<s>[INST] My brother has an outer layer skin problem on his hands where he is able to move only two fingers. Something about the top layer of skin growing to ???. He will shortly be undergoing surgery and will be off work for quite a while. Is there a name for this problem that I might be able to google and learn more about it? Thank you. [/INST] Hello, His skin problems could be related to hyperkeratosis or psoriasis. Anyway, you should discuss with his dermatologist about the exact name of the diagnosis. There are many skin disorders, that may mimic this clinical situation. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care </s>
<s>[INST] sir, i get marry just 5 months ago. my wife took unwanted 72 for birth control . but she got lot of problems like weight loss , headache , body pain, tiredness, n feeling too weakness. and her periods are irregular for one n half months, i mean she did not get periods for 1and half month. last time when she got periods, there were blood cloud from her vagina during periods. m worry due to this. and her body skin is going down and becoming dark. so how her body and face get the previous freshness and glowing face? what should be the diets in her meal and daily routine. plz suggest sir..... [/INST] Hi, Thanks for the query. Usage of one emergency contraceptive pill may not lead to all these problems. She may be having some underlying hormonal problem. So once consult gynecologist, get examined. If she recommends go for ultrasound and hormonal profile once. By this the possible cause of her problem can be made out and treatment can be given. She can take nutritious diet including fruits, vegetables, cereals, eggs, milk, fish, meat etc. Taking small quantities of food at frequent intervals is beneficial. For more details you can ask me directly through the premium forum. Take care.</s>
<s>[INST] lower back pain - no tingling feeling in legs or arms (I had sciatica many years ago) but extreme pain when trying to get out of bed - cannot straighten up - I have to hang on to back of chair and slowly straighten up. Once I am standing erect, I can take some steps and after a few minutes I walk more or less normally. I feel I may have a slight inflammation in the tissue around my spine in the middle of my back. I am an 84 year old female, who until last week was happily riding her bicycle. P.S. I am hopeless on any computer !! [/INST] Hi, It seems that you might be having osteoarthritis of vertebral spines giving rise to stiffness of muscles giving rise to this problem. It is possible that you might be having Sciatic pain as well. Go for x-ray and find out the cause. Consult orthopedic surgeon and get examined. Physiotherapy might help to relieve muscle spasm. Ok and take care.</s>
<s>[INST] I am 44 years old female.I experienced this 2nd time in 2 weeks that when I do my grocery shopping and i lift some thing too heavy I started pain in my chest n I become short of breath.it gives me dizziness and bit like num feelings in head.I feel very weak.I have to lay down for at least 15/20 minutes.is it some thing serious? [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. You are having symptoms on strenuous work. And you're all symptoms like chest pain, breathlessness, giddiness, dizziness etc. on strenuous work are seen commonly in cardiac disease. So get done ECG and 2D Echo to rule out cardiac cause. If both are normal than get done chest x-ray and PFT (PULMONARY FUNCTION TEST) to rule out respiratory cause for your symptoms. If this is also normal than got done CBC (Complete Blood Count) to rule out anemia as anemia can also cause similar symptoms.</s>
<s>[INST] Dear doctor, i fell over the other day and landed on all 4s. I grazed my right knee quite badly and a bruise has now developed on my knee around the cut. Since the day after my fall, on standing i get a throbbing in my right knee and it is quite bad and has got worse over the last few days. Its also not too bad on walking, just when standing still. Just want to know if i should go to a doctor or wether it should resolve by itself [/INST] Hello welcome to ChatDoctorI am happy to help you outaccroding to your history and description of wound, I feel it's not very severe injury. If such patient comes to my clinic then I would examine knee joint for possible grave injury like ligament tear, fracture then according to finding would suggest further investigations like X-ray and prescribe some analgesic till investigation and educate him about wound Chat Doctor. Such pain may last for 7-15 days but if pain persist then I would suggest you to consult your nearby doctor for proper evaluation and treatment. Thank you</s>
<s>[INST] I am currently 33 weeks pregnant and have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes, while my post meal levels are fin (generally below 7.0) I am finding that my fasting level in the morning is generally about 5.4 to 6.4 which is too high, are you able to advise what snack to have before bed? [/INST] HI, Thank you for the query. You should eat, well before you go to bed.(2-3 hours before) Try to have snack with low glycemic index (pasta made of wheat flour/ beans, lentils/ sweet corns/ green vegetables, salads/ Oatmeal/ FRuits-oranage, apple, pear, pitches). Have walk for half an hour after food. & have a glass of strained milk (fat free) half hour before you go to bed. Thanks.</s>
<s>[INST] For several weeks I have had left hip pain that increases with sitting. I have abdominal pain in the pelvic region as well. Sometimes I have to use a cane to walk. The pain is in my left leg to my foot sometimes and the entire side becomes stiff sometimes. I can often walk it out but I have to be careful bending, lifting, sitting, or squatting. I have had a total hysterectomy over a year ago. [/INST] Hello, Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. Forum. I would come up with these possibilities for this severe pain in the left hip joint, This includes. 1 Pinched nerve (sciatica) , diagnosis can be confirmed by C T scan and X-ray of lumbar sacrum region. As you mentioned that there is severe pain radiating to leg, foot, as all these symptoms are an indication of sciatica nerve involvement (pinched)2 Degeneration of head of femur. Diagnosis can be confirmed by C T scan & X-ray of head of femur.3 Osteoporosis, diagnosis can be confirmed by blood examination and bone density test.4 Osteoarthritis, diagnosis can be confirmed by C B C and E SR. Hysterectomy have not any role in this pain. In my opinion consult an orthopedic surgeon and get his opinion. Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] my 21 months daughter is having severe cold and cough and is not eating any thing.also now vomitting if i try to give her any thing.i have domestal suspension at home .howmuch sall i give her and after what time of giving medicine should i try to feed her .thank you. [/INST] Brief answer:Give cough syrup. Detailed answer:Hi, welcome to Chat Doctor. Your child has severe cough and cold due to which during coughing she has vomiting. In my opinion, there is no need of an antivomiting syrup like coastal. Give a cough syrup like Chirico 5 ml PO three times a day for 3 days and your child will be fine. I hope this will help you. Take care. Regards: Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I am 46 years old and looking for a solution to a life long problem I have with purple mottled legs this condition gets worse when it is cold. I also have a problem with Reynauds disease. is there any herbal remadies I can take? is it an auto immune disorder? Is is connective tissue illness and if so what do i take. i suffered from recurrent miscarriages betweeen my two children. [/INST] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, A history of purple mottled legs and worsening of condition when exposed to cold is suggestive of Reynolds disease. Raynauds disease is an autoimmune disease and is treated with steroids. The disease runs a chronic course with waxing and waning course. Steroids have to be taken as the disease flares up or relapses. Episodes have to be controlled with Chat Doctor. The effect of herbal medications is questionable. You need to stay in contact with your rheumatologist. The recurrent miscarriages appear to be unrelated to the Reynolds disease. Thanks and take care</s>
<s>[INST] I have been married since 7yrs n no baby yet..m suffering from PCOD n weight is 95kg.I have went to so many many doctors all r saying reduce ur weight first, bcoz of which I be depressed most of the time .. I tried so many medicines,diets,excercises but no result..Now my new doc has said tht IUI will work for me..I require guidance please help. [/INST] Hi, Thanks for the query. Weight reduction means, there is no need of Chat Doctor. Reduction of 1 to 2 kg scan also help in regularization of the cycles. Then you can gradually decrease the weight. To do GUI also, you have to ovulate. In GUI during the time of ovulation, your husbands' semen will be injected into your uterus. So for that also ovulation is needed. If your doctor suggests you can go for ovulation induction. Then plan for follicular study to track the ovulation. And you can plan GUI at that time with your doctors' advice. Take care.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi My Name is Stephanie. I was biten by a copperhead snake on 7-6-14 around 10pm. I was taken to the ER and givin 4 viles of antivenom. I stayed in the hospital until 7-10-14. So I ve been home 5 days and the swelling has not gone done, it itches and sore to the touch. Should i go have it looked at now or wait. [/INST] Hello, Thanks for your query. I am happy to help you here. Today is 22nd of July. If you have swelling till today, then it's better to have a follow-up. Usually snakes are non poisonous. But if snakes are poisonous usually its either cardio toxic or neurotoxic & sometimes both. Swelling doe snot confirms that the snake was toxic, but it needs attention further. Although it's rare that toxin will show its action after 15 days but until the swelling subsides u need to be kept on watch. 4 views of antivenom may not be sufficient if knowledgeable symptoms appear, & if no symptoms appear, you may not need anti venom at all, but for that you should be kept in watch for at least three days. Even if just swelling appears its considered safe to administer antivenom, some patient body react to antivenom and can't be continued further. I don't think you are in trouble of having activation of toxin but still you should keep watch on yourself for following things until the swelling subsides.1) If either or both eyelids starts Chat Doctor. 2) or if you develop numbness (decrease/loss of sensation on touch.) 3)Any kind of unnatural bleeding from nose or in stool etc. If any of above complaints develop then It's must revisit ER. At the time being I recommend you to take antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medication to prevent infection, decrease itching and to decrease the swelling. For now, I suggest you to either have a follow-up or you can take some medications as bellow. Chymoral forte once died before food for 1 wk (it will help to decrease swelling)Tab Exocet 5 mg 1 at night before sleep for 3 days (to decrease itching)Tab metronidazole 400 mg thrice daily for 5 days. Tab definite 200 mg twice daily for 3 days. I hope my talk would be helpful. Will be happy to help you father. Thank you.</s>
<s>[INST] i had a Cbc blood test last week and my white blood cells value is 3.49 which is low, platelet count was 139 , neutrophils 37.6 low, monocytes 14.0 high, eosinophils 5.7 high, basophils 2.6 high and absolute neutrophils 1.31 low... Also creating and bun elevate..... Worried this is something serious... Referred to a hematologist.. What tests will they order? [/INST] Your white blood cell count is slightly low (4.00-is lower limit of normal range for an adult). Your platelet counts are almost normal - so nothing to worry about your platelets. 14% monocytes are on higher side though. I would suggest a repeat Complete blood count (CBC) WITH PERIPHERAL SMEAR EXAMINATION. This test would highlight any problems in your blood profile. You have not mentioned your BUN and creatinine values ? Do you have any previous kidney disease ?</s>
<s>[INST] i have a broken blood vessel in my arm i know this cause I looked up pictures to find out what was on my arm. It is about 1 inch by about 1/4 of an inch big and it is slightly raised and there is a kind of a cold/dull ache and almost numb sensation. should i be worried [/INST] Hello, I have studied your case and I do not think that you can have a broken blood vessel in your arm. You may be having hematoma due to collection of blood in skin or subcutaneous tissue. You need to apply hot water fomentation, compression bandage and take govern tablet twice daily. If there is no decrease in size of the swelling then you can get a physician opinion. But I can assure you that it is not a broken vessel.</s>
<s>[INST] I am a cheerleader so I am flexible and do many different stretches and flexibility training daily, so today during a tryout I went into my right splits and heard three very loud pops and then very bad pain! I continued with my tryout which had several different jumps and kicks and with each I felt even more pain and now I am feeling constant pain on minimal movements. What could be going on? [/INST] Hi... As per your narration you had injured your muscle...there could be snapping of muscle over the bone or could be a partial tear in the muscle. Nothing to worry. If I were you... I would wait for a while and.... Apply lot if ice in the injured area... frequently for every 2 hours once for 15mins... No stretching to the injured area for next 48 hours...Don't load for next couple of days. Support the injured area witChatDoctorpression bandage... Once movements becomes pain-free then do strengthening exercises for gluteus and then slowly and progressively load the injured area...like moving your leg from out to inside...etc Hope this is helpful for you... Kindly revert.in case you need any further help in this regard...</s>
<s>[INST] My 6 year old daughters pediatrician is sending us to an endocrinologist for Clatorial Hypertrophy. When looking up research on this I am not finding to much to explain what it is or how serious it is. I would like to know what it means without all the medical terms getting in the way of understanding it. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor, Clitoris is a part of female genitals which is a regressed meaning shrunken form of male penis ( male sexual organ). Its normally seen as a small bud like thing in the upper part of female vagina. In some abnormal situation, it enlarges(hypertrophy) and looks very prominent then it's called clitoral hypertrophy. Your doctor did right by asking for endocrine consult because there can be a lot of reasons for it, and she needs a detail evaluation. Hope that clarifies your doubt as of now. Happy to help further. Take care.</s>
<s>[INST] hi, my 4yr old was awake all night with a temp it has gone down since last night.but he seems very dosey + is complaning of a sore troat and stomach pains.2 nights ago he had a bit of a temp again went down with calpol but was complaning about his teeth what could be wrong with him in your opinion any help would be greatly appreciated. [/INST] Hi, Look all these are symptoms suggesting of infection. He might be having Pharyngitis/Tonsillitis? You can do the following things: 1. Just give lukewarm water, vegetable soups. Thus maintain HY Chat Doctor. 2. Need to start giving a course of Antibiotics, Paracetamol, B-Complex Spy., Antihistamines. 3. Proper Rest & healthy diet shall be helpful. 4. Monitor temperature 4 hourly will be helpful to assess prognosis. 5. If required basis investigations: CBC, BMP, RBS can be done. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I have sinusitis I m taking steroids and anitbiotic. A week prior to me starting medication I have a rash purple not spotty but in and area not itchy on inside of my thigh by my knees and just noticed on my butt also it mirrors each other bith legs both sides of my butt . My blood pressure is also elevated 140/100 I am going to get checked tomorrow but I can t see a dermatologist until Monday . I tried anti fungal cream very slight difference . I would think the steroids would take it away . [/INST] According to your history might be you are suffering with frictional dermatitis. This type of dermatitis seen in atomic person or u have Tina infection. Confirm diagnosis can be done after seeing the lesion. Bilateral lesion on both legs n butt favor toward the dermatitis. But if u took steroid for long time Tina infection may be.You are not mentioning the duration of treatment. Soon start steroid self, first done skin scraping for KOH mount confirm the diagnosis the o ahead under supervision of dermatologist. Idont think it is related to your BLD pressure.</s>
<s>[INST] hi dr. im from nkmkab and I want to know abut PARATYPHI BH 1:80 +++ what type of fever is this ? and what is treatment we need. bcos that report is my child. age 3year and 6month im very nurves abut this plz tell me what can I do of my child. my eng is not too good plz try 2 understand my feelings. [/INST] Hello, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I understand your health concern, if I am your doctor I suggest you that paratyphoid fever is caused by Salmonella paratyphoid B. It causes a fever same as that of typhoid fever but are readily treated as compared to typhoid fever. Your title is 1:80 which I think is not high title to diagnose your child as having paratyphoid fever. I will be happy to answer all your future concern. Thank you, ChatDoctorInfectious disease specialist. Wish you the best health at Chat Doctor.</s>
<s>[INST] Last night my husband bit me on my arm . I quickly got up and told him to stop. I really got scared i told him what he had done and that if he had realised what he has done. his response was yes . he then got out of bed and went to the toilet. At this point he really sh?? me up.That evening he was watching a vampire movie with lots of blood and guts. He does not sleep well. His bedtime routine is sleeping between 1am and 3am. He gets up for half 8pm. He s got a lot of stress . He speaks jiberish whiles sleeping and makes sudden movements. Once he was having a nightmare until I woke I m up, asking him if he was ok. I think I saved him from his nightmare. Can you please help and give some sort of explanation. Thanks kera [/INST] Hello Seethalkaursingh, The problem you have tried to describe, doesn't appear to a nightmare. Its closer to being a night terror. Please understand that sucChatDoctorplains are very common and increase at the time of stress. People generally don't discuss them as they don't cause any problem for themselves. Epilepsy / seizure disorder is another concern, and he should be investigated by an EEG. There are many unanswered questions in your write-up. But one thing is for certain that your husband surely need some help from a psychiatrist. Please ask him to visit one who would like to explore many his areas. Hope this answers some of your questions.</s>
<s>[INST] I went into the hospital 3 weeks ago with gallstones and they had to put me on a potassium drip for 4 days to get my potassium levels back up. (6 bags total) My liver enzymes and heart enzymes were high but I tested negative for every test they gave me including all hepatitis. Now, it has dropped again, what could be causing it to drop? [/INST] Hi, welcome to Chat Doctor. Thank you for posting your query. Let me make it clear about uses of potassium in the body. It helps in functioning of muscle and nerve cells in the body. Certain symptoms like severe vomiting, loose motions, antibiotic use, diuretics, chronic kidney diseases cause hypokalemia. Hope I have answered your question. If you have any further questions I will be happy to help.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi! I tripped & fell on 1/25/14 & of course my hand was bruised & extremely swollen, limited ROM. I had it in a thumb spica splint for a 1 1/2 wks til I could get an apt to see a hand specialist 2/5. They put it in a cast for a month & took it off on 3/5. When they removed it my thumb was extremely stiff & painful, could barely move it. I ve been having hand therapy twice a week & my ROM has improved drastically. The only problem is that the MRI I had on 3/18 showed I had a complete tear of the radial collateral ligament. The Dr says that I m stable & surgery doesn t look needed & I can go to work in 2 wks if I feel ok (I m a RN). What do you think of his decision? They re going to make me a thermoplastic splint to wear as needed. Right now I take off the regular big thumb spica splint off about 6 times a day. I do the heated rice, picking up marbles, & ROM exercises, ice, etc. The pain is minimal 2-4 / 10 (used to be 6-7 / 10 in beginning). So, is surgery always indicated with a complete tear? Or if you re progressing, is it possible to not have any surgery & make a full recovery? I m concerned b/c I m a nurse & my hands are my life. Been outta work for 2 months now & missing it, but also don t wanna come back too soon as I m still having some pain & stiffness. I still can t bend it all the way down, & my strength is only 1/2 my right hand per PT (I m right handed & my left thumb is where the injury is). So what would be your next step or what do you think about my situation? And fortunately none of the XRays show any fractures, but I m feeling the ligament is a lot worse injury. [/INST] HiThe the best assessment is if ROM is improved and no movement problems for routine work, nothing needs to be done.the dear tissue healing may have occurred by now...synthetic repair not of much value if you already don't feel incapacitated</s>
<s>[INST] I ve been told I need carpal tunnel surgery in both hands, (had the EMG test yesterday). I will see my doc next week for the next steps. I need to know sooner, about how long is the recovery time - I need to judge how long it will be before I can have the second surgery. Thank you, Sharon Johnson [/INST] Hi, Generally the recovery time will be about two weeks. In some patients mild stiffness persist and require physiotherapy. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] Four days ago, i was swimming at the beach and a wave pushed me and I twisted my knee. I have put ice packs, knee brace and tried to stay off my foot as much as possible. My knee never swelled. It is only painful when I sit too long or have to move to get up. Please advise. [/INST] Hello, As you were pushed by the wave and twisted the knee joint, with the history it sounds to be a ligament sprain. Due to which you are facing difficulty in getting pain while performing knee movement. Kindly do hot water fermentation and allow the limb to rest. Use knee brace for 3 weeks or so. Then do simple knee exercises like static Qua Chat Doctor. You should be fine. As you applied to ice there won't be swelling. So in any injury icing is advised to avoid swelling as it will lead to vasoconstriction of blood capillaries. So you don't have swelling. Usually, icing is advised if we are planning for some x-ray or MRI. Do the conservative therapy mentioned above, and you should be fine. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Jay In</s>
<s>[INST] Okay. I am 68, Type 2 diabetes, overweight. Have been having a lot of phlegm in my throat in the mornings for a couple of years. Over the last couple of months, I have also developed a productive caugh with upper left chest pain that is noticeable, but not severe and usually is relieved whenever I cough up sufficient phlegm. What gives? [/INST] Hi welcome to the Chat Doctor Your main problem is excess cough... I need to know following details... 1. Do you have fever? 2.are you having chest pain and dyspnea complaint?? 3.smoking history?? It might be allergic cough, chronic infection induce cough, bronchitis, bronchiectasis etc... As far as approach is considered work up done as follows... -Above history asked first -Auscultation -Chest x-ray -CBC -if needed spirometry and sputum cytology examination According to cause I can give further comment on treatment Take care Hope your concern solved Consult pulmonologist for examination and discuss all these with him</s>
<s>[INST] Blood clots come out during period, first 2days heavily clotting,4 days last my period. Before started period both side of the lower bellies poking pain. Can not conceive, as i want another baby. I am 37. Please give some suggestion. I ultrasounds,there were no sister. I had miscarriage 2times and not done D&c, is this the course for not conceiving? I really want to know what should I do, have you hear this type condition in this age and did she has pregnant again? [/INST] Hello, Its not a big problem. You can conceive easily. You need to get done a detailed ultrasound and some blood tests and visit a good IVF specialist as your age is already 37. Don't waste much time. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.</s>
<s>[INST] hi i am having sinusitis from last 2 months. i had antibiotics for a month... still not recovered . Now i have started taking septilin and nasollerin as per the doctors prescription. how long should i take to get actual results age:34 weigh 70kgs [/INST] Hello. Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to make suggestions for you as follows:1. As you have already taken antibiotic for a month, I would not recommend anymore at present.2. Were I treating you, I would suggest you regular montelukast and levocetirizine for at least 1 month.3. Regular steam inhalations (please be cautious to avoid burns) and nasal irrigation with saline sprays will hasten recovery.4. Please avoid exposure to smokes, dusts and air pollution.5. I would also suggest you plenty of ward liquids and a healthy diet.6. If you have still no improvement, especially if you have nose obstruction or loss of smell or headaches, I would suggest you to consult an ENT specialist who will examine your nose cavity from inside to identify a contributing structural cause, if any. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you a quick recovery and the best of the health. Thank you & Regards.</s>
<s>[INST] What is wrong with me... Im tired all the time, I have been putting on weight for the past month and nothing helps. I feel like crying all the time, Im cranky and moody and I feel like I move in slow motion. People just say to get over it but I cant. [/INST] His understand your concern. Sudden change in weight indicate metabolic changes. We have to rule out certain cause like diabetes, thyroid etc. Require certain basic investigation and proper chart of body mass index. Consult physician and do all reports. After reaching paper because we will be able to do treatment properly. Dietary control. Avoid fatty and junk foods. Follow proper diet plan from dieticians. Exercise and walking regularly. Thank you. Take care.</s>
<s>[INST] Thanks a lotFew weeks back i got a mild pain on my left lower abdomenton consulting the doctor, i was told that there may be a possibility of a small stonewhich could be treated with consumption of water to 3 lts per day (min)i did follow itand now i do not have a painbut out of curosity i did take an ultrasound on my abdomentthe doctor happened to find that on my lower abdomen, there are 2 small stonesand its not obstructing as suchdo i need to undergo treatement from a urologist?or consumption of water will help to resolve this problem?Please advise [/INST] HelloYour findings suggests two small non obstructing calculus in left kidney. Treatment of renal calculus depend upon many things like composition, position,size of calculus etc. Small calculus may pass spontaneously with adequate HY Chat Doctor. Initially you may need syrup like sodium and potassium citrate. You are rightly taking plenty of water. You may also need routine hologram, random blood sugar, urine RE/ME. Since size of calculus are small in your case, it is likely to be flushed out with HY</s>
<s>[INST] hi!!! my age is 23(Unmarried) i m facing irregular periods from the day of my maturity. i have consulted doctor they adviced me to take CYCLOREG.. from past one year if i would not consume tablet also my periods were regular. but, again now from past two months it is the same. so can u please suggest me weather this leads to infertility?? consuming tablet is good or bad? [/INST] Irregular periods mean you are suffering from poly cystic ovarian disease or pod. Cycloreg leads to medicinal stimulation of the ovaries and in turn regularizing your cycles. The effect of the medicine can continue for some time even after discontinuation. In the longer run people with pod have problems conceiving and should plan an early pregnancy. Cycloreg will have to be stopped when planning for pregnancy as it is an oral contraceptive pill, and you cannot conceive when on this. Sadly, this is the only treatment for pod. Diet control and weight loss can help relieve the symptoms of pod.</s>
<s>[INST] my sister has been battling cancer. First she had cervical cancer. She had radiation and surgery and was in the clear. months later the cancer had metastisized into 3 masses in her lower body near the site of the original tumor. chemotherapy has proven ineffective. the doctors have basically said there is nothing they can do. they have stopped chemo and now have her on a drug to stop blood flow to the tumors to help prolong her life. I have read that thioredoxin protects the cancer cells from chemotherapy and radiation. I have also read some publications about thioredoxin reductase as a cancer treatment. do you have any information on this subject and can you suggest any clinics specializing in thioredoxin reductase. I have also read there is a link to the gene p53 as a tumor suppressor. [/INST] Hi, Thanks for writing in. Research shows that redox-sensitive signaling factors such as thioredoxin reductase-1 (TR) and thioredoxin (TRX) may represent central pro-survival factors that would allow tumor cells to evade the damaging and potentially cytotoxic effects of endogenous and exogenous agents that induce oxidative stress. There have been clinical trials which have shown that thioredoxin reductase inhibitors like arsenic trioxide might have role in treatment of cancer. It is important to know your location so that we might suggest you a hospital where this treatment is provided. Please contact your national cancer network as they might have details. Please do not worry.</s>
<s>[INST] Good evening, my main symptom is dull pain in my lower left abdomen, especially when breathing in and seems to be occurring after eating a large meal. It has been occurring off and on for over 5 years. It started when I was using the bathroom and felt a very strong sharp pain in the same area 5 years ago. [/INST] First, if the pain is persistent I will advise you to go for abdominal ultrasound to isolate the cause. For treatment, you can take some antibiotic preferably CEA Chat Doctor. Take gelusil-mps plus or machine gel syrup for gastric upset.</s>
<s>[INST] I had a weird pop in my head on wednesday followed by neck tingling and my eyes were flashing like strobe lights. I later threw up after that. It has been five days now and I still feel weird head neck and eye sensations but no throbbing pain.. any thoughts? [/INST] I'm Allison and I'm 20 years old and have no medical record of anything. I also went to the hospital and had a ct scan and blood tests and everything came back negative. It is freaking me out that I don't know what exactly is wrong with me. If someone can please give me some advice?</s>
<s>[INST] What conclusions would a doctor have made about stomach cancer in an 85 year old diabetic African American woman to inform her daughter that she should be placed in hospice. The doctor made the cancer diagnosis three dys ago. April 19. What essential questions should I, a son ask my moms doctor about this cancer? [/INST] Hi sir, u should know the stage of disease. The treatment is directed by stage. We do surgery in stage 1 and 2, palliative chemotherapy in stage 4, and treatment individualized in stage 3. Patients fitness should be assessed before surgery.</s>
<s>[INST] hi i have my son he turn 8 in 2 week....last night he throwing up i make him take a cold shower cuz i feel him hot,them he keep waking up throwing up and he didont sleep,today he sleep all day throwing up and with fiver i give him Advil for the fiver,cracker soda,chicken soup and still throwing up...but the fiver gone....i start getting worry :( [/INST] You have to go to the emergency room to give him fluid replacement therapy to avoid deny Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] My blood pressure is 147 over 103 with a 65 pulse.Yesterday about this time it was 106 over 65 with a 56 pulse, I was yawning and had to nap about 30 minutes.It remained low but I was able to function again. What is going on? I am 58 years old, female. [/INST] Hi. Blood pressure also depends on the physical activity. If one is at rest the BP may be normal... similar after any serious activity BP may rise. These variations in BP are normal... for ideal blood pressure it should be measured after 15 min of rest... so please check your BP after rest. And please avoid using digital BP instrument as it is not 100% accurate. Take care</s>
<s>[INST] Hi there, i have a lump on the back of my neck, i frequently get headaches, and often these headaches are accompanied by nose bleeds, the headaches can last whole days and im getting worried, im 20 years old, medium height, weigh 65 kg and im male, please help me cheers [/INST] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. It needs examination first. You may have some lymph node enlargement, cystic lesion or soft tissue tumor. After examination if necessary go for fine needle aspiration cytology and then take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.</s>
<s>[INST] hey my name is aya, i live in the states, i have more than a question, my mother had been having frequent heart pulpitations from time to time and she started to high blood sugar since my grandfather died, she had been under medication for 9 months now for her blood sugar but she stopped it because it became normal and 2 days ago she started to have high blood sugar like its level is 210 which is high for her, so what can she do ? and what does it mean to have frequent pulpitations? [/INST] Hello, I understand your concern and would explain that the palpitations could be related to possible cardiac arrhythmia. For this reason, I recommend performing an ambulatory 24-48 hours ECG monitoring for possible cardiac arrhythmia and some blood lab tests (complete blood count for anemia, thyroid hormone levels for thyroid gland dysfunction, blood electrolytes for possible imbalance). Regarding her glucose levels, she may have diabetes. For this reason, I would recommend performing HbA1C levels to check for diabetes. In case it is elevated, consulting with an endocrinologist is necessary. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi. I m in a tricky situation right now -- my boyfriend fingered me today, but after completely washing his hands off with soap. Is there any possibility that -- after washing his hands -- any semen could have been left, and that I could be pregnant? [/INST] Hello, and I hope I can help you today. In order to get pregnant, ejaculation must occur very near the opening of the vagina or inside it because sperm dies when exposed to air. So, you cannot become pregnant from semen Chat Doctor. I hope I was able to adept</s>
<s>[INST] My balls hurt sometimes especially the left one. This happens after one time in the middle of my sleep my nut got swollen I couldnt even move literally. So now I have a little ball next to or on my left nut it hurts very often sometimes not so much other times alot I feel like Im gonna throw up or something. Can someone please tell me what this is or why it happened. Thank you very much for all the help. [/INST] Hello, The testis inflammation need to be ruled out here. I suggest you investigate with testis ultrasonography for primary work up. If testis inflammation present than anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. . Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] Just 2 days ago I found a lump under my 1 about to be 2 year old and it got me really worried. I was wondering if i should be concern and get it lloked at?...she has a couple small lumps on her head also (the side of her head). [/INST] Hello, Thanks for the query, Probably you are suffering from lipoma. Your description matches with it. It is a benign collection of fat.Don't worry it is not a serious thing. The only possible treatment is surgical removal, Please meet a dermatologist for exact diagnosis. Let me know if you have any other doubt. You can ask a direct question to me on this forum, following the below link.http://www.ChatDoctor .com/doctors/ Chat Doctor. Thank you</s>
<s>[INST] hi iam 21years age now, not yet married.daily in sleeping my sperm is coming out,it is happening every day.is there any problem if it comes out daily ?and is there any problem in future with my partner in having a child ? will my sperm reduse by that time ? please give clear solution every day iam worrying abot it. [/INST] HiT hank you for asking ChatDoctorI have gone through your query. It is normal to have ejaculation while sleeping if you don't masturbate. You don't need to worry about that. You can have regular exercise like swimming jogging etc. which may help you in decreasing those episodes. That doesn't cause any impact on your future fertility or libido. Hope this may help you. Let me know if you have any further query.</s>
<s>[INST] hello, i am a girl 14 years of age. 2 days ago i had my first panic attack. i went to my family doctor but she didnt help much. my mother often has panic attacks and she has recently been diognosed with bipoloar disorder. i went back to school today and it seemed like everything that got me upset or just generally got to me was gonna start another panic attack.. any help or advice??? [/INST] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thanks for your query. I understand that you are going through a difficult time due to your recent problems. The symptom that you are experiencing now, that is, a fear or a feeling that you may get another panic attack is called anticipatory anxiety and this is common in persons who have had previous panic attacks. Since these symptoms seem to be distressing you, I would suggest that you seek professional help. Please talk to your parents or your school counselor, so that they can arrange for you to see a psychiatrist. Wish you all the best.</s>
<s>[INST] Yesterday morning I had a corticosteroid injection in my right knee for a patellar tendinitis. No reactions yesterday except a slight headache. Today however, I ve been experiencing palpitations and slight headache. I took my blood pressure and it was completely normal at 120/68 and my pulse was 68. The palps began after exercising for 1/2 hour on my treadmill this afternoon at 3pm and haven t completely subsided yet, it s now 9:30. Will these symptoms disappear eventually? [/INST] Hello, Yes corticosteroids injection causes headache. Side effects of steroids very much depend on the dose and how long they are taken. If your dose is low, your risk of serious side effect is quite small. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care </s>
<s>[INST] I keep having intermittent twinges in my chest the last few weeks. Under lots of stress. I have a referral to a cardiac specialist, but Im trying to decide whether to go urgent care today. the twinge was there when I woke up this afternoon (slept late) but is gone now. [/INST] Hi and thank you for asking! I read your query very carefully. You are having chest discomfort (twinges on your chest) for a few weeks now, which may be a sign for new onset chest angina. New onset angina may be a warning sign for future cardiovascular events including heart attack. This is why its essential that you contact a cardiologist for further examinations. You shouldn't wait for the cardiologist appointment and go to ER if your symptoms increase in intensity or become more frequent (signs that the things are getting worse).Otherwise, you should wait for cardiologist appointment. Meantime, wish you health!</s>
<s>[INST] Hi I had an IUI on January 28th. My period was due today but has not arrived. I took a pregnancy test this morning and it was negative. I have noticed I be been having a clear discharge all day that felt like my period had come, but whenever I check its just clear. I ve been feeling really gassy and bloated since the IUI and have had cramps on and off the whole time. If I was pregnant wouldn t it have shown on the test I did today? [/INST] HelloThanks for your query. Ideally you should wait a couple of days after your expected date of period to take a urine home pregnancy test. If it is negative, odds are very low that you are pregnant. However, consult your treating doctor, and go for an ultrasound or blood test to confirm. All the best.</s>
<s>[INST] Ive been feeling really tired the past 8 months. I was under a lot of stress and just assumed it to be that. As times gone on Ive noticed some other symptoms. my ankles get a little swollen at work (Im not extremely over wieght or anything). My lower back started hurting. Ive also noticed over the past three months that I go to the bathroom a lot more and my urins been really clear. More recently Ive been feeling light-headed and unable to focus. I keep trying to tell myself its just stress and for the most part Ive ingnored it, Im just a little concerned because none of the symptoms have gone away. [/INST] Dear patient Considering your case possibility can be 1. Anxiety 2. Diabetes Mellitus. I would like to advise blood testing for fasting and postprandial blood sugar levels. Get it done from reputed laboratory. If reports are normal diagnosis is anxiety disorder. If reports are showing high sugar levels its diabetes Mellitus. For DM YOU NEED TO consult diabetiologist. If you are having excessive stress and anxiety in life try meditation and yoga which are very helpful. All the best.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I am having terrible upper abdominal pain. My current MD is unable to diagnose the problem. I have had a lot lab work as well as CT scan and ultrasound. So far I have been told that everything is normal. But everything is not normal - no one seems to believe me or able to Diagnose the problem. I have pain everyday some days so bad that I cant work - that s a problem. I have a PMD as well as a GI doctor and still no answers. Any suggestions? [/INST] Hello and welcome. I think that you should do endoscopy to diagnose it since CT scan will not be able to detect intraluminal pathology such as ulcer or polyp. Also, it may be caused by inflammatory bowel diseases, and you need to see intervention gastroenterologist for further evaluation. Regards</s>
<s>[INST] Hi. I have just spilled bleach on my carpet and I have opened the window for ventilation. It smells pretty strong and the spillage is in my bedroom and I am unsure whether it will be safe to sleep in my bed tonight. Is it okay if I leave the window open? [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. Yes, you can leave your windows open and let the bleach Chat Doctor. And no harm in sleeping in that room. If you find it too smelly, then sleep in other room for 1-2 nights. Medically it will not harm you. But subjectively if you think that this can spoil my sleep than it is better to sleep in other room.</s>
<s>[INST] My mom is suffering from asthma last 15yrs. and she has also cough and diabetes diseases. Her weight is around 70kg. and her age is 55yrs. she has done angiography of heart in fortis hospital. She takes nebulize those injections... Now She is taking medicine for her diseases.... Tab. Zoryl M1 Tab. Aciloc 300 Tab. Deriphyllin retard 300 Tab. Montair-10 Tab. Hostacycline 500 Tab. Wysolone 5 Inj. Budecort respules 0.5mg Inj. Duolin respules 2.5ml Inj. Asthalin respules 2.5ml So give me advice about her health.... [/INST] Dear Member She is on all kinds of medicines available for Asthma. However, she might need increased dose of few medications. If she is still symptomatic, she has to avoid the triggers, like cold, dust, pollen, any allergic products. Also, tight diabetic control is necessary to control Asthma. Bye</s>
<s>[INST] I m a 5 10 female, 25 years old, 122 pounds. I have been feeling a dull and often pinching pain on my right lower abdomen. It presents a small bulge, that I can t push in. Went to 4 surgeons and they don t think its a hernia, but from a bike fall that I had 6 months ago (I did 3 MRIs and 3 ultra sounds, and nothing showed). It really hurts when I am sitting for too long, and I feel discomfort like something is pressuring my abdominal wall. Please help. [/INST] Hi, thanks for posting your concern in the Chat Doctor. As you have already been examined clinically and a thorough imaging was performed, my understanding is you may not have any visceral problem. Your doctors have also ruled out body wall defect like hernia.in some cases, fibromyalgia may produce similar symptoms in the absence of an organic disease. Therefore, you should also consult a psychiatrist to evaluate for fibromyalgia. You should also be clinically examined by a second doctor (should be a general surgeon) to rule out any abnormality. For any further information, please write back to me directly or tag me in your question. </s>
<s>[INST] My 6 year old son has been ill for over a week now with headaches, and lumps on the back of his head. Been to A&E and was told it was swollen glands and was given calpol. A few days later he was still very poorly and lumps had got bigger. Went to my GP who said it is a scalp infection and gave antibiotics and antihistamine. Finished course of medicine and lumps are still present and sore! What do i do next!!? [/INST] HI, Welcome to Chat Doctor. I studied your query. I understood Your health concerns. Based on the facts of your query, you seem to suffer from-Boil with lymphadenitis, with resolved nodes after antibiotics. Remaining lumps indicates Chronic Amenities with fibrotic changes in it. Reason of antibiotics not giving regression of these lumps is due to the accompanied Chronic fur uncle- lumps with its lymphadenitis.FNAC biopsy / or Excision Biopsy / or CT study -of the persistent lumps, would give the exact cause of these persistent/ non-regressive lumps. Other causes like infectious mono, or viral lymphadenitis/or TB lymphadenitis/ NHL/HL lymphoma-needs to be ruled out. As the facts are very scanty, I would also suggest you to take Second opinion from Surgeon, to rule out other causes which would cause such symptom/complaints, after physical/clinical examination. Will appreciate writing your feedback review comments, to help the needy patients like you at Chat Doctor. Good Day!! Chat Doctor. S. Genl-CVTS</s>
<s>[INST] My husband is extremely judgemental of Others. as if He is better then Others. He holds His self in higher regards then Others. Is quick to add labels to Other People such as They are toxic, insecure, unstable, jealous, seldom anything good. He looks and picks at Others every word or action to decided what They are. I find this a bit unnerving at times. Is this a normal behavior? [/INST] His think, he has narcissistic personality. In that case, he needs personality assessment. Better to consult a psychologist and get his assessment done. In case, you need further help, you can ask. Thanks</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I had a full hysterectomy at the end of February, I kept my ovaries...i m now finding that my jawline and temples are breaking out--I ve never experienced acne before. I ve always had good skin - now i have cystic acne ....are there any non-prescription remedies to help. I m trying Vitex and Burdock root...is there anything I should be doing to the cysts directly? [/INST] Hello. Thanks for writing to us. The cystic acne are commonly seen due to hormonal disturbances in the body. The main treatment involves systemic antibiotics and retinoids. Both these are prescription only Chat Doctor. You need to consult a dermatologist for the same. I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. </s>
<s>[INST] Am 75-Have had H.Pylori last year. Took drugs 1 wk took a week break and then continued second week. It was tough. I made them test me again this June I am positive again. I have the attacks like I am going into shock. Pain in middle of chest. High blood pressure feel sick and hot light headed. Like allergic reaction when I have antibiotic allergic reactions. I am so allergic to antibiotics. I have had nuclear heart stress test-cat scan-found small kidney stone-gaul bladder-pancreas liver ultrasound Kidney ultra sound all negative. I have had very little blood when kidney infection, never had that before. All cleared up with antibiotics. My Dr. wanted me to take pepto bismol 4 times a day for H.Pylori. Because he prescribed amoxicillin which I am allegic to. So upset. He never gave me an alternative now. I am positive and need to clear this up. I went on line and saw someone with same problem Biaxin-Tetracycline and Acipex. I am going tomorrow to new Dr. Hoping they will give me this. My regular blood work was fine.Perfect dne in May. I only take Losartan 50mg. Been in excellant health till this. It comes on suddenly especially in the morning. [/INST] Hi, azithromycin is another alternative to amoxicillin, I would suggest losartan twice a day for high BP.</s>
<s>[INST] I was stung by a bee in the foot last night. I removed the entire stinger, and was able to just ice my foot to stop the pain. But this morning, the skin is purple and I feel, well, sick (my throat is slightly sore, I ve got the chills/aches). what should I do? [/INST] Bee sting causes anaphylaxis (allergy)What you are experiencing could be an angioneurotic edema which is a part of allergic reaction. You have to immediately consult a doctor. To be started on anti histamines and steroids if signs of anaphylaxis.</s>
<s>[INST] hello! i have been having cramping in my lower left stomach . when i poop and push expecially and sometimes even when i pee. my stool is soft and there is not alot of it. i feel like i need to poop much more often tho. either nothing or very small amounts. When I poop the pain last about 10 seconds and if i hold it on push on it, it seems to help? Helpp [/INST] Hi. Please take plenty of Liquids. Most probably you are having Constipation along with urinary tract infection. Everything will be relieved if you take the lot of liquids. Take fiber diet too. All the best.</s>
<s>[INST] I am a 30 yr old female that has been experiencing an irregular heart beat brought on by possible stress of starting a new position at work. Ever since I atarted it my heart has had random episodes of quick beats to where it feels like two at a time .. Its noticeable and im wondering whats wrong. No change if anything other than my job. [/INST] Hi, two beats which you feel in succession may be because of extra beats, the change in job and early anxiety about fitting in new place may increase the stress hormones like a Chat Doctor. Both the situation is completely benign and just some relaxation techniques would help. If it's too troublesome a 24 hour holder would be the best test to evaluate the same or and EKG during the episode. Also, for your age rule out thyroid as the cause if associated symptoms are present. Regards </s>
<s>[INST] My sons skull seems to have a more prominent ridge over his right ear than the left (if you were to touch his ear at the top to his skull...just above that). It almost looks like an egg but it seems like part of the structure of his skull. I have noticed it for awhile but it seems a little more prominent now than before. He does not have a misshapen head in any other way and it feels like its symmetrical with the other side except its a little larger on that side. Should I be concerned? [/INST] As long as there are no symptoms or signs of brain and cognitive dysfunction then there is no need to worry at all.this could be just normal skull shape and nothing to worry.</s>
<s>[INST] Can hyperinflated lungs be normal? I got my x-ray result :Lungs are hyperinflated consistent with COPD, no other any medical problem concert. I have never had any illness. I had x-ray last year that result is normal. The doctor said I may can not work in a nursing home. [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. If you are not having any symptoms (cough, breathlessness, chest pain) then no need to worry about hyperinflated lung field on chest x-ray. If chest x-ray is taken after deep inspiration then hyperinflated lung field can be seen on the chest x-ray. COPD diagnosis is not only on the basis of chest x-ray. PUT (Pulmonary Function Test) is needed for diagnosis of COPD. If you have any doubt then get done PFT.PFT is normal then no need to worry about COPD and you can also work in nursing home. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.</s>
<s>[INST] Hello, I have a 7 year old who has had a fever at about 102 and feels dizzy. She vomited about 8 times yesterday, but that has subsided, and she has this fever now. She s been taking liquids, and she s urinating regularly. The fever is persistent though. What hsould I do? [/INST] Hello, I just read your query. The symptoms you have mentioned here persistent fever, vomiting and frequent urination are suggestive of urinary tract infection which is very common in child Chat Doctor. * So perform urine routine examination first and do visit a nearby pediatrician. Because according to urine report he will prescribe you appropriate treatment and if she further requires any investigation your doctor will let you know.* Till then for high grade fever you can give her spy. Paracetamol and can do sponging and give her only liquid and semi-solid diet.* I hope you find my answer helpful. Thank you.</s>
<s>[INST] My 14 year old son is complaining of a bubbling feeling in his chest while he is breathing then he has to cough afterword. He has no fever and no noticeable wheezing sounds. Not sure if this is anything to worry about or not but he said it s getting worse. [/INST] It appears to be allergic (bronchial) cough A course of fexofenidine with acoustic syrup will help .if cough and bubbling continue pl get an x Ray of chest and routine blood counts & ear</s>
<s>[INST] my 2.5 year old has yellowish skin tone to her stomach area, she is prone to having episodes where she doesnt get to toilet for a wee in time lasts a few days with many accidents yet other times she can tell us with pleanty of notice this is the norm. she has had a temp of 37.6 - 37.8 with no other sypmtoms of illness this has happened a few times before and can last upto 5 days. I was thinking would a urine infection cause all of this or could it be more serious. [/INST] Hi, Yellowish discoloration of the skin might be a symptom of jaundice or hepatitis. I suggest that you get her evaluated by a pediatrician if she has got jaundice, and then we can proceed, please. Even if it is an infection it could be a hepatotropic viral infection causing Viral hepatitis. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] My case details for Dr. 1. History : My age is 36 years. My loss of hair symptoms were started at the age of 21 and it grows gradually. It is hereditary as well in my family. I always keep small hair cut to reduce the hair losses. It is typical pattern with hair loss is confined to the area at the top of the head and with hair only at the sides and back of head. My hair are very small and delicate at the front of scalp. Now a days I do not use any hair oils or any other product or medication for hair loss. I use branded shampoo to wash hair once in a week. 2.Previous treatment : No treatment has been taken till date. 3.Medical Condition: I am Type II diabetic and taking regular medication (one tablet daily) and with high blood pressure which started since last 2 years. [/INST] continue your medicines.consult your family doctor for dan ChatDoctor. </s>
<s>[INST] My 8 year old son was suffering from recurrent deffaecation with blood stains stool. on 19th july 2014 he had stool examination which reveals of occultblood, mucus present ,pus cells 6 -8,rbc 12 -15 .At the same time sonography was normal .Doctor diagnosed prostitis and suggested tablets cefixim, Nitaxonit,penta prazole with domperidone ,reflora kids .my son has another stool examination on 29 july 2014 reveals normal results . But after a week or two again he is facing the same problem blood stains stool with recurrent deffaecation.what should we do ?n suggest [/INST] You should consider going in for a stool culture examination to see which bugs are causing the problem and to which medicines (antibiotics) are they likely to respond. Only after this you may decide about which Chat Doctor. On the other hand, if a culture cannot be done or is inconvenient, costly or not available, you can repeat a six-day course of Definite only and see what the results are.</s>
<s>[INST] I burnt the top of my hand about 10 days ago. I kept the wound covered and clean. It is about 3/4 inch long. The wound is still red and not yet closed. NoW I have a red bubbly rash around it. THe rash is sometimes itchy but does not hurt or burn. What could it be? It is worse at end of day after washing my hands many times at work. [/INST] Hi, Nothing much to worry as the wound is cleans and there are no signs of infection. As of now you can apply Silvered ointment after cleaning the wound with soap and water. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.</s>
<s>[INST] I just had two teeth pulled from an infection in the gums. I took the penicillin at 4:30 at the dentist office. Then again before bed at 9pm as instructed, along with tylonal and advil. I also took my nightly medication of zantac, along with vitamins. Everything was fine until I drank quinine soda for leg cramps and then I began to itch everywhere. [/INST] Hi. Thanks for the query. Well, itching all over the body is an indication of the most common cause that is an allergic reaction. As it has happened after taking the Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello I believe I have recently developed a chest cold still early stages yet started having a hard time breathing just tonight. accompanying the pressure and congestion in my chest are chills, and a small fever 99.7 degrees. I was wondering if there were any home remedies to relieve the chest pain and congestion I do have vicks NyQuil and mucinex I am wondering if I should use either of those two over the counter meds or if there was a better remedy for chest pain/congestion/cold thanks in advance [/INST] Cellophane You for contacting Chat Doctor. I would suggest you following things:> Take acetaminophen thrice a day for 5 days.> Take hot water in a cup, add 1 tablespoon salt in it. Perform gargles (mouth wash) with it three times a day for at least 3 days. It will give soothing effect.> Take boiling water in a pot, put your head over the steam and cover whole with a sheet. Take deep breaths in it.(Avoid getting closer else it might cause burn). Do this twice a day.AVOID:> Chilled water> Chat Doctor. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. Wishing you good health.</s>
<s>[INST] My lower left abdomin is painful when I push on it. I have noticed that going number 2 has gone from being normal to almost nothing...my lower back feels stiff and hurts at times...its only been 3 days but it doesnt seem right...should I be worried? [/INST] i. Yes you should be worried. Consult a Castro. I would advise you to take an antibiotic and Metronidazole for full 5 days and see the results. This is called colitis = infection and inflammation of a large bowel. Take plenty of oral fluids</s>
<s>[INST] Dear DoctorMy mum has congestive heart failure and has been taking as a diuretic Frusemide 40mg daily. Just recently the nurse at the heart failure clinic added in Spironolactone 12.5mg daily but the Frusemide dose is the same. Is it normal that 2 different diuretics are prescribed to be taken concurrently and also will this have any reaction with the Candesartan that she takes as well? How often must her urea & electrolyte levels be checked now?Thankyou for your help. [/INST] Hi, If your mother doesn't have kidney failure, it is a good idea to prescribe Spironolactone and Furosemide together. Spironolactone will not let to a big Chat Doctor. It is Ok to take them together with Candesartan. I would advise you to check electrolytes once monthly, after 3 months, if they are stable, then you can check it once in 3 months. Hope I could help nourishing you good health In case of further questions don't hesitate to ask</s>
<s>[INST] Dear Doctor,My cousin,37 years has undergone buccal operation on 20th june 2014 followed by 33no of radiation and 5 no of chemo therapy start from 25th july and completed on 16 th sept,2014. Now he find one small tumor with pain on operated area inside the lip and biopsy found positive.He is financially not sound. Please suggest some idea about what to do now.Thanking You,Regards,D.M.Nath [/INST] Hi, dear I have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. He has history of buccal cancer. He took radiotherapy and chemotherapy. But there is recurrence of tumor. If it limited to that area then he should go for surgery. Then chemotherapy and radiotherapy depending on need. If some part of tumor is left then there is chance of recurrence. So complete removal is very important. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.</s>
<s>[INST] I just found out a blackish red swelling (much like an insect bite) on my lower back just beside the spine. It itches a little, but it cannot be an insect bite since I was wearing warm clothes through out the day and noticed it when I removed my clothes. The same thing happened a month or so ago and went away after I took levocetrizine and applied some soframycine ointment. I want to know if this might be an indication of something serious. [/INST] Use WHITFIELD ointment. Take bath twice a day. Wait for 1 week. Consult dermatologist if symptoms persists</s>
<s>[INST] hi doctor, i am a 21 years old female, i fell 1 month ago while i was walking,, my left leg near the ankle hearts me till now, it is not a continueous pain, just when i move it to the right.. i didnt go to a doctor because my legs color didnt change and i didnt experience any swellig.. but this pain while rotating my leg to the right i bothering me.. a week ago, the pain also reached my left knee.. i would really appreciate your help in telling me what might have happened to my leg.. and how to treat this pain. I dont know if it would be helpful to tell you that i am diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency. thanks for your time. [/INST] Hello, As you are able to do daily activities, so it is clear that you don't have a bony injury.-Hip joint-Knee joint-Ankle jointThese are the whole body weight-bearing joints, So minor injury or major injury to these joints shouldn't be neglected, and the patient needs absolute bed rest. In your case, it's not a fracture of bone but soft tissue injury (Mostly spring ligament or bursitis). So there should be absolute bed rest with crêpe bandage application. Please see an Orthopaedician for how to apply the bandage. Take good analgesics like tablet Stretford twice daily for five days. Take tablet Circa Once daily for three weeks. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] both my arms are aching from the shoulders down, I struggle to lift a cup of coffee due to the pain. I thought it may be due to the way I sleep which is on either side and I bend my arm and place under my pillow. what do you think may be causing this? [/INST] Hellhole this may be a problem with the shoulders themselves, like bursitis or rotator cuff tendonitis, the more likely problem is either spinal stenosis or a disc problem in your neck need to see a doctor for this, and I would get MRI scans of both shoulders and of your cervical spine to determine exactly what the problem is.</s>
<s>[INST] my daughter is 16...she is having what she describes as severe pain on her left side at her ribs, about 10 inches below her armpit....it hurts when she breathes and the pain is moving down her back, butt, leg. She says it hurts all over now and she has had a headache for a few hours. I have asked her if it is time for her cycle, she says no. she tends to panic at every ache or pain, so I have suggested she try stretching and taking deep breaths to see if helps if it is a muscular thing...this has not helped. [/INST] Hi, Thank you for asking question on Chat Doctor. Your history indicates it may be a rib fracture. She might have sustained some injury which she overlooked. Better consult or tho specialist as she may require strapping of ribs on the injured side. Hope this answer will serve your purposeless feel free to ask any more queries if requiredTake care Chat Doctor. V. Subrahmanyam MD;Disassociate professor of pediatrics</s>
<s>[INST] i am 30y old, i ttc for one year. i am pocs this month i scan ther is no cyct. i took letrozol for 5 days from the 2nd days, i have one follicle in right overy about 21mm. i ovulate in 13th day of the cycle, day after ovulation i took duphaston 10mg twise in day for 14 days. i do home pregnancy test in 28 days of my cycle the result negative. does i am pregnant or not? [/INST] Hi I think the chance of pregnancy is very little if the test is negative. But you can wait for one week and repeat the test. Phaeton helps in implantation in uterus, and it supports the pregnancy. Hope I have answered your question.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi Dr. ChandanI am familiar with the anatomy of the penis, and it seems I have dilated lymphatic channels under the skin of my glans penis. They become more prominent when I get an erection. Any idea what this could be? These vessels were preceded by a fluid filled vesicle I had years ago which I popped [/INST] HIT hank for asking to ChatDoctorYou wrongly understood it the lymphatic system neither dilate nor constrict, this is only possible with the vascular system, if you do not have any clinical sign and symptoms then why to have such weird kind of thinking, I hope this information helps you take care and have good day.</s>
<s>[INST] i undergone pneumonia treatment in hospital for 3 days by taking antibiotics (IV). After discharge i am getting more back pain and chest tighten pain. If I use hifenac-mr it is giving immediate relief, can i continue it, if so please give dosage. i am 36 old and female [/INST] Dear patient It seems you have got back stiffness due to rest. Since you were under treatment for pneumonia in hospital you must be on rest which might lead to muscle stiffness and pain. You need physiotherapy with back extension and back strengthening exercises and do hot water fomentation for your back. If you are feeling better with higher Mr you can continue it. Dosage is twice a day for 5 days. All the best</s>
<s>[INST] Hello Doctor, This is Sonaliee. I m from India Bangalore, but now I have come to London for the last 2 months. I m married for almost 1 1/2 year. My husband and me have been desperately trying for a child, but in vain. In 2008, I was hospitalized for food poison and the doctor told me to take a scan, only then did the doctor say that I have PCOS. The doctor suggested me to meet a gynecologist. I immediately met Dr Shanta, who is a gynecologist in Chennai (My aunt s friend), She explained what PCOS is and started off with my treatment immediately, She gave me MEPRATE & GLYSOFATE (I m not too sure about the spelling) and she told me to do a lot of exercise and walking as my weight was 72 kgs then and my age was 28. Till then my cycles were regular I got married in December 2008, I did not get my periods at all that month. I got it on 14th Jan 2009, My first cycle after marriage, And I had terrible stomach pain. So my husband s granny gave me some herbal leaves to take to avoid this stomach pain, It was a normal cycle for 5 days, and I took this herbal leaves only for the first 3 days. Again I did not get my cycle in the month of February. I was wondering what could be wrong with me, So i told my husband that we need to see a Gyno, In the mean time I had also told what Dr Shanta had told about PCOS. So we went to Apollo Dignostic and got a complete master health check up done for my husband and me. After the reports came the doctor said that my husband is in the initial stage of Diabetes. As the sugar level was high, his urine & semen report was also not proper, We were asked to meet the Sr. Doctor in the same hospital. We had to again explain everything to that doctor, and also told her about my irregular cycles. She suggested that she does not handle all this as she is just a general physician so she suggested us to go to ANKUR FERTILITY and get a semen analysis done, I suggested my husband that we shall go to Dr Shanta itself but since we came to know that he has diabetic now and we were married for only 3 months then and Dr shanta is a very good friend of my aunt so he was not willing to come there. We had no choice but to go to ANKUR, we got the semen analysis done and the doctor said that his sperm count is very less. Then they told us about the treatment, that I need to get treated for my cycles to get regular and my husband for his sperm count to increase, Then the doctor told she has to do a IVF for us. For which my husband was not OK with it. His sugar level started increasing more and every times when ever we used to have an intercourse I used to have infection, Even he was undergoing terrible pain, We stopped going even to ANKUR, We were going to a local nursing house in our area, and that doctor had give heavy dose, so there was bleeding in his penis, then that doctor told my husband to do a circumsection. Then we took a second option from a doctor who is a Sr Doctor in Diabetes and that doctor told us not to get into all this, she prescribed GLOCONORM - G for my husband by the time all this happened it was in the month of September, In October my husband flew to London as he got his job here. Even I started taking treatment from Dr Kamalini who is a mother and child care specialist in a nursing home near my house and she prescribed for me FOLININE, CHROMINA - A (1) EVERDAY, ROSINORM - M (1-0-1) EVERDAY for PCOS, and to get my cycles regular DUPHASTON for 5 days. Now I have been taking this tablets from the month of November till date. I came to London 2 months back now my husbands sugar has come to normal it is 80 - 90 before fast and 110 - 120 after fast and after 1 month of intercourse my husband and me checked in the pregnancy kit, but still it is showing negative, We are very very disappointed and upset with this, and because of this now and then we are having small fights at home. Everybody has now started questioning me why still I m unable to get pregnant. Which make me feel very unsecured. Doctor can you please help me out with this, Is there any chance that I can get pregnant soon. I m very desperate and have lost my patience now, cause my friends who were married after me have conceived by now and are in their 4 month and 5 month, and I m feeling so bad that I m still not able to and even my age is passing, Please suggest me how do I get pregnant soon and come out of it. My email id is YYYY@YYYY , in case if you want to send any mails, please do. It will be very very great full if you can help me out with this. Thank you - Sonaliee. [/INST] For your husband- I would suggest to control blood sugar and treat the cause of abnormal sperm report. Fir details pls read-for PCs, the main therapy is weight loss. If weight is optimum then we can star actual treatment fir infertility.</s>
<s>[INST] We (my wife and I) have a 50 yr. old daughter, plagued with seizures from infancy to her current adulthood. As a desperate endeavor by Mayo Clinic at Scottdale, Az. (currently) they are administering Nicotine Patches as a possible mitigating agent to help in controlling her seizures. What do you think? Thanks. Reid and Betty YYYY@YYYY [/INST] Hello, Nicotine patches will not help to control seizures. You have to start on anti-epileptic pills must be started. Consult a neurologist and he will direct you accordingly. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi Can you help? I have a pain in my top front tooth , I went to a dentist two years ago and he said i need a small filling in this tooth and from then on I have had pain. I have been back five times to him also another two dentists and I am told there is nothing wrong. My mother passed away at the time I had the filling so one dentist said it was stress . [/INST] Hi, if the filling was done without a proper cavity preparation, which could be by two ways-one, if the carious structure was not cleaned up properly, it leads to caries spreading underneath. Secondly if there is pulp exposure while deep cavity preparation, it leads to persistent pain after the filling. Please take a ray and go for a root canal treatment to get rid of the pain. You may need a crown also if there is discoloration. Take care!</s>
<s>[INST] Hello Chetna, I am Megha (age 28yrs). I had miscarriage thrice earlier within 1-1.5months of preg. This time, I have been lucky and I am 11weeks pregnant now. My Doc has asked me to use corion 5000 from past 1.5 months and for another 2 weeks(once in 4 days) Also Sugest 200mg, thrice a day, and Glycomet 500SR once a day. Now recently doc asked me to use Duvadilan Retard 40mg as well (twice a day) I had 2 Ultra Scans till now and it was normal. Now the next scan is on 1st feb, based on the results my Doc would provide the medication. My query is: Is it normal to use all the above mentioned medicines..are there any side effects on the baby....expecting your response, thanks a lot (0000) [/INST] Hello Ms. Mega, All these medications have been used during pregnancy with no reported untoward effects. In view of your past obstetric history, your doctor has prescribed chorionic gonadotropin injections to help sustain the pregnancy until the placenta takes over the function of hormone production. This is why progesterone supplementation also is being used. Metformin is prescribed when insulin resistance is seen as in POD to prevent abortions and gestational diabetes. Nevadian is a uterine muscle relaxant. Please do not worry, you are on the right track. Take care.</s>
<s>[INST] I have recently noticed that when I am concentrating, I stick out my tongue about a half inch between my lips. This is very disturbing because my mom, now 84 yrs, has always done that, but in the last 10 years, its gotten worse and when she concentrates on anything, her tongue is often sticking out by its entire length and looks creepy. I dont want to get like that. I am a very healthy 58 year old runner and triathlete. [/INST] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. There is nothing wrong in that. Everyone has some mannerisms. When we overly indulge ourselves in some task, these mannerisms surface automatically. This happens just because we were never aware of it and never tried to overcome it. Here, you want to overcome it just because you do not want it to happen. Fine. The negative feeling about it itself is enough to stop it. Still as an enhancing step, Just put some chewing gum inside your mouth whenever you are doing something. Also, good for your mouth and teeth. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe some psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.</s>
<s>[INST] my wife has lupus and is in extreme pain. she stopped one med because it was causing eye damage and she cant take the other one the doctor recommended because it causes osteoperosis (she is borderline already). we are becoming desperate, so i remembered i had an old prescription of Naproxen. she took a 500 mg and it really helped her - for most of the day. is this something we should ask the doctor to prescribe? she has been to numerous doctors numerous time since being diagnosed one year ago, and none of them have mentioned Naproxen. [/INST] Sir the pain in lupus may be due to involvement of joint in the form of arthritis and muscle causing myalgic.Also, there may be associated fibromyalgia as well. For treatment of the same Naproxen may be given for few days to decrease inflammation and hence relief in pain, but it would never cure the root cause of the disease which depends on some immunological markers. Some general measures like use of hot moist towel, sauna bath, hot shower, regular yoga exercises with mediation would be of great help in long term improvement of pain</s>
<s>[INST] Have been experiencing some lingering symptoms that i would want to attribute to Candida or acute parasitic infection(protozoa). The symptoms are as follows: Weird bodily sensations that can be itchy, motile, slight spasms, back ache( especially in d mornings), erectile dysfunction( i do have an erection as when due but dont think i retain as long as i should), mental fogginess, digestive discomfort etc Whats your prognosis doc? [/INST] Hi, For erectile dysfunction- get relaxed. Avoid stress and stop smoking and alcohol. Try keel exercise. Do NOT take any medicine without consulting the doctor. Get examined by doctor and do the tests as It's important to find out the cause. Take medicines only after having seen by the doctor. The problem can be related to stress, but can sometimes be because of diabetes, heart disease, hormonal problem etc. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] hai doctor.i am lakshmi.29 years old. i want to check up my whole body. i have frequently facing leg pains fatigue pain in chest (not severe)and some small problems.like head ache flum etc.but i dont know what tests i need.some diagnostics offering master health check up like that. plz suggest me sir for my husband and me.plz. [/INST] Hello Thanks for consulting Chat Doctor I have read your query and understand your concern. As far as pain in legs, chest and headache is concerned I will suggest you to consult good Physician or Cardiologist for general examination and investigations like complete blood count or ECG to get proper diagnosis. Hope this will help you.</s>
<s>[INST] past few months I ve been having problems with my lips swelling my tongue swelling on different occasions different things I ve eaten also I ve had situations where like half of my upper lip or half of my lower lip or even half of my tongue not even the whole thing what s well I ve been to an allergist they found nothing I went to a dentist they found nothing I just don t know what else to do thank you very much. [/INST] Cellophane You for contacting Chat Doctor. Such symptoms appear because of allergy to some specific thing. You need to observe that what particular food causes swelling after you eat. Then you need to avoid that. Meanwhile, I would suggest you following things:> Take levocetirizine one at night for 5 days.> Take montelukast one daily for one month. Research has shown that it decreases the allergic symptoms considerably. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. Wishing you good health.</s>
<s>[INST] having feeling like vomit and weakness..last date was 13 june when my periods came...had a relation with husband 22 and 27 june almost but feeling unfortable from two days is it possible i am pregnent ans so early feeling of vomit all that? [/INST] Could be because you had relation almost in mid-cycle. If you missed your periods then go for UPT test for confirmation.</s>
<s>[INST] I found a lump the size of a pea under my chin towards the front in early september, about a week later found another on the floor of my mouth in the front. Now there is another one next to the one in my mouth. None have any pain associated with them. Should I be worried? What could it be? [/INST] Not to worry much as this is benign condition like sebaceous cyst or lymph nodes skin tags / fibroepithelial polyp if really worries you can go for an FNAC test for confirmation all the best!</s>
<s>[INST] When I get out of the shower, I have been noticing a cluster of red spots on my stomach an inch or so above my belly button. It has not been going away completely now, but fades abit after an hour or so. The thing that scares me is that this cluster looks the same everytime, with the same exact spots in the same place each time. Should I be worried? [/INST] Cluster of red spots over belly button can be due to herpes. Urticaria or malaria. Use an antiviral agent.an antihistamine and application of calamine lotion helps to alleviate the condition</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, i have been taking iron tablets and i have found that it has made it harder to poo, causing me to strain. When i finished on the toilet, i noticed that my vagina was swollen (lips etc). I am also pregnant. Do you know why this happened? Please help! [/INST] Hello dear, I understand your concern. In my opinion iron supplements are known to cause constipation or hard stools. Constipation is routinely seen complaint in pregnancy. To prevent the constipation:-1) Change the iron preparation- Certain iron preparations tend to cause gastritis, constipation etc. So changing the brand might be tried.2)Take adequate fluids up to 3 liters per day.3)Take high fiber diet daily.4)Take laxatives if needed. Nothing to worry. It will subside by following the above measures. Coming to vaginal lips swelling check for any infection like white discharge or itching or any high BP. The swelling can also be related to excessive straining at stools. If everything is normal the swelling might be considered physiological as some swelling of vaginal lips might be there in pregnancy and subsides after delivery. But iron preparations might not be associated with swelling of vaginal lips. Anyways nothing to worry as such. Prevention of constipation is important to avoid other problems. Hope this helps. Best regards....</s>
<s>[INST] pcod irregular periods 37x31mm cyst in LT ovary on11july its my first day. 7x7mm inRTovary and 11x12mm inLT ovary on22 july 12day. 11x12mm inRTovary and 8x9mm inLT ovary on27july 17day. 1 what does this mean? 2 IS ovulation happen this time? 3 slow and late growth of follicle as in my case .ISany chance of getting preganant? 4 what to do now? 5 plssssssssssss answer soon [/INST] Hi, The follicle in yr left ovary on 11th July -is not seen in next reading on 22nd July. That means it has ruptured to release ovum some time in between the readings. There is a possibility of conception this time, if you had sex around 11th to 15th July. Actually POD is characterized by slow, irregular or no ovulation. Still you do have a chance to conceive-there are medicines to correct the problem. So don't worry. Consult a sync for proper investigations treatment. Thanks.</s>
<s>[INST] I have a pituitary tumor 9cm x 5.4cm x 6.2cm ... I was given 1 year to live since March 21 2012... I am a 47yr old male aprox 6 tall at 215 lbs... I am VERY active with a strong belief in Jesus !... I have been in a debate then an argument with my dr. because he was making judgments of my health without test or proof !!!... He told the DMV I am having seizures and took my drivers license without 1 (one) EEG test ???... Now with a little bet more background,,, I had 2 previous surgeries (1 in 2003 and 1 in 2007) through my upper lip and into my nasal cavity ... those tumors were up to 4.5cm x 5.5 cm and were removed only at 80% due to them being too close to my eyes and brain stem... but when this new tumor was diagnosed, they wanted to remove my forehead ???? OUCH !!!!!... I was NOT willing to go through such a risky surgical procedure, so I was given the choice to take cabergoline 0.5 (2 pills a day twice a week = 4 pills a week).... NOW, I had an EEG and I was diagnosed in Good health (No Seizures!).... I am getting my license back, I am still very active and (so far...) And... I am NOT DEAD ! Based on your experience, 1st, have you heard such a Crazy story... 2nd, Am I going to Die ?... Last, why would ANY Dr. take my license without EVER giving me a test to prove I am having seizures ??? Thanks for ANY answers and I can t wait for March 22, 2013... TO PROVE THEM WRONG !!!! Scott Shaw - Patient 916-600-6006 / Samual Ciricillo - Neurosurgeon (916) 454-6850 [/INST] Thank you for contacting Chat Doctor. Your story is indeed interesting, and I hope you live for 53 more years (to reach 100). It is difficult to predict death in most conditions and so, I won't be surprised if your doctor is proven wrong by you on March 22, 2013. Also, if you have had no seizures and EEG is normal, then your Chat Doctor. Best wishes,</s>
<s>[INST] Sir my doughter suffering from abdominal tuberculosis. daiagation done in Asra Hospital, Hyderabad. Daily my doughter suffering from fever every day alleast three times. wamtings also done by her without pain. please sugust me to treet in best hospital in Hyderabad. My doughter age is 17 years. [/INST] Hi. Thanks for your query. Understood your concern for your daughter. The treatment of tuberculosis anywhere in the body is straight and simple. The standard protocol of 2 months of intensive phase and the next months of continuous phase have to be completed. Since this is abdominal tuberculosis called as extra-pulmonary, you have to give her 3 months of treatment. In addition to the standard treatment, you have to give her the best of proteins, correct anemia, give multivitamins. Whenever she has intestinal obstruction, she may need a surgical correction. Hyderabad - Consult any General Surgeon or Surgical Gastroenterologist.</s>
<s>[INST] I have had two severe chest pain and it seemed the heart would burst in my chest. Doctors here in Mo tested me with nuclear stress test and the heart showed good . Could colon have anything to effect the heart, I have lost a good deal of weight and perhaps could I be low in Potassium ? In 2003 I was hospitalized with a possible heart attack and the doctor did not determiner it was a heart attack or not. Then I was sent to do the tread mill stress nothing showed. [/INST] Hello, I would explain that considering your performed cardiac tests, I would exclude any possible cardiac issues. Coming to this point, I would recommend considering esophageal spasms, gastritis or gallbladder stones. For this reason, I would recommend performing an abdominal ultrasound and a fibrogastroscopy. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, they put me on cephalexin for infection that I have above my lip, got put on it yesterday 3 times a day and its 500 mg. When will i see results? And its still swollen and red in one area.And is ok to swollow the pill I hope cause they did not say like one of the pages that you should not so I hope thats ok. They said they are not sure what happen and I think maybe I got bitten or something cause there was a mark there and know like I said still a mark but red around it and I was running a temp also of 100 [/INST] Hi. Thanks for the query. As per your symptoms of having a red and swollen area above the upper lip and having raised body temperature can be either due to allergic reaction to any bee sting or can be due to infection like Hair follicle infection. As you are being treated with Cephalexin that is an antibiotic, and you have taken 3 doses without any side effects you can continue taking the antibiotic for the prescribed time period by your physician. You can also take Acetaminophen or Tylenol for reducing body temperature. Topical application of steroid ointment can help in reducing inflammation and discomfort. Hope this helps. Regards.</s>
<s>[INST] I had an extraction of tooth #2 upper right, I had it done Monday. I have some throbbing still and the tooth in front of where the extraction was feels alien. My bite is way off and I cant swallow correctly. Will this correct itself over time. I have a cross bite. Or will I need to do an implant/bridge? [/INST] Hello, thank you for consulting with Chat Doctor. As you are mentioning that you got your tooth extracted 4 days back, and now you are feeling some throbbing, it can be possible as during the time of healing there is some pressure developing inside</s>
<s>[INST] I taught dyslexic and hyperactive children for 30 years. Late in my career I suffered multiple head tramas, seiszures, and falls. After menopause began, my memory and attention to details went to severe level. What might be a solution. This is causing marriage problems, loss of friends, total isolation. I have tried psy. and counseling. I just keep getting worse. Help [/INST] Thank you for asking Chat Doctor. My name is Chat Doctor. I would like to repeat CT scan again.if it is unremarkable then continue with sodium valproate 500 mg thrice a day for 2 months and then twice a day for another 4 months.Also, calcium along with Vito and regular exercise will help a lot. I hope u will be fits free and your daily activities which are disturbed will be Hope this may help you. Let me know if anything is not clear. Thanks.</s>
<s>[INST] Hello Dr, I am 45 years female.Have kidney stones due to intake of calcium. Have a hairline fracture on my arm so begun taking calcium for a few days normally I avoid taking calcium tablets.Since yesterday blood in urine but the stone passed. Today again severe pain unbearable. Taking Cital. Took a pain killer for pain. Should I continue taking cital and pain killer [/INST] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thank you for your query. I understand your concerns and I will try to help you as much as I can. Most kidney stones pass spontaneously and this is usually a painful experience. You should continue with painkillers and Vital and Chat Doctor. If there is no urination in 24 hours, you should see urologist and do tests to rule out ureter obstruction. Also, you need to avoid high calcium food and high protein food for few days. If fever or pus in urine occur, you should see doctor as well since it may indicate kidneys infection. I hope I have answered you query. If you have any further questions you can contact us in every time. Kindly regards. Wish you a good health.</s>
<s>[INST] Cough for a year. Been to three specialists. Nasal wash daily, no mucus discharge either from wash of blowing. Been through all the otc medicines under the advice of these specialist. Done breathing tests,x-rays, cat scans...nothing showed according to doctors. What can I do for cough? [/INST] Hi thanks for contacting Chat Doctor.... Noted you have persistent cough and many tests are normal... Organic cause seems less likely.... Cough here might buy chronic irritation... Avoid smoking if you have habit.... Rule out acid reflux disease as it can lead cough. Pentoprazole taken for it.... If chest discomfort feels bronchitis or asthma ruled out by pulmonary function test... You might have allergic cough.... Try to avoid allergen that lead cough. Levocetrizine useful. Ginger, onion, garlic are good for resp tract.Finally, if its troublesome cough take Conan or dextromethorphan... Chat Doctor. </s>