Raw-HTR Text
Hand-corrected Groundtruth
Captaine of the Insantry in the Conception
Captaine of the Infantry in the Conception
& hee sayeth that all the Rocheneale & plaste, (except two chests of plate stowed
and hee sayeth that all the Cocheneale and plate, (except two chests of plate stowed
the Master of the Saint Clara had noe Register or ligence to goe from Sd Dominge
the Master of the Saint Clara had noe Register or licence to goe from Santo Domingo
Richardus Richardson de Navo Castro Supert nauta etatis 31 annoru aut eo circir testis in hac pte pd iuratus, et extus deponit et dicit pvt sequitur
Richardus Richardson de Novo Castro nauta aetatis 31 annorum aut eo circiter testis in hac parte productus iuratus, et examinatus deponit et dicit prout sequitur'
did ride at Anchor in the Nine of Thames over againste Ratcliffe Crosse
did ride at Anchor in the River of Thames over againste Ratcliffe Crosse
And this hee affirmeth uppon his oath to bee true whoe was one of her Company all the said by and aboard of her all that tyme
And this hee affirmeth uppon his oath to bee true whoe was one of her Company all the said tyme and aboard of her all that tyme
which otherwise had bine in greate dannger of such stincking
which otherwise had bine in greate dannger of such sincking
to fraighte his said shippe the Rowland to goe to Wishford in Ireland
to fraighte his said shippe the Rowland to goe to Washford in Ireland
balleageinge that there was true agreed uppon and conceaded betweene the Englishe and the Irishe for the space of six monethes
alleageinge that there was truce agreed uppon and conceaded betweene the Englishe and the Irishe for the space of six monethes
the master of the said shippe buy some fathe worde for the shipps use
the master of the said shippe buy some fire woode for the shipps use
hir sayde husband before his weath haveinge made this will did therein bequenth and leave is a portion to him two danighters which shee had by former husband
hir sayde husband before his death haveinge made this will did therein bequeath and leave a portion to hir two danighters which shee had by former husband
the goodes laden on boarde the articulate shippe at Lisbone articulate the voyage articulate were well and suffice sufficientlye stowed as goodes of that nature
the goodes laden on boarde the articulate shippe at Lisbone articulate the voyage articulate were well and sufficientlye stowed as goodes of that nature
the damage which happened to them the saide voyage came not by any all stoware nor by any defecte or insufficiencye in the said shippe
the damage which happened to them the saide voyage came not by any all stowage nor by any defecte or insufficiencye in the said shippe
Ad 1uj dep respondet
Ad primum respondet
excepte Corcke and Matts which were made use of for dedge there was noe other goodes laden on board the said shippe before the sugars in questio
excepte Corcke and Matts which were made use of for dennidge there was noe other goodes laden on board the said shippe before the sugars in question
which laye in the lower moste heere in the holde
which laye in the lower moste teere in the holde
sett sayle therehense touched at Mallega and Carthagen before shee came to Allecante
sett sayle therehense touched at Mallega and Carthagena before shee came to Allecante
very good and merchantable Pilchards and a goode as any were
very good and merchantable Pilchards and as goode as any were
this hee knoweth to bee true for that hee served them in the said shippe and was at the ladeinge or likeinge in of the said goods aliter nescit
this hee knoweth to bee true for that hee served them in the said shippe and was at the ladeinge or takeinge in of the said goods aliter nescit
did returne backe to Whittbye roade where in taken of his good affection to the Parliament hee did carrye freishe victualls and provision on boarde one of his Mats shipps
did returne backe to Whittbye roade where in token of his good affection to the Parliament hee did carrye freishe victualls and provisions on boarde one of his Majestys shipps
the said Bushell did then and there take out of the masters sheste fiftye five poundes sterlinge money
the said Bushell did then and there take out of the masters cheste fiftye five poundes sterlinge money
carried to or neere Timouth have where shee was mott by Captaine Gattenby and afterwards carried to Hull
carried to or neere Timouth have where shee was mett by Captaine Gattenby and afterwards carried to Hull
aboute eighte fathom of wordes which deales and word
aboute eighte fathom of woode which deales and wood
a place called shippon Mallett in the Countye of Somersell
a place called Shippton Mallett in the Countye of Somersett
hee favoreth the parties litigante indifferentlye and wisheth nighte may take place
hee favoreth the parties litigante indifferentlye and wisheth righte may take place
marcked as in the igente
marcked as in the margente
in the laste voyage of the shippe the Elsabeth Susan from the Caveries
in the laste voyage of the shippe the Elsabeth Susan from the Caneries
belonge and appert unto him the said Cooke
belonge and appert unto him the said Cooke
the price of the like forte of fishe then was here in London was worth at the delivery thereof
the price of the like sorte of fishe then was here in London was worth at the delivery thereof
delivered out of the articulate Cookes shippe to bee delivered on board the articulate shipps the Rebera and the William ff and ffredricke
delivered out of the articulate Cookes shippe to bee delivered on board the articulate shipps the Rebecca and the William and ffredricke
said Company have 3000 roodes of sugar without custome
said Company have 3000 rooves of sugar without custome
it is a usuall custome of the English shipp to give Pratity to the Governor of St Tome that hee might befrend them in their Customes
it is a usuall custome of the English shipp to give Gratuity to the Governor of Sait Tome that hee might befrend them in their Customes'
at the carrieinge or transporteinge of grates wooll
t the carrieinge or transporteinge of goates wooll
that good groates wooll is a Comoditye that will raste of it selfe
that good goates wooll is a Comoditye that will waste of it selfe
especiallye if it lye losse togeathe as it muste beinge stowed into a shippe
especiallye if it lye loose togeather as it muste beinge stowed into a shippe
a greate quantitye of goodes which laye under and over the boates worll in question
a greate quantitye of goodes which laye under and over the goates wooll in question
the said shippe here in the River of Tham were drye and well condiconed
the said shippe here in the River of Thames were drye and well condiconed
nowe in the custodye and possession of Mr Colomon Smith the Marshall of this Courte
nowe in the custodye and possession of Mr Solomon Smith the Marshall of this Courte
did and doe solelye and paperlye belonge unto the said shippe the Marye Magdelyne
did and doe solelye and properlye belonge unto the said shippe the Marye Magdelyne
the articulate shippe departed and hee sayle from Lisbone in the service and imployment of the articulate Mr Leighe
after the premisses in the nexte precedent article mentioned'
the articulate shippe departed and hee sayle from Lisbone in the service and imployment of the articulate Mr Leighe
the articulate shippe departed and sett sayle from Lisbone in the service and imployment of the articulate Mr Leighe
a plume of ffeathers painted in her sterne with her name underweth the sd place of feathers
a plume of ffeathers painted in her sterne with her name underneath the said plume of feathers
did buy a certaine small vessell or sincke of the burthen of aboute seaventye tonnes
did buy a certaine small vessell or pincke of the burthen of aboute seaventye tonnes
that vessell or sincke hee boughte of one John Durrant
that vessell or pincke hee boughte of one John Durrant
a true and loyall subiecte to the Kinges Matye of England
true and loyall subiecte to the Kinges Majestye of England
as and is a man of a thoughte to bee a mann of a good estate
was and is a man of thoughte to bee a mann of a good estate
free of the said shipps tackle and furniture and depe and well condiconed outward appenance
free of the said shipps tackle and furniture and drye and well condiconed to outward appearance'
when the pretended damage in question happen to the said shippe and her ladeinge
when the pretended damage in question happened to the said shippe and her ladeinge
they both went forth togeather and repte Company togeather
they both went forth togeather and kepte Company togeather
the said Reginald hath taken and letters of Adm for the said Reginalds goodes since his decease
the said Reginald hath taken and letters of Administration for the said Reginalds goodes since his decease
but to whome hee knoweth not for want if his papers and other writeinges taken from him by Captaine Jones
but to whome hee knoweth not for want of his papers and other writeinges taken from him by Captaine Jones'
ministred on the behalfe of the Castland Company
ministred on the behalfe of the Eastland Company
Mr Adams that keepeth a victualling house at Elsanore which is much requented by Englishe Merchants and Masters
Mr Adams that keepeth a victualling house at Elsanore which is much frequented by Englishe Merchants and Masters
scarce suffered one to speale to another and not at all to write to one another
carce suffered one to speake to another and not at all to write to one another
hee beleeveth the cause whoe the interrogate Edmond Harrison did not proceede on his voyage
hee beleeveth the cause whie the interrogate Edmond Harrison did not proceede on his voyage
hee this respondente never knewe a master a shippe take or receive any goates wooll
hee this respondente never knewe a master of a shippe take or receive any goates wooll
a Jack of his Majestys Colors hanging on the oult spritt of the Prosperous aforesd
Jack of his Majestys Colors hanging on the boult spritt of the Prosperous aforesaid
is imployed in the pliamts service
is imployed in the parliaments service'
he this Respondent went Mrs Mate in the said shipp the Prosperous
he this Respondent went Masters Mate in the said shipp the Prosperous
some other ports within the King of Spaines Dommon
some other ports within the King of Spaines Dominion
the articulate shippe the William and George was and remained at Scanderoome articulate
the articulate shippe the William and George was and remained at Scanderoone articulate
and home to this Interrogatory hee cannott depose
and more to this Interrogatory hee cannott depose
hee heard John Lambell the factor promise to five satisfaccon to the Company of the Alexander for their pains
hee heard John Lambell the factor promise to give satisfaccon to the Company of the Alexander for their pains
hee haveinge bine in staverye under the Portugalls by whome hee was taken
hee haveinge bine in slaverye under the Portugalls by whome hee was taken
those two shipps the Saint Marcke, and the Victory conserted together
those two shipps the Saint Marcke, and the Victory consorted together
three hundred Chests of sugar and aboute 300 kintalls of gunger
three hundred Chests of sugar and aboute 300 kintalls of ginger
in the having upp of the Saint Georges anchor and layeing the same fowle of the shippe the Peter and Maryes
in the heaving upp of the Saint Georges anchor and layeing the same fowle of the shippe the Peter and Maryes'
a very light strong and stanch shippe and soe continued all the voyage
a very tight strong and stanch shippe and soe continued all the voyage
for these twenty yeares last past hee hath rived in the parish of Saint Andrew Hubberd London
for these twenty yeares last past hee hath lived in the parish of Saint Andrew Hubberd London
the true and orginall bill of lading of the said place or salver, and is subscribed with the proper hand writing of him
the true and orginall bill of lading of the said plate or silver, and is subscribed with the proper hand writing of him
foure and twenty or five and twenty sunnes of ffrench wines
foure and twenty or five and twenty tunnes of ffrench wines'
they and the said Safford went into the Domehouse, and the they were private about an howre writing and talking
they and the said Stafford went into the Roundhouse, and the they were private about an howre writing and talking
shee was founde to be soe very felye, and made twelve ynches water in the houlde
shee was founde to be soe very leakye, and made twelve ynches water in the houlde
they were agayne in comaged and did goe on
they were agayne encouraged and did goe on
by reason of the or her insufficiencye and the workinge of her plancks one against another spened out on out of her seames
by reason of the or her insufficiencye and the workinge of her plancks one against another opened out of her seames
were inforced both for the safeguarye of the sd shipp & goods and their owne lives
were inforced both for the safeguarde of the said shipp and goods and their owne lives
gave chace unto a small barkes laden wthin hoopes and twenty barrs of Iron
gave chace unto a small barke laden with hoopes and twenty barrs of Iron
At the white house Taverne in Humbardstree to London
At the White House Taverne in Lumbardstreete London
the Susan was soe itt fisted wth sayles the voyage aforesd that they would hardly serve to carrye her to Virginia
the Susan was soe ill fitted wth sayles the voyage aforesayd that they would hardly serve to carrye her to Virginia
the sayd shipp was soe bundlye hanged wth ropes
the sayd shipp was soe badlye hanged with ropes'
the middle decke in the great Cohn did sancke two ynches
the middle decke in the great Cabin did sincke two ynches
their bodds and rugges were much rotten and spoyled
their bedds and rugges were much rotten and spoyled
but called the sayd Downes rogue and base rastall
but called the sayd Downes rogue and base rascall'
would sayle about one hindred league in the way part of the way to Candye
would sayle about one hundred leagues in the way part of the way to Candye
and that there fould away all the merchants goods wthin two or three dayes
and that there sould away all the merchants goods wthin two or three dayes
in the passage of the sayd shipp from Candye to tant the voyage aforesayd
in the passage of the sayd shipp from Candye to Zant the voyage aforesayd
who referred the hearinge and determininge of the sayd cause unto the runitye house
who referred the hearinge and determininge of the sayd cause unto the Trinitye house
beinge of the burthen of three score tonnes or her was sould by with her tackle and furniture
beinge of the burthen of three score tonnes or therabouts was sould by with her tackle and furniture
Mr John Thierrye is nowe the sold owner of the sayd shipp tackle and furniture
Mr John Thierrye is nowe the sole owner of the sayd shipp tackle and furniture
beinge of the burthen of nyne shore tonnes or therabouts
beinge of the burthen of nyne score tonnes or therabouts
parochia sancti Dunstam in prien London Nyne cooper aetatis 38 annorum aut eo circiter testis er
parochia sancti Dunstan in oriente London Wyne cooper aetatis 38 annorum aut eo circiter testis et cetera
there came certayne merchants of London to viewe and laste the sayd wynes
there came certayne merchants of London to viewe and taste the sayd wynes
he hath seene divers shipps buyst in Denmarke of the same kinde of buildinge
he hath seene divers shipps buylt in Denmarke of the same kinde of buildinge
her victuan being some what shorte
her victualls being some what shorte'
broake open three truncks full of goodes and a deste full of the bookes and writeings
broake open three truncks full of goodes and a cheste full of the bookes and writeings
beeing onely heered for Lisbone as they saide
beeing onely hired for Lisbone as they saide
whilste the said shippe bay at Kingsale the voyage aforesaid
whilste the said shippe lay at Kingsale the voyage aforesaid