--- |
license: apache-2.0 |
tags: |
- image-classification |
- generated_from_trainer |
metrics: |
- accuracy |
widget: |
- src: >- |
https://datasets-server.huggingface.co/assets/keremberke/pokemon-classification/--/full/train/3/image/image.jpg |
example_title: Abra |
- src: >- |
https://datasets-server.huggingface.co/cached-assets/keremberke/pokemon-classification/--/full/train/383/image/image.jpg |
example_title: Blastoise |
model-index: |
- name: pokemon_classifier |
results: |
- task: |
name: Image Classification |
type: image-classification |
dataset: |
name: keremberke/pokemon-classification |
type: pokemon-classification |
config: full |
split: validation |
args: full |
metrics: |
- name: Accuracy |
type: accuracy |
value: 0.08848920863309352 |
datasets: |
- keremberke/pokemon-classification |
language: |
- en |
pipeline_tag: image-classification |
--- |
<!-- This model card has been generated automatically according to the information the Trainer had access to. You |
should probably proofread and complete it, then remove this comment. --> |
# pokemon_classifier |
This model is a fine-tuned version of [google/vit-base-patch16-224](https://huggingface.co/google/vit-base-patch16-224) on the pokemon-classification and the full datasets. |
It achieves the following results on the evaluation set: |
- Loss: 8.0935 |
- Accuracy: 0.0885 |
## Model description |
This model, referred to as "PokemonClassifier," is a fine-tuned version of google/vit-base-patch16-224 on Pokemon classification datasets. |
Its primary objective is to accurately identify the Pokemon in input images. While this general summary provides information about its performance in terms |
of loss and accuracy, its core function lies in precisely classifying Pokemon images. |
## Intended uses & limitations |
This model is limited to the training data it was exposed to and can only identify the following Pokémon: Golbat, Machoke, Omastar, Diglett, Lapras, Kabuto, |
Persian, Weepinbell, Golem, Dodrio, Raichu, Zapdos, Raticate, Magnemite, Ivysaur, Growlithe, Tangela, Drowzee, Rapidash, Venonat, Pidgeot, Nidorino, Porygon, |
Lickitung, Rattata, Machop, Charmeleon, Slowbro, Parasect, Eevee, Starmie, Staryu, Psyduck, Dragonair, Magikarp, Vileplume, Marowak, Pidgeotto, Shellder, Mewtwo, |
Farfetchd, Kingler, Seel, Kakuna, Doduo, Electabuzz, Charmander, Rhyhorn, Tauros, Dugtrio, Poliwrath, Gengar, Exeggutor, Dewgong, Jigglypuff, Geodude, Kadabra, Nidorina, |
Sandshrew, Grimer, MrMime, Pidgey, Koffing, Ekans, Alolan Sandslash, Venusaur, Snorlax, Paras, Jynx, Chansey, Hitmonchan, Gastly, Kangaskhan, Oddish, Wigglytuff, |
Graveler, Arcanine, Clefairy, Articuno, Poliwag, Abra, Squirtle, Voltorb, Ponyta, Moltres, Nidoqueen, Magmar, Onix, Vulpix, Butterfree, Krabby, Arbok, Clefable, Goldeen, |
Magneton, Dratini, Caterpie, Jolteon, Nidoking, Alakazam, Dragonite, Fearow, Slowpoke, Weezing, Beedrill, Weedle, Cloyster, Vaporeon, Gyarados, Golduck, Machamp, Hitmonlee, |
Primeape, Cubone, Sandslash, Scyther, Haunter, Metapod, Tentacruel, Aerodactyl, Kabutops, Ninetales, Zubat, Rhydon, Mew, Pinsir, Ditto, Victreebel, Omanyte, Horsea, Pikachu, |
Blastoise, Venomoth, Charizard, Seadra, Muk, Spearow, Bulbasaur, Bellsprout, Electrode, Gloom, Poliwhirl, Flareon, Seaking, Hypno, Wartortle, Mankey, Tentacool, Exeggcute, |
and Meowth. |
## Training and evaluation data |
More information needed |
## Training procedure |
### Training hyperparameters |
The following hyperparameters were used during training: |
- learning_rate: 0.0002 |
- train_batch_size: 8 |
- eval_batch_size: 8 |
- seed: 42 |
- optimizer: Adam with betas=(0.9,0.999) and epsilon=1e-08 |
- lr_scheduler_type: linear |
- num_epochs: 4 |
### Training results |
| Training Loss | Epoch | Step | Validation Loss | Accuracy | |
|:-------------:|:-----:|:----:|:---------------:|:--------:| |
| 2.0872 | 0.82 | 500 | 7.2669 | 0.0640 | |
| 0.1581 | 1.64 | 1000 | 7.6072 | 0.0712 | |
| 0.0536 | 2.46 | 1500 | 7.8952 | 0.0842 | |
| 0.0169 | 3.28 | 2000 | 8.0935 | 0.0885 | |
### Framework versions |
- Transformers 4.30.2 |
- Pytorch 2.0.1+cu118 |
- Datasets 2.14.5 |
- Tokenizers 0.13.3 |