20 values
20 values
How many singers do we have?
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select count ( * ) from singer
What is the total number of singers?
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select count ( * ) from singer
Show name, country, age for all singers ordered by age from the oldest to the youngest.
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select name , country , age from singer order by age desc
What are the names, countries, and ages for every singer in descending order of age?
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select name , country , age from singer order by age desc
What is the average, minimum, and maximum age of all singers from France?
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select avg ( age ) , min ( age ) , max ( age ) from singer where country = 'France'
What is the average, minimum, and maximum age for all French singers?
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select avg ( age ) , min ( age ) , max ( age ) from singer where country = 'France'
Show the name and the release year of the song by the youngest singer.
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select song_name , song_release_year from singer order by age asc limit 1
What are the names and release years for all the songs of the youngest singer?
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select song_name , song_release_year from singer order by age asc limit 1
What are all distinct countries where singers above age 20 are from?
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select distinct country from singer where age > 20
What are the different countries with singers above age 20?
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select distinct country from singer where age > 20
Show all countries and the number of singers in each country.
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select country , count ( * ) from singer group by country
How many singers are from each country?
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select country , count ( * ) from singer group by country
List all song names by singers above the average age.
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select song_name from singer where age > ( select avg ( age ) from singer )
What are all the song names by singers who are older than average?
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select song_name from singer where age > ( select avg ( age ) from singer )
Show location and name for all stadiums with a capacity between 5000 and 10000.
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select location , name from stadium where capacity between 5000 and 10000
What are the locations and names of all stations with capacity between 5000 and 10000?
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select location , name from stadium where capacity between 5000 and 10000
What is the maximum capacity and the average of all stadiums ?
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select max ( capacity ) , average from stadium
What is the average and maximum capacities for all stadiums ?
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select avg ( capacity ) , max ( capacity ) from stadium
What is the name and capacity for the stadium with highest average attendance?
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select name , capacity from stadium order by average desc limit 1
What is the name and capacity for the stadium with the highest average attendance?
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select name , capacity from stadium order by average desc limit 1
How many concerts are there in year 2014 or 2015?
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select count ( * ) from concert where year = 2014 or year = 2015
How many concerts occurred in 2014 or 2015?
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select count ( * ) from concert where year = 2014 or year = 2015
Show the stadium name and the number of concerts in each stadium.
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select stadium.name , count ( * ) from concert join stadium on concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id group by concert.stadium_id
For each stadium, how many concerts play there?
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select stadium.name , count ( * ) from concert join stadium on concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id group by concert.stadium_id
Show the stadium name and capacity with most number of concerts in year 2014 or after.
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select stadium.name , stadium.capacity from concert join stadium on concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id where concert.year >= 2014 group by stadium.stadium_id order by count ( * ) desc limit 1
What is the name and capacity of the stadium with the most concerts after 2013 ?
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select stadium.name , stadium.capacity from concert join stadium on concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id where concert.year > 2013 group by stadium.stadium_id order by count ( * ) desc limit 1
Which year has most number of concerts?
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select year from concert group by year order by count ( * ) desc limit 1
What is the year that had the most concerts?
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select year from concert group by year order by count ( * ) desc limit 1
Show the stadium names without any concert.
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select name from stadium where stadium_id not in ( select stadium_id from concert )
What are the names of the stadiums without any concerts?
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select name from stadium where stadium_id not in ( select stadium_id from concert )
Show countries where a singer above age 40 and a singer below 30 are from.
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select country from singer where age > 40 intersect select country from singer where age < 30
Show names for all stadiums except for stadiums having a concert in year 2014.
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select name from stadium except select stadium.name from concert join stadium on concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id where concert.year = 2014
What are the names of all stadiums that did not have a concert in 2014?
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select name from stadium except select stadium.name from concert join stadium on concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id where concert.year = 2014
Show the name and theme for all concerts and the number of singers in each concert.
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select concert.concert_name , concert.theme , count ( * ) from singer_in_concert join concert on singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id group by concert.concert_id
What are the names , themes , and number of singers for every concert ?
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select concert.concert_name , concert.theme , count ( * ) from singer_in_concert join concert on singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id group by concert.concert_id
List singer names and number of concerts for each singer.
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select singer.name , count ( * ) from singer_in_concert join singer on singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id group by singer.singer_id
What are the names of the singers and number of concerts for each person?
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select singer.name , count ( * ) from singer_in_concert join singer on singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id group by singer.singer_id
List all singer names in concerts in year 2014.
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select singer.name from singer_in_concert join singer on singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id join concert on singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id where concert.year = 2014
What are the names of the singers who performed in a concert in 2014?
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select singer.name from singer_in_concert join singer on singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id join concert on singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id where concert.year = 2014
what is the name and nation of the singer who have a song having 'Hey' in its name?
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select name , country from singer where song_name like '%Hey%'
What is the name and country of origin of every singer who has a song with the word 'Hey' in its title?
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select name , country from singer where song_name like '%Hey%'
Find the name and location of the stadiums which some concerts happened in the years of both 2014 and 2015.
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select stadium.name , stadium.location from concert join stadium on concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id where concert.year = 2014 intersect select stadium.name , stadium.location from concert join stadium on concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id where concert.year = 2015
What are the names and locations of the stadiums that had concerts that occurred in both 2014 and 2015?
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select stadium.name , stadium.location from concert join stadium on concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id where concert.year = 2014 intersect select stadium.name , stadium.location from concert join stadium on concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id where concert.year = 2015
Find the number of concerts happened in the stadium with the highest capacity .
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select count ( * ) from concert where stadium_id = ( select stadium_id from stadium order by capacity desc limit 1 )
What are the number of concerts that occurred in the stadium with the largest capacity ?
# stadium ( stadium_id , location , name , capacity , highest , lowest , average ) # singer ( singer_id , name , country , song_name , song_release_year , age , is_male ) # concert ( concert_id , concert_name , theme , stadium_id , year ) # singer_in_concert ( concert_id , singer_id ) # concert.stadium_id = stadium.stadium_id # singer_in_concert.singer_id = singer.singer_id # singer_in_concert.concert_id = concert.concert_id
select count ( * ) from concert where stadium_id = ( select stadium_id from stadium order by capacity desc limit 1 )
Find the number of pets whose weight is heavier than 10.
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select count ( * ) from pets where weight > 10
How many pets have a greater weight than 10?
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select count ( * ) from pets where weight > 10
Find the weight of the youngest dog.
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select weight from pets order by pet_age asc limit 1
How much does the youngest dog weigh?
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select weight from pets order by pet_age asc limit 1
Find the maximum weight for each type of pet. List the maximum weight and pet type.
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select max ( weight ) , pettype from pets group by pettype
List the maximum weight and type for each type of pet.
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select max ( weight ) , pettype from pets group by pettype
Find number of pets owned by students who are older than 20.
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select count ( * ) from student join has_pet on student.stuid = has_pet.stuid where student.age > 20
How many pets are owned by students that have an age greater than 20?
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select count ( * ) from student join has_pet on student.stuid = has_pet.stuid where student.age > 20
Find the number of dog pets that are raised by female students (with sex F).
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select count ( * ) from student join has_pet on student.stuid = has_pet.stuid join pets on has_pet.petid = pets.petid where student.sex = 'F' and pets.pettype = 'dog'
How many dog pets are raised by female students?
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select count ( * ) from student join has_pet on student.stuid = has_pet.stuid join pets on has_pet.petid = pets.petid where student.sex = 'F' and pets.pettype = 'dog'
Find the number of distinct type of pets.
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select count ( distinct pettype ) from pets
How many different types of pet are there?
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select count ( distinct pettype ) from pets
Find the first name of students who have cat or dog pet.
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select distinct student.fname from student join has_pet on student.stuid = has_pet.stuid join pets on pets.petid = has_pet.petid where pets.pettype = 'cat' or pets.pettype = 'dog'
What are the first names of every student who has a cat or dog as a pet?
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select distinct student.fname from student join has_pet on student.stuid = has_pet.stuid join pets on pets.petid = has_pet.petid where pets.pettype = 'cat' or pets.pettype = 'dog'
Find the first name of students who have both cat and dog pets .
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select student.fname from student join has_pet on student.stuid = has_pet.stuid join pets on pets.petid = has_pet.petid where pets.pettype = 'cat' intersect select student.fname from student join has_pet on student.stuid = has_pet.stuid join pets on pets.petid = has_pet.petid where pets.pettype = 'dog'
What are the students' first names who have both cats and dogs as pets?
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select student.fname from student join has_pet on student.stuid = has_pet.stuid join pets on pets.petid = has_pet.petid where pets.pettype = 'cat' intersect select student.fname from student join has_pet on student.stuid = has_pet.stuid join pets on pets.petid = has_pet.petid where pets.pettype = 'dog'
Find the major and age of students who do not have a cat pet.
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select major , age from student where stuid not in ( select student.stuid from student join has_pet on student.stuid = has_pet.stuid join pets on pets.petid = has_pet.petid where pets.pettype = 'cat' )
What major is every student who does not own a cat as a pet, and also how old are they?
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select major , age from student where stuid not in ( select student.stuid from student join has_pet on student.stuid = has_pet.stuid join pets on pets.petid = has_pet.petid where pets.pettype = 'cat' )
Find the id of students who do not have a cat pet.
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select stuid from student except select student.stuid from student join has_pet on student.stuid = has_pet.stuid join pets on pets.petid = has_pet.petid where pets.pettype = 'cat'
What are the ids of the students who do not own cats as pets?
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select stuid from student except select student.stuid from student join has_pet on student.stuid = has_pet.stuid join pets on pets.petid = has_pet.petid where pets.pettype = 'cat'
Find the first name and age of students who have a dog but do not have a cat as a pet.
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select student.fname , student.age from student join has_pet on student.stuid = has_pet.stuid join pets on pets.petid = has_pet.petid where pets.pettype = 'dog' and student.stuid not in ( select student.stuid from student join has_pet on student.stuid = has_pet.stuid join pets on pets.petid = has_pet.petid where pets.pettype = 'cat' )
What is the first name of every student who has a dog but does not have a cat?
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select student.fname , student.age from student join has_pet on student.stuid = has_pet.stuid join pets on pets.petid = has_pet.petid where pets.pettype = 'dog' and student.stuid not in ( select student.stuid from student join has_pet on student.stuid = has_pet.stuid join pets on pets.petid = has_pet.petid where pets.pettype = 'cat' )
Find the type and weight of the youngest pet.
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select pettype , weight from pets order by pet_age asc limit 1
What type of pet is the youngest animal, and how much does it weigh?
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select pettype , weight from pets order by pet_age asc limit 1
Find the id and weight of all pets whose age is older than 1.
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select petid , weight from pets where pet_age > 1
What is the id and weight of every pet who is older than 1?
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select petid , weight from pets where pet_age > 1
Find the average and maximum age for each type of pet.
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select avg ( pet_age ) , max ( pet_age ) , pettype from pets group by pettype
What is the average and maximum age for each pet type?
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select avg ( pet_age ) , max ( pet_age ) , pettype from pets group by pettype
Find the average weight for each pet type.
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select avg ( weight ) , pettype from pets group by pettype
What is the average weight for each type of pet?
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select avg ( weight ) , pettype from pets group by pettype
Find the first name and age of students who have a pet.
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select distinct student.fname , student.age from student join has_pet on student.stuid = has_pet.stuid
What are the different first names and ages of the students who do have pets?
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select distinct student.fname , student.age from student join has_pet on student.stuid = has_pet.stuid
Find the id of the pet owned by student whose last name is 'Smith'.
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select has_pet.petid from student join has_pet on student.stuid = has_pet.stuid where student.lname = 'Smith'
What is the id of the pet owned by the student whose last name is 'Smith'?
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select has_pet.petid from student join has_pet on student.stuid = has_pet.stuid where student.lname = 'Smith'
Find the number of pets for each student who has any pet and student id.
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select count ( * ) , student.stuid from student join has_pet on student.stuid = has_pet.stuid group by student.stuid
For students who have pets , how many pets does each student have ? list their ids instead of names .
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select count ( * ) , student.stuid from student join has_pet on student.stuid = has_pet.stuid group by student.stuid
Find the first name and gender of student who have more than one pet.
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select student.fname , student.sex from student join has_pet on student.stuid = has_pet.stuid group by student.stuid having count ( * ) > 1
What is the first name and gender of the all the students who have more than one pet?
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select student.fname , student.sex from student join has_pet on student.stuid = has_pet.stuid group by student.stuid having count ( * ) > 1
Find the last name of the student who has a cat that is age 3.
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select student.lname from student join has_pet on student.stuid = has_pet.stuid join pets on pets.petid = has_pet.petid where pets.pet_age = 3 and pets.pettype = 'cat'
What is the last name of the student who has a cat that is 3 years old?
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select student.lname from student join has_pet on student.stuid = has_pet.stuid join pets on pets.petid = has_pet.petid where pets.pet_age = 3 and pets.pettype = 'cat'
Find the average age of students who do not have any pet .
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select avg ( age ) from student where stuid not in ( select stuid from has_pet )
What is the average age for all students who do not own any pets ?
# student ( stuid , lname , fname , age , sex , major , advisor , city_code ) # has_pet ( stuid , petid ) # pets ( petid , pettype , pet_age , weight ) # has_pet.stuid = student.stuid # has_pet.petid = pets.petid
select avg ( age ) from student where stuid not in ( select stuid from has_pet )
How many continents are there?
# continents ( contid , continent ) # countries ( countryid , countryname , continent ) # car_makers ( id , maker , fullname , country ) # model_list ( modelid , maker , model ) # car_names ( makeid , model , make ) # cars_data ( id , mpg , cylinders , edispl , horsepower , weight , accelerate , year ) # countries.continent = continents.contid # car_makers.country = countries.countryid # model_list.maker = car_makers.id # car_names.model = model_list.model # cars_data.id = car_names.makeid
select count ( * ) from continents
What is the number of continents?
# continents ( contid , continent ) # countries ( countryid , countryname , continent ) # car_makers ( id , maker , fullname , country ) # model_list ( modelid , maker , model ) # car_names ( makeid , model , make ) # cars_data ( id , mpg , cylinders , edispl , horsepower , weight , accelerate , year ) # countries.continent = continents.contid # car_makers.country = countries.countryid # model_list.maker = car_makers.id # car_names.model = model_list.model # cars_data.id = car_names.makeid
select count ( * ) from continents
How many countries does each continent have? List the continent id, continent name and the number of countries.
# continents ( contid , continent ) # countries ( countryid , countryname , continent ) # car_makers ( id , maker , fullname , country ) # model_list ( modelid , maker , model ) # car_names ( makeid , model , make ) # cars_data ( id , mpg , cylinders , edispl , horsepower , weight , accelerate , year ) # countries.continent = continents.contid # car_makers.country = countries.countryid # model_list.maker = car_makers.id # car_names.model = model_list.model # cars_data.id = car_names.makeid
select continents.contid , continents.continent , count ( * ) from continents join countries on continents.contid = countries.continent group by continents.contid
For each continent, list its id, name, and how many countries it has?
# continents ( contid , continent ) # countries ( countryid , countryname , continent ) # car_makers ( id , maker , fullname , country ) # model_list ( modelid , maker , model ) # car_names ( makeid , model , make ) # cars_data ( id , mpg , cylinders , edispl , horsepower , weight , accelerate , year ) # countries.continent = continents.contid # car_makers.country = countries.countryid # model_list.maker = car_makers.id # car_names.model = model_list.model # cars_data.id = car_names.makeid
select continents.contid , continents.continent , count ( * ) from continents join countries on continents.contid = countries.continent group by continents.contid
How many countries are listed?
# continents ( contid , continent ) # countries ( countryid , countryname , continent ) # car_makers ( id , maker , fullname , country ) # model_list ( modelid , maker , model ) # car_names ( makeid , model , make ) # cars_data ( id , mpg , cylinders , edispl , horsepower , weight , accelerate , year ) # countries.continent = continents.contid # car_makers.country = countries.countryid # model_list.maker = car_makers.id # car_names.model = model_list.model # cars_data.id = car_names.makeid
select count ( * ) from countries
How many countries exist?
# continents ( contid , continent ) # countries ( countryid , countryname , continent ) # car_makers ( id , maker , fullname , country ) # model_list ( modelid , maker , model ) # car_names ( makeid , model , make ) # cars_data ( id , mpg , cylinders , edispl , horsepower , weight , accelerate , year ) # countries.continent = continents.contid # car_makers.country = countries.countryid # model_list.maker = car_makers.id # car_names.model = model_list.model # cars_data.id = car_names.makeid
select count ( * ) from countries
How many models does each car maker produce? List maker full name, id and the number.
# continents ( contid , continent ) # countries ( countryid , countryname , continent ) # car_makers ( id , maker , fullname , country ) # model_list ( modelid , maker , model ) # car_names ( makeid , model , make ) # cars_data ( id , mpg , cylinders , edispl , horsepower , weight , accelerate , year ) # countries.continent = continents.contid # car_makers.country = countries.countryid # model_list.maker = car_makers.id # car_names.model = model_list.model # cars_data.id = car_names.makeid
select car_makers.fullname , car_makers.id , count ( * ) from car_makers join model_list on car_makers.id = model_list.maker group by car_makers.id
What is the full name of each car maker, along with its id and how many models it produces?
# continents ( contid , continent ) # countries ( countryid , countryname , continent ) # car_makers ( id , maker , fullname , country ) # model_list ( modelid , maker , model ) # car_names ( makeid , model , make ) # cars_data ( id , mpg , cylinders , edispl , horsepower , weight , accelerate , year ) # countries.continent = continents.contid # car_makers.country = countries.countryid # model_list.maker = car_makers.id # car_names.model = model_list.model # cars_data.id = car_names.makeid
select car_makers.fullname , car_makers.id , count ( * ) from car_makers join model_list on car_makers.id = model_list.maker group by car_makers.id
Which model of the car has the minimum horsepower?
# continents ( contid , continent ) # countries ( countryid , countryname , continent ) # car_makers ( id , maker , fullname , country ) # model_list ( modelid , maker , model ) # car_names ( makeid , model , make ) # cars_data ( id , mpg , cylinders , edispl , horsepower , weight , accelerate , year ) # countries.continent = continents.contid # car_makers.country = countries.countryid # model_list.maker = car_makers.id # car_names.model = model_list.model # cars_data.id = car_names.makeid
select car_names.model from car_names join cars_data on car_names.makeid = cars_data.id order by cars_data.horsepower asc limit 1
What is the model of the car with the smallest amount of horsepower?
# continents ( contid , continent ) # countries ( countryid , countryname , continent ) # car_makers ( id , maker , fullname , country ) # model_list ( modelid , maker , model ) # car_names ( makeid , model , make ) # cars_data ( id , mpg , cylinders , edispl , horsepower , weight , accelerate , year ) # countries.continent = continents.contid # car_makers.country = countries.countryid # model_list.maker = car_makers.id # car_names.model = model_list.model # cars_data.id = car_names.makeid
select car_names.model from car_names join cars_data on car_names.makeid = cars_data.id order by cars_data.horsepower asc limit 1
Find the model of the car whose weight is below the average weight.
# continents ( contid , continent ) # countries ( countryid , countryname , continent ) # car_makers ( id , maker , fullname , country ) # model_list ( modelid , maker , model ) # car_names ( makeid , model , make ) # cars_data ( id , mpg , cylinders , edispl , horsepower , weight , accelerate , year ) # countries.continent = continents.contid # car_makers.country = countries.countryid # model_list.maker = car_makers.id # car_names.model = model_list.model # cars_data.id = car_names.makeid
select car_names.model from car_names join cars_data on car_names.makeid = cars_data.id where cars_data.weight < ( select avg ( weight ) from cars_data )
What is the model for the car with a weight smaller than the average?
# continents ( contid , continent ) # countries ( countryid , countryname , continent ) # car_makers ( id , maker , fullname , country ) # model_list ( modelid , maker , model ) # car_names ( makeid , model , make ) # cars_data ( id , mpg , cylinders , edispl , horsepower , weight , accelerate , year ) # countries.continent = continents.contid # car_makers.country = countries.countryid # model_list.maker = car_makers.id # car_names.model = model_list.model # cars_data.id = car_names.makeid
select car_names.model from car_names join cars_data on car_names.makeid = cars_data.id where cars_data.weight < ( select avg ( weight ) from cars_data )
Find the name of the makers that produced some cars in the year of 1970?
# continents ( contid , continent ) # countries ( countryid , countryname , continent ) # car_makers ( id , maker , fullname , country ) # model_list ( modelid , maker , model ) # car_names ( makeid , model , make ) # cars_data ( id , mpg , cylinders , edispl , horsepower , weight , accelerate , year ) # countries.continent = continents.contid # car_makers.country = countries.countryid # model_list.maker = car_makers.id # car_names.model = model_list.model # cars_data.id = car_names.makeid
select distinct car_makers.maker from car_makers join model_list on car_makers.id = model_list.maker join car_names on model_list.model = car_names.model join cars_data on car_names.makeid = cars_data.id where cars_data.year = '1970'

Dataset Card for Spider Context Validation

Dataset Summary

Spider is a large-scale complex and cross-domain semantic parsing and text-to-SQL dataset annotated by 11 Yale students The goal of the Spider challenge is to develop natural language interfaces to cross-domain databases.

This dataset was created to validate spider-fine-tuned LLMs with database context.

Yale Lily Spider Leaderboards

The leaderboard can be seen at https://yale-lily.github.io/spider


The text in the dataset is in English.

Licensing Information

The spider dataset is licensed under the CC BY-SA 4.0


  title={Spider: A large-scale human-labeled dataset for complex and cross-domain semantic parsing and text-to-sql task},
  author={Yu, Tao and Zhang, Rui and Yang, Kai and Yasunaga, Michihiro and Wang, Dongxu and Li, Zifan and Ma, James and Li, Irene and Yao, Qingning and Roman, Shanelle and others},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1809.08887},
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