20 values
20 values
How many singers are there?
# singer ( singer_id , name , birth_year , net_worth_millions , citizenship ) # song ( song_id , title , singer_id , sales , highest_position ) # song.singer_id = singer.singer_id
select count ( * ) from singer
What is the count of singers?
# singer ( singer_id , name , birth_year , net_worth_millions , citizenship ) # song ( song_id , title , singer_id , sales , highest_position ) # song.singer_id = singer.singer_id
select count ( * ) from singer
List the name of singers in ascending order of net worth.
# singer ( singer_id , name , birth_year , net_worth_millions , citizenship ) # song ( song_id , title , singer_id , sales , highest_position ) # song.singer_id = singer.singer_id
select name from singer order by net_worth_millions asc
What are the names of singers ordered by ascending net worth?
# singer ( singer_id , name , birth_year , net_worth_millions , citizenship ) # song ( song_id , title , singer_id , sales , highest_position ) # song.singer_id = singer.singer_id
select name from singer order by net_worth_millions asc
What are the birth year and citizenship of singers?
# singer ( singer_id , name , birth_year , net_worth_millions , citizenship ) # song ( song_id , title , singer_id , sales , highest_position ) # song.singer_id = singer.singer_id
select birth_year , citizenship from singer
What are the birth years and citizenships of the singers?
# singer ( singer_id , name , birth_year , net_worth_millions , citizenship ) # song ( song_id , title , singer_id , sales , highest_position ) # song.singer_id = singer.singer_id
select birth_year , citizenship from singer
List the name of singers whose citizenship is not "France".
# singer ( singer_id , name , birth_year , net_worth_millions , citizenship ) # song ( song_id , title , singer_id , sales , highest_position ) # song.singer_id = singer.singer_id
select name from singer where citizenship != 'France'
What are the names of the singers who are not French citizens?
# singer ( singer_id , name , birth_year , net_worth_millions , citizenship ) # song ( song_id , title , singer_id , sales , highest_position ) # song.singer_id = singer.singer_id
select name from singer where citizenship != 'France'
Show the name of singers whose birth year is either 1948 or 1949?
# singer ( singer_id , name , birth_year , net_worth_millions , citizenship ) # song ( song_id , title , singer_id , sales , highest_position ) # song.singer_id = singer.singer_id
select name from singer where birth_year = 1948 or birth_year = 1949
What are the names of the singers whose birth years are either 1948 or 1949?
# singer ( singer_id , name , birth_year , net_worth_millions , citizenship ) # song ( song_id , title , singer_id , sales , highest_position ) # song.singer_id = singer.singer_id
select name from singer where birth_year = 1948 or birth_year = 1949
What is the name of the singer with the largest net worth?
# singer ( singer_id , name , birth_year , net_worth_millions , citizenship ) # song ( song_id , title , singer_id , sales , highest_position ) # song.singer_id = singer.singer_id
select name from singer order by net_worth_millions desc limit 1
What is the name of the singer who is worth the most?
# singer ( singer_id , name , birth_year , net_worth_millions , citizenship ) # song ( song_id , title , singer_id , sales , highest_position ) # song.singer_id = singer.singer_id
select name from singer order by net_worth_millions desc limit 1
Show different citizenship of singers and the number of singers of each citizenship.
# singer ( singer_id , name , birth_year , net_worth_millions , citizenship ) # song ( song_id , title , singer_id , sales , highest_position ) # song.singer_id = singer.singer_id
select citizenship , count ( * ) from singer group by citizenship
For each citizenship, how many singers are from that country?
# singer ( singer_id , name , birth_year , net_worth_millions , citizenship ) # song ( song_id , title , singer_id , sales , highest_position ) # song.singer_id = singer.singer_id
select citizenship , count ( * ) from singer group by citizenship
Please show the most common citizenship of singers.
# singer ( singer_id , name , birth_year , net_worth_millions , citizenship ) # song ( song_id , title , singer_id , sales , highest_position ) # song.singer_id = singer.singer_id
select citizenship from singer group by citizenship order by count ( * ) desc limit 1
What is the most common singer citizenship ?
# singer ( singer_id , name , birth_year , net_worth_millions , citizenship ) # song ( song_id , title , singer_id , sales , highest_position ) # song.singer_id = singer.singer_id
select citizenship from singer group by citizenship order by count ( * ) desc limit 1
Show different citizenships and the maximum net worth of singers of each citizenship.
# singer ( singer_id , name , birth_year , net_worth_millions , citizenship ) # song ( song_id , title , singer_id , sales , highest_position ) # song.singer_id = singer.singer_id
select citizenship , max ( net_worth_millions ) from singer group by citizenship
For each citizenship, what is the maximum net worth?
# singer ( singer_id , name , birth_year , net_worth_millions , citizenship ) # song ( song_id , title , singer_id , sales , highest_position ) # song.singer_id = singer.singer_id
select citizenship , max ( net_worth_millions ) from singer group by citizenship
Show titles of songs and names of singers.
# singer ( singer_id , name , birth_year , net_worth_millions , citizenship ) # song ( song_id , title , singer_id , sales , highest_position ) # song.singer_id = singer.singer_id
select song.title , singer.name from singer join song on singer.singer_id = song.singer_id
What are the song titles and singer names?
# singer ( singer_id , name , birth_year , net_worth_millions , citizenship ) # song ( song_id , title , singer_id , sales , highest_position ) # song.singer_id = singer.singer_id
select song.title , singer.name from singer join song on singer.singer_id = song.singer_id
Show distinct names of singers that have songs with sales more than 300000.
# singer ( singer_id , name , birth_year , net_worth_millions , citizenship ) # song ( song_id , title , singer_id , sales , highest_position ) # song.singer_id = singer.singer_id
select distinct singer.name from singer join song on singer.singer_id = song.singer_id where song.sales > 300000
what are the different names of the singers that have sales more than 300000?
# singer ( singer_id , name , birth_year , net_worth_millions , citizenship ) # song ( song_id , title , singer_id , sales , highest_position ) # song.singer_id = singer.singer_id
select distinct singer.name from singer join song on singer.singer_id = song.singer_id where song.sales > 300000
Show the names of singers that have more than one song.
# singer ( singer_id , name , birth_year , net_worth_millions , citizenship ) # song ( song_id , title , singer_id , sales , highest_position ) # song.singer_id = singer.singer_id
select singer.name from singer join song on singer.singer_id = song.singer_id group by singer.name having count ( * ) > 1
What are the names of the singers that have more than one songs?
# singer ( singer_id , name , birth_year , net_worth_millions , citizenship ) # song ( song_id , title , singer_id , sales , highest_position ) # song.singer_id = singer.singer_id
select singer.name from singer join song on singer.singer_id = song.singer_id group by singer.name having count ( * ) > 1
Show the names of singers and the total sales of their songs.
# singer ( singer_id , name , birth_year , net_worth_millions , citizenship ) # song ( song_id , title , singer_id , sales , highest_position ) # song.singer_id = singer.singer_id
select singer.name , sum ( song.sales ) from singer join song on singer.singer_id = song.singer_id group by singer.name
For each singer name, what is the total sales for their songs?
# singer ( singer_id , name , birth_year , net_worth_millions , citizenship ) # song ( song_id , title , singer_id , sales , highest_position ) # song.singer_id = singer.singer_id
select singer.name , sum ( song.sales ) from singer join song on singer.singer_id = song.singer_id group by singer.name
List the name of singers that do not have any song.
# singer ( singer_id , name , birth_year , net_worth_millions , citizenship ) # song ( song_id , title , singer_id , sales , highest_position ) # song.singer_id = singer.singer_id
select name from singer where singer_id not in ( select singer_id from song )
What is the sname of every sing that does not have any song?
# singer ( singer_id , name , birth_year , net_worth_millions , citizenship ) # song ( song_id , title , singer_id , sales , highest_position ) # song.singer_id = singer.singer_id
select name from singer where singer_id not in ( select singer_id from song )
Show the citizenship shared by singers with birth year before 1945 and after 1955.
# singer ( singer_id , name , birth_year , net_worth_millions , citizenship ) # song ( song_id , title , singer_id , sales , highest_position ) # song.singer_id = singer.singer_id
select citizenship from singer where birth_year < 1945 intersect select citizenship from singer where birth_year > 1955
What are the citizenships that are shared by singers with a birth year before 1945 and after 1955?
# singer ( singer_id , name , birth_year , net_worth_millions , citizenship ) # song ( song_id , title , singer_id , sales , highest_position ) # song.singer_id = singer.singer_id
select citizenship from singer where birth_year < 1945 intersect select citizenship from singer where birth_year > 1955
How many available features are there in total?
# ref_feature_types ( feature_type_code , feature_type_name ) # ref_property_types ( property_type_code , property_type_description ) # other_available_features ( feature_id , feature_type_code , feature_name , feature_description ) # properties ( property_id , property_type_code , date_on_market , date_sold , property_name , property_address , room_count , vendor_requested_price , buyer_offered_price , agreed_selling_price , apt_feature_1 , apt_feature_2 , apt_feature_3 , fld_feature_1 , fld_feature_2 , fld_feature_3 , hse_feature_1 , hse_feature_2 , hse_feature_3 , oth_feature_1 , oth_feature_2 , oth_feature_3 , shp_feature_1 , shp_feature_2 , shp_feature_3 , other_property_details ) # other_property_features ( property_id , feature_id , property_feature_description ) # other_available_features.feature_type_code = ref_feature_types.feature_type_code # properties.property_type_code = ref_property_types.property_type_code # other_property_features.property_id = properties.property_id # other_property_features.feature_id = other_available_features.feature_id
select count ( * ) from other_available_features
What is the feature type name of feature AirCon?
# ref_feature_types ( feature_type_code , feature_type_name ) # ref_property_types ( property_type_code , property_type_description ) # other_available_features ( feature_id , feature_type_code , feature_name , feature_description ) # properties ( property_id , property_type_code , date_on_market , date_sold , property_name , property_address , room_count , vendor_requested_price , buyer_offered_price , agreed_selling_price , apt_feature_1 , apt_feature_2 , apt_feature_3 , fld_feature_1 , fld_feature_2 , fld_feature_3 , hse_feature_1 , hse_feature_2 , hse_feature_3 , oth_feature_1 , oth_feature_2 , oth_feature_3 , shp_feature_1 , shp_feature_2 , shp_feature_3 , other_property_details ) # other_property_features ( property_id , feature_id , property_feature_description ) # other_available_features.feature_type_code = ref_feature_types.feature_type_code # properties.property_type_code = ref_property_types.property_type_code # other_property_features.property_id = properties.property_id # other_property_features.feature_id = other_available_features.feature_id
select ref_feature_types.feature_type_name from other_available_features join ref_feature_types on other_available_features.feature_type_code = ref_feature_types.feature_type_code where other_available_features.feature_name = 'AirCon'
Show the property type descriptions of properties belonging to that code.
# ref_feature_types ( feature_type_code , feature_type_name ) # ref_property_types ( property_type_code , property_type_description ) # other_available_features ( feature_id , feature_type_code , feature_name , feature_description ) # properties ( property_id , property_type_code , date_on_market , date_sold , property_name , property_address , room_count , vendor_requested_price , buyer_offered_price , agreed_selling_price , apt_feature_1 , apt_feature_2 , apt_feature_3 , fld_feature_1 , fld_feature_2 , fld_feature_3 , hse_feature_1 , hse_feature_2 , hse_feature_3 , oth_feature_1 , oth_feature_2 , oth_feature_3 , shp_feature_1 , shp_feature_2 , shp_feature_3 , other_property_details ) # other_property_features ( property_id , feature_id , property_feature_description ) # other_available_features.feature_type_code = ref_feature_types.feature_type_code # properties.property_type_code = ref_property_types.property_type_code # other_property_features.property_id = properties.property_id # other_property_features.feature_id = other_available_features.feature_id
select ref_property_types.property_type_description from properties join ref_property_types on properties.property_type_code = ref_property_types.property_type_code group by properties.property_type_code
What are the names of properties that are either houses or apartments with more than 1 room?
# ref_feature_types ( feature_type_code , feature_type_name ) # ref_property_types ( property_type_code , property_type_description ) # other_available_features ( feature_id , feature_type_code , feature_name , feature_description ) # properties ( property_id , property_type_code , date_on_market , date_sold , property_name , property_address , room_count , vendor_requested_price , buyer_offered_price , agreed_selling_price , apt_feature_1 , apt_feature_2 , apt_feature_3 , fld_feature_1 , fld_feature_2 , fld_feature_3 , hse_feature_1 , hse_feature_2 , hse_feature_3 , oth_feature_1 , oth_feature_2 , oth_feature_3 , shp_feature_1 , shp_feature_2 , shp_feature_3 , other_property_details ) # other_property_features ( property_id , feature_id , property_feature_description ) # other_available_features.feature_type_code = ref_feature_types.feature_type_code # properties.property_type_code = ref_property_types.property_type_code # other_property_features.property_id = properties.property_id # other_property_features.feature_id = other_available_features.feature_id
select property_name from properties where property_type_code = 'House' union select property_name from properties where property_type_code = 'Apartment' and room_count > 1