## How to implement a dataset? |
For example, we want to implement a image classification dataset. |
1. create a file in corresponding directory, i.e. `benchmark/data/datasets/image_classification` |
2. create a class (inherited from `benchmark.data.datasets.ab_dataset.ABDataset`), e.g. `class YourDataset(ABDataset)` |
3. register your dataset with `benchmark.data.datasets.registry.dataset_register(name, classes, classes_aliases)`, which represents the name of your dataset, the classes of your dataset, and the possible aliases of the classes. Examples refer to `benchmark/data/datasets/image_classification/cifar10.py` or other files. |
Note that the order of `classes` must match the indexes. For example, `classes` of MNIST must be `['0', '1', '2', ..., '9']`, which means 0-th class is '0', 1-st class is '1', 2-nd class is '2', ...; `['1', '2', '0', ...]` is not correct because 0-th class is not '1' and 1-st class is not '2'. |
How to get `classes` of a dataset? For PyTorch built-in dataset (CIFAR10, MNIST, ...) and general dataset build by `ImageFolder`, you can initialize it (e.g. `dataset = CIFAR10(...)`) and get its classes by `dataset.classes`. |
```python |
# How to get classes in CIFAR10? |
from torchvision.datasets import CIFAR10 |
dataset = CIFAR10(...) |
print(dataset.classes) |
# copy this output to @dataset_register(classes=<what you copied>) |
# it's not recommended to dynamically get classes, e.g.: |
# this works but runs slowly! |
from torchvision.datasets import CIFAR10 as RawCIFAR10 |
dataset = RawCIFAR10(...) |
@dataset_register( |
name='CIFAR10', |
classes=dataset.classes |
) |
class CIFAR10(ABDataset): |
# ... |
``` |
For object detection dataset, you can read the annotation JSON file and find `categories` information in it. |
4. implement abstract function `create_dataset(self, root_dir: str, split: str, transform: Optional[Compose], classes: List[str], ignore_classes: List[str], idx_map: Optional[Dict[int, int]])`. |
Arguments: |
- `root_dir`: the location of data |
- `split`: `train / val / test` |
- `transform`: preprocess function in `torchvision.transforms` |
- `classes`: the same value with `dataset_register.classes` |
- `ignore_classes`: **classes should be discarded. You should remove images which belong to these ignore classes.** |
- `idx_map`: **map the original class index to new class index. For example, `{0: 2}` means the index of 0-th class will be 2 instead of 0. You should implement this by modifying the stored labels in the original dataset. ** |
You should do five things in this function: |
1. if no user-defined transform is passed, you should implemented the default transform |
2. create the original dataset |
3. remove ignored classes in the original dataset if there are ignored classes |
4. map the original class index to new class index if there is index map |
5. split the original dataset to train / val / test dataset. If there's no val dataset in original dataset (e.g. DomainNetReal), you should split the original dataset to train / val / test dataset. If there's already val dataset in original dataset (e.g. CIFAR10 and ImageNet), regard the original val dataset as test dataset, and split the original train dataset into train / val dataset. Details just refer to existed files. |
Example (`benchmark/data/datasets/image_classification/cifar10.py`): |
```python |
@dataset_register( |
name='CIFAR10', |
# means in the original CIFAR10, 0-th class is airplane, 1-st class is automobile, ... |
classes=['airplane', 'automobile', 'bird', 'cat', 'deer', 'dog', 'frog', 'horse', 'ship', 'truck'], |
# means 'automobile' and 'car' are the same thing actually |
class_aliases=[['automobile', 'car']] |
) |
class CIFAR10(ABDataset): |
def create_dataset(self, root_dir: str, split: str, transform: Optional[Compose], |
classes: List[str], ignore_classes: List[str], idx_map: Optional[Dict[int, int]]): |
# 1. if no user-defined transform is passed, you should implemented the default transform |
if transform is None: |
transform = cifar_like_image_train_aug() if split == 'train' else cifar_like_image_test_aug() |
# 2. create the original dataset |
dataset = RawCIFAR10(root_dir, split != 'test', transform=transform, download=True) |
# 3. remove ignored classes in the original dataset if there are ignored classes |
dataset.targets = np.asarray(dataset.targets) |
if len(ignore_classes) > 0: |
for ignore_class in ignore_classes: |
dataset.data = dataset.data[dataset.targets != classes.index(ignore_class)] |
dataset.targets = dataset.targets[dataset.targets != classes.index(ignore_class)] |
# 4. map the original class index to new class index if there is index map |
if idx_map is not None: |
for ti, t in enumerate(dataset.targets): |
dataset.targets[ti] = idx_map[t] |
# 5. split the original dataset to train / val / test dataset. |
# there is not val dataset in CIFAR10 dataset, so we split the val dataset from the train dataset. |
if split != 'test': |
dataset = train_val_split(dataset, split) |
return dataset |
``` |
After implementing a new dataset, you can create a test file in `example` and load the dataset by `benchmark.data.dataset.get_dataset()`. Try using this dataset to ensure it works. (Example: `example/1.py`) |