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abelian surface; good reduction of curves gonality; hypersurfaces; covering gonality; families of curves; cone of tangent lines | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Brill-Noether curve; limit linear series; genus; chains of elliptic curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves equisingular families of plane curves; curves on surfaces; real algebraic geometry; plane curve singularities | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves linear series on 4-gonal curves; gonality of a curve; stratification of the moduli space; Brill-Noether-theory | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves curve; Jacobian; supersingular; abelian surface; zeta function; Weil polynomial; Weil number | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves existence of isotopy; immersed surface; real algebraic set; embedded surface | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves finiteness of group of automorphisms; non-ruled algebraic surface; minimal model | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves moduli; \(J\)-holomorphic curves; Lagrangian boundary conditions; Gromov-Witten invariants | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves algebraic geometry; moduli of vector bundles; nodal curves; torsion free sheaves; Torelli thorem | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves abelian variety; global section of line bundle | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves abelian varieties; elliptic curves; extension groups; modular forms; congruence moduli; Bloch-Kato conjecture; L-function | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Jacobian of Hurwitz curve; decomposition of a Jacobian as product of elliptic curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves regularity of linear systems of plane curves; fat points | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves moduli of curves; mixed Hodge theory; operads; multiple zeta values; Koszul duality for operads | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves surface of general type; irregular surface | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Teichmüller dynamics; moduli of curves; flat surfaces; linear varieties | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves moduli of curves; admissible covers; twisted curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves non-singular curves of degree 7 and genus 4 | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves rational points of affine variety; Hasse principle; ring of all algebraic integers; capacity theory on algebraic curves; completely valued algebraically closed fields; Hilbert's tenth problem; decision procedure for diophantine equations | 1 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves abelian surface in \({\mathbb{P}}_ 4\); Horrocks-Mumford bundle; Hilbert modular surface; Clebsch cubic | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves gonality of a curve; abelian group of automorphisms; automorphisms of compact Riemann surfaces | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves planar dynamical systems; P-curves; polynomial systems of ordinary differential equations; Bezout theorem | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves factorial ring of automorphic forms; Satake compactification; Picard group; theta constant; Schottky invariant; Mumford's conjecture; second Betti number; moduli space of non-hyperelliptic curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves period matrices; moduli space of polarized abelian surfaces; bielliptic abelian surfaces; non-trivial involution; Humbert surfaces; ampleness of polarization | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves curves over finite fields with many rational points; asymptotic lower bounds; class field towers; degree-2 covering of curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Schottky problem; principally polarized abelian variety; jacobian of a curve; intermediate jacobian of a smooth cubic 3-fold; Prym variety | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves parametrization; equivalent meromorphic mappings; modification; space of cycles; Kodaira map; rigidity; algebraic reduction | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves rational normal scroll; Veronese embedding; join variety; multiprojective space; variety of complexes; variety of minimal degree; double structure; \(K3\) surface; Calabi-Yau scheme; Gorenstein ring; Gröbner basis | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves pencils of curves of low genus; surfaces of general type; quadrics | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Weierstrass points; Schubert index; moduli spaces of curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Hasse principle; function fields of \(p\)-adic curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves abelian variety; curves; Jacobian; complex multiplication; stratification; foliation | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Jacobian Kummer surfaces; Hessian model; Weber hexad; Hutchinson-Weber involution; degeneration; Comessatti surface; outer automorphisms of the symmetric group | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Hilbert scheme of smooth connected space curves; degree; genus | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Hilbert-scheme; moduli space of curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves curves of genus zero; \(S\)-integral points; Riemann-Roch basis | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves equation of curves; Jacobian | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves irreducible complex affine algebraic varieties; linear differential operators; classification of curves; differential isomorphisms; framed curves; adelic Grassmannian; coherent sheaves; Weyl algebras | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Siegel modular forms; hyperelliptic curves; invariants of binary forms | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Bloch-Beilinson filtration; Chow group of zero-cycles; abelian varieties; (co)niveau filtration | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves reductive algebraic group schemes; tilting modules; good filtrations; support varieties; cells of affine Weyl groups; nilpotent orbits | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves function fields; plane curves of genus one; exceptional points | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves vector bundles on curves; \(K\)-theory of vector bundles on curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves curves in quadric hypersurface; ruled surface; degree; irregularity | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Arakelov theory; singular surfaces; algebraic curves; moduli spaces; moduli stacks; enumerative geometry of moduli spaces; Deligne pairing | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Weierstrass points on a closed Riemann surface; gap sequences; thetafunction of the Jacobian variety | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves number of rational points; Deligne-Lusztig curves; function fields; large groups of automorphisms; Goppa codes | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Schottky problem; moduli space of principally polarized abelian varieties; Prym varieties; Kummer variety | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves abelian extensions of Galois covers; ramified Galois cover; divisor; Frattini cover; maximal quotients | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves stable bundle; geometric invariant theory; moduli spaces; compactification of generalized Jacobians of stable curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves division algebras; tensor products; Schur indices; ramification; Picard groups; Brauer groups; products of curves; domains | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves family of projective curves; geometric genus | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves torsion points of Jacobians; algebraic fundamental group; \(\ell \)-adic representation; irreducibility of moduli spaces of curves; monodromy | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Moishezon twistor spaces; conic bundles; irreducible real rational curves; discriminant; explicit rationality; connected sums of self-dual manifolds; linear field equations on self-dual spaces | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves normal reduction number; geometric genus; hypersurface of Brieskorn type | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves dynamical degree; moduli space of rational curves; rational map | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves cohomology ring of moduli space; degree; compact Riemann surface; genus; Verlinde formula; Chern classes of the tangent bundle | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves rigid analytic geometry; formal methods; automorphisms of curves; Mumford curves; Schottky groups | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves modular functions; automorphic functions; complex multiplication; abelian extensions; class field theory; elliptic functions; rings of algebraic integers; cyclotomic fields; abelian resolvents; Galois module structure; formal groups; Kroneckers Jugendtraum | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves hyperelliptic curves; characteristic 2; regular pencils of quadrics; Jacobian; Weierstrass points; moduli space of stable vector bundles of \(rank\quad 2\) | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves modularity; Langlands-Tunnell theorem; Serre's conjecture; 5-division points; elliptic curve; 2-division points; Abelian surface | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Remmert reduction; holomorphically convex complex surface; Riemann surface; filtrable vector bundle; Stein space; holomorphic vector bundles; Picard group; coherent torsion free sheaf; weak filtrability; semi filtrability | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves genus-2 curves; torsion; modular curves; Jacobians; rational point of order 11 | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Casson invariant; Calabi-Yau 3-fold; virtual moduli cycles; Hilbert schemes of curves; Gromov-Witten invariants; bundles on K3 fibrations | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves flatifying blowing-up; maximal Cohen Macaulay module; simultaneous partial resolution; small resolution; rational double point; RDP; matrix factorization; deformation of algebras; deformation of rational singularities; deformations of exceptional module; partial resolution; domination of resolution; contracting curves; strict transform; Wunram module; blowing up | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves vanishing geometric genus; construction of surfaces of general type; Enriques surface; even configurations; bielliptic surfaces | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves surfaces isogenous to a product of curves; surfaces of general type; groups of small order; MAGMA's library | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves fake projective plane; surface of general type; Dolgachev surface; properly elliptic surface; fundamental group | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves rigid analytic geometry; Mumford curves; Del Pezzo quintic surface | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Riemann surface; principal G-bundles; stability of parabolic bundles; irreducible unitary representations; coarse moduli space | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves maximally inflected hyperbolic real curves and their convex hull; patchworking of real algebraic curves; tropical curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves singularity type; K3 surfaces; fundamental group of complement of plane curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves transcendence methods; lower bounds for cardinality of Galois; orbits; Baker method; Schneider method; abelian varieties; zero; estimates | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves compact surface; abelian covering; intersection form; unimodular form | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves surface of general type; zero geometric genus; bicanonical map | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves numerically effective tangent bundle; étale cover of an abelian 3-fold; Kodaira dimension | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves quadric; intersection of quadrics; derived category; semiorthogonal decomposition; Clifford algebra; Morita theory; Brauer group; rationality; del Pezzo surface; Fano threefold | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves noncylindrical algebraic surface; infinite group of symmetries; skew reflection | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves topological invariants of algebraic varieties; homology groups; fundamental groups; Alexander polynomials; Hodge structures; Whitney stratifications; plane curve and normal surface singularities; Milnor fibration; lattice for an isolated hypersurface singularity; integral bilinear forms; weighted projective varieties; mixed Hodge structures; hypersurface complements; cohomology of complete intersections | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves flasque tori; flasque resolution of tori; restriction map in flat cohomology; finite étale cover of integral regular semi-local rings; lifting problem for abelian extensions; Brauer group; generic matrices | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves group of rational points; Mordell conjecture; trivial subscheme; closed subscheme of an abelian variety | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves rational maps; homaloidal hypersurfaces; homaloidal curves; naive graph; torsion of symmetric algebra; Milnor number; swan conductor | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves moduli space of curves; Frobenius manifold; singularity; mirror symmetry | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves geometric invariant theory; blowing up; partial desingularisation; rational cohomology; moduli spaces of hyperelliptic curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves algebraic surface; Euclidean space; symmetry; invariant theory of reflection groups | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Fourier-Mukai transform; moduli space of bundles; algebraic curves; Picard group | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves generators of canonical ring; surface of general type | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Siegel modular variety; Reduction of Shimura varieties; Iwahori level structure | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves cone of curves; Cox ring; rational surfaces; plane divisorial valuation | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Kähler manifolds; moduli of coherent sheaves; algebraic stacks; good moduli spaces; semi-universal deformations; local quotient presentations | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves compactification of a moduli space; rational surface | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves real theta-characteristics; real abelian varieties; complex conjugation on complex algebraic curves; real curves; Picard scheme; Real hyperelliptic curves; real plane curves; real trigonal curves; real moduli | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves K3 surface; resolution of singularities; Prym variety; lattice of transcendental cycles; Kuga-Satake-Deligne correspondence | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves instantons; moduli spaces of sheaves and curves; Cremona transformations | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves curves of genus 1; elliptic curves; integer points; height; Weierstrass curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves anabelian geometry; mono-anabelian geometry; mono-anabelian reconstruction algorithm; MLF; group of MLF-type; log-shell; absolutely abelian MLF; galoisspecifiable MLF | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves determinantal representations of smooth irreducible curves; divisor classes | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves twisted curves; logarithmic geometry; moduli of stable maps | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves rigid analytic geometry; rigid analytic spaces; ultrametric analysis; affinoid algebras; Tate algebra; coherent modules; finiteness theorem for direct images; uniformization for elliptic curves with bad reduction | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves cusp singularity; automorphism group of an Inoue-Hirzebruch surface | 0 |
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