20 values
This is an interesting question to ponder. Did Brad/Ali's sickness make Ayatollah-style Islam attractive to him or did this new religion that Brad/Ali has formally adopted give him this sickness?
^^^^^^^^^^^^ How do you do bus-mastering on the ISA bus? If we're talking ISA (AT) bus here, then you can only have 1 DMA channel active at any one time, presumably transferring data from a single device. So even though you can have at least 7 devices on a SCSI bus, explain how all 7 of those devices can to DMA transfers through a single SCSI card to the ISA-AT bus at the same time. Also, I'm still trying to track down a copy of IBM's AT reference book, but from their PC technical manual (page 2-93):
Peter, there's a radiosity package ahead. The only problem is: there are a few miles to sail ... ;-^ Let's be serious... I'm working on a radiosity package, written in C++. I would like to make it public domain. I'll announce it in c.g. the minute I finished it. That were the good news. The bad news: It'll take another 2 months (at least) to finish it. In the meantime you may have a look at the file Radiosity_code.tar.Z located at compute1.cc.ncsu.edu (there are some other locations; have a look at archie to get the nearest) Hope that'll help. Yours Stephan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stephan Amann SIG Computer Graphics, University of Berne, Switzerland [email protected] Tel +41 31 65 46 79 Fax +41 31 65 39 65 Projects: Radiosity, Raytracing, Computer Graphics
Well, after suffering from an intense fit of Minnesota-induced cabin fever, I've decided to road trip to Milwaukee and take in a couple of games this weekend. A couple games at County stadium will be great to relieve tension, but I thought "Why not go to Wrigley for a game too?" I see the Cubs are playing the Phillies on Sat (2:05 start, I believe that's Eastern time listed). I figured it would be fun to bounce down to Wrigley for the day game and live it up a little. I'm wondering if anyone (esp. Cubbie fans) have some advice on: 1) If I'm taking 41 (Skokie Hwy) south until it runs into 94, what's the best way to get to Wrigley? I'm planning on getting there an hour or two early and paying through the nose for parking to keep things easy. 2) Is it probable that I'll be able to walk up and get bleacher seats (2 or 3) on game day? I figure since it's early in the year, Ryno's out and the weather isn't great I should be able to get tickets. If not, what's the best way to get advance tickets; can I call the Cubs' ticket office directly and pick up tickets at the will call window? 3) Any advice on where to eat before or after the game? 4) Do they allow inflatable I-luv-ewe dolls (present from Lundy) into the bleachers? :-)
Are there any Workspace Managers out there for Windows 3.1 ? By a Workspace Manager, I mean something like the HP APOLLO Workstations have - multiple workspaces under X. There is a window at the bottom of the screen which allows you to select different workspaces. It overcomes the problem of having stacks of windows open on the one screen. Instead, you can spread them amongst different workspaces which act like independent screens, and you can flick between them. Thanks in advance.
Is anyone familiar with a virus that infects the WINHELP.EXE file? I have recently noticed some unusual system behavior and ran Norton AntiVirus for WINDOWS. It indicated a possible unknown virus in the WINHELP.EXE file in both the MWINDOWS and WINOS2 directories. Neither file changed since I installed my OS/2 system in January as far as I know. Any information about this possible virus and suggestions on remedies would be greatly appreciated.
PLEASE: response directly to me ([email protected]) by email. IF there are a sufficient number of interesting responses, I will post a summary (on April 24 or 25). I have waded through the mass of SCSI-IDE posting, but I missed any answers to a question posted early on -- Has anyone (successfully) put both SCSI and IDE hard drives on the same system? I am particularly interested in having the SCSI as the _boot_ drive. For those who have managed this feat, I would appreciate a bit more information, such as what drives, which SCSI controller, and (if possible) what motherboard & BIOS (plus any other relevant info.).
^^^^^^^ Probably cheaper than you think. I'll bet some of my (and yours) tax dollars become a subsidy for these chips. If these chips don't sell well, what's to stop the US government from 'giving' them away (in the interest of National Security)? -- Steven P. Holton Network Administrator - RTP FAST Northern Telecom, Inc. Replies To: [email protected] on bounce: [ [email protected] | [email protected] ]
I agree. It was great for the ESPN people to show the Detroit game. (My roommate just about sh*t when they threw the octopus on the ice. (Thanks for explaining the significance of that BTW)) The only problem I had was when they blotted out the local commentators with the baseball ads and music. Especially when the wings player hit the rut and went into the boards injuring his shoulder and they blotted out the injury report. Other then that, hats off to ESPN. Now if they'll only make a habit of this. Yeah right! Baseball seasons started (Zzzzzz.....) =) KOZ
How can a witness tell that someone in a burning truck is dead rather than unconscious? What kind of witnesses? If we are talking about witnesses who were at the accident, or were otherwise directly involved (e.g., paramedics, emergency room doctors, etc.), then they should have been used at the first trial. You don't get a new trial because you screwed up and forgot to call all of your witnesses. If we are talking about new expert witnesses who will offer new interpretations of the data, note that the loser can *ALWAYS* find such witnesses. If this were grounds for a new trial, then the loser could *ALWAYS* get a new trial, and keep doing so until the loser becomes a winner (and then the other side would come up with new expert witnesses).
Forwarded from Neal Ausman, Galileo Mission Director GALILEO MISSION DIRECTOR STATUS REPORT POST-LAUNCH April 16 - 22, 1993 SPACECRAFT 1. On April 19, cruise science Memory Readouts (MROs) were performed for the Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrometer (EUV), Dust Detector (DDS), and Magnetometer (MAG) instruments. Preliminary analysis indicates the data was received properly. 2. On April 19, a Command Detector Unit Signal-to-Noise Ratio (CDUSNR) test and a Radio Frequency Subsystem Automatic Gain Control (RFSAGC) test were performed using the LGA-1 (Low Gain Antenna #1) over DSS-63 (Madrid 70 meter antenna) and DSS-61 (Madrid 34 meter antenna), respectively. Data analysis is in process. These tests are periodically performed to provide detailed information relative to the telecom command hardware integrity. 3. On April 19, a NO-OP command was sent to reset the command loss timer to 264 hours, its planned value during this mission phase. 4. On April 21, the first of two suppressed carrier/DSN (Deep Space Network) advanced receiver characterization tests was performed over DSS-14 (Goldstone 70 meter antenna). The spacecraft modulation index was varied from 43 degrees to 90 degrees for a range of ground receiver bandwidth settings. 5. The AC bus imbalance measurement has not exhibited significant change (greater than 25 DN) throughout this period but the DC bus imbalance measurement has. The AC measurement reads 20 DN (4.5 volts). The DC measurement has ranged from 43 DN (4.6 volts) to 138 DN (16.2 volts) and currently reads 138 DN (16.2 volts). These measurements are consistent with the model developed by the AC/DC special anomaly team. 6. The Spacecraft status as of April 22, 1993, is as follows: a) System Power Margin - 68 watts b) Spin Configuration - Dual-Spin c) Spin Rate/Sensor - 3.15rpm/Star Scanner d) Spacecraft Attitude is approximately 21 degrees off-sun (lagging) and 5 degrees off-earth (leading) e) Downlink telemetry rate/antenna- 40bps(coded)/LGA-1 f) General Thermal Control - all temperatures within acceptable range g) RPM Tank Pressures - all within acceptable range h) Orbiter Science- Instruments powered on are the PWS, EUV, UVS, EPD, MAG, HIC, and DDS i) Probe/RRH - powered off, temperatures within acceptable range j) CMD Loss Timer Setting - 264 hours Time To Initiation - 184 hours TRAJECTORY As of noon Thursday, April 22, 1993, the Galileo Spacecraft trajectory status was as follows: Distance from Earth 169,747,800 km (1.14 AU) Distance from Sun 286,967,900 km (1.92 AU) Heliocentric Speed 91,200 km per hour Distance from Jupiter 532,735,900 km Round Trip Light Time 18 minutes, 58 seconds SPECIAL TOPIC
Brad, For an antenna, gain is synonymous with directionality. The only way to get gain (>1) out of an antenna is to design in directionality. The "gain" of an antenna is defined as the signal increase (for a preferred direction) over the signal obtained by an isotropic antenna.
Gong! Take a moment and look at what you just wrote. First you defined an "objective" morality and then you qualified this "objective" morality with subjective justifications. Do you see the error in this? Sorry, you have just disqualified yourself, but please play again.
Minolta FD 50 mm lens for sale. Good condition. Asking $30.
As I recall, the Penguins and Devils tied for third place last year with identical records, as well. Poor Devils -- they always get screwed. Yet, they should put a scare into Pittsburgh. They always do! Pens in 7.
The complete set of the adventures of Buck Rogers is forsale. Make a REASONABLE offer. Email me back if interested. Thanks.
Hi, anyone have the latest drivers for the Actix Graphics Accelerator Card? (32 plus) The one I have (version 1.21) seem to have a lot of problems. I believe the latest version is 1.3 and would someone please upload it to some ftp site so that I can download it. Thanks -- Daniel Y.H. Wong UofT:(416)978-1659 [email protected] Electrical Engineering
I thought that was Sandy Koufax.
I don't have nor Imagine nor Real 3d, but as old Amiga user I think you should take a look also to Real 3d 2.0 for the Amiga. I saw Imagine 2.0 on the Amiga for a long time at my friend's home, and I've seen R3D 2.0 in action at Bit.Movie 93 in Riccione, Italy (an Italian Computer Graphics Contest). Many professionals using 3d Studio on PC, SoftImage for Silicon Graphics and Imagine on the Amiga were *VERY IMPRESSED* by the power of this programs. Sorry, I've lost the posting with full description of features of this great program. For more informations give a look in comp.sys.amiga.graphics. Representative of Activa International told me that it will be out in 2 weeks for the Amiga and that PC MS-Windows, Silicon Indigo and Unix version are under development. Ciao, Sergio
{> i am interested in getting the pulse of this group regarding {> extended operation of my G2K 486-33V with the cover removed {> from the enclosure. there are a # of reasons i am considering {> this, including quick access to jumpers during complex i/o card {> setups. {> {> my concern is that without a complete enclosure to direct the {> cooling flow of air from the fan, "hot spots" may develop on my {> motherboard or elsewhere. my G2K has intake air vents in the {> front of the enclosure right at MB level. These vents would be {> removed along with the top cover in this scenario, rendering {> airflow from the fan pretty useless. {> {> however, short periods in this mode don't seem to heat things up {> too much, but my conclusions are far from scientific... {> {> -- tim I ran a 386-33 out of a cardboard box for more than a year with no major effects (yeah, no case at all, MB sitting on a static bag) other than the noise from the Poersupply it ran pretty good. as for cooling problems I bought a 12-14 inch fan and turned it on full and set the output directly on the motherboard. I did finally get a case though and I am still running the parts with no ill effects. I also had no kids to spill things on the MB> I had no cat leaving hair on the MB etc. etc. on and on.... the two major concerns are keeping static away and keeping the MB cool enjoy -David =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
The original Mac II had an Apple MMU chip installed which performs a subset of the 68851's functions. If you look underneath your front left floppy bay you will find three chips, all approximately the same size. One will be the 68020, the next the 68881, and the third, approximately the same size, will be the Apple chip. It is easy to spot because it has a 'hump' in the middle of it. Example: ----------- / \ --------------- --------------- | | | | That and the Apple logo should make it easy to find.
Actually, the idea, like most good ideas, comes from Jules Verne, not _The Gods Must Be Crazy._ In one of his lesser known books (I can't remember which one right now), the protagonists are in a balloon gondola, travelling over Africa on their way around the world in the balloon, when one of them drops a fob watch. They then speculate about the reaction of the natives to finding such a thing, dropped straight down from heaven. But the notion is not pursued further than that.
Picture if you will, the Habs going into the last couple minutes of the game, leading 2-0. The Nords get a power play, pull Hextall, and get a goal. Bout a minute later, they get another one. Then they win in overtime...... A bad dream?....... How's that Red Hot Chili Peppers song go... "Give it away,give it away, give it away now...." Oh well. Suppose I can always watch the Leafs win tomorrow night.... (smilies.....) Am I the only female hockey fan in the world?
I'm afraid that I've lost the thread here. I didn't suggest that all government regulations be subject to referenda. So I don't follow the comments above. I mean that an ideology that treats all government regulation as equally undesirable and seeks to abolish all regulations is unlikely to draw support among more than a miniscule portion of the electorate. Furthermore, I am suggesting that such a plan is not feasible in an industrial society because the weight of litigation and/or misery it would produce would effectively crush productive effort. No, I'm not surprised. I just think it's interesting that on one hand libertarians assume a limited government can be decreed, yet on the other posit an entire government made up of people who carry guns. (I realize that many libertarians assume that such a government will be counterbalanced by a fully armed citizenry, but it is worth noting that widespread civilian ownership of guns does not necessarily prevent the establishment of totalitarian government, e.g. Iraq.) Yup, sure do. But since I also support the constitutional requirement that the government provide for the general welfare (Article I section 8), I'm willing to justify such programs on that basis. Well, in the first place, I don't support a "socialized economic system." I think within limits that capitalism is a fine idea. But it is not the case that "any third party...is...as likely to be ignorant or corrupt as the buyer or seller." There are multitudes of examples where such a statement is demonstrably false. Regulation of stock market transactions that provide a reasonable basis for buyers to avoid fraud is only one example. jsh
For Sale...: Three software packages for IBM PC and compatible computers: o Wing Commander deluxe edition o Includes Secret Missions 1 & 2 o Includes all original packaging, manuals and disks o Includes registration card (so you can send it in and register it in your name) o Original price for Wing Commander: $69.95 o Original price for Secret Missions I: $29.95 o Original price for Secret Missions II: $29.95 o Total original price: $129.85 o My asking price for all these of these games TOGETHER is $65.00 o Wing Commander and the Secret Missions is a battle and flight simulator set in space. It includes all the standard fun things about flight simulators, like taking off and landing on carriers, flying -- of course -- and better yet, it is also a battle simulator. It is a lot of fun, indeed. o An IBM PC or compatible with at least 640K, and dual floppies or a hard drive is required. o WinWay Resume for Windows o Includes all original packaging, manuals and disks o Original price: $50.00 o My asking price: $35.00 o WinWay Resume is a resume writing program for Windows. It is an excellent program (it got me a job!) and running under the Window's interface makes it very, very easy to use. All you do is answer a few questions, and print out the results. In just a few minutes, you have a beautifully and professionally designed resume. o An IBM PC with Windows 3.0 or later installed and 1 MB of free hard disk space is required. o More Typefaces o Includes all original packaging, manuals and disks o Original price: $99.99 o My asking price: $30.00 o More Typefaces is a package of three TypeType font families (for a total of twelve fonts) for Windows 3.1. The fonts included are: Marque, Crystal and Architech, and of course italic, bold and bold italic versions are included with all those fonts. Because of the unique font software included with the package, these fonts can be used with either the MoreFonts typeface program, Adobe Type Manager, TrueType, GeoWorks, Express Publisher and CorelDRAW. o An IBM PC with Windows 3.1 and a hard disk is required if you want to use the typefaces in TrueType format. For all other formats, an IBM PC and a hard disk with one of the programs listed above is required. If you are interested in any of these programs, please either leave me email or call Kirk Peterson at (303) 494-7951, anytime. If I don't answer, leave me a message on my answering machine and I'll call you back. I will pay the shipping on all of the programs to anywhere in the continental United States.
This is the 2nd Reguest for Discussion ( RFD ) for the creation of comp.databases.ms-access The discussion period started on April 6 and it will last until April 28, ( 22 days ). This is an official RFD for the creation of a new newsgroup for the general discussion of the Microsoft Access RDMS. NAME: COMP.DATABASES.MS-ACCESS MODERATION: UNMODERATED. At this time, no need for a moderator has been assertained. Future evaluation will determine if one is needed. PURPOSE: Access is a new RDBMS for the Windows Operating System. It includes WYSIWYG design tools for easy creation of tables, reports, forms and queries and a database programming language called Access Basic. THe purpose of the group will be to provide help to people who use Access's WYSIWYG design tools to create simple databases as well as to people who use Access Basic to create complex databases. RATIONALE: Eventhough Access is a new RDBMS, it is very popular because of its Graphical Development enviroment and its initial low price. Been a version 1.0 product means that all Access users are Novices. For that reason a newsgroup is needed where Access users can discuss their experiences with the product and answer each other's questions.
Yeah, and it's also true most long complicated sequences of events, calculations, or big computer programs in general. I don't argue that you can get similar and maybe useful results from fractals, I just question whether you >should<. The fractal fiends seem to be saying that any part of a system that we can't model should be replaced with a random number generator. That has been useful, for instance, in making data more palatable to human perception or for torture testing the rest of the system, but I don't think it has much to do with fractals, and I certainly would rather that the model be improved in a more explicable manner. I guess I just haven't seen all these earth-shaking fractal models that explain and correlate to the universe as it actually exists. I really hope I do, but I'm not holding my self-similar breath. Uh huh. I'll believe it when I see it. I've been chasing fractal compression for a few years, and I still don't believe in it. If it's so great, how come we don't see it competing with JPEG? 'Cause it can't, I'll wager. Actually, I have wagered, I quit trying to make fractal compression work- and I was trying- because I don't think it's a reasonable alternative to other techniques. It is neat, though. :-) I'll reiterate my disbelief that everything is fractal. That's why I don't think fractal compression as it is widely explained is practical. I know Barnsley and Sloan have some tricks up their sleeves that make their demos work, but I don't see anyone using it in a real product. It's been six years since Iterated Systems was formed, right? "There are always going to be questions until there's a product out there," Sloan replies. The company plans to ship its first encoding devices in the summer, he says. In March, Iterated Systems will have the other half of the system: the decoders. - Scientific American, March 1990, page 77
Science is the process of modeling the real world based on commonly agreed interpretations of our observations (perceptions). Values can also refer to meaning. For example in computer science the value of 1 is TRUE, and 0 is FALSE. Science is based on commonly agreed values (interpretation of observations), although science can result in a reinterpretation of these values. The values underlaying science are not objective since they have never been fully agreed, and the change with time. The values of Newtonian physic are certainly different to those of Quantum Mechanics.
I don't know if this is an obvious question, but can any of the current batch of windows accelerator cards (diamond etc) be used to drive a monitor which has RGB and horizontal and vertical sync ( 5 BNC jacks altogether) connectors out the back?? I might be able to get ahold of a Raster Technologies 17" monitor (1510 ??)cheap and I was wondering if it was possible to connect it via an adapter (RGB to vga ??) to my Gateway, would I need different drivers etc. Thanks
:) No...I was one of the lucky ones. Very little acne as a teenager. I didn't have any luck with clearasil. Even though my skin gets oily it really only gets miserable pimples when it's dry. Frequent lukewarm water rinses on the face might help. Getting the scalp thing under control might help (that could be as simple as submerging under the bathwater till it's softened and washing it out). Taking a one a day vitamin/mineral might help. I've heard iodine causes trouble and that it is used in fast food restaurants to sterilize equipment which might be where the belief that greasy foods cause acne came from. I notice grease on my face, not immediately removed will cause acne (even from eating meat). Keeping hair rinse, mousse, dip, and spray off the face will help. Warm water bath soaks or cloths on the face to soften the oil in the pores will help prevent blackheads. Body oil is hydrophilic, loves water and it softens and washes off when it has a chance. That's why hair goes limp with oilyness. Becoming convinced that the best thing to do with a whitehead is leave it alone will save him days of pimple misery. Any prying of black or whiteheads can cause infections, the red spots of pimples. Usually a whitehead will break naturally in a day and there won't be an infection afterwards. Tell him that it's normal to have some pimples but the cosmetic industry makes it's money off of selling people on the idea that they are an incredible defect to be hidden at any cost (even that of causing more pimples).
[ -and many others mailed me. Here is a reply to one of the letters. Seems to me that atheist do not like the doctrine of hell!] Your using 20th century concepts to interprete 1st century writers. Of course, in your termonology, God could not "cease to exist." However, that is not what death ever means in the Scriptures. If you will study the word, you will see that it signifies "separation." Death is separation, not ceastation. This is the reason for the agony of the cross. For the first time in eternity, one member of the Godhead was separated from the other two. I once met a young lady that was as beautiful as any model that ever lived. She was as personable as any saint ever imagined. She was to become my "girlfriend" for several years. However, having been drafted, we were separated by distance. To me that was a form of death. Later, she decided that she couldn't wait for me to come home and bid me adue. That to me was death. It was separation from that which had made me whole. Death is separation and eternal death is eternal separation from His fellowship, not because He chose to send you into outer darkness, but because you chose to go there. When I rebelled against my earthly father, he spanked me. I found no wisdom in that until I had grown older and especially until I had my own children. He was trying to guide me away from hurt that would enter my life if I continued on my suicidal course. He did it in love though I interpreted it as harsh and unloving. If God warns of impending danger, that is love. If choose to let us do as we please, and then at the end tell us the rules, that would be harsh. You have a conscience, no matter how calused or fallen it is, that witnesses to you that a thing is wrong and that there is cause for fear. This may give light to the error of your understanding. One must have correct knowledge in order to have correct faith. Faith and knowledge are inseparable. Jesus most certainly felt the "pinpricks" of life. As the Scripture say: Heb. 4:15 For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. The kenosis passage of Phil 2 states that He gave up His Godhead attributes when He took upon Himself humanity. It has been a favorite meditation of mine to think about this. It was to be my PhD thesis. "The Consciousness of Christ." I have talked at length with a great many people about this interesting study, including clh. It is my conclussion that as Jesus, the 2nd member of the Trinity, actually suffered as we do. He became part of the human race and experienced it as we do. He "grew in knowledge." He chose not to grasp His omniscience, but chose to be taught. It is my understanding that He was "led of the Spirit" to such an extent that sometimes it is hard to distinquish between Jesus the man and Jesus as God. But in Jn 8 where the adulterous women was thrown before Him, the tenses are quite clear in that the whole situation took Him by surprise. That is, He was not aware that this event was to take place in time. He was living sequential history as you or I. Maybe some other time we can discuss this, but it is a very lengthy discussion and one that causes the curcuit breakers of the brain to pop more often than not. I was once a member of that club. THe "free thinker" is a glorious ideal. By contrast, of course, you believe that the believer is the unforunate repository of everything that is dogmatic, inhibited, reactionary and repressive. I find such a stance to be as amusing as it is absurd. If the liberal humanist wishes to criticize a Christian or a Buddhist or a Marxist, that is his right. But what he must not pretend is that he was led to this solely by his "rational doubt" when in fact he was led to it by his "faith". He must acknowledge that while it is rational doubt for him as a "free thinker" to criticize the Christian, it might equally be a rational doubt for the Christian to criticize him as a humanist. If there is no faith, there can be no dout. There is no faith which cannot choose to cast doubt on some other faith. Pascal pointed out that "sceptical arguments allow the positive to be positive. Few. . .speak dubiously of scepticism." The fact that skeptics are not skeptical about skepticism is further evidence that to doubt anything we must believe in something else! THe person who is skeptical toward one faith or even most faiths, will be the devoted adherent of another. In fact, it is a measure of his poverty both that he is unaware of it and that he can define himself only in negative terms, hence the term "a"-theist. Some people claim otherwise and argue vociferously for complete skepticism. In my campus ministry I ran across this more times than I care to remember. However, they disproved their own argument with every thought, every word, every point of logic that they used. Every moment of shared communication speaks against their total skepticism. Their very insistence of trying to make sense is eloquent testimony to assumptions that are powerful though silent. That is to say, that complete skepticism is impossible and limited skepticism is arbitrary. Next time you're in a room of skeptics, yell out "Look, your fly is undone!" Each person chooses what he is skeptical about and what he believes without skepticism. To stress this is to belabor the obvious, but it underlines the point that no one can know exhaustively how he knows what he knows. Pure objectivism is a myth and complete skepticism an impossiblity. The answer to this impasse lies in a 3rd way of knowing, one which is based on presuppositions. But if knowledge proceeds on what must be presupposed before it is proved, the cover is blown on the pretentions of critical doubt, and critical doubt depends on the idea that human knowledge is totally objective and neutral. In other words, another myth. Presuppositions my friend. It is impossible to doubt anything unless there is something we do not doubt -our own assumptions/presuppostions. Even these can be criticezed only upon the basis of other assumptions. Presuppostitons are our silent partners in thought but their silence must not be mistaken for absence. Of course that is hardly an original statement. Milton coined it but it had been in use for millenia. It was even used in the first "Highlander" movie. But again, your presuption is based on a faulty knowledge of the character of God. You are operating off of a presuppositional premise of humanistic theology, not what He has revealed of Himself through history, through His prophets, through His Word, and lastly, but most of all, thru His Son. If you are to reject God's annointed savior, then reject Him from a correct understanding of Himself.
Another issue of importance. Was the crucification the will of God or a tragic mistake. I believe it was a tragic mistake. God's will can never be accomplished through the disbelief of man. Jesus came to this world to build the kingdom of heaven on the earth. He desperately wanted the Jewish people to accept him as the Messiah. If the crucification was the will of God how could Jesus pray that this cup pass from him. Was this out of weakness. NEVER. Many men and women have given their lives for their country or other noble causes. Is Jesus less than these. No he is not. He knew the crucification was NOT the will of GOD. God's will was that the Jewish people accept Jesus as the Messiah and that the kingdom of Heaven be established on the earth with Jesus as it's head. (Just like the Jewish people expected). If this had happened 2000 years ago can you imagine what kind of world we would live in today. It would be a very different world. And that is eactly what GOD wanted. Men and women of that age could have been saved by following the living Messiah while he was on the earth. Jesus could have established a sinless lineage that would have continued his reign after his ascension to the spiritual world to live with GOD. Now the kingdom of heaven on the earth will have to wait for Christ's return. But when he returns will he be recognized and will he find faith on this earth. Isn't it about time for his return. It's been almost 2000 years. Mike And the two simplest refutations are these: (1) What impact? The only record of impact comes from the New Testament. I have no guarantee that its books are in the least accurate, and that the recorded "impact" actually happened. I find it interesting that no other contemporary source records an eclipse, an earthquake, a temple curtain being torn, etc. The earliest written claim we have of Jesus' resurrection is from the Pauline epistles, none of which were written sooner than 20 years after the supposed event. (2) It seems probable that no one displayed the body of Jesus because no one knew where it was. I personally believe that the most likely explanation was that the body was stolen (by disciples, or by graverobbers). Don't bother with the point about the guards ... it only appears in one gospel, and seems like exactly the sort of thing early Christians might make up in order to counter the grave-robbing charge. The New Testament does record that Jews believed the body had been stolen. If there were really guards, they could not have effectively made this claim, as they did.
You haven't fully explained the atheist position. Many theists believe that there is "no proof of the existence of God" but choose to believe in him anyway. I haven't yet found an argument for atheism that can't quickly be broken down to unprovable assumptions. This isn't a problem with me (everybody needs to have a faith) but if you believe that you can provide a "purely logical" argument for the nonexistence of God, I'd really like to see it. Ahh...but when you use science and reason, you have faith in certain beliefs of the scientific method--for example: The physical laws of the universe are stable. Our observations of reality are a valid basis for a determination of truth. Objective reality exists. Logical argument is a valid way to answer all questions. Can you prove any of these?
Tell that to the Japanese, their local market is neatly protected by the Japanese government. Its one very tough nut to crack. In fact the only current way to break into it, is to do it with a Japanese company as a partner in the venture. Gary --
I hope this will clear it up : (Taken from one of my lecture notes) " ... The alternative approach (to CISC), which has been adopted by many in recent years, has come to be known as "RISC": the Reduced Instruction Set Computer. This can be characterised simply as "Simpler is Faster"; by simplifying the design (e.g. by reducing the variety of instructions & addressing modes), the hardware can be designed to run faster. Even at the cost of needing more instructions, the same task can be done more quickly by the simpler, faster design. A typical RISC processor will: o provide a large number of registers (e.g. 32); o perform all data operations on registers; o provide few addressing modes (e.g. immediate or 'register + offset'); o only allow load & store operations to access memory; o only use a few instruction formats; o only support a few data types (e.g. integer, unsigned, floating).
Well Josh I agree with you to some respect...less your spelling errors. The Gov'mnt always must win! even if they kill every man women and child....by GOD they must win at all costs...... This happens over and over and over in this country. Lets make excuses, get the worthless press to cover up everything, let the officials take the heat for top management stupidity etc...etc... >
The scenario and genocide staged by the Armenians 78 years ago in x-Soviet Armenia is being reenacted again - this time in Azerbaijan. The stories of survivors of Karabag massacre are in 'Milliyet' today. 69 year old Hatin Nine telling: -''My Twin grandchildren were cut to pieces in front of my eyes. They told me: We won't kill you. But the babies have to die in front of your eyes.'' 72 year old Huseyin Ibrahimoglu: - ''Our Turkish village in Khojalu Town was blown up in two hours. Turks, you must die.'' 28 year old Gulsum Huseyin: - ''They bayonetted my 3 year old daughter in her stomach in front of my eyes.'' Are these stories lies? Have the eye-witnesses been day-dreaming? Were these stories forged by Turkish journalists in the region? The nonsense of such a claim is clear from the writings of British Journalists, too. Two days before we had quoted from a Sunday Times article. They[British] reported the events in Karabag even before Turkish journalists. What is more here are the pictures. Pictures of people who were bayonetted, whose eyes were gouged, ears cut off. Even the Armenian Radio couldn't claim these "lies." They are saying "exaggeration." That means ''somethings'' have happened but the situation is not as bad as reported. Perhaps that village of Khojalu town was destroyed in 4 hours, instead of 2... Or Gulsum Huseyin's 3 year old daughter was bayonetted in her chest instead of stomach... The massacre is clearly seen with all its dimensions. The effects of this massacre on Karabag and environs cannot be reduced by any word. Some of the western press', led by some French Newspapers, ability to ''close their eyes'' is nothing but complicity in this massacre. Yesterday we gave samples from Le Figaro. Until yesterday's print no news about the real events in Karabag were printed. So were the French TV channels.. The subject they considered related to Karabag was ''The necessity of protecting Armenians against Azeri attacks.'' The age we are living in is termed a human rights age. There are lots of organizations such as United Nations and CSCE(Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe), and rules, all designed to fight against human rights violations. International reactions must be made with international cooperation. With support of everybody and every organization claiming to be civilized. Could there be a more serious human rights violation than that of the right to live -and with such levels of barbarity and cruelty-? Where is the cooperation? Where are the reactions? And the intellectuals, journalists, writers, TV stations of certain western countries such as France who are fast to claim leadership of "human rights?" Where are you? Serdar Argic
Which Golden Dawn? How about the original from 100 years ago? No. No Rosicrucian would ever admit or deny being such.
I'll drink to that. Nice to see Steve still has his high and almighty intellectual prowess in tact. Yawn... Exactly my question to you, Steve. What's your point? This person had one, you didn't Nice to see that some things never change, Steve, if you aren't being ignorant in one group [*.alternative] you're into another. One positive thing came out of it, you are no longer bothering the folks in *.alternative, it's just a shame that these people have to suffer so that others may breath freely.
I'd appreciate any feedback on capture/playback tools for use with X clients. I have pulled XTM from public domain but it appears to be set up to test X servers not X clients. Any comparisons/comments on regression testing tools would be great - particularly XTM, XRunner, Autotester, and SRI's CAPBAK, SMARTS and EXDIFF.
I want to achieve an overall throughput rate of around 5 megabytes / sec for very large data transfers. (Around 5 MB.) I have a Quadra 950. I have a NuBus network card that can pump data in to mac memory at 8.5 MB/s. (using block-mode transfers) I have a high-speed disk array (no asynchronous PB calls) that can achieve 6.8 MB/s. Let's say all transfers go from disk to buffer to network card. It is not enough to first transfer all the data from the disk to buffer, then transfer all the data from the buffer to card. (6.8 MB/s then 8.5 MB/s result in an overall 3.8 MB/s. Too slow!) So I tried the following scheme: For an n-megabyte transfer, Step 1: Load the 1st MB from disk to buffer. Step 2: Asynch send 1st MB out card, Load the 2nd MB from disk to buffer. Step 3: Asynch send 2nd MB out card, Load the 3rd MB from disk to buffer. ... Step n: Asynch send the n-1 MB out card, Load the nth MB from disk to buffer. Step n+1: Send the nth MB out card. Even though the code apparently does execute the card transfer asynchronously, and the card does not use the Mac cpu at all, (It is using the buffer, tho') each of the steps 2 through n take as long as if the two transfers were executed one after another. So there is no improvement in the rate. Why? Is the mac RAM dual-port? (So the NuBus card and the disk driver can both access data at the same time.) Is the problem that the two devices, card and disk driver, both have to use the same bus to mac RAM? Is there anything I can do?
ARIANESPACE FLIGHT 56 (Flight V.56 was originally intended to carry the Hughes HS-601 series Galaxy IV satellite, but the payload was withdrawn just prior to flight.) The 56th Ariane launch is now scheduled to place the ASTRA 1C and ARSENE satellites into an improved geostationary transfer orbit (GTO), with inclination reduced to 5 degrees and apogee altitude increased by 150 km. This will be the 28th launch of an Ariane 4 and the first in the 42L configuration, with 2 liquid strap-on boosters (PAL). It will be launched from the newly refurbished Ariane launch complex ELA 2, in Kourou - French Guiana. The launch vehicle performance requirement for this mission is 3,147 kg of which 2,944 kg represents the satellite mass. The total vehicle mass at liftoff is 361,778 kg. Required Orbit Characteristics: Perigee Altitude ..... 200 km Apogee Altitude ...... 36,160 km at injection Inclination .......... 5 degrees The Ariane 42L lift-off for Flight 56 is scheduled on Thursday, April 29, 1993, as soon as possible within the following launch window: Kourou Time GMT (04/30/93) Washington, DC 21:52 - 22:50 00:52 - 01:50 20:52 - 21:50 LAUNCH VEHICLE: Ariane 42L. This is a three-stage liquid fueled launcher with two liquid fueled strap-on boosters. The first stage (L220) is built by Aerospatiale, and is powered by 4 liquid fueled Viking V engines. The second stage (L33) is built by MBB Erno and is powered by a single Viking IV engine. Both the Viking IV and V engines are manufactured by SEP. The first and second stages use a biliquid UH25/N2O4 fuel. The third stage (H10) is built by Aerospatiale, and is powered by a cryogenic H2/O2 fueled HM-7B engine built by SEP. The two strap-on boosters (PAL) are each powered by a Viking VI engine, also built by SEP, which use the same biliquid fuel as the first and second stages. The fully assembled launch vehicle stands 56 meters high on the pad. It uses the Type 01 Ariane Short payload fairing. Flight Profile: +02:21 Liquid strap-on booster jettison +03:11 First stage separation +03:18 Second stage ignition +04:10 Fairing jettison +05:21 Second stage separation +05:26 Third stage ignition +17:30 Third stage shutdown / orbit injection +19:56 ASTRA 1C separation +22:36 Cyclade adapter separation +24:26 ARSENE separation +28:47 End of Ariane mission 56 PAYLOADS: ASTRA 1C is the third spacecraft in the fleet of "Societe Europeenne des Satellites" to broadcast direct TV to homes all over Europe. Built by Hughes, it will be the second HS-601 launched by Ariane. Total mass at lift-off .... 2,790 kg Mass at GEO insertion ..... 1,700 kg Dry mass .................. 1,180 kg On-board power ............ 3,300 W (end of life) Nominal lifetime .......... 15 years Span of solar panels ...... 21 m On-Orbit position ......... 19.2 degrees east, over Africa. Transmission capacity: 34 channels in Ku-band, via 18 transponders. In-flight operations: Solar array deployment ............ about 6 days after lift-off First of 3 apogee motor firings ... about 40 hours after lift-off at 4th apogee ARSENE is the first spacecraft built by the European Space Industry for the benefit of the world amateur radio community. Total mass at lift-off .... 154 kg Mass at GEO insertion ..... 98 kg Dry mass .................. 97 kg On-board power ............ 42 W (end of life) Nominal lifetime .......... 3 years Spacecraft dimensions ..... 1.1m x .96m Orbital parameters ........ 20000/36000 km, 0 inclination, period 17:30. Transmission capacity: S-band: 1 transponder at 2.446 ghz VHF/UHF: 145/435 mhz LAUNCH COVERAGE: All Ariane missions are broadcast live via satellite from Kourou. Coverage begins at 30 minutes before launch and continues until all payloads have been deployed. This mission will likely be carried in the US on Galaxy 6, however it could be Galaxy 7 or another satellite. (What is the European satellite normally used for Ariane coverage?)
: >over where it places its temp files: it just places them in its : >"current directory". : I have to beg to differ on this point, as the batch file I use : to launch cview cd's to the dir where cview resides and then : invokes it. every time I crash cview, the 0-byte temp file : is found in the root dir of the drive cview is on. I posted this as well before the cview "expert". Apparently, he thought he knew better.
: Where can I get xman source? I would like to get the binaries for : xman for an HP 9000/700, but I would settle for source. : : -- Try xport.lcs.mit.edu, in direcotry /contrib. --
Rick has nailed the problem down pretty well. As I can find no Scripture (have I missed it ?) that details when you are married, I have to make some assumptions based on the PRINCIPLES of Scripture. It seems to me that it takes 3 parties to make a marriage: husband-to-be, wife-to-be, and God. If you promise before each other and God that you will convenant together to be married, then...you are (IMO). So why do we have the ceremonial part ? That seems to be there for "connectedness" in the Body of Christ. My brothers and sisters ought to be involved so that there can be some accountability on both our parts. That's part of the concept from Hebrews about "not forsaking the assembling of yourselves together as is the custom of some." We need each other because Lone Ranger Christians and Lone Ranger Marriages smack of a self sufficiency that the I don't see in the NT. Does anyone see the Paul Simon "I am a rock, I am an island..." model anywhere in Christianity. (Song lyrics show your age :-) ) ? Further, since marriage is a legal matter/institution in the USA and many other places, and such laws do not specifically go crosswise to the clear teachings of Scripture, we ought to obey them to avoid even the appearance of "evil" (I Thess 5:22) So this would imply at least a civil ceremony before marriage, but keep in mind we are at least doing all of this for the conscience of others because back to the beginning...you are married when you and your intended promise each other and God to be in convenant. (IMO) What ch'all think ? Bobby - akgua!rjb
Fine. Libertarians and anarchists are not alone in being uncomfortable with the use of state sponsored coercion. The notion that coercion can be virtually eliminated in a society (or more properly that once it is eliminated on the part of the state it is no longer worth serious consideration) is a view that is peculiar to libertarians and anarchists. For example, does "non-initiated force" (coercion) include tax collection? Does it include the minimal level of regulation of commerce envisioned by Adam Smith? Since coercion can be exercised by actors other than the state, how is the state to deal with it? Exclusively through after the fact arbitration/legal compulsion? Well, I must admit that the picture of libertarians as Amway participants is somewhat more reassuring than the idea of them trying to govern a complex, conflictual, industrial society. I'd venture to point out, however, that if libertarians couldn't convince at least 85% of a group of "seminar participants" to "embrace" their philosophy, their propaganda skills need to be honed. Frankly, however, it is no great trick to create a government for a society in which (almost) everyone is assumed to agree about what is a proper government policy. Once that is assumed, all sorts of annoying formalities can be dispensed with, elections, police, etc. And as Mr. Marx said, the state will just wither away. On the way there, however, would you like to explain how eliminating virtually all policies that restrain private coercion in the current society will help us to live happier lives? Or is it like socialism; just some short-term pain that we'll have to bear until everyone has had the benefit of "re-education" through regular "seminar" training? jsh
Um, surely you didn't intend to compare the '93 Reds with the 29 Philidelphia A's. The Yankees were finishing 2nd to a team that was as good as the 26-28 Yankees, while the Yankees had aged some from their peak years. Ruth and Gehrig couldn't play every position simultaneously. IMO, given the various ages of the Braves and Reds this season, that the Braves will be closer to their peak, while the Reds have slightly passed their peak. Also, if you're going to compare Braves and Yankees, a more appropriate comparison to the '93 Braves might be the '23 Yankees. After falling short two years in a row in exciting World Series, both teams won/will win the Series this year, despite the heroics of some old fart on the other team. (Casey Stengel/ Dave Winfield???) ------------------------------------------------------- Eric Roush fierkelab@ bchm.biochem.duke.edu "I am a Marxist, of the Groucho sort" Grafitti, Paris, 1968 TANSTAAFL! (although the Internet comes close.)
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I don't know how to reach Serdar, but you might be able to reach his sysadmin by email, phone, or snail-mail. Here is information from rs.internic.net: Ahmet Cosar (ANATOLIA-DOM) 1530 S. 6th St. Suite C705 Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55454 Domain Name: ANATOLIA.ORG Administrative Contact, Technical Contact, Zone Contact: Cosar, Ahmet (AC234) [email protected] 612-376-7873 And here is what "finger [email protected]" gets you: name: Ahmet Cosar-1 info: Last registered 1993 Winter Qtr Internet mailbox: [email protected] other mailbox: PROFS: COSA0001@UMNTCML postal address: 1530 So 6th St Apt C705 Minneapolis MN 55454 surname: Cosar telephone: +1 612-376-7873 title: Grad userid: cosa0001 X.400 mailbox: /G=Ahmet/S=Cosar-1/OU=mail/O=tc/PRMD=umn.edu/ADMD= /C=us/
Up to this point, I was kinda hoping that this was a joke. Still, it would make a great premise for a bad syndicated TV show- "These are the adventures of the Oriental Templars... dedicated to truth, justice, and good karma! (Dramatic music in the background.)" No doubt I've just horribly offended someone.
[Prof. Denning's description of SkipJack mostly omitted] CHIP STRUCTURE The Clipper Chip contains a classified 64-bit block encryption algorithm called "Skipjack." The algorithm uses 80 bit keys (compared with 56 for the DES) and has 32 rounds of scrambling (compared with 16 for the DES). It supports all 4 DES modes of operation. Throughput is 16 Mbits a second. [...] F, an 80-bit family key that is common to all chips N, a 30-bit serial number U, an 80-bit secret key that unlocks all messages encrypted with the chip The key K and message stream M (i.e., digitized voice) are then fed into the Clipper Chip to produce two values: E[M; K], the encrypted message stream, and E[E[K; U] + N; F], a law enforcement block. Three questions: 1) It looks like each 64 bits of input gives you 4*64 bits of output: E[M;K] = 64 bits E[K;U] = E[ 80 bits ] = 128 bits E[ E[K;U], N ; F ] = E[ 128 + 30 bits ] = 192 bits Do you really need to transmit all 256 bits each time, or do you only transmit the 192 bits of wiretap block at the beginning? All 256 would be really obnoxious for bandwidth-limited applications like cellular phones (or even regular phones over 2) how do the 4 DES modes interact with the two-part output? Do the various feedback modes only apply to the message block, or also to the wiretap block? Or, if the wiretap block is only transmitted at the beginning, does it get incorporated into everything through feedback modes, but not during ECB mode? 3) Does the Clipper Chip check the wiretap block itself? Does the block have to be present at all? Since the receiving chip doesn't know the transmitter's U, it presumably can't check the validity of E[K;U], so it's limited to checking the *form* of the wiretap block, and maybe checking the serial number for reasonableness (unless there's some sort of back-door structure that lets it recognize a valid E[K;U].) In that case, can you replace the wiretap block with a DIFFERENT wiretap block, presumably an old valid one to avoid attracting attention? (The chip won't do it, so you postprocess the output.) Regular people can do one with their own serial number and a dummy key; paranoid people can use someone else's serial number. On the other hand, if I could think of that solution so easily, presumably the NSA could too - have they done something to block it, like use message encryption that's really E[M; K,U,N] ? Thanks!
Los Angeles Times, Tuesday, April 13, 1993. P. A1. NEW DETAILS OF EXTENSIVE ADL SPY OPERATION EMERGE * INQUIRY: Transcripts reveal nearly 40 years of espionage by a man who infiltrated political groups By Richard C. Paddock, Times staff writer. SAN FRANCISCO -- To the outside world, Roy Bullock was a small-time art dealer who operated from his house in the Castro District. In reality, he was an undercover spy who picked through garbage and amassed secret files for the Anti-Defamation League for nearly 40 years. His code name at the prominent Jewish organization was Cal, and he was so successful at infiltrating political groups that he was once chosen to head an Arab-American delegation that visited Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) in her Washington, D.C., office. For a time, Cal tapped into the phone message system of the White Aryan Resistance to learn of hate crimes. From police sources he obtained privileged, personal information on at least 1,394 people. And he met surreptitiously with agents of the South African government to trade his knowledge for crisp, new $100 bills. These are among the secrets that Bullock and David Gurvitz, a former Los Angeles-based operative, divulged in extensive interviews with police and the FBI in a growing scandal over the nation-wide intelligence network operated by the Anti-Defamation League. Officials of the Anti-Defamation League, while denying any improper activity, have said they will cooperate with the investigation. They have refused to discuss Bullock and Gurvitz. Transcripts of the interviews -- among nearly 700 pages of documents released by San Francisco prosecutors last week -- offer new details of the private spy operation that authorities allege crossed the line into illegal territory. At times, the intelligence activities took on a cloak-and-dagger air with laundered payments, shredded documents, hotel rendezvous with foreign agents and code names like "Ironsides" and "Flipper." On one occasion, Gurvitz recounts, he received a tip that a pro-Palestinian activist was about to board a plane bound for Haifa, Israel. Although the Anti-Defamation League publicly denies any ties to Israel, Gurvitz phoned an Israeli consular official to warn him. Shortly afterward, another official called Gurvitz back and debriefed him. The court papers also added to the mystery of Tom Gerard, a former CIA agent and San Francisco police officer accused of providing confidential material from police files to the Anti-Defamation League. Gerard fled to the Philippines last fall after he was interviewed by the FBI, but left behind a briefcase in his police locker. Its contents included passports, driver's licenses and identification cards in 10 different names; identification cards in his own name for four American embassies in Central America; and a collection of blank birth certificates, Army discharge papers and official stationery from various agencies. Also in the briefcase were extensive information on death squads, a black hood, apparently for use in interrogations, and photos of blindfolded and chained men. Investigators suspect that Gerard and other police sources gave the ADL confidential driver's license or vehicle registration information on a vast number of people, including as many as 4,500 members of one target group, the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee. Each case of obtaining such data from a law enforcement officer would constitute a felony, San Francisco Police Inspector Ron Roth noted in an affidavit for a search warrant. The Anti-Defamation League, a self-described Jewish defense and civil rights organization, acknowledges it has long collected information on groups that are anti-Semitic, extremist or racist. The ADL's fact-finding division, headed by Irwinn Suall in New York, enjoys a reputation for thoroughness and has often shared its information with police agencies and journalists. However, evidence seized from Bullock's computer shows he kept files on at least 950 groups of all political stripes, including the American Civil Liberties Union, Earth Island Institute, the United Farm Workers, Jews for Jesus, Mother Jones magazine, the Center for Investigative Reporting, the Bo Gritz for President Committee, the Asian Law Caucus and the AIDS activist group ACT UP. The computer files also included information on several members of Congress, including Pelosi, House Armed Services Committee Chairman Ron Dellums (D-Berkeley) and former Republican Rep. Pete McCloskey from the Bay Area. In their statements, Bullock and Gurvitz said the Anti-Defamation League has collected information on political activists in the Los Angeles area for more than 30 years. They said they worked closely with three Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies who specialized in intelligence work, a Los Angeles Police Department anti-terrorism expert and a San Diego County Sheriff's Department intelligence officer. A spokesman for the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department said he knew nothing of any contact between the deputies and the ADL. The Los Angeles Police Department, which earlier refused to cooperate with the investigation, and the San Diego Sheriff's Department declined comment. Bullock, 58, is one of the most intriguing characters in the spy drama. Although he is not Jewish, he began working undercover as a volunteer for the ADL and the FBI in Indiana in 1954 after reading a book about a man who infiltrated the Communist Party. Bullock moved to Los Angeles in 1960 and was given a paid position by the ADL as an intelligence operative, he told authorities. In the mid-1970s, he moved to San Francisco and continued his spy operations up and down the West Coast. To keep his identity secret, his salary has always been funneled through Beverly Hills attorney Bruce I. Hochman -- who has never missed a payment in more than 32 years, Bullock said. "I was an investigator for the ADL. I investigated any and all anti-democratic movements," Bullock said. ". . . Officially, I'm only a contract worker with Bruce Hochman. That way, the league would not be officially connected with me." Bullock said he became a master at infiltrating groups from Communists to Arab-American to gay radicals to skinheads, usually using his own name but once adopting the alias Elmer Fink. "I'm one of a kind," he told police. In recent years, however, his ADL affiliation has increasingly become known, and at one point he was confronted by a skinhead armed with a shotgun who threatened to kill him. In the mid-1980s, he helped San Francisco police solve a bombing at a synagogue by combing through the trash of extremist Cory Phelps and matching handwriting with samples on a threatening letter obtained by police. In part because of this investigation, he became close friends with Gerard, who at the time was working in the San Francisco police intelligence division. Bullock frequently searched through the garbage of target groups. An FBI report noted how he investigated one Palestinian group: "Bullock would write reports based on what he found in the trash, and would share the reports with Gerard. Bullock also gave the trash to Gerard for Gerard to examine. Gerard would later return the trash to Bullock." From a wide range of sources, Bullock compiled files on 9,876 individuals and more than 950 political groups. Gerard, whose files contained many identical entries, kept files on 7,011 people. In 1987, Bullock and Gerard began selling some of their vast wealth of information to the South African government. Bullock tells of meetings secretly with South African agents at San Francisco hotels and receiving envelopes filled with thousands of dollars in new $100 bills. Bullock insists the information he sold consisted of data he culled only from public sources. Once he rewrote an innocuous item published by San Francisco Chronicle columnist Herb Caen about South African Bishop Desmond Tutu and the wife of prominent attorney Melvin Belli -- and submitted it as his own work. Bullock said it was Gerard who sold official police intelligence. Bullock said he split about $16,000 from the South African government evenly with Gerard, telling him at one point, "I may be gay but I'm a straight arrow." In his interviews with the police and FBI, Bullock talked freely about engaging in certain activities that prosecutors say would appear to violate the law. For example, Bullock admitted to receiving driver's license records and criminal histories from Gerard on about 50 people -- a fraction of the confidential police data found in his computer. And he said Gerard gave him complete San Francisco Police Department intelligence files on various Nazi groups that were supposed to be destroyed under department policy. Bullock said he also received a confidential FBI report on the Nation of Islam that he later shredded at the Anti-Defamation League's San Francisco office. Bullock seemed proud of his "Operation Eavesdrop," in which he used a paid informant, code-named Scumbag, to help tap into a White Aryan Resistance phone message network, listening to the messages left by members of the right-wing group. "For a short time, it was wonderful," he told police. In Los Angeles, ADL operative Gurvitz was hired about four years ago as a "fact-finder" to keep intelligence files and occasionally go undercover to the meetings of target groups. Among other things, he told San Francisco authorities, the Los Angeles ADL office kept a record of any Arab-American who had "anti-Israel leanings" or who wrote a letter to a newspaper expressing such sentiment. Gurvitz was recently forced to resign after an incident in which he attempted to misuse the ADL intelligence network to seek revenge on a rival who got a job Gurvitz wanted at the Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies. Gurvitz got confidential police data on the rival and threatened to expose him as a Jewish spy to a right-wing hate group. Gurvitz has since begun cooperating with police and the FBI in the probe, providing considerable information about the ADL operation. Unlike Bullock, he has been assured he is not a subject of the investigation. Gurvitz declined through his father in Los Angeles to be interviewed by The Times. Bullock's attorney said his client would not comment.
Preliminary negotiations started already, I believe. Though the word is that they are going slooooooooooooooooooooooowly.
The Centaur that is being built for T4 would be a better bet to integrate onto the Proton as the T4/Centaur is designed for the Extremely Harsh envorinment of the T4 launch. It is also closer to 4 m in diameter. You've hit on the real kicker, however. The Centaur is pressure stabilized. It cannot hold up its own weight without pressure in the tanks. Additionally, the pressure difference between the two tanks must be maintained to ~+/- 5 psi. That is rather tight to be rocking and rolling on the train. The pressure stabilization is how centaur achieves the performance. On numerous occasions (when I was there 88-91) the AF wanted to see what it would take to make a non-pressure stabilized centaur. The answer -- a centaur not worth launching. The Atlas/Centaur does not require on-pad integration, however the T4/Centaur does. I believe the on-pad integration is to a great extent due to the cleanliness requirements and PFL configuration, so maybe something can be done there........ The addition of LOX/LH facilities is critical as the centaur tops off as it lifts off. A LHe facility is also needed. I don't know what the proton uses for fuel, but since they are derived from ICBM's I would suspect that they use storable propellants which don't have the ullage problem that cryo's do. If there is no cryo at the sight at all, the addition of these systems could be big $$, not to mention the real tech transfer issues involved with providing centaur GSE to Russia. That issue alone might be enough to kill this idea.
#Rick Anderson replied to my letter with... # #ra> In article <[email protected]>, #ra> (...) # Just briefly, on something that you mentioned in passing. You refer to # differing interpretations of "create," and say that many Christians may # not agree. So what? That is really irrelevant. We do not base our faith # on how many people think one way or another, do we? The bottom line is # truth, regardless of popularity of opinions. It may be "irrelevant" to you and *your* personal beliefs (or should I say "bias"?), but it is relevant to me and many others. You're right, "the bottom line IS truth," independant from you or anyone else. Since you proclaim "truths" as a self-proclaimed appointee, may I ask you by what authority you do this? Because "it says so in the Bible?" --Does the Bible "say so," or is it YOU, or someone else, who interprets whether a scripture or doctrine conforms to your particular liking or "disapproval"? Excuse moi, but your line of "truths" haven't moved me one bit to persuade me that my beliefs are erroneous. Of all the "preachers" of "truth" on this net, you have struck me as a self-righteous member of the wrecking crew, with no positive message to me or any other Latter-day Saint... BTW, this entire discussion reminds me a lot of the things said by Jesus to the pharisees: "ye hypocrite(s) . . . ye preach about me with your lips, but your hearts are far removed from me..." # Also, I find it rather strange that in trying to persuade that created # and eternally existent are equivalent, you say "granted the Mormon # belief..." You can't grant your conclusion and then expect the point to # have been addressed. In order to reply to the issue, you have to address # and answer the point that was raised, and not just jump to the # conclusion that you grant. Sophistry. Look who's talking: "jumping to conclusions?" You wouldn't do that yourself, right? All YOU address is your own convictions, regardless whether we come up with any Biblical scriptures which supports our points of view, because you reject such interpretations without any consideration whatsoever. # # The Bible states that Lucifer was created. The Bible states that Jesus # is the creator of all. The contradiction that we have is that the LDS # belief is that Jesus and Lucifer were the same. A beautiful example of disinformation and a deliberate misrepresentation of lds doctrine. The former KGB would have loved to employ you. Jesus and lucifer are not "the same," silly, and you know it. (...) # The Mormon belief is that all are children of God. Literally. There is # nothing symbolic about it. This however, contradicts what the Bible # says. The Bible teaches that not everyone is a child of God: Correction: it may contradict would YOU think the Bible says. The Bible indeed does teach that not all are children of God in the sense that they "belong to" or follow God in His footsteps. Satan and his followers have rebelled against God, and are not "children (=followers/redeemed) of God," but it doesn't mean that they were not once created by God, but chose to separate themselves from those who chose to follow God and His plan of salvation. # # The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the # kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked "one"; # (Matthew 13:38) kingdom are those who have remained valiant in their testimony of Jesus (and have shown "works of repentance, etc.), and the children of the wicked one are those who rebelled against God and the lamb. The issue of satan's spirit-origin (and of those who followed him) has not been addressed in this and other verses you copied from your Bible. You purposefully obscured the subject by swamping your "right" with non- related scriptures. (...lots of nice scriptures deleted (NOT Robert W. copyrighted) though...) #ra> > We are told that, "And this is life eternal, that they might know #ra> > thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." #ra> > (John 17:3). Life eternal is to know the only true God. Yet the #ra> > doctrines of the LDS that I have mentioned portray a vastly #ra> > different Jesus, a Jesus that cannot be reconciled with the Jesus of #ra> > the Bible. They are so far removed from each other that to proclaim Correction: "my" Jesus is indeed different than your Jesus, and CAN be reconciled with the Jesus in the Bible. --Not your interpretation of Him, I concur, but I honestly couldn't care less. #ra> > one as being true denies the other from being true. According to the #ra> > Bible, eternal life is dependent on knowing the only true God, and #ra> > not the construct of imagination. In this single posting of yours, I've seen more "constructs of imagination" than in all of the pro-lds mails combined I have read so far in this news group. First get your lds-facts straight before you dare preaching to us about "the only true God," whom you interpret according to your own likes and dislikes, but whose image I cannot reconcile with what I know about Him myself. I guess your grandiose self-image does not allow for other faiths, believing in the divinity of Jesus Christ, but in a different way or fashion than your own. Not that it really matters, the mission and progress of the lds church will go on, boldly and nobly, and no mob or opponent can stop the work from progressing, until it has visited every continent, swept every clime, and sounded in every ear. # This is really a red herring. It doesn't address any issue raised, but # rather, it seeks to obfuscate. The fact that some groups try to read # something into the Bible, doesn't change what the Bible teaches. Sigh. "What the Bible teaches"? Or: "what the bible teaches according to Robert Weiss and co.?" I respect the former, I reject the latter without the remotest feeling that I have rejected Jesus. On the contrary. And by the way, I do respect your interpretations of the Bible, I even grant you being a Christian (following your own image of Him), as much as I am a Christian (following my own image of Him in my heart). (...) # Most of the other replies have instead hop-scotched to the issue of # Bruce McConkie and whether his views were 'official doctrine.' I don't # think that it matters if McConkie's views were canon. That is not the # issue. Were McConkie's writings indicative of Mormon belief on this # subject is the real issue. The indication from Rick is that they may # certainly be. The issue is, of course, that you love to use anything to either mis- represent or ridicule the lds church. The issue of "official doctrine" is obviously very important. McConkie's views have been controversial (e.g. "The Seven Deadly Heresies" has made me a heretic! ;-) at best, or erroneous at worst ("blacks not to receive the priesthood in this dispensation"). I respect him as someone who has made his valuable contribution to the church, but I personally do NOT rely on his personal interpretations (his book "Mormon Doctrine" is oftentimes referred to as "McConkie's Bible" in mormon circles) on mormon doctrine. I rather look to official (doctrinal) sources, and... to Hugh Nibley's books! (The last comment is an lds-insider reference.) Summarizing: McConkie was a wise man who contributed undoubtedly far more to the kingdom of God than I have, but whose views are by no means dogma or accepted doctrine, some of it clearly belongs to personal interpretation and speculation. But having said this, I find McConkie (even in his most biased and speculative moments) far more thought-provoking than the trash coming from your proverbial pen. I'm somewhat appalled that I have allowed myself to sink as low as you in this posting... ============================= Robert Weiss [email protected]
The XDM on Solaris 2.1 *WAS* broke. Since two weeks, Sun distributes a patched release, which works fine (supports /etc/shadow and all). We have it up and running ever since and have not experienced any problems. Call your local Sun rep. Dick.
>evidence of the 'yeast connection', I cannot guarantee their safety. >For their incompetence, ripping off their lips is justified as far as >I am concerned. This doesn't sound like Candida Albicans to me.
It is meaningless to compare one player's plus/minus statistic with another players' out of the context of the role and the playing time of the players involved. To compare Jagr's and Francis's plus/minus is ridiculous and absurd...
[questions and issues WRT congress raised and discussed} Dennis Replies; ... Dennis, why must you always see things in black and white terms? :-) -Tommy Mac ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tom McWilliams 517-355-2178 wk \\ As the radius of vision increases, [email protected] 336-9591 hm \\ the circumference of mystery grows.
^^^ How long does he have to take in fixing it? Does he have to use new parts when he repairs it or can he substitute used parts without your knowledge? Can he charge you for repairs that should be under warranty but he claims are due to improper maintenance on your part? When it comes to local dealers: - Have fun getting consistently good support. Most of their "techs" are re-treaded salesmen, not trained technicians, with a high turnover rate. - Have fun getting in-warranty work done quickly and courteously. - Have fun getting out-of-warranty work done cheaply, or even done period, unless you are on a paid service contract. Having been both a service technician, and a service manager, at a ComputerLand franchise and another retail computer place, I know what I'm talking about. I also know the "local service" scam that retail computer dealers like to push when they're selling. It's that same old song that car dealers having been singing for years -- "Buy from me and you'll get good service. We always treat our customers right! Buy from my competition and you'll be sorry if you need service." Experienced mail order buyers know that there are some mail order companies that give excellent service, including overnight replacement parts, on-site calls, etc. There are probably some local dealers that can give you good service, too. But if you think all local dealers give consistenly good service, you are wrong. I have many anectdotes to prove my point, but I'm sure there are others on the net can do a better job than I can.
How does the radio Electronics free information cards work. Do they just send you some general information about the companies that advertise in their magazine or does it also give you sign you up for a catalog.
# # I've gotten very few posts on this group in the last couple days. (I # recently added it to my feed list.) Is it just me, or is this group # near death? # Seen from the mailing list side, I'm getting about the right amount of traffic. Patrick L. Mahan --- TGV Window Washer ------------------------------- [email protected] --------- Waking a person unnecessarily should not be considered - Lazarus Long a capital crime. For a first offense, that is From the Notebooks of Lazarus Long Patrick L. Mahan --- TGV Window Washer ------------------------------- [email protected] ---------
I would like to be able to amplify a voltage signal which is output from a thermocouple, preferably by a factor of 100 or 1000 ---- so that the resulting voltage can be fed more easily into a personal-computer-based ADC data acquisition card. Might anyone be able to point me to references to such circuits? I have seen simple amplifier circuits before, but I am not sure how well they work in practice. In this case, I'd like something which will amplify sufficiently "nicely" to be used for thermocouples (say, a few degrees accuracy or better).
I saw a Lifetime Medical Television show a few months back on travel medicine. It briefly mentioned some drugs which when started two or three days before getting to altitude could assist in acclimitazation. Unfortunately all that I can recall is that the drug stimulated breathing at night??? I don't know if that makes sense, it seems to me that the new drug which stimulates red blood cell production would be a more logical approach, erythropoiten (sp?). Alas, I didn't record the program, but wish I had, since I live at over 7000ft. and my mother gets sick when visiting. Please let me know if you get more informative responses.
No matter how "absurd" it is to suggest that a common moral system created by mankind is absolute, it is not contrary to reason to suggest that a common moral system created by mankind is sensible. In fact, for the Bible to be of any use to mankind as a moral code, it must be interpreted by mankind and a workable moral system created for everyday use. The Jewish Talmud is the result of centuries of Biblical scholars analysing every word of the Torah to understand the morality behind it. The Children of Israel were given a very strict set of Moral, Civil, Judicial and Ceremonial Laws to follow and yet this was clearly not enough to cover every instance of moral dilemma in their Society. For a Christian, the situation is no better. It seems to me that the only code of morality that we have from the Judeo- Christian God is that which is contained in the Bible (which we can see from the diverse opinions in the Christian newsgroups is not clear). There may well be an absolute morality defined by the Judeo-Christian God for mankind to follow but it seems that we only have a subset simply because the concept was written down by man. This leads to the problem of defining morality for our society. If we take the divine Morality then we have a code of practice which may be interpreted in many different ways (as an example, consider the immolation of heretics in the fifteenth century and the interpretation of the Bible which allows a man to do that to another man under the precept to administer Justice). If we take an agnostic Morality then we have a code of practice that can be modified to suit society (with all the danger that this implies). Alternatively, we could take the basis of the Judeo-Christian morality and interpret/extend this to create and justify a code of morality which suits the society we live in and enables the people to live Righteously (as many Christian and Non-Christian philosophers have done). Whatever the driving force behind the definition of morality for our society, I think the important aspect is the result. David. --- On religion:
Lets hope. Years ago a Telecom tech refused to tap a line unless he saw the warrant. The managment type who told him to do it fired him. The appeal against the dismissal was lost. Good luck.
Look, guy, I doubt anyone here approves of Drunk Driving, but if he's been caught and convicted and punished maybe you ought to lighten up? I mean, it isn't like most of us haven't had a few and then ridden or driven home. *We* just didn't get caught. And I can speak for myself and say it will *never* happen again, but that is beside the point. In answer to the original poster: I'd insure whatever vehicle is cheapest, and can get you to and from work, and suffer through it for a few years, til your rates drop. And *don't* drink and drive. I had one friend killed by a drunk, and I was rear ended by one, totaling my bike (bent frame), and only failing to kill me because I had an eye on my mirror while I waited at the stoplight. Regards, Charles DoD0.001 RZ350
I see some irony here. Jesus was willing to go through torture to free you from the definite promise of hell (based on Adam/Eve's fall from grace) but rather than allow him to stand in your place, you would give up your redemption to stand with those who do not accept his grace. God would rather have none in hell, which seems to put the burden of choice on us. Of course, this is all fictional anyway since you reject him also. My former sociology professor once told us at the beginning of our term, "you all start out with an A...what you do with that during the course of this term is up to you". In the beginning...Adam and Eve were given an A.
I wanted to create a postcript file with Win#.1, to print it on a laserwriter II. It created a postcript file version adobe 3.0, but our laser accept only adobe 2.0. How resolve this problem??
The real question here in my opinion is what Motorola processors running system 7 on a MAC are comparable to what Intel processors running Windows on a PC? I recall there being a conversation here that a 486/25 running Windows benchmarks at about the same speed as 25Mhz 030 in system 7. I don't know if that is true, but I would love to hear if anyone has any technical data on this. -David
I have a promovie spectrum, it seems to work very nicely with Video for Windows. With my setup (386-25, 17 ms HD, PAS-16, and orchid F VA), the board could handle up to 15 frame/s.
These packages all include complete printed manuals and registration cards. I need to get rid of some excess. They're the latest versions. I've priced these programs at less than half the list price and significantly less than the cheapest mail-order price around. * OS/2 2.0, can run Windows, DOS, and OS/2 programs, superior stability compared to Windows, list $169, sale $60. * NORTON COMMANDER FOR OS/2, provides better file management than OS/2 does alone, graphical tree and file list, drag and drop, launch apps from customizable menu, list $149, sale $60. If you're interested in any of these programs, please phone me at 215-885-7446 (Philadelphia) and I'll save the package for you.
If you look through this newsgroup, you should be able to find Clinton's proposed "Wiretapping" Initiative for our computer networks and telephone systems. This 'initiative" has been up before Congress for at least the past 6 months, in the guise of the "FBI Wiretapping" bill. I strongly urge you to begin considering your future. I strongly urge you to get your application for a passport in the mail soon.
From: _Quantum_ Magazine, March/April 1993 pages 42-46 The Problem Book of Anania of Shirak ------------------------------------ "On the ancient peak of Ararat The centuries have come like seconds And passed on." -Avetik Issahakian by Yuri Danilov Some years ago Journalists interviewing celebrities liked to ask them: "What books would you take with you if you were to go off on a space flight?" And though the number of books allowed on the trip varied from 10 to 30, depending on the type of spacecraft and the generosity of the interviewer, and celebrities are people of the most varied tastes, ages, and professions, not one of them dared to say that he or she would want to take with them at least one book of arithmetic problems. Some of these people certainly excluded this kind of literature because they were trained in the humanities and had nothing but scorn for "numbers" (though secretly afraid of them). Others steered clear of such puzzle books because they were masters of incomparably more difficult branches of modern mathematics and didn't mind saying for all the world to hear that they didn't know how to solve mere arithmetic problems. Professional mathematicians were no exception. Here's what the Russian mathematician Alexander Khinchin, a specialist in statistics, wrote about arithmetic: "I willingly confess that any time a fifth-grader asked me to help solve an arithmetic problem, it was a hard work for me, and sometimes I failed completely. Of course, like most of my friends, I could easily solve the problem by the natural algebraic route --constructing equations or sets of equations. But we were supposed to avoid using algebraic analysis at all costs! . . . By the way, it's a fact that is well known and oft repeated that, as a rule, neither high school graduates, nor students at teaching colleges, nor teachers beginning their careers (nor, I must add, scientific researchers) can solve arithmetic problems. It seems the only people in the world who are able to solve them are fifth-grade teachers." Now, I'm not insisting that a book of arithmetic problems be included in the bookbag of anyone flying into space. But a sense of justice induces me to recommend one particular problem book, one that will satisfy the most fastidious taste and supply food for thought sufficient not only for a relatively short flight to the Moon but for a extended space voyage--say, to Venus and back. One for the "road" They both took out the books they brought for the road. Kingsley glanced at the Royal Astronomer's book and saw a bright cover with a group of cutthroats shooting at each other with revolvers. "God knows what this kind of stuff leads to," thought Kingsley. The Royal Astronomer looked at Kingsley's book and saw the History of Herodotus. "Good Lord, next he'll be reading Thucydides," thought the Royal Astronomer. --Fred Hoyle, The Black Cloud The book I'm talking about isn't very big, but its 24 problems constitute 24 elegant miniatures from seventh-century Armenia. Naive and wise at the same time, rich in striking detail and the bright coloration of the period, these problems are reminiscent of the reliefs on the famous monument of Armenian architecture, the church on the island of Akhtamar in Lake Van (in what is now Turkey_. They are as inseparable from the image of Armenia as the elegant letters of the Armenian alphabet, invented by Mesrop Mashtots, or the songs of Komitas, or the paintings of Saryan. An edition of these incredibly beautiful problems has long been a bibliographic rarity. It was published under the title Problems and Solutions of Vardapet [1] Anania of Shirak, Armenian Mathematician of the Seventh Century (translated and published by I. A. Orbeli, Petrograd, 1918). The abundance of close observations and wide-ranging information about the way of life and customs of that remote epoch when Anania of Shirak lived and worked have actually rendered a disservice to his problem book. For many years the book was known only to researchers in the humanities--specialists in Armenian history who jealously guarded their treasure and wouldn't let just anyone see it. Even now, after research by K. P. Patkanov, the learned monk Father Kaloust, J.I. Orbeli, A. Abramyan, V. K. Chaloyan, and others has brought the works of Anania of Shirak to light in scholarly circles, the general reader remains ignorant of the very existence of this remarkable problem book. Vardapet Anania of Shirak Once fell in love with the art of calculation, I thought that no philosophical notion can be constructed without number, considering it the mother of all wisdom. --Anania of Shirak Among ancient Armenian thinkers, Vardapet Anania of Shirak stands out because of the breadth of his interests and the unique mathematical orientation of his work. Some of his works have been preserved. In addition to the Problems and Solutions, the following tracts have found a special place in the estimation of scholars: On Weights and Measures, Cosmography and Calendrical Theory, and Armenian Geography of the Seventh Century A.D. (the authorship of the last work was long attributed to another outstanding thinker of ancient Armenia, Movses of Khoren). In his autobiography, Anania of Shirak has this to say about himself: I, Anania of Shirak, having studied all the science of our Armenian land and having learned the Holy Scripture intimately, in the expression of the psalmist, "every day I illuminated the eyes of my mind." Feeling myself lacking in the art of calculation, I came to the conclusion that it is fruitless to study philosophy, the mother of all sciences, without number. I could find in Armenia neither a man versed in philosophy nor books that explained the sciences. I therefore went to Greece and met in Theodosiople a man named Iliazar who was well versed in ecclesiastical works. He told me that in Forth Armenia [2] there lived a famous mathematician, Christosatur. I went this person and spent six months with him. But soon I noticed that Christosatur was a master not of all science but only of certain fragmentary facts. I then went to Constantinople, where I met acquaintances who told me: "Why did you go so far, when much closer to us, in Trebizon, on the coast of Pontus [3] lives the Byzantine vardapet Tyukhik. He is full of wisdom, is known to kings, and knows Armenian literature." I asked them how they knew this. They answered: "We saw ourselves that many people traveled long distances to become pupils of so learned a man. Indeed the archdeacon of the patriarchate of Constantinople, Philagrus, traveled with us, bringing many young persons to become pupils of Tyukhik." When I heard this, I expressed my gratitude to God, who had quenched the thirst of His slave. I went to Tyukhik at the monastery of St. Eugene and explained why I He sent you to learn and to transplant science in the domain of St. Gregory; I am glad that all your country will learn from me. I myself lived in Armenia for many years as a youth. Ignorance reigned there." Vardapet Tyukhik loved me as a son and shared all his thoughts with me. The Lord bestowed upon me His blessing: I completely assimilated the science of number, and with such success that my fellow students at the king's court began to envy me. I spent eight years with Tyukhik and studied many books that had not been translated into our language. For the vardapet had an innumerable collection of books: secret and explicit, ecclesiastical and pagan, books on art, history, and medicine, books of chronologies. Why enumerate them by title? In a word, there is no book that Tyukhik did not have. And he had such a gift from the Holy Spirit for translating that when he sat down to translate something from the Greek into Armenian, he did not struggle as other translators did, and the translation read as if the work were written in that language originally. Tyukhik told me how he had achieved such vast erudition and how he had learned the Armenian language. "When I was young," he said, "I lived in Trebizon, at the court of the military chief Ioannus Patricus, and for a long time, up to the accession of Mauritius to the throne I served as a military man in Armenia and learned your language and literature. During one attack by Persian troops on the Greeks, I was wounded and escaped to Antioch. I lost all my possessions. Praying to the Lord to heal my wounds, I made a promise: "If You prolong my life, I shall dedicate it not to accumulating perishable treasures but to collecting treasures of knowledge." And the Lord heard my prayers. After I recovered I went to Jerusalem, and from there to Alexandria and Rome. Upon returning to Constantinople, I met a famous philosopher from Athens and studied with him for many years. After that I returned to my homeland and began to teach and instruct my people." After some years that philosopher died. Not finding a replacement for him, the king and his courtiers sent for Tyukhik and invited him to assume the teacher's position. Tyukhik, citing the promise he made to God not to move far from the city, turned down the offer. But because of his wide leaning, people came streaming from all countries to study with him. And I, the most insignificant of all Armenians, having learned from him this powerful science, desired by kings, brought it to our country, supported by no one, obligated only to my own industry, God's help, and the prayers of the Blessed Educator. And no one thanked me for my efforts. Problems and Solutions A half and one sixth and one nine-ninth of all the books were printed on verge'; one fifth and one two-hundred-eighty-fifth--on rag paper; one forty-fifth and one eight-hundred-fifty-fifth--on vellum, and forty-five inscribed copies--on Dutch paper. And so, find how many copies were printed in all. --Imitation of Anania of Shirak A Latin proverb says habent sua fata libelli ("books have their own fate"). The fate of Problems and Solutions by Anania of Shirak is quite amazing. The manuscripts of Anania's book were preserved only because, according to Armenian historians, "in ancient and medieval Armenia manuscripts were guarded from invaders, like weapons, and cherished, like one's own children." Biding their time, the manuscripts lay in the Matenadaran, a renowned depository of ancient manuscripts (now the Mesrop Mashtots Institute of Ancient Manuscripts). And its hour finally arrived. In 1896 the learned monk Father Kaloust used two manuscripts to publish the problem book, supplementing it with an introduction and commentary. In 1918 the book was translated into Russian, edited, annotated, and typeset by Iosef Orbeli, a prominent scholar (and later a member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR). In the translator's words, the problems of Anania are "amusing, full of life, and simple." Orbeli goes on to say: "The subjects of the problems are generally taken from everyday life. The scene is predominantly his homeland Shirak and the surrounding countryside, and the dramatis personae, if they are named, are the local princes--the Kamsarakans, including Nersekh, who was a contemporary of Anania." Like other ancient authors, Anania of Shirak used only "aliquots" -- that is, fractions with a numerator of 1. When it is necessary to write fractions with numerators other than 1, one has to represent it as a sum of aliquots (see the epigraph above). Like any true work of art, the problems of Anania suffer terribly in the retelling. You have to read the originals (albeit in translation) in their full glory. So let's open Anania's problem book--a gift from across the ages. Problems 1 and 8 relate to the Armenian uprising against the Persians in A.D. 572. Problem 1 My father told me the following story. During the famous wars between the Armenians and the Persians, prince Zaurak Kamsarakan performed extraordinary heroic deeds. Three times in a single month he attacked the Persian troops. The first time, he struck down half of the Persian army. The second time, pursuing the Persians, he slaughtered one fourth of the soldiers. The third time, he destroyed one eleventh of the Persian army. The Persians who were still alive, numbering two hundred eighty, fled to Nakhichevan. And so, from this remainder, find how many Persian soldiers there were before the massacre. Problem 8 During the famous Armenian uprising against the Persians, when Zaurak Kamsarakan killed Suren, one of the Armenian azats[4] sent an envoy to the Persian king to report the baleful news. The envoy covered fifty miles in a day. Fifteen days later, when he learned of this, Zaurak Kamsarakan sent riders in pursuit to bring the envoy back. The riders covered eighty miles in a day. And so, find how many days it took them to catch the envoy. Problem 18 mentions vessels made of varying amounts of metal. In the Russian translation, they are all called "dishes." But in the original Armenian, according to Orbeli's note, the dishes in the first and second instances are called mesur, and in the third instance scutel. Scutel is a common Armenian word, but mesur had not been encountered in Armenian literature before Anania's Problems and Solutions. Problem 18 There was a tray in my house. I melted it down and made other vessels from the metal. From one third I made a mesur; from one fourth, another mesur; from one fifth, two goblets; from one sixth, two scutels; and from two hundred ten drams, I made a bowl. And now, find the weight of the tray. Several of the problems reflect the richness of the Caucasian fauna in Anania's time -- for instance, problem 7. Problem 7 Once I was in Marmet, the capital of the Kamsarakans. Strolling along the bank of the river Akhuryan, I saw a school of fish and ordered that a net be cast. We caught a half and a quarter of the school, and all the fishes that slipped out of the net ended up in a creel. When I looked in the creel, I found forty-five fishes. And now, find how many fishes here were in all. The temptation is great to present all 24 problems. But I'll restrain myself and offer you just one more. Problem 20 provides some interesting information about the wild animals that inhabited Armenia at one time but now extinct for so long that there is no mention of them even in zoological reference books. The wild donkey, according to the generally accepted view, never roamed the Armenian lands. Yet Anania of Shirak offers evidence to the contrary . Problem 20 The hunting preserve of Nersekh Kamsarakan, ter[5] of Shirak and Asharunik, was at the base of the mountain called Artin. One night great herds of wild donkey entered the preserve. The hunters could not cope with the donkeys and, running to the village of Talin, told Nersekh about them. When he arrived with his brothers and azats and entered the preserve, they began killing the wild beasts. Half of the animals were caught in traps, one fourth were killed by arrows. The young, which constituted one twelfth of all the animals, were caught alive, and three hundred sixty wild donkeys were killed by spears. And so, find how many beasts there were at the start of this massacre. "Set in type by me, Iosef Orbeli" His biography could not be squeezed into the framework of a bibliography. -- K Uzbashyan, Academician Iosef Abgarovich Orbeli Anyone who is lucky enough to hold a copy (1/n of the small printing--n is the solution to the epigraph in the previous section) of the Russian translation of Anania of Shirak's Problems and Solutions, a thin book with yellowed pages, has probably noticed the variety of the fonts, the elegance of the borders, and the high quality of the design, printing, and binding. Such great attention to detail is characteristic of works that fulfill a requirement for a degree in bookmaking. And this problem book was indeed a kind of diploma attesting to the professional maturity of the man who created it. An advertisement at the end of the book reads: "This book was typeset in December 1917 at the printing offices of the Russian Academy of Sciences by me, Iosef Orbeli; the text was also proofread, laid out, and decorated with borders by me. Various circumstances prevented me from carrying this project to the end; the final pages of the book were typeset by M. Strolman." Typesetting was neither the first nor the only profession of the renowned orientalist Iosef Orbeli, who later became the director of the Hermitage Museum in Leningrad. He was also a cabinetmaker and a locksmith. Orbeli had already become acquainted with the famous academic printing house Typis Academiae, founded in 1728 and known all over the scientific world for its rich collection of fonts and its virtuoso typesetters. In preparing to publish the corpus of ancient inscriptions preserved on the walls of Armenian churches, Orbeli found it necessary to create a new font that would preserve the unique signs and ligatures. This complicated work was done by M. G. Strolman. (Unfortunately the entire set of letters was destroyed during the blockade of Leningrad in World War II.) When Orbeli came to the printing offices of the Academy of Sciences, times were hard. The only way to publish the newly translated Problems of Anania was for Orbeli to learn typesetting (he had always been attracted to the printer's craft). In 1922 Orbeli became the director of printing at the Academy of Sciences. Even after he retired, he remained a tireless champion of Russian academic typography. Back to Earth This book by definition does not exhaust all the most important works in this domain. The editor hopes that those who are guilty of this incompleteness will read these lines and, stung by shame, will work up, if not a collection like this, at least a monograph. --V. Bonch-Bruyevich introduction to the Russian translation of Solid-Body Symmetry by R. Knox and A. Gold Let's imagine a time when space flight is an everyday thing, and high schoolers will spend their breaks as astronauts-in training in the Perelman crater on the far side of the Moon. Maybe one of the space travelers will take this very copy of Quantum, and another, looking over her shoulder, will read this article and say to himself: "This Anania from Shirak seems like a pretty interesting guy. When I get home I'll try to find his problems." Good luck, my young friend! Anania is sure to entertain you. Perhaps by then there will be more than n copies of his timeless Problems and Solutions. And we can hope they will be as lovingly printed as the masterpieces created by Iosef Orbeli. [1] Vardapet (or vartabed) means teacher or learned man in Armenian. (The Armenian language suffers in English from a dual transliteration scheme. Thus, Mesrop is often rendered as "Mesrob", Komitas as "Gomidas," and so on). [2] Fourth Armenia was one of fifteen provinces into which, according to Armenian Geography in the Seventh Century A.D., so-called Great Armenia was divided. [3] "Pontus" (or "Pontus Euxinus") was an old name for the Black Sea. [4] "Azats" were members one of several strata of freemen in ancient Armenia. [5] "Ter" was the title of the heads of sovereign royal families in ancient Armenia.
Worse? Maybe not, but it is definately a violation of the rules the US govt. supposedly follows. Maybe the others should be changed to? But I'm not personally as concerned about the anthem since I don't come across it in daily nearly unavoidable routines. I don't despise the people...just their opinions. I meant when chatting with the ones who refuse to listen to any idea other than their own...then it just becomes an exercise for amusement.
[email protected] (A.J. Teel) writes... Fine. If you think it's an expose of corruption and fraud, please prevent a jury question. Don't just reassert your opening statement. No indication that was what happened until now. Editing down is always possible. It would be interesting to hear who the responding parties are. FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY: Don't let the IRS see this, Mr. Teel. And, as has been noted more times than we care to count, about as likely to stand up in court as the twenty-seven eight by ten color glossy pictures the Stockbridge, Mass., police, took for use as evidence against Arlo Guthrie. (As anyone who knows Alice's Restaurant is aware, he pleaded guilty to littering, was fined $50, and told to pick up the garbage.) Daniel Reitman HOW NOT TO WRITE A DEED One case involved the construction of a conveyance to grantees "jointly, as tenants in common, with equal rights and interest in said land, and to the survivor thereof, in fee simple. . . . To Have and to Hold the same unto the said parties hereto, equally, jointly, as tenants in common, with equal rights and interest for the period or term of their lives, and to the survivor thereof at the death of the other."
My T-Bird SC's manual says to replace the platinum plugs every 60,000mi. Wal-Mart has Autolite platinum plugs for $2.00 each. Are these "real" platinum plugs? (I had Bosch platinums in my '80 Fiesta and my dad had 'em in his '84 Bronco--note the keyword "had." They didn't last very long (much less than 50,000mi) before they had to be replaced. I agree that they weren't the greatest.) James
Ah, but why? Can some technically-hip Macslinger tell us what the difference is between PDS and Nubus? Is it impossible to make a gadget that plugs into PDS and ends in a Nubus card cage? At least, Marvin's friend has not been able to locate one and neither have I. What is the fundamental reason for this?
Does anybody have any idea where I could find a program that can convert a .GIF image into a .BMP image suitable for a Windows wallpaper (i.e. 256 colors). Hopefully there's something out there I can get from an ftp site somewhere... Thanks in advance...
This is a repost of an earlier. Thanks to several of you for offering advise on realistic prices. MAC SE/ 2.5 megs ram, 20 meg hard disk, 800 K Floppy. In absolutely perfect condition. Includes Word 5, pagemaker, quark xpress, quicken and the latest versions of about a dozen other programs.
A while ago I installed SPSS for Windows as part of an evaluation. Once the evaluation was complete I duly deleted the software from my PC. Unfortunately there is still a "ghost" of SPSS left: when I run something like "Write" and go to embed an object then "SPSS Chart" appears on the list of objects I'm offered. I looked around all the obvious "INI" files without success. The next thing I tried was looking for the string "SPSS Chart" in every file in the Windows directory. It turned up in a file called REQ.DAT (or REG.DAT). Unfortunately the file was binary and so I didn't feel inclined to edit it. I'd welcome a solution for removing SPSS from the list of OLE servers.
> most of their leaders are stupid, and/or not independent, and/or It's not relevant whether I agree with you or not, there is some reasonable thought in what you say here an I appreciate your point. However, I would make 2 remarks: - you forgot about hate, and this is not only at government level. - It's not only 'arab' governments. Now, about taugh talk and arrogance, we are adults, aren't we ? Do you listen to tough talk of american politicians ? or switch the channel ? I would rather be 'intimidated' by some dummy 'talking tough' then by a bomb ready to blow under my seat in B747.
Size of armies, duration, numbers of casualties both absolute and as a percentage of those involved, geographical area and numbers of countries too, are all measures of size. In this case I'd say the relevant statistic would be the number of combatants (total troops) compared to total casualties from among the total civilian population in the affected geographical area. Vietnam and Korea might make good comparisons. Western news in general, but in particular the American "mass media": CBS, NBC, ABC, etc. The general tone of the news during the whole war was one of "those poor, poor Iraqis" along with "look how precisely this cruise missile blew this building to bits". I agree. Perhaps so. And maybe the atomic bomb was a mistake too. But that's easy to say from our "enlightened" viewpoint here in the 90's, right? Back then, it was *all-out* war, and Germany and Japan had to be squashed. After all, a million or more British had already died, hundreds of thousands of French, a couple hundread thousand or so Americans, and millions of Russians, not to mention a few million Jews, Poles, and other people of slavic descent in German concentration camps. All things considered, the fire-bombings and the atomic bomb were essential (and therefore justified) in bringing the war to a quick end to avoid even greater allied losses. I, for one, don't regret it. Sure. And it's the people who suffer because of them. All the more reason to depose these "entrenched political rulers operating in their own selfish interests"! Or do you mean that this applies to the allies as well?? I make no claim or effort to justify the misguided foreign policy of the West before the war. It is evident that the West, especially America, misjudged Hussein drastically. But once Hussein invaded Kuwait and threatened to militarily corner a significant portion of the world's oil supply, he had to be stopped. Sure the war could have been prevented by judicious and concerted effort on the part of the West before Hussein invaded Kuwait, but it is still *Hussein* who is responsible for his decision to invade. And once he did so, a strong response from the West was required. Well, it's not very "loving" to allow a Hussein or a Hitler to gobble up nearby countries and keep them. Or to allow them to continue with mass slaughter of certain peoples under their dominion. So, I'd have to say yes, stopping Hussein was the most "loving" thing to do for the most people involved once he set his mind on military conquest. I mentioned it. If we hadn't intervened, allowing Hussein to keep Kuwait, then it would have been appeasement. It is precisely the lessons the world learned in WW2 that motivated the Western alliance to war. Letting Hitler take Austria and Czechoslavkia did not stop WW2 from happening, and letting Hussein keep Kuwait would not have stopped an eventual Gulf War to protect Saudi Arabia. Sure. What was truly unfortunate was that they followed Hitler in his grandiose quest for a "Thousand Year Reich". The consequences stemmed from that. What should I say about them? Anything in particular? So? It was the *policemen* on trial not Rodney King!! And under American law they deserved a jury of *their* peers! If there had been black officers involved, I'm sure their would have been black jurors too. This point (of allegedly racial motivations) is really shallow. So? It's "hard to imagine"? So when has Argument from Incredulity gained acceptance from the revered author of "Constructing a Logical Argument"? Can we expect another revision soon?? :) (Just kidding.) I have to admit that I wonder this too. But *neither* the prosecution nor the defense is talking. So one cannot conclude either way due to the silence of the principals. OK. It certainly seemed to me that there was excessive force involved. And frankly, the original "not guilty" verdict baffled me too. But then I learned that the prosecution in the first case did not try to convict on a charge of excessive force or simple assault which they probably would have won, they tried to get a conviction on a charge of aggravated assault with intent to inflict serious bodily harm. A charge, which news commentators said, was akin to attempted murder under California law. Based on what the prosecution was asking for, it's evident that the first jury decided that the officers were "not guilty". Note, not "not guilty" of doing wrong, but "not guilty" of aggravated assault with the *intent* of inflicting serious bodily harm. The seeds of the prosecutions defeat were in their own overconfidence in obtaining a verdict such that they went for the most extreme charge they could. If the facts as the news commentators presented them are true, then I feel the "not guilty" verdict was a reasonable one. Thanks mathew, I like the quote. Pretty funny actually. (I'm a Monty Python fan, you know. Kind of seems in that vein.) Of course, oversimplifying any moral argument can make it seem contradictory. But then, you know that already. Regards,
[stuff deleted] I recently bought a Leading Edge 80386DX-33 <mini tower case> and everything works fine. Leading Edge seems to be a decent brand and what-not. I would tend to say that it is a decent deal. The only things you might want to be wary about is that my L.E. computer has a back-plane mounted motherboard. Ie: The motherboard itself is a card that can be plugged in to a backplane. Some people don't like these configurations. The second thing is that whoever set up my computer at the factory didn't really know what they were doing. The installed windows video driver didn't even take advantage of the SVGA card/Monitor. Look forward to configuring the system optimally yourself.
I agree, which is why I've asked for help with it. The reason I'm working on this list is because I've recently had one too many Christians tell me "the Bible contains no contradictions whatsoever." They believe that it's true, and that it describes reality perfectly, and even predicts history before it happens. Before I can carry on any sort of meaningful conversation with these people, I've got to SHOW them, with concrete evidence, that the Bible is not nearly as airtight as they thought. I hope to do that with this list. Specifically: when I bring up the fact that Genesis contains two contradictory creation stories, I usually get blank stares or flat denials. I've never had a fundamentalist acknowledge that there are indeed two different accounts of creation.
[all kinds of unacceptably racist drivel deleted] And after that we find the man has absolutely nothing to say. Richard J. Rauser, you are a dishonourable little man. caustically, when necessary, rm
And we all know what an unbiased source the NYT is when it comes to things concerning Israel. Neither the Times nor the trained seals who have responded thus far seem to recognize the statement that these "private funds" were all tax exmpt. In otherwords, American taxpayers put up at least 30% of the money. And finalyy, how does "Federal land" mitigate the offensiveness of this alien monument dedicated to perpetuating pitty and the continual flow of tax money to a foreign entity?
I have the PAS16 / Toshiba 3401 combo and have no problems with it.
What's "loosing?" I vote. I don't consider RKBA an abomination. I'm sure Sarah Brady would be delighted to hear your ranting and raving. However, Clinton has not publically stated that he would like to repeal the Second Amendment. "Tough titty" to you. Are we going to "make do without" like the people in New York City? You know New York City: That gun ban utopia you dream about, with the millions of unregistered handguns? New York City, by the way, has a very high crime rate. Perhaps you should know about a gungrabber's nightmare - Idaho. Here in Idaho, the police give concealed carry permits to anyone over 21 without a criminal record. There are no gungrabber schemes such as FOIDs, waiting periods, "gun a month," or LTCs. And horror of horrors! You don't even NEED a permit to carry a concealed weapon while outside of city limits (although you do need a permit for concealed carry in an automobile). I feel a hell of a lot safer in Boise than I would in your gun ban dream state (e.g., Washington, D.C.). The voting public in Idaho is staunchly pro-gun. Both senators are NRA-endorsed "A" rated! Buy a clue, pal. Get out your wallet and buy another clue. There are millions upon MILLIONS of pre-1968 (i.e., non-4473'ed) firearms out there. They have a half-life approaching eternity. And cosmoline is not exactly tracked by the feds. Gun control laws were passed to PROTECT the KKK from blacks! Drew
the classic references in this area are Jacques Ellul for a liberal/evangelical perspective and Os Guiness for a straight evangelical view. If you want to look at non-christian sources try Alvin Toffler as the perennial optimist. His views while blatently non christian explore where technology may be going. This is regardless of technology. Be careful to separate the issues of related to speed and dispersion of technology (how far the letter went and how quickly it got there) and the message being passed in the technology (something that seems to be totally wrong.) When lecturing in this area I challenge my (non-christan/atheistic) class about the impact technology has on life, quality of life and the rights that they consider important. Depending on how you work out your faith will determine your response to the use of technology. For example friends of mine are considering IVF due to a life threatening situation the wife is going through; when it is over they will have the baby. (God willing). In this case the technology is available and my friends have to decide what to do. In all cases though you must decide if the technology is against God's revealed word. Regards David
Count me interested in a Cardinal's mailing list. If anyone finds one or starts one, please let me know. Thanks, Dick Detweiler
tes: First, the only drug that could possibly be put in drug stations are marijuana or its derivitives. Every other drug that I can think of can kill you if you take to much. (By the very nature of these drugs, your decision making skills aren't up to par. That is how it differs from asprin, flinstone vitamins, etc. We don't even allow penicilin to be sold over the counter.) Second, we already have a big enough drunk driving and alchoholic problem in this country. If marijuana were legal, undoubtedly more people would use it, and that IS a problem. People use it, get stupid, and hurt other people.
;Revving the throttle requires either [dis]engaging the clutch, ;or accelerating. Not if it's a Harley.
I have heard of two packages for the PC that support X-Win. The first is Linux which is a free Unix Package. The Second is X-Appeal, which sounds pretty good. It can be found at garbo.uwusa.fi in the ~ftp/pc/demo/ dir. The files are xap13exe.zip xap10fon.zip drivers.zip This should get you started. Josh.
Hello everybody ! If you are using PIXAR'S RenderMan 3D scene description language for creating 3D worlds, please, help me. I'm using RenderMan library on my NeXT but there is no documentation about NeXTSTEP version of RenderMan available. I can create very complicated scenes and render them using surface shaders, but I can not bring them to life by applying shadows and reflections. As far as I understand I have to define environmental and shadows maps to produce reflections and shadows, but I do not know how to use them. Any advises or simple RIB or C examples will be appreciated. Thanks in advance...
I'm concerned about a recent posting about WBT/SIL. I thought they'd pretty much been denounced as a right-wing organization involved in ideological manipulation and cultural interference, including Vietnam and South America. A commission from Mexican Academia denounced them in 1979 as " a covert political and ideological institution used by the U.S. govt as an instrument of control, regulation, penetration, espionage and repression." My concern is that this group may be seen as acceptable and even praiseworthy by readers of soc.religion.christian. It's important that Christians don't immediately accept every "Christian" organization as automatically above reproach.
Can someone send me ticket ordering information for the following teams: Baltimore, Philadelphia and Boston. Also, if you have a home schedule available - can you tell me the dates for all home games between July26-Aug6 and between Aug30-Sept10 and if any of these games are promotion nights or special discount nights? Thanks !!! Ron PS: and also who the opponents are for these games :-) Do NOT reply to this account, please reply to: [email protected]