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課程代碼:00071301,授課教授:曾正男,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的13點到16點,課程大綱:Calculus is a basic, unversity-entrance level mathematics course which is needed as a prerequiste for the majority of the other university-level mathematics courses. The main goal of the course is to expose students to the fundamentals of calculus as well as provide rigorous training in analytic thinking and (mathematical) problem solving. |
課程代碼:30201800,授課教授:林士貴、孫全玉,開課院所:商學院的金融學系,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:使同學瞭解銀行的相關業務、經營管理及經營策略等,以及最新現在銀行新趨勢,網路銀行、開放式銀行、以及金融科技與洗錢防制及法定的最新議題等。 |
課程代碼:30283301,授課教授:江彌修,開課院所:商學院的金融學系,授課時間:禮拜四的13點到16點,課程大綱:無 |
課程代碼:30402500,授課教授:陳立榜,開課院所:商學院的統計學系,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:Probability is an important subject and helps us to understand the randomness of events. In this course, students will learn fundamental concepts of probability theory, including the classical probability, (univariate and multivariate) random variables and their properties, expectaiton and variance. This course will also introduce the basic idea of the stochastic process. |
課程代碼:30402900,授課教授:劉惠美,開課院所:商學院的統計學系,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:This course is designed to cover some introductory theoretical knowledge of the probability and statistics. Although the primary focus is on a mathematical development of the subject, examples and exercises are oriented toward applications. After taking this course, students can gain solid mathematical understanding of probability theory fundamental to all future work in probability and statistics. |
課程代碼:70100200,授課教授:班榮超,開課院所:理學院的應用數學系,授課時間:禮拜二的14點到16點及禮拜四的14點到16點,課程大綱:線性代數是對於學習理工學生們的一門必修課程,主要透過矩陣的概念來引進所謂的向量空間,並在其中定義其線性變換及相關的投影理論,此外我們也會介紹關於固有值以及固有向量等理論。這學科在自然科學以及工程領域有相當大的應用,時間允許我們也將介紹該領域在微分方程中的應用。 |
課程代碼:70100600,授課教授:陳政輝,開課院所:理學院的應用數學系,授課時間:禮拜三的8點到10點及禮拜五的9點到10點,課程大綱:日常生活中的許多不確定現象,可以機率加以分析與探討.本課程由複習基本的排列組合計算為出發點,逐步引入隨機變數觀念,並以此為模型基礎來表達不確定現象,並介紹機率密度、期望值等相關觀念與數學工具,使學生能分析不確定現象,其觀念與技巧,將有助學生未來學習相關專業課程 |
課程代碼:70101800,授課教授:蔡炎龍,開課院所:理學院的應用數學系,授課時間:禮拜五的10點到13點,課程大綱:這門《計算機程式》課程介紹當今數據分析、人工智慧主流的 Python 程式語言, 以數據分析為主要應用, 配合生活中的應用, 讓同學們自然學會 Python 程式語言。課程內容涵蓋了從 Python 基本語法到數據分析和機器學習的多個主題。不管是「數值型」或是「符號型」的運算都會做! 一方面我們不要求有程式的經驗、甚至自認數學不好也不要緊。我們的目標是要做個會和人對話的「拍拍機器人」這樣有趣的專案。但另一方面雖然這會是一個有趣的課程, 但不會是營養學分 -- 要有投入的準備, 可能天天都會寫程、上課參與也是本課程非常重視的事。 |
課程代碼:70102600,授課教授:邱普照,開課院所:理學院的應用數學系,授課時間:禮拜二的14點到15點及禮拜四的14點到16點,課程大綱:本課程是應用數學系的本科必修課。本課程的主題爲介紹複數,以及其對應的微積分理論。This is a requied undergraduate course at the Department of Mathematical Sciences. The main theme of this course is to introduce complex numbers and discuss the corresponding theory of differentiation and integration. |
課程代碼:70178200,授課教授:張宜武,開課院所:理學院的應用數學系,授課時間:禮拜二的8點到10點及禮拜四的8點到9點,課程大綱:1. The Fundations: Logics and Proofs2. Basic Structures: Sets, Funtions, Sequences, Sums and Matices3. Algorithms4. Number Theory and Cryptography5. Induction and Recursion |
課程代碼:70178800,授課教授:吳怡潔,開課院所:理學院的應用數學系,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:我們身處在AI的時代,常常聽到各大平台網紅們討論「演算法」如何對上架影音、文字披露於目標對象的影響力。此外,在現今的科技業界,主管在面試軟體工程師時經常提出具體問題,並要求應試者現場解題或說明思路,已是相當普遍的作法。熟悉語法、選擇實作框架....等等撰寫程式的技能,對開發進度固然重要,然而,對軟體工程專案而言,演算法無疑地扮演猶如經脈的角色。經脈若順暢,人們自然神清氣爽、活動自如;一個「不複雜」的演算法,不只帶來高效率的執行結果,更能創造絕佳的使用者體驗。本課程從經典的電腦科學問題開始,帶領同學們思考一個演算法一般是如何產生的?如何拆解問題、組合結果?如何設計資料結構、因應演算法的需求?如何將模糊不明的解題方向,具體為解題步驟?最後藉由作業、上機練習等方式,讓同學從實作過程中,體會演算法和程式設計之間的緊密連結,並在面對特定問題時,能夠從所學中分析、提出解決方案/演算法,在小組專案中實作應用。 |
課程代碼:70190300,授課教授:張宜武,開課院所:理學院的應用數學系,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:In this semester, we will cover the following topics: Fermat's and Euler's Theorems, The Field of Quotients of an Integral Domain, Rings of Polynomials, Factorization of Polynomials over a Field,Ideals and Factor Rings, Homomorphisms and Factor Rings, Prime and Maximal Ideals, Extension Fields, Introduction to Extension Fields, Vector Spaces, Algebraic Extensions, Finite Fields,Isomorphism Theorems. |
課程代碼:70190800,授課教授:蔡炎龍,開課院所:理學院的應用數學系,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:深度學習是近年來人工智慧非常重要的工脤。要做好一個人工智慧的專案,需要包括領域專家、工程師等等通力合作才能做好。不論哪一個角色,都需要瞭解深度學習的運作方式。本課程介紹深度學習的基礎概念、了解如何構建神經網路。導入實務應用,最重要的重點為「問一個可幫我們解決痛點的好問題」。我們會討論如何把實務的問題化為一個深度學習可解的問題。重要提醒:1. 本課程為磨課師微學分課程, 為非同步線上課程, 請同學們務必安排時間在期限內完成各項作業及線上測驗。2. 希望加簽的同學必需參加第一週課程直播【直播互動】本課程會安排二到三次直播, 直播點是 Facebook「炎龍老師的課程直播區」https://www.facebook.com/groups/yenlung.live第一次直播是在2023 年 9 月 11 日 (一) 晚上 7:00 |
課程代碼:50106500,授課教授:徐嘉慧,開課院所:外國語文學院的英國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:This course introduces fundamental concepts and issues of language and cognition, including foundations of language, linguistic representations and cognition, language and the brain, experimental knowledge, language processing, language impairments, bilingualism, second-language learning and deaf children's language learning. |
課程代碼:55500200,授課教授:何萬順,開課院所:外國語文學院的語言學研究所,授課時間:禮拜四的13點到16點,課程大綱:無 |
課程代碼:55500500,授課教授:蕭宇超,開課院所:外國語文學院的語言學研究所,授課時間:禮拜一的16點到19點,課程大綱:無 |
課程代碼:55587400,授課教授:黃瓊之,開課院所:外國語文學院的語言學研究所,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:無 |
課程代碼:07024400,授課教授:洪叔民,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的14點到17點,課程大綱:This course is an introduction to the concepts, principles, problems, and practices of operations management. Emphasis is on managerial processes for effective operations in both goods-producing and service-rendering organization. Topics include operations strategy, capacity planning, process design, waiting line analysis, quality control, forecasting, sales and operations planning, and inventory control. |
課程代碼:00021955,授課教授:蔡致遠,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:This is the first partof a one-year introductory course to economic concepts and basic economic theory. The first part of the course studies microeconomics, which focuses on the decision-making of individual consumers and firms (The second part of the course in the next semester studies macroeconomics, which focuses on the behavior of aggregate economic variables). In this course, we will develop economic tools to analyze and evaluate public policies, poverty and welfare questions, and other applied topics.Lectures will be given in Mandarin. Students who take this course arerequiredto take the Joint Economics Examination.加簽規則: 本課程開放商學院英語商管學程與灌檔學系優先加簽, 其餘同學請出席第一堂課程並依教室狀況進行加簽。請勿寄信詢問加簽。 |
課程代碼:07016302,授課教授:胡家榮,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的13點到16點,課程大綱:無 |
課程代碼:07016709,授課教授:林禹銘,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜一的18點到21點,課程大綱:本學期課程目前不接受任何加簽,請勿來信詢問。(即使來信亦為相同回應,故任何相關回信不予回覆)本課程超級重要提醒:1.會一再重複提醒已教過的內容2.會以例子講解複雜觀念,可能會涉及會計以外事務,內容也未必人人喜愛3. 本課程作業、小考、及確認出席的點名會相當頻繁4. 本課程對遲到相當重視(凡晚於老師開始教課進教室,即為遲到),本課程對於缺席及遲到者會嚴重扣分5. 本課程兩次期中考,一次期末考,難度逐漸提升。若選擇本課程,代表同意以上課程之進行方式否則考慮是否修習本課程,以免影響自身權益,徒增日後抱怨,造成自己的困擾。修習本課程之同學,請務必出席剛開學前面之一兩次課程,了解本課程實際進行方式及特點,以確定是否符合自身需要,以免徒增日後抱怨,造成自己的困擾。若覺得同班同學太多,或教室不佳,也請考慮是否修習本課程,以免影響自身權益。>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>**重要補充訊息攸關同學權益,請務必詳閱:若選擇本課程,代表同意以下課程之進行方式否則考慮是否修習本課程,以免影響自身權益,徒增日後抱怨,造成自己的困擾: |
課程代碼:00035000,授課教授:陳冠儒、費喬登,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:The course structure has three parts: 1) the role of marketing, which is Creating Values for Customers, that creates value based on customer needs and buying process; 2) marketing strategies, including segmenting, targeting, and positioning; 3) the implementation of marketing tactics, including product, pricing, distribution, and communication strategies. |
課程代碼:07015300,授課教授:盧敬植,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:課程選修及加退選相關重要說明,請先詳細閱讀 (7/31/2023 修訂版):本課程不開放手動加簽或退課,請不要寫 email 詢問。所有可開放名額都已開放,由學校選課系統決定順序。也請不要詢問擋修單,修完先修課程(經濟學、初會)再來修財管。這門課必須要買課本。由於這門課的作業使用書商提供的 Connect 網站,所以大家必須要買課本,不願意買課本的人可以參考其他的 session 選修。請先閱讀 [指定/參考書目] 的說明及附件來瞭解相關的細節。全學期有 15 次作業,除了期中考週以外,幾乎每個星期都有作業。根據過去的教學評鑑,有 60% 的同學表示每週在課後會花三小時或三小時以上在這門課上,主要的時間應該是花在作業上或者是翻閱課本以瞭解作業問題的細節。如果選上但覺得這門課不適合你,請於 9/11-9/18 的加退選從系統退掉,如果有人在候補名單上也才能遞補上來。第一週 9/11 我們就會正式開始上課,可以參考上課情況盡快做出決定。9/19-9/26 手動加退選不接受退選要求。這樣嚴格要求的原因是我們需要盡快決定修課人數來跟書商報課本及 Connect 網站的帳號需求,才能讓這門課的作業繳交正式上軌道。如果錯過 9/18 的最後期限,我只在學期中簽停修單,這會在成績單上留下記錄的。過去幾次這門課的教學評鑑資訊貼在我的臉書帳號,連結如下:2018 Fallhttps://www.facebook.com/cl458/posts/102053615667550532019 Fallhttps://www.facebook.com/cl458/posts/102066310082502972020 Fallhttps://www.facebook.com/cl458/posts/102080753163970982021 Springhttps://www.facebook.com/cl458/posts/102085916653454992021 Fallhttps://www.facebook.com/cl458/posts/pfbid0PTctBk18XEqKouEdXiqdnKJKA7KWwy3iHY3GuNkwiXBLsvMu2MujKeKDr3DCriT3l2022 Springhttps://www.facebook.com/cl458/posts/pfbid02f8nvZjGjmN1QxzVyQzYUrDRykNyzipjGSMMCdCNxqqmekJAkpi7HDx2datMvRT5pl2022 Fallhttps://www.facebook.com/cl458/posts/pfbid036RwXBBoi6vMGicJMLJHtBUNwfxYbzbmLbtdTfqwN5xiskGzDL5EEyn1ANsZbAjKzl2023 Springhttps://www.facebook.com/cl458/posts/pfbid0EALwgt1tfwK4iz19VWH1Q4bioGGNstGEYHWX6Vj9m1jNfjXio6hV6MDPcqBzRKyml=== 課程簡介從此開始 ===This is an introductory course for finance, we will cover the following topics:1. Overview of Corporate Finance,2. Financial Statements and Long-Term Financial Planning,3. Valuation of Future Cash Flows,4. Capital Budgeting,5. Risk and Return,6. Cost of Capital and Long-Term Financing Policy |
課程代碼:78202600,授課教授:宋皇志、林瑜琤、陸行、楊志開、蔡子傑、蔡尚岳、蕭又新,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:本設於電物學程及應物所之專題研究課程由應用物理所、應用數學系、資訊科學系、科技管理與智慧財產所教師聯合開設,並獲半導體科技業界及中研院物理所之校外專家支援。研究專題包含:量子啟發演算法及量子計算應用、量子物質的模擬、訊號處理、影像處理、統計及複雜系統模型、深度學習演算法及實務應用、永續科學、半導體元件專利分析與技術預測、半導體應用與技術開發。授課教師將個別指導修課學生執行一件學期計畫。 |
課程代碼:78200100,授課教授:蕭又新,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的13點到16點,課程大綱:Part I Mechanics:1. The laws of motion2. Circular motion and other applications of Newton’s laws3. Energy of a system4. Conservation of energy5. Linear momentum and collisions6. Rotation of a rigid object about a fixed axis7. Angular momentum8. Static equilibrium and elasticity9. Universal gravitation10. Fluid mechanicsPart II Oscillations and Mechanical Waves:1. Oscillatory motion2. Wave motion3. Sound waves4. Superposition and standing wavesPart III Thermodynamics:1. The first law of thermodynamics2. The kinetic theory of gases3. Heat engines, entropy, and the second law of thermodynamics |
課程代碼:07010000,授課教授:蕭又新,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜一的16點到19點,課程大綱:Part I Mechanics:1. The laws of motion2. Circular motion and other applications of Newton’s laws3. Energy of a system4. Conservation of energy5. Linear momentum and collisions6. Rotation of a rigid object about a fixed axis7. Angular momentum8. Static equilibrium and elasticity9. Universal gravitation10. Fluid mechanicsPart II Oscillations and Mechanical Waves:1. Oscillatory motion2. Wave motion3. Sound waves4. Superposition and standing wavesPart III Thermodynamics:1. The first law of thermodynamics2. The kinetic theory of gases3. Heat engines, entropy, and the second law of thermodynamics |
課程代碼:78200300,授課教授:林瑜琤,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的16點到19點,課程大綱:帶領學生認識近代物理(相對論、量子力學)與未來相關科學展望。本課程為「電子物理學程」必修課程之一,也開放給全校非學程同學選修。修課學生應具備大學微積分及普通物理的知識(請先修或同時修微積分及普物);一些必要數學將視情況於課堂補充。 |
課程代碼:78200400,授課教授:許琇娟,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的13點到16點,課程大綱:Electromagnetism is one of the four fundamental interactions in nature. It is of great importance to learn the subject for understanding many natural phenomena.The goal of the course is to give an introduction and fundamental understanding of static electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic wave. Moreore, the course will equip students with the mathematical tools and fundamental laws in electromagnetism for more advanced subjects, such as electrodynamics and antenna theory. To build up the mathematical skills and exercise the electromagnetic knowledge, in-class exercises, quizzes and bi-weekly homework will be assigned to students.電磁學是四大力學之一,為了解自然現象的重要一環。本課程將介紹靜電學、靜磁學以及電磁波,目標是幫助學生建立數學工具並瞭解電磁學基本定律,未來可以再學習更高階的課程,如電動力學、天線理論。為幫助學生更熟悉,課程中會安排小考、課堂操作、課堂演習。 |
課程代碼:78203200,授課教授:蔡尚岳,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:講授電子學基礎知識,介紹電子元件的運作原理,涵蓋半導體、二極體、金氧半場效電晶體,並介紹分析各種基本放大器電路的方法。本課程採線上與實體並行模式,每周進度為一次線上講授課程以及實體習題演練課程,線上課程課程網站為google classroom,修課同學請用政治大學g suite帳號"學號"@g.nccu.edu.tw加入,課程網站為112電子學一(代碼: 3uw64kt),連結https://classroom.google.com/c/NTYzODExNjcyMzc3?cjc=3uw64ktThis course introduces fundamental knowledge of electronics including semiconductor, diode, metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor. The lecture also introduces the concepts of circuit analysis for different types of amplifiers.This class will be given in hybrid online and in class mode. Students are required to take online lecture and attend in class exercise weekly. Online class will be conducted using google classroom under NCCU g suite package. Students can join the google classroom using NCCU g suite account, which is in the form of “[email protected]”. The website will be announced before class. |
課程代碼:07017301,授課教授:謝思蕾,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的16點到19點,課程大綱:This course is an introduction to academic writing and literacy through the fundamentals of essay writing with an emphasis on genre knowledge and audience awareness. The course, which is conducted in English, incorporates lectures and discussion sessions making class-time full of activity. Learn ways to approach writing assignments, how to find an interesting topic, and how to go through the process of writing a powerful essay in English. An assigned Textbook is used as a guide, but other materials and references are available on the course Moodle.This course starts on Week 1.***If you joined this class late (during drop and add) or missed the first classes, YOU are responsible for material you missed and for completing and submitting any homework due.*** |
課程代碼:07017101,授課教授:陳綉諭,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:Reading and Oral Trainingis a one-semester course for high-intermediate to advanced learners of English. The course, which is conducted in English, is designed to acclimate students to using English as a tool for advanced communication. During the course, students will enhance their reading and speaking skills through lectures, pair/group discussions, oral presentations, role-play, writing assignments, watching films, and other in-class activities. Students will become familiar with different communication styles and methods of organization for handling discussion and presentation of contemporary issues through a combination of reading materials and speaking exercises on various subjects from different sources, such as novels, news media, blog posts, and academic articles. Students will also learn to summarize texts, analyze structure (through outlining), compare and contrast, and give opinions, which can be extended to more advanced reading skills, e.g. identifying facts and opinions, and making inferences in class. |
課程代碼:07017201,授課教授:黃杏妃,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course, which is conducted in English, is designed for high-intermediate to advanced English learners. It is based on a content-based syllabus, utilizing lectures on topics from different academic disciplines and related reading materials. The authentic content provides both a context for the practice of important language skills and a basis for the exploration of high-interest topics for learners. The course covers diverse issues and integrates vocabulary, grammar, listening and speaking skills necessary for academic success. Throughout the semester, students are encouraged to improve their academic listening and speaking ability by listening to lectures and participating in discussions, as well as practicing note-taking and summarizing. |
課程代碼:07017102,授課教授:陳綉諭,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:Reading and Oral Trainingis a one-semester course for high-intermediate to advanced learners of English. The course, which is conducted in English, is designed to acclimate students to using English as a tool for advanced communication. During the course, students will enhance their reading and speaking skills through lectures, pair/group discussions, oral presentations, role-play, writing assignments, watching films, and other in-class activities. Students will become familiar with different communication styles and methods of organization for handling discussion and presentation of contemporary issues through a combination of reading materials and speaking exercises on various subjects from different sources, such as novels, news media, blog posts, and academic articles. Students will also learn to summarize texts, analyze structure (through outlining), compare and contrast, and give opinions, which can be extended to more advanced reading skills, e.g. identifying facts and opinions, and making inferences in class. |
課程代碼:07017301,授課教授:謝思蕾,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的16點到19點,課程大綱:This course is an introduction to academic writing and literacy through the fundamentals of essay writing with an emphasis on genre knowledge and audience awareness. The course, which is conducted in English, incorporates lectures and discussion sessions making class-time full of activity. Learn ways to approach writing assignments, how to find an interesting topic, and how to go through the process of writing a powerful essay in English. An assigned Textbook is used as a guide, but other materials and references are available on the course Moodle.This course starts on Week 1.***If you joined this class late (during drop and add) or missed the first classes, YOU are responsible for material you missed and for completing and submitting any homework due.*** |
課程代碼:40087500,授課教授:施琮仁,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course is specifically designed to thoroughly explore the theoretical foundations of communication, with a particular emphasis on media effects. We will delve into how media theories interpret the historical and current roles played by mass media, digital media, and user-centric media. Moreover, we will closely examine how individuals actively engage with these multimedia platforms, emphasizing their interactive nature. In this course, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of these evolving concepts and their profound impact in today’s media landscape. Furthermore, this course will enhance your understanding of research methodology, particularly in the context of effects research. You will gain insights into the methodologies employed to study media effects, enabling you to comprehend and evaluate empirical studies. |
課程代碼:40087600,授課教授:林翠絹,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的10點到13點,課程大綱:This required course for IMICS graduate students provides an overview of research methods commonly utilized in communication studies, especially new media. It will cover both conceptual and practical research skills required for conducting qualitative and quantitative research. Specifically, the class will first be exposed to theoretical explanations of selected research approaches, followed by hand-on data analysis projects, and finally develop scholarly research proposals. |
課程代碼:40090100,授課教授:林日璇,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:此為英語授課/This course is taught in EnglishThe seminar in Digital Games and Society will focus on the development of theories and research trends/topics in digital game literature. Students will learn how digital game research evolve in communication research. In addition, students will examine phenomena and their effects on human well-being, cognition, and emotions. Furthermore, we will look at how different areas employ digital games as a persuasive and educational tool and identity experiment. |
課程代碼:07017101,授課教授:陳綉諭,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:Reading and Oral Trainingis a one-semester course for high-intermediate to advanced learners of English. The course, which is conducted in English, is designed to acclimate students to using English as a tool for advanced communication. During the course, students will enhance their reading and speaking skills through lectures, pair/group discussions, oral presentations, role-play, writing assignments, watching films, and other in-class activities. Students will become familiar with different communication styles and methods of organization for handling discussion and presentation of contemporary issues through a combination of reading materials and speaking exercises on various subjects from different sources, such as novels, news media, blog posts, and academic articles. Students will also learn to summarize texts, analyze structure (through outlining), compare and contrast, and give opinions, which can be extended to more advanced reading skills, e.g. identifying facts and opinions, and making inferences in class. |
課程代碼:40087300,授課教授:林怡潔、蔡葵希,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course is designed to prepare students who are interested in careers in either journalism or the entertainment industries to engage in modern storytelling using the latest technology. We will be covering both fictional and real-life storytelling from practical, theoretical, and industrial angles. Starting with the fictional, we will learn how to craft a good story in English while simultaneously looking at the theories behind fictional stories and how they impact people. We will also be hearing from industry professionals who build and work with stories to bring them to life as audiovisual new media products. At the half-way point, we will transition into the journalistic style and learn about how to bring stories from history and current events to the modern audience using both text and new technologies like virtual and augmented reality. Students are encouraged to take the course New Media & Innovation Technologies first, but it is not a requirement before taking this course. |
課程代碼:40087400,授課教授:王淑美,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:Advertisements, movie billboards, neon lights, and electronic message walls—these media technologies are part of the spectacles and actively shape urban landscapes. Furthermore, the widespread use of GPS-equipped smartphones has transformed users' movements into data points that can be observed and traced by themselves and others. The availability of constant connectivity has also impacted how people communicate while on the move. These examples illustrate the close integration of media with the urban experience.Urban Media Studies, also known as media geography or geomedia, is a newly emerging, cross-disciplinary field of research. Scholars in this field are interested in exploring the intersections of media ecology, communication, geography, sociology, and urban planning. This course aims to familiarize students with the latest theories, cultivate their skills as keen observers of everyday life, encourage exploring the symbols and practices within contemporary urban spaces, and facilitate an understanding of the complex interactions between media, humans, and the city. |
課程代碼:07017201,授課教授:黃杏妃,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course, which is conducted in English, is designed for high-intermediate to advanced English learners. It is based on a content-based syllabus, utilizing lectures on topics from different academic disciplines and related reading materials. The authentic content provides both a context for the practice of important language skills and a basis for the exploration of high-interest topics for learners. The course covers diverse issues and integrates vocabulary, grammar, listening and speaking skills necessary for academic success. Throughout the semester, students are encouraged to improve their academic listening and speaking ability by listening to lectures and participating in discussions, as well as practicing note-taking and summarizing. |
課程代碼:07017102,授課教授:陳綉諭,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:Reading and Oral Trainingis a one-semester course for high-intermediate to advanced learners of English. The course, which is conducted in English, is designed to acclimate students to using English as a tool for advanced communication. During the course, students will enhance their reading and speaking skills through lectures, pair/group discussions, oral presentations, role-play, writing assignments, watching films, and other in-class activities. Students will become familiar with different communication styles and methods of organization for handling discussion and presentation of contemporary issues through a combination of reading materials and speaking exercises on various subjects from different sources, such as novels, news media, blog posts, and academic articles. Students will also learn to summarize texts, analyze structure (through outlining), compare and contrast, and give opinions, which can be extended to more advanced reading skills, e.g. identifying facts and opinions, and making inferences in class. |
課程代碼:40088900,授課教授:盧建誌,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的14點到17點,課程大綱:無 |
課程代碼:07017301,授課教授:謝思蕾,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的16點到19點,課程大綱:This course is an introduction to academic writing and literacy through the fundamentals of essay writing with an emphasis on genre knowledge and audience awareness. The course, which is conducted in English, incorporates lectures and discussion sessions making class-time full of activity. Learn ways to approach writing assignments, how to find an interesting topic, and how to go through the process of writing a powerful essay in English. An assigned Textbook is used as a guide, but other materials and references are available on the course Moodle.This course starts on Week 1.***If you joined this class late (during drop and add) or missed the first classes, YOU are responsible for material you missed and for completing and submitting any homework due.*** |
課程代碼:07017101,授課教授:陳綉諭,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:Reading and Oral Trainingis a one-semester course for high-intermediate to advanced learners of English. The course, which is conducted in English, is designed to acclimate students to using English as a tool for advanced communication. During the course, students will enhance their reading and speaking skills through lectures, pair/group discussions, oral presentations, role-play, writing assignments, watching films, and other in-class activities. Students will become familiar with different communication styles and methods of organization for handling discussion and presentation of contemporary issues through a combination of reading materials and speaking exercises on various subjects from different sources, such as novels, news media, blog posts, and academic articles. Students will also learn to summarize texts, analyze structure (through outlining), compare and contrast, and give opinions, which can be extended to more advanced reading skills, e.g. identifying facts and opinions, and making inferences in class. |
課程代碼:07038200,授課教授:南樂,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜一的14點到17點,課程大綱:Welcome to Introduction to Political Science! This course provides a comprehensive overview of the fundamental concepts, theories, and methodologies in the field of political science. As citizens of a complex and interconnected world, it is essential to understand the forces that shape our political systems, the dynamics of power, and the institutions that govern our societies. As aspiring social scientists, we will delve into the study of politics, examining its various dimensions, ideologies, and processes. |
課程代碼:07017201,授課教授:黃杏妃,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course, which is conducted in English, is designed for high-intermediate to advanced English learners. It is based on a content-based syllabus, utilizing lectures on topics from different academic disciplines and related reading materials. The authentic content provides both a context for the practice of important language skills and a basis for the exploration of high-interest topics for learners. The course covers diverse issues and integrates vocabulary, grammar, listening and speaking skills necessary for academic success. Throughout the semester, students are encouraged to improve their academic listening and speaking ability by listening to lectures and participating in discussions, as well as practicing note-taking and summarizing. |
課程代碼:07017102,授課教授:陳綉諭,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:Reading and Oral Trainingis a one-semester course for high-intermediate to advanced learners of English. The course, which is conducted in English, is designed to acclimate students to using English as a tool for advanced communication. During the course, students will enhance their reading and speaking skills through lectures, pair/group discussions, oral presentations, role-play, writing assignments, watching films, and other in-class activities. Students will become familiar with different communication styles and methods of organization for handling discussion and presentation of contemporary issues through a combination of reading materials and speaking exercises on various subjects from different sources, such as novels, news media, blog posts, and academic articles. Students will also learn to summarize texts, analyze structure (through outlining), compare and contrast, and give opinions, which can be extended to more advanced reading skills, e.g. identifying facts and opinions, and making inferences in class. |
課程代碼:60158200,授課教授:翁燕菁,開課院所:法學院的法律學系,授課時間:禮拜四的13點到16點,課程大綱:Our seminars offer multi-disciplinary perspectives both on institutions and jurisprudences, addressing controversial issues and important debates. Our aim is to bridge international and national dialogues and encourage students to observe conflicting interests.This course is co-organized by the College of Law and the Department of Political Science, with Prof. Yao-ming Hsu and Prof. Vivianne Weng taking turns to host each seminar. In view of students’ pragmatic need for their future career,Chinese Mandarin will be used as a supporting language for our discussions.Nota bene: We welcome every student from all faculties of NCCU to join us. However, to follow this advanced course for both graduates and undergraduates, students must have completed studies ofconstitutional laworpublic international law. |
課程代碼:07017301,授課教授:謝思蕾,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的16點到19點,課程大綱:This course is an introduction to academic writing and literacy through the fundamentals of essay writing with an emphasis on genre knowledge and audience awareness. The course, which is conducted in English, incorporates lectures and discussion sessions making class-time full of activity. Learn ways to approach writing assignments, how to find an interesting topic, and how to go through the process of writing a powerful essay in English. An assigned Textbook is used as a guide, but other materials and references are available on the course Moodle.This course starts on Week 1.***If you joined this class late (during drop and add) or missed the first classes, YOU are responsible for material you missed and for completing and submitting any homework due.*** |
課程代碼:07017101,授課教授:陳綉諭,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:Reading and Oral Trainingis a one-semester course for high-intermediate to advanced learners of English. The course, which is conducted in English, is designed to acclimate students to using English as a tool for advanced communication. During the course, students will enhance their reading and speaking skills through lectures, pair/group discussions, oral presentations, role-play, writing assignments, watching films, and other in-class activities. Students will become familiar with different communication styles and methods of organization for handling discussion and presentation of contemporary issues through a combination of reading materials and speaking exercises on various subjects from different sources, such as novels, news media, blog posts, and academic articles. Students will also learn to summarize texts, analyze structure (through outlining), compare and contrast, and give opinions, which can be extended to more advanced reading skills, e.g. identifying facts and opinions, and making inferences in class. |
課程代碼:60146400,授課教授:鍾騏,開課院所:法學院的法律學系,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:無 |
課程代碼:07017201,授課教授:黃杏妃,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course, which is conducted in English, is designed for high-intermediate to advanced English learners. It is based on a content-based syllabus, utilizing lectures on topics from different academic disciplines and related reading materials. The authentic content provides both a context for the practice of important language skills and a basis for the exploration of high-interest topics for learners. The course covers diverse issues and integrates vocabulary, grammar, listening and speaking skills necessary for academic success. Throughout the semester, students are encouraged to improve their academic listening and speaking ability by listening to lectures and participating in discussions, as well as practicing note-taking and summarizing. |
課程代碼:07017102,授課教授:陳綉諭,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:Reading and Oral Trainingis a one-semester course for high-intermediate to advanced learners of English. The course, which is conducted in English, is designed to acclimate students to using English as a tool for advanced communication. During the course, students will enhance their reading and speaking skills through lectures, pair/group discussions, oral presentations, role-play, writing assignments, watching films, and other in-class activities. Students will become familiar with different communication styles and methods of organization for handling discussion and presentation of contemporary issues through a combination of reading materials and speaking exercises on various subjects from different sources, such as novels, news media, blog posts, and academic articles. Students will also learn to summarize texts, analyze structure (through outlining), compare and contrast, and give opinions, which can be extended to more advanced reading skills, e.g. identifying facts and opinions, and making inferences in class. |
課程代碼:60145100,授課教授:沈宗倫,開課院所:法學院的法律學系,授課時間:禮拜四的10點到12點,課程大綱:無 |
課程代碼:07017301,授課教授:謝思蕾,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的16點到19點,課程大綱:This course is an introduction to academic writing and literacy through the fundamentals of essay writing with an emphasis on genre knowledge and audience awareness. The course, which is conducted in English, incorporates lectures and discussion sessions making class-time full of activity. Learn ways to approach writing assignments, how to find an interesting topic, and how to go through the process of writing a powerful essay in English. An assigned Textbook is used as a guide, but other materials and references are available on the course Moodle.This course starts on Week 1.***If you joined this class late (during drop and add) or missed the first classes, YOU are responsible for material you missed and for completing and submitting any homework due.*** |
課程代碼:07017101,授課教授:陳綉諭,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:Reading and Oral Trainingis a one-semester course for high-intermediate to advanced learners of English. The course, which is conducted in English, is designed to acclimate students to using English as a tool for advanced communication. During the course, students will enhance their reading and speaking skills through lectures, pair/group discussions, oral presentations, role-play, writing assignments, watching films, and other in-class activities. Students will become familiar with different communication styles and methods of organization for handling discussion and presentation of contemporary issues through a combination of reading materials and speaking exercises on various subjects from different sources, such as novels, news media, blog posts, and academic articles. Students will also learn to summarize texts, analyze structure (through outlining), compare and contrast, and give opinions, which can be extended to more advanced reading skills, e.g. identifying facts and opinions, and making inferences in class. |
課程代碼:07017201,授課教授:黃杏妃,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course, which is conducted in English, is designed for high-intermediate to advanced English learners. It is based on a content-based syllabus, utilizing lectures on topics from different academic disciplines and related reading materials. The authentic content provides both a context for the practice of important language skills and a basis for the exploration of high-interest topics for learners. The course covers diverse issues and integrates vocabulary, grammar, listening and speaking skills necessary for academic success. Throughout the semester, students are encouraged to improve their academic listening and speaking ability by listening to lectures and participating in discussions, as well as practicing note-taking and summarizing. |
課程代碼:07017102,授課教授:陳綉諭,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:Reading and Oral Trainingis a one-semester course for high-intermediate to advanced learners of English. The course, which is conducted in English, is designed to acclimate students to using English as a tool for advanced communication. During the course, students will enhance their reading and speaking skills through lectures, pair/group discussions, oral presentations, role-play, writing assignments, watching films, and other in-class activities. Students will become familiar with different communication styles and methods of organization for handling discussion and presentation of contemporary issues through a combination of reading materials and speaking exercises on various subjects from different sources, such as novels, news media, blog posts, and academic articles. Students will also learn to summarize texts, analyze structure (through outlining), compare and contrast, and give opinions, which can be extended to more advanced reading skills, e.g. identifying facts and opinions, and making inferences in class. |
課程代碼:07017301,授課教授:謝思蕾,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的16點到19點,課程大綱:This course is an introduction to academic writing and literacy through the fundamentals of essay writing with an emphasis on genre knowledge and audience awareness. The course, which is conducted in English, incorporates lectures and discussion sessions making class-time full of activity. Learn ways to approach writing assignments, how to find an interesting topic, and how to go through the process of writing a powerful essay in English. An assigned Textbook is used as a guide, but other materials and references are available on the course Moodle.This course starts on Week 1.***If you joined this class late (during drop and add) or missed the first classes, YOU are responsible for material you missed and for completing and submitting any homework due.*** |
課程代碼:07017101,授課教授:陳綉諭,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:Reading and Oral Trainingis a one-semester course for high-intermediate to advanced learners of English. The course, which is conducted in English, is designed to acclimate students to using English as a tool for advanced communication. During the course, students will enhance their reading and speaking skills through lectures, pair/group discussions, oral presentations, role-play, writing assignments, watching films, and other in-class activities. Students will become familiar with different communication styles and methods of organization for handling discussion and presentation of contemporary issues through a combination of reading materials and speaking exercises on various subjects from different sources, such as novels, news media, blog posts, and academic articles. Students will also learn to summarize texts, analyze structure (through outlining), compare and contrast, and give opinions, which can be extended to more advanced reading skills, e.g. identifying facts and opinions, and making inferences in class. |
課程代碼:07017201,授課教授:黃杏妃,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course, which is conducted in English, is designed for high-intermediate to advanced English learners. It is based on a content-based syllabus, utilizing lectures on topics from different academic disciplines and related reading materials. The authentic content provides both a context for the practice of important language skills and a basis for the exploration of high-interest topics for learners. The course covers diverse issues and integrates vocabulary, grammar, listening and speaking skills necessary for academic success. Throughout the semester, students are encouraged to improve their academic listening and speaking ability by listening to lectures and participating in discussions, as well as practicing note-taking and summarizing. |
課程代碼:07017102,授課教授:陳綉諭,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:Reading and Oral Trainingis a one-semester course for high-intermediate to advanced learners of English. The course, which is conducted in English, is designed to acclimate students to using English as a tool for advanced communication. During the course, students will enhance their reading and speaking skills through lectures, pair/group discussions, oral presentations, role-play, writing assignments, watching films, and other in-class activities. Students will become familiar with different communication styles and methods of organization for handling discussion and presentation of contemporary issues through a combination of reading materials and speaking exercises on various subjects from different sources, such as novels, news media, blog posts, and academic articles. Students will also learn to summarize texts, analyze structure (through outlining), compare and contrast, and give opinions, which can be extended to more advanced reading skills, e.g. identifying facts and opinions, and making inferences in class. |
課程代碼:07017301,授課教授:謝思蕾,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的16點到19點,課程大綱:This course is an introduction to academic writing and literacy through the fundamentals of essay writing with an emphasis on genre knowledge and audience awareness. The course, which is conducted in English, incorporates lectures and discussion sessions making class-time full of activity. Learn ways to approach writing assignments, how to find an interesting topic, and how to go through the process of writing a powerful essay in English. An assigned Textbook is used as a guide, but other materials and references are available on the course Moodle.This course starts on Week 1.***If you joined this class late (during drop and add) or missed the first classes, YOU are responsible for material you missed and for completing and submitting any homework due.*** |
課程代碼:50106300,授課教授:陳音頤,開課院所:外國語文學院的英國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:https://meet.google.com/cta-tysw-hnaNineteenth-century English literature covers the Romantic and the Victorian periods. The first half of the semester deals with major issues of the Romantic period reflected in poetry, novels, and other prose works. Issues to be discussed may include the French Revolution, individualism, the cult of sensibility, nature and the Romantic landscape (from the picturesque to the sublime), and Gothic romance.In the second half of the semester, students will be introduced to a broad range of works produced in the Victorian period. The issues covered include the condition of England and the industrial novel, the woman question, empire, utilitarianism, realism and psychological realism, as well as the sensation novel. |
課程代碼:07017101,授課教授:陳綉諭,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:Reading and Oral Trainingis a one-semester course for high-intermediate to advanced learners of English. The course, which is conducted in English, is designed to acclimate students to using English as a tool for advanced communication. During the course, students will enhance their reading and speaking skills through lectures, pair/group discussions, oral presentations, role-play, writing assignments, watching films, and other in-class activities. Students will become familiar with different communication styles and methods of organization for handling discussion and presentation of contemporary issues through a combination of reading materials and speaking exercises on various subjects from different sources, such as novels, news media, blog posts, and academic articles. Students will also learn to summarize texts, analyze structure (through outlining), compare and contrast, and give opinions, which can be extended to more advanced reading skills, e.g. identifying facts and opinions, and making inferences in class. |
課程代碼:10279600,授課教授:陳木金,開課院所:教育學院的教育學系,授課時間:禮拜五的16點到18點,課程大綱:本課程的主要目的希望讓同學了解教育創新與創業兩大部分,一方面是關於教育創新產業基礎知識與產業發展概況,一方面是創業管理的理論與實務,協助同學們將來能經由教育創新途徑研究創業實践與行動的議題。課程主要包括五大部份1.教育創新概述:教育創新的的知識與產業概況。2.創業家工作坊:動腦想像工作坊、動手操作工作坊、人際領導工作坊、專業創新工作坊。3.教導創業課程:產品設計、行銷管理、人力管理、組織發展、財務管理、資訊與客戶管理。4.創業家經驗傳承:傑出教育創新與創業家的經驗分享,與合作平台的搭建。5.創業行動與實踐:構想實作、商業運作、公司設立、經營策略、績效評估。本課程搭配教育部之創新創業人才培育計畫,透過跨領域(技術團隊+管理團隊)的組成,透過課堂講授、分組課後討論、專家顧問指導、企業組織參訪,在課程內從教育創新與創業的理解公司的構想實作、商業運作、公司設立、經營策略、績效評估的歷程教導,將學生完整了解公司營運的歷程。(本課程搭配創新與創業團隊實際運作,在這個課程的創新與創業團隊實際運作,本校創新育成中心可以提供在本課程學生組成創業團隊,同時也提供創業團隊可以免費使用創立方創業空間,及優先推薦團隊申請Ustart創業補助的申請) |
課程代碼:07017201,授課教授:黃杏妃,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course, which is conducted in English, is designed for high-intermediate to advanced English learners. It is based on a content-based syllabus, utilizing lectures on topics from different academic disciplines and related reading materials. The authentic content provides both a context for the practice of important language skills and a basis for the exploration of high-interest topics for learners. The course covers diverse issues and integrates vocabulary, grammar, listening and speaking skills necessary for academic success. Throughout the semester, students are encouraged to improve their academic listening and speaking ability by listening to lectures and participating in discussions, as well as practicing note-taking and summarizing. |
課程代碼:07017102,授課教授:陳綉諭,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:Reading and Oral Trainingis a one-semester course for high-intermediate to advanced learners of English. The course, which is conducted in English, is designed to acclimate students to using English as a tool for advanced communication. During the course, students will enhance their reading and speaking skills through lectures, pair/group discussions, oral presentations, role-play, writing assignments, watching films, and other in-class activities. Students will become familiar with different communication styles and methods of organization for handling discussion and presentation of contemporary issues through a combination of reading materials and speaking exercises on various subjects from different sources, such as novels, news media, blog posts, and academic articles. Students will also learn to summarize texts, analyze structure (through outlining), compare and contrast, and give opinions, which can be extended to more advanced reading skills, e.g. identifying facts and opinions, and making inferences in class. |
課程代碼:50101000,授課教授:林質心,開課院所:外國語文學院的英國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course aims at introducing students to the philosophical, religious, and literary texts that have been read as the foundation of western civilization.Students who want to take this course should come to the first session with the reading for the first week done and be prepared for the quiz. The textbooks and the reading package will be available two weeks before the semester starts. The book can be purchased at the University Bookstore, and the reading package at馨園影印店(台北市文山區文山區二段119巷2號1樓; 29369521,正門對面屈臣氏旁巷子,可麗餅旁邊). Students who are registered for this course will receive an instruction for their readings through their school emails. Students who are not registered but are considering taking this course should email the instructor for information about the reading or ask questions ([email protected]).For the first half of the semester, students will read various texts of the Greek and Hebrew cultures, including the Hebrew Bible (the Old Testament), Greek epics, and Greek drama. The historical contexts of the two cultures will be studied and compared. Plato’s and Aristotle’s perceptions of the universe will be studied along with that of the biblical authors’, and human struggles in both cultures will be examined to highlight how ancient peoples of the West defined their positions in history and beyond.For the second half of the semester, students will examine how the Romans and Christians adopted and redefined the Hebrew and the Greek cultures and merged them to understand and form their cultural, political, and religious identities. Students will study how the Romans absorbed and reshaped the Greek culture in their epic, philosophy, and poetics and how Christians understood the Hebrew Bible and redefined/reinterpreted many of its key issues in the New Testament. The semester will end with Augustine, who demonstrated how Plato’s philosophy and Cicero’s rhetoric helped understand the Bible and how such a new understanding helped him reposition his life. |
課程代碼:50101001,授課教授:許立欣,開課院所:外國語文學院的英國語文學系,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:The class focuses on the close study of a number of major worksfrom the Classical to thepre-Medieval period, including the Bible, Greek mythology and literature, and Roman literature.This course aims to guide students to examine critical classical and pre-medieval cultures and legends by focusing on various canonical works.Students are expected to understand important ideas in classical and pre-medieval literature and cultures, analyze important themes and motives in the literary works, and become acquainted with Greek, Roman, and pre-Medieval traditions.At the end of the course, students will be able tounderstand further the significant religious, historical, social, artistic works or events that have influenced and shaped Western society and literature. |
課程代碼:75492400,授課教授:陳紹寬,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的10點到12點,課程大綱:課程大致分為兩個階段,第一階段在了解選擇或製作疾病模式時需考慮的因素,並學習製作疾病模式時所需的研究方法,第二階段則以實際的例子對照學習。學生將選擇感興趣的疾病並練習如何選擇適當的疾病模型。主要內容包括:1.致病因子的探討,2.疾病動物模式的選擇,3.疾病動物模式的製作,4.個別疾病模式的討論 |
課程代碼:75400900,授課教授:陳紹寬、詹銘煥、廖文霖、趙知章,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的10點到12點,課程大綱:本課程介紹細胞基本組成結構,以及細胞內生物分子如何產生、作用及調節。 |
課程代碼:75492000,授課教授:趙知章,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的10點到12點,課程大綱:為引導學生體驗研究經驗和激發研究潛能與興趣,本課程藉由學生進入指導老師的實驗室,以基礎生物和生物醫學為根本,經由執行專題研究,循序漸進地引導學生掌握更多的實驗實作技巧,使能融合理論及實務,訓練獨立研究解決問題的能力。 |
課程代碼:75492100,授課教授:廖文霖,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:神經發育學是研究神經系統如何從無到有的過程。除了巨觀上的結構變化,微觀上神經元的誘導、增生、分化、存活, 及突觸形成和精減的過程,均涉及複雜的分子調控機轉。胚胎時期神經系統的發育失常可能造成出生後突觸傳遞及大腦結構的改變,進而導致不同年齡個體之心智行為功能障礙。 |
課程代碼:70200600,授課教授:洪菁穗,開課院所:理學院的心理學系,授課時間:禮拜五的14點到17點,課程大綱:生理心理學,亦稱「心理生物學」、「行為生物學」、「行為神經科學」,是一門研究心理現象背後生物機制的科學。心理學所探討的是心靈與環境之間的互動關係,而生理心理學則是關心神經系統在中間所扮演的角色。本課程內容即是從此觀點立基設計。在學期初先講授大腦的結構與功能,以及多種大腦研究的途徑與方法,包括神經解剖學、神經生理學、神經化學、神經發育、神經內分泌、神經病理學、神經藥理學與神經影像學。之後,我們將討論如何結合大腦研究方法與心理學實驗設計來探索身心調控的大腦機制,包括大腦結構與功能發生障礙時出現的異常行為。主題將涵蓋:感覺、知覺、運動控制、動機與情緒、學習與記憶、生殖行為、飲食、體溫調控、睡-醒調節、日夜節律和意識。此外,本課程也會探討先天因素(如:基因、遺傳)、後天因素(如:教育、環境、文化、老化、疾病)以及兩者的交互作用如何影響大腦發育,進而導致大腦結構與功能的個體差異。我們還將展示案例研究,為如何將本課程中學到的核心知識進行臨床和商業應用提供思路。通過這樣的課程安排,我們希望為學生提供生理心理學的背景知識,同時賦予他們知識轉化的能力。Physiological psychology, also known as psychobiology, behavioral biology, and behavioral neuroscience, is a science on biological mechanisms underlying psychological phenomena. Psychology explores the interaction between the mind and the environment, while the physiological psychology is concerned with the role played by the brain. The design of this course is based on this view of point. In the first part of the course, we will introduce the structure and function of the brain, as well as diverse brain study approaches, including neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neurochemistry, neurodevelopment, neuroendocrine, neuropathology, neuropharmacology and neuroimaging. Then, we will discuss how to combine brain research methods and psychological experiment designs to explore the brain mechanisms of the body and mind, including abnormal behaviors that occurred in brain dysfunction. The topics will cover sensation, perception, motor control, motivation and emotion, learning and memory, reproductive behaviors, eating, drinking, body temperature control, sleep-wake regulation, circadian rhythms and consciousness. In addition, we will address how nature (i.e. genes, heredity), nurture (i.e. education, environment, culture, aging, and disease) and its interaction affect the brain development, in which results individual differences in the brain structure and function. We will also demonstrate cases studies to give ideas on how to adapt the hard-core knowledge learned in this course into clinical and commercial application. With such a course arrangement, we hope to equip students with background knowledge in biopsychology and empower them with knowledge transformation. |
課程代碼:75400800,授課教授:陳紹寬、詹銘煥、廖文霖、趙知章,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:教授神經系統的結構與功能,了解各種生理功能與行為的內在神經機制。 |
課程代碼:75492500,授課教授:詹銘煥,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的10點到12點,課程大綱:闡述離子通道在生物體上生理功能、藥理作用和病理病因之重要角色,並討論離子通道產生缺陷時,如藥毒物誘發、基因突變等,導致人體或其他動物病變之相關性。 |
課程代碼:07021600,授課教授:吳彥杰,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:無 |
課程代碼:07037001,授課教授:李怡志,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:生成圖像 (Generative Art)從2022年開始,成為設計的新領域。本課程將帶領學生學習生成圖像工具,並應用在創意發想與日常設計場景中。同時也會介紹生成圖像的理論、未來商業展望。適合沒有學習過生成圖像工具 (Midjourney, Dall.e, Leonardo, Playground) 的同學參加。本課程不講授 Stable Difussion。 |
課程代碼:07037200,授課教授:柯玉佳、張瑜倩,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的14點到16點,課程大綱:「永續」是近年最熱門議題之一,無論是企業經營或是政策制定,如何減少對環境負擔、建設以人為本的環境,以及在永續逐漸成為顯學時,企業如何運用這股趨勢發展永續策略、產生創新,進而形成永續商業模式,這不僅對公司治理以及整體社會帶來正面效益,更可創造出巨大價值。本課程為一「做中學」之課程,提供修課同學在永續創新及商業模式議題之理解,並透過實作專案,由業師(樹冠投資影響力楊家彥博士)及授課教師帶領,除了課堂講授,更需實際進入企業,在學期末能完成永續報告書、碳盤查報告以及影響力評估報告,以提供學生在此課程主題上之理解,並透過做中學,能夠更深入了解永續議題及實踐作為,以作為未來投入相關領域之基礎。 |
課程代碼:10419800,授課教授:李維倫,開課院所:文學院的哲學系,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:無 |
課程代碼:07021500,授課教授:陳文玲,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:本課不開放電腦選課,有意選修的人創學程、創創學程與廣告系同學,請於9月12日第一堂課親至藝文中心三樓創意實驗室,瞭解「跨界專題:X計畫」課程設計與進行方式,並於9月19日第二堂課提出個人或小組的「大學未竟之夢」,經與指導老師充分討論,始完成選課程序。「人文創新學程(簡稱人創)」和「創新與創造力學程(簡稱創創)」承接政大創意學程、大學小革命、X書院與轉注藝遊計畫之理念,以藝文中心三樓創意實驗室為基地,運用人文社會知識,突破體制框架,創造虛實並務、新舊融合的跨領域平台,培養一群有勇氣面對未來、有能力解決問題的政大師生。之於人創和創創兩個學程,關係是根本,所以我們鼓勵師與師、師與生、生與生互相領路;實作是力量,所以我們導入審美、創意、敘事與科技,鍛鍊師生的感受力、分析力與表述力;情境是動機,所以我們探索社會議題與自身處境,導引師生思考創造,走出已知之門,踏上未知之旅。「跨界專題:X計畫」這門課由資科系李蔡彥教授、中文系曾守正教授和廣告系陳文玲教授共同設計, 每年邀請不同學門老師加入,透過組隊、媒合、討論、提案、實作和期末聯展,帶領兩個學程的同學,打破傳統的上課形式與師生關係,往自我覺察、自主學習、團隊合作和能量流動前行,並在過程中不斷思考「X」之於自己和世界的意義。 |
課程代碼:07022200,授課教授:張駿逸,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的14點到16點,課程大綱:本課程為教育部「數位人文創新人才培育計畫」之課程,強調「跨域共授」與「學生實作」,因此除了傳統內容的管理與經營之外,更邀請AI管理專長和有機修復的外師共授以增加科技在博物館實際應用的教學與實作。本課程的內容與教學方式乃針對已經具有民族學與民族誌基礎知識的大二學生所設計,主要是藉由歸納國內外博物館在管理與經營方面的知識,提供學生一個探究未來職場可能性的視窗;希冀透過本課程的基礎,令學生可以透過認識博物館的建立、架構、運作、功能與責任,而更了解如何看待博物館,進而認識自己在未來是否適合成為一個博物館人以及如何在博物館領域遂行自己的理想與抱負。 |
課程代碼:07022500,授課教授:曾守正,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:本課程旨在探討中國文學作品的發展歷史,包含作品的形成、演變與影響。在斷代分期下,通過主要文體、代表作家的討論與細讀,一方面形成歷史敘述,一方面體察史觀作用。【若需遠距教學,其課程進行方式如下】一、本學期中國學史(包含討論課)所採用的遠距教學平台為:Microsoft Teams 。請同學先行進校內申辦學校Mail3的信箱帳號,屆時將透過Mail3帳號登入Microsoft Teams系統。Mail3帳號申請方式:登入INCCU→點選右上角「個人設定」→於進階設定欄位選擇【啟用】Microsoft 365。(信箱帳號即為Microsoft Teams的登錄帳號)二、註冊Microsoft Teams系統並加入課程。請自行下載Microsoft Teams,註冊完成【務請同學以中文姓名】並登入後,請點選如下連結加入課程(屆時公佈連結網址) |
課程代碼:07026000,授課教授:陳文玲,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:「創意與設計」是一堂由政大傳院、人文創新學程與X實驗學院籌備處合作研發的創意課,融合創意思考與設計體驗,如同一趟旅行,從已知開始,往未知移動。本課不開放電腦選課,有意選修的傳播學院與人創學程同學,請於9月11日第一堂上課前完成課前作業,上課時親至藝文中心三樓創意實驗室,以至多5分鐘發表作品,經與授課老師討論,始完成選課。完成課前作業的五個步驟:步驟1 : 細讀許甄倚老師〈棲居的詩學:陳黎作品中的空間印象與人文關懷〉步驟2:任選一本空間設計書或雜誌翻讀步驟3:觀察一個與自己有關係的空間步驟4:想像,然後手繪或電繪這個空間新的可能,做成一頁投影片,上傳至 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FFhbhNdBUVSlfc4j2CiGClGgOS1EXqun步驟5:在第一堂課上發表關於人文創新學程2006年秋天,政大翻轉上課形式,設計了一個以直覺、感官、感情為主的教育實驗,前四年稱之為創意學程,第五年起,更名為X書院,2018年,轉型為由創新與創造力中心主導的人文創新學程(簡稱X College)。「Χ」來自數學方程式的「未知」;除了「日常」這個外顯現實,「X」代表的是看不見、摸不到,但確實存在於我們心裡的內在現實。過去17年,在藝文中心三樓的創意實驗室,老師跟學生透過書寫和繪畫,食物和音樂,夢和神話,薩提爾(Satir)、歐文亞隆(Irvin Yalom)、羅洛梅(Rollo May)和榮格(C.G. Jung),進入第二個現實,浸泡在這個被創造出來的異次元裡,直到夠了,再回到原先的現實,拿掉一點舊的什麼,以便納進一點新的可能。關於實驗教育馮朝霖(2008)將德語「bildung」這個詞翻譯成「陶養」,並指出陶養理論的「六種精神」為:教育沒有一個固定的終極目的,它是一個開放性的轉化歷程,本身即為目的;學習的過程須要容忍模糊、體驗真理的曖昧、並從事無止盡的自我實驗;教育的意義在助人自我完成、打開世界觀、看見差異、包容多元;旅行與漂流是自我陶養的最佳途徑;人的自我知識十分有限,要在網絡連結與跨界聯繫當中建構意義;助人從自我中心解放而能自由參與互動、遊戲與共創。關於X實驗學院籌備處X的意義是多重的,可以是字母,也可以是不同意涵的象徵。暫時落腳在創意實驗室的X實驗學院籌備處,短期內,將以旅行為隱喻,改造社資中心,使之成為育成課程、專案與學程的行動基地。長遠看,X實驗學院並非政大第13個學院,而是透過連結與協作,與所有學院共同培育具備自主、跨域、實作與思考未來等素養之政大人的第0學院。 |
課程代碼:07034700,授課教授:汪文豪,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的14點到16點,課程大綱:本課程擬以發展出〈文山茶學旅〉為目標,連結新店溪流域上游的景美溪、北勢溪等二格山系與南港山系的木柵、南港舊庄、深坑、石碇、坪林、平溪與新店等地的大文山地區為範疇,從茶產業的歷史脈絡出發,延伸探索在地的風土人文、宗教、生態環境、飲食特色等面向,營造大文山常民生活的文化路徑,並透過社區與社群傳播的方式呈現。歷史上的文山茶主要透過水路與陸路對外銷售,水路主要沿著景美溪流域透過船運將文山茶運到大稻埕行銷世界,陸路則透過淡蘭古道南段連結坪林、石碇、深坑與六張犁等地進入台北盆地。而現代橫貫台北盆地的106號公路東段所連結的台北景美、木柵、新北深坑、石碇、坪林與平溪,以及台九線北宜公路連結的新店、石碇、坪林等地,恰好同時連結文山茶貿易歷史上的水路與陸路。因此本計畫也希望透過「里山倡議」的精神,盤點出公路沿途山村的物產與環境特色,透過「大文山茶文化」的概念串聯,形塑文山茶學旅的文化路徑。 |
課程代碼:07022100,授課教授:林果顯、廖文宏,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜一的14點到16點,課程大綱:※本課程為大學部選修課程!※本課程所用數位工具適合一般文科生,不需程式寫作能力。本課程為台灣史研究所開設的「臺灣與近代世界」跨領域學程科目之一,亦為一般選修學分。本課程同時加入國立政治大人文創新學程 / 創新與學造力學程,與本校資訊科學系廖文宏老師共創課程,在一般歷史課程之外(內容),加入數位工具的學習與應用課程(數位),培養歷史與科技之間的跨界運用與反思能力,藉以強化在未來數位時代中的人文素養。 |
課程代碼:07028800,授課教授:李昀叡,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到15點,課程大綱:隨著智慧化AI與虛擬化XR的趨勢,數位多媒體策展成為博物館展示中之必要元素,博物館科技廣納AR導覽、VR擬真、MR融合等XR體驗,以及體感互動、五感裝置、沈浸式劇場等多元形式,本課程探討如何善用科技雙向高互動優勢,將知識文化進行有效的轉譯並應用於傳播博物館展項。此外,本課程也同時探討數位行銷應用於商業及廣告範疇,以及社群平台及數位行銷模式,一起瞭解有哪些兼具創意與科技的有趣應用,而身為行銷人是如何善用這些工具。課程中將充滿相互激盪與練習、以及借鏡許多國內外經典案例。數位行銷及博物館科技立基於有趣好玩,激起人們的互動興趣,本課程也同樣體現如此特點。 |
課程代碼:07037100,授課教授:李淑菁,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的13點到16點,課程大綱:※此為暫定大綱,未來將依學生想法、修課人數與程度進行彈性調整NOTICE1.為配合雙語師資培育的專業需求,本門課在教學過程中,亦將以營造雙語師資養成之教學情境為目的,鼓勵學生在根據108課綱相關議題的作業報告,或其他教學互動的參與能以雙語方式進行討論,期望修課同學未來若有志雙語教職,能以專業之語言與學科內容兼顧的方式進行(Content and Language Integrated Learning, CLIL)。2.此課程同時也是X實驗學院、人創學程課程「X實驗學院(Xperimental College)」是政大正在規劃校內第 0 個學院,以「旅行」為隱喻,以青年旅館與青年遊樂場為概念,將社資中心打造為教學實驗平台,孵育各種創新、前瞻但尚未具體成形的課程、專案與學程。聯合開學營隊@創意實驗室:10/14(六)、10/15(日)、10/21(六)、10/22(日)共四梯,每梯10:00-17:00 (請任選一梯參與) [抵兩周課程]學期中互相交流+學期末聯合呈獻3.搭配X實驗學院+2課程之規劃,請修課同學自行選擇兩次演講或一整天的繪圖工作坊(見課綱內容)參與相關教學活動,此為第17、18週教師彈性補充教學 [時間上若無法搭配課程時間 請勿選修]4.走讀課程 (請自備手機+耳機 預計利用google meet 沿路導覽)5.第一次上課請務必出席 否則之後請自行退課~----------------------------------------------課程目的Banks (2001)提出的多元文化教育學校革新五面向,直指教師角色的重要性。再完美的多元文化教育課程到一些對不同族群、性別或文化群體有負面態度的教師手裡,設計再好的課程可能呈現不出它的意義。因此如Foster (1997)所言,教師要經常去審視自己不經意的偏見對於社會經濟背景較低、不同性別、族群、甚至不同能力的學生的影響,否則再多的教育政策及措施,也無法改變什麼。該課程著重增強學生的多元文化識讀能力,希望藉體驗、實作、影片討論、相關閱讀與討論、演講、走讀,以及問題提出的訓練,使學生能夠具備多元文化教育基本素養,俾使不但能轉化到未來教學的課程設計,也能藉此省思自己與社會的關係,重新用多元文化的觀點重新省思教育的意涵、教育政策可能的問題以及避免「問題化」他者的教學及輔導策略。對於非教育系/非往教育之路前行的學生而言,則可增加多元文化素養,作為所有創意發想與實踐的重要人文底蘊培養。更透由X實驗學院跨領域、面向未來的課程擴大教育系學生的教育想像,讓學生未來在各行各業都能成為具跨領域能力的廣義教育工作者。 |
課程代碼:15580000,授課教授:羅崇銘,開課院所:文學院的圖書資訊與檔案學研究所,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:人用感官感受到的訊息來描述這個世界與傳遞知識,文字與語言的發明使得溝通更有效率,也能用遠距的方式達到溝通的目的,並因此產生了文明,時至今日,數位內容透過網路與行動裝置,成為新媒體,資訊科技也讓多媒體資訊隨處可得甚至於可任意創造,本課程將介紹多媒體資料的數位化,如何透過Python進行數位資料的處理,尤其是最不容易解譯的影像與多媒體,生成式AI將在下半段的課程中簡介出來,包括文字生成-ChatGPT/圖片生成-Stable Diffusion/音樂生成/影片生成,除了探究如何典藏文明,也會介紹結合AI的現代式媒體。 |
課程代碼:10100800,授課教授:曾守正,開課院所:文學院的中國文學系,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:本課程旨在探討中國文學作品的發展歷史,包含作品的形成、演變與影響。在斷代分期下,通過主要文體、代表作家的討論與細讀,一方面形成歷史敘述,一方面體察史觀作用。【若需遠距教學,其課程進行方式如下】一、本學期中國學史(包含討論課)所採用的遠距教學平台為:Microsoft Teams 。請同學先行進校內申辦學校Mail3的信箱帳號,屆時將透過Mail3帳號登入Microsoft Teams系統。Mail3帳號申請方式:登入INCCU→點選右上角「個人設定」→於進階設定欄位選擇【啟用】Microsoft 365。(信箱帳號即為Microsoft Teams的登錄帳號)二、註冊Microsoft Teams系統並加入課程。請自行下載Microsoft Teams,註冊完成【務請同學以中文姓名】並登入後,請點選如下連結加入課程(屆時公佈連結網址) |
課程代碼:10400100,授課教授:劉若韶,開課院所:文學院的哲學系,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:本課程為哲學入門課程,旨在為哲學之初學者提供基礎訓練,一方面簡單介紹哲學的主要領域和基本問題,另一方面特別強調對問題、論證、概念的分析和理解,以及開放心靈的培養。 |
課程代碼:00022600,授課教授:周家瑜,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:本課程旨在介紹政治學之意涵,以培養學生運用理論與概念對政治現象與議題進行批判性思考之能力,教師每周講授政治學中各項主題與相關爭論,藉由課堂討論與考試使同學熟悉本學科中基本概念,課程當中將從政治學基本概念開始,修習同學無須先有政治學背景。 |
課程代碼:20400801,授課教授:黃厚銘,開課院所:社會科學學院的社會學系,授課時間:禮拜二的12點到16點,課程大綱:社會學是什麼?社會學產生的時代背景為何?社會學的鼻祖們關心些什麼?到底是什麼構成了社會學的學科特性?還有,社會學是不是一門科學?是哪一種意義下的科學?社會學到底該不該努力成為一門像經濟學、乃至於像自然科學那樣的科學呢?理論在社會學中又有什麼樣的地位與角色?是用以反映真實,還是創造差異?有何必要花時間理解與閱讀一個世紀以前的著作?以及,學術進步在社會學裡的意義內涵是什麼?做為奠定社會學傳統的古典三大家Marx、Weber與Durkheim,都是關注於他們當時社會所面臨的重大問題。以他們心目中的科學方法加以研究,並藉此提出各自的分析與診斷。而啟蒙以降,理性與科學的地位提昇具體展現為科技的進展,並以工業革命和資本主義政治經濟體制,形塑了現代社會有別於傳統社會的特色,也帶來了新時代的社會問題。此即三大家共同的問題意識。 |
課程代碼:10400500,授課教授:王華,開課院所:文學院的哲學系,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:無 |
課程代碼:40594000,授課教授:陳儒修,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的13點到16點,課程大綱:注意:本課程架構沿用111學年的內容。將會視本學期課程進度與日期安排調整。將會在正式上課後公告。本課程透過解析影像構成之各種元素,包括攝影機運動、剪接、燈光、美術、聲音等,以及影像生成的必要條件,包括劇本、演員、資金、科技、設備等,藉以探討影像美學,以及與影像關聯之意識型態、政治經濟、社會文化等議題。 |
課程代碼:00021912,授課教授:胡偉民,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:經濟學是一門橫跨自然與人文領域的科學,而本學期的課程主要的目標在於探討理性的個人如何在資源有限的條件下進行選擇。在本課程中我們會介紹效率的觀念,效率與公平間可能存在的衝突,以及從消費者、生產者、政府、社會的角度說明經濟效率的意義,和各類不同的角色的決策(例如消費或生產)與經濟效率間的關聯。 |
課程代碼:00021101,授課教授:蔡中民,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:本課程旨在致力基礎學科之訓練,強調理論與實務的結合,培養學生對政治學的興趣。透過對研究方法、基本概念,議題探索的學習,預期學生在修習完全學年的課程後,能具備基本的分析研究能力,順利銜接後續的進階專業課程,並能在教師的協助下,申請與執行國科會專題研究計畫。 |
課程代碼:00022601,授課教授:孫采薇,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:無 |