{ "en": "New pit latrines will be constructed next year.", "lg": "Kaabuyonjo empya zijja kuzimbibwa omwaka ogujja." }
{ "en": "Arresting someone over a loan complicates things because they cannot make money in prison.", "lg": "Okusiba omuntu olw'ebbanja kikalubya ebintu kubanga tasobola kukola ssente nga ali mu kkomera." }
{ "en": "He was released on bail last month.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "More animals are being killed every day by game poachers.", "lg": "Ensolo zeeyongera okuttibwa abaziyigga okuzibba mu makuumiro gaazo buli lunaku." }
{ "en": "Politicians always forget to fulfill their promises.", "lg": "Bannabyabufuzi bulijjo beerabira okutuukiriza ebisuubizo byabwe." }
{ "en": "We need to be patient as we work towards improving our livelihoods", "lg": "Yateebwa oluvannyuma lw'okweyimirirwa omwezi oguwedde." }
{ "en": "The president is addressing the nation tonight", "lg": "Pulezidenti wakwogerako eri eggwanga ekiro." }
{ "en": "Anemia can lead to death in pregnant women.", "lg": "Abakyala abali embuto basobola okufa bwe bagwaamu omusaayi." }
{ "en": "Two airplanes were delivered in the middle of October two thousand nineteen.", "lg": "Twetaaga obugumiikiriza wakati mu kukulaakulanya ebyobulamu." }
{ "en": "There both plants and animals on land and in the sea.", "lg": "Ebimera n'ebisolo bibeera ku lukalu ne mu nnyanja." }
{ "en": "What is the role of cultural leaders in the community?", "lg": "Mugaso ki ogw'abakulembeze b'ebyobuwangwa mu kitundu?" }
{ "en": "The residents were ready to fight.", "lg": "Ennyonyi bbiri zaaleetebwa mu makkati g'Ogwekkumi mu nkumi bbiri mu kkumi na mwenda." }
{ "en": "The retired church leaders receive payment to honor them for the work they did.", "lg": "Abakulembeze b'ekkanisa abaawummula bafuna ensako okubasiima olw'emirimu gye baakola." }
{ "en": "Fishing activities in Uganda take place mostly on islands and landing sites.", "lg": "Emirimu gy'obuvubi mu Uganda okusinga gikolebwa ku bizinga na myalo." }
{ "en": "He carried the pot to the well.", "lg": "Abatuuze baali beetegefu okulwana." }
{ "en": "Doctors need to sleep in staff houses to have immediate access to patients", "lg": "Abasawo beetaaga basule mu nnyumba z'abakozi okusobola okukola amangu ku balwadde." }
{ "en": "Campaigns are for a specific cause.", "lg": "Kakuyege wa nsonga ennambulukufu." }
{ "en": "The ministry of education notified schools of the revised exam time table.", "lg": "Yatutte ensuwa ku luzzi." }
{ "en": "nan", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "Some people now refer to him as Africa's other statesman.", "lg": "Abantu abamu kati bamutwala nga munnabyabufuzi wa Afirika omulala omukukunavu." }
{ "en": "The pastor told us to fast for twenty-four hours.", "lg": "Minisitule y'ebyenjigiriza yategeeza amasomero ku nkyukakyuka mu budde ebibuuzo kwe binaakolebwamu." }
{ "en": "\"Many people want to serve in the Local defence unit, but they lack qualification.\"", "lg": "Abantu bangi baagala okuweereza mu kitongole kyokukyalo ekikuuma ddembe naye tebalina bisaanizo." }
{ "en": "More than one thousand people are thought to have fled the violence.", "lg": "Abantu abasukka mu lukumi bateeberezebwa okuba nga badduka okulwanagana." }
{ "en": "Pregnant women dislike the way nurses handle them when delivering.", "lg": "Omusumba yatugamba okusiiba okumala essaawa amakumi abiri mu nnya." }
{ "en": "They said the money they were given for compensation is not enough.", "lg": "Baagamba nti ssente ze baabawa okubaliyira tezimala." }
{ "en": "Thousands of Christians gather to remember and celebrate the life of the martyrs.", "lg": "Enkumi n'enkumi z'Abakristaayo bakungaana okujjukira n'okujjaguza obulamu bw'abajulizi." }
{ "en": "He was found dead on the roadside.", "lg": "Abakyala b'embuto tebaagala ngeri abasawo gye babakwatamu nga bazaala." }
{ "en": "Uganda is a peaceful country.", "lg": "Uganda nsi ya mirembe." }
{ "en": "My brother built a house last year.", "lg": "Muganda wange/mwannyinaze yazimba ennyumba omwaka oguwedde." }
{ "en": "Officially one that has made a payment should be given a receipt.", "lg": "Yasangibwa ng'afiiridde ku mabbali g'oluguudo." }
{ "en": "Mineral Development Beneficiation Center will help Uganda produce hardware parts needed in phone making", "lg": "Ekitongole kya Mineral Development Beneficiation Center kijja kuyamba Uganda okufulumya okukola amasimu." }
{ "en": "Most people buy newspapers after reading some interesting headlines.", "lg": "Abantu bangi bagula empapula z'amawulire oluvannyuma lw'okusoma emitwe eginyuma." }
{ "en": "The class representative talked to the dean during last week's academic meeting.", "lg": "Mu butongole omuntu asasudde alina okuweebwa lisiiti." }
{ "en": "I didn't want to live with my brother because it would inconvenience his family.", "lg": "Nnali saagala kugenda kubeera na muganda wange kubanga kyandimazeeko ab'omu maka ge emirembe." }
{ "en": "Her husband beats her up regularly.", "lg": "Omwami we amukuba olutatadde." }
{ "en": "A few policemen were recruited and will start training as soon as possible.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "Everyone in that area knows that bar.", "lg": "Buli omu mu kitundu ekyo amanyi ebbaala eyo." }
{ "en": "A book was written by one of the former ministers.", "lg": "Ekitabo kyawandiikibwa omu ku baali ba minisita." }
{ "en": "The country has high levels of unemployment and underemployment.", "lg": "Abapoliisi abatono baayingiziddwa era bajja kutandika okutendekebwa amangu ddaala." }
{ "en": "Never compromise the quality of work for anything.", "lg": "Tosuula omutindo gw'omulimu olw'ekintu kyonna." }
{ "en": "She was able to cut down some weight through regular physical workouts.", "lg": "Yasobola okusala ku mugejjo ng'ayita mu dduyiro wa buli lunaku." }
{ "en": "Family members should support one another.", "lg": "Eggwanga liyina ebbula ly'emirimu erya waggulu n'okusasulwa kw'abakozi okutono." }
{ "en": "There lots of challenges existing in our environment.", "lg": "Waliwo okusomoozebwa kungi mu bitwetoolodde." }
{ "en": "We followed their car at a close distance.", "lg": "Twagoberera emmotoka yaabwe nga tugirinnya kagere." }
{ "en": "I miss my friend very much.", "lg": "Abantu b'awaka balina okuyambagana." }
{ "en": "The project aims at preserving the environment.", "lg": "Puloojekiti egenderera kukuuma butonde bwa nsi." }
{ "en": "I didn't buy any gift for her.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "She is also a certified Accountant.", "lg": "Nsubwa nnyo mukwano gwange." }
{ "en": "What are your qualifications?", "lg": "Ebisaanyizo byo bye biri wa?" }
{ "en": "The team has been training hard for tomorrow's game.", "lg": "Ttiimu ebadde mu kutendekebwa kwa maanyi nnyo nga yeetegekera omuzannyo gw'enkya." }
{ "en": "What was the aim of the age limit bill?", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "The hospitals should work hand in hand in health service provision.", "lg": "Amalwaliro galina okukolera awamu mu kugaba obuweereza." }
{ "en": "The minister promised financial aid to all people affected by the fire.", "lg": "Minisita yasuubiza obuyambi bw'ensimbi eri abantu bonna abaakosebwa omuliro." }
{ "en": "The foreigners who operate businesses without licenses should be sent back to their countries.", "lg": "Ekiteeso ky'okuggya ekkomo ku myaka kyalina kigendererwa ki?" }
{ "en": "ItÕs the government's responsibility to construct roads.", "lg": "Buvunaanyizibwa bwa gavumenti okukola enguudo." }
{ "en": "Some companies have closed their operations in Uganda.", "lg": "Kampuni ezimu ziggaddewo emirimu gyagyo mu Uganda." }
{ "en": "Animals are slaughtered for their meat.", "lg": "Abagwira abakola bizineesi nga tebalina layisinsi basaanidde okuzzibwayo mu nsi zaabwe." }
{ "en": "They took too long to make a final decision.", "lg": "Baalwawo nnyo okukola okusalawo okwenkomeredde." }
{ "en": "I don’t have electricity at my place.", "lg": "Ewange sirinayo masanyalaze." }
{ "en": "The country has lost most of its natural forests.", "lg": "Ensolo zisalibwa olw'ennyama yaazo." }
{ "en": "She has just recovered from malaria.", "lg": "Yaakawona omusujja gw'ensiri." }
{ "en": "They signed a request against the age limit proposal.", "lg": "Baatadde omukono ku kusaba okugaana ekkomo ly'emyaka." }
{ "en": "He belongs to a very prayerful family.", "lg": "Eggwanga lifiiriddwa ebibira byalyo ebyobutonde ebisinga obungi." }
{ "en": "He pledged five million Ugandan shillings to support the family of the deceased.", "lg": "Yeetema okuwaayo obukadde butaano obw'ensimbi za Uganda ziyambe ab'omu maka g'omugenzi." }
{ "en": "They took samples of the soil to the laboratory.", "lg": "Baatwala erimu ku ttaka mu keberezo ." }
{ "en": "Every Ugandan must have a National identity card.", "lg": "Ava mu maka amasabi ennyo." }
{ "en": "Physical exercises relax the mind.", "lg": "Dduyiro awummuza ebirowoozo." }
{ "en": "They shot someone dead.", "lg": "Baakuba omuntu amasasi n'afa.." }
{ "en": "\"Failure to follow the standard operating procedures, the market shall be closed.\"", "lg": "Buli Munnayuganda ateekeddwa okubeera n'endagamuntu y'eggwanga." }
{ "en": "What is your expected monthly pay?", "lg": "Osuubirwa kusasulwa ssente mmeka omwezi?" }
{ "en": "How much did you buy that dog?", "lg": "Embwa eyo wagigula ssente mmeka?" }
{ "en": "He blames his friends for causing him trouble.", "lg": "\"Okulemererwa okugoberera ebiragiro bw'abakugu, akatale kajja kuggalwa.\"" }
{ "en": "Something should be done to stop schools from cheating in examinations.", "lg": "Wasaanidde okubaawo ekikolebwawo okulemesa amasomero okubba ebigezo." }
{ "en": "She has won multiple awards for her work on breast cancer", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "The department heads requested for higher allowances.", "lg": "Anenya mikwano gye okumusuula mu buzibu." }
{ "en": "He hurt his left foot when he fell.", "lg": "Yakosa okugulu kwe okwa kkono bwe yagwa." }
{ "en": "Try as much as possible to resist temptations.", "lg": "Gezaako nnyo nga byekisoboka okwewala okukemebwa." }
{ "en": "The books were arranged according to size.", "lg": "Abakulu b'ebitongole b'asabye ensako nnyingi." }
{ "en": "Leaders are accountable to their voters.", "lg": "Abakulembeze bavunaanyizibwa eri abaloonzi baabwe ." }
{ "en": "I went to the tap to wash the tear gas out of my eyes.", "lg": "Nagenda ku ttaapu okunaaba omukka ogubalagala mu maaso gange." }
{ "en": "The new law was approved by the cabinet.", "lg": "Ebitabo byategekebwa okusinziira ku bunene." }
{ "en": "The government has provided health equipment to the medics to contain the virus.", "lg": "Gavumenti ewadde abasawo eby'okukozesa okufufugaza akawuka." }
{ "en": "God is merciful like a mother.", "lg": "Katonda musaasizi nga maama." }
{ "en": "She has appeared in three movies so far.", "lg": "Etteeka eppya lyakakasibwa kabineenti." }
{ "en": "The legislators are not happy with the conduct of the companies.", "lg": "Bannamateeka si basanyufu olw'engeri kampuni gye zeeyisaamu." }
{ "en": "The night guard shot a soldier.", "lg": "Omukuumi w'ekiro yakubye omujaasi essaasi." }
{ "en": "Her son sat for his Primary Leaving Examinations from City Parents School.", "lg": "Yaakalabikirako mu ffirimu za mirundi esatu." }
{ "en": "Most of the work done usually has deadlines.", "lg": "Emirimu egisinga okukolebwa ebiseera ebisinga gibeera ne ssalessale." }
{ "en": "People are panicking over the outbreak of yellow fever.", "lg": "Abantu bapapa olw'okubalukawo kw'omusujja gw'enkaka." }
{ "en": "There are land disputes in the Northern part of Uganda.", "lg": "Mutabani we ebigezo bye eby'ekibiina eky'omusanvu yabituulira ku ssomero lya City Parents." }
{ "en": "We cannot change anything about our past.", "lg": "Tetuyinza kukyusa kintu kyonna kye twayitamu edda." }
{ "en": "The boiling water burnt him.", "lg": "Amazzi ageeseze gaamwokya." }
{ "en": "The government will fund health facilities after seeing results from the leaders.", "lg": "Mu Mambuka ga Uganda waliwo enkayaana nnyingi ezikwata ku ttaka." }
{ "en": "\"Uganda has many bird species, wild animals, rainforests, mountains, lakes, and rivers.\"", "lg": "\"Uganda erina ebika by'ebinyonyi bingi, ebisolo by'omu nsiko, ebibira ebiwanvu, ensozi, ennyanja n'emigga.\"" }
{ "en": "Thieves beat him up and stole all his belongings.", "lg": "Ababbi baamukuba ne bamubbako ebintu bye byonna." }
{ "en": "She has a good business idea.", "lg": "Gavumenti ejja kuvujjirira amalwaliro oluvannyuma lw'okulaba ebibala okuva mu bakulembeze." }
{ "en": "New students must pay a registration fee to the institute.", "lg": "Abayizi abapya bateekwa okusasula ssente z'okwewandiisa mu ttendekero." }
{ "en": "Why infrastructure matters?", "lg": "Lwaki emizimbo gya mugaso?" }
{ "en": "She does not agree with the leader's decision.", "lg": "Alina ekirowoozo kya bizinensi ekirungi." }
{ "en": "Secondary schools in the region will also benefit from the donations.", "lg": "Amasomero ga sekendule mu kitundu nago gajja kuganyulwa mu buyambi." }
{ "en": "\"If you sue someone, he needs to know about it.\"", "lg": "\"Bw'oloopa omuntu yenna, yeetaaga okukimanyaako.\"" }
{ "en": "My mother told me that sharing is caring.", "lg": "Takkiriziganya na kusalawo kwa mukulembeze." }
{ "en": "Do you want to talk to your mother?", "lg": "Oyagala kwogerako ne nnyoko?" }
{ "en": "The government has released funds for a medical research laboratory.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "\"After graduating from high school, he was admitted to the School of Medicine.\"", "lg": "Maama wange yangamba nti okugaba kiraga nti ofaayo ku balala." }
{ "en": "I want to learn how to make sandwiches.", "lg": "Njagala kuyiga kukola migaati gye bateekamu eby'okulya ebirala wakati." }
{ "en": "It is assumed that he is involved in child sacrifice.", "lg": "Kiteeberezebwa nti yenyigira mu kusaddaaka abaana." }
{ "en": "It is good to help the needy whenever possible.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "Uganda has friendly policies that provide rights to refugees.", "lg": "Uganda erina enkola ennungi eziwa ababudamu eddembe." }
{ "en": "\"Following the plan, the celebrations will start with music performances.\"", "lg": "\"Nga tugendera ku nteekateeka, ebikujjuko bijja kutandika na kuyimba nnyimba.\"" }
{ "en": "They confirmed that the ambulances are tax-free.", "lg": "Kirungi okuyamba abali mu bwetaavu buli lwe kiba kisoboka." }
{ "en": "Take your son to a good quality school he will get a good education.", "lg": "Twala mutabani wo ku ssomero eddungi ajja kufuna ebyenjigiriza ebirungi." }
{ "en": "There is goat racing at the playground this afternoon.", "lg": "Mu kisaawe leero wagenda kubaayo empaka z'embuzi." }
{ "en": "He is very prepared.", "lg": "Baakakasiza nti emmotoka ezitambuza abalwadde tezigibwako musolo." }
{ "en": "What is your occupation?", "lg": "Okola mulimu ki?" }
{ "en": "There is a misallocation of resources in our community.", "lg": "Waliwo engabanya y'ebikozesebwa embi mu kitundu kyaffe." }
{ "en": "The farmer has thirty-four heads of local cattle.", "lg": "Yeetegese bulungi nnyo." }
{ "en": "Some men still think that women should only stay at home and cook food.", "lg": "Abasajja abamu bakyalowooza nti abakyala balina kusigala waka kyokka bafumbe emmere." }
{ "en": "I am well and strong.", "lg": "Ndi bulungi era ndi mugumu." }
{ "en": "She graduated from Makerere university and completed her research in 1980.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "The children were whispering to each other in the dark.", "lg": "Abaana baali bakubagana obwama mu nzikiza." }
{ "en": "The coach was impressed with the players' performance.", "lg": "Omutendesi yasanyukira enzannya y'abazannyi." }
{ "en": "Football supporters like a winning team.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "My son provides for the family financially.", "lg": "Mutabani wange agabirira famire mu by'ensimbi." }
{ "en": "His opponent was seen campaigning from house to house.", "lg": "Amuvuganya yalabiddwako ng'akuba kakuyege wa nju ku nju." }
{ "en": "The school will hold a stakeholders meeting to renovate the building.", "lg": "Abawagizi b'omupiira baagala ttiimu ewangula." }
{ "en": "The players were very happy to play with the national team.", "lg": "Abasambi baali basanyufu nnyo okuzannya ne ttiimu y'eggwanga." }
{ "en": "The construction of a dam on Murchison Falls has been put on hold.", "lg": "Okuzimba ebbibiro ku Murchison Falls kuyimiriziddwa." }
{ "en": "Why was the politician charged with firearms possession?", "lg": "Essomera lijja kutuuza akakiiko k'aba kwatibwako ensonga okuddaabiriza ebizimbe." }
{ "en": "The organization will sponsor the project.", "lg": "Ekitongole kijja kuvujjirira puloojekiti." }
{ "en": "The deceased was buried next to his mother.", "lg": "Omugenzi yaziikibwa okumpi ne nnyina." }
{ "en": "She fell on her back.", "lg": "Lwaki munnabyabufuzi bamuvunaanye ogw'okubeera n'emundu?" }
{ "en": "My brother booked a plane ticket for five o'clock in the morning.", "lg": "Muganda wange/mwannyinaze yafuna tikiti y'ennyonyi ya ssaawa kkumineemu ez'oku makya." }
{ "en": "In the interest of cohesion get another Administrator.", "lg": "\"Mu kwagala okukolera awamu, funa omukulembeze omulala.\"" }
{ "en": "What is the role of political analysts?", "lg": "Yagudde kyabugazi." }
{ "en": "We can only overcome if we are one.", "lg": "Tusobola kuwangula singa tuli kimu." }
{ "en": "Parents have married off their daughters at a young age.", "lg": "Abazadde bafumbizza abaana baabwe abawala ku myaka emito." }
{ "en": "She dropped out of school because her parents did not have money.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "Why do you have so many dogs?", "lg": "Lwaki olina embwa nnyingi?" }
{ "en": "\"The signing explained that the team is ready, motivated and eagerly waiting for the match.\"", "lg": "\"Okumuwandiisa kwalaga nti ttiimu nneetegefu, erina amaanyi erindiridde oluzannya.\"" }
{ "en": "Children should be allowed to play outside to strengthen their bodies.", "lg": "Yava mu ssomero kubanga bazadde be baali tebaalina ssente." }
{ "en": "The woman gave birth to a baby boy.", "lg": "Omukazi yazaala omwana ow'obulenzi." }
{ "en": "The deceased was his only girl child.", "lg": "Omugenzi ye yali omwana we owoobuwala yekka." }
{ "en": "He was walking on the road when the cyclist knocked him down.", "lg": "Abaana basaanidde okukkirizibwa okuzannyira wabweru kigumye emibiri gyabwe." }
{ "en": "Our government will put more money into agriculture.", "lg": "Gavumenti yaffe ejja kuteeka ssente endala mu byobulimi." }
{ "en": "District officers are ready to provide free services to the needy.", "lg": "Abakungu ba disitulikiti beetegefu okuwa obuweereza obw'obwereere eri abeetaavu." }
{ "en": "It's so noisy outside.", "lg": "Yali atambula ku luguudo omuvuzi w'akagaali n'amutomera." }
{ "en": "She has been married for four years now.", "lg": "Yaakamala mu bufumbo emyaka ena kati." }
{ "en": "Some candidates have not been competed against in the general elections.", "lg": "Abeesimbyewo abamu tebavuganyiziddwa mu kulonda okwawamu." }
{ "en": "Who burnt their house?", "lg": "Wabweru wawoggana nnyo." }
{ "en": "The leader was treated unfairly.", "lg": "Omukulembeze yayisiddwa bubi." }
{ "en": "Have you read what the teacher told us to read about?", "lg": "Osomye ku musomesa bye yatugambye okusomako?" }
{ "en": "There are three presenters at the evening show.", "lg": "Ani yayokya ennyumba yaabwe?" }
{ "en": "Automated teller machines were introduced to simplify money transactions.", "lg": "Ebyuma bi auto teller machine byaleetebwa okwanguya entambula y'ensimbi." }
{ "en": "Stricter regulations on forest management are put up to stop illegal activities.", "lg": "Amateeka amakakali ku nkuuma y'ebibira gateekebwawo okukomya ebikolwa ebitali mu amateeka." }
{ "en": "The prisoners who escaped were rearrested.", "lg": "Pulogulaamu y'akawungeezi ekolwako abaweereza basatu." }
{ "en": "Let us wait for the judge's ruling.", "lg": "Ka tulinde ensala y'omulamuzi." }
{ "en": "nan", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "The Ministry of Health is looking forward to establishing more hospitals around the country.", "lg": "Abasibe abaatoloka bazzeemu ne bakwatibwa." }
{ "en": "He went to record his music in the studio.", "lg": "Yagenda okukwata akatambi k'oluyimba lwe mu situudiyo." }
{ "en": "The opposition was defeated in the elections.", "lg": "Abavuganya bawanguddwa mu kulonda." }
{ "en": "The government should set up specialized child health facilities", "lg": "Minisitule y'Ebyobulamu eruubirira kuzimba malwaliro malala okwetooloola eggwanga." }
{ "en": "His uncle died of a heart attack last week.", "lg": "Kojja we/kitaawe omuto yafudde lwa mutima kwesiba wiiki ewedde." }
{ "en": "Local leaders sensitized the youth about circumcision.", "lg": "Abakulembeze b'ebyalo baamanyisizza abavubuka ku kukomolebwa." }
{ "en": "The visitors sat on the mat.", "lg": "Gavumenti eteekeddwa okuteekawo amalwaliro agakwasaganya ensonga z'abaana." }
{ "en": "Hospital staff have been found infected with the coronavirus .", "lg": "Abakozi b'eddwaliro basangiddwa nga balina akawuka ka kolona." }
{ "en": "\"After taking breakfast, she left her cup at the dining table.\"", "lg": "Ekikopo kye yakireka ku mmeeza eriirwako oluvannyuma lw'okulya ekyenkya." }
{ "en": "Everyone must be aware of their surroundings at all times.", "lg": "Abagenyi baatuula ku mukeeka." }
{ "en": "All patients should be received and treated equally.", "lg": "Abalwadde bonna balina okwanirizibwa n'okujjanjabwa kyenkanyi." }
{ "en": "I heard the news of his death over the radio.", "lg": "Nawulira amawulire g'okufa kwe ku leediyo." }
{ "en": "I was given the smallest ball.", "lg": "Buli kiseera buli muntu asaanidde okumanya ekigenda mu maaso w'ali." }
{ "en": "What powers are allocated to the Attorney General of government?", "lg": "Buyinza ki obuweebwa Ssaabawolereza wa gavumenti?" }
{ "en": "The poor young man had nothing to pay as bride price.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "\"Indeed, he was a man of people and a good person.\"", "lg": "Naweebwa omupiira ogusinga obutono." }
{ "en": "I am under a lot of pressure to complete the project.", "lg": "Ndi ku bunkenke obw'okumaliriza pulojekiti." }
{ "en": "Fathers should always be present in their children's lives.", "lg": "Ba taata balina okubeerangawo mu bulamu bw'abaana baabwe." }
{ "en": "The disabled acquired skills in carpentry and welding.", "lg": "Mu butuufu yali muntu wa bantu era omuntu omulungi." }
{ "en": "Appreciate others for the good work done.", "lg": "Siima abalala olw'emirimu emirungi gye bakoze." }
{ "en": "The bomb killed eighty five people.", "lg": "Bbomu yatta abantu kinaana mu bataano." }
{ "en": "The commemoration of the East African Community's twenty years is a public program.", "lg": "Abaliko obulemu baafunye obukugu mu kubajja n'okwokya ebyuma." }
{ "en": "He was killed by strangers.", "lg": "Yattibwa abantu abatamanyiddwa." }
{ "en": "Visiting fans usually have fun when they go to new places for away games.", "lg": "Abawagizi b'oku bugenyi banyumirwa nnyo nga bagenze mu bifo ebipya ku mipiira egy'oku bugenyi." }
{ "en": "He has covered thirty-eight districts since the official campaigns.", "lg": "\"Okujjukira okuweza emyaka abiri egy'omukago gw'obuvanjuba bwa Afirika, nteekateeka ya lukale.\"" }
{ "en": "We need to address all the mayor's comments.", "lg": "Tulina okwogera ku ebyo byonna meeya bye yagambye." }
{ "en": "She had decided to become a surgeon after almost dying during childbirth.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "The youth participated in the event.", "lg": "Yaakagenda mu disitulikiti munaana okuva kkampeyini entongole lwe zaatandika." }
{ "en": "Consultations need to be done before the new law is passed.", "lg": "Kyetaagisa wabeewo okunoonyereza ng'etteeka eppya terinnaba kuyisibwa." }
{ "en": "The fans screamed in excitement when our team scored another goal.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "Resources must be properly allocated to ensure the proper functioning of any company.", "lg": "Abavubuka beetabye mu kivvulu." }
{ "en": "There has been an increase in the number of pregnancies during the pandemic.", "lg": "Wabaddewo okweyongera kw'abafuna embuto mu biseera by'ekirwadde ky'ekikungo." }
{ "en": "A woman empowerment workshop is being organized.", "lg": "Omusomo gw'okukulaakulanya abakyala gutegekebwa." }
{ "en": "\"By twenty-second January, government troops in Kampala had begun to quit.\"", "lg": "Ebikozesebwa biteekeddwa okugabibwa mu bifo ebituufu okukakasa nti kkampuni yonna ekola bulungi." }
{ "en": "The results have been released by the group.", "lg": "Ebivuddemu bifulumiziddwa ekibinja." }
{ "en": "Most people in Uganda have access to mobile services however a few have access to the internet.", "lg": "Bannayuganda abasinga balina empeereza y'amasimu ag'omu ngalo wabula batono abalina yintaneeti." }
{ "en": "What is the value of computer training to youths?", "lg": "\"We bwatuukira nga abiri mu bbiri Janwali, amagye ga gavumenti mu Kampala gaali gatandise okubivaamu.\"" }
{ "en": "There is a shortage of raw materials in the region.", "lg": "Waliwo ebbula ly'ebikozesebwa mu kitundu." }
{ "en": "My sister sells tomatoes to get money.", "lg": "Muganda wange/mwannyinaze atunda nnyaanya okufuna ssente." }
{ "en": "Many kings were buried in this place.", "lg": "Okutendeka abavubuka okuyiga kompyuta kya muganyulo ki?" }
{ "en": "Grandmother needs someone to help her with garden work.", "lg": "Jjajja omukazi yeetaagayo omuntu amuyambako ku mirimu gy'omu nnimiro." }
{ "en": "My father's cow provides five liters of milk per day.", "lg": "Ente ya kitange evaamu liita z'amata ttaano buli lunaku." }
{ "en": "\"In the past, we used to make balls out of banana fibres.\"", "lg": "Bassekabaka bangi baaterekebwa mu kifo kino." }
{ "en": "Her wedding cake was spoilt.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "He was diagnosed with cancer.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "How much balance did you remain with after the shopping?", "lg": "\"Edda, twazinganga obupiira mu byayi.\"" }
{ "en": "He promised to give us a bonus if we bought from him the next time.", "lg": "Yatusuubiza okutwongeza singa tumugulako omulundi omulala." }
{ "en": "Drivers should be very careful on the road to prevent accidents.", "lg": "Abavuzi bateekeddwa okuba abegendereza ku kkubo okutangira obubenje." }
{ "en": "The local television channel broadcasted the visit of the religious leader.", "lg": "Wasigazza ssente mmeka oluvannyuma lw'okugula ebintu ?" }
{ "en": "He works from India.", "lg": "Akolera Buyindi." }
{ "en": "The presidential convoy stopped at this trading center.", "lg": "Oluseregende lw'emmotoka za pulezidenti lwayimiriddeko mu kabuga kano." }
{ "en": "Police arrests wrong doers.", "lg": "Ttivvi y'eggwanga yalaga okukyala kw'omukulembeze w'eddiini." }
{ "en": "I do not like eating sour things.", "lg": "Saagala kulya bintu bikaawa." }
{ "en": "Customers would buy goods from me every day.", "lg": "Bakasitoma bangulangako ebintu buli lunaku." }
{ "en": "We listened to the views of the players before the match.", "lg": "Poliisi ekwata abazzi b'emisango." }
{ "en": "Women have been empowered in the community.", "lg": "Abakyala bayitimusiddwa mu kitundu." }
{ "en": "Uganda earned a lot of money from vanilla sales.", "lg": "Uganda yafuna ssente nnyingi mu kutunda vanilla." }
{ "en": "The law firm represented the legislator in court.", "lg": "Twasooka kuwuliriza birowoozo bya bazannyi ng'omuzannyo tegunnatandika." }
{ "en": "The campaign season was very frustrating.", "lg": "Ekiseera kya kampeyini kyalimu ebinyiiza bingi." }
{ "en": "What is your relationship with the deceased?", "lg": "Enkolagana ki gy'olina n'omugenzi?" }
{ "en": "Each evening he brought meat at home.", "lg": "Ekitongole ky'ebyamateeka kyakiikiridde omuteekamateeka mu kkooti." }
{ "en": "How do you ask for donations?", "lg": "Osaba otya obuyambi?" }
{ "en": "\"At this year’s event, different companies will compete for eleven awards.\"", "lg": "\"Mu mwoleso gw'omwaka guno, kampuni ezitali zimu zijja kuvuganya ku birabo kkumi na kimu.\"" }
{ "en": "The University also received applications from those who needed scholarships.", "lg": "Buli kawungeezi yaleetanga ennyama awaka." }
{ "en": "Victims of kidnap often suffer post-traumatic stress.", "lg": "Ababeera bawambiddwa batera okukosebwa mu birowoozo nga bateereddwa." }
{ "en": "I have saved one hundred American dollars on my account.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "The priest preached about forgiveness during today's service.", "lg": "Yunivaasite era yafuna okusaba okuva mu abo abaali beetaaga ssikaala." }
{ "en": "How much did you buy that ball?", "lg": "Omupiira ogwo wagugula ssente mmeka?" }
{ "en": "Some leaders are against the proposed law.", "lg": "Abakulembeze abamu tebakkiriziganya na tteeka liteeseddwa." }
{ "en": "I am feeling very sleepy.", "lg": "Mu kusaba kwa leero omubuulizi yayigiriza ku kusonyiwa." }
{ "en": "The policeman shot him in the leg.", "lg": "Owa poliisi yamukuba amasasi ku kugulu." }
{ "en": "He won the election for the position of political party chairperson.", "lg": "Yawangula akalulu ku kifo kya ssentebe w'ekibiina ky'ebyobufuzi." }
{ "en": "They are using public resources to do their work.", "lg": "Mpulira otulo tungi." }
{ "en": "This has a huge burden on the country through the lost income.", "lg": "Kino kiteeka omugugu munene ku ggwanga okuyita mu nsimbi ezifiirwa." }
{ "en": "\"Two years later, the Ugandan singer died in a car accident\"", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "He started his coffee business twenty-four years ago.", "lg": "Bakozesa ssente za gavumenti mu byabwe." }
{ "en": "They do not have electricity.", "lg": "Tebalina masannyalaze." }
{ "en": "He asked the neighbors whether they had seen his missing cat.", "lg": "Yabuuza baliraanwa oba nga baali balabye ku kkapa ye eyali ebuze." }
{ "en": "Seek out for information regarding health matters.", "lg": "Yatandika bizinensi ye ey'emmwanyi emyaka amakumi abiri mu ena egiyise." }
{ "en": "All activities scheduled on Friday will be postponed.", "lg": "Eby'okukola byonna ebiteekeddwayo ku lwokutaano bijja kwongezebwayo." }
{ "en": "She doesn't feel comfortable telling people about her Human Immunodeficiency Virus status.", "lg": "Eky'okubuulira abantu ku mbeera ye ekwatagana n'akawuka ka mukenenya takiwuliriramu mirembe." }
{ "en": "When should bail not be granted?", "lg": "Noonya obubaka obukwata ku byobulamu." }
{ "en": "The idea of digging the new well originated from the chairman.", "lg": "Ekirowoozo ky'okusima oluzzi olupya kyaleetebwa ssentebe." }
{ "en": "She refused to eat beans at home because she ate them a lot at school.", "lg": "Yagaanye okulya ebijanjaalo ewaka kubanga yabirya nnyo ku ssomero." }
{ "en": "I bought twenty hectares of land.", "lg": "Okuteebwa ku kakalu ka kkooti kubaawo ddi?" }
{ "en": "The children eat food at half past one in the afternoon.", "lg": "Abaana emmere bagirya ku ssaawa musanvu n'ekitundu ez'omu ttuntu." }
{ "en": "Your husband is a kind man.", "lg": "Omwami wo musajja wa kisa." }
{ "en": "Which animal is that?", "lg": "Nagula hekiteya z'ekkata amakumi abiri." }
{ "en": "He survived a plane crash that killed fifty people.", "lg": "Yawona akabenje k'ennyonyi akatta abantu amakumi attaano." }
{ "en": "Only qualified drivers will be allowed on the road.", "lg": "Abagoba b'ebiddukka abatuukiriza ebisaanyizo be bokka abajja okukkirizibwa ku luguudo." }
{ "en": "Her posters were displayed all over the area.", "lg": "Kisolo ki ekyo?" }
{ "en": "What makes people fail to work together?", "lg": "Ki ekiremesa abantu okukolera awamu?" }
{ "en": "Ugandans need to be educated and informed to reform their country.", "lg": "Bannayuganda beetaaga okusomesebwa nokutegezebwa okuzza obuggya eggwanga lyabwe." }
{ "en": "South Sudan spent more in two thousand eighteen compared to two thousand seventeen.", "lg": "Ebipande bye byatimbibwa mu kitundu kyonna." }
{ "en": "The national budget hasn’t been taken to parliament.", "lg": "Embalirira y'eggwanga tennatwalibwa mu paliyament." }
{ "en": "The government expects an increase in foreign and domestic investments.", "lg": "Gavumenti esuubira okwongera ku kusiga ensimbi mu mawanga ag'ebweru wamu ne mu ggwanga." }
{ "en": "There was water and soap at all entries of markets and arcades.", "lg": "South Sudan yasaasaanya nnyo mu nkumi bbiri mu kkumi na munaana bw'ogeraageranya ne nkumi bbiri kkumi na musanvu." }
{ "en": "Which primary school homework do you have?", "lg": "Omulimu gw'okukolera awaka gw'olina gwa ssomero lya pulayimale ki?" }
{ "en": "I wonder why that girl is always late for school.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "He grabbed the pen from me while I was writing.", "lg": "Waaliwo ssabbuuni n'amazzi ku buli mulyango oguyingira mu butale ne mu akeedi." }
{ "en": "He offered to help with the cleaning.", "lg": "Yeewaayo okuyambako mu kulongoosa." }
{ "en": "His team needs more training as they prepare for the final match next month.", "lg": "Ttiimu ye yeetaaga okwongera okutendekebwa nga yeetegekera oluzannya olw'akamalirizo omwezi ogujja." }
{ "en": "The leaders were not happy with each other.", "lg": "Yankwakkulako peeni nga mpandiika." }
{ "en": "Most Christians go to church on Sunday.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "People planning to travel abroad should test for coronavirus three days before the scheduled departure date.", "lg": "Abantu abateekateeka okutambula okugenda emitala w'amayanja balina okwekebeza akawuka ka kkolona ennaku ssatu ng'olunaku kwe bagendera terunnatuuka." }
{ "en": "The district should support the vulnerable people.", "lg": "Abakulembeze tebaabadde basanyufu eri bannaaabwe." }
{ "en": "Her shop is on the third floor of that building.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "The worshippers raised their hands in the air.", "lg": "Abasinza baawanika emikono mu bbanga." }
{ "en": "Malnutrition is common among people living around the River Nile bert.", "lg": "Disitulikiti esaana okuyamba abantu abatalina mwasirizi." }
{ "en": "Where do we find ants?", "lg": "Enkuyege tuzisanga ludda wa?" }
{ "en": "Our school has very tall buildings.", "lg": "Essomero lyaffe lirina ebizimbe ebiwanvu ennyo." }
{ "en": "Biogas is a cheaper energy source.", "lg": "Endya embi eri nnyo mu bantu ababeera okwetooloola omugga Nile we guyita." }
{ "en": "It could cost us if we lost an election.", "lg": "Kijja kutufiiriza nnyo singa tetuwangula kulonda." }
{ "en": "He served as the children's Commissioner between 2009 and 2011.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "The community is able to get the food cheaply since it is grown locally.", "lg": "Amasannyalaze ga nnakavundira ga layisi." }
{ "en": "All my chicks were eaten by eagles.", "lg": "Obukoko bwange bwonna bwaliibwa akamunye." }
{ "en": "All people should keep their animals locked.", "lg": "Abantu bonna bateekeddwa okukuuma ensolo zaabwe nga nsibe." }
{ "en": "Bank of Uganda regulates commercial banks.", "lg": "Ekitundu kisobola okufuna emmere ku layisi olw'okuba erimibwa ku kyalo." }
{ "en": "Districts have been told to have the capacity to handle government projects.", "lg": "Disitulikiti zigambiddwa okubeera n'obusobozi okukwasaganya pulojekiti za gavumenti." }
{ "en": "What drugs are used to treat malaria?", "lg": "Ddagala ki erikozesebwa okujjanjaba omusujja gw'ensiri?" }
{ "en": "The Minister of Health opened two hospitals in Kampala last week.", "lg": "Bbanka enkulu eya Uganda y'erabirira bbanka endala zonna mu Uganda." }
{ "en": "Why don’t you have your business insured?", "lg": "Lwaki bizineesi yo togissa mu yinsuwa?" }
{ "en": "The football game might be canceled because of this heavy rain.", "lg": "Omuzannyo gw'omupiira guyinza okusazibwamu olw'enkuba effuddemba." }
{ "en": "His death shocked all his friends.", "lg": "Minisita w'Ebyobulamu yagguddewo amalwaliro abiri mu Kampala wiiki ewedde." }
{ "en": "That young man intends to run for the head prefect post.", "lg": "Omuvubuka oyo ayagala kwesimbawo ku kifo ky'akulira ba pulifekiti." }
{ "en": "He warned his sister to stay in the cave while he went out hunting.", "lg": "Yagamba mwannyina aleme kuva mu mpuku nga ye agenze okuyigga." }
{ "en": "The Deputy Spokes Person opposes his party.", "lg": "Okufa kwe kwakubye mikwano gye gyonna encukwe." }
{ "en": "Our first game was not an easy one.", "lg": "Omuzannyo gwaffe ogwasooka tegwali mwangu." }
{ "en": "We enjoyed the entire journey.", "lg": "Twanyumiddwa olugendo lwonna." }
{ "en": "The northern region along the Sudanese border proved more troublesome.", "lg": "Amyuka Omwogezi avuganya ekibiina kye." }
{ "en": "My father lectures political science at the university.", "lg": "Kitange asomesa saayansi wa byabufuzi ku yunivaasite." }
{ "en": "The mosquito nets were given out for two months.", "lg": "Obutimba bw'ensiri bwagabibwa okumala emyezi ebiri." }
{ "en": "Someone stole our goats.", "lg": "Ekitundu ky'obukiikakkono ku nsalo ya Sudan kye kyasinga okuteganya." }
{ "en": "You should put on a face mask while in public places.", "lg": "Olina okuteekako akakookolo ng'oli mu bifo by'olukale." }
{ "en": "The country held scientific campaigns last year.", "lg": "Eggwanga lyakuba kkampeyini mu ngeri ya ssaayansi omwaka oguwedde." }
{ "en": "People have been advised to have a balanced diet.", "lg": "Waliwo eyabbye embuzi zaffe." }
{ "en": "She agreed to plead guilty to the murder of her friend.", "lg": "Yakkiriza okuwoza nti ogw'okutta mukwano gwe gumusinga." }
{ "en": "It was a live show.", "lg": "Lwali lulaga lwa buliwo." }
{ "en": "His father smiled at him", "lg": "Abantu bakubiriziddwa okulya emmere erimu ebiriisa byonna." }
{ "en": "He met a group of foxes at night.", "lg": "Yasanze eggana ly'ebibe ekiro." }
{ "en": "What is the role of the office of the prime minister?", "lg": "Woofiisi ya ssaabaminisita ekola mulimu ki?" }
{ "en": "Uganda Revenue Authority is in charge of collecting taxes in Uganda.", "lg": "Kitaawe yamumwenyeza." }