stringlengths 1
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float64 -25
当时,每座城市保留自己的名称和行政自治权,但是在联邦中扮演特殊角色。 | Each city retained its own name and administrative autonomy, but had a specific role in this federation. | zh-en | -0.531468 |
至1918年,不是一个,而是我所有的好友都死了。 | By 1918 all but one of my close friends were dead. | zh-en | -1.106882 |
此外,还有7075人从被毁或下沉中的船只被解救。 | A further 7,075 people were rescued from damaged and sinking ships. | zh-en | -0.525639 |
简而言之,Q1是“作者的”;F1是“演出用的”。 | In short, Q1 is "authorial"; F1 is "theatrical". | zh-en | -1.711005 |
它的飞行员ADM Gunn中尉被俘虏。 | Its pilot, Flight Lieutenant ADM Gunn, was taken prisoner. | zh-en | -0.855262 |
Delphi的开发开始于1993年,1995年2月14日在美国官方发布了Delphi 1.0。 | The development of Delphi started in 1993 and Delphi 1.0 was officially released in the United States on 14 February 1995. | zh-en | -0 |
从理论上讲,一个图片的每一个部分可以被连接到一个地理位置,但最典型的应用中,只有摄影者的位置与整个数字图像相关联。 | In theory, every part of a picture can be tied to a geographic location, but in the most typical application, only the position of the photographer is associated with the entire digital image. | zh-en | -0.496666 |
她积极投身于“无国界女性”运动及其“姊妹对抗暴力极端主义”(缩写为SAVE)项目,该项目着眼于全世界,尤其是处于极端境况中的人。 | She is active in the "Women without Borders" movement and its project SAVE (Sisters Against Violent Extremism), that focuses on the world, especially on people in extreme situations. | zh-en | -1.746664 |
对于贡献,个人或组织必须签署CLA文件。 | For contributions an individual or an organisation must sign a CLA paper. | zh-en | -0.548542 |
他建立了一个小型工作室,与日本的Hiropon工厂一起,成为他的公司Kaikai Kiki的先驱。 | He established a small studio, which, together with the Hiropon Factory in Japan, became the precursor to his company Kaikai Kiki. | zh-en | -1.401154 |
” “術曰:冪自乘,倍多而一,為立冪。 | He said: "More than divisions, there is a feeling of distance. | zh-en | -16.812113 |
「他是一位優秀的車手,相當頂尖且年僅16歲。 | "He's a quality driver, very strong and only 16. | zh-en | -1.960055 |
比较贫穷的移民们一般是开不起这类餐厅的,尽管他们也在这类餐厅工作。 | Poorer immigrants usually cannot start these kinds of restaurants, although they too are employed in them. | zh-en | -0.716941 |
俄罗斯人和其他专家确认俄罗斯不会容忍任何对于叙利亚的干涉行动。 | Russian and other intellectuals affirmed that Russia would not tolerate any interference in Syria. | zh-en | -0.90513 |
也不知道这个代码短语最初是什么时候决定的。 | Neither is it known when this code phrase was originally decided on. | zh-en | -0.95829 |
” 战时强奸的受害者通常是“平民”,该分类最早在19世纪得到承认。 | The victims of war rape are usually "civilians", a category first recognized in the 19th century. | zh-en | -0.495492 |
擔心Schroeder會把家人酗酒至貧窮,她去找努基,並問他給Schroeder一份工作。 | Fearing that Schroeder will drink their family into poverty, she goes to Nucky and asks him to give Schroeder a job. | zh-en | -5.416566 |
王室旗帜不仅能正式使用,但也能非正式使用。 | The royal flags are not only used officially, but also unofficially. | zh-en | -0.190156 |
到1950年,UH的教育體系由12座永久性建築組成。 | By 1950, the educational plant at UH consisted of 12 permanent buildings. | zh-en | -0.76529 |
1992年8月,這個建議由IBMX/Open的代表流傳到一些感興趣的團體。 | In August 1992, this proposal was circulated by an IBM X/Open representative to interested parties. | zh-en | -0.729722 |
(引擎的oxidiser一侧和渣当然不受影响。 | (The oxidizer side of the engine and tankage is of course unaffected.) | zh-en | -1.783257 |
在挪威多數電話數字有8個數字(一些例外)。 | In Norway most telephone-numbers have eight digits (some exceptions). | zh-en | -0.33087 |
牠們曾獵殺比牠們大4-5倍的有蹄類。 | We had one cow (and) four or five horses." | zh-en | -4.295211 |
他最著名的作品是《Melmoth the Wanderer》。 | His best known work is the novel Melmoth the Wanderer. | zh-en | -1.097918 |
母亲坐在地上,她的年幼儿子坐在旁边。 | The mother sat on the ground and her young son sat beside her. | zh-en | -0.114121 |
协会成员可以在产品上使用协会的标志。 | Members may use the association's logo on their products. | zh-en | -0.354576 |
本科和碩士畢業於奧克蘭大學,2000年再從澳大利亞國立大學取得博士學位,論文題為Making the foreign serve China : managing foreigners in the People's Republic of China。 | Making the foreign serve China: managing foreigners in the People's Republic. | zh-en | -10.018646 |
經紀人睿丞,為她挑選了一部要在日月潭拍攝的戲劇。 | He directed The Fades for which he received a BAFTA for best Drama Series. | zh-en | -10.495492 |
請立即聯繫卡拉卡爾客戶服務部門以安排送回您的C型手槍。 | Please contact Caracal customer care immediately to arrange to have your Model C pistol returned. | zh-en | -0.916044 |
费尔德曼和沃尔普大部分时间只是在谈论音乐与艺术。 | Feldman and Wolpe spent most of their time simply talking about music and art. | zh-en | -1.143012 |
在许多发展水平非常高的国家,目前的生育率接近每名妇女生育两个孩子的水平,但也有例外,特别是德国、意大利和日本。 | In many countries with very high levels of development, fertility rates are now approaching two children per woman — although there are exceptions, notably Germany, Italy and Japan. | zh-en | -0.609787 |
然而,这次重大的胜利已经足够摧毁波斯人的抵抗。 | However, this victory was significant enough to shatter the resistance of the Persians. | zh-en | -0.324082 |
目前,无人机由国家技术研究组织(NTRO)和印度空军提供,但它们尚未为武装部队产生理想结果。 | Presently, the UAVs are being provided by the National Technical Research Organisation (NTRO) and Indian Air Force, but they have not been able to yield desired results for the armed forces. | zh-en | -1.26766 |
他对这个分级的部分辩护是: 没有正义的坚韧是不公正的一种起因; 因为一个人越强壮,他就越能压迫弱者。 | Part of his justification for this hierarchy is that: Fortitude without justice is an occasion of injustice; since the stronger a man is the more ready is he to oppress the weaker. | zh-en | -3.359277 |
注意,因为HURD仍在积极开发中,因此没有稳定版本。 | Note that because HURD is under active development, there is no stable version. | zh-en | -0.762364 |
他的后继者K'inich Tatb'u Skull II於526年2月11日登位。 | His successor, K'inich Tatb'u Skull II, was enthroned on 11 February 526. | zh-en | -4.434261 |
” 根据1936年苏联宪法,苏联由11个共和国组成。 | According to the 1936 Soviet Constitution, the USSR consisted of eleven republics. | zh-en | -0.12547 |
四分之三的受访者表示,法官的判定有时受到其政治或个人看法的影响。 | Three-quarters said justices' decisions are sometimes influenced by their political or personal views. | zh-en | -0.703632 |
这个问题的时候,是否,以及如何最好地应用这种技术是有争议的。 | The issue of when, whether, and how best to apply this technology is controversial. | zh-en | -1.45028 |
茱莉亚的父亲拥有在桑托斯和里约热内卢之间的几个甘蔗种植园。 | Júlia's father owned several sugar cane plantations between Santos and Rio de Janeiro. | zh-en | -0 |
获胜的方法常常在Kaggle的博客No Free Hunch上展示。 | The winning methods are frequently written up on the Kaggle blog, No Free Hunch. | zh-en | -1.47041 |
1936年的洪灾过后,美国联邦政府制订了防止将来再发生灾难性洪水的计划,但这些计划在1955年康妮和黛安来袭时还没有取得进展。 | After floods in 1936, the United States federal government enacted plans to prevent future devastating floods, although they made no progress by the time Connie and Diane struck in 1955. | zh-en | -4.00037 |
相反它是一场漫长、冷血的死亡之旅。 | Instead it’s a long, cold death march. | zh-en | -1.914176 |
在此情况下,该模型只取决于 L 和 C 参数。 | In this case, the model depends only on the L and C elements. | zh-en | -0.14438 |
迪亚兹上校也在场。 | Colonel Díaz was also present. | zh-en | -0.233702 |
我會說這兩人之間有很好的化學反應,但是我不太好意思說這樣廉價的話」。 | I'd say the two have created great chemistry, but I'm ashamed to say such a cheap thing." | zh-en | -2.073355 |
2010年7月,Asko家電被斯洛文尼亞Gorenje集團收購。 | In July 2010 Asko Appliances was acquired by Slovenian Gorenje Group. | zh-en | -0.088333 |
作为证据,他说我们只需看看美国就看到社会主义哪里失败了,通过注意技术最落后的地区是那些政府占有生产资料的地方。 | As evidence, he said that we need only look to the United States to see where socialism fails, by observing that the most technologically backward areas are those where government owns the means of production. | zh-en | -1.267921 |
他回答:“我向人们说‘愿上帝保佑’是因为,我希望他们也能找到我所找到的快乐。 | His answer was, "I say "may God bless" to people because I want them to find the same happiness I've found. | zh-en | -1.137324 |
Mozilla公司作為一個應稅組織(本質上是商業運作),不必遵守這樣嚴格的規定。 | The Mozilla Corporation, as a taxable organization (essentially, a commercial operation), does not have to comply with such strict rules. | zh-en | -0.551227 |
部分地区失去了15%的棉花作物,特别是在该州东北部。 | In some locations, up to 15% of the cotton crop was lost, particularly in the northeastern portion of the state. | zh-en | -0.363178 |
2004年,在該國報告的11,000例艾滋病病例中,20%是性工作者。 | In 2004, of the reported 11,000 cases of HIV in the country, 20% were sex workers. | zh-en | -0.486856 |
这名受伤的学生——18岁的萧伟文,失去了左手的一部分。 | The injured student, 18-year-old Siu Wai-man, lost part of his left hand. | zh-en | -4.912791 |
这些疾病在149个国家非常常见,影响着超过14亿人(包括超过5亿儿童),每年花费发展中经济体几十亿美元。 | These diseases are common in 149 countries, affecting more than 1.4 billion people (including more than 500 million children) and costing developing economies billions of dollars every year. | zh-en | -0.513746 |
En vain j'interroge))。 | En vain j'interroge). | zh-en | -3.21666 |
2002—2003年他曾短暂参与银行业和投资企业。 | In a brief period of 2002-2003, he was involved in banking and investment ventures. | zh-en | -0.06314 |
到1958年,PG Tips已经从英国茶叶市场排名的第四位上升到第一位。 | By 1958, PG Tips had risen from fourth to first place in the British tea market. | zh-en | -0.928266 |
与为每个请求创建一个新的进程不同,FastCGI使用持续的进程来处理一连串的请求。 | Instead of creating a new process for each request, FastCGI uses persistent processes to handle a series of requests. | zh-en | -0.003278 |
战后,所谓“德国问题”一直是战后德国历史与政治的一个重要因素。 | After the War, the so-called "German question" was an important factor of post-war German and European history and politics. | zh-en | -0.928737 |
當巴西護照持有人進入或離開巴西時,他們將不會收到護照印章。 | When a holder of a Brazilian Passport enters or exits Brazil they will not receive a passport stamp. | zh-en | -0.887121 |
可可第一次看到小橙色馬克斯後選了這個名字。 | Koko picked the name after seeing the tiny orange Manx for the first time. | zh-en | -3.955614 |
然而,此類事件將是非常罕見的,因為只有幾顆小行星被登錄,像是2004 FH,曾經比月球更靠近地球。 | However, such events would be extremely rare since only a few catalogued minor planets, such as 2004 FH, have come closer to Earth than the distance of the Moon. | zh-en | -2.525474 |
他在1565年逝世,这被视为立陶宛新教事业的严重损失。 | His death in 1565 was seen as a severe loss to the Protestant cause in Lithuania. | zh-en | -0.690794 |
苏联政府指责立陶宛绑架苏联士兵。 | Soviet government accuses Lithuania of kidnapping Soviet soldiers. | zh-en | -0.15418 |
该项目公开发布了2015年4月的模拟产生的所有数据。 | The project publicly released all data produced by the simulations in April, 2015. | zh-en | -0.487475 |
1960年4月,七名太空人被秘密地挑选为Dyna-Soar计划的试飞员。 | In April 1960, seven men were secretly chosen for the Dyna-Soar program. | zh-en | -1.823183 |
在2009年,北美街報協會首次聘請一名執行董事。 | In early 2009, the North American Street Newspaper Association hired an Executive Director for the first time. | zh-en | -0.970282 |
最後他們被命令站起來,士兵們對女人們大喊大叫。 | Finally they were ordered to stand, and the soldiers shouted at the women to run. | zh-en | -2.569798 |
但是,一般认为职业暴露低于此。 | However, in general the occupational exposure is thought be lower than this. | zh-en | -0.731722 |
他们通过了“动物主义七戒“( the Seven Commandments of Animalism),其中最重要的一条是,“所有动物一律平等。 | They adopt the Seven Commandments of Animalism, the most important of which is, "All animals are equal". | zh-en | -0.574665 |
尽管我们近几十年来对于生命的的基本过程的认识取得了的深刻进步,一些基本的问题仍然没有得到解决。 | Despite the profound advances made over recent decades in our understanding of life's fundamental processes, some basic problems have remained unresolved. | zh-en | -0.154606 |
贝德福德从来没有丢掉他对当地社群的教育兴趣。 | Bedford never lost educational interest in his local community. | zh-en | -1.505965 |
(類似的問題影響了成田機場本身。 | (Similar issues have afflicted Narita Airport itself.) | zh-en | -0.062148 |
卡羅·諾琵斯(Carlo Nobis):傲慢,因為他的父母很富有。 | Carlo Nobis: Haughty because his parents are rich. | zh-en | -0.84451 |
此蛇主治瘧疾,山野間的土人會將蛇身風乾,並將其繋於頸上。 | The Ophi worshiped serpents, hence Land of Serpents. | zh-en | -7.449024 |
记录中最后一个域可以以$NF的方式引用。 | The last field in the input record can be designated by $NF. | zh-en | -1.901447 |
它未能達到其價格和性能目標,據報導耗資2000萬美元。 | It failed to meet its price and performance goals, at a reported cost of $20 million. | zh-en | -1.00789 |
是一位電腦科學家,而且是著名書籍《Behind Deep Blue: Building the Computer that Defeated the World Chess Champion》的作者。 | "Behind Deep Blue: Building the Computer that Defeated the World Chess Champion". | zh-en | -4.407586 |
1999年2月,Haskell 98语言标准公布,名为《The Haskell 98 Report》。 | In February 1999, the Haskell 98 language standard was originally published as The Haskell 98 Report. | zh-en | -0.495395 |
根据公约,非法运输生物、化学和核武器也被定为刑事犯罪。 | The illegal transport of biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons is also criminalised under the Convention. | zh-en | -0.447828 |
Argus的开发在1988年左右停止了。 | Argus development stopped around 1988. | zh-en | -0.576348 |
音乐视频的类型可以视为许多实验片技术的商业化。 | The genre of music video can be seen as a commercialization of many techniques of experimental film. | zh-en | -0.704113 |
不久之后,南斯拉夫成为第一个承认阿尔巴尼亚临时政府的国家。 | Shortly thereafter, Yugoslavia became the first country to recognize Albania's provisional government. | zh-en | -0.426817 |
香港在地質上已經穩定了數百萬年。 | Hong Kong has been geologically stable for millions of years. | zh-en | -0.06314 |
當 Intel 設計 8087 時,他的目標是建立一個標準的浮點格式給未來的設計。 | When Intel designed the 8087, it aimed to make a standard floating-point format for future designs. | zh-en | -0.557668 |
意大利警方逮捕了十五名穆斯林移民,并指控他们“因宗教仇恨而引发的的多起恶意谋杀罪”。 | Italian police arrested fifteen Muslim migrants and charged them with "multiple aggravated murder motivated by religious hate". | zh-en | -0.407873 |
例如,一个繁忙的餐馆可能会让等待的顾客坐在酒吧里。 | For example, a busy restaurant might seat waiting customers a bar. | zh-en | -2.518727 |
即使是那些尚未达到这一美德水平的人,也能够被强迫遵守法律,而这可以使得他们变得更有德性。 | Even those who have not yet achieved this level of virtue can be coerced into obedience to the law, and this may enable them to become more virtuous. | zh-en | -0.657693 |
这很重要,因为在食品与饲料安全性以及产品安全性领域, 当今世界的贸易实际上已经全球化了。 | This is important because trade throughout the world today is highly globalised in the area of food and feed, as well as product safety. | zh-en | -1.55418 |
有一個重要的發展階段是當學習歌曲最好被完成。 | There is an important phase in development when song learning is best accomplished. | zh-en | -0.418132 |
我知道他不是故意要伤害我,但是他做了。 | I know he didn’t mean to hurt me, but he did. | zh-en | -0.883135 |
大娛樂家(英语:Best Time Ever with Neil Patrick Harris)—2015年12月15日宣布取消。 | Best Time Ever with Neil Patrick Harris—Canceled on December 15, 2015. | zh-en | -2.704247 |
面向低错误率而设计的多层单元有时称之为企业级MLC(eMLC)。 | Multi-level cells which are designed for low error rates are sometimes called enterprise MLC (eMLC). | zh-en | -0.865314 |
所有薩里郡的403間學校在2月2和3日封閉。 | All of Surrey's 403 schools closed on 2 and 3 February. | zh-en | -0.459483 |
1月21日,大约80名人质(包括两名妇女)在帕尔米里被处决。 | On 21 January about 80 hostages, including two women, were executed in Palmiry. | zh-en | -0.631814 |
此条约由亚历山大·汉密尔顿所设计并得到总统乔治·华盛顿的支持。 | The Treaty was designed by Alexander Hamilton and supported by President George Washington. | zh-en | -0.325922 |
Hampus Wessman贡献了新的下载器和翻译脚本。 | Hampus Wessman contributed the new downloader and the translation scripts. | zh-en | -0.108152 |
委员会用了一年时间来调查欧文·拉蒂摩尔(Owen Lattimore)和其它太平洋关系研究所(Institute of Pacific Relations)成员。 | This committee spent a year investigating Owen Lattimore and other members of the Institute of Pacific Relations. | zh-en | -0.610821 |
它通常被称为狩猎小屋,但是路德维希从未将它用于此用途,而是在此庆祝生日和周年庆典。 | It is often described as a hunting lodge, though Ludwig never used it for this purpose, instead utilizing it for birthday and anniversary celebrations. | zh-en | -1.353028 |
按照当时的社会习俗,这个房间为男人独有。 | In keeping with social conventions of the time, the room was exclusive to men. | zh-en | -0.459223 |