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abelian surface; good reduction of curves del Pezzo surface; number of curves on a surface | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Seshadri constants; polarized varieties; nef line bundle; embedding; slope; nef cone; sub-maximal curves at very general points; abelian surfaces of Picard number one | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves elliptic curves; conductor; good reduction; bad reduction | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves abelian variety; good reduction | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves group schemes; isogeny; Abelian variety; good reduction | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves finitely many non-isomorphic endomorphism rings of d-dimensional abelian varieties; hyperelliptic curves; generalized Weil-Taniyama conjecture; abelian varieties with real multiplication | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves elliptic curves; good reduction away from 2; j-invariants; minimal equation | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves moduli space of smooth projective curves; principally polarized abelian varieties; Torelli map; polarized Jacobian | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves surjectivity of the Gaussian map; curves as hyperplane sections of surfaces; Wahl map; curve on an Enriques surface | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves polarized abelian surface; smoothness of quintic elliptic scroll | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves height of an abelian variety; proof of Mordell conjecture; rational points on elliptic curves; proof of Shafarevich conjecture; proof of Tate conjecture | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves higher Chow group; Shimura curves; modular families of Abelian surfaces; nullhomologous cycles; Heegner points on modular curves; CM cycle | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves curves on K3 surface; constancy of Clifford index | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves \(K3\) surface; Legendre family of elliptic curves; mirror map; periods; Deligne's periods | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Gerritzen-Herrlich Teichmüller space; reduction graphs of Mumford curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves theta-divisor; generalized double translation manifold; analytic hypersurface; double translation 3-fold; Jacobian varieties of nonhyperelliptic curves; principally polarized abelian variety; Lie- Wirtinger theorem | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Mordell-Weil groups of universal abelian varieties; level structure; number of rational points; set of complex multiplication fibres; fields of definition of torsion points; K3-surface with maximal Picard number | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves explicit class field theory; Kummer theory; Witt vectors; curves with many points; equations of abelian coverings | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves discriminants of the intersection forms on the Néron-Severi groups; polarized abelian varieties; Kummer surface | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves pencils of cubic curves; geometric invariant theory; stability; rational elliptic surface | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves height of an abelian variety; proof of Mordell conjecture; rational points on elliptic curves; proof of Shafarevich conjecture; proof of Tate conjecture | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves level curves; algebraic surfaces; topology computation; topological properties of surfaces; surface plotting | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves algebraic surface; surface of general type; abelian cover; canonical map, nodal surfaces; \(\mathbb Z_2^3\)-cover; MAGMA | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves curve blow-up; set theoretic complete intersections of surfaces in \(\mathbb{P}^ 3\); curves on surfaces; bound for surface degree; quartic surface | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves reduction of modular curves; Néron model of the Jacobian of the modular curve; group of connected components; Hecke operator | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Stable reduction of modular curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves sigma functions; inversion of abelian integrals; \(C_{r; s}\) curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves holomorphic maps; Riemann surface; Grassmann manifold; quotients; cohomology of the moduli spaces of holomorphic bundles on curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Hurwitz numbers; permutations; ramified covering; Riemann surface; KP hierarchy; moduli space of curves; Gromov-Witten invariants | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves elliptic curves; complex multiplication; abelian varieties; zeta function; modular functions; theta functions; periods of integrals; class fields; field of moduli of a polarized abelian variety; Hecke \(L\)-functions; periods of abelian integrals; period symbol; differential forms; polarizations | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves plumbing of circle bundles over compact surfaces; 3-manifolds; classification of graph manifolds; boundaries of regular neighbourhoods of isolated singularities of complex surfaces; fundamental group of the singularity link; lens spaces; torus bundles over circles; Seifert manifold; Inoue surface; link of families of curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Euler-Poincaré characteristic of a constructible sheaf; p-torsion sheaves; étale group scheme; p-ranks of abelian extensions of curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves abelian differentials; moduli space of pointed curves; twisted canonical divisors; Pixton formula | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves abelian surface; Nieto's quintic threefold; moduli space of Kummer surfaces | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves singularities of the theta divisor; polarized product of elliptic curves; principally polarized abelian variety | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves complex multiplications; elliptic curve; Abelian varieties; algebraic period relations; diophantine approximations to numbers related to these periods; approximations to \(\pi \); hypergeometric functions; CM-varieties; modular curves; transcendence problems; monodromy group; Padé approximation; irrationality measures; linear differential equations; fast solution of matrix difference equations; factorization of large integers; parallel computation | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves elliptic curves over real quadratic fields; cubic diophantine equations; Nebentypus cusp forms; everywhere good reduction | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Abelian variety; Reduction of abelian variety; Kummer; theory; Algebraicity | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves abelian functions; elliptic functions; Jacobians; hyperelliptic curves; hyperelliptic functions; Lie algebra of derivations; polynomial vector fields | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves \(K3\) surface; good reduction; formal Brauer group; Picard group; positive characteristic | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves \({\mathbb Q}\)-curves; isogeny; good reduction; elliptic curve; jacobian of the modular curve; modularity of \({\mathbb Q}\)-curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Reduction of Abelian functions | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves non-abelian level structure; compactified moduli space of curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves isolated surface singularity; limits of tangent planes; tangent cone; polar curves; Milnor number | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves p-adic representation of the absolute Galois group; formal group; elliptic curve; good super-singular reduction | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves abelian differentials; translation surfaces; moduli space of curves; root systems; Artin groups | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves group of biregular automorphisms; complex K3 surfaces; nodal curves on a K3-like surface; anticanonical basic surface | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves entire holomorphic curves in surfaces; algebraic degeneracy; Bloch conjecture; irregularity; surface of general type; no nonconstant entire curve; Kobayashi hyperbolic | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves surface of general type; canonical map; abelian covering | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves homological theory of filtration; surface singularities; Rees ring; good filtration; filtered blowing-up; local cohomology; canonical modules; divisor class group; isolated singularity; singularities with star-shaped resolution | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves family of automorphism groups of compact non-orientable Klein surfaces with boundary components; real algebraic curves; ovals; finite subgroups of mapping class groups of a non-orientable surface; conjugacy classes; representatives; non-equivalent marked signatures | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Fourier transform on an abelian surface; stability of fiber bundle; weak index theorem | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves abelian varieties; principal polarizations; Jacobians of curves; smooth quotients; automorphisms | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves capacity; distribution of complete conjugate sets of algebraic integers; local parametizations by power series; global maximum modulus principle; stable reduction; local height pairing on curves; canonical distance functions on algebraic curves; capacity measures; Green functions | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves moduli of curves; abelian covers; Hurwitz spaces | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves stable log surface; quartic plane curves; moduli space of stable curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves higher Hasse-Witt matrices; formal group laws; length of a jump sequence for Abelian varieties; unit root crystal; hyperelliptic curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves singular surface; subcanonical surface; arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay surface; smooth normalization; linear system of curves; Castelnuovo bound; complete intersections | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Mumford-Tate group; abelian variety; potentially good reduction; Morita's conjecture | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves abelian coverings of the projective line; ramification; Galois extension; torsion points of algebraic curves; torsion points in the Jacobian; de Rham F-crystals; cuspidal torsion packets | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves projective space; linear system of plane curves; rational surface | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves K3 surface; Abelian surface; diagonal; moduli space of stable sheaves; Chern classes; cohomology ring; Hilbert scheme | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves moduli of curves; abelian differentials; intersection theory | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves intersections; compactification; algebraically completely integrable systems; Enriques-Kodaira classification; affine part of an abelian surface | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Jacobi variety of a compact Riemann surface; second-order theta- functions; Abelian integrals; trisecant formula; theta-nullwerte | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves normal surface singularities; minimally elliptic singularities; deformations; pencils of curves; tangent cone; semi-universal deformation; quintuple points; projection method; Segre embedding; Hessian form; obstruction space | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves arcs; resolution of singularities; surface singularity; desingularization; smooth curves lying on sandwich singularities; wedge morphisms | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves deformations of surfaces; \(K3\) surface; rational curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves arithmetic of elliptic curves; linear independence of \(L\)-functions; Faltings theorem; isogenies of abelian varieties; equivalence of ternary quadratic forms | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves abelian variety over a finite field; deterministic algorithm; characteristic polynomial of the Frobenius endomorphism; Jacobian varieties; rational points; hyperelliptic curves; primality test; complexity analysis | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves moduli stack of stable pointed curves; fibered surface; Deligne-Mumford stack | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves algebraic curves over finite fields; large numbers of rational points; Drinfeld modules; abelian reciprocity laws | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves abelian surface; semistable reduction; group scheme; \(p\)-divisible group; Honda system; conductor; symplectic group | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves non-smoothable isolated singularities; link of the singularity; surface singularities; configuration of exceptional curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves full level-N problem; elliptic curves; moduli scheme at infinity; characteristic p; Igusa curves; good-reduction theorem for Jacobians | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves affine Lie algebras; abelian varieties; modular invariant; partition function; rational conformal field theory; Jacobian of a Fermat curve; triangulated surfaces; Riemann surface | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Kummer surface; product of elliptic curves; Jacobians of stable reducible curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves moduli space of curves; moduli space of principally polarized abelian varieties; Siegel metric; bielliptic curves; bihyperelliptic curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves determinant of cohomology; theta function; embeddings for the moduli-spaces of abelian varieties; vector bundles on curves; étale cohomology; \(p\)-adic \(L\)-functions; vanishing Euler characteristic | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves elliptic curves; everywhere good reduction; \(j\)-invariants | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves prime Galois coverings of \({\mathbb P}_ 1\); Riemann surface; hyperelliptic curves; theta functions; period matrix; Teichmüller space; lambda function; moduli spaces; normality; rationality | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves smooth four-manifold; moduli of differential-geometric structures; moduli of vector bundles; spin; complex algebraic surface; classification; Dirac operator; instantons; rational curves; Del Pezzo surfaces | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves genus; abelian quasi-groups of points of curves; uniformisation | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves normal surface singularities; decorated curves; deformations of sand-wiched singularities; 1-parametric deformations; Milnor fibre | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Galois theory of algebraic numbers; hypermaps; Riemann surface; Belyi function; dessins d'enfants; Galois group; congruence subgroups; modular group; elliptic curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves second homology group; mapping class group; orientable surface; maximal systems of isotopy classes of nonintersecting simple closed curves; bordism classes of fiber bundles; Picard group; moduli space; Francetta conjecture | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves integrable systems; abelian varieties; surface of general type | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves direct product of elliptic curves; Hodge conjecture; abelian variety | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves smoothing of linear systems on curves; nodal curve; line bundle; deformation theory; Hilbert scheme; good families of curves on projective spaces | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves moduli of curves; divisors; effective cone; strata of abelian differentials | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves rigid family of \(g\)-dimensional polarized abelian varieties; polarized variation of Hodge structure; non-rigid deformation of period maps; Arakelov theorem; non-trivial deformations of families of curves over punctured curves; \(K3\)-surfaces; Enriques surfaces | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves homogeneous vector bundles on an abelian variety; Jacobians of the Mumford-curves; \(\Phi\)-bounded representations; rigid analytic torus | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves universal abelian cover; rational homology sphere; graph manifolds; splice diagram; normal surface singularities; links of singularities | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves Prym varieties for double coverings of stable curves; principally polarized abelian variety | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves periods of a Riemann surface; Schottky space; conjugacy classes of homomorphisms; toroidal embedding; compactificaion of the moduli space of principally polarized; abelian varieties; extension of the Torelli map to the moduli space; compactificaion of the moduli space of principally polarized abelian varieties | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves chain of rational points; Vojta conjecture; Weil height function; marked \(K3\) surface; canonical height; growth of logarithmic heights of integral points on elliptic curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves moduli of curves; moduli of abelian varieties; theta divisor; Schottky problem; Andreotti-Mayer loci; Jacobian varieties; Voronoi compactification; pencils of quadrics | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves number of tangent lines to space curve; tangential surface; trisecant lemma; gap sequence; tangentially degenerate space curve; plane curves; positive characteristic | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves elliptic curves; reduction of elliptic curves; normalization of elliptic curves | 0 |
abelian surface; good reduction of curves \(K3\) surface; rational curve; lattice polarization; degenerations of curves and surfaces | 0 |
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