# Preparing UniMed Dataset for training Medical VLMs training |
This document provides detailed instructions on preparing UniMed dataset for pre-training contrastive medical VLMs. Note that, although UniMed is developed using fully open-source medical data sources, we are not able to release the processed data directly, as some data-sources are subject to strict distribution licenses. Therefore, we provide step-by-step instructions on assembling UniMed data and provide several parts of UniMed for which no licensing obligations are present. |
**About the UniMed Pretraining Dataset:** UniMed is a large-scale medical image-text pretraining dataset that explicitly covers 6 diverse medical modalities including X-rays, CT, MRI, Ultrasound, HistoPathology and Retinal Fundus. UniMed is developed using completely open-sourced data-sources comprising over 5.3 million high-quality image-text pairs. Model trained using UniMed (e.g., our UniMed-CLIP) provides impressive zero-shot and downstream task performance compared to other generalist VLMs, that are often trained on proprietary/closed-source datasets. |
Follow the instructions below to construct UniMed dataset. We download each part of UniMed independently and prepare its multi-modal versions (where applicable) using our processed textual-captions. |
## Downloading Individual Datasets and Converting them into Image-text format |
As the first step, we download the individual Medical Datasets from their respective data providers. We suggest putting all datasets under the same folder (say `$DATA`) to ease management. The file structure looks like below. |
``` |
$DATA/ |
|ββ CheXpert-v1.0-small/ |
|ββ mimic-cxr-jpg/ |
|ββ openi/ |
|-- chest_xray8/ |
|-- radimagenet/ |
|-- Retina-Datasets/ |
|-- Quilt/ |
|ββ pmc_oa/ |
|ββ ROCOV2/ |
|ββ llava_med/ |
``` |
Datasets list: |
- [CheXpert](#chexpert) |
- [MIMIC-CXR](#mimic-cxr) |
- [OpenI](#openi) |
- [ChestX-ray8](#chestx-ray8) |
- [RadImageNet](#radimagenet) |
- [Retinal-Datasets](#retinal-datasets) |
- [Quilt-1M](#quilt-1m) |
- [PMC-OA](#pmc-oa) |
- [ROCO-V2](#roco-v2) |
- [LLaVA-Med](#LLaVA-Med) |
We use the scripts provided in `data_prepration_scripts` for preparing UniMed dataset. Follow the instructions illustrated below. |
### 1. CheXpert |
#### Downloading Dataset: |
- Step 1: Download the dataset from the following [link](https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/ashery/chexpert) on Kaggle. |
#### Downloading Annotations: |
- Download the processed text annotations file `chexpert_with_captions_only_frontal_view.csv` from this [link](https://mbzuaiac-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/uzair_khattak_mbzuai_ac_ae/EYodM9cCJTxNvr_KZsYKz3gB7ozvtdyoqfLhyF59y_UXsw?e=6iOdrQ), and put it to the main folder. |
- The final directory structure should look like below. |
``` |
CheXpert-v1.0-small/ |
|ββ train/ |
|ββ valid/ |
|ββ train.csv |
|ββ valid.csv |
|ββ chexpert_with_captions_only_frontal_view.csv |
``` |
#### Preparing image-text dataset and conversion in webdataset format: |
- Run the following command to create image-text dataset: |
- `python data_prepration_scripts/CheXpert/webdataset_chexpert.py --csv_file chexpert_with_captions_only_frontal_view.csv --output_dir <path-to-save-all-image-text-datasets>/chexpert_webdataset --parent_dataset_path $DATA/CheXpert-v1.0-small` |
- This will prepare chexpert image-text data in webdataset format, to be used directly for training. |
### 2. MIMIC-CXR |
#### Downloading Dataset: |
- Step 1: Follow the instructions in the following [link](https://physionet.org/content/mimic-cxr-jpg/2.1.0/) to get access to the Mimic CXR jpg dataset (Note you have to complete a data-usage agreement form inorder to get access to the dataset). |
- Step 2: Then, download the 10 folders p10-p19 from [link](https://physionet.org/content/mimic-cxr-jpg/2.1.0/files/). |
#### Downloading Annotations: |
- Download the processed text annotations folder `mimic_cxr_with_captions_and_reports_only_frontal_view.csv` from this [link](https://mbzuaiac-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/uzair_khattak_mbzuai_ac_ae/EVshorDt6OJLp4ZBTsqklSQBaXaGlG184AWVv3dIWfrAkA?e=lPsm7x), and put it to the main folder. |
- The final directory structure should look like below. |
``` |
mimic-cxr-jpg/2.0.0/files/ |
|-- mimic_cxr_with_captions_and_reports_only_frontal_view.csv |
|ββ p10/ |
|ββ p11/ |
|ββ p12/ |
... |
... |
|ββ p19/ |
``` |
#### Preparing image-text datasets in webdataset format: |
- Run the following command to create image-text dataset: |
- `python data_prepration_scripts/MIMIC-CXR/webdataset_mimic_cxr.py --csv_file mimic_cxr_with_captions_and_reports_only_frontal_view.csv --output_dir <path-to-save-all-image-text-datasets>/mimic_cxr_webdataset --parent_dataset_path $DATA/mimic-cxr-jpg` |
- This will prepare mimic-cxr image-text data in webdataset format, to be used directly for training. |
### 3. OpenI |
#### Downloading Dataset: |
- Step 1 : Download the OpenI PNG dataset from the [link](https://openi.nlm.nih.gov/imgs/collections/NLMCXR_png.tgz). |
#### Downloading Annotations: |
- Download the processed text annotations folder `openai_refined_concepts.json`, and `filter_cap.json` from this [link](https://mbzuaiac-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/uzair_khattak_mbzuai_ac_ae/Es0rzhS3MZNHg1UyB8AWPKgB5D0KcrRSOQOGYM7gDkOmRg?e=gCulCg), and put it to the main folder. |
- The final directory structure should look like below. |
``` |
openI/ |
|-- openai_refined_concepts.json |
|-- filter_cap.json |
|ββ image/ |
|-- # image files ... |
``` |
#### Preparing image-text datasets in webdataset format: |
- Run the following command to create image-text dataset: |
- `python data_prepration_scripts/Openi/openi_webdataset.py --original_json_file_summarizations_path filter_cap.json --gpt_text_descriptions_path openai_refined_concepts.json --output_dir <path-to-save-all-image-text-datasets>/openi_webdataset --parent_dataset_path $DATA/OpenI/image` |
- This will prepare openi image-text data in webdataset format, to be used directly for training. |
### 4. ChestX-ray8 |
#### Downloading Dataset: |
- Step 1: Download the images folder from the following [link](https://nihcc.app.box.com/v/ChestXray-NIHCC). |
#### Downloading Annotations: |
- Download the processed text annotations folder `Chest-Xray8_with_captions.csv` from this [link](https://mbzuaiac-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/uzair_khattak_mbzuai_ac_ae/EVroaq0FiERErUlJsPwQuaoBprs44EwhHBhVH_TZ-A5PJQ?e=G6z0rf), and put it to the main folder. |
- The final directory structure should look like below. |
``` |
chest_xray8/ |
|-- Chest-Xray8_with_captions.csv |
|ββ images/ |
|-- # image files ... |
``` |
#### Preparing image-text dataset and conversion in webdataset format: |
- Run the following command to create image-text dataset: |
- `python data_prepration_scripts/ChestX-ray8/chest-xray_8_webdataset.py --csv_file Chest-Xray8_with_captions.csv --output_dir <path-to-save-all-image-text-datasets>/chest_xray8_webdataset --parent_dataset_path $DATA/chest_xray8/images` |
- This will prepare chest-xray8 image-text data in webdataset format, to be used directly for training. |
### 5. RadImageNet |
#### Downloading Dataset: |
- Step 1 : Submit the request for dataset via the [link](https://www.radimagenet.com/) and, |
- Step 2 : Download the official dataset splits csv from this [link](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FUir_Y_kbQZWih1TMVf9Sz8Pdk9NF2Ym?usp=sharing). [Note that the access to the dataset-split will be granted once the request for dataset usage (in step 1) is approved] |
#### Downloading Annotations: |
- Download the processed text annotations folder `radimagenet_with_captions_training_set.csv` from this [link](https://mbzuaiac-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/uzair_khattak_mbzuai_ac_ae/Eaf_k0g3FOlMmz0MkS6LU20BrIpTvsRujXPDmKMWLv6roQ?e=0Po3OI), and put it to the main folder. |
- The final directory structure should look like below. |
- The directory structure should look like below. |
``` |
radimagenet/ |
|ββ radiology_ai/ |
|-- radimagenet_with_captions_training_set.csv |
|-- CT |
|-- MR |
|-- US |
``` |
#### Preparing image-text dataset and conversion in webdataset format: |
- Run the following command to create image-text dataset: |
- `python data_prepration_scripts/RadImageNet/radimagenet_webdataset.py --csv_file radimagenet_with_captions_training_set.csv --output_dir <path-to-save-all-image-text-datasets>/radimagenet_webdataset --parent_dataset_path $DATA/radimagenet` |
- This will prepare chest-xray8 image-text data in webdataset format, to be used directly for training. |
### 6. Retinal-Datasets |
For the retinal datasets, we select 35 Retinal datasets and convert the label only datasets into multi-modal versions using LLM-in-the-loop pipeline proposed in the paper. |
#### Downloading Datasets: |
- Part 1: Download the MM-Retinal dataset available from the official [google drive link](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/177RCtDeA6n99gWqgBS_Sw3WT6qYbzVmy). |
- Part 2: Download the datasets presented in the table below to prepare the FLAIR Dataset collection (table source: [FLAIR](https://github.com/jusiro/FLAIR/)). |
| | | | | | | |
|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----| |
| [08_ODIR-5K](https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/andrewmvd/ocular-disease-recognition-odir5k) | [15_APTOS](https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/aptos2019-blindness-detection/data) | [35_ScarDat](https://github.com/li-xirong/fundus10k) | | [29_AIROGS](https://zenodo.org/record/5793241#.ZDi2vNLMJH5) | |
| [09_PAPILA](https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/PAPILA/14798004/1) | [16_FUND-OCT](https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/trghs22fpg/3) | [23_HRF](http://www5.cs.fau.de/research/data/fundus-images/) | | [30_SUSTech-SYSU](https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/The_SUSTech-SYSU_dataset_for_automated_exudate_detection_and_diabetic_retinopathy_grading/12570770/1) | | |
| [03_IDRID](https://idrid.grand-challenge.org/Rules/) | [17_DiaRetDB1](https://www.it.lut.fi/project/imageret/diaretdb1_v2_1/) | [24_ORIGA](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21095735/) | | [31_JICHI](https://figshare.com/articles/figure/Davis_Grading_of_One_and_Concatenated_Figures/4879853/1) | | |
| [04_RFMid](https://ieee-dataport.org/documents/retinal-fundus-multi-disease-image-dataset-rfmid-20) | [18_DRIONS-DB](http://www.ia.uned.es/~ejcarmona/DRIONS-DB.html) | [26_ROC](http://webeye.ophth.uiowa.edu/ROC/) | | [32_CHAKSU](https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/Ch_k_u_A_glaucoma_specific_fundus_image_database/20123135?file=38944805) | | |
| [10_PARAGUAY](https://zenodo.org/record/4647952#.ZBT5xXbMJD9) | [12_ARIA](https://www.damianjjfarnell.com/?page_id=276) | [27_BRSET](https://physionet.org/content/brazilian-ophthalmological/1.0.0/) | | [33_DR1-2](https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/Advancing_Bag_of_Visual_Words_Representations_for_Lesion_Classification_in_Retinal_Images/953671?file=6502302) | | |
| [06_DEN](https://github.com/Jhhuangkay/DeepOpht-Medical-Report-Generation-for-Retinal-Images-via-Deep-Models-and-Visual-Explanation) | [19_Drishti-GS1](http://cvit.iiit.ac.in/projects/mip/drishti-gs/mip-dataset2/Home.php) | [20_E-ophta](https://www.adcis.net/en/third-party/e-ophtha/) | | [34_Cataract](https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/jr2ngb/cataractdataset) | | |
| [11_STARE](https://cecas.clemson.edu/~ahoover/stare/) | [14_AGAR300](https://ieee-dataport.org/open-access/diabetic-retinopathy-fundus-image-datasetagar300) | [21_G1020](https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.09158) | | | | |
* Vision-Language Pre-training. |
#### Downloading Annotations: |
- Download the processed text annotations folder `Retina-Annotations` from this [link](https://mbzuaiac-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/uzair_khattak_mbzuai_ac_ae/Enxa-lnJAjZOtZHDkGkfLasBGfaxr3Ztb-KlP9cvTRG3OQ?e=Ac8xt9). |
- The directory structure should look like below. |
``` |
Retina-Datasets/ |
|-- Retina-Annotations/ |
|-- 03_IDRiD/ |
|-- 11_STARE/ |
... |
``` |
#### Preparing image-text dataset and conversion in webdataset format: |
- Run the following commands to create image-text datasets for Retinal datasets |
``` |
python data_prepration_scripts/Retinal-Datasets/retina_webdataset_part1.py --csv_files_directory <path-to-csv-files-directory> --output_dir <path-to-save-all-image-text-datasets>/retina_part1_webdataset/ --parent_dataset_path $DATA/Retina-Datasets |
python data_prepration_scripts/Retinal-Datasets/retina_webdataset_part2.py --csv_files_directory <path-to-csv-files-directory> --output_dir <path-to-save-all-image-text-datasets>/retina_part2_webdataset/ --parent_dataset_path $DATA/Retina-Datasets |
python data_prepration_scripts/Retinal-Datasets/retina_webdataset_part3.py --csv_files_directory <path-to-csv-files-directory> --output_dir <path-to-save-all-image-text-datasets>/retina_part3_webdataset/ --parent_dataset_path $DATA/Retina-Datasets |
``` |
- This will prepare image-text data for retina-modality in webdataset format, to be used directly for training. |
### Quilt-1M |
Note: Quilt-1M provides image-text pairs, and we directly utilize their image-text pairs in our pretraining. |
#### Downloading Dataset: |
- Step 1:Request access for Quilt-1M dataset via the [link](https://zenodo.org/records/8239942), and then download the respective dataset. |
- The directory structure should look like below. |
``` |
Quilt/ |
|-- quilt_1M_lookup.csv |
|-- # bunch of files |
|ββ quilt_1m/ |
|-- #images |
``` |
#### Preparing image-text datasets in webdataset format: |
- Run the following command: |
- `python data_prepration_scripts/Quilt-1M/quilt_1m_webdataset.py --csv_file $DATA/Quilt/quilt_1M_lookup.csv --output_dir <path-to-save-all-image-text-datasets>/quilt_1m_webdataset --parent_dataset_path $DATA/Quilt/quilt_1m/` |
- This will prepare Quilt-1M image-text data in webdataset format, to be used directly for training. |
### PMC-OA |
Note: PMC-OA provides image-text pairs, and we directly utilize their image-text pairs in our UniMed pretraining dataset. |
#### Downloading Dataset: |
- Step 1: Download the PMC-OA images from the following [link](https://huggingface.co/datasets/axiong/pmc_oa/blob/main/images.zip). |
- Step 2: Download the json file ([link](https://huggingface.co/datasets/axiong/pmc_oa/resolve/main/pmc_oa.jsonl)). |
- The directory structure should look like below. |
``` |
pmc_oa/ |
|ββ pmc_oa.jsonl |
|-- caption_T060_filtered_top4_sep_v0_subfigures |
|-- # iamges |
|-- # bunch of files |
``` |
#### Preparing image-text datasets in webdataset format: |
- Run the following command: |
- `python data_prepration_scripts/PMC-OA/pmc_oa_webdataset.py --csv_file $DATA/pmc_oa/pmc_oa.jsonl --output_dir <path-to-save-all-image-text-datasets>/pmc_oa_webdataset/ --parent_dataset_path $DATA/pmc_oa/caption_T060_filtered_top4_sep_v0_subfigures/` |
- This will prepare PMC-OA image-text data in webdataset format, to be used directly for training. |
### ROCO-V2 |
Note: ROCO-V2 provides image-text pairs, and we directly utilize their image-text pairs in our pretraining. |
#### Downloading Dataset: |
- Step 1: Download the images and captions from the [link](https://zenodo.org/records/8333645). |
- The directory structure should look like below. |
``` |
|ββ train/ |
|-- test/ |
|-- train_captions.csv |
|-- # bunch of files |
``` |
#### Preparing image-text datasets in webdataset format: |
- Run the following command: |
- `python data_prepration_scripts/ROCOV2/roco_webdataset.py --csv_file $DATA/ROCOV2/train_captions.csv --output_dir <path-to-save-all-image-text-datasets>/rocov2_webdataset/ --parent_dataset_path $DATA/ROCOV2/train/` |
- This will prepare ROCOV2 image-text data in webdataset format, to be used directly for training. |
### LLaVA-Med |
Note: LLaVA-Med provides image-text pairs, and we directly utilize their image-text pairs in our pretraining. |
#### Downloading Dataset: |
- Download images by following instructions at LLaVA-Med official repository [here](https://github.com/microsoft/LLaVA-Med?tab=readme-ov-file#data-download). |
#### Downloading Annotations: |
- Download the filtered caption files `llava_med_instruct_fig_captions.json`, and `llava_med_alignment_500k_filtered.json` from this [link](https://mbzuaiac-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/uzair_khattak_mbzuai_ac_ae/Es0rzhS3MZNHg1UyB8AWPKgB5D0KcrRSOQOGYM7gDkOmRg?e=gCulCg). The final directory should look like this: |
``` |
llava_med/ |
|ββ llava_med_alignment_500k_filtered.json |
|-- llava_med_instruct_fig_captions.json |
|-- images |
|-- # images |
``` |
#### Preparing image-text datasets in webdataset format: |
- Run the following commands: |
``` |
python data_prepration_scripts/LLaVA-Med/llava_med_alignment_webdataset.py --csv_file $DATA/llava_med/llava_med_alignment_500k_filtered.json --output_dir <path-to-save-all-image-text-datasets>/llava_med_alignment_webdataset/ --parent_dataset_path $DATA/llava_med/images/` |
python data_prepration_scripts/LLaVA-Med/llava_med_instruct_webdataset.py --csv_file $DATA/llava_med/llava_med_instruct_fig_captions.json --output_dir <path-to-save-all-image-text-datasets>/llava_med_instruct_webdataset/ --parent_dataset_path $DATA/llava_med/images/` |
``` |
- This will prepare LLaVa-Med image-text data in webdataset format, to be used directly for training. |
## Final Dataset Directory Structure: |
After following the above steps, UniMed dataset will be now completely prepared in the webdataset format. The final directory structure looks like below: |
``` |
<path-to-save-all-image-text-datasets>/ |
|ββ chexpert_webdataset/ |
|ββ mimic_cxr_webdataset/ |
|ββ openi_webdataset/ |
|-- chest_xray8_webdataset/ |
|-- radimagenet_webdataset/ |
|-- retina_part1_webdataset/ |
|-- retina_part2_webdataset/ |
|-- retina_part3_webdataset/ |
|-- quilt_1m_webdataset |
|ββ pmc_oa_webdataset/ |
|-- rocov2_webdataset/ |
|ββ llava_med_alignment_webdataset/ |
|ββ llava_med_instruct_webdataset/ |
``` |