<s>[INST] Hi, I m an 8 year colon cancer survivor. I had my colon removed at initial diagnosis and have been very healthy since then. June of 2011 I say block stools for two weeks after some hard training for a race. A blood test indicated I was anemic. I took some medicine for a month and my numbers returned to normal. This June and July I saw black stools again and my numbers were low. I ve had upper scops and a camera pill that show nothing major, just slight erosions of the esophogus. I have not seen any block stools since July (not Sept) but my Hemoglobin is still at 12.6. I ve been on Prilosec for 3 months now and it doesn t seem to be helping. I mountain bike very hard (race too) and play volleyball alot. About 6-10 hours of excercise a week. I feel ok although I am not as fast on the bike as I used to be. My question is, what do you think I should be asking my docs to look at now and is it safe to keep pushing my body with a 12.6 hemoglobin count? I ve read this can put strain on the body. Thanks. [/INST] Normal hemoglobin level for men is 13.8 to 18.0 g/DL. Your hemoglobin of 12.6 is not that low and upper GI endoscopy is normal. But since u had colon cancer in past I would suggest u undergo colonoscopy and blood for CEA test. Yearly CT scan of chest and whole abdomen should also be done for colon cancer. Regards and Take care</s>
<s>[INST] My sister goes to the oncologist Thursday after additional tests to confirm aortic cancer. I have never heard of this cancer and have gotten little even general understanding from the internet. Can you possibly enlighten me as to what it is , the prognosis (aggressive, treatment, rare, etc.)? Virginia Lanter [/INST] Hi dear. I also have not heard of any variety of such cancer. You should send other reports to get more information. A cancer arising from aorta may be referred to as aortic cancer. Depending on its extent surgery may be done to have cure.</s>
<s>[INST] My dad was recently diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer that has also spread to the liver . The cancer in size are the size of a grain of rice. I have seen charts where cancer starts out like a grain of rice,pea,grape ect.. all the way up to a golf ball. So my question is : Does the size of the cancer mean that he has a greater chance of survival with treatment now because the cancer is still so small? Or in a stage 4 diapnoses the size of the cancer doesn t matter..... [/INST] Hi, In some sort of cancer even in stage 4 cancer there is chance of complete cure. But unfortunately pancreatic cancer is not of this category. Stage 4 disease has guarded prognosis. Now some more information will be helpful like his liver function test, no. of liver metastasis, routine blood test to have a more elaborate discussion. Anyway size of primary in pancreas matters little in the setting of metastatic disease. Consult your doctor.</s>
<s>[INST] My neck broken pipe from from the rooftop six and 600 pounds Crush push my head into Manchester airport Halo intrigue me for two days then they proceeded to go into the back of my neck I got 4 rods tutus and bunches screws no mobility two months later I got osteomyelitis real bad case into my bones and blood I feel like I m get again and I m sick all the time why is this happening [/INST] Hi, thanks for the brief history of you. Since you mentioned the osteomyelitis you have been diagnosed at a later stage post surgery then you may have an infection persisting in blood cells as well. There are chances you get infection frequently. Why don't you meet up the surgeon and discuss if you can do some exercises. As EXERCISES will help you to boost your metabolism and help you avoid frequent infections. It is even important that you do exercises under guidance because of the neck injury you had in the past. The improvement in the metabolic and immune system will help you feel stronger and healthier. With the grace of God I wish you a speedy recovery.</s>
<s>[INST] I have anxiety. At my Dr appt. yesterday my bp was 138/96 and my pulse rate 98. Previous 2 appointments over last year or so was 138/96 and 138/94. Im concerned, but doctor just seems to think anxiety, yet due to anxiety I can feel my heart racing multiple times throughout the day. I feel sick. [/INST] Hi, I can understand the distress you might be having due to anxiety. Anxiety disorders can lead to multiple symptoms like worries, palpitations, sweating, tremors, Blood pressure fluctuations, etc. I suggest you seek a psychiatric consultation for the same. Baseline investigations like complete blood counts, thyroid profile and ECG would be required to rule out any underlying medical conditions. Treatment with medications like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors will be helpful in your condition. In addition, you should start exercising daily. That will help in reduction of anxiety. Hope this information was helpful. Best wishes.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi , my son is 3 years 3 months old he has allergy and uses levolin puff . His spasm is not acute but often suffers with it during change of season. recently he has been prescribed Budecort 200 two puffs twice daily for three months. I am a little uncomfortable with the use of steroid at this age he weighs 20 kgs and is almost 3 feet tall. Want your advice regarding the side effects [/INST] Hi, I admire your positive outlook regarding the query. For asthma management, physicians need to advice various medications which depends on its severity and control.>Leveling acts by dilating air passages and relieves acute breathlessness.>On the other hand, Decor which is an steroid act by reducing inflammation which prevents as well as controls frequent asthma symptoms. It has some side effects like fungal infections of mouth and throat (Candidiasis). Systemic steroid effects on higher doses like mood changes, hyperglycemia, smell & taste disturbances, osteoporosis etc. Your son has been prescribed Decor two puffs of 200 micrograms twice daily that means a total of 800 micrograms which equals to 0.8 mg only. Moreover, very little amount of steroid is absorbed as it is used via inhalation.Therefore, its side effect is almost negligible except candidiasis. That is why your child is advised to gurgle his mouth with plain water after taking puffs which will prevent candidiasis. I presume that a diagnosis of probable asthma has been made and given proper medicine accordingly. Hope this answers your query. Wishing your son good health.</s>
<s>[INST] I m desperate to find a specialist in the Pittsburgh, PA or surroundings, who specializes in treating black mold illnesses. My daughter is very ill due to spending 1 year in an apartment where the landlord refused to do anything about it. Some of her illnesses include: severe muscle pain, loss of hair, impaired vision (getting worse), breathing problems especially at night, 14 or 15 yeast infection in one year, some bleeding from her rectum, blurred vision, extreme fatigue etc..... I need help and advice. Please help me to help her. Who can we contact. We have exhausted every possibility that we know. [/INST] You should meet certain specialist and take their opinion on the same issue. A few I can mention. Meet a dermatologist, a pulmonologist, a cardiologist, a general physician, a physical medicine rehab specialist. Lastly after these people have a proper communication within their own parameters your child will be helped better. Do talk about the fatigue issue. As a physical therapist might help with simple exercise to balance the fatigue issue.</s>
<s>[INST] So, today me and partner had sex. This is not the first time we had sex and every time we have had sexual intercourse we have been careful and used a condom while I have also been on birth control. This is the first month I have been off of the pill. Today while we were having sex, the condom ripped at the top. We believe that the head of his penis was only exposed for about 1-3 minutes before he pulled out and we realized what happened. 3 minutes being the most. We are absolutely positive that he did not cum inside of me but there is a pretty good chance that there was pre-cum. My period is due in two weeks. What do you think the chances of me being pregnant are? [/INST] Hello Welcome to Chat Doctor. Thanks for posting your query. If you are so pretty sure that the semen did not enter, then congratulations you need not worry. We have seen so many such cases and I can say more than 90% of the times, you are safe. And as you say, we shall wait for your dates and once you have periods this time, just forget it. If not, you can contact me. Will guide you on further details. Don't worry. Contact back If you have some more queries.</s>
<s>[INST] hi my child is 3 yrs old and is suffering from cough and cold from last two weeks. The doctor had suggested for omnocortil for 3 days and augmentin for 10 days. its a week now but still his chest is congested,he used to take nebulisation with budecort and asthalin but still he is not getting rid of the cough he has stil got flum inside.now the doctor is sugges ting for foracort inhaler 100.is it safe to give puffs for my child,need ur suggestion [/INST] Young child Chat Doctor. If he continues to be breathless, continue with nebulization with Stalin and decor. You may repeat a course of omnacortil for 3 to 5 days. Different manufacturers have different guidelines regarding use of forecourt in child</s>
<s>[INST] I am a 54 yr old african american male. with diabetes. I have been keeping in check lately. For the past month I have had this pain sensation in my r. thigh. The pain is if I have a 1000 + needles stabbing into the front of my thigh. I have a numbness on the outside of the same thigh. I also get this sensation of water or liquid running across the front of the same thigh. What is going on ? [/INST] Hello, These sensations are neurogenic pain. There may be imbalance of blood glucose level which may because for this. High blood glucose may lead to naturopathies. I shall advise you to check blood glucose level frequently. If it is normal then you should consult to a neurophysician for help.Meanwhile, you may have acetaminophen preparation for relief. In our routine outdoor practice for relief of such pain I used to prescribe pregabalin preparations. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care </s>
<s>[INST] I have seasonal bronchitis whicChatDoctores yearly once or twice in the rainy or cold season. I use ampicillin based tablets ....can you suggest me the best medicine.Symptoms: Running nose sometimes or blocked nose sometimes, severe cough, sometimes body pains (may be due to severe continuous cough) but someitmes occasional cougChatDoctores. SLight fever so I use sinarest tablet. [/INST] Hi thanks for asking question. Mostly according to history you have allergic or seasonal rhinitis with respiratory involvement. Continue using antihistamine Chat Doctor. Meanwhile, take more fruits and more water. Green leafy vegetable are helpful. Avoid smoking strictly as it can aggravate condition. Take healthy nutritional diet. Steam inhalation will be helpful in relieving congestion. If condition still severe then leukotrien antagonist </s>
<s>[INST] Hi there I have a painful lump under my jaw line on the left hand side, it sort of pops out when I move my head downwards, it moves around and is painful when I touch it, then it will pop back under my jaw line and I have trouble finding it, do I need to see my g.p? Thanks [/INST] Hi, This is mostly likely a lymph node. These can enlarge with infection even when the infection is very mild. There are many in the head and neck area. They are often tender when touched. You do not need to see your doctor. It will disappear over the next week. Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi Sir, I have girl child 5 years old, last 5-6 days she was not feeling well. occasionally she had fever, cough & cold, . now all symptoms gone by using T-minac, Combiflam, & Ampi-Coxicillin. she looks OK other times now, but when given food for eating she coughs and omits the food. & now feeling weakness. please telll me, can I use Ondensetron & Azithromycin & apitizer ? [/INST] Hello. I have gone through your question. Yes you can use Ondansetron syrup 2 mg/5ml, 5ml three times a day on empty stomach. Donor give azithromycin as of now. If the condition does not resolve, or she develops some fever, then start with an antibiotic like norfloxacin 100 mg.5ml. 5ml three times a day. You can give an appetizer as well. I hope this helps. If you have any other queries/question please feel free to ask. Thanks and wish your daughter a healthy life.</s>
<s>[INST] I have had pain in my upper left abdomen - mid region to the left, at the bottom of my ribs. It feels like fullness there, not in my stomach just near the ribs. It also leaves my ribs feeling like they are bruised. I have recently been feeling dizzy and my eyes jump on occasions, and have nausea as well as feeling like I have a mild blackout feeling not enought to black out but like you do when you get when quickly sometimes. [/INST] I MAY BE DUE TO INDIGESION YOU CAN TAKE HIGVASTAK CHURNA 1TEASPOON 2 TIMES FOR 1WK.</s>
<s>[INST] hello, im a 22 year old male, i have had sudden testicular pain in my right testicle, first felt like i was kicked in the balls, now the pain changed, feels like the pain is in the veins, i had a blood test and ultrasound and both tested negative..what can this pain be ? thank you for your help [/INST] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have some infection like epididymis orchids, or you may have torsion of testis. You should go for examination. If needed to take a course of antibiotics. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have any doubts then contact me at bit.ly/ Chat Doctor. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.</s>
<s>[INST] Hello, I ve had an itchy throat with constant coughing, sometimes very harsh, and sneezing with clear exudate, and I ve been afebrile. It is very bothersome. The constant coughing and sneezing and runny nose keeps me awake at nite. I ve been eating coujgh drops like crazy just to soothe my throat. Any suggestions? Allergies? Sinusitis? Definite post nasal drip , sometimes thick, sometimes thin and watery and always clear. [/INST] Hello this is ChatDoctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I am 19 After I donated blood i felt angry all of a sudden but i felt really light too not light headed like i could move faster and i noticed that i took notice of every thing around me like myy sense became a bit hightened from the experence should I be concerned? [/INST] Hello, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I understand your concern. If I am your doctor I suggest you that blood donation won't cause such a reaction. We had carried out many blood donation camps from many years but we haven't find even a single case of such whicChatDoctorplaints of short leopardess. Donating a blood is a very good and noble cause. Do as much you can give. Also inspire for your known for blood donation. I will be happy to answer your further concerned can contact me. Chat Doctor. Infectious disease specialist. Thank you.</s>
<s>[INST] i am from agartala, tripura. last one and half months, i am suffering from right back pain severely. whenever stand-up after sitting a long time in a chair or bed then i feel pain that my nerve is going to be hanged. after few minutes this is going to be normal. when i walking there is no pain in my right legs.i was suggested two-three doctors from orthopaedic specialist ground but no result found at all. please help me [/INST] Dear patient First of all what is your age? Have you met with accident or trauma? Any investigation done? Since back pain is for 2 months and not relieved with Chat Doctor. MRI gives details of disc, nerves and even bones. So visit a radiology center and request MRI asap. Till then start tab diclofenac plus thiocolchicoside combination twice a day for pain relief plus tab vita 12 plus pregabalin 75 mg at bedtime for 10 days. Both </s>
<s>[INST] I have two infected teeth at the moment, swollen glands are present as well. They re abscessed, I m sure. So, my question is this: I have full scripts of both 500mg Cefuroxime as well as 500mg Amoxicillin. I can t get to the dentist until this Friday and I need to start a round of something NOW, because, for obvious reasons, the dentist will not pull teeth as infected as mine presently are. I m sure that the Amoxicillin would be the best choice, even though the Cefuroxime is stronger. But, I ve taken and stopped Amoxicillin so many times in the past that I m sure I ve built up a resistance to it. So, which one do I start? I know I need to get to the dentist, but please, which would you recommend? [/INST] Hi, Thanks for posting the query, I would suggest you to take tab almost Cleveland BD and tab diclofenac BD for 3-5 days, instead of the given medications. Antibiotics and analgesics will give a temporary relief unless the tooth is treated with Root canal treatment you will face pain and infection, I would suggest you to consult a nearby Dentist get an x-ray done and start with the treatment. Hope you find this as helpful, Take care!</s>
<s>[INST] hi. My 15 year old girl has been waking up sat, sun and today with swelling in her fingers, and ankles and complains of itching different parts of body, feet, hands, and tops of legs, back. I think she has been laying in bed too long, prolonged sitting, and drinking lots of chocolate/banana smoothies, not enough water. I have told her to move around, drink water, and back off on smoothies in diet, I also told he she could take benedryll liquid and apply cream. Any other suggestions? [/INST] Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor . I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns. As per your complaint sudden swelling in fingers and ankles along with itching or Urticaria in different body parts seems to be most probably be due to allergic reaction to some unknown allergen. It can be due to a number of things certain insect/bug bites, poison ivy, skin cosmetics, detergents, foods, leather, latex, medicines etc. It can also be due to mite infestation causing Scabies. I would suggest you to consult an Allergist and get evaluated and a thorough clinical evaluation and blood tests can help in confirming the diagnosis and treatment can be planned accordingly. You can be advised to take anti allergic like Allegra or Clarity, apply steroid ointment, do cool compresses over the body and apply calamine lotion. In case of Scabies you can be advised to apply Preterit lotion and take Ivermectin. You can also be advised anti allergic along to relieve itching. Hope this information helps. Thanks and regards. Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I am a healthy 33 year old woman, but I have been feeling odd lately and was wanting some ideas as to what it could be....I have been experiencing lower back pain, cramping in my lower abdomen, swelling of my hands and feet, dizziness, am more tired than usual and in general just feel kind of lousy. Any ideas? [/INST] That could be a number of things. Have you changed anything like your diet? Are you constipated? Could explain cramping & swelling, (less intake of salt). The question everyone will ask: are u pregnant? Have you experienced any weight gain as well? If these symptoms persist & become bothersome. See your </s>
<s>[INST] I had cervical cancer Stage 2B in 2008. I m now considered in remission even though last years PAP my doctor said came back abnormal. He said that as long as my cell count was below 32 I would still be considered in remission. I m confused. Do I have a new type of cancer? Does this mean I m only considered out of remission when the cell count is high enough for them to treat? [/INST] Hi and thank you so much for this query. It is difficult to tell what your doctors are referring to as remission. What treatment options were to offered after the diagnosis of this cancer? Also, what were the immediate controls after the treatment. Are the counts still same or are they increasing? If they are still same and not increasing, then there is no reason to get worried. However, if the counts are increasing, even below the mentioned 32, it is enough reason to get concerned. I hope this helps. I wish you well. Thank you so much for using our services and do feel free to ask for more information and clarifications if need be.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I have been in hospital for 5 days for asthma. Treatment , hi dose soloemedrol iv, and antibiotic iv, and other meds. I m at my house now but I m feeling very sick, can t stop shaking, can t stand up very week, fast heart beat, BP 137/97 blood sugar 290 Dry mouth. Should I be concern? I m 51 years old and lupus With a double standing DNA off 290 [/INST] Hi, Thank you for your query. I can understand your concerns. I need to know whether you are taking also beta-a Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] A week before I start my period I get extremely agitated and irritable. Than I get a very sharp back ache on my lower back.when my flow becomes heavy I begin to feel very light headed, unable to focus poor memory and tunnel vision where I instantly and very strongly want to fall asleep. Its brief but happens often. I feel very fatigued, cant tolerate the cold very well. I will suffer from heartburn causing lots of nausea. I get loose stools the entire time I am on my period where I visit the bathroom 4 or 5 times a day just for that. When I near the end I get a migraine where I am stuck in bed sometimes for two days. Usually one full day. Its there anything I can do? [/INST] Hi, It appears that you have amenorrhea, to its maximum extent, it may be due to the infection, and anxiety, or may be due to the ovarian condition. I advise you to consult a gynecologist for diagnosis and treatment. Once the infection and amenorrhea is controlled you will be free of anxiety and motions and migraine. Thank you.</s>
<s>[INST] hi..am 58 yrs old man. i have high fever 102-104 degree celsius since four days..have burning sensation while passing urine. the same problem happened to me in oct 2010. i got my urine test done,the report of which says pus cells as numerous.. protein 1+ glucose 1+.. if u cud plz guide me if i am nt having any major problem ? [/INST] Hi, You are having severe urinary tract infection. Kindly get a direct check-up with your physician including urine culture. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. Radhakrishnan. Nair, ORGAN</s>
<s>[INST] Hi my 2 year old is going for an op to remove a lump in his groin, dont know when as he seen the specolist last thursday but since then his hair has starting 2 fall out alot, went 2 the local doctors yesterday and said leave it for a month and if it gets worse bring him back! Me and my wife a so worrid as they dont know what the lump is or the reson why he is loesing alot of hair [/INST] Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. Skin conditions are best diagnosed only after seeing directly. I suggest you to upload photographs of the same on this website, so that I can guide you scientifically. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Chat Doctor are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.</s>
<s>[INST] sir i am 45 yearss leady. i am a bp patient, i had my tmt two months back.my dr. told me that after two months again we will go for it. my doctor has told me that nothing is to worry. he has not prescribed any medicine also. now i am afraid ,sir does it mean that i am havin blockage in my heart.jarchana@ [/INST] Hello, The general validity of a TMT is 12-18 months, so if you have done is just recently, and it was normal you may not repeat it, however your doctor would have planned a review if the last TMT was borderline, or your blood pressure may have shot up, or you were unable to walk to the desired level of activity. However, you need not worry about it as till now you haven't done a TMT, and the last was good according to the information provided . Even if your TMT comes positive there are still 30% change that the report is false positive. So don't take unnecessary stress of the future. Hoping I could help. Regards Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] My father (age 75) has mouth disease symptoms like purpule blue colour appreance in one side of toung and gingivitis and pain in chest , he cant able to eat any soild food. pls give me your valuble guidlines and treatment required for this ? [/INST] Hi Elumalai, How are your fathers general health? BP/diabetes/cardiac/renal problems? Visit an Oral medicine specialist ASAP to ascertain what the cause of his problems are. Once oral infection is cleared, he will be able to eat better. Meanwhile, use TATUM mouthwash/McCoppin ointment 20 min before meals to prevent discomfort. Oral infection has been known to aggravate chest/heart problems so do not delay the Chat Doctor. Thanks & best wishes to your father</s>
<s>[INST] H I. i am 37 yo and i have had abdomanal pain in my right side for about three months now and the pain is really bad at night it wakes me up , it is like a bad stitch. i have my gallbladder removed about 10 mnths ago and i have a cycts on my left ovarie , my mother died from ovarian cancer and im a bit concerned [/INST] HI. When you are a diagnosed case of an ovarian cyst, this becomes the most probable reason in spite of the fact that you have pain on the right side of the abdomen and the ovarian cyst is on the left ovary. Other reasons of pain in right side like appendicitis, colitis, nephritis, lymph node mass, salpingitis and ovarian problem can be diagnosed on ultrasonography and be confirmed with CT scan. Once the probable diagnosis is made you can go for a diagnostic Laparoscopy and undergo definite surgery if need be, You can ask for the tumor marker tests since you have a history of cancer in the family.</s>
<s>[INST] My friend was with his girl the other day and they were making out. They were lying on top on one another. The guy was naked but the girl had her underwear on. After a while the guy noticed that his cum was on her underwear. There were few patches of cum . The penis wasnt inserted in the vagina but the cum was on her underwear. Change of pregnancy? My friends worried [/INST] Hello, I think there is no pregnancy possibility through your description. Most probably the girl is not pregnant because of non-penetrative sex. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] occasional blood spots in my urine, not on a daily basis. now I noted a back pain, it seems like to my left hip, I am feeling the pain when getting up from a sitting position and walking, I am not taking any pain meds, my only medication is Fosamax with Vit D once a week. Please help. [/INST] Fullback pain and occasional blood in urine may be due to renal calculus, urinary tract infection etc. You need clinical correlation and investigations like routine hologram, renal function test, Urine RE/ME, Urine culture and sensitivity and Ultrasound of abdomen. Ultrasound is important, and it can exclude many possibilities. CT scan can be done if needed. Proper treatment depend upon findings. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] sir,my sistar son is 8 years old boy he is not very well from 8 days today we cheked the blood the report is hemoglobin is 5.4 ,rbc count.1.57,platelate count-2,88,ooo/, peripheral blood smear-moderatly hypochromic rbcs shows anisopoikilocytosis,no of microcyte,macrocyte,ovilocytes, tear drop & target cell seen impression ;dimorphic anemia s/o iron b12 & folic acid defecincy. sir please informe me, what is it situation?& is it treatment available or not?. [/INST] Hi...by what you quote this seems to be a nutritional anemia, but to be specific he needs to be investigated further. The test I recommend would be Hemoglobin electrophoresis, hemoglobin indices and serum folic acid and B12 levels. With so low hemoglobin (5.4g%), he might even require a blood transfusion. Once diagnosis of nutritional anemia is made it is treatable. Regards - </s>
<s>[INST] Hi for the past two years I ve noticed a dark spot perfectly round and blister like the first day it appears the second day just a black dot I ve prob had a total of 15 not all at once just over the past two years.. and I noticed the same thing in my 3 yr olds nephews mouth yesterday and freaked out what is it? help :( [/INST] maybe they are nevus or mole or café au lait spots one need to see to make a diagnosis and I advise to show to a dermatologist to make it clear.</s>
<s>[INST] I ve had severe pain in my left side for several weeks. I went to ER about it and they said it was likely from coughing. This morning I sneezed and something happened and it was such severe pain i nearly blacked out. It s still much worse ever since. Very difficult to move around without making it much worse and even breathing can be very painful. It s extremely tender to the touch too. Not sure what to make of it but I have no insurance or money and i can t just keep going to ER, besides they don t do anything. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Michele P.S. I cannot take any NSAIDS because of previous bleeding stomach ulcers. I m 34 yrs old in case that matters. Thanks again. [/INST] Hi It is Costco Chat Doctor. Any anti inflammatory and analgesic with anti histamine will be helpful.</s>
<s>[INST] i have arthiristis in my hands which started about a year ago. My hands have gone from bad to worse as there and knots and pain. also in the last 6 months my hands swell to the point it feels like they separate from my arms and the way they feel as well it is like having balloms as hands instead of hands. it was and has been so bad in the mornings when i get up it is also very hard to use them. Now it is happening more though out the day as well. i also have Dystonia which has effected a lot of things as well as my hands for a while now. That was going on before the swelling which also caused a great deal of difficulty with my hands along the way. My speach is also effected to the point so many whom don t know me or have they meet me before believe i have been drinking and i am drunk. I don t drink. Thanks for any answers you can help me with. XXXX [/INST] Hello, Slurred speech is indicative of nervous system disorder (neuropathy). Other conditions can be brain injury, brain tumor, weakness of facial muscles or nerve damage, stoke, Multiple Sclerosis, etc. Since you have arthritis, follow your doctors prescription & treatment. Avoid sedentary life, stay active. Do exercise & take vitamin E supplements so that your joints stay lubricated. For slurring of speech you are suggested not to neglect but get clinically examined by a Neurologist & get Nerve conduction tests, blood tests, imaging tests & nerve biopsy if needed. Take vitamin B6, B12 rich food or supplements. Get treated at the earliest. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello, this is my question. I am a regular plasma donor at a facility here where I live. Every 4 months they take a blood sample to be sent off for a protein analysis, it usually takes 10 days to get the sample back. Normally I know when the sample will be taken so I take 10 days off from donating at all before and the sample always comes back fine (because I am older, 40, weight 153 and I guess donating lowers my protein levels). I have had 2 samples come back recently with a protein of 5.9 (needs to be 6.0 or higher) and I am wondering what it is I need to be doing/and or changing to ensure that my levels are in range. Also, how is this different from the screening test they do every time I go in to donate to test my microhemocrotit? I have been out of range a couple times recently on that and was told to eat iron-rich foods. I am now including an iron supplement with my daily vitamins. I would appreciate any help or advice you could give, I am frustrated. Thank you! [/INST] DEAR SIR/MADAME BLOOD PLASMA PROTEINS INCLUDE ALBUMIN AND GLOBULIN WHICH FUNCTIONS FOR MAINTAINING.1. MAINTAINING COLLOIDAL PRESSURE - BLOOD PRESSURE2. ANTIBODY PRODUCTION WHICH FIGHTS INFECTIONS - DETERMINE IMMUNITY3. ESSENTIAL FOR MAINTAINING RENAL PERFUSION WHICH HELPS IN CONCENTRATION OF URINE AND MAINTAINING URINE OUTPUT.THESE DEFICIENCIES ARE COMMON IN 1. ANEMIA WITH HYPOPROTIENEMIA2. INCREASED PROTEIN LOSS IN KIDNEYS DUE TO FUNCTIONAL KIDNEY DISEASESUPPLEMENTATION OF IRON WITH OTHER MICROBITCOINS MIGHT BE OF VERY LITTLE IMPORTANCE AS THE MAIN PROBLEM IS DEFICIENCY OF PROTIENYOUR VALUES ARE NOT TOO LOW AND ALSO WHEN YOU FREQUENTLY GIVE BLOOD DONATIONS THEN OBVIOUSLY IT VARIES.SO PROPER PROTEIN SUPPLEMENTATION WHICH IS OF ANIMAL ORIGIN LIKE EGG WHITE ARE RICH IN ALBUMIN WHICH RESTORES THE DEFICIENT LEVELS.EVEN VEGETABLE PROTEINS MIGHT BE OF SOME HELP. BUT I PREFER PROTEINS OF ANIMAL ORIGIN.THANKS</s>
<s>[INST] I took Cipro for UTI, and it came back a few days later, so I took it a second week. My symptoms were frequent need to urinate, even when there was hardly any liquid, and occasionally I would have blood on my panty liners, just a few drops, usually brought on by walking on a treadmill or moving around a lot. My need to urinate has improved, but still every 10-15 minutes when I get up, and about every hour after that. it is more frequent after I have had something to drink. I mostly drink water. I have a few drops of blood every day. I have no pain or burning, no fever. I am finishing up a candida supplement I have taken for 2 weeks. [/INST] I suggest you to have a cultural test of your purines: it is possible that you have an infection that is resistant to Ciprofloxacin, and with this exam you could have the possibility to know what bacterium is causing your infection and doing a specific antibiotic therapy. I also suggest you to check if the blood comes from purines or other part of your body.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi I am 27 years old andam experiencing perineum pain that is very intense for 10-15 seconds. This pain is only brought on by landing on my feet from a jump or sneezing hard. So only sudden movements cause the problem. After 15 seconds the pain goes away as if it never happened. [/INST] HAI. This is due to increase I'm abdominal pressure compressing on the perineum, , dueto sneezing, jumping etc.It's nothing to worry. U can try with simple painkillers like ibuprofen to reduce if it is really bothering u, if it still persistent pls meet a general surgeon</s>
<s>[INST] I have a skin rash that developed on my legs and now is on my arms and wrists, they can be very itchy, they look like red dots, my nuetrophilis is 9.9 my wbc is 12.4 hemoglobinn 115 and rdw is 15.1. could my blood work be a reason this is happening? [/INST] HIT hank for asking to ChatDoctorI appreciate your concern the rash that you are having is not because of the blood parameters, but this could be allergic rash that might have developed due to the hypersensitivity reaction, if I would be your doctor then I would treat this condition with the following medicine, 1) Tab Levocetrizine 10 mg three times in day if the symptoms persistence or appears again then this is to be seen by the dermatologist, hope this information helps you, have a nice day.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I had a small growth like in my thigh near anal part. It was first observed in year 2010 and was slightly increasing its size very slowly. But it was soft in nature. Now it is about 1.8 cms in diameter. Today suddenly I felt that it became slightly harder as if it is pressure filled. I have Piles. But no treatment has been taken till now. Is it dangerous that tonight itself should I visit the hospital. Advise please. I have high blood pressure also normally. [/INST] Hi. This looks to be a prolapsed pile which has gone into thrombosis. No need to worry. Take some painkillers. Have site bath in warm water. It is a good idea to visit a hospital to see the blood pressure. If you have a history of high blood pressure you have to take a regular treatment under the care of a Physician so that if the surgery is required you can be for surgery. Also, you will be checked to see the lump and confirm a diagnosis.</s>
<s>[INST] What is diffuse cerebral atrophy hair sir my child age 2 months and from last 1 week we consulted neurologist after ct scan told it was due to cerebral atrophy sequalae of perinatal ischemia can u explain what is cerebral atrophy can we cure it can my child normal again plz explain [/INST] Hi welcome to ChatDoctorcerebral atrophy means decrease of brain size(fewer cells, neurons etc.). Cerebral atrophy can not be reversed. Your baby needs developmental, rehabilitative, neurologic care, and early intervention services so that the best possible outcome can be achieved, how much can be achieved depends upon degree of damage to child. Normal development as on a normal child can not be achieved, the best possible development for your child should be tried. Thanks</s>
<s>[INST] Hi I have depression and my doc gave me viibryd 40ng that I tack for two years and now he gave me for depressesion latuda 20mg to take with the viibryd and I read about this Madison on this web that say that this Madison it s for bipolar and or schizophrenia So I don t understand is this Madison can help for depression? [/INST] His had gone through your query. Really you are diagnosed with depression. Because Tab Laura contains lurasidone, and it is anti psychotic medicine. It can be used in bipolar disorder and psychotic illness. It can be used sometimes in bipolar depression. You can discuss with your Doctor and get further help. Still have a query then feel free to ask. Thank you.</s>
<s>[INST] hello doc, My mother,55 has been a hypertensive from the past 12-13 yrs.She was started on amlodipine 2.5 and she did fine for 3-4yrs when she started having acute cough.Amlodipine was changed to Nifedipine and the cough subsided.For another 3-4yrs she was doing well when her legs started becoming edematous.Nifedipine was then changed to hydrochlorthiazide and her BP has been perfect until the past 6 months when it shot to 145/90.Inspite of increasing the dose there was no difference so she was kept on telmisartan40mg+hydrochlorthiazide.Even now the BP does not seem to come down and it shows a value of around 145/90.She does not have any other complaints (except for urinary incntinence for which she has not yet started any medication),her heart and kidney profiles hav also come out clear.Can u suggest a gud combination and is the BP at an alarming level? thank you [/INST] Hi,You can increase telmisartan dosage from 40gm to 80 mg along with hy ChatDoctor. Take care</s>
<s>[INST] my 1 year old daughter has red blotchy rash mostly on her stomach and chest . it appears mostly after baths and seems to be painful when inflamed. lotion or oil seems to make it worse. we have tried several different soaps - johnson s moisture therapy , aveeno, and aquaphor baby soaps. We have tried eucerin extreme dry skin lotion, aquaphor ointment, johnsons s creme lotion and regular lotion, and all cause the red raised rash to become even more inflamed and painful... please help! [/INST] Skin is sensitive you should use non-toxic ointments creams and soaps it should be without proteins it should be not free milk free soda free you a use petroleum jelly for Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] my age is 30, im taking medicine for BP blood pressure for last 2 year amalodipin 2.5, my BP is 90/110.Now im facing new problem as cholesterol last few months i was checking my cholesterol increase every month now its Total 257, my HDL-31 and LDL-195 VLDL- 31,Non HDL cholostrol 226. should i take medicine for this..?this medicine may effect liver.....? how many months have to take this, im going to get married next month..please help. [/INST] Hi thanks for asking question. Your age is younger, and you have now blooded pressure 110 / 90 which is good. You have not mentioned previous blood pressure before 2 year since you are taking Chat Doctor. Yes amlodipine slowly eliminate from body. So can affect liver.LFT done to check whether liver affected or not. You can take lifestyle measures and gradually leave </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I recently went for a blood test for pain near my GB and re flux. My ALT and AST botChatDoctore back around 60. I didn t realize I was going for a blood test the night before, and had maybe 6 beers at dinner. Could this have falsely effected the results? I went as I was experiencing abdominal pain near the gall bladder location. Thanks, David [/INST] Hi, Thanks for posting your query. I am Chat Doctor. K and I am pleased to assist you. Yes, the liver enzymes AST and ALT can increase due to alcohol intake. The high AST and ALT enzymes are not just due to the 6 beers you had the night before but may be due to </s>
<s>[INST] Hello, I have developed a dark rash in the creases of my genital area and it itches really bad. I thought it was dry skin, but even when I put coconut oil or Vaseline on it, it doesn t help. The skin also has dry white patches. I have not been sexually active in over 2 years and I noticed it happening when I shaved my genital area completely bald. Please help!!! [/INST] Hi, It seems that probably you may be having candida intertwine. Consult the dermatologist for the perfect diagnosis and proper treatment. It may be precipitated by perspiration, wetness and soap. Poor hygiene and poor immunity promote the diseases. Apply antifungal cream like Clotrimazole cream. Take the Ketoconazole tablet. Cleanse the area with diluted Detail liquid. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] My husband is 66, insulin dependent diabetic and controlled blood sugar who had a 90 minute massage this morning and following the massage, he felt dizzy, was pale, clammy and sweating and felt nauseated. His blood pressure was 148/74 and pulse was 78. [/INST] Hello, From the description, it appears like a fairly severe hypoglycemic episode. Was the blood glucose checked following the episode? Sometimes in patients on insulin and with a very strict blood glucose control, there can be such hypoglycemic episodes. It is better to give a closer look at his diet, blood glucose levels and Insulin dosage. So, as to prevent further such episodes. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.</s>
<s>[INST] my son has fallen in love with agirl whose brother suffers from choreia . Isn,t it dangerous for him to marry that lady? I mean the heridatery factor .IS IT POSSIBLE TO FIND OUT IT THROUH ANALYSES? DEAR doctor my son is 35 years old.he wants to mary agirl who has a slight problem in her right hand and also in speech. The thing is that the girl, brother suffers from vivid choreia on left side. What are we to expect if he really marries the girl? [/INST] DearWelcome to ChatDoctorWe understand your concerns went through your problem description. You have nothing to worry, I feel. Chorea is an abnormal involuntary movement disorder, and is a neurological disorder. It shows genetic affiliation only with Wilson's disease, a genetic disorder that leads to toxic levels of copper in the body. You can have the girl checked for that. But it is better to give them permission if they are already determined. You cannot foresee what is going to happen in the future and therefore, don't try to foresee their future. That can cause unnecessary anxiety. They know how to live their life. Please understand. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.</s>
<s>[INST] The night before last night I laid down on the floor and felt as if I had drank too much water. I then continued to go to bed, and once I laid down in bed, I noticed that my upper stomach (about and inch and a half above my bellybutton) was hurting. I then thought it might be indigestion, so I took tums. That didn t seem to help, and I couldn t fall asleep, so I took some advil, and that kind of helped. I was able to fall asleep. It did not wake me up at all in the night. I awoke to the same pain. This has lasted for almost two days now. This pain has also tended to move over to the right side of my stomach, just below my rib cage. I am wondering if this is appendicitis? [/INST] Here you have symptoms of pain in stomach from two days daily in night. The cause of this could be related to indigestion, acidity, or it can also be due to kidney stone as well appendicitis. I suggest visiting a doctor if it does not improve with anti acid and change with food habits and timing by keeping it proper as well healthy. Here doctor will ask you for ultrasound of abdomen after proper examination and I suggest going ahead for it for proper diagnosis and plan treatment as per that. Also keep your food habit regular and healthy. Have fruits also in diet. Keep doing daily morning and evening walking for 15-20 minutes. Do not have heavy dinner and keep dinner before 8:00pm daily. I have given here general guideline since the examination is not dine by me, but I am sure this will be useful if you follow it. Take care.</s>
<s>[INST] sir my son has got small pimple on right hand 5 days back now it has grown and become hard & red i checked with children specilist 2 days back he told it is a bite of some bee or ant but it has spread more i am worriying more YYYY@YYYY [/INST] Hello, Five days and it has gotten bigger, harder and red means the area has got some collection of blood with or without pus, and now it is getting infected. The swelling needs to be examined again which may require for the collection to be Chat Doctor. Ideally by now had it been a simple insect bite the size wouldn't be increasing or getting harder. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] hi i just recently have been having a problem. i constantly have to rub my big toe and the one next to it together. its on both feet. last night i couldnt sleep for 2 hours because i couldnt stop rubbing my toes together. i needed to put sneakers on just to fall asleep [/INST] Your problem can be a symptom of obsessive compulsive disorder. If this is irresistible urge, and you get anxious if you don't respond to this urge, you might have OCD.</s>
<s>[INST] egg got repture size was 15 - 17. Is there is a chance for getting pregnant ??? [/INST] Welcome to Chat Doctor Usually size of Graffias follicle should be 20 mm before it ruptures. Since it has ruptured you can have sex and try if pregnancy can happen. Follow up with your Doctor and also do ultrasound and Pregnancy Test to confirm pregnancy.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi sir, I m diagnosed with Pneumonitis right mid zone. I have cough and when I vomit a white liquid comes out. my chest also pains when I cough and trying to b breath in air. I have a past history of Bronchial Asthma. Is possible to be cure. I m under medication. [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. In my opinion, you should first get done chest x-ray to rule out pneumonia. Because lung infection is very common in asthma patients. You are also having chest pain on coughing and breathing. This is known as pleurisy and pneumonia is the most common cause for pleurisy. So possibility of pneumonia is more. And pneumonia is infection, so it is definitely curable. You need broad spectrum antibiotics, antihistamines and anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. Usual time for recovery is 1-2 weeks. So consult doctor and start appropriate treatment. Hope I have solved your query. Wish you good health. Thanks.</s>
<s>[INST] hello i have been experience pain in my left upper cheek bone aswell as above my rear causing migrains and dizziness this has never happend to be before and has been going on for about 3 weeks consistantly curious if you have any suggestions? sex:male height:5.10 weight:190lbs age:25 [/INST] Hi, As a first line management you can take analgesics like Paracetamol or Diclofenac for pain relief. If symptoms persist, it is better to consult a physician and get evaluated. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] My 8 month old grandson has had a fever off and on for a month. He had an ear infection and was on anti-biotics. The ears are clear, urine is clear, and he had a blood test - no results yet. There is a cat in the house. What are the symptoms of cat scratch fever? [/INST] Common symptoms of cat scratch fever include: a bump or blister at the bite or scratch site. Swollen lymph nodes near the bite or scratch site. Fatigue. Headaches. A low-grade fever.</s>
<s>[INST] My daughter sears haven been pierced for 10+years. Today when she took one pair of earrings out her right ear hole for her earrings started to bleed but the other did not. What would cause it. She put another pair of earrings in her ears today and then tonight took them out and bleed again. We cleaned with wound cleaner and rubbing alcohol and then it stops. Very weird. Please advise any advice you may have. [/INST] Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor . I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns. As per your complaint bleeding from airhole can be due to infection in the area of ear-piercing while at times tightly packed earrings can lead to lack of air flow to the area of ear-piercing and can lead to inflammation and slight area of necrosis. I would suggest you to avoid wearing the earrings for a few days and clean the area with antiseptic solution and apply an antibiotic ointment over it. Cool compresses can also be relieving. You should wear earrings a bit loosely fastened so that air can flow easily. You should also wear gold or plastic earrings as they are inert materials and will not cause allergic reaction. Hope this information helps. Thanks and regards. Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I am a 60 yr old widow, with no health issues, weigh 126#. Last night I noticed a very dark large reddish-purple bruise on my upper inner thigh, about 2 from the crotch area. I bruise easily, but it s just a very odd place to get a bruise. It almost looks like it s bleeding. I don t recall any injury or anything that may have caused it. It doesn t hurt, doesn t itch. Any reason to be concerned??? [/INST] Hello, I would explain that your symptoms could be related to a coagulation disorder. For this reason, I recommend consulting with your attending physician for a physical exam and performing some blood lab tests (complete blood count, coagulation tests, liver function tests). Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] All night last night I kept waking up to upper abdominal pain. I felt like I needed to burp or get sick. I vomited a few times but havent since. Nothing seems to make it better or worse. Ill be fine for a little bit then all of a sudden my stomach starts to hurt again. its causing my back to hurt right behind the abdominal pain. Any idea? [/INST] Hi ! Good morning. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. If I were your doctor, after a clinical assessment of your abdomen and back along with a general physical examination, I would advise you for some routine blood tests like a CBC, blood sugar, serum amylase and lipase, an LFT, blood urea, serum creatinine, an ECG and some radiological investigation like an ultrasound of whole abdomen, X-ray chest and abdomen in upright posture, followed by a CT scan if need be. In the meanwhile, I would relieve your pain with some anti-spasmodic and a proton pump inhibitor Chat Doctor. Further management would depend on the result of clinical assessment and the investigation reports. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Chat Doctor</s>
<s>[INST] My 4 year daughter stated she hit her head on the floor. I didnt see it but she has been complaining of a headache. Last night I gave her motrin and she went to bed. This morning she was ok but now she is complaining again and now she is sleeping (nap) which she NEVER does. Should I be worried? [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor. I have read your question in detail and I know that you are very concerned about your child. In case of trauma to head of child if their loss of consciousness, seizures, mouth or nose bleed or persistent vomiting, then there are chances of internal bleed or fracture. If these things are not present, then chances of internal bleeding are minimal. Pain at site of trauma may persist for few days. An examination by neurosurgeon is a must. I hope this will help you. Wishing your child good health. Take care.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, Over the last several years I have been having issues with my feet and lower legs. The pain in my feet feels down to the bone and most times it is too painful to walk. I have hard masses on the bottoms of my feet (1 each) and on my shins (erythema nadosims - spelling incorrect). My Rheumatologist said that nothing was coming together for a diagnosis several years ago. Now within the last week I am losing strength in both my hands and the ability to grip objects small or large (been dropping things). My blood work showed high calcium levels, lymphs and wbc yet his nurse called me and said that doctor is on vacation but said to call me to say that the blood work looked good and that s it. I am VERY, VERY scared especially with whatever is happening to my hands!!! I have other things going on such as recent acid reflux, carpal tunnel, osteopinia, and knee issues that have me in physical therapy, not sure if they could all be related. Should I be getting a second opinion and be worried about whatever is happening with my hands? [/INST] Your weakness in hand could be due to CTS. You need to see a good Hand Surgeon for that. But you have multitude of problems. And a thorough look by a rheumatologist is a must.</s>
<s>[INST] I woke up last night with my heart racing. I was breathing slowly to calm my heart, but it kepts pumping extremely quickly. My depth perception is off and earlier my vision was blurry. I was shaking through all of this. Dad says its an anxiety attack. [/INST] Hello, This can be anxiety attack but will not wake you up from the sleep, I am keeping it lower down. This can be arrhythmia like PSV or atrial fibrillation, where your heart rate suddenly goes up and BP falls. These are episodic tachycardia and your ECG may be normal if you are not having tachycardia during ECG. You will need evaluation like thyroid test and holder monitoring. You should also get one hemoglobin levels done. So visit nearby cardiologist for this investigation. Also, to abort such episodes you should try to cough hard. Is there any stress or anxiety associated. Till the time your evaluation is complete, you can ask your local doctor for tab collar LA 20 mg once a day. If none of the above is successful then last option is of electrophysiologist studies which is invasive test which can diagnose and treat the arrhythmia permanently in most of the cases. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] dont know yeah I have a pain in my lower left abdominal and I was wondering what it could be I feel weak all the time my veins start aching for no reason,I constantly feel tired and I dont know what to do. whenever the pain starts in my lower left abdominal I start getting dizzy [/INST] Hi. Thanks for your query and an elucidated history. This is insufficient of the history. You should have provided more. Well, if one gets dizzy with the pain on the left side of the abdomen, this can be due to severe colitis. Get a clinical / physical examination by a Doctor and ultrasonography to rule out any other internal problem. A proper diagnosis alone can lead to a proper treatment.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi Dr., my name is Amber I was wondering if i should go to the emergency room or not could you please help me? I was at work and I felt a little cold so I went to my car to grab a sweatshirt and i tripped while my car door was open and tried to catch my fall and hit the corner of my left eye between my brow bone and eye... it s swollen so i have just been keeping ice on it but should i be worried i can see fine no black outs just really swollen... please help me thank you, Amber [/INST] Hi welcome to ChatDoctorI have gone through you your query regarding swelling in the corner of left eye due to hitting. Dear Amber, as far as you're hitting your eye and swelling is concerned it is a matter of concern. Swelling is natural when you get hurt and goes after sometime. You can apply little hot pad on the affected part ad apply a Chat Doctor. You can see well so you need not worry. If you wish you can take advice from your doctor. Hope this helps solves your query. Take care, All the best. Wish Get well soon.Don't hesitate to get back TF have any further query.</s>
<s>[INST] I have a smallish red spot on the right top edge of my penis head, as well as a blotchy red area on the dorsal side of the shaft, in the top area where I was circumcised. The spots/blotches are painless, do not itchy, and might be very slightly raised, but not very noticeably so. I currently am in a committed relationship and we do not use condoms, but neither of us have ever experienced any problems or concerns regarding STDs. I assume it is some kind of friction irritation, but am concerned it is something more serious. [/INST] HiT hank you for asking Chat Doctor. I have gone through your query. Pain less spots can be STD like syphilis also. In such case dark field microscopy of swab from lesion helps to identify. A visual examination by a dermatovenerologist also helps. If it is that then antibiotics like doxycycline for 7 days will be helpful. If that is clear then ointments witChatDoctorbination of antifungal like fluconazole, antibacterial like Aureomycin and corticosteroid like dexamethasone will be helpful. Hope this may help you. Let me know if anything is not clear. Thanks.</s>
<s>[INST] Dear sir my sister is suffered from fistula in ano from last 6 month..Two operations completed..And last operation was completed through radio surgury.. but sir pus is still discharging..dear sir we r in very tension please suggest whatever is posible.thanks-PANKAJ DUBEY [/INST] Hello, very pleased to hear from you about the fistula of your sister. Fistula is very notorious in recurrence. If it recurred it is very difficult to operate again. It is recurred even after doing with radio surgery. I am afraid that it will recur again and again. If I am your treating Doctor I advised You to take proper and hygienic care of your sister. That is the only way you can prevent the recurrence. THX</s>
<s>[INST] My daughter first had LCH of the spine (T4 vertebrae) in 2006, with a recurrence in 2009 (T6 & L1). Both times it was preceded with intense pain for several months that did not show up on any of the scans. She is now again in an intense pain cycle without scans showing the cause. how common is this in histio patients and could this pain now just be her "new normal"? [/INST] Histiocytosis is a general name for a group of disorders or "syn Chat Doctor. Symptoms in adults may include:Bone pinches painCoughFeverGeneral discomfort, uneasiness, or ill feelingIncreased amount of urineRashShortness of breathiest and increased </s>
<s>[INST] Hello, my name is Stanley. I had a seizure last year this time, and was given Levetiracetam (among others). I ran out a few days ago, and feel horrible. Back and shoulder pain, and shortness of breath is happening right now. I am Asthmatic, but I was wondering if I should try to get back on this medication? [/INST] The seizure medication shouldn't have anything to do with your current symptoms. Hopefully you had your shortness of breath checked out by your doctor. Back and shoulder pain, if you are still having it, could be further evaluated with MRI imaging and your doctors exam. If you are not having seizures, then there is no need to remain on the Levetiracetam.</s>
<s>[INST] hi, i was at a tennis camp yesterday, and we did a shuffling and running drill to warm up. After this drill my lower back started hurting really bad, and still does. i dont know what i did. do you have any idea? and I have been icing in and have taken ibueprofin but its not helping. [/INST] Hi, It seems that there might be having severe muscle strain leading to muscular spasm giving this problem. Along with Ibuprofen take some muscle relaxant medicine for 2-3 days. Apply muscle relaxant, analgesic cream locally. Ok and take care.</s>
<s>[INST] my grandson 23 was in a car accident and suffered a concussion . He was in the hospital for an hour and sent home to be watched for 3 days. Two days later he set fire to his room and tried to kill himself. He is now in the hospital lock up room and hears voices. No alcohol or drugs in his system at either time. He has been depressed before all this happened and won t tell his parents why. Are the voices and attempted suicide from the accident alone? [/INST] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thanks for your question... Since you say that he had been depressed even before the accident, it is more likely that his current psychiatric symptoms are related to the depression. When depression becomes severe, psychotic symptoms can appear (like hearing voices, false beliefs, etc.) Moreover, since he was well enough to be sent home after the accident, it is unlikely that he would have suffered from any significant brain damage. Depression can be caused due to neurochemical imbalances in the brain and need not be stress related always. So, it is not surprising that he did not reveal anything to his parents. With appropriate medication and close follow up he should be able to come out of his depression. Best wishes,- </s>
<s>[INST] I was diagnosed with hsv type 1 Sept 6th had my first outbreak and it cleared up. Today I have a rash all over outside of my vaginal lip only in the hair area but its all over and itchy like crazy. This is nothing like my outbreak a few weeks ago. I dont have insurance but is this worth an er visit? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, As you had an outbreak of HSV 1 infection previously which is known to affect the area around the mouth. As you are having itching around the genital region, there are many conditions which can lead to this problem and one of the cause may be HSV 2, but it should be confirmed by physical examination by your doctor. I would suggest you to undergo physical examinations before you take any medications. Thank you.</s>
<s>[INST] my motherinlaw is a kidney dialysis patient since last 7 yrs . of late she is overeating excessive hunger whole day and she is passing black stools 10-15 a day she is 67 yrs old shecannot go to the toilet her diaper and clothes need to be changed everytime please advivce [/INST] Welcometo Chat Doctor ...as the black stool may mean blood in stools, so please get complete stool examination AMD repeat testing of kidney function tests ...passing more stools is usually due to infection or Chat Doctor. ., so please see your doctor</s>
<s>[INST] Hey. I m scared of medics (doctors, paramedics and nurses). I know that I have to sort this out as in the future it could be potentially dangerous. I was wondering if there are any ways that I could get over this? I ve looked online but found nothing. [/INST] The only way is to visit them. You can visit such places once in a while. This will gradually decrease your fear. Thanks.</s>
<s>[INST] I have recently had a blood tests and have been given a score of 110 for my Gamma GT, I do not drink alcohol and am not on any medications. What else could have caused this? I am now being told that I will have to have a liver scan which is worrying for me. [/INST] Welcome at Chat Doctor... I have gone through your query and being your doctor I completely understand your health concerns... What is your age? Have you tested for gamma GT before? Are the level increasing? Raised level of this enzyme signifies that something wrong with the liver excretory function In my opinion you should Get your complete liver functions tests done. Also, you should be screened for viral liver infections along with metabolic liver diseases too. It would be better to get your liver ultrasound for the liver texture. So meet hepatologist for proper workup so that appropriate management can be started in time. Hope your query is adequately answered... Stay safe Regards Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] i am prescribed adderall and it was recently stolen from me....i need it badly but my insurance wont cover another prescription since the month of this (the stolen adderall) prescription is not up yet. Is there anything over the counter that i could get to take until i am able to fill my next months prescription?? [/INST] There are no over-the-counter medicines that can substitute for Adderall. You should consult the doctor who prescribed Adderall to you in the first place. A word of caution: Do not try things that friends or non-doctors suggest substituting for Adderall. Hope this answers your question.</s>
<s>[INST] i think my g.f is pregnant but i am not confirm because i didnt broke the seal and i just inserted the neck of my penis and i get discharge but at that time i put my penis out...how do i confirm that she is pregnant or not?? please answer as soon as possible [/INST] Hi, if her periods get delayed then you can do a urine pregnancy test at home. It will confirm the pregnancy. Hope I have answered your question. Regards Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] My daughter had a complex partial seizure. She woke up at night, vomited, then started looking upside then stared continuously for 15 minutes towards left. Her eyes were wide open during seizure. MRI and EEG had not shown any abnormalities. What should we do. [/INST] Ello. I have been through your question and understand your concern. It is not a usual episode of seizure. Since MRI and EEG excluded abnormalities you should do nothing. Just monitor her closely and avoid Chat Doctor. Hope this helps. Please feel free using MHC again.</s>
<s>[INST] I was diagnosed with bursitis, wore a temporary cast, advised to wear special boot. Took a painkiller for a few weeks. Pain has increased beyond toleration affecting my work and home life . I am pretty tolerant to pain but it has now become difficult to function as I endure 17 hour days. Please advise... I stretch before rising, administer ice packs, cortisone cocktails dull pain for only a few days. I lay in bed with pillow propped under foot, I tried Yoga meditation, I take aspirin daily against my beliefs to medicate myself . I experience soreness in my calf as well... Nancy M. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, Bursitis is inflammation of a bursa. It may be a Trochanteric bursitis frequently causes tenderness of the outer hip and Social bursitis which can cause dull pain in the upper buttock area. The noninfectious bursitis is treated by rest, ice, and medications for inflammation and pain. Infectious bursitis can be treated with antibiotics, aspiration, and surgery. Steroid injection of corticosteroid along with a local anesthetic may also be helpful in relieving symptoms of hip bursitis. It involves a single injection into the bursa. The injection may provide temporary (months) or permanent relief. If pain and inflammation return, another injection or two, given a few months apart, may be neededOnce the pain is down do stretch of hamstrings muscle and performs muscle. The stretches to be done 5 times for the hold of 10 counts 2 times a day. Thank you.</s>
<s>[INST] hi doctor...i had nausea a year ago...i did endoscopy and echo and nothing came out...my doctor said it is from stress and fatigue...i took ganaton for 2 months...taking pariet and librax but my nausea is not cured..someone told me to try deanxit for 2 weeks..is that right??thank you [/INST] Hello, Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor for posting your query. I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through. It is very common to try many Chat Doctor. There is fit-all solution and one after other the </s>
<s>[INST] Hello sir, i don t know english well so forgive my grammer mistakes. well, actually the problem that the docter prefer some tablets to my mom for some venter problems , after taking the medicine my mom feeling, like something burning in her trachea.please sir if you describe the problem we be very thankfull to you. [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. In my opinion your mother is having burning pain in middle of the chest due to HERD (Castro Esophageal Reflux Disease). Many antibiotics and painkiller Chat Doctor. So try to follow these steps for better symptomatic relief. 1. Avoid hot and spicy food. 2. Avoid large meals, instead take frequent small meals. 3. Avoid stress and anxiety. 4. Start proton pump inhibitor. 5. Go for walk after meals. 6. Keep 2 - 3 pillows under head in the bed.</s>
<s>[INST] I was fine till about 3 o clock in the morning I woke up to a pain in the tip of my penis( it feels like i have to pee but very little comes out. i am a 53 year old virgin and have not had sex with a woman yet. the last time i masterbated was 2 weeks ago. what should i do? [/INST] Hi, You can have acute urinary tract infection like problem. For that urine routine microscopic examination is advisable. Underlying prostate enlargement like cause also has to be ruled out by pelvic ultrasonography. If urinary retention present then also it will be clear by sonography. I suggest you to consult Urologist for examination. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, my names Will, im 14 years old and ive found a white sort of spot attached to my scrotum, this morning it was rubbing and began to bleed to i put a small plaster on to stop the discomfort. I havent a clue what it is and havent taken the plaster off since. What is it? [/INST] Hello, Force spots happen when sebaceous glands, which moisturize your skin and are usually covered by your outer layer of skin, become enlarged and appear as tiny white spots. These spots are harmless. They can appear almost anywhere on your body, including your scrotum and penis. Therefore, I suggest consulting a skin specialist for physical examination, diagnosis and treatment. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care </s>
<s>[INST] Hello Doctor,My Father who was alcoholic and is of 49yrs old is in hospital, He is undergoing liver treatment with below conditions: hepatomegaly with coarsened echotexture. Could you please advise if the liver can be restored for damage, if so what will be next coarse of action to stay healthy.And is this is very severe problem.what percent of chances he can be saved?Thank you [/INST] Hi, Thanks for your question. After going through your question in your fathers' case there is likely possibility of Alcoholic Liver Disease, though other short term illnesses can lead to similar finding. For better opinion I want to know-1) Duration of taking alcohol.2) Pattern and amount of taking alcohol.3) Presence of any other diseases and treatment for it.4) Current symptom for which admitted to hospital. I would like to advise following tests-1) Complete blood count.2) Liver function test.3) Kidney function test.4) Urine examination.5) Ultrasonography of abdomen.6) In case of fever Tests for malaria, dengue or any other infections if clinically indicated. Depending upon his detailed clinical examination and test reports it is possible to comment whether liver damage is permanent or reversible, and also appropriate diagnosis can be made and treatment can be planned. In general for recovery from liver disorder or to prevent further damage to liver -1) He has to stop taking alcohol in any form permanently.2) Avoid taking oily, fatty food till recovery.3) Taking food containing high carboy Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,my uncle is suffering from stomach cancer .right now his check-up going on tata memorial hospital mumbai.there doctor told me first he give the kemo therapy and after that he operate my uncle. so my father is think before operate we consult 2 more doctor.so kindly suggest me 2 best doctor name & where i meet him/her.one favor me also suggest me best kemo therapy doctor in mumbai. thanks [/INST] Hi, Thanks for writing in. Every cancer patient is different and accurate staging is to be done before giving treatment. Tata memorial hospital Mumbai is a research center, and they might have accurately done staging for your uncle. I guess the doctors want to shrink the tumor with chemotherapy and then proceed with surgery. The benefit in this situation is that the surgery is easy and there are better chances of survival. In many cancer hospitals the same protocol is used, and you might take another opinion at any well known cancer center. There is Kiddie memorial institute of oncology in Bangalore and cancer research center in Chennai and driven Chat Doctor. Your uncle might take opinions at these centers before going for surgery. There is no single best doctor when we consider cancer treatment. It is an evolving field of medicine and I refer my patients to Tata memorial hospital because their set-up is organized and regularly new treatment options are reviewed for research purposes. Please do not worry.</s>
<s>[INST] my husband had a kub ultrasound recently and itxshowed diffuse parenchymal disease of kidneys. His creatinine also showed higher than normal results. he does not present any symptoms except a foamy urine and he has hypertension for the past ten years. his daily intake of water is beyond average about 4 liters a day. what do we do next? please help [/INST] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Kindly see a nephrologist asap if you have not done already. Depending on the level of creatinine, kidney size and urine tests your husband will most likely need a kidney biopsy to find out the cause of his problem(s). The nephrologist will make an overall assessment and guide you about the amount of permissible fluid intake as well.</s>
<s>[INST] hi im manjit bhullarim very much worried of my unwanted hair on all over my body.i bought epiltor but im not satisfied with that.and other probelm i have burning in my genitalia. i feel like sacratching that makes me relief but the area burns when i urinate.plz tell me solution.thanks [/INST] Some herbal combos known to have antiseptic and antiallergenic effect are wonderful remedies. Even after removing hair these can be used to prevent and correct itching. Genitalia burning can be safely controlled. If interested, may write direct question.</s>
<s>[INST] Daughter age 12 diagnosed with slight bronchitis and sinus infection. Doc gave her antibiotic and cough syrup. She is suppose to play in a basketball tournament tomorrow at 10:00. She will have had 3 rounds of antibiotics by then. Doc said no basketball, but I have been reading where it s ok as long as she takes regular breaks and drinks lots of liquids. No X-rays or anything and had a very slight fever, but none now. Is it ok for her to play? [/INST] Hello, It depends largely on how she is feeling. However, if her doctor, who saw her in person for an exam and listened to her lungs, recommended for her to not play basketball, then I would follow that, as he or she has first-hand knowledge of how her health is. If you feel she is much better now, you can call her doctor to clear it with him or her. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] We have a 4 monthold daughter,and would like to feed her Somva 34. We do have the product, but not sure whether that can be given to a 4 week old and also if we can, how much should we give it. We do not have the enclosed literature, so no idea of what quantity to give. Can someone guide? Thanks [/INST] Hello, Somva-34 is not recommended for infants. It is not a scientifically proven ChatDoctor. </s>
<s>[INST] i am a lady of 66yr went to my doctors 1 week ago had all blood test came back ok still feel so unwell the ti it started when on the Friday i had tightening in chest going up to my throat and jaw line still feeling so lethargic all time do house then need to rest [/INST] The symptoms you are telling all point towards pain related to your heart. You better get an electrocardiogram done.</s>
<s>[INST] gud evening doctor my baby have 3 years old she having suffer from cold and fever for the last one week , yeasterday doctor give suppository in night hospital itself , after that morning also i put supposittory, is it make any side effects to her using suppository [/INST] Hi, Sometimes suppository, if used in the wrong say by untrained people, can cause rectal tears and it is not advisable to use it if the kid is able to take the medicine orally. I suggest you avoid it as long as the kid is able to take Paracetamol medicine. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] My right testicle is slightly more numb than my left and it can twist around without pain. I havent twisted it myself but several times I have noticed that it can hang horizontally and I suspect event twist to the point of switching with the left testicle. I am scared that this may be testicular torsion except that I have not had excruciating pain. The testicle usually hangs higher than the other and when i sit down both may start to hurt. This problem has been going on for a while, with no other/worsening symptoms. [/INST] Hi, It can be due to spinal injury, diabetes and disc prolapse. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] hi my husband is 25yrs old. 510 230pounds. He just had a sperm analysis the results say he has Low morphology due to amorphous heads and also high white blood cell count. what should we expect when he sees a urologist? Will this be a easy fix? Is there a cure? Should we be doing something to help? it seems so hard to find info on this topic. what does this all mean when were trying to get pregnant? also my husband is epileptic he has a toumor in his brain. hes been tegratol XR for the last 11yrs. Could that be causing these issues? other than that he;s healthy as a horse. [/INST] Hello, Consult a urologist and get evaluated. We have to rule out possibilities like varicocele. If symptoms persists you can opt for newer methods like IVF. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] I get very bad headaches with certain smells. Mostly red onions. I work with a culture of people who don t want to take me seriously when I ask them to omit bringing onions to the office. I can eat them ok if they are cooked well but the smell causes headache and tightened throat and chest. How can I make them understand that this is hurtful when they do it. [/INST] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor It may be difficult to change the diet of other persons. You may want to print out information on headache triggers to show that your issue is a real and documented one. If possible, you may need to evacuate the area when these foods are brought in. Your doctor would be able to give you medication to help relieve your discomfort, you can keep it with you. I hope this helps</s>
<s>[INST] I am 42 years old and my BP was 112/177 and I visited the doctor 30 days back. He examined my ECG and found no fault in it. Then, he suggested me to talk Nebicard SM tablet one per day in the night and revisit after 15 days. I did the same, in my second visit Doctor said your bp is 84/140 and continue the same tablet. Is it right? Can I continue to take the same tablets? ANy side effects? [/INST] Hello, Your doctor has prescribed the right medication for you. You can compare the result of your BP before 2 weeks and after 2 weeks. Generally, it may take 2 weeks to know the benefits of BP medications in blood pressure readings. Therefore, I suggest you wait for one more week and do modify your diet (avoid salty foods, high cholesterol foods, preserve foods, junk foods) and lifestyle (walk every day at least 30 mins). Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Sir, can you tell me why I feel this tightness, discomfort and bulging at the front side of my upper stomach just below ribs in the centre? It is related to alcohol, but the feeling is after the intoxication is gone, while Im not drunk. It feels very hot when I touch that area and my breath is hot too. Before at rare occasions when too over-drunk I noticed bit of blood in my stool and today I threw up all that I drank and noticed it is mixed with blood, dark red. Could you please advice me. [/INST] Hi. Thanks for your query. Read the history and understood the problems. You have a tightness, discomfort, bulging upper abdomen just below the ribs; increased feeling after the intoxication is gone, feels hot when touched and the breath too is hot. Have history of blood in the stool and vomit. The most probable causes are:Gastric ulcer or cancer. Associated colitis of the transverse colon. I would advise you to visit the ER at once; get the investigations:Upper GI endoscopyColonoscopy. CT scan of the lower chest and upper abdomen Start PPI, Antacids, Risperidone. Further treatment will depend upon the investigations</s>
<s>[INST] A year ago, my young daughter (aged 6) made allegations against her father (my estranged partner) and another man who, she said, had been taking nude pictures of her. She doesn t remember being molested at all (and we don t know if she actually was) but at the time she was suffering recurrent bouts of thrush but since overnight contact stopped I have not had to go to the doctor once about this. She does have occasional redness and I m having to work on her hygiene in that area. I m told that thrush is a common problem in young girls and other medical professionals say it s not. I m confused - who is right, please? [/INST] Thrush can occur in pubertal girls more often than in very young child Chat Doctor. That is the truth. Other than that, I was unable to understand the question. Why did you mention the first part of the question unless you suspected sexual abuse? In any case, treatment with local antifungal creams like clotrimazole is the only treatment available.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, for a few weeks my tongue has been feeling dry and I have this white coating on the back of my tongue. Ive been freaking out lately about it... I went to the Dr a couple weeks ago and he gave me nystatin because he said it might b thrush... I took all the nystatin as prescribed, but nothing changed. Im really worried. [/INST] Hello,Common reasons for a ChatDoctor. </s>
<s>[INST] My son is 10 ad has physical pain in his side overva year now on ad off ges has sonmany test xrats bone scan ad everything is fine, hes seen a phycologist ad is goen 4 physiotherapy , but pain the last week is worse ad tet again hus bloids were fine so sent us home again , I dnt no wat this can be but he is in a lot of pain any suggestions for us . [/INST] I would suggest that you take him again to a specialist orthopedic surgeon if you think the problem is in the bones and muscles; and a good Pediatrician. Do a Creatine Kinase test, a SGPT and GOT, a liver scan (if the pain is on the right side) and a GI series X-rays for ruling out pain from the bowels (such as appendix, colon, etc.) Please re-test these if already done. </s>
<s>[INST] I have an 8 yr old Am. Pitbull Terrier w/severe allergies. We give him Benedryl & occasionally Sudafed. He s never had any side effects. Today he has two large lumps, one on each side of his windpipe. His breathing sounds a bit labored as well but he s not outta breath or gasping. Thoughts? Thnx, Denise [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand child s situation and problem. Your child is having bilateral enlarged cervical lymphadenopathy. And most common cause for this is upper respiratory tract infection (URI). He is also having severe allergies. This can also lead to URI. So he needs antibiotics, antihistamines and anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. Ask him to do warm water gargles 5-6 times a day. Ask him to </s>
<s>[INST] Hello there, I sometimes get a sharp pain near the rear of my neck/head, from what I have read, the muscle is called the splenius capitis I have experienced it from sitting down and making a sudden movement to look at something. I have also felt it when i ve been standing up and turned to look sharply. It only happens once in a while, however, it feels like someone has a hold of a muscle near the back of my head and pulls back on it sharply if I get up and turn my head quickly. [/INST] Hello, The symptoms seem to be related to selenium wapitis muscle pain. I suggest using anti-inflammatory medications such as Ibuprofen to relieve the pain. I also suggest gentle stretching exercises. Furthermore, I recommend using warm compresses for local application and Voltaren gel. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. </s>