spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme fractals; iterated function systems; fractal interpolation functions; blending functions; fractal interpolation surfaces; positivity
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme fractals; iterated function systems; fractal interpolation functions; fractal interpolation surfaces; blending function; numerical examples; fitting; Read-Bajraktarević operator
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme finite subgroups of rotation group; groups; linear algebra; infinite dimensional spaces; systems of linear differential equations; symmetry; free groups; generators; relations; Todd-Coxeter algorithm; bilinear forms; spectral theorems; linear groups; group representations; rings; algebraic geometry; factorization; modules; function fields and their relations to Riemann surfaces; Galois theory
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme groups; linear algebra; infinite dimensional spaces; systems of linear differential equations; symmetry; finite subgroups of rotation group; free groups; generators; relations; Todd-Coxeter algorithm; bilinear forms; spectral theorems; linear groups; group representations; rings; algebraic geometry; factorization; modules; function fields and their relations to Riemann surfaces; Galois theory
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme fractals; iterated function systems; fractal interpolation functions; self-referential; fractal interpolation surfaces; blending function; convergence; computer-aided geometric design
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme topological recursion; partition function; spectral curve; matrix models; 1/N expansion; Schwinger-Dyson equation; repulsive particle systems; AGT conjecture; BKMP conjecture; Chern-Simons theory
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme fractals; iterated function systems; fractal interpolation functions; fractal interpolation surfaces; blending function; monotonicity; positivity; convexity
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme double affine Hecke algebras; Jones polynomials; HOMFLY-PT polynomials; plane curve singularities; compactified Jacobians; Hilbert scheme; Khovanov-Rozansky homology; iterated torus links; Macdonald polynomial; Hasse-Weil zeta-function; Riemann hypothesis
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme finite fields; upper bound; Steiner systems; covering radius; codes; function field extension; genus; rational places; packing radius
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme algebraic cycle; iterated integral; hypergeometric function
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme Hilbert-Kunz function; Hilbert-Kunz multiplicity; plane quartic; dynamical systems
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme integrable systems; Picard group; Riemann surfaces of infinite genus; complete integrability; eigenbundles; holomorphic line bundles; spectral curve; divisors; Darboux coordinates; Serre duality
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme bigraded rings; bigraded modules; complete intersection; Hilbert function; minimal free resolution; scheme-theoretic complete intersection
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme right half-plane spectral sequence; quasiprojective scheme; coherent vector bundles; infinite loop space; fibrant spectrum; non-connective spectrum; isolated singularities
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme Riemann surface; ramified covering; dessins d'enfants; Belyi function; braid group; Hurwitz scheme; hypermaps; bipartite maps
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme matrices; determinant; diagonalization; eigenvector; eigenvalue; symmetric function; splitting algebra; universal root; regularity; spectral mapping
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme Hilbert scheme; Hilbert function
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme classifying point systems; superabundant subschemes; Hilbert scheme
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme generalized spectral radius theorem; generalized analytic spaces
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme Korteweg-de Vries systems; Toda systems; Gromov-Witten potential; Abelian integrals; Nekrasov partition function
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme Hilbert function; unions of linear spaces; zero-dimensional scheme
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme \(\pi\)-exponentials; \(p\)-adic differential equations: Kernel of Frobenius endomorphism of Witt vectors over a \(p\)-adic ring; radius of convergence function; algorithm; index formula; Dwork cohomology; Rationnal cohomology; Boyarsky principle; \(p\)-adic irregularity; Swan conductor
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme punctual Hilbert scheme; graded Gorenstein quotients; Hilbert function; dimension
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme symbolic generic initial systems; limiting shapes; asymptotic Hilbert function and polynomial
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme Hilbert function; fat point; zero-dimensional scheme; quadric surface
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme gradings of semisimple Lie algebras; Lax operator algebras; integrable systems; spectral parameter on a Riemann surface; Tyurin parameters; Hamiltonian theory; prequantization
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme tensor; spectral radius; projective variety; module; hypergraph
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme Gauss-Manin connection; Bombieri-Dwork conjecture; arithmetic results; values of G-functions at algebraic points; applications of G-function theory; geometric differential equations; Fuchsian differential systems; heights; linear independence; global relations; Grothendieck's conjecture; algebraic relations between periods of algebraic varieties; bound for the heights of certain abelian varieties with a large endomorphism ring; transcendence
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme linear systems; fat points; Hilbert function
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme finite analytic algebras; modules of differentials; module of; derivations; Hilbert scheme; embedded deformation; computing the Hilbert- Samuel function
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme postulation; arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay 0-dimensional subschemes of a smooth quadric; linear systems of divisors; Hilbert function
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme p-adic cohomology; linear differential equation of order 3; p-adic differential equations; hypergeometric function; differential module; symplectic structure; p-adic radius of convergence; Frobenius structure; integral formula
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme Donaldson-Thomas theory; local Calabi-Yau \(3\)-fold; Quot scheme; partition; MacMahon function; string theory; obstruction theory; virtual fundamental class
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme special formal scheme; rigid variety; Greenberg scheme; motivic zeta function; analytic Milnor fiber
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme Lie group; matrix group; subdivision scheme; smoothness properties; nonlinear multiscale representation; convergence; log-exponential analogy
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme ACM fat point scheme; complete intersection; fat point scheme; Hilbert function; Kähler different; Kähler differentials; separators
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme fat point scheme; regularity index; Segre conjecture; Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity; Hilbert function
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme spectral curves; partition function; Hurwitz numbers; Schur function; Schrödinger equation; Eynard-Orantin recursion
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme integrable systems; Kadomtsev-Petviashvili hierarchy; elliptic spectral curve; hypercohomology groups
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme integrable systems; Calogero-Moser type systems; spectral coordinates; Hamiltonian reduction; action-angle duality
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme Hilbert function; Cayley-Bacharach property; fat point scheme; graded Betti number
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme principal polarization; height function; Arakelov intersection theory; moduli scheme of abelian varieties
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme Jacobians; theta-functions; iterated integrals; Epstein zeta function; product of two L-functions; Fermat quartic
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme three-dimensional integrable systems; Bäcklund transformations; spectral curves
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme logarithm function; multiple zeta values; polylogarithms; partial orders; iterated integrals; differentials operator
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme Hilbert function; stratification of Hilbert scheme of the projective plane
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme groups; linear algebra; infinite dimensional spaces; systems of linear differential equations; symmetry; finite subgroups of rotation group; free groups; generators; relations; Todd-Coxeter algorithm; bilinear forms; spectral theorems; linear groups
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme jet scheme; motivic monodromy conjecture; motivic zeta function; quasi-homogeneous hypersurface singularities
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme Eichler-Shimura cohomology; quaternion algebras; abelian scheme; Shimura curve; Hasse-Weil zeta function; Ramanujan-Petersson conjecture
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme toric ideal; toric Hilbert scheme; codimension 2 toric varieties; multigraded Hilbert function; syzygies; coherence of graded ideal; polynomial ring
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme representations of fundamental group; local systems on complex projective variety; moduli space of algebraic curve; families of representations; direct image of a harmonic bundle; Higgs bundle; spectral varieties of the Higgs bundles
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme reductive group scheme; algebraic curve; function field; root system; split maximal torus; complementary polyhedron; parabolic subgroup; vector bundle; Harder-Narasimhan filtration
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme Hilbert scheme of points; curve counting; Göttsche formula; tautological integrals; nonreductive quotients; equivariant localisation; iterated residue
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme soliton cellular automaton; crystal basis; combinatorial Bethe ansatz; inverse scattering/spectral method; tropical Riemann theta function
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme model completeness; Weierstrass systems; elliptic functions; \(\wp\) function; Weierstrass \({\zeta}\) function; modular forms; o-minimality; definable
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme torsion free integrable connections; uniformization equations; holonomic systems; Appell's hypergeometric function; monodromy groups; reflection groups; invariant polynomials; hyperelliptic integrals; free divisors
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme algebraic K-theory; algebraic cycles; zeta-function of scheme; p-adic cohomology; Tate conjecture on cycles; Beilinson conjecture
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme gonality; singular plane curve; Castelnuovo function; line bundle; Castelnuovo-Hilbert function; linear systems
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme dual Newton diagram; canonical primitive sequence; germ of an analytic function; simplicial subdivision
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme integrable systems; Neumann system; Arnold-Liouville level sets; spectral curves; real structures; real forms
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme group scheme over a base scheme acting on a noetherian locally separated algebraic space; algebraic G-vector bundles; K-theory spectra; Topological K-theory; Bott periodicity; Algebraic K-theory; Bott element; descent theorem; Fary spectral sequence; Kazhdan-Lusztig axioms for an equivariant K-homology theory; Segal's Concentration Theorem; localization
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme CB-scheme; Cayley-Bacharach scheme; Hibert function; hyperplane sections; arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay curves
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme Artin-Rees property; geometrically realizable ring; local cohomology; noncommutative scheme; left and right noetherian ring; prime ideals; structure presheaf; idempotent kernel functor; compatible rings; Azumaya algebras; closure operators; spectral sequences; local cohomology groups
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme Givental decomposition; topological recursion; spectral curve; KdV tau function
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme projective code; Hamming weight distribution; two-to-one function; association scheme; secret sharing scheme
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme Bialynicki-Birula stratification; zero-dimensional scheme; affine plane; Hilbert function
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme zero-dimensional scheme; Cayley-Bacharach scheme; almost Gorenstein; Dedekind different; Hilbert function; Dedekind's formula
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme linear systems; fat points on a conic; computing the Hilbert function
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme spectral curve; integrable systems; Gromov-Witten theory
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme Hasse-Weil zeta function; Abelian scheme; algebraic torus; \(\ell\)-adic representations; Artin \(L\)-series
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme \(\alpha\)-semistable coherent systems; Donaldson numbers; intersection numbers; Hilbert scheme
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme spectral space and spectral map; star and semistar operations; Zariski, constructible, inverse and ultrafilter topologies; Gabriel-Popescu localizing system; Riemann-Zariski space of valuation domains; Kronecker function ring
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme group scheme; Picard group; global function field; cohomology; Tate-Shafarevich set
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme intersection of quadrics; maximal varieties; spectral curve; theta-characteristics; index function
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme abelian varieties with complex multiplication; periods of first and second kind; Jacobian of the Fermat curves; linear independence of values of the Beta-function; covering radius
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme quasiprojective scheme; Hochschild cohomology for schemes; sheafification; hyperext; deformation theory; Hodge spectral sequence; cyclic cohomology
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme affine Artin groups; arrangements of hyperplanes; group cohomology; local systems; Salvetti complexes; Milnor fibrations; spectral sequences; braid groups; Coxeter groups; classifying spaces
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme tropical geometry; discrete dynamical systems; keyed hash function; elliptic curve cryptography
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme connectedness of subsets of the Hilbert scheme; Hilbert function stratum; Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme integrable systems; spectral curves; Prym varieties; invariant tori; multi-valued mappings
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme good postulation; specialization; degeneration; double line; double point; generic union of lines; sundial; residual scheme; Hartshorne-Hirschowitz theorem; Castelnuovo's inequality; Hilbert function
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme subscheme of quadric surface; determinantal zero-dimensional subscheme; graded Betti numbers; ideal of a reduced 0-dimensional scheme; Hilbert function
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme Arithmetic theory of algebraic functions; Dedekind-Weber theory; algebraic function fields; linear systems; divisors; Abelian differentials
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme cohomology; finite supergroup scheme; invariant theory; Steenrod operations; local cohomology spectral sequence
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme \(C^*\)-algebras; Hilbert module; Calkin algebra; Baker function; \(K\)-homology; \(\tau\)-function; spectral curve; Jacobian torus; infinite-dimensional Grassmann manifold; Burchnall-Chaundy rings
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme positivstellensatz; Borel measurable function; Euclidean space; spectral theorem; selfadjoint operator
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme algebraic curve; spectral curve; matrix model; topological expansion of a matrix integral; tau-function; Hirota equation
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme regularity index; zero-scheme; Hilbert function; fat points
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme totally real number field; holomorphic Hilbert modular new form; \(\ell \)- adic representations associated to the L-function; local systems on a Shimura surface
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme Cayley-Bacharach scheme; postulation; Hilbert function; liason
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme hyperplane arrangements; Milnor fibers; Orlik-Solomon algebras; de Rham cohomology; matroids; local systems; characteristic polynomials; Betti numbers; characteristic varieties; resonance varieties; monodromy; intersection lattices; mixed Hodge structures; spectral sequences; polynomial count varieties; Alexander polynomials; freeness; Terao' conjecture; free divisors; logarithmic connections; logarithmic differential forms
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme six-dimensional quadric; triquadric; spectral curve; spectral bundle; index function; index orientation; complete involution; cohomology group; Stiefel-Whitney class
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme field with one element; Deitmar scheme; loose graph; zeta function; Ihara zeta function
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme fat point scheme; Kähler differential; Kähler different; Hilbert function; Hilbert polynomial; regularity
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme Determinants; theorems; dissertation of Jacobi; function systems; fractions; same denominator; products; common factor
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme polynomial system solving; sparse resultant; degeneracy; mixed subdivision; asymptotic complexity; toric variety; perturbation scheme; lifting of Newton polytopes
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme étale cohomology; Galois cohomology; cohomological descent; spectral sequence; simplicial scheme; profinite group; Eilenberg-MacLane space; Artin's neighborhood; stack; effective algebraic geometry; computability
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme zeta function; algorithm; arithmetic scheme; hypersurface
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme spectral curves; Darboux coordinates; Hitchin systems; genus-2 curves
spectral radius; iterated function systems; subdivision scheme Cousin complex; twisted inverse image; codimension function; formal scheme