{ "en": "World widely people can interact via social media.", "lg": "Mu nsi yonna abantu basobola okwogera n'abalala okuyitira ku mikutu emigattabantu." }
{ "en": "There is a crack in the windshield of my car.", "lg": "Endabirwamu ey'omu maaso ey'emmotoka yange erimu enjatika." }
{ "en": "He received the drugs from his wife.", "lg": "\"Abantu abamu baalina obwagazi kukanika essimu, okufumba, n'okuddukanya wooteeri.\"" }
{ "en": "Women are ignorant about their rights.", "lg": "Abakyala tebalina kye bamanyi ku ddembe lyabwe." }
{ "en": "Children really like playing.", "lg": "Abaana mu butuufu baagala okuzannya." }
{ "en": "The accused was charged with treason.", "lg": "Yafunye eddagala okuva ewa mukyala we." }
{ "en": "Black holes are formed when stars lose their energy.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "The supervisor has given us a five-minute break.", "lg": "Omulabirizi atuwaddeyo eddakika ttaano ez'okuwummulamu." }
{ "en": "And what will be the result?", "lg": "Avunaanibwa yaggulwako gwa kulya mu nsi ye lukwe." }
{ "en": "He was defeated in the battle.", "lg": "Yawangulwa mu lutalo." }
{ "en": "The two friends met during the demonstration last year.", "lg": "Ab'emikwano ababiri baasisinkaira mu kwegugunga omwaka oguwedde." }
{ "en": "He found an empty room when he went back home.", "lg": "Era ki ekinaavaamu?" }
{ "en": "People have a right to belong to a political party or to be independent.", "lg": "Abantu balina eddembe okuba n'ekibiina ky'ebyobufuzi oba obutabeera na kibiina." }
{ "en": "The president allowed tourists to come to the country during the pandemic.", "lg": "Omukulembeze w'eggwanga yakkiriza abalambuzi okujja mu ggwanga mu biseera bya nnawookeera w'ekirwadde." }
{ "en": "Most projects are targeted to benefit the youth.", "lg": "Bwe yaddayo ewaka yasanga kisenge kikalu." }
{ "en": "The police is responsible for implementing court rulings.", "lg": "Poliisi evunaanyizibwa okuteeka mu nkola ensala ya kkooti." }
{ "en": "God anointed him with great words of wisdom.", "lg": "Katonda yamufukako amafuta okwogera ebigambo eby'amagezi." }
{ "en": "They constructed a football stadium for their fans.", "lg": "Pulojekiti ezimu zigendereramu kuganyula bavubuka" }
{ "en": "The government was in contact with the rebels.", "lg": "Gavumenti yali ekwatagana n'abayeekera." }
{ "en": "Transport operator fees have been revised.", "lg": "Ebisale by'entambula birongooseddwa." }
{ "en": "She said that she failed to sleep the night before her wedding day.", "lg": "Baazimbira abawagizi baabwe ekisaawe ky'omupiira gw'ebigere." }
{ "en": "\"There is a present system of education, known as Universal Primary Education.\"", "lg": "\"Waliwo enkola y'ebyenjigiriza eriwo, emanyiddwa nga Bonna Basome owa Pulayimale.\"" }
{ "en": "Different cultural leaders should unite for development.", "lg": "Abakulu b'ebyobuwangwa eb'enjawulo balina okwegatta ku lw'enkulaakulana." }
{ "en": "The constitution will promote unity among people.", "lg": "Yagamba nti yalemwa okwebaka ekiro ekyakeesa olunaku lw'embaga ye." }
{ "en": "My grandmother uses firewood to cook.", "lg": "Jjajja wange akozesa nku okufumba." }
{ "en": "The soldiers did it in self-defense.", "lg": "Abasirikale baakikola nga beetaasa." }
{ "en": "The football team shall have a training today.", "lg": "Ssemateeka ejja kutumbula obumu mu bantu." }
{ "en": "How can youths be involved in decision making?", "lg": "Abavubuka bayinza batya okwenyigira mu kusalawo?" }
{ "en": "The prince survived a boat accident last year.", "lg": "Omulangira yasimattuka akabenje k'eryato omwaka oguwedde." }
{ "en": "He loves playing with dolls.", "lg": "Ttiimu y'omupiira gw'ebigere ejja kuba n'okutendekebwa olwaleero." }
{ "en": "Their parents reported them to the police.", "lg": "Bazadde baabwe baabawaabira ku poliisi." }
{ "en": "Her parents are very wealthy.", "lg": "Bazadde be bagagga nnyo." }
{ "en": "The robbers who have been threatening the villagers have been arrested.", "lg": "Ayagala okuzannya ne ddole." }
{ "en": "Kingdoms are fighting to reduce poverty in liverihoods these days.", "lg": "Obwakabaka bulwana okukendeeza obwavu mu bantu nnaku zino." }
{ "en": "There are many schools in Uganda today.", "lg": "Waliwo amasomero mangi mu Uganda olwaleero." }
{ "en": "Just stop whatever you are working on.", "lg": "Ababbi ababadde batigomya ekyalo bakwatiddwa." }
{ "en": "Parents should take responsibility for their children actions.", "lg": "Abazadde balina okwetikka obuvunaanyizibwa bw'ebikolwa by'abaana baabwe." }
{ "en": "The district chairman contributed all roofing materials for the new church.", "lg": "Ssentebe wa disitulikiti yaleese ebintu byonna eby'okusereka ekkanisa empya." }
{ "en": "We forgot to close the door yesterday night.", "lg": "Lekera awo kyonna ky'okolako." }
{ "en": "The government wants refugees to benefit from agriculture.", "lg": "Gavumenti eyagala ababudami baganyulwe mu byobulimi n'obulunzi." }
{ "en": "Many people earn less compared to the work they do.", "lg": "Abantu bangi basasulwa ssente ntono nnyo bw'ogeraageranya n'emirimu gye bakola." }
{ "en": "The administration has a list of the students suspected of starting the riot.", "lg": "Eggulo ekiro twerabidde okuggala oluggi." }
{ "en": "His friend is deaf.", "lg": "Mukwano gwe kiggala." }
{ "en": "No one should separate what God has joined together.", "lg": "Tewali n'omu alina kwawukanya Katonda ky'agasse awamu." }
{ "en": "She likes eating rice with chicken.", "lg": "Obukulembeze bulina olukalala lw'abayizi abateeberezebwa okutandika akeegugungo." }
{ "en": "I mix honey in my milk tea instead of sugar.", "lg": "Mu kyaayi wange ow'amata nteekamu mubisi gwa njuki mu kifo kya sukaali." }
{ "en": "The elections will be conducted tomorrow.", "lg": "Okulonda kujja kubaayo enkya." }
{ "en": "Local economists criticized Uganda's poor progress in controlling cattle diseases.", "lg": "Ayagala nnyo okulya omuceere n'ennyama." }
{ "en": "Some children do not know how their fathers look like.", "lg": "Abaana abamu tebamanyi bakitaabwe bwe bafaanana." }
{ "en": "The security force leaders of the country took part in the screening process.", "lg": "Abakulembeze b'ebyokwerinda mu ggwanga beetabye mu kusunsulamu." }
{ "en": "The school performed well in last years examinations.", "lg": "Bannabyanfuna mu ggwanga baavumirira enkola ya Uganda eyakasoobo mu kutangira obulwadde bw'ente." }
{ "en": "We have armed police officers patrolling the area.", "lg": "Tulina abakungu ba poliisi abalina emmundu abalawuna ekitundu." }
{ "en": "What is going into and out of social media algorithms?", "lg": "Biki ebiyingira n'okufuluma mu bigobererwa ku mikutu gimukwanirawala." }
{ "en": "I met an old man in the old taxi park", "lg": "Essomero lyakola bulungi mu bigezo by'omwaka oguwedde." }
{ "en": "We should outsource a recruitment agency.", "lg": "Tulina okufunayo ekitongole ekifunira abantu emirimu." }
{ "en": "All the children ran out of the classroom to see the rainbow.", "lg": "Abaana bonna baddusse okuva mu kibiina okulaba musoke." }
{ "en": "\"During the minister's speech, he encouraged the locals to protect the environment.\"", "lg": "Nnasanga omusajja omukadde mu ppaaka ya takisi enkadde." }
{ "en": "Stop spreading the gospel of same-sex.", "lg": "Lekera awo okubunyisa enjiri y'ekikula ekimu." }
{ "en": "Youths are exposed to finances and all sorts of behaviours.", "lg": "Abavubuka bafuna okubikkulirwa ku by'ensimbi n'enneeyisa ez'enjawulo." }
{ "en": "He is the best player on the team.", "lg": "\"Mu kwogera kwe, minisita yakubiriza abantu b'omu kitundu okukuuma obutonde bw'ensi.\"" }
{ "en": "The students will elect their class representatives next week.", "lg": "Abayizi bajja kulonda abayizi ababakiikirira wiiki ejja." }
{ "en": "Someone is opening the door from inside.", "lg": "Waliwo aggulira oluggi munda." }
{ "en": "Street vendors should be relocated to a market.", "lg": "Ye muzannyi wa ttiimu asinga." }
{ "en": "Men who use violence against their female partners are likely to be using alcohol.", "lg": "Abasajja abakozesa obukambwe ku bakyaala baabwe kiyinzika okuba nga banywa mwenge ." }
{ "en": "Petroleum prices have recently gone up.", "lg": "Emiwendo gy'amafuta gye buvuddeko girinnye." }
{ "en": "We went to western Uganda for a geography study trip.", "lg": "Abatembeeyi b'oku makubo basaanidde okusengulwa badde mu butale." }
{ "en": "People fly in and out of the country every day.", "lg": "Abantu balinnya ennyonyi nga bayingira n'okufuluma eggwanga buli lunaku." }
{ "en": "Roads are very important for a country's economic development.", "lg": "Enguudo nkulu nnyo mu kukulaakulana kw'ebyenfuna by'eggwanga." }
{ "en": "Many drivers have not yet acquired driving permits.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "Children should keep in school.", "lg": "Abaana balina okubeera mu ssomero." }
{ "en": "Government offers support to groups of farmers as opposed to individual farmers.", "lg": "Gavumenti egaba obuyambi eri ebibinja by'abalimu okwawukanako n'abalimi ssekinnoomu." }
{ "en": "\"Mother, why are you crying?\"", "lg": "Abavuzi b'ebidduka bangi tebanafuna kaadi ezibakkiriza okuvuga ebidduka." }
{ "en": "The high court is located in Kampala.", "lg": "Kkooti eyawaggulu esangibwa mu Kampala." }
{ "en": "Cut the cake into four equal pieces.", "lg": "Salamu kkeeki ebitundu bina ebyenkana." }
{ "en": "Banks should provide fair loans to farmers.", "lg": "\"Maama, lwaki okaaba?\"" }
{ "en": "What is special about a palm tree?", "lg": "Kya njawulo ki ekiri ku muti gw'ekinazi?" }
{ "en": "You should put your faith in God.", "lg": "Olina okukkiriza mu Katonda." }
{ "en": "The construction will be complete the following year in February.", "lg": "Bbanka zisaanye okuwola abalimi amabanja agasoboka okusasulwa." }
{ "en": "It is very cold outside?", "lg": "Wabweru wanyogovu nnyo?" }
{ "en": "The church is meant to fight any community shortcomings.", "lg": "Ekkanisa egendereddwa kulwanyisa ebitateredde byonna mu kitundu." }
{ "en": "We consoled the bereaved.", "lg": "Okuzimba kujja kuba kuwedde omwaka ogujja mu mwezi gw'okubiri." }
{ "en": "The investigations were very costly.", "lg": "Okunoonyereza kwatwala ssente nnyingi nnyo." }
{ "en": "What are some of the challenges faced by traffic officers?", "lg": "Okumu ku kusoomooza poliisi y'ebidduka kw'eyolekaganye nakwo kwe kuluwa?" }
{ "en": "She died of breast cancer.", "lg": "Twakubagizza abooluganda lw'omugenzi." }
{ "en": "He has been transferred to England.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "We had a few guests at our wedding so we served them lunch at our home.", "lg": "Twalina abagenyi batono ku mbaga yaffe n'olwekyo twabagabulira waka waffe." }
{ "en": "We all have challenges in life.", "lg": "Yafudde kookolo w'amabeere." }
{ "en": "The organisation worked hand in hand with the government of Uganda.", "lg": "Ekitongole kyakolera wamu ne gavumenti ya Uganda." }
{ "en": "I wash my vegetable salads with warm water.", "lg": "Enva zange endiirwa ez'okukolamu saladi nzozza n'amazzi agabuguma." }
{ "en": "I gave him money for transport.", "lg": "Ffenna tulina ebitusoomooza mu bulamu." }
{ "en": "Hospitals should be well -stocked with all requirements to provide quality services.", "lg": "Amalwaliro galina okuteekebwamu e byetaagisa byonna okusobola okuwa obujjanjabi obw'omutindo." }
{ "en": "He condemned the violence during the political rally.", "lg": "Yavumiridde obumenyi bw'amateeka mu lukungaana lw'ebyobufuzi." }
{ "en": "The children forgot to do their household chores because they were playing.", "lg": "Nnamuwa ssente ez'entambula." }
{ "en": "The teachers have to follow the class timetable.", "lg": "Abasomesa balina okugoberera entegeka y'obudde ey'ekibiina." }
{ "en": "That political party has lost its value.", "lg": "Ekibiina ky'ebyobufuzi ekyo kiweddemu ensa." }
{ "en": "Bridge constructions should be finished in time.", "lg": "Abaana beerabira okukola emirimu gyabwe egy'awaka kubanga baali bazannya." }
{ "en": "Fishermen engage in farming and animal rearing to supplement incomes from fish.", "lg": "Abavubi beenyigira mu bulimi n'obulunzi okusobola okwongereza ku nnyingiza eva mu byennyanja." }
{ "en": "She has never disappointed her parents.", "lg": "Tayiwanga ku bazadde be." }
{ "en": "\"\"\" What do you want me to judge?\"", "lg": "Okuzimba entindo kulina okumalirizibwa mu budde." }
{ "en": "The floods destroyed their maize plantation last night.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "They charge a premium to target a small but specifically defined group.", "lg": "Basaba akasente nga balina ekiti ky'abantu kye baagala." }
{ "en": "Bible competitions help teenagers to understand the word of God.", "lg": "\"\"\" Kiki ky'oyagala nnamule?\"" }
{ "en": "Do not tempt thieves by leaving valuables visible.", "lg": "Tokema babbi ng'oleka ebintu eby'omuwendo nga birabika." }
{ "en": "What is your definition of a successful man?", "lg": "Omusajja alina obulamu obweyagaza omunnyonnyola otya?" }
{ "en": "Her son is a suspect in this criminal matter.", "lg": "Okuvuganya mu bya Bbayibuli kiyamba abattiini okutegeera ekigambo kya Katonda." }
{ "en": "\"He misused the company funds, and his workmates kept quiet about it.\"", "lg": "Yayonoona ensimbi za kkampuni ne bakozi banne ne basirika busirisi." }
{ "en": "\"In Uganda, the best honey is produced in Bushenyi.\"", "lg": "Mu Uganda omubisi ogusinga obulungi gukolebwa mu Bushenyi." }
{ "en": "She gifted her husband a watch.", "lg": "Mutabani we ye omu ku bateeberezebwa okuba nga bazza omusango guno." }
{ "en": "This was at Kingdom Kampala on December second.", "lg": "Kino kyaliwo nga ennaku z'omwezi bbiri Ogwekkumi n'ebiri ku Kingdom Kampala." }
{ "en": "I started panicking when the interviewers asked me a hard question.", "lg": "Natandika okutya ababuuza ebibuuzo bwe bambuuza ekibuuzo ekizibu." }
{ "en": "The cat was roaming around the compound the entire night.", "lg": "Yawa omwami we ekirabo kya ssaawa." }
{ "en": "\"Before his ministerial role, he served as the country manager.\"", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "The constitution guides on how to enforce the law.", "lg": "Ssemateeka alambika ku ngeri y'okukwatisaamu amateeka." }
{ "en": "Technology has encouraged continuity of learning during this pandemic season.", "lg": "Kkapa yabadde yeetala nga yeetooloola oluggya okumala ekiro kyonna." }
{ "en": "That man is the best swimmer in the world.", "lg": "Omusajja oyo y'asinga okuwuga mu nsi." }
{ "en": "The company is going to create several jobs here.", "lg": "Kkampuni egenda kutonda emirimu egiwerako wano." }
{ "en": "Online shopping reduces interaction with other people who may have coronavirus.", "lg": "Tekinologiya asobozesezza okusoma okugenda mu maaso mu kiseera kino eky'ekirwadde." }
{ "en": "A market vendor complained about the way tax collectors harassed her.", "lg": "Amutembeeyi y'omu katale yeemulugunya ku ngeri abasoolooza omusolo gye baamutulugunyaamu." }
{ "en": "Briquettes are cheaper than charcoal.", "lg": "Obubulooka bw'manda si bwa buseere nga amanda." }
{ "en": "He cannot shift his family because they have nowhere else to go.", "lg": "Okugulira ebintu ku mutimbagano kukendeeza okukwatagana n'abantu abayinza okuba ne kkolona." }
{ "en": "\"With breast feeding, you reduce the risks of infections.\"", "lg": "\"Mu kuyonsa, okendeeza ku mikisa gy'okulwala.\"" }
{ "en": "\"The pastor blessed the Christians who attended service, and encouraged them to pray.\"", "lg": "Omusumba yawa abakiristaayo abazze mu kusaba omukisa era n'abakubiriza okusaba." }
{ "en": "Women leaders help and support ferlow women in society.", "lg": "Tayinza kusengula ba mu maka ge olw'okuba tebalina walala wa kulaga." }
{ "en": "There is no food left for supper.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "Lawyers provide legal advice and guidance.", "lg": "Bannamateeka bawa obulagirizi n'amagezi ku nsonga ezikwata ku mateeka." }
{ "en": "People should fight for their land.", "lg": "Abakulembeze abakyala bayamba n'okuwanirira bakyala bannaabwe mu bitundu." }
{ "en": "Some patients in the hospital have died.", "lg": "Abalwadde abamu mu ddwaliro bafudde." }
{ "en": "Uganda has exported power to some neighbouring countries.", "lg": "Uganda etunda amasannyalaze mu nsi ezimu ezigiriraanye." }
{ "en": "Some qualified health workers in Uganda do not have jobs.", "lg": "Abantu balina okulwanirira ettaka lyabwe." }
{ "en": "His doctor told him he was drinking too much alcohol.", "lg": "Dokita we yamugamba nti yali anywa omwenge mungi nnyo." }
{ "en": "You should go to the hospital.", "lg": "Osaanye ogende mu ddwaliro." }
{ "en": "\"The old, weak bridge should be replaced with a new one.\"", "lg": "Abasawo abamu mu Uganda abalina ebisaanyizo tebalina mirimu." }
{ "en": "Media Council of Kenya is in participation with the Food and Agriculture Organization.", "lg": "Akakiiko ka bannamawulire mu Kenya kakwataganye n'ebitongole by'emmere n'ebyobulimi." }
{ "en": "The Kampala city festival was canceled.", "lg": "Ekikujjuko ky'ekibuga Kampala kyasazibwamu." }
{ "en": "My father plants a lot of maize on his farm.", "lg": "Olutindo olukaddiye olunafu lulina okusikizibwa n'olupya." }
{ "en": "\"In 1948, her family sent her to study at St. Joseph's school in Mukono.\"", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "Planning is the initial stage in project development .", "lg": "Okuteekateeka gwe mutendera ogusooka mu kutambuza pulojekiti." }
{ "en": "Who is the former Uganda Chief Justice?", "lg": "\"\"\"Kitange asimba kasooli mungi ku ssamba ye.\"" }
{ "en": "Crocodiles have wide mouths and many sharp teeth.", "lg": "\"\"\"Ggoonya zirina emimwa emigazi n'amannyo amoogi.\"" }
{ "en": "nan", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "The best way to rest is to sleep.", "lg": "Ani Ssaabalamuzi wa Uganda eyavaako?" }
{ "en": "Most taxi drivers are indisciplined.", "lg": "Abavuzi ba ttakisi abasinga tebalina mpisa." }
{ "en": "Opposition leaders help the government to identify problems faced by the people.", "lg": "Abakulembeze b'oludda oluvuganya bayambako gavumenti okuzuula ebizibu by'abantu." }
{ "en": "He is a Ugandan author and nurse.", "lg": "Okwebaka ye ngeri y'okuwummula esinga obulungi." }
{ "en": "She promised her mother that she will be a princess one day.", "lg": "Yasuubiza nnyina nti ajja kubeera omumbejja olunaku olumu." }
{ "en": "She asked where her mother was.", "lg": "Yabuuza nnyina gye yali." }
{ "en": "The prime minister is a very important person in the country.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "No one should be happy about corruption in the country.", "lg": "Tewali n'omu alina kuba musanyufu ku buli bw'enguzi mu ggwanga." }
{ "en": "You should be at peace with others.", "lg": "Olina okutabagana n'abantu abalala." }
{ "en": "He tied a scarf around his neck.", "lg": "Ssaabaminisita muntu mukulu nnyo mu ggwanga." }
{ "en": "Beans are rich in proteins.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "He said that he will not eat food.", "lg": "Yagambye nti tajja kulya mmere." }
{ "en": "It seems it will not rain today.", "lg": "Yeesiba ekitambaala mu bulago." }
{ "en": "My mother and father are age mates.", "lg": "Mmange ne kitange benkana emyaka." }
{ "en": "The vehicle he was moving in had a poor mechanical condition.", "lg": "Emmotoka gye yali atambuliramu yali mu mbeera mbi." }
{ "en": "The parliament made amendments to the land act.", "lg": "Kirabika leero enkuba teetonnye." }
{ "en": "Who are you going to vote for in the elections?", "lg": "Ani gw'onoolonda mu kalulu?" }
{ "en": "Gaps should be filled when a player is not able to attend the match.", "lg": "\"Omuzannyi bw'aba tasobodde kubaawo kuzannya, walina okubaawo azannya mu kifo kye.\"" }
{ "en": "You know how to pretend.", "lg": "Paalimenti yakola ennongoosereza mu tteeka ly'ettaka." }
{ "en": "Teenagers are not interested in what I have to say but I have to talk to them.", "lg": "Abatiini tebalina bwagazi mu bye nnina kwogera naye nnina okwogera nabo." }
{ "en": "His tomato garden is not near any water body.", "lg": "Ennimiro ye ey'ennyaanya teriranye mazzi gonna." }
{ "en": "He was still in office at the time of his death.", "lg": "Omanyi nno okwefuulafuula." }
{ "en": "This is classified information.", "lg": "Bunno obubaka bwa kyama." }
{ "en": "She reported the rapist to the police.", "lg": "Yaloopye eyamusobyako ku poliisi." }
{ "en": "You cannot pass if you do not read your books.", "lg": "Yali akyali mu woofiisi ekiseera mwe yafiira." }
{ "en": "Several tribes make up an ethnic group.", "lg": "Amawanga agawera gakola ekibinja ky'oluse lw'abantu." }
{ "en": "Residents in our village are working together to maintain community roads.", "lg": "Abatuuze mu kyalo kyaffe bakolera wamu okukuuma enguudo z'omu kitundu." }
{ "en": "Most people rely on farming for survival.", "lg": "Tosobola kuyita singa tosoma bitabo byo." }
{ "en": "Students must be taught to be job creators instead of job seekers.", "lg": "Abayizi balina okuyigirizibwa okutondawo emirimu okisinga okunoonya emirimu." }
{ "en": "He has entered the house.", "lg": "Ayingidde mu nnyumba." }
{ "en": "The police arrests law breakers.", "lg": "Abantu abasinga bayimirirawo ku bulimi n'obulunzi okubeerawo." }
{ "en": "The tomatoes were attacked by a certain disease.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "Most of the refugees in Uganda come from the neighbouring countries.", "lg": "Abanoonyiboobubudamu abasinga mu Uganda bava mu nsi eziriraanyeewo." }
{ "en": "Fathers are living in a polygamous way of life.", "lg": "Poliisi ekwata abamenyi b'amateeka." }
{ "en": "We can relax since the test has been pushed from Friday to Monday.", "lg": "Tusobola okukkakkana engeri ekigezo gye kyongezeddwayo okuva ku Lwokutaano okudda ku Lwokusooka." }
{ "en": "This country has many Muslim people.", "lg": "Eggwanga lino lirimu Abasiraamu bangi." }
{ "en": "She was arrested for forging her boss' signature on a cheque.", "lg": "Bataata babeera mu bulamu bw'okubeera n'abakyala abangi." }
{ "en": "The new aspirants were nominated today.", "lg": "Abeesimbyewo abaggya basunsuddwa leero." }
{ "en": "What are some of the rights of a prisoner?", "lg": "Erimu ku ddembe omusibe ly'abo nalyo lye liruwa?" }
{ "en": "Soccer is his favorite game.", "lg": "Yakwatibwa lwa kujingirira mukono gwa mukama we ku cceeke." }
{ "en": "Successful applicants will receive a notification within the week.", "lg": "Abawaddeyo okusaba kwabwe abannaaba bayiseemu bajja kutegeezebwa mu wiiki eyo yennyini." }
{ "en": "The government has not been effective in eradicating corruption.", "lg": "Gavumenti tekoze kimala kumalawo nguzi." }
{ "en": "Sheep give us wool.", "lg": "Omuzannyo gw'omupiira gw'asinga okwagala." }
{ "en": "Last year's candidates performed very well in the national examinations.", "lg": "Abayizi abaatuula ebigezo by'eggwanga ebyakamalirizo omwaka oguwedde baakola bulungi nnyo." }
{ "en": "I am not feeling well today.", "lg": "Leero siwulira bulungi." }
{ "en": "She hasn't been to the field in three years.", "lg": "Endiga zituwa ebyoya." }
{ "en": "My mother was born in Western Uganda.", "lg": "Mmange yazaalibwa mu Bugwanjuba bwa Uganda." }
{ "en": "The scientists were still researching whether working online is effective.", "lg": "Bannassaayaansi baali bakyakola okunoonyereza oba ng'okukolera ku mitimbagano kikola." }
{ "en": "I agreed to work with him.", "lg": "Amaze emyaka essatu nga takola." }
{ "en": "These earrings were a gift from my aunt.", "lg": "Ssente zino kyali kirabo okuva ewa ssenga wange." }
{ "en": "The family couldn't afford to go to a five-star hotel.", "lg": "Famire yali tesobola kugenda mu wooteri ey'ebbeeyi ennyo." }
{ "en": "There is an increase in the number of tourists because security has improved.", "lg": "Nnakkiriza okukola naye." }
{ "en": "The event took place at Serena Hotel.", "lg": "Ekikujjuko kyali / kyabadde ku Serena" }
{ "en": "He believes that some legislators don't pay taxes.", "lg": "Akkiriza nti abateekamateeka abamu tebasasula misolo." }
{ "en": "The district has been represented by well educated and influential people in the country.", "lg": "Waliwo okweyongera mu muwendo gw'abalambuzi kubanga ebyokwerinda byongeddwamu amaanyi." }
{ "en": "Some people engage in sexual activity with people of the same sex.", "lg": "Abantu abamu beenyigira mu kwegatta mu bikolwa eby'omukwano n'abantu be bafaanaganya nabo ekikula." }
{ "en": "This is the traditional wear for men in Uganda.", "lg": "Eno y'ennyambala y'abaami ey'ennono mu Uganda." }
{ "en": "Sports is an income-generating activity.", "lg": "Disitulikiti ekiikiriddwa abantu abaasoma era ab'omuzinzi mu ggwanga." }
{ "en": "Our housemaid looked at the tall buildings in the city in amazement.", "lg": "Omukozi waffe ow'awaka yatunuulira ebizimbe ebiwanvu mu kibuga mu kusamaalirira." }
{ "en": "The president provided land for the establishment of an athlete training facility.", "lg": "Pulezidenti yawaayo ettaka ery'okuzimbako ekisaawe abaddusi we batendekerwa." }
{ "en": "He has one of the best lawyers in the country.", "lg": "Emizannyo givaamu ssente." }
{ "en": "How can one differentiate original products from fake ones?", "lg": "Oyinza otya okwawula ebintu ebituufu ku bijingirire?" }
{ "en": "The World Cup tournament happens every after four years.", "lg": "Empaka z'omupiira ez'ensi yonna zibaawo buli luvannyuma lwa myaka ena." }
{ "en": "The district will extend the sexual reproductive health services to the people.", "lg": "Munnamateekaawe y'omu kubasiinga mu nsi." }
{ "en": "That team has substituted players three times during this netball game.", "lg": "Ttiimu y'okubaka eyo ekyusizza abazannyi emirundi esatu mu luzannya luno." }
{ "en": "Abortion is only allowed if it is done to save a woman's life.", "lg": "Okuggyamu olubuto kukkirizibwa mu mbeera yokka nga kigenda kutaasa obulamu bw'omukyala." }
{ "en": "The building collapsed before being completed.", "lg": "Disitulikiti ejja kutuusa ebyobulamu ebikwata ku kuzaala eri abantu." }
{ "en": "She has worms in her stomach.", "lg": "Alina enfaana mu lubuto lwe." }
{ "en": "The six applicants are at the reception ready to be called in for the interview.", "lg": "Omukaaga abaasaba bali ku kifo ewatuukirwa balinze okuyitibwa babuuzibwe." }
{ "en": "The policeman proposed to his girlfriend in front of very many people.", "lg": "Ekizimbe kyagwa nga tekinnaggwa." }
{ "en": "The government has allowed medical students to return to school.", "lg": "Gavumenti ekkirizza abayizi abasoma obusawo okuddayo ku ssomero." }
{ "en": "Which kind of buildings are considered illegal?", "lg": "Bizimbe bya ngeri ki ebitwalibwa okuba mu mateeka?" }
{ "en": "I help my parents on the family farm when I am not at school.", "lg": "Omusirikale yasabye muganzi we akkirize okumufumbirwa mu maaso g'abantu bangi." }
{ "en": "Fish is a great source of protein.", "lg": "Ebyennyanja nsibuko y'ekiriisa ekizimba omubiri." }
{ "en": "The car needs maintenance.", "lg": "Emmotoka yeetaaga okuddaabirizibwa." }
{ "en": "The company is working hard to stay one step ahead of the competition.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "The officers had worked on a night shift.", "lg": "Abakungu baabdde bakoze ekiro." }
{ "en": "What causes refugees to leave their home countries?", "lg": "Kiki ekiviirako ababudami okuva ku nsi zaabwe?" }
{ "en": "Revenue can be accumulated from forest growing.", "lg": "Kampuni yange ekola butaweera okusigala nga eri waggulu mu mpaka." }
{ "en": "Our government is going to supply food to us.", "lg": "Gavumenti yaffe egenda kutugabira emmere." }
{ "en": "Living without clean water for a couple of days can lead to complaints by the people.", "lg": "Okuwangaala nga tolina mazzi mayonjo okumala nnaku eziwera kiyinza okuleetera abantu okwemulugunya." }
{ "en": "That is all he had to say.", "lg": "Ennyingiza esobola okweyongera okuva mu kulima ebibira." }
{ "en": "They preferred the cattle to the money they were offered.", "lg": "Baalondako nte mu kifo kya ssente ezabaweebwa." }
{ "en": "The senior five students avoided the rugby match.", "lg": "Abayizi ba siniya eyookutaano beewala omuzannyo gwa rugby." }
{ "en": "The country received funds from abroad to support teenage mothers.", "lg": "Ebyo byokka bye yalina okwogera." }
{ "en": "They managed to stop the protests.", "lg": "Baasobola okukomya okwekalakaasa." }
{ "en": "Have you bought today's newspapers?", "lg": "Oguze amawulire g'olwa leero?" }
{ "en": "The funds have been embezzled", "lg": "Eggwanga lyafuna ensimbi okuva ebweru okuyamba ku ba maama abavubuka." }
{ "en": "She put the paraffin into the stove.", "lg": "Yateeka amafuta mu sitoovu." }
{ "en": "My daughter likes to play with dolls.", "lg": "Muwala wange ayagala nnyo okuzannyisa ddole." }
{ "en": "The organisation provided protective equipment to the people.", "lg": "Ssente zabbibwa." }
{ "en": "Youths are now forming criminal gangs to torture civilians.", "lg": "Abavubuka kati bagunjaawo bibinja mwe baddiza emisango okutulugunya abantu ba bulijjo." }
{ "en": "The country has over forty million people currently.", "lg": "Eggwanga kaakano lirirna abantu abasukka mu bukadde ana." }
{ "en": "I found the cocks fighting from the kitchen.", "lg": "Ekitongole kyawa abantu eby'okwekuumisa." }
{ "en": "He is hopeful that God will help him.", "lg": "Asuubira nti Katonda ajja kumuyamba." }
{ "en": "Very many passengers were stranded in the bus park.", "lg": "Abasaabaze bangi baali bakonkomalidde mu ppaaka ya bbaasi." }
{ "en": "The leader had a meeting with the residents yesterday.", "lg": "Nnasanze sseggwanga zirwanira mu ffumbiro." }
{ "en": "There is illegal selling of body parts in government hospitals.", "lg": "Waliwo okutunda ebitundu by'omubiri okutali mu mateeka mu malwaliro ga gavumenti." }
{ "en": "International observers are the first to criticize strikes during an election.", "lg": "Abatunuulizi okuva mu nsi z'ebweru be basoose okuvumirira obwegugungo mu biseera by'okulonda." }
{ "en": "\"We almost have nothing, and they want to take it from us.\"", "lg": "Omukulembeze yasisinkanye abatuuze olunaku lw'eggulo." }
{ "en": "He will be retiring from the army this November.", "lg": "Ajja kuba awummula amagye mu Gwekkuminoogumu guno." }
{ "en": "American companies had maintained links with their government.", "lg": "Kkampuni za Amerika zaali zikuumye enkolagana ne gavumenti yaabwe." }
{ "en": "Most of the roads have potholes.", "lg": "Kumpi tetulina kye tulina ate baagala kulitutwakako." }
{ "en": "The company has offered you the job!", "lg": "Kkampuni ekuwadde omulimu!" }
{ "en": "He had the support of the entire class to oppose the new rule.", "lg": "Yalina obuwagizi bw'ekibiina kyonna okuwakanya etteeka eppya." }
{ "en": "Health officers have come together to discuss the third wave of coronavirus disease.", "lg": "Enguudo ezisinga zirimu ebinnya." }
{ "en": "We should protect and educated girl children.", "lg": "Tulina okukuuma n'okusomesa abaana abawala." }
{ "en": "The applicant was allowed to lead until election days.", "lg": "Eyasaba yakkiriziddwa okukulembera okutuusa ennaku z'okulonda." }
{ "en": "\"People need a place to rerax, enjoy and get fresh air.\"", "lg": "Abakungu b'ebyobulamu basisinkanye okukubaganya ebirowoozo ku muyaga gw'ekirwadde kya kkolona ogwokusatu." }
{ "en": "Many people have lost their jobs during the pandemic season.", "lg": "Abantu bangi bafiiriddwa emirimu gyabwe mu kiseera ky'ekirwadde." }
{ "en": "One of the leaders of our town was in office for twenty years.", "lg": "Omu ku bakulembeze b'ekibuga kyaffe yali mu woofiisi okumala emyaka abiri." }
{ "en": "Some people love to build near waterbodies.", "lg": "\"Abantu beetaaga ekifo ky'okuwummuliramu, okusanyukiramu n'okufuniramu empewo ennungi.\"" }
{ "en": "They are members of well-resourced and media anti-government exile groups.", "lg": "Ba mu bibiina ebivumirira gavumenti ebivuggirirwa obulungi." }
{ "en": "The government closed all borders to limit strangers entering Uganda.", "lg": "Gavumenti yaggalawo ensalo zonna okutangira abantu abatamanyiddwako mayitire okuyingira Uganda." }
{ "en": "They advised me to use herbal medicine.", "lg": "Abantu abamu baagala okuzimba kumpi n'amazzi." }
{ "en": "Many people have fallen sick in two days.", "lg": "Abantu bangi balwalidde mu nnaku bbiri." }
{ "en": "The ministry has come up with new policies to protect children.", "lg": "Minisitule evuddeyo n'enteekateeka endala okukuuma abaana." }
{ "en": "The government has launched a new electricity dam in Northern Uganda.", "lg": "Bampadde amagezi okukozesa eddagala ly'obutonde." }
{ "en": "Every profit-making business must pay tax.", "lg": "Buli bizinensi ekola amagoba erina okusasula omusolo." }
{ "en": "Traditional healers demand permits to operate.", "lg": "Abasawo b'ekinnansi beetaaga olukusa okukola." }
{ "en": "The kind of friends you have can influence your character.", "lg": "Gavumenti etongozza ebbibiro ly'amasannyalaze eppya mu Bukiikakkono bwa Uganda." }
{ "en": "Most of the women deliver from home.", "lg": "Abakyala abasinga bazaalira waka." }
{ "en": "Everyone has his/her ways of making money.", "lg": "Buli omu alina engeri ye ey'okukolamu ssente." }
{ "en": "Public officers serve the public at large.", "lg": "Emikwano gy'oba nagyo giyinza okubaako kye gikola ku nneeyisa yo." }
{ "en": "They celebrate Christmas in the village.", "lg": "Ssekukulu baagikuliza mu kyalo." }
{ "en": "We accidentally knocked each other.", "lg": "Twekoona mu butali bugenderevu." }
{ "en": "Allowances of District councillors should be raised to improve service delivery", "lg": "Woofiisi za gavumenti ziweereza abantu bonna." }
{ "en": "The police have taken the victim in their custody.", "lg": "Poliisi etutte eyakoseddwa mu mikono gyayo." }
{ "en": "He is not on good terms with his neighbors.", "lg": "Talina nkolagana nnungi ne muliraanwa we." }
{ "en": "\"After eating, we had to wash the dishes.\"", "lg": "Ensako ya bakansala ba disitulikiti erina okubaweebwa okusobola okutumbula obuweereza." }
{ "en": "His family was devasted by his death", "lg": "Famire ye yagwamu ekikangabwa olw'okufa kwe" }
{ "en": "Many businesses have made losses because of the lockdown.", "lg": "Nfiiriddwa ssente nnyingi mu bizineesi zange olw'omuggalo." }
{ "en": "Animals also tend to fight amongst themselves.", "lg": "Twalina okwoza ebintu nga tumaze okulya." }
{ "en": "Both teams scored thirty points in the basketball game.", "lg": "Ttiimu zombi zaateeba obubonero amakumi asatu mu muzannyo gw'omupiira gw'ensero." }
{ "en": "There are no funds allocated to help the disabled in rural areas.", "lg": "Tewaliiwo nsimbi ziweebwa bantu baliko obulemu mu byalo." }
{ "en": "The people are in constant fear.", "lg": "Ensolo nazo zitera okulwanagana." }
{ "en": "Human rights ought to be respected.", "lg": "Eddembe ly'obuntu lirina okussibwamu ekitiibwa." }
{ "en": "The ministry wasn't in agreement with the use of soldiers to evict residents.", "lg": "Minisitule teyakkiriziganya na kukozesa basirikale okugoba abatuuze." }
{ "en": "She was a nurse at a military hospital in Uganda.", "lg": "Abantu bali mu kutya okutakoma." }
{ "en": "Praying and fasting yield miracles to Christian believers.", "lg": "Okusaba n'okusiiba kuvaamu eby'amagero eri abakulisitaayo abakkiriza." }
{ "en": "More money has been invested in the oil and gas sector.", "lg": "Ssente zongeddwa mu kisaawe ky'amafuta ne gaasi." }
{ "en": "Rwanda is a worldwide known country.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "\"In 1998, he earned a Ph.D. in social welfare from the University.\"", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "My grandmotherÕs house was built with bamboo and mud.", "lg": "Ennyumba ya jjajja wange omukyala baagizimbisa mabanda na ttaka." }
{ "en": "The sports gala will be held in Gulu.", "lg": "Rwanda ggwanga erimanyikiddwa mu nsi yonna." }
{ "en": "Employers have responsibility for their employees.", "lg": "Abakozesa balina obuvunaanyizibwa ku bakozi baabwe." }
{ "en": "You are right my child.", "lg": "Oli mutuufu mwana wange." }
{ "en": "Guess who is throwing a party tonight?", "lg": "Empaka z'ebyemizannyo zijja kubeera Gulu." }
{ "en": "\"Ever since that bank reduced the interest rate, the number of its customers increased.\"", "lg": "\"Okuva banka eyo lwe yakendeeza ku magoba g'eggya ku ssente ezeewolebwa, omuwendo gwa bakasitoma baayo gweyongera.\"" }
{ "en": "Most families with many children usually face financial constraints.", "lg": "Famire ezisinga obungi ezirimu abaana abangi zikaluubirizibwa mu byenfuna." }
{ "en": "He intends to advocate for an increase in the equalisation grants.", "lg": "Tteeba agenda okukola akabaga ekiro kya leero?" }
{ "en": "This will balance the representation of all people.", "lg": "Kino kijja kwenkanyankanya okukiikirirwa kw'abantu bonna." }
{ "en": "The music festival will be held on the first Sunday of September.", "lg": "Ebikujjuko by'ennyimba bijja kubeerawo ku Ssande esooka mu mwezi Ogwomwenda." }
{ "en": "Researchers can turn the glowing feature on and off at will.", "lg": "Agenderera okulwanirira okwongera obwenkanya mu ngabanya ya ssente." }
{ "en": "Will your retirement money be enough?", "lg": "Ssente zo ez'akasiimo ng'owummudde zinaakumala?" }
{ "en": "You can decide to stay in office for as long as your term is still on.", "lg": "Osobola okusalawo okusigala mu woofiisi singa ekisanja kyo kiba nga kikyaliko." }
{ "en": "They contributed to the improvement of the sector.", "lg": "Abanoonyereza basobola okuleetera omutima gwayo okwaka oba okulekera awo okwaka wonna we baba baagalidde." }
{ "en": "There is also a hierarchy in the church.", "lg": "Ne mu kkanisa mulimu emitendera mu bukulembeze." }
{ "en": "People operate their businesses differently.", "lg": "Abantu baddukanya bizinensi zaabwe mu ngeri ez'enjawulo." }
{ "en": "Don’t you think it is going to rain again?", "lg": "Baayambako mu kulinnyisa omutindo gw'ekitongole." }