課程代碼:17200700,授課教授:游琇婷,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:The primary objective of this course is to develop a research orientation among the students and to acquaint them with fundamentals of research methods. Specifically, the course aims at introducing them to the basic concepts used in research and to scientific research methods. The contents include discussions on various research designs, methodologies, qualitative and quantitative techniques of analysis. Moreover, this course also includes components such as research ethics, useful research resources, computational techniques and skills, reading and writing academic research papers that would prepare students that would prepare students to start their own research project and program.
課程代碼:17294900,授課教授:吳治勳,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:心理病理學(Psychopathology)是探討心理疾患(psychological disorders)的科學,主要包含「臨床描述(clinical description)」、「病理(etiology)」及「治療與效果(treatment and outcome)」等三部份。本課程為初步介紹、探討心理病理學的課程。
課程代碼:17288600,授課教授:李淑菁,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:NOTICE1.搭配X實驗學院+2課程之規劃,請修課同學自行選擇兩次演講或一整天的繪圖工作坊(見課綱內容)參與相關教學活動,此為第17、18週教師彈性補充教學 [時間上若無法搭配課程時間 請勿選修]2.走讀課程 (請自備手機+耳機 預計利用google meet 沿路導覽)3.本課程相關活動時間偶爾跨及週四下午、週五或周末,請確認時間可配合再修課4.第一次上課請務必出席 否則之後請自行退課~Banks (2001)提出的多元文化教育學校革新五面向,直指教師角色的重要性。再完美的多元文化教育課程到一些對不同族群、性別或文化群體有負面態度的教師手裡,設計再好的課程可能呈現不出它的意義。因此如Foster (1997)所言,教師要經常去審視自己不經意的偏見對於社會經濟背景較低、不同性別、族群、甚至不同能力的學生的影響,否則再多的教育政策及措施,也無法改變什麼。該課程著重增強學生的多元文化識讀能力,希望藉體驗、實作、影片討論、相關閱讀與討論、演講、走讀,以及問題提出的訓練,使學生能夠具備多元文化教育基本素養,俾使不但能轉化到未來教學的課程設計,也能藉此省思自己與社會的關係,重新用多元文化的觀點重新省思教育的意涵、教育政策可能的問題以及避免「問題化」他者的教學及輔導策略。對於非教育系/非往教育之路前行的學生而言,則可增加多元文化素養,作為所有創意發想與實踐的重要人文底蘊培養。多元文化教育是有機教育的基礎,也是教育的未來。多元文化教育的未來可從理論與行動層次分別來談,兩者皆與教師角色息息相關。在理論層次,多元文化教育需要開始運用交織性(intersectionality)概念,以便能夠更細膩的看見多元文化背景學生的教育處境;在行動層次,「有機教育」需要以多元文化教育作為基底,在對性/別、階級、族群、障礙者文化等產生某程度的理解與尊重後,從鉅觀(macro-)、中觀(meso-)與微觀(micro-)三個層次實踐多元文化教育。因此,此課程將以「交織性」及近年來在西方國家開始討論的「交織教育學」(Intersectional Pedagogy)作為主要思考與理解的重點。由於這在台灣是個新領域,因此會有較多的外文讀本,但是本課程不求閱讀的量,而是會帶著同學精讀,並連結到台灣場域,並與之對話,並一起思考實踐上可能的做法。多元文化教育的反歧視教育必需包括媒體素養教育、體驗教育、語言與文化教育、國際教育、民主與公民教育,並納入批判教育學(critical pedagogy)的觀點,包括對性/別、階級、種族/族群、能力等面向的反思批判能力,其理論基礎為社會學、文化研究、教育社會學等,但多數教育學院學生無此訓練,因此該課程規劃先讓閱讀一本重要經典《污名》(E. Goffman,1963),作為在進入「多元文化教育」之前的基礎紮根工作,提升同學「看見」的能力,也讓同學未來進行資料分析時,具備更洞悉的分析能力。在研究交織教育學後,還要處理社會與文化韌性(social and cultural resilience)的議題才能完整,才能彰顯其實踐性(praxis),因此此課程也創新性地將「韌性」的文本加進來,讓大家一起思考這個重要、但在台灣多元文化教育少被思考的議題。
課程代碼:15257800,授課教授:周祝瑛,開課院所:教育學院的教育學系,授課時間:禮拜四的13點到16點,課程大綱:This seminar will discuss educational issues in the context of globalization, internationalization, localization, Sinicization, Westernization, and cross-straitization. Our content will explore theories and examples in peace and conflict education in an age of increasing international exchange in spite of the threat from the pandemic, the COVID 19. Starting with the case of the educational system and exchange activities between China and Taiwan in the last two most dynamic decades, this seminar also attempts to showcase some other concurrent international case studies among Asian states by justifying how cultural and educational exchange contributed to better understanding of some former rival states in Asia. In Yale Richmond’s renowned book, titledCultural Exchange and the Cold War: Raising the Iron Curtain, the author concludes that cultural exchange has a gradual but compelling and long-lasting effect over transforming people’s attitude and mind-set, and therefore, it will change the relationship between rivalry parties and enemies.Weekly topics include cultural exchange and critical educational issues such as between North and South Korea, China and Taiwan, Israel and Palestine, etc. The seminar is designed to brainstorm a possible paradigm shift in dealing with peace and conflict education via cultural exchange in the context during the pandemic. By demonstrating the dynamic relationship between the above-mentioned case studies, the discussion will also compare different national strategies toward cultural exchange via in-personal or virtual practices among different sets of examples to introduce a new paradigm shift during the pandemic. These changes altogether produce multifaceted influences on people and society in Asia.Participants of this class will be able to discuss a wide-variety of concerning issues from comparative, international and even personal perspectives of educational exchanges. Classes will be conducted in a two-way and interactive format between instructor and students, which intends to invite more shared ideas and inspiration about the topics. It is hoped this class will help students understand educational theories and practices in peacemaking and conflict resolution and apply this knowledge and experience in their future careers.
課程代碼:15272500,授課教授:倪鳴香,開課院所:教育學院的教育學系,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:在人文社會科學中,生命主體的「傳記」可經由「敘述訪談法」(Narratives Interview)而獲得,我們稱它為「生命口述傳記」。此研究典範自80年代至今已廣為流傳,並運用在各學術領域於傳記性、代間或新興社會議題等的探究。「敘述訪談法」不僅是採集口述傳記研究重要的方法,在教育學中更是理解教育主體傳記性經驗,以及建構在地化教育理論重要的路經。本課程除介紹該研究法於教育學研究上運用的範疇,也協助學習者認識及涉入探究口述傳記的文本世界。(本學期課程除前後的兩週外,將於9月22-24日、10月6-8日、12月1-3日三個週末工作坊來進行)
課程代碼:15256800,授課教授:侯永琪,開課院所:教育學院的教育學系,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:This international program aims to provide postgraduate students who are interested in higher education, with a sound background in the global trends in policy making, quality assurance system, cross border education development, and student mobility. Contemporary theory and practice in higher education development and research as well as globalization impacts on Asia nations will be focus of the international program. Students are encouraged to consider these issues in their own context of practice and the implication. Moreover, students are expected to complete an English proposal with a focus of higher education policy and quality assurance by the end of the course.There are three subthemes in the course, including global trends, quality and higher education policy; universities’ governance, internationalization strategies and TNE, quality assurance in higher education
課程代碼:ZU101200,授課教授:陳虹穎,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:How do you study ‘the elephant in the room’? How to see both the forest and the trees? Moreover, how can you communicate your ideas in effective ways? This course aims to equip you with the basic knowledge of research design, methods, and skills to guideyou through the process of developing a research project. The skills that you learn in this course will benefit you not only in academic learning but also in your future careers.This course will introduce a range of qualitative, quantitative and integrative research methods to help you begin to master research methods and appreciate interdisciplinary research methods. Through readings, lectures, workshops and experience sharing of practitioners, we will explore research projects and academic skills across a range of subject areas including environmental, scientific, technological, social, political, cultural and business management studies.
課程代碼:ZU102400,授課教授:翁燕菁,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的13點到16點,課程大綱:Our seminars offer multi-disciplinary perspectives both on institutions and jurisprudences, addressing controversial issues and important debates. Our aim is to bridge international and national dialogues and encourage students to observe conflicting interests.This course is co-organized by the College of Law and the Department of Political Science, with Prof. Yao-ming Hsu and Prof. Vivianne Weng taking turns hosting each seminar. In view of students’ pragmatic needs for their future careers,Chinese Mandarin will be used as a supporting language for our discussions.Nota bene: We welcome every student from all faculties of NCCU to join us. However, to follow this advanced course for both graduates and undergraduates, students must have completed studies ofconstitutional laworpublic international law.
課程代碼:ZU189000,授課教授:彭保羅,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的16點到18點,課程大綱:The notion of Gaia-politics was introduced by Bruno Latour to challenge traditional approaches to sovereignty by taking more seriously thegeoof geopolitics, that is to say its environmental dimension. The ongoing climate emergency is a national security threat for every country if the web of life on Earth, which humans depend on, is to be destroyed at current pace.The Anthropocene implies a large range of man-made massive scale disasters, some of them sudden, but most are chronic, such as the impact of gases on global warming and the massive depletion of biodiversity caused by a combination of global warming, habitat loss, pesticides, antibiotics, plastics, etc. This situation looks very much like a war against other species.This course will thus focus on conflicts between humans and non-humans, or what classical Chinese literature called “the ten thousands beings” (wanwu萬物) which include humans, as well as plants (zhiwu植物), animals (dongwu動物) and all kinds of materialthings, such as stones, plastics and guns. The Chinese characterwu物 works for all these.However, the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the growing military pressure that China puts on Taiwan are cruel reminders of how the appetite of imperial authoritarianism only adds fuel to the fire of global warming. How therefore can democracies vulnerable to authoritarian regimes address the twin challenges of the climate emergency and ensuring the protection of their sovereignty?
課程代碼:ZU189400,授課教授:史蘭亭,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:The emergence of sharing economy and gig economy is seen as an economic revolution or a disruptive innovation to the capitalistic market-mediated exchange. This new economic paradigm marks the rise of crowd-based capitalism, enabled by the development of digital technologies. In about 10-years time, different models of sharing economy and gig economy sweep the world and change the human lifestyle.Despite the fact that various sharing economy and gig economy activities have penetrated into our daily lives, questions and debates about the legitimacy as well as the social and cultural impact brought by this new form of economic model continue.The development path, typology and business models of sharing economy and gig economy will be introduced in this course. Both non-for-profit and profit-oriented sharing practices will be discussed. The driving forces and consumer motivation, legal and cultural aspects, and emerging technologies enabling the development of the sharing economy and gig economy will also be presented in the course.The smart city development is an important movement in urbanization. The development path, planning and execution strategies and business models of the smart city will be introduced in this course. The PPP (public and private partnership) model, which is often adopted in the smart city operation, will also be discussed. At the same time, the relevant topics such as the environment protection, governance and sustainability will also be included in this course.This course aims to provide students’ with knowledge and insight about the new economic paradigm of sharing economy and gig economy, and understanding of the digital technologies, infrastructure, and social political forces shaping the future of our urban environments. We begin by defining smart cities through lectures and case studies, discussing the sharing economy application in smart cities and drill down into the technologies shaping new and existing cities.
課程代碼:ZU100100,授課教授:歐子綺,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的14點到17點,課程大綱:As the introductory lecture for the triple-specialization program of the International College of Innovation, this course aims to guide our first-year students to the world of contemporary global studies. By referring to global studies as a specific field of interdisciplinary expertise, we consider the globe as a community, where environment, resources, species, and human activities are all closely bound together across the sovereign state borders. This course prepares the undergraduates for the three specializations at the International College of Innovation: Globalization and Democratic Governance, Global Technology and Innovation Management, and Asian Society and Sustainable Development. Lectures will be given by different lecturers, experts in their respective domains. Topics of lectures here are indicative, lecturers may fix their own topic accordingly based on their expertise. As a whole, this course puts forward a panorama for the ICI program and pave the way to better comprehend the objectives of our training. This three-credit course is compulsory for all first-year students of ICI and optional to other NCCU students.全球研究導論是創新國際學院的大一的入門必修課。它以ICI的三大領域--「全球治理」(Global Governance)、「永續與社會」(Sustainability and Society)、「資料分析」(Data Analytics)為課程主軸,引領學生們認識這三軸如何在我們複雜的生活世界中相互交織,同時也為學生未來選擇學院的三項專題(全球治理、永續與社會、資料分析)預作準備。在這門課程中,我們將共同探討各種跨越國界的行動者、思想、環境、資源、物種、資本和事件的交會、機遇和挑戰。同時,本課程廣泛引介國際政治經濟學、法律、歷史、地理、社會學、人類學、人權和科技研究等方面的學術研究成果,我們旨在為學生們提供一個跨學科、領域的全球研究知識基礎,充分體現學院特色,並使學生們全景式地概覽創新國際學院四年課程。
課程代碼:ZU101400,授課教授:關秉寅,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的14點到17點,課程大綱:This course introduces undergraduates to the fundamental terminology, concepts, interpretation, and communication of the descriptive and inferential statistics most commonly encountered in scientific research.Learning statistics is like learning an everyday language that is widely used in the scientific community. For example, many research uses surveys, public opinion polls, censuses, and other quantitative data sources to document, describe, and explain a wide range of social phenomena. To join the conversations being conducted in this realm of research, you must be literate in the vocabulary of research, data analysis, and scientific thinking. Knowledge of statistics will enable you to understand professional research literature, communicate with experienced social scientists, conduct quantitative research, and help you access the growing body of social science knowledge. In addition, the course will help students to learn how to use data offered by international data archive projects such as International Social Survey Program or Asian Barometer to explore important social or political issues in the region.
課程代碼:ZU102900,授課教授:陳柏良,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:本課程以台灣為觀察範例,使來自台灣、東亞、中南美洲及歐洲學生,回顧東亞自19世紀中期起,至20世紀80年代後期止,在西方衝擊下,於政治、經濟、社會、文化四個面向近代化回應。本課程分為三個時期:近代化初期(1860-1895); 日治時期(1895-1945); 中華民國政府威權統治時期 (1945-1987)。近代化初期,本課程探討台灣在清領時期既存之政經結構及社會脈絡,以及中、日兩國於19世紀中後期啟動近代化歷程,對台灣及東亞之影響。其後,本課程介紹日本帝國統治台灣後,推行近代化治理及亞洲主義,對台灣與西太平洋各地的衝擊及其回應。最後,本課程介紹二次大戰後,台灣因冷戰結構以及國共對抗,進入威權統治及經濟、社會結構調整,逐步邁向民主化過程。本課程也探討19世紀中葉以來,分別探討西方在各時期,對東亞/西太平洋區域政治、經濟、社會、文化的衝擊、回應與相互調整,及對當代東亞政治、經濟、社會層面之影響。
課程代碼:ZU103000,授課教授:陳柏良,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:Recent advances in computing may place us at the threshold of a unique turning point in human history. Soon we are likely to entrust management of our environment, economy, security, infrastructure, food production, healthcare, and to a large degree even our personal activities, to artificially intelligent computer systems.The prospect of "turning over the keys" to increasingly autonomous systems raises many complex and troubling questions. How will society respond as versatile robots and machine-learning systems displace an ever-expanding spectrum of blue- and white-collar workers? Will the benefits of this technological revolution be broadly distributed or accrue to a lucky few? How can we ensure that these systems respect our ethical principles when they make decisions at speeds and for rationales that exceed our ability to comprehend? What, if any, legal rights and responsibilities should we grant them? And should we regard them merely as sophisticated tools or as a newly emerging form of life?隨著近期AI與自動化設備之技術發展,已達到人類歷史發展之轉折點,人類非常可能大規模地將環境、經濟發展、安全、基礎設備、食物生產與分配、健康照護與保險交由AI與自動化設備安排與執行。本課程目標在介紹AI技術對於倫理與法律制度之衝擊。此次邀請國內外法學者與學生一同參與線上課程,營造國際化學習環境,豐富學生學習資源,增進臺灣與各國學生對於AI技術將造成的社會、政治、經濟與文化衝擊等議題,例如:AI與自動化設備取代白領與藍領勞工工作機會之社會衝擊評估與對應?AI與自動化設備之技術革命帶來之整體利益,是否能公平分配?如何在AI與自動化設備進行自動決策時,確保道德原則?法律是否該賦予AI與自動化設備法律權利與責任,抑或僅是工具或輔助物?進行學術與文化交流,並由臺灣學者介紹臺灣與美國現行與正在研擬之相關法律制度與政策以資比較,藉此使學生能瞭解AI所帶來的衝擊,增進學生到東協國進修或就業的動力,同時也能開展臺灣與東協國家間學術互動與合作的契機。
課程代碼:ZU188800,授課教授:宋皇志,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course is a study of intellectual property management from the perspective of multinational corporations. Course content includes international intellectual property treaties, major national intellectual property policies, patent management, trademark management, copyright management, trade secret management, intellectual property rights planning, intellectual property sales and licensing, intellectual property financing, and intellectual property valuation.
課程代碼:ZU188900,授課教授:南樂,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜一的14點到17點,課程大綱:Welcome to Introduction to Political Science! This course provides a comprehensive overview of the fundamental concepts, theories, and methodologies in the field of political science. As citizens of a complex and interconnected world, it is essential to understand the forces that shape our political systems, the dynamics of power, and the institutions that govern our societies. As aspiring social scientists, we will delve into the study of politics, examining its various dimensions, ideologies, and processes.
課程代碼:ZU189200,授課教授:陳文良,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的14點到17點,課程大綱:Philanthropy is one of the major fields of social work practice. With the rapid development of globalization, internet, IOT, AI and social media, the whole picture of social change became interrelated and complicated. Therefore, Social Work Practice can no longer rely on traditional case work, group work and community engagement based on geographic related scale. Macro Social Work Practice perspective on promoting social change provide social work professionals a timely way of intervention when tackling issues related to larger communities such as national level, or international/global level.  This class will use the framework of Macro Social Work Practice while providing students with working papers, playbooks, white paper from government organizations, foundations or think tanks from UK, US and European Union to capture most updated progresses on philanthropy, civil society, social innovation, digital transformation, and data governance through which social work intervention should find appropriate intervention needs and opportunities in future context. Students will learn how to convey, debate, and discuss issues emerged on these areas during classes and will be required to accomplish a research paper on their-own insight of the future possible macro level intervention and how their strategy will be like based on the recommended materials provided.
課程代碼:ZU189300,授課教授:吳建輝,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:The purpose is this course is to provide advanced studies on global governance and international law through extensive reading on theoretic foundation and intensive in-class engagement. The activities during the class will cover debate, model-IO meeting and mock-trial or moot-court etc. Students are expected to deeply engage with in-class activities, which will be taken into account for their final score of the course. The aim of this course is not to train international lawyers, but to equip the students an angle or a perspective through which they can critically assess global issues that impact one’s everyday life.
課程代碼:ZU189600,授課教授:DeasyRumondang Prisc,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:無
課程代碼:ZU191000,授課教授:戴智偉,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的16點到19點,課程大綱:This course offers an introduction to the concepts of literacy and literature as they apply to various cultures in the Austronesian-speaking world. The Austronesian language family consists of more than 1200 languages which are spoken in Taiwan, islands throughout the Pacific Ocean, Island and Mainland Southeast Asia, and Madagascar. We will look at how a number of Austronesian language communities throughout the Pacific develop traditional and modern literary traditions; what kind of literary and other written genres they develop; how these texts are related to their cultures, moral and religious frameworks, political systems, and social organization; and what their influence is on literacy, language standardization and language politics.This course does not require any existing knowledge of Austronesian languages or cultures. During the semester, students will participate in a weekend-long fieldwork trip to Tainan. This course is taught in English, in collaboration with Prof. Alexander Adelaar of the University of Melbourne.
課程代碼:ZU102200,授課教授:呂欣澤,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:As mentioned by IEEE Spectrum in 2022, Python ranks as the top programming language in eight sources: CareerBuilder, GitHub, Google, Hacker News, the IEEE, Reddit, Stack Overflow, and Twitter. This popularity can be attributed to Python's simplicity, making it an ideal choice for automating routine tasks performed on computers. For instance, you can use Python to collect news articles with predefined keywords from the Internet or count the number of times a button is pressed. As a professional software developer, Python provides the tools to implement not only innovative and sci-fi ideas but also real-world business models. For example, it can enable your car to navigate and visit your friend automatically while ensuring safety or help reconnect friends who have lost touch for a long time. Python is known for its interpreted, compact, and readable nature, making it one of the most extensible languages in the world. Hence, it is safe to say that "Python is just the language for you."
課程代碼:ZU189500,授課教授:卞中佩,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:Sustainable development has been ardently advocated by numerous international institutions, governments, NGOs, and corporations in recent years. Despite its growing prominence, the concept of sustainable development is broad and complex. One illustrative example of its scope is the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These cover a wide array of interconnected objectives, ranging from poverty eradication and climate action, to ensuring inclusive education and beyond.Navigating these multifaceted and often nebulous concepts can pose a significant challenge. The tasks of defining these goals, assessing progress, and crafting effective strategies are no small feats. Yet, the advent of advanced data analysis tools and techniques provides a promising pathway to address these complex issues.
課程代碼:ZU190800,授課教授:張佳康,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的14點到17點,課程大綱:International organisations (IOs) have been created over the past century to advance cooperation among states to find common solutions to international and transnational challenges. IOs are tools of international politics and international relations, while often serve as fora for establishing and realising international norms and principles. Some of the key international challenges tackled by IOs include armed conflicts, humanitarian crises, infectious diseases, climate change, trade rules and global inequality. IOs vary greatly in terms of their mission, functions, membership, structure, powers and geographical scope. The role of IOs in international politics remains controversial: while some perceive them as enablers to achieving global solutions beyond the capacity of individual states, others question their effectiveness and legitimacy given their tendency to be dominated by the most powerful states. States and citizens alike are often disappointed by the gap between IOs’ lofty aspirations and their actual performance in addressing global problems.The course will start by introducing the central analytical approaches that help students understand key aspects of international organisations: their creation and design, their decision-making processes, their impact and policy effectiveness, and their interactions with other international organisations. This analytical framework is then applied to analysis of the functions of the IOs in specific global challenges and policy domains, including peace, security, human rights, trade, crisis response, health and environment. Finally, the course will examine the responsibility and accountability of IOs, discuss Taiwan’s limited participation in these international fora and how it could be strengthened.
課程代碼:ZU190900,授課教授:連賢明,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:The rise of Big Tech is disrupting long entrenched industries across the world, giving rise to new multifaceted challenges for the next generation of tech business leaders. When companies enter new markets, they inevitably confront new, and often unfamiliar, problems operating across bor- ders and encounter different regulatory and cultural systems. Big Tech firms wrangle with such challenges more than most due to their limited pre-existing global infrastructure and ambitious growth objectives.Challenges we will consider include:• To what degree are global Big Tech companies responsible for the political and social impact of how their technology is used, whether intended or not?• What strategies can executives deploy to manage unexpected problems arising from Western tech platforms operating in new countries abroad?• How are U.S. companies (e.g. Amazon, Facebook) and Chinese firms (e.g. Alibaba, Huawei) engaged in uniting or dividing the global Internet landscape? To what extent do they support or challenge government policies and goals as they expand?• Is the world bifurcating into distinct universes of technology platforms divided by national origin? How do executives and politicians decide which platform to embrace and how they should be regulated?• How will the rise of Big Tech reshape international economic and political relationships?• To what degree are global Big Tech companies responsible for the increase of income or wealth inequality over the years?This course considers such questions by examining global business issues through the lens of industry structure, cross-border intellectual property, global supply chains, and the intersection of government and industry. My aim is to provoke intelligent, respectful conversations over business leaders priorities and responsibilities, asking students to think deeply about trade-offs rather than finding a single solution that fits all scenarios. Students will focus on figuring out the right questions for executives to ask and analyze how to uncover practical solutions to complex problems.We will draw lessons from real-life problems faced by global technology companies, primarily those headquartered in Silicon Valley and China, and analyze their successes, failures, and opportunities. We will draw on current news events to understand how executives and policy makers today are grappling, successfully and unsuccessfully, with these issues.We are passionate about this subject and will share insight from first-hand experience advising and reporting on these companies. We expect each student to bring their own personal experiences as a technology user, future business leader and global citizen to our classroom discussion every session. Given the complex and global nature of the subject matter, we ask that all members of the class respect diverse political views and cultural perspectives, which are encouraged to be shared. While we may have strong points of view, ultimately we are working together to find solutions.
課程代碼:ZU191200,授課教授:DeasyRumondang Prisc,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的13點到16點,課程大綱:無
課程代碼:ZM100200,授課教授:李怡志、蔡欣叡,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的15點到18點,課程大綱:This course introduces novel technologies in mass media, new media, exhibition, AI, metaverse and XR interactions. The course is arranged as a seminar course. An invited speaker gives a talk or a workshop os performed relevant to these topics in each week.
課程代碼:ZM100500,授課教授:蔡葵希,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的12點到13點,課程大綱:This course is designed to accommodate four types of overseas experiences for GCIT students: 1) those who obtain their own internships with an overseas company, 2) those who will work with the OIC to go on a study exchange abroad for a semester, 4) those who will work or volunteer abroad with an NGO or NPO, and 4) students who will engage in overseas fieldwork related to their research or academic interests. In all cases, students will have to report to the supervisor of this course regularly, although there will be no set class time. Evaluation will consist of pass or fail based on the successful completion of one of the three ‘projects’ in the course (referring to the internship, exchange, or fieldwork). The goal of the course is for students to gain first-hand experience with media overseas.
課程代碼:ZM191300,授課教授:齊湘,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的13點到16點,課程大綱:Almost everyone does some digital publishing these days, but effective communication through digital platforms is not as easy but is essential to any information worker. This course provides GCIT students with an in-depth, up-to-date understanding of the digital publishing process, including planning, production, tracking, and marketing. Students will gain hands-on experience in each of these areas.
課程代碼:ZM193400,授課教授:林日璇,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:此為英語授課/This course is taught in EnglishThe seminar in Digital Games and Society will focus on the development of theories and research trends/topics in digital game literature. Students will learn how digital game research evolve in communication research. In addition, students will examine phenomena and their effects on human well-being, cognition, and emotions. Furthermore, we will look at how different areas employ digital games as a persuasive and educational tool and identity experiment.
課程代碼:ZM193700,授課教授:林怡潔、蔡葵希,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course is designed to prepare students who are interested in careers in either journalism or the entertainment industries to engage in modern storytelling using the latest technology. We will be covering both fictional and real-life storytelling from practical, theoretical, and industrial angles. Starting with the fictional, we will learn how to craft a good story in English while simultaneously looking at the theories behind fictional stories and how they impact people. We will also be hearing from industry professionals who build and work with stories to bring them to life as audiovisual new media products. At the half-way point, we will transition into the journalistic style and learn about how to bring stories from history and current events to the modern audience using both text and new technologies like virtual and augmented reality. Students are encouraged to take the course New Media & Innovation Technologies first, but it is not a requirement before taking this course.
課程代碼:ZM100400,授課教授:徐美苓,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的18點到20點,課程大綱:GCIT offers a domestic internship course with two credits acknowledged in the Fall semester. Students taking this course aim togain first-hand experience from Taiwanese and international media and technological industries, nonprofit organizations, cultural institutions, and the public and private sectors. Three sets of keywords describe the kind of internship required from this class: communication (including traditional and new media), international or intercultural/cross-cultural, and practical (instead of research-oriented). These organizations must be based in Taiwan, and they do not include students currently employed full-time or part-time.To abide by the policy of the GCIT program, students taking this course must acquire prior approval from the program director before the internship. Students may register for the internship course before or after completing the actual internship. This course is evaluated on a pass/non-pass basis. Students who do not meet the internship within the Fall semester will receive an "incomplete" mark on the transcript.
課程代碼:ZM191200,授課教授:陳宜秀,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course aims to help students understand the interaction process between people and products through lectures and assignments, so they can understand how to design the best interaction experiences with digital media. The word “products” here refers to all objects, digital contents, or services in our environment.The course consists of these units:The nature of interactionIn all things interactive, interaction must go through an “interface” defined by several elements. Interacting through interfaces is one of the fundamentals of how the world works. The course will explain from an analytical point of view what various interface concepts have in common, how they form the basis of human-computer interaction, and how the concepts of human-computer interaction (HCI) are applied to various phenomena.The psychological basis of HCI“Human” is the core of HCI, but what does that even mean? What kind of constraints need to be considered? What principles do people follow when processing information in interfaces and interactive processes? Starting from the visual system, this unit introduces knowledge regarding perception, memory, cognition, and laws of Human Factors engineering. What does “intuitive” really mean?The relationship between HCI and communication, including classical communication theory and principles of human-human dialogues, and how these principles become the foundation of HCI; how to apply these principles to understand interaction results or errors.The context of HCI and design, including basic design research methods, data presentation, and how to deepen the understanding of both the user (human) and the function (machine) from the data.Methods and tools of designing HCI, task design axes, and goals. This unit will also discuss design elements of human-computer interfaces, such as graphical interface elements and rules, information visualization, perceptual design, and information architecture.Prototyping and evaluation of HCI design. A prototype is a means of verification and optimization, and effective prototyping must be accompanied by effective evaluation. This chapter introduces different prototyping techniques and different evaluation methods.New HCI technologies, including the basic technologies of Metaverse such as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and their impacts on future HCI development.Note: This course will be taught in English.
課程代碼:ZM192600,授課教授:連賢明,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:The rise of Big Tech is disrupting long entrenched industries across the world, giving rise to new multifaceted challenges for the next generation of tech business leaders. When companies enter new markets, they inevitably confront new, and often unfamiliar, problems operating across bor- ders and encounter different regulatory and cultural systems. Big Tech firms wrangle with such challenges more than most due to their limited pre-existing global infrastructure and ambitious growth objectives.Challenges we will consider include:• To what degree are global Big Tech companies responsible for the political and social impact of how their technology is used, whether intended or not?• What strategies can executives deploy to manage unexpected problems arising from Western tech platforms operating in new countries abroad?How are U.S. companies (e.g. Amazon, Facebook) and Chinese firms (e.g. Alibaba, Huawei) engaged in uniting or dividing the global Internet landscape? To what extent do they support or challenge government policies and goals as they expand?• Is the world bifurcating into distinct universes of technology platforms divided by national origin? How do executives and politicians decide which platform to embrace and how they should be regulated?• How will the rise of Big Tech reshape international economic and political relationships?• To what degree are global Big Tech companies responsible for the increase of income or wealth inequality over the years?This course considers such questions by examining global business issues through the lens of industry structure, cross-border intellectual property, global supply chains, and the intersection of government and industry. My aim is to provoke intelligent, respectful conversations over business leaders priorities and responsibilities, asking students to think deeply about trade-offs rather than finding a single solution that fits all scenarios. Students will focus on figuring out the right questions for executives to ask and analyze how to uncover practical solutions to complex problems.We will draw lessons from real-life problems faced by global technology companies, primarily those headquartered in Silicon Valley and China, and analyze their successes, failures, and opportunities. We will draw on current news events to understand how executives and policy makers today are grappling, successfully and unsuccessfully, with these issues.We are passionate about this subject and will share insight from first-hand experience advising and reporting on these companies. We expect each student to bring their own personal experiences as a technology user, future business leader and global citizen to our classroom discussion every session. Given the complex and global nature of the subject matter, we ask that all members of the class respect diverse political views and cultural perspectives, which are encouraged to be shared. While we may have strong points of view, ultimately we are working together to find solutions.
課程代碼:ZM193300,授課教授:陳柏良,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:Recent advances in computing may place us at the threshold of a unique turning point in human history. Soon we are likely to entrust management of our environment, economy, security, infrastructure, food production, healthcare, and to a large degree even our personal activities, to artificially intelligent computer systems.The prospect of "turning over the keys" to increasingly autonomous systems raises many complex and troubling questions. How will society respond as versatile robots and machine-learning systems displace an ever-expanding spectrum of blue- and white-collar workers? Will the benefits of this technological revolution be broadly distributed or accrue to a lucky few? How can we ensure that these systems respect our ethical principles when they make decisions at speeds and for rationales that exceed our ability to comprehend? What, if any, legal rights and responsibilities should we grant them? And should we regard them merely as sophisticated tools or as a newly emerging form of life?隨著近期AI與自動化設備之技術發展,已達到人類歷史發展之轉折點,人類非常可能大規模地將環境、經濟發展、安全、基礎設備、食物生產與分配、健康照護與保險交由AI與自動化設備安排與執行。本課程目標在介紹AI技術對於倫理與法律制度之衝擊。此次邀請國內外法學者與學生一同參與線上課程,營造國際化學習環境,豐富學生學習資源,增進臺灣與各國學生對於AI技術將造成的社會、政治、經濟與文化衝擊等議題,例如:AI與自動化設備取代白領與藍領勞工工作機會之社會衝擊評估與對應?AI與自動化設備之技術革命帶來之整體利益,是否能公平分配?如何在AI與自動化設備進行自動決策時,確保道德原則?法律是否該賦予AI與自動化設備法律權利與責任,抑或僅是工具或輔助物?進行學術與文化交流,並由臺灣學者介紹臺灣與美國現行與正在研擬之相關法律制度與政策以資比較,藉此使學生能瞭解AI所帶來的衝擊,增進學生到東協國進修或就業的動力,同時也能開展臺灣與東協國家間學術互動與合作的契機。
課程代碼:ZM193500,授課教授:余佳璋,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:The course will introduce students to the conceptual and practical tools of journalism in digital media production.Working in teams and personal homework, students will have basic and some advanced understanding of news reporting production in the pratical media field. To improve the techniques on filming and video editing when using social media and broadcasting.
課程代碼:ZM191500,授課教授:蔡葵希,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course is specifically designed for GCIT students who either a) have never conducted research before, b) have never designed their own research before, or c) have conducted research before, but have never done so in one of the social sciences (i.e., communication, psychology, sociology, etc.). It takes a ground-up approach to give these students a comprehensive understanding of 1) what kinds of research designs are appropriate for a master’s level capstone or thesis, 2) how to prepare a research proposal, and 3) the basic components of a research paper. It is intended to be taken the semester before beginning a capstone project or thesis, although it can be taken earlier if the student so chooses. This course is NOT open to students from other departments or courses under any circumstances.
課程代碼:ZM192800,授課教授:陳柏良,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:本課程以台灣為觀察範例,使來自台灣、東亞、中南美洲及歐洲學生,回顧東亞自19世紀中期起,至20世紀80年代後期止,在西方衝擊下,於政治、經濟、社會、文化四個面向近代化回應。本課程分為三個時期:近代化初期(1860-1895); 日治時期(1895-1945); 中華民國政府威權統治時期 (1945-1987)。近代化初期,本課程探討台灣在清領時期既存之政經結構及社會脈絡,以及中、日兩國於19世紀中後期啟動近代化歷程,對台灣及東亞之影響。其後,本課程介紹日本帝國統治台灣後,推行近代化治理及亞洲主義,對台灣與西太平洋各地的衝擊及其回應。最後,本課程介紹二次大戰後,台灣因冷戰結構以及國共對抗,進入威權統治及經濟、社會結構調整,逐步邁向民主化過程。本課程也探討19世紀中葉以來,分別探討西方在各時期,對東亞/西太平洋區域政治、經濟、社會、文化的衝擊、回應與相互調整,及對當代東亞政治、經濟、社會層面之影響。
課程代碼:70300700,授課教授:曾一凡,開課院所:資訊學院的資訊科學系,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:This is a fundamental mathematical course for computer science students. It is intended to introduce to the students basic discrete mathematical tools and skills that are needed in the study of computer science. These skills/tools include1. mathematical reasoning: for the student be able to read comprehend and construct mathematical arguments2. combinatorial analysis and discrete structures: knowledge of which is essential in problem solving/modeling and3. algorithmic thinking: that would be helpful in the specification verification and analysis of computer algorithms/programs. Topics introduced in the course include logic induction counting recurrence relations relations graphs and trees.*由於教室空間有限,欲加簽者請於第一堂課參與課程方便教師統計加簽人數
課程代碼:70305500,授課教授:廖文宏,開課院所:資訊學院的資訊科學系,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:本課程旨在介紹人機互動之基礎概念,尤其著重於新近發展迅速的非傳統式人機介面,包含觸控、手寫、語音、手勢、肢體、眼動、腦波、行動平台、 擴增實境、虛擬實境、機器人與穿戴式裝置等,藉由模組化的設計,帶領同學認識人機互動領域的相關主題。
課程代碼:70305600,授課教授:紀明德,開課院所:資訊學院的資訊科學系,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:為提升並確認學士班同學程式能力,畢業前必須參加大學程式能力檢定CPE (Collegiate Programming Examination),並至少通過2題。
課程代碼:70386900,授課教授:紀明德,開課院所:資訊學院的資訊科學系,授課時間:禮拜五的14點到17點,課程大綱:本課程的教學目標在瞭解開發電腦遊戲所需的3D繪圖技術,掌握3D遊戲的開發環境與工作流程。本學期期末專案為分組製作3D遊戲。每週會有上機練習,建議上課時自備筆電,方便練習。本課程需先修計算機程式設計(至少修過一門程式設計課,程式語言不限)上課時間五567 (2:10~5:00)
課程代碼:70390100,授課教授:劉昭麟,開課院所:資訊學院的資訊科學系,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:這一課程以介紹機器學習與深度學習的基本觀念和相關應用為目的。機器學習是人工智慧領域的重要區塊,近年以來因為計算技術的急速進步,許多過去的理論已經變成實用的技術。這一課程透過介紹許多基本的概念,期望讓選課同學了解機器學習技術的基礎觀念,並且進一步學習如何應用公開軟體來處理實際問題。這一課程將介紹機器學習的數個基本型態,包含監督式學習、非監督式學習、迴歸分析、及以類神經網路為基礎的深度學習。課程中以講解基礎學理為主,同時伴隨程式實例的簡介。在幾乎每一個星期都有的 Moodle 作業中經常會使用到以Python為主的程式實例,期待大家都能兼顧學理與實例。雖然我們會帶到一些關鍵的Python指令或者套件,但是這不是一門學習 Python 的課程。Python是選修這一門課程的先備能力。體驗機器學習的核心功能,而不建構整個應用系統的話,並不需要學會所有的Python指令。當然如果能隨心所欲應用Python是最好的。如果以Kaggle公開課程做為參考比較的話,在假設同學不需要太多 Python、Pandas和Numpy/Scipy的協助的前提之下,我們的課程計劃可以包含Intro to Machine Learning和Intermediate Machine Learning之外,還會接軌到深度學習入門Intro to Deep Learning的材料。2023學年可能繼續參考 Kaggle 的入門課程,也可能在開學之後更換對應目標;確定會有實作方向的對應目標。
課程代碼:70303200,授課教授:孫士勝,開課院所:資訊學院的資訊科學系,授課時間:禮拜五的13點到16點,課程大綱:邏輯(logic)又稱理則學,自公元前三世紀由亞里斯多德(Aristotle)發展成正式學科後,兩千多年來持續研究發展。在計算機科學上我們關注數理邏輯的發展與應用,這是在十九世紀由德國數學家與哲學家弗雷格(Gottlob Frege)及英格蘭數學家與哲學家布爾(George Boole)等前人共同奠定的基礎,透過數理邏輯建構起人類與計算機之間的共同思維架構。本課程介紹了數理邏輯及其在計算機科學的基本應用,課程中將教授數理邏輯中基礎的命題邏輯(propositional logic)以及謂詞邏輯(predicate logic,如一階邏輯),以及進階的描述邏輯(description logic)以及邏輯程式設計(logic programming)。透過本課程的學習,修課同學除可獲得計算機科學中數理邏輯的相關知識,也可以獲取計算機科學相關理論主題及進階課程的預備知識。透過這些數理邏輯知識,將有助修課同學未來進一步學習進階計算理論相關課程,以及正規驗證、大數據與人工智慧等相關應用。
課程代碼:70304900,授課教授:蔡銘峰,開課院所:資訊學院的資訊科學系,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:本課程是以 C 語言為主介紹程式設計的基礎知識,主旨在於培養學生對計算機程式的組成、結構、與設計之基本瞭解。
課程代碼:70395700,授課教授:蔡銘峰,開課院所:資訊學院的資訊科學系,授課時間:禮拜二的16點到17點,課程大綱:本課程是以 C 語言為主介紹程式設計的基礎知識,目的在培養學生對計算機程式的組成、結構、與設計之基本瞭解。
課程代碼:70301700,授課教授:劉昭麟,開課院所:資訊學院的資訊科學系,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:這是一門資訊科學系二年級的必修數學課程,課程設計也必須以此為目標。為了達成必要課程進度與銜接(例如 machine learning 和 data science),我們無法為同學複習高中與大學一年級應該學過的數學(參考先修課程), 建議非資訊科學系之修課同學衡量自己的狀況是否適合選修這一門課程。我們鼓勵同學以ChatGPT作為自己的學伴,但是大家需要注意:ChatGPT 的能力尚非完美,不見得能解所有問題,而且所給的答案不見得就是正確答案。各位可以嘗試用 ChatGPT 來解Moodle 課程網頁中 112 年升大學分科測驗數甲試題第11題的題目,看看 ChatGPT 是否提供了正確的答案和過程?這是資科系的必修課程,第一堂課就會出作業;九月十三日的作業的繳交截止日是九月廿七日。如果因為疫情或者其他因素影響,十三日必須透過視訊上課的話,作業網址將寄給修課同學。先修課程:相關高中數學基礎[排列、組合、機率],大一微積分[微分、積分、多重積分、分部積分(integration by parts)的技術]
課程代碼:70301900,授課教授:彭彥璁,開課院所:資訊學院的資訊科學系,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:This course will be taught based on the textbook "Computer Organization and Design." It covers all the essential concepts of how basic components of computers work, including CPUs, memory systems, I/Os, and interfaces between software and hardware.
課程代碼:70302700,授課教授:張宏慶,開課院所:資訊學院的資訊科學系,授課時間:禮拜五的14點到17點,課程大綱:Introduction of the fundamentals and applications of computer networks
課程代碼:70381900,授課教授:張宏慶,開課院所:資訊學院的資訊科學系,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:Introduce the advanced topics of system, architecture, technology, and application of the 5G mobile communication networkIntroduce the operation, administration, and maintenance (OA&M)of telecom cloud by telecommunication service providers
課程代碼:70382000,授課教授:蔡子傑,開課院所:資訊學院的資訊科學系,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:This is an introductory course for "Computer Science".This course will introduce different aspects of the computer science fields.The topics will cover foundation, hardware, and software.Students don't need too much preliminary knowledge or experience.However, fundamental intellectual concepts of computer science will be presentedin order to let students have a solid grounding for further study.
課程代碼:70385700,授課教授:謝佩璇,開課院所:資訊學院的資訊科學系,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course is interdisciplinary in nature, covering the theoretical foundations of social media (SM), including SM research and SM design. Various analysis methods of SM will be taught using R technologies. Lecture slides and open-source software practices will be provided, and active participation in various activities is expected throughout the course. Students who enjoy interdisciplinary learning processes are encouraged to enroll. Active participation and frequent inquiries during classes are also expected. Toward the end of the course, students will have the option to apply the knowledge gained to complete individual projects. The course aims to provide a high level of learning achievement, allowing students to find satisfaction in their academic progress.
課程代碼:78100100,授課教授:蔡欣叡,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜一的14點到17點,課程大綱:This course will introduce basic computer science techniques for digital content applications. The goal of this course is to let interdisciplinary students become knowledgeable about related techniques such that they can develop interesting work in the digital content industry. Furthermore, this course covers basic C# programming knowledge and Unity manipulation.
課程代碼:78100800,授課教授:宋如泰,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的18點到21點,課程大綱:資料庫是資訊科技基礎之一,它允許各種終端應用(手機、平板、網頁、電腦軟體)藉由網路進行資料的存取。本課程會介紹資料庫的概念和實務,學習關聯式資料庫的設計方法和 MySQL 語法,同時了解一些進階資料庫設計的實務觀念,並熟悉市場上已有的資料庫服務,最終能架設資料庫為軟體提供資料存取服務。