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abelian surface; good reduction of curves isomorphic deformation theories; deformation theory of space curves; Hilbert scheme of curves; deformation theories of a closed subscheme | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves curves of genus 2; Mordell-Weil group; Mordell-Weil rank; rational points; absolutely simple Jacobian; high rank | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves algebraic spaces; stacks; relationships of algebraic curves with integrable systems; vector bundles on curves and their moduli | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves covering of algebraic curves; moduli field | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves stable vector bundles of rank two; determinant surface; Picard number | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Euclidean lattice; geometric Voronoï theory; perfect lattice; eutaxy; systole; length function; convexoïdal; configuration of minimal vectors; Humbert form; invariant of Hermite-Humbert; invariant of Bergé-Martinet; Riemann surface | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves torsion points; abelian variety; purely additive reduction; Néron minimal model; monodromy | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Iwasawa module; tower of modular curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves generalization of Cauchy-Riemann equations; almost complex structure; Riemann surface; de Rham sequence | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves normalized Mumford form; moduli space of algebraic curves; Ramanujan delta function; Polyakov string measure | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Jacobians of genus 2 curves; finite fields; cardinality; 2-adic valuation | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves moduli space of curves; Chow ring; moduli space of stable curves; intersection product; Riemann-Roch theorem | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves diffeomorphy of rational surface; minimal complex surfaces of general type; numerical Godeaux surface | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves abelian varieties; hyperelliptic curves; Tate modules; Galois groups | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves resolutions; minimal contraction of a ruled surface; index of non-rational numerical Del Pezzo surfaces; Moishezon surface | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves moduli spaces of complex abelian surfaces; quartic surfaces; configuration of lines; Calabi-Yau threefold | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves gluing; singular curves; construction of plane real algebraic curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves compactified Jacobian; decomposition of Picard variety; unibranch singularity; Gorenstein curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves finite ground fields; Tate conjecture on algebraic cycles; powers of an ordinary K3 surface; Galois action; Tate classes | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves families of rational curves; smooth compactification; Grassmann variety; Quot scheme; Chow ring | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Gauss conjecture; modular curves; Drinfeld modular curves; class field tower; congruence function fields; ring of \(S\)-integers; ideal class number; class number | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Tate conjecture; compactification of Hilbert-Blumenthal surface; L- function; algebraic cycles; Hirzebruch-Zagier cycles | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Kummer hyperelliptic varieties; matrix variety; rationality; Jacobians of hyperelliptic curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Langlands conjecture on zeta functions of Shimura varieties; fixed points of twisted Hecke correspondences; Honda-Tate theory for abelian varieties with endomorphisms | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves elliptic modular forms; pairing; Hecke action; Serre-Tate invariant; forms of higher weight; integrality properties; de Rham cohomology; reduction properties; Igusa curve; crystalline cohomology; Galois representation | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Hurwitz numbers of polynomials; moduli space of curves; intersection numbers | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Singularities of plane curves; equisingularity; maximal contact; Newton polygons; blowing-up; finite characteristic | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves good semigroups; embedding dimension; semigroup of a ring | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves narrow Mordell-Weil lattice; group of rational points on an elliptic curve; Weyl groups as Galois groups; Mordell-Weil lattices; sphere packing; algebraic equations; inverse Galois problem; Kodaira-Néron model; height pairing; Néron-Severi group; rational elliptic surface | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves p-divisible group; Hodge-Tate structure of weights; p-adic Galois representation; p-adic analogue of the Eichler-Shimura isomorphisms; principal modular curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves varieties over a local field; Néron models; arithmetical graphs; discrete valuation ring; Jacobian; abelian variety; group of components | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Diophantine sets; recursively enumerable sets; Arithmetic of algebraic varieties; Diophantine problems; Tate conjecture; isogenies of abelian varieties; Zeta-functions; L-functions; automorphic forms; automorphic representations; arithmetic scheme; Weil conjecture; modular forms; Galois representations | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves intersection numbers; moduli space of curves; Witten conjecture; Boussinesq hierarchy | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves QRT maps; genus of curves; dynamical systems | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves surface of general type; surface with \(p_g=0\) | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Normal surface singularity; Lipman semigroup; Hilbert basis of a semigroup; toric variety; intersection matrix. | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Ulrich bundles; Frobenius split varieties; abelian varieties; \(K3\) surfaces; surfaces of general type; threefolds; Fano varieties | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Sato-Tate conjecture; parametric families of elliptic curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves metaplectic groups; algebraic theory of theta functions; representations of Heisenberg groups; sections of line bundles on complex abelian varieties; isogenies; tower of an abelian variety; theta relations; homogeneous coordinate ring of an abelian variety | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves rationality of coarse moduli space of smooth curves; tetragonal curve | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves decomposition of birational morphism; smooth curves on surfaces; with rational double points; blow-up of a smooth point; Gorenstein; threefold singularities | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves degeneracy locus of symmetric bundle maps; determinantal variety; variation of weight one Hodge structure; families of genus g curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Abelian surface; stably integral point | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves valued function fields; genus change; algebraic function field; reduction of constants; rigid analytic geometry; non-discrete valuation | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves equisingular strata; families of curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves smooth surface; moduli spaces of slope-stable vector-bundles; polarization | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves singularities of the Gauss map; Gauss-stable hypersurface; Fano surface of the cubic threefold | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves algebraic curves; Riemann surfaces; abelian varieties; Jacobians; sheaves; algebraic schemes; local algebraic geometry | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves K3 surface; degenerations of Kunev surfaces; type I degenerations; period map; stratification of coarse moduli space of Kunev surfaces | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves initial form of polynomial; generators of the ideal; generators of the tangent cone of algebraic curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves points on complete intersection of two curves; Cayley-Bacharach theorem | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Dynkin graphs; minimal resolution of a normal quartic surface; classification of singularities of plane sextics; classification of singular quartic surfaces | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Lang-Trotter conjecture; good reduction; \(\ell \)-adic representation; elliptic curve; Chebotarev's density | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves algebraic curves; Riemann surfaces; field of moduli; field of definition | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves projective rational surface of type (n, m) | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Hodge conjecture, abelian variety, degenerate CM-type, index of degeneracy | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves moduli of vector bundles; Poisson manifolds; Poisson groupoids and algebroids; integrable systems; algebraic curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves theta series; Jacobi forms; elliptic modular surface; Kodaira-Vanishing- Theorem; Riemann-Roch-Theorem; explicit formula; dimension; space of Jacobi cusp forms | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves towers of function fields; Drinfeld modules; curves with many points | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves families of open curves; function-field analog of the Mordell conjecture | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves finite morphism; Galois cover; formal germs of curves; complete discrete valuation ring | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Abelian algebraic groups; representations of algebraic groups; Cartier duality; profinite algebras; affine schemes | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Burniat surface; log canonical threshold; pluricanonical divisor; surface of general type | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves tautological class; intersection product; moduli space of stable curves; generators for the Chow group; rank of the homology group | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves limit linear series; higher Picard group; higher Jacobian; complex curve; isomorphism classes of line bundles of degree \(d\); Albanese variety; moduli space of pointed curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves invariant measures of integration; ample line bundle; complex abelian variety; hermitian metric; invariant measure | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves rational jacobian elliptic surface; Calabi-Yau manifold; grup of automorphisms | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves surface of general type; numerically trivial automorphism | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves trigonal curves; genus three; abelian functions | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves algebraic Fermi curves; Bloch variety; density of states function | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Riemann surfaces; orbifolds; coarse moduli spaces; tautological classes; enumerative geometry; moduli spaces of curves; geometric invariant theory; pointed stable curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves supersingular abelian varieties; superspecial abelian varieties; supersingular curves; superspecial curves; moduli space | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves mirror symmetry; complete intersections; solutions of Picard-Fuchs equation; numbers of rational curves; Gromov-Witten invariants | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves homotheties in the image of Galois representations; elliptic curves; torsion points; isogeny; Borel subgroup | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves incidences; curves in three dimensions; degrees of freedom; polynomial partition; anchored circles; directed points | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves topological recursion relation; moduli space of curves; Gromov-Witten invariants | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves complex multiplication; elliptic curve; integral; Seshadri constant; abelian surface | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves characteristic 2; isomorphism classes of elliptic curves over finite ground field; Weierstrass form; number of points | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves surface in projection 4-space; 3-fold in projective 5-space; classification of smooth projective varieties; small invariants; small codimension; adjunction theory; liaison | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves deformation of holomorphic maps; Fano manifold; minimal rational curves; variety of minimal rational tangents | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves earlier history of elliptic curves; Diophantus; Fermat; Newton; elliptic integrals; elliptic functions | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves abelian variety; compatible system of semistable Galois representations; Weil-Deligne group; \((\varphi; N)\)-module | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves connectedness of Hartshorne-Rao module; Cohen-Macaulay curve; liaison classes of curves; index of speciality | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Kummer surface of the Jacobian; fibering; covering; Prym variety | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves ramified coverings; Galois coverings; compactification; moduli spaces of spin curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves moduli spaces of abelian differentials; Hodge bundles | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Riemann surface; automorphisms of Riemann surfaces; p-gonal curve; super-elliptic curve | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves exceptional sheaves; exceptional vector bundles; Ext; Del Pezzo surface; 3-string braid group; Weyl group; number of orbits | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves finite quotients of braid groups; symplectic groups; fundamental groups; complements of branch curves; algebraic surfaces | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves family of abelian varieties; large Mordell-Weil rank; elliptic curve | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves double covering of curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves thick curves; geometrical linkage; surfaces of minimal degrees | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves moduli of stable curve; boundary strata of moduli of curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves real algebraic geometry; rational surface; complexification; approximation of regular maps | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves algebraic differential 2 forms; geometric genus; arithmetic genus; characteristic linear series; irregularity of an algebraic surface; adjunction | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves inseparable morphism; groupoid schemes; formal equivalence relations; positive characteristic; foliations; sheaves of differential operators; Albanese map; minimal surface | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves height function; abelian variety; Mahler's measure function; computation of local measures; Riemann-style integrals | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves surface singularity; double point; resolution of singularity; fundamental cycle; fiber cycle | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves decoding algorithm; generalized Peterson algorithm; algebraic geometric codes; curves of complete intersection | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves automorphisms; partial algebras; groups of symmetries; dihedral groups; algebraic curves | 0 |
Subsets and Splits