Raw-HTR Text
Hand-corrected Groundtruth
or the Barazeele
for the Brazeele
from Brall
from Brazeell
in her course homewards from Bushell
in her course homewards from Braseell
pochia Sancti Thome postoli London
parochia Sancti Thome Apostoli London
broughte to this examinats Mrs his shipp or house
broughte to this examinats Masters his shipp or house
each bale marcked as in the march margent
each bale marcked as in the margent
sua nescit render deponere
sua nescit render deponere
in her course towards Midds aforesaid
in her course towards Middleburroughe aforesaid
his said brother is damnifie at the leaste
his said brother is damnified at the leaste
and marrines
and marriners
sawe the acquistance given for the same
sawe the acquitance given for the same
with the said Allim in her
with the said Allum in her
heard betweene parties intereste in this suite
heard betweene parties interested in this suite
the articulate Gordyeare
the articulate Goodyeare'
Roch Wrighte pper Thoma Wighte de Wappinge
Roch Wrighte uxor Thoma Wrighte de Wappinge
the said Goodwin complaineinge of alsoe his backe a shee told him
the said Goodwin complaineinge of alsoe his backe as shee told him
lynnen cloth rowled or copped pounde aboute his bodye
lynnen cloth rowled or copped rounde aboute his bodye
and wishe that righte may take place
and wisheth that righte may take place
shee hath noe share or intereste the busines in question
shee hath noe share or intereste in the busines in question
any thin for her testimonye
any thinge for her testimonye
scituate in olde Gravell Lave
scituate in olde Gravell Lane
latelye sawe her at Buddford within the Countye of Devon
latelye sawe her at Biddford within the Countye of Devon
intimateinge th and meanninge the said Vessell
intimateinge and meanninge the said Vessell
in Regio Hiberina
in Regno Hibernia
were acquaintance and intimate frendes togeather
were acquaintances and intimate frendes togeather
as afore
as aforesaid
they were enforced to lett full another to ride by
they were enforced to lett fall another to ride by
he cometh to be ened at the request
he cometh to be examined at the request
favoureth the parties in suite andifferently
favoureth the parties in suite indifferently
exceeding tempetious and stormy weather
exceeding tempestious and stormy weather
the Masterr or Company
the Master or Company
hat the this Respondent was which mate of the shippe the rayson
That he this Respondent was masters mate of the shippe the Rayson
ther Carpenties worke
other Carpenters worke
for did merchants of London
for divers merchants of London
as hee wight he have done
as hee might have done'
for the damage in which happened unto the goods
for the damage which happened unto the goods'
the articulate shippe the delivance
the articulate shippe the deliverance
with any storme or tempest for extreatimitie
with any storme or tempest for extreamitie
the articulate Phillipp Gardiner the in question was middle and negligent man
the articulate Phillipp Gardiner in question was an iddle and negligent man
alr nescit depon
alr nescit deponere
but deserved delayed and neglected to doe the same
but delayed and neglected to doe the same
And this heat by vertue of his oath is most true
And this he saith by vertue of his oath is most true
a hoy called the peare three betweene Gravesend and London
a hoy called the Peare Tree betweene Gravesend and London'
and weninge downe the River of Thames towards Gravesend
and wendinge downe the River of Thames towards Gravesend'
the said cockaboate was much damnified
the said cockaboate was much damnified
prot sequitur videlicet
prout sequitur videlicet
dis goods wares and merchandizes
diverse goods wares and merchandizes
or his intended voyage to the Canaries
on his intended voyage to the Canaries'
they supposed to be a fish man
they supposed to be a fisher man'
where uppon the Company of her were enfered to knock upp their ports
where uppon the Company of her were enforced to knock upp their ports
the pitchards
the pilchards
was very well alsoe on this deponents iudgement to have performed her said intended voyage
as very well able in this deponents iudgement to have performed her said intended voyage
did allwayes reaped the most and greatest benefitt
did allwayes reape the most and greatest benefitt'
her outward voyage the voyage question
her outward voyage the voyage question
a very violent storme and tempest which Continued one whole might
a very violent storme and tempest which Continued one whole night'
to view and mend and shipp her leaken
to view and mend and shipp her leakes'
another very violent and extardinary storme and tempest
another very violent and extraordinary storme and tempest
which Contained by the space of 4 dayes
which Continued by the space of 4 dayes
That her Chame paper and both her and pumpe
That her Chaine pumpe and both her pumpes
the said shippe was entred the Cannell
the said shippe was entred the Channell
the said shippe was so much worne and went
the said shippe was so much worne and rent
did shappen meerly by reason of the stormes
did happen meerly by reason of the stormes
neither the said shipp the Talent nor her Company were dischardge untill on or about the 24th of August
neither the said shipp the Talent nor her Company were dischardged untill on or about the 24th of August
ontinued by the sence of thirty seaven monethes
continued by the space of thirty seaven monethes
whilest the Company of the said shipp the Talent were uppon the Brazell voyage, they greatly wanted victualls
whilest the Company of the said shipp the Talent were uppon the Brazell voyage, they greatly wanted and victualls
hee cometh to testifie in this cause at the quest of the producent
hee cometh to testifie in this cause at the quest of the producent
bought for themselves beese fifte & such provisions
bought for themselves beefe fishe and such provisions
three mennes allewance for five\
three mennes allowance for five
the Master of her as hee himselfe said et her out to freight for a voyage
the Master of her as hee himselfe said let her out to freight for a voyage
to transport some shaldiers to Brazell
to transport some souldiers to Brazell
given away as gratityes
given away as gratuityes
put that Truncke soe lockt, and some into the bound house of the articulate shippe
put that Truncke soe lockt, and some into the round house of the articulate shippe
the articulae Mulgrave and Thompson
the articulate Mulgrave and Thompson
some busines in the Romehouse
some busines in the Roundhouse
cutt the roape wth with the said tricke was maled
cutt the roape with which the said truncke was maled
Sti and Hipplegate
Sancti Egidius Cripplegate'
uppon the coast of Binney & Gunnes
uppon the coast of Binney and Guinney'
some of those Negres
some of those Negroes
did put some of them in hors aboard his shipp
did put some of them in irons aboard his shipp
many p divers Negroes
many divers Negroes
the Company arte have bin dampned to the sume of five hundred
the Company might have bin dampnifyed to the sume of five hundred poundes sterlinge
the shippe the fflowe delinge
the shippe the fflowe deluce
Nicholas Prispe & company
Nicholas Crispe and company
the articulate Agent de Groote
the articulate Arent de Groote
beeing then there as aforter for the Brie & Ginney Company
beeing then there as aforsaid for the Binney and Ginney Company
Patenning speeches and language as might bee as calling them does Roages somes of whose
Threatening speeches and language as might bee as calling them does Roagues sonnes of whores
the articulate Agent de Grote
the articulate Arent de Grote
the articulae Arent de Grooke
the articulate Arent de Groote
remained at Cormantrue the voyage in question
remained at Cormantine the voyage in question
they maint aged a factory a shoare
they maintained a factory a shoare
a voyage to bee made from Topham to Barnestaple which with
a voyage to bee made from Topsham to Barnestaple which with
in the said shippe at the tyme of her caste awaye and afterwards saved, And this hee affirmeth
in the said shippe at the tyme of her casteinge awaye and afterwards saved, And this hee affirmeth'
uppon his oath to bee true reddens intionem scien sua ut supra et aliter nescit
uppon his oath to bee true reddens rationem scientiae sua ut supra et aliter nescit
and some or one of his Companye wither whome this examinate hath for a longe tyme had acquaintance
and some or one of his Companye with whome this examinate hath for a longe tyme had acquaintance
arrivall at London deliver the same shoare and th one Mr ffernandes whoe had other goodes
arrivall at London deliver the same shoare and that one Mr ffernandes whoe had other goodes'
hee mighte have had the sume because as was told there were not
hee mighte have had the sume because as was told there were not
And this hee alsoe affirme uppon his oath to bee true
And this hee alsoe affirmeth uppon his oath to bee true
then sett saile therehense for Garracher arlate and uppon theire arrivall there
then sett saile therehense for Garrachicho arlate and uppon theire arrivall there
hee this examinate did some tymes aduse him thereto seeinge here backward
hee this examinate did some tymes advise him thereto seeinge here backward