown causing sensitivity and its not severe then placing a desensitizing agent may help. Pls consult your dentist on that. Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Have had pain in lower abdomen for few weeks that comes & goes. Wasnt sure if it was muscle spasm or related to ovaries or something female. That pain has subsided some but now I have uncomfortable pressure on my bladder. Feels like I cannot empty my bladder and the flow of urine is much slower than normal. Just took an AZOurinary tract home test. Results of test strips indicate negative for Nitrate & positive (dark purple) for Leukocytes. Please advise? [|AI|] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Thanks for calling Chat Doctor. Forum. You had Pain lower abdomen since few weeks. Pain subsided but there is discomfort On the bladder, and urination. Urine strip test shows leukocytes. It suggests urinary tract infection, or a stone in the urinary tract. I advise you to consult a urologist for diagnosis and treatment. You may need to have M.R.I.besides other routine tests for confirmation. Don't worry you will be fine with minimal treatment. Best regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] this is ravi chandra from hyderabad, i have black scars and pigmentation on my face. Doctor said it is sebo melonosis and suggested skin shine cream (cadila product) and antioxidant tablet (LYROSE). But i see no change in my face as well as i am working in field conditions so exposed to sun from 9 am to 5pm. So kindly suggest any other cream, tablets or skincare treatment needed. [|AI|] Hi, I can understand your concern for black scars and pigmentation on face. If I were your dermatologist then I would have suggested you to wait and watch policy. Child Chat Doctor. The most important part is to use a sunscreen regularly in open environment and on exposure to sun. Take a proper guidance and follow up with a good dermatologist so that all the problem can be dealt best for future time. Protect yourself from direct sunlight. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, my dad is 97 yrs old. His haemoglobin content is around 8 since the last 3/4 months. have been giving iron syrup(Dexoorange_) and also leafy vegetables twice a week. It sort of improved become from 7.8 to 8.3. Cannt give more iron supplements as he tends to constipate. Advice please as to how to improve ? [|AI|] Without knowing cause of anemia iron treatment may not work. First search cause. It may be due to iron deficiency or b12 deficiencies or may be did to renal disease or some other cause like internal bleeding etc. So roughly investigate all these. For iron deficiency iron rich food like beggary and Green leafy vegetables, Chat Doctor. Iron tablets syrup and injectable form also available. Injectable iron will provide faster response.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi Doc: Do you know much about Paso-Arthritis? I am 63, have had the disease since I was 21. Tried many natural (Dead Sea) and medical ( Methotrexate) before going on Otezla 2 and a half years ago. It was miraculous! I returned to Mountain Biking, Tennis and other sports. About 6 months ago lesions started RE-appearing. Then pain and stiffness. I need some relief other then Ibuprofen. I am scared to go on Biologics. Any suggestions? [|AI|] Hi, Psoriasis arthritis affects Large joints. Joints disease worsens with skin lesions. Treatment is two-way:1. Treatment of skin lesions2. Treatment of joint disease. Joint involvement usually decreases as skin lesions are controlled. Primary line of joint treatment is disease modifying agents Like Sulfasalazine and Methotrexate which you have taken. If they are not giving relief next line of treatment is biological agents. They are very effective to control disease visit to rheumatologist is recommended. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I have a hard ball in my stomach that I can feel my heartbeat in. I can move this ball around a little, but it is normally near my belly button. It is uncomfortable to push on but, not painful. My periods have not been regular but, no other symptoms. I am 30, never smoked and not high BP. I have lost 30 pounds in the past few months and wonder if this is just something I can feel now that I am thinner or if it is Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm? I have used Phentermine for weight loss in the past, no other prescriptions or health issues. Thank you! [|AI|] Hi. Thanks for your query. Gone through your history. You are feeling a hard ball-can move around-can feel heart beat in it- unconformable when pushed on and is near the belly button.IT is most probably NOT an aneurysm as you are suspecting, because you can move it around. (Aneurysm is fixed and can not be moved).IT is most probably a condition called a mesenteric cyst (mesentery is a membrane from which small intestines are supported and give supply of blood and return of the blood and lymph). The history you have provided is more near this diagnosis. I would advise undergoing an ultrasonography and color Doppler examination to confirm the diagnosis, see for the blood vessels. A CT scan may be needed to confirm the diagnosis and the nature and cause of this cyst. This can be cured by surgery.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, 4 years ago I had perioral dermatitis. After many trips to the dermatologist and trying many different creams it went away. Now 4 years later, I have the same rash on my chin and on the side of my nose. I cannot get a derm appointment until almost 4 months from now so I decided to go to my primary care physician today. She prescribed me triamcinolone .25% cream. I am scared to try this because it says it should not be used on the face. The doctor said I have perioral dermatitis and still prescribed this. Should I use this on my face? [|AI|] Hi thanks for writing here. Perioral dermatitis is a papulopustular infection occurring over chin. There are many aggravating factors for it. Topical steroid application is most important causing flare up of disease. Triamcinolne is also a steroid, and it is not indicated in treatment for personal dermatitis. So better avoid it. You can apply clindamycin gel along with oral doxycycline once daily at night. Avoid cosmetics over lips and chins. I hope this can solve your query. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have been constantly choughing for about a month now. At first i would cough up alot of phlem but it was less and less everyday, but i am still coughing and i have sort of a stuffy/runny nose but not really. But when i do blow my nose there are black streaks in the mucus. Other than that i feel fine, no weakness body aches sore throat or anything. Ive been taking dayquil but it hasnt gone away its WAY better than before, but NOT gone. Is there anything i can do to take care of this AT HOME? [|AI|] Hi thanks for asking question. You had mostly flu like viral infection in past most probably. So you have cough that has not gone still now. Following is some remedy for you. Take antimissile cough serum containing dextromethorphan. Green tea is useful. Chat Doctor. Eucalyptus cough lozenges helpful. Plantain leaf is useful home remedy to ease cough and sooth resp tract. OSHA root, ginger also useful. Onion having anti-inflammatory action so useful. Take green leaf vegetables. Avoid smoking and spicy food. Take fried food minimum. If still symptoms not relieving then chest x-ray done for further investigation. I hope my suggestion will surely help you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, For about the past week now whenever I urinate I have a sharp abdominal pain right as I m finishing. the pain is very weird to describe but it isn t like a burning or itching sensation, it s very sharp. And for a moment it feels like I have to urinate some more, I try but am finished. It doesn t occur until I am very close to finishing. I have been researching it and the only infection that I have identified the most with are kidney crystals, and also I have looked up on how they are formed and it does kind of seem to fit the puzzle because I do tend to have a hold on my bladder until break, lunch or I get home from work. [|AI|] Hi there, This could be a case of urinary tract infection or renal stones. First thing is to get a urine routine and microscopy examination. It will say whether there is pus cells /crystals etc. Visit your doctor who might also ask you to get an ultrasound of the abdomen to look for any renal/bladder calculi. Meanwhile, Chat Doctor. Follow good perineal hygiene. Pass urine at regular intervals. Get well soon :)
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello, I ve been experiencing a pain in my lower abdominal area. It started yesterday in the morning, at it has not gotten worst. As a matter of fact, it mostly feels better, but sometimes it does hurt again. The pain has not traveled to the right side of my lower abdominal area, and when I apply pressure on this area it does not hurt more. I have not experienced nausea , but I do feel like I have a little bit of a flue. [|AI|] Hello! Thank you for the query. The most common reason of such pain is urinary tract infection. Frequent urinating and burning while urinating can appear. Some other possible reasons are diverticulitis (left lower abdominal area), ovarian cyst, uterine infection. It is advisable for you to have abdominal ultrasound, full blood work, urinalysis and transvaginal ultrasound. Hope this will help. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am a diabetic but i also had a stroke last april, the doctor gave me sildenafil teva 50mg as i have started to suffer from ED, when i got home i read the enclosed leaflet and it states that i shouldnt take it if i resently suffered a stroke. he has said i may use this once a weak but after reading the leaflet with the stroke comment i m asking if its safe. [|AI|] Good Day, and thank you for being with Chat Doctor ! You may use sildenfil 6 months after your stroke. If you are still concerned about it, you may try penile vacuum devices and injections or urethral pellets which would have a lower systemic effect. I hope I have succeeded in providing the information you were looking for. Please feel free to write back to me for any further clarifications at: http://www.ChatDoctor .com/doctors/ Chat Doctor. Best wishes
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i take 10 mg cetirizine hydrochloride to help with a allergy. i dont know what it is i am allergic to and have had some tests done but no positive results . these pills help with gunky eyes and itch but lately the effects are getting less and less to the point now it does not seem to be working at all . i drink lactose free milk i only use soaps and detergents that are for allergy sensitive people . i have tried cutting out different foods but that has not helped .i dont have a credit card so guess i will have to visit my own doctor again [|AI|] Hi, Thank you for your query. Just taking cetirizine for gunky eyes and itch does not mean that you are allergic. I would recommend that you consult a dermatologist who shall examine and guide you appropriately. It is good that you are using soaps meant for allergy sensitive people, but that may not be needed at all. I hope I have answered your query to your satisfaction. Wishing you all the best. Rajiv K Khandelwal
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My lower abdomen has been tender for around 2 maybe 3 weeks now. I haven t felt myself. I ve been feeling sick but not been sick, I get hot and cold flushes along with aches and pains. I have recently been waking up with a stuffy nose sometimes with blood, and the same at night. My period is due today and I went to the toilet before bed and noticed I have one blob of like brown jelly discharge. What could this be? [|AI|] A kind of mild indigestion due to various reasons but tenderness is the term you have to understand. If you press or touch it, it would be paining. It could be infection in intestines, mesentery, uterine infection etc. It's better to be evaluated clinically for error less comments. Brown jelly is some kind of not so normal blood of m.c. With some simple herbal preparations such as SY Eve care or Ashokarishta Liquid for 4 weeks, it can be ad Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi I am currently deployed overseas as a civilian contractor. The pollution in the air is extreme. I got what would consider extremely ill my lungs burned my nose was runing constantly tong was numb i was hacking green and black phelgm. I was not wearing a mask. I have been here on and off for several years. When I go home I want to see and dr and see if I have caused any permanent damage to my lungs but am not sure what type of Dr. I should see or what to explain [|AI|] Hello Whatever you will inhale (if polluted) that if not fresh air will intermingle with mucus (a long procedure due to phagocyte activities) and will come out in the form of phlegm. If polluted material is some allergen they will cause bronchoconstriction (if bacteria then infection and phlegm i.e. black or green or yellow depending on the type of allergen or bacteria). In your case you should consult a "PULMONOLOGIST" or chest specialist. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 5 year old daughters epiglottis is visible and has been since she was a baby, it hasn t caused too many problems until the past few nights where she has been literally choking and gagging on it when she s been in bed to the point where she can t breathe. I know this is due to being lay down, we have tried to prop her up as much as we can but 10 mins later she s scooched down the bed in her sleep and is back laying flat choking again. Any help appreciated [|AI|] Hello and Welcome to Ask A Doctor service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. Has your daughter ever had choking and gagging episodes before? Sometimes when the healthcare worker asks a healthy child to open his/her mouth the child will open the mouth so widely that the epiglottis is seen. These patients are not sick. If she is up-to-date with her routine childhood immunizations, then she is protected against her epiglottis being infected because the most common bacterial cause of epiglottis is covered by the vaccines that she received when younger. Infection of the epiglottis is life-threatening. The child refuses to lie down, Chat Doctor. A possible cause of cough when laying down and no cough when upright is gastroesophageal reflux. In which stomach contents come back up the esophagus into the throat causing the child to cough. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Arnold EDD, MD, FLAP
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I think my boyfriend ins passive aggressive. He came after me the first day of school. after our first date he never called back, then he stopped comig to school, then he d show up. sometimes he d say hi, other times he wouldn t look me in the eyer when he spoke. Then I invited him back to my apartment. He didn t make love to me he didn t kiss me, I saw his face, he made as effort not to get into it. I m really attractive so I knew something wasn t right. He admitted to me that he wanted to tear me to pieces when he first saw me because he wanted me so badly. It s been up and down. He wants me but he plays these strange sulky games. I m confused. Also he has had 2 dui s and a felony for breaking in to beat up his sister s boryfriend. He is highly intelligent, a student as the Uof I. But unable to connect emotionaly. He has grandious ideas about becoming a politician and says that is why our relationship must be a secret. I m 14 years older than him. I know something is wrong with him but I ve never come across this type of behavior. [|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. To know more about him is the only way to find what is troubling him. I rather say that as he is intelligent (in your opinion) he is playing safe. You have the capacity to understand him. As he is an aspiring politician, as he says, he wants to keep himself away from affairs, which might trouble his future. That is a good opinion. At least he is focused towards his future. Things like flirting and having sex is not his concerns. He is much more matured than that. Understand him and adore him. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I woke up two weeks ago with a very bad pain in the lower back right side. I went to the doctor and they took blood and urine sample. the urine sample had a little blood in it. the blood came back normal. Took Blood pressure and it was 150 over 9o something. They said it was BPH. The prescribe pain pills for pain. Today I am having again on the right side lower back. Some times it radiates down to the groin area. Is this normal and when does this pain go away? To me it feels more like a kidney infection. [|AI|] Hi Mr .your symptoms of lower back pain, blood in urine suggest that your suffering FRM renal calculi the isn't fever as such DNT get worried of kidney infection and yest her is a chance that u may get infection if renal calculi is not attended in early stage...go consult urologist, get an USG abdomen don end x-ray pub.investigations reveal the location ND size of the stone if at all the scan is positive...
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i am Rajat and 19 year old and i m suffering from stomach problems like too much gas creation and semi digested brown stool . when i visited to doctors, every time my blood report stated, increased SGPT and alkaline phosphate . now i m taking Sorbiline syrup(- Sorbitol Solution and TR1 Choline Citrate) 10_20 ml daily without prescription and it is causing me dizziness , sleepiness all time hungry and shitting 2-4 times and its yellow now. should i take it? [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor for posting your query. I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through. Only a raised SGPT doesn't convey much information. It depends on how much the SGPT is raised. I request you not to self prescribe. Get a USG abdomen done to rule out any hepatitis and mild SGPT elevation should not bother you. Hope I am able to answer your concerns. If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you. In future if you wish to contact me directly, you can use the below-mentioned Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] im 27, im working as welder since i was on nightshift my heart beats really fast than the usual,, cause i feel it every morning after my work before go to bed and when i wake up.. what is the cause of this?? in my situation what is the best thing to do and what is the right foods to eat??? thanks.. [|AI|] Hello, This can be an anxiety or cardiac arrhythmia like PSV or atrial fibrillation, in which heart rate suddenly goes up and also suddenly decreases. Blood pressure falls during these episodes and one has dizziness, fainting, blackouts, sometimes syncope. Usually ECG is normal as it is usually done in between the episodes. ECG done during episodes will show abnormality. You will need 24 hour holder monitoring. So visit nearby cardiologist for this investigation. Also, hemoglobin and thyroid test should be done. Ln order to abort such episodes you should try to cough hard. Is there any stress or anxiety associated. Till the time your evaluation is complete, you can ask your local doctor for tab collar LA 20 mg once a day. If none of the above is successful then last option is of electrophysiologist studies which is invasive test which can diagnose and treat the arrhythmia permanently in most of the cases. Hope this helps you and get back if you have any doubts.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] last Tuesday i hurt my lower back while doing squats. its been hurting but the pain is isolated in my lower back it hasn t spread it sometimes hurts when i bend over but usually it just is really tight in my lower back which prevents me from bending over very far. it also hurts when i get up after sitting but it is very miniscule. [|AI|] Dear-thanks for using our system and hope will my medical advice will be helpful. You probably have a pinched muscle from the exercise Sometimes, specially when you do an exercise and don't stretch well, you can have this problem. It might take few days to improve, try to avoid heavy exercise, use a heating pad, rest and take anti-inflammatory as ibuprofen for 72 hrs. If it does not get better, you might need to see your doctor for an x-ray and further evaluation. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi I am almost 50 days late for my period. I keep taking pregnancy tests and they are negative. With this I have just been waiting. I have experienced some very light bleeding during the week I was supposed to get my period (second missed- 2-3 weeks ago) and now I am having cramping and light bleeding again. I also just found a small lump on the opening of my cervix. What could this be? [|AI|] Hello... Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor for your query... Regarding your question about intermenstrual spotting, it can be because of so many reasons apart from pregnancy like some ovarian cyst, hormonal imbalance, cervical polyp, some infection, some serious reasons. I also want to know whether you have taken any emergency contraceptive pill like I pill, unwanted 72,can be a reason for your problem. It is highly recommended that you should meet nearby Gynecologist and get it checked internally. Regarding investigation, I would recommend doing ultra TSH, S. Prolactin, LH, FSH on day 2 of menses USG ABDOMEN AND PELVIS... I hope this helps... In case of any query feel free to ask... Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My daughter is 10 years old. Two days ago she had gone on a school field trip toSea World. The morning after she returned she had complained of contraction like pain to her left lower side of her abdomen. She also complained of leg pain. I stretched her thinking that it may be muscle pain from the rollercoasters. She woke up the second day with the same severe pain with diarreah. she has not eaten at all on the third day. I dont know what this is. [|AI|] Hello, Probably the most common reason that a child is experiencing muscle pains and diarrhea is that she has a viral illness. There are many viruses that circulate in the community during the summer. They can cause sickness with various symptoms: -headache-sore throat- cough-vomiting-diarrhea-muscle and joint pains-loss of appetite Even if your daughter does not want to eat, it is important that she stay wealthy Chat Doctor. If she does not keep 2-3 ounces of clear fluids down, then offer sips every 5 minutes until she stops vomiting. Take her temperature to make sure she has no fever. Acetaminophen as needed for fever and muscle pains. If she is still not eating after 2 days, take her to her pediatrician. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 5 yr old son has been unwell on and of for a few weeks now he only has slight temperature of 37.5 but feels hotter to touch he is very pale and lethargic and he is shivering saying he is cold he also is complaining of a bad head??? a few weeks ago he had a chest infection was put on antibiotics which he has had before and towards the end of the course he suddenly started being sick and complaining of sharp abdominal pain we took him doctors and he said he may have abdominal colic caused by the coughing and sent us home!!! I don t believe this . He was sick again when we got home then slept all night the following day he woke up feeling and looking better and went to school he was there 1 day and then was off for 2 days being sick again with bad belly . He then went back and has been back 1 wk and 3 days and is now being sick again with bad headache and leg cramps very pale he is not overly keen on the light but can sit in room with it on I am very worried about this as usually he is a healthy 5 yr old apart from asthma !!! Please help Oh also my husbands friend tht he worked with was taken to hospital just before all this started and died meningitis in 72 hrs my husband was checked but was given the all clear with a tablet but I think it a little coincidental!!thank u a very worried mummy [|AI|] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor ... Your child having fever on and off along with abdominal pain sometime... Here if generalized viral infection there than chest and stomach both can be affected. Your child work up needed with.... -Auscultation -Blood pressure measurement -Chest x-ray if needed-CRP -Blood culture if needed -USG abdomen According to cause further treatment can be guided.... If no significant cause found than just maintain immunity with good food and fruits. Advise :Pediatrician consultation for examination. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] when i woke up this afternoon, i work nights, my chest was hurting on the center left side...well I have been awake for about 4 hours now and the pain is still on and off hurting. When it is not a stabbing pain it is a low achey pain. I am 24 years old, I am a bit overweight,I am 5"9 and 240 pounds. and I have suffered from anxiety.My heart rate is also very fast. I have suffered from high blood pressure but am not taking anything for it right now. This has happened before but it only lasted about an hour, this time is has persisted. Emotional stress seems to cause the pain to last longer it seems. what should i do? [|AI|] There are two entities in cardiac sciences!) STABLE ANGINA - the pain relieves in 20 min on resting or taking nitroglycerines2) unstable angina in which the pain does not settle down on resting as your pain is dull in nature a sort of heaviness on left side of chest it can be angina your work hours are at night ...stress levels must be high a say you suffered from anxiety at an age of 24 you are hypertensive you have not mentioned your smoking habits though at an age of 24 cardiac cause is rare yet seeing your lifestyle we need to rule it out broadly speaking your problem can be because ofanxietygastritis(because gastritis and heart burn also cause pain in the area where you feel Igor cardiac cause would advise you to go forecglipid profile tread mill test (to rule out any lack of blood supply to heart during test)2 d echo cardiographycosult a psychiatrist, and he may suggest you some antianxiety pills in low dose called benzodiazepines
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I walked into a pothole over a week ago and my foot bent completely upward. Over the past week and a half I have had moderate pain on the heel and outside of my foot that becomes severe when I put pressure or wear tight shoes. It feels a little better with elevation and ice. It is pretty swollen, but not incredibly, and there is no bruising, so I have ruled out a break. Any idea what it could be? [|AI|] Hi if you have ruled out fracture you must be having sprain. And remember foot and ankle injuries are very notorious even you don't have fracture there are chances of ligament injuries which causes severe pain and swelling and complete recovery is not possible in such cases. Mild pain remains in foot even after recovery. As your injury is fresh you need to give rest to your foot till the swelling and pain subsides.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had a living donor kidney transplant in June 2012. The donor has genital herpes. Can this be transmitted through the transplanted kidney. I have noticed a small painful sore on my penis and have outbreaks of small, oozing rash that too are painful and then scab over and heal on various areas of my midsection. If this is possible I will mention it t o my nephrologist in my quarterly visit this coming week. Thanks [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in to us. Despite great advances in organ transplantation in the last four decades, herpesvirus infections remain a major cause of morbidity and mortality for a majority of transplant recipients. Central to all herpesvirus infections is the viruses ability to establish latent, nonproductive infections which can be reactivated at later times in the hosts' life, resulting in recurrent infections and associated diseases. While improvements in immunosuppressive Chat Doctor. Hope this helps
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hiya, the past few months I ve been having real problems with my breathing. It quite often feels like my lungs are being crushed and that my windpipe is being squeezed and it Is very uncomfortable. I also quite often get heart palpitations and can see my heart beat in my chest, often when I am lying down and wearing a loose top I can actually see my heart beats with the fabric and it is quite scary. What should I do?? [|AI|] Hello! Thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! I read carefully your question and understand your concern. It is important performing a comprehensive differential diagnosis of different causes that may lead to this symptomatology:- a cardiac arrhythmia could lead to similar symptoms- a respiratory disorder - anxiety could mimic this clinical scenario. I recommend consulting with your GP for a careful physical exam and some tests: - a resting ECG- a chest X-ray study and respiratory function tests-blood lab work (complete blood count, thyroid hormone levels, blood electrolytes). An ambulatory 24-48 hours ECG monitoring may be needed to examine your cardiac rhythm trends during the day and exclude possible cardiac arrhythmia. If all the above tests result normal, you should consider anxiety as the main cause of your troubles. Hope you will find this answer helpful! Wishing all the best,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had a tournament on sunday and everytime i kicked the lad on the head he blocked it with his forearm and it killed; and now it has swollen and is a bit bruised. The first aider checked it but didn t tell me whats wrong with it she just told me to exercise it. [|AI|] Hello, It could be a minor contusion or sprain, the fracture is unlikely. As of now, you can use analgesics/anti-inflammatory combination like diclofenac/serratiopeptidase for symptomatic relief. You can also apply ice-packs for symptomatic relief. If symptoms persist better to consult an orthopaedician and get evaluated. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Dear Dr.Sammuel,My brother went for his immigration interview and found out that he is positive for TB.He was asked to come back to Appollo after 2 mo.his cultures back with positive.Now next week he is going for his treatment to Appollo.Does he have to stay there for the treatment or he can come back home on treatment.It seems so expensive for him to stay in there for 6months.Please answer me in detailThank you [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. No need for hospital admission in tuberculosis if patient is stable and not having life-threatening symptoms like hypotension, hemoptysis (blood in sputum) etc. Treatment course of tuberculosis is long. Minimum 6-8 months of treatment is required. And most of the time patient send home with 1 month of treatment. Patient has to come back after 1 month fir follow up. Total 6-8 months of treatment is required. So no need for hospital admission in tuberculosis if patient is clinically stable Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your brother. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi my wife used to complain about the noise of hoovering from next door,or like she used to think that next door guys is keeping eyes on her throughout the day and later on she starts forgetting things like cooking shopping like most of the social life she is under treatment now she dont complain about noises and the guys following but keep forgetting things to do in just a she will be cured? [|AI|] Hello, The symptoms of your wife are not related to anxiety or panic or depressive disorder. They are just part and parcel of her psychosis. She is recovering from her illness and the voices and auspiciousness have reduced, but the distraction or inability to concentrate is still there. Many patients when get free from their positive symptoms (like hearing voices etc.), develop negative symptoms-memory problems, lethargy, inability to work properly and lack of motivation for most things. This also gets better with time and treatment. Patient should be motivated for doing all kinds of household works, and encouraged by others. She should bot be nudged and insulted for her declined performance (negative comments only deteriorate them). Then gradually, with continuous efforts, she will definitely become better. Donot worry, most of the time there is no permanent memory loss. Wish you good luck
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had UTI 3 weeks ago and was ordered to repeat urinalysis after my antibiotics. Bacteria and pus gone but now had RBC +1 in my urine which has increased to +3 after 2 weeks. My KUB ultrasound result is OK, no stones nor abnormal findings. What could be the cause? I have also undergone hysterectomy a year ago. so, could that be the cause? [|AI|] Thank you for the query. I would like to know your age, whether you have any associated comorbidities like Diabetes Mellitus and also whether you are on an any Hormone replacement therapy (since you have undergone hysterectomy). Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) can arise due to a number of causes. Since you have undergone Hysterectomy, you are in a surgical post menopausal state. The vaginal area becomes Chat Doctor. Hormone replacement therapy may have some protective effect (provided you don't have other contraindications)Diabetes mellitus (increased blood sugar) may lead to frequent UTI. Hence, it is advisable to get your blood sugar (Fasting and post radial) checked, if you haven't got them tested yet.PUB USG may not always reveal stones, specially small ones (X-ray PUB may be more useful in this regard). I would also like to know whether the residual urinary volume (RUN) was done during your USG. Increased RUN may be a reason for recurrent UTI. I would advise you to
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] HiA year and a half i contracted a virus overseas, was hospitilized and lost a heap of weight, returned home to see a naturopath due to a decrease in wellbeing, they informed me by gallbladder was stressed and inflamed, since then i have lost a large amount of muscle in the upper chest and middle back i look anorexic while still carrying fat around the buttocks and waist, i have experienced bloated abdonimals and pain, lower back pain, chronic digestive and bowel problems, constipation, dizziness, chronic fatigue, depression and poor memory. erectyile disfunction and size reduction. my body will not absorb the nutrients from food and water properly. . please help me find the cause/root of the problem since i have tried many methods with no result and continue to lose mass and put on pounds [|AI|] HelloThanks for writing to ChatDoctorYou need proper clinical examination and investigations. Investigations include routine hologram, RBS,Lipid profile, LFT,FT, ultrasound of abdomen. Ultrasound of abdomen can exclude many conditions. Treatment can be started after clinical findings and investigation reports. Some of your problems like depression, small size and erectile dysfunction may be due to psychological causes, so consult psychiatrist also. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i am 19 yrs old. i play badminton regularly, few days back i felt fast heartbeat i sat down had water and after some time i felt better. bp was at that time was 101/69 pulse was 96 after 1 hour it was 114/80 pulse 88. the same was repeated after 3/4 days & bp was 117/76 after 1 hr 114/59 pulse 67. still i play badminton regularly. shall i go for some checkup like echo or tmt? [|AI|] Hello, thanks for using Chat Doctor. I have gone through your question. First let me give you basic physiological information of heart beats. Norma heartbeats vary between 60 and 100 per minute. With activity and exertion it increases and with rest and sleep it decreases. As long as it does not cross100 it is considered quite natural phenomenon. So my young friend just relax and continue playing Badminton, i see a champion of badminton in you... My best wishes Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I am a 3 year breast cancer survivor. This past October, I started to have vague right hip pain, which has gotten worse. February of this year, I had a nuclear medicine whole body bone scan done. The results came back as degenerative changes in the left and right hip, but more prevalent in the right hip. It was recommended that I repeat the bone scan, which I did on June 3, 2014. The results came back showing that the same affects were happening not only in my hips and pelvis (right hip more prevalent) but also in both of my shoulders ( right shoulder more prevalent) and the front part of my skull had thickened also. I was told that my scan was fine and no changes had occurred and to repeat the scan in six months. I found this to be questionable, simply because there was an obvious change within the three months. Both scans were done to rule out metastatic disease. Radiotracer activity in the second scan was noted in places that did not show up on the first scan. I want to know; do I have anything to worry about and should I get a second opinion. My right hip bone and joint have been hurting constantly, mostly at night. My lumpectomy was on the right breast and I hurt there constantly also. Sometimes the pain is so bad, it feels like it is piercing through the back of my shoulder. Could I have early signs of bone cancer? [|AI|] Your age please? The changes in your serial bone scans seem to be age related. This treatment is being suggested on bases of the information provided. I would like to examine & investigate you in detail. Rule out Hypertension, Diabetes or other metabolic disorder. Any way it may be tried,--. Looking Plus (Mankind) [Diclofenac 100 mg +Paracetamol 350 mg] 1 tab. OD & SOS. X 5days.--. Calcified plus (Mankind) 1 tab OD x 10days.(You may need help of your local doctor to get these medicines.)--. Fomentation with warm water. Avoid direct flow of AC or Cooler.--. Sleep on a hard bed with soft bedding.--. Avoid painful acts & activities.--. Do mild exercises for All joints. --.(Take help of a physiotherapist or visit WWW. Chat Doctor. Com). --. Use no pillow under the head. Do not ignore, let it not become beginning of a major problem. Do ask for a detailed treatment plan. If no relief in 2-3 days, contact me again. Kindly make sure, there is no allergy to any of these medicines. (Contact your family doctor, if needed). For emergency treatment visit the nearest hospital. I hope I have answered your question to your satisfaction. Kindly rate the answer. Wish you a quick recovery & good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have breathing problem since i was a child, now i am 24 years old and still face the the breathing problem.. I have problem breathing through mouth. I feel like I am out of breathe even if i am just sitting and not done any physical hard work. Plz help. [|AI|] Hello, Breathing difficulty since childhood should be evaluated for asthma. So better to consult a pulmonologist, and get done a clinical examination of the respiratory system and pulmonary function test (PFT). PFT will not only diagnose asthma, but it will also tell you about the severity of the disease, and treatment is based on severity only. You may need inhaled bronchodilators (formoterol or albuterol) and inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) (budesonide or fluticasone). Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi Doctor, my mother has a skin pigmentation problem on her face (partially) especially on the forehead and near the ears. One doctor has advised her to use Momate S skin cream , which she was using since an year now...but when she uses it the spots go away but after that they again come she is also experiencing the feeling of irritation and itching on her face at spots. Please advise [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing to us. It would be very difficult to diagnose the underlying cause for such pigmentation without examining the lesion. Momate s contains a mid potent steroid mometasone with salicylic acid. Your mother has been using the cream for a long period of time. When used for long steroid can cause thinning of skin in the area. Salicylic acid can irritate the skin leading to burning, itching or stinging sensation over face. So she should stop mo mate s cream and may apply a mild moisturizer to soothe the area. I would advise that you meet your consulting dermatologist for further follow up and advise. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello., My 6 months old baby vomited 4 times in 2 hours. He is mostly on breastfeeding. Due to odd time I directly went to the pharmacist. The pharmacist has suggested emeset 2 MG 2 ml Is it ok. What should be the frequency. And any other suggestions? [|AI|] Hi, I understand your concern. Vomiting is a sign of bowel infection or food poisoning. Should determine the cause first. If no new food introduced, then could be due to acute gastroenteritis. Emeset syrup will help with vomiting. Your baby might need iv fluids and medications, so better send to see a pediatrician. If vomiting had stopped, should give probiotics to stabilize intestinal flora and oral rely Chat Doctor. Wish fast recovery.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 42. 2 days ago I started experiencing a pain in my left side at my bra line and over the last 2 days it has hurt worse and the pain has spread to under my left breast and I have a warm sensation and tightness of my left breast and if I touch my side or under my breast it hurts to touch. I looked online for possible reasons it could be and I think I have decided that it is cyclistic breast pain. I am suppose to start my menstrual cycle in 3 days. Am I right on this or should I see a doctor and when should I see the doctor? [|AI|] Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Understanding your concern. As per your query you have warm sensation and tightness in the breast. Well there can be many reasons for symptoms you mention in query like reproductive hormones, changes that occur in the milk ducts or milk glands, fatty acid imbalance, medication use oral birth control pills, estrogen and progesterone hormone. I would suggest you to consult gynecologist for proper examination. Doctor will take history, order blood test and mammogram. Doctor may also refer you to endocrinologist for hormonal problem. For now apply warm compresses, take ibuprofen or acetaminophen for pain and wear lose cloths. Hope your concern has been resolved. Get Well Soon. Best Wishes,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] +.i shake my penis regular [|AI|] Dear user, Thanks for writing to Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern regarding safety/harmful effects of masturbation. Masturbation is a normal sexual activity. Masturbation is similar to sexual intercourse for penis. What penis does in vagina during sexual intercourse, same it does during masturbation in your folded palm! This is a natural activity and I would say a healthy activity and does not either affect or deter sexual performance. If you feel pleasure and sexual satisfaction after masturbation, no need to be worried about. No need to control. No need to feel guilt. Wish you good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My baby is turning 7 months in 3 days. She has been having Cold (cough with phlegm, running nose) for about a week plus now. Had fever for about 2 days a day after her 6in1 vaccination. Her paeds gave her some medications (Ventolin to decrease cough, Rhiniramine for runny nose and Mucosolvan for sputum thinner) She is not getting any better and she has watery stool everyday since she started on the medications. Should I go back to her Paeds? Is it something that I should worry? [|AI|] Hi...too many syrup formulations can cause diarrhea in such young kids due to the excess sugar in the syrups. Cough and cold are viral 95% of the times in child Chat Doctor. For cold, you can use anti-allergics like cetirizine and for nose block, saline nasal decongestants will do. Paracetamol can be given in the dose of 15 mg/kg/dose every 4-6th hourly, that too only if fever is more than 100F. I suggest not using combination medicines for fever, especially with Paracetamol. For cold, you can use Cetirizine at 0.25 mg/kg/dose every 12 hourly for 3 days. For nasal block, plain saline nasal
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi there, I m just asking to calm my nerves a little. I m on the contraceptive pill- and have been really good at taking it at the same time every day. I got my period a few weeks ago, and the day after my partner and I had sex. This was before I started taking my new packet of pills. He did not ejaculate inside me. I m just wanting something to calm me down a little as I m a very anxious person. [|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor Calm Yourself down as break through bleeding is common sometimes and as you said it occurred after the next day of having sex, so you need not worry about it. To relieve your anxiety it's better to avoid medications and start with deep breath(take a deep inhale and then hold your breath and release slowly afterwards)repeat the process 2-3 times, and you will be disregards Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi i am concerened about three lumps i have,they are 1.5 cm in size roughly,1 on my arm 1 on my bottom and 1 on my back,the 1 on my arm is more pinky with a brown spot in it and sometimes get twinges in the area around it on my arm,my doctor told me they are cold spots but im not sure can you help please i am 28 and 12 stone [|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have multiple lumps. It can be multiple lipomatous, neurofibromatosis or some other mass. You should go for fine needle aspiration cytology or biopsy of one lump. It will give you exact diagnosis. Then you should take treatment according to diagnosis. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] For surgery on a herniated disc at C5-C6, what is the customary number of days for recovery in the hospital after the surgery? This is a regular surgery on the neck with a fusion. A platelet is being put in with 4 screws and the disc is being replaced with an artificial disk (polycarbonate). It is not keyhole surgery. [|AI|] If surgery was done in a minimally invasive fashion then, the turnaround out of the hospital can be as quick as 1-2 days depending upon whether the patient experiences complications or not. If this was an open procedure with fusion (sounds like it was) then hospitalization to discharge should probably be no more than several days assuming no complications...but not exceeding 5-7 I would say based on my patients who have undergone similar procedures. I guess when you say KEYHOLE you are referring the MINIMALLY INVASIVE type that I previously mentioned.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I found, through routine bloodwork, that I have very elevated liver function tests. Bilirubin, AST and ALT are all very high. Currently, I am waiting for an appointment with a liver specialist on Dec. 13. In the meantime, I am very worried that I can t get the levels down. From Nov. 10 to Nov 22, the bilirubin climbed from 3.2 to 5.9. I was also looking jaundiced. AST went from 79 to 265 and ALT from105 to 407. Alkaline Phosphate is also high. On Nov it was 211. On Nov. 22 it was 214. After 2 weeks of drinking lemon juice and apple cider and eating apples plus drinking more water, there has been a very slight lowering. My bilirubin on Dec. 1 is down to 5.2, but my primary doctor said it is still dangerously high. I do not want to go back to the GI doc in our neighborhood. I have had an ultrasound and an MRI/MRCP. The MRCP shows two large gallstones, but they are not blocking the bile duct. Is spite of this, the GI doc wants to to an ERCP and I refuse to have that done except by an expert in the field. Also, I don t think he can see anything with the scope that the MRCP didn t see. Are there any other foods I can eat to lower the levels further while I wait to see the specialist? I can t exercise as I have too little energy. I have constant nausea and itching and am tired all day. [|AI|] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thank you for your query. I am Chat Doctor, I understand your concerns and I will try to help you as much as I can.GOT and SGPT are sensitive indicators of liver damage or injury from different types of diseases or conditions, and collectively they are termed liver tests or liver blood tests. So the next step is to look for certain liver damage and most common case is fatty liver disease. It should be confirmed by ultrasound. Other causes are viral hepatitis, cirrhosis, medications, alcohol intake or autoimmune diseases. To verify exact cause, US, bilirubin levels and tumor markers should be additional done Then appropriate treatment can be started. I hope I have answered you query. If you have any further questions you can contact us in every time. Kindly regards. Wish you a good health.