<s>[INST] Please help! i fractured/broke my upper fibula about 6 weeks ago. I thought id be good to go by today but the bone is still healing. The bone though, isn t aligned. It just doesn t look right to me. The doctor says because it s not a weight bearing bone its ok and it will fill in. I need to be back for football and i really would like a 2nd opinion, I wanna make sure it ll heal right. HELP! thank you [/INST] his your doctor suggests, yes, upper fibula doesn't take part in weight-bearing. It will heal in another 3-4 weeks witChatDoctorplete immobilization of leg. Then you will undergo physiotherapy for few days and shall be back to normal activity and back to football game. Best wishes</s>
<s>[INST] My 16 year old son has a swollen lymph node behind his ear and recently noticed a lump in his pectoral muscle near the nipple. He also has said he has experienced fatigue during the last few weeks. He is active in baseball so it is difficult to assume if this is all related. [/INST] Hello, I understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor, infectious disease specialist, answering your concern. The most common cause of the swollen lymph node in India is the tuberculosis. I also suspect the same in your child. For the confirmation of the diagnosis it is necessary that you should do FNAC and ZN staining from the material received. If the test is positive you should also do the TB testing by Inexpert, It is also diagnosed the common resistance pattern and can help you in treatment part. TB treatment have many side effects, please do not discontinue the treatment as it can create resistance pattern in the bacilli. Complete treatment only cures you but also prevents future relapse. I will be happy to answer your further concern you can contact me here, or you can contact me on bit.ly/ Chat Doctor. Thank you, ChatDoctor</s>
<s>[INST] i fell down a flight of stairs last thursday. my knee swelled bruised and had/has a knot. it is healing. my shoulder on the other hand is hurting more. i have random bruises up my arm and side including my armpit. it was fine as i rested it over the weekend but as i work it is hurting as bad if not worse than the day i fell. oh yeah, i have no insurance.... [/INST] City over the counter pain medication, if this doesn't settle your pain within 24 hours you will need to have that shoulder examined and some X-rays taken to rule out fractures or torn ligaments(tendons)</s>
<s>[INST] I have been extremely fatigued lately and cannot figure out why. After sleeping 14-15 hours last night, and only being awake for the past 6, I m ready to go to bed already, it is only 7:30pm, and I slept this morning until 1:30pm. I have been very busy lately, I am not anemic and my thyroid is normal. I am on depression medication sertraline and my white blood cell count is off- my doc says I could be still recovering from an illness such as mono, but I am unsure of what could be causing this extreme tiredness. It s preventing me from daily activities. [/INST] HIT hanks for using Chat Doctor Physical tiredness occur due to multiple reason, but I think in you case, chances of depression is more. Maybe you need a little higher dose of antidepressant to improve the symptoms. You can try few stimulants like modafinil or Ardabil, that would keep you active. Better to consult a psychiatrist for that. These Chat Doctor. Thanks</s>
<s>[INST] My 1 year old has been having 6 to 8 bowel movements a day for almost 2 weeks and has horrible diaper rash. She was treated successfully for thrush a few months ago, but I don t see any obvious white spots in her mouth. Plus, I don t recall her having frequent BMs the last time. [/INST] Hello, Your baby having loose stools for 14 days along with diaper rashes is suggestive of lactose intolerance. It is seen in babies that have some infection in their gut due to difficulty in digesting lactose and sugar in milk; this makes them pass stool with acidic pH which leads to diaper rashes. Apply Silver Mini cream or any zinc oxide cream on the affected area after cleaning the area, each time after passing stool. Get a stool examination for pH levels done; reduce and change milk to a low lactose formula. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.</s>
<s>[INST] hi, i have come of the contraception pill 3 months ago and have not had a period since, i have got contant pains as if im about to start my period but nothing happens. i have extremely tender breasts, discharge, lower back pains and abdoman pains, however i have took test after test and all say negative. i need some advice please [/INST] Dear patient It may take months for normal menses to start after stopping contraceptive pills. Also, all symptoms suggest of normal menstrual period, but you are not getting menses so there might be retention of menses inside uterus. I would advise ultrasound of abdomen to look for uterus and its endometrium. Please take visit to gynecologist and get yourself examined. All the best.</s>
<s>[INST] My mother age 60 yrs having lungs tuberculosis. She took Myrin-P forte for about 18 days then she develope allergices. Dr stops Myrin-P forte and suggest Ethambutol 400 mg 3 tablets daily. But she has fever 101 to 102 and she feels drowsy and often vomits what she eats. Kindly suggest ur opinion/treatment [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. If your mother has allergies for the 4 Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I have high blood pressure and I was told that my potassium level was low so I bought some potassium gluconate pills today they are 595 mg and I am scared to take them after reading about the side effects. What should I do I have an appt. to see a cardioligist next monday? [/INST] Hi, Thanks for asking. Based on your clinical history and query, my opinion is as follows:1. Low potassium can increase blood pressure, however, it is usually not the sole reason. You need to be on antihypertensives with consultation from your doctor.2. Taking potassium tablets is risky. Cardiovascular effects, particularly arrhythmia are dangerous. 3. You can concentrate on improving potassium by improving diet by including items like banana, green leafy vegetables, potatoes, fish, yogurt, mushrooms, etc. Improving potassium will reduce risk of high blood pressure, stroke and cardiovascular disease. Hope it helps. Any further queries, happy to help again.</s>
<s>[INST] I have just been told that the cat I was caring for had severe scabies, I developed an itchy rash in the last four days, but I also remember not feeling well and having a low temperature before the rash developed. I am aware that scabies from a cat cannot be passed to a human, so am curious what this itch rash is. [/INST] HiThis could be an allergic reaction so you can try bena ChatDoctor. </s>
<s>[INST] hello any OBGYNE doctors or other doctors knows this question pls answer me thanks.. what is the success rate of to prevent pregnancy when using Nordette as ECP ? when took 4pcs within 60 hrs of unprotected sex then 4pcs after 12 hrs of the 1st dosage. thanks [/INST] Hello, Thanks for sharing your health concern with us. I have gone through your query and would like to offer my opinion. The efficacy rate of an emergency contraceptive pill depends on the time delay after the intercourse before the pill is used. When the pill is used soon after, the protection offered is 98-99 % while it decreases as time goes by. At 60 hours, the protection offered is around 80-85 %. Corvette is shown to have the same efficacy as any conventional emergency contraceptive pill. Please contact your health care provider for further help. Hope this helps.</s>
<s>[INST] I have had a cold or virus for 10 days now. I have had a bad cough and alot of sinus problems. I was coughing up yellowish flim and I called my Dr. and she perscribed antibotics for me I have been on the antibotics for 6 days. My sinuses seem better but still have a cough but not as bad. I do smoke maybe 5/day. How long will my cough last? [/INST] Hi thanks for contacting Chat Doctor... If your cough still not improving than digital chest x-ray and spirometry (pulmonary function test done for further work up)To detect causative organism throat swab or sputum collection done and send for culture report ... According to which Chat Doctor. .... You have smoking habit .... So it can lead more cough production ... It is better if you can get rid of smoking habit ....Meanwhile, if trouble some </s>
<s>[INST] kinda embarrased here but friday night had sex with my wife was just nomal then got up saturday mourning and i coughed really hard and recieved a excruciating pain in my ribs on left side kinda where the bottom rib area .....since then if i couch or sneeze the pain is severe then subsides after a couple mins . is it possible i have cracked a rib from the cough? the pain isvery intense [/INST] Thanks for query. It is possible to get ribs fractured, but it is rare. Left chest pain can be due to pleural inflammation, angina, musculoskeletal, gastric ulcers etc. I think you must get a chest X-ray done and an ECG done. Meanwhile, can take antibiotic and analgesic. Best wishes</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I m trying to conceive and I have been taking ovulation tests and last week I got a positive (smiley face) ovulation test, then negative the next day, then positive the day after that, and today (1 week later) I got a positive again! what does that mean? why could that be hapenning? [/INST] Hallow Dear, This dilemma seems to be either due to error in the kits or personal error. Delayed positive test could be due to exceptional additional delayed ovulation from the other ovary. In such confusion, I would advise you to take the help of ultrasonography. Ultrasonographic ovulation monitoring has an edge over the kit:1. It gives visual evidence of ovulation.2. It informs us about the size of the follicle when it ruptured to release egg. Follicles between 18 mm to 21 mm size give best results of pregnancy. 3. It informs about the endometrial thickness also. For successful implantation, at least 10 mm thick endometrium is lucrative. I hope this helps you.</s>
<s>[INST] Family memeber, 85 and living alone, stopped her dialysis; did not have it on scheduled Saturday, talked to her son, Monday evening, then was found she had died in bed later that evening. Blood appeared in and around her mouth. Could you tell me why the blood? I understand she went peacefully. [/INST] Sorry to hear about the demise. In patients undergoing dialysis and having stopped there could be multiple reasons for bleeding. These patients have bleeding tendencies, so she might have bled from any ulcer in stomach or esophagus. Or if due to stopping of the dialysis, she might have developed pulmonary hypertension due to accumulation of excessive fluids in lungs and cause bleeding through lungs which might have surfaced during excessive bought of cough containing blood. These could be the main reasons that I think of from what you have told me in your question. Thank you</s>
<s>[INST] I am a 49 year old female who has been struggling with chronic, extreme fatigue, joint pain, chronic sinus infections, asthma and hives for about 18 months. My eosinophil levels are running about 1600-2000 unless I am on steroids. My IGE levels are also very high. I have had every allergy test imaginable but all are negative. I had sinus surgery a few months ago and felt better as long as I was on the steroids but as soon as I tapered off, all symptoms returned and I am feeling terrible again. Allergist ordered lots of blood tests including some checking for specific mutations but all are normal except the eosinophils and IGEs. He wants to do a bone marrow biopsy, which I have scheduled but am looking for any help on what this could be. Unless I am on steroids, I feel terrible and asthma is hard to control but once I am on them, I feel normail again and the asthma is completely under control [/INST] It seems you have to continue steroids as there is severe steroid dependent allergy/asthma.you may undergo further tests as advised for more definitive solution</s>
<s>[INST] I feel I am suffering from a potential anxiety disorder/ADHD. Ive always had panic attacks and the feeling of doom/fear over irrational things, but my problem seems to have gotten worse over the past few months. I find myself experiencing unexplained fear in completely banal places such as travelling on a bus or simply sitting in a lecture. I have also been experiencing nocturnal enuresis (something which I suffered from as a youngster) which surely cannot be helping with the anxiety as it is highly embarrasing! Could you possibly give me some advice? [/INST] Diagnosis: acute panic attacks with phobia social.treatment:do not worry as your problem is treatable. Tab clonazepam tab fluoxetine tab fluvoxaminetab buspirone. These Chat Doctor. Side by side behavioral therapy. Contact to psychiatrist as these </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, my dad (84) has been diagnosed with another bleed on the left side of his brain. He had an annuryism in the same spot 20 years ago and he had surgery to correct the bleed then. He was left paralyzed on the left side. Because of his age we have opted not to have any surgery as he has been through so much in the last 20 years. He has spent 15 yrs in a nursing home. The ER doctor who saw him told us of this second bleed and also that he will die and that all they can do is keep him comfortable. How long do you think my dad will lie like this? The bleed was found on Wednesday of last week. I just do not want him to suffer and he seems to be resting peacefully and even ackowledging us with a nod of his head occassionally. He is holding his own as far as his lungs and heart goes and is passing the fluids that they are giving him now. The only symptom he had to alert us something was wrong was is low oxygen levels and this is why we had him taken to the hospital. Any info you can give us will be greatly appreciated. [/INST] Hello, You have most of the information that you should know, and you also have absorbed it the way it should have been. Beyond the present supportive care, there is nothing much that may be required for him. A major part of brain his not functioning for him and at such an old age when organ systems start giving in one by one, one can only try to give him peaceful and comfortable existence as long as he pulls on. Good luck.</s>
<s>[INST] doctor told me that i am severely anemic they gave me some iron tablets but i didnt take that and in its replacement i just drunk beet root s juice 4 hours ago, now i am having fast heartbeat please tell me any home remedy, keeping my situation in eye, i think i cant bear any high mg or iron medicine....i am having chest infection and cough as well as ALSAR. i am 47 years old lady [/INST] Severe anemia needs urgent treatment. Neither iron tablets nor beet root juice will help you if you have severe anemia. Moreover, if you have ulcer(hope I am taking it correct sense for ALTAR), iron preparations can irritate your digestive system. People with severe anemia, having symptom like faster heart beat, should immediately see a doctor. Take care</s>
<s>[INST] Hello Doctor,myself Adriza..My height 5ft6inch and my weight 76kg.Im 25yr old..My husband is 28 yr old..Im tring to get pregnent..I had done some of my tests..Like TVS,some hormonal tests also..Reports are normal..but there is a problem in my husband semen analysis..Reports are showing that there is low sperm count..and some of sperm sluggishly motile and most of them are morphologicaly abnormal..so doctor told us for IVF..What are the chances of success in IVF for Us?Is my weight will affect in IVF?And in this IVF doctor will take sperm from my husband or donar?Please reply me..Im waiting for your reply... [/INST] Hi, I had gone through your query and understand your concern. Doctor will try for your husbands' semen for IVF and CSI but they may give you option of donor sperm back up also if Your husband semen is not good for CSI that time so be prepared for that also.</s>
<s>[INST] I am 86 years old and having good health till 4 months back. I got psoriatic Arthratis but it was diagonised late. I lost 4 months and got treated by the doctor with Saaz. But I found it not suitable for me. I lost 2 month for treatment. Now I have been treated with folitrax 15 mg injection and I found it is ok for me. Pl advise how to get strength as I am bed ridden and could not walk properly without support. Also my back joints L4 L5 etc are giving lot of pain. Pl advise remedy. [/INST] Hello, Low back pain in psoriasis arthritis have different origin. This pain is mostly due to increase in inflammation. In your case two factors are playing role one is your disease & other is your inactivity with your age. In my opinion if you are facing severe problem with low back pain then you may ask from your doctor about intermittent course of low dose steroid. This is very helpful in such cases. Your doctor is the sole person to decide its pros and cons in your age. You should continue or start calcium & vitamin D therapy. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care </s>
<s>[INST] I have a recurring lump on the back of my neck below my hairlinr and above my shoulders. it hurts to the touch. It seems that every now and again it becomes immflamed and swells which is when it hurts. other times it is smaller but I can still feel it? [/INST] Hi. Thanks for your query. The typical character of the lump you described looks most probably to be an infected sebaceous cyst. Although the infection is mild and recurrent. This does not look to be lipoma. The best way to get a diagnosis is clinical and excision. This helps in 2 ways:1. You get disease free.2 get a definite diagnosis. So please go ahead with the excision-removal.</s>
<s>[INST] I am taking azithral 500 ,to reduce my pimples on my face as well as my body.I take 1 pill every alternate day will it have any side-affect on me?Can this affect my kidney? Thank you for your time and help. [/INST] Hi, Watch out for XXXXXWelcome to Chat Doctor, You can take Literal 500 mg daily and not on alternate day for not more than 3-4 days. You can take capsule Doxycycline once a day for 10-15 days instead of Literal. Ok and bye.</s>
<s>[INST] hi my lft report range are as follow .Iam bit confused regarding the range serum bilirubin(diazo method)..... .93 mg/dldirect .50indirect .43sgot ifcc method 93.8 iu/lsgpt 148.5 iu/l [/INST] Hellhole me explain to you that, what is got Sept. In your case serum bilirubin level is normal so need not worry. The aminotransferase is sensitive indicators of LIVER CELL INJURY and are most helpful in recognizing acute hepatocellular disease such as HEPATITIS. They include the aspartame aminotransferase (GOT) and the alpine aminotransfearse (Sept). Sgot is found in liver, cardiac muscle, skeletal muscle, kidney, brain, pancreas, lungs, leukocytes, and erythrocytes in DECREASING disorder of concentration. Sgpt is mainly found in the liver. I want to explain to you that any mild disease or any injury to above-mentioned organs may be responsible for high level of GOT. While primarily Sept is in liver, so any cell injury to liver cells may be responsible for liver disease. But this level is not so high so at present need not worry, if you didn't have any other symptoms. Keep regular watch over liver function tests and symptoms. Besides avoid wine, Chat Doctor. Still if you have any doubt get in MRI and ultrasound of liver. Consult a physician and get his opinion as physical examination is also important. Good luck.</s>
<s>[INST] Hello Doc. I am currently taking meloxicam, and was wondering, can I take tylenol for my muscle pain? I take a half of my meloxicam as needed and the last time I took one was this morning. I ve been having muscle pain on my left side about a week now and I am trying determine my pain level. Arlene [/INST] Hello, I have studied your case. Yes you can take Tylenol for muscle pain. Be aware of side effects of Tylenol. Side effects such as dizziness, Chat Doctor. You can take other opioid analgesic if pain persist for few days. Opioids may have other side effects. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Wishing you good health. Take care</s>
<s>[INST] Me and my gf were fooling around i had gotten cum on my to stop from cuming in her after i pulled out. After i washed my hands with soap and water. About an our later we fooled around again. Could she get pregnant even after i washed the cum my hands? [/INST] Hi their have understood your concern. If you had this unprotected sex act in the fertile period of her cycle then she should take emergency contraceptive pills within 72 hours of unprotected sex act. As you might be aware that pre ejaculation fluid contains sperms enough to cause pregnancy. And it gets deposited without you noticing it. So even if you pull out before ejaculation, it is not a safe sex. It is not due to washed hands but due to pull out method, she stands chance to get pregnant. I hope this answer helps you. Thansk.</s>
<s>[INST] I had a gastroscopy and was diagnosed with the beginning of stomach ulcers , I was put onto a 2 week course of antibiotics (Moxypen & Klarithran) which I m still taking as well as Topzole, for the last 3 days I have had severe swelling of my ankles and feet and even my eyelids are swollen and I feel flushed all the time, could there be a relation between the symptoms and the medication?? [/INST] Hi, Thanks for posting your query. I am Chat Doctor. The swelling you have in the ankles, feet and around the eyelids is not related to the stomach ulcers or the medications you take. Swelling like these occurs due to either heart, liver or kidney diseases. Puffiness around the eyes usually occurs in kidney disease. You need to get tests done to see which of these organs is affected causing the swelling of the ankle, feet and around eyes. I hope that answers your question.</s>
<s>[INST] I m on sprintec for few months. I never missed a pill and I always take it on time?But the other day I missed then I took two pills yesterday with one hour in between. Today I took my dose about 2 hours and 10 minutes late. I had sex tonight. Is there any chance to be pregnant? WWW.WWWW.WW [/INST] Hello, Thanks for your query.sprinter is used to prevent ovulation. As you missed one dose and compensated it next day by taking 2 pills. Though you have taken your dose little late but still you have same chances of pregnancy when you use pills promptly/regularly. So don't worry and read carefully instructions provided with your medicine. If you miss one active pill, take two pills on the day that you remember. Then take one pill per day for the rest of the pack. If you miss two active pills in a row in Week 1 or 2, take two pills per day for two days in a row. Then take one pill per day for the rest of the pack. Use back-up birth control for at least 7 days following the missed pills. Hope it helps. Take care!</s>
<s>[INST] Hello, I am late, my aprox. cycle is 31days. My last period was 03/22 and i was supposed get it this month around 21 or 22nd, today is 04/25 and usually i get period symptoms, my breasts get tender and very sensitive, i get cramps and back pain usually and mostly a week before my period, this time i did not have nay symptoms. Lately for the past week i ve been feeling very sleepy, been taking naps every day almost, some cramp like feelings but mostly bloated feeling as well. I get headaches that i usually don t get all the time, and i ve been very moody my husband said. I took a test 2 days before my period was due and it was a negative, i took a test yesterday 04/24 and it was still negative. Not sure on what to go on by here, my husband and i are trying to have a baby but i have not been feeling like this. No un-normal stress in my life, pretty calm. I am just worried, do i wait for my period to see if it ll come till end of this month and then go to the doctor for a blood test, or....im lost. Please Help! Thank you. Amy [/INST] Hi there. Delayed periods with cramps could be due to Endometriosis or Adenomyosis and associated hormonal disturbance. You need to get an Ultrasound done and also hormonal assays of FSH, LH, Estrogen and Progesterone. This will give a clear picture of the problem and the appropriate treatment. Take Tablet Metal spas if you have a lot of cramps.</s>
<s>[INST] Diagnosed in er with kidney infection last Thursday. Gave Iv antibiotics (levoquin?), fluids pain meds, and meds for nausea. Came home taking oral antibiotic, Vicodin, and I have been throwing up and severe left flank pain continues. My right hand just started trembling. How long before I should go back to dr [/INST] It takes 24 to 48 hours for an antibiotic to start its effect. If the symptoms are severe you should go to hospital otherwise you should take the medications along with antiemetic still then</s>
<s>[INST] i am taking glycomate sr igram at night before meal. my fasting sugar was 150-160 range before medication and PP was 170-180. i have strict diet control. after taking medicine for one & 1/2 months now i am feeling sleepy which i do not had earlier. presently my Fastinf sugar is 129-141 anf PP is 140-150. si do Yoga for i/2 hrs, walking for 20 minutes and Gym foe 15 minutes daily. Should i stop medicine.D .mitra age 55 ,male,kolkata india [/INST] Hi Mr. Mira, As you have not mentioned the duration of your Diabetes specifically, let by your narration my interpretation is you have recently detected Diabetes diabetes approximately one and half month back. You have started on Glycogen Sr 1 gm before dinner, along with you are doing yoga, gym, walk regularly diet control. With all these efforts your blood sugar levels are fairly controlled. I would like to advise_1. Strictly follow Diabetic diet regularly. 2. Continue yoga, gym, walk regularly. 3. Continue Tab Glycogen Sr 1gm after dinner. In fact, you can increase the dose up to 1.5 gm and over another 15 days to 2 gm total per day in divided doses preferred to take after meals. (effective dose is approximately 1.75 gm per day) As this medicine rarely decreases blood sugar levels below normal level (rarely causes hypoglycemia) This medicine act on basic pathology of diabetes called insulin resistance. As Diabetes is lifelong disease, as duration of diabetes increases there may need of additional medicines. 4. You have not mentioned your height and weight so that you should target weight loss according to your height. 5. Certain blood test are important like lipid profile, serum creatinine, HbA1C which denote blood sugar level over period of approximately 120 days. Urinary protein creatinine ratio, Endoscopy to rule out diabetic retinopathy. 6. You should also start medicine for lowering lipids despite your lipid level, if it is in normal range start in basic dose and if in higher doses according to lipid level. 7. Also, regular BP checking</s>
<s>[INST] My mother is having lightheadiness and heart palpitations and sometimes her hear races. This has been over the last few days. She just checked her blood pressure and it is normal and her pulse rate is 72. Could she still have a heart attack with normal blood pressure and pulse rate? Thanks, Kelli [/INST] Hi, Lightheadedness associated with palpitations can be caused by irregularities in heart rhythm. Heart rate and blood pressure can be normal in these cases, but it is important to know what her heart rhythm is, and what is usually done is an ECG which documents the electrical activity of the heart. It may not be a "heart attack" per se, but it is noteworthy that she may undergo tests as part of the work-up. And I would suggest a consult with a doctor to be able to check other causes of dizziness such as a musculoskeletal problem in the neck, as well as problems in the eyes and ears which may cause dizziness, apart from a problem in the heart. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] Sir, I am subhrankar 23-years-old male. last 8-9 months i have some fungal infection , i have consult with homeopathy and alopathy doctor and take treatment but still i have the infection. not compleately remove. i need total relife, please help me. [/INST] Hi, Thanks for query, Local application of antifungal cream is not enough to treat fungal infection. Take oral tab. Fluconazole 150 mg once in a week for 4 weeks. Keep local hygiene Chat Doctor. If no improvement then consult dermatologist for diagnosis. Ok and bye.</s>
<s>[INST] I had an eosophagectomy open surgery 2 years ago developed a hole was tube fed for 6 weeks also dvts in my left groin area have been left with a stricture that needs disputation roughly evey six months I now have developed gall stones and have had several bouts of cholosistus also had ct scan done recently and it has confirmed a inscitional hital hernia ,question do you think my surgeon would or should consider a duel surgery, cholostectomy and hernia repair she has indicated that any surgery will again be open thus my concern to get these two problems sorted at one time can this be done regards kat [/INST] Thank you for posting your query. Yes, if no other complication, both surgeries maybe done at the sometime., one after the other. That is possible and should be considered. Wish you speedy recovery and good health. Hope to answer your question. Health professionals diagnose and suggest means of treatment. Cure resides with the ONE who created us. Regards Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I had a Micro D and laminectomy 7 months ago for l5s1 herniation with bone fragment the size of thumb nail under the nerve root. Radiculopathy still present and pain level is a 7. I am currently on 2400mg a day neurotin and baclofen 3 times daily and lortab. at 5months post op my neurosurgeon had me do a series of three selective nerve blocks at l5 they were done 2 weeks apart I have constant back pain and sciatica down my left leg a hips ache very bad even with the nerve blocks they did not help. My surgeon did another mri at 2 months post op and states that my nerves were very inflamed but he did not see a re herniation. would this be considered a failed back surgery. [/INST] dear friendits too early to declare such a ChatDoctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I am 27 years old female. I am having right lower abdominal pain for past 2 years. The pain goes away after taking a course of antibiotics but reoccurs after some time. In the beginning the frequency of reoccurance was after 4 to 6 months, but now its occuring again and again within 15 to 20 days. I have the following symptoms. C1)fatigue, Feeling discomfort and tired always2)nausea always. Sensation is more after few minutes of food intake3)severe pain in lower right abdomen4)feeling burning pain in all over the abdomenal area5)Getting constipation for few days and then loose motion for few days Have done abdomincal scan and showed results as1)Left renal stone2)Minimal fluid in cul de sac Have done blood, urine and stool tests and reports showed these1)Haemoglobin is low2)ESR is high - 343)Showed pus cells in stool, occassional and stool is brown in color.4)showed 1-2 leucocytes and 2-3 epithelial cells in urineMenstrual periods regular(30-32 [/INST] Hi ! Good morning. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. From your history, and ultrasound report of fluid in the cul-de-sac, I would suspect you to be having a PID (pelvic inflammatory disease) which might also be associated with a UTI (urinary tract infection), which had to be ruled out by a culture and sensitivity test. If I were your doctor, I after a general physical examination of yours would advise you to get yourself assessed by a gynecologist of your area to rule this out specially if you are sexually active. Till then, I would advise you for a course of broad spectrum antibiotics along with an anti inflammatory and a proton pump inhibitor for a symptomatic relief. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Chat Doctor.</s>
<s>[INST] Respected Sir,My name is Nishanth singh gurung. I have undergone a root canal treatment 8 months back. One of my teeths in the bottom section is growing at 70% angle outwards. It is causing a problem in the gums. I always feel some sensitivity there and not able to study properly. Please tell me what i have to do. Its urgent [/INST] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The sensitivity in the tooth can be because of the cervical abrasion(Wearing away of tooth structure) since it is in an abnormal position, more force will be applied when you brush. The other possible cause can be a dental caries in between the teeth. So consult an oral physician and get it evaluated and take a radiograph to confirm the diagnosis. If the tooth is a wisdom tooth, then get it removed. If it is some other tooth, you can get it restored a cement material. I hope my answer will help you, take care.</s>
<s>[INST] I have thrown up twice today. I noticed after the first time that my legs from my knees up to my lower back became very achy, especially in my front upper thigh. Could this just be from the force of throwing up? What can I do to ease the pain? It hurts more than my stomach. Also, I feel like I have a low grade fever because I keep getting chills n then hot again. [/INST] U might be having some sort of lumbar disc problem which causes pain in legs due to nerve compression. . An LS spine MRI what b helpful Thanks</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I m 38 years old and due to a gun shot through the roof of my mouth.I have worn a partial for years. I m 5 1 amd 91 lbs always been very small child like. I had full dentures put in yesterday and they huge! I m gagging,cant close my mouth,color is very dark,and teeth are like hores teeth. I m horrified. I have called him and he said the will fit when I grow into them. I don t think I m going to be doing anymore of that. What to do? He pulled what 10 teeth I had left now nothing and owe him over 5,000$. Help PLEASE [/INST] Hi, Thank you for the query. First thing is you cannot wear a denture which is bigger than the size of our palate. Definitely you will have a gag reflex as the over extension of the denture is into the soft palate area leading to gag reflexes. Coming to the growth part, you are already 38yrs old, at this age there won't be any growth in your body parts. Only thing what can be done is asked your dentist to prepare another set of dentures which are of your size not huge and size of the teeth should be reduced, and your occlusion should be checked thoroughly and extensions of the dentures are important so that you won't end up in gag reflexes anymore. Best thing is to see a prosthodontist. Hope this information will help you. Take care.</s>
<s>[INST] I had surgery to fuse L4,L5 and S1 9 moths ago and I am experiencing pain in my lower back right side radiating around and into my groin. I had 3 steroid injections in my hip because a recent mri showed a tear in my hip socket. My orthopedist said it was nothing more than burcitis and that the pain I was having was to do with my back. My neuro surgeon say the fusion is fine and healing well. What would you advise [/INST] Hello, I have studied your case. You may need to do MRI spine again to see for nerve compression Due to compression of this nerve root there is tingling numbness in your leg and pain associated with it. If there is instability then fusion with fixation may help. As per your previous surgery of spine now there is possibility of discuss, which can be confirmed by MRI with contrast or CT pyelogram. For these symptoms analgesic and neurotrophic medication can be started. Till time, avoid lifting weights, Sit with support to back. You can consult physiotherapist for help. Physiotherapy like ultrasound and TENS therapy will help will advise checking your it B12 and it D3 level. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. If you find this answer helpful do not hesitate to rate this answer at end of discussion. Wishing you good health. Take care.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I m using shades like lipsticks , gloss, lips balm for more than 5 yrs,....but for past one year, m getting allergie to those products...I seriouly don t know the reason which is making my lips itch & irritate...now-a-days whenever m using lip shades, it will automatically cause my lips & lipline - dry , itch and irritates....so stop to use lipshades and switch on to use lip balm, since lips became very dry if m not applying any mositure on it ..[ Using products are Lakme & Lotus ]...Previously i don t have this kind of problem...Only recently it is causing....Can anyone assist me the cause of my problem... Thanks. [/INST] Hi, welcome to the Chat Doctor forum, the complaints which you mentioned is called as contact dermatitis or chemical irritant dermatitis, it has an allergic component, since you are getting this for the past 1 year it signifies that your immunity which prevents from getting this kind of allergies is getting down to lower levels, I suspect you are under some kind of tremendous stress either financial or mental which is causing this type of hypersensitivity in you, this is absolutely curable with special homeopatChatDoctoredicines.... get well soon ! You can contact me on Chat Doctor. Com</s>
<s>[INST] Hi my name is zainab I have two kids already girls ages 4&8 . I have been trying to get pregnant for almost 4 yrs now but nothing yet. I was using the IUCD which I have removed and been trying for almost a year but nothing yet. I am still having my regular monthly periods any suggestion or help kindly assist [/INST] Hi, Thanks for writing to us. In my opinion you should consult a gynecologist and get your examination and investigation to rule out that everything is fine. Your husband test is also very important. Wait for some more time. Good luck. Regards Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] hi sir,my daughter is 4 yrs old and we have been to india last year for christmas and came back on january 13th 2011,right from then my child started spiking a fever. it happens about every three weeks to 1 month. she will be fine in the day, playing, going to school, the only thing is she says her belly is sore but doesn t complain too much. then when it comes to about 5pm she deteriorates very quickly. becomes very lethargic, sleeping, crying but not knowing whats wrong, shivering. her temperature goes up. this usually only lasts that one night and by the next day she s almost as normal...for another few weeks. [/INST] Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Understanding your concern. As per your query your daughter have symptoms of frequent fever and shivering which seems to be due to poor immunity of body which making your child susceptible to infections. Well this is something you should be concerned about as it could be due to underlying systemic pathology. Need not worry. I would suggest you to visit pediatrician once and get it examined. You should go for complete blood count and urinalysis done to detect level of infection and find out any systemic pathology. Start treatment after proper diagnosis. Till then take Ibuprofen/ Acetaminophen. Chat Doctor. You should do tepid sponging if fever is of high intensity. Take diet rich in multivitamins. Hope your concern has been resolved. Get Well Soon. Best Wishes,</s>
<s>[INST] Hello I have bee severely depressed f or eight months, anxiety anger,guilt fear ,I have been taking Zoloft and gabapentin it seems to agitate me more,I used to take Ativan for many years and narcotics for severe pain relating to several bad fusions and a titanium plate,been t several doctors at emerg and walk in clinic who no longer will prescribe my old regular medications to cope,I moved from my home town and the confusion ,frustration,accusations began, five years ago,now iam sixty alone and afraid of what would happen should I be hospitalized, trazodoned, or something worse and disappear as a vegetable,I ve been to mental health who gave me ability to no avail.i have been on cilopran and others no changei have along history of fibromyalgia low thyroid headaches and never feel rested and secure,I live in canada and resources and options are limited, frightened I,ve been treated horrifacly a few times and afraid of what they will do ,or prescribe.d o you have any enlightening advice.my world is crashing in losing everything that was once dear and necessary,all because I moved and left my home where I was safe but can,t goback now. Any illuminating thoughts .?go [/INST] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. I am not so happy to read your thoughts. You are 60 and you have life experiences. Every incident in our life, whether negative or positive, teaches us a positive lesson. In that sense whatever happened us is supposedly taught us a lesson for our future. We live today. Not in yesterday. There is no surety that the same thing will happen again. So approach future with positive might, because THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE. If you are apprehensive about your future, you also lose your TODAY. I am not overlooking your illnesses. You are supposed to have learned by now, what are your problems and started living according to the situations. Once you start adjusting with the problems, cure starts. Forget medicines, concentrate on life. Psychotherapy is the answer. Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe some psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.</s>
<s>[INST] I have heel blisters, that I am trying to let reabsorb, there are white floating objects underneath, what are these? Also, prior to the blisters, I have been having numbness and pain at the back of the heels, it started with a mal fitting pair of sneakers, but that was months ago and I only wore them once. [/INST] Hi I did understand your concern. Your lesion may be a reaction to the new shoes and that can cause such problems. The blisters will slowly heal on their own. You can apply Luke warm fomentation on it with a clean cloth and if they burst apply an antibiotic Chat Doctor. In view of severe pain please consult doctor. Numbness and pain over heel can be due to diabetes, electrolyte imbalance or due to nutritional deficiency or Achilles tendinitis and planter fasciitis would recommend you to get evaluated for these lesions step by step as each have different treatment.I hope this yellowish you all the best thank you for using Chat Doctor. I hope this helps</s>
<s>[INST] I just had an MRI on thursday, Ive had many MRIs in the last 10 years but this was my first experience in a 3.0 Tesla imaging unit. I have relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis and am on Tysabri as my disease modifying drug, I have tested positive for the JC virus {papovavirus} and so my MRIs are to watch out for possible signs of PML. My head has been pounding off and on since thursday and I was wondering if this is common in higher Tesla MRIs. [/INST] Hi, Thank you for posting your query. It is possible to get headaches after 3.0 Tesla MRI and several of my patients have also complained about that earlier to me. I am not sure of the exact reason, but may be related to noise or higher magnetic field. It settles down in a few days. Wishing you a favorable MRI report. Please get back if you require any additional information. Best wishes, Chat Doctor. Ly/</s>
<s>[INST] this is the first day of root canal, after coming back from doctors clinic once the initial sensation started i have unbearable pain , i have taken Katrol DT and dic+paracetamol tab together but no releif kindly suggest its 2 AM night and i dont know what to do [/INST] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query...the pain could be because of the tooth infection.the analgesics you are taking is enough for the pain to come down, but you have to take a course of antibiotic like penicillin and metronidazole...if the pain is unbearable then you can take intramuscular injection of an analgesic. I hope injection is not required.just take the analgesics what you are taking and consult your dentist in the morning... I hope my answer will help you.take care.</s>
<s>[INST] My father in law whois 84yrs of age was rushed into hospital with pains in his abdomen last week, he is being treated for gallstones. When we visited he had a drain attached. he was discharging fluid which was a dark brown? He now has the nor virus so we cannot visit. Is this serious? Thank you [/INST] Hello welcome to ChatDoctornoro virus infections are not so serious as you think. These infections occur mostly in crowded places like hospitals, nursing homes, schools. In most of the patients it gets cured unless it has complications like severe deny Chat Doctor. It is highly contagious infection. Close contact with patient can also spread the infection. Hope I have answered your question, if you have further questions I will be happy to help.</s>
<s>[INST] hai docter.am zainab.i got married 1 year before.am not getting pregnant.my periods are regular.i and my husband done hormonal test n semen count test.i also done hsg test.everything normal.my family docter suggest me to take such tablets are ovasafe...ccq 100...fertisule...please give me some suggestion to get pregnant....thank you... [/INST] Hello, I have gone through your query and understood your concerns. You need to have coitus in between 14th day to 21st day of your menstrual cycle as that is the period for fertilization. As every report of yours came back normal no need to worry much about this. Along with the above suggestion that I gave you ova safe will help you to get pregnant. Thank you.</s>
<s>[INST] ive been having pelvic pain on n off, sometimes real sharp. discomfort during and after intercourse. kinda feels like ovulation but double pain and several times a week. oh and im runnig several days late for my period,took ept also not sure if its connected but i get light headed too. [/INST] Hello, This could be caused by an infection, ectopic pregnancy or ovarian cyst. You need to see a doctor for an exam and some testing to sort out the cause. Infection and ectopic pregnancy could be serious. Do not delayRegards</s>
<s>[INST] Hifenac mr tablet was taken by my wife age 29 due to the pain in her lower waist , the reason is i suppose body cramp due to a massage by a proffesional.now she is suffering a severe pain in her waist and could not able to move and walk. should i go for a injection,pain killer or any spray pain relief ? [/INST] Hello, As you are already taking tablet Higher MR still she has severe pain and not able to walk, so I think you should consult with orthopedic for detailed examination. I will advise you today to do x-ray lower back and hip joint after orthopedic opinion. Now, along with Higher MR, you can use Voting spray or apply diclofenac gel. If still symptoms not relieved, I will advise MRI after Orthopedic consultation. I think you are suffering from severe muscle spasm or may possibility of nerve injury, but we have to confirm that. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.</s>
<s>[INST] For months my back has been hurting and I thought it was just a muscle strain. When it continued past four months it became more intense and difficult now to turn over in my sleep. It is worse at night then during the day when I am in movement. Today though the pain has gone up my back and making it harder to take a breath without a minor amount of pain. I don t have insurance, it s too expensive for this hard-working independent, American woman. Help! [/INST] Hello, Thank you for using Chat Doctor. I read your question and understood your concern. This is back pain probably for fiscal hernia or discuss that may need examinations such as MRI etc. In your condition since you do not have any insurance and can not do these examinations, I would recommend starting some exercises at home to strengthen your core muscle, back and abdominal. You can do these exercises in home and do not even need to go in gym. It will need at least 3 months to see and effect but stick with it. I wish you quick recovery.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, Can you please give me some advice. My mother recently passed away as a result of a brain aneurysm and as a result my sister and I asked our respective GPs to have us scanned. My mothers was detected yet untreated for 2 years. I have been advised after a CT scan that I also have one. I have been advised to wait for weeks for an appointment. [/INST] Hello and welcome to" Ask a Doctor" service. I have read your query and here is my advice. Controlling blood pressure is essential. So, if you maintain normal blood pressure, risks are minimal. Hope this helps. Feel free to ask if you have further questions.</s>
<s>[INST] I found out my ex has hpv we had unprotected sex a few times! I don t have a rash or series of warts but 1 small bump on my penis that I continually think is a wart cause ive had it foir over a year as far as I can remember! Should I worry or see a doctor? [/INST] Thanks for asking in Chat Doctor forum If its present for more than a year then it is possible that it is a wart/growth. Human papillomavirus can cause warts when infected. So, do not hesitate & please visit your doctor for examinations & investigations. All the best.</s>
<s>[INST] my child 5month old has redness and swelling (due to insect bite which insect is unknown) a dermatologists suggested to use elocon cream how safe is it for the baby and how long should i leave the cream on especially there is swelling on his head(is it safe to apply there) [/INST] Hi... I understand your concern. Elton is a mild steroid and if your dermatologist has prescribed it he would have got a good reason in doing so. But as it is a steroid I suggest you to apply it not more than a week as steroid can get systemically absorbed. Regards - </s>
<s>[INST] My son has 3 circular red spots along his spine, roughtly the size of a dime. They re flat with one having a dark center even. During his bath they seem tender and he scratches at them. They re on his lower back where his diaper and pants sit, but he s never had spots like this before and I haven t changed detergent or anything. he doesn t sleep with hard toys and as far as I know hasn t fallen. Should I take him in to his doctor? [/INST] Hello, Skin conditions are best diagnosed and treated after seeing them directly. May I request you to upload some images of the same so that I can see and guide you better. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I have noticed a sizeable but painless lump on my right calf muscle, I have been suffering a lot with restless legs lately and put it down to my recent pregnancy but now I have noticed this lump and I feel generally tired and just not myself? Any ideas what this could be? I am 29, 5 7 and 12 and a half stone, I smoke and have used the contraceptive pill since I was 15. [/INST] Hi, dear You have lump on calf muscle. It can be ganglion cyst or some soft tissue tumor. You should go for ultrasound study to know exact location and origin of lump. If needed go for fine needle aspiration cytology or biopsy of that lump. It will give you exact diagnosis. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, im a 27 yr old female and over the past 2 yrs i have been getting left sided chest pain, and pain in my left rib that also radiates to the back. my 3rd rib is protruding as thats what my doctor said. i feel breathless n i get skipped hb everyime i get pain in that rib. I have had x rays done but everything seems normal. [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Mild Breathlessness, skipped heart beat, left sided chest pain etc. can be seen in arrhythmia (rhythm disturbances in heart). So first get done ECG, 2d echo and Holder monitoring (24 hours continuous recording of ECG). If all these are normal then no need to worry about heart diseases. In my opinion, your pain is mostly due to musculoskeletal cause. So avoid heavyweight lifting and strenuous exercise. Avoid movements causing pain. Avoid bad postures in sleep. Apply warm water pad on affected areas. Take painkiller like ibuprofen. Sit with proper back and chest support. Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.</s>
<s>[INST] my 4 year old daughter has had a low grade fever which has spiked usually in the afternoons for 4 days, reaching only 100.5 so our doctor wouldn t see us. She has also had loose stools, some cramping in her stomach, congestion both in her chest and in her nose and a runny nose. Today I noticed a small blister in the corner of her mouth that looks like Herpes. A friend of hers has outbreaks on her mouth all the time that look like Herpes, but all over her mouth and I work very hard to monitor their play. This also seems to be symptoms of hand foot mouth disease except she doesn t have the rash on her feet and hands, only the blister on her mouth. Any thoughts as to what may be going on? There has been no change in appetite or energy level. [/INST] Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. Skin conditions are best diagnosed only after seeing directly. I suggest you to upload photographs of the same on this website, so that I can guide you scientifically. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Chat Doctor are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi Doctor, I am having a mild chest pain on the left side. It is almost 1 inch above diaphragm. Similar pain is also on the backside exactly opposite to the front side. I am having this mild pain from past 2 days. Its continuous most of the times and sometimes its not there. It mostly increases in the evening and is very less in morning and afternoon. I am 26 years old man with absolutely no family history of any cardiac disorders. My weight is 62 Kg and height 56. I dont take alcohol and no smoking and drugs. [/INST] Hello dear, welcome to Chat Doctor.come have evaluated your query thoroughly.* This seems in relation with intercostal muscle, ligament or neurovascular bundle related issue. Hope this clears your query. Regards.</s>
<s>[INST] I ve been feeling like my head isnt working the same. Its like now I have to concentrate so much harder, alot of the time I cannot comprehend what my teachers ask me and I feel so dumb. I ve been having alot of tension in my neck and ontop of my head. I ve been really tired all the time - my spine feels foggy when I wake up, and my eyes always feel tired. My hands are always cold . People think its weird cause they would feel fine. My appetite is normalish. I only eat when I m hungry which is in the evening. [/INST] You are suffering from-Anxiety Depression. You should breathe exercise daily and jogging. You also require mild dose of S.S.R.I.(antidepressant) anxiolytic-clonazepam.</s>
<s>[INST] I have sciatica pain from a hip reconstruction I had in 2002. Now Im experiencing weakness when lifting my arms. FAcial numbess, mostly on left side but feel a little on right. Legs are almost numb from knee down, it does travel up my left leg. Feet numb and tingling too. My head is almost kinda numb and I cant think straight. Dizzy on and off. I feel sick to my stomach. Please help.Thank you, Nancy [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor .com I am Chat Doctor. Mariano Into Bruno Mascaras. I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you. The history is suggestive of Peripheral Neuropathy You need to visit a Neurologist and undergo Clinical Examination of ReflexesExamination of Sensory System Nerve Conduction Studies After that we can treat and try to cure you at the earliest Hope you found the answer helpful. If you need any clarification / have doubts / have additional questions / have follow-up questions, then please do not hesitate in asking again. I will be happy to answer your questions. In the future, for continuity of care, I encourage you to contact me directly in Chat Doctor at http://bit.ly/ask</s>
<s>[INST] Hello docs n experts, Since yesterday I m ejaculating red semen. I noticed it yesterday while masturbating, even today I seen same thing when I was trying to confirm was it a normal one day case or a serious issue. Now I think it is a serious problem for me. Please help me. [/INST] HelloThanks for your query, based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have got Haematospermia (Blood in semen) noticed after masturbation. This is mostly due to trivial injury to urethra due to rough vigorous shaking of your erected penis. Please get Ultrasound Scanning of the penis done to rule out any major injury. You need to take broad spectrum antibiotic like Čeferin along with anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. Ensure to </s>
<s>[INST] I take effexor XR 75 mg once a day. I have no appetite ever. Sometimes i go days without eating and don t even realize it. When i eat, i never want to be eating. Its like im just doing it because i have to. Food never sounds good. Also, i ve noticed i feel almost no emotion. Im always in a generally good mood... but when something tragic happens its like im completely immune to it. I feel no sadness. I feel no fear, no worry. When it comes to relationships.... i can take it or leave it. When me and my girlfriend of four years broke up.... She was devastated. Crying, saying how hard it was emotionally. I felt nothing. I haven t cried or even came close to crying in a very long time. Why is this happening? Is this normal? [/INST] Hi Cablejm2 ! You are taking Effector for your depression. Now this medicine give you depression. If you're taking this medicine for long time, do ask for change, cause like other psychotic Chat Doctor. This medicine made you emotionless, so you can deal with life situation. Now take the advantage leave this medicine, do exercise and make hobbies and live your life. And don't leave medicine at once give gap gradually. And get out of this medicine trap. See you again bye.</s>
<s>[INST] Im 35.5 weeks pregnant and just the past 2 days i have been experiencing menstrual like cramps some really bad. I dont think there is any pattern at all yet. I also have a dull back ache as well. most of these symptoms happen at night but yesterday was all through the day. I have been feeling pressure downstairs almost as if the baby is pushing downwards. Should i be at all concerned? [/INST] Hi, It seems that there might be having engaged head in the uterus producing this type of pain and feeling of baby pushing downwards. As pain is not typical of labor pain like intermittent with regular interval, labor pain is less likely. If problem persisted, consult your Oust and get examined. Ok and take care.</s>
<s>[INST] I m 33 weeks pregnant, and have been feeling really unconfortable. Sometimes when I sit down it hurts or when I try to stand. It even hurts sometimes when I m laying down and go to roll over. It like sharp jabs of pain along my sides and under my belly. Is this normal? [/INST] Hello dear, I understand your concern. In my opinion the pain abdomen can be due to various reasons like preterm pains, muscle cramps etc. It needs physical examination to rule out the cause. In case of any preterm pains there can be cervical changes. You might need complete urine examination to rule out any infection. Nothing to worry. It will subside with spontaneous treatment. Avoid stress. Take adequate fluids up to 2-3 liters per day. Best regards...</s>
<s>[INST] hi, my two year old daughter has started scratching her private area and when i looked to see why she is scratching i noticed her vagina is red and swollen and it was bleeding slightly due to her scratching so hard. do you know what it is from? and what can i do to help relieve the itching? [/INST] Welcome to Chat Doctor Dear parent Itchy vagina in young girls can be due to 1.worm infestation. The infested worms easily travel from anus to vagina2. Fungal infection of diaper area. Treatment1.worm infestation by single dose of Levimazole2. Fungal infection can be treated by topical antifungal like clotrimazole mixed with 1% HY Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] my 14 year old son fainted at school on Monday and afterwards he couldnt move his arms initially he had been watching a documentary on blood vessels in Science when this happened taken to dr who wasn t overly concerned should I be taking him to see someone else [/INST] Thanks for asking. I have gone through your question and I understand your concern. Your 14-year-old son fainted in school while watching a documentary on blood vessel. From information given by you, I am able to understand that he said he was not able to move his arms on but afterwards he is able to move. Chil Chat Doctor. There is nothing to worry or I don't think there is no need to take your child to some other doctor. It is normal adolescents hope I answered your question</s>
<s>[INST] Why do I wake up with my arm or arms in the air? sometimes they fall and I hit my husband who gets mad. Is this a neurological issue as Ive had 7 operations on my neck and back? Is it due to med I take for pain or depression? Stress induced? Any ideas to stop this behavior? Thank you so very much for any input you may have. [/INST] Hello, Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor for posting your query. I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through. It could be a type of parasomnias, but they are not to be bothered. Hope I am able to answer your concerns. If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you. In future if you wish to contact me directly, you can use the below-mentioned link:bit.ly/ Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] hello doc, i have 2 pimple like elevation of skin near by scotrum on left hand side and it is kind of mountain shape its been a month and totaly painless just notice one month back though i did try burst it but could not as it was to hard to burst but there was one time i could able to burst it when it was big and there was blood and then very small sticky puss type stuff and then the size pimple did reduce greatly now it is back to normal size and i guess it is going away slowly. but while i was curious about this pimple there was a pimple on penis too which was very different just like on face and i did break it and it went away in 3 days. what all this could be any kind of STD [/INST] Hi, If you had recent unprotected sex need to think of sexually transmitted infection. If not it can be a simple abscess or pimple due to infection. The local antibiotic application will help you. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] hi docter i am releasing my sperm 6 times in a day in sex time, my age is 22, but sometime i do hand practice for 10 time in a week , is there is any problem , is there any effect occur on health or not , in how many days sperm regenerated or get ready for sex in our body , what we eat to... [/INST] Hi, Frequent masturbation at short interval do not cause any harm. Just, be calm and cool. And do not have any recentness. There is no effect on health unless you become tense after the masturbation. Take healthy and nutritional food. I hope you got my answer. Thanks.</s>
<s>[INST] I had a small tumor removed from my bladder yesterday at a hospital 60 miles away. This afternoon I started having blood in my urine. Late today i had another bladder full of blood and after urinating, followed by a warm flush sensation which took an hour to diminish. I estimate I have bleed about 3 or 4 ounces of blood. Waiting to see if it is less or more next time or should I be calling 911 now to take me to the local ER where there isnt a qualified Urologist available... e-mail YYYY@YYYY [/INST] NamasteWelcome to ChatDoctorGreetings of the dayroom the description given by you, you seem to have clot retention in bladder, bladder is not able to completely evacuate and bleeding from the tumor site may be going on. Would suggest you to call up your emergency number, you require a bladder wash which help solve your problem. A qualified physician is capable of attending to it. I hope it helped back to me if you have any other overtake disregards Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] my five year old grandson came home from preshool last week headache and threw up. took him to dr. said maybe allergies. this week more headaches and 1 vomiting episode. Mother says also this week he waking up crying with leg pain and also itchy soles of his feet. , be? [/INST] The symptoms seem to point to a flu-like illness, which is caused by a virus, either the influenza virus or a related respiratory virus. Give him rest, plenty of fluids, warm chicken soup, light food and paracetamol for the pain. </s>
<s>[INST] my mom takes spironolactone med due to her current heart problem. This med was priscriber by MD in Ethiopia and she is hear in USA. The Dr. here is doing a lot of test but in the mean time she is running out of this med. So if she stop this med what is the risk? [/INST] Brief Answer:There are no risks from the interruption of Spironolactone, while her blood pressure values are normal. Detailed Answer:Hello, Thank you for using Chat Doctor. There are no risks from the interruption of Spironolactone, while her blood pressure is not higher than the normal. Spironolactone can be stooped immediately without any problem. Meantime your mother should monitor strictly her blood pressure values at least three times a day. If the values are higher than 140/90 mmHg, than she should refer this to the treating doctor, in way to prescribe any other antihypertensive Chat Doctor. Hope this is helpful. Let me know if you need more clarifications. Otherwise, please close and rate the answer. Kind </s>
<s>[INST] Woke up with a discoloration on my left hand and some swelling around my middle finger . Now it looks like I have a huge bruise on my hand from knuckle on my middle finger to whole back of hand to the wrist . I do not remember hitting it on anything. I was lifting a canoe while I was camping a few days ago. I am on blood pressure medication and one half of a water pill plus baby aspirin .This is because I only have one functioning kidney due to chemo damage to my left kidney [/INST] Hi, Please get the renal function tests done and if it is normal you need not worry about having single kidney. Usually the remaining kidney compensate for the other non-functioning kidney. The bruise might be because of aspirin. However you have to consult your physician for definitive diagnosis. Take care not to take too many analgesics without prescription as they will have adverse effect on kidneys. Regularly monitor your kidney function. Regards</s>
<s>[INST] :) hey i got a question .. so yeah i had a root canal on one tooth and being lazy i forgot to get the permanent filling and as time passed my tooth fell out .. so my question is .. Can i still get infection there even if i had a root canal and forgot to get the filling and my tooth fell out ?? [/INST] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The chances of root canal treated tooth getting infected is very less unless it is not properly treated. The fell out tooth structure could be only the crown portion. The Root canal treated tooth becomes weak after RCT, so it has to be crowned immediately. Now the roots might be remaining with in the bone. Consult an oral physician and get a radiograph to rule out the presence of root piece. If root is there then get it removed. I hope my answer will help you, take care.</s>
<s>[INST] hello docter.... my baby girl of 1 year 9 months has been getting hives for the last 2 months... usually after she gets up in the morning n after a afternoon nap.. allergy testing done showed she is allergic to milk. so we have stopped it and giving her isomil. but still ni improvement. she requires to be given allerid once a day otherwise the patches increase. what to do? worried abt giving allerid on a long term basis. [/INST] Hello, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your daughters history and would like to make suggestions for her as follows:1. I would like to know more about her milk allergy symptoms. How was milk allergy diagnosed? If she is really allergic to milk, taking any milk product (be it curd, buttermilk, butter, milk biscuits, milk chocolates, etc.) can cause her allergic reactions.2. If she is not taking any milk products and still she develops allergic reactions, I would suggest allergy testing for other foods such as soy, ground nut, wheat, rice, egg, seafoods, tree nuts, etc. This will help you to identify the allergy, if any.3. Hives can occur even without allergies. Possible causes are viral infections, bacterial infections, parasites, Chat Doctor. 4. As she is getting hives since 2 months, I usually suggest my such patients investigations like serum total IGE, allergy testing for common allergens, complete blood counts, ESR, stool examination, urine examination, etc. However, before suggesting investigations, I always take a detailed history about her each and every symptom, diet, environment, </s>
<s>[INST] I was just diagnosed with multiple organ cancer...nodules in peritoneum cavity, liver, bowel,uterus,lung, pelvis. We do not know the primary cancer. Do you recommend going to MD Anderson, Sloan Kettering or the like. I am a 79 year old female who I thought was in good health. [/INST] Hello, Knowing the primary site is essential for treatment. Treatment varies from organ to organ. Site can be known by doing a biopsy from any of the nodules and doing immunohistochemistry (IOC) on that biopsy material. Both MD Anderson and Sloan Kettering are nice hospitals. Please consult a good oncologist in good hospital. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.</s>
<s>[INST] hi i ave tb i on medication but now i found a lump in the back of my neckjust at the top of my spine will they take fuilod from it because i dont want them to i had it done on my lung and it was very painful thank u my age is 54 5 foot 8 ins and iam a diabetic [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Yes, fluid aspiration from neck abscess is must for the diagnosis of type of infection. Since you are diabetic, this kind of purulent infection can be seen with mixed infection like aerobic, anaerobic bacteria with tuberculosis. So abscess fluid (pus) culture and sensitivity report is needed. Culture will isolate the causative organism and sensitivity report will guide about effective antibiotic treatment. For this we need abscess material, and it is available only after aspiration. It is not much painful procedure. Intensity of pain will be similar to simple needle prick. If you're really afraid of pain then ask your use local anesthetic agent (lidocaine) before the procedure. Don't worry, this won't cause pain. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.</s>
<s>[INST] Hello...Im 54 y/o female. post menopause. 200lbs. I walk a mile every day. No HBP, I take no meds. Have hx of stress/anxiety. Treat with accupuncture. My Mom had HA at age 70. I had a few twinges yesterday....worked alot in the yard. (hot day)...my heart feels tired. Felt better after sleeping last night, but still Im concerned. [/INST] Hi, Dont worry, nothing serious. It may be caused from working much in the yard in hot weather. Take care</s>
<s>[INST] Hello, my friend recently just had food poisoning. He has vomited twice since. Now he is saying he feels cold inside, has a headache, whole body aches and its sore to touch, muscle and joints hurt, gets dizzy if standing to long, and has been falling asleep on and off all day [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Food poisoning causes gastritis, vomiting and diarrhea. Vomiting and diarrhea causes loss of fluid and electrolytes (sodium and potassium) from the body. Gastritis and vomiting cause less appetite and decreased oral intake. So overall patient is deny Chat Doctor. These can cause all the symptoms like headache, generalized body ache, muscle and join pain, giddiness, sleepiness etc. Best treatment for this is oral rely</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I used to masturbate daily once is is good... Will it caused some issues in sperm count. Also I used to shake my dick slowly by watching porn videos for 2hrs continously after that I will masturbate. I can t able to control it. Will cause some health issues in future.... Guide me... [/INST] Hi, Masturbation does not affect the sperm count and motility. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.</s>
<s>[INST] My husband is having a dull tightness in his right abdomen. He describes it as a feeling of being full after eating small meals and a feeling that his stomach is balled up in one area. He has been very gassy and sometimes a pain or an uncomfortable feeling is there and stays there for a while until he lays down. He states that when he lifts his arms up there is a feeling like it is being pulled because of how tight it is. He has had blood work, stool samples, x-rays, liver enzyme test, pretty much everything except for a CT or MRI and everything has came back normal but he is still having the same feeling. We do not have a clue as to what else could be causing this. [/INST] Hi. Thanks for your query. Just to recapitulate: dull tightness in right abdomen - full after eating small meals - balled up in one area-gassy- being pulled because of how tight it is.-everything except for a CT or MRI- I would advise starting with a simple investigation like: Plain X-ray of the whole abdomen in the standing position-this may show air-fluid shadow if intestinal obstruction. Yes, CT will definitely help the diagnosis. In the meantime he should stop all the foods and beverages that you both have observed to have increased the problem. The treatment will depend upon the diagnosis and can be medical or surgical. There is a possibility of an inflammatory process going on in abdomen with added intestinal obstruction.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi. My symptoms are: Left and back side of neck very stiff and sore to the touch. Feels like a have a bruised muscle in my neck. Hard to swallow , especially on left side of throat. Left ear starting to hurt. All of these symptoms just started 3 days ago. I have an appointment with the dr office this Friday. No fever or headache. Just very stiff neck with pain. [/INST] Hello! Thank you for writing us here. It possibly could be a case of wry neck where the muscles of neck go in spasm and become sore. I would suggest you to take tab diclofenac for one week and you'll get relief from your symptoms. Best regards, Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello my name is Penny. I got home from work I took my shoes and sock off, changed clothes. I sat down and my toe was hurting, I tried to figure if I hit the toe on something or dropped something on top if the toe but it hadn t happened. I tried to ignore it but in a few minutes I took a good look at the toe, it felt warm, looked to see if I could find if it looked like I had some type of bite but didn t find anything, that s when I noticed a red ring around the big toe.I googled ring around the nail and the first thing I did was soak in warm epson salt and it said to do it 3 to 4 times a day. Will this heal the toe in a few days and it s all healed, [/INST] This should be looked at by a foot and ankle specialist. You didn't mention your age or vascular status. In the worst case scenario this can be a gangrenous situation setting it. Assuming you are young and healthy that should not be the case. If your nails are too long they can bang into the front of your shoe causing a separation of the nail from the nail bed or bleeding under the nail which causes pressure and pain. If there is blood under the nail the blood would need to be released to relieve the pain. Another cause of a ring on the toe is ringworm which is a fungal infection-though, that is usually not severely painful as you describe</s>
<s>[INST] I got my dog two years ago from the humane society. We were told he didnt bite,but he has bit the back of a few peoples legs. It is as if he feels like he needs to attack when theyre not looking. He never has broken skin, but he bit a 9 month old baby on the back of the leg tonight and we feel as if it has gone too far. The dog was due for his rabies vaccine six months ago. Is the baby at risk for rabies even though this is a behavior we have seen from our dog in the past? [/INST] Hello, The child should take the rabies vaccination on day 0,3,7,14,28 after the bite. You can discontinue the vaccination if, after ten days, the dog remained healthy. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.</s>
<s>[INST] sir my mother is 54 and is not feeling well these days, she had been a depression patient. is suffereing from ortho has undergone surgery for utrerous removal she is complaining for some pain and unconsiousness these days i got her to delhi for a complete health check up the most worry i have is that in my maternal history many of the family members are cancer patients i want to know what should i do [/INST] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. The condition of your mother is normal in the population of females whose uterus is removed. This depression could also be related to the depression of menopause. The negative thinking and loss of self-esteem and self-respect during this period results in mild to moderate depression. Motivation is what she needs and provide her with abundant amount of motivation. She shall be alright within around two months. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.</s>
<s>[INST] i had a hard lump in left side of my lower gum in my molar,it does not hurt,when i touch it,or push it softly. It is a damaged tooth. I am worried about it,what should I do?Does the dentist pull my damage tooth,even if it has a hard lump under it? Please help me. [/INST] Helo thanks for consulting at Chat Doctor,it could be abscessed FRM periapical or periodontal etiology,it could be due to swollen lymph node b, cz of infected tooth,please get an Iowa radiograph and a check-up with your dentist, do salt water gargle thrice daily, take analgesics and antibiotics if red with a prescription,hope it helps,TC</s>
<s>[INST] I have started to have little blisters on my ankle after I had an external fracture of the malleolus. I have kept my leg raised above my heart for hours but the swelling does not appear to be going down and teeny blisters have started showing up. What is the significance of these blisters and what more can I do to get rid of them? [/INST] Howell come to ChatDoctorThank for asking I really appreciate your concern, soft tissue inflammation if happens due to fracture of bone then it may give rise to soft tissue as well as tissue inflammation which causes the blister formation, inflammation actually increases the local temperature of the skin superficial as well as internal which is high enough to form the blister, if the inflammation being controlled well then such blister formation can be prevented, underlying cause (Here the fracture bone needs to be surgically managed as early as possible to prevent further tissue damage) till keep the leg elevated hope this information helps.</s>
<s>[INST] very gud afternoon sir, my mother she is 58 years of old, the problem for my mother for last year october 2010, started first with stomac ache then immediately we are under gon efor diagnosis with biopsy, later they told it is HB positive and symtoms are like cancer, imediately we approached oncology specialists and they said very clear 3 chemeo therpahys forst then surgery ( uterus cut) after that again 3 chemo after that form last 3 month she is ok, but form last one week she gets again stomach ache immediately we met doctor and he said mild water is formed on ovarian ad he proposed to do test, the cytalogy report is positive metastas. please advice and help out in this [/INST] Hi, Your mother has started accumulating fluid in the peritoneal cavity which is otherwise called as ascites. The treatment for this is chemotherapy. Those Chat Doctor. Also, they can attempt intro peritoneal chemo in which chemo </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I just received my blood results, because I am always a bit low on iron. Iron is 16 ( 10 - 250?), but also RDW is a bit high - 14.9 (max. 14.5). I take iron daily, is not helping all that much. Should I be pursuing this with my doctor? How? Many thanks. [/INST] Hi, dear. I have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have iron deficiency. You should take iron supplements. If oral iron is not helpful then you should go for injectable iron therapy. Because you may malabsorption. Your RDW is slightly high and It's due to iron deficiency. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.</s>
<s>[INST] I have been tested for heredity hematochromosis and it came back negative, I have high sugar level from my my diabeties, checked me for hepatisis and it came back negative. I am tire, joints trobs, muscles tingle and numb. blood preassure is fine. I have a fatty liver. high level of iron in liver. now it is to the point they want to do a liver bioposy. [/INST] Hello, Thanks for the query. Fatty liver is there, but from, how many days, you are having these problems. High blood sugar level, how many days. Joints pain, muscles pain, numbness all these symptoms may be due to diabetes, if you are a chronic diabetic or blood sugar level is not under control. Liver biopsy is very important as this will reveal exact nature of damage to liver. Hope I have answered your question. If further any question I will help. Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] me female 48 years from india,after 14 years a snake bitten me and every year red spots & itch appear on my left leg under knee in the month august-september now these spots became very painfully and lickage some liquied water type anything from these spots.plz. suggest me any allopatChatDoctoredicine. thanking u in anticipation [/INST] 1. any cracking of skin, pus or any other secretion apart from water?2. Getting around a particular month...could be eczema with fungal infection?3. Cortisone and oral anti-histamine will help with itching and other symptoms.4. Consult with a dermatologist for further necessary medical care.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi I am a 25 year old healthy male, since monday 24 jan 2011 I cant swallow anything I find it really hard to drink aswell and each day it has got worse. Pain killers not helping at all and now Im findind it very hard to swallow my serliver. My throat is not swollen on the out side but I cant open my mouth fully wide. I have not eaten In 4 days [/INST] Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Understanding your concern. As per your query you have difficulty in swallowing which could be due to stiffness of jaw joints as you not able to open mouth, and it could be due to raised pressure in lower end of esophagus. Need not panic much. I would suggest you to visit gastroenterologist once and get it examined. You should go for endoscopy as well. You can go for surgery of lower end of esophageal sphincter if pressure is really high. Till then, you should maintain proper oral hygiene. Take antibiotic and do mouth stretching exercises. You should start treatment after proper prescription from doctor. Take diet rich in soft food and Chat Doctor. Do warm saline gargles. Hope your concern has been resolved. Get Well Soon. Best Wishes,</s>
<s>[INST] help me doctor, 2d, echo, carrotid and several more test were done to me but yielded negative results, my bp rises up, my doctor said io developed nerbyos means im nervuos, she gave me maintenance for the bp, but stlii goes up, help me doctor what is this in exact, and remedy copuld you giv ts been 3 months of suffering, thank u sir may you act on this immidiately, alan de roxas [/INST] Hello and thank you for using Chat Doctor. I carefully read your question and I understand your concern. I will try to explain and give you my opinion. We talk about hypertension if we have mean values that exceeds 140/90 mmHg. Hypertension is divided in two groups: essential or idiopathic hypertension without an identifiable cause and secondary hypertension, usually in young ages, meaning that is a secondary cause of it. This cause might be a renal disease, an endocrine problem, a cardiovascular pathology. As you explain, you have done all the examinations, and they result normal. According to this, we are dealing with essential hypertension. It is a chronic disease. It has not a definite cure, but it should be treated life long. If you tell that you still have high blood pressure values despite your treatment, it means that you have to rise your medication to better control your blood pressure. So, if I was your treating doctor I will recommend a holder pressure monitoring for 24 h, to know your mean values. After that if they result high I will add another medicament or rise the dosage of your existing ones. Hope I was helpful. Wish you good health. Best regards.</s>
<s>[INST] Hello and thank you in advance. Woke up to a horrible itch on my arm - looked at it - it is swollen, red about three inches around, very warm to the touch, and now bumpy. Looks like a spider bite... two tiny red marks in the center. I cleaned it and sprayed bactine over area. Is there anything else I can do or be concerned about? [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor, It seems that you might have some poisonous insect bite giving allergic rash with severe itching. Due to bad itching nail scratches might produce some infection on the part. Go for short course of antibiotic to clear infection. Take anti-histamine like Cetirizine or Levo-cetrizine as and when required. Apply some local triple acting cream. Keep that part Chat Doctor. Ok and bye.</s>
<s>[INST] hi doctor, i am only 19 years old i had a baby 3 months ago but during my pregnancy i gained a lot of weight i went 150 to 200 and my height is 5 1 when i was 5 months pregnant i notice i was developing a little hump between my shoulders so i am really worried about it, i don t know if is just fat a fat tissue.. i still have that little hump...your answer will help a lot.. thanks.. [/INST] Hi. The lump could be a normal cyst, which is not too worried about. During a routine doctors consultation just show it to your doctor, and let your doctor decide along with you whether it should be taken out or not, nothing to worry about at all ma'am. Best wishes.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi there. Ive been having significant drops in my H&H. I dont have my print out with me, but I am reticing. My Iron saturation is 4. Im going to assume I have fibriods? Each month my CBC values have been declining. My question is : Will I need a transfusion if I postpone getting my fibriods removed? [/INST] Based on your query my opinion is1. Yes, fibroid can cause a fall in hemoglobin values and parameters related to RBC.2. This is explained by the effect of sub mucosal fibroid which can cause increased bleeding, so blood loss results in decrease RBC counts and Hemoglobin.3. You need to get it removed if it is a large fibroid and sub mucosal in location.4. Transfusion requirements depend on how much your Hemoglobin is. If it's less than 7, you will require transfusion, if not it can be corrected by parenteral iron therapy. Hope this helpsRegards</s>
<s>[INST] My son is 3.4 years old and weight is 13 Kg. He is having cough from past 10 days along with fever and cold. Fever is down and he is having light cold. We had given ventryl 4.5 ml dose 3 times per days for 3 days. Still the cough is not reduced. Could you please prescribe best medicine for cough? [/INST] Hello, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your sons history and would like to make suggestions for you as follows:1. It is possible that after a viral infection, cough persists for a few weeks. If fever has subsided, please do not worry about cough.2. For symptom relief of cough, I would suggest him a cough syrup containing antihistamine like pheniramine.3. Warm saline gargles would also help him to recover early. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to your son. If you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish your son the best of the health ahead. Thank you & Regards.</s>
<s>[INST] Lately my body feels swollen like I am retaining water, more than what I normally do and both my hands fall asleep at night to the point where I cant feel them when I wake up. What could be causing this? I take a pill for over active bladder could this be the cause or perhaps it is damaging my kidneys, Ive been on this medication for two years now. [/INST] Hi, Nephropathy that is kidney disease has to be ruled out first. For that investigate with serum urea, creatinine, EFR estimation. I also suggest you to investigate with serum protein estimation, serum TSH estimation, SGPT and GOT estimation. I suggest you to consult physician for examination. Kindly mention you are on which medication. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.</s>
<s>[INST] hi i am beaten by a roadside dog on 13.9.2011, my age is 25 and weight is 60 and height is 158 cm i have taken a t t injection and ARS also i have taken 1st rabipur on same day now what should i do, however dog is died in an accident on same day [/INST] Thanks for contacting Chat Doctor. Dear patient you need to complete the course of Raipur. As you took first dose of Raipur on day 1(i.e. the day of bite) you need to take four more doses on day 3, day 7, day 14 and day 28 of the bite. Regards.</s>