<s>[INST] I have been using ring guard cream for 18 days. The infection got a little better but after 2 days red spots began to appear on the infection area. So i stopped using the ring guard. So what to do now? The skin infection is still there and severe. Its on the neck and above the thigh area. [/INST] Hi!! According to your history it seems to be a case of ringworm infection as initially you had improvement in your skin lesion after applying ring guard. I would recommend you to take oral terminating 250 mg once daily and apply terminating cream over the affected area twice daily. This has to be continued for 4 weeks so that the infection doesn't recur after stopping the medicine. Besides this don't share your soap and towel, stay in a cool and airy environment and wear loose cotton clothes. Hope for your speedy recovery.</s>
<s>[INST] My appendix burst and I had to have surgery. The incision is from my belly button to my groin. I definitely have and umbilical hernia. but my lower abs protrude. I cant tell if i m just fat or I have a hernia. It doesn t hurt. How will I know? After one surgery I thought I had a hernia but the it was just tenting . [/INST] Dear patient!This </s>
<s>[INST] my father has been going down hill health wise for the last 6 mths maybe even the last year . we took him to the hospital this last time and with in 24 hours they said he had a streap in his bloodstream and it has caused heart valve damage . what I want to know is this an infection that he had for a while or is this something that can happen in 24 hours . I just think it would take time for this to happen to the heart and being that he has be declining for a time now could he have before we took him to the hospital? [/INST] Hello Welcome to Chat Doctor. Blood is usually sterile I.e. devoid of any bacteria or viruses. Bacteria or viruses can appear in blood after a throat infection, urine infection or lung infection. Once the bacteria enter the blood they can infect other organs including the heart. The bacteria settle on the valves of the heart and cause infection and destruction of the valves. This happens over time and cannot happen in 24 hrs. But he must have had symptoms like fever, breathlessness, shivering etc. You have not mentioned any of the symptoms. Here. The treatment of infective endocarditis is long term treatment with antibiotics and some residual damage to valve always remains. Wishing him good health Regards</s>
<s>[INST] hi my name is teresa i am 5 4 i have had two tsi pn the past year i am 34 i had a dvt in my leg that is gone i took blood thinner warfin and lovnox but now i had a ultra sound done and they dont see a cloth but my leg is swollen, has pain and i can barely walk [/INST] Hello, It could be a lower limbo edema or cellulitis. Consult a general surgeon and get evaluated. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Past 4 years my AST,ALT AS+bilirubin have been elevated. Lives scan showed mild diffuse fatty changes. Weight, cholesterol, etc otherwise normal. No treatment was suggested. But every time i do an LFT, the Dr ( go to different clinics/Dr each time), the Dr wants to investigate and its a waste of time because we end up not doing anything at the end of it. [/INST] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, Fatty liver is a reversible condition in which liver cells are replaced by adipose tissue. This fatty change is caused by various causes, some of them are as follows:1. Alcoholism2. Starvation3. Malnutrition4. Diabetes Mellitus These are just few causes. If you have any of these risk factor, you can avoid it/ or treat it (in case of Diabetes Mellitus). There is no treatment for fatty liver disease but only prevention of the risk factors. Thanks and take care. Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi Doctor, my query is, when my sister sits on a chair with her feet on the ground, her feet swell from the ankle. She s gone to her GP for the past 10 years about the issue but they tell her she s overweight. She does exercise, walks everyday for an hour and this makes it worse. Shes also got fibroids in her womb, is this the cause? Please I need advice. Thank you [/INST] Yes fibroid can cause lower limp edema I suggest she goes to her gynecologist for further investigation Good Luck</s>
<s>[INST] i am a smoker and have had chronic nect pain especially at the base of my neck for several month.s Lately, I have notice a tight feeling in my neck/throat area and my glands seem a little swollen. At times, when I just turn my head I get a sharp pain in my neck. [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Neck pain and swollen glands in neck in chronic smoker can be due to either infection or cancer. So possibility of throat infection or cancer in neck (vocal cords, pharynx, larynx etc.) is more. So better to quit smoking as soon as possible. Consult ENT doctor and get done 1. Clinical examination of neck 2. CT scan of neck 3. Endoscopic examination of pharynx and larynx. You may need to biopsy if there is any mass lesion. You may need antibiotic, anti histamine and anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. Don't worry, you will be alright but first quit smoking. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.</s>
<s>[INST] since this week ends, during camping ive noticed a pain in my left testicles. I got home and I noticed that the bottom of my penis is blue black same for my left balls, almost all blue. I feel 4/10 of pain in my lower abdomen. Do I need to go to the hospital or I wait? [/INST] Hello welcome to Chat Doctor. I think you need to see your doctor as soon as possible. As changing colors and pain in the testicular region may lead to serious complications. Once you reach your doctor - he may ask for an ultrasound scan and find out the blood supply and comment on the organs. Do not delay. Take care. Need to ask ? Do not hesitate. Thank you.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi I have a question my lower back hurts sooo much I can t sit walk and when I cough or sneeze it gives me a very sharp pain in my lower back. Can u help me. What can this be and should I go see a doctor asap?? [/INST] Hello, as u have explained u need to visit an orthopaedician or physiotherapist for examination. There is compression over spinal nerve in the vertebral canal.better u take an MRI. If start taking physiotherapy treatment it will help u out... but u need to go through proper examination of your spine.</s>
<s>[INST] hello doc this is Deepak,I am 24 years old, I am having pain in my back and mostly in my neck part..it happens daily.I think this is survical pain. I exercise my neck and back part regularly but it doesnt leave me..In the past I had hernia and hydercele. they have been treated...but now my digestion power is loosed.please help me. [/INST] Welcome to Chat Doctor After going through your query I concluded that you are having chronic backache and neck pain. Cause of it is weakness and vitamin deficiencies. You are advised to do your vitamin D3 test. Treatment of it is exercises, Avionic, calcium and vitamin D3 if it is low. You can discuss with your Doctor about it. Hope your query get answered. If you have any clarification then please don't hesitate to write to us. I will be happy to help you. Wishing you a good health. Take care.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I have a mass at the top of my left inner thigh which extends to my right hip bone. A biopsy said, no cancer. Doctors at U.C.L.A. don t seem to know why it s there . It s deep behind the groin and they re not sure what to do about it. The biopsy technician only took a half inch of fluid in a tube, The fluid was on the outside of the mass. Would that have shown that the mass itself was non-canceous, and I don t know why he didn t take any of the mass itself. Do you know the answer to that and also what it might be? Thanks. Barbara [/INST] Welcome to Chat Doctor I have gone through your query and understand your concern. It may be that mass is a cyst such as simple bone cyst and aneurysm bone cyst. Probably he was not able to get solid tissue. If tissue is proper then if biopsy shows no cancer, then it is OK. You can discuss with your doctor about it. Hope your query get answered. If you have any clarification then don't hesitate to write to us. I will be happy to help you. Wishing you a good health. Take care.</s>
<s>[INST] 3 year old son has small red dots all over his body legs arms feet hands but not on his face or neck. It almost looks like a heat rash but he s never had it everywhere like this before. We are out of town and didn t know if we should try to get him looked at or give him kids benidril and see if that clears is up. [/INST] Hi, Thank you for asking question on Chat Doctor. Looks like prickly heat.local application of Calamine lotion and dusting powder may help. Hope this answer will serve your purposeless feel free to ask any more queries if requiredTake care Chat Doctor. V. Subrahmanyam MD;Disassociate professor of pediatrics</s>
<s>[INST] Hello, about 2 months ago a round red puffy and extremely itchy red circle showed up on my inner thigh. Around the time it showed up I was on antibiotics for a uti . I treated the spot with lotrimin jock itch cream which made the itch redness and puffiness go away but the place is still on my thigh although now it feels like dry skin an somewhat resembles a bruise . What could it be? [/INST] Hi there, I would have asked you some more questions about your antibiotics that you were taking at the time?and also all other prescribed medication that you are taking at the moment? ANY painkillers?and has it occurred for the first time in your life? But according to your question it seems like you are having Fixed Chat Doctor. The good news is that the rash can be left alone if not bothering but the IMPORTANT thing to remember is to report it to your doctor who ever is taking care of you at the moment because its like a </s>
<s>[INST] Hi Doctor, I have been suffering from pain in right upper jaw from quite some time. Now I am having headache and pain behind ear. Last year went through series of surgeries as my lower wisdom tooth and bone next it had got infected both the sides. Later I was diagnosed with TMJ. Now I am not on any treatment. Can you please suggest.Thanks & Regards [/INST] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The pain in the upper jaw and headache can be secondary to tooth infection or gum infection. The pain near the ear can be secondary to TMJ disorder. Nothing to be panic, consult an oral physician and get it evaluated. Meanwhile you can take a course of antibiotics like amoxicillin and metronidazole. For the TMJ disorder, you can take tablet proximal, You can give hot fomentation over the joint. I hope my answer will help you, take care.</s>
<s>[INST] quit smoking weed and cigarettes 1 week ago. 2-3 days ago a very itchy red small red bumps and rash showed up around the side of my mouth. I shaved one day and it spread to my neck. Was a daily pot smoker and had maybe 5 or so cigarettes per day. Is this due to withdrawal or is this just some kind of allergic reaction? [/INST] Hi, Thanks for posting the query, this is some kind of allergic reaction don't worry, but get a checkup done by a skin specialist. Take care!</s>
<s>[INST] hello doc Im having a small swelling in the lower part of the scm muscle and just above medial clavicle which started appearing 6 months back and now causing pain and pressure on the surrounding tissues..my age is 35 female and im extremely worried.pls help [/INST] Hello, I have studied your case and I think that you should not take it lightly. I would recommend you to follow these.1. Meet an orthopedic doctor and get this examined.2. A CT scan may be required.3. If there is any doubt then you can get biopsy of the lesion. I hope this answer will be useful for you. Let me know if there is any other followup questions. Thanks</s>
<s>[INST] My son aged 15 yrs was diag on May 23,2011 for Jaundice with S/Bil Total 2.2(Dir1.0 and Indct 1.2) SGOT41,SGPT 54, Hb;11.2gm.With 7-8 days rest levels came down to normal rgs with marginal raised OT/PT. However after two wks nd till two months now, the T/Bill is back at 1.6--2.2 with Hb howering arn 11.5 or so. Othervise the boy is active nd asymptematic. Urine o/p is N. HBS Ag nd HCV both are -ve May I seek ur opinion nd further adv pls. Regards [/INST] Thank you for posting query. Further evaluation needed. Need some test results, get done following blood tests: ESR, CRP, lipid profile, get ultrasound abdomen also. Then post results here or visit treating physician. Further advice:abstinence from "Alcohol and Chat Doctor. - use lemon juice (lemonade) once in a day-walk 30 to 40 minutes every day.- or swimming is alternative to walking-NO sports and NO jogging-"recheck liver enzymes after 6 to 8 weeks".if any further questions, feel free to ask. Health professionals aim to diagnose properly and manage patients according to their limited knowledge. Cure is blessed by the ONE who Created us, whose power and knowledge is unlimited .wish you good health. Regards,</s>
<s>[INST] My Litase test result was 100 U/L. Lab said normal range was 7-60 U/L. I am 56 and diabetic. Have been nauseas and vomiting one day each week . I am concerned and not sure what to do next. I am going to stop taking Victoza since that can sometimes cause pancreas problems. [/INST] Howell come to ChatDoctorI really appreciate your concern, if this is just symptoms of nausea and vomiting then it could be due to gastritis dyspepsia, and it may not be pancreatic disease only if the symptoms persist for long time and associated some other symptoms then it requires the lab and imaging work up for correct diagnosis hope this information helps.</s>
<s>[INST] hello doctor, i am 20 weeks pregnant and my scan report shows the followingA single, live, intra uterine fetus is seen exhibiting active movementsplacenta; posterior maturity grade. 1amniotic fluid: adequateheart;150 bpmBpd: 42mmAC: 130 mmFL :28 mmestimated gestational age: 18 w 6 daysestimated fetal weight: 0256 gmsis there any problems in this report and what about the growth ? it is 1 week lowe than the actual [/INST] Hi there,This is an absolutely normal findings of ultrasound scan at 20 weeks. The measurements give an estimate of weeks but, a variability from the actually calculated date can be present, as ultrasound only gives a rough estimate. So in effect the ultrasound findings can be plus or minus 1 week in first trimester; 2 weeks in second trimester; and more than two weeks in third. This variability is decreased with newer machines but can't be totally removed. So I would say that this report is absolutely reassuring, and you should not worry at all. A good fetal heart rate and a placenta which is only grade 1 maturity indicates that everything is as it should be at this stage. Do not worry. Hope this helps. Regards.</s>
<s>[INST] my blood test report confirm that i have SGOT 44u/l n SGPT 80u/l...and i have done two test earlier in the period of 6 months n the value keeps fluctuating...and i have a history of jaudice...how do i get it to be normal?what diet should i follow?what will be the complications? [/INST] HelloElevated SGPT and GOT may indicate liver injury. It may be due to many reasons like hepatitis, alcohol intake, altered lipid profile, medicines,autoimmune causes etc. You may need few more investigations like routine hologram, complete liver function test, random blood sugar, lipid profile, viral markers, urine RE/ME, ultrasound of abdomen. I suggest tablet ursodeoxycholic acid 300 mg tablet twice daily for three months. It helps in regeneration of liver cells. You may need to take few more medicines after complete investigations. Try to avoid saturated fat. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello Doctor. My name is cccccc and this is my problem - my penis at the skin surronding the head, has swollen and also my urine is a dark color. I have prostate cancer and am doing very good according to all my doctors. But this surprises me and began on Friday. What should i do? [/INST] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor, thanks for the query. It is hard to say, but it may indicate any urinary infection or std.Also, dark urine may be sign of bilirubin elevation, so you should check your liver tests. You need to do basic urinalysis, monoculture and prostate ultrasound to verify your condition. Wish you good health. Regards</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, My name is Courtney and im 20 years old. Recently i have had a tight chest and sometimes a burning sensation in my upper right quadrent. Every time i cough i get a metal taste in my mouth like im holding quarters on my tounge. I could use some help im lost. Thanks [/INST] Hello hope the answer helps you. As far I am getting you are having trouble with burning pain with unexplained metallic taste of mouth, how about your weight are you obese and addiction of alcohol and smoking as your symptoms are suggestive of GOOD. You must avoid smoking, excess alcohol and coffee after food donor lie down immediately. And in sleeping slight head elevation will prevent burning to metallic taste along with spicy food abstinence. Also start Spy Davison 10ml three times along with Santa or Gases for regular 15 days hope it will help if not then be needing Castro consult</s>
<s>[INST] Every morning when i wake up i have a painful erection. It slowly goes away after i urinate but sometimes that ishard to get started. Its been going on about a month. I have psoreatic arthritis in my knees and have been taking Humira. Could the Humira be causing it? [/INST] Hello, There is no such side effect of Humor causing such a symptom. If you are taking certain antidepressants, it can cause ED or painful erection. Sometimes, when there is UTI, it can cause painful erections. You are suggested to visit a GP, get physically examined. You will have to get Urinalysis (R/E & C/S) done. Furthermore, you may have to get some blood tests done. If sexually active, get STD tests done. Get assessed & treated at the earliest. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I had a false-positive drug test for methamphetamine-have never even seen this drug, much less put any in my system. I had been taking several OTC meds and need to know if they could produce this false-positive test? I had been sick for 8-10 days with what I thought was the flu or a cold. ended up in hosp with pneumonia and gram positive cocci bacteria in blood stream. had been using vicks inhaler and taking Sudafed for symptoms. would any of this produce this crazy false positive test. [/INST] Hello, Methamphetamine is a psychostimulant ChatDoctor. This </s>
<s>[INST] My 10 year old son experiences involuntary muscle movements in his hands when he is excited (watching sports events, telling an interesting story). He was a high toe walker as a child and used to have grimacing in his face, flap his arms and contort his back...now it is only his hands. If there are no treatments, I d rather not put him through the feelings of having a disorder. Thoughts???? What could this be? [/INST] Hello, Involuntary movements of hands can occur in calcium deficiency or multivitamin deficiency. Kindly check vitamin B12 levels in child and calcium levels in child. An examination by doctor should also be done so that we may not miss any important finding. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.</s>
<s>[INST] I ve been experiencing bouts of severe abdominal pain over the past 7 months and admitted to the hospital four times. I ve been given different diagnoses of diverticulitis , irritable bowel , typhlitis and colities. The pain initially presented on my right side and also intermittently included back pain. The stomach pain on a scale of 1-10 is usually 7-8. I ve had an ultrasound, a abdominal CT scan with and without contrast, an EGD, a HIDA scan and most recently a colonoscopy and I m scheduled for a CT scan with and without contrast with a pancreatic window. My History: 49 year old African American female, 5 2 , 220lbs (lost 30 pounds in the last 6 months). I currently take cardizem cd 120mg, losartan 50mg, ferrous sulfate 325 twice a day, protonix 40mg, singulair at night and just finished 500mg of levoquin after my last hospital stay July 21-23. I had H Pylori back in 1989, had my gall bladder removed in 2006, had ovarian masses/tumors removed in 2008 along with a complete historectomy. I also have a mass and cysts on my right kidney (which I was informed was perfectly harmless--been there since 2008). My last 2 hospital stays were because of hypertension, heart palpitations, tightness in my chest, headaches, sweats, pains in the left arm, lightheaded/dizziness. Tests showed a normal EKG, but some tachycardia. The EGD showed a hiatal hernia and a growth that was sent out for a biopsy. Lab reports showed among other things, anemia. The ct scan showed typhlitis , whatever that is. The colonoscopy showed stenotic ileocecal valve. The doctors have come to a concensus...they don t know what it is. Here are the majority of the pieces of the puzzle, any light you can shed would be greatly appreciated. [/INST] Hi MEANS, Welcome to Chat Doctor ! Your problem is really very complex. So many possible causes are there. Two of your medicines need to be switched, Singular needs to be stopped you can take other inhalations anti-asthmatic which are equally effective, You are taking excessive doses of iron- I would suggest 100 mg thrice a day after meals, which is most tolerated dose. You might have post-surgical bands which result in intermittent obstruction and pain, that is more so a case if you are totally well in between the episodes. Another prominent possibilities is tuberculosis of abdomen. If your problem does not get resolved soon please review with your gastro-surgeon, and possibly you would need an exploratory laparotomy for a diagnosis and intraoperative intervention if possible. You need a physical examination by your physician and get baseline investigations like Chest X-Ray, Electrocardiogram, Complete Blood Counts, Renal Function Test, Liver Function Test, Fasting and Postprandial Blood Sugar, Thyroid Profile, Lipid Profile, Ultrasound Abdomen, Urine Compete Examination. This work up is expected to detect the underlying problem, so a definite treatment could be started. I hope this advice would be helpful for you. Still if you have any queries or doubts, please write me back, I would be happy to solve them. Wish you a great health!</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, my name is Malissa and my husband has recurrent mixed glioma in the left side of the brain. He had a partial resection and whole brain and beam radiation in 2003. He maintained stability til 2011. He went through chemo for over a year and when that stopped working he was given another full course of radiation. Though there were side effects he had been doing fairly stable since the radiation ended. On Tuesday morning he awoke fairly normally, but after a few hours he was suddenly much worse. He could barely speak, kind of like Charlie Brown s teacher. We felt the right side of his face was slightly slack. His ability to walk or move his right hand was bad also. I thought it might have been a stroke . He refused to go to the Doctor. The question I have has to do with one of his other symptoms. Monday night he complained of pain running from the edge of his left breast under his arm toward the back. Since Tuesday when he has this pain his breathing gets really odd. It isn t really shortness of breath as much as breathing with a continual hitch in it. It is sort of shallow, but it is more like hiccup breathing without the hiccups. Since I can not convince him to go to the Doctor this is kind of an academic question. But can the pain in his side and breathing problem be a sign of a stroke also? And if all of this does point to a stroke, which type would it point ? [/INST] Hi, The symptoms match clinically with stroke. Right sided weakness, respiratory problem can be caused by cerebral infarction or hemorrhage. Left sided chest pain mainly radiating to back can be caused by cardiac pathology. Anyway, a brain imaging like CT scan and EKG will be helpful. You should immediately consult with a physician. Take care.</s>
<s>[INST] ill I cant find any android app that will tell me whats wrong with me u just click q body part... so I was on the phone last night and I started to get a swore throat... but I just thought it was from not having a drink... so I when to sleep and when I woke up this morning... it felt like I had a lump in my mouth/throat I couldnt get out of bed... I was dizzy if I just moved my head... I had a headache... my ear hurt when I swallowed... I couldnt tell if I was hot or cold... my sense of smell is off (everything smells different)... my mum got me a paracetamol and I am feeling well enough to type this but thats it I still cant get up... I am a 19 year old male and Im just wondering if theres any way to tell whats wrong with me... thankyou for your time. [/INST] Hi dear thanks for the query on ChatDoctorYour query suggests you may have tonsillitis. You need to visit a physician. He will examine your throat and the neck. And suggest the treatment. Till that time do salt water gurgle in warm water thrice a day. Eat warm food and Latino warm lemon juiceThank you</s>
<s>[INST] Hi I am 16 and have been experiencing panic attacks daily for the past 2 years. However recently more physical symptoms have come on ect. chest tightness, swelled throat, fast heart rate and dizziness. Are these all still panic attacks or could there actually be something seriously wrong? [/INST] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. Hopefully you visited a physician to clarify your condition. If not, please do it now. Even though I am sure that all these symptoms are related to anxiety and panic attacks, you need to be sure for yourself. After you be sure about your physical condition (leave no stone unturned) you should make sure that you believe it. Then know what is anxiety and panic attack. Then start relaxation and psychotherapy to overcome the problem. I shall help you for sure. First visit a physician. You can post a direct question to me in this website. Include every detail as much as you can. I shall prescribe some psychotherapy techniques to control your condition. I am sure that the techniques should be a success. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.</s>
<s>[INST] I have a hole in the bottom of my mouth near the front very tiny hole but painful ... however my daughter and I were playing and her nail did hurt the inside of my mouth ... this has happened before but never for this long without going to the dentist what can I do? [/INST] Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor . I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns. As per your complaint it seems that due to traumatic injury caused by nail there has been torn of mucosa leading to formation of a painful traumatic ulcer. Due to inflammation there is pain. I would suggest you to start applying a numbing gel containing Lidocaine or Choline Salicylate to relieve pain. You can apply steroid ointment containing Escort or Triamcinolone Acetone to reduce inflammation. You can take anti-inflammatory painkiller like Ibuprofen. You can also take vitamin B complex daily. Suck ice popsicles or do cool water rinses. Avoid hard and spicy food to prevent further irritation and injury. Hope this information helps. Thanks and regards. Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I have red allergies on skin since last 2 months. I have shown to skin specialist and have been taking medicines like vozet, and calosoft lotion.First time e after taking medicin-vozet,i had completely cue, but after 10 days agin these red allergies came back,then again doctor prescribe those medicine, and also told me to test my urin,something blod test, and ANI . all reports are ok.after taking medicin-vozet,i had completely cue 2nd time also, but after 10 days agin these red allergies came back-third time.Please give me suggestion what can i do...................to cure completely........... [/INST] Control with medicine is no solution you have to find out cause any change in soap shampoo cream any medicines you are taking or took in recent steep Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I am on my CD 58 and 26 days period overdue. I tested on 6th, 7th, 14th day of missed period on HPT. but all negative. Went to a gyn and took a test again in her clinic. Again negative. But she still asked me to test the next day with early morning urine to be sure. And only then start Primolut-N 5mg tabs for 3 days thrice a day. The next test was also negative taken on preganews. Now its been 3 days have stopped the tab and no sign of periods. We are TTC for past 4 months. So what could be the reason for delayed periods and also is it possible that the HPTs are negative but I am still pregnant. Thanks in advance. [/INST] Hi and thanks so much for this query am so sorry to hear about these repeated efforts to conceive without success. 5 months in conception is a very short time, and you would need to keep trying for up to 12 months before we can start suspecting that something isn't going on right with you. From the information you have provided, the chances of you being pregnant are almost zero right now. Not all missed periods are synonymous to pregnancy and this is clearly the case with you. It usually takes averagely 5 days after stopping primal for bleeding to occur. I will suggest you patiently wait for the with Chat Doctor. I hope this helps. Furthermore, I wish you well. </s>
<s>[INST] I am 71 yr old male, still very active. My left leg below the knee along the boneand before the ankle has been giving me a sort of electric sharp pain . This starts and stops fequently. the skin is very sensetive but no discolor.This condition started out very mildly , but has become much worse. This morning I woke up with the pain ans it keeps reacurring every few min. Do you have any idea what can be the cause. Hopefully yours Ronald Filera. email YYYY@YYYY . Tel 845-215-5007. Cell 914-403 7630. [/INST] Respected sir, nice description but sad to say its difficult to pinpoint this type of pain without examining the patient. There could be a lot of reasons for this. 1. Osteoarthritis of the proximal and distal joint.2. Varicose veins3. Arterial insufficiency.4. Diabetic neuropathy. So, I sincerely suggest you to kindly consult your nearest geriatric physician.</s>
<s>[INST] I was given amoxicillin for an tooth infection , I took it for three days then stop taken it as the pain went away. Now I believe I have what appears to be a bladder infection(frequent and painful urination). will I be able to take the medicine again? I am a 68 year old male. [/INST] Hello! Thank you for your question. I understand your query, however next time you take antibiotic, I recommend you to complete the full course of antibiotics such amoxicillin if given for 7 days should be followed even though the condition has improved to avoid antibiotic resistance. For your frequent and painful urination I suggest you take an urinalysis exam as you may be having a Urinary Tract Infection. If Urinary tract infection is confirmed, you may be prescribed with another round of antibiotics such ciprofloxacin 500 mg 2x a day for 7 days. Meanwhile, please do take lots of water. Hope this helps, Feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank you and God Bless!</s>
<s>[INST] sir, i am suffering from Non-Alc fatty liver disease for last 3 yrs.taken lot of medicine. but my SGOT and SGPT always remains mildly high i.e from 60 to 150.I am feeling heavyness on my abdomen.now i am continuing with heptral 400mg twice daily for last one month.My doctor told to continue it upto 6 months.Is it ok for my health.I suspect abt side effect of it for long term use.kindly give ur valuable advice. Pradeep [/INST] Hi, Thanks for posting your query. Although Central is the best medicine considering your disease status. It is just like a natural vitamin. There are possible side effects associated with this medicine that can affect individuals in different ways. The most common side effects include abdominal pain, dyspepsia, heartburn and allergic reactions. Thanks, </s>
<s>[INST] I Am cucurrentlytaking Oxycontin Cr 30mg 2x Daily for A Cronic Pain Condition And Would Like To Find An Alternative pain Medication. i have Been Able To Lower My Dosage With My Doctors Approval IN the past year BY 50%. My doctor Was Surprised That I Wanted To Do This And NOw i Would Like To Find An Alternative Pain Medication To Stop Using The oxycontin Completely. What Might Be Options That Would Still Control My Pain? [/INST] Hello, You can take Chat Doctor. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] sir i am a student of class 11th and i do handwork since i was in class 5.i am facing so many problems as my grades becomes down.i cant even concentrate on my studies.i am facing a huge problem, i cant control my mind to see porn,my face is also full of pimples.please help me sir.......plzzzzzzzzzzzz.....by the way my name is shivam mani.plzzzzzzzzzzzz sir. [/INST] These are not related but you are psychic. Consult a psychologist for counseling. With this step you will be completely alright.</s>
<s>[INST] About a year ago I came down with an upper respitory infection which caused fluid in my right ear. I was put on several rounds of anitbiotics which got ride to most of it but still had the feeling that something was in my eustation tube in my ear because it wants to stay closed all the time. About 2 weeks ago I again was sick and I got two mucus plugs out of my throat. First on the left side and then about 2 hours later with one on the right side. The one on the left side was white in color and about the size of a quarter. The one on the right side was bigger about the size of a 50 cent piece with blood in it. It still feels as if there is something in my throat. I have been to so many doctors with 2 CAT scans done and nothing shows up. Can you give some ideas on what is happening as I am so miserable. Thanks [/INST] Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Understanding your concern. As per your query you have upper respiratory tract infection which is causing pain in ear as well is due to Eustachian tube dysfunction. Sometimes when upper respiratory track infection when left untreated or when occur again and again spread to ear through Eustachian tube and causing pain. I would suggest you to consult ENT specialist for proper diagnosis Doctor may prescribe antibiotics like Amoxiclav at least for 10 days along with decongestant and anti-inflammatory. For relieve of infection take levocetrizine. Doctor may order throat swab test, viral culture test and allergy test to confirm the diagnosis. For now do warm saline gargles, take steam twice a day and apply warm Chat Doctor. You can apply warm compressors on cheek side near ear as well to relieve pressure. You should take steam and blow cheeks with nose closed. Hope your concern has been resolved. Get Well Soon. Best Wishes,</s>
<s>[INST] sir me any my mother have allergy problem,after allergy faces become red and red red pimples appeared.me and my mother too much suffering in this problem. i checked many specialist doctor but diseases is increasing.please suggest treatment for us. thanks and regards [/INST] Cellophane You for contacting Chat Doctor. Your description is telling that you have chronic allergy problem. You did not mention your age. If I were your treating doctor then I would suggest you following things:> First and most important thing is that you need to find the cause of allergy. On your part it can be achieved by looking closely at your daily routine. You need to observe what particular thing, food, etc. is causing the allergy to start. Once you find it, you née to prevent it.> In the meanwhile take Montelukast once daily for 1 month. Research has shown that it decreases sensitivity to allergy.> Cetirizine one at night for 1 week in case of allergic response.> try to avoid dust would also suggest you to undergo allergy testing at allergy clinic which will tell that you are allergic to what specific thing. The results will help an allergist to prescribe you immunotherapy to that specific allergen, and it will improve the problem. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. Wishing you good health.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, 3 weeks ago I fell in my wrist & was told I d probably fractured my scaphoid bone. It was put in a Velcro cast for 10 days & told to come back to fracture clinic for it re xraying & they would decide the course if treatment from there. When I attended clinic I was told I wouldn t need an X-ray as they were certain from my original X-ray that I hadn t broken anything, to take my cast off & get it moving again. I mentioned I had a numbness and pins & needles in my thumb but that was put down to the cast I d had on. One week later, I still have a numbness/pins & needles in my thumb & my wrist continues to ache/throb. Is this normal or do I need to go back & be seen again? I don t want to waste anyone s time. [/INST] Dear patient, a needles and pins sensation is generally due to a nerve compression/irritation. If it wasn't due to the cast (that's a possibility), probably your trauma provoked a hematoma pressing on a nerve (median nerve? Collateral nerve of the thumb? It depends on numbness distribution). I propose to wait a month from the trauma. If this sensation persist, get an electromyography/electroneurography to objective the nerve injury. If positive, do an RMN of wrist and hand to understand the cause (i.e. hematoma) and project its possible removal. Concerning instead your doubt about a scaphoid fracture, I don't know which X-ray projections you did (scaphoid fractures are hard to be seen in standard X-rays). However, if your wrist remained very painful for 10-15 days after the trauma, a scaphoid X-ray projection or, better, a wrist CT, would solve your doubts</s>
<s>[INST] What causes hyper aggregation, Doc? Is that hereditary factor? I am a male, 46 yeras old, office worker, so far having normal blood pressure, as well as all healthy tcholesterol functions. But my latest laboratory check showed that my ADP and Colagen are hyper aggregattion, while the Ephinephrine is normal. Any suggested diet other than medication can be suggested. Does sport exercise help to improve my blood condition from that hyper aggregation? I was advised by a friend to take thromboaspilet 100mg a day for life. I am worried with the side effect of that long term medication. Look forward to receiving your advice. Thanks, Minarto [/INST] Hi You do not mentioned any clinical condition, are you a normal person ? Do you have some hereditary related disability ? Look, ADP & collagen, are molecules in side the living being has got their complex role right from metabolism to body building work, now aggregation or hyper aggregation is consequences of certain kind of collagen disease or endocrine disorders, or hematological entity, it is not single area of concern, so the way you have asked is not valid at this stage this could be an academic question & need very lengthy discussion which may be beyond your understanding, have nice day</s>
<s>[INST] My son is 13 with profound special needs he is taking 15ml of epilim twice a day. we have noticed he has lots of mouth ulcers at one time on the lower lip inside and at the base of his teeth lower jaw they are very red and fiery or large with creamy centres. could this be caused by hime not swallowing the meds properly at night or in some way be related to his meds he also takes 3mg melatonin dissolved in water at night & once daily usually AM 10ml deloratadine for hay fever.thanks linnette [/INST] Hello, There most likely is a complication from your sons medication and the fact that he suffers from allergies will give him a Chat Doctor. Practice good oral hygiene and keep the mouth as clean as possible. Especially before bedtime, make sure a thorough dental cleaning is performed after all medication has been taken. Take all medication properly, as directed. Keep well HY</s>
<s>[INST] Lets say the dog that bit me is positive with rabies. If I am not mistaken i need to get a shot immediately of anti rabies which is followed by 6 shots within 28 days. do i need to have anti tetanus?.. how many shots? is it okay to have shot the same time with anti rabies? thank you [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, Rabies is a disease which is transmitted by dog bite which is 100% fatal, but it is 100% preventable by proper and adequate treatment. If you are bitten by a suspected rabid dog, according to WHO categories it is categorized into Cat III, which requires following treatment1. Wash the wound thoroughly with soap and water.2. Active immunization with anti rabies vaccine on days 0,3,7,14 and 28.3. Passive immunization with rabies immunoglobulin around the wound.4. In TT, 0.5 ml, I'm. Thank you.</s>
<s>[INST] My friend has been diagnosed with ITP and is being treated for it. Shes very discouraged because her platelets were 14 yesterday! We need to know if she can eat foods or take vitamins that will help raise the platelet count, it was been going up 5 a week and now this! Shes not allowed to have anything with much potasium. What can she do? [/INST] Hi, your platelets count doesn't depends on potassium or iron supplements. Its depends on destruction of platelets in your body. In ITP there is immune mediated destruction of platelets. You should take regular treatment to maintain platelets. You should take steroids according to the advice of your doctor. Thanks for using Chat Doctor.</s>
<s>[INST] Hello. Im having a pressure in between my shoulder blades and it occasionally has a sharp pain. I have trouble breathing here and there and my heart races really fast sometimes. Im coughing up really thick mucus for the past 2 months as well. It has abrownish color to it. Can you help me figure out what this could be? [/INST] Have u got done chest X-ray? What's your age? Any complain of breathing difficulty too????? Let me know and I would like to know.</s>
<s>[INST] I get a stabbing pain in the middle of my left palm when I try to grab something. It doesn t happen all the time and the initial pain is as long as a shock, but will return if I try to grab something again shortly after. The pain will also shoot to the tip of my middle finger. Any suggestions?? [/INST] Hi, As of now, you can use analgesics/anti-inflammatory combination like diclofenac/serratiopeptidase for symptomatic relief. If symptoms persist you can consult an orthopedic and get evaluated. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] iam 52 years old ,85 kg weight 176cm height.i suffer cervical spondylosis in c5-c6.every day 1 have shortness in breathing and severe pain in left chest near the heart with pulseand burn in chest bones near the neck and stifness in shoulderssome doctors dignosed my case(angina pictoris)although i have no problems in heart and lungs.please help and advice. subhi siddiq-iraq [/INST] Hi Dear !! Thanks for your query to Chat Doctor. Read and Reviewed your query in context to your health issues. In the given scenario and history facts, You seem to suffer frogger induced Esophagitis-causing chest pain. This is so because lungs and heart are without any evidence on investigations. Chest bone near neck pains with burning. This is from the high acid contents from upper stomach regurgitating in to neck/ throat, causing chest burning with ? Angina like pains, in your case.Also, other causes of recurrent chest burning behind chest bone needs to be ruled by consults with ENT/ Physician/ Surgeon. Plan Suggested for your treatment-GERD causes need to be ruled out-with Consults from ENT Surgeon / Physician / Surgeon by appropriated tests with these doctors. EKG landholders nuclear stress testing would fix and rule out heart ailment involved in your chest pain. Anti-Acidity Chat Doctor. Lieu. Gaviscon-Alginic Acid-gel- 1 gm x 4 times a day x 2 weeks would control this chest pain-from esophagitis. So treating these causes is needed with proper </s>
<s>[INST] so i think my lower right abdomen area (if thats what it specifies as) gets a bit of a sharp pain when touched? I dont know what it is, I think it could be because i have constipation problems or because i had sex a couple times and found out i had a yeast infection so i treated it with yogurt? [/INST] Hi, From history it seems that you might be having appendicitis pain which is typical pain while touching one point at lower right abdomen. Consult surgeon and get examined. Consult surgeon when you get pain which will be easy for surgeon to diagnose the condition. Okand take care.</s>
<s>[INST] Theres a sort of ticking sensation in the bottom front of my mouth. Its the bottom front teeth and the gums below them. About a week ago i had a root canal done on the top right side of my mouth (On the right but close to the front of my mouth) Is this normal? And also is there any way to stop this? It is very uncomfortable. [/INST] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor forum, I would like to inform you that tickling sensation after completion of root canal is sometimes normal and occurs due to the filling material, but if it is associated with pain or swelling that it might need your dentists' attention, I would have really appreciated if you had attached an X-ray of your tooth with your query, anyway start chewing soft food with your treated tooth to check if its normal, also you must be aware that getting your treated tooth crowned is really important to avoid any fractures. Start using antibacterial mouth wash for a week at least, to resolve symptoms, if tickling sensation still persists then kindly visit your dentist or forward me your X-rays so that I can guide you further, i wish you good health.</s>
<s>[INST] 1 year ago, my dad went to private Hospital (skin specialist) for his skin. Wrong medication causing him to vomit for a few weeks. He lost his weight from 75kg to 53 kg within 3-4 months. Recently the level of sodium is low 110. He keeps vomit cough, head panic. full medical Diagnosis shows everything is ok, just have a bit black spot in his lung. What happen to him? [/INST] Hello, A sodium level of 110 is not normal and should be investigated. A black spot in his lung along with excessive unintended weight loss should lead to further diagnostic testing, e.g. for lung cancer. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, David here i am teenager and iv been masterbating for about 3 years. I masterbate once everyday. since last week iv been having a severe pain in the back of my head near edaculation. Im really worried! does anyone have a solution? please do thanks. [/INST] Hello, As per your history, it may be due to harsh masturbation. For that kindly avoid harsh masturbation. For pain, you can take tablet acetaminophen. Watch for symptoms like penile discharge, fever. In that case you may require detailed medical examination and evaluation Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] I just had a yearly echocardiogram. I have mild mitral regurgitation. On this latest echo the doctor said they say a shadow on my aorta. He said he was 99% sure it was nothing but he had to look at the results himself. What could the shadow be? [/INST] Hello, I have gone through your query. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Mild mitral regurgitation is not cause of concern. I need to see echo report or perform Echo myself to comment on the shadow behind aorta, My best wishes Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] i am 10 days late for my period i have dne 3 tests they are all negative i am 23 the test that i done with my other 3 came back possitive straight away but i am 10 days late i have done 3 tests and they are negitive [/INST] HIF all the tests are negative for pregnancy then you need to have an ultrasound and blood tests to rule out hormonal imbalance. Consult your doctor for the medicines to get your periods.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi my son has a painless lump in his calf muscle when he flexes it. He is a15 year old football and hockey player. We noticed the lump last night but he says it doesn t hurt. Is this something I should have a dr look at or just wait to see if it goes away? [/INST] This could be a bursa from the knee joint. You could show to an orthopedic surgeon. Can go away on its own but if infected would need treatment.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, my 3 yr kid is suffering from 103 fever. I gave him Meftal P 8.5 ml (his wt is 17 KG) but the fever returned after 4 hrs. Earlier Today, the fever returned after 9 hrs and then 5 hrs respectively. What should I do? Should I give him another dose of Meftal P in 1 hr time? [/INST] Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. Fever of few days without any localizing signs could as well a viral illness. Usually rather than fever, what is more important is the activity of the child, in between 2 fever episodes on the same day. If the kid is active and playing around when there is no fever, it is probably viral illness and it doesn't require antibiotics at all. Once viral fever comes it will there for 4-7 days. So do not worry about duration if the kid is active. Paracetamol can be given in the dose of 15 mg/kg/dose (maximum ceiling dose of 500 mg) every 4-6th hourly that too only if fever is more than 100F. I suggest not using combination medicines for fever, especially with Paracetamol. Meftal-P contains Metonymic acid which is a NSAID. It carries the risk of gastritis and renal problems in the long run. Please do not use Metal. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Chat Doctor are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi. Yesterday as I was taking out my lip ring to clean it (basically is an earring with a rubber back to keep it from falling out) I was pulling the ring out when i realized the rubber back was still in my lip... and now that little piece of rubber is still stuck inside my lip and i cant get it out. It doesnt hurt, but Im worried about it though. What should i do? [/INST] Get it out,go to your physician!</s>
<s>[INST] I found a lump under my left armpit it does not hurt at all the size of it a bit bigger then a pencil eraser. In the pasta few years back I had had a few ingrown hairs in my underarm but they hurt and were tender to touch . this one does not hurt at all. I do not drink sodas or caffine. I checked my right underarm and there is NO lump there I do have a problem I do not have health insurance or money. What reasons could a women have a lump like this that does not hurt [/INST] Welcome to Chat Doctor. 1. Lump in the armpit / axillary region without pain, tenderness suggestive of lymph nodal enlargement at first place and lipoma, vascular causes on the second place.2. If you are my patient I would have examined first and ask for an ultrasound axillary region - ultrasound will give me the nature of the disease, its source and extensions.3. Lymph nodal enlargement is seen because of the underlying medical conditions any infections / inflammation it can be localized or systemic or possible lymph nodal pathology itself (lymphadenopathy)4. So one has to find out the cause - if required FNAC - fine needle aspiration cytology will gel to evaluate the cause and cells involving.5. I can understand your financial status, but this is the standard procedure one has to follow. Try the way you can do so. Good luck. Hope I have answered your query.Anything to ask do not hesitate. Thank you.</s>
<s>[INST] I am feeling really bloated and cant lay on my stomach as i feek discomfort and pain. The pressure is below my belly button but above the pubic bone . I also feel this when I stretch out. Im not sick or anything so I dont think Im pregnant . What could this be [/INST] Hi ! Good afternoon. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. If I were your doctor, I would still go for a serum Chat Doctor estimation, a urine routine, microscopic and culture/sensitivity test to rule out pregnancy and a urinary tract infection. If both these including a physical examination come out to be negative, and your symptoms continue increasing or persisting, I would go for an ultrasound of abdomen, and also a gynecology check up. Till then, I would prescribe you an anti-spasmodic medicine in case of pain, and also a proton pump inhibitor with a probiotic for your bloating sensation. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. Wishing you an early recovery. Chat Doctor.</s>
<s>[INST] I have just started into full menopause a few months ago . I am on wellbution for the depression I have been experiencing but it seems that I am having so much trouble focusing that it its affecting my job . is vyvanse a drug that could help menopausal symptoms ? [/INST] Hello, Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor for posting your query. I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through. From what you have stated it is quite clear that you are having a depressive episode. Depression can occur with regular stress, and it can also occur biologically without any stress as well. You need proper treatment for the same. There are various effective therapies for depression like fluoxetine, venlafaxine, bupropion, mirtazapine or Escitalopram, and they are all very effective and mostly safe. Vyvanse is also a good option. You may also require some benzodiazepines like clonazepam or lorazepam for a short period like 2-3 weeks to reduce the anxiety and help with your sleep. If you are averse to the Chat Doctor. This therapy is taken by either a psychologist or a psychiatrist in which the therapist identifies impaired cognitions (Thoughts) and try to correct them. They are 15-20 min weekly session and there should be around 8-10 sessions to help you with your illness. Hope I am able to answer your concerns. If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you. In future if you wish to contact me directly, you can use the below-mentioned link:bit.ly/</s>
<s>[INST] i have lichen planus in my mouth , i had taken some medication for the past one year, last week only i came to know by another doctor it is lp. he gave me the oral past " triamcinolone acetonide(kenacort 0.1). is it correct medicin.is this disease is curable? [/INST] Hi. Welcome to ChatDoctorI am Chat Doctor. I understand your concern and will give advice accordingly. Looking at your profile I agree that the treatment given is correct. As it is a chronic inflammatory disease and there is no specific treatment available as of now which cures this disease, no one can claim that this can cure completely. You need to do follow up with your doctor at regular interval even if your symptoms subsides as in can relapse, get infected & rarely lead to malignancy. I wish your rapid recovery and will help you further if needed.</s>
<s>[INST] I drank with friends one weekend and skipped my birth control for 2 days and the very next day i got my period. A week later my period stopped and i started getting sharp pains in my vagina and I started bleeding again. Did I have a miscarriage then a regular period or a elongated period with sharp pains? [/INST] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor It is possible that it is an elongated period. Miscarriages are associated abdominal cramping, clots and the passage of fleshy products. If you continue to have periods with prolonged bleeding then you need to consider visiting your doctor for an assessment. This would include physical examination, hormonal level blood tests and imaging of the reproductive organs by ultrasound.I hope this helps</s>
<s>[INST] I have 2 lumps on the outside of my right knee. It doesnt hurt to the touch and it gets bigger every now and again. I have had to have knee surgery before, I hyper extended my knee backwards when I was younger. I have had these lumps for awhile now. Im 42 yr old male. [/INST] Hi. Thanks for your query and an elucidated history. These lumps look to be of synovial (membrane which covers the joint and gives the joint the fluid to keep it friction-less) origin. This is confirmed by your history of the swellings getting bigger and smaller on its own. This can be confirmed by MRI / FNAC- fine needle aspiration cytology. If the swellings are not having any symptoms, you can watch team. Surgery to remove for getting rid of the disease and to get a histopathological diagnosis can be done.</s>
<s>[INST] Hello. I m a female, 53 years old. Six months ago I had a pancreatic attack. I was hospitalized. My hospital stay was for three weeks and then I came home. About the same time I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, and I had a gallbladder removal in January 2018. Now I m trying to eat healthy and doing my best to side-step any sort of gastrointestinal discomfort. I have a guestion about the menu: I found a tropical plant called taro root , I know that it can help regulate insulin and glucose levels in my body, so it is good for diabetic patients. But what about people who was diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis? Am I suppose to have some side affects? And also is there a possibility that taro roots will cause gallstones to form? I m so sorry for my english! I need an advice. Doctors in my country have no idea what taro root is. Thank you. [/INST] Hi, There is no reason to suspect that taro roots cause gallstone formation. If the root is good for your diabetes, it is probably also good for your gallstones. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] I develope a Salivary Glad Problem over night it is very painful had it 2 other time in the past 5 years but was able to get to a doctor immediately which gave me prescribed pills? my face is swollen boy did I start the new year offwith tears please advise me! YYYY@YYYY [/INST] Hi! Welcome to Chat Doctor. I read your query. You have not mentioned the location of swollen glands like lower jaw, behind the ear, etc. Swollen salivary glands can be due to various causes like Bacterial or viral infection, stones, cysts, autoimmune, etc. I suggest you visit a dentist for check up. You need to provide history like recent infection, medication history, any radiation exposure, etc. Get blood test done for infection. X-ray of salivary gland or Sialograpgy can be done if needed. Meanwhile, you can start with the antibiotic course on prescription. Tylenol or Ibuprofen will ease pain. Maintain good HY Chat Doctor. Warm compresses of swollen area will help. Chew sugarless gums for stimulating saliva. Sialadenitis, i.e. infection of salivary glands starts regressing after 48 hrs with antibiotics. But stones or cyst or other complications need further treatment. Hope the answer helps you. Thank you!</s>
<s>[INST] For the past couple of weeks, I have developed intense itching in both groin areas. I have itched it so badly that I have developed fissures. It is very dry and flaky skin is coming off. It is really uncomfortable and just getting worse. What should I do? [/INST] Hello, Thank you for posting on Chat Doctor. It seems you have got intertwine. Intertrigo is an infection which occurs over any opposing skin surfaces, mostly seen over groin folds. Its caused due to bacterial or sometimes fungal infection. Overweight can increase the friction and thus predispose to intertwine. I would suggest you oral antibiotics and antifungal tablets for few days along with application of antibiotic cream like juridic acid and antifungal cream like clotrimazole twice a day for few weeks. Use dusting powder containing clotrimazole on daily basis to keep area Chat Doctor. Try to reduce weight and maintain hygiene. Avoid tight undergarments and use cotton garments as far as possible. Hope this will help YouTube care</s>
<s>[INST] After doin any large amount of walking my lower legs will be red and blotchy. It doesn t hurt, per say, but does feel tight like swelling. Usually by morning it has mostly cleared up , but not this time. It s been 2 days and it s still there. What should I do? [/INST] Hello, The red and blotchy legs can be due to pooling of blood in the legs. You can rest and keep the legs elevated on two pillows to help these subside. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] My father is suffering from heart and kidney problem. Haemoglobin has gone down to 6.5 and createnine at 4.2 along with high Uric acid and urea. All doctors were of the opinion that my father needs to go for dialysis but nephrologist adviced to give epofit 3000 and no dialysis. Do you think that a good decision? Please advice [/INST] HiT hanks for choosing Chat Doctor. In.profit is nothing but erythropoietin which is released by kidney and in kidney patients as it is released in low quantity and that's the reason why hemoglobin will be low in such patients. So giving that injection will improve he and the symptoms caused by anemia but if you have no uremic symptoms then you can hold hemodialysis and have symptomatic treatment. Thank you.</s>
<s>[INST] I HAVE A TOE NAIL FUNGUS INFECTION, I HAE TAKEN AN RX FOR OER A YEAR AND IT CLEARED UP QUITE A BIT BUT NOW IT IS WORSE THAN EVER. IS IT NORMAL TO HAVE A LOT OF PAIN WITH THIS? MY WHOLE BIG TOE HURTS ALL THE TIME. I GET STABBING PAIN AND THROBING ALL THE TIME. MY HUSBAND THINKS I HAVE GOUT. WOULD YOU RECOMEND TOE NAIL REMOVAL? [/INST] Hi, It seems that there might be having toenail bed infection due to chronic fungal infection. It seems that cracked and infected nail should be removed from nail bed and afterwards healthy toenail will grow.Meanwhile, go for one antibiotic medicine course for 5-7 days to cure nail bed infection. Ok and take care.</s>
<s>[INST] My nephew (33 yrs old) has suffered with depression for the past 15 years. He has not had significant relief through a regime of drugs. His psychiatrist is suggesting ect. I know without knowing you nephew you can t make a diagnosis; however, what is your opinion of ect? Thanks, Bernadette Maher [/INST] Holloware, if no Chat Doctor. The treatment is safe and has no major side effects. It would be better to go for it than to keep experimenting with </s>
<s>[INST] Hi i am concerned about my 6week old baby. his head seems feverish, bit his temperatute is 36.6,his almost halved his feed, he use to ask for it every 3 hours and now 4-5 hrs later n is only drinking 3 oz or less. His normal feed is about 4 oz.he is more sleepy then usual. Can i give him calpol? Shall i takh drs? Hehis other symptom is a slight bloked nose. HHe is having wet nappies. This is happening for 24 hours now. [/INST] Hello dear, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I figured your concern. The temperature rises when child Chat Doctor. The most common focus of infection is throat, nose. You can give cal pol to baby according to age. Cal pol is syrup of paracetamol, dosage-10-15 mg/kg for single dosage. You can use nasal </s>
<s>[INST] Hi my son had a fever lasting roughly 5 days followed by a rash lasting another 4-5 days the drs were concerned he had measles and took routine blood work this was the first time he had a cbc. His palette levels were moderately low (131) after his measles test came back negativeI was asked to bring him back a week from orioriginal date for another cbc this time his levels were quite elevated (644) is there a concern I should have to these results? Is it normal to fluctuate that high out of normal range in a matter of weeks or is this something I should bring to a blood specialists? There is a strong family history of leukemia should I be concerned about that as well ? [/INST] Hi, Thanks for asking. Based on your query, my opinion is as follows.1. Increased platelets level is good and goes against the diagnosis of leukemia.2. So much variation is not possible. Get a second test at other lab or get a platelet count on peripheral smear.3. Along with it, also get a differential leukocyte count to look for immature cells. I would not expect to find anything with normal platelet levels. Hope it helps. Any further queries, happy to help again.</s>
<s>[INST] hi my son was diagnosed with hep c genotype1a about five years ago he has not seen a doctor for this and he had developed food poisoning not too long ago and was admitted in the hospital. For the past two days he has been vomiting is that a sign of the hep c [/INST] Hello, I understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor, infectious diseases specialist, answering your query. Yes hepatitis C in advance cases can cause vomiting. Food poisoning can cause vomiting only for some period not more than the period. As your child is having vomiting from long time, it is likely to be hepatitis. It must be advance hepatic stage of hepatitis C which causes vomiting. I advise you should visit nearby doctor to diagnose yourself exactly and treat it accordingly. I will be happy to answer your further concern, you can ask me on bit.ly/ Chat Doctor. Thank you. ChatDoctorInfectious diseases specialist.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi I had the copper coil fitted last may....my body has been fine...ive had heavy periods which was expected but....the last few months I have been suffrreing with the following...extreme tiredness....break out of spots on my face....low sex drive....weight gain..iritated...moody...severe cramps...and pain when having sex... [/INST] . It looks to be generalized weakness due to multi vitamin, iron deficiency after heavy period. Go for routine investigations to confirm the diagnosis. Weight gain should be ruled out by thyroid profile. Start B12,folic acid, calcium,minerals, l-carnitine and other supplements. Intramuscular injections of B12,folic acid is advisable. Breakout on face is usually due to hormonal response. Take proper care for face. Consult your family physician for further guidance and medical management.</s>
<s>[INST] I was diagnosed with thoracic outlet syndrome and scholiosis a year ago. I went through physical thereapy and felt better afterwards. I continue to stretch my back neck and legs almost daily. Recently my back under my left shoulder blade has become very tight and sore. My back and neck feel exhausted like they never get a break. I cant move my head forward without a lot of pain under my shoulder blade. Im a 30 year old male, a little overweight, but active: I walk my dog daily and play drums often. Is there anything I can do to keep this from getting worse? [/INST] You must continue your physiotherapy and on case it does not get relieved add a regular painkiller. If it still doesn't work you may need nerve blocks for which you shall visit a pain specialist in your area.</s>
<s>[INST] I have a lump on the lower left side of the back of my head that is tender to the touch. On occasions I have moved my head and there is a very tight sensation in that same area. It almost feels like a muscle cramp, but in the back of the head, that lasts a couple of minutes then subsides. Any thoughts? [/INST] As per your description it may be a benign swelling. Confirmed diagnosis can be given after examination only. But if it is painful and creating problem then should go further evaluation. It might need surgery if it is Desmond cyst or lipoma.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi I am experiencing some numbness on one side of my face. It started about 6 hers ago and soon after the numbness appeared I got a bad headache. The headache disappeared but after I would loose track of what I was saying and I would be thinking one thing and I would say something different not realizing it. Is this normal? [/INST] Hello! I read your question and understand your concern. I think that these symptoms may be caused by a small stroke. Furthermore, I would like to know if you have measured your blood pressure. Do you suffer from arterial hypertension or diabetes ? The headache is not a common symptom in stroke, but it may be related to migraine, high blood pressure etc. I would recommend consulting the neurologist, have a good neurological examination, a full blood work, a blood lipids analysis and a brain CT scan. Further, tests like cardiac check up and Doppler ultrasound of the carotid vessels may be needed to establish the cause. Hope to have been of help. Best wishes!</s>
<s>[INST] i was attached with TB in 1984 & again it relapsed in 2011, I have taken 6months treatment . My throat coughing & occational fever still remains. After taking penicillin I have develioped imbalance in my legs . What treatment & where can i take my treatment [/INST] Hello dear, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I read and understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor answering your concern. Imbalance in the leg after a TB can be serious it requires a CT and MRI of the spine to rule out any lesion in the area. TB won't be treated with the penicillin. TB requires a combination of various Chat Doctor. So if your doctor has given you a penicillin than it will not be TB, and it can be different infection. But till you undergo the investigation I would suggest you to take the vitamin B complex </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I am a 22 year old female with mild depression and anxiety. I was diagnosed about a year ago, and take 100 mg Zoloft. About 4 days ago, I had what I believe to be my first panic attack. I had ingested quite a bit of caffeine on this day, so I m guessing this is what triggered it. It was pretty scary, and lasted about an hour. Chills, discomfort in chest, tingling and numbness and this awful feeling of dread. Ever since then, I ve been experiencing what I can only describe as a lightness in my chest that goes down into my arms at times. When this happens, I feel like I m about to experience another attack, but I am able to calm myself down before it happens. I have no symptoms other than this, and no pain, but it still makes me feel uncomfortable. I would like to see a cardiologist, but unfortunately I have no insurance at the moment. Is this normal or is this something I should be concerned about? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor You have mild depression and anxiety and are prescribed Sertraline for that. The Chat Doctor. It can improve the condition but in states of severe panic attacks other </s>
<s>[INST] i am suffering from intermittent but severe dizziness after receiving a cervical spine steroid injection over a month ago. It scaring me with all the trouble with the lab that sent out the tainted steroids. My doctor claims that she did not use that lot , but I am suspect - what should I do? [/INST] Hello, The blood vessels that supply the inner ears and the parts of the brain that are connected with the balance of the body pass through the cervical vertebrae. Cervical spondylosis which is the usual cause of the pain in that region for which you received the steroid injection also affects these blood vessels and causes alteration in the blood flow which results in dizziness. Physiotherapy along with the use of certain medicines will reduce this dizziness. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] When my 3 month old son poops it goes up his back. The poop is green color nd kinda runny. He just started doing it on the 3rd of September and he poops everyday now and all of his poops are like this. Then today he pooped a second time and the color of his poop was yellow. Is there something I should be worried about because I am a first time parent and do not know a lot of things. [/INST] Hello. I just read through your question. At this age, bowel movements can take many form and produce different colors. The only color that could potentially be a concern is red. As long as you don't see red, and he is otherwise comfortable and gaining appropriate weight, there is no need for concern. You can continue to feed as you have been without worry.</s>
<s>[INST] I had my gall bladder removed about 3 weeks ago. I also had a vein nicked while in surgery leading to a drain tube for 3 days. Now I am having pains in different areas. But between where the tube was and one of the areas they cut is really hurting like a cutting pain. [/INST] I really think that the pain is related to the tube not to some vein injury. Take painkillers. Will work</s>
<s>[INST] I noticed that after I started running at night I started getting pimples on my chest . I stopped running and it went away. Recently I was in a musical so I was being active and I started getting pimples again. I haven t done anything recently but they re still there. I cleanse my chest with face wipes and I use a pimple gel by Clean and Clear but they won t go away. Some get very big and red. Some are blackheads. How can I get rid of them? [/INST] Hi, The pimples you got may be due to heat or some allergy. If you are using some deodorant and changed the brand may cause this problem. Now pimples are big and red there is possibility of having infection. Go for one antibiotic course and antihistamines. Clean with water and apply branded talcum powder. Ok and bye.</s>
<s>[INST] My 70 yr old husband had diarrhea with 104.7 temp, lack of appetite, very dehydrated but no abd pain. CT showed collapsed gallbladder . He was on cipro for (chronic) ear infection 1 day when this began. Stool culture showed no c diff or salmonella but a blood culture was positive for gram + rods after 3 days. He is now on flagyll, lomotil, and sulpha antibiotic for ear infection. A gallbladder test is scheduled in 2 days. He continues to have fatigue and low grade fever on day 7. Blood culture repeated yesterday. Is this related to the gallbladder? Are we moving too slowly? [/INST] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Dear miss, Positive blood culture is a serious finding. And first thing to do is broad spectra antibiotic treatment, intravenous if possible. Second thing to do is to find the source of infection, it can be intra-abdominal but also urinary or lung infections too. So you should focus on these 3. When the source is found and the right cause identified then more accurate antibiotic can be used. Wish you good health.</s>
<s>[INST] When ever I Masturbate once I will not be able to pull my penis fore skin back for 2 Days and the Inside area becomes red colour and in the early morning when i wake up my penis will be erected hard. Why is it, whats the problem.Name: Raghunath.Age : 27 Yrs.Sex : Male.Place: Bangalore [/INST] Hello, Inability to pull back the foreskin could be due to fibrosis. The tightness of the foreskin. The best method to overcome it is to go for a minor surgery called circumcision. Therefore, I suggest consulting a surgeon for physical examination, diagnosis and treatment. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello Dr. Grief,I have regular bouts of Asthma and dry non productive cough, usually last 5- 6 days; after taking 6 tablets x 5mg x 3 days, then followed by 3 tablets x 5mg. x 4 days, I am back to normal. I have exhausted my current supply prescribed by my own British GP. Now that I travel to and from USA/UK I do not get much chance to see my British GP. Prednisolone 5mg is the only medication that relieves my illness; where can I buy Genuine Prednisolone 5mg. with out Doctors Prescription? [/INST] Hello, Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. Forum. Directly coming to the point as you require prednisolone, so this is known as CYCLONE and available in the USA. Being as a doctor I would come up with this conclusion that this is the most dangerous Chat Doctor. In my opinion you should not use this </s>
<s>[INST] Hello Dr. Samuel my name is damiel. I keep breaking out with these small bumps on my forehead they look like small boils or something. And they leave behind black marks that don t fade away. They appear on the rest of my body as well such as my inner thighs back and my cheeks on face. Is that signs of a disease or something? [/INST] Welcome. I have gone through your query. It is difficult to comment on it without examination, so I would either suggest you to see doctor for examination and for exact diagnosis or upload the pictures here, I'll go through them, and provide you with specific advice.it might be folliculitis or acne need to be examined to confirm. Hope this helps. Take care</s>
<s>[INST] I m trying to conceive after a tubal reversal in August. My period this month was October 11-17 extremely heavy with large clots. On the 20th I started spotting and have not stopped yet. My opks are negative so far. Will this bleeding affect ovulation? [/INST] Hi, I think you should consult your doctor. You may need some medicines to stop the spotting. You can go for an ultrasound to see the uterus and ovaries and can follow the ovulation by repeated ultrasound. Hope it helps.</s>
<s>[INST] I am 49 years old about 5ft 6 inches and weigh about 74 kg. I have just started having a little pain in my knees when I read my bike but yesterday I started working out at the gym. When I everything was going fine until I tried the exercise where your elbows are pointed out from your body and you pull the weights down. There was pain in my right elbow as I tried to do it. It seems to become less painful the more I did it but the next morning it was hurting with all movement [/INST] It may be a tennis elbow. You should start ultrasound massage therapy and icing and exercise for tennis elbow at any physio or occupational therapy expert nearby you.</s>
<s>[INST] I stepped in a puddle in the mountains about a week ago and the inside of my boots got all wet. The next morning I woke up and I had a rash on the inside and soles of my feet that looked like broken blood vessels. It doesn t itch or hurt. It just looks like small broken blood vessels under the skin . Since then (about a week) it has spread up my legs to my groin area. I have a history of eczema so I tried my Vanos creme and it did nothing. I also tried Lotramin thinking it may be fungal and it is also not helping even in the slightest. [/INST] It can be a bruise and progressively going up the Long saphenous vein or may be infected. Or you check if you are taking aspirin. In case both are not I wish to see the sin and examine which you see your GP /Surgeon to for out the diagnosis. Treatment is Antibiotics/Stop warfarin or aspirin. And treat bruise conservatively with hirudoid cream /other.but also rule out any gangrene,</s>
<s>[INST] I am suffering from un rythmic heart for almost an year and take metoprolol 50 mg o.d. 2 days ago i had terrific pulse rate variation and I felt very dizzy my bp became 110/70 and pulse rate 60/min was hospitalised now i am out of hospital but feel very weak and still have irregular heart...in the hospital they adminstered normal saline with Cordarone.. what should be my next course? [/INST] Hello Sir / Madam, Thanks for writing in to Chat Doctor. Un rhythmic heart (Atrial Fibrillation) is usually treated with Amiodarone (Cordon). Hence, you have been given the right treatment. The dose shall change in due course as a when the heart beats stabilize. However, the reason of atrial fibrillation need to be investigated hence you need to consult a cardiologist regarding further cardiac evaluation. Sometimes infections do cause atrial fibrillation whicChatDoctores down as the infection subsides. What needs to be taken care of is incidences of stroke increase in un rhythmic heart beat so kindly take rest and follow your doctors instructions. Donot do stressful work. Continue with the treatment. Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I went to the beach a few weeks ago out in florida. I came home with really itchy skin. Ill scratch all hours of the day. But sometimes it s unbearable. I have like little red bumps Wherever I scratch. Yesterday while bathing I realize I have 1 on my crotch near my vagina lip. The more I think about the more paranoid I get. The last time I got tested was about a month and a half ago and I haven t slept with anybody since then. I read a article saying they could be bug bites from the beach, but it wouldn t last this long would it!? I really want to know what s going on I m scared only 20 years old. [/INST] Hi thanks for your question have developed itching following visit to a beach, few weeks ago. The itching is still persistent and leads to bump formation, on itching think it is due to bug bite may be right, it could be due to bug bite. Bump formation after itching is normal, as this due to histamine release. Have you taken any treatment for itching, I presume no. Take antihistamine and short course of antibiotic (since we presume this is bug bite of few weeks' duration).Hopefully you symptoms will subside in a week time. Consultation with a physician is encouraged. There are negligible chances that it could be an STD(sexually transmitted disease). Hope this answers your question.</s>
<s>[INST] Hello. I have had a condition on my head for 6+ years now. It is dry skin on my head more than just dandruff and dermatitis. I have consulted with a dermatologists before and they told me they can not cure it but they can contain it. However all the products i have tried have not helped. I am just wondering and asking for any other options out there. [/INST] Hi Chat Doctor. If not cured use triple shampoo weekly twice along with airflow hair conditioner can make hair little oily</s>
<s>[INST] hi i have been on the depo provera for nearly a year now and i am now experiencing dark brown bleeding, is this a common side effect of the depo injection or is it an early sign of pregnancy, i read that break through bleeding is a sign of early pregnancy and this is getting me worried [/INST] Hello, It could be either, but is more likely just some irregular bleeding from the demo, if you have been getting the shots regularly. Take a pregnancy test to make sure. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care </s>
<s>[INST] i have been having abdominal muscle cramps just below breasts. most of the time, they come about whenever i stretch or reach out for something... reaching high or low. it can be on just one side or it can be across my front. they were happening infrequently for the last two months, however, their frequency has increased to several times a day. they are VERY painful. help, please!!! i am 63, 5 2. [/INST] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor. You might have muscle sprain followed by repeated minor trauma leading to inflammation of the muscle. You require giving rest to the muscle along will proper analgesic medication. Application of ice will also help. Best of luck.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I had tripped and hurt a part of my lower right leg (shin bone area) by hitting it against a pice of concrete two days ago. I was wearing jeans, so there was no direct contact between the skin and concrete, but my skin still ruptured and the skin in the area around the open wound got stuck to my jeans (was sort of scraped off because of the jeans). I had washed the wound and applied antiseptic as soon as I had gotten home, but today the skin area which had scraped off seems to be a yellowish-brownish scab surrounded by reddened skin and the pain in my shin bone surrounding the wound (upto 2 inches above and below the wound) seems to continuously increase. Could there be a serious problem with the wound? [/INST] Welcome to Chat Doctor I have gone through your query and understand your concern. There is nothing serious about it if there is no fever. So you can keep area open with antiseptic ointment applied over it. If you have fever then it is cause of concern. It denotes infection and needs urgent care by antibiotics and if needed incision and Chat Doctor. Antibiotics such as ibuprofen are given to relieve pain. You can discuss with your doctor about it. Hope your query get answered. If you have any clarification then don't hesitate to write to us. I will be happy to help you. Wishing you a good health. Take care.</s>
<s>[INST] i am struggling from shortness of breath after walking 3-4 meters. Once seated and trying to take deep breaths i start losing the shallow breathing, slowly after1 minute. This happens regardless of what i am doing. This has been getting worse since the weekend. [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. By your history, in my opinion you are having dyspnea on minimal exertion. Common causes for this are1. Cardiac causes like heart failure, ischemic heart disease etc.2. Pulmonary causes like COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) , fibrosis, etc. So get done ECG and 2D Echo to rule out cardiac cause. Get done chest x-ray and PFT (PULMONARY FUNCTION TEST) to rule out pulmonary causes. So consult doctor and discuss all these.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi I m 22 year old I had a implanon for 4 years nd had put a new one in April 2013 nd had it removed on June 5th 2014 what I wanna know is can I fell pregnant straight away nd is their a chance I may have a miscarriage nd I have been also having weird symptoms like my belly seems to feel a bit tight at times seem to be weeing abit nd had a day of just spotting I had unprocected sex with my boyfriend on the weekend before my implanon was removed and all so afterwards [/INST] Hello and I hope I can help you today.First, I want to reassure you that it is not possible that you could have conceived if you had unprotected sex before your Implant was removed. Implanon is nearly 100 percent effective in preventing pregnancy while it is in place, and it takes time for you to ovulate again (at least 7-10 days) after it is removed. So if you only had unprotected sex immediately before and after your implant was removed, it is unlikely you could have conceived so quickly. Pregnancy symptoms vary widely between women, and many of the same symptoms we commonly associate with pregnancy such as nausea, bloating, breast tenderness, headaches and irregular bleeding can also happen from an irregular menstrual cycle as well as pregnancy. Many women have irregular periods after discontinuing a hormonal birth control method. So, I suggest you wait for your period, which should occur around 4 weeks after your Implant removal, and if you miss your period, a urine pregnancy test will be accurate at this time. I hope I was able to adequately answer your question today and that this information was helpful. Best wishes,</s>
<s>[INST] Hi ,my left arm seems to be getting weaker and sore even in my sleep-most pain in my forearm.I have had a bit of it in my right arm but is not so bad now. I am a machine operator and have not had much exercise this year. I would like to but the pain is too much and I dont know if Ill cause more damage. Any thoughts? [/INST] Hello, I have studied your case. Pain in the forearm can be due to weakness or can be due to overuse. You have not told me in detail about your other illness. I would suggest you get a compression bandage for forearm and avoid putting pressure on one side. You can also take Broken tablet for pain relief. Hot water fomentation and Volition gel are also helpful. I hope this answer will be useful for you. Let me know if there is any other follow-up questions. Thanks</s>
<s>[INST] hi I m wondering if radiation for stage 4 pancreatic and liver cancer would be beneficial. the patient is already taking strong chemo and a lot of herbal supplements. Feels good except after treatments. What pills and treatment would you suggest Thank u [/INST] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Treatment of pancreatic cancer depends on type and stage as well as spread of cancer. In early stage surgery is useful. In late stage chemotherapy and radiotherapy remain mainstay in the treatment. Radiotherapy is useful in some types of pancreatic cancer. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.</s>