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These branches are called the mesentery, and it is well known that these mesentery are connected to the stomach and intestines, all of which penetrate through their cavities into the cavities of the stomach and intestines. We have explained this previously, and this is one of the well-known superstitions. | وهذه الفروع تسمى الماساريقا والمشهور أن هذه الماساريقا متصلة بالمعدة وبالأمعاء جميعها نافذة بتجاويفها إلى تجاويف المعدة والأمعاء وهذا قد بيناه فيما سلف أن من جملة الخرافات المشهورة هذا. |
many societies have passed away before you. so travel the earth and note the fate of the deniers. | قد خلت من قبلكم سنن فسيروا في الأرض فانظروا كيف كان عاقبة المكذبين |
that is because you used to rejoice on earth in other than the truth, and because you used to behave with vanity. | ذلكم بما كنتم تفرحون في الأرض بغير الحق وبما كنتم تمرحون |
and you disregard the hereafter. | وتذرون الآخرة |
If God had not taken revenge on him and helped him by asking his companion for water and giving him plenty of it, I would have thought that he would have destroyed the crops and the offspring. | فلولا أن الله انتقم منه وأعان عليه بطلب صاحبه الماء وإكثاره منه، لظننت أنه سيأتي على الحرث والنسل. |
You have come from the lesser jihad unto the greater jihad. | قد جئتم من الجهاد الأصغر فما فعلتم في الجهاد الأكبر |
This is also the case if the person being told is asked to keep it secret, and he is wise, forbearing, and sincere. So how about if he tells and is not ordered to keep it secret, and he is one of those who spread gossip and loves to divulge faults, and he is one of those who harbors deceit or hatred, or if revealing it would bring him benefit or ward off harm? | هذا أيضا إذا استعهد المحدث واستكتم، وكان عاقلا حليما، وناصحا وإذا، فكيف إذا أخبر ولم يؤمر بالكتمان، وكان ممن يمشي بالنمائم ويحب إفشاء المعايب، وكان ممن ينطوي على غش أو شحناء، أو كان له في إظهاره اجتلاب نفع أو دفع ضرر. |
have you not considered those who were told, “restrain your hands, and perform your prayers, and spend in regular charity”? but when fighting was ordained for them, a faction of them feared the people as god is ought to be feared, or even more. and they said, “our lord, why did you ordain fighting for us? if only you would postpone it for us for a short while.” say, “the enjoyments of this life are brief, but the hereafter is better for the righteous, and you will not be wronged one bit.” | ألم تر إلى الذين قيل لهم كفوا أيديكم وأقيموا الصلاة وآتوا الزكاة فلما كتب عليهم القتال إذا فريق منهم يخشون الناس كخشية الله أو أشد خشية وقالوا ربنا لم كتبت علينا القتال لولا أخرتنا إلى أجل قريب قل متاع الدنيا قليل والآخرة خير لمن اتقى ولا تظلمون فتيلا |
"The thief could have done more to me than this?" | اللص كان يصنع بي أكثر من هذا» ؟ |
There was a man among the children of Israel who had killed ninety nine people. Then he set out seeking repentance. He came upon a monk and he asked him if his repentance would be accepted. The monk said no, so the man killed him. He continued asking until another man advised him to go to a certain village. He set out for it but death overtook him on the way. As he died, he turned his chest toward the village. The angel of mercy and the angel of punishment argued about him among themselves. Allah ordered his destination to move closer to him and his old village to move away. Then, Allah ordered the angels to measure the distance between his body and the two villages. He was found to be one span closer to his destination, so he was forgiven. | كان في بني إسرائيل رجل قتل تسعة وتسعين إنسانا ثم خرج يسأل فأتى راهبا فسأله فقال له هل من توبة قال لا فقتله فجعل يسأل فقال له رجل ائت قرية كذا وكذا فأدركه الموت فناء بصدره نحوها فاختصمت فيه ملائكة الرحمة وملائكة العذاب فأوحى الله إلى هذه أن تقربي وأوحى الله إلى هذه أن تباعدي وقال قيسوا ما بينهما فوجد إلى هذه أقرب بشبر فغفر له |
The first is that the protrusion of that protrusion is either from a natural outlet or it is not. | والأول إما أن يكون بروز ذلك البارز من مخرج طبيعي أو لا يكون كذلك. |
He replied: The nerve of the eye muscles needs to exit through the fovea of the eye, and this fovea has a wide hole for the first pair. | وأجاب: بأن عصب عضلات العين يحتاج أن يكون مخرجه من نقرة العين وهذه النقرة فيها ثقب واسع لأجل الزوج الأول. |
Verily, among the words people obtained from the first prophecy are this: If you feel no shame, then do as you wish. | إن مما أدرك الناس من كلام النبوة إذا لم تستحي فافعل ما شئت |
Kalila said: If you are able to kill the bull with something that does not harm the lion, then do so. The bull has harmed me, you, and other soldiers. But if you are not able to do that except by killing the lion, then do not proceed with it. It is treachery on my part and yours. | قال كليلة: إن قدرت على هلاك الثور بشيء ليس فيه مضرة للأسد فشأنك: فإن الثور قد أضر بي وبك وبغيرنا من الجند؛ وإن أنت لم تقدر على ذلك إلا بهلاك الأسد، فلا تقدم عليه؛ فإنه غدر مني ومنك. |
to him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. he is the sublime, the magnificent. | له ما في السماوات وما في الأرض وهو العلي العظيم |
Verily, We have created all things by measure. | إنا كل شيء خلقناه بقدر |
“Insomnia has killed me,” he said. “And the bloating, flatulence, and gurgling keep you from sleeping?” | وقد أهلكني الأرق » قال: «وتدعك الكظة والنفخة والقرقرة أن تنام؟ |
Whoever recites the last two verses of the chapter of the cow (surah al-baqarah) in the night will be sufficed by them. | من قرأ بالآيتين من آخر سورة البقرة في ليلة كفتاه |
You should listen and obey them even if the ruler strikes your back and takes your wealth, even still listen and obey. | تسمع وتطيع للأمير وإن ضرب ظهرك وأخذ مالك فاسمع وأطع |
The pre-fasting meal is a blessed meal, so do not abandon it even if you take only a sip of water. Verily, Allah and His angels send blessings upon those who take the pre-fasting meal. | السحور أكلة بركة فلا تدعوه ولو أن يجرع أحدكم جرعة من ماء فإن الله وملائكته يصلون على المتسحرين |
They mentioned generosity a lot. | وقد أكثروا في ذكر الكرم. |
This is because most of the layers of the eye are thicker than either of the two membranes on the optic nerve. | وذلك لأن طبقات العين أكثرها أغلظ من كل واحد من الغشاءين اللذين على العصب النوري. |
and the soaring palm trees, with clustered dates. | والنخل باسقات لها طلع نضيد |
He said: The part that comes to the tongue is thinner than the optic nerve because the hardness of this and the softness of that are equal to the thickness of that and the thinness of this. | قوله: والجزء الذي يأتي اللسان أدق من عصب العين لأن صلابة هذا ولين ذاك يعادل غلظ ذلك ودقة هذا. |
to pharaoh, hamaan, and quaroon. but they said, “a lying sorcerer.” | إلى فرعون وهامان وقارون فقالوا ساحر كذاب |
They came upon them and the Turks were all sitting on their horses except for three or four, and all of that mixture of soldiers had thrown themselves to the ground except for three or four. | فورد عليهم وجمع الأتراك جلوس على ظهور خيولهم إلا ثلاثة أو أربعة، وجميع تلك الأخلاط من الجند قد رموا بنفوسهم إلى الأرض إلا ثلاثة أو أربعة. |
When Allah intends to punish a people, the punishment afflicts everyone among them. Then they are resurrected according to their deeds. | إذا أراد الله بقوم عذابا أصاب العذاب من كان فيهم ثم بعثوا على أعمالهم |
So now, O king, you should not despise the chivalry that you find in a man of low status. For the lowly may become great, like the sinew taken from a dead animal. If a bow is made from it, it becomes more honorable. Kings seize it and need it for battle and amusement. | فأنت الآن أيها الملك حقيق ألا تحقر مروءة أنت تجدها عند رجل صغير المنزلة: فإن الصغير ربما عظم، كالعصب يؤخذ من الميتة فإذا عمل منه القوس أكرم، فتقبض عليه الملوك وتحتاج إليه في البأس واللهو. |
The most privileged people in the world from the people of the Hellfire will come on the Day of Resurrection to be dipped in the Hellfire, then it will be said: O son of Adam, did you see any good? Did you get any blessing? He will say: No, by Allah, my Lord! Then the most miserable people in the world from the people of Paradise will come on the Day of Resurrection to be dipped in the Paradise, then it will be said: O son of Adam, did you see any hardship? Did you have any distress? He will say: No, by Allah, my Lord! I did not once see hardship or distress. | يؤتى بأنعم أهل الدنيا من أهل النار يوم القيامة فيصبغ في النار صبغة ثم يقال يا ابن آدم هل رأيت خيرا قط هل مر بك نعيم قط فيقول لا والله يا رب ويؤتى بأشد الناس بؤسا في الدنيا من أهل الجنة فيصبغ صبغة في الجنة فيقال له يا ابن آدم هل رأيت بؤسا قط هل مر بك شدة قط فيقول لا والله يا رب ما مر بي بؤس قط ولا رأيت شدة قط |
The sixth is the science of nerinjat, which is the mixing of the powers of earthly substances to produce strange things. | السادس علم النيرنجات وهو مزج قوى الجواهر الأرضية ليحدث منه أمور غريبة. |
There is no Muslim on earth who calls upon Allah in supplication but that Allah will grant it to him or divert some evil away from him, so long as he does not ask for something sinful or to cut off family ties. | ما على الأرض مسلم يدعو الله بدعوة إلا آتاه الله إياها أو صرف عنه من السوء مثلها ما لم يدع بإثم أو قطيعة رحم |
The reason for this is that if the head were a real sphere, no side of it would be more deserving of more or less sutures than the others. Rather, either there would be no suture at all in the fontanelle, or if there was a suture in it, it would be in both length and width, so that there would be a suture in the width just as there is a suture in the length, and the suture in the width would be in the middle of the width. | وسبب ذلك أن الرأس لو كان كرة حقيقية لم يكن جانب منه أولى من غيره بزيادة أو نقصان في الدروز بل كان إما أن لا يكون في اليافوخ درز البتة، أو إن كان فيه درز فليكن من جهة الطول والعرض على السواء وذلك بأن يكون في العرض درز كما في الطول درز، ويكون درز العرض في وسط العرض. |
Whoever is safe from two characteristics will secure his fasting: backbiting and falsehood. | خصلتان من حفظهما سلم له صومه الغيبة والكذب |
They are people from faraway lands and different tribes. They have no close familial relationship between them. They sincerely love each other for the sake of Allah. Allah will place them on pulpits of light on the Day of Resurrection and grant them an audience. He will place light on their faces and light on their garments. People will be terrified on the Day of Resurrection, yet they will not be terrified. They are the allies of Allah, upon whom there is no fear or grief. (10:62) | هم ناس من أفناء الناس ونوازع القبائل لم تصل بينهم أرحام متقاربة تحابوا في الله وتصافوا يضع الله لهم يوم القيامة منابر من نور فيجلسهم عليها فيجعل وجوههم نورا وثيابهم نورا يفزع الناس يوم القيامة ولا يفزعون وهم أولياء الله الذين لا خوف عليهم ولا هم يحزنون |
Whoever preserves four cycles of prayer before noon prayer and after it, then Allah will forbid him from entering the Hellfire. | من حافظ على أربع ركعات قبل الظهر وأربع بعدها حرمه الله على النار |
and they denied our signs utterly. | وكذبوا بآياتنا كذابا |
The meaning of ‘betrayal’ here is not that she committed infidelity, certainly not! Rather, when she inclined to the desire of her soul to eat from the tree and she beautified that for Adam, it was considered a betrayal of him. As for women who came after her, the betrayal of each of them is on account of her deed (that she initiated). | وليس المراد بالخيانة هنا ارتكاب الفواحش حاشا وكلا ولكن لما مالت إلى شهوة النفس من أكل الشجرة وحسنت ذلك لآدم عد ذلك خيانة له وأما من جاء بعدها من النساء فخيانة كل واحدة منهن بحسبها |
And if they said: It is neither ancient nor new, then this is impossible because before the emergence of whiteness, if it was said: Blackness is non-existent, it would be a lie, and after it, if it was said: It is non-existent, it would be true, so it is inevitably fleeting. | وإن قالوا: لا قديم ولا حادث، فهو محال لأنه قبل طريان البياض لو قيل: السواد معدوم، كان كذبا، وبعده إذا قيل: إنه معدوم، كان صدقا فهو طار لا محالة. |
As for Yazid bin Al-Walid, his life was between two states, between drunkenness and intoxication; and he was never found except with one of these two. | فأما يزيد بن الوليد، فكان دهره بين حالين، بين سكر وخمار؛ ولا يوجد أبدا إلا ومعه إحدى هاتين. |
So I went down to a man, took him into confidence, and hid myself until I knew the way of the people. | فنزلت برجل، فأخذته بالثقة، وأكمنت نفسي إلى أن أعرف سبيل القوم. |
and he regulated for you the night and the day; and the sun, and the moon, and the stars are disposed by his command. surely in that are signs for people who ponder. | وسخر لكم الليل والنهار والشمس والقمر والنجوم مسخرات بأمره إن في ذلك لآيات لقوم يعقلون |
Take your dowry and let her go. | خذ منها وخل سبيلها |
But the righteous one will avoid Hellfire, who gives from his wealth to purify himself. | وسيجنبها الأتقى الذي يؤتي ماله يتزكى |
Explanation: We have mentioned here the benefits related to the ribs themselves and their number. | الشرح قد ذكرنا هنا من المنافع ما يتعلق بالأضلاع نفسها وما يتعلق بعددها. |
If it is not from this aspect, then he has shared in the error with the praiser, and is like him in putting something in the wrong place. | فإن سر من غير هذا الوجه، فقد شارك المادح في الخطأ، وشاكله في وضع الشيء في غير موضعه. |
When Alexander was exhausted and could find no opportunity or trick, Dhul-Qarnayn launched a great shout at his army, which shook the earth and the armies. When he heard the shout, he turned around and thought it was a plot against his army. Dhul-Qarnayn struck him with a blow that made him fall from his saddle, and he followed it with another, so he fell to the ground. | فلما أعيا الإسكندر أمره ولم يجد له فرصة ولا حيلة أوقع ذو القرنين في عسكره صيحة عظيمة ارتجت لها الأرض والعساكر؛ فالتفت فور عندما سمع الزعقة، وظنها مكيدة في عسكره؛ فعاجله ذو القرنين بضربة أمالته عن سرجه، وتبعه بأخرى؛ فوقع على الأرض. |
Do not harm them in order to straighten them. | ولا تضاروهن لتضيقوا عليهن |
The teeth were created to penetrate what was intended to be broken, preparing it for breaking. As for the molars, their most useful function is to crush and grind what is eaten. Therefore, they were created as large, thick bones, because crushing is only accomplished in this way. Teeth may be called by names derived from their actions, as molars are called molars and the incisors are called incisors. As for the canines, since breaking is not their original function, no names were derived from it, but they were called by the name of what resembles them. | وقد خلقت محددة لتنفذ فيما يراد كسره فتهيئه للانكسار وأما الأضراس فأكثر فائدتها سحق المأكول وطحنه، ولذلك خلقت عظاما غلاظا كبارا لأن السحق إنما يتم بمثل ذلك، وقد تسمى الأسنان بأسماء مشتقة من أفعالها كما تسمى الأضراس الطواحين والأسنان القدامية القاطعة وأما الأنياب فلما لم يكن الكسر لها أصليا لم يشتق لها منه منها أسماء بل سميت باسم مشابهها. |
Verily, among the people of the Book are those who believe in Allah and what was revealed to you and what was revealed to them, being humbly submissive to Allah. They do not exchange the verses of Allah for a small price. Those will have their reward with their Lord. Verily, Allah is swift in account. | وإن من أهل الكتاب لمن يؤمن بالله وما أنزل إليكم وما أنزل إليهم خاشعين لله لا يشترون بآيات الله ثمنا قليلا ۗ أولئك لهم أجرهم عند ربهم ۗ إن الله سريع الحساب |
they give ear, and most of them are liars. | يلقون السمع وأكثرهم كاذبون |
say, “o you who follow judaism; if you claim to be the chosen of god, to the exclusion of the rest of mankind, then wish for death if you are sincere.” | قل يا أيها الذين هادوا إن زعمتم أنكم أولياء لله من دون الناس فتمنوا الموت إن كنتم صادقين |
What do you think of excessive anger and overwhelming rage, especially from someone who has become accustomed to neglecting himself and has not become patient, and has not made himself aware of the place of luck in tasting the bitterness of forgiveness, and that the purpose of matters is their consequences, not their immediate consequences? | فما ظنك بسرف الغضب، وبغلبة الغيظ، ولا سيما ممن قد تعود إهمال النفس ولم يعودها الصبر، ولم يعرفها موضع الحظ في تجرع مرارة العفو، وأن المراد من الأمور عواقبها لا عواجلها. |
Whoever is killed under the banner of blind following, who calls to tribalism or supports tribalism, then he has died upon ignorance. | من قتل تحت راية عمية يدعو عصبية أو ينصر عصبية فقتلة جاهلية |
then he turned away from them, and said, “o my people, i have delivered to you the message of my lord, and i have advised you, but you do not like those who give advice.” | فتولى عنهم وقال يا قوم لقد أبلغتكم رسالة ربي ونصحت لكم ولكن لا تحبون الناصحين |
The reason for this is that the muscles that move the diaphragm need their innervation to come from the middle of the diaphragm. | سبب هذا هو أن العضلات المحركة للحجاب تحتاج أن تكون العصب آتيا إليها من وسط الحجاب. |
say, “shall i take for myself a protector other than god, originator of the heavens and the earth, and he feeds and is not fed?” say, “i am instructed to be the first of those who submit.” and do not be among the idolaters. | قل أغير الله أتخذ وليا فاطر السماوات والأرض وهو يطعم ولا يطعم قل إني أمرت أن أكون أول من أسلم ولا تكونن من المشركين |
[The story of Ibn Al-Aqdi] Ibn Al-Aqdi would sometimes invite his friends to the garden, and I did not think that he was someone whose heart could bear that in any case. | [قصة ابن العقدي] كان ابن العقدي ربما استزار أصحابه الى البستان، وكنت لا أظنه ممن يحتمل قلبه ذلك على حال. |
The explanation for the body’s need for joints is that if the body were created without bones at all, it would be extremely weak and feeble-willed like a worm. It must therefore contain a bone, and the entire body must be made of a single bone, otherwise whatever contains that bone would not be able to bend or flex. Whatever is not bone is weak in structure and feeble in movement, so it must contain many bones. | الشرح السبب في احتياج البدن إلى المفاصل أنه لو خلق البدن خاليا عن العظام البتة لكان شديد الضعف، واهي القوة كالدود، فلا بد وأن يكون مشتملا على عظم، ولا بد وأن يكون البدن كله من عظم واحد، وإلا كان ما فيه ذلك العظم، لا يمكن انثناؤه وانعطافه، وما هو بغير عظم ضعيف البنية واهي الحركة فلا بد وأن يكون مشتملا على عظام كثيرة. |
those who accuse chaste women, then cannot bring four witnesses, whip them eighty lashes, and do not ever accept their testimony. for these are the immoral. | والذين يرمون المحصنات ثم لم يأتوا بأربعة شهداء فاجلدوهم ثمانين جلدة ولا تقبلوا لهم شهادة أبدا وأولئك هم الفاسقون |
so which of your lord’s marvels will you deny? | فبأي آلاء ربكما تكذبان |
I said: The Mawali are closer to the Arabs in many meanings, because they are Arabs in the claim, in the blood money, and in the inheritance. | فقلت: إن الموالي أقرب إلى العرب في كثير من المعاني؛ لأنهم عرب في المدعى، وفي العاقلة، وفي الوراثة. |
As for what you saw of you washing your body with water: then someone from the King of Rehzin will come to you, standing before you in linen clothes, the clothes of kings. | وأما ما رأيت من غسلك جسمك بالماء: فإنه يأتيك من ملك رهزين من يقوم بين يديك بثياب كتان من لباس الملوك. |
His saying: Connected to the fifth, bound to it by membranes and ligaments. Until now, I do not know the wisdom behind this connection and association, nor do I even verify its validity, since the origin of this pair is behind the origin of the fifth and its exit is behind its exits, so it does not advance until it is connected to the fifth and then it is delayed to exit? | قوله: متصلا بالخامس مشدودا معه بأغشية وأربطة، إني إلى الآن لا أعرف لهذا الاتصال والارتباط حكمة، بل ولا أتحقق صحته فإن منشأ هذا الزوج خلف منشأ الخامس ومخرجه خلف مخارجه فلم يتقدم حتى يرتبط بالخامس ثم يتأخر ليخرج؟ |
and magnify your lord. | وربك فكبر |
He said: "Then tear it, and I will clothe you tomorrow." | قال: «فشقه، وأنا أكسوك غدا» . |
upon us is its collection and its recitation. | إن علينا جمعه وقرآنه |
With the purity of his heart, the sincerity of his realism, and his cheerful nature, he was able to beautify its ugliness and remove its disgust and loathing. | إستطاع بصفاء قلبه، وصدق واقعيته، ونفسيته المرحة أن يجمل بشاعته ويزيل ما فيها من قرف واشمئزاز. |
Abu Uthman also contacted Ibrahim bin Al-Abbas Al-Suli, and he presented him with his book “Al-Zar’ wa Al-Nakhl” and he gave him a prize of five thousand dinars. | واتصل أبو عثمان أيضا بإبراهيم بن العباس الصولي، وقد أهدى إليه كتابه «الزرع والنخل» فمنحه جائزة مقدارها خمسة آلاف دينار. |
His saying: The analogy of the eye to the body is close to the analogy of the vanguard to the army. There is no doubt that all the senses share in that they guard the body from harm. The sense of smell guards against harm from a bad, deadly smell, and that is by limiting that smell from the organ of smell, which requires moving away from it. | قوله: فإن قياس العين إلى البدن قريب من قياس الطليعة إلى العسكر لاشك أن جميع الحواس مشتركة في أنها تحرس البدن من الآفات فإن الشم يحرس من التضرر بالرائحة الرديئة القتالة، وذلك بأن تحد تلك الرائحة من آلة الشم لما يحوج ذلك إلى التنحي عنها. |
He remained in a fertile meadow with plenty of water and grass. When he became fat and safe, he began to moo and raise his voice with mooing. | فلم يزل في مرج مخصب كثير الماء والكلأ؛ فلما سمن وأمن جعل يخور ويرفع صوته بالخوار. |
Allah the Exalted says: I am as my servant expects me and I am with him as he remembers me. | يقول الله تعالى أنا عند ظن عبدي بي وأنا معه إذا ذكرني |
As for the meat they have slaughtered, then do not eat it. Rather, you may eat from the fruit of their trees. | أما ما ذبح لذلك اليوم فلا تأكلوا ولكن كلوا من أشجارهم |
it is not for any believer, man or woman, when god and his messenger have decided a matter, to have liberty of choice in their decision. whoever disobeys god and his messenger has gone far astray. | وما كان لمؤمن ولا مؤمنة إذا قضى الله ورسوله أمرا أن يكون لهم الخيرة من أمرهم ومن يعص الله ورسوله فقد ضل ضلالا مبينا |
i ask of you no payment for this. my payment is only from the lord of the worlds. | وما أسألكم عليه من أجر إن أجري إلا على رب العالمين |
and recite what was revealed to you from the book of your lord. there is no changing his words, and you will find no refuge except in him. | واتل ما أوحي إليك من كتاب ربك لا مبدل لكلماته ولن تجد من دونه ملتحدا |
The people said: "You are right." | قال القوم: «صدقت. |
Then he mentioned the sons of Negro women when they were similar to the Negroes in bravery and pride. | ثم ذكر أبناء الزنجيات حين نزعوا إلى الزنج في البسالة والأنفة. |
Know that I will attack the Roman Empire on such and such a day. | واعلم أني واثب بملك الروم يوم كذا وكذا. |
This is what we adhere to. | هذا الذي نأخذ به |
by no means. he will be thrown into the crusher. | كلا لينبذن في الحطمة |
It is the right of the king’s entourage and relatives to offer these gifts to him and to give them a fair value. | ومن حق البطانة والخاصة على الملك، في هذه الهدايا، أن تعرض عليه، وتقوم قيمة عدل. |
Sulayman al-Kathri Al-Makki said: My father had an uncle called Sulayman al-Kathri, who was called that because of his great wealth. | سليمان الكثري قال المكي: كان لأبي عم يقال له سليمان الكثري سمي بذلك لكثرة ماله. |
So she wrote a letter and attached it to the wing of a bird of guidance that she had with her. She sent it to inform Umm Ja`far of that. Umm Ja`far knew what he wanted and wrote to her: “You are free.” | فكتبت كتابا وصلته بجناح طائر من الهدى كان معها، أرسلته تعلم أم جعفر ذلك، فعلمت أم جعفر ما أراد فكتبت إليها: " أنت حرة ". |
This is one of the kings' species. | وهذه من فصائل الملوك. |
Whoever says that I am better than Jonah son of Mata has told a lie. | ومن قال أنا خير من يونس بن متى فقد كذب |
If what is meant by the precedence of the Creator over the world is this, then it is necessary that they be either created or eternal, and it is impossible for one of them to be eternal and the other created. | فإن أريد بتقدم الباري على العالم هذا لزم أن يكونا حادثين أو قديمين واستحال أن يكون أحدهما قديما والآخر حادثا. |
indeed, whoever fulfills his commitments and maintains piety—god loves the pious. | بلى من أوفى بعهده واتقى فإن الله يحب المتقين |
Why are they imprisoned so they can defecate in front of me? | يحبسهم على أن يخرأوا عندي لمه؟ |
He also said: Whoever has a trustworthy nature in his own eyes, and whose passion is his guide that does not lie to him, and whose conspirator is not his mind, and who does not rely on what he does not desire over what he desires, and who does not support the old brothers over the new, and does not do justice to the bored and distant from the strange and close, and does not fear that habit will attract him and nature will control him, then let him draw their arguments and depict their images in a single book or an audible word, then present them to the masters of meanings and doctors of diseases of the minds, on condition that he does not choose except one who does not know which of the two types he seeks, and which of them he protects, and which of them is his medicine and which of them is his disease. | وقال أيضا: من كانت طبيعته مأمونة عليه عند نفسه، وكان هواه رائده الذي لا يكذبه، والمتأمر عليه دون عقله، ولم يتوكل لما لا يهواه على ما يهواه، ولم ينصر تالد الإخوان على الطارف، ولم ينصف المملول المبعد من المستطرف المقرب، ولم يخف أن تجتذبه العادة، وتتحكم عليه الطبيعة، فليرسم حججهما، ويصور صورهما، في كتاب مفرد أو لفظ مسموع، ثم يعرضهما على جهابذة المعاني وأطباء أدواء العقول، على ألا يختار إلا من لا يدري أي النوعين يبغي، وعلى أيهما يحامي، وأيهما دواؤه وأيهما داؤه. |
Even if some of them were saved from the harm of others due to a fate that befell them before the consequences of what they did befell them, then whoever does not think about the consequences is not safe from calamities, and it is true that he will not be safe from the consequences. | وإن سلم بعضهم من ضرر بعض بمنية عرضت له قبل أن ينزل به وبال ما صنع: فإن من لم يفكر في العواقب لم يأمن المصائب، وحقيق ألا يسلم من المعاطب. |
Some of those who do not know mentioned, in a book he wrote about the miserly kings, that Hisham bin Abdul Malik bin Marwan, Marwan bin Muhammad, Abu Jaafar Al-Mansur, and others were among them. | وقد ذكر بعض من لا يعلم، في كتاب ألفه في البخلاء من الملوك، أن هشام بن عبد الملك بن مروان، ومروان بن محمد، وأبا جعفر المنصور وغيره منهم. |
He said: Order the young men of Quraish to leave us. | قال: تأمر شباب قريش أن يخرجوا عنا. |
With cups and pitchers. | بأكواب وأباريق ". |
As for the orphan, do not oppress him. As for the beggar, do not repel him. | فأما اليتيم فلا تقهر وأما السائل فلا تنهر |
While a man was trailing his robe out of vanity, he was suddenly swallowed up and he will be buried in the earth until the Day of Resurrection. | بينا رجل يجر إزاره إذ خسف به فهو يتجلل في الأرض إلى يوم القيامة |
He who is deprived of kindness is deprived of goodness. | من يحرم الرفق يحرم الخير |
The past has become extinct, and the future has not existed. The sentence refers to present existences, and there is no existence here! | أما الماضي فقد انقرض وأما المستقبل فلم يوجد، والجملة إشارة إلى موجودات حاضرة، ولا موجود هاهنا!. |
o you who believe! no people shall ridicule other people, for they may be better than they. nor shall any women ridicule other women, for they may be better than they. nor shall you slander one another, nor shall you insult one another with names. evil is the return to wickedness after having attained faith. whoever does not repent—these are the wrongdoers. | يا أيها الذين آمنوا لا يسخر قوم من قوم عسى أن يكونوا خيرا منهم ولا نساء من نساء عسى أن يكن خيرا منهن ولا تلمزوا أنفسكم ولا تنابزوا بالألقاب بئس الاسم الفسوق بعد الإيمان ومن لم يتب فأولئك هم الظالمون |
as for those of your women who have reached menopause, if you have any doubts, their term shall be three months—and also for those who have not yet menstruated. as for those who are pregnant, their term shall be until they have delivered. whoever fears god—he will make things easy for him. | واللائي يئسن من المحيض من نسائكم إن ارتبتم فعدتهن ثلاثة أشهر واللائي لم يحضن وأولات الأحمال أجلهن أن يضعن حملهن ومن يتق الله يجعل له من أمره يسرا |
Ibn Abi Karima told me: They gave an empty jar to the singer Al-Kanani. When he left, they put it on the door for him, but he did not have the money to pay for a porter. He was overcome by what happens to singers of wandering, so he did not carry it. Instead, he would kick it, and it would roll and spin with the intensity of the kick. | وحدثني ابن أبي كريمة، قال: وهبوا للكناني المغني خابية فارغة؛ كان عند انصرافه وضعوها له على الباب، ولم يكن عنده كراء حمالها، وأدركه ما يدرك المغنين من التيه، فلم يحملها، فكان يركلها ركلة ، فتتدحرج وتدور بمبلغ حمية الركلة. |