20 values
I would be happy to discuss the issue of the 12 Imams with you, although my preference would be to move the discussion to another newsgroup. I feel a philosophy or religion group would be more appropriate. The topic is deeply embedded in the world view of Islam and the esoteric teachings of the Prophet (S.A.). Heresy does not enter into it at all except for those who see Islam only as an exoteric religion that is only nominally (if at all) concerned with the metaphysical substance of man's being and nature. A good introductory book (in fact one of the best introductory books to Islam in general) is Murtaza Mutahhari's "Fundamental's of Islamic Thought - God, Man, and the Universe" - Mizan Press, translated by R. Campbell. Truly a beautiful book. A follow-up book (if you can find a decent translation) is "Wilaya - The Station of the Master" by the same author. I think it also goes under the title of "Master and Mastership" - It's a very small book - really just a transcription of a lecture by the author. The introduction to the beautiful "Psalms of Islam" - translated by William C. Chittick (available through Muhammadi Trust of Great Britain) is also an excellent introduction to the subject. We have these books in our University library - I imagine any well stocked University library will have them. From your posts, you seem fairly well versed in Sunni thought. You should seek to know Shi'ite thought through knowledgeable Shi'ite authors as well - at least that much respect is due before the charge of heresy is levelled.
There's The sound.exe is actually a self extracting script which includes the .drv file. Works great!
: : Seems to me Koresh is yet another messenger that got killed : : for the message he carried. (Which says nothing about the : : character of the messenger.) I reckon we'll have to find out : : the rest the hard way. : : : : Koresh was killed because he wanted lots of illegal guns.
I'm looking for a better method to back up files. Currently using a MaynStream 250Q that uses DC 6250 tapes. I will need to have a capacity of 600 Mb to 1Gb for future backups. Only DOS files. I would be VERY appreciative of information about backup devices or manufacturers of these products. Flopticals, DAT, tape, anything. If possible, please include price, backup speed, manufacturer (phone #?), and opinions about the quality/reliability. Please E-Mail, I'll send summaries to those interested. Thanx in advance,
From Israeline 4/16 Two Arabs Killed and Eight IDF Soldiers Wounded in West Bank Car Bomb Explosion Israel Defense Forces Radio, GALEI ZAHAL, reports today that a car bomb explosion in the West Bank today killed two Palestinians and wounded eight IDF soldiers. The blast is believed to be the work of a suicide bomber. Radio reports said a car packed with butane gas exploded between two parked buses, one belonging to the IDF and the other civilian. Both busses went up in flames. The blast killed an Arab man who worked at a nearby snack bar in the Mehola settlement. An Israel Radio report stated that the other man who was killed may have been the one who set off the bomb. According to officials at the Haemek Hospital in Afula, the eight IDF soldiers injured in the blast suffered light to moderate injuries. The Arab that was killed was a probably from the Mossad so it is not count as a murder. Naftaly -----
Yes, but they'll be encrypted with Cripple Chip encryption, the encryption algorithm so great it's TOP SECRET and so unbreakable they WON'T EVEN LET YOU LOOK AT IT! Doesn't that make you feel SECURE?
I live in the desolate MidWest (as far as hockey is concerned) and our "sports" stores around here carry VERY LITTLE hockey stuff, except for San Jose, Tampa Bay, L.A., Pittsburgh, and if you're lucky Chicago. I would like to know if anyone knows of any m,ail order, phone order stores that I might be able to get in contact with. I am dying for some real hockey stuff (hats, shirts, key chains, etc.) for some other teams (Edmonton, Montreal, etc.) so if you have any information, PLEASE e-mail me DIRECTLY. Most appreciated! Good luck to your teams in the Stanley Cup playoffs! GO EDMONTON (likely...NOT!!) Maybe next year... -- "If you assult someone you get 5 years--In hockey, 5 minutes. Is this a great sport or what?!"
"Space Station Redesign Leader Says Cost Goal May Be Impossible" Today (4/6) the Washington Post ran an article with the headline shown above. The article starts with "A leader of the NASA team in charge of redesigning the planned space station said yesterday the job is tough and may be impossible." O'Connor is quoted saying whether it is possible to cut costs that much and still provide for meaningful research "is a real question for me." O'Connor said "everything is fair game," including "dropping or curtailing existing contracts with the aerospace industry, chopping management of the space station program at some NASA facilities around the country, working closely with the Russian space station Mir, and using unmanned Titan rockets to supplement the manned space shuttle fleet." O'Connor says his team has reviewed 30 design options so far, and they are sorting the serious candidates into three categories based on cost. The Post says O'Connor described the design derived from the current SSF as a high cost option (I believe Kathy Sawyer, the Post writer, got confused here. I listened in on part of O'Connor's briefing to the press on Monday, and in one part of the briefing O'Connor talked about how the White House wants three options, sorted by cost [low, medium, and high]. In another part of the briefing, he discussed the three teams he has formed to look at three options [SSF derivative @ LaRC, modular buildup with Bus-1 @ MSFC, and Single Launch Core ["wingless Orbiter"] @ JSC. Later, in response to a reporters question, I thought I heard O'Connor say the option based on a SSF redesign was a "moderate" cost option, in between low & high cost options. Not the "high cost" option as Sawyer wrote). The article goes on to describe the other two options as "one features modules that could gradually be fitted together in orbit, similar to the Russian Mir. The other is a core facility that could be deposited in orbit in a single launch, like Skylab. That option would use existing hardware from the space shuttle - the fuselage, for example, in its basic structure."
But good ones can collapse somewhat, then come back the next year. Burleigh Grimes went from 20+ wins and an ERA of 3 or so in '24 to 13-19 and an ERA around 4 in '25. He pitched well for several more years. Carlton won 13 and lost 20 the year after his 27-10 record. (Source: Bill James Historical Baseball Abstract.) And let's not forget John Tudor, who started 1-5 and finished 21-6 in 1985. He had a pretty bad ERA when you take Busch Stadium into account at the start of the season. If I recall, he had a 4.50 ERA in the 1st half and a 3.50 ERA in the 2nd half of last year. Hmmm, 21 runs in 11 innings. Suppose he starts 30 more games, and winds up w/200 innings pitched. If he allows 4 runs a game in the next 189 innings, he'll have a 4.75 ERA or so at the end of the year. (I think I have his totals right.) This is going to be hard to come back from. My 1st hunch is that Morris is very gutsy, and that he may be pitching through an injury and not telling anyone. My 2nd guess is that he will be banished to the bullpen the remainder of the season after a few more starts. (Perhaps when Stewart comes off the DL? Or will Danny Cox, who went 3 or 4 scoreless innings against the Tribe today, start for Morris? He looks like a really good one. Gaston is scrambling to find starters, I'd imagine. Luckily, the Jays have a very good offense.) I don't think they would dare release him before the end of the year. He'll just be replaced by Stewart or Cox.
Accounts of Anti-Armenian Human Right Violatins in Azerbaijan #009 Prelude to Current Events in Nagorno-Karabakh +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | There were about six burned people in there, and the small | | corpse of a burned child. It was gruesome. I suffered a | | tremendous shock. There were about ten people there, but the | | doctor on duty said that because of the numbers they were being | | taken to Baku. There was a woman's corpse there too, she had | | been . . . well, there was part of a body there . . . a | | hacked-off part of a woman's body. It was something terrible. | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ DEPOSITION OF ROMAN ALEKSANDROVICH GAMBARIAN Born 1954 Senior Engineer Sumgait Automotive Transport Production Association Resident at Building 17/33B, Apartment 40 Microdistrict No. 3 Sumgait [Azerbaijan] What happened in Sumgait was a great tragedy, an awful tragedy for us, the Armenian people, and for all of mankind. A genocide of Armenians took place during peacetime. And it was a great tragedy for me personally, because I lost my father in those days. He was still young. Born in 1926. On that day, February 28, we were at home. Of course we had heard that there was unrest in town, my younger brother Aleksandr had told us about it. But we didn't think . . . we thought that everything would happen outdoors, that they wouldn't go into people's apartments. About five o'clock we saw a large crowd near the Kosmos movie theater in our microdistrict. We were sitting at home watching television. We go out on the balcony and see the crowd pour into Mir Street. This is right near downtown, next to the airline ticket office, our house is right nearby. That day there was a group of policeman with shields there. They threw rocks at those policemen. Then they moved off in the direction of our building. They burned a motorcycle in our courtyard and started shouting for Armenians to come out of the building. We switched off the light. As it turns out, their signal was just the opposite: to turn on the light. That meant that it was an Azerbaijani home. We, of course, didn't know and thought that if they saw lights on they would come to our apartment. Suddenly there's pounding on the door. We go to the door, all four of us: there were four of us in the apartment. Father, Mother, my younger brother Aleksandr, and I. He was born in 1959. My father was a veteran of World War II and had fought in China and in the Soviet Far East; he was a pilot. We went to the door and they started pounding on it harder, breaking it down with axes. We start to talk to them in Azerbaijani, "What's going on? What's happened?" They say, "Armenians, get out of here!" We don't open the door, we say, "If we have to leave, we'll leave, we'll leave tomorrow." They say, "No, leave now, get out of here, Armenian dogs, get out of here!" By now they've broken the door both on the lock and the hinge sides. We hold them off as best we can, my father and I on one side, and my mother and brother on the other. We had prepared ourselves: we had several hammers and an axe in the apartment, and grabbed what we could find to defend ourselves. They broke in the door and when the door gave way, we held it for another half-hour. No neighbors, no police and no one from the city government came to our aid the whole time. We held the door. They started to smash the door on the lock side, first with an axe, and then with a crowbar. When the door gave way--they tore it off its hinges--Sasha hit one of them with the axe. The axe flew out of his hands. They also had axes, crowbars, pipes, and special rods made from armature shafts. One of them hit my father in the head. The pressure from the mob was immense. When we retreated into the room, one of them hit my mother, too, in the left part of her face. My brother Sasha and I fought back, of course. Sasha is quite strong and hot-tempered, he was the judo champion of Sumgait. We had hammers in our hands, and we injured several of the bandits--in the heads and in the eyes, all that went on. But they, the injured ones, fell back, and others came to take their places, there were many of them. The door fell down at an angle. The mob tried to remove the door, so as to go into the second room and to continue . . . to finish us off. Father brought skewers and gave them to Sasha and me--we flew at them when we saw Father bleeding: his face was covered with blood, he had been wounded in the head, and his whole face was bloody. We just threw ourselves on them when we saw that. We threw ourselves at the mob and drove back the ones in the hall, drove them down to the third floor. We came out on the landing, but a group of the bandits remained in one of the rooms they were smashing all the furniture in there, having closed the door behind them. We started tearing the door off to chase away the remaining ones or finish them. Then a man, an imposing man of about 40, an Azerbaijani, came in. When he was coming in, Father fell down and Mother flew to him, and started to cry out. I jumped out onto the balcony and started calling an ambulance, but then the mob started throwing stones through the windows of our veranda and kitchen. We live on the fourth floor. And no one came. I went into the room. It seemed to me that this man was the leader of the group. He was respectably dressed in a hat and a trench coat with a fur collar. And he addressed my mother in Azerbaijani: "What's with you, woman, why are you shouting? What happened? Why are you shouting like that?" She says, "What do you mean, what happened? You killed somebody!" My father was a musician, he played the clarinet, he played at many weddings, Armenian and Azerbaijani, he played for many years. Everyone knew him. Mother says, "The person who you killed played at thousands of Azerbaijani weddings, he brought so much joy to people, and you killed that person." He says, "You don't need to shout, stop shouting." And when they heard the voice of this man, the 15 to 18 people who were in the other room opened the door and started running out. We chased after them, but they ran away. That man left, too. As we were later told, downstairs one of them told the others, I don't know if it was from fright or what, told them that we had firearms, even though we only fought with hammers and an axe. We raced to Father and started to massage his heart, but it was already too late. We asked the neighbors to call an ambulance. The ambulance never came, although we waited for it all evening and all through the night. Somewhere around midnight about 15 policemen came. They informed us they were from Khachmas. They said, "We heard that a group was here at your place, you have our condolences." They told us not to touch anything and left. Father lay in the room. So we stayed home. Each of us took a hammer and a knife. We sat at home. Well, we say, if they descend on us again we'll defend ourselves. Somewhere around one o'clock in the morning two people came from the Sumgait Procuracy, investigators. They say, "Leave everything just how it is, we're coming back here soon and will bring an expert who will record and photograph everything." Then people came from the Republic Procuracy too, but no one helped us take Father away. The morning came and the neighbors arrived. We wanted to take Father away somehow. We called the Procuracy and the police a couple of times, but no one came. We called an ambulance, and nobody came. Then one of the neighbors said that the bandits were coming to our place again and we should hide. We secured the door somehow or other. We left Father in the room and went up to the neighbor's. The excesses began again in the morning. The bandits came in several vehicles, ZIL panel trucks, and threw themselves out of the vehicles like . . . a landing force near the center of town. Our building was located right there. A crowd formed. Then they started fighting with the soldiers. Then, in Buildings 19 and 20, that's next to the airline ticket office, they started breaking into Armenian apartments, destroying property, and stealing. The Armenians weren't at home, they had managed to flee and hide somewhere. And again they poured in the direction of our building. They were shouting that there were some Armenians left on the fourth floor, meaning us. "They're up there, still, up there. Let's go kill them!" They broke up all the furniture remaining in the two rooms, threw it outside, and burned it in large fires. We were hiding one floor up. Something heavy fell. Sasha threw himself toward the door shouting that it was probably Father, they had thrown Father, were defiling the corpse, probably throwing it in the fire, going to burn it. I heard it, and the sound was kind of hollow, and I said, "No, that's from some of the furniture." Mother and I pounced on Sasha and stopped him somehow, and calmed him down. The mob left somewhere around eight o'clock. They smashed open the door and went into the apartment of the neighbors across from us. They were also Armenians, they had left for another city. The father of the neighbor who was concealing us came and said, "Are you crazy? Why are you hiding Armenians? Don't you now they're checking all the apartments? They could kill you and them!" And to us :" . . . Come on, leave this apartment!" We went down to the third floor, to some other neighbors'. At first the man didn't want to let us in, but then one of his sons asked him and he relented. We stayed there until eleven o'clock at night. We heard the sound of motors. The neighbors said that it was armored personnel carriers. We went downstairs. There was a light on in the room where we left Father. In the other rooms, as we found out later, all the chandeliers had been torn down. They left only one bulb. The bulb was burning, which probably was a signal they had agreed on because there was a light burning in every apartment in our Microdistrict 3 where there had been a pogrom. With the help of the soldiers we made it to the City Party Committee and were saved. Our salvation--my mother's, my brother's, and mine,--was purely accidental, because, as we later found out from the neighbors, someone in the crowd shouted that we had firearms up there. Well, we fought, but we were only able to save Mother. We couldn't save Father. We inflicted many injuries on the bandits, some of them serious. But others came to take their places. We were also wounded, there was blood, and we were scratched all over--we got our share. It was a miracle we survived. We were saved by a miracle and the troops. And if troops hadn't come to Sumgait, the slaughter would have been even greater: probably all the Armenians would have been victims of the genocide. Through an acquaintance at the City Party Committee I was able to contact the leadership of the military unit that was brought into the city, and at their orders we were assigned special people to accompany us, experts. We went to ' pick up Father's corpse. We took it to the morgue. This was about two o'clock in the morning, it was already March 1, it was raining very hard and it was quite cold, and we were wearing only our suits. When my brother and I carried Father into the morgue we saw the burned and disfigured corpses. There were about six burned people in there, and the small corpse of a burned child. It was gruesome. I suffered a tremendous shock. There were about ten people there, but the doctor on duty said that because of the numbers they were being taken to Baku. There was a woman's corpse there too, she had been . . . well, there was part of a body there . . . a hacked-off part of a woman's body. It was something terrible. The morgue was guarded by the landing force . . . The child that had been killed was only ten or twelve years old. It was impossible to tell if it was a boy or a girl because the corpse was burned. There was a man there, too, several men. You couldn't tell anything because their faces were disfigured, they were in such awful condition... Now two and a half months have passed. Every day I recall with horror what happened in the city of Sumgait. Every day: my father, and the death of my father, and how we fought, and the people's sorrow, and especially the morgue. I still want to say that 70 years have passed since Soviet power was established, and up to the very last minute we could not conceive of what happened in Sumgait. It will go down in history. I'm particularly surprised that the mob wasn't even afraid of the troops. They even fought the soldiers. Many soldiers were wounded. The mob threw fuel mixtures onto the armored personnel carriers, setting them on fire. They weren't afraid. They were so sure of their impunity that they attacked our troops. I saw the clashes on February 29 near the airline ticket office, right across from our building. And that mob was fighting with the soldiers. The inhabitants of some of the buildings, also Azerbaijanis, threw rocks at the soldiers from windows, balconies, even cinder blocks and glass tanks. They weren't afraid of them. I say they were sure of their impunity. When we were at the neighbors' and when they were robbing homes near the airline ticket office I called the police at number 3-20-02 and said that they were robbing Armenian apartments and burning homes. And they told me that they knew that they were being burned. During those days no one from the police department came to anyone's aid. No one came to help us, either, to our home, even though perhaps they could have come and saved us. As we later found out the mob was given free vodka and drugs, near the bus station. Rocks were distributed in all parts of town to be thrown and used in fighting. So I think all of it was arranged in advance. They even knew in which buildings and apartments the Armenians lived, on which floors--they had lists, the bandits. You can tell that the "operation" was planned in advance. Thanks, of course, to our troops, to the country's leadership, and to the leadership of the Ministry of Defense for helping us, thanks to the Russian people, because the majority of the troops were Russians, and the troops suffered losses, too. I want to express this gratitude in the name of my family and in the name of all Armenians, and in the name of all Sumgait Armenians. For coming in time and averting terrible things: worse would have happened if that mob had not been stopped on time. At present an investigation is being conducted on the part of the USSR Procuracy. I want to say that those bandits should receive the severest possible punishment, because if they don't, the tragedy, the genocide, could happen again. Everyone should see that the most severe punishment is meted out for such deeds. Very many bandits and hardened hooligans took part in the unrest, in the mass disturbances. The mobs were huge. At present not all of them have been caught, very few of them have been, I think, judging by the newspaper reports. There were around 80 people near our building alone, that's how many people took part in the pogrom of our building all in all. They should all receive the most severe punishment so that others see that retribution awaits those who perform such acts. May 18, 1988 Yerevan - - - reference - - - [1] _The Sumgait Tragedy; Pogroms against Armenians in Soviet Azerbaijan, Volume I, Eyewitness Accounts_, edited by Samuel Shahmuradian, forward by Yelena Bonner, 1990, published by Aristide D. Caratzas, NY, pages 153-157
: Tsk, tsk, tsk. Another newbie bites the dust, eh? They'll learn. Newbie. Sorry to disappoint you, but as far as the Internet goes I was in Baghdad while you were still in your dads bag. Most of the people who made this group interesting 3 or 4 years ago are no longer around and I only have time to make a random sweep once a week or so. Hence I missed most of this thread. Based on your previous postings, apparently devoid of humour, sarcasm, wit, or the apparent capacity to walk and chew gum at the same time, I assumed you were serious. Mea culpa. Still, it's nice to see that BNR are doing so well that they can afford to overpay some contractors to sit and read news all day.
SEI Level 5 (the highest level -- the SEI stands for Software Engineering Institute). I'm not sure, but I believe that this rating only applies to the flight software. Also keep in mind that it was *not* achieved through the use of sophisticated tools, but rather through a 'brute force and ignorance' attack on the problem during the Challenger standdown - they simply threw hundreds of people at it and did the whole process by hand. I would not consider receiving a 'Warning' status on systems which are not yet in use would detract much (if anything) from such a rating -- I'll have to get the latest copy of the guidelines to make sure (they just issued new ones, I think). Also keep in mind that the SEI levels are concerned primarily with control of the software process; the assumption is that a well controlled process will produce good software. Also keep in mind that SEI Level 5 is DAMNED HARD. Most software in this country is produced by 'engineering practicies' that only rate an SEI Level 1 (if that). -- "Insisting on perfect safety is for people who don't have the balls to live in the real world." -- Mary Shafer, NASA Ames Dryden
Brand new never been used Seagate ST351 A/X 40meg hard drive forsale. Paid $135 (includes mounting brackets). I bought it and then ended up buying a new computer.
In NY City, the number to dial is 958... It seems to be different in different areas.
Hi All! I tried to run SoftPC, a PC emulation software program, installed on a Silicon Graphics workstation from a Human Design System (HDS) X terminal, and everything went fine, except the fonts could NOT be converted from one type of format to the other - HDS uses different font format from SGI worksation. So, I have the following questions: 1. How do you resolve different font formats from different machines? 2. Is there a program to convert one type of font format to another? If you have similar problems/experiences and have found a solution, please let me know. Your help will be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance for your help and information. Tom Nguen
Thanks to all those who responded to my original post on this question. The final diagnosis was Stress. I did not take her for a chiropractic adjustment. (Rachel receives all her medical care at Keller Army Hospital since she is a military dependant, and the Army does not yet provide chiropractic adjustments as part of its regular health care.) I am hoping that the arrival of (1) Spring Break, and (2) College Acceptance Letters, will help. *UNFORTUNATELY* she was wait-listed at the college she most dearly wanted to attend, so it seems as though that stressor may just continue for a while. :-( Meanwhile she is going on a camping trip with her religious youth group for spring break, which seems like a good stress-reliever to me. Thanks again for everybody's help/advice/suggestions/ideas.
What are the consequences of the homophobic ranting of the self-righteous? Well, I just noted this on another group, and thought I'd pass it along. The context is talk.origins, and a report of yet another "debate" that was nothing but an attempt at mindless bullying and factless assertion by a standard-issue Creationist. The writer reflects that the behavior reported reminds him of some Christian groups he has known. I believe that the writer is a (non-homosexual) Christian: + There is a very effective technique used to promote + unit cohesion among the Soldiers of the Lord. It is + called "witnessing"... I've seen this process used well + and poorly; the near devil worship I mention was a group + ... that was using the witnessing to get people lathered + up to go kill homosexuals or at least terrorize them off + campus as it was clearly God's will that they do so. I have deleted the specifics of the location, as I do not believe it characteristic of the place (a state in which I spent my formative first 10 years), though it *does* have, unfortunately, a subpopulation that this remark fits to a tee.
For the record, it wasn't until I came to college (excluding the times I went to Omaha or Council Bluffs for something) that I ever removed the keys from the ignition of my car! Come to think of it, it was only after I moved to Ames, Ia (pop 45K) that I ever took to locking my doors at night. I've discovered that $50K/year isn't worth living in fear all day. I might just move back to the farm. This weekend is Veishea. You know, when ISU students riot for no apparent reason. This year, we've the Farm Aid concert to add to the festivities. Anybody bet me there's another riot? Remember, Iowa law has three guys talking loud defined as a riot. Stay tuned for an on-the-scene report this weekend.
I'm looking for any information on detecting and/or calculating a double point and/or cusp in a bezier curve. An algorithm, literature reference or mail about this is very appreciated,
No, no, no! Bill, please, don't nominate ANYone who pronounces it "noo-q-lar"! Jimmy always used to drive everyone nuts when he did that! And don't let Amy anywhere near! And... {Emily Litella voice} ...never mind. ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Paul Havemann (Internet: [email protected])
If you are interested in receiving the final player stats for the 1992-1993 NHL Season as well as playoff box scores, stats and scores/updates... then e-mail my stat server [email protected]
Suppose the Soviets had managed to get their moon rocket working and had made it first. They could have beaten us if either: * Their rocket hadn't blown up on the pad thus setting them back, and/or * A Saturn V went boom. If they had beaten us, I speculate that the US would have gone head and done some landings, but we also would have been more determined to set up a base (both in Earth Orbit and on the Moon). Whether or not we would be on Mars by now would depend upon whether the Soviets tried to go. Setting up a lunar base would have stretched the budgets of both nations and I think that the military value of a lunar base would outweigh the value of going to Mars (at least in the short run). Thus we would have concentrated on the moon.
As one of the happily sleeping people, I would just like to ask this-> aren't people just slightly overreacting to this? Or are we all of a sudden going to draw parallels to Nazi Germany and Communist Russia? The point of the matter is that; yes this is a serious problem. But it is not the end of the world. Guess what? We're doing something now you can't do in a Communist country or Nazi Germany. We're complaining about it, (or rather, you're complaining about it) and nobody is shooting at us. (Or, rather, if they're shooting at me, they have real bad aim. (:-) ) GUESS WHAT PEOPLE? You live in one of the few countries in the world where a person can complain without getting shot at. People are always complaining that somebody did this wrong, or somebody did that wrong, or whatever. Sit down and figure out two things: 1) What have they done right? 2) How much worse can it get? And you'll find that you and I, are pretty damn lucky. So let's talk about it, get some action going, decide what's going on. But let's not overreact!
(not that logic has anything to do with it, but...) I can see the liability of putting stickers on the car while it was moving, or something, but it's the BDI that chooses to start and then drive the car in a known unsafe condition that would (seem to be) liable. Furthermore, they would have had the last chance to avoid an unsafe situation, which is an additional factor in attributing "blame". Anyway, stickers on the window are less effective... no one has any problem taking a blade to a window to remove a stubborn sticker, but it's a different story with that that nice paint job on the door.... *jeff*
There's a package called Workspace on cica that has 5 desktops; I haven't done much with it yet, but it seems to be able to do what you want it to. Don't have the exact archive name handy, but it's something like wspace<blah>.zip. Tom -- [email protected] I speak only for myself.
--Minnesota definitely deserves an NHL franchise!!! You'll see the Minnesota Whalers pretty soon, so fear not Minnesota fans. No Norm Green, 'cept for the team color (sorry, bad pun!) --What a difference two years makes! Minnesota finished 29-37-14 in 1992 and made the finals. They finish with a better record at 38-38-10 thi year and move to Dallas. Every team in the playoffs has a winning record!!! Finally!!! It's about time, NHL!!!
I thought NEC and Toshiba CD-ROM mechanism have an average access time of less than 200 ms. While the SONY-APPLE CD-ROM drive has an access time of 300 ms for the doublespin models.
Yup. By the way, what planet are you from, and once you got here, did you encounter those prejudices against foreign medical graduates?
: My 9 yr old son has signed up to do a science report on batteries. I was : wondering if anyone could provide me with some information as to how to : construct a home-built battery. In my grade school days, I remember seeing : the 'ice cube tray' version, but I don't remember what to use as a good : electrolyte or what the easily obtainable metals were. : Thank you in advance. : Dean W. Anneser Pratt & Whitney Aircraft : Computer System Specialist m.s. 161-05 \__ -\ : (203)565-9372 (desk) 5016 (fax) 400 Main St. Ooo.. (_)-V/( ) : Uucp: uunet!pwa-b!anneser East Hartford, CT 06108 Live to Ride : Internet: [email protected] : "One test result is worth one thousand expert opinions" -- Wernher Von Braun : -- : Dean W. Anneser Pratt & Whitney Aircraft : Computer System Specialist m.s. 161-05 \__ -\ : (203)565-9372 (desk) 5016 (fax) 400 Main St. Ooo.. (_)-V/( ) : Uucp: uunet!pwa-b!anneser East Hartford, CT 06108 Live to Ride -- The simplest one is easy. Take a lemon or other citrus type fruit, and stick a pair of metal strips into it for the contacts. The two strips must be of disimelar metals like copper and zinc. Then connect a voltmeter to the contacts and read the voltage. [email protected] (Bill Vance), Bothell, WA rwing!xpresso!bill
First of all, I resent your assumption that you know why I am threatened by science, or even that I am threatened at all, although I admit the latter. The reason I am threatened by Science has nothing to do with my need for proof of my Lord's existence-- God reveals Himself in many ways, including, to some degree, Science. My problem with Science is that often it allows us to assume we know what is best for ourselves. God endowed us with the ability to produce life through sexual relations, for example, but He did not make that availible to everyone. Does that mean that if Science can over-ride God's decision through alterations, that God wills for us to have the power to decide who should and should not be able to have children? Should men be allowed to have babies, if that is made possible. People have always had the ability to end lives unnaturally, and soon may have the ability to bring lives into the world unnaturally. The closest thing to artificially created life is artificially created death, and as God has reserved judgement about when people should die to Himself, I believe we should rely on God's wisdom about how people should be brought in to the world. This is not to say that I reject all forms of medical treatment, however. Treatment that alleviates pain, or prevents pain from occuring, is perfectly acceptable, I believe, as it was acceptable for Jesus to cure the sick. However, treatment that merely prolongs life for no reason, or makes unnecessary alterations to the body for mere aesthetic purposes, go too far. Are we not happy with the beauty God gave us? I cannot draw a solid line regarding where I would approve of Scientific study, and where I would not, but I will say this: Before one experiments with the universe to find out all its secrets, one should ask why they want this knowledge. Before one alters the body they have been given, they should ask themseles why their body is not satisfactory too them as it is. I cannot make any general rules that will cover all the cases, but I will say that each person should pray for guidance when trying to unravel the mysteries of the universe, and should cease their unravelling if they have reason to believe their search is displeasing to God.
That will make it easy for a car thief. Saves him/her the trouble of popping your ignition!
If you have the GRASP animation system, then yes, it's quite easy. You simply use GLIB to extract the image (each "frame" in a .GL is actually a complete .PCX or .CLP file), then use one of MANY available utilities to convert it. If you don't have the GRASP package, I'm afraid I can't help you. Sorry. By the way, before you ask, GRASP (GRaphics Animation System for Professionals) is a commercial product that sells for just over US$300 from most mail-order companies I've seen. And no, I don't have it. :) Corey Webb
In the South Lebanon area, only Israeli (and SLA) and Lebanese troops are present. Syrian troops are deployed north of the Awali river. Between the Awali river and the "Security Zone" only Lebanese troops are stationed. That is your opinion and the opinion of the Israeli government. I agree peace guarantees would be better for all, but I am addressing the problem as it stands now. Hopefully a comprehensive peace settlement will be concluded soon, and will include security guarantees for both sides. My proposal was aimed at decreasing the casualties in the interim period. In my opinion, if Israel withdraws unilaterally it would still be better off than staying. The Israeli gov't obviously agrees with you and is not willing to do such a move. I hope to be be able to change your opinion and theirs, that's why I post to tpm. As I explained, I contend that if Israel does withdraw unilaterally I believe no attacks would ensue against northern Israel. I also explained why I believe that to be the case. My suggestion is aimed at reducing the level of tension and casualties on all sides. It is unfortunate that Israel does not agree with my opinion. That is too bad. Because Israel is not occupying the "Security Zone" free of charge. It is paying the price for that. Once Israel withdraws it may have lost a bargaining chip at the negociating table but it would save some soldiers' lives, that is my contention. If Lebanon were willing to agree to That is completely untrue. Hizbollah is now a minor force in Lebanese politics. The real heavy weights are Syria's allies. The gov't is supported by Syria. The Lebanese Army is over 30,000 troops and unified like never before. Hizbollah can have no moral justification in attacking Israel proper, especially after Israeli withdrawal. That would draw the ire of the Lebanese the Syrian and the Israeli gov'ts. If Israel does withdraw and such an act (Hizbolllah attacking Israel) would be akin to political and moral suicide. Basil
[Note, Ohio legislation unlike Federal legislation, shows the entire law as it would be changed by the legislation. These parts are in ALL CAPITALS, the rest (i.e., current law is in regular type)]. AS INTRODUCED 120TH GENERAL ASEMBLY REGULAR SESSION H. B. NO. 278 1993-1994 REPRESENATIVE BEATTY A BILL To amend sections2923.11, 2923.17,and 2923.20 and to enact section 2923.181 of the Revised Code to expand the defintion of dangerous ordnance to include military weapons that do not use bolt action, to increase the penalty for a violation of the prohibition against possession of dangerous ordnance, to prohibit any person from acquiring a military weapon on or after the act's effective date, to require the licensure of military weapons acquired for aproper purpose prior to the act's effective dte, to prohibit a person from importing, manufacturing, or selling a military weapon, and to declare an emergency. BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF OHIO: Section 1. That sections 2923.11, 2923.17 and 2923.20 be amended and section 2923.181 of the Revised Code be enacted to read as follows: Sec. 2923.11. As used in section 2923.11 to 2923.24 of the Revised Code: (A) "deadly weapon" means any instrument, device, or thing capable of inflicting death, and designed or specially adapted for use as a weapon, or possessed, carried, or used as a weapon. (B)(1) "firearm" means any deadly weapon capable of expelling or propelling one or more projectiles by the action of an explosive or combustible propellant. "firarms" includes an unloaded firearm, and any firearm which is inoperable but which can readily be rendered operable. (2) When determining whether a firearm is capable of expelling or propelling one or more projectiles by the action of an explosive or combustible propellant, the trier of fact may rely upon circumstancial evidence, including, but not limited to, the representations and actions of the individual exercising control over the firearm. (C) "Handgun" means any firearm designed to be fired while held in one hand. (D) "Semi-automatic firearm" means any firearm designed or specially adapted to fire a single cartridge and automatically chamber a suceeding cartridge ready to fire, with a single function of the trigger. (E) "Automatic firearm" means any firearm designed or specially adapted to fire a succession of cartridges with a single function of the trigger. "Automatic firearm" also means any semi-automatic firearm designed or specially adapted to fire more than thirty-one cartridges without reloading, other than a firearm chambering only .22 caliber short, long, or long-rifle cartridges. (F) "Sawed-off firearm" means a shotgun with a barrel less than eighteen inches long, or a rifle with a barrel less than sixteen inches long, or a shotgun or rifle less than twenty-six inches long overall. (G) "Zip-gun" means any of the following: (1) Any firearm of crude and extemporized manufacture; (2) Any device, including without limitation a starter's pistol, not designed as a firearm, but which is specially adapted for use as a firearm; (3) Any industrial tool, signalling device, or safety device, not designed as a firearm, but which as designed is capable of use as such A FIREARM, when possessed, carried, or used as a firearm. (H) "Explosive device" means any device designed or specially adapted to cause physical harm to persons or property by means of an explosion, and consisting of an explosive substance or agency and a means to detonate it. "Explosive device" includes without limitation any bomb, any explosive demolition device, any blasting cap or detonator containing an explosive charge, and any pressure vessel which has been knowingly tampered with or arranged so as to explode. (I) "Incendiary device" means any firebomb, and any device designed or specially adapted to cause physical harm to persons or property by means of fire, and consisting of an incendiary substance or agency and a means to ignite it. (J) "Ballistic knife" means a knife with a detachable blade that is propelled by a spring-operated mechanism. (K) "Dangerous ordinance" means any of the following, except as provided in division (L) of this section: (1) Any automatic or sawed-off firearms. zip-gun, or ballistic knife; (2) Any explosive device or incendiary device; (3) Nitroglycerin, nitrocellulose, nitrostarch, PETN, cyclonite, TNT, picric acid, and other high explosives; amatol, tritonal, tetrytol, pentolite, pecretol, cyclotol, and other high explosive compositions; plastic explosives; dynamite, blasting gelatin, gelatin dynamite, sensitized ammonium nitrate, liquid- oxygen blasting explosives, blasting powder, and other blasting agents; and any other explosive substance having sufficient brisance or power to be particularly suitable for use as a military explosive, or for use in mining, quarrying, excavating, or demolitions; (4) Any firearm, rocket launcher, mortar, artillery piece grenade, mine, bomb, torpedo, or similar weapon, designed and manufactured for military purposes, and the ammunition for that weapon; (5) Any firearm muffler or silencer; (6) ANY MILITARY WEAPON; (7) ANY DETACHABLE MAGAZINE, MAGAZINE, DRUM, BELT, FEED STRIP, OR SIMILAR DEVICE THAT HAS A CAPACITY OF, OR THAT READILY CAN BE RESTORED OR CONVERTED TO ACCEPT, MORE THAN FIFTEEN ROUNDS OF AMMUNITION; (8) Any combination of parts that is intended by the owner for use in converting any firearm or other device into a dangerous ordinance. (L) "Dangerous ordnance" does not include any of the following: (1) Any firearm, including a military weapon and the ammunition for that weapon, and regardless of its actual age, which employs a percussion cap or other obsolete ignition system or which is designed and safe for use only with black powder, and (2) Any pistol, rifle, or shotgun, designed or suitable for sporting purposes, UNLESS THE FIREARM IS EITHER OF THE FOLLOWING; (a) A military weapon as issued or as modified, and the ammunition for that weapon; (b) AN automatic or sawed-off firearm. (3) Any cannon or other artilery piece which, regardless of its actual age, is of a type in accepted use prior to 1887, has no mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, or other system for absorbing recoil and returning the tube into battery without displacing the carriage, and is designed and safe for use only with black powder; (4) Black powder, priming quills, and percussion caps possessed and lawfully used to fire a cannon of a type defined in division (L) (3) of this section during displays, celebrations, organized matches or shoots, and target practice, and smokeless and black powder, primers, and percussion caps possed and lawfully used as a propellant or ignition device in small-arms or small-arms ammunition; (5) Dangerous ordinance which is inoperable or inert and cannot readily be rendered operable or activated, and which is kept as a trophy, souvenir, curio, or museum piece. (6) Any device which is expressly excepted from the definition of a destructive device pursuant to the "Gun Control Act of 1968," 82 Stat. 1213, 18 U.S.C. 921(a)(4), as amended, and regulations issued under that act. (M) "MILITARY WEAPON' MEANS ANY OF THE FOLLOWING; (1) ANY FIREARM THAT ORIGINALLY WAS MANUFACTURED FOR MILITARY USE, OR A COPY OF ANY SUCH FIREARM, IF THE FIREARM IS NOT A BOLT ACTION FIREARM; (2) ANY MODEL OF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING FIREARMS THAT IS A SEMI-AUTOMATIC FIREARM AND IS A RIFLE OR ANY MODEL OF ANY COPY OF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING FIREARMS THAT IS A SEMI-AUTOMATIC FIREARM AND IS A RIFLE; (a) ARMALITE AR-180; (b) AUTO-ORDNANCE THOMPSON MODELS 1927A1 AND M-1; (c) AVTOMAT KALASHNIKOV; (d) POLY TECH AK-47S; (e) CHINA SPORTS AK-47 BULLPUP; (f) MITCHELL AK-47 AND M-76 (g) BARRETT LIGHT-FIFTY MODEL 82A1; (h) BARETTA AR-70; (i) BUSHMASTER AUTO RIFLE; (j) CALICO M900 AND M-100 (k) COLT AR-15 (l) COMMANDO ARMS CARBINE, MARK 111, MARK 45, AND MARK 9; (m) UNIVERSAL 5000 CARBINE, ENFORCER; (n) AMERICAN ARMS ARM-1 AND AKY 39; (o) DAEWOO MAX-1 AND MAX-2; (p) FABRIQUE NATIONALE FN/FAL, FN/LAR. AND FN/FNC; (q) FAMAS MAS 223; (r) FEATHER AT-9; (s) FEDERAL KC-900 AND XC-450 (t) GALIL AR AND ARM; (u) GONCZ HIGH-TECH CARBINE; (v) HECKLER AND KOCH HK-91, HK-93, HK-94, AND PSG-1; (w) MANDALL TAC-1 CARBINE (x) RUGER MINI 14/SF FOLDING STOCK MODEL; (y) SIG 57 AMT AND 500 SERIES; (z) SPRINGFIELD ARMORY SAR-48, G-3, BM-59 ALPINE, AND M1A CARBINE; (aa) STERLING MK-6 AND MARK 7; (bb) STEYR AUG; (cc) UZI CARBINE AND MINI-CARBINE; (dd) VALMET M-62S, M-76, M-78, AND M82 BULLPUP CARBINE; (ee) WEAVER ARMS NIGHTHAWK; (ff) MILITARY M14 AND MILITARY M1 CARBINE .30; (gg) SPRINGFIELD ARMORY M1A ASSAULT; (hh) THOMPSON 27A-5 WITH DRUM MAGAZINE; (ii) PLAINFIELD COMMANDO UNIVERSE 5000 CARBINE; (jj) COBRAY M-11 WITH OR WITHOUT SILENCER; (kk) SPECTRE AUTO CARBINE; (ll) SWD COBRAY; (mm) ARMI JAGER AP-74 AND AP-74 COMMANDO; (nn) ARMSCORP OF AMERICA ISRAELI FN-FAL; (oo) CLAYCO SKS CARBINE; (pp) DRAGUNOV SNIPER; (qq) EMF AP-74; (rr) IVER JOHNSON PM30 P PARATROOPER; (ss) NORINCO SKS; (tt) PARTISAN AVENGER; (uu) SIGARMS SG 550 SP AND SG 551 SP; (vv) SQUIRES BINGHAM M 16; (ww) WILKINSON "TERRY" CARBINE. (3) ANY MODEL OF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING FIREARMS THAT IS A SEMI-AUTOMATIC FIREARM AND IS A PISTOL OR ANY MODEL OF ANY COPY OF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING FIREARMS THAT IS A SEMI-AUTOMATIC FIREARM AND IS A PISTOL: (a) BUSHMASTER AUTO PISTOL; (b) CALICO 100-P AUTO PISTOL; (c) EBCIN NJ-IV, MP-9, AND MP-45; (d) FEATHER MINI-AT; (e) GONCZ HIGH TECH PISTOL' (f) HOLMES MP-83 AND MP-22; (g) INTRATEC TEC-9 AND SCORPION .22; (h) IVER JOHNSON ENFORCER; (i) INGRAM MAC-10 AND MAC-11; (j) MITCHELL ARMS SPECTRE AUTO; (k) SCARAB SKORPION; (l) STERLING MK-7; (m) UZI PISTOL; (n) UNIVERSAL ENFORCER; (o) WILKINSON "LINDA" AUTO PISTOL. (4) ANY MODEL OF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING FIREARMS THAT IS A SEMI-AUTOMATIC FIREARM AND IS A SHOTGUN OR ANY MODEL OF ANY COPY OF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING FIREARMS THAT IS A SEMI-AUTOMATIC FIREARM AND IS A SHOTGUN: (a) FRANCHI SPAS-12 AND LAW-12; (b) STRIKER 12 AND STREET SWEEPER; (c) BENELLI M1 SUPER 90; (d) MOSSBERG 500 BULLPUP; (e) USAS-12 AUTO SHOTGUN. Sec. 2923.17. (A)(1) No person shall knowingly acquire, have, OR carry any dangerous ordnance. (2) NO PERSON SHALL KNOWINGLY USE ANY DANGEROUS ORDNANCE. (B) This section does not apply to ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: (1) Officers, agents, or employees of this or any other state or the United States, members of the armed forces of the United States or the organized militia of this or any other state, and law enforcement officers, to the extent that any such person is authorized to acquire, have, carry, or use dangerous ordnance and is acting within the scope of his duties; (2) Importers, manufacturers, dealers, and users of explosives, having a license or user permit issued and in effect pursuant to the "Organized Crime Control Act of 1970," 84 Stat. 952, 18 U.S.C. 843, and any amendments or additions TO or reenactments OF THAT ACT, with respect to explosives and explosive devices lawfully acquired, possessed, carried, or used under the laws of this state and applicable federal law; (3) Importers, manufactuers, and dealers having a license to deal in destructive devices or their ammunition, issued and in effect pursuant to the "Gun Control Act of 1968," 82 Stat. 1213. 18 U.S.C. 923 and any amendments or additions TO or reenactments OF THAT ACT, with respect to dangerous ordnance lawfully acquired, possessed, carried, or used under the laws of this state and applicable federal law; (4) Persons to whom surplus ordnance has been sold, loaned, or given by the secretary of the army pursuant to 70A Stat. 62 and 263, 10 U.S.C. 4684, 4685, 4686, and any amendments or additions TO or reenactments OF THAT ACT, with respect to dangerous ordnance when lawfully possessed and used for the purpose specified in THAT section; (5) Owners of dangerous ordnance registered in the national firearms registration and transfer record pursuant to the act of October 22, 1968, 82 Stat.1229, 26 U.S.C. 5841, and any amendments or additions TO or reenactments OF, and regulations issued UNDER THE ACT. (6) Carriers, warehousemen, and others engaged in the business of transporting or storing goods for hire, with respect to dangerous ordnance lawfully transported or stored in the usual course of their business and in compliance with the laws of this state and applicable federal law; (7) The holders of a license or temporary permit issued and in effect pursuant to section 2923.18 of the Revised Code, with respect to dangerous ordnance lawfully acquired, possessed, carried, or used for the purposes and in the manner specified in THE license or permit. (C) DIVISION (A)(1) OF THIS SECTION DOES NOT APPLY TO THE ACQUISITION, HAVING, OR CARRYING OF DANGEROUS ORDNANCE THAT IS A MILITARY WEAPON IF BOTH OF THE FOLLOWING APPLY: (1) THE PERSON WHO ACQUIRES, HAS, OR CARRIES THE DANGEROUS ORDNANCE IN QUESTION ACQUIRED IT BEFORE THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS AMENDMENT AS A COLLECTOR'S ITEM OR FOR A LEGITIMATE RESEARCH, SCIENTIFIC, EDUCATIONAL, INDUSTRIAL, OR OTHER PROPER PURPOSE; (2) NO LATER THAN THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON THE SEVENTH DAY AFTER THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS AMENDMENT, THE PERSON WHO ACQUIRED THE DANGEROUS ORDNANCE IN QUESTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH DIVISION (C)(1) OF THIS SECTION SUBMITTED AN APPLICATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 2923.181 OF THE REVISED CODE FOR A LICENSE TO HAVE AND CARRY IT AND THE APPLICATION HAS NOT BEEN DENIED OR A VALID LICENSE HAS BEEN ISSUED TO THE PERSON. (D) DIVISIONS (A)(1) AND (2) OF THIS SECTION DO NOT APPLY TO THE ACQUISITION, HAVING, CARRYING, OR USING OF ANY DANGEROUS ORDNANCE DESCRIBED IN DIVISION (k)(7) OF SECTION 2923.11 OF THE REVISED CODE THAT WAS ACQUIRED PRIOR TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS AMENDMENT. (E) Whoever violates this section is quilty of unlawful possession of dangerous ordnance, a AN AGGRAVATED felony of the FIRST degree. Sec. 2923.181. (A) ANY PERSON WHO ACQUIRED A MILITARY WEAPON BEFORE THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS SECTION SHALL FILE A WRITTEN APPLICATION FOR A LICENSE TO HAVE AND CARRY THE MILITARY WEAPON WITH THE SHERIFF OF THE COUNTY OR SAFETY DIRECTOR OR POLICE CHIEF OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION WHERE THE APPLICANT RESIDES OR HAS HIS PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS. THE APPLICATION SHALL BE FILED NO LATER THAN THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON THE SEVENTH DAY AFTER THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS SECTION AND SHALL BE ACCOMPANIED BY A FILING FEE OF FIFTY DOLLARS. THE PERSON SHALL FILE A SEPARATE APPLICATION AND PAY A SEPARATE FILING FEE FOR EACH MILITARY WEAPON THAT HE HAS OR INTENDS TO CARRY. THE APPLICATION SHALL CONTAIN ALL OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: (1) THE NAME, AGE, ADDRESS, OCCUPATION, AND BUSINESS ADDRESS OF THE APPLICANT, IF THE APPLICANT IS A NATURAL PERSON, OR THE NAME, ADDRESS, AND PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS OF THE APPLICANT, IF THE APPLICANT IS A CORPORATION; (2) A DESCRIPTION OF THE MILITARY WEAPON FOR WHICH A LICENSE IS REQUESTED, INCLUDING THE SERIAL NUMBER AND ALL IDENTIFICATION MARKS; (3) A STATEMENT OF THE PURPOSE FOR WHICH THE MILITARY WEAPON WAS ACQUIRED AND FOR WHICH IT IS TO BE POSSESSED, CARRIED, OR USED; (4) ANY OTHER INFORMATION THAT THE ISSUING AUTHORITY MAY REQUIRE IN GIVING EFFECT TO THIS SECTION; (5) THE OATH OF THE APPLICANT THAT THE INFORMATION ON THE APPLICATION IS TRUE. (B)(1) NO LATER THAN THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON THE FOURTEENTH DAY AFTER AN APPLICATION FOR A LICENSE TO HAVE AND CARRY A MILITARY WEAPON HAS BEEN FILED UNDER DIVISION (A) OF THIS SECTION, THE ISSUING AUTHORITY SHALL EITHER APPROVE THE APPLICATION AND ISSUE A LICENSE TO THE APPLICANT OR DENY THE APPLICATION AND SEND A LETTER OF DENIAL BY ORDINARY MAIL TO THE APPLICANT. AFTER CONDUCTING ANY NECESSARY INVESTIGATION, THE ISSUING AUTHORITY SHALL ISSUE A LICENSE TO AN APPLICANT WHOM IT DETERMINES SATISFIES THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: (a) THE APPLICANT IS TWENTY-ONE YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER, IF THE APPLICANT IS A NATURAL PERSON; (b) IT APPEARS THAT THE APPLICANT WILL POSSESS AND CARRY THE MILITARY WEAPON AS A COLLECTOR'S ITEM OR FOR A LEGITIMATE, SCIENTIFIC, EDUCATIONAL, INDUSTRIAL, OR OTHER PROPER PURPOSE; (c) IT APPEARS THAT THE APPLICANT HAS SUFFICIENT COMPETENCE TO HAVE AND CARRY THE MILITARY WEAPON AND THAT PROPER PRECAUTIONS WILL BE TAKEN TO ENSURE THE SECURITY OF THE MILITARY WEAPON AND THE SAFETY OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY; (d) THE APPLICANT OTHERSWISE IS NOT PROHIBITED BY LAW FROM HAVING OR CARRYING DANGEROUS ORDNANCE. (2) A LICENSE ISSUED PURSUANT TO DIVISION (B)(1) OF THIS SECTION SHALL BE VALID FOR ONE YEAR AFTER THE DATE OF ITS ISSUANCE. THE LICENSE SHALL BE RENEWED PURSUANT TO DIVISION (C) OF THIS SECTION. (C)(1) EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN DIVISION (C)(3) OF THIS SECTION, ANY PERSON WHO IS ISSUED A LICENSE UNDER DIVISION (B)(1) OF THIS SECTION SHALL RENEW THE LICENSE BY FILING AN APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL BY REGULAR MAIL WITH THE SHERIFF OF THE COUNTY OR THE SAFETY DIRECTOR OR POLICE CHIEF OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION WHO WAS THE ISSUING AUTHORITY OF THE LICENSE. AN APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL SHALL BE FILED ANNUALLY NO LATER THAN ONE YEAR AFTER THE DATE ON WHICH THE LICENSE WAS ISSUED OR LAST RENEWED. (2) EACH SHERIFF AND EACH SAFETY DIRECTOR AND PEACE OFFICER OF A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION SHALL MAKE AVAILABLE APPLICATIONS FOR THE RENEWAL OF A LICENSE ISSUED UNDER DIVISION (B)(1) OF THIS SECTION. IN THE APPLICATION THE APPLICANT, UNDER OATH, SHALL UPDATE THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED IN THE PREVIOUS APPLICATION FOR A LICENSE OR THE RENEWAL OF A LICENSE. THE APPLICATION FOR THE RENEWAL OF A LICENSE SHALL BE ACCOMPANIED BY A FEE OF FIVE DOLLARS. THE APPLICANT SHALL FILE A SEPERATE APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL AND PAY A SEPERATE RENEWAL FEE FOR EACH MILITARY WEAPON THAT HE INTENDS TO CONTINUE TO HAVE AND CARRY. (3) A PERSON WHO HAS CHANGED HIS RESIDENCE OR PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS TO A LOCATION OUTSIDE OF THE JURISDICTION OF THE ISSUING AUTHORITY SUBSEQUENT TO THE ISSUANCE OR RENEWAL OF A LICENSE UNDER THIS SECTION SHALL RENEW HIS LICENSE BY FILING AN APPLICATION IN THE MANNER PRESCRIBED BY DIVISION (A) OF THIS SECTION WITH THE SHERIFF OF THE COUNTY OR THE SAFETY DIRECTOR OR POLICE CHIEF OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION WHERE HE THEN RESIDES OR HAS HIS PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS. WHEN MAKING AN APPLICATION TO RENEW A LICENSE AFTER A CHANGE IN RESIDENCE OR PLACE OF BUSINESS, THE APPLICANT SHALL GIVE NOTICE OF THE CHANGE OF ADDRESS BY REGULAR MAIL TO THE ORIGINAL ISSUING AUTHORITY FOR THE LICENSE AND THE STATE FIRE MARSHALL ON NOTIFICATION FORMS PRESCRIBED BY THE SHERIFF, SAFETY DIRECTOR, OR POLICE CHIEF FROM WHOM HE SEEKS RENEWAL. (D) A LICENSE TO HAVE AND CARRY A MILITARY WEAPON SHALL IDENTIFY THE PERSON TO WHOM IT IS ISSUED, IDENTIFY THE MILITARY WEAPON FOR WHICH IT IS ISSUED, STATE THE PURPOSE IDENTIFIED IN DIVISION (B)(1)(b) OF THIS SECTION FOR WHICH THE MILITARY WEAPON WILL BE POSSESSED AND CARRIED, STATE ITS EXPIRATION DATE, AND LIST ALL RESTRICTIONS ON THE HAVING OR CARRYING OF THE MILITARY WEAPON AS PRESCRIBED BY THE LAWS OF THIS STATE AND APPLICABLE FEDERAL LAW. (E) ANY PERSON WHO IS ISSUED A LICENSE TO HAVE AND CARRY A MILITARY WEAPON UNDER THIS SECTION AND WHO CHANGES HIS ADDRESS SHALL NOTIFY THE ISSUING AUTHORITY OF THE CHANGE OF HIS ADDRESS NO LATER THAN NINETY DAYS AFTER THE CHANGE HAS OCCURRED. (F) THE ISSUING AUTHORITY SHALL FORWARD TO THE STATE FIRE MARSHALL A COPY OF EACH LICENSE ISSUED OR RENEWED UNDER THIS SECTION. THE STATE FIRE MARSHALL SHALL KEEP A PERMANENT FILE OF ALL LICENSES ISSUED OR RENEWED UNDER THIS SECTION. (G) THE ISSUING AUTHORITY SHALL CAUSE EACH APPLICATION FEE OF FIFTY DOLLARS, FILED UNDER DIVISION (A) OF THIS SECTION, TO BE DEPOSITED IN THE GENERAL FUND OF THE COUNTY OR MUNCIPAL CORPORATION SERVED BY THE ISSUING AUTHORITY. THE ISSUING AUTHORITY SHALL CAUSE TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS OF EACH RENEWAL FEE, FILED UNDER DIVISION (C) OF THIS SECTION, TO BE DEPOSITED IN THE GENERAL FUND OF THE COUNTY OR MUNICIPAL CORPORATION SERVED BY THE ISSUING AUTHORITY AND SHALL SEND TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS OF EACH RENEWAL FEE TO THE TREASURER OF STATE FOR DEPOSIT IN THE STATE TREASURY TO THE CREDIT OF THE GENERAL REVENUE FUND. (H) WHOEVER VIOLATES DIVISION (A) OF THIS SECTION IS GUILTY OF FAILING TO APPLY FOR THE LICENSURE OF A MILITARY WEAPON, A FELONY OF THE FOURTH DEGREE. WHOEVER VIOLATES DIVISION (C) OF THIS SECTION IS GUILTY OF FAILING TO APPLY FOR RENEWAL OF A LICENSE FOR A MILITARY WEAPON, A MISDEMEANOR OF THE FIRST DEGREE. (I) A MILITARY WEAPON THAT IS NOT LICENSED AS REQUIRED BY THIS SECTION IS CONTRABAND, AS DEFINED IN SECTION 2901.01 OF THE REVISED CODE AND IS SUBJECT TO FORFEITURE UNDER SECTION 2933.43 OF THE REVISED CODE. SEC. 2933.20. (A) No person shall DO ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: (1) IMPORT, MANUFACTURE, POSSESS FOR SALE, SELL, OR FURNISH TO ANY PERSON ANY MILITARY WEAPON; (2) Recklessly sell, lend, give, or furnish any firearm to any person prohibited by section 2923.13 or 2923.15 of the Revised Code from acquiring or using any firearm, or recklessly sell, lend, give, or furnish any dangerous ordnance to any person prohibited by section 2923.13, 2923.15, or 2923.17 of the Revised Code from acquiring or using any dangerous ordnance; (3) Possess any firearm or dangerous ordnance with purpose to dispose of it in violation of division (A) of this section; (4) Manufacture, possess for sale, sell, or furnish to any person other than a law enforcement agency for authorized use in police work, any brass knuckles, cestus, billy, blackjack, sandbag, switchblade knife, springblade knife, gravity knife, or similar weapon; (5) When transferring any dangerous ordnance to another, negligently fail to require the transferes to exhibit ANY identification, license, or permit showing him to be authorized to acquire dangerous ordnance pursuant to section 2923.17 of the Revised Code, or negligently fail to take a complete record of the transaction and forthwith forward a copy of THE record to the sheriff of the county or safety director or police chief of the municipality where the transaction takes place; (6) Knowingly fail to report to law enforcement authorities forthwith the loss or theft of any firearm or dangerous ordnance in such person's possession or under his control. (b) Whoever violates this section is quilty of unlawful transactions in weapons. Violation of division (A)(1) OF THIS SECTION IS AN AGGRAVATED FELONY OF THE FIRST DEGREE. VIOLATION OF DIVISION (A)(2) OR (3) Oof this section is a felony of the third degree. Violation of division (A) (4) OR (5) of this section is a misdemeanor of the second degree. Violation of division (6) of this section is a midemeanor of the fourth degree. Section 2. That existing section 2923.11, 2923.17 and 2923.20 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed. Section 3. This act is hereby declared to be an emergency measure necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. The reason for this necessity is that with immediate action, this act will prohibit the continued purchase, possession, and use of military weapons and as a result will ameliorate a substantial threat of death and injury to the public caused by the misuse of improper use of these weapons. Therefore, this act shall go into immediate effect.
On 12-Apr-93 in Environmentalism and paganism And what of those of us who already have answers to their questions without turning to christianity (or, in my case, any religion)? Whay RIGHT do you have to presume to lecture me about what I should believe??
Yup. I can hear the _millions_ cheering for DK right now! Josef Stalin eat your heart out! :) -- Bake Timmons, III
It's O- that is especially useful. Still, he isn't punishing the Red Cross but some O+ person that needed his blood and couldn't get it. You are right, nagging probably won't help. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gordon Banks N3JXP | "Skepticism is the chastity of the intellect, and [email protected] | it is shameful to surrender it too soon."
I assume you have evidence that he was responsible for the deaths? Again, I'd like to see some evidence. Once again, where's your proof? Suicide is considered a sin by Branch Davidians. Also, Koresh said over and over again that he was not going to commit suicide. Furthermore, all the cult experts said that he was not suicidal. David Thibedeau (sp?), one of the cult members, said that the fire was started when one of the tanks spraying the tear gas into the facilities knocked over a lantern. Evidence please? I'd like to point out that the Bible says "Do not commit murder." The NKJ translation mistranslates. Self-defense was never considered murder. The reason why they were stockpiling weapons is because they were afraid the government would try something. Their fears were obviously well founded. --Ray Cote
I'm looking to build a DSP for guitar processing. Hence lots of background information would be really useful ! If anyone's got any info, could they email..... Thanks in advance... Chris ;-) +====================================================================+ |Name : Mr Chris Smith | Twang on that 'ole guitar ! | |Addrs: [email protected] | | |Uni : Liverpool University |Quest: To build more and more hardware | |Dgree: Computer Science | | +====================================================================+ "What ever the sun may be, it is certainly not a ball of flaming gas!" -- D.H. Lawrence.
I have a 41M IDE HD forsale or trade. I would like to trade it if possible. HD - 41M - IDE Westren Digital - No errors or bad sectors - 13.8ms access time - 855 kilobytes per second transfer rate - working in my computer right now. LOOKING FOR IN A TRADE MAYBE - SEGA Genesis - a pair of Sub Woffers - Souround Sound Stereo/Reciever - ANY KIND OF ELECTORNIC EQUIPMENT (IF YOU HAVE ELECTORINIC EQUIPMENT I LIKE ALMOST ANY KIND OF COMPUTRER, CAR, OR HOME EQUIPMENT, -- IF YOU WANT TO MAKE AN OFFER ON A TRADE LET ME KNOW. --CD PLAYER ..ect) Please if you are interested in a trade let me know. email ------ [email protected]
Update your 385 to HP-UX 9.0. You get an R5 server and libraries.
Does any one know of any shareware/freeware software which lets one display EPS files on a PC with DOS and/or Windows??? Your reply would be much appreciated. Thanks. Hal Adam, [email protected]
The down side is that when I'm in my cage, I have on numerous occasions slammed my hand into the rolled up window in an effort to wave at a passing biker. Ow.
Speaking of Psygnosis, they have licensed games to Philips Interative Media International for CD-I. The following was recently posted in a message in the CD-I section of the Multimedia Forum. "Seventh Guest has been licensed by Virgin Games to Philips Interactive Media International for worldwide CD-I rights. Were also licensed to P.I.M.I. Litil Divil from Gremlin Graphics (UK) and Microcosm from Psygnosis (UK). Those three titles will be adapted on CD-I using the full potential of the FMV cartridge, meaning, using the additional memory as well as the motion video capabilities. Those titles have been negociated in Europe but will be available worldwide. Also, Lemmings 1 & 2 have been licensed from Psygnosis, as well as Striker Soccer from Rage (UK)." I don't know when these titles will be available or when work on them even started (so don't expect your CD-I retailer to have them yet). There was also some mention of future Nintendo CD-I games in an issue of the UK magazine ERT - Mario Hotel was mentioned as having 75 levels. Mark [Although I work for Philips, I don't work on CD-I or multimedia. The above info is just provided in good faith from what I've read and does not represent any statement from Philips]
The magnets are huge! Good MRI sets with big (>1.5 Tesla) magnets cost millions of dollars. Then, the radiologist wants $400 for reading each scan. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gordon Banks N3JXP | "Skepticism is the chastity of the intellect, and [email protected] | it is shameful to surrender it too soon."
[...] I am not an expert. My understanding is the watts output of the power supply must exceed the sum of the hard disk watts requirement. Typically, a 200W power supply is sufficient to power a PC. Hope this help. Lau Hon-Wah
What are the Leafs to do? I am a Leaf supporter and I say the Leafs are going down in four unless there is nothing short of a miracle or a stroke of genenius hits Pat Burns. If you were Pat Burns what would you do? Living in the Bay area, I do not get enough Leaf coverage to pull something out of the bag, (I would appreciate comments on the Leaf/Detroit 3rd line match-ups) but here is the basic idea... Andreychuck and Borchevsky have no business playing against the Wings. They are too small. The key to any Leafs success will have to be Clark. He is the only centre who can have any presence within 3-stick lengths of the slot. Where the hell is Anderson? Anderson can (in days past) get under peoples skin. Put a little more bluntly, Anderson has to be an asshole. He used to be good at it. We need him now. Perhaps, perhaps the Leafs can shut down Detroit's second line. I was dissappointed to see Shepard and Yserbeart flying last night. These guys are the "swing" players for the Wings. Last year they did a major choke in the playoffs and were to blame for the quick exit of the Wings. **THis has to happen again**. Clark-Anderson-Gilmour should be able to out hustle this line. Anderson should do a nasty on Yserbeart. Clark should bang the hell out of Sheppard. Score Gilmour score! Suggestions: Clarke-Anderson-Gilmour vs. Sheppard-Yserbeart-?? Andreychuck-Borchevsy-?? vs. Detroit checking line Toronto's checking line vs. Yzerman-Fedorov-Probert (pray lots) * as suggested - i would bench Andreychuck and Borchevsky to stir things up and through a monkey wrench into Detroits game plan. However, if the Detroit coaching would be dumb enough to play their checking line against these "finesse" players - well then let them play. ** Potvin can not be faulted on 5 of the goals - keep him in. ** Van Hellamond can not be faulted for the Leafs demise either. ** The Wings defense shut down the Leafs (especially in the slot). I hope Pat Burns realizes that his team was out-hit, out-skated, and out-coached on Monday night. This was not a loss because of poor goaltending or officiating. This calls for drastic measures ... or tee off is next Monday. -jake.
In Detroit, the octopus is a symbol from the old days of the league. In the era of the Original 6, four teams made the playoffs. To win the Cup, a team had to win two seven-game series - in other words it took 8 playoff wins to win the Cup. The octopus (8 legs) has become a common Detroit symbol. Every year around playoff time people start sneaking octopus (octopi?) into the Joe Louis Arena and throwing them onto the ice.
Does it do it to all tapes? Were the two tapes that it unwound of the same type from the same batch? The reason I ask is that I bought some generic tapes that did this and found that the tape markers were not fully punched out and had closed the little marker hole. It was only on a few tapes of a set. Did you open up the tape cartridge and put the tape back on the reels? If you have not yet, open it up by removing the two screws on the bottom of the tape cartridge and snap the plastic shell away from the metal base. As you are pulling the tape through the assembly try not to touch any more than you have to. As you are doing it, look for a couple of little holes in the tape. These are the marker holes which let the tape drive know when it is at the end of the tape. The holes are spaced a couple of inches apart. My best guess is that the drive finds the first marker and then stops on the second marker? Anyhow, If the tape has the holes, then check to see if the mirror on the tape is clean. The function of the mirror is to detect the marker holes. The tape drive shines a light at the mirror and has a pickup in the area where the reflection would come out. When the hole goes by, the pickup detects the light that was allowed to pass and it knows when to stop. If the mirror is dirty or out of alighment (unlikely since it is made into the case) you might have a problem detecting the end of the tape. If the tape drive does it on all tapes and the tapes all look good, then either the pickup or the LED of the sensor system has failed or is dirty. If you open the drive door you will see the sensor assembly to the left of the R/W head assembly. If it looks clean and nothing is in its way, then the drive may need to be serviced. It is possible that the LED is burned out or the sensor is out. If it is still in warranty, you might be able to send it back to CMS for repair. --- Scott Hiles [email protected]
If alcohol were again banned today, it would be MUCH more difficult to manage a large-scale smuggling operation. The cops now rank just a narrow notch below the military in communications, intelligence gathering and firepower. In a similar vein, the amount of marijuana smuggled into this country has greatly decreased. This is because its value-per-pound is very low when compared to cocaine or heroin. It's simply not worth the risk, it's uneconomical. Now, most reefer is domestic. There is less pressure on the domestic producer (showy raids notwithstanding) and thus it is economical. Of note though ... domestic reefer is now very strong, so a small volume goes a long way. You cannot make alcohol stronger than 200 proof - not a good dollar/pound deal.
Gulp. [Disclaimer: This opinion is mine and does not represent the views of Fermilab, Universities Research Association, the Department of Energy, or the 49th Ward Regular Science Fiction Organization.]
You can be sure they wouldn't do it if it wasn't to their advantage.
We might be better off had some of our former presidents done nothing.
It's not really crap you know... only half crap ;-) From what i understand it's very expensive to play hockey south of the border... (actually it's not that cheap up hear either... though once you have all the equipement it's not more than $300 a year... actually i haven' played in about 8 years so i could be off a bit... ) In the states, where ice time is considerably more expensive it can cost over a thousand a year... compare this to baseball and you'll see that hockey is a sport for the well-to-do... And this brings up the fact that the well-to-do in the US are majority white... BTW: what was the original question... i think it has to do with the Hispanic communtiy and playing hockey.... Cheers! i. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hello. I just read my first newspaper in a while and noticed an article on a 'messianic cult' leader named 'David Koresh'. I'd like to know more about this and what is going on with them. Please email me as I don't normally read this newsgroup. Thanks.
Sigh... my version of 'rn' asked me whether I really want to send this posting! You may as well know that all this stuff about the secret source of the Clipper announcement is because of a silly mistake. I am the administrator of csrc.ncsl.nist.gov, alias first.org. It's a system set up to help out the needs of FIRST, a Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams, which includes a number of world-wide incident response teams such as CERT/CC and other places in Europe. As to the VRFY and EXPN commands, they are normally disabled, since early on we didn't want crackers to find out the names of incident response folks on our mailing lists. We had a disk crash several months ago which required completely rebuilding the O/S files - same old story, our backups weren't especially helpful. As you can guess, I didn't remember to re-disable VRFY and EXPN until I saw people on the net trying to find out who was behind clipper@csrc... When I saw people's names posted here, I felt it was time to clear things up. So, EXPN and VRFY on csrc have always been disabled in the past for reasons having nothing to do with Clipper. I posted the White House announcements at the request of policy folks here because csrc also provides Usenet service. I posted them from an account called 'clipper.' I also created an alias called 'clipper' that contains the addresses of members of the NIST Computer Security Privacy and Advisory Board, set up under law of the Computer Security Act of 1987, and addresses of other individuals not affiliated with NIST but involved in cryptography, security, and privacy - I believe that these individuals were included on this list because NIST felt it important to get them the Clipper information first-hand. The 'clipper' alias is there for the benefit of those named above. It is not a source for information, it was set up solely to monitor any initial traffic. Individuals on the list have requested that they continue to get traffic that is not already duplicated on Usenet. While you can rightfully say we were a bit disorganized in handling this, I would ask that people stop speculating about any hidden agendas or motives of the individuals on the 'clipper' alias - I've already apologized to them for what's happened. Disabling EXPN and VRFY is an increasingly common practice (albeit unfriendly to some), and any effect of disabling it again was unintentional.
I'd like to compile X11r5 on a Sony NWS-1750 running NEWS 4.1c. The X distribution has support for this config, and the release notes say it has been tested on the machine. BUT, also in the release notes, nothing from Sony is listed under the supported servers. What am I supposed to use for my r5 X server then? How can the OS be supported, but not the hardware? Is there something in the r4 binaries that can be used as the r5 server? These may seem like silly questions, but I'm *really* confused. -- [email protected]
I'm trying to write some code that lets me draw lines and do rubber-band boxes in Motif/X. I'm running on an 8-bit display for which I've created a colormap and am using almost all of the colors. I want to draw the lines in a drawing area widget -- a widget in which I'm displaying a bitmap using XPutImage(). If doesn't matter if the lines I draw interactively stay around when the window is refreshed. Currently, to draw interactively, I begin with: /* drawIndex is an colortable index I reserve for the Foreground */ /* my_default_bg_color is the color index for the background of my image */ palette_colors[drawIndex].red = palette_colors[my_default_bg_color].red; palette_colors[drawIndex].green = palette_colors[my_default_bg_color].green; palette_colors[drawIndex].blue = palette_colors[my_default_bg_color].blue; XStoreColors( myDisplay, my_cmap, &palette_colors[DrawIndex], 1); XFlush( myDisplay); XSetFunction( myDisplay, gc, GXxor); XSetForeground( myDisplay, gc, drawIndex); Then to draw I do: XDrawLine( myDisplay, XtWindow( drawingArea1), gc, x1, y1, x2, y2); XFlush( myDisplay); And when I'm all done, to return things to normal I do: XSetFunction( myDisplay, gc, GXcopy); What I'd like to happen is for the lines I draw to be the inverse of whatever I'm drawing over. Instead what happens is I get white lines. If the lines are over a white background - nothing shows up. If the lines are over a black area - nothing shows up! It's very strange. But the GXxor function seems right - since if I do a rubber-banding box, it erases and redraws itself correctly (ie. not disturbing the underlying image). Any suggestions what I'm doing wrong?
Well, since you mentioned it... No question here. Chip in the Masterson as well... Yep. If you asked me 30 days ago, I'd agree with you. I now give the nod to Raymond Bourque; his play took off the same time the B's did. Chelios gets a close second... Barrasso finally gets his due, in a close one over Eddie the Eagle... In *your* case, that bias is acceptable :-)... Mine shows with the Norris pick, so we're even... I'm impressed with what all the coaches you mentioned did, but my pick would be Al Arbour. Not too many folks thought the Isles would be in the playoffs, let alone contend for 3rd in their division... Granted that they *did* have a little help from their cousins on Broadway... :-) And I like the Islanders about as much as I like mowing my lawn...
April 1, 1993 I am participating in an NL-league that uses standard Rotisserie rules except that the following catagories are used: For position players: lowest batting average strike-outs caught-stealing errors For pitchers: losses blown saves higest ERA 'taters allowed This is the fifth year that I've participated in this Blowtisserie league. Last year I won the pennant due primarily to the fact that I had terrible pitching. I would like to lower my batting average which is rather high because I do have Jose Offerman (who made up for this by helping me lock first place in errors). Anyway, someone offered: Andres Gallaraga for Bud Black I can afford to give up Bud Black because I still have Kyle Abbott. However, I am afraid of Andres actually doing well this season. Should I make the trade or not? Your comments will be appreciated. -- Warren Usui
Well, here it is, NHL in the year 2000. I got these from a very reliable source in a dream some years ago and although I initially thought I had just been taking too many too strong drugs now it seems the realization has really begun... You can see the league has already started to move to this direction. *The Walt Disney Conference* Anaheim Mighty Chipmunks -Franchise name to be changed after each new LA Kings hockey movie LA Flames -We've seen some of that San Jose Sharks San Diego Bruins Tijuana Red Wings -Detroit's hockey team will follow its car industry... Dallas Stars Houston Oilers Texas Rangers Seattle Canucks *The Norm Green Conference* Alabama White Hawks Biloxi Blues Tampa Bay Lightning Miami Blades Helsinki Jets -You've heard them starting getting used to the anthem Montreal Quebecois (sp?) -There will be no 'Canada' Atlanta Devils Orlando Penquins Key West Islanders Hartford Whalers The Whalers will never move, huh? Palm Beach Capitals Now that the Anahaim team is becomming real I'm really beginning to believe the rest of the 'message'. I'm sure the future will turn you into believers too. After 2000 the NHL will abandond ice-rinks. It's so expensive to cool down the rinks in the subtropics and the locals hardly know what ice is anyway. NHL will become a roller skating hockey league. That way it can create more public interest in the game when local supporteres can play the game in their back yards !
============================================================================== Please bear with me as i am new at this game, i apologize unreservedly if i hav e posted another message earlier by mistake. but i digress, could anyone out th ere please explain exactly what DMORF does (dtax.exe). Does it simply fade one bitmap into another or does it reshape one bitmap into another. Excuse my ignor ance.....
Mornin' all. I was wonderin'..... I got screenpeace (the screensaver, which I think is *very* good), and I got a problem with it... There is an option there, "realize colour table", and if it's switched on, some wallpapers' colours will get *ucked up with some screensavers (e.g. the "flashlight" one). If I turn it off, however, it works well, and it's faster, so I have it off. All's nice and well. However, If I turn it off, then it will be on again next time I start windows. All the setting are set in the win.ini file, and I *do* have "save settings on exit" selected. also, I tried manually changing the setting in the win.ini file to "n" (for no-->realize colour table), and started windows. It will be fine for that session, but the next session will *again* turn the option on. I tried adding a +R (read-only) attribute to my win.ini file, and it worked, but my bitmap (wallpaper) saver didn't work then. Actually, it's the same application. Anywya, it didn't work, since it must change the setting at the win.ini file. so anyone out there got any answers/suggesions/comments for me? thanks, i.a. Mickey aka mp
Hi all, I have a DLL in which I Register a class and create a window of that class type. Both calls require a module instance handle, hInstance. Petzold's 3.1 book says that it is best to use the module instance handle of the calling program, not the module instance handle of the DLL (page 934). I have two questions: 1) Is there a way to find out the module instance handle of a module? 2) What are the possible problems with using the instance handle of the DLL? Thanks in advance, Mike -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Mike Smith e-mail: [email protected] Bull HN Information Systems Inc. phone: (508) 294-2049 300 Concord Road MA30 - 815A fax: (508) 294-3807 Billerica, MA 01821 USA
There are actually a few important things we can glean from this mess: 1) When they start getting desperate for an answer to the question: "What's it all about. Mr. Natural?", pinkboys will buy darn near *anything*, which means: 2) There's still plenty of $$$$ to be made in the False Jesus business by enterprising SubGenii. Just remember that: 3) Once you've separated the pinks from their green, don't blow it all on automatic weapons from Mexico. Put it in a Swiss bank account. Smile a lot. Have your flunkies hand out flowers in airports. The Con will just shrug you off as long as: 4) You never, never, NEVER start to believe your own bulldada! If "David Koresh" hand't started swallowing his own "apocalypso now" crap, he'd be working crossword puzzles in the Bahamas today instead of contributing to the mulch layer in Waco. This is because: 5) When you start shooting at cops, they're likely to shoot back. And most of 'em are better shots than you are. In short: - P.T. Barnum was right and - Stupidity is self-correcting Thus endeth the lesson.
Well said, Michael! The Catholic traditon has a list of behaviours called the Spiritual Works of Mercy: admonish the sinner instruct the ignorant counsel the doubtful comfort the sorrowful bear wrongs patiently forgive all injury pray for the living and the dead (yes, I know there is some controversy on this and I don't want to argue about it.) These are all things that have a direct application to usenet. People ask questions and express doubts. Some are in need of comfort or prayers. Imagine what would happen to flame wars if we bore wrongs patiently and forgave injuries. I would add that it is probably more appropriate to do any admonishing by private email than publicly.
(Detroit, April 19) In a development that shocked most knowledgable observers, the Detroit Redwings scored no less than six goals against the best goaltender in the world en route to a 6-3 win over the best team in the NHL, the Toronto Maple Leafs. The Leafs could not be faulted, as they completely dominated the inferior Detroit squad and clearly deserved to win. Only the biased officiating of Andy Van Hellemond and the idiots that insisted upon throwing an octopus on the ice at every stoppage in an obvious attempt to distract the superior visiting side prevented an all-out massacre of the Wings by the league's best team. Alan
I have the Star Micronics SG 24, 24 pin printer for sale. I have used with the AMIGA and IBM computers and it works great. I will throw in a cable and vinyl cover for $150 plus shipping. First email gets it... thanx, -Dennis L. Neal [email protected]
Well, I didn't bother writing to Boxer, Feinstein or Eshoo, the terrible trio who allegly represent me. Instead, I wrote to Bentsen. My letter was not exactly strongly-worded; I simply stated that the BATF approach was immoral (military-style assault, firing into a house where they knew there were kids). Aparently, Bentsen forwarded my letter to the BATF and they responded to me directly. It follows the text of your reply pretty closely. However, I intend to send another letter directly to them, in return. This section is not in the letter that I received. The parts about ATF logo and steenking badges or their loss of the element of surprise were not included, either. The same guy with the bad handwriting apparently signed my letter, "for Richard L. Garner; Chief, Special Operations Division".
There is no known writing directly attributable to Menachem Begin which admits a massacre at Deir Yassin. Thus, Hasan is wrong. The word "troops" is unjustified. There has never been any evidence that there were any regular or irregular Arab forces in the village apart from the villagers defending themselves. According to the Haganah observer Pa'il, the Irgun/Lehi forces suffered a lot of casualties because they were incompetent soldiers. When they ran into trouble securing the central part of the village, a small group of Palmach soldiers came and took it without a single casualty. Begin's failure to even mention the Palmach is only one of the major inaccuracies (to use a kind word) in his account. Incidentally, "three times as heavy" may be correct, as there is serious evidence that the Arab loss was closer to 120 lives than to the oft-quoted 250 lives. However, note that Begin compares wounded Jews to dead Arabs. He fails to mention the number of wounded Arabs. Guess why. As is thoroughly established by many sources, the loudspeaker truck got stuck in a ditch too far from the village for it to provide a usueful warning. It is worth noting how Begin disputes the standard myth that the Palestinian Arabs fled as part of a calculated plan. Apparently 90% of Israeli historians are Jew-haters. I have previously posted quotations by Irgun participants that totally destroys Begin's whitewash. I have no particular desire to post it yet again.
In Des Moines, Iowa, about a year ago, some kid dropped a rock from an overpass and hit car just behind the windshield. It put a dent in the roof, so I guess I was lucky it hit metal. It's frustrating that we can't do much. Bother the city government to put covers on all overpasses? Slow down/speed up a bit when driving under all overpasses in the city? I like the first better, but that will take time and lots of people talking to the city governments. Just another .02...
Not the first. RFK, olim DC Stadium, was built 2 years earlier. Nowadays they don't move the seats back for the few exhibition games; but the 3rd-base/LF lower deck used to move. It was all metal, which was pretty noisy on Bat Day. It's vastly better than it was before they fixed it, though. Back in the late 70's it was a *dump*.
I had heard(perhaps incorrectly) that while Lemieux was out, noone wore a C on their jersey. The As took turns doing captain duties(whatever they are). Scott... [email protected] [email protected]
As I'm sure others will have pointed out to you by now, none of the above measures are required for you *on your own property*. You do not have to have a license, your car does not have to be registered or inspected, and you do not have to have insurance or safety training classes, when you own and operate that vehicle on your own premises. If you are going to make use of this dubious analogy, at least make it accurate. And by the way, in Texas you can drive a car in public (with the proper credentials), but an ordinary civilian can't carry a gun legally in public to save his/her life. So I won't even consider registration, *manadatory* safety classes, or *manadatory* liability insurance unless I get a federal law repealing all local, state, and federal gun control laws which abridge the Second Amendment, and a non-discretionary federal weapons carry permit, good anywhere in the United States. Come on, you wanted the analogy. Mike Ruff
Don't swallow propaganda as truth Sir. British promised to Venizelos (greek PM) that mainly greek populated areas of the Ottomans will be given to Greece, _if_ he will agree to drag Greece in the side of the British during the WWI (because the greek King was proGerman). The British succeeded by bombarding Athens (1916), killing quite a few, forcing abdication of the King, division of Greece into two separate states (North-South), and finally laying the ground for the most disasterous division between greeks for our century.(So don't feel bitter that the "Allies" gave any green light because they liked us....) Anyway, the British succeed to establish Venizelos, war starts at a second front against the Germans in the south while they were fighting the war in the East against the Russians, and finally the WWII came in an end. After that the British (and French) forgot immediately their promises (as usually). Even though publicly they say that they support the Greek cause, practically they not only do nothing, but instead, using some usual "reasoning" and other crap rhetoric as a pretext, they gradually backup Kemal (who had given now to the British "water and bread" that he will dissolve the superethnic Ottoman and contract it into a small ethnic-state). The main drive behind this British switch was the plan to keep a Muslim state in the region as buffer against a Russian expansion into warm-water facilities. The "greek empire" being an Orthodox Christian state was too prone to become Russian client. Out of this intrigue, the current state of affairs was established on our lands. While Venizelos and Kemal were promoted as true "Giants" by the British, since they worked to realize their goals in the region. Under the same plan, currently Greece and Turkey are recipients of big military funds from the US; both they are functioning as anti-Russian buffers, while simultaneously both remain good clients of State Dept. because otherwise the use of terror of changing "the balance of power in the Aegean" will be used. Under the same exact rational you should see the Cyprus problem. Gr
What exactly are knots, those sore, tight spots in your muscles? In certain kinds of massage, people try and break up these knots; it this really helpful?
the fancy piggyback shocks on the 550 (and the 750, i think. i don't know about the zr1100) are very nice, 3-way adjustability. the forks are crappy, they dive like MAD. i had progressive springs installed and it made a huge difference. cheap fix, MUCH improvement.
No. The issue is reducing crime, not guns. If gun control doesn't lower crime overall, then is doesn't address the issue. Does that matter if assaults with a baseball bat become much more common? Muggers using a gun rely primarily on the threat of the gun, and rarely shoot their victim. A mugger using a knife is much more likely to start by stabbing his victim in an effort incapacitate him. So, while a knif may not be as deadly as a gun, criminals are more likely to actually _use_ the knife (as opposed to threatening the victim with it.) It isn't at all clear that replacing the criminal's gun with a knife would reduce murders. Stabbings might just become more common. That's why it is important to look at the overall (not the with-gun) homicide rate. It avoids the issue of substitution, different criminal techinques of using different weapons, etc... and measures what we want to prevent: Murders. "Face"? Possibly. However, facing knife-welding attackers isn't too common: Stabbing without warning and by supprise is the usual tactic. Very few criminals shoot from cover: It attracts to much attention and they don't have a chance to go through your pockets. Overall, I'd much rather be threatened with a gun than actually stabbed with a knife. Actually, the exact same statement is true of guns: Training in unarmed self-defence will let you disarm an untrained gunman without much problem. You also ignore the criminal's reaction: The National Crime Survey clearly shows that criminals (unarmed, armed with a knife, gun or whatever) are unwilling to risk their lives in a confrontation. If faced with a serious threat, almost all prefer to leave and find an easier target. Therefore, using (or threatening to use, as is much more commonly the case) a weapon _is_ the best defence against an attacker, regardless of how he is armed. Knives, however, are much less effective than guns: Criminals don't consider knifes as a "serious threat" nearly as often as they do guns.
If not for the lack of extraneously capitalized words, I'd swear that McElwaine had changed his name and moved to Cal Poly. I also find the choice of newsgroups 'interesting'. Perhaps someone should tell this guy that 'sci.astro' doesn't stand for 'astrology'? It's truly frightening that posts like this are originating at what are ostensibly centers of higher learning in this country. Small wonder that the rest of the world thinks we're all nuts and that we have the problems that we do. [In case you haven't gotten it yet, David, I don't think this was quite appropriate for a posting to 'sci' groups.] -- "Insisting on perfect safety is for people who don't have the balls to live in the real world." -- Mary Shafer, NASA Ames Dryden
How can you assume it was a sarcastic remark?
Do any Honda gurus know if I can replace the the front sprocket on my 1979 Honda CB750K with a slightly larger one? (I see this as being preferable to reducing the size of the rear one) Just wanting ride at a more relaxed RPM.
They have a few problems. The biggest technical problem is the need to find two satellites going to the same rough orbit for a luanch. They also don't show much interest in commercial launches. There is more money to be made churning out Titan IV's for the government. After all, it isn't every day you find a sucker, er, customer who thinks paying three times the commercial rate for launch services is a good idea! Allen
The fantasy was that he had found something of fundamental importance to one of the hot questions of the day ('77). He really had very little reason to believe it, other than raw hope. By fantasy, I certainly don't mean Velikovskian manias. I'm not familiar with the history of this experiment, although, arguably, I should be. I think that it is enough if his contemporaries found the result surprising. That's not what I'd quibble about. What I'd like to know are Toricelli's reasons for doing his experiment; not the post hoc _constructed_ reasons, but the thoughts in his head as he considered the problem. It may be impossible to know much about Toricelli's thoughts; that's too bad if it is so. One of Root-Bernstein's services to science is that he has gone rooting about in Pasteur's and Fleming's (and other people's) notes, and has discovered some surprising clues about their motivations. Pasteur never publicly admitted his plan to create mirror-image life, but the dreams are right there in his notebooks (finally public after many years), ready for anyone to read. And I and my friends often have the most ridiculous reasons for pursuing results; one of my best came because I was mad at a colleague for a poorly-written claim (I disproved the claim). Of course, Toricelli's case may be an example of a rarety: where the fantasy not only motivates the experiment, but turns out to be right in the end. Mark
This is posted for a friend who doesn't have net access...you can send replies to me, but I'll be out of my office all next week, so don't expect a response until at least 4/27! For sale: Contax camera system Includes: Contax 139 quartz SLR body 50mm f1.7 Zeiss (!) Planna Lens 135mm f2.8 Yashica Lens Medium-sized hard case All items are in exceptional condition. Asking price: $175 for all items listed above. The seller is attempting to sell the lot as a set, but you can negotiate that with him. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dick Joltes [email protected] Hardware & Networking Manager, Computer Services [email protected] Harvard University Science Center
=8^/ Nothing like giving newbies a land rocket to practice on. Yup. Accelerate right into the back of an 18-wheel truck. Um. How's the easiest way to get newbies of the road? :) Regards, Ted.
From: Center for Policy Research <cpr> Subject: Zionism - racism Diaspora 'a cancer' ------------------- by Julian Kossoff and Lindsay Schusman in: Jewish Chronicle, London, 22. Dec. 1989 Leading Israeli author and cultural commentator, A.B. Yehoshua, launched a ferocious attack on diaspora Jewry at a Zionist Youth Council meeting in North London, last week. The diaspora, he claimed, "was the cancer connected to the main tissue of the Jewish people". He was scathing about its failure to act before the Holocaust. He said the diaspora's religious and secular leadership had ignored the warning signs in the 1920s, and had fiercely opposed Zionism. Consequently, he considered the Holocaust, "the failure of Judaism". His talk, entitled "Diaspora: A Neurotic Solution", covered 5,000 years of Jewish history. Mr. Yehoshua's other targets included Soviet Jews who were, he said "not staying [in Israel], but running [away]", and all Jews outside Israel "who were using other people's countries like hotels". The only conclusion he could draw was that the diaspora was immoral, because it looked to Israel for its identity but lived elsewhere. Worse, it threatened Israel itself, creating a distraction for her citizens, who were leaving by the thousands. Mr. Yehoshua, who described himself as "a soldier for aliyah", ended by calling for the creation of a new "total Jew", living in Israel. Earlier, speaking at a meeting of Jewish students on the difficulties of forging a national identity in Israeli literature, Mr. Yehoshua claimed that Israeli writers were paralyzed by the country's political situation. He said Israel's wars had once provided writers with a vital source of inspiration. Today, Israeli writers avoided writing directly about the Arab-Israeli conflict. No major work had been produced about the intifada. Instead, writers were tackling themes such as Jewish identity, emigration from Israel and personal and family issues. Mr. Yehoshua admitted he also felt unable to write about the Israeli political situation. He could no longer step into an Israeli Arab's shoes and portray him as a real "flesh and blood character". He claimed that after 40 years of statehood, the problem of Israeli identity had not been solved. He said Jews remained too pre-occupied with the borders of identity between Jew and non-Jew, and were not concerned with the nature of that identity. Jewish values in Israel embraced every aspect of daily life, unlike in the diaspora, where Jews had no responsibility for the country they lived in, he said. He warned that modern Hebrew, a unifying force for the Jewish people, would have to struggle for its future, especially in literary circles. It faced fierce competition from the English language.
I tell you, Steve Stone is like a prophet. He must be making a ton in the boradcoast booth because I can't understand why he's not actually back in the game itself. The other day he called Sosa's homerun against the Sox and claimed the game would be going into extra innings when the score was 8-3 in the 5th. So yesterday he notices that Sosa's ahead in the count against Maddux and says, "This is a fastball situation and Sosa will be looking for it. But this is also the spot where Maddux throws the straight change." Sure enough. Sosa gets ahead on it and pops it up to the infield. Stoney for Cubs manager!
The Leafs have always been kind of comical. During the second Imlach era, when Darryl Sittler was called a "cancer on the team", he tore the C off his sweater and for a while the Leafs didn't have a Captain. Sittler eventually ended up in Philly and he was promised the Philly captaincy by new GM (and Sittler's friend) Bobby Clarke. Instead, Sittler got traded to Detroit. Rick Vaive was the Leaf Captain for awhile but he slept in one day and they took the captaincy away from him. Then he was traded to Chicago. During Doug Carpenter's tenure as Leaf coach, in an attempt to kiss the ass of a sulking Gary Leeman, the Leafs took the A away from Brad Marsh to give to Leeman. Leeman wouldn't take it and when they tried to give it back to Marsh, he wouldn't take it neither. The best story I remember about a captain concerned Mel Bridgman, late of the Senators. While he was in Philadelphia, Bobby Clarke, arguably one of the great captains of all time, was bumped up to the status of playing coach and so he had to relinquish the captaincy. Bridgman be- came the new captain. A reporter asked a Flyer what Bridgman did as a captain since Clarke was still the undisputed leader amongst the players. The reporter was told that Bridgman was in charge of making sure that the soap dispensers in the showers were always full. --
The Japanese are still on the learning curve as far as nuclear power goes. This means that unlike the Germans (who do great things all by themselves) the Japanese tie up with foreign companies. The major one is Mitsubishi (who else) who have a sharing agreement with GE I think. No chance of a new design. Sodium has *lots* of chemical problems. Like it eats stainless steel. Very slowly but it gets there in the end. Not what I call a desired property. As for design difficulties, what does sodium do there? It is a bitch and it is only its chemical properties (flwed though they are) that means it gets used. Two loops? That's not a design problem? Isolation from air and water? That doesn't cause design problems? In comparison BWR's a dream rides! Don't get none of that in a Liquid Sodium Breeder! More steel, more complexity. Joseph Askew
I'm not surprised to learn that `Technical issues are not terribly important' to anyone working on a 'Marketing Plan' :)
My 1988 Toyota 4Runner has a rolldown rear window with a keylock switch. It sticky on me. Yesterday it was tough to get the key to work and it also happened to stick on in the up direction so the stalled motor was powered all night killing the battery. I'd like to try to lubricate the lock switch. What should I lubricate the lock with? email please, thanx, Ken. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Don't drink American corporate swill. Support you local micro-brewery." -me
Um. How many games have the Orioles won? He is, or will be. No, currently there's no room for him in the rotation. Key is having a Most Impressive April. Abbott is pitching well. Perez is back. Wickman has pitched his way into the rotation, and is holding his spot with an outstanding performance his last time out. And Kamieniecki isn't doing too poorly himself. If the Yankees find themselves in need of a starter, Militello will get another chance. Until then, he'll have to wait in line.
In <[email protected]> [email protected] Sorry I think I missed a bit of info on this Transition Experiment. What is it? Will this mean a loss of data or will the Magellan transmit data later on ?? BTW: When will NASA cut off the connection with Magellan?? Not that I am looking forward to that day but I am just curious. I believe it had something to do with the funding from the goverment (or rather _NO_ funding :-) ok that's it for now. See you guys around, Jurriaan.
The control box of the Window itself (upper left corner of the window, single click, am I being too simplistic?) has a font option. The 8 X 12 is about the biggest one I can use without the characters turning funky.
I want to compile Xdvi and later perhaps Emacs 19 on a DEC Ultrix machine with X installed. Unfortunately, Xt and Xaw libs and headers are missing. How can I get them without having to compile the whole MIT distribution ? Pleasy reply by email to: [email protected]
gnuplot, etc. make it easy to plot real valued functions of 2 variables but I want to plot functions whose values are 2-vectors. I have been doing this by plotting arrays of arrows (complete with arrowheads) but before going further, I thought I would ask whether someone has already done the work. Any pointers?? thanx in advance
I need definitions of the SPEC and Dhrystone benchmarks. Any background material would also be welcome. If anyoneand email something to me or point me to an anonymous FTP server I'd appreciate it. Thanks. Al Dykes
I hope I didn't award custody, Rich. I purposely used "handle" in order to avoid doing so - i.e., that happens to be what religions do (of course there are aberrations like "scientific" creationism). I used "best" in part to indicate that science currently has a time of it with why and who, so these domains are mostly ignored. I also attempted to be brief, which no doubt confused the matter. As an aside, for science I should have written "how and when". Nobody seems to argue over what. Seems to me that the answer would vary from individual to individual. I'm not trying to be evasive on this, but from a societal perspective, religion works. On the other hand, sometimes it is abused and misused, and many suffer, which you know. But the net result seems positive, this from the anthropological perspective on human affairs. You might call me a neo-Fruedian insofar as I think the masses can't get along without religion. Not that generally they are incapable; they just don't, and for myriad reasons, but the main one seems to be the promise of immortality. Very seductive, that immortality. Therefore it seems that theologians are better equipped than the others you mention for dispensing answers to "who and why". I suggest that this holds regardless of the "truth" in their answers to who and why simply because people believe. In the end, spiritual beliefs are just as "real" as scientific facts and explanation (CAUTION TO SOME: DO NOT TAKE THIS OUT OF CONTEXT). No. In fact, I don't think it is closed now, at least for some individuals. Isn't there a group of theoretical physicists who argue that matter was created from nothing in a Big Bang singularity? This approach might presuppose an absence of who and why, except that it seems it could be argued that something had to be responsible for nothing? Maybe that something doesn't have to be supernatural, maybe just mechanistic. But that's a tough one for people today to grasp. In any case, theory without empirical data is not explanation, but then your question does not require data. In other words, I agree that theorizing (within scientific parameters) is just as scientific as explaining. So the answer is, who and why are not closed to scientists, but I sense that science in these realms is currently very inadequate. Data will be necessary for improvement, and that seems a long way off, if ever. Pretty convoluted here; I hope I've made sense. I agree generally. But I prefer to put it this way - the *questions* of how, when, who and why were not open to inquiry. During the Enlightenment, reason was reponsible for questioning the theological answers to how and when, and not, for the most part, who and why. Science was thus born out of the naturalists' curiosity, eventually carting away the how and when while largely leaving behind the who and why. The ignorant, the selfish, the intolerant, and the arrogant, of course, still claim authority in all four domains. Much obliged. Funny how facts tend to muddle things, isn't it? Well, I am sure there are plenty of "scientific" creationist "rebuttals" out there somewhere, even if they have to be created from nothing. [just for the record, again, AMH = anatomically modern humans] Best regards :-),