stringlengths 1
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float64 -25
威爾士語 mae 最初意味著“here is”(cf. yma 'here')。 | Welsh mae originally meant "here is" (cf. yma 'here'). | zh-en | -3.988761 |
2013年 6月4日,白俄罗斯政府批准园区总体规划(决议号:447)。 | On June 4, 2013, the Government of Belarus approved the master plan of the Park (Resolution number 447). | zh-en | -0.673452 |
他们被判入狱3年,其间李接着进行了运动的首次绝食抗议,为的是获得vegan式的食物和衣服。 | They were sentenced to three years in prison, during which Lee went on the movement's first hunger strike to obtain vegan food and clothing. | zh-en | -1.087417 |
3月12日:在柏林,约有3,000人参加了反对德国政府“门户开放”庇护政策的抗议游行。 | 12 March: In Berlin, about 3,000 people took part in a protest march against the German government's 'open door' asylum policy. | zh-en | -1.117185 |
UP包含了P,而且被包含在NP內。 | UP contains P and is contained in NP. | zh-en | -0.578904 |
許多的這些功能都在MidnightBSD 0.1.1引入。 | Many of these features were introduced in MidnightBSD 0.1.1. | zh-en | -0.288093 |
SAR(英语:Service archive),与EAR类似。 | SAR (service archive) is similar to EAR. | zh-en | -0.933415 |
但是夏洛克·福尔摩斯从来没有住在任何地方,他只是一个虚构的人物。 | Yet Sherlock Holmes never lived anywhere at all; he is a fictional character. | zh-en | -0.522811 |
由於更嚴格的槍械貿易限制,AT .380已不再進口到美國。 | Due to tighter firearms trade restrictions, the AT .380 is no longer imported into the United States. | zh-en | -0.536983 |
通常来说,制造商(尤其是中央处理器的制造商)能够提供有关特定代码的信息。 | Normally the manufacturer (especially processor manufacturers) will be able to provide information about specific codes. | zh-en | -0.214282 |
自从它们最初的发现和它们的结构阐明以来,这些相互作用的模块已经在生物世界中无处不在,并且可以在人类基因组的3%基因中被发现。 | Since their original discovery and the elucidation of their structure, these interaction modules have proven ubiquitous in the biological world and may be found in 3% of the genes of the human genome. | zh-en | -0.586913 |
) 最后的字母/-ŋ/,是一种例外,这些模式。 | One of the final letters, /-ŋ/, is an exception to these patterns. | zh-en | -1.626119 |
对于这样或那样的特殊知识,我向这样的或那样的专家申请。 | For such or such special knowledge I apply to such or such a savant. | zh-en | -2.363136 |
若有治療,死亡風險為0.17%。 | With treatment, the risk of death is 0.17%. | zh-en | -0.659275 |
安理会还在第392项决议中谴责索韦托大屠杀。 | The Security Council also condemned the Soweto massacre in Resolution 392. | zh-en | -0.67305 |
2008年6月5日,這部電影被改稱為《Green Arrow: Escape from Super Max》。 | On June 5, 2008, the film was retitled Green Arrow: Escape from Super Max. | zh-en | -0.841547 |
然而,维多利亚号是唯一一艘完成航行的船,该船于1522年9月6日返回。 | However, Victoria was the only ship to complete the voyage, returning on September 6, 1522. | zh-en | -0.665686 |
最新的官方版本是1.2版本 BitchX还不支持Unicode。 | The latest official release is version 1.2 BitchX does not yet support Unicode. | zh-en | -1.713077 |
我让其他人来决定,无论他们赞成或反对北美联盟。 | I leave it up to others to decide if they are in favor of, or against a North American Union. | zh-en | -0.518881 |
直到如今他繼續反對釋放我及給我自由,即使我已服滿18年監禁。 | Until now he continues to oppose my freedom and release, in spite of my serving full sentence 18 years. | zh-en | -1.1893 |
缺點也很明顯: 重複使用往往需要清洗或運輸,有環境成本。 | Disadvantages are also apparent: Reuse often requires cleaning or transport, which have environmental costs. | zh-en | -0.559834 |
在科学上没有得出任何结论,但支持者从来没有失去信心。 | No scientific results have been made, but the supporters have never lost their faith. | zh-en | -0.292215 |
在空气中放置八天以上的焦炭就已不被视为危险了。 | Charcoal that has been exposed to air for a period of eight days is not considered to be hazardous. | zh-en | -0.406774 |
泊于暹罗各港口的十二艘德国船立刻被扣押。 | Twelve German vessels docked in Siamese ports were immediately seized. | zh-en | -2.807861 |
最重要的规定要求平等的土地分配。 | The most important provision called for equal land distribution. | zh-en | -0.218317 |
吉布斯还表示,“因为这是一次训练任务,那架飞机上只有空军人员。 | Gibbs also stated, "Because this was a training mission, the only people on that plane were Air Force personnel." | zh-en | -0.300037 |
她还执导了法国─加拿大电影《维多利亚》(2008年)。 | She also directed the French-Canadian film Victoria (2008). | zh-en | -0.39782 |
今年我们打算鼓励人们勇于尝试。 | This year what we would like to do is encourage people to try. | zh-en | -0.382344 |
到1937年下旬時,Fouga公司都還未能提出一個完整的提案。 | In late 1937, Fouga had not yet submitted a definite proposal. | zh-en | -0.394429 |
馬烏雷加托也驅回一支入侵的穆斯林軍隊。 | Mauregatus also sent back an invading Muslim force. | zh-en | -5.370471 |
官方的經濟數據表明,有相當多的國家在2009年初經濟衰退。 | Official economic data shows that a substantial number of nations were in recession as of early 2009. | zh-en | -0.362912 |
2010年,学生板块首次举行,三名被选中的学生可以与商业代表一起围绕着当前的经济问题进行讨论。 | For the first time, in 2010, a student panel was organized in which three selected students could discuss current economic problems together with business representatives. | zh-en | -0.466281 |
人类健康或环境风险专业知识是一项困难的活动,面临着许多不确定性。 | The risk expertise to human health or the environment is a difficult activity which is facing many uncertainties. | zh-en | -1.804807 |
Tom給他的母親一大筆錢,但Mike拒絕了這個禮物。 | Tom gives his mother a large wad of money, but Mike rejects the gift. | zh-en | -0.631394 |
企图终结政治僵局的谈判拖至1994年。 | Negotiations to end the political deadlock dragged on into 1994. | zh-en | -0.359358 |
另外一個例子是,15人因為越境進入中國被公開處決。 | In another instance, 15 people were publicly executed for crossing the border into China. | zh-en | -0.345446 |
这是威廉自己在《历史》中给出的解释,并被后世历史学家作为事实依据采纳。 | This is the interpretation offered by William himself in the Historia, and it was taken as fact by later historians. | zh-en | -2.06602 |
(诺奎斯特仍然力劝政客们签署他的赋税宣言,并且声称将近一半的国会议员都签署了。 | (Norquist still urges politicians to sign his tax pledge and claims that almost 50% of congressmen have taken the pledge). | zh-en | -1.071394 |
91%的荷蘭人將事件的升級歸咎於土耳其政府。 | 91% of the Dutch population blamed the Turkish government for the incident's escalation. | zh-en | -0.336944 |
他们叫政府从海外招募别的劳动者来。 | They asked the government to recruit other workers from abroad. | zh-en | -0.098011 |
82.8%的家庭有沖水或化學廁所。 | 82.8% of households have a flush or chemical toilet. | zh-en | -0.641705 |
然而,政府並沒有顯著降低其主要開支──補貼,特別是燃料補貼。 | However, the government has failed to significantly reduce its primary expenditure—subsidies, especially the fuel subsidy. | zh-en | -0.226309 |
所有的测试都成功完成了,而且第一台NERVA NRX连续运行了将近2个小时,包括28分钟的全推力运行。 | All test objectives were successfully accomplished, and the first NERVA NRX operated for nearly 2 hours, including 28 minutes at full power. | zh-en | -1.435405 |
英国铁路为服务伦敦以北地区增购了7列。 | British Rail ordered seven more for services north of London. | zh-en | -0.553699 |
它是从现有的数据库,以及来自世界各地的专家和非专家的贡献编制的。 | It is compiled from existing databases and from contributions by experts and non-experts throughout the world. | zh-en | -0.514102 |
到达不连续面仍然是一个重要的科学目标。 | Reaching the discontinuity remains an important scientific objective. | zh-en | -1.507033 |
她向泰勒撒謊說這卡車是屬於她男朋友的。 | She lies and tells Taylor that the truck belongs to her boyfriend. | zh-en | -0.62138 |
战略和预算评估中心 (CSBA)建议减轻AGM-158A的弹头以增加其射程。 | The Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA) has suggested lightening the warhead of the AGM-158A to increase its range. | zh-en | -1.422215 |
这条隧道在整个格鲁吉亚和奧塞提亞冲突中起到重要作用。 | The tunnel has been important throughout the Georgian–Ossetian conflict. | zh-en | -0 |
尼克松的主要经济目标就是要减少通货膨胀,要达到这一目标,最显著的方法就是结束战争。 | Nixon's major economic goal was to reduce inflation; the most obvious means of doing so was to end the war. | zh-en | -0.249014 |
到了晚上,整个麦加城都被疏散了。 | By evening the entire city of Mecca had been evacuated. | zh-en | -0.096713 |
從那時起它一直保持著多元化。 | It has maintained the plurality since then. | zh-en | -0.431632 |
它后来被称为“pyroxylic spirit”。 | It later became known as "pyroxylic spirit". | zh-en | -0.690755 |
Rawti Shax伊斯兰组织一度被发现在暗网上运作。 | The Rawti Shax Islamist group was found to be operating on the dark web at one time. | zh-en | -0.975646 |
已有几例事件中,狗在湖中玩耍与喝水后受到影响。 | There have been several cases of dogs being affected after playing in and drinking the lake water. | zh-en | -1.017473 |
不过,由于华人仍然被美国排斥着,所以其数量事实上还增加了。 | However, since the Chinese were still barred from the United States, their numbers actually increased. | zh-en | -0.944765 |
这些文件被称为圆桌会议协议。 | These documents became known as the Round Table Agreement. | zh-en | -0.623614 |
现代地理学家最初把食物看作一种经济活动,尤其在农业地理方面。 | Modern geographers initially focused on food as an economic activity, especially in terms of agricultural geography. | zh-en | -0.442461 |
匈牙利政府表示,他们正在试图执行欧盟法律(都柏林规则),其中规定难民应在首先进入的欧盟国家寻求庇护。 | The Hungarian government said it was trying to enforce EU law (the Dublin Regulation), which states that refugees should seek asylum in the first EU country they enter. | zh-en | -0.338069 |
在2003年12月9日这一技术申请了专利。 | On December 9, 2003 this technology was patented. | zh-en | -0 |
咸淳元年,以度宗潛邸,升府。 | علشان/عشان (ʕašān/ʕalašān, because), from على (ʕalā, on) and شأن (šaʔn, matter). | zh-en | -23.476353 |
同一年,一套管风琴由英国的 A. Hunter & Sons of Clapham 製造,安装费用为750英镑。 | In the same year, a pipe organ built by A. Hunter & Sons of Clapham, England was installed at a cost of £750. | zh-en | -0.934283 |
最初,项目会被放在Cuusoo/Ideas网站最多两年,如果项目没有达到所需的10,000张支持票就会被拿下。 | At first, projects would be kept on the Cuusoo/Ideas website for up to two years and then taken down if the project did not reach the 10,000 required votes of support. | zh-en | -1.529088 |
其时爱思唯尔占有世界科学、技术和医学出版市场的16%。 | At that time, Elsevier accounted for 16% of the world market in science, technology, and medical publishing. | zh-en | -0.389816 |
大多数爱尔兰独立运动领导人愿意接受此项妥协,至少暂时如此,虽然许多军事共和派并非如此。 | Most of the Irish independence movement's leaders were willing to accept this compromise, at least for the time being, though many militant republicans were not. | zh-en | -1.247378 |
在2013年,法国电力公司承认了建设EPR设计的困难。 | In 2013, EDF acknowledged the difficulties it was having building the EPR design. | zh-en | -0.50773 |
中国和俄罗斯边境各有14个国家,超过其他任何国家。 | China and Russia each border 14 countries, more than any other countries. | zh-en | -0.259228 |
非暴力抵抗者不仅要拒绝向其对手开枪,还要拒绝去憎恨他们。 | The nonviolent resister not only refuses to shoot his opponent, but he also refuses to hate him." | zh-en | -1.451583 |
1961年,酒店被戴爾·韋伯(Del Webb)收購。 | In 1961, the hotel was purchased by Del Webb. | zh-en | -0.130525 |
Jones in the Fast Lane — Sierra Entertainment製作,最早的人生模擬遊戲之一。 | Jones in the Fast Lane – by Sierra Entertainment is one of the earliest life simulators. | zh-en | -1.814146 |
郤子其或者欲已乱于齐乎?不然,余惧其益之也。 | If you could be either God's worst enemy or nothing, which would you choose? | zh-en | -5.813461 |
7000系列中的大多数手机针对具有时尚意识的用户,尤其是女性。 | Most phones in the 7000 series are targeted towards fashion-conscious users, particularly towards women. | zh-en | -1.015865 |
因此,根据牛顿的说法,基督遭受饥饿和痛苦,有一个会死的身体。 | Therefore, according to Newton, Christ suffered hunger and pain and had a mortal body. | zh-en | -1.00434 |
本非天主教徒的Xavier Maly,花了一個月的每天祈禱來準備自己。 | Xavier Maly, a non-Catholic, prepared himself by praying every day for a month. | zh-en | -0.593522 |
五月中旬,法军士气低落。 | By mid-May, French morale was low. | zh-en | -0.802667 |
正殿佛五尊,各带须弥座及光焰。 | Each was to furnish their own wood for fuel and lights. | zh-en | -5.996351 |
1988年11月1日,他们在缅泰边境建立了全缅学生民主阵线(ABSDF)。 | On 1 November 1988, they founded the All Burma Students’ Democratic Front (ABSDF) on the Myanmar-Thailand border. | zh-en | -0.844489 |
然而,在2012春季各政治派别之间的谈判失败,临时宪法的实施被搁置,直到举行新的选举。 | However, negotiations among political factions failed in the spring of 2012 and the implementation of an interim constitution was placed on hold until new elections were held. | zh-en | -0.452349 |
Mirai亦被用于2016年11月针对利比里亚互联网基础设施的攻击。 | Mirai has also been used in an attack on Liberia's Internet infrastructure in November 2016. | zh-en | -0.347953 |
到六月中旬,大約六十省或多或少都有公開的叛變。 | By the middle of June, about sixty departments were in more or less open rebellion. | zh-en | -0.958248 |
根据金赛的报告,只有少数一些人(5%-10%)可以认为是完全的同性恋和异性恋。 | According to Kinsey, only a minority (5–10%) can be considered fully heterosexual or homosexual. | zh-en | -0.994341 |
1196年,拉丁教会成立,东正教教会经历了一系列的宗教迫害。 | In 1196, the Latin Church was established, and the Orthodox Cypriot Church experienced a series of religious persecutions. | zh-en | -1.650186 |
很显然,各政府没有意愿,也没有能力独自实现可持续性。 | It is clear that governments alone have neither the will nor the capability to accomplish sustainability on their own. | zh-en | -0.097635 |
從那年9月開始,西班牙當局開始向失業移民提供付款,如果他們同意取消他們的居留並離開該國。 | Beginning in September that year, Spanish authorities offered payments to unemployed immigrants if they agreed to cancel their residency and leave the country. | zh-en | -0.600989 |
这已经在传统上用于工业控制区域,并且有许多支持该通信标准的工业仪器。 | This has been used traditionally in the industrial control area, and there are many industrial instruments which support this communication standard. | zh-en | -0.550522 |
各个代表静静地站着几分钟。 | Members stood for one minute silence. | zh-en | -1.210087 |
(古希臘人甚至懷疑過1是否是一個數。 | (The ancient Greeks even questioned whether 1 was a number.) | zh-en | -0.125171 |
里奇·希基(Rich Hickey)是Clojure语言的创造者。 | Rich Hickey is the creator of the Clojure language. | zh-en | -0.028408 |
波兰人和立陶宛人不能将军事上的胜利转化为领地或外交上的获益。 | The Poles and Lithuanians were unable to translate the military victory into territorial or diplomatic gains. | zh-en | -0.371555 |
类似的,S- 和M-视锥细胞也不直接对应蓝色和绿色,尽管它们经常被这样描述。 | Similarly, the S- and M-cones do not directly correspond to blue and green, although they are often described as such. | zh-en | -1.780555 |
他的行为包括他事工期间所行的神迹和其他行为。 | The works include the miracles and other acts performed during his ministry. | zh-en | -1.383715 |
它们也可以显示为两个或更多的抽象流程,通过消息流交互作用(如上一节所描述)。 | They may also be shown as two or more Abstract Processes interacting through Message Flow (as described in the previous section). | zh-en | -0.892564 |
NASA实施的深空网络是一个必须应对这些问题的系统。 | The Deep Space Network implemented by NASA is one such system that must cope with these problems. | zh-en | -0.474303 |
贝尔格莱德的比利时驻南斯拉夫大使馆遭到示威者袭击,伦敦和纽约也爆发暴力示威。 | The Belgian Embassy in Yugoslavia was attacked by protesters in Belgrade, and violent demonstrations occurred in London and New York. | zh-en | -1.218606 |
至少25%被毁的木材在1980年9月后打捞上岸。 | At least 25% of the destroyed timber was salvaged after September 1980. | zh-en | -0.675484 |
這個過程必須在歐洲議會選舉前至少六週開始。 | This process would have to start at least six weeks before the EP elections. | zh-en | -0.529259 |
Lea因帮助丈夫向政府隐瞒收入被判一年监禁。 | Lea was sentenced to one year for helping her husband hide income from the government. | zh-en | -0.626314 |
四个月来,维基百科把我描述成为一位可疑的刺客,直到10月5日我把它从网站的历史上抹去。 | For four months, Wikipedia depicted me as a suspected assassin before I erased it from the website's history Oct. 5. | zh-en | -1.441261 |
(不列颠艺术家安德鲁·戈尔兹沃锡也用了同样的技术,尽管是在自然环境下。 | (The British artist Andrew Goldsworthy has also used the same technique, albeit in a natural environment.) | zh-en | -0.576873 |
网页设计者Doug Bowman说过起初的Internet Explorer盒模型代表了一个更好,更有逻辑性的方法。 | Web designer Doug Bowman has said that the original Internet Explorer box model represents a better, more logical approach. | zh-en | -0.963508 |