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amonighte them the goodes articulate
amongste them the goodes articulate
And th hee saith is true
And this hee saith is true
by tresse of weather
by stresse of weather
of the befence of yt
of the defence of yt
righte worshipfull hard Zouch
righte worshipfull Richard Zouch
saieth and depose as afolloweth
saieth and deposeth as followeth
sawe the said shippe comaged and searched
sawe the said shippe romaged and searched
sawe the comageinge of the said shippe after all her goodes were take out of her
sawe the romageinge of the said shippe after all her goodes were take out of her
the articulate shippe the Mary ffse
the articulate shippe the Mary Rose
the barrells of Anthones and Capers
the barrells of Anchovies and Capers
the rese of the sd goodes
the reste of the said goodes
the take of the Blessinge
the takeinge of the Blessinge
he usuall and ordinant fraighte prices
the usuall and ordinary fraighte prices
the yeare of on bord 1636 or 1637
the yeare of our Lord 1636 or 1637
this examats beefe remembrance
this examinats beste remembrance
to Mashforde
to Washforde
to Mashforde in Ireland
to Washforde in Ireland
to Pishforde
to Washforde
to Wishford in Ireland
to Washford in Ireland
ilver and gild
silver and gold
hee saieth hee disterste excepte what hee disburste for
hee saieth hee disburste excepte what hee disburste for'
layen and redd at Anchor
layen and rodd at Anchor
safe and free either from doeinge or receiveing suite for all the tyme aforesd
safe and free either from doeinge or receiveing hurte for all the tyme aforesaid
the shippe to f which the damage in question happened
the shippe to which the damage in question happened
saveinge this to his beste remembrance
saveinge that to his beste remembrance
the shippe that rece the damage in question
the shippe that received the damage in question
noe other writeinges or bills that incerned the said shipp
noe other writeinges or bills that concerned the said shipp
That by th reporte of Seamen
That by the reporte of Seamen
Santa Dominge is in the fattende of 17s degres to the Southwarde
Santa Domingo is in the latitude of 17s degres to the Southwarde
Ad 20uj de rendet
Ad 20uj respondet
the shippe the Sta Cara
the shippe the Santa Clara
which shee broughte her to Southton
which shee broughte in her to Southampton
laden aboard the Sta Chary
laden aboard the Santa Clara
at Sta Dominge
at Santa Domingo
but what her diculer quants each man had hee knoweth to not
but what particuler quantityes each man had hee knoweth not
but saieth the same was have bine transported in the said shippe
but saieth the same was to have bine transported in the said shippe
concerninge the take of the Blessinge and the goodes in her
concerninge the takeinge of the Blessinge and the goodes in her
the interrogate Mr Drunckwater
the interrogate Mr Drinckwater
the sd Duncke water
the said Drinckewater
one of the servoyers of the Customehouse
one of the surveyers of the Customehouse
the other fower put into Wheringe to bee carried to Chesters Key
the other fower put into Wherryes to bee carried to Chesters Key
there to bee is upp in a warehouse
there to bee put upp in a warehouse
saveinge that the sd interrte Haman did signe
saveinge that the interrogate Haman did signe
the order which was given to the said haman to concerneinge the foresaid goodes
the order which was given to the said Haman concerneinge the foresaid goodes
there were letters in the said shippe broughte to London which concerned the said fformander by vertue of which or foure of which as hee conceiveth the said ffernandes demannded the goodes in question
there were letters in the said shippe broughte to London which concerned the said ffernandes by vertue of which or foure of which as hee conceiveth the said ffernandes demannded the goodes in question
which hee knoweth to bee true living in these with the said Mann
which hee knoweth to bee true living in house with the said Mann'
to bee entred in their borne
to bee entred in their booke'
the articulate shipp the fflowersence
the articulate shipp the fflowerdelice
Ament de Grote was principall factor
Arent de Grote was principall factor
at Sta Dominge
at Santa Domingo
hee knoweth or remembreth not for th not regardinge or lookeinge after the same
hee knoweth or remembreth not for that not regardinge or lookeinge after the same
they could have hundred the same
they could have hindred the same
unfitted and p unprovided for the sea
unfitted and unprovided for the sea
to saile all alongste the sheare
to saile all alongste the shoare
there was ste his beste remembrance
there was to his beste remembrance
in hac cause
in hac causa
the lighter of Coppray in question
the lighter of Coppras in question'
to the said ipp side
to the said shipp side
and for his letter safelye to returne to the shoare
and for his better safelye to returne to the shoare
yt was not onelye darke and Daske ut predeposuit, but the weather was alsoe verye stormye and tempestuous
yt was not onelye darke and Duske ut predeposuit, but the weather was alsoe verye stormye and tempestuous
like to be dacker before they could have unladen
like to be darcker before they could have unladen
before they could have unladen the said lighte
before they could have unladen the said lighter
but wished the lightermen to goe and come againe th on the morrowe
but wished the lightermen to goe and come againe on the morrowe
the same mighte in which hee lighter of goodes in question came to the side of the arlate shippe the Roberte
the same nighte in which hee lighter of goodes in question came to the side of the arlate shippe the Roberte'
goodes in her throughte extreamitye of the weather
goodes in her through extreamitye of the weather
is shippe the Richard and Anne of which hee was muster
his shippe the Richard and Anne of which hee was master
to goe the Isle of Kent
to goe to the Isle of Kent
fortye thousand pipestanes
fortye thousand pipestaves
of the said prestaves
of the said pipestaves
hee beene then there and understandinge Spanished
hee beene then there and understandinge Spanishe
a voyce Roye Governor
a vyce Roye Governor
Ad 4uj pro partes alvis praedepoitis
Ad 4uj pro parte salvis praedepoitis
the company some of them did complaine of badoes and want of victualls
the company some of them did complaine of badnes and want of victualls
they maste have the said shippe
they muste have the said shippe
laded the sd singer
laded the said ginger
demanndeinge a dispatch of him for the said ginge
demanndeinge a dispatch of him for the said ginger'
have the said gunger on shoare againe
have the said ginger on shoare againe
at vales hee would under take to turne upp within said shippe to Loritata
at Vales hee would under take to turne upp with the said shippe to Loratava
And this hee affirmet uppon his oath to bee true
And this hee affirmeth uppon his oath to bee true
die praedicta
sworne and examined as aforesd saye and deposeth as followeth vizt
sworne and examined as aforesaid sayeth and deposeth as followeth videlicet
laded the said ginge to the interrte Thope
laded the said ginger to the interrogate Thope
exceedinge violent stormye foule and tempestuours weather
exceedinge violent stormye foule and tempestuous weather
could scarce tell well whether the said shippe did sincke or swyne
could scarce tell well whether the said shippe did sincke or swyme
all the damage which happened or came to the gunger interrte
all the damage which happened or came to the ginger interrogate'
and saieth that aboute the beginginge beginninge of December laste paste
and saieth that aboute the beginninge of December laste paste
put the said 59 parcells of stocking into the sd Newtons bagge
put the said 59 parcells of stockings into the said Newtons bagge
sent and shipped aboard the foresd she the Seaflower
sent and shipped aboard the foresaid shipp the Seaflower
the righte worshipfull Richard Zouth
the righte worshipfull Richard Zouch
fifty nyne dozen of Childrens waillen horse
fifty nyne dozen of Childrens woollen hoose
in hac caa
in hac causa
to the said Newtont accounte for the foresd Capps
to the said Newtons accounte for the foresaid Capps'
accounteinge the princould and all did and doth amounte unto sixtye and poundes
accounteinge the principall and all did and doth amounte unto sixtye and poundes
directed to the said aforesaid Newton at Midds
directed to the aforesaid Newton at Middleburroughe
in Comitati Midd
in Comitatus Middlesex
aveinge bine in staverye under the Portugalls
aveinge bine in slaverye under the Portugalls
At alr nes
Ac aliter nescit
some of the Saint Marty men
some of the Saint Martyns men
at Sto Domingo
at Santo Domingo
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