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abelian surface; good reduction of curves algebraic stability; abelian category of coherent sheaves; Gieseker stability | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves discrete valuation ring; stable reductions of curves; rigid analysis | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves tautological rings; moduli spaces of curves; Chow motives; twisted commutative algebras | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves deformation; space curve; postulation; Hilbert scheme; moduli of curves; maximal rank conjecture | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves real algebraic geometry; real algebraic varieties; complexification; Smith's theory; Galois-Maximal varieties; algebraic cycles; real algebraic models; algebraic curves; algebraic surfaces; topology of algebraic varieties; regular maps; rational maps; singularities; algebraic approximation; Comessatti theorem; Rokhlin theorem; Nash conjecture; Hilbert's XVI problem; Cremona group; real fake planes | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Tate conjecture; abelian and abeloid varieties; \(p\)-adic fields and \(p\)-adic uniformisation; \(p\)-adic Hodge theory; filtered \((\varphi, N)\)-module; totally degenerate reduction | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves arithmetic function; number of factorizations of an integer; group of rational points; elliptic curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves multiplihedron; associahedron; nodal disk; metric tree; moment polytope; moduli spaces of stable quilted discs; colored metric ribbon trees; stable scaled marked curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Zorich-Kontsevich conjecture; Lyapunov exponents of the Teichüeller flow on the moduli space; compact Riemann surface | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves noncommutative algebraic geometry; spectrum of an abelian category; localizations; canonical topologies | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves moduli of stable vector bundles; elliptic surface; singularities; obstruction; Kodaira dimension | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves connection; relative moduli spaces; vanishing curvature; fundamental group of the Riemann surface | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Kummer surfaces; resolving singularities of the quotient of a complex torus by a finite abelian group; Euler numbers; toroidal desingularization; string | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves moduli space; principally polarized abelian variety; crystalline cohomology; canonical lifting; Jacobian of an ordinary curve | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves \(A_ \infty\)-algebra; moduli of curves; Sato Grassmannian | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves fundamental group; ovals; K3 surfaces; monodromy groups of smooth real plane curves of degree 6 | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves curves of genus two; Jacobians; rational torsion subgroup; elliptic curves; table of groups | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Borel conjecture; \(L^ 2\)-cohomology of locally symmetric varieties; modular curves; automorphic forms; intersection cohomology; Zucker conjecture | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves twists of curves; plane quartic curves; automorphism groups; Fermat quartic; Klein quartic | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Gromov-Witten invariants; enumerative geometry; number of elliptic plane curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Weierstrass semigroups of pointed curves; double coverings of curves; curves on \(K3\) surfaces | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Abelian varieties; genus 2 curves; \(L\)-functions; Artin representations | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves difference field; abelian variety; theory ACFA; group definable in a model; model theoretic stability; 1-basedness; Manin-Mumford conjecture; model companion of the theory of fields with an automorphism | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves moduli space of curves; mapping class group; classifying spaces; thom spectra. | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves number of non-rational subfields; number of separable subfields; number of morphisms of algebraic curves; Chow coordinates; theorem of the base; Jacobian; genus; function field; Angle theorem; de Franchis' theorem | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves elliptic curves; genus-one curves; minimisation; reduction; descent | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves modular QM-abelian surfaces; newform of weight two; quaternion algebra; quaternion multiplication; quaternion division algebra | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves concatenated codes; modular curves; \(q\)-ary block codes; polynomial complexity of construction; binary codes | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Grassmannian variety; quadric fibration over a smooth curve; Castelnuovo's bound for the genus of projective curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Hasse-Weil bound; trace code; Hamming weight; algebraic curves over finite fields of characteristic 2; number of points | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves enumerative problems; configuration space; Calabi-Yau threefold; sum over trees; Betti numbers; moduli space of stable n-pointed curves; Gromov-Witten invariants | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves bundle (=pencil) of plane algebraic curves; bundle (=pencil) of conics; cyclic points at infinity; bundle (=pencil) of circles; theorem of the three conics | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves stable surface; stable log surface; surface of general type; geography of surfaces; moduli of surfaces of general type | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves multiplicative dependence; absolute logarithmic height; height of points on curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves open del Pezzo surface of degree 4; algebraic Brauer class; restriction; corestriction; non-cyclic Brauer class; explicit evaluation of Brauer classes | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves coverings of curves; monodromy groups; permutation groups; automorphisms of curves; genera; finite simple groups; Guralnick-Thompson conjecture | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves monoidal transformation of the complex projective plane; Néron-Severi group; effective divisor; exceptional curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves modular curve; jacobian; abelian variety; \({\mathbb{Q}}\)-simple factors; torsion subgroups of the Mordell-Weil groups; conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves p-adic Hodge cycles of an abelian variety; p-adic representation; points of p-power orders | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves unirationality of threefolds; toric surface | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves curve; Jacobian; supersingular abelian threefold; isogeny class; maximal curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves algebraic moduli of abelian varieties; rational and unirational varieties; Jacobians; Prym varieties; families | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves tautological ring; moduli space of curves; orbifold stable maps | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves \(p\)-adic uniformization of Shimura curves; nonarchimedean upper half plane; theorem of Cherednik and Drinfeld; rigid-analytic variety; Mumford curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves subvarieties of moduli spaces of curves; effective cones; higher codimensional cycles; hyperelliptic curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves unipotent rank; toric rank; abelian rank; Néron model of an abelian variety | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves moduli problems of real algebraic geometry; Torelli mapping; principally polarized real abelian varieties | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves rational ruled surface; meromorphic functions; Jacobian; invariant image curve; reduction theorem | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Picard 1-motives; class groups; models of relative curves; Galois coverings; equivariant \(L\)-functions; Galois module structure; Fitting ideals | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves flat localizations of Abelian categories; structure presheaves of modules; quantized algebras; noncommutative schemes in categories; left spectrum; maximal left ideals; completely prime left ideals; categories of rings; Levitzki radical; quasi-affine schemes; projective spectra; quantized rings; quantum planes; algebra of \(q\)-differential operators; Weyl algebras; quantum envelopes; coordinate rings; generalized Weyl algebras; skew polynomial rings; Serre subcategories; Grothendieck categories; hyperbolic rings; skew PBW monads; monoidal category; Kac-Moody and Virasoro Lie algebras; semigroup-graded monads; Gabriel-Krull dimension | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves rationality of surface; characteristic 2 | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves integral points on algebraic curves; rational point; Jacobian; linear form of logarithms; Mordell-Weil group; height | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves degeneration; flat families of subschemes; codimension two; subcanonical space curves; complete intersection space curve | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves moduli space of stable curves; homotopy type of moduli space; Satake compactification of the Siegel modular varieties; period mapping; Riemann surfaces; period matrices | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves existence of moduli space for elliptic surface; global coarse moduli; genus; invariant theory; elliptic surfaces with a section | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves hypersurfaces containing projective curves; number of linearly independent hypersurfaces; inflection points | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Hodge-Tate theory; theta functions; elliptic curve; good ordinary reduction; p-adic periods | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves non-abelian group action; moduli of abelian varieties; adjoint group schemes | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves distinct distances; algebraic curves; incidences; symmetries of curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves balls; quotients; Shimura varieties; Hilbert's 12th problem; class fields; elliptic curves; abelian varieties; automorphic functions | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves rational points on curves; number of rational points | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves oriented; connected and compact surface of genus \(g\) with \(n\) boundary components; mapping class group; group of homology cobordism classes of homology cylinders | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Jacobian conjecture; pencils of plane curves; rational curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Galois cover; degeneration of curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves algebra of endomorphisms of an abelian variety; non-algebraizable complex tori | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Jacobians; automorphisms of curves; infinite Grassmannians; moduli spaces; Krichever correspondence; formal schemes | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves conjecture of Beilinson and Bloch; rank of the Griffiths group; smooth projective variety over a number field; order of vanishing of an L-function; elliptic curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves moduli space of Higgs bundles; nodal curves; weighted Sobolev spaces | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves threefold with only quotient singularities; second Chern class; quotient of an abelian threefold; smooth Calabi-Yau threefolds | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves local intersection number of two curves; infinitely near points; intersection numbers; curve and its polar; duality; Schubert cycle | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves abelian varieties; Galois groups of n-torsion points; 1-motives | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves moduli of vector bundles on curves; sandwich procedure; bimodule categories; chains; nodal rational curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves family of curves; Arakelov inequality; Higgs bundle; Beauville's conjecture | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves generalized Fermat equation; local solvability; Fermat surface; number of solutions | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Berkovich spaces; degenerations of curves; tropical geometry | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves holomorphic vector bundle; moduli space; instable bundle; sheaf of extensions; curves in projective 3-space | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves matrix factorization; moduli of curves; unirationality | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves \(K3\) surface; cotangent bundle; positivity; cones of divisors | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Brauer groups of elliptic curves; torsion; group of rational points; non-dyadic elliptic curve | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves moduli of stable curves; Deligne-Mumford semistable curves; Simpson scheme | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves central group extensions; Euler class; moduli spaces of genus zero stable curves; Neretin's group of spheromorphisms; operads; quasi-braid groups; stabilization; Stasheff associahedron; Thompson's group | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves theta height; curves; abelian varieties; Jacobians; Shafarevich conjecture; bounds for height; effective Mordell | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves number of rational points; algebraic curves over finite fields; quadratic forms over finite fields | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves linear systems; embedding theorem; Cohen-Macaulay curves; pluricanonical maps of surfaces of general type | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves stability of Picard bundle; Jacobian variety; theta divisor; semistability of higher conormal bundles for elliptic curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Mordell conjecture; Rational points; Seminar; Bonn/Germany; Wuppertal/Germany; proof of Tate conjecture; proof of Shafarevich conjecture; proof of the Mordell conjecture; logarithmic singularities; compactification of the moduli space of abelian varieties; modular height of an abelian variety; p-divisible groups; intersection theory on arithmetic surfaces; Riemann- Roch theorem; Hodge index theorem; rational points | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Castelnuovo surface fiber; semi-stable degenerations; resolution of singularities | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Tate constant; hypergeometric differential equation; Legendre family of elliptic curves; Tate curve; Picard-Fuchs equation; Hasse-Witt matrix; formal group | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Abel's theorem; integrals of the second and third kind; metric theory of curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves smooth projective compactification of complex 3-space; Fano 3-fold; singular Del Pezzo surface | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Abel prize; cohomology of number fields; abelian varieties | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves curves of genus \(g\); Green's conjecture; Koszul cohomology | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Hilbert function; points in \(\mathbb{P}^3\); irreducible surface; number of generators of the ideal of distinct points; resolution of points; surfaces of low degree | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves homology reduction of cycles; complete intersection; Poincaré's theorem; homogeneous hypersurfaces | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves affine varieties; plane curves; projective varieties; morphisms; resolution of singularities; Riemann-Roch theorem | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves moduli space of principally polarized abelian varieties; irreducible components | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves nomography; reduction of equations | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves moduli space of curves; GIT; log canonical model | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves non-abelian Hodge theory; curves; character variety | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Hamiltonian families of curves on three-dimensional manifolds | 0 |
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