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在1980年代,由Frank Robinson與他的工程師團隊開始設計,R44於1990年3月31日首飛。 | Designed during the 1980s by Frank Robinson and his staff of engineers, the R44 first flew on 31 March 1990. | zh-en | -0.357771 |
不过,根据2004年调查,1001名父母中多数人希望在学校完成性教育。 | However, according to a 2004 survey, a majority of the 1001 parent groups polled wants complete sex education in the schools. | zh-en | -1.242511 |
这第二次大火造成15000人无家可归。 | This second fire left 15,000 people homeless. | zh-en | -0.504562 |
民法及其影响使得教会生活中的一种模式成为可能,这种模式在许多地方和文化中被模仿了数个世纪。 | The civil law and its effects made possible a pattern in Church life that has been imitated throughout the centuries in many places and cultures, wherever possible. | zh-en | -0.985418 |
只有少数人幸存下来并返回了村里,但在几年之内移民到以色列。 | Only a few survived and returned to the village, but within several years emigrated to Israel. | zh-en | -0.411831 |
朕恪遵慈谕。 | Certainly, I would have obeyed. | zh-en | -1.455767 |
它如今仍然被 Firefox 、 Opera 和 Safari 支持,但它被 Internet Explorer 忽略了。 | It is still supported by Firefox, Opera, and Safari today, but it is ignored by Internet Explorer. | zh-en | -0.487589 |
1933年,第37号工厂正式接收到1200輛T-37A的訂單。 | In 1933, the No. 37 plant was given an order of 1200 T-37A’s. | zh-en | -1.296525 |
许多被认为是「领袖」的人往往属于这一类。 | Many people who are considered "leaders" often fall into this category. | zh-en | -0 |
它代表着全世界超过10万名译者。 | It represents over 100,000 translators worldwide. | zh-en | -0.467229 |
Bankcard是1974年至2006年间由澳大利亚和新西兰的金融机构发行的信用卡共享品牌。 | Bankcard was a shared brand credit card issued by financial institutions in Australia and New Zealand between 1974 and 2006. | zh-en | -0.727804 |
在此期间,保加利亚遵循了苏联的经济发展模式,比东方集团的任何其他成员更加密切,同时成为了Comecon的第一批成员之一。 | During that time, Bulgaria followed the Soviet model of economic development more closely than any other member of the Eastern Bloc, while becoming one of the first members of Comecon. | zh-en | -1.634729 |
就在午夜前,巴德去世。 | Just before midnight Bader died. | zh-en | -0.308842 |
在政策方面,罗斯福的平台包括进步人士倡导的广泛的社会和政治改革。 | In terms of policy, Roosevelt's platform included a broad range of social and political reforms advocated by progressives. | zh-en | -0.327774 |
“先生們,”國王說,“我來到這裡,以避免犯下更大的罪行;我想我不可能比你們更安全。 | "Gentlemen," said the king, "I come here to avoid a great crime; I think I cannot be safer than with you." | zh-en | -1.199613 |
这些费用据说来自两家特殊目的合伙企业(JEDI 和 Chewco)。 | The charges were said to come largely from two special purpose partnerships (JEDI and Chewco). | zh-en | -1.47971 |
它们也受到噪音水平的限制。 | They are also limited by noise levels. | zh-en | -0.384363 |
根据科学院,“这些学科被选择,是补充那些被授予的诺贝尔奖”。 | According to the Academy, "these disciplines are chosen so as to complement those for which the Nobel Prizes are awarded". | zh-en | -0.702183 |
此外,起初被指派到法官席位的3名法官的任何一名可以命令它扩展到五名。 | Furthermore, any one of the three judges originally assigned to the Bench may order it expanded to five. | zh-en | -1.235535 |
背景中的地球清晰可见。 | The Earth is visible in the background. | zh-en | -0.264532 |
一些先進的城市文化幾乎被完全摧毀。 | The advanced city culture was almost completely destroyed. | zh-en | -0.56687 |
1967年11月27日,学校发生了两起爆炸事件,一名学生在学校实验室中受重伤。 | On 27 November 1967 two explosions were reported at the school, and a student was seriously injured in the school laboratory. | zh-en | -0.488826 |
这就是为什么我希望回到家并成为更优秀的父母、更好的职工、更杰出的公民。 | This is why I want to go home and be a better parent, better worker, better citizen." | zh-en | -0.973806 |
在宪法发展的六十八年历史上,尼泊尔在不同时期经历了七种不同的宪法。 | In the 68-year history of constitutional development up to this Constitution, Nepal experienced 7 different constitutions in different time periods. | zh-en | -1.008044 |
因为α能够影响到各种核反应的速度。 | That is because α influences the rate of various nuclear reactions. | zh-en | -0.023805 |
Ajax (Albert Jacks):Sula的知己与爱人。 | Ajax (Albert Jacks): Sula's confidant and lover. | zh-en | -1.803458 |
知識產權的執行由1995年至2002年的兩個總理法令管轄。 | Enforcement of intellectual property rights is governed by two Prime Minister's Decrees dating from 1995 and 2002 . | zh-en | -0.486313 |
纵然该网站不向囚犯提供任何形式的互联网访问途径,但它仍常常被媒体称作囚犯的 MySpace 和 Facebook。 | Although the site provides no Internet access of any kind to inmates, it has often been called the MySpace and Facebook for inmates by the media. | zh-en | -0.760517 |
受害者姓名为Violette Kaye(娘家姓Watts,又名Saunders),42周岁。 | The victim was Violette Kaye (née Watts, also known as Saunders), aged 42. | zh-en | -0.711171 |
3月底, 布什政府同意为该委员会再提供900万美元, 尽管这比委员会要求的少了200万美元。 | In late March, the Bush administration agreed to provide an additional $9 million for the commission, though this was $2 million short of what the commission requested. | zh-en | -0.583653 |
2011年11月,鐵路延伸至Nizhny Bestyakh ; 它最終將達到雅库茨克。 | In November 2011, the railway was extended to Nizhny Bestyakh; it will eventually reach Yakutsk. | zh-en | -1.425207 |
」越南則祝賀柬埔寨成功舉行第五次大選。 | Vietnam congratulated Cambodia on the success of its 5th General Elections. | zh-en | -0.319997 |
其中一部分是为了缓解邮政署眼中与其他实体的混淆。 | Part of it was to alleviate any confusion with other entities in the Postal Service. | zh-en | -1.550056 |
IIN有时被称为“银行识别号码”(BIN)。 | The IIN is sometimes referred to as a "bank identification number" (BIN). | zh-en | -0.21069 |
有另外的80架P-1被訂購但只得13架。 | A further 80 P-1s were ordered but only 13 arrived. | zh-en | -0.458072 |
抚养一个孩子比养活他或她的花费多不了多少; 没有教育或娱乐费用。 | Raising a child cost little more than feeding him or her; there were no education or entertainment expenses. | zh-en | -0.851114 |
C4性能非常稳定且对大多数物理冲击不敏感。 | C-4 is very stable and insensitive to most physical shocks. | zh-en | -0.440753 |
彼拉多封锁了他们的路线,杀死了他们的领袖。 | Pilate blocked their route and killed their leaders. | zh-en | -2.378006 |
基因工程技术的发展在科学界引起了对潜在风险的担忧。 | The development of genetic engineering technology led to concerns in the scientific community about potential risks. | zh-en | -0.161725 |
他说:“中国绝不会允许半岛发生动乱和战争。 | He said, "China will never allow chaos and war on the peninsula." | zh-en | -0 |
2007 WD5最有可能以6.5火星半徑的距離通過。 | 2007 WD5 most likely passed Mars at a distance of 6.5 Mars radii. | zh-en | -1.327574 |
她的第一本書《我想要赤裸裸的她》(法語:Et Je La Voudrais Nue 英語:I Would Like Her Naked)在1979年出版。 | Her first book Et Je La Voudrais Nue (I Would Like Her Naked) was published in 1979. | zh-en | -1.300345 |
德国红十字会同样提供了援助。 | The German Red Cross also offered assistance. | zh-en | -0.031162 |
这对夫妻在巴拿马和哥斯达黎加过了一个短暂的蜜月,然后返回厄瓜多尔。 | The couple then took a brief honeymoon to Panama and Costa Rica, then returned to Ecuador. | zh-en | -0.187494 |
当战争开始时,法国被削弱了。 | When the war started, France was weakened. | zh-en | -0.237663 |
此外,非常成功的商人和世界上最富有的100人之一的那古布·萨维里斯是科普特人。 | In addition, Naguib Sawiris, an extremely successful businessman and one of the world's 100 wealthiest people, is a Copt. | zh-en | -0.912176 |
所有角色当中,伍迪是最复杂的,需要723项运动控制,其中脸部占212项,嘴部占58项。 | Out of all the characters, Woody was the most complex, as he required 723 motion controls, including 212 for his face and 58 for his mouth. | zh-en | -0.907259 |
2008年7月,Super Junior宣布初步筹备《Sorry, Sorry》工作。 | In July 2008, Super Junior announced the initial preparations for Sorry, Sorry. | zh-en | -0.548465 |
人类知识也沦落到不太具有控制力的地位,而之前被视为世界的定义方面。 | Human knowledge is also reduced to a less controlling position, previously seen as the defining aspect of the world. | zh-en | -1.21301 |
过量的云将形成许多粒子,但每个都将非常小。 | An over seeded cloud will form many particles, but each will be very small. | zh-en | -3.401076 |
”桑德斯(E.P. Sanders )认为,很难指责早期的见证者有任何的蓄意欺诈行为: 很难指责这些来源,或第一批信徒,是故意欺诈。 | E.P. Sanders argues for the difficulty of accusing the early witnesses of any deliberate fraud: It is difficult to accuse these sources, or the first believers, of deliberate fraud. | zh-en | -1.520835 |
该I/O卡亦可安装于原版Apple I上。 | The I/O card can also be attached to original Apple I computers. | zh-en | -0.582242 |
这种隧道通常被称为“proto-41 heartbeat”隧道。 | Tunnels of this kind are generally called 'proto-41 heartbeat' tunnels. | zh-en | -2.46352 |
因此,宗教社会主义运动在这些宗教中随之产生。 | As a result, religious socialist movements have developed within these religions. | zh-en | -0.444406 |
他們辯稱這種措施不會有助於減少墨西哥的肥胖率,並將使數百名在蔗糖產業工作的墨西哥人失業。 | They argued that such measure would not help reduce the obesity in Mexico and would leave hundreds of Mexicans working in the sugar cane industry jobless. | zh-en | -0.465344 |
布莱克本的其他成就还包括建立州铁路委员会,重组肯塔基州农业和机械学院。 | Blackburn's other accomplishments included establishing a state railroad commission and reorganizing the Kentucky Agricultural and Mechanical College. | zh-en | -2.012279 |
Unrar最终在3.0版本以自由替代品替代,使之成为了100%自由软件。 | Unrar was eventually replaced with a free alternative in version 3.0, making it 100% free software. | zh-en | -0.398138 |
过去好像“固定的”或必然的,而将来在某种程度上不是。 | It seems the past is "fixed", or necessary, in a way the future is not. | zh-en | -2.852602 |
” 第一轮攻击与报复爆发于1920年夏天。 | The first cycle of attacks and reprisals broke out in the summer of 1920. | zh-en | -0.246175 |
据Lindemann说:"我其实从不喜欢体育运动学校,它的训练非常紧张强烈。 | According to Lindemann, "I never liked the sport school actually, it was very intense. | zh-en | -2.347143 |
超过80%的人从土耳其到希腊,而剩余的大多数是从利比亚到意大利。 | More than 80% arrived in Greece from Turkey, while most of the others arrived in Italy from Libya. | zh-en | -0 |
在1900年代早期,這個可愛的吉祥物終於有了名字。 | In the early 1900s, the beloved mascot was finally given a name. | zh-en | -0.167734 |
" (力量就是你的! | "The Power Is Yours! | zh-en | -0.057568 |
作為報復,德國禁止食品的運輸,和在之後的冬季成千上萬的荷蘭公民餓死。 | In retribution Germany forbade food transportation, and in the following winter more than twenty thousand Dutch citizens starved to death. | zh-en | -5.888865 |
在韓語裡,는(neun)及은(eun)的功能類似於日語的主題標記。 | In Korean, 는 (neun) and 은 (eun) function similarly to the Japanese topic marker. | zh-en | -2.637501 |
地震發生後數天,南非大部分主要銀行和保險公司開始收到索償申請表。 | In the days following the earthquake, most of South Africa's major banks and insurance companies had begun receiving insurance claims. | zh-en | -0.971528 |
它致力于消除发展中国家的农村贫困。 | It is dedicated to eradicating rural poverty in developing countries. | zh-en | -0.550694 |
老師幫我和其他小孩逃出了房間,但還有四個小孩因為火太猛而逃不走。 | A teacher helped me and other kids out of the room but four other children could not get out because the flames were too fierce. | zh-en | -0.739873 |
1345年城市第三次扩张后,塔楼成为第二道防线。 | Following the third city expansion in 1345, the tower became a second line of defense. | zh-en | -0.396348 |
其中15人于1992年2月12日被作为间谍处死,另有20人在接受讯问时被严刑拷打致死。 | Fifteen of them were executed as spies on 12 February 1992, 20 others were tortured to death while undergoing interrogation. | zh-en | -0.364307 |
CEC加權效率(CEC weighted efficiency):此效率的計算方式是加州能源委员会(英语:California Energy Commission)(CEC)在其GoSolar網站公布的算法為主。 | CEC weighted efficiency: This efficiency is published by the California Energy Commission on its GoSolar website. | zh-en | -2.646332 |
现在布莱恩和大学站是“双胞胎”城市。 | Now Bryan and College Station are "twin" cities. | zh-en | -0.800601 |
Scarpato告訴我馬上離開,而且不要向任何人提到我在那天去過那裏,然後我便離開了。 | Scarpato told me to leave right away and not mention to anyone I had been there that day. | zh-en | -1.133631 |
关于宏观经济管理可能产生几个问题。 | Several problems could arise in regards to macroeconomic management. | zh-en | -0.140496 |
因为X不是一个群,我们不能将元素相加;但是我们可以取它们的‘差’。 | Since X is not a group, we cannot multiply elements; we can, however, take their "quotient". | zh-en | -1.875771 |
它们的高航速和大行动半径,加上与英国轻巡洋舰的相似性,使它们非常适合这项任务。 | Their high speed and large radius of action, coupled with their resemblance to British light cruisers, made them suited to the task. | zh-en | -1.196581 |
在瑞士,瑞士-南非协会代表南非政府进行游说。 | In Switzerland, the Swiss-South African Association lobbied on behalf of the South African government. | zh-en | -0.866079 |
2008年中国开始建设AP1000-2005的设计的四个单元。 | In 2008 China started building four units of the AP1000's 2005-design. | zh-en | -0.868798 |
Vanessa(1977):由 Hubert Frank 執導。 | Vanessa (1977), directed by Hubert Frank. | zh-en | -0.028642 |
7月21日和23日,Jha与Arora和Andy Rubin会面,讨论两家公司之间的战略选择,同意继续讨论潜在的销售。 | On July 21 and 23, Jha met with Arora and Rubin to discuss strategic options between the two companies, agreeing to continue to discuss a potential sale. | zh-en | -0.385823 |
还有国际和多语言的书店出售外国报纸和杂志迎合马迪的多族裔人口。 | There are also international and multilingual bookshops selling foreign newspapers and magazines catering to Maadi's multi-ethnic population. | zh-en | -2.087355 |
2015年6月,项目被中国交通企业委员会评为“2015年度交通运输企业低碳节能环保优秀项目”。 | In June 2015, the project was announced by the China Transportation Enterprises Committee as "2015 annual transport enterprises low-carbon energy-saving environmental protection outstanding project." | zh-en | -2.28235 |
法国的人口特征轮廓与它的欧洲邻国和一般的发达国家相似,但它似乎在延缓西方国家的人口下降。 | France's demographic profile is similar to its European neighbors and to developed countries in general, yet it seems to be staving off the population decline of Western countries. | zh-en | -0.956811 |
例如,他们发现GE,DuPont和IBM等公司每天用于支撑其运营的购买超过六千亿美金。 | For example, they note that companies such as GE, DuPont and IBM spend more than $60 million a day on purchases to support their operations. | zh-en | -0.356876 |
而廷臣惡勛甚,謬為不喻者,更坐勛重辟。 | Worshipping False Gods: Ambedkar, and the Facts which Have Been Erased. | zh-en | -11.870304 |
在1981年2月23日政变期间,酒店的总经理室由临时政府的成员接管,当时200多名国际记者充满了这个酒店。 | During the February 23, 1981 coup, the hotel's general manager's office was taken over by members of the interim government, while over 200 international journalists filled the hotel. | zh-en | -1.5002 |
他于1958年发表了这一理论。 | He published this theory in 1958. | zh-en | -0 |
後來,它用粗體字寫成:“睜開你的眼睛,張開你的嘴巴,合上雙手並握緊拳頭( Open your eyes, open your mouths, close your hands and make a fist )”(稍後在Serj Tankian的歌曲“Uneducated Democracy”中使用)。 | Later, it is written in bold letters: "Open your eyes, open your mouths, close your hands and make a fist" (used later by Serj Tankian in the song "Uneducated Democracy"). | zh-en | -3.768915 |
2011年,他与提姆·艾伦再度合作,导演并制作了情景喜剧最后的男人。 | In 2011, he worked with Tim Allen again, directing and producing the sitcom Last Man Standing. | zh-en | -1.378079 |
然而,法国政府在革命开始后的所作所为,特别是他们对其它国家的入侵,使他对革命的事业失去信心。 | However, the actions of the French government after the beginning of the revolution, especially their invasion of other nations, caused him to lose faith in their cause. | zh-en | -1.23941 |
爆炸消息传出后,圣彼得堡所有地铁站立即关闭。 | Following reports of the explosion, all metro stations in Saint Petersburg were quickly closed. | zh-en | -0.412907 |
圣保罗堂的创始人希望在波士顿建立一个完全美国的教堂。 | The founders of St. Paul's wanted a totally American parish in Boston. | zh-en | -0.621861 |
最近一次涉及八个国家、杀害数百万平民的最血腥的战争——第二次刚果战争,几乎完全被媒体忽视了。 | For example, the bloodiest war in recent time, involving eight nations and killing millions of civilians, was the Second Congo War, which was almost completely ignored by the media. | zh-en | -1.147943 |
首先,任何被廣泛接受的信念必然是假的。 | First, any widely accepted belief must necessarily be false. | zh-en | -0 |
她总结道,她的研究结果不支持将 SOC 要求的一年期 RLE 作为 GRS 的绝对标准。 | She concluded that her results did not support the SOC requirement of a one-year RLE as an absolute requirement for GRS. | zh-en | -3.131781 |
相反,它被留给法律专家以解释裁决的重要性。 | Instead, it is left to legal experts to explain the importance of rulings. | zh-en | -0.60855 |
纳粹没有更多。 | The Nazis are no more. | zh-en | -0.2005 |
时至今日,他的学说在葡萄牙法律社会非常有影响力,主要涉及到民法。 | Still today, his doctrine is very influential in the Portuguese legal community, mainly in what comes to Civil Law. | zh-en | -0.964741 |
利默里克(Limerick)有15人受伤。 | In Limerick, 15 people were injured. | zh-en | -0 |
蒙博托還把剛果河和本國貨幣改名為“扎伊爾”,並將其稱為“Les Trois Z-Notre Pays,Notre Fleuve,Notre Monnaie”(“三個Z-我們的國家,我們的河流,我們的錢”)。 | Mobutu also renamed the Congo river and the national currency "Zaire", and referred to them as "Les Trois Z—Notre Pays, Notre Fleuve, Notre Monnaie" ("The Three Zs—Our Country, Our River, Our Money"). | zh-en | -1.488529 |